


As the pipeline for
Back in 2018, the Inter- 35centsperKWH.” the Gas-to-
American Development In arguing his case, he Energy (GTE) Bank (IDB) had partnered addedthatiftheGovernment
project nears with the State to conduct a had used the “old figures” completion, the contractor, feasibility study of the the co
ExxonMobil Guyana planned natural gas pipeline. electricity could have been Limited(EMGL)isreluctant Energy Narrative conducted less than the estimated four to reveal the final cost of the the study in which Exxon to five cents. Not only that, structure, even though all said the pipeline would cost but he said, “that gives us a contracts have been awarded US$478million. lot of room there still already
Despitethehugeincrease because we are selling President of EMGL, in the cost of the project, the (electricity) at 30 (to) 35 Alistair Routledge recently government remains (cents) now… and then as I told Kaieteur News, “I don’t confident that the price of said before, the sale of the have a final number,” when electricity will be slashed by liquids will then allow us to asked about the price tag on 50%. p
Vice President Bharrat infrastructure so effectively,
The 12-inch diameter Jagdeo had said, “We ran the thepowercomesintousfree pipeline will transport gas simulationwhenwecameup basically.” from the Liza fields in the with between four to five Publisher of this Stabroek Block to the Wales cents per kilowatt hour newspaper, Mr. Glenn Lall, Development site, West (KWH) that would be the believes the project will BankDemerara. total cost of generation- we amount to a white elephant
The GTE project also ran it at the new number so a given the astronomical features a Natural Gas higher figure than what was i
He liquids (NGL) facility and a there in the period when (or) reasoned, “No feasibility 300-megawatt power plant pre-inflation so we are study, no Press Conference being pursued by the gas ” isconfidentthattheprojectis be sometime next year when very confident that that will on this subject matter, price government. He noted that Exxon’s on budget since all contracts we w
not change the cost (to doubled and it is still
At a press conference in responsibilitiesincludingthe have been awarded He contracts.” HeadoftheGTE generate electricity) per feasible; Jagdeo plug that October, Routledge told risers, pipeline through the however noted, “there will Taskfor
n KWH- between four to five feasibleoutofthinair That’s reporters that the pipeline deep-water, shallow water always be some final Brassington previously cents,whichwewillthensell another white elephant that w a s m e c h a n i c a l l y and onshore is on schedule negotiation on any sort of indicated that the pipeline is at 15 cents per KWH. Now it will hang Guyanese for the completed He explained, for completion by this year details that the contractors expected to cost US$1B. is being sold between 30 to so-calledcheapelectricity.” “It’s been hydrotested, end.To this end, he said, “So might want to confirm pressure test and we have delighted to see that on We’re on that billion-dollar been going through the course and on budget as number.” dewatering exercise and well.” When pressed to say thenintroducingnitrogenso E x x o n ’s C o u n t r y when the final price tag for we have a pipeline that is Manager later told this the project would be ready to introduce natural publicationthatthecompany revealed, he said, “It would
Leader of the Opposition
APNU+AFC, he told his Vice President, Bharrat Aubrey Norton told a supporters present that Jagdeo has said time and gathering on Sunday that if during th
the government had a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ’ s opposition seems to do a lot followed the previous governance, power was of feasibility studies, Norton administration’s plan for the added to the grid and it was explained that “if you are Guyana Power and Light stabilised.Hethenexplained going to run the country ( G P L ) a n d p o w e r that the 33 MW that the properly, you have to have generation, the grid would current government is studies to understand the have been stabilised by now boasting about was problem, dissect it and to as it was under the coalition purchased under the understand what you need to government.
APNU+AFC government do…”
Speaking at a party but it was only received He stressing that if the meeting at Calcutta w h e n t h e P e o p l e ’s PPP had followed suit and Mahaicony Region Five, ProgressiveParty(PPP)took done proper feasibility Norton told the crowd that office “They did not studies, Guyana would have the government is always p u r c h a s e a d e q u a t e never ended up with “a boasting about Guyana generation power to satisfy useless Skeldon Sugar Plant. having the world’s fastest the increasing demand We end up with useless fiber growing economy however, though they were told and optic cable under the “in this fastest growing they saw the report while we ground.” e c o n o m y , w e a r e wereingovernmentthatthey On November 09, this experiencing blackouts. You needed to increase it at least publicationreportedthatThe know every time I hear he 20MW every year, because Government of Guyana will name, Bharrat Jagdeo, one we had a plan, we left it be renting a second power thing comes to mind: liar the there,”Nortonstressed. ship for the Guyana Power liar Thisisamanwhotriesto He advised that if the and Light (GPL) which will tell the world that we added government had heeded this add60megawattstothegrid. no power to the system plan, the grid would have The contract was awarded to
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
The Government on Saturday spearheaded another nationwide clean-up campaign with the promise that such exerciseswillbefrequent.
It is a laudable effort, led for most part by President IrfaanAli.Saturday’sexercisesawmembersofCabinet,the Private Sector and the Joint Services collaborating to execute the campaign. Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill was quoted by the Department of Public Informationthatthegovernmentemployssmallcontractors tocleanmainaccessroads,drains,andweedparapetstwoto three times a month to ensure effective water flow and a cleanenvironment.
Thechargeaftertheclean-upasalwaysisthecasewasfor citizenstoembraceacultureofcleanliness Thereisindeeda needforachangeinthecultureofpeople Forperhapstoolong in Guyana, people have grown accustomed to dumping their waste in any location In rural Guyana, before garbage collection by the authorities, people learnt to place their garbageinapileintheiryards.
Theenterprisingconvertedthisgarbagepiletocompostand sprouted excellent crops. Most simply burnt the piles when thesebecametoolarge.Butthatcouldhavebeendoneinthe ruralareas.Houseswerefarapartandthesmokerarelyposeda problem Whenaneighbourcomplainedthepersonsettingthe firesimplydoused Mosthomesthesedayshavegarbagebins andpeoplewoulddisposeoftheirrefuseforthecollectors. Scraps of paper that littered the yard were swept up and disposedof.However,thesesamepeoplewhowouldkeeptheir premises clean would resort to littering any other location A mostdisgustingsitewouldbetobedrivingbehindavehicleand see garbage come hurtling through the window and onto the streets Thisisoftenthenorm Theresultisthatverysoonlitteris scatteredacrossthestreetsandintothedrains.
Thecultureistoignorethebinsplacedspecificallyforgarbage collection TheseawallsbecomeamessonSundaysbecausethose whogathertheremaintainthecultureofdumpinglitteranywhich wayexceptinthebins Andthereisnoonetocorrecttheother In other countries wherethepenaltyforlittering is severe, people walkwiththeirgarbagebagsandtheyensurethatwasteisplaced inthem Picnicsceneslookalmostpristineattheendoftheouting becausethosewhoattendhaveundergoneachangeinculture The verypeoplewhowouldreadilylitterinGuyanaknowthatthey cannot in the other country There is a municipal court but the peopleprosecutedarefewwhenoneconsidersthevolumeoflitter andgarbage Ifthecultureisnotgoingtobechangedwillinglythen applythelaws Somecitizenspayverylittleheedtotheimperative thatweoughttokeepourenvironmentcleanandunpolluted We boast about the proliferation of fast-food outlets as “development,” but yet drop or throw the Styrofoam cups and coated cardboard boxes, in which they insist on serving their offerings,ontothegroundorintodrains,muchasweusedtodo withourbananaskinsinthe“olddays”
Itwouldnothaveappearedthatwehaveinsistedonour own development. Yet, we all know, either from our own experiences or through the movies, that people in “developed”societiesdonotjustdroptheirgarbageattheir feet. There are consequences. But the sad reality of our situation is that we seem incapable of appreciating those consequences, even when they impact on us personally — aswhenwearefacedwithflooding.
As a people, if we expect to develop to a stage where floodingistobecomeathingofthepast,wewillhavetopullup oursocksandrectifyourshortcomings Becauseofourunique topography, where we are a veritable basin bounded by a “backdam” (to keep out the conservancies of water) and a seawall(tokeepouttheAtlanticOcean),eventhebestdesigned and executed civil engineering plan will be constantly challenged Yes, we must be vigilant and insist that “the authorities”executetheirmandateandexcavateandclearthe drainagecanals,but,surely,itisnottoomuchtoaskourselves thatwedevelopthesmalldisciplineneedednottocontributeto the creation of that same blockage Flood prevention, like charity,mustbeginathome
Jagdeo may have unwittingly solved the impasse
DEAREDITOR, Bharrat Jagdeo, at his last press conference, rolled out his party’s latest line of resistance against the introduction of automated
verification in our future elections.Hearguedthatthe oppositionpartiesarecalling
biometrics already exist in the GECOM system In
Soesdykesandintheeyesof thepublic,hewasplayingon the fact that the photos on our ID cards and on the folios (photo albums) used during voting are indeed biometricfeaturesthatcould be used for identification andverification.
Jagdeo, of course, fully knows that the opposition
demandingnothinglessthan the use of the now common
verification system to process the biometric feature, and that biometric feature should be one’s fingerprints.
Automation reduces the involvement of humans in contrast to a manual verification system where, for example, a polling clerk must use her naked eyes to compareyourfacialfeatures on a hardcopy document withwhatsheseeslookingat yourfaceintheflesh.So,the realissueisnotthenatureof thebiometricfeature(faceor
fingerprintsoriris).Thereal issue is the manner of verifying the identity of voters (is this person who theysaytheyare?)manually or automatically using computer technology Guyanese then should not also allow Jagdeo to sow confusion.
Jagdeo’s ruse, however, toshiftthefocustotheuseof photos as the biometric feature has opened up a serious concern which, in my view, has not received enoughscrutiny Mostofthe photos in the GECOM database will be seventeen years old by the expected election date in 2025, bearing in mind that the last house to house registration wasconductedin2008.Over a period of 17 years, people canlookdifferently
For instance, as Jagdeo himself knows personally, a lotofmencangetbaldinthat time. People lose or gain weight.
A lot of wrinkles and facial recontouring can also appear If, therefore, the current system of manually verifying persons through facial recognition is kept, GECOM polling staff and party scrutineers will face the challenge of comparing most voters in person with their stamp-sized 17-year photos in the 2025 election.
With each following election, one can clearly see how indefensible the
situation becomes. Are we goingtousethesamephotos in2030,2035andonwards? Regardless whether polling day staff can succeed in making the comparisons manually, a system with photos that old requires a total overhaul with updated photos. There must be an expiry date (after 10 to 15 years?) after which photos mustberetaken.
In re-photographing eligible voters in any designated biometric collectionexercise(BCE),it takes little additional effort toalsore-fingerprintpersons within the same process – a process made easier by digital technology On the spot, instantaneously, such technology can confirm whether any biometric feature was properly captured or not, allowing it toberetakenimmediatelyif necessary
The obvious intention is to prevent a repeat of what occurred during the aborted 2019 H2H exercise where 60,000 of the 370,000 fingerprints sent overseas forcross-matchingproduced no hit because of, in the words of former GECOM Commissioner Robeson Benn“badfingerprinting.”
In undertaking the biometric collection exercise (BCE), several implications need to be addressed.
First, the question of
time. Much time could be saved because it is not criticalthatnewIDcardsbe produced and distributed before the election. That could occur after the election. In terms of the BCE, it could take two to three months to select and contract a firm with expertise in Automatic Biometric Identification System and procure the necessary equipment. The BCE field operations could takeonemonth.InGhana,it took 40 days to register 17 millionvotersin2020using 7000 mobile photographing and fingerprinting kits. A fewmonthswillberequired for training and in-house dataprocessing.
Secondly, the law must be clear that those persons whowerenotreachedduring the BCE (for whatever reason) must still be able allowed to vote through the manual verification of their facialfeatures(thefolioand IDcardsystem).
As Jagdeo and the PPP are advocating that we depend on the use of photos as the single biometric for voter verification at the placeofpoll,thentheymust explain to the nation what are their arguments against significantly improving the system by collecting new photos and automating the verificationprocess.
Regards SherwoodLowe
‘America, Guyana and tomorrow’
I n 1 9 9 4 , w h i t e Americans made up about 85%ofthepopulation;today they are about 65% with thousands of new immigrants lurking at the border Between 2010 and 2022, the share of the Hispanic/Latino population of the USA, the largest immigrant sector, grew to about19.1%whilethewhite population had the largest decrease, dropping by about 5%.
A b o u t 7 7 % o f immigrants arrived in the USA illegally, with some 3 million given permission to live and work there in 2022 (Pew Research Center and NBC exit poll date mainly used here). Somewhat unfairly, since the congressional Republican party appears to have deliberately stymied its proposed border policy, the present Joe Biden Democratic government is widely perceived as being
unable to prevent the influx ofimmigrants.
In my view, as an electoral issue, immigration has for some time trumped other concerns having to do with the economy, same sex marriage, abortion etc., and has given Donald Trump, who has exploited this concern to win and hold the supportofmostofthewhite demographic who feel that they are being politically marginalised.Butapartfrom this, the 2024 electoral behaviour of two other ethnic groups - African Americans and Hispanicsa m o n g w h o m t h e Republican party also increased its support, is also related to the level of immigration.
Intheirattitudestowards immigration, 20% of whites and 43% of blacks believe that illegal immigrants should be eligible for social serviceswhile67%ofwhites and 79% of blacks think the children of illegal
immigrants should be permitted to attend public schools About 47% of whites believe that illegal immigrants should be allowedtostayinthecounty whilethesamepercentageof blacks believe illegal immigrants should be deported. 33% of Hispanics believe that increasing deportation of the illegal immigrants will decease the numbers coming to the border More importantly, 34% of blacks to 25% of whites felt that immigrants have taken jobs away from American rather than - as is usuallyclaimed-takingjobs that Americans don’t want. 78% of Africans and some 54% and 55% of Hispanics and whites say jobs are difficult to find in their communities.
In the 2020 presidential elections, 67% of whites turnedoutandvoted41%for Bidenand58%forTrump.It maysurprisesomethatgiven Trump’sbehaviouralhistory,
Ms Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate, did not improve uponthepercentageofwhite votes going to the Democrats. On an increased turnout of 71% in 2024, Harris and Trump still receivedsimilarpercentages ofthevotesasin2020:41% and 57% Of course, accustomedtoethnicvoting, Guyanese should not be surprised that ethnic party leadership can do almost anything without suffering politically Indeed, Donald Trump alluded to this when he pronounced some years ago that he could get away with shooting someone on 5th Avenue, New York, in broaddaylight.
Of course, voting ethnicallyisnottheproblem: inthe2012elections93%of AfricanAmericansvotedfor President Barack Obama Theproblemariseswhen,as inGuyana,the‘otherside’is ofsufficientsize,is (Continuedonpage06)
, The unprecedented is ongoing in Guyana, and hopefully,wewillnottakeit for granted What I am referring to? I am talking about the housing drive that continues to be robust and all-encompassing. I hope we all know that it’s harder nowthanevertogetafooton even the first rung of the propertyladder,notjustwith thecostofthepropertyitself, but also additional expenses such as bills and home & contents insurance, as these form a big part of the housingpackage.
Irelishyetagainreading that “The People’s Progressive Party/Civic Government has expended some $62 billion over the past four years to develop housing schemes along the East Coast of Demerara (ECD).
This continues the broaderstrategytotacklethe
nation’shousingcrisis.”And talking about this ‘crisis,’ it is horrifying to learn that on average, a house in Canada costs $617,000 and the average US home price is $445,000.
We are talking here, in Guyana dollars, around 100 million.
Conversely, in Guyana, after all is said and done, a very comfortable house and land, at the middle range, hovers around 25 to 30 million Guyana Dollars
Please note that I am referring to the US and Canada, as these two countriesarehoststoalarge number of Guyanese immigrants, who can verify whatIamsaying.
Let’s keep in mind too that housing is the basis of stability and security for an individual or family The centre of our social, emotional and sometimes economic lives, a home is
reallyasanctuary,aplaceto live in peace, security and dignity So, what the government is doing is instillingdignityandpridein thepopulace.
Editor, I followed closely that some 500 persons received land titles at the “50th ‘Dream Realised” exercise that was recentlyheld.
This translates to $62B being expended on the East Coast od Demerara (ECD) housing development project, ongoing now for four years. Greater details from the Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, shows that “… the sumof$32billionwasspent this year alone to provide affordable, safe, and supportive housing to families.”
This investment allowed for infrastructure work on the East Coast of Demerara inareassuchasGoodHope,
DEAREDITOR, Spending time in London, Trinidad, Guyana, and Suriname over the last severaldaysfoundeagerness and excitement among the diaspora(IndianorPeopleof Indian Origin, in particular) on PM’s Modi visit to the Caribbean Guyanese and PIOs in the region are exhilarated that Modi ji is visiting the region The PM comes to Guyana for a twodayvisitduringwhichhewill chairajointIndia-CARICOM summit,thesecondduringhis tenureasPM AndthePMwill also address the diaspora and visitseveralhistoricplacesor monuments tied to the diaspora experience in Guyana
ThisisModi’ssecondvisit to Guyana, the first being in August 2000 when he was GeneralSecretaryoftheruling BJP He came to Trinidad to attendaHinduconferenceand extendedhistriptoGuyanato engage the diaspora. The following year, Modi was elevated to the Chief Ministershipofhishomestate of Gujarat And in 2014, he becamethePMcandidateofthe opposition BJP and after becomingthePM,thedefacto leaderoftherulingparty Modi ledtheBJPtothreesuccessive victories,thelastonebeinglast Junewhenhewassworninfor the third consecutive time as PM,becomingonlythesecond persontodosoafterNehru
In traveling around India, a couple weeks ago,
upon learning that I was from Guyana, people made referencetoPMModigoing (coning) to Guyana And during a stopover in London, Guyanese who I engaged expressedprideandexcitement that the Indian PM is going to their (former) homeland They o f f e r e d v a r i o u s recommendations, suggestions, ideas, advice for India-Guyana relations; some of which I won’twanttomentionforfear ofpoliticianscomingafterme Guyaneseareverypleasedand proudaboutthedevelopmental (infrastructure)progressoftheir homeland but are very concernedaboutallegationsof corruption The same sentiment was echoed in encounterswithGuyanesein New York, Trinidad and Suriname.
InTrinidad and Suriname, Guyanesewishediftheycould
behomewhenthePMvisitsbut forvariedreasonsareunableto doso “SayhellotoModi-jifor me, please”, they pleaded Many among the Indian diasporafromUSAandCanada (Guyanese as well as Indian nationals or NRIs or South Asian Indians) are coming to GuyanatoseethePMandhope tomeetandengagehim
Excitement is in the air throughout the Indian Guyanese diaspora and in Guyana Thisisonlythesecond visitofanIndianPMtoGuyana with the last being PM Indira Gandhi in 1967 They are confident that the PM will announce a package of goodies for Guyana and the region on top of the large amount of financial assistance India is already providing
Yourstruly, VishnuBisram
LBI, Lusignan, Non Pareil, and Enterprise. In terms of authenticating this, the minister provided the statistics from the Central Housing and Planning
Authority (CH&PA), showing that under the current government, 74 new housing schemes have been developed.Imaginethatthus far,“Over15,000houselots were allocated on the East Coast and the Ministry is in the process of constructing 1,000homes.”
Concurring with me on the ramifications of ‘home ownership,’ Minister within the Housing and Water Ministry, Susan Rodrigues, elaborated passionately about “ the profound impact of land allocation on families, highlighting the long-term potential for generational wealth.” She portends that “ the initiative is part of government’slargerhousing
plans, which include the constructionofthousandsof new homes across the country, particularly in underserved regions.” We therefore have solid reason toexpectmore.
Iiterateathousandtimes that housing a nation paves the way for “… multiplying for years to come for generations and decades to come,”Thiswasspelledout when Minister Rodrigues intoned that “You will foreverchangethetrajectory of your family by creating intergenerational wealth as the government’s vision for every Guyanese is not just a dream, but an actiondriven goal that includes building new infrastructure, ensuringcleanwateraccess, andpartneringwithfinancial institution
I now invoke the allimportant document that
codified the right to adequatehousing,thatis,the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948. Article 25 (1) states: “”Everyone hastherighttoastandardof living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and
services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyondhiscontrol.”
The Declaration was signed by all 192 member statesoftheUnitedNations, (and) although it is not a binding treaty, Guyana is quite in the forefront of makingitareality
DEAREDITOR, The previous CEO of GuySuCo has shared his view on the recent past and his opinion on what is important going forward The President has also done thesame.Accordingtothese two gentlemen, it can be summarizedthatweatherhas been a major issue, recapitalization continues to be important and cost containment remains a top priority (only a minor percentage of what was neededhasbeenprovidedfor whatisconsidered“vital”).
In the company’s last annual report (2022), the Report of the Directors states, “The principal activityoftheCorporationis the growing of sugar cane andthemanufactureandsale of sugar and molasses from that cane”. This is where CRG differs in perspective. Tobesuccessfulinthesugar industry,youmustbeableto
capitalize on economies of scale. Hence the extensive discussionsonthesizeofthe crop CRG recommends shifting the vision and strategy of the company to support the following: The principal activities of the Corporationarethegrowing of sugar cane and the manufacture and sale of value-added sugar-based products,molassesandsugar fromthecane. The addition of value added and the reordering of theprincipalactivitiesinthis (Continuedonpage09)
The National Defence Institute ( N D I ) , successfully executed its i n a u g u r a l C E O CybersecurityWorkshop. The event brought together leaders from G u y a n a ’s c r i t i c a l infrastructure sectors to address the urgent need for robust cybersecurity measures in the world’s fastest-growing economy Openingtheworkshop,NDI Director Dr Randolph Persauddeliveredaboldand compelling vision for the institute’s strategic mission, positioning it as a transformative force in G u y a n a ’s d e f e n c e landscape “The National Defence Institute is more than an entity; it is the cornerstone of our nation’s resilience against emerging threats,” Dr Persaud asserted. His address set the tone for an impactful day of high-level discussions and actionableinsights.
Participants of the National Defence Institute Hosts CEO Cybersecurity Workshop
A key highlight was the presentation by Colonel Sheldon Howell, Chairman oftheAdvisoryBoardofthe National Defence Institute
(NDI) and Director of the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) Colonel Howell provided practical insights into the
policy, implementation, and governance of national cybersecurity Drawing on his extensive experience, he emphasized the need for a
cohesivenationalstrategyto combat cyber threats and highlighted the critical role o f p u b l i c - p r i v a t e partnerships in building a r e s i
t d i g i t a l
participantsa clear roadmap for translating policy into action Assistant Director Dr Seon Levius delivered a hard-hitting exposé on Venezuela’s orchestrated cyber operations targeting Guyana. He unveiled the
organizations behind the malicious campaign to
Essequibo Region Using high-definition visuals and intelligence, Dr Levius
disinformation campaigns and ransomware attacks to phishing schemes aimed at destabilizing institutions “
o doubt Guyana knows exactly what is happening, andwearenotdefenseless,” D
, underscoringthenation’s
Frompage04 perceived as an enemy and has grown into a group ‘for itself’. Fortunately, unlike Guyana, USA has many strong constitutional checks and balances, e.g. an actual system of the separation of powers, federalism and the electoral college, to hinder such ethnic expressions but forhowlong?
Many perceive African Americans as permanently wedded to the Democratic party,butthisisnotso.Asa relatively small ethnic minority their political attachments were very transactional: concerned
with how a party rule rather thanwithwhichpartyruleas in Guyana. Up to about the late 1930s, equal percentages of African and whites voted republican Afterall,itwasaRepublican president,AbrahamLincoln, wholedthecivilwarthatput anendslavery
But since then, the Republicans have not got more than 40% of the black vote as it was Democratic PresidentHarryTrumanwho made an explicit strategic appeal to US Congress for new civil rights measures that included a federal ban on lynching, bolstering
existing civil rights laws including voter protection m e a s u r e s a n d t h e desegregation of the U.S. military was to follow in 1948. Following this, a long political struggle in Congress culminated in the 1964CivilRightsAct.Upon signingthisbill,Democratic PresidentLyndonJohnsonis reported to have said that Democrats would lose the Southforageneration:ithas been longer than that as Republicans sought to solidifytheirethnicbase!
In 2020, on a 13% turnout, the Democrats won 87%ofAfricanvotesagainst
theRepublicans’12%andin 2024 on an 11% turnout the figures were 85% and 13% respectively Note too that 50% of African Americans are living in low-income households and those with a family income of under $50,000 annually moved from 56% for Biden and 43% for Trump in 2020 to 47% for Harris and 50% for Trumpin2024.Noncollege graduates also voted away from the Democrats with 48% Biden to 50% for Trump in 2020 to 42% and 56% for Harris and Trump respectivelyin2024.
G i v e n t h e transactionalist backdrop above, both the lower turnout and the percentage turn to the Republicans of Africans are understandable since the Democrat party appearedunabletodealwith the immigration problem that is perceived to be inordinately economically a f f e c t i n g b l a c k communities.
Donald Trump has been persistently berating and denigrating the Hispanics and their countries, even threatening their mass deportation What is surprising is the substantial increaseofthisdemographic for the Republicans. In 2020,65%ofthemvotedfor the Democrats and 32% for theRepublicans,butin2024 their support for the Democrats dropped to 52%
andincreasedto46%forthe Republicans We have already noted that the Hispanic community is also being economically affected by immigration and that 1/3 of them believe that illegal immigrants should be deported. Indeed, one writer argued that more and more Latinos are turning against the newcomers because there is also a ‘desire to prove their Americanness’ (wwwtheatlantic com/ideas /archive/2024/09/).
While his previous behaviour is the appropriate starting place, one cannot conclude what the new D o n a l d T r u m p administrationwilldobased merely upon its history and what was said during the electioncampaign.
The existing context is also important and among others: 1.Trump is a second termpresidentwhodoesnot have to face the electorate again. 2. Only two years of relative congressional freedomiscertain:midterms always arrive quickly 3. Much of American strength rests in its democratic arrangements and the ‘soft power’ that has brought immigrants to its doors, and bothwillhavetobesensibly managed. 3. He cannot and shouldnottotallywalkaway from some of his promises suchasthatonimmigration. 4. He has personally gone through quite a lot and must
now have a better grasp of the true nature and strength of American political institutions 5 On my understanding,evenafewof the current legal cases againsthimcanreoccuronce histermisoverashecannot pardon himself. 6. Among others, his transactional foreign policy, particularly with traditional allies, such as the European Union and NATO, will have to be ameliorated if he is to win theirconfidenceandsupport and actually ‘makeAmerica greatagain!’
Where Guyana/US relations are concerned, in
28/10/2024) I argued that finding solutions to the political problems of countries rooted in ethnic conflict such as Guyana, usuallydependontheethnic political elites but finding consensus among this group is normally difficult to achieve without some externalhelp.
To project maximum international pressure and mitigate the negative effects of election cycles, such aid needs to be located in longterm international alliances and national bipartisanship. Past behaviour suggests that Donald Trump understands this,butanewdaybeckons.
Sincerely Dr.HenryJeffrey
Georgetown Mayor
c o r p o r a t i o n s e n j o y including those in the
Alfred Mentore has called significant tax breaks and lucrativeoilandgasindustry, government continues to out the Government of other benefits when often receive various bend over backwards for Guyana (GoG) for what he investing in Guyana, local i
m the foreigninvestors.” seesaspreferentialtreatment businesses, especially those government. These include
Moreover, ExxonMobil of foreign companies, outside the government’s generous tax breaks, import and its partners Hess, and particularlyintheoilandgas favoured corporate class, are duty exemptions, and other CNOOC, operating under sector, when it comes to denied similar support financial concessions aimed the 2016 Production Sharing granting tax concessions and “While it [Government] has at encouraging investment Agreement (PSA), did not incentives. consistently been willing to and boosting economic have to pay about $306 H e m a d e t h e grant major tax breaks and growth. billion income taxes on their aforementioned statement in concessions to foreign
The 2022 and 2023 Guyanese operations in his response to criticism companies, especially those Auditor General’s reports 2 0
d f r o m t h e in the oil and gas sector, highlight the revenue government to cover the government in relation to a when it comes to local collectedfromtheoilandgas costs. 25% waiver granted by the businesses, particularly sector, as well as the
Last year, ExxonMobil, City Council to the Guyana those that are not part of the extensive tax exemptions Hess,andCNOOCearnedan Guyana Revenue Authority environment of inequality, Telephone and Telegraph government’s preferred granted to it. According to estimated $1.3 trillion in (GRA). This revenue was where foreign companies Company (GTT), now corporate class, it seems to the 2022 report, the oil and profits for 2023, all of which splitbetween$80.711billion thrive while local businesses
d e d a s O N E act with a different set of gassectorgenerated$86.207 were tax-free in Guyana. from internal revenue and struggle to survive He Communications. rules,” the Mayor wrote in billion in tax revenue, This arrangement stems $5.496billionfromcustoms. highlighted the growing Mentore argues that hisletter accounting for 28.6% of the from the lopsided 2016 PSA Meanwhile, tax exemptions disparity between the
Foreign companies, totalrevenuecollectedbythe which was signed by the granted to the sector interests of foreign investors p
o n amounted to $108 275 and the needs of small and government. billion Value-Added Tax medium-sized enterprises
The 2016 deal allows the (VAT)refundsforoilandgas (SMEs)inGuyana. oil companies to recover up companies in 2022 totaled “This dual approach to 75% of their investment $5.113billion,withaportion creates an environment of costs from production and of refunds used to offset tax inequality, where local pay no taxes on their profits. liabilities. businesses are made to Instead, it stipulates that the Inthe2023report,theoil struggle while foreign government covers their tax and gas sector’s contribution companies are given liabilities from its share of rose to $128.070 billion, a preferential treatment,” he the profit oil. As part of this 46% increase from 2022. stated Mentore further deal, Guyana earned $336 This included $122 162 s u g g e s t e d t h a t t h e billion from oil in 2023, but billion from internal revenue government’s continued the government had to pay a and $5 908 billion from focus on attracting foreign staggering $306 billion in customs. Notably, the total investment,attheexpenseof income taxes on behalf of contractual tax exemptions local businesses, reflects a Exxon and its partners. The granted to the sector was broader political agenda that PSA mandates that the $196 569 million VAT prioritizes multinational government, from its 14.5% refunds for the sector corporations over the shareoftheoilrevenue,must amounted to $8.854 billion country’s own economic settle the taxes owed by the i n 2 0 2 3 , w i t h 1 2 3 backbone. companiestotheGRA. applications processed. This “The government’s This tax arrangement has includes $3.534 billion in ongoing practice of granting been criticized both locally refundsissuedtocompanies, concessions to foreign and internationally. Despite whilesomeVATcreditswere corporations, while denying the growing calls for disallowed. local businesses the same renegotiation, the Irfaan Ali Mentore in his letter level of support, only administration has stood by suggests that this policy, underscores the growing the sanctity of the contract, whichhasbeenahallmarkof disparity between the stating it will not seek to the government’s approach interests of multinational amend the terms In an to foreign investors, has entities and the needs of interviewlastyear,President contributed to a widening Guyana’s small and Ali acknowledged the deal g a p b e t w e e n l o c a l medium-sized enterprises,” was not in Guyana’s favour e n t e r p r i s e s a n d theMayorsaid. but insisted that honouring multinational corporations. He added, “In this the contract is important to The Mayor argue that this e
hisgovernment’spolicy unequal treatment fosters an businesses are left to
A 13-year-old girl is hospitalised wasonthesoutherndrivelane.Thisresulted suffering injuries sustained after she was hit intheteenendingupinthepathofKing’scar by a car on Saturday night on Dennis Street, wherebyacollisionoccurred. Sophia The incident occurred around Theimpactofthecollisionresultedinthe 20:00hrs in the vicinity of the Section ‘C’ teen landing on the vehicle’s windshield Field Access Road. According to a police before falling onto the road’s surface. She report, the vehicle involved in the collision remained conscious and was picked up by registrationPXX8265andwasbeingdriven public-spirited citizens escorted to the at the time by Timothy King. According to Georgetown Public Hospital, where she was thepolice,thecarwasheadedeastalongthat examined by a doctor on duty Presently, the northern drive lane of Dennis Street and teen is receiving medical attention for head while approaching the Section ‘C’ Field injuries but her condition is regarded as Access Road, the pedestrian went across the stable. King is in police custody assisting road from south to north behind a car that withtheirinvestigations.
El e c t i o n campaigns are a b a t t l e f o r attention, persuasion, and votes.Inthisdigitalage,one might have assumed that social media advertising would reign supreme. Yet, during the US Presidential elections, a staggering US$3.5billionwasspenton campaign advertising, with TV and newspapers commandingthelion’sshare ofthatexpenditure.
This raises a pertinent question:whydocandidates and their campaign teams still lean so heavily on traditional media when social media is cheaper and seemingly omnipresent?
Theanswerliesintheunique advantages that television and newspaper advertising continue to offer in shaping public opinion and mobilizingvoters.
Television,forstarters,is the undisputed heavyweight champion of campaign advertising. Nothing quite matches the visual and
emotional impact of a 30secondTVspotairedduring primetime.Politiciansknow that when they step into the TVring,they’respeakingto millions of voters in their living rooms, where distractions are fewer, and the messaging is direct. TV advertising allows candidates to control their narrative with dramatic visuals, stirring music, and carefully scripted messages.
A well-produced ad can evoke fear, hope, or anger all powerful motivatorsforvoterturnout.
Take for example the classic “Daisy” ad from Lyndon B. Johnson’s 1964 campaign. That one-minute spot,whichairedonlyonce, left an indelible mark on American political history Its haunting message about nuclear war resonated so deeply that it helped secure Johnson’s victory Social media ads, while engaging, often lack that kind of staying power. They’re scrolled past in seconds,
buried under cat videos, memes,andTikTokdances. Thenthere’sthequestion of reach. Television reaches everyone from rural f a r m e r s t o u r b a n professionals. It’s not just thetech-savvymillennialsor Gen Z crowd glued to screens Grandma in the countryside who still watchesthe6o’clocknews? She’sseeingthosecampaign ads, too Social media platformslikeFacebookand Instagram, while boasting billions of users, don’t capture every demographic. Older voters, who traditionally have higher turnout rates, are less active online. But they’re faithful viewers of local news and talk shows, making TV the perfect medium to sway theirvotes.
And let’s not forget credibility People still trust what they see on TV and read in newspapers more than what pops up on their Facebookfeed.Socialmedia platforms are plagued by
Frompage05 statement may seem minor to some, but it shifts the fundamental purpose of GuySuCo to one of improved margin exposure. This fundamental shift will haveasignificantimpacton the overall strategy of the Corporation. It impacts capital investment, the h u m a n r e s o u r c e development required and the overall future organizational capabilities necessary for GuySuCo to be successful This will easily take the Corporation out of the cost cutting game andsetitfirmlyinprofitable markets.
Therefore gentlemen, I submit to you that your perspectives require adjusting if we are to gain the success desired for the sugar industry. In addition, the government needs to
provide the funds and the credittotheCorporationthat gives it the flexibility to makethenecessarychanges over the next 3 to 5 years. Thismustbesupportedbya clear vision of where the company will focus its efforts over that investment period.Thus,anewstrategy for GuySuCo will also be needed.
Bestregards, Mr.JamilChanglee
Guyanese does always find excusefuheverything.Islikeit in we DNA, just like how rice andcurryinwebelly Demboyssehevende governmentlearnfromdepeople,ormaybe is de other way round—nobody sure. But one thing sure-sure: when something go wrong, de first ting we pull out is not a solutionbutanexcuse.
Tek fuh example de big fight Friday nightbetweenTysonandPaul.PlentyTyson fansinGuyanabinpinningdemhopesonde man.Demseh,“Hegonrollbackdeclock!” and “He still got it!” But from de first bell ring,itclearTysonbinwindedlikeabicycle withnoairindetyres.Defirepowerdeman used to have… It done gone like last week pay But you tink Guyanese gon tek dat? Nah! Dem seh de fight throw One man argue Tyson bin “trying to give de young manachance.”Anotherseh,“Heain’twant de man feel bad,” like Tyson running a daycareinsteadofboxing. Hear dis, though: Why Tyson would
misinformation and fake news Anybody with a keyboardandanagendacan post an ad or create a viral conspiracy theory Traditional media, on the other hand, operates under stricter standards of accountability An ad in a reputable newspaper or a prime-time slot on a trusted TV network carries weight. It says, “I’m serious, I’m credible,andI’mworthyour vote ” Speaking of newspapers, they have a unique role in election advertising that cannot be overlooked.Anewspaperad isnotafleetingimage;it’sa tangible presence that sticks around You buy a newspaper in the morning, and that political ad is staring at you during breakfast,lunch,anddinner The physicality of newspapers gives them a longevity that digital ads simply can’t replicate. You mightscrollpastaFacebook adintwoseconds,butyou’ll see that full-page spread in the Kaieteur News multiple timesthroughouttheday Newspapers are the thinkingperson’smedium.A well-crafted political ad in print allows for detailed messaging, outlining a candidate’s policies, vision, and promises. There’s room to explain complex issues without the constraints of a 30-secondTVspotora280character tweet. For voters who want substance over slogans,newspapersprovide
Radio remains a powerful and cost-effective medium for advertising, especially in regions where television and newspaper penetration may be limited. Its strength lies in its immediacy and ability to connect emotionally with audiences through voice, tone,andmusic.Unlikeprint or digital media, radio ads can accompany listeners throughout their daily activities while driving, working, or relaxing at home making it an intimate and pervasive presence.
Now, some may argue that social media offers unparalleled engagement True, a Facebook post can spark thousands of comments and shares in minutes.
But engagement doesn’t always translate to votes. Campaigns aren’t just about creating a buzz; they’re about converting that buzz into action at the ballot box. Andthisiswheretraditional mediaexcels.Televisionads don’t just inform; they inspire Newspaper ads don’t just persuade; they solidifytrust.
Then there’s the issue of oversaturation.Socialmedia is flooded with ads, often to the point of annoyance. Usersscrollthroughaneverending stream of sponsored posts, many of which are ignored or blocked. Traditional media, however,
maintains a sense of exclusivity Apoliticaladon TVduringtheeveningnews or in the Sunday paper feels intentional, not intrusive. It commands attention rather thancompetingforit.
Thespendingpatternsin theUSPresidentialelections speakvolumes.
Politicians and their strategists understand that while social media is a valuable tool, it’s not the ultimate battleground for heartsandminds.Television and newspapers remain the trusted, far-reaching, and impactful platforms that deliver results. So, the next time you see a campaign team splurging on a primetimeTVadoradouble-page newspaper spread, don’t dismiss it as old-fashioned. It’sacalculatedmoverooted in the understanding that whenitcomestoinfluencing voters, traditional media is stillking.
Even in this digital age, the power of TV and newspapers in election advertising is far from eclipsed it’s enduring, persuasive,andheretostay (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
throw de fight when a win coulda line he pocket wid more millions and mek he legendary status shine brighter? De excuse dem giving mek no sense, but sense and Guyanese excuses is like water and oil—demdon’tmix.
Dis same “excuse culture” does spill over into everything. Sugar production falling.Blamedeweather!Priceshighinde market; blame de supply chain crisis. Contractorslatewithdeproject;heain’tget commencementletter
Price for plantain sky high! Deh gat some blight affecting de plant! We borrow money and can’t pay back. De person who we borrow from did not remind we. Dat is howwedoesrollinGuyana.Wegatexcuse fuheverysore.
So when dem boys seh we just like we government, don’t tek it personal. Both alwaysgotastoryfuhtell,andexcusesflow like Kaieteur Falls. If only excuses could pay bills, Guyana woulda bin richer than Dubai! Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
Mention the term Bully to display skulls on pikes Pulpit for both President Ali chaser
Why water? man says where is it, when Pulpit and American Rough along the roadside, so that and Vice President Jagdeo is Because things are so bad 95% of the business is Rider, Teddy Roosevelt’s others get the message and what they call press with the richest people in the cleaner than the insides of a MacArthur, he ensures that name flashes across the
world (take a backseat Dr brand-new vacuum cleaner the entire national press mind. Wrong the first time. themselves. Here Guyanese cracking a smile. It is their Ganpat)thatfewofthemcan I did my on ruff (Lazy Boy) corps is in attendance to For those Guyanese who are are steamrollered into idea of political humour afford a Coca-Cola. How is computation, and came up record his utterances for fascinated by the Bully sausages. The fact that the two of them that for a regional statistic, with the astonishing. Five posterity Pulpit sound and persist in Dare to ask Dr Jagdeo a could have the audacity to professor? Straightfromthe percent of GY$558 billion When Excellency Ali searching for it in America, little question about his call what they star in (as mouths of the suffering budgetedforinfrastructureis jumpedonhishighhorseand Donald Trump is sure to management of the nation’s bouncers and like those old people and surging through still GY$27.9 billion that galloped onto his Bully
h e i r oil wealth, and there is a time Texas badmen) press and through with bitter went astray It may not have Pulpit (with his captive and consideration. Two strikes certain inevitability to his conferences is confirmation reality This is what results the class of Dr Ramesh cowed audience) I get havebeenearned. TheBully answer It is a big, fat NO! that Guyana is, indeed, a from giving up communism Ganpat’s singular skills, but flashbacks from Mario Pulpit is right here in Answered that already. democracy Some bullies for capitalism. When Karl itworksforme. Puzo’s Godfather He made Guyana, and it goes by the Exxon has schooled him get away with the occasional Marx went out from the PPP, More to the point, it may an offer that couldn’t be name of the Ali-Jagdeo Jazz well. The less he says, the murder, these two Guyanese Sigmund Freud came in and not be big money for refused. The press fell in Combo. less he gives away Dealing political superheroes use tookover President Ali or VP Jagdeo, line and
Though it is only a two- at arm’s length with Dr theirrespectiveBullyPulpits Carry on a conversation but it is real money for a Guyanese embraced their man combo, it is so loud that Dread(Dr Ali)islikeputting to get away with verbal like that with the Ali-Jagdeo peasant like me. And a ultimatum: put up or shove it is a full-scale orchestra. one’s bleeding fingers in the bullrushes, large-scale Jazz Combo and the canes million other Guyanese off. Sounds to me like the No Guyanese needs any mouth of a piranha. Some mayhem. I offer a few come out to beat some sense pantingfortheirdollopofthe kind of language that the college degree to discern the folks are squeamish, so I morsels of proof. When was into the heads of naysaying oilriches. boisterous would be at home Ali-Jagdeo Bully Pit in leave out the exciting parts. the last time that either Dr Guyanese. When bad dealing with employing. action. Or a hearing aid to The president has earned a AliorDr Jagdeoheldapress It is either dance to their the people’s money is the Whether Bully Pulpit, see them for who they are. dubious reputation for being conference without it tune or dance on a short issue one man weaves his thundering drama, or empty Both use their powerful a growler, a lunger, and a deteriorating into a string dangling from a tall usual post luncheon press bravado, it’s all the same to offices to beat dissenting headbutt(er). The brave in mudwrestlingaffair? limb. Bully Pulpits are conference (bully pulpit) me. Beenthere,seenthat;all Guyanese into a pulp. Laid Guyanaarefreetotry Me! I It is no
artistries. Meanwhile, the heardbefore. out flat on their backs in a am not messing with those Guyanese colour and culture advantage when there is a other half of the Ali-Jagdeo (The views expressed in straightline,ishowtheyfind two guys Life is too
ng cast of Jazz and Jive Combo calls a this article are those of the themselves, thanks to the tag precious and citizenship too conferences of these two likemindedkneecappersand prebreakfast gathering to get a u t h o r a n d d o n o t team of Dr Dread and Dr sacredformetobeahero. politicalsuperstarsovertheir jawbone crackers Ask his vocal cords going. Like necessarily reflect the No. ThefancyRomansused Lest I forget, the Bully rum and water Straight, no about corruption and one American General Douglas opinions of this newspaper.)
Sherwin Nicholson, a the best graduating student young teacher at the Berbice from the Berbice Campus is Educational Institute (BEI), an overwhelming and has been named the
“The campus’s proximity feltlikegivingup,especially humbling experience. It fills University of Guyana was an invaluable factor, when the pressure of mewithanimmensesenseof Berbice Campus’ (UGBC) allowing me to better preparing lessons, grading pride, not only for the Best Graduating Student for manage my personal and students’ assessments, personal accomplishment theacademicyear2023/24. professional commitments. studying for exams, or but also for the recognition Nicholson, 34 and This was especially completing my own of the hard work, sacrifices, several other graduates who important as I navigated the assignments and attending and dedication that have havewonspecialawardsand responsibilities of being online lectures became gone into this journey For prizes, were formally newlymarried,”hesaid. intense,”heshared. my family, it symbolises the
The young teacher noted In those tough moments, realisation of a shared dream exceptional performances that balancing online Nicholson drew strength and the belief that sacrifices, when UGBC hosted its 23rd lectures, assessments, from the people around him. hard work, and perseverance Convocation exercise on teaching responsibilities, “The thought of my long- can yield extraordinary SaturdayattheTainCampus. and the new role of being term goals served as a results,” he added with A resident of Glasgow married required meticulous powe
Housing Scheme, East Bank timemanagementandstrong Additionally, the continuous N
support from my wife, special thanks to all those successfully completed the explained that there were family, and friends provided whosupportedhimalonghis
f o r a sitting of the CSEC exams, tertiary education at UGBC. momentswhentheweightof a steady foundation that kept academic journey, including Bachelor’s Degree in Nicholson encountered a For him, the campus offered these commitments felt me grounded,” he was
Secondary Education with a major setback However,
overwhelming. “There were quoted in the UG release as colleagues,andthefaculty c o n
a t i o n i n according to UG, rather than accessibility and quality definitely moments when I saying.“Beingrecognisedas (Continued on page 18) Mathematics, achieving a allowing this failure to perfectGPAof4.0towinthe define him, he saw it as an coveted best graduating opportunity for growth student prize, UG said in a “While this was initially a pressrelease. setback,itservedasaturning However, like many point in my life. Instead of other graduates, his success seeingitasafailure,Iviewed didnotcomeeasily Hefaced it as an opportunity to learn, several challenges along the reflect, and push myself way, UG reported. When he harder,”heexplained. sat for his first CSEC Determined to prove Mathematics exam, he never himself, he retook the exam, imagined that he would fail. ultimately achieving better The harsh reality of scoring results. “What matters most below expectations was a is not how many times we tough blow, especially for a fall, but how we rise and young man whose parents continue moving forward,” had made significant hesaidwithpride. sacrifices for their children’s Nicholson’s passion for education. teaching and his desire to
A f t e r f a i l i n g makeadifferenceinthelives Mathematics in his first of students led him to pursue
Bandits moving on bicycles robbed a market vendor at PortMourantonSaturdaymorningofcashandseveralother items.Inapressrelease,policesaidthatduringtheweehours ofSaturdaymorning,afoodvendoratPortMourantMarket, Corentyne was robbed of her haversack that contained $50,000 cash, her GBTI and Demerara bank cards, her National Identification card along with a gold chain valued at$120,000andaSamsungcellphonevaluedat$31,000.
The incident occurred around 03:00hrs. According to informationreceived,the victim a 32- year-old food vendor, around 02:50hrs, her stall was approached by a female customer who informed her that there were two suspicious lookingmenoutsidethemarketonamotorcycle.
Subsequent to the report around 03:00hrs, two loud explosionsthoughttobegunshotswereheardsomedistance awayfromthemarketandthevendorsandcustomerspresent sawtwomenonablackXRmotorcycle,enteringthemarket inthevicinityofthestalls.
This resulted in the vendors fleeing in different directions fearful of being robbed. When the food vendor returned to her stall after the men left the scene, she discovered that her grey haversack that contained the cash and other items were missing. A number of eyewitnesses confirmed her story and the police were called in. Upon exanimationofthescene,two9mmspentshellswerefound.
A number of angry vendors voiced their frustration, stating that only a few weeks ago, they were attacked by armed bandits. Ranks of the Guyana Police Force are currentlymakingchecksforthebanditsastheinvestigations continue.
On S u n d a y , that they are certified instill labour; I can give you one Leader of the inthemsomenewvaluesthat example and it might shock O p p o s i t i o n are useful and produce the you. We were left with no
Aubrey Norton drivers we need right here,” choice but to grant work called out the government Nortonstressed. permits for the contractor for importing truck drivers Furthermore, he is of the that is building the Ogle to fromBangladesh,sayingthat belief that once the Eccles road to bring in it is a disrespect to Guyanese institutions are set up and drivers; drivers, [and] an irrespective of their Guyanese properly trained elementaryjoblikedriversto ethnicity a n d c e r t i f i e d , t h e driveheavy-dutyequipment, He was addressing government will have no trucks,” the minister pointed supporters at a party meeting need to be importing drivers. outthen. their own advertising, they at Calcutta Mahaicony. Hence,hebelievesthatthisis The minister was at the have been hunting to get During his speech, he a façade to prop up their time speaking at a Multi- drivers locally for those addressedanumberofissues support base and have the Stakeholder Forum on trucks, so that is just an that citizens should keep an foreigners’ vote. In July of Guyana’s Labour Needs, indication of how the eye on and be aware of. last year, the Kaieteur News hosted by the Ministry of demand for labour is “Imagine you bringing truck reported that some 60 Fo
d becoming,” he stated drivers from Bangladesh. It foreign nationals are International Cooperation’s, Minister Edghill said the is the most disrespectful employed in Guyana as Diaspora Unit which was labour shortage has affected thingtoGuyaneseregardless truck drivers on the Ogle to held at the Arthur Chung not only the traditional of ethnicity We can set up a Eccles road project, Minister ConferenceCentre. sectors of teaching and properdrivingschoolatleast of Public Works, Juan “And I could assure you
one in each region and train Edghill had announced. “We through the Ministry of
the people to drive, ensure are actually importing Public Works and through infrastructuresector
One of Dornier HAL-228 aircraft commissioned on Sunday
Prime Minister Brigadier S o u
(Ret’d), Mark Phillips on upcoming construction of a between Guyana and India. Sunday commissioned two newGDFheadquarters. R
new aircraft for the Guyana According to the Prime
Defence Force at the army’s Minister, the Dornier HAL- Minister Phillips stated: aircorpsbase,Timehri. 228 aircraft bring advanced “This moment is significant
The ceremony was Commissioner of India to
During his remarks, capabilities to the GDF, as it coincides with a major commitment to national attended by the Senior Guyana, HE Dr Amit
Prime Minister Phillips enhancing Guyana’s ability strategic milestone in the security and development Minister within the Office of Telang; Chief of Defence d
sing partnership between Guyana “To the people of Guyana,
Staff of the GDF, Brigadier commissioning as part of a challenges such as border andIndia.Theseaircraft,and let today be a reminder that responsibility for Finance Omar Khan; Heads of the
b r o a d e r v i s i o n o f security, disaster response, the broader framework of your Government is and Public Service, the Joint Services; senior GDF
development. “This and medical evacuations in cooperation they represent, working tirelessly to build a HonourableDr AshniSingh; officers; representatives of
commissioning isn’t remoteregions. stand as a tangible outcome stronger, more secure Minister of Public Works, the civil aviation authority; happening in isolation. It’s “The modernisation of of the dialogue and shared country Every step we take the Hon
urable Juan and representatives of the part of a larger vision by the our GDF is a strategic vision…” is aimed at creating a nation Edghill; National Security aircraft’s manufacturers, the Government of Guyana to necessity and a national The Prime Minister also that is safe and full of Advisor, Captain Gerry Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd transformourDefenceForce imperative With an thanked the Government of opportunities.” G o u v e
into a modern, versatile expanded air fleet, the GDF India for its continued institution capable of is better positioned to support to Guyana. He said, addressinganevolvingrange address these challenges “Your support has been of challenges,” a press This investment in our i n s t r u m e n t a l i n release by the Prime military infrastructure strengthening our GDF and, Minister’sOfficesaid. ensures that we are prepared by extension, our nation. We He noted that over the to safeguard our sovereignty look forward to building on past years, this vision has andthesafetyandwell-being
d taken shape through several of every citizen. Moreover, a exploring new avenues for key initiatives, including the strongdefenceforceisavital collaborationinthefuture.” acquisition of advanced partner in national Addressing citizens rotary-wing aircraft, the development.” directly, Prime Minister E n h a n c e d D o m a i n The commissioning also Phillips reiterated that the Awareness Exercise with underscores the growing aircraft’sacquisitionlendsto
A 28-year-old woman died on Saturday after being chopped to her neck last week Thursday by her reputed husband who also ended his life by consuming a poisonous substance.
Dead are 28-year-old Thagewante Motie and26-year-oldUramDoorbassabetterknown as“Anil”Doorbassa.
The couple lived at different locations in Mahaica,EastCoastDemerara.
Police in a release said that Motie of Supply,Mahaicawhowaschoppedtotheneck andarmatabout21:00hrsonThursdaydiedon Saturday while being treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital. Doorbassa, a labourer from Belmonte, Mahaica, ECD, who allegedly consumed a poisonous substance after chopping the victim died on Friday while receivingtreatmentatthesaidhospital.
Police investigations indicate that at about 21:00hrs on Thursday last, the suspect and victim had an argument in the victim’s yard. The suspect eventually used a cutlass and choppedthevictimtwice,onceontheneckand theotheronherarm.
The suspect eventually drank a poisonous substance and they both were admitted at the hospital where they later succumbed, the releaseadded.
h (HAL).
Minister Zulfikar Mustapha while handing over the poultry plucking machine to students and teachers from the Winifred Gaskin Memorial Secondary School
Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha handed over a poultry plucking machine to students of the Winifred Gaskin Memorial SecondarySchool.
The donation was made after the school’s Agriculture Science teacher engaged Minister Mustapha requesting urgent help for the equipment to help students prepare their CSEC andCAPEExams.
During the handing over, Minister Mustapha said that agriculture is once again being treated as a very important sector in Guyana and that President Irfaan Ali and the government have been working aggressively to develop the sector. He also said that instead of using traditional methods to pluck chicken, the students will now be exposed to a more advanced process. This, he noted, was part of the government’s efforts to make agriculture moreappealingtoyoungpeople.
We must face the harsh truth: our nation is being sold out. The evidence is glaring—the worst oil contract of the century, signed by the previous administration and now zealouslydefendedbythecurrentone.
This is a betrayal of epic proportions, servingforeigncorporationsandaprivileged localelitewhilesideliningthetrueownersof thiswealth:thepeopleofGuyana.
This is not just a bad deal—it’s a looming economic catastrophe Global experts, international institutions, and our own citizens have called for renegotiation, offeringsoundadviceandsupport.Yet,those in power stubbornly refuse to act. Both governmentandOppositionhaveentrenched themselves, guarding this disastrous agreementwhilethenationsuffers.
A m e r i c a n o i l feet(1860meters)ofwater supermajor, ExxonMobil It should be noted that has constantly recognised while Exxon has made an Guyana for fostering an a p p l i c a t i o n t o t h e environment to propel the Government of Guyana for rapid pace of oil and gas its seventh project, projects. The company, is Hammerhead, the Chief presently eyeing an eight Policymaker for the sector, development although its Vice President, Bharrat
s e v e n t h p r o j e c t , Jagdeohadmadeitclearthat Hammerhead may be in there is no guarantee limbo. approvalwouldbegranted.
Minister of Natural D u r i n g a p r e s s Resources, Vickram Bharrat conference in August, during an engagement with Jagdeo when questioned on the media had indicated that the seventh project said, Longtail is anticipated to be “When and if…if and or the oil giant’s next local when and if we approve the project Bharrat told and Liza Two projects in the encountering approximately project then you will be told reporters, “already they are Stabroek Block, however, 256 feet (78 meters) of high- about what the benefits will moving ahead with with the reserves at the two quality, oil-bearing be.” At that time, the former Hammerhead and we have projects dwindling and the sandstone reservoir The Head of State said the heard talks that Longtail will project yet to start up, it is well was safely drilled to company had not yet made comeafterthat.” likely that other projects will 18,057 feet (5,504 meters) an application for the The Longtail project, be connected to the pipeline depth in 6,365 feet (1,940 project. according to Bharrat will to supply gas to the Wales meters)ofwater
Following the official yield more gas, a key Development site on the Subsequently, Exxon application by the company, resource to this country’s West Bank of Demerara announced the discovery of Jagdeo was again asked to energysecurity where the power plant is Longtail-3 in June 2021. comment on the project P r e s e n t l y , t h e beingconstructed. Drilling at Longtail-3 when he announced that Government of Guyana is I n J u n e 2 0 1 8 , encountered 230 feet (70 g o v e r n m e n t h a s pursuing a Gas-to-Energy ExxonMobil announced the meters) of net pay, including d i
(GTE) project that is Longtail discovery, its eight newly identified, high ad
expected to generate 300 successful find in the quality hydrocarbon bearing consultant to review the megawatts of cleaner and Stabroek Block The reservoirs below the original H
cheaper electricity The company revealed that Longtail-1 dis
y According to him, the initiative will be supplied Longtail- 1 well was drilled intervals The well was information the company with gas from the Liza One in
drilled in more than 6,100 presentedwasincomplete.
Achainsaw operator was Bar, which led to a track stabbed to death early behind the gas station. The Sunday morning at a bar in brothers were pursued by the Soesdyke, East Bank perpetrators, who managed Demeraraandlatercollapsed to catch up with Davanan and died at Hillfoot, whichendedupinascuffle. SoesdykeLindenHighway. Levon, police said,
The killing stemmed intervened and told his from an altercation when brother to run east along the four men attempted to rob track, as two men pursued Davanan Hosea, 40-year-old them. Levon stated that he of Hillfoot squatting area, ran in a different direction Soesdyke/Linden Highway from Davanan. Levon went All four suspects including a on to say that when he saw 16-year-old boy have been his brother, he saw blood on arrested. the chest area of his t-shirt.
In a statement, police Davanan had collapsed on said that the alleged murder t h e H i l l f o o t occurred around 01:35hrs. Soesdyke/LindenHighway Police said that ranks had The body was examined visited the scene and andawoundwasontheright investigation revealed that sideoftheface;astabwound Hosea would perform his to the left side of the daily duties in the backdam abdomen; a stab wound to at Coverden, East Bank the centre of the chest and a Demerara According to stab wound to the right side Levon Hosea, a 36-year-old of the chest. All the stab chainsaw operator and wounds were measured at brother of the deceased, at one inch and a half, police about 08:00hrs on Saturday, reported The area was he left home in the company canvassed for CCTV of his brother and they went cameras,whichwereseen. to the backdam to carry out The body of Davanan their daily duties. They left Hosea was escorted to the the backdam at about Diamond Diagnostic Centre, 18:00hrs and went to a where he was seen and Chinese Restaurant at medically examined by a Coverden where Davanan doctor who pronounced him met with his reputed wife. dead on arrival. The body Theyhadafewdrinksbefore was later escorted to the LevonleftDavananandwent Memorial Gardens Funeral to his residence, leaving his Home, awaiting a postbrotherinthecompanyofhis mortemexamination. reputedwife. Regarding the capture of According to the police, the suspects, police said at about 21:00hrs, Davanan around 06:00hrs Sunday, the called his brother Levon to CCTVfootagewasviewedat reach him at the Raghoo’s Raghoo’s Sports Bar at Sports Bar located at the Soesdyke where several Soesdyke Public Road. On persons were seen fighting arrival, the brothers with the now deceased man. purchased alcoholic Based on an intelligence-led beverages. Davanan told his operation, the following brotherLevonthatagroupof personswerearrested:Kevin menatthebarwaslookingat Grandstuart, age 24, of him. The men approached Victory Valley Road, Davanan, grabbed hold of Timehri. him in the presence of He was arrested with a Levon, and relieved him of black ‘Rambo’ knife; ` hisvaluables. Rodwell Fraser, age 21, of As a result, Levon Victory Valley Road, confronted the men who had Timehri; ` Dwayne Bascom, relieved his brother of his age25,ofKaraKara,Linden valuables, and a fight ensued and a 16-year-old boy from at the bar The brothers Victory Valley Road, managed to escape by Timehri, who was arrested running through Shawnie with the deceased man’s cell Gas Station, located at the phone. They were all placed Soesdyke Public Road to the into custody pending south of Raghoo’s Sports investigation.
(ALJAZEERA) Pope Francis has called for an investigation to determine whether Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, tackling the issue for the first time in excerpts from an upcoming book.
“According to some experts, what is happening in Gaza has the characteristics of a genocide,” the pope said in excerpts published on Sunday by the Italian daily La Stampa.
“We should investigate carefully to determine whether it fits into the technical definition formulated by jurists and international bodies,” he added.
The book, by Hernan Reyes Alcaide and based on interviews with the pope, is entitled Hope Never Disappoints: Pilgrims towards a Better World.
It will be released on Tuesday ahead of the pope’s 2025 yearlong jubilee, which is expected to bring more than 30 million pilgrims to Rome to celebrate.
The Argentine pontiff has frequently deplored the number of victims of Israel’s war in Gaza, where the death toll stands at 43,846 people, most of them civilians, according to the territory’s Ministry of Health. But his call for a probe marks the first time he has publicly used the term “genocide”, albeit without endorsing its use, in the context of the Israeli military offensive in Gaza.
Israel’s embassy to the Vatican responded later on Sunday with a post on X, quoting its Ambassador Yaron Sideman.
“There was a genocidal massacre on 7 October 2023 of Israeli citizens, and since then, Israel has exercised its right of self-defence against attempts from seven different fronts to kill its citizens,” said
Pope Francis delivers his speech during a mass on the occasion of the World Day of the Poor in St. Peter’s Basilica, at the Vatican, Sunday, Nov. 17, 2024. [AP PhotoAlessandra Tarantino]
the statement. “Any attempt to call it by any other name is singling out the Jewish State.”
But campaigners and Palestinian supporters have dubbed the Israeli offensive as a “war of vengeance” that has left the Gaza Strip in ruins.
Stepping up criticism
The war in Gaza has triggered several legal cases at international courts in The Hague involving requests for arrest warrants as well as accusations and denials of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.
On Thursday, a United Nations Special Committee judged Israel’s conduct of warfare in Gaza “consistent with the characteristics of genocide”, accusing the country of “using starvation as a method of war”. Its conclusions have already been condemned by
Israel’s key backer, the United States.
South Africa brought a genocide case before the International Court of Justice with the support of several countries, including Turkey, Spain and Mexico.
In January, the judges at the court ordered Israel to ensure its troops commit no genocidal acts.
The court has not yet ruled on the core of the case – whether genocide has occurred in Gaza.
Pope Francis, leader of the 1.4-billion-member Catholic Church, is usually careful not to take sides in international conflicts, and to stress de-escalation.
But he has stepped up his criticism of Israel’s conduct in its war against Palestinians.
In September, he decried the killings of Palestinian children in Israeli strikes in Gaza. He also
sharply criticised Israel’s air strikes in Lebanon as going “beyond morality”. Francis has not previously described the situation in Gaza as a genocide in public.
But last year, he was at the centre of a messy dispute after a meeting with a group of Palestinians at the Vatican, who insisted he had used the word with them in private, while the Vatican said he had not.
Francis has also frequently called for the return of the Israeli captives taken by Hamas on October 7, 2023.
Of the 251 people taken that day, 97 are still held in the Palestinian territory, including 34 the Israeli army says are dead.
On Thursday, the pontiff received 16 former captives who were freed after months of detention in Gaza.
From page 06 superior countermeasures.
Mr. Kester Hutson, President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, praised President Ali’s visionary leadership in establishing the NDI and emphasized the importance of cybersecurity for Guyana’s private sector. “As the fastest-growing economy in the world, Guyana must lead in cybersecurity innovation to protect its economic future,” he stated.
Steven A. Williams, a leading authority on cybersecurity and data privacy in the Caribbean, led the keynote presentation and an interactive tabletop simulation. As the Executive Director of Sunisle Technology
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
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Solutions, Williams conducted a dynamic exercise simulating a ransomware attack on the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation. This simulation engaged participants in crisis response and decision-making, highlighting the real-world implications of cybersecurity breaches.
Muriana McPherson, Director of Cybersecurity at the National Data Management Authority (NDMA), delivered a detailed presentation on government policy creation and management. She provided a walkthrough of how cybersecurity incidents can be reported to NDMA and showcased tools and resources available through the NDMA website, including
guides for incident reporting, threat management best practices, and access to the cybersecurity response network.
Christopher Lawrence, a Guyana-based Information Security Expert, concluded with a session on Corporate Security Best Practices, emphasizing actionable steps for CEOs to fortify their organisations against cyber threats.
The workshop underscored the NDI’s commitment to fostering a robust cybersecurity culture at all levels of leadership in Guyana.
By equipping CEOs with the tools and strategies to address modern threats, the institute continues to posi-
tion Guyana as a regional leader in digital defence and resilience. (DPI)
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Frompage11 and staff of UGBC. A number of other students from the University of Guyana’s Berbice Campus also received awards for t h e i r e x c e p t i o n a l p
Pleaseseethefulllistof awardeesbelow:
1 The award for the Second-Best Graduating Student – for the student who has completed a Bachelor’s Degree with the second highest GPA: AshminiPrashad
2.TheawardfortheBest Graduating Student – in the Diploma/Certificate/Associ ate Degree programmes, whohasattainedthehighest GPA:YadramTotaram
3. The Director, UGBC
Award for the Best graduating student with a Bachelor’s Degree who has attained at least a Pass with Credit and has made the greatest contribution in other areas of University
activities: Manisha Sagadaya
4.TheawardfortheBest Graduating Student in the Bachelor of Science (Agriculture),otherthanthe Best and Second-Best
Bachelor’s Degree Graduating Students, who has attained the highest GPA: Roschelle Ann Maria Campbell
5.TheawardfortheBest Graduating student in the Bachelor of Education Secondary – Agriculture, other than the Best and Second-Best Bachelor’s
Degree Graduating Students, who has attained the highest GPA: Tinesha O n i k a C a r m i c h a e l
6. The award for the Best Graduating student intheBachelorofEducation
- Early Childhood Education, other than the Best and Second-Best
Bachelor’s Degree Graduating Students, who has attained the highest GPA:SavitriDeviBalram
7.TheawardfortheBest Graduating student in the Bachelor of Education (Primary), other than the Best and Second-Best
Bachelor’s Degree Graduating Students, who has attained the highest GPA:DevishwarBahadur
8.TheawardfortheBest Graduating student in the Bachelor of Education Secondary (Social Studies), other than the Best and Second-Best Bachelor’s
Degree Graduating Students, who has attained
the highest GPA: Denisha AndreaSimoneJack
9.TheawardfortheBest Graduating student in the Bachelor of Education Secondary (English), other than the Best and SecondBest Bachelor’s Degree Graduating Students, who has attained the highest GPA:AndreaRamnauth
10. The award for the Best Graduating student in the Bachelor of Education Secondary (Mathematics Concentration), other than the Best and Second-Best
Bachelor’s Degree
Graduating Students, who has attained the highest GPA:PitamberPersaud
11. The award for the Best Graduating student in the Bachelor of Education
Secondary (Science Education), other than the Best and Second-Best
Bachelor’s Degree Graduating Students, who has attained the highest GPA:NyanzaHadraMosesPeters
12. The award for the Best Graduating student in the Bachelor of Education (Administration),otherthan the Best and Second-Best
Bachelor’s Degree Graduating Students, who has attained the highest GPA:KamlaBoodhoo
13 The award for the Best Graduating student
in the Bachelor of Science (Biology), other than the Best and Second-Best Graduating
Bachelor ’s degree
Students, who has attained the highest GPA: NicholasSagadaya
14 The award for the Best Graduating student
in the Associate of Science (Biology), other than the best graduating
s t u d e n t i n t h e
o c i a t e D e g r e e programmes, who has attained the highest GPA: AlexLoy
15 The award for the Best Graduating Student
in the Associate of
Science (Computer Science), other than the best graduating student i n t h e
o c i a t e D e g r e e programmes, who has attained the highest GPA: M o r i s h a D e v i Rabindranauth
16 The award for the Best Graduating student
in the Associate of Science (Physics), other than the best graduating
s t u d e n t i n t h e
o c i a t e D e g r e e programmes, who has attained the highest GPA:
DavidJuniorBudhram CollegeofMedical Sciences
17. The award for the Best Graduating Student in the Bachelor of Science (Nursing), other than the Best and Second-Best Bachelor ’s degree Graduating students, who has attained the highest GPA:VeronicaSawh SocialSciences
18. TheawardforBest Graduating Student in the Bachelor of Social Science (PublicManagement),other than the Best and SecondBest Graduating Bachelor’s degree Students, who has attained the highest GPA: KeonShelroySchwiers 19. The award for the best graduating student in the Bachelor of Social Science (Social Work), other than the Best and Second-Best Graduating Bachelor’s degree Students, whohasattainedthehighest GPA:MoneesaBalgobin
20. The award for the Best Graduating Student in the Diploma in Public Management,otherthanthe best graduating student in t h e Diploma/Certificate/Associ ate Degree programmes, whohasattainedthehighest GPA: Keisha Kerri Alexander 21. The award for the Best Graduating Student in the Associate of Social Science (Social Work), other than the best graduating student in the Diploma/Certificate/Associ ate Degree programmes, whohasattainedthehighest GPA:SanjayChandardeo Entrepreneurship& BusinessInnovation
22 The award for Best Graduating Student in the Bachelor of Science (Management), other than the Best and Second-Best Graduating B
GPA: Manisha Sagadaya
23 The award for the Best Graduating student
Accountancy, other than
Diploma/Certificate/Ass o
programmes, who has
GPA: Mallisa Singh
24 The award for the Best Graduating Student i
ma in Marketing, other than
Diploma/Certificate/Ass o
programmes, who has a
GPA:Tylena Premsook
(Cricinfo) - With ShubmanGillsettomissthe PerthTest,KLRahul’sreturn to training came as a big boost for India on Sunday He shrugged off injury concerns as he returned to batting during the team’s training session at the WACAinPerth.
Rahul left the field early in India’s intra-squad match simulation on Friday after beingstruckontheelbowby a rising delivery from Prasidh Krishna. The blow
left him grimacing and he trudged off the ground after seeking medical attention.
Rahul did not return to the crease later that day as India’s main batters had anotherturnatthecrease.
But Rahul was put through a solid workout during India’s training session on Sunday morning that lasted nearly three hours. After two days of matchsimulation-featuring effectively India’s main XI againstaline-upcomprising
fringe or India A playerssomesquadmemberstrained on the WACAcentre wicket andnets.
Rahul spent about an hour having a hit on the ground before a short workoutatthenets.
There were no signs of discomfort although Rahul did not look as fluent as before his blow during the match simulation when he openedtheinningsalongside YashasviJaiswal.
“Based on the reporting,
I was a lot more confident that he should be fine,” Yogesh Parmar, one of India’sphysiotherapistswho accompanied Rahul for the X-rays and scans, said on a post on X from BCCI. “It was just a matter of controllingthepainandhim getting some confidence From a medical point of view,heisabsolutelyfine”
“I’m feeling good and I’ve batted today,” Rahul said, “getting ready for the firstgame.[I]washappythat I could come here early, get some time to get used to the conditions. I’ve got a lot of time preparing for the series and I’m excited and looking forwardtoit.”
Difficult predicaments could arise today if you try to exert your will over others without having the most honorable intentions, Aries. It could be that you're using someone else's fear of you to control himorher
The fire within you is raging today,Taurus,andyoushould becarefulhowyouwieldthis power Be proud and triumphant. Walk with your shouldersbackandheadhigh. Freedomisimportant.
There may be a great deal of fuss over something that seems quite insignificant to you, Gemini. Try to see the beauty and importance of everythingaroundyou.
Thingsarecomingtoacritical point for you today, Cancer, and you may find that other people openly object to your actions. It's OK to be a bit selfish if the situation is appropriate.
Feelfreetospeakmoreloudly today, Leo. You'll find that things fall into place more easily if you speak your thoughts outwardly and directly in the presence of others. Bring your internal powerunderyourcontrol.
Youshouldbaskinaglorious splendortoday,Virgo.There's a great deal of power at your disposal.You'll find your ego ishealthy,charged,andready forthebattlefield.
Add more sunshine to your day, Libra. It may be time to stir up your inner passion and let it speak with greater confidencethanyouhavebeen lately Make sure you heal yourself by letting the people aroundyouhearyourtruth.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You'llfindthatyoursparkcan easily turn potential energy into kinetic energy, Scorpio. Don'tunderestimatethepower of your words. Realize the profound impact they have on othersandtakeresponsibility
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Don't dwell on your fluctuating moods today, Sagittarius. Look at the larger trends and how positive elements are coming together inyourfavor
Thisisyourdaytoshineinall your glory, Capricorn. There's noneedtoholdanythingback. You'll find that you have a great deal of love to share. Your heart is likely to go to extremes today in order to proveitslove.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Trynottolosesightofyour own projects or desires, Aquarius. There's a great deal of power and manipulative energy in the air today that could throw you off course if youaren'tcareful.
Recharge today by getting outside and stretching your arms to the sky, Pisces. Be proud and courageous. You have the power to turn an unhealthy situation into a positiveone,
Rahul’simprovedfitness statuscamejusthoursbefore Gill’s unavailability for Perth was confirmed. Gill suffered a thumb injury on the second day of India’s intra-squad training match. His position in the batting order, however, remains uncertainfollowingthenews that Rohit Sharma will not arriveinPerthintimeforthe first Test, after he and his wife Ritika Sajdeh had their secondchildonFriday Gill,whomade28andan unbeaten 42 on Friday, picked up the injury while fielding in the slips and left the field. He wasn’t sighted at Sunday’s training session whichdidnotfeatureseveral of India’s leading batters, including Jaiswal, Virat KohliandRishabhPant.
Amid reports that he underwent scans recently, Kohli batted without any sign of discomfort across two innings on the first day of the match simulation. He made 15 and 30 not out, but struggled at times against short-pitched bowling on a relatively sedate WACA surface.
India’sfrontlinebowling attack, led by vice-captain
Jasprit Bumrah, was unleashed during the match simulation on day two and theyalsotrainedonSunday
Afteraninitialthreedays atthenetsfollowedbythree days of match-simulation practice on the centre wicket, India have completed their block of training at the WACA Tuesday onwards, they will resume their preparations at the Optus Stadium, where the first Test begins on November22.
While some net sessions and the first day of match simulation were open to the media,
activities took place behind closed doors owing to logisticalreasons.
meanwhiless,starttheirfirst Te
Monday with a training sessionattheWACA.
L i m i t e ds p o n s o r e d Schools’ Under-18 Football League entered its fifth round over the weekend at the Ministry of Education Ground, Carifesta Avenue, and saw three teams perseveretoclaimvictories.
Itwasanearlydayforthe organisers of the tournament, the Petra Organisation,astheopening match between Chase’s Academic Foundation and Bartica Secondary was won by the former, compliments ofawalkover
After that, East Ruimveldt was next to acquirethetasteofvictoryin
their 3 – 1 triumph over President’s College. These two teams set the pace and got quite physical throughout the encounter which even saw East Ruimveldt lose Oshawn Edwards to a redcardin the 50thminute.
East Ruimveldt was the first to draw blood in the 30th minute when Gavin Towler recorded the first goal of his brace
However, President’s College played well and found the equaliser in the 42nd minute goal, when Omarie Grandson found the backofthenet.
But the eventual victors did well with a
10-man team to keep the opposition at bay until Josiah Norton regained the lead for his side in the 55th minute.
Towler then put the win beyond doubt with a goalinthe65thminute
The other win of the day went to Dolphin Secondary, who needled Waramuri Secondary with a 20th minute goal that set the tone for the entirety of thebattle
Collin Frank scored the decider for the Dolphin unit that did well to keep a persistent oppositionfromequalising.
In Match No 19, South Ruimveldt battled to a 1 –
1 stalemate with West Ruimveldt following early success from both sides
Jeremiah Griffith opened the scoring for Westinthethirdminuteof play but that comfort was short-lived as Devonte Gaimeequalisedforhisside sevenminuteslater
This tournament is being hosted under the theme “Power to Make a Difference” and receives additional support from MVP Sports, Tiger R e n t a l s , G u y a n a Beverage Inc (Busta), the MinistryofCulture,Youth and Sports and the MinistryofEducation
The Albion Community Center Cricket Club is widely considered as one of the leading cricket clubs in the country and over the years has produced several test cricketers for the West Indies including Sewdat Shivnairine, Narsingh Deonarine, Sewnarine Chattergoon, Veersammy Permaul, Devendra Bishoo and Guadakesh Motie. The club has also produced numerous other cricketers for Berbice and Guyana at all levels and currently has among its membership, a very promising player who hastheabilitytobecomethe seventh test cricketer from thehistoricclub.
Oneofthemosttalented youth player representing Albion today is Afraz Ali Budhoo, a promising left handed middle order batsman, who also bowls tidyrightarmspin.
Hewasbornonthe18th of November, 2006 to his parentsManzoorandZalika BudhooofChesneyVillage. The village is a breeding ground for outstanding cricketers Among the players produced by the villageareSudeshandSunil Dhaniram, Fazil Sattaur, Naresh Manhobe, Narsingh Deonarine and Shakiba Gajnabi.
The youth under the watchful eyes of his dad, started to practice at the ChesneyPrimarySchooland attended theAlbion Primary School HejoinedtheAlbion Clubin2017atthetenderage ofelevenyearsandhasnever lookedback
After completing his common entrance exams, he attended the Port Mourant SecondarySchool,wherehis love for the game grew stronger Over the years he hasrepresentedhisclubatall levels-U13, U15, U17, U19, U21, U23, second division and first division With a smile on his face, he remembered his first game for Albion at the under13 level This occurred about a monthafterhejoinedtheclub anddespitebeennervous,he scored26vitalruns Hemade his first division debut at the age of 15 in 2021 in the company of players like Veersammy Permaul, Jonathan Foo, Devendra Bishoo, Guadakesh Motie and his childhood idol SewnarineChattergoon
Over the years in BerbiceCricket,hehasbeen very dominant with the bat and has developed into a
useful offspinner Young Budhoo has struck four centuriestodateattheyouth level with his 132 versus Skeldon at the under17 level, been his highest Last Sunday, his batting prowess was on full display at the CanjeWelfareGroundinthe Berbice Cricket Board under17 finals He top scoredwithabrutal93with nine boundaries and six huge sixes as Albion defeatedthehometeam.His brilliant innings also clinched the Man of the MatchAward.
Budhoo made the Berbiceunder19teamatthe tender age of 15 and has representedthecountyatthe Under15, 17 and 19 levels with great success His highest score to date is 86 versus Essequibo while he alsoscored74notoutversus Demerara this year at the U17level.Hewasappointed vice captain of the 2024 national under17 team and had several impressive inningsincluding63against Trinidad in the rain affected tournament. Currently,heis playing in the Guyana Cricket Board Franchise 20/20 tournament after gaining selection on the BerbicePiranhasteamasan under19player
Afraz hailed the support he has received from his parents. He noted that his motherhasbeenasourceof strength to him over the years while his dad has assisted him to work on his game. Special mention was also made of Albion President Vemen Walters, Sewnarine Chattergoon, Devendra Bishoo and SharazRamcharran. His objective over the nextyearistogainselection tothenationalunder19team and the Berbice senior inter county team. His club has already produced six test players and he aims to become the seventh in the nextfiveyears.
Thetalentedlefthander would like to advise youths tosayNotodrugsandtobe verycarefulwiththefriends theychoose.
Milwaukee Bucks forward Giannis Antetokounmpo (34) gets a dunk over Charlotte Hornets forward Miles Bridges (Imagn Images)
(Reuters)-WarnerBros Discovery (WBD.O), opens newtabhassettleditsbreach of contract lawsuit against the National Basketball Association(NBA),theWall Street Journal reported on Saturday, citing people familiarwiththematter
Theagreementwillkeep the media company in business with the league for the next decade, the report
said, adding that the deal is set to be announced early nextweek.
Warner Bros Discovery and the NBA did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment outside business hours.
The settlement will give Warner Bros Discovery rights over a significant amount of NBA content
domestically and abroad, and the league will avoid a prolonged legal battle in court,theWSJreportadded.
Separately,WarnerBros Discovery struck a deal withDisney(DIS N),opens new tab to license its Emmy-winning “Inside the NBA” show to ESPN and ABC starting next season, thereportsaid
its sports division, Turner Broadcasting System, filed a lawsuit against the NBA in July after the league had awarded Disney’s ESPN, C o m c a s t - o w n e d (CMCSA O), opens new tab NBCUniversal and Amazon com (AMZN O), opens new tab rights to carry NBAgames in an 11year deal valued at $77 billion
The chasing team won all of the completed T20s, with the first two played in Barbados and the final three in St Lucia (Getty Images)
(BBC Sport) - The fifth and final T20 of the series between England and West Indies was washed out by heavyraininStLucia.
England captain Jos Buttler chose to bowl first andthehostsreached44-0in five overs before the downpour began The ground staff attempted to clear the wet outfield for a restart but the match was eventually abandoned without a result at 22:15 GMT West Indies openers
vying for $200,000, while the fourth-place team will takehome$100,000.
In the earlier semi-final, YMCA demonstrated why they are serious contenders forthechampionship.
Acommanding first half saw them race to a 4–0 lead against the Spaniards,
showcasing clinical finishing and
d teamwork.
Evin Lewis and Shai Hope made29and14respectively, looking to add another commanding partnership following their 136 in nine oversinthefourthT20.
England claim the T20 series 3-1, having lost the
one-day international leg of thetour2-1.
OpenerPhilSaltfinished as the series’ leading runscorer with 162 runs in four innings, including an unbeaten103inthefirstT20, with West Indies captain
showdown of skill and determination as Hard Knocks and YMCA battle forthetopprize. The runner-up will not g
pocketing$500,000 A
tournament’s MostValuable Player (MVP) will be awarded a brand-new motorcycle, courtesy of C e v o n ’ s W a s t e Management.
JonahSimonandKevin Gittens each bagged a double for YMCA, while Jamal Bentick and Nicholas Gentle rounded out the scoring. Spaniards’Tyrese Lewis and Shaka Louis managed consolation goals, but the game was largely controlled by YMCA, who are now one win away from the coveted $1Mprize.
ZionGrayerupted for a 31-point performance on Saturday, propelling the Eagles into the semi-finals of the Guyana Basketball Federation (GBF) Elite 16 Championship, where they will clash with the Ravens onNovember23.
over the Colts, lighting
u p
Gymnasium in a game
offensive prowess and court leadership
, the Ravens dismantled the Kobras in a lopsided 6 7 – 3 2
ends of the floor
The Eagles and Colts matchup was a
nail-biter from the opening tip
Colts came out strong, taking a 19–14 lead after the first quarter, powered by Charles Williams and O’Quacy Shortt’s scoring efforts
Despite the early deficit, the Eagles found their rhythm in the second quarter behind the dynamic backcourt duo of Gray and Travis Belgrave as they outscored Colts 24–21 but still trailed by two at halftime, 40–38
B e l g r a v e , w h o contributed 17 points on the night, and forward Michael Turner, who added 14, elevated their intensity in the third quarter
Their efforts gave the Eagles a slim 55–51 advantage heading into the final period On the other side, the Colts
RovmanPowellsecondwith 153. England seamer Saqib Mahmood was the leading wicket-taker and was rested forthefinalmatch,finishing with nine scalps in four matches.Englandarenextin action with three Tests in New Zealand starting on 27 November, with the whiteball side taking on India in January
That will be Brendon M c C u l l u m ’s f i r s t assignment as white-ball headcoach
leaned heavily on Williams, who poured in a team-high 20 points, and Shortt, who chipped inwith18.
However, without their injured star point guard Shelroy Thomas, Colts struggled to keep up in crunch time Eagles’relentless attack, spearheaded by Gray’s clutch scoring, sealed thefive-pointvictory
In the earlier game, theRavensputonaclinic against an outmatched and obviously venomless team Kobras, dominating from start to finish
The Ravens opened with a suffocating defence, holding the Kobras to just four firstquarter points while racking up 23 of their own By halftime, the Ravens led 39–13, effectivelyputtingthegame outofreach.
C o a c h M a r l o n Rodrigues rotated his line-up in the second half, giving his bench players valuable minutes and sparing the Kobras furtherhumiliation
Shemar Huntley led the Ravens with 12 points, while Terrence Daniels, Nikkolai Smith, and Ryan Stephney each added10 Kobras failed to find an offensive spark, with Lawrence De Costa’s nine points being their lonebrightspot
Part of the action between YMCAand Spaniards in the semis of the ExxonMobil Futsal Champion
Essequibo Anacondas slithered their way to the i n a u g u r a l G C B betCageSportsNationalT20 League Championship title after strangling Essequibo Jaguarsby48runslastnight at the Guyana National Stadium,Providence. TheAnacondas posted a winning159-5fromtheir20 overs, thanks to a returning Tagenarine Chanderpaul (43)andKeemoPaul(38).
Opener Kevon Boodie (24), Rampertab Ramnauth (16)andalateinningsknock of 27 from all-rounder Quentin Sampson, completed a solid batting performance Much like their batsmen who would later implode, the Jaguars bowlers’ toiled as they struggled with 5 of their six bowlerspickingupawicket. Theirbattersthenmadea mess of a reasonable chase, ending on 111-9. Guyana Harpy Eagles off-spinning all-rounder, Richie Looknauth snared 4-21 which dented the chase, while winning captain Anthony Adams claimed 2-
- YMCA awaits in $1M Showdown on November 23
Futsal fans were treated to a thrilling spectacle at the Retrieve Hard Court in Linden on Saturday evening as Hard Knocks andYMCA booked their spots in the ExxonMobil Futsal Championshipfinals.
The semis of the tournament organized by New Era Entertainment, delivered everything from goal fests to individual brilliance, setting the stage for an epic $1M clash on November23.
In the first semi-final, YMCA showcased their dominance with a convincing 6–2 victory over theSpaniards.
However, the second semi-finalstolethespotlight, as Hard Knocks edged MoneyBell11–9inamatch many call the tournament’s mostelectrifyingcontest.
The Hard Knocks versus MoneyBellencounterwasa nail-biterfromstarttofinish. Both teams came out swinging, trading goals relentlessly to the delight of thepackedvenue.
Hard Knocks’ trio of Omar Brewley, Kendolph Lewis, and Clive Nobrega put on a masterclass. At the same time, Money Bell’s
Essequibo Anacondas were crowned champions of the inaugural GCB betCageSports National T20 League which ended on Saturday night at the Guyana National Stadium Providence
Shane Luckie, Amaniki Buntin, Stephan Jupiter, and AlleyneHalleywereequally determinedtostealtheshow
The first half alone saw an incredible 10 goals, ending5–5andsettingupfor anunforgettablesecondhalf.
Fansknewtheywereinfora treat,andtheplayersdidnot disappoint.
Brewley emerged as the hero for Hard Knocks, delivering a breath-taking performance with a rare ‘glut’ (five goals) His decisive fifth strike capped off a spectacular individual
display and sealed the victoryforhisteam.
Lewis chipped in with a hat-trick, Nobrega added a brace, and Omar Williams contributed a single goal to completeHardKnocks’tally
Money Bell fought valiantly, with Luckie, Jupiter, Halley, and Buntin each netting twice. Romain Haynes also added his name to the scoresheet, but their effortsfellshort.
Money Bell will now face Spaniards in the thirdplacematchonSaturday, (Continuedonpage28)
20inacommandingeffort. Only 34 from Zenyul Ramsammy,19fromKemol Savory (19) and from Tomanni Caesar (16) tried but failed against a rampant Anaconda’sbowlingunit.
- Ravens dominate Kobras to set-up showdown with Eagles