




Global oil supply will falling prices. “Our current exceed demand in 2025 even balances suggest that even if if Opec+ cuts remain in the Opec+ cuts remain in place, the International place, global supply exceeds Energy Agency (IEA) said demand by more than 1 on Thursday, as rising million bpd next year,” the production from the United IEA said. Oil prices traded States and other outside slightly weaker after the producers outpaces sluggish report was released, with demand. Brent crude trading below
However, despite these $73abarrel. warnings, Vice President, 2024 demand up Bharrat Jagdeo recently said The IEA also made a Guyana would not be slight upward adjustment to i m
n its 2024 oil demand growth downplayed a similar report forecastof60,000bpdonthe by the World Bank on the month to 920,000 bpd, on matter higher than expected gasoil Reuters reported that the demand. “The sub-1 million prospect of a more than 1 bpd growth pace for both million barrels per day (bpd) years reflects below-par excess supply - equal to over global economic conditions 1percentofworldoutput-is with the post-pandemic a headwind for Opec+, release of pent-up demand which comprises the nowcomplete,”theIEAsaid. Organisation of the Forecasts on the strength of Petrol
m E
porting demand growth in 2024 vary Countries and allies such as widely, partly due to Russia - in its plan to start differences over demand raising output. Oil demand from China and the pace of growthhasbeenweakerthan the world’s switch to cleaner expected this year in large fuels,andtheIEA’sviewisat part because of China. After the lower end of industry driving rises in oil estimates. Opec, which is at consumption for years, the top end, on Tuesday cut economic challenges and a its demand growth forecasts shift towards electric forthisyearandnext,butstill vehicles are tempering oil expects much more rapid growth prospects in the growth than the IEA of 1.82 world’s second-largest million bpd and 1.54 million consumer bpd, respectively According
“ C h i n a ’s m a r k e d to the IEA, Chinese demand slowdown has been the main growth is set to reach just drag on demand,” the IEA 140,000bpdthisyear,atenth saidinitsmonthlyoilmarket of the 1 4 million bpd report. “Rapid deployment demandgrowthof2023. of clean energy technologies Jagdeo dismisses is also increasingly concerns displacing oil in transport Only two weeks ago and power generation, Jagdeo dismissed concerns adding downward pressure raised by the World Bank to otherwise weak demand regarding a potential decline drivers,”thereportadded. in global oil prices due to an
The Paris-based agency anticipated oversupply The left its 2025 oil demand World Bank’s latest growth forecast little Commodity Markets changed at 990,000 bpd. At Outlook report, forecasted the same time, it expects that an oil glut, and other non-Opec+ nations to boost factors, may lead to a supply by 1.5 million bpd, substantial drop in global driven by the United States, prices, and an oversupply in Canada, Guyana and thecomingyears. Argentina - more than the Addressing the matter at rateofdemandgrowth. his weekly press conference Next year’s surplus, as at Freedom House, Robb forecast by the IEA, could Street, Georgetown, Jagdeo make it harder for Opec+ to had criticiszed the relevance bring back production ofsuchforecaststoGuyana’s Earlier this month, Opec+ oil prospects. Kaieteur News again postponed a plan to hadreportedthattheWorld start easing output cuts amid (Continued on page 16)
Vice President, Bharrat to deal with the matter after Alliance (WPA) for
General regarding the Jagdeo has dismissed next year’s general and proposing a referendum on
referendum on the lopsided vote by the electorate on a consultation or input from
comments from Attorney regionalelections. an agreement they finalised referendum giving the terms General,Anil Nandlall that a Areferendumisageneral w
explained that a referendum oilcontractwouldbeawaste single political question that thethenopposition. wouldnotbeeffectiveunless oftime,sayingthatthesenior has been referred to them for According to DPI, the
ExxonMobil also agreed to minister was speaking in his a direct decision. According legal affairs minister renegotiate the terms of the personal capacity and not to a Department of Public describedtheAFC’spushfor contract. “If they don’t agree thatofthegovernment.
Kaieteur News wishes to apologise to Mr Troy Phillips for an erroneous publication made on September 30, 2024, which implicated him in a case of unjust enrichment. The article titled “High Court orders $83 M to be repaid to investors in the New Nigel’s Supermarket deal” implicated Mr Phillipasaguiltypartyliabletorepaythesumsowedor anycostsasaresultofcourtaction.
Mr has clarified that he is neither a shareholder nor a director of the company involved in the scheme and is no longer affiliated with the company. Neither was he ordered to pay any court costs. Kaieteur News therefore wishes to retract the false information implicating Mr Phillips and offerapublicapologyforanyinconveniencecaused.
Guyana.” Moreover, he said way you can solve it
Information release, public interference as totherenegotiationasperthe Instead, Jagdeo said Nandlall speaking on his “ r i d i c u l o u s ” a n d contract that APNU (A while there might well be weekly programme “Issues hypocritical, arguing that Partnership for National issues regarding bringing in the News,” Tuesday “they(AFC)hidthiscontract Unity) signed, you are back ExxonMobil to the table evening criticised the for nearly two years without toarbitration,youarebackto even with a successful Alliance For Change (AFC) telling the people of Guyana court cases,” Jagdeo noted. referendum, he would prefer and Working People’s that they have signed a “Having a referendum does contract that is perhaps the not deal with the most most important document contentious issue, which the unfavourable terms of the definitively whether he ever signed in the history of contract says that the only agreement, Minister supports a referendum he
Nandlall declared that the said: “what Nandlall is that the legal framework of amicablyistorenegotiatethe government will honour the expressing is not the view of the PSAexplicitly states that contract with the agreement a
he’s permission from both He reiterated that the
the government. It’s a it cannot be altered without ofbothparties.” Guyana’s credentials as an p
personal view parties, rendering any
referendum powerless Commission (GECOM) renegotiation is made underscored that while the regardless of public should focus on preparing possible. possibility of a referendum sentiment. “The contract for the 2025 general
However, at his weekly could be discussed in the itself says in about 10 elections, and that any n
e on future, it was not a priority clauses…that it cannot be discussions on a referendum ThursdayatFreedomHouse, for the government at this altered unilaterally It can could be postponed until when Jagdeo was asked to stage. only be altered with consent after the elections. “We have comment on Nandlall’s Similar to comments bybothparties,”theminister timeenoughtodealwiththat statements and to say made by the Attorney said Acknowledging the (Continued on page 14)
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
More Guyanese should be participating in the growing oilandgassector,pursuanttoLocalContentlaw(thelaw). Guyaneseoughttobedoingbetterbecauseofthatsamelaw Clearly,thelawasitstandsisbeingfulfilledinpartonly,with locals being the losers, and Guyana’s economy not harvestingthefullbenefitsthatshouldfollowasamatterof course. Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat sounded an early warning, registering the PPPC Government’s disapproval of how the law is being sidestepped in new and different ways. More recently, Guyana’schiefpolicymakerintheoilandgassectorhadhis turn and did he let off some steam. His words are worth listeningto,violatorsmustbereadytocomplyfullywiththe law,orpaytheprice.
“Let me just reiteratethat all of those who are violating now the Local ContentAct, they have a lot to worry about. Weintendtocrackdown(sic)onit.” Theremustbeserious crackdown, with none spared, all made to pay the severest price,ifonlytodeterfutureevaders Thelaw,whichcoversover 40areasofinvolvementforlocals,saysthatGuyanesemustown 51%ormoreofanybusiness,andwithalltheassociatedbenefits happening Simply,stated,the51%partnershiprequirementisnot merelyapaperdemand,butincorporatesallthatgoeswiththat majorityownershiprepresentation Convenientarrangementsare out, and so are shell companies We believe that the foreign commercialplottersandparticipantswhocomeupwithnew ideas about how to use the 51% Guyanese presence, the requirement of the law, should be the ones who are dealt the harsherpenalties Butthegovernmentmustnotstopthere
Thosewhoarrangesuchlocalproxies(stand-ins)mustalso be punished Further, the same should be applied to either willingornaïveGuyanesewhoallowthemselvestobetrappedin thewebsweavedbycunningforeignoperators Iftheminister, the government, and the vice president are all sincere in their anxieties,thenviolatorsmustbesingledoutandthefullestextent ofthelawbethefatetheyincur Theremustbenosacredcows, no political leadership double standards, given the likely affiliations and history of some of the local middlemen and women,whoplaycostlygames
Guyanese businesspeople are the first ones victimized, through lack of opportunity and a field tilted against them. The Guyanese economy is the next victim, since the taxes and foreign exchange implications, among other considerations, weigh against the interests of this country As a practical matter, the only ones benefiting from ‘shell’ companysetupsareforeigners,withasmallnumberofGuyanese collectingsomedecentsumsfortheircooperation Weconsiderthe localarrangersofthosewhoarecalled“frontmen”for“rent-acitizen” purposes to be betrayers in that they are selling out the interestsofGuyanaforpittances,andhurtingthecountry Thelocal arrangers, those bringing together gullible Guyanese with schemingforeigners,forthemostpart,wouldnotbeofanordinary man-in-the-streetstanding Theyarebigger,brighter,andbetter at their ruses than the regular touts operating around the bus parks Theyknowtheirwayaround,andtheyknowpeople,so theygetthingsdone Dirtythingsfordirtyrewardsthatmakea mockeryofthelaw Theyareamongthefirstoneswhoshould behauledinandpenalizedaccordingtothelaw
According to Vice President Jagdeo, the Local Content Secretariat(LCS)hascompiledabodyofevidence,isready toact. Wegreetthatwithoptimism,withsomefruitexpected inshortorder Weemphasizethattheforeignershavetheir penalties to pay, once they have been found guilty of violations. But they could not have operated on their own, since they wouldn’t know where to start, or who to recruit. Therefore, the five and ten million dollar fines, per Section 23(3)(A) of the Local Content Act, must be applied consistentlyandrigorously. Basedonthecomplaintslodged withtheLCS,thegovernmentshouldhavesomeGuyanese andforeignersonitsradar Examplesmustbemadeofthem, so that Guyana and Guyanese genuinely benefit from their wealth.
I read with equal measures of dispassion and consternation, MP Annette Ferguson’s November 13, 2024 letter in Kaieteur News,titled“PresidentAli’s conduct towards these professionals was distasteful”.
Though replete with granulardetailswhichIhave no brief with, I take exception to her comment that: “Mr Ali’s actions towards professionals were distasteful and obnoxious”. Hmnn.
At this point, I was nonplussed by her ranting, yes,ranting,anddelvedinto the Webster Dictionary for clarity Contextually speaking, the Webster Dictionary reveals that professionalism is: conducting oneself with responsibility, integrity, account
y and excellence, with the ability
d effectively Were/are the “professionals” really conducting themselves as professionals?
The public saw a bunch of so-called professionals, bothintheprivateandpublic sectors, displaying amateurishnon-compliance/
Laissez-faireattitudes-being read the riot act by the President Patience may havebeenexhaustedandthe President did, emphatically declare that he visited many ofthesesitesandconcluded, thusly What was apparent was the total breakdown of communication and dereliction of responsibility on all fronts. Is that really President Ali, being obnoxious, Ms. Ferguson? Calling a meeting at 5:30 AM is unacceptable, Ms. Ferguson? I do not believe this was extemporaneously done. Assuming adequate notice was communicated, I cannot contemplate ANYONE, who had/has a vested financial interest not present on time Their absence thunderously displayedtotaldisregardand disrespect for Guyana’s sitting President who summoned them to this meeting. (I wonder if they would’ve been late for their Visa appointment)
Apparently,youareanurban dweller, Ms. Ferguson, far removed from the countryside where sugar workers/ rice farmers/ others, invariably leave homeintheweehoursofthe morning, inclement weather notwithstanding,toekeouta
Cheddi Jagan repudiated the handouts mentality
Inarecentletter,Ramesh Gampat explained in plain English why it is a ‘fantasy’ tosaythatGuyanesearerich because of oil After removingoilfromeconomic calculations, Dr Gampat showed that ‘Of the 33 countriesintheAmericasfor which data are available, therewere17countrieswith percapitaincomelargerthan Guyana’sin2023.
In other words, Guyanese remain some of the poorest people in the Americas Income per personinBarbados,St.Kitts and Nevis was 2.4 times as large as Guyana’s, while Trinidad’s was twice as large. Per capita income in Brazil and Grenada was larger than Guyana’s, while that of Jamaica and Suriname was around twothirdofGuyana’s.
T h e e n o r m o u s difference between income perpersonbasedontotaland non-oil GDPexposes what I callthe“FantasyGap”orthe perception of wealth, which beganfromaround2019and
living Contrast that, paradigm, Ms Ferguson, with the fat cat contractors, awarded contract(s) then sitting on their laurels, smiling, collecting hard earned Tax Payers Dollars, and completely ignoring their contract completion date.Notaprettyscenarioto cogitate on, eh, Ms Ferguson?TheOppositionis supposedtobethewatchdog and hold the government’s toestothefirenoteviscerate for the sake of evisceration. Constructive criticism shouldbeoptimised.
Additionally, and moreso, the upper echelon public sectoremployeesarepaidfat salaries, to ensure that the return of investment of the Guyanese Tax Payers Dollars Sadly, they were non-commital in their revealed action, displaying derelictionofdutyandwhen raked over the coals by the President, you, Ms Ferguson, consider the President’s action to be distasteful?
Should President Ali expostulate with the recalcitrants? Perhaps, your optics are overflowing with emotion rather than objectivity Ms. Ferguson. Stayfocused.
I, Jonathan Subrian, am
into NATION BUILDING and applauded the President forthisincisiveanddecisive action.Adisplay of cerebral and testicular fortitude, indeed! Understand, Ms Ferguson, every single cent spent from the public purse, whether to pay contractors, public servants and even your salary, Ms. Ferguson, belongs to Guyanese Taxpayers and Guyana’s patrimony The buck stops with the President An unfulfilled/ delayed/ cost overrun/ public contractual obligation, paid with Tax Payers Dollars, suffersALL Guyaneseregardlessofrace, colour, political affiliation etc- save and except for the recipients of the contracts. There is no one upmanship or partisan politics here. Propagandising this event, M s F e r g u s o n , i s disingenuous and lacks decorum. When any sitting government, unswervingly, commit to the upliftment of all Guyanese, I applaud. If there is a dilution of commitment, I berate Today, I applaud and await the outcome of President Ali’s
Sincerely, JonathanSubrianEsq.
Suggestions on how to fix the project management problem
grows larger yearly’ (https://wwwstabroeknews com/2024/11/12/opinion/let ters/the-idea-that-guyaneseare-rich-is-an-erroneousarithmetical-idea/).
Dr Cheddi Jagan addressed the reality of poverty in his writing and speeches.
In the following excerpt from his State Paper delivered to the National Assembly on 26 January 1994, we can see that Dr Jagan did not subscribe to the handouts mentality, one thatpositionsthecitizenasa mendicant or supplicant Instead, he envisioned a futureofself-reliantcitizens:
‘The means by which resourcesareallocatedsoas to achieve these ends [a broad-based and sustainable development agenda] must be determined through appropriate roles for the state, private and cooperative sectors and the strategic alliance between them.Inotherwords,weare ultimately more concerned withtherealizationofour
DEAREDITOR, The recent meeting at State House would have benefited from prior planning, prior reviews and the implementation of a structured project review process.Thegoodintentions of all those involved would havebeenbetterservedanda resolution to the problems mentioned during the meeting would have been better addressed without safetyrisksbeingcreatedby having rushed projects in ordertopreventblacklisting andfines.
CRG suggests that the President have individual meetings with each of his ministers, and have him or herpresentastatusreporton the overall project portfolio and the key projects under hisorherresponsibility.The contractors with projects whichareatriskshouldthen be given the opportunity to providetheMinisterwiththe reasonsforthedelaysandan associated recovery action plan & project plan. For the contractors which have several projects across
multipleministriesthatareat risk,adeeperdiveshouldbe madeintotheircapacityand capabilities in order to determinewhereareduction in their assigned projects should occur The overall approach to the project management concerns should be collaborative and doneviaworkingsessions. It would also be prudent for the government to reexamine the overall portfolioofnationalprojects andadjusttheannualproject calendar to allow for the local capacity to not be exceeded As previously suggested on a number of occasions, the capacity of the construction/ building inspectorsshouldbethekey resource that determines what is manageable. Resource planning and capacity management cannot be overstated as key considerations when the annual national project plan is being developed Available funds should not be the only main considerationwhen (Continuedonpage06)
World Diabetes Day 2024 calls for “Breaking Barriers, Bridging Gaps”. Therearestillmanybarriers to overcome, much gaps to bridge for people and familieslivingwithdiabetes.
Millions of people with diabetes face daily challenges managing their condition at home, work, andschool.
The need for resilience, for meticulous organization of their daily lives, and the financial stress they face have onerous impacts on their physical and mental well-being. Diabetes care in our health institutions, further reinforced by the National Guidelines, places almost its whole emphasis on managing blood sugar levels.
While this is important andanimperative,itisnota successful strategy and leaves too many people
living with diabetes overwhelmed.
Three out of 4 people living with diabetes have
experienced anxiety, depressionoranothermental health condition because of their diabetes. Four in 5 people living with diabetes
experienced diabetes burnout.
Seventy- five % of people living with diabetes would like to receive more support for their emotional and mental well-being from their healthcare provider
These statistics from the global research conducted through the International Diabetes Foundation (IDF)
represent an urgent call for action to address the mental healthstatusofpeopleliving withdiabetes.
Impacting mental health isthefearofdevelopinglifethreatening diabetes-related complications, a fear reportedby83%ofpersons. Among other fears are the daily management (76%), stigma and discrimination (58%) and fear of needles (55%).
On World Diabetes Day 2024, the Presidential Commission on the Prevention and Control of the NCDs urge a more holistic approach to managing the lives of diabetics.
W h i l e w e m u s t aggressively intensify our prevention efforts, ensuring fewer persons develop diabetes, we must acknowledge that far too many people for years to come do live with diabetes. Thehealthsectormustupits game when it comes to MentalHealthforDiabetics.
Guyana’sNCDCommission wants to ensure that all persons living with diabetes must have access to social workers, counselors, psychologist and other mentalhealthproviders.
T h e M O H m u s t
articulate within the Diabetes Care Guidelines a Mental Health Care and Treatmentcomponent.
The Commission is of the view that the mental health component of the National Guideline is woefully weak. We urge the Minister to personally
ensure that this weakness in the national program is remediedwithoutdelay
Our call for more comprehensive approach to deal with the mental health crisis among diabetics in no way diminishes the other serious life-threatening d i a b e t e s - r e l a t e d complications such as kidney and renal failure, retinopathy, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD),strokesandother m i c r o v a s c u l a r complications.
The Commission acknowledges investments and improvements in national efforts to deal with nutrition support for people livingwithdiabetes,withthe effortstoensurepeoplehave full access to blood sugar and HBA1c testing, consistent and reliable access to medicines, including insulin, programs to reduce complications, such as diabetes food care access across the country andaccesstoroutinetesting to pick up early renal complications.
However, we would be dishonest if we do not express concerns with obviousweaknessesinthese efforts.
Manyhealthcentersstill donothavereliablecapacity for blood-sugar and HBAIc testing.Nohospital–Levels 3,4or5-shouldevernotbe able to test for blood sugar and HBA1c every single timeforeverysingleperson. We are disappointed that primary care is still not making routi
availability of albumin, creatinine and bun testing. We question why every hospitaldoesnothaveafootcareprograminplace.
We urge also that more efforts be put in place to ensure regular oral and dental health care are available for diabetics. WE also urge that a special program to diagnose COPD and other respiratory problems be put in place for diabetics.
In this regard, we commend the Ministry’s Oral and Dental Health Departmentforbeginningto rolloutspecialprogramsfor diabetics.
WE also commend the TBProgramforincludingin their2025budgetanewkind ofportablex-raysystemthat could be taken into remote areas to screen people for respiratory deficiencies. We acknowledge the continued efforts to ensure that children with Type 1 diabetes have all the diagnostic and medicine needs, including pen insulin administrationsystems.Still the supply chain sometimes experienceshortages.
This must end once and for all. We also continue to be dismayed that the children and parent annual diabetes camps have not yet been resuscitated In addition, we need to resuscitatetheexpertpatient program both with children andadults.
In2023,theCommission urged the public health sector to co
medicinesthathavebecome routing in developed countriesandthathavemade a major difference in diabetes management, i n c l u d i n g i n t h e management of diabetes complications.
Glucagon-likepeptide-1 receptor agonists, or GLP1s,areatypeofmedicinefor peoplewithdiabetes.
They lower blood sugar levels, can help with weight loss, and protect the heart andkidneys.
Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2inhibitors,or SGLT-2s are a type of medicine for people with diabetes.SimilartoGLP-1s, they lower blood sugar levels, can help with weight loss, and protect the heart and kidneys. Because GLP1s and SGLT-2s work in different ways, they can be takentogether
These are expensive medicines, and Guyana mightnotbeinapositionto provide every diabetic patient with these kinds of medicines. But a strategy must begin now for the introduction for some patients.
The Ministry of Health and the Government are making a valiant effort to combat the scourge of diabetes in our country The Commission continue to p u s h f o r f u r t h e r improvementstoensurethat the global trend of increasing morbidity and mortality associated with diabetes is not Guyana’s reality
Dr LeslieRamsammy Chairperson
Presidential NCD Commission
Frompage04 creative potential, the strengthening of selfreliance, the eradication of poverty and protection of theenvironment,ratherthan with handouts to relieve poverty’ (Guyana: The government’s vision of d e v e l o p m e n t https://jagan org/CJ%20Art icles/President/Images/420 2.pdf).
The present and all future governments would do well to take Dr Jagan’s vision to heart. Bharrat Jagdeo did not become Senior Minister for Finance until 1995 so he may have
missedthe1994StatePaper However, as coordinator of the development of the National Development Strategy, Bharrat Jagdeo knew of Cheddi Jagan’s opposition to handouts, restated on page 4 of the terms of reference for technical working groups, issued by the Ministry of Financedated08June1995 (https://www.cartercenter.or g/documents/1188.pdf ). I donotrecallanyrepudiation by now-Vice-President Jagdeo of the Jagan philosophy
As the elected District Leader, and the highestranking official of Guyanese origin here in Little Guyana, Richmond Hill, Queens, New York City, I have been asked by my Guyanese-American constituentstorespectfully request that the Guyana Government disburse the promised GY$100,000 in Richmond Hill, and in Flatbush,Brooklyn.
T h i s “ b r i n g i n g Government to the People” concept aligns with the “One Guyana” mission It
is a most realistic and compassionate idea, and f o l l o w s o n g o i n g , impressive initiatives by the Guyana Government in its recent NIS, Investment, Documents and other outreaches here in New YorkCity,USAthroughits ConsulateandMission Mo
been made by a substantial number of Guyanese who cannottraveltoGuyana,and willbeunfairlyexcludeddue to their circumstancespregnant mothers, bereaved families, disabled,
undocumented Guyanese, and others who cannot acquire leave to travel Others will lose their jobs, whichwereacquiredbygrit, determination and perseverance.
I n d e e d , t h i s initiative will be more cost effective,andfiscally prudentforallconcerned.
Living in American has never been a bed of rosesforGuyanese.
Most only left their navel strings buried in beautiful Guyana because of the extant hardships previous regimes inflicted
upon them, but their undying love for their native land has never waned Moreover, no one can realistically expect a Guyanese expatriate, however patriotic he or she may be, to spend many times the cost to collect his/her cash grant of GY $100,000
Collectively, we have been, and will continue to be, the first defenders of Guyana’s territorial integrity and national sovereignty, as we have demonstrated in restoring democracy to
G u y a n a , a n d i n galvanizing help from the US Pre
, Secretary of State, Congress and other pillars of power here in our ongoing crisis with Venezuela
Mr President, it will be unconscionable, nay, a travesty, not to distribute the grants in the diaspora, called Little Guyana, now officially in NYC data, and aptly referred to as Region
-Guyana. Indeed, with the rapid, modern transmission of currency across the globe
today, it is a realistic goal, and the right thing to do To require that diasporans travel to Guyana to receive a part of their heritage, will actually be counter intuitive to what the Government promised to “not discriminate against our people based onresidency”
D i s t r i c t L e
r, RichmondHill,NY,USA
Former Magistrate, Senior State Counsel and Police Legal Adviser, Guyana
DEAREDITOR, I am writing to express my opinion on the highly anticipated 100k cash grant that will be given to every Guyanese citizen above the ageof18yrs,andthefactthat it will be accessible to Guyaneselivingabroad.
Inevitably,the100kcash grantwillprovideareliefto citizensandtheeconomyby creatingamassive60billion
injection disposable income intothecountry
The accessibility of that 100k cash grant being made available for Guyanese living abroad is anabsolutegeniusstrategy by the government of Guyana Firstly,Guyanese living abroad that was thinking about taking a vacationbackhomecando that because that 100k
grant should cover their plane ticket or a few days inahotel.
Secondly, if copious Guyanese in the diaspora return, it will yet again boostfinancialincomeinto the economy, as well as increasingsalesmarketsof services and local products
Yourstruly, QuincyAnderson
DEAREDITOR, Once upon a time, collecting my Old Age Pension book was quite a pleasant affair I arrived at the designated location where there was usually a small group of pensioners comfortablyseated.
The staff members were efficient, courteous and friendly, and in a very short while I was able to receive mybook.
The process has now changed. You arrive to a chaotic situation. Crowds of
people are there. Some are seated under a tent in the yard but many more are standing around as the seats areneverenough.
Ever so often, a harried staff member loudly shouts an order and we wait - hour after hour after hour after hour Eventually, after having to get up, move over and sit down again many, many times, despite aching, creaking joints, in a weird version of musical chairswithout the music and the fun - you finally reach the
deskandreceiveyourbook. Why was a system that treated pensioners with dignity and kindness changed to one that is so demeaning?
One so thoughtless of their personhood? Is it too much to ask that with the imminent distribution of the Old Age Pension books, emphasis be placed by the authorities on treating pensioners with dignity and kindness?
Sincerely, JoanCollins
Withouttakingthisbroaderapproachthe riskisthatmanyprojectswillbeoutsourced to overseas firms and our local construction capabilities will remain in its infancy Refocusing on quality over quantity will ensurethatourNation’sdevelopmentisdone inasafe,responsible,efficient,effectiveand timely manner that will allow our local construction teams to mature into strong companies.
Safety is mentioned first and should always be the first consideration for
construction projects. It is better to have a project delayed to allow for good weather conditions and proper foundation setting to occurthantorushitandhavesafetyrisksin thefuture.
This may not be the main factor in the currentdelaysbeingexperienced,butitisan example of what to avoid in the spirit of expediency Only a well-structured project review process will uncover the underlying causesinatimelymannerandallowforquick coursecorrection.
Bestregards, Mr JamilChanglee
A teacher’s past of allegedly raping underage girls in Guyana might have finally caught up with him after he pleaded guilty to sexually exploiting a young girlinBermuda.
The teacher, 38-year-old Ronald Forde first made headlines in 2011 after he was accused of raping his underage student in Berbice. In 2014 he was wanted for a similar offence and had told the media he was being framed. exploited a young girl while He reportedly migrated in a position of trust, lured to Bermuda and found her and accessed child himself in a similar situation pornography Forde a butthistimehepleadsguilty Guyanese national residing Information reaching in Southampton, Bermuda Kaieteur News is that Forde was scheduled to be pleaded guilty last week to sentencedyesterdaybutit charges that he sexually (Continued on page 10)
The Inter-American represents 50% of IDB’s programs such as Amazonia climate finance projections, Development Bank (IDB) totalclimatefinancetarget, a Forever, One Caribbean, and estimating US$120 billion and its private sector arm, proportion the IDB Group America en el Centro that annually, plus an additional IDB Invest, are scaling will strive to maintain. In integrate climate policies US$65 billion from private climate and environmental 2023 alone, IDB and IDB
sector mobilization for lowsustainability across Latin Invest dedicated US$7 5 conservation Innovative
America and the Caribbean billion to climate finance, tools like EcoInvest, debt for countries. and by 2030, the bank aims laying the groundwork for climateresilienceswaps,and
to reach 50% in green and long-termclimateresilience. IDB CLIMA reduce capital MDBs are also empowering climate finance, while IDB “These projections costs and expand access to countries to lead their Inv
ects 60%, underscore the IDB and IDB
climate agendas through the including mobilised private Invest’s drive to scale supporting communities and Joint MDB Long-Term capital, to amplify climate climate action in Latin drivinginclusivegrowth. Strategies (LTS) Programme actionintheregion. AmericaandtheCaribbean,” As outlined in their and enhanced country
According to a press said Jordan Schwartz, IDB Viewpoint Note, MDBs are platforms that unite MDBs, release from the IDB, by Executive Vice-President, committed to working as a governments,andtheprivate 2030, the IDB and IDB during COP29 “We’re system on climate action, sector Invest expect to deliver a taking concrete steps to advancing sustainable Theadoptionofcommon combinedUS$11.3billionin ensure that our resources growth, jobs, and resilience. metrics on climate results annual climate finance and drive real progress, focusing The recent Joint MDB ensures clear tracking of mobilise another US$6 6 on the regions that need it Climate Finance Report MDB progress and impact. billion. most and building resilience highlights that in 2023 As climate challenges
These projections align whereitmatters.” MDBs already exceeded intensify, IDB, IDB Invest, with the institutions’
According to the press their climate finance a n d M D B s r e m a i n commitments in the new release beyond financing, projections for 2025, with committed to transparent, I m p a c t F r a m e w o r k , IDB and IDB Invest are US$125 billion in direct sustainable change at scale, including delivering US$25 working to drive investment, climate finance and an setting the stage for a billion in adaptation from job creation, and resilience additional US$100 billion in resilient, low-carbon future 2024 to 2030. This acrossLatinAmericaandthe mobilization. On Nov 12, acrossLatinAmericaandthe adaptation finance amount Caribbean through regional MDBs announced new 2030 Caribbean.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo
has become master of sidestepping, shuffling, and even pirouetting his way around any question that might remotely require a straight answer His jig was on full display at yesterday’s press conference.
Most politicians have a knack for evasive maneuvers, but Jagdeo doesn’t just answer questions; he performs When a reporter from Kaieteur News dared ask about the making public the feasibility study of the gasto-energyproject,Jagdeo,in a virtuoso display, spun in the verbal equivalent of circles, almost like a matador teasing a particularly inquisitive bull.
“It’s the numbers that matter,” he said. But one can’t help but feel that Jagdeo isn’t so much providing clarity as he is offering us an interpretive dance, one that is part spectacleandpartmystery
J a g d e o ’s l a t e s t
explanation rests on unfiltered logic The numbers, he assures us, justify the project. How’s t
hat for reassurance? No feasibility study needs to be published,justtakealeapof faithintothematrixofthese mythical numbers This, dear readers, is gas-toenergygovernanceinaction. As long as there are numbers however cryptic—floating around in some vault, the project is obviously bound to be a success Who needs transparencywhenyouhave numerology?
Now, the Vice President might say that he’s merely protectingthepopulacefrom t h e c u m b e r s o m e technicalities of such a “ h i g h l y t e c h n i c a l document.” After all, why burdenordinarypeople,like GlennLall,withdetailsthey mightneverunderstand?
And what exactly are these hallowed numbers Jagdeo speaks of? If we could only catch a glimpse! Let’sremember,though,that we have witnessed Jagdeo’s flirtation with numbers before Recall the Great Skeldon Sugar Factory Fiasco a production factorythatwassupposedto sweetenGuyana’seconomic future but instead collapsed
in to an expensive
monument of optimistic mathematics gone wrong. Numbers have their own senseofhumor,itseems,and they enjoy making the Vice President look a tad overenthusiastic.
Ah,butinthisdance,the Vice President has also hinted at a magical selfpaying gas-to-energy project.It’slikeafablefrom a business textbook: if we just bottle the liquefied petroleum gas, the income willcovertheproject’scost. Simple,no?
Except that this little detail has led the government to seek private investors for a second natural gas project. Call me skeptical, but when an investment is a goldmine, the state doesn’t usually auction it off to the private sector In fact, when private companies come sniffing around, the typical reaction isn’t to roll out the red carpet—it’smorelike,“How lucrativecouldthisreallybe ifthey’reoutsourcing?”
To be fair, Jagdeo is consistent about one thing: transparency Hespeaksofit asonewouldanoldfriend,a friend one would invite for coffee but who never
Demboyssehit’s dat time again!
De time when everybody seh, “I ain’t gun get ketch up in de lastminuterushdisChristmas.”
Butsametime,demsaydis every year, and every year, yuh does see dem duckin’ and dodgin’ in de crowd Christmas Eve night, hustling like de world coming to an end. Yuh woulda swear dem got a tradition of last-minute stress. Dem seh dey go prepareearly,butyuhknow how it go: Guyanese and “early”islikeoilandwater.
Back in de day, Christmas was a serious ting. People use to take downdemoldblinds,scrub down de whole house from defloorboardstodeceiling, and bake up cake ‘til yuh couldsmellChristmasfrom two streets down Yuh neighbours woulda done hearyuhplayingChristmas carol since November! But now? Is only when the clock counting down and
Santaonhewaydatpeople does spring into action
Dem boys seh it’s like a Christmas Olympics –everybody vying fuh first place in de last-minute dash!
Imagine de madness: Christmas Eve night, yuh can’t walk straight in Bourda Market without bumpin’ into somebody YuhwouldswearChristmas was only announced de night before. De traffic on Regent Street? Don’t talk! Is like a big iron lung wid carsallpuffedupandgoing nowhere. Last year de police had to come out and partdecarslikeMosespart deRedSea!
So this year, dem boys seh, leh we be proactive. Start de cleaning now!
Don’t wait fuh Christmas Eve fuh be scrubbin’ yuh floor,changingyuhcurtain, and fluffing up yuh pillow
StartinNovember,sobyde time Christmas reach, yuh house smell fresh, yuh carpetshining,andyuhcan
actually makes it out of the house His government promised that transparency wouldbeapriority,yethere we are, repeatedly assured that the numbers make the projectfeasible.Buthowcan we know this for sure, if we havenotseenthenumbers?
This avoidance strategy seems almost endearing until you realize the realworldimplications.
The feasibility study isn’t some abstract document that’s just of interest to economists and oil magnates It’s a documentthatoutlinesrisks, costs, and benefits that the entire country will shoulder. By keeping it under wraps,
the government has left ordinary citizens with only hiswordandthedanceofhis evasion. If these numbers Jagdeospeaksoftrulymake thegas-to-energyprojectthe economic miracle he suggests, then the government should be downright ecstatic no, eager—tomakethempublic. Insteadofhidingthisgolden formula under lock and key, they should be plastering it on every billboard from Georgetown to Skeldon, letting every citizen bask in thegloryofsuchenlightened investment.
Afterall,whatbetterway tosilencecriticsandskeptics than to show, clear as day,
that this is not just another white elephant in the making.And yet, for all this “ f e a s i b i l i t y, ” t h e governmentactslikethey’re guarding not figures but the crown jewels, leaving us to wonder: if this project is so rock-solid, why the hesitation in making public thefeasibilitystudy?
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
actually relax like Santa Claus. Trust me, is a new kinda Christmas feeling when yuh ain’t hustling to de sound of pots clanging andbroomssweeping.
And when it come to gifts,lehwebereal.Whyde rush fuh gifts de night before?Disyear,doyuhself afavor:buydemtingearly Grabalilham,alilbottleah sorrel,andwrapdemupone time.Yuhdon’thavetowait fuh last-minute bargains if yuh start early, and yuh won’t end up wid de leftovers when everybody donetekdebestdeals.
Dem boys seh, let’s be smart – avoid de lastminute hustle. Yuh got de whole month of December, start early! So dis Christmas, if yuh see yuh neighbour running to market late, yuh can kick back and seh, “Dis year I wasdeearlybirdfuhonce.” And who know? Maybe de early bird might ketch de bestChristmasyet! Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
Though expected in this American now president raw as to be visible i e , an America for Notwithstanding the glaring, corner, Donald Trump again.One that startled was Especially when tied to local Americans only (the real wasteful failures of the resurrection and ascendancy that the old bottom house election rigging. Since that ones, not even the native Democrats? Consider has stirred, stunned, and petitions and perversions i s w h a t s i m m e r s ones). Why, therefore, not somethingelse. seized global interest. For wended their way into local underground, festers in the OneGuyanawithonekindof It was long said that the government or elsewhere. thewrongreasons. Somuch lettercolumns,gracedpublic heart,thenIregrettosaythat people mostly in mind. In most insidious, dangerous Menofpowerandperchedin of what this man represents, postures, even flitted into President Ali’s One Guyana Guyana, the mindsets are racists were not from the the high offices of Guyana so much that he has spoken international space. Ah yuh took on an added layer, a even more passionate, more Deep South, the Gothic can breathe easier, travel and proven, have more waan dem kine ah peeple sinisterone. deep-seated, more plentiful horrors of Georgia, Virginia, unconcernedly These were a p p l i c a t i o n s a n d deh. It is the creole version. TheOneGuyanamirage, in bigotries. Whether the Alabama Civil rights amongthereasonswhysome implications down here. If Also, the polite one that is and what is more than a veiled messages and leaders and sociologists Guyanese were pulling for only Guyanese knew…. A s t r i p p e d o f c o l o r, masquerade, is now infused objectives of MAGAor One found that out. Their worst the return of Donald Trump. few echoes may clear the masculinity Fears with what possibilities Guyana, there is a palpable impediments, greatest Think wide, think deep, mind, help citizens look at rekindled, sparks flying with Absorb something. Trump monstrosity in the making. underminers, came from the fellow citizens. It was more themselves, then ask if they many frightening meanings. succeeded in his push to Guyanese must see through North. Those who smiled in than about an American like what they see in the Prejudices not so subtle, so Make America Great Again, the writings here coupled the face, but held poisoned election. It is also about a with the actions in New daggers in their handshake. Guyaneseone. York, and interpret the true Donald Trump is from the Separately, the return of mindsets, the deep North; his daggers are the the new Guyanese hero meanings. Keepthatwoman deadliest When the signals a return to a hobbled out, by whatever means sickening toxins of U S E n v i r o n m e n t a l necessary candidate Trump can Protection Agency, the Dept
Relative to mindsets, influence Guyanese minds of Justice’s Civil Rights thereisthathistoricnotoriety here, and over there, then Division marginalized, and of divide and rule in that’s stark, poignant the SEC minimized to a domesticquarters. Itwasthe t e s t i m o n y o f h o w scarecrow. Those are house slave. Today, the irreversible Guyana is today random snapshots of what house slave presents It is neither naïve nor reigned over four years ago. different looks. The house innocent. For a vote for What else could there be slave is more than physical, Trump means more than going forward, with a leader the house slave is more than victory for Trump. The energized by votes, his own local. The house slave is Republican triumph and the vitriolandviciousness. Isee multicolored, of the mental man that is now its soul, his mirror images right here: andpsychological,andhisor spine, scowl, and sordidness dangerous talk and then her kitchen is without door, means a smoother passage destructive actions. When fence, or border Now, there for likeminded despots and America’s premier agencies is something I must say demagogues here. Gone is are subject to such ill winds,
A n y o n e c a n t r y looking over shoulders at then what pressure here for criminalizing, and I will still Justice or Treasury’s OFAC. ours to function in sync with shake his hand in genuine No longer would travel accepted international brotherhood. But when he through JFK’s corridors standards, best practices. embodies threatening d e g r a d e t o s u c h The Trump election has malignancies, uncontained apprehensions that officials many Guyanese lessons, virulence, I cannot eat at the must leave incriminatory implications. See them all, table,orsharethesamespace devices behind, and understand them all. All with him. When I recoil accompany themselves with shouldbewiser from his unreconstructed diplomatic accessories, (The views expressed in nature, how can I endorse should heat intensify this article are those of the him, when he has proven Summation: when a man is a u t h o r a n d d o n o t publicly that he is a thatcorrupt,thenheissureas necessarily reflect the pathologicalracist. Howcan hell is not going to place any opinions and beliefs of this any colored man vote for a bounty on the heads of n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s man who detests him? uneasy Guyan
From page 8
This position by the Judge was taken hasbeenrescheduledforDecember11. followingarulingbythenChiefJustice(ag) Forde,accordingtotheRoyalGazettein the late Ian Chang, on August 10, 2012, in Bermuda can face a maximum jail sentence which he had ruled that paper committals ofupto15years. Atage27,Fordewasfreed under the sexual offence act was a breach of ofrapeinGuyana. one’sconstitutionalrights.
KaieteurNewshadreportedin2012that It was alleged then that Forde between Justice James Bovell-Drakes, at the Berbice Wednesday, September 1st and September High Court, discharged the matter in which 30th, 2010, had sex with a female student Forde, 27, of Bel Air, West Coast Berbice, who was 14 years at the time. Two years was on trial before a jury He was charged later in 2014 he was in the news again after with four counts, including sexual activity police issued a wanted bulletin for him. He with a child and abusing his position of had reached out to Kaieteur News to clear privilege. hisnamebeforeturninghimselfin.
Thekidswouldcallita“comedyshow”andit was on Tuesday morning at State House in the full view of every Guyanese who has access to internet.
The show provided the usual entertainment, but it also exposed the sheer madness in the current government. We speak of the infamous 5AM meeting with the President, his ministers, stateengineersandcontractors.
This wasn’t a productive meeting. There was nodeepdiveintothedelaysintheinfrastructural projects that were under scrutiny, no nuanced examinationoftherootandmultifacetedreasons for projects being behind schedule. This was, instead, a masterclass in “leadership by fear,” where public servants were held accountable not toreason,buttospectacle.
The spreadsheets might have been out, but they weren’t guiding this meeting only amplifying the performance. One would think that permanent secretaries or technical staff would be the ones running the nitty-gritty on these projects. But no. Here, it seems, the President himself must publicly step in, filling a role better suited to a manager than a head of state.
While intelligence received in relation to the abduction of ex-policeman DelonAlexander and Joshua David called “Bricks” are not favourable, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum has stated that they are hoping the men arestillalive.
Blanhum made the comment on Thursday at the Guyana Police Force’s launch of the Christmas policing initiative The CrimeChiefwasaskedforan u p d a t e o n t h e t w o abductions. In his response, he acknowledged that the intelligence gathered so far who were charged with the has been discouraging. abduction of David, and “What I can tell you is that were granted $500,000 bail
Joshua David called “Bricks”
theinvestigatorsareworking each. According to the However, after three days of along with some sources and charge the men are accused searching, no evidential basedontheintelligencethat of abducting Joshua David valuewasfound. we are in possession of, on September 26, 2024 on The defendants: 24-yearwhich we cannot disclose at Main Street, Georgetown, old Aaron Alleyne known as this point in time, their withtheintenttosecretlyand ‘Cats’ of lot 9 West La intelligenceisnotsuggesting wrongfully confine him. Penitence, Georgetown; 34anything favourable,” David was abducted outside year-old Wayne Barker from Blanhumsaid. a restaurant on Main Street, lot 58 Laing Avenue, West
However, he noted, “We G e o r g e t o w n , w h i l e Rumvieldt, Georgetown; 32are hoping that the purchasing food on the year-old Damion Barlow information that was eveningofSeptember26. fromlot261BFieldSophia, furnished to us is not so but Acting on information, Georgetown; 27-year-old we are hoping that they are police began searching for Dwayne Griffith, known as alive.” David in the backlands of ‘Sheep’ofWilliamStreet, Last month, seven men Buxton andAnnandale, days (Continued on page 15)
President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali (in black) explores the forest that is in close proximity of the research centre
The Sophia Point Rainforest Research importance of establishing a market for these Centre should integrate economic products, allowing them to be sold and development along with its environmental generating income for the community “This biodiversityresearchandpractices. can be a high value market…The
This was emphasised by President Dr beginning of an exciting story. A new area Mohamed Irfaan Ali on Wednesday during a of nature-based solution is what they call visit to the research centre. The project is forest farming. It is how we farm on a rich located at the junction of the Cuyuni, floor of the forest and what is the value of Mazaruni, and Essequibo Rivers. The whatwefarm,”thepresidentsaid. president noted that the project, which aligns A key aspect of economic biodiversity, withthecountry’sLowCarbonDevelopment according to President Ali, is helping people Strategy (LCDS) 2030 should extend beyond understand that nature can be a viable research and provide opportunities for business, providing opportunities without individuals, particularly students to explore jeopardisingtheirlivelihoods.Withthecentre andengagewiththeenvironment. now equipped with new assets, the president
“We should not only train persons on noted that it is the ideal time to develop a Scienceandresearchbutaswegetstudents nature tourism facility that would attract to come in, we have to let them know that students from countries like the United nature has its entrepreneurial Kingdom (UK), who could use the site for opportunities. But it is how we develop research purposes. He urged the Protected those entrepreneurial and livelihood AreasCommission(PAC)tocollaboratewith opportunities and how we develop a the centre in advancing this business programme here that would teach them initiative. Further, the president stressed that abouttheseopportunities,”theheadofstate Guyanaisrichinresources. said President Ali encouraged the He said it is crucial for its people to management team to develop a business maximise these assets for their benefit and modelthatharnessesthepotentialofnatureto long-term prosperity “As a local private teach people how to generate economic sector, access and capital formation prosperity He urged them to create a local growth is important and so you have to community where products, such as look for opportunities and natural hammocks, can be made through the resources is a major opportunity It is sustainable and conscious extraction of importantthatwedevelopandeducatethe naturalresources. people on these possibilities,” PresidentAli
The Guyanese leader also highlighted the noted. (DPI)
( O I L P R I C E C O M ) (SURF) package at the designed to accommodate discovered resources in Saipem has won a $1.9- project,whichTotalEnergies future tie-back opportunities Guyana’s neighbor, billion contract from progressedlastmonth. that would extend its Suriname. T
g i e s f o r I n O c t o b e r , productionplateau. Surinameisoftenseenas engineering, procurement, TotalEnergies announced The GranMorgu project a candidate for a repeat of
u c t i o n , a n d thefinalinvestmentdecision is the first major subsea Guyana’s oil boom since the installation (EPCI) at the for the GranMorgu development in Suriname, two neighboring countries US$10.5-billionGranMorgu developmentofthefieldsoff and it is aimed at expanding share one hydrocarbon
ct offshore the coast of Suriname which the production of the block basin. Crude oil discoveries Suriname, the Italian are estimated to hold centralareathroughasystem in Suriname have opened engineering group said on recoverablereservesofmore of subsea wells connected to access to some 2.4 billion Thursday than 750 million barrels. the FPSO vessel, the barrels in reserves, Wood Saipem will work on the Total investment in the contractor Saipem said Mackenzie analysts have engineering, procurement, project is estimated at today. Exploration and estimated. The consultancy
ction, around US$10 5 billion, resource development in the also reported the South
p r e - with first oil expected in Atlantic Basin is now alive American nation holds some
ng, and 2028. The project includes a more than ever, following 12.5 trillion cubic feet in
e f o r t h e 220,000barrelsofoilperday the huge developments natural gas reserves. A total commissioning and start-up Floating Production Storage offshore Guyana led by of nine offshore discoveries of the Subsea Umbilicals, and Offloading (FPSO) unit. ExxonMobilandtheplansof have been made in Suriname Risers and Flowlines The GranMorgu FPSO is TotalEnergies to tap the inthelastsixyears.
From page 3 referendum. He pointed to after the elections. But right t h e n e e d t o m a k e now,GECOMmustfocuson amendments to certain one question, which is clauses in the Constitution holding elections within the and those proposed constitutional prescribed amendmentsshouldbeputto timeframe,”Jagdeosaid. avoteviaareferendum.
The Vice President In addition to the highlighted that Exxon has political parties, several madetheirpositionclearthat commentators and ordinary they will not be up for a citizens supported the call renegotiation of the oil deal. for a referendum. Chartered That deal waives all taxes Account and lawye
and caters for it to be paid by Christopher Ram weighing the government out of its in on the matter has said that share. Guyana receives a 2% Jagdeoislookingforexcuses royalty; it allows Exxon and to downplay calls for a itsco-venturerstorecoverup referendum. In a recent to 75% of production costs column published in the before the remaining 25% is Stabroek News titled, shared between Guyana and ‘ R e n
the Stabroek Block partners. R e f e
, a n d After accounting for the 2% Reality–response to Ram & royalty, cost recovery, and McRae’s Survey,’ Ram said profitsharing,Guyana’stotal thattheVicePresidenthasno take from the oil produced is power to decide whether 14.5% of the total value of Guyanese can have a theoil. referendum.“Letusbeclear: Jagdeo added that any it is not within any VP’s Guyanese, including himself power to decide whether would want more out of the Guyanese can have a deal. “Would I like to have r e f e r e n d u m T h e 75% instead of 52% in the Constitution establishes future when all the costs are referendums as a democratic takenintoconsideration?We tool, with such decisions would love that. But the resting with the National government of 2016 signed Assembly and the President, an agreement that says the not with a party official, onlywayyoucouldhavethis however high up. While Mr amicably solved is with the Jagdeo is the General agreement of the two Secretary of the ruling party, parties,”hesaid. he is not even the First Vice Kaieteur News had President – that position reported the Working belongs to Brigadier Mark People’s Alliance (WPA) Phillips by virtue of his saying that it supports the positionasPrimeMinister.” call for a referendum on the A d d i t i o n a l l y , 2016 oil contract with businessman, and advocate ExxonMobil ahead of the for a better oil deal, Glenn 2025 General and Regional Lall also joined calls for the Elections. The WPAsaid too referendum. Lall told this that such a referendum must newspaper that the nation also cover the distribution of cannot sit silently and watch the oil resources to the ExxonMobil, with the full people and a form of support of the government governance to be adopted as and other leaders, haul away we transition into a petro “our oil by the barrel, while state. handing us our share by the
For its part, the Alliance teaspoon.” He added: “how ForChange(AFC)saidittoo can we stay quiet, knowing supports calls for a that the PNC/AFC sold us referendum on the deal out with such a lopsided deal Chairmanoftheparty,David and still keep on smiling Patterson in response to a through it all? How can we question posed by Kaieteur keep living with our mouths News made it clear that the shut, watching the PPP, who AFC believes that a once criticised and referendum should be held condemned that very deal, prior to the 2025 elections. now sitting comfortably in However, Patterson made it office, embracing that same clear that oil and gas is not arrangement and accepting the lone issue that requires a thatsamemeagreteaspoon?”
President Irfaan Ali clarified that the cash grant income into the economy for the cash grant, provided on Wednesday would not affect the usual Previously,PresidentAlihad they have a valid ID and are announced that public service increases and announced a $200,000 cash 18orolder
public servants bonuses, which are typically grant for every household in However, they will need and pensioners will be the announced in December Guyana, but this was later to register in Guyana to first to receive the one-off “We don’t take away revised to $100,000 per receive their payment, as no $100,000 cash grant before benefits. We give benefits… adult. disbursements will be made theendofNovember The public servants’ This change raised overseas. Ali was at the time increases will definitely several questions, but the The cash grant initiative, speaking during the come before the end of the President reassured the which will benefit millions inaugural edition of his new year That will be separate public that the decision was of citizens, is expected to ‘In the Seat’ programme, a from the $100,000 cash aimed at ensuring the provideasignificantboostto livebroadcastfeaturinglocal grant,”heexplained. broadestpossiblereach. household incomes and femalejournalists. President Ali noted that Guyanese citizens living contribute to the country’s During the broadcast, training is ongoing for abroad will also be eligible economicrecovery President Ali explained that personnel who will assist the distribution of the cash with data collection in the grant would be facilitated field, using a newly through existing data developed app designed to systems, making the gather citizens’ information. process smoother and more This app will ensure a efficient “We already have seamless and transparent natural data sets, for distributionprocess. example, all public sector He confirmed that data employees, and then we collection will begin this have old age pensioners. weekend in Region 9, with That is an easy data set,” he the help of local community said. l e a d e r s a n d o t h e r
He added, “before the stakeholders. end of the month, the easy K a i e t e u r N e w s data sets like public sector understands that the employees, and the registration process for the pensioners, all of that will grant has already begun at beeasilypaidoff ” government ministries and He also reassured entities. citizens in remote areas that In October, the President they would not be left announced that every adult behind. “In the hinterland citizen aged 18 and above, regions, we will try to would be eligible to receive complete as early as thecashgrant. possible…You will get your This initiative is money before Christmas,” expected to cost the PresidentAliconfirmed. government over $60 billion
The President further and will inject disposable
From page 12
Georgetown;and21-year-oldDaventaiMarsofMiddleRoad, LaPenitence.
Moreover, on May 7, 2024 at Church of God Road, Buxton, East Coast Demerara (ECD), 36-year-old Delon Alexander was abducted. Five months after the abduction of theex-cop,wantedbulletinswereissuedfor42-year-oldMark Cromwell also called ‘Diamond/ Demon’ and 28-year-old KevralHattoncalled,‘Smokey.’
The man, LindonAlexander a father of six recalled that in 2023,Delonandtheownerofagoldminingcompanytraveled to Linden, where they had encountered a man. An argument reportedly broke out between the two men during this confrontation.
“(The boss) told my son to let duh man come out my yard and my son tell him to get out of the yard,”Alexander told KaieteurNews.
He recalled that months later the men had a confrontation in Linden. Following that, the father alleged that an argument ensued and the man reportedly threatened Delon that “he is goingtodealwithhim.”
On May 7, 2024, the father said Delon carried out some business, and went to a bakery to purchase some items. Upon exitingthebakery,itisclaimedthathissonwasinanargument withtwomen.“Whilehewentgoingoutofthebakery,heand two men were having a fight outside,” the father related. He told this newspaper that when he initially heard of the news that his was missing, he did not take it serious. However, he now believes his son is dead. “I lose him, he gone…I telling youpersonallyalotofpeoplegivemeinsight,Idon’thavethat feelingnomorethatheisalive,”themansaid.”
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Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum on Thurs day said that there has been an increase in a number of crimes including break and enter, rape, and robbery under arms.
Blanhum made the disclosure at the launch of the Guyana Police Force’s (GPF) Christmas Policing initiative. He said that serious crimes have declined overall in 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. The event was held at Police Headquarters, Eve Leary in Georgetown. Blanhum in his presentation said that between January 1 and November 11, 2024, a total of 1,042 serious crimes were recorded, marking a 14% decrease from the 1,217 cases reported in 2023.
Murder cases showed a significant decline, with 100 cases reported in 2024 compared to 133 in the previous year. Of the 2024 murder victims, 88% were male and 12% were female. The breakdown of murder cases included 56 from disorderly conduct, 10 from domestic violence, 11 from robbery, eight executions, and 15 cases of un-
known causes.
Regionally, 22% of murders occurred in Region 4A (Georgetown), 17% in Region Three, with Regions One, Six, and Seven showing a 10% increase each. The remaining regions had a 9% or lower increase. Additionally, alcoholrelated murders included 25 disorderly conduct cases and three domestic violence cases.
Other categories with reductions included robbery under arms (using other instruments), which decreased from 119 cases in 2023 to 78 in 2024, and robbery with aggravation, which dropped from 22 to 16 cases. Larceny from person also declined, with cases down from 41 in 2023 to 31 in 2024.
For trafficking in persons, 19 reports were made, resulting in three cases. Kidnapping incidents remained rare, with only one case reported in 2024 and none in 2023. Break and enter and larceny, despite showing a decline from 392 incidents in 2023 to 261 in 2024, remained the most prevalent crime recorded by the GPF for 2024.
Meanwhile, despite the overall decrease in serious crimes, some categories recorded increases. Rape cases rose from 180 in 2023 to 195 in 2024, representing an 8% increase. Robbery under arms involving firearms also increased, with 239 cases in 2024 compared to 215 in 2023.
In Region 4A (Georgetown), gun-related robberies surged by 29%, followed by a 15.9% increase in Region 4C (East Coast Demerara) and a 13% increase in Region 4B (East Bank Demerara). Other regions re-
corded a 10% or less increase in gun robberies. The police noted that the majority of gun robberies—174 incidents— occurred between 18:00 hours and midnight. Additionally, burglary cases rose from 59 to 68 over the same period. The statistics also showed an 18.1% increase in serious crime in Region 4A (Georgetown) and Region Six, followed by increases in Regions Three, 4B, and 4C. Regions 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 recorded less than a 10% increase in serious crimes.
From page 2 Bank’s latest Commodity Markets Outlook report raised doubts about the Vice President’s projections of substantial future revenue for Guyana. Jagdeo has suggested that by not implementing a ring-fencing provision for the oil projects in the Stabroek Block which is operated by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL); the country is strategically foregoing short-term benefits to reap greater long-term gains. In simple terms, a ring-fencing provision in an oil contract ensures that each oil project is financially independent, meaning it can only use its revenue to cover its own costs.
Based on his previous comments, Jagdeo was asked whether the World Bank’s forecast changes his position on the lack of ring-fencing provisions for the oil projects in the Stabroek Block. In his response, Jagdeo downplayed the bank’s influ-
ence on oil market insights. He highlighted Guyana’s low production costs and the high quality of its crude. Oil is currently being produced from the Stabroek Block, which is operated by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL). Daily production is over 650,000 barrels per day (bpd) from just three projects in that block. “Of ten people who are uninitiated, they put a lot of store on these IFIs (international financial institutions) and the reports they produce. For people who are actually in the sector, they pay scant regard to those reports,” he said.
The Vice President added that oil market projections require more specialized focus than what the World Bank typically provides. “So if you ask any of the oil majors around the world about this World Bank report, economic outlook report, they probably wouldn’t even know about it. Nobody pays attention to
this,” he said. Jagdeo argued that the dynamics of the oil market are highly complex and sensitive to a myriad of factors, including geopolitical events.
“Oil markets are very fickle in nature,” he said, adding, “You may have a glut today, but you have a shortage in the future.”
The Vice President then pointed to potential global disruptions, such as a hypothetical escalation in conflicts involving key oil producers or major incidents in international shipping lanes, as factors that could swiftly alter supply-demand balances and impact prices.
Jagdeo also criticized the World Bank’s report for its lack of specificity, noting that seasoned industry experts conduct daily assessments that consider real-time developments in the oil market. “So oil is just a small part of it, but there are agencies that every single day put out a report,
and they have a more nuanced understanding of oil markets, because they live that sector on a daily basis,” he said.
To this end, he added that the World Bank’s analyses generally cover a broader economic scope without providing the same level of detail on oil as specialized industry reports. It should be noted that while the Vice President did not dismiss the possibility of market challenges altogether, he underscored that Guyana’s oil industry is well-positioned to withstand potential price declines. Reflecting on Guyana’s strategic advantage, Jagdeo emphasized that the country’s light, sweet crude oil—widely regarded for its quality— combined with low production costs of about US$40 per barrel, puts it in a stronger position than many other oilproducing nations. (This REUTERS article was modified)
TheGuyanaPolice Force (GPF) has s e i z e d 1 6 2 firearms so far in 2024, the highest number of illegal guns recovered in the past decade, according to Crime ChiefWendellBlanhum.
Speakingatthelaunchof the GPF’s Christmas Policing Initiative on Thursday, Blanhum emphasised the force’s commitment to combating firearm-related crimes by aggressively targeting illegal gun networks. “The Guyana Police Force continuestobeintelligencedriven in order to combat firearm-related matters by vigorously pursuing and interdictingillegalnetworks that supply guns to criminal elements,”Blanhumstated.
The number of firearms seized this year surpasses previous years, with 157 seizedin2023,115in2022, 136 in 2021, and 112 in 2020. Blanhum noted that the recent establishment of the CARICOM Gun Intelligence Unit has provided additional support in addressing firearms traffickingacrosstheregion.
“Guyana is making full use of this opportunity and the unit regarding the sharing and exchanging of informationandintelligence inatimelymanner,”hesaid. Hereportedthatfirearms havebeenseizedinallpolice regions except Region
Eight, with Region 4A (Georgetown) recording the highest number of recoveriesat69,followedby Region Six with 24, Region 4Bwith13,Region4Cwith 12, and Region Three with 10.
The types of firearms seized included: 67% pistols, 13% shotguns, 11% revolvers, 8% rifles and 1% unknown.Intermsoforigin, 29% of the seized firearms
were traced back to the United States, followed by 15% from Brazil, and 12% from Austria, while 26% remain of unknown origin. Other countries, including Venezuela, China, Turkey, Germany, Romania, Russia, Italy, Belgium, Australia, and the Czech Republic, each accounted for 6% or less of the total firearms seized.
Blanhumhighlightedthe importance of international cooperation in the fight against firearms trafficking, particularly with the United StatesandBrazil.“TheU.S. has strengthened its relationship with Guyana and other Caribbean law enforcement agencies to counter firearms trafficking from the U S to the Caribbean,” he noted. He added that collaboration with Brazilian law enforcementcontinuestobe anessentialpartofGuyana’s strategy to curb illegal arms flowsintothecountry
(BBC NEWS) A man who tried to attack Brazil’s SupremeCourtinthecapital Brasilia on Wednesday evening has died after apparently detonating the explosiveshewascarrying.
Police have named the manasFranciscoWanderley
L u i z , w h o s t o o d unsuccessfully in council elections for ex-President
Jair Bolsonaro’s Liberal Party (PL). Bystanders said theyheardtwoexplosionsat around 19:30 local time (22:30 GMT), the second of which is believed to have killed Luiz. Nobody else was hurt in the incident, officialssaid. The explosions caused particular alarm because of where they occurred, on
Praça dosTrês Poderes - the square in the capital where the Supreme Court, the presidential palace and Congress are located. The Praça dos Três Poderes was thesceneofmassdisorderin January 2023, when supporters of Jair Bolsonaro ransackedthebuildingsdays after President Luiz Inácio LuladaSilvahadbeensworn
intooffice. Brazil’ssolicitor general, Jorge Messias, described Wednesday’s incident as a deliberate attack.
Police said the first blast came from a car which belonged to Luiz. Shortly afterwards, a security guard saw a man carrying a rucksackthrowaclothovera statue representing the Lady ofJustice,whichislocatedin frontofthebuildinghousing the Supreme Court The guard said that when he approached him, the man opened his shirt to reveal what looked like explosives strappedtotheman’sbody Accordingtothesecurity guard, the man lobbed something at the building, lay down on the floor and appeared to set off an explosive device he had placed underneath his neck.
Military police officers who secured the scene said the man “had apparently taken his own life with explosives”.
Sniffer dogs and bomb disposal robots were used to secure the area and the Supreme Court building was quickly evacuated Local media reported that President Lula had left the area shortly before the blasts occurred Justice Minister Ricardo Lewandowski said police wereinvestigatingthepossible motive behind the attack which came just days before Brazil is due to host the G20 summitinRiodeJaneiroanda scheduled visit to Brasilia by the Chinese president, Xi Jinping Police have since revealed that Luiz was 59years-old an originally from Rio do Sul, in southern Santa Catarina state, where he had
stood as a councillor for Liberal Party in 2020 but receivedjust98votes
The attack was widely condemned, including by members of the Liberal Party. Jair Bolsonaro’s adviser, Fabio Wajngarten, wroteonX:“Therearecrazy people everywhere, across all political spectrums, supportersofallteams,ofall beliefs and religions ” Bolsonarohimselfcalledfor an “environment of unity,” saying that Brazil needed to “once again cultivate an environment suitable for different ideas to confront each other peacefully” Brasilia’s Deputy Governor CelinaLeãosaidLuiz“could have been a lone wolf, like otherswe’veseenaroundthe world”butthatpolicewould carry out a thorough investigation.
Damage following an Israeli strike in Damascus is seen on November 14. Syrian state media said at least 15 people were killed. Louai Beshara/AFP/Getty Images
(CNN)— Fifteen people were killed and 16 others injured in Israeli strikes on Damascus in Syria, state media SANA said, citing a militarysourceandmarking oneofthedeadlieststrikesin months to hit the Syrian capital.
The strikes targeted several residential buildings in the upscale Mezzah neighborhood in the capital and the Qudsaya area in the Damascus countryside, Syrian state media reported. Among those killed were womenandchildren,Syrian state media added The Israeli military said in a statement it was striking IslamicJihadinSyriaearlier Thursday and had “inflicted significant damage to the terrorist organization’s command center and to its operatives.”IslamicJihadis the second-largest militant groupinGaza.
Syrian state media said:
“TheIsraelienemylaunched an aerial attack from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting several residential buildings intheMezzahneighborhood of Damascus and the Qudsaya a
“This resulted in the martyrdomoffifteenpeople and the injury of sixteen others, including women and children, as an initial toll, along with significant material damage to private propertyandthetargetedand neighboring buildings,”
Syrianstatemediasaid.The latest assault come after Israeli airstrikes intensified in Syria over the weekend, killing at least seven civilians and leaving 20 injured, according to Syrian state news agency SANA. The strikes targeted a residential building in the
Zaynabareaofthe Damascuscountryside,with women and children among thosekilled,SANAsaid.
The Sayyidah Zaynab area, south of Damascus city, is known to have a Hezbollah presence and has
come under attack from Israel in recent weeks. On November 4, SANA reported Israeli strikes in Sayyidah Zaynab the same day the IDF said Israeli Air Force fighter jets struck Hezbollah intelligence
Wednesday, the Israeli military said it struck “smugglingroutes”between Lebanon and Syria, that it allegeswereusedtotransfer weapons to Hezbollah. The Syriandefenseministrysaid on Wednesday an Israeli striketargetedbridgesonthe Syria-Lebanonborderinthe Qusayr area of Homs countryside in western Syria, causing “significant damage.”
(CNN) Presidentelect Donald Trump and Elon Musk have big ambitions for making the federal government leaner and more efficient by reviewing its budget and operations from top to bottom.
Musk, the world’s richest person who owns or runsseveralcompanies,has warned that his goals –including cutting at least $2 trillioninfederalspending–could cause “temporary hardship” before ultimately creating “long-term prosperity.”
Hispronouncementsare promptingbudgetexpertsto scoff, while sending chills down the spines of many federal workers and those who depend on the federal government for assistance ortheirlivelihood.
Details about how the new Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE, will operate – and howMuskandhisco-leader Vivek Ramaswamy will avoid conflicts of interest –remainscarce.
But the duo has spoken openly about areas of the government they’d like to seealtered,whileTrumpand Republicanlawmakershave a long list of programs and
operations they’d like to reform. It’s important to note that while Trump has promised that the initiative
and Ramaswamy will not have any direct power to make spending cuts, regulatory changesorothermoves.The group will exist outside of the government and will likely serve to make recommendations to the White House for the president’s annual budget, which outlines the president’s vision but Congress is not required to follow What Musk and Ramaswamy have said they’dtarget
Asked at a town hall on Xlastmonthaboutwhatthe initiative’s first steps would be, Musk said there is so much government waste thatitwouldbeeasytofind targets.
“We, just as a country, obviously, we need to live within our means,” said Musk, who owns X and is CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. “So that means just looking at every line item, every expense and saying, ‘Is this necessary at all?’” But he also acknowledged that “everyone’stakingahaircut here.” “That necessarily
involves some temporary hardship, but it will ensure long-term prosperity,” said Musk.
Musk also took aim at the Department of Education, a frequent target of Trump and Republicans, criticizing the agency for allegedly indoctrinating kids with left-wing propaganda and other failings. However, he did not call for its elimination duringthetownhall.
M e a n w h i l e , Ramaswamy, a biotech entrepreneur and former 2 0 2 4 R e p u b l i c a n presidential candidate who shiftedhissupporttoTrump, has been more specific about how he’d change the federalgovernment.
Onthecampaigntrail,he saidhewouldgetridofupto 75% of the federal workforce.
About 2 3 million civilians are employed by the federal government, with nearly 60% working for the Departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs andHomelandSecurity
“Hordes of unelected bureaucratsstifleinnovation andignorethevoteddesires of the American people,” Ramaswamy wrote in a white paper The plan also
called for closing the Education Department and shifting its workforce training programs to the Labor Department; eliminating the FBI and relocatingits15,000special agents who solve cases to other agencies; and getting rid of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and shifting its duties to otherdepartments.
Rootingoutwasteinthe government is “a huge undertaking,” said Stephen Moore, an economic campaign adviser to Trump and a Heritage Foundation economist.
“DOGEisgoingtoneed hundreds of people to pull thisoff.Itwon’tjustbeElon and Vivek,” said Moore, who is not involved in the effort.
across the political spectrum have questioned the effort’s ability to cut anywhere near $2 trillion a year in spending, which is more than the federal government spent on defense, education, veterans’ health and other discretionary items in the pastfiscalyear
Larry Summers, a formerTreasurysecretaryin
the Clinton administration, and Glenn Hubbard, a former US Council of Economic Advisers chairman in the George W Bush administration, both poured cold water on the ideaataneventonTuesday Slashing that much from the federal budget – which totaled roughly $6 8 trillion in fiscal 2024 – would require cutting every program by roughly one-third, said Bobby Kogan, senior director of federal budget policy at the leftleaning Center for AmericanProgress
And if Social Security, Medicare and veterans’ programs were protected, the rest of the budget could have to be cut by 62%, affecting defense, food stamps, home heating assistance, housing aid, food safety i n s p e c t i o n s a n d infrastructure, among others
“$2 trillion per year is such an absurdly large number, it’s impossible,” Kogan said, noting that more than 70% of federal government spending (not including interest payments) consists of payments to individuals,
such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and otheraidprograms.
“Youcouldonlypropose $2 trillion a year if you are not interested in living within reality or if you are completely callous to the major harmful effects that doingthatwouldentail.”
Actual savings from cutting waste, fraud and abuse would likely total between $150 billion and $200 billion, Brian Riedl, senior fellow at the rightleaning Manhattan Institute, posted on X Tuesday
“Additional savings beyondthatbecomesmore of an ideological project focused on killing programs you dislike rather than making them more efficient,” wrote Riedl,whoalsoworkedfor Republican presidential candidates and as chief economist for former GOP Sen RobPortmanofOhio
“Trump’s ‘Department of Government Efficiency’ will not be an actual department.Itwillnotlikely even be a White House office. It will likely be a private effort that writes a report and sends it to the White House & Congress Nothingmore”
The current Paramakatoi Airstrip in Region Eight. (Photo courtesy, DPI)
The contractor who rehabilitated the statement that the rehabilitation of the Paruima Airstrip in Region Seven which Paruima Airstrip is currently under the started to crumble shortly after it was Defects Liability Period and the contractor is commissioned, has been contracted again by obligated by contract to remedy any and all the government to upgrade the Paramakatoi defectsarisingthereafter. airstripinRegionEight. Works on the airstrip were completed on
The contracting firm is International April 14, 2024, and the project site handed Import and Supplies. In a recent interview overtotheMinistryofPublicWorksonApril with the Department of Public Information, 15.The ministry’s representatives along with Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill the contractor had conducted a joint site visit confirmed that the contract has since been on June 19, 2024 following reports from awardedtothecompanyfor$799million. aircraft operators that the runway was in Kaieteur News had reported in August distress During the inspection, several thatduringthereadingofbidsattheNational surface defects were highlighted and the Procurement and Tender Administration contractor was given clear instructions to Board (NPTAB), International Import & havethesedefectsremediedwithinaone(01) Supplies who bid $799,658,633 and weekperiod,theministrystated. Theodore Faria General Contracting Service Meanwhile, the Paramakatoi airstrip is who bid $605,443,627 were the only two one of several structures the government is contractors that submitted bids for the rehabilitating in the hinterland regions. The project According to the government ministry had highlighted previously that engineer, the works were estimated to cost $ improved airstrips will aid in new 569 million. In his interview, the minister developments in the villages, attracting more shared that the contractor was given businesses, tourism, and socio-economic approximately eight months to upgrade the activities. current deplorable double bituminous During the presentation of this year’s surface. It was shared that the part of the budget, Senior Minister in the Office of the rehabilitation would involve the application President with the responsibility for Finance, of a sand gravel levelling course and the Dr AshniSinghhadsaidthatthegovernment constructionofrigidpavement. continues to rehabilitate and maintain
This publication had reported that hinterland airstrips to promote ease of access International Import and Supplies was given betweenthecoastalandhinterlandregions.In a $397 million contract through the Ministry 2023, works advanced at Ekereku Bottom, of Public Works to rehabilitate the Paruima Eteringbang, Karisparu, and Pariuma airstrip which was completed and airstrips, which are all expected to be commissionedinAprilthisyear completedthisyear “In2024,$2.3billionhas Shortly after it was commissioned been allocated towards completion of these concerns were raised by persons using the airstrips as well as the rehabilitation and airstrip that it had some defects in some maintenance of several others including the sectionofthenewlyconstructedsurface. Imbaimadai, Kaieteur, Kaikan and The ministry had later clarified in a Matthew’sRidgeairstrips,”heexplained.
Justice Nigel Niles on requestedthatthecourtmake Guyana Police Force In Wednesday ordered the state a decision on the quantum of addition to DeNobrega, two to pay the family of Quindon damages to be granted to the other ranks: Lance Corporal Bacchus$24Mforhiskilling estateofthedeceased”. Simon and Sergeant backin2022.
Submissions from both McLennon, were also Bacchus, a father of one, sides were made and the charged with attempting to was shot dead on June 10, Judge ruled that Bacchus’ obstructthecourseofjustice. 2022 in Haslington, East killing “breached his right to Lance Corporal Simon was Coast Demerara (ECD) by life, as protected under the alsochargedwiththeoffence police Lance Corporal constitution of Guyana,” the of conduct prejudicial to Kristoff DeNobrega law firm said. The court goodorderanddiscipline. DeNobregahasbeencharged reportedly ordered the State The post-mortem report with Bacchus’ murder and to pay $1 million for funeral notedthatBacchusdiedfrom the case is still ongoing but expenses, $$22.5 million as multiple gunshot wounds. the family had sued the state damages for breach of his Dr Nehaul Singh in the andwonaccordingtothelaw right to life and five hundred autopsy report revealed that firm representing them, thousand dollars ($500,000) Bacchus received six DexterToddandAssociates. in court costs. According to gunshots and also confirmed The law firm said that the law firm, investigations that he was shot five times in Bacchus’ mother had filed revealed that there was no the back and once in the the lawsuit. “The State first authorised police operation chest. He had left to mourn defended the action, denying in Haslington when Bacchus his family and friends, liability for the killing and was shot and that no Police including his three year old claiming that Mr Bacchus Commander was aware of son, the law firm said. The died during an authorised such. circumstances which led to police undercover operation Givingsomebackground the death of Mr Bacchus while he was attempting to into the case, the law firm caused great public outcry, illegally sell firearms”, saidasaresultoftheincident national grief, massive Dexter Todd and Associates and the investigation several protests across Guyana and stated in a statement before police ranks were allegedly the temporary lock down of adding “however, by letter placed on close arrest by the certainareasofthecountry datedJuly24,2024theOffice oftheAttorneyGeneralwrote the attorneys for Mr Bacchus’ mother, as well as the judge, indicating that the State has accepted liability for the brutal shooting and
Linden teams Amelia’s Ward Jets and Retrieve Raiderssawtheirjourneycut shortonWednesdaynightin the Guyana Basketball Federation’s Elite 16 tournament at the National Gymnasium.
Both teams battled hard, but ultimately fell short as the University of Guyana Trojans outlasted Retrieve Raiders71–68inanail-biter, while Pacesetters powered pastAmelia’sWardJetswith adecisive64–52victory
KadeemPeterkinledthe charge for the University of Guyana with an impressive 27-pointperformance.
Despiteanearlysetback, trailing 11–14, Peterkin’s scoring touch helped keep UG close. Retrieve Raiders, however, looked strong headingintohalftime,ledby their standout big man, Neil Marks Jr., who dominated inside and put up a teamhigh 19 points, pushing Raiderstoa49–43lead.
advantage began to slip in thesecondhalf.
UG’s Anton Fileen stepped up with 24 points, teamingupwithPeterkinina high-powered rally that swungmomentuminfavour of the Turkeyen-based squad.
S h a m a r S a v o r y contributedasolid14points for Raiders, but it wasn’t enoughtostaveoffdefeat,as they now face an early exit and a long trip back to Linden.
Meanwhile, Pacesetters asserted their control over the Amelia’s Ward Jets, taking a slight 14–12 lead afterthefirstquarter
The Jets clawed back in the second, spurred by Quincy Easton and Olympian sprinter Emanuel Archibald,whohelpeddrive the Jets to a narrow 28–25 leadbyhalftime.
Easton finished with a game-high 17 points, showing his determination to keep the Jets alive in the tournament.
However, Pacesetters responded with a wellrounded team effort, outpacing the Jets as the gameprogressed.
If you've been working toward manifesting extra moneyinyourlife,Aries,you will probably see it happen today Copious physical and emotional energy gives your inner power of mind over matteraspecialimpetus.
Obstacles that you encountered in attaining your cherished goals could suddenly seem to melt away, clearingthewaytomakeyour dreamscometrue.
Alotofactivitycouldoccurat hometoday,Gemini.Perhaps you will have visitors or do someworkonthehouse.Your intuitionisparticularlystrong rightnow,andyoucouldpick up too much of the thoughts andfeelingsofothers.
Whatever goals you've been trying to reach may finally becomerealitytoday,Cancer Finalizing everything could involve a lot of running aroundinthecarandmeeting withotherpeople.
Events over which you seem tohavenocontrolseemtobe coming together to make things happen for you, Leo. You might find this a bit frightening,butdon'tletitget toyou.Gowiththeflow
Your energy is probably high today, almost to the point where you feel you might be able to run a marathon! Seriously, Virgo, you're probably thinking in terms of getting out of town for a while.
Your inner power is probably atanall-timehigh,Libra. You should be feeling especially confident. You're likely to have a stronger influenceonothersthanusual. You could exercise the power ofmindovermatter
SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov.
21)Some fascinating conversations with friends, relatives, and others close to you could take place today, bringing new ideas your way, Scorpio. You have both the physical energy and the inner power to makethingshappen.
Yourcareerandfinancialgoals should be within your grasp, Sagittarius.Bothyourphysical energy and inner power are operatingattheirpeak,making thisanidealdaytomakeclear plans.
Todayyou'relikelytofeellike the powerful creature you are, Capricorn Your physical energy is high, and you look andfeelgreat.Yourintellectis sharp,soifyouindulgeinany kindoflearningprocess.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Your intuition should be veryhighrightnow,Aquarius, as is your power of manifestation. Today you need to try to curb your thoughts and only think beautifulthings.
Your immediate goals and wishes might suddenly appear to come together today, seeminglyoftheirownaccord. This might be strange, Pisces, andperhapsabitfrightening,
Joslyn Crawford (13 points), William Delgado (11 points), and Ruel Ritch (9 points) combined forces, their cohesive play ultimatelyprovingtoomuch fortheJets.
Archibald, better known for his sprinting prowess, flashedhisathleticismonthe court, contributing nine points, but his efforts were not enough to spark a comeback.
Withthewin,Pacesetters advance to face Kwakwani Untouchables, while the University of Guyana will take on Victory Valley Royals from Linden in the nextroundonNovember20.
The Elite 16 tournament champion will take home a $300,000 prize, while the runner-up will collect $100,000.
The third-place team secures $50,000, and the tournament MVP will be a w a r d e d $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 , recognizing their standout performance on the court.
Semifinal action in the Gold is Money and Stabroek Ballerz fixture.
Gold is Money and North East La Penitence will battle for the crown in the inaugural Chung Global ‘Champion of Champion’
Futsal competition tomorrow after securing semifinal wins on Wednesday evening at the National Gymnasium on MandelaAvenue.
Gold is Money stormed into the final with a 4-0 whipping of the Stabroek Ballers.
Shemar Koulen opened the proverbial floodgate with an eight-minute conversionwithastrikeinto theleftcorner Koulen would make his presence felt once more as he completed his double in the 21st minute to increase
theiradvantage. Andrew Murray Jr then gotintothescoringactashe found the back of the net in the26thminutetomakeit30,thumpingtheballfromthe left side of the area into the farcorner
The eventual score-line was then sealed four minutes later as Jamal Pedro rifled a left-footed shot into the roof of the net after cutting in from the rightside
Meanwhile, North East La Penitence edged North Ruimveldt 1-0 Former North Ruimveldt stalwart Joshua Browne recorded the only conversion of the contestinthe17thminute
T o u r n a m e n t
Coordinator Troy Lambert said, “After a grueling five
days, we are down to two teams, oneof whom, in the form of North East La Penitence, are first-time finalists in a major futsal tournament, and traditional giantGoldisMoney.
This tournament has delivered everything, especially exciting matches and unexpected results, evident by the fact that major teams like Sparta Boss,BentStreet,andBack Circle failed to make the finalfour”
He further said, “I’m proud that this tournament was controversy-free and very refreshing to the fans who witnessed numerous unexpected outcomes, which makes it one of the most competitive events in recent memory I’m excited
Delroy Tyrrell sets new pool record as Oneonta Men’s Swimming & Diving team dominates Dual Meet
ONEONTA, N.Y - In a remarkable display of talent, Delroy Tyrrell led the Oneontamen’sSwimming&Divingteamto an overwhelming victory in a Dual Meet against Delhi and Herkimer on Wednesday The Red Dragons triumphed with scores of 214-20 against the Broncos and 217-9 against Herkimer, claiming first place in 14 events.
for the final because two major communities will be represented, one that is essentially a newcomer and the other that is a storied brandinthisformat.”
T h e l o s i n g semifinalists will contest thethird-placeplayoff
The winner of the
$1,000,000 and the championship trophy, while the second, third, and fourth-place finishers will receive $500,000, $300,000,and$200,000and the corresponding accolade, respectively
On the individual side, prizeswillalsobegivento the highest goal scorer, most valuable player, best defender, and goalkeeper, respectively
AhighlightofthemeetcamewhenTyrrell,a junior hailing from Trincity, Trinidad and Tobago,setanewpoolrecordinthe100-yard backstroke with an electrifying time of 5279 seconds As the lead-off swimmer in the 400yardmedleyrelay,TyrrellhelpedpropeltheRed Dragonstovictorywithacombinedteamtime of3:5222alongsideseniorMaddoxAramini, and juniors Brendan Heaney and David Scott Tyrrell’s performance not only showcased his individual prowess but also served as a catalyst for the entire Oneonta team. His record-breaking swim in the backstroke solidified his reputation as a key player in the lineup, contributing significantlytotheteam’soverallsuccess. Throughout the meet, the Red Dragons continued to dominate, with notable victories fromteammatesaswell Notableperformances includedsophomoreCosmoMartinelli’swinin the1,000-yardfreestyleandastrongshowingin the 200-yard breaststroke by freshman Josh Pappace However, it was Tyrrell’s recordsettingswimthattrulystolethespotlight.
Ahead of today’s semi-finals of t h e G C B
Tyrrell’s accomplishments were complementedbystandoutperformancesfrom his teammates Aramini won the 100-yard freestyle, and fifth-year senior Ross Caimano clinched victory in the 50-yard freestyle The camaraderie and team spirit were evident as Oneonta took the top spots in several events, illustrating their depth in talent The Red Dragons concluded the meet on a high note, securingawininthe200-yardfreestylerelay with a time of 1:33.78, featuring Heaney, Cheng, Caimano, andAramini.WithTyrrell at the forefront of their impressive performance, Oneonta is poised for even greater achievements as they head into the ElectricCityInvitationalinScranton,PA,on Fri. Nov. 22. As the season progresses, all eyes will be on Delroy Tyrrell to see what records he might break next, continuing to cement his legacy within the Oneonta swimmingprogram.
BetCAGESport National T20 League, the four respective captains said each of their team’s were ready and eager to put on a show as the tussle for the twofinalspotsbowlsoffat Guyana National Stadium, Providence.
T h e E s s e q u i b o Anacondas play Berbice Titans from 14:00h while Demerara Pitbulls battle Essequibo Jaguars at 19:00h,today
The Anacondas were full of confidence going into today’s challenge, said CaptainAnthonyAdams.
During the mini press briefing with the four
Captains yesterday at Providence, Adams said most of the Anaconda’s plans going into the semi’s will be fixed around doing better in power-plays, citing it as a key area especially against the Pitbulls.
Pitbulls captain Chris Barnwell said the tournament was decent, adding that his team had enough time to assess where they had been going wrong, acknowledging that his boys are aware of what they need to do against a formidable Essequibo franchise.
Captain of the Essequibo Jaguars, allrounderandleadingwickettaker Ricardo Adams
pointed out that his unit wereingoodspiritsheading into their night match, crediting the gelling process during the preliminaryroundsasakey path of the team’s current form.
AryanPersaud,stand-in skipper for the Berbice Piranhas echoed similar thoughts on the match and the tournament to date, believingthatcohesiveness remains a crucial aspect of theirformulaastheyseeka pathtothefinals.
At the conclusion, the quartet of Captains collectively called on fans to come out and support their favorite teams as well as the players involved in thisfinallap.
Stena Drilling’s f i r s t - e v e r sponsorship of Guyana’s Junior Squash has launched the 2024-2025 season with a roar, energizing the Georgetown Club Squash courts and bringing new excitement to the country’s squash talent.
The Stena Drilling Skill Level tournament, designed tomatchplayerswithsimilar skilllevels,isensuringfierce competitionineachmatch.
The tournament, divided into six distinct categories named after job titles from Stena Drilling’s oil rigs, showcases Guyana’s best juniorsquashplayers.Here’s how the competition stacks upacrosseachcategory:
Category A (The Roughnecks) - This group features Guyana’s top juniors with Caribbean Championship titles under their belts. With David Verwey and Michael Alphonso set to age out mid-season, LouisDaSilva hashisfinalshotattoppling hisolderrivals.
The rivalry between Verwey and Alphonso has been a main attraction, with Verwey often emerging victorious by the narrowestofmargins
CategoryB(TheSafety Gurus) - All eyes are on Justin Ten Pow, who has displayed unmatched speedandstrength,making him the favorite However, the rising star of this category is 11-year-old Ethan Bulkan, who has beaten players much older and taller than him. Their Thursday night clash could set the stage for the category’soutcome.
Category C (The Marine Queens) - This category’s round-robin format, with two pools of six players each, adds a unique twist Kaylee Lowe and Emily Fung-A-Fat are leading their pools without aloss,makingtheirpotential final match-up a highly anticipatedshowdown.
Lowe and Fung-A-Fat have dominated so far, with clean wins over tough opponents
Category D (The Grease Monkeys) - The sibling rivalry here is electric Brothers Nijad and Nidal Bacchus are on track to top the category
Stena Drilling inaugural Junior’s Skill Level Fall 2024 heats up ahead of tomorrow’s conclusion. (file photo)
andmayfaceoffinaheadto-head clash this Saturday
Their consistent wins showthatthey’reprimedfor a Saturday showdown that could bring some family dramatothecourt.
Category E (The Mud Rats) - Featuring a mix of national players, this category showcases talent w i t h C a r i b b e a n tournament experience
Zoey McDonald and Tehani Munroe have swept through their games undefeated, and Munroe’s recent victory over thirdseed Kristian Viapree in a five-game thriller shows the fierce competition brewing amongtheMudRats.
And Category F (The Electronic Wizards)N e w c o m e r s f r o m
G u y a n a ’ s J u n i o r Programme make up the Electronic Wizards Jude Gobin and Nandishraj
Singh, after strong performances, are set to meet on Saturday, marking a key stepping stone for juniortalent.
The tournament’s first few days have been packed with memorable m a t c h e s S o f a r, highlights include: Saturday, some standout performances in the “Safety Gurus” Category B Top-seed Shiloh Asregado started strong, defeating sixth-seed Ethan Bulkaninstraightsets(3-0).
Asregado then faced Justin Goberdhan in a m o r e c h a l l e n g i n g
matchup, ultimately securing a 3-0 victory, though Goberdhan put up
an impressive fight, particularly in the first game, which Asregado won 11-7, before claiming thenexttwogames11-5,115.
The action continued onMonday,November11, with intense matches across Categories B, C, D, and E In Category B, Ethan Bulkan emerged victorious in a five-game battle against Safirah Sumner,ending11-7,8-11, 13-11,7-11,11-6.
Justin Ten Pow, after droppingthefirsttwogames 4-11,7-11toBlakeEdwards, staged an impressive comeback, winning the next threegames11-5,11-5,11-5. Richard Rodrigues wrapped upthedaywitha3-1victory overJustinGoberdhan.
Category C saw Kaylee LowesweepTianaGomes30, while Nandishraj Singh defeated Jibril Alli 3-1
Emily Fung-A-Fat continued her dominance, beatingKaidenAlli11-2,117,12-10.
Other winners included Zion Hickerson and Brenno Da Silva, who each secured wins against Jacob McDonald and Malia Maikoo, respectively In the “Grease Monkeys” division (Category D), Nijad
Bacchus and Paige Mendonca both achieved clean 3-0 victories Top seeds in Category E—Zoey McDonald, Tehani Munroe, and Kristian Viapree—also advanced with solid performances.
Tuesday’s packed lineup opened with Category A, where second-seed Michael Alphonso defeated third-
seedLouisDaSilvaina3-0 showdown. In Category B, Justin Ten Pow, Justin Goberdhan, Ethan Bulkan, and Shiloh Asregado all notched wins.The Category C action included Kaiden Alli’s comeback win over Zion Hickerson (8-11, 4-11, 11-6, 11-4, 11-9) and a 3-1 victory for Emily Fung-AFat over Brenno Da Silva. Namishraj Singh and Jude Gobinemergedvictoriousin Category F, with Mandisa Munroe narrowly edging Ella Fernandes 6-11, 13-11, 11-6,9-11,11-9inCategory E.
Hickerson and Brenno Da Silva clashed in a 3-1 showdown, with Da Silva prevailing.
dominant 3-0 victories from Asha Edwards and N
Wednesday’s matches were a pivotal moment for many players. Justin Ten Powsecuredthesecondspot in Category B by defeating RichardRodrigues11-5,116, 11-2 In Category C, Kaiden Alli bested Jacob McDonald, and Kaylee Loweclaimeda3-0winover Nandishraj Singh Zion
Mandisa Munroe, Tehani Munroe overcame thirdseed Kristian Viapree in a five-game nail-biter, and MaxwellViapreebestedElla Fernandesinstraightgames. The day wrapped up with wins from Jude Gobin and Namishraj Singh in the ElectronicWizardscategory
This week’s matches have set the stage for an
matches continuing today and tomorrow at the same venue (GSA)
The excitement was palpableattheRetrieveHard Court on Wednesday evening as the ‘Final Four’ teams were decided in this year’s ExxonMobil Futsal Championship.
With a grand prize of $1 million at stake, teams YMCA, Money Bell, Spaniards,andHardKnocks left no doubt about their determinationtotakethetitle inthistournamentorganized byNewEraEntertainment.
Money Bell’s victory
was led by a hat-trick from Stephen Jupiter, which propelled them to a 5-2 win overBomberzinthequarterfinals. Additional goals from Nathenial Isaacs and Shane Luckie secured
Money Bell’s place in tomorrow, Saturday’s, semifinals. Bomberz, with goals from Joshua Flemming and Duquan Samuels, will now watch the tournament from the sidelines. YMCA, last year’s third-place finisher, held their ground in a
thrilling 3-2 win over Silver Bullets. Kevin Gittens scored twice, while Jamal Bentickaddedagoaltogive YMCAtheedge.
SilverBullets,trailing21 at halftime, saw Damian WilliamsandColwinDrakes find the net, but it wasn’t enoughtoturnthetide.
Inanotherintensematch, Spaniards edged out Turf Presidents 3-2 after a scoreless first half. Tyrese Simon’s double for Turf Presidentswasn’tenough,as Malachi Todd matched it withtwogoalsforSpaniards, withShakaLouisscoringthe decisivegoal.
The night’s most anticipated game saw tournament favourites Hard Knocks and Young Gunners go head-to-head, with Hard Knocksnarrowlywinning54. Hard Knocks held a strong 3-0 lead at halftime, butYoungGunnersmounted afiercecomebackwithgoals from Marcus Tudor, Omarion Ramsammy, Darian Aron, and Tyrese Azore.
In the end, Hard Knocks overcamethankstoadouble from Omar Brewley, goals
fromKendolphLewis,anda clutch finish by Clive Nobrega.
Saturday’s semi-finals promise to be exciting, as YMCAtakesonSpaniardsat 9:00pm,followedbyMoney Bell squaring off against Hard Knocks Two exhibition games will kick offtheeveningat7:30pm.
Meanwhile, Dinar’s Trading continues to show its commitment to sports in the Linden community, particularly football,
through its sponsorship of the ExxonMobil Futsal Championship.
At a recent presentation at Dinar’s Trading in Georgetown, company representatives Christopher Singh and Abdulla Yahya presented an undisclosed sponsorship amount to New Era Entertainment Director ShareefMajor,underscoring the solid partnership b e t w e e n t h e t w o organizations New Era Entertainment expressed
deep appreciation, noting that Dinar’s Trading’s consistent support has been vital for advancing sports initiativesinLinden.
“We are extremely grateful to have Dinar’s Trading on board once again,” said Shareef Major “Their continued support over the years has helped us not only organize successful eventsbutalsogrowfutsalin Linden. We look forward to many more years of collaboration.”
With history on their side, the Golden Jaguars are settoroaragainstBarbados’ Tridents tonight at the Wildey Turf in the first of two critical clashes in the CONCACAF Nations LeaguePlay-InTournament.
The stakes couldn’t be higherinthistwo-legseries, with a coveted spot in the CONCACAF Gold Cup preliminaries on the line. Guyana will host Barbados forthedecisivereturnlegon November19attheNational TrackandFieldCentre.
The Tridents come into the match on a high, riding an undefeated streak in League C, and are eager to continuetheirmomentumon home soil. However, the Golden Jaguars, keen to secureaspotintheGoldCup preliminaries, aim to rally afterrecentchallengesinthe Nations League where they wererelatedfromLeagueA.
Adding to the stakes is a fierce rivalry that spans
decades between Guyana andBarbados.
Remarkably, it has been 25 years since the Tridents managed a win against the GoldenJaguars,datingback to a 2-0 victory in the 1999 Caribbean Cup. Since then, Guyana has enjoyed a dominant record in their encounters, boasting eight winsandfourdraws.
Their last meeting, in March2022,sawtheGolden Jaguars deliver a stunning 5–0defeattoBarbadosinan international friendly at the Haseley Crawford Stadium inTrinidadandTobago.
Rising star Omari Glasgow netted a 49th minutepenaltyinthatmatch, helping seal the resounding victory Glasgow,nowwith 17 goals for Guyana, is just oneshyoftyingtheall-time national scoring record held
by Nigel ‘Powers’ Codrington a milestone he’ll be eager to reach tonight. Guyana’s acting head
coach, Wayne Dover, has called up a 21-man roster that blends seasoned professionals with promising newcomers, includingthreeplayerssetto
make their international debut. Defender Romaine Brackenridge, a 31-year-old from Jamaica Premiere League side, Harborview FC, brings strength and
reliability to the backline.
Known for his solid
performances in the Jamaican Premier League, Brackenridge expressed excitement for his debut, stating he’s prepared to give his all for the Golden Jaguars The Jaguars’ offensivelinealsowelcomes freshtalent.
Maliq Cadogan, a quick and skilful 20-year-old forward from England’s Kidderminster Harriers FC, will add versatility and creativityinthefinalthird. He joins 22-year-old Enoch George, a dynamic striker with an impressive goal-scoring record in the Netherlands’DerdeDivisie.
George’s instinct for finding the net will be a critical asset as the Jaguars look to dismantle Barbados’ defence The squad’s preparationscomeunderthe guidance of Wayne Dover, stepping in following the departure of former head coachJamaalShabazz.
Dover expressed confidence in the team, highlighting their commitment to locking a spot in the Gold Cup preliminaries and proving their place among the Caribbean’sbest.
AreturntotheGoldCup stage would mark a significant achievement for the Golden Jaguars, who firstqualifiedin2019.
- Goalkeepers: Quillan Roberts, Akel Clarke, Kyle McKenzie-Lyle
-Defenders:JalenJones, Reiss Greenidge, Colin Nelson, Jeremy Garrett, Liam Gordon, Leo Lovell, Marcus Wilson, Curtez Kellman, Romaine Brackenridge
- Midfielders: Nathan Ferguson, Nathan MoriahWelch, Maliq Cadogan, AmbumchiBenjamin
- Forwards: Omari Glasgow, Isaiah Jones, Kelsey Benjamin, Enoch George,OsazeDeRosario
ESPNcricinfo - Win the toss,winthematch-winthe series. Jos Buttler’s third correctcalloftheT20Iseries resulted in yet another successfulchase,asEngland beat West Indies by three wicketsattheDarenSammy Cricket Ground to take an unassailable3-0lead.
This, however, was the toughestask,despiteatarget of 146 being the lowest of the three so far Once again, West Indies scrapped to a respectable total from a dire position of 37 for 5. Saqib Mahmood took 3 for 17, once again bossing the powerplay, before Jamie Overton gutted the middle order with 3 for 20 after Rovman Powell’s 54 and 30 from Romario Shepherd rebuiltfromthewreckage.
ButAkealHosein’s4for 22 kept West Indies in the hunt right to the end. Sam Curran’s 41 off 26, along with a run-a-ball 32 from Will Jacks had just kept
England on course. Liam Livingstone’s 39 removed whatjeopardytherewas.
Livingstonewasluckyto be out there long enough to have that impact, having been dropped three times.
The first, on 6, was the easiest - Nicholas Pooran shelling a top-edged hook offAlzarriJoseph,returning from his two-match suspension as one of three changes.
Pooran then shelled an edge off Gudakesh Motie when Livingstone had 8, before Motie missed out again when Shimron
Hetmyer failed to clasp a tough low chance at deep midwicket Livingstone had 21 at the time and, in the next over, took 16 off Joseph to put England in front, before holing out to long-on as Hosein’s fourth.
RehanAhmed,draftedinfor the rested Adil Rashid, had the honour of carving the winningrunsoverpoint.
West Indies rung the changes with the trio of Joseph, Shai Hope and Hetmyer drafted in for Matthew Forde and Brandon King - both injured - and Sherfane Rutherford And yet they still endured another botchedstart
Hope lasted just two balls, run out by Jacob Bethell at backward point after aborting what looked acomfortablesingle
That was the first of four powerplay wickets to fall across 17 deliveries, including the destructive left-handers Evin Lewis and Pooran through wayward hacks against Mahmood and Jofra Archer,respectively Mahmoodwasnotdone there, nicking off Roston Chase before Hetmyer followed his fellow southpaws with another woeful heave, caught deep square leg With two
England go 3-0 up in five-match series after hunting down below-par West Indies total in St Lucia
matches to play, the Lancashire quick’s eight powerplay wickets are already the most for an Englandbowlerinanyseries duringthatperiodofaT20I.
Powell and ShepherdWest Indies top-scorers in the series - set about another face-saving stand, this one an impressive 73 fromjust57deliveries But nosoonerhadtheyreached a respectable 110 for 5 after 15 overs, Overton instigated a collapse with three dismissals in seven deliveries, dismissing both setbatters.
A breezy 28 for the ninth wicket between Gudakesh Motie and Joseph gave them something to work with Alas, it was the same old story, albeit one that confirmed only England’s second T20I series win in thelasttwoyears
Scores: England 149 for 7 (Curran 41, Hosein 4-22)
Delroy Tyrrell sets new pool record as Oneonta Men’s Swimming & Diving team dominates Dual Meet