Talks between the position about the interim GuyanaTeachers’Unionand payment those remain the the Ministry of Education on issues that caused the Monday produced no results standoff so the meeting was “The current strike action country’s education system. even as teachers are gearing adjourned with no definite call by the GTU has been The GTU said for almost to return to the streets today position. So that’s where we ongoing for over forty (40) four years, it has been trying for another day of protest are.” days highlighting the to negotiate with the actions. Earlier on Monday, GTU
- street protest to resume today
In a telephone interview in a statement said since its improved conditions in the Education/government a with this publication on establishment in 1884, it has education sector This strike multi-year proposal 2019Monday afternoon, GTU had a long history of has led to heightened 2023
President,Dr MarkLytesaid advocating for the rights and concerns among educators advocates for improved that there was no definite welfare of teachers and stakeholders across the salaries and benefits for positionmetandthemeeting However, the GTU said the nation.”
The union’s was adjourned He current negotiation deadlock Theunionadded,thatthe primary demands include explained: “the position has is seen as one of the most stalled discussions have salary increases, better not changed; the deadlock significant challenges in c

working conditions, non- development opportunities. the potential impact on the continues with regard to the recent years, given the 2018 uncertainty, with potential s
However, the union said quality of education and our timeframe and GTU’s strike lasted nine (9) days.

enhanced professional despite several efforts, no future generation. Many fear agreement has been reached, that prolonged standoff promptingthestrikeaction. without resolution has led to
Noting that it has disruptions in the school attended meetings (May calendar, affecting students’ 13thand14th,2024)withthe learning experiences. The Chief Labour Officer for latest move by the MoE agreed terms of resumption through Memorandum #8, which will pave the way for 2024 to cancel summative conciliation, however, these assessment for the final term meetings ended each day of this academic year is withminimalprogressonthe u n f o r t u n a t e T h e s e way forward. “The GTU has examinations pave the way attended these meetings in for students’ promotion to good faith and optimism for new levels, classes, and a swift resolution. Sadly, streamingexercises.Schools thereisnoindicationthatthe are now advised to conduct other party wishes to move continuous assessments the process forward. Despite which will affect an the MoE’s statement that understanding of the “ We r e c o g n i s e t h e learners’ true potential. The invaluable contribution of s e r i o u s n e s s o f t h e our teachers and are retrogressive step must be dedicated to ensuring they seen for what it is, no parent arefairlycompensated.” should accept this for their Deaf ears child. In response to the
The GTU said the cry impasse, the GTU has from teachers through their organised a series of unionhasfallenondeafears, activities and consultations notingthatwitheachpassing with its members to inform day, teachers incur a great and solicit their views on the level of stress due to their nextsteps.TheGTUcallson inability to make ends meet t h e g o v e r n m e n t t o due to their meagre salaries. demonstrate a greater “The ongoing strike has commitment and good faith sparked a wave of reactions to addressing the issues from various quarters, facedbyeducators.” parents, students, and The GTU said as the educational advocates. They situationunfolds,alleyesare have voiced concerns about (Continued on page 19)

ExxonMobil US$600M insurance also covers ‘parent company’ obligations
With hundreds of wells named insured’s parent redrilling and restoration such damage or destruction shouldbenotedthattheHigh based on his examination of being spud in Guyana’s and/or associated and/or cost, deliberate well firing, resulting from a common Court had mandated EMGL, thepermit.
Exclusive Economic Zone, affiliated and/or subsidiary making wells safe, cause, or from exposure to formerly Esso Exploration The ruling was had in a particularly the ExxonMobil and/orinterrelated,ownedor evacuation expenses, care, substantially the same and Production Guyana matter brought against Guyana Limited (EMGL) controlled.”
custody and control, conditions, or all heavy Limited (EEPGL), to EMGL by litigants, Godfrey led consortium presently Additionally, the policy underground control of well, weather damage to vessels provide an unlimited parent Whyte and Frederick producing crude from three also covers any person to pollution from properties, occurring during a single sea company guarantee to shield Collins,onMay3,2023. fields in the Stabroek Block whom the insured is obliged removal of wreck and/or passage between two ports the nation from the financial The matter has since and three more already by virtue of a written debris, social responsibility shall be deemed to result burdens of an oil spill. High
sanctioned, the matter of contract entered into before coverage.” from one Occurrence even Court Judge Sandil Kissoon government, with the insurance has taken on even any relevantAccident. Other These policies extend to though some of the losses had ordered, among other Caribbean Court of Justice greaterimportance. categories catered for under a single occurrence or event, making up the Occurrence things, that an ‘unlimited’ recently ruling in favour of With the public clamour the insurance policy under with the caveat should the mayoccurafterexpirationor parentguaranteebeprovided the administration to be a forthereleaseofinformation the definition for insured, US$500M not be enough, cancellation of this policy It by ExxonMobil Guyana, partytothecase.
e include, any director, then the US$100M would protections in place in the stockholder, partner, or fill in the gap, bringing the event of an oil spill offshore, employee of the insured. coveragetoUS$600M. g
n to For the purpose of the published the most recent consultantsandjointventure police, an occurrence is one-year Insurance Contract partners. defined to mean “one put in place by the oil major, According to the policy accident, loss, disaster or uptothetuneofUS$600M. up to US$100M would be casualty or series of It should be noted available for legal liabilities accidents, losses, disasters, howeverthatundertheterms arising out of all the insured or casualties arising out of ofthecontract,theinsuredor operations as scheduled in one event or continuous or beneficiaries are extended to relation to the scheduled repeated exposure to not only sub-contractors of operations. conditions which commence thecompany,butitsHouston Additionally, US$500M during the Period of Based,ParentCompany is to be made available for Insurance of this policy and
This much, can be the Operator’s Extra which cause physical loss, gleaned in the document that E x p e n s e s , m e a n i n g physical damage or were listed under definitions “expenses extended to destruction.” for those insured under the include unlimited redrill and Additionally, the Policy arrangement, at A (II) “the restoration costs, extended alsocatersforanyamountof

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Road fatalities and serious injuries from traffic accidentscontinuetobeofgreatconcern
Wehavelawsinplace,roadsthatarefamiliartomost citizens, and traffic officers usually visible or in motion. Ourroadusers,especiallydrivers,arenotunawareofwhat is expected of them. Similarly, our pedestrians and pedal cyclists must be sensitive to the nature of the roads they travel, inclusive of congestions and multiple perils that makeeverytrip,dailyventure,onourroadstheequivalent ofventuringintoawarzone.Thisisthenormconsidering theendlessthreatsandproblemsthatcanbeencounteredin anyjourney,includingtheshortestones.
Sinceallofthisiscommonknowledge,thenwhatisthe problem on our roads? Why are there these chronic concernsaboutsafetyandthemenaceofconstantpersonal jeopardy? Police authorities have their statistics, hard experiencesfromeyewitnessobservations,andmorethan comprehensiveinsightsaboutthecultureofourroadsand drivers.Thisisthehorrorofdailytrafficconditionsonour roads,theculturenowembedded,nowflourishing.
The Guyana Police Force confirms what ordinary citizens know the situation is that glaring. Drivers are reckless, drivers are speeding, drivers operate under the influence, and drivers have the greatest disregard for regulations and other users of the road. Following too closely at unhealthy speeds, constant honking of horns, andflashingheadlightsprovidelengthytrailsofevidence aboutimpatiencewithothers,hastetogetfromoneplace to another in the shortest time, and an overriding arrogance. Traffic violators are the most visible and audible, the obvious examples, of growing lawlessness that prevails across Guyana. Every man is a power in his owneyes,onenottobetamperedwith,onewithwhomto takechancescouldbackfireswiftly,horribly
The chronic lawlessness has several sides. First, road users, and this is not limited to drivers alone, form their own conclusions of who in high places break the law, including traffic laws, and are allowed to get away with doingso.Therearetoomanystoriesofpoliceroadblocks tosnaredrunkdrivers,onlyforattendingrankstobecalled off by a call made by an inebriated driver to some senior officer,whopassestheappropriateordertolettheoffender go.Second,uniformedtrafficofficersaremorenoticeable on our roadways, either on foot or on motorcycle patrol, but all too frequently, they either turn a blind eye to obviousviolations,oraretoobusytryingtoshakedownthe unwary or the weak. Third, at a wider arc, there is the widespreadperceptionthatpoliticiansandfriendsoperate byadifferentstandard,onelargelycriminal,andareable tomakehaywhilethesunshines.
Furious and frustrated road users first throw up their hands,thenthrowcautiontothewinds.Theywilltaketheir chances,andtoobadforwhoevergetsintheway,ismade tofeelthemanglingfromtheirabandontomadness.Ifthey (theleaderscangetawaywithmurder),thenwhynotthose operatingbelowtheradar?Inotherwords,whatisgoodfor theheadgooseisalsogoodforthelowlygander Driversof private vehicles, and some engaged in public transportation,stoporparkwherevertheyfeellike. Thisisregardlessofwhoisinconvenienced,orforhow long.Further,therearesomanytintedvehiclesontheroad todaythatthereisdifficultydistinguishingwhoisbehind the wheel, and who they could really be behind the forbiddingexterior Whenthesenotsolittlethingsagainst therulesarebrokenatwill,thenitisjustamatteroftime forthebiggertrafficviolationstobetakeninstridebyboth drivers,pedestrians,andotherusers.Wecrywhenthereis carnage, after that the routines of speed and discourtesy and disregard return in fuller force. When there is the perception that the law only applies to some, or more to somethantoothers,withthepolicecomplicit,thenchaos results.Wearelivingwiththatonourroads,aren’twe?
Jagdeo’s inaction on Dharmlall not surprising
DEAREDITORHere we go again, another woman is victimised,seeksjusticeand the former President, now Vice President and General SecretaryofthePPP,sayshe andtheparty’smaindecision makers will not seek to discipline nor distance itself fromNigelDharamlall.This is the second of such allegations made against Dharamlall. Last year, an Indigenous girl alleged that the former Minister had sexually assaulted her He
Everyone knows Nigel Dharamlall gets around, knows of his work campaigning and doing political work through hinterland communities on behalf of the PPP Now we have Jagdeo, who readers would remember, had told the nation that he was marriedtoVarshnie.Shewas asked by Jagdeo to vacate her residence and status as first lady In addition to Nigel Dharamlall, there are several other members and
executives of the PPP who have been accused by persons who detailed experiencing sexual assault bythem.Throughhisactions andtheactionsofthePPPhe represents, the Vice President is condoning the alleged sexual assault and
investigationasastrategyto hispolicyofinaction.
Guyanese are smarter
Mr Vice President, much smarter than you think we are.Asamatteroffact,over the years, it seems as if the
PPPhasbecomeahavenfor criminals and the immoral, albeit its alleged criminal and immoral characters SinceJagdeohasapolicyof inaction and non-action when dealing with such serious matters, I end this letter by encouraging all Guyanese who are facing criminal charges or accusationsofsexualassault and similar acts, to join the PPP You will be safe and evenpossiblyrewarded.
C.A.SinghWPAconcerned about Venezuela’s renewed aggression
The Working People’s Alliance views with much concern Venezuela’s renewed aggression towards Guyana First, the Venezuelan government’s passage of legislation making Essequibo a state of that country goes beyond mere provocation—it is a blatant violation of international law Second, theamassingoftroopsonour commonborderismorethan a show of unwarranted and unprovoked force These actions warrant the requisite sanctions by the United Nations—it is time the UN acts decisively WPA feels thatonlyUNsanctionsalong withsimilaractionsbyother h e m i s p h e r i c a n d international bodies will deter Venezuela which is clearly bent on using its military might to bully Guyana into submission
The world cannot wait until theVenezuelanarmycrosses the border to act—there is need for deterrent action now
When one takes into consideration what is taking place in Ukraine and Gaza, Guyanahaseveryrighttobe overly concerned about the most recent moves by Caracas.
Small states with weak military capacity such as oursareingravedanger Itis against that background that WPA is dismayed by our government’s tepid response.
While we welcome the move to the UN Security Council and statements of solidarity by the UK and other influential voices, we arenotsatisfiedthatthePPP g o v e r n m e n t i s demonstrating the necessary proactive leadership that the situation demands WPA
feared that with signing of the Argyle Accord our government would have gone to sleep. We also felt that the accord had played into the Venezuelan government’s hand and that the latter would not honour itsspirit. Unfortunately,our fears were not misplaced. But it is not too late for the government to do the right thing why, for example, informed and influential Guyaneseemissariesarenot making the rounds of influential capitals to make the case for deterrent action againstVenezuela?
WPA takes this opportunity to reiterate its call for a national allstakeholder mobilization both at the organizational andgrassrootslevels. Inthe absence of a strong and mobilized military, our strongest defense is a mobilized nation that leaves
little space for Venezuelan manipulation. Our deep political and other divisions must be subordinated to our national defense We therefore call on the governmenttomovebeyond phony patriotism that is confined to PPP rallies and photo-ops with the Opposition Leader WPA renews its call for a national taskforcethatrepresentsour broad political spectrum along with experts and professionals in the related fields.
There is no other way forward. Towards this end, wecallontheparliamentary oppositionnottoallowitself to be drawn into another political manoeuvre by the government. The Venezuela threat is too serious to be usedasapoliticalfootball.
DavidHinds Working People’s Alliance
and Equitable Development forALLGuyanese”
Guyana’s Consul General to New York, Ambassador Michael Brotherson praised Guyana government’svisionarypath of‘sustainableandequitable development for
ll Guyanese,’ in his uplifting speech at the Flag Raising Ceremony in the Town of Hempstead, Long Island on May 17, 2024, on the observanceofGuyana’s58th IndependenceAnniversary This day was also extra special for the career
diplomat with 30 years’ servicetohiscreditandwho happens to be the first Guyana’s Consul General to receive an award of excellencefromtheTownof Hempstead at the 58th Independence Anniversary FlagRaisingCeremony Ambassador Brotherson was gracious in his remarks whenheexpressedgratitude to the Town of Hempstead for the award, which they bestowed upon him. “I am indeed honored and humbled, and I accept it in
the name of all of Guyana.” He continued: “Guyana today remains a beautifully diverse,yetunifiedcountry.” Mindful of the country’s charismatic leader’s role in promoting unity and equity, Ambassador Brotherson declared, “Under President Ali’s shrewd leadership and progressivevisionfora‘One Guyana,’ the country has moved to unprecedented levels of economic growth and continues to make great progress in all the areas of development... This noble
objective of ‘One Guyana’ hasatitscorethesustainable and equitable development and prosperity for all Guyanese.”
Hempstead is an ethnically diverse township withapopulationof800,000 (equivalent to the size of Guyana’s population) and has a vibrant Guyanese community that adds richness to its growth and vitality The Town affairs is managed by a ‘Supervisor’ whohasasimilarstatusasa (Continuedonpage05)
Guyanesehashadavery difficult period of blackouts recently in most areas. The dependence on fossil fuel with aging and insufficient generators are the primary causes Hopefully, the power ship will temporarily alleviate the problem, until the gas to shore plant is operational. However, with the rapid growth of the economy,thegasmaynotbe sufficient to match the energy demand. Hence, there must be a continual search for more reliable, clean renewable energy sources. Yes,hydropoweris a good source, coupled with windandsolar Butnothing is being said of tidal energy, an available source of emissionfreepower
Justabackground. Tidal power is one of the earliest forms of renewable energy usedbymankind.Once,tidal water wheels were used to crush grains. Tidal power generation is based on a simplephysicalfact. Atidal stream turbine can use the kineticenergyofthemoving water to produce electricity
Many countries are harnessing tidal energy where the low and high tide variations and current velocity are sufficient to do
so. Oncetheinflow/outflow of the tidal water can turn a turbine, electrical engineers should be able to use generatorstoproducepower I have seen tidal variation of about 3 - 4m, occurringfourtimesperday on the coastlands of West CoastDemerara. The information is generalised, but the difference in tidal level varies with locations, shore bed elevations and the time/day on the lunar calendar For example, during spring tide at full moon, its higher A comprehensive database of tidalvariationsisneededfor thecoastlandtoidentifyand effectively exploit tidal energy The Government
Hydrographic Survey departmentmaywanttostart documentingtidalvariations and associated velocities at specific potential locations for tidal power It’s my understandingthatsuchdata doesnotexist.TheNARAD data at Georgetown and Parika does not adequately represent what Guyanese know as the difference between low and high tides, particularly at Parika (Source: www tideforecast com/locations/Pari

Guyana/tides/latest). Those ofuswhogrewupinthearea
knows that Parika experience larger tidal fluctuations.
In bays, creeks and similar narrow passages to the Atlantic, this difference inlowandhightidesiseven greater Forexample,inthe upper reaches of the Demerara River, the tidal variation and velocity of flowwithinthemainchannel aresignificantlygreaterthan atGeorgetown.
G u y a n a s h o u l d investigate this tidal variation to generate power GPL and by extension, the Government should start identifying suitable locationsandinstallturbines to generate small quantities ofpower Cumulatively,this would add up to a major input to the national grid. Perhaps, larger than the powerfromthegas-to-shore project.
Here is an example of a suitablelocation,Boeraserie Creek at De Kinderen, West Coast Demerara. In my youthfuldays,itwasalways a challenge to swim across the creek, within close proximitytotheestuarywith the Atlantic. There was a significant swift flow (greater than 3 m/s) in a
confined area, occurring four times a day, corresponding to the tidal fluctuations. That flow can certainlyturnasmallturbine to produce at least 3 -5 MW of power, if the conditions there did not change with coastalmodificationssinceI knew it. Why not start harnessing this power at Boeraserie and similar locations? De Kinderen and Meten-Meer-Zorg can use tidal power and avoid
extendedblackouts. If there are insufficient locationssuchasBoeraserie, tidal lagoons are an equal option. A tidal lagoon is simply a rock-walled impoundment built along a shallow ocean shoreline The lagoons trap the water during high tides and released it during low tides to create the required water level differential to turn a turbine.Onlyasmallpartof the bay can be used for the
creation of a lagoon. Hence, there should be minimal impacts to the ecosystem, if itisdesignproperly Canada is one of the countries leading with the utilization of tidal power The Bay of Fun day with a significant tidal fluctuation is providing tidal power for most of the Atlantic ProvincesinCanada.
Governmentshouldstartby (Continuedonpage09)
Sustainable and Equitable...
‘Mayor.’Thisroleisheldby Mr Don Clavin who also conferred an award on
RepresentativetotheUnited Nations.
Witnessing the Flag Raising Ceremony were staff members of Guyana’s diplomatic missions in New York and members of the Hempstead community DignitariesincludedTrustee Ms. Clariona Griffith (who is a Guyanese and who has beeninfluentialinhelpingto organize
); Hempstead Town Clerk, Kate Murray; Community Affairs Executive Director,

Zahid Syed; Ms Trudy King, Organizer; Mr Fazal ‘Joe’ Yussuff Advisor on Investment & Diaspora Affairs at the NY Guyana Consulate,amongothers. This Flag Raising event was hosted by Supervisor Mr Don Clavin, the Hempstead Town Board, and the Department of Public Affairs and put together by the Apostolic Caribbean Ch
AmbassadorBrotherson having thanked Supervisor Mr Don Clavin, the Hempstead Town Board, and the Department of Community Affairs for hosting the flag raising ceremony in observance of
Independence Anniversary, p
attendees that on May 24, 2024, the Guyana Consul General in conjunction with the Permanent Mission of Guyana to the UN, and the Office of the Mayor of New York City will host a major Flag Raising ceremony at the historic Bowling Green Park in Manhattan, New YorkCity
Guyanaisontheforward marchandthegoodlifethat had eluded Guyanese for decadeswouldsoongetinto theirgrasp.
Guyanesemustseizethe moment!

Justice delayed is justice denied
Recently, the United Nations Committee on Human Rights has rapped Guyana’s moribund Justice system on several grounds
dealing with non-
confirmation of the ChancellorandChiefJustice andcriticallyabouttheSloth and Independence of the Justicesystem.
Sir, the UN is absolutely correct in their observations and the average Guyanese cannot expect to get Justice
from our system as the wheels of Justice turn excruciatingly slow and many persons die before theircasesareheardortheir witnessespassonormigrate; meanwhile, the lawyer may have collected all or a great partoftheirfees.
Can we not have a system here agreed by the Bar and the Judiciary with regardstoafeestructurethat is approved and reviewed periodically say every three yearssothatlitigantsarenot
charged fees on an adhoc basis and further some regulation in place preventing lawyers form demanding 100 % of fees in advance or a significant portion of it paid upfront knowing fully well the case can be in the Court for a decade or more after being called up and put down several times at the whims and fancies of lawyers, JudgesandMagistrates?
In fact, I personally believe that Guyanese will

continue to emigrate because of a number of factors such as crime, government bureaucracy, etc. but one of the factors is the fact that the average person does not believe that he or she will get Justice if and when they are involved inLitigation.
Editor, I know of many personswithimportantcases at the Court of Appeal for many years and no one knowswhenthesecaseswill becalledupforadecisionto be made, can an online systemnotbeputinplaceso that Litigants can check if their cases will be called up/heardin1yearor2years or 6 years? In this regard while I understand more Judges will be appointed shortly, there must be an agreement for longer work hours and shorter holiday periodsfortheofficersofthe Court in order to make a significant dent on the backlog which really makes Guyana look like a fourthrate country and is in fact, a
national disgrace. In recent times, many of the
Judgments of the Guyana Court of Appeal have been reversed outright by the Caribbean Court of Justice and this points also to the CompetenceoftheJudgesas well. We must develop a systemofbeingabletosack COA Judges who have say three or more of their decisions in a year totally reversed by the CCJ as they are wasting taxpayers funds and denying justice to the generalpopulace.
Recently, the Attorney General Nandlall taking a cue from Barbados has called out for recalcitrant and delinquent Judges who failtogivewrittendecisions on time to be “defrocked” Mr Attorney General, President of the Bar Association and Madam Chancellor(ag) why can we not get this effected immediately?
OurLawyersandJudges seemtobeabovetheLaw If you are employed in any
other sector of this society, youcanbefiredjusttheway youwerehired!
Also many practising lawyers do not represent their clients’ interest in a professional manner with manycasesbeingadjourned s
t y o r unpreparedness of the Attorney or of course in other cases unavailability of aMagistrateorJudge.
We have just seen that theGuyanaMedicalCouncil has finally taken action against recalcitrant Doctors sus
nding one and removing another one from the medical Register of Practitioners when will we see such action being taken by the Guyana Bar Association?
I look forward to informed comments from competent individuals and definitely a reply from the top officials mentioned aboveplustheGBA.

Man doesn’t mind relaxing in jail for stealing items
The convicted, Troy Lord at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court
GPHC receives state-of-art camera to treat kidney disease from Caribbean Vending Services
The Georgetown Public Services) stated that its aim urological service to would significantly reduce
Hospital Corporation is to work with the hospital Guyanese The LithoVue surgery times and hospital (GPHC) on Monday and its doctors to provide system, a state-of-the-art stays, enabling many received several LithoVue Guyanese with the highest flexible camera, enables patients to undergo samescopes from Caribbean quality of healthcare urologists to access and treat day surgeries for large renal Vending Services to treat possible. Furthermore, they stones in the ureter and stones.“ThescopesareFood kidneydiseases. stated that the project is to kidneys with remarkable and Drug Administration
According to a press improve the quality of life precision and without any (FDA) approved devices release, the project was a for patients who are incisions. made by decades of research collaborative effort between suffering from complex It is noted in the press andcutting-edgetechnology the GPHC, University of kidney diseases. Dr Chris release also, that donation of Our high-quality products California, San Francisco Prashad made the donation the scopes has already enable health care doctors to (UCSF), and Boston on behalf of the company It facilitated the treatment of deliverexceptionalcarewith Scientific Technology is also important to note that around 28 patients suffering less invasive and more (Caribbean vending service Boston Scientific boasts the from complex renal stone accessible devices and distributor). world’s leading medical diseases. Furthermore, with solutions”, the Caribbean
T h e c o m p a n y consumables which will the use of these scopes Vending Services stated in (Caribbea
alongside a holmium laser, theirpressrelease.

A 43-year-old garbage collector appeared before Senior Magistrate Clive Nurse on Monday to answer to charges presentedagainsthim.
Themanwasarraignedonthechargeof‘Larcenyfromthe person’. Troy Lord is accused of committing larceny from Gail Bento, on May 18, 2024, at Stabroek Market Georgetown. The stolen items include one Apple iPhone APlusvaluedat$145,500GYD,apurseworth$3000GYD,and $27,700Guyanacurrency,totaling$174,000GYD.
When asked by Senor Magistrate Nurse how he pleads, Lordstated,“I’mguilty,guiltyascharged”.Onthementioned date,around10:00h,Bento,a25-year-oldAmerindianfemale, residing in Samatta Point, Grove, East Bank Demerara, was walking in a westward direction while holding her cellphone andpursecontainingthemoneymentionedinthecharge.
The woman stated to the police that she felt someone snatchherbelongingsfromherhand,anduponlooking,she (Continued on page 12)

US$2BoilspillguaranteerequiresExxonM tooperateinaccordancewithPermits
The ramping up of oil Exxon currently has
Block by American oil the Stabroek Block that are
production in the Stabroek three projects operational in Meanwhile, CNOOC
unsatisfied Environmental major, ExxonMobil is not producing above the safe organizedinHongKongand Obligations in accordance covered by the US$2 billion operating limits outlined in Exxon Equity Holding with applicable Laws of oil spill guarantee provided the EIAs. Just yesterday, Company is the Guarantor Guyana, collectively up to a bytheCo-Venturers. Kaieteur News reported that for CNOOC and Exxon, m
The affiliate company A t t o r n e y - a t - L a w , respectively Each partner calculated as (a) EEPGL’s guarantee, seen by this Christopher Ram warned has a share in the US$2B Share multiplied by (b) two newspaper, makes it explicit that the insurance company Guarantee relative to its billion dollars United States’ “...the Operator is permitted can refuse to compensate the participating interest in the currency (USD $2.0 billion) to carry out the activities countryforanydamagesasit
Petroleum Agreement (the“MaximumAmount”).” a u
s e d b y t h e knowingly allowed the
According to the document Despite ordering the Environmental Permits in operator to breach safe which features identical US$2B guarantee, Justice of accordance with their operatinglimits. provisions for each of the Appeal Rishi Persaud ruled
partners, “In the event that in February this year that the conditions.” petroleum production, there EEPGL (or ExxonMobil Court of Appeal had no

The Environmental is a safety margin below the Guyana) fails to satisfy jurisdiction to summon the operator of the Stabroek Kissoon called for an Permits granted by the rated productive capacity of E E P G L
f EPA to produce evidence Block with a 45% interest, unlimited parent company Environmental Protection a well. Not only is there an Environmental Obligations that ExxonMobil Guyana
guarantee to be provided to
approved based on the somethingcangowrong,but applicable Laws of Guyana guarantee. The summons to
Exploration Ltd. holds 30%
OC ProtectionAgency (EPA) by Environmental Impact that when it does, the (a “Default”), the Guarantor see the US$2B [interim] Petroleum Guyana Limited June 10 or the Liza Phase A
s (EIAs) insurance companies will hereby irrevocably and guarantee was filed by holds 25% interest. Appeal OneProjectPermitwouldbe conducted by Exxon. These refuse to pay because you unconditionally guarantees Senior Counsel, Seenath Court Judge, Justice Rishi suspended. documents outline the have breached the safety the full, complete and Jairam in association with Persaud had or
company’s plans to produce limit ” Moreover, Ram p
yment of AttorneysMs.MelindaJanki ExxonMobil Guyana to Guarantee and Indemnity oil at a specific capacity and cautioned that the oil E E P G L’s S h a r e o f and Mrs.Abiola Wong-Innis lodgeaUS$2Bparentand/or Agreement was entered into assess the damage of an oil companies too can refuse to Environmental Obligations, on behalf of public interest affiliate company guarantee on June 9, 2023 by the spill accordingly The accept responsibility since i
h o u t litigants,GodfreyWhyteand as a condition to a stay of Executive Director of the Floating Production Storage the Government was not limitation, payment to the Frederick Collins The executiongrantedonalower EPA, representing the and Offloading (FPSO) only aware of the breached Beneficiary, in accordance Guarantee and Indemnity court’s order That order, Government of Guyana vessel is also designed to safe operating limits but with this Guarantee and A
originally issued by High
e d accordancewiththeEIAs. ExxonMobil is the aggregate unpaid amount onMay11,2024.
produce crude oil in condonedandsupportedit. IndemnityAgreement,ofthe Gazetted by the government Court Judge, Justice Sandil C

Justice must be for all
It is an undeniable fact that women are the main victims of sexual violence, includingrape.Anditisalso a fact that men are the ones mostaccusedperpetratorsof sexual violence. However, the fact that a person is accused does not mean that thepersonisguilty
The question of guilt or innocence must be determinedbyacourtoflaw
Itisnotdeterminedinacourt of public opinion. Guilt or innocence is determined afteratrial,notpriorto.One of the principles which is used to ensure a fair system ofjusticeisthepresumption of innocence. This concept simply translates to mean that a person is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty
But the presumption of innocence fundamentally is about the burden of proof. The burden rests on the prosecution to establish the guilt of the accused. The prosecution must establish the guilt of the accused
beyond a reasonable doubt. This safeguard ensures that justiceisnotonlydonebutis seen to be done, protecting individuals from wrongful conviction and societal retribution based on unproven allegations. The integrityofthelegalprocess isthereforepivotaltojustice.
A political figure has been accused of raping a woman. It is an allegation. And the accused person must be granted, in all fairness, the presumption of innocence. Yet, we find certain groups in Guyana wanting to put a noose around accused persons necks even before theinvestigationshavebeen completed into criminal complaints.
In a matter presently in the spotlight, a group of persons want an accused persontoexitpubliclife.But can such a claim be made without conflicting with the presumptionofinnocence?
The principles of justice and the presumption of innocence ensure that every
individual, regardless of the accusations levied against them,issubjecttoafairand unbiased investigation and trial An impartial investigation is crucial in upholding the presumption of innocence. It involves a thorough, unbiased examination of all evidence andtestimoniesrelatedtothe a c c u s a t i o n S u c h investigations are essential in ensuring that the truth is uncoveredandthatjusticeis served, whether that results in the exoneration or conviction of the accused.
The integrity of this process is pivotal; any deviation can lead to miscarriages of justice, undermining public confidence in the legal system.
Tidal power as a possible...
studying the Canadian example. I recognise that the Bay of Fundy has the largest tidal fluctuations in the world, capable of producing7Gigawattsofpower However, theprincipleofusingthetidalfluctuationsis the same, at a smaller scale. In fact, most of the power for Novia Scotia and New Brunswickisderivedfromsmallbayswithin theBayofFundy
It is acknowledged that there are some
environmental issues with using turbines in tidalcreeksandthecreationofatidallagoon. Potentially,theturbinescanaffectnavigation and the ecosystem. Nevertheless, it’s a sourceofenergyproductionthathastheleast environmental impacts. Hopefully, GPLand the Government will investigate the feasibility of implementing at least one test location.
Respectfullysubmitted, RamDharamdial
De ‘isms’ still deh deh
De PPP bin tek a big eraser and scratch out Marxism-Leninism and socialism from dem Constitution. But dem seh dem just wan get rid ah all de “isms.” But here’s de bigjoke,people.Demcyan get rid ah “isms” so easy likehowyuhwouldathrow outabadcoconut.
Imagine de party gone todedictionary,pickoutde Marxism and de socialism, and fling dem out de window Dem seh de PPP nahgatno“isms”now,but dem forgot some big ones still hanging ‘round like uninvitedguestatafreebar wedding.
Fuh instance, how yuh gon’tek out socialism and forgetcronyism?Cronyism still deh, smiling like a cat datcatcharat.Everyother dayyuhhearhowsomebig contract gone to some
favoured person. Yuh see, cronyismsocomfortablein dePPP,itmightaswellrent aroom.
And what about capitalism? That one hiding in de corner, laughing its head off. De PPP saying dem nah wan no “isms,” but all dem big
projects and fancy buildings showing dem
secretly love a lil capitalism. Is big business running de show, and de smallmanleffuhsucksalt. Lehwetalkaboutsome other isms dem forgot fuh scratchout.
Nepotism still making de rounds like a dutty old shoe dat yuh can’t get rid of.Everyministrygotsome family member sitting pretty
And don’t even mention corruptionism That one so big, it coulda
In 2020, following the deaths of two teenagers in WestCoastBerbice,persons from the Regional Security System were brought in to review the investigation
However, local law enforcement must be allowed to do their work since they are quite capable of investigating fairly complaints, including those involving highly-placed politicalpersons.Theriseof social media and instant communication have amplified the influence of public opinion on legal processes The court of public opinion often operates on incomplete information, emotional responses,andbiases,which can lead to premature judgments and unjust demands.
Perhapswhenitcomesto cases involving persons in positions of influence and power, it should be necessary to have the investigation overseen by external and independent investigators There is a precedentforthis:duringthe investigation into allegations of rape against a former Commissioner of Police, investigators from Jamaica were brought in to reviewtheprocess.
A political figure accused of a serious crime such as rape, faces intense scrutiny and pressure from the public and media. In Guyana,forinstance,certain groups have demanded that an accused individual step down from public life even before the investigation has concluded.
While such reactions may attract public attention and sympathy especially given the gravity of the accusation, they conflict with the principle of the presumption of innocence. This tension between the need for justice for the victim and the rights of the
get a seat in Parliament.
And then there is nepotsism.
Now, leh we come to Jagdeoism. Ah, this one funnybad.Yuhcanscratch out all de other isms, but yuhcan’ttouchJagdeoism. Is like trying to get rid of pepper in a curry –impossible! De man run thingstight,andheshadow so long, it cover de whole party So when de PPPseh dem done with “isms,” don’t buy that story, boys and girls. De “isms” still there,justhidingundernew names, wearing new clothes,andsmilingbroad. Demboyssehifyuhreally wanttoscratchout“isms,” yuh might as well change de whole party, because yuh cyan just tek out some andlefderest,likepicking peasoutofrice. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
accused must be balanced with utmost care to ensure fairness for all parties involved. In some cases, it may be reasonable for an accused person to step aside from their public role temporarily during an investigation This action can be seen as necessary to maintain the integrity of the investigation, avoid conflicts of interest, and uphold public trust
However, this decision should be guided by clear criteria and not by public pressurealone.
For instance, if the accusedholdsapositionthat directly influences the investigation or where their continued presence could hinder the process, stepping aside might be necessary This is often seen in formal public offices where the individual has significant power or influence In contrast,iftheaccusedisan elected executive of a political party without formal governmental authority, the rationale for steppingasideislessclear W
d individualshouldexitpublic life, several factors must be weighed. Firstly, the nature of the public role and the potential impact on the investigation should be assessed Secondly, the rights of the accused to maintain their position until proven guilty must be respected.
Demanding that someone resign from a position within a political party, especially when they do not hold a formal public

office, can undermine the presumption of innocence. Politicalfigures,byvirtueof theirvisibilityandinfluence, areoftenheldtohighethical standards. However, these standards must not erode their legal rights If an elected executive of a politicalpartyisaccused,the partymightconsiderinternal measures to address the situation.
Justice demands that the rightsanddignityofvictims of sexual violence are upheld This includes ensuring that their allegations are taken seriously, investigated thoroughly, and prosecuted vigorously when warranted. Atthesametime,justicealso requires that accused individualsaretreatedfairly, with their rights protected throughoutthelegalprocess. Those who seek justice on behalf of others must themselves act justly Advocacyforvictimsshould not entail presuming the guilt of the accused or bypassing due process. A balanced approach that supports victims while upholding the presumption of innocence and ensuring impartial investigations is essentialfortruejustice.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)


There is something if they did, it is doubtful beyond their capabilities what is of a character all by conclusions, and call rather strange going on in whether they have what is Such competencies were itself, and in a class that things as they are Guyana today What makes required to have the fullest sketchy to begin with, all cannotbeboughtorsold,nor Unaided. Unfettered. it strange is that it is the understanding of what is things considered, and with pretended at, nor denied and Unscripted. reverse of the supposedly before them. The narratives every benefit and edge suppressed. It is the logic of They do not have the natural order of things. The and sophistications of the given.Inaggregate,theseare commonsense The skills to do what some of sees and absorbs, by how his ordinary Guyanese man and language may be way over the contexts of their weighing of what is in the their fellow citizens are own have yielded and woman are looking on, their heads, their limited handicaps,whattheygrapple environment and arriving at doing through newspapers betrayed Surely the o b s e r v i n g v a r i o u s e x p o s u r e s T h e with in this era of untold a place of the highest and networks. But, in their brighter and wiser and much developments and situations mathematics and the promised grandeur for every wisdom: this can’t be right. hearts, they harbour thick smarterinthedomesticarena in their country and their statistics and logic of one set single Guyanese. But the Just cannot be. For they perceptions of all that have (and those afar also) cannot government and opposition. of circumstances and common citizen has have the inbred honesty and gone wrong because they be that disconnected from They don’t have access to another, and then the whole something that is priceless, simple decency to assess the started out wrong, because wherethelittlepeopleare. much information, and even sum of them, are sure to be what cannot be matched, situations, come to their own original wrongs continue Ordinary Guyanese have with baseless justifications their work and their humble that only make matters more homestead. Theyloseoneor wrong. Indeed, more than a theother[orboth],anditisas few allow themselves to be if life itself has ebbed out of swayed by ties and them The small man allegiances. We know them doesn’t come out in the well in Guyana, don’t we? public space, for he could But there are those in the lose everything. So, he is ranks of the man-in-the- prudent enough to hold his street who are upset that first tongue while thinking all the they are being taken for time. It is about what is not granted, and next dismissed healthy, what is detrimental. asfools. Thosewhorespond In contrast, the proficient is critically to tactics that they versed in a plethora of skills could be effortlessly andways. Theycanstartout influenced away from their ontheirown,ortheycanstart commonsense logic about over somewhere else, carve whatdoesnotaddup. theirownspace.

They are uneasy as to T h e y n e e d o n l y why there are so many themselves and their visions secrets,thereasonsforthem, for themselves, and the will and why they escalate to a to make it happen. But here matteroflifeanddeath. And it is now customary that the to top it all off, the regular main priority is to do what it John and Jane Doe of city takes, and play any game, and village stir in their mind and sell any story, to show is it and why is it such maintain their closeness to an unpardonable crime to prosperity. think for oneself first, think Ortolaythegroundwork differently second, and then to enhance their prospects have courage to speak out and a better chance of with the conscience of featheringtheirnests. These troubledandanxiouscitizen. are stiff prices for which the Now for the $64,000 wise of Guyana readily question. Since the small cheapen themselves If manandsmallwoman(some nuanced hairsplitting is not so small children also) required, it’s done. When can see what they see, and outright deceptions think how they think about (including willful selfhuge public things in deceptions) are compulsory, G u y a n a , a n d t h e i r that’s easy Who is conning surrounding schemes and whom? Who is for selfsecrets, and the range of advancement and selfdisagreements and questions enrichment? Whoisplaying that arise, what happened to dumb and flourishes in selfall the educated and bright denial? and the best of Guyana? The small man and How is it that they are woman in Guyana may not suddenly so limited that the have much. But he or she same wise men and women has mastered commonsense, cannotseewhathasunfolded the raw ethics of the here, be it for gold or primitive earth, and they governance? What has been havemadeliarsandfraudsof done, what drives our thewise. thinkers with some strain of The ordinary man knows Guyanese heritage that they a con when he sees one, he have surrendered self- thinkscleanlyaboutit,andis respect, abandoned abilities better for doing so natural and tutored, and Meanwhile, wisdom thrives dodge dealing in the ondecay currency of honesty? The (The views expressed in smallmanislookingtothose this article are those of the who he trusted to do the best a u t h o r a n d d o n o t forhim. necessarily reflect the He is appalled at what he opinions of this newspaper.)

AGM raked in US$185 million from Guyana’s gold project last year
Zijin Mining Group Co.
Ltd, a Chinese-state owned mining giant operating in Guyana, through its subsidiary Aurora Gold Mine (AGM) has disclosed thatthecompanymadesome US$185 million from its operations in Guyana in 2023.

Aurora mining operation in Guyana
(Source: Zijin)
Last year, some 3 tonnes (105,821,880 ounces) of goldwereproducedfromthe Guyana project For this year, the company is ramping up production, with a plan to produce 3.7 tonnes (130,515,652 ounces) of gold.Zijin’soverallearnings for 2023 were about US$4 billion last year The company reported a remarkable 20% increase in anticipated to surpass an Guyana’s mining landscape characterized by Orogenic However, after Zijin Mining declarations for the first 6 gold production for the year annual gold production of 4 was solidified in August gold deposits It boasts took charge, production months last year The 2023. This surge marks a tonnesoncefullyoperational 2020 when they acquired the sub
resumed, and the venture ministry attributes the significant rise in their The mining company also largest gold mines operation Resources, inclusive of turned profitable in the same decline to low declarations output, with the company disclosed that the phase 1 in
yearasitsacquisition. made by small and medium stating a production of 67 underg
ning Canadian-ownedAGM for a containing approximately 6 Moreover, Guyana’s scale miners. It was stated tonnes of gold, compared to construction project in substantial sum of US$238 millionouncesofgoldwitha annual gold declaration has that at the end of June 2023, the 56 tonnes produced in Guyana was completed in million. grade of 2.54 grams per been on the decline since gold declarations stood at 2022. 2022 Itisexpectedthatphase The Aurora gold project, tonne. Notably, the project 2017 The Ministry of 209,756 ounces, compared Zijin stated that theAGM 1 of the underground mining originally developed by encountered financial Finance Mid-Year-Report with 236,728 ounces during project has resources of 184 projectoftheAGMwillreach Guyana Goldfields, operates setbacks leading to its for 2023 highlighted that the same period last year, an tonnes(5 6millionounces)of thedesignatedusablestagein in the Cuyuni-Mazaruni
there was a drop in gold 11.4%decrease. gold The company also July2026 region as both an open-pit shared plans for the project’s The Chinese Mining and underground mining expansion, highlighting Group’s presence spans operation, sprawling across ongoing technological across 17 provincial-level an extensive area of 12 enhancements and process regions in China and square kilometers or 2,965 optimizations With a current encompasses operations in acres. Zijin now possesses daily output of 7,500 tonnes, 15 countries worldwide, full ownership of this theprojectaimstoachieveits including their ventures in project, which is actively nameplate capacity, Guyana. Their foothold in o p e r a t i o n

Man doesn’t mind relaxing in jail for...
From page 7 Lord was then taken into custody at the saw Lord running past her with the stolen Brickdam Police Station and charged for the items. Bento immediately chased after the offence. man and raised an alarm. With the help of During the court proceedings, Senior public-spirited persons and the police, Lord Magistrate Nurse informed the man of the wasapprehendedwiththestolenitemsinhis sentencethatisusuallygiventopersonswho possession. The police informed him of the steal items worth 175,000 GYD or more. allegations and cautioned him, to which The man in response, stated that he did not Lord responded, “I’m sorry for what mind spending the time. Furthermore, he happened;meneverknowduhgirlcouldrun stated that “I could use the time in prison to sofast”. relax”.Duetotheseriousnessoftheoffence,
The stolen items were recovered, Senior Magistrate Nurse sentenced the man photographed, and returned to the victim. to12monthsinprison.

Olmac treats first dialysis patient Pope London dies at 69

One week after Olmac Medical Hub patients, not only on the West Coast but Guyana opened its doors in Vreed-en-Hoop, acrossthecountry ThakoordaiChotoo,78,of WestCoastDemerara,itsfirstdialysispatient Leonora, West Coast Demerara was Olmac’s wastreatedonMonday first dialysis patient. The elderly woman Dialysis is the removal of waste product previously travelled to Georgetown thrice in the blood stream. “The non-functioning weeklyforcare. kidney gets an artificial kidney to purify the The dialysis process usually takes about blood and return the purified blood to the fourhours.OliveSinclair,aRegisteredNurse system and the waste blood is cleaned,” Dr atthefacilitywhoisalsoadialysistechnician Phillip McPherson, proprietor of Olmac saidshewashappythatOlmacisofferingthis explained. service as this will save patients time and Hetold Kaieteur News hewasexcitedthat resources by avoiding to travel to Region the Centre could offer the best treatment to Four.
Philbert London who changed his name some years ago to Pope Emanuel passed away yesterday at a private hospital in the cityaftercomplainingoffeelingunwell.
“To our Revelation and Miracle Power , HOM family and friends, it is with a heavy heart we announce that our beloved Pope, father, mentor, teacher and friend @PopeEmanuel London went to be with the Lord,” London’s church said in a notice on its Facebook.
“ButIwouldnothaveyoutobeignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again,evensothemalsowhichsleepinJesus will God bring with him [1 Tess 4:13-14],” thechurchnoted.
London an avid golf player had founded his church, which was housed on D’Urban Street,Georgetown.

Barber chops customer over stolen cellphone
A 32-year-old labourer was chopped by Rampersaud’s cellphone while he was hisbarberonMondayallegedlyoverastolen present.Furthermore,anargumentbrokeout phone at Zeelugt, East Bank Essequibo between the two and subsequently escalated (EBE). into a fight where Singh dealt two stab
The victim is identified as Keshan Singh wounds to Rampersaud In retaliation, ofZeelugt,EBEandthesuspectidentifiedas Rampersaud armed himself with a cutlass 35-year-old Ganesh Rampersaud, a barber anddealtSinghonechoptohisleftforearm. and cane harvester According to police Singh was then taken to the Georgetown reports, on the specified day around Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) for 21:30hrs, Singh was at the suspect’s barber treatment where it is confirmed that he shop during which he was cutting someone received minor injuries. Investigations are else’shair.Itwasallegedthatthevictimstole ongoing.

Regional Executive Officer (REO) Susanah Saywack signing one of the contracts on Saturday.
The Regional Democratic contract with Triple PConstruction Council (RDC) of Region Two is &GeneralSuppliestoconstructthe moving to have a new and farmer’swharf.Itwasrevealedthat improved farmer’s wharf this new structure is set to benefit constructed at Charity, to the tune farmers coming out of the of$16million. Pomeroon area with produce to the

The access dam at Devonshire Castle (Phase 2) which will be upgraded for $44 million.

The site allocated for the construction of the Mainstay Lake Primary School.
Thisisaccordingtoinformation market as well as the residents. released by the RDC which stated Kaieteur News understandsthatthe that on Saturday the Regional current structure is in a deplorable Executive Officer (REO) Susanah state and residents had raised Saywack led a team from the concerns to have the structure be Engineering Department including rehabilitated. Regional Engineer Mr Kawan The RDC noted that the other Suchit, Civil Engineer Mr projects signed are for the Harindra Nandalall, Electrical upgrading of Access Dam at when constructed will also create blockjusttonameafew to Cross Street Vilvoorden by Engineer, Mr Avinash Ramlall and Devonshire Castle (Phase 2) and better access to farm lands in the The REO also inked a project G
Superintendent of Works Mr this will be done by Guycan area. The regional team then went for the upgrading of Muscle Street $22,826,900. The RDC disclosed Saywack Persaud, and signed six Investment for $44,997,320. This intoMainstayLake;there,theREO Johanna Cecilia with contractor, that this road was previously a mud contracts totalling $185,005,555 newly upgraded access dam will be signedacontractwithK&JPersaud Vision X Construction & Supplies dam which did not allow residents forinfrastructuralworksaroundthe done with compacted loam and is Contra
to the tune of $25,966,900. This toaccesslandsinthearea. Kaieteur Essequibo Coast. These projects aimed at creating better access to $49,547,655 to build a primary roadissettobeaconcretestructure News understands that this road were awarded through the National farmlandsforthefarmers. school in the village. According to with a concrete drain alongside and will now be upgraded using
r A $25,549,000 contract was the RDC, this new state-of-the-art will benefit residents living concrete allowing farmers and Administration Board (NPTAB) signed with Pooran Manman two-storey school will include alongside the current loam road, residents better access to their office. General Construction Services and terrazzo floors for the lower flat of creating better access to their lands. The works also caters for a Of the six projects, the RDC it is for the construction of a bridge the building and porcelain tiles homes. concretedrainalongsidetheroadto shared that it signed a $16,117,780 at Devonshire Castle. The bridge corridor and a seven-unit sanitary Finally, upgrading will be done allowforadequatedrainage.
Power ship at maximum capacity - GPL

The Guyana Power and Light Incorporated (GPL) on Monday confirmed via a post on its Facebook Page that the powershipisnowoperatingatitsmaximumcapacityadding 36megawatts(mw)tothegrid.
The brief statement said that, “On Saturday, May 18, 2024, the powership incrementally increased its generation output to 35MW to the Demerara-Berbice Interconnected System (DBIS). A capacity test was completed today (Monday),confirmingthepowershipisnowatitsmaximum capacity of 36MW This significant boost in generation has resultedinareductioninserviceinterruptions.”
ThispublicationreportedearlierthismonththatGPLhad saidtherewasonly18megawattsgenerationconnectedtoits Demerara Berbice Interconnected System (DBIS) from the Turkishownedkarpowership.
“The remaining generation will be added to the grid incrementally during the course of the coming week,” GPL hadstatedbackthen.
Guyana chartered the vessel to supply some 36MW of power to its electricity grid in order to alleviate the current black-out crisis.The Power Company had promised that the additional 36MW of power would have been connected to thegridonMay8.
Kaieteur News understands that the power company had experienced some minor technical challenges which resultedintheconnectionoftheadditionalpowertothegrid beingdelayed.Itisunclearifalloftheminortechnicalissues havebeenresolved.

Porter needed for truck. For more information Call: 6611000.
Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
One general cleaner, Must be able to assist in the preparation of vegetables. $4000 per day. Call: 696-2520
One arc Welder, Handy boy and lorry drivers needed. Living accommodation provided. Call: 627-5043/ 639-1315.
One male driver to do personal and business chores, Ages 25-50 years residing on W.C.D or W.B.D Call:624-0239
One male able- bodied Staff. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954. One female able-bodied Staff. Call: 225-2313, 658-8559.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Vehicle for sale 1-Modlem Truck $2.5 Million Contact: 650-0402 / 652-0251

Place to rent at Vreed-enhoop junction for Lessons, Church, Office,Storage Bond, other.. Call: 603-6400
4 bedroom, fully furnished apartment at 21 Seafort street, Campbellville. For more information call: 621-5140.
Living and Business Quarter for rent at James and Hunter Street. Visit Location for more information Call: 674 0614.
Body of missing pensioner found in Essequibo River
Police are currently investigating a suspected drowning involving a 71-year-old woman from Karrou Village, Essequibo River.
Live-in housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virginia, USA. Free room & boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.
One clerk for TSI Eccles office.English & Mathematics,grade 2.Email application:techserigy@yahoo.com or call 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area call: 615-9132
Male cleaner for Eccles call:615-9132 or 645-8443
Auto electrician and Mechanics needed send your CV To: omaransarimi@ gmail.com contact :618-7066
Vacancy at P.S.G.C.S for Cleaner, Mason, Carpenter, Fabricator/ Welder, Security, Labourers & Maintenance Workers. Call: 621-6969/ 6157784.
Vacancy exist for one labourer. Call: 677-8104.
Vacancies for cooks, Salesgirls, Cashiers & porter boys. Contact GK Variety store, Robb & King street, 653-0475.
Vacancies Exist for SECURITY GUARD and CARPENTER Call or WhatsApp: Saoud Osman – 643-9861 / 611-6151 Location: Happy Acres, ECD
We are hiring an inventory clerk. contact : +592 700-1196 for more information

Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 6838734/ 654-9711.
For low cost repairs for AC units, refrigerators, freezers, gas stoves, washing machine, dryers, etc. Call: 6294946, 225-4822.
The woman went missing between May 15 and May 19, 2024. The victim, identified as Philistine Franci, also known as ‘PI,’ was reported missing from her home and was last seen on May 15, 2024, in the
village. According to police reports, on May 16, 2024, around 13:00hrs, they received information regarding a body in the Essequibo River. Consequently, a search party comprising the police and residents went to the location.
On Sunday, May 19, 2024, around 16:30hrs, the body was discovered in the vicin-
ity of Hubakabra, Karrou Village, Essequibo River. Upon examination, it was determined to be a female of Amerindian descent suspected to be Franci.
The body was found floating face down, dressed in a burgundy skirt and a multi-coloured top. The release added that due to the decomposing state of the
body, no sign of violence could have been observed. The scene was processed by the police, and the body was transported to the Bartica Regional Hospital, where Franci was pronounced dead upon arrival. The body has been temporarily stored and will be transported to Georgetown for a postmortem examination.
New law on the cards for ‘speeding drivers’
The Government of Guyana is moving to update its laws in order to cater for the use of speed cameras, as part of its “road intelligent system.”
According to the Explanatory Memorandum accompanying the proposed piece of legislation, the system will allow for cameras to be fitted onto traffic lights throughout Guyana. This is in order to allow for photographs to be taken of vehicles in violation of the speeding and seatbelt
...as Govt. looks to install camera-traps
laws. The photograph, along with a fine, will then be sent to the owner of the culpable vehicle. The Bill which is being promulgated by Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn, is expected to provide 24-hour surveillance of intersections for motorists in violation the speeding and seatbelt laws. According to the proposed Bill, “when a driver of a vehicle is captured speeding or a person fails to wear a seatbelt, a photograph and video recording are sent
electronically to the National Data Management Authority.” At this stage, the Bill proposes that “a team of highly skilled trained and certified officers will then review the footage to determine and confirm if there was a violation of the speeding or seatbelt laws.” Once determined and confirmed, a notice will be generated and delivered to the owner of the vehicle. Both offences, speeding and failing to wear a seatbelt will attract a fine of $7,500 under
the proposed, “Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 2024.”
Since notice of the offence will be sent to an offender by way of telephone and electronic mail, with the coming into force of the new law, all drivers will be required to provide this information to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA). This, since the GRA will also form part of the police’s matrix of systems in order to effectively prosecute offenders.
Pedestrian dies after Enmore accident
Police in Regional Di vision 4C are cur rently investigating a fatal accident that took place on Sunday, around 19:50h on Enmore Public Road, East Coast Demerara, resulting in the death of a 48-year-old resident.
The accident involved a motor lorry with the registration number GTT4579, driven by a 37-year-old individual
from Agriculture Road, ECD and a pedestrian identified as Rooplall Haindarsan of Lot 93 Logwood Enmore, East Coast Demerara.
According to inquiries, the motor lorry was traveling west along the southern side of Enmore Public Road, East Coast Demerara, at a normal speed. The driver claims that the pedestrian suddenly ran across the road from north to
south, directly into the path of the motor lorry, resulting in a collision.
As a consequence of the collision, the pedestrian fell to the road surface and sustained injuries to his body.
Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) were called to the scene, and the unconscious pedestrian was transported to Georgetown Public Hospital for immediate medi-
cal attention. However, upon examination by a doctor, the pedestrian was pronounced dead upon arrival. Currently, the body of the deceased is at the Georgetown Public Hospital Mortuary, awaiting a postmortem examination. The vehicle involved in the accident has been detained for examination, and the driver is currently in custody.
Biker seriously injured after hit-andrun at Sheriff Street roundabout
Police are currently investigating a seri ous hit-and-run accident which occurred on Sunday, along Railway Embankment Road Georgetown, near the Sheriff Street Roundabout, involving a motorcycle and a pickup truck.
The accident occurred around 19:00hrs.
The driver of the motorcycle, identified as 30-year-old

German shepherd mix with Husky available. Call : 6480111.
Shevon Payne of Lot 45 Canal Road, Stanleytown, West Bank Demerara (WBD), was driving motorcycle CK 5954. However, the owner and address of the pickup truck, bearing registration PPP 2442, remains unknown.
Initial inquiries revealed that the motorcycle was proceeding eastward along the northern lane on Railway Em-
bankment, while the pickup truck was travelling westward along the southern lane of the same road.
In the process of passing each other, the driver of the pickup truck lost control, and collided into the right side of the cycle.
The impact caused Payne to fall onto the road, sustaining injuries to his body, while
the driver of the pickup truck fled the scene.
Payne was picked up in a conscious state by the Sheriff Medical Ambulance Service and transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), where he was examined and admitted in a stable condition. Investigations are on-going.
Bandits beat man to head with gun during robbery
Two residents of the Bath Settlement Squatting area on Sunday were victims of a brazen robbery, resulting in one of the victims being dealt a hit to his head.
On Sunday, at about 22:00h, Mohanram Mulchan aged 31 and Carmilita Thomas aged 25 were approached by two men on a motorcycle, while
they were seated at the gate of Bath Center Ground. One of the assailants held them at gun point, demanding their belongings.
Mohanram handed over $100,000 and Carmilita surrendered a gold chain worth $50,000.
In a brutal act, Mohanram was struck to the head with the gun,
leaving him disoriented and in pain. The motorcycle bandits swiftly fled the scene.
Mohanram was rushed to the Fort Wellington Public Hospital where he received medical treatment. He was later discharged from the hospital. Investigation are currently ongoing to find the culprits.
Cuba laments collapse of iconic sugar industry
(BBC NEWS) The men of the Yumuri sugar cooperative in Cuba have worked the cane fields around the city of Cienfuegos since they were old enough to wield a machete.
Cutting cane is all Miguel Guzmán has ever known. He comes from a family of farm hands and started the tough, thankless work as a teenager For hundredsofyears,sugarwas the mainstay of the Cuban economy It was not just the island’smainexportbutalso the cornerstone of another nationalindustry,rum.
Older Cubans remember when the island was essentiallybuiltonthebacks
of families like Mr Guzmán’s. Today, though, he readily admits he has neverseenthesugarindustry asbrokenanddepressedasit is now - not even when the Soviet Union’s lucrative sugar quotas dried up after the Cold War Spiralling inflation, shortages of basic goods and the decades-long US economic embargo have made for a dire economic outlook across the board in Cuba But things are particularly bleak in the sugartrade.
“There’s not enough trucksandthefuelshortages mean sometimes several days pass before we can work,”saysMiguel,waiting in a tiny patch of shade for the Soviet-era lorries to arrive. The lost hours of
For hundreds of years, sugar was the mainstay of the Cuban economy

harvest as men and machinery lie idle have acutely hurt production levels. Last season, Cuba’s production fell to just 350,000tonnesofrawsugar, an all-time low for the country, and well below the 1.3 million tonnes recorded in2019.
Miguel is one of the fastestcuttersinhisteam-or pelotón - recognised by his bosses as among the most efficient in the country Yet he says he receives no financial incentive for greater production beyond his love of the trade. “My wages barely buy anything anymore,” he says with no hintofexaggerationoverthe worsening inflation in the country “But what can we do?Cubaneedsthesugar.”It certainly does: Cuba now imports sugar to meet domestic demand - once
unthinkable, and a far cry from the glory years when Cubansugarwastheenvyof the Caribbean and exported around the world. Inside Ciudad Caracas, a 19thCentury sugar mill near Cienfuegos, the air is thick withtheoverpoweringsmell ofmolasses.
Asobsolete,rustingcogs grind tonnes of sugarcane into pulp and juice, the workers tell me it is one of just two dozen working sugar mills in Cuba. “That’s four more than originally planned for this season, thanks to the hard work and effort of the workers,” says D i o n i s P é r e z , communications director of thestate-runsugarcompany, Azcuba. “But the other 29 are at a standstill,” he acknowledges “It’s a disaster Today the sugar industry in Cuba almost
doesn’t exist,” says Juan Triana of the Centre for Studies of the Cuban EconomyinHavana.
The slump in sugar has serious implications for other parts of the Cuban economy, he argues, including on its export earnings from rum. “We’re producingthesamequantity of sugar Cuba produced in the middle of the 19th Century.” The problems have undoubtedly been worsenedbythe“maximum pressure” policy brought in by former US President DonaldTrump.
His administration ratcheted up the trade embargo on the island, a measure later extended by PresidentJoeBiden.Butthe issues facing Cuban sugar arenotsolelythefaultofthe US embargo Years of chronicmismanagementand
underinvestment have also wrecked the once-thriving industry Today, sugar receiveslessthan3%ofstate investment as the Cuban government backs tourism as its main economic motor instead.
One man who can still get his hands on enough sugar is Martin Nizarane. PartofanewbreedofCuban private entrepreneurs, his company Clamanta produces yoghurt and ice cream in a factory outside Havana. As Mr Nizarane shows me sacks of sugar imported in bulk from Colombia, he says he hopes to double production soon. Thebusinesshasbeenhailed by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel as a model for thefuture.
Thatpraisefromthetop, to many, amounts to a paradigm shift. It may still be considered a dirty word bytheCubanstatebutthisis capitalism pure and simple, even if Martin Nizarane displays his revolutionary credentials by adorning his office with photographs of him hugging the late revolutionary leader, Fidel Castro.
I put it to him that only people with close ties to the CubanCommunistPartycan own a private business as sophisticatedashis.
“Iamnotanemployeeof the Cuban state. This is a non-stateformofproduction which sells to both other
non-state entities and stateowned companies,” he retorts. “The state treats me like just another private entrepreneurwithnospecial privileges whatsoever ” Sugar’s demise is just one part of Cuba’s faltering economy On1March,amid growing inflation, the government imposed a fivefold price increase on subsidised fuel at the petrol pumps.
It was a difficult but overdue decision, officials s a i d , a rg u i n g t h e governmentcouldnolonger affordsuchhighsubsidieson fuel.As he queued to fill up his tank on the day the new prices came into force, Manuel Domínguez said he was not convinced. All he knows is that the measure is hurtingdriverslikehim,and that Cubans are suffering now more than he can ever recall.
“There’snorelationship between what we earn and the prices we see - whether that’s fuel or food in the shopsoranythingelse.”
“There needs to be a correlation between our wages and what things cost because, right now, for the average Cuban, fuel is simplyunaffordable.”
A few days later, economy and planning minister Alejandro Gil Fernández was arrested for alleged corruption Some think he has been made a scapegoatforthestateofthe Cubaneconomy
Major Best fired as head of SSA, still in police custody
( T R I N I D A D GUARDIAN) The director of the Strategic Services Agency (SSA), Major Roger Best, has been fired.
Best was sent on administrative leave on March 2 and retired Brigadier General Anthony Phillips-Spencer, T&T’s ambassador to the US, was recalledtoreplaceBestand lead an internal audit of the SSA’sstaffandequipment. In a statement a day later,onMarch3,theOffice of the Prime Minister said, “The National Security Council (NSC) has recommended to the Cabinetthattheheadofthe S S A b e r e p l a c e d immediately and that new leadershipandmanagement beinstalledwithdespatch.”
Like his removal, news of Best’s dismissal came in a
media release yesterday from the National Security Ministry, which said acting President Nigel de Freitas was advised by Cabinet to terminatehiscontract.
“The Minister of National Security advises thenationalcommunitythat the Cabinet met earlier today and took the decision to advise the acting President to terminate the appointment of Major (retired) Roger Best as Director of the SSA with immediateeffect.”
Bestisamongjustovera dozenpeoplefiredfromthe SSA since Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley announced that there was something amiss at the agency Self-proclaimed spy, pastor Ian Brown, was among four men, including Best,tobedetainedduringa
24-hour exercise between Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon. Best and Brown have been assisting the police with a series of investigations. Up untillateyesterdayevening, police said they were close to completing their investigations, which centred on the illegal use and transfer of highpowered weapons Best remained in custody No chargeshavebeenlaid.
Police said they did not question any of the men in relation to murders that were part of their two-anda-half-month-long investigation Those murders include those of Bryan Felix, 40, and landownerAleemKhan,50, who were found in a forested part of Cumuto in 2019,andlastyear’smurder
ofAndy Daniel, 53. Daniel was the husband of nowsackedSSAdeputydirector JoanneDaniel.
The killing of alleged g a n g s t e r A n t h o n “Boombay” Boney in September 2021 was also probed in connection with possiblelinkstotheSSA.
Before Daniel’s death, intelligence officials tried, withoutsuccess,toalertthe State of questionable operations at the SSA
F o l l o w i n g B e s t ’s suspension,theStatesought international assistance to investigate allegations of misconduct at the SSA
Weeks after he was removed, the Prime Minister, at a sod-turning event, expressed grave concerns over the dealings oftheSSA.
the problem has multiplied because, for the last two weeks, we have been dealing with the State’s contribution to that problem, where the state authority in a position of trust has surreptitiously broken down and the calypso that we listen to, Who’s Going to Guard the Guards, became the most pertinent question in Trinidad and Tobago because the state agencies had become one with the criminal agencies,” the PM said.
During the probe, the home and churches of Brown at Malabar and Cumuto were searched Brown not only claimed to beaspybutalsoclaimedto be Israeli and Germantrained. His philosophy of rebuilding a governmental
structure, including using people of faith with a militarymindset,sawmany members of his church becoming members of the SSA, including its then deputy director of intelligence,JoanneDaniel. Brown, who was Best’s personal adviser and pastor and also a former police officer, remains in police custody
Brown was fired as a Special Reserve Police officer on March 19. Days before he was dismissed, Brown returned the four high-powered rifles, which also form part of the investigations.
Two other SSA members,PortellGriffith,a former security supervisor, andSgtSherwinWaldron,a tactical operations officer, arealsoinpolicecustody
Prosecutors seeks arrest warrants against Netanyahu, Hamas leader for war crimes
C N N T h e
InternationalCriminalCourt isseekingarrestwarrantsfor HamasleaderinGazaYahya Sinwar and Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahuonchargesofwar crimes and crimes against humanityovertheOctober7 attacks on Israel and the subsequent war in Gaza, the court’s prosecutor Karim KhantoldCNN’sChristiane Amanpour in an exclusive interviewonMonday
Khan said the ICC’s prosecution team is also seeking warrants for Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, as well as two other top Hamas leaders Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri, the leader of the Al Qassem Brigades who is b e t t e r k n o w n a s Mohammed Deif, and Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas’ politicalleader
The warrants against the Israeli politicians markthefirsttimetheICC has targeted the top leader of a close ally of the UnitedStates
The decision puts Netanyahuinthecompany of the Russian President

Vladimir Putin, for whom the ICC issued an arrest warrant over Moscow’s war on Ukraine, and the Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi, who was facing an arrest warrant from the ICC for alleged crimes against humanityatthetimeofhis capture and killing in October2011
Byapplyingforthearrest warrants against Israeli and Hamas leaders in the same action, Khan’s office risks attracting criticism that it places a terror organization and an elected government
A panel of ICC judges will now consider Khan’s application for the arrest warrants.
Khan said the charges againstSinwar,Haniyehand a l - M a s r i i n c l u d e “extermination, murder, taking of hostages, rape and sexualassaultindetention.”
“Theworldwasshocked on the 7th of October when people were ripped from their bedrooms, from their homes, from the different kibbutzim in Israel,” Khan told Amanpour, adding that “people have suffered
Hamas-led militants killed around 1,200 people across several locations in southernIsraelonOctober7 and took some 250 hostages intoGaza.
Manyofthehostagesare still being held in Gaza –Khan told Amanpour this meant crimes continued to be committed against “so many innocent Israelis that are held hostage by Hamas and families that are waitingfortheirreturn.”
KhantoldAmanpourhis team has a “variety of evidence” to support the
application for arrest warrants against Sinwar, Haniyeh and al-Masri, including authenticated video footage and photographs from the attacks as well as evidence from eyewitnesses and survivors.
Khan said Israel had “every right and indeed an obligation to get hostages back, but you must do so by complyingwiththelaw.”
Responding to the announcement by Khan, Hamas said in a statement that it “strongly condemns the attempts of the ICC Prosecutortoequatevictims with aggressors by issuing arrest warrants against a number of Palestinian resistance leaders without legalbasis.”
“HamascallsontheICC Prosecutor to issue arrest warrants against all war criminals among the occupation leaders, officers, a n d s o l d i e r s w h o participated in crimes against the Palestinian people, and demands the cancellation of all arrest warrants issued against Palestinian resistance leaders,”thegroupadded.
‘Nobody is above the law’ The charges against Netanyahu and Gallant i n c l u d e “ c a u s i n g extermination, causing starvation as a method of war, including the denial of humanitarianreliefsupplies, deliberately targeting civilians in conflict,” Khan toldAmanpour
“The fact that Hamas fighters need water doesn’t justify denying water from allthecivilianpopulationof Gaza,”headded More than 35,500 Palestinians have been killedandmorethan79,000 wounded in Gaza since October 7, the Ministry of Health in Gaza said on Monday C N N c a n n o t independently verify the figures Netanyahu called the decision “a political outrage ”
“They will not deter us and we will continue in the war until the hostages are released and Hamas is destroyed,” he said at a m e e t i n g o f t h e parliamentary group of his Likud party Other Israeli offi
s echoed his sentiments
Netanyahu denounces bid to arrest him over Gaza war
(BBC NEWS) Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has angrily condemnedtheInternational Criminal Court’s prosecutor for seeking arrest warrants for him alongside Hamas’s leaders over alleged war crimesintheGazaconflict.
Mr Netanyahu said he rejected with disgust that “democraticIsrael”hadbeen compared with what he called “mass murderers” Mr Netanyahu’s comments have been echoed by US President Joe Biden, who said there was no equivalence between Israel andHamas.
T h e c h i e f I C C prosecutor, Karim Khan, said there were reasonable grounds to believe that Mr Netanyahu and his Defence Minister Yoav Gallant bore criminal responsibility for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza.
TheICCisalsoseekinga warrant for Hamas’s leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, for war crimes. Israel and the
US, its key ally, are not members of the ICC, which wassetupin2002.
The accusations against the Israeli and Hamas leadersstemfromtheevents of7October,whenwavesof Hamas gunmen attacked Israel, killing about 1,200 peopleandtaking252others back to Gaza as hostages.
The attack triggered the currentwar,inwhichatleast 35,500 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, according to the territory’s Hamas-run health ministry
On Monday, Mr Biden said there was “no equivalencenone - between Israel and Hamas”.
“But let me be clear, contrary to allegations against Israel made by the International Court of Justice, what’s happening is notgenocide,”headded.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken echoed the president’s condemnation, saying Washington “fundamentally rejects” the move. “It is shameful,” he said. “[The] ICC has no

jurisdiction over this matter.”
Mr Blinken also suggested the request for arrest warrants would jeopardiseongoingeffortsto reach a ceasefire deal. Mr Khan also applied for arrest warrants for Mr Gallant and Hamas’s political leader Ismail Haniyeh, along with the group’s military chief MohammedDeif.
He said Israel’s prime minister and defence minister were suspected of crimes including starvation
of civilians as a method of w a r f a r e , m u r d e r, intentionally directing attacks against a civilian p o p u l a t i o n , a n d extermination.
The prosecutor said the alleged crimes began “from at least 7 October 2023” in the Hamas leaders’ case, when the group launched its attackonIsrael,and“fromat least8October2023”forthe Israelileaders.
The ICC defended its stance on Monday, saying that despite “significant
efforts” it had not received “any information that has demonstratedgenuineaction at the domestic level [in Israel] to address the crimes alleged or the individuals underinvestigation”.
A panel of judges at the ICC must now consider whethertoissuethewarrants and, if they do, countries signed up to the ICC statute areobligedtoarrestthemen if they have such an opportunity
Mr Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, condemned the applicationtoseekhisarrest as “an absurd and false order”.
In a public statement in Hebrew,heasked“withwhat audacity” the ICC would “dare to compare” Hamas andIsrael.
The comparison was a “distortion of reality”, Mr Netanyahusaid.
He accused the prosecutor of “callously pouringgasolineonthefires of antisemitism that are ragingacrosstheworld”.
Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz called the move byMrKhanan“unrestrained frontal assault” on the victims of the 7 October attacks and a “historical disgrace that will be remembered forever”. Hamas earlier made its own demandfor“thecancellation of all arrest warrants issued against leaders of the Palestinian resistance”
“Hamas strongly denounces
InternationalCriminalCourt toequatethevictimwiththe executioner,”thegroupsaid. The group also complained that the application for wa
st Mr Netanyahu and Mr Gallant had come “seven months late”, and that other Israeli politicalandmilitaryleaders had not been named alongsidethem.
Mr Khan accused the Hamas leaders of having committed crimes including extermination, murder, hostage taking, rape and sexualviolence,andtorture.
Govt. draws down second tranche of Budget 2024 oil money
The Government of criticizedbytheOpposition. Under the revised US$5 billion, 90 percent of Guyana (GoG) on May 14, In justifying the need for proposals, a sliding scale is deposits in the immediately 2024 made its second amendments to the NRF proposed for withdrawals preceding fiscal year will be transfer from the Natural withdrawal rules, the fromthefirstUS$5billionof saved - a move that will Resource Fund (NRF) to the Finance Minister, Dr Ashni depositspaidintotheFundin benefit generations of ConsolidatedFund. Singh said, “We (in) this the immediately preceding Guyanese for years to come
In a statement on PPP/C are in a hurry to fiscal year Beyond the first accordingtogovernment. Monday, the Ministry of improve the lives of every Finance announced that the single Guyanese family and transfer totalling US$300 every single Guyanese million (equivalent to individual.”
G$62.394billion)wasmade. The Ministry of Finance
This transfer brings the said the NRF rule, while accumulated withdrawals to allowingforgreaterfinancial date in 2024 to US$550 resources to be available to million (equivalent to support intensified public G$114.388billion). investment and accelerated
Parliamentary approval delivery of social services, had b
en given for theamendedrule,aswiththe U S $ 1 , 5 8 6 , 1 5 0 , 3 3 1 existing, will ensure that as ( e q u i v a l e n t t o production and revenue G$329,885,563,088) to be ramp up further, an withdrawn from the NRF in increasing share of the 2024. inflows into the NRF will be
The government in saved relative to the share February this year amended t r a n s f e r r e d t o t h e the NRF Act to increase Consolidated Fund to withdrawals from the Fund, finance these national a move that was previously developmentpriorities.
Gridlock continues in...
From page 2 on the MoE/government and the GTU to find common ground.“Bothpartieshaveacknowledgedtheimportanceof education in national development and the need for a stable and motivated teaching workforce.” Critical to determining the direction of the negotiations and the potential resolution of the impasse is the MoE/ government’s willingness to agreeonourtermsofresumption.
These include: 1. Agreeing on the timeframe for the submitted multi-year proposal 2019-2023. The GTU said it remains open to adjusting the years within this period given the impact of COVID-19 on economies around the world. Secondly,agreeingonaninterimpayouttoallteachersgiven the actions of MoE/government on our previous attempt to settle this matter Asimilar step was taken in 1999 by a PPP government to have workers return to their places of work afteraprolongedperiodofthestrike.
Remain united
Meanwhile, the GTU is urging its members to remain united and steadfast in their resolve “We stand together in this fight for justice and fairness Our teachers deserve nothing less, and we must continue to advocate tirelessly until a resolution is found The Guyana Teachers’ Union remains hopeful that a fair and equitable agreement can be reached, ensuring that teachers receive the recognition and compensation they deserve for their invaluable contributions to society The government has the authority to return to parliament with a supplementary budget to caterforadditionalcosts ”

Guyana suffer mixed fortunes at Windball tourney in Barbados
The Guyana School GirlsGSGWindballCricket
team suffered mixed fortunes playing in this year’sWestIndiesWomen’s Windball tournament at the S
rk, Barbados.
They lost to Tamana United of TTO, the 1st runners up, at the last
n defeated the host country Barbados.
In the opening game, TamanaUnitedwonthetoss andbattedfirstandmade942 off their 6 overs with R. Boyce 39 not out and Stacy AnnBhola20.
Bowling for the GSG DeliahWaltontook1-12and DevianiSingh1-14.
GSG were restricted to 19-5, with Mahadevi Dass top the lone player reaching doublefigureswith11off13 deliveries.

Patrick Rooplall slams 132 in Canada
Guyanese sensational softball batsman, Patrick Rooplall, started his maiden trip in Canada with a scintillating 132 recently representing VPBoys in the 2024 Canadian Premier SoftballCricketLeagueT20 tournament.
The Essequibian righthanded Rooplall struck 17 sixes and four fours to help VPBoysamassedadaunting 256-3 from the 20-overs againstApexPredators.
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently

In the other game, GSG batted first and made 84-0 with Deliah Walton hitting 44 (6s x2) and Aneesa Chetram27.
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult ta
ou to
ay, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
y h
ately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
Barbados in reply were restricted to 33-1 and Chr
ph 15
Bowling for GSG A Chetram had the lone wicket,acaughtandbowled 1-3.
Their participation was made possible by the Office of the Prime Minister, Minister CY&S, Minister with in the office of the Prime Minister, Dominion Enterprise, Minister of Housing, some of the parents, A Tyndall, AL Sport & Tour Promotions, Deirdre Baynes, C & L Construction Inc , Chris Fernandes.
Patterson, Clarke among...
Frompage22 participation in tennis continuetogrowinGuyana, t h e G T A N o v i c e Championships provide a
unmatched by traditional practicesessions.
Other match results include:
Alicia Greene defeated ChristinaBasil6/4.
Justine Kennedy defeatedJudyKhayyam6/1.
Tisel Patterson defeated AliciaGreen6/1.
Osafa Dos Santos defeatedNkofiHodge6/2.
Joshua Kennedy defeated Vinish Etwaroo 6/4.
VinishEtwarooreceived a walkover from Torrel Scott.
Joshua Kennedy received a walkover from TorrelScott.
Men’s Intermediate Novice Immanuel Barker defeated Robert Edwards 2/2 (ret.). Matches continue todayat18:00hrs.
ApexPredators,inreply, reached 164-9 at the expiration of the 20-overs losingby92runsatHilldale Public School ground in Brampton,Ontario.Rooplall got good support from Morrison Edwards who made 53 while fellow Canada-based Guyanese Avish Rukhram contributed
wickets for 26 runs from his th
ng Meanwhile, in the two other games that Rooplall played, he scored 64 and 5. The action will continue May 26 with a series of matches across the Greater Toronto Area.

Patterson, Clarke among first winners of GTA Novice Championships
The Guyana Tennis Association (GTA) Novice Championships served off on Saturday, May 18, at the National Racquet Centre with an exciting lineup of matches that showcased the talentofemergingplayers.

T h e w e e k - l o n g tournament featured fifteen entrants across three categories: The Ladies’ Beginner Novice, the Men’s Beginner Novice, and the Men’s Intermediate Novice.
Theformatforallcategories isoneset,withnoadvantage scoring.
Beginners are players who are still learning the basics of the game, having difficultyanticipatingwhere the ball will bounce and maintaininglongerrallies.
On the other hand, intermediate novices have developed better court coverage and consistency in medium-paced rallies but

may still struggle with adding depth and variety to their game In the tournament’s first match, Tisel Patterson staged an impressive comeback to defeat Justine Kennedy 7-5 in the Ladies’ Beginner Noviceround-robinaction.
Serving at 2-5 down, Patterson fought off four match points to secure her firstvictory
The Men’s Beginner Novice featured a closely contested match between Mark Clarke and Vinish Etwaroo.Clarkewon7ofthe last8pointstonotchthewin 7-6 (0). Akil Gittens also earnedanimpressivewinby edgingoutNyjelSundar6-4

in the Men’s Intermediate Novice. The GTA Novice Championshipsaredesigned for newcomers to showcase their skills in a competitive andsupportiveenvironment.
Players can enhance their mental game and gain experience by competing against opponents under pressure.Asinterestand (Continuedonpage21)
Ganesh Parts Continues Long-Term Support of Golf Development in Guyana

Ganesh Parts, the authorized distributor of BridgestonetiresandSisson paints, is proud to reaffirm its commitment to the development of Golf in Guyana through its ongoing partnership with Nexgen Golf and the Guyana Golf Association(GGA).
Since 2017, Ganesh Parts has been a steadfast supporter of GGAPresident Aleem Hussain’s efforts to promote and expand the sport of golf throughout Guyana.
Yesterday, Monday, the company made a significant contributiontothechildren’s programmebeingdeveloped attheNexgenGolfAcademy and Westside Golf Course, furthersolidifyingitsrolein nurturing the next generationofgolfers.
Mr Kishan Persaud, a representative of Ganesh
Parts, expressed the company’s enthusiasm for the initiative: “Ganesh Parts
is the leading distributor of qualityproductsandisproud to be associated with the rapid growth of golf, especially over the past few years.
Our continued support
u n d e r s c o r e s o u r commitment to fostering youth development and providing opportunities for children to engage in this wonderfulsport.”
The donation from Ganesh Parts will be instrumental in providing facilities necessary for the children’s program, ensuringthatyoungaspiring golfers have access to qualitytrainingfacilities.
PresidentAleemHussain of the Guyana Golf Association expressed his gratitude for Ganesh Parts’ unwavering support: “The generosity of Ganesh Parts has been pivotal in our missiontogrowthegameof golf in Guyana Their contributions have enabled
and the GGA.
us to create and enhance programs that reach young people across the nation, igniting a passion for golf and providing them with opportunitiestoexcel.”
As Ganesh Parts continues to champion golf development initiatives, its dedicationtothecommunity remainsevident.
The company’s partnership with Nexgen GolfandtheGGAhighlights its broader commitment to c o r p o r a t e s o c i a l responsibility and the positive impact businesses canhaveonlocalsportsand youthdevelopment.
The GGA aims to develop and promote the sport of golf throughout Guyana.
Under the leadership of Hussain, the GGA works to create opportunities for participation and growth, ensuring the sport’s continued success and accessibility
Futsal Championship...
Kuru Kururu ‘A’ are 2024 Champions
When the final whistle was blown on Sunday afternoon under grey skies andlightdrizzlesfromabove in the village of Kuru Kuru on the Linden Soesdyke Highway, Kuru Kururu ‘A’ emergedaschampionsofthe 2nd edition of the PPP Soesdyke,TimehriHighway C l u s t e r F u t s a l Championship, needling Waiakabra.
The hero of the match thatsealedthechampionship trophy and $400,000 first placeprizewasKevonScott whose first half goal was all that was needed to keep the Kuru Kururu ‘A’ unbeaten runintactandwithit,allthe available spoils for the winner as well as bragging rights for the next year For their effort, Waiakabra collected$200,000.
Itwastheperfectclimax totwothrillingdaysoffutsal action at the scenic Kuru Kuru Ground The fan support from the home village and the competing villages added that extra bit of flare to the carnival like atmosphere at this year’s competition.

The third-place match
, Soesdyke getting the better of Kuru Kuru College 3-1 to walk awaywith$75,000whilethe loser received $50,000 Soesdykehadearnedafirstroundbyeandenteredaction fromthequarterfinalstage. Enroute to the final, the champions had won their semi final 2-1 over Kuru Kuru College, quarter final triumphcameattheexpense of Circuitville, 1-0 via penalties after a 0-0 scoreline in regulation time with the opening result, 3-0
recorded against Kuru KururuJaguars.
Waiakabra prior to their lone blemish which cost them the championship, had downed the former champions, Soesdyke 3-2 in kicks from the penalty mark in their semi-final, safter brushing aside Swan 3-0 in the quarter finals.Their first winwasagainstMoblissaby awhopping7-0scoreline.
The other villages that took part in the 15-team competition were Banakari, Silverhill, Laluni, St Cuthberts Mission, and Hauraruni.
Men’s T20 World Cup trophy arrives in Guyana today - Fans urged to engage in trophy tour activities
Theiconictrophyforthe International Cricket Council (ICC) Men’s T20 World Cup arrives in Guyana today, Tuesday, May 21, from Trinidad and Tobago at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri.Guyanawillbethe penultimate stop on the scheduledtrophytourofthe Caribbean following visits to Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, and theTwinIslandRepublic.
St Vincent and the Grenadines will host the trophyonMay24.
Through the noble efforts of the Office of the First Lady, children from orphanages and those who aredifferentlyablewillhave an opportunity on Wednesday, May 22, to interact with Cricket Ambassadors and see the trophy Afterthis,theTrophy isexpectedtoheadtooneof the world’s wonders, KaieteurFalls.
President Dr Irfaan Ali
andmembersoftheCabinet will have an opportunity to receive the trophy on Thursday morning, after whichitwillheadtoanother landmark, St George’s Cathedral. School children willinteractwiththeCricket Ambassadors and get their snapswiththetrophy
The journey continues foranotherpublicviewingat the Kingston Sewall
Esplanade, after which it willbeonstageduringKes’ performance at Stinging NettlesshowattheMarriott Parking lot later that evening More precise details on the Trophy tour willbemadepublictoday
Guyana is preparing to ‘knock it out of this world’ by showcasing its unique culture and warmly welcome the world when group matches are hosted from June 2-8, followed by semi-finaltwoonJune27. Guyana has the honour ofhostingthesecondmatch in the tournament but first
for the West Indies on June 2.TheMen’sT20WorldCup 2024, co-hosted by the United States of America andtheWestIndies,willrun fromJune1to29.
Tickets are currently availableattheboxofficein Guyana. The box office at the Guyana Cricket Board office on Regent Street will beopenedMondaytoFriday from 10:30h to 18:00h and onSaturdaysfrom10:00hto 16:00h. Schedule for Men’s T20 World Cup 2024 matches at the National Stadium,Providence:
- Sunday, June 2: West Indies v Papua New Guinea –10:30h- Monday,June3: Afghanistan v Uganda –20:30h-Wednesday,June5: Papua New Guinea v Uganda–19:30h
- Friday, June 7: New Zealand v Afghanistan –19:30h
- aturday, June 8: West IndiesvUganda–20:30h - Thursday, June 27: Semi-finaltwo–10:30h
teammate, goalkeeper Selon Fernandes was declared the Most Valuable Player of the tournament and received a trophy and $50,000, presented by Minister KwameMcKoy.
Emerging as the highest G o a l S c o r e r w a s Waiakabra’s Sunil Logan with six (6) goals, he received a trophy from Mr Everton Poole, while his
The Best Goalkeeper of the competition was Joshua Wilson who received his trophy from Mr Askari Ferreira The other PPP officials who participated in the presentation of prizes wereMs.MayThomas(2nd place), Ms. Sarah Brown (3rdplace)andMs.Michelle Harrinarine(4thplace).
Minister, McKoy in rem
presentation of prizes commendedalltheteamsfor makingthesecondeditionof
resounding success whilst informing all that they are committed towards the holistic development of the teams and their respective communities.
Minister McKoy also promised the players that t
investment in their personal and collective development in the ensuing weeks and monthsahead.Gratitudewas also extended to the organising committee and all, including the fans who playedaroleinensuringthe realisation of another successfulcompetition.
Minister McKoy promised wouldbehuge.

Fitness Express GAPLF Intermediates & Masters Championships... Williams, Hetsberger &
Wilson are Best Lifters as 9 Records tumble
While the rains carried out the works of mother nature, lifters competing at the 2024 edition of the Guyana Amateur Powerlifting
F e d e r a t i o n 2 0 2 4 Intermediates and Masters Championships reigned
down records and commendable individual
College, Brickdam.
Witnessed by former
and now
Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues,
Director of Sport Steve Ninvalle,DeputyChairman of the National Sports
Commission, Cristy Campbell, and Guyana Olympic Association President, Godfrey Munroe among other dignitaries, athletes and fans alike were treated to a full day of heart throbbingperformances. Emerging as the Best Lifters in the Female and Male Intermediates Classic divisions were Alexis Williams and Duarte Hetsberger, while the Best Lifter in the Male Masters ClassicwasMarlonWilson. Williams, contesting the 57kg Women’s Open Raw
category, set a new Squat record on her way to winning the class and the overall trophy on the day The new Squat record is 110.5kg, she registered a best Benchpress of 52.5kg, Deadlift 132 5kg, and a Totalof295.5kg.
Hetsberger was unstoppable in the 83kg M e n ’s O p e n R a w competition taking the gold medal from Irshaad Ali (silver) and Justin Persaud (bronze) whilst
andTotal records.
His best Squat was

557 5kg
Whilst not adding to the list of
s broken, The Masters overall winner, Marlon Wilson took gold in the 93kg Men’s Master 1 Raw - Marlon Wilson, with best lifts in the
S q u a t 2 1 0 0 k g , Benchpress 120 0kg, Deadlift 272 5kg, Total 602.5kg.
The other record breakers on the day were Norman Brady who competed in the 83
Men’s Master 4 Raw (squat, deadlift, total)
,Matthew Maycock 83
Men’s Master 1Raw (squat), and Farouk
+ Men’s Master2Equipped(squat).
GAPLF President, F r a n k l i n W i l s o n congratulated all the athletes and officials for makin
competition the success it was whilst expressing profound gratitude on behalf of the members to Minister Rodrigues as well as N
e, Campbell and Munroe for coming out to support the athletes. He also expressed thanks to musician and
former powerlifter Herbie Ma
all and Max Messiah of Maxido Adult Self Defense System for theirsupport He informed that the F
d commence plans for its nextcompetitionfromthis w
a l s
informing that plans are we
ng f
Guyana’s participation at the Annual World Classic Open Po
fting Championships slated for June 15 – 23, 2024 in Druskininkai, Lithuania by Carlos PetersonGriffith and Dominic Tyrell

Delroy Tyrrell sets new 50m Backstroke National Record
Guyana swimmer
DelroyTyrrellsetanew50m BackstrokeNationalRecord in Couva, Trinidad and Tobago.
Tyrrell,swimmingunder the Dorado Speed Swim Club, set the new mark in a time trial at the National Open Long Course SwimmingChampionshipat the NationalAquatic Centre in Trinidad on the 18th of May, 2024. Swimming out of lane 2, the talented backstroker powered through the water, stopping the clock in a time of 27.05 seconds The previous record was set by his club mate and friend Rakewon Noel who clocked 27.31 seconds at the same pool in December 13-17, 2023, ASATT Invitational. Delroy Tyrrell, who recently returnedhomefromcollege, planstocontinuehistraining during the August vacation break.Delroyistheyounger brother of Guyana Powerlifting champion DominicTyrrell.

Delroy Tyrrell moments before his record breaking swim.
Guyanese to compete in Barbados Squash Masters Tournament

Guyanese players will compete in the BCQS International Squash Tournamentstartingtodayin ChristChurch,Barbados. ReganPollard(Over45), Robin Low (Over 55), Joseph Mekdeci (Over 55), and Dennis Dias (Over 65) will be among over 100 p
m 16 countries Pollard and
Dennis Dias will be the first Guyanese in action at the BCQS International Squash Tournament against Trevor
Mekdeci are ranked third and fourth, respectively Both players are wellknown for their high-level play and have represented Guyana in numerous CaribbeanChampionships. Low and Dias, although experienced in international play, are expected to face stronger opponents early in the tournament The
tournament runs through Sunday,May26. Tournament Schedule forGuyanesePlayers: Dennis Dias vs. Trevor Dunkley(today,12:00PM) Robin Low vs Tony McKenzie (today, 12:50 PM)ReganPollardvs.TBD (May22,6:35PM) JosephMekdecivs.TBD (May23)

Fitness Express GAPLF Intermediates & Masters Championships...

Williams, Hetsberger & Wilson are Best Lifters as 9 Records tumble
- Fans urged to engage in trophy tour activities