Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly
on Lebanon and Gaza kill dozens
th7 EPA moving ahead with oil project while
Jagdeo halts search for
Israeli strikes consultants to review plan
Man shot after stopping fight outside bar
Man dies in boat crash
Norton calls on PNCR to up campaign
“to retake government”
Man in court for $3.3M fraud ...brags of connections in Housing Ministry,PoliceForce,GoldMining
Eight years ago, a
Agreement (PSA) was signed between the oil c
e APNU+AFC government. Thatagreementshouldhave beenatickettoaprosperous future Instead, it has b e q u e a t h e d disappointment. It is the oil companies, not the people, whoareprofitingmostfrom thislopsidedagreement.
The PPP/C, which assumed office four years ago,inturnhasbetrayedthe nation by its stubborn refusal to honour its promise to renegotiate the agreement's unfair terms. Both administrations have thereforesoldoutthepeople andbetrayedtheirmandates to secure the best possible futureforeveryGuyanese.
The people of Guyana have watched as other oilproducing nations have moved forward with betternegotiated contracts, ensu
ubstantial national gains from their natural resources. Yet, here in Guyana, we are left questioningwhyourleaders allow such an imbalanced contract to persist The government's refusal to address the PSA's shortcomings leaves many wondering where its true loyalties lie with the citizenswhoelectedthemor
with the powerful oil companies they seemingly feartochallenge.
To break free from this cycle of governmental betrayal,thepeoplemustbe allowedtohavetheirsay.It is time for a national referendum to settle this issue once and for all. This is a matter that affects all Guyanese.
The people must be giventhepowertodecideif renegotiation is the path to take A referendum will make it clear to our leaders that we expect nothing less than the best for Guyana's future. With billions of US dollars' worth of oil sitting beneath our soil, the stakes are far too high to be ignored. Guyana deserves more than paltry returns while bearing all the risks associated with this industry.Thepeopleshould not be made to suffer while oil companies and their foreign shareholders revel in profits derived from our nationaltreasure.
Thisiswhythepeople's demand should be: “We want a referendum, and we want it before the next general and regional elections!” This call must echo across all of Guyana, stirring a sense of purpose anddeterminationtosecure a fair deal for Guyana. Let thepeopledecide.
Israeli strikes on north Lebanon and Gaza kill dozens, officials and rescuers say
(BBC News)- Israeli strikes on northern Lebanon andGazahavekilleddozens of people including several children, rescuers and officialssay
The Lebanese health ministry said at least 23 people including seven children were killed on Sunday in Almat near Byblos, to the north of the capitalBeirut.
In northern Gaza, the civil defence agency said at least30peoplewerekilledin Israelistrikesontwohouses inthebesiegedenclave. The firststrikeearlySundayhita house in Jabalia, killing "at least 25" people, including 13 children, and injuring more than 30, according to theagency.
Anotherfivepeoplewere killed in the Sabra neighbourhoodofGazaCity andsomearestillmissingin the aftermath, the civil defenceagencysaid.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has not commented on the strike in Lebanon. It said it struck a site in Jabalia where
"terrorists were operating", steps had been taken to mitigate civilian harm and the details were under review The Lebanese health ministry said rescue workers were still searching the rubble after the strike in Almat.
Israel has escalated its campaign against Iranbacked Lebanese armed group Hezbollah. Its main focus had been southern Lebanon, aiming to weaken the group's capacity to launch rockets across the border But in recent weeks, operations have targeted cities and towns throughout Lebanon.
In a separate incident to the south, three medical workerswerekilledwhenan Israeli strike hit an Islamic HealthAuthoritybuildingin Adloun, the health ministry said.
In a further update, the Lebanese health ministry said in a statement on Sunday that 53 people were killedonSaturday,including 28 in the south and 17 in Baalbek.TheIDFsaidithad
The strike on Almat in northern Lebanon killed 23 people, officials said

intercepted Hezbollah rocketsonSaturdayafterthe militant group launched 70 projectiles, according to Israel'smilitary Since the escalation of the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah seven weeks ago, at least 3,189 people
have been killed,14,078 injured and more than 1.2 million displaced across Lebanon, according to Lebanese authorities In Gaza,aidgroupssayJabalia and other parts of northern Gaza have been under siege since early October when
Israel launched a new groundoffensiveagainstthe Palestinian armed group Hamas.
Dr Fadel Naim, director of the Al-Ahly Hospital in Gaza City, told AP news agency that his facility had received 17 bodies from
Eyewitnesses described the Israeli strike as an "earthquake". "We were just sitting peacefully These are innocent citizens who don't (Continuedonpage15)

GRA demands release of final audit report on Exxon’s US$7.3B expenses
Local consortium
VHE Consulting
h a s b e e n instructed to release the finalised second audit of ExxonMobil's US$7 3 billion Stabroek Block expense for the period 2018 to2020.Thisisaccordingto Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Godfrey Statia.
He told this publication onSaturday,“Thefinalaudit will be released within the week. I have already given the go ahead to VHE for themtodoso.”
The second audit was conducted by VHE Consulting, a registered partnership comprising Ramdihal & Haynes Inc., Eclisar Financial, and Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc., with international support from SGS and Martindale Consultants.Thecontractfor this audit was valued at US$751,000 (GY$156 million).
Ananalysisofthesecond audit report reveals missing details on key expenditures thatwerecoveredinthefirst oil audit that was done by British firm IHS Markit of the company's 1999-2017 expenses IHS had recommended that the Government of Guyana (GoG) disallow US$214 million in costs being claimed by Exxon for the misuse of Guyana's oil

Chartered Accountant, Floyd Haynes, one of the principals of VHE Consulting
profits and failure to justify expenses.
The first report, commissioned by the Coalition government, provided comprehensive data on significant costs, such as those for supply vessels, drill rigs, SURF, helicopter services, and waste management, while these details are notably absent from the audit report by the local consortium. Currently, citizens can access VHE's “Initial Audit Report for the Stabroek BlockCostRecoveryAudit–2018 to 2020” on the Ministry of Natural Resources website That version was published on April 12, 2024 and is 135 pages.
Notably, VHE was recently awarded a $312 millioncontractforthethird oilauditofExxon'sStabroek

GeneralofGRA, Godfrey Statia
Block expenses for the period2021to2023.
Findingspublishedinthe initialreport
VHEidentifiedthatthere was some US$65.1 million which were listed as exceptions This included “Improper Charges for Ogle Office Complex Studies and Construction Costs” which totaled US$18.9 million, 'Enterprise Development Center' at US$3.5M and a numberofothers.
Itisimportanttonotethat costs recovered by Exxon havetobedirectlyrelatedto oil production in the Stabroek Block offshore Guyana.
In October 2023, this publication reported that ExxonMobil had used Guyana's oil profits on Christmas cookouts, zumba andyogaclasses.
It was revealed that the

expatriates, a Christmas potluck luncheon, the hosting visit for a Shell Beach Outreach Programme including catering and boat and ground transportation; Exxon branded duffel bags, coolers, and lanyards for a C
r Sa
y Workshop; Meals, beverages, tents, chairs, and facilities for “Culture of Health” 5K run/walk and other similar events leave it inbreachofthecontract.
PresidentofExxonMobil GuyanaLimited, Alistair Routledge
oil company used US $136,003.62 to cover costs attached to sponsorships, fitness classes, promotional items and other similar activities, which auditors said were in no uncertain recoverable.
The Stabroek Block Production Sharing
Agreement was also referenced by them and it said that only those costs associated with expenses and expenditures relating to thepetroleumoperationscan be recovered from the StabroekBlockaccount.
For further clarity, the auditors noted that in order foracosttoberecoverable,it hadtobeinconnectionwith production operations Hence, the removal of US $136,003 62 from the Stabroek Block account to cover Yoga and Zumba fitness classes for its
Another instance highlighted in the second auditwasthemisuseoffunds topayfordrillshipstobeon standby for Kaieteur and Canjeblocks.
Going a little more into detail, the auditing team noted that Exxon had four drill ships from Noble Corporation in early 2020 working.
After suspending the servicesofStenaCarronand Noble Tom Madden and move them closer to shore intoa“hotstandby”(idlebut stilloperational)modedueto staffingissues,recordsshow that Exxon had Stena on standbytoexecuteworksfor Stabroek as well as Canje andKaieteurwhichitwalked awayfromin2023.
Records also show that Exxon had the Stena Carron drill ship drill the Tanager-1 well in the Kaieteur Block beginning September 9, 2020 and ending November 23, 2020. Stena was then movedtotheadjacentCanje
Blockwhereitworkedonthe Bulletwood-1 well beginning December 31, 2020 and ending March 2, 2021.Stenawasalsousedto drillthesecondwellinCanje called Jabillo-1 beginning March 12, 2021 and ending March20,2021. Furthermore, Exxon was caught by auditors spending Guyana's oil profits to pay for the monitoring of newspapers and media betweentheperiod2018and 2020.
A review of the company's expenses during the period found that a total of US$2,465,061 62 was claimed by Exxon for its PublicAffairsProgram. Thesecosts,accordingto the auditors, are not related to petroleum operations and shouldthereforenotbebilled to the country's oil. According to the audit report, Exxon used the sum stated above on media messaging; stakeholder r e l a t i o n s , i s s u e s management; recording, editing, and voice talent for public service messages on Guyana's Sovereign Wealth Fund; hosting visit for Shell Beach Outreach Program including catering and boat and ground transportation; Liza Destiny Arrival Commemoratory Event; branded drawstring sports packs and bottles; media monitoring services and newspapers as well as brochuresforExxon.

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Violence in society
Violence against women by men in our society continuesunabated:molestations,beatings,rapes,maiming andmurdersofwomenofallages,socialstrataandracesare nowpracticallydailystaplesofourmedia.
Thatthesamepatternmaybediscernedinsomanyother socialordersdoesnotinanywaymakethephenomenonany less reprehensible but, as a matter of fact, suggests that its causesmayliedeepinthemalepsycheitself.
Violenceagainstwomen–particularlyintimatepartner violence and sexual violence – is a major public health problem and a violation of women’s human rights. Estimates published by the World Health Organisation indicate that globally about 1 in 3 (30%) of women worldwide have been subjected to either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. Most of this violence is intimate partner violence. Worldwide, almost one third (27%) of women aged 15-49 years who have been in a relationship report that they have been subjected to some form of physicaland/orsexualviolencebytheirintimatepartner
Violence can negatively affect women’s physical, mental, sexual, and reproductive health, and may increase theriskofacquiringHIVinsomesettings.Violenceagainst women is preventable. The health sector has an important roletoplaytoprovidecomprehensivehealthcaretowomen subjected to violence, and as an entry point for referring womentoothersupportservicestheymayneed.
Efforts by our authorities to deal with the problem of male-against-female violence – either in domestic settings or in more anonymous random and brutal encounters –unfortunatelyconfronttheconsequencesandnotthedeeper causes of the acts.The result is bound to be frustrating for thepowersthatbewhiledeepeningthecynicismofwomen thatanythingcanbedonetoresolvethesituation.Thereare, ofcourse,severaltheoriesaboutwhymenonthewholeare more violent than women and these are all essentially variantsofthe“natureandnurture”arguments. Sinceitdoesnotappearlikelythatgeneticreengineering of the male human on the near horizon, we will have to revisit the “nurture” arguments – how the male psyche is formedandwhyitissoviolenceproneandmisogynic. In other words, we will have to re-examine and hopefullycomeupwithinitiativestoalterourconceptions of what “manhood” ought to be. Going back to the hoary theories about the early specialisation of the stronger male in the violent art of hunting other animals for food, we continuetoinculcateinmenthebeliefthattheyneedtobe tough, to prove their physical strength and never show emotions.
This is the “macho man” ideal. In our own Caribbean setting, this ideal was exacerbated in the brutal world of slaveryandbondedlabour Inthepost-emancipationmilieu, thebestthatweaccomplishedinmodifyingthisimagewas to define “manhood” as a description of a man who was capable, managed his household and had a strong sense of respect and respectability. Men were expected to be the providersandprotectorsandwhowereself-sufficient.
This orientation was most inculcated in the middle classesbutofrecent,thescionsoftheseclasseshavemadea U-turnandrejoinedtheunderclassoutlookthat‘manhood’ meanssomeonewhoistough;aplayer;competitive,acting as a protector and a virile male. Men learn to deny their emotions and focus all their needs regarding physical affection and nurturing into the sex act. It is not surprising that, in the words of one researcher, they become “both emotionallyincompetentandemotionallyconstipated.”
”Manhood”, however, is still associated with power which,becauseofouroppressivepast,isseenascapacityto dominate,tocontrol,capacitytoactin“masterful”ways–especiallywithwomen.
The bequeathed image of “woman”, unfortunately was that of a concubine, dedicated to serving the whims of the “master”–especiallybearingandrearinghischildren.
‘Referendum: merely a symptom’
So far, the Alliance For Change (AFC) andWorking People’sAlliance(WPA)are in support of having a referendum on the 2016 ExxonMobil contract and the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), which at first threw cold water on the suggestion, now appears open to one being held. One thing is certain, if the PPP had seen any personal disadvantage in the process, itwouldnothavechangedits mind. Much more likely, it seesareferendumasameans of distracting attention from more strategically important electoralissues.
Parties appear to agree thatthereferendumwouldbe separate from the national elections, and this could be burdensome and distracting to small relatively poor parties in an election year
That said, properly contextualised, I consider referendums useful instruments of democratic entrenchment Switzerland has held some 325 direct votes/referendums since 1848 when it was established, and this has helpedtomakegovernments much more responsible and accountable.
At the more technical level, but in no particular order: (1) Guyana is an ethnically divided society and a referendum must be designed with this in mind; (2) To avoid their becoming mini national elections referendums are usually about a single issue, but parties in Guyana have already been raising associatedandothermatters; (3) There will need to be consensus over the issue to be put to the vote and whether the result of the referendum will be mandatory or advisory, i.e. binding or not on the government;(4)Thereneeds to be a decision on whether there will be a legitimacy threshold, say 60% of turnoutandasimilarpercent for approval and (5) There needs to be a decision as to whether the process will be partisan or open, allowing party MPs and supporters to campaign and vote as they please.
Make no mistake: the difficultiesaroundtheExxon contract are merely a symptom of a fundamental problemthatisknowntothe parties. The AFC has been mostvocalinitssupportofa referendum, but in 2014, its
present leader Mr Nigel Hughes located his presentation‘ANewDayfor Inclusionary Democracy’ to hisparty’scongressinarticle 13 of the Guyana Constitution that deals with inclusionarydemocracy.
Mr. Hughes’ main contention was that the commitment to inclusionary democracy is not properly expressed in the power relationships between the institutions that constitute the ‘supreme organs of democratic power’ i e parliament,thepresidentand the cabinet. In ‘unmasking the true architecture behind the distribution of power’ between these elements, he found that the president trumps the others. His aim was by way of constitutional reform to realign the elements in what he considers a more appropriate democratic fashion suited to our ethnically divided society Butnotwithstandingpositive interjections here and there, the AFC remains a party without a holistic approach onthisissue.
Article 13, a hobbyhorse ofMr LincolnLewis,states: ‘The principal objective of the political system of the State is to establish an inclusionary democracy by providing increasing opportunities for the participationofcitizens,and their organisations in the management and decisionmaking processes of the State, with particular emphasis on those areas of decision-making that directly affect their wellbeing.’ It is only one of about 40 principles, i e normative, non-justiciable, objectives upon which the Constitution of Guyana is said to be based. But unless such principles are accompanied by a favourableconstitutional/leg al structure of power, they are unlikely to be implemented.Suchhasbeen thecaseinGuyana,where,as Mr Hughes recognised, the Constitution sets the goal of inclusive governance in a power relationship that subverts it and realignment hasbecomenecessary The notion of a referendum itself provides anothergoodexampleofthis structural constitutional dilemma.
A s M r H u g h e s indicated, from a constitutionalstandpoint, (Continuedonpage06)
Trump won because many see him as the saviour who will enact that there can only be two genders
Someanalysesastowhy Trump won the election are missing the very important fact that many Christians in theUSAwanthimtoreverse theLGBQTpracticesseenas anti-traditional family values.
There is a hotly raging culture war in the USAwith the educational arena as a major battlefield That concerns many parents Trump, who is not a poster childforfamilyvaluesanda multiple felon, was seen as the candidate who would reverse the rules that men
can play in women sports, and women can play in men sports. That’s code for antiLGBQT. On the other hand, campaigners for VP Harris such as Ms. Obama was boastinginherspeecheshow “theylituptheWhiteHouse in LGBQT rainbow colors,” and that “it does not matter who you love.”This kind of speech drew out the rural Christian voters if more of that is what a Harris administration would be offering.
Trump’s platform on transgenderisminsportswas appealing toAfro-American
Asasocietyinfluencedbythepatriarchalstructure,we still unrealistically hang on to the traditional definition of what it means to be a man irrespective of the high unemployment rate and weakened traditional values, compoundedbytheincreaseofthenumberofwomenwho areeducated.Menturntoviolenceagainstwomenastheir senseof“manhood”isthreatenedbychangesinthestatus quo – and the latter process is occurring at an everincreasingpace.Inadditiontoredefiningwhat“manhood” meansinoursociety,especiallyasitrelatestowomen,we willhoweverhavetodevisewaysformentomaintaintheir masculinityandtosustaintheirself-esteem.
Christians too apart from white rural Christians.
Christians have seen the broad overreach of the LGBT movement wanting schools to teach young children that they are not boysorgirlsbutcanbeona sliding scale, choosing what gender they want to identify with. Schools being ordered thatparentscannotbetoldif their child is identifying as something different from theirgenderatbirth,andthe provision of “gender affirming”carewerenotions troublesome for parents
This had created a backlash in the USA spawning the formation of Parents Rights groups and passing of Parents Rights legislation, requiring states to disclose publicly lesson plans and materials used in teaching. Parents are concerned about what kinds of ideologies are being taught to their children.Manyparentshave also removed their children from the regular public schools in favour of special
“Charter Schools” and privateschoolstoavoidwhat theyseeasLGBpropaganda being peddled in public schools.
Itwillnotbesurprisingif Trump’s supporters push for legislation or action that marriage can only be betweenamanandawoman. That’s not farfetched because the Roe-v-Wade case that allowed abortion was reversed by the US Supreme Court One implication of the Trump win is that his supporters might call for the USA to stop funding LGBT rights groups in foreign countries aspartofforeignpolicy,asis being done now under the banner of human rights. In Guyana, foreign embassies are supporting the local groups The Trump era promises to be very interesting as his supporters will hold him to his promises.
Dr JerryJailall CivilSocietyAdvocate
Appreciation for Minister Zulfikar Mustapha’s Commitment to
Orealla’s Development
Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha, has demonstrated a steadfast commitmenttothepeopleof Orealla,aremoteIndigenous community in Region Six, Guyana. His work reflects a truededicationtoimproving the quality of life in Orealla
e agricultural development, infrastructure enhancement, andinitiativesthathonorthe uniqueheritageandneedsof thecommunity
Over the past few years, Minister Mustapha has s
agricultural productivity in Orealla. His vision includes creatingmorerobustsystems for farming, fishing, and agro-processing industries that form the backbone of Orealla’s local economy
Recognizing the natural wealth of the area, he has facilitatedthedistributionof much-needed resources like seeds, tools, and technical assistance to local farmers. These efforts not only support increased crop yield and food security but also stimulate employment
opportunities in the community Additionally, Minister Mustapha’s advocacy for agricultural training programmes empowers Orealla residents with practical skills, enabling them to become more self-sufficient and resilient in the face of environmentalchallenges.
One notable aspect of Minister Mustapha’s engagement with Orealla is his understanding of the challenges that remote areas
face in accessing infrastructure and services. His support has been instrumental in improving
transportation and connectivity for Orealla’s residents, who often have to rely on the river and limited
road networks By addressing these challenges, he helps to ensure that Orealla’sproduceandgoods can reach broader markets, thereby boosting local incomes and economic stability
Minister Mustapha’s approach also embodies a genuine respect for the cultural richness of Orealla. He has demonstrated a keen interest in working with community leaders to implementprojectsthatalign withthetraditionalpractices
of the Indigenous people. This inclusive approach shows his sensitivity to preserving Orealla’s unique heritage while fostering sustainablegrowth.
The Minister’s visits to Orealla stand as a testament tohisdedication.
His presence in the community fosters open communication, allowing residents to voice their concerns and needs directly His willingness to listen, coupled with his proactive efforts,createsastrongbond betweenthegovernmentand the people of Orealla. His recentvisitshaveresultedin tangible outcomes, from improved farming resources to planning for long-term development projects, reinforcing Orealla’s sense of belonging and inclusion withinnationaldevelopment plans.
Minister Zulfikar Mustapha’s tireless efforts are paving the way for a brighter future for Orealla.
H i s h o l i s t i c a n d compassionate approach underscores the importance of prioritizing marginalized communities and ensuring that they, too, share in the benefits of progress and innovation. The residents of Orealla and the nation as a whole owe him sincere gratitude for his unwavering dedicationandcommitment. Hisworkcontinuestoinspire hope and tangible change, and we are confident that withhisleadership,Orealla’s prospects will only continue toimprove.
What does the National Resources Fund investment committee have to say about the 30-billion-dollar plan for the new hospital?
Three weeks ago, I was silent when an interviewer visitingmesaidoffthecuff, “Guyana does not need anotherhospital.”
The subject meant nothing to me, and I wonderedwhytheissuewas mentioned.
Iknownothingaboutthe utilizationofhospitals,butI know a few of them in Guyana.
Still, this remark did not make sense to me until I heard on the news that Guyanawasabouttolaunch a hospital costing 30 billion Guyanadollars.
Most people will be pleased with this, a very progressive development in the health sector of Guyana, andwouldassumefromthat that every person, the humblest and the highest, would have a right to health careatthebestpossiblelevel availableinourtimes.
I want to avoid all complications by asking a few simple questions. EveryoneshouldknowthatI am a journalist. Whatever you want to call me, I have been writing in the newspapersofGuyanasince the 1940s, challenging the
high and mighty and people likeme.
One sportswriter, Hen Harper, looked at me and said,“Sydney,youcanwrite foraliving.”
I was a country correspondent for the Guyana Daily Chronicle, and at the same time, teaching in a government school.
I mention this to establish my basis for requesting that newspapers i n i t i a t e t h o r o u g h investigationsintothereport I heard regarding the proposed hospital Specifically, it has been suggestedthatGuyanaisset to undertake a 30-billiondollarhospitalproject.
Here are a few simple questions:
How many alternative plans have been developed toshowhowtousethehealth system’s infrastructure and physical aspects to the best advantageofeverycitizen?
What does the National Resources Fund investment committeehavetosayabout the30-billion-dollarplanfor thenewhospital?
T h e s e a r e straightforwardquestions,as we must not hastily embark


on such an expenditure w i t h o u t i n f o r m e d discussionswithinthehealth sector and with the public. This ensures due diligence before potentially making millionaires out of procurement and tender participants, which is one foreseeableoutcome.
I want to emphasize that it is not by chance that the personwhointerviewedme, whowastrainedinmedicine and public health, dropped the remark that “Guyana does not need another hospital.” Because of my
publicinvolvement,itwasa message to me; it raised an alarm that something foul could be afoot. A project of that magnitude needs to be widely discussed by competentpeople.
I ask all forums, all parties of both sides of the political system, to examine all documents and procurement, all feasibility studies connected to this project and have a reasonable discussion in the country’sinterest.
Yoursrespectfully, EusiKwayana




‘Govt. wasting taxpayers’ money to rent another power supply ship’ - Patterson
Alliance for Change (AFC)
Member of Parliament and Former Minister of Public Works, David Patterson is adamant that the Government’s decision to rent another powersupplyshipisnothing but a waste of valuable revenue.
Patterson’s comments come on the heels of an announcement by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo that the Government of Guyana will be renting a second power ship for the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) which will add 60 megawatts to the grid The contract was awarded to
Karpowership for a period oftwoyears.
Karpowership is already supplying 36 MW under a similar agreement signed earlier this year
U n d e r t h e l a t e s t agreement,Mr Jagdeosaid Karp
s u p p l y G P L w i t h electricity at $0 095 per kWh down from $0.1117 after negotiations, but the overall cost would be US$0.22-US$0.23 per kWh when the fuel price of US$0.13perkWhisadded.
Speaking at an AFC
n underscored the number of p
government’s decision to rent yet another electricity supply vessel for the next twoyearsinsteadofbuying new generators for the state-owned Guyana Power and Light (GPL), I n c T h e A F C parliamentarian noted that “ThePPP’smanagementof this sector continues to be abysmal and of concern to the Alliance For Change and we assume all Guyanese who have to pay for the poor decision making of the PPP The cost associated with these two rentals for our country istremendous.”
Cumulatively, he noted that Guyana will be paying
Man shot after stopping fight outside bar
A19-year-oldmanwasshotinhis arm during the wee hours of Sunday after stopping a fight outside of a bar on the East Coast of Demerara(ECD).
Police said the shooting took place around01:25hrs.
The man was out with his friends drinking at the bar when one of them went outsidetourinate.
While making his way outside, a 33year-old contractor grabbed his jersey and they got into an argument over the issue
Things escalated into a fight The rest of the friends joined in including the friendsofthecontractor
The 19-year-old man, however, intervenedandpulledawayhisfriendsto stopthefightandleftthebar

While leaving in a car, one of the contractor’s friends open fired on the vehiclehittinghimonthearm
An ambulance was called and the victim was rushed to the hospital while police continue their search for the shooter
Treat Pensioners with Dignity
DEAREDITOR, Once upon a time, collecting my Old Age Pension book was quite a pleasant affair I arrived at the designated location where there was usually a small group of pensioners comfortably seated. The staff members were efficient, courteous and friendly, and in a very short while I was able to receive mybook.
The process has now changed. You arrive to a chaotic situation. Crowds of
people are there. Some are seated under a tent in the yard but many more are standing around as the seats areneverenough. Ever so often, a harried staff member loudly shouts an order and we wait - hour after hour after hour after hour.
Eventually, after having to get up, move over and sit down again many, many times, despite aching, creaking joints, in a weird version of musical chairswithout the music and the
fun - you finally reach the deskandreceiveyourbook.
Why was a system that treated pensioners with dignity and kindness changed to one that is so d
r personhood? Is it too much toaskthatwiththeimminent distribution of the Old Age Pension books, emphasis be placed by the authorities on treating pensioners with dignityandkindness?
Sincerely, JoanCollins

daily rental of the 36 megawatts power ship, the rental of the first powership is being rented at GY$13 5 million per day and the second one would be GY$35 3 million per day or a total of almost GY$49millionperday
Over the two years, he said Guyana would be paying Karpowership GY$35.6 billion. Fuel costs forbothships,hesaid,would amount to GY$53 billion over the two years. Fuel transportation cost will be GY$1.5billionannually
Additionally, Patterson notedthatthereisadditional cost to the government of Guyanatosupplytherented shipswithfuel.
He reminded that A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC)
administration had purchased 46 megawatts (MW) of brand new generation in 2019 for more than US$40 million
Patterson said the decision by the IrfaanAliled administration smacks of incompetence in managing the electricity sector
Jagdeo made the

announcement of the new deal on Thursday when he was asked by a reporter to provide an update on the p o w e r s h i p s i n c e Christmas season will soonbehere “ Theonly one that went to the Cabinet I think it went to the Cabinet, the same company that came in the power ship that is the only one because the rest were for supply of equipment which will take alongtimetoestablish. All the other bids were for sale of power, but they had to come and establish a plant So that has been
settled I think it’s gone to theCabinettodayandthey would sign up,” the Vice Presidentsaid. The VP said that, “it may take a month to six weeks to get the power ship in and so we are hoping still before Christmas the power ship could be here and turn on That would be major it will be 60 MW into the system and the possibility when we build another piece of transmission main 75 MW So that will be for two years too like the 36 in Berbice is for twoyears ”
Trump won because many see him...
Frompage04 the bedrock of democratic politicsandvitalforholding governments accountable is the separation of executive, legislative and judicial powers. According to the Constitution, the party that gains the highest number of votes at a national election wins the presidency and if that party happens to win morethan50%ofthevotes, it controls the National Assembly Theleaderofthat partymayormaynotbethe president but either way, in the context of Guyana, the Constitution makes it possiblefortheethnicruling party to control both the executive and the legislature, and given how constitutional commissions and budgeting are arranged, it gives the president enormousinfluenceoverthe judiciary
The party oligarchy determines who become candidates for MPs and the presidency Furthermore,the party leader or someone he chooses becomes the leader ofitsparliamentarylistwith all manner of powers over parliamentarians.Wherethe partyisorganisedaccording
to the principle of democratic centralism, as thePPPis,inrelationtostate policy, the party leader is paramount. The situation does not substantially changewhenthepresidentis not the party leader for the constitutional arrangements allow the leadership of the party to control the leadershipofthestate.Thus, if by law the president has the authority to call a referendum, trying to differentiate between the two positions - president or party leader – is meaningless.
Amajor disadvantage of presidentialism that plagues Guyanais‘[T]hepropensity of the office to be captured by one faction, party or socialgroup.Thiscancreate difficulties in multi-ethnic societies, where the president can easily be p e r c e i v e d a s t h e representative of one group only.’ There are ‘no real checks on the executive [and] [t]his becomes even more true when there is a concordance between the president’s party and the majoritypartyinparliament. In this case the parliament
hasalmostnorealcheckson the executive and can become more of a glorified debating chamber than a legitimate house of review This problem can be exacerbatedbythefactthata president, unlike a parliamentary prime minister, can become virtually inviolable during his or her term of office (https://aceproject org/eroen/topics/electoralsystems/E20GovtStructure Electoral Systems Reilly .pdf).
Guyana has a mixed presidential/parliamentary political system and those who decided to continue with it during the 2001 reforms continued with the coupling of the most questionable element of the parliamentary systemexecutive control of the legislature by way of ethnic political parties - with the usual inviolability of presidentialism, and thus created a potentially toxic brew that negatively affects almost every important aspect of governance in Guyana.
Regards Dr.HenryJeffrey

Norton calls on PNCR to up campaign “to retake government”
Leader of the People's National Congress Reform (PNCR) has called on members to intensify their campaign to retake government at next year's elections.
The PNCR was part of t h e A P N U + A F C Government that ruled Guyana from 2015-2020 when the lots power to the PPP/C The party stands accused of allegedly trying tostealthelastelectionsand several of its members are currently before the courts onelectionsfraudcases.
In a press release, the PNCR said over the weekend it held a two-day GeneralCouncilatCongress Place, Sophia.The theme of the council meeting was "Forming the next government: building a just, inclusive, and prosperous society".
The General Council is thesecond-highestdecisionmaking forum of the Party Membership includes all members of Central
Executive Committee, RDC Chairs and Vice Chairs, Party candidates at the last General Elections, representativesoftheParty's youth arm (the Guyana Youth and Student Movement) and its women's arm (the National Congress of Women), the Chairs and Vice Chairs of NDCs, Mayors and Deputy Mayors of municipalities, and other regionalPartyleaders.
According to the PNCR, the main feature on the first day was the address by Norton, who is also Leader of the Opposition. “Norton firstdescribedthefailingsof thePPPgovernment,suchas itscorruptionandinabilityto plan. He then called on the council to intensify the campaign to retake government at the next Regional and General elections,” the press release stated.
The PNCR Leader also emphasised that the party's people-centreddevelopment strategy is a winning
message, which party members should take to all communities across the country. Day one also included a report from the party's General Secretary SherwinBenjamin.
TheGeneralCouncil,the PNCR said also devoted time to celebrate the 90th birthday of former Prime Minister Hamilton Green, one of the party's founders. The cultural programme included a new composition from national calypso icon, Neville Calistro, aka The Mighty Chief. The second day's programme includes reportsfromtheParty'sarms andregionalcommitteesand a plenary session to discuss the Party's strategy for the 2025 Regional and General Elections The General Council concluded on Sunday evening with a chargefromNorton.
Meanwhile, even as the PNCR is gearing up for elections last week, it made calls for the Guyana Elections Commission to
introducebiometricsfornext year's polls and even said it welcomes the government's position that they are disposedtobiometricsatthe next General and Regional Elections “However, biometrics must be part of a package to ensure free and fair elections. That package must also include a clean voters' list and an impartial and professional elections commission.” The PNCR said biometrics without a clean voters' list will not allow for a free and fair election “It is therefore imperative that we have a cleanvoters'listinwhichthe existence of the person on the list is verified and it is established that they are eligibletovote.”
“Every child in Guyana knowsthatthePPPisgiving every Tom, Dick, Harrilall, Spanish, Chinese or, and Bangladeshis national identification cards having removed the strict requirements to obtain a birth certificate and the
Police asked to investigate replication of old-age pension books – Jagdeo
…New books to include additional security features
Vice President (VP) BharratJagdeodisclosedlast Thursday that police were called in to investigate the suspected replication of Old Age Pension books after it was discovered by the MinistryofHumanServices andSocialSecurity
At his last press conference, Jagdeo was questioned about a $150 million Old Age Pension
theft that has been circulating on social media. He clarified that this issue had been flagged some time ago by Minister of Human Services, Dr Vindhya
Persaud, who noted concerns over duplicate pension books potentially linked to individuals or groups engaged in fraudulentactivities.
“This is an old matter,” Jagdeo said, adding, “I recalled Dr Vindhya Persaud raising this matter thattheydiscoveredsomeof the books might be duplicated by individuals who might be working in gangs or on their own, and thepolicewereaskedtolook atthismatter.”
He shared that he had directly contacted Acting

VicePresident, Bharrat Jagdeo

Commissioner of Police, Clifton Hicken about the severity of the issue, given the potential for large sums
t o b e w i t h d r a w n fraudulently Jagdeo said, “Mybigfearatthattimewas if they had drawn down the money on someone's book, thenthepensionerwhogoes there will not get their money.”
The Vice President emphasized that he expects the police to take condign action with anyone that was involved.“Chargethem,put them before the court…and throw the full weight of the law on these people,” he added.

the issue, the government is moving to enhance the security of the pension books.Jagdeoexplainedthat Senior Minister with responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh has been notified to incorporate more robust security features in thedesignofthenewbooks, whichareplannedtoinclude elements such as embossing to deter duplication. “I hope itdoesnotdelaytheprinting of the books [but] they already know what the pension rate would be for nextyear,it'ssss$41,000per month, it will go up from $36,000 to $41,000 ” Jagdeosaid.
verification of an eligible voter Clearly,thesystemhas tobefixedtoensurefreeand fair elections. The Elections Commission as presently constituted and the way it openly serves the PPP's interest cannot and will not deliver free and fair elections. Jagdeo must be reminded that in 2015, he also said that there must be biometrics and a clean voters' list. Jagdeo has the opportunity to act on his words and stop being a hypocrite,”thepartysaid.
The PNCR also said to have free and fair elections, there is need for a new Chairman of GECOM and seniorstaff.
$300Msignedtoupgrade communityinfrastructure in
A total of 60 contracts valuedat$300millionwere signed on Saturday to upgradeinfrastructurein25 communities across Region Eight, as part of a government's community participationprogramme.
In Kurukubaru, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Works, Vladim Persaud signed 21 contracts with Toshaos while five additional communities signed contracts at Mahdia Among the villages set to benefitareTaruka,Monkey Mountain, Paramakatoi, T u s e n e n g , Kanapang/Penak, Itabac, K a m a l a , W a i p a , Kaibarupai, Kurukabaru, Kato,Kopinang,Chenapou, Karisparu, Campbelltown, a n d M i c o b i e T h e community participation programme allows villages to play a direct role in the maintenance of trails and roads, empowering them to oversee and implement local infrastructure projects withgovernmentsupport.In his address, Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill set a clear timeline for the projects to be completed, emphasising thatexcusesanddelayswill not be tolerated. “We are
looking at the 15 of December,alloftheworks that we are asking you to domustbecompleted,”he disclosed.
Minister Edghill urged the contractors to work in collaboration bearing in mindthattheinfrastructural developments are for the benefit of the people Additionally, Minister of AmerindianAffairs,Pauline Sukhai highlighted the programme's value in creating opportunities for local involvement and economicsupport.
“Insomeinstances,the village will bring all the women,menandyouthsto work on the roadway or the village councils will provide employment to both women and young people, so they earn from thisactivity Together, it is like a partnership with the government and the people,”sheadded.
The infrastructure upgradeinRegionEightisa continuation of the government's focus on improving rural roadways, supportinglocaleconomies, and strengthening collaboration between regional communities and thestate.(DPI)
A sweet escape
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, the perennial oracle of all things government, now claims he’s barely involved with GuySuCo’ssweetsaga.Yes, the very man who pokes his nose in every aspect of government (or so we believed) suddenly professesinnocencewhenit
comes to our sugar industry’s grim production numbers. One can almost hearhimshrugging,“Sugar?
Oh, I wouldn’t know much about that. I have not been engaged personally with that!’ Here’s a man who admitted to making a call to the Commissioner of Police about a suspected fraud involving pension books, and who spares little in reminding the nation that it was theAPNU+AFC which placed some 7,000 sugar workers on the breadline.
Here is a man who said that he had asked the Attorney Generaltolookintotheissue of the legality of the
confirmation of the Commissioner of Police while on extended tenure, a matterfarremovedfromthe environment, finance and the natural resource sector over which he has oversight responsibilities.
At his weekly press conferences as General Secretaryoftherulingparty, there is hardly an issue over which he does not hold fort.
Yet, ask him about GuySuCo’s nose-diving output? That’s for management to answer His responsewasclassicJagdeo: a charming mix of evasion
and deflection It is as thoughsugar—acommodity his government has poured billions into was some niche industry like artisanal pottery
The Vice President, it seems, is trying out a new flavour:sugar-free.Jagdeo’s reluctance is particularly curiouswhenyourecallthat he once promised to resurrect the Skeldon sugar factory, a hulking industrial project that has been called e v e r y t h i n g f r o m “revolutionary” to “catastrophic” (depending onwhomandwhenyouask).
For those keeping score at home, Skeldon was supposed to be the future of sugarproductioninGuyana, ashiningcitadelofmolasses and cane. Instead, it turned into the industry’s Achilles heel, a “fix” that cost us more money than the price of sugar on the global market. You’d think a man with that legacy might want to keep tabs on the cane thesedays.
And yet, the Vice President claims he hasn’t been “engaged” much with GuySuCo. It’s an oversight onparwithachefforgetting to season the soup. But Jagdeo is a busy man, juggling portfolios and, when asked the tough questions, shifting and deflecting like a deft politician After all, why bother with sugar production when he can focus on weightier issues, like making phone calls to checkuponmissingpension books?
It’s understandable,
though.Whohasthetimeto dealwithsugarwhenyou’re the go-to person for every other department? Sugar is messy, sticky, prone to overheating (like Albion’s fire-wrecked mill), and it doesn’tquitecarrytheallure ofcallingtheshotsinoiland gas or finance Yet for someone who’s regularly “engaged”withnearlyevery ministry, corporation, and minorgovernmentaffair,his sudden absence from GuySuCo feels, well, deliberate.
Jagdeo’sresponsehasall the hallmarks of a classic move. His critics have long notedthathedeflectswhenit comes to uncomfortable truths.We’renowleftwitha visionofourVicePresident, themastermindbehindplans to revive the sugar industry, opting to leave its handling to the same management whose CEO was recently given a diplomatic post to the European Union. (One hopeshewasn’tsentthereto sell sugar). Surely, the top brass could use Jagdeo’s insight, especially with the sugar industry now on its deathbed.
The Vice President might have hoped that this latest statement would sweetenhispressconference with a hint of plausible deniability But the irony is unmistakable.Herewehave agovernmentthatpromised, in its manifesto, to reopen estates, restore jobs, and, just recently, to flood CARICOM with Guyanese sugar And yet, the person everyone assumed was the architect of these grand
Dem boys seh it got some men in dis countrywhothinkbeingafathermeanyuh onlygottashowuponetime–fuhdebabymaking part. After dat, dem fellas gone missinglikeifdemhadarun-inwidwitness protection. But hear dis: you mek a child, you mek a commitment. It ain’t no parttime job. Once you is a father, yuh responsibilitydonesignandseal.
Guyana got nuff child-fathers who believe dem could just breeze through life likedemfreeasdewind.Butyuhcan’tplay peek-a-boo wid responsibility Dem boys seh if yuh could afford fuh go to de rum shop and buy de finest liquor, then surely yuhcouldbuysomepampersandmilkfuh yuh child. Matter of fact, de government shouldstartmakingdedeadbeatfatherstek acourseinfatherhood–callit“Baby101.” After all, it look like dem fellas need a refresher Dis cash grant business should come
plans seems unable or unwilling to comment on disastrous production numberswhileremindingus of the mechanization that is taking place in the industry, and despite claiming to be not much engaged, knows about the need for better varieties, one of which it is saidcandoubleyields.
Perhaps, deep down, Jagdeo knows that the promisetorevivesugarwas, much like the ill-fated Skeldon factory, one part ambition and two parts wishfulthinking.
After all, it’s easier to talk about grand plans than to c
production output, labour issues,andchallengesposed
by the weather And so, in the great GuySuCo fiasco, he chooses instead to play a bitpart,areluctantcameoin an industry he once headlined.
In the end, Jagdeo’s disinterest is a bitter pill, or rather,abittercubeofsugar It’s hard to believe that s o m e o n e w h o h a s passionately weighed in on nearly every sector in the land could remain so aloof

widstringsattached,yuhknow Ifyuhowe child support, yuh shouldn’t even see dat $100,000. Dem boys seh let de childmothersgarnishdatgrantbeforeitreachde lazy hand of dem who tink children could raisedemselves.Afterall,it’sdechildwho deserve de benefit, not de absentee fathers who still playing hide-and-seek wid responsibility
Dem boys seh de government should raisedechildsupportandsetupsomerules fuh these slack fathers. Next time dem go missing, de government should send out a “Father Wanted” poster Dem boys seh, if yuh want yuh child to look up to yuh, first yuhgottabepresentindechildlifeevenif isonlyfinancially It’shightimeGuyanastoplettingchildfathers disappear like smoke. Dem boys seh, if yuh father a child – by accident or design–stepupfuhdejob. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
Because, as everyone knows,sugarisbestenjoyed whenit’soutofsightandout ofmind.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and
not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
government’s most troubled ventures. But then, that’s Jagdeo a man who’s always in the room, until suddenly, he’s not So, where does this leave the sugarindustry?Rightwhere it’s been since Skeldon—a muddle of lofty promises and lackluster returns, with production numbers as elusive as Jagdeo’s engagement with them. As for the Vice President, he may very well be counting on us to overlook the whole thing.



Kemi Badenoch - new Conservative leader given a dirty job
From former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to Kemi Badenoch, a potential prime minister in waiting.
Fromabrownmanwhodida pale imitation of the Brown Bomber at his best (and bombed out) to a black womanwhogetsherchance to prove what it is to be young, gifted, and black. And now the new darling of the Conservative party of GreatBritain.
Itissostunning,astobe worth repeating -Ms. Kemi Badenochistheleaderofthe United Kingdom's ConservativeParty. Whatis the world coming to these days? Thebatonhaspassed fromIndiatoNigeriainjolly olde England. Indeed, the OldWorldischanging. Itis my fervent hope that the world is not coming to an end.
The New World certainlylooksasthoughitis in trouble, with a NewYork demagogue hanging over America's head and with all manner of machinations
ready to get into 1600 PennsylvaniaAvenuebyany meanspossible. Truth be told, at best, Englandqualifiesasnomore thananalsoranintheworld of big developments and biggerpowers.
Look Eastward, folks. But it is still big enough to have its say and hold some occasional sway. Ms Badenoch's first duty has to be to unite her troops, pull a fractious party by the scruff of its neck back to some semblance of normalcy, to some point of feared c o n t e n t i o n . T h e Conservative party cannot be said to be anywhere near such a state today, hasn't beeninrecenttimes. Her time is sure to be difficult, but it is doable.
Ms Badenoch has the backingofthosewhomatter in her party, and won by a decentmargininanunlikely runoff with another right winger Other places in Europe have tilted towards morerightwingpoliticsand
right wing leadership. It's thetemperofthetimes,andit israw Mycontemplationon Ms. Badenoch's victory is how does a woman with Nigerian roots walk the hotwire and minefield of immigration. If there is a code word, an official sounding euphemism, for what causes the English, the Continental Europeans, and myownfellowAmericansso much to worry about, it is immigration.
Inmyownwords,andin myownsometimeunsparing interpretations of the times and circumstances, immigration means this and much more: there are too many brown and black and bronzepeopleinthecountry, intheneighbourhood,andin the thoroughfares of domestic life. Stop them from coming or, better yet, send them back to from where they came. Abrown skinnedmanwithheritageto matchwashandedthatnasty jobandhedidn'tdotoowell.
Now a black woman has
beengiventhatjobtotryher hand (not national yet) at cleaning up the mess, and righting the ship that once ruled the high seas. To be brutally frank, even at the risk of being accused of manythings,thereisthatold truism that I dare to repeat publicly When there is a dirty job to do, get a dark mantodoit. Inthisinstance in the UK's Conservative Party,abrownmanwasfirst tried, and now a black woman has her opportunity at sorting out the Elysian stables. Should Ms. Badenoch take too much of an aggressive stance (what areherchoicesbuttodeliver on the party people's wishes?), much unwanted stuff is going to stick to her Should she dissemble and delay, the plight that befell Rishi Sunak waits uninvitingly
Tomakethispersonal,as a migrant, I recognize sensiblepolicies,thelawand limits and process. But immigration in the UK and

UShasbeenallowedto get so out of hand because of cowardice and inaction,itisnowanalmost insurmountable issue, with the will still lacking
Whateverthecoursethatthe new Conservative leader charts, I do not foresee it as being any kind of middle ground.
Sheisalreadythegolden child of the right wingers in herparty,butthereisalways the national picture, i e , getting back into 10 DowningStreet. Relativeto climatechange,thereisfear, butthewilltochallengeBig Oil is just not there, and if anything, the Conservative Partyismoreaboutbusiness than any of its competition. It is another tightrope, but the most successful pols have made a living by being a combination of amateur acrobat and gymnast not so smooth as to win national selection or howls of approval. But still they did, bysomemystery
I think that Ms. Kemi
Badenoch has a layup in her hands with woke culture, cancel culture, and politically correct culture. I amagainstallthree,withthe greatest disregard for the firsttwo.
Most of the olde British stock (maybe the British Empire,too)havealsohadit up their necks with those three.
Time for them to be tossed out on their heads, though the going will be anything but easy. To a colouredsisterwhohasrisen to the top I doff my top hat, give a ceremonial wave of mycane,andtheslightestof curtsies: best wishes. Now go out and show the world how to navigate that trap set andshine.
(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
FAO Food Price Index rises in October, to highest level in 18 months
w o r l d f o o d
c o m m o d i t y prices surged to its highest level in 18 months in October, led by a sharp increase in vegetable oil quotations, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
The FAO Food Price Index,whichtracksmonthly changes in the international prices of a set of globallytraded food commodities, averaged 127.4 points in October,up2.0percentfrom September and 5.5 percent from its value a year ago.
Man dies in boat crash
Policeareinvestigatingthedeathofamanfollowinga boat crash on Saturday at Fish Pond, Middle Mazaruni River,RegionSeven.
Dead is Davenand Williams of Kangaruma Village, MiddleMazaruniRiver Hewasoneoftwomentravelling in a wooden boat powered by a 40 Horsepower outboard enginewhentragedystruckaround11:00hrs. Policesaida jetboat,carryingfourpassengersalongwithcargoandthe woodenboatwereheadinginoppositedirectionalongthe samesideoftheriver Thejetboatwasbeingcaptainedby Odil Cozier and he claimed that after seeing the wooden boat,heswervedawaybutthewoodenboatswervedalsoin thesamedirection.Asaresult,anaccidentoccurredandthe woodenboatcapsizedthrowingWilliamsandhispassenger overboard. Passengers from the jet pulled them out of the water Theywerebadlyinjuredandtakentoahealthoutpost at Issano Landing where a doctor pronounced Williams deadonarrival.
Accordingtopolice,Williamsboreinjuriestohisface whilehispassengerboreinjuriestothelegsandback. Investigationsareongoing.
Nevertheless, the index remained20.5percentbelow itsMarch2022peak.
The FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index spiked by 7.3 percent in October, hitting a two-year high as a result of rising quotations for palm, soy, sunflower and rapeseed oil, driven mainly by concernsaboutproduction.
The FAO Cereal Price Index increased by 0 9 percent in October, led by rising wheat and maize export prices. Global wheat prices were affected by unfav
able we
conditionsinmajornorthern hemisphereexportersaswell as the re-introduction of an unofficial price floor in the Russian Federation and rising tensions in the Black Searegion.
World maize prices rose as well, driven in part by strongdomesticdemandand transport challenges in Brazil due to low river levels.Bycontrast,theFAO All Rice Price Index declined by 5.6 percent in October, reflecting lower indicaricequotationsdriven by expectations of heightened competition among exporters following India's removal of export restrictions on non-broken
The FAO Sugar Price Index increased by 2 6 percent amid persisting concerns over the 2024/25 productionoutlookinBrazil following extended dry weather conditions. Rising internationalcrudeoilprices also contributed to the increase in sugar quotations by shifting more sugarcane toward ethanol production, while the weakening of the Brazilian real against the United States dollar limited theincrease.
The FAO Dairy Price Index rose by 1.9 percent in October, averaging 21 4 percent above its level the same time last year The increase was primarily d r i v e n b y h i g h e r international cheese and butter prices, while quotations for milk powders declined.
Bucking the general upwardtrend,theFAOMeat Price Index dropped by 0.3 percent from September, mainlyduetolowerpigmeat prices resulting from increased slaughter rates in Western Europe amid weak domestic and international demand.
World poultry prices fell slightly in October, while
Bycontrast,bovinemeat pricesincreasedmoderately, underpinned by stronger internationalpurchases.
Meanwhile,accordingto FAO's new Cereal Supply and Demand Brief, also released Friday, global cereal production in 2024 is forecasttodeclinebyaround 0 4 percent from the previous year to 2 848 million tonnes, the secondlargestoutputonrecord.
World wheat production is expected to increase, buoyed by production upturnsinAsiaasaresultof area expansions and conducive weather conditions,whichmorethan offset large declines among key producers in Europe.
Global coarse grain production is forecast to declinefromits2023record level, mostly due to a sizeablecropinmaizeoutput because of adverse weather conditions.
Meanwhile, world rice outputinthe2024/25season could reach a record high of 538 9 million tonnes, boosted by record-breaking plantings.
World cereal utilization is forecast to grow by 0.5
percent to 2 857 million tonnes in 2024/25, led by i n c r e a s i n g f o o d consumption of rice and wheat. Global cereal stocks are predicted to expand by 0.6 percent to 889 million tonnes, largely due to an expected expansion in rice inventories This would result in a global cereal stocks-to-use ratio of 30.6 percent, near the five and ten-yearaveragelevels. International trade in cerealsisnowforecastat485 million tonnes, representing a 3.9 percent contraction from the 2023/24 level Global trade of rice is forecast to increase, while that of wheat and coarse grainstodecline.
More details are available here A more detailed analysis of global cereal markets will be providedinFAO'snextFood Outlook report, to be released on 14 November The Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS),hostedatFAO,also released its monthly Market Monitor on Friday, featuring, in addition to the regular analysis, a discussion on the evolution of export restrictions on staplecropssince2007.
Man in court for $3.3M fraud
...bragsofconnectionsinHousingMinistry, Police Force,GoldMining
QuacyKittwasremandedto prison on Friday for allegedly defrauding three individuals out of a total of $3 3 million, by falsely claiming connections with theMinistryofHousing,the Guyana Police Force, and thegoldminingsector
Kitt,aresidentofLot99 Subryanville, Georgetown, appeared before Principal MagistrateFaithMcGustyat theGeorgetownMagistrates' Court to face two counts of obtaining money by false pretense and one count of fraudulentmisappropriation.
Lastly, on June 10, 2024, at Freeman Street, East La Penitence,Kittwasentrusted with $1,000,000 by Oeosi Hilliman to purchase raw
g o l d b u t i n s t e a d misappropriated the funds forhisownuse.
During the court proceedings, Kitt pleaded not guilty to all charges.
However, prosecutor Sean Williams objected to bail, citing the seriousness of the offencesandthefactthatKitt had pending matters at the court for similar offences.
Williams further informed the court that Kitt had been chargedwithfraudlastyear, placedonbail,andcontinued committing fraudulent acts while on bail. As a result, Magistrate McGusty remandedKitttoprison,and he is scheduled to return to court on November 29, 2 0 2 4 , f o r f u r t h e r proceedings.
Details of the Alleged FraudSchemes
According to police statements presented in
Thechargesstatethaton October 30, 2024, at B r i c k d a m R o a d , Georgetown, Kitt obtained $1,950,000 from Khaleel Lovell by falsely pretending hewasinapositiontosella plot of land. On May 25, 2024, at Young Street, Georgetown, he allegedly obtained $400,000 from Alicia Gangins by falsely claiming he could help her reputed husband, Shamar Brown, secure bail from the Providence Police Station.
A recipient receiving a certificate of title

500 Guyanese receive house lots at De Endragt, LBI housing schemes
Five hundred Guyanese are now proud landowners after receiving their house lots at De Endragt Phase II and La Bonne Intention (LBI) Phase III along the EastCoastcorridor
Thedistributionexercise took place on Friday during theMinistryofHousingand t h Water's 50 'Dream Realised' housing drive, held at Arthur Chung Conference Centre at Liliendaal.
Presentattheeventwere theMinisterofHousingand Water, Collin Croal, MinisterwithintheMinistry Susan Rodrigues, Chief Executive Officer of the C
d Planning Authority (CHPA) Sherwyn Greaves and C
court,thefraudswerecarried out in distinct schemes involvingdifferentvictims: MinistryofHousing: Khaleel Lovell and Kitt were introduced through Lovell's brother, and Kitt falsely claimed to be employed at the Ministry of Housing. He also stated that his uncle was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Ministry and that he could assist in acquiring a plot of land. On the day in question, Lovell met Kitt at theHousingMinistry,where hehandedover$1.95million for the plot of land. Kitt assured him that he would make the necessary payments for the land, but Lovell later discovered that Kitt had left the building without making any payments or following throughonhispromise.
In May 2024, Alicia
Gangins' husband was in custody at the Providence Police Station when he borrowedKitt'scellphoneto message his wife.After Kitt was released from custody, he messaged Gangins to inquire if her husband had been granted bail When Gangins replied that her husband had not been released, Kitt promised that he could facilitate her husband'sreleaseonbail.On May 25, 2024, Gangins handed Kitt $400,000, but when she visited the police station,officersinformedher that they had no knowledge ofherhusband'sbailandhad not spoken to Kitt about it. Gangins later reported the incident to the police, and Kittwasarrested.
GoldMiningScheme: Kitt was not personally acquainted with Oeosi Hillimanbutwasintroduced to him through a mutual

n conversation with Hilliman, KittoverheardthatHilliman wasinterestedinpurchasing raw gold. Kitt told Hilliman that he could help him acquire the gold, claiming that he was heading into the interior After their meeting,
government has made significantinvestmentsover theyearstodevelophousing schemes on the East Coast corridor
“Infouryears,wehave investedover$62billionin infrastructure works on the East Coast of Demerara,”hehighlighted. For 2024 alone, almost $32 billion is being spent along the East Coast corridor at Good Hope, LBI, Lusignan, Non Pariel, Enterprise and others areas.Almost half of the 74 new hou
ng developments are situated along the East Coast corridor The government is also building 3,560 houses nationwide, with 1,042 of (Continuedonpage15)
However, after several unsuccessful attempts to contact Kitt, Hilliman realized he had been scammed and reported the mattertothepolice.

As pressure continues to mount on government to allow a referendum on the lopsided oil contract, it is worth repeating the grave mistakes our leaders are making when it comes to managing the sector.
For a young oil-producing nation like Guyana not to ring-fence its oil projects now, but depend on future oil prices remaining steady always amounted to a roll of the dice in some ways.
Under VP Jagdeo's bright-eyed oil revenue maximization predictions, Guyanese could end up losing corn and husk. No ring-fencing today leaves Guyana shortchanged, while hoping for the best may turn out to be what leaves Guyanese empty-handed, as in lesser than before.
Ring-fencing has its vulnerabilities, but it is the closest to a sure thing as can be today. Hoping in oil prices staying high in the future has too many variables that can dash Guyana's hopes, outside its control.
More money later is Jagdeo's latest pig-in-a-bag to get the better of Guyanese.
th EPA moving ahead with 7 oil project while Jagdeo halts search for consultants to review plan
P r o t e c t i o n Agency (EPA) has advanced its part in relation to the application
that was made by
ExxonMobil Guyana
Limited (EMGL) for
E n v i r o n m e n t a l
Authorisationforitsseventh project, the Hammerhead Development situated in the Stabroek Block, offshore Guyana. This move by EPA comes even after Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo said that he had
d i s c o n t i n u e d a n advertisement initiated by the Ministry of Natural
Resources seeking a
consultant to review
ExxonMobil's Field DevelopmentPlan(FDP)for
t h e H a m m e r h e a d development. He said he made this decision because theinformationthecompany presented thus far is incomplete.
However, despite the
Act Cap 20:05 (EP Act
Cap 20:05) and was accompanied by a Project Summary with information on:theproposedsite,design, size and duration; the possible effects on the environment; and a nontechnicalexplanation.
EPA said it conducted a reviewoftheapplicationand determined that the project may significantly affect the environmentandwillrequire anEIA.
“This Terms and Scope guidesthepreparationofthe EIA.WhileSection11ofthe Act specifies “EIA”, this Terms and Scope seeks to includesocialandeconomic components in keeping with the Guyana Environmental ProtectionAct…”EPAsaid.
The agency published a project notice on July 14, 2024,alongwithasummary forpublicreview Following this,thepublicwasgiven28 days to submit written questions and concerns they

This includes the project's design and components, historical and current activities, and detailed processes for each phase from drilling to d e c o m m i s s i o n i n g Additionally,thedescription mustcoverpollutioncontrol techniques, the project's relation to nearby developments, and other areas.Under Part IV (11) (5) oftheEPActCap.20:05,the EIA's scope must include: a

incomplete information on November6,EPApublished theTermsandScopetoguide the preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Hammerhead Development. The agency noted that Exxon's application was made in accordance with Section 11(1) of the Environmental Protection
wished to see addressed in the EIA. The Terms and Scope document, developed afterthispublicconsultation period, outlines the specific andgeneralrequirementsthe consultants must address in theEIA.
The project description outlines key elements for assessingenvironmentaland socialimpacts.
detailed project description (covering geographical scope, installation characteristics, emissions, and project timeline); main alternativesexplored;direct, indirect, and cumulative environmental impacts on factors like human health, ecosystems, and resources; any challenges faced in gathering data; use of best

Environmental ProtectionAgency(EPA)
available technology; risk assessment; mitigation strategies for adverse effects; an oil spill response plan; a rehabilitation plan; and a non-technical summary Exxon's Vice President and Business Services Manager, Phillip Rietema last month stated thatthecompanyishopingto get approval for the Hammerhead project by mid-2025.
However,onOctober25, in a Kaieteur News article titled, “Govt pulls back
invitation for consultant to review 7th project… Jagdeo says cannot review information in piecemeal fashion,” the Vice President was quoted saying stating thatthegovernmentwillnot startthereviewprocessuntil Exxon made a full submissionbynextyear The Hammerhead Project will consist of drilling approximately 14 to 30 production and injection wells (including production, water injection, and gas reinjection wells); installation
and operation of Subsea Umbilicals, Risers, and Flowlines (SURF) equipment; the installation and operation of a Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel a n d u l t i m a t e l y , decommissioning.
Onshore logistical support facilities such as shorebases, warehouses, storage and pipe yards, fabrication facilities, fuel supply facilities, and waste management facilities and marine/aviationserviceswill beusedtosupporteachstage oftheproject.
Notably, the exact l o c a t i o n s o f t h e Hammerhead Development wells have not yet been finalised;however,thewells are anticipated to be drilled similar to the process f o l l o w e d d u r i n g exploration/appraisal well campaigns as well as the Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2, Payara,Yellowtail,Uaruand W h i p t a i l d r i l l i n g programmes.

Epilepsy Foundation of Guyana celebrates its 10th Anniversary
The Epilepsy Foundation of Guyana (EFG), on Saturday, marked its 10th Anniversary with an inspiring evening of education and celebration, hosting a Continuing Medical Education (CME)sessionandanappreciation dinnerattheHerdmanstonLodge.
A t t e n d e e s i n c l u d e d distinguished guests, healthcare professionals, and prominent community members, united in support of epilepsy awareness and care in Guyana, the organisation saidinapressrelease.
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder marked by recurrent seizures, affecting millions worldwide. Despite its prevalence, epilepsy remains shrouded in stigmaandmisunderstanding,with limited public awareness and resourcesforthoseimpacted.
The Epilepsy Foundation of Guyanawasestablishedin2014as the first and only organization in thecountrydedicatedtoadvocating for people with epilepsy, fostering awareness, and providing support and resources to improve the

Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony, delivering remarks at the EFG's 10th Anniversary Celebration.

quality of life for those affected.
Theanniversaryeventcommenced with a CME session led by neurologistsDr JarrellWatson,Dr Jason Ramcharan, and Dr Alex Persaud, focusing on the latest insights and best practices in epilepsytreatmentandcare.
Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony, delivered the opening remarks, congratulating the EFG onitsmilestone. “Theworkofthe Epilepsy Foundation of Guyana has been crucial in addressing an
oftenoverlookedhealthconcernin our country We must continue to strengthen the collaboration betweentheMinistryofHealthand theEFGtoexpandepilepsysupport and awareness,” Dr Anthony noted He commended the Foundation'seffortstobuildamore inclusive society for individuals with epilepsy and encouraged additionalmedicalandcommunity partnerships to support this mission. Dr Thomas Singh, the (Continuedonpage15)
Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha on Saturday commissioned a new model farm at Talorgie Village on the Corentyne Coast (East Berbice –Corentyne).
The new facility was constructed and outfitted through funding from the I n t e r - A m e r i c a n DevelopmentBank(IDB),at a cost of approximately $15 million under the ministry's Sustainable Agriculture
Development Project (SADP).
It is expected to assist with strengthening the ministry's regional research and extension system, the ministry said in a press release. Additionally, the farm will provide farmers andstudentsfromtheregion with the opportunity to the new technologies being utilizedbytheministry
While delivering remarks at the event, Minister Mustapha said the model farm stands as a t e s t a m e n t t o t h e government's commitment to ensure the agriculture
sector is resilient, sustainable,andadaptableto the demands of our modern
economy He also highlighted a growing interest in the agriculture sector, emphasizing that the demonstrationfarmoffersan opportunity for farmers and

diverse areas, including livestock, cash crops, and aquaculture.
“This farm has been designednotonlytotestnew techniques but to show firsthand how advanced methods can improve productivity, efficiency, and sustainability for small- and large-scale producers alike. Here, we will explore best practices in crop and livestock management, soil
health, and water conservation,creatingavital resourcetoensureourfarms are prepared for the challengesoftomorrow,”the
Ministersaid. Furthermore, Minister Mustapha said that the regional staff who will be managing the farm will be working with students and farmerstotrainthemonbest practicesandinnovationand technology
Minister Mustapha also disclosedthattheMinistryof Agriculture will soon collaboratewiththeMinistry of Education to ensure shadehouses are erected in every school in Guyana to assist with the cultivation of high-valuecrops.
Education Officer with responsibilityforagriculture in schoolsYonette Crandon,
life and a testament to innovation, sustainability, good leadership and community collaboration This model farm stands as a beacon of hope, illustrating how we, as educators, students and teachers can harness modern techniques while respecting traditional practices.At the Ministry of Education'sTVETUnit,sees this model farm as the Government's commitment toeducation,”sheexplained.
Fort Wellington (Region Five).
Minister Mustapha said two other model farms will soon be constructed; one in Region Ten and the other in RegionTwo.
Thefarmisoutfittedwith ashadehouse,acattlepen,a composting house with sections for vermi & thermophilic composting, a smallruminantspen,aBlack Giant Pen with a roaming area, a swine pen outfitted

said that the model farm is seen as a commitment to education in the region “This is not just a piece of land.Itisavisionbroughtto
Thisisthesecondmodel farm commissioned since the government took office. Last September, a similar facilitywascommissionedat
with a fatten and farrowing penaswellasdemonstration plots for the cultivation of orchards and high-value crops.
Epilepsy Foundation of Guyana celebrates...
From page 14
Founder and President of the EFG, shared his journey with epilepsy and the challenges that led him to create the Foundation.
Over the past decade, the EFG has grown into a trusted resource, affiliated with the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE), providing advocacy, support, and education to those living with epilepsy across Guyana. “When I started the EFG, my vision was to create a haven and a voice for people with epilepsy. Ten years later, I am proud to see the impact we’ve made with the support of our incredible team and the community,” Dr. Singh said.
Since its inception, the EFG has expanded its board to include Vice President Deidre Ifill; Secretary
and past President Dr. Mallika Mootoo; founding member Cynthia Massay-Thomas, who currently serves on the Board along with Dr. Grace Whyte; Treasurer Amir Dillawar; Assistant SecretaryTreasurer Pauline Singh; and Ex-Officio Member Chitra Singh. Together, they have worked tirelessly to deliver educational programmes, support services, and community outreach initiatives that bring hope to those impacted by epilepsy. The evening was filled with heartfelt testimonials from individuals who have benefitted from the EFG’s services, reinforcing the Foundation’s significance in the lives of many Guyanese. The event culminated in an appreciation dinner and awards ceremony, where longstanding supporters and business partners were
honoured for their contributions.
Republic Bank, Jacob’s Jewellery, former West Indies cricketer Ramnaresh Sarwan, Philip Fernandes, Axess Guyana Inc., New GPC Inc., Shi-Oil, and Massay Stores were among those recognized. Their generous donations and unwavering commitment have been instrumental in sustaining and expanding the EFG’s programmes, enabling the Foundation to reach more individuals each year.
In his closing remarks, Dr. Singh expressed the EFG’s need for more partners and supporters to continue its mission.
“Our work is made possible by those who believe in our cause and help us create lasting change. We are hopeful that more organizations and individuals will join us in advancing the cause for epi-
lepsy awareness and support.” As the Epilepsy Foundation of Guyana looks forward to the future, it remains dedicated to expanding its reach, enhancing public understanding of epilepsy, and improving access to care.
The Foundation’s decade-long journey reflects a deep commitment to creating an environment where individuals with epilepsy can live with dignity, hope, and opportunity. Currently, the Epilepsy Foundation of Guyana (EFG) provides electroencephalogram (EEG) tests in partnership with TeleEEG, a UK charity dedicated to supporting epilepsy diagnosis in underserved regions. The EFG also offers free KEPPRA tablets, generously donated by the ROW and HERO foundations.
Israeli strikes on north Lebanon and Gaza kill dozens...
From page 2 belong to any military organisation or faction,” eyewitness and relative to the victims Hamza Alloush told Reuters. The house “was bombed over the residents’ heads without warning, which led to the martyrdom of everyone inside. Those who were lucky enough to survive were thrown onto the trees, onto the neighbours, and the remains are still scattered under the rubble”, he said.
Videos and images showed multiple bodies wrapped in blankets in the back of cars and laid to the ground at a hospital. Another strike in Gaza City killed a welfare ministry official and seven members of his family, including his wife and children, medics and relatives said. Israel is facing a US deadline that expires within days to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza or face potential restrictions on mili-
tary cooperation. The UN previously said the “darkest moment” of the war in Gaza was unfolding in the northern part of the territory.
Meanwhile, news agency AFP reported that the Syrian defence ministry said an Israeli air strike on a residential building south of the capital Damascus had killed seven civilians on Sunday. The fatalities included women and children, with 20 people also injured, the ministry said in a statement to AFP.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told the news agency the attack targeted members of Hezbollah. The UK-based monitoring group said the strike targeted “the building where Lebanese families and members of the movement live”. There was no immediate comment from the IDF, AFP reported. On Saturday, Israel rejected warnings of famine in northern Gaza from global food security experts, saying the
group relied on “partial, biased data and superficial sources with vested interests”.
The independent Famine Review Committee (FRC) said there was a strong likelihood of imminent famine and that immediate action was required to ease a catastrophic situation. Israel said it had increased aid efforts, including opening an additional crossing on Friday to get more aid into southern Gaza. The IDF later said it had delivered 11 trucks of food, water and medical aid into Jabalia and Beit Hanoun on Thursday.
Meanwhile, efforts to reach a ceasefire have stalled, with Qatar suspending its work as a mediator until Hamas and Israel “show their willingness” to negotiate. Israel launched its current military offensive in Gaza after Hamas’ attack on 7 October 2023 that killed about 1,200 people in Israel and took 251
500 Guyanese receive house lots...
From page 11
these homes on the East Coast. Since 2020, over 38,000 house lots have been allocated across the country, with over 15,000 being allocated on the East Coast.
“We will continue to work hard every day to complete our mandate that has been provided to us [to ensure] that you, the beneficiary, are complete homeowners,” Minister Croal affirmed.
Additionally, Minister Susan Rodrigues said that the PPP/C Administration
recognises the potential of the housing programme to transform lives through homeownership.
She went on to say that this will have a lasting impact that will increase for many years and generations.
Minister Rodrigues further commended the recipients for taking such a lifechanging step in their lives to elevate their standard of living.
“You have made it to a point in your life where you are now going to, forever
change the trajectory of your family by creating inter-generational wealth,” she said to the recipients.
Meanwhile, nearly 400 persons received their land titles, enabling them to access loans from financial institutions to build their homes.
As of October 2024, 2,974 titles have been distributed out of 5,000 for 2024. Additionally, 50 individuals were provided with their steel and cement vouchers, allowing them to begin construction on their homes. (DPI)




Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
COINS Wanted, I buy coins best prices paid. Tele : 6430902 / 653-4287.
Male sales-rep 22-28 years old, Knowledge about vehicle models would be an asset. Call : 709-4313.
One male Translator speaking Spanish and English. Call : 613-0855 Between 9 am-4 PM
hostages back to Gaza.
Gaza’s Hamas-run health ministry, whose figures the UN sees as reliable, has reported a death toll of more than 43,600 people since the start of the war. Many more bodies are believed to remain under the rubble of bombarded buildings.
In Lebanon, Israel went on the offensive against Hezbollah after almost a year of cross-border fighting sparked by the war in Gaza.
Israeli air strikes have eliminated most of the group’s leadership and caused widespread destruction in parts of southern and eastern Lebanon and Beirut’s southern suburbs - areas where Hezbollah has a strong presence.
Israeli authorities say more than 70 people have been killed by Hezbollah attacks in Israel and the occupied Golan Heights over the past year.

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
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One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ or call 615-9132.
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Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443
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General domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.
Supermarket Packers , Cashiers, Sales representative (AM/PM).Tele : 609-2995 ,
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One maid/ cook (Must know to cook Indian dishes) 40 years or older live-in (Optional) Contact : 680-4718.
Cashier wanted. Call : 2237165 / 719-5427.
Vacancy for one Porter and hauler truck Driver. Contact: 611-7088 for more info.
Data entry clerk must be computer literate, good communication skills, cxc maths & english. Apply to : P.O BOX 12152
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For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 626-8918
One LF Leyland Daf Truck for sale. Call : 223-9677.





Guyana remembers World War heroes Part-timeteacher copsUG'sbest lawstudentaward
Remembrance Day activities were held on Sunday morning as Guyana honoured the lives and legacy of the bravemenandwomenwhofoughtand diedinWorldWarIandII.
The solemn wreath-laying ceremony, which was held at the Cenotaph Monument, saw government officials, veterans from the Guyana Legion, members of the diplomatic corps,andthejointservicesgatheringto pay homage According to a Department of Public Information (DPI)release,inhisremarks,President, Dr Mohamed IrfaanAli urged citizens tokeepthelegacyofthesegallantmen andwomenaliveastheygoabouttheir lives. He also recognised the efforts of thosethroughtheyearswhohavemade similar sacrifices for the causes of human dignity, social justice, and freedomfromallformsofoppression.
“Their example strengthens our resolve to maintain our efforts for a world at peace with justice and prosperityforallPeoples,”hesaid.The president continued, “We, the citizens oftheCooperativeRepublicofGuyana, rededicate ourselves to the search for peace everywhere and renew our commitment to the development and well-beingofourbelovedcountry.”
Theceremonybeganwithamilitary parade, followed by a presidential salute,thesoundingofthelastpost,and twominutesofsilencetorememberthe fallensoldiersandauxiliariesofthetwo wars.PresidentAlilaidthefirstwreath, followed by Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret'd)MarkPhillips;ChiefofDefence Staff, Brigadier Omar Khan; President of the GuyanaVeterans Legion, Lt Col (Ret'd) George Gomes; Commissioner ofPolice(ag)CliftonHicken,members of the diplomatic corps and other officials.

Remembrance Day, also known as PoppyDay,isobservedtohonourthose who fought and died in World War I (1914-1918) and World War II (19391945) in countries like France, Egypt, Belgium, East Africa, and others. In Guyana, it is commemorated on the second Sunday of November, while other Commonwealth countries observeitonNovember11.
Meanwhile, in a statement, the Alliance For Change (AFC) said “on thisRemembranceDay,aswepauseto honour those who have paid the ultimate price so that we may live as free men and women, let us strengthen our resolve to end armed conflict. To thosebravemenandwomen,theworld owesyouadebtofgratitudewhichcan neverberepaid.”
TheAFC said the horrors of armed conflicts are well documented and for thesereasons,warmustneverbeseenas an option to settle disputes. Its
devastationonmankindandnationsasa whole is unwelcomed and are sad legacies Countries have been decimated, people rendered homeless, childrenmaimedandorphaned,women raped and widowed was a result of the ravagesofwar
“Today, too many lives are being lost on battlefields or locations which havebeenturnedintozonesofwar Asa global nation, we must find ways to resolveourdisputeswithoutbombsand guns. The trade benefits no one in the longrun.
The Alliance For Change remains committed to global peace and justice, starting in our own hemisphere and extending to all nations. We enjoin the Government of our country to use all available regional and international platformstoadvocateforglobalpeace. Let the sacrifice of those who died on battlefieldsinthepursuitoffreedom,be notinvain,”thestatementconcluded.

Philippe Walker, a part-time teacher hascoppedthePro Chancellor's Medal as the bestgraduatingstudentofthe University of Guyana's Bachelor's of Law programme for the academic year2023/2024.
The recipient described hislawdegreejourneylikeno other He said that the law studies required intense reading and many engaging d i s c u s s i o n s a b o u t interpretations.
Walker expressed gratitudetotheUniversityof Guyana for the hybrid learning experience where classesaredoneinpersonand online.
“This allowed me the flexibilitytoworkfulltime.I amalsoapart-timeteacherof Physics and Mathematics,” the aspirant lawyer said During his degree programme at the University of Guyana, Walker said he also actively engaged in activities that would expose himtotheprofession.
“IwastheMasterofMoot Court Guyana, which is a student-ledbodythatseeksto grant students of law the opportunity to experience mock trials and gain firsthandadvocacyexperience...I also was an executive member of the University of GuyanaLawSociety,whereI was part of organizing several student-led activities that can reacquaint the PostCovid-19 batch of Law studentswithsomeoftherich traditionsofthedepartment,” theUGgraduatesaid.
Walker is deeply passionateaboutGuyanaand sees himself becoming, the President of Guyana since I wasatenderage.
“This is the reason that I seek to educate myself widely for I believe that to aspire to such an honourable position, then I myself must be a worthy candidate. I strongly believe in the product of Guyana and peopleofGuyana,andintend toservemycountryalways.”
For his accomplishment so far, Walker expressed profound gratitude to Jesus Christ,hisLordandSaviour HesaidtheLordhasbeenhis rock on the days when he wantedtogiveup. Hesaid,“Ialsothankmy wonderful hardworking and loving parents, both pensioners, Eon Walker and Dhurpati Sukhdeoji, whose life'ssacrificeshaveledmeto

be so academically-driven and successful, despite them both never having the same opportunitiesthatIhad.”
Additionally, Walker expressed gratitude to his wonderful lecturers and administration of the University of Guyana, who have inspired him over my eight-year journey at the institution.
“Specifically, I thank Justice Benjamin, and Dr Kim-Kyte of the Law
Department for the unwavering belief and encouragement, and also to Vice-Chancellor, XI, Professor Dr Paloma Mohamed-Martin, an inspiring figure who is all things student-oriented,” he said adding, “It would be remissofmetonotthankmy mentor, the Minister Sonia Parag, who herself is an attorney, and whose advice and personal stories were veryinstrumental.Finally,to MinisterPriyaManickchand, I must express my sincerest gratitude for starting me on thisjourney
She made me believe in myself and told me that I should go for it and pursue mylawdegree.”
The future attorney who has an affinity for international law, and family law looks forward to serving thepeopleofGuyanainthese areas,inyearstocome.
He said, “My words of encouragement for those persons ambitious about law would be in the form of a warning:donotdolawifyou lack commitment. Law is indeedajealousmistress,and cannot be picked up on the side,orinsparetime.”







Preparations underway for KMTC Boxing Day Horse Race Meet
Horse owners and other connections have begun preparationsfortheKennard
Memorial Turf Club (KMTC)traditionalone-day BoxingDayhorseracemeet onDecember26th.
The club which is situated at Bush Lot Farm Corentyne, Berbice has already begun preparations and the venue is already lookingwellset. According to Mrs. Chan Kennard, preparations are going well and several owners and sponsors have already indicated a willingnesstobeapartofthe dayaction.
matriarch and honourary president of the club. She is well-learned and has been associated with the sport of horse racing for decades with close to 60 years of involvement in the activity Sheisoneoftheseniorsthat isstillaroundsincethedays ofDurbanPark.
Mrs Kennard is the
The KMTC is being

dubbed the premiere horse racingfacilityinthecountry with several requirements for proper horse race meets inplace.
Horsescompetingonthe day will have over six million dollars in cash trophiesandotherincentives upforgrabs.
Sevenracesarelistedon the day’s programme and a sumptuous day of racing is anticipated.
The feature event is for animals classified C 1 and lower over a mile for a winner’stakeof$1.2Manda trophy
Monday November 11, 2024
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe m
ng of all th
's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some i
blems Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour f
y, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
PISCES(Feb.19–Mar.20) Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
maiden animals racing over 5 furlongs for a reward of $250,000andatrophy
The Boxing Day meet is one of the biggest meets organisedbytheclub.
jockeys, trainers and stable will all receive trophies and
contact Basil Bactowar
Habibulla (657-7010),
Jagdeo (618-7278) or Isaac Dalloo (689-0629) or any other executive of the KMTCforfurtherdetails.
Anothertopracewillsee horsesclassifiedFandlower and E non-winners competing for a top prize of $600,000andatrophyover6 furlongs.
The H1 and lower animalswilldobattleover6 furlongs for a first prize of $350.000andatrophy
The J and lower animals will be racing for the first prize of $300,000 and a trophyover6furlongs.
TheKnon-winnersandL openhorseswillmatchstride for $250,000 and a trophy alsoover6furlongs.
The L-class horses that havenotwonaracewillhave a chance to compete over 6 furlongs for a $200,000 winner’stakeandtrophy
The final event will see Guyanese-bred 2-year-old





Premier League: Ipswich win at Spurs for first victory of season
(BBC Sport) - Ipswich held on for a 2-1 win at Tottenham to celebrate their first win of the season - and their first in the Premier Leaguein22years.
The Tractor Boys have struggled to hold on to leads following their long-
awaited return to England’s top flight this
But they finally did enough to clinch all three points - and move out of the bottom three at the expenseofCrystalPalaceSam Szmodics steering an overhead kick beyond Guglielmo Vicario to give themthelead
Kieran McKenna’s
side, wearing their pink third kit designed in collaboration with supporterandglobalmusic star Ed Sheeran - who was watching in the stands, doubled their advantage when Liam Delap bundled in just over 10 minutes later There was


Sam Szmodics scored his third Ipswich goal since joining from Blackburn in August (Reuters)
boos from the home
fans at half-time and within four minutes of the restart Spurs had the ball in the net, only for Dominic Solanke’s effort to be ruled outforhandball.
Bentancurgavethemhope with21minutesleft,heading home from a Pedro Porro corner
But Solanke’s late effort, blocked by goalkeeperArijanet Muric, was the closest they went to equalising as Ipswich secured their first top-flight victory since winning 1-0 at home to Middlesbrough in April 2002 - and their first away since a 2-1 victory at EvertoninFebruary2002.
Fernandes shines as Man Utd beat Leicester
Bruno Fernand
d appearance by playing a starring role as Ruud van Nistelrooy signed off his stintininterimchargewitha 3-0PremierLeaguewinover Leicester
Fernandes scored the openerandclaimedasecond - which went down as a Victor Kristiansen own goal -beforesettingupAlejandro Garnacho for an excellent third as United completed a thirdwininfourgamessince
EriktenHagwassacked. It provides a positive platformfornewheadcoach Ruben Amorim to fly into England on Monday, although it will be a couple of days before the Sporting boss gets his visa so he can officiallystartwork.
United are still to confirm the precise nature of Amorim’s backroom team and whether Van Nistelrooywillbepartofit.
However, the home fans serenaded Van Nistelrooy at the final whistle and the Dutchman can be pleased with the return of three wins and a drawfromfourgames,even if United remain in the bottomhalfofthetable.
Leicester will feel hard doneby
was United’s first shot on target The home side’s second came after a period of intenseLeicester pressure, during which Wilfred Ndidi wasted a glorious chance to level when he beat the offside trapbuthithisshotstraight at Andre Onana when he only had the United keeper tobeat
After that it was a case of damage limitation for the visitors, who suffered theirheaviestleaguedefeat oftheseason.

How does ANY
p r e m i e r , supposedly world class, fast bowler, ANYWHERE, as Guyana and West Indies Shamar Joseph suggests that he is, bowl three overs (18 legal deliveries) to give away 45 runsinaT-20-Igame,ashe did in that 1st game v England,attheKensington
Oval, Barbados, on Saturday 09 November 2024evening?
Evenatnearly72years old, I would be very
embarrassed to bowl so badly
What the hell is going on with Shamar Joseph anyway?
This guy has been bowlingsoverypoorly;so much bilge; in ODIs and T-20-Is, since returning from his foot injury suffered in Australia, and especially since the ICC WT202024lastJune
He has become way too musclebound.
Big muscles do NOT give the required elasticity needed for being a really goodfastbowler
AgoodWIexampleofa pastfastbowlerofthatilkis/ wasWayneDaniel.
Fantastic fast bowler when everything clicked, but then “Big Wayne” became too big and muscle bound for continuous elasticity and continuous speed
Weight-lifters and body builders do NOT normally bowl fast for world cricket teams GOODfastbowlers areNOTmadeliftingheavy weightsinagym
What you see in the mirror,bigbulk,DOESNOT mirror the reality of what is
needed to be a GOOD fast bowler
GOOD fast bowlers are made on the outdoors track and on the roads and hills, running very much, and doing severe roadwork covering many miles, not unlikeboxers.
From1970to1983,Iran 15mileseachday-5milesin the very early morning, 5 milesatpracticeoringames, 5 miles in the evening after games.Fact.
And that was for one, two, three, four or five day games, including Test matches.
As a West Indies cricketer, I, and many others too, including our b a t s m e n , u s e d t o normally run back to the hotels, from the cricket grounds,ineveryterritoryin

Miami, FL – Concacaf has announced that The Bahamaswillhostthe2025 Concacaf Beach Soccer
Championship The region’s qualifying competition for the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup Seychelles 2025 will take place from March 11 to 16, 2025, at the Malcolm Park Beach Soccer Facility in Nassau,Bahamas.
The competition will begin with an eight-team groupstage—twogroupsof fourteamseach.
After round-robin play, the two best teams in each group will progress to the KnockoutStage. The Knockout Stage will include single-match
direct elimination Semifinals on March 15, followed by a Third Place matchandFinalonSunday, March 16, where the
region’s Beach Soccer Championwillbecrowned. The two finalists will also qualify for the 2025 FIFA BeachSoccerWorldCup.
The eight national teams participating in the 2025 Concacaf Beach Soccer Championship are (alphabetically): Bahamas, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States.
Theofficialdrawforthe 2025 Concacaf Beach Soccer Championship is scheduled for November 26, 2024. Fans can follow the event on Concacaf’s YouTubechannel.
Forthedraw,teamswill be divided into four pots according to the Concacaf Beach Soccer Rankings as of February 26, 2024, as follows (highest-ranked
teams in pot 1): Pot 1: United States and Mexico, Pot 2: El Salvador and Panama, Pot 3: Bahamas and Costa Rica and Pot 4: Guatemala and Trinidad andTobago.
The competition’s match schedule will be announced following the draw. In the previous edition of the Concacaf B e a c h S o c c e r Championship,alsoplayed in The Bahamas, in 2023, the United States won its third Concacaf Beach Soccer Championship title (2006, 2013, 2023) after defeating Mexico 5-0 in the Final at the Malcolm Park Beach Soccer Facility
representedtheregionatthe 2024 FIFA Beach Soccer WorldCupintheUAE.
the Caribbean, afteraday’splay Lean elongated, supple muscles are what are needed, ala 400 meters runners and 1500 meters swimmers
Opinion Piece: Absolute madness!! Bahamas named host for 2025 Concacaf Beach Soccer Championship

keys, along with many, many miles and miles of road work
references, check out Edwin Moses, Michael H o l d i n g , C u r t l y Ambrose, Colin Croft, Glen Mc Grath, back in their pomp, and ALL of the PRESENT Australian fastbowlersin2024. W h o m s o e v e r i s coaching this guy, at G
uyana regional and / or at WI international levels, h
y NO CLUE as toWHATmakes areallygoodfastbowler If something is NOT done quickly and drastic changes NOT made to his t r a i n i n g r e g i m e n IMMEDIATELY, IF NOT SOONER,ShamarJoseph will soon become an “alsoran!”(ColinCroft)

England Tour of the West Indies 2024... Buttler powers England to 2-0 series lead after bowlers limit West Indies West
(ESPN Cricinfo) – Jos Buttler rampaged into form inhissecondinningsbackin charge of England’s T20I side, a brutal 83 off 45 balls helping to clinically ice a chase of 159 and give the touristsa2-0leadinthefivematchseries.
BattingonceagainatNo. 3, Buttler followed up the good work of his bowling attackbypeelingoffthe26th 50-plusscoreofhiscareerin T20 internationals, eight fours and six sixes ringing off his bat during a century stand with Will Jacks that saw England cruise to their requirement with more than fiveoverstospare.
Having again won the toss and opted to bowl, England made good use of the conditions to leaveWest Indies three down in the powerplay, Saqib Mahmood strikingtwicetocontinuehis prolific start to the series.
Rovman Powell provided some ballast forWest Indies with a 41-ball 43 but Romario Shepherd was the onlyotherbattertoreach20 as Dan Mousley, in his second T20I, and Liam Livingstone shared four wickets.
Although England then lost their centurion from Saturday’s successful chase of 183, Phil Salt, to the first ball of the reply, Buttler and Jacks dispelled West Indies’ hopesofmakingagameofit with a domineering stand of 129 from 72 balls. Both fell in the same Shepherd over but there was no reprieve forthcomingforWestIndies.
Only three times had a score of 150 or less been
defended in T20Is at Kensington Oval - and none since 2010 West Indies clearlyneededtomakeearly inroads with the new ball, andtheycouldn’thavegone any better in that regard.
Akeal Hosein gave his first ball some air, found a little turn, and Salt’s aggressive thump went straight to hand in the covers. Buttler was thenlateinjabbingdownon Hosein’sfourthdelivery,the ball deflecting off the toe of thebatbeforebouncingover the stumps. Might the pitch stillbetrickytomaster?
The short answer was: no Jacks did the early
scoring just three runs off his first 10 balls Back-toback fours off Forde followed, before Jacks deposited Hosein over long-off England were beginning to feel a little more comfortable as Shepherd came on to bowl the final over of the powerplay - and they were metaphorically in a deckchair sipping from a cold bottle of Banks by the end of it Jacks again took the lead, clubbing four high over mid-off, before cedingthestagetoButtler His first of three consecutive boundaries was something of an ungainly hack that spun away to the rope at deep backward point, but that was followed up by emphatically drilling Shepherd’s slower ball over the sightscreen, then
walking across to the change of length and flippingfourmoreoverthe head of short fine leg, as Englandreachedtheendof thepowerplayon56for1
Another bludgeon down the ground off Gudakesh Motie meant a replacement ball had to be sent for, and Buttler went toa32-ballhalf-centuryby smashing Roston Chase into the crowd in the 10th over of the chase Terrance Hinds, making his debut for West Indies, was collared for 15 runs as England brought up their 100 in the next, before Buttler went 6-6-4 against Chase He fell in the next over,threeballsafterJacks - and one ball after being dropped in the covers But the finish line was already in sight for England, Livingstone creaming four boundaries in 11 balls and sealingtheresultwithasix.
Therewasearlyevidence of some juice in the pitch, with Bridgetown having been lashed by rain during the morning, as Evin Lewis
edged Jofra Archer fortuitously wide of slip while attempting to leave in the first over Brandon King wasinnomoodforsighters, though, and tried to thrash his second ball from Mahmood over the top: the ballstoodupjustenoughoff the surface to send a spiralling leading edge to mid-off. Archer had Lewis prodding and poking in the channel, before producing a brute of a lifter to flick the glovethroughtoSalt.


Rovman Powell produced some powerful blows (Getty Images)
struggled at times to control the amount of movement on offer,conceding10widesin hisopeningthree-overburst, he picked up his fifth powerplay wicket of the series when beating Chase on the inside to win an lbw decision that was backed up on DRS as umpire’s call. West Indies were 35 for 3 inside the fourth overmarginally better off than their start to the first T20I, butnotbymuch.
West Indies needed a partnership and they got one from Powell and Nicholas Pooran - but it was not fluent Pooran soon opted for seeing off the new-ball pair, given the movement on offer, while Powell was also circumspect, seeing off a maiden from Sam Curran intheeighth
The pair put on 35 from 43, with just a boundary apiece, before Pooran was lured from his ground by Livingstone, whose flighted offbreak left the West Indies No 3 stranded.
Powell had crabbed his way to 18 off 28 before he found his range, panning Livingstone over the midwicket rope for the first six He lost another partner in Sherfane Rutherford, E
reviewingsuccessfullyfor lbw, and then somehow managedtomuscleRashid on to the rope at extra cover, despite aiming downtheground
Another boundary at theendoftheoverbrought upWestIndies’100;butjust as Powell appeared set to unleash through the death overs, he was undone by Mousley’s 116kph/72mph
yorker, which dipped under the bat to hit middle stump and give the 21-year-old his maideninternationalwicket. WINDIES TAILWAGS
T h e h o s t s o n l y managed three boundaries between the end of the powerplay and the start of the 15th over, but after Powell’s dismissal, the lower order heaved away togoodeffect
Motie made good use of the extra pace Mousley put on the ball to thrash two fours in three balls, before Shepherd took back-to-back boundaries off Archer and crunched Currandowntheground Forde also found the ropesthreetimesinsixballs, all them sweetly struck, while Hinds hit his second ball in international cricket for four - Mousley’s final over costing 15, including fivewidesdownthelegside.
It w a s a
comprehensive win yesterday as the battle between the two Berbice franchises resulted in the Piranhas chomping theirwaytoa32-runvictory over the Caimans yesterday at the No. 69 Ground in the AncientCounty
Atotalof141-9after20 overs was the score for the Piranhas, who found their
way after whirlwind knock down the order from Devednra Latchman who ledanassaultwitha17-ball 48*featuring7sixes.
Openers Adrian Sukwah (16), Divindra
L a l s a ( 1 4 ) a n d Johnathan Rampersaud (12) added to the final score for the Piranhas
Spinners Matthew Pottya (2-24) and Devon
Lord (2-12) were the pick of the bowlers for the Caimans, who were shre
d during the chase being reduced to 39-6atonepoint
National youth allrounder Afraz Ali Budhoo pulled out a magical spell which yielded 4-7, trumping o p e n i n g b a t s m a n Sachin Singh (62*) who
tried to carry his team homebutranoutofpartners and deliveries as his team finishedon109-6.
Spinners Riyad Latiff (16) and Captain Lord (19*) were the next best batsmen for the Caimans, who lost too many wickets upfront as the total b a l l o o n e d o u t o f control
Dominant performances define Round-4 in Petra-Republic Petra-Republic Bank School’s Under-18 Football League
Bartica Secondary, Waramuri Top, Dolphin Secondary, and Chase’s Academic Foundation showcasedexceptionalform in the fourth round of the Republic Bank School’s Under-18 Football League,
securing resounding victories on Sunday at the Ministry of Education ground.
W a r a m u r i T o p
Secondary emerged victorious against West RuimveldtSecondarywitha decisive 3-0 scoreline. The breakthrough came in the 22nd minute when Rondell Peters unleashed a powerful long-range strike that crashed off the crossbar and intothenet,givingWaramuri an early lead. In the 33rd
minute, Eldon Lewis capitalized on an opening from distance, firing a beautifully placed shot with his right foot to extend the lead to 2-0 Paul Lewis sealed Waramuri’s triumph shortlyafterhalftime,adding the third goal to cement the win over a spirited West Ruimveldt side Bartica Secondary Triumphs Over President’sCollege6-2 Bartica Secondary piled on the pressure in a 6-2 rout of the President’s College Royals Reizer Reid and Billy Smith both delivered brace performances,
contributing significantly to theteam’sdominantdisplay
Tyrese Collison and Dexter France each added one goal to round out Bartica’s scoring, as President’s College continued to struggleintheircampaign.
Dolphin Secondary maintained their unbeaten streak, overcoming South Ruimveldt Secondary 2-0 in a well-fought encounter Collin David opened the scoring in the 62nd minute, withOmarionLewissealing the victory in the 70th minute This fourth consecutive win solidifies DolphinSecondaryasoneof the top contenders for a coveted spot in this year’s Goodwill International Series.
In the final match of the day, Chase’s Academic Foundation delivered a staggering15-0victoryover East Ruimveldt Secondary, continuing their flawless campaign.
Captain Bryan Wharton led the charge with an impressive seven-goal performance.OmarSamand DariusChestereachsecured a brace, while Mark Glasgow, Isaiah Ifill, and Neeiaz Baskh added single

goals to round out the scoring in a relentless d
The Republic Bank School’s Under-18 Football League, organised by the Petra Organisation and sponsoredbyRepublicBank Limited under the theme “
additional support from MVP Sports, Tiger Rentals, Guyana Beverage Inc (Busta), the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, and the Ministry of Education.
Part of yesterday’s action between Dolphin Secondary and South Ruimveldt Secondary

South Ruimveldt’s Devonte Gaime (no.5) reaches for the ball during a round-four clash against a strong Dolphin Secondary side


