


Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo has issued a stern warning to Guyanese firms enabling foreign
companies to bypass Guyana's LocalContentAct, statingthatviolatorswillface penalties.
The Local Content Act currently features 40 areas for services carved out for Guyanese businesses including rentals, supply of goods, accounting, catering and welding. Foreign companies wanting to operatewithinthoseareasare requiredtopartnerwithlocal firms However, the law stipulates that the Guyanese partner must have 51% or more beneficial ownership, among other benefits. The LocalContentSecretariathas observed foreign companies findingnewwaystofloutthis lawinordertogainaccessto the 40 areas of services set aside for Guyanese businesses. At his last press conference, Jagdeo made it clear that the government is committed to enforcing the lawtoensurethatbenefitsset aside for Guyanese go to locals,notforeignfirms.“Let me just reiterate that all of those who are violating now the Local Content Act, they have a lot to worry about,” Jagdeosaid.
“Weintendtocrackdown on it. ThisAct was designed
togivebenefitstoourpeople, Guyanese, and if there are a few people here who are usingittoconferthebenefits sothattheforeigncompanies cangetthesebenefitsthatare set aside for our people, and they are collaborating with the foreigners, then they run therisksofnotjustlosingthe certification but also facing the fines in accordance with the Act,” the Vice President added.
Jagdeo emphasized the seriousness of the government's stance on the issueandnotedthattheLocal Content Secretariat have already started acting on the evidencetheyhave.
On November 5, 2024, Kaieteur News reported that Minister of Natural
Resources Vickram Bharrat disclosed that foreign companies operating in the oilandgassectorcontinueto find new ways to sidestep Guyana's Local Content law
Theministerwasspeakingat the Private Sector Commission'ssecondannual Local Content Forum. He addressed the escalating tactics some companies are employing to meet local content requirements on paper while continuing to channel the benefits outside Guyana, through deceptive practices.Theministertalked abouthowcertaincompanies
usestrategiessuchas“rent-acitizen” or “fronting,” where foreignentitiesrelyonlocals as superficial fronts to complywithlocalownership laws. Minister Bharrat said that while his ministry, through the Local Content Secretariat always get feedback and/ complaints about new mechanisms foreign companies use to flout the local content requirements – the foreign companieshavegrownmore sophisticated in their methods. According to him, the companies are evolving from the “blatant” use of front men to tactics like creatingshellcompaniesand partnerships with newly naturalised citizens “So, there are different methods now,naturalizationofpeople who've been in Guyana and making them partners, establishment of shell companies with no assets or no liquidity,” Minister Bharratsaid.
TheInstituteofCharteredAccountantsof Guyana (ICAG) has suspended the membership of several individuals, one of those individuals, Azzar Haniff of Eclisar FinancialandProfessionalServices.
Eclisar is a part of a local consortium VHE Consulting that was contracted for the third audit of ExxonMobil's Stabroek Block expense.Thesuspensionwasannouncedina notice dated November 6, 2024. Haniff and George Vaughn of SFAI Guyana - Vaughn Business Solutions, both have had their ICAG memberships suspended for 2024, meaning they can no longer issue statutory audit opinions under Section 170 of the CompaniesAct.
Additionally, Andre Davis of AMD Financial Services has had his certificate to practice suspended pending an ongoing investigation. This also restricts him from issuing statutory audit opinions under the CompaniesAct.
Moreover, VHE is a registered partnershipcomprisingRamdihal&Haynes Inc , Eclisar Financial, and Vitality Accounting&Consulta cyInc.Lastmonth, VHE was awarded a $312 million contract forthethirdauditofExxon'sStabroekBlock expenses,coveringtheperiod2021to2023.
Moreover, VHE with international support from SGS and Martindale Consultants conducted the second audit of ExxonMobil's US$7 3 billion Stabroek Blockexpensesfortheperiod2018to2020.
ManagingDirectorofEclisar FinancialandProfessional Services, Azzar Haniff
On Monday, this publication reported that VHE has been instructed to release the finalised second audit of ExxonMobil's Stabroek Block expense. Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Godfrey Statia told this publication onSaturday,“Thefinalauditwillbereleased withintheweek.Ihavealreadygiventhego aheadtoVHEforthemtodoso.”
The Bronto Skylift was used to extinguish a rooftop fire at Fireside Suites last Saturday
The Guyana Fire Service (GFS) has significantly strengthened its firefighting capabilities with cuttingedge machinery through substantial government investments.
Among the latest additions is the Bronto Skylift, a state-of-the-art firefighting apparatus capable of reaching heights up to 120 feet, making it the first of its kind in the Caribbean This advanced equipment was recently deployed to extinguish a rooftop blaze at Fireside Suites on Saturday, u n d e r s c o r i n g i t s effectivenessinhigh-riseand hard-to-accesslocations.
As the country rapidly develops and high-rise buildings become more common, equipment like the Bronto Skylift serves as an invaluable tool for firefighting and rescue
operations. This advanced firefightingequipmentispart of a broader upgrade, as the government has invested a considerable amount in improving all of Guyana's securityagencies.
Inthefirsthalfoftheyear, the sum of $32.6 billion was expended to procure new equipment and upgrade infrastructures for the GFS, Guyana Police Force (GPF) and the Guyana Prison Service (GPS) These investments along with the upcoming acquisition of a rescue and firefighting vehicle, an all-terrain fire fighting vehicle, and a crash tender will significantly enhance the GFS' ability to serveandprotectcitizens.
Emphasis has also been placed on bolstering the agency's workforce
Approximately $4.1 million wasinvestedintrainingover 105 GFS ranks in critical
sic Recruitment Firefighters training, Medical First Aid Responder training, and TacticalFirefightingtraining, among o
rs The government'scommitmentto providing quality security services is also evident in its numerouseffortstoboostthe GuyanaPoliceForce's(GPF) currentoperatingabilities. A number of police vehicles, motorcycles, boats, and engines were recently added to the Police Force's existingfleet.
The GPF has also made notable strides in strengthening international relations by signing a Memorandum of Agreement with the New York Police Department These efforts areyieldingevidentresultsas the GPF has recorded a 17.8 per cent decrease in total serious crimes for the year 2023.(DPI)
Businessman and advocate for a better oil deal, GlennLallhasaccusedVice President,BharratJagdeoof selling out the country's natural resources to foreigners and he chastised Leader of the Opposition (LOO), Aubrey Norton for doing little or nothing to arrestthesituation.
Lall has used his weekly radio programme and social mediaplatformstoadvocate for major reforms in the oil andgassector-amongthem being the renegotiation of the lopsided oil contract which the Coalition government signed with ExxonMobil in 2016 However, despite during the 2020 elections campaign,
Jagdeo and the PPP/C had promised to renegotiate the contract once elected, since returningtogovernment,the administration has reneged onthepromise.
Speaking during last Friday's programme, Lall told his listeners that much of the problems the country facesmustbelaidatthefeet of Jagdeo, who is also general secretary of the rulingPPP/Candatwo-term president.
“Let me tell you this tonight, that man Bharrat Jagdeodoesnotcareforany Guyanese,BharratJagdeois not there to safeguard our pockets or to defend our God-given blessings - that oiloutthere.BharratJagdeo is one of the main men
sellingoutthisentirenation's wealth with generations to come.
It's not that he doesn't know, Bharrat Jagdeo is one
of the smartest leaders you have in this country, but for whateverreasonyouwantto describeitas,heisnotusing that smartness to benefit the
Latin America and the Caribbean social and economic development remainsheavilyburdenedbycrimeand violence, a new Inter-American DevelopmentBank(IDB)studyshows. The direct costs of crime and violence inLatinAmericareached3.44%ofthe region's Gross Domestic Product (GDP)in2022,mostlyunchangedfrom a previous IDB study published in 2017.
“Our study shows that crime is a significantburdenonoursocietiesand economic development It limits growth, drives inequality, and diverts privateandpublicinvestment.Wemust joinandredoubleeffortstochangethat reality,” Ilan Goldfajn, IDB President wasquotedinapressreleaseassaying.
“Evidence shows that targeted prevention and effective security and justice systems are key to lasting change. The IDB practical experience working with countries shows that we can mitigate the impact of crime. We are scaling our impact in this area by establishing a Regional Alliance for Security,JusticeandDevelopment,”he concluded.
Thestudy,“TheCostsofCrimeand Violence: Expansion and Update of Estimates for Latin America and the Caribbean,”calculatesthedirectcostof crime in three areas: loss of human capital(costsofproductivetimelostas aresultofnon-lethalcrimes,homicides andincarcerations),spendingoncrime
mitigation by businesses, and public spending on crime prevention and criminal justice. In 2022, security expenses by private businesses accounted for 47% of the total cost of crime, while State spending on crime prevention represented 31% and the lossofhumancapitalmadeup22%.
The research also compares the direct cost of crime in Latin America and the Caribbean with six European countries - Poland, Ireland, Czech Republic, Portugal, Netherlands, and Sweden - where costs average 2% of GDP(42%lessthanLatinAmericaand the Caribbean). Reducing the cost of crime to these levels would give Latin American and the Caribbean the equivalent of nearly 1% of GDP to investinsocialwelfareprogrammes.
The report expands, updates, and refinestheestimatespresentedin2017. It uses a new methodology to estimate thecostinhumancapitalbasedonlocal information about victim demographicsforthecalculationofthe present value of economic losses from the premature death of homicide victims.
Additionally, the study presents an analysis of the indirect costs of crime such as reduced investment, lower business productivity and increased emigration. This analysis of indirect costs highlights why addressing crime requires restoring a sense of security andstabilityinadditiontoreducingthe
number of violent crimes. The study offers key public policy recommendationsfortheregion.These include strengthening public institutions to improve spending efficiency,focusingonevidence-based interventions,andstrengtheningjustice systems while investing in education and social services to address the root causesofcrime,especiallyinhigh-risk areas And it emphasizes the importance of improving data collection and research to better understandcrimeandviolence.
These are precisely some of the policies that the IDB seeks to promote through the Alliance for Security, Justice,andDevelopment,aninitiative that,inadditiontofacilitatingregional coordinationfortheimplementationof public policies, aims to promote resourcemobilizationtoaddress,witha new approach, the challenges to economic and social development posedbyorganisedcrime.
It includes three case studies showing the impact of crime on tourism, migration, and business productivity in the region. It also presentstheresultsfortheyear2020to analyze the dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic, noting a slight increase of 0.09% compared to 2019 and 2021. This indicates that, despite the focus on the health emergency, crime continued to demand economic resources.
said has also been noncommitaltomakingchanges to the contract, Lall referenced the LOO restating last week that he needed data to say whether or not he will ring-fence the projects, although stating that he supports it in principle. “Ring-fencing is notanoption;ring-fencingis notagame;ring-fencingisa must.
Further, Lall referenced aninterviewhehadwiththe former president in early days of the President Irfaan Aligovernment.
“I played the interview for you on my Wednesday night programme – you heardhisanswersonsimple, straightforward questions, issues that he 'cuss' out the PNCabout,hewentinthere and did worse. I asked him about what he would have gotten for Guyana had he been in Raphael Trotman's shoes negotiating that oil deal, he couldn't even answerthatquestionandstill doesn't want to answer that question to this day You know why; he would have left it at that one percent…” Mr Lallsaid.
Among some of the flaws of the 2016 contract, which governs Exxon's operations in the rich Stabroek Block are: the paltry two percent royalty, lackofring-fencing,notaxes amongotherthings.
Lall told his radio
audience, the much anticipated seventh project of ExxonMobil will be signed without any improvements.“Wait,watch and see he will not ringfencethat7thproject,hewill not get a cent tax or do th anythinginthat7 projectto put more money in the Guyanese pockets for their children.
Just like the other oil projects,Guyanawillremain withthatgood-for-nothing2 percent royalty with that same 12.5 percent profit share.Youandyourchildren, me and my grandchildren, will see nothing more from anyotheroilprojectthisman approves.”
Meanwhile, turning his attention to Norton, who he
Every oil-producing country knows this You don't need data or information about this, you don't need any record for this Ring-fencing puts money right away in your pockets, ring-fencing is like royalty-youmusthavethat, ring-fencing you must have, it does not depend on any information,” Lall stressed. Lall said with estimates showing that ExxonMobil collected US$9B already because of a lack of ringfencing, Norton does not needanydatatomakeaclear positiononthisissue.
“Look what these men engaging in, running an oilrich country where they are notring-fencingtheprojects, they are not capping the interest rates on the oil companies' investments, not collectingacentintaxes,not ensuring that the nation is fully protected from an oil spill, accepting next-tonothing for royalty with a 12.5% profit, not having a single of our own meters at thepumps,refusingtoputin place oil experts to help us manage the oil industry, not thoroughly checking Exxon's expenses, not verifying these project costs with oil experts and not telling this nation nothing aboutwhatisgoingoninthe oilsector,ifnotasked.”
Lall said given the shortcomings of the two leaders, the call for a referendum on the oil contract becomes more urgent.
“You see why we must vote on what we want from this oil blessings, before we go into any other elections–that is the reason. Bharrat Jagdeo and Aubrey Norton will not change that contract arrangement and they will not hire experts to managethisoilindustry
You and I are seeing it, you and I are hearing it, and it's crystal clear under these two men's leadership, Guyanaisdoomed…”
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
ItisRoadSafetyMonth,andGuyaneseareremindedof howdangerous,evendeadly,travellingonourroadscanbe. Itcouldbeinthecityoraruralarea,andthelifeandlimbof youngandoldareendangered.
There are two major contributory factors, speeding driversanddrunkdrivers. Inbothsituations,thosebehind the wheel engage in what is reckless and destructive to themselves and anyone in their vicinity. This is a severe problem in Guyana, and one that does not look like it has anyendinsight.
The Traffic Department of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) has done its part, through informing citizens of the need to exercise greater care, more discipline, and with regardforothers. TheadviceoftheGPFhaslargelyfallen ondeafears,giventhecontinuingstreamofaccidentsand, too frequently, road fatalities. Citizens are seriously injured,breadwinnerskilled,andsurvivorslefthangingby a thread, and managing however they can. We are not equipped,asyet,todealwithsomeofthehorribleinjuries that are caused by accidents on the road, since we lack extensive facilities and skills to handle the carnage that crushes bone, body, and life itself. Concerned Guyanese have lent their voices, given of their time and energies, to shedlightonthedangersofspeedinganddrunkdriving,but againwithlittlesuccessfortheirefforts.
We highlight road safety and road wreckage, and the great costs to property and body, and to use such circumstances to speak to an environment beyond our roads. Itispeopleoperatingaboveofourstreets,whoare even more dangerous than drunk or speeding drivers. In fact, we take the position that because the entire nation couldbeendangeredinmanyways,andpaysthebitterestof prices the men responsible are potentially deadlier than thosewhodrivedangerouslyonourroads.
ThesewouldbetheLeadersinthisPPP/CGovernment, who captain our national oil vessel. Because of their reckless actions, their resistance to listening, hearing, and acting appropriately, and their hostility to those who call them out on our national oil journey, these men, these Leaders, pose a greater danger to all Guyanese. It is more thananyspeedingminibusdriver,recklesstruckdriver,and drunk and out of control vehicle driver (of any type), through the decisions they make, the things they do, and thosethattheyrefusetodo.
When Leaders in this PPP/C Government race at breakneck speeds with oil production when we, including themselves, know so little about the oil industry, how it works, what are its tricks, and how we need to protect ourselves, there is the great danger that severe injuries of different kinds will follow There are financial injuries whichtheforeignoilcompaniescanandwillinflictuponus, andofwhichweareignorant. Itmakessense,therefore,for GovernmentandLeaderstoslowdowntogetfeetwet,and for them to be able to wrap their minds around the complexitiesofademandingandsophisticatedbusiness.
Further,whenGuyanarushesforwardasrapidlyasithas done,thentheoilcompaniesaregiventhegoaheadtospeedup processes and practices to the point where safety becomes secondary Justashowspeedingroadusersthrowcautiontothe winds and cut corners, only to end up badly wounded or kill others,thisiswhatthePPP/CGovernmentpractices Therisk, the probability, of a disastrous oil spill is sharply higher at accelerated production levels There is potentially untold dangertoourenvironmentandfuture,tothatofourtourismdependentneighboursandtheirwayoflife,andtherecouldbe thelikelihoodofthisoilmeaningnothingtousduetonational bankruptcyhangingoverourheads Guyanawouldbelikea manthathasaMercedes,butwhohasinjuredhimselfsobadly that he can’t drive it anymore, experience its joys anymore Leaders in the PPP/C Government must slow down, they must not be so drunk from power They must learn, and discipline themselves to listen and observe for the betterment of all. They must cease being the most dangerouspeopleinGuyana.
Nothing in Guyana works. I will start with the two most important ones, which in my opinion is interfering with the functioning of the others, first, to all intents and purposes, we don’t have a functioning Parliament, no matter what the opposition says there, it falls on deaf ears.
I was a member of the Guyana parliament for four years and I never saw the PPP retract one number or word from anything they presentedtothehouse,even afterhoursofdebate.
Second,ourlegalsystem hasnotasyetrecoveredfrom the final arbiter of all our legal matters. It was hoped thatitwouldhaverecovered faster with a Chief Justice like Justice Roxane George Wiltshire, and the CCJ Editor,I’mnotsayingthatall the judges are not fearless and impartial, a few are definitely emerging, but by a n d l a r g e m o r e independence must be visible, perhaps, the constitutional reform could suggest a method of appointing judges which guaranteestheindependence of the judiciary, a most essential element in any democracy.
It affects everything,
when a businessman, politician, ordinary citizens, organisations, media do not have access to justice nothing will work. That’s why so many reversals of judgement are happening at the CCJ. Pity that the CCJ Judges does not insult bad judgements, as the Law Lords at the Privy Council do.
For example, on the night of 11/5/24, I watched the Hon Amanza Waldron MP being interviewed by someoneonYouTube,tomy astonishment, I heard her complaining, that a huge impediment to her functioning was occasioned by the State-owned media refusing to give her coverage.Justafewmonths ago, I again presented the decision in a 1985 case in TrinidadandTobago,[T&T] to very senior members of the opposition, reminding them that since 1985 in the High Court of T&T Justice Lennox Deyalsingh ruled in the UNC’s MP Rambajan matter, that the State-owned media was owned by all the people of T&T not only those in power, and therefore, time for politicians on all Stateowned media must be awarded according to the seats in parliament i.e. in Guyana, if the PPP gets 51
minutes coverage, the opposition must get 49 minutes.
Editor, I gave that ruling to the late Former President Desmond Hoyte since 1996 compliments of Sir Fenton Ramsahoye since I was a broadcaster at that time and wassufferingfromtheunfair advantage GTV had over me, since it was receiving a huge subvention and was competing unfairly with me foradvertising.SinceJagdeo had agreed to the CCJ by 2005,suchacasewithsucha clear decision, guarantees a definiteoutcomeattheCCJ. Ihavesincegivenittomany senior members of the opposition on numerous occasions as recently as this year
It’s unlawful and a violation of our constitution forthegovernmentinpower to behave as if they own the Statemedia. SoMPAmanza must ask for time/space on GBC/GTV/Chronicle to respondtosomethingwhich hasbeenmadepublicbythe personsheisshadowing,and if she is denied the time/space,sheshouldfilein the Supreme Court, naming justthatoneprecedent.Iam also against the State media also being given those massive amounts in subvention of the taxpayers ofGuyana’scitizen,because
it creates not only the inequity of the opposition not having their opinions heard inthepublicdomain, it also offends the rights of the citizens who would like to hear the opinion of the oppositioninthiscountryi.e. 49% of the public, since freedom of speech not only appertains to your opinion beingcommunicatedtoyour supporters, it also violates therightsoftheirsupporters whose freedom of speech is also being eroded, since the article 19 of the UN’s declaration of civil and political rights which Guyana signed, states that freedom of speech is not onlytogiveinformation,but alsotoreceiveinformation. Editor, even you and your paper are being disadvantaged since when the State media is given thesehugesubventionsfrom the budget, they enjoy an unfair advantage over private broadcasters/media houses, thereby depriving them not only of their constitutional rights to fair and equal competition, but alsorevenue,sincetheStateowned media boasting of theirenhancedcoverage,etc. to advertisers seek to outbid t h e p r i v a t e l o c a l broadcasters for advertising revenue,actionswhichhave (Continuedonpage18)
The 29th Conference of Parties (COP), the main vehicle for bringing world leaders together to combat globalwarming,openstoday November 11th in Baku Azerbaijan Whether any leading Minister of the Guyana government will attend is, as yet, unknown. Given the Government’s undeniable commitment to “drill, baby, drill”, what messageGuyanawouldhave for a Conference whose chief priority is to reduce carbon emissions is equally unknown.
The COP meetings, sponsored by the United Nations Climate Change Conference (UNFCC) have, i n r e c e n t y e a r s , progressively been taken over by oil companies, whose representatives number more than a thousand delegates. Since ExxonMobil will be well-
represented among this number, it might be concluded the Guyana Governmentneednotattend sincethetwosharethesame fundamental position on accelerating rather than reducingcarbonemissions.
Guyana’s justification for this policy is the argument that the country has the right to ‘catch-up’ withthedevelopedworld.
If ‘developed’ meant those nations in which the majority of the population enjoyed equitable, sustainable-oriented and inclusive policies, it would be more acceptable However, the evidence to datepointsinthedirectionof copyingthosenationswhose privileged few enjoy untold wealth This form of consumerism can never becomethemodelacrossthe populationasawhole.
The major contradiction of ‘catching-up’ is that
greater social equality can only be achieved in conjunction with reduced gas-based fuels, gas-based flaring and cement. The impact of access to water of the poorer segment of the Guyanese population, for example, by the upsurge in demand for water to sustain the huge current road and building construction programme, funded by the oil boom, has never been assessed.
To say nothing of the current heat wave. Bottled water, black tanks and pumps are assumed available to everyone Inequality goes hand-inhandwithrisingemissions.
Prosperity-led strategies are also taking their toll on regulatory Agencies The Guyana Police Force’s pursuit of ‘prosperity’is the most prominent example, prompting questions about other, less prominent
Agencieswithresponsibility for health standards, commercial products, genetically-modified seeds, building and licences of all kinds.
All are vulnerable to the numbing of conscience and slick justifications used to manipulate rules for personal gain. All of the above is carrying Guyana more in the direction of oligarch-run societies than democracies, societies in which consumption patterns oftheprivilegedarebelieved tobea‘right’.
To this extent, Alister Routledge, ‘Guyana ExxonMobil’sPresidentand Manager’(asheisreferredto in news videos), would not be too out-of-place representing Guyana at Cop29.Guyana’sElonMusk -sotospeak?
Regards Guyana Human Rights Association
As an avid poll watcher (of USA and several other countries)andsomeonewho has being conducting polls for four decades in the Caribbean, India, and elsewhere,Iwasapproached to give my views on Mr “Chris Ram’s Internet Polling” mode that was utilized to determine public
views on whether a referendum should be held on renegotiating the oil contract.
Internet polling is welcomed in Guyana, and it is hoped there would be more and that it will be institutionalized.
Althoughthelatterisfar from reality in internet and technology challenged Guyana, it is increasingly beingusedinothercountries to solicit public reaction or views on important issues including on approval ratingsofpoliticians.
Chris Ram’s name is affiliated with the survey becauseitisbelievedthathe andafewothersconstructed it and decided to conduct it ontheinternet.
He has strong views on oilrenegotiation,andtheyas well as the man himself are respected.
Chris Ram has a
r e p u t a t i o n o f uncompromising integrity andasabrilliantthinkerand writer with few local comparisons, one of the most respected chartered
accountants, and an individual of courage who
c h a l l e n g e d authoritarianism He is the kind of lawyer or accountant one would prefertohaveonone’sside It is also known that he supportedpoliticalchangein 2011, 2015, and 2020. He
was in the forefront in the struggle when democracy was under pressure and the constitution violated, and whenattemptsweremadeto rigthe2020elections.
He spared no personal expenses to mount legal challenges and represented manyclientsgratis.
We may not be in agreement on issues, but he fought fairly, fearlessly, and courageously for his political position and on what he thinks is right for nation including on oil renegotiation.
Regardless of how one feels about him personally,
Chris Ram must be recognizedandhonouredfor hisroleagainstauthoritarian tendencies and saving democracyin2020.Andone must commend his and the efforts of others of introducing and conducting apoll(online),anewideain ourcountry
It is well known that politicalpolling(notgeneral anthropological and other social science surveying) in Guyana was introduced by Dr. Baytoram Ramharack, Ravi Dev, Vassan Ramracha, myself and a fewothersinthelate1980s, polling that benefited Dr JaganandthePPPandother PCD parties Ramharack andIstudiedpollinginUSA when we were graduate
Polling is the most reliablemethodofobtaining public views (as a percentage) on issues (aside from voting and or referendums).
Atraditional paper and writing utensil mode of surveying was used then and still being used by this writer in latest polling Other pollsters have gravitatedtoothermodesof polling using the latest technology
Polling has undergone significant change since it was introduced almost a centuryago
Different modes have been introduced over time with the latest one being “internet polling” as used byRamandothers
The evolution of polling began with straw polling (unscientific generalized opinions, unrepresentative of the voting population), then PAPI (Pen and Paper Personal Interview), CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview), CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing), CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing) and now internet.
There are advantages and disadvantages in each mode of polling No need to go into them as that is
Most polls were and are still conducted on telephone, relying on live interviewers to call randomly selected people for their views to represent the population
Some pollsters are experimenting utilizing the internetbecauseitischeaper andquickertoobtainresults.
It has taken survey researchers some time to adapt to the idea of online surveys.
Many approval ratings polls were and are done online rather than utilizing phone polls. Online polling has its challenges and pollster are addressing them tolimiterrors.
When results or findings of polls were or are released, pollsters tend to inform the public themodeofsurveying
ChrisRamdidsame!It was not a commissioned poll but one based on volunteerism
He (and colleagues) h a v e m e t a l l t h e requirements of a genuine survey outlined the methodology used, the questionnaire, how the findings were obtained, and publication for public consumption.
Because of issues pertaining to reliability of internet and the small
number of people who have access to internet, responses to internet polling in Guyana would be low – no fault of the sponsorsofthesurvey They have done well withinthelimitations.
Asfortheresultsofthe poll, more and more people have become familiar with the presence of Exxon operations in Guyana
From nine years ago, whe
percentage knew and or caredaboutExxon’sdrilling and production operations, today almost everyone knows about the oil giant’s presence in Guyana as per field surveys conducted annually
Almost everyone supports oil and gas production and welcome the infusion of revenues intotheeconomy
On referendum or a
plebiscite, it is the best option of law making It is a f o r m
c t democracy that was used centuries ago in ancient Athens M o r e a
countriesandallthestates in USA
Whether politicians in G u y a n a s u p p o r t referendums as a form of law making is another questionasisthelegalityofa referendum on a private contract after it has been signed! The latter is for the lawyersandthecourt.
Chris Ram and team are commended for effort oninternetpolling T
public’s opinions as well asinputarewelcomed
DEAREDITOR, Reference is made to “Turkish powership company wins contract to supply 60 MW” (Nov 8). Thesamecompanywasalso awarded the first offshore power generating plant (at Everton) which experienced challenges.
Theawardofthissecond contract raises important questions.
There are also issues about transparency Can the Vice President and or the President inform the nation who is the local partner of Karpowership? This may help us to understand
Karpowership’s bid is twoandahalf(250%)tothe next closest bidder and 450% that of the lowest bidder Yet Karpowership was awarded the contract. Why? It smells fishy! Shouldn’t government be providing electricity at the lowest possible price per unit.
Karpowership unit price is very high and will burden consumers.
As reported in another media house, GPL has been supplying fuel to the off shore power generating ship plant at Everton. Will GPL
also supply fuel to this additionaloffshoreplant?
When one adds fuel and lubricant, costs borne by GPL, the price per unit is raised to about US $0.22, more than double the nine cents per unit offered by Karpowership Is GPL supplyingheavyFuel(HFO) or diesel? HFO provides higherenergycontent.Isthe Trinidadian company, APAN, contracted to supply or transport fuel to GPL? Is Venezuelan fuel being used in Guyana? If not, where is thefuelcomingfrom?
Yourstruly, NigelPilgrim
The viability of the export market for Guyana’s liquified natural gas (LNG) has beenrecentlyconfirmedbyanewreportfrom WoodMacKenzie.
Thecurrentmarketprice,accesstoshipping lanes, a shift in US policy and increasing demand have positioned our country to easily makeasubstantialsumannuallywiththeexport ofourLNG Thisstrategyalsoavoidsthehealth, productionandenvironmentalcostsassociated with the conversion of the LNG into fertilizer, andincreasesthecashflowofthecountry
Theannualsumavailabletobehadisquite substantial and the government should review the recent report by this reputable company, which supports the development of the LNG exportmarketforGuyana FocusingonLNG exportshouldbeanobrainerasitprovidesquick accesstoincomethatcanbeusedinlieuofloans tofinanceothernationaldevelopmentprojects
Thebillionsgainedfromthisventurewillalso furthersupportthedevelopmentoftheNatural ResourceFund(NRF)andstrengthenthelongtermeconomicstabilityofourcountry It’s an easy make vs buy decision and the countrycanfocusitseffortsonleapfroggingthe energytransitionmixbygoingstraightintothe renewable energy sector Our size and energy demandallowitandweshouldallowthecountry todeveloprapidlyinsucharesponsiblemanner Ourecotourismcredentialswillalsobeboosted andourenergybillwillreducetoalowerlevel than the proposed gas to energy project price CRG strongly recommends taking the LNG exportapproachandusingitto 1. Improve our cash flow for stronger financial performance and lower debt dependence 2. Accelerate our clean energy mix for lower health and environmentalrisks.Bestregards, Mr.JamilChanglee
The Works People's Alliance (WPA) said that much needed reforms at the G u y a
Commission (GECOM) are possible before next year's
elections and the party also
The WPA as part of the wider opposition parties has made the issue of a clean voters'listandbiometricsthe centerpiece of their advocacy
Last week Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo said that GECOM must be ready for elections by August next year Speaking
at the WPA's weekly news conference on Monday, coleader,Dr.DavidHindssaid the party continues to believethateverythingmust bedonebyGECOMandthe relevant stakeholders, including the political parties, to ensure that the imminent national and regional elections are free and fair and free from fear “No stone must be left unturned, and all aspects of the electoral machinery and process must be addressed with the seriousness they deserve,” Hinds told the news conference. “Because ourelectionsdeterminewho governs in a winner-take-all systemwhichconfersonthe winner almost absolute
powerandrelegatestheloser to a state of powerlessness, GECOM must treat all concerns with the utmost urgency and meticulousness theydeserve,”Hindssaid.
He said that it is against that background that WPA welcomes in principle the feasibility study being currently considered by GECOM. “Having said that wehavesomeconcerns.
First, any serious feasibilitystudyshouldhave been prepared by an independent source rather than by the Chief Election Officer who does not enjoy the confidence of the full commission and all of the political parties,”WPAsaid, adding that the report of the
study emphasises more why the necessary reforms, especially as they relate to biometrics, should not be adopted.
“In particular, it cites cost, time constraints and reliability of the proposed systemaspotentialobstacles to their implementation Third, while WPAfeels that biometrics is an absolute necessity,weinsistitmustbe part of a larger reform initiative, which must include, at a minimum, a clean voters' list and an impartial GECOM machinery It is a case of all ornothing.”
HindssaidtheWPAfeels thatthereisstillenoughtime to put the reforms in place before the next election “Timeconstraintsshouldnot beusedasanobstacletofree and fair elections. We note Vice President Jagdeo's public instruction to GECOMtoputpreparations inplacebynextAugust. The Vice President is out of order. He is implicitly instructing GECOM to stick to his agenda rather than to ensure a credible and efficient machinery and processthatcanpassthetest of a free and fair election. WPAwillresistthisbullying ofGECOM,”Hindssaid.
WPA also called on GECOM to exercise its constitutional autonomy “and not be bullied by the VP, his party and the government;GECOMisnot an arm of the PPP Its responsibility is to the constitution, the laws of the country and the citizens of Guyana.”
The party reiterated that
it supports all moves aimed at ensuring a fair, just and credible process including a delayoftheelectionsasalast resort. “We wish to remind the nation that the critical 1992electionsweredelayed for almost two years to ensure that GECOM put in place the necessary reforms mandated by the all-party agreement brokered by PresidentJimmyCarter.”
“For the WPA, the issue ofprohibitivecostishardlya constraint. While we do not promote wastage and bingespending, we feel that Guyana can afford the cost cited in the study A government, which spends money like a drunken sailor onitspetprojectsandwaste money on corrupt initiatives should not complain about spending on electoral integrity
Further, a government thatispreparedtospendtens ofmilliononpoliticalwitchhunting of GECOM personnelbutisnotprepared to spend on electoral integrity is at best hypocritical. GECOM must look for the best deal, but it must ensure that there is biometrics.Wehavealready addressed the effectiveness of the technology against factors such as power failure.”
On the issue of biometrics, Hinds saidWPA fearsthatGECOMisaiming to use the PPP majority to signoff against biometrics.
“Thiswouldbeagraveerror that could have far-reaching consequences. We therefore call on the Madam Chair to showimpartialleadershipby
WPACo-leader, Dr. David Hinds
disentangling herself from the PPP chokehold and uphold the integrity of her office In a partisan commission, the role of the chairperson is critical to its impartial and democratic functioning. WPA feels that Ms. Claudette Singh has failed GECOM, the constitution and the country in this regard However, there is still time for her to correct the situation,' Hinds said.
Thepartyleaderalsosaid that the WPA is alarmed at reports emanating from GECOMthattherehasbeen potential tampering with the voters'list.
“We are reliably informed that the customary practice of updating the list every six months has been changed to monthly updates withouttheknowledgeofthe commissioners. These frequentupdatesincreasethe potential for undetected tampering.
The WPA asks two questions which we call on GECOM to address. First, why the change to monthly or more frequent updates? Second, why were the commissionersnotinformed ofthechange?”
Three men were arrested by police on SundayaftertheyrobbedaChineseGeneral Store of cell phones and cash valued at over $2MinLethem,RegionNine.
The victim has been identified as Wei Gao,a43-year-oldChinesebusinessmanand the owner of 'Shopping 25' General Store located at Block 'B' Lethem in Central Rupununi. Police reported that the incident occurred around 14:15h on Sunday One of the suspects was armed with a submachine gunandtwowithhandguns.Thetriorobbed the businessman of 21 new Xiao Mi cell phones valued at $1,620,000 and $500,000 cash,atotalvalueof$2,120,000.
CommanderforRegionalPoliceDivision #9,SeniorSuperintendentRaphaelRoseled ateamofdetectivesandotherpoliceranksto the scene, police reported. Investigations revealed that on the day in question, the victim was operating his business, when the three suspects entered his store, held him at
gunpoint and began to demand money The gunmenreportedlyspokePortuguese.
Police said the three suspects were described as short, medium-built, and dressed in dark clothing. They arrived on foot Thereafter, the trio escaped into Tabatinga,headingwesttowardstheLethem Commercial Zone Following that, Commander Rose and team gave chase and spotted the three suspects walking, heading south near some bushes towards the Guyana/Brazilborder
Upon seeing police vehicle, the three suspects discharged several rounds at the police vehicle. The police returned fire but the suspects managed to elude them. The police vehicle was hit four times but no one wasinjured.AJoint-Servicespatrolteamwas subsequentlyformedinanefforttolocatethe allegedsuspects,andallthreeofwhomwere arrested and are in custody in Brazil. Investigationscontinue.
Afewyearsago,I was at a private h o s p i t a l watching the workers “clock-in” to work using fingerprint recognition technology
Interestingly, some of them had to scan their fingerprint numerous times before it was recognised.
The machine refused to recognise the prints of others, forcing management to have to intervene to register the times at which these workers turned up for duty Imagine what can
r e s u l t w h e n s u c h fingerprinting technology has to be deployed across almost2,000pollingstations and for more than 400,00 eligiblevoters.
Fingerprint verification
technology has been implemented in elections around the world to reduce voter fraud and improve identification accuracy. However, several countries have encountered notable problems with this technology, which have led tocontroversies,delays,and legalchallenges.
In the 2020 elections,
Ghana's Electoral Commission implemented
biometric fingerprint verification as part of its voter identification process. While intendedto enhance
transparency, the system encountered significant problems, such as device malfunctions and cases where voters' fingerprints could not be read.Technical issues were compounded by voter anxiety and skepticism, especially among elderly citizens, who found the process cumbersome.
The verification delays also slowed down voting processes in certain areas, leading to long queues and voter frustration These challenges prompted calls from political figures to reevaluate the use of such technology in future elections.
K e n y a a d o p t e d biometric verification technology in 2013 and again in 2017, with fingerprint verification as a keycomponent.
In 2017, problems with fingerprint scanners were widespread, leading to delays at polling stations. Many devices failed to recognize fingerprints accurately, especially for rural voters who, due to physical labour, often had worn fingerprints This created significant delays, whichsomepoliticalgroups claimed compromised the fa irnessoftheelection.
In Nigeria, biometric
fingerprint verification was first used nationwide in the 2015 elections and continued in the 2019 elections.
The technology faced frequent challenges, particularly in rural and high-densityareaswherethe devices struggled with accuracy and network connectivity In several cases, voters were turned away because the devices could not verify their fingerprints, often due to errors with the software or hardwarefailures.
The challenges in 2015 led to calls for reforms, and by 2019, although some improv
were reported, the problems persisted. Critics argue that the technology contributed to voter disenfranchisement inbothelections.
verification in its 2019 presidential election in an attempt to mitigate fraud. However, the technology faced multiple issues: poor
hindered the uploading of verification data, and many devices malfunctioned or failed to recognize fingerprints accurately Election observers reported widespread technical difficulties that resulted in
Dem boys seh UG throw cap an’ gown pon more than 3,500 students, an’rightaway,nuffofdem think deh got one foot in a big job. But dem boys seh hold up! Graduation ain’t no automatic pass fuh employment Dem boys lookin’ fuh people who could do more than just waveadiplomaaroundlike it’sagoldenticket.
Yuhsee,demboysdone sehdethingplain:adegree isoneting,butifyuhcan’t read, write, spell, and count, yuh might as well leave dat cap an’ gown hanging in de closet. It’s onetingtoflashpapers;it’s a whole next ting to know what yuh doing! De boss man seh graduates got to pass a lil test before dem boys even consider dem fuh a job. An’ it ain’t just any test – dem got to show dem could write a decent letter, draft up a memo dat actually make sense, balance accounts so de figures ain’t looking like alphabetsoup,andfixupa spreadsheet dat wouldn’t
mek yuh head spin. Dem boys seh dis nah no UGonly job fair either If yuh coulddodework,UGorno UG, dem boys willing to give yuh a shot. But some ah dem graduates only wuk-ready in theory How yuh gon’work wid dem if d e m c a n ’ t s p e l l “responsibility” without missingtwovowels?
An’detingis,plentyah dem graduates already got steady jobs. Dem done wearing uniform – as teacher,police,soldier–so dey ain’t looking fuh no wuk. But de ones who really looking got to be serious. Dem got to prove demself, show deh can handlemorethanjustbook learning.
It mek dem boys remember de time when two friends went for a job interview Dem boys seh two fren go fuh a big interview Defussfrenguh in, all proud and nice, sit down in front de boss. De bosslookatheresumé,ask some questions, den seh, “Imagineyouonatrain,an
delayed voting, particularly in rural areas where infrastructure was limited. This led to accusations of disenfranchisement and allegationsthatthetechnical failures disproportionately affected certain areas, casting doubt on the overall fairnessoftheelection.
Theseinstancesillustrate that while fingerprint verification technology can bolster election security, it also presents significant challenges, particularly in regions with infrastructural and technical limitations Recurrentissueswithdevice reliability, network access, and voter accessibility have led to calls for improved technology and, in some cases, for alternative methods to ensure fair and efficientelectoralprocesses.
In Guyana, members of the Opposition are increasingly calling for the implementation of fingerprinttechnologyinthe electoralprocess.
Their advocacy, however, has stirred questions about the intent behind the suggestion, as introducing fingerprint authentication would necessitate a fresh registration exercise across thecountry
Thismaybetheultimate aim of the call for the introduction of the technology
that the push for fingerprint technology is motivated by politicalaimsratherthanthe genuine need for system improvements.
C r i t i c s o f t h e introduction of fingerprint verification technology arguethatthecurrentpolling systemisnotindisrepair,so there is little rationale for suchadrasticoverhaul.
In a country where election results have historically been extremely close, even minor disruptions to the voter registration process could lead to widespread discontent and mistrust in theelectionresults.
The introduction of fingerprint technology
would likely create challenges, including the p o t e n t i a l disenfranchisement of eligible voters who might face difficulties with registration or verification. Thisisaseriousconcernina democratic society where the fairness and inclusivity of the electoral process are paramount, especially considering Guyana's historyofcontestedelection results.
adjustments befo
applying it to general and regionalelections
A controlled rollout would also help build familiarityandconfidence in the new technology, easing the transition for bothvotersandofficials.
Testing the system in local elections could
technology malfunctions, which could then be resolved before broader application in general and regionalelections
Political pa
ies themselves could set an example by adopting fingerprint technology at their internal congresses However, rushing the implementationforthe2025
elections without adequate
it hot inside. Wah yuh gon do?”Defrenseh,“Simple, Igonopendewindow.”
Bossmansmileanseh, “Nice answer! But leh me ask yuh dis – if de train goin’ 100 mph an de window 2 sq ft, how much air gon blow inside in one minute?”
De fren eyes start fuh blink like he get sand in it. He can’t answer, so dem showhededoor
Now, he come out, and he tell he buddy inside de lobby wah happen, every last detail. De second fren goinnow,donepreparefuh dis‘hottrain’story
Debossaskhedesame question, “Imagine you on atrain,anithotinside.Wah yuh gon do?” De fren seh, “Igontekoffmejacket.”
Bossseh,“Butwahifit still hot?” De fren seh, “I gontekoffmeshirttoo.”
Boss raise he eyebrow anask,“Anifitstillhot?”
De man seh, “Boss, I gontekoffeverytingifIgot to – but I ain’t openin’dat window!”
The need for a new registration process so close to the upcoming elections couldbeviewedasatacticto complicate or delay the elections, raising suspicions
Tomitigatetheserisks, it would be prudent to consider a phased approach to fingerprint technology, beginning with local government elections where the voter turnoutislow
T h i s g r a d u a l implementation would allow election authorities to address any operational issuesandmakenecessary
k destabilising an already delicate electoral situation. The untested, nationwide rollout of fingerprint technology could create confusion and heighten tensions, potentially underminingtheintegrityof theelectoralprocess.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Oilmarketsarefickleby nature… saidVicePresident Bhar-rat Jagdeo. I agree. The vision is for the longterm. I agree again. The World Bank's output is not held highly by some CEOs. Maybe,maybenot.
In short, I agree with Guyana's oil superstar Dr Jagdeo on almost every count. Thereisappreciation that that doesn't count for much,sincehedoesnotdeal with “almost.” It's all-ornone. Subtitles: there must be agreement with the PPP G o v e r n m e n t a n d Grandmaster Jagdeo 150% ofthetime,becausedoingso only 99% of the time converts one to a despicable citizen,traitor
He further said that the nature of oil markets is fickle. Toputsimply,fickle means iffy, slippery, tricky. In raw romantic terms, hard
to put one's loving arms around for any extended interlude. Itrustthatnoone takes offence. In more sophisticated lingo, fickle means that oil markets manifest volatility, can be choppy, turn into a monstrosity, end up a catastrophe For oil companies,oilinvestors,and oil-producingcountries.
Economist Jagdeo shouldknowallthis. Often, he pretends otherwise. For there is this contradiction based on Dr Jagdeo's own stated representations (facts). Fact one: he is foregoingoilrevenuestoday (no ring-fencing) for the maximization of revenues tomorrow Morelaterhasits intriguing enchantments thanbeatlessnow. Facttwo: he himself asserted that oil markets are fickle… something I agree with, and
which is part of oil market's sickness. Because oil is so shaky(unpredictable),thenI have my own assertion to offer, respectfully naturally Bettertograspatthepresent, when oil prices are up, and not roll dice, keep fingers crossed, and hope to get lucky In other words, ringfence now, take high oil prices now, and count Guyana's cash now Later may not be greater, and rather sadly turn out to be a dumbwaiter
E l a b o r a t i o n : a dumbwaiter is one of those o l d u p a n d d o w
contraptions moving food
conclusion:theficklenature of oil markets (prices) encourage caution and prudence. What makes
confluences properly considered? What is based on common sense, good sense, and prudent leadership sense? In aggregate, the sense of what couldbenefitmore,ifnotthe most.
Fact three: the local maharajah of oil also insisted, even made a persuasive argument about the positives of the longterm over the short-term. Who would argue? Not I, master Still, this could do with some dissection, and thoughIcoulduseadelicate surgical hand from Drs Frank Anthony and Vindya Persaud, I inhale deeply Guyana still has huge pockets of poverty, with anywherefromathirdtotwo fifths to close to five out of tenGuyaneseforcedtofight adailywarwithfood. Yes,it is that kind of minefield in the richest country globally. Fact four: Jagdeo knows it, however much he refuses to admititpublicly Itissobad that a cash lump sum of $100,000 is needed as temporaryrelieftransfusion. There's some egg (sunny sideup)onDr Jagdeo'sface. If government has done so much, then why is that still needed? Iproceed.
Because of poverty, GuyanaandGuyanese could do with every penny they could get today Oil prices are up there. Oil markets are fickle That is, the bottom could fall out and high become low But Jagdeo'spreferenceisforthe long-term. Okay First, holdoff on collecting today for more tomorrow Tomorrowispromisedtono one, and hungry Guyanese now, could be hungrier Guyanesethen. Second,the waiting time was moved from now to somewhere around2027,notquitelongterm,justmoreintermediate. Threeyearsisalongtimefor many cash-strapped Guyanese. Then, throw in the fickle nature of oil marketsandlongtermcould extend into the still longer term. Guyana could be pumpingmoreoilintoanoil price trough, at least into a declining market. Where's thebeef? MyapologytoMr Jagdeo: what about the moneythen,moreofit?
Fifth, and for the Monty Pythonesque, time for something different. Oil pricesworkincycles. Even Bhar-rat Jagdeo knows that one. The world is at a price height currently, for a few years now Dr Jagdeo is sure to know this, too. He
shouldknowthatwhenthere isadeclineinoilprices,that slump could be protracted, severely so. Conclusion: Jagdeo's long-term visionstrategy-conspiracy(Exxon) is a long rope around the necksofGuyanese. Noringfencing with minimised revenue inflows now in the push for maximizing later is hangingGuyaneseonahigh tree, while giving them high hopes with the usual leadership hijinks Guyanesehavebeenwaiting forfouryearsformoresince oil discovered/shipped Three years more to 2027 was the next interval in Jagdeo's book of promises. Now it is planning and playing for the long-term with a commodity that is as fickle as a pit bull that has eaten for a month. Lots of Guyanese could be dead, or too far gone to care by the time that Dr Jagdeo's longterm horizon arrives at the door
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Lloyd Gittens
Lloyd Gittens, who was previously sentenced to 24 months in prison last month, is now facing an additional 24-month sentence after admitting to discharging a loadedfirearmatacivilianhe allegedlyrobbed.
Gittensappearedvirtually at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court on Monday before Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore, wherehechangedhispleato guilty for the charge of discharging a loaded firearm atOdelThomas.
However, he maintained his not guilty plea for discharging the firearm at Constable Elijah Bijadder and for the robbery under armscharge.
The prosecution objected to bail, emphasizing the seriousness and frequency of such offences, which led to Gittens being remanded for the charges he denied and sentenced to 24 months imprisonment for the charge headmittedto.
Upon hearing the additional sentence, Gittens, who appeared visibly
resigned, asked the magistrate, “Your worship, you can't do something for me?” before reluctantly leaving.
He is scheduled to return to court on December 9, 2 0 2 4 , f o r f u r t h e r proceedings.
Gittens made his first appearance on October 21, 2024,toanswerfivecharges, including two counts of discharging a loaded firearm at a police officer and a civilian,illegalpossessionof firearms and ammunition, and a robbery under arms charge.
The first two charges allege that on September 16, 2024, Gittens fired a loaded firearm at Police Constable Elijah Bijadder and Odel Thomas at his residence locatedatLot140D'Andrade
A massive fire on Monday destroyed Bob and Sons Supermarket andthreatenednearbybuildingsatNew Amsterdam,Berbice,RegionSix.
According to reports, the fire erupted sometime after 19:00hrs Detailsaresketchyatthistime.Berbice photographer, Ulric Frazer, who went liveatthescene,reportedthatwhenhe arrived,theroofofthesupermarketwas onfire.
TheFireServicereportedlyarrived promptly but had to battle the dangers
of exploding gas bottles at the supermarket.Reportsarethatsomegas bottles exploded as the fire spread. In the live video, firemen and onlookers could be seeing taking caution as the bottles started to go off. Luckily, there were no further explosion that could havecausedatragedyforfirefighters.
The supermarket, was destroyed completely Up to press time, firefighters were doing their best to extinguish the blaze and stop it from spreading to a nearby bank and the Penguin Hotel. It was noted that the hotel walls were scorched as the firemencontainedtheblaze.
S t r e e t , N e w t o w n , Georgetown.Gittenspleaded not guilty to these charges, claiming he did not realize thatoneoftheindividualshe shotatwasapoliceofficer
The other two charges statethatonthesamedateand location, Gittens possessed i l l e g a l ammunition specifically, four live 9mm rounds—and an illegal 9mm pistol with serial number #FG046035. He pleaded guilty to both of these charges. Additionally, Gittens faced a robbery charge for allegedly stealing two gold chains valued at $650,000 from Joshua Holder on September 6, 2024,atRobbStreet,Bourda Georgetown, to which he pleadednotguilty
According to police reports, on September 15, 2024,OdellThomasreported his black and red XR motorcycle missing After trackingitslocationusinghis cellularphone,hediscovered itatapropertyonD'Andrade Street.
Thomas alerted the police, who responded promptly Upon arrival, Constable Bijadder and Thomas attempted to enter the premises but received no response at the front door They then proceeded to the backdoor,whichtheyopened to find Gittens armed with a handgun. Gittens allegedly pointed the weapon at them and discharged several rounds.Inresponse,Bijadder returned fire to protect himselfandThomas.
Gittens attempted to flee throughawindowbutfelland sustained injuries, leading to hiscapture.
Thefirearmhewasusing fell from his grasp, allowing Bijadder to seize it. Gittens was subsequently informed of the offences against him, including possession of ammunition and a firearm without a licence, which he acknowledged.
Omeca Primo, the alleged operator of a fake car dealership,hasfoundherself indeeperlegaltroubleasshe now faces 68 fraud charges totalling$51.5million.
Initially accused of defrauding customers out of $11.3 million, she is now confronted with 68 charges totalling $51,573,000 in fraudulent activities The charges stem from her alleged scheme to deceive individuals into paying for vehicles that were never delivered.
Thecasewasheardatthe Georgetown Magistrates' Court before acting Chief MagistrateFaithMcGusty
During a court session last Friday, it was revealed that 55 additional charges had been added to the initial 13 charges Primo faced during her first appearance, bringing the total to 68. Primo's attorney, Everton Singh-Lammy, requested that the charges be read on
Monday citing the need for further assessment and making further bail application.
During yesterday's proceedings, all 55 additionalchargeswereread out in court and Primo was not required to enter a plea.
The charges state that between April 27 and September 25, 2024, on C
, Georgetown,Primoobtained $40,273,000 from 55 individuals by falsely pretendingtobeacardealer operating under the name "Primo Imports and Taxi Services.” The courtroom wasfilledwithvictimsofher alleged scams, many of whom were awaiting the outcomeoftheproceedings.
Attorney Singh-Lammy
made a formal bail application on the grounds t h a t P r i m o h a s a constitutionalrighttoliberty, and that with the large number of charges, the trial wouldlikelytakesometime tobegin.
"This is the third instalment being made," Singh-Lammyconfirmed.
Theprosecutionobjected tobailonceagain,citingthat Primo was apprehended through a police sting
operationandwasdifficultto locate as she frequently changed her phone number, business location, and the nameofherbusiness.
T h e p r o s e c u t o r
emphasized the seriousness of the case, stating, “There
are 68 charges against the accused,” and highlighted theimportanceofprotecting the rights of individuals appearingbeforethecourt.
As a result of the prosecution's objections and concerns regarding public interest, Primo was further
McGusty expressed concern about the possibility of an expired trial, noting that the case could not proceed until thedefendantenteredaplea.
The case was adjourned, and Primo is scheduled to returntocourtonNovember 25, 2024, at 09:30 hrs for furtherupdatesandreports.
During last Friday's proceedings,theprosecution informedthecourtthatsome of Primo's alleged victims had begun receiving threats afterspeakingoutabouttheir experiences, even on social media.
Prosecutors claimed these intimidation tactics were intended to deter individuals from coming forward. Additionally, they noted that Primo was allegedly using incorrect spelling variations of her nametoobscureheridentity
"At this stage, we still have Miss Primo as the accused, and she has not yet pleaded," the Magistrate stated She gave the prosecution two weeks to seeklegaladviceonwhether the charges should be considered indictable or if they should proceed with a summary disposal application Magistrate McGustyfurtherwarnedthat if no decisions were made, bail could be considered at thenextcourtappearance.
'I'm a
A23-year-oldman,whoclaimedtobeofunsoundmind, appearedattheGeorgetownMagistrates'CourtonMondayto faceachargeofsimplelarceny
The accused, Junior Lilly, residing at Lot 29 Section B, Nabaclis, East Coast Demerara (ECD), was brought before SeniorMagistrateFabayoAzore,whoreadthechargetohim.
The charge alleges that on November 4, 2024, at CummingsStreet,Georgetown,Lillystoleagoldchainwitha pendantvaluedat$200,000fromPeggyWade.Lillypleaded not guilty to the offence, with reason that he is receiving psychiatric therapy from Dr Bhiro Harry “I'm a Dr Harry patient;Itakemedication,”hestatedincourt.
Hefurtherclaimedthatacliniccardwasfoundinhisside bag.However,investigatorsconfirmedthathehadnobagon himatthetimeofhisarrest.Lillyremainedfirmthatabagwas on him.As such, MagistrateAzore remarked, “You are very clear-mindedtome,”inresponsetoLilly'sassertions.
The prosecutor objected to bail, citing Lilly's previous convictions for similar offences, noting that the stolen chain hadnotbeenrecovered.Lillyadmittedtohavingbeenplaced inlock-upattheCoveandJohnPoliceStationforassaultand rape.Lillywasremandedtoprisonandisscheduledtoreturn to court on December 9, 2024. According to the facts presentedincourt,onthedayoftheincident,Wadewasseated nexttoLillyina44routeminibus.Approximately20minutes later,asthebusstopped,Lillyexitedandallegedlypulledthe chain off Wade's neck before fleeing the scene. Although Wade raised an alarm, Lilly had already made his escape. Following her report, Lilly was arrested and positively identifiedbyWade,leadingtothechargeagainsthim.
G A Z A , N o v 11
(Reuters) - Itimad alQanou,aPalestinianmother struggling to feed her seven children,feelsabandonedby everyone.
Shesometimesfeelsthat death is the best way to end herfamily'ssufferingaftera year of war that has turned Gaza into a bombed-out wasteland gripped by hunger
"Letthemdropanuclear bomb and end it. We don't want this life we're living; we are dying slowly Have mercyonus.
Look at these children," saidthemotherofthreeboys and four girls aged between eightand18.
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Managing Director of Sheriff General Hospital
Ameir Ahmad was recently awardedanHonoraryDegree
from Rajiv Gandhi University of Science and Technology
The degree is in recognition of his significant contributions to the healthcare sector in Guyana, a release from the Sherriff Group said The Rajiv GandhiUniversityofScience and Technology commends Mr Ahmadforhisdedication and impactful work within thehealthcarecommunity
“His pioneering initiatives and leadership at Sheriff General Hospital have set a new standard in healthcare delivery, emphasising innovation and comprehensive care,” the release stated “This honorary degree is a testament to Mr Ahmad's exceptional achievements and the profound impact he has made on healthcare in Guyana,” stated Professor, Dr Jitender Singh, Medical
Childrenintheirtownof Deir al-Balah crowd at a charitysitewithemptypots, desperate for nourishment. Aid workers distribute lentil soupfromapot.
But it is never enough to stave off hunger and ease widespreadpanic.
Qanou says her family faces the Israeli airstrikes that have killed tens of thousands of people and flattened much of Gaza on the one side, and hunger on theother
"Nooneislookingatus, no one cares about us. I ask the Arab countries to stand with us, at least to open the borderssofoodandsupplies can reach our children," she said.
"They are all liars; they
are lying to the people. The United States is standing with Israel against us, they areallunitedagainstus."
Trucks carrying humanitarian aid were allowed through the Erez crossing into northern Gaza onMonday
The United States will decidethisweekonwhether Israel has made progress toward improving the humanitarian situation in Gaza, and how Washington willrespond.
Global food security expertssaidthereisa"strong likelihood" that famine is imminent in parts of northern Gaza as Israel pursues a military offensive against Hamas militants
Inresponsetothefamine warning, the head of the U.N.
Palestinian relief agency
U N RWA , P h i l i p p e Lazzarini, accused Israel of usinghungerasaweapon.
COGAT, the Israeli military agency that deals with Palestinian civilian affairs,onSundaypublished alistofIsrael'shumanitarian efforts over the past six months. It detailed plans for supportingGazaresidentsas winterapproaches.
I s r a e l ' s U N
University “We are honored to recognize his efforts with this accolade and believe his p r e s e n c e a t o u r commencement ceremony will greatly inspire our graduates.”
Under Mr Ahmad's guidance, Sheriff General Hospital has introduced cutting-edge medical practices and technologies, enhancing patient care and safety His forward-thinking approach has enabled the hospital to become a cornerstone of healthcare excellenceintheregion. Thehonorarydegreewill beconferredattheupcoming commencementceremonyof Rajiv Gandhi University, where Mr Ahmad will also share insights from his extensive experience in healthcare management Sheriff General Hospital and its staff congratulate Mr Ahmadonthiswell-deserved honour and look forward to continuing
ead advancements in healthcare under his visionary leadership.
Aside from the hunger, Gazans say they have no place to go that is safe after repeated evacuations left them living in tent encampments until they needtomoveagaintoescape morestrikes.
Some say their plight is even worse than the 1948 "Nakba" or Catastrophe whenhundredsofthousands of Palestinians were dispossessed of their homes in the war at the birth of the stateofIsrael.
"Conditions were better thanwhatwefacenow Now, we have no security, and no place,"saiddisplacedGazan MohamedAbou
Ambassador Danny Danon last month told the United Nations Security Council more than one million tons of aid had been delivered during the past year and he accused Hamas of hijacking theassistance.Hamasdenies suchallegations.
The Georgetown Public Hospital
Corporation (GPHC) has acquired equipment to conduct laser treatment of enlarged prostate. This was revealed by the CEO of GPHC, Robbie Rambarran, at the recently concluded 26th
Annual International ConferenceoftheCaribbean Urological Association (CURA), held from November 8-10 at the P e g a s u s H o t e l i n Georgetown.
The conference brought together top urologists and healthcare professionals from across the Caribbean andotherpartsoftheworld.
During the conference's final day, CEO of GPHC, Mr Robbie Rambarran
addressed attendees, speaking passionately about the advancements in urological care at GPHC
over recent years He highlighted the significant investments in state-of-theart equipment over the past twoyears.
Mr Rambarran shared that GPHC's recent acquisitions include a 50W laser, ultrasonic lithotripter, specialized scopes, a surgical tower, and a fluoroscopy C-arm. These instruments have enabled GPHC to adopt treatment protocols that meet international standards, comparable to the best facilitiesintheCaribbean.
“This is the newest technology on the market, I was told, and the first of its kind in the southern Caribbean. It permits minimal invasive laser treatment of enlarged prostate,”hesaid.
CEOofGPHC, Robbie Rambarran
Rambarran highlighted the groundbreaking advancements in urology and cel
d new leadership within the association, with Dr R
, Consultant at the Urology DepartmentatGPHC, being electedPresidentofCURA.
Dr Sukhraj's election reflects the high regard in which he is held throughout
the Caribbean, and his leadership is anticipated to steer the association into new avenues of growth and innovation.
Earlier this year, that hospital acquired a GY$25 m
c lithotripter that uses advanced ultrasonic energy
to precisely and effectively pulverize kidney stones, placing patient comfort and safetyattheforefront.
One rem
kable achievement highlighted by Mr Rambarran is that in 2023, 100% of kidney stone cases at GPHC were treated with minimally invasive methods, compared to prior years when open surgeries weretheonlyoption.
This shift has brought aboutsubstantialbenefitsfor
Whereas open surgeries required a large abdominal incision and a six-week recovery period, minimally invasive techniques allow m
o be discharged on the same day, with a swift return to their regular routines Further advancements include the acquisition of a 100W
QuantaMagnetohigh-power laser, the latest technology for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) through minimally invasive laser procedures.
As the first of its kind in the southern Caribbean, this laser allows for same-day discharge in many cases, with minimal bleeding and faster recovery times. Mr Rambarran noted that while the acquisition of such advanced equipment entails significant costs, the longterm benefits include not only enhanced patient outcomes but also cost savings through shorter hospital stays and lower recoveryexpenses.
The conference also featured a presentation from Dr Mahendra Carpen, Head of Internal Medicine and Cardiology at GPHC, who spoke on the link between (Continuedonpage 16)
Ge o r g e t o w n Public Hospital
Corporation (GPHC) on Monday said
that it successfully completed its second collaboration with World Paediatrics, an international
n o n - g o v e r n m e n t a l organisation to bring
specialised scoliosis surgeriestoyoungpatientsin Guyana.
This collaborative medicalmission,whichtook place from Monday, November4,throughFriday,
Led by a team of ten highly specialized medical professionals from prestigiousinstitutionsinthe United States, this mission builds on the success of last y e a r ' s i n a u g u r a l collaboration, which saw eight patients receiving lifechanging corrective surgeries.
Doctors working on a patient at the GPHC
November8,2024,provided corrective surgeries to ten young patients, aged 13 to 19, marking a significant achievement in paediatric spinal care in the country, GPHCsaidinapressrelease.
The expert team, comprised of both surgical and support professionals, worked seamlessly alongsideGPHC'sdedicated local medical staff to complete all procedures successfully within the fivedayperiod.Thevisitingteam from World Paediatrics comprisedtenhighlyskilled professionals,including:
White Hospital (Baylor College of Medicine, Temple,TX)
* Dr Ashley Soppe –
Adult and Paediatric
Anaesthesiologist, Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu,Hawaii
* Nicole Benavides –
Certified Nursing Anaesthetist, McLean's Children Hospital, Temple, TX
* Caitlin Biven –Surgical Technologist, Baylor Scott & White Hospital (Baylor College of Medicine,Temple,TX)
Hospital (Baylor College of Medicine,Temple,TX)
* Joseph Brooks –Nuvasive Instrumentation representative-TriplerArmy Medical Center, Honolulu, HawaiiCodySitka–Globus
I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n Representative, Tripler Army Medical Centre, Honolulu,Hawaii
* Sigmund Wiggins –Programme Director, World Paediatrics
This collaboration r e f
Surgeon, Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii
* Dr Daniel Cherian –Adult and Paediatric Spine Surgeon, Baylor Scott &
* Dr Matthew Cage –Adult and Paediatric Spine
* Chelsea Brice –OperatingTheatreRecovery Nurse,BaylorScott&White Hospital (Baylor College of Medicine,Temple,TX)
* Lauro Moncada –Surgical Neuro-Physicist, Baylor Scott & White
"We are proud to partner once again with World Paediatrics and are incredibly grateful for the expertise and dedication brought by their team," stated Dr Hyder Khan, Orthopedic Consultant, GPHC.
"This initiative u n d e r s c o r e s o u r commitment to delivering specia
transforms lives, even in areas that are not routine for o
o continuously improving the quality of healthcare for all ourpatients.”
G P H C ' s commitment to enhancing the quality and range of medicalservicesavailableto its patients, especially in specialized fields like paediatricspinesurgery Byfosteringpartnerships with international organizations like World Paediatrics, GPHC not only expands access to lifechanging surgeries for local patients but also builds capacity within its medical teams through hands-on training and knowledge sharing.
The people of Guyana have watched as other oil-producing nations moved forward with better-negotiated contracts, ensuring substantial national gains from their natural resources.
Yet, here in Guyana, we are left questioning why our leaders allow such an imbalanced contract to persist. The government's refusal to address the PSA's shortcomings leaves many wondering where its true loyalties lie—with the citizens who elected them or with the powerful oil companies they seemingly fear to challenge.
To break free from this cycle of governmental betrayal, the people must be allowed to have their say. It is time for a national referendum to settle this issue once and for all.
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
COINS Wanted, I buy coins best prices paid. Tele : 6430902 / 653-4287.
Male sales-rep 22-28 years old, Knowledge about vehicle models would be an asset. Call : 709-4313.
One male Translator speaking Spanish and English. Call : 613-0855 Between 9 am-4 PM
One excavator operator must have atleast 5 years experience.Call : 613-0855 Between 9 am-4 pm
Domestic to work in Campbellville Georgetown. Daily $5,000 for 2 days per week .Tele: 621-5140. 30 -45 years old.
Kitchen assistant & Counter staff at Rabbies Snackette, Thomas & New market. Call : 231-6591 / 648-8279.
One male able bodies staff to work in a hardware store. Call : 231-2029 , 693-8462.
Fish process to work in Georgetown. Contact : 6825002
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
One Unregistered Nissan XTrail 2016 model, Mode Premiere. Call : 649-0956.
Garden of Eden E.B.D, 2 Minutes from proposed Heroes Highway 3.8 Acres, 65M per acre. #621-1139 / 712-4020.
One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or call 615-9132.
Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443
Male desk staff, Male room attendant, receptionist 25-30 years old. 233 South Road Lacytown. 225-0198.
One (1) qualify physiotherapist for home services in East Bank area Call 615-9132.
General domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.
Cashier wanted. Call : 2237165 / 719-5427.
Data entry clerk must be computer literate, good communication skills, cxc maths & english. Apply to : P.O BOX 12152
Supervisor- Heavy duty equipment rental, Driver's license & 5 years experienced is required. Call : 676-1148.
Vacancy for an experienced domestic maid Indian cooking can be priority Call: 638-6816.
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Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
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Executive Apts - Fully furnished in Parfaite Harmony and Herstelling USD1100 call : 608 -3575
One LF Leyland Daf Truck for sale. Call : 223-9677.
With plans to reconstruct the Campbellville Fire Station located at Stone Avenue, Georgetown, the Ministry of Home Affairs has revealed that $189,988,648 is estimated for the works.
At a recent reading of bids at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) it was disclosed that 43 contractors have signalled their interest in the contract. The contractors bid above and below the engineer’s estimate with the lowest bid being $153 million.
Those who bid are as follow: S&K Construction/ Consultancy Services & General Supplies Inc.$179,047,399; Blue Print Builders Inc. - $186,109,496; Emerald’s General Contracting & Distributors$197,774,399; STP Investments Inc. - $187,716,736; Sovereignty Investments Construction Services (SICS Builders) - $188,265,332; PP Building Contracting$181,696,170; KHE Engineering; R&S Builders Inc.$187,316,574; Sheriff Construction Inc. - $179,541,716; BM Property Investment Inc. - $232,161,202; D Chowkai & Sons Construction$170,620,316; AYN Construc-
tion & General Services$173,173,907; Permaul Trading & Distribution$218,930,862; KNV Designs, Construction & Supplies$168,560,202; Metal & Fabrication Ink - $199,594,742; K&K Boat Building, Construction & General Supplies - $181,864,409; Advance Engineering - $209,394,902; 4S Security & Building Enterprise - $183,279,363; R&M Mining Investments Project Inc. - $183,355,353; FMC Construction & Services Inc.$184,869,594; Surajpaul Balkaran & Sons Construction - $155,275,975; Green State Oil & Gas Services Inc.; LMM Construction & General Services - $165,535,953; and KP Engineering$172,946,549.
Additionally, Pacific Service System - $186,000,895; Evergreen Construction$172,283,508; Prosperity Investment Inc. - $187,812,192; Green Plains Enterprise$169,145,167; Modern Construction & Trucking Service - $178,040,480; Extermax Pest Control - $178,553,489; Energy Empire - $175,798,862; KNS General Contractors Inc. - $184,517,000; H&S Contracting Services$178,553,489; Dundas Con-
struction Inc. - $153,506,981; Construct It Inc.$185,683,595; J&A Lumber Yard & Contracting Services - $196,414,464; Gryphon Engineering Inc.$235,681,251; Phoenix Engineering & Consultancy Inc.$172,283,508; Urban Edge Builders Inc. - $182,739,416; Navin & Sons Construction$209,969,672; GD’s Construction & Supplies - $207,307,472; and Westbrook Caribbean Inc. - $159,399,143 have all bid.
The Home Affairs Ministry informed Kaieteur News on Monday that the reconstruction is to mitigate flooding issues, and since the current infrastructure is aged and cannot facilitate the original complement of a regular fire station (i.e. water tender, bowser, ambulance, etc.) the new building will cater for that. The move to reconstruct is to also facilitate the decentralisation of services provided by the Fire Prevention Department, and to house a central oxygen refilling station to accommodate ambulance services within A Division, the ministry shared.
The new building when completed will house modern facilities such as a central gym for firefighters’ fitness, a lec-
ture room and conference hall. This publication was informed too that because there are insufficient facilities to accommodate female firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) and an EMT stores and department at the current station, the new structure will cater for these.
At the presentation of this year’s budget, Senior Minister with the responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh stated that upgrading the physical facilities of the Guyana Fire Service, some $545 million was expended in 2023 for infrastructural and maintenance works at locations such as the Leonora, Ogle and Wales Fire Stations as well as the Fire Service Headquarters at D’Urban Park. “In 2024, our infrastructural investments include the completion of the Diamond Fire Station, construction of additional fire stations at Charity, Parika, Soesdyke and Wisburg as well as the extension and rehabilitation of fire stations in Linden, Rose Hall and Timehri. A total of $572.8million has been allocated in 2024 for this and related purposes,” he mentioned.
The Ministry of Education is in move to build a secondary school at Dora, Demerara River.
This is according to an invitation for bids issued by the ministry who is seeking contractors to undertake the ‘Construction of Dora Park Secondary School’. Kaieteur News understands that Dora, a riverine community located along the Demerara River currently does not have a secondary school building of its own.
However, there is a Dora Secondary School located in the Kuru Kuru Training Centre compound which is situated along the Soesdyke/ Lin-
den Highway, some miles away from the riverine community.
A primary school teacher from the community informed this publication on Monday that with no secondary school building located in the Dora community, when the students write their NGSA examination they along with their parents would have to relocate from the community and find a place to live on the highway so they can acquire their secondary education.
The resident stated that for several years, the community has been advocating for a secondary school nearby so it can relieve the burden
of those children and parents.
The school when built will not only benefit Dora but its neighbouring communities.
This publication understands that the newly built Yarrowkabra Secondary School on the Linden/ Soesdyke Highway also caters for children from Dora.
The new school which already accommodates around 1,019 students caters for community such as Hauraruni, Laluni, Long Creek, Kuru Kururu, Dora, Low Wood and Susannah.
Due to the high number of students attending Yarrowkabra Secondary, the Education Ministry had also
gone out to tender seeking to expand the school to cater for more classrooms. This year, the Ministry of Education was allocated $74.4B, a portion of which will be used for the construction, rehabilitation, extension and maintenance of educational facilities.
The ministry has embarked on an aggressive programme to ensure that the nation’s children have access to secondary education. To this end, the Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand on multiple occasions said that over 20 secondary schools will be built across the country.
From page 14 urology and cardiovascular health in Caribbean men.
His discussion highlighted how the intersection of these fields can impact men’s health, and he underscored the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach in managing these interconnected conditions. Dr. Carpen’s insights emphasized the need for comprehensive healthcare strategies to better serve patients in the region. Meanwhile, in his re-
marks, Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony, who reaffirmed the Ministry’s commitment to urology services across Guyana. “Our goal is to ensure that men in all 10 regions have access to highquality urological care without needing to travel to Georgetown to access care at GPHC,” Dr. Anthony shared. He highlighted plans for new hospitals which will include urology services and emphasized the Ministry’s focus on education and
awareness for prostate and men’s health, noting that preventative care and early intervention are key to long-term health outcomes.
The conference was preceded by a hands-on surgical workshop led by Professor Kurt McCammon, a globally renowned expert in Reconstructive Urological Surgery from Virginia, USA, hosted by GPHC on November 6 and 7.
This two-day workshop provided practical training for resident doctors at GPHC in
advanced surgical techniques.
Overall, the 26th CURA Conference served as an essential platform for medical professionals to exchange knowledge, showcase advancements, and recognize leadership within the field. Dr. Rajendra Sukhraj’s election as CURA President marks a significant milestone for GPHC and the Caribbean urology community, setting a promising course for the future of urological care in the region.
Insufficient intake of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, along with other dietary risks, are fueling health-related hidden costs in agrifood systems.
A refined study by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) involving 156 countries confirms that hidden costs within global agrifood systems amount to approximately US$12 trillionannually
Ofthisfigure,around70 percent (US$8 1 trillion) arisefromunhealthydietary patterns and are linked to a l a r m i n g n o ncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease,stroke,anddiabetes, far exceeding the costs related to environmental degradation and social inequalities
The State of Food and Agriculture 2024 (SOFA), builds on the 2023 edition to provideanevenmorein-depth analysis, utilizing true cost accounting to expose the full range of costs and benefits
associated with food production, distribution, and consumption, including those thatarenotreflectedinmarket prices–theso-called“hidden costsandbenefits” According to a FAO release, the report updates those cost estimates, divides them by agrifood system types, and charts a course for transformative change in our agrifood systems
The study details how global hidden costs are largely driven by health hidden costs, followed by environmental hidden costs, in more industrialized agrifood systems in uppermiddle- and high-income countries. In examining health impacts, the report identifies 13 dietary risk factors. These include insufficient intake of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables; excessive sodium consumption; and high intake of red and
processed meats, with notable differences across variousagrifoodsystems. Historically, agrifood systems have transitioned fromtraditionaltoindustrial, each with varied outcomes andhiddencosts.
For this reason, the report explores how hidden costsmanifestthemselvesin different agrifood system typesworldwide.
Tofacilitateanalysis,the research introduces a typology that categorizes agrifood systems into six distinct groups: protracted crisis, traditional, expanding, diversifying, formalizing, and industrial. Thisframeworkallowsfora targeted understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities inherent to each system, enabling the development of tailored policiesandinterventions.
For instance, while diets low in whole grains are the leading dietary risk factor across most agrifood systems, in protracted crisis systems (those experiencing prolonged conflict, instability, and widespread food insecurity) and traditional systems (characterized by lower productivity, limited technology adoption, and shorter value chains), the primary concern is a low intake of fruits and vegetables.
High sodium intake is another significant concern, exhibiting an upward trend as agrifood systems evolve from traditional to formalizing, peaking in the latter and then decreasing in industrial systems. C o n v e r s e l y, h i g h consumption of processed and red meat steadily increases throughout the transitionfromtraditionalto
systems to make them more sustainable, resilient, inclusive,andefficient.This requires going beyond tradition
c measures like GDP by
t accounting to recognize hidden costs With this
oach, dec
sionmakers can make more informed choices that enhancethesocietalvalueof agrif
dging their essential roles in food security, nutrition, biodiversity conservation, and cultural identity A
demands bridging sectoral
industrial systems, where it ranks among the top three dietaryrisks.
Beyond dietary risks, the environmental impact of unsustainable agricultural practices contributes substantiallytothehiddencost burden Costsassociatedwith greenhouse gas emissions, nitrogen runoff, land-use changes, and water pollution are particularly high in countries with diversifying agrifood systems – where rapid economic growth is coupled with evolving consumption and production patterns – reaching an estimated $720 billion Formalizing and industrial agrifood systems also face significant environmental costs
However,countriesfacing protracted crises bear the highestrelativeenvironmental costs,equivalentto20percent of their GDP Social costs, including poverty and undernourishment, are most prevalent in traditional agrifood systems and those affectedbyprotractedcrises. These social costs represent 8 and 18 percent of GDP, respectively, highlighting theurgentneedforimproved livelihoods and integrated humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding efforts. SOFA2024 underscores the importance of adapting to local contexts and capturing stakeholderpriorities. This is illustrated t
countries and agrifood system types, including Australia,Brazil,Colombia, Ethiopia, India, and the UnitedKingdom.
A call for collective action
Overall, the report calls f
transformation of agrifood
divides, aligning policies across health, agriculture, and the environment, and ensuring that the benefits and costs are equitably s
‘’The choices we make now,theprioritieswesetand the solutions we implement will determine our shared future.
Realchangebeginswith individual actions and initiatives, supported by enabling policies and targetedinvestments.
The transformation of global agrifood systems is fundamental to achieving the SDGs and securing a prosperous future for all,”
said FAO Director-General QU Dongyu
The report s
transformation requires collective action, involving p
governments, financial institutions, international organizations,andconsumers While addressing hidden costs will result in uneven impacts across stakeholders, countries, and timeframes, supportive policies and regulationscanhelpminimize disruptions, particularly for small-scale producers and agribusinesses,by promoting earlyadoptionofsustainable practices and protecting vulnerablesocialgroups
WASHINGTON, Nov 11(Reuters)-TomHoman, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming “border czar”, said on Monday he would prioritize deporting immigrants in the United States illegally who posed safetyandsecuritythreatsas wellasthoseworkingatjob sites.
Trump,whotakesoffice in January, said in a social media post overnight that the former acting director
of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from his first administration would be in charge of the country’s borders in his new administration starting Jan 20
The president-elect made cracking down on illegal immigration the central element of his campaign, promising mass deportations He is expected to mobilize agencies across the U S
government to help him deport record numbers of immigrants in an operation thatVicePresident-electJD Vance has said could remove an estimated 1 millionpeopleperyear
“Public safety threats andnationalsecuritythreats will be the priority...they pose the most danger to this country,” Homan told Fox News in an interview, adding: “Worksite operationshavetohappen.”
Trump, in a post, opens new tab on his Truth Social platform late on Sunday, said Homan will be “in charge of our nation’s borders (“The Border Czar”), including, but not limited to, the Southern Border,theNorthernBorder, all Maritime, and Aviation Security,” including the deportationofimmigrantsin theU.S.illegally Immigrant advocates have warned that Trump’s deportation effort would be
costly, divisive and inhumane,leadingtofamily separations and devastating communities.
Homan, who was often praisedbyTrumpduringthe campaign and who campaignedforhim,saidhe would also focus on immigrantsorderedtoleave afterafailedasylumclaims.
“At the end of that due process, if the judge says you must go home, then we have to take them home,” HomantoldFox.
Former Acting Director of ICE Homan testifies duringHouseOversightand Reform Subcommittee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington
tabHesaidhewouldliketo havecooperationfromlocal law enforcement but if Democrat-led “sanctuary” jurisdictions like New York City resist, he would consider sending in more ICEofficers.
“We’re going to do the job without you or with you,”Homansaid.
While ICE executed several large-scale worksite raids during Trump’s first term, the number of employers arrested for hiring immigrants in the U.S. illegally fell compared with his D
Then Former Acting Director of U.S. Immigration And Customs Enforcement (ICE) Tom Homan in Washington, U.S., September 11, 2019. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst/File Photo
revisiting the separations, Homansaidlastyearthata better approach would be todetainfamiliestogether
Vance on Monday
The government will soon open a permanentDeeds and Commercial Registry Authority (DCRA) office in Bartica, Region Seven to ensure residents access essential services locally rather than travelling to Georgetown or other regions.
Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, MohabirAnil Nandlall, SC, made the announcement on Monday while engaging several residents at the Bartica Community Centre Ground. “Very early in his presidency, [President Ali] made a public commitment
that [the DCRA] will open branch offices in all the regions of our country, and in giving effect to that promise…we[will]openan office in Region Seven so that the people of Region Seven do not have to travel to [Region Two] or Georgetown to access these services,” Minister Nandlall stated.
The AG is currently spearheading an outreach in Bartica, where several services are being offered through the Ministry of Legal Affairs and a number of its sub-agencies The initiative aims to resolve numerous legal issues and
Then Former Acting D i r e c t o r o f U S Immigration And Customs Enforcement (ICE) Tom HomaninWashington,U.S., Sep
mber 11, 2019
Ernst/File Photo Purchase LicensingRights,opensnew
atic predecessor Barack Obama, agencystatisticsshow Homan was among several top Trump immigration officials who in 2018 recommended the administration implement a stringent border policy thatresultedinthousandsof migrant families being separatedattheborder While Trump has
Stephen Miller would serve as White House deputy chief of staff for policy Miller was a White House senior adviser duringTrump’s2017-2021 p
architect of Trump’s aggressive immigration agenda
Trump has not yet said who he would nominate to serve as head of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security,whichoverseesthe U.S. Border Patrol, as he continues to meet with potential candidates for his administration.
Chad Wolf, who served as acting homeland security secretaryforpartofTrump’s first presidency, and U.S. House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green could be top contenders.
facilitate services such as business registrations and deedpolls,amongothers.
Key agencies involved, include the Office of the Public Trustee/Official Receiver and the Deeds and Commercial Registry Authority (DCRA). Since 2020, the DCRA has managed to register more than60,000newbusinesses.
Speaking at the event’s launch, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall,SC,explainedthat the engagement in Region Seven is part of a larger initiative being executed countrywide, bringing
“We regard taking governmenttothepeopleas one of the cornerstones of good governance…We believethatthepeopleofour countrydeservenoless,”he explained.
Minister Nandlall highlighted recent legislative and judicial advancements,includingthe c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d refurbishment of courts to
improve accessibility to the justicesystem.
“Afewyearsago,courts intheoutlyingareassatonly onceeveryquarter.Withthe increase in litigation…With more and more people needingtoaccessthejustice system, that position necessarilyhadtochange.In thenextfewmonths,wewill commission new courts,” theAGhighlighted.
Regions One and Nine
benefitted from similar services earlier in the year Theregionswereabletofile any deed and register any mortgageordebenture.Bills of sale were also filed by residents.
The initiative was conceptualisedbyPresident, Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, to ensure these services are easily accessible, bridging thedividebetweenthecoast andthehinterland.(DPI)
decimated the private TV broadcasting industry quite significantly in this country
Foronereasontodisallowtheoppositionto have their views aired on a station which is sympathetictothem.
This constitutes an active destruction of the rights of everyone who is not a diehard supporterofthePPP Editor, I am also saying that many other institutions are deliberately being made dysfunctional in this society, The Ethnics RelationCommission,theGuyanaBureauof Standards, the Procurement Commission, theBroadcastingAuthority,eventheCentral Bank,EditorI,apersonwhoisover70years old, have put my life’s saving in the local bankingsystemwhichisverywillingtogive me 1.5 percent interest on my deposit, but when they are lending the 93 billion they loaneddidin2023,they’resurelynotlending at less than 9% to 11 %!! Who exactly overseesregulatingsuchmadness?
Induecourse,Iamsurethatotherswillbe offering some insights into the other areas I haveidentified,sincequiteabitiswrongand
wemustlookateveryaspectofoursituation, in our efforts as citizens to level the playing field which any decent democracy MUST have.
Itmustbesaid,andIamsayingit,Iknow that Hon Amanza’s complaint is valid, but her party was in power from 2015 to 2020 andreallydidn’tdomuchtorectifymanyof thethingsIhavereferredtohere.It’sasifit neverenteredtheirconsciencesthatatsome time, they also would have to face another period in opposition with all the disadvantagesitbrings.
I don’t want anyone to get the wrong impression about what I have said here, the PNChasvisuallycleanseditselfofallthose leaders who disgraced the party in 2020. Unlikeotherparties,thePPPincluded,which stubbornly defend those in their ranks who have very substantially disgraced their organizations. And everyone knows who I mean.AnditismyopinionthatHon.Amanza isprettyclosetobeingattheverytopofour politicalpyramid.
Sincerely TonyVieira
The annual United
NationsConferenceofParties (COP)issettotakeplacefrom November 11 to 22 in Baku,
Azerbaijan, and the government plans to champion its model for climate financing for small anddevelopingcountries.
General Secretary of the People's Progressive Party, BharratJagdeosaidthatthese strongpositionsarenotnewto Guyanese,asthishasbeenthe government'smantraforquite some time. “It is deemed a conference of parties about financing.That'sCOP29.And so,Iguessitwillbejudgedon how it moves that needle forward,”heexplainedduring a press engagement at FreedomHouse.
The COP is the decisionmaking arm of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It is responsible for evaluatingandmonitoringthe measuresimplementedbythe conventionandtheprogressin achieving its objectives Jagdeo noted that there is muchatstake,asbasedonthe world's current policy level, its current trajectory sees a projected 3.1°C, rise above thepre-industriallevel.
“If we fully implement all the pledges made under the ParisAgreement,wewillonly achieve [a] 2.6 degree rise above pre-industrial levels. That is of concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
What is required to avoid catastrophic change is a 1.5 degree rise above the preindustriallevel.Soclearlyyou can see even with the pledges where we are off target,” the GSfurtherelucidated.
The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty that aims to strengthen theglobalresponsetoclimate change by limiting the increaseinglobaltemperature risethiscenturytowellbelow 2 degrees Celsius above pre-
industrial l
Agreement also aims to limit this increase even further to 1.5degreesCelsius.
The world's current trajectory of over 3 degrees abovetheselevelsrepresentsa significant tipping point, according to Jagdeo.Already, countries across the globe are witnessing the dire effects of climatechange,andseeingthe situation exacerbate to alarminglevels.Theseeffects, such as melting glaciers and icesheets,theriseinsealevels and intense heat waves are sweeping, and Dr Jagdeo noted that these have catastrophicconsequencesfor the developing world, which hasalimitedcapacitytoadapt.
“It is a very dangerous timefortheworld,”hepointed out.
At last year's Conference of Parties (COP28), Guyana a d v o c a t e d f o r t h e establishment of marketbasedmechanismstopromote forest preservation Jagdeo has previously explained that the government backs a fivepoint mechanism for achieving net-zero emissions. These measures include the removal of large polluters from the supply chain, the incentivisation of renewable energy, demand management, theuseoftechnology,andthe reductionofdeforestationand land degradation. Since the signing of the NorwayGuyana Partnership in 2009, Guyana has already crafted a modern model to ensure that fundsearnedthroughtheLow Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS2030) are being expended on priority projects while contributing to capacity-building efforts in Indigenous communities especially Further,President Ali has also at several forums highlighted the crucial role developingnationscanplayin implementing sustainable solutions to tackle the global climatecrisis.(DPI)
Thecontroversythathas arisen over selection of players to represent four teamsthatisparticipatingin theongoingGuyanaCricket Board (GCB) T20 cricket competitioniscontinuing.
Personsarecallingonthe GCB to explain its selection policies, since it was observed that a number of promising and upcoming players were not selected to representanyoftheteams. A number of former cricketers and prominent businessmen have come forward and called out the GCB and is asking them to saysomething.TheGCBhas chosen to remain silent They say that the GCB should be courteous and respectful enough and answertostakeholders.
thepresentorfuture,butthe GCB seems to have a different policy with a number of unknown players makingthecut.
Leading the charge is prominent businessman, community activists and f
Theysaiditiscustomary forpersonstobeselectedfor
y intensified after prolific youth player, Adrian Hetmyer,whowasoneofthe
playersthatwassurprisingly omitted, blasted yet another century,his13thcenturyasa teen. Hetmyer hammered 107, playing for the RHCCCCovertheweekend, in the U17 cricket finals played at the RHCC against Albion CC in Berbice Hetmyer,whowasoneofthe young players cited by the club as a surprise omission, participated in National Seniortrialsearlierthisyear
ApartfromtheRoseHall Community Centre (RHCC), a number of other clubs have come forward withstoriesoftheirown,but are afraid to mention names forfearofvictimization.
If you've been working toward manifesting extra moneyinyourlife,Aries,you will probably see it happen today Copious physical and emotional energy gives your inner power of mind over matteraspecialimpetus.
Obstacles that you encountered in attaining your cherished goals could suddenly seem to melt away, clearingthewaytomakeyour dreamscometrue.
Alotofactivitycouldoccurat hometoday,Gemini.Perhaps you will have visitors or do someworkonthehouse.Your intuitionisparticularlystrong rightnow,andyoucouldpick up too much of the thoughts andfeelingsofothers.
Whatever goals you've been trying to reach may finally becomerealitytoday,Cancer Finalizing everything could involve a lot of running aroundinthecarandmeeting withotherpeople.
Events over which you seem tohavenocontrolseemtobe coming together to make things happen for you, Leo. You might find this a bit frightening,butdon'tletitget toyou.Gowiththeflow
Your energy is probably high today, almost to the point where you feel you might be able to run a marathon!
Seriously, Virgo, you're probably thinking in terms of getting out of town for a while.
Your inner power is probably atanall-timehigh,Libra. You should be feeling especially confident. You're likely to have a stronger influenceonothersthanusual. You could exercise the power ofmindovermatter
SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov.
21)Some fascinating conversations with friends, relatives, and others close to you could take place today, bringing new ideas your way, Scorpio. You have both the physical energy and the inner power to makethingshappen.
Yourcareerandfinancialgoals should be within your grasp, Sagittarius.Bothyourphysical energy and inner power are operatingattheirpeak,making thisanidealdaytomakeclear plans.
Todayyou'relikelytofeellike the powerful creature you are, Capricorn Your physical energy is high, and you look andfeelgreat.Yourintellectis sharp,soifyouindulgeinany kindoflearningprocess.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20–Feb 18)Your intuition should be veryhighrightnow,Aquarius, as is your power of manifestation.
Today you need to try to curb your thoughts and only think beautifulthings.
PISCES(Feb.19–Mar 20)
Your immediate goals and wishes might suddenly appear to come together today, seeminglyoftheirownaccord. This might be strange, Pisces, andperhapsabitfrightening,
However, Kassim, who was a leading all-rounder and still play, has no such hindrances.
The former fast bowling all-rounder said that the GCBpolicyissimplykilling thegameinsteadofassisting the players and wonders what plans the GCB has for thefuture.
He said that apart from the players named by the RHCC, a number of other young and promising players could be identified before some of those selected.
The RHCC had taken umbrage over the nonselectionofanyplayersfrom theClubtoparticipateinthe competition.
Other promising players mentioned include Romario Ramdehol who finished the astheleadingwickettakerin the just concluded Regional U-17 tournament. National U17 pacer Devon Wharton, rated as one of the fastest bowlers in the recently concluded Regional U-17 competition and Raymond Vankenie, who was recently invited to the Combined Compasses and Colleges (CCC)trialsandparticipated in the T10 league in Trinidad.
Kassim,aformercricket board official like others who are up in arms the way thingsarebeingdone,wanta shakeup of the selection policy of the national and countyboards.
Kassimsaidthatpersons like Hetmyer and others should be encouraged and given all opportunities to developtheircricket.
Heandothershadearlier criticized the attitude and high handed behavior of the Cricket board and national selectors.
The Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club first division last weekend received uniforms for the 2024/25cricketseasonfrom their official sponsor, Namilco. The presentation was done at the company Head Office, located at Eccles,EastBankDemerara by Managing Director Bert Sukhai to Secretary Hilbert Foster in the presence of Finance Director Fitzroy McLeod.
Foster, noted that the company has been sponsoring the Rose Hall Town Namilco Thunderbolt Flour team since 2019 and the success of the team has been overwhelming The team under the sponsorship
has won over ten championships and is the leading team at the first division level in the ancient county
The former president of the Berbice Cricket Board stated that the company has already provided uniforms for the team twice before in 2020 and 2022 and he expressed gratitude to Mr Sukhai for the continued sponsorship.Theteamunder the leadership of Berbice senior inter county and former Guyana national player Clinton Pestano is currently preparing for the finals of the Premier Cup 20/20 finals against arch rival Tucber Park CC and Foster stated that the
uniforms would be used by theplayersthere.
Among the players currently in the team are Pestano, Kevlon Anderson, Junior Sinclair, Slyus Tyndall, Kevin Sinclair, Jonathan Rampersaud, Jermey Sandia, Romesh Bharrat, Matthew Pottaya, Jason Sinclair, Eon Hooper, Keon Sinclair and Troy Mathiesonamongothers.
The RHTYSC Secretary informed the Namilco delegationthattheclubhasa total of eight of its member withcontractswitheitherthe Guyana Cricket Board or CricketWestIndies.Threeof theboys-Anderson,Sinclair and Tyndall, are currently with the Guyana fifty over
team in Trinidad, while Kevin Sinclair was also selected in the team before he was replaced by Junior Sinclair The Rose Hall TownNamilcoteamin2024 has successfully completed over fifty personal development projects and is busy right now, preparing to host the tenth edition of the popular Rose Hall Town Christmas Village from the 21st to 24th of December in the compound of the Rose Hall Primary School. The team along with their peers would also be sharing out one thousand food hampers, thousands of Christmas Toys, five hundred special Christmas packages consisting of apples, grapes, biscuits and confectionery etc among others. The team would also be assisting
youths with bicycles and school bags as part of the programme.
TheNamilcoteamisalso preparing to launch another edition of its highly successful Say No/Say Yes campaign The campaign targets over sixty thousand youths in Region Six with themainobjectiveofgetting them to say no to drugs, crime and yes to education andreligion.
Namilco is sponsoring four educational outdoor PVC standup promotional signs that would be used at all RHTYSC functions. The signs would feature the images of Jonathan Rampersaud,KevinSinclair, Junior Sinclair and Kevlon Sinclair The signs would featuresolidpiecesofadvice onthedifferenttopics.
Managing Director Bert
stated that his company was very pleasedtobeassociatedwith the first division team and was very impressed with their achievements on and off the cricket field. As he handed over the uniforms, Sukhai urged the team to remain focused and to alwaysstriveforexcellence. Noting, that the club has always been associated with success, the Namilco boss pleaded for this to continue inthefuture.
Apart from sponsorship of the team, the company also co-sponsors several of the club activities including award ceremony, cricket academy, summer camps, youth magazine, tribute to heroes and Christmas Villageamongothers.
line with the GFF’s broader goals of strengthening youth football and creating pathways for young players to advance to higher levels of competition,” said President
WayneForde,whowasonhandtowitnessthe matches.
“Weareproudtosupportthisleague,andwe lookforwardtowatchingtheseyoungathletes growanddevelop.”
move one step closer to the championshipglory
All eight teams are locked in a fierce pursuit of the coveted championship title and the lucrative $1 milliongrandprize. For those who fall short, there are still substantial rewards, with the runners-up set to pocket $500,000, while $200,000 and $100,000 will go to the third- and fourth-place finishers, respectively
The quarter-finals of the ExxonMobil Futsal Championship promise not just a battle for survival, butashowcaseofthefinest talents on the futsal scene inLinden
SportsMax-WestIndian superstar duo Hayley Matthews and Deandra
Dottin powered the Melbourne Renegades
Women to a dominant ninewicketwinovertheAdelaide StrikersWomeninWomen’s Big Bash League action at the Karen Rolton Oval on Monday
Matthews and Dottin both got their best scores of the season to help the Renegades hawk down a target of 186 for the loss of
justonewicketin17.1overs. Matthews hit 12 fours and two sixes on her way to 85*off54ballswhileDottin
finished46*offjust18balls, hitting seven fours and one six.
Courtney Webb, who
The East Bank Football Association U14 Boys League continued its exciting run on Sunday, November 10th, 2024, with two electrifying matches at the Herstelling Football
Ground. The league, launched on October 27th, 2024, has already proven to be a platform for rising young talents as six teams compete for supremacy in whatisbecomingoneofthe most anticipated youth football leagues in the region.
In the opening game of the day, Swan Football Club’s U14 Boys delivered an impressive 4-0 victory over Soesdyke United Football Club Adrian Welcome was the standout player of the match, scoring a remarkable hat trick. The 14-year-old striker
displayed excellent finishing ability, netting all three goals in the first half, putting Swan FC firmly in controlwitha3-0leadbythe halftime whistle Devin Barasalte added to the lead in the 42nd minute, calmly converting to seal the 4-0 victoryforSwanFC.
In the second match of the day, Herstelling FC put on an equally dominant
display, securing a resounding 5-0 win over
Friendship All Stars Football Club. Forward Eli
Eli Archer, Thea Rodrigues and Wayshawn Forde were on target for Herstelling FC.
Archeropenedthescoringin the 9th minute with a powerful strike from the edge of the box, leaving the opposition’s goalkeeper with no chance. Elevenyear-oldprodigyWayshawn Forde, who played in the attacking midfield role, was thestaroftheshow,nettinga clinicalhattrickinthe29th, 33rd, and 46th minutes, showcasing his sharp instinctsinfrontofgoal.The victory was rounded off by Thea Rodrigues, who finished the goal fest with a thunderousright-footedshot inthe59thminute.Notably, both Herstelling FC and Friendship All Stars FC fielded female players as part of their developmental programme, highlighting the league’s inclusive approachtonurturingyoung talentacrossgenderlines.
“We are thrilled to see suchexcitingfootballatthis
opened with Matthews, earlierretiredhurton37.
Earlier, the Strikers posted what they thought would be a good total with 185-8 from their 20 overs after being put in to bat by theRenegades.
Talia McGrath and Smriti Mandhana led the way with 49 and 40, respectively, as Matthews led the Renegades bowling with 2-28 from her four overs.
The win puts the Renegades second on the pointstablewitheightpoints from seven games, the same amount of points as the Sydney Thunder who have playedtwolessgames.
Full Scores: Adelaide StrikersWomen185-8off20 overs (Talia McGrath 49, SmritiMandhana40,Hayley Matthews2-28).
Melbourne Renegades 186-1off17.1overs(Hayley Matthews 85*, Deandra Dottin 46*, Courtney Webb 37).
2024 CWI Men’s CG United Super50 Championships…GHE vs. WIA Savory unbeaten half-century guides Harpy Eagles to tense 2-wicket finish
Guyana Harpy Eagles secured a tense two wicket winversusayoungdynamic West Indies Academy (WIA)lastnightattheBrian Lara Cricket Academy Ground.
West Indies Academy made a good comeback as they had a few hiccups but eventually got to a defendable 200 all out in 45.5overs.
The top three batsmen Ackeem Auguste (28), CarltonBowen-Tuckett(25) and Rivaldo Clarke (27), gave their team a good start leaving Nimar Bolden (32), Johann Layne and Joshua Bishop(15)tofinishoffthe inningsnicely
Spinwontheinningsfor Guyana with part-timer, o p e n i n g b a t s m a n Rampertab Ramnauth (324), Junior Sinclair (3-40) and Veerasammy Permaul (2-57).
The Eagles stuttered during their chase, courtesy offast-bowlerJediahBlades (4-48) who ripped out the topthreebatterstohelppush Guyana on the back-foot early
Only Matthew Nandu (34), KevlonAnderson (50) and Kemol Savory (56*), who scored his third halfcentury this season, managedtogetgoingasthe Eagles posted 204-8 in the 47thover Blades found support from teammates, legspinner Zishan Motara (243) and Layne (1-33) who alsodidwelltokeeptheruns andwicketsundercontrol.
competition,” said Orein Angoy,PresidentoftheEast Bank Football Association.
“Thisleaguenotonlyserves as a platform for the development of our young players but also fosters a spirit of camaraderie and healthy competition We look forward to seeing even moreamazingperformances astheseasonprogresses.”
The East Bank Football Association U14 Boys Leagueisbeingplayedatthe HerstellingFootballGround and will continue every Sunday throughout the season The league is supported by the Guyana Football Federation (GFF), which has expressed its commitment to the development of youth footballatalllevels.
“TheEastBankFootball Association’sinitiativeisin (Continuedonpage26)
After two days of f i e r c e competition, the 2024 Hamilton Green InterWard/Village Nine-a-side
Knockout Football Championshipconcludedon Sunday with a single goal securing victory for Bent Street.
The intense showdown took place at the National Training Centre (NTC)
turf ground, where Bent Street edged out the formidable Back Circle team 1-0 to claim the championship title and a $500,000cashprize. The champions also walked away with twelve hampers, medals, and a trophy
Bent Street clinched their spot in the final after a hard-fought
semifinal against 2023
champions Stabroek Ballers, which ended in a tense0-0draw
The decisive moment in the final match arrived in the latter half, when a brillian
piece collaboration between Daniel Wilson and Adrian Aaronbrokethedeadlock
Wilson delivered a well-placed cross from the right corner, setting up Aaron for a perfectly timed tap-in that secured the championship-winning goal.
Back Circle, despite a valiant effort, finished as runners-up, receiving a $250,000 cash prize along with silver medals andatrophy
The semifinal clashes werenail-biters,withboth matches being decided by penaltyshootouts
Back Circle edged out Stabroek Ballers in a sudden-death shootout following a goalless draw, while Bent Street narrowly defeated Pouderoyen after a 1-1 stalemate
In the third-place match, Stabroek Ballers overcame Pouderoyen, takinghome$150,000and
The event was part of former Georgetown MayorandPrimeMinister Hamilton Green’s 90th birthdaycelebrations Green himself was present, witnessing the thrilling matches and awarding prizes T h i s y e a r ’ s
championship was made possible thanks t o t h e g e n e r o u s support of sponsors, i n c l u d i n g O n e C
, Gafoors, ENet, NAMILCO, Busta, P r
, Cummings Electrical,
Muneshwer’s,ReadyMix, Silvies, Rick’s and Sari, andKing’sLiquor A d d i t i o n a l contributions came from distinguished figures like Dr Linden Dodson, Dr Michael Sue, Edmond Vieira, Floyd Haynes, and Eddie’s Bobcat.
Curtains came down whentheGuyanaVolleyball Federation (GVF) lauded the Republic Bank and the Ministry of Culture, Youth andSportsfortheirSterling contribution towards the d e v e l o p m e n t a n d sustenance of Volleyball throughout the length and breadthofGuyana.
The tournament saw some 49 teams, both male and females participating from eight regions across thecountry
The culmination of the event, which was held on the 9th and 10th of November,2024,brought8 femaleand8maleteamsto theNationalGymnasium.
The quarter finals were played on a round robin basiswithtwomaleandtwo femalezones.Advancingto the male semi finals were the PMTC of Berbice, Alpha of Georgetown, Warriors A of Bartica and Hururu Hydras of Region 10. In the female category, Mabaruma, Lethem, Siparuta and Bartica advanced to the semis. In the male category, PMTC played Warriors A. PMTC won, 25 - 21 and 26 – 24, whileAlpha played Hururu Hydras.
Siparuta and won 25- 21, 26-24and15-13toadvance to the finals. All matches were played in a best of threeformat.
The female finals saw Mabaruma winning from Lethem 30- 28, 25- 21 and 25 - 19 In the Male category, the Hururu Hydras was triumphant by defeating PMTC in a nail bitingfinish,19-25.21-25, 25-22,25-21and15-13.
HururuHydrasdefeated Alphas 25 - 19, 14-25 and 15- 11 to advance to the finals In the female category, Mabaruma won from Bartica 25-16, 20-25 and 16- 14.Lethem played
Thefinalsegmentofthe game was graced by the Honorable Mr Charles Ramson (jnr) Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Mr Franklin Wilson Assistant Director of Sports, Mr Kashif Mohammed, Chairman of the Sports Commission,
Miss Jonelle Dummett, M a r k e t i n g a n d Communications Manager of Republic Bank and Miss Ismelia Douglas, Assistant Human Resource Manager ofRepublicBank.
In the presentation ceremony the Honorable Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports gave brief remarks for a promising future for the development of not only Volleyball in Guyana but for sports in general.
He lauded the GVF, the N a t i o n a l S p o r t s Commission and the Republic Bank for their arduous contribution towards the success of the venture Prizes were awardedto:
- Best DefenceDelinica CampbelleMabaruma. - Trophy and $20,000. - Best AttackerVandette Henry - LethemTrophyand$20,000.
- Best Setter - Delinica Campbelle - MabarumaTrophyand$20,000.
-4thplace-WarriorsA, Bartica - Trophy and $100,000.
- 3rd place - Sipatuta Falcons- Trophy, Medals and$150,000.
- 2nd Place - LethemTrophy, Medals and $200,000.
-1stplace-MabarumaTrophy, Medals & G$300,000
- MVP went to Lianna GilkesofMabaruma
- Best Defence- A Saywack - PMTC- Trophy and$20,000
- Best Libero - A Saywack - PMTC- Trophy and$20,000
- Best attacker- Andy Rohoman - PMTC -Trophy and$20,000
- Best Setter- Ravi Rampertab - PMTCTrophyand$20,000
- 4th place - BarticaTrophyand$100,000
- 3rd place - AlphaTrophy, Medals and $150,000
- 2nd Place- PMTCTrophy, Medals &and $200,000
- First place Hururu Spartans- Trophy, Medals and$300,000.
Th e P e t r a
Organisation has partnered once again with MVP Sports to hostthe8thAnnualSchools’ U11 Football Tournament, scheduled to begin this Saturday,November16th,at the Ministry of Education ground. This announcement came yesterday at a launch event held at MVP Sports’ Giftland Mall location, markingthecountdowntoan exciting competition for young footballers across the country
This year’s tournament will feature 16 teams from acrossGuyana,competingin a round-robin knockout format for the coveted top prize of $100,000, along with a trophy and medals. Prizes will also be awarded toteamsfinishinginsecond, third,andfourthplaces,with cash awards of $75,000,
$50,000, and $25,000, respectively, along with medals and trophies In addition, special awards awaitthetournament’sMost Valuable Player (MVP), Best Goalkeeper, and Top GoalScorer
Presentatthelaunchwere Petra Co-Directors Marlan Cole and Troy Mendonca, SecretaryAaliyahHinds,Troy Peters and MVPSports CEO Ian Ramdeo, all emphasizing
the importance of supporting youth football and fostering the growth of the sport, particularlyforyounggirls
Mendonca underscored the significance of this partnership, particularly as corporate backing for grassroots sports has often beenchallengingtosecure He expressed gratitude to MVP Sports for their steadfast support, noting that their involvementhelpstodrivethe Petra Organisation’s mission of developing football at the grassrootslevel.
CEO Ian Ramdeo spoke highly of Petra’s role in advancingfootballinGuyana “Petra’s involvement in local footballhasbeenpivotalinthe development of the sport in Guyana, especially given the work they have put in over the past decade.We at MVP Sports are thrilled to focus more on the girls’ division,
After two weeks of intense,highenergy clashes in the preliminary rounds, the ExxonMobil Futsal Championshiphasreacheda thrilling crescendo as it moves into the quarterfinals.
Tomorrow’s actionpacked line-up will see the tournament’stopeightteams battling in a dramatic “win orgohome”stage,allunder the electrifying atmosphere
curated by New Era
Entertainment at the RetrieveHardCourt.
Kicking off the evening at 7:30 pm, the undefeated powerhouse YMCA will square off against the resilient Silver Bullets, who foughttheirwaytoasecond-
With YMCA’s flawless track record and Silver Bulletshungrytoprovetheir mettle, the opening match promises a fierce duel that couldsetthetonefortherest ofthenight.
The second face-off will pit Spaniards, the dominant forcefromGroupB,against Turf Presidents, a formidable squad that secured their spot as Group D’srunners-up. Spaniards have been a force to reckon with throughout the tournament, but Turf President is known for their tenacity and unpredictable play, making this clash one to watch closely Next up, it’s the turn of
Money Bell, who clinched the top spot in Group C, to takeonBomberz,GroupA’s second-placefinishers.
Money Bell’s tactical finessewillbetestedagainst Bomberz’s explosive style of play, promising a highstakes encounter filled with end-to-endaction.
The grand finale of the quarter-finals will feature a blockbuster matchup between Hard Knocks, one ofthetournamentfavourites who dominated Group D, and the ever-daring Young GunnersfromGroupB.
This showdown is already being hailed as the must-watch game of the night,withbothteamseager tostamptheirauthorityand (Continuedonpage26)
- 16 teams drafted ahead of Saturday’s kickoff at MoE
as we see this initiative as key to growing youth football,”Ramdeostated.
Thetournament,nowinits eighth year, has become a staple of youth football, bringingtogetheryoungtalent and offering them a competitiveplatform
Last year, Marian Academy emerged as
champions Asthetitlesponsorfora second consecutive year, MVPSports, along with the Ministry of Culture, Youth andSports,andtheMinistry of Education, continues to support Petra’s vision for promoting football in both maleandfemaledivisions.
Mendonca closed by
thanking MVP Sports for their continued dedication, adding, “We believe this initiative will serve female football well.” The Petra O r g a n i s a t i o n , i n collaboration with MVP Sports, remains committed to fostering the next generation of football talent inGuyana.