Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly
Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly
Baby dies, toddler severely
Accountability Act
The remains of the burnt shack burnt in Sophia fire Venezuelanorchestrated cyber operations targeting Guyana –NationalDefenceInstitute
...saysfirstauditperiodwas 18yearswhilesecondwas2years
We must face the harsh truth: our nation is being sold out The evidence is glaring—the worst oil contract of the century, signed by the previous administration
and now zealously defended by the current one. This is a betrayal of epic proportions, serving foreigncorporationsanda privileged local elite while sidelining the true ownersofthiswealth:the peopleofGuyana.
This is not just a bad deal it's a looming economic catastrophe
G l o b a l e x p e r t s , international institutions, andourowncitizenshave called for renegotiation, offeringsoundadviceand support Yet, those in power stubbornly refuse to act. Both government and Opposition have entrenched themselves, guarding this disastrous agreement while the nationsuffers.
Howmuchlongerwill we tolerate this betrayal? Howmuchlongerwillwe allow leaders to protect their interests—and those offoreignentities—while the rest of us struggle?
reapingthebenefitsofour vast resources. Instead, a select few feast on our wealth while the masses fightforscraps. Our leaders promised us development, but what have we gotten? Crime, crumbling roads, power outages, rising prices, failing schools, and hospitals that can't meet basic needs. If this oil contract remains unchanged, Guyana will not become a land of prosperity It will become a land of despair, its peoplereducedtobegging while our riches line foreigncoffers.
Final audit report of Exxon’s US$7.3 billion expenses sent to company, to be made public next week
Look around: it's not the single mother, the young graduate, or the hardworking farmer
Is this the legacy we want to leave for our c h i l d r e n a n d grandchildren? Will they look back andsaywebetrayedthem byfailingtostandup?Let this be a rallying cry, not idletalk.Wemustdemand what is rightfully ours fair, transparent, and equitable governance ofourresources.
Guyanese, this is a fightforourfutureandthe heart of our nation. Let's risetogether,notfortoday but for the generations to come.
Let's not fail them. Let'sstandupforGuyana now!
Don’t judge quality of audit by disputed costs flagged - Min. Bharrat EPA among seven bodies flagged for continuously breaching Guyana received US$5.4 billion in royalty, -Min. Bharrat
The Stabroek
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), the operator of the Stabroek Block, recently announced that it has achieved the milestone of producing 500 million barrels of oil from the block since production beganinDecember2019
InastatementonWednesdaythe company said, “Oil production will generatetensofbillionsofdollarsof revenue and significant economic developmentforGuyana.”
According to Exxon, since first productioninDecember2019,more than US$5.4 billion in oil revenues androyaltieshavebeenpaidintothe Guyana Natural Resource Fund (NRF)
TTable showing Statutory Bodies flagged in the 2023Audit Report for continuously breaching the Fiscal Management andAccountabilityAct.
he Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is among seven statutorybodiesundertheremitof theOfficeofthePresidentthathas been flagged by the Auditor General(AG)DeodatSharma,for continuously breaching the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act of 2003 for failing to submit FinancialStatementstobeaudited andhavetheiraccountslaidinthe National Assembly in a timely manner
In his latest report, the AG pointedoutthatthesumof$2 809 billion was allotted for subsidies and contributions to Local Organisations It should be noted thatanallotmenttransferof$34M was approved, decreasing the total funds available to $2 775 billion “ A c c o r d i n g t o t h e
Appropriation Accounts, amounts totalling $2 734 billion were expendedasat31December2023; included in the sum of $2.734 billion expended, were amounts totalling $2 465 billion which were released to seven statutory bodies under the control of the Office of the President,” the 2023 AGReportexplains.
The organizations include the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GLSC), Institute of Applied Science and Technology, Guyana Office for Investment, EPA, Protected Areas Commission, Wildlife Management Authority and the NationalParksCommission.
While these statutory bodies are subject to separate financial audits and reporting, the Audit Officenotedthattheorganizations continuedtobreachSection80(1),
(3)(c) and (4) of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act of 2003 by failing to submit FinancialStatementsforauditand to have their accounts laid in the National Assembly in a timely manner
The AG said that the Head of theBudgetAgencyindicatedthata correspondence was issued to the Headoftherespectiveagenciesfor an update, however, at the time of publicationofthereport,thestatus quo remained the same. It was noted that the Heads of the Agencies committed to make every effort to improve in this regard.
To this end, the Audit Office recommended that the Head of Budget Agency ensure strict compliance with Section 80 (1), (3)(c) and (4) of the FMA Act 2003.
The Stabroek Block is estimated toholdsome116billionbarrelsofoil equivalent The U S oil giant holds 45% interest in the block, while its partners Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd andCNOOCPetroleumGuyana Limited hold 30% and 25% respectively
The 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) outlines the distribution of revenues generated fromtheStabroekBlockbetweenthe oilcompaniesandGuyana Thedeal allowsExxonanditsco-venturersto recover up to 75% of production costs before the remaining 25% is shared between Guyana and the Stabroek Block partners After accounting for the 2% royalty, cost recovery, and profit sharing, Guyana’s total take from the oil producedis14.5%ofthetotalvalue oftheoil.
According to information from the Bank of Guyana (BoG) and government reports, at the end of 2023 Exxon and its partners recoveredoverUS$184billion Cost recovery for the Stabroek Block has shown a steady increase over the years,risingfromUS$633millionin 2020 to US$19 billion in 2021, US$74 billion in 2022, and US$83 billion in 2023 In the government’s 2024 Mid-Year report, it was revealed that US$7.5 billion was recovered by the oil companies. This will take the total revenues recoveredbyExxonanditspartners toaboutUS$25.9billion.
Notably,ExxonMobil,Hess,and CNOOC have committed nearly US$55 billion to develop six government-approved projects within the Stabroek Block The first three projects – Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2 and Payara are averaging
more than 650,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) in production. The ExxonMobil-led consortium has plans in place to grow production capacitytomorethan13millionbpd by the end of 2027, when they anticipatehavingallsixprojectsup and running offshore. This will include the addition of the Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptail projects.
Moreover, Exxon has already made an application to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Environmental Authorisation for a seventh project calledtheHammerhead.
Hammerhead was announced as Exxon’sninthcommercialdiscovery inAugust2018 TheHammerhead-1 well was drilled in a new reservoir, encounteringapproximately197feet (60 meters) of high-quality, oilbearingsandstonereservoir Thewell was safely drilled to 13,862 feet (4,225 meters) depth in 3,773 feet (1,150 meters) of water The project will target between 120-180 thousand barrels per day (kbd). Exxon is aiming to commence production activities by 2029, followingtherequisiteapprovals.
The daily production capacity being targeted for Hammerhead, is significantly lower compared to the lastthreeprojectssanctioned,which each target over 200 kbd Hammerhead-1 is located approximately 13 miles (21 kilometers) southwest of the Liza-1 well and follows previous discoveriesontheStabroekBlockat Liza, Liza Deep, Payara, Snoek, Turbot,Ranger,PacoraandLongtail
Notably, while Exxon is hoping togetapprovalfortheHammerhead project by mid-2025,Vice President (VP)BharratJagdeohassaidthathe had discontinued an advertisement initiated by the Ministry of Natural Resources seeking a consultant to review ExxonMobil’s Field Development Plan (FDP) for the Hammerheaddevelopment
He said he made this decision becausetheinformationthecompany presented thus far is incomplete Meanwhile,theEPAhasadvancedits partinrelationtotheapplicationthat was made by EMGL for Environmental Authorisation for its seventh project On November 6, EPApublishedtheTermsandScope to guide the preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Hammerhead Development
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
We agree with Attorney General Nandlall, that regardless of the results of a referendum on renegotiation of the oil deal that ExxonMobil has to consent to change the contract. Any change to any clause in the 2016 contract, ExxonMobil must be onboard. Minimal or negligible, ExxonMobil must sign on the dotted line of any new documentto signal its agreement. Thereis no question, can be no pushback, over what this senior minister in the PPPC Governmentassertedduringoneofhisrecentprograms. There is no disputing what theAG said for it is in black and white, not a matter of opinion or imagination: “The contract itself says in about 10 clauses…that it cannot be altered unilaterally It can only be altered with consent by both parties,” said Nandlall. Both parties must agree and that is written in stone. The national embarrassment is that one of the two parties saddled with the power to do somethingwiththecontractisbalkinganddigginginitsfeet, like a stubborn mule, from taking any first step. The PPPC government refuses to come out and share in the clearest, most unequivocal, terms how much it is committed to bringing about large or small changes in the ExxonMobil contract. When the PPPC government and the man in charge of the crucial oil sector, Vice President Jagdeo, should be proud and loud to stand before all Guyanese and saythiscontracthastobechanged,regardlessofthepriceto be paid, both have gotten a bad case of cold feet and sweats. The cold feet of the government and Jagdeo are visible, the sweat of the oil czar gives off a powerful odor Jagdeo is so fearfulthathetremblesathispressconferences,hislipsquiver, and all in efforts to hedge and dodge taking a strong, straight position SonowhegetsAnilNandlall,attorneygeneral,todo hisheavyliftingandcarrytheloadtoGuyanese.
WhenJagdeohastosaythatheistotallyforchangingthe ExxonMobilcontract,hesuddenlyremembersthatthereisa Cabinettodiscussanddebatesuchadecision. WhenJagdeo must stand like a true oil leader, like a man of Guyana, he fidgets and retreats behind evasive words and hollow postures. When Jagdeo, the local oil king, must rail against the contract and those who foisted it upon Guyana, he very muchlikestheideaofbeingtheclosestbosomcompanionof the ExxonMobil kings in Guyana. ExxonMobil people like Alistair Routledge and his gang, who believe that they are kings, carry themselves in that manner Routledge gave himself that crown when he realized how weak and dependent the PPPC Government and Jagdeo are, how both bowlowbeforehim.
ItiseasytocondemnandcrushtheAPNU+AFCCoalition for its unpardonable role in this contract that rules supreme over Guyana The APNU+AFC Coalition deserves every blast of scorn that could be delivered But there is also ExxonMobil,whichwastheleadpartnerandperformerinthe 2016 contract dance The government and the local oil czar slip away and slide away in the most cowardly manner from pushing ExxonMobil to talk about doing something that benefits Guyana with the 2016 contract Jagdeo is impotent, the picture of a pitiful leader, when he must stand against that vile contract and walk on it The first word in a first-time discussion on renegotiation is shied away from, as though personal emasculation would be the first consequence So, Guyana’sAttorneyGeneralNandlallgetstobethemessenger: ExxonMobil must consent to any renegotiation conversation starting, any movement developing with that contract The brutal irony is that those who use to rage against colonialism and imperialism are now the biggest cheerleaders and selfenslaverstooilimperialism BothJagdeoandNandlallchoose their words cleverly so that they don’t offend ExxonMobil’s Routledge
The same can be said for President Ali and Opposition LeaderNorton WhenGuyaneseneedlocaloilwarriors,they getlocaloildeserters PushrenegotiationintoExxonMobil’s (Routledge’s)faceandletGuyaneseseeforthemselveswhois a real partner or who is the worst and least in such a relationship.
corruption, delayed completion of state ethnic conflict, economy, sugar Mauritius has a new government projects, a culture of patronage and plantationthathasnowbeendiversified, that was elected in a landslide last nepotism, widespread scandals, and etc ) like Guyana but a different Sunday sweeping the incumbent from disrespect for checks and balances electoral system. It has a nominal office.The results have implications for normal to a democracy Many who President with the PM holding the politics in other African (Mauritius, an supported the government and powers of government. Navin’s father Indian Ocean Island is linked with campaigned for it in 2014 and 2019 was the country’s first PM and took the Africa) and in Caribbean countries, were disrespected; they kept quiet, colony to independence; he had a long including Guyana The election accepting abuses and then took revenge association with the late Dr Cheddi campaignfocusedontheeconomy,high voting out the government. Does it Jagan who visited Mauritius multiple inflation in particular, arrogance of the soundfamiliarinGuyanaoverlastthree timesandoncetalkedaboutitasamodel PM (Pravin Jugnauth who also lost his elections? for Guyana’s development. Jagan knew seat), his Ministers, and other An alliance of opposition parties led the first two PMs very well engaging government officials, shades of by former Prime Minister Navin them in Mauritius and at international autocracy, and the echo of ‘time for Ramgoolam won all sixty seats to
change’. The incumbents were known parliament, the third time it has Commonwealth summits. This writer to abuse state apparatus and machinery happened in the Indian Ocean Island, also visited Mauritius multiple times as and power as well as engaged in and in all three occasions the ruling aguestlecturerandpresentingpapersat party was ousted after governing for internationaldiasporaconferences. multiple terms. Mauritius has several Pravin’sfather,SirAneerood similar features (slavery, indentureship, (Continued on page 5)
DEAREDITOR, grantarequestfromtheGuyanaGovernment
I am surprised that while we are seeking for visa-free travel as that will be a low risk visa-free travel to other countries, we have for India to open up for visits by Guyanese. I not asked for visa-free travel to India, for hadvisitedIndiatwicebutthevisaswerefora whom almost half of the population of shortterm.IfIhada10-yearvisa,itwouldbe Guyanahasorigins. easiertopickupandgoonvisits.
India and Guyana has had good I can imagine the Indian government diplomatic relations over the years. Indo- wouldfinditeasytogrant10-yeartravelvisas Guyanese would like to visit India for to Guyanese, because we qualify for priority sightseeing and the Indian experience. They Person of Indian Origin (PIO) treatment. So wouldnothideawayandstayillegallyasthey whyhasourgovernmentnotaskedforthator would do in USA, Canada, and elsewhere. the Hindu organizations that take groups on Guyanese just want to be able to visit, not religious pilgrimages to India not asked for stay India is a vast sub-continent with many visa-free travel? Or did we ask and were thingstoseeandexperience.Itwilltakemany denied. Granting visa-free travel to India visits to cover all the highlights. But if you during Mr Modi’s visit would be a great have to apply for a visa every time, that is gesturetomemorializethePM’svisit. tediousanddiscouraging. Yours sincerely,
The Indian government should be able to M. Singh
From page 4 strongly supported the Jugnauth in 2019. defeated Ramgoolam Sr (Sir Seewoosagar). They were harassed, intimidated, and Navin Ramgoolam defeated Aneerood victimized(removedfromstatepositions)for Jugnuathwhomadeacomebackafterserving speaking out against corruption and for a while as Opposition Leader. Aneerood objectively critiquing the government. Key resigned the PM’s position to become democratic institutions like parliament, the President, allowing his son Pravin to succeed police, judiciary, and the media have been himasPM. weakened and not allowed to function Mauritius has an electoral system very independently There was also government different from Guyana and other Caribbean cover up of a matter pertaining to a political countries. There are twenty constituencies detainee. Cost of living in Mauritius has with each having three seats. Whichever become extremely high post Covid. Voters partywinsapluralityormajorityofvotesina decided to punish the incumbent. The final constituency wins all three seats. Elections nail in the government’s coffin was when it were always free and fair; there are no decided to shut down the internet because of election riggings. To form the government, a social media criticisms. After relentless party must win at least eleven constituencies protests, government reversed the ban. The or33seats.Butonly31seatsareneededfora public became angry Students who were majority using the internet for their studies railed
Last Sunday’s election pitted the against the government. The public felt the opposition Alliance of Change against the government had overstayed its welcome. Militant Socialist Movement led by PM Morethantwo-thirdsvotedagainstit. PravindJugnauth.Severalfactorsaccountfor Caribbean governments should take note the defeat of the incumbent. Political fatigue of what happened in Mauritius and govern was at play and there was a strong feeling of responsibly and democratically paying anti-incumbencyasobtainedfromremarksin attention to the voice of civil society and conversations with Indians who had objective criticism. Don’t attack critics who previouslysupportedJugnauth.Other factors areknowntosupportyou! includedoilspillandintimidationofpolitical Yours faithfully, opponents and critics including those who Vishnu Bisram
DEAREDITOR, Shankaracharya Swami change of government in The Global Vision 2000 Divyanand Teerth - the first 1992, had started working meeting of Hindus from Shankaracharya to visit the among the grassroots of the across the world in 1993 in Caribbean. Narendra Modi Hindu Community, where Washington DC, under the was part of the Indian we were confronted by a banner of the Vishwa Hindu delegation and had welter of social pathologies Parishad (VHP), catalysed progressed from being the such as suicide, alcoholism connections with Caribbean ordinary activist of the BJP anddomesticviolence. Hindus. Mahesh Mehta of he was in 1993 to becoming In informal discussions VHPA and Ashok Singal, its General Secretary There at the WHC, I apprised VHP’s organising secretary, was also a significant
both visited Trinidad, with delegation from Guyana including some from India the latter coming over to which included VHP such as Modi, of the tense Guyana where I hosted him. representative Justice si
A World Hindu Conference Nandram Kissoon, Swami following the 1997 elections (WHC) was organized in Aksharananda, Pandit which precipitated largeTrinidad on August 17-20, Reepudaman Persaud, then scale ethnic violence against 2 0 0 0 b y V H P a n d the Minister of Agriculture, IndianGuyanese.Itoldthem T r i n i d a d i a n H i n d u andmyself. oftheROARMovementthat organizations, under the As Narendra Modi had been launched against theme “Self-Emancipation delivered his presentation subsequent anti-Indian and World Welfare”. The that dealt with the need for violence and indicated that plenarysessionswereheldat leaders to sacrifice personal we were contemplating a conference hall at the agendas for the overall participat
e University of the West development of their upcoming 2001 elections Indies It was declared societies, Sri Ashok Singal Modiji informed me that he opened by Prime Minister whispered proudly to me: wouldbevisitingGuyanafor Basdeo Panday, who was the “That is a lion of Sangha!” a couple of days after the first Indian and Hindu to be Modiji would be appointed Conference and asked that I elected that position in ChiefMinisterofGujaratthe take him to one of the sites November, 1995 In his followingyear,andtherestis where Indians had sacrificed address he stressed Hindu history In my talk, I fortheirnewcountry Dharma’s inherent thrust to discussed the western He was staying at the deal with diversity in hegemonic discourses since Hotel Tower where I picked societies He would win 1838 that had subverted him up to take him to the another term on Dec 11, many of our Hindu beliefs E n m o r e M a r t y r ’ s 2000. and practices in the Monument Pravinchandra
There was a large Caribbeantoourdetriment.I Dave, then with the Bank of delegation from Bharat had remigrated to Guyana in Baroda and later CEO of including officials of the 1989 and after the return of DemeraraBank,whohosted VHP, RSS, and BJP and free and fair elections and (Continued on page 6)
DEAREDITOR, and protection of the nation- directly affect their well- represents a declaration of through engagement and solely for the Executive and TheGuyanaConstitution state It is therefore being.” intent, awaits legislation to spirited debates where nottheLegislature. in its preamble requires us to important to establish from It should be noted strengthen and deepen the necessary, even as there Parliamentary discourse “Forge a system of the outset what is the “inclusionary democracy” democratic processes of the exists recognition of the and debates are also very governance that promotes fundamental requirement to replaced “consultative State. 17 years after it is yet potential for disagreement. seldom done along biconcerted effort and broad- forge the system of democracy” with the 1999 to see any meaningful action And in some instances, partisan lines, since each based participation in governancewesetourselves. constitutional reform, from the politicians through where such exists, the side holds the view, it is ‘our national decision-making in Article13whichoutlines against the backdrop of laws, programmes, and president is permitted to time’, its members possess order to develop a viable the‘Objectiveofthepolitical concerns the consultative policies. m a k e s t i p u l a t e d the monopoly on what is economy and a harmonious system’ expressly states, process lent to and justified It is my view that where independent decisions (e g , goodforall,and/ortoaccept community based on “The principal objective of exclusion of stakeholders the politicians — who are GECOM) or work together the wisdom of others democratic values, social the system of the State is to political and non- representatives of the people until consensus is arrived at translatestoweakness. justice, fundamental human establish an inclusionary political — are failing to act, the (e g , Chancellor of the There are constitutional rights,andtheruleoflaw.” democracy by providing Inclusion is expected to people must demand action Judiciary). bodies to realise forging the A preamble represents increasing opportunities for bring about greater fromthem. In the Regional and systemofgovernanceweare the overarching spirit and the participation of citizens, involvement and ensure the And even as we await Neighbourhood Democratic entitled to, but they remain intent of the people’s pursuit and their organisations in the human rights of all in the actiononArticle13,thereare Councils, there are seats at
for development through a management and decision- developmental process of several articles in the the tab
e, based on constitutional body has its set of principles that would making processes of the the people and country, that constitution, should they be proportionality of the votes role and responsibility and guide their relationships, the State, with particular is, to be treated as equal with presently enforced, can go a received, which allows for examination of this will management of their emphasis on those areas of dignityandrespect. far way in making the the input of all. But our show intent to improve our business, and the security decision-making that Article 13, which preamblerealisable. politics has been hijacked by qualityoflife.
From page 5 but like a computer that interesting insight and him for vegetarian meals, processed it to deliver revealed why he asked to wasthere.Enroutetothesite, piercinginsights. view this site of sacrifice for he demonstrated a thorough A r r i v i n g a t t h e Guyana. grasp of the dynamics of monument he bowed to it HesaidthatwhileBharat politics in our ethnically and circumambulated would always remain our dividedsocietygleanedfrom (performed “pradakshana” “ M a t r i B o o m i ” discussions with Trinidadian as with a sacred object as is (Motherland), through our and Guyanese conference done in Mandirs) the base, sacrifice, Guyana had participants – including with his palms pressed become our “Punya myself and, I assume, Min. together over his chest Bhoomi” (Sacred land) Reepudaman Persaud, who (Anjali mudra). I followed whichwemustservewithall sat behind him at the plenary him. ourstrengthandfervour session. In his welcoming Narendra Modi’s return I answered questions address, TT PM Basdeo to Guyana twenty-fours later from him on the Indian Panday had alluded to as Prime Minister of Bharat indentureship experiences India’s political leaders’ – offers our leaders an and their subsequent from Jawaharlal Nehru to opportunitytoconnectwitha movement out of the sugar Moraji Desai - advise to global leader who knew our plantations, up to the present Overseas Indians that they country“backwhen”. politicalcrisis.Hesoppedup servetheirnewhomelands.
Sincerely, informationnotlikeasponge Modiji offered an Ravi Dev
For instance, the persons not seeking to forge Where the Human Executive and Legislature thesystemofgovernancewe Rights, Ethnic Relations, are the two branches of setourselves. Local Government, and government that impact our Instead, we see acts of Integrity commissions are day-to-day lives in intimate non-cooperation and not established, they hinder ways,yetmanyareunsureof sabotage, transgressing of the vital role they should be their individual and rights, violating of laws, playing in improving collectiverole(s). dissent or alternative views governance and welding the
The Executive has day- within the ranks met with nationtogether to-day administrative rejection, and the wisdom of For the trade union responsibilityforthecountry the opposition’s input, on Articles 38 and 149C in conceptualising, both sides of the political expressly address our duty d e v e l o p i n g a n d divide,rejected. and fundamental right in the implementing policies and In the Local Democratic management and decisionprogrammes within the Organs, Article 75 requires making processes of the confines of laws, universal parliament providing for State on matters affecting declarations, international laws to make these bodies our constituents, who conventions and charters autonomous Article 76 comprise past, present and This branch operates at three addressesthepassingoflaws potentialworkers. t i e r s t h e y a r e toraisetheirownrevenues. Ours is also a duty to national/central, regional Forty-four years into this participate in the economic andlocalgovernments. constitution, the Executive direction of the country as Careful examination of and Legislature have failed outlined in Article 38. Since the Executive would see to act There was an 2000 the politicians have inclusion of so-called losers exception in 1990 when then shut the trade unions out (i.e., opposition) in every PNC Minister of Regional from exercising its tier Iurgearethinkingofthe Development Jeffrey constitutionalduty notion that ours is rigidly a Thomas brought a Bill to the As evident inArticle 13, winner-take-all system that House to give meaning to which supports the preamble shuts out losers, given the these articles. This Bill had under review, groups and constitutional provisions. If one reading, but nothing individuals are allowed we look at the United States preventsarevisitingofit. participation in management for instance, the losing Since 1992, there has and decision-making on presidential candidate is been evident growing issues that impact their wellexcludedfromthelegislature fluidity in which group or being. andtheexecutive. party holds control of the Unfortunately, the Articles 110 and 184 Executive and Legislature, politicians only find such place the leader of the but this reality is not being involvement necessary in opposition as part of the matched with corresponding casting a ballot and giving Executive. respect by the politicians to blindloyaltytowhattheydo.
Upholding the spirit and respectthewillofthepeople, Thisthepeoplemustworkto intent of inclusion would their right to freedom of repel and demand their right appreciate the opposition association and economic be respected in every sphere leader’s role is not only to self-determination These ofgovernance. oppose, but to also perform are acts that run contrary to In order for the people to oversight, propose and the constitutional system of know what they are entitled support. governance. to,theyhavetoknowwhatis
They are instances in the We cannot ignore that in the constitution, and in constitution when specific though Article 171 allows order to know what is in the involvements are identified, any member of the National constitution, it requires such as consultation with the Assembly to bring bills, public education on the President on appointment of motions, etc. to the House, constitution so healthy Chancellor of the Judiciary but this continues to be discussions and debates can and submission of a List for stymied. flow appointment of GECOM Andthisishappeningout I
he Chairman. of disinterest, laziness, constitution allows persons These approaches are and/or the draftsmen treated torunroughshodoveryou. intended to forge consensus as though they are working Lincoln Lewis
In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our publisher, Mr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about on-going indecencies in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.
MONDAY–November 11,2024
As pressure continues to mount on government to allow a referendum on the lopsided oil contract, it is worth repeating the grave mistakes our leaders are making when it comes to managingthesector
For a young oilproducing nation like Guyana not to ring-fence its oil projects now, but depend on future oil prices remaining steady always amountedtoarollofthedice in some ways. Under VP Jagdeo's bright-eyed oil revenue maximization predictions,Guyanesecould enduplosingcornandhusk. Noring-fencingtodayleaves Guyanashortchanged,while hopingforthebest,mayturn out to be what leaves
Guyanese empty-handed, as inlesserthanbefore.
Ring-fencing has its vulnerabilities, but it is the closesttoasurethingascan be today Hoping in oil prices staying high in the future has too many variables that can dash Guyana's hopes, outside its control. Moremoneylateris Jagdeo's latest pig-in-a-bag togetthebetterofGuyanese.
TUESDAY –November12,2024
Letthepeople havetheirsay The people of Guyana have watched as other oilproducing nations moved forward with betternegotiat
, ensuringsubstantialnational gains from their natural resources.
Yet, here in Guyana, we
are left questioning why our leaders allow such an imbalanced contract to persist.
Thegovernment'srefusal to address the PSA's shortcomings leaves many wondering where its true loyalties lie with the citizenswhoelectedthemor with the powerful oil companies they seemingly fear to challenge. To break free from this cycle of governmental betrayal, the people must be allowed to havetheirsay Itistimefora nationalreferendumtosettle thisissueonceandforall.
A referendum: where doesitleaveJgdeo?
A referendum on renegotiation of the ExxonMobiloilcontracthas
thepotentialtoremovesome power from the hands of Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo and place it in the handsofGuyanese.
It is the stuff of nightmaresforamanwellon his way to making himself a maximumleaderinthemold of that unbroken line of North Koreans or the old EastGermans.
The mere idea of a referendum in its simplest, no-frills form, is enough to provoke heartburn and constipationinJagdeo.What would he do then, should those casting the ballot call forarenegotiation?
Where would that leave him with his masters at ExxonMobil, with what he couldbeforcedtodoagainst his wishes and theirs also? Jagdeo has not gotten to where he is, and lasted as
long as he has, by being weak, undecided, or lacking in nimbleness of feet
Instead, he finds refuge in what has served him well over the years: he comes up withexcuses.
FRIDAY – November 15,2024
The kids would call it a “comedy show” and it was onTuesdaymorningatState House in the full view of every Guyanese who has accesstointernet.
The show provided the usual entertainment, but it also exposed the sheer madness in the current government.Wespeakofthe infamous5AMmeetingwith the President, his ministers, state engineers and contractors.
This wasn't a productive meeting. There was no deep
dive into the delays in the infrastructural projects that were under scrutiny, no nuanced examination of the root and multifaceted reasons for projects being behindschedule.
This was, instead, a masterclass in “leadership by fear,” where public servants were held accountable not to reason, buttospectacle.
The spreadsheets might have been out, but they weren't guiding this meeting only amplifying theperformance.Onewould think that permanent secretaries or technical staff would be the ones running the nitty-gritty on these projects. But no. Here, it seems,thePresidenthimself must publicly step in, filling a role better suited to a managerthanaheadofstate.
to company, to be made public next week
Final audit report of Exxon's US$7.3B expenses senttocompany,tobemade public next week – Minister Bharrat
Minister of Natural Resources,VickramBharrat, on Saturday confirmed that the final audit report on ExxonMobil's US$7 3 billion expenses for the StabroekBlock(2018-2020) has been sent to Exxon and will be made available onlinenextweek.
The second audit was conducted by local c o n s o r t i u m V H E Consulting, a registered partnership comprising Ramdihal & Haynes Inc., Eclisar Financial, and Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc , with international support from SGS and Martindale Consultants.Thecontractfor this audit was valued at US$751,000 (GY$156 million).
On Friday evening, CharteredAccountant Floyd Haynes,oneoftheprincipals of VHE Consulting disclosed that the auditing team has submitted the final report to the Ministry of
-Min. Bharrat
Vickram Bharrat
Natural Resources (MNR) and the Guyana Revenue Authority(GRA).
“It is now in their possession Please reach out to them…” Haynes told thispublication.
Haynes comments followthatofCommissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), GodfreyStatia,whosaidlast Saturday that, “The final auditwillbereleasedwithin the week. I have already given the go ahead to VHE forthemtodoso.”
Kaieteur News had
reported that an analysis of the second audit report reveals missing details on key expenditures that were covered in the first oil audit thatwasdonebyBritishfirm IHSMarkitofthecompany's 1999-2017 expenses. IHS had recommended that the Government of Guyana (GoG) disallow US$214 million in costs being claimed by Exxon for the misuse of Guyana's oil profits and failure to justify expenses. The first report, commissioned by the Coalition government, provided comprehensive data on significant costs, such as those for supply vessels, drill rigs, SURF, helicopter services, and waste management, while these details are notably absent from the audit report bythelocalconsortium. Currently, citizens can access VHE's “Initial Audit Report for the Stabroek Block Cost Recovery Audit – 2018 to 2020” on the Ministry of Natural Resources website That version was published on April 12, 2024 and is 135 pages.
The People’s ProgressiveParty Civic (PPP/C) stands at a crossroads. Once the vanguard of workingclass politics in Guyana, it nowbearslittleresemblance tothepartyenvisionedbyits founder, Dr Cheddi Jagan. The transformation is undeniable From its rhetoric to its policies, the PPP/C has become a party catering to the interests of a powerfuleconomicelite.
The question is not whether the PPP has changed.Ithas.
The question is whether it can change again. Can it
return to its roots? Can it reclaimitsplaceasapartyof thepeople?Orhasitbecome permanentlyensnaredbythe gripofthebourgeoisie?
For decades after its founding, the PPPheld firm toitsworking-classethos.It championed the poor It fought for the rights of workers. It was the voice of the disenfranchised But power has a way of corrupting even the noblest ofideals.
To d a y ’s P P P i s unrecognizable.Abourgeois class has seized control of the party This class, entrenched in economic
privilege, dictates its policies and steers its decisions. The leadership, once collective, has given way to domination by a single individual. Decisionmaking is concentrated Debate is stifled. The party apparatusexistsnottoserve the people but to maintain thestatusquo.
State power has been wielded to protect this oligarchic grip. The fear of losing jobs and influence and favour has silenced dissentwithintheranks.The party, long a force for change,nowconformstothe systemitonceopposed.Non
DemboyssehcricketinGuyana like Sunday pot roast—barely warm and only show up when yuhgatguests.DeHarpyEaglessupposeto be de strongest team, but right now dem softerthanbutterinmiddaysun.Islikedem playing de strongest team on paper but when de real match start, de match rust flyin’left,right,andcenter
Demboysask,whydeteamnahliveup toitbig-namebilling?Deanswereasy—de players rustier than ole bicycle in de seawallbreeze.
Youcyahexpectdemtoperformwhen de only practice dem getting is one or two lil trial matches before a big tournament, anddemexpectmiracles?
Dem boys seh is not de players’fault. Deadministrationgotdecricketinacoma. Too few matches and no rhythm. Is like trying to play pan without sticks—bare noise but no melody Dem players picking up bats and wondering if dem holding it upsidedown.Andhowdempickingteam?
Reputation!Yuhgrandfathercouldahitsix sixesin1965,andyuhstillgetcallup.Delil hungryfellawhopracticingeveryday?He cansiddungandwaittillhenamereachde historybook.
And all because too little matches to givedeunderlingsafairchance.
Dem boys seh reputation cyaan bat, bowl, or field. And dem administrators need fuh stop treating cricket like de good pants dem only tek out fuh wedding and funeral. Cricket need constant wear, brukin like new shoes, or else de Eagles gon keepfloppinglikekiteindeadbreeze.
Desolutionsimple:Playcricket!More matches, more practice, more chances fuh new blood. Stop picking players like is a beauty contest. And tell de administrators to do dem job. Dem boys seh, Guyana deserve better than dis team of rust and reputation. Right now, de Harpy Eagles lookingmorelikeHarpyChickens.Cluck, cluck! Talkhalf.Leffhalf
onehasstoodupandresisted theseizureofthepartybythe bourgeois class No has stepped into stop one-man domination.
The PPP’s ideological shiftisstark.Itoncestoodas the Caribbean’s premier working-classparty Now,it operatesasacapitalistentity References to socialism have been excised from its constitution. What remains isahollowshelloftheparty Cheddi Jagan built—a party more comfortable rubbing shoulders with the rich than marching alongside the poor
This shift is not accidental. It is strategic. The party has aligned itself with economic elites to secure power These elites, in turn, have no interest in relinquishing control. The resultisaPPPthatnolonger represents the masses. It representsthefew Look at the policies Look at the actions. The evidence is clear.The PPP’s priorities lie with the rich and powerful. Generous tax breaks for corporations and businesses. Contracts awarded to well-connected businessmen. Policies that widen the gap between rich andpoor.
The rhetoric may still echo populist sentiments, but the reality tells a different story The PPP has become a party of privilege. Itsleadersmoveincirclesfar removed from the struggles ofordinaryGuyanese.
This is not the party
Cheddi Jagan envisioned. He dreamed of a Guyana where the workers held power Wherethepoorwere uplifted.
Where economic justice was the cornerstone of governance.That dream has been replaced by the cold realityofcapitalistpolitics.
Change will not come easily The bourgeois class thatcontrolsthePPPwillnot r e l i n q u i s h p o w e r voluntarily Their interests aretoodeeplyentwinedwith theparty’scurrenttrajectory
For the PPP to return to its roots, a revolution is required Not a violent o v e r t h r o w, b u t a fundamental transformation from within. The working classmustreclaimtheparty
The rank and file must demand accountability They must challenge the leadership.
This will require courage It will require sacrifice.Theoligarchicgrip on the party is strong Breaking it will not be easy
The first step is ideological clarity. The PPP must rediscover its purpose. It must reject the capitalist ethosthathasconsumedit.It must re-embrace the principles of economic justiceandequality
The second step is organizational reform. The concentration of power in thehandsofafewmustend. Decision-making must be democratized.Thevoicesof ordinary members must be heard.
The third step is a return to grassroots politics. The PPPmustreconnectwiththe people.Itmustlistentotheir concerns, apart from its leadership holding fort at a head table under a tent at communitymeetings.
Willthischangehappen? The odds are slim The forces opposing reform are powerful.
The leadership has little incentive to upset the status quo. The bourgeoisie will fight tooth and nail to maintaintheirdominance.
Without a dramatic internal upheaval, the PPP will remain a party of the rich It will continue to conformtothesystemrather thanchallengeit.Itwilldrift further from its roots, becoming indistinguishable from the forces it once opposed.
The party of Cheddi Jaganisnomore.Initsplace stands a party beholden to privilege and power The PPP’s transformation is a tragedy,notjustfortheparty butforGuyana.Theworking classhaslostitsvoice.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
President Ali has a problem. Credibility He has declaredwar(hisversion)on contractors (mainly party people), public officers (more PPP) and ministers (nothing but PPP). I ponder if Excellency Ali's war is a real war or a phony war. I weigh whether his war is a hotairwarorahotwarthathe wages against contractors,
public servants, and ministers. Now, I am going to surprise everybody, particularly PPP fanatics: I commend the president Thatis,heistherealMcCoy, and not some half-cooked Big Mac suddenly running amok. Ibelievethepresident means business with scheming contractors, suspect public servants, and pathetic ministers. Now I have laid on the line where I stand. PresidentAli,inturn, should walk his own line. Some bodies rolled in a
carpet,kickedfromtheirhigh government offices. Start withministers,sir Continue with public servants. When he does so, I can live with what Excellency Ali.
Conditionally. Regrettably,I refuse to die for him. He mustbecomeachangedman, a radically different leader, first. Icouldreconsiderthen.
Contractorsarelate. The whole damn country is late, Mr Excellency Sorry, I subtract the swear word in a bow to the president's high office Permanent
Secretariesandministerhave beensloppy Sickly,soggy,a sorry lot they are. For sure, proven party people must be rewarded, but not every impersonator with a red history Errant contractors have their records: a long concern,aknowncrisis. But they don't function in isolation. PSs, ministers, engineers, state agencies
knowtheirlines(andwants), havetheirrolesthattheyplay well. Now, I have some humble recommendations forthepresident. Heactson them,heproveshowmuchhe is against sloth and sleaze, and that unsaid “c” word which has to do with cash.
By my estimation, ExcellencyAli would earn a tankeroftrust. Hecoulduse thatmuch,suchisthelevelof d i s b e l i e f i n h i s pronouncements.
Myfirstrecommendation is to get rid of the National Tender and Procurement
Administration Board (NPTAB) The infernal name alone is like a yoke around the heads of the peopleinthatsluggish,slack state agency Most of them there have their heads in the wrong place, doing the wrong kind of contract business. Theproblemstarts there. OratCongress. When
NPTAB knows that it did right with contract awards, then it doesn't have to stonewall or sidestep delivery of documents, play dumb,pretendatpurity. Like permanent secretaries and ministers, there is appreciation that most NPTABmembersaretrusted PPPagents. So,thepresident is caught between a cobra and a crocodile Purge contract slackers and sickos andhecouldbeflusheddown into the toilet. Do nothing andhegetsswallowedupina sea of public derision, disbelief. To luxuriate in some American nostalgia, T u e s
m o r n i n g q
erbacking by Excellency Ali will render him looking on the shadowy side, if actions do not follow his words delivered so sharply, so intensely Guyanese need a true leader notanactor
Second, end this c o n t r a c t o r m a s q u e r a d e involvingtime,money andpeople. Disbandthe Public Procurem Commission. It is useless. Some of its members should b e j a i l e d f o r misrepresentation, for issuingtheirownpardonsfor political contractors who are malefactors in disguise Since the PPC doesn't rattle cages; cage it Early morning presidential tirades are nothing, if that's the end ofthematter(s). Excellency AliisGuyana'spresident,not the head of some political mafia. JohnKennedyhadhis IrishMafia,JimmyCarterhis Georgia Mafia. Please Mr President: cut the PPPMafia downtosize. Itiseitherthis, or the president is into pantomime,aphantom,nota president.
Whether President Ali agrees or not, his beloved PPP is the most corrupt national entity, more corrupt under his watch The schemers and conspirators arenumerous,overwhelming honestpartyfolks. Theyare high up in the president's government. President Ali, therefore, is back to that placeIampointing,nudging, him. PPPcollaboratorsmust beneutralized,ifDr Aliisto
deliver on his dawn diatribe. I could send him a list of public servants and ministers, who I wouldn't trust to bathe a cat. They wouldstealthebucket,soap, water,andcat. Thenlieupon thepoorcat.
Is this not what has happenedwithcostoverruns, c
overrunning, and all the whileoverrunningthepatient good faith of honest Guyanese? Excellency Ali can be judge and jury; then putonhisblackexecutioner's hat. Don'tcomeaftermefor sharingtruths. GoafterPPP scoundrels, who crucify citizens by cheating them, then cursing objectors Respectfully,ExcellencyAli: the damnations of last Tuesday's dawn must be delivered.
Otherwise, he presided over a predawn soap opera. (Theviewsexpressedinthis article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
An 11-month-old baby has
died and her toddler sibling badly injured after a fire, believed to be accidentally set by children playing with matches, destroyedashacklocatedatCummings Park,‘E’FieldSophia,Georgetown.
The Ministry of Home Affairs in a pressreleaseSaturdaynightsaidthatthe firewhichstartedataround11:00hwas “accidentally ignited by children playingwithmatches.”
The dead infant has been identified as Melveena Angel Blair The injured toddler is said to have received third degree burns to his back and arms. He wasrushedtothehospitalbyhisfather
The 34-year-old mother of the children,TineishaIsrael,wasreportedly questionedbypolice.KaieteurNews
Continued on page 50
Thefirstauditofoil m a j o r ExxonMobil’s expenses, incurred during the period 1999 to 2017, found over US$214M in questionable costs. The British consultancy firm, IHS Markit was tasked with reviewing some US$1.6B expenditure by the oil companies.
Asecond audit however, done by a local consortium VHE Consulting has found just over US$75M in disputed costs of the US$7 3B expenditure racked up by Exxon and partners during the period 2018 to 2020 This is according to the findings of the initial audit report, since thefinalreportofthesecond audit has not yet been made public.
The massive difference in the sums flagged by the auditors, compared with the costs audited, had raised concerns regarding the process, but Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat recently urged that stakeholdershavenoneedto benervous.
In an interview with KaieteurNews,theMinister explained, “I don’t think we shouldjudgeanauditonthe amount that was flagged. The first audit was an extendedperiod;itwas1999 to2017soitwasaprolonged period.”
This publication, however, reminded that the second audit, though a shorter period, was tasked with reviewing a far greater sum of money spent by Exxon.
Bharrat nonetheless continued, “The next one was 2018 to 2020, a shorter period of time. During that periodoftimetherewasonly one development- the Liza development. Much of it would have been after that, Payara, Yellowtail, Uaru, WhiptailandthenlikeIsaid, you cannot judge an audit based on the amount that is flagged.”
He was keen to note that the operator may have employed systems to “do thingsbetternow.” “Maybe they are doing things better now Maybe the system has improved because of the recommendations of previousauditorpracticesor whatever the case is,” MinisterBharratnoted.
To this end, he urged, “I don’t think an audit should
be based on how much you findthatshouldnotbeinthe costbank.”
VHE Consulting, a partnership between Ramdihal & Haynes Inc; Eclisar Financial; and Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc. was recruited by the government ofGuyanabackinMay2022 to conduct a cost recovery auditofthecompany
Thelocalconsortiumhas been contracted by the governmentagaintoconduct thethirdoilaudit.
Just last week Kaieteur News reported that the former Auditor General (AG), Anand Goolsarran voiced concerns about the
selection of local
c o n s o r t i u m , V H E Consultingforthethirdaudit of Exxon’s recoverable expenses.
In a recent column published by Stabroek News, Goolsarran stressed that given the financial implicationsforGuyana,the
audit requires experienced professionals with proven expertiseincostverification.
Hesaidthereisaneedfor a comprehensive audit to be undertaken Firstly, he remindedthattheabsenceof ring-fencing provisions is a key weakness in the 2016 PSA, according to the InternationalMonetaryFund (IMF). It was explained that a ring-fencing arrangement ensures that only costs attributable to a particular field are considered in the computation of profit oil for thatfield.
“ A l t h o u g h t h e
Agreement provides for the sharing of profit oil on a field-by-field basis, it also allows ExxonMobil’s subsidiaries to allocate cost
oil to any field within the contract area, thereby defeating the main purpose of ring-fencing ” the formerAGunderscored.
A c c o r d i n g t o Goolsarran,athoroughaudit is crucialtoensurethatonly legitimate, reasonable expenses are recovered, which impacts Guyana’s profitshare.
Further, Goolsarran noted that concerns including, the lack of basic structure, table of contents, no executive summary, the scope and methodology u s e d , c o n c l u s i o n , recommendations, among otherthingshavebeenraised in relation to the quality of the original audit report issuedbyVHE.
Meet themesmerizing StacyBenjamina24 yearoldupcomingmodel underStemHospitality.Stacyis avibrantandcreativeindividual wholovestoconnectwithothers. Knownforherwarmpersonalityand senseofstyle,thisweek’sbeautyenjoys sharingexperiencesandmaking memorieswithherfriendsandloved ones.Hergoalistobecomeasuccessful businessownerandthebestmothertoher son.Stacy’sfavoritequoteisbyMax Depree“Wecannotbecomewhatwe wantbyremainingwhatweare.”
Th e h i g h l y
anticipated third e d i t i o n o f
Tourism Guyana magazine was unveiled at the Guyana Exposition and Trade Fair (GuyExpo) 2024, offering readers a vibrant look into the country’s culture, history,andnaturalbeauty
T h e m a g a z i n e , produced by Tourism
G u y a n a ( T G ) i n collaboration with the Guyana TourismAuthority (GTA), is a celebration of the country’s unique attractions and the rich experiencesithastooffer
The magazine’s striking cover features the breathtaking Pelu Palu Falls, located in Region Eight, near the town of Kopinang
This awe-inspiring image was revealed by Tourism Guyana CoFounder Lesa Fleming and GTADirector Kamrul Baksh during the launch atGuyExpo
Fleming shared her excitement about the new edition, acknowledging
the challenges faced in bringing the project to life “Weareexcited,very, very excited to make this copy of the Tourism
G u y a n a m a g a z i n e accessible to patrons at GuyExpo, investors, tourists, and others,” she saidinapressstatement
Thiseditionisfilledwith captivating stories and personal experiences from writers who have explored Guyana’s hinterland and beyond. Readers can expect tales of unforgettable adventures, including journeys through the capital city of Georgetown, explorations of the vast savannahs, eco-friendly tourism activities, and visits to iconic Waterfalls such as WailangPelu,PeluPalu,and Kopinang.
The magazine also highlights the excitement of the Caribbean Premier League, the region’s biggest sporting event, among other cultural treasures Kamrul Baksh, Director of the GTA, praised the team behind
the publication for their dedicationandhardwork
“I am really elated that this copy is finally here Its iconic cover page really speaks about venturing deeper, exper
lly representing our tourism product very well Of course the GTA has contributed several pieces of articles and they really give good perspectives and insights into Guyana’s tourism product,” he related. Baksh also noted
t h e m a g a z
’ s importance in promoting Destination Guyana on a global scale, noting that copies are distributed at tradefairsworldwide
“These magazines are not only distributed locally but naturally we take them to all the major tradeshowsthatwevisit
Alotofpeoplerelateto ourstories,tootherpeople travelling there, and I think that’s an excellent testimonial a
excellent way to promote Guyana,”headded
I n a d d i t i o n t o showcasing Guyana’s p o p u l a r t o u r i s t destinations, the latest edition of the magazine also focuses on the country’s Indigenous communities, who are dedicated to preserving the rainforest’s delicate ecosystems and protecting endangeredspecies.
The magazine further honors the late Dave M a r t i n s o f T h e Tradewinds band, a beloved figure in the Caribbean music scene, whose songs continue to r e s o n a t e a c r o s s generationsandcultures
Free copies of the Tourism Guyana magazine are available at GuyExpo, with additional copies set to bedistributedtothepublicin thecomingweeks.
This latest edition not only highlights Guyana’s diversetourismofferingsbut also serves as a testament to the country’s rich heritage, warm hospitality, and commitment to sustainable tourism.
Tourism Guyana’s newest magazine is available for distribution at GUYEXPO 2024, The publication features a piece on the charm and scenic beauty of the south Rupununi (Credit:APath to Travel)
WEEK-IN-REVIEW report, they probably wouldn’t project as yet, so when the even know about it. Nobody pays application comes in that’s when Sunday attentiontothis,”hesaid. we will start considering this
Jagdeo argued that the matter.” Jagdeo brushes off World dynamics of the oil market are
However, last month, he Bank’s warning of oil glut highly complex and sensitive to a instructed the Ministry of Natural lowering prices– says myriad of factors, including Resources to discontinue the Guyana’s crude is cheap to geopoliticalevents. advertisement for the consultant to produce, of good quality
“Oil markets are very fickle in reviewtheseventhproject. nature,” he said, adding, “You may
“So, there will be no consultant Last Thursday, Vice President have a glut today, but you have a hired to review the project until we Bharrat Jagdeo dismissed concerns shortageinthefuture.” havetheentiresubmission,”hesaid raisedbytheWorldBankregarding TheVicePresidentthenpointed while questioning the logic of a potential decline in global oil topotentialglobaldisruptions,such hiring a company now to review prices due to an anticipated as a hypothetical escalation in incomplete information He oversupply conflicts involving key oil disclosed that Exxon has been
The World Bank’s latest producers or major incidents in making the submissions to the Commodity Markets Outlook international shipping lanes, as government in parts ”So, the report, forecasted that an oil glut, factors that could swiftly alter originalpositionstands,whenIsaw and other factors, may lead to a supply-demand balances and that ad. [advertisement], it was substantial drop in global prices, impactprices. broughttomyattentionandIcalled and an oversupply in the coming JagdeoalsocriticizedtheWorld the minister and said discontinue it years. Bank’s report for its lack of because until we have a full
Addressing the matter at his specificity, noting that seasoned submissionfromExxon.Wearenot weekly press conference at industry experts conduct daily gonnastartthereviewprocessandI leftstrandedwiththeseassets.” He Jagdeo was asked by Kaieteur Freedom House, Robb Street, assessments that consider real-time expect them to make a full said that Guyana’s oil industry will News to state whether there will be Georgetown, Jagdeo criticized the developmentsintheoilmarket.“So submission sometime next year,” be sustained long-enough to ensure any improved fiscal benefits to the relevance of such forecasts to oilisjustasmallpartofit,butthere theVPsaid. the resources generated are used to country should the project and Guyana’soilprospects. are agencies that every single day improve climate resilience, and othersbeapproved.
Kaieteur News had reported put out a report, and they have a Monday non-oilsectors. In response, the government’s that the World Bank’s latest more nuanced understanding of oil The Vice President emphasized chiefoilspokespersonsaid,“Idon’t Commodity Markets Outlook markets, because they live that EPAmoving ahead with that while predicting oil markets is want to be premature. We have not report raised doubts about the Vice sectoronadailybasis,”hesaid. 7th oil project while inherently complex, Guyana’s low- received the full application from President’s projections of To this end, he added that the Jagdeo halts search for cost production and quality crude Exxon and when that application substantial future revenue for World Bank’s analyses generally consultants to review plan p o s i t i o n t h e c o u n t r y comes in sometime next year, we Guyana. Jagdeo has suggested that cover a broader economic scope advantageously, allowing it to will review it.” He explained that bynotimplementingaring-fencing withoutprovidingthesamelevelof The Environmental Protection derive long-term benefits from its after a thorough review of Exxon’s provision for the oil projects in the detail on oil as specialized industry Agency(EPA)hasadvanceditspart oilreserves. submission, he will disclose what Stabroek Block which is operated reports. in relation to the application that Pressed further on whether he the fiscal benefits will be. ”So my by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited Itshouldbenotedthatwhilethe was made by ExxonMobil Guyana found the World Bank’s forecast positionisstillthesame,wehaven’t (EMGL); the country is Vice President did not dismiss the L i m i t e d ( E M G L ) f o r concerning, Jagdeo clarified, “No, received an application as yet and strategically foregoing short-term possibility of market challenges EnvironmentalAuthorisationforits no, because these Economic we will deal with it at that time,” benefits to reap greater long-term altogether, he underscored that seventh project, the Hammerhead Outlook Reports are produced Jagdeo said Kaieteur News gains. In simple terms, a ring- Guyana’s oil industry is well- Development situated in the either once every three months or reported on October 25, 2024 that fencing provision in an oil contract positioned to withstand potential StabroekBlock,offshoreGuyana. six months…you would not go to a Jagdeo announced that the ensures that each oil project is pricedeclines. Advertisingopportunities World Bank economic outlook government has discontinued an financiallyindependent,meaningit Reflecting on Guyana’s This move by EPA comes even reportifyouwanttohaveanuanced advertisement for a consultant to can only use its revenue to cover its strategic advantage, Jagdeo after Vice President (VP) Bharrat position on the oil and gas markets review Exxon’s seventh project, owncosts. emphasizedthatthecountry’slight,
for the next week, for the next saying that the information the Based on his previous sweet crude oil—widely regarded discontinued an advertisement month, for the next quarter, for the company presented thus far is comments, Jagdeo was asked for its quality—combined with low initiated by the Ministry of Natural nextyear…”
whether the World Bank’s forecast production costs of about US$40
Resources seeking a consultant to In his view, Jagdeo said that the announcement at a weekly press changes his position on the lack of per barrel, puts it in a stronger review ExxonMobil’s Field pace of global transition to conferenceheldatFreedomHouse, ring-fencing provisions for the oil position than many other oil- Development Plan (FDP) for the renewable energy sources remains Robb Street, Georgetown. It is projects in the Stabroek Block. In producingnations. Hammerhead development He inadequate,prolongingtheneedfor important to note that on July 26, his response, Jagdeo downplayed “The good thing is that our said he made this decision because fossil fuels. He cited an estimated 2024, this publication reported the bank’s influence on oil market crude is light, sweet crude. It’s a the information the company US$2 trillion investment Jagdeo saying that there is an insights. good quality crude, and also our presentedthusfarisincomplete. requirement to meet growing assumption that there will be a He highlighted Guyana’s low breakeven cost is below many However, despite the globalenergydemandsustainably seventhoilproject. production costs and the high countriesintheworld.Soifyouhad incomplete information on Until such investments are met, “So first of all, there is an quality of its crude. Oil is currently to fall off the production chart on November 6, EPA published the he argued, demand for fossil fuels assumption that there will be a being produced from the Stabroek the basis of quality of crude and Terms and Scope to guide the likeGuyana’soilwillpersist. seventh project. So, we will get the Block, which is operated by breakeven cost, many other preparation of the Environmental application soon and at that time, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited countries will fall off before we fall Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Jagdeo cannot say if Guyana the government will determine (EMGL). Daily production is over offthechart,”heasserted. Hammerhead Development. The will get improved fiscal benefits through two permits, one the 650,000 barrels per day (bpd) from He underscored that Guyana’s agency noted that Exxon’s from 7th oil project until licence and then the environmental justthreeprojectsinthatblock. productionis low-costcomparedto application was made in Exxon makes full submission permit, how it will deal with all of “Often people who are other countries, making it less accordance with Section 11(1) of these issues ” Jagdeo added: uninitiated,theyputalotofstoreon vulnerable in scenarios where only the Environmental Protection Act The Government of Guyana is “Exxonstillhastodemonstratethat these IFIs (international financial the most economical producers Cap 20:05 (EPAct Cap.20:05) and unable to say whether the country they will submit all the documents institutions) and the reports they survive a downturn. Jagdeo said, was accompanied by a Project willobtainimprovedfiscalbenefits needed for us to assess whether the produce. For people who are “Sobeforethosepricesfallbelowa Summary with information on: the from the seventh oil project – requirements are met. Then in actuallyinthesector,theypayscant point where we can’t produce oil proposed site, design, size and Hammerhead, until ExxonMobil August, the VP was asked again to regardtothosereports,”hesaid. anymore, lots of other countries, duration;thepossibleeffectsonthe makes a full submission about the shed some light on the subject, to
The Vice President added that should there be a reduction in environment; and a non-technical project and that submission is which he responded, “When and oil marketprojectionsrequire more global demand, would fall off the explanation. reviewedbythegovernment. if…if and or when and if we specialized focus than what the productionchartaheadofus.” EPA said it conducted a review
This is according to Vice approvetheprojectthenyouwillbe WorldBanktypicallyprovides.“So Jagdeo acknowledged that of the application and determined
President Bharrat Jagdeo, who told toldaboutwhatthebenefitswillbe. if you ask any of the oil majors while there are many unknowns in that the project may significantly reporters at this week’s press We have not looked at around the world about this World the oil market, his administration’s affecttheenvironmentandwill conference that “right now, we are anything…there is currently no Bank report, economic outlook approachensuresthat“wedon’tget (Continued on page 17) notconsideringthat.” application in for the seventh
From page 16
Notably, VHE was Stabroek Block account to March 12, 2021 and ending require an EIA. “This Terms recently awarded a $312 cover Yoga and Zumba March20,2021. and Scope guides the million contract for the third fitness classes for its Furthermore, Exxon was preparation of the EIA oilauditofExxon’sStabroek expatriates, a Christmas caught by auditors spending While Section 11 of the Act Block expenses for the potluck luncheon, the Guyana’s oil profits to pay specifies “EIA”, this Terms period2021to2023. hosting visit for a Shell for the monitoring of and Scope seeks to include Findings published Beach Outreach Programme newspapers and media social and economic in the initial report including catering and boat between the period 2018 and components in keeping with VHEidentifiedthatthere and ground transportation; 2020 A review of the the Guyana Environmental was some US$65.1 million Exxon branded duffel bags, company’s expenses during ProtectionAct…”EPAsaid. which were listed as coolers, and lanyards for a the period found that a total
The agency published a exceptions This included C
of US$2,465,061 62 was project notice on July 14,
“Improper Charges for Ogle W
; M
, claimed by Exxon for its 2024, along with a summary Office Complex Studies and beverages, tents, chairs, and PublicAffairsProgram. for public review Following Construction Costs” which facilities for “Culture of Thesecosts,accordingto this, the public was given 28 totaled US$18 9 million, Health” 5K run/walk and the auditors, are not related days to submit written ‘Enterprise Development other similar events leave it to petroleum operations and questions and concerns they Center’ at US$3.5M and a inbreachofthecontract. shouldthereforenotbebilled wished to see addressed in numberofothers. A
to the country’s oil the EIA. The Terms and Itisimportanttonotethat highlighted in the second According to the audit Scope document, developed costs recovered by Exxon auditwasthemisuseoffunds report, Exxon used the sum after this public consultation have to be directly related to to pay for drill ships to be on stated above on media period, outlines the specific full submission by next year opportunities oil production in the standby for Kaieteur and messaging; stakeholder andgeneralrequirementsthe The Hammerhead Project He told this publication Stabroek Block offshore Canje blocks. Going a little r e l a t
o n s , i s s u e s consultants must address in will consist of drilling on Saturday, “The final audit Guyana. In October 2023, more into detail, the auditing management; recording, the EIA. project description approximately 14 to 30 will be released within the this publication reported that team noted that Exxon had editing, and voice talent for outlines key elements for production and injection week. I have already given ExxonMobil had used four drill ships from Noble public service messages on assessing environmental and wells (including production, the go ahead to VHE for Guyana’s oil profits on Corporation in early 2020 Guyana’s Sovereign Wealth social impacts.This includes water injection, and gas re- themtodoso.” Christmas cookouts, zumba working. After suspending Fund; hosting visit for Shell the project’s design and injection wells); installation The second audit was andyogaclasses. the services of Stena Carron Beach Outreach Program components, historical and and operation of Subsea c o n d u c t e d b y V H E It was revealed that the and Noble Tom Madden and including catering and boat current activities, and Umbilicals, Risers, and Consulting, a registered oil company used US move them closer to shore and ground transportation; detailed processes for each F l o w l i n e s ( S U R F ) partnership comprising $136,003.62 to cover costs into a “hot standby” (idle but Liza Destiny Arrival phase from drilling to equipment; the installation Ramdihal & Haynes Inc., attached to sponsorships, stilloperational)modedueto Commemoratory Event; d e c o m m i s s i o n i n g and operation of a Floating, Eclisar Financial, and fitness classes, promotional staffing issues, records show branded drawstring sports Additionally, the description Production, Storage and Vitality Accounting & items and other similar that Exxon had Stena on packs and bottles; media must cover pollution control Offloading (FPSO) vessel Consultancy Inc , with activities, which auditors standby to execute works for monitoring services and techniques, the project’s a n d u l t i m a t e l y , international support from said were in no uncertain Stabroek as well as Canje newspapers as well as r e l a t i o n t o n e a r b y decommissioning. SGS and Martindale recoverable. The Stabroek andKaieteurwhichitwalked brochuresforExxon. developments, and other Onshore logistical Consultants.Thecontractfor Block Production Sharing awayfromin2023. areas. support facilities such as this audit was valued at Agreement was also Records also show that Tuesday
Under Part IV (11) (5) of shorebases, warehouses, US$751,000 (GY$156 referenced by them and it Exxon had the Stena Carron the EP Act Cap.20:05, the storage and pipe yards, million). said that only those costs drill ship drill the Tanager-1 Govt. vows crackdown EIA’s scope must include: a fabrication facilities, fuel Ananalysisofthesecond associatedwithexpensesand well in the Kaieteur Block on Guyanese aiding detailed project description supply facilities, and waste audit report reveals missing expenditures relating to the beginning September 9, foreign companies to (covering geographical management facilities and details on key expenditures petroleum operations can be 2020 and ending November flout Local Content law s c o p e , i n s t a l l a t i o n marine/aviationserviceswill that were covered in the first recovered from the Stabroek 23, 2020. Stena was then characteristics, emissions, beusedtosupporteachstage oil audit that was done by Blockaccount. moved to the adjacent Canje Vice President (VP) and project timeline); main oftheproject. British firm IHS Markit of For further clarity, the Blockwhereitworkedonthe Bharrat Jagdeo has issued a alternatives explored; direct, Notably, the exact the company’s 1999-2017 auditors noted that in order B u l l e t w o o d - 1 w e l l stern warning to Guyanese indirect, and cumulative l o c a t i o n s o f t h e e x p e n s e s . I H S h a d foracosttoberecoverable,it beginning December 31, firms enabling foreign environmental impacts on Hammerhead Development recommended that the had to be in connection with 2020 and ending March 2, companies to bypass factors like human health, wells have not yet been Government of Guyana production operations 2021. Stena was also used to Guyana’sLocalContentAct, ecosystems, and resources; finalised; however, the wells (GoG) disallow US$214 Hence, the removal of US drillthesecondwellinCanje stating that violators will any challenges faced in are anticipated to be drilled million in costs being $136,003 62 from the called Jabillo-1 beginning facepenalties. gathering data; use of best similar to the process claimed by Exxon for the The Local Content Act available technology; risk f o l l o w e d d u r i n g misuse of Guyana’s oil currently features 40 areas assessment; mitigation exploration/appraisal well profits and failure to justify for services carved out for strategiesforadverseeffects; campaigns as well as the expenses. Guyanese businesses an oil spill response plan; a Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2, The first report, including rentals, supply of rehabilitation plan; and a Payara,Yellowtail, Uaru and commissioned by the goods, accounting, catering non-technicalsummary W h i p t a i l d r i l l i n g Coalition government, and welding Foreign Exxon’s Vice President programmes. provided comprehensive companies wanting to and Business Services data on significant costs, operate within those areas Manager, Phillip Rietema GRAdemands release of such as those for supply are required to partner with last month stated that the final audit report on vessels, drill rigs, SURF, local firms. However, the company is hoping to get Exxon’s US$7.3B expenses helicopter services, and law stipulates that the a p p r o v a l f o r t h e waste management, while Guyanese partner must have Hammerhead project by Local consortium VHE these details are notably 51% or more beneficial mid-2025 However, on Consulting has been absent from the audit report ownership, among other October 25, in a Kaieteur instructed to release the by the local consortium benefits. The Local Content News article titled, ”Govt. finalised second audit of Currently, citizens can Secretariat has observed pulls back invitation for ExxonMobil’s US$7 3 access VHE’s “Initial Audit foreign companies finding consultant to review 7th billion Stabroek Block Report for the Stabroek new ways to flout this law in project Jagdeo says expense for the period 2018 BlockCostRecoveryAudit– order to gain access to the 40 cannot review information in to 2020. This is according to 2018 to 2020” on the areasofservicessetasidefor piecemeal fashion,” the Vice Commissioner General of Ministry of Natural
President was quoted saying the Guyana Revenue Resources website That
stating that the government Authority (GRA), Godfrey version was published on conference, Jagdeo made it will not start the review Statia. April 12, 2024 and is 135 clearthatthegovernmentis process until Exxon made a A d v e r t i s i n g pages.
(Continued on page 18)
From page 17 of her five children died early reportedlytoldpolice. The tragic loss has shocked the committed to enforcing the law to Tuesday morning in a fire that As a result, they became local community and country ensure that benefits set aside for destroyed their two-storey home trappedinthefire.
President Irfaan Ali expressed his Guyanese go to locals, not foreign located at No 64 Village, The teenager explained that he condolences on Facebook, stating, firms. “Let me just reiterate that all Corentyne,Berbice. was unable to call the police “My heart aches for their loved of those who are violating now the
Advertisingopportunities immediatelybecausehedidn’thave ones as they cope with this Local Content Act, they have a lot
Reports are that the fire started a phone, and his neighbors were unimaginable loss. No words can toworryabout,”Jagdeosaid. ataround02:00h. unresponsive He ran to his ease the pain, but I hope they find “We intend to crack down on it.
The victims have been grandmother’s house to get help, comfort in the love and memories This Act was designed to give identifiedasHemwatieSingh,a34- but by the time they returned to the shared. May their souls rest in benefits to our people, Guyanese, year-old housewife, and her scene, the entire house had already peace, and may the family find and if there are a few people here children Kelvin Ramjatan (14), beenconsumedbyflames. strength in this difficult time who are using it to confer the Brandon Ramjatan (10), Cindy Kevin noted that he had closed Please keep the family in your benefits so that the foreign Ramjatan (11), and Tomesh their steel gate on Monday evening prayers.” companies can get these benefits Ramjatan(2). at around 18:30 hrs, but when he The Ministry of Home Affairs thataresetasideforourpeople,and
However, Kevin Ramjatan, escaped the next morning, it was also issued a statement of they are collaborating with the Singh’s 17-year-old son, managed open. sympathy, with Minister Robeson foreigners,thentheyruntherisksof to escape the blaze unharmed. It is Firefighters arrived at the scene Benn and Chief Fire Officer not just losing the certification but unclear how he managed to get out, around 3:35hrs but found the house Gregory Wickham expressing their also facing the fines in accordance but he later alerted relatives about already fully engulfed A fire sorrow over the tragedy “We are with the Act,” the Vice President the fire. He is currently in police tender, led by Section Leader profoundly saddened by this added. c u s t o d y a s s i s t i n g w i t h Williams, attempted to extinguish devastating loss of life. Our hearts
Jagdeo emphasized the investigations. the fire, and once the blaze was go out to the family and friends individuals,AzzarHaniffofEclisar seriousness of the government’s
Accordingtoreports,thefamily under control, the charred remains affectedbythishorrificevent.” Financial and Professional stance on the issue and noted that was asleep when the fire started. of five individuals, believed to be Locals, including friends of the Services. the Local Content Secretariat have
The children’s father, Rohan Hemwatie Singh and her four mother, expressed their shock and Eclisar is a part of a local already started acting on the Ramjatan, known as ‘Map head’, a childrenwerediscovered. grief on social media. Mariana consortium VHE Consulting that evidencetheyhave. 36-year-old cattle farmer, was not The bodies of the victims were Badall wrote on Facebook, “Oh wascontractedforthethirdauditof On November 5, 2024, home at the time the fire occurred. taken to the Skeldon Public god, my heart hurts.You were such ExxonMobil’s Stabroek Block Kaieteur News reported that The man was arrested by police for HospitalMortuaryforpost-mortem a friendly person, never passed me expense The suspension was Minister of Natural Resources cattle rustling. Kevin reportedly examinations, and Kevin is anywherewithoutasmile.” announced in a notice dated Vickram Bharrat disclosed that toldpolicethathewasasleeponthe assisting the police with their Another friend, Arifa Shazam, November 6, 2024. Haniff and foreign companies operating in the veranda when he was awakened by investigations Singh’s nephew, posted, “Rest in peace, my friend.” George Vaughn of SFAI Guyana –oil and gas sector continue to find flames originating from the lower Azim Mohamed, told The News Others described the loss as Vaughn Business Solutions, both new ways to sidestep Guyana’s flat of the house, where his father’s Desk, that he heard a loud “shocking”and“heartbreaking.” have had their ICAG memberships Local Content law The minister carwasparked. explosionaround3:00hrs. As the investigation continues, suspended for 2024, meaning they was speaking at the Private Sector
“As he saw the flames, he “My cousin (Kevin) ran and the community is left in mourning can no longer issue statutory audit Commission’ssecondannualLocal immediately ran down the stairs to told me that someone set fire to over the loss of the mother and her opinions under Section 170 of the Content Forum. He addressed the the lower flat,” Police stated in a their car, and the house was youngchildren. CompaniesAct. escalating tactics some companies press statement. Upon opening the burning. Saying that he mommy, Additionally, Andre Davis of areemployingtomeetlocalcontent door, Kevin said he found his brothers,andsisterinthereburning Pres.Ali roasts AMD Financial Services has had requirements on paper while mother and siblings awake and up,”Mohamedsaid. tardy contractors hiscertificatetopracticesuspended continuing to channel the benefits attemptingtoescape.
“They tried to run out of the to the scene but unfortunately the secretaries for poor oversight
Upon hearing the news, he ran …chides ministers, Permanent pending an ongoing investigation. outside Guyana, through deceptive
This also restricts him from issuing practices.Theministertalkedabout house but as they saw the large house was already engulfed in statutory audit opinions under the how certain companies use flames in front of the house, they flames stating, “we couldn’t save PresidentIrfaanAlionTuesday CompaniesAct. strategies such as “rent-a-citizen” turned back and went upstairs,” he nobody.”
Moreover, VHE is a registered or “fronting,” where foreign partnership comprising Ramdihal entities rely on locals as superficial & Haynes Inc., Eclisar Financial, fronts to comply with local and Vitality Accounting & ownership laws. Minister Bharrat Consultancy Inc. Last month, VHE saidthatwhilehisministry,through was awarded a $312 million the Local Content Secretariat contract for the third audit of always get feedback and/ Exxon’s Stabroek Block expenses, complaints about new mechanisms coveringtheperiod2021to2023. foreign companies use to flout the M o r e o v e r, V H E w i t h local content requirements – the internationalsupportfromSGSand foreign companies have grown Martindale Consultants conducted more sophisticated in their the second audit of ExxonMobil’s methods. US$7 3 billion Stabroek Block
According to him, the expenses for the period 2018 to companies are evolving from the 2020. On Monday, this publication “blatant”useoffrontmentotactics reported that VHE has been like creating shell companies and instructed to release the finalised partnershipswithnewlynaturalised second audit of ExxonMobil’s citizens. “So, there are different Stabroek Block expense methods now, naturalization of Commissioner General of the people who’ve been in Guyana and GuyanaRevenueAuthority(GRA), m a k i n g t h e m p a r t n e r s , Godfrey Statia told this publication establishment of shell companies on Saturday, “The final audit will with no assets or no liquidity,” be released within the week. I have MinisterBharratsaid. already given the go ahead to VHE forthemtodoso.” Firm involved in audit of Exxon’s expenses has licence Wednesday suspended
Berbice mom and The Institute of Chartered four children die in fire Accountants of Guyana (ICAG) has suspended the membership of By Shania Williams several individuals, one of those A 34-year-old mother and four
(Continued on page 36)
International Men’s Day, celebrated on November 19th, is a global awareness day for men’shealthandwell-being. Fortunately, for those in the Caribbean, this day was inaugurated in Trinidad and Tobago in 1999 It was created by Dr Jerome
T e e l u c k s i n g h t o commemorate his father’s birthday.
In acknowledgement of this observance, Sonia Noel Inc., in collaboration with the Sonia Noel Foundation, isproudtohostfoureventsthree of them will be online and one will be onsite at Theatre Guild, catering to youngmen,primarily
These four events will highlight and seek solutions forthesocialissuesfacedby men, both mentally and physically
In a release, the foundation noted that by acknowledging men’s contributions and challenges, we can work towards a more equitable society where both men and women have equal opportunitiesandrights.
“While some may argue thatmen’sissuesarealready well-represented, it’s important to recognize that these issues often go unaddressed or are stigmatized.Bydedicatinga specific day to men’s health and well-being, we can foster a more inclusive and supportive society for all,” thereleasestated.
According to the Foundation, the events celebrate positive male role models and encourage healthymasculinity
“Theyremindmenofthe importanceoftakingcareof their physical and mental health Men often face significantsocietalpressures that can have a profound impact on their mental and emotionalwell-being.These pressures can include the expectation to be stoic, i n d e p e n d e n t , a n d emotionallyreserved,which canmakeitdifficultforthem to express their feelings or seekhelpwhenneeded.
Young men and boys need to have positive role modelswhocaninspirethem and show them alternative paths to success These eventscanhelpboysdevelop healthy concepts of masculinity, emphasising qualities like kindness, empathy, and respect,” the releasecontinued.
The Sonia Noel Foundation has hosted
events, in the past, to commemorate this significant day This year, three virtual events are scheduled commencing at 7 pm Guyana time. The Men across Borders series will feature speakers from
various countries from the 18th to the 20th The esteemed panel includes Dr Clinton Urling from Guy
entrepreneur with over
experience across various
sectors; Oliver Chikodzore is from Zimbabwe and lives in South Africa, he is a mentor,Entrepreneur,author and investor dedicated to reshaping the narrative of Africa’sfuture.
Additionally, Dr
AnthonyBowensadynamic technology and igital marketing leader with a proven track record of driving innovation and delivering transformative solutions and Dr Akanimo Odon is a Nigerian living in London who is Head of A f r i c a S t r a t e g i c Partnerships, Lancaster University UK are also part of the panel; Professor Paloma Mohamed Martin theViceChancellorofthe (Continuedonpage23)
show from the Elie
Arabia, Wednesday,
The actress wore an iconicdress22yearsago,an option made her look even m o r e s p e c i a l a n d meaningful. This 58-yearolddressmadeherreminisce again. Halle wore back a dressfromElieSaabthathe worewhenhewonthe2002 Oscar,thankstohisactingin the film Monster’s Ball (2001) At that moment, Halle became the first African-American woman towinanOscarandwonthe main category, namely the BestLeadingActress.
In a fashion show titled ‘1001seasones’,Hallewore a stunning dress featuring a flower applique decorated mesh corset and a long draperymodelskirt.
To complete his stunning appearance,Halleworeapair of large gemstone earrings Then,Halle’shairisarranged with a modern bun.Through uploading his personal Instagram account, Halle sharedavideowhenhewasa catwalk model on the Elie Saabprogram.
Halle was touched and recalled the incident 22 years agowhenwearingthemaroon reddress “There are several moments in life that just happenandchangeourlives forever! Winning the Academy Award in a dress @
moment for me!,” he wrote, quoted by VOI from the
Saturday, November 16, 2024.“Thankyou,Mr Saab, forbeingapartofoneofthe momentsofmylife,because we have been closely connected for 22 years! It is anhonorformetocelebrate the 1001 Season collection. Hopefully you will enjoy more brilliant, full of joy, creativity, and glamorous years,”hecontinued.
Reporting from the People page, Halle revealed thatthehistoricdressfounda new home at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles, where the dress represents a piece of Hollywood’sworldhistory
exhibition Halle also
thanked the museum for the respect.
This was revealed through his personal Instagramuploadin2023.
“ T h i s h i s t o r i c @eliesaabworld sport will not only remain under the careofmuseumcuratorsand conservators,butcanalsobe seenbyanygeneration. This dress has meaning and is forever a reminder that all this is happening. T h a n k y o u @academymuseum!” he wrote Apart from Halle Berry,thefashionshowwas also attended by world celebrities, including Celine Dion, Jennifer Lopez, Camila Cabello, Nancy AjramandAmrDiab.
- Increasing evidence emerges in support of the notion that plant-based diets protect cardiometabolic health.
Current dietary guidelines include healthy vegetarian diets as a viable option for preventing disease. However, nutrition professionals still do not frequentlyrecommendthese diets.
Aspartofalargerproject to update nutrition practice, two new scientific reviews examined these diets for improving cardiometabolic health.
Results suggest vegetarian and vegan diets could benefit people with type 2 diabetes and help prevent heart disease in the generalpopulation.
Eating more fruits, vegetables, and plant-based foods is a long-standing nutritional recommendation for better health. In fact, current guidelines, like the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for support vegetarian diets as a dietary optiontopromotehealthand preventdisease.
However,somenutrition and health professionals hesitate to advocate for vegetarian or vegan diets. Thismaybeduetooutdated
r e s o u r c e s o r
m i s c o n c e p t i o n s
Researchers recently reviewed the literature on these diets and their effects oncardiometabolichealth. They aimed to inform practitioners about the effectiveness of vegetarian and vegan diets in clinical care and bridge the gap between research and practice.
Two review studies published in October 2024 highlightthatvegetarianand vegandietscanbebeneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetesandmaylowerheart
disease risk across the generaladultpopulation.
The study on type 2 diabetes appears in AdvancesinNutrition,while theheartdiseasefindingsare published in the American Journal of Preventive Cardiology This research contributestoaninitiativeto update the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) Evidence Analysis
Library, supporting evidence-based nutrition practice.
Bothstudieswerefunded by the AND, the AND Foundation, and the AND Vegetarian Nutrition DieteticsPracticeGroup.
“We now have such an abundance of studies that have examined vegetarian dietary patterns that we’re doing reviews of reviews to systematically examine the research and contribute to evidence-based clinical practice,” Matthew Landry, PhD, RDN, an author on both studies, said in a press release.
Landry is an assistant professor of population
health and disease prevention at UC Irvine Joe C.WenSchoolofPopulation and Public Health. His
previousresearchwaspartof a prominent twin diet study Vegetarian diets may help managetype2diabetes
In a systematic review and meta-analysis, researchers examined seven randomized controlled trials on vegetarian and vegan diets for treating adults with type2diabetes.
These studies, which lasted an average of 26 weeks, involved 770 predominantly middle-aged participantsaged44to61.
Vegetarian diets generally exclude meat, poultry, and seafood, while vegandietsfurthereliminate other animal products like eggs and dairy In this review, “vegetarian” encompassedalltypes.
Results suggest with moderate certainty that vegetarian diets support blood sugar control, reducinghemoglobinA1cby 0.40% and lowering body massindexby0.96.
These diets may also allow for a reduction in diabetesmedicationandmay improve insulin sensitivity by about 10% compared to non-vegetariandiets,though theevidencewasweakerfor these effects Vegetarian
Talk series slated to commemorate...
University of Guyana, and Saurel Quettan, a Haitian American who has helped entrepreneurs, CEOs, founders, and owners of small to medium-sized businesses.
Wilson Heaton, Romario Hastings, Peter Ivey, Shaun Rampersaud, Wasim Khan, and Eldon Marks are also slated to makepresentations.
Theconferencewillalso highlight dynamic women onthepanelwhoareraising
sons. They will share their advice and insights on this journey
IlaineInêsHenzDiasis a dynamic Brazilian Entrepreneur and President of the Brazil-Guyana Chamber of Commerce Marisca Fiedtkou is the Stakeholder Relations
Director of Ramps Logistics. She is a very determined and focused young lady who is making her mark in the Oil and gas sector Nicole Dyer-Griffith is
an executive marketing consultant and an International business etiquette and protocol specialistwhosepassionfor creative entrepreneurship, proactive philanthropy and social transformation is mobilised through her chairmanship of the O2N Foundation and the G III Foundation in Trinidad and TobagoTheseeventswillbe moderated by Richard Young, Caribbean Fashion Impresario and Regional CreativeStrategist.
supported by previous scientific reviews specific to people with type 2 diabetes
However, other reviews
suggest vegan and vegetarian diets can help lower LDL cholesterol, particularly for people with cardiometabolicriskfactors.
Vegan, vegetarian diets may protect against cardiovasculardiseases
In the second study, researchers conducted an umbrella review of 21 systematic reviews to analyze how vegetarian, vegan, and non-vegetarian diets might impact cardiovascular health outcomesandriskfactors.
diets did not appear to significantly affect fasting bloodsugar,fastinginsulin, or low-density lipoprotein (LDL)cholesterollevels. Theseresultsarelargely
Only reviews published since 2018 were included to ensure more up-to-date information.
The focus was on presumably healthy adults
aged 18 and older in the general population, with most of the included r e s e
reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease by 15% anddecreasetheriskof death from cardiovascular diseaseby8%.
associated with improved
factors, with lower blood pressure, LDL cholesterol , triglycerides, body mass index(BMI).
People on a vegan diet showed lower C-reactive
Essence - It was a
d i ff e r e n t k i n d o f homecoming season for Rihanna This week, the makeup maven and pop culture icon officially celebrated the launch of Fenty Beauty across the Caribbean with a launch event in her home country, Barbados!
Rihanna announced, via Instagram back in early October, that the brands wouldofficiallybeavailable atselectretailersacrossnine
territories This includes
amas, Barbados, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Trinidad and Tobago,
Grenada, and Saint Maarten startingOctober24,2024.
“It’s always felt awkward that my brand has notbeeninmyhome,sothis is something I’ve always wantedtodo,”theBarbadian nativetoldESSENCEatthe launch event. “I’ve always pushedforit,”shesaid.“The moment that we were approvedtocomehere—we came.”
Shealsoassuredthatshe plans to continue the Fenty Beauty roll out across the Caribbean. “The Caribbean, I wear that on my back, just like I do Barbados. So even though we launched in nine islands right now, we’re gonna keep opening up and
Rihanna during the launch event for Fenty Beauty Caribbean edition in Barbados
expandingthat.We’regoing tocovertheentireCaribbean and beyond,” the superstar said.
Celebrities like Reginae Carter, as well as Barbadian Prime Minister, Mia Amor
Rihanna, who is also one of Barbados’ national heroes, delighted attendees by partying alongside guests and even taking over the DJ mic.
Mottley were in attendance at the launch event. The celebration took place this past Thursday at the idyllic QP bistro, an oceanfront restaurant overlooking the island’sdramaticwestcoast.
Rihannaalsotouchedon the impact of her Caribbean heritageonthedevelopment andtrajectoryofherbrands, stating, “beauty has always been a very sincere space. But now I’m incorporating ingredients from the island into my skincare, into my beauty,intothereasonIhave Invisimatte, the one powder that will matte you down in the moment,” especially in humidity!
“Launching in the Caribbean actually
reinforces what we’ve built this brand to be from the beginning which is inclusive. Everyone found a shade, everyone found their soulmate on our gondola,” shesaid.“Iwanttocontinue topushthat.Thefirstperson Ieversawputfoundationon their skin was my mom, a Black woman. I never knew therewasavoid.Ijustdidit frommyheartbecausethat’s whatI’veknown.”
F o r R i h a n n a ,
“inclusivity doesn’t mean skewing to one space. It meansskewingtoeveryone. Iwanteveryonetobeableto shop at Fenty Beauty, Fenty Skin, Fenty Hair—it’s my goal.”
Na t i v e t o
Australia, the lyrebird is an oddity with its ability to mimic other animals, even copying the sound of predators to scare off other predators. It can mimic
sounds, from car alarms to humanspeech.
Another cool fact about thelyrebirdisitsremarkable tail, which features two extendedfeathers,muchlike apeacock’s.
These feathers fold in
behind him, forming a heart shape, when the male performshismatingdance.
The superb lyrebird can crush scorpions with its rakelike feet. And, a new study suggests, the multitalented bird turns over more soil than any other animal on land, even earthworms and gophers
Scouring the forest floor for insects,eachbirdcankickup a whopping 388 tons of leaf litterandearthayearacross itsrangeineasternAustralia.
That beneficially aerates soils and reduces firerisk
There are six pairs of filmy whitish feathers
One pair of 60–75-cm (24–30-inch) feathers that form the arms of the “lyre” are broad and curled at the tip and are silvery on one side and marked with golden-brown crescents on theother
There are also two
equally long “wires,” narrow,stiff,slightlycurved feathersthatcorrespondtoa lyre’s strings; they are situated in the centre of the curved“arms.”
With a total length of about 1 metre (39 inches), the male lyrebird is the longest of passerine birds
An interesting fact about this bird species is found when the male
displays in small clearings, which he makes at several placesintheforest,hebrings his tail forward so that the whiteplumesformacanopy over his head and the lyrelikefeathersstandoutto the side. In this position he sings, while prancing in
interspersed with perfect mimicry of other creatures and even of mechanical sounds.
The breeding season is rainy winter, when insect foodisabundant
The nest is a large moundofsticks,usuallyon the ground, that contains a spacious chamber for the singleegg.
Nest building and incubation are done by the female,whichresemblesthe male except in tail development.
Recently,thealumni,the students, the teachers and most of the Guyanese community celebrated the 180th anniversary of the foundingofQueen’sCollege in 1844. The late Professor Norman Cameron who taught mathematics to generationsofboysandlater taught at the University of Guyana wrote the definitive History of the School which needs to be updated. Dr Patrick Dial, the oldest survivingMasterwhotaught at the School over 70 years ago, in this article, supplementstheencomiums whichhadbeenshoweredon theSchoolattheanniversary celebrations.
ThePresident,Dr Irfaan Ali,wastheguestofhonour at the celebrations and gave his charge to the students. “Youareindeedpartofarich legacy”. said President Ali, “Let there be no doubt, Queen’s College represents excellence.
I am sure without the shadow of a doubt that this institution will continue to produce some of our most illustrious sons and daughters.
Thereisnosubstitutefor hard work, and you should never shortchange hard work But also never s h o r t c h a n g e t h e environmentthatallowsyou to grow and achieve this accomplishment in your individualexcellence”.
He enjoined students to maintain their relationship and contact with the communities from which theycame;togiveahelping hand to fellow students and n o t t o a l l o w t h e competitiveness of the school milieu obfuscate the fact that competition could be used as a way for all to succeed; and he further pointedoutthattrue human excellence and brilliance go
b e y o n d a c a d e m i c a c h i e v e m e n t s o r institutional recognition PresidentAlithenadvocated that the core values of Humanity - humility, tolerance, togetherness and equity be extended to the country as a whole so as to createamodelsociety
In the past, Queen’s College, “QC”, stood out as t h e u n i q u e a n d unchallengeable premier schoolinthecountry Now, even country schools are challenging it for that
One example of such a schoolistheSarswatiVidya Niketan (SVN) of West Coast Demerara This school, from its very beginning,admittedchildren whocouldnotbeadmittedto other schools because of theirpoorperformanceatthe CommonEntranceor Grade Six and many of these former poor performers, with professional teaching and a first class learning environment,didbetterthan QCstudents.
Inotherwords,therewas an equalization of several other secondary schools such as Anna Regina, Bishops and St Stanislaus with QC and this equalization was due to QC shedding some of its d i s t i n c t i v e p a s t characteristics and some of the other secondary schools raisingtheirstandards.
Queens College has, however,stillretainedmuch of its past mystique which attracts the creme de la cremeofstudentswhomove from primary to secondary schools each year What are those distinctive past characteristics? Until the 1940’s the majority of the staff and invariably the Headmasters were recruited in Britain. They were all trained and experienced teachers and mainly earned their degrees from the best British Universities, in particular Oxford, CambridgeandLondon. BytheendofWorldWar II, locals with similar qualificationswererecruited tothestaffandbytheendof the 1950’s the staff had become almost completely Guyanizedbutthetraditions and standards were meticulously maintained.
The QC staff were comparatively well-paid Civil Servants and treated teaching at Queen’s as a career
In the 1960’s and 1970’s a few of the staff left to join theUniversityorspecialized positions in the Public Service and these included Robert Moore, Rashleigh Jackson and Insanally who joinedthenewlyestablished Foreign Service where they had distinguished careers, Jackson and Insanally even becoming Ministers of F o r e i g n A f f a i r s ; Ramsammy and Drayton to initiate and organize the Science Sector of the
University; and Harold Persaud and Patrick Dial went to organise the National Archives and as PermanentSecretary These Masters who had decided to serve elsewhere evidenced the quality of the usual QC Master
The Philosophy which guided the School was the same as that which guided the English Public Schools that is “Mens Sana in CorporeSano”-cultivatinga healthy mind in a healthy body and it is this Philosophy which informed all the activities of the School.
The bias in Guyanese Secondary Education, until very recently, had beenArts oriented. Queen’s was the first Secondary School to establish a well equipped Laboratory and seriously taught Chemistry, Physics andBiologyandtheQueen’s Laboratory was among the bestinthecountry
Many of the boys who had studied Science at Queen’s went on to brilliant careers in Medicine or as Research Scientists both locallyandabroad.
In keeping with the Philosophy of a Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body, Sportswasanimportantpart of the School’s curriculum. Cricket, Football, Hockey, Athletics and indoor sports like Chess and Badminton were compulsory and the lowerschoolformsandtheir formmasterswentouttothe playground at least once per week.
Thecricketteamsplayed in the national competitions and one or two members of the QC cricket team were always able to be picked to represent the country in the I n t e r - C a r i b b e a n tournaments.
TheAnnual Sports Day wasusuallyheldatoneofthe major cricket clubs and was attended by guests from a cross section of the Society, earned the status of a national event and was reportedinthenewspapers.
TheCadetCorpsusually consisted of three platoons and drilled twice per week with the help of sergeants from the Volunteer Force, latertheGDF
ThreeMasterswhowere interested gave their full timetotheCadets,trainedat Takama and qualified as Lieutenants in theVolunteer Force,laterGDF
The Corps itself trained at Takama for two weeks in August every year The Corps, led by the Lieutenants, took part in all national parades including Remembrance Day Members of the Corps were able to join theArmy or the Police as a career and three such cadets come to mindCommissioner of Police, Laurie Lewis and General JoeSinghandGeneralDavid Granger
The Library was by far the best school library in Guyanaandwasparticularly useful during World War II whentextbookscouldnotbe imported. It also had a comprehensivecollectionof booksforyoungpeople. Every class in the lower and middle school was
exposed to a music session onceeveryweekwherethey became acquainted with musicalnotation,thevarious ages of Music and the great composers Those who wishedtogofurtherinmusic could enroll for the Royal S c h o o l o f M u s i c Examinations which was reasonably priced since Queen’sCollegewasusedas the Centre and the invigilators were volunteers from among the Masters, thus discounting local expenses. The school song wastaughttoandsungbyall new entrants to the school and sung at all important occasions. Since Latin was compulsory until about the 1970’s, the students understood it fully and the flavour of phrases and
concepts like “nos exempla fratrum” (we are exemplars offraternalloveandrespect) was digested in the consciousness of the boys. Much reverence was given to the School song. The music teachers were all capable musicians and a teacherlikeLynetteDolphin who was decorated with the rare national honour of Order of Roraima, was a ConcertPianist. QC could recapture m a n y o f t h o s e characteristics which gave theschoolitslegendaryaura i f i t c o u l d h a v e Headmasters/Mistresseslike SangerDaviesorDoodnauth Hetramandastaffwhowere careerorientedwithteachers like N.E. Cameron, Clem YansenandChunilall.
Th e h i g h l y
anticipated GuyExpo 2024 began on Thursday at its usual location – Sophia Exhibition Complex, Georgetown. This grand exposition p r o v i d e s m a n y opportunities to showcase local products and services, create visibility of local business brands, and foster engagements towards new investment opportunities
Thousands of patrons continue to show up to this event daily as they witness and celebrate Guyana’s remarkable economic transformation, evident by the various booth displays.
T h e t h e m e f o r GuyExpo2024 is “Guyana on Show, The Fastest Growing Economy,”
businesses and investing in their growth This theme is in alignmentwith theGuyanaNationalBureau of Standards’ (GNBS) efforts to support local businesses through its variousservices.
Hence, the GNBS establisheditsboothatthe event to educate, engage, and inspire exhibitors and visitors to use standards
maintaining the quality and repu
n of Guyanese products and services. T
By enabling local
GNBS is helping to make more Guyanese goods and services competitive ontheworldstage
During the four-day event, the GNBS Product C
The GNBS monitors seventeen (17) categories of products including Electrical and Electronic Appliances, Weighing and
Footwear, Gas Stoves,
Playthings,ChristmasTrees (Continuedonpage35)
interactive sessions, Team GNBS engaged patrons on the various National Standards, Certification programmes, Training, Calibration, Testing and Ve
Frompage34 and Decorative Lighting, Cellular Phones, Gold Articles and Electrical Fittings and Equipment
Recognising that there are usually increased purchases of most of these items during the Christmas shopping season,patronswereeducated on requirements for product compliance and tips for making good buying decisions.
AswefocusonGuyExpo and beyond, in an economy definedbyrapidprogressand unlimited potential, the GNBS’ role in setting and enforcingstandardshasnever beenmorerelevant.
As such, the Bureau is proud to be the National Standards Body and is gratefulforeveryopportunity
to showcase what it does to promote a culture of quality throughstandards.
TheGNBScommendsthe MinistryofTourism,Industry andCommerceanditsteamof organisers for the successful hostingofGuyExpo2024.
No doubt, this exposition continues to meaningfully serve exhibitors as they work to place the spotlight on their many phenomenal offerings, while providing an entertainingexperienceforall attendees.
For more information on any of the Bureau’s services, call telephone numbers: 2190064/ 65/ 66, or visit the G N B S w e b s i t e : wwwgnbsgyorg You can also WhatsApp us on +592 6924627(GNBS).
From page 18 thatministry’spermanentsecretary, contract want referendum now, roasted contractors for asking “How dem does collect they and the WPA. They want to infrastructural project delays while payment, how do they collect obfuscate the key issues, they don’t reprimanding ministers, permanent payment PS, ansa hard, a want hear wanttotalkaboutdeliveryofhouse secretaries and engineers for poor yuh, ah want the whole country to lotstopeople,fulfillingtheirdream oversight. hear, they come to the Ministry of of owning a home, they don’t want Subscriptionpackages Education to collect payment but to talk about lower mortgage rates
Ali reportedly invited they can’t come to a meeting, when for people, they don’t want to talk contractors who are four months or theyarebehindonproject.” about assistance in building, like more behind on government President Ali continued to core homes or young professional projects to a 5:30 AM meeting at blister the Ministry for Education homes.” State House. All subject ministers for its poor oversight and told the He stressed that the opposition and their permanent secretaries as Minister Manickchand, “Priya yuh isnotspeakingabouttheexpansion well as engineers were also see your problem, a total lack of of healthcare, the new water mandated to attend the meeting commitment and if yall continue to treatment plants nor the iron which was streamed live on his allow it, we won’t get any success. removal plants and a number of Facebook Page and other social Out of all the contractor that was other achievements of the mediaplatforms. invited from your sector, one is
President Mohamed Irfaan Ali at Tuesday’s 5:30 AM. meeting.
The Ministers, along with their here”. desperately looking “to find some staff (Permanent Secretaries (PS) Attention was placed on the issue to mobilise themselves and Engineers) and some Ministry of Local Government. around. So I hear it’s referendum contractors arrived on time for the That ministry’s permanent this.” as “ridiculous” and hypocritical, not they want to talk about meeting. However, those who were secretary arrived late and was After disciplining his ministers, arguing that “they (AFC) hid this referendum on thing…this is the late were locked out of the forced to stand outside of State Ali warned contractors that if the contract for nearly two years same party that signed the 2016 President’shome. House. The head engineer for that projects are not finished by year without telling the people of agreement.” The VP made it clear
The contractors were badly ministrywasalsolate. end, then their contracts will be Guyana that they have signed a that his government will not be scolded for all to see. The live “That is why these projects terminated. contract that is perhaps the most caught in that trap as “GECOM broadcast, which was widely can’t complete, they gating,” the He said, ”There are certain important document ever signed in must focus on preparing for the circulated, was viewed by at least presidentdeclared. basic things necessary in thehistoryofGuyana.” 2025 elections…They would love 145,000persons.Theministersand He then asked “What is the conditioning your minds to be Moreover, he said that the legal to have GECOM or someone else the engineers and other technical name of the PS?” and added “A successful…the first thing is framework of the PSA explicitly particularly GECOM divert their staff were not spared. They were want yuh announce it (PS’ Name) positivity, what type of energy states that it cannot be altered attention to something else. We are reprimandedforpooroversight. letthepeoplehear.” youdemonstrate”. without permission from both not falling into that trap at all. So
The head of state singled out The permanent secretary’s Ali added, ”From his very parties, rendering any referendum that’s the only thing that they can each ministry and instructed the name was given as Miguel meeting,theapproachfromsome powerless regardless of public comeupwithrightnow.” ministers, permanent secretaries Chukhan The Engineer was of the contractors and the sentiment. “Thecontractitselfsays On November 5, the Kaieteur and engineers to stand before identifiedasSatrohanNauth. engineers, tell me that the right in about 10 clauses…that it cannot News reported that the Working naming each contractor guilty of Minister with responsibility for balance of energy is not existing be altered unilaterally It can only People’sAlliance(WPA)saidthatit delayedprojects.
Finance Dr Ashni Singh did not for an effect (tive) project be altered with consent by both supports the call for a referendum
The meeting began with the escape the president’s ire. The managementenvironment.” parties,” the minister said on the 2016 oil contract with Ministry of Culture Youth and president asked him whether he He reminded the contractors Acknowledging the unfavourable ExxonMobil ahead of the 2025 Sport andAli called on EC Modern tolerates the lax and tardy that if they fail to complete their terms of the agreement, Minister General and Regional Elections. Design, GD’s Construction and behaviourathismeetings. projects then they will be black Nandlall declared that the The WPAsaid too while it does not Supplies, Angad Ghanesh, Morris Dr Singh tried to explain listed. government will honour the oppose such move, “we strongly JefferiesEnterprise. insteadofprovidingadirectanswer agreement to protect Guyana’s feel that such a referendum must
He then moved on to the and in response President Ali said, Thursday credentials as an honest investment alsocoverthedistributionoftheoil Ministry of Tourism, Industry and “And I don’t wanna see semantics destination until a renegotiation is resources to the people and a form Commerce. this morning and words, is yes or “Regardless of a madepossible. of governance to be adopted as we The Minister was unavailable no” referendum ExxonM By honouring the agreement, transition into a petro state,” Dr but the permanent secretary did not Singh responded that there are has to consent to change Guyana will solidify itself as a David Hinds co-leader of the party a t t e n d t h e m e e t i n g contractors who fail to attend oil deal -AG,Anil Nandlall countrycommittedtorespectingall said.” The party is of the view that Notwithstanding, the president meetingsfromtimetotime. international agreements and the issues are interrelated and named the contractors working on Meanwhile, Minister of Public Attorney General and Minister democraticprinciplesincludingthe thereforethegovernment’scontract projects that are under the purview WorksJuanEdghillwasscoldedby ofLegalAffairs,AnilNandlall,SC, rule of law According to the AG, with ExxonMobil and its partners of that ministry as was done for the the president for trying to make has dismissed calls for a the rule of law is imperative to should not be examined separately previousministry excuses for a delayed project. referendum on the ExxonMobil economic success as “obeying the from the government’s “political He continued the trend until he Similarly,acontractorhadobjected 2016 profit sharing agreement rule of law is instrumental in social contract” with the citizens of unleashed a scolding on everyone saying that he was not at fault for (PSA), labelling the proposal as creating the type of investment that Guyana. when he found out some the delay in the project he was “politically driven” and “a waste of will conduce to large investments For its part, the Alliance For contractors were late for the awarded since he did not receive a time.” comingtoyourcountry.” Change (AFC) said it too supports meeting and others did not attend commencementletter His comments differ from that Committed to transparent calls for a referendum on the deal. the meeting. Minister of Human This was the case with a few of Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo governance, the government has Chairman of the party, David Services and Social Protection Dr contractors. who has not altogether ruled out a publicised its standard PSAmodel. Patterson in response to a question Vindhya Persaud was not at the The President asked the vote on the lopsided contract, but Further, all contracts signed by the posed by Kaieteur News made it meeting and this appeared to have Ministry’s engineer for an instead insisted that he does not government going forward will be clear that the AFC believes that a angeredthePresident. explanation and the technical want to confuse citizens with such done in accordance with the referendum should be held prior to “There is a reason why I called officerclaimedthatheprovidedthe anexerciseatthistime. established and critically approved the 2025 elections However, thismeeting,”hesaidbeforeadding commencement letter but the According to a Department of PSAmodel. Patterson made it clear that oil and “Because for these projects to be contractor maintained he did not Public Information release, Meanwhile,Jagdeolastweekat gas is not the lone issue that continueditrequireseffort.” receiveit. Nandlall speaking on his weekly hisweeklynewsconferencedidnot requires a referendum. He pointed Minister Priya Manickchand Amidst the exchange between programme “Issues in the News,” completely rule out the idea of to the need to make amendments to and her staff were next in line to be the contractor and the engineer, Minister Nandlall criticised the having a referendum to renegotiate certain clauses in the Constitution reprimanded. Minister Edghill informed the Alliance For Change (AFC) and the 2016 oil deal but he told and those proposed amendments After learning that one of the president that “terrible bad blood’ Working People’s Alliance (WPA) reporters that he wants the Guyana should be put to a vote via a contractors working with the between the contractor and the for proposing a referendum on an Elections Commission (GECOM) referendum. Ministry reportedly did not have a engineer and it is affecting his agreement they finalised without toplaceitsfocussolelyonthe2025 In addition to the political representative in the city, Ali Ministry’sprojectManagement. prior public consultation or input elections. Jagdeo said that the parties, several commentators and reacted by saying, “That is what Ali responded, “That is how we fromthethenopposition. oppositionhasfoundanewcauseto ordinary citizens supported the call y’all taking? The excuses from managing project now? By bad According to DPI, the legal speakonandthisisthereferendum. for a referendum Chartered thesepeopleallthetime”. blood? Man Minister… I ain’t affairs minister described the “So one of the new causes… the Accountandlawyer,Christopher He then turned his attention to expect you fuh get up and tell me AFC’s push for public interference people who signed the 2016 (Continued on page 37)
From page 36
Attorney General, Anil Nandlall Ram weighing in on the matter has that a referendum on the lopsided said that Jagdeo is looking for oil contract would be a waste of excuses to downplay calls for a time,sayingthattheseniorminister referendum on the renegotiation of was speaking in his personal the country’s oil contract with U.S. capacity and not that of the oil giant, ExxonMobil. In a recent government. column published in the Stabroek
Instead,Jagdeosaidwhilethere News titled, ‘Renegotiations, might well be issues regarding R e f e r e n d u m s , a n d bringing ExxonMobil to the table Reality–response to Ram & even with a successful referendum, McRae’sSurvey,’Ramsaidthatthe he would prefer to deal with the Vice President has no power to matter after next year’s general and decide whether Guyanese can have regionalelections. a referendum. “Let us be clear: it is A referendum is a general vote not within any VP’s power to by the electorate on a single decide whether Guyanese can have political question that has been a referendum. The Constitution referred to them for a direct establishes referendums as a decision A
democratic tool, with such Department of Public Information decisions resting with the National release, Nandlall speaking on his Assembly and the President, not weekly programme “Issues in the with a party official, however high News,” Tuesday evening criticised up.WhileMr JagdeoistheGeneral theAllianceForChange(AFC)and Secretary of the ruling party, he is Working People’s Alliance (WPA) not even the First Vice President – for proposing a referendum on an that position belongs to Brigadier agreement they finalised without Mark Phillips by virtue of his prior public consultation or input positionasPrimeMinister.” fromthethenopposition.
Additionally, businessman, and
According to DPI, the legal advocateforabetteroildeal,Glenn affairs minister described the Lall also joined calls for the come to demand our rightful share block.
target between 120-180 thousand AFC’s push for public interference referendum. Lall told this by demanding a referendum on this Oil was discovered in the barrels per day (kbd). Exxon is as “ridiculous” and hypocritical, newspaperthatthenationcannotsit oilcontract.” Stabroek Block in 2015. The aiming to commence production arguing that “they (AFC) hid this silently and watch ExxonMobil, following year, the previous activities by 2029, following the contract for nearly two years with the full support of the ExxonM produced Coalition Government signed a requisiteapprovals. without telling the people of government and other leaders, haul 500 million barrels of oil Production Sharing Agreement The daily production capacity Guyana that they have signed a away “our oil by the barrel, while Since 2019 - Company says (PSA) with Exxon That deal being targeted for Hammerhead, is contract that is perhaps the most handing us our share by the waives all taxes and caters for it to significantlylowercomparedtothe important document ever signed in teaspoon.”
The operator of the Stabroek bepaidbythegovernmentoutofits last three projects sanctioned, the history of Guyana.” Moreover, He added: “how can we stay Block, ExxonMobil Guyana share Guyana receives a 2% which each target over 200 kbd. he said that the legal framework of quiet, knowing that the PNC/AFC Limited (EMGL) on Wednesday royalty; it allows Exxon and its co- H
the PSA explicitly states that it sold us out with such a lopsided announced that it has reached 500 venturers to recover up to 75% of approximately 13 miles (21 cannot be altered without deal and still keep on smiling million barrels of oil produced production costs before the kilometers)southwestoftheLiza-1 permission from both parties, through it all? How can we keep since starting up production here remaining 25% is shared between well and follows previous rendering any referendum living with our mouths shut, fiveyearsago. Guyana and the Stabroek Block discoveries on the Stabroek Block powerless regardless of public watching the PPP, who once The Stabroek Block is partners. After accounting for the at Liza, Liza Deep, Payara, Snoek, sentiment. “Thecontractitselfsays criticised and condemned that very estimated to hold some 11.6 billion 2% royalty, cost recovery, and Turbot, Ranger, Pacora and in about 10 clauses…that it cannot deal, now sitting comfortably in barrels of oil equivalent. The U.S profit sharing, Guyana’s total take Longtail. be altered unilaterally It can only office, embracing that same oil giant holds 45% interest in the from the oil produced is 14.5% of Notably, while Exxon is hoping be altered with consent by both arrangement and accepting that block, while its partners Hess thetotalvalueoftheoil. to get approval for the parties,” the minister said samemeagreteaspoon?” Guyana Exploration Ltd and The first three projects – Liza Hammerhead project by mid-2025, Acknowledging the unfavourable The issue of a referendum CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Phase 1, Liza Phase 2 and Payara VicePresident(VP)BharratJagdeo terms of the agreement, Minister comes amid the government and Limited hold 30% and 25% are averaging more than 650,000 hassaidthathehaddiscontinuedan Nandlall declared that the opposition stubbornly refusing to respectively barrels of oil per day (bpd) in advertisement initiated by the government will honour the demand changes to the contract to Exxon said in a statement, production. The ExxonMobil-led Ministry of Natural Resources agreement to protect Guyana’s include among other things ring- “Their (the Stabroek Block co- consortium has plans in place to seeking a consultant to review credentials as an honest investment fencing provisions, a higher ventures) industry-leading pace of grow production capacity to more ExxonMobil’s Field Development destination until a renegotiation is royaltyandforthecompanytopay development enabled this than 1.3 million bpd by the end of Plan (FDP) for the Hammerhead madepossible. taxes. production milestone less than five 2027, when they anticipate having development. He said he made this However, at his weekly news A referendum is a general vote years after Guyana became an oil- all six projects up and running decision because the information conference on Thursday at by the electorate on a single producingnation.” offshore. This will include the the company presented thus far is Freedom House, when Jagdeo was political question that has been For his part, EMGL’s President additionoftheYellowtail,Uaruand incomplete. Meanwhile, the EPA asked to comment on Nandlall’s referred to them for a direct Alistair Routledge said, “our Whiptailprojects. has advanced its part in relation to statements and to say definitively decision. unrivaled success in developing Moreover, Exxon has already the application that was made by whether he supports a referendum Lallacknowledgingthatseveral Guyana’s oil resources at an made an application to the EMGL for Environmental he said: “what Nandlall is citizens have been calling for industry-leading pace, cost and Environmental Protection Agency Authorisation for its seventh expressing is not the view of the renegotiation said, if Guyanese environmental performance is built (EPA) for Environmental project. On November 6, EPA government. It’s a personal view, truly want the contract to change, on close collaboration with the Authorisation for a seventh project published the Terms and Scope to he’s expressing a personal view on then it must come from them. Government of Guyana, as well as calledtheHammerhead. guide the preparation of the the matter.” He underscored that “From all of us. It is crystal clear our co-venturers, suppliers and Hammerhead was announced Environmental Impact Assessment while the possibility of a that none of the country’s three contractors.” as Exxon’s ninth commercial (EIA) for the Hammerhead referendum could be discussed in main political parties are going to He added, “we remain discovery in August 2018. The Development. the future, it was not a priority for lift a finger to make the changes we committed to Guyana for the long- Hammerhead-1 well was drilled in thegovernmentatthisstage. sodesperatelyneed—togiveusour term and look forward to continue a new reservoir, encountering Friday Similar to comments made by rightful share by the barrel rather delivering for the country.” approximately 197 feet (60 meters) theAttorney General regarding the than by the teaspoon. Why won’t Notably,thestatementoutlinedthat of high-quality, oil-bearing Referendum can be looked at effectiveness of a referendum they act? You and I both know the Exxon, Hess and CNOOC have sandstone reservoir The well was after elections- VPJagdeo givingthetermsofthePSA,Jagdeo answertothat,andwecannotallow committed nearly US$55 billion to safely drilled to 13,862 feet (4,225 explained that a referendum would this betrayal to continue into develop six government- meters) depth in 3,773 feet (1,150 Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo notbeeffectiveunlessExxonMobil another election. The time has sanctioned projects in the offshore meters) of water The project will has dismissed comments from (Continued on page 38)
From page 37
Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo
while he was attempting to that he was shot five times in Agreement (PSA) that was alsoagreedtorenegotiatethe illegally sell firearms”, the back and once in the signed by the previous A termsofthecontract.“Ifthey Dexter Todd and Associates chest. He had left to mourn Partnership for National d o n ’t a g r e e t o t h e stated in a statement before his family and friends, Unity (APNU) and Alliance renegotiation as per the adding “however, by letter including his three years old For Change (AFC) Coalition contract that APNU (A dated July 24, 2024 the son, the law firm said. The g o v e r n m
w i t h Partnership for National Office of the Attorney circumstances which led to ExxonMobil. Unity) signed, you are back General wrote the attorneys the death of Mr Bacchus He said that the deal was toarbitration,youarebackto for Mr Bacchus’ mother, as caused great public outcry, n
court cases,” Jagdeo noted.
well as the judge, indicating national grief, massive “suboptimal” conditions “Having a referendum does that the State has accepted protests across Guyana and “Governance must evolve to not deal with the most liability for the brutal the temporary lock down of meet the aspirations of the contentious issue, which the shooting and requested that certainareasofthecountry people. My administration contract says that the only the court make a decision on would ensure greater way you can solve it the quantum of damages to Saturday transparency in contracts, amicablyistorenegotiatethe begrantedtotheestateofthe
contract with the agreement deceased”.
AFC’s leader, Hughes necessary to protect the ofbothparties.” Submissions from both promises to national interest,” Hughes He reiterated that the sides were made and the prioritize country’s added. G u y a n a E l e c t i o n s Judge ruled that Bacchus’ interest above Exxon’s Hughes concluded by the oil resources to the belongs to Brigadier Mark Commission (GECOM) killing “breached his right to as law firm remains stressing the importance of people and a form of Phillips by virtue of his should focus on preparing life, as protected under the on company’s payroll a
governance to be adopted as positionasPrimeMinister.” for the 2025 general constitution of Guyana,” the collaboration in governance, we transition into a petro A d d i t i o n a l l y , elections, and that any law firm said. The court While his law firm – reaffirming his readiness to state For its part, the businessman, and advocate discussions on a referendum reportedly ordered the State Hughes, Fields and Stoby lead with integrity and a Alliance For Change (AFC) for a better oil deal, Glenn could be postponed until to pay $1 million for funeral remains on ExxonMobil focusonnationalunity saidittoosupportscallsfora Lall also joined calls for the after the elections. “We have expenses, $$22.5 million as Guyana Limited (EMGL’s) This publication had referendum on the deal referendum. Lall told this timeenoughtodealwiththat damages for breach of his payroll – leader of the reported that following Chairmanoftheparty,David newspaper that the nation after the elections. But right right to life and five hundred Alliance For Change (AFC) Hughes’ appointment as Patterson in response to a cannot sit silently and watch now,GECOMmustfocuson thousand dollars ($500,000) Nigel Hughes promises to leader of the AFC a few question posed by Kaieteur ExxonMobil, with the full one question, which is in court costs. According to prioritize the nation’s months ago, concerns were News made it clear that the support of the government holding elections within the the law firm, investigations i n t e r e s t a b o v e raised about a potential
AFC believes that a and other leaders, haul away constitutional prescribed revealed that there was no ExxonMobil’s. conflict of interest with him referendum should be held “our oil by the barrel, while timeframe,”Jagdeosaid. authorised police operation Subscriptionpackages beingtheleaderofapolitical prior to the 2025 elections. handing us our share by the The Vice President in Haslington when Bacchus Hughesmadeitclearthat party while having Exxon as However, Patterson made it teaspoon.” He added: “how highlighted that Exxon has was shot and that no Police the nation’s interest will take aclient. clear that oil and gas is not can we stay quiet, knowing madetheirpositionclearthat Commander was aware of precedence over any Vice President Bharrat the lone issue that requires a that the PNC/AFC sold us they will not be up for a such. personal or professional ties. Jagdeohadsuggestedthatan referendum. He pointed to out with such a lopsided deal renegotiation of the oil deal. Givingsomebackground He made those statements in investigation will be t h e n e e d t o m a k e and still keep on smiling That deal waives all taxes into the case, the law firm a recent letter in response to launched into Hughes’ amendments to certain through it all? How can we and caters for it to be paid by saidasaresultoftheincident concerns raised by Dr. relationship with his client, clauses in the Constitution keep living with our mouths the government out of its and the investigation several RandyPersaud. Exxon. While Hughes has and those proposed shut, watching the PPP, who share. Guyana receives a 2% police ranks were allegedly Hughes clarified his already acknowledged the amendmentsshouldbeputto once criticised and royalty; it allows Exxon and placed on close arrest by the stanceonmanagingpotential critics saying that while he is avoteviaareferendum. condemned that very deal, itsco-venturerstorecoverup Guyana Police Force In conflicts of interest, stating, a Politically Exposed Person In addition to the now sitting comfortably in to 75% of production costs addition to DeNobrega, two “The relationship between (PEP), there is no law that political parties, several office, embracing that same before the remaining 25% is other ranks: Lance Corporal m y l a w f i r m a n d prevents him from having commentators and ordinary arrangement and accepting shared between Guyana and Simo
the oil company as a client. citizens supported the call thatsamemeagreteaspoon?” the Stabroek Block partners. McLennon, were also professional one, governed However, he noted that for a referendum. Chartered After accounting for the 2% charged with attempting to by ethical standards. As a should he become President,
Account and lawyer,
State to pay $24M royalty, cost recovery, and
obstructthecourseofjustice. leader, I would ensure a he will cut ties with the Christopher Ram weighing for police killing of profit sharing, Guyana’s Lance Corporal Simon was firewall between personal company in on the matter has said that Quindon Bacchus total take from the oil alsochargedwiththeoffence interests and public duties, Also, President of Jagdeoislookingforexcuses produced is 14.5% of the of conduct prejudicial to prioritizing national interest ExxonMobil Guyana to downplay calls for a Justice Nigel Niles on totalvalueoftheoil. goodorderanddiscipline. unequivocally.” AlistairRoutledgehadadded referendum In a recent Wednesday ordered the state Jagdeo added that any
The post-mortem report The AFC leader added his voice to the debate on column published in the to pay the family of Quindon Guyanese, including himself notedthatBacchusdiedfrom that legislative frameworks whether there is a conflict of Stabroek News titled, Bacchus$24Mforhiskilling would want more out of the multiple gunshot wounds. could further institutionalize interest having Hughes on ‘ R e n e g o t i a t i o n s , backin2022. deal. “Would I like to have
Dr Nehaul Singh in the safeguards to prevent theirpayroll. R e f e r e n d u m s , a n d
Bacchus, a father of one, 75% instead of 52% in the autopsy report revealed that conflicts. Routledge had said, Reality–response to Ram & was shot dead on June 10, future when all the costs are Bacchus received six Hughes also addressed “…What I will say is that we McRae’s Survey,’ Ram said 2022 in Haslington, East takenintoconsideration?We gunshots and also confirmed the 2016 Production Sharing comply with all laws and thattheVicePresidenthasno Coast Demerara (ECD) by would love that. But the regulations he
e and power to decide whether police Lance Corporal government of 2016 signed internationally so we don’t Guyanese can have a Kristoff DeNobrega an agreement that says the believe we have any conflict referendum.“Letusbeclear: DeNobrega has been onlywayyoucouldhavethis ofinterest[or]anyissues.” it is not within any VP’s charged with Bacchus’ amicably solved is with the power to decide whether murder and the case is still agreement of the two Norton not opposed Guyanese can have a ongoing but the family had parties,”hesaid. to referendum on r e f e r e n d u m T h e sued the state and won Kaieteur News had renegotiation of oil Constitution establishes according to the law firm reported the Working contract - but says Exxon referendums as a democratic representing them, Dexter People’s Alliance (WPA) will need to agree before tool, with such decisions ToddandAssociates. saying that it supports the any changes are made resting with the National The law firm said that call for a referendum on the Assembly and the President, Bacchus’ mother had filed 2016 oil contract with Leader of the People’s not with a party official, the lawsuit. “The State first ExxonMobil ahead of the National Congress Reform however high up. While Mr defendedtheaction,denying 2025 General and Regional (PNCR),AubreyNorton,has Jagdeo is the General liability for the killing and Elections. The WPAsaid too stated that while he is not Secretary of the ruling party, claiming that Mr Bacchus that such a referendum must opposedtoareferendumon he is not even the First Vice died during an authorised also cover the distribution of (Continued on page 39) President – that position police undercover operation
From page 38
renegotiating the 2016 ExxonMobil Production Sharing Agreement(PSA),anyamendmentstothecontractwouldstill requirethecompany’sagreement.
Areferendumisageneralvotebytheelectorateonasingle political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision.
Speakingathisparty’spressconferenceonFriday,Norton remarked, “If there is a referendum, it will say that is the popularwillofthepeople,ifitsucceedsifitfails,itwillsayits unpopular but in the final analysis what governs the thing is the PSAand the PSAmakes it very clear that the changes can bemadebuttheyhavetobedoneengagingExxonMobil.”
The PNCR leader emphasized that while he would not oppose efforts to gauge public opinion, the binding nature of thecontractmustremaintheguidingprinciple.“Thatdoesnot meanthatIdisagreewithsomeonedoingapolltoseeifpeople wantareferendumonit.Ifpeoplewantareferendum,theycan haveareferendumonit,Ihavenoproblemwiththatbutinthe finalanalysis,onewillstillhavetobeguidedbythecontract,” headded.
On Thursday, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo dismissed comments from Attorney General, Anil Nandlall S.C that a referendum on the lopsided oil contract would be a waste of time, saying that the senior minister was speaking in his personal capacity and not that of the government. Instead, Jagdeo said while there might very well be issues regarding bringing ExxonMobil to the table even with a successful referendum,hewouldprefertodealwiththematterafternext year’sgeneralandregionalelections.
Nandlall speaking on his weekly programme, “Issues in the News” on Tuesday evening criticised the Alliance For Change (AFC) and Working People’s Alliance (WPA) for proposing a referendum on an agreement they finalised without prior public consultation or input from the then opposition.
According to DPI, the Minister of Legal Affairs argued that the legal framework of the PSA explicitly states that it cannot be altered without permission from both parties, rendering any referendum powerless regardless of public sentiment.
Similar to comments made by the Attorney General regarding the effectiveness of a referendum giving the terms of the PSA, Jagdeo explained that a referendum would not be effective unless ExxonMobil also agreed to renegotiate the terms of the contract. “If they don’t agree to the renegotiation as per the contract that APNU (A Partnership for National Unity) signed, you are back to arbitration, you are back to court cases,” Jagdeo noted. “Having a referendum does not deal with the most contentious issue, which the contract says that the only way you can solve it amicably is to renegotiate thecontractwiththeagreementofbothparties.”
Thedealatthecenterofthediscussionwaivesalltaxesand caters for it to be paid by the government out of its share. Guyana receives a 2% royalty; it allows Exxon and its coventurers to recover up to 75% of production costs before the remaining 25% is shared between Guyana and the Stabroek Block partners. After accounting for the 2% royalty, cost recovery, and profit sharing, Guyana’s total take from the oil producedis14.5%ofthetotalvalueoftheoil.
(this short story is from his book Fifty Famous People - A Book of Short Stories, 1912 and is in the PublicDomain)
In Richmond, Virginia, oneSaturdaymorning,anold man went into the market to buy something He was dressed plainly, his coat was worn, and his hat was dingy Onhisarmhecarriedasmall basket.
"I wish to get a fowl for to-morrow'sdinner,"hesaid.
The market man showed him a fat turkey, plump and whiteandreadyforroasting.
"Ah! that is just what I want,"saidtheoldman."My wife will be delighted with it." He asked the price and paid for it. The market man wrappedapaperrounditand putitinthebasket.
Just then a young man steppedup."Iwilltakeoneof those turkeys," he said. He wasdressedinfinestyleand carriedasmallcane.
"Shall I wrap it up for you?"askedthemarketman.
"Yes, here is your money,"answeredtheyoung gentleman;"andsendittomy houseatonce."
"I cannot do that," said the market man. "My errand
boyissickto-day,andthere is no one else to send Besides, it is not our custom todelivergoods."
"Then how am I to get it home?" asked the young gentleman.
"I suppose you will have to carry it yourself," said the marketman."Itisnotheavy."
"Carryitmyself!Whodo you think I am? Fancy me carrying a turkey along the street!" said the young gentleman; and he began to grow very angry The old manwhohadboughtthefirst turkey was standing quite near. He had heard all that wassaid.
"Excuseme,sir,"hesaid; "but may I ask where you live?"
"I live at Number 39, Blank Street," answered the young gentleman; "and my nameisJohnson."
"Well,thatislucky,"said the old man, smiling "I happentobegoingthatway, andIwillcarryyourturkey,if youwillallowme."
"Oh, certainly!" said Mr Johnson."Hereitis.Youmay follow me " When they reachedMr Johnson'shouse, the old man politely handed him the turkey and turned to go.
"Here, my friend, what shall I pay you?" said the younggentleman.
"Oh, nothing, sir, nothing," answered the old man. "It was no trouble to me,andyouarewelcome."
He bowed and went on.
Young Mr Johnson looked after him and wondered Then he turned and walked brisklybacktothemarket.
"Who is that polite old gentleman who carried my turkey for me?" he asked of themarketman.
"That is John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States. He is one of the greatestmeninourcountry," wastheanswer.
The young gentleman was surprised and ashamed. "Whydidheoffertocarrymy turkey?"heasked.
"Hewishedtoteachyoua lesson,"answeredthemarket man.
"What sort of lesson?" "Hewishedtoteachyouthat no man should feel himself too fine to carry his own packages."
"Oh, no!" said another manwhohadseenandheard itall."JudgeMarshallcarried theturkeysimplybecausehe wished to be kind and obliging.Thatishisway."
· PlasticFillableLightbulbs
· Cardstock (fall colors: Red, Yellow, Orange,Brown)
· RedandBrownPipeCleaners
· Mediumsizegooglyeyes
· OrangeCraftFoam
· FallColoredCandy(Ex:Reese'sPieces orM&M's)-about½cupperlightbulb
· GlueDots
· CraftEquipmentRecommended:
· Scissors
· Pencil
· Funnel Instructions
1. After gathering all the supplies, trace your child's hand or your hand in all four colorsandcutthemout.Setthemaside.
2. On the plastic light bulb, using two glue dots adhere googly eyes at the narrow portionofthebulb.
3. Cut the orange craft form into a small triangleforthebeakandsetaside
4 Cut both the brown and red pipe cleaners at 2 inches.You will need 4 brown
and one red per turkey
Twist the red pipe cleaner to the shape of a wattle (like a tear drop), and twist 2 brown pipe cleaners togethertomakeeachfoot
5. Place a glue dot on the back of the orangebeakandthenattachittotheredpipe cleanerwattle.
Usinganothergluedotsecurebothpieces tothelightbulbjustundertheeyes.
6.Adhere both feet to the bottom of the lightbulbwithtwomoregluedots.
7. Fan out the cut-out hands and glue themtothebackoftheturkeylightbulb
8. With the twist off cap removed, use a smallkitchenfunneltoaddfallcoloredcandy tothelightbulb.
9.Usethehandprintlightbulbturkeyasa place setting for the kids table at Thanksgiving, a gift for a neighbour or teacher or just a cute Thanksgiving decoration.
Icecream,cookiesandfruitcake, Chocolate,candyandothersweets, Aswellasburgers,pizzaandmilk-shake.
WhenIcelebratemybirthday Gotothepark,seawallandcreek, AndenjoyChristmasandotherholidays.
Butthethingthatmakesmefeelthebest, Andmakesmeproudindeed, IswhenItrytohelpsomeone, Orgivethemsomethingtheyneed.
Istartbydoingmoreworkathome, Thentrytomakemyfamilyfeelgood; NextIamkindertoallmyfriends, AndhelpmyneighboursinanywayIcould.
Iamsurethattheenjoyablethings that happened to you in the past that you most remember are not the big ones,likethetimeyouwentonatrip,or thepresentsthatyougotatChristmas, oryourbirthday Thethingsthatstick in your memory, and allow you to go over them and enjoy them once again, are the times you connected with the members of your family or some friend. These are the times when you feel at one with them, that you are together whatever happens, when you felt the sense of belonging to a group that you enjoy being with, and being loved. This proves that life is not aboutacquiringmoneyandotherstuff, or being a big shot, or even having a great career It is all about building relationships with others, especially thoseclosesttoyou. Hereareafew things you can keep doing to develop healthy relationships with those who
Treatpeoplethewayyouwanttobe treated;
UncleRoyisonceagainappealingtoallteenstowrite tohimaboutanyproblemyoumaybefacingforwhichyou needasolution.
He would also like you to contribute to this Page by submitting other material that he can include here. These include:
1. A poem, short story or bit of advice that you have writtenandwouldliketosharewithyourfellowteens.
Let people know you appreciate them and admire them for doing somethinggood; E x p r e s s gratitude to those who share their liveswithyou; Remember that manners can make the difference between a loss and awin; Speak with loveandrespect; Be kind to yourself and to
2. Any significant event that has happened, or any interestingitemaboutwhatisgoingoninyourcommunity
3. A commentary about where you live to acquaint othersaboutit.
4.Anyadviceyouwouldliketopassontothoselikeyou whichwouldservetomakethembetter,andbeofbenefitto ourpeople.
As mentioned before, you can email me at:
Express yourself to your parents, brothersandsisters,afriend,someone you trust, especially when your emotionsseemoutofbalance;
Pay attention and act according to yourconscience;
Ask for help when you feel somethingisaboveyou;
Tellthetruthalways,andbehonest inallyourdealings;
Try to give some of your time and energytowardsyourcommunity;
Live up to your principles irrespectiveofwhatotherssayordo. Followtheserulesandyouwill always be in control of your life, and touch the lives of the people you meet inameaningfulway
Loveissomething,ifyougiveitaway, Youwillendupwithmorethanbefore; Itisjustlikeamagicpenny, Holdittightandyouhavenomore.
Itneverhurtstosendforthlove, Forwehavesomuchtospare; Godgaveussomeextrahelpings, Sothatwewillhavemuchtoshare.
Itneverhurtstofindsomeone, Wholiveswithpainandsorrow, Andbringthatsomeonehopeandfaith, Enoughtofacetomorrow
Itneverhurtstoprayforthose Whocannotfindtheirway; Ifwewerelostandlonelytoo, We'dwantsomeonetopray
Within each of the seven realms
l i v e s a l o n e q u e e n T o maintain
t h e p e a c e , queens must not threaten each other: no row,
c o l u m n , n o r diagonal may have more than one queen!
Of all the things we have to strive for, building happy for relationships with the others in our life is the most important.
Abstract Fall Manicure forNovember
The simplest designs cangetamajorfallupgrade so long as you pair it with deep jewel tones and muted hues, like this abstract look above. Play around with placement for a more tailored look, or opt for the same design throughout withvaryingcolors.
Tortoiseshell French Tips Tortoiseshell nails will never not be in for fall But feel free to make yours feel a bit more fancy with these added gold studs Thekey is to bring teeny-tiny studs to your nail appointment (or to DIY with), so as to notovertakeyourdesign
Airbrushed Aura Nails
C o n s i d e r t h i s watercolor, bright nail design the next gen of aura nails Nail artist
airbrushed these on to get that blended, perfectly imperfectlookoneachnail BUT a super cool hack I saw on TikTok involved using eyeshadow to fake it if you don't have an airbrush tool Paint on a base color, then take an eyeshadowbrushanddipit into your color of choice and pat it on your nails
Onceyou'refinished,apply atopcoattosealitallinand addshine Fall Floral Nail Design
To the untrained eye, these look like a stunning set of fall floral nails And that they are! But IYKYK, they're meant to mimic the piano Taylor Swift playing during the surprise songs at the Eras Tour
I am, personally, mourning the end of the Eras era and feel like memorializing it on your nailsthismonthfeelsjust right
French Tips
By Shania Williams
In the remote wilderness of SouthAmerica, few places remain as enigmatic and untouched as Mount Roraima, a colossal tabletop mountain that straddlesthebordersofVenezuela, Guyana,andBrazil.
For British adventurer, Charlie BicknellfromtheUnitedKingdom scalingtheheightsofRoraimawas not just about the thrill of exploration — it was the latest challengeinhisambitiousquestto climb the tallest peaks in every country in South America. But in Guyana, Bicknell’s journey was anythingbutordinary Hismission was to know where exactly the tallestpointonRoraimais.
“I came to Guyana to find the tallest point on Mount Roraima,” says Bicknell, 31, who is attemptingtobreakaworldrecord byclimbingthehighestpeaksinall 12SouthAmericancountries.
“Most countries know where
Bicknell and a companion climbing the mountain
their highest point is, but no one knewwherethetallestpointwason Roraima—especially in Guyana. It’s like a giant table, with peaks scattered across it, and it wasn’t clearwherethehighestpartwas.”
Bicknell’s journey to Guyana began in 2023, when he set out from Venezuela with a small team of climbers. Armed with state-ofthe-art GPS devices and climbing gear,theysetouttoscaletherugged terrain of Roraima’s Guyanese section, which is notoriously difficulttoaccess.
“The mountain has very steep cliffs and huge canyons,” Bicknell explains. “You can’t just walk to the top.You need proper climbing equipment,andittakesdays.”
Despite the technical difficulties, Bicknell and his team of three climbers pressed on. “We took all the climbing gear, including drills and altitude measurement instruments,” he says. Their goal was not only to reach the top but to measure the
altitude and definitively pinpoint the highest point in Guyana, a location previously believed to be inVenezuela.
After an intense journey that involved navigating rocky slopes, slippery surfaces, and unpredictable weather, Bicknell finallyreachedthesummit.
“Wewalkedforanentiredayto reach the peak,” Bicknell recalls. “When we got there, we realized the tallest point was not in Venezuela but right here, in Guyana.Themeasurementshowed
Charlie Bicknell on the peak of Mount Roraima
it was 2,839 meters—82 meters higherthanthepreviouslyrecorded highestpointinVenezuela.”
While most climbers and explorershadlongassumedthatthe highest point on Roraima was on the Venezuelan side, Bicknell’s measurements confirmed that the tallestpeakwas,infact,locatedon theGuyanesesideofthemountain.
“The information was historically unclear,” he says. “I had three devices with me to measure the altitude, including a GPS watch, a barometer, and my phone. Every singleoneconfirmedthatthispoint inGuyanawastaller Itwasahuge moment.”
But the journey was far from simple.Thefirstexpeditionin2023 had to turn back early due to dangerous conditions. “The rock was very slippery, and we didn’t haveenoughequipment,”Bicknell explains.“Theriskwastoohigh,so wedecidedtoreturnforsafety.But the second expedition, in May 2024, was when we finally succeeded.”
Thisambitiousprojectisdeeply personal for Bicknell, who has set his sights on climbing the tallest peaks across South America. He began his journey in June 2023, tackling the highest mountain in Venezuelafirst.
However, his venture into Guyana was particularly meaningful. “This is a personal project,butit’snotjustaboutme,” Bicknellsays.
“It concerns the culture and heritage of the indigenous people here The tallest point we discovered, we named the ‘Dragon’s Fortress,’ after a local myth The indigenous people believethatamassivedragonlives inside the mountain, and its long tail stretches across the summit. I wanted to respect that culture by givingthisplaceanamethathonors theirstories.”
Bicknell’sjourneywasnotonly a physical challenge but also a cultural exploration. “The local indigenous people were incredibly helpful,” he says. “I couldn’t have doneitwithoutthem.Wereliedon their knowledge of the land, and theirexpertisewasinvaluable.”
Measuring the mountain’s summit required not just physical stamina but technological
precision Bicknell used a combination of barometers, GPS devices,andaGPSwatchtoensure the accuracy of his findings. “The devices gave slightly different measurements, but they all confirmedthesamething:thiswas the tallest point in Guyana,” he explains.
The teamwork and local support were also crucial “It wasn’t just me. I couldn’t have done it alone,” Bicknell admits. “The indigenous guide was instrumental, and my climbing team,alongwithfamilyandfriends who supported me financially, madethispossible.”
ThejourneytoMountRoraima and the discovery of Guyana’s tallest peak has been a defining moment in Bicknell’s life. He reflects on the experience with awe: “When we reached the top, I feltarushofemotions.There’sthis moment when you realize you’ve achievedsomethingtrulyunique.It feltlikewewereblessed,likewe’d discoveredsomethingmagicaland untouched.”
For Bicknell, the climb is part of a larger dream to set a world record. “I’m doing this because I love adventure,” he says. “But it’s also about making history This isn’t just a personal achievement; it’s a chance to bring attention to these incredible places that few peoplewilleversee.”
As Bicknell continues his journey to the highest peaks of South America, his success in Guyana is a testament to his determination,skill,andrespectfor the cultures and landscapes he encounters.
“This is the most amazing terrain I’ve ever seen,” he says. “AndthefactthatI’veplayedapart in revealing this to the world—it’s something I’ll always carry with me.”
With eight of the twelve South American peaks already conquered,Bicknellisnowmoving ontoSurinameandbeyond.Buthis discoveryinGuyanaisonethatwill remain etched in history The Dragon’s Fortress, as it is now known,isaplacewhereadventure, culture, and personal ambition intersect — and for Bicknell, it’s just the beginning of his worldrecordquest.
At 68 years old, Alfred Nichollhasspentnearlyfive decades turning his passion forartintoathrivingcareer
His journey from a “disgusting child” to an artist is one that proves that sometimes life’s most unexpectedpathsleadtothe mostfulfillingdestinations.
Nicholl reflected on his journey during an interview with The Waterfalls, at Guyana Exposition and TradeFair(GuyExpo)2024. TheExpoisbeingunderthe theme, ‘Guyana on Show: The Fastest Growing Economy.”
The businessman shared his inspiring journey of artistic redemption and how he turned a passion he once pursued in solitude into a living.
“I was a very disgusting child,soIwasalwaysputin a corner,” Nicholl recalls withachuckle.Growingup, his father, a trade unionist withakeeninterestinbooks, was a significant influence in his life. Nicholl’s father not only had an extensive library, but he also ran a drawing course. Instead of sitting idly in the corner, young Alfred became fascinated by the art
“I just sat in the corner and started doing the thing, (instructions from the drawing books he read” he recalls.“ThenIstarteddoing my own thing by drawing what I saw around the house, ” he told The Waterfalls.
His early works were simplesketches,bornoutof curiosity and an innate desiretocreate.Littledidhe know, these early doodles wouldmarkthebeginningof alifelongartisticcareer
As Nicholl grew older, he found inspiration in the work of George Simon, an Amerindian artist and painter whose works celebrated Indigenous culture. “I started studying
theirculture,andeventually, I c o m m e r c i a l i z e d expressionsoftheirculture,” heexplained.Thisledhimto create art that reflects the heritage and beauty of Guyana’s Indigenous peoples,whichhasbecomea hallmark of his artistic identity
Now, nearly 50 years later, Mr Nicholl is a fulltime artist who works for a living, creating beautiful pieces that reflect the traditions and stories of Guyana’s Indigenous people. “The business is picking up,” he says, noting that his Indigenous-themed art is particularly popular It’s a style that resonates withbothlocalsandtourists, who appreciate the rich
At the GuyExpo 2024, heexplainedthathesellshis art outside the General Post O f f i c e ( G P O ) i n Georgetown, a popular spot where he connects with art lovers and collectors. “I sell myartatthePostOffice,”he explains, describing his interactionswithbothlocals and tourists who are drawn tothevibrantexpressionsof Indigenous culture in his work.
During the interview, Nichollreflectedonhowhis art has not only provided a means of income but also allowedhimtoconnectwith awiderconsumerbase.
Reflecting on his rebellious childhood,
Nicholl’s noted that his career is a testament to the power of perseverance, p a s s i o n , a n d t h e transformative potential of art.Today,hiscraftnotonly serves as an inspiration to aspiring artists but also highlights Guyana’s vibrant culturallandscape. He noted that his story only illustrates how sometimes, the paths a personleastexpectscanlead us to exactly where we’re meanttobe.
And, as Guyana continues to evolve into a more popular destination in the Region, Mr Nicholl’s work stands as a proud representation of the country’s rich cultural heritage.
The Mr India Guyana competition, celebrating its third year, is slated for December and promises to beamilestoneevent.
For the first time, the competition will be hosted independently, reflecting its growing popularity and significance.
Unlike previous years where it was blended with the Miss, Mrs., and Teen India Guyana competitions, Mr India Guyana will now haveitsownexclusivenight ofcompetition.
Thisyear’seventisopen tosinglemenaged18to30, marking an extension of the age category to encourage
more participants. This new age range is designed to provide opportunities for a broader spectrum of young men to showcase their talents and advocate for importantissues.
The last two pageants have been resounding
successes, with Mario Moonsammycrownedasthe inaugural Mr India Guyana and Anthony Singh as the mostrecenttitleholder Their journeyshaveinspiredmany young men in Guyana, demonstrating the impact and reach of this esteemed
The Mr India Guyana competitionhasevolvedinto a prestigious national pageant, distinct from the Miss, Mrs., and Teen India
Worldwide umbrella Founded by Guyanese franchise holder Hashim
Alli, the competition was established to provide a platform for young men of Indianorigintoadvocatefor various issues and promote cultural heritage This pageantaimstohighlightthe rich cultural traditions and the contemporary talents of I n d i a n - d e s c e n d e d Guyanese, offering a unique platform for personal and professionalgrowth.
Participants will compete in several segments, including health and fitness, talent, evening
nic atti
e, introduction, and the final question round These segments are designed to showcase the contestants’ versatility, cultural pride, and advocacy skills. Each segment is crafted to challenge and highlight the unique attributes and capabilities of the contestants,ensuringawellrounded and dynamic competition.
This year’s Mr India Guyana competition promises to be an exciting and inspiring event We encouragealleligibleyoung
mentoseizethisopportunity to shine, advocate for important causes, and celebrate their heritage on a national stage. The platform not only elevates personal profiles but also serves as a beaconforculturaladvocacy andleadershipamongyoung men. Join us on Friday 22nd November for the official sashing ceremony at the Royal Restaurant & Lounge tickets are currently available at Eyecandy Shoppe located at 198 Thomas Street, Kitty or you cancall680-5999,688-0036 andcost$5000.
Then Join us on Friday 6thDecember for the grand coronation, a night of culture, talent, and excellence as we celebrate the third anniversary of the Mr India Guyana competition at the Roraima Ballroom of Ramada Hotel, Providence. This landmark event is set to be a grand celebration of heritage, talent, and advocacy, promising an unforgettable experience for participants andspectatorsalike.
The 2024 UN ritingforourlives and will reader gets acquainted with present a mix of speakers, roundofftheevent. message of the many on the Climate Change feature the work of the the lived experience of those including the 5Cs Executive CEO of The Cropper frontlines,cogently,lyrically C
e following contributors from on the frontlines of climate Director Dr Colin Young, F
Braithwaite-Joseph says, Writing For Our Lives is u
n B a k u , Caribbean territories: Anika Co-editors of theWriting presentations of select “We are grateful for the the second strand in the Azerbaijan will see the Christopher, British Virgin For Our Lives anthology, pieces, along with a live monumental efforts of all Today Today, Congotay! international release of the Islands(Poetry); Brendon prize-winning Jamaican reading from the British who pushed past the loss of project funded by Open preview of TodayToday, Alekseii, Trinidad & Tobago author Diana McCaulay and Virgin Islands contributor TCF’slongstandingfriendin Society Foundations It Congotay! A preview of (Creative Non-Fiction); critically-acclaimed poet Anika Christopher who will Professor FunsoAiyejina follows the pilot of a climate Writing For Our Lives, a Dreylan Johnson, Guyana and authorShivanee also be attending COP29. A and thetight deadlines to get justice community microCaribbean Climate Justice (Creative Non-Fiction); Ramlochan had the short panel exploring the us here: the editors, the theatre undertaking in 2023, anthology The anthology is Kevin Jared Hosein, distinction of selecting and important role of ground-up publisher, the 5Cs team and, executed in collaboration an initiative of the TT-based Trinidad & Tobago(Fiction); guiding the development of climateaction/movementsin not least of all, the writers w
non-profit, The Cropper Sharma Taylor, Jamaica up to 30 pieces selected the Caribbean in prioritising whose work we hope will Williamsville Secondary Foundation (TCF), who will (Fiction) and Sonia Farmer, across the three genres climate justice issues will help register the overarching Schools. host the COP29 launch on TheBahamas(Poetry). McCaulay was approached Monday,November18atthe In his foreword to the to work with Ramlochan CARICOM Pavillion, which anthology, UNFCCC after the sudden passing of is coordinated by the Executive Secretary Simon the anthology’s lead editor, CARICOM Climate Change Stiell shares, “Even at the FunsoAiyejina on July 1, Centre,alsoknownas5Cs. highest level, as we worked 2024.
Published by the Bocas on negotiations where She reflects, “It was a Lit Fest-run imprint Peekash parties combed over every pleasure and a privilege to Press,theanthologypreview sentence, every word, every read the diverse, celebratory takes the form of a comma of text, agreeing to and urgent submissions to thoughtfully curated sample the commitments of all Writing ForOur Lives e-bookcomprisingsixpieces countries around the world, I Choices were difficult and from as many Caribbean strove to keep front of mind the words of the writers have writers across fiction, poetry the human face of climate remained with me I’m and creative non-fiction, change.” grateful to The Cropper with a stirring foreword by He adds, “Today Today, Foundationandmyco-editor UNFCCC Executive Congotay!takes on this ShivaneeRamlochanforthis Secretary Simon Stiell, a mission with the appearance opportunity…the anthology Grenadian. of ease that can only be born is vital work for the present
This electronic sample out of great beauty and moment.” will be available for free artistry. Through fictional The complete anthology download from November stories, poignant poems, and is booked for print and 18 (1PM GMT+4) from harrowing accounts of real electronic publication in the T C F ’ s w e b s i t e : experiences from authors firstquarterof2025. across the Caribbean, the The COP29 launch will
Mi n i s t e r o f the problematic areas across place currently in the area, retendered for the project. Agriculture, the country that needed they have been looking at a “Because we recognised, we
Z u l f i k a r resolution. long-term plan to have water knewwhatwasthecauseand
Mustapha on According to the steadily available to the what are the issues in the Saturday revealed that the minister, a plan was initiated farmers. This he said, is why front-lands and every time $754 million Black Bush to put systems in place to they decided to go out to we have rice cultivation, Polder pump station project resolvethoseissues. tender to construct a pump farmers they are getting which was initially set to be He informed that at the station facility at the front- issues, we recognized that, completed by August last Black Bush Polder front- landsarea. that is why now we have year, is now expected to be lands they recognized that “In 2021 we awarded a retendered that job and it has finishedbyJulynextyear the pumps supplying water contract to build a new been awarded to another The minister made the there, could not satisfy the irrigation pump station for contractor who is now announcement during an demandsneeded. the front-lands, it was completing that project,” the engagement with residents The Black Bush Polder awarded to a contractor in minister informed the and farmers of No 48 a r e a , h e s a i d , h a s Region 6 and the project was residents. Village Corentyne, Region approximately 23,000 acres supposedtobecompletedby
Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha during an engagement with residents at No. 48 Village on Saturday. (Ministry of Agriculture)
Stating that the pump Six. of land available for rice the end of August last year, stationisexpectedtoprovide irrigate the Black Bush slothfulness of the works
Addressing the farmers cultivation and already they the contractor didn’t do the some 252,000 gallons of Polder front-lands were was raised by Opposition fromBlackBushPolderwho have provided water for work and we had to water per minute, Mustapha retendered due to the MemberofParliament(MP), were in attendance, some 14,000 of that amount, terminate the contract,” he added, “it will be completed termination of the initial GaneshMahipaulinOctober Mustapha said that when he leaving 9,000 acres yet to be explained. byJulynextyear.” contractlastyear 2023. assumed the position of irrigated.
Noting the challenges of Kaieteur News had T h e M i n i s t r y o f
Following the concerns Agriculture Minister back in Noting that there are the farmers in area, he said reported that on May 30, Agriculture had inked a raisedbytheOppositionMP, 2020,hehadhisteamlookat some six pump systems in they went out again and 2024,
$978.7 million contract with the Ministry of Agriculture Procurement and Tender Yunaz Civil and Building in a letter addressing the Administration Board Construction in October issue had announced that the (NPTAB) office awarded the 2021 to build a pump station project was terminated by $754,978,560 contract to at the Black Bush Polder the NDIA in September QualityDeliverer FrontLands. 2023, for poor quality and The contract to construct However, the project had performance of works being the pump station, and to passed its deadline and the executed.
Vice President Bharrat
Jagdeo on Thursday defended President Irfaan Ali’s treatment of ministers, permanent secretaries (PS), engineers, and contractors, describing it as a form of “tough love” aimed at improving government’s performance on public infrastructureprojects.
Jagdeo’scommentscame in response to criticism from the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and the Alliance for Change ministers and competent the President’s meeting with (AFC) regarding the permanent secretaries,” the public officials and President’s public reprimand Jagdeosaid. contractors was not a sign of of his ministers, their Further, Jagdeo assured dysfunction, but rather an permanent secretaries and that the President is in full e x p r e s s i o n o f t h e contractors for delays and controlofhisadministration. government’s commitment p o o r o v e r s i g h t o f “The president is fully in to follow through on its governmentprojects. control,we’reincontrol,and promises.
At his weekly press we are so much in control “What the president was conference held at Freedom that we are not only focusing doing is [addressing] a long House located on Robb on the 95% that’s done. We list of people who have sent Street, Georgetown, Jagdeo want to ensure that this complaints—’Oh,weseethe refuted the opposition’s group, that the ones that are road awarded, they dug up remarks suggesting that the not done on time, that they the road, but nothing is ministers are incompetent too are done in time, based happening,’”hesaid. andfailedtoplan. on what we hear from the “The three things they
“We are… this is [the] people, with the complaints are trying to make it look most competent government thatweget.” like, ‘Oh, we’re not in that has moved the needle all The Vice President said control’ we are really in thewaytotheotherendfrom that the President was control, that’s why the incompetence. So now you responding to a “long list” of President could have had have vibrancy…competence complaints by residents that meeting It’s not a has been demonstrated in expressing frustration about reflection what was done every ministry You see thestateofprojectsthathave there on the government If every minister going started but yet to be you were to go into their through their programs and completed. (Ministers)meetings we have competent Jagdeo emphasized that (Continued on page 49)
During the recent opening of bids at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office, it was revealed that the Guyana Public Hospital Corporation (GHPC) went out to tender for the supply and delivery of a number of medical items and services for next year
Among the items and services, the hospital is seeking bids for the provision of sanitact disposal services, security services, supply and delivery of stationery supplies, and supply and delivery of laboratory and radiology supplies for 2025,amongothers.
Guyana Public Hospital Corporation
Supply & Delivery of Stationery Supplies 2025.
Provision of Sanitact Disposal Services for 2025.
Provision of Security Services for 2025.
Supply & Delivery of Laboratory & Radiology for 2025.
Supply & Delivery of Dietary Supplies for 2025.
Supply & Delivery of Janitorial Supplies for 2025.
Provision of Pest Control Services 2025.
Provision ofAttendant Services 2025.
Collection & Disposal of Sewage for 2025.
Collection & Disposal of Non -Infectious Waste for 2025.
From page 48 youwillseehowmuchtheypushtheirstafftooandifyouhear abouttheprivateengagementswehave,butthisiscalledtough love, that how we work, it’s tough love,” the Vice President said.
Jagdeo concluded by reaffirming the government’s confidence in its ministers. “There’s no day light between the ministers and the President. We believe in our ministers and their competence. It’s just tough love… We do this because thereareatonofpeopleouttherewhodependonus,”hesaid.
On Tuesday, President Ali summoned contractors who were at least four months behind schedule on government projects to a 5:30 a.m. meeting at State House. The meeting, which was also attended by all subject ministers, their permanentsecretaries,andengineers,wasstreamedliveonthe President’sFacebookpageandothersocialmediaplatforms.
Duringthemeeting,thecontractorswerepubliclyscolded, with some being locked out of the President’s residence for arriving late. The live broadcast of the meeting attracted significant attention, with at least 145,000 viewers. Ministers, engineers, and other officials were also reprimanded for their pooroversightofpublicinfrastructureprojects.
President Ali singled out each ministry, instructing ministers, permanent secretaries, and engineers to stand as he named each contractor responsible for delayed projects. The live broadcast allowed the public to witness the harsh exchangeinreal-time,drawingbothsupportandcriticism.
TheAFCcriticizedthemeeting,claimingthattheNational Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), along with the pool of evaluators, had been widely criticized for recommending questionable contractors.The party argued that arbitrary evaluation criteria were being used to determine contract awards, and in some instances, the lowest evaluated bidderswerenotrecommendedforcontracts.
The PNCR also expressed concern over the public nature of the meeting. The party said that with great alarm Guyanese watched the live-streamed meeting hosted by President Ali that included government ministers, permanent secretaries, engineers, contractors, and consultants. The PNCR said that the President summoned the officials to vent his frustration overthelargenumberofincompleteandstalledprojectsacross the government ministries. According to the party, instead of analyzing the root causes of the problem and proposing solutions, PresidentAli chose to launch a disgraceful barrage of insults, put-downs, and threats against public servants who are least to be blamed for the government’s inability to plan andmanageeffectively.
A 24-year-old robbery Police said that the rank suspect of Sisters Village, tried to apprehend Miggins West Bank Demerara but he resisted arrest and (WBD) was on Friday night triedtodisarmhim. shot in the leg after he A scuffle resulted in the allegedly tried to disarm an firearm going off, and a arrestingrank. round hitting Miggins on his
He was identified as Neil right foot, police said. An Miggins better known as injured Miggins was “Scissors Head”. Miggins handcuffed and taken to the was treated and is presently West Demerara Regional in custody at the Le Parfaite Hospital where he received HarmoniePoliceStation. medical treatment and was
Ranks were sent to arrest discharged. him around 23:30 hrs. on I
Friday ongoing.
When they arrived at his Meanwhile, in 2013, home, he did not open the Miggins, who was 14-yearsdoor but pushed his head old at the time had received through
m injuries after a schoolmate window stuck a pair of scissors in his
The ranks reportedly sku
cautioned him about the emergency surgery was armed robbery allegation c
madeagainsthim. Georgetown Public Hospital
“He was told by one of Corporation(GPHC). the ranks of the allegation His schoolmate was tried made against him that he, on and convicted Miggins’ Saturday 26th October 2024 mothertoldthecourtthatshe at about 23:00 hrs, while would settle the matter for beingarmedwithahandgun, $1.8M as compensation but herobbedRonstonBostwick the offender’s parents could of three hundred thousand notaffordit. dollars ($300,000) cash,” The
police stated Miggins wounded Miggins was fined reportedly denied the $100,000 and released. The allegations and refused to victim’s mother said that her openhisdoor Withtheranks sonwasaffectedbadlybythe notmoving,Migginsjumped injury he received as he through a window and tried could not talk or see to run away but met face to properly As part of his facewithoneofthearresting treatment,hewasrequiredto ranks. attendpsychiatricclinic.
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
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There have been or chestrated cyber operations by Venezuela targeting Guyana, Assistant Director Dr. Seon Levius disclosed recently at the inaugural CEO Cybersecurity Workshop held in Guyana by the National Defence Institute (NDI).
Dr. Levius, in what has been described as “a hard-hitting exposé” unveiled the faces, names, and organizations behind the malicious campaign to undermine Guyana’s sovereignty over the Essequibo Region.
A press release issued by the Department of Public Information (DPI), the NDI used high-definition visuals and intelligence, Dr. Levius detailed the tactics employed, from disinformation campaigns and ransomware attacks to phishing schemes aimed at destabilizing institutions.
“Let there be no doubt— Guyana knows exactly what is happening, and we are not defenseless,” Dr. Levius declared, underscoring the nation’s superior countermeasures.
No details were released on the persons and organisations behind the campaign referenced by Dr. Levius.
Meanwhile, the Cybersecurity Workshop saw participation from various leaders in the country’s infrastructure sectors addressing the urgent need for robust cybersecurity measures in Guyana.
The workshop was opened by NDI Director Dr. Randolph Persaud delivered a bold and compelling vision
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for the institute’s strategic mission, positioning it as a transformative force in Guyana’s defense landscape.
“The National Defence Institute is more than an entity; it is the cornerstone of our nation’s resilience against emerging threats,” Dr. Persaud asserted. His address set the tone for an impactful day of high-level discussions and actionable insights.
According to the press release, a key highlight was the presentation by Colonel Sheldon Howell, Chairman of the Advisory Board of the National Defence Institute (NDI) and Director of the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA).
Colonel Howell provided practical insights into the policy, implementation, and governance of national cybersecurity. Drawing on his extensive experience, he emphasized the need for a cohesive national strategy to combat cyber threats and highlighted the critical role of public-private partnerships in building a resilient digital infrastructure.
His pragmatic approach
offered participants a clear roadmap for translating policy into action.
Mr. Kester Hutson, President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), spoke of the importance of cybersecurity for Guyana’s private sector. “As the fastest-growing economy in the world, Guyana must lead in cybersecurity innovation to protect its economic future,” he stated.
Steven A. Williams, a leading authority on cybersecurity and data privacy in the Caribbean, led the keynote presentation and an interactive tabletop simulation. As the Executive Director of Sunisle Technology Solutions, Williams conducted a dynamic exercise simulating a ransomware attack on the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation. This simulation engaged participants in crisis response and decision-making, highlighting the real-world implications of cybersecurity breaches.
Male seeking non-racial independent female penpal. Whatsapp : 698-6391.
Christopher Lawrence, a Guyana-based Information Security Expert, concluded with a session on Corporate Security Best Practices, emphasizing actionable steps for CEOs to fortify their organizations against cyber threats.
The workshop underscored the NDI’s commitment to fostering a robust cybersecurity culture at all levels of leadership in Guyana. By equipping CEOs with the tools and strategies to address modern threats, the institute continues to position Guyana as a regional leader in digital defense and resilience. (DPI)
Additionally, Muriana McPherson, Director of Cybersecurity at the National Data Management Authority (NDMA), presented on government’s policy creation and management. She provided a walkthrough of how cybersecurity incidents can be reported to NDMA and showcased tools and resources available through the NDMA website, including guides for incident reporting, threat management best practices, and access to the cybersecurity response network.
From page 11 understands that Israel lived with her 33-year-old common law husband Carl Blair and their four children ages 6, 4, 2 and the 11-month-old.
Neither the woman nor her partner was at home at the time of the fire.
According to reports, the woman left with one of the four children around 07:00hrs. The three remaining children were locked inside the shack. The main door to the house was reportedly padlocked on the outside.
“The mother, Tineisha Israel, was working five houses away, leaving the children unsupervised when the fire broke out,” the ministry said.
Meanwhile, neighbours recalled hearing a crackling sound around 11:00hrs.
One woman told reporters, “Me and me son went upstairs and we hear pi, pi, pi,
and when we look out, we see she other son (The five-yearold), jump through the Window”.
Neighbours reportedly alerted the children’s mother and some of them rushed over to help. The residents were forced to “lash off a lock to get inside” and managed to pull the toddler from the burning building but it was too late to save the baby girl.
The neighbours recalled that the baby was seen laying on an engulfed mattress.
The Guyana Fire Service (GFS) was called in but by the time firefighters arrived they were only able to extinguish the fire and pull the baby’s charred remains from the ruble.
Kaieteur News understands that Israel and Blair would often leave their young children locked in the house while they go to work.
Neighbours said the woman would usually leave the home early and return around midday.
Up to press time, no report was released by the GFS or the Guyana Police Force (GPF).
Meanwhile, Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn visited the scene where he met with police and family members to discuss the deadly incident.
“Additionally, the Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Hon. Dr. Vindhya Persaud, and personnel from her office have visited the scene and are currently offering assistance to the family”, the ministry further stated before adding “These efforts aim to assist the family as they begin the painful process of coping with their loss and rebuilding their lives”.
Aljazeera - An Israeli military strikes across the strike on a school where enclaveonSaturday. displaced Palestinians were The northern Gaza Strip, sheltering in Gaza City’s in particular, has been under Shati refugee camp has siegeformorethan40days. killed 10 people and “Israeli soldiers have wounded at least 20 others, surrounded and imposed a Palestinianmedicssaid. s t r i c t b l o c k a d e o n
Rescue operations were Palestinians in Beit Lahiya, under way at the UN-run Jabalia and Beit Hanoon, Abu Assi school in northern where Palestinians are Gaza on Saturday, health unable to evacuate their officialssaid. besieged homes,” Khoudary
Reporting from Deir el- said. Balah, Al Jazeera’s Hind “We have received Khoudary said that many appeals from people according to locals and in Beit Lahiya who say witnesses,mostofthepeople they’re stuck and need sheltering in the school were rescuing They have no displaced from other parts of food, water or medical aid,” Gaza. shenoted
“Let me remind you “Other than air strikes there is only one hospital and continuing artillery functioning in the city shelling, the military has and we know the health extensively deployed situation in hospitals in quadcopters that Israeli Israeli military reported that to fire rockets into Israel most of the 2 3 million 2023.
This file photo from September 2024 shows a view of the destruction after Israeli army’s attack on a school in Shati Refugee Camp in, Gaza Strip [File: Ayman Alhesi/Anadolu Agency
Gaza has been horrible forces use to fire live two rockets fired at Israel despite more than 13 months population. An estimated 1,139 so it is difficult to help the ammunition at Palestinians from the northern Gaza Strip of an aerial and ground Israel’s genocide in Gaza people were killed in Israel injured,”shesaid and kill them in different wereintercepted. offensive that turned vast has killed at least 43,799 duringtheHamas-ledattacks
Palestinian health areas across the Gaza Strip,” The launches show the land in the enclave into Palestinians and wounded that day, and more than 200 officials said at least 30 Khoudaryadded. abilityofPalestinianfighters wasteland and displaced 103,601 since October 7, weretakencaptive. people were killed by Israeli Later on Saturday, the
BBC - Ukraine’s President
House. This is their approach, their offensive into Russia’s Kursk Zelensky to dig up damaging Volodymyr Zelensky says he is promisetotheircitizens,”Zelensky regionoverthesummer-becoming information on the family of US certain the war with Russia will said in an interview with the the first to occupy Russian territory PresidentJoeBiden. “end sooner” than it otherwise UkrainianmediaoutletSuspilne. sinceWorldWarTwo. Despite years of differences, would have once Donald Trump
HeaddedthatUkraine“mustdo Zelensky has said the Trump has insisted he had a very becomesUSpresident. everything so that this war ends operation’s goal was to divert goodrelationshipwithZelensky
Zelensky said he had a next year, ends through diplomatic Russian troops away from the front When the pair met in NewYork “constructive exchange” with means”, with Russian forces lines in Ukraine, though it is in September, Trump said he Trump during their phone makingadvancesonthebattlefield. unclear whether it has achieved “learned a lot” from the meeting conversation after his victory in the
The front lines of the war have this. and said he would get the war USpresidentialelection. largely stagnated since Ukraine’s Russiahasbeenabletodrawon “resolvedveryquickly”. He did not say whether Trump much-anticipated counter- hundreds of thousands of HisDemocraticopponentshave had made any demands regarding offensivein2023failedtomakethe conscriptstobolsteritsranks,while accused him of cosying up to possible talks with Russia, but said sweeping territorial gains it had Ukraine’s much smaller army has Russian President Vladimir Putin he’d not heard anything from him aimedto. relied on advanced Western- and say his approach to the war that was contrary to Ukraine’s
Russian forces occupy suppliedweaponry. amounts to surrender for Ukraine position. entrenched positions in the east But analysts say the territory thatwillendangerallofEurope.
Trump has consistently said and south-east of the country, with Ukraine holds in Kursk may serve Earlierthisweek,Russiadenied his priority is to end the war - fighting predominantly taking as a bargaining chip in any peace reportsthatacallbetweenPutinand which began with Russia’s full- place in the eastern Donbas talks. Zelensky’s “victory plan”, Trump took place days after the scale invasion of Ukraine in region revealed last month, said the latter’s election win, in which the February 2022 - and what he
A photo of Volodymyr Zelensky at a press conference in Brussels. (Getty Images)
OnFriday,Russianforcesmade offensive would continue to avoid president-elect is said to have describes as a drain on US incremental advances along the the creation of “buffer zones” warned against escalating the resources in the form of military eastern front line, with significant withinUkraine. conflictfurther aidtoKyiv fighting taking place around the The renewed emphasis on a German Chancellor Olaf arming Ukraine appears to have
Earlier this year, the US House north-eastern city of Kupyansk and diplomatic solution comes amid Scholz, who spoke with Trump waned somewhat since the war of Representatives approved a Vuhledar in the south-east, concerns about growing fatigue following the US election, told began - particularly among $61bn (£49bn) military aid according to the Institute for the over the war, both within Ukraine German media that the incoming Republican voters, who Trump package. Study of War (ISW), a Washington andabroad.
US leader had a “more nuanced” successfullycourted. The US has been the greatest DC-basedthinktank. However, what such a solution position on the war than was
During the US election supplier of arms to Ukraine Russian infantry also continued may look like remains unclear - commonlyassumed. campaign, the former president Betweenthestartofthewarandthe a“limited”offensiveintothenorth- Zelenskyhascontinuallyrefusedto The German leader was turned president-elect repeatedly end of June 2024, it delivered or eastern Kharkiv region from the cede any Ukrainian territory, criticisedbyZelenskyoveraphone pledged to end the war “in a day” - committed to send weapons and Russianborder,theISWsaid,citing including Crimea, which Russia call with Putin - the first in nearly but has yet to divulge how he
th $55 5bn
Ukrainian military sources in the hasoccupiedsince2014. twoyears-onFriday intendstodoso. (£41.5bn), according to the Kiel region.
Trump and Zelensky have long Despite Scholz’s office saying
“It is certain that the war will Institute for the World Economy, a In an apparent bid to stem the had a tumultuous relationship he reiterated his call to end the war, end sooner with the policies of the Germanresearchorganisation. Russian advances, Ukrainian Trumpwasimpeachedin2019over Zelensky said it weakened the team that will now lead the White But domestically, support for forces launched a break-out accusations that he pressured Russianleader’sisolation.
The Demerara Cricket Board (DCB) Under 15 fifty overs InterAssociation tournament, dubbed the "NEXTGENERATION" is set to bowl off on 17th November, 2024 and will conclude on the 25th November,2024. The tournament will
Associations: East Coast Cricket Board (ECCB), G
Association (GCA), East Bank Cricket Association (EBCA), and W
Association(WDCA). Thecontestincludesfive rounds, with games happening at LBI, QC, Farm, and MMZ fields,
starting at 9 a m daily Participants will battle in classic white cricket attire, utilizingaredcricketball.
expressed his belief in the tournament’s ability to nurture young talent, stating that it will demonstrate players’ skills and enhance theirdevelopment.
He also made clear his enthusiasm for the inclusion oftheSelectXIteam,ledby ShahidRamzan, a promising young player who had an impressive first appearance lastyear
Additionally, Brandon Henry, who played for the Guyana Under-15 team earlier this year, will be participating.
Something is currently compellingyoutobemoreof a world citizen than usual, Aries. You may find this somewhat disturbing You feel as though the roots of youridentity
Your surroundings are currently changing, Taurus. Perhapsyourcircleoffriends has already undergone a majorchange.Thefactisthat you no longer have so many prejudices about the people youmeet.
Gemini, you're demystifying theconceptoftalent.Youused to look enviously at other peopleandthink,"IwishIhad anaturalabilitylikethat."
Areyouthinkingofgoinginto businessforyourself,Cancer? Being self-employed doesn't automatically mean you will have more freedom Of course, you will be your own boss.
Within the next few days, you'relikelytogainaccessto dimensionsofperceptionyou neversuspected,Leo.Perhaps you will become aware of certain energy phenomena, peakexperiences.
Often fiery temperaments like yours are drawn to fight for great causes despite the better judgment of more down-to-Earth people. As a result, you have great leadership potential that may emergetoday
SQUADS: EastCoastCricketBoard (ECCB): JuniaDindyal (Captain), Neerav Persaud, YuvrajRamchand, Sanjay Dindyal, Rahiem Solomon, Nathaniel Sukhanandan, R e t e s h P e r s a u d ,
Your optimism is likely to receive a little boost today, Libra.Amemorableemotional encountermaybethesourceof some extra zeal. Or you may derive great satisfaction from beingpartofagroup.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Perhaps you should suspend your inhibitions for the day, Scorpio, and let your dreams guide you. For instance, you mightimaginethattheneedto make any choices has vanished.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
This is the type of day you enjoy The climate is positive, and the energy is flowing. It's as though you have a magic wand.Yougiveitawaveandpresto - the day's tasks and chores are done! By this evening.
If the world collapsed today, you wouldn't bat an eyelash. You're perfectly content sailing along on cloud nine! Thesourceofyourblisscould bethatnewpersoninyourlife.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) You may have had some emotional disappointments lately, but today will restore yourfaithinlove.Allyouneed to do is act. Your amazing lucidity and realism keep you from hoping for the impossible.
Put on your traveling shoes, Pisces. Fear of the unknown may have prompted you to postpone certain trips. You claimedyouweretoobusy,but noonereallybelievedthis.
Sankar, Coach: Jermaine Maxwell.
Select XI Squad: Shahid Ramzan (Captain), Hezekiah Hohenkirk, Jasani Craig, Kadeem Campbell, NoelMadramootoo,Samuel Heralall,LeonWalls,Aditya Khan, Azariah Duncan, Nathan Puran, Adam Mohamed, Raj Persaud, Ethan Persaud, Saurav Persaud, Rusco Anderson, ErrolAlder.
Haywood, Coach: Dinesh George.
The President and Executives of the DCB are calling on the public and media operatives to come out and witness this Next Generation of young, talented, and innovative players Don’t miss a delivery or a match—it’s going to be exciting! (GCB Release)
DevendraRamkarran, Akeem Persaud, Jordan Bissessar,NicholasRukdeo, Aaron Persaud, Somesh Boyer, SatindraShiwdarsan, GopaulRamchand.
Manager:SureshBudhu, Coach: Kumar Bishundial, A s s i s t a n t C o a c h : YeurajKhemraj.
Georgetown Cricket
Association (GCA): Brandon Henry (Captain), ReyazLatif (Vice Captain), LomarSeecharran, Nathan Bishop, KhushSeegobin, Joshua Bollers, Mickel Johnson, Makai Dowlin, Jermaine Grovesnor, Prosper Jacobus, Yeshusa Hutson, Kaiden Smith, Orwin Jordan, Wasim Ali, AfrazKhan.
Manager: Kervin Ross, Coach: Darien Best
East Bank Cricket
Association (EBCA): VineshKalpoo (Captain), DevindraMohamed,Jaydon Emanuel, Aden Khelmoo, TunilSuraj, Lexroy Sargeant,RonaldRamnauth, Shawn Hamid, Ganesh
A p p a n a h , T h a y d e n B o o d r a m , Lakshma
JagdeshKalpoo, Besham Brian,IrfaanNasoordin. Manager: FazalIshak, Coach:WaquarBacchus. West Demerara Cricket Association (WDCA): Patrice Fraser (Captain), Mahendra Mohan (Vice Captain), Joshua Collette, JoshuaIsaacWilliams,Alvin Williams, Jaaziah Singh, Isaiah Anderson, Isaiah Harcharan,OrvinRaymond, Christopher Roopran, Saneer Sarjoo, Parmesh Daniels, Ziyad Khan, Divendra,LomeshMohan. Manager: Navindra
(BBC Sport) - West Indies pulled off a sensational run-chase of219toearntheirfirstwinofthe seriesinathrillingfourthT20inSt Lucia.
Openers Evin Lewis and Shai Hope blasted 136 from the first nine overs, before they lost three wickets in as many balls to allow Englandbackintocontention.
Rehan Ahmed had Lewis caughtfor68,Hopewasrunoutfor 54 and Nicholas Pooran was bowled for a duck, but captain RovmanPowell's38from23balls againshiftedthemomentuminthe hosts'favour Powell'sdismissalin the 17th over helped England regain some control, only for SherfaneRutherfordtohitback-toback sixes in the penultimate over
tosealafive-wicketwin.England's 218-5wassetupbyPhilSalt's55his sixth T20 score of 50 or more against West Indies - in explosive partnerships of 54 with fellow opener Will Jacks and 48 with Jos Buttler,whomade38.
Jacob Bethell, 21, then continued his eye-catching start to internationalcricketwitha22-ball fiftyandanunbeaten62,including five sixes, as England seemed to makethemostofaflatpitchhaving lostthetoss.q
However, Lewis and Hope responded with class to the harsh treatment their bowlers received, reaching their half-centuries from 26ballsand23ballsrespectively Powell'sdepartureandacouple of economical death overs from
John Turner sent a few nerves throughtheWestIndies'dugoutbut Hope and Lewis' dynamic stand ensured they were comfortably ahead of the run rate, Rutherford eventuallyfinishingon29from17 balls. The T20 leg of the tour concludes with the fifth T20 on Sunday at the same venue, with England having already sealed a serieswinbywinningthefirstthree matches.Windiesrespondtoseries defeatinstyle
With the series scoreline reading 3-0 and their bowlers having just conceded 218, few would forgive West Indies for feeling rather drained when beginningtheirmammothchase.
But instead, they responded
withfearless,breathtakingbattingstarting with a six-over powerplay of69-0whichlitupthestunningSt Lucian skies The left-handed Lewis bludgeoned seven sixes in his 31-ball knock, taking a particular fancy to all-rounder Liam Livingstone, who conceded 30fromhisoneover.
Meanwhile, Hope managed to ooze class and display exquisite timing while maintaining a strikerate of 225, with England's relatively inexperienced bowling attackstrugglingforanswersinthe absence of Jofra Archer and Adil Rashid.Hopeevenfacedamaiden over from Saqib Mahmood in the powerplay, who was the only England bowler to concede less than10runsperoverwithhis1-24.
The 10th over changed the complexion of the game with Lewis caught on the leg-side boundary,Hopewasdozilyrunout havingsetoffforariskysingleand then Pooran was bowled by Ahmed's googly, the leg-spinner eventuallyfinishingwith3-43.
But Powell's mature knock ensuredEnglandcouldnotsettleas he bravely continued to target Ahmed, doing the bulk of the damageinarecoveryfrom136-3to 172-4withShimronHetmyer,who onlyscoredseven.
The equation was 23 from 21 ballsbythetimePowellfelllbwto Turner, which was achieved with relative ease by Rutherford and Roston Chase to complete a perfectly-executedchase.
ST JOHN’S, AntiguaCricketWestIndies(CWI)is excited to unveil the West Indies Test squad for the highly anticipated twomatch series against Bangladesh This home series, scheduled from 22 November to 4 December 2024, in Antigua and Jamaica, marks a crucial chapter as the team looks to capitalize on home conditions and finish the World Test Championship onahighnote.
L e d b y K r a i g g Brathwaite, the squad features an exciting mix of seasoned, in-form players andfreshtalent.Thein-form Justin Greaves is in the squad following a sensational run in the CG United Super50 Cup, where he smashed three centuries. His recent performances have been a highlight of the domestic season and underscores how pivotal domestic platforms are for thenextgenerationoftalent. KevinSinclairalsoreturnsto the squad as a valuable spin bowling option, while Jason Holderwillmisstheseriesas he continues rehabilitation forashoulderinjury
West Indies fans throughout the region can catch the action on ESPN
Caribbean, while in Bangladesh, the Toffee digital platform will feature thematches.
Tickets for the monthlong series against Bangladesh are available o n l i n e a t
S q u a d : K r a i g g Brathwaite (Captain), Joshua Da Silva (ViceCaptain), Alick Athanaze, KeacyCarty,JustinGreaves, Kavem Hodge, Tevin Imlach, Alzarri Joseph, Shamar Joseph, Mikyle Louis, Anderson Phillip,
Kemar Roach, Jayden Seales, Kevin Sinclair and JomelWarrican.
Team Management: Head Coach: Andre Coley, TeamManager:RawlLewis, Assistant Coach (Batting): Jimmy Adams, Assistant Coach (Bowling): James Franklyn, Assistant Coach (Fielding/Wicket-Keeping):
J a m a l S m i t h , Physiotherapist: Dr Denis Byam, Strength & ConditioningCoach:Ronald Rogers, Masseuse: Darc Browne, Team Analyst: Avenesh Seetaram and Media Officer: Jerome Foster Meanwhile,aheadofthe Test series, Test Captain Kraigg Brathwaite will lead a CWI Select XI, 13-man squad, for the two-day warm-up match against Bangladesh, scheduled for 17 and 18 November at the CWI-owned Coolidge Cricket Ground in Antigua. This warm-up match holds significant importance in preparationforthemainTest series. It offers a valuable opportunity for fringe players to showcase their skills in a competitive setting,whilealsoproviding Test players with an opportunity to fine-tune theirform.
Head Coach Andre Coley remarked on the upcoming series: “We expect the series against Bangladesh to be a competitive one between twoemergingsquads. The build up to the series, through the two-day warm-upmatchandtraining camp will provide us with t h e b e s t p o s s i b l e preparation, as they will affordopportunitiesforboth experienced and emerging players to fine-tune their skills ahead of the Test series.”
Th e P e t r a
MVP Sports Girl’s Under-11 Football Tournament kicked off in spectacular fashion yesterday at the Ministry of Education ground on CarifestaAvenue,settingthe stage for an action-packed season.
Defending champions Marian Academy stole the spotlight, securing back-tobackvictoriesanddelivering oneofthetournament’sfirst four-goal hauls in a day brimming with talent and competitivespirit.
Marian Academy opened their campaign with an emphatic 7-0 demolition of Georgetown International Academy(GIA) Chrissyanne Persaudemergedasthestarof thematch,nettingfourgoalsin the 6th, 12th, 16th, and 23rd minutes, marking the tournament’ssecondfour-goal feat Teammates Haley Haberkorn, Sariah Samaroo, andEllaFernandesalsofound the back of the net, rounding out a commanding victory while maintaining a clean sheet.
Later on, Marian Academyreturnedtodeliver a n o t h e r d o m i n a n t performance, defeating Stella Marris Primary 4-0 withEllaFernandesopening the scoring in the 12th minute of the match Haberkornwinasinglegoal inthefirstgamecompleteda bracetoextendtheleadto30. Averi Simon sealed the
deal in the 30th minute, leaving Marian Academy withtwovictoriesandatotal of 11 goals scored without conceding.
Pataro Primary also made their mark with two hard-fought wins. In their opening game, Reniese Joseph scored twice to secure a narrow 2-1 victory over Smith Memorial Joseph maintained her fine form in their second match, nettinganotherbracetolead Pataro to a 2-1 victory over North Georgetown Primary, bringing her tournament tally to four goals in two matches.
WestRuimveldtPrimary showcased their strength with a 5-0 rout of Genesis Academy Ariel Farley led the charge with an impressive four-goal haul, while Jada McRae added to the scoreline The duo’s relentless attacking proved too much for Genesis Academy’s defense, setting West Ruimveldt off to a promisingstart.
Other results and highlights include; Smith Memorial edged past One MilePrimary1-0,Waramuri Top Primary narrowly defeatedSt.JohntheBaptist 1-0, Genesis Academy bounced back with a 3-0 victory over F.E. Pollard, with Tyra Clement scoring twice and Arias Lewis adding the other goal, One Mile Primary and North Georgetown played to an entertaining 1-1 draw while
Part of the action between Pataro Primary (grey) and Smith Memorial Primary
F.E. Pollard and Waramuri Top Primary also picked up walkoverwins.
The tournament, a celebrationofbuddingtalent and youth development, is sponsored by MVP Sports withadditionalsupportfrom Guyana Beverage Inc through its Busta and Kool Kidz brands, and V&V Distributors. The Ministries of Culture, Youth, and Sports,alongsideEducation, have also lent their support to ensure the success of this criticalgrassrootsinitiative.
West Indies left-arm spinner Gudakesh Motie will be part of the Guyana Amazon Warriors squad for the 2024 ExxonMobil GuyanaGlobalSuperLeague(GSL).
The Guyanese has been a stalwart for the AmazonWarriorssincemakinghisdebutforthe franchisein2021 Hewaspartofthesquadthat won the Caribbean Premier League (CPL) in 2023andplayedfortheAmazonWarriorsinthe 2024CPLfinal. Motiewastheleadingwicket taker for the Warriors during the 2024 CPL, claiming17victimsatanaverageofjust1864 He joins fellow Guyanese players Shimron Hetmyer,RomarioShepherd,andKeemoPaul inastrongWarriorssquad
The2024GlobalSuperLeaguerunsfrom 26 November to 7 December with the Amazon Warriors competing against Hampshire Hawks, Lahore Qalandars, RangpurRidersandVictoria.
Gudakesh Motie (Getty Images)