Israeli attacks kill dozens in Gaza, Lebanon as ceasefire remains elusive Exxon says oil production by 60% since last year ...reveals StabroekBlockamongthreeoperationsthat droveUS$2.8Bimprovement in thirdquarterearnings
6-year-old child dies after
swallowing thumbtacks at Crane school
Acting Chief Magistrate now assigned to preside over Elections Fraud case
CID ranks order man to delete video of female Govt. worker assaulting him Father of 11-year-old accused of murder comes under attack, fearful for life
Five years later Region RDC still to recover $5.2M in over payment – AG Report Guyana’s oil can fund modernization
Dead: Mekhi Rodrigues
Guyana's oil funds can fund modernization of electoral system AFC:
TheAllianceForChange (AFC) is of the opinion that Guyana's oil funds can fund the modernization of the country's electoral system, sincethecountryisnowina betterfinancialplace.
Member of Parliament (MP) Beverly Alert on Friday during the party's press conference, told reporters that “Guyana is now better placed with the financial resources to implement biometric identification and electronic voting There's no more excuse. If the VC is to be taken at his word, then he will follow through and honour the statements he made. He will instruct the PPP (People's Progressive Party) commissioners on GECOM to pursue these systems. It can be done in timeforthe2025polls.”
The AFC member continued: “We at the Alliance For Change amplify our call for an improved electoral system ahead of the 2025 General andRegionalElections.”
She said given the
utterances by the People's Progressive Party (PPP) in the past about the need to modernize the electoral system,theAFCisexpecting changes ahead of the 2025 polls.
TheAFC is calling for a new voter's list, the use of b i o m e t r i c v o t e r identification at the place of polls and electronic voting. Alert told reporters that those are systems already called for, and identified by the PPPwhen in opposition, asnecessaryforfreeandfair
Thepartyplayedaclipof Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo calling for improved electoral systems during an interview on 'Credible Sources'.
Alert said, “That was BharratJagdeomakingacall fortheverysamethingsthat theAllianceForChangehas been calling for We remind thePPPGeneralSecretaryof his statements and if those systems were being argues forthentheargumentiseven strongernow.”
The AFC member challenged the government toagreetothechangesinthe electoralsystem.
“No more hiding behind presentelectorallaws.Letus amend legislation that may be needed. The AFC will support appropriations to GECOM to capture biometrics and conduct electronic voting, we're throwing down the gauntlet, time for the PPPto stand by its statements. Support the implementation of changes you advocated for and let us headtothepollsandwewill
seewhowillwininfreeand fair elections,” the MP stated.
On August 04, Kaieteur News reported that the Alliance For Change is callingontheChairpersonof the Guyana Election Commission (GECOM) retired Justice Claudette Singh to provide a comprehensive update on the measure that they are implementingtoimprovethe
electoral system from its current state. AFC Member of Parliament, BeverlyAlert made this appeal during a press conference the party held.
She noted that following the 2020 elections, the discrepancies in the list contributed in no small part totheresultingstand-off.
“There is no longer any public confidence in the integrity of the electoral list and unless every effort is madetofindasolution,there willbecontinuingdistrustin any electoral outcome,” the AFCMPadded.
“The Alliance For Change (AFC) calls on the Chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to provide a comprehensive update on the measures being implementedtoimproveour electoralsystem,”Alertsaid.
Father of 11-year-old accused of murder comes under attack, fearful for life
Thefatherofan11-year-oldboyaccused of murder in Sophia is begging for his life after he found his home vandalized on Wednesdaynight.Speakingwiththemediaon Thursday, the Sophia resident Gilbert Burrowes said that the perpetrators even attempted to burn his home. Burrowes believes that the attack on his home is in relationtothekillingofa13-year-oldboyon TuesdaynightatCummingsPark,E,Sophia, byhis11-year-oldson.Associatesofthedead teenhavereportedlythreatenedtokillhim.
InavideorecordedinterviewwithCrime Journalist, Travis Chase, Burrowes begged forhislifewhilestatingthathe“verysorryfor what happened”. “I seh man, I really sorry about how it happen and I apologize and I givethemmydeepestsympathy,”thetearful man said adding, “I sorry and I begging fuh melifebecausethemsehdemgoncomeand killme.”
He continued: “Dem comeanddemshidebottle or whaever dem shi (bottles with burnt wicks that was thrown into his hometostartafire).”
On Tuesday night, Burrowes'11-year-oldson
allegedly killed the 13-year-old boy for reportedly stabbing his elder bother with a pairofscissors.
Police had stated that the victim and the suspect were friends, who usually play together in the community The suspect was reportedly sitting on a stock of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes beside his home when thevictimKareemDurantwentuptohimand pushed him off.The boy got up and went to (Continuedonpage17)
VicePresident, Bharrat Jagdeo
Gilbert Burrowes' vandalized home
Themurdersuspect's father, Gilbert Burrowes
Exxon says oil production in
Guyana increased by 60% since last year
Guyana's Stabroek Block that Exxon holds 45% interest
...reveals Stabroek Block among three operations that drove US$2.8 billion improvement in third quarter earnings
United States oil
g i a n t , ExxonMobil
Corporation has reported a significant boost in its oil production, with a 60% increase year-over-year in Guyana, marking a notable contributor to its US$8.6 billion in earnings for the thirdquarterof2024.
D u r i n g E x x o n ' s quarterly earnings call on Friday, Kathryn Mikells the company's Chief Financial Officer (CFO) underscored the impact of Exxon's diverse portfolio and its growing operations in Guyana.
“ExxonMobil continues to deliver industry leading results,earning US$8.6 billion in the third quarter, a n d o n c e a g a i n , demonstrating the strength ofourportfolioandhowour e n t e r p r i s e - w i d e transformation has improved the earnings powerofthecompanyacross all of our businesses,” Mikellssaid.
She explained that Exxon has been focused on reducing costs, investing in high-return projects, and selectively divesting non-
Chairmanand ChiefExecutive Officer(CEO) ofExxon, Darren Woods
strategicassets. Mikellsdisclosedthatoil production from Guyana's Stabroek Block where Exxon has discovered approximately 11 billion barrelsofoilequivalent,has increasedbymorethan60% yearoveryear
“Following the scheduled work on Liza Phase One and Liza Phase Two, to facilitate the gas to energy project tie in, we wereabletorampbackupto record gross production levels in September,” she
According to Mikells, thisquarterExxondelivered itshighestliquidsproduction inover40years.
This achievement she underscored was driven by advantaged growth from both the Permian and Guyana operations. “Our growth in advantaged volumesisdeliveringhigher profitability to our bottom line at constant prices, average profit per barrel has doubled over the past five years,”shesaid.
Moreover,Mikellsstated that Exxon's strategy to improveearningsbydriving production from their advantages assets “really comestolifeinourresults.”
According to her the combination of Guyana's Payara project startup, the addition of Pioneer and growth in their Permian assetsdroveaUS$2.8billion improvement in earnings.
Notably Mikells said, “The portfolio of advantaged assets we have built in our upstream business is the envyoftheindustry.”
Moreover, CNBC reported that during the company's programme
“Squawk Box”, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Exxon, Darren Woodssaid,“Thisquarteris oneofthebestthirdquarters we've had in the past decade.”
“In the upstream, we see recordvolumescomingfrom our advantaged assets like Guyana and the Permian,” WoodstoldCNBC.
“Our industry-leading results continue to demonstrate how our e n t e r p r i s e - w i d e transformation is improving thestructuralearningspower ofthecompany,”headded.
ExxonMobil Guyana operation
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) is the operator of the Stabroek Block. The U.S oil giant
Ranks from the Guyana Police Force's Criminal Investigations Department (CID) on Friday reportedly ordered a John Street, Georgetown man (name provided)todeleteavideohe posted on social media of a female government employeeassaultinghimand damaging his Samsung Z Flipcellphone.
Reports are that the woman filed a cybercrime report against him and ranks are investigating the matter However, Kaieteur News learnt that the detectives' intervention came just days after the woman threatened
themanviatextmessagethat he will face charges for posting the video showing her assaulting him on social media.
In the text message seen by this media house, the woman said, “Hello, the criminal cyber department trying to get onto you and you ignoring the call. You will speak to lawyers, don't say I did not warn you, you will see the charges being faced putting up my video with me again, when you werewarnedthismorningto takeitdown.Goandfindout the penalties of putting up thatvideoagain.Youwantto
be a social influencer; you willseehowitmakeyouand breakyou”.
Police on Friday made contact with the man and he was invited to the CID headquarters.
He told Kaieteur News, “Today at the CID [ CyberCrime Unit] headquarters, police told me to pull down thevideoorIcanface5years of imprisonment and a $5millionfine”
“I feel so powerless because a person with links candoanythingtheywantto any Guyanese. I have no Freedom of Speech,” he added. Later during the day,
the man received some form of satisfaction from the investigators when he decided to vent his frustration. Kaieteur News u n d e r s t a n d s t h a t investigatingranksgavehim a listening ear and promised animpartialinvestigation.
Kaieteur News learntthat the man and the government employeeareneighboursbut a feud began between them sixmonthsago.
The man runs a car wash in front of his home to make anextradollarbutthewoman started parking her vehicle right where he would wash (Continueonpage 17)
holds 45% interest in the block, while its partners HessandCNOOChold30% and25%respectively.
Exxon is looking to hit 500 million barrels of oil beforetheendof2024,since oil production started in the Stabroek Block offshore Guyana in December 2019.
Currently, there are three Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading units (FPSOs) operating in theStabroekBlock.TheLiza Destiny, Liza Unity, and Prosperity FPSOs are currently producing a combined650,000barrelsof oilperday(bpd).
The Liza 1 project, utilising the Liza Destiny vessel, was initially designed for production of 120,000 barrels per day
(bpd), later optimised and is currentlyproducing157,000 bpd. The Liza Unity FPSO, which started in February 2022 with a capacity of 220,000 bpd, was also optimised. Recently, Exxon disclosed that this vessel is producing 252,000 bpd but disclosedthatthereareplans to hit a daily output of 270,000bpd.
The Prosperity vessel operating in the Payara Project,beganproductionin November 2023, and had a quick increase in its production.
The vessel reached 100,000 bpd in November, and then exceeded 180,000 bpdbytheendofDecember This vessel's current authorized production capacityis252,000bpd.
The woman caught on camera damaging the man's property
minimum standard avoids for fear of bringing ridicule on himself. Guyana’s Vice President, BharatJagdeoislongpastthatstageofcaringabouthowhe makes a spectacle of himself. Standards are for other people,don’tapplytohim,hehasnouseforthem. Thisis part of the tragedy of Guyana that a man who was former headofstatecouldtumbleoffthathighcliffandfallintothe bottomofthegutterisuncaringly
We encourage all citizens to scrutinize Jagdeo and see for themselves the games that he plays in his efforts to silence the independent media, of which this paper is a proudmember Takeacloselookattheobscenelengthsto which he will go to get his way and get at those who are offensivetohissensibilities,thosewhoarehindrancestohis questionablepractices. HisthreatsagainstKNusingState adsstandsassomethingthatrecreatesBharratJagdeointoa sinisterfigureofdarkness.
Weekafterweek,heholdscourtinwhatisgiventhesocalledrespectablecloakof‘pressconferences’. Itisgetting tobeanearinsurmountabletasktoassociaterespectableand anythingthatJagdeodoes. Thishasbeenthecasethattakes on special relevance when his management of the nation’s crucialoilwealthisconsidered.
Through some prearrangement, inviting questions are puttohimaboutStateadsandKNandwhatheseeshasto happen. The soft questions about KN and State ads are cleverly worded, helps Jagdeo to fire away with a vengeance. Thereisthethinnestappearance,interest,ofa fairquestionbeingasked,andwithanalreadypreconceived answer waiting to be rolled out by Jagdeo. This is how Jagdeo slickly gets the State ads and his KN objectives going. Hepretendstobedealingstraight,whenheistwisted allover Heusesthewitlessandthehelpless(thosecaptive to his whims and fancies) to position himself for some philosopher-kingdiscussion.
JagdeobeingJagdeo,hejustcannothelphimself. What starts out as his intention to justify his State ad position always peters out into a diatribe against his self-made enemies. Jagdeo is someone most at home ladling out the derogatory Hesetsuptheopeningforhimself,onlytolose controlandhisso-calledreasoningdegradingintoaverbal brawl,aone-manzoo.
Thisisthefarminwhichanationalleaderisproudtobe the main performer, but still has the classlessness to call it oneofhispressconferences.
Someheavyquestionsmustnowbeasked. Whichselfrespectingleader,beheorsheofareligioushouse,orasmall club,oranentitywithnationalreach,couldfeelgoodabout himself to participate in such patented farces? How it is, that of all the national leaders in Guyana, Jagdeo goes the lowest, then still finds occasion and the interest to go still lower? We at this publication think that it is in Guyana’s intereststoaskthis:isVicePresidentJagdeostilloperating withallofthisfacultiesengaged?
First of all, unlike any other national political leader in operation today, he is seemingly inspired by the dregs of Guyanese society, which makes up a large part of his policymakingact. Heshouldbeleadingthem,nottheother wayaround. ThenextquestionishowdoesGuyanahavea chancetorisetoitsfullpotentialwhenaleaderlikeJagdeois incontrol?
Poor leaders, and less than forthright leaders have brought down many countries. Jagdeo has a head start in that direction, but we will not allow him to run over the peopleofthiscountry Hekeepstheadscomingandnothing changeshere;hegetstohearwhathedoesn’twanttohearor read. HemakesgoodonhisthreattopunishKNthroughthe withholding of State ads, the outlook and output remain unchanged. We have a duty to Guyanese, and so does Jagdeo. We must fight for more from our oil. Bharrat Jagdeogetsonthetrain,orhehadbettergetoutoftheway
Re:Arenegotiated Exxon contract under the DNC will
yield more than the
PPP or PNC could ever deliver post 2025
On reflection, I admit that in stepping into our nationalpolitics,Ihavegone beyondmyearlierremitasa career economist to advise on solutions to Guyana’s economic challenges Indeed, the very real economic problems and
transitioning to a marketbased one have now morphed into endemic corruption and willful economic mismanagement ofthePPP,ourgovernmentsponsored poverty complete with cash grants and $100,000 giveaways, and theseeminglyirreconcilable challenges of our national politics.
Here our governmentsponsored poverty has become exacerbated with the PPP now giving away billions of United States dollars every year to Exxon while proceeding on a borrowing spree to finance its grand ideas of economic
Guyanese are punished by a poor health and education system replete with underpaid doctors, nurses andteachers,andlatrinepits and an overly dysfunctional sewage system in schools acrossthecountry
One of the assumptions of economics is the concept of rationality, where consumers, firms and government are able to choosewhatisbestforthem. A major consequence of decisions biased by externalities such as ethnicity in our national
politics is sub optimal outcomes in very nearly all aspects of economic management from the misallocation of resources ( i n e x p e r i e n c e d persons/firms selected), for example, and unfair distribution of government financial resources across communities based on ethnic/politicalfactors.
The primary challenge facing Guyanese today is that as our economic and political history has shown, our major political parties, the PPP and PNC, have consistently failed to produce balanced economic growthanddevelopmentfor Guyanese where they feel theyhavebeenfairlytreated regardless of ethnicity or politicalaffiliation,andhave been grossly incompetent in the management of our economic affairs, with the PPP’s approach to governance producing a system in which corruption hasnowbecomeentrenched, and part and parcel of its government.
T h e P P P w i l l immediatelyjumptorefute this, but Irfaan Ali’s unequivocal commitment t o s u b v e r t t h e establishment of National Petroleum Commission in favour of having his mentor andGuyana’scorruption-inc h i e f r e t a i n f u l l responsibility of all aspects of our oil wealth in spite of glaring evidence of unchecked corruption uncovered by Vice-News a couple of years ago, serves asastrikingexample.
As recently as last week also, it was uncovered that another
firm which had its contract terminated due to underperformance was again granted another multimillion infrastructure contract. Why did the PPP administration facilitate the payment of close to US$40 million to facilitate the construction of the road-tonowhere at Amaila Falls? That’s US$40 million spent with no benefit to society Somebodygotpaid.
Guyanesearereminded that the taxes they pay is stilltheirmoney
They just pay this to government to finance the provision of services, social and physical infrastructure necessary to deliveronthewelfareneeds ofcitizens.
A l l f o r m s o f corruption involving government expenditures are simply mechanisms designed to steal your money.
The PPP will never seek to identify and disclose the amount of taxpayers’ money stolen annually through their i n s t i t u t i o n a l i z e d corruptionsystem
On the other hand, the corruption managed by the PPP’s Corruption-in-Chief is more closely aligned with mafia-style business operations, where the mafia simply coerces and fleecesbusinesses
The recent failures of the PNC-APNU-AFC allianceintheir2015-2020 term inclusive of their agreement for the Government of Guyana to pay the income taxes of Exxon in the current GoGExxon contract, coupled
with their unvoiced promise to re-institute vote-rigging and ballotbox stuffing should they ever get back into office, leave Guyanese with little choice but to have the PPP and its corruption-in-chief back in office again 2025. Withjustoverayearleft,we have one last chance of giving it a shot at forming a strong government to defeat thePPP
The DNC in its 2020 manifesto offered a strong policy framework aimed at r e v i t a l i z i n g a n d transforming our non-oil sector without recourse to the financial resources of ouroilwealth
With this and many other ideas for our 2025 Manifestoincludedundera renegotiated contract, Guyana will be much better off than we could everhopetobeundereither the PPP or the vote-rigging PNC.
Dowewanttorecover the US$28-49 billion the PNC has signed away, and the PPP has committed to givingaway?
Isubmitthatwedo Itis ours, for our children, for our children’s children We just need to develop and demonstrate the maturitytounderstandthat our ethnic groups have no feudwitheachother,andto stop being programmed by the ethnic politics of the PNC and PPP Our future is in our hands We, our children, have suffered enough
Sincerely, CraigSylvester, Democratic National Congress.
Squib thrown at my front door
, Earlier this evening, I madeaFacebookpostabout thefutilityofaskingthosein authority to ‘do something’ about the sale and use of firecrackers that occur mostly around Diwali and NewYear’sEve.
Not long after, someone (or something) threw a lit ‘squib’ at my front door Coincidence? Maybe. But my dog, Fudge, was inches away
Every year on social platforms and in letter
columns, we read paragraphs of pleas from citizensconcernedaboutthe
elderly and babies, animal lovers and owners, veterinarians and animal activists asking those in authority to ‘do something’ about this nuisance to no avail. We do see press releases from the Guyana Revenue Authority and the Guyana Police Force promisingto‘dosomething’ about the importation, sale anduseoftheseillegalitems, yetitappearsthatnotenough is being done to stop this illegality
I suppose it must be a very difficult issue for the authoritiestodealwith.How willtheydecidewhocanset
off these dangerous illegal itemsandwhocannot? If it’s okay for the more affluent among us to set off fireworks during special occasions such as this one, then surely it must be okay for the p e o p l e o f S o u t h Ruimveldt and Alexander Villagetoo We are all equal under the law, right? Except that ‘the sale and/or purchase of such explosives is illegal under the Customs Act, amended byAct No 1 of 2005, and the Criminal OffencesAct,Cap8:02 ’ There is no lack of
enforcementagenciesface as it relates to this issue, drunk driving, motorists wearing no helmets, those blinding headlamps that stare you down at night andspeedingtrucks.
But I am sure more can be done to curb the use of these illegal explosives; after all, the good folk at the Police Outpost in South Ruimveldt must hear them going off if I can do so from about 3 streetsaway
Yoursfaithfully, WanitaHuburn
Let the professionals at GECOM do their work
In my soul, when I witnessed the inauguration of His Excellency Dr Mohammed Irfaan Ali in August2020,Iknewthatthe season would come when I would have to restart writing. Why? To combat the false narrative with evidence, that will be crafted by those who are determined to change the course of history in their deliberate act of ignoring the truth and engaging in massiveactsofsubterfuge and deception in an attempt to capture the electoral processes in Guyana;yetagain
I saw a letter to the press on October 31, 2024, crafted by three of G E C O M ’ s C o m m i s s i o n e r s (Alexander, Trotman, and Corbin ) I want to remind these gentlemen, too
many Guyanese are painfully aware of the trauma and anguish that our people endured over those five months in 2020 under their watch, as vigorous attempts were made to destroy our democratic credentials as a country during the
Region 4 tabulation process, and in the end, deny the will of the electorate
I was there, in the front seats at the Ashmins Building and Kingston, observing every move t h e y m a d e a n d d o c u m e n t e d a n d highlighted their several acts of transgression Therefore, when I speak on this matter, it is not hearsay; it is backed with the necessary evidential authority.
At the end of the day a f t e r a l l t h e i r skullduggery in 2020, it was basic accounting –the relationship between the closing balance and the opening balance; that defied Mingo in the
Ashmins Building in his attempt to manufacture an artificialscore
I was there when he knocked his hands on the table loudly, instructing his team to call the n u m b e r s f r o m a spreadsheet, ignoring the real results from the Statement of Polls, only this time in front of 17 observers, including the Ambassador of the United States, Madam Sarah Ann Lynch, who sat right behindme
I took the golden opportunity to “carpe diem”andactivelyshowed her the Statement of Polls to bring truth to power and highlight what was really happening in the live stream Obviously, Mr. Mingo and his team were not the brightest bulbs in the room Therefore, to observe these three Commissioners, who were part of the 2020 leadership process, speaking today about malpractices when Lowenfield, Myers, Hetsburger, Eastman were terminated, I ask - What malpractices?
Were these three gentlemen cerebrally obtusetowhathappenedin 2020 during those five months under Lowenfield, Myers, Hetsburger, Sheffern February, Denise B o b b - C u m m i n g s , Michelle Miller, Enrique Livan, Carolyn Duncan, PhillipAzoreandahandful of others? No Sirs, this terminationdidnothappen
What was on public display at GECOM in 2020 provided more than adequateempiricalevidence to conclude that these officials appear to be ra
y, allegedly exhibiting acts of pervasive duplicity, and exhibited an attitude of breaking all the rules in Region 4 when it came to the statutorily prescribed process for the counting, a s c e r t a i n i n g , a n d tabulation of these validly castedvotes
Therefore, it must have taken some brass f r o m t h e s e t h r e e Commissioner, to conjure up this letter some four years after, with this convoluted narrative to muddy the truthful tapestry of our Guyanese history
I f t h e s e t h r e e Commissioners are still not satisfied with my comments, then they can seek guidance from the Reportof theCommission of Enquiry into the 2020 Elections which clearly states “we hope that this report will help bring closure to a sad and shameful chapter in the
ory of Guyana in which the integrityofandtrustinthe
Guyana was undermined a n d t e m p o r a r i l y over
y the shenanigans of election officials at the highest
levels of the systems.” At this point, no better candidate than Vishnu Persaud is available to conduct the role of CEO of GECOM.
He has the history, competence experience, and qualifications ( V i s h n u h a s a postgraduatequalification in elections management) and he is an independent thinker
There is one other person, if Vishnu Persaud is not available, who can do this job; Lawrence Latchmansingh I cannot find any other soul at this time, other than these two competent and qualified gentlemen in 2024, who can do the job required of a CEO of GECOM, w i t h o u t b r i n g i n g disreputetotheoffice
By and large, most of our people are partial to a team and that is their right. But these two gentlemen have proven over the years that they love the art of elections management, they are independent thinkers, they do not take political instructions from any side, they are highly qualified, and they adhere to a professional code of ethics that is embedded to good governance and fairness in the conduct of elections processes.
Lettheprofessionalsdo their work and the politicos from all sides need to give themthespacetofunction.
Fortherecord,Iwas (Continuedonpage06)
Will Guyanese citizens abroad really come home for the promised GY$100,000?
DEAREDITOR, Thereseemstobealotof brouhaha centering around the, now, much ballyhooed GY$100,000 (translating to approximately US$500) extended to Guyanese citizens living abroad. The caveat being that they have to be physically present in Guyanatoreceivesuch.
To all the conspiracy theorists and armchair bloggers, I ask. Do you honestly think that the GY$100,000willbeenough tooffsetthecostofairfares, transportation etc., with any considerable sum left over for consumption after the citizensarriveinGuyana?
Within reason, I opine that, unless their visits to Guyanaarelongoverduefor family reunions and other sundries or, voting that coincide with the receipt of the GY$100,000, I will be hard pressed to believe that the GY$100,000 will be enough of a princely sum to lure them To all the naysayers, the more objective questions is: Where is the Government gettingtheGY$60Btoeffect this “immediate” cash payoutofGY$100,000since it was not part of the 2024 budget. A series of hiccups dogged this initiative from the inception of President Ali’s announcement. From $200,000to$100,000.From “immediate” to “when the appisfullydeveloped”.Not
sure if a pilot programme will be implemented first or eveniftheappwillbetested prior to full sc
e deployment as this information has not been availedtothepublic.
Given the above grey areas, and theorizing- (1) TheGY$60B,mayverywell be incorporated in the 2025 budget instead (2) The developing app may magically become 100% functional closest to Election 2025 (3) The developingappmaycontain p
information that should ONLY be reposed within GECOM
be commandedasanAItoolfor nefariousness and/or state capture.
Guyana has fewer than onemillioncitizens.Withall the funding and receipt of Oil Dollars, the government think tanks and advisors seem to be
ng retrograde steps in their attempt to shape policies. If President Ali receives and act upon skewed advice fromthe“advisors”,thenthe above scenarios may very w
repeated ad nauseam The ship of governmentneedstobegoal oriented- 1 year, 5 years, 10 yearsplanetc.,lestthe“over promising and under delivering”createacrisisof confidence. 2025 Elections isdrawingnigh.
Sincerely, JonathanSubrian,Esq.
Let the professionals...
advised that some senior officers are still serving in GECOM today after their antics of 2020. So what capture are these gentlemen talkingaboutastheyengage in an adventure that is populated with delusions of grandeur with a splash of racialovertones.
That is a dangerous practice associated with a bygone era. Wrong room Messrs.
Alexander,Trotmanand Corbin?Team“GENZ”has no space for your outdated thought set at this time. Maybethetimehascomefor
these gentlemen to upgrade their narrative, reboot their engineswith2024standards, andseektoensurethatevery single Guyanese on the voter’s list gets a chance to vote rather than seeking to pull down, destroy, distort, and insert subterfuge and deception into a system that needsthesupportfromallof us to push through another electoralseason?
MaytheGodsbewiththe GECOM professionals; the next 12 months will not be easy
SasenarineSingh CitizenofGuyana
Five years later, Reg. 1 RDC still to recover $5.2M in overpayments to contractors - AG Report
Five years later, the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region One is still to recover approximately $5 281 million in overpayments
Hill. Some $2.167 million waspaidtothecontractoras amobilizationadvance. Another contract was awardedfortheconstruction of a reinforced concrete
The table showing the two bridge projects undertaken back in 2019 and the amount overpaid.
made to contractors for two bridge projects done in the region.
This is according to information provided in the 2023 Auditor General (AG)
Report which highlighted that, “The Regional Administration had still not recovered overpayments totalling $5.281M for the year 2019, as shown in the tablebelow.”
According to the report, in 2019, the contractor was awarded the contract to construct a reinforced concrete bridge at Thomas
bridge at Mora, Moruca and a mobilisation advance of $3.114 million was made bringing the total amount overpaid to $5.281 million, theAGreported.
This pub
cation understands that in the Auditor's General 2020 Report, it was revealed that
“The basis of award for this contract could not have been determined, since the RTB (Regional Tender Board) minute was not presented for audit scrutiny
The contractor received a 30% mobilisation advance payment in the sum of $2.167M, even though the General Conditions of Contract (GCC) Clause 3.1
The completed Thomas Hill Bridge that was highlighted in the 2020 AG Report.
specified that mobilisation advanceshallbeattherateof 10% of the contract price,” the2020Reportstated.
In the same 2020 report, it revealed that the contract
terminated by the Regional Administration with effect from November 11, 2020 due to work being delayed for more than twenty-eight
“The Regional Engineer has indicated that no work was done by the contractor and the contractor was required to repay the mobilisation advance.Audit checks revealed that there was no evidence that the
contractor repaid the mobilisation advance of $2.167M, either in cash or the RegionalAdministration levied on the advance bond guarantee, if any,” the AG 2020Reportdetailed.
h e termination of the initial contract, the project was reawardedtoanewcontractor inDecember2020inthesum of $5 500M Upon inspection in July 2021, it was disclosed that the projectwascompleted. In the 2020 AG Report also,itnotedthatthecontract for the bridge at Mora in Moruca was awarded in 2019tothevalueof$10.381 (Continuedonpage15)
The tirade against the independent media continues unabated
In every democracy worth its salt, the press serves as the watchdog, the thorn in the side of those in power—a thorn to which Bharrat
Jagdeo seems to be particularly allergic For more than a quarter-century,
including a 12-year presidential tenure and now a second coming as Vice
President, Jagdeo’s administrations have been marked by an intricate,
persistent, and even ingeniousencasementofthe statemediainahermetically sealedechochamber
T h e r e s u l t ? A propaganda machine that seldom wavers from the government line, with any semblance of independent critique wholly exorcised.
Yettoday,wefindJagdeoon his weekly pulpit, brandishing the sword of righteous indignation at Guyana’s independent media,singlingoutStabroek News and Kaieteur News, seemingly aghast that they daretoofferaperspectiveat oddswithhisown.
Atrueironyhereisthatin decrying the “distortions” and “bias” of the private press, Jagdeo wields the power, the reach and the resources to rebalance any narrative he deems inaccurate.
Yet rather than engage substantively, he has chosen to conduct his campaign of denunciation through weekly press conferences that increasingly resemble a one-mantribunal.
These sessions, ostensibly an exercise in public relations, have
become less an informative discourse and more a soapbox from which he lashes out at detractors, whethertheybemembersof the Opposition, outspoken journalists, or media houses with the gall to question officialnarratives.
The hypocrisy is as blindingasitisbanal.
TheStatemedia,withits potent resources and unparalleled access, operateswithimpunityinits unabashedbias,servingasa mouthpiece for the administration’s every whim.
Through coverage so skewed, it would be laughable if not so dangerous, State outlets amplify government messaging while either silencing dissenting voices or distorting them beyond recognition.
The same State media, curiously,drawsnotasingle word of criticism from Jagdeo, despite the glaring lack of coverage for opposingviews.
The so-called “balance” that the Vice President demandsfromprivatemedia is entirely absent from the state apparatus, a double standard so palpable, it hangs like a specter over everyweeklytirade.
If one is to believe Jagdeo, the independent press is guilty of sabotaging the national narrative with insidiousintent.
Yet in reality, these publications play an indispensable role in an environment starved of journalistic plurality If Ja gdeo is so profoundly
vexed by critical stories, he might look first at his own administration’spoliciesand actions.
The independent press fills the void created by a State media that functions less as a source of information and more as a fortresswall,allowingonlya controlledflowofpraiseand propaganda.
Itis,intruth,theprivate outlets that provide Guyana withasemblanceofbalance by offering narratives beyond the saccharine glorification that passes for Statejournalism.
That Jagdeo feels the sting of this criticism so keenly speaks volumes Here is a figure who, after decades in power, seems unabletostomachthenotion ofcriticism.
For all his protestations about democracy and transparency, he views independent journalism as an adversary rather than a cornerstoneofdemocracy
It must be recalled that were it not for the persistence of the private media, the nation would have remained in the dark about the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) and the elusive signing bonus, both quietly signed
P N U + A F C administration.
These revelations, unearthed through the per
, spotlighted the role that the independent media can play in holding governments accountable.
Yet, Jagdeo—who now
Cricket does operate in strange ways in Guyana
Dem boys seh only in Guyana cricketcanamangetpickfuh deteamfirst,thengetaskifhe fitenoughtoplay Islikehiringsomebody and then asking if dem got qualifications. Dem authorities pull off a move that got everybody scratching dem heads like dey gotantscrawling!
Sodemboysseh,ateamgetpickfuhde regional 50-over tournament. Now, is one thingtopickateamwhenyuhgotawhole heap of cricket matches to watch, but in Guyana, cricket more scarce than snow Dem selectors had tied because of de limitedcricketthatisplayedlocally.Butin theendateamgetpick!
But wait! After dem finish picking de big names and seasoned players, de
decries the private media –was notably unperturbed by these exposes when they targeted his political opponents.
Infact,duringhistenure in Opposition, he seemingly embraced the independent media’s role in exposing governmental actions, wieldingthoserevelationsas ammunition against the previous administration Thisselectivestancereveals a d i s c o n c e r t i n g inconsistency: a willingness to champion press freedom only when it serves a convenientnarrative.
To condemn the independent media for bias is one thing, but to do so while conveniently ignoring the state media’s systematic exclusion of opposition voicesbordersontheabsurd. Perhaps Jagdeo would be
betterservedbyrecognizing that a truly balanced media landscape cannot emerge when the state controls half ofthenarrative.
If private media sometimes lean away from government, it is not only predictablebutnecessary
After all, it is only throughtheprismofdiverse perspectives that the public c
Guyana’s State media is conspicuously ill-equipped toprovide.
Rather than railing against journalists who exposeflawsingovernance, he might ask himself what such scrutiny reveals about hisownadministration.
For a leader who has spent more than 25 years in power, there is little excuse for his continued refusal to
toleratecriticism. Jagdeo’s fixation on a few critical publications serves only to amplify their importance.
For if the government’s iron grip on State media is insufficient to stifle dissent, thenitisclearthatGuyana’s democratic spirit endures in those very quarters he so vehementlyopposes.
The irony is stark: in his war against the independent media, Jagdeo has inadvertently proven its indispensability
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Alldemplayerswhogetpickendupin a fitness test, sweating like dem running a marathon.
Wan know de best part? One player ain’teventurnup! Sohegetdropanddem bring in somebody else – somebody who, funny enough, everybody been saying shouldabeenthereindefirstplaceifhefit.
In de end, cricket in Guyana got more twists and turns than a game of snake and ladders.
But one thing certain – if cricket is a gameoffitness,thendemselectorsneeda fitnesstesttoo! Talkhalf!Leffhalf!
Not you, sir, not now, not ever
HisExcellencyPresident Dr IrfaanAli may be happy doing the honours. Doesn't matter to me Vice President, Dr Bhar-rat Jagdeo could be so far gone with this that it is now his natural reflex. I could care less. AllGuyana-PPP,PNC, AFC Guyana-could all feel privileged to stand and salute. Justdon'tcountmein thatcrowd.
To Mr Alistair Routledge President of Exxon Guyana, this is my position,thesearemywords: Youarenotmyking. Never was. Never will be. Not now, not ever. To set the record straight, I am not Australian. I am Guyanese. One unlike all the little brown and black and other brothersrunningaroundand curtsying before the man fromExxon. Nodisrespectisintended to Mr Routledge. It's just a statement of fact, the representation of a deep visceral and psychic conviction The Exxon Guyana President may be
American who is an extraordinary pillager The English use to honour their brigands and thieves with knighthoods,thus,piracyon the high seas was rewarded, and assorted banditry on land elevated to a special placeofhonourintheannals of the British Empire
Leadingthehonourrollwere such illustrious sons of that fabled realm as Sir Francis Drake(thediceman)andSir WalterRaleigh(amanprone to setting himself on fire). Theywereamongtheheroes of yore, force-fed to impressionable minds in their early days. It was said that the sun didn't set on the empire, but what was not said was that an insidious and covetous light did shine on it. From English heroes, Guyanese now absorb the abominable and the unpalatable: the latest Americanheroes.
The now departed ExcellencySarahAnnLynch
(remember her?) was a warrior for the cause of Exxon and America in that sameorder
After all, what is good for Exxon is good for America Droves of Guyanese used to worship her, spread their shirts and children'scomfortersforher towalkoverthepuddlesthat lineGeorgetown. It took them a while to realizethefoolsthattheyhad been (that she made of them), and what Excellency Lynch's foremost priorities were. Those had nothing that sounded like, or was spelt, Guyanese in her diary of considerations. Today, there is a new American hero I erred, a new Americansuperhero. Today, there is Alistair Routledge. Itisfitting:asuperherofrom a company that is a virtual superpower I pity my brother President Ali, who really ought to have known better One doesn't need an arsenalofhigh-techballistic missilestodealwiththelikes of Routledge and the rest.
All that is needed is that greatest of weapons, that mostunbeatableofweapons: the will. The power of an indomitablewill,thekindof will that stands up to assembled armies and their endlessarrayoffirepower
InNorthVietnam,aman bythenameofHoChiMinh did so. Centuries before him,therewasaBlackman, a Haitian, who did just so. His name was Toussiant L'Ouverture.
Guyanese who desire to make Alistair Routledge their king and decorate him withtheproperlevelsofawe arefreetodoso. Makehim emperor. Grant him the status of an honorary lifetimenationalpresidency Don'tmakemelaugh,forthe man Routledge is the real thingfromthedayhearrived here Nothing but a swaggeringmonarch. More in the mold of King John before he was cornered and the magna carta squeezed out of him. The English noblemenhadthecourageto stand up to their abuser and
tormentor, with their country a much better placeforitsince.
WherearetheGuyanese yeomen facing off before their King Alistair and making him offers that he can't refuse? Oil continues tobeloadedontheboatsand more money comes to Guyana,orthenextmidnight flight out of Guyana on American Airlines? It is time that I cut through any veneer of politeness: to hell with this damnable superpower stuff. It is time thatGuyana'sleadersandthe Guyanese people tell themselves that they are kings of their oil, and kings of their own destiny or they had better prepare to continue to be the sweet queens of Exxon. Every citizenofthiscountryshould be familiar with the use of the word 'sweet' in that particularcontext.
KingAlistair was put on histhronebypeoplelikeAli, Jagdeo,andNandlall. Every timetheyopentheirmouths, it is to coronate him. When
they try all kinds of verbal and social media tricks to suppress outspoken Guyanese who are outraged over the plunder of the nation's wealth, they are bowing to King Alistair's commands.
Those don't have to be documented, nor even spoken. On each occasion that they surrender to what they once scorned (the contract), King Alistair's crown and scepter are more firmly in place. All that is needed is a marching band. There is one at the Office of the President and a cheerleading squad in the PPP General Secretary's chambers Alistair Routledge could be their king. He is nothing to me. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Acting Chief Magistrate now assigned to preside over Elections Fraud case
The trial into the 2020 Elections Fraud case will now be overseen by Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty, with proceedings set to begin anew on November 6, 2024, at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court.
This decision was made during a hearing on Friday, where Magistrate McGusty informed both the defence and prosecution, that the order to replace Senior Magistrate Leron Daly, who wasinitiallyappointedtothe case, came from Chancellor of the Judiciary of Guyana Justice Yonette CummingsEdwards.
“Having observed the past events of Senior Magistrate Daly, who reportedsickforanextended period of time, the honourable Chancellor indicated that the matter shouldnowbeoverseenbya new magistrate, which means that the matter will have to restart,” McGusty explained.
accused: former GECOM Chief Elections Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield, formerReturningOfficerfor District Four Clairmont Mingo, and APNU+AFC's Chief Scrutineer Carol Smith Joseph Roxanne Myers appeared virtually Four other defendants, includingformerMinisterof Health,VoldaLawrenceand former GECOM employees Sheffern February, Enrique Liven, Michelle Miller, and Denise Babb-Cummings, wereabsent.
AlthoughtheChancellor requested that the trial should have restarted on Friday,boththedefenceand prosecution indicated they wereunpreparedtoproceed.
Prosecution attorney
Latchmie Rahamat noted that her first witness, Minister of Lo
al Government and Regional DevelopmentSoniaParag,is out of the jurisdiction
Another witness scheduled toretakethestandisHeadof theDiasporaUnit,Rosalinda Rasul.
Additionally, Special
Ramdhani KC (Kings Council) was not present, and defence attorney Eusi Andersoninformedthecourt that he and his colleague, Darren Wade were also out ofthejurisdictionbutwould returnbynextWednesday
After a back-and-forth
Six-year-old child dies after swallowing thumbtack at Crane school
Asix-year-oldboylosthislifetragically onTuesdayafterswallowingathumbtackata private preschool located at Crane, West CoastDemerara(WCD).
The incident reportedly occurred around 10:30hrs.Thedeceasedhasbeenidentifiedas Mekhi Rodrigues of La Parfaite Harmonie, WBD, the son of Orin and Rebekha Rodrigues.It is reported that surveillance cameras in the classroom captured the incident; however, the footage has not been made available to this publication. This has led to differing accounts from the child's parents and the school's lawyer Efforts to contacttheschoolforfurthercommentswere unsuccessful.
According to Attorney-at-law Yuborn Allicock,whospokewith Kaieteur News on behalfoftheschoolsaidthatMekhihadgone tothewashroomandswallowedatack.
“Heranoutinafranticstate,grabbedhis bottle, and ran to the teacher She immediately attended to him, and after realizinghewasthrowinghimselfdownina franticstate,shepickedhimupandtookhim tothehospital—allofthiswasdoneinunder fourminutes.Hewasaliveatthehospitalfor over35minutes,”Allicockexplained.
However, Mekhi's father shared a different perspective. He claimed to have viewed a 46-minute video that indicated the teacherdidnotattendtohissonimmediately
“My son ran to the teacher after he swallowed it to show that he had a problem breathing,andshetoldhimtogobackandsit down. He ran back to the teacher again, and
discussion about restarting thetrial,thecourtscheduled a Case Man
Conference (CMC) for November 6, 2024 at 14:00hrs where the parties
will meet with Magistrate McGustytodiscussthecase and determine how to proceed.
Magistrate McGusty also requested that all testimonies be documented using a recording device to expeditethetrialprocess.“If something is recorded, it cannot be withdrawn, and it will make for a speedier trial,”shehighlighted.
The trial involves nine defendants facing 19 conspiracy charges. These charges allege that between March2andAugust2,2020, at Ashmins' Building in Georgetown, Lowenfield, Mingo,andMyersconspired with Lawrence, Joseph, February,Liven,Cummings, Miller,andotherstodefraud the electors of Guyana by presenting false votes from the March 2, 2020, general andregionalelections.
Dead: Six-year-old, Mekhi Rodrigues
shewasstillpushinghimaway Thenmyson triedtoopenhiswaterbottlebutwasunable todoso.Thevideoshowsmysonfightingfor breath. He started jumping up, and that's when the teacher ran to him and rubbed his back,”herecounted.
The father stated that after the principal was informed, Mekhi was taken to theWest Demerara Regional Hospital, commonly known as the 'Best Hospital' at Vreed-enHoop,WCD, but he lamented, “By the time hegotthere,mysonwasalreadydead.”
An autopsy later revealed that a thumbtack was lodged in Mekhi's throat, leading to suffocation The father also (Continuedonpage16)
Accused: Carol Smith-Joseph
Accused: Clairmont Mingo (right) and Keith Lowenfield (left)
Sheriff General Hospital Celebrates Successful First Brain Surgery
Sheriff General Hospital has completed its first-ever brain surgery successfully, a critical milestone in its commitment to providing comprehensive medical servicesinGuyana.
This landmark surgery underscores the hospital's capability in handling complexmedicalprocedures with its skilled in-house team, a statement from the hospitalsaid.
On September 7, the hospital's expert medical team, led by neurosurgeon
Dr Marco Ramirez performed life-saving surgery on José Newton, a Brazilian miner from Boa
Vista, Roraima, who sufferedsevereheadinjuries inanaccident.
Medevacedtothefacility bySheriffGeneral'sBell505 emergency response helicopter, Newton was immediately diagnosed with
a skull fracture and a significant blood clot. “The success of this operation highlights the importance of having a strong team that wasabletoworktogetherfor the best care and prognosis for the patient,” said Dr MarcoRamirez.
“The surgery was deemednecessaryafteraCT scan revealed the urgent need for intervention to removetheclotandalleviate pressure on Newton's brain.
The procedure involved the temporaryremovalofpartof the skull to address the clot, with plans to replace it after recovery, a technique that has significantly improved outcomes in traumatic brain injury cases,” the statement said.
Newton's wife, Josy Dayane Silva de Arruda
expressed profound gratitude for her husband's recovery “Today, I am very
happythathehadit,thatheis recovering I don't have words to describe my immense gratitude first to God and everyone who supported us and prayed for us,”shestated.“Themedical team was very precise and excellent They were all professional and attended to
him and treated us very well.”
T h e h o s p i t a l ' s administration emphasises thatthissuccessfulsurgeryis a clear indicator of its growing capacity to handle high-stakes medical procedures, enhancing healthcare accessibility and
“This achievement is a testament to our mission to deliver top-tier medical services and our ongoing investment in healthcare excellence,” stated Ameir Ahmad, Managing Director ofSheriffGuyana.
Sheriff General Hospital continues to invest in training and technology to expanditsservices,ensuring that it remains at the
forefront of medical care in Guyana.
Thehospitalalsostresses the importance of seeking promptmedicalattentionfor head injuries, as early i n t e r v e n t i o n c a n significantly improve recoveryoutcomes.
José Newton has been dischargedandisrecovering at home with his family, looking forward to a full recovery
José Newton with Dr. Marco Ramirez and the medical team at Sheriff General Hospital.
Escaped from court: Kevin Mohamed
The Guyana Police Force (GPF) on Friday said that a manchargedwithsimplelarcenyescapedfromrankswhile attheSparendaamMagistrates'Court.
PNCR reiterates conditional support for Diaspora inclusion in 0ne-off cash grant
The People's National Congress Reform (PNCR) on Friday reiterated its support forthegovernment'sinclusion ofoverseasbasedGuyanesein the receipt of the $100,000 one-offcashgrant.
However, the party is calling on the government to ensure that the system is efficientandtransparent.
The party took offence to statements made by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Wednesdayduringhisweekly pressconference.
The Vice President alleged that the PNCR opposed the on-off cash grant beinggiventoGuyaneseinthe Diaspora.
However, the main opposition party reminded that at its October 25, 2024 press conference it said that, “We (PNCR) believe that Guyanese from the diaspora whoareinGuyana,registered and have a national identification card should be able to access the $100,000 one-offcashgrant.”
The party continued: “…We(PNCR)expressedour strong concerns over the prospect of the PPP (People's Progressive Party) party and its agents and activists enriching themselves at the expense of the people of Guyana.”
ThePNCRsaiditbelieves that a sizeable portion of the money from the cash grant willbeusedtofundtheruling People's Progressive Party (PPP) campaign for the upcoming General and RegionalElections.
“The public is fully justified to view the PPP's knee-jerk scheme with suspicionandanxiety,”PNCR
stated.Thepartydescribedthe possibility of many citizens being omitted intentionally or unintentionally to be “a clear andpresentdanger.”
Notwithstanding, the PNCR reiterated its support fortheinitiativeonceitisfree from corruption while referencing instances of alleged corruption pinned on previouscashgrants.
“While enough time shouldbegivenforcitizensto apply for and receive their entitlement, we (PNCR) wouldbeforcedtoobjectifthe payout process is deliberately stretched out to overlap with the election campaign season and is used for vote buying purposes,” PNCR said in the statement.
Further, the opposition partyreassuredthatifelected, it will ensure that citizens benefit from the country's oil revenues in a predictable and transformativemanner
The party opined that that the offerings from the administration are minimal compared to the continuous support outlined in its comprehensive, peoplecentereddevelopmentplan.
The party said it will implement cash grant and benefitsprogrammesthatwill provide every household with a minimum of $100,000 per month.
Inaddition,thepartyplans to introduce a significant yearly cash grant, termed the GoodGovernanceDividend.
To that end, PNCR stated that its overarching goal is to eliminate poverty and elevate living standards for all Guyanese through a “bottomup,middle-outstrategy”byits secondterminoffice.
Five years later, Reg. 1 RDC still...
Frompage8 million. Similarly, that contractor received 30% mobilisation advancepaymentinthesumof$3.114million.
Itwasnotedhowever,thatthecontractwasterminatedbythe Regional Administration with effect from November 11, 2020, due to the contractor delayed work for more than twenty-eight dayswithoutbeingauthorisedbytheengineer.Accordingtothe 2020Report,“TheRegionalEngineerhasindicatedthatnowork was done by the contractor and the contractor was required to repaythemobilisationadvance.Auditchecksrevealedthatthere was no evidence that the contractor repaid the mobilisation advance of $3 114M, either in cash or the Regional Administration levied on the advance bond guarantee, if any.”Notably, that project was also re-awarded to a new contractor in December 2020 in the sum of $5.200M. Having it been some five years since the overpayments are yet to be recovered,respondingtotheAG'sfindinginthe2023Report,the RDCindicatedthatthecontractorswerewrittentohaverefunds bemadeassoonaspossible.
“Additionally, the Regional Administration is currently seeking legal advice from theAttorney General Chambers,” the report revealed In its recommendation, the Audit Office recommended that the Regional Administration takes steps to recover the overpayments and put proper systems in place to avoidrecurrences.
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
Domestic (Live in option available), female cook and male & female workers for the interior :660-9093 / 674-9999 / 680-7803.
COINS Wanted, I buy coins best prices paid. Tele : 6430902 / 653-4287.
Canter Driver age 30 year or older, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 6130855 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.
One nursery school teacher for three year old, 3 days per week from 11 am -1 PM. Call : 629-5439.
One driver residing on West bank /West coast demerara,must be licensed for Car,van & truck. Call : 2642524.
One handyman to clean yard once a week. Call : 623-8414.
One handyman / Porter residing on West bank /West coast demerara,must know to read & write.Call : 624-0239..
Male sales-rep 22-28 years old, Knowledge about vehicle models would be an asset. Call : 709-4313.
Fish process to work in Georgetown. Contact : 6825002
Gardener / Handyman fulltime or part-time. Tele : 2260240.
Seeking a reliable housekeeper / Maid for 4 days weekly in Providence. Must be trustworthy. 624-8591. One sales girl wanted to work in boutique in Georgetown. Call : 698-7152.
Reputable transportation service is seeking experienced Chauffeur with mini bus and hire car license. Call: 645-0025 / 707-9428.
Many Metal working machines for fabricating repairs & modify machinery parts. Come, make an offer. Tele : 227-1813.
FIRST AID/CPR/AED & HOME NURSING COURSES, Starting soon at St. John Association. Call: 225-9082.
Man hospitalized after bandits kicked him off bicycle during armed robbery
Street, East La Penitence, Georgetown.
Live- In housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virgina, U.S.A, free room & Boarding offered. Call : 845-325-8241
One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ or call 615-9132. Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443
One maid/ cook (Must know to cook Indian dishes) Contact : 680-4718.
Mason, Labourer & Carpenter wanted to work in Linden. Contact : 602-9469 , 6157526,660-6385 , 625-7642.
Vacancy exists for one nanny, Please call : 612-0149.
Male desk staff, Male room attendant, receptionist 25-30 years old. 233 South Road Lacytown. 225-0198.
Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call : 615-9132 or 645-8443. FOR RENT
Executive Apts - Fully furnished in Parfaite Harmony and Herstelling USD1100 call : 608 -3575
Warehouse for rent in Central Georgetown , 16,000 Sqarefeet. Contact : 613-9899 / 226-4878.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
Lady driven. Price $3 M. Telephone : 6563977 / 500-9704.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
APPLICATION No.: FD1362 BETWEEN: (JOSEPH) LAWRENCE BRANDON ASHA Applicant-andMOHAMED) NATALIA RAMONA Respondent TO: NATALIA RAMONA MOHAMED Formerly of Lot 164 Seventh Street, Diamond, East Bank Demerara, Guyana TAKE
NOTICE that on the 7th day of September, 2023 an Application Relating to Child(ren) was filed against you by LAWRENCE BRANDON ASHA JOSEPH, the Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 19h day of March, 2024, the Applicant was directed to effect service of his Petition on you by publication of the Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur Newspaper a daily Newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana and on the worldwide web (online). AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that ifyou desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents AND FURTHER TAKE
NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Application, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Application Relating to Child(ren), you must file Reply to Application Relating to Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this NoticE TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Friday the 26th day of November,_2024 at 2:00 pm before the Honourable Madam Justice Fidela Corbin Lincoln via zoom meeting ID: 88210796231 and password: Court12 IN DEFAULT of your filing a Reply to Application Relating to CHILD(REN) THE COURT MAY PROCEED IN YOUR ABSENCE AND MAY MAKE ANY
IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF GUYANA CIVIL JURISDICTION 2024-HC-DEM-CIV-FDA-1189 BETWEEN: LUBUWDA KHAN Applicant (Judgment Creditor) -and- WEERGOPAL PERSAUD Respondent (Judgment Debtor) Notice TAKE NOTICE that a Notice of Application was filed on the 11th June, 2024 in the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Guyana at Georgetown. Demerara by LUBUWDA KHAN in which the Applicant claims:
a) An order that WEERGOPAL PERSAUD, the Respondent/Judgement Debtor herein, be liable under this order to be examined in aid of the execution of the order granted by the Honourable Mr. Justice Nareshwar Harnanan dated the 4th day of January, 2024, before a Judge of this Honourable Court, pursuant to Rule 51.01 (2) of the Civil Procedure Rules (Amendment) 2020 of Guyana.b) An Order Permitting the Applicant/Judgement Creditor to file and serve a Notice of Examination (Form 33A) and a Statement of Financial Position (Form 52) on the Respondent/Judgement Debtor herein.
A 31-year-old man is hospitalized after two thieves knocked him off his bicycle on Thursday during an armed robbery at Freeman
c) An Order directing the Respondent/Judgement Debtor to attend the oral examination on the date and at the place specified by this Honourable Court in the Notice of Examination.
d) Such further and other reliefs as the Court may deem just.
MEXICATI UPON APPLICATION in person letter to Mr. Ronald G. Burch-Smith Attorney- or by at-Law for the Applicant whose address for service and place of business is at Lot 225 South Street Lacytown, Georgetown, Guyana copies of the Notice of Examination and Statement of Financial, filed herein, will be delivered or sent to you.
AND TAKE NOTICE you must forthwith file a Statement of Financial position in Form 52 prescribed in the Civil Procedure Rules 2016, serve it on the applicant’s attorney-at- law, to Mr. Ronald G. Burch-Smith whose address for service and place of business is at Lot 225 South Street Lacytown, Georgetown, Guyana and file it with proof of service at the Registry at Georgetown, Demerara, not later than 4 days before the date fixed for hearing of the application, and you or your attorney-at-law must appear at the hearing.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you fail to file such Statement of Financial Position and or if you fail to appear at the hearing, final judgment may be given against you notwithstanding your absence.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that this matter stand adjourned for the Honourable Madam Justice Joy Persaud-Singh on 19th November, 2024 at 9:30 am forhearing.
Dated this 30th day of October, 2024
The victim has been identified as Corwin Saul, who resides at Lot 180 Freeman Street, East La Penitence.
The duo grabbed Saul’s gold chain valued $95,000 and made good their escape.
Police in a report said that Saul was heading home on his bicycle when the two men approached him on a motorcycle and held him at gunpoint.
One of the men snatched his chain from around his neck and kicked him off the bicycle.
The victim was picked up and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), where he was examined by a doctor and admitted.
The investigations are ongoing. From page 11 expressed frustration over the teacher’s inaction, saying, “From 11:00 to 11:43, the teacher paid no mind to my son. He was up and walking around, doing whatever he wanted.”
Six-year-old child dies after...
He recounted the harrowing experience of discovering his son’s death: “I was home when my wife called to tell me to go to the hospital because something happened to Mekhi. I left right away. When I arrived at the emergency room, I saw seven to eight people, including doctors. Two females were pumping his chest, one was giving him something, one put a tube down his throat, and another was giving him oxygen.”
Orin was informed by a doctor that Mekhi arrived at the hospital with no heartbeat. “They tried to get a pulse and revive him for at least ten minutes. When ten minutes passed with no response, they had to declare him dead. I prayed and cried, but the doctor eventually told me my son was dead. I looked at my son and saw them taking down the machines.”
The family believes that Mekhi could have been saved with more timely attention from the staff.
“It is very heart breaking. If she had paid attention to my son, he could have been alive,” the emotional father lamented.
Mekhi Rodrigues was described by his family as a hyper and joyful child, often considered the life of the party.
The Guyana Police Force (GPF) is yet to release a statement on the matter.
$277M estimated to drill water wells at Pouderoyen & Diamond
The Guyana Water Inc. (GWI)ispreparingtospend approximately $227 million todrillpotablewaterwellsat Diamond on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD) and at Pouderoyen on the West BankofDemerara(WBD). This is according to informat
Below are the companies and their bids: GuyanaWaterInc.
During this year’s
leased following the opening of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) on Wednesday The project for Diamond is estimated to cost $139 millionwhile$137millionis estimated for the works at Pouderoyen.
CARICOM Heads meet with Haitian TPC and PM of Haiti
T h e C a r i b b e a n Community (CARICOM) Heads of Government met w i t h t h e H a i t i a n Transitional Presidential Council (TPC) and the Prime Minister of Haiti on Friday, November 1, 2024 to receive an update on coordination between the interim government and the TPC.
According to a statement issued by the CARICOM Secretariat, the meeting with CARICOM Heads of Government follows a series of talks
budget presentation, Senior Minister in the Office of the President with the Responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh had mentioned that government spentatotalof$16.8billion last year to improve water quality and supply systems acrossthecountry Thisyear, government budgeted $22.5 billion for further advancements in the water sector. Notably, at the opening of tenders, bids w
between the Eminent
Persons Group with membersoftheTPCandthe interimgovernment.
“CARICOM continues to actively engage with the Executive leadership of the Republic of Haiti on the advancement of the transitional governance process and continues to support Haitian-led efforts towardsthestrengtheningof H
preparationsforfreeandfair elections,” the statement said.
rehabilitationofthebaggage makeup area at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA). This is estimated to cost$45,071,584.
his clients’ cars. Despite repeatedly asking her to move her vehicle, the w o m a n w o u l d continuouslyparktherefor the entire day and even at nights. After the situation became overbearing, the man decided to make a video and post it on social mediaplatforms.
The woman reportedly saw the video and became annoyed and confronted theman.
During the argument, themanbeganfilmingher andshebecameangrier
The woman advanced atthemanshouting,“don’t video me” before boxing the cell phone out of his handsdamagingthescreen asitfellonroad.
Again, the man posted theevidenceoftheassault on various social media platforms.
He then lodged an assault and damage of
propertyreportagainstthe woman at the Alberttown PoliceStation.
Initially, the woman claimedthatsheisunfazed because of her “big links” in the Force but later agreed to compensate the man for the damage to his phone.
Weekswentbyandthe woman never made an attempt to honour her word, so the man did not takethevideosdownfrom hissocialmediaplatforms. This resulted in him receiving threats and phone calls from individuals claiming they are high-ranking police officers.
Themansaidhebegan ignoring their calls because he was not sure who they were “They could have been persons pretending to be police officers,” he told Kaieteur News. Investigations are ongoing.
Israeli attacks kill dozens in Gaza, Lebanon as ceasefire remains elusive
Aljazeera - The Israeli military has killed dozens more people in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon as it expands its attacks while ceasefire talks appear to be goingnowhere.
At least 55 people were killedacrossGazainthepast 24 hours, according to the enclave’s Health Ministry. Fourteenofthemwerekilled in a series of Israeli air strikes and shelling from warships in central Gaza’s Nuseirat refugee camp on Friday, medical officials at al-AwdaHospitalsaid.
“People are arriving to thehospitalincartspulledby animals, because it’s quite hard for civil defence and front-line emergency workerstoreachthearea,as Israeli military drones are activelyoperatingthere,”Al Jazeera’sTareqAbuAzzoum reported from Deir el-Balah as the bombs fell a few
kilometres away One of the targets in Nuseirat was a school-turned-shelter for displaced Palestinians, bringing the total number of such centres hit since the start of the war to close to 200.
Abu Mohammed alTaweel,awitnessoftheIsraeli attacks on Nuseirat, said he saw many people killed after multiple family homes were targeted, with a five-montholdbabyamongthedead.
“The Israelis are eager to kill Palestinian children and women There are no resistancefightersinthecamp They hit us without any prior warning,”hetoldAlJazeera.
“Weareheretodie Weare ready to die I was not killed today, but I will definitely be killed tomorrow No safe places here in the Gaza Strip Massacres are being committedeverywhere.”
The Israeli onslaught on
theenclavecontinuedinother parts, with deadly strikes killing dozens more reported in Khan Younis in the south andGazaCityinthenorth
Thesituationcontinuesto be catastrophic in northern Gaza, where the Israeli militarykeepsupasiegeasit blocks humanitarian aid and tries to force Palestinians to fleethearea
“The situation unfolding i n N o r t h G a z a i s apocalyptic,” the heads of major United Nations agenciessaidonFriday “The entire Palestinian population inNorthGazaisatimminent risk of dying from disease, famine and violence,” added the joint statement fromheadsoforganisations that form the UN Inter-
A g e n c y S t a n d i n g Committee On Thursday, Israeli forces targeted multipleareasoftheKamal Adwan Hospital in the
Palestinians search through the rubble following Israeli strikes in Nuseirat refugee camp in the central <span>Gaza Strip</span>, on November 1, 2024 [Eyad Baba/AFP]
north, including its stash of medicine delivered five days earlier by the World Health Organization and a waterdesalinationplant
Atleasttwochildrendied intheintensivecareunitafter the hospital’s generators stoppedandtheoxygenstation was targeted, according to Gaza’sHealthMinistry
The Government Media Office in Gaza reported on Friday that the number of journalists killed by Israeli sincethestartofthewarhas risento183.
Theofficialdeathtollin Gaza now stands at 43,259 people with 101,827 wounded, but the real number of casualties is
believedtobemuchhigher At least 41 people were killedinIsraelistrikesonthe Baalbek region in eastern Lebanon on Friday, the regional governor said Since October last year, at least2,897peoplehavebeen killed and 13,150 wounded in Lebanon by Israeli attacks.
Current system to combat financial crimes working - Jagdeo
Themechanismsinplace to combat financial crimes are working and are effective, Vice President BharratJagdeotoldreporters onWednesdayathisweekly press conference held at Freedom House, Robb Street,Georgetown.
The Vice President's comments came following the suggestion by the oppositionthatthesystemis notworking.
“The magnitude of the charges, have been mindblowing to them. These are the same people who were saying nothing would happen. So now they have gone from that to the entire PoliceForce.Thisshowsthe system is working The systemisworkingandthatis importanttous,”Jagdeotold reporters.
He believes that everyone was astonished at
the fact that there was an investigationandtherewasa filed sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) who recommended several charges be laid against an a s s i s t a n t p o l i c e commissioneroftheGuyana PoliceForce(GPF).
Jagdeo said that following the charges laid against the senior police officer, the opposition was left with “nothing to hang theirhatson.”
Further, the Vice
President reminded that under the former A
Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) several high-ranking police officials were fingered in similar allegations to that of
Art Williams & Harry Wendt Aeronautical Engineering School gets for BSc In Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Programme
The Art Williams & Harry Wendt Aeronautical Engineering School on Fridayannouncedthatithas received approval from the National Accreditation Council of Guyana (NACG) for its Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Programme.
“This achievement is of considerable significance to thegraduatesoftheSchool's
Ab-Initio Aircraft Engineer's Programme. To enroll onto the BSc Degree Programme, students must complete the Ab-Initio Programme and achieve theirCompletionCertificate or Associate Degree,” the schoolsaidinastatement.
T h e A b - I n i t i o Programme graduates wouldhavehadtocomplete their prior learning to meet international and national requirements for the acquisition of their Aircraft Maintenance Engineer's Licence.
T h e A b - I n i t i o Programmewasmodifiedin year 2019 by the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority's requirements to cover all basic aircraft engineer's licence training for a duration of forty (48) months and is curriculum is in accordance with ICAO Doc. 7192, Part D 1 of the
“Theyfobbeditofftothe PoliceComplaintsAuthority and then cleared the allegations.They didn't take it to SOCU to have a full investigation SOCU was then going after their politicalopponents.So,they havealonghistoryoftrying tocontrolthePoliceForce,” Jagdeosaid.
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
International Civil Aviation Organisation.
“Reviewandsubsequent approval for this revision were done by the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority, under whose governance, theschoolhasmaintainedits ATO 001 Approval status,” thestatementnoted.
Whilst the Ab-Initio Programme was evaluated by the NAC-G, Ministry of Education, as equivalent to anAssociateDegreewhenit was initially registered (2010) and gained Institutional Accreditation i n 2 0 1 9
reviewed at its 2023 reaccreditationaudit.
This provided an oppo
complement of additional units to achieve the BSc. in Aircraft Maintenance EngineeringDegree.
The school said that the approval paves the way for the graduates from the AbInitio Programme, holding an Associate Degree in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering, to further enroll and qualify with a degree that would propel them in the workplace for jobs requiring a higher level of qualification as w
engineering jobs in the oil andgassector.
Commenting on an editorial published in the Stabroek News on Monday andcaptioned,'TheGPFand the charges against Mr Brutus', he said that “It makes a mockery of the functioning and authority of the Force because we found one Deputy Commissioner has been charged for money laundering and is facing other charges.”Referencing
that the Police Force has now become “a national risk” while questioning how the existing situation with A s s i s t a n t P o l i c e Commissioner Calvin Brutus incident occurred in the first place, Jagdeo stressed that Mahipaul and his colleagues are clearly unaware of how the Money LaunderingActworks.
“So, this shows a profound ignorance of all that'shappeninginthePolice Forceandaprofoundlackof knowledge of how theAntiMoney laundering Act works We have had an evaluation by the CFATF andtheyhaveconfirmedthat our situation in Guyana… that the legislation, the institutional framework, the
policy and the national strategy are consistent with internationalstandards.
That has just been confirmed. This is a major thing because you are evaluated based on international standards and based on comments from yourpeers,”heexplained.
Furthermore, Jagdeo said,“Ifyougotoabankand you make a deposit that is above a threshold or the bankers suspect that you are makingatransferthatisofa suspiciousnature.Theyhave to file a Suspicious Transaction Report with the FIU. This is what happens. It's not that they won't take yourmoney,theywouldtake your money put it into an accountandthentheywould fileaSuspiciousTransaction ReportwiththeFIU,thatthis looksunusual.”
InthecaseofBrutus,the Financial Investigation Unit (FIU) did the investigation subsequently sending the report to SOCU and then “SOCU in an independent way without any executive interference”insteadofwhat he believes transpired under t h e A P N U + A F C administration.
On October 26, this publication reported that the People's National Congress Reform(PNCR)calledfora thorough and independent investigation into the top brass of the Guyana Police
Force (GPF).Leader of the Party, Aubrey Norton told reporters at his party's weeklypressconferencethat several officers of the Force are corrupt and unfit for the poststheyhold.
Norton, when asked to comment on the allegations leveled against Brutus said that he is convinced that otherpersonsareinvolvedin theallegedcrimes.
The PNCR leader said that he has no doubt that several senior officials, in and out of the Police Force areinvolved.
“…that is why I said his lifeisprobablyindanger As it relates to SOCU, I won't want SOCU investigate nothing, it's like charging Caesar to be tried by Caesar,” Norton told reporters.Firminhisdistrust for the Force, Norton stressedtheneedforthereto be
dy investigating the allegations against Brutus and other serving members of the PoliceForce.
“You cannot charge CaesartobetriedbyCaesar I am dead sure if tomorrow morningBharratJagdeogets up and says oh there is nothing against Brutus, the DPP will withdraw the charges… SOCU to me has become an institution to persecute and prosecute…,” hestated.
England must ‘get up to speed’ following opening Windies loss – Livingstone
SportsMax - Liam
Livingstone said England must quickly “get up to speed”andfindtheirrhythm in the 50-over game after a humbling defeat to West Indies, even as the teams clash again today in the secondmatch.
Evin Lewis plundered a brilliant 94 off just 69 balls astheWindieswonbyeight wickets by the DuckworthLewis Stern method in the opening, rain-affected ODI
inAntiguaonThursday England had been bowledoutforjust209,with stand-incaptainLivingstone top-scoringwith48.
The tourists fielded an inexperienced line-up, but Livingstone knows there is no time to waste when it comestolearningonthejob.
He said: “I think the test we have to come over the next few games is with the rhythmsof50-overcricket.
“Conditions change and it’suptoustoreadthemand work out what is a good score.
We didn’t adapt. West Indies bowled well and we lostwicketsatkeystages.”
only other batter to make a dent for England, and AlastairCook,whowasonly surpassedasthenation’salltime leading Test run scorer last month, was not impressed.
Speaking in his role as a punditforTNTSports,Cook said:“England’s batting in general in all three formatsonbeltingwickets – absolutely brilliant, you can’tstopthemscoring.
“[But] when it becomes tougher, when it becomes about adapting, I’m not sure, at the minute, this group of players are good enough
Saturday November 02, 2024
Money matters might cause you a few headaches, Aries. Youcouldbetornbetweenthe desire to put money aside for the future and the impulse to buy something that you've wantedforalongtime.
Too much rigorous exercise over the past few days might have you feeling a little sore andtired,Taurus.Yournerves may be on edge, and you could be more likely than usual to snap at those around you.
Spiritual breakthroughs may have you feeling a little disconcerted, Gemini. Clearing away deadwood, such as past traumas, might tell you a few things about yourselfyou'drathernotface.
Avirtual conference of some kind could touch upon some pretty volatile issues, Cancer People could disagree to the point that the meeting turns intoashoutingmatch.
Is your significant other caughtup infamilyproblems andunabletospendtimewith you?Don'tletyourinsecurity get the best of you. Your partner needs to deal with familynow
M a t t e r s i n v o l v i n g communication seem to be fouled up, Virgo. Messages maynotgetdelivered,emails may not go through, and people might misinterpret yourwords.
Your values could oppose thoseofabusinessorromantic partner today, Libra. One of you may be overly pragmatic and the other too idealistic. One seems callous, while the other seems to be living in a dreamworld.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
If you've been having trouble reaching a romantic partner, Scorpio, it might be a good ideatostoptrying.Yourfriend is having a rough day and might not make the best company
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Youmayfeelabitrestlessand unsettled without really knowing why, Sagittarius Stressesonthejobcouldchurn up repressed resentment from the past that you need to release.
Too many people could be vyingforyourattentiontoday, Capricorn. All of them want advice or help. This could be flattering, and you'll probably want to help them, but it can also be unsettling and make it hardtofocus.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)There could be trouble brewing in the workplace, Aquarius Some of your colleagues neither like nor trust each other and find it impossibletoworktogether
PISCES(Feb.19–Mar.20) Squabbles may come up between you and a sibling or neighbor, Pisces. Your ability to compromise is definitely called for here. If you aren't careful, this could turn into a battleofwills.
Final leg in the Annual National Draughts Association Championship this Sunday
The final leg in the Annual National Draughts Championship concludes this Sunday at the Transport Sports club pavilion. The eventwouldbecontestedon the International 10x10 boards.Registrationstartsat 10.00am and game time is 10.30am. Entrance fee is $700 per player and snacks areprovidedfree.
The National Draughts Association is now a paid registeredbodywiththePan American Draughts and C
“Take Joe Root out of it, he’s a class above anyone else when it comes to adjusting to situations Everyoneelsehastofinda way of being able to adapt better ”
West Indies have now won five of their last eight ODIsagainstEngland(L3).
England had won 17 of theprevious18fixturesprior tothatspan.
Lewis’ phenomenal showing with the bat, which included hitting eight sixes,waskeytoWest Indies’ victory, with Adil Rashid eventually ending theopener’sstand,butitwas too little, too late for England.
“Ev in Lew is is experienced and has been around for a long time,” said Windies captain Shai Hope.
“You can see he is a different beast He’s hungry I’m glad about the scoreshe’sgettingnow.”
Gudakesh Motie, however, scooped the Player of the Match award aftertaking4-41.
“Iwasn’tgettingmuch turn out of the wicket so I wasjusttryingtokeepiton a straight line and keep my lengths,”hesaid.
“Runs weren’t coming at both ends easily, which helpedmealottotakefour wickets.
“I figured out bowling fast in these conditions was easier [to play] so I wastryingtobowlasslowas possible.”
Jofra Archer (0-21)
bowled well without reward He is four wickets away from becoming the 30th player to take 50 wicketsforEnglandinmen’s ODIs.
The two sides clash today in the second match inAntiguafrom9:30am
international recognition to the local draughts players in Guyana. The games this Sunday is expected to have the largest turnout with everyone having equal chances to win the competition However, current champion in this format, Mr Jiaram, is expected to retain his title. Jiaram, the only player in Guyana to have ratings by the World Body FMJD, is rated1853.Jiaramisalsothe onlyplayerheretocontestin the recently concluded Pan AmericanDraughtsinCosta RicalastApril.
Present ‘A’ Class champion in the 8x8, Floyd
CumberbatchfromLindenis anotherprospectwhileSteve Bacchus and Transport Sports Club player Navin Meighbarrancanbethedark horses. Godfrey George and Aubrey Straughn will give full account of themselves. With a full round robin points system anything can happen as seen in last Sunday’sgames.Playersare asked to turn up early since thedaymaybelong.
Sponsors for the Annual event are: Rubis Bel Air, Puran Bros Waste Management Inc , M&M Snackette,AhmadHydraulic BagotstownandEliasGentle Attorney at Law Inc Transport Sports Club made a worthy contribution and GT Wiñès donated wines to toastthepresentations.
Mr. Jiaram
Dwight Yorke appointed senior Soca Warriors Head Coach
SportsMax - Former
Soca Warriors and Manchester United striker Dwight Yorke has been appointed Head Coach of TrinidadandTobago’ssenior men’steam.
According to Trinidad and Tobago Football
Association (TTFA) president Kieron Edwards, Yorke’s appointment marks anewchapterforfootballin theTwinIslandRepublic,as his primary focus will be on upcoming World Cup qualificationefforts. “With World Cup
qualification in our sights, we’re thrilled to welcome Dwight Yorke as the new head coach of our men’s national team,”Edwardssaid in making the announcement on Friday “Dwight’s experience, leadership, and commitmenttothered,white,
andblackareexactlywhatwe needtoinspireourplayersand ournation,”headded Yorke expressed delight at the opportunity “I am proud and privileged to receivethehonourofleading the Trinidad and Tobago nationalteam Theopportunity
to work with this talented, close-knit group of players is something I look forward to Having helped Trinidad and Tobago to the semi-finals of theCONCACAFGoldCupin 2000,captainedthesideatthe 2006 World Cup, and been assistantmanager,myloveand commitment to my national team are well documented,” Yorkedeclared
“Isawfirsthandasaplayer how working together to achieveourtargetsbroughtjoy and united our country I see thatsameambitionanddesire atalllevelsofthecurrentsetup So I look forward to building on the work of someone who I played alongside with for a number of years from youth level right up to senior team, a good friend and former teammate, Angus Eve, and the current interim head coach, Derek King. As a player, I experienced some incredible moments in a Trinidad and Tobago shirt. With this squad, I hope they can continue as head coach,”heshared Yorke,oneofthenation’s most celebrated football figures, brings his extensive international experience as both a player and leader in the sport to his new role. Known for his tactical insight, passion, and dedication, Yorke’s appointment aligns with the TTFA’s mission to elevate T&Tfootballtonewheights.
“Dwight’s journey from a standout player to a seasoned leader in football brings a unique vision that aligns with our ambitions. We are confident he will guide us forward with purpose and pride as we work to make Trinidad and Tobago’spresencefeltonthe world stage once again,” Edwardsnoted.
Yorke’s tenure as head coach begins immediately, with plans to energize the team’s training and development in preparation for the rigors of international competition As the TTFA continues its commitment to advancingfootballstandards in Trinidad and Tobago, Yorke’s leadership is anticipated to bring new energy and dedication to the nationalteam.Hewascaptain of the Trinidad and Tobago 2006WorldCupsquadduring an illustrious playing career that saw him enjoy playing spells at Manchester United, AstonVilla,BirminghamCity, Sunderland, Blackburn Rovers,andSydneyFC.
Yorkealsoservedashead coach of Australian Premier Club Macarthur FC most recentlyandassistantcoachat Sunderlandforabriefperiodin 2008/2009 He also served as assistant coach of T&T in 2009 On 25 May 2022, Yorke managed the Australian A-League All Stars in their 3–2 loss to a star-studdedBarcelona.
Back Circle, Gold is Money, North...
Ballers, possess arguably the most balanced lineup in the entire tournament and willbeconfidentofmoving one step closer to winning their first Futsal Championship.
However, California Square presents a tricky challenge given their dogged determination and experience. In the final match, Back Circle will oppose North Ruimveldt at 22:15hrs Despite losing in the earlier group stage, tournament favouriteBackCircle After suffering an unexpected defeat in their previous encounter, Back Circle will strivetorightthewrongand showcasethatthedefeatwas simply an anomaly However, standing in their way will be the ultra defensive North Ruimveldt unit, who displayed their championship credentials followingaclinicalwinover Sparta Boss in the previous round. The winner of the event will pocket $1,000,000 and the championship trophy, while the second, third, and fourth-place finishers will receive $500,000, $300,000,and$200,000and thecorrespondingaccolade, respectively On the individual side, prizes will also be given to the highest goal scorer, most valuable player, best defender, and goalkeeper,respectively CompleteFixtures Day4-Quarterfinals (3): North East La Penitence vs. Team Cruel: 20:00hrs(2):GoldisMoney vs. Mocha: 20:45hrs (1): Stabroek Ballers vs California Square: 21:30hrs (4): North Ruimveldt vs. Back Circle A: 22:15hrs Day 5 - Semifinals (5): Winner (1) vs Winner (2) (6): Winner (3) vs Winner (4) Day 6 - 3rd-Place and Final(7):Loser(5)vsLoser (6) (8): Winner (5) vs Winner(6)
Marian Academy faceoff with Santa Rosa forPee Wee’s U11 title
Today promises to be an exhilarating day of football action as the Petra-Courts Optical Pee Wee Under-11
School’s Football Tournament crowns its 2024 championsattheMinistryof Education ground The highlyanticipatedfinalmatch is shaping up as a clash of defences, with both teams showing strong ball control and effective counter-attacks throughout the tournament Thisfinal,scheduledfor5:00 pm,isexpectedtokeepfans ontheedgeoftheirseats
The Petra Organisation, a steadfast supporter of this youth football programmes foroveradecade,isproudto see the culmination of yet another remarkable tournament Representing the Georgetown district, the formidable Marian Academy team will face
Region #1’s Santa Rosa Primary, known for its disciplined defence that has been nearly impenetrable in thistournament.
Santa Rosa Primary clinched its spot in the final after a hard-fought 2-1 victory in last week’s semifinalagainstSt Johnthe Baptist Primary, thanks to exceptional goalkeeping prowessthathasbeenpivotal to their success Marian Academy, bolstered by the potentattackingduoofDeon Henry and Ethan Richards, looks equally formidable. They also boast a fearsome frontline featuring Joshua Johnson, Cristiano La Rose and Chase Hodge, players who could dismantle any defence if given space. As parents, coaches, teachers, schoolmates and football enthusiast look forward to
crowning the 2024 Pee Wee U-11champion,thequestion remains: will Santa Rosa’s defence remain rock-solid, or will Marian Academy’s attackproveunstoppable? Addingtotheexcitement, last year’s champions, St Pius Primary, will battle St John the Baptist Primary in the third-place match at 4:00 pm ThePetraOrganisation, alongside sponsors Courts Optical, Sterling Products Limited, Igloo Ice Cream, Stena Drilling, and MVP Sports, has made this year’s tournament possible, with support from the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, and the Ministry of Education
With two thrilling matches ahead, the stage is set for a memorable end to the 2024 Pee Wee Football season.
EBCA PSL T/10 Cricket continues this weekend
The Soesdyke Premier
League T/10 Cricket Tournament, hosted by the East Bank Cricket
Association (EBCA), kickedofflastweekendwith matches held across three venues on the East Bank –Farm,Laluni,andCanal#2. The opening day on Saturday saw Peter’s Hall achieve a nine-wicket win over Herstelling B at the Farm ground. Chasing 66 runsin10overs,Peter’sHall reached 69-1 in just 6.2 overs.NarendraPersaudled the charge with a stylish 32 runs, hitting three fours and three sixes. In another match, half-centuries by Christopher Barnwell and LeonJohnsonpushedNorth Soesdyke to a formidable 148-2 in their 10 overs. Barnwellscoredablistering 73 runs with five fours and seven sixes, while Johnson added 56 runs with three
fours and four sixes. Peter’s Hall,inresponse,wasallout for 85, with T Jagunaught taking two wickets and Nkosie Beaton and Assad Fudadin also claiming two wicketseach.
AtCanal#2,Demolition defeated Raptors by seven wickets. Raptors posted an impressive 169-3 in 10 overs, with Quinton Sampson narrowly missing a century, hitting 13 sixes and three fours for a hardhitting94,whileRiyadLatif contributed an aggressive 59. Demolition’s chase was anchoredbyJonteThomas’s 58, which included seven sixes and two fours, and Corwin Austin’s 46 runs, securing a seven-wicket win. Meanwhile, at Laluni, Sandpiper’s chased down Silverbullet’s target of 83 in just 6.3 overs, finishing at 83-2, thanks to Chris Deonarine’s 33 andAbilash
Dookie’s 18. Herstelling A clinched a nine-wicket win over Sandpipers, reaching 49-1 in 5.1 overs, led by Vivian Beckles (24) and Sagar Hathrimi (11) Herstelling A later secured another close victory over Silverbulletbyfourwickets, reaching 92-6 in 9.2 overs, with Quazim Yusuf’s quick 38 and Sagar Hathrimi’s classy 35 runs leading the chase.
On Sunday, Uprising pickeduptwowinsatFarm, defeating Diamond by 41 runs and the home team by eightwickets.Diamondalso claimed a 15-run win over Farm. Laluni saw Laluni Boys, EBCAUnder-23, and NorthSoesdykeallsecuring wins.
The league continues this weekend at the same venues as the EBCA advances toward crowning itsSPLchampion.
eyeing a second Pee Wee title.
Callender triumphs in Rouge Salon and Spa Women’s Chess Rapid Tournament
Wo m e n ’s C h e s s Champion, Jessica Callender, emerged the victor of the Queenside Women’s One-Day Rapid
Chess Tournament, sponsored by Rouge Salon andSpa.
The competition, organized by the Guyana
Wo m e n i n C h e s s Community (GWICC) on October 27th, 2024, saw an exhilarating display of strategy, skill, and enthusiasm by the women and girls of the chess community at the David RoseSpecialSchool. The nine-round rapid
tournament had a time control of 15 minutes per player with a 5-second increment after each move and attracted twenty-two females, including three adultwomen.
Taking first place was Jessica Callender, who played unbeaten in the
tournament. Callendar,who recently returned from the ChessOlympiad,showcased discipline and careful planning, enabling her to maintain control during her games, seizing small advantagesandturningthem into winning opportunities thatallowedhertorisetothe top and claim the championship.
Following close behind insecondplacewasTreskole Archibaldwithsevenpoints. Archibald, who also represented Guyana during theChessOlympiad,proved she was a force to reckon with over the chessboard against her female counterparts. Her logical style of play gave her an advantage over her weaker opponents. Her two losses came from CallenderandEmmaJohn. Eleven-year-old Rebha Lachman, relatively new to the chess scene, claimed third with six points Lachman, who is quickly markingherspotatthetopof thewomen’spodium,placed second in the recently held Women’sRapidTournament for Beginners Her three losses were against Callender, Archibald, and WaveneyJohnson.
Kataleya Sam, also eleven years old, finished in fourth with six points. Sam, the current Under 12 Girls C h e s s C h a m p i o n , demonstratedhertalentwith patience and skill to secure her victories Her losses were against the three top placements in the tournament.
Fifth-place finisher went to eleven-year-old Chelsea Harrisonwithfiveandahalf points. Harrison, an active andenthusiasticplayersince theageofeight,isgradually risingtothetopinthefemale chesscommunity
Coming in sixth place was Nellisha Johnson, with five points Johnson’s experience over the board gave her the advantage over her opponents, showcasing her tactics and defensive positions.
A notable debut came from Best Newcomer awardee Nayana Balram, who finished on five points. Balram, playing chess for only six months in her first tournament, played fearlessly and quickly adapted to the competitive scene.
The Guyana Chess Federation (GCF) extends deep gratitude to Rouge Salon and Spa for their generous support towards the women in chess. The GCFwouldliketothankthe David Rose Special School, ThomasLands,Georgetown, for facilitating the venue for thecompetition.
This year’s Queenside Women’s Chess Rapid Tournamentshighlightedthe depthoftalentamongfemale chessplayersinGuyana.The event fostered a spirit of sportsmanship and competition, proving that chess in Guyana is thriving, with emerging talents and established players in both genders contributing to the vibrantfutureofthesport.As interest in chess grows, tournaments like these set a foundation for competitive excellence and open doors for more women to excel in thegame.
O t h e r n o t a b l e performances came from Mrs. Marcia Lee with five points, while Waveney Johnson, Tharisha Montes De Oca, Emma John, and Angelina Yhap ended with four and a half points Lusianna Farlot, Saura Ruplall, Mrs. Amanda Alli, Sana Sreebalakumar, and Aldrianna DeJonge all gainedfourpoints.
‘Champion of Champions’Futsal
Back Circle, Gold is Money, North East target semifinal berths
Followingagroupround that produced unexpected results, the business end of the inaugural ‘Champion of Champions’ futsal tournament will start this evening, with Back Circle, Gold is Money, and North East La Penitence set for action at the National Gymnasium on Mandela Avenue.
TournamentCoordinator Troy Lambert said, “The tournament has exceeded expectations Who would have imagined that both SpartaBossandBentStreet, traditional giants in this format,wouldhavefailedto advance to the knockout round? That has never occurredinthisformatandis evidence of the highly competitive nature of the tournament.”
He further said, “This has to be the most
competitive and open tournament in recent memory Thisshowsthatthe smallerteamsareimproving by acquiring better players, sothereisnothingaseasyas an easy match anymore in this format, which bodes well for the future of the format.Whiletherearestilla fewtraditionalpowerhouses remaining in the event, they are emerging teams that are in the mix, which makes for an exciting finish. Anyone cangenuinelywin.”
Intheopeningencounter, theundefeatedNorthEastLa Penitence will lock horns with Team Cruel of Beterverwagting (BV) at 20:00hrs.
North East La Penitence endedthegroupstagewitha perfect 3-0 record, which included an impressive victory over Back Circle. They are considered the
event’s ‘Dark Horse’ by many pundits given their stellarperformances. On the other side, Team Cruel will fancy their chances of staging another major upset in the event given the tactical quality of theirrosterastheyattemptto secure their maiden semifinalspotinthisformat.
In the second fixture, Gold is Money will tackle giant killer Mocha at 20:45hrs.GoldisMoneyhas been in imperious form following a flawless group campaign but will be tested by the dangerous Mocha unit, who were responsible for the elimination of Bent Street.
Thethirdencounterwill pit Stabroek Ballerz against California Square at 21:30hrs.
Anacondas ease past Jags by 25-runs
Acollective outing from the E s s e q u i b o Anacondas put them ahead of countymen, Essequibo Jaguars who fell to a 25-run defeatyesterdayatLusignan when the GCB T20 League actioncontinued.
A string of scores from Orin Gibson (35) Richie Looknauth (22), Anthony Adams (26), Sagar Hetheramani (25) and Kevon Boodie (19) took the Anacondas to 154-7 batting first.
All-rounder Rajiv Ivan led with 3-20 with Joshua Jones, Ricardo Adams and Joemal LaFleur grabbing a wicketeach.
The Anacondas then strangled their opponents, keeping them to 129-8 thanks to two wickets each from Garfield Phillips and Abdul Ramsammy, led by 3 wickets from all-rounder QuentinSampson. Kanhaiya Ramkarran (38), Zeynul Ramsammy, Ivan (29) were the only players to reach double figures before the collapse wastriggered.
Action shifts to LBI today with a double-header between Berbice Piranhas and Demerara Pitbulls bowling off from 14:00h, while Berbice Caimans and Demerara Hawks battle underlightsfrom19:00h.
Hydras, West Rocker Setters win 3rd leg of National One Guyana ‘B’ Division Volleyball
The third leg of the REPUBLIC BANK/ONE GUYANA ‘B’ Division Volleyball finished with Hururu Hydras and West Rocker Setters securing huge wins this past weekend.
The Linden zone saw the Hydras defeating Glasgow Rangersthreesetstooneinthe finals Hydras chalked up a scorelineof25-16,25-13,2927,25-13toachievetheirwin
The Moruka zone saw the WestRockerSettersdefeatthe West Rocker Spikers in the finals25-13,12-25,25-15
Meanwhile, Imbaimadai were the winners in the Upper Mazaruni zone, with the final leg of the playoffs featuring Lethem and Rockstone dueling for honors.
TheNationalGymnasium comes alive tonight as the GuyanaBasketballFederation (GBF) Elite 16 tournament tipsoffwithadouble-header
At7:15pm,theactionstarts withNewAmsterdamWarriors going head-to-head against Colts, setting the tone for a night of intense competition.
Following that, two Georgetown teams, Ravens andNets,willtakethecourtina showdownthatpromisesedgeof-your-seatexcitement
The clash of the Elite 16, the GBF said, serves as a perfectwarm-upforthehighly anticipated One Guyana BasketballLeague,whichwill bring together Guyana’s basketball best under one banner “The GBF Elite 16 tournament is designed to showcase high-quality basketball across all GBF associations,” GBF President MichaelSinghstatedaheadof the opening tip-off “With players from Bartica, Linden, Georgetown, and Berbice in the mix, this tournament will sharpen competition and elevate the game for the upcomingseason”
A champion will emerge from this battle of the elite, earning a $300,000 winner’s purse.Second-placefinishers will pick up $100,000, third place takes home $50,000, andthetournamentMVPwill beawarded$25,000fortheir standoutperformance.
Thetournamentscheduleis stacked with must-see matchups: on November 6, Eagles will face off against GDF, followed by Kobras takingonBlock22Flames.
November 9 brings a
doubleheader, where Mambas will battle KK Untouchables, andVictoryValley Royals will goupagainstBartica.
The action continues on November 13, with Amelia’s WardJetssettotakeonPacesetters, followed by Retrieve Raiders clashing with Trojans November 16 will see the winner of Game 1 facing the winner of Game 3, while the victorsfromGames2and4will squareoff Advancingfurther,the winnerofGame5willmeetthe Game7victor,whilethewinners fromGames6and8willbattleon November20
The semi-finals tip off on November 23, leading to the grand finale on November 30 Singh expressed confidence in the players’ readiness, highlighting, “This tournament primes our senior players for ongoing competitive play through 2024 and into 2025 AftertheOneGuyanaLeague, we’regearingupforMecca6,a critical platform for national team selection for internationalevents.” Singhextendedgratitudeto theMinistryofCulture,Youth, andSport,theNationalSports Commission,andkeysponsors like MVP Sports and Praetorian Security for makingtheElite16possible.
Action in the game between the Essequibo Anacondas and the Essequibo Jaguars yesterday at Lusignan.
West Rocker Setters of Moruca
Winning Hururu Hydras Team T
Double header at Gymnasium Basketball Court
GBF President, Michael Singh
Liam Livingstone said England must quickly “get up to speed” and find their rhythm.
loss – Livingstone
DwightYorke... I am proud and privileged to receive the honour of leading the Trinidad and Tobago national team. Dwight Yorke
Deon Henry’s striking will be critical in Santa Rosa going all-the-way. all-the-way