in -Turkey’s pres.Erdogan disaster levels’ Gaza has reached
Referendum on oil with ExxonMobil
Woman raped and robbed in Linden
Brutus on $16.25 million bail for 231 financial crime charges
GECOM warns Norton against threats to block ‘foreigners not connected to Guyana’ from voting
US millions in Guyana must Jagdeo says... pay fair share of taxes Foreign companies making
Calvin Brutus
Brutus on $16.25M bail for 231 financial crime charges
Embattled Assistant PoliceCommissionerCalvin Brutus on Monday returned to court and was slapped with201additionalfinancial crimeschargesbeforehewas released on $10.5M bail. In an earlier court appearance, he had faced 30 similar charges and was placed on $6.2M bail. He is now on a total of $16.5M bail for the 231charges.
Brutus, his driver Kevin George and businessman
Asif Zafarally, who are facing similar charges made theircourtappearance.Athis last court proceedings on October 24, Brutus faced 30 charges in relation to misconduct in public office, larceny as a public officer, money laundering, and liability of officials. For those charges, he was grantedbailintheamountof $6.2million.
On Monday, Brutus was grantedanadditional$10.05
million bail
remaining 201 charges, primarily related to the liability of officials. The courtsession,whichbeganat 9:00 hrs., was presided over by Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty Brutus, dressed in a suit, was accompaniedbyalegalteam
including attorneys Yuborn Allicock, Eusi Anderson, andEarlDaniels.
proceedings, the charges werenotreadaloud;instead, bail was set for each individual charge. During the hearing, prosecutor David Braithwaite informed
the court that the state intendstopursuethecharges as indictable offences, meaning Brutus will not be permitted to enter a plea beforethetrialbegins.
Attorney Allicock, representing Brutus, argued for a self-bail arrangement for his client, emphasising that the charges against Brutus were merely allegations and that he should be pre
d innocent until proven guilty Allicock further noted that Brutus had already been granted a significant bail amountof$6.2millioninthe past, suggesting that the current bail should be consideredinthatcontext.
However, the prosecutor strongly objected to this request. Braithwaite proposed that Brutus's bail be set at $100,000 per charge, noting the seriousness of the offences (Continuedonpage16)
All set for Modi's visit …military cooperation, climate change top on agenda
Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi and President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali are expected to delve into a wide array of issues, with particular emphasis on military cooperation and addressing the challenges of climate change.
Duringarecentinterview, President Ali explained that they will also explore opportunities in agroprocessing, technology, and climateadaptation,aswellas the mutual support for small a n d m e d i u m - s i z e d enterprises (SMEs), the Department of Public Information reported. “Also, we have to look at the buildingoutofthehealthcare sector because they are big into health/ tourism. We are trying to enter that market to see how we can build our healthcare system to be a revenuearmforus.Theseare someofthethingsthatwillbe ontheagenda,”thepresident said.
In January 2023,
PresidentAli visited India as the chief guest at the 17th Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas, where he was awarded the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman. The governments of India and Guyana also agreed to establish working groups in the areas of agriculture and foodproduction,information and communications technology, energy, ayurvedic and wellness, natural medicine and development, and defence, amongotherareastoadvance the bilateral cooperation agenda.
During his state visit, the
PM will co-chair the 2nd India-CARICOM Summit alongside Grenada's Prime Minister, Dickon Mitchell and President Ali. He will also address the National Assembly,visittheMahatma Gandhi statue at the Promenade Garden, and pay homage at the IndianArrival Monument in the Monument Garden.
GuyanaandIndiaalready share a strong bilateral relationship, underpinned by both historical and cultural ties.
The two countries have been directly linked through mutual investments in renewable energy and sustainable development IndiahasalsoextendedLines of Credit to Guyana for various development projects, such as the construction of roads, bridges,andhospitals.
Notableprojectsthathave benefitted from India's financing include the Solar Home Systems project and the MV MALisha. Further, theIndianGovernmentoffers aplethoraofIndianTechnical and Economic Cooperation Programme (ITEC) courses to eligible officers across government ministries to build human capacity development.
In particular, the Guyana Defence Force continues to nominate officers to participateinarmyandnaval trainingcourses. Guyanaand India established diplomatic relations on May 26, 1966, andcontinuetohavearobust developmental cooperation programme aimed towards mutualbenefits.
President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali and Prime Minister of India, the Honourable Shri Narendra Modi
Referendum on oil contract crucial before any future negotiations with ExxonMobil - WPA
Areferendum on the 2016 oil
contract is crucial to any future n e g o t i a t i o n s t h e Government of Guyana is likely to have with U.S. oil giant, ExxonMobil. This is the view of the Working People'sAlliance(WPA).
At the party's weekly press conference on Monday, Co-leader Dr David Hinds told reporters thatitwouldnothurttohave Guyanese engaged in public discussionaboutthe2016oil deal.
Dr Hinds referenced
statementsmadebyAttorney GeneralAnilNandlallwhich saidthatareferendumonthe lopsided oil contract would beawasteoftime.However, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo disagreed with Nandlall saying that the Attorney General spoke in hispersonalcapacityandnot asagovernmentofficial. Jagdeo said while there might well be issues regarding bringing
ExxonMobil to the table even with a successful referendum,hewouldprefer to deal with the matter after next year's general and regionalelections.
Areferendumisageneral vote by the electorate on a single political question that hasbeenreferredtothemfor adirectdecision.
“Whilethatcontentionis true, an affirmative referendum vote would be a
potent bi-partisan, national tool in the hands of government as it engages Exxon.
TociteExxon'spotential inflexibility in the face of a formalnationaldemandasa reason for rejecting the referendum is akin to throwinginthetowelbefore the game starts,” Dr Hinds said.
The WPA reiterated its support for the referendum as part of a package that includes“theissuesoflegal, structured Cash Transfers and Power Sharing/Shared Governance.”
The WPA co-leader explained that the party did not provide much commentary on the oil contractbecause,“itwasnot part of the decision-making in 2016 and partly because wefeelthattherenegotiation ofthecontractshouldnotbe
Jagdeosays...Foreign companies making US millions in Guyana must pay
share of taxes
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo is opposed to the GeorgetownMayorandCity Council (M&CC) granting rates and taxes waivers to foreigncompanies.
The Vice President told reporters on Thursday at his weekly press conference held at Freedom House, Robb Street, Georgetown
that the decision by GeorgetownCityCouncilto grant a 25% waiver on outstanding rates and taxes to ONE Communications, formerly Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company
(GTT)wasmisguided. “We are opposed to this City Council giving waiver to GTT…these foreign companiesfortheirratesand taxes, it's ridiculous. They claim they don't have money; these are big companies they have huge assets here; they are selling their assets making tens of millions of US dollars in Guyana, they should pay theirfairshareoftaxesatthe CityCouncil,”Jagdeosaid.
The Vice President criticized the rationale behind granting waivers to
foreign entities, particularly those with significant financial resources, noting that these companies have been benefiting from deals made decades ago. He said, “Why do you have to give a foreigncompanythat'sflush with cash from selling their propertieshere…”
Jagdeo argued that the waiver process lacks transparency and fairness. Heemphasizedtheneedfora clear policy to guide such decisions, stating, “We have made it clear, if you are giving…ifyouhaveapolicy
Policereportedthattheincidentoccurred around 01:30h. According to the police report,thevictimreportedlytoldranksthatat about 20:30h, she went to bed and forgot to lockherbackdoor
“Themangrabbedherfrombehind,placeda knife to her neck and began to demand cash andjewellery,”policereported.
The victim reportedly told the suspect that she did not have money, to which he became annoyed and took her downstairs.
Whiledownstairs,heallegedlythrewherona mattress, which was spread on the ground andrapedher
Thereafter, the criminal continued to demand jewellery at which point the victim handed over her valuables, being fearful for herlife.
Thevictimwasrobbedoftwogoldchains valued at the sum of $250,000, one pair if gold earrings valued $200,000, one gold hand band valued $200,000, one black and greenflashlight$5000,and$5000cash.
The suspect then made good his escape on foot through the back door Police reported that detectives processed the scene and CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) cameras seen in the area are to be reviewed. Police are looking for the suspect as investigationscontinue.
togiveawaiverthenitmust be a stated policy, people mustnotcomeintoanyone's office to negotiate a waiver…”
Additionally, Jagdeo asserted that foreign-owned companies should be excluded from receiving suchwaivers.Hesaid,“Why we should be giving rich foreigncompaniesthatmake a ton of money, waiver of their taxes in the city when this is something that they signedup(for).” Further,he underscored that in GTT's casethewaiverisnotpartof afiscalincentive.
Kaieteur News had reported that Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag called the decision by the Mayor of Georgetown, Alfred
Mentore, and the City Council “alarming and unlawful.”
She highlighted that Section 215(3) of the Municipal and District Councils Act, Cap. 28:01 clearly stipulates that any discount on rates due must not exceed 10% “By approving more than double this legally mandated limit, the mayor and his council have blatantly disregarded the rule of law and their fiduciarydutytothecitizens of Georgetown, ” the ministersaid.
Minister Parag criticised the Council's financial choices and argued that the decision comes at a time when the Council continuously laments its financial woes and requests bailouts from Central
discussed in isolation from the distribution of the proceedsthatcomefromit.”
Thepartyholdstheview that “substantive democracy should mean that all those whoareaffectedbynational decisions should participate inthedecisionmaking.”
Government, claiming to be cash-strapped.
However,inhisresponse to the minister's criticism, Mentore defended the City Council's decision to grant the 25% tax waiver on accrued interest to the telecommunications company He contends that the waiver was within the Council'sauthority,aimedat enabling the company to settleoutstandingtaxes.The mayor accused Minister Sonia Parag of overstepping b o u n d a r i e s a n d misrepresenting the situation.
As we published last week violence against women –particularlyintimatepartnerviolenceandsexualviolence–isamajorpublichealthproblemandaviolationofwomen’s human rights Violence negatively affects women’s physical,mental,sexual,andreproductivehealth.
AccordingtotheWorldhealthOrganisation(WHO),1in 3womenintheAmericashaveexperiencedeitherphysical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. Men are more likely to perpetrateviolenceiftheyhaveloweducation,ahistoryof child maltreatment, exposure to domestic violence against theirmothers,harmfuluseofalcohol,unequalgendernorms including attitudes accepting of violence, and a sense of entitlementoverwomen.
Women are more likely to experience intimate partner violence if they have low education, exposure to mothers being abused by a partner, abuse during childhood, and attitudes accepting violence, male privilege, and women’s subordinate status. Situations of conflict, post-conflict and displacement may exacerbate existing violence, such as by intimate partners, as well as and non-partner sexual violence,andmayalsoleadtonewformsofviolenceagainst women.
TheGuyanaPoliceForcelastweekinreleasingitsreport on crime statistics disclosed that for this year 88% of the murdervictimsweremaleand12%female.Thebreakdown of murder cases included 56 from disorderly conduct, 10 fromdomesticviolence,11fromrobbery,eightexecutions, and15casesofunknowncauses.
OnMonday,wereportedona26-year-oldmanwhotook his own life after chopping to death his reputed wife at SupplyMahaica,EastCoastDemerara(ECD).Thevictims are 28-year-old Thagewante Motie and Uram Doorbassa better known as “Anil”, both of Mahaica were having a quarrelwhenDoorbassalosthiscoolandbecameviolent.
Then there was the 60-year-old taxi driver who was remandedtoprisonlastWednesdayafterhewaschargedwith attemptedmurderofhis74-year-oldcommon-lawwife Keith Williamsisaccusedofunlawfullyandmaliciouslywounding Deanna Bourne with intent to murder her, on November 10, 2024,attheirresidencelocatedatLot142ElDoradoAvenue, South Ruimveldt, Georgetown According to police statements,WilliamsandBournehavebeeninacommon-law relationshipfor42yearsandhavelivedtogetherinthesame home Onthedayoftheincident,Bournewasathomewhen Williams returned and was initially refused entry into the homebyBourne Aftersometime,theirgranddaughteropened the door for him and Williams proceeded to Bourne’s bedroom, where he woke her up and an argument ensued between them Following the argument, Williams left the room,retrievedacutlassfromhismotorvehicle,andreturned tothebedroom,wherehechoppedBourne,inflictingmultiple injuriestoherbodyandface
Inbothofthesecasestherewereclearindicationsthatthe relationshipsweremarredbyfrequentquarrelsandboutsof violence. Persons said to be knowledgeable about the relationships in both cases indicated problems in the relationships. In most of the cases involving domestic violence, persons knowing about these troubled relationships have either not intervened or intervened too latetopreventthetragicconsequences.Giventhefrequency with which troubled relationships are leading to maiming and murder, we urge that a concerted attempt be made to address is now a very serious social problem Friends, neighbours and communities must be educated abouttheredflagsofdomesticproblems.Whentheseflags appear, there should be a response. It is unfortunate when neighbours and friends wait too late before they intervene. However, individual responses are never going to be good enough to make a difference. What is needed is a truly
Welcome PM Modi to Guyana
, PrimeMinisterNarendra Modi ji arrives Tuesday evening after a G20 summit inRioinneighboringBrazil. As expected, a grand welcoming ceremony is plannedandbeingorganized bythediasporaaswellasby thestate(government).Head of State ceremonies are technicallyordiplomatically reservedforvisitingheadsof states, not heads of governments.
Mr Modiisnotaheadof state, but he is accorded a welcoming ceremony (red carpet) and treatment deserving of a head of state of a very powerful nation or globalpower
Because of who he is,
Modi ji is granted a ‘state visitwelcome’,adiplomatic nicety reserved for few heads of states and governments Other countrieslikeUSA,UK,etc. were known to treat Modi likeaheadofstate.
The head of state is the s y m b o l i s m o f t h e sovereigntyofthenation.
PM Modi is the most popular political leader in the world and countries go outoftheirwaytoshowtheir respect and love for him. India is a very important nation that is being courted by competing superpowers andotherpowerfulcountries tocementties.
Modi was accorded red carpettreatmenteverywhere
he visited, most recently by NigeriaonMonday Brazilis also expected to put out the red carpet for him. And President Ali is right to tender an invitation to Shri Modijiinaccordancetothat given to a head state, as distinct from a head of government. ‘State visit’ is for head of state, not necessarily for head of government,thelatterrarely given.IrfaanAliisbothhead of state and head of government. So is Biden.
ShrimatiDroupadiMurmuis HeadofStateofIndia.
As is the norm in all of his foreign trips, the PM is expected to be accorded a grandwelcomebytheIndian diaspora separate from the
warm, friendly welcome by thestateorgovernment.The state will accord an official welcoming ceremony that is given to a visiting head of governmentorstate,perhaps with the presence of the cabinet and all the trappings thatgowithit.Modijiisnot any foreign leader; he is leader of an extremely important country and one with which Guyana has shared cultural values and objectives in addition to being very generous in aiding our national development. He is a rock star and will be treated accordinglybythestate. His visit is accorded the treatmentofthatofaheadof (Continuedonpage06)
Bullying is an expression of the worst of our humanity
, When we think of delinquent behavior in schools and communities, sexual abuse is often overlooked, yet its impact is severe and long-lasting Victims can endure prolonged periods of depression, anxiety, and academic challenges. Meanwhile, perpetrators, if not addressed early on, may continue down a path of destructive behavior, both for themselves and wider society
Manychildrenhesitateto disclose abuse, often for complex reasons A systematic review identifies factors that discourage disclosure, such as fear of consequences, concerns aboutbeingdisbelieved,and uncertainty about others’ responses. For boys, nondisclosure often stems from shame and guilt, as they are taught that they should be able to protect themselves. Asaresult,boysmaychoose
silence,whichcanfeellikea prison.However,findingthe courage to speak out is the first step toward freedom andfindinghelp.
Sexual abuse among students is particularly challenging to address, as it r e m a i n s a t a b o o topic especially when it involves boys abusing other boys. However, the rise in reports from boys who have been sexually abused underscores the urgent need for attention from all stakeholders, including parents, service providers (police, welfare officers, teachers, medical professionals, faith leaders).
The Care for Boys research conducted locally by Dr Paulette Henry, found that boys who reported sexual abuse were often abused
outside their homes Addressing sexual abuse should be part of a broader initiative to tackle all types ofjuveniledelinquencyifwe are aiming to create a safe
national effort to educate the Guyanese people about the dangers of domestic abuse. A simple quarrel can easily escalate into murder Thus, interventions need to be made, especially in troubled relationships. In this regard we feel there is an important role for religious and community organizations. These organisations should be pro-active in seekingouttroubledrelationshipssinceveryoftenfrustration builds up when there is no resort to someone to talk to or someone whose help can be sought to resolve a problem. Counseling is also needed. There is an abject lack of these servicesinthecommunitiesinwhichtheyaremostneeded. WhileGuyanaisyettodevelopastrongcultureofproviding these services, the time is now propitious for every communitytohaveatitsdisposalpersonstrainedtoprovide counselingandsupporttofamiliesthatarehavingdifficulties in relationships. It is a noteworthy trend also that quite a number of cases involving the use of violence against the person is associated with broken relationships. Judging
and nurturing learning environment. After all, we know that hurt people often hurtothers.
Fear, shame, and social stigma often prevent children and young people from reporting abuse, particularly sexual abuse For boys, this stigma is amplified by societal pressures surrounding masculinity. Boys who experience abuse may feel isolated and unable to process their trauma
Conversely, boys who engage in abusive behavior
may themselves be responding to unresolved trauma, a lack of guidance, or unhealthy influences in theirenvironment.
Within the school setting, a stable, peaceful environment is essential for both teachers and students.
Bullying can disrupt classroom dynamics, drain resources,andmorerecently often escalate into violence in the school Some
advocate for expelling or isolating disruptive students whobullyotherstomaintain asafeenvironment,butsuch measuresoftenleadtocycles of punishment without support or opportunities for change.
Whilstthereisaninstinct to remove students who harmotherstudentsfromthe school environment, this should be a last resort. Childrenhavearighttotheir education and removal for bad behaviour fails to address the root causes of delinquent and bullying behaviors. In reality, many young people who are displaying such behaviors are themselves products of challenging circumstances, including poverty, abuse, andinadequateparentalcare andlackofaccesstosupport systems;theymayalsohave experienced some form of sexual abuse or exposure to harmful sexual behaviour
fromthecasesthathavebeenmakingthenews,manymen who have failed to win back the affection of a loved one, have resorted to violence against those rejecting their advances.Thisisyetanothertroublingsocialproblemand again requires public education on how to deal with rejection and how to move on after a broken relationship. We believe that emotional problems, be they mental or mattersoftheheart,arelegitimatemattersofpublichealth andassuchweurgetheMinistryofHealthtonetworkwith the many social, religious and community groups within oursocietytocomeupwithanationalcampaignaimedat healingtroubledrelationshipsandrejection.Weurgepublic educationonangermanagementandotherrelatedsubjects which can help to reduce the high incidence of domestic violenceinsociety Agreatdealofprogresshasbeenmade onthelegislativefrontindealingwithdomesticviolence.It is time for initiatives that address the problems arising in relationships.
I will continue to advocate for sustainable development for the people of Linden
Linden experienced a transformative day last Fridayasover600houselots were allocated to residents, and local contractors were pre-qualified for contracts collectively valued at more than$7billiondollarsforthe construction and upgrading ofsome165roadsacrossthe townandregion.
These investments are a testament to the ongoing advocacy I’ve been making as the Regional Member of Parliament, for economic
development of the municipality of Linden and empowerment of its residents, and represent a significant step forward in responsiveness by the government in ensuring equitable development comestoRegionTen.
As a responsible elected official representing my constituency, I visited both locations where the Ministries of Housing and Public Works held events last Friday, engaging with hundreds of Lindeners who were present. My primary purpose there was to advocate on behalf of the people who had reached out to me regarding their concerns, particularly about housingandlandallocation.
At the housing event, I ensured that every concern raised by residents about houselotswasbroughttothe attention of Minister Susan Rodrigues. I am pleased to report that she personally addressed each issue I presented, both in previous discussions and on the groundduringtheevent.
With respect to regularization of squatting Communities,whichIspoke to President Ali about directly, highlighting the needforregularizingseveral squatting communities so residents could gain ownership of lands they have occupied for years, his words of commitment to getting it done was made to me. In reiterating this view, the Minister confirmed that this process is already underway with specific instructions from the Presidenttogettingitdone.
Further, in seizing to maximize the time in e x p l o r i n g n e w opportunities, having recognized the growing demand for housing and house lots in Linden, I proposed the development of a new site offering over
400 acres of land for house lots. This proposal, initially discussed with former Deputy Mayor and Councilor Waynewright Bethune, was well received. The Minister immediately requested we take her and team to do a site visit of the location. Upon observation of the proposed area, Minister Rodrigues requested of her surveyor in the coming week to come backandassesstheviability of the site for housing. I am persuaded once finalized, this initiative will provide more Lindeners with the opportunity to own a houselotandeventuallytheir own homes in a timely manner I commend the Minister for your responsiveness.
AttheMinistryofPublic Works event at Watooka Club,MinisterJuanEdgehill spoke of what the governmentisdoingandthe local leaders should not make representation for what is already being done bythegovernment.
This was specifically meant for me who several weeks ago made the call on government to make similar infrastructure investment in
LindenandRegionTen,asis being done in other regions, for the people and the economyofmyconstituency tobenefitequally Itwouldberemissofme not to remind the honorable Minister that since becoming member of Parliament, I have always been consistent and relentless in advocating and making representation for the people of my township and region to benefit from every opportunity the government of the day is providing.
Since Minster Edgehill was in Linden engaging existing and potential local contractorsfortheupcoming $7 billion road construction roll out, I was able to be engaged with numerous Lindeners present at the event, providing guidance on the processes required to become eligible for contract bidding. This is part of my broader effort to empower local people/ contractors to ensurethatregionalprojects can be executed by those withinthecommunity I do not take credit, nor will I venture to do so for what the government is doing. I am simply happy it
is being done for our people and I acknowledge and underscore the significant impact this $7 billion injection into the local economy will have among residents.
This will undoubtedly provide a major socioeconomic boost for Lindeners and others across the region and their respective communities, creating jobs and fostering collective
development underscores
commitmenttoensuringthat Lindeners receive their fair share of resources and opportunities.
While I am pleased with
aforementionedroads,Ilook forward to seeing broader
infrastructure investments such as the creation of industrial estates and port facilities that can catalyze the economic growth of our townandregion.
Further, in this regard, I take this opportunity once more to call on the Minister
with responsibilities for youth sports and culture, whosefocusisapparentlyis on ‘grounds enhancement’, but who seems to be under thegroundwhenitcomesto the completion of the longawaited Linden synthetic tract at Bayrock that was under construction since 2018,whichseemstobethe
project. His ministry has gotten more than enough monies in annual budgetary allocations since 2020, for both the synthetic track and theMSCmultipurpose
Bureau of Statistics conducting labour force survey
The Bureau of Statistics has recommencedthe Guyana Labour Force Survey (GLFS), a quarterly household study which provides key insights into the country’s labour market, including employment, unemployment and underemployment.
The sample survey is conducted in all regions of
Guyana, among persons 15 yearsoldandover,regardless of employment status, the Bureau of Statistics said in a pressrelease Areas covered in the survey include Household compositionanddemographic characteristics, internal migration, education, vocational and professional training, job search and availability to work, income
from main job/business and hoursofwork.
Enumerators equipped with an official badge from the Bureau of Statistics as well as a Tablet computer, will visit the households to record the data using Questionnairesfoundonthat tablet computer There are two types of questionnaires which will be used: Household and Individual.
Questionnaire will be administered to one person to capture data at the household level, while the individualquestionnairewill be administered to each individual15yearsandolder within the household. Each individual’s interview will last approximately 20-30 minutes. The Household questionnaire applies to all personsregardlessoftheirage and questions include: “In which country were you born?”, “How many years have you been residing in Guyana on a continuous basis?”, “What is the highest level of education that you haveattained?”,and“Areyou nowenrolledinaschoolorin a n e d u c a t i o n a l institution?”Questions each individual 15 years or older
willbeaskedinclude:“Inthe last 7 days, did you do any workforawage,salary,tipsor anyotherpayevenifonlyfor one hour?”, “What steps did youmainlytaketoseekwork inthelast30days?”,and“Ifan opportunitytoworkforpayor to start a business became available, could you have startedorstartworking?”
This survey will provide national-level labour force indicators which will be used bytheGovernmenttoidentify the challenges that Guyana faces in the area of employmentpromotionandto develop,manage,andevaluate labour market policies and programmes which support economic growth, training opportunitiesandjobcreation TheBureauofStatisticsurges all selected households to participate, as their input is
crucial to developing a comprehensiveunderstanding oflabortrendsandchallenges Please cooperate with our Enumerators and answer every question truthfully and tothebestofyourability
“We also take this opportunity to remind the publicthatStaffoftheBureau of Statistics are bound by the Statistics Act, to ensure the confidentiality of all information collected and severepenaltiesareinplacefor breachesofconfidentiality No informationwhichidentifies you,yourhouseholdoryour individual responses will be made public or provided to any other agency All data collected and analysed will be provided to the public in aggregated/summarized format,” the Bureau of Statisticsassured.
Bullying is an expression of the
students, a balanced, inclusive approach is essential to foster a genuinely safe school environment.
Ultimately,creatingasafelearningspace requires a balanced approach that addresses harmful behaviors directly while providing the resources and support necessary for all
students to thrive. The solution lies not in pushingtheseissuesintotheshadowsbutin bringing them to light, fostering an environment where healing, accountability, and growth are possible for everyone involved.
Sincerely ChildLinkInc.
Frompage05 stadium to reach completion, however, both facilitiescontinuetolagbehind.
Lindenersandespeciallyourathletesare eagerly awaiting access to these facilities to optimizetheirfullpotential.
I will continue to advocate for sustainable development, equitable land distribution, and the empowerment of our local contractors and people to ensure the prosperity of Linden and the residents of
Region Ten becomes part of our ‘One Guyana’ and experience the realities of the fastestgrowingeconomyinamorepersonal andtangibleway
Linden/RegionTen,theheartofGuyana must begin to beat faster on the path to growthanddevelopment.Iwillneverweary inmakingrepresentationandadvocatingfor thisforourpeople.
Welcome PM Modi to Guyana...
state even though he is not, signaling the toweringrespectthatthegovernmenthasfor thevisitingleaderandtheimportanceofIndia asapartnerindevelopment.
Withregardstothediaspora,inhisdozens of overseas trips, the Indian diaspora was known to provide a cultural welcoming ceremony garlanding the PM, presented bouquets of flowers, and singing the Indian nationalanthemandbhajans.Itiscertainthat thelatterwillbedoneattheairportaswellas atthehotelwherethePMwillstay
TheIndiandiasporaisverycomplexand all encompassing as it includes descendants of indentured laborers who are now fourth andlatergenerationsofGuyaneseaswellas recentmigrantsfromIndia(NRIs)invarious capacities (business, employment, students, residents, new citizens, etc.) and lengths of presence.
Girmitya countries, those with descendants of indentured laborers like several in the Caribbean,Africa, the Pacific, IndianOcean,andAsia,presentachallengein participationofceremonialactivitiesrelating to India. Then there is the diaspora twice removed Indian Guyanese or Indo CaribbeanssettledinUSA,Canada,Europe, etc.—thedoubledegreedIndiandiaspora,a uniquediasporacategoryorgroupofIndians attachedtotheirformerhomelandaswellas
to Mother India. Which of the two or more Indian diasporas will preside over or participate in the unofficial ceremonies for Modi ji. As experienced in Africa, Fiji, Mauritius, etc., that have two categories of Indian diasporas, as distinct from visits in USA and Europe, Australia and New Zealand, both diasporas participated in ceremonieswelcomingModiastheyshould. ThePMisveryfondofthediasporaandhasa specialplaceinhisheartforthegirmityasor descendants of indentured laborers, the pioneers of the Indian diaspora. It is certain that the Indian High Commission in Guyana will accommodate the diasporas to perform theirownceremonialactivitiesinaccordwith local traditions Other Guyanese (of other ethnicity) will also be part of welcoming ceremoniesastheyshould TheHCisknownto be all embracing and inclusive in its various activities over the decades Guyanese of all racesandfaithsshouldandareexpectedtojoin intheceremoniestowelcometheleaderofthe world’slargestdemocracy
ThankyouPresidentAlifortheinvitation totheIndianPMtovisitourcountryandfor upgrading the visit to that given to a head of state. Itwillstrengthentiesbetweenourtwo cou
GECOM warns Norton against threats to block
The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has warned Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton against alleged threats to prevent foreigners from voting at next year's elections,sayingthatthelaw is clear on obstructing someone from voting and thatitwasthecommissionto determine whether someone iseligibletovote.
GECOM made the statement against the background of a statement attributed to Norton which was published by the Demerarawaves under the caption: “PNCR polling agents will block foreigners from voting – Norton.” The article explained according to GECOM that Norton was addressing a public meeting at Calcutta, Mahaicony when he reportedly stated that “opposition polling agents would be on the lookout for foreigners who are clearly not connected to Guyana.”
“Itisthereforeabsolutely necessary for GECOM to clarify that in order for any name to be listed on the Official List of Electors (OLE), persons must satisfy the eligibility criteria for registration as stipulated in the National Registration Act,Chapter19:08.Thelaw provides for a Guyanese
not connected to Guyana' from voting
citizen by birth, descent, naturalization/registrationor a c i t i z e n o f a Commonwealth Country livinginGuyanaoneyearor more to be eligible for registration. As such once a person has satisfied those requirements and have provided authentic supporting documentation, they are registered in accordance with the legal provisions,”GECOMsaid.
Moreover, GECOM said it is important to note that scrutineersfromthePeople's National Congress Reform (PNCR) are permanently present at all GECOM's Registration Offices countrywideandareactively involved in the registration process, including the signing off on the accuracy of applications for registration transactions
“Further, Mr Norton also posited that a means of identifying 'foreigners' would be when eligible electors are unable to speak proper English. In fact, it mustbeclarifiedthatSection 72(10)oftheRepresentation of the People Act, Chapter 1:03makesprovisionforthis category of voters at the placeofpoll.
Specifically, the law stipulatesthat,“wheneverin the opinion of the presiding officer an elector does not
Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Justice (retd) Claudette Singh
understand the language spoken to him, he may appoint and swear, in Form 20, an interpreter; and the interpreter, so sworn, shall b e t h e m e a n s o f communication between the presiding officer and the elector with regard to all matters required to enable theelectortovote.”
Against this backdrop, GECOM said as the constitutional agency that is responsible for the conduct of elections in Guyana is “perturbed at Mr Norton's mischievous statements that can potentially cause fear and harm to eligible voters e x e r c i s i n g t h e i r constitutional right on Elections Day It must be noted however, that Elections are managed by the Guyana Elections Commission and political
Elections Commission is urgingpoliticalstakeholders to be responsible and cautious about their comments in the public domain as these can potentially have effects on the electoral process and severeconsequences.”
party agents will have no authority to determine who votesornot.Once,aperson's nameisintheOLE,itmeans that all the necessary legal and administrative scrutiny were done and he/she is qualifiedtobesolisted.”
The elections body emphasised that an election officialorsecuritypersonnel can be prosecuted for committing election offencessuchasdeliberately obstructing or interfering withtheworkofanElection Officer and intimidating e l i g i b l e e l e c t o r s “Consequently, the Guyana
Only on Monday the Working Peoples Alliance (WPA) reiterated its call on GECOM to do everything within its power to ensure that the upcoming electoral exercise meets the required standards of a free, fair and credibleelection.
The WPA said it notes Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo's dismissal of its proposal to extend the election deadline, if necessary, to accommodate the required changes as an attempttotrapthePPP “Itis apt to note that the PPP supportedasimilarproposal in 1990 which delayed the election of that year by almosttwoyears.
TheonlytraptheWPAis interestedinisafreeandfair election whereby the rules and the machinery are accepted by all participants andstakeholders.Wetooare notinterestedinkeepingthe PPPinofficeonedaybeyond itsterm;weareinterestedin ensuring that the PPP and other parties do not use the current flawed system and machinery to steal the upcomingelections.
In that regard WPA prefers to have the government remain in place for a short period of time to ensure that it does not steal fiveyears,”theWPAsaid.
“Despitepushbacksfrom the PPP, WPA continues to believe that more, not less, shouldbedonetoensurethis outcome. In this regard, we believe that a clean voters listandtheuseofbiometrics would decrease, not increase, opportunities for electoral fraud,” the party said in a press release. It added: “We are therefore dismayed at the PPP's insistence on retaining the status quo which that party itself along with foreign observershavedeemedtobe belowtherequiredstandards ofaproperelection.”
Govt. will not be flexible on timeline for holding elections – Jagdeo
The Government of Guyana will not exercise flexibilityinthetimelinefor the holding of General and Regional Elections, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo hassaid.
Speaking to reporters at h i s w e e k l y p r e s s conference, the VP who is also General Secretary of the ruling People's Progressive Party /Civic (PPPC) said that it is imperative that the 2025 electionsareheldwhenthey areconstitutionallydue.
“We don't want extra time;wewantelectionsheld on schedule, with international observers, and wewantallineligiblenames removed from the lists. We want political parties to deployrobustpollingagents in each polling place. We want full compliance with thenewROPA.Wewantthe statementsofpollpublished before the tabulation.All of that is in place now,” he explained.
Jagdeo also criticized the opposition for what he describedastheirattemptto delay the upcoming 2025 elections through sustained calls for additional proceduraladjustments.
The PPP /C General Secretary said the opposition appears to be unpreparedfortheelections, implying they may seek to delay the elections to their advantage He made this deduction as a result of the Opposition's calls for the use of biometrics for the upcoming elections. This wouldincludeanewhouseto-house registration process that would see the elections planned for 2025 being delayed. The Vice President noted too, that biometric systems are already in place at the Guyana Elections Commission(GECOM).
“The fingerprints we all had to give to GECOM are biometrics The folio contains a picture next to each voter's name, so when you go to the polling place, they can see your picture and verify your identity Essentially, they're asking for biometrics when we already have them. Perhaps they misunderstand what biometrics are,” the VP suggested.
He continued, “They want to do fingerprinting again,whichwouldtakesix to eight months. By then,
GECOMshouldbeready In fact, they should have been readybyMarch2ndbecause that'swhenthelastelections wereheld.IsetAugustasthe deadline because that's when the President was sworn in, but by that time, GECOM should be able to tellthePresidenthecancall elections whenever he wishes. They're hoping to killthattimeline.”
Notwithstanding his
d enhanced biometrics. At a previous press conference, Jagdeo said that the government is not opposed to enhanced biometrics at pollingstationswhilenoting thatitmustnotbeusedasa tooltodisenfranchisevoters atthepollingplace.
VicePresident, Bharrat Jagdeo
A shameful abdication of leadership
Th e P P P C government has reached a new low in its spineless defense of the lopsided Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with ExxonMobil Once clinging to the worn-out excuse of “respecting the sanctityofcontracts,”itnow seeks to escape its responsibility by claiming that any renegotiation dependsonExxon’sconsent. This is defeatism at its finest a shameful abdicationof leadership and a blatant dismissal of the people’swill.
For years, the PPPC hid behind the principle of
an unbreakablemoralandlegal obligation.
Buteventhegovernment must realise that this argumenthasbeenunmasked as hollow Trinidad and Tobago, with no less respect for contractual obligations, renegotiated agreements with oil and gas companies operating in its waters. Did Trinidad become a lawless state? Hardly What it displayedwasacommitment tosecuringfairreturnsforits citizens.
The PPPC’s latest stance that Exxon has to c o n s e n t t o a n y renegotiation isaninsultto the intelligence of the Guyanesepeople
Thisisnotaboutlegality or ethics; it is about the government’s lack of courage to confront a multinational giant that is makingbillionsfromouroil whilewesettleforcrumbs.
The PPPC seems oblivious to what every
serious government understands:renegotiationis notarequest;itisastrategic game of leverage And
Guyana holds significant cards. Exxon and its partners have invested billionsinGuyana. Theyare not going to pack up and leave because the government demands better terms. Guyana is one of the most profitable oil plays in the world right now a literalgoldmineforExxon. It is not going to walk awayItcanandmustbeforced to come to the renegotiating table
The government has the leverage Exxon cannot operate without production licenses Every new project
requires government approval This is where any government with a spine wouldflexitsmuscles.
ThePPPCcouldusethisas a bargaining chip to bring Exxonbacktothenegotiating table But instead, it shrinks fromthefight,optingtoparrot Exxon’s position that it is not in favour of renegotiation rather than assert Guyana’s sovereignrighttofairterms
Public sentiment is another potent tool the governmentrefusestowield. Multinational corporations dread negative public opinion because it complicates operations and tarnishes their global reputation.
TheGuyanesepeopleare already disillusioned with the PSA, viewing it as a sellout of the nation’s wealth The government couldharnessthissentiment as leverage, signaling to Exxonthatitfacestheriskof publichostilityandpotential instability if it refuses to engage in good faith renegotiations But the PPPC would rather appease Exxon than align itself with thepeopleitclaimstoserve. Its message is clear: your voicesdonotmatter
This government has prioritized the interests of a foreign corporation over the demands of its citizens, proving once again how far removed it is from the realities and aspirations of everydayGuyanese.
The claim that Exxon’s consent is an immovable obstacleislaughable
Exxon will not abandon i t s o p e r a t i o n s i n Guyana not when it has investedheavilyandstandsto make even more But Exxon will only bend if the government is willing to stand Renegotiation is possible In Trinidad, this took time and effort But the government there secured betterterms Why?Becauseit prioritized the interests of its people over corporate appeasement
The PPPC, in contrast, has shown neither the will nor the fortitude to fight for Guyana The PPPC’s defeatistnarrativerepresents a betrayal of the people’s trust Guyanese deserve leaders who act in their interest,notoneswhocower before multinational corporations.ThePSAisnot justabaddeal;itisasymbol of exploitation and a reminder of what happens when leaders abandon their responsibility to the nation. The PPPC’s refusal to push for renegotiation represents servitude dressed up as patriotism. The Guyanese people deserve leaders who understand that sovereignty istheabilitytoassertcontrol over national resources and demand a fair share of their wealth.
The PPPC’s willingness tobowtoExxon’sconsentis notjustweak;itisunworthy of a government that claims torepresentitspeople.
The Guyanese people
Who drunk now?
Dem boys seh dem police smart, but some of dem bar patrons even smarter! Y’all know how de police does line up outsidedempopularbarsandnightclubson a Saturday night, waiting like hawks fuh somebody who drink one too many As soonasdepatronsstumbleoutandjumpin demcars,depolicedoespounce,readywid debreathalyzertest.Mosttimes,ispay-up timeafterdat.
But hear dis story One night, dem policesehdemgonmekabigcatchoutside a big-name bar Dem deh waiting like fishermen wid dem nets. Closing time come, and out tumble one man who look like he drink de whole bar De man could barelystandupstraight,muchlessfindhe car He try he key pon about five cars
Demansitdowninhecarandchillfuh a good ten minutes, while everybody else driveoff.Heturnondelights,thenoff.He move forward lil bit, then stop. He mek it look like he more confused than a lost sheep.Whendeplaceemptyout,hefinally driveoffslow,slow,slow
Depolicelightupdemsirenandstopde man, ready fuh de big haul. Dem seh, “Blowindis.”Butguesswah?Demanpass de breathalyzer clean, clean! De police eyes wide like saucers. One of dem seh, “Thistingmustbebruk.”
De man laugh and seh, “Nah man, I ain’t drunk Tonight, I’s de DD—DesignatedDecoy.” Talkhalf.Leffhalf
deserve better than excuses. It deserves more than a government that cannot see pastExxon’sshadow It deserves leadership that fights for the nation’s wealth, not one that surrenders it on a silver platter.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Guyanese are so lucky: bad cop, bad cop
Often, I get the impression that the PPPtwo topdogsaretryingtooutduel each other It has been bad cop, bad cop. Who isn't crude, is rude; one is a brawler, the other is a noisemaker If it is not a drama,thenitistheopera.
Vice President Jagdeo lets loose with one salvo afteranothereveryThursday inanongoingefforttoprove how macho he is. The truth oftheresultisthathecomes close to something totally different, not quite describable. Bets are being takenastowhatDr Jagdeo's future level of degradation willbefortwoextraordinary Thursdays left in this year The first Thursday is on
Thanksgiving Day, which fills out the lastThursday in Novemberonthe28th. Itisa specialdayforAmericans,a sacred one I would say [for meatleast]. TheAmericans could do without this bad cop routine that Jagdeo has worked so hard at on their dayofcelebration. Whathe is going to do on November 28th is a sure thing. The crowd of foreign investors present in Guyana must not be upset by any political histrionics and frivolous leadership antics on a day whenturkeysprovidethefun and the New York Giants, DallasCowboys,andDetroit Lionsaresettosquareoff.It isalmostahighholydayfor Americans, and though
Jagdeodoesn'tknow,hewill behave himself, bad cop or nobadcop.Itwashehimself who said that foreign investors get unhappy quickly So why rock the boatonThursday,November 28th with some loudmouth, emptyheaded, wrongfooted pressconferencetomuckup the festivities of the foreigners, especially those Americans.
Unfortunately, when Guyanese could do with a break and get some relief through the presence of a good cop to balance things out,theygetanotherbadcop on the political beat, and does he pack some heat. I am speaking of President Mohamed “Macho Man”
Ali He showed dem luckless Guyanese guys and gals de adder day who is de IronSheik. Imaginegetting a battering at 05:30 in the morning. But that was part ofthedramaandjokeplayed on unsuspecting citizens
The men and women summonedtothepresident's presser were still so deep in their sleep that they didn't hear one word that he said. The problem was that the few who took care to show the proper respect and be awake and alert didn't care about anything that Stone Cold Irfaan Ali put on the table They have been hearing that day after day, week after monotonous week from SN and KN, so who cares, what's the urgency?
What's the point with all this big, bristling, bad cop stuff? Regardless, I think that by any fair judging, the scorecard should indicate that President Ali won that round about who is the baddercopinthathepulleda nice one on Jagdeo. To this point, Dr Jagdeo has been civilized (relatively speaking, of course); he waitsuntiltheliquidlunches
of his listeners have taken hold before he gets down to business. Igivecreditwherecredit is due: Vice President Jagdeo has not used his rank, and the great fears associated with it, to yank anyoneoutoftheirbed. Not even the most junior public servant or minister has been rolledoutofbed,thenrolled inthemud. And,beforethe suncameupintheeast. Iam gratefultotheVicePresident that he has not made it a policytochangethecardinal point from which the sun rises.
There is still hope for him, which is why I never give up on him, try to keep him on his toes, so that he sees God one of these good days. Rather modestly, I mustsaythatthedivineisn't me.Movingonsmartly,there is still that other Thursday that could be profaned by a bad cop (VP) press conference to keep things uniform. It is St Stephens Day,morefamiliarlyknown as Boxing Day, which is on Thursday, December 26. Surely, Dr. Jagdeo will not make his press rounds on that day to prove to Dr. Ali
who is de badder cop. Ow, boss! Let de Guyaneeez peeple drink de brown rum in peace, nah. They cannot afford JohnnieWalker Blue, sopleasegivethemthespace to enjoy their national holiday
What is there to announceonadaysolatein theyear? Whowouldbeleft toabuseafterawholeyearof doing so with relish and mustard and good ole Guyanese pepper sauce to cremate those Guyanese who get in his way, who work hard to show the big badcoptheerrorofhisways. Incidentally,BoxingDayisa religious holiday, so to speak, so I implore both ExcellencyAliandHisMost SeniorExcellencyJagdeoto how some regard for other people.AsforPresidentAli,I am shuddering. What next will he come up with to prove how ruff and tuff he could be? A call for a conference at midnight? Come to think of it, that wouldbeinkeepingwiththe Yuletide Season: It came upon a midnight hour… I must admit it, sometimes I amabitofaruffianmyself.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
A spineless government
The PPPC government has reached a new low in its spineless defense of the lopsided Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with ExxonMobil. Once clinging to the worn-out excuse of “respecting the sanctity of contracts,” it now seeks to escape its responsibility by claiming that any renegotiation depends on Exxon's consent.
This is defeatism at its finest—a shameful abdication of leadership and a blatant dismissal of the people's will.
New LIAT launching inaugural flight to Guyana today
LIAT (2020) Ltd will today launch its inaugural flight to Georgetown, Guyana (GEO), saying that the new route will offer increased connectivity across the region and strengthen ties between the EasternCaribbeanandSouth America.
In a press release LIAT 2020saidtheintroductionof theGeorgetownroutemarks asignificantmilestoneinthe airline's expansion strategy, offering a crucial link between the Caribbean and Guyana's emerging markets. It said Georgetown, an economic hub, is a key destination for business and leisure travelers alike “Travelersonthisnewroute can immerse themselves in Guyana'svibrantecotourism
offerings, supporting sustainable local economies as they explore lush rainforests, pristine rivers, and breathtaking wildlife.
Hafsah Abdulsalam, Chief Executive Officer at LIAT (2020) Ltd, commented: "Georgetown is an exciting destination with immense potential for both tourism and business. By launching
this new service, we are offeringourpassengersmore options for exploring Guyana and its growing economy AtLIAT2020,we are dedicated to delivering convenient and reliable air travel across the Caribbean andbeyond."
Meanwhile, Oneidge Walrond, Minister of Tourism, Industry, and Commerce, expressed enthusiasmaboutthelaunch ofLIAT(2020),emphasising its significance for tourism and trade. "The launch of LIAT (2020) is a pivotal moment for the tourism industry," she stated "It enhances connectivity and opens additional options for travel”.
Minister Walrond highlighted that while LIAT (2020) provides direct connections between Guyana and Antigua, its extensive network offers even greater opportunities for travelers from regions suchasCanada,Europe,and the Middle East to reach Guyana through the Caribbean.
"Every new airline operating here signals
increased confidence in Guyana's growing tourism sector and our robust economy Iamdelightedthat LIAT (2020) recognises the potential of the Guyana route,andIamconfidentthis decisionwillprovemutually beneficial,”shenoted. She also pointed to the large Guyanese diaspora residing in Antigua and Barbuda,manyofwhomare eagertoreconnectwiththeir homeland and witness Guyana's economic and social transformation. For his part, Juan Edghill, Minister of Public Works, underscored that, the people of Guyana stand to benefit
immensely from the relaunchofLIAT(2020).
He said, “ this increased airlift will create jobs, stimulate the local economies, and provide more travel options for our citizens.
By making it easier to travel to and from Guyana, weareimprovingthequality oflifeforallGuyanese."He explained the increased airlift, coupled with the Government's investments inairportinfrastructure,will unlocknewopportunitiesfor economic growth and development.
" B y e n h a n c i n g connec
Caribbean region, we are positioning Guyana as a regionalhub,attractingmore visitors, investors, and businesses. This will not only stimulate economic growth but also create jobs andgeneraterevenueforour local communities." he noted.
Edghillalsounderscored that, “By providing more convenient and affordable travel options, we are empowering our citizens to explore new cultures and seize business opportunities acrosstheCaribbean.
T h i s i n c r e a s e d connectivity will enrich our lives, strengthen our
communities,andcontribute to the overall well-being of ournation."
LIAT (2020) Limited is the latest iteration of the regionalairlineknownforits safety record and ability to connect the Caribbean islands.
Operating with an enhanced fleet of ERJ145 and ATR42-600 aircraft, LIAT20continuestobeakey driver of economic development and regional integration.Withacontinued emphasis on safety, operational efficiency, and service excellence, the airlineaimstoredefinetravel intheCaribbean.
Amerindian women's rights group calls on Govt. to suspend mining activities in Marudi area
The Wapichan Wiizi Women's Movement (WWWM) has expressed concerns over mining activitiesatMarudiMountain.
Thegroupendorsedandechoed thestatementreleasedbytheSouth RupununiDistrictCouncil(SRDC) on November 5 calling on the government to immediately suspend mining operations in the Marudiarea. Inastatementissued tothepress,theWWWMcalledfor mining to halt until “our rights as Indigenous women, including our right to free, prior, and informed consent(FPIC),areupheld.”
As women leaders in their communities, the WWWM are concerned that mining operators and the government have failed to involvethemwhilemakingcrucial decisions that affect their lands, safety, culture, environment and health,andlivelihoods.
Accordingtothegroup,mining at Marudi Mountain, which is a sacredsiteforWapichanpeople,is happening through an agreement between the Rupununi Miners
Association (RMA), the government, and the Aurous miningcompany.
“WeasIndigenouspeoplewere never consulted about and never hadthechancetoparticipateinthis agreement.Thisisaclearviolation of our right to Free, Prior and InformedConsent(FPIC).”
Members of the Wapichan Wiizi Women's Movement (WWWM) has expressed concerns over mining activities in Wapichan wiizi, especially at Marudi Mountain.
The WWWM noted that since the agreement was signed, the RMA has invited hundreds of Brazilians to mine at Marudi, without any regulation or oversight. The group explained: “Webelievemanyareminersfrom Yanomami territory, who have comehereafterbeingevictedfrom Brazil by President Lula. There is no transparency about what is happening at Marudi. We do not receive information about operators, their permits, or their
practices. It is not clear who holds the permits to pursue mining operations,norwhethertheminers arefollowinganyoftherestrictions and regulations set forth by the GGMCandtheEPA.”
Assuch,thegroupcalledonthe government to demonstrate transparencybysharingthedetails ofminingoperations,thenamesof the permit holders, and all documents that the operators have submitted to the EPA and the GGMC.
Additionally, the group noted thattherecentuptickinunregulated mining, especially at Marudi, has broughtlargenumbersofoutsiders and a surge in violent crime in our territory.
“There have been incidents of stabbing, robbery, and assault of villagers. Most recently, multiple individuals including two Wapichan men were taken hostageatBushMouthbyaheavily armed group believed to be Braziliannationals.Wealsobelieve
that the intrusion of large numbers of unauthorized miners has increased the illegal trade of guns and drugs, as well as gold smuggling.Wehavealsoobserved the presence of prostitution in the area.AsWapichanwomenwefind ourselves facing an atmosphere of fear where our lives and safety are at risk. Our peaceful communities are no longer safe,” the WWWM added.
The group pointed to issues of pollution as a result of the mining activitiesinthecommunities.“The waters around Marudi are being poisoned by the byproducts of mining. We know that mercury is beingused.AsWapichanpeoplewe relyuponourwaterstodrink,fish, grow our crops, and other traditional practices. Our use of these resources is rooted in the practices of our ancestors As women, we and our children are oftenmostdirectlyimpactedbythe pollution of our environment When miners damage the creeks, the forests and the mountains, we suffer,” the group explained in the statement.
They continued “The mining has been polluting our water for some timealready, but as thescale of mining grows, the impacts will multiply The Guyana Gold & Diamond Miners Association (Continuedonpage16)
LIAT (2020) Ltd will today launch its inaugural flight to Georgetown
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
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Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1 Free! Call: 264-2946.
NDIA to spend close to $300M to clean up city drains
The National Drain age and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) an agency under the Ministry of Agriculture is preparing to spend close to $300 million come next year to clean a number of drainage channels in Georgetown.
According to a notice by the ministry, NDIA is inviting suitably qualified and experienced bidders to undertake the project, ‘Manual Maintenance Cleaning of Drainage Channels in Georgetown for the period January to December, 2025: Lots 1-57)’. These works according to a total amount of its engineer estimate, is to cost $275,876,840. Some 57 contracts will
cover approximately 124,544 meters of drainage works in Georgetown. As reported in the media, back in 2018 under the previous government, the NDIA took up the responsibility of maintaining primary drainage infrastructure in the capital city. These works are being done to reduce the occurrences of flooding in the various communities.
As stated in the notice some of the places in the city where cleaning of the drains, canals and alleyways would take place are: Bel Air Springs, Dennis Street, Hadfield Street, Lamaha Street, Lamaha Springs, Middleton and Lamaha Street within Kitty, North Road, South and
North Ruimveldt, South Road, Tucville, Vlissengen Road, within East Ruimveldt and Guyhoc Gardens, Shirley Field Radley, Carifesta Avenue, Church Street, South Ruimveldt Alleyways from David Rose Street to El Dorado, Downer Canal to Ogle Crossing, Durban Park, Bel Air Park, bordering Le Repentir Cemetery, New Haven, alleyway from Perry Street to Well Road, Princess Street, Rome Georgetown, seawall Façade from Camp Street to Monument , Turkeyen, Thomas Lands, bordering UG Turkeyen, West Ruimveldt, Young Street, Atlantic Ville, Cummings Lodge, alleyways
within Stevedore Housing Scheme, Meadow Brook Gardens, Harpy Drive and La Penitence, between High Palm Road and Fern driveway, between Sunflower Circle and Crane Place, and Sophia.
Of these areas, some of the big works are for Bel Air Springs drainage channel which is estimated to cost $10.9 million and this covers 1,250 meters of drainage work. The drains work within Rome is estimated to cost $10.9 million and this covers 6,290 meters, and the drainage channels for La Penitence South which is estimated to cost $13.1 million, this (Continued on page 18)
Amerindian women’s right group calls on Govt. to suspend...
From page 14 (GGDMA) is calling on miners to ramp up gold production in the coming months. This would be disastrous for our environment and our communities’ health.”
Further, the rights group pointed to exploitation that has increased in the commu-
nities as a result of the mining, “we are told that mining will bring jobs and economic opportunity, but our communities are seeing little to no benefit from this mining on our customary lands.
Men from our villages working in the mining areas are exploited. Mine operators are permitted to harm sacred land without regulation. Our people are not seeing the profits from this destruction, and mining is interfering with our ability to live in harmony with our customary lands and to pursue more sustainable livelihoods. These violations of our rights as Wapichan
women cannot be allowed to continue. We are equal citizens of Guyana and as Indigenous women, we have a right to our lands, our territories, and our resources.
We call on mining operators to cease their wanton destruction,” the statement added.
Brutus on $16.25M bail for 231 financial crime charges...
From page 02 and the substantial sums of money involved in the case. He also reminded the court that several bank accounts linked to Brutus and his wife, Adonika Aulder, had been frozen as part of the investigation, with millions of dollars allegedly tied to the accused.
After considering both arguments, The Acting Chief Magistrate set Brutus’s bail at $50,000 per charge, amounting to a total of $10.05 million for the 201 charges. Brutus is scheduled to return to court on December 18, 2024, for the first 30 charges, and again on
January 17, 2025, for the remaining charges. His co-accused, including his wife Aulder, George, and Zafarally, are also expected to appear in court on December 18 for statements related to the charges.
Following the court session, Allicock made a brief statement to the media on behalf of his client. He said: “Mr. Brutus would just like to remind the public that he is repudiating any of these allegations or charges and reaffirming his innocence and to state that he plans to with all full vim and vigour, to defend
these allegations. And on the next court date, we intend to show as much as we can regarding these matters.”
Brutus, along with his wife, and businessman, was charged by the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) following a lengthy investigation into alleged financial crimes. The charges span several months and cover a range of offences, including money laundering and obtaining money by false pretense. In the October 24 court session, Brutus answered to 30 charges, including four counts of misconduct in pub-
lic office, two counts of larceny as a public officer, two counts of money laundering, and 20 counts related to the liability of officials. He was jointly charged with George and Zafarally, who are also facing two counts of obtaining money by false pretenses. Brutus’s wife, Aulder, a 25-year-old pregnant woman, faced two charges of money laundering. Bail amounts for the co-accused ranged from $100,000 to $500,000, with Aulder and George both receiving $1 million bail each. Zafarally’s bail was set at $2 million.
EPA says financial statements are up to date, despite auditor general report
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has denied failing to submit Financial Statements to the Audit Office to be audited and have their accounts laid intheNationalAssemblyina timelymanner
The body was among sevenstatutorybodiesunder theremitoftheOfficeofthe President that was flagged bytheAuditorGeneral(AG) Deodat Sharma in the 2023
Audit Report, for continuously breaching the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act of 2003 byfailingtosubmitfinancial statements This was reported by Kaieteur News in its November 17, 2024 publication under the headline “EPAamong seven bodies flagged for continuously breaching
In its public missive, the Agencyclarifiedthatforthe years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, audited Financial Statements were laid in the National Assembly on May 10, 2023. Meanwhile, for 2019, it said the audited Financial Statement was ratified by the Executive Director and Board Chairman of the EPA, on September 12, 2024. The Financial Statement was submitted to be laid in the National Assembly For 2020,theEPAexplainedthat the Financial Statement was submittedtotheAuditOffice ofGuyanaonApril26,2021. “TheAgencyisawaitingthe Audit of the Financial Records. Notably, this audit wasoutsourcedbytheAudit Office to Maurice Solomon
and Company,” the body explained.
Finally, for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023, EPA noted that Financial Statements were submitted to the Audit Office of Guyana. It added that the Agency was awaiting the Audit of those Financial Records. In its 2023 Report, the Audit Office explained thatthesumof$2.809billion was allotted for subsidies and contributions to Local Organisations.
Itshouldbenotedthatan allotment transfer of $34M was approved, decreasing the total funds available to $2.775 billion. “According to the A
n Accounts, amounts totalling $2.734 bi
ion were expendedasat31December 2023;includedinthesumof
MinisterofHealth,Dr FrankAnthonyon Monday revealed that during the course of theweekendapproximately51kneeandhip replacement surgeries (joint replacement) were conducted at the Georgetown Public HospitalCorporation(GPHC).
Thesesurgerieswerecarriedoutthrough the hospital's collaboration with 'Operation Walk Maryland', a US non- profit medical organisation.In a Facebook post, the Health Minister expressed, “This selfless team of more than 70 healthcare professionals from the U.S. and Guyana brought hope and mobility to many in need. They worked tirelessly to restore not just movement but alsothequalityoflifefortheirpatients.Their commitmenttoprovidingtop-notchsurgical care, combined with compassion and humanity,istrulyinspiring.”
“Onbehalfofthepatients,theirfamilies, and all of us who recognise the profound
$2.734 billion expended, were amounts totalling $2.465 billion which were released to seven statutory bodies under the control of the Office of the President,” the 2023 AG Report explains.The organizations include the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GLSC),InstituteofApplied
Science and Technology, Guyana Office for Investment, EPA, Protected AreasCommission,Wildlife Management Authority and the Nationa
While these statutory bodiesaresubjecttoseparate
nd reporting, the Audit Office
noted that the organizations continued to breach Section 80 (1), (3)(c) and (4) of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act of 2003 by failing to submit Financial Statements for audit and to have their accountslaidintheNational Assembly in a timely manner
Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony visiting some of the patients who benefitted from the Operation Walk services. (Photos, Dr. Frank Anthony/ Facebook)
impact of your work thank you, Operation Walk Maryland, and the local GPHC team! Youremindusofthepowerofserviceandthe importanceofgivingback,”headded.
The Georgetown Public Hospital a few days ago had announced the arrival of the Operational Walk team noting that its local teamispleasedtoonceagainworkalongside thegroupof50medicalprofessionals.
According to the hospital, “Since 2018, OperationWalkMarylandhasbeenavalued partner in bringing hope and mobility to our patients.” Kaieteur News understands that Operation Walk which mission is giving a gift of restoring mobility to patients, by replacing their joints, have visited the countryonthreepreviousoccasionsin2018, 2019 and 2022. This year being their fourth visit, the non- profit medical organisation would have conducted over 160 joint replacementsurgeriestodate.
Risk of famine in Gaza has reached disaster
levels’ - Turkey’s pres.
Aljazeera - Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reaffirmed his demandforanimmediateand lastingceasefireinGaza
“Onceagain,Icallforan immediate and lasting ceasefire in the face of the humanitarian disaster
unfolding in Gaza,” Erdogan said in his speech at the G20 leaders’summitinBrazil
Drawing attention to the humanitarian crisis, Erdogan said 96 percent of Gaza’s population,“overtwomillion people,lackaccesstohealthy foodandwater” “Theriskof
famine in Gaza has reached disaster levels according to internationalclassifications,” Erdogan said “With the increasing attacks and the approaching winter season, the conditions of the people inGazaareworseningbythe day.”
Amidgrowingconcerns over road accidents here, Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn has disclosedthatroaddeathsin Guyana in 2023 cost the economy an estimated $750million.
Minister Benn made this comment during his speech at the conclusion of the Road Safety Public Education Awareness Motorcade andWalk, titled “DotheRightThing.”
T h e m i n i s t e r highlighted the severe financial impact of road fatalities, noting that each death not only brings profound human loss but also places a significant strain on the country’s resources.
Back in February this year the Inter-American Development Bank in a publication titled: ‘Increasing Road Safety in Latin America and the Caribbean: Lessons from Behavioral Economics’ stated that road crashes are a significant public health issue in LatinAmerica and theCaribbean,resultingina staggering toll of approximately 110,000 fatalitiesandover5million injuries annually These tragedies have far-reaching economic implications, costing Latin America and the Caribbean between 3 and 5 percent of its gross domestic product, the IDB publicationsaid.
During an interview with Kaieteur News, a representative from Ministry of Home Affairs explainedthattheestimated
$750millionlossfromroad deaths in 2023 was calculated based on a breakdown of Guyana’s population and its total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the year 2023.
The process began by dividing the country’s total populationbytheGDPrate for 2023, which helped establishapercapitavalue. This figure was then adjusted by dividing it furtherbasedonthenumber of males and females who died in road accidents during the year By applying this method, the representative explained, the $750 million estimate was reached, reflecting the economic cost of the lives lost to traffic fatalities in Guyana.
Benn said, “Every road death instantly impacts the national income by more than$8million.”Headded, “Wewanttorememberthat the people who die should not be considered as merestatistics,theyarenot mere statistics ” He explained that the loss of youngpeople,inparticular, deprives the nation of individuals who had the potential to contribute significantly to the country’s development and economy Benn highlighted that road deaths are one of the leadingcausesofdeathand morbidity in Guyana Whileroaddeathsmayrank eleventh on the official scale of leading causes of death, Minister Benn emphasised that the impact is far greater when
considering not only the fatalities but also the extended recovery periods and ongoing care required bymanysurvivors.This,he said places a particularly heavy burden on the public health system, making it a challenging issue to address.
The minister also alluded to the United Nations (UN) Decade of Action for Road Safety, which aims to reduce road deaths and serious injuries by50percentby2030.
Currently, Guyana is at 117 road fatalities, with more than two or three people dying each week. TheMinisterexplainedthat the goal is to cut this numberinhalfbytheendof the decade, and ultimately reduce road deaths by nearlytwo-thirds.
The minister stressed that “doing the right thing” should not only apply to road safety but also to a broader cultural shift in how people approach all aspectsoflife.
Minister Benn pointed out that younger people, especially those just out of school, are often the most vulnerable, particularly motorcycle riders who neglect basic safety precautions like wearing helmets “The statistics speak for themselves, we have 44 young men who have died on our roads this year so far, who have not worn helmets, others who personshaverunintothem, otherswhodidnottakecare of the pillion rider male or female.”
NDIA to spend close to $300M...
Frompage16 covers5,631meters.
Additionally,thecleaningofCummings Lodge New Scheme North is estimated at $12.4 million and this is 6,904 meters of works, while the New Scheme East area is
pegged at $11.4 million for 6,359 meters. Theprocuringagencydisclosedthatbidsfor these projects are expected to open on November 19, at the Ministry’s Office locatedalongRegentStreetandVlissengen Road.
ExxonMobil looking for 100 acres of land for waste disposal
As ExxonMobil Guyana Limited(EMGL)increasesits offshoreproductionofoiland gasintheStabroekBlock,the volume of waste being generatedisalsogrowing.
With the country's main dumpsite, at Eccles, East Bank Demerara quickly running out of space, the oil company has decided to procure services from a local contractortoprovidelandand waste disposal for its operations.
In a Request For Information (RFI) published last week, Exxon explained that it is looking to develop a waste management strategy In this process EMGL requested information to determine available lands to potentially support a waste management and disposal facility EMGLisalsoseeking to evaluate companies with interest and experience in designing, constructing and o p e r a t i n g a w a s t e management and disposal facility
ExxonMobil pointed out t h a t t h e p r i m a r y considerations in the site selection process should be the size and location of the property, followed closely with an understanding of the geologyandhydrogeologyof the land. The contractor will be required to demonstrate theabilitytoacquirelandand obtain all regulatory permits and/or authorisations to support the construction and operation of a waste managementfacility
The land size required is approximately 100 acres of contiguouslandlocatedaway fromcurrentresidentialareas.
Additionally, the land should beinrelativeproximitytothe Guyana Shore Base Inc, with abufferareaaroundtheentire property and approximately 40 acres for waste managementoperationsinthe center.
ExxonMobil expects the site to be accessible to all formsofvehicles,andinclude utilities to operate the site, including electricity and water With regards to e n v i r o n m e n t a l considerations, Exxon noted that the facility should be located in an area for which flooding cannot cause detrimental effects to the facility or have the necessary engineering controls to ensurenoflooding.
Meanwhile,withregardto facility design, construction and operation, ExxonMobil informed contractors that once a waste management facilityhasbeensited,itmust be designed to ensure reasonable access, efficient flow throughout the facility, and is protective of the environment. To this end, it was explained that the contractor will be required to demonstrate the ability to design and build a waste management facility that meets local regulatory requirements and global best practicesforanon-hazardous industrialwastefacility The f
protectiveoftheenvironment and capable of passing a relevantfacilityreviewaudit. Other requirements include geotechnical testing and design considerations as well as prior work experience amongothers.
The Haags Bosch landfill site at Eccles, East Bank Demerara
Kallicharran signs autobiography at
Guyana and West Indies
batting legend Alvin Kallicharran continued his booktourathome,engaging withstudentsattheNational Library followed by his return to the Georgetown CricketClub(GCC).
The book, which is penned under the title
‘Colour Blind’ , was launched at the Pegasus Hotel last week followed by
signings at the National Library and Kallicharran’s formerclubGCCaspartofa two-week tour across GeorgetownandBerbice.
Students from across a number of primary and secondary schools in Guyana like Queen’s College, St. Margaret’s, St. Joseph’s High among other wereinattendance.
Following the event at
the Library, copies of the book were distributed to all of the schools and to the National Library’s archive as well as the University of Guyana’s(UG)Library
Last Friday night, at the iconic GCC Bourda Pavillion, Kallicharran paid acourtesyvisittohisformer club, where he cracked his maidenTesttonin1972.
After giving insight into
Tuesday November 19, 2024
You tend to enjoy solitude, Aries, and today you might feel more reclusive than usual.Youcouldbeinvitedto spend time with friends but not feel like accepting. You might even feel a little irritatedbythem.
Today there might be tension in the air with no discernible cause, Taurus Family
members could seem preoccupied with problems they can't quite define. Your naturalinclinationmightbeto trytocheerthemup.
You could get some mysteriousphonecallstoday, Gemini, like wrong numbers or hang-ups. Other people
m i g h t s e e m l e s s communicative than usual, Gemini.
Confusion over money matters might come up for you today, Cancer. You may needtocheckyourrecordsin order to shed light on some pasttransactions.Don'tpanic. Allshouldbewell.
Someone close to you might seem more preoccupied than usual, Leo, and perhaps a bit difficult to deal with. Don't take this personally It has little if anything to do with you.
Todayyoumightbefeelinga bit tense, Virgo, and you probably won't understand why The secret? It's the planets. You might tend to jumpatunexpectednoises.
You probably aren't going to feel much like socializing today, Libra, though friends might contact you Your patiencehaswornabitthinand you could get annoyed at incidents that normally wouldn'tbotheryou.
Uptight is the word for today, Scorpio. At some point you might find yourself the center of attention. While you normallymightnotmind,now it could make you a bit nervous.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
You'relikelytowanttobeleft alone with your own thoughts today Relaxing with a good book might be at the top of your agenda, Sagittarius, and you aren't liable to want to be interrupted.
Worries over money could have you edgier than usual, Capricorn. While you may be doing well, you still could be insecure and think your funds might not stretch far enough. Try to consider the situation objectively
AQUARIUS (Jan 20–Feb 18) You probably crave solitude, Aquarius Even though you may have committedtodoingsomething for a friend or relative, now youfindtheideairritating.
Although you're normally a sociablepersonwhofeelsmost comfortableinthecompanyof others,Pisces,todayyoumight ratherbealone.Youcouldfeel alittleundertheweatherorbe stressed from job-related worries.
his book’s origin, as well as some knowledge on the game, the 75 year-old presented the book to president of the GCC Jonathan Yearwood The book tour continues this week.
Nine-year old is latest recipient of gear...
Cricket Academy (one box of white balls), Shamar Joseph, Nehemiah Hohenkirk, Shamar Apple, LeguanCricketCommittee, Tucber Park Cricket Club, Malteenoes Sports Club (nine cricket balls each), Kendall’s Union Cricket Club with two boxes of red balls, Lower Corentyne, Corentyne Comprehensive and JC Chandisingh Secondary Schools with twelveredballseach.
Cricket related items, used or new, are distributed free of cost to young and promising cricketers in Guyana. Skills, discipline andeducationareimportant characteristics of the recipients.Talentspottingis being done across the country and club leaders also assist to identify same. Progressive and well managed cricket clubs with a youth programme will alsobenefit.
Anyone interested to contribute can contact Anil Beharry on 623 6875 or Kishan Das on 1 718 664 0896.
Successful 8th Charity Event hosted by Inniss Family and Nexgen Golf
The Tomorrow’s Leaders Annual Charity Event was conceived in 2017 by Diane Inniss, owner of Candy Express and Party Castle as a way of giving orphansandunderprivileged children one day to experience everything that the average child takes for grantedeachday
N e x g e n G o l f
A c a d e m y ’s A l e e m Hussain has joined forces
GGA/Nexgen Golf Academy continued their ‘off-Course ‘ commitments by giving back to the less fortunate and a few orphanages this past weekend as part of an annual event.
with her over the past eight years, along with a growing number members of family and friends to ensure that the event would grow larger each year, with over 250 children from various orphanages and families partakingintheevent.
The theme for 2024 was a Carnival Fun Day atmosphere at the Nexgen Golf Academy Ground on Woolford Avenue with
brightly decorated tents, games, face painting, hotdogs, snacks and drinks being provided to all in attendance.
According to Ms. Inniss, “We all are here to ensure that no child should ever feel that t h e i r p r e s e n t circumstances diminish their ability to succeed and we plan on continuing this programmeformanyyears to come ”
The success of the event was due to the dozens of overseas and local volunteers who came together to ensure that the experience would be memorable for these amazing children who havesomuchpotentialand any of whom, once given the opportunity can be Tomorrow’s Leaders Hussain commented, “Having personally come o u t o f a t o u g h
neighborhood, I recognize that environment and trials they face daily, only createsadesiretosucceedif giventheopportunity.
Diane, our sponsors and volunteers have been awesome in by showing these children that they arevaluedandimportant ”
Aspecialthankyoutoall the sponsors, persons and organizationswhomadethis year a success, especially those who traveled from
Dolphin Secondary, East Ruimveldt
overseas to be a part of this year’s event: Roxanne, Ray, Rosamund, Dr.Ann, Gloria, Marilyn, Juneann, Fritzroy, Deslyn, Shellyann, Antoinette, Tiffany, Garnet, Barbara, Edward, Byron, Roxy, Trudy, Loretta, Danette, Patricia, Deborah, Kim Hing, Vince, Carlene, Janet, Charmaine, Joy, Correen, Tesha, Kim Greaves, Cynthia, Flora, MichelleandGlobalMarket (allofOrlando).
victories in Republic Bank U-18 Football League
The Ministry of E d u c a t i o n ground came alive on Sunday as the Republic Bank Schools’ Under-18 Football League wrappedupitsfifthroundof competition with thrilling performances and decisive victories.
The Dolphin Secondary maintained their unbeaten streak in this year’s league, edging out a resilient Waramuri Top Secondary team by a slim 1-0 margin. CollinFrankDavidemerged as the hero of the match, scoring the decisive goal in the 20th minute to secure a hard-fought1-0victory
The win marks
Dolphin’s fifth win on-thetrot, solidifying their position as strong contenders heading into the latter stages of the tournament.
In another match, East Ruimveldt Secondary found their rhythm against President’s College, who remainwinlessinthisyear’s competition.
Gavin Towler delivered a stellar performance, nettingtwogoalsinthe30th and 65th minutes Josiah Norton also added to the tally with a 55th-minute
s t r i k e , s e a l
n g a comfortable 3-1 victory President’s College managed a consolation
goal, but their search for a win continues at the tournament heads into the sixthroundthisweekend
Anexcitingdrawwasthe end result in the Ruimveldt derby between South Ruimveldt Secondary and West Ruimveldt Secondary; both teams looked good at the start of the contest, ultimately the match ended 1-1 draw as West Ruimveldt’s Jeremiah Griffith opened the scoring in the 3rd minute before South Ruimveldt’s Devonte Gaime equalized to ensure bothteamssharedthepoints.
walkover victory by the
hands of Bartica Secondary, which saw tournament frontrunner (Chase) being awardedaneffortlesswinin Match #17 as Bartica Secondary failed to field a team.
Chase remains unbeaten with five wins in as many games, maintaining their stronghold at the top of the standings.
The Republic Bank Schools’ Under-18 Football League continues to thrive, thanks to sponsorship from Republic Bank Limited, TigerRentals,GBI(through its Busta Brand), MVP Sports, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports. The
Doplhin’s Collin Frank David nets decisive goal against Waramuri Top.
Annai Sec’ stuns St Ignatius 4-0 in Region #9’s
KFC Goodwill Football Series qualifier
The journey to represent Region Nineinthehighly anticipated Petra-KFC Goodwill International School’s Football Series begun in emphatic fashion onSaturdaylastattheAnnai Ground.
H o s t s A n n a i
Secondary School delivered a commanding performance, defeating St Ignatius Secondary 4-0 in the firstlegoftheir home-and-away qualifier, spearheadedbyregionnine’s Educationdepartment.
The stakes are high, with the winning team securing a coveted spot
in December’s KFC G o o d w i l l S e r i e s ,
featuring international competitors from Suriname, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago.
Annai wasted no t i m e a s s e r t i n g dominance, effectively sealing the contest by halftime with a clinical display
Roman Edw
ds opened the scoring in the 18th minute, setting the tonefortheencounter
Sudesh Pers
ud doubled Annai’s lead just six minutes later, capitalizing on defensive lapses by the visitors
Guy Moses then stole the spotlight, netting a quickfire brace in the 33rd and 40thminutestocompletethe
With the result, Annai S
a significant advantage heading into the second
Saturday, November 23 at the St. Ignatius Community Centreground.
St Ignatius will need
o n a monumental effort to overturn the deficit and keep their qualification hopes alive
As anticipation builds f
he Decembe
showdown, Annai looks poised to make a strong bid
, showcasing the depth of talent within Region Nine’s footballscene
Nine-year old is latest recipient of gear from Project “Cricket Gear for young and promising cricketers in Guyana”
Aaryan Hooblall, age nine, is the youngest cricketer ever to benefit from this joint initiative of AnilBeharryofGuyanaand Kishan Das of the USA. He wastherecipientofonepair of batting pads, one pair of batting gloves and one box. Aaryan is a student of Valmiki Vidyalaya Primary School The grade three student, is a right arm medium pacer and left handedbatsman.
Aaryan is crazy about cricket and one day wishes to play for the West Indies. He expressed gratitude and promisedtoworkhardtobe successful.
Thisprojectispleasedto be part of the development of Aaryan and every other young aspiring cricketer in Guyana.Hewasencouraged tobalancethegamewithhis education. The aim of this initiative is to keep as many youngpeopleaspossibleoff the streets and get them actively involved in sports, cricketinparticular
To date, eighty seven young players, male and female, from all three counties of Guyana have benefiteddirectlyfromcash, seven gear bags, two trophies, four arm guards, thirtythreebats,fourboxes, six helmets, thirty one pairs of cricket shoes, twenty one pairsofbattingpads,twenty fourthighpads,onebatgrip,
Aaryan Hooblall strikes a pose with his gear
thirty five pairs of batting g
wicketkeeping pads and threepairsofwicketkeeping
benefited indirectly In addition, two clubs in the Pomeroon area benefited
Pomeroon, Leguan and W
Die Hard also received one boxofredcricketballseach, Cold Fusion Cricket Club thirteen color uniforms while RHCCCC received six boxes of balls, fifteen
The Demerara Cricket Board (DCB) Under 15 fiftyoversInterAssociation tournament, dubbed the ‘Next Generation’ bowled off on Sunday last, 17th November, 2024 and is set to conclude on the 25th November,2024.
s f
ea Associations: East Coast Cricket Board (ECCB), Georgetown Cricket Association (GCA), East Bank Cricket Association (EBCA), and West Demerara Cricket Association(WDCA).
The contest includes five rounds, with games happening at LBI, QC, Farm, and MMZ fields, starting at 9 a.m. daily Participants will battle in classic white cricket attire, utilizingaredcricketball.
whitecricketshirts,onepair of junior batting pads, one pair of wicket keeping gloves, two sets of stumps andbails.
Other beneficiaries are The Essequibo Cricket Board,theTownofLethem, youth coach Travis Persaud (one box of red cricket balls), male and female teamsplayingthetraditional hardball and softball in the Upper Corentyne area, No.65YoungTitanswith30 T-Shirts, youths of Just Try CricketClub,Wakenaam (Continuedonpage25)
D C B P r e s i d e n t Bissoondyal Singh expressed his belief in the tournament’s ability to nurture young talent, stating that it will demonstrate players’ skills and enhance their development.Healsomade clearhisenthusiasmforthe inclusion of the Select XI team, led by Shahid Ramzan, a promising young player who had an impressivefirstappearance lastyear
Additionally, Brandon Henry, who played for the Guyana Under-15 team
Manager: Fazal Ishak, Coach:WaquarBacchus. West Demerara Cricket Association (WDCA): Patrice Fraser (Captain), Mahendra Mohan (Vice Captain), Joshua Collette, Joshua Isaac Williams, Alvin Williams, Jaaziah Singh, Isaiah Anderson, Ishan Harricharran, Orvin Raymond, Christopher Roopran, Saneer Sarjoo, Parmesh Daniels, Ziyad Khan, Divendra, Lomesh Mohan Manager: Navindra Sankar, Coach: JermaineMaxwell. Se
ect XI Squad: Shahid Ramzan (Captain), Hezekiah Hohenkirk, Jasani Craig, Kadeem C a m p b e
, N o e l Madramootoo, Samuel Heralall, Leon Walls, Aditya Khan, Azariah Duncan, Nathan Puran, Adam Mohamed, Raj Persaud, Ethan Persaud, Saurav Persaud, Rusco Anderson,ErrolAlder
Manager: Alstyne Haywood, Coach: Dinesh George.
The President and Executives of the DCB are calling on the public and media operatives to come out and witness this Next Generation of young, talented, and innovative players.(GCBRelease)
Annai Secondary goal scorers -(L-R) Sudesh Persaud, Roman Edwards and Guy Moses.
East Bank Football Association U14 League continues to showcase
The East Bank
F o o t b a l l AssociationBoys U14 League delivered another thrilling round of matches on Sunday,
November 17, 2024, showcasing the talent and promise of Guyana’s young footballstars.
In the opening match, Herstelling Raiders FC showcased their dominance, overpowering Soesdyke
Falcons FC with a resounding 8-1 victory The match kicked off with an early spark as 11-year-old WayshawnFordeopenedthe scoring in the 5th minute with a stunning right-footed chipovertheout-of-position goalkeeper
The floodgates opened, and the goals continued to pour in for the Raiders. Eli Archer netted twice in the 9th and 28th minutes, Micaiha Shewram added a brace in the 21st and 54th
minutes, Clifton Sampson struck twice in the 39th and 42nd minutes, and Ralph Reid closedthescoringinthe58th minute.
Despite their spirited effort, the young Falcons were unable to match the firepower of the Raiders, who displayed remarkable skill and coordination throughoutthegame.
The day’s second match saw league leaders Timehri UnitedFCtakeonSwanFC in a fast-paced and exciting
defensiveorganization,with their goalkeepers stepping uptomakecrucialsavesand maintain clean sheets. The match ended in a hardfoughtdraw,witheachteam earning a well-deserved point.
The action continues on Sunday, November 24, 2024, at the Herstelling
rising football stars
Football Ground in the Mocha Arcadia Housing SchemeontheEastBankof Demerara. Fans are invited to come out and support the next generation of football stars as they showcase their
skills and passion for the game.
The East Bank Football
emains committed to nurturing young talent and fostering a loveforfootballinGuyana.
Guyanese MMA fighters ready to conquer CUFF 20 in Trinidad
The stage is set for an electrifying night of combat as Guyanese mixed martial artists invade the Caribbean Ultimate Fist Fighting (CUFF) 20th edition in TrinidadandTobago.
Scheduled for Saturday at the Southern Indoor Regional Sporting Arena, Pleasantville, the landmark event promises non-stop action as fighters from across the region and beyond square off in the cage. Representing Guyana with pride and ferocity, six fighters are set to take on challengers from Jamaica, Trinidad, and Canada in what is shaping up to be a high-stakes night of MMA action.
WebsterMcRae,arising star from Guyana, will step into the cage to face Jamaican Sanja Hudson in what is expected to be a clash of striking styles Known for his relentless pace, McRae will look to overwhelmHudsonwithhis aggressiveapproach.
Kaylon Khan, another Guyanese contender, will battle Trinidadian Kyle
Thwaites.Khan’sreputation for slick submissions and calculated grappling could be the deciding factor as he looks to assert dominance
over the hometown favourite.
Colwyn Benn, a powerhouseintheGuyanese MMAscene,issettocollide with Trinidad’s Joshua Cooper Benn’s knockout
power and Cooper’s defensive tactics promise a dynamicboutthatcouldend inexplosivefashion.
A d d i n g t o t h e excitement, Akeem Greene will lock horns with TrinidadianAndyBalrajina matchthatpitsGreene’sgrit against Balraj’s technical finesse.
H e a d l i n i n g t h e Guyanesedelegationisnone other than Corwyn D’Anjou,aseasonedfighter and no stranger to CUFF’s platform.
D’Anjou will take on Canadian Alejandro Valdez in what promises to be a
thrilling encounter Having captured the lightweight amateur championship at CUFF 18 with a stunning knockout victory over Canada’s Nicholas Araujo, D’Anjou enters CUFF 20 with momentum and confidence.
Known for his precision strikingandcalculatedgame plan, D’Anjou will look to build on his legacy and deliver another showstoppingperformance.
CUFF 20 marks a milestone for Caribbean Ultimate Fist Fighting, which has been a driving force in MMA since its inceptionin2010.
With a line-up of professional and amateur fighters, the event is set to captivatefansfrom3:00PM tomidnight.
A d d i n g t o t h e exhilarationisacombatJiuJitsu match, showcasing the diversityofskillswithinthe sport.
CUFFcontinuestogrow as a beacon of MMAin the Caribbean,hostingeventsin Jamaica,Canada,Suriname, the USA, and Barbados while fostering regional talentandglobalunity
Members show confidence as they re-elect Ninvalle and executive to lead GBA
The membership of the Guyana BoxingAssociation (GBA) displayed full confidence in incumbent PresidentSteveNinvalleand his executive committee when they re-elected them unopposed t their electoral congressonFridaylastatthe National Racquet Centre on WoolfordAvenue.
Ninvalle and team has doneremarkableforthesport locally with their main focus being the nursery level and trainingofofficialsandassuch the members chose to elect themtoserveforanotherfouryearcycle
Apart from the President, Ninvalle,theothersre-elected: 1stVice-PresidentDr Marissa Parris, 2nd Vice-President Lt Colonel Gordon Nedd, 3rd Vice President Carl Graham, Secretary Stacy Correia, Treasurer Dexter Patterson, a n d A s s i s t a n t Secretary/Treasurer Seon Bristol. Ninvalle stated after the meeting, “It’s an honour once again to be elected to serve at the helm of this association This decision is essentially a mandate by the clubs to continue in the same veinandmannerthatwehave beendoingforthepastcycleor tenure Byanyobjectivematrix orcriteria,2023hasbeenagreat yearforboxingineveryaspect Wehaveestablishedthreenew clubs, and work is currently beingundertakentoestablisha fourthbeforetheconclusionof theyear
Local competitions and
participation in overseas tournamentsandseminarsfor officials and pugilists have also been a feature of our administration in an effort to expose, enhance, and build capacityinsideandoutsidethe squaredcircle” He further noted,
“Notwithstanding,inorderfor thedevelopmentofthesportto continue its upward momentum and growth, we havetoconsolidateourefforts to improve the quality of the discipline And this can only occur if we are working towards a common goal and visionforthedevelopmentof thefraternity Anyindividuals and officials within the fraternity who are averse to thatmandateanddecreeissued bytheclubs,whichiscentralto maintaining our trajectory, should table their resignation. We have to be monolithic in ourapproachtoachievingour vision. It has to be a coordinated and concerted effort by all involved for this purposetoberealised” Ninvalle and Guyana has been a linchpin in propelling boxingatthejuniorlevelinthe Caribbean, earning the plauditsfromtheassociations across the region and seeing marked improvement in the sport across region Despite Guyana still being the leader, thegaphasbeenclosingwith several Caribbean territories d i s p l a y i n g m u c h improvement which has galvanized the GBA leadershiptouptheirgame.
Action in the contest between winners Herstelling Raiders FC and Soesdyke Falcons FC.
Corwyn D’D’Anjou will be one of six fighters at CUFF 20.
Golden Jaguars to host Barbados tonight in crucial Nations League Play-In decider Badminton Team enjoy decent success in Suriname
The stage is set for an interesting clash as the Golden Jaguars welcome Barbados tonight at the National Track and Field Centre in Edinburg from 7:00pm.
With a 4-1 aggregate advantage, the Golden Jaguars are on the brink of
advancing to the CONCACAF Gold Cup Prelims, aiming to return
to the prestigious tournament for the first timesince2019.
Their resounding 4-1 victory at the Wildey Turf in the first leg on Friday evening, was headlined by a historic performance from forward Omari Glasgow
The Chicago Fire star
etched his name in Guyanese football history with a brace, surpassing Nigel Codrington’s record to become the nation’s alltimeleadingscorer
Entering the match on 17 goals, Glasgow’s two clinical finishes elevated his tally to 19, cementing hisstatusasanationalicon. For interim coach Wayne Dover, the stakes
are high, but confidence remains steady Dover’s Golden Jaguars extended their 25-year unbeaten streak against Barbados withthefirst-legwin;arun he’ll be determined to protectinthereturnfixture.
The starting XI that delivered the commanding win in Barbados included goalkeeper Quillian Roberts, defenders Jallen Jones, Jeremy Garrett, Liam Gordon, and Leo Lovell, midfielders Curtez Kellman, Daniel Wilson, and Nathan Moriah-Welsh, as well as attackers Isiah Jones,OmariGlasgow,and OsazeDeRosario. However, Dover could shake things up for the second leg, keeping Barbados guessing as they chase the three-goal deficit
To progress, Barbados must score at least three unanswered goals while simultaneously keeping the Golden Jaguars off the scoresheet;adauntingtask considering Guyana’s offensive prowess and homeadvantage.
For the Golden Jaguars, the equation is
simpler: a win or even a draw will secure their passage to the Gold Cup Prelims The team will rely on Glasgow’s red-hot form, the creative spark of M
gh FC’s talisman,IsaiahJones,and a
i n e marshalled by Roberts in goaltosealthedeal
Guyana’s pursuit of Gold Cup qualification comes with an air of ambition and redemption. Their lone appearance in 2019 remains a landmark moment in the nation’s football history, and returningtothetournament would signify another leap
Barbados, on the other hand, will look to disrupt Guyana’s dominance and rewrite their own history However, overcoming a three-goal deficit on foreign soil presents a monumental challenge for theBajanTridents.
All eyes will be on the meninyellowandgreenas they look to complete the jobandtakeonestepcloser toGoldCupglory
Priyanna Ramdhani and Akili Haynes were the notable standouts on the Guyana Badminton Association (GBA) team to the Suriname International Badminton Tournament in Paramaribo at the Ring Sports Centreastheyclaimedmedalsduringtherecent outing PriyannaRamdhanicapturedmedals–Bronze in the Women’s Singles and Mixed Doubles and Silver in the Women’s Doubles SheteamedwithAkiliHaynestotaketheMixed Doubles and then with Trinidad and Tobago’s Chequeda DeBoulet to claim the Silver in the Women’sdoublestoaddtohersinglesbronze HaynestooktheMixeddoubles.
Ramdhani and DeBoulet advanced to the Women’s Doubles finals with an impressive semi-finalvictory TheduodefeatedSuriname’s LeefmansandYanginstraightsets,21-8,21-17, showcasing their dominance on the court However, they were edged out in the finals to InesLuciaCastilloandNamieMiyahira
Meanwhile, Ramdhani faced challenges in her other events In the Women’s Singles, she lost to Peru’s Ines Castillo, 21-6, 21-9 in the semi-finals In the Mixed Doubles, the pair of RamdhaniandAkiliHayneshadtoretirefrom
their match due to Haynes struggling with a recurringankleinjurysustainedduringpractice Guyana’sNkosiBeaton,FrankWaddell,and Jonathan Debidin, in their debut senior tournamentoutsidethecountry,wereunableto advance past the qualifying rounds in Men’s Singles Despitenotgoingveryfarintheevent theexperiencewouldhaveservedthemwellas they look ahead to improvements for future competition.