Kaieteur News

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As public pressure continues to mount in government to demand a change in the lopsided ExxonMobil contract, Businessman, and advocate for a better oil deal, Glenn Lall has joined calls for a referendumontheissue.

LastweekVicePresident Bharrat Jagdeo ruled out holding a referendum simultaneously during next year’s elections saying that he does not want to complicate matters and that the electorate will decide on thequestionofrenegotiation basedonthepartytheyelect tooffice.

But Lall told this newspaper that the nation cannotsitsilentlyandwatch ExxonMobil, with the full support of the government andotherleaders,haulaway “our oil by the barrel, while handing us our share by the


He added: “how can we stay quiet, knowing that the PNC/AFC sold us out with suchalopsideddealandstill keeps on smiling through it all?Howcanwekeepliving with our mouths shut, watching the PPP, who once criticised and condemned that very deal, now sitting comfortably in office, embracing that same arrangement and accepting that same meagre teaspoon?”

T h e i s s u e o f a referendum comes amid the government and opposition stubbornly refusing to demand changes to the contract to include among other things ring fencing provisions, a higher royalty and for the company to pay taxes.

A referendum is a general vote by the

electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision. Jagdeo was asked the question by Journalist Denis Chabrol during his weekly news conferencetowhichhesaid, political parties contesting the polls should state their positions on the matter and let the electorate decide if they want such a party to governGuyana.

Additionally, Jagdeo believes that conducting a referendumatthesametime of the elections could complicate matters A number of developed and developingcountriesallover the world have held referendums at the same time as national elections. These include the United States.

H o w e v e r , L a l l acknowledging that several

citizenshavebeencallingfor renegotiation said, if Guyanese truly want the contract to change, then it mustcomefromthem.

“From all of us. It is crystalclearthatnoneofthe country’s three main political parties are going to lift a finger to make the changes we so desperately need—togiveusourrightful share by the barrel rather than by the teaspoon. Why won’t they act? You and I bothknowtheanswertothat, and we cannot allow this betrayal to continue into another election. The time has come to demand our rightful share by demanding a referendum on this oil contract.”

Lall is adamant that the oil resources are blessings from God, “meant for all Guyanese born and unborn,athomeandabroad.

Businessman, and advocate for a better oil deal, Glenn Lall

And yet, the leaders we elected have made it perfectly clear over the last eightyears,sincethisoilwas discovered,thattheyhaveno intention of changing the “teaspoon contract” to benefit us, the people of Guyana.”

He asked, ‘why are they so unwilling?’“ Is it greed? Is it selfishness? Or are they just looking out for thems

families? I don’t know for sure, but I do know this: the people of Guyana must demandareferendum,avote on this oil contract, before the2025elections.Andlet’s be smart about it—let’s not let them schedule this referendumatthesametime as the elections. We have seenittimeandagain:once


Juvenile kills 18-year-old during row over football game

Another Juvenile reportedly committed murder on Friday after he stabbed an 18year-old Kaneville, East Bank Demerara (EBD)residentonFridayafternoonduringa rowoverafootballgame.

Police identified the dead man as Dowance Demonick Demonick was reportedly attacked by the 15-year-old suspect and his (the suspect) brother around 16:30hrsatSamattaPoint,Grove,EBD.

“For some time now, the two had an ongoingproblemoverissuesthatstartedata footballgame,”policesaid.

A businesswoman at Samatta Point told police that at around 15:30hrs Friday, Demonicklefthishomeonabicycle.Hedid

not say where he was going but around 16:00hrs, he was seen by another Grove resident crossing a wooden bridge in the village. At the time he was reportedly being followed by the 15-year-old suspect and his brother Demonickreportedlyarmedhimselfwith a wood and ended-up in a scuffle with the suspectandtheybothfelltotheground.The suspectthenpulledoutapairofscissorsand stabbed Demonick several times about the body

Reports are that as Demonick lay woundedonthegroundthesuspect’sbrother dealthimseverallashesabouthisbodywitha


Frompage2 theyareinoffice,theyforget about the promises they made to us. Their main goal is getting back into power, and then, we are left behind again, collecting what they wantustocollect–it’sabout theirdecision,notours.”

Lallsaidanyreferendum should go beyond asking whether the public supports changing the contract for moreroyaltiesandprofits.

“It must include asking about the need for an independent Petroleum Commission, staffed with expertswhowillmanagethe oil industry responsibly, just as other oil-producing nations do. That body will ensure that our own meters are installed at the pumps, that interest charges from Exxon are capped, that ringfencingprovisionsarefirmly inplace,andthatwearefully protected from any oil spill. And if these protections are not guaranteed, then Exxon should not be granted another project until they are.”

He added: “This referendum is about more than profits; it’s about securing our future It’s about us having the say, deciding what we want insteadofsettlingforthetea spoon oil coming our way This wealth belongs to all Guyanese, and it is our duty tosafeguardit notonlyfor ourselves but for future generations Let this referendum be our rallying cry morning, noon, and night,untilwegetitdone If they ignore us if they refuse this call then rememberthepowerofyour vote Useyourvoice,orstay home,becausethatteaspoon isn’t going to fill your plate orfeedyourchildren ”

Referencing a recent Ram & McRae survey that revealed that 94% of Guyanese want the contract renegotiated.

“Let’s take that call further by holding a nationwide referendum

Let’s give every Guyanese over 18 the right to vote on thisoilcontractandmakethe outcome legally binding, so our leaders have no choice but to act on the people’s demand,”Lallsaid.


According to Lall, the referendum would not cost much, certainly not as much as a national election. “We don’t need elaborate polling stations; we could simply enlist the headmasters and headmistresses in our schools to oversee the vote tally

This is a simple, direct way to let the will of the peoplebeknownwithoutthe pomp and cost of a full election. So, let’s act now Let us demand our rightful share and secure a future wherethiswealthbenefitsall Guyanese, today, tomorrow andgenerationstocome,not justthefew.”


M e a n w h i l e , i n explaining the survey Christopher Ram said, “an overwhelming 94% of respondents believe the Government should seek to amendthecurrentPetroleum Agreement, with only 6% eitheropposedorunsure.”

Thelawyerreasonedthat these stark statistics alone should give pause to those who continue to defend the statusquoofthelopsidedoil deal.

“Thesurveyrevealedthat only 3.8% of respondents were satisfied with the existing provisions of the Agreement. The remaining 96 2% identified multiple a r e a s r e q u i r i n g modification,”headded.

A whopping 83.2% of participants said they want theroyaltyraterevisedwhile 79.4% called for changes to


Demonickwasrescuedandrushedtothe Diamond Diagnostic Centre, where he was pronounceddeadonarrival.

The 15-year-old suspect was reportedly injured too and was treated at the same hospital for injuries to the left side of his head. Police arrested him at the hospital immediatelythereafter


tax payment arrangements. Presently, Guyana receives 2%royaltyfromExxononall petroleum produced and sold, whereas Exxon and its contractors are not required topaytaxes.

To this end, the survey found that 66 4% seek modifications to tax certificates; 66.4% want the revenue guarantee revised and another 61.8% support ring-fencingprovisions.

The GoG has not implemented a ring-fencing provision to prevent Exxon fromusingrevenuefromone field to develop another In this way, Guyana’s share of profits is significantly reduced until all costs have been recovered by Exxon anditsCo-Venturers.


The survey also delved into the views of the participants on what they considerasthekeyobstacles to renegotiation A resounding 80 3% of the respondentscitedthelackof political will, while 53% believe there is fear of potential economic repercussions.

RamandMcRae’ssurvey also found that 44.7% of citizens believe diplomatic c


r humbug to renegotiation

Some 37.9% are of the view that legal government may be faced with legal constraints.

In his conclusion, Ram told readers of his weekly column, “The survey results paint a clear picture: there is strong public support for renegotiating the 2016 Petroleum Agreement. The current“sanctityofcontract” stance by the Government which had promised to renegotiate the Agreement a

y untenableinthefaceofsuch overwhelming public sentimentforchange.”

DEAD: Dowance Demonick

Kaieteur News

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.

Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456


Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210



If the PPPC Government is interested in managing Guyana’s oil wealth better, it is best advised to react positivelytothatRamandMcRaesurvey(survey). Ifthe PPPCGovernmentandVicePresidentBharratJagdeoare serious of emerging victorious in the next elections, then both would be wise to hear what Guyanese had to say in thatsurvey,actaccordingly Weatthispublicationarenot heretoendorseanypartyrelativetoelections. Wearehere topressforthebeststewardshippossibleforthisoilwealth. When it is managed well, all Guyanese have a chance to riseeconomicallyandinmanyotherways.

Inthreekeyareasofthe2016ExxonMobil-Guyanaoil contract, Guyanese indicated their objections in numbers that reflect their impatience and anger Royalties at a meager2%,zerotaxes,andnoringfencingofoilprojects aretheequivalentofwavingnotonebutthreeredflagsin the face of Guyanese. This is confirmed by the percentagesofthesurveyedwhoarechargedupduetothe odiousprovisionsintheExxonMobilcontract. Intheeyes ofmostGuyanese,itisclearthattheiroilcontractisnow morethanacrime. TheExxonMobilcontractnowstands as a hemorrhage that is almost personal. Given that so many of the responses to questions about royalties and taxeswereaboveorcloseto80%,theonlyconclusionthat canbereachedisthatGuyaneseareupinarmsagainstthe notorious ExxonMobil deal. It is a lopsided deal and a dirty one, a deal in which they want to have no part, not haveitaspartoftheirexistenceanymore.

ExxonMobilhassaidthatGuyanagotasplendiddeal, with unmatched revenue flows. It is easy for that to be said, because there is no other sector in Guyana that generatessomuch. WhatExxonMobilslylyignoresisthe amountofoilthatneedstobepumpedandshippedbefore Guyana collects the pittance that it receives. Also, the people at theAmerican oil giant are clever enough not to speaktooopenlyinGuyanaabouthowmuchitsownrich haulisfromtheoilthatisthepropertyofGuyanese. There isnocomparisonthatcouldbefairlyorhonestlymadewith thisExxonMobilcontractconcoctionthatissupposedtobe apartnership. Howdoes2%royaltyandzerotaxesforone side in a partnership sharing agreement ever start to comparewithwhattheotherpartnerisgrabbing? Twistit or turn it, the partnership sharing deal between ExxonMobilandGuyanaisnotanequalone. Themoney aspectisthebiggestlopsidedelement,butitisnottheonly one.

TosendasharpmessagetothePPPCGovernment,the opposition leadership, and ExxonMobil itself, an incredible94%ofGuyanesewantthecurrentoildealtobe renegotiated. President Ali, Vice President Jagdeo, and Leader of the Opposition,Aubrey Norton should look at that 94% response and appreciate what citizens have as theirpriority,andhowtheymustadjustaccordingly The dissemblingbyJagdeoandthedistancingbyNortonfrom previouscallsforrenegotiationofthe2016contractmust now be revised. Where both of them hid behind words before,thereisanopportunitynowtochangetheirstandon renegotiationoftheExxonMobilcontractandbelookedat differently by citizens. Robots don’t vote, animals don’t vote, people vote, and both Jagdeo and Norton should knowthatmorethanothers.

The respondents to the survey want ringfencing by a convincing margin. Guyanese also want a petroleum commission, and not the one-man command and control setupwieldedbythenation’soilczar,BharratJagdeo. Itis obvious that many Guyanese are as one with this paper, whichhasbeencallingforapetroleumcommissionthatis independent, filled with experts, and free from political dominance. Vice President Jagdeo is too close to the people’swealth,andhehastoomuchpoweroverit. The surveyshouldfunctionasawakeupcalltothedeniersand foot-draggersinthegovernment,theopposition,andwith ExxonMobil’s top executives. Guyanese don’t want this contract, as it stands. There could be unexpected consequences.


Will the source of “some kind of hydroxide” be revealed?


My empathy is with the residents of Crane who are currently suffering from the effects of ‘some form of hydroxide’the source/origin ofwhichisunknown.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released that the chemical is ‘some form of hydroxide’.

It is hoped that they along with all others engaged will do a thorough investigation into the source/origins of this ‘form ofhydroxide’.

Iflocalcompetenciesare not available international assistance ought to be sought We shall await further details from EPAfor the source/origin of this ’formofhydroxide’.

It was announced that ExxonMobil through its Community Grievance Mechanism (CGM) was engaged. Hydrocarbons


We shall also await the findings of ExxonMobil’s challenged in functionality CGM. It can only be hoped that the CGM has answers thatareplausibleandlogical. I have a complaint in at the CGMsinceMarch2023that is yet to be resolved despite their claim to be compliant

with the operational modalities of World Bank, IFC,andIPIECA.

They are not even in operationalcompliancewith their own regulations as stated on ExxonMobil Corporate website under Guyana.Andtheirresponses defy both plausibility and logicalnormality

We were recently informed via the media that ExxonMobil stated that the pipeline work was ‘mechanically complete, hydro tested and currently dewatering with nitrogen to ensure it is ready for the

introduction of gas’ We werenotinformedifsodium or any other hydroxide was used in this process and/or stored in the Gas to Energy (GtE)project’scompoundat Crane Was caustic soda used and/or stored at the Crane site? Should this ‘someformofhydroxide’be somehow connected to the GtE project, it is my sincere prayer that these Guyanese citizens do not become victims of the lack of adherence to the rule of law intheimplementationofthis mangledproject.

The residents of Crane were not consulted in the EIA process for the GtE.

Like the residents of Java & Bordeaux,Canal#1,theytoo submitted a request for repudiation/withdrawal of the EIAto the EPAin 2022.

L i k e m a n y o t h e r correspondences in the GtE process, this also was met with the usual silent

treatment.Theletteroughtto beontherecordsatEPAifit has not been misplaced, misfiled and/or any other disappearingact/sinteralia. Would the contractually mandated updated EIA for the pipeline offer any clues insolvingthisriddle?

This mandated updated EIA study acts as the baseline information for the pipeline. What is/are EPA’s evacuation plans and/or advice when citizen/s suffer fromthehazardouseffectsof chemicals of unknown origins? Is the origin of this ’form of hydroxide’ even knowable?

Itcanonlybehopedthat this is not a story foretold, shouldothercommunitiesin Guyana suffer from any large-scale chemical effects from unknown and/or knownorigins.

Faithfullyyours, Elizabeth DeaneHughes

Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur M@ilbox

When democracy prevails at GECOM, the political opposition cries foul

DEAREDITOR, I write in response to a letter headlined ‘PPP has embarked on the capture of GECOM;’ and ‘PPP’s

capture of GECOM

continues unabated’ published on 31.10.’24 in S/N and K/N respectively The authors of the latter are GECOM Commissioners Trotman, Corbin and Alexanderwhorepresentthe interestsoftheAPNU+AFC ontheCommission.

Ever since it split from the PPP in 1955 It has been the nature of the psyche of persons belonging to the PNCwhoholdhighofficeto use mental shortcuts or a self-servingruleofthumbto judge situations, rank preferences and to assess people. The use of race as a mental shortcut has, and continues to be a sine qua non of the PNC’s modus operandi in the political arena.

Thehabitualresorttocry foul when the APNU+AFC doesn’t get its way at GECOM is rooted in the mistakenbeliefthattheyare the gate keepers for GECOM’S electoral machinery However, with the gate to GECOM now unchained and wide open allowing for fresh air and new recruits to enter has created a sense of electoral insecurity for the APNU+AFC.

Judgementbytheletter’s signatories as regards the applicant’s suitability and qualifications to fill vacancies for the posts of Civil and Voter Education Manager (C&VEM) and Logistics Manager (LM) respectively, was obviously not the product of careful considerationontheirpart.

TheAPNU+AFCshould ceaseanymorechatterabout ‘PPP’s capture of GECOM’ since they themselves had embarked not only on the capture, but on a wrecking spreeatGECOMduringthe 2015-2020 period. It began when Mr. James Patterson, was handpicked and in violationoftheconstitution, madechairmanforGECOM (2017-2019) Secondly, while incumbency and experiencewereemphasized byAPNU+AFCascriteriato be successful applicants for thejobs,thosevery

a t t r i b u t e s w e r e

completely ignored when in 2018,GECOMhadtoselect someone to fill the post of Deputy CEO The APNU+AFC bypassed Vishnu Persaud and chose Roxanne Myers instead to fill the post of Deputy CEO of GECOM The Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) was called upon to investigate the matter; it’s ReportshowedhowthePNC ‘capturedGECOM.’

At GECOM, as was consensually agreed, a process to shortlist, interview, assess and to selectpersonstofilltheposts of C&VEM and LM managers was profusely democratic from beginning to end.At every stage of the p r o c e s s , a l l s i x commissioners participated. Every applicant was given all the time they needed to answer questions posed to them by the Chairman and Commissioners.

At a separate session, commissioners offered their individual assessments of each applicant ending with t h e i r i n d i v i d u a l

recommendationforthebest qualified person to fill the postofC&VEMandthenthe LM.TheChairpresidedover theentireprocessandshared her own assessment and recommendations for the t w o p o s t s w i t h commissioners.

At a duly constituted meeting of GECOM, commissioners Trotman, CorbinandAlexanderfreely advanced the names of their preferred candidates, so did commissioners Narayan, Rohee and Gunraj. There was no coincidence in nominationsbetweenthesix commissionersonanyofthe nominees save for the

coincidence of nominations between the chairman and Narayan,RoheeandGunraj. If this process was not democratic,thenwhatis?

Novotingnorimposition ofpreferencestookplacenor wastheexercisecorruptedin any shape or form Therefore, for the three opposition-sponsored commissioners to suggest thatGECOMwas‘captured’ bythePPPistomisrepresent a process that was truly transparent and democratic as agreed to by all commissioners.

To appreciate the significance of GECOM’S decision-making process

nowadays, it is important to cast our minds back to the 2015-2020periodandletour imagination take flight to a situation where t

APNU+AFCcabalisstillin power, along with their handpicked chairman, the three APNU+AFCsponsored commissioners, the CEO, his deputy, and others who are currently before the Court. One can imagine what would have happened were all these persons still in their respective positions at GECOM.Inthatscenario,it would be no mystery to recognize the backward causes such an eventuality

would have served A cursory look around would s

comparison whatsoever betweentheGrangerandAli administrations as regards d e m o c r a c y a n d inclusiveness. For the three commissionerstoaccusethe PPP of ‘degutting GECOM of African Guyanese and to corruptly replace them with ‘pro-PPP Indo-Guyanese handpickedbythePPP’isto throw dust in the eyes of Guyan

, as

s customary, to use the racial card as a means to an end.

Contrarytotheallegations (Continuedonpage06)

Kaieteur M@ilbox

Kaieteur M@ilbox

Nandlall’s insistence that GECOM’s systems are perfect is baseless

DEAREDITOR, My recent letter of October 29, 2024 in response to Commissioner Rohee‘sofOctober26,2024 and my appearance on Nation Watch gained the attention of Anil Nandlall and occasioned a diatribal response from him, on his programme: Issues in the News.

His response was c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y innuendoes, misinformation (sometimes outright fiction) andillogicalities.


He sought to condition themindsofthelistenersby claiming that I am an executive member of the PNCR. His intent was to invoke pre-existing biases against the PNCR, thus predisposing the listeners to whateverhehadtosay.Fact betold,Iamnotanexecutive memberofthePNCR.Ieven r e l i n q u i s h e d m y

membership of the party since 2007, although my preference of party is the PNCR Nandalall knows this,butresortstothebogey of the PNCR in an effort to give legitimacy to his diatribe.Healsoattributedto methestatusofthePNCR‘s representative on GECOM. This is a clear case of the country‘s Attorney General turning the Constitution on its head in his attempt to prejudice the listeners Sufficetosaythatthatisthe manner in which the PPP treatsitscommissioners;and they see themselves, thus their treatment of GECOM as a political thorough-fare, rather than an impartial constitutional body, a la the appointment of staff, and almostallthingsGECOM. Misinformation Nandlallinhisattemptto win-over the innocent and neutral segment of the public,purportedthatIhave

no evidence to support my contentions. The fact of the matteristhattheVoter‘sList is rightfully described as “bloated”becausethenames ofGuyanese,whoresideand died overseas having been registeredbetween2008and the present time, have been retainedonthelist.Thisisan irrefutablefact.Thatnumber isinthethousands.

To make things worse, the Chief Immigration Officer verified that the namesextractedfromthelist ofnamesofthepersonswho cast votes, which was sent forverification,consisted,to the extent of approximately 75%, of names of persons whowereoutofthecountry onelections‘day

These facts have been

Nandlall attempted to place wool over the eyes of the Guyanese by contending that there is no evidence to

The ill effects of wealth



In the present circumstances in Guyana, when our economy has been so upgraded in the past few years, mostly because of our fortunate acquisition of the revenue we are reapingfromtheoildiscoveries,Iwouldlike to caution my fellow Guyanese of the bad impactthisnew-foundwealthcanhaveinthe way we feel, think and behave, and in our well-being.

Experiencehastaughtthatsuddenwealth can influence our sense of morality, our relationships with others, and even our mentalhealth.

This can make us careless about the judgements we make daily of our relationships with those with whom we associate, and result in rifts and wrongdoings which would be detrimental to all those involved. It can make us feel less empathy and compassion towards others, and make us less willing to help others less


It has also been found that wealth can encourage the increase in the level of addictiontodrugs,etc.,whilethoseaddicted willfinditeasiertoacquirethesesubstances, as their senses will see it more and more enjoyable.

Itisalsotruethat,contrarytothefeelings we develop from newly-acquired wealth, thatmoneycannotbuyhappinessorlove,as theselattercanonlyresultfromourdefinite personal efforts towards our own advancementandourrelationships.

Lastly, I would like to caution everyone to ensure that you use any sudden endowments, such as the promised government grant, to acquire things that wouldbebeneficialtoyourwelfare,andnot splurge it on unnecessary items that may provedetrimental.


back up what I say Even worse,isthatNandlallisthe onewhotookcustodyofthe myriad of unverified documents consisting of the names of those who were, allegedly,votedfor,withthe expressed intention of having them checked to prove that the listed persons were in the country on electionday.Twoyearshave elapsedandNandlallhasnot provided the report on the checks which were to be done.And,doesnotalludeto his act of not having the information which was provided to him, verified to betrueorfalse.

The existence of evidencethatvoteswerecast for persons who were out of the country, clearly shows that GECOM‘s system, as robust as it might be, is not fool-proof and that Nandlall‘s insistence, that GECOM‘s systems are perfect and would have curbed irregularities, is baseless. Nandlall further

relies on the CARICOM Observer report to contend thattherewasnoevidenceof such occurrences. The fact be told: The Chairperson of the Elections Commission onMay20,2020wrotetothe Commissioner of Police requestingtheverificationof the presence or absence of named persons in the countryonelectionsday On May 27, 2020 the Commissioner responded verifying that of the 307 names submitted for verification 172 were out of the country and 35 were in the country This is but one sample.Thetruthbetold:the ChairpersonofGECOMhad not brought to the attention of the CARICOM Observer Mission the existence of the a f o r e m e n t i o n e d information, although they were in the country at the timeofitsreceipt.

Nandlall further sought tohoodwinkthepublicwent hecontendedthatattheclose of poll the ‘ballots are

checkedagainstthenamesof those who voted to, validate the number of votes cast.’ Such a check is not possible andwould,inanycase,bea breach of confidentiality Actually, the number of names ticked off is check against the number of ballots, to validate the latter number.

The most excessive of Nandlall‘smisrepresentation s were his contention that therewasaclaimthat15,000 fraudulent votes were cast. There was never such a claim. The Chief Elections Officer, in view of the misplaceddocumentswhich were necessary for the verificationofthenumberof votes cast on the East Coast of Demerara, sought to invalidate those votes and not count them. I, however, contended that that would have been tantamount to the disenfranchisement of voters, who would have voted,albeitthetruenumber (Continuedonpage09)

When democracy prevails at GECOM

Frompage05 of the three commissioners, the data below shows the ethnic composition of the senior and middle level management staff at GECOM from 2020 to present:

Instead of making accusatory statements about ‘PPP capturing GECOM,’ Alexander and company should recognize that from time to time it is history, not men that pushes a reset button,drivingchangeeither ataninstitutional,individual or societal level. And It is only by surveying history’s full sweep, we can appreciate the societal d y n a m i c s t h a t correspondingly, drive the process of change. If it is such changes that make the three commissioners cringe, then it is obvious that the extant democratic proceedings at GECOM is perhapstheirbetenoire.

The commissioners’ claims are contradictory to the Guyanese electorate’s persistent demand for free and fair election in the future,andbyacommission that is fully equipped in its human capacity and technologically and to be fit for purpose in order to produceanddeliverelection


Guyanese want a wellfunctioning electoral machinery that can prosper by adapting to the liberal democratic environment obtaininginourcountry The commissioners’ arguments are therefore crude, baseless and without merit, pure and simple The future they envisagecannotbethatwhat thefutureholdsforGuyana.

GECOM must have the all-round capacity as an organization that drives a democraticelectoralprocess with unquestionable tendencies and a favorable disposition to act always in accordance with the constitution;inapredictable and transparent manner GECOM is duty bound to fulfill that role at present in the here and now while it preparesforelection2025

In the circumstances, it seems obvious that the APNU+AFC refuses to be mentally integrated to the whole concept of change. Reluctance, if not resistance to changes at GECOM, cannot be only when it is suitsthemknowingfullwell thatitdoesn’tworkthatway

TheAPNU+AFC should acceptthatchangeopensthe door to new and refreshing ways of thinking and

innovationfarremovedfrom the era of dictatorship, electoralrigging.

Before the three commissioners continue to harp on their claim of a ‘bloatedlist’theyshouldsay how many of the 207,787 votes they received in the 2015 General and Regional Electionwerebloated.

And as regards the 2023 Local Government Elections, the PNC should tell us how many of the 20,845votestheyreceivedat the municipality of Georgetown were bloated; howmanyofthe3,074votes they received at the municipality of New Amsterdam were bloated andfinally,howmanyofthe 8,002 votes they received at the municipality of Linden werebloated

The 2020 election and events thereafter swept up the Guyanese people to defenddemocracy Elections 2025 will undoubtedly see the Guyanese people mobilized once again for anotherroundofstrugglefor democracy and free and fair electionsastheAPNU+AFC continues their march of follylurchingfromonefitof politicalmadnesstoanother Yoursfaithfully, ClementJ.Rohee


In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our publisher, Mr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about on-going indecencies in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.

SUNDAY The rich will be wealthier

He believes that he is leaving limited time for the light will triumph over Selling dreams

– October 27, 2024 andthepoorwillbepoorer alwaysright,healoneknows more crucial issues the party darkness. on anti-corruption Invest now: 10 years from what is best for Guyana, and wishes not to address. In Our nation is at a Vice President, Bharrat now might be too late

TUESDAY everyoneelseiswrong. other instances, the party challenging crossroad in its Jagdeo on Wednesday

I n v e s t n o w, n o t – October 29, 2024 makesitclearthatmattersoff life and this Diwali is a continued his dream-selling tomorrow!Thetaxgiveaways Guyana’s Chief Narcissist

WEDNESDAY the press statements would timelyreminderthatwehave mission telling reporters that and lofty concessions might A narcissist is in love – October 30, 2024 beaddressedatalaterdate. to redouble our effort to the mere filing of charges notalwaysbeaccessible. with himself, from his own PNCR control-frence

This control freakism banish ignorance from against Calvin Brutus is ThesaleofGuyanaison! importance to visions to

The PNCR often hosts must not be allowed to take public policies, from public evidence that the system to We are giving away all we strategies to the self-created what we at Kaieteur News place in a modern society. commentaries and from our root out corruption is can right now! We might not and self-congratulatory believetobeacontrol-frence The FREE PRESS should publicandprivateactions. working. be in office in another few legends about himself. VP which prevents the media not be monitored or Let us as a nation make But if we are honest, the y e a r s s o s e i z e t h e Bharrat Jagdeo is all of that: from asking questions they instructed what it should more policies that target the realtestofananti-corruption opportunitytoday no listening, no consulting, wishnottotake. question at any given time. poorandtheunderprivileged framework isn’t charging Before Guyanese wake no accepting what others T h e P N C R p r e s s

Both the PPP and AFC have and bring the good life to all someone;it’spreventinghim up to their senses, and start offer, including his own conference invites questions recognisedthisandallowthe ourpeople. from ever reaching for the demanding better, their people reduced to either from the media relating to its media to ask any question at At the individual level, lootinthefirstplace. resources will be drained. macawsormarbles. press statements, most times any time during their press let us all recommit to share A n t i - c o r r u p t i o n conferences The PNCR whatever little we can with measures, truly effective mustthereforerecognisethat our neighbours to make their ones, create a culture where there is no place for its life a little better Let us use fraudandmalfeasancearen’t a t t i t u d e i n t o d a y ’s thisoccasiontoreflectonthe just frowned upon but are environment. principles that we should almost unthinkable. When collaborate more and try our the only line of defense is

THURSDAY best as individuals and as a reactionary – audits and – October 31, 2024 collective to be on good investigations long after the Light over darkness termswithall. fact – you’re not stopping This Diwali finds us as a corruption You’re just country still mired in FRIDAY shaking your head at its darkness, but we believe that – November 01, 2024 ingenuity

Amerindian Purpose Fund being poorly managed –AG Report

TheAuditor General’s (AG) 2023 Report the Fund are prepared and submitted to the haspointedoutthatthefinancialaffairsofthe Audit Office, so that the Fund can be better Amerindian Purpose Fund (APF) which falls managedandaudited. under the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, On the same subject matter, the Report continuestobemanagedpoorly documented that in 2023, the Amerindian This comes after several requests by the Ministry transferred $240 million to the Audit Office for the financial statements of Fund. the fund which were not submitted for “Despite several requests, the Ministry auditing. did not present Financial Statements for the

According to the Auditor General, the year Asimilarobservationwasmadein2022. Amerindian Purpose Fund was established in An analysis of the Cash Book for the year theyear2000inkeepingwithSection 2023 revealed that amounts totalling 28 of the Amerindian $3.162 billion were received while Chapter29:01.Itwasrevealed mounts totaalling $1 483 that this Act was later billion were expended,” the repealed by Section 84 of AGobserved. the Amerindian Act At the time of reporting (2006), which had not in in September 2024 it was itself provided for the notedthattheBankAccount operationoftheFund. wasbeingreconciled.

TheAGmentionedthat The ministry in its “Section 29 of the Act response to theAG’s findings required the Ministry to ndicated that the APF prepare annual Financ conciliation is a work in Statements which is to be audited progress and that monthly bytheAuditorGeneral.” reconciliation was done for 2023 and

The Audit Office stated that over the reconciliation for the years 2022, 2021 and years,itwasobservedthatsignificantsumsof 2020werecompleted. moneys were deposited into the fund and “Theprocesswasdonefromadescending expended. approach as advised by the Accountant

“Further, the Ministry continues to General and the Audit Office. The Accounts manage the financial affairs of the fund DepartmentofMinistryhadfaced poorly WhiletheMinistrymaintainedaCash several shortages of staff at the start of Book to record the sum received and 2024. However, several posts were filled in expended, it did not reflect the opening and July 2024, as such work has recommenced to closingbalances,”theReporthighlighted. clear the backlog,” the Amerindian Affairs

It is with this observation that the Audit Ministryexplained.

Office recommended that the ministry

TheAudit Office noted however, that the ensures that the Cash Book is properly ministryensurethatthereconciliationisdone maintained and the Financial Statements for inatimelymannertopreventreoccurrence.


When it comes to elections in Guyana, one thingisclear:wedon’tneed any more excitement Elections in Guyana are already a high-stakes, heartpounding, nail-biting extravaganza complete withinternationalobservers, the possibility of multiple ballot recounts, accusations flying left right and center, and tension you could cut withaknife.

And now, some wellmeaning souls are suggesting we throw in a

referendum question about whethertorenegotiatetheoil contract? Now, I am as prodemocracy as the next person, but even I think this ideamightbebitingoffmore thantheGuyaneseelectorate couldchew

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, who recently cautioned against adding a referendum question to next year’s general and regional elections, has a point. And, as someone who deeply values brevity in electoral processes,Iagree.

The idea is wellintentioned—who wouldn’t wantastraightforward“yes” or “no” on renegotiating the oildeal?But,alas,realityhas a way of complicating even the simplest ideas Let’s imagine for a moment that, in addition to deciding on parliamentary and regional leadership, voters are now askedtoweighinonwhether the ExxonMobil contract should be renegotiated You’re telling me this won’t complicate the electoral process? Suddenly, voters

Nandlall’s insistence that GECOM’s...

Frompage06 of them could not be verified, during the recount. My proposition was that thoseballotsbeputasideand a by-election held to ensure t h a t n o o n e w a s disenfranchised, and all of the votes validated, was not heeded.Ineffect,somevotes whichcouldnotbevalidated in the recount process were countedandmayhavebeena determining factor in the eventualoverallresult.


It is patently illogical to conclude that a system is perfect when there is irrefutable evidence, as providedabove,toshowthat itwouldhavebeenbreached. Nottomention,theprevious contention, by Jagdeo, that thelistshouldbecleanedup. Themerecontentionthat the list was previously used is no basis upon which to justifyitsusability,sufficeto

notethatitwasnotthesame list.Between2008and2020 there would have been various iterations of the list based on the continuous registration process (inclusion, deletions and changes to particulars). It should also be noted that there was a 2018 consensus at GECOM, and the Parliament for a new list to becreatedthroughhouse-tohouse registration The PPP/C reneged on this commitment,andtheRuling of the Chief Justice deemed the intent of the exercise illegal, hence its cancellation.

Taking all of the information provide above, Nandlall seems to be malicious, ill-informed or a stranger to the truth in relation to the conduct of elections in Guyana He sought to use the PNCR bogey to veil his

misinformation and downright untruths. Even, the propositions related to bio-metrics he sought to knockdown,althoughitwas previously called for by Jagdeo; is widely used globally; and provides a superior and fool-proof means of recognition in comparison to facial recognition, which is presently used Not to mention his idiocy about issues like power failure. Theproposedsystemcanbe outfitted with battery packs as the original source of power or as an alternate source.

It behooved me to respondtoNandlall‘sheresy for the said reason that he purported to respond to me, except that he is guilty of what he accused me of and mustbeexposed.

Yourstruly, VincentAlexander


Nuff children tek an extended weekend

Dem boys seh when school holiday come, de traffic on de road does behave. Youcanalwaystell.Decarsdoesdisappear like magic, and de road finally get some breathing space. School holiday done, and herecomesdebumper-to-bumper.

ButlastFridaywaslikeamini-holiday in itself. Some of dem children decide Thursday holiday wasn’t enough, so they tekmattersintotheirownhandsandstayed home Friday too. Traffic was light, like a feather

Now,demboysseh,whareallygoingon here?Islikedechildrengetatastefor“long weekend.” They see holiday on Thursday, and suddenly Friday lookin’like it need a breaktoo.Justlikesomeahweconstruction workers. Get pay Saturday, drink lil high wine, and boom! Monday missing in action.

Anddon’ttalk‘boutschool!Peopledeh hollering ‘bout learning loss. Children didn’tgoschoolfortwowholeyearsduring

have to be tasked with understanding royalty rates, profit-sharing percentages, andringfencing.

Guyanese elections are already so tense that people waitwithbatedbreath,some camping outside polling stations just to “make sure everything goes smoothly.” The last thing we need is to addanotherlayeroftension. What happens when voters cast their ballots and then wait for days possibly weeks for not only election results but referendum tallies? In a countrywherepatienceruns as thin as the butter on my morning toast, this wait could feel like purgatory Election night would become Election Fortnight, and social media would ignite with conspiracy theories, delays, and, naturally, a lot of fingerpointing.

Even if we could muster the willpower to add a referendum question, the nature of the question could indeedswayvoters’choices. Think about it: Asking “Should the oil contract be renegotiated?” could influence people toward or against particular parties based on their stances. The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPPC) isn’t exactly clamoring to renegotiate Some voters might look at the “Yes” or “No” box on renegotiation and think, “Hmm, maybe this issue is more important thanIthought.”Now,I’mno mind reader, but given that the topic of oil contracts could very well sway votes, it’sfairtosaythatthrowinga referendum on this

particular ballot could inadvertently tilt the scales. After all, voters might think they’revotingonoil,butend up voting for parties based solely on how “prorenegotiation”theyseem.

Now, if you ask me, there’s a much simpler solution: conduct a representative opinion poll. Let’s clarify, though, that I’m talking about a real opinion poll, not some online tally that anybody with a working internet connectioncanclickonfrom their computer or phone.

Chris Ram’s recent online poll is an example of what not to do. The poll might have garnered a whopping 9 4 % i n f a v o r o f renegotiation, but, for one thing, the respondents were not a representative sample oftheGuyanesepublic.

For a poll to have legitimacy, we need a balanced,randomlyselected cross-section of the population Let me emphasize here, it’s not the sample size that’s the issue—Ram could’ve had 10,000 responses, and his sample still wouldn’t be representative.Butthisdoes not mean that Ram’s poll is not reflective of public sentiment.

A2019pollbytheNorth American Caribbean Teachers Association (NACTA)showedushowto do it right. They surveyed 740 “likely voters” across a demographically accurate breakdown (39% Indians, 30% Africans, 20% Mixed, 10%Amerindians,1%other groups), with a margin of error of only 4%. That’s a statistical home run in the


Inthat2019poll,82%of participants favored renegotiation, which, as far as public sentiment goes, speaks volumes. Add a few years of oil discoveries, environmentalconcerns,and growing national awareness of the economic stakes, and the “renegotiation” camp might be even larger now Therefore,inasmuchaswe mightwanttodismissRam’s 90 plus percentage support for renegotiation, it is a plausible number taking all factors, including Bisram’s poll,intoconsideration.

However,whileweneed tolistentothepeopleonthe issue of oil contracts, let’s notcomplicatethingswitha referendum at the next election.

Thepurposeofelections is to elect leaders, not to overload voters with more decisions than they can reasonablymakeinaday

Let’s keep our election streamlined and save the referendum questions for another time Adding a referendum on the oil contract might seem like an easysolution,butinpractice, it’s likely to cause more problems than it solves Jagdeoisrightonthatscore!

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

depandemic.Butnowdeygetalilholiday, dem don’t want to go school de next day Deht’inkdeydeboss,likeissomeflextime thing. Every sports day, every field trip, everylilreasontoskipaclass.

Dem parents got fuh step up, though. Someahdemencouragingit,likeisallfun and games. Yuh got de parents sending excuseslipsthatwouldmakeyuhlaughtill yuhcry “Dechildhadafever.”Feverofde weekend,datis.

Demboyssehifdechildrenkeepdoing dis“longweekend”business,soondemgo forget de way to school. Or worse, de schoolgoforgetdem.Istimedeparentstell dem straight: get yuh bag, go in de class, anddon’ttekdislongweekendtingserious. So,nexttimeholidayfallonThursday, parentsbetterwatchout.Deonlythingdat should get an extended weekend is de rest demneedtomakesuredechildrenkeepde longweekendhabitoutoftheirhead. Talkhalf!Leffhalf!

Democracy v. Autocracy

Democracy is about discussion. squared. I think so. I believe so. I know so. Guyanese can decide. But it is where I am. some evidence. There was Courtney Crum Autocracy is about dominance. In a As experienced, compliments of PPP sacred Damn what books and theorists say. History Ewing. Othersassassinatedinmurky,always democracy, there is an unsaid standard. cows. Like Burnham, Jagdeo is not satisfied proves it. Guyanese live with it. Speak unsolved, contexts. Fast forward to today. Agree to disagree; winner or loser moves on. with obedience. Obeisance is demanded. It against and get singled out, scorched. Write The PPP made citizens like me a crime Inautocracytoagreeistosurvive;todisagree had better be. Obedience is fidelity to the critically, and the revilements flourish. Dare billboard. Democracy, Dr.Ali? Democracy, is death by a thousand cuts. Dr. Bertrand law, structures, standards. Obeisance is to think conscientiously and get trampled. Dr. Jagdeo? Democracy or autocracy, Mr. Ramcharran is thanked for stirring the juices. groveling in the ground. Submission to Buttheycallitdemocracy Attorney General Nandlall? What is my Today, the sentences will be short: tight Jagdeo’sdictates. Totalsurrender Don’tand It is time for the second example. In the crime? What is the crime of media summaries. The rawness serves citizens the Russian in him emerges. Pick a name. era of Burnham, Guyanese exited rapidly A professionals? better Disagree and his German side breaks out. million or more, all included. Think of those There is another piece of evidence.

Democracy: I can disagree with the US There’s a group he mirrors. But Guyana is a who came after The flower of Indian Startling it is, and right under the nose. How President without fear Already a Trump democracy, and he is a democrat. President substance departed. The prime from the many objectors are around in democratic presidency instils morbid dread. Autocracy Ali is bypassed today A warning: a worse Black middle class vanished. The visionary Guyana? How many honest-to-God threatened, feared Democracy can figurethanhisgodfather It’stheoldstoryof Portuguese and Chinese hustled out dissenters (nonpartisan) are around? What deteriorate: this way or the highway the fanaticism of converts. In fairness to Autocracy? Bywhosehand? Whenwasthat does that say? A vibrant democracy is not Autocracy cuts that off at the knees. This Jagdeo, Ali’s basics were already there. time? Who felt its chill touch? Where is the shrouded in silence. Look at the United (my) way or no way Finality with Glimpses have escaped Alarming in evidence? Check Liberty Avenue and Kingdom. MPsdisagreeopenlywithleaders. unmatchedbrutality Nextitem. observation, frightening in contemplation. Flatbush Avenue. Still, the arguments were Breakaway occasionally and vote against Guyanese knew that under Burnham. Buttheirpeopleinsistdemocracyisinspired. made then: democracy Autocracy? To hell theirownparty Democracyorautocracy? In Behave foolishly and House of Israel came Two examples/references should help with that, and those saying so. Sixty years Guyanese: ‘own way’ people or people with calling Under Jagdeo, talk or write Guyanese think. Defenders and advocates later,Burnhamisabiggerhero. Overhalfthe principle? unsettlingly and stormtroopers pounce are akin to credit card users. They partake of cream of Guyana a victim of circumstances. Submission: when so few speak out, that Numerous Indian and African Guyanese treats; they must pay bills. Sacrifice and But Burnham remains a god. With the best says something. When fewer still boldly objected then. Father Darke was murdered. hardship come from reckless sampling. and brightest lost forever, Guyanese got write against, a standard takes hold. When Some insist that democracy lived. The dead There’s no free lunch. Jagdeo is there to Jagdeo. Burnham reincarnated. Only fewer than a handful stand up for right, a Fr. Darke became a darling (PPP) collect. The job taken has its duties. Defend slicker,crueler Onlywithasurroundingcast culture reigns unchecked. Disagreeing with Nowadays, his suspected killer is embraced, leadership’s cause Destroy enemies more enslaved, more helpless. Only with pleasing the white man and kicking the climbed (PPP). Democracy in action today speaking foreign languages. Autocrats and crucial state institutions more captive, colored man is a crime. Democracy or The murder of Courtney Crum-Ewing autocracyhaveaone-wordlanguage. Yessir! impotent. autocracy? I assert, I attest. Autocracy doesn’t count. His real killers are coddled. Agreed. Right! Their captive people must Ireturntotheopeningparagraph. Revisit Democracy lacks fear of leaders. Autocracy Guyana is not that democracy Despite, the deliver SampleJagdeo’sgifts(job,contract, the second sentence. Autocracy is about compelstofearthem. pile of dead bodies. And crippled spirits. award, concession, and such) and soul is dominance. Hence, the insistence: all must (The views expressed in this article are And deadened minds. And numbed tongues. already sold. Faustian bargain or pact with speak alike. Hence, the fear of free media. those of the author and do not necessarily Andpenswithdried-upink. the…? People have to live, eat. Thus: they Hence, the fear of free expression. I present reflect the opinions and beliefs of this Study Jagdeo and there is Burnham must claim democracy to the death Dr Ali and Dr Jagdeo (and Dr Nandlall) newspaper and its affiliates.)

The Alliance for Change(AFC)on Fridaysaidthatit willsupportareferendumon ExxonMobil’s 2016 oil contract with Guyana. The party made this disclosure during its weekly press conference.

Chairman of the party David Patterson in response to a question posed by KaieteurNewsmadeitclear that theAFC believes that a referendum should be held prior to elections, that are scheduledfor2025.

Earlier this week, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo saidthatareferendumbeing held at the same time of the 2025 General and Regional Elections would complicate thevotingprocess.

A referendum is a general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a directdecision.

However, Patterson madeitclearthatoilandgas is not the lone issue that requires a referendum. He

pointed to the need to make amendments to certain clauses in the Constitutionandthose proposed amendments shouldbeputtoavote viaareferendum.

“We (the AFC) would support a referendumtodoallof those things including matters of oil and gas, ( b e i n g ) o n a referendum (even) prior to the elections,” the AFC Chairman said.

He reminded that the AFC is part of the Constitution Reform Committee and matters inclusive of the country’s newestnaturalresourcemust bediscussed.

“Maybeitwillbeagood idea to include not only the recommendations from that constitutional committee (and)itwillbeagoodideato include other issues that we do think is necessary Not only the oil and gas… the issue of death penalty, of course which I feel strongly about in the sense that it’s

somethingthatshouldnoton ourbooks,”Pattersonsaid.

The AFC member said toothatifthegovernmentis asconfidentasitclaimsthen itshouldbeinclinedto“have onereferendumtochangeall these things before the elections.”

Amid repeated calls by citizens and other stakeholders for a renegotiationofthelopsided ExxonMobilcontract,which his government has stubbornly resisted, Jagdeo, who is also General Secretary of the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP)onWednesdaysought toruleoutanymovetowards deciding the issue via a referendum at next year’s generalelections.

Jagdeo was asked the questionbyJournalistDenis Chabrol during his weekly newsconferencetowhichhe said, political parties contesting the polls should state their positions on the matter and let the electorate decide if they want such a partytogovernGuyana.

Additionally, Jagdeo



AFC supports call for referendum on 2016 oil deal

believes that conducting a referendumatthesametime of the elections could complicate matters A number of developed and developingcountriesallover the world have held referendums at the same time as national elections. These include the United States.

Chabrol asked Jagdeo: “for instance in the Cayman Islands, they are putting to referendum alongside their upcoming elections whether they should be constructing pierstoaccommodatelarger cruise ships. So, I am just giving you that as a slight background so to speak, in light of the debate about the need to renegotiate the Exxon contract would your government or party be inclined to put that to a referendumaswell?”

Jagdeo responded: “The referendum again, this is a matter that has to be discussed and debated on…thisissuewhetherthere would be a referendum so you get yes from the referendum…ummm…beca

useChristopherdidasuspect survey, nobody pays attention to these suspect surveys, so the referendum couldyieldthis.”

He explained that as leader of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C),hedoesnotwantto complicate the 2025 electoralprocess.According tohim,thereisalsothebelief thattheoppositionwouldgo in favour of the referendum tocomplicatetheprocess.

“Citizens of Guyana are sensibleenoughtochooseat the upcoming elections, the political party with a plan and they would be able to hear from them whether or not the party is in favour of renegotiation, and if it can actuallybeimplemented.”

Going back to the 2020 election period, he told reporters that his party was veryclearthatwhentheygot intogovernment,theywould not renegotiate the contract and yet they got the support ofallthecitizenswhovoted forthembecausetheyareof the opinion that the PPPis a veryseriousparty

Chairman of theAlliance for Change (AFC), David Patterson

Ariana Blaize

This week’sbeautyis noneotherthanthe stunningMissUniverse Guyana2024ArianaBlaize ArianaiscurrentlyinMexico, proudlyrepresentinghernationatthe 73rdMissUniversePageant!With unwaveringdetermination,sheembodies thespiritofherhomeland,embracing eachmomentofherjourney Ariana’s strengthshinesthroughasshestepsonto theglobalstage,confidentthatgreatness iswithinhergrasp.Let’srallybehind herassheshowcasesthebeauty, culture,andresilienceofGuyana!

(Credit: Missosology Guyana)

How to Put on Fake Eyelashes

Source:TeenVogue nails, snip off the end of the lash 5. Adhere the strip to your 1.PrepYourNaturalLashes whereneeded.Gentlybendthelash lashlineandpressitintoplace Your natural eyelashes might to ensure there’s a curve when you Using your trusty tweezers not be the star of the show once the apply, making it less likely to pop again, gently apply lashes in place fake ones are applied, but they do backup. right where your eyeliner is and need to blend in. After completing 3.Applygluetotheeyelash press them into the lash line. House your eyeshadow and eyeliner Using tweezers to hold the of Lashes Iconic False Eyelashes approveddosanddon’ts! lashesmaybebetterforyou. application of choice, curl your lashes, dab the eyelash glue onto a are full and long. Hold them in 1.Do:Tryusinghalfsies 5 Do: Re-curl post-false lashes and apply mascara. Try the cotton swab — instead of applying placeforjustabout10seconds,and If you find yourself trimming a eyelashapplication Kevyn Aucoin Beauty Eyelash directly to the lash — and spread you’llbegoodtogo majority of the lash, why not just Another trick to make the false Curler and Maybelline Volum’ theglueonthelashline.Theglueis 6. Apply Black Eyeliner to buy a half lash instead? In fact, eyelashes blend seamlessly with ExpressTheFalsiesMascara. generally included if you buy a full HidetheLashStrip makeup artist andYouTuber Bailey your own is to curl them after 2.Bendandtrimthefakelash kit, but you can also buy extra glue Extra eyeliner and another coat Sarian suggests cutting the lash in application, even if you already As not all eyes are the same as needed. Some are designed with of mascara will tie it all together, half and applying it to just the outer curled them before you applied shape and size, the lashes will need an adhesive strip instead of glue, so filling in any little gaps. Note: cornersofyoureye. them. We recommend doing this to be trimmed to fit your eye. makesuretoreadtheinstructionsto While adding a touch of mascara to 2. Do: Pay attention to the carefully so that you don’t Celebrity makeup artist Ricky knowwhatyou’reworkingwith.(If thefakelasheswillhelpblendthem widthoftheband accidentallypullthemoff. Wilson recommends laying the you have sensitive skin, it’s best to with your real lashes, it will also “We usually buy lashes 6. Don’t: Glue your eyelids false lash (without glue) across the avoid glues with parabens, limittheuseofthepairtooneortwo depending on length and volume, shut eyelid to measure how much needs formaldehyde, latex, or times. The bacteria build-up from butsomethingelsetolookoutforis This one sounds like common to be cut off. “This will give you an cyanoacrylates, as these can cause the mascara will make them unsafe athinband. sense, but there’s an easy hack to ideaofhowthelashwillsitonyour irritation. Please always check in toreuse.Protectyoureyesfirst,and 3. Don’t: Apply lashes before keeping glue away from your unique eye shape and how much to withyourdermatologistfirstbefore try to avoid using more mascara on eyeshadowandeyeliner waterline. snip away,” he says. “Trimming using anything if you have thefakelashes.

Addingeyelashesshouldbeone 7.Do:Useeyelinerasaguide makes them more comfortable to sensitivities.)

Applying Fake Lashes: ofthelaststepsinyoureyemakeup We love this pro-tip for how to wear and prevents them from 4. Wait for the glue to dry 7 Bonus Do’s and Don’ts routine, which not only seals put on fake eyelashes: If you’re poppingup.” slightly Ok, give yourself a pat on the everything in but gives the eyelid a strugglingwithwheretoplaceyour Ricky also suggests using Do NOT put the fake lash on back — learning how to apply goodbasetoadheretotheglue. lashes, Ricky suggests tracing tweezers to make an indentation in rightafterapplyingtheglue.Letthe lashes isn’t the easiest beauty task. 4. Do: Add in individual false black pencil liner along the lash the lash where it needs to be cut. adhesive dry for about 30 seconds. And now that you’ve got the basics lashes line. This will act as an exact guide Using smaller scissors like those It’llmakethefakelasheslesslikely of how to put on fake eyelashes, Ifthelookofafulllashstripisa for where you should place your used for trimming eyebrows or toslidearoundwhenyouapply here are seven extra makeup artist- bit too much for you, individual lashes.


associated with the survey, p o t e n t i a l e c o n o m i c

Ram explained, “An repercussions Ram and Sunday overwhelming 94% of McRae’s survey also found respondents believe the that 44 7% of citizens 94% of Guyanese Government should seek to believe diplomatic concerns want renegotiation amendthecurrentPetroleum are another humbug to of Exxon oil deal Agreement, with only 6% renegotiation. Some 37.9% – Survey reveals eitheropposedorunsure.” are of the view that legal …83.2% want The Lawyer reasoned government may be faced more royalty that this stark statistics alone withlegalconstraints. …79.4% want changes should give pause to those In his conclusion, Ram to tax arrangement who continue to defend the told readers of his weekly …61.8% support status quo of the lopsided oil column, “The survey results ring-fencing deal. “The survey revealed paint a clear picture: there is t h a t o n l y 3 8 % o f strong public support for

A r e c e n t s u r v e y respondents were satisfied renegotiating the 2016 conducted by a local legal with the existing provisions Petroleum Agreement. The law firm, Ram and McRae of the Agreement The current“sanctityofcontract” has found an overwhelming remaining 96.2% identified stance by the Government number of Guyanese are in multiple areas requiring which had promised to support of a renegotiated oil modification,”headded. renegotiate the Agreement contract between the A whopping 83.2% of appears increasingly production.

Attorney-at-Law and Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram

ExxonMobil reported that a Government of Guyana participants said they want untenable in the face of such According to the 2024 total of US$30B was (GoG) and American oil theroyaltyraterevisedwhile overwhelming public third quarter report for the invested into the Stabroek supermajor,ExxonMobil. 79.4% called for changes to sentimentforchange.”

Natural Resource Fund Block operations. President Since the terms of the tax payment arrangements. He said the challenge (NRF), published by the of ExxonMobil Guyana, 2016 deal were made public, Presently, Guyana receives Guyana faces is to translate Bank of Guyana (BoG), the Alistair Routledge also told citizens have been calling on 2% royalty from Exxon on the strong and compelling country has so far received a reporters at a media thegovernmenttoengagethe all petroleum produced and public sentiment expressed total of US$5.4B. Guyana conference earlier this year contractorforarenegotiation. sold, whereas Exxon and its in this survey into political began producing oil in that US$19B of those These calls have however contractors are not required action. The lawyer however December 2019 and expenses has so far been been shut down by topaytaxes. pointed out, “Neither of the received its first oil payment cleared through the cost politicians, with some even To this end, the survey two major political parties onMarch11,2020. recoverymechanism. describing citizens as “low found that 66.4% seek has given Guyanese any Following the passage of It should be noted that lives” for demanding more modifications to tax reason to suggest that they the NRF Act in 2021, the Guyana currently has three outoftheirresources certificates; 66 4% want the are prepared to take decisive GoG in 2022 plugged oilprojectsproducingoil.

Prominent Attorney-at- revenue guarantee revised action to change this US$607 6 million in oil The Liza One, Liza Two, Law and Chartered and another 61 8% support

l money into the National an

Accountant, Christopher ring-fencing provisions The arrangement. With general Budget for first time. This collectively carry a price tag Ram in his column ‘Every GoG has not implemented a elections approaching in was followed by another of about US$19B The Man, Woman and Child ring-fencing provision to 2025, political parties would US$1B in budgetary support country could have been Must Become Oil-Minded’ prevent Exxon from using do well to heed these fortheyear2023. receiving higher profits this published on Friday by revenue from one field to findings and recognise that This year, the National year from the three projects; Stabroek News said the develop another In this way, the public’s patience with Assembly has approved however, in the absence of recent survey provides Guyana’s share of profits is contemplating living with US$1,586,150,331 to be ring-fencing, Exxon will use compelling evidence that the significantly reduced until all the 2016 Agreement beyond deducted from the Fund to therevenuetoinvestinother Government’s “sanctity of costs have been recovered by the middle of this decade is supportthecountry’snational developments and even fund contract” position is at odds ExxonanditsCo-Venturers fastevaporating.” development priorities So itsexplorationprogramme. withpublicsentiment. Obstacles to Change far,fourwithdrawalsfromthe ExxonMobil affiliate

The survey, conducted The survey also delved Govt. used up half of NRF have been made from ExxonMobil Guyana by Ram and McRae, using into the views of the US$5.4B collected to date the oil account for the year Limited is the operator and the Google Forms platform participants on what they from oil production totalingjustoverUS$1 1B holds 45% interest in the attracted 135 responses consider as the key obstacles In accordance with the Stabroek block Hess from a diverse group of to renegotiation A The Government of provisions of the 2016 Guyana Exploration Ltd respondents including resounding 80.3% of the G u y a n a ( G o G ) h a s Petroleum Agreement holds 30% interest, and professionals, academics, respondents cited the lack of withdrawn half of the Guyana signed with CNOOC Petroleum Guyana studentsandcitizens. political will, while 53% country’s total earnings to ExxonMobil back in 2016, Limitedholds25%interest. In revealing statistics believe there is fear of date from oil and gas the country receives a meager 2% royalty on its Monday sweet light crude while the contractor is not required to paytaxes.

The country also receives a paltry share of profits, only 12.5% after ExxonMobil takes 75% each month to recover its investments in the Stabroek Block. Guyana’s total share from its resource is therefore 14 5% while the oil companiesenjoy85.5%.

It should be noted that after Guyana repays the CoVenturers for their investments in the Stabroek Block, the country will be able to benefit from a higher shareofrevenue.

recent column ‘Every Man, Woman and Child Must Become Oil Minded’ published by Stabroek News onFriday

The survey, conducted by Ram and McRae, using the Google Forms platform attracted 135 responses from a diverse group of respondents including professionals, academics, students and citizens. It was c o n d u c t e d b e t w e e n September20andOctober4, 2024.

In highlighting the findings from the survey, Ram told readers of his weekly column that a whopping 49 6% of respondents cited their support for a fully independent Petroleum Commission to manage the sector This body would comprise the necessary experts to help govern the sector in the best interest of Guyana. Ideally, the commission should include skilled negotiators, lawyers, accountants, engineers, scientists and other technical officers to help regulate, manage, and coordinate all activities in the petroleum industry

It has often been debated that the claws of politicians should be kept off this sector to ensure corruption is limited.

Presently however, the sector is managed by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo who is assisted by the Natural Resources Minister, Vickram Bharrat. Bharrat’s duties are limited to the dayto-day operations while it is the VP who presides over policies and decisionmaking.

According to the survey 44.4% of citizens believe t h e r e s h o u l d b e a combination of government and independent oversight. Ramwaskeentonote,“Only Most Guyanese want a small minority supported oil sector to be managed exclusive political control, by independent experts – highlighting the public’s survey finds disfavour of the current …Ram cites public’s arrangements under which disapproval of Jagdeo’s Vice President Jagdeo reigns ‘supreme’reign supreme to the exclusion of everyoneelse.”

Almost half of the In August this year, respondents in a new survey, Minister Bharrat during a conducted by local law firm, press conference told Ram and McRae, have noted r e p o r t e r s t h a t t h e their support for Guyana’s establishmentofaPetroleum burgeoning petroleum sector Commission now will slow to be managed by an down the oil and gas sector independentteamofexperts. He was responding to a question from Kaieteur This was revealed by News on the subject when he Attorney-at-Law and explained, “The Petroleum Chartered Accountant, Commissionwillbasically Christopher Ram in his most

Bank of Guyana

From page 16 perday(bpd).Presently,dataonthe be doing what we are doing at the Ministry of Natural Resources Petroleum Unit at the Ministry of website indicate that the Liza NaturalResources.Idon’tthinkwe Destiny Floating Production will be doing anything different Storage and Offloading (FPSO) fromwhatwearedoingnow.” vessel is producing a whopping

In fact, the minister believes 163,000 bpd, or 43,000 barrels thatthecommissionmayevenslow daily,abovethedesignrate. down the rapid developments

Similarly, the Liza Two project taking place in the industry “A was designed to produce 220,000 commission like that might be bpd at the Liza Unity FPSO but slower in decision-making than the Exxon has pushed daily production policymakersmakingdecisionwith to 250,000 bpd or 30,000 barrels regards to how we advance this more. sectortakingintoconsiderationthat

The third project, Payara, we have a limited timeframe and a operated by the Prosperity FPSO closing window so we have to look was also designed to produce a t t h e a d v a n t a g e s a n d 220,000 barrels per day at peak. disadvantages of everything,” he That project is however producing noted. of Public Infrastructure, David is prepared to head to arbitration consultant is required to conduct a an average 250,000 bpd or 30,000 Bharrat however went on to Patterson is of the view that the overthe$214Msumflaggedbythe pre-audit analysis; devise an barrelsabovethedesignrate. question the role of the Petroleum media was blanked on purpose auditors. effective audit plan inclusive of an It should be noted that all three Commission, highlighting the from attending the signing With the final audit report appropriate methodology; execute of the massive Floating Production “efficient” functions carried out by ceremony. revised and handed over to the audit in adherence to the Storage and Offloading vessels the Ministry’s Petroleum Unit over In a recent interview with this government on the first audit since provisions of the Stabroek Block

the last few years. ”Haven’t we newspaper, Patterson said, “We March 2021, the Member of

ExxonMobil. Through a process managed the sector well over the noted that the contract signing was Parliament (MP) pointed out that applicable local laws, regulations referred to as debottlenecking, the last few years, building out the done without the presence of the some three years and seven months and procedures as well as oil giant assesses possible areas on framework, putting the legislative media, departing from earlier such later, there is closure on that international good practices and the vessels that can allow for framework in place too, having a contract signing. We see this as an process. standards. productiontobesafelyincreased. new Petroleum Activities Act, a attempt by the government to He said, “To date, there has The scope of works also While the operator maintains LocalContentLegislation,havinga dodge questions on the been no update on the proposed includes conducting verifications the safety of this process and has new PSA in place, having performance of the company, as arbitrationbetweenthegovernment of the crude oil valuation pursuant explained the government of improvements in production wellasthecontentsoftheirreport.” and Exxon on the disputed to the provisions of the petroleum Guyana’s involvement in ensuring licensesandenvironmentalpermits On May 24, 2022 the US$214M.Whatisthestatusofthis agreement for the audit period as the activity is carried out and putting all of the monitoring Government of Guyana (GoG), issue? Has the money been well as verifying royalties remitted accordingly, questions still remain capabilities in place, I don’t see a through the Ministry of Natural deposited into an interest-gaining to the government for the said on the additional environmental commission doing anything Resources awarded a contract for a escrow account awaiting the period. damage that is done to the different from what the petroleum f o u r - m o n t h r e v i e w o f outcome of this arbitration Additionally, the selected environmentbutwhichisnotstated unit is doing at the Ministry of ExxonMobil’s expenses between process?” consultant will also be required to in the EIAs. This is particularly the Natural Resources,” the minister the years 2018 to 2020. VHE Meanwhile, shifting his validate the accuracy of the total case as oil production not only reasoned. Consulting which is a locally attention to the second audit by government share of petroleum for involves pulling oil from beneath Although the government may registered partnership between VHEConsulting,theMPnotedthat the period under review, and the sea floor; it also pulls a not be looking to establish the Ramdihal & Haynes Inc; Eclisar the final audit report previously assessing the impact of the audit on substance known as produced PetroleumCommissionatthistime, Financial; and Vitality Accounting executed by the consortium has not futureprofitoilrevenues. waterandgas. Bharrat said the body is likely to & Consultancy Inc had won the been officially released. Patterson The produced water contains materialise in the future. As such, contract and subject Minister, reasoned, “This is some more than Tuesday toxic chemicals and is extremely he made it clear that the same Vickram Bharrat was faced with a 18 months after it was due to be hot. The water is treated by Exxon individuals hired to work in the plethora of questions from the completed. It appears that both Guyana in the dark on and then dumped overboard, while ministry’s Petroleum Unit will be media on the process and next Exxon and the government were increased environmental some of the gas is flared and some appointed to the Commission. “It’s stages following the completion of satisfied with the report, since risks posed by operations re-injected into the wells. That these same gentlemen and ladies thereview another contract has been signed …As Exxon ramps process too also emits dangerous whoyouseeheremanagingtheunit On this occasion however, with the same company However, up production gases into the environment. As oil will be on the Petroleum journalists were not afforded that bynotofficiallyreleasingtheaudit, production increases, produced Commission because we can’t opportunity even as questions stakeholders are unable to As ExxonMobil Guyana ramps

throw them away and bring a set of lingerconcerningthecompletionof scrutinizetheirperformance.” up oil production beyond the peak production will also grow thereby new staff and say you go, we will the two previous audits. The first Award of third audit limits outlined in project causing greater harm to the staff a commission with these audit for Exxon’s pre-contract On October 15, Kaieteur News documents, Guyana is left in the environment. Experts have even people,” Bharrat noted. He said costs, during the period 1999 to reported that NPTAB announced d a

argued in the past that ramping up those individuals that have been 2017 was awarded to a British the award of the third audit to VHE environmental risks posed by these production increases the country’s hired are already experienced and Consultant, IHS-Markit.That audit Consulting. According to Tender activities. chance of a larger oil spill. There is qualified. of US$1.6B found over US$214M Board’s website, the audit will cost An Environmental Impact also the question of the cost in questionable costs claimed by $312,642,834.Theauditservicesis Assessment (EIA) is a study a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h i s Govt. shuts out media thecontractor a project being undertaken by the undertaken by scientists to debottleneckingexercisewhichhas from signing of third audit The second audit which was Ministry of Natural Resources determinetheeffectsofaprojecton notbeenaddressedtodate. of Exxon’s expenses awarded to VHE however only which had issued a tender earlier in the environment Scientists Updating the EIAs –AFC says ‘secret’ found less than US$100M in the year for ‘Consulting Services involved in the preparation of this Previously, former Head of the signing an attempt by disputed charges for the period for Cost Recovery Audit and report use specific design rates of EPA, Dr Vincent Adams said the Govt. to dodge scrutiny 2018to2020. Validation of the Government of the planned development to American oil giant is not only To this end, Patterson argued, Guyana’s Profit Oil share for the determinethelikelyimpacts. slaughtering the safety limits or An audit of ExxonMobil’s US- “There has been no public Period2021to2023’. In Guyana, ExxonMobil making a mockery of it in the name multibillion dollar expenses, announcement on if Exxon has Theprojectwasinitiallyopened Guyana Limited (EMGL), the of greed, but is taking advantage of incurred between the period 2021 agreed with the results of the backinMarchandVHEwasamong operator of the Stabroek Block, is theGovernment. to 2023, was awarded to the local previous audit results, and if they Grant Thorton UK LLP and PKF producing oil from three of its six The Environmental and consortium VHE Consulting on wereinagreement,whatsumshave Barcellos Narine & Company; and sanctionedprojects. Petroleum Engineer said when an October 10 With the surprise been remitted to the people of M. Sukhai & Company (local) in An EIAwas conducted for each Environmental Impact Assessment announcement by the National Guyana, and where has these funds joint venture with Info Works of the developments, Liza One, is done prior to oil production Procurement and Tender beendeposited.”

Solutions Ltd who had submitted LizaTwoandPayara.TheLizaOne operationscommencing,itexplains Administration Board (NPTAB), It should be noted that Vice bids. project, according to the EIA was clearlywhatwouldbethesafelimit Chairman of the Alliance For President Bharrat Jagdeo The Terms of Reference (ToR) designed to safely operate at ofproductiontheoilcompanies Change(AFC)andformerMinister previouslysignaledthatthecountry indicated that the successful sustained peaks of 120,000 barrels (Continued on page 18)

AFC Chairman, David Patterson
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo

From page 17 without a conscience and concernabouttheproduction that if the government wants willabideby Hesaidtoothat ruthlessly taking advantage rate and trajectory It seems to show that it is serious this number is used to ofanabysmalEPAandweak that those charged with about its sacred duty to generate oil spill scenarios Government. agricultural management in safeguard the nation’s for the Government’s The EPAis being paid to the industry have, for resources, it will follow regulatory arm to consider be our protector but they are reason/s best known to

When the goalpost is shifted obviously intimidated by themselves, chosen to turn a recommendations, even if by going beyond the safety Exxon, does whatever they Nelson’sEye.” that means re-engaging the limit, Dr Adams said it is want.” Looking ahead, Dr GAWU said given the auditors to expand or adjust commonsense that the EIA Adams said it is imperative conducive weather to the terms of reference for the wouldbeproperlyupdatedto t h a t t h e E PA a n d mechanisedsugaroperations audit. reflect the new risks that Government by extension over the past few weeks, it is “We want to stress that come with increased face the nation and explain puzzledthatdailyproduction billions of US are at stake productionnumbers. why they have allowed levels remained constrained. andGuyanesecannothopeto Dr Adams argued, Exxon to violate the EIA, a “It begs the question: What benefit fully from the oil “Exxon has clearly most sacred document that are the factor(s) which have industry without a robust invalidated the EIAand I say imposes key guardrails for inhibited production levels? audit culture. Tragically, the that because the purpose of p r o t e c t i o n o f t h e Theindustryremainsheavily PPP has thus far been far the EIA is to set the safety environment.

reliant on manual cane know that these are certainly incurred by ExxonMobil wedded t

ally production limit and now harvestingcomplementedby not new excuses but are the between 2020 and 2023.The unpatriotic attitude We that limit has been exceeded GuySuCo will miss mechanised loading, a same old scapegoats – the local consortium had also remind them that these or violated without a proper production target again practice that is now decades workers and the weather – won the contract for the resources are not their review process the - GAWU concerned about old.” thatwillbedeployedtogrant secondaudit. personal resources to fritter maximum limit for the Liza poor management According to the union, coverage for the eventual D

a p

s away as they please, but Destiny was 120,000 barrels the major challenge revolves output.” conference on Tuesday, the belong to all Guyanese,” perday Theyarenowatover The GuyanaAgricultural around the quality of canes

The GAWU said it party’s oil and gas Lowsaid. 150,000barrels,a25percent and General Workers Union being produced, noting that remains convinced that the spokesman, Elson Low increase and that is unheard (GAWU) said it is deeply while the industry cane sugar industry can succeed, provided a number of Crane residents of.” concerned over the current yields have been higher than “but as we have said before recommendations relating to still concerned about

When told that the trendofsugarproduction. anticipated, though well and reiterate once again, the audit. He said at health risks due to company has said it has As of October 26, 2024, below their potential, the knowledgeable and capable minimum, “There should be seepage in homes engaged in ‘debottlenecking t h e G u y a n a S u g a r sucrose content remains management is an essential clear concise summary, ...EPA says no evidence exercises’ to allow for the Corporation Inc (GuySuCo) depressed. “We are prerequisite. We urge which Guyanese can read of petroleum increase,Dr.Adamssaidthis produced 24,711 tonnes of conscious that the El Nino policymakers to consider and understand. Critical - based hydrocarbons too is absolute nonsense. He sugar, representing just 39 drought conditions would ridding the industry of those issueslikewhetherinterestis said Exxon’s Executives use per cent of its 63,276 tonne have had an impact w h o h a v e a n o i n t e d being charged and the total Residents of Crane,West such jargons as a mask for target. As much as 60 per However, given the themselves as the ‘saviour’ amount in the dispute must Coast Demerara (WCD) are their unconscionable pursuit cent of the cropping period collective managerial but have placed it in a be comprehensively still concerned about their ofobsceneprofits. has been exhausted, and the experience in GuySuCo, stranglehold and seek to addressed.” health in the face of According to him, “They GAWU is apprehensive that better planning could have blame everyone and In addition, he said that information emanating from areusingthisdebottlenecking the deficit cannot be closed been advanced to mitigate everything but themself for costs in dispute should be t h e E n v i r o n m e n t a l jargon to intimidate and in the remaining cropping someofthechallenges.” the circumstances in which clearly outlined in the report Protection Agency (EPA) confuse because they know weeks.

GAWU said it appears the GuySuCo finds itself,” in a manner that allows for that no petroleum-based most Guyanese don’t know In a statement GAWU that rather than addressing thestatementread. swift action in the event hydrocarbons were found in fully what this type of lingo said from its perspective, their difficulties in a arbitration is necessary samples taken from the means “the industry’s sad situation complete and frank manner; Wednesday Moreover, he noted, “The seepageintheirhomes. That terminology means cannot be delinked from the the GuySuCo agricultural scope of the audit must not OnMonday,theEPAsaid that they widen the piping m a n a g e m e n t o f i t s leadership is preparing to PNCR calls for neglectthereasonablenessof it believes the substance system and other equipment cultivation and agricultural deploy rationales and strict timelines for cost Rather than merely found in the flooring of the to increase the production operations According to justifications to obfuscate completion, publication identifying whether they are Crane residents is a form of They try to make it seem G AW U , b e f o r e t h e “to excuse their poor of Exxon’s 3rd audit eligible to be recovered.” hydroxide. that this is some industry commencement of the crop, performance. We are sure …says auditors must Additionally, Low pointed Added to this, in an norm but it is not They the Union drew GuySuCo’s thatwewillhearaboutissues ensure costs are out that there should be a interview with the Stabroek can’t pull this nonsense in attention to several related to punt weights, reasonable, report defined timeline for the News that was published on the USA- I know that for a important issues that standards, and work must clearly highlight completionandreleaseofthe October 29, 2024, Executive fact ” required intervention “It attendance in the coming disputed sums audit. Director of the EPA, Kemraj Moreover,henoted,“Ido appears that our concerns days,amongotherthings.Of

The party is of the view Parsram claimed that while believe that they know the were brushed aside course, those who have The People’s National that ExxonMobil, the initial tests from the seepage right thing but they are Recently, we have expressed followed the industry would Congress Reform (PNCR) operator of the Stabroek found sulfur dioxide, a has called for a more Block must be held to high harmful substance (SO2), thorough third audit of standards when it comes to which according to the ExxonMobil’s expenses, provision of information and American LungAssociation, noting that the “failures” in responses to the auditors’ is a gaseous air pollutant the second audit should not questions. composed of sulfur and be repeated in the execution Meanwhile, with regard oxygen; the initial tests were ofthethird. to the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) i n a c c u r a t e d u e

GuySuCo has been struggling to meet production targets for several years now

The third audit was project, the PNCR believes malfunctioningequipment. awarded by the National that costs related to the According to the Procurement and Tender natural gas pipeline being American LungAssociation, Administration Board constructed by Exxon must “SO2 forms when sulfur(NPTAB) to the local be addressed separately and containing fuel such as coal, consortium VHE Consulting robustly “We remind the petroleum oil, or diesel is on October 10 VHE Guyanese that the cost of the burned ” The Association Consultingwhichisalocally pipeline tripled in a short said inhaling this gas can be registered partnership period of time. This change extremely dangerous to between Ramdihal and inthecostoftheprojectmust human health causing Haynes Inc; Eclisa

wheezing, shortness of Financial; and Vitality tran

arently,” Low breath and chest tightness A c c o u n t i n g a n d reasoned. and other problems. LongConsultancy Inc is tasked The party spokesman on termexposureathighlevels with reviewing expenses oil and gas was keen to note (Continued on page 36)

President, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited, Alistair Routledge

Interesting Creatures... Ankole-Watusi

(Longhorn Cattle)

Source: Livestock originated over 2,000 years established one’s position in Conservancy ago from a combination of society, and the beauty of Ankole-Watusi cattle, the Egyptian (Hamitic) one’s cattle herd – especially with their extra-large horns, Longhorn cattle and the the shape and size of their are among the most striking Zebu Longhorns that arrived horns–wassignificant. members of the bovine fromIndia.

WatusiCattle kingdom. Sanga cattle spread Natural selection also Herds resemble slow- throughout eastern Africa, played a role in creating moving,multicoloredforests and many distinct breeds cattle that were both hardy of bare trees as their horns evolved Cattle have and efficient grazers able to sway with every step. The traditionally been valued in thriveonroughforage. Ankole-Watusi breed is part Africaasceremonialanimals

The horns are part of of the Sanga family of and symbols of wealth and adaptationtoahotclimateby African cattle breeds which power Their ownership allowing dispersal of excess bodyheat.

T h i s u n u s u a l combination of selection pressures has resulted in a

Ankole-Watusi cattle, with their extra-large horns, are among the most striking members of the bovine kingdom.

Unlike the purposeful exported from EastAfrica to Europe during the 1920sresilient breed of great importations of many Europe during the early 1930s.

beauty Particularly

breeds, the path of the 1900s for use as exhibition In the last few decades, remarkable are the cattle of Ankole-Watusi to the US animals in zoos United most zoos have dispersed Uganda, Rwanda, and was indirect if not States zoos and individual their collections, putting Burundi In Uganda, the accidental. breeders then imported most of the cattle into the Nkoletribe’svarietyiscalled

The cattle were initially Ankole-Watusi cattle from handsofprivatebreeders. theAnkole,whileinRwanda andBurundi,theTutsitribe’s variety is called the Watusi. When the cattle were exported from the region to Europe and later toAmerica, thesestrainswerecombined.

Shaggy, Rayvon’s ‘Angel’ Certified Platinum in the UK

Dancehall Mag - Shaggy and Rayvon’s Morning , while the beat interpolated written one verse. While we were playing it, 2001 hit Angel is now certified Platinum in elements from the Steve Miller Band’s song RikRok actually walked in singing that the United Kingdom. The British 1973, The Joker . melody. I was like, ‘Wow, that’s dope’. We Phonographic Industry (BPI) announced the In a 2021 Billboard interview, Shaggy ended up just flipping the words and making certification on Friday (November 1), pointed out that the bass component of The it cooler by saying ‘peeps’and ‘shorty’.That recognizing the track’s sales and streaming Joker was,infact,Reggae. wastheslangthatwasgoingonatthetime.” figures, which have now surpassed 600,000 “DJ Paul, who used to play at the Club “I ended up finishing the second verse units. It had been certified Gold (400,000 IllusioninBrooklyn,wasareallygoodfriend and the bridge with RikRok. That made me units)inMay2001. with my longtime producer Sting realize we had a special record,” he added.

Angel, which appeared on Shaggy’s Hot International. He actually made a suggestion Angel‘s official music video has over 500 Shot album, remains a go-to for wedding of interpolating Steve Miller Band’s 1973 millionviewsonYouTube. playlists to this day and was the 17th most songTheJoker,”hehadexplained. Shaggy’smostsuccessfultrackintheUK successfulsongof2001intheU.S.Produced “So that bass — doom-doom, do-do- is It Wasn’t Me with Rikrok, which is by Shaun “Sting International” Pizzonia, the doom-doom — is actually a reggae bassline currentlycertified4XPlatinum. song had reached No. 1 in 12 countries, eventhoughit’sfromarocksong. Itjusthad His song Boombastic is certified including the United Kingdon, Canada, and that groove that made you want to put your Platinum, while I Need Your Love with theUnitedStates. armsaroundit,”hesaid. Mohombi, Faydee and Costi, and In The Itfeaturedaninterpolationofthelyricsof With respect to the lyrics, Shaggy said Summertime with Rayvon are certified Evie Sands’original 1967 song Angel of the that: “myself and Dave Kelly had already Silver

Snoop Dogg & Dr. Dre

Set Release Date for ‘Missionary’ Album

BillboardNews-Snoop Dogg and Dr Dre are back workingtogetheragain!The two have set a release date fortheir‘Missionary’album forDec.13.Thejointproject will feature regular collaborators like Eminem and 50 cent and special guests like Jelly Roll, Sting, TomPettyandmore.

It’s the first joint album between Dre and Snoop since Snoop debut album ‘Doggystyle’in1993.

Snoop and Dr Dre are

back.TheiconicWestCoast duoislinkinguponceagain for another project titled ‘Missionary.; They played each other’s co-stars on threealbums.

1992’s ‘The Chronic’ 1993 ‘Doggystyle’ in 1999, ‘TheChronic2001’thistime around, they’re getting together for Snoop’s 20th album, ‘Missionary.’ Check out a bit from the trailer Snoop posted on IG ‘Missionary’willbeentirely produced by Dre the album

will be 15 tracks long and willfeatureEminem,50cent JellyRoll.

Tom Petty, Sting and more. Jelly Roll was hype when he talked about workingonthealbumduring a recent appearance on Bootleg Kev’s podcast Dude,itiscrazy I won’t say anything about the record because he didn’t, but man, it’s special. Besuretogive‘Missionary’ a spin when it drops, December,13th.



Live Forever’ on rotation on US radio

Jamaica Observer -California-based reggaeartisteMoneyDonRedispleasedthat hisbreakthroughsingleJahLiveForeverhas been added to the playlist of New York’s Power105.1,amajorplusforthepromotion andvisibilityofreggaemusicinthelucrative UnitedStates(US)market.

“Thisisabigmoveforreggaemusic,Jah Live Forever is a bonafide reggae song playing between songs like Kendrick Lamar’sNotLikeUs,andFuture’sWaitFor U.Weareoneofthefewactsrepresentingfor reggae in mainstream radio in the US,” the artistewhoserealnameisAstilFranklinsaid.

Thesingle,JahLiveForever,isamoving tribute to the powers of the most high. MoneyDonRed bankrolled a video for the project which has surpassed 3.2 million viewsoverthelastfourmonths.

The American reggae scene is heavily centred in Southern California, with large scenes also in New York City, Washington, DC, Chicago, Miami, and Honolulu. For decades, Hawaiian reggae has had a big following on the Hawaiian Islands and the West coast of the US. MoneyDonRed is happy that authentic reggae sound can get sometractionstateside.

“Thisdevelopmentofgettingreggaeona major US playlist is a big deal for reggae music, keeping that door open because we don’tstreamaswellasourUScounterparts, butreggaeisstillaglobalforce,”hesaid.

The artiste grew up in the Washington GardensareaofStAndrewandlaterattended Dinthill Technical High School in Linstead. Herechristenedhimself“MoneyDonRed”,a nickname given to him by his godson,

Famed online coach Ashley Grayson sentenced to 10 years in prison for failed murder-for-hire plot

Atlanta Black Star

Anonlinecoursecoachwho gained popularity online and on social media has been sentenced to a decade behind bars for a murderfor-hirescheme.

On Thursday, Ashley Grayson was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison

and three years of supervised release after being convicted of one count of use of interstate commerce facilities in the commission of murder-forhire.

Grayson and her husband, Joshua, were criminally indicted in July 2023 for the plot. Federal prosecutors alleged that the Mississippi-based couple contactedacontractkillerin Tennessee between August and September 2022 and paid that individual to murder a person identified in the federal indictment as “D.H.” That individual was not harmed. A jury found Grayson guilty in March. Herhusbandwasclearedof wrongdoing.

She’ll serve out her sentence at a federal prison inFortWorth,Texas.

Grayson earned widespread popularity after reportedly making $1 million less than an hour after launching her online business, Digital Course Recipe, in 2021, through which she taught people to turn their passions into a profitableonlinecourse.

What furthered her online stardom was her lavish proposal to Joshua Grayson, which featured a performance from R&B singer Monica on a yacht. Videos and pictures of the event went viral, which earnedthecoupleamassive socialmediafollowing.

The year after their engagement, allegations started circulating that the success Ashley Grayson garnered from her online business was greatly exaggerated and that the money she made was actually from a worker’s

compensation settlement after she lost a finger at an oldjob.

One woman accused Graysonofcheatingherout of $2,000 after she bought thecourse.

In2022,Graysonfileda defamationlawsuitagainsta financial coach named Derricka Harwell, alleging that a comment Harwell posted under one of Grayson’s Facebook posts was “false, defamatory, and injurious.”

The suit claimed that H a r w e l l ’ s p o s t “permanently damaged”

Grayson’s personal reputation “online and aroundtheworld”andmade peoplebelievethatGrayson “stalked and harassed” Harwell.

The Graysons have not commented publicly on the conviction or sentence However, there were plenty of reactions online as updates from her case have been followed closely by onlinesleuths.

Brandon and launched himself into his recordingcareer

“Red symbolises wealth and prosperity, while “Money Don” represents my growth and evolution as a recording artiste,” he explained. He is currently working on an EP titled Jah Live Forever which will feature seven inspirational tracks. Some of the songs includethetitletrack,aswellasThanksand Praise,ComeTogether,HumbleYuhself,Do Right,Confusion,andFoundaJoy

As MoneyDonRed continues to make inroadsintheUSmarket,heperformedasan openingactatahiphopshowwithUSrappersongwriterRodWaveatDesertSkyArenain ArizonalastFriday

“They gave Ashley Grayson 10yrs. Her first baby is maybe 2. And she has an infant. I told my cousin she was a fraud and her spirit rubbed me the wrong way My cousin told me I was a hatin btch then proceededtobuyhercourse andgetscammed.Lookhow the mighty have fallen,” wroteoneuser

One questioned if her sentencewastooharshsince noonedied.“Mfsoverjoyed that Ashley Grayson got sentenced, mind you nobody died.. Meanwhile they rejoicing that young thug is free, yet several peoplediedbymeansofysl gang violence…you can’t make this shit up smh,” ventedtheuser.

JoshuaGraysonrecently opened a franchise location of The B-12 Store in San Antonio. The shop, which has multiple locations across the country, specializes in vitamin injections with boardcertifiednurseson-site.

California-based reggae artiste MoneyDonRed (Photo contributed)
Rappers Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg

Tuberculosis resurges as top infectious disease killer


The World Health Organization (WHO)

published a new report on tuberculosis (TB) revealing that globally, approximately 8 2 million people were newly diagnosed withTB in 2023 - the highest number recorded since WHO began global TB monitoring in 1995.

Thisrepresentsanotable increase from 7.5 million reported in 2022 placingTB again as the leading infectious disease killer in 2023, surpassing COVID19.

The WHO 2024 Global Tuberculosis Report highlightsmixedprogressin the global fight against TB, including persistent challenges such as significantunderfunding.

IntheAmericas,whilean estimated 342,000 people were diagnosed with TB in 2023, a 6.6% increase from the previous year, the numberofpeoplethatdiedas a result of the disease has begun to decline, by 5.4% from2022-2023

This reduction is due to anincreaseinthenumberof peoplediagnosedandtreated – from 76% in 2022 to 78% in2023.

Thereportshowsthatthe disease disproportionately affects people in 30 highburden countries, India (26%), Indonesia (10%), China (6 8%), the Philippines (6 8%) and Pakistan (6 3%) together accountedfor56%ofglobal TBburden. IntheAmericas, eight countries account for 80% of TB cases in the Region while others, particularlyintheCaribbean region, have reduced incidence to low levels and some are close to the threshold for disease elimination.

According to the report, 55% of people who developed TB were men, 33% were women and 12% were children and young adolescents.

“The fact that TB still kills and sickens so many people is an outrage, when we have the tools to prevent it,detectitandtreatit,”said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “WHO urges allcountriestomakegoodon the concrete commitments they have made to expand theuseofthesetools,andto endTB.”

In 2023, at global level

the gap between the estimatednumberofnewTB

cases and those reported narrowed to about 2 7 million,downfromCOVID19 pandemic levels of around4millionin2020and 2021.

This follows substantial national,regionalandglobal efforts to recover from COVID-related disruptions toTBservices.

The coverage of TB preventive treatment has been sustained for people living with HIV and continues to improve for householdcontactsofpeople diagnosedwithTB.

However, multidrugresistantTBremainsapublic healthcrisis.

Treatment success rates for multidrug-resistant or rifampicin-resistant TB (MDR/RR-TB) have now reached 68%. But, of the 400 000 people estimated to have developed MDR/RRTB, only 44% were diagnosed and treated in 2023.

To address the TB epidemic, the PanAmerican

Health O

ganization (PAHO)callsoncountriesto urgently implement new technologies and strategies that would enable countries to advance towards TB elimination.

These include the implementation of rapid molecular tests to detect the diseaseattheprimaryhealth carelevel.

While the use of these testshasincreasedfrom40% to 48%, from 2022-2023, this still falls short of the 100%goal.

PAHO also recommends that countries of the Americas utilizeAI-assisted radiography for active case finding within vulnerable and most affected communities, as well as shorter oral regimens for treatmentandprevention.

Funding gaps and challenges

Global funding for TB

prevention and care decreased further in 2023 andremainsfarbelowtarget. Low- and middle-income

countries (LMICs), which bear 98% of the TB burden, faced significant funding shortages.

Only US$5.7 billion of the US$22 billion annual funding target was available in 2023, equivalent to only 26%oftheglobaltarget.

The total amount of international donor funding

in LMICs has remained at around US$1.1—1.2 billion per year for several years.

The United States government remains the largest bilateral donor for TB. Whilethe Global Fund to FightAIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund) contribution to international funding of the

TB response especially in LMICs is important, it remainsinsufficienttocover essential TB service needs. The report emphasizes that sustained financial investment is crucial for the success of TB prevention, diagnosis, and treatment efforts.

Globally, TB research r e m a i n s s e v e r e l y underfunded with only onefifth of the US$5 billion annual target reached in 2022.

This impedes the development of new TB diagnostics, drugs, and vaccines.

WHO continues leading efforts to advance the TB vaccine agenda, including with the support of the TB VaccineAcceleratorCouncil launchedbyWHODirectorGeneral.

New global report shows that while TB cases continue to rise in theAmericas, improvements in diagnosis and treatment are helping to reduce deaths

Jah Cure To Return To Dutch Court

On November 12

Jah Cure

DancehallMag-Reggae singer Jah Cure will appear before an investigative judgeonNovember12inthe Netherlands, where he is alreadyservingasentenceof attemptedmanslaughter.

The ‘Love Is’singer has beenforcedtoattendaseries ofproformahearingsinthe Dutch court as prosecutors have been pushing to overturn his acquittal on an attemptedmurdercharge.

“The process is still in t h e h a n d s o f t h e investigative judge for the hearing of witnesses. The next pro forma date is November 12,” Tuscha Essed, press officer for the Public Prosecution Service o n a p p e a l , t o l d DancehallMag.

JahCurelastappearedin courtforaproformahearing onAugust21.

AccordingtoDutchlaw, inmateshavetoattendapro forma hearing, while awaitingacourtdateforthe actual trial; therefore, a

judgehastodecideaboutthe incarceration (whether to keep a suspect incarcerated ornot)every90days.

In March 2022, the Jamaican singer, whose real name is Siccature Alcock, was convicted of attempted manslaughterandsentenced tosixyearsinprisonafterhe stabbed a Dutch concert promoter over unpaid performancefeesinOctober 2021.

The trial judges had ruledthatJahCure’sactions were not a premeditated act ofattemptedmurder,andhe was acquitted of the more serious charge However, following the sentence, Dutch prosecutors appealed against the acquittal of the attemptedmurdercharge.

He was remanded in January 2024, pending a newtrial.

JahCureisknownforthe hit songs ‘Longing For’, ‘Love Is’, ‘That Girl’, and ‘True Reflection’ (Behind ThesePrisonWalls).

CountryProfile Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bo s n i a a n d

Herzegovina, country situated in the western Balkan Peninsula of Europe. The larger region of Bosnia occupies the northern and central parts of the country, and Herzegovina occupies the south and southwest.

These historical regions do not correspond with the two

autonomous political entitiesthatwereestablished by the internationally brokeredDaytonAccordsof 1995: the Republika Srpska (Bosnian Serb Republic), locatedinthenorthandeast, andtheFederationofBosnia andHerzegovina,occupying the western and central areas. The capital of the country is Sarajevo; important regional cities include Mostar and Banja Luka.Thelandhasoftenfelt the influences of stronger regional powers that have vied for control over it, and theseinfluenceshavehelped to create Bosnia and H e r z e g o v i n a ’ s characteristicallyrichethnic and religious mix. Islam, Orthodox Christianity, and Roman Catholicism are all present,withthethreefaiths generally corresponding to three major ethnic groups: Bosniaks,Serbs,andCroats, respectively This multiethnic population, as well as the country’s historical and geographic positionbetweenSerbiaand Croatia, has long made Bosnia and Herzegovina vulnerable to nationalist territorialaspirations.


Ruled by the Ottoman Empire from the 15th

century, the region came underthecontrolofAustriaHungary in 1878 and subsequently played a key roleintheoutbreakofWorld War I In 1918 it was incorporated into the newly created Kingdom of Serbs, Croats,andSlovenes,where it had no formal status of its own. After World War II it became a constituent republic of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

F o l l o w i n g t h e disintegrationofthatstatein 1991, the majority of the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina voted for independence in a 1992 referendum. Much of the country’s Serb population, however, opposed independenceandboycotted the referendum. War soon consumed the region, as ethnic nationalists within Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the support of Serbia and Croatia in some cases, tried to take control of territories they claimed as their own. Horrific ethnic cleansing campaigns between1992andtheendof 1995 killed thousands and violently displaced more than two million people in much of Bosnia and Herzegovina. International intervention into the Bosnian conflict led finally to a peace agreement, the Dayton Accords, in late 1995 The Dayton agreement ended the war in BosniaandHerzegovina,but it also established the country as a fragile, highly decentralized,andethnically divided state in which an international civilian

representative remains authorized to impose legislation and to remove domesticofficialsinorderto protect the peace. Although the vast majority of citizens continue to desire sustainable peace, they hold to different ideas about the best configuration of the state, and some even questionitsfutureexistence.

Ancient and medieval periods When the Romans extended their conquests into theterritoryofmodernBosnia during the 2nd and 1st centuriesBCE,thepeoplethey encountered there belonged mainlytoIllyriantribes

Mostoftheareaofmodern Bosnia was incorporated into the Roman province of Dalmatia

During the 4th and 5th centuries CE, Roman armies suffered heavy defeats in this regionatthehandsofinvading Goths. When the Goths were eventually driven out of the Balkans by the Byzantine emperorJustinianIintheearly 6th century, the Bosnian territorybecame,notionallyat least, part of the Byzantine Empire Slavs began to settle inthisterritoryduringthe6th century

AsecondwaveofSlavsin the 7th century included two powerfultribes,theCroatsand the Serbs: Croats probably covered most of central, western,andnorthernBosnia, whileSerbsextendedintothe Drina River valley and modern Herzegovina. The terms “Serb” and “Croat” were in this period tribal labels;theyweresubsequently usedtorefertotheinhabitants ofSerbianorCroatianpolitical entitiesandonlylateracquired the connotations of ethnic or nationalidentityinthemodern sense

During the late 8th and early 9th centuries, part of northwestern Bosnia was c o n q u e r e d b y Charlemagne’s Franks. This area later became part of Croatia under King Tomislav After Tomislav’s deathin928,muchofBosnia was taken over by a Serb p r i n c e d o m t h a t acknowledged the sovereigntyoftheByzantine Empire. The first written mention of Bosnia was recorded during this period by the Byzantine emperor C o n s t a n t i n e V I I Porphyrogenitus, who described “Bosona” as a districtin“baptizedSerbia.” The district he referred to was an area much smaller than modern Bosnia and centred on the Bosna River Soon after Constantine wrote those words, most of

Capital City

the modern territory of Bosnia reverted to Croatian rule.Languages

Themothertongueofthe vast majority is SerboCroatian, a term used to describe, collectively, the mutually intelligible languages now known as Serbian, Croatian, or Bosnian, depending on the speaker’s ethnic and politicalaffiliation.

There are some minor regional variations in pronunciation and vocabulary,butallvariations spoken within Bosnia and Herzegovina are more similar to one another than they are to, for example, the speech of Belgrade (Serbia)

or Zagreb (Croatia).ALatin andaCyrillicalphabetexist, andbothhavebeentaughtin schoolsandusedinthepress, buttheriseofnationalismin the 1990s prompted a Serb alignmentwithCyrillicanda Croat and Bosniak alignment with the Latin alphabet.

Daily life and social customs Family ties are strong, and friendship and neighbourhoodnetworksare well developed. Great value is placed on hospitality, spontaneity, and the gifts of storytelling and wit Summer activities include strolling on town korza (promenades), and throughout the year popular

meeting places are kafane (traditional coffeehouses) and kafiæi (modern cafébars). Bosnian cuisine is a matter of pride and displays its Turkish influence in stuffed vegetables, coffee, and sweet cakes of the baklava type, as well as in the national dish of æevapi, oræevapèiæi.

These small rolls of seasoned ground meat, typically a mixture of beef and lamb, are grilled and usually served in a bread pocket.

The plums that grow in the country are often made intothickjamorslivovitz,a popularbrandy

Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sacred Heart Cathedral
Bosnia and Herzegovinan cuisine
Latin Bridge


Food unites people

and Guyana is a melting pot of culinary delights, providing the opportunity for tourists fromacrosscontinentstotry ourvarietyofdeliciouslocal cuisine.

Influenced by diverse cultures, these dishes are all prepared differently, but what is most important is that they are safe for human consumption.

As we observe Tourism Awareness Month 2024 under the theme “A people centered tourism product: elevating our profile”, let us lookathowstandardscanbe used to improve the quality of food prepared and served intourismestablishments.

To help tourism establishments prepare and

serve food that is safe and hygienic, the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) this year adoptedaStandardfromthe CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards andQuality(CROSQ).

The National Standard, GYS 592: 2024Sustainable Tourism – Food safety and sanitation – requirements, h

implement and maintain a food safety and sanitation programme.

The document is applicable to establishments where food is prepared and served.Italsoappliestofood transport vehicles and associated equipment, structures, and fixtures and fittings used by food businesses in the tourism


The standard addresses the need for a Food Safety Management system which h

document and implement a food safety policy, address risks and opportunities, m

resources in an efficient mannerandmore

It also specifies requirements for waste disposal, pest management, lighting, utensils, cold storage, dry storage, allergen management, and hazardanalysis

Relating to hygiene, the National Standard outlines that all staff shall keep their hands and exposed portions of their arms clean while regular

hand washing shall be practiced by personnel, including contractors and visitors.

Further, employees

must r

contaminate the food including touching their mouths or nose, sneezing, coughing, smoking, spitting,chewingoreating

in the storage and handlingareas

According to the document, “the tourism establishment shall determine, provide and maintain the necessary r

d maintenance of the work environment which is necessary to achieve conformity to the Food

Safety Management System.” E s t a b

h m e n t s conforming to this standard

are also required to implement an employee training programme and evaluate the training providedtostaff.

The GNBS continues to work with stakeholders to developandadoptstandards to improve local products, processes and services of establishments which ultimately benefits tourists andotherendusers.

Over the past year, several other CARICOM Standardswereadoptedfor the Tourism sub-sectors to promote

and improve the overall quality of Guyana’s tourism product. Keep reading the

‘GNBS in Focus’column as we delve into the requirements of those standards during Tourism AwarenessMonth.

Finally, tourism providers are encouraged to contact the GNBS to acquire and learn more about available National and International Standards relevanttotheirbusinesses.

R e m e m b e r , conformance to these standards can elevate the quality of services offered by establishments within the sector, which enhances ourcountry’stourismprofile andexperience.

For further information on this subject, contact the GNBS on telephone numbers: 219-0064-66 or WhatsApp:692-4627

From page 18 can be made,” the release (PPP) on Wednesday sought referendum at the same time increases respiratory said. toruleoutanymovetowards of the elections could symptoms and reduces the deciding the issue via a complicate matters A ability of the lungs to Thursday referendum at next year’s number of developed and function.” generalelections. developingcountriesallover

ParsramsaidthattheEPA Jagdeo will not give Areferendumisageneral th

s Guyanese a chance to vote by the electorate on a referendumsatthesametime investigationsandinformthe vote on renegotiation of single political question that as national elections. These residents and public as more Exxon’s lopsided has been referred to them for includetheUnitedStates.

contract at elections adirectdecision.Jagdeowas Several papers on the

asked the question by subject suggest that the most residents have expressed Amid repeated calls by Journalist Denis Chabrol obvious practical advantage skepticism at the initial

Attorney-at-Law and Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo

h e r during his weekly news of arranging the two events findingsoftheEPA. s t a k e h o l d e r s f o r a conference to which he said, simultaneously is the

Basmatie Singh, one of renegotiation of the lopsided political parties contesting considerable cost savings the affected residents, said ExxonMobil contract, which the polls should state their thatcanbemade,sinceballot she and her son are still h

positions on the matter and papers can be distributed at experiencing irritation to “the team from EPA who Theyhavetobesatisfiedthat stubbornly resisted, Vice let the electorate decide if the same time, the same theirskinandeyeswhenever visited us told us to keep their lives are not in President Bharrat Jagdeo they want such a party to voters’ lists can be used. they are near the living room away from the area as much jeopardy,”Dr Adams. who is also General g o v e r n

a Further, polling place in the lower flat of their as possible and they will The EPA said in a Secretary of the ruling Addition

lly, Jagdeo personnelcanbeemployed house. keep checking because they statement on Monday that People’s Progressive Party believes that conducting a (Continued on page 37) “We don’t know what to have not closed their the agency in collaboration believebecausefirsttheysay investigationasyet.” with the Guyana Geology is sulfur dioxide. Now they Attempts made by and Mines Commission change them mouth and say Kaieteur news to reach the (GGMC), the Civil Defence is not that because the EPA’s Executive Director on Commission (CDC), and the m a c h i n e n o t b e e n Tuesdayforfurtherclarityon Ministry of Health (MOH) working…”thewomansaid. the situation proved continued its investigation at Singh said the agency unsuccessful. Crane with follow-up air visited her home on Monday However, in an invited qualitytestingandcollection

t o d o f o l l o w - u p comment, former Head of of available samples of e x a m i n a t i o n s a n d the EPA, Dr. VincentAdams substances present at both monitoring and she was said that he has noted the locations on Monday, advised to keep the affected EPA’s investigations October21,2024. area of their home ventilated included an analysis from According to the EPA, as the investigations Chemist and Senior Lecturer the analysis of the samples continue. of the University of Guyana by Forensic Laboratory and Ms. Singh nevertheless (UG)PatrickEtwaru. the Pesticides and Toxic stressed concerns for her “I have read about Mr Chemicals Control Board health given there is no Etwaru’s findings and he (PTCCB) confirmed that no proper explanation given for would have given his p e t r o l e u m - b a s e d the reaction that she and her professional opinion. I can’t hydrocarbons were found in son have been having as a say that I have any reason to thesamples. resultoftheseepage. doubt him… I have said that “Physical observations

The woman revealed a it is almost impossible for and expert analysis also doctor’s report from her visit this leaking to be connected indicated that the substance to the emergency room to the offshore activities,” found on the tiles was not pointed out that she Dr Adamssaid. petroleum-based,” the presented with Upper The former EPA head, statementsaid. respiratory irritation, harsh who has called for an Additionally, the agency sounds, shortness of breath, independent investigation to noted that the air quality dry mouth, burning be launched into the seepage results indicated that the sensation in her face with at Crane, said that he could overall air quality is good numbness, stomach aches only hope that adequate and is within World Health andweakness. analysis is done on the soil Organization (WHO)

The hospital report noted from nearby the affected standards for the locations that Singh’s symptoms were homes. assessed. as a result of chemical D r A d a m s a l s o The EPA said that it has reaction secondary to an expressedconcernsaboutthe therefore advised affected unknownchemical. management of the agency residentstocontinuekeeping “Westillgettingthislike and their handling of the the area ventilated to allow burning sensation when we investigation. forproperaircirculation. near but we have the place “How can the EPA send The EPAnoted too that it more open out now so to its staff to take samples with iscommittedtotransparency keep it from happening If equipment that is out of and will provide updates as this place lock up this thing calibration, it speaks to the new information becomes d o e s s m e l l s t r o n g , i n c o m p e t e n t a n d available. strong it burns your eyes mismanagement of the “We urge the community andskinsomewanttoknow agency…. This is serious to remain vigilant and report what really going on ” you can’t be playing with any unusual occurrences to Singhsaid people’s lives like that,” he theAgency Contact the EPA

To this end, the woman said. on telephone numbers 592said that while the EPA and Giventheconcernsofthe 225-5467-68, 592-225other agencies will continue residents, Dr Adams agreed 6044, 592-225-6048, 592with their investigations, she that there is no harm in 225-0506, 592-225-5471, willbeseekinga2ndopinion gettingasecondprofessional and 592-225-5472, or via fromindependentsources. opinion. e m a i l a t

Nandanie Singh whose “A2ndopinionisnevera epa@epaguyana org The home also was subject to the badidea;I’mallforensuring publicwillbenotifiedoncea mysterious seepage said that the safety of the residents. conclusive determination


of CNOOC’s

offshore operations

From page 36 and they would be able to time for that, that be done in respondents including respondents cited the lack of million BOE, an 8.5% rise once instead of twice, voter hear from them whether or the future,” he argued. “At professionals, academics, political will, while 53% compared to last year information packages can be not the party is in favour of the upcoming elections a studentsandcitizens. believe there is fear of Guyana’s Payara, alongside p u t t o g e t h e r w i t h renegotiation, and if it can governmentwithamanifesto

In revealing statistics p o t e n t i a l e c o n o m i c other key offshore projects, information about both actually be implemented.” will be chosen and this associated with the survey, repercussions Ram and played a significant role in events and postage can be Going back to the 2020 choice is for the people to Ram explained, “An McRae’s survey also found lifting CNOOC’s global saved by sending it out only election period, he told make on which political overwhelming 94% of that 44 7% of citizens production. once. It is also plausible that reporters that his party was party they think is capable of respondents believe the believe diplomatic concerns Financially, CNOOC holding simultaneous events very clear that when they got keeping their promises and Government should seek to are another humbug to realised a 19.5% increase in w o u l d e n c o u r a g e intogovernment,theywould are serious to move Guyana amendthecurrentPetroleum renegotiation. Some 37.9% net profit, reaching RMB governments and electoral not renegotiate the contract forward. “Not because one Agreement, with only 6% are of the view that legal 116.66 billion. This success bodies to harmonise and yet they got the support country does a referendum either opposed or unsure.” government may be faced was bolstered by a 13.9% legislation and procedures. of all the citizens who voted onpiers,wehavetogodown Thelawyerreasonedthatthis withlegalconstraints. Inhis year-over-year increase in Referendums enhanced for them because they are of that route. So that’s what I stark statistics alone should conclusion,Ramtoldreaders oil and gas revenue, which democracy by giving voters the opinion that the PPP is a am telling you as the head of give pause to those who of his weekly column, “The rose to RMB 271.43 billion, greater opportunities for very serious party. He a political party, I don’t want continue to defend the status survey results paint a clear despite Brent oil prices involvement. reasoned that “we showed 2025 elections to be quo of the lopsided oil deal. picture:thereisstrongpublic remainingsteady Chabrol asked Jagdeo: that we can get more out of complicated with side “The survey revealed that support for renegotiating the Moreover, CNOOC’s “for instance in the Cayman the contract that I explained roads,”Jagdeoargued. only 3.8% of respondents 2016 Petroleum Agreement. capital expenditures Islands, they are putting to in the past, we can get New survey were satisfied with the The current “sanctity of increased by 6.6% to RMB referendum alongside their significantly more benefits The question on the existing provisions of the contract” stance by the 95 34 billion, supporting upcoming elections whether forthepeopleofthiscountry referendumcomesdaysafter Agreement. The remaining Government which had production expansion in they should be constructing The gas-to-energy project Chartered Accountant, 96 2% identified multiple promised to renegotiate the projects like Payara and piers to accommodate larger alone is US$250M per year Christopher Ram released

several new domestic cruise ships. So I am just in savings to the population. findings of a survey which modification,”headded. increasingly untenable in the projects Zhou Xinhuai, giving you that as a slight The Local Content Law s h o w e d t h a t a n A whopping 83.2% of face of such overwhelming Chief Executive Officer background so to speak, in brings in US$700M of overwhelming number of participants said they want

(CEO) and President of the light of the debate about the business to people not Guyanese are in support of a theroyaltyraterevisedwhile change.” company, said, “In the first need to renegotiate the revenue and so we are renegotiated oil contract 79.4% called for changes to three quarters, despite the Exxon contract would your getting more and we believe between the Government of tax payment arrangements. CNOOC credits v o l a t i l e e x t e r n a l government or party be thatwedidn’thavetodothis, G u y a n a ( G o G ) a n d

Presently, Guyana receives Guyana’s Payara project environment, the staff of inclined to put that to a it gets you caught up in a American oil super major, 2% royalty from Exxon on for record-high Q3 oil CNOOC Limited remained referendumaswell?” whole range of issues that ExxonMobil Since the all petroleum produced and production– reports c o m m i t t e d t o t h e i r Jagdeo responded: “The cankillourmomentum.” terms of the 2016 deal were sold, whereas Exxon and its increased net profit responsibilities and worked referendum again, this is a TheVPsaiditwasnothis made public, citizens have contractors are not required diligently to achieve record matter that has to be party’s intention to have any been calling on the topaytaxes. C h i n a ’s C N O O C high net production and net discussed and debated of this happen and it did not government to engage the

To this end, the survey Limited has reported record profit for the same period in on…this issue whether there affect the support received, c o n t r a c t o r f o r a found that 66 4% seek increases in net production history In the fourth quarter, would be a referendum so therefore he believes the renegotiation These calls modifications to tax andnetprofit. we will continue to focus on you get yes from the focus should be solely on the have however been shut certificates; 66.4% want the The company made the theannualtargetandstriveto referendum ummm beca 2025 elections, as adding down by politicians, with revenue guarantee revised d i s c l o s u r e w h e n i t accomplish the production useChristopherdidasuspect other aspects to the ballot some even describing and another 61.8% support announced its operating and operation tasks for the survey, nobody pays given that there should be citizens as “low lives” for ring-fencing provisions. The resultsforthethirdquarterof wholeyear.” attention to these suspect around 14-20 political demanding more out of their GoG has not implemented a 2024. Guyana’s Stabroek surveys, so the referendum parties contesting, will resources Ram in his ring-fencing provision to CNOOC credits its Block which is estimated to couldyieldthis.” further complicate the entire column‘EveryMan,Woman prevent Exxon from using increased net production to a hold 11.6 billion barrels of He explained that as process and this should be andChildMustBecomeOil- revenue from one field to substantial boost from oil, is operated by leader of the People’s avoided. Noting too that he Minded’ published last develop another In this way, Guyana’s Payara project ExxonMobil Guyana Progressive Party Civic cannot make a decision on Friday by Stabroek News Guyana’s share of profits is located in the Stabroek Limited.Theblockislocated (PPP/C), he does not want to whether the issue could be said the recent survey significantly reduced until Block The company’s approximately 120 miles complicate the 2025 takentoareferendumJagdeo provides compelling allcostshavebeenrecovered overseas production grew by offshore Guyana, and is 6.6 electoral process. According said: “anything on a e v i d e n c e t h a t t h e by Exxon and its Co- 12 2% year-over-year to millionacres.CNOOCholds tohim,thereisalsothebelief particular matter has to be Government’s “sanctity of Venturers. 172.9 million barrels of oil 25%interest. that the opposition would go debated openly, not for the contract” position is at odds Obstacles to Change equivalent (BOE), with the Oil was discovered in in favour of the referendum head of a political party or a with public sentiment. The The survey also delved Payara project in Guyana 2015 and by December to complicate the process. member of the cabinet to survey, conducted by Ram into the views of the highlighted as a major 2019, oil production “Citizens of Guyana are pronounce on it just like and McRae, using the participants on what they contributortothisincrease. commenced. Currently, they sensible enough to choose at that… on any issue… and it Google Forms platform consider as the key obstacles Inthefirstninemonthsof a r e t h r e e F l o a t i n g the upcoming elections, the must be debated fully, and attracted 135 responses from to renegotiation. A 2024, CNOOC achieved a Production,Storage,and political party with a plan thenifthereisanappropriate a diverse group of resounding 80.3% of the net production of 542.1 (Continued on page 38)

From page 37 Project, began production in Hess’sQ3estimatesreleased barrel. still need to clear a challenge and innovation. The Bank Offloading units (FPSOs) November 2023, and had a on Wednesday, highlights It should be noted that

has planned a series of operating in the Stabroek quick increase in its Guyana’s product as the despite slight fluctuations, CNOOC Limited, Hess’s

Block. The Liza Destiny, production The vessel company’s most valuable, Hess’s portfolio saw an partners in a Guyana joint technological roll-out within Liza Unity, and Prosperity reached 100,000 bpd in outperforming other regions overall increase in average venture, who claim a right of thenextfewmonthsthatwill FPSO

n in Hess’s portfolio. Crude selling prices from the first refusal to any sale of

producing a combined exceeded180,000bpdbythe from Guyana’s prolific previous year For crude oil, Hess’s Guyana assets, the experience. These rollouts 650,000barrelsofoilperday end of December This Stabroek Block showed the worldwide average price prizeintheproposedmerger will soon be announced to (bpd). vessel’s current authorized steady gains, selling at rose from US$75 72 per A three-judge arbitration the public,” the DBL

The Liza 1 project, production capacity is US$80 41 per barrel on barrel in 2023 to US$79.14 panel is due to consider the statementnoted. utilising the Liza Destiny 252,000bpd. average in 2023, up to in2024. casenextMay



Excluding hedging,

Highlights: for production of 120,000 Friday The third-quarter report which provides a less Demerara Bank’s loans Net Profit Growth: Net barrels per day (bpd), later highlights the global buffered view of market surge to $95.36B profit increased by 37% to optimised and is currently Guyana’s oil is variance in crude oil prices, dynamics, the average — capturing 38% of G$5 59 billion, up from producing 157,000 bpd. The Hess top seller emphasizing Guyana’s selling prices remained sector lending, with zero G$4.08billionin2023. Liza Unity FPSO, which - average price pegged significance in Hess’s similar Guyana’s crude non-performing loans Earnings Per Share: started in February 2022 at US$82 per barrel international lineup. Crude maintain

d a robust Earnings per share improved with a capacity of 220,000 oil from North Dakota in the US$82.18 per barrel, while Wi t h t h e a i d o f by 37% to $12.42, up from bpd, was also optimised. American oil company United States averaged a Hess’s U.S. crude fetched an technology, Demerara G$9.06in2023. Recently, Exxon disclosed Hess Corporation has selling price of US$73.47 average of US$74.13, and Bank’s Loans and Advances DepositExpansion:Total that this vessel is producing revealed that Guyana’s oil per barrel, while offshore Malaysia and JDAoil sold at have soared to $95 36 deposits surged by 25% to 252,000 bpd but disclosed has been its top seller over U S production sold at US$81.35. billion, accounting for 38% G$174 56 billion as of that there are plans to hit a thefirstninemonthsof2024, US$76 77 Meanwhile, G

k of banking sector lending September 30, 2024, driven dailyoutputof270,000bpd. fetching an average price of Malaysia and the Joint Block which is estimated to overthelasttwelve,thebank by a 29% growth in savings The Prosperity vessel US$82.18perbarrel. Development Area (JDA) hold 11.6 billion barrels of saidinastatement. deposits, which rose from operating in the Payara This figure, reported in averaged US$81 35 per

G$79.4 billion in 2023 to

maintained its exemplary G$102 4 billion Deposit Limited.Theblockislocated

n- growth within the banking approximately 120 miles performing loans The sector [all commercial offshore Guyana, and is 6.6 information is contained in banks]increasedby19%. million acres Oil was the Bank’s consolidated Return on Average discovered in 2015 and by financialperformanceforthe Assets: The Return on Decem

2019 oil year ended September 30, Average Assets increased to production commenced 2024, delivering exceptional 3.1%,exceedingtheindustry Currently they are three growth across all financial averageof2.11%

indicators, with significant MarketShareofBanking Storage, and Offloading contributions to lending and Assets: This increased by units (FPSOs) operating in support for key sectors of 22%overthelastfiveyears. theStabroekBlock.TheLiza Guyana’s economic Loan Growth: Demerara Destiny, Liza Unity, and development. Bank Ltd. recorded a 34% Prosperity FPSOs are Additionally, the bank increase in total loans and currently producing a reported a 34% increase in advances, increasing from combined 650,000 barrels of loans and advances, rising G$71.37 billion in 2023 to oilperday(bpd). from G$71 37 billion in G$95 36 billion in 2024 M o r e o v e r , t h i s 2023 to G$95.36 billion in against banking sector publicationrecentlyreported 2024. This growth, the ban growthofonly17%. that Hess estimated results said reflects DBL’s strategic Sectoral Diversification: on its operations for the third efforts to diversify its Lending in key sectors in quarter of 2024, places a lending portfolio, with 2024 included residential / spotlight on the company’s notable expansions in commercial real estate, increased oil production in agriculture, real estate, consumer financing, Guyana, where Hess holds a SME’s and services, all s e r v i c e s , S M E ’s & 30% interest in the prolific supporting the growing Agriculture and other Stabroek Block. In relation Guyaneseeconomy important sectors, reflecting to Guyana, Hess reported While driving sectoral the banks strategic focus on that net production from its growth, the bank has diverseeconomicsupport. operations reached 170,000 maintained zero non- Zero Non-Performing barrels of oil per day (bopd) performing loans for the Loans: For the third up 57% from 108,000 bopd third consecutive year, consecutive year, Demerara in the same period last year underscoring disciplined Bank Ltd. maintained zero Notably, the company’s credit management, the non-performing loans, overall net production in the statement read. Accounting underlining its disciplined third quarter rose to 461,000 for 38% of the total increase c r e d i t m a n a g e m e n t barrels of oil equivalent per in industry-wide lending, practices. Enhanced Capital day (boepd), up 17% from DBL reinforced its role as a Adequacy: The capital 395,000 boepd in 2023. This major contribu

adequacy ratio rose to increase, the company said G

c 23 53%, exceeding the is, “primarily due to higher progress “This milestone industry average of 18.11% productioninGuyana.” year was also marked by a n d t h e r e g u l a t o r y Back in 2023, it was strategic investments in benchmarkof8%. announced thatAmerican oil c u s t o m e r c e n t e r e d Robust Asset Growth: giant, Chevron will be technology, disciplined risk Total assets expanded by acquiring Hess for US$53 management and continued 27% to G$202.23 billion, billion; which Hess commitment to modern, highlighting the bank’s shareholders approved back customer-focused solutions. robust financial health and in May While the U S Enhanced technological capacityforfuturegrowth. Federal Trade Commission infrastructure further Looking ahead allowed Chevron’s purchase underscored DBL’s mission Meanwhile,asDemerara ofHessCorporation,thedeal of economic empowerment (Continued on page 39)

From page 38

addition of Pioneer and thestructuralearningspower utilising the Liza Destiny Bank Ltd. enters its 30th growth in their Permian ofthecompany,”headded. vessel,wasinitiallydesigned year, it remains focused on assetsdroveaUS$2.8billion ExxonMobil Guyana for production of 120,000

sustainable growth, improvement in earnings operation barrels per day (bpd), later technological innovation Notably Mikells said, “The ExxonMobil Guyana optimised and is currently and meaningful community portfolio of advantaged Limited (EMGL) is the producing157,000bpd. engagement. The bank is assets we have built in our operator of the Stabroek The Liza Unity FPSO, committed to further upstream business is the Block. The U.S oil giant which started in February enhancing shareholder value envyoftheindustry.” holds 45% interest in the 2022 with a capacity of while meeting the evolving Moreover, CNBC block, while its partners 220,000 bpd, was also needsofitscustomers. reported that during the Hess and CNOOC hold 30% optimised. Recently, Exxon

Chief Executive Officer, company’s programme and25%respectively disclosed that this vessel is Dowlat Parbhu, articulated “Squawk Box”, Chairman Exxon is looking to hit producing 252,000 bpd but the bank’s enduring promise and Chief Executive Officer 500 million barrels of oil disclosed that there are plans “We have always aimed to (CEO) of Exxon, Darren before the end of 2024, since to hit a daily output of build a bank that offers Woods said, “This quarter is oil production started in the 270,000bpd. modern, customer-focused one of the best third quarters Stabroek Block offshore The Prosperity vessel financial solutions while we’ve had in the past Guyana in December 2019. operating in the Payara adhering to the highest decade.” Currently, there are three Project, began production in s t a n d a r d s o f t r u s t ,

“In the upstream, we see Floating Production, November 2023, and had a transparency, and stability.” recordvolumescomingfrom Storage, and Offloading quick increase in its Heexpressedgratitudetohis m a r k i n g a n o t a b l e barrels of oil equivalent, has our advantaged assets like units (FPSOs) operating in production. team for their hard work and contributor to its US$8.6 increased by more than 60% Guyana and the Permian,” theStabroekBlock. The vessel reached commitment, as well as billion in earnings for the year over year “Following WoodstoldCNBC. The Liza Destiny, Liza 100,000 bpd in November, appreciation for the trust thirdquarterof2024. the scheduled work on Liza “Our industry-leading Unity,andProsperityFPSOs and then exceeded 180,000 placed in them by their D u r i n g E x x o n ’ s Phase One and Liza Phase results continue to are currently producing a bpd by the end of December customers and the ongoing quarterly earnings call on Two, to facilitate the gas to demonstrate how our combined 650,000 barrels of This vessel’s current support from shareholders. Friday, Kathryn Mikells the energyprojecttiein,wewere e n t e r p r i s e - w i d e oilperday(bpd). authorized production Chairman, Mr Komal company’s Chief Financial able to ramp back up to transformation is improving The Liza 1 project, capacityis252,000bpd. Samaroo acknowledged this Officer (CFO) underscored record gross production year’s success, attributing it the impact of Exxon’s levels in September,” she to strategic foresight and the diverse portfolio and its added. dedication of the Demerara growing operations in According to Mikells, Bank Limited team, stating Guyana. this quarter Exxon delivered “Our results this year reflect “ExxonMobil continues itshighestliquidsproduction our ongoing commitment to to deliver industry leading inover40years. excellence, innovation and results, earning US$8 6 This achievement she economic empowerment for billion in the third quarter, underscored was driven by thepeopleofGuyana.” a n d o n c e a g a i n , advantaged growth from demonstrating the strength both the Permian and Saturday of our portfolio and how our Guyana operations. “Our e n t e r p r i s e - w i d e growth in advantaged Exxon says oil production transformationhasimproved volumes is delivering higher in Guyana increased by the earnings power of the profitability to our bottom 60% since last year company across all of our line at constant prices, – reveals Stabroek Block businesses,”Mikellssaid. average profit per barrel has among three operations SheexplainedthatExxon doubled over the past five that drove US$2.8B has been focused on years,”shesaid. improvement in third reducing costs, investing in Moreover, Mikells stated quarter earnings high-return projects, and that Exxon’s strategy to selectively divesting non- improve earnings by driving United States oil giant, strategicassets. production from their ExxonMobil Corporation Mikells disclosed that oil advantages assets “really has reported a significant production from Guyana’s comestolifeinourresults.” boost in its oil production, Stabroek Block where According to her the with a 60% increase year- Exxon has discovered combination of Guyana’s over-year in Guyana, approximately 11 billion Payara project startup, the

ExxonMobil Corporation, Chief Executive Officer

Chapter 11: Star Vibes Dance-Training Headphones

Before becoming the Personal Assistant to the Non-Personal Assistant to the Executive Assistant to the President of Earth, Jackson had not traveled much. In fact, he had only left Earth once, as part of a SolarCruiseforhisMother's 50th birthday. And by the timetheyhadpassedJupiter, he was ready to go back home. And since becoming Personal Assistant to the Non-Personal Assistant to the Executive Assistant to the President of Earth, Jacksonhadonlybeenasked to join an interstellar expedition once: the same tripthathadseenhimpulled through a black hole, onto a Byzong Warship, and, more presently, jettisoned through spaceviaaWarpPort.

So, it should come as no surprise to you that when he appeared alongside Tarza, Dusty, and Plod in the heart ofPelligrant'sStation,itwas his first time there. He had just been transported, or more accurately, “warped”, into a warping booth and barelymadeitoutoftheeggshapedvesselbeforethenext warping party, a family of Blonga Birds, arrived. If it hadnotbeenfortheprodding of Plod, he may well have hadaBlongaBirdappearon hishead,and,giventhattheir beaks can pierce through Earthmetal,it'sagoodthing hesteppedontotheconveyor belt passing by the booth whenhedid.

“Jackson! We finally made it out!” screamed Tarza, hopping onto the conveyorbeltwithDusty

She gave both the ROBs abighug.“Thanksforsaving us back there! I knew you guyswouldn'tletmedown!” “Our pleasure,” said Plod. “Affirmative,” said Dusty “We will help you in whatever manner we can,” he added. “Yes, thank you very much,” said Jackson, st

ill dazed and dizzy from the experience “You're welcome,” said Dusty “We willonlyhelpyouifithelps Tarza,”headded.

Moving right past it, Jackson asked, “Where are we? And when can we stop moving…?"

“Pelligrant Station of course!” said Tarza. “I… I can't say I'm familiar,” he answered.

“You'renotgoingtostop making any decisions because you're confused again, are you?” she asked with a smile “Haven't decided,”hesaidback.Tarza couldn'tbesure,butthought she was beginning to see a spark of confidence in her newfriend.

As they moved through, Jacksonlookedaroundatthe vastnessofthestation.What struck him the most was the lack of walls Seemingly, therewasnothingseparating themfromspace,yethewas able to breath, and survive, andwasquitehappywiththe temperature.

Above him, there were hundreds, if not thousands, of clear tubes with bright electric blue trains speeding through and passing overhead And there were conveyor belts, like the one he was on, carrying passengers from solar systemsfromeverycornerof the galaxy, and perhaps beyond. Looking at the size and shapes (and glows) of new and wondrous species, he considered how different theircruisesmustbe.

Onetravelerinparticular caught his eye They resembled an Earth octopus, or squid, but had ten tentacles And as Jackson had learned during a short but formative phase of his childhood where he was fascinated by the deep sea, octopuses have eight arms, and squids may have eight arms and two tentacles (tentacles having suckers

I want to be Good

Ithinkitisonlyright ThatImustalwaystrytobegood, Tosayanddothecorrectthing, AndbehaveaswellasIcould.

Iwillalwaystrytobehonest, InwhateverIhavetodo, Nottotakewhatbelongstoothers, Andalwaysspeakwhatistrue.

Iwilltrytobealwaysfair, WheneverIworkorplay, AlwaysmakesureIdonotcheat, Andbehonestineveryway

Aboveall,Iwillnotbeselfish, Especiallywiththosewhohavelessthanme; Thiswillmakemefeelsogood, Astheybecomegratefultome.

only on the end, and arms having suckers throughout). Thatistosay,nocreaturehe had ever seen had ten tentacles, and none of them, notaone,usedthemtostand up and dance on a conveyor belt like they were. It was only when their belt started to converge that Jackson realized they were listening to some music through a set of Star Vibes Dance-

Training Headphones, the headphones that use gamma vibrations set to your music to make you dance better than you ever have before, guaranteed.AndJacksonhad toadmitthatthealienhewas watching had better moves thananyhumanhe'dseen“Is this where you wanted to take us?” he asked Tarza “Not exactly We can't warp there directly No one can. So, we'll have to take a train the rest of the way.” Soon they were unloaded onto a platformwithamassivetreelikestructureinthecenter If Jackson didn't know any better, he would say that it was a tree The roots extended in every direction, windingandweavingaround the platform, before disappearing beneath it Passenger after passenger exited their conveyor belts and made their way towards thetree.

Everyone funneled towards a large opening in the base of the tree, where attendants waited to greet thematsmallkiosks.

“So this tree-thing will getusthere?”askedJackson.

Tarza shook her head “It's not a tree-thing. It's a Neuro-Simulating MultiOutletDistributionNetwork. NESMOD Networks are a marvelofengineering!”

“Oh,” said Jackson, and nothingmore.

As they entered what Jackson would still refer to as“thetree”fortherestofhis life, a bubbly attendant with (Continuedonpage42)


· paper rolls (toilet paper roll, kitchen paper towelrolls)

· yarninmanycolors

· scissors

· tissuepaper


1. Start by cutting yarn intothreads.

2. You'll need plenty of threads, all with equallenght,thelengthdependsonthewidth ofyourpaperroll–soyou'llhavetofindthe perfectlenghtforyourself.

3.You can start with cutting 1 thread and tryingitout.

4.Cutthepaperroll,youonlyneedathin “ring”.

5.“Fold”theyarnthreadinhalfandpush the“loop”sidethroughthepaperroll.

6. Now take the other end and “fold” it over the paperrollandintotheloop. Pulltogetaknot.

7.Rinseandrepeatuntil you have all the paper roll coveredwithyarn.

8. Once all is covered you will need to push the yarnthroughthepaperroll.

9. I found the easiest way to do that is to “twist”allthreadsandjustpushthemthrough.


11. Push it into the paper roll – this will helpyougettheperfecthatshapeandkeepthe yarninplace.

12.Nowallthatislefttodoistotieaknot aroundthethreadstogetanicehatshapeand trimthepompomtogetanicershape.


Prepare for the Future by adopting Right Principles

When the time comes for a teenager to leaveschoolandgooutinto the wider world to start life as an adult citizen and worker,hewouldobviously behopingthathewillbegin in the right way He must thereforerealisethathewill need to think about this beforemovingforward.

There are many people who feel that they can

achieve success and happiness by means which are not honest and fair to others, even to the point of makingthemsuffer.

The unfortunate thing is that these people may appear for some time to be prospering in life, so much sothatothersaretemptedto follow their example and likewise forget the principles they have been taught, and resort to their type of behaviour But if

you have the opportunity to check on these same people later, you will always find that they have reaped the same kind of reward that theyhavesown.

Treat people in a bad way,anditwillcomebackto you when you least expect. Neglect your duty, be

UncleRoyisonceagainappealingtoallteenstowriteto himaboutanyproblemyoumaybefacingforwhichyouneed asolution.

He would also like you to contribute to this Page by submitting other material that he can include here. These include:

1. A poem, short story or bit of advice that you have writtenandwouldliketosharewithyourfellowteens.

2. Any significant event that has happened, or any interestingitemaboutwhatisgoingoninyourcommunity

3.Acommentaryaboutwhereyoulivetoacquaintothers aboutit.

4.Anyadviceyouwouldliketopassontothoselikeyou whichwouldservetomakethembetter,andbeofbenefitto ourpeople.

As mentioned before, you can email me at: roypaul2002@yahoo.com


Each puzzle is divided into 14 different regions. Each region, row and column contains exactly three stars.

Stars may not be adjacent to each other (not even diagonally).

dishonest in your dealings with others, and you will eventually suffer the consequences, perhaps at thetimewhenyoucanleast affordit.

Itisafactthatoneofthe laws of nature is that what goes around comes around, andthisisjustastrueofour actions as the earth moving around the sun. Whatever you do in this world will work to determine your future progress and happiness.

Sometimeswefeelthat doing good will not be observed,butyoucannever tell when this is noticed by others However, just

knowingthatyouhavedone a right thing, especially whenitshowsnoimmediate benefittoyou,canbereward enough, and moreover the rewardwillsurelycome.

Wheneveryouarefaced with a challenging situation remember that the way you react will determine what youwillreapinthelongrun. Thismustsurelypromptyou to ask yourself in any situation what is the right thingtodo,andtakethehigh road,notreactingbutacting always according to what you have identified as right principles. Then you can restassuredthatallwillturn outrightintheend.

I'll never see this day again, The seconds or the hours, Now's the time to take the time To stop and smell the flowers.

Today's the day to give smiles And some happiness away, And the sunshine you were saving For some dark and rainy day

This day is truly priceless, God made this day so new, The good deed you do for another May just come back to you.

I have so many thanks to give, I scarce can even start, For when I try to add them up, More pour forth from my heart.

I'll take what the Lord has given, Drawn from His grace so true, In gratitude for all I take, I'll give myself toYou.

So touch a heart, hold another's hand, Call that lonely friend, Share the love that you must have, For this day won't come again.

Use principles rather than your feelings as the guidelines of your life to ensure you are always on the right path to success and happiness.

10 Beauty Tips for Beginners

1.DrinkWater–Whileyourbodyneedsabout4-8litresof wateraday,thefirstintakeofwaterisextremelycrucial.Assoon asyouwakeup,youmusthydrateyourskinwithaminimumof twoglassesofwater

2. Maintain A Healthy Diet – A well maintained diet and great skin go hand in hand. If you eat right, you can embrace clearerandfirmerskinthathaslittletonoblemishes.

3. Don't Use Too Many Products But The Right Kind Of Products–Usingmultipleskincareproductsisabignobecause it can make your skin harsh and rough.All you need are a few productsthatworkperfectlyforyourskintype;whetherdry,oily oramixofboth.

4.AlwaysStartWithAGoodCleanser–Agoodcleanserin yourarsenalishalfthejobdonewhenitcomestogoodskin.D

5.MoisturiseDayInAndDayOut–Yourskincanneverbe completelyhealthyifyoudonotmoisturiseatleasttwiceaday; onceafteryoufreshenupandoncebeforegoingtobed.

6.AvoidTooMuchSunExposure–Thedamagecausedby thesunisextremelysevere.Whetherit'scoldorhot,whetherthe sunisoutornot,steppingoutwithoutagooddoseofsunscreen isneveragoodidea.

7.TreatYourSkin–Thebestwaytogetallthevitaminsinto yourskinisthroughaserum.

8. Exfoliate And Refresh At Least Once A Week With A Mask/Pack –After a busy week, the best way to pamper your skinistoexfoliatewithapH-neutralproductandthenrejuvenate withacoolsheetmask.

TheWhiteSolutionInstantGlowSpaSheetMaskisaspafor yourskinathome.EmollientoilTencel,there'severythingyou needforsmooth,hydratedskin.

9. Follow A Regular Sleeping Pattern – Sleep deprivation affectsskinhydrationandskintexture;therefore,itisimportant to make sure you sleep on time and sleep enough so that your skinfeelsfreshtoo.

10. Don'tTouchYour FaceToo Much – Constant touching not only spreads bacteria and other germs but it also increases thechancesofdryness,wrinkles,andacne.Repeatafterus:don't touchyourface!

11.AcceptThatThereIsNoCompleteFix–Whileyoumay beexperimentingwithyourskincareyoushouldknowthatwhat works for others may not work for you and vice versa. It also takestimeforaroutinetokickinandstartshowingitseffecton yourskin,sopatienceiskey

Chapter 11: Star Vibes Dance-Training Headphones


long orange hair and blue skin pulledthemover

“Good morning! I mean, it's sunrise somewhere, am I right?” shesaidwithalaugh.

“Well I supposed that's “ startedJackson.

“Awww,” she said, looking at Jackson's face sympathetically “Looks like someone's still feeling a little sick from the Warp Port. Firsttime?”


“No matter, we'll get you all sorted and on your way in a jiffy! Didyouknowthatajiffyisactually 33.3564picoseconds?”Jacksonlet hercontinuewithoutanswering.

“So I guess I can't really say a jiffy can I, since that's already passed!” she said with another laugh. “Now, what is the name of yourdestinationtoday?”

She held her hands over the kioskscreen,readytogettowork.

Tarza reached into a secret compartment of her jacket and pulledoutthePocketWatch.

“Not a name,” she said “A time.”

Theattendant'seyesdroppedto thewatchandhersmilefaded.


time destinations nowadays In fact, you'll be my first one. But… there's a first for everything, am I right?!” she said, forcing another laugh.

“Howisawatchgoingtotellus where we're going?” Jackson whispered.

“It's the most foolproof way of finding a destination,” answered Tarza.

“Most folks get by just fine giving us a name,” said the attendant, in a noticeably lessfriendly tone as she scrolled through her screen and tapped at various points. “I'm sure they do. But planets can have similar if not identical names within a galaxy,” repliedTarza.

The attendant looked up to shootTarzaafirmstare.“Andthat's why we accept coordinates as well.”

“Yes, but as you know, with solarconditionsandunevenorbits, coordinates can also be less than reliable. The best way to find a planet is to identify it within the timelog.”

The attendant scoffed, read the time off the watch, then continued toclickawayonherscreen.

“I still don't understand. How

doesa time helpyoufinda place,” askedJackson.

“Every planet has a different system of time, created a different pointintheirplanet'shistory Think aboutit,doesSaturnhavethesame dateandtimeasEarth?”

“They couldn't Saturn was terraformed only three hundred years ago. Besides, their days are halfaslong.”

“Exactly!That's why a planet's date and time is one of the most unique things about.And certainly the best way to find it,” she said, shooting the attendant a look right back.

“The most secretive way, she means,”saidtheattendant.

“Huh?” said Jackson “Time logsaretheoldestmethodwehave hereforfindingaplanet,”answered the attendant. “Oldest and best,” blurtedTarza.

“It's rude to interrupt,” said the attendant. “As I was saying, the NESMODNetworkknowsthedate and time of any planet that registered pre-uniformity code. So it can align your train to the destination, but it won't share the coordinates or name with our administrative system. For years they tried to get it to share the log

with us but it gets made when you ask.”

“How does a tree get mad?” Jackson asked to a set of glares from everyone in earshot “I mean it really won't tell you wherewe'regoing?”

“Correct,” said the attendant. She turned the screen towards the groupandpressedaglowingbutton thatread“DEPART”.

Aholeopenedupinthefloorin frontofthem.Jacksonpeereddown to see that a mini train car was waiting for them below, with an open skyroof for boarding. It sat inside a hollowed out root, with a swiftcurrentofairblowingaround it “Enjoy your trip,” she said, forcinganothersmile.“Afteryou,” Tarza said to Dusty and Plod. The ROBs wheeled forward and droppedintoseatsinsidethetrain.

As Jackson began to climb in after them he felt a stirring within the station. The monitors at every kiosk began to flash with a red warning,causingthewholeinterior to glow crimson. And then, with onefootinsideatraincar,helooked upatthescreeninfrontofthemand saw his own face “Fugitive: Apprehend Immediately” The attendant'seyesandnostrilsflared. “I knew it!!” “Time to go!” yelled Tarza. She pushed Jackson in and followed from behind Jackson stared up at the attendant, still frozeninshock,asTarzaclosedthe skyroof Without a word, she pushedforwardonaleverandsent them careening forward, through a windy,twistedrootpath. Within moments, the root emptied them into a clear tube and Jacksonsaw,forthefirsttime,just howlargethestationtrulywas.He imaginedhecouldspendalifetime there and never see every tube. Jackson began to feel sick again. He thought for a moment that the tube itself was moving Like a telescope reaching for the right position He could feel himself pressed back against the soft cushioned seat from the speed Jacksoncouldbarelyhearanything over the whooshing sound of the trainflyingthroughthetube.“Don't worry! The tubes just point in the right direction!” shouted Tarza, also pressed against her seat.They exited the tube with a satisfying THWUMPandenteredthequietof space, smoothly floating towards their destination Tarza sat up straightagainandsmiled. “…spacetakescareoftherest."


The Miss World Guyana 2024 national competition proudly marks the 10th anniversary of Guyana’s Beauty with a Purpose (BWAP) platform, a milestonecelebratedinhonor of Rafieya Husain, whose victory in 2014 underscored theimportanceofserviceand community a principle deeply woven into the ethos

of the Miss World competition

Thisyear,theMissWorld Guyanaorganization,inlight of time for a full-fledged

national competition,

embraced a hybrid competition format that blends a virtual selection process with limited inperson events, focusing on quality over quantity. This innovative approach ensures that each candidate meets stringent eligibility criteria while also undergoing comprehensive training in Miss World protocols, regulations,andstandards.

With the conclusion of phase 1, the Miss World Guyana team announced the candidateswhowilladvance tothenextstage,showcasing

their talents through multimedia challenges designed to reflect the expectationsoftherolesthey aspiretofulfill.

Top five regional representatives include NaheeryahNaiomiNewland – Miss World Essequibo Islands-West Demerara; Lieve Blanckaert – Miss World Demerara-Mahaica; Rachael Mohabir – Miss

World East BerbiceCorentyne; Diana Lopez –Miss World Potaro-Siparuni ;and ZalikaSamuels–Miss World Upper DemeraraBerbice

Advancing to the

Multimedia Phase the five candidateswilladvancetothe nextphaseofthecompetition, where they will represent their regions through a series ofmultimediachallengesand daily updates about their journey on designated

regional pages This phase will culminate in the inperson competition, which beginsonDecember1,2024, and concludes on December 8, 2024, at the Ramada PrincessHotel

Apart from participating in multimedia challenges, candidates will launch their BWAP projects, receive further training across all aspects of the competition, and benefit from ongoing mentorship and public appearances Their dedication and embodiment of the Miss World Guyana valuespositionthemtomake asignificantimpact

The Beauty with a Purpose Charity Gala and Coronation Ceremony The grand final

he competition will be the Beauty with a Purpose CharityGalaonDecember8, 2024,attheRamadaPrincess Hotel This prestigious event willshowcasethecandidates’ serviceprojectsandcelebrate their contributions to the community Theeveningwill also feature the official handover of the crown by Andrea King, the reigning Miss World Guyana, as she passes the baton to a new queen who will represent Guyana on the international stage

Thisgalapromisestobea night of celebration, highlightingcharity,service, purpose, leadership, and e m p o w e r m e n t a n d reinforcing Miss World Guyana’s mission to inspire and uplift. Ultimately, one standout candidate will earn the opportunity to represent Guyana on the international MissWorldstage.

The comp

on emphasizes the Beauty with a Purp



ve, encouraging candidates to use their platform to create lasting positive change within their communities For more information, ticket availability and updates, p l e a s e v i s i t www.missworldguyana.gy

Heavilyarmedgunmenkidnap,robnineGuyaneseand Braziliansofrawgold,andgunsatGGMC’sMarudicheckpoint

Ninepersonswere t a k e n a s hostages on Saturdayafterheavilyarmed

gunmen robbed the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission’s (GGMC) ‘Bush Mouth’sub-station at

Marudi, Deep South Rupununi,RegionNine.

TheGuyanaPoliceForce (GPF) in a statement said

that the hostages were four Brazilian nationals and five Guyanese.Theninehostages wereeventuallyrescueddue to efforts by the Joint Services.

Reportsarethattheranks engaged the gunmen in hot pursuit causing them to abandon their vehicle and leavethehostagesbehind.

Policelateridentifiedthe victims as Victor Adams, a 34-year-old Natural ResourcesOfficerofLot676

Section7Field‘B’Pattersen Drive,Georgetown,Romain Simon, a 39-year-old NaturalResourceOfficer of Block 1,481 Zeelugt,


Christopher Charles, a 17year-old Barber of Lethem, Central Rupununi, Curtis Charles, a 35-year-old Lieutenant of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) and resident of Block ‘X’ Diamond Housing Scheme, Karl Antone, a 30-year-old Community Mines Ranger of Aishalton Village, South Rupununi, Benedict John, a 28-year-old Caretaker of Karaudanau Village, South Rupununi, Dionei Farias De Brito, a 29-year-old General Manager of Boa Vista, Brazil, and Eduardo Moreira Freitas, a 22-yearold operator of Boa Vista Brazil.

Photos and videos have surfaced of the incident on social media and went viral. One video showed what appeared to be an exchange

ofgunfireattheGGMCsubstation. Spent shells were foundatthescene.

Police have confirmed that gunmen escaped with a quantity of raw gold along withtwoGlockpistolsanda Mavado watch valued at $140,000.

Investigations so far have revealed that six masked gunmen ambushed thevictimsaround10:15hrs. at strategic GGMC checkpoints.

The suspects are believed to be Brazilian nationals because of their strongPortugueseaccent.

Police said the victims were heading to Marudi Backdam but stopped at the GGMC gate to check in whenthebanditsattacked. Investigations are ongoing.

hostages (Aishalton Village Council)

Child who swallowed thumbtack died from suffocation - PME

Six-year-old Mekhi News spoke with the child’s his son. He noted that Mekhi there, my son was already He recounted that upon Rodrigues, the child who father and the attorney repeatedly approached the dead,”thefatherlamented. arrival at the hospital, the swallowed a thumbtack at a representingtheschool. teacher, expressing his Rodrigues expressed his doctor informed him that Crane school on Friday, died

A t t o r n e y Yu b o r n difficulty breathing, but she frustration over the teacher’s Mekhi arrived with no from suffocation caused by Allicocktoldthispublication dismissedhimuntilhebegan inaction, stating, “From heartbeat and efforts to the tack lodged in his throat, that the child had gone to the toshowsignsofdistress.The 11:00 to 11:43, the teacher r

the Guyana Police Force washroom and accidentally Head Mistress was informed paid no mind to my son. He unsuccessful, leading to the (GPF)revealedonSaturday swallowed a thumbtack. He before he was taken to the was up and walking around, devastating conclusion that

The police said that the then rushed to his class hospital. “By the time he got doing whatever he wanted.” hewaspronounceddead. Post Mortem Examination teacher, indicating he was

w a s p e r f o r m e d b y having trouble breathing Government Pathologist Dr Allicock described the Nehaul Singh at the Ezekiel child’s condition, saying he Funeralhome. began to vomit and act

Dr Singh determined frantically, leading to his that suffocation as the cause transporttothehospital.“All ofthechild’sdeath. ofthiswasdoneinunderfour

Dead: Mekhi Rodrigues

Investigations revealed nearby West Demerara minutes,”hesaid. that on October 29, 2024, Regional Hospital, where he

However, the child’s Rodrigues was playing with waspronounceddead. father, Orin Rodrigues, chalk at his private school The child’s mother, provided a contrasting when he complained to a Rebehak Rodrigues, was account After reviewing teacher about difficulty informed, and a report was CCTV footage from the b r e a t h i n g H e w a s filed. classroom, he claimed the subsequently rushed to the On Friday, Kaieteur teacherpaidlittleattentionto

Third suspect in soldier’s murder remanded after 1 year on the run

The third suspect in the murder of a Guyana Defence Force (GDF) rank was on Friday remanded to prison after being on the run for morethanayear

The defendant, 26-yearold Ghanie Jamie of South Sophia, Georgetown was captured on October 26, 2024 in Kairuni Backdam, Linden-SoesdykeHighway

On Friday, Jamie was p l a c e d b e f o r e t h e Georgetown Magistrates’ Court for murder during the furtheranceofrobbery

Remanded: Ghanie Jamie

Ghanie and two others Randy Wright and Joshua Parris are accused of the shooting death of Lieutenant RondellAnthonyDouglason buy excavator parts. This Douglas fought with the June 7, 2023 while robbing promptedthementoactwith men but lost the battle after himofhiscar haste. one of the carjackers shot

Ghanie was not required On June 7, the men went him before driving off with to plead to the charge which in search of a car to steal. his car Douglas was left in a was read to him by Acting They allegedly checked a pool of blood until residents Chief Magistrate Faith few taxi services and intheareacalledpolice. McGusty He was remanded selected the soldier as their Police reported that his to prison until November 22, target. body bore two wounds-one 2024.The accused now joins Douglas worked part- inthechestandanotherinthe his alleged accomplices - time as a taxi driver with head Investigators later who were remanded since Alladin’s Taxi Service found his stolen car lastyear located in La Grange, West abandoned along Stone Investigatorsarealleging Bank Demerara (WBD). On Avenue, Campbellville, that Ghanie and his the night in question, one of Georgetown. accomplices were planning the suspects posed as a K a i e t e u r N e w s torobabusinessmanofsome customer and hired Douglas understands that after $40 million dollars but they fromthebase. realizing that the trio needed a car to pull off the The carjacker reportedly allegedly tried to sell the heist. luredhimtotheendofaCul- vehicle but the buyers learnt

The businessman was de-Sac in North Ruimveldt, that it was the dead soldier’s reportedlysendingcashfrom Georgetown where the car the deal was cancelled aninteriorlocationtothecity others emerged from the giving the bandits no choice with one of his employees to bushesandpouncedonhim. buttoabandonthecar

Kamarang Village to get $60M maternity waiting home

Residents of the Amerindian Village of Kamarang in Upper Mazaruni, Region Seven will soon benefit from a maternity waiting home, according to an invitation for bids issued by the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region Seven.

TheRDCisseekingcontractorstoundertakethejobthatis estimatedtocost$60.1million.

This publication understands that the lone district hospital in the Upper Mazaruni area is located at Kamarang and benefits residents of neighbouring villages such as Paruima, PhillipaiandWaramadong.

Maternity waiting homes are built in the vicinity of the hospitals, so that pregnant women from the far-flung villages inthehinterlandregionshavesomewheretostaywhentheygo intolabour,beforebeingtransferredtothehospital.

The government, as a result, is building several maternity waiting homes across the country to cater to and for pregnant women. The maternity waiting homes are aimed at reducing maternalandneonataldeathsparticularlyinthehinterlandand ruralcommunities.

At the 2022 commissioning ceremony of the $27 million upgraded maternity waiting home in Lethem, Minster of Health, Dr Frank Anthony said that the government will continuetobuildthewaitinghomesacrossthecountry

In addition to this project, the RDC is also looking for contractors to construct a teachers’ living quarters at Eteringbang which is estimated to cost $45million. The Regional Administration will also be rehabilitating the DC CasearFoxSecondarySchool.Theprojectisestimatedtocost $121.1millionwhiletheconstructionofadormitoryatIssano Villageisestimatedtoat$396.1million.

Bids for these projects are expected to open on November 21, at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board’s(NPTAB)office.

Recaptured: Kevin Mohamed


Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.

Domestic (Live in option available), female cook and male & female workers for the interior :660-9093 / 674-9999 / 680-7803.

COINS Wanted, I buy coins best prices paid. Tele : 6430902 / 653-4287.

Canter Driver age 30 year or older, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 6130855 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).

One nursery school teacher for three year old, 3 days per week from 11 am -1 PM. Call : 629-5439.

One driver residing on West bank /West coast demerara,must be licensed for Car,van & truck. Call : 2642524.

One handyman to clean yard once a week. Call : 623-8414.

One handyman / Porter residing on West bank /West coast demerara,must know to read & write.Call : 624-0239..

Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call : 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Live- In housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virgina, U.S.A, free room & Boarding offered. Call : 845-325-8241

One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or call 615-9132.

Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443

One maid/ cook (Must know to cook Indian dishes) Contact : 680-4718.

Mason, Labourer & Carpenter wanted to work in Linden. Contact : 602-9469 , 6157526,660-6385 , 625-7642.

Vacancy exists for one nanny, Please call : 612-0149.

Male desk staff, Male room attendant, receptionist 25-30 years old. 233 South Road Lacytown. 225-0198.

One (1) qualify physiotherapist for home services in East Bank area Call 615-9132.

162 graduate from Guyana’s first

Int’l Human Rights Law course

One hundred and sixtytwo persons graduated from the country’s International Human Rights Law Certificate course on Saturday.

The graduation ceremony was held at the Guyana Marriott Hotel, Kingston, Georgetown and facilitated by the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance.

The programme which was launched on July 20, 2024 and concluded on October 12, 2024 was designed to equip public and private sector workers as well as civil society members with an understanding of Guyana’s human rights architecture in the context of international human rights.

The programme, which was conducted for 10 weeks, and had 17 sessions, focused on a plethora of topics including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Guyana’s human rights framework, the International Bill of Rights, key legislation that protects human rights in Guyana, and contemporary issues in human rights law as well as global food security.


Queenstown, North-East LaPenitence, Agricola Public Road (80x269), Parfaite Harmony. Contact: Ray's Realty 627-9685

During the ceremony, subject minister Gail Teixeira said a key element of democracy is to have an informed population.

“We discovered although many people spoke of human rights, they were not well informed about international rights conventions nor about Guyana’s constitution and laws and how these worked to enhance and protect human rights both here and internationally,” Teixeira said.

The Minister highlighted that this was particularly evident in the National Mechanism for Reporting and Follow up, the National Stakeholders Forum established by the MiniPAG, and the media.

Teixeira said, “We discussed in the latter part of 2023 designing an International Human Rights Law Certificate programme. We designed this programme internally based on our

experience and decided to have a hybrid programme, mostly virtual to allow widest participation.”


The minister disclosed that several challenges were faced during the execution of the programme.

Those included difficulty identifying presenters for the courses.

“... And we are pleased that each topic was covered and we had 19 presenters, nine local experts and 10 external experts,” she said while disclosing that 1000 persons applied for the programme. However, only 200 persons were accepted.

“We tried to ensure ... these participants, gender, education background and geographic location and persons in the private, public sector and civil society,” the Minister said.

She further related the third challenge was to find a

coordinator for the programme, but soon realized it was better to give the Ministry’s senior research officer, Anil Persaud the additional responsibility to coordinate the course.

“This course couldn’t have worked so well without his (Persaud) constant coordination and communication with presenters and students,” the Minister said in her remarks to Persaud.

Furthermore, Teixeira stated that the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance would be making this course an annual programme.

She added, “I have also been asked to consider expanding access to the course for the diaspora who have expressed an interest in this programme as well as open to our CARICOM (Caribbean Community) sister countries.”

One-foot bandit dies after crashing into car

Fish process to work in Georgetown. Contact : 6825002

Gardener / Handyman fulltime or part-time. Tele : 2260240.

Seeking a reliable housekeeper / Maid for 4 days weekly in Providence. Must be trustworthy. 624-8591.

One sales girl wanted to work in boutique in Georgetown. Call : 698-7152. Reputable transportation service is seeking experienced Chauffeur with mini bus and hire car license. Call: 645-0025 / 707-9428.

Male sales-rep 22-28 years old, Knowledge about vehicle models would be an asset. Call : 709-4313. EDUCATION


Starting soon at St. John Association. Call: 225-9082.


Executive Apts - Fully furnished in Parfaite Harmony and Herstelling USD1100 call : 608 -3575

Warehouse for rent in Central Georgetown , 16,000 Sqarefeet. Contact : 613-9899 / 226-4878.

Commericial space Croal street( Stabroek market area) Sheriff street( Residential Houston & Friendship, East Bank.Contact: Ray's Realty 627-9685


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.


Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.

Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.


Many Metal working machines for fabricating repairs & modify machinery parts. Come, make an offer. Tele : 227-1813.

Shop for sale in Bourda Market. Call : 626-6990 / 638-3065.

A one-foot bandit is now dead and his accomplice seriously injured after they crashed into a car while on a motorbike on Saturday Night in Diamond, East Bank Demerara (EBD).

Details are sketchy at this time but information reaching Kaieteur News suggests that the men were fleeing from a robbery they had just committed. It is unclear where the robbery occurred but persons in the

community said that a supermarket was robbed. An eyewitness said the suspected bandits slammed into the car that she was a passenger in.

“They were coming out of 21st Avenue (In Diamond Housing Scheme),” the woman recounted before adding, “There was some robbery at the supermarket and it had some other people chasing them in a car and they ride into our vehicle”.

The bandits on the road after the collision.

Dozens killed in airstrikes across Gaza as the UN restarts its polio vaccination campaign

At least 30 people have ofaccess. Polio can be a lifebeen killed in recent Israeli During each round of the threatening disease, it air and artillery strikes campaign, two drops of mainly affects infants and across the Gaza Strip noveloralpoliovaccinetype children under 5, but anyone Palestinian security sources 2 are being administered to who is unvaccinated can say the Israeli army has thousands of children under catchit. ramped up its attacks across ten years of age. The final There is no cure for Gaza, principally at the phase of the campaign had po

Nuseirat refugee camp. aimed to reach an estimated vaccination can be an Medicssaytheyrecoveredat 119,000 children in northern

At least 30 people have been killed in Israeli air and artillery strikes across the Gaza Strip.

(AFP or licensors)

least ten bodies after an Gaza with a second dose of strategy.Itisverycontagious artillery strike hit a school novel vaccine. However, the and spreads from person to sheltering displaced persons WHO says achieving this person usually, when atthecamp. target is now unlikely due to someone is in contact with In another incident, two accessconstraints. the feces of an infected people were killed in an Fears about polio personandthentouchestheir Israeli strike east of Gaza worsened when Gaza mouth – it is ingested City Amid all this, the last recorded its first case in 25 through contaminated water phase of a polio vaccination years during August, which orfood. severely weakened health operation has started Gaza. leftababyboyparalysed. The virus attacks the system, the risk of spreading

T h e Wo r l d H e a l t h According to the Israeli spinal cord and can cause is very high. Elsewhere on Organization (WHO) said Ministry of Health, sewage irreversible paralysis in Saturday, a rocket fired from the latest phase was delayed samples were found to children. Lebanon struck a building in in October by UN agencies contain poliovirus type 2 Due to major problems the mixed Arab-Israeli town duetointenseIsraeliattacks, when examined in Israeli with the fresh water supply, of Tira in Israel, injuring 19 mass displacement and lack laboratories. sewage disposal and the people.

Iran’ssupremeleadersaysenemies willreceive‘crushingresponse’

Harris and Trump make duelling pitches in crucial North Carolina as Election Day looms

Donald Trump makes his pitch in the battleground state ofNorthCarolina,bringingupissuesthattopvoterconcerns, suchastheeconomyandimmigration.KamalaHarrisisalso appearing at several rallies on the final weekend of campaigning, with the topics of abortion and the economy featuringprominently Withjusttwodaystogountilelection day, both presidential candidates will end the day with competingeventsinNorthCarolina-astateTrumpcarriedin 2020butdidsobyjustover70,000votes.

TheracefortheWhiteHouseisonaknifeedgewiththree days to go - check our poll tracker her Kamala Harris has begun her rally in North Carolina by attacking Donald Trump, which she has increasingly done in the final days of theelection.

Though Trump won the state in 2016 and 2020, here in

An Iranian response to Israel’s attack would further escalate a volatile situation in the Middle East

viaReuters armed groups fighting Israel Iranhasnotadmittedthis. Israel said it wanted to

The US and Israel “will - and a senior Iranian Israel sees Iran as the ensure the safe return of tens definitely receive a crushing commander crucial backer of the Hamas of thousands of residents response”, Iran’s supreme Khamenei said Iran’s attacks which killed about from northern Israel leader has said, following an enemies, including Israel 1,200 people on 7 October displacedbytheconflict. Israeli attack on Iran a week and the US, “will definitely lastyear

More than 2,800 people ago.AyatollahAliKhamenei receive a crushing response

More than 250 were also have been killed in Lebanon made the comments while to what they are doing to taken into the Gaza Strip as since then, and 1.2 million speaking to students on Iran, the Iranian people, and hostages. others displaced, according Saturday ahead of the 45th theresistancefront”. Since then, Israel has toLebaneseauthorities. anniversary of the 1979 Iran’s so-called “axis of launched a major operation Israeli authorities say seizureoftheUSembassyin resistance” is an alliance of in Gaza, during which more more than 60 people have Tehran. Tehran-backed groups that than 43,300 people have been killed by Hezbollah

The threat comes as Iran include Hamas in Gaza, been killed, according to the rocket, drone, and missile assesses whether and how to Hezbollah in Lebanon, the territory’s Hamas-run health attacksinnorthernIsraeland respondtoIsrael’sattacklast Houthis inYemen, and well- ministry theoccupiedGolanHeights. month, that Iran said killed armed groups in Iraq and Israel also went on the Relations between the four soldiers, which was in Syria Most have been offensive against Hezbollah US and Iran have not retaliation for an Iranian designated as terrorist in Lebanon in September, properly stabilised since 4 missile attack against Israel entities by some Western after almost a year of cross- November 1979, when earlierinOctober states. Israel is said to have border fighting and rocket Iranian protesters seized

The Iranian attack came inflicted severe damage on fire, which Hezbollah had more than 50 US diplomats in response to the killings of Iranian air defences and launched in support of andembassystaff,triggering the leaders of Hezbollah and missile capacities in its 26 Palestinians the day after the a hostage drama that lasted Hamas - Iranian-backed October attack, even though Hamasattacks. 444days.

Charlotte - a Democratic hub in the battleground state - the crowdisall-inonHarris.

She is barely able to get through her remarks without beingdisruptedbychantsofhername.

“We know who Donald Trump is,” she begins, cut off shortlyafterbythecrowdyelling“boo”.

“Thisissomeonewhoisincreasinglyunstable.Obsessed with revenge…the man is out for unchecked power,” Harris says. She then pivots to the economy, which has ranked as a topelectionissueamongvoters.

A recent AP-NORC poll found that voters were split, along party lines, as to whether they trustedTrump or Harris more on issues such as the cost of groceries and gas or jobs andunemployment.

She says with her in the White House, she’ll be working onher“to-do”list,includingtaxcuts,corporatebansonprice gauging,andaffordablehousing.

Meanwhile, Trump, she says, is going to give tax breaks totherichandfocusonhis“enemieslist”.

Vice President Kamala Harris (left) and former President Donald J Trump

to be updated next year to address loopholes - Jagdeo

Guyana’s Local Content Act will be amended next year, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo disclosed on Wednesday during his weekly press conference held at Freedom House, Robb Street, Georgetown. Jagdeo, who is also the General Secretary ofthePeople’sProgressiveParty(PPP)saidthatcompaniesthat arenon-complaintwiththeLocalContentActhavelotstoworry about in the future as the amendments to the legislation aim to address loopholes. Amendments to Guyana’s landmark Local Content legislation will be enacted next year, ensuring all loopholesareregulatedeffectively

JagdeosaidthattheLocalContentSecretariathasidentified anumberofissueswithcompanies’compliance.

For instance, Guyana’s local content law mandates 75 per cent of management positions in companies, be held by Guyanese,withonly25percentallowedforforeignworkers.

However, companiesare allegedlyrotatingforeign workers every six months and subverting the requirement for Guyanese managers. As a result, “I spoke with the commissioner and we are now drafting legislation that will cover that loophole,” Jagdeoexpressed.

Additionally, the government is reviewing the eligibility percentages for a number of sectors outlined in the legislation, including rentals requiring 100 per cent local procurement. And according to Jagdeo, the possibility of adding new sectors tothelocalcontentscheduleisalsobeingexplored.

“It’s not just that sort of reform that will come but also, we are looking to close the loopholes here…Some companies are doingthisandtheywouldbewrittentoshortlytoensuregreater compliance,”reporterswereinformed.

Jagdeo emphasised that the situation is being monitored carefullyasthewellbeingofGuyaneseisapriority Hewenton to note that the government has provided support to these ‘big’ companies,andtheywillnotbeallowedtoshaftGuyanese.

“Because our ultimate aim is to get our people not just as workers in these places, but as managers too. So, they have to train and improve (their) skills. And so, only when they can really demonstrate that we don’t have this skill, then we can tolerate that. But some of them are doing this to bypass Guyanesemanagement,”hebemoaned.

Although the legislation requires amendments, the current act has facilitated hundreds of small and medium businesses, who are benefitting from the oil and gas industry Thousands of Guyanese or businesses are now participating in the country’s newlyfoundindustry (DPI)

Speeding car crashes into GPL pole

Aspeeding car crashed into a utility pole in the vicinity of Nicky’s Fish Shop on Garnett Street, Georgetown on Saturday Reports are that the car bearing registration PWW 9403was driven by a Dillion De Abreu, Sergeant of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF). It is reported that De Abreu was headed west along Garnett Street at a fast rate when he allegedly lost control of the vehicle and collided with a GuyanaPowerandLightIncorporated(GPL)pole.

Kaieteur News understands that a breathalyzer test was doneonthedriverandtherewasnotraceofalcohol.

Investigations are ongoing as CCTV footage is being reviewed.

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo

Chief Labour Officer, RDC Councillor Councillor supports Region One U13 Tapeball Competition

Chief Labour Officer, DhaneshwarDeonarine,and RDC Councillor, Rose Benn, have supported the Region one U13 Tapeball Competition which is set commence on Monday, November 4, at Kamwatta Recreation Ground with the Morucasub-regionleg.

Thecompetitionisbeing organised by the Sebai Primary School ParentTeacher Association (PTA) andisbeingplayedunderthe theme“EndChildLabor”. Deonarine handed over the sub regional first and secondplacetrophies,while Bennpresented$40,000and


organisers, it is mandatory for schools who have migrants on roll to include twosuchplayersontheteam and each Sub region will commence their leg of the tournament at the following

Recreational Ground, Moruca, Settlement Ground Mabaruma and Fitzburg


Sunday November 03, 2024


While other people may be confused and distressed, you'reactuallytheonewithall the answers, Aries. Indeed, you're best equipped to deal with the difficult situations thatarelikelytoariseonaday likethis.


Bepassionateaboutthething you love the most, Taurus. Instead of trying to eat every singlethingatthebuffettable, justpickoneortwoitemsthat youlikethebestandeatthem withgreatenjoyment.


You may feel like a skipping record, Gemini. You've been scratchedandmistreated,and now you continue to repeat the same thing over and over untilyou'vedrivenyourpoint home.


There could be some tough forces questioning your most cherisheddreams,Cancer Be careful about confronting someone who wants to poke holesinyouridealism.


You'reinauniquepositionto understand all sides of the issues, Leo. While this is apt to give you a tremendous advantageoverthosewhostill have their heads stuck in the sand.


You may be feeling rather anxious, Virgo. Perhaps you haveabigdatecomingupand your mind is buzzing with how to make the best impression. Remember that theharderyoutry


Thiscouldbeoneofthosedays inwhichyoufeellikeyoujust can'tgetanythingright,Libra. In an effort to appease other people, you may think you have to make some adjustmentsthatmakeyoufeel uneasy

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

You may feel a need to add some fantasy to your daily routinetoday,Scorpio.Doyou have someone in mind you'd like Cupid's arrow to strike? Well,don'trelyonacherubto doyourworkforyou.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Yourpsychicsenseisapttobe keenasyoufillyourmindwith fancifulscenarios,Sagittarius. These pictures in your head aren't as farfetched as you mightthink.


You may be having a difficult time getting your opinions across to others, Capricorn. For some, your ideas may seem too self-centered. For others, you may come across asinsensitivetothesituation.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Theemotionalswingsthat youcouldfeeltodaymightput a damper on your fantasy world, Aquarius. Remember that it's up to you to nurture thesedreams.


Peoplearoundyouareapttobe touchy, Pisces, so be careful how you interact with them. You'll find that they can see beyond any sort of facade and easily detect dissention within the ranks. Be honest about youropinion.

The Top Three Sub regional teams will meet at Fitzburg Recreational groundonNovember15thto c

Championship Trophy and cash prizes of $300,000, $200,000 and $100,000, respectively

Terrence Poole Memorial International Boxing Championship earmarked for October 2025

In an effort to honour his legacy following his unexpected passing, the Guyana Boxing Association (GBA) will stage the inauguralTerrence

P o o l e M e m o r i a l

International Boxing Championship in October 2025.

Theevent,whichwillbe an annual affair and feature participation from several Caribbean nations, will be open to all age categories andweightdivisions.

GBATechnical Director Poole unexpectedly passed away on October 2nd. He was60.

According to reports, Poolecomplainedoffeeling unwell following the conclusion of his routine morning jog He was subsequently rushed to the hospital following difficulty breathing and unfortunately passed away, throwing the fraternity into a state of mourning.

contribution to boxing are unquestionable This is a simplebutsignificantstepin immortalising Poole’s legacy, which has been instrumental in the developmentofthesportand which, in the long term, has affordedtheassociationand, byextension,thenation,the platform to dominate the E n g l i s h - s p e a k i n g Caribbean.”

According to Ninvalle, Poole was an exceptional administrator who was able to provide the necessary support and guidance to the com

knowledge and love for the sport.

He conceded that administratorsofPoole’silk arehardtofindinthesport’s fraternity, which lends further credence to the importance that he had withinthesport.




in his work ethic but in his i n t e r a c t i o n s a n d relationships with the local and regional fraternity He

will certainly be hard to replace not only locally but also regionally, given his contributions towards the

development of the sport in the region. Poole’s passing leaves a massive hole that simply cannot be filled

overnight. He will surely be missed both inside and outside the squared circle. Hewasboxing.”

GBA President Steve Ninvalle said, “Terrence P


n administrator, his love for thesportwassecondtonone, andthiswasevidentnotonly

Terrence Poole (Photo: Newsroom Sport)



of the West Indies

2024… Livingstone’s brilliant ton powers England past West Indies

(BBC Sport) - A spectacular maiden one-day international century from stand-in captain Liam Livingstone helped England

defeat West Indies by five wickets and take the threematchseriestoadecider Chasing a formidable 3 2 9 i n A n t i g u a ,

Livingstone’s 124 from 85 balls saw the tourists home with15ballstospare.

Phil Salt and Jacob Bethellhadhithalf-centuries

for England before the captain and Sam Curran’s r

t partnership left England needing 100 runs from the last10overs.

Livingstone brought up his fifty in 60 balls before acceleratingtobringupthree figuresjust17ballslater

Earlier, Windies captain Shai Hope had scored 117 from 127 balls to help the hosts rebuild after losing bothopenersearly Hopewasablysupported by Keacy Carty (71) and SherfaneRutherford(54).

It means the series will be decided in the third and final ODI in Barbados on Wednesday

England skipper leads fromthefront

Questions would have been asked of Livingstone, who is deputising for the injured white-ball captain Jos Buttler, if England had lost a second game in a row underhiscaptaincy

Thestand-inskipperhad usedninebowlersinthefirst inningswithoutmanagingto stem the flow of runs and, perhaps surprisingly, failed to utilise the full 10 overs from his most experienced fastbowler,JofraArcher

Shamar Joseph celebrates his maiden ODI wicket. (Getty Images)

But he more than made up for it with the bat as his unbeaten 124 from 85 balls guided England to an improbablewin.

Livingstone joined Bethell in the middle with his side 107-3 in the 21st over When his young batting partner departed for 55, the Lancashire allroundertookfullcontrol.

He brought up his halfcentury in 60 balls before moving up a gear, hitting three consecutive sixes off Gudakesh Motie soon after


Livingstoneonlyneed17 ballsmoretogethismaiden ODI century, with Curran fitting nicely into his slipstream with a run-a-ball 52.

After Curran departed in the 46th over, the 31-yearold hit debutant Shamar Joseph for three sixes and a fourinthefollowingoverto ease any nerves and all-but seal the win and boost a youngsidewhichhadlost12 oftheirprevious18matches inthisformat.

RBL U18 School’s Football League continues today at MoE

The Republic Bank School’s Under-18 FootballLeagueisbackinactiontodayatthe MinistryofEducation(MoE)ground,where the stakes are higher as round two unfolds. After an electrifying start last Sunday, Bartica Secondary, Waramuri Top Secondary, Dolphin Secondary and Chase’s AcademicFoundationstormedthefieldwith opening-round victories, setting the tone for what promises to be a fiercely contested tournament.

Kicking off today’s lineup is a muchanticipated showdown between West RuimveldtSecondaryandBarticaSecondaryat noon Bartica enters this clash riding high on their first-round win, but West Ruimveldt is eager to make their mark Fans can expect a tightlycontestedmatch,withbothteamsvying forearlycontrolonthescoreboard

The second match will see East Ruimveldt Secondary locking horns with a confident Dolphin Secondary squad. With one win already under their belt, Dolphin is determinedtokeeptheirperfectrecordintact, but East Ruimveldt will undoubtedly come preparedtodisrupttheirflow

FollowingcloselyisPresident’sCollege, lookingtoreboundafteraheavy4-0defeatat the hands of defending champions Chase’s Academic Foundation They’ll face Waramuri Top Secondary, who claimed an opening-round victory and are keen to keep their momentum going. For President’s

College, this game is pivotal as they aim to prove themselves and gain a foothold in the tournament.

The day’s grand finale features Chase’s Academic Foundation going up against South Ruimveldt Secondary As defending champions, Chase’s Academic is on a mission to dominate, but South Ruimveldt will aim to bring theirA-game and give the titleholdersarunfortheirmoney

With Republic Bank Limited as the tournament’s title sponsor, backed by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture,Youth,andSports,andorganisedby thePetraOrganization,thisleaguehasallthe supportitneedstoelevateschoolfootballto new heights. Further backing from Guyana Beverage Inc. (Busta Brand), MVP Sports, andTigerRentalensurethatthiseventisboth memorable and meaningful for these young athletes. More so, the top two teams in the league will not only secure a place in the finals but also earn coveted spots in Petra’s year-end International Goodwill Football Series, a platform that will bring together champions from across the region. It’s a thrilling opportunity for these players to shineonaregionalstage,puttingtheirskills totheultimatetest.

So, as the action heats up today at the MoE ground, spectators and fans can brace foranotherdayofintenseU18matchupsand standoutperformances.

Santa Rosa needles Marian Academy to lift 2024 Pee Wee title

The 11th Courts

Optical Pee Wee

U n d e r - 1 1 Football Championship crowned its champions yesterday as Santa Rosa edged Marian Academy 1-0 in a dramatic showdown at the Ministry of Education ground. A late extra-time goal by Michael Harris decided the fate Santa Rosa Primary, sealing victory and ultimately denying Marian Academy the 2024 title just moments before the final whistle.

Thedecidercamefroma remarkablerunning-tapgoal in the second half of extra time,withHarris’sprecision finish sending the Santa Rosa team and their supporters into celebration. ThistitlemarksSantaRosa’s firstPeeWeeChampionship.

Inahistoricpresentation ceremony, three players shared the tournament’s Most Goals award: Jovanie Wright of St Pius Primary, Dontay Kowlessar of Enterprise Primary, and Kareme Welcome, each

finishedwith10goals.Santa Rosa’s Linden James took homeboththeMVPandBest Goalkeeper honours, while headcoachEarlRichardwas namedBestCoach.

In the third-place match, defendingchampionsStPius Primary narrowly defeated St John the Baptist Primary 3-2inahard-foughtcontest.

St John controlled the early minutes, with Kareme Welcome and Chandler repeatedly challenging St Pius’s defense However, Emanuel Forde of St Pius broke the deadlock in the 16thminutewithadeflected shotthatrolledintothenet.

JovanieWrightthentook charge, netting twice in the 18th and 20th minutes to establish a commanding 3-0 lead. St John the Baptist managed two consolation goalslateinthematch,butSt Pius held on to secure third place. The Courts Optical Pee Wee Championship showcased some of the country’s best young talent, setting a high bar for next year’s edition The

tournament came to you through sponsorship from Courts Optical brand with additional support from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture YouthandSports.

GCB BetCAGESports National T20 League… Sukwah’s 97 leads

Piranhas to 6-wicket win over Pitbulls

Berbice Piranhas tookabiteoutof the Demerara Pitbulls yesterday, handing them 6-wicket defeat yesterdayattheLBICricket Ground.

Batting first Pitbulls posted 175-4 led by Joshua Persaud (45), Rickey Sargent (47) and Jonathan Foo (33*), with Suresh Dhanai leading Piranhasbowling.

Adrian Sukwah then hammered 97 off 57 with 13 fours and 3

s i x e s w i t h S e o n Glasgow scoring 29, as the Piranhas soared to 179-4 in 19.3overs.

Only Sargeant and Dwain Dick managed to return a wicket each for the Pitbulls

OpenerAdrian Sukwah missed out on a hundred yesterday

Chief Education Officer (Amerindian and Hinterland Education Development) Marti DeSouza (right) hands over Most Goals trophy to Kareme Welcome (left) and Dontay Kowlessar: Welcome

Santa Rosa needles Marian Academy to lift 2024 Pee Wee title

EnglandTourofthe WestIndies2024…

England past West Indies

Liam Livingstone was left unbeaten after he reached his maiden century. (Getty Images)
Shai Hope’s reached his 17th ODI hundred in the match. (Getty Images)
Santa Rosa Primary crowned Pee Wee’s (11th edition) Football champions

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