-saysifalloweditwouldbe detrimentaltoconsumers
-saysifalloweditwouldbe detrimentaltoconsumers
The30percentstakeheld Commission (FTC) to stop Federal Trade Commission challengeinthefaceofHess’ Exxon was the first to in the Stabroek Block by themergerbetweenChevron to look into the tie-up partner in Guyana, Exxon, move for arbitration, filing Hess Corporation, is such a and Hess Corp., claiming it between Exxon and Pioneer which claims it has right of its case at the International
lucrative asset, that would be detrimental to Natural Resources, and the first refusal to Hess’stake in Chamber of Commerce in stakeholders are warning consumers. According to Chevron-Hess deal. “Exxon theirjointprojectthere. Paris, arguing that it has a against the merger with Schumer, “I’m sounding the and Chevron’s operations Only recently Chief right of first refusal over Chevron Corporation, since alarm against yet another downstream would enable E
f Hess’ stake. CNOOC later it would put Big Oil proposed Big Oil merger—a them to redirect Pioneer’s ExxonMobil Corporation, followed suit to uphold its Yellowtail, Uaru and companies in a better US$53B deal between and Hess’s crude supply to Darren Woods had said the right to Hess stake in the Whiptail projects. It should position to manipulate world Chevron and Hess; It would themselves, away from (and matter is likely to stretch out block The fight over be noted that Yellowtail and market prices. So much so give Big Oil more fuel to possibly to the detriment of) until next year, while Hess is Guyana’s Stabroek Block Uaru have already been that on Sunday last, the US raisegasprices.”
optimisticthatthedealcould resources finds its genesis in approved, while Whiptail is Senate Majority Leader Ear
ar, competitors,” the group be sealed before the end of the lopsided oil deal signed under review awaiting Chuck Schumer called on Schumer led a group of 22 wrote in a letter to the FTC. this year Exxon and China’s b y t h e A P N U + A F C government approval any that country’s Federal Trade senators to call on the
CNOOC have since merged Coalition administration day now According to dynamics could result in their arbitration claims back in 2016. This deal E
price hikes for midstream against Chevron’s planned extends favourable terms to company is trying to secure customers, and such added acquisition of Hess, which the oil companies, providing preemption rights over Hess costs are often passed would give the U.S oil giant unlimited tax waivers, Corporation’s Guyana assets d
access to Guyana’s Stabroek uncapped interest rates and in its dispute with Chevron. customers, including drivers Block. perhaps the lowest royalty He clarified that Exxon was at gas stations.” Despite the Last October, it was rates known to the industry, not trying to buy over Hess legislators’ push, the FTC announced Chevron will be at a meager two percent. Corpora
acquiring Hess for US$53 P
basically standing up for between Exxon and Pioneer billion. The takeover would
what we believe is a on the condition that former giveChevronaccesstoHess’ developments sits above fundamental right,” Woods Pioneer CEO Scott Sheffield most valuable asset in 600,000 barrels per day told Reuters Hess and would not join the board of Guyana. The operator of the (bdp) – with Exxon having Chevron have said they the combined company S
the Liza 1, Liza 2 and the disagree with Exxon’s following allegations of ExxonMobil Guyana, who Payara projects online. The interpretation of the Joint collusion with OPEC to holds a 45% interest, while
OperatingAgreement (JOA) control oil production to Hess Guyana holds 30% embarked on an aggressive thatgovernstheExxon,Hess keep prices higher The
CNOOC drilling campaign in the and CNOOC consortium Chevron tie-up with Hess Petroleum Guyana Limited Stabroek Block targeting governing the Stabroek already encountered a with25%interest. three other developments: Block.
ExxonMobil was c a u g h t b y auditors spending
Guyana’s oil brochuresforExxon. Statement for “Public Consultancy Inc., along with profits to pay for the Additionally, the oil A f f a i r s ” c o s t s n o t the international firm monitoring of newspapers company used Guyana’s chargeable, but denied the Martindale Consultants to and media between the profits to pay for support remaining $91,349 credit. review the company’s period2018and2020. given to the Center for For its part, the company US$7.3B expenses incurred
A r e v i e w o f t h e Strategic & International said, “The remaining between the period 2018 to company’s expenses during Studies (CSIS) and Public exception is in conflict with 2020 during which Exxon the period found that a total and Governmental Affairs the generally accepted was caught using Guyana’s of US$2,465,061 62 was (P&GA) employee / customs and practices of the oil money to cover expenses claimed by Exxon for its expatriate labor and international petroleum related to two other
Public Affairs Program associatedexpenses. industry...Employee related blocks—KaieteurandCanje.
These costs, according to the The auditors however expenses including periodic In the first instance, the auditors are not related to noted, “A cost must be staff events, staff salary and report states that Exxon used petroleum operations and carried out for, or in business cards are typical in Stabroek Block revenues to shouldthereforenotbebilled connection with, production any organization and cover a permit fee for a tothecountry’soil. operations for the cost to be common practice in the Kaieteur Geotechnical and
According to the audit recoverable These costs international oil and gas Geophysical Survey It also report, Exxon used the sum were not directly for industry in connection with included its cost recovery projects, 100 percent of the in school fees for expats’ stated above on media production operations. The the exploration and statement for the Stabroek cost for various vehicles to children. messaging; stakeholder Contractor acknowledged productionofpetroleum.” Block, 100% of the costs support its operations not Auditors also found that r e l a
s , i s s u e s that the costs are not The audit team however a s s o c i a t e d w i t h a n limitedtoStabroek. Guyana’s oil profits were management; recording, recoverable because it maintained that the costs Emergency Response Study ExxonMobil also used usedbetween2018and2020 editing, and voice talent for reversed more than one submitted by the contractor for oil spills from Guyana StabroekBlockprofitstopay t o m
d public service messages on million dollars charged into werenotrelatedtopetroleum wells. drill ships to standby for
Guyana’s Sovereign Wealth the Cost Object, such as a operations as outlined in the Aud
KaieteurandCanjeBlocks. Exxon’s unprecedented Fund; hosting visit for Shell r e p o r t o n G u y a n a 2016 Production Sharing Stabroek Block revenues During the period, the oil success here; pay for puppet Beach Outreach Program emigration, sponsorships, Agreement (PSA) and should not have been used to company was also flagged showsandgo-kartrentalsfor including catering and boat advertising, goodwill, therefore requested that the cover 100 percent of this by the auditors for sporting
and ground transportation; media, and other similar costsbereturned. activity since the study Guyana’s profits on staff Christmas cook-out, Zumba Liza Destiny Arrival costs. The remaining costs The Government of looked at wells in the parties, social media ads and and Yoga classes for expats Commemoratory Event; mustalsobereversed.” Guyana (GoG) contracted KaieteurandCanjeblocks. trips for ex-government andholidaygiftvouchersfor branded drawstring sports Notably,Exxonagreedto Ramdihal & Haynes Inc., In the third case, auditors officials and paying some security guards, escorts for packs and bottles; media return US$2,373,712 credit Eclisar Financial, and said Exxon charged the US$10 3M for private Executives and security for monitoring services and to the Cost Recovery Vitality Accounting & Stabroek Block’s producing drivers as well as US$2.2M expats’familyfunday newspapers as well as
Houlihan Lokey, a interest in the block. To this expenses of the Company, Wei-1 well encountered 210 the various intervals. Over block. Earlier this year, the leadIng global investment end, the company reported and US$0 6 million in feet of hydrocarbon bearing the next few months, results partners said any future bank and capital markets that the 2023 JOA (Joint settlement of other accounts sands in the Santonian will be integrated into the drillingintheblockwouldbe expert, is supporting active Operating Agreement) payable related to the Joint horizon. CGX and Frontera geologic and geophysical hinged on the success of the pursuit of strategic options Amendment was completed Operations.
had commenced spudding models to form an updated Wei-1well. for the Corentyne block, during the fourth quarter of Additionally, it was the well in January last year view of the entire northern After more than 20 years including a potential farm 2023,pendingapprovalfrom reported that during April, and revealed that the portion of the Corentyne of exploration activity in the down, as it seeks to develop theGovernmentofGuyana. 2024, the company received operations would cost an block. Corentyne Block, the t h e p o t e n t i a l l y Additionally, it was the cash consideration of approximate US$190- The northern portion of Canadian partners finally transformational oil reportedthataccordingtothe $1.5 million from Frontera US$195milliontocomplete.
struck oil in January 2022 at investmentinoneofthemost final cost of the Wei-1 well, Guyana as part of the 2023
The Joint Venture had
the Kawa-1 well. Kaieteur attractive oil and gas theCompanywouldhavethe JOA Amendment signed on updated its previously complexesdiscoveredbythe News in an earlier report destinations in the world right to receive from August9,2023. announced discovery in the Kawa-1 and Wei-1 wells, detailed that the companies today,Guyana. Frontera Energy Guyana Meanwhileasitrelatesto Maastrichtian and the and a prospective central pumped more than US$350
This according to Corp , a wholly-owned the investment bank’s farm Campanian intervals to 77 channel complex, which is million during that period minority shareholder in the subsidiary of Frontera into the oil block, CGX said feetofnetpay Fluidsamples yettobeevaluated.TheJoint before landing its first Corentyne Oil Block, CGX Energy Corporation a “there can be no guarantee were retrieved from the Venture is excited by the discovery Prior to its two Energy Inc., which this past reassignmentof0.78percent that the review of strategic C a m p a n i a n a n d definitive presence of oil in successful wells, the week released its unaudited participating interest in the options will result in a Maastrichtian indicating the the Maastrichtian and Canadian Energy companies Consolidated Financial Corentyneblock. transaction.” The company presenceoflightcrudeinthe Campanian and the presence drilled two wells in the Statements for the first According to CGX last year made its second Campanian and sweet of hydrocarbons in the Corentyne Block These quarter of 2024, which however, pursuant to that successful discovery medium crude oil in the Santonian and believes there include Horseshoe in 2000 included a number of other certain Closing Letter dated offshoreGuyanaattheWei-1 Maastrichtian. is significant potential in the andEaglein2012. transactions completed by March 7, 2024, between the Well on the Corentyne Thejointventuresaidthe the oil company and its Company and Frontera Block, approximately 200 drilling operations were partner, earning itself more Guyana, the Company has kilometers offshore Guyana. successfully completed with cash. The Company is the instead agreed to receive Previous reports indicate no safety incidents while the operator of the Corentyne fromFronteraGuyanathere- that the well was drilled in a drilling rig is expected to be block and currently holds a assignment of a 0.18 percent w
p t h o f releasedearlynextmonth. It 27 48 percent working participating interest in the approximately 1,912 feet
interest, while Frontera Corentyne block. This in (
addition to US$1.5 million anticipated total depth of included wireline logging, (“Frontera Guyana”) holds cash consideration to cover 20,500 feet (6,248 metres). MDT fluid samples and the remaining 72.52 percent certain other operating Accordingtothepartnersthe sidewall cores throughout
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Politics,weshouldknow,isallaboutpower Mr Forbes Burnhamoncesaidthatanyoneinpoliticswhosaidhedid not want power was either a fool or a rascal. And Mr Burnhamknewathingortwoaboutpower Thequestion,he asserted was, “What did the person want to do with the power?”
Nomatterhowsomemightwanttohidethatfact,politics can only enter the picture when there is a differential in the powerrelationsamongindividualsandpower Thoseentering thearenaofpoliticsinvariablyenthusethattheirinterestisto assure a more equitable distribution of power But from the experienceofnotonlyGuyana,butacrosstheworld(notonly inthepresentbutsincethebeginningofrecordedhistory)it appears that something invariably sidetracks those who engageinthepursuitofpower
The “something” is summarized in the well-known aphorism: “Power corrupts; and absolute power corrupts absolutely”Itdoesnotmatterwhetherthepowerisheldinthe handsofakingorademocrat–orinallthepermutationsand combinationsbetweenthoserelations–moreoftenthannot, oncepowerisacquireditissoonabusedandcorruptionsetsin Butallofthisshouldnotbetoosurprising Afterall,what kindofpersonusuallyenterspoliticstostriveforthecrown? It’sanindividualwithanincredibledriveandawillingnessto takerisks Oftentimesthepersonisdriventoescapefromhis owncircumstancesandinsecuritiesthatheprojectsonto“the people”
Once power is achieved it is not a far leap for the new incumbent to believe that he/she is not bound by the usual rules–thosearefortherun-of-the-millfolks Theironythat anotherdifferentialinthepowerrelationsisrecreatedthatwill set off its own inevitable reaction is invariably lost on the erstwhile “man of the people” So the wheel of corruption turnsagain
Aswesurveythetableauofhistorywecannotfailtobe struck by how often the corruption occasioned by the confluence of politics and power involves sex; how often this plays out. The tales that are titillating our bemused publichavebeentoldevenbeforepoliticstookanorganized form.Thealphamalegorillaleaderservicestheentireband offemales;asprobablydidthealphacavemanancestorof oursthatwieldedthebiggestclub.
Whichking,whosestoryhascomedowntous,didnot literallyruletheroost,asdidtheprototypicalroosters?Did not King Solomon have a thousand concubines, not to mentiononeconsort?
Even though the present crop of leaders that gravitate into political activism can hardly be classified as the archetypicalalphamales,oncetheyachievetheauthorityof office,theyappeardriventoassumeseigneurialrightsover allfemales(andifthestoriesaretobebelieved)overnubile malesaswell.
The point that we are making is that the present difficulties we are experiencing with the well-publicized concatenation of political and sexual peccadilloes in our society is not peculiar to us. The new openness in the international media has made us aware of such abuses in even the most entrenched and successful countries in the world.
The scandals of Presidents John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton of the US are too well known to bear repeating. Politics, power and sex are part of the human condition –driven by primeval urges that Sigmund Freud dubbed the “id”.
Whatwehavetodo,ashasbeenattemptedelsewhere,is not to sweep the abuses of power under the carpet. They havetobeexposedandvaluesentrenchedthatcanhelpusto strive always to rise above our animalistic instincts and fulfillthepotentialofourhumanity Wemighthavewiped out the harems but have our institutions destroyed the old searchingforsexualpowerbypoliticians?
Itisthetaskofthemediatoexposetheabusersandthe dutyofthepeopletocreatethenewvalues.
DEAREDITOR, Editor,Iambothamused andannoyedatthehilarityof the piece “I really envy President Ali.” It is another example of Freddie Kissoon’s ‘lack of substance,’ ‘silly subject matter’ and ‘overall irrelevance.’Infact,hisovert a n d u n w a r r a n t e d worshipping of President IrfaanAli is symptomatic of hisburgeoningmulti-faceted ailment.
Just read this: “When I saw the moves of President Ali at the Peoples Progressive Party’s (PPP’s) congress,Ienviedhim.That gentleman can dance I guessed it came easily to PresidentAlibecausehehas a light personality as part of his persona. His rhythmic manoeuvres will always be rememberedbythepeopleof thiscountryforalongtimeto come because it was unique and it came from a unique leaderofthiscountry.”
LOL. Freddie says that these “ rhythmic manoeuvres will always be rememberedbythepeopleof
thiscountryforalongtimeto come…”Hmmm!Andyes,I do agree but because they wereclumsy,notuniqueand certainly, odious to a lot of people.Asamatteroffact,if FreddieKissoonwerenotso ineluctably beholden to his erstwhile enemies and nemesis, he would have renounced PresidentAli and his simian antics. On this note of a Head of State’s dancing in ‘whatever’form, it was and never something to‘rantandraveover.’Itisa most frivolous issue and does not make for main streamjournalism.
For example, Sanna Marin,duringher2019-2023 tenure as Prime Minister of Finland, was cleared of misconduct, after a leaked video showed her dancing exuberantly and drinking with friends and celebrities.
Once a PPP hater, Freddie Kissoon, back in 2015, tried toembarrassBharratJagdeo andDonaldRamotar,stating thattheirdancingwasvulgar and even illegal. Like ‘big joke ’ He horribly exaggerated the one or few
times indulgences of these twomen,andevenhopedfor support in castigating and shunningthem.
Sobackthen,heshouted ‘dirty’forback-ballingandis nowwillingtolearnthe‘hipwriggle’from PresidentAli. Maybe he likes the frontal approachsincebackthen,in speaking for himself, he vowednottoengageinbackballing, since he was not a ‘back’man.
Editor,IfeelthatFreddie Kissoon has reached his nadir He seems a helpless and hapless victim of some kind of avolition and cannot preventbeingandactinglike aPPPandAlidevotee.Heis helpless.
Henowendorseswhathe so vehemently renounced ‘once upon a time,’ and for him,asofthepresent,“Inall seriousness, (he asks) how can someone see that (Ali’s hip- wriggle’ in a negative light?(Afterall),Hewasata private function, enjoying a privatemoment.Itwentviral but that does not take away hisrighttoretirehissuitand tie, and exist outside the
contextofthepresidency He isentitledtothatright.
Mind you, up toApr 15, 2019,FreddieKissoon,in“I feel personally insulted by what Irfaan Ali did,” explainedingreatdetailand anger that “Most people are familiarwiththatoldsaying, “whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.”IfIhadanyrespectfor IrfaanAli, he has lost it. If I had any admiration for Irfaan he has lost it. I am referring to his recent press conference in which he appointedKwameMcCoyto direct ” He extended his harangue, detailing that “Irfaan has gone mad. The godshavedestroyedhim.Of course, the gods rendered him incompetent before sending him off to Hades. How perceptive is Ali? The question is he isn’t at all” I canonlyendbyaskingafew questions: Is Freddie Kissoon for real? Is he a bona-fide wreck? When he will re-start PPP/C’s quilldrivellingoppugnancies?
Sincerely PrescottMann.
elect Toshaoswhohaveroundedleadershipskill
Mariaba, also known as modernSantaRosa,isoneof the oldest Amerindian communities in Guyana, with a colonial history datingbacktothe1700sand 1800s.Overtheyears,many great leaders have emerged, all dedicated to improving the lives of their people. Their shared goal was to make Santa Rosa/Moruca a better place through hard work, commitment, discipline,andsacrifice.The early leaders were committed to the Christian faith, strictly followed its teachings, and sought guidance and inspiration from elders and the Almighty, which laid the foundation for their successfulleadership.
Oneoftheseoutstanding leaders was Stephen Campbell, an Amerindian political advocate who represented his people in Parliament.
He was a humble and God-fearing man who, along with subsequent leaders of Moruca, inspired other Morucans to become politicians and diverse professionals who serve at
With Toshao elections beginning this week across the hinterland, the contesting candidates of all Indigenous communities need to reflect on their communities’ progress and consider where they are heading. They should also appreciate the hard work of those who will be leaving officebecausetheirtermhas come to an end Those coming on the scene must continuetoworktogetherto unite their people and not practice gutter politics promoted by the incumbent andtheopposition.
They must be able to show the coastal partisan politics that vindictiveness, such as closing projects started by the former Toshaosadministration,will not be abandoned but sustained for the betterment ofallincommunities.
Indigenous people are livinginaninterestingtime, where modern-day experiences are different. Social media and the internet have made it easier to analyze and assess leaders.
While there is a need to
transform and urbanize Amerindiancommunities,it isimportanttobemindfulof the negative impact of building concrete jungles in traditional indigenous villages.
This could potentially affect local customs and practices, which may be detrimental to the Indigenous way of life
Therefore, constant dialogue, critical thinking, and analysis by modern Toshaos and communities are crucial to maintaining a balance between outside influenceandtheindigenous view of development
Contemporary leaders need tobeopen-mindedandwork with a holistic development approachofmaterial,moral, andotheraspectsbesidesthe conventional model of the “good life” promoted by modernity
Toshaos and councillors shouldbeawarethatmodern development also has a flip side.Itisessentialtoaddress the issue of polluting the environment with plastics and educate residents and business places to keep the surroundingscleantohavea healthycommunity
Leadersshouldalsotake a closer look at those in need, mainly elders, those who are shut-in, and other poorinvillages.
Most of ourToshaos are smart, hardworking, and demonstrate good leadershipskillstodialogue with powers that be However, some tend to be accused of corruption and other human weaknesses. These negative behaviours compounded by the lack of morality and good values seemtoreflectsomeleaders notbeingperceivedasgood role models in our villages byyoungpeople,incontrast toearlieroneswhowerenot perfect but strived to lead their people, grounded on moralandethicalstandards. Asweapproachtheelection for leaders in communities beginning this week, I wish thecontestingcandidatesall the best, and I hope that the hinterland people elect Toshaos who have rounded leadership skills and qualities to lead their respective communities in these interesting times in Guyana’shinterland.
Yoursfaithfully, MedinoAbrahamSJ
As global trade complexities surge in response to sustainability challenges like climate
change, economic disparities, and the pressing need for resilient value chains, Caribbean nations find themselves at a crucial juncture to reassess and refinetheirtradepolicies.
This SRC Trading Thoughts delves into the strategic necessity of bolstering trade policy
training within the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) to meet these
e v o l v i n g n e e d s , emphasizingthepivotalrole
of the Masters in International Trade Policy (MITP) offered by the ShridathRamphalCentrefor International Trade Law, Policy, and Services (SRC) attheUniversityoftheWest Indies, Cave Hill Campus.
The SRC’s training programmes, outreach and researchareindispensablein
arming governmental officials and civil society with the requisite skills and knowledge to adeptly navigate and shape the evolving trade and sustainabilitylandscape,and will require active support from the donor, private sector and government communities.
The Evolving Trade Landscape
A 2024 report by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) indicates that only 22% of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets have already been met or will be met by 2030 in Latin American and Caribbean region; progress towards 46% of the targets, although in the right direction, is not
fast enough to meet them; and the remaining 32% of targetswillbemissed.These trends, and the overall weak growth of the Latin American and Caribbean economies, have led to the consideration of how trade and investment can be harnessed to secure more productive, inclusive, and sustainable development in theregion.
S u s t a i n a b l e development, according to the Brundtland Report, strives to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirown.Itisbuiltonthree foundational pillars: economic, social, and e n v i r o n m e n t a l sustainability Economic sustainability focuses on creatingaproductionsystem that meets current demands without depleting resources for the future Social sustainability emphasizes fairness, inclusivity, and enhancing human wellbeing in all development processes. Meanwhile, environmentalsustainability involves preserving the natural environment to support human life over the longterm.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has recognized the importance ofsustainability,asreflected in the preamble to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization In recent years, sustainability has featured prominently in discussions at various WTO forums, including the Structured Negotiations on Trade and Environment, the DialogueonPlastics,andthe Informal Groups on MSMEs, Gender, and other cross-cutting issues The m o s t r e c e n t W TO
Ministerial Conference highlighted these topics, urging the WTO to adopt a more substantive role in addressingglobalchallenges like environmental issues andinclusivetrade.
Moreover, sustainable developmentprincipleshave been increasingly integrated into regional trade agreements (RTAs) since 2005, with up to two-thirds of RTAs now incorporating these principles Some countries have even tailored their entire trade policies around a sustainable and inclusive trade agenda Additionally, international and regional organizations, as well as donor agencies such as the International Trade Centre (ITC), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the InterAmerican Development Bank (IADB), the Latin American and Caribbean Bank (CAF), and the Organization for Economic C o o p e r a t i o n a n d Development(OECD),have shiftedtheirfocustoaddress the intersection between trade and sustainable development, reiterating their commitment to these crucialissues.
Although it concluded sustainability and development provisions in i t s C A R I F O R U MEconomic Partnership
E u r o p e a n U n i o n , CARICOM has not adopted a decisive stance on integrating sustainable and inclusiveelementsintotrade negotiations However, CARICOM will have to reconsider this position given the shifting global dynamics and growing imperative for a new approachthatviewstradeas integral to the broader SDG framework. This framework emphasizes a significant focus on sustainability and inclusivity, featuring environmental outcomes, finance, health, women, SMEs, labor, marginalized groups, and the ocean economyatthecoreoftrade discussions. Italsodemands an inclusive approach involving government officialsbeyondjusttrade,as well as civil society, academicsandbusiness.
The Region’s Training Needs and the SRC’s TrainingOfferings
The Shridath Ramphal Centre (SRC) serves as CARICOM’s leading trade training institution since 2004.Itoffersprogramswith a distinct regional focus, aiming to bolster trade capacity and foster innovative solutions for the development challenges faced by small, vulnerable economies Its flagship degree, the Masters in
International Trade Policy ( M I T P ) , i s a n interdisciplinary year-long Master of Science program that equips students to engage in trade and investment policymaking, negotiations, advocacy, and business from a CARICOM perspective.Academically,it spans two semesters of core and elective courses in law, politics, and economics, culminating in a supervised researchpaper Practically,it includes a two-week Study To u r i n G e n e v a , Switzerland, where students visit key international trade organizationsandparticipate intheJointUniversityStudy Tour(JUST)alongsidepeers from around the world.This practical training extends to an internship programme within CARICOM, where students gain hands-on experience in various tradefocused organizations. The programme has produced over300graduateswhohave gone on to assume influential roles as trade ministers, government officials, and private sector leaders across the region, including within the current cabinet of Barbados. In 2021, the SRC introduced a shorter, three-month course leading to a Postgraduate Diploma in International Trade Policy (PGITP), with the option for graduates to later complete the full
Master’s degree. The SRC also offers individual short courses in trade and tailormade courses on demand, including courses on trade and sustainable-related topics.
The faculty at the SRC includes leading regional and international trade experts, enhancing the educational experience through various outreach and research activities like webinars, policy briefs, and newsletters This robust educational framework ensures that SRC graduates are well-prepared to drive forwardthetradeagendasof their respective countries andthebroaderregion.
Expanding SRC’s Impact in the Sustainability SpaceAlthoughtheSRChas encounteredchallengesover theyearsprimarilyduetothe financial difficulties associatedwithattendingthe in-person courses in Barbados, demand remains robust, as evidenced by significant increases in application numbers whenever financial support is available. For example, a notable surge in enrollment occurred when the OECS Commission provided 30 scholarshipsfortheprogram between 2019 and 2020, fundedbytheOACPSunder theTrade.ComIIProject. Inresponsetothese (Continuedonpage06)
The decision by the PPP at its 32nd Congress to remove all references of Marxism-Lenninism from itsConstitutionistimelyand strategic.
Itisanestablishedfactthat thePartyhadbeenavictimof the Cold War multiple times duringtheimmediatepre-and post-independenceperioddue mainly to its perceived embrace of the MarxistLenninist ideology Indeed, the PPP was denied an opportunitytotakethecountry into independence precisely for that reason, despite an earlier commitment by B r i t a i n t o c o n f e r independence status to whichever party won the 1961 elections. As it turned
out, independence was withheld until the PPP was engineered out of office in the 1964 elections, in what formerBritishPrimeMinister HaroldWilsondescribedas‘a fiddled constitutional arrangement’.
The PNC-UF coalition wascatapultedintoofficewith Forbes Burnham as Prime Minister and Peter D’Aguiar asFinanceMinister Therestis nowhistory
The global environment has changed since the collapse of the USSR in the late1980’sandthefallofthe BerlinWall.
The Cold War for all practical purposes has ended It is imperative therefore for the PPP, as the largest political party in
Guyana, to re-strategize and align its political strategy to accommodate this new and changingdispensation. This is not to suggest, as pointed out by the Party’s GeneralSecretaryDr.Bharrat Jagdeo, that the PPP has abandoned its working class and pro-poor orientation. Socialism, at the conceptual level, still holds out the promiseofasocietyinwhich there is economic and social justice for all and an end of exploitation of man by man However, at this conjuncture in time it remains at best a theoretical construct, the full realization of which may not be possible in the foreseeable future
Sincerely HydarAlly
Guyana boasts a rapidly growing economy, yet for many Guyanese, the dream ofcarownershipremainsout of reach. The reason? The staggering cost of vehicles, particularlyusedcars.While our neighbors enjoy the benefits of more affordable new cars, Guyanese are often forced to pay two to three times the price for a second-hand vehicle. This situation demands immediate government intervention.
disproportionately burdens
s, particularly the working class These high taxes inflatethepriceofusedcars, m
n bas
c transportationaluxury This hinders not only personal mobility but also economic participation Owning a reliable vehicle can create new opportunities for employment, business ventures, and accessing essential services outside of immediateareas.
We, the people of G
Frompage05 changingneedsandtheshift toward online education promptedbytheCOVID-19 pandemic, the SRC has madesignificantadaptations to its programme delivery and research agenda. The MITP and other short coursesarenowavailablein a hybrid/online format.This change has made the program more accessible andfinanciallyfeasiblefora broader audience, allowing students to participate without relocating This saves on living expenses, while allowing them to continue their professional engagements.
Additionally, the SRC has been proactive in integrating sustainability and inclusivity into its curriculum Recent years
haveseentheintroductionof dedicated short courses focusing on trade-related aspectsoftheblueeconomy, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and gender issues, either as standalone offerings or as part of the MITP electives These curriculum enhancements, along with the online deliveryformat,positionthe SRC’s programs as costeffectiveandhighlyrelevant to the specific trade and sustainability challenges faced by CARICOM countries.
Moreover, the SRC’s strong international connectionsanditsfaculty’s expertise in sustainable and inclusive trade provide students with unparalleled access to global platforms and international advice,
government to re-evaluate its tax laws governing the import of new and used vehicles A balanced approachisneeded,onethat generates revenue for the nation while making car ownership a realistic possibility for a greater segmentofthepopulation.
Here are some potential solutionstoconsider: % TieredTaxSystem: Implement a tiered tax systembasedonvehicleage, enginesize,orfuel
further enhancing the value andimpactofitseducational offerings.
As we look forward, the SRC’s role in shaping the region’s trade policies will bepivotal.
Byfosteringaneducated and well-prepared cadre of officials and trade experts, CARICOM can ensure its trade practices contribute effectively to sustainable and inclusive development. The continued success of these efforts will rely on the active participation from all sectors of society, donor agencies, and government support to ensure that the Caribbean remains adaptive and proactive in the face of globaltradechallenges.
Sincerely Dr.JanYvesRemy
With the time drawing near to the next General Elections, slated for 2025, the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) is rushing to meet its 2020 Manifesto promises.
While the government just yesterday announced the write off of student debt for some 13,000 Guyanese, the fact is this measure will not affect the majority of the population that are still struggling to make ends meet.
Why is the PPP now ducking and running from its Manifesto promise to ”engage oil and gas companies in better contract administration/re-negotiation”? This administration has even failed to keep the latter part of this promise with key deficiencies in the contract still hampering the free f low of revenue to this impoverished country.
Crime Chief, Wendell
Blanhum on Monday disclosed that the sexual assault allegations levelled against former Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Nigel Dharamlall are under activeinvestigation.
Last Friday, 28-year-old Sarah Hakh held a press conference detailing her alleged sexual assault by Dharamlall She had disclosed that she filed a police report and is hoping that justice prevails. In a brief statement to the press, Blanhum underscored, that the allegations are “serious.”
The crime chief confirmed vehemently deny each and too that a report was made at that statement was issued – every one of the allegations the Cove and John Police the GPF issued an update in made by the said (name Station. Blanhumalsonoted relation to the allegations mentioned) therein For that all parties will be levelled against the former some while hitherto, I was contacted. minister privy to rumours that (name
Notably, at the time of According to reports, mentioned) was making writing, Hakh informed this Hakh reportedly met the unsavory comments in publication that she has not former official back in 2020. relation to me, but I made a been contacted by the GPF She shared that during her deliberate effort to ignore The press release from the first time meeting the them. I have known (name crime chief came moments accused, it was over dinner mentioned) personally for after the Guyana Press w h e r e t h e y h a d a several years and have Association (GPA) issued a professional interaction, but always maintained a most statement calling out the added that some of his civil and cordial relationship Guyana Police Force (GPF) actions that evening “was with her, including for a lack of response to juststrange.” socialising on many media queries related to In an initial statement to occasions,” Dharamlall said. s e x u a l a s s a u l t a n d the media last year, the He continued, “Her cyberbullying made against woman had shared that the demeanour towards me D h a r a m l a l l G P A officialcalledheraboutajob changed fundamentally after highlightedthatsinceFriday, offer On the day of the I rebuffed her advances and a journalist made a query via supposed meeting with the spurned her attempts to the Joint Services/Press official and his team, the engage in an intimate WhatsApp Group Since womansharedthatshedrove relationship.” then several other queries toStateHouse,AnnaRegina, The former minister were made by numerous Region Two where the stated that, thereafter, journalists – but all went officialsaidameetingwillbe throughseveralfakeprofiles, unanswered. held. the alleged victim embarked
Itshouldbenotedthatthe “… I couldn’t believe on the campaign to tarnish questions were asked in a this is happening and I stare hisreputation. medium that includes the at the ceiling and look at a “It really begs the hierarchy of the GPF clock to the left of me. My question as to what has including Commissioner of dignity and sanity went out reignited this quest by (name Police (Acting) Clifton the window and I was mentioned) to sully my good Hicken and several crushed”, the woman said. name, particularly at this government ministers She also shared details from time.Herlatestattemptbears including Home Affairs the second alleged incident testimony to this. I have Minister, Robeson Benn and which occurred at the already engaged and Public Affairs Minister, official’s home sometime in instructed Attorneys-at-Law Kwame McCoy “The lack 2021 During the press who are reviewing the of response to these queries conference, the woman statements made by (name raises serious questions expressed her dissatisfaction mentioned), with a view of about the police willingness with the fact that the former instituting legal proceedings and ability to not only government official is still in againstherandotherpersons investigates itself but also the limelight of the People’s associated with propagating politicians of any sitting ProgressiveParty(PPP). these falsehoods, as may be party in government. The Meanwhile, Dharamlall necessary,”Dharamlallsaid. lack of engagement on this in a press statement on Last year, Dharamlall andmanyotherissueshasled Friday evening accused resigned amidst an the GPA to conclude that Hakh of embarking on a investigation into the rape of public trust, being a critical campaign to “tarnish my a minor Recently, he was rec o m p o n e n t o f l a w reputation.” elected to the 35-member enforcement,hasdealtwitha He first acknowledged CentralExecutiveofthePPP severe blow It does appear the press conference stating Dharamlall secured the sixth that the Guyana Police Force that he is aware of certain highest number of votes is being heavily influenced malicious allegations being among those nominated for politically rather than levelled against him. “From the 40-member Central professionally,”GPAsaid. the outset, I wish to Executive Body and five Less than an hour after categorically and most non-votingmembers.
Bharrat Jagdeo needs a refresher to be able to better differentiate between a party’s foundational principles and the ideology through which it hopes to realize its principles and aims.
The constitutions of all
parties set out their
foundational or core principles.Theseareusually adumbrated in the preamble of the constitution. If you comparetheconstitutionsof liberal as opposed to labour parties, you will find some overlap in their core principles. They both speak to improving the lot of the peopleandacommitmentto democracyandequality
But parties can opt for different routes to achieve their foundational
principles. Parties can for specific ideologies. The JagdeoclaimsthatthePPPC has always had a workingclass ideology But in 1968, thepartyadoptedaMarxistLeninistideology Sincethe death of Cheddi Jagan, the party has found itself in an ideological vacuum. It has failed to redefine itself ideologically Consequently, itexposeditselftobeingcooptedbythebourgeoisclass – which is what has happened.
C h e d d i J a g a n , announced even before the 1992 elections that the achievement of socialism was not on the immediate agenda of any future PPP government. He was forced to walk a tightrope between structural adjustment and
transformation He was beingpragmaticbuthenever abandoned MarxismLeninism. After he and his wife died, the PPPC under Jagdeo, adopted, wholesale, a neo-liberal agenda Throughout Latin America, neo-liberalism, has been associated with growing inequality and pressures on the poor, in stark contradiction to the PPP’s foundationalprinciples.
At the 32nd Congress of the PPP held last week, Jagdeo would have us believe that the ideology of the party has always been workingclass.Buthefailsto differentiate between the philosophy of the party and its ideology, and secondly, he fails to account for the direction in which he has
Keshawn Nero, the 25year-old man who was wanted by the Guyana Police Force (GPF), for a series of alleged robberies and rape was on Saturday arrested.
Police issued a wanted bulletin for Nero, also known as ‘Killa’of Lot 71, Friendship, East Coast Demerara(ECD),onFriday Therobberiesandrapewere
Frompage06 efficiency This would
ensure fairness and encourage the import of n e w e r , m o r e environmentally friendly vehicles.
% Reduced Taxes on Used Cars: Introduce a reasonable tax structure for used cars, making them more accessible for the majorityofGuyanese.
% Incentivize New Car Purchases: Explore tax breaks or other incentives for new car purchases, particularly for fuelefficient. The government existstoservethepeople.By reforming the vehicle tax
system, Guyana can empower its citizens, stimulate economic activity, and ensure that the dream of car ownership becomes a
realityforawidersegmentof the population Let us move forward together to create a transportation landscape that benefitsallGuyanese.
We urge the government tolistentotheconcernsofits peopleandactswiftly It’stime to make car ownership a dream realized, not a dream deferred
We got some real wicked people in Guyana. Dem does have fun at your expense and dem boys nah talking about tantalize Dem boys talking about vandalism.
Imagine you got yourselfafreshride,maybe jus’ outta de showroom, gleaminglikeadiamondin de rough. Yuh wuk hard sweat plenty, save and take a loan to get dat set of wheels.
Every dollar counted, everypennycherished.And you, like many others, scrimpin’ and saving to make dem loan payments, hustlin’to afford dat sweet petrol to keep your baby purring. Sometimes to mek de
loan payments yuh have to cut down on food because yuh know if yuh don;t pay de vehicle could be repossessed Sometimes yuh does pull in de petrol stationandaskfuha$2,000 petrol.
Butwhathappenswhen some mischievous souls, dey eyes filled with de devil’s own delight, decide to make your life a living hell? You park your pride andjoyonderoad,innocent as a lamb, only to find it marred,scarredbydehands of unknown villains. Nails, keys, maybe even de sharp end of a ruler, they use whateverdeygottoscratch yuhcar What kinda twisted pleasure do dey find in
moved the party and government.
Duringhisaddressatthe Congress, Jagdeo spoke aboutthePPPalwayshaving one ideology – a working classideology Buthecannot put a label or name to it because he does not understand the difference between a party’s foundational principles and the ideologicalmeans that it uses to realize those principles. He confuses the ends with the means, the philosophy with the ideology In his Congress address he referenced the preamble principles of political pluralism, ideological pluralism, politicaldemocracy,cultural diversity,andracialequality Jagdeo by now ought to know that these principles areequallysharedbyparties with different orientations. Even liberal parties espouse equality and cultural diversity
A party’s principles can encompass a wide range of general concepts such as freedom, equality, democracy,culturaldiversity, andracialequality Butthese principlesarenotnecessarily exclusive to any specific ‘ism’ or ideology On the otherhand,everypartyneeds aspecificandcoherentsetof
beliefs, values and doctrines to achieve its principles Pursueitsgoalsandattainits goals It includes a party’s stance on issues such as the role of government, economic systems, social policies, and international relations Ideologies provide a more structured f r a m e w o r k f o r understanding how a party positions itself within the politicalspectrumandhowit seeks to achieve its objectives The PPP has bound itself to the core principles as outlined in the preamble of its constitution. But it failed to formally proclaim the ideology throughwhichitwillpursue these aims. Its failure to proclaim must not be confusedwiththeabsenceof a guiding ideology of the partybecausethePPPisnow firmly encamped with the bourgeois class and is doing thebiddingofthisclass. Jagdeo stays clear of engaging in an ideological debate. I believe he is illequipped, intellectually, and otherwise, to do so.And so, he seeks refuge in the bland statement that there are forces which want to drag thepartyintoasteriledebate about ‘isms’. It is a myth to assume that a political party can be stripped of ‘isms’.
When a party ditches Marxism-Leninism as its guiding ideology, it is replaced by another ‘ism’ and no one needs to second guess what is the guiding ‘ism’ within the PPP at present.
The PPPC and Jagdeo arewithintheirrighttoditch Marxism-Leninism and referencestosocialismfrom the party’s constitution
However, both Jagdeo and the PPP must not shy away fromadebateoverwhythese references should be expunged from the party’s constitution.Theymustalso not fail in their duty to ideologically redefine the party rather than seeking refuge in the false equivalence between an ideology and a party’s foundationalprinciples.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s affiliates.)
causingsuchpain?”It’slike a sick game to dem, a sadistic thrill. And it ain’t just de adults indulging in dis wickedness, nah. Even some of dem wicked and malicious school children, innocentfacesmaskingdeir true intentions, dey join in defray
But what does it say ‘boutoursocietywhensuch actsofvandalismbecomea source of amusement? When we find joy in de suffering of others, when wederivepleasurefromde destruction of what others havetoiledsohardtobuild?
De law needs to take a serious approach to dem wah scratching people vehiclesjustfuhdefunofit. Talkhalf.Leffhalf
The alphabet that was survivors of this carnage on gripping societal addiction. learn at the knee and a sad, letters in the alphabet taught and absorbed during the mind. Given what the For the few who allow stricken new generation is that should be hymn our first days in school has discovery of oil now means themselves some occasional born, continues the national and anthem and sacred 26 letters. Whether the first forthepeopleofthiscountry, room to ponder domestic three-letter catastrophe. The to every Guyanese (o-i-l) inputs and insights came I could subscribe to O and I circumstances, there is this fact that I speak of this so have secondary meaning in from the home or in the and L being the extent of the assaultonthesenses:ifason openly and sharply makes the considerations of those stick immovably to where classroom, the standard has Guyanese alphabet. The or daughter of Guyana m e i n t o t h e m o s t who hold inseparably to PPP they are. Everyone comes remained unmoving with trouble is that they are not, differs from them, refuses to u n p a r d o n a b l e o f or PNC as their deity and and wants a piece of their those 26 letters. Those and it is a national tragedy, stand united on issues, then subversives. It is the biting firstbornprogeny,ifnottheir flesh, and all the locals want letters have formed the one of enduring proportions. he or she can only be for the irony of this country that the existence itself. Guyanese, is a piece of their own building blocks for words This is said because I now hated enemy side (PPP or oneswhosavagethenational be they party diehard or cult Guyanese man flesh. In a and wisdom, comprehension sharewhatiswellknownand PNC). To bring oneself to mind and castrate the leaderdisciple,arecontentto recentgatheringofoneofthe and communication, from as deeply entrenched in this think beyond that self- national will are held in taketheireyesofftheoil,and twothree-lettergroups,there early as three years old and country The national constructed mental torture heroic light Perhaps I concentrate ferociously and wasgreatpassioninpointing last a lifetime, regardless of alphabet consists of these chamber (or jaundiced reason, it is why Guyana has uninterruptedly on those to the enemy at the gate, and howlongthatis. three letters: P and N and C, castle) is the equivalent of been rewarded with lavish held as blood enemies the ones on the inside. This In special instances, the asinPPP(oneletterrepeated treason, a betrayal of team, a natural resources as a Meanwhile, the foreigners is while the real enemies quickofheadhasgraspedthe three times) and PNC. It is sellingoutoftribe. MyGod! compensation for the prey at will on this local hold the ascendant hand. mysteries of the 26-letter the callous that feeds the Guyana is in a bad place, manmadeones. Achilles’ heel. Guyanese This is what the 26 letters in alphabet from much earlier cancerous which results in beyondimagination. In the manner of still will not learn, are the alphabet distils to: PPP t h a n t h r e e y e a r s thedisastrous.
Mentally depraved, Guyanese PPP and PNC unable,refuseallthetime,to and PNC Absolutely
Considering this, something I c h a l l e n g e a n y spiritually corrupt, and politicians, the oil people free themselves of their nothing else. All the money of startling enormity has Guyanese, any outsider any ethically deficient political also know this. They have mental slavery that make undertheseaisnotenoughto taken over the minds of observer, to differ with me. leaders know all that I just studied the local situation on them so pathologically eradicate that mentality almost all Guyanese. In a PPPandPNCarewhere95% penned. It is what they their own, shared notes with committed to a self- When Guyanese cannot get nutshell, the traditional 26 of the people in this society leverage to capitalize on to other foreigners (official and destructive ethos, this past their three-letter PPPletters have been reduced to are,ifnotasmuchas99.99% gain strength to continue commercial), and quickly nationalpitifulsickness. PNC alphabet, then the the paltriness of three letters ofthem. forward. The mesmerized came to the one conclusion Another foreigner, the better life sought for all will only To minimize the 26- This includes those and used people know this, possible. Guyanese do not one across a creek in the remainamirage. letter alphabet, what is locked in the throes of but are helpless to do have to be divided to be Northwest knows of this (The views expressed in almost like our own first and dementia,paranoia,hysteria. something about it, anything conquered. They do it to three-letter PPP-PNC State. this article are those of the last names, is to degrade it to PPP and PNC are where all to salvage something in themselves, which makes It is why he can extend a u t h o r a n d d o n o t ugliness and monstrousness thoughts commence, themselves for themselves. possible the rampant citizenship to people in necessarily reflect the and, to emphasize the horror coalesce, and conclude.That There is something that I robberies and extraordinary covetedterritory Heandhis opinions and beliefs of this of where this country finds is,forGuyanesewhothinkat must say in all honesty, and prosperity from Guyanese ilk covet the oil, too. And n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s i t s e l f , I t h r o w i n all This has come to can, because I am not patrimony Thus, the three still, 95% plus Guyanese affiliates.) barbarousness. represent the absolute runningforoffice,lookingto Get this straight: the maximum in Guyanese curry favor with anyone. It three letters to which thinking Those who is that politicians and Guyanese should reduce, supposedly are content to sit political parties have limit, encircle, their new on the local political fence converted Guyanese to alphabet are not O and I and still come back to the same dumb and docile beasts L,asinO-I-L. Ifmattershad dead end of PPP and PNC. Unthinking beyond the to come to this unavoidable Guyanesedonotseektolook boundaries of these three place, then I would willingly away from, look around, letters, and unmoving from endorse o-i-l to be the look over, and look past this where they are. Children
A 24-year-old man died on Sunday night after he was involved in a motorcycle accident along the Betsy Ground Public Road,EastCanjeBerbice(ECB).
Dead is ShawnAtmaram from Gangaram Village,ECB.
Reports are that the accident occurred at around 21:45h involving motorcycle registered CK 1572 owned and driven by Atmaram.
Police said that Atmaram was reportedly speeding along the eastern drive lane of the Betsy Ground Public Road when he lost control of the motorcycle and fell onto the road.
He sustained severe injuries to his head andbodyasaresultofthefallresultinginhim being unconscious. Public spirited citizens transported the man to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital for medical attention However,Atmaram was pronounced dead on arrival.
His body has been transferred to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital mortuary, where itawaitsapost-mortemexamination. Investigationsareongoing.
(Reuters) - Proxy by the Federal Trade said.
Without a delay to the Shareholder Services (ISS) “Investors are presently vote, “Hess shareholders recommended on Monday unable to make an informed bear the risk of a potentially that Hess shareholders assessment,” ISS said, broken deal without any abstain from voting on adding that an approval now compensation,” ISS said Chevron’s proposed US$53 would prevent Hess Chevron can walk away billion buyout of the oil and
from the deal without paying gas company, which has considering better sale a$1.7billionterminationfee been stalled due to a conflict proposals. if it loses the arbitration and withrivalExxonMobil Chevron and Hess say Exxon can seek to prolong ISS urged the vote be they remain confident that thearbitrationuntilitdecides adjourned to allow more the right of first refusal whether it really has no time for details on the claimed by Exxon does not interest in ever acquiring arbitration process with apply and that the arbitration Hess,thefirmsaid. Exxon to emerge Hess will be concluded in five to Exxon and CNOOC Ltd, shareholders are due to vote six months. But Exxon has Hess’ partners in Guyana, May28onthedeal. publicly suggested the filed cases before the Chevron last October arbitration will stretch well International Chamber of offered to acquire Hess in a into 2025, ISS said. ISS Commerce in April, seeking move to gain a foothold in offers analysis and to claim a right to a first oil-rich Guyana’s lucrative
refusal over any sale of offshore fields. The deal has institutional investors Hess’s30%stakeinthegiant becomemiredinaregulatory regarding how to vote on Stabroek offshore oil block, review and challenged by c
e home of the largest oil Exxon, which claims it has a matters and proposals at discoveryinnearlyadecade. rightoffirstrefusaltoHess’s shareholder meetings. Hess ISS also said the premium prizedGuyanaassets. did not immediately respond offered by Chevron for Hess
A decision on the to requests for comment. shares-about5%-ismodest arbitration between the “We look forward to Hess and suggested that Chevron companies might not be obtaining a successful offer an incentive to reached this year The deal, shareholder vote and c o m p e n s a t e H e s s proposed in October, is also completing the transaction,” shareholders for a potential pending regulatory approval a Chevron spokesperson delayinthedealclosing.
Teachers on Monday hit the will put forward some terms the streets as they continue to press ministry would put forward some government for salary increases terms and then both sides would encompassing a multi-year havetoagreeonthosetermssothat agreement from 2019-2023. And itcanbeenacted.Unfortunatelywe while the educators were on the haven’tcometoafullagreementon streets officials of the Guyana it that’s why we will meet again Teacher’s Union (GTU) and the tomorrowmorning.” Ministry of Education met with the GeneralSecretaryoftheUnion, Chief Labour Officer in Coretta McDonald was also conciliation talks to hammer out contacted and she said that, “we terms for the ending of the strike havenotreachedanywhereyetwith andawayforward.Themeetingdid regards to our terms of resumption Sir Randy Mingo told this Union’s headquarters on Woolford happened”. He reminded that the not yield a settlement on Monday becausetherearestillissuesthatare publication that government’s Avenue.Dr Lytewasaskedtowhat GTU had written the Chief Labour andthetwosideswillresumetoday botheringbothsidessowehavenot treatment of teachers is unfair He extent the union is willing to go in Officer and copied the Minister of with the Ministry of Labour been able to sign off on the said that, “This is unfair, all they pursuing the grievance procedure; Labour “and all we got was a officialstodiscussthematter document as yet.” When asked if have to do is just negotiate with us given that the government has correspondence saying, there was “So we will return tomorrow themulti-yearagreementtheUnion and let the teachers be paid. From refused to discuss the timeframe no need for conciliation”. “So I am (today) to further discuss and wants from 2019-2023 was settled, 2024 is unacceptable We are they requested the collective not sure whether the Ministry is hopefully sign off on the terms of McDonald said: “that is the period askingfrom2019-2023becausewe bargaining agreement. “While the prepared to go that way and resumption. We will return to deal that we are having the difficulty deserve it.” A number of other Union is ready and willing to government I should say But we with that from 10:30. It’s a with.” teachers echoed his sentiments. submit itself to arbitration, we do are ready not to go to conciliation, document that we were willing to Meanwhile, out on the streets Another teacher said that, “I don’t not know whether the government we are ready to go to arbitration,” put together, we had drafted it right teachers assembled outside the understand why they are making is prepared to go in that direction, he added. The GTU head said that in the room and both parties had to Ministry of Labour armed with this seems so hard. Let’s meet and because that process will allow for the Union has shared its grievance come back with a position as to placards which had numerous agree, get paid and we will go back a neutral person to be selected and memorandum with the public and whether we agree on the terms messages written on them. This is to the classroom everyone is agreed on by both parties, who will there are steps to be taken to move stated in the document,” President the second strike for the year as the happy.” decide on whether there is any from conciliation to arbitration. oftheGTUDr MarkLytesaid. previous one ended after 29 days. On Friday last, Lyte had said ground for teachers to be given an Confidently, Dr Lyte assured Lyteexplainedthat“Oncethere The teachers are holding out that that they were ready to go to increasesalaryandhowmuch,”the reporters that the Union has the is a strike there is what we call they are not going to back down arbitration over the stalled salary GTUpresidentsaid. support of its teachers. “Verbal terms of resumption that both sides until the ministry agrees to their talks. The disclosure was made Further, Dr Lyte said that reports suggest 60% of teachers will have to agree to so the Union requests. during a press conference at the “C
Five persons have been up and see the scene, it was
was bad, with no proper training, Primary, was renowned for her confirmed dead and several others horrible,” one passenger of another they would have lived if we had unwavering commitment to the seriouslyinjured,followingahead- vehicle said. While Leacock and better response time and an holistic development of her pupils. oncollisionMondaymorninginthe her brother were presumed dead on ambulance with oxygen,” the Her infectious enthusiasm and vicinity of Long Creek, Soesdyke- the scene, Farrel was motionless concernedeyewitnesssaid. nurturingspiritenrichedthelivesof LindenHighway butwasstillbreathing.Ittooksome
Calls were also made for the all who crossed her path. Parents
The dead victims have been time before him along with the reopening of the Health Post at and students of Kwakwani on identified as: Dwalon Farrel a injured were transported to the Long Creek, which would also socialmediadescribedherasoneof Graduate Head of Department Linden Hospital Complex. He was reduce the wait time for medical the best teachers at the Kwakwani Industrial Technology teacher pronounced dead on arrival. The emergenciestoLinden. PrimarySchool. attached to the New Silver City Leacock siblings and the rest of the
Plunged into mourning For their part, the Ministry of Secondary School; Ms. Rushell passengers were heading to
The deaths of Leacock and Education said it is deeply Leacock, a Graduate Senior Georgetown. Farrel plunged the education saddened to learn of the tragic Mistress attached to the Kwakwani Another passenger of the community in Region 10 into deaths of the two teachers. “Our Primary School, her brother Eddo vehicle Asheer Grannum was mourning. In a statement from the hearts go out to their families, Leacock who is a father of two, transferred to the Georgetown Region 10 Department of friends, colleagues, and the entire Urani Hall, a retired nurse residing Public Hospital Corporation with Education,SirFarrelwasdescribed community during this difficult in Kwakwani and pensioner head injuries. Up to press time, his as, “more than an educator; he was time. These educators dedicated ClintonPatterson. condition was listed as serious but of accidents that occur on the a mentor, guiding countless their lives to shaping the minds and Meanwhile, according to stable. Linden Soesdyke Highway “I students through the intricacies of futures of our youth. Their passion eyewitnesses Farrel was driving a Other passengers of the know that if the ambulance had industrial technology and inspiring for teaching and commitment have motorcar heading to Linden while motorcar heading to Linden come in time, with the necessary them to pursue their passions. His leftanindeliblemarkonthelivesof Eddo Leacock was travelling in the included a child and her tools especially oxygen, Farrel dedication and expertise left an countless students. As a ministry, opposite direction heading to grandmother and two other men. would have lived,” one person on indelible mark on the New we
st Georgetown when they collided They are yet to be identified but the scene commented. “After the Silvercity Secondary community.” condolences and stand ready to head-on. “We were in another car were all transferred to GPHC. ambulance took so long persons Ms Leacock was also given a offer any support and assistance going to town, when we hear the Eyewitnessesmadefreshcallsfora started volunteering their vehicles moving tribute. “Ms. Leacock, a needed to those affected by this loud crash and lil bit more we drive better response system for victims to take them to the hospital and that pillar of strength at Kwakwani tragedy.”
Olmac Medical Hub Guyana on Monday opened the doors of a new health care facility in Vreed-enHoop, West Coast Demerara (WCB), offering Guyanese access to quality services locallyandabroad.
Dr Phillip McPherson, who spent 33 years in the United States of America perfecting his medical skills, istheproudownerofthenew facility During a simple o p e n i n g c e r e m o n y yesterday, the proprietor explained that the Hub was named in honour of his late parents.
A n e m o t i o n a l McPherson recalled that he a l w a y s d r e a m e d o f becoming a doctor, but after migratingandworkinginthe Emergency Room in Brooklyn for a while, he started questioning what he coulddoforhiscountry
What Dr McPherson initially envisioned being a small dialysis center, evolved into the Olmac Medical Hub Guyana. In January 2022, construction of the facility commenced andwascompletedtwoyears andfourmonthslater
Dr McPherson in an emotional speech assured that patients of the facility will receive the best possible care.
learn that patients will have through investments such as maybe we can refer them
Meanwhile, Minister of access to overseas health Olmac “We are now through your network to Health,Dr FrankAnthonyin carethroughtelemedicine. changing what was a brain those experts and I think his remarks thanked the Minister Anthony drain to a brain gain with that’s how we can lift the medical professional for underscored that while persons like Dr McPherson quality,” Minister Anthony bringing investment to medical professionals and his team coming back- said. Region Three to benefit the alwayswantthebestfortheir not only offering good In fact, he believes citizenry He was keen to patients this can sometimes quality healthcare but also Guyana can become “the note that he was pleased to be challenging due to the would be involved in envy of the Caribbean” resources needed such as teaching.” through Olmac Medical Hub spaceandpersonnel. The Minister applauded sharing its years of expertise
“In Guyana we have had the doctor for his idea of by developing the local a lot of our skilled people shifting telemedicine healthcaresystem. who migrated whether to the beyond the borders of Some of the services US, Canada, UK, to the Guyana. He said that while offered by Olmac include Caribbean, to different parts government is looking to urgent/ primary care; of the world and very often offertelemedicinewithinthe d i a l y s i s ; s t r o k e we have that vacuum that is country, Olmac will be rehabilitation; dental care; created where sometimes we offering patients linkages to wound and diabetic foot don’thaveourownverybest expertsinNewYork. care; CME training; X-Ray; working in some of our “I think that’s a good ultra sound and clinical hospitals,” Dr. Anthony thing and maybe with some laboratory.TheMedicalHub posited. He was keen to note of your experts when we c
n that this was being curbed have complicated cases, telephonenumber501-7573.
From page 12 maintained that it will only be engaging the continued, “So that is why we are asking for uniononsalarymattersfrom2024onwards. an increase and we can only get that through “We stand with our Union respect our collective bargaining not the 6.5 that was decisions,” and “6.5 percent can’t work” the imposed on us. But we are looking for the teacherschanted. packagethatwassubmittedfor2019to2023, The teachers have maintained that their when the government decides to talk to us current salaries are not enough, and as such aboutthattheniswhenwecanwithdrawfrom theyhavebeencallingforalivablewage. this strike and decide to talk positive with The teachers encouraged other educators them.” The industrial action followed an to join, as they share the same plight. impasse between the government and GTU “Together, we’re stronger,” the protesting over the Union’s proposal on salaries, wages teacherschanted. and allowances proposals The GTU There were about 50 teachers protesting requested collective bargaining for the year’s in Region Two on Monday They assembled 2019to2023;meanwhilethegovernmenthas onthe‘highbridge’locatedinAnnaRegina.
The Guyana Police Force on Monday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the New York Police Department (NYPD) to improve their partnership and enhance collaboration. The MoU was signed in the Commissioner’s Conference Room, at the Headquarters of the Guyana Police Force (GPF).
The MoU was signed by Minister of Home Affairs of Guyana, Robeson Benn, Ambassador of the United States to Guyana, Her Excellency Nicole D. Theriot, First Deputy Commissioner of the New York City Department
(NYPD), Ms. Tania Kinsella, and Guyana Police Force’s Deputy Commissioner of ‘Administration’ Mr. Calvin Brutus, a statement by the Force said.
Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn reiterated the Government’s commitment to enhancing police capabilities through investments in modern facilities, improved training programmes, and advanced technology. He emphasized the vital importance of diversity and empathy in fostering a more responsive and effective police force.
The minister said that
this collaboration exemplifies the commitment of both the NYPD and the GPF to work together in combating crime and ensuring the well-being of the communities they serve.
Meanwhile, the First Deputy Commissioner of the NYPD announced the ambitious goal of removing over 16,000 guns from the streets of New York City while emphasizing the “critical role of partnership in fostering a safer and more secure Guyana.”
Ambassador Theriot, representing the U.S. Embassy and the U.S. Department of
The government of Guyana through the Ministry of Public Works is preparing to spend approximately $308,591,524 out of its $236,108,169,000 allocation to rehabilitate or construct seven bridges in Georgetown, on the East Coast of Demerara (ECD) and on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD).
This is according to a tender the ministry issued in the media seeking contractors to
execute the projects.
According to the document, the projects are from Lot 18 to 24 and the contracts are for the rehabilitation / construction of Haslington Grove bridge link (ECD). This project is estimated to cost $26,761,983.
Lot 19 deals with the rehabilitation/ construction of New Diamond 1st Avenue connector road for bridge, EBD, and a sum of $157,340,400 has been estimated to complete the works.
The Guyana Police Force is asking for the assistance of the public in identifying the individual in the photo, who was involved in a vehicular accident on Coldingen, Public Road, East Coast Demerara on Sunday.
Lot 20 is for the rehabilitation/ construction of HDPE culvert at Lamaha Gardens and this is estimated to cost $10,494,000.
In that area also, the ministry revealed that $31,697,545 has been allocated for Lot 21: the rehabilitation/ construction of bridges at Lamaha Springs and Lamaha Gardens.
This publication understands that Lot 22 deals with the rehabilitation/ construction of Ice House Road bridge, West Ruimveldt and is estimated to cost $28,773,675 while Lot 23 will see works being done at the Enmore School Street access bridge, (ECD) at an estimated cost of $26,761,983.
Additionally, $26,761,983 is estimated to complete works on the bridge located at Beehive North, ECD for Lot 24.
The ministry’s tender stated that the project will be opened on May 29, 2024 at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board office.
Out of the Ministry’s $236B budgetary allocation approximately $12.7 billion has been allocated for the construction and rehabilitation of bridges.
Tag words: bridges, Ministry of Public Works, tender, seeking, contractors
Porter needed for truck. For more information Call: 6611000.
Wanted: Skilled Masons, Carpenters and Labourers to work in Linden. Call: 6029469, 660-6385 or 625-7642.
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State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), expressed her support for the NYPD-GPF training partnership and pledged funding to ensure its success.
“The NYPD team will return to Guyana in the coming months to initiate the training program. Additionally, a group of GPF officers will embark on a practical study tour at the NYPD’s Training Facility in New York later this year,” the statement said.
Additionally, members of the visiting U.S. Embassy delegation, National Security Advisor Captain Gerry Gouveia, Deputy Commissioner ‘Operations’ Mr. Ravindradat Budhram, Deputy Commissioner ‘Law Enforcement’ Mr. Wendell Blanhum, Head, Special Branche Mr. Errol Watts, Traffic Chief Mr. Mahendra Singh and other members of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) were also present at the signing ceremony.
After the signing ceremony, the U.S.’ Embassy team was given a tour of the Police Academy and its ancillary facilities.
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A UN agency said the operations in northern Gaza had “created more displacement and fear for thousands of families”
(BBC NEWS) Fierce fightinghasbeenreportedin Jabalia in northern Gaza, aftertheIsraelimilitarywent backintoareaswhereitsaid Hamashadregrouped.
Residents who fled said they had seen tanks advancing towards Jabalia’s refugee camp, which has come und
e Saturday Palestinian armed groups also said they were battling troops in the camp. Meanwhile,theUNhassaid 360,000 people have fled Rafah,inthesouth,sincean offensivebeganaweekago.
The Israeli military has orderedtheevacuationofthe eastern third of the city, which is swollen with more than a million Palestinians taking refuge. On Sunday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned Israel that a full-scale offensive in Rafah might provoke “anarchy” without eliminating Hamas His comments echoed briefings toIsraelimediabyunnamed senior Israeli military figures, who said Hamas’s resurgence in northern Gaza wasduetoalackofaspecific plan from Israel’s government for the “day after” the war The military scaled down operations in the north in January after declaring that it had “dismantled” Hamas’s battalionsthere.Butthatleft apowervacuuminwhichthe group has been able to
An estimated 300,000 people trapped in the devastated region are also experiencing a “full-blown famine” due to a lack of aid deliveries, according to the head of the World Food Programme. Residents who were filmed fleeing Jabalia onfootonMondaymorning said they had decided to leave after seeing tanks advance into the area. “We don’tknowwheretogo.We have been displaced from one place to the next,” one woman told Reuters news agency “We are running in the streets. I saw it with my owneyes.Isawthetankand thebulldozer.”
The military wings of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad - which are both proscribed as terrorist organisations by Israel, the UK,USandothercountriessaid their fighters were targetingIsraeliforcesinand around Jabalia camp with mortars, anti-tank missiles andmachine-guns.
Hamas-affiliated Safa news agency also reported clashes between Palestinian armed groups and Israeli tanks east of Jabalia camp’s market,nearseveralUN-run schools which were being usedassheltersbycivilians.
TheofficialPalestiniannews agency Wafa meanwhile reported that two people were killed in Israeli strikes onhomesinJabaliacampon Monday and that a number
ofotherpeoplewerekilledin astrikeinJabaliatown.
It also cited ambulance crewsassayingthebodiesof 20 civilians had so far been recovered in Jabalia and taken to Kamal Adwan hospitalinBeitLahia.There was no immediate comment from the Israel Defense Forces(IDF).
OnSunday,theIDFsaid troops had begun an operation in Jabalia the previous evening “based on intelligence information regarding attempts by Hamas to reassemble its terrorist infrastructure and operativesinthearea”.
It came after civilians thereweretoldtoevacuateto western Gaza City The IDF also said it was operating in the Zeitoun area, in eastern Gaza City, to “eliminate terrorists and dismantle
terroristinfrastructure”.Safa reportedthatZeitounwashit by Israeli shellfire on Monday morning. The UN agency for Palestinian refugees, Unrwa, said the b o m b a r d m e n t a n d evacuation orders had “created more displacement and fear for thousands of families” in northern Gaza. Unrwa also warned that the civilians affected, like the estimated360,000whohave fled Rafah in the past week, had “nowhere safe to go”.
Aftersevenmonthsofwarin Gaza, Israel has insisted victory is impossible without taking Rafah and eliminating the last remainingHamasbattalions. ButUNandWesternpowers have warned that an all-out assault could lead to mass civilian casualties and a humanitariancatastrophe.
There have been desperate scenes in Rafah since the IDF said last Monday that it was beginning a “precise operationagainstHamas”in eastern Rafah. On Saturday, flyers were dropped ordering residents to evacuate more eastern neighbourhoods, including thoseclosetothecitycentre.
Unrwa’s deputy Gaza director Scott Anderson, who is based in western Rafah, told the BBC on Monday that the Israeli operation now extended “about a third of the way across Rafah” and encompassed the old town. He said he could hear explosions and air strikes, and that the fighting had affected the operations of hospitals and many of Unrwa’s facilities in Rafah
refugee camp, including a primaryhealthcarefacility
Palestinian media reported that four people, includingachild,werekilled on Monday in an Israeli air strikeonahomeintheBrazil neighbourhood,whichisjust south-east of the camp Hamas’s military wing also said it had targeted Israeli forceseastofRafah.
Many people sheltering in central and western areas that are not subject to evacuation orders have also been leaving out of fear that the Israeli operation will soon expand into a largescaleoffensive.
Ghada el-Kurd, a mother-of-two,toldtheBBC on Monday that she had recentlyfledtoDeiral-Balah in Gaza’s MiddleArea - the seventh time she has been displacedduringthewar
(BBC NEWS) - One of Europe’s most notorious people-smugglers has been arrested in Iraq following a BBCinvestigation.
Barzan Majeed was arrested in Iraqi Kurdistan onSundaymorning,asenior government official said Forseveralyears,heandhis gang were heavily involved in the people-smuggling trade - in boats and lorriesacrosstheEnglishChannel.
The BBC tracked down Majeed - also known as Scorpion - to the city of Sulaymaniya,wherehesaid
he had transported thousands of migrants across the channel. “Maybe athousand,maybe10,000.I
don’t know, I didn’t count,” hesaid.Aseniormemberof the Kurdistan Regional Government said that officialswereabletousethe BBC’s findings to locate Majeed.
“It was at 7am this morning that the arrest was madeoutsidehishome,they arrestedhimthemomenthe steppedoutofthehomeand arrested him without any major problems,” the officialsaid.
“Wearenowlookingat charges against him here first and foremost, and then we will be discussing with European police and prosecutors who want to question him and deal with
The UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA) also confirmed the arrest. “We are grateful to the BBC for highlighting his case, and remain determined to do all we can to disrupt and dismantle the criminal networks involved in smuggling people to the UK, wherever they operate,” it said in a statement.
Between2016and2021, Scorpion’s gang is believed to have controlled much of the people-smuggling trade between Europe and the U K A t w o - y e a r international police operation resulted in
convictionsfor26members of the gang at courts in the UK, France and Belgium. But Scorpion himself evaded arrest and went on therun.
In his absence, he was tried in a Belgian court and convicted of 121 counts of people-smuggling In October 2022, he was sentencedto10yearsinjail and fined €968,000 (£834,000) Scorpion’s whereabouts were unknown, until the BBC foundhim.
InacallinApril,Majeed seemed to show little sympathy for drowned migrants. “God [writes it down]whenyou’regoingto
pass away, but this is sometimes your fault,” he said.“Goddoesn’tneversay ‘Goinsidetheboat’.”
He eventually agreed to meet at a mall in Sulaymaniyah Here he denied being a big player at the top of a criminal organisation. He said other gang members had tried to implicatehim.“Acoupleof people, when they get arrested, they say, ‘We’re workingforhim’. They want to get less sentence ” Majeed then invited Rob Lawrie, a former soldier who works with refugees and worked with the BBC on the investigation, to see the
moneyexchangeheworked frominSulaymaniyah.
“Nobody forced them. They wanted to,” he said. “They were begging the smugglers, ‘Please, please do this for us.’ Sometimes the smugglers say, ‘Just becauseofthesakeofGod,I will help them.’ And then theycomplain,theysay,‘Oh this, that...’ No, this is not true.”
Ann Lukowiak from the publicprosecutor’sofficein Belgium welcomed the newsofhisarrest.
“At last we have a chance of seeing justice done in this case, of having him directly face his crimes andanswerforthem.”
Artistic impression of the New Demerara Harbour Bridge
Ov e r 1 3 , 0 0 0 employed in Guyana for at universityeducationthrough Guyanese are least three years, as aphasedapproachthisyear
expected to evidenced by a minimum of Already, this plan is in receive$11billioninstudent 156 contribution made to the motion, and according to Dr l o a n r e l i e f , a s t h e National Insurance Scheme Singh, it aligns with government announced (NIS).
The long traffic delays, congestion, and The aged old Demerara Harbour Bridge closure of the Demerara Harbour Bridge will canonlyaccommodatevehiclesmovingat32 soon be things of the past, as the much- kilometresperhour anticipated new US$260 million Demerara Motorists and residents of the East Bank, River Bridge is already 43.4 per cent West Bank, and West Coast of the Demerara completed.MinisterofPublicWorks,Bishop River will enjoy no bridge interruptions, as JuanEdghillmadetheannouncement,during therewillbenobridgeretraction. a recent interview with the Department of The structure is being built six metres PublicInformation(DPI). abovewatertoallowallvesselstopassunder “Itisgoingaheadfullsteam.Thebridgeis The first-of-its-kind bridge in South moving. The last report that we had is from America will service Guyanese for at least theconsultant,weareat43.4percentinterms 100 years. The bridge is being built by China of completion. Works are moving apace, Railway Construction (International) everybodyisseeingthat,”heemphasised. Limited, while Italian company, Politecnica, Six hundred fifty workers, which include isoverseeingtheconstructionworks. 120 Guyanese and 85 Venezuelan migrants, The monitoring team consists of are tirelessly working, to bring the 2.8- approximately 22 persons; both local and kilometre-long bridge to fruition, in the internationalexperts. shortestpossibletime. The modern bridge, connecting Regions The bridge will accommodate vehicles of Three and Four, is being constructed under all sizes and weights, and carry a speed limit standards set by theAmericanAssociation of of80kilometresperhour. StateHighwayandTransportationofficials.
Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr. Ashni Singh
Senior Minister in the Office of the mission to Guyana, and used the opportunity PresidentwithResponsibilityforFinanceand to highlight the country’s continuing bright the Public Service, Dr. Ashni Singh, on economic prospects, emphasizing that Monday attended and delivered the keynote irrespectiveof thesectorinwhichcompanies addressatJamaicaPromotionsCorporation’s are operating, there is business to be done in (JAMPRO’s) third Business Mission to Guyana. Guyana. He also placed on record that the
The event was held at the Guyana Government of Guyana is committed to MarriottHotel. diversifying the economic base, and as such,
The delegation is being led by Jamaica’s placed the highest level of importance on a Minister of Industry, Investment and strongnon-oileconomy Commerce, Senator Aubyn Hill, a release Minister Singh further reiterated that from the Finance Ministry said. The trade Guyana remains open for business, and its mission, comprising of over 40 Jamaican GovernmentwouldliketoseemoreJamaican businesses, is in Guyana for the next four companies setting up operations in Guyana days to engage in several ministerial and and forging partnerships with Guyanese business-to-business meetings with the local companies, fostering the creation of jobs and private sector to have discussions on generation of wealth in the country In this investment opportunities within several regard, Dr Singh encouraged the mission to sectors. get acquainted with the landscape and fully During remarks, Dr Singh welcomed the exploretheopportunitiesthatareavailable.
President, Dr Mohamed plans to commence phase Minister Singh recalled Irfaan Ali’s One Guyana one of the loan write-off that after 2015, the previous vision. programmeforUniversityof APNU+AFC Government “[This] vision seeks to Guyanastudents. h a d p r o p o s e d t h e create a society where all
Thisisinkeepingwithits introduction of travel bonds Guyanese irrespective of manifesto promise of intended to bar students with where they live, their ethnic providing free tertiary outstanding loans from or religious background, education to Guyanese by traveling. their political affiliation or 2025.
“This rendered fear in gender or other orientation,
Senior Minister in the scores of students across the have the opportunity to lead Office of the President with country This hostile productive and happy lives. responsibility for Finance, approach by the APNU+ It aims to achieve this by Dr. Ashni Singh, made the AFC Administration is yet reducing inequality and announcement during a live another example of the access to education, health broadcastonMonday. colossalnon-caringnatureof and other social services,
To be eligible, persons the APNU+ AFC and is in employmentandincomeand must have graduated in striking contrast to the security and justice,” the relation to the programme people centred approach of ministerasserted. funded by the Government the People’s Progressive The government will of Guyana’s Student Loan Party,” the minister pointed r e l e a s e a d d i t i o n
l Agency out. information on how persons
S u b s e q u e n t t o Itisimportanttonotethat can access phase one of the graduation, persons must the government committed programme in the coming have been employed or self- to paving a path to free days. (DPI)
Bodybuilding sensation
Nicholas ‘Creed’ Albert showcased his deftness in Barbadosovertheweekend, dominating the competition withhissculptedphysiqueat theIFBBRogerBoyce.
At just 22 years old, Albert clinched the gold medalintheupto90kgclass before securing the coveted Pro Card by winning the overallbodybuildingtitle.
His chiselled physique marks him as the youngest
local athlete to attain a procard in the Caribbean and Central America region, joining Sylvon Bruce Whatley, who achieved the feat in 2018, as one of only two male Guyanese bodybuilders to reach professional status in the sport.
Earning a pro card not only signifies Albert’s aptitudebutalsoopensdoors to lucrative endorsement dealsinthediscipline.
As stated by the local bodybuilding federation, Albert triumphed over competitors from Grenada, Mexico, Suriname, Barbados, and Guadeloupe in the Men’s Bodybuilding Senior category (up to 90kgs)toclaimvictory
He then advanced to the overall segment, where he comfortably secured first place,earningtheprizedPro Card.
Hannah Rampersaudachieved a Pro Card in the Wellness category, while IFBB Elite Pro Rosanna Fung secured third place in the highly competitive Pro Wellness class Julio Sinclair, Guyana’s other representative, placed secondinhisclass.
Rampersaud won the Women’s Wellness Senior up to 163cm category, clinching first place before securing second overall and herpro-card.
She now joins Laura Cravalle (1979) and Fung (2022) as the third female Guyanese to attain a procard and professional status inFitnessandBodybuilding.
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult ta
ou today, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family history lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
Despite her prior win at CAC 2022, Fung claimed the bronze in the Women’s Wellne
contending with formidable competitionfrom10athletes
Republic, Mexico, Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic,andParaguay Sinclair, competing
heavyweight athletes in the
Bodybuilding Senior over 90kgclass,narrowlymissed the gold but picked up the silvermedalcomfortably The federation, in its
congratulations to the
international stage and expressed gratitude to all sponsors, trainers, coaches,
supported and worked with theathletes.
The Demerara Pitbulls surged to the Inaugural Guyana Cricket Board ( G C B ) T 1 0 B l a s t championship title, after beating the Essequibo Jaguars in yesterday’s final playedatEnmoreGround.
Demerara Pitbulls beat Essequibo Jaguars by 2wickets
Taking first strike, the Jaguarsspedto96-6after10 overs, losing their top-order beforeSeonGlasgowhittwo sixes in his 22 off 13 before the duo of Kevon Jahwahir (29*)andDick(29)gotthem toafightingtotal.
Pitbulls duo of Swamy and Sinclair continued their formfromearlierintheday, bagging (2-5) and (2-21) respectively to lead their team’sbowlingeffort.
Veteran all-rounder Chris Barnwell finished the tournament on a high note.
TheJagstrioofopeners; Man-of-the-match Junior Sinclair who led with a 15ball 36 (3x4 3x6) and Dick 29 off 16 and Jahwahir 29* (1x4 2x6) took their franchise to 101-8 in 9.3 overs, sealing an emphatic win. It was a good but unsuccessful bowling attemptbythelikesofSmith (2-13), Ashmead Nedd (219)andSwamy(2-5).
The Inaugural GCB T10 Blast champions Demerara Pitbulls pose with their medals following yesterday’s win.
Essequibo Jaguars beat Essequibo Anacondas by 3wickets In a six-overs a side
Anthony Adams had a good final match for his franchise.
battle, Anacondas reached 41-4ledbyThaddeusLovell whohitasixandafourinhis top-score of 18. National fast-bowler Nial Smith (112) and Dwayne Dick (1-6)
were the wicket-takers for theJags. Man-of-the-match Anthony Adams spun himself to figures of 2-14
Torrington (2-8), with a wicket each coming from Abdul Ramsammy, Kwesi MickleandRaymondPerez.
Despite no player reaching double figures, the Jaguars got to 42-7 after a string of single digit scores ledbyKemolSavory(8)and Smith(8).
DemeraraPitbullsdefeat Berbice Caimans by 3wickets
Caimans posted 80-7 batting first after 10 overs.
Former national wicketkeeperAnthonyBramblehit 20 while Alex Algoo (16) and Johnathan Van Lange (15)lentsupport.
Pitbulls wicket-takers saw Chris Barnwell (1-11), Keon Sinclair (1-7) and Sachin Singh (1-12) along with Floyd Joseph (2-16) fetchingtheteam’sbowling. Barnwellthesmashed20 off13tosealanMVPgame, while Damion Vantull (19) and Jeremiah Scott (19*), who saw his team home, played their supporting roles.
The Golden Jaguars faced off against the Soca Warriors last evening at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, resulting in a 2-1 defeat, marking the first of two meetings between the two teamsinPort-of-Spain,with thenextmatchscheduledfor tomorrowatthesamevenue.
Two years following their 1-1 draw, Guyana
and Trinidad and
Tobago returned to the H a s l e y C r a w f o r d
Stadium for another showdown, serving as part of both countries’ preparations for the upcoming FIFA World Cup Qualifiers
Guyana will kick off their campaign on June 6 against Panama in Panama City, while the Soca Warriors will host Grenada onJune5.
Head Coach Jamaal Shabazz fielded an all-local starting line-up, comprising of mostly players from the two unbeaten clubs in the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) Elite League, Slingerz FC and Guyana DefenceForce(GDF). Shabazz opted to start Jamine Cumberbatch (GDF) in goal, while the rest of the line-up included
Jeremy Garrett (Slingerz FC), Quincy Adams (Slingerz FC), Leo Lovell (SlingerzFC),DarronNiles (Slingerz FC), Curtez Kellman (Slingerz FC), Amos Ramsay (GDF), Kelsey Benjamin (GDF), Ryan Hackett (GDF), Stephen McDonald (GDF), and Daniel Wilson (Captain) from Western Tigers.
Point Fortin Civic FC’s Ezekiel Kezar put the Soca Warriors ahead in the 28th minute,whileveteranKevon ‘Showtime’ Woodley, who also plays for the Shabazzowned Caledonia AIA, found the net in the 39th minutetodoubletheleadfor thehomeside.
Trailing 2-0 at halftime, the Golden Jaguars emerged with renewed purpose, as Benjamin connected two minutesaftertheintervalto pull one back for Guyana, netting his seventh internationalgoal.
Despite both sides creating chances, neither couldaddtotheirtally,and the Soca Warriors settled forahard-fought2-1winat home.
Since their 2-1 loss to Guyana on November 11, 2011,attheGuyanaNational Stadium, the Soca Warriors have won three of their six encounters with the Golden Jaguars, with three matches endingina1-1draw
SPORTSMAX - A sixwicket haul from Kemar RoachpropelledSurreytoa nine-wicket win over Warwickshireondayfourof theirCountyChampionship Division One clash at the KenningtonOvalinLondon yesterday Roachtookfiguresof646 off 14 overs to restrict Warwickshireto209allout in 59 overs in their second innings, leaving Surrey needingonly89towin.
Dom Sibley with 46* andRoryBurnswith30then led the way as Surrey reached 89-1 in the 23rd over Earlier in the game, Warwickshire made 343 in 102.5 overs in their first innings thanks to an excellent 108 from Ed Barnard. Roach also took 2-81 in
A six-wicket haul from Kemar Roach propelled Surrey to a nine-wicket win over
the first innings in support of Jordan Clark and Sean Abbott who took 4-64 and 2-51,respectively Surreythenrepliedwith 464in111.4oversthanksto 155off179ballsfromJamie Smith as well as half centuries from Dom Sibley andSeanAbbott.
F u l l s c o r e s :
Warwickshire 343 off 102 5 overs (Ed Barnard 108, Jordan Clark 4-64, Sean Abbot 2-51, Kemar Roach 2-81) & 209 off 59 overs (Rob Yates 52, Ed Barnard 44, Kemar Roach 6-46) Surrey 434 off 111 4
overs (Jamie Smith 155, Dom Sibley 64, Sean Abbott 50*, Craig Miles 543) & 89-1 off 22 4 overs (Dom Sibley 46*, Rory Burns30).
The Guyana Rugby Football Union (GRFU), under the guidance of its Patronandformerpresident, Kit Nascimento, voices profound frustration at the silence from the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, and the National Sports Commission (NSC), concerning their plea for enhancements to the National Park Rugby facility
Nascimento stressed the importance of these upgrades,assertingthatthey are essential for Guyana to effectively host a pivotal match against Trinidad and TobagoslatedforJune22.
On April 27, Guyana
pulled of a dramatic 24-23 win over Trinidad and Tobago in the Rugby Americas North Men’s 15’s ChampionshipattheHasely CrawfordStadium.
The win for the Green Machine saw them ascending five places in World Rugby’s rankings to 52, whereas Trinidad and Tobago experienced a decline from 49 to 57 globally Nascimento, in an interview with Kaieteur Newsyesterday,highlighted thechallengingsituationthe GRFU faces regarding the reluctance of the Guyanese government,particularlythe NSC and Ministry of Sport, to support the enhancement of the nation’s only Rugby
facility. He said the NationalParklacksessential amenities such as adequate lighting, changing rooms, and washrooms for spectators, players, and officials, rendering it unsuitable for hosting internationalrugbyevents.
“I can tell you that the GRFU, in my instance, has written the Ministry of Sport, pointing out that Guyana in no position, with the current condition of the National Park changing rooms and the fact that they’re no lights there, to host an international tournament at this level,” Nascimentosaid.
“If we cannot host this match,weforfeitthegame,”
Nascimento highlighted, underscoring the potential setback for Guyana’s 15s programme since the tournament signifies their reintroduction to rugby’s longestformatsince2019.
Nascimento revealed thatdespitenumerousletters to the NSC receiving no response, and a recent communication to Minister Charles Ramson Jr, the s i t u a t i o n r e m a i n s unchanged.
“I have personally spoken to the Minister on this matter, yet we don’t see anyactiontakingplacetofix it,” the long-time Rugby administratorsaid.
Nascimento stated that any necessary repairs at the National Park must be finished at least one week before the June 22 match, given the fact that World Rugby,viaRugbyAmerica’s North (RAN), will send a Match Commissioner to assessthefacility
Expressing frustration, Nascimento informed Kaieteur News that GRFU had worked diligently to assembleacompetitiveteam capable of defeating TrinidadandTobagoontheir home turf. Additionally, he noted that GRFU had
previouslyreachedouttothe NSC for financial assistance, but received no response.
“We will be forced to inform RAN that Guyana is notinthepositiontohostthe tournament because of the condition. I spoke to the Minister for the use of the stadium, and he said no, because of cricket, and he did say to me, that he will assignsomeonetolookatthe situation at the National Park, but nothing has h a p p e n e d s i n c e , ”
Nascimento underlined that since the National Stadium isn’t an option, the National Park remains the only venue available, “It’s absolutely crucial that we hostthistournamentbecause wehaveawinningteam.”
“The ground at the National Park is alright; the groundisplayable.Now,all they have to do are the washroom, changing rooms and provide lights,” the usually candid Nascimento stated.
Guyana’s flag-bearer, Edghill soared with a dream start, defeating Fiji’s Sally Yee, 4-1 (11-5,4-11,11-3,11-6,11-8),intheopening match of the Women’s Singles Olympic tournament.
Her next challenge was against South Korea’sShinYubinintheRound-of-64
As South Korea’s youngest-ever representative in the sport at the Olympics, ShinYubin, the then world 85th rankedplayerdefeatedEdghill4-0(11-7,119,11-1,12-10).
Table tennis made its Olympic debut in 1988 at the Games in Seoul, South Korea
Mohamed’s, Reliance Inc/Agri Parts, Eddies Bobcat, Excavator & ConstructionServicesandL Mahabeer&SonCambio.
Meanwhile, a major competition is fixed for the
Independence Holiday period. This event will be held on Sunday 2nd June 2024 at the Grand Central SportsBar Moredetailswill be released on this tourney and players of the game can look forward for attractive prizes on offers in this contest.
Theorganiserwouldlike to thank Steven Persaud, Ryan Baksh & Grand Central Sports Bar, for their role in making the just concludedeventsuccessful.
The Grand Central Bar atGroveontheEastBankof Demerarawasthevenuefor another Pools competition which attracted some of the best exponents of the game on Wednesday 1st May 2024. The competition (8 ball, ball in hand, single elimination rule) was contested by fifty one
participants At the conclusion of the action, SunilMangruoutplayedhis rivals to claim the top spot and $100,000 & the first place trophy, with a delightfuldisplayofquality pools.
He beat Kamil Hussein into second place, while Satya Heeraman claimed thethirdposition,withboth receiving their respective prizes,$40,000and$20,000 a l o n g w i t h t h e correspondingtrophies.
T h e e v e n t w a s sponsoredbyTeam
Sunil Mangru stormed to the top podium position in the Shooters Club May Day Pools tournament.
FLASHBACK! Chelsea Edghill during the Tokyo Olympics.
BYRAWLETONEY Chelsea Edghill will be the only Guyanese competing at the ITTF
Qualification tournament in Lima,Peru.
The tournament serves offtodayandmarksthefinal opportunityforathletesfrom theAmericas and Caribbean tosecuredirectqualification for the Olympic Games in Paris,France.
Edghill made history as
the first Guyanese and first female from the Englishspeaking Caribbean to compete at the Olympics, following her qualification fortheTokyoGames.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that Shemar Britton had to forgo participa
n in the qualificationtournamentdue to scheduling conflicts with his exams at the Hugh WoodingLawSchool.
For the Tokyo Games,
the Tripartite Commission hadtwoslots—onemaleand one female to allocate among National Olympic Committeeswithfewerthan eight athletes in the last two Olympic Games in London (2012)andRio(2016).
T h e T r i p a r t i t e Commission ultimately chose Dodji Fanni from TogoandChelseaEdghill. After proudly joining swimmerAndrewFowleras (Continuedonpage24)
Godfrey Pollydore (centre) swarmed by LanceAdonis and VallonAdams after his game-winning tackle against Trinidad and Tobago.
GRFU fears forfeit in T&T clash due to Government’s reluctance
- Rugby Union peeved at silence from Govt. on request for National Park upgrade
- Two teams return to action tomorrow
Guyana’s custodian