“I am not in a position to give any updates ontheGas-to-Energyproject.”
ThiswastheresponseprovidedtoKaieteur News on Thursday by Prime Minister, Brigadier Ret'd, Mark Phillips when faced withquestionsontheongoingdisputebetween the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) contractors and the GovernmentofGuyana(GoG).
It was reported that the two contractors CH4 and Lindsayca that were awarded the US$759McontractinDecember2022filedfor a dispute resolution over a disagreement with the government on the delayed project. It was explained that while the government has accepted a three-month delay as a result of Exxon being unable to complete the site preparation, the contractors have disagreed, stating that they will require more time to completethegasplants.
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat previously directed all questions relative to the project to the Prime Minister Two journalists attached to this publication hadreachedouttoBharratseekinginformation on the US$2 billion initiative in April; however, he said, “PM office is responsible.” He also told another journalist, “It's under PM office.”
During Thursday's Sitting of the National Assembly at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, Liliendaal, Georgetown, PM Phillips was asked to provide an update on the arbitration process. He however indicated, “I am not in a position to give any updates on the Gas-to-Energyproject.ThelastthingIknowis thateverythingisgoingasplanned.”
Kaieteur News went further to request the total expenditure to date on the project but againthePrimeMinisterregurgitatedthesame response. “I am not in a position to give you anyupdateonthecostbutwhatIcantellyouis everything is going as planned and all expenditures to date has been accounted for Nothingtoworryabout,”heexplained.
During the Consideration of Estimates for Budget 2024 earlier this year, the PM Phillips who holds responsibility for power generation in Guyana was responding to Opposition Parliamentarian, David Patterson when he assured that documents relative to the gas project will be laid in the House. He committed to providing the total sum expended on the project to date, including costs for the transmission and distribution of
electricity, consultancy and substations, among other costs, as well as the agreements signed for the project. Several attempts made by the Opposition in Parliament to secure the cost and other related information on the project have been unsuccessful It was reported that since June 2022, the government signed a Heads ofAgreement (HOA) with the Stabroek Co-ventures that outlines the principles and conditions for the commercial and technical arrangements of the deal. The GTEprojectincludesapipeline,tobebuiltand financed by the Stabroek Block operator, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), while the other two components, a 300 megawatt power plant and a natural gas liquid (NGL) facilityisbeingconstructedbythegovernment ofGuyana.
Minister Bharrat in a written response Patterson, in December 2022 explained that the HOA with Exxon outlines the principles and conditions for the commercial and technical aspects of the project. “Mr Speaker, theGovernmentofGuyanahassignedaHeads of Agreement (HOA) with the Stabroek Coventures 30th June 2022. This agreement sets out the principles and conditions for the commercial and technical arrangements of the Gas-to-EnergyProject,”Bharratsaid.
Pattersoninhisrequestfortheinformation, submitted to Parliament on October 18, 2022, had asked whether any agreements were signed with Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL) in connection with theWalesprojectandifyes,fortheMinisterto supply the House with a copy of the said agreement. However, Bharrat in his response to Patterson said, “There are other agreements on supply, buyer's agreement, field development, licensing conditions, onshore works, and land matters that are currently being drafted. The respective agreements and policy documents will be presented to this Honourable House when they have been agreed upon and executed.All agreements are beingdoneinatimelymannertomeettheFinal Investment Decision which will allow for the project to be completed by our committed deadline of D e c e m b e r 2024.”
The Government of Guyana, through the Ministry of Education will be constructing a new secondary school at Monkey Mountain, valued at $226, 032,009. Monkey Mountain is an Amerindian VillageinRegionEight.
T h e $ 2 2 6 M w a s provided to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB)bytheMinistryof Education's engineer At the opening of tenders, it was revealed that 10 contractors submitted bids for the project.
The contractors are Feroze Khan & Son Enterprise - $189,865,830; Akbar A
C o n s t r u c t i o n & Engineering Services$218,554,172; Digiris Engineering Construction$223,783,991; Jemcorp Engineering & Imports$329,582,600; Sheriff
Construction Inc$203,193,953; Westbrook
C a r i b b e a n I n c$212,562,084; K's Trucking & Construction Service$208,282,809; Charles Ramlagan Contracting Service-$198,975,000;NK Engineering Services; and J a m e s C o n t r a c t i n g Enterprise-$191,965,830.
Meanwhile, it was also revealed that the ministry would be building a secondary school in Jawalla, Region Seven at an e s t i m a t e d c o s t o f $226,032,009.
Seven contractors
submitted bids for that project. They are Sheriff
Construction Inc$211,959,143; K's Trucking & Construction Services$205,194,623;BMProperty
I n v e s t m e n t I n c .$316,050,000; Westbrook C a r i b b e a n I n c .$212,562,086; Builders Supplies - $309,142,680; Akbar Architecture Construction&EngService - $238,310,914; and Truck Smart-$351,078,210.
Additionally, plans are to build a secondary school in Phillipi, Region Seven. This project is pegged at $242,281,200.
Thirteen contractors submitted bids for the project They are S&K
Construction Service & G
Procurement Services$215,195,525; Josiah General Construction$212,675,531; Sheriff
n Inc$238,841,064; C Sohan Construction Services$210,575,525; Yhadram & S o n s C o n s t r u c t i o
$222,275,531; 4S Security & Building Enterprise$222,869,850; Swammy Construction Enterprise$211,625,525; Enfield Contracting Company$208,475,513; Ultra Build Construction & General Supply - $222,869,850; K's Trucking & Construction Services - $217,763,208; Akbar Architecture C o n s t r u c t i o n &
Engineering Services$289,622,109; and AL1 Construction Co.$204,475,525.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that upon completion, the Jawalla Secondary School will be the second of its kind in the Upper Mazaruni District. It is expected to ease the issue of overcrowding at the DC Caesar Fox Secondary SchoolinWaramadong. Additionally, it will provide students in other communities with an opportunity to receive a sound secondary education. Many children are currently either not receiving secondary education or are being educated in primary t o p s , a s e c o n d a r y department in a primary school.
The Ministry of
Education was allocated some $74 4Billion, a portion of which will be used for the construction, rehabilitation, extension and maintenance of educationalfacilities.
Kaieteur News has reported that the Ministry has embarked on an aggressive programme to ensure that the nation's children have access to secondaryeducation.
TheGovernmenthasset 2025 to achieve universal secondaryeducation.
To achieve this, the ministry has since moved to have several secondary schools constructed across thecountry
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Darren Woods is the typical ExxonMobil CEO when climatechangeissuesarescrutinized. Heweavesawebabout who is responsible, and who should lead the way in doing somethingabouttheconcerns Heisalwayssensibleandskillful enough,though,todistanceExxonMobil’srole,iscontenttowait onothers,beafollower ExxonMobilisproudtobetheleader in just about all oil and gas enterprises. When climate change, however, is the matter on the table, the company’s executives have denied and dodged, or erected any convenientsmokescreenthatisavailable. Inthisregard,Mr Woods is just as committed as Rex Tillerson and Lee Raymond, and those before them. Their sworn mission in lifeasCEOofthelargestnon-stateoilandgascompanyin theworldhasalwaysbeen: StandardOilfirst,Exxonfirst, ExxonMobilfirst.
When climate change dangers and concerns mounted, ExxonMobil did not quibble. All those talking about greenhousegasemissions,climatechange,andglobalwarming wereengaginginvoodooscience,perpetuatingahoax Ithelped thatstalwartsintheRepublicanPartyintheUShavealwayshadthe backofthecompany Theyruninterferenceforit,andblockor water down legislation of significance that offered some chance to combat the issues. Members of the Democratic Party from US oil and gas producing States knew what buttered their bread, provided jobs, and enhanced their constituents and communities. Therefore, when different American presidents did make the effort to do something meaningful about climate change, they encountered severe pushbackfromtheirowncongresspeopleandsenators. For themostpart,ExxonMobilhadkeypeopleinbothpolitical partiesundertightcontrol.
Whenthesciencebehindclimatechangedangerscouldnot bedeniedanymore,ExxonMobilcleverlychangeditsstrategies and methods, and with that the company’s authorized spokespeoplerefinedtheirpublicposturesandvocabulary In brief,thenewmantraofExxonMobilamountedtothis:weare allinthistogether,soweallmustbandtogethertobringaboutthe desiredobjectives Atthesametime,thecompany’sarmyof well-paid off lobbyists and its stable of scientists on retainer worked behind the scenes to thwart or gut any pending legislationthatcouldcontributetoachievingnetzerovisionsand theworldbeinginabetterpositionby2050 Climatechange science was not being openly scoffed at these days, but the company’s people were busy running a guerilla operation to sabotagelaws,rules,andregulations Onesthatgivetheworld anopportunitytostaytheclockofthetickingatmosphericbomb with which the global population now coexist in increasing nervousness Fromthefirstseasonsofclimatechangeanxieties, ExxonMobil has stood out for running a two-track culture and operation Playagameinpublictomisleadtheworldandpush secretly to foster counter narratives to defeat climate change menaces WeatthispaperarenotconvincedthatExxonMobilis genuinely committed to doing all that it can to introduce and acceleratevitalclimatechangedefenses Nationalgovernments have been stonewalled, political and business leaders influenced,regulatorybodiesdefanged,andallforwhatisthe alpha and omega for ExxonMobil: profits, ballooning and burstingincomeandcashflowstatements
Now, the same Darren Woods has come up with a new strategy, what is another delaying, self-serving scheme when stripped of its pretenses There is a cost to achieve climate changegoals,anditisextremelysteep Itisanotherbranchofall areinthistogether,allmustpulltogether ExxonMobilisnever lessthantotallycommittedtobeingnumberoneinanythingwith whichitisassociated Numberoneintechnologyandnumber one in profits Suddenly and conveniently, ExxonMobil is contenttobepartofthepackwhenthecostofclimatechangeis whereparticipantsmustshowtheirhand Strangely,ExxonMobil and Darren Woods are talking effusively about ‘we’, about readinesstosharetheburdenofclimatechangecosts Eventhe publicwasnotspared,foraccordingtoWoods,sacrificesmust bemade,andconsumptionhabitsandpatternsmustchange After almost a century and a half of endangering the world, ExxonMobiliscallingforotherstosaveit
, The 32nd Congress of the PPPhas come and gone.
Constitutionally, the Congress should have been heldin2019butCOVIDand other matters of national interest prevented the holdingoftheevent.
There were two important highlights at congress, first was the presentation of the Central Committee Report; the secondwasaresolutionfrom theLeonoraPartyGroupthat provedhistorical.Itexhorted delegates to expunge all references to ‘MarxismLeninism’, a ‘socialist Guyana,’a‘socialistsociety’ and ‘socialism’ from the Partyconstitution.
Notice was given at the 31st Party congress held in 2016, and in the years that followed that the time had come to expunge the “ I S M S ” f r o m t h e constitution of the Party It wasnotsurprisingtherefore, that on the eve of the 32nd congress,aformalresolution fromabasicunitoftheParty emerged.
Itsoughttobringanend, to the interminable debate, exclusivelyattheleadership levelabouttherelevanceand
applicationofthe“ISMS”in general and MarxismLeninism and socialism in particular to present-day Guyanesereality
Without any resolution or unanimous conclusion duringanexchangeofviews on the subject, the Party’s Central Committee, agreed to put the draft resolution to congress for consideration with the expectation that its passagewillbringclosureto thematter
Notwithstanding a brief backandforththatarosedue to some interventions from thefloordrawingattentionto misgivings about the resolution, delegates agreed t o t h e p r o p o s e d constitutional amendments and the resolution was passed.
While some political parties who once had references to socialism and Marxism-Leninism in their political lexicon but have since expunged it, resulting in splits or break-away factions or expulsions in some cases, there continues to be debates, writings, publications of books and teachings at institutions of higher learning about the relevance of 19th century
economic and social scientific thinking of Marx in the 21st century. Guyana willbenoexception.People who are in the business of reading widely are likely to butt-up with Marx at some pointintime.
While Guyana’s
ideological landscape appears scorched at this historical juncture and with an unknown number of ideologues who count themselves as Marxists, it shouldbeborneinmindthat ideology became a material forceduringthecolonialera inBritishGuiana.Itwasthat force, influenced primarily by the introduction of Marxist, anti-colonial and anti-imperialist thinking of overseas trained Guyanese including Cheddi Jagan, Forbes Burnham, Joycelyn Hubbard,Ashton Chase and manyothersthatinspiredthe Guyaneseworkingpeopleto vigorously oppose the vestiges of colonial rule and to struggle for a better life thatremainsnecessaryupto today
Poverty and inequality havebeenwithusforalong time Neither slavery, colonialism nor industrial capitalism do away with
them, and present-day finance capitalism is not reversingthemeither.
The only thing that can reverse them is political action aimed at changing systems that seem to many people to be simply the way thingshavetobe.
The student protests in America against the war in Gaza, the protest demonstrationsbyEuropean Union and Indian farmers, protest actions by doctors andnursesinKorea,theUK and Kenya attest to humanity’s desire for change.
Working peoples’ desire for change for the better is founded on the access to information on an unimaginable scale never seen before offering sociopoliticalalternativestowhat obtainstoday
It is in that context we should salute Marx as the ‘founder of a discourse’ basedontheenormousbody of thought named after him that created the discourse that continues to this day, though a lot of the significance of his work lies initsdownstreameffects.
Yoursfaithfully, ClementJ.Rohee
, The ‘running sore of ‘illegal vending’ in Guyana isyetagainaburningissue.I notedthatAttorneyGeneral, AnilNandlall,cameoutonce more to condemn the City Council, Police for ignoring this dangerous and distasteful practice. In fact, he is so incensed, and rightfully so, that he is urgingaffectedbusinessesto take legal action against the Council. His urging hopefullywillbeadheredto, and soon I hope we will get answers and accountability from “the Mayor and City Councillors of Georgetown, aswellastheGuyanaPolice Force (GPF), for their ineffective handling of the issueofillegalvendinginthe country’scapital.”
What I do know is that, this activity causes a lot of disadvantages, including traffic congestion, environmental pollution, visualpollutionandreduced foodsafety Thus,itmustbe prohibited, or at least be effectively managed, so that Guyana can reduce these significant negative effects. AccordingtotheAG,andas
most of us do know, “The City Council is simply not carrying out its statutory responsibilities, and neither is the Guyana Police Force.
There has been a combination of neglect both on the part of the City Council and the Guyana PoliceForcefordecades.As a result, you have a monstrous situation of u n l a w f u l v e n d i n g permeating the city with the resultant chaos, disorder, garbage, stench of bacteria andunsanitaryconditions.”
This right to the point, andyetthereismore.Editor, forone,streetvendingcanbe and has been a veneer for theftandrobbery Ifweareto count the actual vendors involved in some form of business, they will make for a small fraction of the vast number of ‘others’ with them, and far too many times, this kind of situation has allowed pick-pocket, snatch and run, choke and robperpetratorsetc.toblend right in and ‘protect their criminality.’
Then how about the proliferation of counterfeit goods, fraud schemes,
selling smuggled items and even ‘passing’narco’in this melee? It suits the purpose andnowonderthesespateof activities and quite a few morehavebeenescalatingin Guyana.Infact,Iaskreaders to revisit how a “CaneView vendor (was) stabbed to d e a t h ” ( S t a b r o e k News:https://wwwstabroek news.com) and the case of a “Shoe vendor (who was also) stabbed to death on R e g e n t S t r e e t (https://www.kaieteurnewso nline.com).
Let me expand on something that has always bothered me, this is how streetvendingisfraughtwith sellingcounterfeitorpirated goods,suchasfakedesigner clothing, electronics, or counterfeit currency This practicenotonlyimpactsthe legitimate economy, but can also expose consumers to substandard or dangerous products. It gets even worse as there are food safety issues where street food vendors, particularly those without proper licenses or permits, may pose health risks to consumers Inadequate food handling
practices, poor sanitation, and lack of appropriate storage facilities can lead to food-borne illnesses and poisoning I mean the ‘nonsense’ must stop. I will add in here the ‘madness’of traffic congestion and pedestrian safety, as street vendors often occupy sidewalks or public areas, leading to congestion and reduced accessibility for pedestrians. This of course can increase the risk of accidents and potentially contribute to traffic congestion. So, I am most gladthatlocalbusinessesare now planning to take legal action in the High Court. “They are seeking injunctions against the City Council, demanding that vendors be removed from the vicinity of their stores. AndliketheAGishoping,I am too, that things will start togotherightway Nandlallenlightenedthat “It is a criminal offence to encumber pavements and public roadways. It is a criminal offence to block someone’s ingress and egresstotheirpremises.Itis (Continuedonpage16)
LikePresidentDr Irfaan Aliandformerpresidentand Vice President Mr Bharat Jagdeo, Prime Minister and former Chief of Staff of Guyana Defence Force (GDF)Brigadier Mark
Phillips have made the defense of Guyana’s territoryagainstthespurious claim of more than twothirds of the country’s territory by the Maduro regime his primary concern andfocus.Formorethantwo decades, former President Jagdeo has been at the forefront of the border controversy, today the mantle has been passed to PresidentDrAli
Our leaders have always placed Guyana’s interests ahead of theirs and they have articulated to the nation that thegovernmentwillinanyand all circumstances spare no efforts and will use any and every means possible to defend Guyana’s territory againstVenezuelaoranyother internationalactors Thisview pointwasexpressedbyPrime Minister Phillips who on November 1, 2023, informed the Extraordinary Special Session of the Permanent CounciloftheOrganizationof American States (OAS) that Guyana is a peaceful country thatrespectstheruleoflawand that Venezuela’s claim to the Essequibo Region posed a serious and dangerous threat not only to Guyana’s sovereignty and territorial integrity but also its development prospects and regional peace and stability
Echoing President Dr.Ali’s, words, the former Army Chief has made it very clear to the members of the OAS
Permanent Council that Guyana’s territory is nonnegotiable and not an inch willbeyieldedtoVenezuela.
BrigadierPhillipsapprised the OAS that since the discovery of oil in Essequibo six years ago, Venezuela has intensified its campaign of intimidationandthreatstouse forcetoannexthecountyand discredit the 1899 Arbitral Award The PM has wisely told the OAS Council that there is no ambiguity concerning the facts with the border controversy because the 1899 Arbitral Award, which determined the boundaries between the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, continues to be the legally binding instrument that remains in effect And even though the case is actively beforetheICJ,Venezuelahas allegedthatitwillnotbebound by the ICJ ruling In putting forth Guyana’s case, Prime MinisterPhillipscandidlytold the Permanent Council of the OASthatthegovernmentand peopleofGuyanaareattentive andvigilantoftheintentionsof theMaduroregime’sthreatsto useforcetounilaterallyannex more than two-thirds of Guyana’s territory, which would not only threaten the peace,stability,andsecurityof Guyana, but also the entire Caribbeanregion
Prime Minister Phillips commitment to advance Guyana’s interests was evidentatthe23rdeditionof W
(WSDS) held in New Delhi, India between February 7 and 9, 2024, where he a
dedication to sustainable development not only in words but in action Expressing concerns over the looming threat of climate change globally, PM Phillips emphasized that economic progress must be harmonised with a firm commitment to sustainabledevelopmentsoas toleaveasecurefutureforall He admitted that the challengestheworldfaceare daunting but they are not insurmountable and that environmental stewardship and visionary leadership are indispensable elements for fosteringcollectiveactionto combat climate change. He intoned that in balancing economic growth with environmental protection, Guyanaservesasabeaconof inspiration for the world. Prioritizing the relationship between India and Guyana, the Prime Minister asserted thatbothcountrieshavebeen focusing on building a resilient and sustainable future Focusing on the theme of the World Sustainable Development Summit 2024, Brigadier Phillips genuinely appealed to the leaders present that despite their differences and challenges, th
obligated and beholden to
respective countries and to the peoples of the world to forgelastingandmeaningful partnerships and for them to doeverythingintheirpower to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contain climate change and its devastating impact on the earth.
Onceagain,theHonorable Prime Minister Mark Phillips in his patriotic fervor has placedGuyana’sinterestfirst Addressingthe3rdIterationof theGuianaShieldDialogueat the Guyana Marriott Hotel, PM Phillips called for collectiveactiontoprotectthe territorialintegrityofmembers of the Guiana Shield which encompassed Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Venezuela,Brazilandpartsof Colombia Hehighlightedthe importance of the Guiana Shield and emphasized that everyeffortmustbemadeto safeguarditasoneofthelast wild places on earth and is considered the greenhouse of the world in that contains oneofthelargestrainforests on earth with regional and global significance and with awealthofnaturalresources, including oil, natural gas, diamonds, bauxite, manganeseandgold,among others. The Prime Minister stressed the importance of
preservingtheGuianaShield and urged all participants to act towards this goal by strengthening their commitment to preserve the Shield as exemplified by initiatives like Guyana Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) which is expected to yield positive resultsby2030.
However, the Prime Minister warned that the Guiana Shield faces grave threats that require a united regionalresponse Hepointed t
deforestation, unlawful mining, illegal resource extraction, climate change impacts,habitatfragmentation
due to development, and wildlifetrafficking,tonamea few He cautioned that while the challenges are great, collective action in urgently needed to protect the untouched biodiversity and ecological integrity of the Guiana Shield for future generations It was one of the most inspiring and invigorating speeches by Prime Minister Phillips who counseled that stronger collaborationandinnovation are vita
ed prosperity, environmental sustainability and tackling climatechange.
Dr.AsquithRoseA33-year-oldfatheroftwodiedon Thursday after a lumber truck reversed into the path of the minibus he was driving along the Orangestein Public Road, East Bank Essequibo(EBE).
The dead man has been identified as Deoraj Baldeo also known as ‘Alex’ of Zeelugt,EBE.
According to police, the deadly crash took place around 05:15hrs. Police said too that another man, 55-year-old Fazal Abrahim, who was sitting in the front passenger seat beside Baldeo was also seriously injured in the accident
Investigations have revealed that a truck, GVV9777,drivenby60-year-oldRamgobin Prahalad of Parika Outfall, EBE reversed fromnorthtosouthoutofaStoneDepotand collided with the front of the minibus, BSS 7322 that Baldeo was driving. Police said that Baldeo was allegedly speeding west alongtheroad,whenthecrashoccurred.
Avideo seen by Kaieteur News showed the aftermath of the crash. The truck was filledwithlumberandtheentirefrontofthe minibus was mangled.Amotionless Baldeo was seen pinned in the driver’s seat of the wreckedminibus.
PolicesaidthatAbrahimwasalsotrapped intheminibusafterthecrash.
“Theywereeventuallyfreedbymembers of the Guyana Fire Service and taken to the LeonoraCottageHospital,”Policereported. Baldeo was pronounced dead on arrival while Abrahim was transferred to the
Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) for further treatment. Abrahim reportedlysufferedfromsevereheadinjuries but his condition is regarded as stable. Baldeo’s loved ones took to Facebook to expresstheirshockandsympathy
Hiscousin,MarciaSeeramsaid,“Stillin shock from the news this morning” while RupaSeenananposted,“youwillbemissed. You break our heart but God only takes the best”.
Charmaine Joseph another acquaintance ofBaldeodescribedhimasarespectfulman who greeted everyone with a smile on his face. Meanwhile, Prahalad was detained by policeandabreathalyzertestwasconducted onhim.Notraceofalcoholwasfound. Investigationsareon-going.
I have been asked for my opinion in the now trending issue that involves Guyana’s number on DJ, Dorel Romeo aka DJ Magnum and Jamaican dancehall artiste ChronicLaw Iwillnottakeanyinternational personsideovermycountrymenorwomen. Period!
Magnum has played a major part in organisingtheRickRossInternationalMega Concert of which some Jamaican artistes werealsoinvitedtoperform.Itisnosurprise thathedidanexcellentjobbecausetheshow was a success.Alot of people may not like himbutheisarguablyourbestDJandavery popularandanexcellententertainer.
Ihavehadafewoneononeconversations with DJ Magnum; he conveys a clear mind andsoundintelligencewithanuncannygrasp ofpoliticsandthepoliticsofthestreets.Isee nothing wrong with Magnum going to Chronic Law’s hotel and inviting him to an afterparty
That is traditional in the entertainment industryworldwide.Ifinditdisrespectfulto our iconic DJ when Chronic Law’s team speaksoftheinviteinadisrespectfulwayand
What irks me is that a lot of young Guyanese seem to be rejoicing over that assumed diss by Chronic Law’s management. We have not gotten over our foreign mindedness and our unjustified dislike for our own talent and that is unfortunateandverysad.
Jamaican’s do not go against their own foranyonefromanotherplace.Albeit,Ifind Jamaicanstoalsobeverynicepeoplethatget alongwithGuyanese.
I consider popular Jamaican artiste, Mr. Vegas a good acquaintance of mine. I have never made contact with him and he did not respond.Bujuismyiconsincethedaysofmy youth.
I respect Jamaicans and support their music.However,nomatterwhatdifferences we have as Guyanese, when it comes to outsiders,letusagreetosupportourownand put them first. We can tell them they are wrong but not in front of others. People do not respect those who put others over their own.Doyouknowthetermforthat?
NormanBrowneMWednesday on UG Road
Nationals studying medicine at the Texila American University and robbed them of theirjewellery Policeidentifiedthevictimsas:23-yearold Mahendra Maheldajam called Kevin, Deepatie Rejeergopaul, 23, and Laveanya Ravi,25.Theywererobbedaround23:40hrs while walking home to their apartment
buildinginCummingsLodge. Theyrecalled thattwosuspectspulledupbesidethemona motorcycle and demanded that they hand overalloftheirvaluables.
Kevingavethemhissilverringvaluedat $20,000, while Rejeergopaul handed over her silver chain worth some $60,000 and Ravigavethemher$25,000silverchain.
The bandits then rode away while the medicalstudentsreportedtherobberyatthe nearestpolicestation.
The Ministry of Education was forced to withdraw the offensive essay competition on the taxpayer-funded school breakfast programme.
It was one of those very cheap, lowlife political gimmick from Priya Manickchand who was hoping to profit politically from an activity that cater to the needs of poor people.
Facebook lit up Wednesday evening on seeing the flyer. Before noon Thursday, without even apologising to the nation for the political nastiness she was attempting, the ministry issued a long statement extolling the virtues of the breakfast programme, while at the same time withdrawing the competition.
So insensitive and callous. Leave it up to Priya she might soon ask students to write essays on how good ExxonMobil is and how Jagdeo is the best thing after sliced bread.
With the Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) economy heavily dependent on its hydrocarbons (oil and gas) industry, the Energy and Energy Industries Minister, Stuart R. Young, this past week praised the foresight of the administration, in renegotiating its contracts withitsoilandgasproducers, for which the country is now reapingmajorbenefits.
This,inlightoftheglobal declineininternationalprices paid.Addressing members of the media as well as that country's oil and gas producers, the Minister in responding to questions after presenting the latest audits for the country's gas reserves exhorted, “what I can tell the citizens, that fortunately this governmenthadtheforesight and the confidence to go to our gas producers, our major gas producers and to negotiate better gas pricing for us in particular on the LNG(LiquifiedNaturalGas) side.”
Withthepriceofliquified resource as little as US$2 on the world market per cubit feet of gas, the Minister reported that coming out of therenegotiateddealswithits oil and gas producers, saying “we got a basket of prices; what that means for example where the price is two dollars for gas, we are getting four sometimes.”
C r e d i t i n g t h e renegotiated deals, Minister Young told the T&T nation “…wearegettingupwardsof 40 percent of world markets prices.”
He prefaced his position by pointing out that, “natural
gas prices are globally set prices, you have a number of different indices.” To this end, he reminded was adamant“rightnowwhatyou are seeing globally the trend has been unfortunately a low gasprice.”
Referencing the benefits of the renegotiated contracts he explained “what that means for you T&T is for example today where the (Henry Hobbs) price is two dollars for gas we are getting around four dollars, sometimes upwards of that, so you are seeing on occas
upwards higher pricing of gas.”
What this audit does is that it shows us what our current reserve situation is; andwentontoexplainthatat present the country is confident in some 11 trillion cubic feet of associated gas, in proven reserves. This he said would, based on the past two year's trend of production in that country, the reserves would allow for productioninthatcountryfor justanotherdecadeorso.
According to the energy minister, there is still potentially enough more gas that once, proven would allow for production to continue for another twenty years.
The T&T government had back in 2016 embarked o
exporterAtlantic because the
A Chinese national was on Wednesday killed in boat accident at Timber Grant Landing, Essequibo River, RegionSeven.
state is getting shortchanged, energy minister Nicole Olivierre, the then EnergyMinistersaid.
"With many of our c o m m e r c i a l p r i c i n g arrangements tied to a US destination, this country is realizing netbacks well belowtheactualmarketprice applicable to the true destination of our cargoes." Olivierresaidatthetime.
"Theonlyconclusionthat can be drawn is that the contractual arrangements for themarketingofLNGarenot now working in the best interest of Trinidad and Tobago," she said. "I am therefore forced to inquire: What has happened to the arrangement where the upside was to be shared 50/50 between the LNG partners and the government for cargo diversion? Is it that the LNG partners are now diverting cargoes to the South American market in a transfer pricing arrangement toavoidsharingtheupside?"
To this end, she at the time announced “all LNG marketing agreements are to be reviewed and new negotiated agreements structured to ensure that the commercial arrangements are"equitable,"shesaid. The government´s call for renegotiations were at the time made amid persistent n a t u r a l g a s s u p p l y curtailments that negatively
impacted LNG production in thatcountry.
Meanwhile in Guyana, despite promises of a renegotiation of the 2016 P r o d u c t i o n S h a r i n g Agreement (PSA) described by both governments' as lopsided,thegovernmenthas opted to preserve the status quo, to instead opt for better contractmanagement.
Criticizing this approach, at his party's most recent press engagement, Alliance for Change Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan,hadlamentedthat failure renegotiate the agreementsmadewiththeoil companies locally, Guyana will continue to lose more thanitisgaining.
According to Ramjattan, “Itisobviousthatthecountry islosingmoreandthatiswhy we indicated that there ought to be a renegotiation and because of the conduct and utterances whilst they were in opposition that the contract is rotten, that they will renegotiate it- that is the PPP and Jagdeo and all of them- they have now found sanctity of contract to halt all the nonsense that they then
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hugh Todd and Imad Alzuhairi, the Head of the Palestinian International Cooperation Agency (PICA) sign a MoU on Thursday as others look on.
Guyana has been repeatedly warned by international energy institutes that the country may never see the promised annual revenues from its oil sector, as the 'one-sided' oil contract gives ExxonMobil and its partners the benefit, leaving Guyana and its people out of their fair share ofthewealth.
The contract allows Exxon to deduct 75 percent of the resources each month to cover expenses to develop oil and gas projects. The costs that are not covered each month go over to the following month. Presently, Guyana only receives a meagre two percent royalty, asagreedtointhe2016PSA. This has been described as one of the lowest rates in the World Royalty is a p
n y commodity, paid to the owner of the resources and are free and clear from any costs whatsoever Notably, the country also does not receive taxes from Exxon anditssub-contractors.
Theinjuredpersonswere takentotheBarticaRegional Hospital where Jianhua was pronounceddeadonarrival.
“Songyajun, who receivedinjuriestohisupper body and face, was seen, examined, and admitted as a patient The other individual, Meng Yi Feng, was treated and sent away,” policesaid.
Meanwhile, the captain of the tug boat is in police custody at the Bartica Police Station assisting with the investigations.
DeadisDaiJianhua. Reports are that Jianhua wastravelinginaspeedboat with two other persons, Songyajun and Meng Yi Feng when it collided with a tug boat causing the occupantstofalloverboard. The accident occurred at around19:30hinthevicinity of Timber Grant Quarry Police said that the members of the crew aboard the tug boatthenjumpedoverboard, rendering assistance to the speedboat passengers, who were then taken onto the barge.
Guyana and Palestine on Thursday signed four Memorand
Understanding (MoU) focused on strengthening bilateral cooperation and collaboration in the areas of agriculture and health. Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hugh Todd met with Her Excellency Linda Sobeh, Non-Resident Ambassador of the State of Palestine to Guyana during an official visit to Guyana on Thursday wheretheMoUweresigned.
The Ambassador was accompanied by Ambassador Imad Alzuhairi, the Head of the Palestinian International Cooperation Agency (PICA) and Assistant Minister for International Cooperation.
The delegation also had the opportunity to meet with President Dr MohamedIrfaanAliandothermembers of the cabinet.Guyana, through local donations raised $110.8M to support Palestine through its humanitarian
…following signing of 4 MoUs
crisis. Meanwhile, President Irfaan Ali hasexpressedGuyana'scommitmentto peace and national security and underscored the country's belief in globalprosperityandunity
He stated that Guyana is united in advancing development, peace, and betterconditionsforhumanity
The Head of State affirmed Guyana's support for global efforts to bringpeacetoPalestineandcondemned theongoingIsraeliassaultonGaza.
This column does not respond to criticisms, except w h e r e t h e r e i s misrepresentation of what was said within the column.
Yesterday Vice President Jagdeo sought to imply that this column was calling for the retaining of MarxismLeninism within the PPP’s constitution.
Thiscolumnhasmadeno such argument. What it has doneistoexposethenaivety ofJagdeowhohadsoughtto justify the removal of references to MarxismLeninism from the party’s constitution, on the grounds thatitwaspartoftheparty’s responsetotheendingofthe ColdWar Jagdeowillonedayhave to explain what stance he personally took years ago when Khemraj Ramjarran soughttopilotamotiontodo exactlywhatthePPPdidlast
Sunday: remove references to Marxism-Leninism and socialism from the party’s constitution. He will get his time to answer whether he did not think then that the ColdWarhadended. Jagdeo does not see the ongoing tussle between the USA, China and Russia, its destabilization of Cuba and Venezuela and its assault on left-wing governments in Central America and South Americaasanewformofthe Cold War He sees, for example, the tensions betweentheUSAandChina as a tussle for global domination.
Vice President Jagdeo is not alone in viewing and interpretingthesetensionsas a struggle for global dominance between China and the United States. In recenttimestherelationship betweenChinaandtheUSA h
While power dynamics certainly play a role in the strained relations between ChinaandtheUnitedStates, any attempt at reducing this conflicttomerecompetition for supremacy overlooks a crucial aspect: ideological contestation Those who argueotherwise,likeJagdeo, miss the deeper ideological c u r r e n t s s h a p i n g internationalrelationstoday
betweenChinaandtheUSA cannot be reduced to mere competition for global power At its core lies an ideological contestation between authoritarianism and liberal democracy that shapes their respective worldviews and policy choices. Those, like Jagdeo, who overlook this ideologicaldimensionareat sea when it comes to understanding the dynamics
Dem boys seh, every week like clockwork, de PeePeePeecallingdepress fuh come lime. Dem does announce it like is de greatest show on Earth, but truth be told, it more like a one-man band playing in a desertedalleyway
Dempressconferences, if yuh could call it that, is like a broken record. Same ol’, same ol’. It’s like watching a comedy show where de jokes only funny todeonestellingdem.
But here’s de real kicker, folks: nobody ain’t even listening! Dem boys did a survey, and guess wah? Ninety percent of
what dem say in dem opening statements don’t even mek it to de news! Imagine dat! It’s like talkingtoabrickwall,only de wall probably more interested.
So, while de Pee Pee Peebusypattingdemselves ondebackandpreachingto de choir, de rest of we sitting here scratching we heads, wondering when de real show gon’start. When we gon’ see de bigwigs in government facing de music, answering dem tough questions/ When we gangetaPresidentialPress ConferenceoraMinisterial PressConference.
It’s a real headscratcher, folks In a countrywherewesupposed to have accountability and transparency,allwegetting is smoke and mirrors. We want de Cabinet Press Conferences back, de ones where de real business getting discussed, not dis sideshow
So,weaskingdepowers that be, de big cheeses in government: When you gon’stepupandshowwede realdeal? Causerightnow, all we seeing is a whole lot of talk and not much else. And in de words of dem boys,datain’tcuttingit! Talkhalf.Leffhalf
AttheheartoftheChinaUS conflict lies a clash of ideologies that goes beyond merepowerpolitics.Onone side, China champions its brand of authoritarian and State capitalism, blending state control with market mechanisms This model challenges the Western narrative of liberal democracy and free-market capitalism The clash between these ideological paradigms underpins much of the tension between the two powers. Firstly, China’s rise challenges the Western belief in the universality of liberaldemocracy Whilethe USA sees democracy as the pinnacle of political evolution, China’s success under an authoritarian regime challenges this notion. Beijing’s ability to deliver economic growth and maintain social stability withoutembracingWesternstyle democracy poses a fundamentalchallengetothe ideologicalhegemonyofthe West. As such the West is determined to engage in an ideologicalwarwithChina. China’sassertiveforeign policy, characterized by initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), reflects its vision of a world order shaped by its values and interests This challenges the USA’s vision of a liberal international order based on democratic principles, human rights, and free trade. The clash between these competing
visions fuels geopolitical competitionandexacerbates tensions between the two powers.
The ideological contestation extends to technological dominance, with China challenging American technological supremacy
The USAaccuses China ofintellectualpropertytheft, forced technology transfer, and unfair trade practices to advance its technological ambitions. This underscores not just a competition for economic power but also an ideologicalstruggleoverthe future direction of technological innovation andgovernance.
Human rights issues suchasChina’streatmentof ethnicminoritiesinXinjiang andcrackdownondissentin Hong Kong underscore the c l a s h b e t w e e n authoritarianism and liberal values. The USA and its allies criticize China’s human rights record, framing it as a moral issue and highlighting the ideologicalgulfbetweenthe twopowers.
America also opposes the emergence of a multipolarworld.Therefore, it persists in its efforts to integrate Europe into its economic sphere while isolating China This s t r a t e g y e n t a i l s implementing measures to hindertradewithChina.The aim is to prevent Europe from becoming part of the emerging Chinese sphere of influence.
It can be argued that America lacks significant strategic economic interests in Ukraine.Yet it persists in financingUkraine’smilitary machine with the aim of depleting Russia’s military stockpiles and arsenals, thereby weakening its longstandingrival.
Ifwhatistakingplacein the world is a struggle for global power and not an extension of the old Cold War, how does this explain the ongoing suffocation of Cuba by the United States and US attempts to create regime change in Venezuela? Perhaps, the answer to Jagdeo’s dilemma was reflectedinthepausehewas forced to take during his press conference yesterday to allow the din caused by the overflying jet fighters to dissipate.Butperhapshetoo cannot see how his governmentandGuyanaare beinginexorablydrawninto becomingaUSsidekick.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s affiliates.)
All Guyanese should see straight through any oil spill legislation coming out of the PPP Government The primary objective would be to insulate and immunize to the utmost Exxon and its partnersfrombeingobligated to this country and its citizens. Whatever the final form of any billbeing readied
f o r p a r l i a m e n t a r y appearance, it will have two vitalcomponents.
The first is to limit or neutralise the strength of locals to challenge Exxon et al in the instance of a significant oil spill. The second,istoenhanceExxon's ability to weaponize our own law to deny and diminish Guyanese of justice. I will table two other things: 1) it would not surprise if Exxon had material input in oil spill drafts and objectives; and 2) given the incomparably broad streak of cowardice in our leaders, whatever becomes the oil spill law would have the highest probability to devastate citizens and ultimately enslave this country Build
w h a t e v e r m u s t b e incorporated into a bill for passage to law to protect Exxon by any meansambiguities, loopholes, deceptions, and all deliberate-is what Guyanese are going to get, must live with. I am saying so from today
Some may say that this is goingtoofar,delvingintothe unknown. No GuyanesePPP or PNC supportershould need any additional education regarding what is known about Exxon, and how poorly Guyana has done becauseofit. Becauseofthat knowledge, and with no law with teeth to instill restraint, then dangerous recklessness could prevail and damage this country and its people incurably Ipresentthislittle bill of my own as a test for Guyanese, an invitation for them, whether supporter or skeptic. Whathastherebeen a bill laid in the National Assembly by the PPP Government, a law assented to, that has started out with what is truly and thoroughly, for the best interests of the
Guyanesepeople? Whenhas suchaparliamentarycreature not been of what gives some leeway for what redounds to the credit of those pushing such profanities through, and callingitlaw?
The Hon Attorney
General, a man of the law (in his own mind), a man who impresses himself of his mastery of the law (in his own self-made legends) could intervene and grace his fellows with his sagacity While at it, perhaps, he will deign to tell citizens how it is that the people behind what became the NRF law were wise enough to affix penalties on whistleblowers exposing those doing wrong by the Oil Fund, but were wiser still not to protect Guyanese hopes for their trust fund by embedding draconian provisions for t h o s e w h o a c t u a l l y interference with its assets. In the potentially biggest vault for the holdings of Guyanese, there is that weakness, that key of authority to enter and tamper withitsdeposits.
The NRF is the one bank accountthatmatters,because itisofsuchmateriality,holds suchpromise,somanyrough times reserves. It had to be buttressed with the most comprehensive and robust provisions that warn and ward off those with a malefactor's mind, that war will be waged on them should they get ideas, should they act on them. But when that most basic of common sense component that should have been part of the NRF Law, it is blindingly invisible. What then could be expected in any PPPsponsoredoilspilllaw,where Exxon is the deciding factor about who stays in power, and who gets removed? If the people's oil money was plotted against with potentially naked criminal i n t e n t i n i t s f i r s t manifestations from the PPP Government, then I submit that an oil spill law finalized will mutate into the shrine on which the protections that Guyanese need will be sacrificed and devoured The oil trust subterfuge, that
detectable criminal camouflage,wasandisabout money and how to make merrywithit. Anyupcoming oil spill law is sure to have what barricades Exxon to the maximum and leaves Guyaneseatlegalstraws.
I repeat something said before. Men in the PPP Government sit and scheme about what is to their benefit i n t h e d e s i g n a n d construction of new laws. An oil spill law that has what is tight, embodies what is potent, and is loaded with intent and unequivocal language to protect this country and its people at all costs would raise the hackles of the directorate and management of Exxon. If it is not Woods and Routledge, there will be another destroyer in Exxon committed to wrestling for what is the absolute in protection for the company from the PPP Government (or any other) relative to oil spill legislation in the making.
Guyanese with clarity of mind and honesty in their
hearts should try this reference: if there is no N i c o l a s M a d u r o i n Venezuela, there is bound to be an ambitious successor, man or woman. Now think along the same lines with Woods and Routledge from Exxon, no different in what they covet from Guyana, and what they will do to get it. The PPP Government is the stooge of Woods and Routledge. Theoilspilldraft under consideration will be the proof of this conclusion. One national institution after another has been subverted and converted to treacherous PPP visions. It is again the turn of the law, and this time around to devastate the independence of the judiciary, one of the two p r o t e c t i v e b a s t i o n s remaining.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
Even as the Guyana Power & Light (GPL) is working to connect the 36 megawatt (MW) powership to the Demerara-Berbice Interconnected System (DBIS) yesterday afternoon Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo disclosed that the Government of Guyana (GoG) is still looking for an additional 30 MW of power to add to the grid. In order to bring relief to citizens and meet the high demand of electricity in the country, the government through GPL signedamulti-million-dollar contract with Urbacon Concessions Investments, W.L.L(UCI),asubsidiaryof UCC Holdings in Qatar, in collaboration with a Turkish company, Karpowership International to rent the ship for two years. In a press statement, GPL announced, “We are making great progress.” It was disclosed that GPL and Karpowership team have completed testing the engines, transformers, f u e l , m e t e r i n g a n d telecommunication systems onthepowership.
GPL said that its engineers are finalising testing of the protection relay devices to ensure there is communication between the ship and its Supervisory C o n t r o l a n d D a t a Acquisition (SCADA) system. The SCADAsystem will monitor and control the power distribution network to ensure efficiency and system reliability It was further stated, “Once c o m p l e t e d t o d a y (Thursday), the team will commence dispatching power from the power ship tothegrid.Thepowerwillbe injected into the DBIS incrementally, beginning
with Berbice and continuing through the various load centres in Demerara ”
During his weekly press conference on Thursday afternoon, Jagdeo said, “Earlier today GPLput out a press statement saying that they are hoping to hook up the power barge today and hopefully that barge will start supplying power from this afternoon ”The Vice President stated that the government is hoping that the 36MW added to the system would be enough power to end the current spate of blackouts He explained that the frequent power outages are as a result of unavailability of power
distribution system. Within the past several months, Jagdeo noted that there has been load shedding because there was not enough power to meet the peak demand. “So the 36 megawatt would allow us to meet peak demandandevenallowusto go into maintenanceof some of the additional units where maintenance was deferred simply because we had no othercapacity,”Jagdeosaid. To this end, he made the disclosure that the government is still actively seeking additional power, similar to the arrangement that was signed with the Turkish company for two years, until the Wales West Bank Demerara Gas-toEnergy(GTE)projectcomes onstream.Jagdeoexplained, “That will be able to supply enough power to the country we will have a massive injectionof 300 megawatt of new power considering that we are using now the peak demand is about 180MW
Man wanted for attempted murder of ex-girlfriend, deported from Suriname
That by any standard is a massive injection of new powerandfromanewpower planttoosothenwecanthen put all of these older units into reserve maintain them andkeeptheminreserve.”
He continued: “That hopefully will definitively solvethepowersituationand of course provide cheaper power to our people too…”
According to reports, GPL signed the contract on April 13 and has already paid a mobilisation fee of US$1 million for the vessel's rental.Thecompanywillpay US 6.62 cents per kilowatt hourasamonthlycharterfee
for the power ship, and a maintenance fee of 0.98 US cents per kWh, based on electricitygenerated.
M o r e o v e r , t h i s publication had reported the government is actively pursuing funding in the range of US$180 million to US$250 million for the enhancement of the GPL d i s t r i b u t i o n a n d transmission system. Within thescopeoftheGTEproject, comprisingelementslikethe gas pipeline to bring the gas onshore, the Natural Gas Liquids(NGL)Plant,andthe power plant infrastructure, GPL's distribution system
The 36-MW Turkish power ship
r e q u i r e s enhancements.Jagdeo had explained that GPL has already submitted their p r o p o s a l a n d t h a t government has already indicated that they will fund theproject.Hedisclosedthat the government is looking to have the upgrades financed
from a loan or approach the National Assembly for supplementarybudget.
“It has to be, it has to be done.Ithastobedonebefore the middle of the year; we have to get this done in time for the distribution of the power,” the Vice President added.
Captured: Sasenarine Sankar
Sasenarine Sankar, the 47-year-old man wanted for the attempted murder of his ex-girlfriend was on Thursday captured in Suriname and deported to Guyana. Sankar fled Guyana after a wanted bulletin was issued for him in connection with the attempted murder of Sandy Persaud. The wanted man was apprehended at a tire shop in Suriname and handed over to law enforcement officials in Guyana The incident occurred on April 5, 2023 at No. 55 Village, Corentyne Berbice. Reports stated that Sankar, a barber, attacked Persaudwithasharpweapon, inflicting severe chops about her body leaving her with threatening injuries. Shortly afterthechoppingincidenthe escaped to neighbouring Suriname In June 2023, police issued a wanted bulletinforSankar
deemed by Venezuela as an act of provocation and violation of the Argyle
Agremeent signed between the two countries in St Vincent and the Grenadines
late last year The US F/A18F Super Hornets, embarkedontheUSSGeorge Washington conducted the Guyana Defence Forcecoordinated and approved flyover of Georgetown and its surrounding areas. The flyover commenced at 2:00 pm, with collaboration and a p p r o v a l f r o m t h e Government of Guyana, the US Embassy said in a press release. Members of the public were advised that the exercise was built upon routine security cooperation and bilateral defense partnership between the US and Guyana. “As part of its worldwide defense mission, U.S. Navy vessels routinely transit international waters allovertheworldconducting similar exercises and exchanges with partners and allies,”thereleasestated.
Meanwhile, the flyover cameontheheelsofavisitby U.S. Marine Corps Major General (MajGen) Julie Nethercot, U S Southern Command Strategy, Policy, andPlansDirectortoGuyana between May 6-8 The Strategy, Policy, and Plans
The American fighter jets flying over Guyana's airspace on Thursday
Directorate at U.S. Southern Command oversees strategic p l a n n i n g , p o l i c y development, and security cooperation coordination for Latin America and the Caribbean. The Directorate directly supports U S Southern Command's goals and objectives in deterring aggression,defeatingthreats, rapidly responding to crises, and working with allies and partner nations to strengthen the region's capacity to ensure a secure, free, and prosperous Western Hemisphere MajGen Nethercot's visit to Guyana underscores the continued importance and unwavering commitment the United States places on the U.S.Guyana bilateral defense and securitypartnership.
During her visit, MajGen NethercotmetwithBrigadier Omar Khan, Guyana
Defence Force (GDF) Chief of Staff, to discuss ongoing security cooperation and security assistance initiatives to advance technology platforms. Her visit, the second trip to Guyana and s i g n i f i e s t h e U S commitment to partnering with the GDF as it continues to increase its capabilities and expand its force, the embassy stated. “The United States continues to work closely with its partners around the world to strengthen alliances and partnerships by improving interoperability, deepening information-sharing and planning, and conducting complex joint and combined exercises,”thereleaseadded. Venezuelaangry Meanwhile, the exercise was not well received by neighbouringVenezuela.The (Continued on page 15)
Teachers will resume protests next week in what has been described by President of the Guyana Teachers' Union (GTU) Dr Mark Lyte as a “strategic strike”. During a telephone interview with Kaieteur News Dr. Lyte reminded that the strike resumed on Thursday albeit teachers did not take to the streets immediately “There is no protest today (Thursday) The strike begins today but teachers will be staying away from work today and tomorrow,” Dr Lyte said
adding that “Come next week we may very well have to take to the streets, because as you know a strike can be accompanied by a protest. Next week some days there will be protests and it will be countrywide This time around we have to be more strategicwithit.”
On Tuesday, the GTU announcedits intendedstrike onThursdaywhileindicating that it has written to the Ministries of Education and Labour indicating its intention to resume strike
action.During a virtual press conference,Dr Lytesaidthat sincethe29-daystrikeheldin February, the Union was unable to have discussions with the government on the multi-year proposals for increasesinsalaries.
It was reported that the multi-year proposal covers a period of five years, 2019 to 2023 The Union had proposed a 25 percent salary
The Rotary Club of Georgetown Central has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Association of Uncle Eddie's Home to facilitate the upgrade and refurbishment of critical sections of the facility
In a press release, the Rotary Club of Georgetown Central said that the signing th of the MOU is part of its 40 Anniversary Signature
Project and also in h recognition of the 50 Anniversary of Uncle Eddie'sHome.
“With funding support received from the LDS Charities, RCGC will undertake refurbishments to the second cottage and repairs to the roof in the s o u t h e r n w i n g ; reconstructionofthevisitors' and residents' restrooms; electrical rewiring of the south wing; upgrading of the p l u m b i n g s y s t e m ; refurnishing of the dining area; refurbishing of the main pantry; repainting of interior walls, among other upgrades,” the press release said.
Speaking at the simple ceremony on May 1, 2024, the President of the Rotary ClubofGeorgetownCentral,
L-R: Yolanda James, President of Uncle Eddie's Home and President of the Rotaract Club of Georgetown Central, Peter Pompey
increase in 2019 and a 20 percent increase for 20202023 In response, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education Shannielle Hoosein-Outar in a letter addressed to the GTU President stated: “We are quite surprised at the content of your letter and the actions proposed.
As indicated before, the
Government of Guyana stands ready to continue engaging the Guyana Teachers'Uniononthemultiyear agreement from 2024 onwards.”
T h e M i n i s t r y o f
Education has repeatedly said that its position on the GTUmulti-yearagreementis unchanged with Chief Education Officer (CEO) Saddam Hussain stating in March that “any multi-year
agreement must start from t h e y e a r 2 0 2 4 , n o t retroactively.”
Meanwhile, Dr Lyte said the Union decided to resume strike action weeks ago because of the “absence of collective bargaining and an attempt on the part of the government, the Ministry of Education to address the condition under which teachers work especially as it relatestosalaries”.
Mr. Peter Pompey expressed appreciation for th
collaboration as well as for the funding received. He highlighted that “with the support of our partners and people from all walks of life, our Club was and is still able to make a significant impact by unde
and executing projects under the Rotary International Focus Areas” This particular project is being undertaken
Enhancement for Improved We
surroundings that promote
emotional health, and over
economic circumstances of the institution. Signing on behalf of The Association of Uncle Eddie's Home were M
President, Mrs. Denise Bentinck,Vice President and Mrs Christine Hales, Administrator while Mr Peter Pompey, President and Ms Judy Semple-Joseph, ServiceProjectsDirectorand Mr Jagdesh Haripershad, President-Elect signed on behalf of the Rotary Club of GeorgetownCentral.
A 32-year-old motorcyclist who was involvedinanaccidentonSaturdayonthe No. 5 Public Road, Corriverton, Berbice hassuccumbedtohisinjuries. PolicereportedthatMahendraNarine, of No. 76 Housing Scheme, Corriverton, Berbice died on Monday at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
Narine was involved in an accident with a motorcar driven by a 36-year-old
man. He suffered several injuries and was transportedtotheGPHC.
Apost mortem examination was performed on the Narine's body by Government Pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh on Wednesday at the Georgetown Public Hospital's mortuary It was revealed that “the man died as a result of a 'fracturedskull'duetomotorvehicleaccident.”
Police said that Narine's brother Adrian identifiedhisbodywhichhassincebeenhanded overforburial.
From page 14 country's ForeignAffairs Minister, Yvan Gil said it was “further proof of the provocations toVenezuela by the US Southern Command” and a breach of the December 14, 2023 Argyleagreementbetweenthetwocountries. Gil continued, “The desires of ExxonMobil (an American oil company operating in Guyana) have no limits…They intend to destabilize the region and threaten the peace zone agreed upon by the CELAC countries, while the Government of Guyana violates its international commitments including the Argyle Agreement of 2023”.
The Argyle Agreement was signed after Venezuela made aggressive moves to unlawfully claim the Guyana's Essequibo as itsown. TheEssequibocontroversybetween the two countries is presently before the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Instead of waiting on the court's ruling or obeying its orders to maintain peace in the region, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro had deployed troops to his borders with Guyana and launched a campaign to illegally annex theGuyanaEssequibo. Despiteconcernsthat his move was a direct threat to peace in the region, Maduro continued his aggression by sayingthathismilitaryexercisewastargeting illegal mining in Venezuelan territories. Not long after he moved to unlawfully declare Essequibo as a state of Venezuela. It sparked major tensions in the Region and it led to Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines organizing a peace talk between Maduro and Guyana's President Mohamed IrfaanAli.
The talks were held at the Argyle International Airport on the island and resulted in the December 14, 2023 Argyle declarationsignedbythetwocountries.
“1. Agreed that Guyana and Venezuela, directly or indirectly, will not threaten or use force against one another in any circumstances,includingthoseconsequential toanyexistingcontroversiesbetweenthetwo States.
2.Agreed that any controversies between the two States will be resolved in accordance with international law, including the Geneva AgreementdatedFebruary17,1966.
3. Committed to the pursuance of good neighborliness,peacefulcoexistence,andthe unityofLatinAmericaandtheCaribbean.
4. Noted Guyana's assertion that it is committed to the process and procedures of the International Court of Justice for the resolution of the border controversy Noted Venezuela's assertion of its lack of consent and lack of recognition of the International Court of Justice and its jurisdiction in the bordercontroversy
5. Agreed to continue dialogue on any other pending matters of mutual importance tothetwocountries.
б. Agreed that both States will refrain,
whether by words or deeds, from escalating anyconflictordisagreementarisingfromany controversy between them. The two States will cooperate to avoid incidents on the ground conducive to tension between them. IntheeventofsuchanincidentthetwoStates will immediately communicate with one another, the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the Community of Latin America and the Caribbean (CELAC), and thePresidentofBraziltocontain,reverseand preventitsrecurrence.
1.Agreedtoestablishimmediatelyajoint commission of the Foreign Ministers and technical persons from the two States to address matters as mutually agreed. An update from this joint commission will be submitted to the Presidents of Guyana and Venezuelawithinthreemonths.
2. Both States agreed that Prime Minister Ralph E Gonsalves, the Pro-Tempore President of CELAC, Prime Minister RooseveltSkerrit,theincumbentCARICOM Chairman, and President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil will remain seized of the matterasInterlocutorsandtheUNSecretaryGeneral,Antonio Guterres as Observer, with the ongoing concurrence of Presidents Irfaan AliandNicolasMaduro.
For the avoidance of doubt, Prime Minister Gonsalves' role will continue even afterSaintVincentandtheGrenadinesceases to be the Pro-Tempore President of CELAC, within the framework of the CELAC Troika plus one; and Prime Minister Skerrit's role will continue as a member of the CARICOM Bureau.
3. Both States agreed to meet again in Brazil, within the next three months, or at another agreed time, to consider any matter with implications for the territory in dispute, including the above-mentioned update of the jointcommission.
4. We express our appreciation to Prime MinistersGonsalvesandSkerrit,toPresident Lula and his Personal Envoy CelsoAmorim, to all other CARICOM Prime Ministers present, to the officials of the CARICOM Secretariat, to the CELAC Troika and to the Head of the CELAC PTPSecretariat in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, His Excellency Dr. Douglas Slater, for their respective roles inmakingthismeetingasuccess.
5. We express our appreciation to the Government and people of SaintVincent and the Grenadines for their kind facilitation and hospitalityatthismeeting.
Following the agreement Venezuela agreed to scale back its military aggression and has done so but still recently moved to illegally sign into its law that the Guyana Essequibo is its state despite agreeing that controversies between the two States will be resolved in accordance with international law, including the Geneva Agreement dated February17,1966.
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Two butchers and a mason appeared at the Cove and John Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, for allegedly stealing a heifer and a bull and slaughtering them without notice.
The butchers were jointly charged while the mason charged separately.
Thirty-Two year-old John Sumner, a mason of Cove and John Squatting Area, East Coast Demerara (ECD), 51-year-old Troy Ward, a butcher of Lot 66 Haslington New Scheme, ECD, and 59-year-old Aubrey Josiah, also a butcher of Lot 12 Duke Street, Golden Grove, ECD appeared before Magistrate Peter Hugh where the charges were read to them. On May 5, 2024 Sumner was charged with the offense of ‘Larceny of Cattle’ contrary to Section 176, Chapter 08:01. He was not required to enter a plea.
Meanwhile, Josiah and Ward were charged on May 03, 2024 for the following offenses: ‘Failure to give Notice of Intention to Slaughter’ contrary to Section 23(1) of the Miscellaneous License Act Chapter 80:04 and ‘Failure to produce Skin of Animal’ Contrary to Section 14 of the Cattle Stealing Prevention Act, Chapter 9:03.
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Additionally, they were charged with ‘Possession of Meat’ for which no reasonable account can be given contrary to Section 15 of the Cattle Starling Prevention Act, Chapter 9:03. The defendants pleaded guilty to the charges. Investigations revealed that, on May, 03, 2024 around 11:15 hrs a report was made by a cattle farmer of Victoria Village, ECD at the Cove and John Police Station which stated that on May 01, 2024 about 08:00 hrs he left his brown heifer and bull to graze at Oil Mill Road in Cove and John. He returned to check for them about 14:00 hrs on the said date, but discovered the animals missing. The cattle farmer reported too that on said date, he received information that a resi-
dent of Nabaclis Line Top was in possession of his bull and heifer. A team of police along with the farmer visited the Nabaclis Railway Embankment, ECD but the suspect was not seen.
The ranks then visited the Nabaclis Abattoir, where they saw Sumner. Sumner, upon seeing the ranks, fled into a nearby canal and escaped.
Reports are that upon arrival at the abattoir other individuals had in their possession carcasses of cows and a pig. They were asked for notices of intention to slaughter but remained silent.
They were further asked for the skins of the animals slaughtered and only produced one, dark brown in colour. A further search revealed four cow heads.
As a result, the police photographed and took possession of all the carcasses which were taken to the Cove and John Police Station.
During court proceedings, Sumner was granted $50,000 bail and is scheduled to return to court on May 21, 2024. Meanwhile, Ward and Josiah (both butchers) were fined $25,000 each or three months imprisonment for ‘Failure to produce skins of animals slaughtered’ and another $25,000 each or three months imprisonment for ‘Possession of meat for which no reasonable account can be given’. Additionally, they were fined $10,000 each or one month imprisonment for ‘Failure to give notice of Intention of Slaughter’. The court also ordered that the meat be confiscated.
From page 04
a criminal offence to vend without permission. It is a criminal offence to erect permanent structures without permission on parapets, public roadways and public reserves.”
May I remind all that in San Francisco, a temporary ban on street vending on Mission Street is ongoing. This is an effort to continue to improve safety and cleanliness along the
commercial corridor. The city cited concerns about unpermitted vendors — some of whom were selling stolen items, and inaccessible sidewalks. During the ban’s first 60 days, street conditions improved. Guyana is dilly-dallying too much, and all because of some collusive entities.
Yours truly, HB Singh
From page 10 Guyanese of the effect that the competition may have on children. We recognise that the Unit’s approach may have inadvertently overlooked the sensitive nature of the issue and its potential impact on the students involved.
who work hard every day to make Edutrition the success it clearly is.”
On September 6, 2022
Female to operate a Lotto Machine. Contact: 6580413.
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The Ministry’s paramount duty is to make sure that the best interest of each child is always served and would revise its programme if there is even a small likelihood that said interests can be jeopardized,” the statement read.
It added: “We have always been committed to hearing the people we serve and to being responsive to their needs and as such has advised the unit to withdraw the competition and engage the pupils in other creative ways. We reiterate our commitment to supporting all students in their school journey while promoting a culture of empathy and understanding within the education sector.
We thank sincerely the officers and many ordinary Guyanese, mostly women,
Minister Manickchand launched the National Breakfast programme which provides a daily breakfast meal to Grade Six students in the coastal regions, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and 10.
The programme was launched at the McKenzie Primary School as part of the Ministry’s activities to observe Education Month in 2022. Minister Manickchand, while delivering the feature address said that the programme was not birthed because the Ministry believes parents cannot provide breakfast for their children, she said, “We believe many can. But we also know a lot of children come to school without breakfast.”
The Education Minister said that it is the state’s duty to help children as far as finances allow.
She said that research around the world has proven that children who benefit from healthy nutrition learn better
and perform better in school. Additionally, she said that the School Feeding Programme has shown increased attendance and enrollment at schools.
Minister Manickchand explained then that the Regional Administration in each region was asked to advise on who would be the best persons within the locale to cook and prepare the meals. She said that those persons are being hired to cook and that the Ministry is paying for each meal.
Further, she said that if those persons contracted to supply the meals cannot deliver what is required, there will be no delay in replacing them. She said then that the Ministry intends to maintain a high standard on the programme so that children receive what is intended. “So I hope you understand what we intend; for children of Region 10, the children of Guyana will be given a nutritious and filling breakfast at the Grade Six level, every morning,” Manickchand had said.
Some 15 Peter’s Hall, East Bank
D e m e r a r a residents who rejected the Government of Guyana’s proposal for the acquisition oftheirpropertiesinorderto facilitate the construction of the new Demerara Harbour Bridge are seeking fair compensation.
On May 7, Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill visited the area to dispatch notices of eviction and property demolition to the residents who refused the government’s offer. The properties earmarked for compulsory acquisition becamevestedinthestateof Guyana and were published intheofficialgazetteonMay 6.Duringaninteractionwith Minister Edghill, one of the residents who refused the government’s proposal b e m o a n e d t h e administration’s lack of consultations. In response, Minister Edghill explained that the government had already acquired the propertiesforthebuildingof thebridge,andnotedthatthe only outstanding matter is the amount to be paid for compensation.
“Now if (government) have a project, nobody ain’t stopping development but thethingsthaty’allgoingon with is not professional…” the resident said. “Because number one a project like this here, nobody stopping development, at least we shouldhavehadatleasttwo yearsnotice.Listenweborn and grow here, look at me, I’m a senior citizen and this is bullyism,” she told MinisterEdghill.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the residents are looking to be
Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill
fairly compensated for their properties.
According to a notice of evictionanddemolitionseen by this publication, it was stated,“Unfortunately,those engagements with you unlike with others, were unable to yield an amicable consensual financial p a c k a g e i n t h e circumstances and with sincere regret the governmentwishestonotify youthatyouaretovacatethe saidpropertywithin30days fromthedatethereof.”
Tothisend,itwasstated that if failed to vacate the property the government will be forced to evict the residents and demolish their homes.
It should be noted that the government’s offer includes land, house and monetarycompensation.
On Thursday following the sitting of the National Assembly, Minister Edghill told reporters that the governmentwillmovetothe court to determine a final compensation for the residents who refused the initialoffer
The minister disclosed that through the Attorney General Chambers the
government will initiate legalaction.
He explained that given the deadlock with the 15 residents on the valuation, the other course of action willbethecourt.
“The law provides that a judge will determine what would be the price the government needs to pay to ensure that the person is not violated or robbed or cheated So, we will approach a judge by way of an application to the court andthejudgewilldetermine theoutcome.”
Minister Edghill explained, “Some people, afterhardnegotiations,have accepted the Government’s final offer Let me tell you whattheofferentails.
People who have commercialbusinessgetting c o m m e r c i a l l a n d s elsewhere, residential, getting residential lands elsewhere and a sum of money that will deal with dislocationandalltherestof it. Persons, who have to move almost immediately, or they have to move and theydon’thaveaplaceyetto go, because they have to fix on the new land they are getting, help with rental to facilitate all the rest of it.”
Moreover, Edghill said that the offers made by the government were based on valuations done by experts. He had outlined that numerous consultations and extensive engagement were held with residents over a two-year period aimed at addressing concerns regardingcompensationand relocation.
Furthermore, out of 21 residents, six have since accepted the proposal while 15refused.
An argument
b e t w e e n a
c o u p l e o n Thursday led to the woman reportedly setting their house ablaze at Zeelugt, West Coast Demerara (WCD).
Police identified the coupleasTarsinghaBahabur called Krishna, 32, a “weeder” of Lot Five Zeelugt, WCD and Lisa age 19ofthesameaddress. Lisa reportedly started
thefirearound01:30hrs. Bahabur reportedly told policethatLisahasallegedly threatened him before During the wee hours of Thursday he and Lisa reportedly had an argument, policesaid. During the exchange of words, she allegedly went into the kitchen, picked up a lighter and then went straight to their bedroom and set the mattressonfire
They continued arguing as the mattress burned but when the flames got bigger and began to spread; they both ran for their lives as the fire consumed the building
The Fire Service was notified and fire fighters arrived shortly after to extinguishtheblaze.
PolicearrestedLisaand shehasallegedlyadmittedto settingthefire.
The Israeli military ordered an estimated 100,000 residents of eastern Rafah to evacuate on Monday
(BBC NEWS) More than80,000peoplehavefled the southern Gaza city of RafahsinceMonday,theUN says, as Israeli tanks reportedly mass close to built-up areas amid constant bombardment.
Palestinianarmedgroups said they were targeting Israeli troops to the east. Israel’s military has said its ground forces are conducting “targeted activity” in eastern Rafah. The UN also warned that food and fuel were running out because it was not receivingaidthroughnearby crossings.
Israeli troops took controlandclosedtheRafah crossing with Egypt at the startoftheiroperation,while the UN said it was too dangerous for its staff and lorriestoreachthereopened KeremShalomcrossingwith Israel.
ItcameadayaftertheUS warned that it would stop supplying Israel with some weapons if it launched a majorassaulton“population centres”inRafah.
After seven months of war in Gaza, Israel has insistedvictoryisimpossible without taking the city and eliminating the last remainingHamasbattalions. Butwithmorethanamillion displaced Palestinians sheltering there, the UN and Western powers have warnedthatanall-outassault could lead to mass civilian c a s u a l t i e s a n d a humanitariancatastrophe.
Residents and aid workers in Rafah said the sound of artillery and air strikes was constant on Thursday.
Louise Wateridge, a spokeswomanfortheUNaid agency for Palestinian refugees(UNRWA),toldthe
BBC in the afternoon that shewasatahealthfacilityin thewestandcould“hearand feel the bombardment comingcloser”.
“The building is shaking onafrequentbasis.
There is this constant buzzingofdrones,”shesaid. “The fear and nervousness that people [in Rafah] have had,hasnowbecometerror.”
Palestinian media said two people were killed on Thursday afternoon in an Israeli air strike in the alJneinehneighbourhood-one oftheeasternareaswhichthe Israel Defense Forces (IDF) orderedresidentstoevacuate before beginning its ground operation began on Monday night.
Another three people were reportedly killed in an airstrikeinthenearbyBrazil neighbourhood,whichisnot intheevacuationzonebutis next to the Egyptian border and about 2.5km (1.5 miles) north of the Rafah crossing.
Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) - which are proscribed as terrorist organisations by Israel, the USandothercountries-said they were targeting Israeli forces on the eastern outskirts with mortars and anti-tankmissiles.
Hamas also said it had blown up a booby-trapped tunnel east of Rafah underneath three Israeli militaryvehicles.
The IDF said three of its soldiers were moderately wounded as a result of the explosion.
Overnight, at least five people were reportedly killedwhenafamily’shome in the western Tal al-Sultan neighbourhoodwashitinan Israelistrike.
They included three children, one of them a oneyear-oldinfant,medicssaid.
The IDF said on Wednesday evening that soldiers had been carrying out “targeted operations on the terrorist infrastructure surrounding the Gazan side of the Rafah crossing and conducted operational raids on suspicious buildings in the area”, and that about 30 “terrorists” had been eliminated It also said Israeli aircraft had struck targets in support of the troops.
The director of the Kuwaiti Specialist Hospital incentralRafah-oneofonly two hospitals still partially functioning in the city - told BBC Arabic on Thursday that it was facing a surge in casualties, including many “unusual injuries caused by unusualweapons”.
“We have received some cases of torn abdomen and intestines,andcasesofskull fractures with parts of the brain outside the skull,” Dr Jamal al-Hams said. “Some caseshavelostmajorpartsof the buttocks, in addition to cases of amputation of the lowerlimbsatthefoot.”
“I lived through all previous wars [in Gaza]... where injuries were always in a certain area and dealt with by one specialist. But noweachcaseneedsseveral specialists.”
B u t h e a d d e d :
“Unfortunately,theKuwaiti hospital is a small hospital that does not have diagnostic capabilitieseven the X-ray machine is disabled due to Israeli shelling and there are no sparepartsforit.”
Dr. Hams said the situation had been made worse by the closure of the al-Najjar hospital in the city’s east on Wednesday due to an evacuation order andnearbyfighting
Parbhu Mohabir, a 58year-old resident of Lot 78 Martyr's Ville, Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara (ECD) was on Wednesday granted $50,000 bail when he appeared at the Cove and John Magistrates' Court to answeraBreakandEnterand Larcenycharge.
Mohabir, known as 'OnLine Shopping' was arrested on May 5, 2024 for allegedly breaking into Felisha's Kitchen on May 3, 2024 locaed at Lot 3 Cove and JohnPublicRoad,ECD.
The accused appeared before Magistrate Peter Hughwherethechargeswere readtohim.Hedidnotentera plea.
Reports are that George Semple, the owner of Felisha's Kitchen, reported a break-in and theft. Various items were reported missing, includingbeverages,alcohol, andotherproducts.
The victim stated tthat he secured the premises at approximately 03:20 hrs on
May 3, 2024, and upon returningataround08:20hrs, he discovered an opened shutteronthenorthernsideof the premises Further investigation, including reviewing CCTV footage, identified Mohabir as the suspect Mohabir was subsequently arrested and charged.
When he appeared before Magistrate Hugh, Mohabir was granted $50,000 bail. He isscheduledtoreturntocourt onJune11,2024.
SportsMax - Running
Magazine reports that Usain Bolt, the legendary eighttimeOlympicgoldmedalist, has achieved a remarkable milestone even in retirement holding the world record for the 100m sprint for the longest period intheevent’shistory
Bolt’s record-setting time of 9 58 seconds, achieved at the 2009 World
Athletics Championships finalinBerlinonAugust16, 2009, has now stood for an impressive 14 years, eight months, and 23 days. This accomplishment surpasses the previous longeststanding record held by American sprinter Jim Hines.
Jim Hines made history by clocking the first sub-10 second 100m in June 1968,
becoming the first man to break the 10-second barrier in the event. Hines, known for his prowess both on the trackandasafootballplayer, held the world record from 1968until1982,markingan illustriouserainsprinting.
Despitebeingretiredfrom professional track and field since 2017, Bolt remains confident about the durability ofhisrecords InaDecember
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
A challenging day is in store foryou,Aries.Ifyou'repartof a group or team or simply among friends, you may feel somewhatillatease.Couldit be that you instill jealousy in others? There's only one way tofindout.
TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)
Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow
You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.
Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly
You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.
The little fighter that you are makesitverydifficultforyou to join us in the great communal river that we're all tryingtonavigate,Virgo.You prefertotravelsolo.
Be disciplined about all areas ofyourbody,Libra.Takeextra care to eat healthful, balanced meals. Make sure you get enough sleep And even thoughyougripeabouthaving no time, get out there and exercise.
If you've been feeling deep anger,todayisn'tthedaytolet it out but rather the day to consider its source. Any large gatheringsoffamilyorfriends shouldbeavoidedatallcosts.
If by chance you still harbor some resentment toward someone, Sagittarius, it will probably come out today.You might be uncompromising or evenvengeful.
You don't suffer fools gladly, and superficial fools even less so. You have a mind to teach those around you a lesson. You'reuncompromisingtoday, and you can't understand why others don't have your same highstandards.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Hereisadayofchallenges, Aquarius You're a pro at questioning yourself, as you'll prove today when you take a h a r d l o o k a t y o u r accomplishments What have youcreatedofapersonalnature inthelasttenyears.
Ifyougivetheimpressionthat you're in a reserved and introspective mood (even if you aren't), you'll succeed in avoiding confrontation Today there is no such thing as a simpleexchangewithsomeone
Usain Bolt has achieved a remarkable milestone even in retirement - holding the world record for the 100m sprint for the longest period in the event’s history.
interview,Boltexpressedthat he was “not worried” about his records in the 100m and 200m sprints being broken anytimesoon.
“It’sagreattitletohave,” Bolt shared in the same interview with World Athletics “It’ssomethingthat I enjoy hearing and I enjoy knowing”
Bolt’s dominance in the 100m began in May 2008 when he first set the record, followedbybreakingittwice more in August 2008 and exactlyayearlaterinBerlin, where he achieved his historictimeof9.58seconds.
Now at 37 years old, Usain Bolt continues to be celebratedasthefastestman ever, leaving an indelible
Frompage25 delivered another decisive strike in the 81st minute, sealing the victory for her team.
The win earned Guyana Defence Force three valuable points, boosting them to twenty-four points on the table They’ve maintainedaflawlessrecord witheightconsecutivewins.
Meanwhile, Guyana Police Force is in second withtwenty-onepointsfrom sevenwinsandtwolosses.
Fruta Conquerors FC is in third position with thirteenpoints,securedfrom four wins, one draw, and four losses. Potaro Strikers FC holds onto fourth place withfivepoints,comprising onewin,twodraws,andfour defeats.
Parkuri Jaguars FC is at the bottom of the table in fifth place, having garnered one win, one draw, and six losses.
Despite the outcomes of matches, the Guyana Defence Force has already clinched the title of Women’s League Division OneChampions.
mark on the history of athleticswithhisexceptional speed and enduring records.
Despite the passage of time,
The fifth Annual Boys’ and Girls’ U n d e r - 1 4
S c h o o l s F o o t b a l l tournament, organised by the Petra Organisation was officially launched yesterdayattheCaraLodge Hotel located on Quamina Street.
Sponsored by local Oil Giant, ExxonMobil, the tournament is scheduled to commenceonMay18atthe Ministry of Education groundandwillconcludeon June 29th. Schools from Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and10aresettoparticipate, totaling41schools,with32 boys’ teams and 24 girls’ teams expected to compete forsupremacy
Thistournamentaimsto foster sportsmanship, discipline, and a sense of
p a n t s B y encompassingschoolsfrom various regions, it aims to broaden football’s reach
, engaging more young individualsinthesport.
Suzanne De Abreu, ExxonMobil Community
elations Manager, expressed enthusiasm in c o n t i n u i n g t h e i r sponsorship for the fifth consecutive year She highlighted ExxonMobil’s belief in the significance of investing in sports as a means to invest in the community Their support aligns with ExxonMobil’s community investment policy,particularlyfocusing on women, youth, and communityempowerment.
Troy Mendonca, CoDirector of the Petra Organisation, extended gratitudetoExxonMobilfor their steadfast support, noting the tournament’s growthovertheyears.
This year sees a record participation of 56 teams, all set to compete at the Ministry of Education ground.
An exciting addition to thisyear’stournamentisthe announcement that the Most Valuable Players (MVPs) in both the boys’ and girls’ categories will receiveoneyear’ssupplyof schoolessentials,addingan extra incentive to the competition.
Otherindividualawards include the Highest Goal ScorerandBestGoalkeeper titles.
Rain spoiled yesterday’s round of the GCB
Yesterday’s round of the GCB T10 Blast tournament saw a glimmer of action as bad weather stopped an excitingdouble-headeratthe EnmoreGround.
Undersomedarkclouds, Berbice Piranhas managed to post 72-4 after 7 overs
batting first, before the matchwasofficiallystopped duetoinclementweather Test opener Tagenarine Chanderpaul hit a brisk 38 off17(3x43x6)andin-form all-rounderRajivIvanended with14toendastheleading scorers Medium-pacer
BernardBaileygrabbed2-22 while Harpy Eagles allrounder Kevin Sinclair snappedup2-19bowlingfor the Caimans. The second matchsufferedthesamefate as the Demerara Hawks and Essequibo Anacondas had theirencounterruined.
Frompage22 the semi-finals set for June 26inGuyanaandJune27in Trinidad.
“Wearenotcomplaining about the number of games becauseweknewinadvance whatwasthelikelyoutcome of the number of games we were going to get,” Ramson said.
However, the Guyanese Minister of Sport believes that “the ICC has to be cognizantofthefactthatwe are small territories and these type of events make a bigimpactonthecountryin many ways, some
quantifiable and some unquantifiable, so the type ofgamesthatareassignedto small territories (like Guyana) are very important tothem.”
The55matcheswilltake place across six venues in the West Indies and three in the USA. Group A teams will be exclusively based in theUSAforthegroupstage, while Groups B and C will compete in the West Indies. Only Group D matches will be split between the USA andtheWestIndies.
The 2024 T20 World Cup, featuring 20 teams,
represents an increase from the 16 teams in the 2022 tournament held in Australia.
Divided into four groups, the top two teams from each group will progress to the Super 8 round,followedbythesemifinals.
In the 2022 T20 World Cup final in Melbourne, England, the defending champions, emerged victoriousoverPakistan. Canada, USA, and Uganda are poised to make their debut appearance at a Men’sT20WorldCup.
Western Tigers FC wrapped up the first round of the KFC Elite League Season Six in style, securingadominant4-2win over Den Amstel FC on Tuesday evening at the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) National Training Centre in Providence, East BankDemerara.
Randolph Wagner of Western Tigers wasted no time in breaking the deadlock on May 7, finding thenetjustfourminutesinto the game, followed by a spectacular goal from Rushawn Ritch in the 17th minute, solidifying their lead.
However, Den Amstel managed to narrow the gap before halftime with a goal from Jamal Robinson in the 39thminute.
The second half saw Western Tigers maintain their attacking momentum,
with Wagner securing his brace in the 67th minute, extending their lead to 3-1 withless thanthirtyminutes remaining.
DenAmstelstagedalate comeback effort, as Rondell
Hutson found the net in the 80th minute, bringing the scoretoatense3-2.
Yet, Western Tigers swiftly extinguished any hopes of an equalizer, as Andrew Murray delivered a
Guyana Defence Force FC and Slingerz FC capped off Round One with an identical tally of 25 points, both notching up eight consecutive victories and onedraweach.
The army club stands out with a remarkable goal difference,tallying40goals whileconcedingamerefour, whereas Slingerz boasts 36 goals scored and only three conceded.
GuyanaPoliceForceFC holds the third spot with nineteen points, comprising six wins, one draw, and two losses.They’venettedatotal of 22 goals while conceding thirteen.
magnificent goal in the 81st minute, sealing their 4-2 victoryinstyle.
The ten elite clubs are now taking a break to regroup and prepare for the upcoming Round Two of
Western Tigers FC and Santos FC find themselves level with 15 points each.
Western Tigers FC concludes the first round in fourth place, edging ahead ongoaldifference,withfive winsandfourlosses,and33
goals scored Meanwhile, Santos FC sits in fifth place with fifteen points, having clinched five wins and four losses, scoring a total of 19 goals.
Den Amstel FC holds the sixth spot in the standings, with Fruta Conquerors FC closely behind in seventh position. Ann’sGroveUnitedFCisin the eighth spot, while Monedderlust FC trails in ninthplace.
At the bottom of the tablesitsBuxtonUnitedFC, aimingtoclimbupinRound Two.
The pursuit of the firstplace prize of $2,000,000 reignites as teams brace themselves for more intense competition commencing in afewweeks.Clubssecuring second, third, and fourth positions will receive cash rewards of $1,200,000, $800,000, and $500,000, respectively
Yesterday, the National Assembly successfully passed the ICC Cricket World CupWest Indies Bill, 2024,pavingthewayforthe smooth execution of the eventinGuyana.
GuyanaandTrinidadand TobagoaresettohostGroup CmatchesfortheT20World Cup, bringing together teams from the West Indies, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Afghanistan, and Uganda.
Like Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana will also host one of the semi-final matches. The West Indies is slatedtoplaytwomatchesin Guyana, taking on Papua NewGuineaonJune2ndand UgandaonJune8th.
The International CricketCouncil(ICC)event is jointly hosted in the West IndiesandtheUSA,marking the second time the event is held in the Caribbean, following the inaugural
tournamentin2010. While Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson Jr, presented the Bill to Parliament, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira, noted that the bill was “drafted and compiled at a CARICOM level in collaboration with other
Venue Countries, including theUSA.”
“So this has been a collaborative project, in which legislation has been drafted to keep in compliance, where there are agreements with ICC CricketWorldCup.Andsoa number of countries have passedthisbillalready,anda number of countries are in
entering with offensive or political signage, as well as any promotional or commercialmaterials.
Meanwhile, President Irfaan Ali and Minister Ramson inspected ongoing workattheGuyanaNational Stadium on Wednesday, the country’s premier cricket facility
In January, at a Press
dissatisfaction with the qualityofmatchesscheduled forProvidence.
Parliament,” Teixeira informed.
Minister Teixeira reminisced about the Sunset Legislation, which was passed in the National
Assembly during the Caribbean’s inaugural hosting of the ICC Cricket WorldCupin2007.
The current Bill outlines various aspects of Special Arrangements, Conduct in Venues during the tournament, and Control of Advertising.
The Bill also specifies P r o h i b i t e d I t e m s , prohibiting patrons from
“It’s not the quantity of matches that I’m unsatisfied with…I’m dissatisfied with the teams allocated to Guyana based on the groups,” noted Minister Ramson.
Minister Ramson explained that when the Government of Guyana secures matches for the country,thegoalistoattract high-profilegames. Hehighlighted,thateven if they don’t secure all the marquee matches, having at least a few is crucial for globalappeal.
Minister Ramson added,
“Guyanese are going to be excited about cricket, regardless, but when you examinewhotheWestIndies are playing and where the big names and games are playing; a lot of the games for India and Pakistan went to the USA, so we are now competing, for the market sharewiththeUS.”
In the USA, 16 matches are set to be played in New York, Dallas, and Fort Lauderdale.
The highly anticipated India-Pakistan fixture is scheduled for June 9 at Eisenhower Park in New York, marking a significant eventinthe2024Men’sT20 WorldCup.
India will play their first three group matches in New York and the fourth in Florida.
Defending champions England will take on Australia on June 8 in Barbados.
The tournament, cohosted by the USA and the West Indies, kicks off on June 1, with the USAfacing CanadainDallas.
Thefinalisscheduledfor June29inBarbados,with (Continuedonpage22)
Guyana Defence Force FC left displayed why they are the top team in the league with a convincing 3-0 win over archrivals Guyana Police Force FC.
Guyana Defence Force FC left no room for doubt regarding their status as the top team in the Women’s League Division One, securing a convincing 3-0 winoverarch-rivalsGuyana PoliceForceFConTuesday evening.
TheMay7matchserved asthechampionshipdecider, with the two top teams entering the field with an impressive tally of twentyonepointsapiece. However,theundefeated a
previously defeated the police team in an earlier stage of the round and possessingagameinhand.
It was the Guyana Defence Force’s Glendy Lewis who opened the scoring,nettingagoalinthe 16th minute to put her team infront.Despiteeffortsfrom the police squad to level the s
challenging to get past the resilientarmygoalkeeper
The second half saw more intense action, with Guyana Defence Force persistently breaching their rivals’ defence. Jalade Trim extended their lead with a remarkable goal in the 58th minute, putting her team up 2-0.
With just over ten minutes remaining in the match,GlendyLewis (Continuedonpage21)