bemoan meager salaries during panel discussion

bemoan meager salaries during panel discussion
Israeli army launches attacks across Gaza, including in Jabalia camp in the north, as humanitarian crisis deepens
Aljazeera-Israeliforces have continued to bombard the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza, where Israel's military offensive is deepening a humanitarian crisis in the already ravaged part of the Palestinian enclave.
Hamas said on Friday that its fighters were battling invading Israeli troops in the narrow alleyways of Jabalia – the Gaza Strip's largest refugee camp – in some of the fiercest confrontations since soldiers returned to the areaaweekago.
Residents said Israeli tanks and armoured vehicles had moved deep into the heart of Jabalia while b u l l d o z e r s w e r e demolishing homes and shops.
Reporting from Deir elBalah in central Gaza, Al Jazeera's Hani Mahmoud said the Palestinian Civil Defence said at least 93 bodies were recovered within 24 hours from the “streets and the alleyways” ofJabalia.
“They are saying there are still more bodies in areas
Israeli forces have stepped up their attacks on northern Gaza in recent days, displacing more than 100,000people,accordingto UnitedNationsfigures.
that they are unable to reach,”Mahmoudsaid.
Meanwhile, fighting between Palestinian armed groups and the Israeli military was also reported in other parts of the coastal territory
Hamas'sarmedwing,the Qassam Brigades, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad's armed wing, the al-Quds Brigades, said on Friday that
their fighters shelled an Israeli “command post” in thesouthpartofGazaCity
The spokesman for the Qassam Brigades, Abu Obaida, also said in a rare statement that Hamas fighters had targeted 100 Israeli army vehicles across all “fighting fronts” over the past 10 days and had inflictedcasualties.
Lack of humanitarian supplies
Israel's intensifying bombardment of Gaza comes as the United Nations and human rights advocates continue to call for a lasting ceasefire to end the war, which has killed more than 35,000 Palestinians since early October The war began after Hamas carried out attacks in southern Israel on October 7, killing 1,139 people.
Gazafacesdireshortages of food, water, medicine and other critical supplies because Israel has impeded aiddeliveries.
This month, the Israeli army seized and shut down the Palestinian side of the Rafah border crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt–avitalentrypointfor aidinsouthernGaza.
Hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to flee the city of Rafah as Israeli forces have launched intense air and ground attacksinrecentdays.
On Friday, the US military announced that the first trucks began making deliveries to Gaza of aid arriving at a temporary pier set up by the country off the coastofGaza.
The US military's Central Command said “ t r u c k s c a r r y i n g humanitarian assistance began moving ashore” via the pier a day after it was anchoredtoaGazabeach.
Smoke rises above northern Gaza during Israel's ongoing assault on the besieged enclave [Shannon Stapleton/Reuters]
“This is an ongoing, multinational effort to deliver additional aid to Palestinian civilians in Gaza via a maritime corridor that is entirely humanitarian in nature,”itsaid.
The aid is being transportedfromCyprus,the E u r o p e a n U n i o n ' s easternmost member, about 360km (225 miles) from Gaza. The first shipment included88,000cansoffood from Romania, the 27memberblocsaid.
Pier 'not a replacement'
But the UN and other observers have said the pier is not a solution. Instead, they have urged Israel to allow aid into Gaza through landcrossings.
Farhan Haq, deputy s p o k e s m a n f o r U N Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, said on Friday that the UN had agreed to help receive aid and arrange for its dispatch to Gaza from the floating pier “as long as t h e n e u t r a l i t y a n d i n d e p e n d e n c e o f humanitarian operations” arerespected.
But Haq said aid deliveriesbylandremainthe most effective way to combat the humanitarian crisis impacting 2.3 million peopleinGaza.
“Given the immense needs in Gaza, the floating dock is intended to supplement existing land crossings of aid into Gaza, including Rafah, Kerem Shalom [KaremAbu Salem] and Erez [Beit Hanoon]. It is not meant to replace any crossings,”Haqsaid.
That was echoed by White House national security spokesperson John Kirby, who told Al Jazeera on Friday that the pier “is an additive, not an alternative, togroundcrossings”.
“It is not a replacement,” said Kirby, who added that the US is hoping to increase the amount of aid getting into Gaza in the next “72 hoursorso”.
Still, Kirby said the pier itself “will not be enough all on its own to get the food, water and medicine that the Palestinians living in Gaza sodesperatelyneed”.
“We have to get those land crossings open as soon aspossible,”Kirbysaid.
Meanwhile, the Israeli army said on Friday that it had retrieved the bodies of three captives from the Gaza Strip.
Military spokesperson Daniel Hagari identified the three as Shani Louk, Amit Buskila and Yitzhak Gelernter,whohesaid“were murdered by Hamas while escaping the Nova music festival on October 7 and their bodies were taken into Gaza”.
Hagari did not say where thebodieswerefound.
The Israeli government had confirmed the death of German-Israeli Louk, a 23year-old tattoo artist, in late October
But the family of 57year-old Gelernter was “in totaldarkness”abouthisfate until Friday, his daughter, Yarden Pivko, told Channel 12News.
operation in a statement on Friday and reiterated a pledge to return all the captives, “the living and the deceasedalike”.
In response to the a n n o u n c e m e n t , t h e Qassam Brigades said it was “sceptical” of Israel's claim It added that the only way for the remaining captives to return alive was throughatruce.
ExxonMobil Guyana's further ramping up of oil production in the Stabroek block is “safe”, Vice PresidentBharratJagdeosaid on Thursday at his weekly press conference held at FreedomHouse,RobbStreet.
TheVicePresidentwasat the time responding to a question posed by Kaieteur about the safety of increasing oilproduction.
“InlightofExxonMobil's f u r t h e r r a m p i n g u p production, we would like to know Can you say whether the EPA is fully equipped to determine, if by looking at whatever document they would have submitted, if they submitted any… can you say if the EPA is equipped to determine whether this is being safely done and if not have they reached out to international experts to contract them to havetheirassistanceinthis?”
In response, he said that “Last week I dealt with that issue and I said that my briefing is that before they ramped up production beyond rated capacity, that this was cleared with the Ministry
The Ministry assured me their technical officers examined it, I spoke with the EPA, they said they had examined it carefully too so they are aware and it was done with their approval. BothagenciestheMinistryof Natural Resources and the EPA and they believe it was doneandit'ssafe.”
Earlier this month, Kaieteur News reported that ExxonMobil Guyana Limitedhasalreadybreached the safe operating limits o u t l i n e d i n t h e Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for its second deep water project,
Liza Two; however, the company will be conducting further modifications to the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel- Unity- to accelerate itsdailyoilproduction.
E x x o n ' s C o u n t r y
Manager, Alistair Routledge had told reporters during a media conference at its head
office in Kingston,
Georgetown that when the FPSOgoesofflineinthethird quarter of the year to facilitate the tie-in works for the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project, the company will take advantage of the d
uct maintenance and further debottleneckingactivities.
Routledge reported that the company had a “very strong” production start in the beginning of the year,
r e s u l t i n g f r o m t h e “industryleadingrampupof the Payara project” and the
very strong reliability performance in the Liza One and Two assets. Although all three of the FPSOs are currently producing above the respective design capacity, the Liza Unity is p o i s e d f o r f u r t h e r optimizationworks.
Presently, Liza One and Liza Two are producing about 150,000 bpd and 250,000barrelsperday(bpd) respectively
T h e E I A s e a c h specifically outline 120,000 and 220,000 bpd, as the safe operating limit for Liza One and Two, respectively Similarly, the third oil project- Payara- is also producing approximately 230,000 bpd even though the vessel's nameplate capacity is220,000bpd.
On the same issue of Exxon ramping up its production past safe limits o u t l i n e d i n t h e
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) the People's National Congress Reform (PNC/R) said at a recentpressconferencethatit underscores the need for the country to be furnished with an unlimited parent company guarantee to respond to the devastation likely to be causedbyamassivespill.
Meanwhile,Leaderofthe OppositionAubreyNortonin response to the Kaieteur News article on the ramping up of oil production said,“We said earlier that we are not supportiveofthatapproachif Irecall.
Ourpositionisweneedto be very, very careful, look at every project separately and tospaceitout.
There are dangers involved if you are going above the limit – that is dangers for the people of Guyana because any mishap that occurs will impact the
G u y a n e s e p e o p l e negatively.”
He added, “Like we said, while we want investment, we want to see oil production,theinterestofthe people of Guyana must come first and they (government) should not be encouraging any company to go above the safety limits and endanger thepeopleofGuyana.”
Notwithstanding, the Vice President at his May 9, 2024 press conference said that the government has “independent satellite monitoringnowtodetectany sheen in the water so that even small quantities of oil leakscanbedetectedbecause of high resolution satellite imagingandmonitoring.”
Hehasalsoexplainedthat the technology allowed them to monitor the amount of oil extracted by the oil company and its partners from the StabroekBlock.
Teachers on Friday bemoaned the meager salaries they are being paid by the Government of Guyana during a panel discussion hosted by the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU).
Teachers across the country are on strike as they demand better salaries and allowances from the government.
Many questioned, “How dowesurvive?”
Panelist and teacher Mehalai McAlmont in her presentation said that, "As a woman we make it work. Personal care goes under the carpet because other bills are superior I prioritize having mybillspaidandthengointo depressionbecausemysalary isfinished."
Explaining that after her expensesaretakencareofshe has to resort to providing extra lessons to students to cover the other expenses she has "I do extra lessons because I have to survive. Certain things should not be luxury but a necessity We then have to ensure that we find monies elsewhere that is not in our salaries to fulfill this,"McAlmontsaid.
Another panelist, Fenton Williams spoke about the costoflivinginthehinterland and how teachers are facing a daily struggle to show up and
take care of their families with the high prices for items intheshops.
"I was asked to speak on how teachers' salary affects hinterland teachers In layman terms I can say how do we survive? How do hinterland teachers survive on such a meager salary that we receive from our government?"Williams said, "My dear brothers and sisters, as a hinterland teacher, as my colleague would have echoed earlier a lot of budgeting has to be done.Withregardstothecost of living in the hinterland regions of Guyana it's very, very expensive. Only this morning I was speaking to a few colleagues from Region One.Forexample,apoundof beef in Region One costs not less than a $1000, and I think apoundofpotatoesinRegion One costs not less than $200$300. So we can clearly see that the cost of living for groceries and other home amenities that we usually use isveryexpensive.”
The teacher explained that in his area, getting a two liter soda, costs “almost $700-$800".
"So I can just imagine the strain that my colleagues in the far flung areas, let's say Regions Nine, Eight, Seven, thosearefaraway…farflung areas than where I live. What
are my colleagues going through? How are they survivingonthissalarywhen it comes to catering and supplying their needs? The cost of living is exorbitant in these hinterland areas," Williams saidSimilarly, Raywattie Persaud, a mother oftwoboystoldthepaneland viewers that as a mother it is difficult to maneuver her monthly expenses with her netsalary
"As a mother of two boys ages 15+ and just 7 months old it's an honor to share with you how my salary influences my monthly
challenges it creates. I am currently in the second phase of completing my bachelors degreethusmygrosssalaryis $169,000andmynetsalaryis $142,000 after deductions suchasinsuranceandtaxes."
Ideally Persaud said she would love for her net salary to adequately take care of her expenses.
"However we all know that this is not a realistic approach. Making a very detailed budget is a part of our daily life and my net salary encompasses the expenditure of myself and my two sons. Other than typical icing expenses such as electricity, water, food and internet,"shesaid.
The teacher noted too
that, "Parts of my budget include line items such as daily school transportation costsformyeldestsonwhich varied from $4000-$6000 monthly His after school lessons which is about $6000 monthly My youngest son who is just seven months old uses at least two packs of pampers, which is about $7000 a month along with two large boxes of Enfamil, that's about $18000-$19000 monthly."
Otherpanelistssharedthe samesentiments. Itisimportanttonotethat the teachers are currently taking part in their second strike for this year and better salaries is the main driver for their industrial action. This
publication recently reported that discussions between the Guyana Teachers' Union (GTU) and the Ministry of Education (MoE) ended in a stalemate and with the GTU assuringthatitwillremainon strike if the ministry refuses toplaceatangiblesolutionon thetable.
The nationwide strike resumed on Monday following the inability of the two sides to come to an amicable solution. However, both sides met to discuss the terms of resumption but have sincebeenunabletoagree.
The GTU has been calling on the government to hike teachers' salaries and have since put a multi-year agreement 2019-2023 to the
governmenthassincerefused toaccepttheproposal,noting that it is only prepared to engage the Union on salary matters from 2024 onwards. This resulted in the Union utilisingindustrialaction.
A d d i t i o n a l l y, o n Wednesday the GTU revealed that it requested from the government an interim 20 percent acrossthe-board pay increase for teachers before it ends the strike and teachers resume their duties in the classroom. However the Ministry of Education has deemed the U n i o n s r e q u e s t a s unreasonable.Talksaresetto continueonMonday
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
The PPP knows better but feels that it can shrug off whatever is directed at party leaders, and the party itself, whenmatterstakeaturnfortheworse. Thereisnowaythat thePPPcouldnothaveanticipatedthereactionofGuyanese withtheelectionofformerministerNigelDharamlalltothe party’s highest decision-making council, the 15-member Central Executive Committee. The reaction has been negative, and the party’s leadership should have foreseen that coming. Though there was a period of relative quiet afterthebelatedresignationofDharamlall,sometenseness prevailedaboutwhoelsecouldbecomingout,tosharetheir ordealwithDharamlallidentifiedastheallegedperpetrator WedonotthinkthatthedevelopmentsinvolvingDharamlall at the PPPCongress was a consequence of negligence, but anothermanifestationofarrogancebyagroupthatbelieves it is unstoppable, and answerable to no one. Now there is another shocking development, and Dharamlall’s name is called.
Anewsmokinggunhasbeenplacedinthepublicdomain, withallegationspointingtoDharamlall Theformerminister and,onceagain,PPPCentralExecutivemember(howeverthat was engineered by whomever), is not just in the news with allegationsofheinousmisconductheapedonhishead,heisthe news ThePPPanditshead,GeneralSecretaryBharratJagdeo are too politically seasoned to leave any stone unturned that could expose the party like this However, we wish to make somethingclear:thereisnopronouncementbythispaperabout theguiltorinnocenceofCentralExecutivememberDharamlall Unbiased,untaintedprofessionalsinlawenforcementandthe legalmachineryoftheStatehavethatduty;willcometooneor theotherofthoseplaces
WhatismystifyingisthatthePPP,andnobodyaswellas Jagdeo, is highly sensitive to any person, development, word thatleavesitinalessthanpositivelight Yetwhatcameoutofthe Congress with the election of Dharamlall to the Central Executivehastheoverpoweringodorofafix Itwastantamount tothepartythrowingcautiontothewinds,inthefirmbeliefthat whateveranyonesaysordoes,itdidn’tmatter Thepartydid this,andthepartywilllivewithit Thereisnodisagreementthat theinnerworkingsofthePPParetheparty’sbusiness Butthere hadtobesomesubsetinthePPP,nomatterhowsmall,thathadto worry about possible troubling developments in the future, if Nigel Dharamlall’s name is so intimately associated with the party’s most senior council Whether he was voted to his coveted spot or installed is a moot point at this time, considering what has since unfolded. But there was the opportunity in the run-up to Congress, and during the Congressitself,forsomeonewithenoughrank,topullhim aside,andtellhimthatitisnotagoodideatohavehisname inthehat. InourthinkingthatsomebodywithDharamlall’s lightning rod nature should not have been part of the nominations for even the larger 35-member Central Committee of the PPP By not being smart, the PPP now looksrecklessandstupid,whichitisnot,especiallyrelative tothelatter
Onceagain,itisthatfamiliarstoryinvolving,asalleged, Dharamlall and young women. This time around, the accuserisnotsomeobscureandhelplessyounggirlfroma remotelocation,withfewresourcesathercall Fromwhatwe havegathered,theaccuserofDharamlallisaUScitizen,comes fromawell-groundedfamilysetting,andisayoungstudentof considerable renown in the region. As a secondary point, it would be interesting to observe the position of theAmerican Consulate,giventhatoneofitschargeshascomeforwardwith claimsofsexualabuse. Wouldstandingbehindtherulingparty atallcostsbecauseofitssubserviencetoExxonMobilrulethe day? Another young woman has stepped forward and Dharamlallfindshimselfinaholeagain The PPPheld onto him, now it would be interesting to follow how it bends circumstancestosaveitsreputation,achieveitsobjectivesto protect Dharamlall by any maneuver necessary, using anybodyavailable.
The GPAshall never be handed on a platter to any agent to become a pliant and malleable institution
DEAREDITOR, The Guyana Press Association welcomes any scrutiny into its operations and remains open to criticisms. What the current executive will not tolerate is baseless and defamatory attacks on members of the executive as well as colleaguesinthemedia.
The missive dated May 14, 2024 by Neil Marks has cemented the long held beliefthatMarksisnolonger a member of the media but rather a political operative aiming to discredit the independent members of the press as well as the body he once represented for a few silvercoins.
Marks wants the council to exclude itself for what he said is not holding elections for six years, but should he alsoexcusehimself?
Marks remains silent in
the face of attacks on his press colleagues like the cyber bullying of Davina Bagot, shooting of Travis Chase’s vehicle and continued harassment of Kaieteur News reporters Manyofthesejournaliststoil daily doing journalism for the greater public good without rewards of state sponsored scholarships, prearrangedstateinterviewsand trips and overseas travels undertheguiseofreporting. Instead of standing in solidarity with his media colleagues, through the GPA, for a timely response by the Guyana Police Force in connection with sexual offence allegations against a senior member of the People’s Progressive Party, Mark’s opted to do his master’s bidding and in so doing sully his own reputation as nothing but a
superrankopportunist. Our colleagues in the media continue to straddle thenewsgatheringcycleand all the challenges that come with it, including being ridiculed by less qualified persons as they remain committed to being the eyes andearsofthepublic.
Where is Marks then?
Marks’ missive focused onafewthingsamongthem financial accountability We areconfusedabouttheclaim of lack of a financial report whenareportwaspresented as part of the presidential report last year Marks knowsmorethananyonethat the Treasurer had resigned leaving a handful of documents and reports in a tattered envelope and with the help of our members we used it to present a financial report.Mr Marksshouldtell
the public what he did with the financial reports that were submitted under his presidency and why those werenotsubjectedtoaudits. Marks should also provide a fullreportonthehundredsof thousands of dollars he claimed he was robbed of and explain why he never reported this incident to the police.
Marks was an absentee president. Records of the GPAshow that major events and planning for training were done by a handful of personswithintheexecutive during Marks’ tenure. What was even strange was that Marks himself never turned up to one of the General Meetings called to hold elections.
At that meeting, it was expected that the President wouldissuehisreportand (Continuedonpage05)
Freddie Kissoon needs to be honest with himself and the public
Let me first start by saying I don’t expect this letter to be carried by the Guyana Chronicle, as the taxpayers’ dependent newspaper has been weaponised against the Guyana Press Association, the independent press and myself.
Editor, I’d like to set the recordstraightinresponseto Freddie Kissoon, a “columnist”whoseso-called investigative work cannot even rival the fictional Nancy Drew I’ve watched and read Kissoon’s wild imagination, as he placed himself at events and makes c l a i m s o f h a v i n g conversations with various Guyanese personalities over theyears.Itseemsthatifwe are to believe these wild assertions,machinationsand I dare say fictitious scenarios, Freddie has been present and accounted for during every major event in Guyana’s post-colonial history except, when our great leaders went to England to seek Guyana’s independence and when Cheddi Jagan assumed leadershipofthePPP
In fact, when you read these columns, you get the sense that Freddie is a jumbie, he deh in Buxton in thecrimewave,hetalktodis one and duh one and somebody always call he to tellheasecret.Yes,dehcall Freddietotellheasecret.He
gotstreetcredcausehegrow up pon Hadfield street and suh.
Editor, Freddie is not accountable to me. He is accountable to Guyanese andinhisremainingyearshe should yearn to be more h o n e s t , o p e n a n d accountable despite who or whomhispaymastersare.
Editor, Freddie referenced an encounter he had with me two years ago while he was at a mall in Georgetown I remember thisdayclearlybecauseInot only had to run behind Freddie, but he barely could havedefendedhimselfwhen confronted with facts. First of all, Freddie, upon seeing me, scampered away I’ve neverseensomeonewhohas committed no crime and, with nothing to hide, run so fast.
I finally caught up with him while he was sitting in his car about to drive off wherehewasforcedtohave a conversation with me. I started that conversation by askinghowhisfamilywasas Freddiehadonceinvitedme to his home to do an interview challenging the narrativebythePPPthathis house was built by someone else Freddie had even referenced this interview in the Kaieteur News column over the years, asking anyonetoaskNazimawhata humble abode he lives in. AgainitisnotnewthatIask Freddie about his family as
GPA had been at the forefront of condemning the faeces-laced attack on Freddie by a now executive memberofthePPPwhowas thenconvictedoftheattack.
Editor, my conversation went like this: confronting Freddie about his lies surrounding a GPA statement in 2020 That statement condemned all attacks by politicians and their cohorts on media workers, including the verbal assault on media workers outside of GECOM on a specific day There, I told Freddie the GPAhad to condemn all attacks as reporters were being threatened with rape, cyberbullying online, and had their home addresses posted online in addition to the specific events referencedinourstatement.
IalsotoldFreddiethathe wasabsentfromthefrontline of the elections and was whollyoutoftouch.Freddie was asked to produce the hundreds of pictures he said exists showing reporters attacked, and he is yet to do so.
Freddie was then treated to my reading of the ENTIRE GPA statement on theattacks,towhichFreddie admitted that he never saw the entire statement but relied on what journalists at KNtoldhim.
I was happy he brought this up as I had previously contacted reporter Kemol
King, who was among the journalists Freddie said was physicallyharmed.Kinghad related that a female journalist nearly had an incident with a female protestor but was not harmed, and there were no physical attacks but threats. ThiscorroborateswhatGPA had condemned in its statement. I asked King if I couldquotehim,andhesaid yes.
After I read the entire statement to Freddie and compelledhimtocallKemol Kingonthephone,Iinitially offered my cell phone so I could put King on speaker butsinceFreddieisknownto fictionalize events, I demanded that he call King from his cell phone and put himonspeaker Freddie then remarked thathisphonecouldnotputa calleronspeaker Itoldhimtogivemethe numberhehasforKinginhis phone and proceeded to call King in front of Freddie. King’s phone rang out. My conversationendedwithlow gravy Freddie being confronted about his dishonest approach and lack ofevidenceonthisparticular issue before he hastily bolted.
Editor, Freddie Kissoon is big and he has sense. He shouldusethatsenseandbe honest with himself and the public.
NazimaRaghubir Journalist
GPAshall never be handed on a platter... JeffJoneswasaninspirationto aspiringcricketersinEssequibo
organisation would be tabled.Foralackofquorum that meeting could not be held, and the executive was at pains to hold another meeting where Marks announced that he was no longer running for any positioninthebody
That same absenteeism has found its way into the continuedAGM,Markswas glaringabsenttheretoo.
The issue of audited accounts is not a new issue fortheassociation.Sincethe Presidencies of Adam Harris, Julia Johnson, Denis Chabrol, Gordon Moseley and Nazima Raghubir, this issue has been on the table. The fact remains, that GPA has long been dependent on membership dues and has always had little funds. At one time, GPAsubmitted its documents for audit to a local firm and the cost to audit was more than GPA had at that time. That has changed over time and with smallamountsoffundingfor training the GPA has prepared and submitted financial reports to its membershipincludingatour last meeting on May 14, 2023. This is more than Marks had done when he accepted state funds for training under the coalition government.
TheGPAiscommittedto auditingitsaccountsandour membership had been briefedontheupdateswhen the AGM continued last year, Marks would have been present if he was interestedintheGPAatall.
As it relates to the continuationofthemeeting, we are baffled that Marks would allege that the proposed draft constitution was not an issue raised and suggested be placed on the agenda of the upcoming meeting along with decisions for the auditing of theaccounts.Itisalmostasif Marks was not at the meeting or he did not write the letter that appeared with hisname.
At that very AGM, among the membership, it was discussed that several issues could not be addressedordealtwithsince GPAmembership needed to work on amending the constitution. At that very meeting, it was decided that
amendments to the document would be circulated for comments from the membership and Marks agreed with a suggestion from the floor
that the meeting be suspended to deal with the
constitution at the continuationofthemeeting.
Marks, as mentioned, was absent when the meeting continued and we are yet to receive his comments on the DRAFT amendments.
Marks himself would know, of the two GPA meetingsheeverattendedin his life (the one where he was elected and the one whenheactuallyhadtoturn uptoendhistenure)thereis usually an effort to get members to attend these meetings. This is nothing new Members turn out the numberstoelectionsbutitis usually a task to get members to other meetings like when there was no quorum during his tenure and absence Ninety-six members turned out for a highly anticipated election. That is what happened in 2023and70membersspoke throughtheirvotes.
As for the Draft amendments to the GPA constitution, they are just that: DRAFT amendments. Heismorethanwelcometo makesubmissionsonit.
As for the elections, the executive of the GPA dealt with the issues raised in several statements and at its general meeting last year It must be reiterated that NO legitimate member of the GPA was excluded from voting. The GPA took a decision to process all outstanding dues within a particularperiod.Thisisnot a new exercise within the GPA. Marks would have known this if he had attended and was fully involved in the GPA. Marks continues to make baseless allegations against the executive and the elections process, a process in which
he and a roomful of his colleaguesattended.
For instance, he claims that his “media house” had more than 10 legitimate members who were denied membership. Marks should submit those names with hastetotheGPAsincebased on our last checks the last media house Marks is knowntobeassociatedwith, all of his colleagues were presentandvoted.
Finally, the GPA condemnsMarks’continued attack on women in the media and communications fields Via his missive Marks continues to try to discredit the women on the executive knowing fully well that they remain employed in the media Marks named the executive member who worked at a Ministry of government morethanfouryearsagobut failed to include that he Markssharedanofficespace with the executive member who alongside him was filing stories and anchoring the news Additionally, Marks continues on a campaign to try to discredit three members of the press, including a media worker whohasakitchengarden.It is almost crass to think that Marksknowsthatthismanis a longstanding member of themediabutistryingtouse
this noble initiative to feed himself to discredit him and hisworkinthemedia.
Finally, what diminishes journalistic standards is dishonest persons who pass themselvesoffasjournalists while being puppets for politicians. Such are those peoplewhoclaimtheywant to represent journalists but fail to build credible and trustworthy relationships with the people they claim they want to represent Those are the people who sidewithandsupportattacks on journalists and journalism without raising a finger or pen in defense of journalists.
Now that the conflictual opportunities have vanished onBayswaterRoad,London a n d M a i n S t r e e t , Georgetown, bitterness abound for failing dismally to deliver the GPA to Robb Streetevenafterabandoning one’s noble apolitical principle.
The GPA shall never be handed on a platter to any agenttobecomeapliantand malleable institution at the behest of any political or other interest group that must either toe the line or become subservient or moribund.
G u y a n a P r e s s Association
DEAREDITOR, Agemhasquietlyexited to the far beyond recently and with him lasting memories which typified what a champion cricketer he was. Hailed from the villageofGoodHopeonthe Essequibo Coast; his elevation to dominance on thecricketfieldwasunique. Theheartandprominenceof cricket in Essequibo was driven in the north of the region;JeffJonesresidedin the south. This meant that most of the selected players emerged from one section andtherewaslittlehopefor theothers.Inotherwords,an outsider had to be someone with exceptional ability and charisma to unsettle the statusquo.
Inthiscontext,JeffJones stood out as the darling of Essequibo’s cricket for many years battling and winning against his counterpartsfromthenorth. It didn’t stop there as Jeff went ahead of his peers and achieved an elusive accomplishment At the time,itwaspreciousasgold and his name etched into an elite group Jeff made historybybecomingthefirst Essequibian to score a fourday inter-county century; a feat that stood for over a decade.
This accomplishment stood as an inspiration to us as young cricketers and during era that was very hostile and without proper representation. I grew up withhisnamecarvedwithin myheart;yearningtofollow his footsteps and to consistently savour such wonderfulfeelingsinraising my bat. While it remained elusive,Iwasdeterminedto beguidedbyhisexploits.In this regard, so were other playersinthelikesofDinesh Joseph, Troy Cornelius, Ramcharran Singh and RameshNarinewhobecame seniorcenturionsatdifferent stages Jeff was very aggressive in his approach; ironicallyitwastheopposite ofhimoffthefieldashewas such a jovial, affable and humbleindividual.Ihadthe privilege to socialize with himandthosemomentswill remain as priceless as his century I was instrumental as a former executive member of the Essequibo CricketBoardin2023when he was honoured by the board for his outstanding contribution to the sport. I r e m e m b e r e d h o w emotional, yet graceful he was that evening as the memories of his exploits flowedwithpassionand (Continuedonpage09)
, As we mark the observanceofNakbaDayon May 15, which remembers the displacement and massacre of Palestinians during the establishment of Israelin1948,itiscrucialto reflect not only on the past butalsoonthepresentagony and slaughter of the Palestinian people, particularly in Gaza and cities like Rafah. The term “Nakba” (catastrophe) profoundly resonates today as we witness painful parallels between historical eventsandthecurrentIsraeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.
The Nakba began with the end of the British Mandateandtheadoptionof theUNPartitionPlan,which was accepted by the Jewish leadership but rejected by the Arab League and Palestinian leaders.This led toawarthatbanishedmany Palestinians from their own homes and lands and witnessed atrocities such as massacres and village demolition, notably through strategic operations like Plan Dalet Families in Rafah,experiencingasevere humanitarian catastrophe with repeated displacement amid ongoing genocide and severe shortages of food, medical care, and basic shelter,mirrorthishistorical traumatoday
Today, much like in 1948, the geopolitical landscape is shaped by memories of loss and dispossession.TheNakbais not merely a memory but a continuing reality for many
Palestinians It highlights the unresolved issues of displacement and refugee status that continue to fuel the war Historical accounts suchasthosedocumentedby Ilan Pappe reveal the depth of suffering and the brutal tacticsusedduringtheArabIsraeliWar,whichhavelefta lasting impact on the Palestinian collective memoryandidentity.
The current crisis in Gaza is marked by the shutting down of essential services, like Al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah, further compounding the already dire humanitarian situation. The residents of Rafah, including many children, women, and the elderly, are enduringextremeconditions with insufficient shelter, battling both the scorching heat and the cold nights in makeshift tents that barely servethebasicfunctionsofa home.
As we reflect on the horrorsoftheNakba,where nearly 800,000 Palestinians were displaced, and compare it to today’s ongoing displacement, suffering and massacre in Gaza, the pattern of history repeating itself is starkly evident. The international community’s r
e in acknowledging these historical injustices and working towards a just and comprehensive peace is more criticalthan ever This involves recognizing the painful legacy of the Nakba and addressing the current humanitarian crises that echothesamedespairand
Teachers are again on the streets shouting for better wages in an oil rich country . Our leaders should do the honourable thing and meet teachers half-way on their proposals, rather than issue threats and mock teachers at their closed-door events. The General Secretary of the People's Progressive Party (PPP), Bharrat Jagdeo, who is an all-knowing genius seems to be shying away from the fact that elections are soon approaching and teachers represent a sizable voting population.
Needless to say, our teachers deserve better salaries and working conditions, elections or no elections Mr. Jagdeo.
Daysaftertheincumbent Peoples Progressive Party nd (PPP) held its 32 Congress; the opposition Alliance for Change (AFC) and the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) have announcedthedatesfortheir internalelections.
TheAFCwillholdits8th Biannual Conference on J u n e 2 9 , 2 0 2 4 , i n Georgetown, while the
PNC/R will hold its 22nd BiennialDelegatesCongress one day prior The party's Congress will conclude on June30,2024.
According to AFC's General Secretary, Sherod Duncan, who publicized the date for the Congress date said that “Nominations are now open for key leadership positions, including Leader, Chairman, Vice Chairman,
General Secretary, and 12 members of the party's National Executive Committee.”
Duncan in public statement on Friday said that “all the party's regional bodies have been officially notified of the upcoming Conference In alignment with the party's commitment to democratic processes and f u l l m e m b e r s h i p
participation, Nomination DayissetforJune12,2024.”
Additionally, all Regional Management Committee chairpersons are alsoupforelection.
According to Duncan, thenewpartycommitteewill also include representatives from the party's youth arm, Youths For Change, and Women For Change the women'sarm,“reflectingthe AFC's long dedication to inclusiveleadership.”
The Conference, he posits, “is expected to attract approximatelythreehundred delegates, and scores of observers,specialguestsand invitees. The preparations for this significant event and democratic renewal within Guyana's third major party are well underway and proceedingasscheduled.”
With this in mind, he expressed optimism looking “forward to an exciting productive,empoweringand collaborative Conference that will help shape the future direction of our party
and our continued efforts to drive positive change in Guyana.”
The AFC is the second largest party opposition party behind the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNC/R).
Meanwhile, the PNCR made its announcement during a press conference hosted by its leader Aubrey Norton. Norton said that the decision to host Congress at the end of June was made at the party's last meeting on Wednesday The theme for the Congress will be, ' F o r m i n g t h e N e x t Government;BuildingaJust Inclusive and Prosperous SocietyforAll.”
Party Delegates and Members from all ten regions will be attending Congress in person. There willbenovirtualattendance.
The announcement by the opposition parties comes on the heels of the ruling PPP's recently concluded Congress electing its 40 M e m b e r E x e c u t i v e Committee five nonvotingmembers.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has since been returned as General Secretary of the party at its first meeting. Additionally, the committee elected 18CentralCommitteemembers to the Executive Committee, consisting of Dr Irfaan Ali, Zulfikar Mustapha, Anil Nandlall,Dr FrankAnthony, Vickram Bharrat, Collin Croal, Nigel Dharamlall, Neil Kumar, Shyam Nokta, Dr Vindhya Persaud, Donald Ramotar, Clement Rohee, Dharamkumar Seeraj, Pauline Sukhai, and Gail Teixeira as full members. Kwame Mc Coy, Anand Persaud, and Ricky Ramrajwereelectedas
The party has assured that arrangements have already started.“The 22nd Biennial Delegates Congress is expected to be one of the largest, most spirited, and most important in the Party's history,”thepartysaid.
(Continued on page 17)
Bharrat Jagdeo is hopeless when it comes to understanding the conventions associated with the relationship between permanent secretaries and political parties. In his last press conference he sought to assert that permanent secretaries have a right to become members of politicalparties. He is palpably wrong. Staborek News which had called attention to the presence of a permanent secretary at the PPP congress, at which she was decked out in a jersey that was the colour of the party, had correctly pointed out that a permanent secretary cannot be aligned to a politicalparty
Itisironicthatatits32nd Congress, the PPP announced it was ditching Marxism- Leninism, yet it failed to appreciate that the economic ideology it now embraces is one that promotes the concept of a neutralpublicservice.
N e o - l i b e r a l i s m implicitly supports the idea of a neutral public service. This is because a politically neutral public service aligns with neo-liberal values of efficiency, professionalism, and meritocracy, free from politicalinterference. Guyanainheritedcertain administrative conventions from the British These conventions were intended to ensure the impartiality of thecivilservice.
But this tradition was pervertedunderthedoctrine of the paramountcy of the party When Burnham forcedpermanentsecretaries and heads of government corporations to attend his party’s Congresses, it was the PPP which had railed against the politicization of thepublic.
IfJagdeoduringhislong tenure as a Minister of the government, then as President for 12 years and nowasaVicePresident,had taken time to familiarize himselfwiththeconventions associated with the British civil service, he would not have made the sort of commentshemadeathislast pressconference.
Jeff Jones will remain as the pillar on which Essequibo’s cricket strived; his achievement defied adversity and remains a perfect example of attaining success. I wish to extend my heartfelt sympathy to his grievingfamily
Dem boys seh, when it comes tobuyingfruits and vegetables in this country,it’sacaseofheads the farmers win, tails the consumers lose. You see, whenthesunshiningbright like a politician’s smile during campaign season, the food vendors and farmers bawl how de dry weather killing de crops. Demsehtheyieldslowand that’s why the price high likeMountRoraima.
The poor consumer, who already ketching deh tailtomekendsmeet,gotta dig deep into dem pockets tobuyalil’bitofboraanda few tomatoes. Then come the rains, and you might think, “Oh good, de price
But no, Dem Boys seh that’s not how it does wuk.
With the first drop of rain, the vendors start another song and dance. “De rain affecting de crops,” dem cry, “De fields too muddy, deyieldslow,andwelosing plenty.”
So, the poor consumer, who was hoping for some relief,insteadseesthesame high prices like if mango seasonsuddenlygetscarce.
De vendors and farmers, dem playing a sweet game of pass de blame. Rain or shine, is always some excusewhy depriceshigh. Ifisnottoodry,thenistoo wet. If is not pests, then is fertilizer and gasoline price.
You see, dem boys seh it’sano-winsituationforde consumer When de sun shining, dem gotta pay high.When de rain falling, demstillgottapayhigh.De consumer can’t ketch a break. Is like dem farmers andvendorsalwayshavede right weather for excuses, but never de right weather fordecropstoflourishand depricestodrop.
So, rain or shine, the consumer always paying through de nose. Maybe one day, the weather will finallygetitright.Butuntil then, dem boys seh, we betterstartlearningtocook excuses, ‘cause that’s de onlythingweseemtohave inabundance.
maintains strict conventions to ensure the political neutralityofpublicservants. These conventions are designed to uphold the impartiality and integrity of the civil service The underlying basis for these conventionsistoensurethat public servants can serve governmentsofanypolitical persuasion without bias Civilservantsarerequiredto maintain political neutrality This means they must perform their duties impartially, regardless of their own political beliefs, and must not allow their political views to influence their work. In the run up to the United Kingdom’s generalelectionsin2019,an advisory was issued to the civil service. That advisory reminded civil servants that the basic principle for civil servants is not to undertake any activity that could call into question their political impartiality This principle appliestoallstaffworkingin departments.
When it comes to affiliations with political parties, senior public servants–andthisextendsto heads of government corporations – are debarred from involvement in any partisan political activity p
a Ministry, department, agencyorpubliccorporation wants to be involved in political events and activities, they can exercise that right but have to resign fromtheirpositions.
One of the justifications which the PPP gave for not retaining the services of the former Head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was that he was a member of the AFC topbrassandwaspresenton
a political platform. If these factsaretruethentheperson effectively disqualifies himself from holding such a top government job. If you climb onto a political platform, you should descendfromholdingsenior publicoffice.
Butweknowthatthisrule was conveniently ignored by thePPP Oneofitscandidates and one of its former Central Committee members were permanent secretaries The PPPhasnoconsistentposition therefore on the need for impartiality by senior public officials If the PPPhad been consistent when it comes to respecting conventions concerning the public service it would have known that senior civil servants are completely barred from engaging in any national politicalactivity Thisincludes standingforelection,publicly expressing support for a political party, and holding office in a political party While junior civil servants are allowed to be members of political parties, senior civil servants and those in sensitive roles are generally discouraged or prohibited from such memberships to prevent any conflicts of interest or perceptions of bias Civil servants who wish to stand for election must resign from the civil service. This rule applies to all levels to ensure that the civilserviceremainsneutral and does not influence electoral processes Civil servants, particularly those in senior or sensitive roles, must be cautious about expressing political views publicly,includingonsocial media.Suchexpressionscan undermine the perceived neutrality of the civil service.
The purpose of the
conventions is not to trench on the personal freedoms of seniorpublicservants.These conventions aim to balance the personal freedoms of civil servants with the need to maintain a politically neutral and effective public service. Therighttobelong to a political party is indeed anaspectofthebroaderright to freedom of association, which is a fundamental human right However, certain restrictions can be justified, particularly in the context of public service, to ensure the impartiality and effectivenessofgovernance.
While public servants retaintheirpersonalrights,their professional responsibilities may necessitate certain limitations This balance is aimed at upholding the broader public interest, ensuringthatcivilservantscan carry out their duties without undue political influence or bias The integrity and impartiality of the civil service are considered paramount to maintaining publictrustandensuringthat government policies are implemented fairly and efficiently, regardless of which political party is in power ButtotellJagdeothis is to speak in a foreign tongue. To him it is simply unfathomable.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s affiliates.)
It was rolling thunder overhead on Thursday, May 9. Startled schoolchildren
s c r e a m e d f e a r f u l l y Buildings shook, glasses rattled Public buildings nearby went into a wintry hush. Dead silence reigned. Guyanese were awed
American warplanes overhead in an earsplitting, teeth rattling, mind blasting volley of sound. It wasn't a movie. Only real life. God! It's good to beAmerican. As a demonstration of closeness to Guyanese, that American flyover cannot be beaten. NotbytheCommies. Notby theChinese. Notbyanybody fromanywhere.
Is Mr Maduro listening? Madame Ambassador, could arrangements be made for that flexing of intent, of GuyAmerican solidarity, of US might to fly over Caracas?
But were those warplanes
really for Guyanese interests?
Approximately eight
years ago, I said that there were faults in that Exxon oil contract. I didn't like it but already understood it. The dogs came out in strength: PNCmaan!
How times change on a dime. Today, I have been called anti-Exxon and even anti-American Imagine that, and for what? A little more moolah if you will. A tad more support from official Washington for Guyana's commercial cause. The local dogs of war would have none of it, and on the rampage they went. State media Social media Underground media. Even criminal media. Ooh, la, la! Istandmyground,andasthat old-time calypsonian warbled aggressively: 'nobaady gun run me.' I was right then, and right again now Get ready, it is contract conversationtime. In Guyana's now ancient oil history, I wrote in Stabroek News that the
measly 2% royalty is insurance The other percentages foregone because of the protection money that had to be paid to Exxon. It was a mafia shakedown by an American corporate power in its best godfatherimitation. Anoffer thatcannotberefused,aprice paidinblood.
What Guyana was leaving on the table was and is blood money Pay up, so that others can put out Guyana paid up and is still paying through the nose Exxon is collecting and poised to drink and drain the blood of Guyana for an extended time in the future. ThoseYankee warplanes that roared overhead are proof. Payment from Guyana's oil money to America's Exxon racketeers.
The biggest rackets are not run by men in Fedoras and guttural accents a la Mario Puzo. The rackets are usually run out of places like
WallStreet,Washington,DC, and Spring, Texas If Maduro wants a fight, he can have it Just so that Guyanese singing God bless America from the same songbook understand, those screamingeaglesthatrentthe skies of Guyana just around HighNoononThursdaywere not for the benefit of Guyanese No friends, Guyanese, and countrymen (local women properly recognized)! Itmaynothave st been the 101 Airborne, but those Hornets were to get a message to Maduro (he got it). Don't mess with Exxon, buddy Messing with Exxon is messing with America. The beauty about this one is that Guyana's oil money is payingforit.
Now, the stink and dutty Guyana politics must be dragged into that fly by, that kickass moment now etched indelibly in Guyanese memory and legend. When the PNC signed the Exxon
contract, the PPP hollered sellout, with lead vocalists
Bharrat Jagdeo and
Mohamed Irfaan Ali galloping in front. Who is selling out today? Who is rolling over and being declared deader than a doormat? I tender the same
Bharrat Jagdeo and Mohamed Irfaan Ali, both doctors now Pathologists, they have become. Watch out Neehaul. Somebody operated on them, and what Guyanese are left with is the Day of the Living Dead.
Falling on face and falling apart dead. I take no issue with any of this, as it is simply politics. Where I get contrary is when these two geniuses and the cadre of cadavers following them nowplasterovermatterswith sanctity of contract and that asinine construction called better contract management. Get a better contract, fellow Guyanese,anditwillmanage itself.
No need for that allpurpose book titled, Oil ManagementforDummies.
The first chapter is as sweet as a sledgehammer to the head: to renegotiate is to getthereassuranceofnotone damn warplane disturbing thecloudsoverhead. Change
the contract and the warplanes change course When I say things like these
in public, bright PPP fellows who have used up all their brain cells to shout antiExxon and anti-America. It is called free speech, folks. Americans has matured and has learned to manage with vocal and powerful critics coming from all angles. Just ask Excellency Theriot and Vice Admiral Routledge Vice Admiral and Vice President, God help Guyana. To America the brave and beautiful, a big thanks for those warplanes. Just get ready for the next sortie and fusillade from this side for subtracting such a steep premium from our oil. It is about that insurance of warplanes and warships and war hounds in uniforms gracing Guyana with their presences.
It was the blood money paid that is now showing some returns. Those planes should need a landing place. Sounds like the creep towardsamilitarybasetome. Like former US President George Bush, I can already hear Guyana's President Irfaan Ali parroting 'Bring it on….' Isayalso.
(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
Approximately $117M isowedtothestatesofarthis year by traffic offenders, Traffic Chief Senior Superintendent of Police Mahdenra Singh revealed on Wednesday The Traffic Chief was at the time speaking during an information session on RadioEveLeary
T h e S e n i o r Superintendent disclosed too that the state has since received over $57M in paymentfortraffictickets.
“Forthisyearsofar…in the courts of law those tickets amounted to more
than $57M in cash going towards Governments financial system from tickets paid outstanding tickets amount to more than $117M and this is based on stats,” Singh said, whilst citing that the statistics provided are based on physicalverification.
The Traffic Chief assured that ranks will be following up with those persons who have failed to paytheirticketfines.
“Do we just take the unpaid tickets as a form of some action taken and leave it as it is? No, our ranks continuouslyworktofollow upforcourtdatesformatters that are pending, if summonswerepreparedand if warrants were issued for the arrest of a perpetrator or person who did not honour the date on their tickets for court,”hesaid.
The Traffic Chief emphasized, “The law it is what it is and not what we want it to be, it is there to be enforcedandthatiswhatwe doprecisely.”
Seatrium Limited, a Singaporean company on Thursday announced that it has been awarded a contract by Single Buoy Moorings Inc, a SBM Offshore company, for the topsides fabrication and integration of a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel for one of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited(EMGL)projects.
Marlin Khiew, Executive Vice President, Oil & Gas (Americas) of Seatrium said, “We are honoured to be able tosupportSBMOffshoreand ExxonMobil Guyana in contributingtotheoilandgas industry in Guyana with yet a n o t h e r F P S O f o r deployment in the Stabroek b
standing as the world leader in the conversion and integration of FPSOs, marking our 29th major project for SBM Offshore, a strong affirmation of our client's confidence in Seatrium as a partner of choice in floating production systems.”
Seatrium's scope of work includes the fabrication of several topsides modules, riser, mooring and umbilical
structures, followed by the installationandintegrationof these structures and all topside modules for the FPSO Jaguar (the sixth FPSO). The Group will also support SBM Offshore with pre-commissioning and commissioningwork.
the Whiptail Field for ExxonMobilGuyana.
Last month, SBM
Offshore announced that ExxonMobil Gu
awarded a contract to build and deploy the Jaguar FPSO vessel for the Whiptail development at Guyana's StabroekBlock.
The FPSO Jaguar is designed to produce 250,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and an associated gas treatment capacity of 540 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd), water injection capacityof300,000barrelsof water per day (bwpd), and a storage capacity of two millionbarrelsofoil.Workis expected to commence in the third quarter of this year; upon completion, the FPSO will be deployed to serve in
To date, Seatrium has been involved in delivering three FPSO projects, namely FPSO Liza Destiny, FPSO Liza Unity and FPSO Prosperity, as part of the seriesofFPSOsboundforthe Stabroek block in offshore Guyana. Seatrium is also on track to deliver its fourth Guyanese FPSO project, ONE GUYANA FPSO to SBM.
Recently, Seatrium announcedthatithassecured a FPSO topsides integration contract from longstanding c u s t o m e r, J a p a n e s e shipbuilder MODEC The scope of work covers the installationandintegrationof topside modules onboard the FPSO Errea Wittu (the fifth FPSO), and includes c o m p l e t i o n a n d commissioning support for MODEC.
M O D E C h a d successfullysecuredanorder for the Uaru Development from ExxonMobil. The FPSO Errea Wittu will be deployed in the Uaru Field, S t a b r o e k B l o c k , a p p
o x i m a t e l y 2 0 0 kilometers offshore Guyana. The US$12.7 billion Uaru project was sanctioned in April 2023 and marked the startup of construction of the FPSO Errea Wittu back in February
U.S. oil major, Exxon Mobil and Malaysian energy company, Petronas, have made a third oil discovery in Suriname. Petronas made the announcement on Wednesday of the hydrocarbon discovery in Block 52 at the Fusaea-1 exploration well in Suriname's Block 52. The discovery is located about 170 kilometres offshore and 9 kilometerseastfromRoystonea-1,anearlier oildiscovery
The well was spud in Feb 2024 and successfully drilled to a total depth of 5,227 metres with zero (0) LTI, encountering several oil and gas-bearing Campanian sandstonereservoirpackages.
Furtherevaluationisbeingundertakento determine the full extent of this discovery and its potential for an integrated development with the recent Roystonea-1 andSloanea-1discoveries.
Block 52, which covers an area of 4,749 square kilometres, is located north of the coastofParamaribo,Suriname'scapitalcity, within the prospective Suriname-Guyana basin Petronas Suriname E&P is the operator of Block 52 with a 50% participating interest together with ExxonMobil.
Addressing the recent deepwater discovery by Petronas in Suriname, Mark Oberstoetter, Head of Americas Upstream, said, “We understand Roystonea and Fusaea's recoverable resources are
400 million barrels. This could be enough to support an FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading vessel) with an oil processing capacity of up to 100,000b/dFPSOdevelopment.”
Wood Mackenzie, a global provider of data and analytics for the energy transition reported that nine deepwater fields have been discovered in Suriname waters since 2019, but the country still awaits its first sanctioneddevelopment.
According to Wood Mackenzie, TotalEnergies and APA Corporation are close to sanctioning a cluster FPSO developmentonBlock58.Block52iseastof Block58andhasdifferentowners.
Fusaeaisthethirddiscoveryintheblock, followingSloaneaandRoystonea.
“In addition,APACorporation, Petronas and CEPSAdrilled the 2022 Baja discovery inBlock53.
This is eight kilometres north of
Roystonea and could eventually be part of a wider cluster development,” continued Oberstoetter Petronas has already secured tax relief if it develops gas on the block. The 2020 Sloanea discovery is now being appraised withasecondwell.
Wood Mackenzie now holds Suriname's discoveredresourcesatmorethan2.4billion barrels of oil and liquids and more than 12.5 tcfofgas.
Wh i l e upgrades are b e i n g executed at a number of marketsalongthecoast,the government through the Ministry of PublicWorks is planning to spend an e s t i m a t e d s u m o f $123,954,810 to construct the Lusignan market on the East Coast of Demerara (ECD).
This is according to a tender the ministry issued seeking a contractor to not only build a market space for the vendors but to also construct a sanitary block there This publication understands that in March, President Irfaan Ali visited the market area where he interactedwithvendorsand listenedtotheirconcerns.
It was after that visit that Minister within the Public Works Ministry, Deodat Indar and other officials visited the market and announced that plans
are underway to execute works thatwillfacilitatethe market'sactivities.
It was reported that several markets, including P
, Leonora, Hydronie and
rehabilitated to ensure vendors have a conducive area to ply their trade and that the environment is safe for customers. This year,
allocated $1 2 billion towards improving market facilities and would see works being done to the Corriverton, Kumaka and Suddie markets, to name a few
A 23-year-old businessman was on Friday granted $75,000 bail when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court before Senior Magistrate Leron Daly to answer three charges: Disorderly Behaviour, Damage of Property,Assaultingapoliceofficerandresistingarrest. The accused, Adell Cato pleaded not guilty to all charges. It is alleged that on April 9, 2024 at the Stabroek Market, Georgetown Cato assaulted Police Corporal Kofi Robertson. It is also alleged that he resisted arrest by the officer, and caused damage to a jersey and watch valued at $35,000,bothbelongingtothepoliceman.
Catoisalsoaccusedofbehavingdisorderly Cato was placed on bail for the four charges. He was granted $25,000 bail for assaulting the police, $20,000 bail each for resisting arrest and property damage, $10,000 bail fordisorderlybehaviorandcausingabreachofpeace. CatoisscheduledtoreturntocourtonJune28,2024.
The Guyana Prison Service (GPS) is offering an award for any information thatleadstotherecapturingof Jose Awad, the inmate who escaped from the Lusignan PrisononTuesday Awad was spotted on Friday morning at Parika, East Bank Essequibo (EBE), the GPS said on its Facebook page.
The GPS has assured that all information provided will be treated with the strictest confidentiality Meanwhile, the GPS reminded that aiding and abetting a prison escapee is a crime punish
e b
imprisonment of three or moreyears,iffoundguilty
The Prison Service, through its Director, Nicklon Elliotdidnotstatetheamount of the award that is being offered On Wednesday, Kaieteur News reported that the inmate escaped on Tuesday around 13:00h while workingatthesnacketteinthe compound of the Cecil Kilkenny Training School Awad's wife and mother-inlaw were taken into custody on Wednesday to assist with investigations. Persons with any information regarding Awad are to contact the nearest Police Station or the office of the Director of Prisons on telephone number 613-6616 or Officer-incharge of the Lusignan Prison on telephone number 2204289.
Porter needed for truck. For more information Call: 6611000.
Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
One general cleaner, Must be able to assist in the preparation of vegetables. $4000 per day. Call: 696-2520
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1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Vehicle for sale 1-Modlem Truck $2.5 Million Contact: 650-0402 / 652-0251
Place to rent at Vreed-enhoop junction for Lessons, Church, Office,Storage Bond, other.. Call: 603-6400
4 bedroom, fully furnished apartment at 21 Seafort street, Campbellville. For more information call: 621-5140.
One bedroom apartment at New Road, Vreed-en- Hoop. Call: 627-3800.
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Live-in housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virginia, USA. Free room & boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.
One clerk for TSI Eccles office.English & Mathematics,grade 2.Email application:techserigy@yahoo.com or call 615-9132.
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Vacancy exist for one labourer. Call: 677-8104.
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Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 654-9711.
For low cost repairs for AC units, refrigerators, freezers, gas stoves, washing machine, dryers, etc. Call: 6294946, 225-4822.
MATTHEWS, represented by her duly constituted attorney, STANLEY WILLS agreeable with Power of Attorney executed on the 6th day of July, 2010 and numbered 5004 of 2010
CHARLES represented by her duly constituted attorney STANLEY WILLS agreeable with power attorney executed on the 5th day of October, 1990 and recorded in the Deeds Registry at Georgetown on the 5th day of October 1990 and recorded in the Deeds Registry at Georgetown on the 5th day of October 1990 and numbered 4357 of 1990.
4.STANLEY WILLS in his capacity as the administrator Ad Litem of the Estate of NORMA GITTENS, deceased by virtue of Court Order date the 24th day of October, 2023.
SOLOMON in her capacity as the Administrator Ad Litem of the Estate of PHILMA SOLOMON, deceased, by virtue of Court Order dated the 24th day of October, 2023. Added Claimants -and-
EDWARD HARRY JR. NOTICE OF DEFENCE AND COUNTERCLAIM TAKE DEFENCE that EDWARD HARRY JR., of Sublot ‘A’, Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara, Guyana, intends to
IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.
The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 30th day of April, 2024.
defend this said Application. Any person intending to oppose the Notice of Defence and Counterclaim must file a defence to counterclaim within one (1) month after the date of the first publication of the notice and shall include that the matter is adjourned to 19th August 2024 at 3:00 p.m before Honourable Justice Corbin Lincoln in Court 8 for case management.
This Notice was filed by Mr. Donavon A. Rangiah, Attorney-at-Law for the Respondent, whose address for service and place of business are at Lot 156 Charlotte Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Filing Attorney:Ms. Tonza Sarrabo GUYANA LEGAL AID CLINIC “Maraj Building”185 Charlotte & King Streets Georgetown, GuyanaTel: 225-9238/2259246 Email: legalaid@networksgy.com2024HC-DEM-CIV-FD-205
Petitioner/Applicant -and(ALEXANDER) ROSEANN nee BLAIR Respondent TO: ROSEANN ALEXANDER nee BLAIR
Lot 232 Middle Road La Penitence
GeorgetownTAKE NOTICE that on the 9th day of February, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by MARK ANDREAALEXANDER the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.
directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around the Republic of Guyana.
NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.
NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.
TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Friday the 28th day of June, 2024 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Simone Morris-Ramall via Zoom Meeting ID: 461 884 5616 and Password: court6 IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 30 day of April, 2024.
Petitioner/Applicant -andENNIS (LONSDALE LYNDON)
Last Known Address
Lot 184 Pigeon Place, South Ruimveldt Gardens Georgetown, Guyana.
TAKE NOTICE that on the 11th day of March, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by FEONA MAUREEN ENNIS nee PETERS, the Petitioner in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 25th day of April, 2024 the Petitioner was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the KAIETEUR NEWS, a daily newspaper, printed, published and circulated in Guyana and on the Worldwide Web.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorneyat-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/ or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 26th day of April, 2024 the Petitioner was
TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Thursday the 25th day of July, 2024 at 9:45 am before the Honourable Madam Chief Justice Roxane George via Zoom. (Please Contact the Honourable Madam Chief Justice Chambers for Meeting ID and password either by email at victorialawcourts@gmail.com or by telephone at 592-2256823 or 226-7947, Extension 223/306)
Atwo-year-old baby is among three per sons who on Wednesday sustained injuries about their bodies after the driver of the lorry they were travelling in, lost control and crashed into a concrete bridge and fence on the Glasgow Public Road, East Bank Berbice (EBB).
The injured persons were identified as; two-year-old Kevin Junior Cort, 34-year-old Kevin Cort, and 28-year-old Shevon Abbensetts, all of Glasgow Village, EBB.
Police in a report related that the accident occurred at about 11:15hrs. It is reported that the incident involved motor lorry #GAF 4495 driven by Cort, with occupants, Abbensetts and the toddler.
Investigations disclosed that motor lorry #GAF 4495 was proceeding north along the eastern drive lane at a fast rate, when the driver reportedly lost control of the said vehicle and collided with a concrete bridge and fence on the eastern side of the road then ended up in a trench.
As a result of the collision, the occupants were flung out of the vehicle and landed on the road, while the driver remained at the wheel.
“They all received injuries about their bodies,” police reported. The two occupants were picked up in a conscious condition while the driver was semi-conscious. They were taken to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital, where they
were examined by a doctor on duty, who treated Abbensetts for injuries about her body, Kevin Junior Cort for open fracture to the right leg. The senior Kevin Cort was treated for a fractured right leg.
Abbensetts and the baby
were referred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) for further treatment while the driver remains a patient at the New Amsterdam Public Hospital.
The investigations are ongoing.
From page 8 candidate members. Zulfikar Mustapha who had secured the third highest number of votes at the party’s congress was re-elected as Executive Secretary, while President Ali was elected Finance Secretary. In his address to the meeting, the General Secretary thanked the outgoing Central Committee members for their contributions. He stressed that the Congress was a resounding success, highlighted by its scale, diversity, energetic atmosphere, deep discussions, significant issues tackled, and efficient logistics.
Jagdeo also expressed his deep appreciation for the work of Party members, supporters, volunteers, and others for their contribution to the congress and for their continuous support to the PPP and its programmes.
The 32nd PPP Congress, which took place from May 3 to 5 at Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara (ECD), was themed, “Strengthen the Party, Defend Guyana, Unite Our People for Progress and Prosperity.”
The party said its “congress drew participation of over 3,000 delegates and observers from across the country.”
The Opposition’s calls for the Sea and River DefenceBill2023tobesent to the Special Select Committee for further refining was on Friday dismissed in the National Assembly, as the House voted in favour of the proposed legislation as presented by the Minister of PublicWorks,JuanEdghill.
The Bill seeks to repeal
and replace existing legislation on sea and river defence, to make provision for protection from inundation from the sea or rivers and to provide for the establishment, construction and maintenance of sea and river defences, natural defences and to provide for relatedmatters.
Six Members of Parliament (MP), including Edghill, the former Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson as well as Opposition MPs, Khemraj Ramjattan and Amanza Walton-Desir debated the proposed legislation. On the government side, Minister withintheMinistryofPublic Works, Deodat Indar and
Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha threw their support behind the proposedlaw.
Edghill in opening the debate on the Sea and River Defence Act explained that in 2019, the previous government engaged a foreign consultant that was assistedbyalocalconsultant toupdatetwoseparatepieces of legislation The Bill merges those laws and ensures it is reflective of the current situation in the country, the Minister posited. Hewaskeentonote that the current legislation datesbackto1883andwhile it has been updated on numerous occasions it remains unaligned with current international standards and sustainable development.
To this end, he assured, “ThisupdatedSeaandRiver Defence Bill, 2023 when enacted will replace the existing legislation, Sea DefenceActs Chapter 64:01 and Chapter 64:02, consolidating the existing legislationintoasingleAct.”
Assemblythatthelegislation seeks to enhance among otherthings,thefunctionsof the Sea and River Defence Board and introduce flood management systems to ensuredefencesareproperly identified, designed and maintained, while at the same time enhancing public p a r t i c i p a t i o n a n d consultation.
Notably, the new Law also seeks to increase criminal penalties and introduces administrative penaltiesforminoroffenses. Edghill said previously, the outdatedlegislationimposed a penalty of $30,000 and imprisonment for six months; the new maximum penaltyforcorporateentities is capped at $10M and maximum general penalty forindividualsis$1M.
Meanwhile, opening the d e b a t e s f r o m t h e Opposition’s side of the House was Walton-Desir who called for the Bill to be sent to the Special Select Committee.
In her first observation, the Opposition MP pointed out that naturally occurring
sea defences were not included in definition of sea or river defences but suggeststhatstructureshave to be “constructed” against flooding To this end, Walton-Desir noted that no penalty will be imposed if the natural defences are destroyed.
Pointing out yet another “lacuna”, she argued that Guyana’s coast is expected to be inundated by 2030. To this end, the MP pointed to theneedforclimateresilient standards to be introduced when planning for sea and river defences. Waterfront for family and friends? In his contributions to the debate, Patterson said the new Bill interprets sea and river defence as any dam, concrete, stone, wall, timber orotherconstructionusedby the Sea Defence Board as protection against flooding from the sea. He drew the Assembly’s attention to the old Act, which defined sea defence as “all land, 50 feet land’sworthfromthecenter line of any sea or river dam, or sea or river wall under paragraph‘A’andalllandon
theothersideofsuchseaand riverdefencedamorseaand river defence wall in the direction of the sea or river...alllandfromthecrest ofthetopofanyreef,bankor natural feature under paragraph‘D’andalllandon the other side thereto in the directionoftheseaorriveras partofthemeanrivermark.”
Patterson said all
cadastral plans since 1883 has been drafted 50 feet awayfromtheriversideand noonewasallowedtoclaim it since it was clearly enshrinedinLaw
To this end, he pointed out that the new Law removes that requirement and makes no mention of m a i n t a i n i n g t h a t demarcation In fact, the former Minister noted that the Sea Defence Board is empoweredtoestablishasea defence zone, allowing
Frompage06 dispossession.The original Nakba saw approximately 750,000 Palestinians displacedfromtheirhomes. Today, we are witnessing similar scenes of mass displacement, as the ongoing genocide in Gaza have forced countless families from their homes u n d e r d r e a d f u l circumstances. Recent reportshighlighttheintense Israeli bombardment of Gaza,particularlyinRafah, whichhasledtowidespread displacement and a humanitarian disaster characterized by acute shortages of food, medical care, and basic shelter Families find themselves relocating multiple times in searchofsafety,onlytoface continuousthreatswherever they go It’s particularly distressing to note how the narrativesurroundingthese events often mirrors the discourse used during the Nakba Historical grievances are invoked, exacerbating tensions, and justifyingongoingviolence and massacre, which only serves to deepen the cycle of suffering for the Palestinian people This p h e n o m e n o n o f “Holocaustization,” where thelegacyoftheHolocaust ismisusedtojustifycurrent a c t i o n s a g a i n s t Palestinians, is a misuse of historical memory and a manipulation that perpetuatesgenocide.
government to control the lands. This means that the government can now lease the lands and deny access to thegeneralpublic,according to Patterson. Opposition MP,KhemrajRamjattanalso zeroed in on his colleague’s point.
InfacthetoldtheHouse, “You have rigged this piece of legislation to get waterfront property for your friends and family ” Concluding the debates, Minister Edghill lambasted the Opposition for failing to submit amendments to the National Assembly on the Bill, tabled since December 2023, but calling for the proposed law to be referred to a Special Select Committee.
TheBillwasthenpassed in the National Assembly and will soon be assented to byPresidentIrfaanAli.
T h e d i s c o u r s e surrounding the Nakba and its recognition is not just about revisiting historical grievances but about fostering understanding and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians. By addressing these deepseated issues, we can hope topavethewayforafuture where peace is not just a fleeting dream but a sustainable reality. It is a necessary step towards healingandrebuildingtrust among communities that have been torn apart by decades of conflict Considering the recent invasion of Rafah, the plight of the Palestinians has become even more pronounced. The accounts from Rafah highlight the ongoing human rights violations, women and children being bombed, an ongoing genocide and the u r g e n t n e e d f o r international intervention. We must recognize the sufferingofthePalestinians and work towards a solution that ensures their safety and dignity The international community must step up to protect Palestinian lives and pressure Israel to stop the massacre.
We call for an immediateceasefire,anend to occupation and the respect for Palestinians’ rights, including their right toreturntotheirhomesand their right to selfdetermination From the river to the sea, Palestine willbefree.
Sincerely, Guyana
The $865M Belle Vue pump station contract that was awarded to TEPUI Group Inc. – the company closely linked to Mikhail Rodrigues also known as 'Guyanese Critic' is set to be completed by August this year
This is according to information shared in a project summary which was submitted by the company to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) justrecently
The EPA in a public notice also disclosed that no Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is requiredfortheproject.
An EIA is usually conducted by the EPA to
evaluate the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking into account inter-related socioeconomic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficialandadverse.
“ T h e E P A h a s determined that this project will not significantly affect the environment, and is therefore exempt from the requirement to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),” the agencyrevealed.
Be that as it may, EPA mentioned that it is still allowingthepublica30-day period to lodge any objections or concerns about the project. Appeals and objections can be s u b m i t t e d t o t h e
Environmental Assessment Board at the EPA's Sophia, Georgetownoffice.
In the summary it was stated that the works would be supervised by consultant Caribbean Engineering and Management Consultants –CEMCO.
The document states also that the proposed project site is located at the drainage trench separating Belle Vue and Good Intent VillagesontheWestBankof the Demerara River, Region Three.
Someoftheworkslisted are: the erection of the Steel PumpHouseanderectionof thesluicecolumnsandother components, installation of pumps and appurtenances, discharge pipe, exhaust pipes, construction of pump attendants' house, access road, fuel bond and test run of the pumps, structural foundation works just to nameafew
M e a n w h i l e , t h i s
publication had reported that the $865 million contract was awarded to TEPUI earlier last year which saw works slated to be started then. But the project did not begin then due to delays and only startedinJanuarythisyear.It was reported too that the contract was the subject of an investigation by Public Procurement Commission (PPC)aftercomplaintswere raised that the contractor failed to meet the technical requirementsoftheproject.
A doctor has been barred from practicing in Guyana while another has been suspected by the Guyana Medical Council (GMC) for malpractice,noticepublished in Friday's edition of the StabroekNewssaid.
TheMedicalCouncilsaid that in accordance with Section 17 (3) (c) of the Medical Practitioners Act Chapter 32:02 of the Laws of Guyana, Dr Anil Solomon, a Medical Practitioner registered to practice in Guyana has been removed from the register of medical practitionersinGuyana.
The decision to bar Dr
Solomon was made after the Council found him guilty of professional misconduct and malpractice.
By virtue of the Council's decision,Dr Solomoncannot practicemedicineinGuyana.
Meanwhile, Dr Abdulla Amin, a medical practitioner registered to practice in Guyana has been suspended by the Medical Council for four months (May 6, 2024 and September 6, 2024) on a findingofmalpractice.
Dr Amin is not permitted to practice medicine during thisperiod.
When contacted on Friday, Chief Medical
Officer (ag) Dr Narine Singh who is also a member of the Medical Council told Kaieteur News that details related to the malpractices cannot be provided but noted that Dr Amin works in the public health system while Dr Solomon worked in the privatesystem.
Thailand: The Guyana Football Federation (GFF) and the Saudi Arabian Football Federation (SAFF)
i n k e d a t w o - y e a r
M e m o r a n d u m o f Understanding (MoU) on Thursdaythatcoversabroad range of areas designed to significantly bolster the football ecosystem in Guyana.TheMOU,whichis the first between the two
nations, was signed on May 16byGFF
President Wayne Forde and SAFF President Yasser AlMisehalonthemarginsof FIFA’s74thCongressheldin Bangkok,Thailand,andwill seecollaborationin17areas including: marketing and commercialactivities,sports f a c i l i t i e s , c o a c h development, refereeing, academies and technical
development, league and competition development, women’s football, youth football, futsal, beach soccer, sports science and sports medicine, and governanceissues.
GFF President Wayne Forde stated that, “This MoU is another step by the Federation to ensure our nationalplayersareprovided e
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
Ithasbeenfairlyeasyforyou to detect the truth behind the situationsyou'veencountered lately However, beginning today,youranalyticalabilities won'tbesoreliable.
Howintensethepastfewdays have been! You could spend months just reflecting on these recent experiences. But the mood isn't conducive to introspectionrightnow
The day ahead may help you break away from the surroundinggloomanddoom. A more playful influence is trying to make its way into your relationships, especially y o u r e m o t i o n a l commitments.
Sometimes you feel like you're navigating through a thick fog, but the obscurity will finally lift today The skies ahead are sunny and clear! You can expect an invitationtotakealittletripor anoffertobelongtoaspecial group.
Was someone close to you r u d e w i t h o u t a n y provocation? Were you the targetofunpleasantcriticism? Youtaketheseslightstoheart. Beginning today, and throughoutthedaystocome.
Havingapersonalopinionon any question isn't the most difficult thing in the world to do, Virgo. More difficult is confronting with some objectivity the opinions of others.
Enough of thinking about yourself, Libra! The hour has now arrived to draw some conclusions. You're at the end of the lengthy volume you werewritingonyourinnerlife.
Seduction through words is your real power, Scorpio.You haveagreattalentforanything involving words. So you're goingtobeabletoattracteven more admirers around you today
With today's celestial energy, you'regoingtofeellikeyou're on vacation, Sagittarius. This planetary configuration often gives people the feeling of having a fresh mind and calm disposition.
Do you say yes every time someone asks for a favor, Capricorn? Is it sometimes hard to find time for yourself becauseyou'resobusycoming to the rescue of a friend or family member? Today's celestial energy asks you to thinkaboutyou.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20–Feb 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
PISCES(Feb.19–Mar 20)
Hasitbeendifficultthesepast fewdaystocommunicatewith those close to you?Are you a little skeptical about your charm? In fact, have you been feelingsomewhatunsure.
compete at the highest level t h r o u g h s t r a t e g i c partnerships ” “The GFF continues to place strong emphasis on expanding its reach across the football world by creating new network opportunities within the Global football family Our collaboration with the Saudi Arabia Football Federation will openupanewfrontiertothe GFF and SAFF for cultural exchanges and capacity building in the areas of Sports Science, Youth Development, Infrastructure Development, Women’s Football andYouth Football amongothers.Iwouldliketo thank President Yasser Al Misehal for his warm friendship and generous consideration of the establishment of this groundbreakingpartnership.
Overthenext2years,the GFF and the SAFF will apply our best efforts in the creation of an exemplary impactful legacy of the true spirit of cooperation and collaboration among football nations Football UnitestheWorld.”
Frompage22 again and I look forward to Saturday.”
Founder of VMFA Mr Vurlon Mills expresses gratitude to Beharry Automotive Limited and cooperate Guyana for their commitment to the developmentofthebeautiful game for young boys and girls.
T h e V M FA h a s consistently coordinated high-quality initiatives in a professional environment foryoungboysandgirlsand will continue to work closelywithallstakeholders forthegoodofthegame.
TheVMFAwouldliketo expressgratitudetoBeharry Automotive Limited, KFC Guyana, MVP Sports and ENET for their generous supportinmakingthisevent possibleforourfuturestars.
For more information about the Vurlon Mills Football Academy and its initiativespleasecontactMr VurlonMillson613-1361or Marisha Fernandes on 6003332.
TheMoUcomesjusttwo months after the historic FIFA Series, where Guyana’s Senior Men’s National Team competed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and resulted in a working relationship being establishedbetweentheGFF andSaudipresidents.
During their stint in Saudi Arabia, the Golden Jaguars delivered a commendable performance, falling short with a 1-0 loss toCaboVerdeintheiropener but rebounding strongly to clinch a commanding 4-1
victoryoverCambodiaatthe Prince Abdullah AlFaisal StadiuminJeddah.
The FIFA Series saw 19 other nations from six confederations participating, and it enables teams to compete outside their confederation, allowing member associations to forge connections and create opportunitiesfortheirplayers Intheupcomingmonths,the GFF will collaborate with the SAFF to arrange international friendlies for boththewomen’sandyouth nationalteams.
The Vurlon Mills Football Academy (VMFA) KFC Under-8 Football Fun Day kicks off tomorrow at 10:00am at the Police Ground Eve Leary, Barrack Street.JoinVMFAforafunfilleddayofunder-8football at their annual Football Fundayevent. The event will feature Mini football matches,
Skills challenges, penalty Shootout, and Dunk Tank. Foodanddrinkswillalsobe availableforpurchase.
This is a great opportunity for young football enthusiasts to showcase their skills, make newfriends,andhaveablast playing the beautiful game. Itpromisestobeanexciting day of under-8 football fun
fortheentirefamily Beharry Automotive Limitedisthelatestsponsors to come on board. Gabriel
Manager, Beharry
Automotive Limited said
“From the time I moved to Guyana, which would’ve been 15 years ago, Vurlon Mills was my first ever coach and my last coach.
From my experience working with him and his team, for me, they are the most trustworthy person I canthinkofwhenitcomesto the development of the youth and development through football In my experience throughout my life, football has done more than just made a better footballeroutofme.
It has taught me discipline, it has taught me core values of being a man, and it has taught me selfcontrol especially when you getangrybecauseithappens in sports but I am extraordinarilyexcitedtobe working with Vurlon Mills Football Academy. This won’t be the first event we take part in and we plan on developing this relationship further However, I am extraordinarilyexcitedtobe part of the team and for Vurlon Mills extending this opportunitytous.Thankyou (Contiuedonpage19)
At just 13 years old, Matthew Daby is gearing uptodebutinmotorracing at the 1320 Heat Round 2 event on Sunday, May 19, attheSouthDakotaCircuit.
What makes this debut even more remarkable is that Matthew will compete with a junior dragster, marking him as one of the youngest drag racers in Guyana.
Matthew’s passion for drag racing stems from his upbringing as the son of seasoned drag racer Peter Daby. Having spent years watching his father compete on the track, Matthew developed a deep loveforthesport.
He expressed a strong desire to follow in his father’sfootsteps.
Despite his young age, Matthew’sdeterminationto racewasunwavering.
ForMatthew,thisdebut isaboutfulfillingapersonal ambition and continuing a familylegacy
He aspires to one day race his father’s cars and carryonthefamilytradition ofdragracing.
Matthew expressed confidence and excitement when asked about his feelings ahead of his debut race He reassured spectators that he was not nervous and encouraged everyone to come out and witness the fastest kid in Guyanatakeonthequartermiletrack.
Matthew Daby’s debut is a testament to his passion,determination,and his family’s unwavering support. As he prepares to hit the track for the first time,alleyeswillbeonthis young talent, eager to see what the future holds for him in the world of drag racing.
After much persistence and persuasion, his father finally relented and bought him a junior dragster, paving the way for Matthew to pursue his dream of becoming a drag racer
El Rey Sanjay’s hope of winning
Trinidad and Tobago’s Triple Crown serieshasbeendashed.
At the Triple Crown series first nomination stage of the three-race series, which starts with the 1,800metre Guineas, El Rey Sanjay was amongst the seven horses nominated for the event scheduled to run offonFridayMay31,2024Indian Arrival Day at Santa RosaPark.
The Suruj Haybanowned colt scored on his debut over 1,100 metres on SantaRosaPark’smaintrack as a three-year-old in a decent 1 08 25 on January27,2024.
He was then beaten on the turf over 1,600 metres finishingthirdtoUncleRog, whomhebeatonhisdebutin
El Rey Sanjay bounced backwithaneargatetowire success turning back the well-regarded Uncle Rog trained by champion trainer JohnO’Brien.Basedonthat performance the colt trained byLesterAlexiswasseenas
a surefire Triple Crown winner
However, the injury the chestnut son of St
Vigeur/Princess Suri (Street Sense) suffered -has forced him to miss the 1,800-metre Guineas, the 1,900-metre MidsummerClassic,andthe
Guyana along with her two foals. She has a full twoyear-old brother to El Rey Sanjay, and a half brother whoisaweanlinginGuyana for breeder/trainer, Fazal Habibulla.
Veteran, Habibulla considers himself very fortunatetoownsuchawellbredmare,whosegrandamis a daughter of Kentucky Derbywinner,StreetSense.
Princess Suri is reported in foal in Guyana to Nominee.
2,000-metre Trinidad Derby StakesinSeptember
ThesonofmarePrincess Surisufferedafractureofhis left fore cannon bone and will be out of action for the nextfivemonths.
PrincessSuri,thedamof ElReySanjayispresentlyin
El Rey Sanjay is named after the owner’s son, Sanjay Thiscoltwonhislast raceinaquick1:21overthe 1,350-metretipturningback all challengers with a near gatetowiresuccess.
Success for King Sanjay, when his racing name, El Rey Sanjay is translated - would have enhanced the racing status of his two brothers now stabled at Rising Sun Turf Club (RSTC), Rising Sun, WestCoast,Berbice.
However, on the bright sidetheracingindustryhas benefitted from Princess SuribeinginGuyana
Ashedoesnothaveany otheroffspringinTrinidad, and Princess Suri is a youngmareinthebreeding shed
Princess Suri is a multiple Graded Stakes winner, scoring from 1,200 metres to 1,800 metres. She won the Diamond Stakes sprinting, and then won the 1,800-PresidentCup.
Thelightlyraced,ElRey Sanjay’sperformanceplaced himatthetopofhisclassand was immediately as the odds-on ante post favorite fortheTripleCrownseries.
Apex Predators churned out a fine all-round
performance to hand
defending champions
Cambridge Jaguars a humbling, 42-run defeat last Sunday in the continuation ofthe2024GoldConference Canadian Premier Softball Cricket League (CPSCL) T20competition.
Playing at Hilldale Public School ground in Brampton, Ontario, Apex Predators rebounded from twoconsecutivelosses.
Their effort was led by the experienced Anil Mahadeo with a matchdefining 74 not out asApex Predators reached 154-7 fromthe20-overs.
Cambridge Jaguars repliedwith112alloutinthe penultimate over Jaguars completed their first match of this year’s edition after theirinitialgamewasrained out with only three balls bowled.
On this occasion, they
were asked to bowl first. TheyhadApexPredatorson the ropes at 105-7 until Mahadeo found a willing ally Khemraj Harrinarine and they posted up an enterprising 49-run, eightwicket stand that was unbroken Harrinarine contributed a vital 23 after the right-handed Mahadeo clobbered eight sixes and a four
He came in at number 6 with Apex Predators
wobblingat45-5andtookup the responsibility batting with a mixture of tidy defenseandaggression. Their early set back was mainly due to Imran Ali’s impressive spell of 3-16 fromfourfrugaloverswhile Teddy Nandkissore also bowled brilliantly to finish with 2-26 off his maximum fourovers.
When Cambridge
Jaguars started their reply, Ali and skipper Hemnarine
Chattergoonputon18forthe firstwicket,butAlideparted for 10 and that sparked a dramatic collapse
Chattergoonwentfor8while soon after Riaz Kadir, their key batsman, perished for 5 anddebutantRamnarine
Chattergoon (00) gone back as Jaguars were tottering at 28-5 Akash Budhram provided some resistance by scoring 20 while pinch-hitter Rajkumar Budhramscored15.
Aseeb Khan tormented them by snatching four wickets for 25 runs from his allotted four overs while Captain Trevor Singh grabbed 2-23 (04) and Avinash Sookdeo with 2-7 from2.3overs.
M e a n w h i l e , t h e competition will resume June2withanotherplethora of matches in Brampton Region.
Cambridge Jaguars will confront Amazon Masters while Apex Predators tacklingBerbiceVipers.
Transport Sports Club would tomorrow hosts an Independence Draughts competition at the club’s pavilion Thomas Lands Georgetown.Thisisthefirst competition since the club became registered with the National Draughts Association.
A good turnout is expected for this weekend’s game.
Players from Linden, East Bank Essequibo, Linden Highway, East Bank Demerara, Georgetown and GuyanesebasedinGrenada, RaviParasram,areexpected to participate in this event.
Dr Ivor English would lead the transport team Dr English is also the coordinator of the event along with assistance from President of the National Draughts Association Mr Jiaram.
The games start at 10:00am sharp and players
are asked to note the time since other activities are expected to take place later intheday Registrationfeeis $1000 per person inclusive of a meal and drink or $500 forregistrationalone.
The games would be contested on the 8x8 and 10x10 boards. For further information please contact telephone614-7671.
Draught players countrywide are invited to participate.
SportsMax - Sri Lanka will host West Indies for three ODIs and three T20Is from June 15-28, Sri Lanka Cricket announced on Thursday
The tour will primarily serve as preparation for the T20 Asia Cup, which will alsotakeplaceinSriLanka, for the hosts That tournament starts on July 20.
As for the West Indies, they just concluded a month-longtourofPakistan where they dominated both ODIandT20Iseries.
Thiswillbetheregional side’s last competitive action before the ICC Women’s T20 World Cup set for October 3-20 in Bangladesh.
The last time these two sides squared off in a bilateral series was back in
2017, where West Indies sweptSriLankaacrossboth T20IsandODIs.
The West Indians have dominated Sri Lanka in T20Is with a head-to-head record of 18-4 whereas in ODIs, the contest has been much closer with West Indiesleading18-14.
The ODI series will be played from June 15-21 in GalleandispartoftheICC Women’s Championship, which serves as a pathway tothe2025ODIWorldCup.
West Indies are currently seventh on the Women’s Championship points table and Sri Lanka eighth.
Top four teams, apart from hosts India, will get a directqualification.
TheT20Iswillbeheldin Hambantota from June 2428.
Wa r a m u r i
P r i m a r y,
B a r t i c a Secondary,Queen’sCollege, and Mackenzie High have eachsecuredthetopspotsin theirrespectivegroupsinthe GuyanaFootballFederationBlueWaterShippingUnder15Girls’NationalSecondary School Championship, advancing to the Round of 16.
The tournament, which beganonMay4,hasfeatured two days of play so far Waramuri Primary has emergedastheleadingteam in Region One (BarimaWaini), winning all their matches against Santa Rosa Secondary, Kwebanna Primary, and Kamwatta Primary to accumulate nine points.AlliaHenryhasbeen outstanding, scoring seven goals.SantaRosaSecondary follows closely, advancing withsixpointsfromvictories overKwebannaPrimaryand KamwattaPrimary,despitea
loss to Waramuri Primary
Veronica Chatta is their top scorer with six goals, supported by LetishaAustin withfourgoals.
In Region Four, Queen’s College has dominated the Georgetown North group with five consecutive wins, earning fifteen points Defeating teams like; New Campbellville Secondary, Institute of Academic
Excellence, North Georgetown Secondary, Chase’s Academic Foundation and St. John’s College in the process Rachel Joseph scored an impressive nine goals, and Anika DeFreitas added seven goals New Campbellville Secondary also moves to the Round of 16 with eight points from twowins.
Bartica Secondary Schooltoppedtheirgroupin Region Seven (CuyuniMazaruni) by winning a best-of-three series against
their only opponent, Three MilesSecondary,withatotal of nine points Nerismar Williams led their scoring withfourgoals.
In Region Ten (Upper
Demerara-Berbice), Mackenzie High finished first in their group with thirteenpointsfromvictories over Christianburg Wismar
Secondary, Linden Foundation, and Wisburg Secondary, along with a walkover win against Harmony Secondary and a draw with New Silver City Secondary
Christianburg Wismar Secondary also advanced with eight points, defeating Wisburg Secondary and Harmony Secondary, and drawing with Linden Foundation and New Silver
C i t y S e c o n d a r y Mackenzie’s Natalya Huntleyhasscoredsixgoals sofarinthecompetition.
Meanwhile, GFF
President Wayne Forde
SportsMax - The accolades of Jamaica and Manchester City striker Khadija ‘Bunny’ Shaw continue to mount, as she was voted the 2023/24 Barclays Women’s Super League(WSL)Playerofthe Seasonyesterday This announcement came on the heels of Thursday’s Football Writers’ Association (FWA) awards gala, where Shaw was officially presented with the FWA Women FootballeroftheYear trophy, a l o n g s i d e f e l l o w Manchester City star Phil Foden.Tosaytheseindividual acclaims are very much deserving would be an understatement given her exploitsthisseason,asshehas beenakeyfigureinCity’spush fortheWSLtitle.
The 27-year-old, whose season was cut short due to a broken leg, has registered 21 goals in just 18 appearances, while also providing three assists She’s on course for anotherprestigioushonourof finishing as the league’s top scorer, having incredibly averaged a goal every 66 minutesthisseason.
praised the dedication of all participating teams and congratulated the winners advancingtothenextround.
I are committed to making this tournament a success,” hesaid.
“With a few weeks left, we expectthe momentumto build and anticipate many more thrilling matches,” Fordeconcluded.
And it is just rewards for anotherphenomenalcampaign inwhichsheonceagainbroke newgroundinGarethTaylor’s side Shawisthefirstplayerto scorethreeWSLhat-tricksina calendar year, last year, and between November 2023 and January 2024, the forward againregisteredthreetreblesin justfourmatches. Finding the net in both WSL Manchester derbies, theJamaican’sclinicalfinish at the Etihad Stadium in March also saw her become City’s record goalscorer, as she swept past Georgia Stanwayintheprocess. Another crucial strike fromShawcameinCity’s10 win over Chelsea in
Manchester City Women and Jamaica striker Khadija Khadija ‘Bunny’Shaw
February,astheysecuredthe honour of being the first away side to take three points off the reigning c h a m p i o n s a t Kingsmeadow, in over three years.InsecuringthePlayer of the Season title, the prolific Jamaican fought off the sizeable challenge of City teammate Khiara Keating, who won the Golden Glove, as well as Chelsea duo Lauren James and Niamh Charles Arsenal’s Lotte WubbenMoy, Tottenham Hotspurs youngster Grace Clinton, Leicester’s Jutta Rantala, and Brighton’s forward ElisabethTerland,werealso inthemix.
“Thelasttwoweekendshave showcased fantastic football with exciting matches. It’s heartening to see the young ladies enjoying themselves, even when the results aren’t intheirfavour Myteamand
The tournament, featuring sixty schools and over a thousand female
student-athletes, also marks the beginning of the FIFA Football For Schools (F4S) programme’s competitive stage The competition continues today (May 18) with schools from six remainingregions,including teams from the East Bank, EastCoast,andGeorgetown SouthZones.
Sri Lanka Women to host West Indies for West three ODIs and three T20Is next month