Police legal advisor, Mandel Moore, has said that thereis“insufficientcredible evidence” to charge People's Progressive Party (PPP) Executive Member, Nigel Dharamlall for the alleged rape and sexual assault of a woman. Dharamlall was placed on $500,000 bail pending to an
PoliceForce(GPF)informed ofthelegaladvicereceived.
o allegations leveled against him by 28-year-old Sarah Hakh. In a statement to the press on Friday, the Guyana
“The legal advice was based on the fact that there were several inconsistencies and discrepancies in the complainant's story There were also statements from s
witnesses that totally c o n
complainant's story These includedalibiwitnesseswho placedNigelDharamlallina different Region on the date that the alleged incident occurred in September 2020,”policesaid.
Police also said that investigations revealed that Dharamlall is not the owner
andhasnoaccesstosame. It was based on the aforementioned that, Moore concluded that there is
evidence and no realistic prospect of conviction in matter
Moore said, “In keeping w
People's Progressive Party (PPP) Executive Member, Nigel Dharamlall
of the house where the second incident allegedly took place in January 2021,
or Prosecutors, a case which does not pass this evidential stage must not proceed, no matter how serious or sensitiveitmaybe.”
Recently, Hakh held a press conference detailing her alleged sexual assault by D
d disclosed that she filed a police report with the hope thatjusticewouldprevail. According to reports, Hakh
y met Dharamlallbackin2020.She shared that during her first time meeting the accused, it was over dinner where they had
interaction, but added that some of his actions that evening“wasjuststrange.” In an initial statement to themedialastyear,the (Continuedonpage6)
TheGovernmentof Guyana (GoG) is awaiting a full reportfromitstechnicalstaff on whether the ramped-up production of oil in the Stabroek Block by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) constitutes abreachoftheinsuranceand US$2B oil spill guarantee lodgedbytheCo-Venturers.
ChiefPolicymakerforthe petroleum sector, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo during his weekly press conference on Thursday at Freedom House said he raised the issue with the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)andthestaffof the Ministry of Natural Resources.
He was responding to a questionfrom Kaieteur News when he explained, “I have asked the EPA about this question this is not a questionforthepoliticians.If your technical staff who are responsible for ensuring safety in the country and these are the people who are
trained to do so in both the ministryandtheEPAsaythat they have reviewed the s u b m i s s i o n s f r o m ExxonMobil and that they find that the increase in production above the announced capacity of these vessels is safe then the politicians have to accept this.”
Jagdeo however noted that while he does not “secondguess”thedecisions of the technical staff, he has asked some additional questions on the possible ramifications of the decision to allow the company to produce above the safe operating limits outlined in the Environmental Impact Assessments(EIAs).
To this end, he said, “They have to give me a full report on all of these issues. So I've done it through the Minister and directly to the EPA so these are additional questionsthatIhaveasked.”
The Vice President' s commentscomeontheheels of an article by Kaieteur
The 26-year-old woman accused of setting her exboyfriendEdmondMoseson fire was slapped with an attempted murder charge on Friday Melissa David appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate, Sherdel IsaacsMarcus at the Georgetown Magistrates Court and was not required to plea to the indictablecharge.
She was remanded until June 27, 2024. According to reports, David around 18:30hrs on Wednesday allegedly set her exboyfriend ablaze following anargumentoverhismissing wallet. The two shared a relationship in the past and have a child together Although they are separated, they live in the same apartment building but separateapartments.
Mosessaidhehadlosthis wallet containing $ 18,000. HeraisedanalarmandDavid returned an empty wallet. When he inquired about the
News on Tuesday where it was reported that the rampingupofoilproduction in the Stabroek Block by A
r, ExxonMobil is not covered by the US$2 billion oil spill guarantee provided by the Co-Venturers.
The affiliate company guarantee, seen by this newspaper, makes it explicit “…the Operator is permitted to carry out the activities authoris
y the Environmental Permits in accordance with their r
The Environmental Permits granted by the EPA were approved based on EIAs conducted by Exxon. These documents outline the company's plans to produce oil at a specific capacity and assess the damage of an oil
spill accordingly The Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel is also designed to produce crude oil in accordancewiththeEIAs.
Exxoncurrentlyhasthree projects operational in the Stabroek Block that are producing above the safe operating limits outlined in theEIAs.
Previously, Attorney-atLaw, Christopher Ram warned that the insurance company can refuse to compensate the country for anydamagesasitknowingly allowed the operator to breachsafeoperatinglimits.
He explained, “In petroleum production, there is a safety margin below the ratedproductivecapacityofa well. Not only is there an increasedriskthatsomething can go wrong, but that when
it does, the insurance companies will refuse to pay because you have breached thesafetylimit.”
M o r e o v e r, R a m
cautioned that the oil companies too can refuse to accept responsibility since theGovernmentwasnotonly aware of the breached safe operating lim
ExxonMobil is the operator of the Stabroek Block with a 45% interest, while Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30%
st and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited holds25%interest.
Each Co-Venturer has contributed to the US$2B guarantee, relative to its participating interest in the block.
Appeal Court Judge, Justice Rishi Persaud had
orderedExxonMobilGuyana to lodge a US$2B parent and/or affiliate company guarantee as a condition to a stayofexecutiongrantedona lowercourt'sorder That order, originally issued by High Court Judge, JusticeSandilKissooncalled for an unlimited parent company guarantee to be p r o v i d e d t o t h e Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)byJune10or the Liza Phase One Project Permitwouldbesuspended.
Hospitalized with second- and third-degree burns,
moneyanargumentensued. It is suspected that he accused her of attempting to steal it and they had an argumentwhichledtoafight. During the scuffle, the woman doused him with thinnersandsethimonfire. Moses is a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation(GPHC).
The private sector must pursue opportunities aggressively in light of the country's rapidly growing economy, President Irfaan Ali has said. The President was at the time speaking at the Private Sector Commission's(PSC)Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at Marriott Hotel, KingstononWednesday
The Head of State charged businesses to expand the 'Guyana brand', not only locally, but r e g i o n a l l y a n d internationally
“We have positioning, wehaveasenseofpresence, wehavenetworking,andwe have influence. We don't necessarilyhavetotakealot of pushing around now,” he told the room full of private sectorrepresentatives.
Further, President Ali spokeoftheCaricomSingle Market and Economy (CSME) and the free movement of goods and services within the Caribbeanbloc.
“There is one country in this Region that has always allowed full and free movement of capital, of people, of goods and services and that is Guyana. There is no other and we
can put it to the test,” the President said while adding thatGuyana'srecentsuccess in the oil sector has created severalopportunities.
The President said that the only way Guyana can take full advantage of the opportunities that exist is to “ build companies, consortiums with other countries that can go after regional and global opportunitiesalso.”
Similarly, Chairman of the PSC, Komal Singh emphasized that the private sectorhastocapitalizeonthe opportunities to make sure that Guyana's goods and services can reach the boundaries outside of Guyanaeasily.
He pointed out that the PSAwillworkcontinuously with the government and Region to remove all nontariff barriers so that the localgoodsandservicescan enter regional and global markets.
“We need to go and analyse those and work aggressively to make sure we have them removed as quickly as possible,” Singh said.
Last week, Kaieteur N e w s reported that approximately US$100,000
worth of packaged milk and US$40,000 of flavoured bottled water produced by Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL)wasdeniedentryinto TrinidadandTobago.
Executive Chairman of DDL, Komal Samaroo called an urgent press conference then to ventilate his concerns regarding what he described as “extremely onerous and stringent processes” for the importation of animal and animal-based products into TrinidadandTobago.
In March this year, DDL exported four 20-foot shipping containers to T&T basedonanevaluationofthe Trinidad Market by a
enterprise The company saidithasalwaysutilisedthe services of a partner in the m a r k e t w h o i s knowledgeable of the regulations The DDL Chairman explained that while two containers of packaged milk products were denied entry and returned to Guyana, the bottled water products have been restricted from sale pendingthecompletionofan “unconventionally exhaustive examination” of theproducts.
HesaidonMay13,DDL engaged with a team from the Ministry of Trade of Trinidad and Tobago to discuss the rejection of its milkexports.
“We were advised of an extremely onerous and stringent process for the importation of Animal and Animal- based products based on provisions of Trinidad and Tobago's Animal Disease and Importation Act 2020,” he said.
Samaroo told reporters that his company adhered to theregulationsasadvisedby their Trinidadian expert, howeverthecompanywas (Continuedonpage16)
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
The Guyana Medical Council (GMC) has acted with authority One medical doctor is gone for good, another suspendedfrompractisingforfourmonths. Otherthanthe broadbannerof“malpractice”littleelsewassharedbythe GMC. Nonetheless,itisastarttoweedoutunprofessional, acceptable practices in the field. The action of the GMC shouldsendastrongmessagetootherdoctorsthattheyare beingscrutinised,malpracticewillbetakenseriously,and those found lacking will be dealt with, pursuant to the provisions in the Laws of Guyana and the Medical Practitioners’Act.Wehopethatthismarksthebeginningof a new phase demanding serious, consistent compliance, with adherence to medical codes and ethics by all local practitionersofmedicine,noexceptions.
Manyreportshavecirculatedfromthosevictimisedby malpracticeat the hands of one doctor or another in some way Wehaveheardthem,andthereiscertaintythatother Guyanese have their own experiences. They may have been privy to their colleagues’experiences, and those of familymembersandneighbours. Yet,rareistheoccasion when disciplinary action has resulted from what sounds like and looks like medical malpractice. When ordinary citizens refrain from escalating matters, suffer in silence, this happens. In this instance, the unusual has happened, andtheGMCiscommended. Itwouldhavebeenhelpfulif thedetailsleadingtothesuspensionofonedoctor,andthefull banishmentofanother,wereplacedinthepublicdomain. At leastsomeofthosedetails,ifonlytoalertthepublicaboutwhat fallswithintheboundariesofmedicalmalpractice,andwhat their options are if they are on the receiving end of costly wrongdoingbyalicensedmedicalpractitioner Ifthereisone thingonwhichfaultcanbefoundintheGMC’sactioninthe matterofthesetwodoctors,itisthatGuyaneseshouldknow moreaboutwhatledtothemalpracticeconclusions
Simplyspeaking,medicalmalpracticecouldbedefined aswhathastodowithmisdiagnosis,mistreatment,andthe mistakesfromboththatcausedsevererepercussionstothe patient. This includes injury, pain, economic loss, on an ongoing basis, and eventually death Was the standard of medicalcareadministeredbythepractitionerinkeepingwith thatlaiddownbymedicalboards,theprofession,ingeneral? Money and fleecing of patients are a common complaint by thosewithseriousmedicalconditions(orthosemadeouttobe sobydoctors),wholackknowledgeofhowtoaccessredress for their situation Too often, care that is not needed, procedures not followed, and the closing of ranks in the profession have all contributed to what is believed to be an unsatisfactorystateofcareinGuyana Thereisnoquestionthat therearemanycompetentandethicaldoctorslocally Butitcan alsobesaidthatthereisthefirmperceptionthattherearetoo many who twist patients around their fingers, through diagnosingfear-inducingconditions,andthussettingthemup fortherip-offthatfollows Maternaldeathshaveeasedupin recenttimes,buttheyweretoofrequentforcomfort,withan officialwallputupintheaftermath
The difference now is that the GMC acted decisively, which prompts the conclusion that the two doctors were intosomeseriousstuff. Thequestioniswhetherthesetwo locally practising doctors are the exception, or if they represent the proverbial tip of a bigger situation still shrouded in secrecy or coverup. It is heartening that the GMCactedwithdeterminationandfinality,whichhasnot alwaysbeenthecase. Guyaneseshouldtakenoteofthetwo decisionsandtakehope Theyhaveaplacetoescalatematters should something go terribly wrong from improper or unnecessarytreatment Citizensmustknowtheirrights,and theymustbepreparedtomakethebestuseofthem Doctors are not gods, and they should be held as professionals, and nothing more The good ones should be recognized and saluted Ontheotherhand,theincompetentandunethicalones shouldbeexposedanddisciplined,asthecircumstancesmay demand The GMC has opened that door, and Guyanese patientsandtheirfamiliesshouldtakenote
DEAREDITOR, May 26, 2024 marks 58 years since the conferral of independence status to the then colony of British Guianaaftersome150years ofBritishcolonialrule.
I wish to share some perspectives on Guyana’s independence struggle, especially in light of conflicting narratives on who and which political party can be credited as the a r c h i t e c t o f o u r independencestruggle.
It is an established fact that British Guiana as the colony was called prior to independence on May 26, 1966, was on the international spotlight due mainly to the leftist orientation of the PPPunder the leadership of Dr Cheddi Jagan.Itwillberecalledthat the British Government suspended the colony’s constitutionin1953aftersix months of the PPP in office out of concern that the policies of the PPPwere too ‘extremist’. The final straw that literally broke the
camel’s back was the attempted passage of the LabourRelationsBillwhich would have given recognition to the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers’ Union (now GAWU) which was the favoured union by sugar workers, as opposed to the Man Power Citizen’s Association (MPCA) which wasseenbytheworkersasa company union. The Bill, in the words of Dr Jagan, touched ‘King Sugar’which eventually led to the demise of the short-lived PPP government.
Interestingly, the PPP went on to win subsequent elections in 1957 and 1961 but there was always an uneasy relationship between the PPP regime and the British Government especially in the context of ColdWarpolitics.
ThefactthatFidelCastro took power through revolutionary means in Cuba, considered to be the US backyard, exacerbated fears of the potential
emergence of a ‘second Cuba’ in the western hemisphere. Based on such fears, the Kennedy administration applied pressure on the British Government to delay independence to the colony until such time that a way wasfoundtoremovethePPP fromoffice.
That way was found w h e n t h e B r i t i s h Government imposed a system of proportional representation in the 1964 elections. The PPP had won all elections since 1953 under the constituency system of voting The elections of 1964 under proportional representation sawtheformationofaPNCUF coalition government. T w o y e a r s l a t e r independencewasgrantedto the colony on May 26, 1966 even though the British Government had earlier given a commitment that independence will be granted after the 1961 elections. The PPP won the electionsbutBritainreneged on its promise mainly out of political/ideological considerations. Independence therefore washandedonaplattertothe PNC-UF administration under the leadership of ForbesBurnham,despitethe factthatitwasDr Jaganand the PPPthat led the struggle forindependence.
D r J a g a n w a s unrelenting in his advocacy forindependence.Hehadthe distinction of being the first leader of a colony to have petitioned the United Nations Decolonization Committee for early independence which no doubt precipitated the decision by Britain to consider the granting of independence to the colony Burnham,ontheotherhand, was driven primarily by political opportunism and a desire to assert himself politically in the affairs of the country as was pointed b y t h e R o b e r t s o n Commission which was set upbytheColonialOfficeto (Continuedonpage06)
As Guyana enjoys unprecedented economic growth thanks to its burgeoning oil industry, the nation faces a significant
adequate housing for its
y growing
nd urbanizing population. The government’s housing initiative offers a beacon of hope, yet it must overcome substantial hurdles to achieveitsambitiousgoals.
The initiative promises to transform Guyana’s housing landscape through the construction of 50,000 affordable housing units by 2
government’s dedication to bridging the housing deficit andensuringthatallcitizens have access to decent living conditions. Prioritizing lowandmiddle-incomefamilies, the initiative aims to tackle the socioeconomic disparities that have long plaguedournation.
Key to this plan is the introduction of incentives designed to attract private sector participation Tax breaks for developers, subsidies for construction materials, and streamlined approval processes for building permits are among
the measures intended to fostercollaborationbetween the public and private sectors.Thisapproachseeks to leverage additional resources and expertise, essential for meeting the initiative’s ambitious objectives.
The socio-economic benefits of the housing initiative are manifold Secure and affordable housing improves quality of life,mitigatesissuessuchas overcrowding and homelessness, and fosters social stability Moreover, the construction and upgrading of housing infrastructurewillcreatejob opportunities across various sectors, from construction workerstorealestateagents, thereby stimulating economic activity and reducingpoverty
Improved housing conditions also support educationalandproductivity outcomes.Childreninstable environmentsperformbetter in school, and adults benefit fromasenseofsecuritythat enhances their economic contributions Thus, the initiative not only addresses immediate housing needs but also supports broader developmental goals, buildingamoreresilientand
prosperoussociety However, the initiative faces significant challenges. The availability of land is a critical issue Much of Guyana’spopulationresides in coastal areas susceptible to flooding and other environmental hazards,
necessitating careful planning and investment in resilient infrastructure Financial sustainability is another concern. While the government has committed substantial funds, ongoing investmentandsupportfrom international partners, multilateral institutions, and private investors will be crucial Effectivegovernance and coordination among stakeholders government agencies, private developers, financial institutions, and c o m m u n i t y organizations are essential to avoid delays and cost
overruns Ensuring transparency, accountability, and efficient project management is vital to achieving the initiative’s goals
Additionally, the initiative must address the diverse needs of Guyana’s populations, including Indigenous communities and rural residents. Housing solutionsmustbetailoredto
the specific cultural, economic, and social contextsofdifferentregions, requiring a nuanced approach that goes beyond one-size-fits-allpolicies.
The housing initiative in Guyana is a bold and necessary step towards addressing our housing crisis. By focusing on affordability, economic stimulation,andsocialwellbeing, it has the potential to transform the lives of thousands of Guyanese families. Yet, realising this p r o m i s e r e q u i r e s overcoming challenges related to land availability, financial sustainability, governance,andinclusivity
As Guyana continues its rapid economic ascent, it is imperative that this growth benefits all citizens. The housinginitiativeisacritical component of this broader agenda, offering a pathway to a more equitable and prosperous future By fostering collaboration, innovation, and resilience, Guyana can achieve its housing goals and set a positive example for other nations facing similar challenges.
Sincerely, WayneLyttle Journalist
At the PSC’s 32 Annual General Meeting, His Excellency encouraged its membership “to fulfil its ‘national responsibility’ by duly paying their taxes” as wasreportedinTheGuyana Chronicle, earlier in the week.
By extension, this applies to other members of civil society as well as rates&taxesatlocalNDCs.
This week, I went into Industry/Plaisance NDC
t o h o n o u r t h e s e obligations
On arrival at the counter, I stated the address, whereupon the counter clerk asked name whichIgave.
She then asked for full
name which I did not have at that time At no timedid she attempt to move any of the voluminous books sectionedoffbyareainfront of her Upon hearing, I did not have the full name, she stated that she could not effect the payment for the rates & taxes at the address withthegivensurname. She also claimed there was no supervisor on site at that time and proceeded toshutherwindow I returned on two separate occasions to effect payment without success
On each occasion, I was informed she was not at work and was the only person autho
Earlier in this year, rates & taxes were paid at City Hall with just the provision of property numbers
A t b o t h B e t t e r hope/LBI and Peter’s Hall NDCs the addresses & surnames were given, and payment effected without anyproblemsorissues
It would be helpful if Industry/Plaisance NDC would state fully all the particulars necessary to effect payment for rates & taxes at its offices on the Embankment Road This would greatly assist all
Yourssincerely, E
examine the reasons for the suspension of the constitution.
Be that as may, independence for Guyana was undoubtedly a step forwardintermsofoursense of nationhood and was warmly received by the majority of the Guyanese people. he hoisting of the
Golden Arrowhead and the lowering of the Union Jack remained etched in the memories of all Guyanese who would have witnessed thatepoc-makingceremony Guyana is today at a much better place after a c h e c k e r e d p a s t , c h a r a c t e r i s e d b y undemocratic rule and flawedeconomicpoliciesby the then PNC regime which
ruled Guyana for twenty-six years after the attainment of independencestatus.
T h e s t a t u r e of Guyana under the current PPP/C administration is growing and the country is now ranked among the fold of democratic nations in the Commonwealth and the broader international community
H y d a r A l l y
H.E. is confused about the banking sector
DEAREDITOR, Recentcommentsonthe local banking sector from H.E. at the PSC annual dinner suggest that he is confused on the matter HE suggestthatthebanks,thatare also mostly privately owned, arenotdoingenoughtoinvest in expanding certain sectors
This is true and factual; however, it is not the fault of the private banks but the realitiesofoperatingunderthe draconian AML/CFT and governance regime currently setbythegovernment.
HE has expressed these same sentiments before but sadlyhisgovernmenthadnot listenedtothebanksandthus no changes have been made The banks cannot be liberal with their lending if the legislationsdonotallowforit
The banks are here to make profits and they have been makingbillionsannually,they are comfortable with what they are making. What will H.E. now do to ensure that more capital, held by the banks are released in the underserved sectors that are targetedforgrowth?
Further, I say no developed economy depends, as much as we do, on capital
from the banking sector
Thisisusuallydonethrough the stock market In developed countries, the stock market is the primary sourceofraisingcapital
Ourstockmarketisbelow par when compared to other stock markets in the region, muchlessthewiderworld.
CommentsmadebyH.E. on developing a frame work for increasing Guyanese wealth was encouraging, however, without visionary
legislation and incentives for the financial sector, this will always remain an afterthought
Ihavenevermetorheard of a billionaire that earned his/her wealth from the salary he/she earns. We can only become wealthy if we invest. I have looked high and low and it is sad to say Guyana’s existing financial framework does not look encouraging.
MarcusPerryFrompage2 woman had shared that the officialcalledheraboutajob offer. On the day of the supposed meeting with the official and his team, the womansaidthatshedroveto State House, Anna Regina, Region Two, where the official said a meeting will beheld. Shealsoshareddetailsofthe
second alleged incident which occurred at the official’s home sometime in 2021. Shortly after Hakh’s press conference, Dharamlall issued a press release accusing her of embarkingonacampaignto “tarnishmyreputation.” He first acknowledged the press conference stating that he is aware of certain
malicious allegations being levelledagainsthim.
“From the outset, I wish to categorically and most vehemently deny each and every one of the allegations made by the said Hakh therein.
Forsomewhilehitherto, I was privy to rumours that Hakh was making unsavory comments in relation to me,
butImadeadeliberateeffort to ignore them ”He continued, “Her demeanour towards me changed fundamentally after I rebuffed her advances and spurned her attempts to
engage in an intimate relationship ” Last year, Dharamlall resigned amidst aninvestigationintotherape of a minor. Early May, he was re-elected to the 35member Central Executive of the PPP
Dharamlall secured the sixth highest number of votes among those nominated for the 40member Central Executive Body and five non-voting members.
Jagdeo is running out of excuses!
First it was sanctity of contracts.
Next came the excuse that renegotiation would chase investors.
Exxon itself has admitted that it would not turn away from the wealth discovered in Guyana easily, but Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has pulled another excuse from his bag!
Momentum! Any changes to the contract could kill the momentum he claims.
When will our nation and people enjoy its resources blessed by the Creator, or was this blessing only intended to fatten the pockets of oil companies?
The Government of GuyanathroughtheMinistry of Education will be spending approximately $326,598,400 to construct a secondary school at Waramuri, an Amerindian VillageinRegionOne.
This is according to information gleaned from the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) website which revealed that the $326,598,400 contract was awarded tocontractor -TrevonDavidConstruction
Services. NPTAB stated that the date of award was May 23,2024.
This publication
understands that Trevon DavidConstructionServices was among five contractors who submitted bids for the project which was estimated tocost$338,329,464.
A pedestrian was injured on Thursday nightafteraspeedingmotorcyclestruckhim androdeawayatHighStreet,Georgetown.
The injured man has been identified as Jvon Ross, a resident of Lot 54 D'Urban Street,Werk-en-Rust,Georgetown.
Policereportedthattheaccidentoccurred at19:00hrs.
Investigations revealed that the driver (unknown)ofthemotorcyclewasreportedly proceedingnorthalongtheonewayonHigh
It was reported by the ministry in March last year that the modern secondary school will house 400 students. The school will be equipped with Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratories along with Information Technology, Home Economics and Industrial Technology laboratories, staff room, auditorium and teachers' quarterstohouse10teachers andwillbesolarpowered.
Theministryreportedtoo that students fromWaramuri andHaimacabravillagesare (Continuedonpage16)
Street at a fast rate and collided with Ross, whowascrossingthesaidroadfromtheeast to the west in the vicinity of Ashmin's building.
Followingthecollision,Rossfellontothe road.Hereceivedinjuriesabouthisbody.He was pickedup by his parentsandplacedina vehicle and taken to Georgetown Public HospitalCorporation(GPHC),wherehewas examinedandadmitted.
OnFriday,threepersonswereplaced on$350,000baileachwhentheyappeared attheGeorgetownMagistrates'Courtto answerattemptedextortioncharges.
The accused, Jose Bristol, Trevor Jones andShawnShewram,appearedbeforeSenior MagistrateCliveNursetoanswerthecharges. Thetriopleadednotguilty
Thethreemenwereaccusedofattempting to extort G$1.2M from the complainant, Ronald Ramotar on August 20, at the Kingston,Seawall.
Shewram and Bristol were also charged with using a computer to extort Ramator by sharing private pictures of Ramator with the intenttoembarrasshim.
The trio had pleaded not guilty to the charge of attempt to extort money from
Shewram and Bristol had pleaded not guiltytotheadditionalchargesagainstthem.
The three men were all represented by separateattorneyswhorequestedbail.
Shewram is an acting corporal of the GuyanaPoliceForce(GPF).
Theprosecutorobjectedtobailduetothe seriousnatureofthecharges.
Notwithstanding, the men were all granted$350,000bailforeachchargeagainst them.
MagistrateNursehasorderedthatthetrio lodge their passports. The men were also cautioned against making contact with the complainant.
The case has been adjourned to June 5, 2024.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo’s announcement regarding the review of procurement systems across Guyana and the promise of strictmeasuresagainstthose found guilty of infractions has raised eyebrows. The timing and nature of this announcement, particularly in light of recent controversies surrounding theawardofpumpingstation contracts, warrants a thoroughexamination.
Firstly, the timing of Jagdeo’s announcement is highly suspicious. It comes ontheheelsofpublicoutcry and scrutiny over the award of controversial pumping station contracts, one of whichwasnotablyreviewed by the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) The PPC expressed concerns over certain actions related to these contracts, highlighting certain aspects oftheevaluationprocessthat waslessthanflattering.
The fact that this contract, despite the PPC’s concerns, went before the Cabinet and received a noo b j e c t i o n f u r t h e r complicates the matter This sequence of events suggests that the government’s procurement processes may already be compromised, and Jagdeo’s announcement appears to be a reactive measure aimed at damage control rather than a proactive initiative for systemicreform.
Jagdeo’s failure to specify whether the
Cabinet’s no-objection decisionswillbepartofthis review raises further concerns. If the review does not include an examination oftheCabinet’sroleandthe no-objection process, it would be incomplete and potentiallybiased.
T h e C
procurement process is a critical aspect of the overall
system, and any meaningful review must scrutinize its
he justifications behind them. The absence of
componentintheannounced review could indicate a reluctance to address
undermining the credibility oftheentirereviewprocess.
If there is to be a comprehensive review of procurement systems, then Cabinet’s role needs to also be investigated to determine whether Cabinet is acting with the limits on its role imposed by the law Under the changes made to the country’s procurement laws Cabinet no longer has a role in approving contracts. It merelygrantsno-objections.
One analyst had feebly argued that Cabinet was at fault when it granted a no-
controversial pump station contract This person,
Fewtingscanrivaldispectacleof people throwing demself into some wild contortions jus’ to snap a selfie, score an invite, or snag a government contract. But it happens in Guyana!
Firstup,disacredselfie.It’slikediholy grailofvalidationindisdigitalage.Yuhgot folks pushin’ and shovin’, hustlin’ and bustlin’, all just fi grab a quick pic wid di bigwigsofdiland.Butlemmetellyuh,dem big ones done fuh get you even before de phonecameraclick.
Now,let’stalk‘boutdemgoldeninvites to dem government shindigs People beggin’, pleadin’, and sweet talkin’jus’fi snag a spot at di table where di food and drink is free… Dem goin’ to lengths yuh wouldn’tbelieve,fromkissin’uptodihosts like dem long-lost cousin to beggin’ like dem life depend on it. But hey, when di freeness callin’, who can blame dem for
Butdirealshowstopper?Diracefidem governmentcontracts.It’slikediwild,wild west out dere, where anybody and everybody suddenly turn into contractors overnight. Who need a hammer when yuh got charm and connections, right? But di real question is, who keepin’ tabs on dis circus?
MaybediVeePeegotsomeanswersin dat planned review of di procurement system. We waitin’fi see if dat gon’be di grand finale or jus’ anodda sideshow in disyanever-endin’saga.
So there yuh have it, folks Di whirlwind world of selfies, invites, and contracts, where everybody trying to get a piece of di pie, no matter how small. In disya game of vanity and opportunity, it’s survivalofdifittest,andonlydisavvyand dishamelessneedapply Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
however,hadfailedtograsp the difference between Cabinet’s approval of a contract and its noobjection.
A Cabinet approval typically implies a more involved and proactive decision-making process When a contract or project requiresCabinetapproval,it means that the members of the Cabinet collectively deliberate on the details of the proposal. This process involves a thorough review and discussion, considering the broader implications for public policy, budgetary allocations, and strategic priorities The Cabinet’s approval signifies a formal e
commitmenttoproceedwith theprojectorcontract,often i
l governmental oversight and accountability This level of approval indicates that the decision has political backing and aligns with the government’s overall strategic goals and policy directions On the other hand, a no-objection is a more procedural and less involved action. When the Cabinet issues a noobjection to the award of a contract,itindicatesthatthe Cabinet has reviewed the proposal and found no groundstoobjecttoit,butit does not necessarily mean that the Cabinet has fully endorsed or thoroughly evaluated it. A no-objection signifies that the proposal can proceed as planned, but the Cabinet is not explicitly
endorsing it with the same level of commitment as an approval.
Secondly, while the government has the authority to review procurement systems, it is essential to recognize that the statutory responsibilityforsuchreviews lieswiththePPC ThePPCis an independent body established to ensure transparency, accountability, and fairness in public procurement By bypassing the PPC and undertaking this review d
commission’s authority and independence
ent’s decision to conduct the review itself rather than contracting an independent body to do so, further exacerbates these concerns.
Agovernment-led review of its own operations lacks the necessary impartiality and credibility There is an inherent conflict of interest when the government has to reviewitsownsystems.This a r r a n
n t c a n compromise the review’s objectivityandcouldleadto awhitewashingoftheissues athand.Forthereviewtobe credible and effective, it should be carried out by an independent body with no vested interests in the outcome. But the PPPC will never allow this sort of scrutiny. The announcement of punitive actions against those found guilty of infractions raises additional q u e s t i o n s . W h i l e
accountability is essential, the focus on punishment without addressing the systemic issues that enable corruption and malpractice is shortsighted Effective procurementreformrequires a comprehensive approach that includes not only punitive measures but also preventive strategies. This involves strengthening institutional frameworks, enhancingtransparency,and building capacity within procurement agencies Without addressing these underlying issues, the threat of punishment alone is unlikely to bring about meaningfulchange. For the review to be meaningful, it must be independent,transparent,and comprehensive, addressing both the symptoms and root causesofprocurementissues By involving the PPC and other independent bodies, ensuring stakeholder participation,andfocusingon both punitive and preventive measures, the government can demonstrate a genuine commitment to procurement reform and restore public trustinitsinstitutions
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
My first thought was that the Guyana Teachers' Union (GTU) showed its hand too early, cut through the preambles too quickly, and went straight for the jugular immediately. It was 20% first,andonlyafterthat,then back to the classroom. My second was that the Ministry of Education (ministry) overreacted The third thoughtwasthattheministry
took a sounding of conciliation developments,
didn't like the tone (aggressive posture and numbers) of the GTU, and was looking for a way out of the stalemate, so it came up with a checkmate of its own. Story done; done talking,
done meeting, start walking. Matters can deteriorate in a hurry in this country But there we were only at the opening gambit. So, it is back to square one, or some state that is not so wellrounded.
The ministry came up with a good one. No discussionwithagunheldto thegovernment'shead. Inod my head. Somebody should have a quiet word with Nicolas Maduro. I hear the ministry, and be it 20% or 2%, it is taking matters way out of context, to present parents, children, and teachers with that freckled beauty about gun and head. WhattheGTUdidwasputits
firstcardsonthetable,witha clear picture of where it stood,whatitexpected,what it is clearly demanding Starting point, room for flexing. This is standard practice:notimeforfrillsand frivolities, just state the position, and let the next round begin. Except that there is no second round. I think that the PPP
Government was and is hell bent on not seeing this socalled conciliation process throughtowhereitmustend up. It is binding arbitration. The parties are so far apart that there is nothing to reconcile,thegapistoowide, the wounds too deep. Think of a marriage on the rocks,
mashed feelings, smashed emotions, and crashed visions.
The tribunes that have to listen to these hard domestic traumas have a phrase that wraps everything neatly: irreconcilabledifferences.
At least those two warring partners are still breathing and had the good sense to take their severed relationship to the court system This is where the GTUandministryarebymy assessment. Thereisnolove lost, no money to spare, no one budging from their position. All are convinced that the other is operating with darkness as companion and lowness for character Without any intent to insult any of the principals at the GTUandministry,isthatnot asaccurateaconclusionasto where things are, where the people involved are stuck, and from where they do not know how to extricate themselves?
Atleastonesideis,andit is not the union. The GTU says it wants money (a livablewage)andsomeother benefits (all doable in this new Guyana Age), so why
there is trouble eludes me. The ministry was contented to speak to the union's introduction of the dangerous,agunwith20live rounds inside, into the discussion. Conspicuously, the ministry did not even bother to unholster its two six-shootersandlaythemflat onthetable.
There are 12 bad ones in those two, so let's talk Instead of that counter, there is running for shelter Abad precedent would be set for this government, other governments to follow, and governments in the region. Whatwasthatallabout? The caustic? Hyperbolic? How about the hysteric and theatric? To my fellow citizens in this land of perpetual sunshine and surprises, I have my own drop-dead ultimatum cum determination shrouded in a question. Whenwasthelast timethatthiswoefulcountry setanyexampleforanybody locally?
Iwillnowbehavelikethe government and sneak in a secondonthesly Whenwas there a time, any time, that thiscountry,oragovernment
from here, set any standard, leftanyprecedent,wasofany value, did one damn thing thatmadeothersintheregion stood up, took notice, and applauded the boys and girls of good ole Bee Gee for deliveringagoodone?
We are always running to Joey, Mary, and Harry for any help we can get on any andallissuesthatwelackthe willandsmartstoresolveon our own. Conclusion: who the hell that is in their right mind would waste one precious braincell to follow some precedent that is set here? Especially when their levels and numbers are way aheadofours.
The ministry needs to manifest some maturity Whenpoliticsisthebealland end all, then all are going to hell on the Concorde. Stop listening, stop talking, and stop thinking in any context, and there is no difference between man and the beasts ofthefield.
The problem is that Guyana is a tame one; the more ferocious animals wouldmakemincemeatofit. Meanwhile, we continue to shredtopiecesthehopesand rightsofothers.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the authoranddonotnecessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)
DPI - President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali addressed over 1,700
graduates from the Guyana Online Academy of Learning
(GOAL) on Friday, emphasising the importance of humility and perseverance, alongside their academic achievements.
The president delivered this message during the graduation ceremony at the Arthur Chung Conference
Centre.He said that Guyana's economy is further bolstered through their achievements, and stressed that their qualifications should foster greaterwisdomandadesireto make valuable contributions toGuyanesesociety
President Ali pointed out thatthenumberofpeoplewith post-secondary education has drasticallyincreasedsincethe 1970s This means that graduates must continuously learn and improve to stay ahead.
However, he cautioned a g a i n s t m i s t a k i n g qualificationsforashortcutto success.
“Manypeoplebelievethat when you get your Master's degree, you have qualified yourself out of certain jobs. That is the attitude that will sinkallofus.Don'tletahigher level of education ever make youfeellikeyouaresuperior,” thepresidentsaid.
He further elaborated, “Peoplearesoconsumedwith pursuing higher levels of education, and rightfully so, but sometimes we miss very important things. Sometimes webelievethatwithamaster's degree and a PhD, we must start from the top. Some people never worked a day in theirlife,buttheybelievethat with a master's degree, they areentitledtoacertainlevel.”
Acknowledging the value of hard work, the Guyanese leader pointed out that qualifications are just the foundation.
He encouraged the graduatestoletthisideaguide theirfuturepursuitsandtouse their qualifications as a springboard for lifelong
President, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali
The head of state also commended the graduates for their determination and reaffirmed the government's unwavering dedication to incentivising and providing opportunities for higher education. “You have mastered your own journey. You have invested in your destiny.Your dreams are now yourreality,andyourgoalsare now no longer goals, they are nowyourresults,”hesaid.
The Guyana Online
Academy of Learning (GOAL) allows Guyanese to obtaintertiaryeducationfrom accredited institutions across the globe, free of cost. It also equips them with the necessary qualifications to takeadvantageofthemultiple job opportunities opening up inarangeofsectors.
Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret'd) Mark Phillips, Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh, Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand, Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton, other Cabinet ministers, members of the diplomatic corps,andotherofficialswere alsopresentattheceremony
Judges at the top United NationscourtorderedIsraeltohalt its offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah and withdraw from the enclave, in a case brought by South Africa accusing Israel of genocide,citing“immenserisk”to thePalestinianpopulation.
Friday's decision marked the third time this year the 15-judge panelhasissuedpreliminaryorders seekingtoreininthedeathtolland alleviate humanitarian suffering in Gaza. While orders are legally binding, the court has no police to enforcethem.
Reading out a ruling by the International Court of Justice or World Court, the body's president, Nawaf Salam, said provisional measures ordered by the court in March did not fully address the situation in the besieged Palestinian enclave now, and conditions had been met for a new emergencyorder
Israel must “immediately halt itsmilitaryoffensive,andanyother action in the Rafah Governorate, whichmayinflictonthePalestinian groupinGazaconditionsoflifethat could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part,” Salam said, and called the humanitarian situation in Rafah “disastrous”.
South Africa's lawyers had asked the ICJ in The Hague last week to impose emergency measures,sayingIsrael'sattackson Rafahmustbestoppedtoensurethe
Reporting from The Hague, in the Netherlands, Al Jazeera's Step Vaessen said that 13 of the 15 ICJ judges agreed to call on Israel to haltitsassault.
“[Salam] said 800,000 are displaced, and that he doesn't believe Israel's word that they are provided safety and humanitarian access. He said there was no evidenceofthat,”shenoted.
“That's why the court has now madeaverystrongorderthatIsrael should immediately stop its offensive and military operation in Rafahandwithdrawitstroopsfrom there. He also made a ruling on bordercrossings,thattheymustbe reopenedassoonaspossibletoget humanitarian aid in,” Vaessen added. She said that the judge also
possible to make sure that no evidence of any possible war crimesdisappearfromtheregion.
The ICJ has also ordered Israel to report back to the court within one month over its progress in applying measures ordered by the institution.
Israellauncheditsassaultonthe southern city of Rafah this month, forcing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to flee a city that had becomearefugetoabouthalfofthe population's2.3millionpeople.
Rafah,onGaza'ssouthernedge, has also been the main route in for aid,andinternationalorganisations saytheIsraelioperationhascutoff the enclave and raised the risk of famine.Reporting from Deir el-
AlKhoudarysaidthatpeople in the Gaza Strip have not yet reactedtotheICJrulingsincemany of them do not have internet connection.
“People here in the Gaza Strip are currently trying to feed themselves after being constantlydisplaced.Sopeopleare notverywellawareofwhat'sgoing on.They'reaskingjournalists if there is anything positive,” she said.
Khoudary added that, as journalists in Gaza, they do not want to give people in the region false hope and are waiting to hear more information about how the ICJ'srulingwillbeimplementedin Rafah,wherethesituationremains tense.ThePalestinianAuthorityhas
welcomed the decision on Friday from the International Court of Justice, saying it represents an international consensus to end the war on the Gaza Strip, Palestinian presidential spokesman NabilAbu Rudeina told the Reuters news agency.Shortly after the ruling, Israel's finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, said on the social media platformXthat“theStateofIsrael is at war for its existence.”“Those whodemandthattheStateofIsrael stopthewar,demandthatitdecree itself to cease to exist.We will not agreetothat,”hesaid.“Wecontinue to fight for ourselves and for the entire free world. History will judgewhotodaystoodbytheNazis of Hamas and ISIS [ISIL],” he added. Reporting from Amman, (Continuedonpage18)
A 27-year-old man lost his life on Thursday night after he crashed into a lorry at Columbia Public Road, Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara(ECD).
DeadisJonathanGomes of Canary Street, Tucville, Georgetown. Reports are that the accident occurred at about 20:15h.
Policeinastatementsaid that the accident involved a lorry with registration numberGSS6980ownedby Danny Katriah of Bath Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara(ECD)anddriven by Odit Ramdeen of Airy Hall,Mahaicony,ECDanda motorcar with registration numberPVV3618ownedby Audrey Gomes of Canary S t r e e t , T u c v i l l e , Georgetown, driven by Jonathan,thedeceased.
Police said initial investigations revealed that thelorrywasproceedingeast alongthenorthernsideofthe road, while the car was proceeding west along the southern side of the said
The driver of the car reportedly overtook a number of vehicles proceeding west, at a fast rate, around a right bend. This resulted in him ending up in the lorry's path on the northernsideoftheroad.
Despite Ramdeen's efforts to pull onto the northern parapet to avoid a collision,thecarcrashedinto the front of the lorry and subsequentlycollidedwitha utilitypole.
As a result of the collision, Gomes received injuries about his body He wastakenoutofthemangled vehicle in an unconscious state by public-spirited
citizens and placed into the forcevehicle.
Ramdeen and Gomes weretakentotheMahaicony Cottage Hospital Gomes was pronounced dead on arrival while Ramdeen was examined by a doctor and treated.
“A breathalyzer test conducted on the driver of motorlorryrevealednotrace alcohol.
He is presently in custody, assisting with investigation,”policesaidin itsreport.
Meanwhile, Gomes' body of the deceased was taken to Bailey's Funeral Parlour where it awaits a post-mortemexamination.
In a heart-wrenching Facebook post, Gomes' mother,Audrey Gomes said that, “Nothing prepared me for this! I have no words...Myonlyson.Iknow God knows best. I don't understand Jonathan Andrew Mark Gomes. You were everything I wanted in a son No trouble, no headache…Oh my heart has stopped beating God we need your comforting arms around my family I wanted youherebutGodneededyou home...I don't know what tomorrow looks like. God, God,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus.” Gomeswasdescribedby many as a quiet and kind person.
Onthefirstanniversaryof the tragic Mahdia Secondary SchoolDormitoryfire,which claimed the lives of 20 c
n Member of Parliament (MP) Ganesh Mahipaul has urged thegovernmenttoestablisha
nationaldayofremembrance intheirhonor
profound impact of the
tragedy, Mahipaul said duringtheOpposition'spress conference, “Our thoughts, sentiments, and support continue to be extended to t
underscored the need for the nation to collectively acknowledgethelossandthe griefthetragedyhascaused.
On the first anniversary of the heartbreaking loss of 20youngliveswhoperished in the deadly fire that swept through the Mahdia School
Female Dormitory, Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret'd)
Mark Phillips led a delegation of government Ministers to Region Eight (Potaro-Siparuni) for several memorial services in honour ofthosewhodied.
During his visit, Philips announced that a memorial site would be established in Region Eight to honour the lostlives.
While Mahipaul supported this initiative, he expressed concerns that the memorial might become a
minor, overlooked structure. Hesaid,“Webelievethatwe must memorialize the event in a manner that will not cause it to slip out of the national memory and consciousness due to time or lack of visibility and prominence.”
Topreventthis,Mahipaul proposedthatthereisadayin May which is observed annually as the “Mahdia ChildrenFireVictims'Day.”
He argued that such an observancewouldkeepthe
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BETWEEN: ENNIS (FEONA MAUREEN nee PETERS) Petitioner/Applicant -andENNIS (LONSDALE LYNDON) Respondent TO: LONSDALE LYNDON ENNISLast Known Address Lot 184 Pigeon Place, South Ruimveldt Gardens Georgetown, Guyana
authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.
NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.
TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Thursday the 25th day of July, 2024 at 9:45 am before the Honourable Madam Chief Justice Roxane George via Zoom. (Please Contact the Honourable Madam Chief Justice Chambers for Meeting ID and password either by email at victorialawcourts@gmail.com or by telephone at 592225-6823 or 226-7947, Extension 223/306)
IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.
From page 8 expected to benefit from the new school.
At a recent press conference, Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand said that there has been some commentary in the public that “building a school means nothing.”
The minister explained, “Building a school allows children to go to school. Where there is no school, there is no place for children to go. So, it is very easy for people to say we could boast about all the schools we want that doesn’t mean education, well it does.
To the people in the hinterland, if you don’t have a school, you can’t get a secondary education.”
Minister Manickchand said that her government would continue to build
schools, so as to give children an opportunity to not only finish school, but to capitalize on tertiary education.
This year, the Ministry of Education was allocated some $74.4Billion, a portion of which will be used for the construction, rehabilitation, extension and maintenance of educational facilities.
This newspaper reported that the Ministry of Education has embarked on an aggressive programme to ensure that the nation’s children have access to secondary education.
The Government has set 2025 to achieve universal secondary education. To achieve this, the ministry has since moved to have several secondary schools constructed across the country.
From page 3 unaware of the additional requirements.
In fact, Samaroo posited, “DDL find these requirements contrary to the spirit of intra-regional trade especially since we are reliably informed that Guyana has no such reciprocal requirements for the importation of similar products from Trinidad and Tobago.”
DDL currently exports the same products to three other Caribbean states including Suriname, St. Kitts and Barbados and has not encountered such barriers to trade.
The Chairman said that the Chairman of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), President Irfaan Ali was informed of the situation and was shocked and is committed to resolving the issue.
To this end, Samaroo ex-
plained, “If you are going to accept as a norm, different set of rules and different standards then we can’t have free trade.
It has to be on a common basis.
The European Union, the North American Free Traders, all on common basis. You can’t have a set of rules that an exporter to your market has to go through these hurdles and then you have ready access to everybody else. It is wrong.”
Kaieteur News asked the Samaroo whether he was calling for a standard to be set across CARICOM for the import and export of products among member states.
He responded, “I am calling for whatever it takes to allow even access to each market.”
When asked if this would be a suggestion to government, he said, “absolutely.”
German shepherd mix with Husky available. Call : 6480111.
TAKE NOTICE that on the 11th day of March, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by FEONA MAUREEN ENNIS nee PETERS, the Petitioner in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 25th day of April, 2024 the Petitioner was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the KAIETEUR NEWS, a daily newspaper, printed, published and circulated in Guyana and on the Worldwide Web. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly
The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 30th day of April, 2024.
A new World Bank Report has underscored the need to reduce carbon emissions as tax payments imposed by governments registered an increase in 2023.Thereporttitled‘State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2024: Positive progress on carbon pricing, but more is needed’ was madepubliconMay21. It explains, “Carbon pricing revenues continued to increase in 2023, exceeding the threshold of USD100billionforthefirst time.” To this end, total revenues from carbon taxes and Emissions Trading Systems(ETSs)in2023was U S $ 1 0 4 b i l l i o n , representing an increase of around4%inrealterms.
The World Bank emphasized that while political commitment continues to build, more action is needed to reduce emissions. According to the document,“Over90%ofthe 195 parties to the Paris Agreement have adopted quantified emission reduction targets, and more than 95 countries have announcednetzeropledges, coveringover85%ofglobal, energy-related CO2 emissions.”Inthemeantime, if the countries collectively meet net zero targets global warmingcouldbelimitedto
around 2°C above preindustrial levels, according totheWorldBank. The report explains, “In 2025,thepartiestotheParis Agreement will submit new nationally determined contributions (NDCs) for 2035, and they are expected to reflect an increase in ambition. However, on the whole, countries’mitigation policy instruments are insufficient to meet current NDCs.” In fact, the World Bank report projects that even with policies currently inplace,globalemissionsin 2035areexpectedtobe36% higher than the level consistent with limiting
warming to 2°C, and 55% higher than the level consistent with limiting warmingto1.5°C.
Consequently,theglobal institution urges immediate and sustained focus on the implementation of new policies In Guyana, the government instituted a carbon tax in the form of a flaring fee on American oil giant, ExxonMobil The company is required to pay upsomeUS$50pertonneof carbon emissions released into the atmosphere during the burning of associated natural gas during oil productionactivities.
Notably, in 2022, Exxon
Frompage14 tragedy at the forefront of national consciousness and serve as a reminder of the importance of high standards in public administration, moral duty, professional conduct, and g o v e r n m e n t a l accountability Mahipaul explained, “Suchanannualobservance notonlyallowsthenationto collectively remember the tragedy and its twenty victims, it would also provide the nation with the fitting opportunity to recommit to higher standards of public administration, moral duty, professional conduct, and governmental responsibility andaccountability.”
He stressed that the deaths of the 20 young individuals must not be in vain On May 21, 2023, tragedy struck the township of Mahdia, when a fire demolished the Mahdia femaledormitory,killing14 childrenintheinfernowhile five subsequ
y succumbed to their injuries at the Mahdia District Hospital. Another girl died dayslater Asurvivor was flown to New York for advanced treatment and is said to be recovering well after returningtoGuyana. From its inception, the government made it clear thateverytypeofassistance possible and necessary will be provided to support the
victims and families of the tragicMahdiaFire.
Medical treatment both locally and overseas was offered to victims and transportation to and from R
accommodation,funeraland related expenses were taken
Psychosocial and monetary
counseling, were also immediatelyprovidedtothe victimsandfamiliesofthose whoperished. Moreover, a Presidential Commission of Inquiry (COI) was launched to review all the facts and circumstances involving the horrendousincident.
CAIRO, May 24
(Reuters) - Israeli forces stepped up military strikes onGazaonFriday,residents andmedicssaid,withplanes bombing targets in the southern city of Rafah even as the U N ’s top court ordered Israel to halt its offensivethere.
Heavy fighting was also reported in Jabalia, in the north,whereIsrael’smilitary said it had recovered the bodies of three hostages killed during the Hamas-led attacks on Oct 7 that triggeredthewar
paid some US$9 million in flaring fees to Guyana’s Environmental Protection Agency(EPA).
Minister of Natural Resources,Vickram Bharrat when contacted by this newspaper on May 7, for information on the carbon taxes paid by Exxon for 2023, referred the newspaper to the EPA. The Executive Director of the agency,KemrajParsramwas subsequently contacted since May 9, 2024 and committed to sharing the information but is yet to do so.Hewaslastremindedby KaieteurNewsoftherequest forinformationonMay16.
In Rafah, where an escalating Israeli assault has senthundredsofthousandsof peoplefleeingfromwhatwas one of the few remaining places of refuge, residents reported intensifying aerial andgroundbombardmentin the south and centre of the citythatbordersEgypt
Asthefightingraged,the InternationalCourtofJustice (ICJ), also known as the World Court, said the situation in Rafah was now “disastrous” and ordered Israel to “immediately halt itsmilitaryoffensive”
The ruling was in responsetoarequestbySouth Africainpartofawidercase accusing Israel of genocide Israel has repeatedly dismissedthataccusationas baselessandhadsignalledit would ignore any ruling to halt its offensive by the court, which has no
enforcementpowers.Itsays ithasnochoicebuttoattack Rafah to root out the last battalionsofHamasfighters it believes are sheltering there Residents and Palestinianmediareporteda seriesofstrikeshittingroads and houses in the Shaboura neighbourhood in central Rafah shortly after the ICJ ruling was read out in The Hague. Israel launched its assault on Gaza following a Hamas-led attack on southern Israeli communities on Oct 7 that killed 1,200 people and saw more than 250 hostages seized, according to Israeli tallies Since then, Israel’s incursion has killed more than 35,000 people, according to Gaza health authorities.
In northern Gaza, medics said at least five Palestinians were killed when houses were hit in Jabalia and more were believedtobetrappedunder rubble, but that the area could not be reacheddueto the intensity of the bombardment The Israeli military said it had recovered the bodies of three hostages takenintoGazaaftertheywere killed on Oct 7 It said the bodies of Hanan Yablonka, MichelNisenbaumandOrion Hernandez Radoux were recovered overnight in a joint operation by the army andtheintelligenceservices inJabalia.
Frompage12 Jordan, Al Jazeera’s Imran Khan said that diplomaticsourceshavetold Israel’s Channel 13 that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will convene an emergencymeeting.
“Foreign Minister Israel Katz, war cabinet minister Benny Gantz and the government’s judicial adviser willbeinthemeeting.Thisis how seriously they are taking this ruling,” Khan said. “We are hearing from political sources speaking to localmediathatIsraelwillnot respondtothedecisionofthe court, both politically or militarily,”headded.
According to war crimes prosecutor Reed Brody, the ICJhassteppeduptoconfront
the reality in the Gaza Strip “I’m really impressed, first of all by South Africa’s tenacity and perseverance and coming back to the court. And the court has r e s p o n d e d a l m o s t unanimously,” he told Al Jazeera.BrodynotedthatSouth Africahasbeen asking for an order for Israel to stop its military offensive since the startofthewaronGaza,with the court saying it cannot make a move because Hamas and the Palestinian side is not present on the stand. “But that’s what they have finally chosen to do here and it’s a testament to this court and what it does,” he said. “Together with the decision by the ICC prosecutor [to recommend
arrest warrants against top Israeli officials], it is a real one-twolegalpunch.”
The ICJ, also known as the World Court, is the highestUNbodyforhearing disputes between states. Its rulingsarefinalandbinding, buthavebeenignoredinthe past In a highly charged ruling in January, the court ordered Israel to do everything in its power to prevent genocidal acts in Gaza, but stopped short of orderingahaltinthefighting.
Israel has repeatedly dismissed the case’s accusations of genocide as baseless, arguing in court that its operations in Gaza areself-defenceandtargeted at Hamas fighters who attackedIsraelonOctober7.
SportsMax - An illustrious commentary panel featuring cricketing legendswillprovideinsights and analysis, ensuring the fans get to experience the gameinallitsgloryfromthe ninehostlocationsacrossthe USA and West Indies from June1-29.
Renowned broadcasters
Ravi Shastri, Nasser Hussain, Ian Smith, Mel
Jones, Harsha Bhogle, and Ian Bishop will lead a d y n a m i c t e a m o f commentatorsforthisyear’s ICCMen’sT20WorldCup.
Joining them is Aaron Finch, who lifted the trophy in 2021, alongside other former T20 World Cup winners such as Dinesh Karthik, Ebony RainfordBrent, Samuel Badree, Carlos Brathwaite, Steve
Inaddition,previousICC global event winners who knowthetriumphofliftinga WorldCup—RickyPonting, Sunil Gavaskar, Matthew Hayden, Ramiz Raja, Eoin Morgan, Tom Moody and Wasim Akram will be offeringtheirexpertinsights throughouttheevent.
American commentator JamesO’Brienbetterknown
From left: Harsha Bhogle, Dinesh Karthik and Matthew Hayden will be among a star-studded commentary team for the upcoming ICC Men’s T20 World Cup set for June1-29 in the West Indies and the USA. (ICC)
as Jomboy will be making his World Cup debut as he aims to try and add context around the games for our Americanaudiences.
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
A challenging day is in store foryou,Aries.Ifyou'repartof a group or team or simply among friends, you may feel somewhatillatease.Couldit be that you instill jealousy in others? There's only one way tofindout.
TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)
Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow
You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.
Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly
You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.
The little fighter that you are makesitverydifficultforyou to join us in the great communal river that we're all tryingtonavigate,Virgo.You prefertotravelsolo.
Be disciplined about all areas ofyourbody,Libra.Takeextra care to eat healthful, balanced meals. Make sure you get enough sleep And even thoughyougripeabouthaving no time, get out there and exercise.
If you've been feeling deep anger,todayisn'tthedaytolet it out but rather the day to consider its source. Any large gatheringsoffamilyorfriends shouldbeavoidedatallcosts.
If by chance you still harbor some resentment toward someone, Sagittarius, it will probably come out today.You might be uncompromising or evenvengeful.
You don't suffer fools gladly, and superficial fools even less so. You have a mind to teach those around you a lesson. You'reuncompromisingtoday, and you can't understand why others don't have your same highstandards.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Hereisadayofchallenges, Aquarius You're a pro at questioning yourself, as you'll prove today when you take a
accomplishments What have youcreatedofapersonalnature inthelasttenyears.
Ifyougivetheimpressionthat you're in a reserved and introspective mood (even if you aren't), you'll succeed in avoiding confrontation Today there is no such thing as a simpleexchangewithsomeone
Other stalwarts joining theteamincludeDaleSteyn, Graeme Smith, Michael Atherton, Waqar Younis, SimonDoull,ShaunPollock andKateyMartin.
The lineup across the US and the Caribbean is
Frompage24 signs of how much the ball was gripping. SRH had no specialist spinner in their line-upbutinconditionslike these you don’t need specialists. You just need people that can turn the ball andholdaline.Shahbazdid that and more, winning a match-up he was secondfavourite in. Bowling into the left-hander’s hitting arc, he handed Jaiswal his first dismissal to spin since IPL 2022.
Cummins brought Abhishek Sharma, who had bowledonlythreeoversthis campaign, from the other end. He even called Aiden Markram to roll his arm over The pitch was now takinghandsomeamountsof turn and Cummins used any means in his armoury to exploit it. SRH produced a 33-ball period without a single boundary using bowlers whom they haven’t reallyhadtoturntobutwere there now at this crucial time. This 33-ball period also included four wickets. Shahbaz who hadn’t picked up a wicket since April 5 turned up with 4-0-23-3 tonight.
Scores: Sunrisers Hyderabad 175 for 9 (Klaasen 50, Avesh 3-27, Boult 3-45) beat Rajasthan Royals 139 for 7 (Jurel 56, Shahbaz 3-23, Abhishek 224)by36runs
completedwithsomeofthe world’s leading cricket broadcasters, including Mpumelelo Mbangwa, Natalie Germanos, Danny Morrison,Alison Mitchell,
Th e g r a n d
S e c o n d a r y
S c h o o l s Independence Tape Ball cricket competition is set to take place on Monday, May 27, at the National Culture Centre’sTarmac.
This thrilling event, known as ‘Back-N-Time,’ will feature an eight-a-
side, 4-over knockout format,promisingtobethe largest and most exciting Boys and Girls Tape Ball Cricket competition to date
numerous prizes and ind
s, culminating in the quest
Championship trophy, the biggesteverawardedinthis competition.
With schools from a
atmosphere is set to be electric as teams vie for glory in this unique and spiritedtournament
SportsMax - In a bid to foster a deeper appreciation for cricket among the youth of the Caribbean, Cricket West Indies (CWI) provided tickets for students and teachers,aswellasmembers of Jamaica’s age-group teams to enjoy the threematch series between West Indies and South Africa at SabinaPark.
The initiative which CWI says forms part of its c o r p o r a t e s o c i a l responsibility efforts. The regional body provided 2,685ticketstostudents,412 to teachers, and 198 tickets to players from the Under15, Under-17 and Uner-19 teams, ensuring these young athletes have the chance to experience top-tier cricket action.
The Schools Ticketing Programme, a central element of this initiative, is designed to immerse young mindsinthethrillofcricket, offering them the opportunity to witness international matches and developalastingpassionfor thesport.
CWI President, Dr K i s h o r e S h a l l o w, underscored the importance ofcultivatingastrongcricket cultureacrosstheregion,and this he said reflects his administration’s ongoing commitment to youth
engagement and sports development.
“We are keen to help revitalizecricketinJamaica. Introducing the children to cricket is vital for the future of the sport in Jamaica and the entire region By bringing students to these matches, we are not only providing them with an enjoyable experience but also nurturing an appreciation and love for cricket that can grow with them,”Shallowsaid.
“This Schools Ticketing Programme initiative is about more than just watching a game; it’s about creating a connection with the sport that can inspire future generations,” he added.
Recently-elected Jamaica CricketAssociation (JCA) President Dr DonovanBennett,expressed
enthusiasm for the initiative anditspotentialimpact.
“We are thrilled to collaboratewithCWIforthis Schools Ticketing Programme. This initiative promotes cricket and instils values of teamwork, discipline, and perseverance in our young people,” he said.
“Byexposingstudentsto livecricketmatches,theyare g e t t i n g a d e e p e r understanding and appreciation for the game. This experience is invaluable for their personal and athletic development,” Dr Bennettnoted.
West Indies won Thursday’s first game by 28 runs. The remaining two matches of the series are scheduledforSaturday,May 25andSunday,May26atthe same venue. Start time is 2:00pm.
AllicockadvancetonextroundATOlympic QualifiersinThailand DexterAmsterdaminactiontoday
Keevin Allicock movedonestep c l o s e r t o returning to the Olympics withathird-roundstoppage win over Guatemala’s Jose Felipeintheroundof32at the final World Olympic Qualification Tournament inBangkok,Thailand.
Referee Alisher Palvanov stopped the fight one minute and 29 seconds into the third round, allowing Allicock to advance to the round of 16, where he will face Turkey’sBatuhanÇiftçi
Çiftçi defeated Mohamad Mehdi Sahak
of Afghanistan via unanimous decision. Like Allicock, Çiftçi also competed at the Tokyo Olympics.
Allicock, along with Desmond Amsterdam (80kg), Joel Williamson (63 5kg), and Emmanuel Pompey (92kg), hopes to qualify for Paris 2024 after missing the first qualifierinBustoArsizio, Italy, due to being denied theirSchengenvisas
For Keevin Allicock, the qualifiers present a chance to redeem his To k y o O l y m p i c s appearance
Allicock was the first boxersinceJohnDouglas (1996) to qualify for the Olympics but faced defeatinthefirstroundof his men’s featherweight event against Alexy de la Cruz of the Dominican Republic. Meanwhile, today,
Desmond Amsterdam will face Cristian Javier Pinales in the round-of32 action in the 89kg category
Tomorrow, Joel Williamson will compete againstMauritius’sLouis Richarno Colin in the 63 5kg category roundof-32
Itwillbeatoughmatchup for Williamson, facing Colin,whowonsilveratthe 2022 Commonwealth Games and gold at theAllAfricanGames.
Colin also competed at theTokyoOlympics. On May 27, Emanuel Pompey and Georgii Kushitashvili of Georgia willmeetinthemen’s92kg round-of-16. (Rawle Toney)
The Golden Jaguars are in Group A of League A in the CONCACAF Nations
League, alongside Suriname, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, andCostaRica.
Group B of League A includesJamaica,Honduras, Trinidad andTobago, Cuba, Nicaragua, and French Guiana. Guyana will kick off their campaign at home on Thursday, September 5, against long-time rivals Suriname.
Since Gregory ‘Jackie Chan’ Richardson netted a doubletoleadGuyanatoa20 win over Suriname at the GuyanaNationalStadiumin 2016, the Golden Jaguars have lost back-to-back games against their South American neighbours, with scores of 2-3 in the 2016 Caribbean Cup and 1-2 in a friendlymatchin2022.
Following their match against Suriname, Guyana willtraveltoFort-de-France to face Martinique on Monday,September9.
Guyana moved up to League A of the Nations
League after going undefeated in League B, where they won matches
against Antigua and Barbuda (5-1, 6-0), Puerto Rico (3-1, 3-1), and The Bahamas(3-2).
LeagueAof the Nations League includes 16 teams and features a Quarterfinal round.FortheGroupStage, the 12 lowest-ranked League A national teams (based on the CONCACAF Rankings) were split into twogroupsofsixteamseach and will play in a “Swiss style” league system, with each team playing a total of fourgames(twoathomeand twoaway).
After Group Stage play in September and October 2024, the first and secondplacefinishersofeachgroup (four teams in total) will advancetotheQuarterfinals, wheretheywilljointhefour top-ranked League A teams (Mexico, United States, Panama,andCanada).
TheQuarterfinalswillbe played in November 2024, inahome-and-awayformat, with the aggregate score winner in each matchup advancing to the 2025 CONCACAF Nations League Finals (Rawle Toney)
SportsMax - Barcelona
have confirmed the dismissal of head coach Xavi, just 30 days after he had revealed he would be stayingonfornextseason.
XavisaidinJanuarythat hewouldbeleavingBarcaat theendoftheseason,yethe was convinced to remain in charge by club president JoanLaporta.
Barca have gone on to secure a second-place finish in LaLiga, yet yesterday, before their final match of theseasonagainstSevillaon Sunday, it was confirmed Xavi would be leaving after all. A statement released on the club’s official website read: “The president, Joan Laporta, announced this afternoon to Xavi that he willnotcontinueascoachof thefirstteaminthe2024-25 season.
“Themeetingtookplace at the Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamperandthesportsvicepresident, Rafa Yuste, and thesportsdirector,Anderson LuisdeSouza,Deco,aswell as Xavi’s assistants, Oscar Hernández and Sergio Alegre, were present
Barcelona have confirmed the dismissal of head coach Xavi.
“Barcelona would like to thankXaviforhisworkasa coach, which adds to an unparalleled career as a player and captain of the team,andwisheshimallthe luckintheworld.”
Xavi has overseen 142 matches in charge of Barca, and led them to the title in 2022-23. He has won 89 games in all competitions,
givinghimawinpercentage of62.7.
Hansi Flick, the former Bayern Munich and Germanycoach,isexpected to be confirmed as Xavi’s replacement.
During his time in charge, Xavi has helped blood young stars such as Gavi, Lamine Yamal and FerminLopez.
The Golden Jaguars suffered a 2-0 defeat to Flamengo FC in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where they areencampedaspartoftheir preparation for the FIFA WorldCupqualifiers.
FacingaFlamengoteam that featured mostly reserve players, Guyana conceded bothgoalsinthefirsthalf.
Up next Guyana, is a clashtodaywithFluminense FC, the reigning champions of Brazil’s National League and winners of the Copa Libertadores in South America.Guyana will also play Flamengo FC, celebratedasoneofBrazil’s
premier clubs with the second-largest global fan base; Caxias FC, Reis’ second division club; and Club America, whose president is Brazil’s former superstar striker Romario, nowasenator
The Golden Jaguars are currently on a two-week training camp in Rio de Janeiro, gearing up for their first 2026 World Cup Qualifier match against PanamaonJune6.
Thecamp,organisedand hostedbytheRiodeJaneiro State Transport Secretary, Washington Reis, began on May 19 and includes 28
h o m e - b a s e d a n d internationalplayers.
The invitation for the training camp was extended by Reis and facilitated by GuyanesebusinessmenFaizal Khan, head of the British ChambersofCommerce,and his brother Kabir Khan The opportunity aims to provide theGoldenJaguarswithanew environment to hone their preparations for the 2026 WorldCup.
Following their match againstPanamaonJune6in Panama City, the Golden Jaguars will then take on Belize in Barbados on June 11.
ESPNcricinfo - “There’s nothingmoresatisfyingthan hearing a big crowd go silent ” Pat Cummins, November 19, 2023. The next day he took Virat Kohli’s wicket and made a ground with 100,000 people feellikeaghosttown.
“Wehaveearnedtheright tohaveoneofthosedaysand still win tournaments” Pat Cummins,May21,2024
It’s taken a little while longerforhimtowalkthetalk but boy when he says something we best listen SunrisersHyderabadmarched intothefinalofIPL2024and thistimetheydiditwiththeir bowling
It looked like Rajasthan Royals had won a crucial toss and they did the right thingbyoptingtochase.One square boundary was significantlyshorterthanthe other (61m vs 72m) and asymmetrylikethatmakesit really hard to defend totals, especially if the dew came in, but it didn’t. All of a
sudden SRH had a dry ball and a dry pitch. And they workedamiracleonthat.
Shahbaz Ahmed originally came into this game to try and shore up a stop-start batting innings. It was the second time in two playoffgamesthatSRHhad to pull the Impact Player triggerearly Hemade17ina
partnership of 43 with HeinrichKlaasentopushthe totalupto175.
But that total looked light whenYashasvi Jaiswal racedto41off19balls.The game was slipping away Except it had also shown SRH a way to claw back. JaydevUnadkat’sfirstovertheseventh-showed (Continuedonpage21)
The Petra/ExxonMobil Boys and Girls Under-14 FootballTournament, which was slated to kick off today (May 25), has been rescheduled to kick off on Monday, May 27, due to recent inclement weather This announcement was made yesterday by Troy Mendonca, Co-Director of the Petra Organisation, in a recent circular Originally scheduled to commence on May18,thetournamentwas first pushed to May 25 to a c c o m m o d a t e a n overwhelming number of participatingteams.With56 teams in total—32 boys’ teams and 24 girls’ teams—the coordinators at Petra were compelled to introduce an eliminator round last weekend. This measure aimed to ensure a fair competition system given the high level of interestandparticipation.
persistent poor weather conditions forced another delay “The decision to reschedule was made with the safety and well-being of the young athletes in mind,” Mendonca stated The tournament will now run fromMay27toJuly6.
The opening of the tournament, which includes a ceremonial March Past, is settolaunchthetournament in grand style on Monday,
For more updates and information,followthePetra Organisation’sofficialpage. The tournament is coordinated by the Petra Organisation,andsponsored by the ExxonMobil with support by prominent entities like Stena Drilling, MVP Sports, Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), and the Ministry of Culture, YouthandSports.
ESPNcricinfo - Babar
Azam will lead a Pakistan side for the third successive time at the T20 World Cup whenhewillflyoutwiththe 15-member squad for the tournamentnextmonth.The PCB neither named a vicecaptain nor any traveling reserves even though the WorldCupwillbeplayedin the USA and the Caribbean overalmostamonth.
In an announcement that came hours before the ICC deadline to submit the final squad, there were a few surprises with Pakistan sticking to the touring party they chose for the T20Is in IrelandandEngland.Noone from outside that group was selected.HasanAli,whowas r e l e a s e d b a c k t o Warwickshire earlier this week, missed out, alongside Irfan Khan and Agha Salman.
Abbas Afridi made the final cut, meaning Pakistan go into the tournament with five specialist fast bowlers. Imad Wasim, who came out of retirement for this tournament,wastheleft-arm spin option, with Abrar Ahmed the only specialist legspinner
“This is an extremely talented and balanced side
that has a mixture of youth and experience These players have been playing together for some time and look well prepared and settled for next month’s event, ” a statement attributed to the selection committee in a PCB release said. “Haris Rauf is fully fit andbowlingwellinthenets. Itwouldhavebeenniceifhe had gotten an outing at Headingley[inthefirstT20I
against England which was washed out], but we remain confident that he will continue to maintain an upward trajectory in the upcoming matches, as he will have an important role to play along with other strike bowlers in the T20 WorldCup.”
ESPNcricinfo learnt that aninitialsquadwasfinalised and sent to PCB chairman Mohsin Naqvi on May 23,
but a conflict around due process emerged, with certain members of the selection panel feeling they had not been consulted properly.Naqviaskedtosee the minutes of the meeting and voting patterns of prior meetings, which had not been recorded. As a result, the squad was rejected and returned to the selection panel, with Naqvi insisting the members achieve
consensus on the squad and the meeting minutes be recorded. The PCB rejected any notion of the chairman interfering in specific selection decisions, and that the reason for the initial squadbeingrejectedwasthe failuretofollowdueprocess as set out for the selection committee.
Pakistanhadoptedtonot announce a provisional squad at the start of the
month, something most other sides did. In the end, they were the last team to officially confirm their final squad, with all 19 other teams having submitted theirsafewdaysago.
Pakistan are currently in themiddleofaT20Iseriesin England, with the second match in Birmingham on Saturday Theyflyouttothe USA after the series concludes, with all four of Pakistan’s group stage matchesintheUnitedStates. They don’t play any warmup games before the big tournament. Pakistan begin their T20 World Cup campaign against USA in DallasonJune6beforethey play India in New York on June 9. Pakistan will stay in NewYorktofaceCanadaon June 11 and then travel to LauderhilltoplayIrelandon June 16 for their final group game. Pakistan squad for T20WorldCup2024:Babar Azam (capt), Saim Ayub, Mohammad Rizwan (wk), Fakhar Zaman, Azam Khan (wk), Usman Khan, Iftikhar Ahmed, Imad Wasim, Shaheen Shah Afridi, Shadab Khan, Mohammad Amir,AbbasAfridi,Naseem Shah, Haris Rauf, Abrar Ahmed
The wait is over Round TwooftheKFCEliteLeague Season Six kicks off today, May 25 with a thrilling doubleheader at the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) National Training Centre in Providence, East Bank Demerara.
SantosFCstartsthefinal round in fifth place on the pointstableandwillfaceoff against seventh-place Fruta ConquerorsFCat6:30p.m. Meanwhile, third-place GuyanaPoliceForceFCwill takeonfourth-placeWestern Tigers FC in a 9 p m showdown. GFF Technical Director Bryan Joseph on May 22 confirmed that all preparations for the final roundarecomplete,withten elite clubs ready to battle it out for the championship title.
“We’ve spent the past fewweeksreviewingRound One with all stakeholders, including clubs, match officials, medical staff, and the technical team,” said BryanJoseph.
“Weheldfivesessionsin total,providingeveryonethe opp
concernsandshareideasina candid setting. We’ve made adjustments where necessaryandarenowready, expecting another round of high-intensitygames.”
RoundOneconcludedin early May, allowing players attached to Guyana Defence Force FC, Slingerz FC, Guyana Police Force FC, Western Tigers FC, Santos FC, Den Amstel FC, Fruta Conquerors FC, Ann’s Grove United FC, Monedderlust FC and Buxton United FC a chance to rest and regroup while coaches seized the opportunity to strategise for theupcominground.
Overthenextfewweeks, matches are scheduled to take place at the NTC, with fans eagerly awaiting the showdown of the final four clubsvyingforprizerewards of $2,000,000, $1,200,000, $800,000 and $500,000, respectively
Guyana Defence Force FC is top of the table, with Slingerz FC in second and Guyana Police Force FC in third. Western Tigers FC ended Round One in the
fourthspot,whileSantosFC completesthetopfive.
Meanwhile, at the lower e n d o
a b l e , Monedderlust FC and Buxton United FC are bracingthemselvesforafew heated weeks to secure their positions in the league for SeasonSeven.
GFF President Wayne Forde added that the final round promises to be an
competitiveness seen in RoundOne.
“We have witnessed incredible football from February to May in Round One,andasweapproachthe final round to determine the champ
s, foot
enthusiasts can anticipate nothing short of thrilling matches.”
“ O u r s t r a t e g i c investment in club football development, which is a pathway to the national programme, is driving the continuous growth of the EliteLeague.”
pic - Two explosive match ups have been tabled fortodayMay25.
Steve Bacchus, Navin and Jiaram displayed their trophies. Missing are Floyd Cumberbatch and Godfrey George.
The Independence Draughts Competition came off with a full complement of players last Sunday at Transport Sports Club Pavilion, Thomas Lands. The tournament was hosted by TransportDraughtsClubinconjunctionwith theNationalDraughtsAssociation. The games were played on the 8x8 and the10x10squareboards.Keencontestwere displayedthroughoutthedayandlateintothe night as brains versus brains vied for top honours. Steve Bacchus eventually won the tournamentwith42points.
However, a tie breaker was not placed since the games finished late into the night. Thethirdprizewassharedwithagentlemen understanding.ThebestplayerforTransport Club went to Navin Meighbarran with 34 points.
TrophiesdonatedbyTransportCluband a small purse from Grenada based player RaviRampersaudmadethetournamentmore exciting.
Floyd Cumberbatch, taking full 4 points from Steve,hestillhadtosettlefor2ndplacewith 40 points. Jiaram and Godfrey George were tiedon37pointsapiece.
Guyana’s Curtez Kellman (right) battles for possession against Flamengo FC in Brazil.