Exxon ship builder records 271% profits increase in first quarter of 2024
Japanese Floating represents a significant company disclosed that the fields Demand for the charterbusiness. Production Storage and addition to the company’s consolidated revenue was Group’s main business Last year, MODEC Offloading (FPSO) builder, portfolio In fact, it is US$822.8 million, which is related to floating offshore earned some US$823
morethanthe$744.9million oil and gas production million from the Exxon
.7% Engineering, Procurement, recorded in the same period facilitiesespeciallyforlarge- contract. increase in operating profits C o n s t r u c t i o n , a n d last year. The company scale
Construction on the for the first quarter of 2024 – Installation(EPCI)contract. attributedthistotheprogress projects, in which the Group E r r e
u F P S O when compared to the same According to MODEC, in the construction of hasacompetitiveadvantage, commenced earlier this year. periodin2023. forthethreemonthsendedas FPSOs. hasalsoremainedfirm.” The vessel is scheduled for Last year, MODEC was of March 31, 2024, the total The company stated, In terms of profit, first oil in 2026. The FPSO contracted by ExxonMobil orders on a consolidated “While coexisting with the MODEC said its operating will be designed to process Guyana Limited (EMGL) to basis resulted in US$233.3 t r e n d t
w a r d profit was US$76.8 million, approximately 250,000 construct the fifth FPSO million, slightly lower than
, a significant increase from barrelsofoilperday(bpd),it (Errea Wittu) for the Uaru the US$239 6 million maintaining a stable energy the operating profit of also has the capacity for gas development in the Stabroek recorded in the first quarter supply remains an important

US$20.6 million recorded in treatment (540 million cubic Block. of 2023, due to the variation issue, and oil companies thefirstquarterof2023. feet per day), water injection MODEC said it is solely This is MODEC’s first orders of FPSO construction continue to pursue projects
The company explained (350,000 barrels per day), engaged in construction of project in Guyana and it projects However, the to develop deepwater oil that this is due to the andhandlingproducedwater floating, production, storage recognition of revenue from (300,000barrelsperday). and offloading systems for the steady progress of Notably, MODEC will oil and gas productions and construction projects and also provide the operation various related services as shareofprofitofinvestments andmaintenanceservicesfor singlebusiness.Lastyearthe accounted for using equity this unit at least 10 years company earned a total of method from the stable from its first oil production. US$3.6billion.
Former PNCR GS, Oscar Clarke passes away
F o r m e r G e n e r a l and at age 26 was selected to
Secretary of the PNCR- represent the party in the O s c a r C l a r k e d i e d
NationalAssembly. In 1965, Wednesday afternoon after hewasmadeaParliamentary collapsingathome. Secretary and served as
In a statement the PNCR Deputy Speaker of the said the party has lost a National Assembly from stalwart, in Clarke, who was January1,1969toDecember a Cacique Crown of Honour 31,1969. Awardee. “ThePartyisvery

For over five decades, saddened by this loss. The Clarke served as Minister of void he left can never be State, Minister of Regional filled.We wish to extend our Development, Minister of sympathy to his wife, Home Affairs and Guyana’s children,family,membersof High Commissioner to relatives of Oscar Clarke. our Party and all Guyanese. Zambia and the Front-Line Clarke, who served as the May his Soul Rest in Eternal StatesandAmbassadortothe Party’s General Secretary Peace,”thestatementread. RepublicofCuba. through the tenures of three General Secretary of the He served as a Member Party Leaders retired back in PPP, Bharrat Jagdeo also of Parliament for 21 years 2017 He was appointed expressed condolences on and in 2015 he was awarded General Secretary of the behalf of the party to the the Cacique’s Crown of PNC/R on the 1st December, People’s National Congress Honourforexemplarypublic 1968. He started his service Reform (PNC/R) and the servicetoGuyana. to the PNC in its youth arm

High Court gags ‘Guyanese Critic’

The High Court on defendants (The Guyanese The application was Wednesday ordered Mikhail C r i t i c ) w h e t h e r b y heard before Justice Rodrigues popularly known themselves, servants and/or Navindra Singh on May 14, as the “Guyanese Critic to otheragentshowsoeverfrom 2024 and on Wednesday he restrain from repeating uttering , repeating, posting, granted a gag order against accusations and defamatory p r i n t i n g , s h a r i n g , the Guyanese Critic and in remarks he publicly made reproducing, broadcasting or favour of Mohamed against local businessman otherwise disseminating Rodrigues can file an AzruddinMohamed. either by video, audio application to have the order
Information reaching broadcast, print social media removed but he has until the Kaieteur News are that or by other electronic means May 23 to do so. In the Mohamed through his the offending words meantime should he breach lawyers Poonai & Poonai utterances statements and the injunction he can end up filed for the injunction to publications or words, in prison for six weeks and shut up Critic on Monday statements and publications pay a fine. The Guyanese May 13, 2024. According to similar to those made by the Critic had made a number of the court order seen by defendants on Facebook on allegations against the Kaieteur News, Mohamed the 17th of February 2024, businessman and his father sought “an injunction 1st of March, 2024 and the during his morning live restraining the respondents/ 14thofMarch2024”. shows.
Exxon incorrectly bills Guyana for inflated salaries for expats
Over several years, Esso pointed to discrepancies in EEPGL payroll costs for contractually billed into the training period, an EEPGL Exploration and Production the allocation of these three in-country Guyanese Local Pool Costs EMGLhad employee’ssalaryiscredited Guyana Limited (EEPGL) “gross-ups,” which are engineers charged to the told the auditors that from to the Local Pool Costs Cost has been inaccurately intended to meet transfer Stabroek Support Cost April 2019, through January Object and billed to the EPC invoicing Guyana for pricing requirements but are Object. According to the 2020, all three temporarily Affiliate; The EPC Affiliate expatriate workers, resulting not directly linked to taxes Auditors however, the relocated to Houston, Texas then bills the employee back in millions of dollars being assessed by the respective engineers were charged at to train at ExxonMobil’s to EEPGL at the EPC incorrectly charged to the countries. With this in mind, ExxonMobil Production Co. headquarters so they could Affiliate rates based on time country. Auditors have the auditors emphasise that Affiliate (EPC) rates during return to Guyana as more writ
flagged these billing
these months and concluded experiencedengineers. explanation did not fly with discrepancies, noting that agreement is clear: Affiliate “they should have been To this end, the auditors the auditors however, who they do not align with the costs should be charged charged at their actual were adamant the concept of contends that “while such requirements outlined in the without any added profit salaries, resulting in excess
may be the Contractor’s P
ion Sha
President of ExxonMobil Guyana, Alistair Routledge
ing margin. “For example, in the Cost Recovery Account Guyanese nationals is internalproceduretoaccount Agreement. Notably, these case of Brazil, the 15% charges.” accepted and encouraged, for employee payroll, such a claims include profits gross-up amount is not Acc

ding to the but billing them as an billing procedure is not attributed to Affiliate remitted to the Brazilian auditors, these engineers are Affiliate employee at EPC compliant” with Annex C of Employees of the company charges, disputing the government; it is the in-country Guyanese locals rates is neither correct nor theJune27,2016,Petroleum The audit, conducted by inclusion of the profit m e c h a n i s m f o r t h e w o r k
r contractual. “The Contractor Agreement, which outlines Martindale Consultants, Inc. margin. Consequently, they Contractor’s Brazil Affiliate EEPGL—Except for April explained its internal the parameters for what and VHE Consulting, was assert that Guyana is owed torecordaprofituponwhich 2019 through January 2020, a
expenses can be recovered commissioned by the US$1.1 million. The audit the government will assess a they were properly and situations is that during the byEMGL. government to review cost findings reveal that EMGPL corporatetax.Withoutprofit, recovery statements justified these profit margins there would be no tax, so the submitted by Exxon Mobil as necessary “transfer gross-up is the profit that Guyana Limited (EMGPL) pricing” adjustments to serves as the tax base above for the period between 2018 comply with the tax laws of the at-cost amounts billed to and2020. various countries, allowing the Contractor’s Guyana
According to the the Affiliates to demonstrate operations,”theauditorsaid. auditors, EMGPL included ataxableprofit. Singapore,Chinaandthe not only the actual costs of However, the auditors Netherlands were the other Affiliate employees working assert that these profit countries identified by the for Stabroek but also a profit margins are not recoverable auditors in flagging the margin on these costs, under the terms of the discrepancy Additionally, it totaling approximately agreement, as they result in was discovered that EMGL US$3,314,007.73. However, undue financial gain for the included on the Cost auditors approved only Affiliates. Recovery Statement April US$2 2 million of these Furthermore, the audit 2019 through January 2020
Guard shot dead, teen wounded during police operation at Vigilance
Asecurityguardattached operator, who reported that thepolicepickupandrushed to Kalibur Security Service Brittonthreatenedhimwitha to the Georgetown Public was shot dead by police firearm.” Hospital. He was seen and Tuesday afternoon at In light of the report the examined by Doctor Vigilance South, East Coast ranks subsequently exited Kellman who pronounced Demerara. Dead is 39-year- thepolicevehicle.“Theyleft himdeadonarrival.Thearea old Michael Britton called on foot in an eastern was then searched and the Mickey of Vigilance South direction, accompanied by police recovered “a 9MM ECD. The shooting occurred the Wash Bay operator, who Canik pistol, along with four around14:00hrs. pointed out Britton about 25 (4) rounds in the magazine Policesaidinastatement feetaheadofthem.” and one 9MM round in the that the incident involved Police said that, “On breachofthefirearm.” ranks from the Vigilance seeing the ranks, Britton T h e w e a p o n w a s Police Station Enquiries began running in an eastern examined, processed for revealed that at about direction and jumped a fingerprints, photographed, 11:30hrs Tuesday an fence. The ranks gave chase, packaged and lodged for Inspector, a Sergeant, a during which Britton pulled analysis. The scene was also Corporal, and three out a black firearm and photographed, and all Constables left theVigilance discharged a round in the exhibits, including Britton’s Police Station to conduct ranks’ direction. As a result, motorcycle #CL 6124, were cordon and search exercises the ranks returned fire in lodged at the station. A 17 within the Lusignan and Britton’s direction who kept year old bystander was Good Hope areas on the East running and jumped several allegedly grazed by a bullet CoastofDemerara. fencesinthearea.” on his right shoulder during Theinspectorallegesthat With the ranks in pursuit the ordeal He was also around 13:30hrs they had Britton was about to jump a escorted to the GPHC by completed their cordon and fence on the southern side of ranks of theVigilance Police search exercises and were an empty lot when he Station. He received proceeding north along suddenlycollapsed. treatment and was sent on Brushe Dam headed back to He was picked up by the home. Statements are the Vigilance Police Station said ranks and a wound was currently being submitted as when they were approached observed on his left hip. The investigations continue, by “a 27-year-old Wash Bay injured man was placed in policesaid.
Major Hess shareholder to abstain from voting on Chevron merger
HBK Capital Management, one of the according to data compiled by Bloomberg. largest shareholders in Hess Corporation is HBK Capital Management manages more to abstain from voting on the Chevron than$7billioninassets.” th mergercomeMay28 Theshareholdersare Though Hess didn’t immediately set to vote on a deal worth a whopping respond to requests for comment, Chevron US$53 billion which will allow Chevron to said, “we look forward to Hess obtaining a acquire Hess.According to an article carried successful shareholder vote and completing by Bloomberg, “HBK Capital Management, thetransaction.”
one of the biggest shareholders in Hess On Monday Reuters reported that the Corporation, is planning to abstain from advisory firm Institutional Shareholder voting on the oil company’s $53 billion Services (ISS) recommended that Hess acquisitionbyChevronCorp. shareholders, “abstain from voting for The hedge fund agrees with Institutional merger ISS questioned the timing for the Shareholder Services Inc. that shareholders vote amid uncertainty around the deal due to should not vote in favour of the deal, one of an arbitration process filed by Exxon Mobil the firm’s partners, Nikos Panagiotopoulos, claiming a right of first refusal (ROFR) over saidinaninterview.”“Hessshareholdersare the deal.” It is a possibility that the taking all the arbitration risk and should be arbitration case could drag on until 2025. compensated for the possibility that “Investors are presently unable to make an arbitration goes against them or takes longer informed assessment of the likely timetable than expected,” Panagiotopoulos said. The for the ROFR arbitration process,” ISS said. article also stated that, “HBK has economic The ISS suggested that Chevron “may want interests in more than 8 million shares of to consider an incentive” to compensate Hess, Panagiotopoulos said. That likely Hessshareholdersforapotentialdelayinthe makes the fund Hess’fourth-biggest holder, dealclosing.

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Caringforthe mentally-challenged
Guyanesearenotverysubtleandkindwhenwe speak of the unfortunate souls who are afflictedwithmentalillnesses.
“Mad people” is about the kindest designation that is invokedandhurledatthem.
The State mental institution located in Canje, Berbice,hasalwaysbeenknownas“TheBerbiceMad House”
The rest of the world has recognised the insidious consequences of a belittling name and have chosen thetitle,“mentallychallenged”fortheseindividuals.
Webelievethissimpleactofnamingshouldbethe beginning of an effort on the part of all of us to deal withaproblem,whichbyallaccounts,hasgottenoutof control.
In the last decade or so, the population of individuals who are mentally challenged have grown by leaps and bounds – if we are to go by the burgeoningnumbersthatcanbeseenroamingourstreets.
Most of the reports on this phenomenon focus on the state of affairs in Georgetown but the problem is nationwide
Every rural village has its share of the mentally challenged who inhabit the public space and in too many instances are abused in myriad ways
Recently reports of two fires emanating from the police described the suspects as persons of unsound mind Some years ago we were informed that the regulations for institutionalising the mentally challenged had been loosened radically, resulting in the influx into our streets Another factor during the same time period has been the increased use of hard drugs, which have a deleterious effect on the mental facultiesofthehabitualusers
The change that has had the greatest impact, however, has been the gradual shift in the mores of our population as to their responsibilities towards relativeswhoarementallychallenged
Uptotheseventiesthefamilywasexpectedtotake care of their own and state institutionalisation was seen as an extreme last resort – and considered as a failureofthefamily.
Today the loosening of the Guyanese family structure has forced many of even the borderline cases into the streets
The state certainly has an interest in seeking to help these unfortunate souls to live a life that is integrated more positively with their fellow citizens As it is, the average citizens skirt very warily around the mentally challenged who inhabit our streets – especially after the newspapers highlight the occasional acts of violencethatasmallminorityresortto
Most of the mentally challenged persons are more of a threat to themselves than others It would be an interesting statistic, for instance, if we could be informed of the number of the mentally challenged who are the victims of accidents, rapes, beatings and other atrocities in comparison to those they inflict on others.
A mark of our humanity is how we treat our less fortunate
If life in Guyana has proven to be so challenging to those of us with all our faculties intact, imagine what it must be like to those who are mentally challenged: they are certainly our most unfortunate This problem must be dealt with in a coherent and structuredmannerbytherelevantauthorities
Miss Carr was looking downatusfromthewindow of her classroom. From her vantagepointshecouldlook beyond the yard space of WismarHillPrimarySchool totheroadthatleadsoneway totheschemebridgeandthe other to the main road leadingtoOneMileandHalf Mile.
Anargumenthaderupted among us boys in that particular area of the school yard. It had to do with who should move away and stay away and who should be allowed to play with the footballetc.WewereinFirst or Second Standard at the timeandthatmeantwewere veryyoung.
The argument was gettingoutofcontrolandwe kept glancing up at where Miss Carr was and at one point she had disappeared. We kept glancing up during our argument because we knew that a teacher was
watching us. We knew that teachers were not only there to ensure we were taught Math and English They were also figures of discipline.Theyhadasmuch powerasourparentstoexact discipline and though we admired them and were educationally moulded by them,wefearedthemtoo.
MissCarrwasabeautiful Amerindian woman with very light complexion and dark lips. Rumours had it thatshewasaRastawoman. Her head was always wrappednicelyandshewore flowing clothes of cultural sorts. I glanced up at the window to see if she had returned Miss Carr had suddenly appeared in our midst.
What happened next would stay with me for the restofmylife!
We looked at her in silence.Shehadnowhipand herexpressionwasamixture of seriousness, warmth and
understanding She spoke without any emotion. She did not have to ask what the problem was because she alreadyknew Whatshesaid to us was so simple yet so profound it can change Guyana for good. Miss Carr said the schoolyard, the ball and everything within parameters of school belonged to all of us having the argument and yet it did not belong to any of us individually You have a right to share the space equally, to protect it and to enjoy all that is available. It isallyoursandyetitbelongs tononeofyou.
Now go back to your classroom. Miss Carr ‘cut short’ the break because of theargument.
Teachers are being persecuted and denied their right to livable wages and good working conditions
SirFarreldiedintheaccident on Linden highway because he was forced to use his
, The attentive and
attractivevillageofLeonora, is once again making the headlinenewsastherippling effect of “isms” manifests itself in a crevice at the just completed PPP’s 32nd Congress.Seatedintheheart of Region 3, Leonora’s PPP branch represents not only anartery,butalsoaveintoan essential organ which is a composite of a powerful organism.As a living entity, the People’s Progress Party may be classified as a growing plant, sprouting h u g e b r a n c h e s o f meaningful support to providesweetfruitsofneedy nutrients, glued with green leaves of aspirations, shooting a big and strong trunk towards the sky for a promising future and nurtured from the roots of a rich and fertile soil mixed with the sacrifice of blood, sweat and tears of laborious supporters.
A historical community that has evolved with an estate from the sugar industry from since 1821, Plantation Leonora was productive until its demise by the treacherous PNC hands in 1986. With the damning damage of d e v i o u s n e s s , t h e disheartening danger of destruction nor depression did not dawn on the PNC. Hundreds were sidelined
withoutworkandtheclosure manufactured severe consequences in the village. The PNC always had revengeful eyes for Leonorians since LFSB was oustedfromthevillageinthe early60’swhenheattempted to hold a political meeting! This village sprouted without a school, thanks to the ingeniousness of the colonial masters who were determined to deliberately keep the mass uneducated. Its train station was demolishedthroughthekind courtesy of the PNC’s hindsight.
It wasn’t until the riot days that make shift schools werehousedonthereligious premises owned by the Muslim and Hindu community and the sugar estate’s Welfare Center As the logies were dislodged, housingschemesblossomed and a new life style metamorphosed with the adventofabetterstandardof living Only recently, Leonora birthed its first banking institution, boasted its first shopping mall and bragged of its first private, modern hospital. With a ‘D’ Division Police Station, the village has a Magistrate’s Court, a Fire Station, a Post Office, an NIS office, an upgraded Cottage Smart Hospital, nursery, primary and secondary schools, a Technical Institute, a
vehicleasataxitomakeends meet A senior military officer of the Guyana DefenceForce,ayearortwo ago, was killed while using hisvehicleasataxi.Hewas murdered and his vehicle stolen.
ThisistheGuyanaweare forced to live in because the Ali/ Jagdeo administration believesitownsthecountry Jagdeo and Ali believe they ownthepoliceandthearmy They believe they own the coffers of the nation and all ofusbehavingasiftheydo. When the PPP comes crashing down in 2025,Ali, Jagdeoandsomeotherswill have to run from Guyana. AndIwilldedicatethePPP’s permanent fall to Miss Carr and all other teachers in Guyana.
Guyana belongs to all of usyetitisnotthepropertyof Ali and Jagdeo or any of us.
Sincerely NormanBrowne
The PPP’s permanent fall will be dedicated to the teachers of Guyana Leonora made history
mosque, two churches and four mandirs, the Track and Field Ground and soon, a new cricket ground and modern market, and of course, a host of business entities. It is envisaged that the next potential town will beLeonora.
Leonora, as a midway point between the Prince of Walesgastoshoreintegrated facility and the Parika point with neighboring islands of Leguaan and Wakenaam, is the hometown for the President of Guyana. Dr Irfaan Ali’s well known patrimonial grandmother, his ajee, the late and great Mrs Sakina Ali, was a founding member for the women’s arm of the PPP along with former President Mrs. Janet Jagan. His rich, political background is e n g r a i n e d i n h i s grandmother’s dedication and devotion directed towards the building of the PPP Party from the struggling days of fighting the PNC’s racism and violencesincethe50’s.This is the same village which witnessed Leonora’s Kowsilla aka Alice, being slaughtered when she was run over by a tractor driven by a scab during the march’1964 strike The sacrifices of those women were not in vain as eventually, the indefatigable GAWU was ultimately
recognizedasthebargaining agent for sugar workers in themid70’s.
Gaining its Dutch name fromthecombinationofLeo and Nora, Leonora sugar estate changed ownership several times and was once owned by the famous and popular Sandbach Parker and then by the Jessels Group of Company until infamously nationalized by the greedy PNC led by dictator Burnham in 1975. His reverse Midas touch ultimately commenced the stifling of a once growing industry,butthenshrunkdue to gross mismanagement due to a porous PNC administration. The stained handsofthecolonialmasters persisted in the early 19th century as industrial actions escalated when poorly paid workers sought redress for their grievances Leonora Estatewasthetragicsceneof bloodshed when 4 sugar workerswereshotandkilled and 4 seriously injured in February’1939. Always a focal point for thePPP,Leonoraevolvedas a strong and persuasive group of residents, always prepared to defend Dr Cheddi Jagan and the PPP This village remained a key playground for many meetings especially during the riot days. The familiar oldmarketsquareopposite (Continuedonpage05)
The current circumstances do not allow for Spanish as a second national language.
DEAREDITOR, Why is the Ministry of Education planning to place theburdenofSpanishonour Teachers and the Education System?
Currently we are at risk of Venezuelan forces taking an enormous part of our country, and the Ministry of Education plans to make it easier for Spanish speaking tooccurasanorm.
Doesn’t this seem risky to others? Do we plan on making Guyana a bilingual country where Spanish and Englisharespoken?
This appears to be the plan being unveiled by the currentadministration.
Wouldn’t it be better to learn the languages of our firstpeoples,themajorityof our population and our allies?
Our Amerindian brothers and sisters have beenherefromtheinception andyettheirlanguageshave not been fully embraced by the Ministry of Education and the Education System.
We have Amerindian languages that are at risk of extinction and yet we have not used the education system to formally prevent thisfromoccurring.
Placing resources behind the preservation and e x p a n s i o n o f o u r Amerindian culture is money better spent. Indians make up the majority of our population, but Arabic and Hindi are not language optionsinallofourschools.
Brazil has stood by our side during the current conflict with Venezuela and we should do our best to ensure we understand each other Spanish and French are taught in Form 1 when children enter Queen’s College, High School and SecondarySchool.
Those who want to pursuethoselanguageshave theopportunitytodosothen. Asimilaropportunityshould be provided for other languages such as Amerindian languages, Arabic, Hindi and Portuguese.
They are a part of our culture and are also the languagesofourAllies.
Venezuela continues to pursue its ambition to take Essequibo. We must protect againstthis.
We should also learn from what has happened in the United States where the high influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico has not been stopped. To some extent it has been encouraged due to the ease of use of the Spanish language.
The Americans have made Spanish an available option throughout major parts of the country and alongtheirborder
The security risks continuetoescalate,andthe entryofillegaldrugsandthe occurrence of human trafficking have grown out ofcontrol.
If the Venezuelans

continuetotakeourterritory via illegal immigration we should be making it more difficultforthemtodoso.
Alanguagebarriercanbe effective in accomplishing this.
It will also be more difficult for them to gain influence and positions of power We must guard against members of the
becoming a part of our G
Spanish as a national languageplacesatriskour national security On the list of priorities for lan
country, Spanish should notbeatthetop
Our A
ian languages, Arabic, Hindi and Portuguese should be givenhigherpriority
When Venezuela relinquishes their claim to our territory then we may considermakingthemfeel more comfortable when
visiting (not staying) in ourcountry
We m u s t t r e a t strangers nicely, but we should not do this to our owndetriment
It has also been recently reported in the press that the Venezuelan military is building a bridge to link Venezuela
to Essequibo Our
Government can not
ignore the current threat of war and continue to pursue the risky plans to increase the use of the Spanish language and integrate those illegally entering from Venezuela intoourcountry
Thehighinfluxofillegal immigrants under the current circumstances is not a coincidence.We must as a nationdemandastoppagebe put to the Venezuelans illegally entering our country
It is time for the current administrationtomakethisa reality
Withconcern, Mr.JamilChanglee

Leonora made...
the one-time Roxy cinema, w a s t h e f a m o u s congregation location to accommodate thousands of supporters from all over the country
They came to listen to Cheddi talk, dressed in his white outfit and surrounded with thousands of placards, wavingfeverishlyinthe air
Such were the glorious days when the inglorious PNC cajoled the UF,
he British and the US and sold their souls to the Deviltobegintheterrible reign of 28 years of a disingenuous era, filled, famished and featured with poverty, nakedness andcorruption
Leonora is in the h
y book as the place where the first East Indian labourers resisted indentureship a n d r e v o l t e d i n August’1869 against an arbitrary reduction in wage rates Again, in 1909, Leonora was the
NowonderPresidentAli is so caring and concerned over wages and salaries for workersinthiscountry
His methodological approach is entrenched in justified fairness and practical reality and guided by financial possibility
It is therefore not surprisingthatitisthePPP Leonora Group led by the true son of the soil, which has revolutionized the futureofthePartywiththe M
m proposalandthatCongress accepted the resolution
Once again, Leonora goes down in the annals of the history of the PPP with another indelible mark President Ali is all for applicable changes not contrary for production or developmentbutwhichare significantly relevant in principle and policy towardsthebestinterestof the party, people and politics
Yoursrespectfully, JaiLall.

Govt forced to scrap end of term exams as teachers’ strike bites
he Ministry of
Education on Wednesday informed schools across Guyanatoscrapendofterm examinations due to the crippling effects of the ongoing teachers’ strike for betterwages.
Instead,theministrysaid that the schools should use continuous assessment to promotestudentstothenext leveloftheireducation.The announcement comes even after conciliation talks remain deadlocked with no agreement between the Guyana Teacher’s Union
and the Ministry of Education on proposals madebybothsidestoendthe industrialaction.
In a circular dispatched to regional educations officers, Chief Education Officer, Saddam Hussain said” given the number of weeks of instructions already lost and the limited number of weeks remaining in the school year, the Ministry of Education has made the following decisions regarding end of year annual examinations andothermattersfor2024.”
The first decision listed is that no public primary or secondary school is to c o n d u c t a n n u a l examinations in the August term of 2024. Additionally, Hussainsaid,allschoolsare to conduct continuous assessment in the current August term. Thirdly, he saidtheendofyearscorefor Grade 9 should not be the main criterion for streaming
students into Grade 10, noting that consideration must be given to the student’s choice of stream. Hussain said too that the Na
Assessment will be administeredasusual.
On Wednesday this newspaper reported the GTU assuring that it will remain on strike if the ministry refuses to place a tangible solution on the table. Nationwide strike resumed on Monday followingtheinabilityofthe two sides to come to an amicablesolution.However, bothsidesmettodiscussthe terms of resumption but have since been unable to agree. The GTU has been callingonthegovernmentto hike teachers’ salaries and have since put a multi-year agreement 2019-2023 to the g o v e r n m e n t f o r consideration The government has since refused to accept the proposal, noting that it is only prepared to engage the Union on salary matters from 2024 onwards. This resulted in the Union utilising industrial action. Thetwosideshavenotbeen involved in Collective Bargaining, an element integral to the resolution of thestalemate.
On Tuesday night, General Secretary of the GTU, Coretta McDonald told Kaieteur News that the Unionrequestedthatseveral phrases be added to the
Terms of Resumption, the two sides were discussing but the ministry did not agree to them “We deliberated on the fact that we cannot trust any word that comes out of the officials of the Ministry of Education, because once bitten, twice shy, ” McDonald said She continued, “So in order for us to resume duty fully and call the strike off, to have a full resumption, it means that we would need to have something that is tangible forustoholdonto.Thusfar, the ministry is not prepared to release anything that is tangible ” It should be noted that the process of Conciliation has not yet started. The General Secretary underscored that the Union has been very lenient with the government and the ministry. She noted too that the GTU is eager to havetheissueresolved.
“Butwearenotgoingto godownthatsameroadthat wewentdownafewmonths ago, unless we have something tangible coming from the Ministry of Educationwithregardtothe resumption of duties, there will be no resumption of duties,”McDonaldstated.
She shared too that on Monday the talks with the Education Ministry will continue. On February 5th, teachers from across the countrytooktothestreetsto protest for better wages and salaries.Thisactionwenton
BK loses lawsuit filed against ‘Shell’ quarrying licence
BKQuarriesonMondaylostalawsuitit filedagainsttheGuyanaGeologyandMines Commission (GGMC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the granting of four quarry licences to Nazar ‘Shell’ Mohamed’s company, Hadi’s WorldInc.in2021.
BK Quarries had contended that the grantingofthelicensestoHadi’sWorldInc. was not in compliance with the law Hadi’s World Inc. has always maintained that it followed“alltherequisitelegalchannels”in obtaining the licences and on Monday the HighCourtagreed.
HighCourtJudge,JusticeGinoPeterPersaud afterdismissingthecasesaidinhisrulingthatthe applicantBKQuarriesfailedtoproveitsgrounds for“judicialreview,legitimateexpectationorany breachthereof” Hesaidtoothatthedecisions of the GGMC, EPA and EAB were not unlawful, unfair, unreasonable, arbitrary or in breach of the rules of natural justice. As result, BK Quarries was ordered to pay all legalcosts(atotalof$1.5M)expendedbythe respondents within six-week duration of the case. Therewere three main respondents in thecase,GGMC,EPAandHadi’sWorldInc. - a total of $500,000 will have to be paid to

BK Quarries in the lawsuit was seeking an injunction to prevent Hadi’s World from occupying or taking any steps to develop some 16,500 acres of land along the Mazuruni River, Region Seven Hadi’s World was granted four quarrying licences by the GGMC.According to BK Quarries, GGMC and the EPA took the decision to fully permit and issue the licences to Hadi’sWorld,despiteseveralobjectionsraisedby thecompany Thelawsuitwasfiledjustoneday after the licenses were granted. The lawsuit which was filed by attorney, Siand Dhurjon, explainedthattheNoticesofIntentiontogrant quarry licences were published in the Official GazettewithouttheapprovaloftheBoardofthe GGMCasisrequiredunderlaw
It had also alleged that the EPA illegally waivedtherequirementforHadi’sWorldInc to have to perform an assessment of the environmental impact of the four quarrying operationsover16,500acresoflandforthereason thatthequarryoperations‘wouldnotsignificantly impacttheenvironment’
It had stated that the EPAarrived at this decisioninspiteoftheunderstandingthatthe quarry operations of Hadi’s World would requiretheclearingofoverathousandacres of vegetation and the use of explosives to destroythefaceoftheland.
GCCI, GSMA condemn T&T refusal of entry of Guyanese products
The Georgetown
Chamber of
Commerce & Industry (GCCI) has e x p r e s s e d s t r o n g disapprovaloverTrinidad& Tobago’s recent actions to obstruct the export of milk and water by Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), one of Guyana’s largest manufacturers.
On May 13, DDL virtually met with the T&T Ministry of Trade to understandthereasonforthe rejection of the milk exported to the country and theprocesstobefollowedto havethecompany’sproducts addedtothelistofapproved imports into Trinidad. DDL was informed that stringent importregulationsunderthe Animal Disease and Importation Act 2020 are hamperingtheirexports.The company noted these requirements are not reciprocatedbyGuyana.
The GCCI labeled these actions as another instance ofT&T’songoingpatternof creating non-tariff barriers (NTBs) that hinder trade with Guyana. “This attempt and outright blockage of goodsisyetanotheraddition to a notoriously long list of on-going issues which the GCCI has been on public record about Thus, this latest incident only bolsters thecasewhichtheGCCIhas highlighted in the past regarding the attitude and disposition of Trinidad & Tobago to Guyana,” the body said in a statement on Wednesday GCCIoutlinedaseriesof historicalgrievancesagainst the twin-island state, including the rejection of containersofpineapplesdue to crowns not being removed, peppers due to stemsbeingintact,andaban on poultry meat despite no existingpoultrytrade.

Additionally, GCCI highlightedtherequirements for agricultural products to be fumigated with banned substances and other unreasonable trade restrictions.
“The continued existence of these non-tariff b a r r i e r s , n o t a b l y concentrated within the agriculture sub-sector, flies in the face of CARICOM’s commitmentofreducingthe
regional food import bill by 25% by 2025,” GCCI said stated.
It was stated too, “Clearly,thecontinuationof these constitute flagrant violations of the ironically t i t l e d T r e a t y o f Chaguaramas and an utter disrespect of the Council of Trade and Economic Development (COTED), which has, on several occasions,instructedT&Tto
remove many of these NTBs ” Moreover, GCCI disclosed that many of the items which have been rejected by T&T, have been readily accepted into sister CARICOM territories, whicharekeenonoperating within the spirit and construct of the Caricom Single Market & Economy (CSME).
“It is with the abovementioned in mind that the GCCI calls on the Government of Guyana to consider the strict application of the Principle ofReciprocityasitrelatesto trade with T&T until these NTBs are removed and the behaviouroftheTwinIsland Republic demonstrates that ofgoodfaith,”thebodysaid.
Similarly, the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) has voiced concerns over the denialofDDL’smilkandthe restriction of its bottled
water products in T&T
“This development is of significant concern, particularly in light of the principles enshrined in the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas, which mandatesthefreemovement ofgoodsandservicesamong Caribbean Community member states,” it was stated.
GMSA called on the Government of Guyana and theleadershipofthevarious organs of CARICOM, to intervene with the GovernmentofTrinidadand Tobagotohavethesituation satisfactorilyremediedinthe shortestpossibletime.
“It is imperative that all CARICOM member states adhere to the regional integration framework, which promotes equitable market access and the seamless flow of goods within the community,” it wasstated.
PPP ‘dissing’ the working class
Much has been said and written about the PPPditching Marxism from its constitution at the just concluded Congress. What the party did was effectively dismiss the relevance of Marxism-Leninism as applicable to Guyana today.
It also dispensed with the ideology as not beingrelevanttothisera.Theleadershipofthe PPPand its delegates certainly did not benefit fromtheinsightsofthelateDr.WalterRodney ontherelevanceintimeandplaceofMarxism. RodneyarguedthatMarxismcanbeviewedas both a methodology for understanding societies and as a revolutionary ideology. Rodney concluded that as a methodology, Marxism was independent of time and place and thus applicable to different eras and differentsocieties.
New Centre for International and Border Studies launched in Guyana
A group of well renowned thisCentre. all,”heannounced. research students committed to academics, practitioners and According to Dr Kirton, as an The Centre which is fostering human development and researchers from various countries independent think-tank, CIBS is headquartered in Georgetown will addressing the challenges and including Guyana, on Monday aimed at undertaking rigorous initially utilise electronic platforms opportunitiesintoday’sworld,”Dr. launched for the first time a Centre evidence-based research on for its operations and where Kirtonsaid. for International and Border regional and international issues. feasible,assembleclusterteamsfor Kaieteur News understandsthat Studies (CIBS).The official launch “We have agreed that in the first specific project activities. Dr. among the Fellows for the Centre washeldattheHerdmanstonLodge instance , our multi-disciplinary Kirton further disclosed that in are: Dr. Marlon Anatol of Trinidad inGeorgetown.TheCentreisbeing focus will be placed on issues such order to sustain its research and and Tobago (T&T); Professor led by its first Director, Dr Mark as contested borders and border knowledge - production and PauloGustavoCorreaofBrazil;Dr Kirton, a former Dean of the security, the development knowled

Dr. Mark Kirton, Director of the Centre for International and Border Studies (CIBS).
Arlington Chesney of T&T; Dr Faculty of Social Sciences at the trajectory of the Guiana Shield, activities, they have a planned Ashaki Dore of T&T; Dr Clement University of Guyana and Director agriculture and food security, strategic approach to resource Henry of Guyana; Professor of the Institute of International challenges related to climate mobilisation and having identified Claremont Kirton of Jamaica; Col Relations at the University of the change and the environment, the core set of research issues, they (ret’d) Fairbarin Liverpool of WestIndies. Caribbean - Latin American will immediately approach the Guyana; Dr Ruben Martoredjo of Autonomous in its operation, relations, citizen security and donor community and other Suriname; Professor Emeritus CIBS aims to undertake rigorous public safety, gender and public corporate entities to support the Terry McCoy of the USA; Retired evidence-based and data-driven policy in the global community, collaborative engagement He activities. “It is our view that the Ambassador, Cheryl Miles of the research on economic, social, and migrants, refugees and human highlightedfurtherthatthegroupis establishment of CIBS represents a USA; Ms. Jennifer Olivieira of political issues which confront the development, regional integration, also keen to support academic and significant step towards addressing Suriname; Dr Tunji Olowolafe of global arena. Giving an overview trade and development and Africa- professional development and will the need for independent research Nigeria; Dr Rukhsana Quamber of of the Centre on Monday evening, Caribbean and Asia-Caribbean offer young professionals, scholars and knowledge generation in the Pakistan;ProfessorJonathanRosen Dr Kirton said his colleagues who relations in this changing global and Associates, mentorship and region and we aspire to become a of USA; Dr Kerry Sumesar Rai of helped to formalise this initiative, arena,”heexplained. g
ies cornerstone of informed policy T&T;Ms.SharminiRampersaudof all share common concerns about Beyond this however, the “Additionally, we plan to establish, making, a catalyst for public Guyana; Dr Kai-Ann Skeete of the existing gap in data-driven director said that the team is along with partners, a library, both discourse and a hub for Barbados; Dr Ulric Trotz of USA; research regionally and when this committed to extending its reach electronic and with hard copies, in collaboration among experienced Dr Michael Witter of Jamaica; Dr initiative was conceptualised, they and to establish institutional and Guyana, dedicated to border scholars, young professionals and Peter Gonzales of T&T; and Mr all supported the establishment of stra
studies, with access available to practitioners , institutions and EnricoWoolfordofGuyana.

The plight of ordinary workers in Guyana
Not long ago, a father, with the responsibility of providing for his family, set off on his usual route home after a long day at work. Withahaversackslungover his shoulder, likely containing his lunch bowls and personal belongings, he walked a familiar route to one of the city’s bus parks. This routine journey, however, turned fatal when he was confronted by a g
s believed to be intent on robbing him. In the ensuing struggle, the worker was stabbed to death, his life brutallycutshortinanactof senselessviolence. This heartbreaking incident is not an isolated case; it is a tragic narrative that in the lived experience of many families across Guyana. It is an all too familiar incident in our country
In the streets of Guyana, thelifeofanordinaryworker can be perilously unpredictable Public transport is the lifeline for manyofthesehard-working individuals,whotraversethe city not in the comfort of personal vehicles, but in crowded mini-buses The recent tragic death of an ordinary worker, ambushed and fatally stabbed while
Man breaks in home and rapes woman at knife point
Police are now hunting a man who on Wednesday broke into a businesswoman’s homeinLinden,RegionTenandrapedherat knifepointwhileherchildrenweresleeping intheirrooms.
The incident occurred around 03:30 hrs. Kaieteur News learnt that the man armed with a knife broke into the woman’s home where she lives with her children and woke herup.Hethenquicklyplacedaknifetoher neck and forcefully ripped her clothing off beforerapingher Whenhewasfinished,he sprinted away and made good his escape. Investigationsareongoing.
Life is too short to quarrel about the weather
Yuh can’t please Guyanese.Few months ago, everybody and dey granny was bawling fuh rain. De sun was bussin’ yuh skin, and de whole country was dry like bone. Bushfires everyweh, people crying, “Oh Gad, we need rain!” Even de dogs was pantin’ forsomerelief.
Well, look story now De rain come, and dem same people who was prayin’ for it start quarrel. De place wet, de place slushy, “Too much rain!” Dem bawling again. Is like dempeopleneverhappy.If sun shine, dem vex. If rain fall, dem vex. Who really know what Guyanese want?
But leh we look pon de brighter side. De plants demhappy Demstretching dem leaves like dem win lotto De farmers, dem smilingfromeartoear,cuz dem know rain mean crops gon’ flourish. No rain, no food.Simpleasthat.Buttry tell dem people dat, and dem gon’ still find somethingtocussabout. Dem boys seh it got a time and place for everything Now is de season fuh rain. De rain gon’ pass and de sun gon’ come back, and then yuh gon’heardesameoldstory: “Too hot! We need rain!” Decycleneverend. So leh we tell de complainers this: learn to live with what yuh get. De
rain helping de land, making de farmers happy, giving de plants life. Tek a page from de farmers’ book. Dem understand de valueofeverydrop.Maybe istimewedodesame.
Stopdegripingandstart deappreciating.Ifrainfall, jump in de puddles. If sun shine,soakupderays.Life tooshorttoquarrelboutde weather And remember, if yuh can’t please Guyanese with de same ting dem ask for, then who yuh gon’ please?
Dem boys seh, next time yuh feel to complain, tekawalkindegardenand see how de plants dem smiling.Maybeitgon’mek yuhsmiletoo.

walking home, reflects the grim reality faced by the working poor in Guyana. This tragedy, emblematic of thedangerslurkingnearbus parks, is a stark reminder of the vulnerability and risks that ordinary people endure daily Bus parks in Guyana, particularly after sunset, transformintozonesfraught with danger Stabroek Square, a central hub in the city,epitomizesthisperilous environment.Asthedaylight fades, the area becomes a breedinggroundforcriminal activities, where muggings androbberiesarealarmingly common. The unfortunate worker’s death highlights the systemic issues that plague these public spaces. Poor lighting, inadequate policing,andthepresenceof illegal structures contribute to an environment where crime thrives, leaving ordinary citizens vulnerable andunprotected.
Theincidentshouldhave longsparkedcallsforurgent action from both the public and authorities. There is a pressing need to address crime in these areas and implement measures to protect the working populace. Because of the traffic problems, many workers, including women have to spend a long time at bus parks awaiting transportation to get home. Little protection is in place for these workers who have to find security in their numbers, and even that cannot be counted on because when the criminals attack, every man Jack scatters.
Authorities must prioritize the removal of illegal structures and vendors that obstruct the flow of pedestrians and create chaotic conditions conducive to criminal activities.Enhancedlighting and increased police
presence are essential steps in reclaiming these spaces and ensuring they are safe for commuters. This would beagoodstart.
However, the tragedy of the murdered worker is reflective of a broader societalissueinGuyana.The working poor, like the illfatedfather,bearthebruntof criminal attacks. But what other option is open to them other than to take a chance and hope they are not the nextvictim.
Recently, a major establishment in the city secured an order to remove illegal structures and vendors obstructing its premises. This is a positive. However, this action also sets a precedent that can be leveraged to improve public safety If similar efforts are directedtocleartowardsbus parks and other critical areas, significant progress can be made in reducing crime and safeguarding the public.
The government, law enforcement agencies and local authorities must collaborate with each other to develop a comprehensive strategy to tackle crime in publicspaces.
For too long, excuses have been the order of the day, allowing unlawful conduct to persist unchecked Whether it’s illegal vending or chokeand-rob, all forms of illegal activity must be addressed with equal rigor. It is untenable to condone one type of illegality while aggressively pursuing another, as this selective enforcement undermines efforts to improve public security
Comprehensive and consistent law enforcement is essential to restoring safety and order, ensuring thatallcitizenscangoabout theirdailyliveswithoutfear of being victimized. Only

through a holistic approach to tackling crime can we expect meaningful and lasting improvements in publicsafety.
The tragic death of the hard-working father is a sobering reminder of the dangersthatordinarypeople faceinGuyana.Itisacallto action for authorities to address crime especially at the prime hot spots: our bus parks.
Public security starts with citizens. An appeal is hereby being made to the President to, as a matter of policy, instruct the authorities take immediate anddecisiveactiontoprotect the poor and ordinary citizens who rely on bus parks for their daily c o m m u t e T h e s e individuals,unabletoafford the luxury of special hire taxis or rides from friends, face significant risks each day simply trying to get home.
By ensuring the safety andsecurityofbusparks,the g o v e r n m e n t c a n demonstrateitscommitment to the well-being of all its citizens, particularly the most vulnerable. Protecting these vital transit hubs will not only reduce crime but also restore a sense of securityanddignitytothose who work hard every day to supporttheirfamilies.Itisa matterofurgencyandjustice that these measures are implementedwithoutdelay
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s affiliates.)

Policymaking is the being king of the circus, a lashes Guyanese away from company partnerships, even to be sincere, straight decision finalized master of the ruckus. What the milk. The rich milk that outright conspiracies that leadership. What vaults on what will be does this policy signify for flows so abundantly from devastate G

done. What is each citizen? How does it deep below the seas, but prospects. conquers every challenge. envisioned,whatisintended, balance the power of the which is forbidden for locals W h a t k i n d o f Not these tactics that reek of brattish, out of control what must be made to people with the profits to drink in large, sweet policymaking can it ever be the baffling, of what accrues schoolboy must be banished happen. dreamed of by the people at draughts. Thesacredcowof when attacks are directed at toExxon’sdelights. Guyana forever, no matter how that
The rest-procedures and Exxon?
Guyana is the Exxon the people whose oil legacy has all that it needs to be juvenile character may be rules and guidelines-is the In an age of great contract: an untouchable I this is? What policy when nirvana. Exxoncangoalong loved,stillembraced,loveto storehouseofprinciplesused expectations among have heard, a beast that free rein is given to the fortherideortakeitsplacein be let loose. The white man by the bureaucrats on how to Guyanese, what policies demands human sacrifices people whose priorities are the second chair The first alreadyhasGuyana’sleaders get the policies to spring to m u s t d r i v e t h e (today’s wretchedly to gouge and gorge of their policy is that there is only eating his leftovers; why life. Environmental Protection disappointed), child fill in Guyana’s paradise? one policy, and it is honesty allowhimtowrinklehisnose Policymaking is about Agency? sacrifices (generations still One where predatory Leaders say that and live inutterdistaste? leadership. The do-or-die: The laws of Guyana, or to come), national sacrifices freedom reigns, where that, and no more is left to be Old policies found this is it, what is going to be. the self-serving calculations (Guyana’s pride and dignity secretsdeepen. Thatmaybe said. unworkable should be The compendium of policies of ambitious politicians? savaged). settled policy, but I believe I have seen so many shelved,andnewonesmade, can be a document, a What milks Guyana’s sacred M o r e u n c h e c k e d that it reflects leadership holes in the policies of those implemented. I have this statement, that sparkles with cow by outsiders for production. A more lenient timidness and leadership p r e t e n d i n g a t o i l duty that is inscribed in thinking of a profound outsiders versus what EPA More leadership impotency policymaking; flaring, EPA, blood. And that can be nature. What is profound extracts the best for easing and collaborating Policymaking can never audits are the equivalent of drawn too. What is there to andprosperingforGuyanese Guyanese from it? It has with oil operators. To be be visited by what is profane having Swiss cheese from fear about Exxon reduction with their patrimony is the been a cow of many moos blunt, I believe and assert and pungent. Let there be breakfast to supper - inprofits? Whyisthatalifepinnacle of the any but one that delivers so little that what is happening some listening by those policymaking with holes. I and-death consideration? policymaking recital. The locally, other than the swish behind the scenes are more making a big production fully understand that all of Teachers are striking, what chief policymaker revels in ofitstail(policymaking)that local leadership-foreign oil about policymaking. Trust this is wasted on probably about them? How come no me, learning will come, no compromised leaders money? matter how resisted, how Those who have no stomach Are the messages being tortured, how the clock is for the oil wars that must be absorbed? Understand delayed Exposing will fought. Those who suffer fellow Guyanese what we come in due time. Give from an inferiority complex, have, how much is wrong, Guyanese one policy, one the kind of background, who is responsible. This oil only, one where all citizens makeup, that guides them to wealth must move from rejoice. Their prospects. hide behind the strengths of miracle to material in the Their being pushed towards others. They have countless grasp, what changes the life the top of the economic resources. I have my policy, of Guyanese for the better ladder,thenaboveit. Notthe which is to stick to the hand Try that for some real reverse: policies that thatlifehasdealtme. Public policymaking. pauperize, frag down tantrums should never be (The views expressed in Theatrics is not policy, nor partofthetreasuredportfolio this article are those of the playing the lunatic. The of national leaders. Grown a u t h o r a n d d o n o t cursing and ranting must m e n m u s t c o n d u c t necessarily reflect the cease, no more dutty themselves in a grownup opinions and beliefs of this spectacles. How about that manner, reflecting whatever n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s forpolicies? Betterforthere training they had The affiliates.)

The Guyana Teachers’ Union any talks can happen is duress. (GTU)onWednesdayrevealedthat
- ministry says request unreasonable
Given the GTU’s many years as a it requested from the government trade union body, they must know an interim 20 percent across-the- that this is unusual, unacceptable, board pay increase for teachers unreasonable and would result in before it ends the strike and the breakdown in talks,” she teachers resume their duties in the related. classroom.
She noted also that it is clear
The Union revealed this in a that teachers’ welfare is not the statement it issued which paramount consideration for the documented details and conditions Guy
n they made during a two-day “Teachers are being used as pawns (Monday 13 & Tuesday 14) in a much larger, politically conciliation process with officials directed plot. This is destructive oftheMinistryofEducation,which andsad,”shepointedout. was held in the presence of the KaieteurNewsunderstandsthat ChiefLabourOfficer(CLO). both parties are expected to meet
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand during her press conference on Wednesday alongside officials of her ministry.

During the two days of againonMonday20thMay,2024at meetings,GTUinitsstatementsaid 1pm to continue the conciliation. consideringtheUnion’srequestsor keeping with the grievance deliberated and agreed on: there they presented a detailed proposal
Asked what will happen on engaging in meaningful procedure as documented in the shall be an end of the strike by outlining the conditions for Monday since GTU breached its conciliationstoresolvetheongoing 1990 Memorandum of Agreement teachers and full resumption of
resuming duties and commencing confidentiality agreement, the strike. Despite the GTU’s efforts to signed by the Ministry and the work by all teachers within 48 conciliations for determining the minister stated that it is very reach a reasonable compromises, Teachers’Union. The ministry had
periodforwhichnegotiationsareto difficult to say what will occur, but the MOE has remained steadfast in sought to engage in conciliation victimization by either party, there betakenon. shenotedthatthegovernmentisnot their refusal to negotiate a due to the impasse in respect of the shall be no break in service and the
Of the terms they put forward, going to sit at the table with these collective labour agreement for the timeframe for the new multi-year status quo ante shall prevail,” she GTU listed that they proposed for kindsofunreasonabledemandsand period2019-2023,whichisthecore agreement. said. the interim 20 percent payment to accede to them. “It will be very, grievance prompting the strike,” This publication had reported Having agreed on these three be made immediately to teachers, very bad precedent not only for the theunionexpressed. that the GTU has been calling on terms and with other terms left to for there to be no victimization, no Guyana Government, but for Meanwhile, in addressing the government to hike teachers’ discuss, the minister explained that loss of service, transfers, or governments across the region, if GTU’s pay hike proposal, the salaries and have since put a multi- onTuesday,theGTUsuddenlythen demotions of teachers upon we were to allow this to happen,” government through Ministry of year agreement 2019-2023 to the presented a two-page document resumption of duties, for shehighlighted. Education has labeled the demand government for consideration. The dated 13th May, 2024 which negotiations to commence within Manickchand added that with a s “ u n r e a s o n a b l e ” a n d government has since refused to includedalistofdemandstobemet
72 hours of resumption and take what is unfolding, “Nowhere in the “unacceptable.” This is according accept the proposal, noting that it is before the resumption agreement place over a six-week period, for world would anyone allow a gun to to the Minister of Education, Priya only prepared to engage the Union couldbesigned. the establishment of an arbitration beheldtotheemployersbeforethat Manickchand who noted during a on salary matters from 2024 Noting that the demands are tribunal if negotiations fail within process (conciliation) could press conference on Wednesday onwards. unusual and unacceptable, the the stipulated period, and for the happen”. that the GTU has breached an Reiterating that it was the Minister on Wednesday made it recusal of the Minister of Labour, She however said that the GTU agreement made between the timeframe that is being discussed, clear that the government would Joseph Hamilton from the still has space to return to the table parties not to speak publicly on the the minister said during her press not have an engagement where negotiation process due to come Monday and come back to a contents of the meetings while the conference that on Monday both negotiations are happening under perceived lack of integrity and reasonable place that is in keeping matter is being conciliated. The parties had agreed on three out of duress. impartiality with how industrial relations conciliation process was initiated four terms for the resumption “The GTU’s insistence that an
acrosstheboard20%bepaidbefore Education has shown no interest in strike.
“Unfortunately, the Ministry of usually proceed after a period of by the Education Ministry in
The accident scene at Long Creek.

The escapee identified as Jose Awad
Sixth victim in Highway smash-up dies
A sixth victim who was Senior Mistress attached to the each other when Rayhum lost involved in the horrific Long Kwakwani Primary School, her control of his vehicle and collided Creek, Soesdyke-Linden Highway brother Eddo Leacock who is a withFarell. crash on Monday has died, police father of two, Urani Hall, a retired Following that, both vehicles haveconfirmed. nurse residing in Kwakwani and were extensively damaged and the AubreyGandisuccumbedtohis pensionerClintonPatterson. occupants were severely injured. injuries on Wednesday whilst According to police, the They were taken to the Linden receiving medical treatment at the accident involved two motor cars HospitalComplexwherefiveofthe Georgetown Public Hospital with registration number PAF 6785 victims were pronounced dead on Corporation(GPHC). and driven by Rayhum and PTT arrival.
The other victims who died are: 8159 owned and driven by Farrell. Notably, Asha Grabum, Dwalon Farrel a Graduate Head of It was reported that Farrell was Rashana Burberry, and Ashana Department Industrial Technology heading to the mining town of Rammacingo, are currently teacher attached to the New Silver Linden,whiletheothervehiclewas receiving medical treatment at the City Secondary School; Ms headingtoGeorgetown. GPHC, with their conditions listed Rushell Leacock, a Graduate The vehicles were about to pass ascritical.

The wife and mother-in-law of an inmate of Lusignan Prison who escaped on Tuesday evening have been taken into custody to assist the policewithinvestigations.
Search efforts are ongoing as Jose Awad, the escaped individual remainsontherun.
Kaieteur News reported on Wednesday that the inmate had escaped on Tuesday around 13:00h while working at the snackette in the compound of the Cecil Kilkenny Training School. He was left unsupervised for a short period of time when he made good his escape. AccordingtoastatementreleasedbytheGuyanaPrisonServices(GPS), the Officer in charge at Lusignan Prison confirmed thatAwad contacted hiswifefollowinghisescape. TheGPSaddedthattheprisonserviceand police force along with members of the joint services are working tirelesslytorecapturetheinmate.
Agriculture Ministry procures vessel monitors for fisherfolk

Mustapha hands over
The Ministry of A g r i c u l t u r e t h r o u g h i t s
F i s h e r i e s
Department recently procured 100 Vessel
Monitoring Devices (VMDs) as part of its monitoring strategy for artisanalfisheriesinGuyana. This intervention also seeks to improve security standards for fisherfolk whileatsea.
fisherfolk in

Some of the VMDs that will be distributed to fisherfolk across the country.
In a press release the ministry said Agriculture Minister,ZulfikarMustapha, while offering remarks at a operating so you won’t be Geospacial Inc for simple handing-over accused of being outside of approximately US $50,000 exercise in the ministry’s our grounds because we’ve with additional devices main boardroom on been seeing that over the last expected to be delivered in Wednesday, said that the few years, ” Minister the coming months Fisheries Sector continues to Mustaphaexplained. Installation on vessels in be of utmost importance to Minister Mustapha said Regions One, Two, Three, the government as it that the ministry will Four, Five, and Sixis provides affordable protein continue to work towards expectedtocommenceinthe to Guyanese and contributes e n s u r i n g a d e q u a t e comingweek to the country’s overall surveillance systems are in Vessel Monitoring exportearnings. place, adding that the goal is Devices are known to play a
He also said that the to have all registered vessels pivotal role in ensuring safety of Guyanese inGuyanaequippedwithone sustainablefishingpractices. fisherfolk is also important ofthemonitoringdevices. By equipping Guyana’s to the government and that He also said that artisanal vessels with these investments are being made investments are also being devices, the Fisheries to ensure they are safe while made to enhance facilities Department will be able to atsea. where fisherfolk ply their monitor fishing activities in “Many people are of the tradeacrossthecountry real-time, with the hope of perception that the average “Only recently, the minimizing illegal, fisherfolk does not want to President and I visited the unreported, and unregulated get involved in technology Meadow Bank Wharf when (IUU)fishing. and the new way of doing it was decided that the entire Furthermor
, this things but we have to wharf will be rehabilitated. intervention will also change that perception The We’ve also been working safeguard Guyana’s marine fishing industry is very with different stakeholders ecosystems, preserve important for us in this from across the country to biodiversity, and sustain fish country It provides cheap improve their lives, but we stocksforfuturegenerations. proteins for Guyanese and needyourfullcooperationto The deployment of Vessel brings in a lot of revenue. move the process forward. Monitoring Devices will This is why the government We want to form a enhance safety at sea for has been putting a lot of partnership. This is why we Guyanese Fisherfolk as they resources into this industry are working to register all of provide crucial data on These devices will help us to our fisherfolk and their vessel location, enabling monitor your vessels’ vessels It isn’t about prompt response in the case location.While we’ve seen a collecting revenue. We need of an emergency With the significant reduction in to know how many persons unpredictable nature of piracyinourcountry,westill are involved in the industry maritime environments, havetoensuresystemsarein so that we can work to s u c h m e a s u r e s a r e place to deal with these improvetheirstandards,”the indispensable for protecting issues. These devices will Ministeradded. the lives of our fishermen also allow us to monitor the T h e V M D s w e r e andensuringtheirsafereturn fishing grounds you are procured from Latitude toshore.

Yupukari Village hosts
12th annual Turtle Festival
The 12th Annual Turtle FestivalwasheldonMay11, 2024 at Yupukari Village, Region Nine. The event, organised by the Yupukari Village Council, Turtle MonitorsandCaimanHouse Inc. (CHI) aimed to raise
a w a r e n e s s a b o u t community-driven turtle conservationefforts.
According to a statement issued by the organisers, the festival is now part of the
R e g i o n a l T u r t l e Conservation Management Plan, which aims to boost yellow-spotted river turtle populations and promote implementtheproject.

turtle conservation The sandbank, and they were all their sustainable use through The festival provided an community recognised the flooded out – except for the acommunity-ledapproach. opportunity to educate and significance of this cause, ones that we rescued. So
The festival included engage the youth, who with particular emphasis on that’s how important this various activities such as learned about the artificial engaging and educating the turtle monitoring is in monitoring of turtle nests, turtle pond and the turtles youth The event also Yupukari.” rescuing hatchlings from residingthere. featured the release of 271
Ministry looking to implement programme to tackle violence in school
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand

The Education Ministry piece of wood inside the is considering a holistic school’s compound. Scenes programme aimed at captured from a video about curbing rampant violence the incident showed that the among secondary school attacker was the one doing students. the bullying while the
Meanwhile, during the flooded beaches, and Anthony Roberts, Turtle rescued turtles into the f e s t i v a l , t h e S W M nurturing them until their Project Coordinator at RupununiRiver,whichwere Programme launched a new release at the festival. The CaimanHouseInc.,saidthat saved by turtle rangers book titled ‘Wildlife and S
nable Wildlife theturtlefestivalisanannual during monitoring activities People of the Rupununi’.
Management (SWM) event organised to educate across eight beaches near The book showcases the Programme also helped to and raise awareness about YupukariVillage. technicalandscientificwork
A participant releases a yellow-spotted river turtle (Podocnemis unifilis) into the Rupununi River (FAO/Luke McKenna)

Throughout the day, carried out by the SWM attendees visited multiple Programme in Region Nine booths offering diverse from 2018 to 2023, covering activities, including an topics such as wildlife opening parade; turtle egg populations, local uses of collection training, video wildlife, co-existence with screening, information wildlife, and conservation a w a r e n e s s , c a i m a n initiativesintheRupununi. education, educational quiz The SWM Programme games, wood carving and thanked the Yupukari visits to the turtle enclosure Village, local partners, andWabbanicraftsbuilding. stakeholders, turtle rangers ShamirKhan,theToshao from CHI and South
Rupununi Conservation
Society (SRCS), and the unpredictable weather European Union (EU) for affected the turtles in the their support in making the past. “The weather is not turtle festival successful and predictable now Two years bringing the conservation ago, we had eggs in the initiativetolife.
Minister of Education victim was backing away Priya Manickchand made The first blow was to the the announcement on victim’srighthandandashe Tuesday during a press retreatedhefellintoadrain. conference, which she His attacker walked hosted at the National towards him and shoved his Centre for Educational head before dealing him Resource Development anotherblow,thistimetohis (NCERD), where she was lefthand. addressing several matters The attacker then regarding the education walked away and the victim sector was taken to the hospital
M a n i c k c h a n d where an x-ray showed that highlighted that violence in both his hands were schools has been an issue fractured as a result of the thattheeducationsectorhas lasheshereceived. been faced with She Also in September 2023 underscored that it is an a 14-year-old boy was issue that needs to be caught on camera being addressed.”Wearecurrently stomped and kicked to his looking to have a holistic head by another student of programmeevenaswekeep theschool. it unique to individual In video footages the schools ” the education boy was seen being cuffed ministersaid. about his face by his
Kaieteur News reported attacker before he stumbled that during October 2023, a to the ground. Not stopping m a l e C a m b e l l v i l l e there, the attacker then Secondary School student began to kick and stomp the sustained fractures to both victim about his head and of his hands, after one of his body multiple times before peers assaulted him with a walkingaway

New PPP ideology will further marginalise working class - Former Pres. Ramotar
FormerHeadofStateand othertheoryinvoguetoday.” Leader of the Peoples Recalling the famous Progressive Party (PPP) axiom that “theory without Donald Ramotar, is of the practice is useless and view, “it is time for our practice without theory is working people to take stock blind” the former Executive of where they are,” since “it Leader of the country seems that the struggle will queried, “what therefore are be long and hard to re- the changes that have caused establishtheirinfluence.” the Party’s abandonment of

This, according to i t s f u n d a m e n t a l Ramotar, who in a recent underpinnings?” public missive criticised the He reaffirmed this recent ideological shift in his positionontheworkingclass party, which at its recently struggles by arguing that the concluded Congress, voted party’s “…new position is a t o d r o p i t s reflection of the weakening position is still in place.” He M a r x i s m – L e n i n i s m , influence of the working posited that the TUC seems Socialist aspects of its class in our country’s socio- moreinterestedinputtingthe Constitution, to instead economicandpoliticallife.” opposition Peoples National embrace what he now calls With this in mind, he Congress in power” adding “ideological pluralism” drew reference to the fact “notonlytheobjectiveofthe Qualifying his position, that “organised labour has working class becoming the Ramotarnotedthatwhile,“it been in crises for some time ruling class is abandoned by is true that things have now; Since 1953 the TUC the TUC but the immediate changed,howeveritdoesnot (tradesUnionCongress)was economic interest has been imply that Marxism has lost captured by the colonial tossedaside.” itsrelevance.” mastersandwasturnedintoa Adamant the “TUC is He in fact argues that “in force to fight against one of the main instruments the very complicated world independence.” that has kept the working we live in, we need a socio- According to Ramotar, class divided since the early economic theory to guide us the TUC has since allowed 1960’s,” Ramotar insists in the maze of complexities itself to become more of a “the TUC has consistently and Marxist methodology is racist body to divide the refusedtodemocratiseits still far superior than any working class and, “that
Former President and Executive Member of the PPP, Donald Ramotar
(Continued on page 16)

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Over 700 members rejected Jagdeo and Ali at PPP Congress - results show
Over seven hundred members who were delegates at the recently concluded Congress of the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) rejected their two top leadersPresident Irfaan Ali and Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo. Jagdeo is the general secretary of the party and Ali the finance secretary. With some 3,000 delegates eligible to vote at the congress, a perusal of the results would show that about a quarter of the electorate rejected Ali and Jagdeo.
This since, Jagdeo secured just about 75 percent of the votes, meaning he was rejected by 25 percent of the electorate. Jagdeo’s election results at the PPP’s internal elections showed that of the 3,000 persons eligible to vote, he secured 2,257 of the total votes. Head of State, President Irfaan Ali, secured the largest tranche of the votes, got 2,308 of the 3,000 or about 77 percent of the votes, or inversely some 23 percent of the party not voting in his favour.
The two men highest leading functionaries of government secured the top votes at the party’s recently concluded Congress. It would be poignant to note that while the PPP/C constituents are documented as 51 percent of the entire country’s voting electorate, the 3,000 delegates represent an accurate sampling of that constituency.
Meanwhile, Jagdeo, has since been returned to the party’s highest office, that of Secretary General. This obtained when the newly constituted Central Committee of the Party met and convened its first

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meeting on May 7, last, at Freedom House. Additionally, the committee elected 18- Central Committee members to the Executive Committee, consisting of Dr. Irfaan Ali, Zulfikar Mustapha, Anil Nandlall, Dr. Frank Anthony, Vickram Bharrat, Collin Croal, Nigel Dharamlall, Neil Kumar, Shyam Nokta, Dr. Vindhya Persaud, Donald Ramotar, Clement Rohee, Dharamkumar Seeraj, Pauline Sukhai, and Gail Teixeira as full members. Kwame Mc Coy, Anand Persaud, and Ricky Ramraj were elected as candidate members.
Zulfikar Mustapha who had secured the third highest number of votes at the party’s congress was re-elected as Executive Secretary, while President Ali was elected Finance Secretary. In his address to the meeting, the General Secretary thanked the outgoing Central Committee members for their contributions. He stressed that the Congress was a resounding success, highlighted by its scale, diversity, energetic atmosphere, deep discussions, significant issues tackled, and efficient logistics.
Jagdeo also expressed his deep appreciation for the work of Party members, supporters,

volunteers, and others for their contribution to a highly successful congress and for their continuous support of the PPP and its programmes.
Meanwhile, President Ali during his address at the opening of the congress had heaped praise on Jagdeo, telling members he sacrificed personal riches and to keep the party strong.
“I want to publicly acknowledge on behalf of the membership of the PPP, that the then former President and our General Secretary (GS)— Bharrat Jagdeo—had before him many offers, many offers that would have enriched him, many offers that would have positioned him globally but he sacrificed every hour of his
time for the PPP, to ensure that the PPP remain strong, remain resilient and remain the champion but more importantly in that sacrifice to ensure that the PPP remain the champion of the people of this country,” President Ali told PPP members who had gathered at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, Liliendaal.
The 32nd PPP Congress, which took place from May 3 to 5 at Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara, was themed,
“Strengthen the Party, Defend Guyana, Unite Our People for Progress and Prosperity.” The party said its “congress drew participation of over 3,000 delegates and observers from across the country.”
New PPP ideology will further marginalise...
From page 15 rules and its leaders have become labour bureaucrats, living off the working people.”
He adumbrated too that the other section of the working class, mainly the sugar workers which played a significant, “role in the struggles for independence and for democracy are now literally on their back.”
Ramotar observed too that “the sugar industry is in deep crisis and has lost its position as the most important sector in the economy and argues further; “the ideological leadership has been greatly weakened due to persons passing on and the absence of workers education which was a prominent feature of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union.
“ With this in mind, he lamented the “rate of the decline of the working-class influence is matched by the sharp rise of the influence of the capitalist class, both local and foreign; The local capitalists are already playing junior partners to the more powerful foreign capital.”
This, he said “is reflected in the high prominence which private capital gets from government.
Their importance to the administration is often emphasized at every level of government.
Ramotar further drew reference to the greater attention or focus by the most powerful capitalist states on Guyana, which he noted has its origins with the discovery of oil adding that “the many high-profile visits from the
US, is a demonstration of our country’s new found importance.”
According to Ramotar, the PPP always had in its leadership from the beginning, Marxists in prominent positions and questioned “now that umbilical cord has been broken the Party has embraced ideological pluralism; And its goal is no longer socialism.”
To this end, he retorted “the arguments for this break are that times and circumstances have changed and Marxism is no longer relevant. That socialism is no longer the goal of the Party; in this new stage Marxism-Leninism has a central role to play in analyzing the maze of information out there in our country and the world.”
Govt forced to scrap end of term exams...
From page 06 for almost a month and resulted in a court battle between the Union and the government. In response to the GTU’s industrial action, government
had announced that teachers who participated in the strike action – salaries will be deducted. However, GTU challenged the government’s decision in court and on April 19, 2024, High Court Judge Sandil Kissoon ruled in favour of the teachers, affirming the legality of the strike and prohibiting the government from implementing salary deductions.

Court of Appeal gets $170M new wing
The Court of
Appeal, located in Kingston, Georgetown, has been retrofitted with a $170M new wing. The new wing of t h e b u i l d i n g w a s commissioned on Monday by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, AnilNandlall,SC.
The construction of the three-storey building was aimed at providing a more spacious and conducive environment to deliver justice at the Court of Appeal.
“Thisisonlygoingtobe o n e i n m a n y t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l interventions that will take place shortly Our governmentisacutelyaware of the fundamental role that the judiciary and our institutions must play in the transformation which is taking place across the landscape of our country In fact,weareofthefirmview that the judiciary, law and order, and the institutions of justice are the foundation upon which modern society rests,” Minister Nandlall told members of the judiciary He noted that government has never hesitated in partnering with the judiciary, adding that currently there are court housesbeingbuiltinvarious

of Legal Affairs and Attorney General
parts of the country where theyneverexistedbefore.
“There is a physical transformation taking place whenthegovernmentspeaks a b o u t a p h y s i c a l transformation. We are not only speaking about a transformation from an executive perspective. We are speaking about a transformation across every divideinourcountryandasI said, the judiciary would never be left out,” Nandlall stated.
The minister also noted the implementation of the m o s t a d v a n c e d technological facilities like the e-filing project and epayments system, provided for under the e-transaction
“It is already a recognised and an undisputedfactthatwehave by far the most aggressive, legislative agenda in the entireCaribbeanperhapsthe entire commonwealth, other countries in the Caribbean marvelatthespeedatwhich we are progressing,” MinisterNandlallstated.
TheCourtofAppealwas established in 1966 and was oncearesidence.
Chancellor of the Judiciary, Madam Justice Yonette CummingsEdwards, while delivering her address at the commissioning ceremony, notedthattherewasalackof space. “We were literally bursting in our seams. Our
South Africa’s Ramaphosa signs health bill weeks before election
(AL JAZEERA) South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed into law a bill that aims to provide universal health coverage.
he president on Wednesdayhailedthelawas amajorsteptowardsamore just society two weeks before an election that is expected to be fiercely competitive “The provision of healthcare in this country is fragmented, unsustainable and unacceptable,”hesaidatthe signing ceremony at the UnionBuildings,theseatof governmentinPretoria.
“For those who would like to see (their) privileges continuing,sorry,youareon thewrongboat.Theboatwe are on is about equality,” he said. The National Health Insurance (NHI) Act takes aim at a two-tier health system, in which a publicly funded sector that serves 84 percent of the population is overburdenedandrun-down while some people have access to better treatment through private insurance.
The legislation will gradually limit the role of private insurance, create a new public fund to provide freeaccessforSouthAfrican citizens,andsetthefeesand prices that private doctors and healthcare suppliers may charge for NHI-funded benefits.
Criticssaidtheplanwill drain already stretched publicfinances,limitpatient choice, undermine the quality of care and drive talented doctors out of the country Opponents have promised to challenge it in court and described it as a ploy for votes – which the presidency denied – before the election. The May 29 elections are expected to be one of the country’s most highly contested Ramaphosa’s governing African National Congress (ANC) faces the possibility of receiving less than 50 percent of the vote for the first time since it came into powerin1994.
Concernshavealsobeen r a i s e d a b o u t t h e affordability of the law and
The new

fileswereontheground,our cabinetscouldn’tholdinthe offices. We were using the basementasitwereandstill thatwasnotsufficientspace. There was no reading room forthelibraryandhardlyany facilities for our admin staff,”shestated.
This was compounded by the exponential increase inthenumberofappeals,and agrowingnumberofjudges, brought a dire need to expandthespace.
“Oureconomicactivities in our country shows the need for more matters to be dealtwith.Beitcommercial matters, be it environmental
andothermatters,theneedis there for litigation for these cases to be heard in a way thatisconducivetojustice,” shestated.
The new extension measures 57 feet wide and 70 feet long (50 x 70 feet), andisthreestoreys. It boasts an additional modern courtroom, with cutting edge technology where both criminal and civil cases can be heard, admin spaces, offices, six judge’s chambers, and a judicial service commission secretariat. Italsofeaturesa lawyer’s robing room, an officeforlegalpractitioners,
a library, a gym, a judges’ assemblyroomandalounge.
An elevator will be added.
“It is a story about resiliencefromacarparktoa court house, it’s about having justice serve in an efficient and an accessible way We are resolute in our quest for justice and our questforbetterconditionsin whichweserveourpeople,” shestated.
The contract for the extension was signed on October 27,2021 at an estimateofover$124M.The revised estimate amounts to over$170.5M.(DPI)
Petrobras Resists Order to Assess Indigenous Impact of Amazon Drilling
possible tax increases to fund it The official opposition Democratic Alliance said Wednesday that it would legally challenge the new law. The c
constitutionality of the law whilesomebusinessforums have described it as u
unaffordable The Health FundersAssociation(HFA), anorganisationrepresenting stakeholders involved in funding private healthcare, saiditwouldtakesignificant time before the plan comes intoeffect.
“There will be no immediate impact on medicalschemebenefitsand contributions nor any tax changes. The HFA is well preparedtodefendtherights ofmedicalschememembers and all South Africans to choose privately funded
e necessary,” spokesman Craig Comrie said. Others welcomedthelaw
Brazil’s state-run o i l f i r m Petrobras is resisting regulatory demands requiring it to assess the impact on Indigenous groups of drillinginanoffshorebasin near the mouth of the Amazon River, Chief ExplorationandProduction OfficerJoelsonMendestold journalistsonTuesday
Brazil’s environmental agency Ibama demanded thestudies,firstreportedby Reuters last week, before considering the company’s appeal to grant a drilling licenseinthearea.
“Petrobras won’t do thesestudiesatthisstageof the licensing process, because they are not legal,”
Mendes told a news conference discussing quarterlyearnings.
The director said he expects Brazil’s solicitor general to intervene on the company’s behalf, as it considers the request for newstudies“notadequateat this point in the licensing process.”
The refusal could heighten tensions between the oil company and the regulator, which denied a licenseforPetrobrastodrill intheareaaboutayearago, citing possible impacts on Indigenous groups and the sensitivecoastalbiome.
Days after Ibama’s denial, Petrobras appealed and the company is still waiting for Ibama’s final
ruling.Theoffshorebasin,a part of the so-called Equatorial Margin known as Foz do Amazonas, is considered Brazil’s most promising frontier for oil exploration because it shares geology with nearby Guyana, where Exxon is developinghugefields.
Beyond the licensing delays in the Equatorial Margin, Ibama could also impact Petrobras’ productionthisyearduetoa labor strike by the agency’s staff,saidMendes,whichhe warned could delay the expansionofoperations.
“It is possible that we will have impacts of the orderofmagnitudeof2%of annual production, if the situationpersists.”

First Jewish Biden appointee publicly resigned over war in Gaza
An Interior Department staffer on Wednesday became the first Jewish political appointee to publicly resign in protest of U.S. support of Israel’s war inGaza.
Lily Greenberg Call, a special assistant to the chief of staff in the Interior
Department, accused PresidentJoeBidenofusing JewstojustifyU.S.policyin theconflict.
Call had worked for the presidential campaigns of both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, and was a longtime activist
and advocate for Israel in Washington and elsewhere
before joining the government. She is at least thefifthmid-orsenior-level administration staffer to make public their resignation in protest of the Biden administration’s military and diplomatic support of the now sevenmonth Israeli war against Hamas. She is the second political appointee to do so, after an Education Department official of Palestinianheritageresigned inJanuary
Her resignation letter described her excitement at
joining an administration that she believed shared much of her vision for the country
“However, I can no longer in good conscience continue to represent this administration,”shewrote.
InaninterviewwithThe Associated Press, Call pointed to comments by Biden, including at a White House Hanukkah event wherehesaid“Werethereno Israel, there wouldn’t be a Jew in the world who was safe” and at an event at Washington’s Holocaust Memoriallastweekinwhich hesaidtheOct.7Hamas-led
Shooting of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico sends shockwaves across Europe

( A S S O C I AT E D
PRESS)Slovakia’spopulist primeminister,RobertFico, was shot multiple times and g r a v e l y w o u n d e d Wednesday after a political event in an attempted assassination that shocked the small country and reverberatedacrossEurope.
T h e s h o o t i n g Wednesday of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico in the town of Handlova following a political event sent shockwaves across Europe three weeks before EU parliament elections are scheduledtobeheld. Leaders from across the
political divide denounced the apparent assassination attemptagainstthepopulist, pro-Russianleader,callingit anattackondemocracy
Here’s what European leaders and others are saying:
“What has happened is something that we cannot seem to realize because we cannot comprehend it. A physicalattackontheprime minister is, first of all, an attack on a person, but it is alsoanattackondemocracy
A n y v i o l e n c e i s unacceptable Hateful rhet
witnessing in society leads
attacksthattriggeredthewar were driven by an “ancient desiretowipeouttheJewish people.”“HeismakingJews thefaceoftheAmericanwar machine. And that is so deeply wrong,” she said, noting that ancestors of hers were killed by “statesponsoredviolence.”
The Hamas-led attacks on Oct. 7 killed about 1,200 people in Israel Israel’s military campaign against Hamas in Gaza has killed more than 35,000 Palestinians The Biden administrationhaspointedto its repeated calls to Prime M

Lily Greenberg Call is the special assistant to the chief of staff in the Interior Department
Netanyahu’sgovernmentfor more precise targeting of Hamas so as to spare more civilians.Itrecentlypauseda shipmentofbombstoIsrael, saying it wanted to prevent Israeli forces from dropping them on the crowded southernGazacityofRafah.
“I think the president has to knowthattherearepeoplein hisadministrationwhothink this is disastrous,” Call said of the war overall and U.S. support for it. “Not just for Palestinians, for Israelis, for Jews, forAmericans, for his electionprospects.”
Thief breaks single mom’s car and steals cash
Slovakia’s populist prime minister, Robert Fico,

to hateful actions. Please let’s stop it ” – Slovak PresidentZuzanaCaputova, Fico’s political rival, in a televisedstatement.
“An assassination attemptononeofthehighest constitutional officials is an unprecedented threat to Slovakdemocracy.
If we express different political opinions with guns in the squares, and not in polling stations, we endanger everything we have built together in 31 y e a r s o f
sovereignty.” – Slovak

Athief driving
around in a Toyota 212 car, PPP 87152 on Wednesday broke into a woman’s vehicle parked on Sherriff Street, Georgetown and stoleasubstantialamountof cashshehadsetasidetopayoffherbills.
Atika Stephens, a single mother and small business owner said that it happened around 15:45 hrs. in the vicinity of Mae’s School.
She had gone there to pickupherdaughterfromschool. Itwasrainingatthetime so the woman secured her vehicle with the handbag insideandranquicklytoget herdaughter
“It happened within minutes”, she said as she recalled hearing her car alarmgoingoff.
Sheranquicklytothecar only to find that someone had broken her car window and her handbag containing
the cash, her Samsung cellphone, Identification card, driver’s license and bank cards missing An eyewitness reportedly noted that the thief was a man wearing a hoodie and driving a dark grey 212 car The individual had spotted the man fleeing the scene after the woman’s car alarm went off. The matter has been reported to the Kitty Police Station and investigationsareongoing.
The USAID Youth
Manager for Y-RIE Tiffany Danielssaid. Resilience, Inclusion and Daniels explained that theY- The Country Manager Empowerment (Y-RIE), in IRE is a United States of noted that Y-IRE intends to partnership with Tagman America (USA) project work in partnership with Media Inc, on Monday which is being implemented stakeholders to ensure the revealed the findings of a by the Development families in the identified recent youth-led community Alternatives Incorporated communities remain strong safety profiling and assets (DIA) Global in Guyana, and committed to supporting mapping activity, which Grenada, Saint Lucia and the youths. “We have noted identified factors that tackle TrinidadandTobago. that these communities, as the prevention of crime and In the realms of tackling much as they have some violenceamongyouths. prevention of violence and instances where, there are
The event was held on crime, the Country Manager some kinds of violence, Monday at the Cara Lodge, disclosed that the USAID these are some very resilient Q
YIRE intends to execute communities, very strong Georgetown and saw the plans to engage young communities,” Daniels said
a t t e n d a n c e o f k e y people in a curriculum that with enthusiasm. She added: stakeholders including assists them mentally, and “So for us, our project government organisations, skill base to help them get focuses on enhancing members of the Joint ready
conomic resilience when it comes to Services, non-governmental empowerment. crime and violence, we o

ent, center this around young
c o m m u n i t y b a s e d Daniels also proposed ideas people and we consider organisations. to some members of the youngpeopleasassets.”
The Y-RIE Program is a community to have sport- To this end, during the youth crime and violence based activities for the presentation made by the p
ve Communications Associate public relations firm, it was Tagman representative told youths. “Wearefocusingon representativeoftheTagman working with government Deborah Baird in her led by youth within the attendees. citizens’ resilience to crime Media, he highlighted that
and non-government openingremarkssaidthatthe targeted communities. “The He said too that to derive and violence, so we are thethreecoreareastheyouth partners to strengthen social youth-led profiling and youths were able to engage therequireddata,interviews, looking at the hard word researchers focused on were services that serve youth at- mapping activity was withfellowyouthfromthose questionnaires, focus group resilience, we focus more on education, employment and risk and their families, conducted in Georgetown, existing communities, and discussions and a peer-to- resilience that it is on crime crime. improve learning outcomes specificallySophia,C,Dand we were able to gather a rich peer session were held. The and violence, so it is really The Tagman Media for youth, improve youth at- E Fields as well as Werk-en- piece of information that we projectalsocontaineddigital lookingatthosefundamental representative was keen to risk preparedness for the Rust and Albouystown haveanalyseandwearehere maps, which served to things that help a young note that these aspects are world of work, and Another representative of todaytopresenttoyou,sowe informandsupportthecrime person along their life’s aim
g strengthen the resilience of Tagman Media Inc, canfurtherdiscussandmove and violence prevention pathway to ensure that they partnership to support familiesandcommunities. explained that while the forward in terms of initiatives. are able to have a life that is prevention of crime and Tagman Media’s Senior project was managed by the recommendation,” the Additionally, Country positive and fulfilling,” violence.

Gibran Safaraz and Coach Linden Johnson to participate at Birmingham Training Camp in June
Guyana’s National ParaTable Tennis Champion Gibran Safaraz, together with esteemed national coach Linden Johnson have b
Commonwealth Games F
a t i o n G A P S BirminghamTrainingcamp. The upcoming camp is scheduledtorunfromthe8th to the 18th of June at BirminghamUniversity
Amidstthebackdropofa bustling sports calendar leading up to the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics, the GAPS (Global Access Programme for Sports) initiative stands out with its profound objec
participation of countries in
Commonwealth Games, providingaplatformforboth
budding and seasoned paraathletes. Moreover, the programme seeks to bolster the preparation of athletes for the Paris Games
development to foster the emergenceofnewtalents.
Central to the GAPS BirminghamTrainingCamp is a comprehensive agenda tailored to empower both athletes and coaches alike.

The camp will offer technical training sessions, c
educational workshops covering a spectrum of topics including sport science, safeguarding, and anti-dopingmeasures.
Thursday May 16, 2024
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Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult t
y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family history lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
At its core, the GAPS initiative is driven by a commitment to providing emerging athletes and coaches from across the Commonwealth with access to invaluable resources and knowledge. Championed by the Commonwealth Games Federation and Griffith University, GAPS epitomizestheethosofsport fordevelopmentandpeace.
In a previous interview withCoachJohnson,hesaid that, “It is [a] great opportunity for our paratable tennis player and myself to attend this camp and advance to the next level, our main focus is technical and tactical sessions.”
He said it will also help him as a coach to become
Frompage23 gratitude of his executive and members to McDonald and Fitness Express for being a great partner of the sport.
”It’sheartwarmingtosee you continuing to back this sport which continues to grow and build. We are nowhere close to where we canbe,butIcanassureyou, that we are working assiduouslytowardsmaking itevenbetterforourathletes toexcel.
Efforts are underway to have coaches and referees trainingconductedthisyear, asthesearevitalsarmsofthe sports that needs attention. From nest year, the IPF has mandated that travelling teams must have accredited coachessoweareseekingto getourselvesinline.”
That apart, Wilson said that plans are falling into place for this Sunday’s Intermediates and Masters competitions and fans can lookforwardtoawonderful dayofliftingasseveralmale andfemaleathleteswouldbe hitting to platform to

more compassionate and more responsible, adding,
“A camp of this nature, we are going to benefit a great lot from it and when we get back to Georgetown to continue with the para-table tennis programme and get more para-athletes involved withtabletennis.” N o t a b l y , t h e Birmingham training camp extends its reach to Para tabletennisandPowerlifting enthusiasts, fu
her underlining its dedication to inclusivity and diversity withinthesportingarena.

Female Windball Cricket team meet Minister Charles Ramson prior to departure for Barbados tourney
Gets assistance for all members to travel to Windies Championship
Th e F
Windball Cricket team met with MinisterofCultureYouth& SportCharlesRamsonatthe
Providence prior to their departure for the Annual West Indies Women’s Windball tournament in Barbados scheduled from May16toMay22. The team was in need of assistance to ensure that all of the players who were selectedfromtheJanetJagan
championship travelled overseas to compete in the

Tournament. That uncertainty is over

Players and ASTP officials with Minister Charles Ramson during a photo op after the meeting.
m committed to ensure that all theteammemberswillleave Guyana in time for the tournament by announcing that he will purchase the tickets for the remaining players. The Minister also mentioned to all present which included parents,
Officials and the MCYS NSC Sports Officer A Munroe, who for over the years h
s been
responsible official from the MCYS NSC for Windball cricket that his commitment came with the responsibility that the team mustwin
Jessica Callender off to Cuba for CAC Women’s Chess Championship
Two-time champion, Jessica Callender

Two-time winner of the National Women’s Chess Championship, Jessica Callender, will be representing Guyana at the Central America and the Caribbean 2024 Women’s Chess Championship in Cuba. Callenderisslatedto playagainstsomeofthebest female players from the Caribbean and Central America from May 13th to May 22nd, 2024, in Santa Clara,Cuba.
The competition is dedicated to the memory of Acela de Armas, an outstanding Cuban chess player whose legacy continues to inspire females from Central America and theAmericanContinent.
The 2024 Central American and Caribbean ChampionshipforWomenis organised by the Cuban ChessFederation(FCA)and the Confederation of Chess oftheAmericas(CCA).The nine-round event will be played using the Swiss systemwithatimecontrolof
30-second increment startingfrommoveone.
The Confederation of Chess for Americas (FIDE America) is a registered Affiliate Organization of FIDE that represents 42 Caribbean and Latin Nations. Callender, with a FIDE rating of 1571, has shown she can compete against other talented players. She won the GCF National Women’s Chess Championship in 2023 and 2024andholdsaconditional Women Candidate Master Title.
Callender hopes to rack up victories that will propel her toward her WCM title. She was part of the Guyana team that participated in the recent CARICOM Classic Team regional tournament hostedbytheGuyanaChess Federation in March last.
The Guyana Chess Federation extends best wishes to Jessica as she journeys to represent Guyana.
Demerara Pitbulls bag $1.5M prize purse following GCB T10 Blast title win
Inaugural Guyana
Cricket Board (GCB) T10 Blast champs, Demerara Pitbulls willpocketthetournament’s top prize of $1.5M after completing an exceptional tournament.
ThePitbullscreatedabit of history on Monday after they advanced from the semi’s all the way to the finals where they eclipsed the Essequibo Jaguars by a 2-wicketmargin.
Following their win, GCB made the huge
announcement that the Champs, 2nd Essequibo Jaguars,thetwolosingsemifinalists will each receive monetaryawards.
While the Pitbulls bagged the main prize, the Jaguars who finished second, will receive GY$500,000 while the Essequibo Anacondas and the Berbice Caimans will pocketGY$100,000each,as per confirmation by the GCB.
GCB president Bissoondyal Singh lauded
the respective franchises for theirshowofsportsmanship, class and high levels of competition as well as professionalism throughout thelengthofthetournament.
Amongthetournament’s leading MVPs, Jeremiah Scott copped the most catches award for his 11 while national all-rounder Quentin Sampson finished with the award for Most Runsafterrackingupatally of234.
Most Wickets award went to spinner Ashmead
Fitness Express presses with GAPLF for Intermediate’s/ Master’s on Sunday
A rich tradition of unflinching support across multiple administrations was maintained yesterday when Manager of Fitness Express, Jamie McDonald handed over a sponsorship cheque to Guyana Amateur Powerlifting Federation (GAPLF) President, FranklinWilson.
Held at Fitness Express’ John and Sheriff Street, Campbellville, location, McDonald in presenting the cheque to Wilson said that his company was very pleased to be maintaining a rich tradition of support to the Federation for close to twodecadesnow
”Time really flies
especially when you are doing something with so much significance and positives for, in this instance, powerlifting I must say that the sport has really grown and advanced fromthedayswhenIstarted tosupportit,andthisisvery heartening.
We are maintaining a vow that my company has made to always be there for the sport at the Federation and by extension, the athletes’ level. This fulfills part of our mandate to always give back to our community and show gratitude.”
McDonald also noted thatheisheartenedtoseethe
Federation really trying to improve its governance under the current executive by recently ensuring that an AuditedFinancialStatement was produced for its first terminoffice.
”This posture can only augur well for the sport and its image out there where members of the business community who contribute can see how the funds are accounted for and those looking on, would be encouraged to come on boardandsupport.Icanonly say well done and keep up thegoodwork.”
Wilson in response, expressedtheheartfelt
ByRawleToneyThe Golden Jaguars concluded their two-match friendly series against the SocaWarriorswitha2-0loss last evening at the Hasely CrawfordStadium.
The first half saw both teams locked in a stalemate, but in the 53rd minute, Michel Poon-Angeron, the ACPortofSpainmidfielder, broke the deadlock, putting Trinidad and Tobago ahead 1-0 Kevon ‘Showtime’ Woodley sealed the victory for the SocaWarriors with a goal in the 77th minute, having also scored in Monday’s 2-1 win for the homeside.
Jamaal Shabazz, head coachoftheGoldenJaguars, started with Jamine Cumberbatch in goal, Quincy Adams, Leo Lovell,
Darron Niles, Curtez Kellman, Kelsey Benjamin, Daniel Wilson (Captain), Nicholai Smith, Terique Mohammed, Anthony Smith,andKevinLayne. Whilebothteamscreated chances of their own, BenjaminandNilesfailedto capitalize on their opportunitiestogiveGuyana the upper hand in the first half.
In the second half, Shabazz implemented some changes that showed promise, but Poon-Angeron and Woodley had different plansontheoppositeend.
Marcus Tudor, the leadingscoreroftheGuyana Football Federation (GFF) Elite League, injected some energyintoShabazz’sattack after replacing Benjamin in thesecondhalf.
Nedd who finished with 13 scalps and MVP of the T10 Blast, seasoned all-rounder and Pitbulls skipper Christopher Barnwell with 11wicketsand170runs. Meanwhile, the official presentation of winning cheques to the franchises will be done in the days to comeaccordingtotheGCB.

However, the Soca Warriors’ defence quickly adjusted to contain the agile forward, who scored 12 goals in nine matches for Slingerz FC in the Elite League.
Since their 2-1 loss to Guyana on November 11, 2011,attheGuyanaNational Stadium, the Soca Warriors havewonfouroftheirseven encounters with the Golden Jaguars, with three matches endingina1-1draw
The two friendly matchesservedaspartofthe two side’s preparation for their FIFA World Cup Qualifierscampaign.
Guyana will begin their questtothe2026WorldCup onJune6againstPanamain PanamaCity,whiletheSoca Warriors will host Grenada onJune5.

Only two athletes for World Athletics U20 Championships -AAG constrained by WorldAthletics quota system for Guyana
Despite seven athletes from Guyana already meeting the qualifying standard time for the World
A t h l e t i c s U 2 0
Championships, the Athletics Association of Guyana can now only send
two, according to correspondence received
from the global governing bodyofathletics.
Leading the qualifiers for the 20th edition of the U 2 0 W o r l d Championships, scheduled forAugust26–31inLima, Peru, is Tianna Springer, one of the top-ranked U18 athleteinthe400mcategory worldwide.
S p r i n g e r h a s successfully qualified to compete in the 100m, 200m,and400mevents
Malachi Austin, currently ranked as the world’s fourth-fastest U18 athlete in the 400m, has secured his place in his specialtyevent
Joining him are Narissa

McPherson (200m/400m),
Jermaine Crummewing (100m), all of whom have successfullyqualified Guyana’s participation intheWorldAthleticsU20 Championship since the event’s inception in 1986 hasbeeninconsistent
In fact, the last athlete
to participate was
B e r b i c i
R e v o n Williams, who competed in the 400m at the 2021 Championship in Nairobi, Kenya
Since the inception of t h e U 2 0 W o r l d Championships, Guyana holds only one medal, courtesy of Kadecia Baird inthewomen’s400m
Baird crossed the finish line in 51 04s, claiming the silver medal behind the USA’s Ashley Spencer and ahead of another American, Erika Rucker
Baird’s remarkable time remains the fastest U20 performance by a South Americanathlete.
Shaunae Miller-Uibo, who later achieved distinction as a two-time Olympic gold medallist and World Champion in the 400m, finished fourth in the samerace.
“The take is, you had to take part in previous
Kaieteur News yesterday, “but we’re working on it to seewhatwecando.”
The World Athletics
may necessitate that the AAG is constrained to send
nior athletes, Springer and Austin.
No athlete, regardless of gender or age category, has demonstrated more
h a n Springeroverthepastyear
Aside from clinching back-to-back wins at the CARIFTA Games in the 400m, grabbing gold in both the U17 and U20 categories, Springer also
emerged on top in the 400m attheYouthCommonwealth Games, along with setting a recordattheSouthAmerican U20 Championship in Athletics400m.
S p r i n g e r h a s maintained an unbeaten streak in the 400m over the past two years, locally, regionally and internationally
Her time of 52 31s recorded at the CARIFTA Games in Grenada this year stands as the second-fastest U18timeglobally,following behind the USA’s Skylar Franklin(51.66s). AttheU20level,itranks as the ninth fastest time worldwide.
Meanwhile,Austin ran a personal best of 46.35s, to win the Men’s 400m at this year’s CARIFTA Games This time places him as the 16th fastest U20 athlete globally and the fourth fastestamongU18athletes. Austin also attained second place in the 400m finals at the Youth Commonwealth Games in Trinidad and Tobago last year
MCY&S and NSC to meet with swimming clubs today
TheMinistryofCultureYouthandSports (MCY&S) and the National Sports Commission(NSC)willbemeetingwithall swimming clubs and their members today,
The meeting is set for 530pm at the NationalAquatic Centre. Several issues are expectedtobeaddressed.

2024 National Open Chess Championship Qualifiers
Two rounds National Open Chess Championship Qualifiers completed
The 2024 National Chess Championship Qualifier Tournament, sponsored by Ready Mix Concrete Limited, kicked off last Saturday at the School of the Nations.
The competition is expected to be stiff as some 40 players, both FIDE-rated and unrated, are vying for a place in the 2024 National Championship scheduled for June 1.
Eight players are bunched together with outright wins after playsofar
TheyareFMAnthonyDrayton, Loris Nathoo, Sachin Pitamber, AditiJoshi,RolexAlexander,Kyle Couchman, Ethan Lee and Keron Sandiford.
Inroundtwo,topseedDrayton quicklydefeatedRicardoNarineon board one, while veterans Nathoo and Rashad Hussain battled it out, withNathooemergingvictoriousin thealmostthree-hourgame.
Fourteen-year-old Kyle Couchman emerged as the winner against experienced player Gilbert Williams Ethan Lee defeated veteranplayerRaiSharma.
Sharma lost material during exchanges and resigned after he
wasatacleardisadvantage.Young Aditi Joshi won her game against veteran player Justino Da Silva afterhelostmaterial,puttinghimin a weaker position. Sandiford and Pitamber won against Matthew Singh and Stafford Washington, respectively, while Alexander defeatedKimShingChong.
Notable performances came from Shiv Nandalall and Kishan Puran who drew their almost fourhour game Candidate Master Ronuel Greenidge and Jayden Taylor’s match also ended in a draw
The top nine players to qualify fromthisREADYMIX-sponsored competition will challenge defending National Champion Taffin Khan in their attempt to unseat him Khan successfully defendedhistitlelastyearduringa fast-paced playoff that lasted less than one hour with the main challenger,LorisNathoo.
Two rounds of the competition were completed last Saturday, and theremainingfivewillbecontested nextweekend,withthefinalround onSaturday,May25.
Sofar,theseasonedplayers,as well as 14-year-old Kyle

and 13-year-olds Joshi and Pitamber have managed to dominatetheleaderboard,withthe remaining five rounds giving playerstheopportunitytoeventhe oddsonhowtheyfinish.
The Open Championship Qualifier tournament allows male and female players to compete for thetopnineslots.Theseven-round event continues May 18th, 19th,
The games will be played accordingtothetimecontrolSwiss format with 90 minutes for each player with an additional 30 seconds after every move. Live gamescanbeviewedonboardsone t o t w e l v e o n www.view.livechesscloud.com.
The competition is being supervised by FIDE Arbiters John
The Guyana Chess Federation extends its sincere gratitude to the tournament sponsors, Ready Mix Concrete Limited, for their invaluable support in promoting chesswithinGuyana.
The GCF also wishes to thank the management of the School of the Nations for readily facilitating thetournamentvenue.

Back-to-back wins for the Soca Warriors