


Guyana’s premier celebration of Guyana’s t r a d e f a i r , cultural heritage, featuring GuyExpo 2024, performancesindance,song,
openedofficially anddrumming. on Thursday at the Sophia Government officials, Exhibition Centre, marking including President Irfaan
t h e e v e n t ’s s e c o n d Ali, Minister of Tourism, consecutive year since its Industry, and Commerce resumption following a Oneidge Walrond, Prime hiatus. Minister Mark Phillips, and The four-day event, other members of the being held under the theme government, attended the “Guyana on Show: The openingceremony Fastest Growing Economy,” In her remarks, Minister features over 280 booths and Walrond highlighted the is set to attract more than significance of GuyExpo for 100,000 visitors from small businesses and the November15to17. p
n overwhelming support from showcases a wide array of thepreviousyear
organizations, both local and overwhelming support from i
Irfaan Ali participated in the ceremonial
t h oursmallbusinesssectorand participants from countries the public reaffirmed the such as Grenada, Canada, significance of this iconic and China, presenting goods event for a range of and services across various stakeholders in our platform showcasing the services,” the minister in 2025. He explained, “It is support 4,000 SMEs (small sectors The opening economic landscape,” she innovation and quality of added. how we deploy individual a n d m e d i u m - s c a l e ceremony was a vibrant said. “GuyExpo is a premier locally produced goods and Walrond also pointed out wealth in a collective way to enterprises) across the the growth of the exhibition create long-term sustainable country Additionally, more thisyear,withapproximately revenuestreams.” than 10,000 businesses have 283 exhibitors, surpassing Thepresidentalsoshared benefittedfromgovernmentlast year’s total of 200. She his vision for Guyana’s s p o n s o r e d t r a i n i n g emphasized the diverse future and its role in the programmes. sectors represented at the regional context. “The “These results are not fair, which include agro- prosperity of Guyana will be accidental or by chance. processing, manufacturing, incomplete if it does not They are the product of a academia, government contribute to the prosperity carefully articulated vision, services, and foreign of the region,” President Ali backed by hard work, companies. stated. commitment, sound policyMinister Waldron also He further emphasized making, and financial r e f e r e n c e d t h e the importance of moving prudence,” President Ali government’s mid-year beyond simple resource concluded. economic report, which distribution to focus on A d m i s s i o n t o revealed a 49 4% real GDP wealthcreation. G U Y E X P O 2 0 2 4 i s (Gross Domestic Product) “Wealth creation is not affordable, with tickets growth for the first half of achieved by circulating priced at $500 for adults and 2024, with a notable 12 6% wealth; it happens when we $300forchildren. growth in the non-oil sector build, produce, and create Visitors will have the “This growth is a testament something that wasn’t there opportunity to explore a to the strides we’re making before. It’s about a nation variety of exhibits, sample across all sectors of the coming together to produce local delicacies at the two economy,”shesaid goods, refine services, and food courts, and learn about Meanwhile, President elevate our industries,” the numerous products and Irfaan Ali, in his address, PresidentAliexplained. servicesavailable. announced that the Ministry The president also Theeventoffersaunique of Tourism, Industry, and reiterated the government’s opportunityforbusinessesto Commerce would prioritize direct support for small and network, showcase their financial literacy initiatives medium-sized businesses innovations, and build (SMEs), noting that over relationships with both local $1B has been distributed to andinternationalpartners.
While his law firm – leader, I would ensure a transparency in contracts, relationship with his client, Hughes, Fields and Stoby firewall between personal renegotiating where Exxon. While Hughes has remains on ExxonMobil interests and public duties, necessary to protect the already acknowledged the Guyana Limited (EMGL’s) prioritizing national interest national interest,” Hughes critics saying that while he is payroll – leader of the unequivocally.” added. a Politically Exposed Person Alliance For Change (AFC) The AFC leader added Hughes concluded by (PEP), there is no law that Nigel Hughes promises to that legislative frameworks stressing the importance of prevents him from having prioritize the nation’s could further institutionalize a c c o u n t a b i l i t y a n d the oil company as a client. i n t e r e s t a b o v e safeguards to prevent collaboration in governance, However, he noted that ExxonMobil’s. conflicts. reaffirming his readiness to should he become President, Hughesmadeitclearthat Hughes also addressed lead with integrity and a he will cut ties with the the nation’s interest will take the 2016 Production Sharing focusonnationalunity company
ver any Agreement (PSA) that was This publication had Also, President of personal or professional ties. signed by the previous A reported that following Exx
il Guyana He made those statements in Partnership for National Hughes’ appointment as AlistairRoutledgehadadded a recent letter in response to Unity (APNU) and Alliance leader of the AFC a few his voice to the debate on concerns raised by Dr. For Change (AFC) Coalition months ago, concerns were whether there is a conflict of RandyPersaud. g o v e r n m e n t w i t h raised about a potential interest having Hughes on Hughes clarified his ExxonMobil. conflict of interest with him theirpayroll. stanceonmanagingpotential He said that the deal was beingtheleaderofapolitical Routledge had said, conflicts of interest, stating, n e g o t i a t e d u n d e r party while having Exxon as “…What I will say is that we “The relationship between “suboptimal” conditions aclient. comply with all laws and m y l a w f i r m a n d “Governance must evolve to Vice President Bharrat regulations here and E x x o n M o b i l i s a meet the aspirations of the Jagdeohadsuggestedthatan internationally so we don’t professional one, governed people. My administration investigation will be believe we have any conflict by ethical standards. As a would ensure greater launched into Hughes’ ofinterest[or]anyissues.”
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
In 1948, when the Israelis were done, approximately 75%ofthePalestinianpopulationwereexpelledfromtheir homesthattheyhavelivedinforcenturies. Thecatastrophe that started around then has never really stopped. It has gonefromdisastertotragedyforoverayearnow,isanowa human catastrophe repeated on a worse scale than what occurredover75yearsago. Whatmakesitworseishowit is so blatantly condoned by those who shamelessly cover theireyesandmouths. Earlyindicationsfromthewinnerof theUSelectionarethattheroadaheadforGazansisgoing togetgrimmer IsraeliPrimeMinisterNetanyahuandhis war machine now stand poised to wreak more havoc on a largelyprostratepopulation.
In1948,thecombinationofthenowinfamousBalfour Declaration,aUNResolution,asurgingZionistmovement, led to mass expulsions, mass graves, and mass mayhem. Palestinianswerescatteredallover,withtheirhomesrazed, their brethren massacred, their children terrified, and their womenraped. Thebitterhumanwreckagehasbeenamongthe morepoignantaspectsofamodern-dayhorrorthatcameshortly aftertheunspeakableJewishhorrorsinplaceslikeAuschwitz, Treblinka, and Bergen-Belsen It is a terrible irony that the horribly, unimaginably, victimized at the hands of the Nazis could have become in such a short span imitators of their inhuman tormentors While the Irgun and Stern Gang ran amok,notmuchofarestraininghandwasraisedtoinsistwith powerandvigor:enough! Timetostop,timetoworksincerely foralastingresolutionthathasitsdefiningfeatures,somerobust elementsofjusticeandhumanwisdom Whatstartedthenhas gainedanextendedrenewaloflifein2024,withtheso-called advanced and civilized world averting its eyes Those who havefounditfittolectureothersaboutbarbarityhavehadnext tonothingtosayinoppositiontothegruesomecrimesbeing committed against the Palestinian people today When that worldspeaks,thecharacterofcarefullychosenwordshasbeen ofhypocrisyandself-imposedimpotence.
Today,thecriesofnewmothersofthenewNakbaecho and reecho around the world. Modern communications revealinsharpcontextswhatcannotstayconcealed. There isamountingtoll:homesputtothetorch,familiesthathave been torn apart, and death that could come from any direction. The free world that takes it upon itself to teach othersaboutlibertyandproportion,restraintanddialogue, isnowlargelymissinginpresence,lackinginvoice. What ishappeninginGazacannotbyanystandardqualifytobe about the right to self-defense. It is vengeance at its most barbaric, and with the same grim clinical determination, with little regard for human life manifested. It was what reared its monstrous head in Germany during an incomparabledecade75yearsago.
Aquick scan of the losses on the Israeli and Palestinians sides resonates with disparity The one-sided nature of this ‘war’hassomeratiosthatstaggertheconscience Palestinian civilianshavebeenkilledattherateof40:1incomparisonto Israelis Palestinians to Israelis displaced by the conflict are also around that 40:1 ratio Armed combatants are at about 17:1, with Palestinians on the losing end Close to 10,000 rockets have been fired into Israel, with damage limited In contrast, some of the major infrastructures (roads, sanitation, sewersystems,andsoon)ofthepeoplelivinginGazahavebeen crippledtoanunworkablestate,someaninglessiswhatisleft Isthisreallyawar,oramainlyWesternsanctionedcauldronof destructionthatissystematicinvision,proveninresults? The oncesignificantArabworldhasbeenbenttoitsknees,madeto resemble the pitiful. The world of America and much of Europe is now seen as even more prejudiced, much hollower after all of its piousness. The current Guyana GovernmentthatisnormallysovisibleintheMiddleEast, sovocalonmostthings,hasbeencontenttowalkthesafest path:leadershipplatitudes.
We observe this new catastrophe and wonder that if Israel was at a disadvantage, where the US and its allies wouldbe.
DEAREDITOR, Guyana is honoured to welcome India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is visiting for two days fromNovember20,2024—a historic occasion marking the first time in recent memory that the leader of a major global economy has set foot on Guyanese soil. This remarkable visit is a testament to the dedication and strategic vision of President Dr Irfaan Ali’s government, whose efforts have brought about this significant diplomatic milestone. Prime Minister Modi support for Covid 19 vaccinewasagreatgenerous gesture to Guyana and other Caribbean countries during thepandemiccrisis.
economic, and cultural connections With India poisedtobecometheworld’s third-largesteconomy,ithas achieved notable progress u n d e r P M M o d i ’s leadership, consistently
recordingagrowthrateof67% a remarkable feat amongdevelopingnations.
For Guyana, this visit presents a unique opportunitytoidentifyareas of collaboration that can serve the mutual interests of both nations. Known for his commitment to the global Indian diaspora, PM Modi’s visit embodies the spirit of partnership and goodwill. Guyana, with its strong linkage to India can draw inspiration from this connection and explore pathways for deeper cooperation.
With this historic backdrop, we can look towards establishing meaningful partnerships in areassuchas:
1 G U Y S U C O Operations
India stands as the world’s largest sugar producer,withanimpressive annual output of 36 to 37 million tonnes. In contrast, GUYSUCO, Guyana’s own sugar corporation, currently faces various financial, technical, managerial, and
operationalchallenges.Even withsubventionofGY$15B in 2023, GuySuCo has reported loss of GY$4.7B.
With India’s advancements in sugar production technology and its effective utilizationofbyproducts,the country offers a valuable
g GUYSUCO’s operations
Notably, Indian companies such as Bannari Amman, KCP Sugar and EID Parry serve as benchmarks in developinginnovativesugar
generation from bagasse, and crafting sustainable products like paper. India is also having companies like Triveni Engineering and Walchand Nagar Industries Ltd having more than 75 years of experience in addressing and solving mechanical engineering problemsofSugarfactories. These two companies can provide immense technical supporttoGuySuCo.
o n o f GUYSUCO. This support could cover technical, financial, and managerial aspects, enabling Guyana to
competitivenessinthesugar industry A delegation of Indian experts in sugar technology, finance, and management could conduct a comprehensive diagnostic study of GUYSUCO, culminating in a robust rehabilitationplantailoredto Guyana’s needs. With India’s guidance and expertise, GUYSUCO has the potential to become a thriving enterprise once again.
Guyana holds immense potential in agriculture, an area emphasized by PresidentDr IrfaanAlisince he took office in 2020.With vast, unused lands and a favourable climate, Guyana is well-positionedto expand its agricultural output. By partneringwithIndia, (Continuedonpage06)
Guyana could explore a line of credit from India specifically aimed at the r e h a b i l i t a t
All are Called, all are to be chosen (on bringing themselves to par)
DEAREDITOR, I speak to that fore-day morning meeting called by ourPresident. Itwastimely andnecessary–itwasagood and necessary thing Contracting and putting in a bid, and its management to completion on time and on budget, is serious business. Time will tell whether that fore-day morning meeting was jolting enough to have been the effective wake-up call that it was intended to be.
G r o w t h a n d development and the better life, what we all want, is challenging; and our rapid growth and development that is now enabled, even moreso.
To this time, we Guyanese have seen ourselves as consumers mainly, consumers with a tight budget Our President’s fore-day morning meeting should bring home the realization that we, our Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Engineers, Contractors and theirworkers,andindeedall of us, individually and all together are also the producers and providers of thegrowthanddevelopment
we all want and are worthy of: the better schools and education, the better hospitals and medical services, the better roads electricity, water supply and housing, and so on. We are both the producers and the c o n s u m e r s O u r consumption, our desires must drive our production; and our production provides for,enablesandsetsthelimit ofourconsumption. That fore-day morning meeting was timely. No doubtyouwouldhaveheard concerns about, “everyone making himself/herself a contractor these days”. I think I can say, that, conscious of where we Guyanese were, where we were coming from, and the process of growth and development, we of the PPP/CenteringGovernment in 1992, have been keeping entrancedoorsaswideopen and hurdles as low as possible, so providing opportunities for all of our people to get into some sort ofproductiveactivity-doing and learning and getting steadilybetteratwhatweare doing. That same spirit is reflectedinourlocalcontent approach, and there have
been some timely warning shotstherealso.
I recall looking at the workers on one of our first road contracts about 1993, rebuildingMainStreetandI thought that very few if any of them had worked at building a road before, and perhaps half of them might not have had a formal job before.(Perhapsatthattime, we had to see the good possibilities in each other because the rate of pay of foreign workers at all levels wasabout100timestherate for local workers when converted at the blackmarketrates).
Intime,thosefirsttimers attained good levels in road building. We want better lives – we must become individually and all together better producers and providers, all-round better people.
Let me admit that in my time in bauxite and in Government, I might have been one of the late arrival ones: unhappy on meeting a closed door, feeling slighted and disrespected at the apparent unreasonablenessbutexperiencehastaughtme other views. I remember in mybauxitedaysbeingcalled
upon to provide within 72 hours an estimate of what it would take to rehabilitate our alumina plant which at thattimehadbeenclosedfor abouttwoyears.
Thatwasajobforateam of twenty or more experts overmanymonths. Iwentto commiserate with my younger but higher-ranking colleague – he seemed not too sympathetic - deadlines have to be met. He taught mesomething,Ididmybest (conceptualized a different approach), and submitted my estimate within the deadline.
Critiquing our President may be easy but getting thingsdoneparticularlywith our policies is not. Giving people a fish is easier, less risky, immediately more satisfyingthanteachinghow tofish. Wehaveredesigned projects like the schools’ improvementprojectwemet in 1992 – from one or two lots for which only foreign contractors could qualify, into about 400 plus smaller lots (something for every school)forwhichmorethan 100 local contractors got going. We have opened doorsforgroupswith (Continuedonpage09)
DEAR,EDITOR, I acknowledge your letter and the 15-pointed questions directed at me. While I welcome the engagement, it is important that discussions about leadership, governance, and the future of our country be framed in a constructive, balanced, and forwardthinking manner Allow me to address your concerns with clarity and respect for the public discourse we are building.
1. Election Delays PostNo-ConfidenceVote.
Thedelaysfollowingthe No-Confidence Motion
were the subject of significant legal and procedural interpretation The matter was ultimately resolved by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).As a society, we must recognize the challenges of unprecedented legal issues.
Moving forward, my commitmentistostrengthen our democratic institutions to avoid such uncertainties. ItisforthisreasonthatIhave been adamant in my call for biometricsandotherreforms toensurethattherecanbeno ambiguity when elections resultsareannounced.
2. 33 vs. 32 Majority Argument.
The interpretation of constitutional provisions regarding a majority was a point of legal contention. And, in fact, this was not a question of simple mathematics, but an argument about what constitutes a majority in the contextofanunprecedented constitutional impasse.As a
nationgovernedbylaws,the court’s ruling must stand as thefinalarbiter Theissueof 33 v 32 was first raised by President Donald Ramotar when he soliticed and received an opinion from Senior Counsel indicating that33wasnotthemajority Upon demitting office, this opinionwasleftaspartofthe official record and my repetition of it was merely the repetition of an earlier opinion from President Ramotar’s presidential records. My focus is on ensuring that constitutional reform addresses such ambiguitiestorestorepublic trust in our systems. One of t h e u n f o r t u n a t e consequences of the ruling oftheCCJisthatinGuyana a simple and absolute majority requires the same number of votes, 33 members of the National Assembly 3-4 Allegations of ElectionRigging. Allegations regarding
the 2020 elections remain highlycontentiouswithboth sides making claims of infractions. While not being personally involved with whatever transpired, I await the Court’s rulings on these matters and will respond accordingly It is critical to rely on due process and independent investigations for clarity It is for that reasonthatthecourtsandnot
addressing the issue. The historical division that this represents is one of the debilitating aspects to our country’s progress and I
institutions that support the bridging of the gap between our divisive elements
Accountability and rebuilding trust with the electorate will be keystones of my party’s agenda
missteps is part of that process.
5-7. Layoffs of Sugar
The challenges faced by the sugar and bauxite industries stem from decades of structural inefficiencies While decisions were made to address sustainability, they did cause real pain to families and I acknowledge that there may have been better ways to deal with the issue.Whatiscriticalisthat we acknowledge that the SugarIndustryinGuyanaas it is currently run is unsustainable and must be drasticallyreformedifitisto serveusasanation.Bauxite extraction can only benefit us if we move on to valueadded production. Moving forward, I will prioritize equitable development policies that focus on diversification, re-skilling, and creating sustainable livelihoods for affected workerswhilebolsteringour manufacturing sector to use the raw materials produced from these two areas to
create products that we can sellontheworldmarket.
8-9 ExxonMobil
The Exx
Agreement (PSA) was negotiated under conditions that can now be considered suboptimal Governance must evolve to meet the aspirationsofthepeople.My administrationwouldensure greater transparency in contracts, renegotiating where necessary to protect thenationalinterest.
10 Tax Records and Transparency
While there is no legal requirement for the release of tax records to serve in public office, I fully understand and respect the pub
accountability from their leaders. It is essential to strike a balance between personal privacy and public trust. At this time, I am addressing transparency through legally mandated disclosures and other mechanisms required by law I remain committed to upholding the highest standards of accountability in all aspects of public service while safeguarding theprinciplesofdueprocess andindividualrights.
1 1 2 0 0 T a x e s Allegation.
The adjustments to the tax regime under APNUAFC were part of broader f
That administrationdidnothave
Guyana can benefit from expertise in organic and contract farming, as well as in building essential infrastructureforagriculture inthecountry’sinterior India has also achieved remarkable success in fisheries and aquaculture, becomingoneoftheworld’s leaders in freshwater aquaculture alongside countries like Ecuador and Vietnam.
With its abundance of l
resources,Guyanacouldtap intothisexpertisetodevelop its own aquaculture sector By adopting India’s proven strategies, Guyana can not onlydiversifyitsagricultural outputbutalsoenhancefood s
Guyana’s economy is experiencing extraordinary growth, with GDP rising by an estimated 40% annually As the nation moves toward achieving an oil production
target of 1.2 million barrels per day by 2028, Guyana’s financial sector will face unprecedented expansion andnewdemands.
Although our financial sector is currently stable, there are significant gaps in specialized financial services, particularly in wealth management, money market instruments,mutualfunds,and capitalmarketdevelopment
Furthermore,theapproach of our regulatory bodies has traditionally been more focused on oversight than on
fostering sectoral growth, resulting in hardly any Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) and constrained financial intermediation over the past decade.
In this critical phase of growth, Guyana could greatly benefit from India’s technical and managerial expertise in developing robust financial services
India has a proven track r e c o r d i n w e a l t h management, mutual funds, and capital markets, driven by regulatory frameworks that balance prudence with growth. Indian institutions can share best practices in creating platforms for money market funds, structuring mutual funds, and nurturing a more dynamic capital market Through collaboration in these areas, Guyana can enhance its financial infrastructure, encourage greater investment, and support sustainable economic development
This partnership with India could be transformative, enablingGuyanatomeetthe demands of its rapidly evolvingeconomy.
4. Private Cooperation
and Investment in Gold, Diamond,andTimber Guyanaisrichinnatural resources, with sizable outputs of gold, diamonds, andtimber
However, much of our production is currently exported as raw material, limiting the economic value derived from these resources. India, home to one of the largest global markets for gold and diamonds, has developed world-class infrastructure for the processing and refining of these materials, transformingthemintohighvalue products such as jewelry and precision-cut diamonds The country’s expertise in adding value to raw materials provides an idealmodelforGuyana.
By establishing partnerships with India in value-added processing for gold, diamond, and timber, Guyana could significantly enhance its production capacity and generate new private investment opportunities.
Such cooperation could see the establishment of processing facilities, jewelry manufacturing plants, and
artisanal crafting workshops locally, creating considerable employment opportunities and boosting export revenue from finished goods rather thanrawmaterials
This shift to value-added exports would strengthen Guyana’s position in the globalmarketandensuremore sustainable economic growth forthesector
In conclusion, Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Guyana represents a milestone in the growing relationshipbetweenourtwo nations.
With India’s expertise in agriculture, finance, industrial operations, and value-added processing, Guyana stands to benefit immensely from targeted collaborations in these sectors.
Through enhanced partnerships, Guyana can transform its natural and financial resources, strengthen its economic foundation, and unlock new pathways for sustainable growth.
The potential for shared success is vast, and as we welcome Prime Minister Modi, we look forward to a future where Guyana and India grow and prosper together, united by our sharedhistoryandambitious visionfordevelopment.
Yourssincerely, Pravinchandra Dave (Mr.)
Former ChairmanGUYSUCO
Former Chief Executive Officer - Demerara Bank Limited
Guyana’s Vice President relationship with the Biden StateintheincomingDonald ongoing Guyana-Venezuela Bharrat Jagdeo expressed administration, and we are Trumpadministration. border controversy, which is confidence on Thursday that looking forward to an even “Senator Rubio wrote to curr
the incoming Donald Trump better working relationship the Biden administration InternationalCourtofJustice US-administration would w i t h t h e T r u m p when they vetoed the loan to (ICJ). He expressed hope provide “strong solidarity” administration,” Jagdeo Guyana for the IDB’s that under the leadership of in addressing the ongoing said. GYSBIproject,urgingthatit President DonaldTrump and Guyana-Venezuela border J a g d e o t o o k t h e should not happen,” Jagdeo Secretary of State Marco controversy opportunity to highlight past explained. Rubio, stronger support for At his party’s weekly interactions between
Looking ahead to the Guyana in its position on the press conference held at Guyana and U.S. officials, new administration, Jagdeo m a t t e r w o u l d b e Freedom House, Robb particularly noting an expressed optimism for forthcoming. Street, Georgetown, Jagdeo incident during the Biden continued collaboration “He [Senator Rubio] is acknowledged the strong administration when the “We are very pleased that well aware of the Venezuela partnership Guyana enjoys U S vetoed an Inter- Senator Rubio will now be issue, and we expect strong with the outgoing Biden American Development the Secretary of State, solidarity from him and the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n b u t Bank (IDB) loan for a because he is very much Trumpadministrationonthis emphasized that the country Guyana Shore Base Inc aware of the issue with matter,”Jagdeoadded. anticipates an even stronger (GYSBI)project. Venezuela,whichisacrucial Venezuela has long relationship with the new He pointed specifically matterforus,”Jagdeosaid. claimed more than two-third United States (U S ) to the efforts of Senator J a g d e o f u r t h e r of Guyana’s resource-rich government. Marco Rubio, who has been emphasized the importance Essequibo. In 1899, Guyana “We had a good working nominated to be Secretary of of the U.S. stance on the (then British Guiana) and Venezuela participated in an independence, Venezuela submitted an application ArbitralAward,conclusively r e v i v e d t h e b o r d e r seeking a final and binding settling their border, controversy judgment on the validity of including the Essequibo In March 2018, Guyana the 1899 Arbitral Award and territory as part of Guyana. approached the International the boundary between the However, prior to Guyana’s Court of Justice (ICJ) and twostates.
The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and its
exuberant General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo, are often vocal about the supposed abundance of young, talented individuals filling their ranks. To hear Mr Jagdeo tell it, the opposition party is merely a museumexhibit,acollection of “fossils,” while his own PPP is a forward-looking, dynamic institution with no shortageoftalent.
Yet, every week, the General Secretary President sitsaloneattheheadtableof the government’s press conferences. This is not the confident tableau of a party brimming with capable minds; it’s an image of singular power that belies
therhetoric. IfthePPPisindeedflush withtalent,onemustwonder whyJagdeomonopolizesthe role of spokesperson. One might expect a party with such an abundance of riches to rotate its speakers, allowing a variety of voices andperspectivestoemerge. After all, surely in this talented lineup, someone other than Mr Jagdeo could address the press, answer difficult questions, or represent the government’s views. Yet each week, the same solitary figure presides, leaving one to questionwhere,exactly,this talentresides.Isitcloistered behind the scenes, too timid or restrained to come forward, or is it merely an illusion?
This performance is not only confined to weekly press conferences At meetings hosted in his capacityofVicePresidentof Guyana,thesceneisusually thatofasinglemanseatedat one side of the table—often across from teams of other persons.
It is a curious sight: a Vice President might reasonably be expected to appearalongsideacohortof advisors, specialists, or cabinet colleagues Yet often,theVicePresidentsits alone.
This go-it-alone style does not imply a wealth of talentreadytotakethereins; it suggests that decisionmaking has shrunk down to the whims and preferences of one man Far from
demonstratedorganizationandotherskillsto have the opportunity to transfer those organizational and achievement skills in construction areas. We have adopted alternative concrete road/path designs for theirsmallerinitialcapitalrequirementsand withwhichthepeoplealongthosestreetsare familiar Yes,therearerisksinourapproach butwearebetteroffasanationevenifonly half take-off – and yes, times would have to comewhentherewouldbetheneedforjoltslikethatofthefore-daymorningmeetingof our President (in which I hear “the man behavebad.”)
Wecanthinkofourpolicyofwide-open doors and lowered hurdles to get all our people in, somewhat like the parable of the Wedding Feast, but with a variation at the end.Aking was giving a wedding feast and when those who would have been preferred wouldorcouldnotcome(thepaywouldnot
have been enough, in our case), he sent his servants to go and bring in people from the streets. Butlater,thekingseesmanywithout the proper wedding dress and throws them out. The moral of that parable was, “Many are called but few are chosen.” You are invited because others would not come but nevertheless you still have to come up to scratch. Inourcase–contractors–manyare called,letin,butsoontimetheymustcometo the required level before the crunch comes. Wewantallourpeopletogettothebar That jolting fore-day morning meeting was intended to get all our contractors (and indeed all of us) to have sharper laser-focus ontheworktobeaccomplished–sothat“All ofusarecalled,allofusmakethemark,and all of us are chosen,” all of us get to producingandenjoyingthebetterlifewhich weareworthyof.
SamuelA.A.Hinds Ambassador
DePresidentdecidefuh calla5a.m.meetingwidhe ministers, permanent secretaries, engineers and contractors.ButlikedeVee Peenahgetdememo. Dem ministerstunupandhadto stand up like in a school
assembly facing de headmaster But instead of whip, de President was wieldingaspreadsheet.
But de Vee Pee? Nowhere to be seen. Dem boys hear dem nah gat no alarm clock which can wake up de Vee Pee at 5 a.m. in the morning. And even if he was awake, de mantoobusy Infact,heso busy, he nah know which time zone he operating in. Dem boys seh de Vee Pee
sobusy,hedon’tknowifhe deh pon Guyana time, Houston time, or Dubai time?Who could blame de man?
Dem boys seh de Constitution does call he a minister, but in reality, he ain’t no ordinary minister When de President seh all ministers must come and stand up, he ain’t mean all all. Some are more equal than others Yuh really think de President woulda tongue-lashdeVeePee?He dare not try dat! No, sah!
De Vee Pee is a “Big Minister,” de kind who does operate on a “By
Appointment Only” schedule.
But dem boys seh it
projectingthePPPasaparty with depth, this isolation sends a strong message that there is no one else deemed worthyoftherole.
It’snotsimplyanissueof optics, though these images raise questions. Beneath the surfaceliesamoretroubling possibility: that the centralization of power has effectively sidelined any brilliant or talented individuals who might have aspired to leadership roles. Decision-making is not distributed across a team or even among a few qualified individuals; it’s funneled through a narrow, perhaps impenetrable,gate.
For all the grand proclamations of the PPPof “internal democracy,” the party does not appear to be run by a democratic process ofdebateanddeliberation;it appears to be run by edict. Ask Ralph Ramkarran or MosesNagamootoowhether theybelievethepresentPPP practices internal democracy
Inamodernofficeorany competitive organization, the free flow of ideas is not only encouraged; it’s essential. Can we truly say this exists within the PPP?
The PPP as evidenced by these solo performances appears not to resemble a modern, democratic institution but rather a differentstructurewhereone
Evenmorecuriousisthe fact that Mr Jagdeo, for all his experience, is neither a visionary nor a charismatic figure. Histalentliesmoreinhis omnipresence and insertion intotoomanymattersthanin inspired leadership His insistence on monopolizing the spotlight thus begs the question: does he fear the emergenceofsomeonemore competent? Or has the party apparatus simply been conditionedtodependsolely on him, thereby stifling any signsofgenuinetalent?
An organization that regularly trumpets its abundance of talent but showcases none of it does little to convince anyone.
For all its criticisms of the Opposition’s supposed lack of vibrancy, the PPP has modeled its leadership in a way that allows no fresh perspectives or alternative ideas to emerge within his own ranks The Vice President’s well-publicized solo act points to a more profound flaw in the PPP internal structure: one that suggests a deep-seated lack of faith in its members.
Either that or the party’s “abundance” of talent is simplyamyth.
In truth, no country, let aloneapoliticalparty,canor should operate under such conditions.
This is a model that allowsonemantodictatethe terms and control the narrative. It is a system bound to repel ambitious, talented individuals rather than attract them, a system that risks stagnation rather than evolution. For all his criticisms of the opposition, Jagdeo’s PPP seems increasingly to resemble what he derides—a stagnant organization bereft of diversityanddynamism. So where is the talent? Wherearetheyoungminds, the bright lights that are supposed to propel the PPP forward? If they are there, why are they being hidden away?
As long as Jagdeo occupiesthestagealone,it’s unlikely that the public will ever see this supposed new generation. And until the PPP embraces a genuinely democratic, collaborative process,onesuspectsthatits “talent” will remain more myththanreality.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
woulda been nice fuh hear what de Vee Pee had fuh say But de Vee Pee too slick fuh dat. He mek sure henotfuhshowupandgive anybody a chance fuh ask he how come Guyana still cyanttellhowmuchoildeh or why we giving away morethanwegetting.
Dem boys seh when yuh deh high up in de PPP government, as deVee Pee is,yuhdoesgettowriteyuh own rulebook If de President seh meeting at 5 a.m., de Vee Pee seh he meetinghimselfat10a.m., wid a cup of coffee. Dem boys seh dat is real power—when yuh is more equaldanalldeothers. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
I am concerned for unconscious as to what goes hamlet that it used to be for themselves:whatisitthatwe with the best of comedy President Ali. Those who on outside of his self-made centuries. have here A slight screenplays. There are wish to laugh are free to do bubble. PresidentAliisnow Today,thereareflocksof correction is in order: it is no Americans here, so. But when the president Guyana’s Mr Unreality He ambassadors and advisers more of what is it that insistedBaghdadBob. of Guyana speaks and has been given more than his and agents representingWall Guyanese have dropped in The Americans have postures, he doesn’t share of free passes because Street, Washington, and their laps and hanging over turned tail and hightailed it leeway in his being such a represent only himself or his of his lack of years, and his whatchamacallit They theirheads. back to Fort Benning. The split political personality political group He newness to the captain’s come from anywhere and Taking in all this, there is long and short of it was that But he should really be represents all Guyana. He bridge. everywhere. a painful flashback that still the man made a global sensitive and discipline speaksforme. Theproblemisthatwhen T h o u g h t h e U S unsettles me Painful spectacle of himself, the butt himself to tamp down on Therefore, my concern he peers at the Guyana Ambassador, Excellency b e c a u s e i t i s s o ofjokesfromBirminghamto what has morphed into his grows when he lets loose landscape laid out before Nicole D. Theriot has been embarrassing, how a man Beijing. Should our own regular histrionics. Which with dramatic rhetorical him, he sees a combination more silent than a nun w h o w a s n o d u n c e dear President Mohamed Guyanese would be proud flair, when he himself is of paradise, an old-time sequesteredinaconvent,she humiliated himself by his Irfaan Ali keep barreling his when their president gets so unconcerned about how Persian palace, and the must be appalled If inseverable connection to a way down the road that he t
Guyaneseviewhim,howthe hanging Gardens of anybodyknowsthedepthsof fantasy world of his own has chosen as his exclusive unknown realm that he loses wider watching world sees Babylon. He sees what he Guyanese realities, it would making. zoneofoperation,thereisthe
him, judges him. By now, it wants to see and says be the US ambassador H i s n a m e w a s high risk that he could be Repeatedly should be obvious that my whatever comes to his lips. (police, corruption, law, MuhammadSaeedal-Sahhaf categorizedsimilarly, and no Recklessly President worry has nothing to do with It is a volatile mix, a most inclusivity, justice...). In andhislairofoperationswas lessdisdainfully Ali may fancy himself to be Excellency Ali’s sanity. dangerous combination. So, addition to her, there are the Bunker Iraq. His verbal Part of my concern is Guyana’s 21st century Rather, it is about his tight he jumps on the nearest high British and Canadian and antics and unbelievable whether this is already what equivalent of Pontius Pilate familiaritywithunreality,his horse and gallops with IndianHighCommissioners, posture(s) earned him two prevailsinGuyana’sresident of Biblical fame: “what I comfort with the reputation rhetorical winds at his back, who are not blindfolded, nor nicknames from the foreign diplomatic community. And have said, I have said.” that he accumulates without regard to facts and do they need hearing aids. I press that was always ready not to forget its ballooning Spoken like a Roman whenever he missteps, circumstances,balanceanda believe that their minds are withamonikerthatfits. The f o r e i g n i n v e s t m e n t governor with subjects howeverhemisspeaks. stickler’s respect for in fine working order. So, first was Baghdad Bob, communitythatswarmshere strewn at his feet. President After four revealing accuracy If the president when they absorb President while the second was andhangsontotoeveryword Ali must be more than a years, it is obvious that had engaged in his verbal Ali bristling with hostility at Comical Ali. The bombs coming from Guyana’s national governor He must Guyana’s youthful and fantasies prior to the advent h i s o w n p e o p l e o r were raining from the skies, president. learn to govern himself in a rollicking president has of oil, he may have bought o v e r f l o w i n g w i t h the fires were burning all The oil has made that manner that attaches more immersed himself in a big, himself some space to roam. highfaluting rhetorical over Baghdad, but there he possible, and I implore the closely to the full truths of bottomless bubble bath. He But with that first discovery, d e t o n a t i o n s a b o u t was with his verbal president to be responsible. where Guyana is. A leader has immersed himself so and many since, Guyana is democracy and inclusion, productions that aligned He is free to live inside his isn’tatheateroperator completely that he is totally nottheoldsleepy,backwater they must be asking overblown political rhetoric bubble, but somebody must (The views expressed in havetheonionstowhisperto this article are those of the him to do so in private. I am a u t h o r a n d d o n o t ready to look the other way necessarily reflect the and give the president opinions of this newspaper.)
The New Building Society (NBS) on Friday said that it has ended its partnership with Mobile Money Guyana (MMG) over increased transaction costs attached to mortgagepayments.
In a press release, the bank informed “its valued customers and the general public that we are no longer in collaboration with Mobile Money Guyana (MMG) to facilitatemortgagepayments.Thisdecisionwasmadedueto an unsanctioned fee increase by MMG that we believe to be excessivelyburdensomeforourcustomers.”
“Initially, the agreed-upon transaction fee for customers making mortgage payments via MMG was $120 per transaction. Recently, however, MMG proposed to increase this fee to 0.75% on the value of each transaction—a significantandunexpectedhike.NBSfeelsstronglythatthis increase places an unreasonable financial strain on our customers, many of whom rely on these services for convenient and affordable payment options,” the bank said in its statement. The NBS said that upon concluding its partnership, both parties mutually agreed to inform customersoftheterminationinarespectfulmanner
“However, despite this agreement, MMG has chosen to independently distribute notices to our customers, which, in ourview,misrepresentthesituationandmayunfairlyimpact our relationship,” NBS said adding, “We understand the importance of trust in financial services, and NBS remains committed to providing transparent, customer-centered solutions. We encourage our customers to reach out to our branch representatives for alternative mortgage payment options.”
Th e U S D r u g
in coordination with the
These exercises focused on
E n f o r c e m e n t interview and interrogation Administration (DEA),
d DEA Georgetown Country Office, presentation skills, and link successfully conducted two analysischarttraining. intensive training courses on Basic
“This training exemplifies the and Advanced Narcotic power of collaborationbetween the Investigations from November 4 to D
November15,2024. counterparts,” said Denise Foster,
The training, hosted by the SpecialAgentinChargeoftheDEA Guyana Police Force, was attended
By by 35 officers representing several enhancing our collective expertise key agencies in Guyana, including and operational readiness, we are the Guyana Police Force (GPF), better equipped to confront and Guyana Defence Force (GDF), dismantle narcotics trafficking Guyana Revenue Authority networks that threaten the safety (GRA), and the Customs Anti- and security of our communities,” NarcoticUnit(CANU). Fosternoted.
A statement from the United
At the training’s closing StatesEmbassyinGuyanasaidthat ceremony on November 15, thetrainingwasmadepossiblewith Ambassador Theriot gave remarks funding under the Caribbean Basin and presented certificates to the Security Initiative from the U.S. participants. Department of State’s International
She highlighted the exercise as Narcotics and Law Enforcement a significant milestone in the U.S.Affairs (INL) office at the U.S. effectively combat transnational
trends,”thestatementsaid. Guyanese partnership to combat EmbassyinGeorgetown. narcoticstrafficking.Thisinitiative instructiononcriticaltopicssuchas In addition to the classroom transnational drug trafficking and “This collaboration highlights underscores the DEA and INL’s case management, deconfliction, instruction, participants engaged in address shared security concerns the shared commitment of both ongoing commitment to working surveillance, intelligence sharing, hands-on practical exercises which, if left unaddressed, could countries to strengthen law bilaterally with Guyanese law as well as key information on designed to enhance their harm Guyana’s economic growth enforcement capabilities and enforcement partners. Participants regional and worldwide drug operationalcapabilities. andinvestmentclimate.
A high-level Canadian and strategic partnership with delegation, led by His Excellency Guyana, focusing on Guyana’s Sébastien Sigouin, High expanding economy and emerging Commissioner of Canada to needs for sustainable critical Guyana, concluded a successful infrastructuresolutions. four-day visit to Guyana on High Commissioner Sigouin, November 15, 2024 The speaking on the importance of this delegation, which included visit, remarked, “Canada has a representatives from Canada’s top longstanding friendship with commercial and development Guyana, and we believe there is entities, sought to build stronger tremendous potential for Canadian economic ties and explore companies to contribute to s u b s t a n t i a l i n v e s t m e n t Guyana’s future. Canada has a opportunities in Guyana, as the longstandingtraditionofdelivering nation experiences rapid economic high quality goods and services as growth fueled by its emerging well as in sharing its extensive energysector expertise and know-how This visit According to a press release represents Canada’s commitment issued by the Canadian High tosupportGuyana’stransformation Commission, the Canadian journey, and fostering a delegation was composed of relationship based on core officials from the Canadian leadership values such as respect, Commercial Corporation (CCC), transparency, ethical business Export Development Canada practices,andhighstandards.” worksandhousinginitiatives.With itscitizens.
Another significant component (EDC), ON2 Solutions, WSP, and The delegation’s engagements Guyana’s urban and rural areas Export Development Canada of the visit included meetings with Aecon Their agenda included spanned several key sectors. ON2 both experiencing growth, the (EDC) a
dian ScotiabankandG-Invest,Guyana’s meetings with Ministers of Solutions, a leader in medical expertise of WSP and Aecon in Commercial Corporation (CCC) primary investment promotion Government, such as the Ministers oxygen solutions, discussed several projects was met with discussed financial solutions that agency These discussions focused of Housing and Water, Health, opportunities to strengthen interest from Guyanese officials would
dian on creating financial structures and Finance, Tourism, Industry and Guyana’s healthcare infrastructure, eager to learn from Canada’s companies’ investments in the incentivesthatwouldattractfurther Commerce, and Public Works, as including potential collaborations e
market.Theirgoalwastointroduce investment from Canadian well as leaders from Scotiabank, to enhance medical oxygen supply infrastructure development. These a partnership model that supports businesses. Scotiabank, a familiar the Guyana Office for Investment chains, an area crucial for ensuring discussions centered on creating robust project development while name in Guyana, underscored (G-Invest), and a discussion with resilience in the healthcare system. housing and transportation ensuring long-term benefits for Canada’s unique advantage in PresidentIrfaanAli. Infrastructure giants WSP and networks that could support Guyana, especially through a financial services in the Guyanese The visit highlighted Canada’s Aecon explored ways to contribute Guyana’s economic trajectory government-to-government and P3 market.G-Investofficialsdetailed commitmenttofosteringadynamic to Guyana’s ambitious public while improving quality of life for frameworks.
(Continued on page 15)
Former policeman Lloyd lawyer concluded by noting proceedings on December 6, afterfurtherinvestigation. Roberts appeared at the that the offence Roberts was 2024. It was reported that Georgetown Magistrates’ charged with was bailable, According to police Roberts in March 2009, he Court on Friday, to face with a maximum penalty of reports, officers acting on was accused of the double
three years in prison, and
n murderofRomeoDeAgrella possession of a firearm and reiterated that his client was observed Roberts standing andhisson,ClintDeAgrella. ammunition. fearfulforhislife. near the Republic Bank on Roberts was one of three
The 43-year-old, a M e
Robb Street Police then men charged with the resident of Lot 3667 North prosecution opposed bail, searched him and allegedly killings, but the charges Ruimveldt, Georgetown, is
ts’ discovered the firearm and against him were dismissed accused of having in his criminal history The ammunition concealed in his on February 9, 2010, by possession an illegal Glock prosecutor pointed out that crotch. MagistrateAlanWilson. 19mm pistol and 18 rounds Roberts had previously been When questioned about In September 2016, of 9mm ammunition, which accused of involvement in his firearm licence, Roberts Robertsfacedchargesforthe were allegedly found on him three murders, and argued reportedly stated that he did murder of 19-year-old Ryan in Robb Street, Georgetown that there were no “special not have one. He was then Sergeant, who was shot on November 14 ,2024 reasons” to grant him bail in informed of the charges outsidetheRioNightClubin
However, Roberts is no this case. The prosecution against him and cautioned Queenstown,Georgetown. stranger to the law He was also noted that no medical accordingly
The murder accused and chargedin2009and2016for evidence had been presented Roberts was arrested two other men were also threemurders. to support the defence’s subsequently and taken to slapped with four charges
Roberts, a father of ten, claims regarding Roberts’ the Brickdam Police Station, each - two for illegal appeared before Principal injuries. where the firearm and possession of firearms and Magistrate Faith McGusty had b
e policesaytheyfoundonhim,
Further, the prosecutor ammunitionweresealedinto two for illegal possession of where the two charges were times in the face, he only saw it (gun and contended that Roberts had evidence. He was charged ammunition. read to him. He pleaded not abdomen, and hip—during ammunition) at the police been found in possession of guiltytobothcharges. the incident. The lawyer station, ” the lawyer the firearm, and when asked
An application for bail, said, “Although he appears explained “He maintains if he had a licence to carry it, c i t i n g “ s p e c i a l to be fit, there are internal that they were planted on headmittedthathedidnot. circumstances”wasmadeby injuries that doctors are still him.”
After considering both an attorney on behalf of evaluating ” However, no T h e l a w y e r a l s o sides, Magistrate McGusty Roberts’ lawyer, Everton medical evidence was expressed concern for decided to grant Roberts’ Singh-Lammy presentedtothecourt. Roberts’ safety, suggesting bail. He was released on Singh-Lammy in his Singh-Lammy in his that the gun charge could be $200,000 bail for each statements explained that application further stated partofanotherattemptonhis charge, with the condition Roberts had been the victim that Roberts had been at a life.“Wefearthatifheiskept that he reports to the ofanattemptedassassination bank on Robb Street to in custody, the persons who Brickdam Police Station on in August 2024 on Durban conduct business when four desperately want to kill him the last Friday of every Street, Georgetown The police officers arrested him. will get through,” the month. Roberts is scheduled lawyer claimed that Roberts “Heclaimsthatwhateverthe defence lawyer argued. The to return to court for further
Driver dies after crashing into utility pole at No. 61 Village
A 41-year-old man lost his life on Thursday night in an accident at No. 61 Public Road, Corentyne, Berbice. The incident occurred around 10:10 pm and involved motorcar HC 2918, driven by Mark Autar (Zaman Ali) of Lot 13 Section ‘A’, No. 71 Village, Corentyne.
The scene of the accident
Autar also has a photo identification in the name of Zaman Ali
According to police, Autar was driving south along the eastern lane of the road at a high speed when he reportedly lost control of the vehicle. The car slammed into a Guyana Power and Light (GPL) utility pole on the roadside, leaving the pronounced him dead on driverpinnedinside. arrival.
Public-spirited citizens Autar’s body is currently helped remove Autar, who at the Skeldon Public was in an unconscious state, Hospital mortuary, awaiting from the wreckage. He was a post-mortem examination. rushed to the Skeldon Public Investigations into the Hospital, where a doctor incidentareongoing.
Leader of the People’s gauge public opinion, the regionalelections. renegotiate the terms of the National Congress Reform binding nature of the Nandlall speaking on his contract. “If they don’t agree (PNCR),AubreyNorton,has contract must remain the weekly programme, “Issues totherenegotiationasperthe stated that while he is not guiding principle “That in the News” on Tuesday contract that APNU (A opposed to a referendum on doesnotmeanthatIdisagree evening criticised the Partnership for National renegotiating the 2016 with someone doing a poll to Alliance For Change (AFC) Unity) signed, you are back ExxonMobil Production see if people want a and Working People’s toarbitration,youarebackto Sharing Agreement (PSA), referendum on it. If people Alliance (WPA) for court cases,” Jagdeo noted. any amendments to the want a referendum, they can proposing a referendum on “Having a referendum does contract would still require have a referendum on it, I an agreement they finalised not deal with the most thecompany’sagreement. have no problem with that without prior public contentious issue, which the taxes and caters for it to be between Guyana and the Areferendumisageneral but in the final analysis, one consultation or input from contract says that the only paid by the government out Stabroek Block partners vote by the electorate on a willstillhavetobeguidedby thethenopposition. way you can solve it of its share. Guyana receives After accounting for the 2% single political question that thecontract,”headded. According to DPI, the amicablyistorenegotiatethe a 2% royalty; it allows royalty, cost recovery, and has been referred to them for On Thursday, Vice Minister of Legal Affairs contract with the agreement Exxonanditsco-venturersto profit sharing, Guyana’s adirectdecision. President Bharrat Jagdeo argued that the legal ofbothparties.” recover up to 75% of total take from the oil Speaking at his party’s dismissed comments from framework of the PSA
The deal at the center of production costs before the produced is 14.5% of the press conference on Friday, Attorney General, Anil explicitlystatesthatitcannot the discussion waives all remaining 25% is shared totalvalueoftheoil. Nortonremarked,“Ifthereis Nandlall S C that a b e a l t e r e d w i t h o u t a referendum, it will say that referendum on the lopsided permission from both is the popular will of the oilcontractwouldbeawaste parties, rendering any people, if it succeeds if it oftime,sayingthatthesenior referendum powerless fails,itwillsayitsunpopular minister was speaking in his rega
but in the final analysis what personal capacity and not sentiment. governs the thing is the PSA that of the government
Similar to comments and the PSA makes it very Instead, Jagdeo said while made by the Attorney clear that the changes can be there might very well be General regarding the made but they have to be issues regarding bringing
d o n e e n g a g i n g ExxonMobil to the table referendum giving the terms ExxonMobil.” even with a successful
The PNCR leader referendum, he would prefer explained that a referendum emphasized that while he to deal with the matter after wouldnotbeeffectiveunless would not oppose efforts to next year’s general and ExxonMobil also agreed to
Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) and Chairman of the Alliance For Change (AFC), David Patterson was awarded $1.2 million on Friday in damages by the High Court, after law enforcement authorities wrongfully blocked him from traveling overseaslastyear
The ruling was handed down by Chief Justice(ag)RoxaneGeorge-Wiltshire.
Confirming the ruling was Patterson’s lawyer, Attorney-at-Law, Nigel Hughes who made the announcement during a press conferenceyesterday
Hughes told media operatives, “The Honourable Chief Justice has just awarded thesumof$1.2millionpluscostinthesumof $250,000 to Mr David Patterson for the authorities wrongfully stopping him from leaving the country when he was going to
Opposition Member of Parliament, David Patterson
However, following that incident the meet Congressional Committee and the Guyana Police Force had apologized to Senate.”Headdedthatthecostisexpectedto Patterson, saying that his name had th th be paid to the MP before the 15 or 16 of “inadvertently remained on an Immigration December Department’swatchlist.”
This publication had reported that In a terse statement, the police said that Patterson had sued the State in October 2023 Mr Patterson’s name was placed on the for$25millionindamagesfortheviolationof watchlist in July 2023 during an ongoing hisfundamentalrighttotravel. investigation by the police into accusation of It was reported that on the evening of indecent exposure. “The Guyana Police Tuesday, September 26, 2023, Patterson Force has internal SOPs to deal with such successfully cleared Immigration and issues, and a full probe is underway by the Security checks at the Cheddi Jagan Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) International Airport (CJIA) in preparation as to why Mr Patterson’s name was not for his flight to the United States. However, removed earlier from the list. Mr Patterson’s he was prevented from departing Guyana by name has since been removed from the immigrationofficials. watchlist,”thestatementended.
A flooded area in West Coast Berbice on Friday afternoon. (Vinceroy Jorden photo)
A spring tide on Friday caused a sluice The ministry noted too that stop logs will door at Abary, Region Five to break causing alsobeinstalledwhenthetidechanges. flooding in at least five West Coast Berbice A video was later uploaded by the (WCB)communities. ministry of ongoing emergency works to Flooding was reported at Recess, repair the sluice door and remedy the Calcutta, Novar and Good Faith in situation.
Mahaicony Videos and photographs Later in the evening, Minister of surfaced on the internet of what appeared to Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha, and his staff beseverefloodinginthecommunities. met with flood affected residents at Calcutta
In one cellphone recorded video, the andsurroundingvillages. sluice door looked like it was barely hanging In a recorded interaction with the byathreadasthewatergushedintotheAbary residents, Mustapha was heard telling them, canal. Not long after photographs of flooded “I have spoken to the Civil Defence yardswerecirculated. Commission (CDC), they are now arranging
The Ministry of Agriculture responded cleaningsuppliesandfoodstuff.” promptlytoassessthesituation. Mustapha assured that the supplies will
In a statement, the ministry said that the arrive in the affected communities this Abarysluicedoorsufferedmajordamages. morning.
“Swift action from the MMA (Mahaica He said too that he will speak with the MahaiconyAbary-AgricultureDevelopment President (IrfaanAli) to see what help can be Authority) saw immediate mobilization of rendered to those affected, especially those equipment to block major channels in Burma wholostappliances.
to prevent flood waters from entering rice Mustapha did a walk-through of the cultivation areas,” the ministry stated on its communitieswithhistechnicalstafftoassess Facebookpage. theimpactsontheresidents.
Representatives of the Ministry of Public Works and the China Railway Construction Corporation team on Friday.
The first precast
M i n i s t e r e x p r e s s e d the girder launcher, a blue ThenewDemeraraRiver
g i r d e r w a s excitement about the crane which was used to Bridge is being built with
installed on towering height of the position the girder onto the reinforced concrete,
Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill speaking with reporters on Friday.
FridayattheWest bridge, which will become a firsttwopairsofsupports. incorporating advanced Bank Demerara side of the definingfeature. “A total of 472 girders reinforcement technologies newDemeraraRiverBridge. He said, “I asked them need to be launched, with that will enhance its strength
The installation of the girder (the Chinese construction eachsetofpairsconsistingof and durability Unlike some marks a significant step in company) when we are eight girders connected to other bridges that rely solely the bridge’s construction, goingtoreachtherealheight each other,” Thompson on prefabricated concrete, with75percentoftheoverall of the tower because that is explained. Once the first set the new bridge will be both projectnowcompleted.
the marvel and the of eight girders is pre-stressed and post-
The precast girder, a key amazement of everybody successfully launched, the tensioned, features that will structural component of the who is traveling the bridge, launcher will be moved, and significantly extend its bridge, is a horizontal beam how high the bridge is going this process will continue lifespan. designed to support the deck tobeinthatsection?” until we reach the central Thompson explained and the weight of traffic.
According to the spanofthebridge. that initially, for something
Each girder weighs construction team, the Thompsonaddedthatthe to have long-lasting approximately 120 tons and towers are expected to reach project has two travelers and durability, it must be was manufactured in China, a height of 112 meters by two launchers to ensure the constructed with materials Juan Edghill emphasized the that works on the bridge specificallyfortheproject. December 2024, up from the simultaneous launching of that ensure its longevity The
In 2022, a US$260
million contract was
significance of the occurs 24-hours daily to
current height of 73 meters. girders, which will speed up bridge’s reinforced concrete installation of the girder “… ensuresteadyprogress.
This means an additional 40 theprocess. structure, combined with Now we are connecting the He emphasized that the awarded to a joint venture of meters will be added Theprojectmanageralso these advanced techniques, girders (it) brings us another Ministry of Public Works China Railway Construction Continuous casting and spoke of the innovative willhelpensurethatitserves milestone event,” he told receives weekly reports and Corporation (International) careful attention to curing design of the new bridge, the estimated 100-year life reporters. that, to date, the project is on Limited, China Railway arebeingemployedtoensure which differs significantly span.
“I just confirmed that the track with no major issues Construction (Caribbean) that the project stays on fromtheexistingstructure. The Demerara River sections of the cable-stay are known. Co., Ltd, and China Railway schedule.
Construction Bridge
“It’s a completely Bridge is scheduled to be already in the country and “The only thing that can
Meanwhile, Project different type of bridge,” he completedinMarch2025. the remainder is on the high cause a delay is the human Engineering Bureau Group Manager Patrick Thompson said adding that “The Once completed, the seas heading to Guyana elementthatistobeinvolved Co., Ltd for the construction shared details of Friday’s existing bridge is a steel bridge will not only replace When that starts putting in just couldn’t keep moving of the new bridge. The new operation. The launch began thrust bridge; this is a the Demerara Harbour that will be another (with) the pace they should crossing will replace the at o5:00h on Friday, with the concrete girder bridge. The Bridge but will also serve as milestone event, where we move,Ithinkthecompanyis existing Demerara Harbour firstgirdertravelingfromthe newbridgeisdesignedtolast a symbol of Guyana’s connect the bridge from the adequately mobilized, their Bridge, which has outlived precastyard,locatedjust200 100 years, whereas the old growing capacity to manage west side to the east side, so machinery is here,” Edghill its lifespan by more than 20 meters away, to its bridgewasonlydesignedfor large-scale infrastructure we are moving along,” the said. years. designated position The 20 years, it’s now 40 years projects.
minister said while noting Looking ahead, the Minister of PublicWorks girder was then connected to old.”
T h e G u y a n a W a t e r lasting impact on the water these mains will ensure a Incorporated(GWI) has embarked security of the corridor, with dependable and improved water on a major infrastructure upgrade infrastructureexpectedtoservethe distribution system, with the along the East Bank Demerara communities with adequate water capacity to meet increasing (EBD) corridor, with significant supply demand for water quality and upgrades to its water transmission Aspartofthisongoingproject, supply andtreatmentfacilities. new transmission mains are “Additionally, a new state-ofIn a press release issued on currently being laid between the-art water treatment plant is Friday, GWI said that the works Eccles and Timehri. This upgrade being constructed in Caledonia, aim to vastly improve treated willextendtreatedwaterserviceto which will serve the areas from watercoverageandservicequality several communities previously Craig to Soesdyke. This facility, for thousands of residents from receiving raw water, significantly along with the drilling of a new Eccles to Timehri. The multi- enhancing water quality and well in Caledonia, will bolster the faceted project, undertaken by accessibility for residents along region’swatersupplyandimprove eight local contractors, will have a the corridor Once completed, (Continued on page 17)
A tragic mining accident on Thursday afternoon claimed the life of 31-year-old gold miner Owen Smith at 10 Miles Backdam,Issano,MiddleMazaruniRiver
The incident occurred around 2:30 pm when a section of theminingpitcollapsed,buryingSmith.
Police reports indicate that Smith, a resident of Kaburi Village, Middle Mazaruni River, was employed as a ‘jet man’ byhisyoungerbrother,30-year-oldDorwinSmith.
At the time of the incident, Owen was working alongside Dorwin, their father Oliver Smith, and another brother, Jason Smith,inapitapproximately40feetlong,50feetwide,and30 feetdeep.
While operating the jet, Owen was caught in a sudden landslideasalargesectionoflandbrokeoffandcollapsedinto the pit, submerging him. His family members managed to escapeunharmedbutwereunabletosaveOwenimmediately They returned to dig him out, but it took about 15 minutes to retrievehisunresponsivebodyfromthedebris.
Owen was rushed to the 72 Miles Health Centre, where health worker, Audrey Welcome pronounced him dead on arrival.Investigationsintotheincidentareongoing.
From page 11
Guyana’s investment landscape and investment opportunities in sectors such as renewable energy, infrastructure,eco-tourismandagriculture.
At the meeting with President Ali, the Canadian delegation discussed the potential for expanded collaboration at the highest level. President Ali welcomed thedelegation’spresenceandsharedhisvisionforGuyana’s growth, emphasizing the importance of foreign partnerships inachievingGuyana’snationaldevelopmentgoals.
President Ali also commended Canada’s long-standing partnership with Guyana and expressed confidence that deeperbilateralcooperationcouldfostersignificantprogress in sustainable development and infrastructure transformation that will be mutually beneficial for both countriesandfortheregion.
“The visit has set a promising trajectory for future collaborations between Canadian and Guyanese stakeholders. The Canadian delegation expressed optimism about transforming initial discussions into concrete partnerships, with several sectors identified for immediate collaboration. Canada’s emphasis on ethical business practices and long-term value creation was well received by Guyanese officials, who recognized these qualities as essential for sustainable and inclusive growth,” the press release added. Further, the Canadian High Commission said that as Canada seeks to play a more significant role in the development of Guyana’s economy, both countries stand to benefit from a partnership that “promotes innovation, expertise, and prosperity that benefits all the people of Guyana.”
“The visit has reaffirmed Canada’s readiness to invest in Guyana’s future and to position Canadian companies as key contributors to the country’s ambitious development goals,” thereleaseconcluded.
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DIVISION Petition No. FD898 Between:RAVEENA WILLIS nee
MOHAMED Petitioner/ Applicant -and- PAUL IGNATIUS WILLIS
Last Known Address Lot 40 New Hope East Bank Demerara TAKE NOTICE that on the 28th day of June, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by RAVEENA WILLIS nee
MOHAMED, the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 20th day of August, 2024, the Petitioner/ Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of the Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition and Application, you must file an Acknowledgment of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Friday the 13th day of January, 2025 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Fidela Corbin-Lincoln via zoom meeting ID: 882 1097 6231 and password: Court12.IN DEFAULTof your filing an Acknowledgement of Service. Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including
granting the Divorce.The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 30th day of October, 2024.
DIVISION Petition No. FD1077 BETWEEN: (RAMTAHAL) PREMCHAND Petitioner/Applicant -and(RAMAHAL) LAKEMATTIE nee LHAGAN Respondent TO: LAKEMATTIE RAMAHAL nee LHAGAN Last Known Address Lot 64 Third Street, Industry, East Coast Demerara, Guyana. TAKE NOTICE that on the 31st day of July, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by PREMCHAND RAMTAHAL, the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 3rd day of September, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of his Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in Guyana of General circulation in Guyana and on the Worldwide web (online). AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney -at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the Divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Tuesday the 28th day of January, 2025 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Deborah Kumar-Chetty via Zoom Meeting ID: 703 085 9517 and Password: DKCfamct1. IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 11th day of November, 2024.
Petition No. FD-901
Between:SANDY (OSSIE TROY) Petitioner/Applicant -and- SANDY (SHARON) nee ALBERT Respondent TO: SHARON SANDY nee ALBERT Formerly of 78 Phoenix Park, West Bank Demerara Guyana.TAKE NOTICE that on the 28th day of June, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by SHARON
SANDY nee ALBERT, the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 9th day of October, 2024 the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana and on the Worldwide Web AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), an Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.TAKE NOTICE that the Divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Wednesday the 27th day of November, 2024 at 10:10 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Fidela Corbin-Lincoln via zoom Meeting ID: 882 1097 6231 and Passcode: Court12 IN DEFAULT of you filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, an Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between8:00 am and 3:30 pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00 am to 2:30 pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 18th day of October, 2024
The back-and-forth continues as it relates to the releaseofthefinalversionof the second audit of
ExxonMobil’s US$7 3 billion Stabroek Block expense for the period 2018 to2020.
The second audit was conduct
d by local c o n s o r t i u m V H E
Consulting, a registered partnership comprising Ramdihal & Haynes Inc., Eclisar Financial, and Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc , with international support from SGS and Martindale Consultants. The contract for this audit was valued at US$751,000 (GY$156 million).
On Friday evening, CharteredAccountantFloyd Haynes,oneoftheprincipals
AZeelugt North,
E a s t B a n k
E s s e q u i b o (EBE) family is counting their losses after a thief entered their yard and stole $150,000 worth of items on Saturday
The suspect was caught on Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) footage, where he was seen carting off with a quantity of beverages,snacks,toolsand 15ducks.Atime-stampona CCTV footage showed that the incident occurred at 22:05h.
Thirty-six-year-old Andrew Pooran, the home owner, said that just moments before the suspect entered the yard, he had
locked up his home, and his familywasinsideatthetime.
Pooran told Kaieteur News that he and his family were unaware that the thief enteredtheiryard.
The father of one said that the thief grabbed a bag of tools first after which he helpedhimselftosnacks.
“He (the suspect) took whathecouldhaveeaten,he drank what could have drink,” the man told KaieteurNewswhileadding that the thief also took several beverages from a fridge stationed in the yard andplacedthemintoabag.
Thethiefthenproceeded to the kitchen and tried to pickthelock. He also attempted to
of VHE Consulting disclosed that the auditing teamhassubmittedthefinal report to the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the Guyana Revenue Authority(GRA).
“It is now in their possession Please reach out to them…” Haynes told thispublication.
Haynes comments followthatofCommissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), GodfreyStatia,whosaidlast Saturday that, “The final auditwillbereleasedwithin the week. I have already given the go ahead to VHE forthemtodoso.”
However,speakingathis press conference on Thursday, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo said, “I was very disappointed with the
finalization of the second audit internally before it goestoExxonbecausethere was a football between moving back and forth between the ministry and GRA,soIintervened…”
According to Jagdeo, Commissioner General Statia had informed him the report was completed and they now have to write to ExxonMobilaboutit.
Kaieteur News had reported that an analysis of the second audit report reveals missing details on key expenditures that were covered in the first oil audit thatwasdonebyBritishfirm
IHS Markit of the company’s 1999-2017 expenses IHS had recommended that the Government of Guyana (GoG) disallow US$214
million in costs being claimed by Exxon for the misuse of Guyana’s oil profits and failure to justify expenses. The first report, commissioned by the Coalition government, provided comprehensive data on significant costs, such as those for supply vessels, drill rigs, SURF, helicopter services, and waste management, while these details are notably absent from the audit report bythelocalconsortium.
Currently, citizens can access VHE’s “Initial Audit Report for the Stabroek Block Cost Recovery Audit – 2018 to 2020” on the Ministry of Natural Resources website That version was published on April 12, 2024 and is 135 pages.
Frompage14 waterpressureformanycommunities.GWI is also upgrading water treatment plants in Eccles,CoventGarden,Grove,andTimehri to expand their treatment capacity and enhancethelevelofservicetocommunities across the East Bank. Already, new wells have been installed at Eccles and Covent Gardenandanewwellisnearcompletionat Grove.”
ThescopeoftheseworksreflectsGWI’s focus on sustainable, long-term solutions that support Guyana’s development and provide communities with quality services. The company remains dedicated to keeping residents informed on the progress of these water infrastructure works. Recently, GWI CEO inspected works that are ongoing at Caledonia Water Treatment Plant which is nearcompletion.
the benefit of the vast oil wealth we currently enjoy andonewouldhavethought that there would have been more done to alleviate the strainsunderwhichourmost vulnerable live, by the current administration. As President, I would revisit thesepoliciestoensurethey prioritize relief for vulnerable populations and stimulatebusinessgrowth.
12. ‘Because We Care’ CashGrant.
remove a louver window to gainentryintothehousebut hiseffortswerefutile.
However, his efforts were interrupted when he realized that he was being recordedbycameras.
As a result, he abandoned his plan and madegoodhisescape.
Pooran believes that the thief is known in the community who hides duringthedayandstrikesat night making it difficult for himtobecaught.
The frustrated man told Kaieteur News that his family is traumatized by the incident.
The matter was reported to the Leonora Police Station.
Decisionsaboutthecash grant were taken within the broader framework of fiscal management I am committedtoreinstatingand expanding social support programs to ensure that no child is left behind. And as regards “cash grants” generally I would like to point out that these, while apparentlyusefulintheshort termtotherecipients,placea fiscal burden on the country and lead to inflation in the
long term Our aim in supporting our most vulnerable must hinge on more sustainable and significantmethodsofrelief.
13. Uniformed Forces Bonus.
AsIhavesaidrepeatedly in this response, the reallocation of resources under APNU-AFC was based on fiscal constraints that no longer apply As President, I will ensure that the sacrifices of our uniformed forces are acknowledged with meaningful support and salaries commensurate with ourexpectationsofthelevel ofservicerequired.Thiswill be accompanied by restructuring of the armed forces to better serve our nationstrajectory.
14-15. Conflict of Interest with ExxonMobil Representation.
The relationship between my law firm and E x x o n M o b i l i s a
professional one, governed by ethical standards. As a leader, I would ensure a firewall between personal interests and public duties, prioritizing national interest unequivocally Legislative frameworks can further institutionalize such safeguards.
Dr Persaud, governance isaconstantcommitmentto constant improvement and I daresay that every leader makes mistakes. What is critical is that we work collectively as a nation to holdourleadersaccountable and to look constantly for better solutions to enhance the lives of our people and I stand ready to lead with integrity,vision,andafocus onnation-building.
The road ahead requires unity, collaboration, and a shared commitment to the prosperityofallGuyanese.
Sincerely, NigelHughes. AllianceForChange.
Aljazeera - The Israeli military has carried out air raidsinthesuburbsofBeirut for the fourth consecutive day as Lebanese officials studied a US plan for a ceasefire.
Israeli air strikes flattened five buildings in the Lebanese capital’s southern suburbs on Friday One of them was located near one of Beirut’s busiest trafficjunctions,Tayouneh.
The Israeli military said its fighter jets attacked munitions warehouses, a headquarters and other infrastructure used by the LebanesegroupHezbollah.
Reporting from Beirut, Al Jazeera’s Zeina Khodr said the Israeli military had issuedtwoforcedevacuation ordersbeforetheattacks.
“[Residents] are forced to leave their homes only to watchthestrikescomeinand wonder whether or not they have a home to return to. There are no casualties becausemanypeopleleftthe area and because of these evacuationorders,”shesaid.
“Human rights groups have criticised these forced evacuation orders, saying most of the time they don’t give people enough time to leave,”Khodradded.
Meanwhile, Iran-aligned Hezbollah said it fired rockets at a group of Israeli soldiers in Misgav Am and the Yiftah barracks in northernIsrael.
The Lebanese armed group said in a statement on Telegram it also attacked another group of Israeli soldiers with rockets on the eastern outskirts of the LebanesetownofMarkaba.
Hezbollah also said it attacked Israeli soldiers in northern Israel’s Sasa and Dishon Israel’s military
escalated its attacks on Lebanon in late September after almost a year of crossborder hostilities with the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah in parallel with the Gaza war It says it aims to secure the return home of tensofthousandsofIsraelis, forced to evacuate from northern Israel under Hezbollahfire.
Israel’s attacks on Lebanon have forced more thanonemillionLebaneseto flee their homes, igniting a humanitariancrisis.
It has dealt Hezbollah serious blows, killing its leaderHassanNasrallahand other commanders Hezbollahhaskeptuprocket attacks into Israel and its fighters have been battling Israelitroopsinthesouth. Ceasefiretalks Diplomacyattemptingto reach a ceasefire has shown tentative signs of progress thisweek.
Thursday that the US ambassador to Lebanon had
presented a draft ceasefire proposal to Lebanon’s parliament speaker Nabih Berri, citing two senior political sources. Berri is endorsed by Hezbollah to negotiate and met the senior Iranian official Ali Larijani on Friday The AFP news agency reported that senior Lebanese officials are reviewingtheUSproposal.
A senior Iranian official said on Friday that Iran would back any decision made by Lebanon in truce talks, signalling Tehran wants to see an end to the conflict.
Asked at a news conference whether he had cometoBeiruttoundermine the US truce plan, Larijani said, “We are not looking to sabotage anything. We are after a solution to the problems.”
“We support in all circumstances the Lebanese government. Those who are disrupting are Netanyahu and his people,” Larijani added, referring to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Israel has demanded the freedom to attack, should Hezbollah violate any agreement – a demand that Lebanonhasrejected.
In a meeting with Larijani, Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati urged support for Lebanon’s position on implementing 1701 and called this a priority, along with halting the “Israeli aggression”, a statement fromhisofficesaid.
Larijani stressed “that Iran supports any decision taken by the government, especially resolution 1701”, thestatementsaid.
M e a n w h i l e , o n Thursday,EliCohen,Israel’s energy minister and a member of its security cabinet, told Reuters that prospects for a ceasefire were the most promising sincetheconflictbegan.
At least 3,386 people have been killed and 14,417 woundedinIsraeliattackson Lebanon since October 2023.
Worldpowershavesaida Lebanon ceasefire must be based on UN Security Council Resolution 1701, whichendedaprevious2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel Its terms require Hezbollahtomoveweapons and fighters north of the Litani River, which runs some20km(30miles)north oftheborder
Prosecutors accuse
s u s p e c t s o f ‘acceptingandgiving bribes,abuseofpositionand authority and money laundering’.
Aljazeera - Croatia’s prime minister has fired Health Minister Vili Beros following his arrest on suspicion of corruption as part of a European Union investigation.
“This morning, former MinisterViliBerosandtwo other individuals were arrested as part of an operation conducted” by anticorruption officials, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic told a news conferenceonFriday
“Asprimeminister,Iam personally appalled by the idea that anyone in the healthcare system would use their position either for personal enrichment or to favour someone else within the healthcare system,” Plenkovicsaid.
The European Public Prosecutor’sOffice(EPPO) inthecapital,Zagreb,saidit h a d l a u n c h e d a n investigation into eight people,includingBerosand the directors of two hospitals.
The EU’s independent public prosecution office accused the suspects, and two companies, of “accepting and giving
bribes,abuseofpositionand authority and money laundering”, it said in a statement.
“Mr Beros completely denies any criminal responsibility,” his lawyer Laura Vakovic told journalists.
Plenkovic, who was reelected in April, said, “We as a government have not and will not protect anyone fromcriminalprosecutionif they are suspected of committing criminal acts, regardless of who that may beorwhichdutytheyhave.”
BetweenJune2022and November2024,fiveofthe suspects tried to “secure undue financial gains” in a
scheme involving the sale of medical robotic devices for several hospitals in Croatia,prosecutorssaid.
The suspects also
offered bribes to manipulate the public procurement process, accordingtotheEPPO
This was attempted on at least four occasions but did not work in the case of an EU-funded project in the coastal town of Split, where their bribe was refused, the prosecutors said
In the other three
instances in various hospitals in Zagreb, “there are allegations that the minister of health, in
exchange for a bribe received, issued approvals
for the purchase of operating microscopes at unreasonably inflated prices, and provided funds forpublicprocurement.”
T h e p r i c e w a s “unjustifiably increased by [$654,000] to the detriment of the Croatian national budget,” the prosecutors added.
Croatia’s Office for the Suppression of C o r r u p t i o n a n d O r g a n i s e d C r i m e (USKOK) confirmed the a r r e s t s w i t h o u t identifyingthesuspects Beros was appointed to the post after his
predecessor, Milan Kujundzic, was sacked in January 2020 over his links to a case involving undeclaredassets
Since taking power in 2016, several ministers from the prime minister’s conservative Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) party have stepped down a m i d c o r r u p t i o n allegations
Croatia has had severe problems with systemic and political corruption
It is generally ranked by i n t e r n a t i o n a l anticorruption groups as one of the most corrupt states among the 27 EU membercountries
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia- Left-arm seamer Obed McCoy has been added to the 15-man squad for the West Indies Senior Men’s T20Isquadasareplacement for medium-pacer Matthew Forde for the remainder of the five-match T20I series against England in Saint Lucia.
Forde, named Player of the Series in the One Day International leg of the tour, where the West Indies secured a series win, sustained a left thigh injury
during training on Wednesday13November,at the Daren Sammy Cricket Stadium. The 22-year-old
Forde will continue to be monitored by the medical team as he works toward a fullrecovery.
Association will be holding their Annual General Meeting and Elections on the 24th of November 2024 at the Fort Wellington Secondary
Asaresult,McCoy,who wasinitiallyunavailabledue toaninjurysustainedduring the Caribbean Premier League(CPL),hasnowbeen clearedtoreturntoplay.
You'll find that things are slipping nicely into place for you today, Aries Your persuasivemannerandgentle nudges are just enough to get peoplewhereyouwantthem.
When faced with ten entrees onthemenu,itmightbehard for you to choose just one. Feelfreetoordertwoormore, Ta u r u s D o n ' t l e t indecisiveness slow you down.Atthesametime.
Your dreams won't come true unless you believe in and act onthem,Gemini.Nooneelse is going to do it for you. Unless you have a fairy godmother, you need to take mattersintoyourownhands.
If people hassle you or give you a hard time about your appearance today, pay them nomind,Cancer Youhavethe righttoliveyourlifeanyway youwantto.
Reachforthepotofgoldatthe end of the rainbow, Leo. It's closerthanyouthink.Indeed, your dreams are completely within your reach, and there are huge forces at work helping you achieve your goals.
Today is your day to dream and dream big, Virgo. Think aboutwhatitisthatyouwant most out of life. Aim your arrow to the stars and pull back your bow as far as possible. There's no limit to howfaryoucango.
Expand your mind to its furthest reaches today, Libra.
opportunity opening up for you in which you can make great strides in a creative realm.Followthemusic.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Scorpio, but don't let this hinder you. In fact, you'll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring moremagicintoyourlife.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Today is an excellent day for you,oneinwhichyou'llfinda great deal of strength in your emotions, Sagittarius Trust that your instincts are serving youwell.
Things might get a bit confusing for you today, Capricorn. Don't feel like you needtomakesenseofitall.In fact, this task may be impossible. Just be yourself. Let your creative nature shine through.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Mixyourrealitywithabit of fantasy today, Aquarius. Allowyourfeettocomeoffthe ground for a little while. Give yourselfarest.Takesometime to meditate and clear your mindofyourdailyworries.
Let yourself go into high creative mode and drift into a whole other world, Pisces. Escape your present reality and explore your fantasies through any sort of artistic endeavor Dreamasbigasyour mindallows.
The left-arm seamer, whohastaken49wicketsin 38T20Internationalsforthe West Indies, joined the squad yesterday, 15th November, ahead of the back-to-back matches over theweekendtocloseoutthe Rivalryseries.
West Indies T20I Squad:
1 Rovman Powell (Captain)
2 RostonChase
3 ShimronHetmyer
4 TerranceHinds
5 ShaiHope
6 AkealHosein
7 AlzarriJoseph
8 BrandonKing
9 EvinLewis
10 ObedMcCoy
11 GudakeshMotie
12 NicholasPooran
1 3
14 RomarioShepherd
15 aShamarSpringer
Head Coach: Daren Sammy
Team Manager: Rawl Lewis
Assistant C
ach (Fielding):RayonGriffith
Physiotherapist: Dr DenisByam S
Team Masseuse: Dane Currency
Mahendra Algu, Secretary of the Berbice Cricket Board informed via a release that the following clubsareaffiliatedwiththe
participating in Berbice CricketBoardtournaments, thus enabling them the eligibility to vote and be a partoftheproceedings:
The excitement was palpable at theRetrieveHard
Court on Wednesday evening as the ‘Final Four’ teams were decided in this year’s ExxonMobil Futsal Championship.
With a grand prize of $1 million at stake, teams YMCA, Money Bell, Spaniards,andHardKnocks left no doubt about their determination to take the title in this tournament organized by New Era Entertainment.
Money Bell’s victory was led by a hat-trick from Stephen Jupiter, which propelled them to a 5-2 win overBomberzinthequarterfinals Additional goals
from Nathenial Isaacs and Shane Luckie secured Money Bell’s place today, Saturday’s semi-finals Bomberz, with goals from Joshua Flemming and Duquan Samuels, will now watch the tournament from thesidelines.
YMCA,lastyear’sthirdplace finisher, held their groundinathrilling3-2win over Silver Bullets. Kevin Gittens scored twice, while Jamal Bentick added a goal togiveYMCAtheedge. SilverBullets,trailing21 at halftime, saw Damian WilliamsandColwinDrakes find the net, but it wasn’t enoughtoturnthetide.
Inanotherintensematch, Spaniards edged out Turf
Presidents 3-2 after a scoreless first half. Tyrese Simon’s double for Turf Presidentswasn’tenough,as Malachi Todd matched it w
Spaniards,withShakaLouis scoringthedecisivegoal.
’s m
anticipated game saw tournament favourites Hard Knocks andYoung Gunners go head-to-head, with Hard Knocksnarrowlywinning54.
Hard Knocks held a strong 3-0 lead at halftime, butYoungGunnersmounted afiercecomebackwithgoals
y, Darian Aron, and Tyrese Azore.
In the end, Hard Knocks overcamethankstoadouble from Omar Brewley, goals fromKendolphLewis,anda clutch finish by Clive Nobrega.
Today’s semi-finals promise to be exciting, as YMCAtake on Spaniards at 9:00pm,followedbyMoney Bell squaring off against Hard Knocks Two exhibition games will kick offtheeveningat7:30pm.
Meanwhile, Dinar’s Trading continues to show its commitment to sports in
the Linden community, part
ly foo
ball, through its sponsorship of the ExxonMobil Futsal Championship.
At a recent presentation at Dinar’s Trading in Georgetown, company representatives Christopher Singh and Abdulla Yahya presented an undisclosed sponsorship amount to New Era Entertainment Director ShareefMajor,underscoring the solid partnership b e t w e e n t h e t w o organizations.
New Era Entertainment expresseddeepappreciation, notingthatDinar’sTrading’s consistent support has been vital for advancing sports initiativesinLinden.
“We are extremely grateful to have Dinar’s Trading on board once again,” said Shareef Major “Their continued support over the years has helped us notonlyorganizesuccessful eventsbutalsogrowfutsalin Linden. We look forward to many more years of collaboration.”
V&V Distributors joins the cast of sponsors to host MVP Sports
The Petra Organisation’s EighthAnnual Girls Under-11 School’s Football Championship has gained another significant sponsorship, as V&V Distributors,throughitsSoftN’Prettybrand, joins the list of sponsors supporting this excitingtournament.
The announcement was made yesterday during a simple sponsorship presentation ceremony held at the Brandsville Hotel on PikeStreet,Campbellville,Georgetown.
Set to begin today at the Ministry of Education(MoE)ground,thechampionship will feature 16 teams competing for the top prize of $100,000, along with a trophy and medals Additional prizes of $75,000, $50,000,and$25,000willbeawardedtothe second, third, and fourth-placed teams, respectively Highlighting the increasing popularity of women’s football globally, Hazim Hassan, a representative of V&V Distributors, expressed enthusiasm for supporting the tournament Hassan emphasised the importance of providing
young girls with opportunities to develop theirpotentialinastructuredandsupportive environment.
“We are particularly pleased to be directly associated with this female primary school programme, which we are confident willcontinuetobuildonitssuccess,”Hassan stated. He added, “It is an honor to support initiatives that engage young people in our society,andwearethrilledtoalignourbrand withthisimpactfulevent.”
Petra Co-Director Troy Mendonca extended heartfelt gratitude to V&V Distributors for their meaningful contribution, noting that it would significantly enhance the execution of this year’s tournament. The competition will featureteamsfromRegions#7,#10,and#3, as well as eight teams from Region #4, including defending champions Marian Academy
Thechampionshipkicksofftodaywitha traditional March-Past at 10:00 a m , followedbytheopeningmatches.
Excitement is reaching fever pitch in Region 9 as the Education Department prepares for the much-anticipated KFC International Schools Football Series playoff,setforNovember16and23.
AnnaiSecondarySchoolandSt.Ignatius School will battle in a home-and-away format to secure the coveted spot as Region 9’s representative in the prestigious KFC Goodwill International Schools Football Series, hosted by the Petra Organisation in December 2024. The tournament will bring together four Caribbean teams and local powerhouses, all vying for the top prize of US$2,500andtrophy.
The opening leg of this high-stakes encounter kicks off today, November 16, at 5:00 PM at the Annai Community Centre Ground.Thedecisivesecondlegwillunfold onSaturday,November23,attheSt.Ignatius CommunityCentreGround.
The victor will earn promotion to the Petra Organisation’s year-end tournament, whichpromisesastar-studdedlineup.Teams include defending champions Clarendon
College from Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago’s St. Benedict’s College and Speyside High School, Guyana’s Chase Academic Foundation, DC Caesar Fox Secondary from Region 7, and Suriname’s SecondarySchoolLeaguechampions.
Both Annai Secondary and St. Ignatius have storied football traditions, making this playoffashowcaseoftheregion’stalentand passionforthegame.Thestakescouldn’tbe higher as the winner earns the honour of representing Guyana on an international stage.
Priyanna Ramdhani and Akili Haynes advanced to the Mixed Doubles quarterfinals. (File photo)
The latest badminton updates showcase strong performances by Guyanese athletes at the ongoing tournament at the Ring
S p o r t s C e n t r e i n neighbouringSuriname.
Competing at the Suriname International Badminton Tournament in Paramaribo, Priyanna Ramdhani advanced to the quarterfinals in three
Thelanesmaybeclearin the pool, but the path for swimmer Delroy Tyrrell to officially represent Guyana remains murky due to an ongoing dispute with the GuyanaAmateurSwimming Association(GASA).
Despite this clearance, Tyrrell has been side-lined from selection for next month’s World Swimming Championships in Budapest.
ThiscomesasGuyana’s top swimmer, Raekwon Noel, who boasts the highest World Aquatics points, indicated his unavailabilityfortheevent.
“The Fundamental Principles of Olympism affirm that all athletes must enjoy rights and freedoms without discrimination of anykind,”sheemphasized. This saga has broader implications for Guyana’s swimminglandscape.
A k i l i H a y n e s demonstratedhisprowessin theMen’sSingles,defeating Al-Hassan Somedjo of Suriname (21-19, 21-15) to reach the Round of 16, where he fell to Peru’s AdrianViale.
Guyana’s Nkosi Beaton, Frank Waddell, and Joanathan Debidin, in their debut senior tournament outside the country, were unable to advance past the qualifying rounds in Men’s Singles.
In the Men’s Doubles, Akili Haynes and Nkosi
Beaton faced tough
categories: Women’s Singles, Mixed Doubles with Akili Haynes, and Women’sDoublesalongside Chequeda De Boulet from Trinidad. In the Women’s Singles, she secured a decisive victory over Trinidad’s Amara Urquhart (21-9,21-14).
competition, losing to Suriname’s second-seeded pair, Diego Dos Ramos and Al-Hassan Somedjo (21-16, 21-13). Frank Waddell and Joanathan Debidin also lost to Daniel and Terrence Li (21-12, 21-17). In Mixed Doubles, the duo of Haynes andRamdhaniconvincingly defeatedRocheYoungAFat and Kayleigh Moenne of Suriname (21-12, 21-7) to secure a spot in the quarterfinals.
The tournament continuestoshowcasehighenergy matches at the Ring Sports Centre, with more action expected in the comingrounds.
Despiteadecisiveruling from World Aquatics, the global governing body for swimming, Tyrrell’s eligibilitytodonthenational colours on the international stageisbeingquestionedby GASA, a situation that has sparked heated debate in Guyanese swimming circles.
Tyrrell, who competes collegiately for Oneonta State University in the NCAA, was thrust into the spotlight after transitioning from Trinidad and Tobago Aquatics to Guyana under Wo r l d A q u a t i c s ’ jurisdiction.
This move, however, became a contentious point f o r G A S A , w h i c h challenged his eligibility Yet, on October 20, World Aquatics’ Legal Counsel, JanExner,confirmedTyrrell had met all requirements to represent Guyana, effectively clearing him for
With Noel out, the next eligibleswimmershouldbe Tyrrell, who holds 719 points,placinghimaheadof Leon Seaton Jr (598) and VladimirWoodroffe(543).
In a letter to GASA, Dr Karen Pilgrim of Dorado Speed Swim Club, which Tyrrell represents in Guyana, strongly criticized the association’s reluctance toselecthim.
Shestated,“Refusingto consider Delroy to represent Guyana would be a refusal to honour the decision of World Aquatics ” Dr Pilgrim underscored that there is no legal, moral, or ethical justification to exclude Tyrrell, pointing to the Olympic Charter’s commitment to nondiscrimination.
GASA’s handling of the matter has already led to severed ties with the G u y a n a O l y m p i c Association (GOA) and the National Sports Commission (NSC), raising questions about governanceandthefutureof swimminginGuyana. Meanwhile,Tyrrellhas remained focused on his c r a f t , e n j o y i n g a successful NCAA season while awaiting GASA’s decision.
With the deadline for championship registration looming on November 22, time is running out for the association to resolve this matter
The situation has become a critical test for GASA, whose decision will not only impact Tyrrell’s career but also reflect on Guyana’s commitment to fair play andathletedevelopment.
E d u c a t i o n (MoE) ground, the much-anticipated PetraMVPSportsUnder-11Girls’ SchoolFootballTournament gets underway today, promising an exciting first roundofgames. Witness the treat as the nation’s top young female talents compete for glory overthenextfewdays.
The tournament features 16 teams divided into four competitive
groups Defending
champions Marian Academy headline Group A, joined by Georgetown International Academy (GIA), Den Amstel Primary, and Stella Maris Primary
Group B includes St. John the Baptist Primary, Waramuri Primary, and TucvillePrimary
ry, Genesis Primary, West RuimveldtPrimary,andF.E. Pollard Primary make up Group C, while Group D features One Mile Primary, Potaro Primary, Smith Memorial Primary, and NorthGeorgetownPrimary.
ng fixtures will see Potaro Primary face off against Den Amstel Primary in the tournament’s curtainraiser, followed by a clash between West Ruimveldt Primary and St John the BaptistPrimary Fans can look forward
matches throughout the day,featuringschoolslike F
Genesis, and others Defending champions
Marian Academy are set to take the field at 11:00 AM against One Mile Primaryinwhatpromisesto beathrillingencounter.
sponsorship from MVP Sports, Guyana Beverage Inc
(Kool Kidz brand), and V&V Distributors, with additional support from the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports
Aglimpse of what to expect today at
The cricket teams of the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club, MS are currently preparing to host their 34th consecutive annual Christmas Outreach Programme.
he teams-Poonai Pharmacy under 13, Farfan and Mendes under 15, Bakewell under 17 and seconddivision,Pepsiunder 19, Metro Females and Namilco Thunderbolt Flour first division would be hosting a series of activities duringtheperiod5thto24th of December under the theme “Making a positive difference“.
The programme’s main activity would be the hosting of the 10th edition of the popular R o s e H a l l T o w n Christmas Village from the 21st to 24th in the compound of the Rose HallTown Primary.
The village involves the transformation of the Rose Hall Primary School compound into a dreamland for kids for the festive season.
Foster, the former President of the Berbice CricketBoardstatedthatthe club is very grateful for the assistance it has received from several friends including the Office of the Prime Minister, Panthera Solutions, KSM Inc, Bakewell, Chandradat
Chinatami, Namilco, GNNL and Beacon Cafe
Special mention was also made ofVice Chancellor of the University of Guyana Dr Paloma Mohamed and WestIndiesplayerShimron Hetmyer
citizens of the country Among the different activities planned apart f
thousand food hampers t
families, sharing out of five thousands toys to k
h Christmas breakfast for senior citizens and five hundred special package
y Kissoonlall stated that the programme is part of the club’s effort to get youths to understand the importance of serving the less fortunate and preparing club members
Other planned events
ancient county, a one
youths of the St Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church, feeding of the poor programme for 500 persons, donation of bicycles and school bags to students and assisting several youths to fulfill their dreams to become sportsmen with donation of sports gears
disclosed that the teams would be working along w i t h t h
a p y department of the Port Mourant Public Hospital to host a party for patients and shar
out food hampers along with toys
The Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club would also be assisting several organisations and clubs with much needed items over the next two months.
Donations would be made to the St Agnes
Anglican Church, St Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church, New
Amsterdam Fire Station, Rose Hall Town Mayor and Town Council and the Rose Hall Town Wesleyan Churchamongothers
The club launched the 2024 edition of the programme by handing a donation of kitchen utensils to the Guyana Fire Service Station in New Amsterdam
Club Secretary Hilbert Foster handed over the donation to the Officer in Charge Mr
F e r n a n d e s a n d committed to further assistance before the end of the year
The RHTYSC was founded in September, 1990 b y t h r e e t i m e s Commonwealth Youth Service awardee, the St FrancisYouthClubandisthe onlyyouthandsportsclubin Guyana to have ever received a national awardthe Medal of Service. It has won a total of 125 tournamentsatalllevelsand produced 124 players for Berbice and Guyana Sixteenofthoseplayershave goneontoplayforeitherthe West Indies or the United States.
The club currently has eight of its members contracted by the Guyana andCricketWestIndies.
The Golden Jaguars celebratedacommanding41 victory over Barbados at the Wildey Turf, but the night belonged to Omari Glasgow,whosehistoricfeat tookcentrestage.
F i r e f o r w a r d w a s unstoppable, rewriting history books by becoming Guyana’s all-time leading scorer
After Niall ReidStephen opened the scoring for Barbados in the 17th minute, Glasgow responded in style, finding the equalizerinthe29thminute.
Thatstriketiedhimwith Nigel “Powers” Codrington at 18 goals, a record that
game set for November 19
stood unchallenged for years.
The Jaguars entered the second half with renewed intent, and it wasn’t long before Glasgow cemented his place in Guyana’s footballhistory
His second goal, a clinical finish in the 59th minute, was his 19th for the national team in just 27 appearances, making him the undisputed leading scorer for the Golden Jaguars.
Osaze De Rosario, the son of Canadian and MLS icon Dwayne De Rosario, added a third to extend Guyana’slead.
The icing on the cake came from debutant Enoch
George, a Netherlandsbasedplayer,whonettedthe fourth goal to seal the emphaticwin.
The victory extended G u y
Tridents, who last beat the Jaguarsin1999.
Withconfidencesoaring, the team now sets its sights on the return fixture, scheduled for November 19 at the National Track and FieldCentreinEdinburg.
Starting XI for Guyana: Quillian Roberts (GK), JallenJones,JeremyGarrett, Liam Gordon, Leo Lovell, Curtez Kellman, Daniel Wilson, Nathan MoriahWelsh, Isiah Jones, Omari Glasgow,OsazeDeRosario.
Essequibo Jaguars roared to a 4-wicket win over Berbice Piranhas yesterday at the Guyana National Stadium,
Providence; as they advanced to today’s final of the GCB National T20 League.
Leading tournament
batsman Adrian Sukwah smacked55withsixfoursand a six, Jonathan Rampersaud (16)andSureshDhanai(10*) pushed Berbice Piranhas to 109 all out.v Guyana Harpy Eagles spinner Ashmead Nedd grabbed 3-20 and Joshua Jones (3-26) were excellentduringtheirspells.
Captain Ricardo Adams (2-20), along with a wicket each for Rajiv Ivan and Joemal LaFleur returned a wicketapiece
A collection effort from Essequibo Jaguars batters guidedthemto110-6.Manof-the-match Tomani Caesar finished not out 35 along with Kevon Jawahir (21*) and national wicketkeeper Kemol Savory (20) weretheworkhorses.
Rampersaud returned to capture 4-10 in a losing effort, as the Jags roared to thefinals.