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Wednesday May 29, 2013

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

The facts do not support Burnham killing Rodney

DEAR EDITOR, M. Maxwell’s irrational and sloppy arguments as per letter, “Posterity is always painfully cruel to dictators,” KN 25/5/2013, in response to mine “The evidence to date does not suggest Burnham was responsible for Rodney’s death,” SN 7/5/2013, exemplify the s h o d d i n e s s that characterises discourses, mistaken as ‘smarts,’ and perpetuate myths as gospel. For that writer to make a claim that my take on the Wa l t e r R o d n e y / F o r b e s Burnham issue confirms “the kind of logically suspect and morally strained analysis we suffer from with enduring constancy in Guyana and particularly, with respect to the Rodney assassination” the responsibility resides with the author of said statement to produce an honest and rational case debunking the positions I used in support of my case, which were and are: 1. The examination of Walter Rodney’s political belief (armed revolution) using extracts from Rodney’s mentor, the world-renowned CLR James; and WPA coleader Rupert Roopnarine; 2. The reported statement of “an accident” by army personnel Gregory Smith regarding the device Rodney was given; 3. The refusal of the

WPA to use its muscle to bring to fruition the 2005 unanimous legislature vote to establish an independent international commission of enquiry (IICE) into Rodney’s death and; 4. The evidence to date does not say Burnham is responsible for Rodney’s death. Maxwell’s evident failure to address or disprove any of the listed four through diversionary tactics, irrelevance and ‘facts,’ is deserving of exposure:According to Maxwell, “Ultimately and unequivocally, a powerful national figure like Walter Rodney could not be killed in a closely controlled police state like the Burnhamdominated Guyana in 1980 without Burnham’s prior knowledge, or more to the point, involvement and endorsement. That is a fact.” Is it a “fact” that Burnham was ‘involved and endorsed’ the death of Rodney? Where is evidence to prove so? Is it a “fact” that Maxwell attributed to Burnham the “involvement and endorsement” of Rodney’s death? Maxwell’s quote confirms, yes. But does Maxwell’s “fact,” absence proof (indisputably the case) or evidence makes it a “fact” that Burnham was ‘involved and endorsed’

the killing of Rodney? No! And is it a “fact” that an IICE was voted for to provide inquiry into Rodney’s death, and the “fact” that the WPA has failed since 2005 to mount an aggressive strategy to bring to fruition the IICE? Yes, on both counts! The presence of the former and absence of the latter are public knowledge. And to Maxwell’s other irrational take that Tacuma Ogunseye’s questions to PNC R l e a d e r D a v i d Granger become “fact” that Burnham due to a “closely controlled police state like [his] in 1980” made him ‘involved and endorsed’ Rodney’s death, how does the writer account for R o o p n a r i n e ’s 2010 a d m i s s i o n t h a t , “ We [WPA] were accumulating weapons… we were accumulating equipment of various kinds. A certain amount of that was coming from the military.” Refer to SN, September 19, 2010 “WPA had been accumulating weapons prior to Rodney’s death.” Or how does Maxwell account for CLR James’ 1981 statements that “Walter did not study exactly the taking of power….He was the chief person of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA)….A key problem in the face of overwhelming state power is how to arm oneself against it. In fact, the

The Marriot is goin to pose... From page 4 not point out the consequences of maintaining the revolving light “as is” on the Lighthouse and at the same time placing an “oscillating light” atop of the Marriott Hotel due to their very close proximity. One minute of Latitude on a nautical chart is equivalent to one nautical mile (6080 feet). I do not know the exact distance measured in a northerly direction between the Lighthouse and the Marriott Hotel, 600'? 900'? Neither do I know the exact distance measured in an easterly direction, but it’s a lot less than the northerly distance; what I do know however is the difference of latitude and the difference of longitude will be mere seconds (of arc). Now ask the Mariner to plot these two positions on his general navigation chart, the two positions will be virtually on top of each other. To have two lights with different characteristics, whether fixed, flashing, occulting or revolving from virtually the “same position” could result in some amount of uncertainty and confusion to the mariner.

I therefore urge the decision makers to engage in serious deliberations when deciding what to do with the light on the lighthouse. The lighthouse however will not become obsolete, because as mentioned before, in conjunction with other objects vessels precise positions are known, especially by day. What the relevant technical officials ought to do however is embark on a programme that will indicate to the mariner whether his vessel is in the safe zone or the danger zone, as the new light will no longer be observed from its original position and might very well be of different characteristics. Of vital importance is Guyana’s obligation to notify the authority which compiles the Admiralty List of lights around the world as soon as changes are made to existing aids to navigation. This brings me to a very important related point. When the Sparendaam Radio Mast was removed from its position in order to facilitate the construction of buildings, was the authority mentioned above notified so that it could be deleted from the list of

lights? It is noted that the 2013 Guyana Tide Tables and List of Lights booklet has this mast as having been demolished, but still gives its position of Latitude 06 49.6 N Longitude 58 06.6 W; its height of 106.9 M and its visibility of 20 miles. If the Radio Mast no longer exists it does not exist. This missive was written from a strict professional nautical perspective with the sole purpose of highlighting how the removal of the light from the lighthouse will affect the navigation of vessels, how the lighthouse as a structure and the light thereon serve to assist the mariner to navigate safely when making a landfall, to point out what should be done when the light is placed atop of the Marriott hotel and very importantly to clear up some obvious serious misconceptions as to the purpose, use and functions of the Lighthouse. It in no way seeks to delve into areas of political opinions or economic considerations of the Marriott Hotel project. Capt R o u c h i e E.W.Adams M.N.I.

arms for a revolution are there: the police and the army have them. What you have to do is win over a section of the army, and you have arms. And you could also take away arms from the government.” And going by Maxwell, what makes Ogunseye ‘right’ about Smith’s role, B u r n h a m ’s alleged complicity in Rodney’s death, and disregard for a

b o o k d etailing Smith’s account of June 13, 1980 (Walter’s date of death), and Granger ‘wrong’ to rely on said account? No substantiated reason, only ego- i.e. because they say so, it is so! The WPA and PPP were/ are the ones that blamed Burnham for Rodney’s death, so how can the PNC be in cahoots with the PPP on the Rodney issue? Maxwell is

conveniently ignoring that the WPA has not taken a strong position to commence the IICE. Its former ally, the PPP, is in government for 21 years and the vbery WPA now sits in parliament- thanks to the ‘dreaded’ PNC- as part of the opposition majority. From this scenario who is/are really afraid of the truth emerging? Clearly, it is not the PNC! Minette Bacchus

An open letter to the police commissioner DEAR EDITOR, RE: The beating to death of a mason from Joe Singh Drive, South Sophia which was published in the Kaieteur News on Thursday May 9, 2013. Please be informed that the residents of Sophia had enough, too much of the failed attempts by the police force to offer us s e c u r i t y. Many households in the area are traumatized by gunmen and thieves in the area. People c a n n o t s l e e p a t nights because of fear of the unwelcomed guests coming into your home and robbing you, beating you and

threatening to take your life if you don’t give into their demands. We the residents of Sophia have had enough! We acknowledge that the beating to death of the mason is not acceptable, but that goes to show the level of frustration in the area. We are hard working people. Who would we entrust to protect us when the polic e a r e t h e m s e l v e s scared, Mr. Commissioner? We are our neighbours’ keepers and we will protect ourselves if the police cannot protect us. These bandits are b a r e f a c e d c o m i n g into

Sophia and creating havoc in the area and many of them do not live here but have accomplices in the area. Recently, two other families in A Field and C Field were terrorized by gunmen and several attempts to contact the police were to no avail. One family member was shot and his condition is critical in the hospital. It’s a waste of time to call for them in the wee hours in the morning they wouldn’t come till day clean. N.B This letter has been circulated to over 70 households in Sophia to be agreed upon to be published. Residents of Sophia

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday May 29, 2013

Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

Fip Motiall was not all bad for Amaila Falls road DEAR EDITOR, I am always saddened to read or listen to negative and inaccurate reports about Fip Motilall and his involvement with the Amaila Falls Road. Hopefully, the facts listed below will serve to enlighten the press and public on the important role Fip played in bringing hydro to Guyana. Fip’s troubles began on January 12, 2010 when contractors and consultants left on a site visit to what would be roughly the alignment for the Amaila Falls Road. This was in response to a request for proposal in which they were required to submit sealed bids to build the road and clear a section of the transmission line. Bids were opened on January 22, 2010 and Fip was the low bidder at US $ 15.4 million. Fip was then awarded the contract on March 18, 2010 Turn the clock back to 1997. It was then that Fip

applied and was granted a license in accordance with the Hydropower Act to conduct a Feasibility study for a hydro at Amaila Falls. That was GOG procedure. Douglas Allen was already on board with a Memorandum of Understanding to develop a 40-megawatt hydro at Tumatumari. Fip’s reports passed muster and in 1998 he was granted an interim license to seek finance and to develop the project further. Fip worked jointly with Harza who did the environmental and hydrological studies and Harza sub contracted Daryl Fry of Carib drilling to do the geotechnical field work. The local consultant geologist was Sat Narine. The Environmental Assessment spearheaded by Harza (involvement by Charles Ceres) was completed in December 2001 and public hearings held in 2002. The studies and reports

were submitted to GOG in 2001. Kaehne Engineering was hired by GOG to review the Joint Venture submittals. At that time the project was set at 100 Megawatts and equity financing was secured from two investors-- Leucadia and the Scudder Latin America Power Fund. The project then suffered its first serious setback when the Joint Venture was not able to finalize a Power Purchase agreement with GPL and Omai. The proposal was to sell 50MW firm power to GPL and the other 50MW to Omai. The project ended up on the back burner but when oil hit US$50/barrel in 2005, GOG asked Fip how fast the project could be built. In mid 2006 there was a presentation at the Tower Hotel. The President, the Prime Minister, Winston Brassington and Bharat Dindial were at the head table. Enventure Partners of Miami came on board as a Joint Venture partner and tasked with negotiating the power purchase agreements and finding investors. This led to Sithe Global becoming involved in 2007. The joint development team decided to do a revised Feasibility study

and EIA to accommodate a project with an increased generating capacity of 165 MW. In 2009 the Joint Venture (Fip and Enventure Partners) turned over full control of the project to Sithe Global. In 2008 Sithe requested International Bids for the project. Five bids were received. Of significance were the bid prices for the road which ran from US$ 50 million to US$ 150 million. Fip advised Sithe Global that the road should cost between US $15 and US$ 25 million. It was decided between Sithe and GOG to build the access road with local resources. Fip was awarded the contract on March 18, 2010 and full construction notice to proceed was issued on January 11, 2011. This set the project completion date to mid September 2011. However it was amended to December 31, 2011 due to bad weather. This date was then compromised when Fip was instructed in July to widen the road and decrease the grades. See BBFL report. As a result of these amendments, in October a Change Order for US$ 3.2 million was issued for the extra work however no

agreement was reached on a time extension. Adding this amount to the original contract sum of US $15.4 million and deducting US $ 3.0 million for partial transmission line clearing meant the cost for the road would be US $15.6 million. By Dec 2011 GOG estimated that about 45 per cent of the total works had been completed. It was obvious that at the rate things were moving it would take another year to see the project through. It was now that things began to seriously unravel. Fip was required to provide the client with a performance bond for 16 months from the contract date and unnoticed by all, this bond expired in July 2011. Without a performance bond GOG found itself in a dilemma. It was reluctant to give Fip a lengthy time extension and without a lengthy extension no insurance company would give Fip a performance bond. In early January 2012 GOG called it a day and determined the contract exactly one year after issuing the notice to proceed. Kaieteur News reported on May 11, 2013 that to date almost US$10 million

has been spent on the project and Parliament has allocated an additional US $11.4 million for 2013. This gives a total of US$21.2 million for only the road. And where are we now 16 months after Fip was fired? Contractors were changed (two dismissed) and maybe 65 per cent of the total works have been completed. The GOG has now turned to China Rail to finish section 7. Sections 2,3,4,5 and 6 along with the pontoon and bridge crossing are still in local hands. By extrapolation another nine months will pass before the road is completed at a cost of US 21.2 million. Fip worked on the road for approximately one year and completed about 45 per cent of the total work. If Fip had been kept on board for these past 16 months the road would probably be substantially complete at a cost of US $15.6 million. If the hydro flies within the next five years, it would largely be due to Fip’s contribution. Not bad for someone who was slated as not knowing a bulldozer from a snowmobile. Edward Gonsalves

DEAR EDITOR, The Mahatma. A few weeks ago, a not so famous columnist, alleged that Mahatma Gandhi, the Apostle of non-violence was a homosexual. His revelation unleashed a tirade of condemnation from those who were acquainted with his (the Mahatma’s) vocation, and his struggles against the colonials on behalf of the people of India. There is no evidence to

prove that the Mahatma is, or was a homosexual. The embattled columnist, who is struggling to retain his place in the sun, has sunk to a new low. I wonder what the Christians would have done, had he made such an accusation against Jesus Christ. Love of Alcohol. (a) Woman stabs man (both had consumed alcohol) who made unwanted sexual advances to her, and refused to desist, (b)

fatal accident; investigations revealed that the driver was drunk at the time of the accident, (d) man comes home drunk, food not ready; beats wife, (e) man stabs stepdaughter; wife states he imbibed a quantity of alcohol, before committing the act. What a wonderful beverage Alcohol is; I recommend it to all; especially at communion. OT Award. The decision by the Government of South Africa to confer (posthumously) the Oliver Tambo Award on Mr. Forbes Burnham, has elicited some responses that are quite brilliant. It is good to note that the circumstances surrounding Dr. Walter Rodney’s death have not been interred with him. The WPA Handbook; the classification of the WPA as

an Enemy of the State; the infiltration of the WPA by members of the Security Forces, are all indicators that Dr. Walter Rodney was marked for death. His demise and the mode of it, was therefore predictable. Death Gratuity. A regular rank of the Guyana Police Force, who is killed in the line of duty, is entitled to a Death Gratuity, provided he has served a minimum of two years; whilst a member of the Special Constabulary, who is killed in circumstances similar to the regular rank, must have seven years service in order to qualify. How shameful; it seems that the lives of some humans, are more important than others. Shades of Animal Farm. C.S Vaughn Major (Rt’d)

Wednesday May 29, 2013

Kaieteur News

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Disputes over arms for Syria cloud U.S.-Russian peace drive MOSCOW (Reuters) Disputes between Russia and the West over arming warring sides in Syria yesterday dimmed prospects for peace talks that were also clouded by disarray among President Bashar al-Assad’s political foes. As Western nations debate what action, if any, they should take on Syria, Assad’s main allies - Russia, Iran and Lebanon’s Shi’ite Hezbollah group - have been closing ranks behind him. Russia, which has protected Assad diplomatically since the Syrian uprising erupted in March 2011, said it would deliver an advanced S-300 air defense system to Damascus despite U.S., French and Israeli objections, arguing that it would help deter “hotheads” intent on intervention in the conflict. Moscow also accused the European Union of “throwing fuel on the fire” and “undermining” the chances of holding a peace conference at Geneva by letting an arms embargo on Syria expire.

(Reuters) The government said yesterday it had secured billions of pounds of spending cuts at government ministries, but still faces an uphill struggle to agree further reductions equivalent to 80 percent of its 11.5 billion pound target. Battling to reduce a big public deficit, Chancellor George Osborne said seven government departments had agreed to cut between 8 and 10 percent from their 2015/16 budgets as part of a government spending review due to be announced on June 26. But finding the remaining cuts of around 9 billion pounds is likely to strain relations within a

France and Britain, the EU’s strongest military powers and most ardent advocates of scrapping the embargo, said they had not yet decided to arm Syrian rebels, but wanted to put Assad under pressure to negotiate. “Our focus in the coming weeks is the Geneva conference,” said British Foreign Secretary William Hague. “What this is doing is sending that signal loud and clear to the regime and ...

being very clear about the flexibility that we have if it refuses to negotiate.” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Western powers were putting the very idea of a conference at risk while his deputy, Sergei Ryabkov, defended Moscow’s missile shipment. “We think this delivery is a stabilizing factor and that such steps in many ways restrain some hotheads,” he said. The S-300s can intercept manned aircraft and guided missiles and their delivery could improve Assad’s chances of retaining power. Western nations criticize such arms deliveries in much the same terms as Moscow assails weapons supplies to rebels. Israel’s defense minister said the air defense missiles had not yet left Russia, but hinted at military action if they were delivered: “I hope they will not leave, and if, God forbid, they reach Syria, we will know what to do,” Moshe Yaalon said. Despite their differences,

the United States and Russia are trying to convene an international conference next month to end a 26-month-old conflict that has killed more than 80,000 people and threatens to ignite wider Middle Eastern confrontations. But the opposing sides remain far apart on whether Assad should play any role in any political transition and the main Western-backed opposition has not even said if it will attend. Diplomats in Geneva said a meeting could be held at the U.N. there on June 15-16 just before the U.S., Russian and EU leaders meet at a Group of Eight summit in Northern Ireland on June 17. Fighting in Syria has intensified on several fronts in recent weeks and is spilling dangerously into Lebanon, whose Hezbollah guerrillas now openly fight alongside Assad’s forces. In a weekend speech, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah promised victory for his Iranian-backed group, saying the battle in Syria was

vital for its primary struggle against Israel. On the ever more volatile Lebanese-Syrian border, gunmen killed three Lebanese soldiers at a checkpoint in the Bekaa Valley before fleeing toward Syria, Lebanese officials said. Hours earlier a rocket fired into the mainly Shi’ite town of Hermel in the Bekaa killed a woman and wounded two people. A Syrian rebel leader threatened reprisals against Hezbollah unless the Arab League and the United Nations acted within 24 hours to halt the militant group’s intervention in Syria. “We will chase them all the way to hell if a decision is not taken to stop Hezbollah’s attack on Syrian land,” Brigadier-General Salem Idris told Al-Arabiya television channel. Idris, a defector from Assad’s military, is a favored channel for Western aid to rebels, although his control over diverse armed factions is thought to be limited. Violence in Syria is

gradually spreading to Lebanon, raising fears for the fate of a small nation that lost anywhere between 100,000 and 150,000 dead in its own 1975-90 civil war. Syria’s civil war has divided Lebanon, with most Lebanese Shi’ites supporting Assad, whose minority Alawite sect is rooted in Shi’ite Islam. Many Lebanese Sunnis back the mostly Sunni Syrian rebels, putting the Lebanese army under extra pressure to keep a lid on sectarian tensions. Assad’s government, whose forces have been staging fierce offensives on rebel strongholds around Damascus and the border town of Qusair, has named representatives for the peace talks Washington and Moscow hope to convene in Geneva in June. But opposition political factions, not to mention the rebel combatants over whom they wield scant control, remain riven by internal divisions even after six days of talks in Istanbul.

Conservative party already divided over Britain’s membership of the European Union and gay marriage as ministers try to defend their own budgets. Britain’s Conservativeled government is cutting spending to try to rein in a 114.2 billion pound budget deficit in the face of calls from the International Monetary Fund to spend more now to fund investment and avoid crimping a nascent economic recovery.Osborne said he had managed to get government departments such as the ministry of justice and the department of energy to agree to the spending cuts ahead of the deadline and that he thought talks to find more

reductions were going “pretty well”. “I don’t think anyone was expecting me to turn up at the end of May and say I’ve already agreed seven departments and the actual date when I’ve got to announce the whole thing is at the end of June,” he said in an interview with the BBC. Osborne yesterday ruled out further cuts to a welfare budget that has already undergone a radical overhaul and is a politically-sensitive topic for the left-leaning Liberal Democrats who are the junior partner in a coalition government. Earlier this year, the government introduced a raft of new welfare cuts,

prompting senior Liberal Democrats to try and block any further measures. A decision to protect the education, health and international development budgets from cuts has put other ministers under more pressure to find savings. Among those departments yet to declare how they will find the savings required are those with some of the biggest budgets such as defence, business and the home office (interior ministry), as well as the body that funds local governments. Following the killing of a British soldier in London at the hands of two suspected Islamist militants, interior minister Theresa May has

said the budget for counterterrorism police spending should be protected. Defence secretary Philip Hammond has also publicly resisted a reduction to his 34 billion pound budget, saying significant further cuts would erode Britain’s military capability. The opposition Labour party has been openly critical of the government’s austerity strategy and condemned the scale of the cuts the

government is targeting. “(Osborne) seems set to spend the next two years sticking to policies that are badly failing on living standards, growth and even deficit reduction,” said Chris Leslie, Labour’s spokesman on financial affairs.

Bashar al-Assad

Government agrees spending cuts

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday May 29, 2013

Wednesday May 29, 2013

Kaieteur News

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DOG EAT DOG IN GUYANA Guyanese love to gamble. Yesterday was raining in Guyana and two grown men threw two leaves into a canal and had a bet about which leaf would meet a pipeline before the other. Every Sunday, the police patrols are out at a location where horse cart racing takes place. The police have intelligence that this practice takes place on Sundays and they therefore come out and take up a strategic position so as to prevent the races from taking place. These races present a danger to the public, because when these horse carts are in full flight, racing on the roadways, there is nothing to stop them. They can run over passersby and plough into lines of vehicles. This is a dangerous sport when conducted on our roadways and without any controls. The police try to ensure the safety of citizens by keeping a close eye when they see persons assemble for what they know is the inevitable cart race. The police are however often outsmarted. As the adage goes: “smarter the government, wiser the population.” The horse cart men assemble; the punters gather; the spectators mingle around. The police park their vehicles. And the waiting game begins. After a few hours, the police do not see any carts around, because none are within their eyesight. And so they leave, assuming that their presence has forced the horse carts to not turn up. Unknown to them, the carts have been parked in a side street and are at the ready for racing. So no sooner than the police pull off, the cart men get their carts to the starting line and like the snap

of a finger, the race is off, completed even before the police have time to get into cruise control. The police still do not know that they are being outsmarted and they do not know because while they have intelligence about the races, they do not have all the intelligence to know how they are being outfoxed. There is equally no reason to doubt that the police know and have known for some time now that Sundays is a big day for animal and bird sports. They know that dog fighting is big sport in Guyana. It is a big sport with big money and “big” men involved. The gambling is also not a small thing. Seven figures are passed in some matches, and the betting is man–for– man. Even if the police know where these dog fights take place, they would need a major operation to stop it because at these dog fights there are lookouts and even if the police arrive on the scene, all they will see is two dogs going at each other. To prove that a prearranged fight is taking place, to establish who the owners of the dogs are, requires the police going undercover and having plants within these gambling rings. This is dangerous police work, because of some of the elements involved in the gambling. The police must also know that it is not only dog fights that attract big gambling but also fowl cock fighting. This is a big money sport with millions passing hands every week. There is also another sport, one that does not involve cruelty to animals which takes place on Sundays and which involves sevenfigure bets. That sport is bird

whistling. This past week a man lost his life after an incident which allegedly took place at the scene of a dog fight. This shows the great human risk involved, not in the fight itself, but because of the fights that can happen due to the big gambling that takes place at these events. Dog fights and fowl cock fights should be outlawed. These constitute cruelty to animals. No one should be permitted to raise either pit bulls or fowl cocks for

root it out by also charging the spectators to these sports. But for those other sports which involve either birds or animals but which are not deemed as constituting cruelty to animals, these sports should be regularized. Horse cart racing and bird whistling competitions should be regularized so long as they are not deemed as being cruel to the animals or birds. If they are not regularized and if there are no laws to

stop them, they will continue to take place. Therefore for those non-cruel sports, they should be regularized and associations formed to run them off in a legal manner.

Disaster risk management policy provides assurance – Dr. Luncheon “This occasion allows you participants, you activists, you the Guyanese who succumbed, who experienced the consequences, to be able to perfect a policy that is as comprehensive as is possible for us to render most effective and most efficient disaster management in Guyana.” This notion was expressed by Dr. Roger Luncheon, Head of the Presidential Secretariat and Natural Disaster Coordinator. Speaking at the final national consultation held last week by the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) on disaster risk management, Dr. Luncheon posited that a comprehensive policy platform to deal with disaster management in Guyana would be generated. “Our comprehensive approach to addressing particular hazards encompassed not how well we respond to a disaster event, but how organized we are in putting into play policies and guidelines in disaster management. Interventions addressing sea and river defences, drainage and

Dem boys seh...

Jagdeo friend come out of jail Dem change de name of de police force but de murders still going on. Three more people get kill in three days and dem boys want to know if de people in parliament gun target de Home Affairs Minister again. Is like if he is de man who committing all dem crime. A woman move in a man house and de next thing dem boys know is that she tek a bellna and beat de man to death. People hear de man hollering, but dem didn’t know that is somebody did killing he. Old people always seh that dead man tell no tales. De man can’t defend heself, suh de woman claim how he play fresh wid she. She is a big woman. De neighbours claim how dem never see nutten of de sort, but people in de village like de story, suh all of dem woman talking how de man was fresh. But some of dem woulda be glad fuh some of that freshness. Then a youth man believe he was Django. He shoot a man and drive away. Of course he friends come up wid all kind of excuse, but de video show something else. De story ain’t even done deh. De people

fighting purposes. If the law is ambiguous it should be made unambiguous. If it only covers the fighting, it should be amended to also cover the raising or rearing of animals for the purposes of engaging in fights. These laws however will not stop anything. It will only push these sports further underground. Thus what is needed is for the authorities to decide which sports entail cruelty to animals and to take action to

ain’t even get a rest when dem hear that a man cut another man throat. Dem boys seh that de story sweet, that one man rich and de other man poor. De gyal like de poor man, but she mother and father like de rich one. Dem boys seh that de parents didn’t have to live wid none of dem , but it look like de gyal try both of dem and she know wheh she happiness lie. Now she ain’t gun get none of dem because one dead and de other one gone running. At one time man use to claim how dem have ten woman to one man. Dem boys seh that it look like reality now strike home. Dem got more man than woman in de world That is why people must get vex when man kill woman and dem must get more vex when woman believe that dem is man. And while people thinking ‘bout that, one of Jagdeo friend come out of jail while some others waiting to go in. One thing is certain, this friend, Kerik, ain’t coming to Guyana again. He claim how is he padna in Guyana set he up, just like how he set up Robert Simels and mek he get jail. Talk half and wait fuh mo’ set up.

irrigation, flood waters and water management are being enacted day by day. However, these interventions do not provide us with the certainties that a policy does. It is the policy that offers us the assurance and the certainties. We have it on paper.” Hence, the Disaster Risk Management Policy, by means of inputs from national stakeholders, is being revised

so as to make the document relevant and useful in managing disaster risks in Guyana. The policy addresses mainly coordination, collaboration and communication with agencies involved, to disseminate information to individuals exposed to take necessary precautions. It also encompasses preparation, planning, mitigation, response, recovery and reconstruction.

Other issues that are addressed include research and development, financial arrangements and regional and international cooperation. The CDC has, for the past several weeks, been holding national consultations designed to strengthen its current Disaster Risk Management Policy, rendering it effective in the mitigation of the possible (Continued onn page 23)

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday May 29, 2013


The daughter of Vic Puran has made a strong plea in the newspapers for justice for her father whom she alleged was murdered. Before we proceed, protocol is in order. I did a column on Vic Puran the day after he died and offered my condolence to the family of a man I knew closely, since we were twenty years of age. I can understand as every other human, the agony of his daughter. I hope her pleas do not fall on deaf ears. During the trial of Saddam Hussein, his eldest daughter, Raghad, spoke of how good a father he was and condemned his trial as

farcical. Could Raghad have saved her father? She probably could have done so if during the long years her mother and siblings had confronted Hussein and told him that he could not have used torture, imprisonment and murder as methods to fight those who opposed him. Maybe in Arab societies the wife and daughters are not allowed to castigate the male head of the household. But if Raghad couldn’t speak out to save other daughters why should the world have listened to her? When dictators, mafia bosses and robbers killed people, they leave crying

family members of their victims. Two Muslim fanatics murdered a soldier senselessly on a street in London last week. The soldier left a crying wife and a baby behind. These two fanatics should be jailed for life. Why should we show tolerance for the perpetrators when punishment visits them? In human society you cannot kill other humans because they accuse you of corrupt government or stealing from your bank or for public disagreement with your behaviour. You cannot go about killing the prosecution witnesses in

your criminal trial. Hussein became a victim of his own method. If the trial was a masquerade so were the trials of his detractors that he prosecuted in his kangaroo courts. Children must stop their parents from brutalizing innocent people. They must confront their parents when their parents descend into the culture of brutality. I met an NIS inspector whom I taught at UG years ago. He told me that his son was one of the three men killed during the July 2012 protest in Linden. A grieving father must live with his grief for the rest of his life. Someone shot and killed that man’s child. I can only speak for myself, but as a father and husband, there is a strong nononsense culture in my family. My wife, but especially my daughter, will never, I repeat, never permit me to do bad things if they know. I mean there would be a virtual

war in the family. I brought up my daughter that way. I nurtured her to understand that life has value no matter what is your station in life and she will confront her father if he is doing bad things to other people. Nadira Jagan was quoted in the newspaper as saying she cannot help hating people who disparaged her mother. But her mother spent over sixty years in politics and was the President of Guyana for three years. In those six decades, good people I know have told me of untold wrongs Mrs. Jagan did to them. I believe them because I saw the viciousness in Mrs. Jagan as she directed her venom to me, my friends and countless others who disagreed with her. Maybe Nadira would say she didn’t know about those things. Traudl Junge, Hitler’s secretary, in her memoirs said she didn’t know about the Holocaust, but she admitted that the stories about Hitler’s pathology cannot all be lies. If the PPP government of Guyana should change, there are fathers and mothers who

We are life savers, you should be one too! Donate blood today!!

Frederick Kissoon will have to face the courts for serious criminal offences and children will cry for justice but where were the voices of these children when their parents were violating people’s rights? Vic Puran’s daughter is convinced that her father was murdered. This writer believes her story should not be dismissed at all. But in her cry she opened up an area for speculation. She wants to know why the important people her father knew have not sought justice for Vic. She disagrees it is the drug lords, because they would not kill her father because he was “the best legal mind available.” But drug lords the world over don’t care about the brilliance of people they kill. That is not a factor they take into consideration. She said it is not the Government. How much of her father’s life did she know about and did she speak to him about dangerous waters if she knew? Could she have saved him? Writer’s note: the caption is Italian, “Cry of the daughter.”

Wednesday May 29, 2013

Kaieteur News

Page 11

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Kaieteur News

Bernard Kerik released from jail The ex-commissioner is now an ex-inmate. Disgraced former NYPD head, Bernard Kerik, arrived home in New Jersey yesterday afternoon for a joyous family reunion after serving more than three years of a four-year federal jail term. Kerik — wearing blue jeans and a gray striped sweater — emerged from a gray SUV outside his Franklin Lakes, New Jersey home about five hours after his release from the Cumberland, Maryland, lockup. Laughter was audible as the 57-year-old Kerik hugged his wife, Hala, and three children outside the front door. Each received a separate squeeze before they slipped indoors without addressing the media horde outside. Kerik — the guest of honour at a feast expected later in the day — offered no comment on his past, present or future after arriving back home in a driving rainstorm. Al Manzo, a Kerik pal and owner of The Brownstone restaurant in Paterson, said the former cop’s wife, other family members and close friends were gathering for a robust “Welcome Home” meal. “Bernie’s looking for

Wednesday May 29, 2013

Sparendaam plane crash…

Insurance company identified - GCAA Director General - Compensation may take awhile - Aircraft Owners’ Association awaits meeting with President By Keeran Danny

Kerik waves to the media outside his Franklin Lakes home. some of the good food he hasn’t been able to get for the last three years,” Manzo told the Daily News. “I’m his friend — I’m there for him. “He loves fresh mozzarella, shrimp scampi, beef short ribs.” Kerik will likely serve out the rest of his term for eight felony convictions under home confinement. Kerik was sentenced to four years in prison in

February 2010 after a federal judge blasted him for using his high-profile part in the city’s 9/11 response to make money. Kerik’s guilty plea in a November 2009 plea deal including admissions that he lied to the White House, filed false tax returns and lied about $255,000 in work done by a mob-linked contractor. Last October, a humiliated Kerik wept on the witness stand while testifying against the two brothers accused of covering up the free remodeling of the excommissioner’s Riverdale apartment. Kerik took the stand wearing the same red tie that he once wore while standing on the White House lawn with President George W. Bush. “He did his time like a man,” said Manzo, adding that the once-beefy Kerik’s weight was down to 175 pounds. “I think he deserves a chance to get his life back on track.” The ex-top cop surrendered on May 17, 2010, but earned time off for good behavior that cleared him to leave the Cumberland, (Continued on page 21)

The Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) has met with Sithe Global in relation to liability for the American-registered aircraft which crashed into a Sparendaam, East Coast Demerara house on April 13. Zulficar Mohamed, Director General of the regulatory body, while not divulging the precise nature of the discussions, did confirm that the insurance company has now been identified. However, Mohamed has refused to disclose the name of the insurance company. He said all parties involved are aware of the company. Compensation for the destroyed properties may take some time. The two-man crew on board the twin-engine Piper Aztec, with registration N27F was on a technical survey mission for the Amaila Falls Hydropower project. Apparently, Sithe Global, responsible for managing the construction of the project, subcontracted Digital World Mapping to conduct surveys. The aircraft just after taking off from the Ogle International Airport, crashed into Florence Tyndall’s residence and burnt a section of her neighbour, Michelle Belle’s house. Tyndall escaped unharmed but the aircraft’s owner and pilot Pierre Angiel and his passenger Canadian Scientist Nick Dmitriev perished. Subsequent to the crash the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security and other organizations provided assistance to the victims. Tyndall and Belle

GCAA’s Director General, Zulficar Mohamed were also asked to prepare estimates of their losses and submit them to the Sparendaam Police Station. Following the crash, Transport Minister Robeson Benn said that Government would only provide support, since it was the duty of the insurance company to offer compensation. Meanwhile, the remains of the aircraft are now being examined by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and there is no definite date as to when GCAA would obtain the results, Paula Mc Adam, GCAA’s Director of Aviation Safety Regulation stated. According to Mc Adam, the NTSB is one of the few organizations equipped to conduct these examinations and so Guyana has to “wait its turn”. However, this is not the end of the episode. Members of the local Aircraft Owners’ Association are still waiting to meet Head-of-State Donald Ramotar on events surrounding the plane crash. Earlier this month, the Association wrote to Ramotar expressing concerns that the aircraft entered Guyana without proper due diligence being carried out by the GCAA. The letter pointed out that the Authority should not be the body conducting the investigations since they are the subject of investigation. And the regulations provide for the President to direct the investigations. According to a source, GCAA’s Air Transport

President Donald Ramotar

Kit Nascimento, PRO, Aircraft Owners’ Association Management Department, headed by Mohamed, did not inform the agency’s Aviation Safety Regulations Department of the aircraft’s presence in Guyana. While, Mohamed has denied this allegation, Mc Adam has refused to comment on the matter. Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon had indicated that the letter from the Association may incite an engagement with the President. During a brief interview with this publication yesterday, the Association’s Public Relations Officer, Kit Nascimento, was optimistic that President Ramotar will meet with members of the body. “We understand the President is giving serious consideration to our concerns raised in the letter with regards inquiry into the plane crash. Therefore, we are awaiting a response from the President,” Nascimento said.

Wednesday May 29, 2013

Kaieteur News

Page 17

Wednesday May 29, 2013

Kaieteur News

Landlord, 62, beaten to death with rolling pin - Female tenant in custody

The house where Azaad Ganie met his death A woman believed to be in her early fifties is currently in police custody assisting with investigations after she allegedly beat her landlord to death with a rolling pin. According to reports, 62year-old Azaad Ganie was found dead in the upper flat of his Vergenoegen, East Bank Essequibo, Sideline Dam house at around 20:00 hours on Monday. This publication was told that the man was beaten to death by a woman to whom he had rented the lower flat of his building. The woman lived at the premises with her husband and three young grandchildren. One of the dead man’s sons said he was at home on the Essequibo Coast when he received a telephone call saying that his father was dead. “The person on the phone tell me if I didn’t believe I can call the police and then a police come on the phone and tell me yes, they find me father murder in the house.” Yesterday several relatives gathered at the

house trying to figure out what could have led to such a heinous crime. The man’s son related that from what he saw in his father’s house, the man had received a savage beating. “It had blood all over the wall you could see how the blood splatter all over, and you can see li’l li’l pieces of what look like flesh, and when I reach here this morning (yesterday) I see she (the suspect) grandson”. The man said he asked the woman’s grandson what happen and the young children related a very horrid story. “He say that he see he grandmother sitting down on meh father and beating he in he head with a bellnah till de bellnah break”. The man said he has since been told that his father’s attacker has been detained and is assisting with investigations. The incident has sent shockwaves throughout the community as many said they still can’t believe such a peaceful man met such a

Bernard Kerik... (From page 16) Maryland, facility and actually begin home confinement on May 23, prison officials said. Kerik is technically in Bureau of Prisons custody through Oct. 15, but his home confinement deal will give him plenty of time outdoors. He’ll be required to either find or hold a job, and can leave his Franklin Lakes, N.J. McMansion for tasks related to his re-entry into society, said BOP spokesman Chris Burke. That includes getting a driver’s license, attending religious services, seeing a doctor or dentist, and “connecting with family.” Bernard Kerik was several years ago contracted by former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, to revamp the Guyana Police Force.

gruesome death. One neighbour said at around 14:00 hours on Monday she heard loud screams coming from the house but paid no mind as she merely thought her elderly neighbour had fallen ill. The woman said she however informed another neighbour about what she had heard and the man reportedly called Ganie’s brother who then contacted the police. Other residents of the area said one of the woman’s grandsons when questioned about the screams which were heard coming from the house related “Meh grandmother beat he with a bellnah”. This raised suspicions and the police were called in. Reports are that as the police were arriving at the location, the suspect was neatly dressed and was heading out of the street. However after being prompted by residents, police escorted the woman back to the house. Residents said when the police arrived at the scene they were forced to kick down the man’s door after calling and getting no response. Upon entering the premises they were greeted with a bloody scene and Ganie’s battered remains. Reports are that crime scene ranks removed a bloody and broken rolling pin from the scene. Meanwhile a source close to the investigation said the woman has since admitted to beating her landlord after claiming that he was always ‘playing fresh’ with her. The woman only moved into the village some three months ago. Investigations are ongoing.

Page 21

CANU, GRA witnesses testify in $2B cocaine case The trial of Gilbert Andre Bristol, the man accused of smuggling G$2 billion worth of cocaine, which was discovered in fish food bound for China last December, was called up before Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court yesterday. Two witnesses have since given sworn testimony in the matter. Called to the stand yesterday was Customs Anti Narcotics Unit (CANU) officer Donald Downer. This was his second appearance in relation to the narcotics case. Downer testified that rewards, threats or inducement were not used in the procurement of statements from the accused. CANU Prosecutor Oswald Massiah re-examined the witness. Downer told the court that on December 8, 2012, acting on information which was acquired from the defendant, in relation to his address, he went to Lot 54 Garnett Street, Newtown. He

verified that Bristol lived in the front apartment of the one-flat pink concrete structure located at the said address. Downer said that the defendant had told him that he was the shipper of the goods and that his establishment was located at the same residence. The CANU officer said that he subsequently found documents that supported that the accused was indeed involved in the shipping of the now seized merchandise. It is alleged that on December 7, 2012, Bristol attempted to export 233 kilograms of cocaine, found in a quantity of fish food via Guyana National Shipping Corporation (GNSC) Wharf. The father of two, allegedly holds a licence to import and export goods. He had made arrangements to ship fish feed to Hong Kong, China. On December 7, while in the process of shipping the 1500 bags of fish food, the scanner used by Guyana

Gilbert Andre Bristol Revenue Authority officials detected something unusual. It was later revealed that a quantity of cocaine pellets worth approximately G$2 billion had been unearthed. The drug was hidden between the bags of fish food which were destined for Angel International Logistic Limited, Hong Kong, China. Attorney-at-Law Peter Hugh is representing Bristol. The case is adjourned until June 3, when additional GRA and CANU witnesses will take the stand.

Page 22

WANTED Business property for rent in Central Mackenzie- Tele: 444-5883/687-9992 One live-in maid to work in Georgetown- Call: 697-6747 One female experienced cook and kitchen assistant to work in home in InteriorCall: 697-6747 One Live-in Babysitter for Georgetown age 18-30- call: 697-6747 Contract Cars wanted: City Taxi Service- call: 660-1100

Kaieteur News

WANTED One attractive waitress, must be honest & courteous: $50,000 monthly: Boarding & lodging free- call:610-5043 One female clerk- call:231-5171 Experienced hire car drivers and contract vehicles with owner driven- call: 645-0025 Attractive live in waitressCall: 327-0252/ 674-4665 Do you need an excavator operator? 12 yrs experience in mining- call: 254-0624 / 6554440

Live In Live Out Babysitter Domestic - Call: 225-6070 2 Garbage Truck Workers: 1 Pick-up driver: 1 Cook to work out of town- Call: 6122057/614-2464 Wanted! Experienced salesgirls: Visit 140 Regent Street with written application One Office Worker: Computer Research skills, excellent customer service: Inquire at 223-1233 or 6422028: Deadline June 3rd. One live-in domestic to work in a bar in Mahaicony River, 18 years-40 years $50,000 monthly- call: 2256571 Experienced Roti/ Puri cooks, Pastry makers & Handy Boy: Apply @ Hack’s Halaal 5 Commerce Street. Ford Ice Crème Van Driver: Ages 40yrs-50yrs: Over 10yrs experienced & recent police clearance: Serious calls: contact 218-3021 Sales girls apply in person with written application @ Best Buy Food Supplies: Middleton & Dennis St. Campbellville One experienced general domestic, must be honest & know to cook tasty Indian & Creole dishes- Call:6566388 Handy Boys: Apply to Shanta’s @ 225 Camp & New Market Streets Office Clerk: CXC English/ Mathematics- Call:225-0188/ 225-6070 Urgently wanted 1 house lot to buy in Parfaite Harmony- Call: 615-5566 Are you selling your land in Parfaite Harmony or Schoonord? Call: 675-7292 One Male Shop Assistant to work in Interior- Call:6976747 Land to buy in Parfaite Harmony- call: 672-9292

LEARN TO DRIVE B & C Driving School, pick up & drop off, call:2250150,229-7258,680-6826 Soman & Sons Driving School , First Federation Building Call 225-4858, 6445166,622-2872,615-0964

FOR RENT 2 Storey concrete 5 bedrooms with A/C, hot & cold, generator @ Happy Acre E.C.D call: 647-1569 Diamond 5 bedrooms house, Ogle big property farm $60,000 and morecall:231-2199/673-8148/6187483 Rooms - Call: 225-3234 Farm with house atYarrowkabra, Linden Highway: Water, light, chicken & pig pens: fully fenced- call: 686-7180 Fully furnished apartments to rent on E.C.D & Central Georgetown - contact Stefan: 223-8479/ 647-3768 Rooms /Apartments available: Furnished - Call: 646-5147




At Clifton Port Mourant: Prime location on public road- Contact:905-970-0210/ 613-6795 or /624-8799 Versailles 5 Bedroom House with modern facilities and beautiful landscape- Call: 592-684-9203 / 592-624-8704 202 Camp Street, formerly Club Blue Note: Size of land 232×76- Call: 647-1626 or 2274921 Two business properties @ Whim public road; 1 House & Land 4th street Whim, Corentyne: Price negotiablecontact: 231-5171/ 619-7134 Business Property for sale, lot 32 Timehri public roadTele:667-6554 Lot 39 West Ruimveldt: Seven Bedrooms $2.6Mcall:694-5371 House and Land @ D’Edward- Call: 689-2973/ 698-3703 Are you living overseas and want properties to buy? Call Ron’s Real Estate- call:675-7292

HID lights call: 642-2850 RABBITS $2,000 EACHCALL: 650-0814 15-15-15 Fertilizer in damaged bags, large quantity available- call:2662711/609-4594 Earth for sale in Georgetown: Own transportation must be provided- Call: 227-3681 or 227-8682 Pig feed, Duck feed & Shrimp meal- call:266-2711/ 609-4594 Spare for washing machine, microwaves, fridges, stoves, timers, gearbox, pumps, etc call: 225-9032, 647-2943 Uniden cordless phones, single & double: Caller’s ID: Speakerphone: Personalized ringers: Answering system: Price $9,000 & $13,000Call:226-0765 Dell laptops & desktops complete computers from $55,000 Futuretech call: 2312206 Now in stock at Alabama Trading: Aloe Vera drink, Sagiko fruit drink, Cereal milkTele: 225-5800/ 225-3809 Purpleheart panel doors $28,000: Sizes (30", 32", 34", 36") × 80- call: 688-9712/ 6390501 3 Tons Bedford dump-truck, Scania long wheel base with Hyab and drop-tail- Call:2704485 Pure Rottweiler pupscall:220-6879 Fluffy Pups - Call: 642-6664 FIVE GALLON WATER BOTTLE CAPS IN LIMITED QUANTIESCALL: 614-8957 Brand new Asus desktop computers for just $100,000call: 645-9459 Live/pluck chicken call:6504421,220-9203 Now in stock at Alabama Trading: PVC Ceiling, Tarpaulin, soap powder in different sizes- Tele:2255800/ 225-3809 Electric Snow cone machines- call:266-2711/6094594 Asphalt Roofing Shinglescall:266-2711/609-4594 VACANCY

MASSAGE American Style massage services- Call:609-4036

Pump Attendant @ Shell Service Station Providence E.B.D: Must be able to work shift: Email: shellramsburg@ gmail.com, Tele:265-7305

Wednesday May 29, 2013

SERVICES Repairs, sales & spares air conditioning, microwaves, washer, fridges & stoves. Ultra Cool, call:225-9032,647-2943 We repair fridge, freezer, AC, washer, dryer call:2310655,683-8734 Omar Have somewhere for rent or sale? Contact D&J Investments: 223-8479/ 647-3768 Repairs to Refrigerators, Washing machines, Gas Stoves, A/C Units- Call Lindon: 641-1086 or 694-2202 House plans & estimatescontact T. Boodhoo: 6259883/675-9296 Service & Repairs for Jet Skis, Jet Boats, ATVs, Inboard & Outboard (2 & 4 strokes) engine- call:694-7949 HOUSE PLAN DRAFTING FOR ONLY $10,000CALL:694-9843/227-2766 Ribbon printing and favors for any occasion- call:6169201/227-2766


SALON Make Up Courses, Artist Trained & Certified in Trinidad. Call 660-5257, 6471773 New classes -Cosmetology , Nails, Wigs, Designs, MakeUp, Hair-Styling; call Abby 216-1950, 666-5241, 619-7603

LAND FOR SALE Multiple house lots on E.C.D- contact Stefan:6473768/223-8479 7 Acres cultivated with house, 2 Acres cultivated, 2-1 Acres cultivated contact: 226-7968 House lot for sale: Friendship EBD & drafting of house plans call: 223-0733, 223-0730 Garnett Street, Newtown Kitty: 4,588 sq foot –Call:6471569 House lots 50’×118’ New Hope E.B.D: Negotiable prices- - call:266-2711/6094594 Granite Quarry Blocks North West US$650,000- contact Shawn:231-7805/618-7483 Prime Residential Land, Schoonord Garden $2.8M, $3.2M- call:675-7292

Progressive Auto Rental cars from $4000 per day. Call 643-5122, 225-8711; email www.progressiveauto rental. com Adian’s car rental- Tele:6987807 Adian’s car rental/ PickupTele: 698-7807 Premio, Vitz call: 689-6668 First Choice Car Rental: Cars from $5,000 per day- Call: 694-7817/668-0306

VACANCY 1- Hairdresser who knows to do everything, fully certified: 1- Nail Technician: 1- Tattoo Artist: Contact Odessa: 613-6068 Diesel Mechanic, Industrial Electrician, Welders & Fabricators, Machinists: Technical Services Inc. 1823 Eccles Industrial Site, E.B.D Wash Bay attendant for Bel Air Service station- Call: 6803863 Vacancy for one general domestic: Must know to prepare vegetarian mealCall: 225-3809/ 225-5800 Female to work in Internet Café in Kitty: 18-28 years old- Call: 696-0298 (8am-6pm)

VEHICLE FOR SALE Cruiser Auto Sales: Unregistered: Toyota Fielder, New Raum, Noah, Mazda, Axela- call:603-9700 2005 4×4 Toyota Tundra, 68,000 miles, extended cab, A/C, CD player, alarm: $18,000 US Negotiable- Call: 643-6644/931-436-6355 1 Toyota Land-cruiser Prado PMM series- call:225-0188/ 225-6070 First Class Auto (03 & 06) Allion, (03 & 04) Spacio, (01) Carina, (07) Axio, VerossaCall:609-8188/226-2689 Axio, Blue Bird, Pitbull: Going cheap- Call:697-0294 Leading AutoUnregistered: Allex, Runx, Spacio, IST, Allion, Premio, Tacoma (06), F150 (06)- Tele: 677-7666/ 610-7666 Mercedes Benz CLK 200: Kompressor 2005, white, 6700 miles: PRR series: Immaculate- call: 623-5492 1 Toyota 110 Vintage Sprinter: Price Negotiable: PJJ series- call:613-0028 LEYLAND DAF single axle, new gear box and new engine- call:613-6615/2161315 One Toyota Wills $1.7M, Toyota Surf $2.2MCall:231-7805/618-7483 Toyota Vitz 1300cc, 4 Disc Brakes, Mags, Fogs, Black Interior- Call: 269-0432/6860323 Unregistered Toyota Sienta 1500cc: 7 Seats- Call:6175536 Toyota- 4 Runner Surf, AT192, AT212, AT170, Ceres, EP82 & 71 Starlet, Solid DEF pickup, Nissan E24 van- call:644-5096 1-2005 Nissan Titan $3.5M negotiable- Call: 622-1957 Anthony 2 New shape Avensiscall:698-0674 Toyota Alex & Fielder: Never registered- Call: 2690432/686-0323

TO LET Four Bedrooms, fully furnished: Situated in Central Amelia’s Ward, Linden- Call: 649-6837 Fully furnished short term apartments, Eccles call: 6896668 One bedroom apartment in Parfaite Harmony- call: 6680306/694-7817 (Continued on page 23)

Wednesday May 29, 2013

Kaieteur News

Muslim leaders to meet here on June 1 The venue for the high level confab

Leaders from Muslim organizations in Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname, USA and Canada will meet here on June 1, 2013, to formulate joint programmes for the coming years as well as to initiate activities to further strengthen the relationships between the Muslims of these countries. The high level meeting will be held at the Anna Catherina Islamic C o m p l e x , We s t C o a s t Demerara . Muslim organizations from Guyana and

Disaster risk... From page 9 impacts of disaster risks, through prevention and preparedness, before submitting it to Cabinet for adoption later this year. Colonel (Retired) Chabilall Ramsarup, CDC’s Director General and Ms. Chisa Mikami, Deputy Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), also speakers at the event, made reference to the memorable 2005 floods which saw most of Guyana’s coastal areas inundated with floodwaters. Ramsarup also spoke of two major overtopping of the seawalls that occurred over the past year. He highlighted that when disasters strike, all are affected. It was stressed that although some do not live in the vicinity of the affected areas, because of the economic consequences, all citizens are impacted. UNDP Representative Mikami also noted that “given the high cost of disaster to individuals, business and governments, it is critical that we set up means to minimize the chances and the possible impacts through prevention, mitigation and preparedness”.

Suriname first entered into areas of cooperation in 2000. This relationship was extended to Trinidad & Tobago in 2003. I n t h e s a m e y e a r, organizations from the

United States of America were included and a few years after those from Canada were added. The leaders are expected to make courtesy calls on several senior functionaries while here.

Page 23

Injured couple in East Coast smash-up still hospitalised - wife experiencing temporary memory loss Almost two weeks after the smash up at the junction of Rupert Craig Highway and Conversation Tree on the East Coast of Demerara, Rupendra Bhookmohan, 27, and his 20year-old wife Bibi Fazeema Khan remain hospitalised, and have not yet been listed as stable. Following the accident, the Bel Air couple was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital, in critical condition. They were transferred to other wards this week. Bhookmohan, whose hand is broken in several places, has been moved to the Male Surgical Ward. His condition has been described as better than that of his wife. Khan was taken off life support and is now in the hospital’s High Dependency

Unit. She had been unconscious until recently, but although she is awake, the woman is reportedly unable to remember her loved ones, let alone give a police statement on the accident. The family was told that the woman is experiencing temporary memory loss. They plan to take legal action against whoever the errant driver is, as soon as the couple is discharged. It was reported that the two were returning home from the city in a “private car taxi” when the accident occurred that left Bhookmohan pinned for almost an hour in the backseat of the vehicle. The accident occurred on May 19 at around 23:00hrs.

Four persons in the other car were injured. They are 19-year-old Teneshia Lewis, Roshana Smith, 17, Andrew Wickham, 22, and Horton, also 22.

(From page 22)

EDUCATIONAL LEARN TO DANCE LATIN STLE:SALSA, MERENGUE, WALTZ, TANGO, ETC. COME & FEEL THE EXCITEMENT CALL: 6126475, 629-8842 Electronic Course- PracticalBeginning 3rd June: Limited space available: Abdul Electronic, 226-6551/ 225-0391 Imperial College- Register Now: CXC 2014 fulltime/ lessons/adults classes: Excellent results-call: 6835742/227-7627 Enid’s dressmaking certificate classes from Elementary to advance: 66 sixth St. Alberttown: 2239106/695-3876: sewing done here Learn to bake and ice cakescall: 231-1360/681-9461

LAND FOR SALE Parfaite Harmony $1.3Mcall:675-7292 Land @ Eccles- Call: 6022337

FOR SALE/RENT American Pool Table - Call: 277-0578 3 Bedrooms upstairs, 1 Selfcontained: Newly renovated: Yard space: Located in Diamond H/ Scheme- Call: 613-0028

Page 24

Kaieteur News

Wednesday May 29, 2013

Media workers to benefit from responsible journalism workshop By Abena Rockcliffe and Zena Henry Starting today, members of the local media fraternity will benefit from an interactive and professional training workshop under the theme, “Democracy, Journalism, and Responsibility: Expectations for an Informed Society.” Quoting Warren Buffett, an American businessman and philanthropist who said “the smarter the journalists are, the better off society is. For to a degree, people read the press to inform themselves — and the better the teacher, the better the student body,” American Ambassador D. Brent Hardt registered the need for such a programme in Guyana. The programme, hosted at Moray House Trust, Camp and Quamina Streets, is a collaboration between the United States of America; Ohio University’s Institute for International Journalism in the Scripps College of Communication and the United States Embassy, Georgetown. It is being facilitated by the Centre for Communication Studies,

University of Guyana, and will be spearheaded by two renowned international media veterans - African national Dr. Yusuf Kalyango and American-born Andrew Alexander. Delivering remarks to officially launch the programme were Ambassador Hardt; Carolyn Walcott, Director of the Centre for Communication Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences University of Guyana and Phillip Da Silva, Deputy Vice Chancellor of UG. Dr. Kalyango and Mr. Alexander also delivered remarks. As he spoke to an audience of reporters and stakeholders, the US Ambassador mentioned the benefits of having working collaborations and the responsibility that associates itself with the work of journalists. Hardt said that working collaborations bring different people closer together, enabling them to tackle similar problems faced. This, he said, includes citizen security, economic hostility, social inclusion and

From left: Award Winning Journalist, Andrew Alexander, US Ambassador D. Brent Hardt, Director of the Centre for Communication Studies at UG, Ms. Carolyn Walcott, Dr. Yusuf Kalyango and Deputy Vice Chancellor of UG, Phillip Da Silva environmental responsibility. He said that professional training encourages the dissemination of accurate, objective and balanced information. “The media plays an indispensable role in building a democratic society.” The envoy stressed that

the press fosters active public debate and serves as a forum to express different points of view, “particularly on behalf of those who are marginalized in society. It serves a crucial function in being one of the few institutions capable of promoting vigilance against abuses of the law and government authority. It does this through investigative journalism, by raising the transparency of judicial, legislative, and administrative proceedings, by its access to public officials and public documents, and, most importantly, by its ability to translate this access into clear, coherent, accessible, and interesting reporting.” Hardt made no qualms to point out that “unfortunately, the press is often a target of retaliation or restrictions by those who feel threatened by freedom of expression and transparency in democratic processes.” He pointed out that journalists are often the first to uncover “corruption,” to report from the frontlines of conflict zones, and to highlight missteps by governments. “Because of their work, many journalists around the world face not only physical danger, but other attempts to silence their voices, such as legal intimidation and threats to their livelihood.” The Ambassador said that the United States, “despite our own imperfections, remains a persistent advocate for the freedom of expression. We continue to raise media freedom issues in bilateral discussions with other governments as well as in multilateral bodies.” Hardt noted that the United States Embassy in Guyana actively supports

initiatives to strengthen journalistic ethics, to build media capacity, and to e n c o u r a g e professionalization of the press corps. “This workshop is the latest example of our longstanding engagement with the media in Guyana,” he pointed out. In brief remarks, Walcott highlighted several reasons why such a workshop was necessary. She pointed out that of all the media houses visited, it was very clear that reporters needed training. She said that since UG’s Centre for Communication Studies was established in 1975, its mandate has always been to train, but with a more strategic repositioning of responsibilities. She emphasized that “the need to tool and retool” reporters have been recognized to enable media persons to better report on issues occurring, specifically in Guyana. She explained that a reporter ’s job is very important to society in terms of building strong foundations. “A strong society is as strong as its team of reporters,” Walcott posited. “Governments cannot be held accountable unless there is a strong principle of reporting among our reporters here in Guyana.” She said that for this purpose, the need to strengthen local media workers has also been recognized. UG’s Deputy Vice Chancellor related that the University’s communication centre “is cognizant of its role to facilitate training and education to enhance the knowledge and to sharpen the skills of journalists in Guyana.” The workshop’s

theme, Da Silva charged “is based on the recognition that media education remains a vital element of any democracy.” He said journalists do more than inform, since in any democratic country, they give the voiceless a voice and make it possible to monitor the factors that shape lives. Dr. Kalyango spoke extensively on the benefits of foreign interaction, especially for the purpose of development within the journalism field. He is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Institute for International Journalism in the E. W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University in the United States. He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Missouri – School of Journalism. Andrew Alexander is a former Washington Post ombudsman and an awardwinning journalist. With a career that spans four decades, Alexander has reported from more than 50 countries across the world and won prizes in investigative journalism. Alexander stressed yesterday that journalism is all about accuracy, fairness, independency, and borders sometimes on being aggressive. The veteran said that it is okay for journalists to be confrontational in a professional way with the people who hold power. He indicated that the workshop will touch on ethics of journalism, medical and political reporting. Alexander sought to point out that journalism is “occasionally messy and chaotic” but it is a career that holds an incredible amount of importance for the development and protection of society.

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Wednesday May 29, 2013

Wednesday May 29, 2013

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Accounting systems at Deeds Registry for upgrade The Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce received bids for the procurement of accounting software systems for the Deeds Registry at the National Procurement and Tender Admi n i s t r a t i o n Board, Ministry of Finance, Main Street, yesterday. The systems are expected to significantly reduce delays at the Deeds Registry with respect to the processing of transports, mortgages and registration of businesses.

Last January, the National Assembly facilitated the passage of the Deeds Registry (Amendment) Bill 2012 which will address the problems of maintaining an accurate, up-to-date record of ownership and transfers of lands, and see the establishment of a semiautonomous agency to reduce bureaucracy. Government is moving to establish the Deeds and Commercial Registries Authorities which will have the mandate to improve the

Deeds and Commercial Registry and establish the conditions governing the employment of offices and employees. In addition to processing of land transports, the Deeds Registry is charged with handling of mortgages, Powers of Attorney, deed polls, incorporation of companies and registration of trademarks and patents, and trade unions. There were two bids for the accounting software systems.

Bids were also opened for the procurement of computer hardware and equipment along with cubicles and accessories for the Deeds Registry.

The Agricultural Sector Development Unit (ASDU) within the Ministry of Agriculture opened bids for the rehabilitation of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA)’s number six Caterpillar Hydraulic Excavator.

Under the Ministry of Education bids were submitted for the supply and delivery of tools and equipment for the Upper Corentyne Industrial Training Centre.

Bids were also opened for the supply and delivery of tools and equipment for the New Amsterdam Technical Institute.

And also within the Education sector, bids were opened for the supply and delivery of computer and accessories and networking of labs.

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Barbados welcomes new rum agreement BRIDGETOWN, Barbados - CMC – The Barbados government has welcomed the agreement signed by Foursquare Rum Distillery to distill, blend and bottle a brand of rum known as “10 Cane’ which officials say is expected to rake in BDS$100 million (One Barbados dollar = US$0.50 cents) in foreign exchange. “Rum is a distinct Barbadian product and I believe that we are the home of rum, and that is something that I don’t think we have fully capitalised on as yet. “There is still much more to be gained…I commend the Chairman and management of Foursquare Distilleries for their work in getting us to this point today where we can really boast and celebrate this new contract being worked out with Hennessy,” said Industry Minister, Donville Inniss. Foursquare Rum Distillery chairman, Sir David Seale, said the agreement had been signed with Moet and Hennessy of France to distill, blend and bottle the new brand of rum over the next five

Donville Inniss years. Sir David revealed that this particular brand of rum was first distilled, blended and bottled in Trinidad and Tobago. “This is very exciting because this brand having been established world-wide, it has a track record so we are not starting from zero. We are starting from a point that it is a guarantee amount that we can produce... Our sums will say that it is quite possible that we will earn in excess of $100 million in foreign exchange over the next five years. “When we decided to

build a distillery, we often said that we wanted to get into the export market in a meaningful way but we had no marketing funds to spend, so we felt that we would put in and put down a facility that when tourists and visitors came they can remember it. That is what is happening. “The word of mouth advertising has led to a massive increase in the exporting of our own brands both to Europe and the USA…I can only imagine that Moet and Hennessy came here because they are satisfied that they are going to get a quality product. “Once rum gets the real recognition it should get from the government of Barbados it has the potential of earning about BDS $500 million a year,” Sir David added. Inniss said Barbados is not a low-cost location for manufacturing and as a result “we have to tap into the niche areas and rum is a product that is synonymous with Barbados and therefore, we have to exploit fully the rum industry.

Wednesday May 29, 2013

US-Caribbean leaders hold “frank and cordial” talks PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad - CMC – United States Vice President Joe Biden yesterday held “frank and cordial” talks with Caribbean Community (CARICOM) leaders and pledged Washington’s assistance on a wide range of issues affecting the socioeconomic development of the 15-member regional grouping. “I want to thank you all for the important discussions...but more importantly for the frankness and directness we were able to engage in. It was completely open, completely frank and completely straightforward even where we disagreed,” said Bid, who wrapped up a 21-hour visit here as part of a tri-nation tour of South America and the Caribbean. “That’s how friends should treat friends and we need you” he said, adding that he hoped Washington would be able to play a part in the overall development of the region. CARICOM Chairman and Haiti’s President Michel

Joe Biden Martelly, described the talks at the Diplomatic Centre on the outskirts of the capital “as a great success” adding “we have come out from a very frank but cordial conversation with the Vice President. “We believe that today’s discussions further strengthen the relationship between the Caribbean and the United States. It would no doubt help the United States

articulate clearly its policy towards the Caribbean which would provide an over aching framework for the relationship and cooperation. “The Caribbean took the opportunity to emphasise the importance of its sustainable development growth and the need for the United States to partner with the region in achieving this, “Martelly said, noting that trade is important in facilitating such growth “and we stressed the importance of trade being conducted on a level playing field and respect for the rules established by the World Trade Organization (WTO)”. Martelly, who together with Biden signed a trade investment framework agreement (TIFA) to galvanise trade and investment activities between the two sides and within CARICOM, said the regional leaders called on Washington “ to engage early and meaningfully with CARICOM countries with a view to addressing in a sympathetic manner the region’s concern with regards to rum and internet gaming”.

Wednesday May 29, 2013

Kaieteur News

Regional ombudsman grouping wants CARICOM recognition ST. JOHN’S, Antigua CMC – The Caribbean Ombudsman Association (CAROA) says it will seek recognition from the 15member Caribbean Community (CARICOM) grouping given the significant role of the office of ombudsman in the region. CAROA held its seventh biennial conference in St. Maarten and the move to seek CARICOM recognition was among six “key points” outlined in the communiqué issued after the meeting. The delegates said that integrity is the hallmark of good governance and committed to developing a

code of ethics to guide the offices of the ombudsman in the region, according to the communiqué. It said regional governments were also being urged to be more responsive to the financial needs of the officers in the execution of their functions. The conference was attended by ombudsmen, legal luminaries, scholars and practitioners from Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Bermuda, the Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Curacao, Haiti, Montserrat, New Zealand, The Netherlands, St. Maarten, St Kitts/Nevis, Sweden, Trinidad and

Tobago, and the United States. The conference was addressed by President of the International Ombudsman Institute and Chief Ombudsman of New Zealand, Dame Beverly Wakem, who spoke on the “Growing trend of Privatisation of Public Services and the Consequences for the Ombudsman”. She also urged “procedural fairness and administrative justice for all citizens at a time when entities, governance and administrative arrangements are undergoing fundamental changes”.

Parliament approves legislation outlawing terrorist organisations and confiscating assets ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada - CMC – The Grenada parliament has approved an amendment to existing terrorism legislation so to confiscate the assets of anyone once the Attorney General is of the belief the asset was gain through terrorist activities. Previously, law enforcement authorities had to prove that the asset was directly link to a terrorist group or gain through the group.

“This amendment to the law has broader in scope to ensure that persons who assist especially in the area of financial transactions also have their assets be frozen,” said Gregory Bowen, Leader of Government Business, as legislators approved of the amendment yesterday. Bowen said that the Keith Mitchell government will also be outlawing a number of known terrorist organisations. Including AlQaeda; the Egyptian Islamic

Jihad; Armed Islamic Group; the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam; Abu Nidal Organisation and Islamic Army of Aden Under the legislation, a terrorist act is defined as the use or threat designed to influence a government or an international organization or to intimidate the public or a section of the public. It also notes the use or threat made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause.

PARIS, France (CMC) – Two Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries, including oil-rich Trinidad and Tobago, are included in a list of countries blacklisted by France that do not help investigate foreign aid fraud. French officials said the list, which also includes Dominica, was drawn up after Paris decided that it would

also be banning the use of their banks to help distribute development funds. Aides to Development Minister Pascal Canfin were unable to say how much French foreign aid currently transits via banks in the countries featured on the new blacklist. The blacklist expands on an already-established

register of eight “noncooperative states and territories” that already includes Botswana, Brunei, Nauru, Guatemala and the Philippines. The list now includes Switzerland, Lebanon, Panama, Costa Rica, the United Arab Emirates, Dominica, Liberia, Trinidad and Tobago, and Vanuatu.

Two CARICOM countries blacklisted by France

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ACP urges EU to honour commitment on sugar protection BRIDGETOWN, Barbados - The European Union (EU) has been urged to honour its commitment to help prevent the reopening at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) of the issue of trade preferences already approved for sugar exports on the world market by countries of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states. The call was made to new Trade Commissioner of the European Commission, Christine Ashton - who succeeded Peter Mandelson - at her first meeting this past week with ACP’s Committee of Ambassadors in Brussels at which concerns over future sugar exports was a major agenda item. Speaking on behalf of the committee as current chairman of the ACP’s Sugar Group was Guyana’s ambassador to Brussels, Dr Patrick Gomes. He reminded Commissioner Ashton of the commitment made to the ACP in May last year of continuing “preferential access over all others” in sugar exports to the EU.

This firm assurance was an influencing factor in then negotiations to conclude a full Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Commission (executive arm of the EU), according to a statement released by the ACP Committee of Ambassadors. Fears of likely undermining at the WTO of ACP’s sugar exports have developed over Colombia’s recent questioning of dutyfree, quota-free concessions on sugar exports from the Caribbean region as provided for in the recently signed EPA with the EU. Worried over a likely recurrence of the loss of preferences suffered by this region’s banana exporters to the EU that resulted from Latin American producers of the commodity, the ACP sugar producers have

requested confirmation that sugar “will be designated as a sensitive product and remain on the list of commodities of longstanding preferences in the agriculture negotiations of the WTO Doha Round...”. As such, as outlined in the ACP statement to Commissioner Ashton, the group’s sugar exporters want any tariff reduction and any expansion of tariff quotas on a More Favoured Nation basis to be carried out over a phased period of no less than ten years. The EU has a moral obligation, according to ambassador Gomes, to “live up to its responsibility and commitment to vehemently oppose any move to reopen the sugar issue at the WTO” and that Europe’s agriculture negotiators in Geneva will be so instructed.

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EU leaders sound the alarm on youth unemployment PARIS (AP) — European leaders sounded the alarm on youth unemployment yesterday and called for businesses to help solve a problem that has left nearly one in four young people in Europe without a job. At a conference in Paris, French, Italian and German ministers warned that if high youth unemployment is not addressed, young people will lose faith in their governments and the European Union. “We now have to rescue an entire generation of people who are scared,” said Enrico Giovannini, Italy’s labor minister. “We have the best ever educated generation in this continent, and we are putting them on hold.” European countries have seen their unemployment rates skyrocket, first fueled by the global recession and then by the continent’s debt crisis. The unemployment rate for the EU’s 27 member countries is now 10.9 percent. For young people in Europe, those aged between 15 and 24, the situation is much worse: Their unemployment rate in the EU is 23.5 percent. In Greece and Spain, youth

unemployment is over 50 percent. By comparison, it is 16.1 percent in the U.S, where the age range is 16-24. EU countries have struggled to tackle the problem. Budget cuts imposed to control outsized deficits — which have cut have thousands of publicsector jobs and left little money for economic stimulus or employment programs — have only exacerbated youth unemployment. Many countries with the worst unemployment problems, like Greece, Spain and Italy, are implementing labor market reforms that should eventually spur growth and create more jobs by making it easier for companies to hire and fire people, but they will take a long time to yield results. The EU has already set aside funds, including 6 billion euros ($7.8 billion) for its “Youth Guarantee,” a commitment to getting every young person in the EU into a job, an internship or training within four months of their becoming unemployed. Another 16 billion euros in European structural funds are

also available for youth employment projects. But to tap the funds, countries need to come up with projects — and they have been slow to do so. The French and German labor and finance ministers met yesterday to come up with a plan to bring more urgency to the subject. In a joint editorial published in French and German newspapers yesterday, they warned that “elevated unemployment that (young people) are enduring is a social, economic and political threat.” Few details have come out of the meeting, however, and much of the plan seems to be repackaging old promises. A statement following it said a full plan should be unveiled and adopted at the European Summit at the end of June. French President Francois Hollande proposed yesterday that governments start spending money on youth jobs this autumn and get reimbursed by the EU next year. Hollande spoke after meeting Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy in Paris.

Wednesday May 29, 2013

Iran’s presidential candidates clash over nuclear approach DUBAI (Reuters) - A former Iranian nuclear negotiator running for president used his first television appearance of the campaign to reject accusations he had been too soft in talks with world powers. The most prominent moderate candidate in an election dominated by hardliners, cleric Hassan Rohani, nuclear negotiator from 2003 to 2005, oversaw an agreement to suspend Iran’s fledgling uranium enrichment-related activities. Iran has since stepped up its nuclear program which many countries, particularly in the West, fear is aimed at acquiring a weapons capability, something Tehran strongly denies. Hardliners see the nuclear program as a matter of national pride and any concession to outside pressure an affront to Iran’s sovereign rights. The current nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili, is campaigning for president on his record of giving no ground in talks. Western powers are

Hassan Rohani watching the June 14 election to see whether President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s successor will set a new tone in talks - several rounds of which in the last year have failed to defuse tensions over the nuclear program which Israel has said it could use military force to stop. In a spirited exchange on state television on Monday, Rohani said allegations he had halted nuclear development were “a lie” and suggested his interviewer was “illiterate”.

“It’s good if you study history,” a smiling Rohani, dressed in the traditional clerical garb, told the suited interviewer. “We suspended it? We mastered the (nuclear) technology!” The 64-year-old argued the Islamic Republic had expanded uranium enrichment during his tenure while demonstrating the program’s peaceful nature and preventing a U.S. attack. “We didn’t allow Iran to be attacked,” he said, referring to the U.S. military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq. “They (the U.S.) imagined tomorrow or the day after, it would be Iran’s turn.” Nuclear policy is ultimately decided by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and all candidates stress Iran’s right to peaceful nuclear energy and deny plans to build nuclear weapons. Analysts say voters are more likely to decide on candidates based on how they would reinvigorate an economy suffering from high unemployment and inflation.

Wednesday May 29, 2013

Kaieteur News

Israel warns Russia against giving Syria missiles JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s defense chief said yesterday a Russian plan to supply sophisticated antiaircraft missiles to Syria was a “threat” and signaled that Israel is prepared to use force to stop the delivery. The warning by Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon ratcheted up tensions with Moscow over the planned sale of S-300 air-defense missiles to Syria. Earlier in the day, a top Russian official said his government remained committed to the deal. Israel has been lobbying Moscow to halt the sale, fearing the missiles would upset the balance of power in the region and could slip into the hands of hostile groups, including the Lebanese militia Hezbollah, a close ally of the Syrian regime. Israel has carried out several airstrikes in Syria in recent months that are believed to have destroyed weapons shipments bound for Hezbollah. Israel has not confirmed carrying out the attacks. The delivery of the Russian missiles to Syria could limit the Israeli air force’s ability to act. It is not clear whether Israeli warplanes entered Syrian airspace in these attacks. Earlier this month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to Russia to discuss the Syrian situation with President Vladimir Putin. The sides have said little about the talks, but the S-300s were believed to have been on the agenda. “Clearly this move is a threat to us,” Yaalon told reporters Tuesday when asked about the planned Russian sale. “At this stage I can’t say there is an escalation. The shipments have not been sent on their way yet. And I hope that they will not be sent,” he said. But “if God forbid they do reach Syria, we will know what to do.” Since the Syrian conflict erupted in March 2011, Israel repeatedly has voiced

Benjamin Netanyahu concerns that Syria’s sophisticated arsenal, including chemical weapons, could either be transferred to Hezbollah, a bitter enemy of Israel, or fall into the hands of rebels battling Syrian President Bashar Assad. The rebels include al-Qaidaaffiliated groups that Israel believes could turn their attention toward Israel if they topple Assad. Syria already possesses Russian-made air defenses, and Israel is believed to have used long-distance bombs fired from Israeli or Lebanese airspace. The S-300s would expand Syria’s capabilities, allowing it to counter airstrikes launched from foreign airspace as well. In Moscow, Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov, wouldn’t say whether Russia has shipped any of the S-300s, which have a range of up to 200 kilometers (125 miles) and the capability to track and strike multiple targets simultaneously. But he insisted that Moscow isn’t going to abandon the deal despite strong Western and Israeli criticism. “We understand the concerns and signals sent to us from different capitals. We realize that many of our partners are concerned about the issue,” Ryabkov said. “We have no reason to revise our stance.” He said the missiles could

Obama to discuss cybersecurity with China’s Xi: White House ON BOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will discuss cybersecurity with Chinese President Xi Jinping when the two leaders meet in California next week, White House spokesman Jay Carney said yesterday. Carney declined to comment on a Washington Post report that Chinese hackers had gained access to designs of more than two dozen major U.S. weapons systems. He said cyber issues were a key concern for the United States and raised at every level of meetings between U.S. and Chinese counterparts.

be a deterrent against foreign intervention in Syria and would not be used against Syrian rebels, who do not have an air force. “We believe that such steps to a large extent help restrain some ‘hotheads’ considering a scenario to give an international dimension to this conflict,” he said. Russia has been the key ally of the Syrian regime, protecting it from United Nations sanctions and providing it with weapons despite the civil war there that has claimed over 70,000 lives. In any case, an open confrontation between Israel and Russia would seem to be months away. Russian military analysts say it would take at least one year for Syrian crews to learn how to operate the S-300s, and the training will involve a live drill with real ammunition at a Russian shooting range. There has been no evidence that any such training has begun. If Russia were to deliver the missiles to Syria, Israeli and Western intelligence would likely detect the shipment, and Israel would have ample time to strike before the system is deployed. Ryabkov’s statement came a day after European Union’s decision to lift an arms embargo against Syrian rebels. He criticized the EU decision, saying it would help fuel the conflict. Israel’s defense chief spoke at an annual civil defense drill to prepare for

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India’s PM: Japan ‘natural’ partner on sea issues

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh talks with Buddhist monks at his lecture in Tokyo, yesterday. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara) TOKYO (AP) — India and Japan share a strong strategic interest in expanding cooperation on maritime security and promoting regional stability, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said yesterday. Ensuring that sea lanes remain open and free is vital for the region’s prosperity, given its dependence on oil imports from the Middle East, Singh said on a four-day Japan visit focused on firming up the two countries’ economic ties and other cooperation.”India’s relations with Japan are important not only for our economic development but also because we see Japan as a natural and indispensable partner in our quest for stability and peace in this vast region,” Singh said in a speech. India has sought to

cultivate closer ties with Japan and other Asian countries, while upgrading its military capabilities, partly in response to a perceived challenge from China and also from neighboring Pakistan. Both India and Japan have long expressed concern over potential threats to their energy supplies due to sea lanes vulnerable to piracy and blockades. The business newspaper Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported that Tokyo and New Delhi were close to reaching agreement on the sale of Japanese-made amphibious aircraft to India. Just days ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping met Singh in India, and the world’s two most populous nations pledged to work together for regional stability and economic growth, despite rising friction

between the two Asian giants. Singh made no direct mention of China, though he emphasized India and Japan’s “shared commitment to the ideals of democracy, peace and freedom.” “We have shared interests in maritime security, face similar challenges to our energy securities. There are strong synergies between our economies, which need an open, rule-based international trading system to prosper,” he said. Among other priorities, Japan and India are working toward a deal on nuclear energy cooperation, as Tokyo tries to boost exports of atomic technology and other infrastructure to help revive the economy. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is eager to promote sales of Japanese nuclear technology as part of Japan’s push to expand exports, especially in emerging markets in Asia and the Middle East that offer stronger growth potential than at home, without the political tensions that plague To k y o ’s d e a l i n g s w i t h mainland China. Earlier this month, Japan and India signed agreements on economic cooperation and investment, including multibillion-dollar plans for industrial corridors between New Delhi and Mumbai, and between Chennai and Bangalore. The two sides are also expected to discuss closer military ties.

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Wednesday May 29, 2013

Joe Theismann wants to make... Sreesanth sent to judicial custody From page 36 before seriously trying the NFL. ... There are not a lot of 38- or 39-year-old basketball players, but there are 38- and 39-year-old quarterbacks, so there’s always time for him.” James was asked about the possibility of quarterback success at the NFL level, and to the surprise of some, he seemed intrigued by the possibility. “I think so,” he said after the Heat beat the Indiana Pacers in overtime in Game 1 of the Eastern Conference Finals. “I have the ability. I can see and read plays. I study a lot, so I know defenses and things of that nature. So I would have been pretty good if I had decided to go for it.” James is 28 now, and he’s

got a few more good basketball years left (to say the least) on a pretty dominant team. So, there’s that. If he was to decide to take a shot at the NFL quarterback idea, as much as his athleticism would benefit his case, there would be a few little things in his way. Deciphering NFL defenses at freeway speed? Well, that’s a task that has taken some pretty talented college quarterbacks and put them through the wringer. As the always-talkative Theismann admitted, there is a bit of self-interest in any football pitch to LeBron. He’s been an NFL analyst for a long time, but appears to be between gigs at this point.

During the 2011 NBA lockout (October, to be precise), LeBron worked out in full pads with the St. Mary’s team, and famously tweeted ESPN reporter John Clayton, wondering when the deadline was to sign free agents. Clayton responded a couple hours later: “LeBron, sorry to get back to you so late. Trade deadline next Tuesday 4 p.m. Free agency goes until last team is eliminated. Game on.” And in 2009, James did a commercial for State Farm in which the receiver theory was put to the test. Is there a football future for LeBron James? In the pantheon of things we’d like to see in the NFL, it’s right up there.

Wednesday May 29, 2013 ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19): Hard work combined with a bit of enthusiasm may have the desired impact today, but you still could have trouble concentrating on a specific task. Instead, you’re looking around, searching for something that’s more interesting than your current responsibilities. TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20): Your key planet, Venus, continues to inspire you to ask for what you want now. Unfortunately, you might incorrectly jump to the conclusion that you should get whatever you wish. GEMINI (May 21–June 20): You may feel even more socially driven today than usual, but your youthful eagerness might be annoying to your friends and associates. CANCER (June 21–July 22): If someone you like seems to be cooling off today, it’s helpful to recognize your role in the current situation. LEO (July 23–Aug. 22): It can feel scary when you open your heart, especially if others can’t match your fiery intensity. You may overcompensate by demonstrating how emotionally detached you are from the outcome, instead of admitting how much you really care. VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): The Moon’s visit to humanitarian Aquarius while the Sun is traveling through your 10th House of Public Responsibility prompts you to get more involved with a social cause.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): You can be quite spontaneous today as long as your mind is liberated from a old emotional attachments. But this isn’t just about making an artistic statement; it’s about reasserting your personal connection to a higher spiritual purpose. SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): The independent Aquarius Moon is traveling through your 4th House of Home and Family today, reconfirming your desire to get away so you can gain perspective on your personal life. SAGIT (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): You may not be able to separate the cause from the effect today. Even if you think you’re being sufficiently rational, you can’t discern your perceptions from your feelings. CAPRICORN(Dec.22–Jan.19): The evocative Moon’s current visit to your 2nd House of Finances tempts you to spend money on a technological toy that you might not need. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): You may pride yourself in being an independent thinker. However, you could become emotionally hooked to what others feel today because the moody Moon in your sign directly influences your heart. PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20): You might attempt to come clean by expressing your feelings today. But if you aren’t ready to open up just yet, you should be able to get away with keeping your emotions to yourself for a while longer.

Sreesanth, the India and Rajasthan Royals seamer arrested on charges of spotfixing, has been remanded in judicial custody by a Delhi Court till June 4. Sreesanth had been placed in police custody, and the Delhi Police had sought a two-day extension. Sreesanth had applied for bail on May 26. He was one of three Royals cricketers Ankeet Chavan and Ajit Chandila being the others arrested on May 16, following which they were suspended by the BCCI pending an inquiry. Chavan’s bail plea in order to get married on June 2 was rejected by a Delhi court and he will also remain in judicial custody until June 4. Royals had suspended the contracts of all three players and also filed a police complaint against them. The players were allegedly promised money ranging from US$36,000 to 109,000 by bookies for each over of under-performance. Eleven bookies were also arrested along with the three players on May 16. One of the middlemen was identified as Jiju Janardhan, described by the police as Sreesanth’s close friend and team-mate at the Ernakulam club. Delhi Police had registered cases under the Indian Penal Code section 420 and 120B, which deal with fraud, cheating, and criminal conspiracy.

Sreesanth ahead of his departure to court (AFP)

Wednesday May 29, 2013

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Sir Chris Hoy calls for lifetime NEW ODI RULES A ban for drug cheats CHALLENGE – DHONI Sir Chris Hoy

Sir Chris Hoy has called for lifetime bans for serious doping offences in a bid to deter competitors from cheating. Hoy told BBC Radio 5 live he found disgraced Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong’s admission that he took drugs “depressing”. The Scot added: “I am a big believer in having meaningful deterrents and having lifetime bans makes people think.” Two riders were removed from this month’s Giro d’Italia after

failing drug tests. French rider Sylvain Georges, 29, who rides for the AG2R team, tested positive for heptaminol, while 2007 Giro d’Italia winner Danilo Di Luca gave a positive test for EPO in an out-of-competition test. Six-time Olympic gold medallist Hoy, who announced his retirement from international cycling in April, believes increasing checks on athletes is a positive move. But he does not think the penalties are strong enough to remove the

temptation. He added: “It is an ugly side of the sport, of all sport. “If the drug taken is something serious, a Class A drug like steroids or EPO or blood doping, then I think athletes should be banned for life and then they would really think seriously before doing it. “If you can just come straight back into a team after a two-year ban, straight back to your salary and being able to earn a living, it is not really much of a deterrent. “You could test positive in between Olympics, come back and still compete at the Olympic Games. “Improved testing procedures and a change of culture with cyclists not accepting it and not turning a blind eye to it will also help.” Hoy is a supporter of the “whereabouts scheme” where an athlete has to notify the authorities of their location for at least one hour of the day throughout the year. He said: “You have to be accountable and be in a

certain place at a time. “That may sound fairly trivial but in the past, in decades gone by, athletes may have disappeared to foreign countries and come back for a competition and produced amazing performances, but they would not have been tested for that period of time. The Scot feels clean athletes need to act to stop drug cheats casting a shadow over their own performances. He added: “It is frustrating because your performances get called into question as well. “People say if you are the very best at your sport, you must be at it. There must be something you are doing. “You think, if they could come in and see what we do day in day out, the levels we go to, the resting, what we eat, they would see everything you do is about performance. “They would see that if you commit yourself to something for a lifetime you can do something that is amazing.”

Bravo to face T&T in Brazilian coach to boost Champions League U-19 volleyball teams

All rounder Dwayne Bravo will face his colleagues from T&T in the preliminary round of the Champions League T20 tournament in India starting on September 17. Champions League T20 tournament will start on September 17, and that finals will be played on October 6. Bravo plies his trade for the Chennai Super Kings in the Indian Premier League in India and from all reports the local authorities here will not be persuing him to play for this country, as two attempts in the past have failed. Chennai Super Kings finished second to Mumbai Indians in the final on Sunday and according to the CLT20 schedule the second place IPL team goes to group B of the Champions League, which means that Chennai will face T&T who are in Group B. T&T, the Caribbean champions have been given direct entry into the tournament after failing in the qualifiers last time around in South Africa. In addition to Chennai, they will also meet the Brisbane Heat from Australia and the Titans from South Africa. They will also face the second qualifier from the CLT20 qualifying tournament

which takes place before the main tournament. T&T has good memories when it comes to facing the Chennai Super Kings because in 2011, they defeated Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s men at the Chepauk Stadium in Chennai, southern India. Manager of the team Omar Khan said yesterday that it does not matter who the T&T team faces, they have to go out there and try and win all the matches. They have to see each game as a virtual final and meeting up with Chennai is just like playing any other team in the tournament because it is packed with champions from different parts of the world. CHAMPIONS LEAGUE T20 GROUPING Group A: Mumbai Indians (India), Highveld Lions (South Africa), Perth Scorchers (Australia), Rajasthan Royals (India), Q1 (Qualifier) Group B: IPL Team— Chennai Super Kings (India), Titans (South Africa), Brisbane Heat (Australia), Trinidad & Tobago (West Indies), Q2 (Qualifier) Qualifier: IPL Team— Sunrisers (India), Otago Volts (New Zealand), SLPL T20 Winner (Sri Lanka), Faisalabad Wolves (Pakistan). (Trinidad Guardian)

Jamaica Observer - The efforts of the Jamaica Volleyball Association (JaVA) to prepare teams to compete in the World Under-19 Beach Volleyball Championships will receive a significant boost when renowned Brazilian volleyball and beach volleyball player and coach Jacqueline Louise Cruz Silva visits Jamaica from today through next week Thursday. As a player, Silva was a member of several successful Brazilian volleyball and beach volleyball teams, to include the inaugural beach volleyball Olympic championship in Atlanta 1996. She currently coaches Brazil’s Junior National Team and JaVA intends to draw on her knowledge, experience and competence to further prepare the national Under-19 teams for the world-level championship. “Competition at this level is a first for Jamaica in volleyball or beach volleyball, so our players will have a very daunting task ahead of them,” stated Major Warrenton Dixon, president of JaVA. “Mrs Silva’s input will therefore make a big difference, as we seek to address capability gaps in the children’s technical and

Jacqueline Louise Cruz Silva tactical competencies. We are therefore grateful for the help of the Jamaica Olympic Association (JOA) for negotiating this assistance through the Brazil Olympic Association (BOA).” While in Jamaica Silva will work alongside local Beach Volleyball Coaches O’Neil Ebanks and Kevin Patterson to help prepare the boys’ team of Rojey Hutchinson and Shavar Bryan, and girls’ pair of Tionna Graham and Lisanne Roofe for the championships to be held in Portugal from July 11 - 14, 2013.

MS Dhoni India Captain MS Dhoni has said one of the challenges facing the side in England during the Champions Trophy will be adjusting to the new ODI rules. He said the team had enough time to acclimatise, with two warm-up games scheduled before the opening match against South Africa on June 6. Since the new rules were implemented in January, India have played ODIs at home but this will be their first experience of them in foreign conditions, where the seamers will have a bigger role. Captains have said the rules haven’t been fair on the bowlers, especially the spinners, with not more than four fielders allowed outside the 30-yard circle at any stage of the innings. Bowlers can bowl two bouncers an over and the Powerplays will have to be completed by the 40th over. “There are a few challenges like the new ODI rules and we will be playing outside the subcontinent for the first time under the new rules,” Dhoni said in Mumbai ahead of the team’s departure for England. “We will have to adjust to the new rule of five fielders being inside (the circle), the length they need to bowl, how quickly they adapt to the wicket, which areas to bowl. “The good thing is we have two practice matches leading up to the tournament. We also have enough time before the first game, so there is enough time to adjust.” In the past, India have fared poorly in tournaments staged immediately after the IPL. The team failed to make the semi-finals in the 2009 and 2010 World T20 tournaments,

but Dhoni said the players’ form during the IPL was encouraging. “With the kind of fitness level that is going around right now, each and every member is looking fit,” Dhoni said. “All of them have played good cricket in the IPL or before the IPL. So most of them are in very good touch. As far as the fitness is concerned we have not received any official reports about any player being unfit, so that is a good sign.” Though the seamers are expected to play a major role, the squad has three spinners in R Ashwin, Amit Mishra and Ravindra Jadeja. India’s coach Duncan Fletcher felt the spinners will have an important role to play at certain venues. “As MS mentioned earlier it is generally going to be seamer-friendly, you never know, like Cardiff for example, it is known there to be a turning wicket, very slow and not very different to what you might get in India,” Fletcher said. “You’ve got to be prepared to play two spinners. If one is injured, there is a back-up. We have a balanced side.” India will be without their regular opening pair of Virender Sehwag and Gautam Gambhir, both dropped on form. Dhoni was confident that the new pair of Shikhar Dhawan and M Vijay would carry forward their form from the Test series against Australia. Dhoni was reminded of India’s last ODI series in England, in 2011, where the side lost the five-match series 3-0 after losing all four Tests. Dhoni said the team had fared better than the results suggested.

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Wednesday May 29, 2013

Neymar’s secret plan to gain revenge Pole vault great wants to be IOC on England and upstage Messi at President Barca, revealed Sergei Confirmation of his transfer to Barcelona has already excited millions. Thought of as the finest South American talent on the globe, Neymar joins what is already the most talented squad in the world, but herein possibly lies the problem. The Brazil forward has been used to, for some time, being the main man for both his club, Santos, and country. And while his arrival at Barca is likely to be followed by the exit of David Villa – as great a vote of confidence as any – there’s no question that Lionel Messi is Barca’s superstar. Rightly so, too, but look beyond him and there’s Andres Iniesta, Xavi, Dani Alves, Alexis Sanchez, Pedro and more. Carles Puyol is the Club Captain, Gerard Pique is married to Shakira and Cesc Fabregas has to make do with a place on the bench. That being the case, Neymar might have to settle for being one of the supporting cast, but that’s never been his style – so how could he possibly elevate himself above Messi, possibly the finest player of all time? Sportsmail can exclusively reveal his plan. New boots. Already known for his flamboyant appearance, Neymar will be wearing Nike’s new orange and black Hypervenoms. Zlatan Ibrahimovic – who once disappointed at Barca, living in Messi’s shadow – and Wayne Rooney, another criticised for not nearing the same level, gave feedback to Nike regarding the shiny new boots, meaning Neymar, and worryingly for England with a friendly away to Brazil on

Ukrainian pole vault great Sergei Bubka is joining the race to become the next President of the International Olympic Committee. The 49year-old former Olympic and world champion notified IOC members he wants to succeed Jacques Rogge, who steps down in September. “I would like to take this opportunity to humbly inform you that I will submit my candidacy for the Presidency of the IOC,” Bubka said in a letter. He is the sixth contender. The election will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on September 10. The record field includes IOC Vice-Presidents Thomas Bach of Germany and Ng Ser Miang of Singapore as well as Finance Commission Chairman Richard Carrion of Puerto Rico, Amateur Boxing Association Chief CK Wu of


Sunday, may stand the best chance at Barca yet. ‘I want a boot that helps enhance my agility and gives me the space to get my shot off before I’m closed down,’ Neymar said. That’d certainly be a start.


Taiwan, and International Rowing Federation Head Denis Oswald of Switzerland. Bubka will be the youngest candidate in the race, 10 years younger than the 59-year-old Bach. He competed in four Olympics from 1988 to 2000, winning the pole vault gold medal for the former Soviet Union at the 1988 Games in Seoul. A six-time world

champion, Bubka set a total of 35 world records during his career. He still holds the outdoor and indoor records in the event. Since retiring from competing, he has been Ukrainian National Olympic Committee President, International Association of Athletics Federations senior Vice-President and a member of the IOC Executive board. (BBC Sport)

Robinson, Edwards, Summitt chosen for FIBA Hall

Jamaica dominate CMRC at... From page 37 Auto Parts-sponsored Mitsubishi Mivec, driving sensation Andre Anderson put pedal to the metal and secured three first-placed and two third-placed finishes, including the CMRC Group Four races. Anderson suffered a broken rear suspension in the second CMRC race and his Mivec was thrown into nearby bushes as it spun out of control. “I am okay and we were able to rectify the suspension. I did what I came to do in the CMRC races and helped to contribute points to team Jamaica. The wins in the other races were like icing on the cake, so it was a good day,” said Anderson, who won Meet Champion for the April 2013 meet. Anderson showcased some very impressive racing and despite being hunted by the pack, put the Mivec to work and had a very successful day. His Team Total partner Kyle Gregg, in a Total Honda Civic, also

gained valuable points for Jamaica with wins in all three CMRC Group Two races, alongside compatriot Sebastian Rae, driving his Firestick Mitsubishi Mivec, also winning races. Alan Chen, Kyle’s archrival, was very competitive on race day and grabbed the chequered flag for the indomitable Thundersport 1 race, in his Allied Toyota Starlet. Chen also earned points for Jamaica by placing second in one of the CMRC Group Two race. Natasha Chang suffered engine problem during the qualifying day and her Honda Civic was ruled out of the CMRC. David Summerbell Summerbell Jr’s Total Mitsubishi Evolution 8 also suffered mechanical problems on race day and after placing first in the Modified Production race 4, spun out of control on the track, which rendered the car incapable of completing the race day. On his return to

motorcycle racing, after missing a few meets, Stefan Chin was victorious in all Motorcycle A races contested, with Robert McDonald and Dennis Chin Quee placing second and third, respectively. In Motorcycle B action, Caswell Lewis, the rider who was flung from his motorcycle, won race one and his nemesis Jason ‘Ratty’ Campbell won race two. Lewis placed second in race two behind Campbell. Caswell is now recovering nicely at home after being treated at hospital after the accident. “It’s good to be back after so long. As a rider I just want to thank Adam Stewart and ATL for use of the helicopter because it could have been anyone of us motorcyclists who had the accident and I’m really grateful that the assistance was offered by Mr Stewart,” said Stefan Chin. Rhon Gayle also experienced victory as he stamped his mark in the Bracket 38 race, ahead of Brian Shor and former MP Othneil Lawerence. Lawrence, however, put his foot down and grabbed the chequered flag in race number two. Ocran David and Dwight Spence were winners in the Bracket 45T and Bracket 45N races, respectively.

David Robinson

Pat Summitt

Teresa Edwards

David Robinson, Pat Summitt and Teresa Edwards headline the 2013 FIBA Hall of Fame class. Robinson won two gold medals and a bronze in the Olympics. He played for the U.S. on the 1988, 1992 and 1996 teams, becoming the first American to appear in three games. He’s the all-time leading rebounder and shot blocker for the U.S. in the Olympics and No. 2 scorer. Robinson also helped the U.S. win a gold medal at the 1986 world championships when the Americans still sent college players to take on other nations’ pros. Summitt, the all-time leader in victories in college basketball, won a silver medal as a player on the 1976 Olympic team and guided the U.S. to gold in 1984. She is one of only two American women to win a medal as both a player and Head Coach,

joining Anne Donovan. Summitt also was the coach of the 1979 World championship team that won America’s first gold medal at the event since 1957. Edwards helped the U.S. win four gold medals and a bronze in her five Olympics from 1984-2000, making her the most decorated Olympic basketball player ever. Oscar Schmidt of Brazil and Andrew Gaze of Australia played in five Olympics but never won a medal. She’s the Americans’ all-time assists leader and is in the top 10 in scoring and rebounding. ‘’What can I say? It took me all around the world,’’ Edwards said. ‘’Now the FIBA Hall of Fame is calling me home to stay forever. Who in their right mind wouldn’t be excited about this?’’ Gaze is also part of this Hall of Fame class. Other player inductees include

Jean-Jacques Conceicao (Angola), Paula Goncalves (Brazil) and Zoran Slavnic (Serbia). Former Coaches Jack Donohue (Canada) and Cesare Rubini (Italy) join Summitt. Technical officials Valeentin Lazarov (Bulgaria) and Costas Rigas (Greece), along with contributor Aldo Vitale (Italy), round out the class. ‘’These are great personalities who have experienced great success on and off the court, but who also stand out for the character they have shown and for the countless efforts they have made to help promote our sport,’’ said FIBA secretary general Patrick Baumann. The induction ceremony will be June 19. Cheryl Miller and Oscar Robertson were part of the last class enshrined in 2010.

Wednesday May 29, 2013

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Wednesday May 29, 2013

Swann’s ten beats NZ and the rain

Joe Theismann wants to make LeBron James a quarterback …and serve as his agent

The victorious England team

A relieved England just found time between the rain showers to wrap up a 247-run victory over New Zealand in the second Test and with it a 2-0 series sweep. On a tense final day at Headingley, England needed 86 minutes in two separate passages of play to take the final four New Zealand wickets they required for victory. Stuart Broad caught and bowled Captain Brendon McCullum in the third full over of the day and Graeme Swann broke an entertaining 56-run partnership when he had Tim Southee caught at slip for 38. After an anxious two-anda-half-hour rain stoppage, Swann removed Doug Bracewell to claim a 10-wicket match haul and James Anderson had last man Trent Boult caught behind as New Zealand were finally bowled out for 220. Swann controversially left out for last year’s Test here

against South Africa, became the first spinner to take a 10wicket Test haul at Headingley since Derek Underwood in 1972. England’s failure to bowl out New Zealand on Monday night, coupled with Tuesday’s forecast of heavy rain, had threatened to deny the hosts victory. But after an early morning downpour the rain eased off, allowing play to start at 11:45 BST, with New Zealand chasing an improbable 468 to win - resuming on 158-6. England soon broke through, Broad stooping to claim a fine return catch when Kiwi skipper McCullum pushed a full toss back towards the bowler. Southee threw the bat in his characteristic manner to reach 38 before he nicked Swann to slip where Jonathan Trott - who had dropped a similar chance moments earlier - held on. However, with England two wickets

away from victory, the players were taken off for rain. With the tension mounting and light rain still falling from dark grey clouds, Cook finally crowded men round the bat. And the tactic worked as Bracewell was taken low for 19 by Ian Bell at silly point to give Swann his 10th wicket of the match. New Zealand’s numbers 10 and 11 then battled through eight runless overs to increase England’s frustrations. But the decision to replace Swann with Anderson paid immediate dividends as the Lancashire paceman found the edge of Boult’s bat to spark overdue celebrations among the England players. It was Anderson’s 307th Test wicket, moving him level with Fred Trueman in third place on England’s all-time list. The hosts will be delighted to have won the series so convincingly, but

questions remain over a safety-first approach that left the outcome of the match at the mercy of the weather. Cook declined to enforce the follow-on on day three despite a 180-run first innings lead over a side they had skittled out for 68 and 174 in their two previous innings, and then chose to delay a declaration until New Zealand required 468 - 50 runs more than the highest successful run chase in Test history. Despite such a healthy cushion, Cook eschewed the option of all-out attack on Monday afternoon and frequently fielded men on the boundary to contain the flow of runs. Cook will no doubt argue that the ends justify the means but greater aggression may be called for when England begin their quest for a third straight Ashes win at Trent Bridge on July 10. (BBC Sport)

LeBron throws the ball around at Oregon's Autzen Stadium in 2011. (Getty Images) It’s long been said that as great as Miami Heat forward LeBron James has been at basketball through his life, there’s a lot of untapped football potential there, as well. James played quarterback as a freshman on the St. Vincent-St. Mary High School team in Akron, Ohio in 1999, and then switched to receiver for the 2000 and 2001 seasons. He quit the game to focus on basketball in 2002, and that decision seems to have gone pretty well for him. But there is an undercurrent of football people who have always wondered, “what if?” What if a 6-foot-8, 250-pound elite athlete, with an obvious ability to jump at the right time and get free in tight spaces

with defenders all around him, actually trained for the NFL? Most think that James could be an amazing NFL receiver if he really put the time in, but one former NFL quarterback truly believes that LeBron might be bestserved at his old position. Joe Theismann, who played for the Washington Redskins from 1974 through 1985, thinks that if the hoops star ever wants to make that switch, he’s the man to make it happen. “I would love to work him out and also serve as his agent,” Theismann told FOX Sports Florida last Saturday. “I’ll go wherever he wants this summer. He could play another four years in the NBA (Continued on page 32)

England to host 2019 World Cup TWO INDEPENDENTS IN London, England - The ICC and ECB have signed the host agreement to stage the 2019 World Cup in England and Wales, formalising the arrangement of 2006. The tournament will be held throughout June 2019, will be played at 10 venues and is currently scheduled to involve 10 teams. “The signing of this agreement now enables ECB to enter into staging agreements with venues who wish to stage matches in the World Cup,” ECB chief executive David Collier said after signing the agreement in Dubai. “The Organising Team from the 2013 Champions Trophy, led by tournament director Steve Elworthy, will

commence the preparation work for this event immediately following the conclusion of the Champions Trophy, which ends with the final at Edgbaston on June 23. “The ECB is honoured to have been selected to stage one of the largest and most important global sports events which will be a wonderful boost to sport and cricket in particular throughout England and Wales.” England last staged the World Cup in 1999, without great success, not least the hosts’ performance - England were knocked out in the group stage. The 2004 Champions Trophy and second edition of the World Twenty20, in 2009, were also staged in the UK.

ICC Chief Executive David Richardson added: “The World Cup attracts a broadcast audience in excess of 1.5 billion people and is one of the premier events in world cricket. England and Wales boasts a number of high quality cricket venues providing players, officials and spectators with excellent facilities. We look forward to working with the ECB to deliver an outstanding tournament.” Bidding to host World Cup matches is expected to be fierce with at least 11 clubs expected to apply: MCC, Surrey, Nottinghamshire, Warwickshire, Hampshire, Durham, Lancashire, Yorkshire, Glamorgan, Gloucestershire and Somerset.


The IPL Governing Council has appointed a three-member commission comprising two former High Court judges and BCCI Secretary Sanjay Jagdale to look into the complaints against India Cements, the owners of the Chennai Super Kings, Gurunath Meiyappan, the Super Kings official arrested on charges of betting, and Jaipur IPL Pvt Ltd, the owners of Rajasthan Royals. The two judges are Justice T Jayaram Chouta, a former judge of the Karnataka and Tamil Nadu High Courts, and Justice R Balasubramanian, former judge of the Tamil Nadu

Sanjay Jagdale High Court. “The Commission will be initiating the adjudication proceedings at the earliest,” the BCCI said in a release. The composition of the commission is different to

what BCCI President N Srinivasan had announced in Kolkata, where he said it would be formed by two BCCI officials and one independent member. This commission, Srinivasan said, would be responsible for investigating and deciding whether his sonin-law Gurunath was an owner of the Super Kings franchise. The Commission will also conduct an inquiry into the owners of the Rajasthan Royals franchise, three of whose players - Sreesanth, Ajit Chandila and Ankeet Chavan - were arrested on allegations of spot-fixing. (ESPNcricinfo)

Wednesday May 29, 2013

Kaieteur News

Edward ‘Screw’ Richmond U-19 F’ball final

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Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ National Playoffs

Davidson’s single strike lands ‘Multi’ Back Circle wins National Playoffs; win over New Silvercity for first title returns to C’bean Championship With time seemingly running out and the championship on the line, top striker Marmaleque Davidson piloted Christianburg Wismar Secondary (CWS) ‘Multi’ to an eventual 1-0 win over New Silvercity Secondary when they clashed in the final of the 2013 Edward ‘Screw’ Richmond Memorial Linden Schools Under-19 football championship at the Wisburg Secondary School ground, after faltering in last year’s final against Linden Technical Institute. This time the final’s result would be different and it was going to be on a different ground and not the Mackenzie Sports Club ground as last Thursday’s final result meant that after five years the coveted Edward ‘Screw’ “Richmond Memorial Championship was now won by the ‘Multi’ Boys. In the final for a second year in succession, it was obvious that after being beaten last year and with the nucleus of players returning this year, the eventual winners had to make the most of this opportunity and several of them will not be there come next year. Their captain, Travin ‘Babylon’ Dryden, was very optimistic about them claiming the title for the first time and noted their confidence going into the final. This time they did not start as expected and their coach Anthony Stephens (Jr.) did not panic but kept telling his players to remain focused. Multi’s patience did pay off in the end and while the opening salvoes were slightly in the New Silvercity Secondary team’s favour, their bravery as first time finalists did not reflect their underdog status against this matured ‘Multi’ side.

However, it was the New Silvercity guys who with a lineup that was bustling with right winger Akeem ‘Messi’ Aaron causing them some concern in tandem with Shaquille Alexander and Jermaine Smith that initially pushed their opponents on the defensive somewhat. In the first half they did succeed to an extent with midfield player O’Neil Gentle, who was among their top scorers in the tournament, nearly sending them ahead when his shot somehow landed on to the cross bar as it headed goal-wards beating Yannick Simon. But the ‘Multi’ side regrouped and ended the first half still in with a good chance of carting off the title for the first time. New Silvercity Secondary playing for the first time in the final under coach Dwaylon Farrell did outplay their opponents under pressure, but the ‘Multi’ Boys top marksman going into the final, Marmaleque Davidson, would show his class towards the end of the game as he gave an insight to his scoring abilities. Davidson was on the striking line and got support from his midfield in particular where Leon Hohenkirk and Anthony Layne along with a string line of defenders which included their captain and big defender Travin Dryden aka ‘Babylon’ looked intimidating in company of last back Benny Neblett, along with Romain Adams and Jamal Almond as Yannick Simon looked after duties in goal. They were taking the fight to their opponents and looked in with a chance. But the Christianburg Secondary side held their own and kept that 0-0 stalemate well into the

second period which was contested at a higher tempo that the first. The offensive minded Multi side produced the game’s winner from an enterprising onslaught. They gained a throw-in close to the corner flag where the towering Dryden with a big throw sent the ball into the goalmouth where a lurking Davidson finished the play with a header that beat the goalkeeper Leacock and his defenders to score in the 70th minute. It was goal number 12 for Davidson in the championship and the most by any player. New Silvercity fought back with Jermaine Smith’s shot coming close, landing behind the crossbar to cause premature celebrations by his teammates only for the alert referee Stanley Lancaster to rule otherwise. Multi came close when Davidson’s shot crashed onto to the cross bar in the dying moments of the game which would have sent his team into a 2-0 advantage but this not to be as time ran out and the contest finished 10. In the third place game, Linden Technical Institute won 5-4 on penalty kicks after their game against Harmony Secondary ended 1-1 at the end of regulation and extra periods of play. Chairman of the Edward ‘Screw’ Richmond Foundation based in the United States, Ernest Joseph, who was present, handed over the championship trophy and replicas to the winning Christianburg Wismar Secondary team, while the second and third place finishers also received their trophies and replicas as did the individual prizes winners.

Jamaica dominate CMRC at Dover Jamaica Observer - The Jamaican team marvelled the thousands that gathered at Dover Raceway on Sunday to earn valuable points in the first leg of the Seaboard Marine Rubis Caribbean Motor Racing Champions (CMRC). Douglas Gore, in his unbeatable Audi TT, dominated both CMRC Group Four races, and beat his rivals in the Grand Finale Thundersport 2 race. Gore belted the ATL/Petcomsponsored Audi through the chicane, after accepting a

challenge from Barbados’ Douglas Maloney to start from the back of the Thundersport 2 race. Maloney was hot on Gore’s heels in his firebreathing Audi A4 Quattro, but Gore showed the might of his Audi TT by passing all the drivers to grab the chequered flag. It was Audi versus Audi as the Bajan hounded Gore, but could manage only second in what can be described as the clash of the Titans. Andre Anderson placed third. “The car has been

unbeatable since its arrival on the island. I’m so glad for all the support from the fans this year and for all the sponsors coming back on board 100 per cent. It feels good to give Jamaica maximum points for the CMRC,” said Gore. Guyanese Kevin Jeffery, who was driving Gore’s former Mitsubishi Evolution, was second in the CMRC Race 3, with Maloney securing third place. Suriname and Cayman also contested the CMRC races. In his Total/Andersons (Continued on page 34)

Action in the National Playoff final that featured eventual champions Back Circle (at left) and Plaisance on Monday night.

Guyana’s representative at the inaugural Guinness ‘Caribbean Street Challenge’ Championship Back Circle will return as this country’s delegate in the regional competition after producing a ruthless performance to dismiss the lofty ambitions of East Coast champions Plaisance in the final of the national playoffs on Monday evening, at Demerara Park Tarmac (Banks DIH Parking Lot), Industrial Estate. Playing against the East Coast Demerara champions, Back Circle made rings around a game, but clearly outclassed Plaisance side en route to a comfortable 4-1 triumph. Plaisance failed to duplicate their semi-final display when they clinically dismantled Linden champions Silver Bullets 3-0, before running into a team that has been the most consistent in terms of results on the national grid. Back Circle on a redemption path following an earlier loss to Plaisance was quickly into their stride, passing the ball fluently, while timely interceptions evidently disrupted the usually free flowing Warren Gilkes and Teyon Esmond. However, the tournament’s leading marksman Andy Duke was in no mood to entertain any challenge and opened the scoring in the 4th minute when he slotted home a right footer to give his side the lead.

With the early ascendancy in their favour, the East Ruimveldt based side doubled their advantage through an excellent interchange between Vincent Thomas and Wayne Wilson that untied the Plaisance defense with the former finishing in style, firing in a right footed strike in the 19th minute that sent the crowd into frenzied revelry. Apparently dazed by the unexpected setback and at the mercy of the partisan mass, Plaisance capitulated further and conceded another goal one minute later when Devon Harris netted. The lanky Harris upon receiving a pass from Thomas in the midfield area unleashed a powerful strike from the right flank that rested comfortably into the bottom of the goal. Unable to create chances throughout the majority of the encounter, the East Coast side eventually managed to pull one back in the 22nd minute through a Kester Greene right footed strike from just outside the box. With time and their championship aspirations quickly evaporating, Plaisance began to commit more players forward in pursuit of further goals to claim a positive result. Their frantic efforts, however, played right into the hands of the more seasoned Back Circle side as the ‘nail in the coffin’ was fittingly hammered in by Harris in the 25th minute. He seized an intended pass to an opposing player

deep in his territory and screamed down centre field on a swift counterattack and with only one defender to in his path, let fly a scorching right footed thunderbolt that avoided an onrushing defender and lodge in the back of the goal. In the playoff for third place, Silver Bullets edged Victoria Church Yard 3-2 on penalties after regulation time failed to break a 1-1 deadlock. Nigel Bennette scored for Silver Bullets in the sixth minute, while Andrew Holder gained the equalizer for Victoria Church Yard in the 23rd minute. In semi-final results: Plaisance defeated Linden champions Silver Bullets 3-0. Warren Gilkes, Keyon Esmond and Prince Johnson scored in the 16th, 20th and 23rd minutes respectively. Back Circle defeated Victoria Church Yard United 3-0 on penalty kicks in their semifinal encounter after regulation and extra times ended 1-1. Andrew Holder found the back of the net for Victoria in the 30th minute, while Back Circle equalized in the 32nd minute through Harris. The winners received $400,000, runner-up $250,000, third place $150,000 and fourth place $75,000. In the exhibition matchups, the Media defeated Oasis Taxi Service 10 while Guinness Bar overcame Banks DIH 2-1 on sudden death kicks as regulation time ended 1-1.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday May 29, 2013

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