

...SouthRupununigroupurges afterrobbery,kidnapping Reg. 9 contractor given 100 years to repay $6 million to Govt.
‘Shutdown mining activities at Marudi Mountain’
Ex x o n M o b i l
Guyana Limited
(EMGL) has officially returned 20% of the Stabroek Block to the Government of Guyana (GoG) through a process calledrelinquishment.
In the oil and gas sector, “relinquishment” refers to theprocesswhereacompany returnsbyspecifictimelines, portions of an area it was allowed to explore or produce oil and gas
Relinquishment is particularly critical for governments as they can auction those returned portions to other oil
companies, thereby
c h a n n e l i n g m o r e opportunitiesforrevenuesto theState.
Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat confirmed on Monday that Exxon had indeed handed back the stipulated 20% portion of the Stabroek Block,thoughfurtherdetails
onthereturnedareahaveyet to be disclosed by the ministry
It should be noted that Exxon was required to hand back acreage where commercial discoveries have been made The company had up to October 2024 to decide on which portion to hand back to the
In keeping with the provisions of the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), the operator of the Stabroek Blockwasgrantedfouryears toprospect.
The contract also provides for no more than two renewals for a period of threeyearseach.
Exxon was required to returnaportionoftheBlock to Guyana in October 2023, however, former President, David Granger had granted thecompanyanextensionin 2020 to conduct further explorationactivities.
According to documents released by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Granger signed an order giving Exxon a one-year grace period to hold in their entirety,theStabroek,Canje and Corentyne Blocks. The three orders state that Granger was written to by Exxon's Country Manager,
The Stabroek Block
AlistairRoutledgeonJuly2, 2020,seekingagraceperiod given the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on
exploration for the three blocks.
Theextensiongrantedby theformerHeadofStateone
month before he demitted office, required the operator toprovideproofthatitswork programme was indeed impacted.
Notably, despite the changeinadministration,the extension was honored by the new government, with Vice President Bharrat
Jagdeo indicating that the pandemic's impact was significant enough to justify thegraceperiod. The Stabroek Block is locatedabout120milesfrom the coast of Guyana and spans 6 6 million acres Exxon had made over 40 oil discoveriesinthatblock.
The Working People's Alliance (WPA) on Monday said that it supports the call forareferendumonthe2016 o i l c o n t r a c t w i t h ExxonMobil ahead of the 2025 General and Regional Elections.
ThiswasrevealedbyDr David Hinds, presidential candidateofthepartyduring the party's virtual press conference.
“WPA notes recent calls forareferendumonthe2016 oilcontract,whilewedonot oppose such move we strongly feel that such a referendum must also cover the distribution of the oil resourcestothepeopleanda form of governance to be adoptedaswetransitioninto apetrostate,”Dr Hindssaid.
The party is of the view
that the issues are interrelatedandthereforethe government's contract with ExxonMobilanditspartners should not be examined
separately from the government's “political social contract” with the
“Support for such a referendum is therefore conditional First, WPA recommends that the 2016 oil contract, the Buxton Proposal and shared governance be put on the ballot.Second,theremustbe consensus on the questions beingputtotheelectorate,in order to avoid the exercise becomingapartisanpolitical football and an ethno-racial census,”hetoldreporters.
On Friday, the Alliance for Change (AFC) said it supports calls for a referendumonExxon's2016 oil deal with Guyana Chairmanoftheparty,David Patterson in response to a question posed by Kaieteur News made it clear that the AFC believes that a referendum should be held priortothe2025elections.
Earlier last week, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo saidthatareferendumbeing held at the same time of the 2025 General and Regional Elections would complicate
Guyana, Suriname could supply 12 million tonnes of LNG annually in the 2030s, report says
(Reuters) -Guyana and Suriname could supply 12 million metric tonnes of liquefied natural gas annually at a competitive price by the next decade, according to a report by Wood Mackenzie on Monday LNG demand is expectedtospikebytheend of the decade as industries switch from highly polluting coal to gas, which can cut greenhouse gas emissions by as much as half Guyana and its neighbor Suriname have emerged as hotbeds for oil and gas exploration, with energy majors such as Exxon Mobil XOM.N and TotalEnergies TTEF PA committing billions of dollarsfornewprojects.
Suriname's offshore Block 52 and Guyana's offshoreHaimaraclusterare estimatedtohold13trillion cubic feet (tcf) of discovered non-associated gas, according to the report by the commodities research group Nonassociated gas refers to natural gas sourced from a
A referendum is a general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision However, Patterson made it clear that oil and gas is not the lone issue that requires a referendum. He pointed to the need to make amendments to certain clauses in the Constitution and those proposed amendmentsshouldbeputto avoteviaareferendum.
“We (the AFC) would support a referendum to do all of those things including matters of oil and gas, (being) on a referendum (even)priortotheelections,”
conventional gas field whichhasnocrudeoilorhas such minimal amounts that it cannot be economically extracted.
The sources could deliverthepotentialLNGat a breakeven cost of $6 per millionBritishthermalunit, Wood Mackenzie analysts said. The new gas projects could provide supplies at a timewhentheglobalmarket still needs 105 million metric tonnes per annum of LNGtofillthegapbetween supplyanddemandby2035, thereportadded.
"U.S. and Qatar LNG dominance is rapidly growing, but there is a supply window in the mid2030s coming in part from US President Biden's pause on approving new LNG export projects," said Amanda Bandeira, a research analyst at Wood Mackenzie.
However, these developments are still not certain as there are some questions related to the commercial structure of the projectsandfiscalterms,the reportsaid.
the AFC Chairman said.He remindedthattheAFCispart of the Constitution Reform Committee and matters inclusive of the country's newestnaturalresourcemust bediscussed.
“Maybeitwillbeagood idea to include not only the recommendations from that constitutional committee (and)itwillbeagoodideato include other issues that we do think is necessary Not only the oil and gas… the issue of death penalty, of course which I feel strongly about in the sense that it's somethingthatshouldnoton ourbooks,”Pattersonsaid.
The AFC member said too that if the government is asconfidentasitclaimsthen
itshouldbeinclinedto“have onereferendumtochangeall these things before the elections.”
Amid repeated calls by citizens and other s
rs for a renegotiationofthelopsided ExxonMobilcontract,which his government has stubbornly resisted, Jagdeo, who is also General
Secretary of the ruling People's Progressive Party (PPP) onWednesday sought toruleoutanymovetowards deciding the issue via a referendum at next year's general elections Jagdeo was asked the question by Journalist Denis Chabrol during his weekly news conferencetowhichhesaid, political parties contesting the polls should state their positions on the matter and let the electorate decide if they want such a party to governGuyana.
Additionally, Jagdeo believes that conducting a referendumatthesametime of the elections could complicate matters A number of developed and developingcountriesallover the world have held referendums at the same time as national elections. These include the United States.
Chabrol asked Jagdeo: “for instance in the Cayman Islands, they are putting to referendum alongside their upcoming elections whether they should be constructing pierstoaccommodatelarger cruise ships. So, I am just giving you that as a slight background so to speak, in light of the debate about the need to renegotiate the Exxon contract would your government or party be inclined to put that to a referendumaswell?”
Jagdeo responded: “The referendum again, this is a matter that has to be discussed and debated on…thisissuewhetherthere would be a referendum so you get yes from the referendum…ummm…beca useChristopherdidasuspect survey, nobody pays attention to these suspect surveys, so the referendum couldyieldthis.”
He explained that as leader of the People's Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C),hedoesnotwantto complicate the 2025 electoralprocess.According tohim,thereisalsothebelief thattheoppositionwouldgo in favour of the referendum tocomplicatetheprocess.
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) will continue its geotechnical surveying operations within the Stabroekblock.Thefirmisscheduledto concludetheseoperationsonDecember 31, 2024 – Offshore Energy reported. EMGL is the operator of the Stabroek Block, which is estimated to hold 11.6
billion barrels of oil. According to information from the Guyana's Maritime Administration Department (MARAD), the SV Fugro Brasilis vessel will be used in the survey area situated approximately 85.96 nautical milesor159.25kilometersoffthecoast ofGuyana.Thisareacovers593square nautical
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Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Very few would deny that we are a conflicted society: theevidenceinourdailynewspapersandnewscastsaretoo overwhelming.Thereare,ofcourse,legionsofreasonsasto whythismaybesoandthereisnoshortageoftheoriesfrom thecomparablenumberoffieldsandsub-fieldsintowhich wehavesplinteredourstudyofthehumancondition.
Apractical theory, however, ought to offer us not only some insight into possible causes of conflicts but also suggestwaysbywhichwemayreducethosedisagreements. “Prejudice”inhumansisoneofthosetheories.
Wesay“humans”because,evidently,prejudiceisfound inallsocieties;inallofus.Manyofourprejudicesarefairly oflittleimpact,socially,forinstance,theprejudiceagainst alcohol and those who consume it. On the other hand ethnic,racialandreligiousprejudiceshavebecomeabane ofmodernsocieties,oursincluded.Butwhateverthesocial impact,weholdontoourprejudicesintensely
One of the best definitions of prejudice was offered several decades ago: “aversive or hostile attitude toward a personwhobelongstoagroup,simplybecausehebelongs to that group, and is therefore presumed to have the objectionable qualities ascribed to that group ” While there is a certain amount of irrationality inherent in all prejudices, this may be due to one of its major precipitants – fear Fear invariably generates irrational responses. The fears are generated from several different types of perceived threats: the expectation that the “other” will do one harm; the perception that the different worldviewoftheotherwillcreatechallengestoone’sown; thepresumptionthatinteractionwillleadtoembarrassment, rejection,orridicule;andthegenerationoffearofnegative consequences as a result of negative stereotypes Since most of these fears are arise out of our internal assessment of external factors, knowledge of those externals is key to understanding prejudices. It would appearthatweallhaveafearoftheunknown,afearofthe unfamiliar.Ithasbeentrulysaidthatiffearisthefatherof prejudice, ignorance is its grandfather Aprejudice can be thought of as a negative judgment that has been arrived at withoutafullexaminationofallthefacts.Inotherwords,it isavaluejudgmentthatweeasilymakebasedonhalf-facts andhalf-truthswithamindthatispre-conditionedtoreadily acceptsuchajudgment.Putdifferently,weareemotionally predisposed to arrive at certain conclusions and seek out “facts”tosupporttheseconclusions.
Theseconclusionsarecondensedearlyoninourchildhood asstereotypeswhichcolourourattitudeto“other”personsand things Becauseofthemultitudinousamountofinformationwe areforcedtoprocessinourlives,theformationofstereotypesis aninevitableprocess Thiswouldnotbesoproblematicalbut unfortunately,prejudiceisnotsimplyanattitudethatremains internaltoitsowner;itimpactsbehaviour.
Whennegativeattitudesonthebasisofdifferencestranslate into behaviour, we have, as a result, discrimination and the social inequity it produces. Therefore, efforts to reduce prejudice are well advised to take the social context into considerationwhenfocusingontheindividuals’attitudes.One ofthemosteffectivemeasurestoreduceprejudiceistoremove ignorance about the “other” and this can sometimes be effected through increased contacts between groups that share negative stereotypes of each other In Guyana, the schoolsformoneofthemostimportantpointsofcontact–especially in the crucial age category in which stereotypes are hardened. In the government’s expansion of housing schemes,ithasworkedhardtoensurethatthepopulations arefromalltheethnicgroupsinoursociety Care,however, has to be taken to ensure that the lessons from past experience are not ignored. Most important is that the contactmustbepositive:i.e.thegroupsmustberelatively equal, have common goals and not compete against each other To proceed otherwise would be simply to harden prejudicesandstereotypes.
USA Presidential elections will culminate on Tuesday Guyanese Americansareinthethickof the contest. Unlike previous elections, Guyanese will see their strongest or highest turnout Guyanese are dividedintheirvote.Abouta third is supporting The Republican Donald Trump and the rest Democrat Kamala Devi Harris as per conversations with many of them. A survey of African Americans (under whom Guyanese Africans are grouped) has Harris leading Trump 80-20. A survey of Indian andAsianAmericans has Harris leading 35-65. Indian Guyanese are grouped under Asian and IndianAmericans.
Almost every Guyanese, as queried by this writer, plans to vote. Many already voted In America, early voting is allowed thru last
Saturday in most states
ManymillionsofAmericans already voted Exit polls suggest a tight contest with Democrats having the edge ofthosealreadyvoted.Inthe past, Republicans tend to have the edge on the actual day of voting. If one did not already vote, then he or she can vote on Tuesday Most Americans vote on election day which is the first (or second) Tuesday in the month of November every fouryears.
There are two main Presidential candidates, or nominees, of their political parties.Therearealsoovera dozen candidates of minor parties and independents The winner will come from one of the two major parties – former President Donald Trump (Republican) and VicePresidentKamalaDevi Harris representing the Democratic Party All the more than a dozen opinion
polls suggest a dead heat, meaning the election can go either way Those Guyanese who support Trump feel he will win. Those supporting Harrisareunsure.
In the USA, unlike in Guyana, elections are not determinedbypopularvotes butbyvictoriesineachofthe 50 states and Washington DC. Each state tends to be RepublicanorDemocrat,not dissimilartoareasinGuyana wherepeoplevoteforPPPor PNC The American elections is determined by electoral votes (EVs) with eachstateassignedanumber of EVs based on the size of itsCongressionaldelegation.
The winner of the state elections is assigned all its EVs except in two states whereitisbasedonwinning districtsinthestate.TheEVs areaggregatedforthewinner of each state. A nominee needs270of538EVstowin thePresidency Nocandidate
as yet has a majority EVs basedonopinionpolls.
Analysts conclude that seven states will determine theoutcomeoftheelections. These are called swing or battleground states Polls have them in a dead head.A few of these swing states used to be Democratic or Republican Because of population migration, they have become swing states, meaning they can go either way and changed hands in last few elections. Donald Trumpwonthemin2016but lostthemandthePresidency in2020.Inordertorecapture thePresidency,Trumpneeds to win at least three plus Pennsylvania among the sevenstates.
Polls put Kamala Harris aheadinfourofthembyone percent, a dead heat. Trump leads in two states by one percent. One state is tied. Whatissurprisinginthis (Continuedonpage16)
Just as the monstrous fraudsatthetopechelonsof our po
unfolding,aletterfromsome writer named Nawbatt, surfaces cussing out Vishnu Bisram for and I quote “that his self-proclaimed campaign that he was Bhagwan’sgifttoGuyanato be its representative to replacetheformerdisgraced High Commissioner to India, he has resorted (reverted?) to his crusade of vilifying the Government, thePPPanditsleaders”
In the same issue of the Kaieteur News on the same day, there is a letter from Vishnu Bisram with a poll showing the PPP and especiallyIrfaanAliasbeing so far ahead of the opposition that it is going to be unbeatable in an election ifcallednow
Clearly some sort of gameisgoingonEditor,here is Nawbatt cussing up Bisram for publishing derogatory remarks about the PPP’s upper echelons, and there is Bisram publishingapollinthesame newspaper,onthesameday, praising Irfaan Ali and the PPPasbeingverypopular I am not even going to try to point out in any detail that the validity of any poll by Bisram, who, according to Nawbatt, is/was apparently seeking an ambassadorial position, would yield very questionableresultsandbea
That’s one conundrum, the other conundrum is in Bisram’sletterlayingoutthe poll results which say this quote “Economic issues and security continue to dominate the list of items (that also include noise pollution,trafficcongestion, health, housing costs, state contracting, among others) that people say are priority concerns that has led to dissatisfaction among a segment of the population. Guyanese feel that the government and parliament should focus on the preceding critical issues, with ‘everyone’ appealing for an urgent reduction of cost of everyday items peopleconsume.”
How in the name of heavencoulditbebelievable that people who are expressing such major concernsonthepoorstateof thiscountry’seconomy,poor police performance, poor health services and out of sight cost of living, can possiblybesupportiveofthe PPP
Editor, as far as our economyisconcerned,there seems to be a shortage of foreign exchange, my bank isnowtellingmethatbefore they sell me foreign exchange, I have to go on a list. The government keeps raiding the oil fund and are borrowing and looting the treasuryostensiblytoinitiate bigger and better contracts,
if these people don’t realize that we don’t have the skills to perform these tasks properly, they must resign; oriftheyknowthatthereisa massivedeficitofskills,and arestillinitiatingthesehuge projects with money we don’thave,justtocreamoff theirshare,theymustresign.
We heard Jagdeo telling EXXON pump baby pump, andnowweseeaspendbaby spend policy There is no doubt that we are seeing some development, but it is the responsibility of the oppositiontoshowthatwhat we are seeing is miniscule, comparedtowhatweshould beseeing,withoutthePPP’s corrupt and incompetent governance!
The police breakdown duetomassivecorruptionin thetopechelonsoftheforce is caused by Jagdeo’s desire to control everything Caused by him putting in place people who will do whateverhetellsthemtodo, rather than enforce the law impartially This Russiantrainedmanwhothinksheis VladimirPutin,isdestroying everything, the economy, oil, sugar, Police Force, rule of law In today’s paper 2024/10/28, that genius we haveasresourcesministeris asking us if they are not running the Oil sector properly, my answer? Oil? NO! GuySuCo? NO!, GUYWA? NO! GPL? NO! Useless and criminal are betterwordsforwhatyou’re
DidtheBisram’spollask Guyanese who they think is really in charge of Guyana? Do they think that in this country,liketheUS,thatthe buck stops with President IrfaanAli? It’s a pantomime that is going on here editor, good cop bad cop, but we knowwhoisreallyincharge, and it is a monstrous deceptionbythePPP
FinallyMr EditorIwish to inform Nowbatt who continues to repeat that old garbage of our returning to democracy in 1992, we did NOTreturntodemocracyin 1992! We can’t have democraticelectionstoelect dictators, a democracy is a state in which there is separation of powers and where the rule of law is cherished, not like here wherethelegislatureandthe judicial systems are under the control of the Executive because of the 1980 constitution which Jagan only objected to when he wasinopposition.Therefore Editor,I,liketheBritishand theAmericans,agreedthatit wasimportanttoexcludeDr Jagan from government in this country during the cold war,eventhePPPhavenow agreed that he had a failed ideology but imagine editor,ifhehadgotteninand turned Guyana into another Cuba in 1964, what we wouldbedealingwithnow?
Sincerely TonyVieira
DEAREDITOR, I have expressed my opinions with proposed q u e s t i o n s a n d recommendations on the highly anticipated payout of $100K to ‘resident and nonresident Guyanese,’ over eighteenyearsasannounced by Chief Spokesman for the PPPC regime, Mr Bharrat Jagdeo.Iamstillwaitingon responses.
Iheardtheideaproffered by many Guyanese of a possiblelegislationfor“cash grants.”
When Mr Jagdeo was calledonathislastpresserto provide an opinion of such idea, oh he was livid and madeitclearthereisnoneed for such a law Rather than exhibitingsomedegreeofan astutepoliticianheprofesses to be, with reasonableness and say it sounds good, government will examine and pronounce later. From his body language, he was ready to denounce and vehemently oppose to the idea. My only guess is that
theideawasnota“Jagdeo’s one, or a PPPC one ” Previously, we sat back as a nation, despite many objections expressed by Guyanese; including the Opposition of the process utilised by the PPPc regarding ‘cash grants,’ distribution done in a discriminatory manner, withoutstructuralsystemsin place Quick examples $250K paid to some sugar workers, $150K paid to some farmers, a few C o m m u n i t i e s a n d Indigenous Villages perceived to be PPPc aligned. Why is Mr Jagdeo soreluctant?
It is clear the PPPc is forging ahead with its plan, despite shared wisdom by pundits, whose beliefs are h i n g e d o n ‘ g o o d governance.’Thenationwas told about the use of the Voters’Registration,whichI believewouldhavebeenthe bestmethod.
I guess with all recommendations and
suggestionsmadethereafter, thegovernmentrealizedthat theywillbeEXPOSEDasit relates to numbers and concerns the Opposition have to the list being ‘bloated.’
Twoweeksagoweheard the announcement by Mr Jagdeo that an ‘app’will be designed for disbursement of the cash What was amazingtome,therewasno mentionof‘GECOMandthe Voter’sList.’
It was disappointing not to hear reporters who attendedthepresser,failedto inquiry from Mr Jagdeo what has occasioned the suddenshiftfromtheVoter’s Listtothis‘app’,whichwill be at a disadvantage and challenge to our elderly folks, who are NOT technologically savvy, they donothaveasmartphoneor other devices, including access to internet. Were consideration given to these pitfalls?
During his last press conference on Wednesday,
Itwillberemissofmeto not offer congratulatory remarks to Miss Tirishata Semple for being elected as the President of The University of Guyana StudentSociety(UGSS).
I must also extend congratulations to my esteemed colleagues who were elected to serve at the University of Guyana’s ExecutiveCouncil.
Itismydeepesthopethat thenewUGSScouncilfrom 2024-2025 serves the tertiary institution with integrity and, most importantly, puts the wellbeingofthestudentsfirst.
The University like many other institutions are coupled with challenges but most importantly it’s how we counter them that matters. I must commend MadamVicePresidentMiss Tirishata Semple for announcingtheintroduction of a universal prayer room for this speaks to her acknowledgement of our multi-ethnic and multireligiouspopulation.
The incorporation of extracurricular activities at the University was another measure Miss Semple has announced not negating the factthatthereareSportsClub such as Basketball, Table Tennis, etcetera however this is just a continuing measure of where her predecessor Mr Shaquawn
Gill who has demonstrated exemplary leadership and must be fully welcomed by allstudents.
We are all faced with unique and sometimes notunique challenges but once we continue to be at an institution that feels like homeweallwillbemotivated todowellinevery aspect of our lives. The University is already on the right path through the lenses of Miss Semple et.al. it is important that we all support this new executive council and cast asidewhateverdifferencesor
perceptions we have as perceptions and self-doubt can work but camaraderie I support Women Leadership ingeneral,soletusbeopento offering ideas to the incumbent Executive Councilsothatouruniversity can continuously be on an upward trajectory, a greater UG, a greater society Acta NonVerba.
AntonioDey S t u d e n t A t T h e UniversityofGuyana Faculty of Social Sciences
October 30, 2024; the questiononlaunchingofthe ‘app’ was raised by a reporter In response, Mr Jagdeo claimed that testing of the app will go through‘rigorous testing,’ prior to its launch. I would like to know what Mr Jagdeo means by ‘rigorous testing.’
Editor, I am concerned for the elderly who live alone,ingeriatrichomesand state facilities, who do not have access to cellphones. Who will take care of them, and what systems the governmentwillputinplace to ensure that they receive payments. Am I to assume that the government is moving ahead with their ideas, forgetting those who aremostvulnerable?
Another category that will be at a disadvantage is elderly persons who are either dwelling on the streets, and or seeking temporary shelters at state facilities.
Again,whatmechanisms are in place to ensure that these persons are given the $100Kcashpayments.
I believe many of them are registered on theVoter’s List, May have had an ID card,whichforsomereason theyhavemisplaced.
Has the Government considered how these persons would have accessed to a smartphone or a device, enabling them accessibilitytotheapp.
With a country faced with ‘high cost of living,’ many elderly folks are ONLY receiving ONE pension per month, mainly Old Age Pension, which is far below the average price of a smartphone or a smart
device Again, has any thought be given by the government. Without such devices, would persons be forcedtovisitspecialplaces; identifiedbythegovernment tohavetheirdataprocessed, whichshouldbetreatedwith strict confidentiality shared to others? Editor, these are seriousissuesthatshouldbe concerningtoallGuyanese.
Editor, while the government is talking about the payment and a possible apptoeffectpayments,they have not said how resident Guyanese in penitentiary willbetreated,knowingthat many of them, their names areontheVoter’sList.
Itappearstome,(Istand corrected) that this category ofGuyanesehaveeludedthe Government, since I have notheardwhatarrangements to be in place for those persons. Perhaps, reporters can request a response from Mr. Jagdeo at his next presser
A government cannot publicly announce thatALL citizens over 18years to receive the cash payments andoneorseveralcategories are disenfranchised due to theircircumstances.
I have been analyzing this entire cash payments announcement since October 10, 2024 and it is clear to me that for each passingday,theGovernment of the day is attempting to make this project ‘more cumbersome ’ Is it deliberate, so as to create confusion, chaos and disenfranchisement among ourpeople?
As I have suggested in mylastmissivetotheEditor, since Old Age Pension is paid every first day of the
month, Government should utilize that category to conduct a pilot test for the payments.
The Ministry of Human ServicesandSocialSecurity has an established database with ALL pensioners, whether they are mobile or shut-inswhichcanbeusedto prepare non-negotiable cheques to effect payments, simultaneously when they are encashing their OAP coupons at Post Offices, Western Union offices or MoneyGramlocations.
Our elderly folks should NOTbeforcedtogothrough what ordinary Guyanese havetoendure.
They should be granted special treatment, since many are faced with health challenges and cannot sit or standforlengthyperiods.
Editor,Iamappealingto Government to give consideration to points I haveelucidatedtointhis,my missivetoyou.
I will reiterate as I have done in several letters, any Government that is serious about transparency, accountability and good governance, would weigh theoptionsprovidedtothem in medium such as this and on social media platforms. We cannot and should not continuelikethisasanation, where the ‘winner takes all mentality or approach,’ is doing more harm than good to our people and by extension our beloved nation.
Itistimepoliticalleaders raisethebarandnotseeand dothingsthrough“apolitical lens.” I believe we can do better!
Yourssincerely, AnnetteFerguson,MP
Ramjattan should be the last to talk about sugar
DEAREDITOR, TheGuyanaAgricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU)isdismayedbythe comments from AFC MemberofParliament(MP) Khemraj Ramjattan in the November 04, 2024, Stabroek News regarding the sugar industry According to the news article, Mr Ramjattan swipedattheGAWUforour advocacy on behalf of sugar workersandtheirfamilies.It is disappointing that an individual who clothed himselfasa‘nationalleader’ is advancing sentiments against the well-being and welfare of ordinary Guyanese.
The Opposition MP charges that the Union’s stance in respect of workers will change arising from the evolution of the industry’s labour force. We find such assertions laughable and are no doubt an attempt to mislead and deceive deliberately TheGAWUhas long expressed positive support for the industry’s mechanisation efforts, noting their complementary effects and impact on productivity Mr Ramjattan may recall when he held the ‘powerful’ post as Vice President in the Coalition Government, the GAWU
advancing similar positions. We have not digressed from that position, and therefore, wefailtoseetheconnection he is futilely attempting to make.
The former Public Security Minister held that working in the sugar industry was akin to being impoverished This is irresponsible, reckless, and demeaning to the hardworking sugar workers and theirfamilies.Inourview,it speaks to the contempt and derision held by Mr Ramjattan towards the Guyanese in the sugar belt.
Of course, we believe the OppositionMPshouldbethe last to talk about impoverishmentinthesugar belt. While he seeks to pontificate, we, like many Guyanese, have not forgotten what he and his c o h o r t s , w h e n i n Government,didtothesugar workers and the industry
The sending home of some 7,000 Guyanese men and women without even an ounce of remorse. Does he recall telling GAWU and now President Dr IrfaanAli that if we want a socioeconomic study of the impact of the closure, we shoulddoitourselves?
Wedidtakehimupand, (Continuedonpage09)
Mhas disclosed that foreign companies operating in the oilandgassectorcontinueto find new ways to sidestep Guyana'sLocalContentLaw which was enacted in 2021
to safeguard benefits for Guyanese.
Speaking at the Private SectorCommission'ssecond annual Local Content Forum, Bharrat addressed the escalating tactics some companies are employing to
continuing to channel the benefits outside Guyana, throughdeceptivepractices.
The Local Content Act currently features 40 areas for services carved out for G
including rentals, supply of goods, accounting, catering and welding Foreign
companies wanting to operate within those areas are required to partner with local companies. However, the law stipulates that the Guyanesepartnermusthave 51% or more beneficial ownership, among other benefits.
During his address, the
minister acknowledged ongoing concerns from the
regarding gaps in the legislation. He talked about how certain companies use strategies such as “rent-acitizen”or“fronting,”where foreignentitiesrelyonlocals as superficial fronts to complywithlocalownership laws.
“Wedoknowofsomeof the loopholes ” Bharrat said adding that “fronting, thisissomethingthatIthink we have managed it well. I think we have managed it well,somuchsothatIthink some companies are getting smarterbythedaytoo.”
He underscored that his ministry, through the Local Content Secretariat always get feedback and/ complaints about new mechanisms foreign companies use to flout the localcontentrequirements.
However, companies h a v e g r o w n m o r e sophisticated in their methods, according to Bharrat, evolving from the “blatant”useoffrontmento tactics like creating shell companies and partnerships with newly naturalised citizens.
“So,thepersonswhoare guilty of that realize that we have caught up with that one… that one can't work anymore,” Minister Bharrat stated.
Notably,tocounterthese evolving practices, Bharrat credited the Local Content Secretariat,ledbyDrMartin Pertab, with identifying and addressing suspicious activities. “I think Martin and his team... has been doing a wonderful job in identifying these issues when they occur and try to nip them in the bud,” he affirmed.
Moreover, the issue had previously prompted a strong response from the government in June when the Ministry of Natural Resources issued a public statement warning against suchpractices.
The statement explained that the Local Content Secretariathadintensifiedits monitoring efforts of ensuring compliance with thelegislation.
“ T h i s p r a c t i c e undermines the objectives and spirit of the Local Content Act, which aims to ensure that the citizens of G u y a n a b e n e f i t meaningfully from and participate actively in the nation's natural resources sector,” the ministry declared.
The minister added that theSecretariat,hasobserved new approaches. “So, there are different methods now, naturalization of people who've been in Guyana and making them partners, establishment of shell companies with no assets or no liquidity,” the minister said.
Very few would denythatweare a conflicted society: the evidence in our daily newspapers and newscasts are too overwhelming.
There are, of course, legionsofreasonsastowhy thismaybesoandthereisno shortageoftheoriesfromthe comparablenumberoffields andsub-fieldsintowhichwe have splintered our study of thehumancondition.
A practical theory, however, ought to offer us not only some insight into possible causes of conflicts but also suggest ways by which we may reduce those disagreements. “Prejudice” in humans is one of those theories.
We say “humans” because, evidently, prejudice is found in all societies; in all of us Many of our prejudices are fairly of little impact, socially, for instance, the prejudice against alcohol and those who consume it
On the other hand
ethnic, racial and religious prejudices have become a bane of modern societies, ours included But whatever the social impact, we hold on to our prejudicesintensely
One of the best definitions of prejudice was offered several decades ago: “aversive or hostile attitude toward a person who belongs to a group, simply because he belongs tothatgroup,and is therefore presumed to have the objectionable qualities ascribed to that group ” While there is a certain amount of irrationality inherent in all prejudices, this may
be due to one of its major precipitants – fear Fear invariably generates irrationalresponses. T h e f e a r s a r e generated from several different types of perceived threats: the expectation that the “other” will do one harm; the perception that the different worldview of the other will create challenges to one’s own; the presumption that interaction will lead to
e m b a r r a s s m e n t , rejection, or ridicule; and the generation of fear of negative consequences as a result of negative
s t e r e o t y p e s .
Sincemostofthesefearsare arise out of our internal assessment of external factors, knowledge of those externals is key to understandingprejudices. It would appear that we all have a fear of the unknown, a fear of the unfamiliar
Ithasbeentrulysaidthat if fear is the father of prejudice, ignorance is its grandfather
A prejudice can be thought of as a negative judgment that has been arrived at without a full examination of all the facts Inotherwords,itisa value judgment that we easily make based on halffacts and half-truths with a mind that is preconditioned to readily accept such a judgment Put differently, we are emotionallypredisposedto a r r i v e a t c e r t a i n conclusions and seek out “facts” to support these conclusions
These conclusions are condensed early on in our childhood as stereotypes
which colour our attitude to “other” persons and things.
B e c a u s e o f t h e multitudinous amount of informationweareforcedto process in our lives, the formation of stereotypes is aninevitableprocess.
This would not be so problematical but unfortunately, prejudice is not simply an attitude that remains internal to its owner; it impacts behaviour
W h e n n e g a t i v e attitudes on the basis of differences translate into behaviour, we have, as a result, discrimination and the social inequity it produces.
Therefore, efforts to reduce prejudice are well advised to take the social context into consideration when focusing on the individuals’attitudes.
One of the most effective measures to reduce prejudice is to remove ignorance about the “other” and this can sometimes be effected through increased contacts between groups that share negative stereotypes of eachother
In Guyana, the schools form one of the most important points of contact – especially in the crucial age category in which stereotypes are hardened
In the government’s expansion of housing schemes,ithasworkedhard to ensure that the populations are from all the ethnicgroupsinoursociety
Care,however,hastobe taken to ensure that the lessons from past experiencearenotignored.
Most important is that the contact must be
Frompage06 with the support of the
International Labour Organisation (ILO), got that studydone.
Sadly, that study confirmed what we told Mr Ramjattan and his colleagues. He and his then government-cut the workers loose without a lifeline.
He and his colleagues then denied them their severance pay consistent withthelaw
He and his colleagues simply turned their backs and sat back in their ivory towers while poverty, suffering, and indignation crept into the lives of tens ofthousandsofGuyanese Does he remember too rubbing salt in the wound
when sugar workers had their wages frozen during the entire tenure of the A P N U + A F C Government? So, it is simply appalling that Mr Ramjattan now contends that it is economically irresponsibletosupportthe sugar industry. By his utterances, it appears he contends that it was r e s p
thousands as he did during the reign of the Coalition Government. For us, it speaks to the nature and approach of the individualswhocomprised t h e n o w
c e d Coalition It is an enigma to us that people can still listen, much less have any
positive: i e the groups must be relatively equal, have common goals and not competeagainsteachother
To proceed otherwise would be simply to harden
modicum of respect for personsofsuchilk.
The GAWU, like thous
workers, recognises and appreciatesDrIrfaanAli’s government support of the sugarindustry.
F i n a l l y , t h e stranglehold has been released, and though we have disagreements in certain respects, we are confident that the industry c
difficulties and continue
SeepaulNarine President GAWU
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
When Guyana's former (and still) president, Bharat Jagdeoisacclaimedasaman of many mysteries, the crowdoflocalscofferscome outinfullforce. Worsestill, attach the labels of polymath,overachiever,and genius to the leader and a s a f e h a r b o u r i s recommended.
Guyaneseandforeigners admitthatJagdeoisagenius, even an irrepressible genie many times, but they prefer not to say what kind. There is no such squeamishness here. A couple of local situationsshouldhelp.
Sculptor and Burrowes School of Art administrator
Mr Ivor Thom was subjected to the PPP Government's equivalent of thethirddegree.
Verbal rubber hoses
Some may venture that what came down had persuasive elements of racism. Best to keep things calm, on this side of the border Mr Thom's experience from parking lot toPPPprincelypresencewas lacking in anything that has todowithculture,embodied the arrogance and impatienceanddisrespectof youth. And, it must be said led to the spectacle of a sculptor and administrator being made into a sport. To the people of that ministry, thanks for showing the true colors.
Into this fray and from over the horizon rode Guyana's chief fixer, chief problem solver, and chief outeroffires,BharatJagdeo. In a semi nutshell, Jagdeo is a one-man Ethnic Relations Commission.
The sentiment here is that that ERC body, like all
lashed him, blinding spotlights shun in his eyes. Sleep deprivation followed privately On the sunblasted tarmac of Carifesta Avenue, he was kicked around,thenhauledtotheair conditioned cool of the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport for a reckoning. There he was honored by beingdumpedonthematon rolled along the pristine ministerial carpet most unceremoniously
the other PPP appointed bodies is a manifestation of the empty-suited, emptyheaded, and empty barrel constructions that came out of the magical mind of Guyana's wunderkind. No, it is not the man who craves that crown, Dr Irfaan Ali. Who else could it be but big boy, big boss, Bharat? To repeat, with few individual exceptions, all those agencies, commissions, boards are a total waste of time, space, and human presence.
It is part of the manipulative genius of Mistah BJ. Like that Sam Cooke hit, he just keeps those records playing, while dancing with my baby Oh yeah…having a party up New York way Jagdeo not only neutered and superseded the ERC, but he also resurrected Mr Thom. And there are hundreds of thousands in Guyana who say that brother Jagdeo doesn't have one good bone in his body Try the rubber v a r i e t y i s t h e recommendation;adifferent
mindsetissuretofollow Experience has shown that genie Jagdeo does nothing by half measures. The leader, the intervener, the reconciler succeeded in kicking the Hon. Attorney General, Dr M.A. Nandlall outoftheway,alongwiththe Top Cop and the Crime Chief. As an aside, that's a title that Jagdeo should consider adding to his long list.
No, not Top Cop folks, but Crime Chief. It goes withthepractice.
He pronounced on the Racial Hostilities Act, withoutonewordbeingsaid. What a genius, who could find a genie better than Jaggy?
As if to demonstrate his talent at versatility, Dr Jagdeo serves as Guyana's chief censor In his magnificent person resides the national censor board, a sort of Guyanese version of the Saudis Minister of Virtue. Heisofthescathing viewthatStabroekNewsand Kaieteur News are not fit to print. They should neither
beseennorheardand, God forbid, be read. That's telling them who is boss, Bhai Bharat. Crack the whip and lay d o w n t h e l a w Incidentally,isCdeNandlall still around, does he have anythingtodo?
It is why this country is always the dear land of Guyana. When will dese peeple (yes, doze peeple) come to appreciate that censorship compels convulsionstowardsfinding outwhatisgoingon. Bana book and it develops a thriving sec
e underground. Just check with the Vatican (or American school boards in Texas). Ban a movie and it is like giving a pirate a rocket shiptorunamok.
ThankstotheJagdeoand the PPP machinery for makingsomeGuyaneseinto worldwide names. Hand upraised here. The Roman emperors from Domitian to ValeriantoDiocletianfound outthehardwaynottomess and try to suppress
Christianity Failure was guaranteed. Thehandicapin GT is that as Jagdeo advancesinage,hisglorious mind and his hearing have both retreated. There is difficulty understanding and appreciatingtheaestheticsof life.
HispeopleintheCabinet and PPP Central Executive are now inseparably linked to fake news and scurrilous news. Ifthechiefcensorhas his way, there will be no news. Forconfirmation,just check with Glenn Lall, or consultwithAnandPersaud. Still, the plea is for Bharat Jagdeo to be understood better. Look at howmuchhehaspiledonhis plate. Babysitter to the president. Decision-maker for all ministers. Speaker andfighterforallthatisgood in Guyana in his untiring effortstomakeGuyanagreat again (the first time was underhispresidency).
This is the genius of Jagdeo,thegenieinhimthat flits and floats from heavy responsibility to tough duty Heshouldbeexcusedforhis negligence and calculated distancing from oil. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
A 30-year-old labourer was remanded to prison on Wednesday last, when he appeared at the Leonora Magistrate'sCourttoanswer a charge which states he inflicted grievous bodily harm on three persons on October23,2024.
Taslim Khan is accused ofthrowinghotoilonhis26year-old brother, Sareef Khan during a heated argument at Tuschen, New Scheme, East Bank Essequibo (EBE) The incident also resulted in injuries to the brother's 30year-old wife, Yoneika Ramjeet, and their fivemonth-olddaughter
The accused made his firstcourtappearancebefore Magistrate Alisha George where the three counts of inflicting grievous bodily harm were read to him, to which he pleaded not guilty As such the magistrate remanded Khan who is scheduled to return to court on December 10, 2024 for reports and statements
Remanded: Taslim Khan
Khan was arrested on Mondaylast.
Kaieteur News had reported that the accused brother (Sareef Khanvictim) related that the incident occurred between 17:30h and 17:45h on October23,2024.Khansaid thatheandhisfamilylivein the compound with the accused Khan and his familyliveinthebackhouse
The baby wrapped in burn dressing (Baby, mom burnt after man throws hot oil on brother during argument)
while his brother lives in front. The man said that on thedayinquestionwhileon his way home from work he sawhiswifeanddaughterat ashopnearbytheirhome.As such, he stopped and went homewiththem. However,uponarrivalhe
Thefatherofamissing17-year-oldgirlis complainingaboutwhatheconsiderstobea lax response by members of the Guyana PoliceForce(GPF)inBartica,RegionSeven toamissingteenreportfiledtwoweeksago.
The teen, Madeeha Ishak, went missing on October 22, 2024. She reportedly disappeared from her Lot 60 First Avenue, Bartica, Region Seven home.The teen went missing between 17:30h and 17:45h on October 22, 2024 while she attended online classesinthediningareaoftherestaurantshe manages.
Madeeha's father, 44-year-old Mohamed Ishak,toldKaieteurNewsthathevisitedthe police station on Friday after an officer had visitedhisshopthepreviousday Theofficer reportedly asked the teen's parents, “is everythingokay?”
Ishak said, “My wife said how can everything be okay when we making complaints to police and we are not seeing anything.”
The father further explained, “we told him (the officer) we have no confidence in them (police) and our feelings of how these people (police) conduct their affairs in Bartica Every criminal activity swept underthecarpet.”
Furthermore,thefrustratedmansaidthat thisisnotthefirsttimehisdaughterhasgone missing and he suspects that the persons responsiblearethosewhoreportedlytookher before. Ishak said all relevant information relative to his daughter's first disappearance wascommunicatedtothepolice.
He told Kaieteur News that Madeeha is his only daughter and her disappearance has hurthimdeeply
“We (Parents) open a restaurant for mah daughter,sothatrestaurantwasmydaughter own, I could understand that she was going
Missing: Madeeha Ishak
throughalotoffrustration,knowingthatthe restaurant wasn't really doing well,” he told KaieteurNews.
The worried father said he advised his daughter to consider closing the restaurant and focus on her education, especially since she was scheduled to take the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) nextyear
However, the teen was determined to keep the restaurant open. Ishak said he told his daughter, “Whatever career you want to chooseafterthat,evenifyouwanttogoback intotherestaurant,wecanfindanotherplace andopenarestaurantforyou.”
The distressed man added, “Given all these circumstances it has impacted us tremendously.” He is calling to police to do moreintryingtolocatethemissingteen.
The family is urging persons with information about the teen's whereabouts to call him or his wife on telephone numbers 698-9889, 602 1918 or contact the nearest policestation.
saidtherewasagatheringin the front house at the verandah.Whileenteringthe yard, Khan reportedly joked with an attendee at his brother's home. The person wasnostrangertoKhanand accordingtoKhan;hewould joke with the person from time to time. However, on the day in question, the person felt offended by Khan's utterances and told Khan's brother that he was being“troubled”.
Khan said, “Me buddy (his brother) now start curse
The Burn marks the five-month-old received
me and start talk up and say thathowInotsupposetotell he (the complainant) nothing ”Thereafter, Khan and his family proceeded to walktotheirhomelocatedin thesameyardwhenheheard his brother saying, “I gon take off the back light pon yuhhouse.”
Khan reported that the lights were turned off but powerreturnedshortlyafter Further, the complainant was observed urinating in the alley between the two houses and Ramjeet
confronted him saying, “how yuh guh pee hay, suh we does gah walk, we get a baby and we have to live clean.”
The complainant then returnedtoKhan'sbrotherto lodge another complaint which resulted in the lights being disconnected at their homeasecondtime.
“Someandmahwifeand mah baby, we can't deh in dark sowesaywegongo infrontnow,megongowith aforceandputonthelights,” Khanrecalled.
While entering his brother's home, the family was reportedly greeted with degrading slangs Notwithstanding, they were determined to get the lights on.Khan'sbrotherthenwent tothekitchenandgrabbeda potofhotoilandhurleditat him.The hot oil also caught Ramjeetandtheirchild. The police were summoned and thevictimsandsuspectwere taken to the Tuschen Police Outpost after which the injured were taken to the Leonora Cottage Hospital. Khan sustained injuries to his chest, his wife suffered burns to her face and chest, andthefive-month-oldbaby has burns about her body A formal report was made at theLeonoraPoliceStation.
$27M worth of Ganja goes up in smoke during eradication exercise' at Kimbia, Upper Berbice River, Region Ten
Police Ranks in Regional Division #10 conducteda'NarcoticsEradicationExercise' at Kimbia, Upper Berbice River, where two cannabis farms with an estimated overall totalof$27,471,919worthofCannabiswere foundanddestroyed.
The first farm destroyed measured approximately four acres in size and had about six thousand Cannabis plants ranging from6"to4'inheight,withatotalweightof sixthousandsixhundred(6,600)Kilograms, alongwith54.431kgofdriedCannabis.
The second farm was approximately six acres in size and had about 10 thousand
Cannabis plants ranging from 11" to 4' in height, with a total weight of ten thousand (10,000)kilograms.
Additionally,severalnurserieswhichhad approximately fifty-thousand Cannabis seedlings,werealsofound.
Overall, there were a total of 16,000 plants, 15,000 seedlings and 54.431 kg of dried Cannabis, worth an estimated $27,471,919.
Bothfarms,alongwiththeNurseriesand the make-shift camps were all destroyed by fire.Sampleswerecollectedfrombothfarms andlodgedattheMackenziePoliceStation.
Members of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) wereindisbeliefonMonday when Karl Singh, the Regional Executive Officer (REO)ofRegion9,revealed thataprivatecontractor,who did not complete four industrial projects and owes the government $6 million had been instructed to repay theamountatarateof$5,000 permonth.
Upon calculation, it became clear that this repaymentplanwouldresult in a staggering 100 years to repay the debt The $6 million divided by $5,000 amounts to 1,200 months which when divided by 12 months is equivalent to 100 years.
During the 67th PAC meetingchairedbyJermaine Figueira at the Parliament Buildings, the committee discussed findings from the Auditor General's report for the fiscal year ending December31,2019.
One inquiry particularly focused on alarming unrecovered overpayments inRegion9.
MinisterofPublicWorks and Member of Parliament Juan Edghill pointed to paragraph 1479 of the Auditor General's report, which indicated that the RegionalAdministrationhad not recovered overpayments totalling $32 565 million
Regional Executive Officer of Region 9 Karl Singh (in the white shirt) during the PAC meeting
made on industrial contracts from 2015 to 2018 He pressed Singh on whether these overpayments had been recovered and questioned if payments had been made to contractors before work commenced, leading to the overpayment
The Government of Guyana (GoG) through the
Ministry of Natural Resources has approved
Japanese shipbuilder, MODEC's Local Content
Master Plan This announcement was made on Mondaybythecompany
The approval of MODEC's plan for the period 2024-2028 is an important achievement for the company. MODEC said that it serves as a strategic roadmapforleveraginglocal resources, capabilities, and opportunities to drive
sustainable economic development and prosperity forthecountryandpeopleof Guyana.
Under the Local Content Act,companiesareobligated to ensure that Guyanese nationals with the requisite qualifications are given priority in hiring decisions.
In cases where a Guyanese national lacks the necessary
experience, the Act
mandates that these individuals receive the trainingneededtobridgeany skill gaps. This initiative aimstoenhancethecapacity and expertise of the local
workforce, thereby promoting sustainable developmentwithinGuyana.
Rafael Fumis, Country Manager at MODEC in Guyana, expressed that the
company is thrilled with the approvalof the Master Plan.
“This milestone represents a significant step forward in our commitment to local capacity development. By fostering a collaborative approach toward local SMEs, we aim to create sustainable growth and opportunities within the community
This plan underscores our dedication to corporate social responsibility, ensuring that our operations contribute positively to Guyana's socio-economic Landscape,”Fumissaid. Notably, the master plan outlines how the company
intends to prioritize Guyanese nationals and Guyanese companies in the procurement of goods and services, recruit a Guyanese workforce and provide
over letter of approval to
opportunities for training andcapacitydevelopmentin compliance with the Local Content Act over the next five years. MODEC's said thatitsstrategy,asdetailedin theplan,istomaximizelocal c o n t e n t w i t h o u t compromising quality, compliance, and safety, while adhering to international standards and locallegislations.
AboutMODEC MODEC has been a leadingproviderofsolutions for the floating offshore oil and gas market for over 50 years Created in Japan, present on five continents, we are always ready to face new challenges, offering advancedproventechnology andtalentedteamsthatwork with integrity, safety, and e n v i r o n m e n t a l responsibility
issue. Edghill stated, “The Auditor General said they went into the region and auditedcertainthings.When they measured the works compared to the bills and rates, the contractors received more money than whatwasexecuted.Howdid
wepaywhentheworkswere notcompleted?”
In response, Singh acknowledged that three projects still have outstanding balances and confirmed that one contractor left without completing the work. He
admitted that a private contractor is currently repaying $6 million in overpayments at a rate of $5,000permonth.Singhalso conceded that payments were made to contractors beforeworkbegan.
Minister Edghill calculated that at this rate, it would take the contractor 100 years to repay the $6 million, prompting uproar amongcommitteemembers.
Chairman Figueira remarked, “We're never getting that money because he's definitely not living so long.” Singh countered by stating that the contractor is ill, explaining, “that is the reason I only got the opportunity now to engage himandaskhimtopaythese monies… The guy does not make anything; I can't do betterthanthat,sir AtleastI am trying.” Ultimately, the committeerequestedthatthe repayment agreement be renegotiated Singh responded that he would reengagewiththecontractor to seek a more feasible arrangement.
As investigations continue into Saturday's robbery/kidnapping at Deep SouthRupununi,RegionNine,onevictim,a Brazilian national told police that he had to payover$1Mforhislife.
Policehadinitiallyreportedthatheavilyarmed bandits had escaped with gold and cashfromtheirvictims.However,aBrazilian man Dionei Faribas De Brito, who was among the victims said that police had misinterpreted him when he first gave his statementonSaturday
amounttheydemandedbuttransferredthem some$30,000Reais,asumthatisequivalent to GYD$1.2M to the bandits' Pix account beforeheandtheothervictimswerereleased. Police said that transferred cash has since beenrecoveredandhandedovertoBrazilian lawenforcementofficials.
Investigators said also, that those two of threevehiclesusedbythebanditsinthecrime are registered in Brazil. On Saturday nine personsweretakenashostagesafterheavily armed gunmen robbed them at the GGMC's
Photos taken of the hostages after they were rescued
De Brito in clarifying, told investigators thistimethatthebanditshaddemandedgold after robbing him of some GYD$892,000 cash at the Guyana Geology and Mines Checkpoint (GGMC) but he had none. “...They told him he had to transfer one million Reais (Brazilian Currency) to a Pix account in Brazil” police said on Monday beforeexplainingthataPixaccountispartof Brazil'sinstantpaymentsystem,”policesaid inastatement.“Pixallowsuserstosendand receive money between bank accounts in seconds”,theforcesaid. De Brito reportedly did not have the
'Bush Mouth' sub-station at Marudi, Deep SouthRupununi,RegionNine. FourofthemwereBraziliannationalsand fivewereGuyanese.Theninehostageswere eventuallyrescuedduetoeffortsbytheJoint Services.Reports are that the ranks engaged the gunmen in hot pursuit causing them to abandontheirvehicleandleavethehostages behind.PoliceidentifiedthevictimsasVictor Adams, a 34-year-old Natural Resources Officer of Lot 676 Section 7 Field 'B' Pattersen Drive, Georgetown, Romain Simon, a 39-year-old Natural Resource (Continuedonpage17)
After ruling out
hydrocarbons in its preliminary testing of samples taken from the seepage of a chemical substanceinhomesatCrane, West Coast Demerara, the EnvIronmental Protection Agency(EPA)isyettomake a determination as to what really is the cause of the problem.
ExecutiveDirectorofthe EPA, Kemraj Parsram led a team from the agency on a site visit at Crane on Monday
Speakingtothereporters fromoneofthetwoaffected homes, the EPA's Executive Director explained that the sample collected initially by the team before testing provedinsufficient.
“The challenge is the samplethatwegotissolittle that the lab can't get enough t o r e a l l y m a k e a determination ” Parsram said.
The EPAHead who was accompanied by University Lecturer and Chemist, PatrickKetwarusaidhisonsite visit was to get a better understanding of the situationontheground.
During his examination of the home of Basmatie Singh,hehowevernotedthat the situation leaves more questionsthananswers.
Parsram said while the initial testing ruled out any connectiontotheoilandgas activities offshore or onshore, the EPA will require the collection of more samples for further testing. During the visit, it waspointedoutthatthearea of Singh's home that is affected by seepage had completelydriedup.
Parsram explained that “As it is, we don't have enough to conduct a proper analysis and sample testing…Sowewillhaveto leave the equipment to collectstuffifitcomesupat the floor here. Right now, thereisnosignofseepageof anysortbutwhatweneedto know too what exactly this liquid substance is, because asisthereisnoindicationof hydrocarbon…”
The EPA Head also defended the agency's work inthefaceofquestionsabout its capability to conduct adequatetesting.Theagency hadpreviouslyadmittedthat its equipment was not calibrating correctly when it conducted tests which revealed that the substance found at the Nouvelle Flanders/Crane household contained sulfur dioxide; a harmful chemical. Parsram explained nonetheless that the agency is challenged in
the area of equipment and expertise.
“Thisissomethingthatis unique It has never happenedbeforesolikeEPA we will do air quality test, water quality test. They'll take the substance and go and test it.We are doing our best to try and understand and come up with the results,”hesaid.
Parsram said too that EPA will be able to make a definite conclusion as it relatestosamplestakenfrom the seepage at Crane, and that the agency is working
with external entities to get theworkdone.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the sample testing will be conducted by the Forensic Laboratory as well as the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Board
The EPA had initially collaborated with the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), the Civil Defence Commission (CDC), and the Ministry of Health (MOH) to conduct theinvestigations.
“Weareworkingwiththe tile samples we collected so
Meanwhile, Singh who celebrated her birthday on Mondaysharedherconcerns andfrustrationwiththeEPA head. She revealed that she continues to be affected by the pungent smell from substance that has found its way in the creases of her floortiles.
“Wellrightnowyounot smelling it that much because we clean up and air out the place but only the other night me start getting this heavy scent like gas from a generator…My skin sensitive, and does blaze whenever this thing come up.Mysonalsoexperiences thesamething”Singhstated.
She continued “By the time the EPA doing their investigationIwanttoknow what to do because I have beenlivinglikethisforover a month now Today is my birthday and I can't really enjoy it or no holiday Nothing I want to know is what really because I don't want to wait for slow death here.”Singh was advised by the EPA Head to avoid the affected area but keep a watchful eye for any appearanceofthesubstance.
“Wewillhavetomonitor ittogetadequatesamplesto do proper tests,” Parsram added. The EPA team also
visited the home of
Nandanie Singh. Her home is also affected by a similar substance on the floor tiles.
Fresh samples were collected from the home by staff of the EPA for further testing.
During the examination ofbothhomes,Mr Ketwaru, noted that based on his research and expertise as a chemist, the only plausible explanation for what is happening at the two homes is“Efflorescence.”
Efflorescence is a chemicalprocessthatoccurs whenacrystallinedepositof salt that forms on tiles or on the surface of a porous material,suchasconcreteor clay brick. The Chemist noted too that the clay tiles are a common denominator inbothhomes.
“Thetilesaresame;clay based. Obviously, nothing can't come from below except moisture, that is the onlyexplanationforthis,”he s a i d T h e C h e m i s t nevertheless said that he found it strange that Basmatie Singh has been experiencing the symptoms suchasblisteringoftheskin.
“So far based on our preliminary finding hydroxideispresentandthat doesnotresultinanyofsort ofblisteringoftheskin.”
The Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC) was illuminated on Saturday as individuals from all walks of life gathered to honour Guyanese cultural icon 'Dave Martins' who had given voice to the joy, struggles and shared history of Guyanese and the Caribbeanatlarge.'Dave Martins is We Own –AMusical and Visual Journey' –organised by the government through the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport in collaboration with the DepartmentofPublicAffairs,Officeof
the Prime Minister – sought to honour and highlight the work and legacy of thelegendarymusician.
Family, loved ones, friends, acquaintances and admirers among others, convened at the ACCC to celebrate the legend whose music and storytelling encapsulated the hearts of many generations.The national tribute saw local artistes and award-winning Tradewinds Caribbean string band entertaining attendees with some of Martins' classic hits. Additionally, the
homage featured a video tour of Martins' life, showcasing his journey from a young guy in Guyana to a prominentfigureinCaribbeanculture.
Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond delivered a heartwarming tribute on behalf of President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, who reminded why the musicianwassolovedbymany “Dave wasn't just a songwriter. He was a storytellerwhomadeuslaugh,made (Continuedonpage17)
First time lucky second time not, this might be the story of a food vendor who was shot dead on Monday at West Watooka Hill Top, Linden,RegionTen.
Dead is Nigel Somersall age 56. According to police Somesall's cousin found his body around 05:00 hrs. lying next to his motorcycle, not toofarfromhishouse.
Residents of West Watooka Hill Top recalled hearing the motorcycle heading towards Somersall's home before sudden gunshots They reportedly heard the sounds around 03:45 hrs. and a motorcycle fallingtotheground.
Thiswasnotthefirsttime that Somersall was shot. In September 2022, Somersall was shot twice in his abdomen and three times in his right hand. The shooting had left him hospitalised. According to investigators, Somersall was shot by a colleague The
Photographs showing no lintel beams above doors at the Day and Night Care Facility which was observed during the Audit Office's inspection on June 12, 2024. (AuditReport)
The construction of the MinistryofHumanServices and Social Security's Day and Night Care Facility was not done according to standard, the Auditor General's report of 2023 stated.
The $89.374M contract was awarded to the contractor–thelowestof23 bidders. The government's engineer estimated the projecttocost$83.872M.
Ministry on September 27, 2023withadurationofnine months, this being June 30, 2024asthecompletiondate.
The Audit Office said that as at December 31, 2023, the contractor received a mobilisation advance of $13.406 million representing 15% of the contractsum.
The Report stated that a team from the Audit Office carried out a physical verificationonJune12,2024
The contract was signed between the contractor and the Human Services
An 11-year-old boy was on Monday remanded to the Juvenile Holding Center for the fatal stabbing of his 13year-old friend, Kareem Durant of 'D' Field Sophia, Georgetown.
The boy appeared at the Children's Court before Magistrate Annette Singh, where he was charged with manslaughter and was not requiredtoenteraplea.
The court ordered a psychological evaluation to determineifthechildisfitto standtrial.Thecasehasbeen transferred to the Sparendaam Magistrates' Court and is scheduled to continue on November 11, 2024. The courtroom was filled with anxious family members from both the deceasedandaccusedasthey awaited the outcome for the 11-year-old.
Reports indicate that Durant lost his life on October 29 following an argumentatCummingsPark, EField,Sophia.Theincident reportedly began when Durant attacked the accused's 16-year-old brother with a pair of scissors, leading to the fatal confrontation.
According to police reports, the two boys were
friends who often played together in their community
Prior to the stabbing, the accusedwassittingonastack of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipesoutsidehishomewhen Durant approached and pushedhimoff.
Afterfalling,theaccused informed his older brother abouttheincident.Theolder brother then confronted Durant, which escalated into an argument. Durant left but returned shortly after, armed with scissors and accompanied by another male.
Policereportedthat (Continuedonpage16)
and revealed that the works were incomplete and behind schedule.
“The Contractor was not mobilized on site No workers,tools,orequipment were present on-site at the time of the physical verification The works completed at the time were foundations, kerb walls and ground floor slab, columns, beams, roof framing, and roof covering with the exception of the ridge cap, laying and rendering to the
Hollow Concrete Blocks (HCB) external walls, and laying of internal HCB walls,”thereportstated.
Additionally, upon inspection, the audit team observed that lintels, which were required under the contract, were not casted in placeabovemultipleinternal doorways and window openings, while blockworkswerealreadyerected.
“The absence of this lintelbeamtobeartheloads of the block-swork above
can result in structural cracking over time,” the reportsaid.
During the verification of the project, the Audit Office found that no approved extensions of time were seen, while the completion date for the workswaslessthanamonth away at the time of the verification “Examination oftheBondsandInsurances revealed that the expiration date was 15 July 2024, however,sincetheworksare
behind schedule, these will have to be extended accordingly,” the Auditor Generalrevealed. In response to these findings and observations, the Human Services Ministry indicated to the Audit Office that no payments have been made forincompleteworks.
“ A l e t t e r w a s subsequently sent to the Contractor highlighting missing lintels A
approximately 75 percent completed, Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha told Berbice farmers last week.
During a meeting on Saturday with shrimp farmers from Region Six at the Albion Sports Complex, Mustapha disclosedthatwhiletheinitialprojectis almost complete, additional farmers have expressed an interest in getting involvedintheprogramme.
“So far, we were able to complete about75percentoftheponds.Initially, we had a list of about 80 farmers from Region Six. This was for phase one of the project. We added some additional farmers to the list who will be a part of phase two of the project. When we've completed phase one, we'll start work on the additional ponds,” Mustpha was quotedinapressreleasebyhisministry assaying.
Timelyinterventionsinthesectorby the Irfaan Ali-led Administration have resulted in massive increases in brackish water shrimp production Before the government's intervention, shrimp farmers were producing approximately 9,000 kilograms monthly. Farmers are now producing approximately 98,000 kilograms monthly.
Minister Mustapha said that additional machines were procured to assist with executing the project. He also disclosed that an additional machinewillbeprocuredfortheproject next year While noting that the government was investing in the sector
and production has increased, Minister Mustapha said that the price for brackish water shrimp has also increased.This,henoted,shouldnotbe thecase.
“We are investing a lot of money; taxpayers' money; to develop these ponds but the consumers are not receiving any benefits Before the project,onebucketofshrimpwasbeing sold for just about $25,000. Now, I'm beingtolditisbeingsoldforasmuchas $45,000.
Thisshouldnotbethecaseandwe cannot continue like that. So, this is something we'll be looking at because weareassistingyoubutwealsoneedthe consumers to benefit from this initiative,”henoted.
In 2023, Guyana earned approximately $1.8 billion from the production of brackish water shrimp duetothegovernment'sheavyfocuson
increased food production and economic growth. This represents a 49 percent increase when compared to the 548,900 kilograms produced over the sameperiodin2022.
From January to November 2023, approximately 815,496 kilograms of shrimp were produced Minister Mustapha stated that the production of brackish water shrimp, which is being conducted along the Corentyne Coast, has continued to produce massive outcomessinceitscommencement.
He also said that the project will soon commence in Regions Five and Two. He also said that the Vannamei Prawns project has also commenced in Region Five and that the government will soon produce feed and larvae for theindustry
This,heexplained,willimprovethe quality and quantity of shrimp being produced.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has come out against a referendum on the question of renegotiation of the oil contract.
He said it would complicate matters because as Guyanese know, elections are a difficult time. A referendum would add to the confusions and controversies that are now normal aspects during elections. Though we disagree that a referendum would make elections complicated, it doesn't have to be tied to the elections.
A referendum all by itself, and reduced to the simplest footing, a straight “Yes” or “No” question about renegotiation is worth the exercise. The results should decrease present uncertainties, and could ease the nonstop bickering surrounding renegotiation.
We believe that the PPPC Government could be doing itself a favour with a standalone referendum. There is mostly negative reaction ('No' to renegotiation), and it is clear sailing for the government and oil czar, Jagdeo. Neither he nor the president nor the government would have to deal with questions about renegotiation of the oil contract going forward. Because the referendum result would have settled that issue for the foreseeable future, if not as long as the Stabroek Block has oil.
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
COINS Wanted, I buy coins best prices paid. Tele : 6430902 / 653-4287.
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Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).
One nursery school teacher for three year old, 3 days per week from 11 am -1 PM. Call : 629-5439.
One driver residing on West bank /West coast demerara,must be licensed for Car,van & truck. Call : 2642524.
One handyman to clean yard once a week. Call : 623-8414.
Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call : 615-9132 or 645-8443.
One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or call 615-9132.
Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443
Some 80 students recently graduated from nine courses administered by the Corentyne-based, Humanitarian Mission Guyana Inc. (HMGI) during organisation’s second such ceremony of the year.
Male desk staff, Male room attendant, receptionist 25-30 years old. 233 South Road Lacytown. 225-0198.
Maintence worker, Cleaner / handywoman , welder / Fabricator , Carpenter / Masonary , Labourers. Call : 621-6969/ 615-7784.
One (1) qualify physiotherapist for home services in East Bank area Call 615-9132.
One handyman / Porter residing on West bank /West coast demerara,must know to read & write.Call : 624-0239.. Mason, Labourer & Carpenter wanted to work in Linden. Contact : 602-9469 , 6157526,660-6385 , 625-7642.
General domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.
Male sales-rep 22-28 years old, Knowledge about vehicle models would be an asset. Call : 709-4313.
Fish process to work in Georgetown. Contact : 6825002
Seeking a reliable housekeeper / Maid for 4 days weekly in Providence. Must be trustworthy. 624-8591.
One sales girl wanted to work in boutique in Georgetown. Call : 698-7152.
Reputable transportation service is seeking experienced Chauffeur with mini bus and hire car license. Call: 645-0025 / 707-9428.
One male Translator speaking Spanish and English. Call : 613-0855 Between 9 am-4 PM
One excavator operator must have atleast 5 years experience.Call : 613-0855 Between 9 am-4 pm
FIRST AID/CPR/AED & HOME NURSING COURSES, Starting soon at St. John Association. Call: 225-9082.
Established in 2015 at its training centre located at 1426 Area Q, Ankerville, Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice, HMGI boasts as a leader in providing a wide range of services and vocational training to the community. Humanitarian Mission Guyana Inc. is a non-profit organisation dedicated to educating, empowering, and elevating individuals in breaking the cycle of poverty through life skills education and community development in Guyana. Through its programmes and initiatives, the mission strives to empower individuals and improve their quality of life.
In a press release HMGI
For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 626-8918
Supermarket Packers , Cashiers, Sales representative (AM/PM).Tele : 609-2995 , EmailSurvivalhumanresources2@gmail.com
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Bond attendant Tele : 6092995 , EmailSurvivalhumanresources2@gmail.com
One maid/ cook (Must know to cook Indian dishes) 45 years or older live-in (Optional) Contact : 680-4718.
your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
said one of the beneficiaries of the recent courses, Sunitie Harinarain, a 34-year-old mother of two boys aged 14 and six and a seasoned graduate teacher with 17 years of experience, expressed her gratitude for the cooking classes offered. She praised the Mission for enabling students to acquire essential skills for today’s world, HMGI said, quoting Harinarain as saying: “I learned a lot. Going to that Mission, myself and other students were not just there to be in the classroom. We were there to take a skill from that Mission so we could return to our homes or community and do something with it.”
Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer of HMGI, Suresh Sugrim said the graduating cohort included 13 students from the Basic Information Technology (IT) course, 10 from the Advanced IT course, 14 from the Nail programme, and 10 each from the Summer Basic IT and Cake Making courses. The Hair course produced four graduates, while four also graduated from the Pastry course, and five from the Makeup course.
According to the release, Sugrim emphasised HMGI’s crucial role in uplifting individuals through life skills education. He noted that in communities where educational opportunities are scarce, feelings of hopelessness can often dominate. Through the generous sup-
Queenstown, North-East LaPenitence, Agricola Public Road (80x269), Parfaite Harmony. Contact: Ray's Realty 627-9685
Executive Apts - Fully furnished in Parfaite Harmony and Herstelling USD1100 call : 608 -3575
Warehouse for rent in Central Georgetown , 16,000 Sqarefeet. Contact : 613-9899 / 226-4878.
Commericial space Croal street( Stabroek market area) Sheriff street( Residential Houston & Friendship, East Bank.Contact: Ray's Realty 627-9685
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
port of donors and partnerships, HMGI is dedicated to breaking this cycle of poverty by educating, empowering, and elevating individuals.
He firmly believes that education is the pathway to change, fostering personal growth and hope for individuals and communities.
During the graduation ceremony Sugrim told graduates that in today’s rapidly changing world, the need for life skills education has never been more critical.
He noted that by equipping persons with essential life skills, they are not only empowered to navigate life’s challenges, but also strengthen communities and society. “We are immensely proud of our graduating class and all that they have achieved,” Sugrim stated, adding, “Today, we celebrate not only their academic accomplishments but also their growth as individuals, leaders, and change makers. We have every confidence that they will go on to make meaningful contributions to their communities and the world,” Sugrim is quoted in a release as saying. The Humanitarian Mission Guyana Inc. said it believes that education is the key to unlocking human potential and driving positive change, urging stakeholders, including government agencies, businesses, educational institutions, non-profit organisations, and community leaders, to join in their efforts to promote life skills
education; whether through funding support, partnership opportunities, or volunteering, there are several ways to get involved and make a meaningful impact in the lives of others.
According to the release students in their testimonies urged anyone seeking to learn a skill to join HMGI, highlighting the diverse training offered, including cooking, sewing, hairdressing, cake decoration, pastry and baking, cosmetology consist of hair, nails, makeup and facial care. Students, according to HMGI also expressed their eagerness to enroll in more courses, underscoring the Mission’s vital role in educating and inspiring others.
Sugrim reiterated HMGI’s vision to uplift individuals through life skills education by giving them a second chance to rebuild themselves, stating, “In communities affected by limited educational opportunities, feelings of hopelessness and frustration can often prevail and cost many social ills. Through the support of our generous donors and partnerships, we are committed to breaking this cycle of poverty by educating, empowering, and elevating individuals.”
By equipping individuals with essential life skills, the Humanitarian Mission Guyana Inc. aims to inspire self-improvement and help people become the best versions of themselves.
From page 04 election is that states known to be Democratic has Trump leading and states known to be Republican have Harris leading or tied. Nevada is a small state and may not impact the outcome. Either candidate that wins three of these seven states wins the Presidency. It is possible for a candidate to sweep all seven. A shocker is a new poll that put Harris ahead in Iowa; that is unexpected as it has been a solid Republican state. This writer places it in the Trump column although Harris leads in the latest poll. It seems that Trump can win Georgia, North Carolina and Arizona but will still run short of the required 270 EVs; he will need to win Pennsyl-
vania to win the Presidency. It appears that Harris will win Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada, but needs Pennsylvania to win the Presidency. Harris can win the Presidency without winning Nevada; she must win Pennsylvania. Both candidates are focusing on Pennsylvania.
Analysts say whoever wins PA wins the election. A candidate can win the Presidency without winning PA. He or she must win four of the other major states. If Harris win Iowa, then she will sweep the Presidency. The outcome is expected to be close in many states. Trump has increased his support in traditional democratic states.
Guyanese could influence the outcome of the elections.
Most of them live in NY and Florida. The Democrats will win NY and Republicans FL. There are small numbers of Guyanese in the other states such as Georgia, North Carolina, and PA with smaller numbers in Michigan and Neavad and Georgia.
Hardly any Guyanese live in Arizonia. Every vote matters. Every Guyanese American is urged to vote. The stakes are high and the whole world is focusing on this election as it determines the outcome of the leader of the world. Guyanese politicians are also paying keen interest. One party prefers Trump while two other parties prefer Harris.
Yours faithfully, Dr. Vishnu Bisram
From page 14 Durant approached the older brother and stabbed him in the lower back. In response, the 11-year-old pulled out a knife from his waistband and stabbed Durant in the left side of his chest. Following the altercation,
Durant ran towards his home but collapsed on the parapet in front of his residence.
Durant’s older brother, 22year-old Shawn Fletchman, rushed him to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
The 11-year-old was arrested at the crime scene and taken to Turkeyen Police Station with his 58-year-old father.
The body of Kareem Durant is currently at the GPHC mortuary, awaiting a post-mortem examination.
The South Rupununi District Council (SRDC) in expressing deep concern over the recent robbery and abduction in the Marudi Mountain area is calling for all mining operations to be s u s p e n d e d u n t i l comprehensive regulatory systems are established to protectthecommunitiesand untilthereismeaningfuland effectiveparticipationinline with the principle of Free, Prior,andInformedConsent (FPIC),ensuringfullrespect for the rights of Indigenous Peoples under national and internationallaw.”
The SRDC statement issued on Monday comes afterninepersonsweretaken hostage on Saturday when heavily-armed gunmen robbedtheGuyanaGeology and Mines Commission’s (GGMC)‘BushMouth’substation at Marudi, Deep South Rupununi, Region
Nine. The Guyana Police Force (GPF) in a statement said that the hostages were four Brazilian nationals and five Guyanese. The nine hostages were eventually rescuedduetoeffortsbythe JointServices. Deeplyconcerned Of the nine persons who were abducted two were Wapichan men—one from Aishaltonandtheotherfrom Karaudarnau in Deep South Rupununi, Region Nine
“We are relieved that all hostages were released unharmed However, this incident raises extreme alarm regarding the safety and security of Wapichan communities, particularly those near the Marudi mining area,” the council saidinastatement. It added that “Wapichan people not engaged in mining activities were also victims of robbery and
assault.Weneveranticipated such crimes occurring so close to our peaceful communities, and this incident has left our
The SRDC said it has consistentlyvoicedconcerns abouttheeffectsofminingin the Marudi Mountains on Wapichan communities and lands. “We believe that the escalation of such criminal activities is linked to the increase in mining operations.”
The SRDC said too that therehasalsobeenaninflux of Brazilians in the Marudi mining area, with several reports indicating that many areenteringGuyanathrough an illegal route along the G u y a n a - B r a z i l i a n border—the same path used by the robbers to escape. “The increase in mining
The government plans to expand the facilities at the Eugene F Correia International Airport (Ogle Airport)toaccommodatethe massive development underway in Guyana’s aviationandtourismsectors.
The airport is already blossoming into a major travel hub, accommodating more than 200 landings per day Thisisaccordingtothe Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill, during the launch of Caribbean Airlines’ inaugural flight from Ogle Airport to Paramaribo, Suriname on Sunday
OgleAirportisnowone of the busiest airports in the Caribbean.
According to Minister
Edghill,everyoperatorthere has applied for and been granted permission to expand their fleets to meet the growing demand
“We’rehavingmoreaircraft, more flights, with the possibilityofexploringnew areas. One of the things that we have to do is to create more space,” he explained.
The minister disclosed that the airport’s Board of Directors has already submittedtheirdevelopment plans for the expansion Outlining some of the potential changes, he said passengerswillsoonbenefit from more seating accommodations and a wider range of duty-free options.
“We need possibly an executiveloungetofacilitate
executivetraveloutofOgle, because more executive jets arenowlandingatOgle,and eventually we have to see a biggerorlongerrunway[so] thatwecouldhavetake-offs ofbiggeraircraft.
So,[for]theoverallplan of development, this provides yet another threader or another pillar,” Minister Edghill said. He underscored the importance of regular maintenance and expansion to keep the country’s aviation sector modern and its airports capable of handling large aircraft and delivering topnotch service The government also plans to build a second terminal at the Cheddi Jagan InternationalAirport(CJIA) aspartofthisvision.(DPI)
Frompage14 photo/imagewassentshowinglintelsonthe externalwindowsandeffortsarebeingmade to correct the defective works and install lintelsintheinternaldoorways,”theministry responded.
Further,theministrynotedthatatthedate of the physical verification, no extension approvalwassought,however,arequestfor extension was sent to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board(NPTAB)on14August2024.
The ministry added that upon receipt of theextensionapproval,thecontractorwillbe reengagedtoextendthenecessarybondsand insurances, since the insurance Company requires an approval before extending the expirydates.
activities became particularly noticeable in 2022,followingtheeviction ofBrazilianminersfromthe Yanomamiterritory,duringa time when an agreement allowing “small miners” to continue mining on a concession now controlled by Golden Shields Resources was already in effect Despite repeated requests, Wapichan communitieswerenotgiven the opportunity to read, discuss, or provide input on this agreement, and it was only after more than two yearsthatacopywasfinally provided to the SRDC,” the statementsaid.
Accordingtothecouncil, these activities disrupt the social fabric of the communities and pose significant threats to the wellbeing of the people “Illegalactivitiesshouldnot be allowed to continue. The
SRDC humbly demand that the relevant authorities take immediate action to bolster security measures in the Marudi Mountains to preventanyfutureincidents. We strongly recommend the establishment of a police outpostintheMarudimining area, given the alarming increaseinminingactivities. Furthermore, we insist that all mining operations be s u s p e n d e d u n t i l comprehensive regulatory systems are established to protectourcommunitiesand untilthereismeaningfuland effectiveparticipationinline with the principle of Free, Prior,andInformedConsent (FPIC),ensuringfullrespect for the rights of Indigenous Peoples under national and internationallaw.”
The council said it is imperative that the government engage in meaningful dialogue with
Wapichan communities to address their urgent concerns regarding the environmental and social impacts of mining in Wapichan territory “Our safety, rights, and the integrityofourlandmustbe prioritized.Thesafetyofour peopleisparamount,andwe will continue to work diligently to ensure a secure andsustainablefutureforall residents of the South Rupununi.” Policeupdate Meanwhile, police in a statement on Monday said duringfurtherinvestigations between 17:30hrs and 20:45hrs Sunday ranks contacted and interviewed the victims of the alleged robbery and abduction that occurred at about 10:30hrs on Saturday at Bushmouth Marudi Backdam in South Rupununi, Region Nine Duringtherobbery,Romain (Continuedonpage18)
man transferred over $1M...
Frompage12 Officer ofBlock1,481Zeelugt,Christopher Charles, a 17-year-old Barber of Lethem, CentralRupununi,CurtisCharles,a35-yearoldLieutenantoftheGuyanaDefenceForce (GDF) and resident of Block ‘X’ Diamond HousingScheme,KarlAntone,a30-year-old Community Mines Ranger of Aishalton Village, South Rupununi, Benedict John, a 28-year-old Caretaker of Karaudanau Village, South Rupununi, Dionei Farias De Brito,a29-year-oldGeneralManagerofBoa Vista,Brazil,and EduardoMoreiraFreitas,a 22-year-oldoperatorofBoaVistaBrazil.
Photos and videos have surfaced of the
The students’ dormitory oftheNorthWestSecondary School in Mabaruma, Region One will soon undergo renovation and extension to the sum of $362,385,000.
recommendedthattheministryimprovesits supervision of the contractors to ensure that thecontractualobligationsaremet.
Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Dr Vindhya Persaud announced the government’s plan to construct Day and Night Care Facilities in variouspartsofthecountryin2022.
The facilities aim to create a safe place for the nation’s children, and avenues for women to be gainfully employed.
The initiative will also ensure access totrustedfacilitiesforchildren
Back in 2023, the ministry had gone out to tender to construct one facility in Region ThreeandanotherinRegionFour
This is according to information provided by the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) which revealed that the Education Ministry’s project was awarded to Mason’s InnovativeConstructionand General Supply who was amongthreecontractorsthat submittedtheirbids.
This publication understands that the government through the Ministries of Education and Local Government have taken several steps to
incidentonsocialmediaandwentviral.One video showed what appeared to be an exchange of gunfire at the GGMC substation.Spentshellswerefoundatthescene. Police have confirmed that apart from cash, gunmen escaped with two Glock pistols belonging to two Guyanese mines officers and a Mavado watch valued at $140,000. Investigations revealed that six masked gunmenambushedthevictimsaround10:15 hrs. at strategic GGMC checkpoints. The suspects are believed to be Brazilian nationals because of their strong Portuguese accent. Investigationscontinue.
improve the conditions and accommodation of schools and their dormitories across thecountry The dormitories in the hinterlandareasmostlycater forstudentswhocomefrom far flung villages to attend school. In the case of North West, the secondary school in the Mabaruma District serve children from various communities including Hotoquai, Yarakita, MatthewsRidge,Sebai,Red Hill, Powaikuro, Wauna, Wanaina, Kamwatta, White Water,Hobodeia,St.John’s, Kachikamo, St. Cyprians, Barasina, Black Water Savannah, St. Margaret’s, Thomas Hill, Mabaruma
S e t t l e m e n t , MabarumaTownship,
Mabaruma Compound, Kunaka, Barabina, Hosororo, Wayne, and Arkanasjusttonameafew
It was reported that the Northwest Secondary School itself was recently commissioned after it was rebuiltbyArucaInvestments for$346.2million. The two-storey state-ofthe-art facility can accommodate 575 students and includes 23 classrooms, three science laboratories, a technical drawing room, four canteens, eight washroomfacilities,andtwo modified elevators. This publication recently reported that a recreational shed is slated to be built at the sc
(Reuters)BriGodfrey,a 66-year-old realtor in Henderson,Nevada,popped out of her car with her labradoodle (named Godfrey) and headed for a wide lawn in Cadence CentralPark.
Godfrey, a Black woman, voted for Trump in 2016becauseshethoughthe wouldbebetterforbusiness peoplelikeher
But what she described as the chaos and lack of morality during his presidency quickly soured her onTrump and she voted for Biden in 2020 and said shewillvoteforHarris.
Lettingoutadeepexhale beforeshespokeonSunday,
Godfreysaidshedoes“have some anxiety” about this year’s election “I’m dealing with it by focusing on my faith in God and throughmychurch,andthat is really helping me deal with the anxiety,” she said. Godfrey says she rolled the dicewithTrumpin2016and was badly disappointed “There are some concerns near and dear to my heart, and at the top of that list are women’s rights and the resurgence of white supremacy,” Godfrey said.
“We’re supposed to be a nation for everyone. “With Trumpthereisanuglyspirit that’srearingitsheadthatis not conducive to us still
As a Black woman, Godfreysaidthat“Ilovemy country, but my country has not always loved me ” Godfrey, who has lived in Las Vegas for 22 years but was raised in the Bay Area where Harris got her political start, said that she witnessed first hand Harris’ growth and maturity as a leader in California. She appreciated Harris’ toughon-crime stance in San Francisco, even when it meant incarcerating Black men,andthefactthatHarris took that stance despite taking serious flak from some Black leaders at the time.
Simon, a 39-year-old Natural Resources Officer, was robbed of a Glock 17 pistol with one magazine and 15 rounds of ammunition, as well as a Mavado watch valued at $140,000.
VictorAdams,a34-yearold Natural Resources Officer, was robbed of a Glock 17 pistol with one magazine and 15 rounds of ammunition.
KarlAntone, a 30-yearold Community Mines Ranger, was robbed of $100,000 cash (Guyana currency). However, police said, Dionei Faribas De Brito now says that the
police had misinterpreted whathesaidwhendetectives i
m on Saturday According to him, when the suspects approached them at the GGMC checkpoint, he was robbed of $892,000 in cash (Guyana currency). The suspects also demanded gold, but since he had no gold in his possession at the time,theytoldhimhehadto transferonemillionreaistoa PixaccountinBrazil.
(APix account is part of Brazil’s instant payment system, Pix, which allows users to send and receive money between bank accountsinseconds).
De Brito claimed, the
On women’s rights, Godfrey said there was obviously no comparison to how the issue is approached by Trump versus Harris. But Godfrey was equal in her criticism of both the Republican and Democratic Party leaders when it came
police said that he was fearful for his life, and he sent 30 thousand reais, whichisequivalentto$1.2M (Guyana currency), to the Pixaccountbeforetheywere released.
Themoneytransferredto the Pix account has since been recovered and handed over to Brazilian law enforcement officials. Meanwhile,twoofthethree vehicles used in the commissioningofthecrime, which were at Bushmouth junction, were registered in Brazil (Brazilian number plates). The Guyana Police Forceisworkingalongwith the Federal Police in Brazil asinvestigationscontinue.
Frompage13 us remember Through songs like Not a Blade of Grass,hesomehowcaptured that fierce, quiet pride in being Guyanese without needingtoshoutaboutitand getting involved in politics,
M i n i s t e r Wa l r o n d expressed. “Even though he stayed away from politics, his words reminded us who we are,”shesaid. The minister said, “His musicbecamearallyingcry when we needed it most, giving us a voice without a single ounce of hate or anger.”
Minister Walrond continued by stating that through his songs, Martins preserved the authentic spirit of Guyana and the WestIndies,remindingusof the strength, beauty, and
unique character of our people. “This was his great gift to us, a timeless reminder that no matter where we may end up, we always carry with us the mark that defines us as GuyaneseandWestIndians.
Dave Martins’ songs brought comfort, laughter and appreciation to all who heardhismusic.
Though he may no longerbewithus,thelegacy he leaves behind is one that time cannot diminish. His music will continue to inspire,upliftanduniteus,” shefurtherexpressed.
Band members of Tradewinds also delivered h e a r t w a r m i n g commentaries on Martins, whoselegacywillliveonfor manygenerationstocome. Asafittingfarewelltoa man whose work has been
ingrained in Caribbean legacy, the evening ended witheveryonesingingalong to the iconic ‘Is We Own’, demonstrating the musician’stalentofbringing peopleinunity Martins migrated to Guyana after living in Canada for many years. He then became famous for his calypso songs “Cricket in the Jungle”, “Civilization”, “It’s Traditional” , “Copycats”, “Guyana Coming Back”, “Wong Ping”, and “West Indian Alphabet.”In2022,Martins was endowed with the honourary degree of Doctor of Letters from the UniversityofGuyana. He died on August 19, aged 90 years, leaving behind a rich tapestry of music that transcends generations.(DPI)
to what she labeled as bickering that has gridlocked government and leftthepublicatlargebadly desiringanewgenerationof leaders to help coax the country out of pointless and divisive fighting. “But I don’t think neither Trump
nor Kamala can truly unite the country,” Godfrey said. “It’s up as the people who makeupthisnationtocome together It’s everyday peoplewhohavetomakethe changes we desire happen. Weneedcitizenstobemore vocalandtoparticipate.”
…as opponents accuse him of leaking intelligence to thwart Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal
(CNN)— Israeli police have arrested a top aide to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over allegedly leaking classified information to foreign media.
Opposition leaders say the intelligence was “faked,”andpartofaruseto thwart a ceasefire and hostagedealinGaza.
The investigation centers on allegations that the prime minister’s office promoted to foreign media the claim that Hamas was planning on smuggling hostages out of Gaza over the Egyptian border and creating divisions in Israeli society to pressure Netanyahu into a hostage releaseandceasefiredeal
Eliezer Feldstein, who has been named by oppositionpoliticiansasan aide to Netanyahu, is among several people being interrogated over the leak of “classified and sensitive intelligence information,” according to courtdocuments
A court order made public on Sunday said that information taken from the Israeli military’s systems and “illegally issued” may have damaged Israel’s abilitytofreehostagesheld byHamasinGaza
CNN is attempting to reach Feldstein for comment. A spokesperson for Netanyahu denied that there have been leaks from
the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO),andthatthe“person in question never participated in securityrelated discussions, ” apparently referring to Feldstein.
T h e P M O a l s o downplayed the possibility that the leak impacted negotiations with Hamas over the release of hostages fromGaza,callingtheclaim “ridiculous.”
Opposition leaderYair
Lapid on Sunday accused the prime minister’s office of leaking “faked secret documents to torpedo the possibility of ahostagedeal–toshapea public opinion influence operation against the hostages’families ”
Families of hostages heldinGazahaveaccused Netanyahu of repeatedly thwarting an agreement with Hamas, believing that an end to the Gaza warwouldforcetheprime minister to hold elections Netanyahu is alleged to have, in the past, torpedoed agreements with 11th hour demands –somethinghedenies
The alleged leaks were the basis of two articles publishedinSeptember,one in the Jewish Chronicle, in the United Kingdom, and another in Germany’s Bild, both citing Israeli intelligence sources and supportinganarrativebeing pushed by Netanyahu at the
time. The articles were published as ceasefire and hostagereleasenegotiations were ongoing, but also as thousands of Israelis demonstrated almost daily calling on the government to strikeadealwithHamasand bringIsraelihostageshome
Those demonstrations intensified after the Israeli military announced on September 1 that six Israelis werekilledinGaza–fourof themwereduetobereleased inafirstwaveofthepotential deal.
Thenextday,Netanyahu held a news conference and presented an alleged Hamas document he said was found inatunnelinGaza
The document, he said, showed that Hamas was tryingtodivideIsraelis “Iam not going to surrender to this pressure,” Netanyahu said, andreiteratedhisdemandthat IsraelcontroltheGaza-Egypt border, also known as the Philadelphi corridor Doing so would “prevent the smuggling of our hostages to Sinai,”hesaid
“TheycanpopupinIran orYemen”
Just days later, Jewish Chronicle published an article claiming that intelligence sources said “Sinwar’s plan was to smuggle himself and the remaining Hamas leaders along with Israeli hostages through the Philadelphi corridor to Sinai and from theretoIran ”
El Dorado Offshore (EDO), Noble Corporation
and MATPAL Marine Institute have announced the launch of applications for the Noble Marine Cadet Programme.
Thisinitiativerepresentsa shared commitment to equipping young Guyanese with the skills, experience, and mentorship needed to excel in Guyana's burgeoning energy sector, a release from El Dorado Offshore said. Through the Noble Marine CadetProgram,aspiringDeck Cadets and Engineering
Cadets are offered a transformative pathway to a careerintheoffshoreindustry
The four-year programme providesauniqueblendof18 months of classroom-based education and 18 months of offshore training, designed to ensure participants receive both theoretical grounding and practical, hands-on experience.
Cadets benefit from
comprehensive tuition coverage and professional guidance from industry veterans, enabling them to focus fully on their
development without financialstrain.
To remain eligible, cadets must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.2 throughout their training and achieve 85% attendance in all required sessions, both classroombased and offshore. These rigorousstandardsensurethat each graduate of the program is exceptionally prepared to assume critical roles in Guyana's offshore industry, supportingthecountry'sgoals
of local workforce development and sector growth.
Toencourageapplications from across Guyana, EDO, Noble,andMATPALwillhost community outreach sessions
at various technical
institutions, providing prospective applicants with comprehensive information about the programme and assisting with the application process.
Outreach visits are scheduledforNovember25th at NewAmsterdam Technical Institute (NATI), November 27th at Linden Technical Institute(LTI),andNovember 29th at Essequibo Technical Institute (ETI). During each visit,representativeswillalso demonstrate a mobile applicationplatformdesigned to simplify the application process and keep applicants informedateachstep.
ApplicationsfortheNoble Marine Cadet Program are open from November 4 until December 31, 2024
Following the close of the applicationperiod,aselection committee will review all submissions, with shortlisted candidates announced in late January2025.
Theseselectedcadetswill join a growing community of skilled professionals, playing a pivotal role in advancing Guyana'soffshoreindustry
Prospective candidates can access application details on the Noble Marine Cadet
Program website at www.eldoradooffshore.com/s cholarships.
The Noble Marine Cadet Program embodies the commitment of El Dorado
Offshore, Noble and MATPAL Marine Institute to f o s t e r s u s t a i n a b l e development and careerbuilding opportunities in Guyana. By investing in the youth of Guyana, these organizations are not only strengthening the local workforce but also contributing to the long-term growth and resilience of Guyana'senergysector
SportsMax - Paris
LaFond-Gadson was conferred with Dominica’s highest honour, the DominicaHonourAward,on Sundayinrecognitionofher extraordinary achievements in2024.
LaFond-Gadson, who
made history by becoming Dominica’s first Olympic medalistwithhergoldinthe triplejumpinParis,alsowon the triple jump title at the W o r l d I n d o o r Championships in Glasgow, Scotland,earlierinMarch.
markedahistoricfirstfora D
solidifying her legacy as one of the country’s most celebratedsportsfigures P
Roosevelt Skerritt had previously announced that LaFond-Gadson would be
Dominica Honour Award during her visit to the island shortly after the Olympics The formal recognition took place during the National Parade, where the Prime Minister addressedthenation,andall honoreeswerecelebratedfor their contributions to Dominica.
The Dominica Honour Aw
IndependenceDayRallyto individuals who have significantly impacted the nation’slandscape
Your ego has probably been feeling strong lately, and you may feel an extra boost of self-confidence, Aries. Don't be surprised if your ego gets threatened by someone who appearsoutofthebluewithan aggressive.
Ifyouknewthetruthofallthe things that are going on outside your world, you'd be appalled, Taurus You shouldn't take things at face valuetoday
Itisn'tagoodideatotrytofit people into a mold today, Gemini.Thiswillonlyannoy others and frustrate you. It's important that you relax and simply let people blossom into the people they want to be.
Consider subscribing to an alternativenewsletterofsome sort, Cancer You will find some amazing information thatthegeneralpublicdoesn't necessarilyknow Knowledge ispower Forthemostpart,
Don't expect others to take muchnoticeofyouremotions today, Leo You're more respectful of theirs than they are of yours Find peace amongallyouencounter
Your aggressive attitude is likely to start a fight that might be difficult to settle now, Virgo There are extremely stubborn forces at work, and you may find that no one is willing to budge fromtheirposition.
Peoplemaybedifficulttodeal with today, Libra. You may soon discover that they're just as stubborn as you are. Try to give others the benefit of the doubt or there will be a stalemate in just about every cornerofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Your ego may be under some stress today, Scorpio The trickypartisthatthethreatyou feel is probably a result of something that isn't even completely real. It could be thatsomeoneisactingonfalse information.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
You could develop a stomachache if you try to sort out all the confused issues of the day, Sagittarius. There are apt to be too many matters for you to handle alone, so don't eventry
You may have your mind set on some big plans that you've beenworkingonforsometime now, Capricorn. The problem is that today there is some conflict with something or someonewithalargeego.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Youmayhavebeenfeeling more emotional lately, Aquarius. Today a fanciful energy could sweep you off your feet and into another realmentirely
People and situations that you were counting on may suddenly run into opposition today, Pisces Don't be surprised if the seat you're sitting on is suddenly pulled outfromunderyou.
Junior Sinclair replaces Kevin Sinclair in the
Following an internal report from the Guyana Harpy Eagles management, it has been decided that Kevin Sinclair will no longer be participating in this year’s competition Junior Sinclair will be the replacement for Kevin Sinclair Sinclair’s arrival is expectedaheadoftheteam’s next match, and we look forward to seeing his contributiononthefield.
This year, LaFondGadson was one of 18 D o m i n i c a n s a n d international honorees recognized
The award was presented by Dominica’s President, Her Excellency Sylvanie Burton, in a ceremony that highlighted L a F o n d - G a d s o n ’s exceptional achievements and the pride she has inspiredacrossthenation
Speaking to the media after receiving the award, LaFond-Gadson expressed that the honour was her “greatest achievement ever” and encouraged young Dominicans to pursue their dreams with dedicationandpassion
The celebration of L a F o n d - G a d s o n ’s accomplishments does not endwithSunday’sparade.
A luncheon hosted by a private sector organization was scheduled for Monday inherhonour,extendingthe nation’s gratitude for her contributions.
Her recognition comes in addition to being named a Sports Ambassador two months ago, along with receiving a $400,000 gift and a land grant from the government.
Prime Minister Skerritt, in his address, acknowledged t
n has brought to Dominica, calling her achievements a source of inspirationforthe entirenation.
With her historic Olympic victory and her continueddedicationtoher country, Thea LaFondGadson has undoubtedly secured her place as a Dominicanicon
BBCSport-IgaSwiatek began her bid to regain the world number one ranking with a comeback win over Barbora Krejcikova in the WTAFinalsgroupstages.
Poland’s Swiatek trailed theWimbledonchampionby asetanddoublebreakbefore regroupingtowin4-67-562.
This was the 23-yearold’s first match since her quarter-finalUSOpenexitin September and first under newcoachWimFissette.
“AtthebeginningIfelta bitrustybutI’mhappythatI found a way to play a bit moresolid,”saidSwiatek.
S h e a n d A r y n a Sabalenka are in contention to finish the year as the toprankedplayer
Defending champion Swiatekwillneedtowinthe title to replace Sabalenka, while the Belarusian needs to win all three round-robin matchesorreachthefinal.
Sabalenka began her campaign with victory over ZhengQinwenonSaturday
Coco Gauff beat fellow American and doubles partnerJessicaPegula6-362 in the second Orange GroupmatchonSunday
Thetoptwoplayersfrom each group advance to the semi-finals,withSabalenka, Zheng, Elena Rybakina and JasminePaoliniinthePurple Group.
The tournament is being held in SaudiArabia for the firsttime-amovewhichhas been criticised by some because of the country’s humanrightsrecord.
French Open champion Swiatek took an extended
GCB betCAGESports National T20 League… Demerara Hawks vs. Berbice Caimans
- Jaguars, Pitbulls notch up wins in weekend games
Carlos LaRose shined with bat and ball as the DemeraraHawkssoaredtoa 7-wicket win over the Berbice Caimans yesterday at LBI Ground when action continued in the GCB NationalT20League.
Hawksknockedoverthe Caimansfor85runsin19.5 overs with national youth all-rounder Shamar Apple leading the scoring with 22 while opener Sachin Singh (14) was the next best batsman.
Seamer LaRose grabbed 3-11 with support from Ezekiel Wilson (3-6) with support from left-arm pacer Chris Harry (2-28) and ChanderpaulRamraj(2-12).
Hawks flew to 86-3 in reply after Adrian Hinds (22), LaRose (23*) and some useful knocks by
Brandon Jaikaran (13) and Shamar Yearwood (12) helping to see the Demerara franchisehome.
Meanwhile, Sunday’s round at Pomona Ground saw Essequibo Jaguars pouncing to a huge 43-run winoverBerbicePiranhas.
The Jags posted 146-8 batting first only to mow down their opponents who were kept to 103-10 during theirpursuit.
Game two saw the Demerara Pitbulls chomping their way to a 6wicket win over the Hawks, who managed to rebound nicely on Monday despite theirlossthepreviousday
T20 League action continues under lights this evening with Essequibo Anacondas looking to strangle the Caimans from 19:00hsatLBIGround.
break after the US Open, pullingoutoftournamentsin China for personal reasons before splitting with her coachofthreeyears.
She arrived in Riyadh early to get the feel of the courts but her performance was scrappy in the opening stagesofthematch.
Brokeninthefirstgame, she had opportunities on the Krejcikova serve but her forehandinparticularlether down.
Krejcikova, who finishedoutsidethetopeight in the world rankings but wasgivenaplaceonaccount
of being a Grand Slam champion,servedouttheset andquicklywentabreakup inthesecond.
Swiatek double faulted in her next service game to hand her Czech opponent a double break and gestured angrily at her box, before regaininghercomposure.
She cut down on the unforced errors to bring the set level at 3-3 and then benefited as Krejcikova threw in a horrible service gametoconcedetheset.
Swiatek kept the momentum going into the decider and led an
increasingly hampered Krejcikova 5-0 before sealing victory after two hoursand35minutes.
‘Sometimes sloppy, sometimes great - but that’s tennis’
Gauff’s US Open title defence ended in the fourth round in September but, afterpartingwithcoachBrad Gilbert, she immediately bounced back by claiming theChinaOpentitle.
The serve that let her down so badly in NewYork appeared sharper against Pegula,withthe20-year-old hitting two aces to just two
Her forehand, arguably her biggest weakness, was still error-prone against Pegula, but Gauff was more solidthroughout.
She broke to go 4-2 up and then calmly served out the first set, wrapping it up withaforehandwinner
Pegula struggled for consistencyagainsthergood friend, often following up a well-constructed point with anuncharacteristicmiss.
She was broken in the first game of the second set and whacked her racquet to the floor in frustration, but that seemed to reset her as she broke back from 40-0 down.
However, four unforced errors in a row from Pegula handed Gauff the break back, and the younger American promptly won fourgamesinarowtoclinch victory
“Sometimes it was sloppy, sometimes it was great-butthat’stennis,”said Gauff.
SportsMax-St.Lucia’s Julien Alfred has been announced as one of only two finalists for the Women’sTrackAthleteof the Year, joining a select group of elite athletes
recognized for their
e x t r a o r d i n a r y achievements at the 2024 ParisOlympics
Alfred, who made history as the Olympic 100m champion, shares the nomination with America’s
Sydney McLaughlinLevrone, the 400m hurdles gold medalist, in one of the most prestigious categories of the World Athletics Awards.
Alfred’s selection is a testamenttoher incredible season and historic achievements, as she became the first St
Lucian to capture Olympicgold,blazingher way into the record books and capturing the pride of her nation and the Caribbeanregion
In the men’s track category, Norway’s Jakob
I n g e b r i g t s e n a n d Botswana’s Letsile Tebogo stand as finalists for their outstanding performances. Ingebrigtsen,whowongold in the Olympic 5000m, showcased his tactical mastery and resilience in a fiercely contested race Tebogo, meanwhile, surged tovictoryinthe200mfinal, demonstrating remarkable speed that highlighted his arrivalontheglobalstageas one of the world’s top sprinters.
In the field events,
Ukraine’s Yaroslava M a h u c h i k h a n d Belgium’s Nafissatou Thiam are recognized for their Olympic victories in high jump and heptathlon,respectively
Mahuchikh thrilled
audiences with her powerful jumps that secured her the Olympic high jump title, while Thiam’s exceptional allaround abilities earned her a gold in the heptathlon, marking yet another milestone in her
storied career For the men’s field category, S w e d e n ’s M o n d o Duplantis and Greece’s Miltiadis Tentoglou were selectedasfinalists Duplantis, the Olympic pole vault champion, continued his dominance in the event with yet another gold, w h i l e Te n t o g l o u captured the long jump title, showcasing his skill and consistency with a leap that secured himOlympicglory. In out-
ecord-holder Ruth
C h
Netherlands’ Olympic
Sifan Hassan are both
achievements on the road Chepngetich has been a powerhouse in marathon running, while H
established name on the track, made a remarkable transition to the marathon withhervictoryinParis.
On the men’s side, Ecuador’s Brian Pintado and Ethiopia’s Tamirat Tolaarefinalistsfortheir triumphs in the Olympic 20km race walk and marathon, respectively. Pintado’s endurance and technique earned him gold in race walking, while Tola’s marathon v
n P a r i s reaffirmed his standing am
ld’s premierdistancerunners.
The World Athletics Awards ceremony will c
h e s e champions, recognizing their dedication and o u t s t a n d i n g achievements that have pushed the boundaries of thesport
For Julien Alfred, this nomination highlights an unforgettable year, as her O l y m p i c v i c t o r y resonates deeply within her homeland and across the Caribbean, inspiring a n
AFP - Atlanta United snatched a dramatic lastgasp2-1playoffvictoryover Inter Miami on Saturday, joltingLionelMessi’shopes ofleadingtheFloridaclubto MLSCupglory
Portuguese winger Xande Silva blasted home a sensational winner for Atlanta in the fourth minute of stoppage time in front of 68,455 home fans at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium to level the best-of-three postseasonseries1-1andset up a winner-take-all game
three in Miami next Saturday.
Top seeds Miami, 2-1 winners in game one last week, had looked to be heading for a series victory aftertakingtheleadthrough Paraguay international David Martinez in the 40th minute after a terrible blunder by former US
goalkeeperBradGuzan. Guzan could only watch in horror after he bungled a routine clearance from his own penalty area, allowing Federico Redondo to gather possessionandsquareapass to Martinez who finished intoanemptynetfor1-0.
But Atlanta launched a
onslaught as they battled to save their season and were rewarded when Derrick Williamscrashedinaheader to equalize in the 58th minute.
Anend-to-endgamesaw both teams create chances thereafter, and Georgia i
ional Saba Lobjanidzealmosthookedin agoalforAtlantainthe89th minute only to see his shot tipped onto the woodwork by Miami goalkeeper Drake Callender The game looked poised to go to a penalty
Lionel Messi’s Inter Miami were beaten 2-1 in their playoff clash with Atlanta United on Saturday. (Kevin C. Cox/getty images north america/Getty Images via AFP)
shoot-out when Atlanta launched a desperate last raid on the Miami goal, and when Aleksey Miranchuk found Silva, the Portuguese substitute made no mistake and buried a winner into the topcorner
“Wordscan’tdescribeit, they’re such a resilient group,” Atlanta coach Rob Valentinosaidafterthewin.
“Isaidtotheteambefore the game it’s everybody together, it’s not going to be one person And then a
substitutecomesonandwins usthegame.”
-NewYorklevelseriesIn other MLS playoff action on Saturday, New York City FC defeated FC Cincinnati 3-1 to force a decisive game three in their first-roundseries.
New York, needing a victory to keep their season alive, took the lead on 22 minutes after Costa Rica
international Alonso Martinez worked a clever one-two with Mitja Ilenic beforesweepingalowfinish past Cincinnati goalkeeper RomanCelentano.
Brazilian defender Thiago Martins doubled New York’s lead five minutes before half-time, heading in at the back post after a free-kick from wide ontherightsowedconfusion intheCincinnatidefence.
Third seeds Cincinnati hitbackon65minuteswitha superb individual goal from Argentine forward Luca Orellano, who nutmegged hismarkerbeforeunleashing athumpingleftfootshotinto thetopcornertomakeit2-1. Cincinnati pressed relentlessly for an equalizer in the closing stages, and Zimbabwe international Teenage Hadebe should have leveled in the 80th minutebutblastedhiscloserange shot straight at New York goalkeeper Matt Freese. In the closing minutes of stoppage time, New York made the game safe, with Uruguayan midfielder Santiago Rodriguezwinningapenalty andscoringithimselfwitha cheeky chipped ‘panenka’ downthemiddleofthegoal. Game three in the series will take place in Cincinnati nextSaturday
Greaves makes history with magnificent 151* to lead Hurricanes to seven-wicket
SportsMax - Justin Greaves made history to lead the Leeward Islands Hurricanesto an impressive seven-wicket win over the Trinidad & Tobago Red ForceinCGUnitedSuper50 CupactionattheBrianLara
Cricket Academy on Sunday Greaves, who is coming offscoresof111*and112in his first two games this season, became the first player in regional List A
cricket to hit three consecutive hundreds when he hit his match-winning and career-best 151* to anchorasuccessfulchaseof 292 by the Hurricanes with two overs and three balls to
spare. TheBajan’sknockcame off129ballsandincluded13 fours. Opening partner Mikyle Louis was good in support with 57 while Chesney Hughes and JahmarHamiltonchippedin with33and25*.
Earlier, the hosts made 291-6offtheir50oversafter being put in to bat by the Leewards. In form Amir Jangoo fell agonizingly short of a maiden List A hundred with 96 off 109 balls while Jason Mohammed and Tion Webster also got half centuries with 79* and 60, respectively Oshane Thomas took 2-
54 off eight overs for the Hurricanes who will next play the Guyana Harpy Eaglesatthesamevenueon Tuesday.
The Red Force will next oppose the West Indies Academy at the Sir Frank Worrell memorial Ground onThursday Full Scores:Trinidad & TobagoRedForce291-6off 50 overs (Amir Jangoo 96, JasonMohammed79*,Tion Webster60,OshaneThomas 2-54).
Leeward Islands Hurricanes 292-3 off 47.3 overs (Justin Greaves 151*, Mikyle Louis 57, Chesney Hughes 33, Jahmar Hamilton25*).
seconds left, but Allen got the Bills close enough for Basstowinit.
Houston Texans 13-21
Miami Dolphins 27-30
Denver Broncos 10-41
SportsMax - Jamaican cyclist Llori Sharpe made history this weekend, poweringtogoldintheElite Women’s Road Race at the 2024 Elite Caribbean Cycling Championships, marking the first time a Jamaican woman has claimed the Caribbean Champion title at the elite levelinroadracing.
T h e t w o - d a y championship event was held in Georgetown, Guyana, and saw the Jamaican contingent, led by Coach Carlton Simmonds, deliver mixed results across several competitive races. The team comprised four riders: Sharpe, Andrew Ramsay, Obrian Madourie, andDamaineDouglas.
Los Angeles Chargers 27-10ClevelandBrowns New Orleans Saints 2223CarolinaPanthers LasVegasRaiders24-41 CincinnatiBengals W a s h i n g t o n Commanders 27-22 New YorkGiants Dallas Cowboys 21-27
(OT)JacksonvilleJaguars 23-28 Philadelphia Eagles Chicago Bears 9-29 ArizonaCardinals Detroit Lions 24-14 GreenBayPackers
AtlantaFalcons New England Patriots 17-20 Tennessee Titans
LosAngeles Rams 2620 Seattle Seahawks (OT) Indianapolis Colts 1321MinnesotaVikings
DayonesawSharpeand Madourie in action in the Individual Time Trial, covering 18km and 36km, respectively Sharpe narrowly missed out on a podium finish, coming in fourth and missing bronze by just 30 seconds Madourie finished seventh in his category, putting in a commendableeffort.
However, it was on day two that Sharpe cemented her place in the history books. Competing in the Elite Women’s Road Race, she bided her time before surging ahead in the final
kilometre of the 67km course, distancing herself from the pack to secure the gold medal Bermuda’s Gabriella Arnold claimed silver, while Berenice Paul of Guadeloupe rounded out thepodiumwithabronze.
This victory marked a remarkable improvement over Sharpe’s silver-medal finish at the 2023 c h a m p i o n s h i p s i n Guadeloupe and set a new standard for Jamaican women in Caribbean road cycling. While Sharpe shone on day two, other members of
the Jamaican team faced challenges Douglas, competing as an under-23 rider in the grueling 155km event, was dealt a setback afteraflattyreforcedhimto fallbehindthemainpeloton, finishing in 12th place Ramsay finished 24th in the Elite Men’s event, and unfortunately, Madourie did notcompletetherace.
Cory Williams of Belize won the men’s elite title, with Jesus Cespedes from theDominicanRepublicand Guyana’s John Briton securing second and third, respectively
BBC Sport - A crucial innings from captain Pat Cummins led Australia to a tense two-wicket victory overPakistaninthefirstoneday international in Melbourne.
Chasing 204, Australia slippedfrom113-2to155-7, acollapsethatincludedJosh Inglis,MarnusLabuschagne and Glenn Maxwell falling inthespaceoffivedeliveries tothePakistanquicks.
But, amid loud Pakistan support at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, Cummins calmly put on 30 with Sean Abbott to halt the tourists’ charge.
Abbott was sloppily run outfor13asCumminscalled himbackforathirdrun,but the Australia skipper finished unbeaten on 32 from31ballstoleadhisside tovictorywith16.3oversto spare.
ItgaveAustralia’smena winning start to their home summer,whichincludestwo more ODIs and three T20s againstPakistanandamuchanticipated five-Test series againstIndia.
After taking three wickets and finishing two not out alongside Cummins, bowler Mitchell Starc told ABC Grandstand: “We probably didn’t like that Patty and I had pads on, but it’s a positive start to the summer “Win is a win no matterhowyougetthere.” Pakistan, who only landed inAustralia in recent daysfollowingtheirTestwin against England, salvaged a score of 203 all out in 46.4 oversbattingfirst.
They were thankful for 40 from 39 balls with four sixes from number nine NaseemShah.
his return to international cricket after being dropped during the England series and captain Muhammad Rizwan added 44, but the tourists were struggling before Naseem’s cameo beganat148-7.
Steve Smith made a fluent44inAustralia’schase before cutting to backward point off Haris Rauf at the start of the home team’s slump.
Smith, who has opted to movebacktonumberfourin the Test side after a brief spellasanopener,puton85 withInglis,whomade49,to put Australia well ahead of thescoringrate.
Scores:Australia204for 8 (Inglis 49, Smith 44, Cummins 32*, Rauf 3-67) beat Pakistan 203 (Rizwan 44, Naseem 40, Starc 3-33, Cummins 2-39) by two wickets.
SportsMax - Shania Hayles continued her strong season with Newcastle UnitedWomenbyscoringin their2-0victoryoverleague leaders Birmingham City
Women on Sunday, propellingherteamtofourth place in the Barclays Women’s Championship
The goals from Hayles and substitute Isabella Sibley proveddecisiveinathrilling encounter that saw Newcastle showcase their resilience under heavy pressure from the league leaders.
The match started with both sides exchanging early opportunities, but Birmingham had the first real chance after eight minuteswhenIvanaFusoset upLilyAgginthebox,only for Agg’s shot to soar over the crossbar Newcastle responded strongly, and in the 22nd minute, Hayles, recently named October PlayeroftheMonth,puther team ahead. Beth Lumsden created the opportunity with swift footwork on the right, setting up Hayles at the penalty spot, where she struckcleanlytomakeit1-0.
Birmingham looked to level the score immediately and came close several times, especially after capitalizing on a loose pass f r o m N e w c a s t l e ’s goalkeeper, Claudia Moan. Moan redeemed herself, however, by pulling off a
crucial save to deny Fuso’s shot. Agg then came within inchesofequalizing,onlyfor her header to be cleared off the line by Newcastle defenderCharlottePotts.
The second half saw Birmingham intensify their attack, dominating possession and creating numerouschances.
Tegan McGowan nearly scored with a well-struck volley, and Birmingham rattled the woodwork three times in quick succession, with close calls from Fuso and McGowan showcasing their relentless pursuit of an equalizer Despite the nearconstant pressure from Birmingham, the Newcastle defenseheldfirm,backedby Moan’s strong presence in goal.
With Birmingham pushing for an equalizer, Newcastle struck again on the counter Lumsden broke
down the left wing and unleashed a powerful shot that ricocheted off the crossbar,fallingtosubstitute Sibley
The forward controlled the rebound and calmly slotted it past the last d e f e n d e r, s e a l i n g Newcastle’s2-0victory
Sibley nearly added a secondjustminuteslater,but her shot was blocked by a Birmingham defender in a last-ditch effort Despite Birmingham’s relentless attacks,Newcastle’sdefense held strong, securing a crucialwinthatunderscored their tactical discipline and ability to capitalize on opportunities.
The victory marked a significant step for NewcastleUnitedWomenin their championship campaign, with Hayles’ contributionsreinforcingher roleastheteam’stopscorer
With less than two weeks before the Golden Jaguars meet Barbados in back-to-back encounters that could shape their Gold Cup destiny, the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) remains tight-lipped about naminganewheadcoach.
The GFF’s recent decision to part ways with JamaalShabazzhasthrown theteamintoawhirlwindof speculation.
The timing couldn’t be moreprecarious,asGuyana now faces a critical homeand-away series against a Barbados team that has shownpromiseinLeagueC of the CONCACAF NationsLeague.
The Jaguars will first travel to Barbados for their November 15 clash, returning to host the Tridents four days later at theNationalTrackandField CentreinLeonora.
The stakes are high as the two-leg playoff will determine which team
Announced on October 30, the move ended Shabazz’s fourth tenure as head coach—a chapter that culminated with the Jaguars’slipfromLeagueA to League B after an u n d e r w h e l m i n g performance.
progresses to the 2025 CONCACAF Gold Cup preliminaries.
Barbados is riding high after an undefeated run in League C, while Guyana must regroup to avoid a shockingelimination.
At the helm, at least temporarily, is assistant coach Wayne Dover, a familiar face for the Jaguars.IftheGFFoptsnot to hire a permanent replacementbeforethefirst leg,Doverwillfindhimself stepping into the spotlight as head coach for the third time, having previously held the role in 2009-2010 and2017.
Dover’s presence may offersomecontinuity,butit also underscores the GFF’s lingering uncertainty over the future of the coaching staff.
The rivalry between Guyana and Barbados adds another layer of intrigue to thematchup.
It’s been 25 years since the Golden Jaguars last lost totheTridents,a2-0defeat during the preliminary round of the 1999 CaribbeanCup.
Since then, Guyana has dominated with an impressive record of eight winsandfourdrawsagainst Barbados.
Their 2018 match at the National Track and Field
CONCACAF awarded Guyana a 3-0 victory after Barbados fielded two ineligible players, Hallam Hope and Krystian Pearce, due to incomplete FIFA clearance.
While history favours Guyana, the lack of a permanent head coach looms as a potential stumbling block, and the GFF’s delay raises questions about their readiness for this pivotal moment.
With fans awaiting
answers and players looking for stability, the Federation’s silence only addstothetension.
As the Golden Jaguars prepare to face Barbados, the eyes of Guyanese football fans will be watching closely—not just fortheoutcomeonthefield, but for clarity on who will guidetheteamforward.
Will Wayne Dover becomethesteadyhandthat delivers the Jaguars to the Gold Cup preliminaries, or will the GFF make a lastminutecoachingdecision?
All eyes are now on the GFF, as the nation waits theirnextmove.
BBCSport-TheDetroit LionsandBaltimoreRavens pressed their claims as two ofthebestteamsintheNFL with impressive wins in weeknineoftheseason.
Rookie Jayden Daniels continued his dream debut season with the Washington Commanders and the Buffalo Bills pulled off late divisional victories to join the Lions and unbeaten KansasCityChiefsonseven wins.
Twooftheworstteamsin the league, the Carolina Panthers and Tennessee Titans,gotonlytheirsecond winsofthecampaign,while the Dallas Cowboys’season continuedtocrumble.
Remarkably, it was Detroit’s first outdoor game oftheseason,but,inwetand win
claimed their third straight win at the home of their divisionalrivals.
Lions quarterback Jared Goffhadonly145yardsand atouchdown,buthisrecord-
Detroit’s six-game winning streak.
JordonLovethrewapick six in an error-strewn Packers performance as Det
scored 24 unanswered points to take control of the game and the NFC North. Jackson and
Another amazing onehanded touchdown and SaquonBarkleypullingoffa stunning new move were twooftheplaysofthenight on another entertaining Sunday Lions show they are the realdealAfterfallingagame short of last season’s Super Bowl, the Lions have come back even stronger, with a 24-14 victory at the Green BayPackersgivingthema71startforthefirsttimesince 1956.
Afterastunningupsetin Cleveland last week, Baltimore’s top-ranked offence put the record straightwithadominant4110 battering of a previously stout Denver Broncos defence.
LamarJacksonfurthered his case for back-to-back Most Valuable Player (MVP)awardswithafourth perfectpasserratinggamein his career, while Derrick Henry eclipsed 1,000 rushing yards for the season and 100 career rushing touchdowns.
Henry has MVP claims ofhisownasthefirstplayer toleadtheleagueinrushing attempts,yards,touchdowns and yards per run since the greatJimBrownin1963.
Baltimore are 6-3 with a couple of head-scratching losses on their record, but, with speedy receiver Zay Flowers also adding another
Action in the Hamilton Green birthday InterWard/Village nine-a-side
Knockout Football Championship kicks off on Friday at the National Training Centre (NTC) in Providencefrom6:30pm.
Sixteen top teams are down to challenge for the attractive prize money on offer along with bragging rights as the annual event coordinated by former national footballer and coach, LennoxArthur, takes centrestage.
Contested to celebrate Georgetown’sformerMayor and a Prime Minister of Guyana, Hamilton Green’s 90th birthday this month, footballfanswilltracktothe NTC for two days of thrillingInter-Wardfootball, Friday November 8 and Sunday10th.
Defending champions, Stabroek Ballers, led by Derwin George, are back with eyes on retaining their title. But will face fierce competitionfromthelikesof Den Amstel, Uitvlugt, Bel West, Gold is Money, Bent Street, Back Circle, and SpartaBoss.
two touchdowns, the top scorers in the NFL look unstoppable when on their game.
Daniels and Allen lead seven-winteams
Tw o m o r e M V P candidatesdrovetheirteams to a 7-2 record, with rookie superstar Jayden Daniels steeringWashington to their best start since 1996 with a 27-22 win at the New York Giants.AfterastunningHail
Mary last week, this was a quieter Daniels display with 209 passing yards and two touchdowns,butthepoiseis spectacularforarookieashe keeps his side marching towardstheplay-offs.
The Giants’ Jude McAtamneybecamethefirst Irish-born kicker to play a regular season NFL game since Neil O’Donoghue appeared for the 1985 St Louis Cardinals. Josh Allen
threw three touchdowns to helpBuffalotoa13thwinin the past 14 games against rivals Miami - but only just asTylerBassneededtoboot a61-yardfieldgoalwithfive seconds left to finally sink theDolphins.
Tua Tagovailoa’s return has certainly improved Miami, and he levelled the gamewithatouchdownpass toJaylenWaddlewith98 (Continuedonpage27)
The runner-up stands to earn a respectable $250,000 along with trophy and medals, with the third and fourth places collecting $150,000 and $100,000, respectively
The tournament’s top goal-scorer and MVP are someoftheindividualaward alsoonoffer
Among the sponsors on b o a r d a r e : O n e Communications, Gold Reunion, John Fernandes, Gafoors, ENet, and NAMILCO, with donations from prominent figures like Dr Linden Dodson, Dr Michael Sue, Edmond Vieira, Floyd Haynes, and Eddie’sBobcat.
The opening night’s salvo of matches will see
Thewinnerclaimsafirst prize of $500,000 and other prizesincluding12hampers from Rick and Sari’s, along with the Dr Linden Dodson trophyandmedals.
Stabroek Ballers against TimehriUnited,DenAmstel versusSophia,Uitvlugtface Road Warriors, Bel West tackle Pouderoyen, Gold is Money battle Stewartville, Bent Street tangle with Agricola, Back Circle play Espanyol and Sparta Boss clashwithTimehriPanthers. The respective winners collide in the respective quarterfinal, semifinal and finalonSunday
The nine-a-side format will see the sides play a no offsidecontestof30minutes dividedintotwohalvesof15 minutes It’s a straight knockoutformatandifatthe end of regulation time the score is tied then it’s a straight sudden penalty shootout to determine a winner Football fans are guaranteed two night of excitingfootballaction.
Wayne Dover (L) and former Head Coach
Greaves makes history with magnificent 151* to lead Hurricanes to sevenwicket win over Red Force
became the first West
to hit three consecutive ListAcenturies with his 151* against the Trinidad & Tobago Red Force at the Brian Lara CricketAcademy on Sunday. (CWI Media)
Dominica’s Olympic champion Thea LaFond-Gadson awarded nation’s highest honour
named as one of only two finalists for the Women’s TrackAthlete of theYear award.
JulienAlfrednamedfinalistforWorld TrackAthleteoftheYearamong elitegroupofOlympicchampions