




JJohn Hess, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of American oil company, Hess
ohn Hess, the Chief Block co-venture Last bpd. Executive Officer month, Alistair Routledge, The first three projects –
(CEO) of American thePresidentofExxonMobil Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2 oil company, Hess on Guyana Limited (EMGL) and Payara are averaging Wednesday stated that the the operator of the block more than 650,000 bpd in US$10 billion Yellowtail announced that the production. Stabroek Block project is Yellowtail project – the The ExxonMobil-led “the exciting thing for largest deepwater project to consortium has plans in 2025…” date in Guyana – is on track place to grow production
According to Reuters for the 2025 startup. The capacity to more than 1.3 during the Wolfe Research third partner is CNOOC million bpd by the end of oil and gas conference, Hess Petroleum Guyana Limited, 2027, when they anticipate made the comment. He said holding25%interest. havingallsixprojectsupand too that the Floating The fourth project, runningoffshore. Production Storage and Yellowtail, will develop the This will include the Offloading (FPSO) for Tilapia and Redtail addition of the Yellowtail, Yellowtail “should be reservoirs. Uaru and Whiptail projects. leaving the yard and sailing It targets a daily Recently, Exxon announced to Guyana in the first production rate of 250,000 that it has achieved the quarter with the startup barrels of oil per day (bpd), milestone of producing 500 thenlaterintheyear.” w h i l e t h e o t h e r million barrels of oil from H e s s i s a 3 0 % developmentsweredesigned the block since production shareholder in the Stabroek to produce up to 220,000 beganinDecember2019.
Petronas Suriname “PETRONAS is further Kaieteur News reported that now holds 100% exploring the gas discovery U.S. oil major, Exxon Mobil of interest in by drilling the Sloanea-2 and Malaysian energy
Suriname’s Block appraisal well earlier this company, Petronas, had 52 following ExxonMobil year A Letter of Agreement made a third oil discovery in Exploration and Production (LoA) was also signed with Suriname.Petronasmadethe Suriname B.V withdrawing the Contractor on 4 March announcement of the from the block. This was 2024,”Staatsoliesaid. hydrocarbon discovery in announced by Staatsolie in a The statement further Block 52 at the Fusaea-1 statementonWednesday explainedthattheproduction exploration well in Staatsolie said that, sharing contract allows for Suriname’s Block 52. The “ExxonMobilExploration& the parties involved to bring discovery is located about Production Suriname B.V in partners to a block or to 170 kilometres offshore and has formally notified them transfer their interests to 9 kilometers east from that it will withdraw from Block 52 in the Surinamese offshore area effective 14 November2024.”
According to the company the withdrawal comes as part of Exxon’s ongoingevaluationtolookat the assets of its global anotherpartyiftheysowish, Roystonea-1, an earlier oil portfolio. as it is a common practice in discovery
Hence, Exxon is the oil and gas industry
ThewellwasspudinFeb transferring its 50% working “Companies decide to 2024andsuccessfullydrilled interest to PETRONAS partner in an area or exit to a total depth of 5,227 Suriname E&P B.V, who is based on their global metres with zero (0) LTI, currently the operator of the p o r t f o l i o a n d r i s k encountering several oil and block, the operations assessment Staatsolie gas-bearing Campanian ongoing in the block will be expects PETRONAS to sandstone reservoir continuingalongduecourse. continue the activities in packages.Furtherevaluation
The block covers 4, 749 B l o c k 5 2 w i t h o u t is being undertaken to square kilometers and is interruption and is confident determine the full extent of located north of the cost of in the continuation of the this discovery and its Suriname. In 2020 a gas good partnership between potential for an integrated discovery was made in the the two companies,” the development with the recent block with the Sloanea-1 companysaid. Roystonea-1 and Sloanea-1 e x p
o n w e l l On May 18th 2024 the discoveries.
Back in August when the sod was turned for extension of the New Campbellville Secondary School.
With the construction of a $143M being constructed by Kaiveri Procurement teaching block underway at the Logistics & Investment Inc., who was CampbellvilleSecondarySchool,atarecent awarded the $143,921,712 contract by opening of bids it was revealed that seven NPTAB.WorkshadstartedinAugust. consultancy firms have submitted proposals Accordingtoinformationprovidedbythe to supervise the construction of that EducationMinistry,theprojectisexpectedto building be completed within 11 months. The new
The companies that submitted proposals teaching block is said to feature eight to the National Procurement and Tender classrooms, two sanitary blocks, and a staff Administration Board (NPTAB) office are: room, providing modern facilities that will Arrowten Inc., Deen & Partners, Ara’s Inc., enhance the learning environment for both Innovative Engineering Consultancy studentsandstaff.
Services, GR Engineering Company, Origin Plans to have an extension at school were Investments,andKalitechInc. announced back in May by the minister
This publication understands that part of during a press conference. It was raised with the supervision services includes but not the minister at the time that Grade Eight limited to ensuring that all engineering students of Campbellville Secondary were specifications are met during construction attending half-day classes for some months. and to monitor the progress of the contractor The new structure is set to address the Kaieteur News had reported that the annex is overcrowdingoccurringattheschool.
The Government of Guyana is still Alreadymorethanfiveacresoflandhave awaitingtheapprovaloftheCouncilofLegal already been identified at Turkeyen, next to Education of the West Indies (CLE) to the University of Guyana, for the establishthenation’sfirstlawschool. constructionofthelawschool.
Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Meanwhile, speaking during his weekly LegalAffairs,Anil Nandlall, SC in an invited programme “Issues in the News” last week, comment to Kaieteur News confirmed that the AG noted the government has expressed the process to establish a law school in itsintentionstocollaboratewithstakeholders Guyana is still ongoing, although permission and implement initiatives to expand was granted by the Council for a feasibility education opportunities in the legal field, studyandothergroundworktobedone. even amidst the nation’s ongoing massive
The Government of Guyana had set up a legal reform. “We are passing too many committee to deal specifically with the important laws not to have continuing establishment of this school. That committee education.Thelegalprofessionisanobleand is chaired by Nandlall and during a recent honourable profession, and I can’t imagine engagement in Jamaica; the AG said he that they will reject the idea of continuing updated the Council on the progress Guyana education,”assertedNandlall is making towards ensuring the approval is He noted that discussions to implement granted. initiatives to promote further education will
The feasibility study has since been be a priority at the next meeting with the handed over to the Council for Legal Guyana Bar Association. In the meantime, Education (CLE), a regional organisation the Legal Affairs Minister expressed which operates the Hugh Wooding Law confidenceinapositiveresponsefromthebar SchoolintheRepublicofTrinidad&Tobago, association and the legal community noting the Norman Manley Law School in Jamaica, that several countries worldwide have and the Eugene Dupuch Law School in The already made it a mandatory obligation to Bahamas. Nandlall said the report was have continuing education in all critical handed over last week, during a meeting of professional fields including the legal and theCLE. medicinalfields.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
The country has erupted like it always does
whenever things get overbearing.This time was the killing of an electrician when two trucks collided on Sherriff Street on Tuesday We saw statements fromthedormantPrivateSectorbody-GCCI,theMinistry of Public Works and countless letters to the editor from MembersofParliament.
We at this newspaper have been warning and pleading for better traffic management and for the Guyana Police Force to address the reckless use of the roadways by truck drivers.Thishasfallenondeafears-eventhoughthesubject minister,RobesonBennwaslastweektalkingaboutcutting roaddeathsbyhalf.Withthelaxtrafficenforcementinthis country what Benn can guarantee Guyanese is that more liveswillbecutshort.
Just two days ago the Kaieteur News quoted the said ministersayingthatroaddeathsinGuyanain2023costthe economy an estimated $750million, highlighting that the severe financial impact of road fatalities, not only brings profound human loss but also places a significant strain on thecountry’sresources.
As we reported back in February this year the InterAmerican Development Bank in a publication titled: ‘Increasing Road Safety in Latin America and the Caribbean:LessonsfromBehavioralEconomics’statedthat road crashes are a significant public health issue in Latin AmericaandtheCaribbean,resultinginastaggeringtollof approximately110,000fatalitiesandover5millioninjuries annually
These tragedies have far-reaching economic implications, costing Latin America and the Caribbean between 3 and 5 percent of its gross domestic product, the IDB publication said. So far for the year some 119 people have been killed on our roadways mainly due to chronic lawlessnessandrecklessdriving.
But chronic lawlessness has several sides. First, road users,andthisisnotlimitedtodriversalone.Therearetoo many stories of police roadblocks to snare drunk drivers, onlyforattendingrankstobecalledoffbyacallmadebyan inebriated driver to some senior officer, who passes the appropriateordertolettheoffendergo.
Second, uniformed traffic officers are more noticeable onourroadways,eitheronfootoronmotorcyclepatrol,but all too frequently, they either turn a blind eye to obvious violations,oraretoobusytryingtoshakedowntheunwary ortheweak.
Third,atawiderarc,thereisthewidespreadperception that politicians and friends operate by a different standard, onelargelycriminal,andareabletomakehaywhilethesun shines.Furiousandfrustratedroadusersfirstthrowuptheir hands,thenthrowcautiontothewinds.Theywilltaketheir chances,andtoobadforwhoevergetsintheway,ismadeto feelthemanglingfromtheirabandontomadness.Ifthey(the leaders can get away with murder), then why not those operatingbelowtheradar?Inotherwords,whatisgoodfor theheadgooseisalsogoodforthelowlygander Driversof privatevehicles,andsomeengagedinpublictransportation, stoporparkwherevertheyfeellike.
Thisisregardlessofwhoisinconvenienced,orforhow long.Further,therearesomanytintedvehiclesontheroad todaythatthereisdifficultydistinguishingwhoisbehindthe wheel, and who they could really be behind the forbidding exterior
When these not so little things against the rules are brokenatwill,thenitisjustamatteroftimeforthebigger traffic violations to be taken in stride by both drivers, pedestrians,andotherusers.Wecrywhenthereiscarnage, afterthattheroutinesofspeedanddiscourtesyanddisregard returninfullerforce.
Whenthereistheperceptionthatthelawonlyappliesto some, or more to some than to others, with the police complicit,thenchaosresults.Wearelivingwiththatonour roads,aren’twe?
Everyweek,wewakeup to news of another life tragically lost on Guyana’s roads It is sickening!! Families are devastated, communities are grieving, and the toll continues to mount. Behind this carnage liesadeadlymixofreckless b
uck operators and glaring failures in enforcement and governance.
Heavy vehicles have become a menace on our roads Trucks overloaded with sand, timber, stone and i
routinely barrel through populatedareasatexcessive speeds Many of these
y maintained, and their drivers, often operating underextremefatigue,show blatant disregard for traffic
infrastructure, and shattered
s This d
ands immediate and decisive action…andnow
The Government’s FailuretoAct
Itisnotenoughtoblame the drivers alone These tragedies expose systemic failures by the government to ensure road safety
Whatever laws exist are w e a k l y e n f o r c e d Regulations are outdated or just ignored The government has failed to enforce basic safety measures such as speed limits for heavy vehicles, roadside inspections, and safeinfrastructuredesigns.
This inaction is inexcusable While industries benefiting from heavy vehicle traffic thrive, citizens are left to bear the brunt of unsafe roads and lawlessness. Editor, it is not progress when economic activitiescomeatthecostof humanlives.
This road safety crisis demandssolutionsgrounded in accountability, e n f o r c e m e n t , a n d modernization Here is wherewemuststart:
1.ZeroTolerancefor Violations:
o Enforce stricter penalties for speeding, overloading, and operating unroadworthy trucks. Fines must be so severe that violations become unthinkable.
o Suspend or revoke the licenses of reckless drivers and impose heavy sanctions on employers who pressure drivers to take dangerous risks.
2.MandatoryDriver Certification
o Establish accredited driver training schools specializinginheavyvehicle operation aligned with international best practices as recommended by internationalstandards.
o Require every truck
driver to undergo comprehensive training and certification, with recertification every two years Those without certification must not be allowedonourroads.
3.IndependentOversight ofVehicleInspections
oTransfertheinspection and licensing of vehicles to an independent Routine, rigorous checks must becomenon-negotiable.
4.TechnologytoMonitor andDeter
o Mandate tachographs to monitor truck speeds and driving hours, and equip vehicleswithblackboxesto aidincrashinvestigations.
o Install weigh-inmotion sensors and automatedspeedcamerason highways to ensure compliance with load limits andspeedregulations.
5.Upgraded Infrastructure
o Designate safety
corridorswithreducedspeed limits and enhanced enforcement in high-risk areas.
o Upgrade roads to meet heavy vehicle standards and establishreststopstocombat driverfatigue.
6.PublicAwarenessand Accountability
o Conduct public campaigns highlighting the consequences of reckless driving. These campaigns mustexposethehumancost ofeverycrash.
o Establish a publicly accessible database of road safety violations, holding both individuals and companiesaccountable.
Editor, leadership is about putting citizens first andensuringtheirsafety Itis clear that the current government is failing the people of Guyana. If we continue to allow reckless truck operators and lax enforcement to dominate, moreliveswillbeneedlessly lost.
The Government must act now and take the bold steps required to make our roads safe. Parliament must get to work updating the legal infrastructure, to bring anendtothecarnageonour roadsandensurethatthose (Continuedonpage09)
The PPP is on record condemning the Production SharingAgreement(PSA)or oil and gas contract that the Coalition government signed with Exxon. It even misled Guyanese by claiming that it would renegotiate the contract if theyelectedittooffice.
Now that it is in office, the PPP is on record admitting that it never intended to renegotiate the contract. Veryoften,Jagdeo admitsthatthePPPknewall along that it had no way to renegotiate the contract Mostrecentlyhesaidevenif a referendum supported renegotiating the contract, Exxonstillhadtoagreetoit and probably wouldn’t. Consideringthedeceptionof thePPPandallthatistaking place in Guyana, we must ask a few questions to appreciate the value of the oilcontractnegotiatedbythe Coalition. The questions below are set against
supposedlyperfectcontracts signed by the PPP with foreigninvestorsforbauxite, timber,goldandmanganese. Guyanese are still to see those contracts so that they can be compared to the one signedwithExxon.
1. Is Guyana the fastest growing economy in the world because the contract withExxonisflawed? Oris it the fastest growing economy because the contract enables Exxon to expand its investments rapidly?
2 Is Guyana set to be a major oil producing nation because the contract is flawed? Or does the contract enable Exxon to take advantage of market conditions, allowing Guyana to become a major oil producer?
3. Is Guyana earning record income and large amountsofforeignexchange because the contract with Exxon is flawed? Or is the contract enabling Guyana to
produce bountiful income thatisbeingmismanagedby thePPP?
4 Is the contract with Exxon flawed? Or is it allowing the PPP, its friend, family and favourites to live lavishlyoffoftheincomefrom thecontract?
5 Are private companies shuttingdowntheiroperations because the contract with Exxon is flawed? Or are businesses closing because of the incompetence and mismanagementofthePPP?
6. Is GUYSUCO losing money because the contract with Exxon is flawed? Or is it losing money because of the incompetence and mismanagementofthePPP?
7.DidtheGas-to-Energy project fire 65 workers because the contract with Exxonwasflawed?Orwasit becauseoftheincompetence and mismanagement of the PPP?
8.Isthecost-of-livingin Guyana unbearable because thecontractwithExxonwas flawed? Or is it because of the incompetence and mismanagementofthePPP? People may wish to condemn the contract for their own economic and political gain. But look at the money that the oil contract has already earned for Guyanese and the promise that it holds for a better future The only problem is the future is becoming darker by the day with the PPP managing the wealththatnocontractsigned by the PPP in 27 years has brought to this country The m o n e y i s s l o w l y disappearing Guyanesemust review the failed contract with the PPP and employ a competent, progressive, visionary and wellintentioned government that puts people first in all of its deliberationsandatcenterof development
Sincerely MervynWilliams, Former Member of Parliament
our roadways
become a national crisis that must be addressed
Today,Ijoininmourning the loss of a dear friend of more than 35 years, a bond forgedsinceourdaysinPrep A at Mackenzie Primary School. His tragic death, caused by an accident involving two speeding trucks, highlights the devastatingconsequencesof
reckless driving, an unwelcome and constant featureonourroadways.
To his family and loved ones, I extend my heartfelt condolences during this painfultime.
This tragedy among many other underscores the urgent need to address the irresponsible and reckless use of our roadways, particularly by some truck drivers whose behavior cannot and must not be condoned.
Truck drivers carrying lumber, construction materials, sand, and stones are among the worst
offenders, especially along the Linden-Soesdyke Highway,theEastBankand the East Coast corridor Overloaded beyond the recommended weight, poorly maintained vehicles, combined with drivers who are often reckless, fatigued, or untrained, pose a serious threattothelivesofinnocent road users This menace demands immediate and decisive political and administrativeaction.
It is time more than ever to hold drivers accountable. Truckoperatorsmustbeheld to higher standards of responsibility and accountability. Stricter penaltiesshouldbeimposed for overloading vehicles, failure to maintain roadworthiness, and blatant disregard for traffic laws.
Licensing bodies, hence the police must ensure that only well-trained and certified drivers operate these vehicles, while companies
employing truck drivers must be held liable for violations. The culture of reckless disregard for safety mustend.
It is very evident that there is need for the strengtheningofmorepolice presence and enforcement. The Guyana Police Force must adopt a zero-tolerance approachtorecklessdriving.
A sustained and visible policepresenceonhigh-risk roadwaysisessentialtohelp cu
irresponsible behavior. Strategic placement of patrols, speed traps, and checkpoints, particularly in accident-prone areas, will actasadeterrent.
equipped and trained to identify dangerous driving behaviors and intervene swiftly to prevent potential tragedies.
Traffic laws must be enforced rigorously, with
speeding, overloading, and operating unfit vehicles Those found guilty of endangering lives should face consequences commensuratewiththerisks they pose to society Additionally, the need to prioritizing life-saving emergencyresponsemustbe a constant feature in traffic related accidents and incidents.
In recognizing that accidents will occur despite ourbestefforts,livescanstill be saved with efficient emergencyresponses.
TheGuyanaFireService must collaborate with the Police Force to establish a robust and well-coordinated system capable of dispatching ambulances and first responders to accident scenes promptly This requires investment in equipment, training, and resources to ensure timely assistance.
DEAREDITOR, The nationality of a composite of six races from the land of many waters,
with the encore of “Boukaiya, Nnoo, BemVindo, Huanying and Svaagat,” will collectively convey a Guyanese “welcome” in a singular voice echoing a “One Guyana,”asthe74yearsold Indian Prime Minister, Shriman Ji Narendra DamodardasModi,setsfoot for the second time on the soil of Guyana, the birth placeforsome40percentof Guyanese who have traceable links to Bharat Mata due to the arrival of their ancestors from India, theirmotherland.
After56years,anIndian Prime Minister is gracing this SouthAmerican nation, the late Indira Gandhi being thelastin1968.OtherIndian officials to visit Guyana include the late Dr Shankar DayalSharma,thethenVice President of India visited Guyana in 1988 and Shri Bhairon Singh Shekhawat, the then Vice President of Indiacameonastatevisitto Guyanain2006.Thefamous and familiar reciprocal “Namaste,” said with
clasped hands, will be inclusiveinthegreetings.
Prime Minister Modi, leader of the largest democracyintheworldwith a population of 1.45 billion people, comes from a country which has a legacy of having a “people-centric a p p r o a c h a n d mainstreaming the priorities of the Global South.” The agricultural and diversified countrybeingthe7thlargest nation in the world with an areaof1.269Msquaremiles and speaking some 780 languages, India has 28 statesand8unionterritories
with a GDP growth rate of 7.6 % annually. The 2023 World Bank report also states India’s Gross Domestic Product as 3.55
trillion USD with her GDP per capita being 2,484.85 USD.
For89years,Indiawasa (Continuedonpage06)
Further, to reduce the number of unfit vehicles on the road, mandatory safety in
commercial vehicles should
frequent, ensuring that vehicles meet all safety standards.
Non-compliant vehicles mustbebarredfromtheroad until repairs are completed. T
significantlyreducetherisks posed by overloaded and poorlymaintainedtrucks.
The loss of lives on our roads has reached the place of it being a national crisis, that demands urgent and decisive action Reckless
maintained vehicles are
avoidable hazards, and all stakeholdersmustcommitto addressing them The Guyana Police Force and Fire Service must lead the cha
with stronger enforcement, better driver education, and enhanced eme
As citizens, as fellow Guyanese we must demand accountability from truck operators and support measuresthatprioritizeroad safety. Every life lost to reckless driving is a preventable tragedy. Let us work together to make our roads safer and ensure that nomorelivesaresenselessly cutshort.
Yourssincerely H
DEAREDITOR, Afewweeksago,Iwrote with a heavy heart, expressing my growing concernoverthegrimreality of Guyana’s roadways. The steady rise in fatalities, almostasiftheGrimReaper himself sits as a silent passenger, has transformed our streets into death traps. These roads, meant to connect lives, now sever themwithrecklessabandon. Day after day, we witness drivers wielding their vehicleslikeweapons,andit feels as though some have been contracted not to transport, but to escort lives tofuneralhomes.
Today, with profound sadness, we wake again to yet another harrowing accident chaotic, destructive, and lifealtering The victims, stripped of futures, leave b e h i n d g r i e v i n g families—fathers, brothers, cousins, friends bound now by the shared agony of loss.Fortoolong,lipservice hasbeenthebalmofferedto soothe this hemorrhaging crisis.
Those elected or appointed to lead seem content with reactionary measures,settingpoliciesin motion only after tragedy strikes.Whatgoodarewords when lives are irreparably shattered?
Everymorning,weleave ourhomeswithanunspoken promise to return. No one departs their threshold thinking it will be their last. Yet, for many, the return nevercomes.
Thecarnageisrelentless, the grief unyielding I traversetheEastCoastdaily, observing, with mounting frustration, lawlessness that unfolds brazenly before the
eyes of law enforcement. Drivers blatantly flout the rules, weaving recklessly in plain sight of officers equipped with mobile vehicles—officers who, for reasonsunknown,failtoact. Is this negligence? Is it apathy?Orhasenforcingthe law become a task too burdensometobear?
Our roadways, the workplaceoftrafficofficers, have become harbingers of death. Yet, these guardians ofsafetyappearblindtotheir duty, allowing recklessness tothriveunchecked.
What will it take for change to come? Must policiesbebirthedonlyafter those in power feel the grief thatsomanyfamiliesendure daily?
Thesolutionsaresimple, yet seem impossible to grasp. Officers with mobile vehicles must patrol actively, stopping and charging violators without hesitation. For those whose recklessness knows no bounds, there must be h a r s h e r consequences—keys taken, licensesrevoked.
LetParliament,sooften quick to debate matters of monetary benefit, adopt the same urgency for policies that safeguard lives.Are the lives of citizens worth less than the revenues of the state?
Each accident is a reminder of how fragile and fleeting life is. And yet, it appears our political and social systems have grown desensitized to the loss. Let me ask those in power: if it were your son, your daughter, your brother, or your friend pinned beneath the cold steel of a truck, would the tears in your eyes spur you to action? If your
mornings began with empty chairs and the echoes of laughtersilenced,wouldyou remain complacent? For too many families, this is their reality They live this nightmare, day after day, while policymakers sleep soundly, sheltered by inaction.
The grim truth is that death does not discriminate. Itcaresnotforthered,green, or yellow of political affiliations. It does not ask whether you worship at a masjid, a church, or a temple.
Whentheimpactcomes, it obliterates these divides, leaving only devastation in itswake.Yet,asanation,we clingtotheselines,allowing our differences to overshadow our collective humanity
Let us awaken from this stupor
Letusdemandroadsthat nurture life rather than extinguish it. Let us build a future where our children inherit not highways paved with grief, but pathways to promise.
Letusputasidepolitical colors and unite to paint a safer tomorrow—one where the echoes of sirens are replaced by the laughter of thosewholivetoseeanother day
The time for action is now Before our roads become memorial grounds, lined with wreaths and etched with names of lives lost too soon, let us reclaim them. Let us ensure that Guyana’s streets no longer serve as silent witnesses to the tragedy of inaction but stand as a testament to our resolvetoprotectlife.
AGrievingCitizen KevinAnderson
Berbice family says goodbye to years of squattingafterreceivingnew homefromMohamed’s.
The troubles of a poor family squatting for over 10 yearshavefinallycometoan end Mr Mohamed answeredthecallof30-yearold Arifa Khan of Bath Settlementwithabrandnew home. This is one of over 1000homesbuiltsofar
She said that with the kind assistance of a family member Arifa was able to swapthelandforoneinBath Settlement closer to the
businessareaandtheschool. This is where Azruddin Mohamedbuiltherhome
She was elated when Team Mohamed made good on a promise to assist her withabrandnewhome.Now the family can concentrate on taking care of each other without worrying about a roofovertheirheads.
She was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude
Amongothershehashelped are: Naresh Ramcharitar of Black Bush Polder with a newprostheticlegsohecan walk freely again Clavelle Anderson,motherofthreeof
Garnett Street received a food caravan so she can provide snacks to school children. After one-montholdZamariJones,whoisthe first child for her parents, was born at the Linden Hospital Complex with a brokenarmandhisumbilical cord wrapped around his neck Mr Mohamed is paying for the child to undergo medical treatment and many others Mr Mohamed is truly a humanitarian and a walking angelonearth.
Your’ssincerely, AmandaSawh
British colony and was known as the British Raj. In 1947, India single handedly defeated the British with words and wits and won her independence with the Mahatma Gandhi’s path of truth and non-violence (Satya Graha) approach India became divided with the birth of Pakistan as a neighbour A decade ago, India was the 11th largest economyintheworld
This nation which was ravaged by invaders, raped for her wealth and repudiated as a “Coolie” mentality Slowlybutsurely, like its national flower, the Kamalgatta, it rose from Dharti Ma and the Ganges, toblossomasthe5thlargest economy in the world, beatingitsformermasterthe British.
WhiletheUSremainsas theonlynationtoputmanon the moon, on the 23rd August 2023, India became the 4th nation to land on the moon.
W i t h I n d i a ’ s “Chandrayaan – 3, she became the first country to successfully land a spacecraft near the moon’s south pole, demonstrating a Safe and Soft Landing on Lunar Surface, a Rover roving on the moon, and conducting scientific experiments
Apart from India’s fascinating foods, fantastic fields and famous festivals, she is fanaticized for cricket, songs, music and films The Taj Mahal is one of
the 7 wonders of the world and visited by millions of tourists who travel also to the snow
laden mountainous Himalayas in the North and the watery Kerala in theSouth.
A country landscaped with beauty, brains and business, it houses a rich culture of traditions, religions, festivities, and celebrations.
Indiaglorifiesawayof life catering to an ambience of spirituality feeding off a spectrum of Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Christians, Zoroastrians, Jews, Baháís, eremites, teachers, holy men, charlatansandahostofother significantinclusivity
From a historical background of 77 years of different, diversified and determined leaders, Prime Minister Modi has survivedtoleadthenation with three consecutive election victories since coming to power in 2014. Heisontheriseinacountry boasting 167 billionaires in the world, being the third highest.
The IMF is forecasting a prediction that India is expected to take over Japan’s position to clinch the title of the world’s fourth largest economy in Fiscal Year 2025 with a GDP at $4,340 billion USD
The quiet, humble and approachable but fiery Prime Minister who is charmingandcharismatic,is
ever friendly, hard-working and resolute. His aim is to reshapetheimageofIndiain the eyes of the world with pride from a proud past, dignity with a determined destinyandresiliencetorule notfromtherear WhilePM Modi is adept, he is wary of human limitations and remainspractical.
Hisjobcorelateswiththe cooperation of his courageous commissioners who act as his confidants, c o n s i g l i e r e s a n d commanders.
As campaigners for Modi, they help to c h r o n i c l e a n d communicate many of the conversations which are c u m b e r s o m e a n d convoluted with concerns, controversiesandcriticisms.
Prime Minster Modi is careful and he surrounds himself with a chosen few who are his eyes, nose and ears, following him like a shadow
He places confidence in those he trusts and has faith in his closest and
His 3 days visit to Guyana will be fruitful as it can remove barriers of distance and development between two countries with common ideologies, people andaspirations.
The Guyanese people and President Ali do welcome Prime Minister Narendra Modi with open arms.
Yoursrespectfully, JaiLall
Turkish company Karpowership- that has secured two lucrative contracts from the PPP/C Government appears to have had a troubled past littered with corruption allegations and court cases that have resulted in at least one contractbeingrescinded.
Dr. Clive Thomas
Citing research on the powership company, the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) questioned whether the government conducted a due diligence check on the company before signing the second agreement between the Guyana Power and Light Company (GPL) and UCC Holdings for the second prudently done a due powership. diligence on Karpowership
At the party’s weekly to safeguard the public press conference held on interests The contrast Monday, Co-Leader Dr between the firm’s website David Hinds said that “The view of itself and the torrent projectinvolvestwoseparate of corrupt practices levelled contracts under which UCC againstitisstupendous.” Holding leases a powership Adding to the discourse from Karpowership to renowned economist and provide energy to Guyana WPA executive member Dr P o w e r a n d L i g h t Clive Thomas highlighted Incorporated, supplying the stark contrast between 27% of Guyana’s total the company’s selfelectricity demand representation on its website devastatingly negative
The powership Guyana currently has in Berbice.
Dr Thomas stressed that governmentandonthatbasis commissions to a company Karpowership provides andthenumerousallegations portrayers of the behaviour any government or anyone the government can make a linked to politicallyUCC Holding with leasing, of corrupt practices directed ofacompanythatisinvolved who is getting into a serious decision.” He said that it is connected businessmen. operation, and maintenance against it. He noted that in a public good like contract should go through highly unlikely that the Lebanon’s financial public with an initial capacity of 36 while Karpowership supplying energy to poor thorough research. He said if Government of Guyana is prosecutor has impounded MWfortwoyears.” promotes itself as a leader in states. It (has a presence) on such a research was done it unaware of the troubles the two ships it operates in Dr. Hinds said that the delivering energy solutions, every continent, I was about would show that “the Karpowership has had. “So, that country as surety for a party’sresearchrevealedthat the troubling accusations to say except Latin America companyhasoneofthemost we are asking therefore that potential$25-millionfine.In the company has been paint a far less favourable butitdoesoperateinGuyana distasteful reputations for an theduediligencestudiesthat Pakistan, a Karadeniz involved in several picture. and Cuba but it operates energy company in the they have done be made subsidiary stands accused of controversies in countries it “It makes a lot of these mainly in Europe, Middle world. Not only by the type public because we cannot paying politically-connected was awarded contracts. The postsbutwhenwelookatthe East, Asia and lots of of fuel that it uses, to cause believe that they haven’t middlemen over $5 million party, “presumes the actual record of that countries in Africa about 20 environmental hazards but done any and based on the to clinch a five-year contract Government would have companyitisoneofthemost ofthem,”hesaid. by the behaviour of the principle, the normal worth$565million.Thedeal ownership, management and expectation of what a was rescinded by the soforth.” prudent government should country’s Supreme Court in
Misconduct by Prison Officers undermines public trust and this type of behaviour will not be tolerated, Director of Prisons, Nicklon Elliot said on Wednesday inastatement.
Elliot made the comments after a video wascirculatedonsocialmediaduringwhich unethical behaviour was displayed by the driver who was identified to be a Prison Officer Marvin DeSouza. “The Guyana Prison Service (GPS) remains steadfast in upholding the highest standards of professionalism and integrity among its The Director of Prisons described the ranks,” Elliot said, reaffirming that any incident as a regrettable one, emphasising misconductbyofficerswillnotbecondoned that the Prison Service has a commitment to andwillresultinswiftdisciplinaryaction. foster the trust of the public by making sure
“Every perceivable do, or would be doing we are 2012, setting off an epic crime that a multinational asking that they make that seven-year legal battle and can commit they have been available to the public and to an ongoing corruption accused of and we have a WPA Maybe we can investigation. paper which we can make develop a thesis about how In December of last availabletoanyofthepeople we should deal with them year amabhungane org who might want to have it in upon a more systematic reported that former Chief the audience who are way,”Dr Thomasexplained. Justice Sandile Ngcobo had representing the media On June 19, 2021 eviscerated Karpowership’s today, where some of these news24.com reported that Turkish owner over its thingsarepotrayed.Ithas(a) the Turkish Karadeniz group “biased” and “oppressive” significant amount of it,” Dr had faced controversies shareholders’ agreement Thomassaid. abroadthatcallintoquestion with its black empowerment
Director of Prisons, Mr. Nicklon Elliot
Instructions were given to the Senior that all officers are professionally and Superintendent of Prison and the Acting accountably performing their duties. “The Officer in Charge of Lusignan Prisons Kofi Guyana Prison Service expects all its David, to ensure that prompt disciplinary officers to act with the utmost integrity and measures are taken against DeSouza, the professionalism in carrying out their statement added. It was disclosed by responsibilities. Misconduct of any kind investigations into the matter that Cadet undermines the trust placed in us by the Officer Keon David who held the public and will not be tolerated,” stated responsibility of command for the motor DirectorElliot.Thestatementreiteratedthat vehicle, failed to adequately control and the commitment of the organization is to oversee the situation “Therefore uphold its values and ensure that all disciplinary actions will also be taken personnel adhere to the highest ethical againsthim.” standardsinservicetothenation.
However, this is just the the outcome of South partners Powergroup SA icing on the cake, taking a Africa’s tender for turned to arbitration when look at daily newspapers of emergency power in which Turkey’s Karadeniz tried to the count
evictitfromtheR218-billion Karpowershiphasapresence Karpowership SA was deal to supply emergency there are a number of court named a preferred bidder power to Eskom for the next cases and trials nationally Ama Bhungane and others 20years. andinternationally h
Professor Thomas said government’s handling of Karadeniz told Powergroup that th
company’s the tender and gave two that it needed to fund its reputation is known and troubling examples in portions of a $5-million “every country knows that is allegations of bribery raised, (R93-million) the Turkish the case and what people involving the Turkish parentsaidwasneededtoget normally do is to get a due company The allegations the Karpowership deal over diligence done into the were neither new nor secret, the line. When Powergroup operation of the companies but did not affect the did not deliver the funds, that you are going to deal outcome if they were Karadeniz exercised a call with, pay for it and there are considered as part of doing a option in its shareholders’ many consultants around the duediligenceonthebidders. agreement that allowed it to world who prepare these and In Lebanon,Karadenizis seize Powergroup’s 49% for se
Everymorning,the government w a k e s u p , stretches its arms, and spends one billion dollars justtokeepthelightson.Not on rocket ships to Mars, not onfreepizzaFridaysforthe nation,butonthemachinery of bureaucracy—an engine so bloated it guzzles cash like a Hummer at a gas station And this is one billiondollarsperday
The question isn’t how this spending happens but ratherwhywekeepenabling it.Thepublicservice,forall
its noble intentions, increasingly feels less like a service and more like pouring money down the drain Thousands of government workers do diligently contribute But therearethousandsofothers whohaveperfectedtheartof doinglittleornothing.Most of their time are found with theirheadsburiedinasmart phone, scrolling social media for hours each day, using free internet connectivity provided by
guess who? Yes, the government!
Andletusnotforgetthat special group within the public service: the square pegs in round holes. These are the folks hired because they’re someone’s cousin’s best friend’s uncle or they have the right connections. They roam the corridors of publicofficesarmedwithall kinds of fancy titles. Their productivity levels make a turtle look hyperactive.And yet,theretheyare,partofthe billion-dollar payroll, clapping themselves on the back for successfully attending meetings that produce nothing but more meetings.
Thequestionis:whatare we,thetaxpayers,gettingfor our money? A better question: what aren’t we getting?
Now, I know invoking DonaldTrump’s might raise eyebrows.Butheisplanning to establish a Department of Government Efficiency. Essentially, it will end up being established to figure
out which parts of the government could be pruned, streamlined, or sent topasture.InGuyana,we’re overdue for such an approach Reforming the public service should start with simple questions: “What do we actually need? What services is this Ministry or Department or Agency providing to the public? Do we really need twopersonstodooneman’s job?”
Then comes the hard part: cutting loose what we don’t. It’s not about mass firings but about aligning roles with actual needs Automating processes, incentivizing remote work, and introducing metrics for accountability these are not radical ideas. They’re survival tactics for a government hemorrhaging money Automation, my friends, is not just for sci-fi movies. Half the forms and processes clogging the public service could be handled online with a few clicks and minimal human
Frompaged04 responsible drivers, companies, and authoritiesalike—areheldaccountable.
WeoweittothepeopleofGuyanatoact now before more lives are sacrificed to inactionandindifferenceandignorance.
My thoughts and prayers are with the familyandlovedonesofMr CarltonSmartt who lost his life yesterday at the hands of a speedingtruckdriver MayGodmakeiteasy forus.
Hon.AmanzaWaltonDesir,M.P MemberofParliament
Elections season deh around de corner Yuh does know it is that time when yuh see de Opposition polishing up its favourite excuse “We wuz robbed!” Like clockwork, they come out swinging, blaming everybody but themselves for the lossestheyknowdeepdowntheydeserve. Now, don’t get me wrong, losing is no fun Especially when you’ve been promising your supporters that this time is goingtobedifferent.Buttheproblemwith Oppositionpartiesistheydon’tknowhow tolosegracefully Theycan’tevenpretend they lost fair and square. Nah, it’s always about some shady business that’s been going on in the background. If they don’t shout about rigging, voter impersonation, or ghost voters, then they’re basically admitting to their supporters that they failed.Andheavenforbidthathappens! Take a look at the smaller parties, the onesthatcan’tevengatherenoughsupport to fill a minibus. Dem does tek dem licks like a man. Dem does claim, “Well, it’s a tough fight, we’ll try harder next time”? No!
Butit’sthelargerpartieswhoreallytake the cake. You see, when they lose, they don’ttaketheirlickslikegoodsports.Nah, theyspinthestory,tellthecountryhowthey
intervention. You shouldn’t need a convoy of clerks to approve a single license or stamp a document—just a decent Wi-Fi signal and some software smarter than youraveragesquarepeg.
Imagine the savings if certain sectors transitioned to virtual work. Employees could work from home, skipping the daily commute to offices where the AC works better than the staff. Plus, the government could save on maintenance and security costs, electricity, furniture, fuel and vehicles and stationery finally putting an end to the mysteriousdisappearanceof staplers that rivaled the BermudaTriangle.
Now, before anyone panics, let’s address the elephant in the room: downsizing.Nobodylikesto hear it, but sustaining this one-billion-dollar-per-day circus isn’t just inefficient; it’s unsustainable The payroll itself is a behemoth, devouring resources that could otherwise go toward education, healthcare, or, dare I say, actual development.
Some argue that the
publicservicefunctionsasa welfareprogramindisguise, offering jobs to those who might otherwise face unemployment.Whilethat’s a commendable goal, it should not come at the expense of efficiency Welfare programs are about empowerment, not enabling mediocrity So, what’s the way forward? For starters, a thorough audit. Figure out who’s doing what, where, and why If there’s no good answer to the “why,” it’s time to reassign or reconsider look at whether the same work can be done by less persons, even if it means paying them more Next, get rid of the square pegs in round holes as well as all the sinecure appointees, including some of those who need to be in geriatric care. The next step wouldbetoaskhowwecan certain things cheaper and better and, at the time, whether those outsourced services can be more economicalifdonein-house.
Then, establish key p e r f o r m a n c e indicators actual metrics to measure whether we’re
getting value for money
Thereisarulethatsays20% of the staff do 80% of the work. Every head should identify the top 20 persons that do the most and best work around them. Such a shortlistwillmakecreatinga redundancy list easier Lastly, embrace technology andinnovation.IfGuyanais seriousaboutmodernisation, it must stop treating public service reform like a taboo topic.
Anything less spells disaster down the road. The one-billion-dollar-a-day public service is madness. Financing inefficiency on this scale is wasteful. It’s time to rethink, reform, and realign.Becauseifwedon’t, the joke isn’t on the bureaucrats; it’s on the governmentandus. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
were cheated, how ballots went missing, howtheirvoterswere“impersonated.They would have you think election day was somekindofcrimedrama.
But here’s the real kicker The supporters who know their party lost fair and square?They’re the first ones to jump on the bandwagon and cry foul. Why? Becausetheydon’twanttoadmitthattheir heroesfailedthem.It’seasiertoclaimthere was some big conspiracy than to just accept,youdidn’twin.Peoplelovetohold on to the narrative that someone else is to blame for their failure, even if it’s all just smokeandmirrors.
Sohere’sthething,Opposition:maybe it’s time to stop the nonsense. If you lost, you lost. If you didn’t win, no need to go looking for ghosts in the ballot boxes.The truth is, sometimes it’s better to accept defeatwithdignitythantobuildupstories that will just fall apart under scrutiny And attheendoftheday,whenyoukeepcrying “rigging” and “cheating,” you’re just playing into the hands of those who know exactlyhowtokeepyoulookinglikeafool. So,Opposition,nexttimeyoulose,take a seat, have a drink, and maybe—just maybe—learnhowtoloselikeagrown-up. It’llsaveyoualotoftroubledowntheroad. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
h e s a c r e d U S of good faith, make binding the post-Civil War era, 21st century obscenity themselves in peace Constitution in its original agreements, then they are before Section 2 of the14th parading under the banner of treaties. Yet they break form was and is a compact sometimes forced to amend amendment to the U S the ExxonMobil contract? those treaties at will and with the American people. t h e m b y d i n t o f Constitutioncameintoeffect The fact that this revolting wage more war To Ali and Yet, there came a time when circumstances. and took precedence over creature called an oil
that compact or covenant, From 1787 onwards, that three-fifths clause in contract is the handiwork of possessing an extraordinary
that inviolable contract, had Article1,Section2,Clause3 Article1etseq. ToPresident Americans introduces verbalflexibility,mendonot denounced in heaven, using to be changed. It took a of the U.S. Constitution had Ali, Vice President Jagdeo, convulsions and utter give their word, a contract the covers of sleek political bloody Civil War, and certain words enshrined Attorney General Nandlall, contemp
m this with the Guyanese people, costumes, they consign their tirelessbattlinginthehallsof Those words spoke to the if that most venerable of American. Contracts can be and then break that word. fellow tribesmen to the new power and public opinion to three-fifths calculation documents, that most changed, and the Americans No, my brothers, men of slave plantation They amendaparticularlyobscene (compromise) to account for sacrosanct of contracts with knowthatmorethanmost. honor do not do so live that condemn themselves. None provision (that “odious slaves on the matter of the American people, could To Ali, Jagdeo, and way, lead in that manner of them, and neither do I, institution”) in the US representation in the US be revisited, touched, Nandlall, all honorable Beforeeachofthosewords,a need Professor Clive Constitution Men of Congress. It took almost a refined, and modified for the Guyanese men, I remind that harsh and piercing adjective Thomas to alert them that wisdom and reasoning, men hundred years, until 1868 in better, then what about this men make wars, then bind could have been added. I contracts can be changed. If didn’t. In so doing, other Guyana can’t do that, when Guyanese are given that circumstances are unjust, honor with whatever choice when the parties were so words are affixed and unevenly matched, when incorporate their scorn, rage, vital information could have and disgust at our leaders been withheld by Exxon, who exhibit a remarkable then this cannot be said to be fluidity in their backbones. a country anymore. It is an Contracts can be changed, entity that conducts a andtheyknowit. hysterectomy on its own
This Exxon contract was sovereignty It is not a conceived in calumny, country, but one that bows to composed of trickery, and is slavery’s brutality, and all applied with consummate, too readily because of rank cold blooded barbarity Mr politicalexpediency Alistair Routledge should be All of Guyana’s political reading, absorbing. The leaders may consider Romans had Attila the Hun themselvestobethesmartest who sacked and savaged. people around. I give them Fifteen hundred years later, the freedom to think that GuyanesehavetheirHunsby their crass vulgarity is the rampaging hordes. They u n d e t e c t e d a n d also ransack and pillage, and unchallenged But their their uniform consists of red, craven groveling before, and white, and blue. Those are dependency on, Exxon and among some of my favorite Messrs Woods and things. This is the sound of Routledge to sponsor their incandescent rage, not the political opportunism and Sound of Music, Mr leadership ambition is now Routledge. Atwhathasbeen the horror and hurt of all done to my national leaders- Guyana. Sanctityofcontract Ali, Jagdeo, Nandlall, and isapairofpantiesthatreveal the eunuchs that have been more than it conceals, my made of them. Often, I brothers. Contracts can be ponder if it is the kind of changed. Americans tossed corporate surgery practiced some tea into Boston harbor that renders them into more whentheyhadlittlegoingfor than mere political eunuchs. them. I admire those men There is unimagined dressed up as Native appreciation at the spiraling Americans. They were real discomfort brought about by men willing to challenge a a contract (Exxon’s) that is mad king and a mighty held aloft for being so sacred empire. Are there no real that it supersedes the men in Guyana? Politically sovereignty of Guyana and honorable men. Patriotic of every Guyanese. What men. Guyanese men who a r e G u y a n e s e , M r care about the fate and Routledge, three-fifths men aspirations of their fellow and two-fifths pliant, Guyanese? I identify, I call, unthinking,beasts? Withthe Messrs Ali, Jagdeo, national sovereignty of Nandlall, Norton, and Guyanareducedtothetatters Hughes: stand up, stand out. of shameless nonexistence, Fight with every fiber, fight what present and future with all might. Get rid of existence does that leave that most odious contract. current and later Guyanese? B e d o n e w i t h t h e Why is this revulsion of a subterfuges. contract allowed to breathe (The views expressed in Guyana’sair? Why? Why? this article are those of the WhenGuyanesepolitical a u t h o r a n d d o n o t leaders-Ali, Jagdeo, necessarily reflect the Nandlall, Norton, or opinions and beliefs of this Hughes-yield in abject n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s surrender to that slavery affiliates.)
By Renay Sambach
President Irfaan Ali has announcedthataspartofone of the agreements signed with India, the Government of Guyana is looking to leverage that country’s expertise to establish a r e g i o n a
O n W e d n e s d a y , President Ali and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, currently on a threeday state visit to Guyana, promote the development of resource and technical witnessed the signing of five
c perspective “They will M
m o r a n d a o f medicines, strengthen public support us in expanding our Understanding (MOUs) to health capabilities and align corn and soya and looking at deepen cooperation across regulatory framework for w
criticalsectors. mutualbenefits. production here in Guyana, T
In his address, Ali noted, f
“In healthcare, it’s not only important to all of this is ceremony at State House in pharma products, but researchanddevelopment.” Georgetown,spanareassuch looking at Ayurvedic President Ali said India ashydrocarbons,agriculture, medicine and looking at has distinguished itself healthcare, and banking ways in which we can among all other global technology President Ali expand India excellent competitorsinthisarea,“and hailed the collaboration as a global footprint in the we also will be benefiting pivotal step in advancing healthcare industry here in fromthis,”headded. Guyana’s developmental Guyana.” He continued, “as M o r e o v e r , t h e priorities and regional you know, we are also hydrocarbon agreement leadershipinkeyindustries. pursuing having vaccine establishes a framework for Guyana and India manufacturing here in technology transfer, joint formalised two MOUs in the Guyana to serve all of the studies, and capacity healthcare sector One region. India is a giant in this building across the value focuses on collaboration field, and that presents chain This is aimed at between the Ministry of tremendous opportunity for bolstering energy security Health and India’s Central us here in Guyana, and this and advancing mutual Drugs Standard Control will be part of the developmentpriorities. Organization (CDSCO) and collaboration,”Alisaid. Additionally, a MOU India’s Ministry of Health The MOU on agriculture between the Bank of Guyana And Family Welfare on emphasises climate-resilient ( B o G ) a n d N P C I medical product regulation. practices, food security, and International Payments
This MoU is aimed at agricultural innovation Limited (NIPL) was signed. enabling collaboration on I n d i a w i l l s u p p o r t ThisMoUaimstoestablisha goodlaboratory,clinical,and advancements in Guyana’s mutual collaboration on manufacturing practices. rice and sugar industries. e x p l o r i n g t h e
The second recognises the PresidentAlinotedthatIndia implementation of Unified Indian Pharmacopoeia as a is committed to supporting Payment Interphase (UPI) standard for quality Guyana in the sugar industry technology, as well as assurance, and aims to n o t o n l y f r o m a n facilitating domestic enhance cooperation in infrastructure perspective, intractabilityforrealtime medicine regulations, but also from a human (Continued on page 22)
Member of Parliament limits for heavy vehicles, roadside accessible database of road safety andShadowMinister inspections, and safe infrastructure v
of Foreign Affairs, designs ” Further, Walton-Desir individuals and companies
Amanza Walton- emphasised that road safety crisis accountable, fostering a culture of Desir,hascalledonthegovernment in Guyana demands immediate safety and responsibility on the to address the ongoing road safety action,as unsaferoadsandreckless roads. crisis with solutions rooted in truck operators continue to cost Walton-Desir stated, “The accountability, enforcement, and lives. She stressed that the current Government must act now and take modernisation. inaction is unacceptable, as the bold steps required to make our
In a letter published to this industries thrive while citizens roads safe. Parliament must get to newspaper, Walt
d l y The MP said in the letter that infrastructure,tobringanendtothe consequences of reckless truck urgent solutions are required to carnage on our roads and ensure operators and weak enforcement, address the growing road safety that those responsible drivers, stating,“everyweek,wewakeupto crisis in Guyana. This includes companies, and authorities alike be news of another life tragically lost implementing zero tolerance for held accountable.” Importantly, in includes ensuring that vehicles are
It is violations, with stricter penalties 2023, Guyana experienced 135 exclusivity with how some persons weighed to determine if they sickening…” for speeding, overloading, and fatal accidents, resulting in 157 are dealt with, persons who are exceed the legal weight limits for Walton-Desir pointed out that operating unroadworthy trucks deaths. In 2024, there have been lawful as to the persons who are road travel, which is crucial for overloaded trucks, often poorly Additionally, mandatory driver 107 fatal accidents so far, resulting unlawful. There is no discretion preventing accidents caused by maintained and driven by fatigued certification and recertification in 119 deaths. Notably this figure when you break the law.” The overloadedtrucks. operators, are frequently speeding every two years should be enforced marks a decline of 28 deaths when senior Superintendent said a The Traffic Chief emphasises through populated areas, causing to ensure that truck operators meet compared to the previous year proposaltoincreasefinesfortraffic the importance of active police widespread destruction These internationalstandards. duringthisperiod. offences has been submitted three presence on the roads to enforce dangerouspracticesresultinsevere She also suggested that Meanwhile, during an times this year by him through his laws, particularly in cases where accidents, damaged infrastructure, independent oversight of vehicle interview with this publication, superiors. The proposal includes lorriesareobservedwithunsecured and tragic loss of life. “As such inspections must be established to T r a f f i c C h i e f , S e n i o r raising fines for ticketable offences or overfilled loads, which can pose urgent action is needed to address ensure rigorous checks. It was SuperintendentofPoliceMahendra and expanding the list of ticketable significant hazards He further the situation and prevent further highlighted that the use of Singh said that to address road offences. This would allow for highlights that while enforcement carnage on the roads. It is not technology, such as tachographs safety effectively, collaboration more effective enforcement, with on the road may cause some enough to blame the drivers alone. andautomatedcameras,isessential among all stakeholders is essential. penalties issued at the time of the congestion, it is a necessary part of These tragedies expose systemic to monitor truck speeds, driving This includes raising public offence, helping to address theprocess. failures by the government to hours, and overall compliance with awareness through meaningful violationspromptlyanddiscourage However, to improve ensure road safety,” the MP stated, traffic regulations Upgrading engagement,advisories,andPublic unlawfulbehaviourontheroads. efficiency, he advocates for the use while adding that existing laws are infrastructure, including the Service Announcements (PSA) on On the issue of reckless truck of technology to capture offenses, weaklyenforced. creation of safety corridors and rest safe driving practices and the drivers, Singh said that addressing such as automated systems that can She continued, “Regulations stops, which will help reduce the importance of adhering to traffic this requires a multi-stakeholder issue tickets, ensuring that are outdated or just ignored. The risks associated with heavy laws. approach, where all entities violations are addressed even when government has failed to enforce vehicles. Finally, public awareness He continued, “So there is no involved in law enforcement and officersarenotdirectlypresent. basicsafetymeasuressuchasspeed campaigns and a publicly exemption to the rules or road safety collaborate. This
(BBC NEWS) Texas and-mortar buildings used by largest number - just over 12,000authorities say they are prepared Immigrations and Customs are held at facilities located in to offer President-elect Donald Enforcement,orICE. Texas News ofTexas’offer to the Trump1,400-acres(567hectares) County and state jails are also
The land is in Texas’ Starr County in the Rio Grande Valley, on the border with the Mexican state of Tamaulipas
of land along the US-Mexico used, for which local jurisdictions Democratic-run cities and states bordertobuilddetentionfacilities receive compensation from have vowed to not co-operate with forundocumentedmigrants. immigration authorities. Stephen Trump’s promises of mass
In a letter, the Texas General Miller, the top Trump adviser on deportations On Tuesday, for LandOfficesaidtheplotcouldbe immigration who has been picked example, Los Angeles’ city used to build facilities for as deputy chief of staff for policy, council passed a “sanctuary city” “processing, detention, and co- has previously said the Trump ordinance to bar using local ordination of the largest administration would build vast resources to help federal deportation of violent criminals holding facilities to serve as immigration authorities Kathleen in the nation’s history”. Trump stag
Bush-Joseph, a policy analyst at has repeatedly pledged to deport deportations. In a late 2023 the Washington-based Migration millions of undocumented interview with the New York Policy Institute, said that the fact migrants and mobilise the Times, Miller said that the that Republican-led states are National Guard to help carry this facilities would likely be built on more likely to co-operate with the out. open land near Texas’border with Tr u m p a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ’s
His plan, however, is likely to Mexico. A 2024 spending bill immigration goals could create a face enormous financial and signed by President Joe Biden “patchwork of protections” that logistics hurdles, as well as allocated $3.4m (£2.69m) for ICE differwidelyacrossthecountry immediate legal challenges from saidinaninterviewwithFoxNews, California, Arizona, and New to house as many as 41,500 on any “We might see the divide rights groups. The letter, published which first reported the offer The Mexico-havesaidtheywillnotaid givenday betweenredandbluestateswiden,” onlineandsenttoTrumpathisMar- state government in Texas, which massdeportations. “If Trump conducts mass she said. Ms Bush-Joseph added a-Lago estate in Florida, notes that launched its own unilateral border What any new detention deportations, ICE would blow past that additional facilities in Texas theowneroftherecentlypurchased security operation after Trump left facilitieswouldlooklikeisunclear, that number very quickly,” Adam c o u l d a l s o m e a n t h a t land had refused to allow a border office, has been broadly supportive although the incoming “border Isacson, a migration and border undocumented migrants detained wall to be built there and “actively of Trump’s promises to strengthen czar” Tom Homan has suggested expert from the Washington Office in the US interior could ultimately blocked law enforcement” from theUS-Mexicoborder they could be “soft-sided” onLatinAmericatoldtheBBC. be moved and processed there. “If accessingit. Buckingham said she was Facilities currently in use range ICE data compiled by the you’re picking up people in blue “Now it’s essentially farmland, “100% on board with the Trump from soft-sided, camp-like Transactional Records Access states, and they don’t have so it’s flat, it’s easy to build on. We administration’s pledgetogetthese facilities used by Customs and Clearinghouse at Syracuse detention facilities available, then can very easily put a detention criminals out of our country”. But Border Patrol to house University found that there were do you try to move them to red centre on there,” Texas Land the Democratic governors of three undocumented migrants for short 38,863 immigrant detainees being states?” she asked. “That’s the Commissioner Dawn Buckingham other southern border states - periods of time, as well as brick- held as of 2 November The question.”
Speed and reckless driving, the growing addiction to cell phones that cause driver distractions, the inexcusable failure of passengers to use seatbelts and the heavy consumption of alcohol by drivers are contributing to the bloodshed on the roadways.
In order to end the lawlessness on the roads, the police must step up its crackdown. More officers must be assigned to the police’s traffic units, with heightened use of electronic gadgets and an aggressive and determined campaign aimed at arresting and charging errant and drunk drivers for their reckless behaviour.
These initiatives along with the rooting out of speeding and stunt riding by motorcyclists must become priorities for the police.
The Inter-American Development Bank more efficient waste management, and andimplementation,andtechnicalassistance C40 is a network of nearly 100 mayors of (IDB)andtheC40CitiesClimateLeadership equitable urban growth that meets the needs programswithcitiesintheregion. the world’s leading cities working to deliver Group (C40) signed an agreement on ofcommunitiesacrosstheworld.”
Actionplanswillfocusondevelopingand the urgent action needed right now to
Tuesday to work together on joint climate This three-year agreement encompasses testing innovative solutions, generating confront the climate crisis and create a future actionandincreasedaccesstocreditforcities three interconnected action plans in transformativeknowledge,andstrengthening where everyone, everywhere can thrive. inLatinAmericaandtheCaribbean(LAC). sustainable urban development and governments’capacities and networks. They MayorsofC40citiesarecommittedtousinga IDB President Ilan Goldfajn and C40 municipal finance, sustainable and clean will include a detailed scope of activities, an science-based and people-focused approach Executive Director Mark Watts signed a transport, and the transition to a circular estimated timeline for completion, potential tohelptheworldlimitglobalheatingto1.5°C Memorandum of Understanding with economyinLACcities’water,sanitation,and financial and non-financial resources, output and build healthy, equitable and resilient Freetown Mayor Yvonne Denise Aki- solidwastesectors. indicators,andevaluationmechanisms. communities.
Sawyerr as an honorary witness, to formalize The IDB and C40 will work together on
ThesigningtookplaceduringtheMayors We work alongside a broad coalition of and strengthen the existing partnership. This eight transformative initiatives These andSecretariesofFinanceForumtoPromote representatives from labour, business, the partnership focuses on crucial areas for include, for example, the Regional Roadmap Access to Finance in Cities of LatinAmerica youth climate movement and civil society to sustainability and climate action, such as for Subnational Finance, the Electromobility and the Caribbean, in the context of the support mayors to halve emissions by 2030 urban development and municipal finance, Knowledge Dissemination Initiative, the Urban20 Summit held this year in Rio de andhelpphaseoutfossilusewhileincreasing sustainable transport, water, sanitation, solid implementation of Clean Air Zones, the Janeiro. urbanclimateresilienceandequity waste, and circular economy, the IDB said in Green and Thriving Neighborhoods Pilot a press release. “Cities are heavily impacted Projects, Zero Emissions Freight Financing, by extreme climate events, and they must be and the Solid Waste and Circular Economy front and center in building resilience going Hub. forward. With this new agreement with C40, Supporting climate initiatives is part of a we’re enhancing knowledge exchange, broader effort to boost access to finance for technical assistance programs, and cities in Latin America and the Caribbean. collaboration to promote and scale up TheIDBisworkingtoexpandtheavailability innovative solutions for more resilient of credit for cities to help them meet their cities,”Mr Goldfajnsaid. existing responsibilities while also investing Mark Watts, Executive Director of C40 in resilience to be more prepared for climate Cities, said: “Today’s agreement underscores events. the recognition of the critical role of cities in This includes supporting cities in addressing the climate crisis. Cities in LAC developing a robust pipeline of project are not only on the frontlines of the climate proposals, helping municipal governments crisis but also at the cutting edge of improve their credit worthiness, and creating innovative climate solutions. This is a first- spacesforcitiesacrosstheregiontoexchange of-its kind partnership with IDB, which will informationandlearnfromoneanother support cities across the region to access In this context, the IDB and C40 will finance to build more resilient and continuetodevelopjointactivities,including sustainable communities. Together, we can regional and global workshops and events, accelerate a transition to cleaner transport, knowledge generation, pilot project design
The Caribbean continues E n v i
to to trail the world with both Sustainability at CDB, improve the current track access to available climate Valerie Isaac shared that the record suggesting that “We funds and implementation of Bank is actively addressing need to strengthen our climate resilient projects this challenge affirming that relationships with the Several institutional leaders “The quality and quantity of climate funds that have been highlighted challenges in climate finance is important established including the accessing global climate for its effectiveness and in l o s s a n d d a m a g e funds at a joint event hosted the case of the Caribbean fund…ensuring that those of on the margins of the 29th scaling up this finance us already in the space are United Nations Climate requires multi-faceted recognised by the loss and Change Conference (COP a p p r o a c h e s T h e s e damage fund as actors and 29),inBaku,Azerbaijan. approaches need to address viable partners that can Executive Director of both the immediate financial bring the climate finance to the Caribbean Community needs as well as the longer- the region… We also need to Climate Change Centre term sustainability of the sort strengthen our partnerships (CCCCC), Colin Young, of climate action required in with donors that are active in stated that the Caribbean is the region.” the space.” Offering the theleastfundedregionunder CDB is engaging global recently launched Caribbean the Global Climate Fund resources to assist the Community Resilience Fund reportedly accessing only C a r i b b e a n w i t h i t s as an example regional USD 5 million of available c o o r d i n a t i o n a n d financing innovation he resources “We’re behind collaboration and the indicatedthatscalingupisan Asia-Pacific, we’re behind simplification of the climate urgentimperative. t h e L e a s t D e v e l o p e d finance architecture The M e a n w h i l e P a u l Countries and we’re behind Bank is leveraging Hilaire, Permanent Africa while we are partnershipsthroughitssoon Secretary, Government of agitating for changing of to be established climate Saint Lucia described that rules that would be more fit change preparation fund c o u n t r y ’ s p r o j e c t for purpose ….we must also which will assist in experiences. He highlighted ensure that there are circumventing key barriers the prolonged timeframe for demands made for the inhibiting those finance thefundingagenciestomake simplification of the access flows in the region. CDB is the monies available at the architecture and reducing of also working with its nationallevel.“Whether it be the fragmentation of the membercountriestodevelop climate finance or any donor relationships.” an ambitious pipeline of other donor agency…there
T h e C a r i b b e a n programmes and projects for seems to be an inordinately Development Bank’s co-financing from the Green long period of time.” Marko (CDB) Acting Director of Climate Fund (GCF), which Davila, Senior Social Projects L. O’Reilly Lewis willbecatalyticinscalingup Development Specialist who moderated the session investment in climate action (Fragility and Conflict), entitled “Climate Finance in the Caribbean. CDB has European Investment Effectiveness in the also mobilised Project Bank(EIB)endorsedamore Caribbean” shared the Preparation Facility (PPF) programmatic approach to current state of affairs, grants to support the implementation of climate indicating that “while there development of three large- projects by Caribbean has been a significant scalecapitalprojects. g o v e r n m e n t s a n d expansion in climate finance Otherpanelistsdiscussed institutions He signalled for developing countries like the challenges of delays and that greater flexibility was those in the Caribbean and the importance of building being pursued by some there remains a need to strong partnerships with funding agencies and enable the shift towards low donors while also endorsing partners to further integrate emission climate resilience more flexible approaches the needs of Caribbean and to achieve the goals of the tailored to the needs of o t h e r S m a l l I s l a n d Paris Agreement, ensuring Caribbean nations. Panelist Developing States (SIDS) the underlying quality or Rodinald Soomer, Chief with regard to accessibility effectiveness of climate E x e c u t i v e O f f i c e r, and efficacy of climate finance is also crucial.” CARICOM Development financing to address some of D i v i s i o n C h i e f , Fund (CDF) advanced theaccessibilitychallenges.
…PM Modi says ‘Guyana will play big role in India’s energy security’
By Davina Bagot
this regard, we will create a road map for a long-term India’s Prime Minister, partnership. The MOU we N a r e n d r a M o d i o n are signing today on this Wednesday highlighted the subject will further important role Guyana will strengthenourcooperation.” play in his country’s energy He said he was pleased security that Guyana joined
The Prime Minister is initiatives birthed by India currently on a three-day visit such as the International and is expected to return SolarAlliance, the Coalition today Thisisthesecondtime for Disaster Resilient in 56 years since a Prime Infrastructure, and the Minister of India has visited Global Bio-fuel Alliance Guyana.AsforModi,hefirst “These will help strengthen visited some 24 years ago as effortsbeingmadeacrossthe a private citizen but has world to move towards a returned to deepen bilateral green and sustainable ties between the two future,”Modisaid. countries this time around. Meanwhile, Secretary in During an event on the Ministry of External Wednesday at the Baridi Affairs, India, Jaideep Benab, State House in Mazumdar in a subsequent Georgetown, the Prime interview with the media Minister noted that the two revealed elements of the countries identified a energy MOU signed number of areas to deepen between the two countries. cooperation. This includes He said, “The hydrocarbons cooperation on agriculture, agreement is an umbrella technology and the agreement that covers many hydrocarbon sectors among aspects It includes both others. upstream and downstream The Prime Minister said, aspects from prospecting “Given the new possibilities and exploration down to in the area of energy, we will setting up downstream move forward together as projects like petroleum naturalpartners.Guyanawill r e f
play an important role in gasi
India’s energy security In etcetera.”
The agreement will also by Guyana. “I’m sure the oil allow for skills training of companiesin India will be in Guyanese in the areas of conversation. There are both partnership with India private as well as public When asked how soon sector oil companies in India exploration activities could who would be interested in commence, he said this will p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n dependontheofferproposed hydrocarbonssector.”
When it comes to a deal to purchase Guyana’s sweet light crude, Mazumdar said he believes there is a wide scopeforcooperationadding
even in the offtake of crude we need large quantities and if we were to know well in advance that the quantities are available, the contracts that “the future is open” in would be much more easy to thatregard. conclude and also the He was keen to note that transportation is another India would like to have a aspect because this is a very “more direct” relationship long way away,” he with Guyana however, “that explained When asked is for Guyana to decide how about the pricing for crude, theywishtoproceed.” hesaidthetwosideshavenot According to Mazumdar, yetdiscussedthosetermsbut India offers greater this would be ironed out predictability “For example duringthenegotiationphase.
President Dr Irfaan Ali and the Prime Minister of the RepublicofIndia,theHonourableShriNarendraModiheld bilateraldiscussionsonWednesdayatStateHouse. PrimeMinister,Brigadier(Ret’d),theHonourableMark Phillips;VicePresident,theHonourableDr BharratJagdeo; Senior Minister within the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, the Honourable Dr Ashni Singh and several other members of PresidentAli’s Cabinet were also present. Prime Minister Modi was joined by his MinisterofExternalAffairs,Dr SubrahmanyamJaishankar and other Government officials. (Below is a photo of the engagement courtesy of Office of the President)
The Ministry of Education has signalled This publication reported at the time, that elevating learning outcomes, the IDB said. through its interventions The newly its intention to use part of the proceeds from the loan Guyana borrowed is designed to This operation includes the construction of constructed schools will provide 2,610 new an Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) expand access to safe and improved learning six new primary schools and upgrade of 19 primary education spaces. At least 7,341 loantoprocureanumberofvehicles. environments and enhance educational schools in Hinterlands regions (1, 7, 8 and 9) students and 352 teachers from grades 2-6 This is according to an invitation for bids services for vulnerable students in Guyana, byimprovingphysicalanddigitalfacilitiesto will receive digital devices to support their issued by the Education Ministry recently the IDB said in a press release. The meet 21st-century standards This teachingandlearning. which noted that the project is being done in bank had said this is the first cludes providing essential Further, the Bank stated that the US$90 three lots. According to the document, the individual operation of a services, such as electricity, million loan has a grace period of 5,5 years, Cooperative Republic of Guyana has conditional credit line for water, connectivity and digital an amortization period of 25 years, and an receivedafinancingfromtheIDBtowardthe investment projects (CCLIP) devices. interestratebasedonSOFR. cost of ‘Support for Educational Recovery valued at US$150 million.
Inaddition,theprogramme It was stated in the ministry’s tender and Transformation’project and it intends to This first project supports the will strengthen the Ministry of document request for bids will be conducted apply part of the proceeds for the following: foundation for transforming Education’s capacity to deliver though the National Competitive Bidding Lot 1 – Procurement of SUV, Lot 2- Guyana’s education sector by improved educational services (NCB) procedures specified in the InterProcurement of off-road vehicle, and Lot 3 – improving the quality of the to vulnerable students and those American Development Bank’s policies for Procurementof4x4DoubleCabPickUptype service and addressing regional with special education needs and theprocurementofworksandgoodsfinanced vehicles. differences in the delivery of disabilities (SEND). This includes by the IDB and is open to all bidders from It was reported in the media that back in educationinthecountry developing a language policy that will guide Eligible Source Countries as defined in the 2023 the IDB had approved the financing of In particular, the loan approved seeks to interventions for indigenous students in the polices. Bids for the project are expected to US$90 million towards the Support for modernise the physical infrastructure of future and an inclusive education policy The open on December 3, 2024 at the National Educational Recovery and Transformation Guyana’sschools,akeydriverforimproving project will benefit 8,809 primary education Procurement and Tender Administration project. attendance rates, motivating teachers, and students and their respective communities Board(NPTAB)office.
Jailed: Leoner Gonzalez
A 26-year-old Venezuelan was sentenced to a total of 40 months in prison after pleading guilty to two counts of possessionofnarcoticsforthepurposeoftrafficking.
Leoner Gonzalez, a miner, appeared before Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh at the Kamarang Magistrate’s Court on Wednesdaytoanswertothecharges.
The court heard that Gonzalez was found in possession of bothcocaineandcannabis,substancesbelievedtobeintended for trafficking. After the charges were read to him, Gonzalez pleaded guilty to the offences. Magistrate Singh sentenced him to 40 months in prison for the possession of cocaine and 36monthsforcannabispossession,withbothsentencestorun concurrently.
67-year-old, Chester Thompson granted bail
A 67-year-old Miner appeared at the Kamarang Magistrate’s Court to face a charge of SexualActivity with a Childunder16years.
Chester Thompson from Kaikan Village, Region Seven, appeared before Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh, who read the charge to him. He was accused of committing the offence on Mach 6, 2024. Thompson was not required to plea to the indictablecharge.
Followingthecourtsession,bailwasgrantedinthesumof $200,000. Thompson is schedule to return to court on December17,2024forstatements.
( T R I N I D A D GUARDIAN) Permanent secretary, Ministry of Energy, Sandra Fraser, left,
permanent secretary, Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries, Penelope Bradshaw-Niles,Ministerof Energy and Energy Industries, Stuart Young, bpTT president David Campbellandvicepresident
external affairs, bpTT GiselleThompson.
Permanent secretary, Ministry of Energy, Sandra Fraser, left, permanent secretary, Ministry of Ener
Bradshaw-Niles,Ministerof Energy and Energy Industries, Stuart Young, bpTT president David Campbellandvicepresident
communications and external affairs, bpTT GiselleThompson.
The Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries announced yesterday that a negotiated production sharing contract (PSC) for Block NCMA 2 was signed by the Government and BP Exploration Operating Company at the Ministry’s
International Waterfront ComplexheadofficeinPortof-Spain.
T h e M i n i s t r y explained the award of this PSC stemmed from the Ministry’s shallowwater competitive bid round 2023/2024, which was opened on October 2, 2023 and closed on May 27, 2024 At the signing of
the PSC, Minister of Energy Stuart Young said, “The Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries continues to aggressively market and
xecute concessions to promote e
upstream “This marks the second PSC signed in record time in 2024 and
theMinistryofEnergyand Energy Industries is committed to working withupstreamoperatorsto boost the supply of hydrocarbons and secure Trinidad and Tobago’s energyfuture ” Block NCMA 2 is situated in the North Coast Marine Area (NCMA) in water depths
of approximately 200 meters Entry into this block marks a significant milestone for BPEOC, as it represents the operator’s first endeavour into the North Coast region. BpTT said NCMA 2, which is located approximately 30 miles off Trinidad’s north coast,wouldopenanewarea ofexplorationfortheenergy
multinational in Trinidad & Tobago, as all current production comes from the Columbus Basin off Trinidad’seastcoast.
In a statement issued by bpTT, the company’s p r e s i d e n t D a v i d C a m p b e l l s a i d :
“Continued exploration activity is crucial for sustaining our industry and I am very pleased that we have secured this block
The NCMAarea is new to bp in T&T and I am looking forward to maximsing its potential Although geographically new to us, we will be able to draw on our 50-plus years of explorati
experience in Trinidad and Tobago.”
Also present at the signing were Penelope B
s , permanent secretary at the MinistryofEnergy;Sandra Fraser, p
manent secretary at the Ministry of Energy ; and David Campbell,presidentbpTT B P E x p
OperatingCompanyLimited (BPEOC)andbpTTareboth subsidiariesofBPGlobal.
(REUTERS) The humanitarian medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has suspended its operations in the Haitian capital, Port-auPrince, following a violent attack on its staff and the alleged killing of two patients they were treating byHaitianpoliceofficers.
The incident took place last week as violence continued to worsen in the country An estimated 25 people were killed in Portau-Prince on Tuesday alone in what police say was a foiled attempt at a gang invasion of a wealthy neighbourhood.
Politically, the situation also remains critical with interim Prime Minister Garry Conille fired this month by the country’s rulingcouncil-lessthansix monthsafterhetookoffice.
MSF says that on 11 November one of its
People carry belongings as they flee Port-au-Prince’s neighbourhood of Nazon due to gang violence. Photo: 14 November 2024
personnel had been teargassedandheldagainsttheir willforseveralhours.
While that incident appears to have been the final straw for MSF in Port-au-Prince, at least for the time being, it was not the only recent example of extreme aggression againsttheirstaff.
The announcement comes amid a worsening climate of violence in Haiti with some 25 suspected gang members killed in the capital on Tuesday
The police say that residents helped officers to fight off an attempted attack on the upscale suburbofPétion-Ville
Theneighbourhoodwas cordoned off after residents barricaded streets, some armed with machetes and makeshift weapons, in an apparent effort to prevent a ganginvasion.
Male sales-rep 22-28 years old, Knowledge about vehicle models would be an asset. Call : 619-1237.
One male able bodies staff to work in a hardware store. Call : 231-2029 , 693-8462.
Drivers (25-45 Year old) to deliver Groceries & Porter to work on the canter & warehouse. Attractive salary. Tel673-7373.
One Canter driver must have at least 5 years experience. Call : 613-0855 between 9:004pm.
One excavator operator must have at least 5 years experience.Call : 613-0855 between 9:00-4pm.
Wanted one driver. Call: 2239677 / 648-1391.
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1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
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One Bedroom Apartment for Working Couple or Single person $45,000 Monthly Light/Water included free wifi Call: 627-3800
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Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1 Free! Call: 264-2946.
Garden of Eden E.B.D, 2 Minutes from proposed Heroes Highway 3.8 Acres, 65M per acre. #621-1139 / 712-4020.
General domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.
Office Assistant/Driver 5 years driving experience. Call: 676-1148
Porter Vacancy at Vegetarian Gardens. 68 Robb & Cummings G/Town. Tel:2277714 Cell:640-0673
Receptionist Vacancy at Hick’s Ville Hotel. 79 West Ruimveldt Estate G/Town. Tel :231-0951/640-0673 Email:info@vegeworld.net
Data entry clerk must be computer literate with sound secondary education. Apply to : bentleysagency@yahoo.com.
Restaurant is seeking manager & cook for Tuesday through Saturday, Living in town is preferred. 612-5739.
Pastry maker, Cleaner, sales representative, security personnel at Humphrey's Bakery & Farm produce @ Ketley street. 505-1324.
One able-bodied porter & One handyman, apply at Keyfood trading Mcdoom next to the post office.
Maid to clean for east bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Female cleaner. Call : 6159132 / 645-8443.
Vacancy exist for one sale representative, customer friendly team played Georgetown based toy store. Tele: 658-4874.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 626-8918
One Nissan Double cab pickup, fully off road setup ; -5 Million Negotiable. Call: 626-8919 / 661-3030.
Sheep for sale. Call: 610-7152 / 643-8920.
Two men from Bartica were fined $200,000 each after appearing at the Bartica Magistrate’s Court for driving under the influence of alcohol.
Nathaniel Burrowes, a 25-year-old labourer from Agatash Village, and Joel Sumrah, a 50-year-old driver from Fourth Avenue, Bartica, were both charged with driving a motor vehicle while their breath alcohol levels exceeded the legal limit.
The charge was made under Section 39A(1) of the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Act, Chapter 51:02, as amended by Act 17 of 2022. The two men appeared before Magistrate Teriq Mohammed, who read the charge to each defendant separately. Both Burrowes and Sumrah pleaded guilty and were each fined $200,000.
If they fail to pay the fine, they will face three months in prison.
A52-year-old busi nessman Rohan Narine, was found not guilty by a jury on Wednesday on a charge of rape allegedly committed on a female from the Essequibo Coast, Region Two. Represented by attorney Bernard Da Silva, Narine from Cullen Public Road, Essequibo Coast appeared at the Essequibo
Supreme Court Judicature before Justice Peter Hugh.
Following a two-day trial, Justice Hugh ruled that the accused was not guilty.
Da Silva stated, “The jury took less than an hour to return a unanimous verdict of not guilty.” Consequently, the charge against Narine will be dropped.
found not guilty of rape: Rohan Narine
From page 11 payment in Guyana. President Ali underscored the broader implications of the agreements, stating, “Our discussions today were not only fruitful, but also reinforced our shared commitment to strengthening bilateral relations and to collaboratively address regional and global concerns.”
Moreover, he highlighted
India’s track record in technology and innovation, particularly in agriculture, urban development, and healthcare, and emphasised that these partnerships align with Guyana’s development agenda. “Urban development is important. India, again, has tremendous expertise in urban planning and development, and they will be lending that expertise to Guyana
as we seek to advance our own development here,” President Ali added.
Notably, he underscored that defence collaboration with India is also important to Guyana’s economy. “These are areas that India is already collaborating with us on that, we have decided that given the key nature and importance of these areas for Guyana and the regional de-
velopment, that we will further expand our cooperation in these areas,” Ali noted. President Ali explained too that innovation, digitization, and technology transfer are all areas Guyana will be collaborating with India on. Notably, a joint working group will oversee the implementation of the MOUs, ensuring seamless collaboration.
Wi t h d e e p historical and culturaltiesto theCARICOMregion,India is taking steps to establish itself as a key development partner
Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi
outlined seven-point agenda to strengthen India’s partnership with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) during the Second India-CARICOM Summit The summit, held onWednesdayattheMarriott
Hotel, Georgetown,
marked a significant milestone in bilateral relations
PM Modi emphasised India’s commitment to supporting CARICOM’s developmentpriorities
Within the realm of capacity building, the PM proposed the expansion of the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Programme (ITEC) to
a c c o m m o d a t e a n
a d d i t i o n a l 1 , 0 0 0
p a r t i c i p a n t s f r o m CARICOM member states overthenextfiveyears.
This move will promote technical training and skill development
Pointing to the Technical Development Centre established in Belize, the prime minister said the scale and size of
this centre will be expanded to be used by all CARICOMcountries.
“We will also work on creating a forensic centre for CARICOM,” he said He also suggested that an online platform similar to
India’s Integrated
Government Online training (iGOT) portal can
be provided for the CARICOM MemberStates. Thisplatformofferstraining courses for civil servants in areas such as technology, lawandeducation.
“As a model of democracy, India is also ready to work with CARICOM countries on t r a i n i n g f o r parliamentarians,” the PM asserted Emphasising the integral role that
agriculture plays in economic development, PM Modi touted his vision of transformation in the sector through the integration of technology such as soil testing and drones By leveraging these technologies, and with India’s support, he explained that the region can advance its food
security agenda Similar proposals were put forward with regards to renewable energy, medicine,andtrade
PM Modi also identified opportunities within the maritime sector He expressed his eagerness to supply passenger and cargo ferries to the region. This movewouldnotonlybolster transportation and trade, but it would enable maritime domain mapping and hydrography
The importance of cultural heritage was also underscored. The Indian prime minister recognised that Cricket is an important link between India and the region.
Hence, in an effort to promote its development while also fostering female empowerment, he also proffered that India can provide training to eleven female cricketers from each CARICOMnation.
This commitment to tailored cooperation reflects India’sgrowinginfluenceas a global development partner “India will be happy to enhance cooperation in all these areas In all of these pillars of CARICOM, one thing is common, all of these are based on your priorities and your needs. This is the core principle of our cooperation,” he s a i d . M e a n w h i l e , President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali applauded the PM’s role in international advocacy for the Global South He said that collaboration with India is key to amplify the voices and priorities of the developing nations on critical issues like climate change and sustainabledevelopment
“ThePM’slaunchingof the Voice of the Global South, his recent chairmanship of the Group of 20, India’s pivotal role inBRICSand[PMModi’s] steadfast advocacy for the d e v e l o p i n g w o r l d u n d e r s c o r e y o u r commitment to advancing the aspirations of the GlobalSouth,”thepresident said This is the first time the CARICOM-India Summit is being held in a CARICOM Member State The milestone event is part of PM Modi’s three-day state visit to Guyana, which comes at the invitation of PresidentAli
This is the first visit of an Indian Prime Minister toGuyanain56years
Moreover, CARICOM Chairman and Pri
of G
Dickon Mitchell has underscored that the 2nd India-CARICOM Summit presents an important and timely opportunity for the leaders to engage in open a n d m e a n i n g f u l discussions that will be beneficialforeveryone.
The historic summit is taking place against the backdrop of rapid developments regionally and globally.
“Looking forward, we envision a future where CARICOM-India relations continue to flourish and e x p a n d C l
s e r collaboration and cooperation amongst the leaders of CARICOM member states and India would serve to further enhancethepartnershipsand contribute to successfully strengthening our existing economic, commercial and people-to-people relations,”
Prime Minister Mitchell said. Since the inaugural CARICOM-IndiaSummitin September 2019, the bonds have strengthened between India and the region, reflecting their mutual commitmenttoapartnership built on trust, shared values, andcommongoals.
The partnership between the region and India spans various sectors including trade,education,technology, healthcare, climate resilience, each contributing to the sustainable development and prosperity
f o r b o t h r e g i o n s
CARICOM, he emphasised, also remains highly grateful to India for the vaccines donated to CARICOM member states at the height oftheCOVID-19pandemic.
“It demonstrated that, at the time of its own great need,it[India]caredenough aboutitsbrothersandsisters withinCARICOM,”hesaid.
“We remain convinced more than ever that closer l i n k a g e s b e t w e e n CARICOM and our trusted partner, India, are part of the very necessary medication and intervention needed by the Caribbean Community and its citizens to overcome our existing developmental challenges,”
the prime minister underlined.
PM Mitchell said that Prime Minister Modi’s
commitment to fostering international partnerships and his dedication to sustainable development have set a remarkable example for the region and theworld.
The Indian Prime
Minister’s leadership has not only propelled India to new heights but it has also opened new avenues for greater collaboration withtheregion.
“We commend India’s unwavering commitment tosustainabledevelopment for our region, especially in this intricate and interc o n n e c t e d e r a o f globalisation
It is evident to us that the challenges that we face can only be effectively addressed through a spirit of deeper integration, cooperative and cooperative
Additionally, he mentioned that the region is particularly appreciative of India’senhancedengagement in recent years as it demonstrates a genuine eagerness to fortifying bilateral ties with the region and collaboratively confront pressing issues such as the pervasivedigitaldivide.
PM Mitchell said that the Caribbean Community attributes tremendous valuetothesharedhistory, common values, kinship and strong bonds of friendshipthattheregionhas enjoyed with the people and GovernmentofIndia
He added that this has strongly influenced and enriched the diverse and vibrant culture of the Caribbean Community (DPI)
The United States has vetoed a resolution at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) demanding an “immediate, unconditional and permanent” ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, as Israel’s
bombardment of the
Palestinian territory continues. The US voted down the measure on Wednesday morning while the 14 other members of the councilvotedinfavour
While the resolution called for the release of captives held in Gaza, Washington had voiced opposition to its demand for an “unconditional” ceasefire.
“We made clear throughout negotiations that we could not support an unconditional ceasefire that failed to release the hostages,”RobertWood,the deputyUSenvoytotheUN, said during the session in NewYork.“Adurableendto the war must come with the release of the hostages These two urgent goals are
inextricably linked. This resolution abandoned that necessity, and for that reason, the United States couldnotsupportit.”
This is the fourth time that US President Joe Biden’s administration has vetoed a resolution calling foranendtothewarinGaza since Israel’s military offensive began in October of last year To date, nearly 44,000 Palestinians have been killed in the Israeli bombardment of Gaza, which has also plunged the coastal territory into a humanitariancrisis.
Biden – a staunch supporter of Israel – has f a c e d w i d e s p r e a d condemnation from rights
advocates for his administration’s stance, including its refusal to conditionitsassistancetothe top US ally amid the war
The US provides Israel with atleast$3.8bninmilitaryaid annually, and the Biden administration has authorised $14bn in further assistance to the country
since the conflict in Gaza began. Beth Miller, political director at the US-based advocacy group Jewish Voice for Peace, called the US veto on Wednesday “pathetic”andsaidtheBiden administration’s legacy will bethegenocideinGaza.
“That fact that they continue to parrot over and over again that they’re ‘working tirelessly’ for a c e a s e f i r e w h i l e simultaneously blocking efforts to reach a ceasefire and sending lethal weapons to the Israeli government isasickjoke,”MillertoldAl Jazeera.ReportingfromUN headquarters in New York, Al Jazeera’s Gabriel Elizondo said “clearly the UnitedStatesisonanisland by itself” “It’s worth repeating that this draft resolutionwastheproductof weeks of negotiations,” Elizondo reported, adding thatthereis“clearfrustration among the Security Council that there’s been inaction on Gaza”.
Israel’s UN Ambassador Danny Danon thanked the USforusingitsveto,saying the Biden administration was“standingonthesideof morality and justice” by “refusing to abandon the hostages”.“Thetextignored the suffering of the 101 innocent hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza,” Danon said. But Majed Bamya, the State of Palestine’s deputy UN envoy, stressed during Wednesday morning’s SecurityCouncilsessionthat a ceasefire would allow all lives to be saved. “This was true a year ago; this is even more true today Aceasefire doesn’t resolve everything butitisthefirststeptowards resolving anything,” Bamya said.
“The world should not grow accustomed to the death of Palestinians, to seeing Palestinian children starving, to seeing mothers carrying their children from oneplacetoanother,forcibly displaced,” he said. “The factwearePalestiniansdoes not make that less shocking
or less outrageous. Maybe forsomewehavethewrong nationality, the wrong faith, thewrongskincolour—but we are humans and we shouldbetreatedassuch.”
Bamya added that the world is watching an “attempt to annihilate a nation” while the tools “designed to respond to thesesituationsarenotbeing used”.“ArePalestinianlives not worth saving, or does Israel have a licence to kill? Can this council only adopt resolutions and then witness their blatant breach? This self-inflicted powerlessness hastostop.”
Amar Bendjama,
Algeria’s UN envoy, also voiced frustration on Wednesday over the US blocking the resolution
“There were significant concessions during negotiations, yet one member chose to block any action—anyaction—from thiscouncil,”Bendjamatold the council “Today’s message is clear, to the Israeli occupying power first: ‘You may continue your genocide, you may continue your collective punishment of the Palestinian people with complete impunity In this chamber, you enjoy immunity’.”
President Xi Jinping and his Brazilian counterpart Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva have inked dozens of trade and development deals, as the pair held talks in Brazil’s capital aimed at deepening ties between the two countries.
T h e l e a d e r s o n Wednesday showcased their g r o w i n g b i l a t e r a l relationship by signing nearly 40 agreements on trade, technology and environmental protection “This is another historic moment in the development of China-Brazil relations,” said Xi, adding that China was ready to make the countries “golden partners”. Forhispart,Lulasaidhewas “confident” that the partnership “will exceed all expectations and pave the way for a new phase of bilateralrelations”.
Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (right) and China’s President Xi Jinping shake hands as they sign bilateral agreements in Brasilia, Brazil on November 20, 2024 [Adriano Machado/Reuters]
Xi’s visit to Brasilia comes after his attendance earlier this week at a Group of20(G20)
with outgoing United States President Joe Biden, who is
inthefinalweeksofhistime in office ahead of the January inauguration of incoming US President DonaldTrump.
China has been an increasingly important trade partner and investor in Latin Americainrecentyears,while manyobserversexpecttheUS government under Trump to erect additional trade and migration barriers that will affect the region A group portraitonthefirstdayofthe G20 summit highlighted the moment, with Xi front and centrenexttothepresidentsof Brazil,IndiaandSouthAfrica – China’s partners in the BRICS group of major developing nations. Biden missed that photo op for “logistical reasons”, the WhiteHousesaid.
Lula, who took office in
tumultuoustenureofhisfarright predecessor Jair Bolsonaro,hasbeenseeking
toresetBrazil’srelationships with its foreign allies Experts have said the Brazilian leaderalsoistrying to “carve out a distinctive role” for Brazil in global geopoliticsbymaintainingties with Washington while also buildingrelationshipswiththe US’s rivals, including China and Russia On Wednesday, Lula welcomed Xi with full honours, greeting him on the red carpet as horse-mounted guards rode past, a military brass band played their two countries’ national anthems, and lines of children waved Chinese and Brazilian flags China is Brazil’s largest trading partner overall, with two-way commerce exceeding $160bn last year TheSouthAmericancountry sends mainly soybeans and other primary commodities to China, which in turn sells Brazil semiconductors, telephones, vehicles and medicines. US President, Joe Biden
Justice Nareshwar on had previously issued a that Bharrat Jagdeo was Wednesday dismissed a statement saying “We filed a b s e n t f o r e l e v e n court action filed by an application with the High consecutive sittings of the Opposition Members of Court addressing the National Assembly from P a r l i a m e n t ( M P s ) , prolongedabsenceofJagdeo 11th December, 2023 to the Christopher Jones and from the National Assembly 1st February, 2024; this Tabitha Sarabo-Halley who and from parliamentary being within the First approached the High Court sessions (more than six Session (2020-2024) of the seeking a declaration that consecutive sittings within Twelfth Parliament of Vice President, Bharrat the first session 2020- Guyana. Jagdeo has vacated his seat 2024).” Theapplicationurgedthe owing to his prolonged In the application the Court to consider the absencefromtheHouse. MPs said good governance constitutional and legal Jagdeo, represented by relies heavily on the active implications of Jagdeo’s Devindra Kissoon, Natasha participation of all elected absence from parliamentary Vieira and Abhimanyu Dev officials, noting thatArticles sessions and make several ofLondonHouseChambers, 54 and 156 1 (b) of the declarations. filed an application to Constitution of Guyana and However, Justice dismiss the case on the basis StandingOrder106(2)ofthe Harnanan, in siding with that the Court did not have Standing Orders of the Kissoon’s argument of the jurisdiction to hear and National Assembly of prematurity that “The determinethematterwithout Guyana provides that a seat vacation of a seat under the Speaker first giving of a Member of the National Article 156(l)(b) of the Jagdeo an opportunity to be Assembly shall be vacated if Constitution and Standing heard. a member is absent from the Order 106(2) is not
Attorney General Anil sittings in the National automatic by operation of Nandlall, and Speaker of the Assembly for more than six law as it is the Speaker’s National Assembly, consecutive sittings of the responsibility to determine Manzoor Nadir, represented National Assembly within whether the threshold has by Satram and Satram, the First Session (2020- beenmet.AstheSpeakerdid j o i n e d i n J a g d e o ’s 2024) of the Twelfth not make such a decision, application. Parliament of Guyana and therecanbenovacation,and MPs, Jones and Sarabo- within a period of no longer thus the Fixed Date Halley represented by Senor thantwocalendarmonths. Applicationispremature.” Counsel, Roysdale Forde The Application states He stated that while Court may have jurisdiction, itcouldonlybeinvokedafter it was shown that there was non-compliance with standing order 106, a finding that the Court could not make at this juncture, only the speaker having the authority to do so In dismissing the case, the Court ordered the applicants to pay G$250,000 costs to each Respondent on or beforeDecember31,2024.
Galard Gill also known as ‘Daddy Boy’
Devendra Persaud, also known as ‘Alias’
The Guyana Police Force (GPF) on Wednesday issued two separate wanted bulletins for men accused of raping a childundertheageof16.
The wanted men have been identified as, 32-year-old Devendra Persaud, also known as ‘Alias,’ and 25-year-old Galard Gill also known as ‘Daddy Boy.’ Police listed Persaud’s last known address as Lot 47 Industry, East Coast Demerara, and Gill’s as Silver Hill, Soesdyke, Linden Highway Persons with information about the duo’s whereabouts are asked to contact the police on 227-1149, 225-8196, 227-1611, 268-2329, 226-3405, 225-6978, 3333876,225-8196orthenearestpolicestation.
Head coach Andre Coley is exuding quiet confidence as his team prepares for their upcoming two-match Test seriesagainstBangladesh.
W i t h t h e matches scheduled for November 22-26 inAntigua and November 30 to D e c e m b e r 4 i n Kingston marking the final home series in the
current World Test
Championship cycle, Coley is determined to see the Caribbean side end the year on a high note after recent setbacks.
The West Indies are coming off a disappointing tour of South Africa, where they failed to capitalize on keymomentsandeventually lostthattwo-matchseries10 after the first game ended
in a draw Reflecting on those matches, Coley stressed the importance of learning from the past and seizing the opportunity to close out this series on a strongnote.
“Coming off the disappointmentof theSouth Africa series, we put ourselves in a position to close out that series, and we didn’t. So the opportunity is
there for us to do so against Bangladesh now, and it is very important for us to come up with a winning result on home soil,” Coley saidinapre-seriesinterview
Some unexpected but very welcomevisitorscouldarrive today, Aries They might bring some people you don't knowbutshouldconnectwith rightaway Expectinteresting n e w s , f a s c i n a t i n g information,.
Taurus, who's that intriguing new person in your neighborhood? What is it about this new neighbor that makesitimpossibleforyouto stop wondering about them? Quitobsessing.
An unexpected letter could arrive today, Gemini, with a check enclosed, perhaps a gift, bonus, or offer to make more money.This might be a welcomebreak.
If you're in the arts or sciences, Cancer, sudden inspirationcouldcauseyouto startorcontinueaprojectthat meansalottoyou.
Meditation, dreams, or visions could bring amazing insights your way, Leo. You mightfindthemtoobizarreto believe, at least at first, but follow-up research could reveal that what you've come upwithisquitecredible.
You're an adventurous soul, Virgo.Areyouthinkingabout a little mischief today? Are yougoingtoproposethatyou and a friend or perhaps your partner skip town for a day andforgetaboutwork,
A n u n e x p e c t e d communication may come today from someone connected with your career, Libra.Thisisgoodnews,butit maybesooffthewallthatyou couldwalkaroundinadazefor awhiletryingtomakesenseof itall.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Anunexpectedchancetoflyto a faraway place, perhaps at someoneelse'sexpense,could cometoyoutoday,Scorpio.A group might be involved, perhaps one connected with education.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Some bizarre and rather silly dreams might come to you tonight,Sagittarius.Theymay bethesortthatissocrazythat youactuallywakeuplaughing. Don't dismiss them. Silly or not,thesedreamsaretryingto tellyousomething.
Ifyou'resingle,youcouldfeel a very powerful attraction to someone unusual and perhaps alittlewacky Ifyou'realready inarelationship.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Have you been looking for anewjob,Aquarius?Ifso,you might hear of an opportunity from an unexpected source, perhapsatasocialgathering,if possible.
If you're single, Pisces, love may come to you completely out of the blue today The person could be standing behind you in line at the store or sitting nearby you in the park.
“We’ve always had exciting and challenging series against Bangladesh, and this series offers a c h a n c e t o c r e a t e momentumasweheadinto tougher assignments in AustraliaandPakistan,”he added Coleyandhisteam, which includes players from the regional 50-over tournament and recent white-ball series, are currently in Antigua finetuning preparations ahead ofFriday’sfirstday
Despite initial weather disruptions, Coley pointed out that the team has had productive sessions, with allplayersfitandreadyfor action While West Indies boast a strong home record against Bangladesh, Coley is keen to keep his squad grounded He recognizes the challenges posed by Bangladesh and the added intrigue of familiar faces on the opposition side, including Bangladesh Head coach Chandika Hathurusingha, a figure Coleyknowswell
“Each match brings a different opportunity We have players who’ve been successful against Bangladesh, both home andaway,butwealsohave some new players who wouldn’t have played in any of those series So it’s an opportunity for senior players and emerging players to show what they arecapableofandwhatwe are capable of as a team,” Coleynoted
The series against Bangladesh serves as a vital stepping stone beyond the larger context of the World Test Championship, as West Indies sit at the foot of the standings in ninth on 20 points.
Still, with four matches left in the cycle, Coley is focused on building a cohesive unit capable of competing at thehighestlevel
“This series is about putting everything together from the last year and a half and ending the year in good form,” he declared
T h a t s a i d , t h e
Jamaican highlighted the importanceoffansupport, especially during the festive season Cricket remains a unifying force in the Caribbean, and Coley hopes that fans will rallybehindtheteam
“I know that the West Indian fans really want us to do well and have been supportive in their own
means a lot to the region and the fans are very passionate about the game Despite the nature of our squad, emerging and experienced players, everyone in the squad wantstodowell,soIwant to encourage the fans to come out and support us and give us that extra boost of encouragement at home,”Coleyended
S p o r t s M a xCONCACAF has officially announcedtheformatforthe 2 0 2 5 G o l d C u p Preliminaries, set to take place in March 2025. The preliminarieswillfeature14 teams competing in homeand-away matchups, with thewinnersofeachmatchup earningacovetedspotinthe Group Stage of the 2025 ConcacafGoldCup.
The format will pit the
highest-ranked team against the lowest-ranked
20, 2024, CONCACAF Rankings,
ensuring competitive balance This ranking-
based approach has resulted in matchups ranging from regional powerhouses like Costa Rica and Jamaica to emerging teams such as Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesandBelize
CONCACAF has officially announced the format for the 2025 Gold Cup Preliminaries.
The matchups are as follows: Costa Rica (1) will face Belize (14), Jamaica (2) will take on
( 1 3
, Honduras (3) will go up against Bermuda (12),
Guatemala (4) will play Guyana (11), Trinidad and Tobago (5) will battle Cuba (10), Martinique (6)
will meet Suriname (9), and Nicaragua (7) will faceGuadeloupe(8)
Ranked second in the preliminaries, Jamaica will takeonSaintVincentandthe Grenadines, ranked 13th, in atwo-leggedtie.
The first leg will be played in Kingston, followedbythereturnlegin SaintVincent.
A victory in the series will secure Jamaica’s place inthe2025GoldCupGroup Stage,wheretheywillaimto continue their strong regionalperformances.
The preliminary round will determine the final seven teams to join the already-qualified nations in the Gold Cup Group Stage. The competition promises high-stakes action as teams vie for the opportunity to
The full schedule for the 2025 Gold Cup Preliminaries will be released in the coming weeks,withfansacrossthe region eagerly anticipating the matchups that will shape the tournament’s final lineup Stay tuned for updates as the road to the 2025 CONCACAF Gold Cupheatsup! Matchups for the 2025 Gold Cup Preliminaries
Costa Rica (1) vs Belize ( 1 4 ) Jamaica (2) vs Saint V
( 1 3 ) Honduras (3) vs Bermuda ( 1 2 ) Guatemala (4) vs Guyana ( 1 1 ) TrinidadandTobago(5)vs C u b a ( 1 0 ) Ma
que (6) vs S
( 9 ) N
SportsMax - The
ExxonMobilGuyanaGlobal Super League (GSL) has announced a schedule adjustment ahead of its inauguraltournament,which is set to take place at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence. The final will now be held on Friday, 6 December 2024, while the match between Hampshire HawksandVictoriahasbeen rescheduledto10:00AMon Thursday,5December2024.
The tournament, f e a t u r i n g f i v e teams Guyana Amazon
Warriors, Hampshire Hawks, Lahore Qalandars, Rangpur Riders, and Victoria kicks off on Tuesday, 26 November 2024.
Sir Clive Lloyd, Chairman of the GSL, explained that the schedule changes were made in consultation with Cricket
West Indies to avoid potential clashes with preparations for the West Indies’ ODI series against Bangladesh.
“While the squads for the West Indies ODI series against Bangladesh have not yet been announced, we wanted to ensure that there was no chance of a clash between the conclusion of the GSL and the preparations for that series,” Lloyd said “This decision has been made after discussions with Cricket West Indies to ensuretheintegrityofboth the West Indies vs Bangladesh series and the GSL.”
Ticket holders for the affectedmatchescanstilluse their existing tickets for entry Thoseunabletoattend the rescheduled games will beeligibleforafullrefund.
ExxonMobil Guyana Global Super League (GSL) has announced a schedule adjustment ahead of its inaugural tournament.
2024 Global Super League 26 November, 7:00 PM: GuyanaAmazonWarriorsvs L a h o r e Q a l a n d a r s 27 November, 7:00 PM: Hampshire Hawks vs
29 November, 7:00 PM:
GuyanaAmazonWarriorsvs V i c t o r i a 30 November, 10:00 AM: HampshireHawksvsLahore
SportsMax-Despitea31 loss to England in their recent five-match series,
West Indies Captain Rovman Powell and Shai Hope were both successful inmakingmovesuptheICC Men’sT20IRankings.
Hope, who was brought inforthelastthreegamesin StLucia,moved16spotsup to 21st on 599 rating points, followinghishalf-centuryin the penultimate contest, and he also looked steady in the last contest before rain had thefinalsay Powell, who had three tidyknocksof43,54,and38 in the series, inched one placeup to33 on 575 rating points.
Though slipping three places, Nicholas Pooran remains the best-ranked West Indies batsman (624 rating points) at 12, a position he now shares with Sri Lanka’s Kusal Mendis andAustralia’sJoshInglis.
BrandonKingisthenext best Caribbean batsman on the list, though he too slipped three places to 16th on 613 rating points Johnson Charles (587 rating points), who slipped seven spots to 26th, is the only otherWestIndiesbatsmanin
thetop50. Meanwhile, India’s Hardik Pandya returned to the top of the T20I Allrounders Rankings after making significant contributions to his team’s successful, 3-1 series triumphoverSouthAfrica.It is his second time at the top of this list this year, the first time following India’s ICC Men’s T20 World Cup victoryintheUSAandWest Indies. Pandya moved two places to reach the top with 244 rating points, swapping places with England’s Liam Livingstone, who slipped to third place with 230 points, justonepointshyofNepal’s Dipendra Airee, who holds second place with 231
points Tilak Varma’s sensationalexploitswiththe batforIndiasawhimleap69 slots to the top 10 of the batters list for the first time, taking over third place with 806 points from his skipper, SuryakumarYadav,whofell onespottotakefourth.
SanjuSamsonalsomade significant gains after his remarkable back-to-back centuries,jumping17spaces to 22nd place among the batters.
South Africa’s Marco Jansen shot up 65 spots to reach a career-best 14th position among the allrounders, with his captain, Aiden Markram, moving up one place to number nine. Their teammate, Tristan Stubbs, continued his rise
among the batters, rising threeplacesto23rd.
Thebowlerslistsawalot of movement as well, with Australia’s Adam Zampa and Nathan Ellis making significant gains following their three-match series sweep against Pakistan Zamparosefiveslotstothird placewith693points,while Ellis mounted 15 slots to 11thon628points.
India’s Arshdeep Singh wentupthreeplacestoninth position (656 points), with teammateAxar Patel sailing 10spotsto13th(632points), while Pakistan’s Haris Rauf wentfrom24thto20thwith 601 points. Marco Jansen also featured with a 20-slot jump to 25th place among thebowlerswith576points.
December, 7:00 PM:
AmazonWarriorsvs R
a l a n d a r s 1 December, 10:00 AM: Rangpur Riders vs Victoria 1 December, 7:00 PM: GuyanaAmazonWarriorsvs H a m
5 December, 10:00 AM: Hampshire Hawks vs V
5 December, 7:00 PM:
Germany are three-time Davis Cup winners, last claiming the title in 1993. (Getty Images)
BBC Sport - Germany will face the Netherlands in the Davis Cup semi-finals after beating Canada 2-0 in Malaga.
Despite being without their star player, world number two Alexander Zverev,Germanywonthetie without requiring the doublesrubber Daniel Altmaier beat
Gabriel Diallo 7-6 (7-5) 6-4 and Jan-Lennard Struff defeated Denis Shapovalov 4-67-57-6(7-5).
Germany are threetime Davis Cup winners, last lifting the title in 1993
The Netherlands defeated hosts Spain on Tuesday, ending Rafael Nadal’splayingcareer
MALAGA, Spain (AP)
—RafaelNadalbithislower lip and his reddened eyes welledwithtearsashestood alongside his Davis Cup teammates for Spain’s national anthem Tuesday before what he and everyone — knew might be thelastmatchofhiscareer
Hours after Nadal’s 6-4, 6-4 loss to Botic van de Zandschulp of the Netherlands was over, the evening did turn out to represent the 22-time Grand Slamchampion’sfarewellto professional tennis, because the Dutch eliminated the S p a n i a r d s i n t h e quarterfinals just after midnight.
Anditwasduringanoncourt, post-match ceremony to honor Nadal that he cried and cried, at the singsong chorus of “Raaa-faaa” from the spectators, at the video showing highlights from his more than two decades on tour and the collection of recorded tributes from current or former players such as his Big Three rivals Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic, Serena Williams, ConchitaMartinezandAndy Murray,andstarsfromother sports such as golf’s Sergio Garcia or soccer’s David Beckham.
“The titles, the numbers, arethere,sopeopleprobably know that, but the way I wouldliketoberemembered is as a good person from a small village in Mallorca,” the 38-year-old Nadal told the flag-waving, sign-toting
crowdatthesold-outPalacio de Deportes Jose Maria Martin Carpena. “Just a kid that followed their dreams, worked as hard as possible.
He had said beforehand that his feelings would need to be put on hold, that this week was about attempting to claim one last trophy for his country, not about pondering his impending retirement, which he announcedlastmonthwould comeafterthisevent.
But he acknowledged after playing that “the emotions were difficult to manage,” and that he felt nerves out there amid the roarsofanadoringaudience that mostly showed up for one player and one player only
After Nadal, a 14-time FrenchOpenchampion,was beaten on the indoor hard court in southern Spain, he becameacheerleaderforhis heir apparent, Carlos Alcaraz, who evened the
matchup against the Netherlands at 1-all by
getting past Tallon Griekspoor7-6(0),6-3inthe othersinglesmatch.Butthen van de Zandschulp and WesleyKoolhofclinchedthe victory for the Dutch by defeating Alcaraz and MarcelGranollers7-6(4),76(3)inthedecidingdoubles match.
Even if Spain had managed to get past the Netherlands,Nadalsaidthat ifhewerehisteam’scaptain, he wouldn’t pick himself to
play again in the semifinals after that performance against the 80th-ranked van deZandschulp.
At least he was in a joking mood after the result put a stop to his 29-match winningstreakinDavisCup singles The only other blemishonhisrecord,which stood at 29-1 entering Tuesday, came in his 2004 debut.
“I lost my first match in theDavisCup,andIlostmy last one,” Nadal said with a wide grin. “So we close the circle.”
When a forehand found the net to close his last match, Nadal walked to the net for a quick hug with his opponent.
“Thatwasatough,tough match to play,” said van de Zandschulp, noting that he
Spain’s Rafael Nadal
Incertainways,thiswas, unmistakably,theNadalthat vandeZandschulp—andso many others can remember The white headband, marked with the red bull logo Nadal made famous The white tape wrapped around all four of his left, racket-holding fingers.Thewaterbottlesby his sideline bench, placed justso.
T h e r e w a s t h e occasional ace right on a line The occasional serveand-volleyforay
The occasional overthe-shoulder putaway And, yes, the occasional uppercut and scream of “Vamos!” There also were neither to Nadal’s or most of the 9,200
spectators’ liking
several points where he lookedlikeaonce-dominant figurediminishedbyageand injuries.
Nadal was just not able to bring his best, no matter how many chants of “Rafa!”or“España!”or“Si,se puede!” (“Yes, you can!”) broke out, no matter how many scarves reading “Gracias, Rafa!” or redand-yellow Spanish flags ofallsizesfilledthearena
This version of Nadal had hip issues, including surgery in June 2023, and abdominal problems that combined to limit him to only 24 matches over the pasttwoyears Hewent128insinglesin2024
The match against van de Zandschulp who upset Alcaraz at the U S Open was Nadal’s first outing that counted since early August at the Paris Olympics He lost there in thesecondroundofsingles to Djokovic and bowed out inthedoublesquarterfinals alongsideAlcaraz
Nadal and Alcaraz practiced with each other hoursbeforethestartofplay Theday,muchliketheentire Davis Cup leadup, was largely about memories of, andpraisefor,Nadal.
“You know very well what you have meant to the tennis world,” said Spain’s captain, David Ferrer, who lost to Nadal in the 2013 FrenchOpenfinal.“Wewill missyoualot.”
Nadal’s appeal was
found in how he played tennis, relentless and striking each shot as if it might be his last, and the humility he displayed away from competition. No one caredforhimasmuchashis fellow Spaniards. He is a national hero, transcending sports, and that was clear fromtheloveexpressedover and over via shouts and standing ovations — when Nadal entered the court, when he won a point, when hismatchended,andsoon.
“When we heard the news that Rafa was retiring, this really became something special a chance to see the greatest sportsman in the country’s history,” said Luis Julve, a 19-year-old college student who made the trip from Madrid with his mother and aunt.When the matches, the ceremony, the night and his career were over, Nadal hugged his teammates and left the court, pausing to wave goodbye to his fans onelasttime.
“The truth is that nobody ever wants to arrive at this moment,” Nadalsaid “I’m not tired of playing tennis, but it’s my body that doesn’t want to play anymore, so I have to accept the situation Honestly, I feel super privileged for having been able to make a career out of my hobby, and for having played for much longer than I could ever haveimagined.”
BBC Sport - The
Cleveland Cavaliers’ 15match winning run came to anendinathrilling120-117 defeat by the Boston Celtics in the NBA Cup at TD Garden The Cavaliers became just the fourth franchise in NBA history to go 15-0 at the start of a campaign by beating the Charlotte Hornets on Sunday But six Celtics players, led by Jayson Tatum’s 33 points, 12 rebounds and seven assists, reached double figures to inflict a first defeat on the Cavs.Trailingby17pointsat half-time, the Cavaliers
comeback through Evan Mobley, who finished with 22 points, 11 rebounds and six assists. It helped them to make it a two-point game midway through the final quarter but the Celtics held out. “Everybody knew that they were undefeated and comingtoourbuilding,”said Celtics’ guard Derrick White. “And it’s an NBA Cup game, and we already lost one. So, it was a really big game in that aspect. We wereallaware.”
The Los Angeles Lakers extended their own winning streak to six games with a
124-118 victory over the Utah Jazz. Dalton Knecht, 17th pick in the 2024 draft, scored a career-high 37 points The 23-year-old matched a rookie record by hittingninethree-pointersin the victory Elsewhere, the Denver Nuggets beat the MemphisGrizzlies122-110, while the Dallas Mavericks crushed the New Orleans Pelicans132-91. The NBACup, launched in 2023 and won by the LA Lakers, counts towards regular-season standings but not the Championship, whichsitsoutsidetheregular season
AFP - India head into a hotly anticipated five-Test showdown againstAustralia starting in Perth on Friday woundedbytheirfirsthome series loss in 12 years and withapointtoprove.
But questions also surroundthehosts,whoh ve a beencastingaroundtryingto find a successor to fill the considerableshoesofretired openerDavidWarner India’s embarrassing3-0 defeat to New Zealand last month was marked by repeated batting collapses, with mainstays Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma a shadow oftheirformerselves.
With ageing spin king Ravichandran Ashwin and all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja also under pressure, the series against Pat Cummins’ menisachancetoprovethe doubters wrong — or will add fuel to claims this India sideispastitssell-bydate.
Australian legend Ricky Ponting stirred the pot last week by questioning whether Kohli and Rohit should still be selected after
India’s Virat Kohli (L) and Rohit Sharma (R) are under pressure heading into a five Test series against Australia. (Punit PARANJPE/AFP/AFP)
bothaveragedjust15against NewZealand. That prompted a biting response from India coach Gautam Gambhir, who staunchly defended them and asked: “What does Ponting have to do with Indian cricket? “More importantly, I have got no concerns whatsoever for Virat and Rohit,” he added, calling them “incredibly toughmen”.“Ifeelthere’sa lotofhunger,especiallyafter
whathashappenedinthelast series.” Former India coach Ravi Shastri also jumped to the defence of Kohli, who has managed just one halfcentury across his last five Testmatches.“Well,theking is back in his territory,” he said,referringtothe36-yearold’s exceptional record in Australia, where he has scored six centuries and averages54.08. It appears Rohit is likely to miss the opening Test at
BBC Sport - Lautaro Martinez moved level with Diego Maradona in the alltime Argentina scoring charts in a 1-0 World Cup qualifying win over Peru in BuenosAires.
Martinez, 27, smashed home a left-footed volley from Lionel Messi’s cross after55minutesforhis32nd internationalgoalonhis70th appearance. The Inter Milan captain now sits joint-fifth alongside Argentina legend Maradona, though he remains some way behind top-scorerMessi’s112goals.
Gabriel Batistuta, Sergio Aguero and Hernan Crespo completethetopfive.
Inter Miami forward Messi, 37, is now tied with former United States forward Landon Donovan formostinternationalassists with 58. Lionel Scaloni’s sidewereontopformuchof the game but were unable to extendtheirlead,withJulian Alvarez hitting the post and Liverpool’s Alexis Mac Allister sending a header wide The win moves
Lautaro Martinez made his Argentina debut in March 2018. (Getty Images)
Argentinafivepointsclearat the top of the South American World Cup qualifying table with six gamesremaining.
Elsewhere, Brazil were jeered by their own fans as they drew 1-1 against UruguayinSalvador.
Real Madrid midfielder Federico Valverde put Uruguayinfrontearlyinthe second half, but Gerson levelled for Brazil six minutes later with his first internationalgoal.
The draw means fivetime World Cup winners Brazil sit fifth in the table, with the top six qualifying automatically for the 2026
tournamentinUnitedStates, CanadaandMexico.
A fine solo goal from former West Ham and Everton forward Enner Valencia secured a 1-0 win for Ecuador away at Colombia, moving them above their opponents into thirdongoaldifference.
Newcastle United forwardMiguelAlmironwas among the scorers as Paraguay drew 2-2 with Boliviatostaysixth.
Bolivia remain in seventh, which would be good enough for a play-off, onepointaheadofVenezuela who were beaten 4-2 by Chile.
someseniorplayers,theseries coulddecidethefinalistsofthe World Test Championship
The hosts need to win five of their remaining seven Tests this cycle to be assured of a place in the June decider at Lord’s. India must win the series at least 4-0. - ‘A big one’-
While India are under the gun they have a proud record in Australia, winning the last two Test series to retain the Border-GavaskarTrophy
Perth Stadium following the birth of his second child, with Jasprit Bumrah assumingthecaptaincy
KLRahulorAbhimanyu Easwaranareinlinetoopen alongside Yashasvi Jaiswal, while number three ShubmanGillisalsoamajor doubt after reportedly fracturinghisthumb.
The visitors are without injured pace bowler Mohammed Shami, with Bumrah leading an attack expected to feature two others from Mohammed Siraj, Akash Deep, Prasidh Krishna, Harshit Rana or NiteshReddy
Aside from the fate of
Suchistherivalrythatthe serieshasbeenboostedtofive Testsforthefirsttimesincethe 1991-92summer,puttingiton a par with the Ashes in duration After Perth, they move to Adelaide for a daynighter, before heading to the Gabba at Brisbane, then Melbourne and Sydney “We’ve lost the (last) two series against them (in Australia),sothisisabigone,” Australia skipper Cummins said.“Wefeellikeourteam’s in a really good place, so we’vegotnoreasonwhywe shouldn’t perform really well.” Australia, who have not played a Test since their 2-0 series win in New Zealand in February, have theirownissueswithstarallrounder Cameron Green out for the series after
undergoing back surgery Mitchell Marsh will fill the void as the fourth pace option alongside Cummins, Mitchell Starc and Josh Hazlewood, with Australian groundsmen traditionally preparinglivelypitches.
Spinner Nathan Lyon will again be their foil, looking to add to his 530 wicketsinhis130thTest.
Thebiggestheadachefor the hosts has been finding a replacement for Warner as Usman Khawaja’s opening partner While Steve Smith initiallysteppedintotherole, he will revert to his usual numberfour,behindMarnus Labuschagne.
After a “bat-off” in two recent Australia A games, uncapped South Australia captain Nathan McSweeney gotthenoddespiteonlyever openingoncebeforeatfirstclass level. Chief selector George Bailey is confident the 25-year-old can handle the scrutiny and the Indian attack. “I don’t think it’s a huge adjustment to go from three to opening,” said Bailey
“He’s a very organised, composed player at the crease and think he’s got a gamethatwillreallysuitTest cricket.”
Frompage37 court will transform into a hub of stylistic hoops, nolook dimes, and fast-break bucketsthisSaturday.
With students, parents, teachers, and the Tuschen communityexpectedtopack thesidelines,thestageisset
This event, tailored to
prospects came to you through support from prominent contributors
Indian/Friends that Care
Motor Spares, David Persaud Investments, DUp’s executives, Regional chairmanMrInshanAyub, region 3’s REO Mr Ramdat,MrAkbarChindu (REDO), Mike Singh of Ottawa Canada, and most impotantly the teachers andprincipalofTPS
Frompage37 advanced past the second round of a major
Butthe28-year-oldhasenjoyedastellar 2024, reaching the final of the French Open and Wimbledon before winning Olympic doublesgoldinPariswithSaraErrani.
Paolini held her arms aloft and skipped joyfully around the court with her teammatesasshedeliveredthetitleforItaly.
“An unbelievable year, a crazy year. To finish like this with a title in the Billie Jean King Cup is amazing. I don’t have words to describeit,”Paolinisaid.
Sramkova, ranked 43rd, had been in scintillating form over the past week, triumphing over world number 11 Danielle Collins of the USA before fighting back to
But she struggled against Paolini, who took advantage of the Slovak’s 28 unforced errorsandwonfoursuccessivegamestoseal victory
Her win ensured Italy did not need a deciding doubles match in the best-ofthree series and denied Errani a 50th Billie Jean King Cup appearance.
Paolini added: “I’m trying just to enjoy every moment because its important also to understand where you are and I feel lucky to be in this position, I feel lucky to be part of this team
“Ithinkweplayedanunbelievableweek andI’mreallyhappythisyearthatwecould bringthetrophyhomeagain.”
SportsMax - Soca
Warriors Head coach Dwight Yorke has warmly embraced the government’s initiative to review the nation’s citizenship laws, a m o v e t h a t c o u l d significantly bolster his squad’s depth and aspirationsforthe2026Fifa WorldCup.
The proposed changes, currently under discussion, would allow foreign-based players with Trinidad and Tobago-born grandparents to represent the Twin Island Republic, a significant step up from the current Constitution, which states that “A person shall not become a citizen of T&T if, at the time of his birth—(a) neither of his parents is a citizenofT&T.”
This adjustment could expand the Soca Warriors player pool and, by extension, create new opportunities for Trinidad and Tobago to remain competitive on the global stageacrossvarioussports Minister of Sport and Community Development Shamfa Cudjoe-Lewis explained that steps are being taken to explore legislativereforms
The Ministry of National Security, the Office of the Attorney General, and the TT Football Association
(TTFA) are also involved in discussions about the initiative to draw insights from policies in other Caribbeannations “We’re starting with football. We are exploring the policies of our neighbours and the legislation to work out an arrangement suitable for T&T So we’re at the discussion stage right now,”
Cudjoe-Lewis said during Yorke’sunveilingrecently
“For the drafters of the legislation and the persons looking at the policy, it’s a
little more complicated, and a proper, thorough study on policy development must be done.It’snotsomethingyou wanttorush,”sheadded.
Although a timeline for implementation has not been established, the initiative has already sparked interest across Trinidad and Tobago’s b r o a d e r s p o r t i n g community, with other n a t i o n a l s p o r t i n g organizations inquiring about similar eligibility expansions for their athletes.
“ A s w e s t a r t e d looking at football, many of the other sporting bodies started reaching out, saying they want to be able to use persons whose grandparents were born in T&T for them to be able to play for national teams,” CudjoeLewisshared “You have to pass the legislation and the policy insuchawaythatitisfair and just We’re starting with football, and we are just looking at and exploring the policy of
success of global football powerhouses like France, England, and Germany, which have leveraged similar eligibility rules to assembleworld-classteams.
“It’sbeentalkedabout, and we’ve seen over the years where other teams, predominantly big teams in world football, all have some type of inheritance We are looking at the situation, one that we will implementatsomepoint,but it has to be the right players to come into the equation,” Yorkesaid.
Yorke also praised the December restart of the TT Premier Football League, which he believes will serve as a proving ground for local talent with national team ambitions
our neighbours and the legislation, so we’re at the discussion stage right now,”shestressed.
Yorke, a former Soca Warriors and Manchester
U n i t e d s t a l w a r t , understands the potential impact such reforms
c o u l d h a v e b u t emphasized that any additions to the squad
must be carefully considered to ensure they fit seamlessly into the t e a m ’s l o n g - t e r m strategy
He referenced the
“For the players who have aspirations of representing T&T, it gives them additional incentive when they get out there to know what’s at stake Any young man who is playing at that level should have aspiration to be part of the nationalteam.
“Sothat’sthemessage In terms of me, Russell Latapy, Derek King (assistant coaches), and the backroom staff, we’re collectively looking for the best talent in the country,”Yorkedeclared
Aiming to sign off 2024 with a bang
Seven-time National Men’s Physique Champion
Emmerson Campbell is poisedtosolidifyhislegacyon December 1 at the flagship event of the bodybuilding federation The competition, set to take place at Olympic HouseinLiliendaal,willmark Campbell’s final appearance on the local amateur stage before he transitions to the professionalranks
Fresh off his gold-medalwinning performance and earningaprestigiousProCard at last month’s CAC Championships, Campbell remainstheundisputedkingof Men’sPhysiqueintheregion Hisunmatchedworkethicand dedication to the sport have
positioned him as the clear favorite to claim an eighth consecutive national title.
“Thiswillbetheperfectwayto closethischapterofmycareer,” Campbell stated confidently
“I’vedominatedthelocalstage, and I plan to go out with a bang” The December 1 showdown will not only be a celebration of Campbell’s illustrious amateur career but alsoasymbolicpassingofthe torchashepreparestopavethe wayforthenextgenerationof bodybuilders Fansandfitness enthusiasts are eagerly awaitingwhatpromisestobea thrilling culmination of his reign in local bodybuilding history ©.Ross)
Th e D - U p
B a s k e t b a l l
Academy is
gearing up to wrap its firstof-its-kind, two-month youth basketball camp,
which tipped off in September at the Tuschen PrimarySchool(TPS)court, nestled on Eastern end of Essequibo,region#3.
H e a d e d b y t h e
Academy’s chairman
Anthony Kandar, the camp has set the stage for a highenergy Region Three Basketball Jamboree finale, ashowdownthatpromisesto be nothing short of a slam dunkandlayupsforTuschen hoopfans.
The grand finale, slated for November 30, will featureboys’andgirls’teams battling it out for bragging rightsandhardware.
Squadsfromschoolslike West Demerara Secondary,
Leonora Secondary, DeWilliam Secondary,
Stewartville Secondary, VergenoegenSecondary,and Uitvlugt Secondary, along with D-Up Academy’s own rising stars, will hit the hardcourtinbothdivisions.
The Jamboree, a final arm of the two-month programme, which also serves as a competitive segment for young ballers, hasbeenagame-changerfor Region 3’s basketball scene, similartoAbovetheRimand Region #3 Basketball Festival, also hosted by the D-Up Basketball Academy inrecentyearswillignitethe TPS court on November 23rdand30th.
This mini tournament providesaplatformforthese young athletes to sharpen their handles, work on their ‘Jmoves’,aswellasdevelop court smarts. Initially aimed at training and mentoring, over the past weeks, the camphasdeliveredamixture of rigorous training and
action, culminating with semifinals and final’s matches in both theboys’andgirls’brackets. Kandar,whohasbeenthe driving force behind these events, emphasised the
Italy won their fifth Billie Jean King Cup title. (Getty Images)
BBC Sport - Italy claimedtheirfirstBillieJean KingCuptitlein11yearsas JasminePaoliniwrappedup a 2-0 win over Slovakia in Malaga.
Paolini,whohasenjoyed abreakthrough2024season, was part of the Italian team that finished runners-up to Canada12monthsago.
The world number four won6-26-1againstRebecca Sramkova after Lucia BronzettihadputItalyahead with a 6-2 6-4 victory over Viktoria Hruncakova in the firstsinglesmatch.
purpose of the camp: “The idea was to analyze participants’game in groups basedontheirskilllevelsand measureindividualprogress. It’s all about building better two-way players and creating a bridge from grassrootsballtothenational level.”
Among the standout teamsheadingintothesemis are Stewartville Secondary and Leonora/Zeeburg Secondary in the girls’
division,whiletheboys’side will see powerhouses like W e s t D e m e r a r a , Stewartville, Leonora, and DeWilliamSecondarygoing toe-to-toe.
Kandar called the upcomingmatchupsa“clash of titans,” crediting the p l a y e r s f o r t h e i r commitment and grit during thecamp.
“This camp wasn’t just about putting up shots,” Kandarsaid.“Wefocusedon
the fundamentals: shooting, ball-handling, fitness, and courtIQ.
These skills will elevate their overall approach to the game even after the final whistleblows.”
TheJamboreewillsetup an epic showdown on November30,wherethebest from the West Side will vie forbraggingrights.
As the anticipation builds,theTPS
“We are the world champions,wecanbemuch happier Itisadreamofallof oursandwearesoproud.”
Italy, who will earn $2 4m (£1 9m) in prize money for winning their fifth title, have become a tennis powerhouse recently, withthemen’steam-ledby world number one Jannik Sinner - winning its first Davis Cup in 47 years in 2023 “I think it’s an unbelievableyearforItalian tennis and it’s so good for our sport in our country,” Paolini told reporters. “We havealotoffansoftennisin
“Ialwaysdreamedabout this trophy,” said Bronzetti, who was playing just her second singles match in the competition.
Italy now, tennis is growing a lot ” Captain Tathiana Garbin said: “It’s a dream cometrue.Ihavesuchgreat champions, great players, andgreathumanbeings.
“I am so proud of them. Theyfighteveryday.”
Slovakia, who knocked Great Britain out on Tuesday, were playing in their first final since they wonthetournamentin2002.
Paolini wraps up ‘unbelievable year’ with ItalywinPaoliniwasranked 30th when she was defeated by Canada’s Leylah Fernandez in last year’s final,whileshehadnever (Continuedonpage35)