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Wednesday March 25, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news... Letters... Where your views make the news


DEAR EDITOR, “Let’s Make a Difference” My understanding of an historian is one who is qualified academically to give facts and not necessarily the truth on past events, for example, time, years, landmarks, people and things. People must know that all historic writings contain untrue revelations which cause us to differ in conversations and argue unnecessarily only to discover the truth was not told. Rather, fact was put together not to confuse us, but to make and conclude a nice story. While the Politics and the Politicians are enjoying themselves, the ordinary citizens are surviving on the crumbs. I am a Lindener and we are caught in a serious political conflict which is pointing us nowhere. It is said, “A fool could lead the educated, if the educated is not knowledgeable of the issue at hand. We gather quite regularly reflecting on the past, who did what to whom, where, and when politically and we remember how the U.S.A gained its Independence and how democratic it is and its various important days, for example: Martin Luther King Day (the great freedom fighter), Christopher Columbus Day (the great discoverer), Thanksgiving Day (the day of killing turkey), St. Patrick’s Day and the list goes on. Lindeners have forgotten our own history we have forgotten those who came before us, for example: Ms.

Ariminta Parris (Mother P) a person who provided meals for decades to people of Wismar, Christianburg and Mackenzie, also visitors, Mr. Hugh Harris a dispenser who performed duties as a Doctor, attended to the sick, he was referred to as Doctor Harris, Alfie Collin, Linden’s first Guyana Scholar, George Parris, the longest serving bauxite employee, Ms. Gloria Layne, the first female Mayor in Guyana. Mr. Festus Adams, Businessman and member of the Local Authority, Mr. James Moseley, member of the Local Authority, Egbert Benjamin, Linden Town First Mayor and there are many other Lindeners who have made outstanding contributions towards the development of Linden Town. I therefore suggest to the Linden Town Day Committee that they place a name to each day we celebrate during that period. Historic structures in Linden Town are in bad condition, for example: the Christianburg Water Wheel or Hydro Sawmill, the Hamilton Sawmill Boiler. Historic information is mounted and all of the organisers of activities seem not to care. Another serious issue within the Town of Linden is people are given jobs to remove, construct and rebuild structures. These are people who have no historic knowledge of Wismar, Christianburg and Mackenzie and they do make a mess of things sometimes. I refer to the rebuilding of

the Guyana Revenue Office within the Linmine office compound which is situated north of an establish road (the Hibiscus Lane) which is now filled with heaps of mud and burnt bricks placed there by the contractor who is unaware a road exist there. As a citizen of this Town, I cry out to our leaders and councillors to be more observant and forceful in their duty. The Hibiscus Lane needs to be restored to its former glory, its history. The General office, another historic building, and the Christianburg Court House, need to be preserved. Those graves within the court yard compound must also be preserved; it’s an 1855 thing. Sometimes we operate in haste only to our own detriment. The Regional Democratic Council and the Mayor and Town Council have a responsibility to the people of Linden town. There are many untruths in the writing of history, but history is not dead. Man will die but history will live on and on. B. Winslow Parris

Every name on the Voters’ List must be validated before elections

DEAR EDITOR, The APNU+AFC Coalition Party has expressed concerns about the unexplained, exponential growth of electors that constitute the 2015 Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) or the “Voters’ List.” The List grew from 475,496 in 2011, to 567,125 in 2015. This is an increase of 91,625 electors. General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee, also expressed concern about the large growth of the list, whether sincerely so or not. Given that there is mutuality of the main

stakeholders in the elections, the Guyana Elections Commission is obligated to immediately justify the authenticity and legality of the 2015 PLE, by proving to the nation who the additional 91,625 purported electors are. In order to assure the integrity and fairness of the elections process, their identity, proof of address, subdivision and Electoral District must be established through a legitimate process. Therefore, the Guyana Elections Commission, in conjunction with the parties contesting the

elections, must immediately launch a process to locate and verify every name on the PLE; especially persons who registered subsequent to the 2011 elections. Pursuant to this process, and pending an additional period for persons to come forward to validate their legitimacy on the List, every name that is unverified must be removed, to eliminate persons who might have died or migrated. This is essential. It must be done, even if the elections schedule has to be delayed. Rickford Burke

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday March 25, 2015

“Live within the law” Honest public private partnership - Greenidge cautions Govt. projects can propel Guyana By Zena Henry Prominent businessman and retired politician, Stanley Ming, in the wake of upcoming General Elections has submitted his conviction that Guyana’s economy can easily be transformed to one of an economically viable, self sustaining, modern state. The tycoon has for years submitted ideas of possible economic development avenues and has recently complied documented research on the country’s developmental prospects, expected to be released on the website Guyana2030.com today. Given the stated notion of widespread corruption, the collapse of public institutions and economic downfalls under the current administration, Ming is adamant that with proper management systems and renewed vision for the country, “a booming economy could be the outcome of this resourcefilled mainland territory”. To do so, he said, honest public private partnership policies and practices can be a catalyst to propel modern infrastructural works and social advancements. Ming noted that such a mechanism is just one of the ways to advance the country without actually having to spend anything.

- Stanley Ming

Stanley Ming Quoting from the Caribbean Development Bank’s (CDB) 2015 regional report released last February, Ming said that Caribbean nations were urged to put more emphasis on the private sector to make them more engaged in the development of countries, and the region by extension. It was noted that the CDB recognized that, “notwithstanding the ongoing recovery and positive outlook for 2015 for the region, the need for further fiscal consolidation and greater savings means that much of the impetus for growth and job creation must come from the private sector, including through foreign direct investments (FDIs).” The bank said that, “The private sector will have to shoulder more of the financial

burden of investing in the region’s social and economic infrastructure,” and to encourage this, the bank will be rolling out new facilities to support BMCs (borrowing member countries) that are increasingly turning to public private partnerships. At the same time, the bank urged governments to undertake “structural and other reforms to create the kind of legal and registry environment and broader governance framework that would attract investment and within which the private sector can truly become the engine of growth.” Public Private partnership is defined by Emilia Istrate and Robert Puentes in their work for The BrookingsRockefeller Project on State and Metropolitan Innovation; ‘Moving Forward on Public Private Partnerships’ as a “contractual agreement between a public agency and a private sector entity resulting in greater private sector participation in the delivery and/or financing of infrastructure projects.” Ming advised that this type of relationship has been a significant contributor to growth, specifically developing countries that seek investment opportunities. He highlighted two cases; one in Jamaica and in India where major roads were required in remote areas, but would have burdened the governments. Both nations, he pointed out, advertised in the Economist magazine with specific attractions for potential investors. In the case of India, the major road which was built, did not only allow the private company to make their investment and profit in a timely manner, but to shorten the length of return to the private agency, that country’s government gave them the land along the major (Continued on page 13)

The political opposition has made it clear over the years, and even recently, that it will not hesitate to exercise its right to approach the courts in an attempt to block any programme or action by the government it deems to be undemocratic and/or unconstitutional. Given this characteristic, Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn expressed that one can only hope that the recently commenced US$47M road project is not delayed or obstructed by the Opposition’s affinity for court action. Benn made those among other comments during the launch of the West Coast Demerara Road Improvement Project, where he also expressed disappointment with the challenges faced by the government during the Tenth Parliament. Despite Benn’s hopes for the project to be spared legal challenge, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)’s Shadow Minister of Finance, Carl Greenidge after noting the Minister’s statements said that if the Minister and the government wish for the road to be continued unhindered, “they have to live within the law. That simply means that no new projects should be started at this stage.” Greenidge said that the Public Works Minister seems to have been confused when he made the statement regarding the opposition’s apparent “obsession” with the court. He stressed that the truth of the matter is that Attorney General Anil Nandlall has initiated most of the court action surrounding the activities of the Parliament. The politician further stated that Benn had given the citizenry over the years, a long story about the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) being a well-intended victim. However, the former finance minister said that the very issues that led to the

- emphasises no new projects should be started at this stage

Public Works Minister, Robeson Benn

APNU’s Shadow Minister of Finance, Carl Greenidge

problems it faces today seem to have been overlooked by the Public Works Minister. Benn had said, too, “The Opposition has had us going to court frequently; our Attorney General [Anil] Nandlall has had to go to court to defend frequent issues in respect to expenditure for roads and other infrastructure and initiatives the government is intending to undertake.” But Greenidge on that very point opined that the Attorney General has been the victim of his own actions and ineffectiveness. The Shadow Finance Minister said that it is Nandlall’s advice which has led to most of the problems the PPP/C has been encountering. “So if he is in court too often then he (Nandlall) has to look at his work.” “I also noted that Benn even referred to the court action taken by the opposition to be errant, but Mr Benn needs to be aware that that decision and assessment is a matter for the court. It was Nandlall who has been threatening to take to the courts, my comments on the Chief Justice’s decisions. Excessive resort to the court and the abuse of the threat of the use of the court is part of the PPP/C policy, so Mr Benn is not even in a position to pronounce meaningfully on such matters.” As it relates to Benn’s sentiments on the recently launched road project, he had said, “I hope that this road project will not see another

attack in the courts or any quarter in respect to the launch, the investment or the execution. There should be no hindrance towards the putting in place of this road.” Benn stated that the current administration had lobbied for developmental projects and far-reaching investments as it is in keeping with its principle desire— ”continued progress” in Guyana. “So, we will want to hope that we don’t have a continuation of what I call errant and misguided resorts to the courts to stop what are plainly investment projects intended for the development, for the wellbeing of all Guyanese people and also the well-being and development of the Caribbean region,” the Minister had said. The recently commenced roadway, which stretches some 30.7 kilometres from Vreed-en-Hoop to Hydronie, is expected to be completed in about 36 months. The contracted companies are BK International and a Jamaican company, Surrey Paving and Aggregate (SPA) Limited. Taking the aforementioned into account, Greenidge said, “He (Benn) speaks of his hopes for this contract; he says nothing about why it has been awarded to one of the same contractors he identified as encountering delays in previous and existing contracts. Are there no other contractors operating in Guyana or is it a case of ‘I only have eyes for you?”

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Kaieteur News

Saudi Arabia building up military near Yemen border - U.S. officials (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia is moving heavy military equipment including artillery to areas near its border with Yemen, U.S. officials said on Tuesday, raising the risk that the Middle East’s top oil power will be drawn into the worsening Yemeni conflict. The buildup follows a southward advance by Iranian-backed Houthi Shi’ite militants who took control of the capital Sanaa in September and seized the central city of Taiz at the weekend as they move closer to the new southern base of U.S.-supported President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. The slide toward war in Yemen has made the country a crucial front in Saudi Arabia’s region-wide rivalry with Iran, which Riyadh accuses of sowing sectarian strife through its support for the Houthis. The conflict risks spiraling into a proxy war with Shi’ite Iran backing the Houthis, whose leaders adhere to the Zaydi sect of Shi’ite Islam, and Saudi Arabia and the other regional Sunni Muslim monarchies backing Hadi. The armor and artillery being moved by Saudi Arabia could be used for offensive or defensive purposes, two U.S. government sources said. Two other U.S. officials said the build-up appeared to be defensive. One U.S. government source described the size of the Saudi buildup on Yemen’s

border as “significant” and said the Saudis could be preparing air strikes to defend Hadi if the Houthis attack his refuge in the southern seaport of Aden. Another U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Washington had acquired intelligence about the Saudi build-up. But there was no immediate word on the precise location near the border or the exact size of the force deployed. Hadi, who supported Washington’s campaign of deadly drone strikes on a powerful al Qaeda branch based in Yemen, has been holed up in Aden with his loyalist forces since he fled Sanaa in February. On Tuesday, forces loyal to Hadi drove Houthi fighters from two towns they had seized hours earlier, residents said, apparently checking an advance by the Shi’ite fighters toward Aden. SAUDIS “DEEPLY CONCERNED” Saudi Arabia faces the risk of the turmoil spilling across its porous 1,800 km (1,100 mile)-long border with Yemen and into its Shi’ite Eastern Province where the kingdom’s richest oil deposits lie. “The Saudis are just really deeply concerned about what they see as an Iranian stronghold in a failed state along their border,” U.S. Ambassador to Yemen Matthew Tueller told Reuters on Monday at a conference hosted by the National U.S.-Arab

Chamber of Commerce in Washington. But a former senior U.S. official, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said the prospects for successful external intervention in Yemen appeared slim. He said Hadi’s prospects appeared to be worsening and that for now he was “pretty well pinned down.” Riyadh hosted top-level talks with Gulf Arab neighbors on Saturday that backed Hadi as Yemen’s legitimate president and offered “all efforts” to preserve the country’s stability. Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal said on Monday Arab countries would take necessary measures to protect the region against “aggression” by the Houthi movement if a peaceful solution could not be found. In March 2011, Saudi troops, along with those from the United Arab Emirates, entered neighboring Bahrain after weeks of protests by that country’s Shi’ite majority that Riyadh feared could lead to an expansion of Iran’s influence. A spokesman for the Saudi embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment on any military movements. Yemen asked the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday to back military action by “willing countries” to combat Houthi militias, according to a letter from Hadi seen by Reuters.

Venezuelan consul went too far, says Curacao politician

Alex Rosaria WILLEMSTAD, Curacao — Alex Rosaria, leader of the coalition party PAIS, said in an official party statement that the Venezuelan consul has

gone over the line with her appeal to the people of Curacao to sign a petition against US President Barack Obama.

The consul was responding to Obama’s statement that Venezuela currently poses a threat to the national security of the US. Obama also announced new sanctions against the government in Caracas. Rosaria believes that the consul went too far as a diplomat and went against various international conventions and protocols, referring to a UN treaty that entered into force in 1992. “A petition in which you have to choose between the two presidents, Maduro and Obama, is odious and inappropriate,” said Rosaria. The opposition party PAR agreed with Rosario and called on Prime Minister Ivar Asjes to express his disapproval of the action of the consul. (Curacao Chronicle)

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Kaieteur News

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OBSERVING THE POLLS A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) is contending that the Official List of Electors (OLE) may be heavily padded. However, just last year when the PPPC had expressed similar reservations, APNU was indifferent to these concerns, and had said that the ruling party was making excuses to avoid holding local government elections. The PPPC had pointed to numerous instances in which the names of persons on the list ought not to have been there. They had pointed to the example of former President of Guyana, Arthur Chung, who had died many years ago, but whose name had not yet been taken off the list. They pointed to other cases of persons they had

not found in their verification of the list. GECOM had responded with semantics. Instead of joining with the PPPC in urging that the list be sanitized, APNU was indifferent. It held firm to the belief that the PPP was making excuses to avoid local government elections. The PPPC may have indeed been making excuses and seeking to indicate that GECOM was not in a state of readiness to host elections. But there were legitimate concerns about the list. APNU should have supported the calls for steps to be taken to ensure that persons whose names ought not to have been on the list were removed. APNU is now contending

Dem boys seh...

Woman more bad than de Pope De boss man and de heditor been in Demico House fuh coffee. Dem see four old Catholic men and a woman round a table drinking coffee and dem boys sit next to dem. De five of dem talking from one thing to de next but dem boys wasn’t paying attention to dem. Is when dem hear de first Catholic man tell his friends, “My son is a priest,” that dem decide fuh listen. Dem hear when de man seh that when he son walks into a room, everybody calls him ‘Father’.” The second Catholic man open he mouth and seh, “My son is a Bishop. When he walks into a room people call him ‘Your Grace’.” The third Catholic gentleman seh, “My son is a Cardinal. When he enters a room everybody bows their head and says ‘Your Eminence’.”

The fourth Catholic man seh very proudly, “My son is the Pope. When he walks into a room people call him ‘Your Holiness’.” The only woman was sipping her coffee and not saying anything. The four men decide fuh ask she bout she child. De woman was ignoring dem till one of dem seh she must be barren. De woman get vex and seh, “Leh me tell youall dis. I have a daughter, SLIM & TALL 40 D Breasts 24- inch WAIST and 34- inch HIPS When she walks into a room, people say, “JEE—SUS” De four of dem tun back and ask, “Wheh you daughter live?” Is then de boys step in and seh, “Lady, don’t tell dem. We come fuss.” Talk half and imagine that coke bottle.

that there is a bloated list. It is not using this as an excuse to opt out of the elections. But it is urging its supporters to be vigilant. The list has in excess of 500,000 names. The population of Guyana on the other hand is offcially below 750,000. What this means is that there are persons who are eligible to vote who will not be around to vote. However, the danger is that the mere presence of these names on the OLE can open up avenues for electoral fraud. This has long been a worry. What can happen is that at some polling stations where there is lax oversight, the ballot boxes can be stuffed with ballots to represent those who did not turn up to vote. The only way this can be avoided is for there to be a system of observers and scrutineers at every polling station. This however is easier said than done, because the number of polling stations rather than getting smaller is becoming larger. We a r e t o l d t h a n i n excess of 2,300 polling stations will be used at this year’s elections. This leads to too high a ratio of polling stations to voters.

But it is too late now to change that without risking confusion on polling day. As such, in order to reduce or remove voter fraud due to the bloated OLE, what is needed is strong oversight at the polling stations. This however presents a logistical nightmare. GECOM has to certify scrutineers for the various political parties. There have always been complaints about this. During the last election, at one polling station a party polling agent had to leave for a call of nature. There was an attempt to have the person substituted. This was rejected by the polling officer in charge of the station, and rightly so, because the replacement was not approved by GECOM. The certification of thousands of party polling agents has always presented challenges for GECOM. There have also been problems with the certification of independent polling agents. With many groups in Guyana expressing an interest in observing the elections and with a likely increase in the number of international observers, GECOM is going to have problems in certifying

polling agents and observers. One solution to this problem would be for there to be one umbrella body for local observers. For example, instead of the Private Sector Commission and the Electoral Affairs Bureau fielding independent observer teams, there should be a single local observer team. In this way, GECOM will only have to certify one independent polling agent per polling station. In this way also, there can be an independent polling agent at every single polling station to reduce the possibility of persons voting for those who did not turn up to vote. If there are too many local observer groups, GECOM is going to be overwhelmed with the task of certifying the various polling agents.

Having all local observers operate under one umbrella body will ensure that every single polling station is covered. This is an absolute necessity in these elections which are expected to see tight races, region by region, between the parties involved. But having one single umbrella body is only half of the solution. The other half is ensuring that these observers are allowed to monitor the count. There were reports in the past that polling agents monitored voting, but when it came to the count they were asked to keep at a distance and therefore could not verify the counting process was accurate and fair.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday March 25, 2015


The patent, pathetic, perverse nonsense of Elisabeth Harper The Stabroek News has published its interview with the PPP’s Prime Ministerial candidate, Elisabeth Harper, in which some silly opinions were expressed by the lady. One has the right to their opinion, but an opinion can be comical. I remember a famous magazine editor once wrote that Celine Dion cannot sing at all. I read that Chris Rock said that a Kanye West album was the best music ever recorded. None of West’s albums could ever match “Exodus” by Bob Marley which is regarded by TIME magazine as one of the best

records ever made. Sometimes an opinion can be irritating. Bob Marley made better music than Kanye West. Really, nothing in the Motown anthology is better than the West album? Shouldn’t Rock stick to what he knows best – being a comic on stage? Celine Dion is a competent singer. In her interview in the Stabroek News last Sunday, Elisabeth Harper, the goodly lady, said that she is not out to denigrate others. But she has denigrated herself. She was on a platform at the 2015 Babu Jaan ceremony when some of the crudest,

depraved, denigrating comments ever made in the history of politics in this country were uttered by her PPP colleagues. If you are part of that miasma, aren’t you self-denigrating? Mrs. Harper descends to the level of the absurd when she mouthed off , “We have seen Guyana’s profile enhanced internationally.” Guyana just lost out to Belize for the post of Assistant Secretary General to the OAS. Mrs. Harper obviously is referring to the international mendicancy of the Jagdeo regime that caused then Prime Minister of Jamaica, Bruce Golding to refer to Guyana as an international panhandler. The Norwegian funds were not forthcoming and Mr. Jagdeo openly chastised the Norwegians for being disrespectful. How come Guyana’s international stock was rising and the Norwegians weren’t forthcoming? What prominence does Guyana have in the world today? Guyana’s only period of global fame was under

President Burnham when both Burnham and Guyana were global names. Today Guyana has a Foreign Minister who, when matched against any Foreign Minister that served under Burnham and Hoyte, would be like comparing Usain Bolt to a one-legged village runner. Next, Mrs. Harper exclaimed that when she is outside she appreciates Guyana more.” Obviously something is wrong with Mrs. Harper. The US Embassy processes 20 families per week. This excludes illegal migration to the US and legal and illegal migration to Canada and the CARICOM states. The World Bank states that 82 percent of Guyanese recipients of tertiary education leave. Guyanese are leaving in colossal numbers, meaning that they hardly appreciate their country. Next Harper says that Guyana has better education. Which education is she talking about? Some people are begging and borrowing to send their children either to

Marian Academy, School of the Nations, or Mae’s. Rich kids go to the International Academy in Prashad Nagar. The public school system is a horror show. Afternoon lessons have made some teachers wealthy. UG has virtually collapsed. I taught Mrs. Harper’s daughter when she was at UG and those were the days when UG had resources. I would like that young lady to return to UG today and honestly tell me if she could recognize it when she was my student. I could be harsh on Harper and ask if she knows the difference between a mango and a mongoose. Harper points out that Guyana is about to celebrate 50 years of Independence and she indicates that she wants to see her grandchildren benefit. Well those “pickneys” will benefit alright, but not from the rule of Harper’s PPP colleagues. My daughter is a product of the PPP era in Government. Her mother taught her in blackouts when she was at nursery school. My daughter

Frederick Kissoon is still doing her university work in blackouts after twenty-two years of power by Mrs. Harper’s PPP colleagues. The problem I have with Harper’s expectations with regards to her grandchildren is my own expectations with regards to the NIS. I worked my backside off at UG for twenty-six years. The people of Guyana and me are told that the future of the NIS is shaky. Finally, Mrs. Harper rejoiced in her exclamation that the economy is growing. But the GRA admitted that the paid parking it provided for its customers collapsed because drivers didn’t want to pay the required two hundred dollars. The National Park charges two hundred dollars too, yet the drivers park on Thomas Road. Maybe people are too poor to pay the fee. After all, Guyana is a piss poor country.

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Court grants plea deal extension to ‘Money Jet’ pilot Embattled Guyanese pilot, Khamraj Lall, who was arrested after more than US$600,000 was discovered on his private jet during a stopover last November in Puerto Rico, has been granted another month to finalise a plea deal. According to applications filed in Puerto Rico courts, Lall, who has a limousine service and Kaylee’s Gas Station at Coverden, East Bank Demerara, will have until April 21 to update the judge. According to court documents filed by Lall’s defence lawyer, Rafael Castro Lang, this week, plea negotiations are still ongoing. “The defendant is presently obtaining the evidence to establish the legitimate source of the cash seized by the government which has become an issue during plea negotiations. The government has requested a counter offer from defendant which will be made as soon as it notifies the evidence requested by the government.” Lall, earlier this year, opted out of trial and signaled his intentions for a plea deal. Lall’s case has generated much attention in Guyana, Puerto Rico and mainland US, because of the amount of cash that he was found with. In February, the US Government filed applications in the District Court of Puerto Rico to seize the jet which was reportedly used in the illegal transport of the cash. Assistant United States Attorney, Maritza Gonzalez, said that the forfeiture of the plane is in keeping with the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

Khamraj Lall The plane in question is a 1988 fixed wing, multi-engine Israel aircraft bearing FAA registration N822QL. It is one of the aircraft that Lall had been using to fly to Guyana. Also to be seized are the related aircraft maintenance log books and other records. Lall was arrested by airport authorities in Puerto Rico in November after his jet made a stop to refuel, on its way to Guyana. Stashed in different parts of the plane was more than US$600,000 that prosecutors say was not declared by Lall. He reportedly took responsibility for the cash at the time of arrest. On board were his father and another person. The pilot had flown President Donald Ramotar on occasions on the private jet. His company, Exec Jet Club, has a private hangar at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport. There were swirling questions over the operations of the hangar and its accessibility. Government had denied

One of the jets that will be seized.

that it granted the company any special privileges and said that the operations were in keeping with regulations. Exec Jet has reportedly also closed its Gainesville, Florida Office because of the troubles. In addition to charges related to bulk cash smuggling, Lall is in deep trouble with the US authorities who by law can seize properties that are linked to illegal transactions. As Puerto Rico is a territory of the US, the country’s tax body, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), had stepped into the matter, going after 14 bank accounts, a Lexus car, and two planes, including the jet that Lall used on that fateful flight. Two weeks after he was arrested in Puerto Rico, US tax authorities, on December 8, filed a civil case in New Jersey. They were able to seize US$442,743.59 from accounts

NDIA tenders for preparation of financial report A solitary bid was opened yesterday at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), under the Ministry of Agriculture, for the preparation of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA)’s financial report.

controlled by Lall and his companies. This is in addition to the US$600,000 that was found on the jet in Puerto Rico, and which is subject to seizure too. Investigators, apparently working on information, started tracking Lall’s deposits to accounts held at Wells Fargo, Citibank and JP Morgan and found startling evidence that between April 2011 and September 2014, the pilot and family members deposited an astounding US$6,324,411.41 (G$1.3B). There were over a thousand transactions. The IRS believes that a scheme was devised where Lall and others deliberately deposited less than US$10,000 each time in attempts not to trigger suspicion by banks which are mandated to report transactions above that amount. Lall’s wife, Nadinee and mother Joyce, were named in the transactions. Investigators tracking the money said that Lall and his family had properties in New Jersey, Florida and New York. The US Government said that it is not yet requesting seizures of properties that the Lalls control in three states but intends to do so, as proceeds of the deposits were used to renovate or pay mortgages.

According to the US Government, when domestic financial institutions, including banks and money service businesses, are involved in a transaction for the payment, receipt, or transfer of United States currency in an amount greater than $10,000, the institution is required to file a currency transaction report (“CTR”) for each cash transaction, such as, by way of example, a deposit, withdrawal, exchange of currency, or other payment or transfer by, through, or to a financial institution. “Many individuals involved in illegal activities, such as tax evasion, money laundering, and narcotics trafficking, are aware of the reporting requirements and take active steps to cause financial institutions to fail to file CTRs in order to avoid

detection of the movement of large amounts of cash.” The court documents said that Lall and his family and others “structured” their payments deposit below US$10,000. Lall, who was ordered to relinquish his pilot’s licences, was said to own and operate Exec Jet Club (“EJC”) and Exec Jet Sales (“EJS”), which were operated from a hanger located at Gainesville Regional Airport, Florida. Joyce Lall, his mother, was said to have controlled Kaylee’s Investments (“Kaylees”) and Shannon Investments (“Shannon”), which appear to be real estate and investment holding companies. These structured funds were used, in part, to purchase and improve the Lalls’ properties, aircraft, and Lexus.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Neesa Gopaul murder trial…

Lawyers file appeal on behalf of convicted killers Notices of appeal have been filed by lawyers for Bibi Shareema Gopaul and Jarvis Barry Small, the duo convicted of killing 16-yearold former Queen’s College student, Neesa Gopaul. On March 5 last, High Court Judge Navindra Singh handed down sentences for the couple totaling 202 years. Bibi Gopaul, the victim’s mother and Small (the mother’s former lover) were sentenced to serve 106 and 96 years respectively for the murder committed sometime between September 24 and October 2, 2010. The decomposed body of the 16-year-old was found in a suitcase in a creek along the Linden-Soesdyke Highway on the latter date. She had been previously reported missing from her home at Leonora, West Coast Demerara, on the former. The pair was sentenced following a unanimous guilty verdict by a mixed-twelve member jury in one of the most high profile cases the nation has seen. According to Justice Singh’s calculation of the sentence for Small, the base was 60 years for the murder, 10 years for premeditation, 10 years for brutality, 10 years because the victim was a child, and six years for domestic violence. However with regards to Gopaul, an additional 10 years

Neesa Gopaul

Bibi Sharima Gopaul

Jarvis Barry Small

was added to the sentence since the victim was her daughter and she failed to protect her. Subsequent to the ruling, lawyers representing both accused persons signaled their intentions to appeal the verdict and the sentence. Last Wednesday, Attorney George Thomas, who represented Gopaul during the trial, submitted the notice of appeal to the Court of Appeal in Kingston, Georgetown. Thomas listed twenty – five (25) grounds as a basis of his request for a Court of Appeal Judge to overturn conviction and sentence of his client. Among things listed as grounds of appeal for Gopaul is that the trial judge failed to sufficiently put the defence of the accused to the jury; the

trial judge misdirected the jury in relation to the evidence, findings and explanations of the forensic pathologist to the extent of inconsistencies and discrepancies with the story of the main prosecution witness, Simone De Nobrega. The lawyer is also asking the Appellate Court to consider that the trial judge misdirected the jury in relation to the bad character evidence of the main prosecution witness and how the jury should apply and rely on the evidence of the said prosecution witness; the trial judge failed to sufficiently guide the jury or at all on how to approach the evidence, particularly in respect of circumstantial evidence and drawing inferences that the trial failed to show how to apply the rule of drawing

inference favourable to the accused and that the sentence was too severe in the circumstances. Meanwhile, the document

filed by Small’s team of lawyers which included Attorneys Lyndon Amsterdam, Glenn Hanoman and Senior Counsel Bernard De Santos, is asking the court to consider three main grounds for appeal; the trial judge erred in law when he ruled that Jarvis Small should be tried jointly with Gopaul and not separately; that the judge erred when he overruled a no-case submission with regards to Small and that the trial judge erred in law when he admitted inadmissible e v i d e n c e o f a highly prejudicial nature in the trial whereby a miscarriage of justice was occasioned. In this regard the

attorneys cited the evidence of Simone De Nobrega, statements of the deceased which were given to the police, and reports made by the deceased and the number two accused (Gopaul), to the police. They are asking the Court of Appeal Judges to consider too that the trial judge failed to adequately put Small’s defence to the jury, whereby a miscarriage of justice was occasioned and the sentence given to Small by the trial judge was excessive, irrational and not grounded in any established legal principles as required by law. A date is yet to be set for the matter to come up before the Court of Appeal.

Opposition still blocked from accessing airwaves in Linden With elections approaching, Opposition parties are still unable to access the airwaves in Linden, even though the issuance of TV and radio licences was part of the agreement hammered out between Linden and the government on August 21, 2012. That agreement was reached following a monthlong protest in Linden over a proposed electricity hike that eventually led to 27 persons being injured and three shot dead. During the protests, the mining town was effectively shut down, impacting heavily on the normal hinterland activities, including mining and logging. Region Ten Chairman, Sharma Solomon, attacked the current media monopoly by the government, labeling it as a concerted attempt to silence the people of Guyana. In the agreement, the Government agreed to not only hand over a dish and transmitter that once belonged to Channel 13, but also to facilitate the granting of licences to operators in the region. To date, according to Solomon, this has not been done and moreover, reports reaching him indicate that the equipment was sold to a friend of the administration. He stated that the problem goes to the very policies employed by the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority (GNBA). He claimed that the GNBA has consistently harassed radio operators and pointed to the case of businessman, Haslyn Graham. According to Solomon, he has engaged multiple organizations on the issue,

- despite promises from Govt. in 2012 agreement including the Government. However, the general impression is that the Government is not interested in acceding to anything in the agreement. “We’ve outlined our situation in correspondence to the opposition, the international community, embassies, outlining the oppressive state we are in.” Asked about how the Opposition was dealing with not being able to broadcast messages to the people of Linden, Solomon stated that they have had to adjust to suit the scenario. “We have had to improve our ground movements and make our programme more people- orientated. Having the radio licences would have been very helpful, but in improvising we have had to be more face to face in our interactions with (supporters).” Broadcasters have long protested the fees from the GNBA as an attempt to shut out the voices of ordinary citizens and keep the small operators out of business. They have already taken GNBA to court on a number of occasions against the fees. The board of directors of GNBA was appointed in 2012. Broadcasters were directed to submit new applications for broadcasting operations to the GNBA. Approved licencees have to pay two fees before they are handed their licences. The licence fee was set at a minimum of $2.5 million by Cabinet. The Cabinet reportedly

directed that the licence fee be calculated at three percent of gross income for the preceding year, but it should be not less than $2.5 million. So even in a case where three percent of t h e l i c e n c e e ’s g r o s s income is less, that licencee still has to pay $2.5 million. In late 2011, a total of 11 radio applications were approved for licences by former President Bharrat Jagdeo, days before he left office. This was despite a standing agreement for no new licences until new broadcasting regulations and the GNBA were in place. Jagdeo’s best friend, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, received one with multiple frequencies. Also receiving a similar number of frequencies was The Mirror, a newspaper which belongs to the ruling p a r t y, a n d Te l c o r, a company with close links to serving Natural Resources Minister, Robert Persaud. However, several independent media houses including Kaieteur News, Stabroek News and Capitol News were ignored. The disclosures of the licences, which also included approval for two cable TV operations, sparked court cases and several days of protests, as well as local and international condemnation and also led to the administration being accused of attempting to take control of the media, due to its actions.

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 13

Crum-Ewing was more a nuisance than a threat – President Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar Even as the police investigations drag on into the murder of Courtney CrumEwing, President Donald Ramotar has described the slain anti-government protestor as nothing but a nuisance. The Guyanese leader while addressing a West Berbice Chamber of Commerce meeting last Saturday dismissed suggestions that CrumEwing was assassinated, claiming that his (Ramotar’s) party, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic had nothing to gain from the killing. “He was no threat to the PPP…he was no threat to the government…he was a nuisance value more than

anything else. He was spreading a lot of racist talk on his Facebook, and all kind of things of that nature he was doing,” Ramotar told the Berbice business community. Crum-Ewing was gunned down on Tuesday, March 10th in the Diamond, East Bank Demerara community, while using a bullhorn, urging people to vote against the ruling PPP/C government. The killing is seen as having political implications since Crum-Ewing had been a thorn in the side of the administration. He had been protesting particularly the office of Attorney General Anil Nandlall, calling for his removal, following some controversial statements Nandlall had made during a

Courtney Crum-Ewing taped telephone conversation with a senior reporter from this newspaper. Ramotar almost labeled Crum-Ewing a criminal, and even suggested that the opposition might have a hand in his death. “They put the Guyana flag on Blackie’s coffin and now they put the flag on this man Crum-Ewing too who they claimed, I don’t know the motive, but they claimed that he was assassinated…political assassination,” the President said. He asked if the opposition’s claim of assassination is to be believed, then who stands to benefit from Crum-Ewing’s death.

Honest public private partnership... (From page 6) road to develop and regulated its sale to local persons. Not only was the major road built, linking the previously remote location to major cities, but infrastructure was created and thus created an upscale community. “But these transactions must be transparent and in the interest of the people,” Ming said. He added that the editor of the book ‘Public private partnership policies and practices, success, failures and why,’ a friend of his, had visited Guyana some years back seeking an audience with the Caricom and the Guyanese government, “unfortunately, no one had time to meet with him.” The gentleman, he said, wanted to share what this part of the world could do with the idea to access modern infrastructure, without having to spend the money themselves. However, one of the greatest challenges to honest local and foreign private investments, aside from Administrative, management issues, is access to land and infrastructure in prime business locations. Ming said that for research purposes, he

analyzed land prices in the centre and outskirts of the city and found that prices are higher than some prices in parts of the US. According to Ming, based on land sizes and prices advertised in local newspapers, he calculated their value with an acre being the standard size. Ming found that on Sheriff Street an acre of land costs $951M or US$4.5M. An acre at Robb Street; the city centre, cost $1.2B or US$6M, Kingston $532M or US $2.6M and

Smyth Street $522M or US$2.5M. Ming said he is convinced that only a small group of people can afford land in Georgetown. “Young people and ordinary people like you and me cannot enjoy this.” “If one is seeking to open a small business in Georgetown it is not conducive.” He said even if land prices are half that of the US, being the third poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, this cannot be good for growth and development.

This outrageous act of... (From page 3) Government has already been directly funding hotels. The APNU official believed that the profitability of the hotel is in doubt, primarily because the facility, like the multibillion Amaila Hydro-Electric Project, starts off with capital costs well above the norm. Greenidge said that for all these reasons, in the first quarter of 2012, the National Assembly required the person who chairs NICIL, the Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, to report on its stewardship of the financial resources under its control. But that report was never submitted. “Meanwhile monies continue to be spent on this white elephant (the Marriott Hotel). The Assembly will need to do something about this contempt the Minister has shown for its decisions,” he added. The APNU Executive Member said that it is clear that the Kingston Hotel was built on the foundation of spite and gifting millions to friends and cronies.

He said that the only persons who stand to benefit are “people who would go out there and talk, trying to whip up racism, trying to create division, trying to point fingers.” Two weeks ago the president had ordered officers of the Guyana Police Force to leave no stone

unturned in finding the killers of Courtney Crum-Ewing, and if necessary, find the “intellectual authors” of the crime. “If his death was political as they are saying, well I would say that he was a pawn that was sacrificed for their own political ends, because we certainly don’t have anything to gain by that type of activity,” Ramotar stated. “Which government will want to do something like that, to destabilize itself?” Ramotar asked. There are reports that Crum-Ewing had been threatened by at least two persons connected to the government. However, a senior police official had indicated that there are no records to show that CrumEwing had reported the matter to the police. But when contacted, attorney at law Nigel Hughes told this newspaper that he

was not surprised by the police position with regards to the threats. Hughes said that he was at the Brickdam Police Station when Crum-Ewing was arrested. The lawyer said that Crum-Ewing had told him about the threats and that he did report it to the police. “I am not surprised that the police will develop amnesia,” Hughes stated. So far the police have reviewed several tape recordings of the scene of the crime but have so far been unable to come up with anything substantial. They did detain a few persons, but released them when they could not link them to the killing. The police have been very guarded with the information they have been putting out to an obviously anxious public, except to say that investigations are in progress.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Anne Wagner tells COI…

Dr. Rodney asked Gregory Smith to build handmade bombs

Dr. Walter Rodney By Sunita Samaroo Dr. Walter Rodney and Former Sergeant of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Gregory Smith were friends who met often and were working against regression in the country that existed under the government of the day.

Though the politician wanted handmade bombs to further his cause, Smith wanted no part in violence. More than 34 years since Smith has been labeled ‘murdered’ and ‘betrayer,’ his sister and confidante, Anne Rita Wagner came before the Commission of Inquiry

yesterday to “clear” her brother’s name. Wagner told commissioners that despite many accusations those days, her brother was not responsible for the death of the late Dr. Rodney. She said that the politician and his brother, Donald Rodney were the ones who inserted a bomb in the device, since her brother had only created a triggering device at the late politician’s behest. Wagner said that Smith was a card-carrying member of the Working People’s Alliance and it was the said party that wasted no time in smuggling him to Cayenne, French Guiana, after the bomb-blast that killed their leader on Friday, June 13, 1980. As Wagner offered her evidence, the inquiry heard that prior to his death, Dr. Rodney had tried persuading the qualified electrician to build handmade bombs to fight against the regression in the country, but Smith refused to do so. Dr. Rodney’s death, the writer was sure, was an accident; a result of the politician’s own doing. Wagner, who wrote

Donald Rodney faces Anne Wagner as she was being cross examined. ‘Assassination Cry of a Failed Revolution: The Truth about Dr. Walter Rodney’s Death’ with Smith, recently returned from her New York, United States of America residence to offer her version of events. She testified that she shared a close relationship with her brother and Smith had known and respected Rodney for the man and charismatic politician he was. FASCINATION WITH ELECTRONICS Being led by United States-based Guyanese Attorney, Edward MeertinsGeorge, Wagner described her brother as an exemplary student whose “ability to listen and to process information was superb.” Wagner said he showed an early affinity for electronics and she described him, at age 11, as having designed and made his own devices to aid around the home. She told Commissioners

that her brother was one of the many Guyanese who in his adult life experienced the hardship during the time the People’s National Congress ruled the county. The witness explained that because of the political situations prevailing in the country, her brother found it difficult to land a job and it was against that backdrop that he entered the Guyana Defence Force. Wagner said that in the first two weeks Smith had successfully repaired radars that the British had condemned. She said after he repaired them the Commanding Officer selected him for further studies in electronics. In 1976, she said he attended the Naval School in England and returned in 1977. Wagner told Commissioners that the said officer challenged him to design and build a mobile communication unit, a project he accepted

with the understanding that he would be promoted upon completion. “He worked constantly and unassisted to complete the unit. On the day of the opening of the exhibition he stood and watched the dignitaries congratulate his commanding officer on a job well done. Time for promotion never came. He got none,” she said. Her brother, she said, became upset with the hand he was dealt and was certain that it was because he was not a member of the PNC. This, she said, was the reason Smith resigned from the defence force. PARTYALLIANCE AND JUNE 13, 1980 The Commission heard that Smith had neither considered himself a member of the then ruling party nor a member or sympathizer of the House of Israel. In fact, she told Commissioners, Smith considered himself a member of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA). This revelation caused quite a stir among members of the WPA who were seated and listening attentively in the gallery of the High Court Law Library where the sessions are being held. Many of them had long since made it their duty to attend the public hearings daily. She said that he went to a WPA meeting and he was given a membership card which he signed. Wagner said that her brother had already fathered five children who were forced to leave the night of June 13, Continued on page 27

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Kaieteur News

Fisherman charged with murder of colleague at sea A fisherman was yesterday charged with murdering his colleague whilst fishing at sea. Thirty-seven year-old Randolph Williams called ‘Spanish’ of Good Hope, East Coast Demerara, appeared yesterday before Magistrate Charlyn Artiga at the Whim Magistrate’s Court on a charge of murder. He is accused of killing 23year-old Deochand ‘Avo’ Sukhlal of Dundee, Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara. The incident allegedly occurred on March 17, last, in the vicinity of No.35 village, Corentyne Berbice.

Williams who was unrepresented told the court that he is a father of one and lives with his grandmother and shares a relationship with a woman called Bibi. According to information, Sukhlal was reportedly beaten to death by a crew member and then dumped into the Atlantic Ocean. Police Prosecutor Sergeant Althea Solomon is presenting the state’s case. It is unclear what caused the argument between the two fishermen. Bail was refused and the matter has been transferred to the No.51 Magistrate’s Court for April 15.

DEAD: Timothy Simon Bush. Timothy Simon was asleep and the others were swimming. She said that they were told that Simon suddenly awoke and told the others that they could not do what he could do and jumped into the trench. Reports revealed that the workers told them that the man swam to the one end and was on his way to the other side when he suddenly disappeared. His colleagues said that after not seeing Simon, they dived and retrieved him. He was not moving and had mud in his nose. The men said that they tried CPR, but to no avail. He was taken to the Skeldon Hospital where he was pronounced dead on

Death of M’cony fisherman…

Captain recalls life-anddeath experience at sea “The Venezuelan wanted to kill all three of us and sell the boat. I bargain for my life for three days. I tell him I got 10 children to support.”

ACCUSED: Randolph Williams

Man found dead in Black Bush trench died from asphyxia Timothy Simon, the man who was found floating in a trench at his worksite at Black Bush Polder where the company is undertaking road construction works in the No. 43 Village/ Yakusari area, died from drowning and Asphyxia. That was the result of the post mortem examination conducted yesterday by Dr. Vivikenand Brijmohan at the Skeldon Hospital. Asphyxia is described as suffocation as a result of physical blockage of the airway or inhalation of toxic gases, causing a lack of oxygen and unconsciousness which could be caused as a result of drowning. Simon, called ‘Pakaloo’, 23, of Adelphi, East Canje, Berbice, had been working with the company, H. Nauth and Sons Civil Engineering Contractors Company, for more than five years. Family members were not satisfied with the conclusion of the autopsy since they were not allowed to view the procedure. Simon lived with his mother Debbie Simon, a weeder at the Rose Hall Estate, in a modest abode. The woman told the media that she was not too happy with the response from the company so far. She said that they were informed that her son and about seven others were working at a site at Black

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arrival. Relatives said they were told that when Simon was found he had on his underwear only. The family still wants answers as to why his bag and everything inside was soaked and “dinged up.” However, the green jersey he was wearing when he left home was missing and no one could give an account for it. “We have a lot of questions to ask. Would he go swimming with all of his clothes on? If not, how come his clothes got soaked? How come he was found with his underwear alone? Where is his missing green jersey?” the man’s relatives asked. They said that when they saw Simon at the Skeldon Hospital, one of his hands was holding on to his underwear and he had mud in his nose. “If they had done CPR, how come mud was still in his nose?” his mother questioned. The family stated that they are not satisfied with the information they were fed by the company so far and with the investigation done by the police.

As police continue their search for the body of a 23year-old fisherman, who was allegedly killed before his body was dumped into the Pomeroon River two We d n e s d a y s a g o , t h e captain of the vessel, Navin Singh recalls his horrifying ordeal. Singh yesterday related how he bargained with a knife-wielding Venezuelan for his life and that of his two crew members, including Deochand ‘Avo’ Sukhlal. However, Sukhlal was stabbed to death and his body was dumped into the Pomeroon River three days later. During an interview with this newspaper, Singh recalled when he went out to sea on March 7, last with Sukhlal, along with two other workers, including the Venezuelan who was referred to as “Spanish man.” According to the captain, everything was normal at sea until two Sundays ago when “Spanish man” started his attack. “Me and the other man been at the back steering the boat and sometime passed and we ain’t see Avo and ‘Spanish man’, so the other man went at the front to see what happen.” He added, “When he left, he run back and tell me go see what happen and then I see ‘Spanish man’ come behind he with three knives and he put it on my throat and say turn the f…ing boat and drive to Venezuela. And I tell he I never went there and I don’t know how to reach there.” Wi t h o u t h e s i t a t i n g much, Singh said he followed “Spanish man’s” instruction and turned the boat back. “He tie up my hands behind my back and

he tied my waist to the boat and I was steering with my foot for hours.” Later on Sunday, Singh said that ‘Spanish man’ asked him if he wanted to see Sukhlal and he agreed. “I didn’t know he had killed him already. He untie me and he walked behind me…when I reach in front and pitched the light, I see Avo dead and lie down with his face cover-up.” He added, “I ask he why he killed the man and he tell me he gon kill me too. He take me to the back of the boat and tie me up like how you does tie iguana, and then he throw me where you does store the fish.” The captain said that the suspect, who is currently in custody at the Charity Police Station, wanted to throw him into the river, but he and the other crew member pleaded with him. “I bargain for my life. I tell him I got 10 children to support, and if he want throw me away let him at least give me a life jacket and the other guy begged him too and say I was good to them. That is how he throw me with the fish.” According to the devastated Singh, on the second day, ‘Spanish man’ revealed his plan. “He wanted to sell the boat. He said he left his wife and children in Venezuela and he ain’t getting money to go back.” “All this time, we ain’t eat nothing and the other man was steering the boat while he (suspect) holding the knife

DEAD: Deochand ‘Avo’ Sukhlal just waiting to kill,” the captain said. He explained that on the third day, ‘Spanish man’ fell asleep and the other worker steered the boat to the mouth of the Pomeroon River where they managed to escape. “A man name Albert rescue us and while ‘Spanish man’ sleeping in the boat, Albert left to go call the coast guard in his small boat. When he left, I was at the top of a coconut three peeping ‘Spanish man’ all the time,” Singh recounted. He said that when the suspect awoke and noticed he was alone in the boat, he turned around and tried to escape, but was caught three hours later by the coast guard. “When the coast guard catch he, he had already dumped Avo body in the River because it already started to get stiff and it started to smell,” the captain said. He said that it was the first time he went out at sea with ‘Spanish man.’

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday March 25, 2015

PPP repeats call for public Stop selective vetting of Election Day staff enforcement of tint law

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) continues to raise concerns over the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM)’s decision not to allow public vetting of Election Day staff. Most recently, the Party’s General Secretary, Clement Rohee, said that PPP views this decision as a “very sinister and undemocratic act against the Guyanese people.” As he hosted PPP’s weekly press conference on Monday last at Freedom House, Rohee pointed out that his party has been the lone advocate in calling for vetting of potential polling day staff. He added that contrary to what is being perceived, “the Party supports vetting of these individuals by all major political stakeholders and the electorate.” Rohee told media operatives that history has proven that polling day staff has a significant impact on the transparency and integrity of the electoral process, hence,

much emphasis must be placed on recruiting experienced, qualified and neutral persons to fill these positions through a transparent process. Further, he asserted that a process that involves the electorate, through public vetting will only serve to boost confidence in the system. He based his call for the public vetting on the “fact” that the PPP has seen in 2011 the “unprofessional and biased acts by a few presiding and assistant presiding officers towards PPP supporters polling agents and candidates, especially in Georgetown.” Rohee told the media that his Party is wary of GECOM’s defensive statements in response to issues and concerns raised by political parties and especially towards the recruitment and training of polling day staff, more so the downright refusal to public scrutiny of these persons.

“This should be no secret nor kept as a surprise to the nation, every voter deserves to know the persons sitting in the polling station, where they have to cast their ballot,” Rohee said. He also echoed calls for GECOM to embark on an aggressive voters’ education programme, especially in rural, hinterland and riverain communities across Guyana. He said that such a campaign is viewed by the PPP as yet another step to having free and fair elections come May 11, 2015. The General Secretary added that voters’ knowledge of the electoral process will minimize spoilt and rejected ballots and will reduce waiting time for all voters at the place of poll. “Should this be done thoroughly then there will be no need for Information Clerks at polling places, reducing the confusing and frustration of the 2011 election,” said Rohee. (Abena Rockcliffe)

$50,000 bail for miner accused of stealing $2,000 chain A Little Diamond resident accused of stealing a $2,000 chain was on Monday released on $50,000 bail by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry. Lloyd Burke, 32, a miner, pleaded not guilty to the charge which stated that on March 21, at Arangoy Landing, Cuyuni River, armed with a piece of wood, he robbed Dillon Crandon of a

culture chain valued $2,000 along with $10,000 cash. Prosecutor Police corporal Bharat Mangru told the court that the defendant and the victim are known to each other, since they work at the same gold mining camp. He said that on the day in question at around 15:30hrs, Crandon was heading back to his camp on foot, when Burke, armed with a piece of

We are life savers, you should be one too! Donate blood today!!

wood, approached him. Burke threatened the victim and then relived him of the items before making good his escape. The police were summoned and the defendant was located, arrested, and charged with the offence. The prosecutor objected to bail citing the nature and prevalence of the offence. However, the request was overruled by the magistrate and the defendant was released on $50,000 bail. Burke will make his next appearance on April 9 at the Bartica Magistrate’s Court.

- Former Traffic Chief

The police have been selectively ordering the removal of tint from vehicles Former Traffic Chief, Deputy Commissioner (rtd) Paul Slowe believes that the selective enforcement of the country’s laws will not help in the fight against traffic lawlessness and other criminal activities. As Guyana grapples with growing traffic lawlessness, Slowe is of the view that greater enforcement of the law is the key, since there is no shortage of legislation. “Laws are being enacted, laws are on the books, but the enforcement aspect is weak,” Slowe stated. He made specific reference to the law regarding the tints on vehicles. It was during Slowe’s tenure as the country’s traffic chief that the law prohibiting tinted vehicles was enacted. This was after the Queen’s College Old Students’ Association petitioned the then President Janet Jagan, complaining about the heavily-tinted minibuses which were hiding wrongdoing. At first the prohibition was to target public transportation, but was subsequently changed to include all vehicles. According to Slowe, today several persons can be seen driving around with heavily-tinted vehicles and it is unclear if all of them have been issued with permits from the Ministry of Home Affairs to circumvent the law. As it is, only certain vehicles are permitted to have tints without the expressed permission of the Minister of Home Affairs. These include diplomatic vehicles, and those belonging to senior government and high-ranking military officials. However, there is a provision for ordinary persons to obtain waivers for vehicles that are imported with what is termed factory tints. This provides for a person to obtain an initial waiver of three months and one further extension if necessary to replace the tinted windows.

But even this arrangement is not going down well with Slowe, who perhaps more than most understands the entire background to the legislation regarding tinted vehicles. The retired police officer, who is now a leading regional security expert, believes that the arrangement is being abused. “As I recall it, and I doubt whether there would have been any amendments along the way, you’re not supposed to have tint on the vehicle. Let’s start off with that basis,” Slowe. But at the time the law was enacted, there were already vehicles in the system with factory tint and an arrangement was made to have the owners bring them in conformity with the law within a given time; failing which, the certificate of fitness would have been revoked. According to Slowe, the legislators then made it clear that no more factory-tinted vehicles would have been allowed to be imported after the law was put in place. Today, tinted vehicles appear to have once again become the norm, with motorists driving past the police who seem powerless. Even ordinary police ranks are taking advantage of the lack of proper enforcement. The policeman, like any other citizen, has to obtain approval to have tint on his or her vehicle. The police administration had issued instructions for all ranks who have tinted vehicles to have them conform to the law. But the enforcement aspect of this instruction has its implications. “It’s not a rank thing, but a constable would not confront an officer, so enforcement has its consequences. It’s not that the Force is condoning this lawlessness. Commissioners from Henry Greene, Brumell and Seelall Persaud have issued instructions for ranks

Former Traffic Chief, Paul Slowe to remove the tints from their vehicles,” a current serving police officer explained. Yesterday, Traffic Chief Ian Amsterdam told this newspaper that he has advised his ranks to revoke the fitness of those heavilytinted vehicles driven by their colleagues. He added that he has also advised his colleague officers to ensure that the ranks under their supervision comply with the tint legislation. According to former Deputy Commissioner Slowe, when the tint legislation came into being, he was one of the first persons to comply. “I had the darkest tint on my vehicle and when the law went into being, I know it was a Monday, and the Sunday I sat in my garage and I took it off. And all the ranks who worked with me had to take the tints off their vehicles, because you have to set proper examples,” Slowe said. He lamented the fact that today one can drive around Guyana and see so many tinted vehicles. “Some of them even have tints on their front windscreens, you can’t even see the driver through the front windscreen…this thing is utter lawlessness. I’m sure it is illegal and I’m sure that just as how I saw it, other people with the authority - the policemen - would have seen it and they’re not doing anything. So therefore, where are we going?” he added. Slowe said that it is not difficult for the police to detect vehicles with tinted glasses, since most of them are driven in the daytime, and in some cases, by persons who are known to have had previous brushes with the law. “Get them to take off the tint and get the authorities to recognize that you just can’t give permission willy-nilly when there is no law to support the giving of such permission. My story is, there is a law and we should obey (Continued on page 30)

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Kaieteur News

Two teens in trio to face judge and jury for robbery/murder Three persons including two teenagers will have to face a judge and jury for a robbery/murder that occurred at a Mandir at Williamsburg, Corentyne, in January 2013 The trio, 25-year-old Kevin Hintzen called ‘Ratty’ of Rose Hall Town, Corentyne; 19-year-old Shivnarine Jainarine called ‘Sammy’ or Samuel of Train Line Dam, Port Mourant, Corentyne, and Ryan Persaud called ‘KK’, 18, of Rose Hall Town, were on Monday committed to stand trial in the next session of the Berbice High Court. The men had appeared before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs Marcus in the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court and it was found that a prima facie case had been made out against them. The youths are accused of between the 6th and 7th of January 2013 of murdering 61year-old security guard Jagdat Ramcharran called “Ronald”, a father of two of Bloomfield, Corentyne, Berbice. The man’s body was found bound and gagged at the Iskcon Hari Krishna Mandir at Block 6 Williamsburg, Corentyne, Berbice. The police had initially held three men for the burglary of a Digicel\Cell Smart outlet at Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, and later found them in possession of the stolen items. They had apparently sustained injuries during the break-in as blood was found in the building. They allegedly used a saw to cut open the padlock from the door before smashing a glass door to enter the building, during which time they were apparently injured. A cutlass

Kevin Hintzen Victim: Jagdat Ramcharran

Shivnarine Jainarine in a mess. The thieves had entered the premises by cutting and wrenching open a grilled window. They had also wrenched the door to the altar. Hintzen and Jainarine along with Ravendra Ramoutar, 21, called “Navin” of Train Line Dam, Port Mourant, Corentyne, were also charged with break and enter and larceny. The matter was prosecuted by Sergeant Phillip Sherriff. In the meantime, Hintzen, whilst being on remand, was caught with 78 grams of cannabis sativa in his crotch. He was later charged. He appeared before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs Marcus and was sentenced to three years in jail and fined $30,000.

Alleged chain snatcher remanded A 33-year-old mason was remanded to prison after it was alleged he committed a robbery near the Stabroek Bazaar. Lonsdale Browne, of UU Durban Street, made an appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts on Monday before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry. The charge stated that on March 22, at Georgetown, together with an accomplice, Browne robbed Rashid Ali of one gold chain valued $160,000. Browne pleaded not guilty to the charge after it was read to him by the magistrate. Corporal Bharrat Mangru said that the defendant and the victim are known to each other. He said that Ali was walking in the vicinity of the

Stabroek Bazaar when the defendant along with another man approached him and snatched his chain. The chain burst and fell to the ground, and as the victim attempted to pick up the chain, the accused picked up a piece of wood and dealt him several lashes about the body. The victim positively identified the defendant as the

Taxi driver charged with armed robberies Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry remanded a taxi driver to prison after it was alleged that he committed armed robberies. Particulars of the charge stated that on March 22, at Vryheid’s Lust, East Coast Demerara, Alistair Naughton of East La Penitence, armed with a gun, robbed Diane Ramroop of $2M, property of Hemchand Narine. It was further alleged that on December 23, 2014, again armed with a gun, he robbed Hemchand Narine of one .32 revolver valued $200,000 along with a quantity of ammunition valued $63,000. Naughton who was represented by Attorney Paul Fung-a-Fat pleaded not guilty

to both charges after they were read to him at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. Prosecutor Police Corporal, Bharrat Mangru, stated that on the day in question the two virtual complainants, Ramroop and Narine, visited the bank to conduct business. As they were about to enter their home, the accused along with others pounced on them and relieved them of the articles mentioned in the charge. Mangru related that the men were armed with guns and the defendant admitted at the police station that he committed the offence. Naughton’s attorney asked that his client be

released on bail since an identification parade (ID) was never conducted. However, the prosecutor objected to bail citing the nature, seriousness and prevalence of the offence. He also pointed out the penalty attached to the offence should the defendant be found guilty. He noted that there was a possibility that the accused might not return to court to stand trial if granted bail. The prosecution’s request was upheld by the magistrate and the accused was remanded. He will make his next court appearance on March 27 at the Sparendaam Magistrates’ Court.

Vryheid’s Lust woman charged with larceny by servant

Ryan Persaud was also left on the counter. Two of the men eventually admitted to being involved in the murder of the security guard .They then named others who were part of a gang that raided the Mandir on the fateful night. They stated that six of them were involved. The security guard’s body was discovered around 03:00 hrs by a worshipper who visited the temple to worship. When he arrived, no one came to greet him and the gate was locked after making several calls and getting no response. He scaled the fence and noticed the watchman lying on the ground with his hands and feet bound and the place ransacked. The victim’s face was swollen. A bell, a pair of golden slippers, and a tape recorder were missing and the altar was

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one who carried out the unlawful act, and he was subsequently arrested and charged. The defendant’s lawyer Paul Fung-a-Fat asked that his client be released on reasonable bail, since a gun was not used to commit the robbery. Bail was denied. Browne will make his next appearance before Magistrate Annette Singh on April 7.

A 23-year-old woman was yesterday granted bail to the tune of $75,000, after it was alleged she stole a large sum of money from her employer. Parmattie Abhimanan of Vryheid’s Lust, Railway Embankment, East Coast Demerara, denied the accusation which stated that between Thursday, March 5 and Monday, March 9, last, she stole $361,000 in cash, property of Hardat Persaud. The facts stated that Abhimanan was employed by Persaud, as a sales clerk, at the Full Works Store, on Regent Street. On March 5, Persaud secured the money inside a drawer that was located in the store room. He later made checks for the

money on March 9 and discovered that it was missing. A report was made to the police and the accused was arrested and told of the offence. At the police station the accused admitted under caution that she was the one who removed the money. She also explained to the police that she took the money to pay for her mother’s surgery.

The defendant’s attorney asked that her client be released on reasonable bail because she is not a flight risk. Police corporal Bharat Mangru had no objections and bail was subsequently granted by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry. Abhimanan will make her next court appearance on April 13, before Magistrate Annette Singh.

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Kaieteur News

Ramkarran was never abused in the PPP- Rohee By Abena Rockcliffe General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee has refuted claims made by his former comrade, Ralph Ramkarran, to the effect that he (Ramkarran) had been abused for many years in the PPP because he refused to humble himself to the powers that be, namely former President Bharrat Jagdeo. In his latest column titled “Jagdeo and the PPP – lifestyle and politics” published on his website www.conversationtree.gy, Ramkarran made known the torture he went through during his later days spent as a member of the PPP. Ramkarran said within the PPP, many intimidatory techniques exist, and those are mainly projected by Jagdeo. The former PPP executive member said, “Direct abuse is a major one. Subtle threats of dismissal from employment are another.” He noted that most people have jobs with the party or government, which they need to secure for their livelihood. “This is enough to encourage silence…Dissentient voices have been effectively stilled in the PPP, even though Jagdeo is widely criticized privately. This is the answer to the question often asked: how is it that Jagdeo has got such a hold over the PPP that no one dares to oppose him?” Ramkarran said that he spoke out for years in the PPP, “subjecting myself to intense

Ralph Ramkarran abuse and isolation, until it became necessary to ensure that I no longer remain within its ranks. No one else has so far dared to oppose Jagdeo.” Ramkarran also made reference to the fact that PPP allowed weeks to pass before defending the legacy of PPP founder, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, which he said was tainted by Jagdeo in his attempt to justify his Cadillac lifestyle. The former PPP stalwart said, “As expected the General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee, refused to comment on the controversy, just as the previous General Secretary, Donald Ramotar, refused to comment on Jagdeo’s insult to Mrs. Jagan when she called for a restoration of advertisements to the SN in 2006. No one in the PPP will now ever be able to speak to the Jagans’ simple and humble

Corruption benefits the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor. Say no to it.

PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee lifestyle, and urge its emulation, for fear of offending Jagdeo. ..Jagdeo said that their lifestyle was luxurious. No one in the PPP can now ever dare to say otherwise.” Ramkarran then went on to say that “Jagdeo is in full command and control of the PPP.” But as he hosted PPP’s press conference on Monday last, Rohee said that most of what Ramkarran stated in his column is incorrect. He told the media that no dissenting voices have been stilled, and said that Ramkarran must have lost touch with the customs and practices of the PPP. Rohee also claimed that democracy still exists within the PPP and the voices of those who form part of the PPP are heard at all levels of membership. The General Secretary said that he is amazed that Ramkarran would allege that he was abused in the PPP. He said the PPP managed to stay alive so long because it encourages members from top to bottom to have a say. “It is almost impossible

for this PPP to have survived over these years without allowing that kind of robust intense debate to take place within the party,” said Rohee. He continued, “I personally do not recall any of the situations or experiences Ramkarran is referring to and I have been in this party since I was 17 years old.” “I think I can define properly and I think I can put in perspective by definition what is meant by abuse. I do not recall seeing anything of that nature in respect of Mr. Ramkarran. If you were to ask me if there were strong and combative views between himself and any member of the party leadership, I would be the last to deny that that was so. That is a matter of course within the leadership of the party,” Rohee asserted. He said that the PPP has a tradition called democratic centralism, where after the matter has been discussed at length a decision is arrived at by the majority, and those who are in minority have to “subject themselves” to the decision of the majority. He also said, “Sometimes there are people who cannot subject themselves to the majority view; they think their view is the right view. We all suffer from this from time to time and the majority of the party was not prepared at that time to go along with his (Ramkarran’s) suggestions; every suggestion has it time Rohee also refuted Ramkarran’s claim that Jagdeo is in full control of the PPP. He told Kaieteur News that the affairs of the PPP are in the hands of Central Committee, the Executive Committee and the Secretariat.

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Justice for Jaden Mars…

Family protests outside Health Ministry

Jaden Mars After more than a year, the family of Jaden Mars, who was just four years old when he met his demise, is still seeking justice. Yesterday a protest led by the child’s mother, Nathalie Caseley, was staged outside the Ministry of Health. In December 2013, Jaden Mars died as a result of being given an overdose of anesthetic, after he was rushed to the facility with a cut on his tongue. Speaking with Kaieteur News yesterday, a still optimistic Caseley made it clear that she still expects justice for her son. She explained that despite overwhelming evidence of negligence in relation to her son’s demise, nothing tangible has been forthcoming. In fact, she says, investigations are still continuing in a slothful manner. “I was flabbergasted this morning when they provided a defence that they are not culpable and negligent, although it was admitted by senior officials in the health sector” said the mother. Caseley said that protesting is one method of coping with the death of her son. “I woke up yesterday (Monday) morning normal as ever, then I realized today (yesterday) is my birthday, the twenty-fourth of March, and my son is not with me. I would feel bad to go and do something else, other than something in his memory… in his name, to promote justice. This is one way of coping with the loss.” “While they have parties for their birthdays, I have protests. While they have happiness, I have mourning,” said the woman who fought to keep her composure.

She stated that her protesting is to signal that she is different from other persons who suffered losses because of the negligence of health practitioners at health facilities across Guyana. “I have resistance! I have fight!” declared the woman, while pointing to a poster on the fence of the Health Ministry captioned, “warriors for health care”. “I want them to know that I am the warrior for health care. My picture should be there because I am the one fighting for health care… not them! They don’t care! Had they cared, we would not have had the incident with the four-month-old baby that was given a wrong injection.” She has since indicated her intentions of going as far as possible to get justice for her son. The mother of the fourmonth old who was allegedly given a wrong injection by a nurse at the Plaisance Health Centre, last week, was expected to join Caseley yesterday, but was unable to do so. When contacted by Kaieteur News, she indicated that the fight for justice has not ended. She said that she too is “going to go the extra mile” to get justice for her baby boy who was “so full of life”. “I will do so with the support of Social Activist and Presidential candidate of the Independent Party, Mark Benschop.” Benschop in a brief telephone interview told Kaieteur News that “incidences of such nature are becoming too frequent and it needs to be addressed. A four- month-old baby cannot just die under questionable circumstances and the matter be swept under the rug.”

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Dr. Rodney asked Gregory Smith to... From page 14 1980 when Dr. Rodney met his demise. She said Smith and the politician were introduced by Robert Yardan, a friend of Smith’s girlfriend at the time. The introduction she said took place at Smith’s home. Wagner told the Commission that the two met frequently and had many conversations, most of which were “about regression of the country and how to reverse that regression.” She said that Dr. Rodney impressed her brother with his simplicity, mannerism and charisma as a politician. “Gregory thought Dr. Rodney was an extraordinary son of Guyana,” she said. “They were alone together for long hours and during that time there were many conversations on many topics,” she said. She told the commissioners that her brother was asked by Dr. Rodney to build handmade bombs, but her brother refused. “He refused that request. He (Smith) wanted no part of such violence…My brother was never a violent person,” she stressed. She said after speaking to the politician, however, and seeing the dilemma in the country, Smith decided to do the triggering device, but would not handle the “explosive aspect of it.” The Commission was told that Smith agreed because he wanted to help to change the direction of the country and “the way Dr. Walter spoke to him, he was very convincing. He showed him this is where we are, this is where we would go, and as a result of that he agreed to do the triggering device, but he wanted no part of taking anyone’s life.” She recalled being told by her brother that he, Dr. Rodney and his brother, Donald Rodney had gone down to Water Street with a team of persons who had a tracking sheet. She said the three were in the car with the

Anne Wagner embraces Gregory Smith’s tearful wife during a short break yesterday. device, driving around and testing it. “They went down to Water Street and the slightest thing the bulbs were flashing and flashing. Gregory said to them ‘This is dangerous, if this was a bomb we would be dead.’ He warned them, and I know they did not heed that warning.” She was of the view that the walkie-talkie equipment they brought to do the triggering device was of a poor quality. Speaking on the fateful night, Wagner said that her brother handed over a triggering device to Donald Rodney. “Well, this walkie-talkie stuff. I hate to even use the word walkie-talkie, because I’ve never seen a walkie-talkie in a big box yet. Walkie-talkie goes to your ears and your mouth. So I had a problem with using the word walkie-talkie; the triggering device. They came and they picked it up.” She told the Commission that the boxes were built by a man in Robb Street. The person, she said, made three boxes which were brought to her brother’s house by Rodney. “The triggering device was there and the space for the triggers and explosives

were there. They had to do that, he would not touch that,” she said. “They had to put in the explosives and then trigger it. They picked up the triggering device. It wasn’t activated. There was no explosive in there, none whatsoever.” It was that night that the “walkie-talkie” exploded killing the politician and Smith was blamed for his death. POST-DR. RODNEY’S DEATH Asked how her brother described what happened on June 13, 1980, Wagner’s voice dropped and her fingers started to shake. “After the incident, Gregory’s life was changed forever…Three men picked him up in front of his house and told him to come,” she said. According to Wagner, her brother was shaken and could not believe that his friend had died. “He wanted to go to the station. He was shaking and crying. They gave him a pill and told him that it would calm him and they drugged him. When he woke up he was in Kwakwani.” She said a few days later, they took Smith to Georgetown and boarded him on a ship for Trinidad where he was left for about two weeks.

Gregory Smith’s family listening to the evidence yesterday.

“They told him when he goes to Trinidad, the WPA would give him some documents and some money. He never heard from them. My brother was in Trinidad with no documents, no money and no clothes, and all the news was flashing that he was a murderer,” she said. After about a week in Trinidad, Smith worked and acquired some cash which he used to make his way back to Guyana with intentions of clearing his name and then ventured to a house in Alberttown. “When they saw him, they rushed and gathered him because he was going to the police.” “My brother was a member of the WPA, he was close to Rodney only, so he didn’t know anybody,” she said when asked to clarify who else he knew in the party. She said that he wasn’t a part of the groups that were “planning.” It was there that Smith reportedly received a birth certificate and passport, in favour of Cyril Milton Johnson, by one Mr. Fowler, along with directives to leave the country for Cayenne, French Guiana. She insisted that her brother was never allowed to speak to the police, though he wanted to. He eventually made it to the French colony and settled there. LIVING IN FEAR She said Smith was aware of efforts to extradite him and was never reluctant to return to these shores. The witness said that she has a tape of the conversation her brother had with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), where he stated his willingness to return to Guyana to testify. She told the Commission that there were many attempts on her brother’s life and she had even attempted to have him stay with her in the United States when he visited her for their mother’s funeral in 1987. She said he rejected the idea of political asylum as well. He feared the danger he

would put the family in if he stayed. The Commission heard too that Wagner met Jomo Yearwood while she visited her brother in Cayenne in 2002. She said it was then that she learnt that Jomo, a member of the WPA, had brought detonators from Mackenzie to Dr. Rodney. She said Smith even told her of the time four men barged in and opened fire on him at his house. “Gregory was always living on the edge….My brother said ‘If I was to ever die as an unnatural death, the WPA killed me. Please follow through with that’”. Wagner said her brother had adopted a style of going to work and returning home at different times every day. The life her brother had adopted in Cayenne was described as a favourable one. She said through over the years he had become frail. She said prior to his death, she visited him and they spoke for hours. “The incident on June 13, 1980; it wasn’t only Walter Rodney alone that died, my brother died that night too,” she said. Smith died from lung cancer on November 21, 2002. BOOK PUBLISHING Wagner told the Commission that at the time of the incident she was in the US and they co-authored the book. She decided to publish the book because it was her brother’s dying wish to publish and reveal the truth. She explained the book’s purpose as being two-fold. Firstly, to document in permanent form and reveal the truth about Dr. Rodney’s death and resulting worldwide portrayal of Smith as his killer. “Secondly, to rectify the grave and deliberate distortion of Guyana’s history for 34 years during which the media used to sanctify Walter Rodney and demonize my brother. This is a great injustice to my brother who was a friend and confidant of Dr. Walter Rodney, a political activist,” an emotional Wagner said.

The book was previously submitted to the Commission as evidence, but during the hearing it had been a source of contention for witnesses, particularly Donald Rodney, the lone eyewitness to the moment his brother lost his life. She explained that it is based on why her brother joined the army, why he resigned, how Smith met Dr. Rodney, what was requested by Rodney, that Rodney was Smith’s friend and as Smith called it “the torture at the hands of the WPA.” It was based on his manuscript and daily conversations as well as the month she spent with him in Cayenne going over the contents. Wagner defended yesterday that the contents of the book were true. In fact she said that for those who claimed it was a fabrication, her request was for Donald Rodney to take a lie detector test. She said she has a tape with her brother asking for himself and Donald Rodney to take a lie detector test based on the same questions. Her brother, she said, believed in the lie detector test. Asked about Donald Rodney’s role, she said his role is clearly documented. “His assumption of posture that he operated on a need-to-know basis or alternatively was duped makes no sense. He had actual or current knowledge of what his brother was engaged in, and Donald shared a common purpose in those acts,” the witness asserted. “He was a knowing, willing and active participant in the activities detailed in the book,” she said as she quoted the parts that were written by her brother in the book. This became a source of contention when she was cross examined by Donald Rodney’s lawyer, Keith Scotland. Donald Rodney was made to stand before Wagner as Scotland grilled her about the surviving Rodney. The cross examination will continue today.

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Kaieteur News

SALON Make Up Courses with Mac, Bare Minerals, Black Opal and Sacha cosmetics. Call: 647-1773/660-5257

SERVICES PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. – CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Advertisements; Guyana Passport & Visa Forms Application, USA, Canada and England. Tel: 626-7040; 265-4535. Repairs & spare, fridge, freezer, A/C, washers, stoves. Contact Nick: 6831312, 627-3206 Permanent & Visitors Visa Applications, Professional Immigration Consultant Room D5 Maraj Building Call Sabita: 225-6496, 6626045 Mahadeo Construction for all construction, carpentry, masonry, pluming, painting etc. Free estimates and plan Contact # 669-7376 Accounting & Taxation Services: tax returns, compliances, financial statements. Avinash Persaud Tax Consultancy, 163 Parika, EBE - Call: 260-4762. Exchange your empty HP & Canon printer ink cartridges for a full one & pay only $2,000 & $2,500- Call:6507699 Eagle’s fridge re-gas - $8,000 & washing machine repairs. Phone: 697-2969, 646-0966 Your Dream Yard Today! Stunning designs, Assortment, colourful plant choices, Professional Landscapers Tel: 218-0468/ 648-1821 Staying in your own home…. We assist seniors with meal preparation, personal hygiene, grooming etc – Call: 609-1981 REPAIRS AT LOW COST: FRIDGES, AIRCONDITIONERS, WASHING MACHINES, TVS, MICROWAVES, FREEZERS- CALL:6294946 OR 225-4822 We repair fridge, freezer, AC, washer, dryer Call Omar: 2310655, 683-8734

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Wednesday March 25, 2015

FOR RENT PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 One 2 bedrooms apartment @ 35 Howes Street- Contact Pet Boy Shop, between the hours 11am-6pm - $40,000 monthly Business spaces for rent @ West Shore Plaza Building, Ruimzeight, W.C.D, Public Road – Tel:269-1524; 6563561 GT TOOL RENTALS: COMPACTOR; CHIPPING HAMMER RANSOM & FLOOR SANDER, , JACK HAMMER, CONCRETE SAW & MORE - CALL: 675-0767, 627-5098 Church to rent @180 Charlotte Street - Contact Number: 226-5183; 227-6817; 624-7341 Concrete 3 bedrooms upper flat house fully grilled, parking available @ Agricultural road Mon Repos, E.C.D- Call:687-1050 Rooms for rent - Call: 638-5335 Spot in Alexander Village @ 68 Cross & Second Street, near to masjid, overseas investor preferably – Contact Winston: 666-3168 Sophia new 2 bedrooms $40,000 @ Diamond, South house, Parfaite, Campbellville – Tel:231-2200; 618-7483; 2317805 Bottom flat with all conveniences – Clon Brook East Coast Demerara – Call Sam: 259-0338 Two bedrooms apartment in Grove Housing Scheme; 3rd Avenue – Call: 622-0784; 6281155

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2005/6 Premio, Spacio and 2007 Belta, never registered. Call: 269-0432; 686-0323 Toyota Pit-bull 2008 Model BSS - $3M negotiable, TV, Navigator, A/C, excellent condition – Tel: 690-4373; 639-4165 One Lexus RX300 SUV, fully loaded, One Toyota Hilux, excellent condition – Phone: 227-4357

VEHICLE FOR SALE Hilux Surf – Tel:695-8113 or 688-3925 Toyota Tacoma 2010; Price $4.5M negotiable – Call: 6727709 Toyota Hilux Vigo GSS series – Tel:656-3561; 697-6510

Unregistered 2003 Toyota Spacio front & back camera, TV/ navi / CD player 52000 KM - $2.250M – Contact: 682-5117 Unregistered Toyota IST fully Loaded - $2.1M – Call: 657-1796 Continued on page 29

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 29

Union body urges “dismantling” of President’s tax-free salary The Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) has called for a “dismantling” of the US$120,000 annual income of the President. The call came days after disclosures that the salary of President Donald Ramotar rivals that of the leaders of several developed nations. What has made the matter worse is the salary of the President is tax-free. “The GTUC wants to state clearly that it is not opposed to any worker being adequately remunerated, but takes the opportunity to remind President Ramotar on 24th January 2015 when the issue of public servants’ wages/salaries was raised, he had this to say, “I am willing to give workers as much as the country can afford.” GTUC, in a statement yesterday, pointed out that President Ramotar must be reminded that he is the country’s chief public servant. “Guyana is a Third World economy and according to the Heritage Foundation our “public debt is equivalent to 63 percent of gross domestic product.”

Bharrat Jagdeo

President Donald Ramotar

With an economy like this, GTUC said, taxpayers can ill afford to pay the president’s “super salary”. “The GTUC therefore calls for the president’s salary to be commensurate with what the country can afford. As chief public servant, elected by the people, no way should he be exempted from delivering leadership through example.” GTUC referred to a story carried Sunday in Kaieteur News, headlined “Guyana

President’s salary rivals major world leaders”. It presented a comparative overview of the salary of presidents of major world economies. “To see Guyana’s Head of Government, given our donkey cart economy, ranks among them, is a crying shame on President Ramotar. There is no justification for turning the nation’s highest public servant job into a gravy train, especially when the ranks of the unemployed,

underemployed and working poor are increasing daily. G$2M per month is unconscionable when poverty, hunger and homelessness pervade the society.” GTUC said that former President Bharrat Jagdeo and President Ramotar have over the years tried to impress upon the nation that the Office of the President has not been used for their personal enrichment and that they are espousing values of a lean, mean and clean government. “Yet the lifestyles of these two men continue to be far removed from the electorate, the ordinary man and woman who have given them the power to protect and advance their wellbeing. Wo r k e r s / c i t i z e n s continue to be robbed of the reward of their taxes, a significant portion of which goes towards corruption, repaying debts and funding the greed, fantasies and lust of elected officials. As the rank and file struggle to make ends meet, elected officials are feathering their nest, living like kings and queens.” GTUC urged President Ramotar to learn the lesson of Uruguay’s Jose Mujica, the world’s ‘poorest’ president and Pope Francis, who being elected to serve their public, have led by example. “GTUC calls on the opposition to register its disgust at the extravagant taxfree income of the presidency and commit to this nation, that should they form the new movement they would proceed immediately to dismantle this US$120,000 earnings and make it more appropriate to our impoverished economy.” The union body said that any new government outside of the PPP should not see the earning of the president as an opportunity for personal gain. “In this donkey cart economy where 63 cents on every dollar of taxpayers’ money goes towards repaying the public debt, the nation cannot afford the president’s present salary.”

(From page 28)

VACANCY International Cruiseline AB Sailors, waitresses, waiters, cooks, receptionists, storekeepers, cleaners, electricians, carpenters, welders, costmetologist, etc – Tel: 231-6296, 650-9880 Work from home: Earn $5,000 - $20,000 daily, 9am 5pm, Monday to Saturday Call: 233-6517/ 638-0595 or www.jobfairworldwide.com Exists for: Chef & Assistant Cook- to work & live- in with new business in TuschenContact:660-6099, 644-3338

PROPERTY FOR SALE Flat concrete house for sale in Grove with land spaceCall: 679-3913 Houses & land available for sale in Non- Pariel, Enmore, Providence & Diamond Contact: Pacific Development Inc # 223-6035; 231-8480 Parfaite Harmonie, West Minister, Onderneeming, Cornela Ida, Tushcen, etc Contact: Pacific Development Inc # 223-6035; 231-8480

Vacancy exists at Confidential Cabs for experienced dispatcherCall:231-4000, 231-8601

24X58 Seafield Leonora water pump street - Call: 6425799

One driver/salesman to work on water truck, must be living around W.B.D, attractive salary - Tel: 618-4257

Business property located at Mc Doom Public Road, newly renovated, huge bond for restaurant, spare parts etc – Tel: 622-5721

(1)Live-in caretaker/ family to work @ Coverden, E.B.D. Send application to 31-33 Austin Street, Campbellville, G/Town- Call:225-7493

Property @ Lot 63 West Ruimveldt, Estate Housing Scheme Georgetown – Contact Mark: 618-9744

3 Bedrooms property @ Good SECURITY GUARDS, Hope E.C.D – Contact: 621CANTER DRIVERS, 1722 SALESMEN, MARKETING ASSISTANT with Drivers One business on residential Licence. Accommodation property located on the E.B.D, Friendship, Public Available. Tel. 266 4427 Road, 120X46 - $19.5M – Internet Café attendant, send Tel:693-6304 application & CV to future2zone@yahoo.com or One 3 bedrooms 2 storied concrete house @ Parfait call: 642-2028 Harmonie; size 25X57 feet – Floor Supervisor, Bond price: $13.5M negotiableSupervisor, Delivery Clerk, apply Call: 622-1782; 658-5803; 269with written application & 0642 passport size picture @ Survival, 173 Sheriff St., Campbellville –Tel: 227-5286-9 One 1 office clerk starting $60,000 per month and real estate agent (commission paid) please text: 618-7483 Domestic maid @ Diamond – Contact: 626-8003; 227-8529 LAND FOR SALE 50 Acres titled farm land @ The Belle, Upper Dem, River Front - $100M Negotiable, serious enquiries only! Tel: 669-8152 TO LET

LEARN TO DRIVE Soman Son & Outar Driving School at Maraj BuildingTel:644-5166; 622-2872; 6150964; 689-5997 PEN PAL Indian male seeking female; reply with picture & phone # to M.D 7475 Gorewau Drive #47 Mississauga on – L4T3T3 Canada

Eccles: Large two storey concrete building with all conveniences – Call: 641-2939 Fully Furnished vacation home with all amenities- Call during working hours – Call: 227-1218 One upstairs & downstairs 3 bedrooms house in South Ruimveldt Gardens -$130,000 – Call: 610-5087 between 11:30-14:00 hrs, Mon – Sat.

Blankenburg, 3 lots 75X76 each, $15M, all 3 lots, Parika, Peter Street, lot size 38’X150' - $7.9M-Contact # 650-0402/ 260-4988 Road side 10 acres of land at Kuru Kururu, Soesdyke Linden Highway - Call: 6013369 Houselot: Parcel No: 100, Block XV, Granville Housing Scheme, Beterverwagting, East Coast Demerara. Call: 227-1907

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Hebrew Family of Guyana celebrates New Year The Hebrew Family of Guyana has announced that last Sunday, March 22nd marked the beginning of the Hebrew New Year. Aviv is the name of the first month on the

Hebrew calendar and the start of the spring season. The Hebrew New Year was celebrated by a candlelight dinner last Saturday evening at the

Hebrew Cultural Centre located at 3619 Christiani Street, North Ruimveldt, and a Family Fun Day on Sunday at the Guyana Defence Force Ground, this included fun games, races for children and adults, bouncy castles, trampolines, gift-giving for the children and lots of food. A memorial Passover commemorating the deliverance of the children of

Israel from the house of bondage in Egypt will be observed on the evening April 4, followed by a sevenday feast known as Khag Matzote or The Feast of Unleavened Bread will be observed from the April 5th thru April 11th . “Guyana is a beautiful and rich land. It is a land of milk and honey. We have our own Garden of Eden and Land of

Canaan. We share beautiful sunshine and wonderful showers of rain. We can see stars shining abundantly above and powerful glittering rivers below. We must all give thanks and appreciate life and what the Creator has given us. We must use this important time and opportunity in life to imitate the Almighty’s kindness, mercy and love. The spring

season brings cleansing and new life in nature. May this New Year and season clean and make new our minds and hearts. Let us all work together as a common humanity to create a happy, prosperous and peaceful Guyana. We owe it to our children. On behalf of the entire Hebrew Israelite community happy New Year!!”

Enjoying the Fun Day.

Stop selective... (From page 16) the law. If you’re not comfortable with the law, then you should lobby and do what you have to do and get it changed,” Slowe declared. He also lamented that other laws such as using a seatbelt and talking on a cellular phone while driving are also being disregarded, all because of a lack of enforcement. “And I’m saying that until such time that we have proper enforcement of the laws that are on the books you’re going to continue to have chaos,” said Slowe, who was considered one of the country’s most proactive traffic chiefs. But just what is responsible for this weak enforcement? According to Slowe, it has to do with the professionalism, or lack thereof, of the Police Force. “Because they have in many cases selective

enforcement…because they know about the laws…but some people are scared because people are connected and they make a phone call and the ranks are dealt with unfairly, I believe, in many cases,” Slowe opined. He referred to this scenario as shifting focus, since whenever a complaint is made against a rank who is doing his job, his officer usually takes the side of the complainant, although he is the one who committed an offence in the first place. “Let’s assume that the stop was done correctly and the rank was courteous in approach, yet the focus is shifted from the fact that the person broke the law to the fact that he was stopped, and the junior ranks become frustrated. These are some of the things that are hindering enforcement,” Slowe explained.

Letters... Where your views make the news

T&HD treats Bartica passengers shabbily

DEAR EDITOR, Please allow me to bring attention to the plight of travellers who use the Bartica steamer. The Transport and Harbours Department who runs the steamers, Malali and Makouria, between Parika and Bartica, continuously show a contempt for passengers that have to use this service. Instead of providing a service to passengers the Transport and Harbours Department pushes customers to use the $2,500... “use at your own risk” but fast speedboat service. 1. Try catching the steamer that leaves Parika at 5 am with virtually no transportation on the West Coast Demerara road at that dark time in the fore day morning is extremely hard. There’s no certainty of buses going to Parika from Georgetown at that time of

day. 2. Also, why is no clear path left for passengers to disembark. Climbing with luggage over plantains and bananas between greasy trucks and cars show how much travellers are not valued. The older folks receive no help from staff to guide them out. It is the fittest who gets off first with no regard for courtesy or manners or safety. 3. Are the seats sprayed for insects? Up to now can’t the Transport and Harbours Department afford to have plank with a rail that travellers can hold to safely leave the steamer. I travel on the steamer often and see others, including young families, struggle with these issues. Have a heart Transport and Harbours Department. Don’t ban me now though. Nelga Azonwanna

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Kaieteur News

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German Airbus crashes in French Alps Obama slows withdrawal of with 150 dead, black box found U.S. troops in Afghanistan …Investigators seek clues

A police officer (L) escorts a man believed to be a family member of a passenger killed in Germanwings plane crash as he arrives at Barcelona’s El Prat airport (Reuters) - French investigators will sift through wreckage on Wednesday for clues into why a German Airbus ploughed into an Alpine mountainside, killing all 150 people on board including 16 schoolchildren returning from an exchange trip to Spain . The A320 jet operated by Lufthansa’s Germanwings budget airline was obliterated when it went down in a rugged area of ravines on Tuesday while flying over France en route to Duesseldorf from Barcelona. No distress call was received from the aircraft, but France said one of the two “black box” flight recorders had been recovered from the site 2,000 meters (6,000 feet) above sea level. A person familiar with the recovery effort told Reuters that this was the cockpit voice recorder. Investigators will also need the other black box which records flight data, information that is essential

for probing air accidents. Civil aviation investigators from France’s Bureau d’Enquetes et d’Analyses (BEA) are expected to hold a news conference on Wednesday afternoon. In Washington, the White House said the crash did not appear to have been caused by a terrorist attack. Lufthansa said it was working on the assumption that the tragedy had been an accident, adding that any other theory would be speculation. French President Francois Hollande will visit the area about 100 km (65 miles) north of the Riviera city of Nice on Wednesday along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. Germanwings believed 67 Germans had been on the flight and Spain’s deputy prime minister said 45 passengers had Spanish

names. One Belgian was also aboard. Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop confirmed two Australian citizens had died, a mother and her adult son from the state of Victoria. British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said in a statement that it was likely some British nationals were on board the flight. He said checks were still being made on passenger information. Also among the victims were 16 teenagers and two teachers from the JosephKoenig-Gymnasium high school in the town of Haltern am See in northwest Germany They were on their way home after a week-long Spanish exchange program near Barcelona. It was a reciprocal visit after 12 Spanish students spent a week at their school in December. Students were sent home from the school but many returned in the afternoon with candles in their hands and tears in their eyes to mourn.

President Barack Obama (Reuters) – President Barack Obama on Tuesday granted Afghan requests to slow the drawdown of U.S. troops from Afghanistan and said he would maintain a force of 9,800 through the end of 2015 while sticking to a 2017 exit plan. Capping a day of VIP treatment for Afghan President Ashraf Ghani at the White House, Obama said the U.S. force would be kept at its current strength to train and assist Afghan forces, who took over responsibility for the fight against Taliban and other Islamic militants at the start of the year. Obama said the pace of the U.S. troop reduction in 2016 would be established later this year and the goal remained to consolidate U.S. forces in the country in a presence at the Kabul embassy at the end of 2016. Under a previous plan

U.S. forces were to have been cut to about half of the current level of just under 10,000 by the end of 2015, but U.S. officials said improved relations with Afghan leaders contributed to a revision of the plan. “It was my assessment as commander in chief that it made sense for us to provide a few extra months for us to be able to help on things like logistics,” Obama said during a joint news conference with Ghani at the White House. “The date for us to have completed our drawdown will not change,” he said. “Providing this additional timeframe during this fighting season for us to be able to help the Afghan security forces succeed is well worth it.” A senior U.S. official told Reuters last week the U.S. military bases in Kandahar

and Jalalabad were likely to remain open beyond the end of 2015. Since arriving on Sunday, Ghani has been feted by the Obama administration and is due to address Congress on Wednesday. The welcome contrasts sharply with frosty relations that developed between Washington and Ghani’s predecessor Hamid Karzai. Ghani has repeatedly expressed gratitude to the American military and at the White House spoke about meeting the widow of Major General Harold Greene, the highest-ranking U.S. officer killed during the 13 years Americans fought in Afghanistan . “The 2,215 Americans that have died, must not die in vain. They must leave behind a legacy of a stable Afghanistan,” Ghani said.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Fears in T&T of campaign to Traffic snarled across discredit work of women journalists Trinidad as police block roads This statement was originally published on acmpress.org yesterday. The Association of Caribbean MediaWorkers (ACM) condemns continued unlawful and defamatory social media attacks on women journalists in Trinidad and Tobago. We believe that a wellresourced, concerted attempt is being made to intimidate and to smear the characters of some journalists in the face of their investigative and analytical work. In one instance, which occurred Monday, a video withdrawn by YouTube in 2013, on account of violations of its guidelines on privacy and the portrayal of minors, was circulated via social media channels in a clear attempt to defame investigative journalist, Asha Javeed, of the Trinidad Express. In several countries, slurs of a sexual nature against women journalists, in particular, are among a variety of welldocumented strategies designed to produce a chilling effect on the practice of journalism. We call on the Trinidad & Tobago media industry, gov-

ernment, law enforcement, civil society organisations, bar associations and citizens to take action to both discourage this disturbing trend and to ensure that offenders are duly punished. We have also been advised that in the run-up to elections due later this year, there has been an increase in social media attacks, some of them legally actionable,

against targeted journalists. We encourage media professionals to exercise their legal options when deemed necessary. The ACM has lent its support to the resuscitation of the Media Association of Trinidad & Tobago (MATT) in part because of the need to ensure there are rapid, national level responses to such strategies. (Caribbean News)

Luther Buchanan

KINGSTON, Jamaica CMC – Jamaica has signed an agreement allowing the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) country to export pepper and dasheen to oil rich Trinidad and Tobago. Junior Agriculture Minister Luther Buchanan, said the agreement was reached at the CARICOM level for the export of the crops, describing the accord as “a win-win” for both countries. He said the move is in keeping with efforts by the Government to increase exports to CARICOM markets. Buchanan

said farmers in St. Ann had produced approximately 55,348 tonnes of domestic crops last year despite being adversely affected by one of the worst droughts that the country has ever experienced. “St Ann, which is described as the Garden Parish… has over 18,000 registered farmers producing crops such as pimento, yam, sweet potato, corn, and a wide variety of vegetables as well as livestock farmers who rear cattle, goats and pigs… I commend you for the significant contribution you have made to feeding our nation and to food security,” he said. He noted that the agricultural sector contributes seven per cent to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and provides employment for 18 per cent of the labour force.

Asha Javeed

Jamaica to export peppers and dasheen to Trinidad and Tobago

P O R T- O F - S PA I N , Trinidad (AP) — Police in Trinidad and Tobago on Monday blocked major roadways and paralyzed traffic in the twin-island Caribbean nation amid a salary dispute with the government. Roadblocks forced exasperated motorists to sit in traffic jams for hours. The gridlock kept passengers from reaching the airport, prompting some airlines to delay flights, and forced several businesses and schools to close. Many students were unable to take end-of-term exams. While police are negotiating for higher pay, union officials did not describe the gridlock as a job action. But

police welfare association official Roger Alexander told a morning TV programme the roadblocks across the twinisland country were meant to “show the importance of the police on the ground.” Police are demanding a 14 percent salary hike. It’s not

clear what the government is offering. Opposition lawmaker Jack Warner urged police to rethink negotiation tactics, saying thousands of law-abiding citizens were being “imprisoned in vehicles that are stranded in the traffic.”

US removes dozens of Cuban companies from blacklist WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration has removed dozens of Cuban companies from a U.S. blacklist of terror supporters and narcotics traffickers, another step in the two countries’ process to improve relations. The Treasury Department made the announcement yesterday. Several of the firms are

connected to Cuba’s tourism industry, including cruise lines and tour operators. Some are in Panama, though two are in the United States. A number of vessels cleared from the list sail with Cypriot flags. Companies and individuals on the department’s “specially designated nationals”

list are banned from doing business in the United States. Washington is still weighing the bigger question of removing Cuba’s government from a separate terrorism list. The Cubans are pressing for such action as the two nations negotiate terms for re-establishing embassies in each other’s capitals.


OC believes days of free education are numbered Daily Nation - As the debate over the introduction of tuition fees for Barbadians at the University of the West Indies rages on, there is a view that fees will be imposed across the school system in the not-too-distant future. Queen’s Counsel Pat Cheltenham, who described himself as being among the first beneficiaries of free education in Barbados in 1962, said the days of free education at the secondary level

may soon be a thing of the past. Speaking over the weekend at the launch of the Foundation Old Scholars Scholarship Fund at Tapas restaurant, Hastings, Christ Church, Cheltenham said while education continued to be free, schools were struggling to provide basic supplies for both students and staff. “To think that several moons thereafter we’re now at the point where we’re pass-

Pat Cheltenham ing the hat to educate people. We’ve either gone full circle, or the bottom has dropped out of the bucket,” he said.

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Kaieteur News

EU foreign policy chief starts Cuba visit Havana (AFP) - EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini arrived in Cuba for crucial talks aimed at normalizing ties between the European Union and the communist island state. The visit comes as previously icy relations between Cuba and the West are thawing, following the dramatic rapprochement between Havana and Washington in the last few months. Mogherini will meet Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez during the two-day visit which “comes at a crucial time” for negotiations between the two sides, her office said ahead of her arrival, which was confirmed by a source close to the EU in Cuba. The EU and Cuba held a third round of talks between chief negotiators at the beginning of March aimed at tackling sensitive human rights issues and finalizing an agreement “on political dialogue and cooperation.” Besides meeting Rodriguez yesterday, Mogherini is due to meet other Cuban government officials as well as the archbishop of Havana, Cardinal Jaime Ortega, and civil soci-

Federica Mogherini ety representatives. No meeting with President Raul Castro has been announced. Separately, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was also expected yesterday in Havana.

Venezuelan leader’s popularity inches up to 25 percent: poll CARACAS (Reuters) Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s popularity inched up to 25 percent in March, according to leading local pollster Datanalisis, after the United States declared Venezuela a security threat and ordered sanctions against seven officials. The measures from Washington provided an unlikely helping hand to the socialist leader at one of the worst moments for the ruling “Chavismo” movement. Maduro has cranked up revolutionary rhetoric against so-called “imperialist” aggression to fire up supporters and unite his disparate coalition ahead of parliamentary elections, a strategy that seems to have triggered a modest popularity bounce. “Maduro has a 25 percent popularity level,” Datanalisis said in a tweet yesterday, citing its president Luis Vicente Leon. That’s up from the low 20s, though Leon suggested the difference was within the margin of error. He did not provide the poll’s margin of error or sample size. “In the last four surveys, Maduro’s popularity has been stable, it hasn’t fallen further,” Datanalisis added. Maduro is seen unlikely to stage a lasting comeback even if the row with the United States gives him a temporary bounce. The diplomatic flare-up’s

Nicolas Maduro effect can only go so far in distracting a country with near 70 percent inflation, the world’s second highest murder rate and shortages of basic goods including milk and diapers. Datanalisis said the scar-

city index, a measure of shortages of staple goods, hit 57 percent in Caracas this month. Opinion polls in Venezuela are divergent and controversial, but Datanalisis is one of the most closely watched and respected.

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Wednesday March 25, 2015

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Kaieteur News

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New Zealand hold nerve...

Gayle signs for Somerset in English T20

(From page 41) Taylor, either, as he tickled a catch down the leg side off Duminy and at 149 for 4 the semi-final was starting to look New Zealand’s glass-ceiling for the seventh time. However, Elliott and Anderson did not panic. They picked off loose deliveries, regularly making use of the short straight boundaries. Anderson’s let-off came, but it was still far from a comfortable ask even if the mood was changing. The first two overs of the batting Powerplay brought just 11, then Morkel went for 12, including a six over deep square by Elliott, and the same tally came off Imran Tahir who had bowled superbly to help quell the early charge. De Villiers felt he had to bowl himself and it would not have been beyond him to win the match. With each wicket, New Zealand responded. It was the counter punching of

two outstanding cricket teams with their eye on the ultimate prize. The question will be asked if South Africa came out on the wrong side of the Duckworth-Lewis calculations after their innings was interrupted with de Villiers in full flow and Faf du Plessis set for a hundred in the 38th over. On resumption they plundered 65 in five overs, mainly due to David Miller’s 18-ball 49 as de Villiers lost the strike, but the adjusted 298 in 43 did feel less daunting than the 360 in 50 that could have been on the cards. All speculation, though. That South Africa could not cut loose until the 30th over was credit to New Zealand’s bowlers, led by the outstanding Trent Boult who took two early scalps to make himself New Zealand’s leading wicket-taker at a World Cup with 21 victims ahead of Geoff Allott’s 20 in 1999.

However, for the first time in the tournament fielding let them down as four chances, albeit two tough ones, were missed. Key to the reconnaissance was du Plessis. Worked over early on by Boult and the brisk Matt Henry, who was calledup at the last minute to replace Adam Milne, du Plessis soaked up the pressure rather than succumb to it. He had been desperate for another knockout contest against New Zealand after the heated quarter-final four years ago which ended with South Africa on the losing side. By a fluke of results he got his wish but in the end there was no redemption. New Zealand 299 for 6 in 42.5 overs (Elliott 84*, McCullum 59, Anderson 58, Morkel 3-59) beat South Africa 281 for 5 in 43 overs (Du Plessis 82, De Villiers 65*, Miller 49) by 4 wickets (D/ L method). (ESPNcricinfo)

Wednesday March 25th 2015 ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) You feel especially sexy right now. A powerful feeling of love and a need to physically express it could be with you all day.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Communication between you and those you love is likely to be heightened, Libra, as you learn to speak your mind while not being too blunt.

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20) Close relationships could lead to a feeling of spiritual unity today. In fact, Taurus, you might feel as if those who share your interests are actually your family now.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Today you will experience the full force of their feelings. The doors of communication are open for you.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20) Love, sex, and romance are on your mind today, Gemini, so you will want to spend as much time as possible with your lover. CANCER (June 21–July 22) You're likely to feel extremely warm and loving toward most of the people you know, and they should reciprocate that feeling. LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) Relations with family or other members of your household should be especially warm now. Mutual goals and shared wins and losses are likely to bring you closer. VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) The bonds in your relationships will be strengthened, perpetuating the good feelings you've felt all year. Current bonds grow more devoted, while new ones become close.

SAGIT(Nov.22–Dec.21) You're always one to face things logically, Sagittarius, and today you turn that l o g i c , along with your intuition, toward reassessing some of your values. CAPRI(Dec.22–Jan.19) You're likely to feel especially friendly and outgoing today, Capricorn. People you meet, particularly through groups, are likely to be strongly attracted to you. AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb.18) You should be in a warm and romantic mood today, Aquarius. You will want to schedule an intimate evening with your partner, but you probably won't feel like staying in. PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) The mutual exploration of spiritual and intellectual ideas could bring you closer to friends and lovers. Fascinating discussions open new horizons to all participants.

Somerset, England Somerset County Cricket Club are delighted to announce that we have signed Chris Gayle. The 35 year old West

Indies batsman will join the County as an overseas player for a portion of the NatWest T20 Blast season. Depending on how far his franchise progress into the

Indian Premier League, he will join Somerset on either the 22nd or 29th of May and will be with the Club until June 13th. This will enable him to feature in the following

Cricket Matt Maynard said: “Signing a world class player of the quality of Chris Gayle is tremendously exciting for the Club. He will be a tremendous addition to our already extremely strong squad. He is an inspirational character and we are delighted to be bringing him to Somerset. We have a number of overseas players on the roster for the 2015 campaign and Chris’ arrival and registration will give us a number of options which

we will look at as we approach each competition.” Chris Gayle said: “I’m excited about joining Somerset for the NatWest T20 Blast this year. Many of the Club’s Members and supporters will know that I came close to playing for the County in 2012 and I have always felt that, if I was able to, I wanted to honour that commitment to Somerset. I’m looking forward to coming to Taunton and scoring some runs”.

Chris Gayle Gayle, who nearly joined Somerset in 2012, has played in 45 T20 Internationals, scoring 1406 runs at an average of 35.15 with a highest score of 117. He has played in an additional 195 T20 matches, amassing 6975 runs at an average 42.01 with a top score of 175*. He can also boast 13 centuries and 45 half centuries in T20 cricket and 1 century and 13 half centuries in T20I’s. His statistics are equally impressive in Test cricket where he has scored 7214 runs in 103 matches at an average of 42.18. His highest Test score came in 2010 when he made 333 against Sri Lanka in Galle. This was his second triple century and surpassed his previous best of 317 against South Africa in 2005. The left hander’s One-Day record is also one to strike fear in to the hearts of bowlers. In 268 ODI’s he has scored 9160 runs at an average of 37.23 and recently made his highest ODI score of 215 in the West Indies World Cup win over Zimbabwe. This was the first time in World Cup history that a player had reached a double century. His right arm off breaks are also a more than useful weapon. Somerset Director of

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Platini triumphs at UEFA and launches attack on Blatter Vienna (AFP) - Football legend Michel Platini yesterday scored a hat-trick of victories for the presidency of UEFA and made an immediate attack on Sepp Blatter’s leadership of world body FIFA. The 59-year-old Frenchman secured unopposed a third four-year term running one of the world’s richest sports federations. But within minutes of taking the applause of the 54 member federations, and with Blatter sat in the audience, Platini launched new criticism of FIFA’s scandalplagued leadership. FIFA is to hold a presidential election on May 29. Blatter is the favourite to win but for the first time faces three rivals for his post. Europe, infuriated by controversy surrounding the awarding of the 2022 World Cup to Qatar, is leading the campaign against the Swiss official. ”We do love FIFA dearly. Europe’s entire football community loves FIFA dearly. It

is precisely because we love and respect it that we want it to be perfect,” Platini said. The UEFA boss also sought to win over the heads of the Asian, North America, South American and Oceania confederations who likewise were at the European body’s annual congress. Without naming anyone, Platini said: “Certain people are perhaps trying to turn us against each other, seeking to divide and rule. ”They are trying to isolate the supposedly arrogant and selfish Europeans.” “Do not believe everything that you hear,” said Platini. “Yes, we know that we are in a privileged position. Yes, we know that we make mistakes and are not necessarily any better than anyone else. ”You should know that we are willing to work with you, hand in hand, for the good of world football, for the good of the 209 national associations worldwide, and for the

good of FIFA.” Earlier, Blatter won only polite applause from the UEFA audience when he made an appeal for the “unity and this solidarity which exists as the foundations of football.” The 79-year-old Blatter refused to address UEFA’s Congress with his three rivals for the FIFA leadership — Prince Ali bin Al Hussein of Jordan, a FIFA vice president, Dutch federation chief Michael van Praag and former Portugal star Luis Figo. He spoke to the UEFA meeting at the start of he day in his role as FIFA president. “Together with Europe, we need to build this unity on the inside and on the outside of your respective organisations,” Blatter said. dark days The FIFA battle overshadowed Platini’s success in winning a new term and his early message that Europe faces a return to the “dark days” of football hooliganism unless

governments act. Platini said Europe’s governments had to stop a return to the 1980s when “hooligans and all manner of fanatics called the shots” in many European stadiums. The former football star highlighted the 30th anniversary of the 1985 Heysel stadium disaster in Brussels, when 39 people died and he was playing for Juventus against Liverpool in the European Cup final. ”Europe is seeing a rise in nationalism and extremism the like of which we have not witnessed for a very long time,” Platini said. When Platini took over in 2007, UEFA earned 895 million euros ($980 million) in revenues. For 2015-16 when it will organise the European Championships for countries and the Champions League for clubs, it predicted earnings of 4.6 billion euros ($5.05 billion). In eight years leading UEFA, Platini has reinforced

the standing of the Champions League, now one of the world’s most valuable sports brands which will earn more than 2.2 billion euros ($2.4 billion) a season from 2016 to 2018. He has forced Europe’s top clubs to rein in their profligate spending under Financial Fair Play rules. The European Championship for countries is also being reformed. Euro 2020 will be played in 13 cities in 13 different countries. A Nations League, which offers qualification for the European Championship finals, will from 2018 replace most of the friendlies played by European countries that get little attention. Platini, who won the 1984 European Championship with France, considered running against Blatter but finally decided to stay with UEFA, though he has said he could consider a run at the FIFA presidency in the future. However, he refused to rule

Michel Platini out seeking another mandate in charge of UEFA when asked whether he would stand again. “Maybe,” said Platini. “I will go where I wish to, UEFA, FIFA, elsewhere in the world. ”I will be 60 in (June 21) and be almost 64 when my mandate ends. If I must do something, it will be for the last time. “I I want to go fishing, it will be for the last time,” he added with a smile.

English PL duo Danns and Briggs... (From page 40) off the field. It’s an opportunity I am looking to grasp with both hands not just in a football sense but also in helping out in the growth of football in Guyana. As I can see there is a lot of potential and obviously the facilities may not yet be up to the standard of those in European football but I am sure once that sort of stuff is looked upon there will be a great opportunity in the future for players and the kids of Guyana to obviously go out there and gain more experience themselves once given that opportunity.” Golden Jaguars Captain Christopher Nurse described the day as special for Guyanese football noting that the two players are superstars worldwide. ”To achieve what they have been able to in their individual careers so far and to be able to bring that to the Guyana national programme is good for the team, players and Guyana’s football going forward.” Nurse noted that for the Guyanese players to be able to be around the humble duo and to converse with them is a big motivator and great experience. ”For them to come from the stadium they come from to Guyana, a country that doesn’t have a sound football facility right now shows their humility as players and how much they love the game. They want to give back and

Ready to represent! England-based Guyanese players Matthew Briggs (centre) and Neil Danns (5th right) pose with Golden Jaguars and Banks DIH officials at the GFF yesterday. From right, Banks Managers, Brian Choo Hen, Jeoff Clement, Faizal Khan (GJ’s Admin and Sponsorship Manager), Christopher Nurse and Jamaal Shabazz. get in touch with their roots, so it’s not just about their footballing ability; you have to look at their personality as well.” Also sharing the head table at yesterday’s press conference was Banks DIH Banks Manager Brian Choo Hen who encouraged all to come out and support the Golden Jaguars in their quest to take Guyana’s football to the highest pinnacle. ”Banks beer will be making it more affordable; when you buy six banks beer you will win a ticket free to general admission, this makes it much easier for fans to come and

support the Golden Jaguars. I’m confident that the Golden Jaguars will be victorious this time around again with the help of God almighty.” Choo Hen thanked the GFF Normalisation Committee for giving them the opportunity to be on board and they are looking forward to a continued relationship as they support the development of football in Guyana. Head Coach Jamaal Shabazz in remarks said he was happy to welcome Briggs and Danns on board after tracking them down for some time now. Shabazz also noted that their acquisition makes it

interesting for Guyana and Caribbean football. ”For these guys to do what Christopher Nurse and Carl and Leon Cort have done is saying something very profound. That they are very, very conscious not just of football but of the need to connect with their roots, and it is that connection we see football, and the young people of the Caribbean being able to benefit.” Shabazz complimented the GFF and his staff for being very ambitious. “Ambition is what drives us to seek new frontiers. When you look back at our last time here we played

Columbia, Coats Rica and Mexico. Where have these three teams reached in the grand world cup? All these teams were top teams and top performers in the last world cup and we were on the field with them.” Shabazz was emphatic in stating that they want to now go beyond just participating with the big teams. ”The time has come now for us to start to compete and battle with them and in so doing it is necessary to have players of the caliber of Matthew and Neil to be able to bring what they can to the table as Nurse and company

have done.” Shabazz said that he has now officially banned the terms, foreign and local. “It is only Guyanese and this is the Guyana national team. Together we will live this dream.” Danns and Briggs arrived in Guyana on Sunday night last and have said the other players have welcome them with open arms and are fun to be around noting they have settled in well. Danns, who commenced his playing career at the FA’s School of Excellence and signed as a trainee for Blackburn Rovers at age 16 intimated that they will not only bring on field experience to the programme but off the field as well. ”There are standards that are met in England in terms of how you live, diet , how you train and I think with our experience we can bring over for some of the local lads who might not have had the opportunity to work with some sort of specialists like we work with in England. We can pass on our knowledge, there are so many little bits that make up to make you a good football player and hopefully we can pass on some our knowledge and they can take it on board and it can help them in a positive way and help them further their football careers.” The duo also promised to reach out to other professional players with a view of selling Guyana to them and to encourage them to join the programme.

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Western Union maintains support of RHTY&SC Cricket Development Programme The Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club (RHTY&SC) is set to continue its investment in the development of its young cricketers with support from Western Union which on Friday last handed over $350,000 worth of cricket equipment to the club that would be shared out to six young players. Five of the players are from the RHTY&SC, while the club as part of its cricket outreach programme is also assisting a player from the Blairmont Community Centre. Club Secretary/CEO Hilbert Foster stated that the Water Street based Western Union which has branches countrywide and the club in 2009 launched the RHTY&SC/ Western Union Junior Ambassador Cricket Programme. Numerous players have benefitted from $2M worth of equipment and they include National Junior players, Shawn Pereira, Gudakesh Motie Kanhai, Loyden Lewis, Linden Austin and Akshay

Western Union Marketing Manager Reenea Williams presents the sponsorship cheque to RHTY&SC’s Hilbert Foster. Homraj. This year the cricketers, all Under-19 are Kevlon Anderson, Junior Sinclair, Plaffina Millington, Keith Simpson, Shatika Gajnabi and Shimar Flats. Gajnabi and Millington are national Under-19 players while Millington also plays for the national senior team. Anderson, Sinclair and Simpson have played for Berbice at the Under-15 level

with Anderson and Sinclair expected to make their national debut in this year’s WICB Under-15 tournament. Flats is a promising middle order batsman from the Blairmont Club. Foster, in handing over the gears to the youngsters, challenged them to be disciplined at all times, to listen advice and most importantly to always strive for excellence on and off the cricket field.

Five of the recipients show off their equipment Noting that education is the key to success, Foster pleaded for them to stay in school, to obtain a solid education and to always Say No to Drugs. He also warned them that the RHTY&SC was investing heavily in their careers and as such expected loyalty and high standards. He expressed gratitude to the Management of Western Union for its continued support and praised former Mar-

keting Director Ms. Natheeah Mendonca for her commitment to youth development. Marketing officer Mrs. Reenea Williams in handing over the cheque, stated that Western Union was pleased with the success of the Junior Ambassador programme and the development of the players especially those who have gone on to play for Guyana and in the case of Motie, the West

Indies. She disclosed that the club and Western Union would sit down next month to discuss areas of cooperation as the company was impressed with the work of the RHTY&SC. She also congratulated the club on achieving its Silver Jubilee. Foster also handed over a Silver Anniversary Souvenir T-Shirt to Mrs. Williams.

India battle tide of Mayweather vs. Pacquiao will be history against Australia most expensive pay-per-view fight

Defending champions India will hope the law of averages does not catch up with them when they clash with hosts Australia in a widelyanticipated World Cup semifinal in Sydney on Thursday. India have beaten Australia just once in 35 years in a oneday international at the Sydney Cricket Ground when a Sachin Tendulkar century helped them win the first of the three-match tri-series final in 2008. But Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s men have confounded critics by recovering from a winless bilateral tour of Australia before the World Cup to brush aside all-comers in the tournament. Starting with two wins against Pakistan and South Africa, India won all six group matches to top Pool B and then downed spirited Bangladesh by 109 runs in the quarter-finals. Amazingly, India have piled up 300-plus scores every time they have batted first and dismissed the opposition in all seven matches so far. India now confront a side that

has won seven of their 10 World Cup meetings against them, although Dhoni’s men secured a five-wicket win in the quarter-final at home in Ahmedabad four years ago. Four-time champions Australia have won all six semi-finals they have appeared in since the inaugural event in 1975, but India will consider the SCG as the best venue to halt that record. Groundsman Tom Parker has kept both teams guessing on the nature of the pitch he will unveil for the semi-final, but the wear and tear at the end of a long season indicates spinfriendly conditions. South African spinners Imran Tahir and JP Duminy shared seven wickets to bowl out Sri Lanka for 133 in the quarter-final at the SCG last week, setting up a nine-wicket win for the Proteas. But the bat dominated the ball in previous World Cup games at the venue, with Australia piling up 376 for nine against Sri Lanka and South Africa smashing 408 for five off the West Indies’ attack. Australian coach Darren Lehmann expected a wicket similar to the one his team got for the match against Sri Lanka and predicted a highscoring encounter. I think the pitch will be very similar to the one we used in the game against Sri Lanka when almost 700 runs were scored, so I think this

will be another high-scoring affair,” Lehmann wrote on the official Cricket Australia website www.cricket.com.au. Lehmann felt that constant meetings with India over the summer would “add an extra element to what already looms as an enthralling contest.” With organisers estimating that 70 percent of the tickets have been picked up by Indian fans, Australia would feel as if they were playing an away game on their own soil. India will once again bank on a sound start from openers Shikhar Dhawan, who has 367 runs in the tournament with two centuries, and Rohit Sharma, who hit 137 against Bangladesh. But it will be Virat Kohli the Australians will be wary of after the elegant righthander hit four centuries in the preceding four-Test series, including 147 and 46 at the SCG. Kohli’s form dipped after a match-winning century against Pakistan, but Dhoni was confident of his star batsman coming good when it mattered. India’s pace trio of Mohammad Shami, Umesh Yadav and Mohit Sharma have claimed 42 wickets between them, but it will be the off-spin of Ravichandran Ashwin that Dhoni will turn to if the pitch takes turn. The winner of Thursday’s match will face New Zealand in the final in Melbourne on Sunday.

Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao The fight between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao will be the most expensive boxing match in UK pay-per-view history. Sky Sports Box Office has been awarded the rights to show live coverage of the fight from the MGM Grand in Las Vegas on Saturday, 2 May. The channel will charge customers up to £24.95 to watch the bout depending on how it is booked. Customers were charged £14.95 to watch Ricky Hatton fight Mayweather in 2007. That fight holds the UK pay-per-view audience record with 1.2m viewers. Sky say the bout is the highest priced

boxing fight they have ever put on. In America, cable networks Showtime and HBO are preparing to charge a record $99.95 (£65) to show the fight on pay-per-view. The MayweatherPacquiao fight, staged after six years of negotiations, is expected to generate as much as £162m ($250m). American Mayweather, 38, and Filipino Pacquiao, 36, are considered to be the best two fighters of their generation. Mayweather’s WBC and WBA welterweight titles and Pacquiao’s WBO belt will be on the line at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.

Mayweather is unbeaten in 47 professional fights; Pacquiao has 57 wins and five losses from 64 contests. To date, the most lucrative fight is thought to have been Mayweather’s bout against Saul Alvarez in 2013, which made an estimated £97m. Mayweather-Pacquiao will almost certainly beat that record, as well as the mark for worldwide pay-perview purchases, which is currently 2.5m for Mayweather-Oscar De la Hoya in 2007. There will be live text commentary of MayweatherPacquiao on the BBC Sport website on 2 May. (BBCsport)

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday March 25, 2015


Copete nets brace as Nicaragua wins opener Managua, Nicaragua – Luis Fernando Copete scored two goals and Nicaragua posted a 5-0 victory over Anguilla on Monday in their first round, first leg CONCACAF qualifier for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in front of a crowd of more than 6,000 at the Estadio Nacional. It was Nicaragua’s largestever win in a full international, providing a significant advantage heading into the second leg on March 29 at James Ronald Webster Park in The Valley. The host was on the offensive from the opening whistle and went ahead 1-0 in the 12th minute through a right-footed effort by Luis Galeano. Copete increased the lead in the 24th minute, before captain Juan Barrera made it 3-0 two minutes later. A cross from influential midfielder Franklin Lopez was headed home by Copete for the Pinoleros’ fourth with six minutes remaining in the half. Norfran Lazo completed the scoreline in the 62nd minute as Copete and Manuel Rosas were substituted shortly afterwards, possibly for injury reasons. The series winner

will face Suriname in June. 10-man St. Kitts & Nevis tops Turks & Caicos Despite playing a majority of the match with only 10 men, St. Kitts & Nevis earned a 6-2 win over visiting Turks & Caicos Islands in the first leg of their first round CONCACACF qualifying series for the 2018 FIFA World Cup at Warner Park on Monday night. Orlando Mitchum scored at the end of half to lead the host, which lost the services of Mudassa Howe to a straight red card in the 27th minute and saw Zephaniah Thomas miss an early penalty kick. “We wanted to win by a bigger margin to give our fans something because we haven’t played here for a bit, that would have helped us tremendously going into the second game,” said St. Kitts head coach Jeffrey Hazel. “We could have been a bit more clinical both in defense and attack.” In an active first half, captain Atiba Harris gave the Kittians a 1-0 lead in the 18th minute, finding the far corner off an effort from the right side of the penalty area. Turks

Action from the CONCACAF World Cup qualifier between host St. Kitts & Nevis and Turks & Caicos Islands. (Photo: SKNVibes.com) & Caicos fired back four minutes later through Billy Forbes, who struck for his first-ever international goal. As the half wore on, the Sugar Boys became more threatening on the offensive end and scored twice just before the break as Thrizen Leader and Mitchum found the back of the net in the 43rd and 45th minutes, respectively.

Tishan Hanley made it 4-1 in the 68th minute, before a 72nd minute own-goal by Gerard Williams brought Turks & Caicos back into the match. Late tallies by Errol O’Laughlin (85’) and Mitchum (89’), however, sealed the victory. It was St. Kitts’ third win in as many World Cup qualifiers against Turks & Caicos, in-

Bakewell preserves commitment to RHTY&SC 16 years on Bakery giants Bakewell of Dr. Miller Street, Truimph, East Coast, Demerara on Friday last renewed their cricket sponsorship of the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club (RHTY&SC) Bakewell Under17 and Second Division Teams. The sponsorship worth $200,000 was handed over by the company’s Managing Director Rajin Ganga to the RHTY&SC Secretary/CEO Hilbert Foster. He also handed over another sponsorship cheque towards the publication of the club’s anniversary magazine. Ganga stated that Bakewell would always be supportive of the club as it is a role model organization whose achievements speak for it. He also stated that the club and its cricketers had since 2000, represented the company’s brand with passion and dedication. Bakewell, as a corporate entity was pleased to be associated with the RHTY&SC and its work to make a positive difference. Club Secretary/CEO Hilbert Foster hailed the bond since 2000

Bakewell General Manager Rajin Ganga (right) hands over the sponsorship cheque to RHTY&SC Secretary/CEO Hilbert Foster. between the club and Bakewell as special and highly successful. He noted that the Rose Hall Town Bakewell teams have won a combined six Berbice championships and have produced players the likes of Assad Fudadin, Royston Crandon, Esaun Crandon, Shemaine Campbelle, Erva Giddings, Dominic Rikki, Shawn

Perriera, Akshay Homraj, Jason Sinclair, Khemraj Mahadeo, Kevlon Anderson among others. The team also completed over 600 community programmes under the subheadings of sports, charity, community development, youth development, pro-education, anti-drugs/suicide and religion. The Bakewell Second Di-

vision team in 2015 would be playing two teams as the club tries to expose its younger cricketers along with some female players to a higher standard of cricket as part of their development. The Bakewell ‘A’ team would be led by Major James Fraser of the Guyana Defense Force while first division player Simon Lawson would be in charge of guiding the younger ‘B’ team. Delbert Hicks would be player/ coach of the ‘A’ team while Ronston Lawson would serve as Manager/Mentor of the ‘B’ team. The long serving Secretary/CEO expressed gratitude to the Management of Bakewell for their support over the years and make special mention of Ganga, who he described as a true friend of the RHTY&SC and also a mentor/advisor to himself. Bakewell, apart from the cricket sponsorship also supports numerous other programmes of the club including the annual magazine, cricket academy, award ceremony, pro-education and anti-drugs programmes.

cluding 8-0 (home) and 6-0 (away) triumphs in 2000. The return game is set for Thursday in Providenciales with the series winner advancing to face El Salvador in June. USVI tops Barbados Barbados failed to convert on two penalty kicks and fell 1-0 to the visiting U.S. Virgin Islands in first round, first leg CONCACACF qualifier for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. At the National Stadium, Jamie Brown struck the decisive blow in the 16th minute in a match that saw the host be reduced to ten men after Jomo Harris was sent off early in the second half for a second caution. USVI goalkeeper Erik Mozzo was brilliant, especially in the second half, helping to maintain his side’s advantage heading into the return leg in St. Thomas tomorrow. Head coach Ahmed Mohammed said afterwards that victory was deserved because of hard work and tactical discipline. ”I want to thank my players because we had a very long six weeks [of training],” he commented. “We worked very hard to find a team of unity and organisation. Today’s match was very, very hard. It was a big fight. We are ready for the next week in St Thomas. It will not be easy. Barbados are better than us. We were the underdogs, but football has to play in 90 minutes.” Barbados’ technical director Marcos Falopa lamented his side’s mistakes, noting they had failed to capitalise on their opportunities. ”It was a very difficult match,” the Brazilian pointed out. “We believed this team would have done better but we did not succeed. It is the

first time in my life I see a team [miss] two penalties in a game like this, so we lost opportunities. Barbados had a golden opportunity after just two minutes, when Hadan Holligan twisted and turned on the edge of the box, before being brought down inside the area. Team captain Mario Harte lashed the resulting penalty against the right post. In the 13th minute, Kemar Headley headed a pass into Harte’s path only for him to shoot into the chest of the advancing Mozzo from pointblank range. Against the run of play, USVI took the lead three minutes later with a swift counterattacking move. A searching, aerial ball was played out of the back and Brown outpaced the Barbados full backs with a blistering run, lobbing goalkeeper Dario Weir after controlling the ball beautifully with his first touch. Down 1-0 at half-time, Barbados suffered a further setback nine minutes after the interval as Harris received his second card for a mistimed challenge. Undeterred, Barbados poured numbers forward and gained its second penalty on 66 minutes. Once again, Holligan again weaved his way into the box only to be brought down. Mozzo proved to be the hero, though, diving to his left to parry away Romario Harewood’s effort. In the dying moments, it was the 24year-old Mozzo who preserved USVI’s lead by denying Holligan from close range and parrying Sebastien Hunte’s powerful header onto the crossbar.

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Kaieteur News

Western Tigers roar and Winners Connection connect into next round

By Michael Benjamin The tournament had its genesis as a four-team scrubby and meticulous planning and shrewd organisation over the preceding years saw it blossoming to a gigantic spectacle. That was 25 years ago and residents of Linden reminisced on those inaugural days of steamy duels when the Kashif and Shanghai football tournament returned to its original home, the Mackenzie Sports Complex, last Monday evening. A fair sized crowd witnessed Western Tigers needle Hi Stars in the first game to the Winners Connection/Ann’s Grove shindig where the former team sent the latter packing 2-0. Anthony Abrams sent the ‘Tigers’ ahead with a pinpoint strike in the 17th minute while Rawle Gittens (18) and Rene Gibbons (83) were the architects of Winners Connection ’s victory. Ann’s Grove was gifted a spot in the tournament after the Guyana Defence Force opted out to participate in the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) Club Championship. This, coupled with their good showing in the just concluded Mayor’s Cup Football Championship where they had advanced to the quarter finals stage, gives the East Coast team a fighting chance. Gibbons sounded his presence from the first whistle when he evaded Ann’s Grove’s defence and tested their goalie with a stinger which the latter individual did well to hold on to. Persistency seemed to be Gibbons’ mantra and when he

Anthony Abrams made a similar breakthrough during the early exchanges, his right footed shot, a slanted one from the left flank, spelled goal from the time it was executed. The team from the East Coast upped their game somewhat and their custodian, Joel Samuels, should have taken a bow after plunging to his left to punch out a sharp shot by one of the opposition’s strikers. Otherwise, the first session was a contest of wits and skill as Ann’s Grove attempted to equalize and Winner’s Connection hustling to widen the advantage, all to no avail. The exchanges in the initial stage of the second session were furious and fast but in most cases were thwarted by staunch defensive tactics and at times, clever offensive ploys by both units. As the game wound down, Ann’s Grove started to lag even as the opposition’s coach wrung in the changes. The ploy worked when Gibbons collected a pass in front of Ann’s Grove goal and sent in a fierce kick that sped past its custodian while threatening to burst through the network. That success seemed to have drained the boys from Ann’s Grove and

their shoulders drooped as the minutes whittled away into seconds to the final whistle. Winners Connection will look to extend its winning streak when it tangles with Pele this Saturday at the Demerara Cricket Club ground. Western Tigers started their trek at a terrific pace and raided the opposition’s territory albeit unsuccessfully as the Hi Stars defenders proved a fortress. Abrams’ success started an onslaught as the ‘Tigers’ smelt blood but despite valiant efforts from Phillip Rowley, Deron Benjamin and Joshua Britton the’ Tigers’ could not put the finishing touches and had to be content with Abrams’ early success. In between, Dereck Carter was awesome between the uprights and held on to an especially ferocious strike by Julian Allicock. Hi Stars striker, Jason Cobena, made a last ditch effort about 5 minutes to the final whistle but Carter was at the top of his game and performed another miraculous save just before the whistle sealed the deal for t h e t e a m f r o m We s t Ruimveldt.

GDA competition set to commence Sunday The Guyana Draughts Association (GDA) will host a nationwide competition starting Sunday at the National Gymnasium. The tournament will con-

tinue on April 5 and conclude on April 12. The A and B category will be contested on the sixtyfour square boards and B class players will be al-

lowed to enter into the A class on April 5. Entrance fee is $300 per player. Trophies will be sponsored by the National Sports Commission.

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Talent in abundance By Rawle Welch No one could dispute the fact that the Nestle Milo Under-20 Schools Football Competition is having a positive impact on the sport’s landscape in Guyana and the goodwill of the sponsor and the foresight of organisers Petra Organisation will become visible in the not so distant future. Judging from the standard of play this year there is much optimism that Guyana’s football fortunes will turn around providing that the powers that be display the kind of administrative acumen that would allow the rich talent that is oozing in the current competition to be properly harnessed and showcased. Nestle Milo’s confirmation of confidence is being demonstrated every year since the Petra Organisation approached them with the idea of assisting in the upgrading of the standard of the sport in Guyana, but more particularly within the Georgetown environ three years ago. The gradual improvement of the standard of play on the pitch combined with the buildup of rivalry among the participating schools was missing from the sport for a very long time and while the Petra Organisation must come in for high praise, the huge effort of cellular phone Company Digicel must never be overlooked.

This Company undertook a venture that no other corporate entity or even the Government ever contemplated to attempt, they took the bold step to organise a nationwide tournament that involved every region in this expansive country, an mission never seen before and one that cost millions of dollars, but to the benefit of this nation. It was this tournament (Digicel) that served to re-ignite the kind of rivalry among schools that this country was accustomed to in the 70s and 80s, but disappeared just like sports on the schools curriculum. The rewards of these two competitions are being reaped in small measure now, but in a few years time, judging from the talent on display in both tournaments, the national grid will be crammed with players coming out of them. The corporate community and Government must understand that the creation of sports stars commences at the school level in most cases and there is where meaningful investment must be made, especially for constructive nation building. The establishment of a robust Sports Policy that has the full backing of all stakeholders and not just lackeys of the Government is the document that will influence a different mindset among those willing to invest in sports development.

A nation that invests in the development of its youths is one that could escape the scourge of deviant behaviour and one that stands a great chance of producing world class athletes which then lends to free promotion throughout the world. The national rugby players have done this (promotion) without much thanks or real recognition; the Golden Jaguars have done the same even in the absence of tangible investment so there are glaring examples of the benefits of investing in sports. Many other teams and athletes have donned national colours with distinction on different stages in sports, but yet when it comes to giving genuine support is required there is this bearing of uncertainty. The support for sports continue to be shouldered mainly by at maximum half a dozen corporate entities and when you consider the support given to the delinquent ones by many of our athletes it should prompt a rethink of such an uncaring attitude towards the youths of this country. A call is being made to the Government and corporate community to demonstrate more love for the youths of this country and help them realise their dreams. Out of a possible ten their combined performance is rated at three and this is unacceptable.

Wins for Next level and All Season

Players in action in one of the matches on Monday night last. Next Level and All Season recorded victories when the Lyall Gittens dominoes competition continued Monday night last at August Beverages Company, Norton and Creen Streets. Next Level chalked up 67 games to overcome Golyn and Sons with 63 and Strikers Masters on 45.Lyall Gittens made the maximum 18 games while Ronald Beharry supported with 17 for the winners. Mark Welch and Dane Bynoe marked 16

apiece for Golyn and Sons while Colin Downes made 12 for Strikers Masters. All Season scored 87 games to beat Navin Outboard Repairs (NOR) 68 and Collymore Investment Agency (CIA) on 65. John Freeman scored 18 games for All Season and Mark Persaud contributed 17. Navin Singh and Dane Nicholls were NOR leading players with 16 games each; Seven Collymore made 17 and Shellon Herbert 16 for CIA.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday March 25, 2015

BCB completes Patanjalee carts off De Caires/ Sukhram Golf Tournament two-day Under-19 trials

In picture, the top performers – (from left): M. Mangal, I. Khan, winner P. Persaud, C. Deo and P. Prashad. With his usual concentrated yet relaxed and distinctive flair, Patanjalee ‘Pur’ “I love the winning feeling” Persaud carted off the David De Caires/Basil Sukhram Memorial golf tournament at the Lusignan Golf Course last Saturday. Exactly one month ago ‘Pur’ had also emerged champion in the ANSA McAL tournament at the same venue. Acknowledging that, “The greens were a bit tough, because the grass was cut very low, and extra concentration

was required not to over-putt the ball,” ‘Pur’ was happy that he was able to deliver such a good day’s play. For the day’s competition, five prizes were awarded and the winners of these prizes were as follows: Best Net – ‘Pur’ Persaud 25/70, 2nd – Patrick Prashad 9/71 and 3rd Captain ‘Chen’ Deo, 15/71. Nearest to the Pin was won by Mike Mangal, (the only golfer to place the ball on the green in this tournament) and Best Gross was won by Imran Khan 7/79.

Daughter of the late Basil Sukhram, Guyana Open’s long reigning female champion Christine Sukhram, who participated in the day’s competition, was on hand to hand out the prizes to the winners. Club President, David Mohamad cited how important it was to remember the great contribution that some former golfers had made to the Lusignan Golf Club, and expressed his appreciation for the continued good spirit exuded by the golfers as they competed.

RHTY&SC Silver Jubilee

Fly Jamaica donates ticket to the USA for fund raising event International Airline, Fly Jamaica on Friday last handed over an airline ticket to the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club (RHTY&SC) to be used as the first prize in a special raffle to raise funds for the Club’s cricket development programme, pro-education and anti-drugs campaigns which target 60,000 youths in the Ancient county of Berbice. Club Secretary/CEO Hilbert Foster in accepting the ticket from Marketing Manager of the Jamaica based Guyanese owned airline, Mr. Wesley Tucker stated that the club during the year would be hosting over 200 programmes/activities with emphasis on sports, culture, education, charity, education, anti-drugs and anti-suicide. Special emphasis is being placed on the development of new cricketing talent under a broad based structured cricket coaching programme, coordinated by Coach Delbert Hicks. Under this programme, youths from age 10 would be involved as the club seeks to unearth new talent. Funds raised from the

Fly Jamaica’s Wesley Tucker (right) hands over airline ticket to RHTY&SC’s Hilbert Foster. raffle would be used to purchase more cricket gear for the coaching programme, host an inter secondary school volleyball and basketball competitions and also to purchase school bags for less fortunate students attending schools in the Lower Corentyne area. The school bags project would be undertaken in conjunction with the Guyana Police Force Outreach Community Programme. Foster expressed gratitude to the Management of Fly Jamaica especially Captain Reece and Mr. Tucker for coming on board with Guyana’s leading youth and

sports organization. The club he disclosed intends to make 2015 a memorable year as they continue to make a positive difference in the lives of youths, the elderly and less fortunate. Marketing Manager Wesley Tucker stated that Fly Jamaica was pleased to be associated with the RHTY&SC as it is an organization of excellence and high standards. Tucker congratulated them on achieving its Silver Jubilee and on its outstanding record of achievements. He wished the fundraising effort success and hopes that all of its objectives are met.

Good performances from Kassim Khan, Shimron Hetmyer, Balchand Baldeo, Zachary Persaud, Clifton Lindie, Greisan Grant and Joel Seetaram were highlights of the match when the Berbice Cricket Board, over the weekend completed a two-day trial match to select its team to participate in the upcoming Inter County Under-19 cricket tournament. The match was played under brilliant sunshine at the Cumberland ground in East Canje area saw Shimron Hetmyer’s XI taking first innings points from Balchand Baldeo’s XI. Hetmyer’s team won the toss, batted first and lost two quick wickets with national under-15 all-rounder Kevin Sinclair caught off Ricky Ballack for 2. He was followed soon after by national under opener Adrian Sukhwa for 6. West Indies under-19 and national senior opener Shimron Hetmyer then scored a rapid 37. Berbice under-17 all-rounder Kassim Khan, top scored with a mature 65 consisting of 7 fours and 1 six. Joel Seetaram supported with 32 not out, Daniel Lewis 29 and Brandon Persaud 20. They ended on 233 all out. Bowling for Baldeo’s XI, the skipper himself, a national under-19 batsman, took 3 for 14 off 5 overs. He was supported by pacer Ricky Ballack with 2 for 12 off 7 overs. The Baldeo XI in reply lost two early wickets with the skipper caught behind off Grisean Grant for a duck. Samuel Kisnasammy soon followed again off Grant for 1. They struggled to 176 all out with all rounder Zacary Persaud topscoring with 42 consisting of 5 fours and 1 six.

Shimron Hetmyer He was supported by Clifton Lindee with 31, Ritesh Omrao and Joshua Harrichand with 21 a piece. Bowling for Hetmyer’s XI, Grant took 3 for 24 off 12.5 overs. Kassim Khan, Daniel Lewis and Joel Seetaram took two wickets a piece. In their second turn at the crease, Hetmyer blasted 54 retired with 10 fours and 1 six. He was supported by Kevin Sinclair with 29 as they declared at 112 for 3. Omar Weatherspoon, Leon Andrews and Amir Khan took one wicket each. Baldeo’s XI closed at 70 for 3 chasing 166 for victory. Clifton Lindie top scored with 29. Kevindra Persaud took all three wickets for 42 runs off 6 overs. At the conclusion of the match, the junior selection panel named a 22 man squad to prepare for the Inter County tournament. The players are: Shimron Hetmyer, Balchand Baldeo, Adrian Sukwah, Clifton Lindie, Ritesh Omroa, Leon Andrews, Samuel Kisnasammy, Brandon Persaud, Kevin Sinclair, Joel Seetaram, Kassim Khan, Amir

Kassim Khan

Balchand Baldeo Khan, Daniel Lewis, Zachary Persaud, Omar Weatherspoon, Grisean Grant, Parmanand Ramdhan, Joshua Harrichand, Kevindra Persaud, Jason Anderson, Randy Wade, Asif Ally. Players had a training session at the Rose Hall Estate ground in Canje yesterday. Other sessions are fixed for today and tomorrow at the Cumberland ground from 2:30pm.

GDA to host international tourney The Georgetown Dominoes Association (GDA) will be hosting an international tournament starting April 4 at the National Gymnasium. The tournament will be played on an accumulated points system and teams will play four matches before advancing to the semi finals. Entrance fee is $4,000 and must be paid on or before March 31 to GDF Secretary Ms. Barbara Marshall who can be contacted on 617 0493 or 663 8280. Teams can also contact GDA President Ms. Faye Joseph on 685 1009 or Organizing Secretary Mark Wiltshire on 665 5855 for more information.

The final will be played on April 6 at the said venue and teams from Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Barbados, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Puerto Rico and the host country are slated to participate. The winning team will pocket a trophy and US$5,000, the runner a trophy and US$2,500, third place a trophy and US$1,500 and fourth a trophy and US$1,000. The competition will be launched tonight at Joseph residence, Gaulding Place, South Ruimveldt. Speaking with Kaieteur Sport on Monday night last, Joseph said that after running

Faye Joseph off a number of tournaments locally, the GDA wants to provide Guyanese players an opportunity to compete against overseas teams.

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