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Kaieteur News
Kaieteur News
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: ADAM HARRIS Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Bordering on anarchy It can be argued that the execution-style killing of antigovernment protestor/political activist Courtney CrumEwing will go down in our country’s annals as not only one of the most shocking occurrences, but also as a defining moment in the need for effective crime prevention. There is also the stark realization that, like no other period before, things are spiraling out of control. One cannot escape the fact that Guyana’s murder rate has for some time been at an unacceptable level. Further, there is the perception that the Police Force has returned to its state of being completely overwhelmed and impotent, similar to the days of the notorious crime wave of 20022006, when every criminal-minded individual had his or her way. The most disturbing aspect is that there now seems to be even more guesswork with respect to crime-solving. There also appears to be a distinct lack of purpose and willpower. Even when arrests are made, we no longer expect there to be any solid cases behind them. This is more worrisome when one considers that there is so much more available in terms of surveillance footage and other technological advances. There is the sense that we are currently running on automatic pilot and desperately hoping for the best. The police can do little or nothing to convince us, by any stretch of the imagination that they are in control. It’s a free-for-all. A clear example of this was demonstrated late last month when gunmen chose broad daylight – in the middle of the day - to attack and kill their victim on a major thoroughfare (East Bank Demerara highway). The criminals clearly have the upper hand and are remorselessly enjoying that ascendancy. At this point, we are not sure where to look for protection and, more importantly, direction. We are quite simply bordering on anarchy. There has always been skepticism about the Minister of Home Affairs being able to function effectively while carrying out the demanding duties of General Secretary of the ruling political party. That justifiable cynicism has been amplified in recent times, and rightly so, but frustratingly, the responses to this observation will bear no relevance or resemblance to the reality. It is the perfect storm for disorder. It’s as though the people’s lives are being taken for granted. But quite honestly, how can we demand better when there is obviously no better to be offered? Our law enforcement has rapidly declined as a result of non-recognition of the gravity of the situation and, in many cases, lack of expertise. The conscientious among us are frustrated beyond measure. The calls for meaningful action are falling on deaf ears. There was always the belief that this was where we would have ended up, because of the defensive nature of those in authority. From the inception, there was the cry that the independent media only highlights the negative aspects of the country. Well, even without the media contributing, the burgeoning dumpsite of pessimism and shame has now reached an all-time high. We reiterate that it is most unsettling to not have a calming influence in such a dispiriting crisis. There is no one who can face this nation at this time and be remotely viewed as competent enough to do so or, worse yet, believable. And then of course the situation is exacerbated by disrespectful and aggressive police ranks whose mannerisms encourage less people to comply with the law. It is clear that bullying will not work in a 21st century environment. There is a natural rejection to belligerence. Changing their technique may thus be as important as focusing on their substance. Making both more acceptable in the eyes of the public may, in some respects, be an effective strategy in the pursuit of crime prevention. But this, in all candour, may just be a pipe dream. We certainly don’t profess to have the answers to the aforementioned dilemma in which we find ourselves; the problem is we’re not sure anyone does.
Wednesday March 18, 2015
Letters... Where your views make the news
DEAR EDITOR, Two criminal matters reported in the March 17, 2015, issue “Man ( age 21) gets 3 years for 16 grammes of cannabis:, and “Youth (age 22) gets second change after armed robbers”, highlights the different approaches taken by two seasoned magistrates with respect to sentencing. In the first matter (Cannabis) a 21-year-old pleads guilty to being in possession of 16 grams of cannabis. Under S 5(2) (e) of the Narcotic and Psychotropic Substance Act (1988) where a person is found in possession of 15 grammes “Cannabis or Cannabis resin”, he is deemed to be in possession for the purpose of trafficking. If he is found with 14.9 grams he would be charged for being only in possession. If the defendant wishes to plead that he was in possession, he would be convicted for being in possession for the purpose of trafficking, as the threshold of 15 grammes was passed by a single gram.
The jeopardy therefore is that once a person pleads guilty S 5 (1) of the ACT kicks in and a Magistrate then fines and sentence to imprisonment, for not less than three years. But is this a correct interpretation and application of the Act. I honestly believe that this approach reduces the Magistrates to being mere robots, programmed to sentence without paying any due consideration to sentencing policies that would look at each matter on an individual or case by case basis. This observation has been made time and time again and most recently in a Caribbean Court of Justice decision, Paul Lashley & John Campayne v Winston Singh [2014] CCJ 11 (AJ) where eminent Jurist Justice J W I T a n d J u s t i c e W. ANDERSON stated among other things. (1) It is a well-known principle that young offenders, as far as possible, to be kept out of prison. (2) Young offenders should at the start not be given a long custodial
sentence lest they should receive a thorough and professional training to become harden criminals in the University of Crime, Georgetown Prisons; (3) That the overcrowded Georgetown prison is one of the most dehumanizing places in the Caribbean Region. (4) The application of sentencing principle has nothing to do with soft h e a r t e d n e s s , m e r c y, forgiveness or anything of the sort it is merely the expressing of a wrong sentence policy which acknowledges that it is not always in the public interest t o l o c k u p o ff e n d e r s indiscriminately (even if they deserve it) but rather to make good citizensof them; (5) In the case of young offenders the mindset of the sentencing judge or magistrate must therefore be focused not to sending them to jail but instead to keep them out of it and f i n d i n g a n o n custodialsentences approach may result in the offenders mending his ways, unless of course the
crime and the circumstances surrounding it are so serious that the interest of e.g. deterrence clearly out lay the initial approach. (6) The starting point in the case of the young offenders without previous conviction must always be to find a correctional approach without incarcerating them. In addition to these general principles the Magistrate is duty bound to weigh all evidence presented by a convicted defendant in determining a sentence including such factors as being the main income e a r n e r o f t h e f a m i l y, previous history, a probation report and factors such as whether or not any proof has been established to show that the possessor of the narcotics intended to traffic it, by taking steps to do so, such as soliciting sales or being caught red-handed in a transaction. Moreover, it is now a proven fact as recently admitted by the Surgeon General of the USA, Vivek Murti, that for certain conditions and symptoms Continued on page 23
WAS JAGDEO SMOKING COW DUNG? DEAR EDITOR, With less than two months until the 2015 elections, the political falsehoods from that PPP pesky “cuss bird” continue to roll-in. Trying to brand himself as a regular Guyanese who toiled for his wealth, Jagdeo, the ass kicker, said at Babu Jaan – “It is not only Jagdeo and a couple of Minister who have big houses. Go around the country and you shall see what is happening.” Well it seems this ass kicker never went to Plastic City or Pigeon Island or hundreds of other locations across the length and breadth of Guyana. But to embellish this untruthful statement, Jagdeo went to the post Babu
Jaan press conference and alleged that the founder leader of the PPP, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, lived in a mansion at Bel Air Village. Well, as a younger man, I visited Cheddi Jagan house and even ordinary taxi drivers had a similar sized houses. My conclusions were reinforced by former Speaker Ralph Ramkarran, who further exposed this political charlatan and his bagful of untruths. According to Ramkarran, “in the early 1960’s Dr. Cheddi Jagan purchased the plot of land for $2,000". Ramkarran stated that a house was built with three bedrooms upstairs and a small study, a small kitchen and a living room downstairs.
My recollection of the downstairs is exactly as Ramkarran said it. What really was this fella smoking or drinking at Babu Jaan? Piwari with cow dung? The ass kicker has now moved to besmirching the great legacy of Dr. Cheddi Jagan, as a means to explaining his personal wealth that seems to have no audit trail or no legitimate sources. But that Protestant Pastor warned us before, when he told us “they came for the Jews and we did not speak up”. Well let me tell KING KONG this; we all are Courtney Crum-Ewing, we all have our bull horns and we all shall continue speaking up until you and your thieving clan are banished from power. Sase Singh
DEAR SIR, Based on his recent columns in this paper, Ralph Seeram seems to want to add to the perception that some in the diaspora have lost touch with what is going on in Guyana. How can Ralph Seeram, after claiming that he is from Berbice, say with a straight face that the PPP does not benefit from racial voting but that the PNC does? The facts speak for themselves which is why some seek to hide the facts. The preliminary report of
the last census of Guyana (Sept 2012) has all kinds of fancy graphs and tables but nothing about the racial composition of the Guyanese population. The 2002 figures which are in the CIA Factbook on Guyana show this: East Indian 43.5%; African 30.2%; mixed 16.7%, Amerindian, 9.1%, other 0.5%. The PPP is in desperation mode because its policies have led to the loss of some of its assumed base to the AFC, and the APNU. The only hope is to try to
maximize division in Guyana hence the speech by Jagdeo on March 8, and the likely the shooting of Courtney Crum-Ewing. To say as Seeram does that the death of Crum-Ewing is clearly not in the best interests of the PPP is to ignore the hard calculations of a desperate party. One which tolerates an Attorney General who said that he is aware of some with guns who would use them if they feel that is their only hope. Think through the scenarios Ralph and come to
conclusions based on the numbers. Then ask yourself this simple question: how does the AFC-APNU coalition benefit from distracting voters from the corruption, poor government services, executive lawlessness, exclusion from development that is the bounty of the J a g d e o / R a m o t a administrations? Or ask yourself this question: who benefits from taking voters’ thoughts away from those issues just listed? Fitzgerald Yaw
Wednesday March 18, 2015
Kaieteur News
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Letters... Where your views make the news... Letters... Where your views make the news
GENESIS OF PPP RACISM DEAR EDITOR, Some years ago when I wrote that the PPP had deliberately kept its supporters at the mental and psychological level of coolies, the PPP triumphalists/apologists such as Vishnu Bisram, Anand Budhram, and others took great umbrage at my observations. That the regime, led de facto by Bharrat Jagdeo, had to resort to naked racism after 23 years in continuous power, came as no surprise to me because the genesis of racism started with Dr Cheddi Jagan in the mid 1940’s. Dr Jagan returned to British Guiana (BG) when the British East Indian Association (BGEIA) was in the forefront in the struggle for social and economic development of all Guyanese, particularly Indo Guyanese. Universal suffrage was inevitable and it would allow the bulk of the largely illiterate and politically ignorant rural Indo Guyanese to vote for the first time. Dr Jagan learned that the
rural Indo Guyanese would determine the election results due to their vast numbers. Who won the rural votes would win political power. Dr Jagan and his wife, Janet, saw their opportunity to attain their communist agenda in BG. Dr Jagan had made no headway in his bid to bamboozle the educated Indians in the BGEIA with his communist diatribe and so he broke away from the BGEIA and formed the Political Affairs Committte (PAC) in 1947 and later the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) in 1950. In the latter 1940’s Dr Jagan and his communist cadres concentrated wholly on the potential rural voters using even violence to prevent educated Indians access to them. In the 1953 elections the PPP, with Dr Jagan and Forbes Burnham at the helm, won 18 out of 24 seats with just 38% of the votes. Dr Jagan had won the rural vote and Burnham the urban working poor votes. The election results
concretised the Jagans’ minds about the vital importance of the rural votes especially after the split of the PPP in 1955. In the elections of 1957 and 1961 the PPP managed to win solely with the rural votes due to the first past the post electoral system. That changed in 1964 with the introduction of proportional representation that saw PPP unable to win a majority. The racial violence of the 1960’s helped the PPP to cement its hold on Indians as its vote bank which can only be accessed by racial fear mongering which in turn is only possible by keeping Indians in a state of political backwardness unable to think for themselves but rather just instinctively responding to certain words such as PNC, Burnham, and coolie. That was attained over the years by constant propagandisation at the bottom houses so much so that such propagandisation and mental conditioning
The polarizing period is here DEAR EDITOR, There is something about this elections period with its polarising energies and the drumming of fear and contempt in the language of the politicians. There are supposed to be mechanisms in place to ‘monitor’ and prevent this, but the thing is, these mechanisms are after the fact, after the damage is done. Many persons have realised that you cannot be fighting racism, by calling the ‘other side’ racist. There must be ways to talk about ‘black’ and ‘coolie’ and about the past which is not seen as racist
or we will always all be racist every time we try to talk about race.. There must be different words in the arsenals of the politicians other than jackass, donkey, fool, dim witted, ass, racial and there must be other pull quotes which are not about war and fighting and who is good and evil. After every cuss down , there is time and energy spent on saying that is not what we said and the ‘issues’ do not get mentioned really because there seems to be no issue beyond as one politician reportedly told his supporters “If you think we bad, then the
Devil coming”? Are the supporters of the different political parties expected to view each other as valued Guyanese citizens with equal rights, when the people they voting for seem to think that each other are donkeys, jackasses, asses, fools, dim witted, criminals (without convictions), etc? Vidyaratha Kissoon
became ensconced in the cultural psychology of many Indians which even university education could not remove from their minds. But the rampant corruption, thievery, debauchery, and power drunkenness in the PPP’s 23 year reign have become so overwhelming that the 65 year old PPP hold on Indians has begun to loosen. And the current PPP leaders can respond as they were socialized in the PPP: bare faced racism. Compounding the PPP’s failures was the fact the the Jagans never tolerated independent thinkers in the PPP and soon filled the leadership level with individuals whose only intellectual abilities were to parrot communist phrases and to say to “Yes Comrade Cheddi..Yes Comrade Janet.” Cheddi and Janet have been long gone but their successors are still mentally imprisoned in the 1940’s and 1960’s. It is high time that Indo Guyanese leave them in the time warp and come May 11th 2015 go out and vote them out. Malcolm Harripaul
They are dodging Jagdeo’s challenge
DEAR EDITOR, It‘s no surprise to anyone that the opposition leader Mr. Granger and the entire pack of crooks from APNU+AFC categorically refused and backed away from former president Bharrat Jagdeo’s challenge to debate him during the elections campaign. The truth is Mr. Granger and his followers have done themselves a great deal of good by refusing to debate the honorable former president because these nobrainers really don‘t have anything to debate; they are scared to face the real music for the sole reason that it will expose them to the voters at this crucial time. However, debate or no debate, the two-faced opposition coalition APNU+AFC is in for a rude awakening come elections day May 11. The track records of the PPP/C against that of the PNC now calling itself APNU+AFC will prove the difference. Guyanese voters already know that had it not been for the opposition living up to their name Guyana would
have seen a lot more progress over the past three years. But the opposition opposed every bill that the ruling PPP/C government tabled. It opposed just for the sake of opposing. They are the ones that stymied further developments that would have seen Guyana transformed into a much better place for all Guyanese. The upcoming elections will settle the scores for APNU+AFC; it will bring closure to the Guyanese people, who because of these short-sighted people, did not receive all the benifits they deserved over the past three years. So come May 11 all will witness the final nail been driven into the opposition coalition coffin. And I hope that this time around when they return to their rightful places as minority oppositions in the House that they will not only warm the benches and make meaningless opposition, but that they will use the opportunity to be more thoughtful and constructive in what they are opposing. Suresh Silas
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Kaieteur News
Wednesday March 18, 2015
Govt. still to collect US$4M judgment from contractor US$18M Specialty Hospital…
Following a court judgment awarded January 23, 2015, Government is still to collect over US$4M from embattled Indian firm, Surendra Engineering. Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, following queries by Kaieteur News, on Monday disclosed that the Government is still in the process of enforcing the judgment against Surendra. The company is nowhere to be found, as its Berbice office is reportedly closed. Nandlall said that one avenue being pursued to collect the money is to locate the assets of Surendra Engineering and levy against those possessions. However, this newspaper understands that Surendra has filed for bankruptcy in India. On September 14, 2012 the Government first entered into a contract with Surendra Engineering Corporation Limited (SECL) for the specialty hospital project. It was agreed that the company would provide services related to d e s i g n i n g , building, equipping, testing, delivering, installing and commissioning of facilities for the facility in Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara. The cost of the contract was over US$18M.
AG Anil Nandlall In December of that year Surendra Engineering received 20% of the contract price as an advance payment - approximately US$3.6M and November 2013 an additional payment of US$649,440 was made. The contract was terminated when Surendra last year reportedly attempted to submit a performance bond from a company in Trinidad and Tobago called ‘World Bankers Re Company Ltd’. Following queries, the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago stepped in to reveal that ‘Worldwide Bankers’ was not a registered company under the insurance act of Trinidad and Tobago. Following the termination
of the contract, Government moved to the Commercial Division of the High Court with Surendra being named as the defendant. Government was claiming damages in excess of G$100M, as well as special damages amounting to over US$4M. Surendra had by then, flown the coop and vacated its local office in Berbice when court officials visited to serve the writ, so when the matter was called twice, on January 21st and 23rd of 2013, and no one appeared on behalf of the company, the court awarded judgment in favour of the Government of Guyana. The Specialty Hospital project has been in trouble from the very start. At the time of tendering, another Indian company, Fedders Lloyd, had also submitted a bid. Fedders Lloyd’s bid was not only lower, but the company also had actual experience in constructing specialty hospitals across the world. Surendra, a spare parts fabricator for sugar mills across India, was found to have none. Citing corruption in the matter, Fedders Lloyd had subsequently registered its objections in the manner the contract was awarded.
The stalled specialty hospital site at Turkeyen, E.C.D.
Government had said that the specialty hospital would have reduced the need for patients to be flown overseas for urgent medical
interventions. Surendra is also facing questions over a US$4M contract for the supply of fixed and mobile drainage
pumps that would have significantly boosted the capacity to help reduce flooding. It is unclear whether all the pumps have arrived.
“We will go wherever this... (From page 3) James’ assurances, history is not on the side the Guyana Police Force, where crimes of this nature are concerned. The Force has a dismal record in relation to the solving of ‘high-profile’ homicides, dating back to the still unsolved murders of Monica Reece, Lloyd Bacchus, Herman Sanichar—which occurred in the nineties—to the January 30, 2006, slaying of activist Ronald Waddell; the June 2011 murder of 72year-old Clementine Parris; the October, 2008 slaying of Environmental Protection Agency official
Alicia Foster, who was gunned down outside her Kitty home; the mysterious killing, via explosion, of Guysuco Housing Scheme couple Totaram and Bhagmattie Muthu, and the slaying of Patricia Sanasie. Crum-Ewing, who is to be laid to rest today, was gunned down two Tuesdays ago in Third Avenue, Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara, reportedly while urging residents, by way of bullhorn, to vote against the ruling party in the upcoming General and Regional Elections. He was shot twice to the temple, once to the back of the head, and twice to the stom-
ach. The killer used a .32 pistol and fired at such close range that gunpowder burns were left on his victim’s clothes and body. Police had stated that Crum-Ewing was accosted by four men in a car, one of whom discharged several rounds, hitting him about his body. However, other reports suggest that there were only two men in the car that transported the shooter. A second car with another two men came up soon after. Police have also received reports that there was a brief verbal confrontation before the gunfire.
Wednesday March 18, 2015
Kaieteur News
Lawyer for Pakistan doctor who helped CIA find bin Laden shot dead
Samiullah Afridi, lawyer for Shakil Afridi who ran a fake vaccination campaign to try help U.S. officials find al-Qaeda chief Osama bin laden. (Reuters) - A Pakistani lawyer under death threats for defending a doctor who helped CIA agents hunt al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was shot dead on Tuesday, police said, and two militant groups claimed responsibility. Samiullah Afridi represented Dr Shakil Afridi, who was jailed in 2012 for 33 years for running a fake vaccination campaign believed to have helped the U.S. intelligence agency track down bin Laden. That sentence was overturned in 2013 and the doctor is now in jail awaiting a new trial. Samiullah Afridi was shot dead on Tuesday as he was returning to his home in the northwestern city of Peshawar, police said. According to media, he had recently returned there from abroad after leaving Pakistan for his safety. “He was returning home when armed men opened fire. He died on the spot,” police
official Jamal Hussain said. A hospital spokesman added that Samiullah Afridi was shot twice, in the abdomen and the neck. Two Pakistan militant groups claimed responsibility for the laywer ’s death. Jundullah, a Taliban splinter group, said: “We killed him because he was defending Shakil, who is our enemy.” A Taliban faction, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan Jamaatul Ahrar (TTP-JA), later said it had shot him. “Dr Shakil Afridi had spied on our respected and supreme leader Sheikh Osama to the CIA,” TTP-JA spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan said. “Samiullah Afridi had represented his case,” Ehsan said, “that’s why we decided to eliminate him when we can’t approach Dr Shakil.” U.S. officials have hailed Shakil Afridi as a hero for helping pinpoint bin Laden’s location before a 2011 raid by U.S. special forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan, that killed the al Qaeda leader after more than a decade of searching for him. Samiullah Afridi stopped representing the doctor last year, saying he had become a target. “I have been receiving threats from various organizations, and because of those threats I even went to Dubai some time back,” he told Reuters TV. “Some organizations do not want us to continue defending this case ... Not only is my life in danger, my family is also in danger. I have therefore decided to quit this case.” Shakil Afridi’s original sentence damaged ties between Pakistan and the United States that were already strained over the bin Laden raid. Angry U.S. senators withheld $33 million in aid from Pakistan in retaliation.
UKIP’s Farage warns Britain: Brace for a second election in 2015 Reuters) - Prime Minister David Cameron is likely to win a May 7 national election and form a minority government, but his grip on power could be so tenuous that Britain will hold a second ballot this year, the leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) warned. Opinion polls indicate neither Cameron’s Conservatives nor the opposition Labour Party will win an overall majority in the 650-seat parliament as millions of voters turn to Farage’s anti-EU UKIP party and the separatist Scottish National Party (SNP). The closest British election in at least a generation has flummoxed seasoned politicians and City of London financiers who are pouring over opinion polls and Westminster seat predictions to see who might rule the world’s sixth largest economy. Farage, a 50-year-old former metals trader who wants Britain to leave the European Union, said his best guess was that Cameron would get the most seats and then lead a minority government shored up by UKIP and Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). “The Tories (Conservatives) are going to
UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage be the biggest party,” Farage, who is running for election in the South Thanet constituency in southern England, told Reuters in an interview. “You probably get a minority government.” When pressed on whether the projected seat numbers for the Conservatives, UKIP and the Ulster unionists would allow Cameron to scrabble together a viable minority government, Farage said there could be a second election like in 1974. In the February 1974 election, Labour’s Harold Wilson won the most seats but no overall majority and led a minority government for a few months before calling
another election in October 1974 when he won a tiny majority. “You would expect a second election to see a decisive shift in one direction or the other but it didn’t happen in 1974 so we are in a strange place,” Farage said. “In a situation when nobody could form an effective majority, the demands for electoral reform become huge,” he said, adding that Britain’s so called first-past-the-post winnertakes-all system would lose legitimacy if it failed to provide stable government. When asked about a potential post-election internal party challenge against either Cameron or Labour leader Ed Miliband, Farage said: “The irony is if things are really in stalemate, neither will get knifed.” BREXIT? Farage wants Britain to quit the European Union, to slash immigration and to return Britain to what supporters say was once a proud self-governing nation. Opponents say Farage is a master orator who offers insecure voters an outdated vision of an imaginary Britain that never was. Some UKIP members have been publicly reprimanded or expelled for a range of racist and sexist comments.
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Wednesday March 18, 2015
Obama to meet CARICOM Brazil ruling party’s treasurer leaders in Jamaica charged in Petrobras scandal
Daily Nation - United States President Barack Obama will meet Caricom leaders, including Prime Minister Freundel Stuart, in Jamaica early next month, according to highly placed sources in Washington. “Although the agenda for the president’s meeting with Jamaica’s leader Portia Simpson-Miller, Perry Christie, Prime Minister of The Bahamas and chairman of Caricom, as well as Barbados’ Head of Government and their colleagues have not been completed, if the arrangements are finalised, the economic challenges the region faces will be a key issue on the table for discussion,” said the source. “The announcement of
Barack Obama the meeting may come in a day or two from the White House.” Obama is to meet with the Caribbean leaders, possibly in Montego Bay on April 9,
while he is on his way to the Summit Of The Americas in Panama, the source said. “It would be the second time President Obama meets with Caricom leaders. The first was in Port of Spain during the Summit Of The Americas shortly after Mr Obama came to office almost six years ago,” added the official, who requested anonymity because he wasn’t authorised to speak on the matter. “It can be seen as part of the Obama administration’s decision to pay more attention to the Caribbean and the problems the island nations face.” Barbados’ Ambassador in Washington, John Beale, declined to comment on the report.
Fidel Castro warns Venezuela is ready to confront US on sanctions Havana (AFP) - Cuba’s Fidel Castro warned yesterday that Venezuela was prepared to confront US “threats and impositions,” and said Washington could no longer count on the Venezuelan military to do its bidding. Venezuela “will never allow a return to the shameful
pre-revolutionary past,” Castro said in a letter to Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro published in Cuba’s state-run media. Castro’s letter comes just two days after Maduro gained decree-making powers in matters of security that the opposition fears will be used to crack down on dissent. The confrontation with Washington follows the imposition of US sanctions March 9 on seven Venezuelan officials that the United States alleges have been in-
volved in human rights abuses against opponents of the leftist regime in Caracas. The measure signed by US President Barack Obama cites Venezuela as “an extraordinary threat to the national security” of the United States, which Caracas in turn has interpreted as a US threat. Venezuela’s foreign ministry took out a full page ad in yesterday’s editions of the New York Times demanding that Obama abolish his executive order and “immediately cease hostile actions against Venezuelan people and democracy.” The dispute has shadowed, but not derailed, USCuban negotiations on restoring diplomatic ties severed in 1961, agreed in December by Obama and Cuba’s President Raul Castro, Fidel’s brother. The 88-year-old Fidel resigned as president in 2006 for health reasons but retains enormous influence as the leader of Cuba’s 1959 revolution.
(Reuters) - Brazilian prosecutors formally charged the treasurer of the ruling Workers’ Party and 26 others with corruption linked to state-run Petrobras (PETR4.SA) on Monday, in the latest blow to President Dilma Rousseff from the widening scandal. Prosecutors have “ample proof” that Workers’ Party Treasurer Joao Vaccari solicited donations from former Petrobras services chief Renato Duque and executives at engineering firms accused of funneling money from the oil company, prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol said. Vaccari was well aware the donations he was seeking comprised funds stemming from bribes, Dallagnol said, adding that much of the evidence was gleaned from plea bargain deals with executives who were indicted and jailed late last year. The Workers’ Party says all the donations it received were legal. Rousseff said the charges against Vaccari showed her government had not interfered with the investigation to get the party off the hook. She has denied knowing about corruption at Petrobras
Dilma Rousseff
Joao Vaccari
though she was chairwoman of its board from 2003 to 2010 when much of the alleged graft occurred. “If they want to investigate, they will investigate. Whoever is found responsible will have to pay for what they did,” she told reporters after announcing plans to unveil new measures to fight corruption by the end of the week. Still, the scandal has heaped political pressure on Rousseff months after she was narrowly re-elected. Outrage among Brazilians helped fuel huge street protests across the country, pressur-
ing her administration and in several cases calling for her impeachment. Prosecutors also pressed additional charges against 15 executives linked to construction firms OAS [OAS.UL], Mendes Junior (MEND5.SA) and Toyo Setal. Many of the executives had already been indicted in December. An OAS spokeswoman said the firm “vehemently” denies the allegations. Mendes Junior does not comment on ongoing judicial processes, a spokesman said. The other companies did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Browne says Antigua will resist efforts to move LIAT to Barbados ST. JOHN’S, Antigua - CMC – The Antigua and Barbuda government says it will resist efforts to shift the base of the financially-strapped regional airline, LIAT, to Barbados. Prime Minister Gaston Browne, appearing on the inaugural edition of “Obs e r ver PM” on Monday evening, told radio listeners that while he is aware that St. John’s does not have the “shareholder capac-
ity” to have the airline maintain its base here, it is still engaged in a fight to have it remain here. “They are literally pulling, and have pulled to some extent, the rug from under our feet over the years and we are not looking to resist any such further move,” Prime Minister Browne told radio listeners. Last month, Browne wrote to the chairman of the shareholder governments of
the regional airline, urging a temporary halt on plans for a voluntary separation package (VSEP) that could result in more than 150 employees being removed from the company’s payroll. In his letter to St. Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister D r. Ralph Gonsalves, the Antigua and Barbuda prime minister said he was also urging that no further action be taken until his administration discusses the matter.
Wednesday March 18, 2015
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A DIFFERENT PNCR The Alliance For Change is perfectly right. The past should not enslave you. Even if you accept the premise that APNU is essentially the PNCR, the fact remains that the PNCR of today is fundamentally different from the PNCR of yesterday. It is not the change that is worrying. All parties change. What is worrying has been the rapidity of those changes. Most of the changes have taken place within the past four years. In that short period, the PNCR has undergone fundamental changes. There have been five discernible shifts within the PNCR: the disappearance of the Reform; the absence of some of the old stalwarts; an aging leadership; the sidelining of those who pioneered shared governance within the PNCR; and the pronounced presence within the PNCR leadership of former highranking military and police personnel. Firstly, there is no longer a reform component to the
PNCR. Most of the original members of the Reform are no longer part of the PNCR. They went into exile following the death of Desmond Hoyte. The Reform was a creature of Hoyte and after he died they made their exit in virtual single file from the PNCR. There were prominent business persons within the Reform component of the PNCR and this lent to the party’s thrust to re-brand itself following the end of its tenure in government. The Reform was brought in to give the party a softer image. The absence of the Reform today has removed from the party an important aspect of its attempt to create a more business-friendly and moderate image. Secondly, many of the old stalwarts of the PNC and the PNCR are no longer around. Some have grown old, some have died, and others have migrated and lost touch with the party. Many others have been left on the sidelines with little interest shown in utilizing
Dem boys seh...
Jagdeo grab more than Saddam, Gadaffi and Hosni Mubarrak Any human being that accumulates wealth and piles it up has lost the value of what true life is all about. Guyana got a few of dem. Jagdeo and he best friend, Brassington and Ashni at de top of de list. Anil, Boyah, and Brian nah deh far behind. Irfaat deh in front of dem. Donald de Duckling deh swimming far behind all of dem. Greed does got people grabbing everything and anything from anywhere and anybody. Dem boys know a lot. Dem does talk half and always hold back de other half. When de investigation start by de foreign police from de ABC countries, dem boys gun spill dem guts out bout de wholesale grabbing. Burnham, dem boys ain’t vouching fuh because dem know he was a scamp. Hoyte was a completely different kettle of fish from Burnham. Nobody accuse him of grabbing. He dead in he own house wha he had, and lef he wife who couldn’t afford to buy de daily newspapers. After Hoyte was Cheddi. He had a handbag that spoil. He send de bag to Bettencourt fuh dem change de zip. Dem boys hear that de company send a brand new
bag and he send it back. He insist he want he old bag. He shirt jack had some small holes. He died de same way he go in office. He lef he wife poor. When he was president she use to drive a Lada— a small car. She tun president but she never paint de house. She and all never grab. Jagdeo who tek over from she grab fuh all three of dem and ten more to come. Dem boys seh that wha he got is more than wha Gadaffi, Saddam and Hosni Mubarrak put together. And dem live in country wha got oil. Jagdeo coulda give all dem boys, even Burnham, a grabbing lesson. Now dem boys understand de award of Champion of de Earth, wha he get. De people lef out a word. It shoulda been Champion Grabber of de Earth. Talk half and hold you pocket when you see dem. Hire guard fuh you land when you see de grabber, Jagdeo.
A mini health check is the first step to donating blood
their abilities or experience. A great many leaders and diehards have had their differences with the party and have been pushed out. Some of those differences were so strong that certain members opted not to renew their membership of the party. If you look at the PNCR today you will find that many of the old stalwarts are not around. Many of them are on the sidelines and are not going to come back into the party’s fold, even though they are likely to support the party during the elections. Thirdly, there is an aging leadership that is still in place within the PNCR. Despite all the emphasis on youth and the fact that youths are considered the most important demographic at election time, the leadership of the PNCR remains an aging one. This is something that is noticeable about the topleadership of the PNCR. Most
of the top positions within the PNCR are occupied by the older generation. This was quite unlike the past when this was not the image that people had of the PNC and the PNCR. Hoyte, in fact, courted a great many young people and catapulted them to positions of authority within the party and leadership. Fourthly, most of young brigade that led the struggle within the party for a new system of shared governance in the country have become either matured or have been sidelined. Many of them have found themselves in uncomfortable positions with the leadership. They are no longer an integral part of the top decision-making of the party. The proposals that were originally developed by them for a system of shared governance are gathering dust. They who were the ones
Miner crushed after pit wall collapses A 41-year-old miner was killed yesterday after the wall of a pit collapsed on him at Puruni Backdam, Region Seven. According to reports, Sandiford Edwin was working in a mining pit, some 30 feet deep, at around 09.15 hrs, when one of the walls collapsed and pinned him. He was taken to the Bartica Hospital where he succumbed at around 18.30 hrs. The claim is said to be owned by a Bartica resident.
best positioned to push these positions are no longer around. The talk is now mainly about national unity rather than power-sharing or shared governance. Fifthly, there has been an invasion of the party by exmembers of the Disciplined Services. The PNCR is now referred to as the military party, because of the prominence of so many exmembers of the security services within the institution. This is an important and worrying development within Guyana. Never before have so many former members of the Disciplined Services played such a central role in the leadership of any political party.
It raises eyebrows when one considers the rank which some of these individuals held and the fact they are now part of the political leadership of a major political party in the country. How important this is to the party and to the country is something that has to be debated. But it must be a source of worry to the governing authorities that so many exmembers of the Disciplined Services have found leadership within the main opposition party. It does present an apparition of Guyana’s politics becoming increasingly militarized.
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Kaieteur News
Wednesday March 18, 2015
PPP leadership attacks Cheddi Jagan’s daughter In a blistering, volcanic attack on the daughter of Cheddi Jagan, the PPP leadership is so far gone that it would appear that we are seeing the last fling of a dying regime. The blitzkrieg, carried in a newspaper that many believe is co-owned by Bharrat Jagdeo, the Guyana Times, descended to the gutter in implying that her life is Canada is hard and that a part of the land where Jagan built his house was sold for two million American dollars which Nadira Jagan stands to inherit. Here is a lengthy extract on the PPP’s confrontation with Nadira. “Nadira Jagan-Brancier rushed to fight a straw-man of Ramkarran’s artifice. But in
doing so, exposed why her parents insisted she never be part of their POLITICAL legacy. She just never took time to cultivate the analytic – much less Marxist – outlook that guided her parents. Unsurprisingly, her judgements and opinions are always undermined by her lack of objectivity. Brancier’s obtuseness might make some question, why – if Dr Jagan was so gung ho on taking vows of poverty – did he send her brother to a Canadian rather than an Eastern Bloc University which the poor country PYO lad named Bharrat Jagdeo had to attend? Does Brancier deny the veracity of what Jagdeo said? The house wasn’t nice? Word is that half of the Jagan’s yard with a house in Bel Air
was sold for over US$2million?? When is Brancier going to cash in her half?? Things are getting hard in Canada, no? (END OF QUOTE) All this woman said was that Bharrat Jagdeo was wrong to imply that at the height of his struggle for the working people, Cheddi Jagan lived in a well-to-do house. One can well understand the rage of the Jagan daughter. Many of us from the seventies knew Jagan’s house. I went inside of it once and it was definitely not an upper working class home or you can be liberal and say lower middle class. Jagan’s house was not of the Charlestown working class type home, but it was conspicuously not a middle
class house, even in the remotest sense of the concept of middle class. When I visited, I had accompanied Boyo Ramsaroop. Inside Jagan’s residence was the typical confusion of papers thrown here and there and modest furniture that looked like they were hardly ever placed in their right position. I went back there the second time, again with Boyo, but didn’t go in. Only a fool would describe Jagan’s kitchen as fancy. In fact, many lower middle class houses in the seventies had a larger, more fashionable kitchen as what one saw in Cheddi Jagan’s modest home. I personally believe that the politics of Cheddi and Janet Jagan was highly flawed and I believe that history has been
too kind to them. But like the controversial Forbes Burnham, all three had immense positive characteristics. Three of Jagan’s positive characteristics were financial incorruptibility, lack of interest in wealth, and an enduring passion for the economic elevation of the working classes of Guyana. Whatever criticism you have of Dr. Jagan, it cannot include a penchant for living big. He was essentially a modest man. Dr. Jagan drove an old Lada car. I could vividly remember it – small and sand brown in colour. Dr. Jagan drove that vehicle until he became President in 1992. One day during his presidency, I went to State House to discuss voluntary work for the Government because I was on my oneyear sabbatical at UG. I requested an anti-corruption desk at Customs and Excise. He fully agreed. I never heard back from him, despite repeated requests. This was his essential flaw – he couldn’t work with you unless you were a PPP fanatic. I will always remember that day with Cheddi Jagan at State House. He wore rubber
Frederick Kissoon slippers and there were three visible holes on the right shoulder of his besmirched white T-shirt. This was the man. He had no interest in a fancy lifestyle. One could very well understand the exasperation of Nadira Jagan when she intoned that no other PPP leader (Ramkarran is not a PPP leader anymore) came to the rescue of her father’s name. Kellawan Lall should have been the first. For years he lived inside that very house that Jagdeo commented on. Gail Teixeira, as Dr. Jagan’s private secretary in the eighties, visited there daily. What Nadira Jagan needs to understand is that her father’s party is not the party she grew up knowing. That party has long hibernated. That party is dead and gone. The best she can do is to expose its destroyers for what they have become.
Wednesday March 18, 2015
Kaieteur News
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Mash Day murder trial…
E’bo mother of Accused denied knowledge two found dead of killing – Police witnesses Police witnesses testifying in the trial of the duo implicated in the mob killing of Enterprise, East Coast Demerara businessman, Kumar Mohabir, told the court yesterday that murder accused Devon Thomas had denied the allegation that he had been among a group of persons who inflicted fatal wounds to the businessman. Mohabir, called “Duksy” and “Fire Link” of Lot 7 Fernandes Street, Enterprise, East Coast Demerara (ECD), was attacked and brutally stabbed by a group of men on Vlissengen Road, Georgetown, on February 23, 2013. The man, who operated a tent rental business out of his home, was attacked after he went to the location to collect a tent which he rented to his neighbours for the Mashramani celebrations. He was reportedly attacked by a group of persons who were intoxicated and armed with broken bottles. The businessman’s older brother Navindra Mohabir was also wounded in the attack. He was treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, (GPHC). Mohabir was however taken to the Woodlands Hospital for treatment but he subsequently died. Following the incident, Devon Thomas and Randy Isaac were charged jointly for the murder.
The two men are appearing before Justice Navindra Singh and a mixed 12-member jury at the High Court in Georgetown. They are being represented by Attorneys- atLaw Latchmie Rahamat and Peter Hugh. The case is being presented by State Prosecutors, Stacy Gooding and Diana Kaulesar. The trial began on Monday. The accused returned to the courtroom yesterday, decked in long black pants, long-sleeved shirts, ties and white Muslim headdresses. Both men were seen clutching tightly to copies of the Quran throughout the proceeding. Thomas’ brother-in-law, Hardatt Rajkumar took the s t a n d y e s t e r d a y. H e recounted that on February 23, 2013, the accused came to his residence late at night seeking assistance to be taken to the hospital. The man recalled he noticed a scar above Thomas’ left eye and it was bleeding. The witness said that he opted to drive Thomas to the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Unit at Woodlands Hospital for treatment but when they arrived there they realised that they did not have enough money to pay the medical bill. He said that they therefore went to A&E of GPHC but it was too
DEAD: Kumar Mohabir crowded. The witness said that he therefore decided to return home for more money and then they returned to the Woodlands Hospital where the accused was treated for his injury. The man said that they later left the hospital and returned home. He said that the accused never asked him to take him to the police station to lodge any report. The witness told the court that a few days later he was taken to a police station and questioned about a murder. Rajkumar said that he was also placed on identification parade. Under crossexamination by Attorney at Law, Latchmie Rahamat, Rajkumar told the court that while at the Woodlands
Hospital, no one identified Thomas as one of the persons involved in the stabbing on Mash night. In his evidence, Officer Boodnarine Persaud told the court that he had conducted an Identification Parade, which included Thomas at the Kitty Police Station. He recalled that the brother of the deceased (Navindra), attended the ID parade, and positively identified Thomas as one of the persons who stabbed Mohabir. Officer Persaud said that Thomas was subsequently brought before him. He said that the accused was told of the allegation, but he denied knowledge of the crime. Meanwhile, Detective Corporal Winston Singh told the court that in February 2013 he was attached to the Alberttown Police Station. He said that it was relative to a report of murder committed on Kumar Mohabir and attempted murder committed on Navindra Mohabir, (the brother of the deceased) that he contacted Thomas, the number one accused. The officer said that after he cautioned and put the allegations to Thomas, he responded with the words “Officer I ain’t kill nobody.” Singh said that he subsequently told the accused that he could give a written statement with regard to the matter, but he refused.
Police stationed at the Charity Outpost (Pomeroon/ Supenaam) are investigating the suspected murder of a 27year-old mother of two, whose body was discovered with numerous marks of violence yesterday morning. Three persons have since been detained, including the woman’s 22-year-old common-law husband. The body of Quineza Patricia Benn was discovered in a clump of bushes on Forbes Street, next to Six Star Cocotal Hotel and Bar, at Charity. Residents in the area alerted police of the discovery. According to reports, Benn’s body bore marks to her forehead, face and lips. She was clothed in blue jeans and a multicoloured blouse. Holding back tears, Benn’s 73-year-old grandmother, Mary Benn, explained that she learnt of her granddaughter’s death after three persons approached her at her Charity home, yesterday morning. “A big man come and ask for Quineza, if I see her, the man left then a small boy come and said that Quineza dead.” Mrs. Benn added that she was in shock when she heard, but she didn’t left her home immediately to go and identify the body. The shaken woman said when she ventured to where the body was discovered, she saw the police as well as a group of curious onlookers who had
already converged at the scene. She said the police later asked her to identify the body which she did. Mrs. Benn said she last saw her granddaughter on Sunday afternoon after the deceased had visited her to check on her two children, ages five and three, who are being cared for by the elderly woman. The senior Benn said recently her granddaughter was hospitalized at the Suddie Public Hospital after she had suffered a miscarriage. She claimed that Benn’s common-law husband had subsequently threatened to kill her after she had lost the baby. Mrs. Benn said Quineza B e n n ’s m o t h e r, w h o migrated to Venezuela a number of years now, had left Benn and her brother in her care since she was two years old. She said Benn had lived in an abusive relationship and she (grandmother) was at the time taking care of Benn’s two children. The distressed senior citizen is pleading for financial assistance from generous persons towards her granddaughter’s burial. Police said a Post Mortem Examination is scheduled for tomorrow.
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Kaieteur News
Wednesday March 18, 2015
UG Vice Chancellor reacts to accusations of poor management — says he is responsible for reduced deficit Not only is Vice Chancellor of the University of Guyana (UG), Professor Jacob Opadeyi, denying that the University’s Administration has breached a Terms of Resumption (TOR) Agreement it signed about two weeks ago with the institution’s workers’ unions, but he has debunked accusations that he has been a poor manager. The Unions – the University of Guyana Senior Staff Association (UGSSA) and the University of Guyana Workers Union (UGWU) – have together amplified the workers’ concerns regarding what they have termed several violations of the TOR which was signed in order to bring an end to strike action at the tertiary institution. Workers had engaged industrial action, which lasted for five weeks, in reaction to a breakdown of negotiations for improved salary and other benefits between the Unions and the University’s Negotiating Team. The unions have since registered a number of concerns, since the workers’ returned to work, which in essence encapsulate a breach of the TOR agreement. The Vice Chancellor has since issued a statement insisting that the Unions’ account is in fact not entirely accurate. In commenting on the accusations of the Unions including a call for his resignation/dismissal, Professor Opadeyi said, “last time I checked we still have freedom of speech and freedom of expression...” He, however, in responding to comments on his poor management ability, made it clear that his efforts were in fact instrumental in reducing a deficit at the University. “How can I be a poor manager if I have reduced a deficit that I met which was over $800,000 and up to December of last year we have been able to attract $800 million to clear off all of our deficit,” the Vice Chancellor asserted. The millions of dollars he claimed will be forthcoming from Government. “Up to today, if we owe GRA (Guyana Revenue Authority), NIS (National Insurance Scheme), we are now only owing them for January and February,” Professor Opadeyi boasted. The Vice Chancellor nevertheless continued his commentary by vocalising his satisfaction with the resumption of work, even as he pointed out that anything that is not done properly “we will deal with it on a one-byone case basis. But as far as I
UG Vice Chancellor, Professor Jacob Opadeyi am concerned we are back to normal.” The Unions headed by Dr Mellissa Ifill (UGSSA) and Mr Bruce Haynes (UGWU) are threatening to continue strike action if favourable outcomes are not derived from continued negotiations. But according to Professor Opadeyi, while he is not at all concerned about the Unions venting their concerns, he is in fact worried by the style being embraced. “It is poor style for anybody to be doing salary negotiations in the newspaper, because those are things you do within the confines of your organisation, but we are not going to follow their steps by disclosing things that are meant for bilateral negotiations with the parties. But if they want to freely express themselves, then we have no problem with that, but we are not going to be jumping at everything they say to say it is not true,” the Vice Chancellor said. However, he noted that while the Administration recognises the Unions’ right to speak out, he was taken aback by complaints from the Unions about him not attending negotiating meetings. According to him, based on the Agreement signed with the Unions, a meeting should have been called within seven working days after the resumption of work. The Vice Chancellor said he was not able to attend that meeting since he had a prior meeting that was booked since in January. In order to fulfil the TOR, he noted that the meeting had to have been held without his presence. “If I was to set the meeting for a time when I was available then it wouldn’t have been within seven would have been much later than seven days,” said the Vice Chancellor, who also sought to make clear that he is not the Chairman of the Negotiating Team, but rather merely a member.
“The rest of the members attended that meeting, so I’m thinking that they (the Unions) are looking for reasons to complain.” Meanwhile, the Vice Chancellor ’s reaction to threats by the Unions to continue strike action if the Administration “continues to violate the TOR”, was “I am not worried about it. Everybody has to do what they have to do. It is the right of the Unions to ask for increased salaries, it is their right to protest, it is their right to use everything under the law to demand for their rights.” But even in the face of industrial action threats and even with his disclosure of financial support from Government, the Vice Chancellor also noted yesterday that the University may still not be in a position to offer more than a 10 per cent increase to workers. He went on to explain that such a process “is not an easy matter” adding that “you have to look at your income and expenditure. Right now there is no Parliament in session, so you can’t even say that I can give them this. We still have to wait on the Government...we are still a State University and that is what people don’t understand.” “Any increase that we offer has to be approved by Government. If we were private sector it would be different, so we have to be very prudent in the increase that we give because we don’t want the University to get back to the days of deficit.” According to the Vice Chancellor, deficit was created in the past because all University funds were understandably channelled to salaries first, and that resulted in not enough being available for the procurement of simple resources such as papers and ink. “Right now we have money for the last six months we have (purchased) 200 brand new computers. So I am not going to be reckless and commit future money that we don’t have and then we start struggling to meet our commitment,” the Vice Chancellor stated. He said that currently the University can meet its utility costs in addition to a 10 per cent increase for workers. This is despite an increase in tuition fees last year which, according to Professor Opadeyi, was so minimal that it cannot even meet the costs for salaries. “The staff is asking for 50 per cent (increase) (but) tuition (fees) alone cannot pay salaries so that is our position...” he intimated.
Wednesday March 18, 2015
Kaieteur News
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“No country in the world has Pregnant sex worker achieved gender equality” remanded on robbery charge A pregnant sex worker who allegedly decided to use her trade to lure a client for her associates to rob, found herself before the court yesterday to answer to robbery charges. Tamika Kennedy, 20, denied the first charge which stated that on March 15, at Georgetown, she stole from Troy Roberts, a Samsung Galaxy cell phone valued $80,000. The court further alleged that on the same day at Georgetown being in the company of others armed with a knife, she robbed Roberts of $25,000 cash. After reading the charge to her, Magistrate Annette Singh asked Kennedy to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. However, the accused sat in the prisoners dock and remained unresponsive. The magistrate entered a not guilty plea on her behalf. When the magistrate was in her chambers, Kennedy went on a tirade, cursing the police officers in the courtroom. She even refused to stand when the orderly instructed the court to rise. Her actions left everyone in a state of disbelief. The prosecution’s facts stated that on the day in question at around 23:00hrs, Roberts was walking toward
Temica Kennedy High Street, making his way to his brother’s home, when Kennedy approached him and asked him if he wanted to have sex with her. Robert’s declined and asked her “what I want with you, you belly big.” As they were walking down the road, Kennedy snatched Robert’s phone charger and returned it, as though she was just joking. Kennedy then took away the man’s phone and told him that if he wants to have his phone back, he will have to reach her at the hotel. She ran up the road in the vicinity of the C Island Hotel on High Street.
Roberts followed the woman’s instructions and decided to go to the hotel. Upon arrival at the hotel, two men approached him in the presence of the woman. A knife was placed to his neck and he was relieved of the articles mentioned in the charge. They then made good their escape. Roberts reported the matter to the police, but the woman was not apprehended. Later the same night, Roberts decided to look for the woman and he found her in front of Ashmins, on High Street. He held on to her and summoned the police. She was later arrested and charged with the offence. Police prosecutor Aduni Inniss objected to bail, citing the seriousness and prevalence of the offence. She also pointed out that the defendant is unemployed and has no fixed place of abode. The magistrate upheld the prosecution’s request and remanded the woman to prison. She will make her next court appearance on March 31. Before leaving the courtroom the accused spat on the alleged victim and told him he has nothing to get back.
Miner jailed for armed robbery
Raphael Hintzen
A city magistrate sentenced an East La Penitence miner to 48 months imprisonment after he was found guilty of robbery under-arms. Raphael Hintzen, 22, was found guilty of robbing Ryburn Fraser and Cidel Hector, on January 25, last, in South Ruimveldt Park, Georgetown, while they were sitting in a car. Hintzen, stole one gold chain valued $250,000, one gold ring valued $100,000, $400,000 in cash, US$360, Euro 50 (equivalent to
G$16,000), TT$320, B’dos $40, all totaling over GYD$800,000 property of Fraser. From Hector, he stole $200,000 and one Samsung phone valued $4000. He used a gun to carry out the attacks on the two men. The convict made his first appearance before Chief Magistrate Priya SewnarineBeharry on February 3, and maintained his innocence. Hintzen is currently before the court facing charges of a similar nature. He committed this crime while he was out on bail on the other matters.
Man jailed, fined for marijuana possession A 21- year- old man was given a three-year jail term by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry, on Monday after he admitted to the court that he had a quantity of marijuana in his possession. Estrick Simmons pleaded guilty to the charge which stated on March 13, at 111 Miles Mahdia, he had 16 grams of cannabis in his possession for the purpose of trafficking. Police corporal Bharrat Mangru prosecuted the matter. Simmons told the court that he only had 15 grams of the illegal substance in his possession. The magistrate informed him that the offence attracts a minimum penalty of three years imprisonment or a maximum of five years. When asked by the magistrate if he had anything to say before the sentencing he replied “no”. Along with the jail sentencing, Simmons was also ordered to pay a fine of $30,000.
Estrick Simmons
At a recent United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) forum, held under the theme “Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity: Picture it!” the Executive Director of UNFPA reported on global statistics that indicate slow progress in the recognition of the international human rights of women. The forum followed last week’s observation of International Women’s Day, and the twentieth Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The Director’s report, (read by UNFPA Programme Officer Ms. Bhagwandai Persaud-Giddings) provided a detailed analysis of the current status on global promotion of human rights and dignity for girls, and their full and equal participation in society. It stated, “no country in the world has achieved gender equality, and discrimination in the law persists in many countries.” This was said to be the current situation, although world leaders proclaimed sexual and reproductive rights as human rights, which are integral to gender equality and women’s dignity and empowerment. Various representatives from other Non-Governmental Organisations, Religious communities, Women’s Rights and Youth Activists, and other relevant persons present at the forum, were informed that today’s world provides more opportunities
- UNFPA Executive Director for women and girls. “Today more girls are going to school, more women are in the labour force, and more women have access to sexual and reproductive health services including family planning. More women are in national parliament, more women are playing a role in advancing peace and security, and maternal deaths have been cut in half. Global campaigns against genital mutilation and child marriage are gaining momentum, and we also see growing global movements to end gender-based violence, and more boys and men promoting gender equality.” However, it was noted that while these trends hold great promise, the overall progress in executing the new available rights for girls and women all over the world, has been slow, with regression in some countries. This occurs despite the fact that world leaders, during the International Conference on Population Development (ICPD), at the fourth world conference in Beijing, “boasted of the progress of women’s right to make their own choices for their bodies and their future,” the Director explained. Those very world leaders contended that sexual and reproductive rights are basic human rights which are “integral to gender equality and women’s dignity and empowerment.” These rights were said to
be essential for the enjoyment of other fundamental rights for eradicating poverty, and for achieving social justice and sustainable development. Yet, they remain unrecognised and illestablished in many cases. For this reason, the Director’s report stated, “We will not stop until we cross the finish line, and realise equality between girls and boys and women and men.” The report went on to address the alarming statistics, which indicate that one in three women remain victims of domestic violence today. It went on to highlight the fact that, one in three girls are being married before they attain the age of 18, more than 800 women die from complications from pregnancy and child’s birth; 225 million women live without access to modern contraception and, if the world continues on its current path, 15 million girls between the ages of 15 and 19, will be subjected to genital mutilation between now and 2030. The director ’s report called for an end to all of these human rights violations. As the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action comes to an end in this its twentieth year, and a new universal initiative is set to take its place, calls are being made to close the gap for women and girls, by making them the centre of the framework of the new development agenda.
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Kaieteur News
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Make Up Courses with Mac, Bare Minerals, Black Opal and Sacha cosmetics. Call: 647-1773/660-5257
LARGE QUANTITIES OF HIGH PURITY MERCURY (QUICK SILVER) 99.99995% PURITY$19,000 PER POUND CALL: 592-227-4754. American Made, Aluminum ladder 24ft -$38,000 & 32ft $52,000 –Tel: 602-5794; 6097257
Toyota Prado, Price$4.7M Neg. Call: 643-2403 One Toyota Tacoma SR5 4WD pickup, left hand drive and manual transmission, only 22000 miles – Contact: 623-1202 Bedford Model M 4X4 truck. Tel: 693-2237
Two storey, 3 bedrooms house with furnished kitchen, 36X40 & yard space @ Land of Canaan New Scheme- Call:690-6570, 6859994
3 Engel moulding machine – Please Contact: 695-0333
Toyota Voxy to be registered in “G” - $1.7M – Tel:617-2891
Spare for washing machine, microwaves, fridges, stoves, timers, gearbox, pumps, etc Call: 225-9032, 647-2943 Business man leaving country have a fishing boat, 32 feet, 15HP, Yamaha engine, catguts seine 4½ & 5" seine – Contact:668-9077
Smart Choice Auto: Premio, Allion, Bluebird, Spacio, Fielder, Carina 212, Sienta, IST – Call: 652-3820/665-4529
FOR RENT PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 1 -8000 SQ Feet ware house, located 20 miles from City $5000USD monthly – Contact: 695-0333 Apartments for rent in Nandy Park E.B.D – Tel:227-5194; 624-5194 One 3 Storey building at 104 Regent Street – $9,000.USD negotiable – Tel: 223-6299; 617-7028 GT TOOL RENTALS: COMPACTOR; CHIPPING HAMMER RANSOM & FLOOR SANDER, , JACK HAMMER, CONCRETE SAW & MORE - CALL: 675-0767, 627-5098 1 Business place to rent at Stewartville W.C.D opposite Schools – Call: 613-5261 Concrete 3 bedrooms upper flat house fully grilled, parking available @ Agricultural road Mon Repos, E.C.D- Call:687-1050 Refurbished 2 bedroom apartment @ Liliendaal (between Bel Air & Turkeyen) parking space – Call: 910-5514109 (whatsapp & viber) Upper & lower flat apartment (2 bedrooms each) with toilet & bath - Contact: 220-6799; 657-4969 2 Bedrooms executive apartment in exclusive residential area, security cameras, AC, good parking, etc. Call: 653-2920 or 664-1070 1-3 Bedrooms apartment for rent @ 74 Atlantic Ville – Tel:644-9088 (after 6pm)
Snackette Attendant must be able to cook; also general cleaner, industry area – Tel: 226-2829
Alligator trucks + spare parts, portable sawmill – Contact: 681-5839; 663-2291 2 – Three year old working horse cart, owner leaving country – Tel: 219-2877; 6006406 One Stale Pool Table – Price: $300,000 (three hundred thousand) - Tel:228-2098; 628-5796. One mining block in Puruni District – Contact:650-8289 American bully pups gottiline remyline – Call: 2207933; 667-4845; 610-0068 Get your cooked and smoothly grind split peas, for all your daily cooking needs – Contact Dr. Sharma’s : 6708212; 225-9701
Jean offers courses in Dressmaking, curtains, floral, cake decoration @ 153 Barr Street Kitty- Tel:6181706; 670-2653
We buy & sell vehicles for cash, also parts available & 30 seater buses; Extra Cab pickups; 2006 TacomaCall:680-3154 AT192, 212, Allion, unregistered Premio, Hilux Surf, BNN, RZ & Pit-bull, 7 seater super custom. Cash / terms- Call: 680-3154 Unregistered Toyota IST, fully loaded - $2.150M – Call: 691-7475 One Hino Canter- Tel:2282098; 628-5796. Price $1.3M Just Arrived! 09 & O6 Tacoma, manual & auto, new model Allion, Bluebird, Belta, Fielder - Tel:621-4190, b e s t c a r a u t o s a l e s@ One Silver, new model Mitsubishi Colt - Tel:610-3746
Imported pure breed German Shepherd pups, ARC Pedigree, 8 weeks old, serious inquiries only – Tel:693-1404; 615-5454
First Class Auto: Allion, Premio, Bluebird, Sienta, Runx, Axio, Verossa, Mark 2Call : 609-8188; 638-3045
Great Deals on video games and all gaming consoles – Call: 672-2566; 265-3232 1 Honda XR 125 Excellent condition, for inspection/ price – Call: 225-8066 Three wedding dresses from the U.S.A, 2 small & 1 large – Call: 689-4691; 696-8656
TO LET 1 -Two bedrooms apartment to rent in Lynn Street - $50,000 per month – Tel: 670-7171 DRESSMAKING
Allion PRR, DVD deck, reverse camera, alarm, HID, hardly used (40,000KM) $2.1M- Call:616-3566
1 Toyota Forklift -$1.4M, 1 Clarke Forklift -$1.1M, excellent condition – Tel:6225770; 416-880-5044
Rooms for rent - Call: 6385335 Bond Space for rent with drive way at Eccles E.B.D; just off the Public Road – Tel:6447529; 603-4637
Live in domestic must know to cook Indian dishes; 3050yrs -$60,000 monthly – Tel: 610-3974 Live in experienced waitress 18-30yrs - $60,000 monthly – Tel: 610-5043
Wednesday March 18, 2015
1- Three bedroom house to rent in Prashad Nagar $1000US per month - Tel: 6707171 Fully Furnished vacation home with all amenities- Call during working hours – Call: 227-1218
Business property located @ Supply public road, E.B.D. Entering either by river/ public road- Call: 6988100 Flat concrete house for sale in Grove with land spaceCall: 679-3913 Property @ Lot 63 West Ruimveldt, Estate Housing Scheme Georgetown – Contact Mark: 618-9744 Houses & land available for sale in Non- Pariel, Enmore, Providence & Diamond – Contact: Pacific Development Inc # 2236035; 231-8480 Parfaite Harmonie, West Minister, Onderneeming, Cornela Ida, Tushcen, etc Contact: Pacific Development Inc # 2236035; 231-8480 Caneville Grove E.B.D $2.6M, Sophia ‘C’ big foundation - $3.1M, Parfaite W.B.D - $1.3M, L.B.I EarlsCourt 90X120 - $20M – Call:231-2199; 618-7483 House for sale located in Eccles- Contact: 622-7473 Property @ 62 Bent Street Wortmanville Georgetown – Tel: 629-6101; 660-5019
Nissan Titan for sale, immaculate – Call: 647-3924
Unregistered To y o t a Spacio with body kit, spoiler, rims, fog lamp $2M – Tel: 617-2891 Honda CRV 2001; excellent condition -$2,150,000 negotiable – Tel: 624-6099 One RZ Bus, in Good condition – Contact: 6773177 or 678-5887
LAND FOR SALE 50 Acres titled farm land @ The Belle, Upper Dem, River Front - $100M Negotiable, serious enquiries only! Tel: 669-8152 Vacant high income house lot @ Diamond New Scheme, 2nd Avenue $6.8M negotiable – Tel:6974659; 629-5300; 684-6536 Riverside land 75 acres @ Soesdyke Linden Highway, best price offered – Tel:2238590; 678-1575. Blankenburg, 3 lots 75X76 each, $15M, all 3 lots, Parika, Peter Street, lot size 38’X150' - $7.9M-Contact # 650-0402/ 260-4988
LEARN TO DRIVE Soman Son & Outar Driving School at Maraj BuildingTel:644-5166; 622-2872; 6150964; 689-5997
MASSAGE Massage Therapy Service – Tel: 674-8147 Continued on page 23
Wednesday March 18, 2015
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Bus driver gets five PAHO/WHO urges food processors months for chopping to reduce salt in products reputed wife City Magistrate Annette Singh sentenced a Sophia bus driver to five months imprisonment, after he was found guilty of chopping his reputed wife. Leroy Johnson was found guilty as charged for the offence yesterday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. Particulars of the charge stated that on February 6, at the National Cultural Centre tarmac, he unlawfully assaulted Shonette Singh. Police prosecutor Aduni Inniss told the court that the two parties had a
misunderstanding and the man took a cutlass and chopped the woman on her hand. The matter was reported to the police and he was subsequently arrested and charged. Johnson was unrepresented throughout the trial. He pleaded not guilty to the offence on his first court appearance. Both the victim and the defendant were place on a one-year bond to be on good behaviour. Failure to do so will result in them being imprisoned for one month.
Letters... Where your views make the news
Some laws reduce magistrates to... From page 4 marijuana (cannabis) can be helpful. The Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1988, even though it contains a sentencing regime, cannot take away from and dismember a magistrate from applying his/her judicial mind to each case and judging each on you its own merits. Juxtaposed against sentencing a 21-year-old for cannabis possession for three years in jail, is the second “chance” given to a 23-year-old on a conviction of robbery under arms with a gun, where violence was involved, injury sustained, property stolen including cash, a phone and a car. I am in all of support of giving a person a second chance for the armed robbery, but shouldn’t the same apply to a 21-year-old found with 16 ounces of cannabis. Kudos to Madame Judy Latchman for the bold steps she had taken, what the public need to see however is more
consistency. It is of no comfort to Estrick Simons and his family that he has to spend three years in jail, where hardened criminals are kept, while pleading guilty to a charge that did not wasting judicial time, while second chance is given to a far more serious offender. I have the utmost respect for the Chief Magistrate Madam Seunarine-Beharry, but find it very difficult to accept that a three-year custodial sentence was the best option available. As a father of four and an Attorney-at-Law who practises mostly in the criminal area I am exposed to a gamut of matters and find it very difficult to accept some of the sentence imposed on first offenders, young offenders and even older persons. I suppose I am of similar inclination of Justice WIT and ANDERSON and embrace their exhortation with outstretched arms. Jerome Khan Attorney-at-law
In effort to ensure that children eat more fresh foods, the Pan American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation (PAHO/WHO) has called on the food processing industry to reduce the amount of salt in their products, and to desist from the promotion and advertising of such products. This comes with the recognition of the international observation of World Salt Awareness Week, March 16-22. PAHO/WHO’s advisor on non-communicable diseases, Dr. Branka Legetic explained that in most cases, persons are unaware as to how much salt they are consuming, since high contents of it are being hidden in processed foods. In order to remedy the situation, Dr. Legetic said that while, “one part of the solution is for the foodprocessing industry to reduce salt in its products. Another part of the solution is to use less salt in cooking, and to make sure kids eat more fresh
foods prepared at home.” PAHO/WHO noted that children “are especially vulnerable to advertising and marketing, and at the same time, are developing eating habits that will have a strong impact on their dietary patterns as adults.” Threats of high salt consumption leading to hypertension, osteoporosis, asthma and other respiratory diseases, obesity, and stomach cancer in children were said to be a foreseeable consequence of continued high salt consumption. However, the fact that children are at that impressionable stage of their development, is said to serve as an advantage for the PAHO/WHO strategy to promote the eating of freshly prepared foods in the home. “Saltiness is an acquired preference, so it’s possible — and from a health standpoint critical— for parents to take steps to keep children from developing a taste for salt early on,” said Legetic. “If
parents involve their kids in preparing meals at home, that will help even more to establish good dietary habits for life.” SALT CONSUMPTION IN THEAMERICAS Within some North and South American territories, daily salt intake is in excess of 5 grams which is considered dangerous, since it increases risk of high blood pressure, renal failure, and other cardiovascular complications. Canada, Chile and the United States, are said to be consuming 8.5-9 grams of salt daily, with Brazil racking up 11 grams and Argentina leading with 12 grams. As of 2009, PAHO/WHO has been making efforts to reduce dietary salt in the Americas through joint action among governments, health experts, industry representatives and nongovernmental groups. In 2013, the PAHO/WHOled Salt Smart Consortium developed an action plan that
Coastal areas advised to prepare for “exceptional” spring tides Citizens along the coast can expect to experience “exceptional” spring tides for the duration of March 17 through March 24. The advisory released by the Ministry of Public Works, noted that high tides can reach in excess of 3.30m along the oceanic coast and tidal rivers during March 20 to 22. The highest of tides can be expected to occur this Saturday, at around 04:27 hours to heights of about 3.35m. Through its Sea Defence Unit, the Ministry intensified public notifications, monitoring and flood prevention activities in preparation for flooding as overtopping or structural compromise of sea and river defences remain a possibility.
In the event of flooding, residents of vulnerable lowlying communities in coastal or riverain areas are advised by the Ministry to be alert and take precautions to prevent damage to property or personal injury. Communities along the coast from Johanna Cecelia (Region Two) to those along the banks of the Berbice and Canje Rivers (Region Six) are particularly susceptible to flooding in the case of a storm surge during the Spring Tide period.
Residents in these areas are advised to exercise a “heightened level of vigilance” by the Ministry. The unusual increase in high tides during this period has been attributed to the alignment of the earth, moon and sun during the March 21 Spring Equinox, thus amplifying gravitational pull. This phenomenon will coincide with a solar eclipse which will be visible in Europe, Northern and Eastern Asia and Northern and Western Africa.
Corruption benefits the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor. Say no to it.
calls on food processors to voluntarily reduce salt levels in their products, proposing specific targets for reduced salt in food groups ranging from breads, cookies and cakes to processed meats, mayonnaise and soups. The plan also calls for public-awareness campaigns that help consumers understand food labels and why it is important to consume less salt.
(From page 22)
VACANCY International Cruiseline AB Sailors, waitresses, waiters, cooks, receptionists, storekeepers, cleaners, electricians, carpenters, welders, costmetologist, etc – Tel: 231-6296, 650-9880 Work from home: Earn $5,000 - $20,000 daily, 9am - 5pm, Monday to Saturday - Call: 233-6517/ 638-0595 or Experienced hauler driver, porters, rip saw & plane operator @ Eccles Industrial Site E.B.D - Call Richard: 6097675; 674-1705; 233-2614 FAST GROWING IMPORTERS SEEKING NIGHT SECURITY GUARDS. MUST HAVE POLICE CALL FOR INTERVIEW: 231-8344; 231-8529 Gasoline Mechanic – Call: 223-5273/4 Experienced Cashier – Shift Work, Computer Knowledge, Apply: Fortune House Restaurant, 98 Sheriff Street. No Phone Calls.
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Kaieteur News
Corentyne resident stabbed to death during drinking spree A father of four and a resident of Corentyne, Berbice, was stabbed to death in the wee hours of Monday morning. The dead man has been identified as Karamchand Jagessar, called “Gano”, 41, of Williamsburg, Corentyne, Berbice, and of Second Street Alberttown, Georgetown. He was also a vendor of Bourda Market in Georgetown. The incident took place at Satesh Liquor Restaurant at Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice. According to information, Jagessar resides between his mother’s residence on the Corentyne and a brother in Georgetown. He is a fan of horseracing and returned to Berbice to attend the horse race event that was held on Sunday on the Corentyne. Further information states that after the horse racing event, the victim and the accused were among a number of persons at the Satesh Liquor Restaurant imbibing alcoholic beverages. They were at separate tables. Around 01:10 hrs an argument broke out between the two men over some deal that went sour. The argument continued as the men went outside and the suspect took out a knife he had concealed and stabbed Jagessar in the region of his stomach. The injury ripped the man’s stomach and his belly. The injured man fell and was picked up and taken to the Port Mourant Hospital where he was pronounced
DEAD: Karamchand Jagessar dead on arrival. According to the man’s relatives they were at home when they got the tragic news that Jagessar got stabbed and was on the road, but by the time they got to the scene he was already dead. They were not allowed to see the body. They were able to see him at the hospital. “His guts were out,” one relative said. According to his mother, Elizabeth Narine, she was at home when she got a call from her brother that her son “get stab up.” She said that she left home with the intention to take her son to the hospital. She never knew it was so serious and that her son had actually died. The suspect fled the scene, but was subsequently arrested and is in custody. Jagessar’s four children, two of whom are still in school, live with their mother in Georgetown.
Wednesday March 18, 2015
Lawyer takes GECOM to court over ID card issuance Months after he managed to force Government to overturn a policy mandating applicants for new passports to submit a birth certificate issued within six months, a lawyer has gone to court for the issuance of his national identification card. Attorney-at-law Saphier Husain-Subedar has filed an application for Writ of Mandamus. He is asking the High Court for an Order or Rule Nisi be directed to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to show cause why an order should not be issued to command the Chairman to issue, immediately, his national ID card. Husain-Subedar, in his supporting court documents, said that on March 8th, 2013,
he changed his name from Saphier Husain to Saphier Husain-Subedar via a Deed Poll. He then applied for an ID card to reflect the name change at GECOM’s Mahaicony office. He claimed that on Saturday February 28th, 2015, he went to the GECOM Office asking for his ID card, and that “the representative of GECOM at said office refused to deliver my identification card although he had same in his possession. That I am leader of the National Independent Party. That I intend to contest the General and Regional Elections and hence require my identification card for nomination day - 7th April, 2015.” The lawyer said that he
Attorney-at-law Saphier Husain-Subedar is advised “by myself” and believes that GECOM by their servant and agent acted in excess of their jurisdiction by refusing to
deliver the ID card, in violation of Article 59 of the Constitution which pertains to his right to exercise his franchise and to contest General and Regional Elections. “That I advised myself and verily believe that the agent or servant failed to take this relevant matter into consideration and acted in a discriminatory manner. That I have made several demands to no avail.” Last year, the lawyer refused to abide by new measures by the Passport Office to attach a recent birth certificate to his application to a new passport. He went to court instead. The Ministry of Home Affairs later reversed the measures.
Duo charged with break and enter, receiving stolen property Two men made an appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts on Monday. To answer to charges of break and enter and receiving stolen property. Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry read the first charge to Damien Austin. It stated that between March 11 and March 12, at Bel Air Park, he broke and entered the dwelling house of Mahendra Carpen and stole one Apple laptop, an Apple iPod, one leather bag and a wallet, personal
items valued $150,000, all totaling in excess of $400,000. The second charge was read to Dexter Cummings, 52, of 177 Oronoque Street Georgetown, which alleged that between March 11 and March 12, he received one Apple laptop valued $260,000, knowing same to be stolen or unlawfully obtained. Austin pleaded guilty to the charge while Cummings pleaded not guilty. Austin explained to the court that he was walking on Sheriff Street and saw a man called “Prakash,” who gave
him the laptop. He said that the man told him to unlock it. Austin further stated that he took the laptop to Cummings (the other defendant) and asked him to unlock it. However, he said that Cummings then informed him that the item looked stolen and he could not unlock it. Austin added that although he did not break into the home and steal the articles, he feels that he was strongly a part of the crime. He insisted that he did not want to waste the court’s time. And he asked the magistrate to impose a light sentence on him. The magistrate after hearing his explanation entered a not guilty plea on his behalf. Police prosecutor Bharrat Mangru facts stated that on the day in question the victim secured the lower flat of his home. He then proceeded to the upper flat of the home to sleep. The next day the man
went to check on the upper flat of his home, when he noticed that the door, windows and grill were broken. Upon inspection, it came to his attention that the items mentioned in the charge were missing. The matter was reported to the police and Austin was arrested. He further confessed to the offence and later returned the stolen items to the police. Mangru did not object to Cummings being released on bail; hence he was ordered to post $75,000 surety. Austin was subsequently remanded to prison. Both defendants will return to court on March 30, for statements. Before leaving the courtroom Austin told the magistrate, “God bless yuh, I beggin fuh guh jail and ain’t even getting jail.” Almost everyone in the court chuckled as he was being escorted to the prisoners’ holding area.
Stunted growth, stolen... (From page 16) cleaner, healthier, better equipped, more educated and more committed population. We’d like to see Guyana’s GDP and per capita statistics skyrocket, because we know that they can. It would be an enormous achievement if Guyana could be listed in the top 10 in the World Bank’s Report on “The ease of doing business” in the not too distant future,” the GMSA President asserted. He said that the Private
Sector wants to be reassured that the political engagements this year would be characterized by informed and objective discourse. The business community, he said, believes that the pre-election interactions will pave the way for candid, rational and pertinent discussions, which hopefully will continue into the post-election period, thereby ensuring some level of trust, consensus, and/or compromise that is necessary for continued economic growth.
Wednesday March 18, 2015
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Wednesday March 18, 2015
Haitian president calls on population to participate in upcoming election PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (HCNN) - The General Secretariat of the Haitian presidency announced that President Michel Martelly called on the population to participate in the upcoming election, through an executive order dated March 13, endorsing the electoral timetable proposed by the provisional electoral council (CEP), which provides for presidential, parliamentary and local elections before the end of the year. The Haitian people are invited to take part in voting on Sunday, August 9, 2015, for the first round of parliamentary elections and on Sunday, October 25, 2015, for the first round of the presidential election. The local elections and the second round of parliamentary elections are scheduled for Sunday, December 27, 2015, while the second round of the presidential election, if any, will be held on the same date. The timetable is final because it was published in the
Michel Martelly Official Gazette of the Republic, Le Moniteur, and is a decisive step towards the holding of long-delayed elections. Martelly, according to a press release from the presidency, “takes this opportunity to invite the voting age population and holders of the national identification card to fulfill their civic duty and at the same time contribute to the strengthening of democracy and the rule of law.” Also according to the
statement, Martelly called the people to go to the polls on the above dates, “while reiterating the strong determination of the executive to facilitate the holding of free, credible, independent, transparent and inclusive elections.” Martelly’s successor will take office on February 7, 2016, while a new legislature should be inaugurated by the second Monday of January of the same year, as stipulated by the current constitution.
Cuba, US say third round of diplomatic negotiations ends HAVANA (AP) — A third round of U.S.-Cuban negotiations over the restoration of full diplomatic relations ended after a day of talks, Cuban and U.S. officials said yesterday. They provided no details on whether progress was made toward a deal on reopening embassies in Washington and Havana. The two countries have been trying to strike an agreement on embassies before
presidents Barack Obama and Raul Castro attend the Summit of the Americas in Panama on April 10-11. Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Relations said the talks took place “in a professional atmosphere” and “the two delegations agreed to maintain communication in the future as part of this process.” Jeff Rathke, a U.S. State Department spokesman, said “the discussion was positive
and constructive and was held in an atmosphere of mutual respect.” Neither side said yesterday whether they had resolved any of the obstacles to reopening embassies, which include Cuba’s continuing presence on the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism, and Cuba’s objections to U.S. diplomatic contact with dissidents on the island. The State Department said Friday that topics being discussed at the latest round would include lifting caps on Cuban and U.S. diplomatic staff and limits on their movements outside Havana and Washington. The secretive atmosphere was striking in contrast to previous discussions about U.S.-Cuban detente. After two earlier meetings, U.S. and Cuban diplomats engaged in wide-ranging exchanges with reporters from both nations that were broadcast on Cuban state television to rapt audiences on the island. Cuban state media dedicated virtually no coverage to Monday’s talks, focusing instead on statements of support for Venezuela in the face of new sanctions by the United States, which declared last week that the South American country was a threat to U.S. national security.
Wednesday March 18, 2015
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Israel’s Netanyahu emerges with slight edge after tight race “against all odds” Likud had won a “great victory.” “This is a great victory. It’s almost a miracle,” Likud lawmaker Ofir Akunis told The Associated Press. “For months, everybody attacked the Likud. And today is a beautiful day for the Likud. It sends a message that the people of Israel will decide for themselves.” Netanyahu focused his campaign on security issues, while his opponents portrayed him as out of touch and instead focused on the
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to have fended off a strong challenge from the country’s opposition leader in parliamentary elections Tuesday, emerging from an acrimonious campaign in a slightly better position to form Israel’s next government. But with the sides nearly evenly divided, a victory by Netanyahu’s Likud Party still was not guaranteed. His chief rival, Isaac Herzog of the Zionist Union, said he would make “every effort” to form a government, and an upstart centrist party led by a former Netanyahu ally-turned-rival was set to be the kingmaker. The country now heads into weeks of negotiations over the makeup of the next coalition. Both Netanyahu and Herzog will now compete for a chance to form a coalition that commands a majority in the 120-seat parliament, a daunting task in Israel’s
fractured political landscape. Netanyahu appeared to have a better chance of cobbling together a government with right-wing and religious parties. Herzog would have to appeal to more ideologically diverse parties. Either will likely need the support of Moshe Kahlon, whose new Kulanu party captured nine or 10 seats. Kahlon, whose campaign focused almost entirely on bread-and-butter economic issues, has thus far refused to take sides. The election was widely seen as a referendum on Netanyahu, who has governed the country for the past six years, and recent opinion polls had given Herzog a slight lead. As the results were announced on the nation’s three major TV stations, celebrations erupted at Likud’s campaign headquarters in Tel Aviv. In a statement released on Twitter, Netanyahu said that
country’s high cost of living and soaring housing prices. Early Wednesday, Herzog addressed his supporters, saying that he had already begun efforts to court potential coalition partners. In a nod to Kahlon, he said he was committed to forming a “real social reconciliation government.” Netanyahu, who already has a testy relationship with President Barack Obama, took a sharp turn to the right in the final days of the campaign, staking out a series
of hard-line positions that will put him at odds with the international community. In a dramatic policy reversal, he said he now opposes the creation of a Palestinian state — a key policy goal of the White House and the international community. The Palestinians, fed up after years of deadlock with Netanyahu, are now likely to press ahead with their attempts to bring war crimes charges against Israel in the International Criminal Court.
“We call upon the international community to support our efforts to join the international treaties and our effort in the ICC,” said Saeb Erekat, a top Palestinian official. “What Netanyahu is doing and stating are war crimes and if the international community wants peace it should make Netanyahu accountable for his acts,” Erekat said. He said the Palestinian leadership will meet Thursday to discuss its next steps.
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Wednesday March 18, 2015
Wednesday March 18, 2015
Kaieteur News
Police and Fire Service in winner’s... (From page 34) 4-12 off three overs and Knights finished with 3-25. Police overcame Prison Service by eight wickets in their morning game at Eve Leary. Batting first, Prison Service was skittled for 69 in 16 overs. Quian Proctor scored 13 and Malvorn William 12;
Harris claimed 3-7, Knights 312 and Kelvin Leitch 1-6. Police replied with 74-2 in 10.1 overs. Trevor Benn struck 24 not out and Troy Benn 22. Proctor took 2-11. Fire Service beat host GDF by eight runs. Fire Service took first strike and managed 117 all out in 20 overs. S.
Adams stroked 33 and D. Brandis 16. Andre O Neil captured 2-13 and Kenswalk De Jange 2-19. GDF mustered 109-6 in 20 overs in reply. Leon Andrews scored 38; Paul O Neil 35 and Nestor 15 not out. O. Paul snared 3-16. The competition continues today.
E-Networks is major sponsor ... (From page 35) and lower 1200M event will take home $300,000 and trophy. The G 3 Maiden and H and lower 1200M race has a winning pocket of $300,000 and trophy. The ‘J1’ and lower 1100M event has a pole position taking of $240,000 and trophy. The J3 and lower 1100M
event has a first prize take of $200,000 and trophy. The top Jockey along with the runner up, the top stable and champion trainer will all be presented with trophies and other incentives compliments of the Trophy Stall and the organizers. The event will be held under the rules of the Guyana Horse Racing Authority.
The next promotion organised by the group is fixed for August 2nd 2015 at the same venue. Interested persons can make contact with Rajendra (Jim –Jo) 618 7278, Fazal 657 7010, Colin on 624 2723 or Donald or Zaleena Lawrie on telephone Nos 225 4530. Race time will be 12:30hrs.
Wednesday March 18, 2015 ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) Your inspiration and imagination are at their peak, Aries. You may want to try some kind of an artistic project. You're sure to be pleasantly surprised by the results.
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) A group gathering you attend today could have long-term beneficial ramifications, Libra. Perhaps you will strike up a conversation with a stranger who turns out to be an expert in a field you're interested in.
TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20) You're a sensitive and caring person, Taurus. Today you feel especially connected to your group, even those you don't know well.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) It's unlike you, but today you rely on your intuition to guide you through some tricky territory, Scorpio. You may be somewhat distressed by the behavior of the people close to you.
GEMINI (May 21–June 20) There's a chance you will receive an early morning visitor, Gemini. While it's a surprise, it turns out to be a welcome one. This visitor is likely to come bearing gifts of some kind, either in the form of interesting news or encouraging words. CANCER (June 21–July 22) A letter, call, or visit from a lover or close friend is likely to bring interesting news your way. Your creative energies are at their peak, Cancer. LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) Your attractiveness and sociability are at a peak today, Leo. Don't hesitate to put both to good use. You will shine brightly at any social occasion, whether you're the host or guest. VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) All matters related to romance, love, and marriage should go well today, Virgo. You should feel especially warm and supportive. Intimate conversations will come easily and naturally.
SAGIT(Nov.22–Dec.21) There is considerable grumpiness in the air today, Sagittarius. Everyone you know seems to be in a bad mood. However, you have the charm and persistence to pull them out from under that black cloud. CAPRI(Dec.22–Jan.19) A recent windfall or good news regarding money could turn your thoughts to home renovation and decorating. You might do some painting or add decorative touches to the house. AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb.18) Some misunderstandings could cause confusion at home today, Aquarius. Your natural tact and diplomacy will certainly come in handy. PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) You're looking better than ever, Pisces. Don't think your mate hasn't noticed! Even though communication may have been a bit strained lately, all that is forgotten.
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Sharapova and Bouchard win, Wozniacki exits Reuters - Caroline Wozniacki became the biggest name to fall at the BNP Paribas Open on Monday when the fourth seed was ousted 6-4, 6-4 by Swiss teen Belinda Bencic. Second seed Maria Sharapova won an absorbing baseline battle with long-time rival Victoria Azarenka 6-4, 63 in just under two hours while sixth-seed Eugenie Bouchard demolished American CoCo Vandeweghe 6-3, 62. Wozniacki, champion at Indian Wells in 2011, had overwhelmed Bencic 6-0, 6-0 in their only previous meeting in Istanbul last year but it was a very different story at the California desert venue as the Dane struggled for consistency. ”Honestly, it was two completely different matches,” Wozniacki said after being broken twice in the opening set and once in the second at a sun-bathed Indian Wells Tennis Garden. “I went out there today and I didn’t play well at all. ”She was steady. She took the ball early as normal, and she served pretty decently, but I didn’t put three balls in play today. She only had to put balls back in my court.” Bencic, who celebrated her 18th birthday last week, was delighted to clinch her first victory over a top-five player. ”In Istanbul I had maybe too much respect and I was afraid, nervous,” said the Swiss, who gave notice of her potential by reaching last year’s U.S. Open quarter-finals. “Today I really had a good game plan. I did what I had to do.” SERVING WOES Sharapova and Azarenka treated the stadium court crowd to one of the best women’s matches so far. The Belarusian saved five match points before Sharapova sealed victory at the sixth attempt, ending the contest with a dipping crosscourt backhand. ”My serve let me down in the first set,” Sharapova said after levelling her career record against her fellow former world number one at 7-7. “I did everything else well, except serving. “I did a much better job in the second set. She will play until the last point and that’s what made it so tough.” The two players traded breaks in the seventh and eighth games before Sharapova took the opening set in 67 minutes, a marathon 10th game ending when a miss-timed Azarenka forehand flew wide.
Belinda Bencic
Maria Sharapova
With improved serving, Sharapova seized control of the second set and broke Azarenka in the fourth and sixth to take a 5-1 lead. The Belarusian clawed her way back to 3-5 but the second seed then served out for the win. While Sharapova had to battle before sinking Azarenka, it was plain sailing for Bouchard. The Canadian used her potent forehand to great ef-
fect as she broke an errorprone Vandeweghe once in the opening set and twice in the second, completing a onesided victory in just over an hour. In other matches, fifthseeded Serb Ana Ivanovic lost 6-2, 5-7, 6-2 to Frenchwoman Caroline Garcia, while reigning champion Flavia Pennetta of Italy beat Australian Samantha Stosur 6-4, 6-2.
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Kaieteur News
Wednesday March 18, 2015
Monaco advance on away goals despite Arsenal win Giroud appeared to deny Sanchez a better chance to score the third goal from a late free-kick.
Arsenal battled to a 2-0 win at Monaco but the victory was not enough to keep them in the UEFA Champions League as the French Ligue 1 side advanced on away goals. The odds had been stacked against the English side following their 3-1 home
Atletico through on penalties
defeat in the first leg, a deficit from which no team in the Champions League era has recovered when heading into the away second leg. Olivier Giroud’s first-half effort and Aaron Ramsey’s goal after 79 minutes set up a grandstand finale, but the val-
iant Gunners just fell short as they bowed out on the awaygoals rule. After a slow start, Giroud headed a half-chance wide after 13 minutes. Arsenal were lacking a spark as Monaco - who had not conceded a single goal in their three home Champions
League group stages earlier this season - happily took the tempo out of the match. Giroud, who had missed several chances in the first leg, grabbed a lifeline for the visitors with a well-taken finish nine minutes before halftime. Monaco continued to ride their luck as Arsenal
pressed, with Mesut Ozil’s free-kick tipped over at the start of the second half. The game then opened up as Arsenal committed men forwards, and finally reduced the arrears further through substitute Ramsey after 79 minutes. There was, though, to be no miracle of Monte Carlo as Monaco goalkeeper Danijel Subasic denied a late header from Sanchez to end A r s e n a l ’s European dreams at the last-16 stage once again - and leave Arsene Wenger’s men counting the cost of conceding a stoppagetime third goal at the Emirates Stadium. ATLETICO THROUGH ON PENALTIES Atletico Madrid reached the quarter-finals of the Champions League after beating Bayer Leverkusen on penalties. Following a 1-0 defeat in the first leg in Germany,
Mario Suarez Atletico levelled the tie in the 27th minute when Mario Suarez’s strike deflected in off Omer Toprak. Garcia went closest to a winner for Atletico in extra time but Leverkusen keeper Bernd Leno beat his shot away. Hakan Calhanoglu, Toprak and Stefan Kiessling all missed for Leverkusen as Atletico won 3-2 in the shootout. (BBCsport)
Tennis - Djokovic, Murray tested in Indian Wells victories Reuters - World number one Novak Djokovic and fourth-seeded Andy Murray each had to contend with different degrees of adversity before they advanced to the fourth round of the BNP Paribas Open on Monday. Djokovic, the top seed in the elite ATP Masters 1000 event, was broken twice in his opening set against Spaniard Albert Ramos-Vinolas before advancing 7-5 6-3 in an evening match lasting just under an hour and a half. ”I managed to play the right shot at the right time in the important moments,” said Djokovic, who is bidding for a fourth title at Indian Wells. “And I managed to sneak through in straight sets.” Scottish world number four Murray recovered from a surprising second-set lapse during the searing heat of the afternoon at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden to beat German Phillipp Kohlschreiber 6-1 36 6-1. However, Spanish eighth seed David Ferrer made an early exit, ousted 7-5 6-4 by Australian Bernard Tomic in the third round. Djokovic won a topsyturvy opening set that featured five service breaks. The Serb failed to hold in the first game before breaking back in the sixth and eighth, but was surprisingly broken again in the ninth when serving for the set at 5-3. Though Ramos-Vinolas fought back to level at 5-5,
Novak Djokovic
Andy Murray
Djokovic held to love before breaking the Spanish lefthander again in the 12th, the set ending after 49 minutes when his opponent netted a backhand. The second set went with serve until a protracted eighth game which the Serb won when Ramos-Vinolas blasted a low forehand wide, then served out to love in the ninth to seal victory. BIG-SERVING OPPONENT Djokovic will next face big-serving American John Isner, who powered past South African Kevin Anderson 7-6(6) 6-2. “He’s one of the best servers in the history of the game,” said the Serb. “I expect a very tough match.” Murray appeared in total control after breezing through the opening set in just 25 minutes, but was broken after a marathon eighth game in the second as Kohlschreiber lev-
elled the contest. It was then back to business in the third for Murray as he broke the German’s serve in the second and fourth games before sealing victory in a little under two hours when his opponent hit a forehand wide. “Towards the end of the second set there were a lot of long games and he was creating a lot of opportunities,” Murray said. “The game where I got broken, I played a few poor shots as well. He capitalised on that. But apart from that, I thought I played a good match against a tough opponent who plays well in these conditions.” In other matches, fifthseeded Japanese Kei Nishikori fought back to beat Spanish left-hander Fernando Verdasco 6-7(6) 6-1 6-4 while Australian Thanasi Kokkinakis scraped past Juan Monaco of Argentina 6-2 5-7 7-6(5).
Wednesday March 18, 2015
Kaieteur News
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Evander Holyfield to fight Mitt Mexico win sixth title Romney in charity boxing match CONCACAF U-17 Championship
Mexico celebrates after winning the CONCACAF Under-17 Championship, defeating host Honduras. (Photo: Mexsport) San Pedro Sula, Honduras – Mexico won their second straight CONCACAF Under-17 Championship title and record-extending sixth overall, defeating Honduras in the final 3-0 on Sunday night at the Estadio Francisco Morazan. The Tricolor also stretched their unbeaten streak in the competition to 24 straight games, while the hosts lost for the first time in six tournament outings. Both sides previously earned places at the 2015 FIFA World Cup, where
they will be joined by Costa Rica and the United States, which also qualified by winning single-match playoffs earlier in the day. Kevin Magaña gave the Mexicans a seventh minute lead to silence the capacity crowd. The influential Kevin Lara worked his way into the right side of the Honduran box and delivered a cross that the Guadalajara midfielder nodded home from eight-yards out. Eight minutes later, Claudio Zamudio doubled the advantage with his third
CU17 goal. Once again, Lara provided the service from the right, whipping in a cross that Zamudio headed from seven yards beyond right-diving goalkeeper Michael Perello. Mexico put the game out of reach four minutes after the break through Ulises Torres. A right-sided free kick — pumped diagonally into the Honduran box — was headed to the top of the six-yard box, where Torres found the back of the net with his left foot. The FIFA U-17 World Cup will be played October 17-November 8, 2015, in Chile.
Cricket World Cup: Mohammad Irfan to miss rest of tournament Pakistan bowler Mohammad Irfan has been ruled out of the rest of the World Cup with a stress fracture of the pelvis. Irfan, 32, missed Pakistan’s final group match, the win over Ireland in Adelaide on Sunday, with the injury.. The 7ft 1in pace bowler took eight wickets in his five 2015 World Cup matches, with best figures of 4-30 against Zimbabwe. Pakistan may consider calling up a replacement after
Friday’s quarter-final against Australia in Adelaide. Junaid Khan, who dropped out of Pakistan’s initial 15man squad before the World Cup with a hamstring injury, could replace Irfan after declaring himself “100% fit” ahead of a club match in Abbottabad on Sunday. Irfan underwent an MRI scan on Monday that showed a stress injury, but a more detailed scan on Tuesday highlighted a stress fracture. (BBCsport)
Mohammad Irfan
Points Standings Post Round 9 of PCL R4D St. John’s, Antigua – Following are the Official Points Standings after the ninth round of matches in the WICB Professional Cricket League Regional 4-
Day Tournament ended on Monday. Abbreviations: Pts-total points, M-matches, W-won, L-lost, T-tied, I-incomplete match, A-abandoned
match, DP-Abandoned match due to dangerous pitch, MR-match referee awarding match, Bat-batting points, Bowl-bowling points
Boxing legend Evander Holyfield, 52, hasn’t fought since a victory over Brian Nielsen in 2011, but he’ll climb back into the ring on May 15 in Salt Lake City. His opponent? None other than former 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. It’s for charity, of course. ”We’ll see,” said Holyfield in an interview with Fox Business Insider when asked if he would actually hit the 68-year-old politician. “I just want him to stop hiding ’cause he’s gonna get the whooping,” continued Holyfield. “You can’t run and hide from me.” The ‘match’ and subsequent fund raiser is for Charity Vision, a Salt Lake City organization that provides surgeries and other services to poverty-stricken people with vision problems around the world. So, it is highly unlikely that any blood will be shed when “Rumbling” Romney meets “Real Deal” Holyfield later this summer. We’ll dole out boxes of tissues for all the left-leaning readers out there. Romney, for his part, is seemingly well aware of the dangers facing him – even if it’s only sparring against the former heavyweight champion of the world.
Evander Holyfield (left) and Mitt Romney ”It will either be a very short fight, or I will be knocked unconscious,” Romney said in an interview with the Salt Lake Tribune. “It won’t be much of a fight. We’ll both suit up and get in the ring and spar around a little bit.” There will be other fights, with real professionals, on the May 15 fight card at the Rail Event Center in Salt Lake City, so all the pressure won’t solely fall on the two aging sluggers to put on a show. Then again, when a boxer is pitted against a politician, the show kind of takes care of itself, doesn’t it? (FoxBusinessInsider)
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Kaieteur News
Fearless Bangladesh ‘nothing to lose’ against India AFP - Bangladesh will have to play fearless cricket to reproduce their shock 2007 World Cup win over India and knock the defending champions out in their quarter-final, Shakib Al Hasan said yesterday. The star all-rounder hit a pivotal 53 as the Bangladeshis ran down India’s 191 to win by five wickets in Port-ofSpain, Trinidad, at the 2007 World Cup in one of the minnows’ biggest achievements. India, unbeaten in their six pool games, are expected to add Bangladesh to their tally at the Melbourne Cricket ground tomorrow and confirm their superiority over their neighbours in an all-Asian knockout game. Not many give Bangladesh a hope in their first-ever World Cup quarterfinal, but Shakib says confidence is high inside the camp after their three wins and rained-out point with Australia and anything is possible in a one-off game. ”I think we played fearless cricket (when Bangladesh beat India eight years ago) and we all want to play that brand of cricket that we played,” Shakib told a media conference. ”And, so far in this World
Shakib Al Hasan Cup, I think we’re doing it. If we do exactly what we did against England or New Zealand, I think we’ll have a very good game. “It depends on the day, we need to start well. Whatever we do and if we keep doing that and we keep the momentum in our favour then anything is possible.” India have only lost to Bangladesh three times in 28 ODIs and have some of the biggest names in world cricket — Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Virat Kohli and Shikhar Dhawan — and have been, along with New Zealand, the
only unbeaten team at the World Cup. ”India have a very good team, they are the defending world champions, they’ve got some world class players but we’re doing well in this World Cup, our confidence is high enough and we’re up for the match,” Shakib said. ”Obviously, on pen and paper, India is a better team than Bangladesh, no-one has any doubt about it. “But on the day it’s a one-off game and if we have a good day and they have a bad day, you never know.” Bangladesh sent their country into raptures with their stunning 15-run victory to knock England out of the tournament and lock in on a quarter-final berth. ”In the subcontinent, people always expect a lot from you and because we’re playing well there is some expectation,” Shakib said. “But we need to focus on the game and how well we can play the game, that’s the key thing. ”And if we do that I think the result will take care of itself. It doesn’t matter, win or lose, if we play our best cricket, that’s the key thing.”
Guinness ‘Greatest of de Streets’ Competition
Eight games to kickstart East Coast segment tonight Eight games are slated for tonight’s start of the East Coast segment of the Guinness ‘Greatest of de Streets’ Competition which is being played, at the Haslington Market Tarmac. The competition will see sixteen teams battle for prize monies totaling over $600,000 and trophies and just as important two spots to the national playoffs where the winner will represent Guyana at the upcoming Caribbean Tournament set for Trinidad and Tobago in June. The Organisers have released fixtures for the round robin phase of the competition and they are as follows: 19:00 hrs Church Yard United versus Paradise 19:30 hrs Vryhied’s Lust vs.Plaisance ‘A’
20:00 hrs Buxton vs. Plaisance B 20:30 hrs Nabaclis vs. Victoria Eagles 21:00 hrs Ann’s Grove Punters vs. BV ‘B’ 21:30 hrs Melanie ‘A’ vs. Mahaica 22:00 hrs Golden Grove Superstars vs. Melanie ‘B’ 22:30 hrs BV ‘A’ vs. Haslington 3/21/2015 19:00 hrs Church Yard United vs. Melanie ‘B’ 19:30 hrs BV ‘A’ vs. Plaisance ‘B’ 20:00 hrs Ann’s Grove Punters vs. Mahaica 20:30 hrs Golden Grove Superstars vs. Paradise 21:00 hrs Nabaclis vs. Plaisance ‘A’ 21:30 hrs Vryhied’s Lust vs. Victoria Eagles 22:00 hrs Buxton vs.
Haslington 22:30 hrs Melanie ‘A’ vs. BV ‘B’ 3/24/2015 19:00 hrs Melanie ‘B’ vs. Paradise 19:30 hrs BV ‘B’ vs. Mahaica 20:00 hrs Haslington vs. Plaisance ‘B’ 20:30 hrs Nabaclis vs. Vryhied’s Lust 21:00 hrs Melanie ‘A’ vs. Ann’s Grove Punters 21:30 hrs Church Yard United vs. Golden Grove Superstars 22:00 hrs Buxton vs. BV ‘A’ 22:30 hrs Plaisance ‘A’ vs. Victoria Eagles Meanwhile, teams in the respective groups have been named and they are: Group ‘A’ - Buxton, BV ‘A’, Haslington and Plaisance ‘B’; Group ‘B’- Church Yard United, Golden Grove Superstars, Melanie ‘B’ and Paradise; Group ‘C’Melanie ‘A’, Ann’s Grove Punters, BV ‘B’ and Mahaica and in Group ‘D’Nabaclis, Vryhied’s Lust, Plaisance ‘A’ and Victoria Eagles.
Wednesday March 18, 2015
Bakewell adopts Slingerz FC ahead of K&S extravaganza The Bakewell Company is synonymous with freshly baked bread and other products along that line. However, the late proprietor, Naeem Naseer, had reached out to the organizers of the K&S entertainment group and years before he died had started a tradition of support that has been maintained by that company even after he had passed away. Yesterday morning, the current management continued that tradition and reached out to the football fraternity as the K&S Entertainment Group prepares to launch the 25th edition of the tournament. This time, the benefactor is the Slingerz Football Club and Bakewell has adopted the team which will now carry the Company’s tab as the team vies for honours in the imminent edition of the K&S spectacle. Yesterday morning, Javed Ali, the man behind the suc-
cess of the Slingerz Football Club, trooped to the Bakewell establishment, Albert Street Georgetown, for the official commissioning ceremony. There, General Manager of that firm, Rajin Ganga, officially made the pronouncement. He said that his executives were indeed delighted by the strides made by the Slingerz FC and felt obligated to reach out towards their future advancement. ”We have noticed that Slingerz has developed into a strong force on the (local) football scene and feel obliged to render support,” said Mr. Ganga. He further hinted at a bigger package as the relationship grows saying that yesterday’s gesture signals the beginning of fruitful relations between the two entities. Mr. Ali welcomed the gesture and intimated as much to Mr. Ganga. He said that he is indeed gratified that Bakewell has chosen his club to be their
brand representatives and they will take this very seriously. “Slingerz has come a far way and gestures such as these would serve to boost our morale as we aspire to be the best local club,” concluded Mr. Ali. Indeed, the club situated in Vergenoegen WCD, though relatively young, has made credible strides in the football circles. They were successful in their last outing, the Mayor’s Cup Football Championship after defeating Western Tigers in an action packed duel to take top honours. Mr. Ali is brimming with confidence saying that his boys are fit and ready to take on all comers in the K&S tournament and replicate that feat. “Now, it’s not only about us; we now have the reputation of Bakewel l to uphold and we plan doing so with flair,” said the Slingerz boss.
Phil Simmons mulls over switch from Ireland to West Indies Ireland coach Phil Simmons is mulling over whether to accept an offer to take charge of his native West Indies. Trinidadian Simmons, who has led the Irish since 2007, is believed to have been interviewed for the job prior to the current World Cup. BBC Sport has been told that Simmons, 51, has been offered the West Indies post but that negotiations have yet to be successfully concluded. Simmons’s Irish exited from the World Cup after Sunday’s defeat by Pakistan. The coach is under contract with Ireland until December but Cricket Ireland are not expected to stand in his way if he decides to accept the West Indies offer. A quick Simmons appointment would see him take charge for the Test series against England in the
Caribbean next month. Stuart Williams has been in temporary charge of the Windies since they parted company with Ottis Gibson last August. Simmons, who played 26 Tests from 1988 until 1997, has been linked with the West Indies job on a number of previous occasions. And his stock has risen further over the last month given Ireland’s impressive performances at the World Cup. Since replacing Adi Birrell after the 2007 World Cup, Simmons has guided Ireland to the 2011 and 2015 tournaments and earned wins over Test nations England, the West Indies and Zimbabwe. Simmons’s Ireland squad defeated the West Indies in their opening World Cup game in Nelson last month but
Phil Simmons missed out on a quarter-final spot on run-rate despite further group victories over the United Arab Emirates and Zimbabwe. During Simmons’s tenure, he has guided Ireland to six successive ICC global tournaments while his side have also won 10 trophies contested by Associate countries. (BBCsports)
ICC set to air umpire communications Dubai, United Arab Emirates - The umpire communications can be aired during umpire referrals, consultations and DRS player reviews. The International Cricket Council (ICC) yesterday confirmed that TV umpire communications during decision-making will be available to the host broadcaster, Star Sports, to put to air for the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final of ICC Cricket
World Cup 2015, which will be played between 18 and 29 March. The ICC held a successful trial during the One-Day International series between Australia and South Africa in November 2014, and it will be introduced for the final seven matches of ICC Cricket World Cup. The umpire communications can be aired during umpire referrals, consultations and DRS player reviews.
Forthcoming ICC Cricket World Cup fixtures: Quarter Finals Wednesday, 18 March – South Africa v Sri Lanka, Sydney Thursday, 19 March – India v Bangladesh, Melbourne Friday, 20 March – Australia v Pakistan, Adelaide Saturday, 21 March – New Zealand v West Indies, Wellington (ICC)