TT Oil Minister faces Guyanese remain in
after two audit Guyanese remain in
after two audit
...asGovt.holdsoutthatsalary talkswilldealwith2024onwards from today Teachers back on strike
Citizens outraged over schoolchildren being asked to write essay on Govt. free breakfast programme
Min.Indar tellsReuters:
Shareholders of U.S oil producer Hess Corporation have filed two lawsuits against the company contending inadequate disclosure of the proposed sale to Chevron –Reutersreported.
It was stated that Hess openedanewtabonTuesday, saying it disputes claims in several shareholder letters and at least two lawsuits a
e disclosures over its proposed sale to Chevron, opens new
tab. The claims, filed in federal court in New York and the Delaware Court of Chancery, seek to further delay or block the US$53 b
l i o n d e a l H e s s shareholdersarescheduledto vote May 28, 2024 on the deal. The allegations of deficient disclosures in the dealproxy“arewithoutmerit and (Hess) intends to defend against the matters and any subsequent demands or filed actions,”thecompanysaidin
asecuritiesfilingonTuesday The U S Federal Trade Commissionisreviewingthe deal, which also has been challenged by ExxonMobil, which claims a right of first refusal to Hess' prized Guyanaassets.
According to reports, Exxon and China's CNOOC have merged their arbitration claims against Chevron's planned acquisition of Hess, which would give the U.S oil giant access to Guyana's StabroekBlock.
Last October, it was announced Chevron will be acquiring Hess for US$53 billion. The takeover would give Chevron access to Hess' most valuable asset in Guyana. The operator of the S t a b r o e k B
o c k i s ExxonMobil Guyana, who holds a 45% interest, while Hess Guyana holds 30% interest and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited with25%interest.
Exxon was the first to moveforarbitration,filingits case at the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris, arguing that it has a right of first refusal over Hess' stake. CNOOC later followed suit to uphold its right to Hess stake in the block.
The fight over Guyana's Stabroek Block resources finds its genesis in the lopsided oil deal signed by the APNU+AFC Coalition administration back in 2016. This deal extends favourable terms to the oil companies, providing unlimited tax waivers, uncapped interest rates and perhaps the lowest royalty rates known to the industry, at a meager two percent. Production from the
S t a b r o e k B l o c k developments sits above 600,000barrelsperday(bdp) –withExxonhavingtheLiza 1, Liza 2 and the Payara projectsonline.
The oil companies have embarked on an aggressive drilling campaign in the Stabroek Block targeting three other developments: Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptail projects. It should be noted that Yellowtail and Uaru have already been approved, while Whiptail is under review awaiting government approval any daynow
Moreover, according to a Reuters' article, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Exxon, Darren Woods said that his company is trying to secure preemption rights over Hess Corporation's Guyana assets in its dispute withChevron.
He clarified that Exxon was not trying to buy over HessCorporation.
“We're basically standing up for what we believe is a fundamental right,” Woods told Reuters. Exxon is trying to “secure and confirm the rights in that contract gives theexistingpartners.”
Exxonwants to“evaluate that value and do what is in the best interest of ExxonMobil shareholders, given the investments that we've made and all the work we've done to make that successful,”headded.
Hess and Chevron have said they disagree with Exxon's interpretation of the Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) that governs the Exxon, Hess and CNOOC consortium governing the StabroekBlock.
Trinidad and Tobago Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, Stuart YoungonTuesdaypresented that country's two latest independently conducted audits on the nation's remaininggasresources-a stark contrast to what
obtains here, where Guyanese have yet to be officially updated on the findings of two audits
c o n d u c t e d o n ExxobnMobil'sexpenses.
Guyanese is also not aware of the true quantity of its oil and gas resources, although ExxonMobil Guyanahadputtheoilfigure at 11 billion barrels in the StabroekBlockseveralyears ago.TheTTaudits on its gas resourceswereconductedby independent petroleum consultant DeGolyer and MacNaughton (D&M) of Dallas, Texas, USA on behalf of the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries. This was their first time auditing the country'sgasreserves.
The last time this country's gas audit figures were revealed was on December 14, 2021, when theresultsoftheauditforthe year ended December 31, 2020 were released. Young on Tuesday also apologised forthedelayinthereleaseof the latest audit results. “I
must take personal responsibility and apologise for the delay, as the audit results have been ready for some time, but due to my professional commitments, I was unable to present until today. So that fault is mine,” Young said.Young sought to break down the findings of the latest audit. “When you see P1 and C1, that means what we know is there for sure, and what is under contracttobedeveloped.So, wearelookingat11.4trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas,” Youngsaid.
T&T currently utilises one tcf of gas a year, according to the latest figures, Young said, and thereforewiththe11.4tcfwe have, there are around 11 years of supply remaining. “So by projection, if you have 11 and a half tcf, you're lookingatabout11(years),if we were to continue gas
production on current rates 11 more years of natural gas in our domestic fields,” he said. However, Young said that according to the results, the other technically recoverable quantities P2+C2 (4.9 tcf) and P3+C3 (5 tcf) provides this country with the possibility of approximately ten more years of possible gassupply
“So that's about nine tcf that you know exists. And what you need to do is that exploration or the appraisal wells, and then bring it to production,” Young said “So you're looking at, when you look at those figures, approximately a potential of another ten to potentially 20 years,”hesaid.
The natural gas reserves are divided into three categories based on the certainty that the resources will be extracted. P1 and C1 are proven resources with a 90%certaintyofcommercial extraction, P2 and C2 are given to reserves that have a 50% certainty and possible resourcesarelabelledP3and C3 since there is a 10% chance of commercial extraction.
Young described the latest audit report as “encouraging, good news, positive ”He said the Government was looking forward to projects such as theLoran-Manateegasfield, since the Manatee gas field canproduceuptothreetcfof gas, while Loran can produce seven tcf. “You would see ten tcf of gas, which is actually just one tcf offofwhatwehaveinP1and C1. So, when that Manatee gas starts to come on stream, and eventually Loran will comeonstream,youwillsee that it immediately moves T&T off one field, doubling the current amounts that we have in that P1, C1 category we have there right now,” he said.
Young also touched on the incentives that are open for upstreamers and said, “I am not looking, on behalf of the people of T&T, to give out any more incentives.” “I think there are sufficient incentives there. But where we are working with persons is if, for example, they see a
stranded amount of gas in a nearby block, etcetera, we have had instances of that, where we said we would extend your block to capture that stranded field and allow it there. We are prepared to work with you on areas and aspects of pricing and taking risks,etcetera,”hesaid.
C o - f o u n d e r a n d managing director of DeNovo Energy Ltd Bryan Ramsumair, who was present at the release of the audit results, said, “What is encouraging us is not only the fact that we see a reserve replacement, but the minister is indicating the willingness to talk to upstreamers about acreage where it is near to infrastructure to be able to put new terms and conditions in place ” Ramsumair said this development is positive newsforthepeopleofT&T
M e a n w h i l e , a l s o speaking at the conference was Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Penelope BradshawNileswhopointed outthat: “theseauditsgivea snapshotofnationalreserves and resources; the results are used by the ministry to ensure that the government is strategically positioned to guide business and operational decisions ” Bradshaw-Niles reminded that since 2000 the country has annually with the e x c e p t i o n o f o n e year—consistently provided not only the stakeholders in the industry but the citizens with an annual update of the country'sgasreserves.
According to the Permanent Secretary, before t h e e n g a g e m e n t o f independent consultants by the ministry, there were multiple reserve and resource standards done by separate operators—as is the
case in Guyana. This, she lamented meant that aggregating volumes to produce the country's resource figure was not an easy task and gave rise to inconsistencies.”
With the use of an external independent consultant hired by the Ministry, she said this a l l o w e d f o r t h e consolidation of the information, “to ensure we are comparing apples to apples, since 2000, we have produced annual reports consistently.” She did note thattheaccomplishmentwas had in large part due to cooperation of the natural gas companies who supplied critical data “so the auditors candotheirjob.”
According to BradshawNiles, “the use of this standard means that the methodology and standard can be widely understood and used as a basis for guiding development strategy, in order better understand government decisions the reports are made public ” T&T was d e s c r i b e d b y t h e programme's moderator as having a well-developed downstream petrochemical industrybasedonnaturalgas which makes conducting regularauditsessential.
It was explained that the audits also “helps to provide security to so supply assurances to large downstream sources users andinvestors.”
Meanwhile, even as Trinidad has conducted such an audit of its gas resources, Guyanesearestillinthedark as to true figure of their oil
reserves Recently, Chairman of Wales Development Authority, AsgarAlly said that some 15 billion barrels of oil have
Minister of Energy and Energy Industries Stuart Young, left, shakes hands with De Golyer and MacNaughton Vice President, senior engineer Juan Francos at a press conference at the ministry's office Port-of-Spain, on Tuesday
already been discovered to date in the Stabroek Block.
This is despite Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo and ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) Country Manager, Alistair Routledge maintaining that the country's resources have not significantly moved since the last update in 2022 when it was at 11 billion barrels Ally, while representing Guyana at the Jamaica Stock Exchange Conference held back in January, had made the disclosure of an additional 4 billion barrels of oil being discovered. “As of this point in time, we don't know the full extent of the oil deposits but it's huge and I could explain what that means. It's about I would say they have identified at least 15 billion barrels of oil in the (Stabroek) Block. So at this point in time, I would say Exxon has identified about 25 to 35% of that,”Ally who isaneconomiststated.
Although eight new discoveries were made since Guyana's last resource update in April 2022, with one of those estimated to hold some 746 million barrels of oil, Exxon and Guyana's Vice President havestatedthatthecountry's estimated 11 billion barrels of recoverable resources remain with no significant improvement.
Former Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson, during a recent
Alliance For Change (AFC) press conference said “somethingain'tright”about the explanation provided by the Head of EMGL, Alistair Routledge and Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo that the country's reserves have not significantly grown since April 2022, following eightnewdiscoveries.
Patterson said it was unbelievable that three years ago,theStabroekBlockheld anestimated11Bbarrelsand although eight significant discoveries were announced byExxon,thenationisbeing informed that there is “no significant increase ” The politician explained, “Every country, there is proven reserves, the benchmark is proven oil reserves, not proven oil resources I think Exxon's Head was trying to be disingenuous and trying to use language to kerfuffle the public but you cannot. You have proven oil reserves; it is quite easy…I have seen reports from the Ministry of Natural Resources when we were there, they gave estimated reservenumbers.”
He said the company and government have the country updated estimated oil reserves but are deliberately keeping the country in the dark. Patterson told reporters that Exxon at the behest of the government is concealing the country's reserves which could be as much as 20B barrelsnow
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that has metastasized, it has not only overwhelmedthebodypoliticbutinvaded therestofsocietytotheextentthatweareallnowbeing inexorablyconsumed.
The traffic policeman stops us on the road; the first reactionofmostistooffera“smallpiece”.Wedon’twant to put up with the tedium of qualifying for a driver’s licence–orwearenotpreparedtojumpthroughthehoops placedbyavariciousofficials–andwe“passsomething”.
There are no corrupt governments; just corrupt officialsandacompliantcitizenry
There is no smoke without fire, and there is no fire without fuel. In the end, it is the ordinary citizens that permit the corrupt officials to get away with their subversion of the moral fibre of our society Corruptionwillnotend(oratleastbebroughtundersome modicumofcontrol,sinceitappearstobeendemicinthe human condition) until the average citizen stands up for hisrights(andindefenceofthelawsofhiscountry)and refusetogoalongwiththechicanery
If the fuel supply is severed, the fire will become extinguishedinduecourse.
There’ssomuchthatcanbedonebyordinaryfolksbut it would appear that we have become habituated into acceptingcorruptionaspartofourlandscape.
Andthenwemopeandwhineabouthowrippedoffwe all are. In this day and age of the ubiquitous cell phone, why can’t pictures be taken or voices recorded of the graspingofficialsandthenbroadcastontheinternet?
Whycan’tweuseFacebookandtwitterformorethan gossip?Wehavetobegintotakesomeresponsibilityfor ourpredicament.
On a tomb under of a long-departed bishop in the cryptsofWestminsterAbbey,thereisengravedanepitaph thatcanserveuswellatthishour:“WhenIwasyoungand free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I discoveredtheworldwouldnotchange,soIshortenedmy sightssomewhatanddecidedtochangeonlymycountry But it, too, seemed immovable. As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, they would have none of it. And now as I lie on my deathbed,Isuddenlyrealize:IfIhadonlychangedmyself first,thenbyexample,Iwouldhavechangedmyfamily From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then havebeenabletobettermycountryandwhoknows,Imay haveevenchangedtheworld.”
Therewillbenomessiahstosaveusfromdrowning. Wehavetotakeahardlookinthemirrorandtakestockas tohowcomplicitweallareinthesmallandlargeactsof corruption that abounds in the society How many of our own acquaintances, friends, relatives andevenmembersofourownfamilieshavebeensucked intothesystem?Reformingourownbehaviour,evenwith ourrelationstowardsthosethatarecorrupt,iswithinour control. Social ostracism is a potent tool in changing the behaviourofindividuals.
Newspaperslikeourscantakealeadinferretingout someegregiousinstancesofgraftbutweknowwearejust skimming the surface. Corruption, like icebergs, exist mostly under the surface. Corruption, like a rotten fish, stinks from the top and the stench trickles down from above.
Tomakeavisibleimpact,wehavetotacklecorruption notjustontheperipherybutalsoatthetop.Soontherewill be general elections and another opportunity to make peaceful changes at the top if we believe that they have abused their mandate in facilitating corruption (Republished)
Political mockery of our teachers’ issues is no laughing matter
In a functioning democracy, the relationship between government and its citizens should be one of mutual respect, especially whenitcomestoaddressing the concerns of vital professionssuchasteaching and nursing. It is in this regard and moreover as a teacher that it would be remiss of me not to express my disdain at the recent events which have brought to light a disturbing trend of disregard and mockery towards the legitimate grievances of my fellow educators.
The portrayal of teachers’issues, particularly their demand for better salaries, benefits and collective bargaining rights, as mere fodder for political satire in a skit performed by m e m b e r s o f t h e government’s political party at their recently concluded congress is not only disturbing and disrespectful but also highlights a p r o f o u n d l a c k o f understanding and appreciation for the gravity of the situation. Teachers play an indispensable and profoundroleinshapingthe future of our nation. Educatorsareentrustedwith the noble task of nurturing young minds, imparting knowledge, and instilling values that will guide future
Yet, despite their pivotal role, teachers often find themselves undervalued, o v e r w o r k e d , a n d underappreciated. The call for collective bargaining rights by the teachers’union during their strike action is notafrivolousdemandbuta fundamental necessity to ensure fair treatment, adequate compensation, and a conducive working environment for our teachers.
The decision directly or indirectly, wittingly or unwittingly to mock the teachers’strikesinapolitical skit, demonstrates a callous disregard, and gross disrespect for the struggles facedbyeducatorsonadaily basis. The act to conjure up laughter only succeeded to belittle our teachers’ legitimate concerns and trivialises the importance of collective bargaining in ensuringbettermentfortheir welfare.
I dare say such actions not only undermine the dignity of my fellow educators, our teachers, but alsoerodepublictrustinthe government’s serious commitment to addressing the pressing issues facing ourteachersintheeducation system It is equally important and imperative that all Guyanese and especiallythegovernmentin
recognising the seriousness of the challenges plaguing the teaching fraternity and take decisive action to addressthem.
The government must acknowledge the validity of the teachers’ demands and engage in meaningful discussions with their union to find equitable solutions.
Solutions which are availableandrequiresamere ounce of political will and heart.
Collective bargaining is not a threat to governance but a cornerstone of democracy,ensuringthatthe voices of our workers are heardandtheirrightsupheld.
Democracy that the government speaks of so eloquently on a frequent basis must be demonstrated alsoinactions.
AgainIsay,theportrayal of our teachers’ issues in a political skit reflects a broader pattern of dismissiveness towards the plight of educators This pattern must be confronted and rectified through a concerted and deliberate effort to prioritise education andourteachersasanational priority. Investment in educationisaninvestmentin the future of our nation, and neglecting the needs of teachers undermines the very foundation of our society
The offensive portrayal
ofourteachers’issuesinthat attempttobefunnypolitical skit, requires a public apology It is not only warranted but necessary to restoredignityandrespectto the teaching profession F u r t h e r m o r e , t h e government must commit to taking concrete steps to address the systemic issues affectingteachers,including butnotlimitedtofairwages, but better working conditions and adequate resourcesforclassroomsand non-taxablebenefits.
All of Guyana must accept that advocating for the government to prioritise the concerns of our teachers is not a partisan issue but a matter of basic decency and social justice. Regardless of one’spoliticalaffiliation,we must all recognise the invaluable contributions of our teachers to our society and ensure that they are treated with the respect and dignitythattheydeserve.
Failure to do so not only harms teachers but also jeopardises the future of our nation.
It is time for the government to listen to the voicesofteachers,engagein sincere dialogue, and take concrete steps towards buildingabrighterfuturefor allinournation.
Yoursrespectfully, Hon.JermaineFigueira MP
Roysdale Forde is the carpenter and leader necessary for this time
, When Joe Biden assumed the Presidency of the USAat the beginning of 2021, and Aubrey Norton assumed the Leadership of thePNC/Rattheendof2021, there was a feeling of optimism and purpose in the USAandGuyanathatregular orderwouldbereturnedtoour societies after the unprecedented assault on our democratic foundations following presidential elections in both countries
A n d , w h i l e s o m e accountability has been pursued and achieved in the USA, few would argue in favourofevenlimitedresolve andsuccesshere
In fact, many people believe that the opposite is true and the democratic deficitmanifestedfollowing the 2020 General and RegionalElectionshasbeen
unchecked and growing rapidly This is exemplified bythebaldauthoritarianism; uncontrolled corruption; assault on the judiciary, press and labour; neutering of oversight bodies and the absence of inclusivity and fairness in national development.
In 2021, Aubrey Norton rode a wave of anger, f r u s t r a t i o n a n d disillusionmenttosecurethe leadership of the PNC/R with about 65% of the delegatevoteonthebasisof his supposed ability to honour its legacy and champion the rights and aspirations of the disenfranchised,downtrodden and disrespected in our society.Morethantwoyears on the general consensus is thathehasunderrepresented andunderachievedasLeader of the PNC/R and
Opposition According to Charles de Gaulle, “every man of action has a strong dose of egotism, pride, hardness and cunning. But all these things will be forgiven him, indeed, they will be regarded as high qualitiesifhecanmakethem the means to achieve great things ” Even Norton’s staunchest supporters are left to defend his continuationinoffice,noton the basis of relevant ability or achievement, but rather his long association with, and valued service to, the party and practised sociability, and seem to prefer to engage in intrigue andmanipulationofinternal processes rather than introspection, political evaluation and purposeful outreach.
The PNC/R is a political party,withaproudlegacyof struggle, development and unquestioned national relevance which trajectory has been losing its momentum within recent years requiring an obvious, and urgent, course correction. I am convinced thatRoysdaleForde,SC,MP isqualifiedandaccomplished and has the motivational, organisational and visionary abilitiestoleadthemovement to Regroup, Refocus and Rebuild the once-victorious coalition and return it to office Sam Rayburn, 43rd Speaker of the US House of Representatives famously said that, “any jackass can kickdownabarnbutittakes a good carpenter to build one” I suggest that Roysdale Forde is that carpenter and leader necessaryforthistime.
Sincerely OscarDolphin
The PPP: Guyana’s only national party? Propaganda vs hard factsD
EDITOR, Reference is made to an article entitled “Why is the PPP is the only national party in Guyana” by Dr Randy Persaud, Professor Emeritus & Advisor in the Office of the President, which was recently published in Demerara Waves(May4,2024).Inhis contribution, Dr. Persaud defines a number of requirements that a truly nationalpartyneedstomeet. These include a broad nation-wide base with representatives from all regions that comprise our nation, a membership representing both genders and all major national ethnicities, and an inclusive party leadership reflecting the nation’s diversity He concludes the article with the statement that “To date, only the PPP has satisfied theserequirements”.
T h e P e o p l e ’ s ProgressiveParty(PPP)held last weekend its 32nd Congress at the Arthur ChungConferenceCenterin Liliendaal, ECD Some 3’000delegatesattendedthe
event,whichconcludedwith theelectionofanewCentral Executive Committee, which is comprised of 35 voting members. Whereas Dr Persaud’s article lacked hard data supporting his claims of inclusivity and diversity of the PPP leadership,thelistofelected members to the PPP’s CentralCommitteeprovides a unique opportunity for validation. The breakdown by gender and major ethnic groups was calculated. For
c o m p a r i s o n , t h e
composition of the
Guyanese population by gender and ethnicity, according to the 2012 census, the most recent one, isgiveninparentheses.
· 83% Indo-Guyanese (40%) 11% Afro-Guyanese (29%)
It is evident that IndoGuyanese men are massively overrepresented in the PPP leadership. Even
more telling is the
composition of the 2024 Executive Committee, which was announced yesterday, May 7, 2024
While Afro-Guyanese were still represented in the 2017 body,nonequalifiedtoserve on the new Executive Committee, which is comprised of 15 members entertaining voting rights. This key decision body of the PPP is therefore dominated by IndoGuyanese men. Hence, the claim of Dr Persaud, which is also frequently voiced by the PPP leadership, that the PPPrepresentstheonlytruly multi-racial and diverse party in Guyana is not supported by the hard facts. Thoseclaimshavetherefore toberelegatedtofalsehoods and qualify as blunt party propaganda.
Any party claiming to represent inclusiveness and ethnic diversity needs to have these claims reflected in the leadership structure and by a history of nominating presidential candidatesonthebasisof
Forde is showing strength and seems ready to enter the ring
In recent weeks, Roysdale Forde has been demonstrating that side of himthatmanythoughthedid nothave;heisnowmakingit clear that he is a stand-up guy It is a side that the hundreds of thousands of Guyanese who’ve been battered by the PPP dictatorship,wishtosee.He is showing strength and seemsreadytoenterthering withanyofhisopponents. Outside of the cool guy persona and an intellectual spirit that reveals a brilliant legal mind, there has never been any doubt about his intelligence. In fact, none can venture to question the depth of his analytical genius. Forde, the politician and lawyer is a deep thinker andastrategistofthehighest pedigree. While he would not sink tolevelsunbecomingofwho he is, va-va-voom Forde is serious about leading from the front. He has not shied away from publicly stating that he is ready to walk in protest against the terrible wrongs of the hegemonic regime and his public pronouncements either in
speech or print are powerful anddirect.
Onecanexpecttoseethe Senior Counsel standing in theforefrontoftheteacher’s protest for better wages and salaries and in Mocha with the people who are losing theirlandsatthehandsofthe PPPOligarchy
The new Forde will definitely have Guyanese, who wish to see justice and fairness in that country, reposing confidence in him. Va-va-voom on Royo. I am liking that part of you that was in reserve for the
momentwhenyouareready tolead.
NormanBrowneCollective bargaining is not done in the streetsDEAREDITOR
TheGoogledefinitionof a Collective Bargaining Agreement(CBA)states,“A written legal contract between an employer and a union representing the employees. The CBA is a result of an extensive negotiationprocessbetween the parties which include topicssuchas,wages,hours and terms and conditions of employment.” So, in the latestimbrogliobetweenthe GTU and the Government andthedecisionoftheunion to call a strike, the question isasked,werethesespecifics of collective bargaining adhered to?And the answer is,no?
So, the sabre rattling of the Teachers Union of an impendingstrikeactiongoes against the tenets of collectivebargainingandfor this cause, we need to scrutinise the claims, if any, made by the union and how these can be addressed. In thefirstplace,theunionhas brokenalltherules,theyare the ones who left the bargaining table and took to the streets in a month-long strike. When they realised that they were caught in a bind,theywenttoacourtof law to address their concerns.
That court of law sent thembacktothenegotiating table.Theycametothetable in a contemptuous mode,
making inordinate demands which were not stated in previous discussions, as a result, negotiations hit a stalemate This angered them, wherein they headed back to court. Now, one would have thought that matters pertaining to wages and salaries would have been central to their second court appearance, but strikingly enough, it never did! Only fringe matters of the Government being tax collector for the union and payment for non-working days.
The judge then made a convoluted decision, which at the present moment he is having great difficulty to provide us with a written explanationtohisruling.So, led by lawyers with limited intelligence, their interpretation of Kissoon’s rulingistocallacontinuous strike and close down the country Well, how sensible isthatconclusionisyettobe seen?
Iftheunionwasworthits salt,theywouldhaveheaded backtothenegotiatingtable with conciliatory tones asking that the government be gracious enough to meet them half way and pay the teachers for the extra two weeks spent on the picket line They could have pleaded their position as having a moment of indiscretion and acceding to
bad advice from their lawyers that caused them to be out those extra ten days. But foolishness has so consumed them that they cannotmaketheirwayout
There is no PPP/C Government that I know of thatwouldhavedeniedthem that favour, but the crass belligerence that is so obviousinaPNCLedUnion hascausedthemtolackgood judgement.Theothermatter oftheGovernmentnotbeing a tax collector for the union stands,itisabargainingchip that could have been explored, an either-or situation. But like I said, politics and limited judgement on the Union’s parthavethembackedintoa corner
Therefore, this latest attempt to bully the Government, will not work, what the union has to do is quickly get back to the negotiating table and in an amicable way, discuss the way forward towards the upliftment of the teachers undertheirwatch,thereisno other way Playing that belligerentyardie,streetside mentality, would not work either
As the civilized world knows it, collective bargaining belongs to a bargaining table and not in thestreets.
Respectfullysubmitted NeilAdams
DEAREDITOR, Guyana’s President, Dr IrfaanAliisblazingthetrail
with his innovative leadership style which is gaining immense popularity and progressive momentum among all Guyanese, much to the chagrin of the incompetentOppositionand itsmouthpieces.
Be it in defence of our country’s territorial integrity, be it in defence of the case for reparation, be it in promoting his One Guyana Vision or be it in defenceoftheworkingclass, be it in running the business of this Nation, President Ali’s achievement and adoration has grown and is growing exponentially. He has displayed a plethora of such scarce leadership qualitiesthattheOpposition leaders have lacked and this is because the President is honest and fully committed
about what he is doing. Hypocrisy, lies and deceit arenotinhisrepertoire. What is wrong with the President casting aside all the pretensions which normally characterise those in high offices and exude such humility, love and affection for his people? This is what is meant by a President of the people, by the people and for the people. This President has combined the great attributesofbothDr Cheddi JaganandDr Jagdeobuthas added his own special flavour to the mix which makes him unbeatable. This is not an inanimate cardboard replica like what wasfoistedonthesupporters o f t h e C o a l i t i o n
Government, this is a President who is unafraid to mingle and express his emotions for the world to behold. Not afraid to dance
intotheheartsofthepeople. Iwasmildlyamusedbya letter from Mr Roysdale Forde,aSeniorCounseland Member of Parliament and themanwhoinhisdreamsor more like fantasy, wants to be the next President, who misguidedly felt President Alishouldhavetakento‘the stage to address pressing national issues or outline policies for progress’ and that it ‘risks making light of the gravity of the presidential office and diminishing its authority in theeyesofthegeneralpublic a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l community’. Perhaps this aspirant to high office is blind to the fact that President Ali has provided that ‘guidance, inspiration and responsible leadership’ since he assumed Office in 2020 and has effectively carried out those ‘immense responsibilities, from
protecting the integrity of national security to facilitating an environment that allows for economic development and promoting socialjusticeandcohesion’.
Yet,Fordeinhisquestto denigrate President Ali, has
actually highlighted and itemised some of the President’s undeniable achievements in the form of negatives. Not Forde or any of his ilk can possibly deny these accomplishments whicheveryoneathomeand abroad are chanting gustily Forde should be more concernedaboutthefailures of the Coalition and the shameless rigging attempts byhisParty Itistimethatthe PNCfindanewstrategyto (Continuedonpage16)
How is the executive allowing a candidate controlling election process?
It is wrong, wrong, wrong! It sends the wrong message, the controlling of the electoral process by a candidate.
Surely no one is above theparty How is the executive allowingthis? Is a resort to the court a possibility?
Voices have commented on the skit and the boogiewoogie strut but have remainedsilentonthis.
Frompage05 merit,irrespectiveoftheirgenderandethnic background. Sadly enough, this has to date been nothing but lip service as both leading parties, the PPPand the People’s National
Congress Reform (PNCR), have failed to implement those self-evident standards eversinceournationgainedindependence in1966
Yourssincerely, AndreBrandli,PhD
Shouldanambassador-designate beingmakingpoliticallyalignednarratives?
Is it sensible in action and thoughtor evenprudent foranambassador-designate to be making politically aligned narratives and comments, as clearly articulated in a letter on the just concluded congress? (KN May 8). Isn’t there
somethingaboutdecorumof thepositionandadiplomatic stanceonsuchmatters? Just wondering.
Ambassadors are on the internationalstage. Their conduct must be impeccable and above reproach.
A recent case of which
Guyana was not proud of, needsnorepeating. Congratulationsandbest wishes to those recently designated. May you fly Guyana’s flag justly and proudly in your respective posting.
Regards ShamshunMohamed
On Tuesday, the energy minister of Trinidad and Tobago held a public forum to update the nation about that country's gas reserves. This was done after an audit was conducted. In Guyana, the public gets to know about the findings of an audit through a leak to the media. Then months, after the report is published on a website with little traffic.
Nothing in Guyana is done officially; everything is a secret. The latest that Guyanese grapple with is that ExxonMobil has announced eight discoveries, but not a scrap of information about how many barrels of oil have been found. Two years of blankness has been the constant reminder about new reserves.
This provides confirmation on the chronic secrets that have plagued the oil sector from the beginning, thanks to the machinations and moves of Bharrat Jagdeo.
R e n e w a b l e e n e r g y accounted for a record 30%
share of electricity generationgloballylastyear, drivenbygrowthinsolarand wind power, clean energy think tank Ember said in a reportonWednesday
“ W i t h r e c o r d construction of solar and wind in 2023, a new era of falling fossil generation is imminent,” Ember said Renewable energy growth in 2023 would have been enoughtopushglobalpower sector emissions down, were it not for a rise in coal-fired generation due to shortages in hydropower because of drought conditions in many large economies, Ember said.
The report comes at a time when Guyana is planning to spend more than US$2 billion on a Gas-toEnergy (GTE) project, in the absence of a feasibility study While stakeholders worry about the high cost of the project, government continues to argue that the venture will reduce the cost of electricity by 50 percent. The project entails a 220 kilometers pipeline to transport natural gas from the Liza fields in the Stabroek Block, as well as a Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) facility and a 300-megawatt powerplant.
The latest emissions
report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) showed earlier this year that despite a decline in fossil fuel use in developed economies, global energyrelated emissions rose in 2023 to another record-high level as coal use rose in major developing markets hit by low hydropower generation.
Ember, however, struck on Wednesday an optimistic note about emissions falling from now on, saying that “the latest forecasts give confidence that 2024 will begin a new era of falling fossil generation, marking 2023 as the likely peak of power sector emissions ”
“The renewables future has arrived. Solar in particular is accelerating faster than anyone thought possible,” said Dave Jones, Global Insights Programme Director at Ember “The decline of power sector e m i s s i o n s i s n o w inevitable.” Despite a nearly
50% surge in renewable capacity installations last y e a r, l e d b y s o l a r photovoltaics and a jump in new Chinese installations, the COP28 goal of tripling renewables to 2030 is still out of reach as installations need to surge further to give the world a chance to reach the Paris Agreement targets. Despite record investments in renewables, the current funding for clean energy deployment is insufficient for the world to reach the 1.5 degrees Celsius pathway under the Paris Agreement, renewable energy think tank REN21 said in an annual reportlastmonth. Meanwhile, earlier this year, in the face of climate c h a n g e a n d o t h e r vulnerabilities as island and coastal states, the Prime Minister of Bahamas, Philip Davis urged Guyana and other members of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) to consider the role of renewable energy in
providingstableandcheaper electricity for its people.
Prime Minister was at the time delivering remarks during the opening of G u y a n a ' s E n e r g y Conference and Supply ChainExpoheldinFebruary at the Marriot Hotel in Kingston,Georgetown.
The Bahamian Prime Minister explained, “As small states we have long recognized the need to work together given our inherent vulnerabilities be they environmental, political, social or economic Our nations are set apart from larger states, not just by our unique cultures but by the intrinsic characteristics which have made us resilient Our economies tendtobeopenthusweknow how to navigate shocks. Our geographies tend to be disaster prone hence we knowhowtorebuild.”
Davis was keen to note that The Bahamas supports Guyana in its quest to boldly fuel its industrialization on its own terms, according to the resources that the people ofGuyanahavebeenblessed with Equally important, Davis said, was for the country's long-term plan for energy production to include a “meaningful effort to be responsible stewards of the environment.” To this end, he recognized that while Guyana is forging its own
on Wednesday published wanted bulletins for two men in connection with armed robberies committed on Chineseestablishments.
The men identified as Dellon George a 24-year-old with a last known address of th17 Avenue Diamond, East Bank Demerara and Aleeba London whose last known address is listed as Grove
Squatting Area and Kaneville, East Bank Demerara.
George is known to the police and according to media reports, he was charged along with another man, in December 2023 for robbery under arms committed on Dharshanan Bandhoat 19th Avenue
path in the energy sector, other small states in the Caribbean are also taking unique steps towards energy security “Collectively, we are moving forward but we must think hard about how we preserve our economies, create opportunities for our people, and power our nations to success. We must consider the role that emerging technologies in renewable and sustainable energy canplayinproviding stable and affordable power generation for our people especially against the backdrop of climate change,” the Prime Minister urged participants of the
third installment of the GuyanaEnergyConference. He added, “Considering our vulnerabilities as island and coastal nations, we must lead the way in embracing clean energy I believe it is possible to achieve this objective but also respecting the fact that every CARICOM nation has its own unique energy realities that necessitates different approaches ” Davis said there is no doubt that the energy production future must include heavy emphasis on cleaner fuels andrenewableenergyforthe good of the region and the world.
Man gives in after “caught with pants down” on camera
Meshach Chapman, who claimstobeanemployeeofa stone company managing shipmentsfacedanallegation of stealing $500,000 GYD from Mr Vishnarine Persaud on May 5, 2024, on Main Street,Georgetown. Chapman pleaded not guilty to the charge read to him by Acting Chief Magistrate Sherdel IsaacsMarcus. Represented by an attorney,Chapmanexpressed his willingness to repay the amount and comply with any court orders. It should be noted that a settlement had already been reached between Mr Persaud and Chapman, with 250,000 dollars already paid to the complainant Chapman mentioned that he had deposited $110,000 at the police station during his detention.The police possess
CCTV footage showing Chapman removing the cash. However, the matter was resolved between the involved parties, and the defendant has agreed to provide full compensation. Additionally, this is not the first time Chapman has faced charges and is currently in courtforanothermatter
A woman identified as 29-year-old Sangeeta Benjamin on Tuesday survived a hit-and-run accident at Vreed-en-Hoop,WestCoastDemerara(WCD).
Diamond in August of the same year George and his partnerwerearrestedon22nd December, 2023 by police. He had appeared at the Diamond/Golden Grove Magistrates' C
The man had pleaded not guilty and was remanded to prison while his partner was granted bail in the sum of $200,000.
The matter had been postponed until 2nd January of this year for disclosure of statements.
The woman reportedly nine months pregnant was walking to theVreed-en-Hoop junction, when a motorcar bearingregistrationnumberPAE2465struckher Region Three police told Kaieteur News that the matter was reported to them and the woman was taken for medical attentionatahospitalinthedistrict. Kaieteur News learnt thatwomanlaterleftthehospitalandissupposedtoreturn forafurthercheck-up.Investigationssofarhaverevealed that the car involved in the hit-and-run was rented by an individual residing in Linden, Region Ten. Police are currentlytrackingthesuspect.
Jamaica has recorded an impressive 1 7 million visitors within the first five monthsoftheyear
Based on preliminary data, the island recorded 1,016,185 stopover arrivals and over 700,000 cruise passengers,asearlyasMay5 and 7 respectively, earning roughly US$1.8 billion in revenue. According to an official statement issued by the Jamaica Tourist Board, this represents a 4.6 percent increaseforstopoverarrivals and 23 percent increase for cruise passengers, moving from 581,822 to 713,983 over2023.
“We are grateful to see continued growth in our arrivals and earnings which speakstotheconfidenceour tourismpartnersandvisitors have in the destination. To have hit the one point seven million arrivals mark is an outstanding feat and speaks to the commitment and hard workofourtourismteamled by the heart of our industry our workers,” said Minister of Tourism,
“Jamaica remains the premier destination that is highly sought after for its authentic experiences. Whetherit’sourfood,music
or entertainment, there is a vibethatonlycomesalivein Jamaica,” said Donovan White, Director of Tourism.
Minister Bartlett, who made theannouncementduringan
Prime Minister Phillip J Pierre has blamed a “conspiracy” for the removal of Dr Hyginus “Gene”Leonaspresidentof the Barbados-based Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), who tendered his resignation earlier this month after being sent on administrative leave in January
“I want to put on record St. Lucia’s full support for theworkthatGeneLeondid a t t h e C a r i b b e a n Development Bank and to regretthataconspiracy,and Imakenobonesaboutitand this is not personal to anybody, to any function to
the bank, a conspiracy is what caused Gene Leon to resign,” Pierre said in a sixminute statement to the St. Lucia Parliament during a debateonafinancialissue.
“We must stop treating ourpeoplelikethatbasedon conditions or based on circumstances that are foreign to us Mr Speaker Whatthatmeansisanybody, any three people on the board can walk into an office, the precedent has been set to let the president gohome.
“This is wrong. I said it was wrong from the beginning and I am happy thatthePrimeMinisterofSt. Vincent and the Grenadines
(Dr Ralph Gonsalves) has putonpaperthatitiswrong. My position from the start, but I was outvoted and it reachedwhereitreachedMr Speaker,” Pierre told legislators. “But I hope we do not lose Gene Leon. We don’t lose that talent , we don’tlosethatexpertise,Mr Speaker, the capacity of Gene Leon. So I wish him well,Mr SpeakerandIhope that error of the son of Choiseul (south west of the capital) doesn’t happen again to any other person whohappenstofindhimself at the head of an institution where the big fish has more say than the small fish,” Pierretoldlegislators.
interview with Sky News Arabia, one of the largest news conglomerates in the Midde East and North Africa, also indicated that the island is on track to welcoming5millionvisitors andearningUS$5billionby 2025 “Despite the disruptions caused by the pandemic, Jamaica is on its way to achieving these unprecedented milestones With one million stopover arrivals and over 7000,000 cruisepassengersinthefirst week of May, we are in a
good position to make it happen. We will continue to aggressively market the destination and work assiduously with our partnerstogetthere,”added MinisterBartlett.
The Jamaica Tourism Ministerisleadingamission at Arabian Travel Market being held in Dubai. Over the last three decades Arabian Travel Market has become a leading global event enabling growth for the travel and tourism industry with 41-thousand
participants attending this year’s staging Minister Bartlett will be in discussions with several tourism partners and stakeholders as part of his strategic vision of attracting more visitors from this region He also will be meeting with the Senior Leadership of Emirates at their headquarters in Dubai tomorrow to further negotiate air connectivity between the United Arab Emirates and Jamaica (TRINIDADGUARDIAN)
Guyanese need to start being smart about how this country and its big people operate After over six decades of one big man after the other taking up full-time residence on the dark side, Guyanese really must have a sharper nose for the art of the slick games that are probably atworkrightundertheireyes. TakethisfellowSuZhiRong, for instance Let us scrutinise the open book that hisstoryhasbecome,sowellknown it is by many Guyanese. A page or two is turnedandlookedatwithone eye only It is all that is required.
OnebigbosssaidthatMr Su did not appear in court. If locals with rank are undermining the integrity and credibility of a cantankerous jurist or two functioning in the Guyana court system, then foreigners may perceive that they, too, can diss the domestic halls of justice. Onechapusedthe'p' word, and the other is reported to give reassurances through the 'g' word. I plead withmyfellowGuyanesenot to get transported into the
world of the prurient or titillating. Just concentrate on what was said and who said it. If I am Mr Su, I would get ideas also about turning up or whatever This ispageone.
Page two has to do with this so-called mystery figure, Mr SuZhiRong. Themanis right here, and everybody knows. The man is not hiding, but erecting monumentsthatareclimbing tothesky LikeNeilSadaka, Guyana is now getting its own Stairway to Heaven. No! It is not in Georgetown orPradoville. Simplymosey along beyond the New Demerara Bridge It is business as usual, and very big business. It is the reality of the Chinese Dragon on the move, and the American Eagleflyinghigh,inGuyana. Guess who the sausage in the middle is, and which is being hungrily devoured one voracious bite at a time...Don't look at me, as I don't even have either a knife or a fork to my name. But what Guyanese must understand is that there is a game being played here, and
Mr Su is one of the principals. Actor,thatis.
I proceed to page three. Yes,IknowthatIdidpromise two pages, but it is a nasty, bizarre story Ow people! I apologise. Here is the racy andrancidaboutthisSuissue whichisnotgoingtocometo boo. I pick up from where I left off and merge the pieces. First, Mr Su, as part of a preplanned farce, will continue to turn his nose at thelocalcourt. Second,there willbenoalternativebutfora default judgment to be renderedagainsthiminsome amount. Ifitisafriendlyand understanding judge, it could bethefull$50millionsought by the injured. This should bring the matter to a satisfactoryclose. Bymeans of an aside, on occasion, quite a few people have claimed injury to their backs, only for them to be seen laughing and outperforming Usher on the dance floor A good time is had by everyone.
I believe that this is what isintheworkshere. Amakebelieve suit, a welcoming judicial laundry, and an
award that has the sweet smell of Downy about it. What could be softer and sweeter than such an outcome. It is at this point that I appeal to my fellow Guyanese to get into the joke that is being played on them. In a nutshell, it is my belief that not a single dollar is going to change hands. So that this penetrates some heads, I repeat. Regardless of a default judgment of $15 million or $45 million, not one penny moves from one persontothenext. ItiswhatI term part of the meditations that inspire the minds of men and women in Guyana. Mr Su may be Chinese, but he is also a Roman at heart Meaning that he knows how to jive and do what it takes to thrive. Just keep lips tightly shutthenexttime. Oh,andif
strangers, please do it by the Seawall. Theairisclean,and it clears the head. Plus, there is that added incentive specially arranged by a thoughtful government. No vendors, no eavesdropping. If there is no eavesdropping, there is no reporting Burnham and Jagan used to walkthatgreenmile.
Thisistheepilogue. One majestic man earns the right
untaintedness. The judicial system is back to good graces. And a foreigner has the book thrown at him. On paper and in the news, if nowhere else. This is how justice is served in this country A good laff over drinks follows between
comradesandgoodfriendsat having wrapped a garbage bag around the heads of Guyanese. The last piece of business left to close out any loose ends is to discuss new and exciting multimillion dollar business opportunities coming down the pike. And what arrangements must be made to keep everyone honest For the record: looking honest Haha, Guyana. Oh Guyana! My lovelyGuyana.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this newspaper and its affiliates.) Govt. holds out that salary talks will deal with 2024 onwards
Despite the Guyana Teachers' Union (GTU) intent on resuming their strike action on today, the government on Wednesday reiterated that it will only be engaging the union on salary matters from 2024 and onwards.
This is according to letter disseminated by the Ministry of Education's Permanent Secretary, Shanielle Hoosein-Outar, on Wednesday, which was addressed to the GTU's President, Dr MarkLyte.
GTU had said on Tuesday that it had sent letter to the Ministr notifying them of thei decision on resuming the strikeaction.Inresponse,the Permanent Secretary stated: “Wearequitesurprisedatthe content of your letter and the actions proposed As indicated before, the Government of Guyana stands ready to continue engaging the Guyana Teachers' Union on the multi-year agreement from 2024onwards.”
government on the multiyear proposals for increases in salaries. It was reported that the multi-year proposal covers a period of five years, 2019 to 2023
Unio n had proposed a 25 percent salary increase in 2019 and a 20percentincreasefor20202023.
On Tuesday, via a virtual press conference, the Union's President had said that since the 29-day strike held in February, the Union
In a statement back in March, the ministry's Chief Education Officer (CEO), Saddam Hussain had maintained the Ministry of Education's position on the GTU multi-year agreement has not changed adding that “any multi-year agreement must start from the year 2024,notretroactively.”
“We have heard from the Ministry of Education that
they are not prepared and allowed to negotiate for the 2019-2023 [period] for which we have submitted a proposal; in fact, they have indicated that they are prepared to negotiate 2024 and current. A position that the union will not support and agreed to hence having taken the matter relating to the cutting of salaries and the remittance of dues to the court and allowing that process to take place, the GTU would have consulted its members on the next step,” Lyte explained in hispressconference. Speaking of the next step,Lyteannouncedthatthe members of the Union had decidedseveralweeksagoto resume the strike action. So here we are making an official announcement that because of the absence of collective bargaining and an attempt on the part of the government, the Ministry of Education to address the condition under which teachersworkespeciallyasit relates to salaries, we are here to announce that on Thursday, May 9, strike action will resume in all education districts all across Guyana,”hehadannounced.
(REUTERS) Guyana's cabinet has approved a bid for an offshore oil block by a consortium including QatarEnergy, TotalEnergies and Malaysian state-owned Petronas, Junior Minister of Public Works, Deodat Indar saidonWednesday
Guyana, home of the largest oil discoveries in nearly a decade, offered 14 offshoreblocksinSeptember in its first competitive auction that attracted bids from the consortium, as well as an Exxon Mobil-led group that has been responsible for allthenation'soutputtodate.
Guyana has not yet awarded any of the blocks. After accepting the bid from t h e Q a t a r E n e r g y , TotalEnergies and Petronas group for shallow water block S-4, the government is negotiating terms of a p r o d u c t i o n s h a r i n g agreement (PSA) with Guyana's energy ministry, Indar said at the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston. “They applied for their go-ahead, for their exploration activities,” Indar told Reuters. “The cabinet has cleared it, but they are working through their PSA with the ministry of natural resources.”
investment in the country's oilindustry
Junior Minister of Public Works, Deodat Indar
Vickram Bharrat, Guyana's minister of natural resources, told Reuters the negotiations cover only nonfiscal terms Taxes and royalties covered in the PSA are fixed by law Guyana has said it would be open to changing non-fiscal terms with bidders to increase
Spokespeople for TotalEnergies, QatarEnergy and Petronas did not immediately reply to requests for comment. The Exxon-led group also is in talks with the ministry over its bid for a separate shallow water block, S-8, Exxon Guyana Country Manager Alistair Routledge said on the sidelines of the conference The Exxon group, which includes Hess and CNOOC Ltd , has announced discoveries of more than 11 billion barrels of recoverable oil and gas resources since 2015. It is producing about 650,000 barrelsofoilperday.
A man and a woman were jointly charged on W e d n e s d a y w i t h possession of narcotics, possession of a firearm, and possession of ammunition when they appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court.
During their appearance before Magistrate Sherdel
I s s a c s - M a r c u s o n Wednesday, Sherwin Bobb pleaded guilty to the charges, while Monifa Edwards pleaded not guilty toallofthem.
On Sunday, May 5, 2024, police acting on information had visited the r e s i d e n c e i n E a s t Ruimveldt, Georgetown, where the defendants, Monifa Edwards and Sherwin Bobb, reside. A search of the premises led to the discovery of a suspected firearm in the freezer, concealed among parcels of f r o z e n c h i c k e n Additionally, a transparent bag containing multiple Ziploc bags of suspected cannabis, totaling 30g, was found beneath a pillow in t h
Following the discovery, both defendants were arrestedandcautioned. Bobb explained in court the narcotics possession
charge, stating that he used to sell marijuana in the neighbourhood before he started working as a mason. He claimed he continued
selling the marijuana to “maintain his customers”. Bobb also made a statement regardingapoliceofficer (Continued on page 16)
A 24-year-old man was remanded to prison on Tuesday after he appeared at the Vigilance Magistrate's Court to answer a robbery under arms charge committed ontwoChinesemen.
The incident occurred on May 03, 2024, at Block 12 Non-Pareil, East Coast Demerara committed on the victimsLinGonQingandXie Hong Shang Romel Zephaniah of Non-Pariel, East Coast Demerara appeared before Magistrates' Orinthia Schmidt where the charge was read to him Zephaniah was charged with two counts of robbery under arms contrary to section 222 (c) of the Criminal Law (offences) Act Chapter 8:01.
The defendant pleaded not guiltytothecharge.
According to police reports, on the day in question, the victims had secured their property and were asleep. They were awoken between 02:00 and 0 2 : 3 0 h r s b y t h r e e unidentifiable males with faces covered armed with a gun and a long knife. The
Remanded: Romel Zephaniah
bandits demanded cash and proceeded to ransack their living quarters. At that time, they stole $400,000 in cash and one iPhone 12 pro max valued at $325,000 from Lin Gon Qing and iPhone 12 valued at $280,000.00 from Xie Hong Shang They subsequentlymadegoodtheir escape.
Areport was then made to thepolicebythevictimsanda description was given of the suspects An investigation was launched, and Zaphaniah was arrested after the iPhone 12 pro max was traced to his home. During the court proceedings, Zaphaniah was remanded to prison and he is scheduled to return on June 03,2024.
Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret'd),MarkPhillips,on Tuesday met with visiting executives of Turkish Company, ENKA İnşaat ve Sanayi A.Ş. Engineering and the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) at the Office of the Prime Minister on CampStreet.
It was stated that the discussions focused on potential investment by the global engineering and construction firm in Engineering & Construction (EPCC Services and Fabrication) andPowerGeneration.
Chief Executive Officer of the GuyanaEnergyAgency(GEA),Dr. Mahender Sharma, GPL's Chief Executive Officer (ag.), Mr. Kesh Nandlall,theDivisionalDirectorof P
Distribution, Mr Bharat Harjohn, and the Divisional Director of Engineering Services, Mr Ryan Ross, were also present at the meeting.
conference, Vice President (VP), Bharrat Jagdeo disclosed that the Government of Guyana is actively pursuing funding in the range of US$180 million to US$250 million for the enhancement of the GPL distribution and transmission system.
Within the scope of the Wales, West Bank Demerara, Gas-toEnergy project, comprising elements like the gas pipeline to bring the gas onshore, the Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) Plant, and the
power plant infrastructure, GPL's distribution system requires enhancements.
Jagdeo explained that GPL has already submitted their proposal and that government has already indicated that they will fund the project. “So we made it clear, we will fund these activities,” Jagdeo said. He mentioned that a contract has been granted to an Indian company, Kalpataru, to transmit powerfromtheplantatWalestothe control centre at Eccles, East Bank Demerara and to Vreed-en-Hoop, West Coast Demerara. This will enable the distribution of power to
completion expected by the end of theyear
The Vice President also explained that there are other key components. “One is to build a transmission main to take power to Linden and with a substation to allow distribution of some of the power along the highway to electrifythecommunitiesalongthe highway,” Jagdeo said. For that aspect, he added that the governmenthasalreadydraftedand published the Request for Proposal (RFP).
The other component which calls for about US$250 million, Jagdeo explained is critically needed for upgrades to the distribution and the transmission system to ensure no disruptions.
Sothatisalsoacomponentthat they are working on and we will fund that, we will have to fund it,” the Vice President said Furthermore, he emphasised the need for urgent action, stating, “That has to start almost immediately, immediately ” He disclosed that the government is looking to have the upgrades financed from a loan or approach the National Assembly for supplementarybudget.
“Ithastobe,ithastobedone. It has to be done before the middle of the year; we have to get thisdoneintimeforthedistribution of the power,” the Vice President added.
“So then we will have power, more power, but still have blackouts because of the weak transmission system.
The Government of Guyana through the Ministry of Education has asked children to write essays on howtheschoolbreakfastprogramme has impacted them- a move which was roundly condemned on social mediaWednesday
The flyer with the competition was first highlighted by journalist Gordon Moseley who exclaimed: “Seriously Ministry of Education?
Why must we be so crass as a nation?”
His comment was followed by a string of other comments. “We gah get campaign material budday! 2025 eh deh far,” one person wrote. Another said: A teacher, Randy Mingo added: “When I think this government hit rock bottom and it can't get any worse, they keep surprising us. Them digging below thebottomforanewlow Disgraceful and distasteful. Smh.” Another person commented: “This is least of our concern right now MOE. We want our teachers to remain in school!Pleaseandthanks...”
Well-known social media influencerOdessaPrimussaid:“This ain't even funny Why would you humiliate children like that? Omg! Repulsive! Iwouldn'tliketoknowif this was Priya personal money being used. It would be interesting to see how this mess is going to be
defended.” Another person said: “Yuh know them people when dem give yuh something they gotta talk about it over and over again until fowl-cock grow teeth? Them people is the Ministry of Education. How low???!.Abreakfast programme that is funded using TAXPAYERS money.”
Odacy Davis said: “This is sickening...ova lil breakfast???. My granny always say don't make food an issue. If someone is hungry feed questions favour requiredinreturn...” On September 6, 2022 Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand
launched the National Breakfast programme which provides a daily breakfast meal to Grade Six students in the coastal regions, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and 10 The programme was launched at the McKenzie Primary School as part of the Ministry's activities to observe Education Month in 2022. Minister Manickchand, while delivering the feature address said that the programme was not birthed because the Ministry believes parents cannot provide breakfast for their children, she said, “We believe many can. But wealsoknowalotofchildrencome (Continued on page 16)
Porter needed for truck. For more information Call: 6611000.
One male able- bodied Staff. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
Wanted: Skilled Masons, Carpenters and Labourers to work in Linden. Call: 6029469, 660-6385 or 625-7642.
Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
One Puri/ Roti Maker and Kitchen assistant needed at Robbies Snackette. Call: 6488279/ 231-6591.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
One BMW for sale, mileage 082443. Call: 655-7405/ 6947817.
First AID/CPR/AED & home nursing courses Available at St. John Headquarters. For more information Call: 2259082.
One, two and three bedroom furnished & unfurnished Apt in Diamond, Providence New Road Vreed-en-Hoop. Call: 216-2299/ 604-6664.
Place to rent at Vreed-enhoop junction for Lessons, Church, Office,Storage Bond, other.. Call: 603-6400
One experienced Salesperson, knowledge in writing bills, stocktaking, cashing & 1 General Domestic. Apply at Keyfood Mc. Doom Village next to the Post Office.
Hiring spray Painter, Joiner & Carpenters, experience would be an asset, Interested persons can Call: 667-0859.
Masons, carpenters, & skilled men labourers wages $8,000-$10,000 per day & Labourer 5-7K per day. Call: 650-1394, 692-7110.
1 Office Assistant, must have atleast maths and english. Ages 20-35 years. Email CV:, Call: 613-0855.
Canter Driver needed. Ages 30 years & older. Must have atleast 5 experience. Email CV: rbinvestmentinc@, Call: 613-0855.
Skilled Labourers needed for road construction. Ages 20 years & older. Email CV:, Call: 613-0855.
Male Engineer & Project Supervisor at road and building construction. Must have atleast 5 years experience. Email CV:, Call: 613-0855. Mason, Labourer, and Security Guard at Happy Acres, ECD. Call or WhatsApp Saoud Osman: 643-9861 / 611-6151.
Room Attendant, Receptionist, Deskstaff, Supervisor needed at 233, South Road Lacytown. Call: 2250198.
Experienced landridge worker to work on 6 inch. Call: 688-3844 or 681-3801
Live-in housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virginia, USA. Free room & boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.
Two SUV Lexus for sale @ 8.9 mil each. For more information Call: 650-0402/ 652-0251.
One income generating property. Land size 37'x 345' at Middle road, Pouderoyen. For more information Call: 655-7405/ 694-7817.
One 6076 John Deere 6 cylinder engine. Interested persons an make contact 7014000. Monday-Friday 8 am4 pm
Three men armed with a gun and knife on Tuesday invaded the Good Life Chinese Supermarket at Grove East Bank Demerara (EBD) and escaped with $2M in cash. The bandits struck around 20:30hrs. Reports are that men attacked the owner
of the supermarket identified as Lu Win Quen, 28.
He was reportedly at the cash register when the bandits entered and demanded that he hands over all of the cash. Fearful for his life, he gave them the money and they fled. Two years ago, two men had reportedly at-
tempted to shop at the supermarket with counterfeit money. When it was discovered that the money was fake, it led to a confrontation between the men and a Chinese national.
A security guard intervened and had alleged that
one of the men began to pull out what looked like a gun. In retaliation, he opened fire on them.
One of them was struck in the back and fell to the ground while the other jumped into a waiting car and escaped leaving his accomplice behind.
From page 14 alleging that the officer was aware of his marijuana sales and had engaged in a business transaction with him involving an electric bike.
According to Bobb, the officer requested the return of the bike without offering a refund, leading him to believe the officer acted out of spite.
As for the firearm found, Bobb denied its ownership and stated it was not discovered at his residence.
Bobb pleaded for leniency for Edwards, emphasizing her lack of involvement in the matter.
Bobb, a 30-year-old with a prior narcotics charge, previously served a one-year
prison sentence. While Edwards, a 26-year-old woman operates a catering business was charged for the first time.
The prosecutor objected to bail for both defendants due to the serious nature and gravity of the offences.
Bobb requested bail, asserting that he is not a flight
Magistrate IssacsMarcus refused bail, ordered a probation report, and requested more information regarding the firearm, as Bobb claimed that it did not belong to him and appeared to be a “fake gun”.
The next court hearing is scheduled for June 16, 2024.
From page 15 to school without breakfast.”
The Education Minister said that it is the state’s duty to help children as far as finances allow. She said that research around the world has proven that children who benefit from healthy nutrition learn better and perform better in school. Additionally,
she said that the School Feeding Programme has shown increased attendance and enrollment at schools.
Minister Manickchand explained then that the Regional Administration in each region was asked to advise on who would be the best persons within the locale to cook and prepare the meals.
She said that those persons are being hired to cook and that the Ministry is paying for each meal.
Further, she said that if those persons contracted to supply the meals cannot deliver what is required, there will be no delay in replacing them. She said then that the Ministry intends to maintain
a high standard on the programme so that children receive what is intended. “So I hope you understand what we intend; for children of Region 10, the children of Guyana will be given a nutritious and filling breakfast at the Grade Six level, every morning,” Manickchand had said.
From page 06 campaign for the next election - the current character assassination and corruption mantra has outlived its usefulness.
There are many activities, be it playing a game of cricket, be it cooking some delicacies, be it riding a bicycle in New York, driving a bus, be it dancing with his people and the list goes on, which the President has embarked on in his quest to communicate and relate to everyone and which has never done before by any President.
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These will never diminish his astute statesmanship but can only add to his greatness as a human being who literally walks with his people and allows them to feel as his equal.
His utmost humility has made him so endearing to the masses and his presidency will continue to soar to unprecedented heights.
Unlike what the caption reads, ‘Mr. Ali’s pop star turns risks making light of the gravity of presidential office’, the President has proven that despite effectively shouldering and fulfilling the responsibilities of his Office, he can
still find that time to be engaged in such activities which will bring his people closer towards national unity.
This is what a youthful president can offer to his country.
Not a president who has to be more involved in preserving his own health and life. President Ali is creating and fulfilling his Government’s social and economic policies and at the same time ensuring that his legacy will be indelibly etched in the annals and be comparable to the world’s best leaders.
The PPP has once again shown at its mammoth and
highly successful 32nd Congress that the youths of this country will be given the opportunity to govern this country and hold key offices while the Oppositions’ derelicts, obsoletes and geriatrics continue to wallow in its filthy mire.
The Opposition should do well to be concerned about its own damaged image both nationally and internationally rather than to all appearances seems to be fixated on the dance moves of the multi-talented President Ali.
Yours sincerely, Haseef Yusuf
The Ministry of Education will soonbeconstructinganewGrade 9 block building for Tucville SecondarySchool,Georgetown,withworks
estimatedtocost$83.7million. At a recent opening of tenders, it was revealed that five contractors have applied for the project, with majority
Repairsandmaintenanceto ComeniusPrimarySchool.
bidding above the engineer's figure Notably, the ministry is also planning on rehabilitating a teaching block at
MinistryofEducation ConstructionofGrade9blockat TucvilleSecondarySchool.
Rehabilitationofteachingblockat J.CChandisinghSecondarySchool.
lobally,thereisa Griseinbiothreats
i m p a c t i n g sustainable agriculture contributing to food and farm income insecurities
These biothreats include exotic diseases, emerging and re-emerging pathogens that decrease livestock and crop yields, and cause biodiversity lo
protocols and strategies
essential to safeguard
systems from intentional or accidentalbiothreats.
highly pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)H5N1clade2.3.4.4b
epizootic, or ‘bird flu’ that began in 2020 continues to have a devastating global impact on poultry production and wildlife populations.
In July 2023, the World HealthOrganisation(WHO) reportedthat67countriesin five continents notified H5N1 high pathogenicity avianinfluenzaoutbreaksin poultryandwildbirdstothe World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), with more than 131 million domestic poultry lost due to death or depopulation strategies in an attempt to eradicatethevirus. In early April 2024,
media reports in the United Statesconfirmedthedetection ofHPAIH5N1indairyherds infourstates,includingTexas The outbreak is believed to havebeenintroducedintothe dairyherdsbywildbirds
TheUSCenterforDisease Control and Prevention (CDC) has confirmed this as the first instance of bird flu spillovertodairycattlewithin thecountry
The current HPAI H5N1 epizootic continues to move across geographical boundaries at a rapid rate, with the virus spread by migratory wild birds especially the waterfowl (TRINIDADEXPRESS)
School, works which are estimated to cost $87 million Also repairs and maintenance works are slated for the Comenius Primary School
GuyanaCivilAviationAuthority SupplyandinstallaSearchandRescue Information&ManagementSystemincluding bothusertrainingandSMCProfessionaltraining.
OfficeofthePrimeMinister SupplyandcablefornetworkextensionatItuni.
NationalAgriculturalResearchExtension Institute(NAREI)Reconstructionoffoundation andsupports,CDSSbuilding–NAREI.
(BBC NEWS) The US last week paused a bomb shipment for Israel over concerns it was going ahead with a major ground operation in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, a senior US administration official said.
The shipment consisted of 1,800 2,000lb (907kg) bombs and 1,700 500lb bombs, the official told the BBC. Israel has not “fully addressed” US concerns over the humanitarianneeds of civilians in Rafah, they added. An Israeli military official appeared to play downtheUSmove.
The delayed arms shipment comes as US President Joe Biden faces mounting domestic pressure - from Democratic lawmakersandsomepartsof the US public - to rein in Israeli operations in Gaza amid rising civilian deaths a n d a w o r s e n i n g humanitarian situation
Despite firm and vocal US opposition, Israel appears poisedtomountalarge-scale invasion of Rafah, a congested part of southern Gaza that is Hamas’ last major stronghold in the territory
USofficialshavewarned thatanoperationinthecitywhere the population has swelled with refugees from other parts of Gaza - could lead to extensive civilian casualties. IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari told a news conference that the US had provided “unprecedented” security assistance since the beginningofthewar,adding that disputes between the allieswereresolved“behind
closed doors in a matter-offact way”. But a leading member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party in Israel told BBC’s Newshour on Wednesday that he believes US domestic political considerations are behind the decision to halt the deliveryofbombs.
“I totally disagree that the American election has nothing to do with it,” said Boaz Bismuth, a member of the both the Israeli parliament and the foreign affairs and defence committee. The weapons being held back by the US are related to a future delivery, so it is unlikely to have any immediate impact. But given the rate at which Israel is bombing it will likely affect future strikes fairlysoon.
Overnight, there were moreIsraeliairstrikesinthe Gaza Strip, hours after Israeliforcestookcontrolof the Palestinians side of the
Rafahcrossingontheborder withEgypt.
T h e I s r a e l i b o m b a r d m e n t w a s particularly intense around Rafah. Local medics said seven members of one family were killed. Rafah hasbeenakeyentrypointfor aid, and the only exit for peopleabletoflee,sincethe start of the war between Israel and Hamas last October
The crossing remained closed on Wednesday morning, but the Israeli military said it was reopeningthenearbyKerem Shalom crossing, which had been closed for four days because of Hamas rocket fire.
On Monday, the Israeli military ordered tens of thousands of civilians to begin evacuating eastern parts of Rafah city, ahead of what it called a “limited” operation to eliminate Hamas fighters and dismantle infrastructure
Israel has ordered civilians to evacuate Rafah ahead of its ‘limited’military operation (photo taken 7 May in Rafah)
Meanwhile, efforts continue to reach a ceasefire, alongside the release of Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners In Cairo, delegations from Israel and Hamas have resumed negotiations throughmediators.
Afterrefusingtoconfirm or deny reports of delayed weapons shipments, a US official on Tuesday finally confirmed that at least one shipment of bombs was delayed this week. “The US position has been that Israel should not launch a major ground operation in Rafah, where more than a million people are sheltering with nowhere else to go,” the senior US administration officialsaid.
The official added that talks with Israel are “ongoing and have not fully addressedourconcerns”and the US had been reviewing its weapons transfers to Israel since April. “We are especially focused on the
end-use of the 2,000lb bombs and the impact they could have in dense urban settings as we have seen in other parts of Gaza,” the officialsaid.
They stressed that the shipments were unrelated to lastmonth’slandmark$17bn militaryaidpackage,buthad b e e n d r a w n f r o m “previously appropriated funds”. Which weapons havebeendelayed?
The larger 2,000lb bombs are most likely to be Mk-84s or possibly BLU109s-orboth.
The former is a cheap, general purpose munition and the latter a penetration bomb designed for use against hardened or underground targets. Both canbefittedwithJDAMkits that deliver precision capability using satellite navigation. Laser guidance kitscanalsobefitted.
These bombs can be made to be very accurate, down to just a few metres.
But in a dense, urban environment like Gaza the risk of so-called “collateral damage”ishigh.Andthatis where the concern lies. The smaller 500lb bombs can also be fitted with guidance unitsdroppedfromjets.
We do not know exactly how Israel uses these weapons, but media posts from the Israeli Air Force frequentlyshowF-16andF15 jets loaded with JDAM [Joint Direct Attack Munition] kits for strikes. It is worth remembering that suchweaponswouldnotjust be used in Gaza but also targets in southern Lebanon belongingtotheIran-backed group Hezbollah, which has been involved in almost daily cross-border exchangesoffirewithIsraeli forces since the start of the Gazawar Itisaclearmessagefrom a Washington growing increasingly concerned about Israel’s war in Gaza. Israel launched the campaign to destroy Hamas in response to the group’s cross-border attack on southernIsraelon7October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and 252 othersweretakenhostage.
Morethan34,780people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the territory’sHamas-runhealth ministry A deal agreed in November saw Hamas release 105 hostages in return for a week-long ceasefire and some 240 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Israel says 128 hostages are unaccounted for, 36 of whom are presumeddead.
(BBCNEWS)Peoplein several regions of Ukraine have been experiencing power blackouts after the latest wave of Russian attacks on the country’s energyinfrastructure.
President Volodymyr Zelenskysaidtherehadbeen missileanddroneattackson critical energy facilities in sevenregions.
BBC Verify has been trackingRussianstrikeson energy targets in the past months and industry experts have said Russia has been shifting its strategy - increasingly targeting power plants to try to disrupt energy suppliestoUkrainians.
damage and ongoing fighting.
Before the most recent Russian attacks, our analysis verified damage to 12 facilities and Ukrainian authorities have reported at least a dozen more hit - with the impact ranging from them running at significantly reduced capacity to being taken entirely out of commission.
An image of it, which we have verified, shows a hole blown in the centre of the building that served Ukraine’s secondlargestcity Russia also hit the two power plants run by private firm DTEK - one in Ladyzhyn in central Ukraine and another in Burshtyninthewest.
In posts on social media, Mr Zelensky said more than 50 missiles and 20droneshadbeenfiredby Russia on Tuesday, hitting facilities in the Lviv, Vinnytsia, Kyiv, Poltava, Kirovohrad, Zaporizhzhia, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions
Ukrenergo, said there were new blackouts in nine regions and warned of possible power cuts across the country on Wednesday eveningasaresultofthenew
On 22 March, a series of air strikes hit power plantsacrossUkraine One thermal plant in Kharkiv was destroyed, according to governmentrun energy company Centrenergo
DTEK said at the time, without specifying which, thatsomeofitsfacilitieshad been destroyed totally and others were running at around50%capacity
Youcanseetheextentof thedamagetotheLadyzhyn plantinsatelliteimagesfrom beforeandafterthestrikes.
An alleged thief on Wednesday found himself being tied up after he attempted to steal fromashopinoneofGuyana'sinteriorlocations.
According to the shop-owner, he was caught breaking into her business place around 03:00hrs. To prevent him from escaping, he was tied-up and the police were informed. Photos of
The alleged thief tied up after being caught
the man surfaced on the internet after the shop owner herself began to feel sorry for himbecausehelookedrelativelyyoung. She said that he told her that his name was Israel andhailsfromLinden,Region10. Shemade the posts so that his relatives can know of his whereabouts and locate him at the police station. It is unclear which police station he was taken to but according her, he is in custodywiththeauthorities.
The woman has since returned to her business in the interior Investigations are ongoing
A 22-year-old
Guyana Defence Force (GDF) rank was reportedlyshotmultiple times about his body on Sunday at Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara (ECD), after two bandits broke into his aunt's home to rob the family
The injuredman has been identified as Azim Khan. According to the Khan's relative, the incident occurred between 12:30hrs and 13:45hrs During an interview with Kaieteur News, the relative alleged that the bandits stole Khan's phone, a goldchain,and$90,000 cash.
It was stated by the family member that on Sunday,Khanwasathis aunt's home. He along with other family members was indulging in a family gathering. The relative related that when Khan and others entered the kitchen of the house, they saw two unknown males, one wearing a hoodie. Khan
put up a fight. “When they come down, they end up go inside the kitchen and they saw the two persons in the house, as soon as my cousin (Khan) see, he attacked them, and he s t a r t d e f e n d i n g himself,” the relative toldthispublication.
Following the scuffle, the relative highlighted that the suspects whipped out a firearm and shot Khan
after realising Khan would not back down. Khan's brother went to his rescue and he too was attacked The bandits eventually madegoodtheirescape. The soldier was rushed to the Georgetown P u b l i c H o s p i t a l Corporation (GPHC), where he was placed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and is currently being treated for his injuries.
he Vengy Men’s Volleyballteamcommanded a thrilling 3-2 victory over Classic Ball Blasters (CBB) inanail-bitingencounter,in the latest fixture of the Demerara Volleyball Association’s (DVA) Senior Men’s League at the National Gymnasium on Tuesdayevening.
The match kicked off with Vengy seizing the initiative, claiming the first set with a score of 25-21. However, Classic Ball Blasters swiftly retaliated in the second set, showcasing their resilience as they leveled the score with a comfortable25-14win.
Undeterred by CBB’s resu
, Vengy continued to battle fiercely, but it was Classic Ball Blasters who soared ahead, seizing a crucial lead with a 25-18victoryinthethirdset.
Refusing to concede defeat, Vengy rallied in a stunning comeback bid, pushing the match to its limits. In a tense fourth set,
Vengy displayed immense grit and determination, edgingoutCBBinathrilling contest with a narrow 30-28 win, thereby leveling the proceedingsat2-2.
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some intellectual problems Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult talking to you today, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour fam
story l
y, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
With momentum firmly on their side, Vengy carried their momentum into the decisive fifth set, continued playing well taking an early leadtoswingthefinalsetin t
ur Vengy ultimately sealed the comeback victory with a convincing 15-9 triumph; winning 3-2 in a five set spectacle.
T10 action picked up momentum
yesterday at
Enmore with tremendous victories for the Berbice Caimans and Essequibo Jaguars.
Berbice Caimans defeat Essequibo Anacondas by 6
had a brilliant all-round game for the Jaguars.
Batting first, the
Anacondaswererestrictedto 74-7 after 10 overs, with UshadevaBalgobin(20)and KevonBoodie(20)themain scorers.
Caimans produced solid bowling led by Aryan Persaud (3-3), Mohamed Khan (2-13) and a wicket eachfromHarpyEaglesduo of Kevlon Anderson and KevinSinclair.
Inreply,itwasastrollfor the Caimans who reached 75-4 in 9.2 overs. Captain Andersongrabbedthematch
Frompage21 Board,theTownofLethem, youthcoachTravisPersaud (one box of red cricket balls), male and female
teams playing the traditional hardball and softball in the Upper Corentyne area, No 65 Young Titans with 30 TShirts, youths of Just Try Cricket Club, Wakenaam Cricket Academy (one box of white balls), Shemar
Joseph, Nehemiah Hohenkirk, Shamar Apple, LeguanCricketCommittee, Tucber Park Cricket Club andMalteenoesSportsClub (ninecricketballseach).
Cricket related items, usedornew,aredistributed free of cost to young and promising cricketers in Guyana.
Skills, discipline and education are important characteristics of the recipients.Talentspottingis being done across the country and club leaders also assist to identify same. Progressive and well
Kevlon Anderson picked up the Man-of-the-match award yesterday for his runs and wicket.
award for the best player, seeing his team home with 21* while Jonathan Van Lange (23) and Steven Sankar (10) helped seal a victory
Essequibo Jaguars beat Demerara Pitbulls by 1 wicket
Pitbulls batting was led by opener Jeremiah Scott (35) and top-scorer Damian Vantull hit 44 not out with 4 sixes,whichtookthemto946.
Jaguars bowling was evenly shared as 4 bowlers including the likes of pacer
managed cricket clubs with a youth programme will alsobenefit.
Wetakethisopportunity tothankJavedandImranof West Indian Sports Complex, Option Group of USA, Hilbert Foster, Bish PandayofPandPInsurance Brokers, Sean Devers, Trevis Simon, Årïêl J Tïlkú, Aaron Beharry, Leanna Bachan and Imran Saccoor, Devon Ramnauth, Teddy Singh, Romash Munna, Ravi Etwaroo, Kelvin Brijlall, Ravin
Harkishun, Surendra Harkishun, Allan Mangru and Dennis Mangru,Vishal Mahabir, Sherman Austin, Huburn Evans, Rajendra Sadeo and Ramesh Sunich of Trophy Stall, Sheik Mohamed of Star Sports Awards and Trophies,Ajay
Gainda of Cricket
Equipment Guyana, Gajanand Singh, Peter Ramkissoon, Rabindranath Saywack, Roshan Gaffoor, Ameer Rahaman, Chin
S i n g h , D e n e s h
NialSmith(1-2)andspinner Ashmead Nedd (1-13) returnedawicketeach. Man-of-the-match Nedd thenstoleahugewinwithhis late knock of 21 off 9 while Smith’s 6-ball 15 and DwayneDickhitting27,got the Jags to 100-9 in 9.2 overs, sealing a nail-biting win.
Leon Swamy, Chris Barnwell and Gulcharran Chulai grabbed 2 wickets each but failed to keep their teamfromlosing. Action continues today from12:00h.
Chandrapaul,DavoNaraine of UK, Dr Cecil Beharry, Raj Mathura, Raj Bharrat, Latch Mohabir and family, Suresh Dhanai, Vishal
Nagamootoo, Moses Nagamootoo Jnr, Regal SportsStore,OmkarSingh, Parmanand Dhaniram, Reshma Mathura, Booman S i n g h , K r i s h n a Rengensamy,IshwarSingh, Ricky Deonarain of 4R Bearings, Terry Mathura of TDMJ Inc , Kennard Verapen and NY Pioneer CC, Anita and Derek Kallicharran, Subhas Powan Persaud of DX Sports, Ramjit Singh, Kumar Dindial, Shazam Hussain,RaviLutchmanof JIS&L NY and Cyber Trading, Georgetown. We thankthemediafortherole they are playing in promoting this venture Distribution will continue. Anyone interested to contribute can contact Anil Beharry on 623-6875 or Kishan Das on 1-718-6640896.
Seventeen years old fast bowler, Okazie Boyce, of Upper Corentyne Cricket
Association recently received one pair of metal spikes cricket shoes from thisjointinitiativeofKishan Das of the USA and Anil Beharry of Guyana The promising pacer who is also a national athlete (high jumper), represents Skeldon Community Center Cricket Club at the junior, second division and senior levels. Boyce is a student of Skeldon Line Path
Secondary and represented Berbice in the recently
concluded Guyana Cricket Boardintercountyunder-19 tournament. He expressed gratitude on receiving the token. We are happy to be associated with the development of cricket especially through young people a release from the organisationsaid. Total cricket related items received/purchased so far: $460,000 in cash, thirteen colored cricket uniforms, two trophies, twenty five pairs of cricket shoes, thirty three pairs of batting pads, thirty five cricket bats, thirty pairs of
batting gloves, twenty five thigh pads, three pairs of wicketkeepingpads,sixarm guards, two chest pads, two boxes, twelve cricket bags, six bat rubbers, six helmets, one fiber glass bat, thirteen boxes of white cricket balls andtwentyeightfootballs.In addition to the above, gear worth more than $600,000 was donated by Sheik Mohamed, former National wicket keeper/batsman. All cash collected is being used to purchase cricket gear requested and not available atthetime.
To date, seventy four young players, male and female, from all three counties of Guyana have benefited directly from seven gear bags, two trophies, four arm guards, thirty two bats, three boxes, six helmets, twenty eight pairs of cricket shoes, nineteen pairs of batting pads,twentyfourthighpads, onebatgrip,thirtytwopairs ofbattinggloves,onepairof wicketkeeping pads and threepairsofwicketkeeping gloves Many others benefited indirectly. In addition, two clubs in the Pomeroon area benefited fromtwousedbats.
Pomeroon, Leguan and
m e n ’ s Championship title will remain with Jessica Callender for a second consecutive year Callender successfully defended her 2023 title against the nine female players who successfully contested the qualifying games to vie for nationalhonours.
TheDiamondInsurancesponsored Round Robin competition was held at the National Racquet Centre on April 27th and April 28th and continued on May 1st, 4th,and5th.Thetenplayers faced off each other in the nine rounds to secure the maximumpointstowardsthe title.
The final round of the championshiptestedthetrue mettle of the defending Women’s Champion when shemethermostdetermined opponent, Aditi Joshi. The two female players entered
the round with even scores, butCallenderprevailedover her 13-year-old opponent in a struggle that lasted four hoursandalmost60moves. With the white pieces, Callender brought out her King Knight on move one, and a quiet battle soon erupted on the chessboard; Callender retained her two powerful, long-range Bishops, a better match for Joshi’sBishopandKnight.
In her weakened position, Joshi’s pawns became the first casualties, eventuallylosingaKnightas shefoughtbackinafruitless endgame struggle With extra material gained, a confident Callender went after Joshi’s King with checkmate soon to follow But Joshi capitulated and conceded the game, giving the Women’s champion the muchneededwin.
Callendar lost a single game against Nellisha Johnsoninthesecondround
Wakenaam Cricket
Die Hard also received one boxofredcricketballseach, Cold Fusion Cricket Club
ofthetournament,gaining8 out of 9 points. Joshi placed second with seven points, while Sasha Shariff and TreskoleArchibaldtiedwith six points to place 3rd and fourth, respectively The fifth placement of the tournament went to Ciel Clement The women’s results based on the 6th to 10thrankinginsaidorderare Nellisha Johnson, Parnita Kishun, Chelsea Harrison, Emma John, and Shazeeda Rahim.Rahimwasunableto completethetournamentdue topersonalreasons.
The Guyana Chess Federationcongratulatesthe participants of the women’s tournamentonawell-played roundofmatches.ThisGCF would like to thank the Tournament Directors and Arbiters, John Lee (Chief) and Anand Raghunauth, for their dedication and support and the National Sports Commission for the use of thetournamentvenue
thirteen color uniforms whileRHCCCCreceivedsix boxes of balls, fifteen white cricket shirts, one pair of junior batting pads, one pair
of wicket keeping gloves, a setofstumpsandbails.
Other beneficiaries are TheEssequiboCricket (Continuedonpage20)
After the draw for the 2024/2025 edition of the CONCACAF Nations League, head coach Jamaal Shabazz acknowledged the challenge of the Golden Jaguars’ placement in a tough group. Nonetheless, his objective remains clear: tosecuretheirspotinLeague A. Guyana finds itself in Group A of League A, alongside Costa Rica, Guatemala, Martinique, Guadeloupe,andSuriname.
“TheLeagueAdrawwas averyinterestingoneforus. AlltheteamsinGroupAare ranked above us in the FIFA andCONCACAFRankings,
so, our main ambition really is to stay up in League A at theendoftheseason,”Head Coach Jamaal Shabazz stated in an exclusive interview with Kaieteur Sports.
According to Shabazz, “Most Caribbean teams, when they go up to League A, by the end of the season, they get demoted back to LeagueB,sosurvivaliskey for us.” The upcoming WorldCupqualifiermatches against Panama and Belize, according to the Golden Jaguars’ head coach, will serve as a litmus test for Guyana as they prepare for League A action in September “So, our focus, first and foremost is World Cup qualifiers in June and then secondly, when we enter September to play in LeagueA,itwillbebasedon trying to survive,” Shabazz
said. The fourth edition of the Concacaf Nations League will showcase the Confederation’s 41 men’s seniornationalteams,taking placeduringtheFIFAMatch Windows of September, October, and November 2024.
The Finals, where a new champion will emerge, are setforMarch2025.
The tournament will maintain its three-league structure(A,B,andC),with teams allocated into the leagues based on their performance in the previous edition(2023/24).
InLeagueA,comprising 16 teams, a Quarter-final round is incorporated During the Group Stage, the 12 lowest-ranked League A national teams (determined by the Concacaf Rankings) are divided into two groups ofsixteamseach.
They will engage in a “Swissstyle”leaguesystem, with each team contesting fourgames(twoathomeand two away). Following the Group Stage matches in September and October 2024, the top two finishers from each group (totalling four teams) will progress to theQuarterfinals.
They will join the four highest-ranked League A teams (Mexico, United States, Panama, and Canada). Scheduled within theSeptember,October,and November2024FIFAMatch Windows,theQuarter-finals forLeagueAwilltakeplace inNovember2024. The climax of the 2024/25 Concacaf Nations LeaguewillunfoldinMarch 2025 during the Finals, where the tournament’s fourth champion will be crowned.
In a dedicated effort to ensure young people have the opportunity to be gainfully occupied Mr AzruddinMohamedofTeam Mohamed and Mohamed’s Enterprise, has gifted new lights to the Agricola CommunityCentreGround.
During a visit just over two weeks ago, members of thefootballteam,coachand other residents requested that the current lights be repaired.
Accepting the request, Mohamed ordered new lights and recently installed them for the benefit of the entirecommunity
Now the football team will be able to train in the evenings, especially for players, who have jobs that conclude late in the afternoon,butalsotheyoung residents can use the free spaces to be entertained by the team’s training, and ideally be inspired to be involved in sport or other positive activities, a facebook post from Team
A donation of football gear was also made to the
M r M o h a m e d underscored the importance of ensuring there are ample facilities in communities to
ensure persons can be gainfullyoccupied. The businessman sees a great correlation between sports and other lifebuilding activities as a way of minimizing delinquency and crime among youths in thecountry
One of the country’s premier online gaming and sportsbettingproviders,iBet Supreme, is making waves withexcitingdevelopments.
On Tuesday, the company hosted a Viewing Party for the Paris SaintGermain (PSG) versus Borussia Dortmund secondleg semi-finals clash in the UEFA Champions League, where they also proudly introduced their new Brand Ambassador,RawleToney
General Manager Abigail Primo and Senior Marketing Manager Omar Dattadeen were present for the signing of the sports enthusiast. They expressed
beginning of a lasting relationshipwithToney
Dattadeen expressed the company’s excitement at having Toney join them, emphasizing their efforts to rejuvenate the iBet brand in Guyana and promote their unparalleledbettingoptions.
Toney, no stranger to such roles, having served in asimilarcapacityatanother company over the years, expressed gratitude to iBet for entrusting him with the opportunity to share his sports knowledge and insights into sports betting withtheirconsumers.
SportsMax - Jaylen Brown hailed the growth of “aggressive”DerrickWhite, who continued his impressive postseason form intheBostonCeltics’victory over the Cleveland Cavaliers.
The pair scored a combined 57 points as the Celtics prevailed 120-95 in Game 1 of their Eastern Conference semi-finals seriesatTDGarden.
White notched up seven three-pointers - going fourfor-six in the third quarteras he became only the fifth player in NBA history to make 20 or more over a three-game span in the postseason, after Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson, Jamal Murray and Damian Lillard.
And Brown, who was 12-for-18 shooting to go with six rebounds, two assistsandjustoneturnover, paidtributetohisteam-mate astheCelticsimprovedto51intheplayoffs.
“Derrick has grown,” Brown said. “He’s a new
, Dancehall/Reggaesensation
Christopher Martin took the stage,muchtothedelightof the crowd at Froggie’s SportsBarandGrillinCamp Street.
Notably, Martin also holds the position of the c o m p a n y ’s b r a n d ambassadorinJamaica.
versionthatwehaven’tseen before.
“He’sputtheworkin,his body has developed a little bit, he’s got some more playoff experience He’s being aggressive, and we urgehimtodothatmoreand moredowntheline.”
Asked if he felt like he wasinarhythm,Whitesaid: “I’d say so. It feels good. I justwanttohelpuswin.”
Meanwhile, Donovan Mitchell’s haul of 33 points and six assists proved academic for the Cavaliers, who suffered their fourth successiveroaddefeatinthe postseason.
J.B. Bickerstaff, whose side came through an epic seven-game series against Orlando Magic in the opening round on Sunday, saluted the efforts of his players.
“There’salotofareaswe can improve on,” he said. “I thought the guys came out with the right intent and the right effort. Facing a team likeBoston,Ithinkit’sgood tobeabletoplaythem.