Manwalksout supermarket withstolenrum
Man drops items; runs away after spotting cops stolenbicycle,
Port Kaituma teen found dead after
drinking spree


Manwalksout supermarket withstolenrum
Man drops items; runs away after spotting cops stolenbicycle,
Port Kaituma teen found dead after
drinking spree
Despite Guyana is at the mercyofExxonMobilshould a massive oil spill occur during production activities in the Stabroek Block, in the absence of an unlimited parent company guarantee, theChiefPolicymakerforthe sector, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has defended
the acceleration of production beyond the safe limitsofthethreeoperational projects.
Currently ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), the operator of the Stabroek Block has three Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels
operating beyond the designedrates.
It was reported that the Liza One and Liza Two are producing about 150,000 barrels per day (bpd) and 250,000barrelsperday(bpd)
r e s p e c t i v e l y T h e Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) each specifically outline 120,000 and 220,000 bpd, as the safe operating limit for Liza One and Two, respectively Similarly,thethirdoilproject – Payara – is also producing approximately 230,000 bpd even though the vessel's nameplate capacity is 220,000bpd.
During his weekly Party PressConferenceatFreedom House, the Vice President
noted that the accelerated production activities have caused concern By his calculation, Jagdeo pointed out that the oil giant has breached the vessels' initial capacity by almost 100,000 bpdcumulatively
To this end, he reasoned, “So the question has been if you're producing more than what the initial announced capacity of these FPSOs whether you are doing so safelyandsotheMinistryhas assured me that before this is done, they have reviewed this.”
Additionally, the VP explained that the watchdog f o r t h e s e c t o r, t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reviewed the optimization plans submitted by Exxon to increase daily oil production.
Consequently, Jagdeo pointed out, “They have said that this is safe, so it's safe and it was on the basis of optimization.”
He continued, “So was there an independent check or approval by the government and was this submittedtothegovernment, they have assured me, the Ministry that this was done and they had their technical peoplereviewtheseplans.”
On Friday, the Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Nortonstatedhisdisapproval
with the ramping up of oil production beyond the safe operatinglimits.
“We said earlier that we are not supportive of that approach if I recall. Our position is we need to be very, very careful, look at every project separately and
to space it out. There are dangers involved if you are goingabovethelimit–thatis dangers for the people of Guyana because any mishap that occurs will impact the G u y a n e s e p e o p l e negatively.”
The Opposition Leader
explained that while there is need for investment in the oil and gas industry, “The interest of the people of Guyana must come first and they (government) should not be encouraging any company to go above the safety limits and endanger thepeopleofGuyana.”
M e a n w h i l e , t h e
Opposition's spokesperson on oil and gas, Elson Low pointedoutthatthecountryis yet to be fully protected from the liabilities associated with a spill that may result from Exxon'soperations.
To this end, he stressed, “This underlines the need for a full parent company guarantee as well as appropriate oil spill insurance because if a
company is going beyond nameplate capacity for the vesselsthatareproducingoil, that raises the question of additionalrisk.”
Both ExxonMobil and the government of Guyana are fighting against the provision of an unlimited oil spill guarantee to protect this country from footing costs beyond the limited insurance and US$2B guarantee reportedlylodgedattheEPA.
The High Court in May last year ordered Exxon to provide the unlimited parent company guarantee, following a legal suit by two Guyanese men, Godfrey Whyte and Frederick Collins. The ruling has been appealed and is presently ongoing.
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Guyanese have had enough exposure to their Head-ofState, Dr Mohamed IrfaanAli to absorb what he says and looktheotherway Itisapparentthatthepresidentisgivento superlatives and settles for any place that suits his fancies Succinctly,PresidentAliispronetoexaggerate,thenpathimself onthebackthathehasbuiltupthehopesofGuyaneseandlead them down a rose-filled path If only the president and his governmentwoulddeliveronhalfofwhathetables,Guyanese willbeinamuchbetterplace
Oneoftheearlierinstancesofthepresident’spracticeof overdoing things involved the local public health system. The national leader went on foreign television and glowed brightlyaboutGuyana’s‘worldclasshealthcaresystem.’ Ask any poor Guyanese who cannot afford expensive private medical care, and he or she will share a litany of complaints aboutthegapsinthenation’spublichealthsystem Itisabout howtheyareheldhostage,andhowmuchtheysufferasaresult
Crucial medicines may not be available in the government’s pharmacy, key testing machines are out of order, and the difficultiesthatsuchplaceontheirpocketandpeaceofmind In fairness,closetoabillionUSdollarshavebeenbudgetedby thePPPCGovernmentsinceitsreturntoofficein2020. But it must be made just as clear that based on the reports of external reviewers and sick Guyanese themselves, what is in place currently cannot be said, by any reasonable standardofaccuracy,tobeaworldclasssystem. Thereare simply too many deficits that can neither be wished away norsweptunderthecarpet.
AnotherexampleofPresidentAli’sfondnessforoverblown salesmanshiphastodowithtransparencyinthemanagementof the people’s business The president promised transparency from the inception and, when questioned, insists that his governmenthasbeentransparentinitshandlingofbudgetsand moneyandprojects Infact,PresidentAlidivedintotherealm oftheincredible,whenhesaidthathisgovernmenthasbeenthe mosttransparentthatGuyanesehaveeverseenorhad Onlya bornsalesmancouldharborsuchaconviction,andthenactually articulateitinthepublicdomain Miningcontractsareasecret, auditreportsarehidden,andoilprojectexpensesaresaidnotto be the business of Guyanese, the people who own this oil wealth Efforts by this publication to get the government to releasedifferentdocumentshavemetwithonerejectionafter another Worseyet,whenourreportershavepersisted,known operators of ill-repute in the heart of the PPPC Government haveattackedandvilifiedprofessionalsseekingtodoagood job Notwithstandingthisrevoltingrecordofopenleadership resistance and covert party roguery, the President is not concernedaboutthespectaclehemakesofhimselfwithstaunch declarationsabouthowtransparenthisgovernmenthasbeen We remind him that he had once said that not all things are transparent,sincesomemattersareconfidential
Now,Presidentisatfullthrottleagain,andthistimehe has selected public servants to deliver what he believes is spellbinding,butismerelymind-bending,soobviousisthe nowalltoofamiliarexaggerationthathecannothelp. Inthe president’s own words: “You will approach the new era, 2030andbeyond,thebestwelfarepackageinthisregionbut wewillapproach2030,asthemostadvanced,educated,and skilled population in this region, and maybe unmatched globally.”
Clearly,PresidentAliisinhisownmake-believeworld, has outdone himself with the “most advanced…in this region…maybe unmatched globally.” Given the state of Guyana’s educational output, and its horrible treatment of public servants, PresidentAli comes across as a man who doesn’tcarehowhelooksinhisexaggerations. Inthatsame Labor Day address, the president went deeper into his custom-madefairylandwhenhenotedthathisgovernment has “made monumental adjustments in the salary of our workers.” Since President Ali equates 6.5% and similar suchnumbersas“monumental,”wearenotconvincedthat he is for real and nothing but a man of extravagant exaggerations.
In what can only be describedasamajorvictory, t h e U N G A b y a n overwhelmingmajorityvote backed Palestine’s bid for full UN membership. The vote grants and expands the rights and privileges in its statusattheUN.
Guyana stood on the right side of history with its ‘yes’vote.
The Security Council now has to reconsider Palestine’s bid, but this might face opposition with those who opposed the resolution and have veto powers.
The chagrin, visible annoyance and anger to the vote outcome was seen by t h e I s r a e l i U N representative, when at the podium delivering remarks, heshreddedminiaturecopies oftheUNCharter
Does this act warrant someformofreprisalbythe
UN or would there be a response, were this to happen, as in the case of ICC?
Some day the state of Palestine will come into its own and the wind will carry the laughter of its people insteadoftheirscream.
The recent visit by U.S.
Marine Corps Major
GeneralJulieNethercot’s,of SouthCom was very significant especially when it was capped by two U.S.
Navy F/A-18F Super
Hornets, flying over
Georgetown and its environs.Itwas adisplayof
A m e r i c a n m i g h t
unprecedented since Atkinson Air base was established during WWII.
The US Embassy: explained: “Maj Gen Nethercot’s visit to Guyana underscores the continued importance and unwavering commitment the United States places on the U.S.Guyana bilateral defense andsecuritypartnership.”
on their old border controversy started with Exxon’s discovery of oil off our shores in 2015 and escalated as a diversionary tacticinthefaceofelections tobeheldthisyear Hehoped to generate a foreign policy crises to both divert his beleaguered populace’s attention away from the crisisandbolsterhispolitical fortunes through a “rally around the flag effect”
Additionally since
Venezuelans have been conditioned to believe Essequibo was stolen, Maduro had a readymade issuetoexploit.
But he knows that in addition to threatening the powerful US Corporation Exxon and US interest in a hemisphere of democratic states, his escalation of hostilities to “annex” Essequibo and order Exxon out, he was opening up the Pandora’s Box of settled borders with powerful neighbours like Brazil and Columbia. So why take this risk? He is “gambling for resurrection” in seeing defeatstaringhimintheface yet taking high-risk actions that would be considered “irrational” in normal circumstance. He considers the low probability of victory “objectively” outweighing the high costs ofdefeat.
Maduro has concluded thatthedemocraticelections insistedonbytheUSwould befatalandsowillcontinue his bluff. The old Yankee bogeymanmightevenboost the “rally round the flag”
effect since enough
Venezuelans have not been duped And by now it appearsthathismilitaryand
other allies have become complicitinhisfolly
Aswehavebeenarguing over the past months as Maduro continued turning the screws, now by massing troops on our border and buildingabridgetoAnkoko, we must make a realistic decision to protect our own interests: our sovereignty over our Essequibo. Of the two options available in the foreign policy realm at our conjuncture – balancing or band-wagoning” - some have accepted China’s line thatitisselflesslyinterested to balance the world hegemon – the USAand we should join that effort. We, however, have taken the stance that Maduro presents aclearandpresentdangerto our country’s survival and wecannotengageinHamletlike soliloquies. We must take the cold, realistic position to bandwagon with the US purely because their interests coincide with ours rightnow
Early in the day we suggested establishing a militarybaseinEssequiboto which we should allow the US access, whether as a formal ally or not. After a visittotheUS,VPJagdeo (Continuedonpage06)
President engaging with Christian churches a very good thing for Guyana; “village” idiots should not be worried
DEAREDITOR, A “village” news entity haslamentedPresidentAli’s engagement speaking at a function of theAssembly of God (AOG) Youth Group, dubbing it “worrying” (May 2, OPED, “President Ali’s coziness with Christian Churches worrying”). As a founder member of an AssemblyofGodChurchon theCorentyne,Iwanttoring in on this matter You may not agree with the President or his Party, but we have to be fair in our commentary, giving credit where credit is due.
While the President’s appearanceattheeventdoes no
President is not a “sitting in the office” President. He is always on the go, going everywhere, visiting many
lages and solving problems, checking up on the progress of projects all over the country He is energetic and is engaged locally as well as internationally The President is President of all Guyanawhichhecalls“One Guyana,”andcanattendany
event to which he is invited. It seems as if the real worry by the “Village” people is that this democraticallyelected President is well received in all communities in Guyana, Brooklyn or elsewhere.Theyworryabout theimplicationsforthe2025 elections. Those who are nervous about the warm welcome he receives are attacking their own people and calling for boycotts
People welcoming a President or Opposition Leader with politeness and warmthisagood“Christian” thing in our environment wheresomepusharacecard to polarize our people. But Churches are called to be healers within the community The AOG’s invitation to the youthful President at their Convention is a step in the right direction Churches have been very silent and aloofatatimewhenweneed
themtoengagewithnational developmentmatters.
Not because people are warmtothePresidentmeans they will vote for him, but that can happen if they like his demonstration of caring and ongoing engagement. Nopartyorgroupshouldtell us whom we should associate with or not associatewith.Nooneparty ownsusracially,religiously, or politically and think they cantelluswhomtotalktoor not! In our politics, politeness has been absent. We have an Opposition Leaderrefusingtoshakethe President’s hand, but at the same time ACDA calls for power sharing. If you can’t shakehands,howwillpower sharing work? Ghandi said, “Youcan’tshakehandswith a clenched fist.” Because government controls so m a n y r e s o u r c e s , engagementswiththe (Continuedonpage06)
ST ANN, Jamaica - A 44-year-old businesswoman
miraculously survived after she was shot six times by a gunman at the bar she operates at Phoenix Park in Moneague, St Ann, Friday night.
The woman has since been hospitalised while police have launched a manhuntforherattackers.
Reports reaching Observer Online are that around 8:00 pm, the now-
injuredwomanwasatthebar withthreecustomerswhena motorcar drove up and parked across from the establishment.
Two men exited the vehicle, entered the bar and orderedtwodrinks.
The woman placed the drinks on the counter, after whichoneofthemenpulled a handgun and shot her severaltimes.
She received gunshot wounds to both breasts, her
abdomen, both arms and right thigh. The woman ran from her attackers and collapsed in bushes behind thebar
Themen,thepolicesaid, ranfromthebar,returnedto theirvehicleandspedaway
T h e i n j u r e d businesswoman was rushed totheStAnn’sBayHospital where she was admitted in serious condition No motive has been established fortheattack,thepolicesay
cryptically announced, “We haveneverbeeninterestedin military bases, but we have to protect our national interest…” We support this realpolitik decision to repel Maduro’sadventurism.
Asallstatesdo,wemust continuing employ all foreign policy instruments, for instance, alliances, arms sales, dispute resolution –eg. the World Court, foreign aid and cultural softpoweranddiplomacy
But it is clear that our good faith effort at Argyll has been taken as a sign of weakness since Maduro has co-opted some of our allies with PetroCaribe We therefore must prepare
ourselves to wage a credible defensive war to secure our interests and as such, rethink our doctrine andforcestructurebecause of the disparity in military sizes. Very positively, the US 1st Security Forces
Assistance Brigade (SFAB) - a US Army innovation to deal with the reality of hybrid wars in the grey zone that used to behandledbytheirSpecial Operations Forces – has been working with our GDF
We should formulate a strategy of denial and cost imposition - with the limited aim of changing Venezuela’s decision-making calculus and thus their strategic
Our Essequibo terrain favours this denial strategy since unlike Venezuela, our goal is not tooccupytheirterritory.
We must follow
C l a u s e w i t z ’ reaffirmatio
venerable Roman dictum that “if you want peace prepareforwar ”
Meaning of course, any potential aggressor will bedeterredastrongresponse andpeacewouldmostlikely ensue.
We again reiterate the need to establish a base in our Essequibo Region, to which our US ally can have access.
Ravi DevFrompage05
Government would be a smartthingforanychurchor community group Engagement with the Government does not mean younecessarilyendorseand agreewiththeireverypolicy orpractice.
I remember during the five months of the PNC’s attempted rigging in full view of the world, the Government released picturesofatopAssemblyof
God leader ushering President Granger into his birthdayparty
While some may say that’s the right thing at the wrong time, and that subliminal messages were being sent, that leader was withinhisrighttodoso.
I don’t recall the “village”peopleobjecting.
The Government side needs to be commended for always reaching out At Easter time, Government
Ministersareseenattending and speaking at many ChristianChurches. The Churches need to e n g a g e w i t h t h e Government especially to make sure we don’t reverse generations of family values, as these are under organizedattacksbydeviant movements in and out of Guyana.
Whosoeverwill canbeelectedevenrapeaccused
The Guyana Power and Light Incorporated (GPL Inc.) on Saturday night said that only 18 Megawatts (MW) of generation was connected to its Demerara Berbice Interconnected System (DBIS) from the T u r k i s h o w n e d karpowership.
“ T h e r e m a i n i n g generation will be added to the grid incrementally during the course of the coming week,” GPL stated on its Facebookpage.
Guyana chartered the vessel to supply some 36 MW of power to its electricity grid in order to alleviate the current blackoutcrisis.
The Power Company had promised that additional 36MW of power would have been connected to the grid on May8.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the power company experienced some minor technical challenges which resulted in the connection of the additional power to the grid being delayed.
It's unclear if all of the minor technical issues have been resolved but GPL promised that the rest of the 36 MV will be added to the grid incrementally during the courseofthecomingweek.
The GPLrecently inked a contract with Urbacon
Concessions Investments, W.L.L (UCI) to charter the Turkish vessel with a total installed capacity of 36 Megawatts (MWs) for a periodoftwoyears.
Karpowership arrived in Guyana's waters last week and docked at Everton Berbice.
The contract, according to GPL, includes the provision of operation and maintenance services as part oftheagreement.
The utility company in a statement said that, “the contract requires GPL to pay UCI a fee of 6.62 US cents perkWhasamonthlycharter fee for the power ship and a monthly operation and maintenance fee of 0.98 US cents per kWh, based on electricitygenerated.”
The cost, however, excludes the price for fuel because according to the contract signed Guyana will still have to supply the power ship with fuel in addition to the agreed sum to charter the vessel.
Pressed for the true cost to rent the vessel, the country's Vice- President, Bharrat Jagdeo on one occasion said it would cost Guyana nearly US$0 30 cents per kilowatt hour while onanotheroccasionhesaidit would cost between US$0.21-US$0.22 cents per kilowatthour
Th e P P P C government does n o t h a v e a favorable record when it comes to press freedom Despite in opposition being s u b j e c t t o m e d i a suppression, the PPPC on assuming office has done very little to ensure free, accountable and transparent government.
Upon assuming office, the PPPC did very little to enhancepressfreedom.One
m a j o r h o u s e h o l d departmental store was approached by a political commissarandurgedtopull advertisements from a television station which ran commentaries that were viewedanti-government.
Kaieteur News was establishedafewyearsafter the return of electoral democracy For the first ten years of its existence, it was deprivedofstateadsdespite becoming the largest-selling newspaper
The publisher of this newspaper was approached
and told he can get state ads if he dismissed one of his editors. He refused and the paperwentwithoutanystate adsforonewholedecade.
Even after the return to democracy in 1992, significant improvements in press freedom were slow to materialize. State control over radio and television remained entrenched, and the belated liberalization of radioandtelevisionattracted its own concerns, criticisms and controversies. Kaieteur News and Stabroek News, the country’s two leading newspapers were both denied radio licenses under thePPPC.
The PPP in government hasbeenapartytoattackon press freedom. In fact of recent, things have gotten worse with certain media houses and reporters facing weeklyattacksandabuse.
But even prior to the recent developments, independent media outlets, s uchasKaieteurNewsand S tabroek News, have
facedtargetedattacks.These attacks take various forms, includingthewithholdingof
, pressure to dismiss editors and attempts to even
advertisers to withhold ads frommediahouses.Thestate
increasingly partisan, echoing a troubling trend
authoritarian regime of the past.Atelevisionstationwas taken off the air for one month and a journalist was banned from covering
conference – a ban that was eventuallyremoved.
Themediafacesanumber of challenges presently Access to senior decisionmakers is exceedingly challengingduetoapervasive atmosphere of fear and apprehension among public officials, deterring them from engaging with the press openly Many officials opt to remainsilentorcommunicate off-the-record to avoid
De government did not giveadvancenoticedatdem USfighterjetswoulddoan overpass of we airspace. Andsowhenpeoplehearde planes overhead some of dem thought was an invasion by we neighbours to de West.Alot of people gotfrightenedbecausedem afraidofinvasion.
Rightnowwepreparing fuh a different kind of invasion World Cup Cricket coming to Guyana and we preparing fuh de thousands of visitors, just like we were promised in 2007 when we bin host de World Cup. Then we build new stadium and thing
expecting a transformative change Well de people trickle in slower than a dripping pipe and we still waiting fuh de economic transformation.
But right now de hosting of next month’s World Cup is being threatened by another type of invasion While everybody wondering about dis report about a possible terrorist threat, de real invasion done tekking place.Wegataninvasionof mosquitoesindecountry
Yuh can’t sit down peacefully in yuh house at night Is like yuh conducting orchestra. Dem
tiny monsters biting yuh and dem playing string band in yuh ears. Dem is a realinvadingforcecreating more havoc dan de real thing.
Dem boys want tell all of dem cricketers and dem cricket fans wah gan come fuh de World Cup to come prepared. Walk with yuh mosquito net and bottles of mosquitorepellant.
Because de authorities nah doing much about dis situation.Thereisnotmuch fogging tekking place and in any event fogging only mekkin dem mosquitoes laugh.
potential repercussions or victimization This reluctancetoengagewiththe media severely impedes the flowofinformation,making it arduous for journalists to obtain critical insights into government policies and decisions. Furthermore, the scarcityofgovernmentpress conferences, including presidential press conferences,compoundsthe issue, as these rare opportunities for dialogue are insufficient to meet the pub
a n d accountability As a result, the public is left in the dark, deprived of crucial information necessary for informed decision-making in a democratic society Despite the promulgation of a Freedom of Information
Act in Guyana, the legislation has done little to substantiallyenhanceaccess to information for local mediaworkers.TheFOIAct has done little as a tool for journalists to obtain timely and meaningful information from government sources. The mere existence of FOI legislation should not serve as a substitute for public officials’ willingness to
engage with the press and provide transparent and accountable governance Ratherthanrelyingsolelyon FOI requests, there is a pressing need for a cultural shift within the government towardsgreateraccessibility andopenness.
Instead of fostering greater transparency and accountability, a hostile relationship is brewing between the media and the g o v e r n m e n t T h i s antagonistic relationship is, hindering the free flow of information and impeding the media’s ability to fulfill itswatchdogroleeffectively
When media outlets and journalists are subjected to attacks and intimidation, the flowofinformationisstifled, and citizens are deprived of their right to access diverse perspectives and critical analysis. The targeting of specific media houses for their reporting creates a uneasyatmosphere.
The weekly attacks and abuse faced by media workers of recent have created a chilling effect on journalism; with reporters increasingly hesitant to attend certain press conferencesforfearthatthey
will be greeted with a litany of abuse. The hostile environment created by these attacks not only threatensthesafetyandwellbeing of journalists but also hampers their ability to fulfill their vital role as watchdogs of society Without a free and fearless media, democracy is weakened, and the public’s right to information is compromised.
Theescalatingattackson media in Guyana demand urgent attention and action from both domestic and international stakeholders The Guyana Press Association has not said much in recent weeks about the ongoing hostility being shown to media workers. A comprehensive and coordinated response to theseattacksisnowneeded.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s affiliates.)
Some folks have reached out to nogood,otherthandegradefurther fearsomeby PPPcamp followers. I and sullied Guyanese been ask what I think of Vice President Realistically, this is Guyana assert something else.When left rewarded with in their pursuit of Bharrat Jagdeo’s call to arms to with its politics and accompanying unchecked,theformidableassetsof justice, particularly when the supporters of the PPP to utilize prejudices and profanities. Some socialmediaandAIcanmutateinto vilifiers and cyber criminals are social media and artificial mayconcludethatIgiveJagdeotoo the violent and the criminal. My from the bowels and bosom of the be transplanted, and how they are intelligence (AI) to deal with much rope with social media and reaction to all this is simplicity PPP? Mr Jagdeoprotectedhimself m
oted “naysayers” and detractors”. I AI. SinceIamforfreespeech,then itself: do your damnedest. This is with the craftiness of no Malevolent Unscrupulous understand this call, the pluses and there is no other choice. He can regardlessofwhosehandsmakethe “nastiness”, but who has been Murderous. That’s just a start. I the minuses, and how desperate hang himself, in that his followers mostodioususeofsocialmediaand nastier? His ugliness is on the saw before that there will be laws, leaders and party are; with gotoofar,whichwillonlymakethe AI. I believe that this second record. I respectfully invite the checks and balances, and policing. readiness to leverage any tool, PPP look worse, more depraved directive from Gen Sec Jagdeo Attorney General Nandlall, Top To protect who from whom, may I manipulateitanyway,togainsome locally and overseas. In fairness to (from the powerful floor of the Cop Hicken, and Crime Chief, ask? With what implementation much-needed credibility For both Jagdeo, he insisted that his Congress, no less) about using Blanhumtoweighinwithaword. and enforcement, when PPP cyberspace and AI are formidable responders resist engaging in social media and AI to deal with To this point, I have addressed protectedarethescoundrels? assets that are available for use by “nastiness.” But how does he party critics is the greenlight that only social mediain general terms. Like “nastiness” there is allGuyanese,butafatlotofgoodit explain his own ugly “nastiness” couldprovokeanykindofviolence Yet, the record of “nastiness” and appreciation for what is discerned will do the PPP, no matter how delivered in his weekly press and virulence. The PPP has a vileness has been one dirty as pro forma. Relative to the misused. Being a PPP or PNC conferences? history of both, with the PPP revelation following another of unchartedshoalsofAI,Guyanajust participant should not be a bar, What example has he set, if not weaponizing tools to destroy how the PPP attacks and got their version of a nuclear restrain in any way, other than for being about chronic smelliness and contrarythinking. besmirches objectors and doesn’t weapon. Guyanese contrarians, thecivilandthecrimefree. nastiness? ButMr Jagdeoissmart, Now, I ask fellow citizens to give a damn. Leadership speeches dissenters, and undesirables are at Pursuanttothefreestcommerce one known to protect his wicket by lookatwhatwehaveandwherewe or not; and especially when PPP PPP torpedoes. Marching orders in ideas and positions, for some any means. He must be given are. We have access to cyberspace leaders have been the best couldalwaysbemisinterpretedand semblance of honest national credit for getting that call to refrain and wholesome social media, examples of the worst. Supporters misused to mangle traitorous conversations, both social media from”nastiness” on the public including the deep and the dark. are inspired: why not take a page deviationists. An arctic blast now and AI should be used to agree or record. But who knows what other Theformerisoutstanding. Wealso from the leaders’ book? When I envelops conscientious and disagree within bounds. Perhaps, instructions have been given to the have cybercrime laws, a first read of no “nastiness”, I disagreeable Guyanese A last inbeingfortheseelementsofsocial faithful in the PPP? What is the cybercrime unit in the Guyana chuckled. But the big one, AI is thought: social media and AI will mediaandAIcommunicationsIam understandingofthedirtytricksters Police Force, and civil society still untouched. In the hands of the not help the PPP They will expose giving Jagdeo a pass. I take that w h o h a v e s h o w n m u c h observers. Now,hereisthepuzzle. irresponsible and criminally Jagdeo’s fears some more and hurt risk. Also, it is putting the most maliciousness and viciousness in How have slandered and dangerous,itcanbedeadly Unlike thePPPstillmore. positiveoutlookonhischargetohis their rampant misuse of social criminalized Guyanese received social media, it is not limited to (The views expressed in this partysupporters,fromextremiststo media? For notwithstanding his relief from what has harmed them? whatcanbefabricatedanddumped article are those of the author and fanatics to fundamentalists of caution, the formidable assets of Justice against PPP insiders, on the unsuspecting and do not necessarily reflect the differentdegreesofvehemenceand social media and AI can be used to Central Committee members? For untarnished. AI is what someone opinions and beliefs of this vengefulness. It will do his party unleash the sinister, repugnant, and emphasis: what is it that smeared can be made to say, where they can newspaper and its affiliates.)
Govt.handstiedfrom blockingcontractawards byExxonMtocorrupt companies–VPJagdeo
The Government of Guyana(GoG)issittingwith its hands tied behind its backsandcantakenoaction to prevent United States oil major, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) from awarding contracts to companiesthatwereaccused ofcorruption.
This was explained by Vice President, Bharrat JagdeoonThursday.Hewas asked by this publication whetherheisconcernedthat the company could be granting projects to shady companies using Guyana’s oil revenues while the countryhasnosay
Thequestioncameonthe heels of a report that the French-US firm Technip FMC recently secured a contract for subsea works in Guyana’s sixth oil project
W h i p t a i l , w o r t h approximately $US1B, however, over the last few years,thecompanyhasfaced multiple lawsuits and fines forcorruptionandbriberyof government officials, in the UnitedStatedandtheUnited Kingdom.
AlthoughGuyana’soilis being used to procure the servicesofthesecompanies, the country has no say in their awards; it can only verify whether it was overcharged after the contracthasbeengranted.
Jagdeo pointed out that the provisions of the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) allow the country to verify costs after they have been incurred by the operator of the Stabroek Block, through the audit process.
“That’s the purpose of theauditsowhentheyquery it,theysendittoExxonnow, Exxon has to explain how this screw was procured at this cost when the benchmark price, they cost everywhere else is $3,” the VicePresidentnoted.
According to him, the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) is utilising benchmarking software that compares the costs submitted by Exxon to averagecostsintheindustry If the costs claimed by Exxon are found to be exorbitant, it would be flagged and the company would have to explain procuring products and
servicesbeyondtheindustry standards The next step wouldbefortheoilcompany toreturntheinflatedcoststo the profit bank. However, if Exxon disagrees with the government, it is then resolvedthroughthedispute mechanism provided in the PSA,throughasoleexpertor viaarbitration.
It would be poignant to notethatGuyanawouldhave to pay for all legal charges related to resolving the dispute with the oil company
Be that as it may, the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), though it promised in its 2020 Elections’ Manifesto to better manage the oil contract, has failed to effect anychangestoaddressthese glaring administrative flaw in the deal, although these will not affect the profits of thecontractor
The Stabroek Block oil contract prevents the GoG fromarbitrarilychangingthe fiscal provisions of the contract In fact, if the economic benefits of Exxon and its Co-Venturers are affected by any decision of the government, the administration will be required to institute mechanismstoensuretheoil companies receive the same fiscal benefits as initially agreedto.
In the meantime, the government continues to refuse to exercise oversight in the award of large contracts since according to the VP, “As I said before, thereisnoco-management.”
He told the reporter from Kaieteur News that he should press Exxon on why the company chooses to conduct business with such companies.
The Chief Policymaker for the sector was keen to note that if the foreign company meets the benchmark prices, then there wouldbenoobjectionbythe administration however, “if they as a result of any incestuouslinkbetweenlet’s
say ExxonMobil and a firm from abroad, if that incestuous link would cause prices to go up and be unfairly added to our cost bank, it’s a big cause for concernforusandthat’swhy the auditors have to guard againstthattechnically.”
He went on to explain that the government has insisted that the company utilises the procurement processtosourcetheservice of local companies through the enactment of the Local Content Law which has taken away business from some of the foreign companies.
Pattersonsays:Govt. fearsupdatingoilreserves willforcerenegotiationof lopsidedExxonMobil contract …15Bbarreloilreserve estimatejustatipofthe iceberg
The Government of G u y a n a ( G o G ) i s deliberately keeping the nation in the dark on its estimated oil reserves discovered by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) in the prolific Stabroek Block as this would force the administration to seek a
fairer share of benefits for thisnation.
This is according to former Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson During an Alliance For Change (AFC) press conference on Friday, the Member of Parliament said “something ain’t right” about the explanation provided by the Head of EMGL, Alistair Routledge and Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo that the country’s reserves have not significantly grown since April 2022, following eight newdiscoveries.
Patterson said it was unbelievablethatthreeyears ago,theStabroekBlockheld anestimated11Bbarrelsand although eight significant discoveries were announced
byExxon,thenationisbeing informed that there is “no significantincrease.”
He pointed out that the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) signed in 2016 with the company clearly defines a discovery of commercial grade of which Exxon has now reported eight significant finds.
Pattersonarguedthatthe Head of Exxon Guyana, Alistair Routledge recently sought to “kerfuffle” the publicwitha“disingenuous” explanation of resources versusreserves.
Thepoliticianexplained, “Every country, there is proven reserves, the benchmark is proven oil reserves, not proven oil resources…I think Exxon’s Head was trying to be disingenuous and trying to uselanguagetokerfufflethe public but you cannot. You haveprovenoilreserves;itis quite easy I have seen reports from the Ministry of Natural Resources when we were there, they gave estimatedreservenumbers.”
Hesaidthecompanyand government have the country updated estimated oil reserves but are deliberately keeping the countryinthedark.
“They don’t want to disclose it and I think 15B (barrels) is a very conservative estimate. They don’t want to disclose it until after the 2025 elections because if they disclose the true value of their assets at the moment, thecallforrenegotiationwill resonate even louder,” the formerMinisternoted.
Patterson told reporters that Exxon at the behest of the government is concealing the country’s reserves which could be as muchas20Bbarrelsnow
Recently, Chairman of Wales Development Authority, Asgar Ally said that some 15 billion barrels of oil have been discovered to date in the Stabroek Block, although Exxon and
Jagdeo have said there was nosignificantincreasetothe last resource update of 11B barrelsin2022.
According to Patterson, “Whichever number it is, it putsusasacountrywiththat larger volume in a stronger position to ask and demand renegotiation so to try to avert that they would like to give us the impression that all we have is this finite number of 11B barrels and that we should be contented withwhatwehavebutthat’s nottrue.”
Meanwhile,formerHead of the Environmental ProtectionAgency(EPA)Dr. Vincent Adams pointed out that estimated oil reserves could be calculated within days.
ApassionateAdamssaid, “I used to be a senior reservoir engineer with Exxon’s competitor, British Petroleum and that was my jobtocalculatereservesand I say that to let you know, it doesn’t take two years to comeupwiththereserves.”
He said the team would m a k e p r e l i m i n a r y determinations within days to estimate a discovery In fact, he challenged, “How come to arrive at the 11B as soonastherewasawellthat was drilled right after that well was drilled, we were getting an update what happened in two plus years now? What happened to all t h e s e a d d i t i o n a l discoveries?”
With a growing number of oil discoveries in the lucrative Stabroek Block, Guyanese and international expertshaveallbeencalling on government to renegotiatethedealtosecure more benefits for Guyana and its people, since the contract mostly favours ExxonMobil and its coventurers.
When the Coalition government signed the contract, two discoveries were made totaling approximately three billion barrels of oil. To date, over
eight billion barrels more have been found offshore in the26,800squarekilometers block, increasing Guyana’s totalprovenreservestoover 11billionbarrelsofoil.
Jagdeowhilewearingthe cap of Opposition Leader priortoAugust2,2020said, “They sold us out to the foreigners The oil companies, every time there isafindoutthere,ourpeople should be sad because nothing comes our way We are gonna renegotiate those contracts because that’s not whatwehadinmind.”
He added, “When we were in the early days, we were coaxing the people (ExxonMobil) to go along. They (Coalition) came into office – three billion barrels of proven reserves and they gave up zero royalties, no taxes,noring-fencing.”
Although reserves have now more than doubled, the PPP government refuses to engage the operator of the Stabroek Block for a fair oil deal.
FiningExxonforflaring willnotcompensate fordamagetothe environment
…Guyanesescholarurges Govt.toensureExxon abidesbyInt’lbest practices
The Government of Guyana (GoG) often boasts of the introduction of a carbon tax, now imposed on oil companies, particularly the operator of Guyana’s prolific Stabroek Block, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL). Though this fee is intended to deter oil and gas companies from flaringassociatedgasduring production activities offshore Guyana, the finances collected by government will not repair thesignificantdamagebeing donetotheenvironment.
Underscoring the importanceofprudent (Continuedonpage13)
managementofthesectoron Friday evening during a keynote address, in observance of World Press Freedom Day (WPFD), was Guyanese scholar, Dr Ulric Trotz.Hewasinvitedbythe Guyana Press Association (GPA) to deliver remarks since this year’s WPFD was observedunderthetheme‘A Press for the Planet: Journalisminthefaceofthe EnvironmentalCrisis’.
TheScientistwhoserved as Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of GuyanaandformerDirector of the Institute of Applied Science and Technology is r e n o w n e d f o r h i s contributions to the fight against Climate Change Since 1997 Dr Trotz has been giving direction to the Caribbean Region’s efforts tobuildcapacityforClimate ChangeAdaptation.
In 2005, he assumed the post of Deputy Director and Science Advisor to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Climate ChangeCentreuntil2020.
During a virtual presentation at Moray House, Camp Street, Georgetown to journalists, Dr Trotz highlighted the crucialroleofmediaworkers inensuringtheprotectionof the environment. He was keen to note that the burgeoning petroleum industry in Guyana poses serious environmental challenges to the country, which must be carefully managed.
Hecharged,“Carehasto be taken to ensure that there isminimalifanydegradation of Guyana’s pristine terrestrial and marine space that would compromise the ability of the ecosystems they accommodate to provide the vital ecosystem services they contribute to ourwell-being.”
Dr Trotzreferencedalist of recommendations he had madeinapaperontheOil& Gas Industry and the EnvironmentinGuyana.
According to the Scientist,“Operationsforthe developmentandproduction of oil and gas should adhere to the highest available standards for such activity with particular attention being paid to air emission, wastewaterdischarges,solid a n d l i q u i d w a s t e management with specific attention to shore base disposal of radioactive wastes, noise generation (including underwater), oil spills, energy efficiency and resource conservation
Procedures that mimimise leakageofnaturalgasandits venting and flaring must be adopted.”
During a question-andanswer segment, Dr Trotz wasaskedbyKaieteurNews for his views on Guyana’s introductionofaflaringfee. This mechanism is provided for in the Permits g r a n t e d b y t h e Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)toExxonand stipulates that the operator will be fined a maximum of US$50 per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) emitted as a result of flaring in excess of the startup and maintenance periods outlined.
Flaring is the burning of gas that is produced during the extraction of oil operations During this process, harmful emissions are released into the environment, including methanewhichis28timesas damaging as carbon dioxide (according to the US EPA)another contributor to climatechange.
For his part, Dr Trotz said Guyana should be looking to adhere to the international best practices to cut methane pollution fromflaring.
He told this newspaper, “The new trend now is the prevention of any sort of methane flaring or injection into the environment so I don’t know if Exxon will complyintermsofapplying the same standards that they areheldtoinoperatinginthe United States while in Guyana and if they don’t I think it’s in our interest for thegovernmenttoinsistthat thatiswhatisrequired.”
Additionally, Dr Trotz pointed out that there is an international agreement to cut methane pollution from oil production activities where restrictions are being imposedonmethaneleakage from oil production facilities.
Consequently,heargued, “This whole question basically of flaring, the idea of putting a monetary penalty on flaring doesn’t compensate for the damage
that it does to the environment.”
The PPP/C Government has often touted its commitment to Climate Change Adaptation and beats its chest over its 85% forestcoverwhichmakesthe country carbon sink (removingmoreCO2thanit produces). The question is however, ‘does this authorise the oil and gas companies to pollute the environment?’
Eightyearsafterreceiving 6.6MacresStabroek BlockExxonMobilsays willreturn20%in October
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited(EMGL)saiditwill return 20% of the Stabroek Block to the Government of Guyana (GoG) in October thisyear
This was revealed by EMGL’s President, Alistair Routledge during a press conference last week at the company’s Duke Street, Kingston, Georgetown office. He told reporters, “That is scheduled to take place in October this year that is when the next prospecting license renewal takesplaceandatthatpoint, we will relinquish acreage backtothegovernment.”
TheExxonofficialnoted thatthecompanyhasnotyet finalised the portion of the blockthatwillbereturnedto the state but will work with the government on the calculation of what the 20% represents and the subsequent identification of the acreage to be relinquished Exxon was required to return a portion of the Block to Guyana in 2023, however, former
President, David Granger had granted the company an extensionin2020toconduct further exploration activities.
According to documents released by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Granger signed an order giving Exxon a one-year grace period to hold in their entirety,theStabroek,Canje and Corentyne Blocks. The three orders state that Granger was written to by Exxon’s Country Manager, AlistairRoutledgeonJuly2, 2020,seekingagraceperiod given the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on r e s t r i c t i n g t h e implementation of exploration for the three blocks.
Theextensiongrantedby theformerHeadofStateone month before he demitted office, required the operator toprovideproofthatitswork programme was indeed impacted. Despite fervent calls by Kaieteur News and members of civil society for the incumbent government to release documents proving that the company’s operationswereimpactedby thepandemic,VicePresident Bharrat Jagdeo who manages the sector has refusedtodoso.
He said, “So they (Exxon) demonstrated how COVID affected them. It is theDavidGrangerextension that therefore shifted the timeline to relinquish 20 percent of the block from 2023 to 2024 and that is the consequence we are living with.” When asked about sharing this evidence publicly, the VP said, “We don’t have to give evidence toAFC.”
The chief policymaker
for the sector was also not i n c l i n e d t o m a k e government’sreportsonthis matter public to ease t e n s i o n s o f o t h e r stakeholders.Hesaidthefact of the matter is that an extension was granted and the government did not extendit.
According to the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) between the GoG and ExxonMobil, the Petroleum Prospecting License was granted for an initial period of four years fromtheeffectivedateofthe contract The Agreement also provided for no more than two renewals for up to three years each.Thereafter, the Contractor is required to relinquish 20% of the Contract Area to the government, excluding portions where discoveries have been made or areas where there are ongoing appraisalactivities.
ExxonMobil holds a 45%interestintheStabroek Block, while its coventurers, Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30 percentinterestandCNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited holds25percentinterest.
Since 2015, Exxon has unlocked a total of 41 discoveries in the 26,800 square kilometers block, amountingtoover11billion barrels of oil. The company has often bragged about the size of the block and the potential it holds for economic growth of the c o m p a n y a n d i t s shareholders.
Senior Vice President of ExxonMobil Corporation (XOM), Neil Chapman in March this year while appearing at the Morgan Stanley’s Energy and Power
Conference in New York discussed the company’s strategyanditsintenttopush production to 1.2 million barrels of oil in Guyana by 2027.
Chapman said, “This is an enormous block and it’s actuallyquitephenomenalif yougodownthere.Wehave sixdrillingshipsinthebasin in pretty close proximity.” He pointed out that the Stabroek Block is in fact equivalent to more than 1,000 blocks in the Gulf of Mexico.
Notably, the contract signed with Exxon has been deemed the ‘worst’ oil deal by this government, but it has determined it will not seek a renegotiation Citizens fear that due to the lack of ring-fencing and otherkeyprovisionssuchas thetax-freeholidaysgranted to Exxon and its subcontractors, Guyana will continue to collect a meager share of revenues from the sectorwellintothefuture.
ThedealallowsExxonto deduct 75% of the monthly earnings to cover its investments. The remaining 25% is then shared equally with Guyana. This means Guyana receives 12.5% of theprofitsand2%royaltyas agreedinthecontract.
MPwritesParliament forcostsofworksdoneby Exxontorampupoil productionandcopiesof safetyassessmentsdone byEPA
Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) David Patterson has asked the Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat to provide the National Assembly with documents relativetotheincreaseofoil production in the Stabroek Block beyond the safe operatinglimits.
to Parliament,datedMarch15, 2023,theformerMinisterof
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) permits for theLizaDestiny,LizaUnity and Prosperity Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels approved the safe operating limitsat120,000bpdforthe Destiny FPSO and 220,000 bpdforUnityandProsperity Be that as it may, he noted that ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) has announced that as of February2024,LizaDestiny (Continuedonpage40)
For three weeks, the new North-West ferry, MV MA Lisha, which usually operates between Georgetown and Region One will be docked for rehabilitative works. According to a notice posted on the Transport and Harbours Department’s Facebook page on Friday, the vessel will be out of service from May13,2024.Duringthethreeweeks,theDepartment stated that the MV Kimba will be operating GeorgetowntoKumakaroute.
The US$12.7 million MV MA Lisha ferry, which can accommodate 250 revenue paying passengers, 12 SedantypevehiclesandtwotruckswasbuiltbyIndian company, Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited. The vessel also has special features to mitigate challenges usually faced by travelers. The ferry arrived in Guyana back in April 2023 and made itsfirsttriptoRegionOneinAugustofthatyear
ThegovernmentofGuyanaacquiredthevesselvia a loan it obtained from the Indian government. Part of the loan’s condition, was that the MVMa Lisha had to be built in India.The deal was signed in 2021 with the Indiancompany
A 19-year-old man identified as Fabio DaSilva was on Saturday found floatingintheriverat“Pashie”Landing, Canal Bank, Port Kaituma, North West District(NWD),RegionOne.
The circumstances surrounding his deatharecurrentlyunknown.
DaSilva was last seen alive on Fridaynightduringadrinkingspree. Hismothersaidthathedidnotreturn to their home Friday night and on Saturday morning she went in search of her son only to discover that he was dead.
Some relatives said DaSilva’s body bore multiple marks of violence while others said he was observed imbibing with friends after which they heard screams.
Meanwhile, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) has confirmed that it is investigating the teen’s death but no reporthasyetbeenreleased.
The breakneck pace of The Yellowtail project out,isnon-oilgrowth. Guyana’s oil and gas includes a new FPSO, which He used the occasion to industry is akin to cramming isexpectedtocomeonlinein also emphasize that in future “30 years of development 2025, and joins the existing conversations about climate, into three” Minister within FPSOs—Liza Destiny, Liza food and energy security, theMinistryofPublicWorks UnityandProsperity—asthe Guyana would “have a seat
D e o d a t I n d a r t o l d company’s fourth vessel in atthetable,”andRamsaroop participants at the recently the region. While Routledge cited various investments concluded Offshore only touched briefly on the i n t o Technology Conference details of the Uaru project, infrastructure including (OTC) held in Houston, he had a prospective start hotels, scholarships and Texaslastweek. date for the more recently hospitals—as evidence of Indar was at the time announced Whiptail project: the country’s dedication to speaking during the Guyana end-2027. create a stable environment
Night aspect of the T h e c u m u l a t i v e forinvestment. Conference, where he production of all six projects Featured speakers for the reminded the participants at is estimated at 1.3 MMbopd, Guyana night included the OTC of the Government once they are operational. Kester Hutson and Richard of Guyana’s recent approval Routledge also noted the R a m b a r r a n o f t h e of the 6th oil project, called addition of 500 km of new Georgetown Chamber of Whiptail as well as future flowlines on the seabed and Commerce and Industry prospects. The minister also over 250 new wells by the (GCCI) and Minister referenced the interest time all six projects are responsible for Guyana’s shown by QatarEnergies and operational. Natural Resources, Vickram othercompanies.
Meanwhile, Chief Bharrat.
Meanwhile, President of Executive Officer for the Hutsonopenedthepanel, ExxonMobil Guyana G u y a n a O f f i c e f o r describing the initial 2015 Alistair Routledge in his Investment (GoInvest) Dr. discovery of Guyana’s presentation spoke to the Peter Ramsaroop in his reserves as a “monumental future of Guyana’s industry, contribution shifted the shift in economic fortunes” predicting that the country conversation to Guyana’s for the country The pace of could be the largest oil strategy for the country’s progresshasbeenswift,with p r o d u c e r i n S o u t h recentinfluxofrevenue. efforts underway to achieve America—second only to He was emphatic that 1.2 million barrels of oil per Brazil within the next “the Dutch disease doesn’t day production by 2030 decade. apply to Guyana,” and he The country also aims to
Even so, ExxonMobil’s displayed strong optimism establish a “monumental” focus has been on the for the country’s current gasprojecttomakeuseofthe Yellowtail, Uaru and “ t i g e r e c o n o m y , ” natural gas resources and cut Whiptail projects, with the referencing GDP growth, at domesticelectricitycosts—a latter two being the 60 percent in 2023 and a move that would pave the company’s fifth and sixth projected 43 percent growth way for other projects and projects in the Stabroek or 2024 11 percent of industry activities, he Block. which, Ramsaroop pointed reminded.
Amidst the relentless turmoil unfolding in the heart of Palestine, the spirit of solidarity echoed across continents as the Guyana Stands With Palestine (GSWP) and Guyana Solidarity Movement With Palestine (GSMP) organization hosted a poignant candlelight vigil on Saturday, at the Kingston Seawall Esplanade.
The vigil was hosted on the eve of International Mother's Day, a day meant to celebrate the nurturing embrace of mothers worldwide. Yet, against the backdrop of conflict, it became a solemn occasion to acknowledge the profound suffering endured bymothersinPalestine.
The Kingston Seawall Esplanade was transformed into a beacon of hope, where individuals from diverse walks of life converged to lend their voices and support to the cause. At the forefront of this gathering was Hana Dmitriyev, whose impassioned
First Lady Mrs. Arya Ali attended the event and spoke passionately about the tragic eventsthatareoccurringdailyinPalestine.
Like the First Lady, Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Dr Vindhya Vasini Persaud, stood in solidarity with the people of Palestine. Their speeches, powerful and evocative, stirred the hearts of all present, sheddinglightontheharrowingrealitiesfaced by mothers in Palestine—mothers whose unwavering love for their children persists amidstthechaosofconflict.
Members of the Diplomatic Corps also attended the event to show support to the peopleofPalestine.Theirsolidarityservingas a reminder that the struggle for justice and peace knows no borders and transcends geopolitical boundaries to embrace the universal values of compassion and human dignity. (Wayne Lyttle)
H.E. First Lady, Mrs. Arya Ali
Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Dr. Vindhya Vasini Persaud
Ourstunning beautythisweekisnoneotherthanDr.TreasureA. James,amomandentrepreneurwhosepassionliesincommunity developmentandpageantry.Dr.JamesisthedirectoroftheMissRegionOnePageant. Shelovesagoodadventureandlovestravelling.However,herbestjourneysofarhasbeen motherhood.“It’smostrewardingandfillsmewithhappiness,”shesaid.Ourbeauty’sfavouritequoteis byauthorJ.K.Rowling“Itisimpossibletolivewithoutfailingatsomething,unlessyouliveso cautiouslythatyoumightaswellnothavelivedatall,inwhichcaseyouhavefailedbydefault.”
Is it ever justifiable for journalism to fan the flames of geopolitical tension? This question arises after reading DidiKirstenTatlow’srecent Newsweek article, which paints a distorted picture of Chinese involvement in AntiguaandBarbuda.
Thearticle,publishedon April 19, 2024, bore the headline: “China Building New Outpost on U S
D o o r s t e p , L e a k e d Documents Reveal” The headline alone is enough to raiseeyebrows.Itsuggestsa looming geopolitical confrontation, framing China’s activities in the Caribbean in starkly ominoustones.
Butwhatdoesthearticle actually reveal? The socalled “new outpost on the U.S. doorstep” refers to the ChineseEmbassyinAntigua andaFreeTradeZonethatis owned not by the Chinese government, but by private Chinese individuals. This latter point alone raises questions about the underlying narrative of the article.
A brief look at Ms. Tatlow’s background shows that she spent thirty-nine years in Hong Kong, Beijing,andTaiwan,andshe nowresidesinGermany Her writings predominantly critique China’s politics and internationalinfluence.
Thesensationalnatureof her headline is clear It s c r e a m s “ L e a k e d Documents Reveal,” yet the content refers to “Chineserun special economic zone” that turns out to be a private enterprise, not a state-run operation. This is akin to labelling any business operated by a US national overseas as a “US-run” operation a misleading comparisonatbest.
By emphasizing the strategic significance of the location of the Free Trade ZoneasnearanAntiguaand Barbuda military base (whichitisnot)andlinkingit to the Government of China (which it isn’t), the article wronglyattributesactionsto China and frames them as potentiallymilitaristic.
Furthermore, it fails to mention that the Free Trade Zone’s establishment and operational scope, debated and approved by Antigua a n d B a r b u d a ’ s legislature including o p p o s i t i o n representatives in 2015 and later amended in 2021, was fully transparent and
published in the State’s OfficialGazette.
On other aspects of the characterization of China’s relationship with Antigua andBarbuda,theNewsweek article is not just evocative but also shapes a narrative which casts China’s diplomatic presence in a suspicious, almost nefarious light.
The choice of phrases like“black-clad”todescribe a Chinese security guard at theEmbassyandreferringto the Embassy as a “fortress” connotes isolation, impregnability, and a military-like presence, which can enhance perceptions of a secretive or defensive operation rather than a normal diplomatic facility
In fact, the Chinese Embassy in Antigua is no more large, guarded or enclosed than the US EmbassyinBarbados.
Beyond just emotive language, the article employs selective fact presentation that further skews perception The mention of the US “shuttering” its Embassy in 1994 and “relocating” to Barbados implies a strategic shift prompted by recent events.However,theUShas maintained an Embassy in Barbados since 1966, well beforeAntigua and Barbuda established diplomatic relationswithChinain1983.
The terms used to describegeopoliticalspaces, suchasturningAntiguafrom America’s “backyard” into China’s“frontyard”,implya possessive and competitive dynamicbetweentheUSand China, while, in reality, Antigua and Barbuda fiercely safeguards its nationhoodandidentity
The article uncritically accepts a claim by an
Antiguan opposition politician that Antigua and Barbuda has ‘traded its sovereignty,’ suggesting a loss of autonomy due to its engagement with China This portrayal frames the relationship as a surrender rather than a partnership. However, it’s important to note that Antigua and Barbuda’s loan agreements with China are purely financial and do not impose any political conditions Additionally,andinfairness, itisnoteworthythatthesame politician was part of a previous government that enteredintoagreementswith China.
The use of this term, “Listening Post” in describing the activities
suspectedtobeconductedat the Chinese Embassy conjures images of espionage and surveillance, increasing the sense of threat.
This choice of language isanattempttoinfluencethe reader’s emotional response to the information, steering perceptions towards seeing China’s involvement in Antigua and Barbuda as ominousorthreatening.
Yet, the Article itself discloses that the US Department of Defence agency, SOUTHCOM, whichisbasedinFloridaand has responsibility for providing US contingency planning, operations, and security cooperation for Central and South America and the Caribbean, said it had not identified technologiessuchassatellite “reference stations” at the ChineseEmbassythatwould equipitasa“listeningpost”.
Of course, Antigua and Barbuda is not the only country in the Caribbean in which the Government of China and Chinese businessmenhavepartnered, nor is it the biggest beneficiary of Chinese loans.
Further, the largest private sector investors in AntiguaandBarbudaareUS companiesandnationals;not Chinese. US nationals also representthelargestnumber oftouristsandresidentswho are welcome to the country
These are facts not consideredintheNewsweek article.
Antigua and Barbuda, has no greater obligation by treaty or agreements to ChinathantotheUS,theEU, the UK or anywhere else. And, while its development partnership with China is greatly valued, it also happily enjoys a high level of cooperation with the US
onarangeofissues that are vital to human rights, the fight against trafficking in persons and drugs, freedom, security and curbing the impact of Climate Change.
The Newsweek article itself admits that the US State Department says, “the USandAntiguaandBarbuda maintain strong and historic ties, with ongoing robust cooperation in regional security initiatives aimed at c
ms traffickingandcrime,aswell as other efforts in climate anddevelopment”.
The two countries also enjoy a high level of collaboration on issues of human rights and political freedom at the United N a t i o n s a n d t h e Organization of American States,and,atthepeople-to-
peoplelevel,averylong,and highly-valued intertwined relationship.
Thus, while journalistic inquiry remains a cornerstoneofafreesociety, it must strive to present a balancedcontextandrespect the sovereignty of the nations involved, thereby fostering a well-informed anddiscerningpublic.
(The writer is Antigua and Barbuda’sAmbassador totheUSandtheOAS. The views expressed are entirely his own. Responses and p r e v i o u s commentaries:www.sirrona
Inalmosteveryaspect the SI which is the legal respectively For example, measuring instruments and reliable framework for units,weempowerourselves
o f o u r d a i l y system of measurement by 1000 grams of sugar = 1 seizing unapproved ones to construction. to navigate the complexities
n s , virtueofOrderNumber04of kilogramofsugar uphold trust and consumer Meanwhile, in our daily of modern life with ease and
m e n t 2001. With its legal mandate c
r i n g commutes and leisure confidence With the precision and accuracy Measurements have and its educational support, purchases. pursuits, understanding guidance of the GNBS, we influence the outcomes of always been a crucial aspect the GNBS works to ensure In the culinary realm, distance and time is canensurethatmeasurement what we do, whether we are of society but for it to be that measurements are precise measurements are essential. SI measurements p
d r
v i n g , c o o k i n g , meaningful, a standard accurate and the SI units are also crucial. Whether it’s likemetersandsecondsoffer internationally recognized constructing, or buying and system of units had to be u
following a recipe or a precise meaning of standards, fostering a world selling in the wider business established. consistency, fairness and experimenting with new navigating the world around where precision becomes a environment. At the heart of The Metric System, transparency in the flavours, adherence to us make life easier and wayoflife. measurement lies the established in 1960 by the marketplace With this, standardisedunitslikegrams experiencesbetter Do not be left behind, for International System of 11th General Conference on consumerswillreceivevalue and millimetres ensures As the GNBS continues
Units (Metric System), a Weights and Measures, fortheirmoney consistency in taste and its efforts to uphold the understanding the use of the standardised framework that comprises of base units with No doubt, neglecting the texture Similarly, in the integrity of Metric System, International System of unites the wo
ld in values that are used to take useoftheMetricSystemcan world of construction, consumers and businesses Units,reachouttotheGNBS measurements. measurements all over the l e a d t o u n
a b l e accurate measurements are alike are urged to fully adopt
The Guyana National worldtoday conversions and inaccurate the foundation of success. and use it.The integration of numbers: 219-0064 or 219B
f Standards Aside from the kilogram measurements in trade Whethermakingfurnitureor SI measurements offers a 0065, or visit the GNBS (GNBS) is positioned at the (kg), the Metric System Therefore, the GNBS plays constructing a building, pathway to precision, website: www gnbsgyorg forefront of promoting consists of six other base its role in conducting regular standardised units of consistency, and innovation. You can also WhatsApp us precision and uniformity in units which are the Metre verification of metric measurement provide a By embracing standardised on+5926924627. measurement practices. As (m), Mole (mol), Second (s), t h e c u s t o d i a n o f Candela(cd),Kelvin(K)and measurement standards in Ampere (A). This decimal Guyana, the GNBS plays a system of weights and pivotal role in ensuring that measures allows for easy measurement practices are conversion between some aligned with internationally units simply by multiplying recognised norms. Further, or dividing by 10, 100 and the Bureau works with 1000 When multiplying, stakeholders to ensure the these are denoted by the adoption and correct use of prefixes deci, centi and kilo,
Curaçao officially the Country of Curaçao, is a LesserAntilles island in the southern Caribbean Sea and Dutch Caribbean region, about 65 km (40 mi) north of Venezuela. It is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Curaçao includes the main island of Curaçao and much smaller, uninhabited island of Klein Curaçao (“Little Curaçao”).Curaçao has a population of 158,665 (January 2019 est.), with an area of 444 km2 (171 sq mi); its capital is Willemstad. Together with Aruba and Bonaire, Curaçao forms theABC islands. Collectively, Curaçao, Aruba, and other Dutch islands in the Caribbean are often
a The Queen Emma (semi-open), and the Queen Julianaa
the continental shelf of SouthAmerica. It ABC islands and the national symbol of called the Dutch Caribbean. It is the The original inhabitants of Curaçao is a thin island with a generally hilly Aruba. Brassavola nodosa is a droughtlargest of the ABC islands in area and were the Arawak and Caquetio topography; the highest point is tolerant species of Brassavola, one of the population, and the largest of the Dutch Amerindians.[22] Their ancestors had Christoffelberg in the northwest, with a few orchids present in the ABC islands. Caribbean. migrated to the island from the mainland peak at 372 m (1,220 ft) above sea level. Cacti include Melocactus and Opuntia
The name “Curaçao” may originate of South America, probably hundreds of The coastline’s bays, inlets and hot speciessuchasOpuntiastricta. from the indigenous autonym of its yearsbeforeEuropeans’firstarrival. springsofferasourceofnaturalminerals, Curaçao is semi-arid, and as such has people, supported by early Spanish The first Europeans recorded as thermal conditions, and seawater used in not supported the numerous tropical accounts referring to the inhabitants as seeing the island were members of a hydrotherapy and mesotherapy, making species of mammals, birds, and lizards “Indios Curaçaos”. Curaçao’s history Spanish expedition under the leadership the island one of many balneoclimateric most associated with rainforests. Dozens begins with the Arawak and Caquetio of Alonso de Ojeda in 1499 The areasintheregion.Offthesoutheastcoast ofspeciesofhummingbirds,bananaquits, Amerindians, with the island becoming a SpaniardsenslavedmostoftheCaquetios lies the small, flat island of Klein orioles, and the larger terns, herons, Spanish colony after Alonso de Ojeda’s (Arawak) for forced labour in their Curaçao. egrets, and even flamingos make their 1499 expedition. Despite being deemed Hispaniolacolony,butpaidlittleattention Curaçao’s flora differ from typical homesnearpondsorincoastalareas.The “the useless island” due to poor to the island itself. In 1515, almost all of tropical island vegetation Guajira- trupial, a black bird with a bright orange agricultural yield and lack of precious the2,000Caquetioslivingtherewerealso Barranquilla xeric scrub is the most underbelly and white swatches on its metals, it became a strategic cattle transportedtoHispaniolaasslaves. notable, with various forms of cacti, wings, is common to Curaçao. The ranchingarea.Dutchcolonizationin1634 Established in 1499 as a Spanish thorny shrubs, evergreen, and watapana mockingbird, called chuchubi in shifted the island’s focus to trade, launchpad for exploring northern South trees (Libidibia coriaria; called divi-divi Papiamentu,resemblestheNorth shipping, and later, a hub for theAtlantic America, Curaçao was officially settled onAruba), which are characteristic of the (Continued on page 29) slave trade. The Jewish community, by Spain in 1527. It functioned as an fleeing persecution in Europe, settled island extension ofVenezuela throughout here and significantly influenced the the 1500s. As mainland colonization economyandculture. advanced, Spain slowly withdrew from
The 18th and 19th centuries saw the island. The city registry of Caracas, Curaçao under attack by the British but Venezuela holds one of the earliest remained predominantly Dutch. Post- writtenmentionsofCuraçao.Adocument abolition of slavery in 1863 led to dated 9 December 1595 states that economic shifts and migrations. Dutch Francisco Montesinos, priest and vicar of remains the official language, though “the Yslas de Curasao, Aruba and Papiamentu, English, and Spanish are Bonaire” conferred his power of attorney widely spoken, reflecting the island’s to Pedro Gutiérrez de Lugo, a Caracas diverse cultural influences. Curaçao was resident, to collect his ecclesiastic salary formerly part of the Curaçao and from theRoyalTreasury of King PhilipII Dependencies colony from 1815 to 1954 ofSpain. and later the Netherlands Antilles from GEOGRAPHY 1954 to 2010, as Island Territory of Curaçao,aswellastherestoftheABC Curaçao. islands and Trinidad and Tobago, lies on
(Dancehall Mag)
“You are a God sent the don’t even know the L E A D , G E N E R A L !
Bounty Killer has blood of Jesus over you struggle But when you Continue to inspire and push disclosed that during his every day, me general God almost lose your life you see this generation to Greatness! iconic versus performance not going to give you more thingsdifferent.Givethanks, God never makes mistakes against Beenie Man in 2020, than what you can bear, just Godisgood.” your life is a living he was contending with a buyyoutalkingtothepeople While some fans Testimony! Big up yuself serious illness, which of Jamaica. You don’t know speculated about the type of Rodney blessings to you!” eventually led to surgery a how much you are doing just surg
y B
nty had onemansaid. year later at the University continue to do the work, one undergone, some simply In the meantime, Bounty HospitaloftheWestIndies. love mie general,” one declared that they were isrevellinginanewmoniker In an Instagram post on womanwrote. thankful that he lived to tell which his f
Wednesday, the Warlord “Sadly we are all going thetale. bestowed upon him: “Mr shared a photo revealing his through struggles that few “Thankful that you Jamaica”, adding to his Poor abdomen, showcasing an know about Here’s a
People Governor, Grung incision running from his reminder to always be kind. complications you were GadandtheWarlord. belly button downwards Happy you pulled through dealing with and also He gleefully shared the The incision was lined with and hopefully all is well,” thankful that you are newsofhisnewesttitleafew surgical staples, which are another stated, while one recovering well! To God be days ago and declared that usually used after major womanadded:“Smh,people the Glory!! Continue to hisfansare“fantastic”. surgery to close large, open doctors, nurses and staff at would not be here god wounds, help them heal the University Hospital blesses their hands and faster, and reduce scar Toney Twaits Ward brightmindscontinually,”he appearance. particularly Life is a stated.
He noted that back in journey not a destination. If According to Bounty, he M a y 2 0 11 , h e w a s you can’t run walk if you had no reservations about hospitalized and underwent can’t walk then creep but revealing that he was ill, as surgery, but that afterwards, don’t stop until you drop I this is something which is a during the subsequent was out here jumping and partoflife.
r e c o v e r y p e r i o d , prancing during the whole “I kept no secrets from unbeknownst to his fans, he healing process in the my real friends and fans resumed his regular pandemic like a mutant,” he health issues is inevitable to activities as if nothing had added. Bounty revealed that anyoneit’sntntobeashamed occurred. he was indeed ill during his of especially when it’s of
“The first I’m sharing appearance on VERZUZ, natural causes=ØOÜ<Øÿß,” thiswiththepublic. 3yrsago replying “Yes, I were”, after hestated. in May 2021 I did a major a fan asked him: “Hold up so H i s D a n c e h a l l surgery and with the mercy you were ill while giving up compatriots including of God I was able to be that epic moment on versus? Wayne Marshall, Spice, healed and full recovered in Nowthat’salegend”. ProfessorDonnaHopeofthe less than one year Different He also heaped more University of the West type of struggles. Don’t praises on the medical team Indies, and others all hailed compare my life or try at the UHWI after another the Its Ok artist for how he comprehendit,”henoted. fan thanked him for showing dealt with his period of “Give thanks to my gratitudetothem.” adversity, while his fans family close friends, the “Without them I might declaredhimblessed.
After Justin and Hailey Instagram Stories snap with filmed. Hailey’sbabybump. Bieber announced their her baby bump highlighted Pregnant Hailey Bieber Shortly after the Biebers pregnancy news earlier this in the form-fitting white off- Shares New Behind-the-
, m a n y b e g a n the-shoulder lace gown with Scenes Shot of Her Growing expecting their first baby wondering how the famous amatchingheadpiece,which BabyBump together, Hailey’s rep couple were able to keep the also doubled as a veil, as she Hailey Bieber Dresses confirmed to PEOPLE that excitingnewsasecret. stood on a balcony UpHerBumpinBridal-Like the model is just over six
On Friday, May 10, overlooking palm trees and Sheer Gown for Pregnancy months pregnant Justin’s Hailey, 27, posted a new thesea. Reveal and Vow Renewal mother, Mallette, 49, also photo of herself in the Saint In the photo, which was withJustin shared, in a comment on
urent by Anthony captioned with the heart The Rhode founder’s S t e p h e n B a l d w i n ’s Vaccarello white lace dress hands emoji and sparkles, bridal look in the photo was Instagram post the same day, she wore in the pregnancy Hailey smiled while staring firstshowninthatvideo,and thatthecouplearenothaving announcement and vow off to the side as she rested the accompanying photos, twins. renewal video and photos her hands just above her which Hailey and Justin In their pregnancy
The Biebers cute pregnancy announcement
she and her husband, pop baby bump. Although the posted on Instagram. The announcement video, Hailey renewalcomesaheadoftheir emotional about it.They feel singer Justin Bieber posted Biebers’May 9 vow renewal carousel of footage and pics and Justin kissed as they sixth wedding anniversary so blessed. They’ve also felt thedaybefore. video was filmed outdoors, showed the couple — who stood on a field together this September And while very protective of the baby
Hailey and Justin’s vow They have both been very
Hailey who is Hailey’slatestsnapappeared marriedin2018—renewing during their vow renewals. the couple have been open from the moment they found expecting her first child with to have been taken just theirweddingvowsandgave Inanothershot,Justinplaced about their desire to become out.”
Justin,30,—appearedinthe before, or after, it was fans the several glimpses of his arms around his wife’s parents together, they “Theysharedwithfamily stomach as he stood behind decided to keep the news of and close friends early on. It her, while the pair showed them expecting their first was important for them to off their matching wedding child a secret for as long as keep it quiet and just enjoy rings. possible — telling only their foraslongaspossiblebefore
From page 23 well as alcoholic drinks in a manner akin to American mockingbird, with a long white- theEnglishpublichouse. grey tail and a grey back. Near shorelines, The ubiquitous breakfast dish is pastechi: big-billed brown pelicans feed on fish. Other friedpastrywithfillingsofcheese,tuna,ham, seabirds include several types of gulls and or ground meat. Around the holiday season largecormorants. special dishes are consumed, such as the
CUISINE hallaca and pekelé, made out of salt cod. At Local food is called Krioyo (pronounced weddings and other special occasions a the same as criollo, the Spanish word for variety of kos dushi are served: kokada “Creole”) and boasts a blend of flavours and (coconut sweets), ko’i lechi (condensed milk techniques best compared to Caribbean and sugar sweet) and tentalaria (peanut cuisine and Latin American cuisine. Dishes sweets). common in Curaçao are found in Aruba and TheCuraçaoliqueurwasdevelopedhere, Bonaireaswell.Populardishesincludestobá when a local experimented with the rinds of (astewmadewithvariousingredientssuchas the local citrus fruit known as laraha. papaya, beef or goat), Guiambo (soup made Surinamese,Chinese,Indonesian,Indianand from okra and seafood), kadushi (cactus Dutch culinary influences also abound. The soup), sopi mondongo (intestine soup), island also has a number of Chinese funchi (cornmeal paste similar to fufu, ugali restaurants that serve mainly Indonesian and polenta) and fish and other seafood. The dishes such as satay, nasi goreng and lumpia ubiquitous side dish is fried plantain. Local (which are all Indonesian names for the bread rolls are made according to a dishes). Dutch specialties such as croquettes Portuguese recipe. All around the island, and oliebollen are widely served in homes there are snèks which serve local dishes as andrestaurants.
Hailey was also seen family and friends “early they publicly confirmed posing with her baby bump on.” though, ” the source solo in other snaps on the
A source told PEOPLE, continued. carousel,whichalsofeatured “When they found out that “Theyaskedtheirfriends photos of her and Justin Hailey was pregnant, it was to not share until they were kissingandbothcradlingher just the best day for them. readytoannounce.” growingbabybump.
In a night of aweinspiring talent and graceful performances, the Guyana Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) held a spectacular pageant at the National Culture Centre, marking the commemoration of International Nurses Week 2024.
The pageant hosted on Saturday, April 4, 2024, underthe Our Future: Power of theremarkable nurses outstand embodying profession.
The unfolded segmen costume, gown, a answer, diverseskills thecontestants. At the Carolyn
GPHC’s Nursing Queen
She expressed gratitude to the “Esteemed pageant organizers, cherished pageantsisters,andallthose who have supported me on thisremarkablejourney,Iam overwhelmedwithgratitude. To the organizers, your dedication and hard work have made this event possible, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity
their presence to mid-sized enterprises aiming to enhance brand
comprehensive PR services, Glo-See dedicated to delivering tailored thatdriveresults.
Platform for Growth advertising specialist told the aterfalls at the heart of Glo-See's lies the premier Glo-See Networking Brunch, a gathering that together CEOs, professionals, leaders, and aspiring entrepreneurs. thanjustanetworkingevent, the brunch serves as a safe individuals to explore new ities, forge meaningful connections, and strike a balance workandpersonallife.
This year marks the 4th edition of See Networking Brunch, promising attendees a memorable experience filled with opportunities business growth, celebration, and ion through networking the fusion restaurant Guyana businessownersandgrowthindividualswillconveneon (Continued on page 56 )
art piece created by nine year-old Elle Ramsay, who was born to Guyanese parents, is part of this year's prestigious US country visual art exhibition for public schools The Anne Arundel County Art Exhibition, in Maryland USA features the work of thousands of young and emerging artists from the public schoolannually
Ramsay, a 4th grader from Arnold Elementary School in Maryland was overjoyed to learn that her piece was on display at the Westfield Annapolis Mall from April 24May8,2024,foralltosee.
“It definitely felt great to be selected for the exhibition because I put a lot of work into makingmypiecelookrealistic,” Ramsaysaid.
She told the Waterfalls that she has been doing art since the 2nd grade. She chose visual arts over courses in music, craft, and media. “I chose art because there is a lot of different stuff you can do with it like use your imagination and create all these cool stuff,” the nine-year-old explained. She said that she has definitely seen the growth from her first art piece. “I remember when I did my first drawing it wasnotthatgoodbutIaskedmy teacher for help and then I started drawing a lot on my own so I got better at it,” Ramsay said.
This year, the Arnold Elementary School 4th grader got the surprise of her life when shewas toldherartwas selected for the county showcase. She explained that she was not expecting that at all. “I think
there are about 22 of us in my class who do art so it felt special to know that I was among the few who got picked to represent myschool.”
Speaking about her piece, the young creative explained that she drew different shapes to create a 3D realistic optical illusion piece. She definitely wantstocontinuetodoartforas longaspossible
In an invited comment, Victorana Ramsay- Bailey, the girl's mother told this publication how absolutely proudsheisofhernineyear-old.
She said that “Elle is an honorrollstudentwhojustloves art.”“I have definitely seen her growth, she used to get frustrated when she was younger and she would try to drawanimalsanditdidn'tcome
(Continued on page 56)
Bhagwandin at a recent business expo.
In search of creative handcrafted gift ideas for just about any occasion?
Then 'Crafty Jenny95' is the place you can shop at. This emerging small business which opened its doors back in August 2021 is owned by 29-year-old Jennifer craftIusedtoputahandintohelp Bhagwandinrememberedthat gift box, gift boxes just to Bhagwandin. her. So that's how I get the love of when she first launched, she had nameafew.
for creative handcrafted gift ideas hink what can be done to boost small business it to host ting expo not only in the Georgetown but o egions because the more we met new faces and int w people even them can open new ideas f advertising our product and bring new market to our it
Bhagwandin, a mother of two arts and crafts,” Bhagwandin made an explosion gift box for a Whenaskedabouther in a recent interview with this expressed. cousin, who then posted it on her support since she opened magazine revealed that the
With a lot yet to unlock at She related that as she grew social media page, which led to in 2021, the young woman business stemmed from her deep 'Crafty Jenny', Bhagwandin is of older, she began watching a lot of her getting orders from then on. expressed that it has been passion for arts and crafts. She the view that seeking young videosontheinternettobetterher The business started slow, and overwhelmingandgrowing. further disclosed that she had people in business, “it helps them skills. Seeing that she has a knack then it picked up a bit, she Along her business journey likedtheideaofartandcraftsince with self-control and also to for it, Bhagwandin said it was her recalled. thus far, she related that some of theageof11. maintainself-discipline.” family and friends who inspired 'CraftyJenny95'justtoletyou the challenges she faced
“I used to be around my
She further expressed that a and encouraged her to start her know offers a number of art and previously were balancing time mother because she was a nursery lot can be done locally to expose own business to showcase her craftsitemssuchashandmadegift between her kids and work “It school teacher, and she used to young entrepreneurs by opening skills. cards, proxy keychain, explosion was first difficult to concentrate make her teaching aids and other the avenues that can widen the on my crafts But then I market for them. “I think what learned to balance my time can be done to boost small with my work and kids business it to host more together,” she affirmed marketing expo not only in the Bhagwandin assures also Georgetown but other regions that she stands ready to because the more we met new face challenges that may faces and interact with new arise because she is people even them can open new destined to see her ideasforusaboutadvertisingour business move to greater product and bring new market to heights ouritems,”shesuggested Withthatbeingsaid,she For more information on the stated that her long term gift items and what 'Craft goal is to go deeper in her Jenny95' has to offer you can work,suchasmakingproxy reach out to Facebook at Crafty items like photo frames and J e n n y , I n s t a g r a m a t more. In all she is aiming to CraftyJenny95, and on telephone expandherservicesfurther number(592)625-3422.
The Search for Guyana’s Top Y o u t h Environmental Speaker 2024hasjustgottengreener After over one month of beingopenforentries,Shout 2.0 has just concluded its first phase where students wereaskedtoprepareaoneminute video detailing the sustainable changes they wouldmaketotheirschool’s environment if given one milliondollarstodoso.
Entries were received from grades nine to ten
Vasanna Persaud, Guyana’sYouth Environmental Speaker 2023.students from secondary schoolsacrossthelengthand breadthofGuyana,allinthe hopes of competing for the title of “Top NationalYouth Environmental Speaker” Recover Guyana, the environment focused nongovernmental organization behind the initiative, revealed that over seventy secondary schools, both private and public, submitted entries which were scored according to set criteria focused on the students’ knowledge and a p p l i c a t i o n o f
environmental concepts, basic budgeting, and public speakingprowess.
From this scoring process, the top thirty schools, which will be moving into the next phase of the competition were determined.
They are as follows: Abram Zuil Secondary School; Anna Regina Secondary School; Apex Academy Inc; Brickdam SecondarySchool;DeWillem SecondarySchool;Endeavors and the Commons Secondary School;FriendshipSecondary
School; Good Hope Secondary School; ISA Islamic School; J C Chandisingh Secondary School; Johanna Cecilia Secondary School; La Bonne Intention Secondary School; Leguan Secondary; Leonora
Secondary School; Mackenzie High School; Marian Academy; New SilvercitySecondarySchool; President’s College; Qayyim Academy; Queen’s College; Richard Ishmael Secondary School; Skeldon Line Path Secondary ; St Joseph High School; St Roses High
School;St Stanislaus College; The New Central High School; The New GuyanaSchool;Vergenoegen SecondarySchool;Vreed-enHoop Secondary School and West Demerara Secondary School
Afteraseriesofcapacity building sessions, the representatives of these schoolswillmoveintoPhase
Twoofthecompetitionwhich will take the form of a 90 seconds speech prepared and presentedtoanaudiencebased
on a predetermined environmental topic From there a selection panel will scoreanddeterminethetopten
which will move into the impromptu speech segment, heldonthesamedayandthen thetopthreewhichwillmove into a standard question segment
Shout2.0issupportedby ExxonMobilGuyanaandisa collaborative effort between Recover Guyana and the Ministry of Education. The LIVE competition will be held on World Environment Day,June05,2025at09:00h at the Ramada Georgetown PrincessHotel.
Since the Pandemic, we have been experiencing respiratory illnesses yearround.Mostofthetime,sore throat is a presenting symptomfortheseillnesses.
There are instances when a sore throat can lead to lifethreatening consequences if it’s not detected and treated early
Today, I will shed some lightonsorethroatandwhen itmaybedangerous.
When should I see a doctoraboutasorethroat?
Mostpeopledonotneed to see a doctor about a sore throat. It usually gets better onitsown.
But sore throats can sometimesbeseriousif:
%You have a fever of at least101°For38.4°C
%Your throat pain is severewithinthefirst2days, or does not start to improve within5to7days
Go to the emergency roomifyou:
%Are drooling because you cannot swallow your saliva
%Have swelling of the neckortongue
%Cannot move your neckorhavetroubleopening yourmouth
Sore throat is usually caused by an infection.Two Main types of germs can cause it; viruses and bacteria. People who have a sorethroatcausedbyavirus
would usually not have serious complications from thesorethroat.
People who have a sore throat caused by bacteria mightneedtoseeadoctor
They might have a type of infection called strep throat. Only about 1 in 10 adults who seek medical care for sore throat have strepthroat.
HowcanItellifmysore throatiscausedbyavirusor strepthroat?
It is hard to tell the difference. But there are somecluestolookfor
People who have a sore throat caused by a virus
usually have other symptoms,suchas:
%Pain in the roof of the mouth
People who have a sore throatcausedbystrepthroat donotusuallyhaveacough, runny nose, or itchy or red eyes.Buttheymighthave:
%Fever (temperature higher than 100 4°F or 38°C)
%Swollen glands in the neck
If you think you have strep throat, the doctor can checkyouforiteasily Heor shecanrunaswabalongthe backofyourthroatandtestit for the bacteria that cause strepthroat.
If you have an infection causedbyavirus,youdonot need antibiotics. But if you have a bacterial infection of the throat, with strep throat usually being the most common, you should get antibiotics.
Most people with strep throat get better without
antibiotics,butdoctorsoften prescribe them anyway
That’s because antibiotics can prevent problems sometimes caused by strep throat. Plus, antibiotics can reduce the symptoms of strep throat and prevent its spreadtootherpeople.
WhatProblemscanstrep throatcause?
If left untreated strep throat can spread and cause more serious systemic, lifethreateninginfections.Itcan alsospreadtoyourheartand kidneys and cause
permanent or even fatal damage.
What can I do to feel better?
If you want some relief from the pain from a sore throat, you can take pain medicine that you can get without a prescription. Throat sprays can help soothe the pain along with sucking on cough drops or candy
Somepeoplefeelreliefif theygarglewithsaltwater WhatcanIdotoprevent gettingasorethroatagain?
Keeping your hands clean by washing or sanitizing them plays a vital role in decreasing your risk ofgettinginfected. Also, you should avoid being close to people who have a throat infectionor an acutecough.
Now that you are more awareofthedangersofsore throat,besuretoremainalert for symptoms of the dangeroustype.
If you are still not sure, thenyourbestoptionistogo seeyourdoctor
was producing 160,000 bpd while the Liza Unity was producing 250,000 bpd and Prosperity 230,000 bpd
Patterson was keen to note the company stated “that production increases never occurwithoutstrictreviews, risk assessments, and all of those being reviewed by the governmentandtheEPA”.
Consequently, he asked, “Can the Honourable
Minister provide the
National Assembly with copies of documents submitted by ExxonMobil detailing the technical and environmental assessments undertaken to justify the increased production above thepreviouslyapprovedEPA permitlimits?”
Patterson also requested that Bharrat provides the National Assembly with copies of the revised EPA permits approving this increaseddailyproduction.
Moreover, the MPasked Bharrat to provide the National Assembly with the details,includingcostsofthe works undertaken to the FPSOs, to support the increased daily oil production.
BackinSeptember2023, the Government of Guyana (GoG) announced in the Mid-Year Report that ExxonMobil will be further increasing daily production at the Liza Destiny and Liza UnityFPSOs.
Despite safety concerns regarding the increased risk of an oil spill posed by the rampingupofoilproduction atthesevessels,theGoGhas refused to secure an unlimited parent company guarantee from Exxon to covercostsabovethelimited insuranceinplace.
Presently, the fight for the signed guarantee is before the Court of Appeal, following a ruling by the HighCourtforthecompany to provide the unlimited guarantee back in May 3, 2023.
Exxonpumping30,000 barrelsabovesafetylimit inLizaTwo;wantsto pushbuttonfurther –movetoposegreater risksfromoilspillto Guyana
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), the operator of the oil-rich Stabroek Block has already breached the safe operating limits outlined in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for its second deep water project, Liza Two; however, the
companywillbeconducting further modifications to the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel- Unity- to accelerate itsdailyoilproduction.
Exxon’s Country Manager,Alistair Routledge last week told reporters duringamediaconferenceat its head office in Kingston, Georgetown that when the FPSO goes offline in the third quarter of the year to facilitatethetie-inworksfor the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project, the company will take advantage of the downtime to conduct maintenance and further debottleneckingactivities.
Routledge reported that the company had a “very strong” production start in the beginning of the year, resulting from the “industry leading ramp up of the Payaraproject”andthevery s t r o n g r e l i a b i l i t y performanceintheLizaOne andTwoassets.
Although all three of the FPSOs are currently producing above the respective design capacity, the Liza Unity is poised for furtheroptimizationworks.
Presently, Liza One and Liza Two are producing about 150,000 bpd and 250,000 barrels per day (bpd)respectively TheEIAs each specifically outline 120,000and220,000bpd,as the safe operating limit for Liza One and Two, respectively Similarly, the third oil project- Payara- is a l s o p r o d u c i n g approximately 230,000 bpd even though the vessel’s nameplate capacity is 220,000bpd.
Be that as it may, the Country Manager disclosed, “Part of the Unity shutdown is actually going to include s o m e a d d i t i o n a l debottleneckingworkwhere we think maybe we could produce above 252,000 barrelsperday.Studieshave demonstratedthatthatcould bedone,sointhatshutdown period where we are installing the riser we will
also be doing some additional modifications, some other planned maintenance work that we wouldhavedonealittlelater that we’ve accelerated forwardforintegrityactivity sothereisotherworkinthat shutdownthatwillhopefully be beneficial also to the productioncapacity.”
Notably, Exxon also plans to mirror the Liza Unity production at the Payara development. “We anticipateinanextmonthor two, hopefully we’ll complete those reviews and if that’s satisfactory then we’llmakethatadjustment,” Routledgedisclosed.
He reported that the reservoirs at the Payara project were performing exceptionally well encouragingthecompanyto increase the capacity of the wells.
According to him, the Prosperity FPSO that operates the third project is similar to the Liza Destiny FPSO.Assuch,heexplained that the studies indicate a similar capacity of 252,000 bpd with relatively minor modificationsthatwouldnot require any shutdown of the facility To this end, Routledgepointedout,“The studies have been done; we’re working through reviewswiththegovernment agencies, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), the MNR (Ministry of Natural Resources) to ensure everybody has that opportunity to test and be comfortable that it is safe to increasetothoselevels.”
He described the optimization works as a “very normal process” where the company would assesstheperformanceofthe facilities for existing limitations of the installed equipmenttodeterminehow thosecouldbeimproved.
“For example, we may have a valve which is the limitation. Could we change thetriminthevalvetoallow morefluidstoflowthroughit safely?
If its coolers or heaters that are the limitation, could we put additional plates or bundlesintothosecoolersto enhance the capacity of them,”Routledgeposited.
Meanwhile,withregards to the safety of this process, heclaimed,“It’salwayssafe. The production levels that we produce at, we always startwithsafetyinmind.Our first priority is safety of the peopleonboardthefacilities, protectingtheenvironment.”
The President of
ExxonMobil Guyana went on to note that he would spendtimewiththeoffshore crew prior to increasing production, as they would ultimately decide if they are comfortableincreasingdaily production, following extensive studies and governmentreviews.
Even though experts argue that the risk of an oil spill is increased with the acceleration of daily production activities, the company is reluctant to provide the country with an unlimited parent company guarantee that protects this country from the liabilities associated with a disastrous spill.
Presently, Guyana has been assured of a US$600 million insurance policy per oil spill event and a US$2B guarantee.
TTOilMinisterfaces publicwithauditreports –asGuyaneseremainin thedarkaftertwoaudit reportscompleted
Trinidad and Tobago Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, Stuart YoungonTuesdaypresented that country’s two latest independently conducted audits on the nation’s remaining gas resources – a starkcontrasttowhatobtains here, where Guyanese have yet to be officially updated onthefindingsoftwoaudits c o n d u c t e d o n ExxobnMobil’sexpenses.
Guyanese is also not awareofthetruequantityof its oil and gas resources, although ExxonMobil Guyanahadputtheoilfigure at 11 billion barrels in the StabroekBlockseveralyears ago.
TheTTauditsonitsgas resourceswereconductedby independent petroleum consultant DeGolyer and
MacNaughton (D&M) of Dallas, Texas, USA on behalf of the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries. This was their first time auditing the country’sgasreserves.
The last time this country’s gas audit figures were revealed was on December 14, 2021, when theresultsoftheauditforthe year ended December 31, 2020 were released. Young on Tuesday also apologised forthedelayinthereleaseof the latest audit results. “I
must take personal responsibility and apologise for the delay, as the audit results have been ready for some time, but due to my professionalcommitments,I was unable to present until today Sothatfaultismine,” Youngsaid.Youngsoughtto break down the findings of the latest audit. “When you see P1 and C1, that means what we know is there for sure, and what is under contracttobedeveloped.So, wearelookingat11.4trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas,” Youngsaid.
T&T currently utilises one tcf of gas a year, according to the latest figures, Young said, and thereforewiththe11.4tcfwe have, there are around 11 years of supply remaining. “So by projection, if you have11andahalftcf,you’re lookingatabout11(years),if we were to continue gas production on current rates 11 more years of natural gas in our domestic fields,”hesaid.
However, Young said that according to the results, the other technically recoverable quantities P2+C2 (4.9 tcf) and P3+C3 (5 tcf) provides this country with the possibility of approximately ten more yearsofpossiblegassupply
“So that’s about nine tcf
that you know exists. And what you need to do is that exploration or the appraisal wells, and then bring it to production,” Young said “So you’re looking at, when you look at those figures, approximately a potential of another ten to potentially 20 years,”hesaid.
The natural gas reserves are divided into three categories based on the certainty that the resources willbeextracted.P1andC1 are proven resources with a 90%certaintyofcommercial extraction, P2 and C2 are giventoreservesthathavea 50% certainty and possible resourcesarelabelledP3and C3 since there is a 10% chance of commercial extraction.
Young described the latest audit report as “encouraging, good news, positive.”
He said the Government was looking forward to projects such as the LoranManatee gas field, since the Manatee gas field can produceuptothreetcfofgas, while Loran can produce seven tcf. “You would see ten tcf of gas, which is actually just one tcf off of what we have in P1 and C1. So, when that Manatee gas startstocomeonstream,and eventually Loran will come onstream,youwillseethatit immediatelymovesT&Toff one field, doubling the currentamountsthatwehave in that P1, C1 category we have there right now,” he said.
Young also touched on the incentives that are open for upstreamers and said, “I amnotlooking,onbehalfof the people of T&T, to give out any more incentives.” “I think there are sufficient incentives there. But where weareworkingwithpersons is if, for example, they see a stranded amount of gas in a nearby block, etcetera, we have had instances of that, where we said we would extendyourblocktocapture thatstrandedfieldandallow it there. We are prepared to work with you on areas and aspectsofpricingandtaking risks,etcetera,”hesaid.
Co-founder and managing director of DeNovo Energy Ltd Bryan Ramsumair, who was present at the release of the audit results, said, “What is encouraging us is not only thefactthatweseeareserve replacement,buttheminister is indicating the willingness to talk to upstreamers about acreage where it is near to infrastructuretobeableto
put new terms and conditions in place ”
Ramsumair said this development is positive newsforthepeopleofT&T
Meanwhile, also speaking at the conference was Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Penelope BradshawNileswhopointed outthat: “theseauditsgivea snapshotofnationalreserves andresources;theresultsare used by the ministry to ensure that the government is strategically positioned to guide business and operational decisions ” Bradshaw-Niles reminded that since 2000 the country has annually with the e x c e p t i o n o f o n e year—consistently provided not only the stakeholders in the industry but the citizens withanannualupdateofthe country’sgasreserves.
According to the Permanent Secretary, before the engagement of independent consultants by the ministry, there were multiple reserve and resource standards done by separateoperators—asisthe case in Guyana. This, she lamented meant that aggregating volumes to produce the country’s resource figure was not an easy task and gave rise to inconsistencies.”
With the use of an external independent consultant hired by the Ministry, she said this
a l l o w e d f o r t h e
consolidation of the information, “to ensure we are comparing apples to apples, since 2000, we have produced annual reports consistently.” She did note thattheaccomplishmentwas had in large part due to cooperation of the natural gascompanieswhosupplied critical data “so the auditors candotheirjob.”
According to BradshawNiles, “the use of this standard means that the methodology and standard can be widely understood and used as a basis for
guiding development strategy, in order better understand government decisions the reports are made public ” T&T was d e s c r i b e d b y t h e programme’s moderator as having a well-developed downstream petrochemical industrybasedonnaturalgas which makes conducting regularauditsessential.
It was explained that the auditsalso“helpstoprovide security to so supply
assurances to large downstream sources users
Guyana’soilreserves Meanwhile, even as Trinidadhasconductedsuch anauditofitsgasresources, Guyanesearestillinthedark as to true figure of their oil
reserves Recently, Chairman of Wales Development Authority, AsgarAllysaidthatsome15 billion barrels of oil have already been discovered to date in the Stabroek Block.
This is despite Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo and ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) Country Manager, Alistair Routledge maintaining that thecountry’sresourceshave not significantly moved sincethelastupdatein2022 when it was at 11 billion barrels.
Ally, while representing GuyanaattheJamaicaStock Exchange Conference held back in January, had made the disclosure of an additional4billionbarrelsof oilbeingdiscovered.
“Asofthispointintime, wedon’tknowthefullextent of the oil deposits but it’s huge and I could explain whatthatmeans.It’saboutI would say they have identified at least 15 billion barrels of oil in the (Stabroek) Block. So at this point in time, I would say Exxon has identified about 25to35%ofthat,”Allywho isaneconomiststated.
Although eight new discoveriesweremadesince Guyana’s last resource update in April 2022, with one of those estimated to hold some 746 million barrels of oil, Exxon and Guyana’s Vice President havestatedthatthecountry’s estimated 11 billion barrels of recoverable resources remain with no significant improvement.
Former Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson, during a recent Alliance For Change (AFC) press conference said “something ain’t right” about the explanation provided by the Head of EMGL, Alistair Routledge and Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo that the country’s reserves have not significantly grown since April 2022, following eight newdiscoveries.
Patterson said it was unbelievablethatthreeyears ago,theStabroekBlockheld anestimated11Bbarrelsand although eight significant discoveries were announced byExxon,thenationisbeing informed that there is “no significant increase ” The politician explained, “Every
country, there is proven reserves, the benchmark is proven oil reserves, not proven oil resources I think Exxon’s Head was trying to be disingenuous andtryingtouselanguageto kerfuffle the public but you cannot.You have proven oil reserves; it is quite easy…I have seen reports from the Ministry of Natural Resources when we were there, they gave estimated reservenumbers.”
Hesaidthecompanyand government have the country updated estimated oil reserves but are deliberately keeping the country in the dark Patterson told reporters that Exxon at the behest of the government is concealing thecountry’sreserveswhich could be as much as 20B barrelsnow
Govt.clearsoilblockbid byQatarEnergy, TotalEnergies,Petronas–Min.IndartellsReuters
REUTERS – Guyana’s cabinet has approved a bid foranoffshoreoilblockbya consortium including QatarEnergy, TotalEnergies and Malaysian state-owned Petronas, Junior Minister of Public Works, Deodat Indar saidonWednesday Guyana, home of the largest oil discoveries in nearly a decade, offered 14 offshore blocks in September in its first competitive auction that attracted bids from the consortium, as well as an Exxon Mobil-led group that has been responsible for all thenation’soutputtodate.
Guyana has not yet awarded any of the blocks. Afteracceptingthebidfrom t h e Q a t a r E n e r g y, TotalEnergies and Petronas group for shallow water blockS-4,thegovernmentis negotiating terms of a production sharing agreement (PSA) with Guyana’s energy ministry, Indar said at the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston. “They applied for
their go-ahead, for their explorationactivities,”Indar told Reuters. “The cabinet has cleared it, but they are working through their PSA with the ministry of natural resources.”
Vickram Bharrat, Guyana’sministerofnatural resources, told Reuters the negotiationscoveronlynonfiscal terms Taxes and royaltiescoveredinthePSA arefixedbylaw Guyanahas said it would be open to
changing non-fiscal terms with bidders to increase investment in the country’s oilindustry
Spokespeople for TotalEnergies, QatarEnergy and Petronas did not immediately reply to requests for comment. The Exxon-led group also is in talks with the ministry over itsbidforaseparateshallow water block, S-8, Exxon Guyana Country Manager Alistair Routledge said on the sidelines of the conference. The Exxon group, which includes Hess and CNOOC Ltd , has announced discoveries of more than 11 billion barrels of recoverable oil and gas resources since 2015. It is producing about 650,000 barrelsofoilperday
PMblanksquestionson US$2BGas-to-Energy project
“Iamnotinapositionto giveanyupdatesontheGasto-Energyproject.”
This was the response provided to Kaieteur News on Thursday by Prime Minister, Brigadier Ret’d, Mark Phillips when faced with questions on the ongoingdisputebetweenthe Gas-to-Energy (GTE) contractors and the Government of Guyana (GoG).
It was reported that the two contractors CH4 and Lindsayca that were awarded the US$759M contract in December 2022 filedforadisputeresolution overadisagreementwiththe government on the delayed
project.Itwasexplainedthat while the government has accepted a three-month delay as a result of Exxon beingunabletocompletethe site preparation, the contractors have disagreed, stating that they will require more time to complete the gasplants.
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat previously directed all questions relative to the projecttothePrimeMinister
Two journalists attached to this publication had reached out to Bharrat seeking information on the US$2 billion initiative in April; however,hesaid,“PMoffice is responsible.” He also told another journalist, “It’s underPMoffice.”
During Thursday’s Sitting of the National Assembly at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, Liliendaal,Georgetown,PM Phillipswasaskedtoprovide an update on the arbitration process. He however indicated, “I am not in a position to give any updates on the Gas-to-Energy project.ThelastthingIknow isthateverythingisgoingas planned.”
Kaieteur News went further to request the total expenditure to date on the project but again the Prime Minister regurgitated the sameresponse. “Iamnotin a position to give you any updateonthecostbutwhatI can tell you is everything is going as planned and all expenditurestodatehasbeen accounted for Nothing to worryabout,”heexplained.
D u r i n g t h e Consideration of Estimates for Budget 2024 earlier this year, the PM Phillips who holds responsibility for powergenerationinGuyana was responding to Opposition Parliamentarian, David Patterson when he assured that documents relative to the gas project willbelaidintheHouse. He committed to providing the total sum expended on the project to date, including costs for the transmission
and distribution of electricity, consultancy and substations, among other costs, as well as the agreements signed for the project Several attempts made by the Opposition in Parliamenttosecurethecost and other related information on the project havebeenunsuccessful. Itwasreportedthatsince June 2022, the government signed a Heads of Agreement (HOA) with the Stabroek Co-ventures that outlines the principles and conditions for the commercial and technical arrangements of the deal. The GTE project includes a pipeline, to be built and financed by the Stabroek Blockoperator,ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), while the other two components,a300megawatt powerplantandanaturalgas liquid (NGL) facility is being constructed by the governmentofGuyana.
Minister Bharrat in a written response Patterson, inDecember2022explained that the HOA with Exxon outlines the principles and conditions for the commercial and technical aspects of the project. “Mr Speaker, the Government of Guyana has signed a Heads of Agreement (HOA) with the Stabroek Co-ventures 30th June 2022. This agreement sets out the principlesandconditionsfor the commercial and technical arrangements of the Gas-to-Energy Project,” Bharratsaid.
Patterson in his request for the information, submitted to Parliament on October18,2022,hadasked whether any agreements were signed with Esso Exploration and Production GuyanaLimited(EEPGL)in connection with the Wales project and if yes, for the MinistertosupplytheHouse with a copy of the said agreement.
However, Bharrat in his response to Patterson said, “Thereareotheragreements on supply, buyer’s a g r e e m e n t , f i e l d development, licensing conditions, onshore works, and land matters that are currently being drafted. The respective agreements and policy documents will be presentedtothisHonourable House when they have been agreed upon and executed. All agreements are being done in a timely manner to meet the Final Investment Decision which will allow fortheprojecttobe
Frompage41 completedbyourcommitted deadline of December 2024.”
Renegotiatedgas contractssaveT&Tin faceofdecliningInt’l prices–EnergyMinister
With the Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) economy heavily dependent on its hydrocarbons (oil and gas) industry, the Energy and Energy Industries Minister, Stuart R. Young, this past weekpraisedtheforesightof the administration, in renegotiating its contracts with its oil and gas producers, for which the country is now reaping majorbenefits.
This, in light of the g l o b a l d e c l i n e i n international prices paid Addressing members of the media as well as that country’s oil and gas producers, the Minister in respondingtoquestionsafter presenting the latest audits forthecountry’sgasreserves exhorted,“whatIcantellthe citizens,thatfortunatelythis government had the foresightandtheconfidence to go to our gas producers, ourmajorgasproducersand to negotiate better gas pricingforusinparticularon the LNG (Liquified Natural Gas)side.”
With the price of liquified resource as little as US$2 on the world market per cubit feet of gas, the Minister reported that coming out of the renegotiated deals with its oilandgasproducers,saying “we got a basket of prices; whatthatmeansforexample wherethepriceistwodollars for gas, we are getting four sometimes.”
C r e d i t i n g t h e renegotiated deals, Minister Young told the T&T nation “…we are getting upwards of 40 percent of world marketsprices.”
He prefaced his position bypointingoutthat,“natural gas prices are globally set prices,youhaveanumberof different indices.” To this end, he reminded was adamant “right now what you are seeing globally the trendhasbeenunfortunately alowgasprice.”
Referencing the benefits oftherenegotiatedcontracts he explained “what that means for you T&T is for example today where the (Henry Hobbs) price is two dollarsforgaswearegetting
around four dollars, sometimes upwards of that, so you are seeing on
occasions 40 percent upwards higher pricing of gas.”
What this audit does is that it shows us what our current reserve situation is; andwentontoexplainthatat present the country is confidentinsome11trillion cubic feet of associated gas, inprovenreserves.
This he said would, based on the past two year’s trend of production in that country, the reserves would allow for production in that country for just another decadeorso.
According to the energy minister, there is still potentiallyenoughmoregas that once, proven would allow for production to continue for another twenty years.
The T&T government had back in 2016 embarked
on renegotiating its agreements with the shareholders of LNG exporterAtlanticbecausethe state is getting shortchanged, energy minister Nicole Olivierre, the then EnergyMinistersaid.
“With many of our commercial pricing arrangements tied to a US destination, this country is realizing netbacks well below the actual market price applicable to the true destination of our cargoes.” Olivierresaidatthetime.
“The only conclusion that can be drawn is that the contractualarrangementsfor the marketing of LNG are not now working in the best interest of Trinidad and Tobago,”shesaid.
“Iamthereforeforcedto inquire: What has happened tothearrangementwherethe upside was to be shared 50/50 between the LNG partnersandthegovernment forcargodiversion?Isitthat the LNG partners are now diverting cargoes to the
annual revenues from its oil sector, as the ‘one-sided’oil contract gives ExxonMobil and its partners the benefit, leaving Guyana and its peopleoutoftheirfairshare ofthewealth.
The contract allows Exxon to deduct 75 percent of the resources each month tocoverexpensestodevelop oil and gas projects. The costs that are not covered each month go over to the following month. Presently, Guyana only receives a meagre two percent royalty, asagreedtointhe2016PSA. This has been described as oneofthelowestratesinthe World Royal
SouthAmerican market in a transferpricingarrangement toavoidsharingtheupside?”
To this end, she at the time announced “all LNG marketingagreementsareto be reviewed and new negotiated agreements structured to ensure that the commercial arrangements are“equitable,”shesaid.
The government´s call forrenegotiationswereatthe time made amid persistent natural gas supply curtailments that negatively impactedLNGproductionin thatcountry
Meanwhile in Guyana, despite promises of a renegotiation of the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) described by both governments’ as lopsided, the government has opted to preserve the statusquo,toinsteadoptfor bettercontractmanagement.
Criticizing this approach,athisparty’smost recent press engagement, AllianceforChangeLeader, Khemraj Ramjattan, had lamented that failure renegotiate the agreements madewiththeoilcompanies
locally, Guyana will continuetolosemorethanit isgaining.
According to Ramjattan, “It is obvious that the country is losing more and thatiswhyweindicatedthat there ought to be a renegotiationandbecauseof the conduct and utterances whilst they were in opposition that the contract is rotten, that they will renegotiateit-thatisthePPP and Jagdeo and all of themthey have now found sanctityofcontracttohaltall the nonsense that they then said.”
Guyana has been repeatedly warned by international energy institutes that the country may never see the promised
Headded,“Likewesaid, while we want investment, we want to see oil production, the interest of the people of Guyana must come first and they (government) should not be encouraginganycompanyto go above the safety limits and endanger the people of Guyana.”
M e a n w h i l e , t h e
Opposition’s spokesperson on oil and gas, Elson Low pointed out that the country is yet to be fully protected from the liabilities associated with a spill that may result from Exxon’s operations.
y commodity, paid to the owner of the resources and are free and clear from any costs whatsoever Notably, the country also does not receive taxes from Exxon anditssub-contractors.
Rampingupoil productionabovesafety limitsunderscoresneed forunlimitedparent companyguarantee–PNC/R …saysExxon endangeringGuyana
The ramping up of oil production in the Stabroek Block by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) beyond the safe operating limits outlined in the Environmental Impact
Assessments (EIAs) underscores the need for the countrytobefurnishedwith an unlimited parent company guarantee to respond to the devastation likely to be caused by a massivespill.
This is according to Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R), Aubrey Norton. The Opposition Leader during his weekly press conferenceonFridaymadeit clearthathedoesnotsupport therampupofoilproduction beyondthesafetylimits.
Inresponsetoaquestion from Kaieteur News, he explained, “We said earlier thatwearenotsupportiveof thatapproachifIrecall.
Our position is we need tobevery,verycareful,look at every project separately andtospaceitout.
There are dangers involved if you are going above the limit – that is dangers for the people of Guyanabecauseanymishap that occurs will impact the G u y a n e s e p e o p l e
being fixed for hearing on May20,2024beforeJustice Navindra Singh and the Constitutional claim fixed forhearingonJune21,2024 before acting Chief Justice RoxaneGeorge-Wiltshire. Both matters were filed onMay9,2024.
The respondents listed are Attorney General, Anil N a n d l a l l , S C ; S u p e r i n t e n d e n t , Commander of Regional Division 4C, Krishnadat Ramana; Assistant Superintendent, Mahendra Singh and the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) ShalimarAli-Hack,S.C.
To this end, he stressed, “Thisunderlinestheneedfor a full parent company guarantee as well as appropriate oil spill insurance because if a company is going beyond nameplate capacity for the vessels that are producing oil,thatraisesthequestionof additionalrisk.”
Furthermore, Low pointed out that the accelerated production activities must be closely monitored by the respective oversightagencies.
On Tuesday, Kaieteur Newsreportedthatalthough Exxon is already producing above nameplate capacity at the second Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel, LizaUnity,thecompanywill be conducting further modifications to accelerate itsdailyoilproduction.
Presently, Liza One and Liza Two are producing about 150,000 barrels per day (bpd) and 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) respectively The EIAs each specifically outline 120,000 and220,000bpd,asthesafe operating limit for Liza One and Two, respectively Similarly, the third oil project – Payara – is also producing approximately 230,000bpdeventhoughthe vessel’s nameplate capacity is220,000bpd.
FormerFinanceMinister suesStateformillions
Former Finance Minister, Winston Jordan through his lawyer, has initiated legal proceedings againstthestateinrelationto the Misconduct in Public Office charge he was prosecuted for and later freed.
Jordan is being represented by Senior Counsel, Roysdale Forde. Thelawyerfiledtwomatters with the damages claim
According to the damages claim document
Former Finance Minister, Winston Jordan
seen by this publication, Jordan is seeking over $300 million for malicious prosecutionforachargethat was read and in excess of $300 million for a charge that was intentionally and wrongfully instituted. Also, damages over $300 million for wrongly pursuing legal action and damages over $300 million for false imprisonment.
Jordan is also seeking a public apology for the malicious prosecution and falseimprisonment.
The former finance minister is also seeking exemplary, aggravated and vindicatorydamages,aswell asaninterestatarateof6% per annum from the date of filingtothedateofjudgment andthereafteratarateof4% per annum from the date of Judgmentuntilfullypaid. Accordingtothegrounds of the application, Jordan had been diagnosed as a diabetic at least 10 years earlier, and during the investigation period back in 2021, when Jordan was arrested, his condition deteriorated while in custody He was rushed to a healthcentrewhichwas
Frompage42 ill-equipped and had to be taken to a private hospital.
The former minister was prescribed sick leave and medication, and after his health condition was still deemed to be unstable, he was granted an additional sickleave.
It was further stated that Jordan was later summoned to court and on December 28, 2021, Jordan made his firstcourtappearancebefore Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan and was placed on $3 million bail. He was charged with Misconduct in PublicOfficebysellingstate property way below market value to BK Marines Limited at a price that was grosslyundervalued.
The matter was dismissed on May 16, 2023. Jordan’s lawyer contended that during the trial period, his client’s health condition persisted which resulted in receipt of medical bills, and sickleave.Itwasalsostated that Jordan had to find money to transport him to theSpecialOrganisedCrime
Unit (S.O.C.U) every last Fridayofthemonthuntilthe determination of the case in May,2023. Theeventsthatfollowed the dismissal of the case werealsolistedasaground. It was stated that the Attorney General had applied for an Order issuing aWarrantforJordan’sarrest andcommittalforthetrialto theHighCourt.
The Chief Justice later ruledthattherewasalackof evidence to support the claim as well as to have the formerministerarrestedand committedtotrial.
According to reports, a
Georgetown Magistrates’ Court for Jordan. Jordan’s lawyers contended that the prosecutionfailedtoprovea keyelementofthecharge,to show that their client was a public officer at the time. Their argument said that Jordan did not meet the criteriaofapublicofficer,as hewasappointedtoserveas a minister of the former government.
Jordan was not required to plead to the indictable charge.Hewasslappedwith a charge which alleges that while being and performing dutiesofMinisterofFinance and being the concerned Minister for the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), a company owned by the Government of Guyana, between February 26,2020andJuly31,2020at MainStreet,Georgetown,he willfully misconducted himself.
It was alleged that the former minister acted recklessly when he signed NICIL Order, No. 50 of 2020, transferring to and vesting in BK Marines Inc., Mud lots situated at North C u m m i n g s b u r g , Georgetown, being over 2 553 acres, by paying $20,260,276, for a property valued over $5B and being sold at a price that was grossly undervalued to such a degree as to amount to an abuseofthepublictrustand withoutreasonableexcuseor
justification Last May, Senior Magistrate Leron Daly up-held a no-case submission made by Jordan’s attorney and this resulted in the matter being dismissed. The magistrate said that the prosecution failed to provide sufficient evidence that Jordan was classifiedasapublicofficer Meanwhile,inrelationto the constitutional matter, J
constitutional right to protection from inhumane
treatment and or degrading treatment as guaranteed by Articles40andor141ofthe Constitution of Guyana was violated. Further, he seeks a declaration that his constitutional right to protection of freedom of movement as guaranteed by Articles40andor148ofthe Constitution of Guyana was contravenedbyhisunlawful detention by Officers of the GuyanaPoliceForce. He is also seeking damagesandanyotherorder thecourtseemsjust.
Ron was a 12-year-old boy who lives with his mother and father He was happy withhislifegoingtoschoolandplayingwith friends.Hethrewtantrumslikeanyotherkid ofhisage.Hismotherwasahomemaker She did not complain about his tantrums and consideredthemnormal.
Ronwashappyashisschoolhaddeclared holidays for five consecutive days. It was a streak of national holidays, the government announced. His father and mother were also happy After a long period, they got time to relaxandgoonavacation.
His mother and father took Ron to a nearbybeach,hadagreatdinnerinabighotel and watched a movie. Two days passed with somuchenjoymentandpeace.
Three days were left. Ron's mother decidedtocleanthehouse.Itwasagoodtime when his father could also lend a hand. She would then be able to clean the house properlywitheveryone'shelp.
She asked Ron, “Will you help with the cleaning?” Ron agreed and did his best. He dustedthefurniture,cutthegrassonthelawn, watered the plants, went shopping to buy groceries with a list his mother prepared and helpedhismothertodryclothes.
His mother was stunned to see Ron helping her so much. All the duties assigned were executed with utmost care. She was impressed that Ron was learning to be a part of the family She was happy that he was growinguptobecomeamatureperson.
Ron was scribbling on a piece of paper Hismotherfondledhishair Hehandedanote tohismother Shecouldnotlookatthenoteas shewasbusymakingfood.
When she was done, she saw the note and
was surprised. It mentioned service charges for all the work he had done. His mother thought, when did her son become so professional? It was a little depressing, and shehadtoteachhersonalesson.
Somomattachedanothernotetoherson's note.Itmentioned:
· Carrying you in my belly for nine months–nocharge
· Taking care when you are sick – no charge
· Soothing you when you are scared or annoyed–nocharge
· Praying for your health and happiness everyday–nocharge
· Takingcareofallyourneeds–nocharge
She handed the note to her son. Ron realised what a mistake he had made. He apologised to his mother immediately and huggedhertightly.
The moral of this Story of a Mother's UnconditionalLoveisyoucannotputaprice on a mother's love. It is unconditional, no matter what. She will always love her child andshowerhimwithcare.
The son realised his responsibilities toward his mom. This moral makes the readers think of the unconditional love of a motherandrealisetheirdutiestoo.
If you are looking for something sentimental to craft up for Mother's Day, this photo holder for Mom is theperfectidea! With it she can hang photosorcardswherevershe wants.
·14”widex11”high “MOM” Artminds white letters
Set of 3 metal binder photoclips
· Fine tip paint brushes in assorted sizes and shapes
Picture hanging hardware
· Green, Jade, White, Flamingopink,Pink
1. Paint the surface of the wood plaque using White. Let it dry and add an extra coat of paint if needed forbettercoverage.
2. Paint the centers of each letter “M” using Pink. Let it dry and add an extra coat of paint if needed for bettercoverage.
3. Paint the letter “O” usingJade.
4. Paint the upper half of one“M”usingGreenandthe lowerhalfinJade.
5. Paint the second “M” using Jade for the upper half and the lower half in Flamingo.
6.Dipthebackendofthe 1” paint brush in Extreme Sheen's Pink dab small circles randomly over all the paintedJadesections.
7. Once paint is dry, use wood glue to secure the
letters onto the painted plaque centering the letters on the upper half side of the plaque.
8.Center the binder clips below the letters and glue in place with a generous amount of wood glue. Let gluedrybeforeusing.
9. Lastly, attach picture hanginghardwaretotheback side of the plaque to hang on thewall.
10. Attach photos to signfordisplay
· You do not have to prime or seal the wooden letters before/after painting them.
· Allow at least a few hours after finishing your photo holder for the paint to fully dry before wrapping up orgifting.
The longer you give it to dryandset,thebetter!
I think it is only right That I must always try to be good, To say and do the correct thing, And behave as well as I could.
I will always try to be honest, In whatever I have to do, Not to take what belongs to others, And always speak what is true.
I will try to be always fair, Whenever I work or play, Always make sure I do not cheat, And do what is right in every way
Above all, I will not be selfish, Especially with those who have less them me; This will make me feel so good, As they become grateful to me.
Visualisation is the process by which we use our gift of imagination to set a solid picture of our intentions and goals in our minds. We consciously feed our brains new images to replacethosewehadbefore.
As a result the course of our thoughts and feelings change, as our subconscious mindisgiveninstructionson the goals it should be working towards. When you consciously create an image of the direction you wanttogo,ofwhatyouwant to achieve, of the people and things you want to be with, and of what you want to become, your subconscious mind will keep working automatically to make them areality
On the other hand, if you create negative images through lack of hope and faith, the result will be
negative When you visualise that good things will happen, then the result will be positive. When you constantly affirm to yourself that you will succeed in some quality or venture, a
Uncle Roy is again appealing to our readers to make a contribution to this column by either giving a feedback on what is published, asking for some help with some personal problem, offering some advice to fellow teenagers, or sharing the news of what is happening in his/her community Please send your contribution to
habit pattern will be created in your mind, and your Subconscious will receive this as an instruction, and keep on working to achieve yourintention. Affirm to yourself that you are succeeding, and it willintimebecomeareality In this effort, it will be necessary to develop a peaceful frame of mind, and
a relaxed body Try to visualiseindetailthepresent situation, then imagine the circumstances that you require. See it, feel it, experience it mentally, and you will find that doing what is necessary to achieve it will come more naturally, making y o u s u c c e s s f u l i n achievingyourgoals.
Connect these islands with bridges until each island can be reached from any other island, and each island has as many outgoing bridges as its number You may only connect islands vertically or horizontally and bridges may not cross. There may be one or two bridges connecting pairs of islands, but no more than two. Each puzzle has a unique solution that can be found withoutmakingguesses.
If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you won't; If you like to win, but don't think you can, It's almost a cinch you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you're lost, For out in the world you'll find Success begins with a fellow's will; It's all in a state of mind.
For many a game is lost, Ere even a play is run, And many a coward fails, Ere even his work is begun.
Think big and your deeds will grow, Think small and you'll fall behind; Think that you can and you will, It's all a state of mind.
If you think you are out-classed, you are, You've got to think high to rise; You've got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize.
Life battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man, But sooner or later, the man who wins Is the fellow who thinks he can.
When you make the effort to picture of what you need to fulfil your ambitions, your mind will move you forward to achieve these. you
What is negative thinking?
At its core, negative thinking refers to the often automatic and pessimistic thoughts that can creep into our minds during everyday life. These thoughts can color our experiences and mood, changing how we see the world. It's important to recognize and understand these patterns because they can play a big role in our mental health and overall happiness. It's not about never having a negative thought again—that's impossible. It's about learning to identify these thoughts and understand that they're not always the full truth. This knowledge can help you manage the thoughts that flow into (and out of) your mind.
Common negative thinking patterns can be grouped into four main categories.
1. Catastrophizing: This is when we expect the worst to happen. For example, if you make a small mistake at work, you might start thinking that you'll get fired, even when there's no real evidence for it.
2. Over generalization: This occurs when we take one negative event and believe that it's going to keep happening. If you have a bad date, you might think, "I'll never find someone who likes me," which is unlikely
3. Personalization: This is when you believe that everything others do or say is some kind of reaction to you. For instance, if a friend is short with you, you might think it's because they're mad at you, when they could just be having a bad day
4.All-or-nothing thinking: In this pattern, things are either perfect or terrible, with no middle ground. For example, if you don't meet all your goals, you might think you're a complete failure, which is not a fair or realistic way to judge yourself.
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How to challenge negative thoughts with thought reframing Thought reframing changes the lens through which you view the world. When negative thoughts fill your mind, this technique allows you to adjust your perspective and see things in a different, more positive light. There's nothing to be gained by expecting everything to be perfect—it's about finding a more balanced and realistic way to think about situations.
3 benefits of thought reframing
1. Focusing on the positives enhances your outlook: By reframing your thoughts, you start to focus on the positives rather than getting stuck on the negatives. This shift in focus can lead to a more hopeful and optimistic outlook on life.
2. Reframing your thoughts makes you more appreciative: When you replace negative thoughts into more positive ones, you naturally begin to appreciate the good things in your life more. This gratitude can make you feel happier and more content.
3. Challenging negative thoughts reduces your stress levels: Negative thinking can be a significant source of stress. By challenging these thoughts and looking at situations in a more balanced way, you can reduce stress and anxiety, leading to a calmer, more relaxed state of mind.
How to reframe negative thoughts: 10 techniques to stop negative thinking
Reframing your negative thoughts can seem challenging, but with some straightforward techniques, you can make a significant, positive change in your outlook and mental wellbeing. The goal isn't to never have negative thoughts—it's to manage them in a way that they don't overwhelm you.
1. Notice your negative thought
Pay attention to when a negative thought pops into your mind. It could be about yourself, a situation, or even about others. Recognizing these thoughts is the first step in changing them. Keep a small notebook or use a note-taking app on your phone. Whenever you notice a negative thought, jot it down. This practice helps in recognizing patterns and triggers of negative thinking.
* Noticing your thoughts starts with embracing the present moment. Join Jeff Warren in his Daily Trip meditation, Welcome to the Present, to begin to train your attention.
2. Take a break and reflect
When you identify a negative thought, take a deep breath and count to five. This brief break can stop the thought from spiraling and give you a chance to start the reframing process.
* Indulge in The Power of Reflection in this 7-minute meditation with Jay Shetty
3. Question the thought's accuracy
Write down the negative thought and then challenge it by asking questions like, “Is this thought really true?” or “Do I have evidence to support this thought?” Often, you'll find that your negative thoughts are based more on feelings than facts.
* Take a moment to connect with your body and mind in this short meditationbyCheckinginWithYourself.
Considerotherwaystoviewthesituation.Isthereamorepositiveor neutral perspective you could take? For example, if you're thinking, “I never do anything right,” you might reframe it to, “I make mistakes
Foreachnegativethoughtyouidentify,trytothinkofapositive or more realistic counterpart. This doesn't mean ignoring the problem but rather viewing it in a more balanced way If a friend hasn't replied to your text and you think, “I must have done somethingtooffendthem,”considerotherpossibilities,like“They mightbebusyordidn'tseemymessage.”
Stop the negative spiral with this guided meditation to Slow theSwirlinYourMind.
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Reflect on things you are grateful for Gratitude can shift your focusfromwhat'swrongtowhat'srightinyourlife,whichcanhelp in reframing your thoughts. Start or end your day by listing three peopleorthingsyou'rehappytohaveinyourlife.
* Start a gratitude practice with the help of Calm's 7 Days of Gratitudeandallowtheappreciationyouhaveforthethingsinyour life(bigorsmall)toflourish.
Sometimes, talking to someone else can provide a fresh perspective. Trusted friends, family, or a therapist can offer insightsthatyoumightnothaveconsidered.
* Join Tamara Levitt in this 10-minute meditation on the importance of Community, and learn why trusting others and
Maintain a daily journal. Besides noting down negative thoughts, also write the reframed positive thoughts. This exercise canprovideclarityandtrackyourprogress.Writingdownnegative thoughtsandthenreframingthemonpapercanbeahelpfulwayto trackyourthoughtsandseeyourprogressovertime.
Thoughtreframingtakespractice.Themoreyouworkonit,the more natural it will become. Over time, you'll find that you automaticallystarttothinkinmorepositiveandrealisticways.
* Set reminders throughout the day to check in with your thoughts. This regular practice helps in gradually making thought reframingahabit.
*PracticeTurningChoiceintoRoutinewiththisepisodeofthe DailyJaytohelpyoubuildthehabitofpositivethinking.
Acknowledgeyourprogress,nomatterhowsmall.Celebrating your successes can motivate you to continue practicing these techniques.You could reward yourself with something you enjoy, like a favorite movie or a relaxing activity, as a way to celebrate yourprogressinthoughtreframing.
*RecognizingyoursmallAchievementsisanessentialpart ofyoursuccessinnavigatingandovercominglargervictories.
Sometimes, despite our best efforts to manage thoughts on our own, we might need extra support, and that's okay It's completely normal and hugely beneficial to seek professionalhelpifnegativethoughtspersistandstartaffecting your daily life. Mental health professionals, like therapists or counselors, are trained to help people navigate through their thoughtsandemotionsinahealthyandeffectiveway
Lacking the requisite expertise and financial stature to tackle the cleanup of an environmental disaster caused by an overturned
learnt of the overturned marine vessel, not far off the
g hydrocarbons.
Young told reporters, “It
unfortunately the expertise that was needed to deal with this type of oil spill, a vessel that was overturned, no one knew the exact specifics of thisvessel.Weweretryingto determineitetcetera.”
To this end, he said, “We had immediately started to
international expertise to assist us.” Within two weeks of the spill, the Ministry of Energy with the approval of the Cabinet retained two internationally recognized experts in containing, cleaning up and removing these types of substances
from vessels and towage and salvage from the United States. The Energy Minister reported that the team was in the process of removing the hydrocarbons that will be taken to containers on land for transportation to be stored.
Tobago House of Assembly (THA) and the To b a g o E m e r g e n c y Management (TEMA) will be conducting the on-land oil spill cleanup of the fuel. Meanwhile,theMinistryof (Continued on page 56)
This was revealed by T&T's Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, Stuart Young, during a press conferencelastweek.
It was on February 7 this year that the twin island
b a r g e t r a n s p o r t i n g hydrocarbons, Trinidad and Tobago has successfully managed to secure the assistance of a United Kingdom(UK)basedFund.
A mother's love never dies. Even beyond the grave, her children can feel the
warmth of her hugs and can hear her laughter on dull days. It is those lively memories, fresh in the minds
of her children that keep her aliveforever,intheirhearts.
Today, as we celebrate moms, children young and old, remember the good days
spent with their mothers whentheywerealive.
The Waterfalls spoke withafewbravepersonswho toldthestoriesoftheirmoms.
Fifty-year-old Sarah Wilson of Grove, East Bank Demerara was killed in an early morning accident on her way to the Stabroek Market,inGeorgetown.
The mother of five was a
hard worker, selling vegetables to help make ends meetforherfamily
Marshelle McKenzie, the youngestchildofWilsonsaid her mother enjoyed spending timewithherfamily
“On birthdays she usually cooks something specialsoeveryonecancome
together and have fun. She would be the one making sillyjokesandhaveeveryone laughing uncontrollably,”
M c K e n z i e t o l d t h e Waterfalls.
The young lady recalled thatwhenhermotherbecame a grandmother, she was the happiestwomanandwentout of her way to show love for hersixgrandkids.
The last dish, Marshelle got to make for her mom on Mother'sDaywaspizza.
This is her first Mother's Daywithouthermom.
Thesilverlininginagrey cloud. That's how Christal Yong described her late mother, Marilyn Yong. The strong, compassionate mother of three, lost her battle to breast cancer in July 2013.“Ondayswhenshedid not have to work, she spent quality time with her children- guiding them and sharing her experiences in life,”theyoungladyrecalled.
Christal told this publication, “There are days when I was sick and she would sing melodious gospels to me, which makes me feel at peace. From the encouragement to read the Bible, and the shouts to "stop thieving sugar" she always makes a smile come out on one'sfaceinthehardestdays. She was a woman of worth andstrength.”
Barbara Bagot, a 57year-old mother of four lost her battle to cancer in February 2021 Daniele Henry, also the youngest child for Barbara told the Waterfalls that her mother wasagiver.
Barbara's favourite time of the year was Christmas. She would usually be the first in her street to decorate and loved having the entire family over on special occasions.
Shareen Allicock and her daughter, Salilia Allicock
A teary Daniele recalled, “She always went outofherwaytocareforher grandchildren.
I remember even when she was sick she would ask for her grandchildren to come over. She was always willing to help and give where necessary and this was evident even in her profession as a midwife. People came to her home anytime and she would assisthoweverpossible.”
Dropatie Ramdass during a birthday celebration with three of her children
Shareen Allicock, a mother of 10, was 56-years old when she died. Her daughter, Salilia Allicock described life without her as very difficult. “Sometimes I break down. She was everything to me and she will always be the light in my life. She was the most beautiful woman I ever know. She had a heart of gold, but life was not so good to her; it take her away too early I wish every day that she could still be
An old woman with a young heart; always ready for a new adventure until sickness got the best of her These are the words that best describe Dropatie Ramdass, an 82-year-old who died in July 2023 Dropatiehadsixchildrenand enjoyed spending time with herfriendsandfamily
Anita Singh, the youngest child of Dropatie
Sheila Baptist shares a moment with her four children
told the Waterfalls that her mom was a great cook. She remembers her mother relishinginsharingstoriesof her younger days, growing up in the countryside, catching fish, and enjoying largecupsofcow'smilk.
“My mother liked cleaning and she loved to gyaffwithusandherfriends. Our conversations would go on for hours if I had the time onmostdays,”Anitasaid.
around,” the young lady sobbed. She recalled that she used to text her mom daily and interact on video calls where her mom would remind her daily how much shelovedher.
Salilia recalled that on Mother's Day their home was filled with the warmth of family gathered for a home-cookeddinner.“Mom was the glue that held us together, with her love and faith binding us all,” she said.
Sheila Baptist was 54 yearsoldwhenshediedinan accident in 1999. Though this was some 25 years ago, James Baptist, the youngest of her four children, remembers that his mother wasagreatcook “Shelovedto cook at home and spend time withus Sheusedtoliketaking usoutonspecialholidayslike Easter and Mashramani. I
miss everything about my mom. I was in fourth form when she died. She used to pick us up from school. I believe she really enjoyed spending time with us and spent more time with us than our father She was like our best friend I wish I could go back in time and spend more time with her Her death was sosudden,”Jamessaid.
In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our Publisher, Dr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about ongoing indecencies in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.
management, corruption, blankness has been the and callous. Leave it up to infrastructure development, constantreminderaboutnew Priya she might soon ask and socio-economic reserves This provides students to write essays on hardships This failure confirmation on the chronic how good ExxonMobil is showcased the party’s secrets that have plagued the and how Jagdeo is the best descent into political oil secto
m the thingafterslicedbread.
MONDAY TUESDAY weekend’s confab- which irrelevance. It exposed the beginning, thanks to the
– MAY 06, 2024 – MAY 07, 2024 was held at the expense of leadership’s allegiance to machinations and moves of SATURDAY Whosoever will Congress and Kangalangs taxpayers, what really was self-preservationoverpublic BharratJagdeo. – MAY 11, 2024 can be elected Now that a certain achieved? We guess only service. (Peeping Tom May Gutter press conference - even rape accused politicalparty’scongresshas timewilltell. 7,2024)
FRIDAY – MAY 10, 2024 F
We had made some ended, we must ask
Priya profiting President, Bharrat Jagdeo predictions about the just ourselves what are the major
THURSDAY off the poor press gatherings can no concluded congress of a takeaways?
– MAY 08, 2024 – MAY 09, 2024 T h e M i n i s t r y o f longer be described as press particularpoliticalparty Imagine the party in Far from reality Oil reserves blackout Education was forced to conferences No selfWe did not see coming, government for two days The just concluded PPP
On Tuesday, the energy withdrawtheoffensiveessay respecting Guyanese, no theelectionofarapeaccused held their big meeting and congress was characterised minister of Trinidad and competition on the taxpayer- principled citizen, would to that party’s August- the biggest news coming out by a glaring disconnect from Tobago held a public forum funded school breakfast declare these as meeting C e n t r a l E x e c u t i v e of it was that a former rape the realities facing Guyana to update the nation about programme. It was one of with the press and sharing Committee. accused was reelected to the anditspeople. that country’s gas reserves. those very cheap, lowlife wi
What we also did not Central Committee, The leadership of the This was done after an audit politicalgimmickfromPriya dissemination with the rest predict was that the rape collecting more votes than party could not have been was conducted. In Guyana, Manickchand who was ofGuyana. accused would get more theseasonedandupright. happier because the thepublicgetstoknowabout hoping to profit politically We at this paper identify v o t e s t h a n s e v e r a l The other things we conclusion of the congress the findings of an audit from an activity that cater to the Bharrat Jagdeo press government ministers; a reported on were expected s
e d t h e i r through a leak to the media. theneedsofpoorpeople. conferences for what they former President and the outcomes. President Irfaan stranglehold on the party, Thenmonths,afterthereport F a c e b o o k l i t u p have degraded to: press attorney general- the keeper Ali was expected to get the freefromanydissentorsigns is published on a website Wednesday evening on obscenities, press wars and ofthelaw most votes followed by of dissatisfaction from the withlittletraffic. seeingtheflyer Beforenoon presscussdowns. We had said that the Jagdeo - Ralph Ramkarran membership. Nothing in Guyana is Thursday, without even They are virtual crimes congresswasafarceandthat saiditinhisSundaycolumn. The party’s delegates doneofficially;everythingis apologising to the nation for against the independent it was about one man The ditching of Marxism, squandered an opportunity a secret The latest that the political nastiness she media establishment in cementing his stranglehold Leninism and socialism to address more seriously Guyanese grapple with is was attempting, the ministry Guyana. onthepartyofCheddiJagan. philosophies from that and substantively critical that ExxonMobil has issued a long statement It is now a standing It ended up being about that party’s constitution challenges facing the nation a n n o u n c e d e i g h t extolling the virtues of the repugnance that this is what same man and another happened since Cheddi and the Guyanese people. discoveries, but not a scrap breakfast programme, while thisformerheadofstatenow accused of raping and Jagan died. The congress The congress failed to of information about how a t t h e s a m e t i m e presides over shamelessly sodomising an Amerindian merely made it official. So engage seriously with issues manybarrelsofoilhavebeen w i t h d r a w i n g t h e and without batting an girl. when we summarised the such as oil wealth found. Two years of competition. So insensitive eyelid.
One day after two U.S. fighter Agreement signed between the two Eteringbang, a Region Seven territory jets flew over Guyana; Venezuela’s countries in St Vincent and the village that shares a border with Larez called the Bridge a Strategic Operational Commander Grenadineslatelastyear Venezuela’sSanMartin. “campaign bridge” and said, of its National Armed Forces However, on Friday, Larez said The bridge connects Venezuela “Engineers of the territorial (FANB), Major General Domingo that Venezuela will make the link with the Island of Ankoko in the defensive system complied Hernández Larez announced his w i t h G u y a n a t h r o u g h Cuyuni River Larez even posted crossing the Cuyuni River through country is seeking to link the “Interconnection tracks” videosonhisTwitteraccount(Now the campaign bridge to bring Essequibo via infrastructural According to the Major General, X) of a commissioning ceremony harmony and progress to our projects. his government has already of the bridge. Army tanks and territory of the Guyana Essequibo
Venezuela’s Strategic Operational Commander of the its National Armed forces (FANB), Mayor General Domingo Hernández Larez
The Two U.S. Navy aircraft commenced this process of military equipment were seen State”. made a flyover Guyana’s coast on connecting Venezuela with the crossing over the bridge to the Hethenadded,“Machinerywill Thursday in an exercise deemed by Essequibo by building a bridge island,anindicationthatVenezuela pass, we will build schools, Venezuela as an act of provocation across the Cuyuni River - a River is moving troops and military universities, health centers, supply commerceandmanyother and violation of the Argyle that separates Guyana’s equipment closer to Guyana’s centers, interconnection tracks, (Continued on page 57)
Forty-five healthcare Research to enhance their The training programme by the Ministry of sessions began on May 10 course offers opportunities professions from across the skills to effectively tackle is being done through a Commerce of the People’s and will conclude on May for exchange between China country have started a chronic illnesses, the partnership between the RepublicofChina. 31,2024. andGuyana. training programme in M
d Minister of Health, Dr “This interchange of our Tropical Chronic Disease announcedonFriday University and is sponsored approach, the training Frank Anthony said that the Chinese experts working withthelocalcounterpartsin Guyana will offer the opportunity for us to exchange what we do, how we have been doing it, and learn from the Chinese experts how we can do some of these things better,” MinistryAnthonyrelated.
According to the minister, China is at the forefront of medicine, with some of its research being among the world’s best. “So what we are looking for is that transfer of knowledge and technology so that we can upgrade our people while ensuring that we develop new techniques on howtomanage,”hesaid.
During his remarks also, the minister announced that the ministry has began sending doctors for shortterm postgraduate training opportunities in China. The minister also encouraged the healthcare providers to seize the world-class opportunity theyarereceiving.
Meanwhile, Chinese Ambassador to Guyana Guo Haiyan thanked the Minister and the Southern University
Aunt Milly at her birthday celebration this year
ByAnasa Williams husbandpassedon.
She fondly recalled that she has missed a day of selling at the St. Stephen’s Primary school, and was approached by a teacher who enquired, “Milly, where have you been? I didn’t see you, is it because of the rain? You should have come!” That was the kind of relationship between the teachers and students of the school and a humble and friendly lady who is fondlyknownas“AuntieMilly.”
“The teachers and students
However, she was encouraged and faithfulGod.” were nice. After a time, I had to continuously supported by her It was in 1998 she visited and makeaseparatebowlofchannaand predecessor subsequently became a member of cassava pone for them as they used
This,coupledwithherfaith,has DHM: “It was at Dominion to complain when my things were helped her to enjoy serving. In fact, Household Ministries (DHM)
sold before they arrived,” she she said one of her favourite bible where I’ve developed more fondlyreminiscedwithachuckle. verses is Psalm 121 and felt it was understanding and gain clarity
However, as much as she God speaking directly to her in about the teachings of the Bible. I enjoyed the experience, she many circumstances: “Many times really experienced God’s power, stopped vending at the request of when something is worrying me, I love , and presence and had the one of her daughters who, by that pray or reach out to my pastor ability to freely express through time, had become professionally WhenIwascalledtofunctionatthe worship.” independent. Convention, I used to cry out to When asked about her most
This led her into the most God and he did answer me treasured memories, she said rewarding aspect of her life –
Sometimes I have a programme to motherhood and her years of discovering and living her
Her two daughters became do, I would get help. Sometimes service in the church including Christian faith: “Growing up, I Millicent Mary Frank was born educators; one a former even during sleep, a Word participating in the first Christian believeintheexistenceofGodbutI on May 11, 1924, at Lot 103 Headteacher and the other, a (scripture) comes, or it comes medium-costumed band with didn’t know him personally I used Leopold Street, Werk-en-Rust, professor and her son who resides through somebody else. He is a DHMin2000. to listen to the radio programme Georgetown to a Guyanese father inLinden.Herfirstmarriagewasto
The resilient elder said she “Christ Is The Answer” Henry Lyken and a Surinamese aman17yearsherseniorandwasa would like to be remembered “Someone had a radio and I motherJosephineScooner Shewas result of her honouring her as a woman of faith who usedtostandupandlistentothe one of two children to her parents, grandmother’s wishes. After the inspired people to live a holy programme and that was the having a brotherAlfred Lyken.The first marriage dissolved, her lifepleasingtoGod:“Wehave first time I heard about being family lived with her grandmother, grandmother took the lead to toacknowledgethereisaGod. saved. I went to the Central TheresaChapman. financially take care of her and the We must pray for each other Baptist Church on Brickdam
The story of this resourceful children. and pray for the country We where I learned more about woman, who always wanted to Throughout her life, from the must also pray for the people this.” become a teacher, began in the teenaged phase into adulthood she watching over the borders to It was this journey which house she still calls home for 100 wasdeterminedtobeindependent. enable them to know that it’s ledhertobebaptisedin1978at years. She told the Waterfalls, “I’ve Godwatchingwiththem.” the Central Baptist Church She attended St Mary’s never worked with a soul. I always
While she never thought where she was a member for a Primary before having to abruptly wanted to work but...never worked she would have lived to be a number of years; realized her and reluctantly leave school in 6th until my children were teenagers century, when asked if she dream of becoming a teacher, standard or what is now known as andIrealizeIneededhelpalthough would have lived differently albiet, a Sunday School teacher Grade Six due to two main factors: Ihadmyhusband.” hadsheknownshewouldhave andachoirmember her grandmother being unable to It was during her second had longevity of life, she said:
As a result, Auntie Milly afford a literature textbook marriage she ventured into school “I don’t think so. The way I travelled to Canada, Korea and requested by the school and the vending and quickly developed grew up, I had inside of me a theUSAandcatapultedtoserve influence of a male family friend long-lasting relationships with the wanting to know God. My in multi
who felt it was a waste of time to teachers and students of the school daughter was the first who positions. educategirls. who enjoyed the goodies she brought salvation (to the
“Godreallyusedmethere.I Disappointed but not deterred, preparedwithlove. home); she had invited me to was pushed to various offices... during her teenage life, she She explained that, “ In those church. When God was ready I started teaching Sunday developed skills in sewing, days,he(myhusband)workedwith forme,heopenedmyeyes...” School and later became the gardeningandcooking. Bookers and earned nine dollars a The grandmother of two – President of the Women’s In fact, she loves plants and week and that nine dollars was DawnandKeithBernard–has group and after that, as years cooking and, arguably, makes the sufficient to buy food but not extra words of wisdom for this went by, they called me in the best ginger beer, a skill she learned things, so I decided to help by generation: “Seek ye first the Convention. The Convention fromhergrandmother approaching the minister of St. Kingdom of God and his was where you represented all Aunty Milly has been married Stephen’s Church to sell in the righteousness and everything the women groups of the twice; the first at 18 years old to school compound. That was all the will be added to you. Be church,”sheexplained. Gladston Wood, which lasted work I did; I sold for a couple of patient and pray even while
T h e s o f t - s p o k e n approximately four years and yearswell;nearly10years.” you’re waiting. Be obedient to
Centenariansaidshewashappy produced three children – Angela Amongst the homemade items the Word and don’t be and overwhelmed to become a Wood, Winston Wood and Anita shesoldwerechanna,cassavapone
God Sunday school teacher She felt Wood – while her second marriage and fruits including the popular wantsallhischildrentohavea overwhelmed because she was lasted over 10 years until her snack,slicedmangoeswithsaltand richrelationshipwithhim.” not trained as a teacher.
The Caribbean examiners will be marking sheets are undergoing Examinations s a m p l e s c r i p t s a n d evaluation and marking in
Council (CXC) discussing to ensure all Barbados.”
h a s s t a r t e d t h e plausible responses are Dr Manning made a standardization process for included in the mark scheme courtesy call on Minister of marking the National Grade in order to guarantee that E d u c a t i o n P r i y a Six Assessment (NGSA) each child is given the best Manickchand on Friday The 2024 scripts, the Ministry of possible opportunity to be minister was accompanied Education announced on m a r k e d f a i r l y a n d by Chief Education Officer, Saturday accurately.” Saddam Hussain along with
According to the The marking process Assistant Chief Education Ministry, the Director of continues into the new week Officer and Superintendent Operations at CXC Dr and Dr Manning stressed on of Exams and Local Nicole Manning and her t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f RegistrarSaudaKadir team began the process.This standardization, as this “ T h i s y e a r , follows other processes such process eliminates any approximately 15,300 Grade asbatchingwhichstartedlast possible subjectivity and Six students from across week. other hazards and gives Guyana participated in the “The standardization reassurance that all markers NGSA. This is a placement process that is led by Dr. are marking at the same exam which will determine Manning, along with Chiefs, level. their placement in secondary
Assistant Chiefs and On Friday, the ministry schools throughout the Examiners (Table Lead) and announced that Dr Manning country. The CXC team will markers is a thorough part of and her team are in Guyana be in Guyana for a few the marking process,” the “toassessandmarkthePaper months until the entire MinistryofEducationsaid. Two sections of the National marking process, including The Ministry explained Grade Six Assessment 2024 the review period, is t h a t , “ D u r i n g t h e examination papers The completed,” the Ministry standardization process, the multiple-choice answer said.
Director of Operations at the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Dr. Nicole Manning during the standardization process.
Heavy rainfall across Notable, the CDC reported Village is flooded due to Region Nine has resulted in that a portion of the road heavy rainfall.Additionally, severalvillagesintheUpper between Toka and Massara theRupununiRivercrossing Takutu-Upper Essequibo has been eroded due to flash at Katoonarib is not Region being severely floods while the Yakarinta accessible due to the fact affectedbyfloods. Bridge is covered by water that sections of both The Civil Defence Further, the Aranaputa approaches to the bridge are Commission (CDC) related Valley is flooded in the low flooded. in a report that the affected sectionswhilethemainroad As a result, persons villages include, Toka, is completely cut off and living in the Upper TakutuMassara, Yakarinta, commuters are unable to Upper Essequibo and those Arannaputa Valley, traverse between Annai and who intend to travel there Karasabi, Tiger Pond, Sand Lethem. The CDC noted are advised to comply with Creek, Karaudaranu and that Karasabai Village is the following safety tips: Katoonarib. inaccessiblebylandbecause Use protective rain gear and It is reported that those of high water levels in the stay away from flooded villages continue to be Yurora Creek due to areas; Pay attention to flooded at various levels. flooding caused by heavy w e a t h e r a n d f l o o d Additionally, the country’s rainfall. advisories, and operate with Hydromet Service disclosed Furthermore, the CDC caution; Store potable water that, “The La Nina (rainy) disclosed that the road at for drinking and everyday season has officially begun. Tiger Pond has eroded in use in a safe and sealed As such, several locations many sections and is container and maintain countrywide have been impassible Sand Creek communication with family impacted by the rains and cannot be accessed by and friends to share updates temporary flooding ” vehicles and Karaudaranu astheyoccur
Wi t h a n
estimated figureof$226 million set to build a secondaryschoolinMonkey
Mountain, Region Eight, two consultancy firms have now bid to oversee the constructionofthebuilding. This was revealed by the
Belowarethecompaniesandtheirbids: MinistryofEducationDesign&Estimated CostandSupervisionServicesfortheConstruction ofBuildingMonkeyMountainSecondarySchool.
Design&EstimatedCostandSupervisionServices fortheConstructionofBuildingPhilippiSecondarySchool.
Design&EstimatedCostandSupervision ServicesfortheConstructionof BuildingMicobieSecondarySchool.
RehabilitationofHomeEconomics Laboratory#2PresidentCollege.
National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) which disclosed the firms are Structural Engineering&DesignServices
Notably, the two firms havealsobidtosupervisethe construction of the Philippi and Micobie secondary
RehabilitationofElectricalInfrastructure -NorthGeorgetownSecondarySchool.
schools Theseareallprojects being undertaken by the MinistryofEducation K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that these
projects will all be funded from the $74 4billion budgetary allocation that was approved this year for theMinistryofEducation.
ConstructionofAuditoriumBlock TucvilleSecondarySchool.
Porter needed for truck. For more information Call: 6611000.
Wanted: Skilled Masons, Carpenters and Labourers to work in Linden. Call: 6029469, 660-6385 or 625-7642.
Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.
One Puri/ Roti Maker and Kitchen assistant needed at Robbies Snackette. Call: 648-8279/ 231-6591.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
Workers needed to work on Cash Crop Farm, $6500 per day. Call: 679-7552.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Vehicle for sale 1-Modlem Truck $2.5 Million. Contact: 650-0402 / 652-0251.
Two SUV Lexus for sale @ 8.9 mil each. Call: 650-0402/ 652-0251.
One 6076 John Deere 6 cylinder engine. Interested persons an make contact 7014000. Monday-Friday 8 am4 pm.
2 SUV Lexus for sale. Contact: 650-0402 / 652-0251.
Prime business spot 1/2
Acres land located at Parika E.B.E.Contact : 650-0402/ 652-0251.
Experienced Salesperson, knowledge in writing bills, stocktaking, cashing & 1 General Domestic. Apply at Keyfood Mc. Doom Village next to the Post Office.
Hiring spray Painter, Joiner & Carpenters, experience would be an asset, Interested persons can Call: 667-0859.
Vacancy for professional or trainee Welder. For more information Call: 698-1267/ 657-9121.
1 Office Assistant, must have atleast maths and english. Ages 20-35 years. Email CV:, Call: 613-0855.
Canter Driver needed. Ages 30 years & older. Must have atleast 5 experience. Email CV:, Call: 613-0855.
Skilled Labourers needed for road construction. Ages 20 years & older. Email CV:, Call: 613-0855.
Male Engineer & Project Supervisor at road and building construction. Must have atleast 5 years experience. Email CV: rbinvestmentinc, Call: 613-0855.
Vacancies Exist for Carpenter, Mason, Labourer, and Security Guard at Happy Acres, ECD. Call or WhatsApp Saoud Osman: 643-9861 / 611-6151.
Room Attendant, Receptionist, Deskstaff, Supervisor needed at 233, South Road Lacytown. Call: 225-0198.
Live-in housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virginia, USA. Free room & boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.
Female to operate a Lotto Machine. Contact: 658-0413.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. For more information Call: 615-9132.
Male Cleaner needed for Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443/ 615-9132.
Frpm page 49
Energy and Energy Industries is working with the experts to focus on the vessel and the removal of the leaked substances. Young said he expects the process to be completed by the end of this month.
According to him, “What I can say is that the cost that we have estimated at this stage from the central government side and certainly what we have been managing at the Ministry of Energy along with Heritage and other service providers…we can be looking at anywhere from US$14M to US$20M. That’s our best es-
One, two and three bedroom furnished & unfurnished Apt in Diamond, Providence New Road Vreed-en-Hoop. Call: 216-2299/ 604-6664.
Place to rent at Vreed-enhoop junction for Lessons, Church, Office, Storage Bond, other. Call: 603-6400.
4 bedroom, fully furnished apartment at 21 Seafort street, Campbellville. For more information call: 6215140.
Affordable self-contained rooms in Prashad Nagar. Call 227-2993/ 629-2424.
Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 654-9711.
For low cost repairs for AC units, refridgerators, freezers, gas stoves, washing machine, dryers, etc. Call: 629-4946, 225-4822.
timate at this stage.”
Young was keen to note that the THA too have been incurring certain costs that will be the responsibility of central government which will be assessed.
Good news
In relating the good news to islanders of the Republican state, Young revealed that in 2001, T&T signed onto the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (1992), as well as the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage (1992).
The Minister explained that these bodies take responsibility where the owners of vessels who are liable, don’t have sufficient insurance or coverage. They can apply for coverage to handle the “reasonable costs of oil spill cleanup”.
After becoming a member of these bodies, Trinidad, like other signatories, contributed to the Funds; however in 2018, after the shutdown of the PetroTrin Refinery, Trinidad restructured the facility and was no longer making contributions to the bodies.
The Minister explained, “Fortunately we joined these bodies in 2001, we made all of our contributions which were
monetary contributions on an annual basis up to 2018. Since 2018 to now we continued to fulfill all of our obligations in terms of reporting on an annual basis, the types of activities taking place in Trinidad and Tobago.”
Trinidad therefore capitalized on the possibility of accessing assistance from the Fund “immediately” after it learnt of the spill.
“So immediately the Ministry of Energy in February identified that there may be a possibility for Trinidad and Tobago to access the benefit of this fund which is basically like an insurance or fund that would pay for the reasonable costs of an oil spill and we immediately reached out to them in a number of weekswithin a two-week period of the oil spill taking place we had filed with them the documentation to say that there may be a possibility of us claiming from this fund,” the Minister said.
A delegation led by the Minister of Energy in Trinidad then went to London where a presentation was made to the IOPC. Following submissions on April 24, 2024 to the Board, and a subsequent appearance before the Board on April 29, 2024 Trinidad’s request for cleanup assistance was approved.
According to the Minis-
ter, “The news is that we have succeeded in persuading the executive committee that for the Tobago oil spill incident all reasonable claims that are made will be compensated by this fund.”
Guyana’s oil spill preparedness
The recent incident in Tobago has sparked concern locally about Guyana’s preparedness to respond to such an event.
While it is estimated that some 35,000 barrels of fuel leaked into the blue waters of Tobago due to the capsized vessel, Guyana has ramped up its daily oil production to approximately 645,000 barrels of per day.
Not only that but the country does not have an unlimited parent company guarantee to protect itself and Caribbean neighbours that could be hit by a massive spill that occurs from ExxonMobil’s operations.
Guyana has only managed to put in place a US$600M oil spill insurance coverage per event and a US$2B guarantee from the operator.
The country’s politicians have instead decided to craft an Oil Spill Legislation that should be tabled in the National Assembly soon to govern the transportation of hydrocarbons.
From page 33 out that good but I’m happy that she kept at it and now she is seeing the reward of not giving up!” the doting mom noted.
Meanwhile, Art teacher at Arnold Elementary School, Maggie Merow explained that “Elle was chosen due to the quality of her work. She completed the project and was able to achieve all of the requirements of the project with her work looking neat and having the desired optical illusion effect...”
She noted that the art ex-
hibit is one to demonstrate the works that show off the art programs at each school in the county.
Miss Merow said that “Elle was one of the students whose work and dedication to art would best acknowledge what we at Arnold want all students to gain from the art program.”
According to Anne Arundel County Public Schools website, the Visual Arts Program provides a curriculum to challenge students to think about and respond to them-
selves and their world of experiences in creative and innovative ways.
In addition to having the work of young artists was placed on exhibit, their drawings are also featured on Artsonia giftshop, a website where visual art images are chosen to create personalized gift items such as tshirts, coffee mugs, tumblers, ornaments and other keepsakes etc. The items are available for purchase and the proceeds go to the school to help with the development of other young upcoming artists.
From page 32 May 19th at 11 am sharp to celebrate, brunch, and network. Legacy
Throughout its journey, Dolphin noted that Glo-See Marketing and PR has weathered storms, including the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, through it all, the agency has remained steadfast in its com-
& Parika, Plantation
Call: 653-2477.
mitment to innovation, offering diverse business solutions and personalized customer care that sets it apart in the industry.
With anticipation building for this year’s Glo-See Networking Brunch, has extended an invitation to businesses for a day of celebration, connection, and growth.
Dolphin noted “Whether
you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or someone seeking new avenues for personal and professional development, the Glo-See Networking Brunch promises to be an event like no other”.
For more information and to secure your spot, contact us at 592-649-6100 or email See you on May 19th, 2024
Screen grabs from the video.
A man was caught on camera stealing a bottle of rum from a supermarket shelf, then calmly exiting afteremergingfromanaisle.
In footage from the CCTVcameracirculatingon social media, the man was seen standing in front of the shelf, which was directly in front of the camera, looking atthedisplayofrun,withhis phonetohisear
At numerous intervals themanpausedtolookathis surroundings and the personswhoweretraversing thesupermarket
Ayoung lady and a man whoappearedtobeaporter, since he was pushing a cart full of boxes passed by and thethiefpausedhisadvances towards the shelf to look at
Hewascladinabluehat, purple t-shirt, blue cut-off jeans and a grey cross body bag.
them As the amount of patrons in the supermarket increased, the man saw the perfect opportunity to take the rum out of its case and disappeareddowntheaisle.
A few moments later he reemerged with just his phone in his hand and his bag.Therewasnosignofthe rum.
The man then headed to the door and quickly exited thesupermarket.
MIAMI (CMC) – The United States Coast Guard on Friday said the crew of US Coast Guard Cutter Mohawk offloaded more than 13,803 pounds of cocaineand3,736poundsof marijuana, seized in the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean in Port Everglades, Florida.
The combined street valueoftheillegaldrugshas an estimated street value of US$185 million (J$28 9 billion).
TheUSCoastGuardsaid crews, working alongside i n t e r a g e n c y a n d international partners, interdicted the illegal drugs duringsixseparatecases.
“Our offload today represents the combined efforts of US and allied
Drugs with a combined estimated street value of US$185 million seized by US Coast Guard. (Photo: CMC)
military units from a Caribbean coalition of partnersworkingtogetherto deny drug trafficking organisations access to maritimesmugglingroutes,” said Commander David Ratner, commanding officer of the US Coast Guard CutterMohawk.
“I am especially proud of the hard work of the Mohawk crew and grateful for the opportunity to operate with interagency and NATO partners in support of our national security,”headded Along with the illicit narcotics, the Coast Guard s
apprehended and will face prosecution in federal
The stolen items that were recovered
The US Coast Guard said the offload included contrabandseizedbyCoast Guard law enforcement detachments deployed aboard HMS T
nt, HNLMS Groningen and USS Leyte Gulf, whose crew intercepted a selfp r o p e l l e d s e m isubmersible vessel in March
“The fight against transnational criminal organisations requires a unity of effort in all phases,
ction and monitoring to interdiction and apprehension, through to criminal prosecutions by international partners and US Attorneys’ Offices in districts across the nation,” theUSCoastGuardsaid.
A thief, who was in the process of making good his escape, after stealing a bicycleandotheritemsfrom an Eccles, West Bank Demerara (WBD) bond droppedthestolenitemsand ranwhenhenoticedapolice patrol van early Saturday morning. According to police, the incident occurred at 03:30hrs.
“When the suspect noticedapolicepatrolinthe area, he dropped everything and fled on foot, heading west on Falcon Drive,” the policereportstated. Following the thief's suspicious move, the police gave chase but eventually lost sight of the suspect. Upon further investigation, the police discovered a stolen bicycle and other itemsconcealedinabag.
Frompage51 productive projects in favour of our fellow Essequibans”.
Should Venezuela continue with its plan to connectwiththeEssequibo, themovewouldbeabreach ofInternationalLaw Kaieteur News has made several attempts to contactPresidentIrfaanAli, Foreign Secretary, Robert Persaud and the country’s Advisor on Borders Carl Greenidgeonthematterbut all calls were unanswered. Messages were also sent to the authorities but up to press time no response was received.
The Guyana Venezuela border controversy case is currently before the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Last year, the Court ordered Venezuela not to take any action that would alter Guyana’s control over its Essequibo region.
Guyana’s Essequibo region as its own despite its initial acceptance of the 1899 Arbitral Award that gives Guyana control of the Essequibo.
The case finds its genesis in Venezuela’s challenge to the validity of the 1899 Arbitral Award of theboundariesthatseparate thetwocountries.
After years of fruitless med
ion, the two countries were sent to the world court through the United Nation’s (UN) peacekeeping process to settle the controversy once andforall.
Nonetheless, Venezuela has continued to show aggression and take action that has the potential to threatenregionalpeace.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro had deployed troops to the country’s borders with
Guyana and launched a campaigntoillegallyannex the Essequibo region Despite concerns that his move was a direct threat to peaceintheregion,Maduro continuedhisaggressionby saying that his military exercise was targeting illegal mining in Venezuelanterritories.
Not long after, the Venezuelanleadermovedto unlawfully declare Essequibo as a state of Venezuela.
Itsparkedmajortension in the Region and led to Prime Minister of St VincentandtheGrenadines organizing a peace talk between Maduro and PresidentIrfaanAli.
The talks were held at the Argyle International Airport on the island of St. VincentandtheGrenadines and resulted in the December 14, 2023Argyle Declaration signed by the twocountries.
Aljazeera - The Israeli military has ordered residents in more areas of eastern and central Rafah to evacuate as it expands its o f f e n s i v e i n t h e southernmost corner of the Gaza Strip, again displacing tens of thousands of Palestinians.
An estimated 150,000 Palestinians,manydisplaced multiple times, have now fled Rafah, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)saidonSaturday Israelputthatfigureatabout 300,000.
Reporting from Deir elBalah in central Gaza, Al Jazeera’sTareqAbuAzzoum said: “Israeli authorities dropped leaflets and made phone calls for more evacuation orders. They are now ordering people to flee from central areas of Rafah, notonlytheeasternportions, where battles are now raging.”
Earlier on Saturday evacuation orders were issued for Shaboura and the vicinity of the Kuwait Specialty Hospital, Abu Azzoum said, adding that “people are told to flee because these areas will in thefuturebecomeamilitary operationzonefortheIsraeli
Doctor pleads for protection as forced evacuation order is widened to include Rafah’s Kuwaiti Hospital.
army. The situation is completelydire”.
Saheb al-Hams, a hospital director in Rafah, confirmedthattheexpanded evacuation order included the Kuwaiti Hospital in Rafah city where countless numbers of patients and injured people are being treated. “There is no other placeforpatientsandinjured people to go to but this hospital,” al-Hams said in a video message obtained by AlJazeera,ashepleadedfor
“immediate international protection”forthefacility
Earlier on Saturday, the Israeli army said in a s t a t e m e n t t h a t
“approximately 300,000 Gazans”hadmovedfromthe eastern part of Rafah to alMawasi since the order was issuedonMonday. Israel claims al-Mawasi, onGaza’swesterncoast,isa “safe humanitarian zone”. Buthumanitariangroupsand displaced Palestinians say tens of thousands of people
are crammed into the area, and are facing severe food and water shortages, as well asperiodicbombardments.
“Theytoldustheseareas are not threatened and is safe. But it turned out that this area is dangerous,” Ahmad Abu Nahil, a displacedGazaresident,told AlJazeeraashisfamilyfled Rafah Raed al-Fayomi, another displaced resident, also described the situation asverydangerous.
“We couldn’t sleep at
nightbecauseoftheartillery shellingandtherockets.The condition is very difficult andfoodisscarce.”
Georgios Petropoulos, an official with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Rafah, told The Associated Press news agency that humanitarian workers had no supplies to help them set up in new locations and accommodate thetensofthousandsofnew peoplefromRafah.
“We simply have no tents, we have no blankets, no bedding, none of the items that you would expect a population on the move to be able to get from the humanitarian system,” he said. The Israeli army has claimed what it called a “temporaryevacuation”was being communicated to people through leaflets, mobiletextmessages,phone calls and broadcasts in Arabic.Butitisunclearhow many people received the order.The military initially ordered the evacuation of easternRafahonMondayas it seized control of the crossing with the Egyptian border before its longthreatened ground assault in the city where about 1.4 million displaced people weresheltering. Israelitankscapturedthe main road dividing Rafah’s easternandwesternsections on Friday, effectively encirclingtheeasternsideof the city. Gaza’s Ministry of HealthsaidonSaturdaythat at least 34,971 people have been killed and 78,641 woundedinIsraeliattackson Gaza since October 7. The revised death toll in Israel from Hamas’s October 7 attacks stands at 1,139 with dozens of people still held captive.
CNN - Flash flooding that has ravaged northern Afghanistan in recent days has killed at least 200 people, UN agency the International Organization for Migration (IOM) told CNNSaturday
The northern provinces of Badakhshan, Ghor, Baghlan, and Herat have all experiencedheavyflooding, which has also damaged nearly2,000homes,anIOM communicationsofficersaid in a statement, citing the Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority The IOM, who is providing emergency aid on the ground, said it expects thedeathtolltorise.
“Theselatestfloodshave causedamajorhumanitarian emergency in Afghanistan, which is still reeling from a string of earthquakes at the beginningofthisyearaswell as severe flooding in March, ” said IRC’s AfghanistanDirector,Salma BenAissa.
“Communities have lost entire families, while livelihoods have been decimated as a result,” she said. On Saturday, video captured by news agency Reuters showed mourners burying the dead in the province of Baghlan. One man named Gulbudeen
TheInternationalRescue Committee (IRC), which is preparing its emergency responsetothefloodingthat spans across seven provinces, put the estimated death toll higher More than 250 lives have been lost while“thousands”ofpeople have been stranded without access to services, the IRC saidinastatementSaturday
AnAfghan man walks near his damaged home after heavy flooding in Baghlan province Saturday. Mehrab Ibrahimi/AP
described losing several family members in the floods. “I lost five members of my family, two sons, two daughters, and their mother as a result of these devastating flash floods, we were standing on the other
side of the flood, but we could not help them, and eventuallythefloodtookthe lives of our loved ones,” he recounted.
Residents in the village of Laqayi, also in the Baghlan province, tried to
clean up the rivers of mud outside their homes on Saturday, video filmed by news agency AFP showed. Villagers could be seen wading through the deep pools of mud that appeared to have wrought extensive damagetodwellings.
The ruling Taliban acknowledgedthe“grievous toll” caused by the flooding in a statement posted Saturday on X by Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid.
“Regrettably, hundreds of our fellow citizens have succumbed to these calamitous floods, while a substantial number have sustained injuries Moreover, the deluge has wr
devastation upon residential properties, resulting in significantfinanciallosses,”
The Taliban has tasked its interior ministry, the ministry of disaster management and local officialsto“useallavailable resources” to rescue the stranded, retrieve dead bodies and provide medical treatment to the injured, Mujahidadded.
In April, unseasonal rainfall and floods killed more than 100 people in A f g h a n i s t a n a n d Pakistan, according to authorities More than 600 animals also died Flash floods also swept a w a y d o z e n s i n Afghanistan in July, less than three months before thousands were killed by a powerful 6 3 magnitude earthquake that struck the western part of the country
S e v e r a l c i v i c t w o f u n d a m e n t a l review of the strengths and perspective, human rights
Further, the GHRA encouraging signs, however, organisations in Guyana governance problems in pitfalls of social media as an become an everyday matter, reminded that Guyana has exists a tendency for any benefitted from a three-day Guyana: namely, the advocacy tool,” the GHRA reinforcing compassion with ratified a wide range of attempttoraisehumanrights workshoplastweekaimedat impasse in Parliament said. the notion of entitlement of international and regional issues to attract abuse, reviewing and assessing between govt and opposition Meanwhile, the GHRA the excluded, rather than human rights Conventions threats and retaliation, str
gies to address parties and the breakdown said that an underlying being remote legal concepts and boasts at least five thereby discouraging civic constitutional reform. The between the civil and consideration motivating the which are the preserve of ‘rights’ Commissions activism,” the statement workshop was facilitated by politicalsectors.” workshop was “the vital lawyers.” “ A l o n g s i d e t h e s e said. the Guyana Human Rights The statement noted that need to challenge the Association (GHRA) in themajorCRCof1999-2000 material accumulationcollaboration with the UK saw a great deal of positive driven lifestyles of recent Magna Carta Fund, through c i v i c i n v o l v e m e n t , decades which are no longer t h e B r i t i s h H i g h challenging the notion that viable in a world bound by Commission. civic engagement with 1 5c limits to global In a press release, the politics is always a form of warming. How we transition GHRA said that trade ‘naysaying’. from a vision of material unionists, activists in child, “Members of the prosperity which has left women, environment and workshop were animated to two-thirds of the world in indigenousrights,journalists learn that draft legislation on want and misery to a more and anti-corruption activists NGOs is in the works. The fair and inclusive form of were exposed to techniques programme ended with a l i v i n g ? F r o m t h i s to improve the impact of their work in a situation of shrinking democratic space. In this respect the workshop lay in providing an opportunity for the agencies to look at themselves and their methods of operation rather than at particular problems.
Led by the Brazil-based human rights expert Conor Foley, participants of the workshop “analysed some well-known recent human rights cases such as the Mahdia tragedy and the rape case of an indigenous girl from the standpoint of the effectiveness of their Agencies’ response - what could have been done more effectively and what worked well”.
On the final day of the workshop the upcoming Constitutional Reform Commission (CRC) was addressed “Despite a narrow selection of the Commission members, this process represents an opportunity to address the
(BBC Sport) - Josko Gvardiol scored twice as Manchester City put the pressure on Arsenal in the title race by beating Fulham to move two points clear at the top of the Premier League.
In a game they dominated from start to finish, the visitors opened the scoring early on when defender Gvardiol produced a clinical finish after a good moveopeneduptheFulham defence. Phil Foden then
continuedhisexcellentform this season with a second after the break, sending a first-time finish past Bernd Leno.
Erling Haaland should have added a third midway through the second half but the Premier League’s top scorer somehow drove high overwhenthroughongoal.
But Manchester City did not have to wait long for another goal as Gvardiol stabbed in at the far post to put the result beyond Fulham. Issa Diop was shown a
win to be certain of taking the title race to the final day oftheseason.
Manchester City are at TottenhamonTuesdayandif Arsenalfailtogetapositive result at Old Trafford then victory will seal a fourth consecutivePremierLeague titleforGuardiola’sside.
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
A challenging day is in store foryou,Aries.Ifyou'repartof a group or team or simply among friends, you may feel somewhatillatease.Couldit be that you instill jealousy in others? There's only one way tofindout.
TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)
Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow
You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.
Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly
You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.
The little fighter that you are makesitverydifficultforyou to join us in the great communal river that we're all tryingtonavigate,Virgo.You prefertotravelsolo.
Be disciplined about all areas ofyourbody,Libra.Takeextra care to eat healthful, balanced meals. Make sure you get enough sleep And even thoughyougripeabouthaving no time, get out there and exercise.
If you've been feeling deep anger,todayisn'tthedaytolet it out but rather the day to consider its source. Any large gatheringsoffamilyorfriends shouldbeavoidedatallcosts.
If by chance you still harbor some resentment toward someone, Sagittarius, it will probably come out today.You might be uncompromising or evenvengeful.
You don't suffer fools gladly, and superficial fools even less so. You have a mind to teach those around you a lesson. You'reuncompromisingtoday, and you can't understand why others don't have your same highstandards.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Hereisadayofchallenges, Aquarius You're a pro at questioning yourself, as you'll prove today when you take a
y o u r accomplishments What have youcreatedofapersonalnature inthelasttenyears.
Ifyougivetheimpressionthat you're in a reserved and introspective mood (even if you aren't), you'll succeed in avoiding confrontation Today there is no such thing as a simpleexchangewithsomeone
second yellow card in stoppage time as he brought down Julain Alvarez inside thebox,andtheManchester City substitute then duly convertedthepenalty The result means the GunnersheadtoManchester UnitedonSundayneedingto
has consistently been a standout event on the sporting calendar, spotlighting top cycling talent from local and international spheres Featuring three demanding stagesspanningroutesacross Guyana, the race serves as a challenging platform for riders to demonstrate their endurance, skill, and determination.
According to the GCF, this year’s edition is set to raise excitement levels with the participation of esteemed international cyclists, injecting an additional layer of competitionandprestige.
Their presence is expectednotonlytoelevate the race’s standard but also to cultivate cultural exchange and camaraderie among participants from variousbackgrounds.
The GCF is urging cyclists, spectators, and enthusiasts alike to mark their calendars for the 41st MCYS NSC 3 Stage Race andjoinintheexcitementas the cycling fraternity convergesinGuyana.
Last year, Phillip Clarke ofBarbadosclinchedthetop honours,amassing35points to narrowly surpass Guyana’s Romello Crawford and Curtis Dey, who both accumulated 34 points.
Following closely behind were Robin Persaud (27),AlexanderLeung(17), Emmanuel Gayral with 11 points, and Jorryn Simpson also with 11 points, completing the top positions.
Arsenal’s capitulation in the crucial stages of last season’s title race meant it was ultimately a pretty comfortable win for ManchesterCity
But this time they have beenpushedharderbyMikel Arteta’smen,andGuardiola stressed earlier this week thattherecouldbenomargin for error in their pursuit of anotherleaguetrophy
Against a Fulham side with nothing to play for, coupled with an impressive run of 15 straight wins againsttheCottagers,aslipupalwayslookedunlikelyat CravenCottage. And so it proved as they dominated throughout to make it seven successive wins in the Premier League, scoringfourgoalsormorein sixofthosevictories.
Arsenal are still very much in the title race, and a win against Manchester UnitedonSundaywouldput the pressure back on City, but the manner of this comfortable win indicates that Guardiola’s side are showing very little sign of nerveswhenitmatters.
IRiders extended their winning streak to four matches and sealed their place in the playoffs by defeatingMumbaiIndiansin amatchimpactedbyrainon Saturday
A delayed start to the contest meant it was limited to 16 overs per side, and KKR made it to 157-7 with
Venkatesh Iyer producing a quick-hitting 42 runs from 21 balls, as Jasprit Bumrah (2-39) and Piyush Chawla (2-28) both made an impact withtheball.
WhileSunilNarinewent without scoring, Andre Russellcontributeda14-ball 24towardthebackendofthe KKRinnings,includingtwo foursandtwosixes. The Indians looked likely to chase down their
victory target when they reached 65-0 in the early stages, as they looked to improveonafine7-3record atKKR’sEdenGardens.
But the wicket of Ishan Kishan in the seventh over sparked a rapid collapse, with Mumbai – already eliminated from the competition–quicklyfalling to92-5andultimatelylosing by18runs.
Russell returned to grab
2-34 from three overs, sharing the wickets with Harshit Rana (2-34), Varun Chakaravarthy (2-17) and Narine, who had 1-21 from histhreeovers.
KKR remain top of the standings. As well as being the first team to seal their progress, they look good to secure a crucial top-two finish which would give them two chances to reach the final.They now have 18 points, two clear of Rajasthan Royals, who play Chennai Super Kings in one of two games due to take placeonSunday Bumrah eyeing Purple Cap
While this was the latest setback in a highly
disappointing season for Mumbai, who are secondbottom of the standings, Bumrah has been a prolific threat.
Hetookanothertwokey wickets in this one, removing KKR dangerman Sunil Narine for a golden duck and halting a charge from Rinku Singh (20 from 12)inthefinalover
That took India bowler Bumrah’sseasontallyto20, putting him level with Punjab Kings’Harshal Patel at the top of the Purple Cap standings.
The final figures could have been even better for Bumrah,whowasfrustrated to be hit for six by Ramandeep Singh (17 from
Andre Russell is all smiles after getting Suryakumar Yadav out (BCCI)
8) in the final ball of the KKRinningsandearlierhad an lbw decision against Nitish Rana (33) overturned onreview
However, a difficult periodofformcontinuedfor Bumrah’s team-mate Rohit Sharma in his team’s unsuccessfulrunchase.
Theopenercameintothe matchwithscoresof6,8,4, 11 and 4 in his last five inningsandhewasnotmuch better here, struggling to 19 from24beforefallingtothe s u p e r b V a r u n Chakaravarthy, who posted economical figures of 2-17 from four overs. That was quite the contrast to partner Kishan, who smashed 40 from22.(SportsMax)
The Vurlon Mills
F o o t b a l l
A c a d e m y (VMFA) will be hosting a KFC Under-8 Football Funday on Saturday May 18, 2024 at the Saints
Stanislaus Ground, CarifestaAvenue.Theevent isfreeandopenedtoallboys and girls who wish to participateinthisfundayof football.
Founder of the VMFA
Mr Vurlon Mills has reiterated the Academy’s commitment to providing a safe and professional
environment for our children and introducing more children to all the positive benefits of the beautifulgame.
He said, “This Under-8 Football Funday provides a unique opportunity for children and parents to be introduced to the game at a tender age in an organized environment with professional coaches who
Sadia Strand – Director of Marketing, KFC Guyana said “At KFC Guyana, we are committed to fostering the growth of Guyana’s youth through sports and culture. Team sports build character, foster healthy sportsmanship, encourage teamwork and boost selfc o n f i d e n c e a n d independence. Vurlon Mills is an excellent coach who goes above and beyond to makepositivechangesinhis student’s lives by making football as accessible as possible. We are thrilled to beabletosupportVMFAin their mission of providing a safe and fun environment for children to explore their love for football starting with the KFC U8 Football
Funday ” The VMFA operated at the Saints
Stanislaus Ground, Carifesta Avenue was establishedin2019,withthe motto “Practice winning
every day” and have successfully facilitated football and person development sessions for hundreds of children between the ages of 4yrs to 17yrs old with flagship initiatives such as The Annual KFC Football SummerCamp,TheAnnual ENETFootballFestivaland SBM Offshore Guyana Women’s Development FootballProgramme. TheVMFAwouldliketo express gratitude to KFC Guyana for their generous supportinmakingthisevent possibleforourfuturestars. Wewouldalsoliketothank Beharry Automotive LimitedandMVPSportsfor their commitment to the developmentofouryouths. For more information about the Vurlon Mills Football Academy and its initiativespleasecontactMr VurlonMillson613-1361or Marisha Fernandes on 6003332.
England bowler
James Anderson has confirmed he will retire from Test cricket thissummer
The 41-year-old, England’s leading wickettakerandoneofthegreatest bowlers of all time, said the firstTestagainstWestIndies at Lord’s on 10 July will be hislast.
Thedecisioncomesafter Anderson held talks with Test coach Brendon McCullum, who wants to buildabowlingattackforthe future.
“I’m going to miss walking out for England so much,” Anderson said in a statement.
“But I know the time is right to step aside and let others realise their dreams just like I got to, because thereisnogreaterfeeling.”
Anderson made his debut in 2003 and has taken 700wicketsin187Tests-the most by any pace bowler in Testhistory
Heisthirdontheall-time list of wicket-takers inTests behind spinners Muttiah Muralitharan of Sri Lanka and Australia’s Shane Warne.
Anderson was due to play two matches for Lancashire in June but it is nowunclearwhetherhewill playforhiscountyagain.
“Ithasbeenanincredible 20 years representing my country, playing the game I’velovedsinceIwasakid,” Andersonsaid.
“I’mexcitedfor thenew challenges that lie ahead, as well as filling my days with evenmoregolf.
“Thank you to everyone who has supported me over theyears,it’salwaysmeanta lot, even if my face often doesn’tshowit.”
Richard Thompson, the chair of the England and Wales Cricket Board, said English cricket owes Andersona“send-offlikeno other”.
“I don’t think we’ll ever
Ricky Ragbeer of Ramchand’sAutohasjoined with Nexgen GolfAcademy to provide golf equipment andballstoQueen’sCollege inanefforttoensurethatone of the top schools in the nation has full access to the sport.
Head Mistress Ms Rajkumarie Lall said, “We are grateful to Mr Ragbeer and Mr Hussain for this contribution to the school’s sports programme and all ourlearners,PEteachersand myselfareextremelyexcited and looking forward to learningmoreaboutgolf!”
According to Mr Ragbeer, a former QC Alumnus, “My family was introduced to the game by Mr Aleem at the Nexgen GolfAcademyandwewere quickly hooked on it and saw the advantages of its application to young players My son is following in my footsteps as a student at Queen’s College and we are proud to contribute towards the developmentofthesportat theschool ” Nexgen Golf Academy
seeabowlertomatchJimmy again,” he said. “It has been anhonourasanEnglandfan to watch him, and to marvel athisskillwiththeball.
“To still be bowling at the top of his game at 41 is remarkable, and he is a true inspiration and role model for peers and younger generationsalike.”
has trained and provided coaches for the Ministry of Education Unit of Allied Arts Priority Programme in Regions2,3,4,5and6since September 2023 and Queen’s College, one of the secondary schools that sent up students for golf as their PEelectivein2023,willnow join the thousands of learners who have been givenaccesstothesportasa result of donations of equipment and balls by the Guyana Golf Association andNexgenGolfAcademy
Aleem Hussain, PresidentoftheGuyanaGolf Association/Nexgen Golf Academy is also a QC Alumnusandwillbehosting a golf outing/networking event for the school’s 180th anniversary celebration on October20th.
“We firmly believe in using the sport to create opportunities for all Guyanese and thank our supporters and donors for assisting in our mission Several other schools including Dolphin Secondary also received equipment.”
Jamaican striker Kemar ‘Bushy’ Beckford will play forSlingerzFootballClubin thesecondlegoftheGuyana Football Federation (GFF)
Elite League, set to recommenceonMay18.
Beckford’s move sees him departing the Jamaica Premier League (JPL) side, Vere United FC, where he was the club’s top scorer in thisseason.
During the first round of the league, Slingerz FC maintained an unbeaten record, with their only setback being a goalless draw against the Guyana DefenceForce(GDF).
Despitesharingthesame points tally (25) with GDF, Slingerz FC trails the defending champions by a narrow margin of three goals,havingnetted33times intheleague.
Heading into the second half of the season, the club, guided by the youthful prowess of 19-year-old Marcus Tudor, the league’s leadingscorerwith12goals, and Darron Niles, who follows closely with nine goals, aims to strengthen its
attacking force with the additionofBeckford.
Coach Alex Thomas is optimistic about Beckford’s seasoned expertise augmenting the team’s offensivecapabilities.
“We’re short on attack. That’swhatwenoticedinthe
firsthalfoftheleague,thatis whywewentoutandgetthis player He came to bolster our attack and add to the group and to help Slingerz FC win the league in the end,”Thomassaid.
Thomas, who shares
Jamaican roots with Beckford, highlighted the striker’spreviousspellswith ADR Jicaral in Costa Rica and Jocoro in El Salvador, stressing that Beckford’s wealth of experience and understanding of the game willserveasavaluableasset innurturingthedevelopment ofyoungerplayers
Meanwhile, Beckford, expressing his excitement and eagerness to join the GFF/KFC Elite League, declared, “My aim here is simple-todowhatIdobest: score goals and win trophies.”
“I’ve been closely following the league even beforemyarrivalinGuyana, so I understand the expectations. I’m ready to contribute and make an impact on the field with the team,” Beckford added eagerly “It’sjustmecoming heretodomybest,andshare myexperiencebecauseit’sa very young team, but a very good team, so with my experience I know we’re going to do well. Watch out
for Kemar Beckford and Slingerz FC,” Beckford highlighted. SlingerzFCissettokick off the second round by facing Monedderlust FC at 9:00 pm on the opening night. In their previous encounter earlier in the
Slingerz FC
season, Slingerz FC showcased their dominance over the Berbice-based club with a commanding 7-0 victory Marcus Tudor stole the spotlight with an impressive five-goalhaul,whileDarron Niles and Ricardo Halley eachcontributedwithagoal
TheWestIndiesMasters Extravaganza is set for November 17th-23rd in Barbados and interested players are asked to contact President Raj Singh on or beforeMay31st,2024.
T h e f o u r - t e a m tournament will be used to select a West Indies team to participate at the next International Masters Cricket (IMC) Over-50 limited-over World Cup tournament in Sri Lanka, February,9-23,2025.
The four teams that will feature in Barbados are a West Indies Over-60, an Over-40 and two Over-50s, A&B. Contact information to reach Singh are: 1917683-0971 and email: windiesmasters@gmail co m Meanwhile, over the years, West Indies have participated in Over-50, Over-60 and Over-40 tournaments across the world. Several high-profile players who have
represented the Caribbean veterans including Colin Croft, Sudesh and Sunil Dhaniram, Delroy Morgan, Mahendra Nagamootoo, Narsingh Deonarine, ShazamBabwah,Bheesham Seepersaud, Lawrence Farnum, Devon Clements, Hem
among others.According to Singh, eligible players would have a perfect
opportunity to wear the prestigiouscoloursatamega event.
Earlierthisyear,theIMC ranoffanOver-40andOver60 World Cup tournaments in Cape Town South Africa and Chennai India respectively
For the over-50 World Cup, all matches are expected to be played in Colombo and over 12 countriesaresettotakepart.
Some of the country’s
leading cyclists are considering boycotting the N a t i o n a l S p o r t s Commission (NSC)
Independence Three-stage race scheduled for May 1819 due to proposed alterationstotherouteofthe initialleg.
Since its inception in 1983, the event typically c o m m e n c e s f r o m Corriverton, concluding in NewAmsterdam.
However, this year, there’s a proposal from the Guyana Cycling Federation, Kaieteur News understands, toinitiatetheracefromNew Amsterdam,thenproceedto the Corentyne before r e t u r n i n g t o N e w Amsterdamforthefinish.
On May 4, a group of cyclists, predominantly representing top local clubs, penned a letter to Horace Burrowes, the president of the Guyana Cycling Federation, expressing their dissenttowardstheproposed change in the first stage’s course.
Reports from Kaieteur News suggest that the cyclists are awaiting a response,whichtheyareyet toreceive.
GCF president Horace Burrowes
The anticipation is palpable as the Guyana Amateur Powerlifting Federation (GAPLF) gears up to host its highly anticipated Masters and I n t e r m e d i a t e s Championship on Sunday, May 19, 2024. This annual event promises to showcase the strength, skill, and determination of our local powerlifters from the various gyms across the regionshereinGuyana.
Kezia Joseph won the 69kg Women’s Open Raw in the 2023 edition of the Championships
limits in preparation for this momentousoccasion.
The cyclists said they’re areleftinthedarkregarding all arrangements for the event and are urging GCF President Burrows to provide clarification on the prize structure, stage times, aswellastransportationand accommodationdetails.
Despitesettinga48-hour deadline for the GCF president to respond, the cyclists,asoftoday,arestill
In the letter, the cyclists stated“wearenotinterested in any change of course for theevent.” Theyhighlightedthatthe ThreeStageIndependenceis themostcovetedtitleonthe race calendar, adding “we wish to experience the rigoursofsameinitsclosest originalstate.”
awaiting a reply According to the cyclists, the National Sports Commission (NSC) has issued a $3M cheque to the GCF and plans to offer a s s i s t a n c e w i t h transportation.
The 41st edition of the racewillbesponsoredbythe Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport, following a meetingbetweenofficialsof theGCFandtheMinistry According to the GCF, “the event promises to be bigger and more thrilling than ever before, with the participation of esteemed internationalcompetitors”.
TheGCF3-StageRace (Continuedonpage61)
Athletes from various classes and skill levels will converge at the Saint Stanislaus Collage here in the capital city of Georgetown, Guyana, to compete in this important championship With categories tailored for both masters and intermediates, the event provides a platform for seasoned veterans and emerging talents to demonstrate their prowess on the powerlifting stage.
The championship serves as a testament to the growing popularity of powerlifting in Guyana and underscores the dedication of the country’s amateur athletes. Participants have spent months honing their techniquesandpushingtheir
Spectatorscanexpectan electrifying atmosphere as competitors vie for top honors in their respective divisions.
Fromthethrillofrecordbreaking lifts to the camaraderie shared among athletes, the championship promises moments of triumph and inspiration for all involved. This event not
powerliftingcommunitybut also fosters a sense of unity and sportsmanship among participants.
As the Guyana Amateur Powerlifting Federation p
spectators a nominal entrancefeeofonethousand dollars($1000).
Thestageissetforaday of exhilarating competition a n d m e m o r a b l e performances With the support of our usual
championshipispoisedtobe a resounding success, furthersolidifyingGuyana’s placeintheworldofamateur powerlifting.
Some of the country’s leading cyclists are considering