



FormerAuditorGeneralAnand Goolsarran has voiced concerns about the selection of local consortium, VHE Consulting for the third audit of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL’s) recoverableexpensesinrelationto theStabroekBlockoperation.
In his recent column published in Stabroek News, Goolsarran stressed that given the financial implications for Guyana, the audit requires experienced professionals with proven expertise in cost verification.
On October 10, the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) awardedVHEConsulting(whichis a registered partnership between Ramdihal & Haynes Inc; Eclisar Financial; and VitalityAccounting & Consultancy Inc ), a $312 million contract to conduct the third audit of ExxonMobil’s expenses for the period 2021 to 2023.
The project was initially opened back in March and VHE wasamongGrantThortonUKLLP and PKF Barcellos Narine & Company; and M Sukhai & Company (local) in joint venture withInfoWorksSolutionsLtdwho hadsubmittedbids.
Former AG Goolsarran said
FLASHBACK! Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat, handing over the contract to VHE Consulting auditors to conduct the second audit in the presence of Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Joslyn McKenzie (DPI photo)
thereisaneedforacomprehensive audit to be undertaken. Firstly, he reminded that the absence of ringfencing provisions is a key weakness in the 2016 PSA, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It was explained that a ring-fencing arrangementensuresthatonlycosts attributabletoaparticularfieldare considered in the computation of profitoilforthatfield.
“Although the Agreement providesforthesharingofprofitoil on a field-by-field basis, it also allowsExxonMobil’ssubsidiariesto
allocate cost oil to any field within the contract area, thereby defeating themainpurposeofring-fencing…” theformerAGunderscored.
According to Goolsarran, a thorough audit is crucial to ensure that only legitimate, reasonable expenses are recovered, which impacts Guyana’s profit share Here’s how, under the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), ExxonMobil, the operator of the Stabroek Block, and its partners Hess and CNOOC, are allowed to recover 75% from the saleofoiltocovercost,beforethe
remaining 25% is shared as profit between the oil companies and Guyana.
As such, the audit of the expenses recoverable by oil companiesiscrucialtoascertainif actual recoverable cost is being billedtothecostbank.
TheformerAGsaid,“Theaudit is necessary to provide the reasonable assurance that expenditures incurred are legitimate recoverable costs in the context of the Agreement and the amounts involved are reasonable and represent good value for
money This is especially so considering the higher the recoverablecost,thelesswillbethe amount of Guyana’s share of the profitthatwillaccruetoit.”
Moreover, two audits had been previously conducted for expenses in relation to the Stabroek Block operations.Thefirstauditwasdone by a British firm, IHS Markit for theperiod1999to2017.Thataudit examined expenses totalling US$1.7 billion. Of this, US$214.4 million (12.8%) was marked as disputed charges. If these disputed chargesareexcluded,Guyana’soil revenue could increase by US$107.2million.
The second audit was done by VHE Consulting bolstered by the international support of SGS and Martindale Consultants That contract valued US$751,000 (GY$156million).Thataudit
Continued on page 9
Chartered Account and lawyer Christopher Ram on Saturday said thatVicePresidentBharratJagdeois looking for excuses to downplay calls for a referendum on the renegotiation of the country’s oil contract with U S oil giant, ExxonMobil
In his column published in the Stabroek News titled, ‘Renegotiations, Referendums, and Reality – response to Ram & McRae’s Survey’Ram said that the Vice President has no power to decidewhetherGuyanesecanhavea referendum
“Letusbeclear:itisnotwithin any VP’s power to decide whether Guyanese can have a referendum
The Constitution establishes referendums as a democratic tool, withsuchdecisionsrestingwiththe National Assembly and the President, not with a party official, howeverhighup WhileMr Jagdeo istheGeneralSecretaryoftheruling party, he is not even the First Vice President–thatpositionbelongsto BrigadierMarkPhillipsbyvirtueof hispositionasPrimeMinister.”
Last week, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo ruled out holding a referendum simultaneously during next year’s elections saying that he doesnotwanttocomplicatematters andthattheelectoratewilldecideon the question of renegotiation based onthepartytheyelecttooffice
A referendum is a general vote bytheelectorateonasinglepolitical question that has been referred to themforadirectdecision
Jagdeo was asked the question by Journalist Denis Chabrol during his weekly news conference to which he said, political parties contestingthepollsshouldstatetheir positions on the matter and let the electoratedecideiftheywantsucha partytogovernGuyana
Additionally, Jagdeo believes thatconductingareferendumatthe same time of the elections could complicate matters A number of developedanddevelopingcountries all over the world have held referendums at the same time as national elections These include theUnitedStates InresponsetotheVicePresident,
people not only to review the oil contractbuttorenegotiatetheterms ofthesaidcontract
Ram said, “his reaction betrays a troubling resistance to public discourse about Guyana’s most valuablenaturalresource”
Ram reminded that the Vice President’s statement on a referendum on the renegotiation of the 2016 oil contract clearly contradicts his party’s promises duringthe2020electioncampaign
At the time, the People’s ProgressiveParty’s(PPP)manifesto aswellasanumberofitscampaign speeches promised the Guyanese
“Now,theVPattemptstorewrite history, claiming ‘we showed that wecangetmoreoutofthecontract’ through peripheral arrangements like the gas-to-energy project and Local Content Law The evidence suggests otherwise The gas-toenergy project’s terms remain outside of the 2016Agreement and are troublingly opaque, with mounting questions about its actual cost to Guyanese taxpayers,” Ram stressed. He highlighted that the Local Content Law is defined too broadlyandthereviewspromisedby the government since last year are yettobedone
“Most critically, the cost recovery provisions still allow operators to claim up to 75% of revenues, leaving Guyana with a diminished share of its resource wealth, environmental protections remaininadequate,andworseofall, JagdeoandthePPP/Careplacingthe myth of sanctity of contract over national sovereignty Please see
columns133–135 Egregiously,the countryiswithouttheall-important Petroleum Commission, with the unacceptable substitute being the VP himself and the Ministry of Natural Resources, with its poor track record,” the Chartered Accountantsaid.
Additionally, Ram said that Jagdeo’s claim that a referendum would be complicating the electoral processisdefyingthe“constitutional precedent and global democratic practices”
“Numerouscountries,including severalCaribbeannations,routinely conduct referendums alongside national elections, recognising both the cost efficiency and democratic value of such exercises The actual “complication” appears to be his reluctance to face the electorate’s direct verdict on this crucial issue and his own stewardship of the sector,” the Stabroek News columnistsaid
THE SURVEY Raminarecentcolumn‘Every Man,WomanandChildMust Continued on page 13
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
The Christmas season is fast approaching-some will say that it is already upon us, however, for most Guyanese even before entertaining the thought of Christmas, they are confronted with the worsening cost-of-living crisis here, rising road fatalities, daily blackouts and the escalating crimesituation.
Amid the oil wealth and big spending on infrastructural projects- many Guyanese are hungry and are also unsafe walking the streets. The euphoria over the promised $100,000peradultcashgranttellsthestoryofhowdesperate citizens have become. But our leaders do not see this crisis, insteadtheyarebusypreparingforelections.
On the issue of the cost-of-living, despite the weekly outpourings from Freedom House of the series of measures which government took to cushion the cost-of-living, the factsremainincontrovertible:thecost-of-livingcontinuesto rise at an alarming rate, leaving the poor in a precarious position.Thecost-of-livingisevenhurtingthemiddleclass. And the government wants us to believe that without those measures,thesituationwouldbeworse.Well,itisworseasit isnowandthisshowsthatthemeasuresgovernmentadopted have not worked. Food prices have surged despite governmental concessions to importers. The real question remains: has the government conducted any surveillance or surveys to establish whether these benefits which it has offeredtoimportershavebeenpassedontoconsumers?The increase in the cost of food in Guyana is added to be by limited production capacities. Despite being endowed with fertile land and favourable agricultural conditions; Guyana does not produce food on the scale necessary to drive prices down. Then we have the crime situation as citizens prepare for the festive season, there are a number of uncertainties. For one, the crime situation is still tenuous. There still continues to be robberies involving the use of weapons and cases where some persons are behaving as if they are laws untothemselves.ComeDecember,thepolicewilltellusthat there will be a heightened presence of their ranks on our roadways. This, they would assure will deter many a criminally-minded, yet many would still succeed in their nefarious schemes. Firm, condign, but not excessive action, mustbetakenagainstthesepersonswhentheyarecaught,so that a signal can be sent throughout society that the police intendtokeepontopofthecrimesituation.
Althoughboastingofadropinseriouscrimes,thetruism that perception very often mirrors reality rings true in Guyana and the general view seems to be that citizens are at the mercy of marauding elements bent on disrupting their peace and security. Back in August, the Attorney General, Anil Nandlall admitted that “the Government is not comfortable with the level of crime and violence in the societyandthatisnosecret.”
He went on to say that the government is working assiduously to address the situation, noting that several pieces of legislation are on the cards, although acknowledgingthat“legislationsarenotthesingularremedy that can comprehensively and successfully address this problem. We have to have a multi-faceted approach, so we will take to the parliament shortly a bill that will increase penaltiesfordifferentcategoriesofoffences.”
TruthbetoldthePPP/CGovernmenthasbeensayingthe same things about crime fighting since it was confronted with the mayhem that stemmed from the February 2022 Camp Street Prison break. The multifaceted approach to which Nandlall referred and all the other sound bites would notsolvethecrimeproblem.Attheheartofcrimefightingin thiscountryisacrookedGuyanaPoliceForcewhereofficers fromtoptobottomhavebeensotaintedthatsomecitizensdo not even bother to make complaints of crimes committed against them. The recent revelations in the press of the bribery and money laundering that have enveloped that entity are enough to explain why we are in this state of violence. Guyanese must therefore not leave everything up to the police. They should exercise caution at this time, and avoidhavingagreatdealofcashontheirpersonorathomes.
DEAREDITOR, purchasing power However, $60,000? consternation amongst the November 5th, 2024, is as every day/ month passes, The government is populace and is perceived as there equivocation in the inflationary measures will reminded that the $100,000 the government vitiating and Government’s now modified erode strength of the handout is NOT coming out shirking its responsibilities announcement of the
$100,000 handout, to of their pockets or salaries to govern efficiently as they handoutbeing$100,000?
$95,000,to$90,000,etc. but it is Guyana’s taxpayers’ werevotedin,todo.
Todate,therehasbeenno Going out on a limb and dollars and by extension, This elation is turning to milestone announcement of assuming that the bugs in the Guyanese patrimony This agony The Guyanese the approximate month of proverbial “app” that the ill- timed announcement populace deserves a the$100,000handout. government announced, will without exploring and fixing consistent clear timeline on Now, in November 2024, befixedFebruary2025,what the bottlenecks therein, this$100,000. that $100,000 handout will will the purchasing power of P R I O R t o t h e Sincerely, h a v e t h e $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 the$100,000beworth,then? announcement, is causing Jonathan Subrian Esq.
DEAREDITOR, pollsters of manufacturing All the polls, dozens or The final results would The outcome of the an image or public hundreds of them, say the have been known by American election would perceptionthattheelectionis electionisneckandneckand midnight Tuesday night. have been known by close.HearguesthatKamala can go either way. In order There would be a lot of Wednesday morning. Devi Harris will win for the commentator to be challenges to the results GuyaneseAmericans and all comfortably. correct,itwouldmeanallthe regardless of whether the Guyanese at home and in the It may be that Harris will media and pollsters would outcome was close or not in diaspora expected a close win.Butassomeonewhohas havehadtoconspiretomake severalstates.IfTrumpwins, outcome. The whole world studied polling and also it a dead heat election. It is t h e r e w o u l d b e n o expects a close election conducted hundreds of polls, possible, though highly challenges. If Trump trails, Most of the world cheer for I do not think the media and improbable as professional there would be a lot of Kamala Devi Harris In pollsters created an image of pollsters don’t engage in challenges. If the margins India, people are split almost a close American election. survey conspiracies, for a were huge, say five percent evenly between Indian There was no collusion. At few polls to be off track ofmore,challengeswouldbe American Kamala Devi and least no evidence was through some acts of ignoredordismissed. Trump There were presented. collusion.Butwhenallpolls, The voting was expected Guyanesesupportersonboth The final polls before the Republican and Democratic to be close in several states sides though hardly anyone final day of voting on c o m m i s s i o n e d a n d besides the known seven actively involved in
November 4 in the USA independents, are saying it is battlegroundones.Guyanese c a m p a i g n i n g a n d presidential elections put a close election, then there anxiously awaited results on volunteering except this Donald Trump in the lead in can be no conspiracy in a knife’s edge. If the results writer Trump supporters, four of seven swing states polling and in reporting were to be challenged, then including Guyanese, were that would determine the results. Also, with all polls thewinnermaynotbeknown verypassionateandexpected outcome Those findings suggesting that Trump has for a while. It could find its himtowin. look credible but within made gains in Democratic way in the Supreme Court as A commentator in your margin of error, meaning ruled states, then it would be in 2000 when the court local media claims that the they could go either way If impossible to manufacture handed the Presidency to American elections is not a Trump were to win four of data. Polls also found that GeorgeBushJr dead heat and not close. He those states, then he wins the Harris has made gains in Yours truly, accuses the media and presidency someRepublicanstates. Vishnu Bisram
The third menace is our roads- dangerous roads. The of death in Guyana It is the number one cause of death of Guyana Police Force confirms what ordinary citizens know personsbetweenfiveyearsand14years,andisthenumbertwo the situation is that glaring. Drivers are reckless, drivers are cause of death of persons aged between 15 years and 24 years speeding, drivers operate under the influence, and drivers Given the number of fatal accidents; the number of persons have the greatest disregard for regulations and other users of maimed, amputated and disabled; and the deep emotional the road. Following too closely at unhealthy speeds, constant stress, road accident deaths have been deemed a major public honking of horns, and flashing headlights provide lengthy health concern Road deaths are a serious human, social, trails of evidence about impatience with others, haste to get economic and health pandemic in Guyana It has reduced the from one place to another in the shortest time, and an skillsavailablefornationaldevelopmentandcontinuestocause overriding arrogance. Traffic violators are the most visible distress and financial destitution to families Road fatalities and audible, the obvious examples, of growing lawlessness have also resulted in high costs on society, reduced human thatprevailsacrossGuyana.Everymanisapowerinhisown productivity,andincreasedhealthcarecostsannually eyes, one not to be tampered with, one with whom to take Many,includingaseniortrafficofficerhavestatedthatthe chancescouldbackfireswiftly,horribly highways have become the killing fields of Guyana. Despite
The chronic lawlessness has several sides. First, road pleas from the police and various road safety advocates for users, and this is not limited to drivers alone, form their own drivers, motor cyclists and pedestrians, to exercise greater conclusions of who in high places break the law, including care on the roads, the carnage continues which suggests that trafficlaws,andareallowedtogetawaywithdoingso.There their pleas have fallen on deaf ears. Therefore, those in are too many stories of police roadblocks to snare drunk authorityhavetodomuchmorethanpleadingwiththepublic. drivers,onlyforattendingrankstobecalledoffbyacallmade Finally, as we approach the yuletide season, what about byaninebriateddrivertosomeseniorofficer,whopassesthe ourelectricitysupply Thisremainsoneofthemajorconcerns appropriate order to let the offender go. Second, uniformed forcitizens.Thecurrentgovernmentisthrowingmoneyatthe trafficofficersaremorenoticeableonourroadways,eitheron Guyana Power and Light, without any results. Recently, it footoronmotorcyclepatrol,butalltoofrequently,theyeither was forced to rent a Turkish power ship to supply electricity turnablindeyetoobviousviolations,oraretoobusytryingto and has tendered for a second one. Just how well the GPL shakedown the unwary or the weak. Third, at a wider arc, would be able to meet consumer demand is still uncertain. thereisthewidespreadperceptionthatpoliticiansandfriends Guyanese are ingenious people. They will still have a good operate by a different standard, one largely criminal, and are time, regardless of the number of tourists that arrive, the abletomakehaywhilethesunshines. weather, or the level of remittances. But nothing can spoil Some years ago, the World Health Organization had said Christmas as blackouts can. We hope that, this year, we will thattrafficaccidentswerereportedlytheseventhleadingcause onceagainescapethethreatofadarkChristmas.
DEAREDITOR, not allowed to see the person youareallowedtoproceed,it offices. The public does not repeatedly state their relationship with the Guyana may have to whom you are speaking. means you are not a danger need to see your cash drawer business loudly to a roomful customer With automated emergedtoprominencefrom You have no visual of the to the inside staff. The two nor your computer screen, of strangers because of the systems, at least you get a the Jim Jones story, to person beyond the tinted uniformed officers are the public has a right to see effectsofspeakingtoatinted welcome and a thank you as political squandering, to the glass. The muffled response situated a few mere feet whomtheyarespeakingwith glass with no reassurance youfollowthepromptsandit Exxon oil exploration. At beyond the tinted glass away from the cashier andforthosewhomaynotbe that they are being heard or guides you through the steps present, the One Guyana echoes through five holes or window Opposite the able to hear well, they can seen by the person on the or stages as you process the motto is alluring. The rapid the tiny cut out semi-circle cashier window are seated have the opportunity to read othersideofthetintedglass. transaction. Here in these growth of industrial and mouse hole not larger than 8 customers waiting to be your lips. I feel individual What is inhuman is the government offices, the infrastructure expansion inches that has been summoned to the counter customers’ privacy is being person behind the glass invisibleclerkisbothmute
y designed for you to pass
violated when they have
(Continued on page 6) popular and promising to documents, invoices or cash department, there is another visitors and returning payments. In some offices, door with another security Guyanese. theglassisnotyetperforated officer This place is The Guyana Diaspora to allow audio It is sad to
has strived to organise observe older folk with protected by some type of forums to inform and update hearingissueskeeprepeating glass or plastic with about Guyanese across continents theirqueriestonoavail. five holes for audio and a oftheprogressandprojected Why is this extreme and mouse hole to barely fit your prosperity in Guyana. It is distasteful, inhumane fingers. Is that not enough almost believable that practice permitted in a free protection? Why block out Guyana is the “Dubai” or country on government the visual of the person you (Do-buy) with all the property? How does this are transacting the business buildings and highways and qualifyasprivacy? with? ministers’ speeches of Take for instance this This experience is not changesofbigideasandeasy scenario at GRA office in limited to the GRA office to do business until you Region Two. Upon entering only It is the same at the actually show up in Guyana the building, you get Guyana Water Authority, and you are confronted with checked through a ‘pat- NIS office, Transport and chaos and total stagnant down’ procedure by two Harbour ticket counter and backwardness. uniformed officers Once numerous other government First off, nice highways and lovely mansions. The scenic beauty with all the ONE GUYANA ideas is Amazing. Next, the days are extremely hot and humid. This does not prevent the uniformed traffic officers who intermittently line the highway to stop vehicles for among other reasons the non-permitted or too dark tints.
The irony of tint is that it isprohibitedontheroadsand highways but permitted in o ff i c e s , t h a t i s i n Government offices; public offices that serve the citizens of Guyana. You ‘clearly’are
best the REO could do
DEAREDITOR, add insult to injury, a frivolous, wild card
Doesitgetmorebizarrethanacontractor, repaymentplan. who did not complete projects, being Furtherwildrevelationsbluntedreasonas instructed by the REO of the region, to repay payments were made to contractors before the owed sum of six million dollars, at a work commenced and the REO could not do meagre rate of five thousand dollars per better than the repayment plan hatched with month?(KNNov5) theerrantcontractor
At this rate, it was calculated the The REO as the accounting officer must repaymentwouldtakeonehundredyears! be held responsible for these unsatisfactory It has to be wondered by what authority arrangements and must take immediate did the REO think he could be so loose with corrective steps to ensure public funds are publicfunds? Justwhatwashethinking? bettermanaged.
How was the contractor allowed to not Thisisjustpuredamnnonsense. complete four projects? This is surely an Sincerely, indictment on the regional authorities and to Shamshun Mohamed
From page 5 point that Parika is a joint with many nonand nameless. Although, it must be true that vessel passengers and you pay to use the beyond the glass, the clerk can read the room washroom is only reasonable and thoughtful. and has the ability to determine when one However, it is concerning about the person has completed his or her transaction accountability of the accumulated fees. Does and moved from the window before thisgototheT&HDoristhisthewagesofthe accepting a new customer One day, I janitors? Or further do the janitors set up this accompaniedmyfather,anolderpersontothe little operation as a side hustle? It must be Anna Regina GRA office. He placed his noted that this washroom cash business invoice and money through the mouse hole operator did not once get up to check on the and stood there waiting. Both of us could not cleanliness of the washroom nor were they hear anything. Not a good morning nor a collecting the cash behind some tinted glass. thank you. There was absolutely not an Itwasopenbusinessinanopensectionofthe audible sound. Just like he placed his waiting room. Customers purchasing tickets documentsandmoneyinthehole,hischange for the boat have to be on the outside to came out. However, before he could pick up purchaseticketsthroughatinywindowthatis all of it another waiting customer pushed his atanaveragepersonwaistlevelandagainyou documentsthroughtheholesotherewasabit speak through what I counted as five tiny ofkerfuffleorconfusion.Thisisabigcounter carved out holes in the heavily tinted front withoneopenholeandaroomfullofwaiting window Clearly,onlyoneagentissellingthe customers. It begs the question what are they ticketateitherParikaorSupenaamwhyisthe reallyprotectingbeyondthosedarkglasses? whole window darkened? Why is there no Washroom fee: accommodation for travelling passengers
Over at T&HD counter at Supenaam, including the mute and tourists to see whom there is a clean and congenial waiting room. theyarespeakingwith?
Clean well painted benches and lavatories. Cashier counters in Government offices
That day in October, the water pressure was should be made people friendly simply by low but acceptable The cleaning and providing visibility and adequate features for plumbing teams were present and doing their clear audio. These areas offer customer jobs.OveratParikaisawholedifferentstory service and therefore should be designed to The waiting room is mediocre and tiny accommodate eye-to-eye level
Thereisatablesetupwithtwoagents.Itisnot communication between the customer and clear if they are security or janitors. Whether the agent/clerk. I am pleading with the ONE you are a ticketed passenger for the boat or GUYANA to treat your people with dignity just passing by, you can have access to the and respect. Be visible and transparent in T&HD lavatory for a fee of $40.00. That fee wordsandactions. allows you a measured piece of toilet paper Sincerely, and the key to the lavatory Now I see the Citizen of Guyana
pronounced it was a free and are on the other side of the Will Americans veto fairelectionandthatthePNC law?
Harris and vote forTrump or did attempt to rig the The PNC is burdened vice-versa as they go to the election.Whenwillthecourt with the lack of transparency polls? Will it be a close call stop pussyfooting with the and wear many an albatross on a race basis? Will it be a election case? The PNC is aroundtheirnecksandwrists gender personality clash? convinced that the PPP/C The PAC is saddled with too Will it fan a feverish flame was appointed and not many irregularities and for fire? Will the case for electedtogovern.Gulpingin negative findings during the immigration be ignited or gullibilityistheirtrait. 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 0 P N C ignored? Will the threats of ThePNCcontinuetolive administration Frustration Trump triumph? Will the in false hope by still fighting rulestheorderofthedayfrom harangue of Harris to rule Guyana through the
harmonise heaven and hell? back door They want unbelievable discoveries No Will it be politics over shared-governance now that wonderthePNCwantstorush economics or popularity they are not in power through those meticulous over personality? Will there Hypocrisy to the highest audits for those crucial years be dessert or déjà vu? Night extent. The PNC want to They fetch heavy weight on owls will not be sleeping as administer from the outside. their backs and heads Paying the eagles hover over The They alleged to have all the exorbitant rents to warehouse critical result so crucial for right answers now that they condoms and bypassing the the rest of the world, is areontheoppositesideofthe procurement system is not c a r e f u l l y b e i n g bench Surely, this is even the top of the tip of the contemplated upon The idolising idiosyncrasy! The iceberg January 6th, 2021 Attack on PNC is easily influenced Now the PNC want to be theUSCapitol,bearsmanya with the propaganda in charge of the distribution semblance to the PNC’s eschewed from the Burke/ of the $100,000 one-off cash reactions after losing Benchtop/Hinds combo grant to Guyanese 18 years electionsinGuyana. Their room with a view is and over by January 2024. The PNC is too absurd occupiedwithvanity The PNC wrecked the and will not give up the The PNC’s mantra is not economy of this country for thought that they lost the to support any of the PPP/C 33 years and raped the 2020 General Election. How projects as institutionalized Treasury which led this naïve can they be! The from day one President Ali nation to poverty, nakedness international community was sworn into office. They and corruption. Twice this are too consumed in c o u n t r y s h r u n k t o criticizing everything that bankruptcy and sunk to the they will even burn the bottomofthetable,beingthe bridge which is the poorest nation in this entrance/exit of their own hemisphere, second only to home. Filled with rage, the Haiti Unable to divide PNCisblindedtojusticeand definitively and differentiate cannot decipher right from the difference of 33 from 34 wrong. Imagine staking the when calculating the half of claim that “apartheid” exists 65,thePNCwantstooversee in Guyana? The PNC themathematicians. condemns the appointment Will Guyanese want to of the Top Cop Why? put“cattowatchmilk?” Because he does not see eye- Yours respectfully, to-eye with them when they Jai Lall
Th e R e g i o n a l Administration of
Region Seven breached theProcurementActof2003when itawarded$22millionincontracts without public tendering, the Auditor General’s report of 2023 revealed.
The contract awards surpassed thelegallimitof$3million.
According to the Auditor General, the regulations made under the Procurement Act 2003Amendment of Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 to the Principal Regulations,Item2,stipulatesthat “The threshold foreseen in section 27(1) of the Act for use of the request for quotations method of procurementshallbe$3,000,000.”
However, upon examination, theAuditOfficediscoveredthatthe RegionalAdministrationexpended amounts totaling $22.969 million
Table showing the payment vouchers of the dietary supplies which were purchased.
for the supply of dietary supplies for D.C Caesar Fox Secondary Dormitory through the processing offourPaymentVouchers.
“The Regional Democratic Council (RDC) breached the aforementioned regulations since the three-quote method of procurement was utilised. These purchases should have been
publiclyadvertisedandadjudicated by the Regional Tender Board due to the value exceeding the limit of $3M,”theAGpointedout.
Providing a breakdown of the $22 million purchases, the Audit Office detailed that the dietary supplies including flour, sugar, milk, blackeye peas, and butter among others were bought for
Fresh fish, salted beef, sweet potatoes, among other items were purchased for $5,360,000; another $7,716,000 was spent on cheese, sausages, eggs, jam, Ovaltine, etcetera;and$4,267,000wasspent oncookingoil,onions,riceamong others.Alltotaling$22,969,000.
In response to breaching the
Procurement Act, the Regional Administration told the Audit Office “that these purchases were items urgently needed for the students.”
TheAuditOfficenevertheless, recommended that the Regional Administration ensures full compliance with the Procurement Act2003.
They say love and This time it’s real,” while S u r e , h e ’ s and a fair shot.” Like any tell you, he has no intention politics are twins separated simultaneously trying to transparent—transparent in good lover, he knows just of changing. He’s got his at birth. You think you’re cheat on the elections. And hiscunning.Hewantsyouto how to tug at your way, and he’s sticking to it. getting one thing—a heart- likethe‘sweetman’someare know he’s manipulating the heartstrings.
Even if he has to bend the warming, trustworthy tempted to believe him results just enough to keep So you take him back, rules, fudge a few numbers, romance,orafairandhonest because,let’sfaceit,he’sgot things interesting but not so just one last time.You watch or orchestrate an elaborate election—and you end up that thing—a twinkle in his muchthatyou’dcallhimout. him closely, waiting for the “recount.” with a broken heart and a lot eye, a reassuring grin, a And the worst part is, it signs.And sure enough, they Because at the end of the too many broken promises, of“miscounted”ballots. voice that seems like it works. appear This time, it’s even day, he’s in love with one toomanystolenvotes.
Picturethis:theperennial couldn’tlieifittried. Each time you suspect more blatant. He’s talking to thing and one thing only— But don’t expect him to faithless lover, sauntering Butoh,doesittry foul play, he spins it with other ballots behind your trying desperately to win. ever leave. He’ll be there, into your life, all sugar and There he is, knee-deep in such finesse, you start back, stuffing his results And he’ll do whatever it smiling, waiting for you to spice, with promises ballot boxes, claiming he questioningyourown sanity where he thinks you won’t takes to stay on top, to keep fall for his charms again, smoother than velvet. He’s was just “making sure they “Honey, there’s no reason to notice, whispering sweet youinhisthrall,tomakeyou while he tries to cheat his dressedtotheninesincharm, were safe.” It’s a reasonable worry,” he’ll coo “All nothings to swing voters and believe, time and time again, way into office for the brimming with assurances excuse, you think, and elections are like this! persuading them to turn out that maybe, just maybe, this umpteenth time. Because, in that this time, he’ll play it maybe he just got a little Haven’t you ever heard of just for him. But you see electionwillbedifferent. the end, a rigger of elections straight. But once you’ve overzealous. He puts on a ‘incumbentadvantage’?” through his lies You Eventually, you grow is like a sweet man: always given him a chance (again!), soulful expression, says And like the ‘sweet confront him, yet he has the cynical.You watch him with begging for one more the betrayal arrives like something about “counting man’, just when you’ve audacity to act hurt. “How a half-smile, shaking your chance, always promising a clockwork. every vote.” He might even finally mustered up the couldyoubesosuspiciousof head knowingly You’ve bettertomorrow Andlikethe He’s slick, well- tearup.Youmelt.Howcould strength to walk away, he me?” he’ll say, his voice seen this act before. He’ll do eternal lover, he’s never groomed, and he knows how you doubt him? He’s so does the one thing that dripping with wounded his sweet-talking, pull his faithful—except to his own to promise you the earnest. But just as you start always pulls you back: he pride He’s playing the strings, work his shadowy ambition. moon—and if he can’t reach to trust him again, he slips begs for a second chance. victim now “I’ve done magic. And for a while, it (The views expressed in that, maybe some other right back into old habits. He’s full of apologies, everything for you, for us, will work People will this article are those of the celestial bodies will do The next election, he’s a bit elaborate promises, a grand for democracy! Isn’t it believe him, they’ll trust in a
Much like the classic ‘sweet craftier He’s learned new speech about democracy and enough?” his ability to “represent” necessarily reflect the man,’there is the rigger who tricks such as changing the will of the people, which And here’s the rub: as them. But you? You’re no o p
isasslipperyasagreasedeel. numbers And, like a he’ll uphold this time He any long-suffering lover will fool. You’ve been through newspaper.) At first, he only flirts with seasoned sweet man, he has swears he’ll stick to the electoral boundaries, perfected the art of straight and narrow; he’s a pushing them here and there. gaslighting: “And haven’t I changed man. All he needs, He tells you, “I’ve changed. delivered?” he says, is “a bit of patience
From page 2 currently unknown Goolsarran also examined expenses totalling US$7 3B highlighted VHE’s statement that certain covering the period 2018 to 2020 examined issueswouldbe“furtherexaminedduringthe US$7.435 billion in recoverable costs and next audit,” suggesting an expectation or raised concerns about US$54.471 million, assurance of reappointment, which, in his lessthan1%ofthetotal. view,reflectsanincompleteaudit.
In relation to the second audit that was Goolsarran said that according to the done by VHE, Goolsarran noted that advertisement, a key requirement is for the concerns including, the lack of basic bidding firm, along with its partners (local structure, table of contents, no executive and foreign) combined, to have completed at summary, the scope and methodology used, least three similar assignments during the conclusion, recommendations, among other pastsevenyears. things have been raised in relation to the He added that since no auditing firm quality of the original audit report issued by currently operating in Guyana, including VHE. VHE, would have met this requirement, it
He added that Minister of Natural could not have been the intention for the Resources Vickram Bharrat had said a final overseas partner alone to have requisite report would be forthcoming, but its status is experience.
like things clean –but only when is fuh demself
Yuh ever notice how folks don’t mek ah invitation fuh throw even more garbage! joke wid dey own house? Not a sweetie De minutedeyseerules,deywantfuh break wrapperpondefloor Notaspeckadustpon it. de table. But leh dem walk outside, is like But leh yuh go in dem people house. Is deyhandgetitchyfuhlitter like dem own a five-star hotel. Sparkling Throw de box, de bottle, de styrofoam – floors, neat cushions, every ting in place. everything fling out de car window! Right Dey gon tell you, “No shoes in here, keep it outside dey neighbor yard too, like is dey clean!”ButisdesameonestossingoutKFC own personal garbage bin. Dem boys seh, boxesinpubliclikedeyfeedingpigeons. look how people careful in dey own space. Some of dem 10-day workers walking Manwouldn’tdarelefaemptychipbagpon aroundpickingupgarbage. he own kitchen counter But outside? Is a One of dem apply fuh de job and de different story De street is like one big ol’ foreman ask she if she gat any experience. dumpfuhdem. She turn to he and seh, “I will pick it up as I It get so bad de rats and roaches start to go along. “ Dem boys seh, is time people plan family reunion by de roadside. Dey start tekkin’ pride in dey public space de does get buffet service now, courtesy of we same way like dey house. ’Cause de road lil’carelessness.Demboysseh,deratslivin’ belong to everybody – and we all got to live betterdansomepeople.Whafunnyis,ifyou here. put a sign “No Littering” – people see dat as Talk half. Leff half.
The voices are quiet. It must be Holy Week climaxing on Good Friday Or the Holy month of Ramadan. Or the sacred days of Navaratri. If the souls of the men (andwomen)ofGodaresomuted, then expectations about men of politicsshouldbeconsignedtothe dustbinofoblivion. Thewomenof politicsarenotleftout.
Throughout history, men and women of God have risen up and spoken for the poor They are a defeatedspecieinGuyana,boththe poorandpreachers. Therewardsof oil in the present beat hands down theprizeofparadise.
In the annals of Guyana, there were those of the cloth who stood fortheflock. Whenandifanybody sees them, actually recognizes them,awordofintroductionwould bewell-received.
If the men of God lack empathyforthepoorandafflicted andtrampledupon,thenwhatisto be hoped for from the men and women of politics? Nothing it seems, and nothing is what it has been. I could insult some pastors and pandits and moulvis, but I won’t.
They have already done that to themselves The public
incineration of spiritual standards, their own ethics, condemn them. NotI.
From the bad old days, from various sacred scriptures came reminders of bad kings, bad princes, bad judges, bad stewards. Fearless men and women went against the tide and warned and castigated, at great risk to themselves. Wherearetheytoday in this society? Are our political princes and principals across the boardthatpure,thatimmaculate? I thinknot.
The poor are crying, the moral are protesting. Those who yearn for a state of cleanliness at every level of our environment, encounter what I call ethical revulsions.
When an ethical revolution is needed, the men of God have decided that a disappearing act is the safest course of action. Most take a still safer course: they hang with the political homeboys and political posse in the big houses of thestate.
It is a plantation this Guyana: masters and servants. Superiors and serfs. The fraternity and sorority of citizens (without exclusion of any) that every spiritual shepherd in every
denomination should be speaking about, insisting on, fighting for, is just not there. Not a priority, beyond lip service, self-enriching platitudes.
The preference of the men and women of God is to cultivate servitude with the political cabal that drags down standards, drags down people, drags down country Butmenoftheclotharerecruitedto blessthedraggingdown.
When the few Guyanese with thespiritandethosstandandspeak about corruption and political powers that tarnish themselves, a wordisfoundtoderogatethemand dismissthem.
Critics and naysayers are what have graced from the heights with traction. I offer some humble enlightenment to utterers and condoners: the Prophet Mohamed was a critic. Jesus was a critic of the Establishment. And Gautama hadhisownproteststomakeinhis own unique manner One doesn’t havetobeaMahdioraHolymanto discern the pervasive corruption present.
HowcanthemenofGodbehold the evidence of their eyes when they themselves are part of, shall I say,goodtimes,thegrandtimesof greatself-help? Thereligiousmen
aretoomuchanintegralaspectof the problem to be part of the solution. Oncemore:ifthemenof God are so weak, this fragile, and that clearly compromised, then the men of politics who are of nothing butmoney,whatismalignant,must bespared.
Truth be told, I may have surrendered to temptation myself, whether an archbishop or a maulana or a guru. So much richness, and all I have to do is behave myself, get with the programme, endorse the leaders. Nosacrificeisrequired,exceptfor abandonment of what is proclaimed.
InGuyana,thereistheironyof men of God working behind the scenes to suppress truth, to avoid exposure. Not of themselves, but ofthosementhattheyworship.
Even worse, they see nothing wrongwithattackingandbelittling (in private) those who broke the chainofcorruptionandcoverup. If I had spiritual guides like that, I would spit in their faces and distancefromthem.
Then again, that’s the old version. The new must be disciplined, humble, peaceable. I am sorry for the yielding to anger CheddiJaganhadhismoments,soI
amindecentcompany Plus,there was that moment of whips in the temple when the moneychangers hadtobethrownout.
Considering the deplorable, definitely disastrous, state of the shepherds in Guyana, a greater degree of sympathy and understandingmustbeextendedto the leading men in politics. If the menofprayerspretendnottoknow better, don’t do better, then how could men of politics, and of its accompanying perversities, ever do…?
When the men of the spiritual worldaresosickastogivethemen of politics the blessing of their looking the other way, not seeing and knowing anything, then Guyana can only be where it is. Somebody pray for our country Someone pray for all Guyanese. Prayforme,please.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthis newspaper.)
The Working People’s Alliance(WPA)saidthatthe governmentcannotcontinue to prop-up the loss-making Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) by doling out billionstotheindustrywhich inturnsubsidisesthepriceof the product on the world market.
Reports are that the corporation has been suffering yearly losses despitehugespendingbythe PPP/C administration
Speaking at a news conference on Monday, CoLeader of the WPA, Dr David Hinds was asked to state the party’s position in light of heavy financial lossesbyaGuySuCoreport, “doyoustillholdtotheview that the estates should not have been closed as recommended by the COI withDr Thomas?”
Hinds told reporters that “Wedohowevercontinueto believe that it is not sustainable to maintain the industryinthewayitisbeing maintained with the large subsidies from the government We cannot continuetoproducesugarat
Co-Leader of the WPA, Dr. David Hinds
thehighpricethatitisbeing produced. In effect what we are doing, and what we continuetodoistosubsidise those who buy our sugar on theworldmarket.”
Stating that the current world market price of sugar is somewhere around 12 cents per pound, Hinds highlighted that Guyana is producingsugarataround40 cents per pound, “therefore in actuality what we are inevitably doing is subsidising the people who arebuyingoursugarandwe think that that is not sustainable ” Dr. Hinds
mentionedthattheWPAisin no way surprised that the industry is in trouble and theyareoftheopinionthatit istimeforanotherlooktobe taken at the industry to see the current situation and what changes need to be madeinrealtime.
“So yes, we recognise that there is trouble in the industry and there continues to be trouble but as a party, we are not guided by decisionsthataremadeatthe top of our heads We supported a Commission of Inquiryadecadeagoandwe wouldnothesitatetosupport
another Commission of Inquiry to see where the industryisatthemomentand to make recommendations for the necessary changes,” Hindssaid.
Only recently, the Alliance For Change called out the government for its treatment of the dire situation at GuySuCo, saying that merely changing the company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) will not fix the problems. Former Leader of the AFC KhemrajRamjattansaidthat “The sugar industry suffers fundamental problems, which cannot be solved by replacing CEOs, or fooling Guyanese with expectations ofthehollowestorder.”
Going into some statistics, he told reporters that out of the 37,000 tons target for the first crop of 2024 GuySuCo managed to produceonly6,738tonsand
for the second crop so far, they have managed to produce 25,000 tons of the 63,000 tons, with two months remaining to concludeit.
“All the chatter which came from former PPP appointed CEO Sasenarine Singh early this year that GuySuCo will realise increased sugar production in 2024, by expansion of acreage, retooling and mechanization was just poppycock and propaganda. When the PPP realised that Sasehasfooledthem,itsent Sase Singh off to Brussels and then brought one of its loyalistactivistsMr Cheong as the replacement, ” Ramjattanlamented. He highlighted that the loans taken to facilitate the project,whichhedeemedas “probably the worst investment ever since independence” is saddling
thebacksofGuyanesewitha minimum repayment of US $3.8Mperyear
“This burden would run at a minimum until 2033. Additionally, subventions to GuySuCo from the PPP government this year alone stands at $9.2 B. Since the PPP’s coming to office in 2020,anapproximatesumof $43B, have so far been imputed to that corporation. So, the sweet talk of improving the production is thus all hollow The intent was to create great expectations to the support base and to perpetuate massive misspending and corruptioninthesector,”the former AFC leader said Furthermore,herepeatedthe party’s position that “sugar hasbeendyingsinceGuyana lostourpreferentialpricesto the European market when theWTOruledthatthe
During the 38th Caribbean
Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) Managers meeting held in St Kitts and Nevis, from October 28-30, PAHO Assistant Director, Dr Rhonda Sealy, commended the Caribbean Immunization managers for
beginning to turn around vaccination coverage across CARICOM Member States, after a declinein2020and2021duetothe COVID-19 pandemic and stressed the need to strengthen the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination program
Noting that there were still significant challenges, including
vaccinehesitancyanddisruptionsin schoolandhealthfacilityaccess,she called for a revitalisation of this essential program, particularly within the Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative, and as many countriesaretransitioningtoaonedosescheduleasrecommended
“To ensure our continued success,I’dliketohighlightseveral recommendations Firstly, we need unwavering political commitment and financial resources to maintain our targets for eliminating polio, measles, and rubella, as well as controlling other vaccinepreventablediseases It’simperative to strengthen our vaccination
operations to achieve and sustain a 95% coverage rate for all antigens
Additionally, we must develop targetedstrategiestoreachchildren underfiveyearsold,enhancingour surveillance capabilities for vaccine-preventable diseases Training healthcare workers in effective risk communication and community engagement is vital for improving HPV vaccine coverage Finally, we must invest in robust data systems and infrastructure to support adult immunization without jeopardizing childhood vaccination programs.” Dr Sealy wasquotedinaPAHOpressrelease assaying.
Dr Daniel Salas, Executive Manager, Special Programme on Comprehensive Immunization, PAHO, emphatically reiterated PAHO’s support for HPV vaccination programmes in the Caribbean stating that “the Caribbeanisknowntobealeaderin vaccinationanddiseaseelimination, Iurgeyoutobethefirstsubregionto eliminate cervical cancer reducing morbidity and mortality associated withthispreventabledisease”
During the meeting, Jamaica wonthecovetedHarrySmithAward for most improved immunization coverage in 2023 while the inauguralBerylIronsAwardwentto
Grenada for achieving their surveillance targets in 2024 and improvedimmunizationcoveragein 2023 Three countries also took away surveillance awards In first place was Barbados, second place wenttoStKittsandNevisandthird placewenttoBelize
The dedicated healthcare professionals of the EPI program and PAHO were praised by Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health,inStKittsandNevis,Curtis Martin He emphasized that nationalhealthstewardshiprequires partnership “PAHO is a blessing ItstechnicalsupportoftheEPIranks
Continued on page 22
The World Bank’s latest Commodity Markets Outlook report, which forecasts an imminent oil surplus, has raised doubts about Vice President Dr BharratJagdeo’sprojections ofsubstantialfuturerevenue.
Jagdeo has suggested that by not implementing a ring-fencing provision for the oil projects in the Stabroek Block, the country is strategically foregoing short-term benefits to reap greaterlong-termgains.
In simple terms, a ringfencing provision in an oil contractensuresthateachoil project is financially independent, meaning it can only use its revenue to cover itsowncosts Onceaproject’s expenses are repaid, profits arethensplit
However, the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with ExxonMobil lacks such a provision, and it allows Exxon and its partners Hess andCNOOCtorecover75% of monthly revenue toward cost recovery, with the remaining 25% split equally between the companies and thegovernment Without ring-fencing, Exxon and its partners can allocate costs from new developmentsacrossmultiple projects, which delays profit distributiontoGuyana
Dr Jagdeo has argued that implementing a ringfencing provision could jeopardize future revenue from Guyana’s oil projects.
He said at one of his press conferences, “Thinking in policymakingismuchmore
Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo
complex, it’s never a linear way- oh ring-fencing can save all the money in the world; ring-fencing could lead now too to us having nothinginthefuture.”
The Vice President had explained,“Weadmittedthat we are foregoing revenue nowinexchangeformassive future income because its going into new projects that willincreaseproductionand so even with the same share of the 50/50 plus the two percent royalty that the future income, because of the bigger scale will be massive in Guyana’s case and we are deliberately foregoing that in this period for that purpose and then trying to grab this bone now could cause you to lose all the bones, the bigger bones toointhefuture.”
Despite Jagdeo’s stance, industry experts have advised that a ring-fencing provision could secure early returnsforGuyana,ensuring immediate revenue from individual projects without
pooling expenses across multipledevelopments.
As reported in an article by Oilprice, theWorld Bank has forecasted that the oil glutmayleadtoasubstantial dropinglobalprices.
“Nextyear,theglobaloil supplyisexpectedtoexceed demandbyanaverageof1.2 million barrels per day,” the WorldBankstated.
Itwasnotedthatthescale ofthisoversupplyisdifficult to overstate; these numbers have only been exceeded twiceinhistory,in1998and 2020.Asaresult,abarrelof oil could cost less than US$60 within the next six years.
According to Oilprice,
Outlook, warns that global oil supply is expected to surpass demand by an average of 1 2 million barrels per day by 2025, driven by factors including flatlinedeconomicgrowthin China,risingelectricvehicle sales, projected production bumps from non-OPEC+ nations, and persistent overproduction from OPEC+ members as well and increased natural gaspoweredtransportation.
Become Oil Minded’published by Stabroek News spoke of a survey conducted between September 20 and October 4, 2024 by Ram andMcRae,usingtheGoogleFormsplatform and attracted 135 responses from a diverse group of respondents including professionals, academics, students and citizens. According to the accountant, the survey most Guyanese want the oil sector to bemanagedbyindependentexperts. However, Jagdeo sought to dismiss the survey’sauthenticity However,Rammadeit clear that surveys are globally done using GoogleForms.
Hesaidthesurveywasdistributedtoall of the leading members of the political parties and private sector organizations across the country, the PPP/C included of whichtheVPisalongservingmember,and has been General Secretary for quite some time.
Therefore, “if the results are “suspect” one must ask why his party and supporters, who received direct invitations, chose not to participate and offer opposing views,” the CharteredAccountantstated.
Furthermore, “Mr Freddie Kissoon’s
critique in the state-owned media reveals mistaken facts relevant to his academic trainingandfundamentalmisunderstandings about research methodology He confuses basic facts, citing wrong numbers and mischaracterisingthenatureoftheinitiative.
Asurveyservesdifferentpurposesfromapoll –itgathersdetailedinformationandinsights about specific issues rather than predicting population-wideviews.”
Ram explained that the study was “explicitlydesignedasaconsultativesurvey seekinginformedstakeholderfeedbackabout particular aspects of the Petroleum Agreement.Thevaluableresponsesreceived, including a detailed technical analysis of contract provisions, demonstrate the success ofthisapproach.”
He said that the reactions from officials indicate significant public concern over the Agreement’sterms,whichcannotbeignored or dismissed through procedural arguments ormethodologicalcritiques.
“Their [government] resistance to democratic consultation raises the profound question of whether they truly serve the interestsoftheGuyanesepeopleorother,less publicinterests,”headded.
Arice farmer died on Monday after the tractor he was operating pinned him in a trenchatMibicuriSouth,BlackBushPolder, Berbice, Region Six. Dead is 43-year-old SunilRampersaudofBlackBushPolder
Rampersaud’s tractor reportedly flipped intoatrenchatMibicuriSouth(ThreeBridge AccessDam)around16:40hrs.
“Enquiries revealed that the tractor was proceedingsouthalongtheabovementioned dam at a normal rate and as the driver approached the wooden bridge and was in the process of turning west (right), he lost control of the tractor, which flipped into a nearbytrench,”Policesaid.
Rampersaud was pulled from the trench in an unconscious state and taken to the Mibicuri Public Hospital where he was pronounceddeadonarrival.
The state-of-the-art regional hospital at Enmore along the East Coast Demerara can create employment for almost 1,000 persons whencompleted.
This is according to President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali during an inspection of theprojectonMonday “For this facility, [we will need] more than 1,000 staff to manage it for24hours,”PresidentAlistated.
The Nursing Assistant programme, Pharmacy Assistant, and lab technician training programmes are already proving instrumental in upskilling Guyana’s workforce to meet the demand for these new facilities. Additionally, thousands of nurses acrossthecountryarebeingupskilledthrough the government’s partnership with US-based onlinecourseprovider,CourseraInc.
Meanwhile, the modern facility is scheduled for completion early next year It will be equipped with digital, top-notch equipment “We are building this to European and American standards for the equipment and facilities,” the president noted.
The hospital will also be equipped with a 24-hourAccidentandEmergencydepartment, a fully equipped laboratory, and advanced imaging services. It will feature 75 inpatient beds, a modern birthing room, and two modern operating theatres, which will be staffed with highly trained medical
professionals to ensure the highest level of careforpatients.
“It is not the big open-ward system anymore. This is up to international standards. Each room will carry five beds, with its own washroom facility. Basically, everything that Georgetown offers will be here,”PresidentAlinoted.
President Ali was accompanied by Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony, who provided a breakdown of the staff complement needed for the new facility The minister explained that about 30 doctors are needed,inadditionto400nurses,andanother 400 nursing assistants. Clerical and technical staff will also be critical to the facility’s operations.
The $6 6 billion facility is set to revolutionise healthcare delivery This massiveprojecthasbeenundertakenbyChina CAMC Engineering Co Ltd (CAMC), a subsidiaryofSinomach.
It is one of two regional hospitals being constructed in Region Four through the Ministry of Health, with the other being at Diamond, East Bank Demerara. Apart from these,thegovernmentisalsoconstructingfour more hospitals at Lima, Region Two; Bath, Region Five; No. 75 Village, Region Six. A state-of-the-art paediatric and maternal hospital is also being constructed at Goedverwagting.(DPI)
A state-of-the-art regional hospital is underway at Enmore
A 66-year-old man has reportedly lodged a report with the Blairmount Police Station, West Coast Berbice (WCB) after his tenants, a man and his common-lawwife,disappearedwithallof his furniture and two months’rent.
Thelandlord,66year-old Freddy
Persaud, told Kaieteur News that hehasnoideawhere thecouplewentwith his furniture and outstandingrent.
“They blocked me, I can’t get in contact with them, they blocked me on WhatsApp too,”
P e r s a u d t o l d KaieteurNews.
P e r s a u d disclosed that the duonotonlytookhis furniture but also damaged the ones they chose to leave behind. Thelandlordclaimedthathe rented his furnished No. 44 Village, WCB property to the couple for $25,000 monthly
property on October 27, 2024. The man said he had noissuewiththetenantsbut that they owed him two months’rent.
Persaudlivesinthesame yard where the tenants rentedtheproperty
“Dembrukam…alldem thing and dem carry way mehwardrobeanddemtable and chair and dem bed and mattress and suh,” he told KaieteurNews.
He disclosed that the couple discretely left his
“Me ain’t no when dem gone,” the man said noting that he observed the door to therentedpropertywaswide open. Finding it strange, Persaudventuredtothefront oftheyardandobservedthat the house was empty, bare
Persaud said that after alerting others that the couple stole the furniture from him, he was informed that the duo stole from their previouslandlords.
“Likeisathingdemdoes do,”heremarked.
Frompage11 preferential prices violated open market rules.”
The Guyana Agricultural Workers’ Union (GAWU) also recently raised concernsabouttheGuySuConotmeetingits production target. As of October 26, 2024, the Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc (GuySuCo) produced 24,711 tons of sugar, representing just 39 per cent of its 63,276ton target. GAWU said as much as 60 per cent of the cropping period has been exhausted, and it is apprehensive that the deficit cannot be closed in the remaining croppingweeks.
According to GAWU from its perspective, “the industry’s sad situation cannotbedelinkedfromthemanagementof its cultivation and agricultural operations. According to GAWU, before the
commencementofthecrop,theUniondrew GuySuCo’s attention to several important issuesthatrequiredintervention.
“It appears that our concerns were brushed aside. Recently, we have expressed concern about the production rate and trajectory It seems that those charged with agricultural management in the industry have,forreason/sbestknowntothemselves, chosentoturnaNelson’sEye.”
GAWUsaidgiventheconduciveweather tomechanisedsugaroperationsoverthepast fewweeks,itispuzzledthatdailyproduction levelsremainedconstrained.
“It begs the question: What are the factor(s) which have inhibited production levels?Theindustry remains heavily reliant on manual cane harvesting complemented bymechanisedloading,apracticethatisnow decadesold.”
AGreport lastyear ...poorperformance,shoddyworkcited
Fivecontractstotalling$1.857billionwereterminatedby theGovernmentofGuyanaduetosubstandardwork,lastyear, theAuditorGeneral’s2023Reportdisclosed.
Accordingtothereport,thepopularConversationTreeto DennisStreet–ExittoSheriffStreet–roadwideningandnew connectorprojectisamongtheprojectssettosuffersignificant delaysduetothecontractbeingterminated.
TheothercontractsincludetheMinistryofForeignAffairs – Construction of New Guyana Embassy in Brazil; the Ministry of Labour - Construction of Office and Training Centre at Corriverton; and Ministry of Human Services and Social Security –Construction of Child Care Centre at MahaicaandRepairstotheTIPBuildinginRegionTwo.
Issues surrounding the award made by National ProcurementTenderandAdministrationBoardinthesumof $830M for the widening of Corridor Conversation Tree to DennisStreet-Lot8(B)werewidelyreported.
The duration of the contract was 14 months with the commencement date of September 5, 2022 and completion dateofNovember5,2023.Thedefectliabilityperiodwasone year.ByDecember31,2023,amountstotalling$465Mwere paidtothecontractor
Physical verification conducted on August 15, 2024 revealedthattheworkswereincompleteandthecontractwas terminatedonMay10,2024.
It was noted that the contractor failed to complete the works within the contractual duration, while the advance paymentwasnotfullyrecovered.
Thesetwosituationsconstitutedfundamentalbreachesof thecontract.UndertheGeneralConditionsofContract(GCC) clause,thecontractordoesnotprovidetherequiredguarantee andthecontractordelayedthecompletionoftheworksfora number of days’ correspondent to a maximum possible number of liquidated damages as indicated in the Special conditionsofthecontract.
In spite of these fundamental breaches of the contract by the contractor, the Ministry opted instead to terminate the contract for convenience and valued the contractor’s indebtednesstotheMinistryinthesumof$152M.
It was noted that the Ministry by way of a mutual settlement agreement, which was prepared in conjunction with Attorney General Office, took ownership of the contractor’s equipment as part of the settlement for moneys owed to the Ministry The equipment, with a total estimated valueof $153.600M was inspectedand valuedby the Senior MechanicalEngineerfromtheMinistryofPublicWorks.
It was advised by the Ministry that the remaining incomplete works were awarded to another contractor who was at the time mobilized on site and was in the process of constructingasheetpilerevetmentalongDennisStreet.
As a result, the contract was terminated for convenience because the contractor could not complete the works mainly duetofinancialconstraints.
TheAGreportpointedoutthatLot8Awascompletedand since these projects were to function in unison, the contract wasterminatedforconveniencetofasttrackthecompletionof Lot 8B to better service the general public as a bypass to the congestedSheriffStreet.
One of the elevated timber houses
Kaibarupai, Tusseneng, Karisparu, and Muruwa are amongthecommunitiesinRegionEightthatwillbenefitfrom the construction of new houses under the government’s HinterlandHousingProgramme.
Minister of Housing and Water Collin Croal made the disclosure during a recent outreach in the Potaro-Siparuni region.
The initiative will enhance the quality of life for many vulnerable families in these remote communities. Minister Croaldisclosedthatabout50houseswillbeconstructedinthe region AcontractwillbesignedwithMuruwa’sVillageCouncil bytheendofthisweektobeginthehomeconstructionthere
Theseelevatedtimberunitswillincludethreebedrooms,a wash facility, and a trestle and tank for water storage. The Hinterland Housing Programme aims to provide homes for vulnerable families across Regions One, Seven, Eight, and Nine.
Toensuretransparency,VillageCouncilsandresidentsare taskedwithidentifyingthosemostinneedofanewhome.The programmealsosupportslocaleconomies,asvillagessupply materials such as timber and clay bricks. Moreover, employmentopportunitiesarecreatedthroughthisinitiative. Meanwhile, the new homes add to the ongoing investments in the region, which include upgrades in road infrastructure,education,andhealth. InNovember2023,the first batch of houses under the Hinterland Housing Programme was handed over to 10 flood-affected families fromKokeriteHillinRegionOne.(DPI)
Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance,
during her speech at the Anti-corruption workshop.
In response to ongoing concerns over transparency and corruption, the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, in collaboration with the Private Sector Commission, hosted an Anti-Corruption Workshop on Tuesday aimed at strengthening the Integrity Commission Act.
The workshop, held at the Pegasus Hotel Exhibition Centre was attended by representatives from 26 private companiesandcenteredonthetheme,“Collaboratingwiththe PrivateSectorinGuyana’sFightAgainstCorruption.”
In her opening address, Minister of ParliamentaryAffairs and Governance, GailTeixeira, highlighted the government’s stance on combating corruption. She stressed that the government is committed to a zero-tolerance policy against corruption, including anti-money laundering efforts, bribery, andotherformsoftransparencyviolations.
Additionally, the minister anticipates in building a new culture involving a corruption-free system with assistance from the government and private sector stating, “ a zero tolerance for persons who offer bribes or soliciting violations for the procurement act… we want the people to trust the system.”
Teixeira stated that the government is undertaking a comprehensive review of the Integrity CommissionAct. The Act, which has been in existence since 1997, is being revised to introduce stronger accountability measures. “When we look at the Integrity Commission Act, people have felt they could disobey, that’s changing… people refuse to declare and honestlydeclaretheirassets,”Teixeiraemphasised.
The minister went on to outline several key areas identified as weaknesses in the current legislation. Among these is the establishment of formal guidelines for electronic asset declarations, as well as the implementation of advanced cybersecuritytechnologytoprotectsensitivedata.“Theissue, as you know in the act is if they are persons found in questionable activities or questionable declaration, they have to go to police to investigate and the DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions) to advise on the charges to be raised,” Teixeira explained.
She noted that with the proposed electronic system in place, it would be much easier and faster to monitor compliancewiththeAct.“Ithinkaswegetbetterandtheyare able to electronically store everything and access everything electronically which is what we are working on, it will be muchlesstediousandfasterprocessoffindingthepeoplewho haveandhavenotcompliedwiththeAct,”sheadded.
Speaking to the media after her speech, Teixeira also highlighted one key amendment that would simplify the reportingprocess.Currently,declarationsaremadeonaJuneto-June cycle, which she acknowledged can be difficult for those making the declarations. “Asimple amendment we are making is to align the reporting period with the fiscal year,” she said. “The proposal is that the same time you do your income tax, you would also report to the Integrity Commission,whichwillmakeiteasierfordeclarants.”
Additionally, the government plans to strengthen other aspects of the reporting mechanism and is exploring stricter penaltiesforindividualswhofailtocomplywiththelaw One proposed measure is to publicly release the names of those who have failed to submit their declarations, which Teixeira suggestedcouldencouragegreatercompliance.However,she also acknowledged that this approach might not work in all cases. “That will hopefully be coming before the end of the year into Parliament,” she said, referring to the legislative proposal.
JERUSALEM/CAIRO underpressurefromfar-right areas of the Palestinian beenkilledorcapturedinthe , Nov 5 (Reuters) - Israeli coalition partners, was enclave - six in separate Jabalia area over the past Prime Minister Benjamin consideringfiringGallant. airstrikes on Gaza City and month,themilitarysays. Netanyahu fired Defence Protests erupted in Tel the town of Deir Al-Balah, PATIENTS TO BE Minister Yoav Gallant on Aviv and other parts of Israel and four in the town of Al- EVACUATED Tuesday, citing a “crisis of afterGallant’sfiring. Zawayda around midnight More than 43,300 trust”,andreplacedhimwith “Firing Gallant in the on Monday, medics and Palestinianshavebeenkilled Israel Katz, previously the middle of a war is an act of healthofficialssaid. in more than a year of war in foreignminister madness,” said Israeli At least five others were Gaza, health authorities in
Earlier on Tuesday, opposition leader Yair Lapid killed in an Israeli strike on a Gaza say, and much of the Israeli forces issued new onX. house in Jabalia north of territory has been reduced to evacuation orders in the In Washington, a Gaza City, medics said later ruins. north of the Gaza Strip and spokesperson for the White onTuesday
The war began after carried out military strikes House National Security The Israeli military said, H
which Palestinian medics Council said Gallant had without giving details, that attacked Israel on Oct. 7, and media said had killed at been an important partner its forces had “eliminated 2023, killing about 1,200 least 35 people since and that it would continue terrorists”inthecentralGaza people and taking 251 Mondaynight. workingcollaborativelywith Strip and Jabalia area. Israeli hostages to Gaza, according
The prime minister Katz. troops had also located toIsraelitallies. named Gideon Saar as the France’s foreign minister weaponsandexplosivesover Announcing plans for a new foreign minister, will travel to Israel and the the past day in the southern raretransferofpatientsoutof Netanyahu’s office said in a Palestinian territories on Rafah area, where “terrorist Gaza, a World Health statement. Wednesday, a day after U.S. infrastructuresites”hadbeen Organization official said
Gallant and Netanyahu, elections, to press Israel to eliminated,itsaid. more than 100 people would both in the right-wing Likud engagediplomaticallytoend Later on Tuesday, Israeli be evacuated from Gaza on party, have clashed for the conflicts in Gaza and planes dropped leaflets over Wednesday, including months over the objectives Lebanon. Beit Lahiya ordering children suffering from of Israel’s 13-month-old war
NORTHERN GAZA residents who have not yet trauma injuries and chronic in Gaza against Palestinian AIRSTRIKES left their homes and shelters diseases. militantgroupHamas. Acting U.N. aid chief housingdisplacedfamiliesto In the Israeli-occupied
Netanyahu said Gallant Joyce Msuya said on X that quitthetowncompletely West Bank, the Palestinian has made statements that Israeli military ground “To all those who health ministry said at least “contradict the decisions of operations in northern Gaza remained at homes and seven people were killed on the government and the had left Palestinians shelters,youareriskingyour Tuesday during an Israeli decisionsofthecabinet”. “without the essentials to lives. For your safety you militaryraidandairstrikes.
Inresponse,Gallantsaid: survive, forced them to flee have to head south,” said the The Israeli military said “The security of the state of forsafetymultipletimes,and leaflet, which was written in its aircraft had targeted a Israel always was and will cut off their escape and Arabic. group of gunmen and that its always remain my life’s supplyroutes.”
Palestinians said the new forces had arrested 60 mission.”
“These atrocities must attacks and Israeli orders for militants.
Katzsaidonsocialmedia stop,”shesaid. people to evacuate were Violence has surged in platform X that he would An airstrike late on aimed at emptying areas to the West Bank since the start approach his new role “with Monday damaged two createbufferzones. of the war in Gaza, with a sense of mission and holy houses in the town of Beit
I s r a e l s a y s t h e almost daily sweeps by fear for the security of the Lahiya, killing at least 20 evacuations are meant to Israeli forces that have State of Israel and its people, the Palestinian keep civilians out of harm’s involvedthousandsofarrests citizens.” official news agency WAFA way as its troops battle and regular gunbattles Reports appeared in andHamasmediasaid. Hamas fighters. Hundreds of between security forces and September that Netanyahu, Tenwerekilledincentral Palestinian gunmen have Palestinianfighters.
Police on Tuesday said that three persons are in custody for the murder of 56-year-old Nigel Somersall, a food vendorfromtheminingtownofLinden.
Somersall was found shot dead on Monday not too far from his West Watooka Hill Top Linden, Region Ten home.
Calwyn Croal’s mugshot when he was charged with Somersall’s attempted murder.
Among those being questioned for his death is Calwyn Croal called ‘Brother Croal’, a 55-year-old contractor of Blueberry Hill, Wismar, Linden Croal was charged for Somersall’sattemptedmurderin2022. According to police, Croal turned himself in on Monday afternoon. The by his cousin around 05:00hrs next to othertwosuspectswerearrestedaround hismotorcycle. midday on Monday They were ResidentsofWestWatookaHillTop identified as Jamal Fullington, a 22- recalledhearingthemotorcycleheading Somersall was shot twice in his year-old construction worker/miner of towards Somersall’s home before abdomen and three times in his right Victory Valley, Wismar, Linden and suddengunshots.Theyreportedlyheard hand The shooting had left him Shaquan Miller, a 19-year-old pork- the gunshots 03:45 hrs. followed by a
knocker of Blueberry Hill, Wismar, motorcyclefallingtotheground. investigators, Somersall was shot by Linden. This was not the first time that Croal, who was charged with attempted Somersall’s lifeless body was found Somersallwasshot.InSeptember2022, murder
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
COINS Wanted, I buy coins best prices paid. Tele : 6430902 / 653-4287.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).
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1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
The 59-year-old father of an abducted former police officer believes his son is dead. Following new information from multiple sources, he has concluded that his son, who was kidnapped on May 7, 2024 at Church of God Road, Buxton, East Coast Demerara (ECD) is no longer alive.
The abducted man has been identified as 36-year-old Delon Alexander. Police issued wanted bulletins last week for 42-year-old Mark Cromwell also called ‘Diamond/ Demon’ and 28year-old Kevral Hatton called, ‘Smokey’ for their connection in the abduction case. Persons with information about the whereabouts of the duo are asked to contact police on telephone numbers, 227-1149, 225-8196, 227-1611, 268-2328/268-2329226—3405, 225-6978, 333-3876.
Mark Cromwell also called ‘Diamond/ Demon’ Kevral Hatton
FIRST AID/CPR/AED & HOME NURSING COURSES, Starting soon at St. John Association. Call: 225-9082.
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During an interview with Kaieteur News, the father of the victim, Lindon Alexander revealed some information he received, which led to the abduction of his son. The father of six recalled that in 2023, Alexander and the owner of a gold mining company traveled to Linden, where they had encountered a man. An argument reportedly broke out between the two men during this confrontation. “(The boss) told my son to let duh man
For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 626-8918
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come out my yard … and my son tell him to get out of the yard,” Alexander told Kaieteur News. Months later, the said man Alexander had confronted in Linden reportedly asked him ‘where is the boss,’ to which he responded, ‘what you want with the boss,’ the father recalled. Following that, the father alleged that an argument ensued between them and the man reportedly threatened Alexander that “he is going to deal with him.”
On May 7, 2024, the father said Alexander carried out some business, and went to a bakery to purchase some items. Upon exiting the bakery, it is claimed that his son was in an argument with two men. “While he went going out of the bakery, he and two men were having a
fight outside,” the father related. He told this newspaper that when he initially heard of the news that his was missing, he did not take it serious.
“I say in my mind, ‘maybe he mussy gone somewhere but when two days come you know,” the missing man’s father said. Nevertheless, the man expressed that he and his son shared a very close relationship, and on the day Alexander went missing, they had conversed via messages on WhatsApp. “Me and my son had a very, very close relationship,” the man said as he held back tears.
He continued, “I lose him, he gone…I telling you personally a lot of people give me insight, I don’t have that feeling no more that he is alive.” Furthermore, the father
shared that his sources had informed him that his son was allegedly shot, beaten, and buried. He showed this publication a message that read:” “The young man disappeared, it’s true what they say is that he was beaten, shot twice in the foot they tied him up and throw him in the back of the car.”
The message continued, “Sorry to tell you this, news came back to me he is dead and he is in a shallow grave in Buxton Backdam.” The father claimed that the two wanted suspects in the disappearance of his son have close connections with senior ranks within the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and he is not hopeful that anything would come out of the investigation.
From page 12 as a global best practice. Transfer of knowledge and skills have yielded measurable results including the regard for research rigor and the imperative of data and evidence-guided planning and performance assessment and improvement. Through PAHO and other public health protection, prevention and health promotion are in our DNA. PAHO cannot become weary in Caribbean well-being because in our jurisdictions, health is too big to fail,” he asserted.
Delivering remarks on behalf of PAHO/WHO Representative for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries, Dr Amalia Del Riego, Advisor, Family and Life Course for Primary Health Care, Dr Solange KobiJackson, described the implementation of solid vaccination programs as one of the noblest commitments to the population, especially protecting the health of children.
“The positive result for 2023, reflects the efforts of professionals and the health
system, as well as the government’s clear political commitment to invest in health, along with an engaged population that recognizes the importance of vaccination. Nonetheless, it is necessary to continue making progress to bring the Region of the Americas back to the top of the global ranking in immunization coverage, maintain our achievements, and advance in the strategy to eliminate communicable diseases,” Dr Kobi Jackson stressed.
While aware of polio, pertussis and measles cases worldwide, Chair of the Meeting and the Caribbean Immunization Technical Working Group (CITaG), Prof Peter Figueroa, praised the EPI Program for contributing considerably to the decrease in deaths and an improvement in the health of children globally and within the Caribbean. “An estimated 154 million deaths averted – that is remarkable and represents the true value of vaccines… However, we cannot be complacent. We have to be alert.” He called on Caribbean
countries to maintain vaccination rates of 95% or higher and increase surveillance.
The meeting also included an ‘Effective Communication for Vaccine Uptake for Caribbean EPI Managers workshop’ which included presentations on risk communication and community engagement, increasing vaccination coverage using the behavioural and social drivers of vaccination, crisis communication and vaccination messaging.
The group also participated in a panel discussion that highlighted the risk communication strategies used in the measles case management employed by Turks & Caicos, plans to create a risk communication plan for new vaccine rollouts by Grenada and the role of communications during an ESAVI by Suriname.
Caribbean EPI meetings are held annually, and this year’s theme was Stronger Together: Advancing Immunization, Eliminating Disease.
TheTransport&HarboursDepartmentoftheMinistryof PublicWorksintendstospendapproximately$440Mtodock and rehabilitate four Department ferries, the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) has revealed. At the recent opening of tenders, it was revealed that the M.V Kanawan, M.V Makouria, M.V Malali,andM.VSabantowillallberehabilitated.
This publication understands that the project will see general repairs and maintenance works being done on the vessels. Only one contractor, DockYard, submitted bids for theworks.
Transport & Harbours Department
Lot1: Docking & Rehabilitation of M.V Kanawan, Lot2: Docking & Rehabilitation of M.V Makouria, Lot3: Docking & Rehabilitation of Malali, Lot4: Docking & Rehabilitation of M.V Sabanto.
Ministry of Health
Supply & Delivery of One Dental Bus.
Guyana Livestock DevelopmentAuthority (GLDA) Supply & Delivery of One Pug Transport Truck to the GLDA.
National Drainage & IrrigationAuthority Supply of Steel Sheet Pile to NDIALBI Compound.
Small Business Bureau
Supply & Delivery of Preform Bottles & Bottle Caps for Belvedere Business Incubator Centre.
Ministry of Local Government & Regional Development Development of Municipal Landfill & Closure of Dumpsite at Mahdia.
Police on Monday night good their escape in a captured two bandits waitingcar. following separate robberies Patrol ranks were alerted on the East Coast of and the car was spotted in Demerara(ECD). Beterverwagting,ECD.Bike
The first robbery patrol ranks pursued the reportedly took place around vehicle until it stopped. The 18:50hrs. at a barbershop at suspects opened the doors Clonbrook, ECD Four and fled but the driver of the bandits had reportedly car was not fast enough and attacked the barbershop, wascapturedbypolice. robbing the barber and two At around 20:30hrs ofhiscustomers. another robbery took place,
Policesaidthatoneofthe thistimeatOgle,ECD. bandits first entered the shop Thevictim,a25-year-old and requested a haircut. A security guard, said that she few seconds later, three was walking when six men masked men armed with on three motorcycles rode what looked like pistols, alongside her The men invaded They held the pointed a gun at her and barber and the customers at snatched her $60,000 gunpoint. cellphone, gold chain and
The barber was relieved $25,000incash. of $25,000 and two gold Shortly thereafter, police chain worth $1M dollars said that ranks apprehended while his customers were oneofthesuspects. relieved of their mobile In
phones. The bandits made ongoing.
A31-year-old husband’s workplace that he woman is now at was found dead and his body her wits end, was in advanced state of
a f t e r s h e decomposition Sugrim’s received a call on Saturday body was also buried at the last that her 39-year-old time which she received the husbandwasfounddeadona information The woman trail at Eight Miles, Port said that her husband used to Kaituma,RegionOne. call her every day while he
The dead man has been was in Port Kaituma and that identifiedasSamuelSugrim. their final call conversation
During an interview with was on Thursday She said this publication, the they want justice for him,
Chief, Wendell Blanhum for deceased’s wife, Darshanie “because he can’t go down a comment on the issue but Mahase related that her just like that, because he is a was unsuccessful. Contact husband went to do gold personthatdoesworkandgo autopsy was done on the wasalsomadetoRegionOne miningworkinPortKaituma and come back... He was the body, however the cause of C
K r i s h a forsixweeks. breadwinner for our home… d
, Ramana, who told this
She said that on I don’t know what I will do undetermined. publication that a report November 2, 2024, she now.”
Meanwhile, Kaieteur would be issued on the received news from her The woman said that an News reached out to Crime matter
A man was stabbed 10 Towler, was arrested and about13:00h. wounds about his body times by his drinking buddy was slated to appear in court Police said that the before making good his on Saturday following a yesterday It’s unclear if he suspect picked up his high escape,”policesaid. fightoverrumatKwakwani, attended court but according wine because Captain was The victim was rushed Region10. to reports, Captain had drinkingtoomuch.
Police identified the attacked the suspect while “An argument ensued
victim as Lancelot Captain, they were drinking high between the two, during Complex, where he was a 28-year-old labourer of wine in the company of which the suspect armed admitted before he being Kwakwani Park, Upper others at the Kwakwani himself with a knife, transferred to the Linden BerbiceRiver,Region10. ballfield. pursuedthevictim,anddealt Hospital. His condition is The suspect, Orlando The incident occurred at him a total of ten stab listedasseriousbutstable.
WASHINGTON (AP) printingerrors.
Former President Donald Harris has promised to Trump and Vice President work across the aisle to Kamala Harris notched early tackle economic worries and wins in reliably Republican other issues without and Democratic states, radically departing from the respectively, as a divided course set by President Joe Americamadeitsdecisionin Biden. Trump has vowed to astarkchoiceforthenation’s replace thousands of federal futureTuesday workers with loyalists, P o l l s c l o s e d i n impose sweeping tariffs on Pennsylvania, Georgia, allies and foes alike, and Michigan, Arizona, stage the largest deportation Wisconsin, North Carolina operationinU.S.history and Nevada, the seven Harris and Trump closely fought battlegrounds entered Election Day expected to decide the focused on seven swing election, but the results there states,fiveofthemcarriedby were too early to call.Voting Trump in 2016 before they continued in the West on flipped to Biden in 2020: the Election Day, as tens of “blue wall” of Pennsylvania, millions ofAmericans added Michigan and Wisconsin as their ballots to the 84 million wellasArizonaandGeorgia. cast early as they chose Nevada and North Carolina, betweentwocandidateswith which Democrats and drastically different Republicans respectively temperaments and visions carried in the last two forthecountry. elections, also were closely
and person of South Asian
overturned. Earlier Tuesday, Trump won Florida, a contested. supporters stormed the U.S. descenttoserveaspresident. overturned Roe v. Wade. In Trumprefusedtosayhowhe one-time battleground that Trump voted in Palm Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, after She also would be the first the closing hours of the voted on the measure and has shifted heavily to Beach,Florida,nearhisMar- Trump tried to overturn his sitting vice president to win campaign, she tried to strike snappedatareporter,saying, Republicans in recent a-Lago club. He called into a loss in 2020.Asked Tuesday theWhiteHousein36years. a more positive tone and “You should stop talking elections. He also notched Wisconsin radio station about accepting the 2024 Trump, 78, would be the went all of Monday without aboutthat.” early wins in reliably Tuesday night to say: “I’m race’s results, he said, “If it’s oldestpresidenteverelected. saying her Republican In reliably Democratic Republican states such as watchingtheseresults.Sofar a fair election, I’d be the first He would also be the first opponent’sname. New York, Colorado and Texas, South Carolina and sogood.” one to acknowledge it.” He defeated president in 132 Voters nationwide also Maryland, voters approved Indiana, while Harris took Harris, the Democratic visited a nearby campaign years to win another term in were deciding thousands of ballot measures aimed at Democratic strongholds like vice president, did phone officetothankstaffersbefore the White House, and the other races that will decide protecting abortion rights in New York, Massachusetts interviews with radio a party at a nearby first person convicted of a everything from control of theirstateconstitutions. andIllinois. stations in the battleground conventioncenter felony to take over the Oval Congress to state ballot JD Jorgensen, an The fate of democracy states, then visited
After her DNC stop, Office. measures on abortion access independent voter in Black appeared to be a primary Democratic National Harris planned to attend a H e s u r v i v e d o n e in response to the Supreme Mountain, North Carolina, driver for Harris’supporters, Committee headquarters in party at her alma mater, assassination attempt by Court’s vote in 2022 to which was hit hard by a sign that the Democratic Washington carrying a box Howard University in millimeters at a July rally overturnRoev Wade. Hurricane Helene, said nominee’s persistent of Doritos her go-to Washington.
Secret Service agents foiled In Florida, a ballot voters should have made up messaginginhercampaign’s snack.
Federal, state and local a second attempt in measure that would have theirmindsbeforeTuesday closingdaysaccusingTrump “Thistrulyrepresentsthe officials have expressed September protected abortion rights in “I think that the of being a fascist may have best of who we are,” Harris confidenceintheintegrityof Harris, pointing to the the state constitution failed candidates, both being in the brokenthrough,accordingto told a room of cheering the nation’s election
warnings of Trump’s former after not meeting the 60% public eye as long as they AP VoteCast. The expansive staffers. She was handed a systems. aides, has labeled him a threshold to pass, marking both have been, if you’re on survey of more than 110,000 cellphone by supporters They nonetheless were “fascist” and blamed Trump the first time a measure the fence, you hadn’t really votersnationwidealsofound doing phone banking, and braced to contend with what for putting women’s lives in protecting abortion rights been paying attention,” said acountrymiredinnegativity whenaskedbyreportershow they say is an unprecedented danger by nominating three failed since Roe was Jorgensen,35. and desperate for change. she was feeling, the vice l e v e l o f f o r e i g n Trump’s supporters were president held up a phone d i s i n f o r m a t i o n l a rg e l y f o c u s e d o n andresponded,“Gottatalkto particularly from Russia and immigration and inflation — voters.” Iran as well as the two issues that the former The closeness of the race possibility of physical Republican president has and the number of states in violenceorcyberattacks. been hammering since the play raised the likelihood Bothsideshavearmiesof startofhiscampaign. that, once again, a victor lawyers in anticipation of Those casting Election might not be known on legal challenges on and after Day ballots mostly electionnight. Election Day And law encountered a smooth Trump said Tuesday that enforcement agencies process,withisolatedreports he had no plans to tell his nationwide are on high alert of hiccups that regularly supporters to refrain from forpotentialviolence. happen,includinglonglines, violence if Harris wins, Harris, 60, would be the technical issues and ballot becausethey“arenotviolent first woman, Black woman
A 36-year-old man was shot on Sunday shooting all over, me ain’t even know I get in both legs by his neighbour while shoot, all I feel is me pants get wet,” the consuming alcohol at a shop located at injuredmanrecalled. Riverview,Ruimveldt,Georgetown. Following the shooting, the police were
The injured man has been identified as calledandtheaccusedwasarrested. SahirHussein.
Hussein was taken to the Georgetown
Hussein, who also lives in Ruimveldt, Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where Georgetown, told Kaieteur News that the he was admitted as a patient. He was incident occurred between 21:00hrs and discharged on Tuesday after which he made 21:30hrs and that the accused has been areporttotheRuimveldtPoliceStation. arrested.
Theinjuredmantold Kaieteur News that
During an interview, the injured man Sunday’s incident was not the first of its explained that he was at his cousin’s shop kind. He said the accused and other persons when the accused was at another shop would from time to time discharge their located nearby The accused was reportedly loadedfirearmsintotheair drunk and behaving disorderly when the “Them shooting up every day and all the shootingtookplace. time them get one setta gun and nobody Hussein explained that he heard the doing nothing… the police, nobody doing accused telling his girlfriend to pass him his nothing,” he said adding, “Every night, gun.“…Hegirlbringouthegunandgivehe every day them shooting up, I want know and he start shooting up in the air and start howgungetlikeduh.”
whenever the government does something, any intervention of the government,thebeneficiary must be the people of Guyana,”theministerstated
The minister assured
government is committed to addressing these issues promptlyandensuringthenew
discussions with the vessel’s crew are expected soon to
Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill engaging persons waiting to retrieve their goods from the MV MALisha
In response to mounting concerns about the MV MA Lisha, which serves the Georgetown to North West
District route, the government has pledged swift action to address passenger complaints and improveservicequality
MinisterofPublicWorks, Juan Edghill visited the Kingston Goods Wharf on Tuesday to speak directly with passengers about their concerns He was accompanied by senior management from the Transport and Harbours Department(T&HD)
Among the issues raised were reports of theft and pilferage on the vessel, unsanitaryconditionsleading to an unpleasant stench, and malfunctioning air
conditioning Passengersalso expressed frustration with prolongeddelaysinretrieving goodsafterdocking M
promised immediate action, including holding negligent crew members accountable and imposing financial penaltiesonthoseresponsible f
emphasised that while the government has invested substantially in modernising the fleet, some T&HD staff need to improve their management approach to a
advancements and ensure operationalstandardsaremet
“We must not only buy things and build things; we must care things and managethingsforthebenefit of the people because
SportsMax - Jamaica inthefinalonNovember9. has named a 19-woman Brazil were originally squad for the upcoming supposed to be a part of the America’s Women’s World tournament but withdrew in Series Rugby Qualifiers set June due to funding and for November 6-9 in logisticalissues. Jacksonville.
SportsMax-WestIndiesall-rounderDeandraDottinhas beennamedamongthethreenomineesfortheICCWomen’s PlayeroftheMonthawardforthemonthofOctober.
The winner of the final
The Women Reggae will advance to the 2025 Warriors, currently ranked World Series for a chance to 22nd in the world, will take
advance to the 2026 ontheUSAinthesemi-finals Women’s Rugby League on November 6 at the World Cup in Australia and University of North Florida PapuaNewGuinea. before the winner takes on
Women Reggae Warriors world number seven Canada squad: Alicia Richards, Aniya Smith, Chevelle Clarke, Darcey Price, Debisha Scarlett, Dejonaye Cole, Elyse Royal, Gianna N o b l e - C u n n i n g h a m , Kamoya Forrest, Kaya-Jo Laing, Mackayla McCalla, Makeda Lewis, Moesha Bogle, Shanice Stewart, Shanique Smith, Sherine Johnson, Shoya Gordon, Tarja Richards, Veronica Blair
Wednesday November 06, 2024
Mind your physical health today, Aries Don't push yourself if you're feeling tired and run down Seriously consider taking a day off from everything to get the rest your bodyneeds.
Something out of the ordinary may appeal to you, Taurus, especially if life seems dull these days. Nothing says you can't indulge yourself as long as what you're considering isn't dangerous or something you'llregret.
It's a great day to set some goals or review existing ones, Gemini. If you don't have a working list, it's time you started one. Brainstorm withoutcensorship.
Make yourself available to someone in need of a friend. Don't turn anyone away even if you're busy or under the weather Chances are the person who comes to you needs the advice and support thatonlyyoucanoffer
Take care of yourself if you feel tired, Leo. There's no shame in slowing down or taking a day off if it's needed. If you can spend a day in bed, go for it.This can be more restorativethanyouknow
Music can soothe the savage beast, Virgo. If you feel rather savage yourself, turn on some music. Dance and sing aloud. You'll be amazed at how this reduces stress and increases energy
Dottin made her comeback for the national side at the ICCWomen’sT20WorldCupintheUAE,andwasadriving force as the islanders reached their first semi-final at the eventsince2018.
She was instrumental in victories over Scotland and Bangladesh, but saved her most valuable contributions for thelatterstages,wheresheshonewiththebat,ballandinthe fieldintheirgroupstagewinoverEngland,beforeproducing a memorable individual display with 33 runs and four wickets in the thrilling semi-final defeat to eventual championsNewZealand.
Dottin will be going up against New Zealand’s Amelia KerrandSouthAfrica’sLauraWolvaardtfortheaward.
The nominees for the Men’s award are New Zealand’s Mitchell Santner, Pakistan’s Noman Ali and South Africa’s KagisoRabada.
If you feel sluggish today, Libra, put on some upbeat music to get you going. Whether it's your favorite tune or the radio, it will help a great deal. Dance a little or sing whileyoutendtoyourwork.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21)
Try then try again today It can feel terrible to fail at something. Sometimesyoujust wanttohideratherthanfacethe possibility of humiliation If successisimportanttoyou,you need to overcome your embarrassmentandfear
Consider talking with a good friend today, Sagittarius. Don't let your pride get in the way of getting the support and help you need. If you've made a mistake or fear you've done somethingwrong.
CAPRICORN(Dec 22–Jan 19)
Itmightbetimetofacearecent failure, Capricorn. No one is exempt from disappointment, of not succeeding at something. It's part of reaching a goal, no matter who you are orwhatyou'vedoneinthepast.
Don't delude yourself. While it can be a real temptation to see what you want to see, there's danger in doing so. A pipe dreamcanonlylastsolong.It's neverpermanent!
Do you need a change of pace, Pisces? If things are beginning to feel boring and you're apathetic, chances are that you do.All you have to do is figure out what to shift. If you're home most of the time, change thefurniturearound.
From page 37 promising that the items would benefit all, especially thechildren.
D u r i n g a b r i e f presentation ceremony, Feroze Barakat and David Singh encouraged the villagers to utilize the donations in ways that would improve the lives of as many community members as possible. Both Barakat and Singh pledged to return to Akiwini in the future to see the positive impact of their contributions.
“We believe in giving back and supporting the communities that need it the most. It’s our hope that: these donations empower the people of Akiwini and help build a brighter future for the next generation,” said Feroze Barakat.
This ongoing outreach highlights the group’s commitment to strengthening ties with their homeland while fostering sustainable development in underserved regions.
Tevin Imlach hit a top-score for the Guyana Harpy Eagles in a successful run chase. (CWI)
Fellow slow bowler Ashmead Nedd (2-19) and speedster Nial
Classy knocks from Guyana Imlach struck 9 fours while the Smith (2-42) capped off a good HarpyEaglesskipperTevinImlach in-formNanduhitthreefoursanda performancebytheEaglesbowling and opener Matthew Nandu helped six before being removed by off- unit. their team to an 8-wicket win over spinner Rakeem Cornwall (1-33).
All-rounder Cornwall hit seven Leeward Island Hurricanes, thus The pair featured in a hundred plus fours in his 36 while Jeremiah securingtheirfirstwinthisseason. runs stand for the second wicket Louis (34) and Justin Greaves (27)
Chasing 139 for victory, after the departure of Tagenarine were their primary scorers for Guyana captain Imlach (69*) and Chanderpaul. Leewards. centurion from a few rounds prior, Earlier left-arm spinner Guyana p
s Jam
a Nandu (50) took Guyana to the Veerasammy Permaul led his Scorpions on Thursday when finishline. young bowling unit with returns of actioncontinues.
From page 34 Day 2 - Best Net - Sabi Ramkissoon (152) occupied Dhori second and third place spots, Best Gross - Shanella respectively London
The Men’s 10-18 Best Men’s0-9 Gross was dominated by Day 1 - Best NetLakeram Ramsundar (159) JeetendraDanpat in the first place position, Best Gross - Avenash Jaipaul Sooknandan (160) Persaud settled for second place Day 2 - Best Net - Vishal while Lake Persaud (164) Dhani finishthird. Best Gross - Kevin Arnold Deo (179), Dindanauth Xavier Ramkellawan (181) Men’s10-18 and Joseph Marrast (185) Day1-BestNet&Gross coveredthetopthreespotsin -ImtiazSubhan the Men’s 19-28 Best Gross. Day2-BestNet&Gross WhileoverintheLadiesBest -LakePersaud Net, Christine Sukhram won Men’s19-28 the top spot as Sabi Dhori Day 1 - Best Net -Ashish settledforsecondplace. Lall Additional Best Gross - Richard highlights include: Stanton LadiesDay1 Day 2 - Best Net - Ken Best Net & Best Gross - Ogeer ChristineSukhram BestGross-ArnoldDeo
From page 37
Ninvalle said, “As an entity that has an affinity for development, the Lennox Blackmore National Intermediate Championship plays a critical and strategic role in building the foundation for the future success of the overall programme. This is the second step in our transitionary process for emerging pugilists. It is at this juncture or level where the talents of the respective combatants can be assessed following initial identification at the previous novice strata due to the improved level of competition that participates.”
Hefurthersaid,“Continuityandprogressionareessential to our continued success. Each initiative undertaken by the association is implemented with specific purposes. This programmeisnolessdifferent,andaconsequenceofsuchan approach and action affords the GBAthe ability to replenish andrestoreitstalentpoolandfightingcapacity,which,inthe long haul, will enable the continued growth of the sport and thedominanceoftheregion.”
The tournament is named after the former Commonwealth champion and world-ranked pugilist who ended a celebrated career with an impressive record of 30 fights,25wins,andfivelosses.
SportsMax - Trinidad and Tobago objective.
T&T football. I think this project for our Football Association (TTFA) president “We had to get the process right. We had In fact, he revealed thatYorke’s two-year executive and for Dwight is about qualifying KieronEdwardshasgivenrecentlyappointed to get where we wanted to go and make sure contract is with an agreement that he for the World Cup. It’s qualifying for the Head coach Dwight Yorke a mandate of we had the mechanics within the TTFAright successfully qualifies the team to the 2026 World Cup or nothing. I am sure I know qualifying the senior Soca Warriors to the to make sure we get there and I think we globalshowpiece.
Dwight’s pride. He will not stay on with the FifaMen’sWorldCuporriskbeingreplaced. reachedthebestchoiceforthemen’snational The SocaWarriors currently sit second in TTFAor with any club if he has failed to live Edwards made the declaration during an seniorteam,”heshared. Group B on four points, two points behind uptohishighstandards,”theTTFApresident interview on I95.5 FM on Saturday, as he “The entire team met and we laid out our leadersCostaRicaaheadoftheresumptionof opined. pointed out that their World Cup qualifying short-term goals, medium-term goals and qualifyingactionin2025. Beyond the on-field obligations Edwards ambition was the driving force behind the long-term goals. The medium-term goal was “With the right support and with the guys said it will take an estimated US$4 million to move to replace Angus Eve. “It’s not just to qualify for the World Cup in the next two we have, I do believe we can qualify for a ensure Yorke and his team has the best about selecting a coach. It is about the years. When we evaluated everything, we WorldCup.Weneedacoachthatunderstands possiblechancethroughouttheircampaign. process, the journey and qualifying to the thought we needed a change and the the culture we have, with players coming “ThegovernmentthroughtheMinistryof WorldCup,”Edwardssaid. executive decided we wanted to go in a back in two, three days before a game. Sport has been involved in every campaign. Still, Edwards, who was elected TTFA differentdirection.”Edwardsadded. Dwight was the ideal choice for us and he We truly believe qualifying for the World president in April, explained that getting to That said, Edwards reaffirmed his understands the culture of teams in Concacaf Cup, taking it to the back end of 2025 will the World Cup was a medium-term goal for unwavering support for the current crop of aswell,”Edwardsnoted. take about US$4 million.When we relate the hisadministrationand,assuch,theyoptedfor Soca Warriors players to get the Twin Island
“In terms of that professional to approach proposal, we are hoping to get 30-33 per cent a change in approach to accomplish that Republic to another World Cup for the first the game, I think Dwight really brings that to fromthegovernment,”Edwardssaid.
Th e G u y a n a basketball talents under one Guyana prepares to expand
B a s k e t b a l l roof itsbasketballfootprintonthe Federation (GBF) According to Michael nationalstage.
E l i t e 1 6 Singh, president of the GBF, M e a n w h i l e , t h e tournamentreturnstonightto the Elite 16 tournament not tournament continues on the National Gymnasium, only builds anticipation for November 9 with another promising fans another theupcomingleaguebutalso doubleheader, featuring exciting evening of hoops serves to sharpen players’ matchups between the action with a doubleheader skills across all regions of Mambas and Kwakwani thatbouncesoffat7:15pm. Guyana. Untouchables, followed by a Opening the night, The tournament will showdown between Victory Eagles will take on the award a cash prize of Va l l e y R o y a l s a n d Guyana Defence Force $300,000 to the champions, Guardians. (GDF) in what promises to with additional prizes for M o r e g a m e s a r e beanintenseshowdown. second ($100,000) and third scheduled for November 13, Following this, fans will place ($50,000), as well as a when Amelia’s Ward Jets go betreatedtoafiercebattleas $25,000MVPprize. up against Pacesetters, while Kobras face off against The tournament brings Retrieve Raiders face off Block 22 Flames from togetherarichmixofplayers withTrojans. Linden. from Bartica, Linden, On November 16, the The Elite 16 tournament Georgetown, and Berbice, Colts will face the winner of
Looking ahead, the grand finale on November impressive 88-56 win over serves as a dynamic fostering a spirit of regional the Eagles vs Guyana winner of Game 5 will meet 30, where the champions t
precursor to the highly u n i t y a n d h e a l t h y Defence Force matchup, the Game 7 victor, while the willbecrowned. Warriors, while Ravens anticipated One Guyana competition. while the Ravens will go winners from Games 6 and 8 In the opening games of secured a 67-41 victory
Basketball League, an It offers players a chance head-to-head with the willbattleonNovember20.
the Nets, setting a high initiative aimed at uniting to elevate their game and winner of the Kobras vs. The tournament’s Saturday last, Colts standard for the rest of the t h e c o u n t r y ’s b e s t gain exposure, especially as Block22clash. crescendo arrives with the d
for competitive golf in golfing destination in the Shanella London (172) and Guyana, highlighting LGC’s region. Jada Charles (184) claimed roleinfosteringinternational Theoverallresultsforthe third. In the Men’s 0-9 Best
The Lusignan Golf Club partnerships and cultivating tournament were as follows: Gross; Avinash Persaud (LGC) wrapped up a local talent. As each year - Ladies Gross saw Christine finish in first place with memorable Brava Guyana progresses, the Lusignan Sukhram covering the (145), wh
Open 2024 on Sunday, Golf Club solidifies its coveted first place spot with Dindanauth(152)andRoss crowning one of the most reputation as a premier (165), second place went to (Continued on page 32) successful editions in the tournament’shistory
With a record-breaking field of 104 golfers over two rounds, the competition drew exceptional talent and spectators from the Caribbean, North America, and beyond, all eager to witness the region’s best in action.
Brava’s General Manager, Hilton Wong speaking during closing ceremony of the recently concluded Brava Guyana Open 2024.
In the Men’s division, defending champion Avenash Persaud delivered a n o t h e r d o m i n a n t performance, securing his 13th title and further cementing his legacy in Guyanese golf In the sponsors, thank you for your announcement,theBarbados Women’s division, Christine unwavering support. And to Golf Association and Sukhram, a respected name our staff, who were up at Trinidad Golf Association on the regional circuit, dawn to ensure every detail pledged new opportunities c a p t u r e d t h e t i t l e , was perfect we deeply for regional golfers The reaffirming her standing as a p p r e c i a t e y o u Trinidad Golf Association one of the top female players Congratulations to all the extendedaninvitationforthe intheCaribbean. winners, and here’s to first-place Guyanese male LGC President Anasha a n o t h e r s u c c e s s f u l (Net Overall) and first-place Ally expressed gratitude for tournament.” Guyanese female (Gross) the event’s success, Brava General Manager winners to compete in the acknowledging the players, Hilton Wong commended Trinidad and Tobago Open sponsors, and staff whose LGC’s commitment to 2025, with complimentary efforts were essential. “The quality, reflecting on his accommodations The Brava Guyana Open 2024 e x p e r i e n c e a t t h e Barbados Golf Association has been a whirlwind of tournament. “Day one on the extended similar invitations birdies,bogeys,andbravos,” course was a challenge, but to the second-place Allyremarked. witnessing LGC’s attention Guyanese female (Gross) “To our guests from to detail and the strong and second-place Guyanese Trinidad, Suriname, competitive field has been male (Net) finishers to Barbados, North America, incredibly rewarding On participate in the Barbados and beyond, we thank you behalf of Brava, I extend my Open 2025, with airfares forbringingyourenthusiasm congratulations to all coveredbyPankoSteel.This and spirit to this event participants, and we eagerly gesture emphasizes the spirit Brava, we look forward to anticipate another year of of collaboration in many more successful years collaboration with the Caribbeangolf. together.” LusignanGolfClub.” The Brava Guyana Open She added, “To all our I n a h i g h l i g h t 2024 has set a new standard
The GMRSC is making history by introducing the female circuit racing class at the ENET Caribbean Clash of Champions.
This exciting development will see Guyana’s very own “Speed Queen” Sharima Khan, joined by Trinidadian top FemaledriverBridgetSingh,U.S.racerKrystinJaenicke,and GuyanesenewcomerEmilyAli,taketothetracktoinspirethe nextgenerationofwomeninmotorsport.
Sharima Khan has long held the title of Guyana’s lone female racer, blazing a trail for women in the sport. Her Caribbean counterpart, Bridget Singh, has led the charge in Trinidad, establishing herself as the country’s top female driver.
Krystin Jaenicke brings her experience from the Mazda Miata Cup in the U.S., while local girl Emily Ali, though a newcomer to circuit racing, is filled with confidence and fightingspirit,drawingfromherfamilyracingbackground.
GMRSCExecutiveLuisKumarsharedhisenthusiasmfor the new class: “In drag racing, we started with four female drivers, and now we have over ten competing. We expect the same growth in circuit racing, though we know it’s more demanding. These women are taking a big step forward for females in the sport, and GMRSC is committed to supporting theFIA’smandatetopromotewomeninmotorsport.”
Thisall-femaleclassissettobreakboundariesandfuelthe passionforracingamongwomenacrosstheCaribbean.
TheAnnualNationalDraughtsAssociationChampionship concluded last Sunday at the Transport Sports Club Pavilion. The final leg of the championship was played on the international 10x10 boards where another keen contest was witnessed.
Steve Bacchus with 15 points edged passed Jiaram on 14 points to narrowly take the championship Floyd Cumberbatch from Linden, Devanand Persaud from Tuschen and Transport Sports Club player Navin Meighbarran all ended on 13 points each. By virtue that Persaud beat Cumberbatch and Cumberbatch beat Meighbarran in the preliminary round robin bouts; Persaud was adjudged the better to take the third spot, while Cumberbatch scampered in to occupy the fourth place. All four players were given trophiesandcashincentives.
TheNationalDraughtsAssociationwouldliketothankthe following for their sponsorship: BelAir Rubis Sophia, M&M the Snackette, Puran Bros Waste Management Inc., Ahmad Hydraulic Bagotstown, Gentle Elias Attorney at Law, Transport Sports Club and Guyana Beverage Inc. for supplying water and other beverages for the tournament. GT Winesalsosuppliedwinesforthetoastduringpresentations. Thanks again to our players who participated in the three Sunday’s games. The next game is the Christmas Hamper Competitiontoconcludetheyear’sactivities.
Captain David Singh (second from left) with donors and villagers, Feroze Barakat, CEO Odyssey Transport, Odyssey Sightseeing and FAB Mining also sharing the moment.
Over the past three years, a dedicated Thisyear,thegroupturneditsattentionto group of Guyanese-Canadian businessmen Akiwini, an Amerindian village located from Toronto and Winnipeg have been approximately 50 miles from Charity and working to uplift native Guyanese home to around 1,000 residents. Their latest communities through targeted charitable contribution included an outboard engine, efforts. sports equipment, school books, and a
Led by Vic Ramnarine, David Singh, computer The donations were received with Subhas Chandar and Feroze Barakat, this enthusiasm by the community, particularly team has donated much-needed resources to byVillageHeadDavidWilson,whoextended remote villages in the middle Mazaruni area, heartfeltgratitudeonbehalfofthevillagers, includingKangarumaandTasserene/Issano. (Continued on page 31)
The Guyana Boxing Association (GBA) will stage the annual Lennox Blackmore National Intermediate Championship from November 8th-10th, Friday to Sunday, at the NationalGymnasiumonMandelaAvenue.
The event, which was initially penciled for the month of October, was rescheduled following the untimely death of GBA Technical Director Terrence Poole during the intendedperiod.
Itisexpectedtofeatureparticipationfrom the Guyana Defence Force, the Guyana Police Force, the Forgotten Youth commences every night at 18:00 hrs, will Foundation, Pace and Power, New occur tomorrow, Thursday, from 5:00pm at Amsterdam Academy, Rose Hall, the Mandela Avenue facility under the Vergenoegen,andRepublicans. guidanceoftrainedprofessionals.
The official medical examination and Meanwhile,PresidentoftheGBASteve weigh-in process for the event, which (Continued on page 32)