Truck driver in deadly Sheriff St. accident on $500k bail GECOM records significant increase in applications for ID cards and replacements since cash grant announcement
Govt. now looking at joint venture agreements to curb rent-a-citizen scheme
Attorney General and Minister of LegalAffairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall, SC
MelissaAtwell, known as ‘Melly Mel’
No time for referendum before 2025 elections - GECOM CEO
No time for referendum before 2025 elections -
No referendum can be heldbeforethe2025General and Regional Elections, Chief Elections Officer (CEO) Vishnu Persaud told reporters on Friday during a press conference at the Commission's Command
Centre in Kingston, Georgetown.
Persaud in response to a question posed by Kaieteur Newsexplainedthatthereis not adequate time available for the hosting of a referendum before the constitutionally scheduled elections.
Over the last few weeks there have been heightened callsforareferendumforthe renegotiationofthe2016oil agreement with U S oil giant ExxonMobil and other issues.
“Would a referendum complicate or interfere with the electoral process if held byendof2024orearly3035 andwoulditbeanexpensive venture?” Chairperson of GECOM Claudette Singh wasasked.
Singh passed the questiontoPersaudwhosaid if a referendum were to be held as a separate activity, “there is no time between now and that period within whichwecanholditbecause o b v i o u s l y , t h e constitutionally due conduct of general elections cannot beinterferedwith.”
The CEO said, “Let me attempt to answer your questionthisway Firstofall, atthistimewearenotaware intheslightestway,shapeor form of any indication of there being the need for a referendum as something that GECOM should focus on,that'snumberone.”
Further,heremindedthat “ o b v i o u s l y , t h e constitutionally due conduct of general elections cannot beinterferedwith.”
Persaud explained that whiletheissuesbeingraised via referendum can be included on the elections ballots, as has happened in otherjurisdictions,Guyana's laws would have to be changed.
“…Laws would have to be changed to make
provisionsforallofthatandI don't see that happening in time to…if there is to be a referendumImustsayinthat regard,”hedisclosed.
On November 19 2024 the Working Peoples Alliance (WPA) said that a referendum on the 2016 oil contract would be crucial to any future negotiations the Government of Guyana is likely to have with U.S. oil giant,ExxonMobil.
At the party's weekly press conference on Monday, Co-leader Dr David Hinds told reporters thatitwouldnothurttohave Guyanese engaged in public discussionaboutthe2016oil deal.
Dr Hinds referenced statementsmadebyAttorney GeneralAnilNandlallwhich saidthatareferendumonthe lopsided oil contract would beawasteoftime.However, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo disagreed with Nandlall saying that the Attorney General spoke in hispersonalcapacityandnot asagovernmentofficial.
Jagdeo said while there might well be issues
regarding bringing ExxonMobil to the table even with a successful referendum,hewouldprefer to deal with the matter after next year's general and regionalelections.
A referendum is a general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a directdecision.
“Whilethatcontentionis true, an affirmative referendum vote would be a potent bi-partisan, national tool in the hands of government as it engages Exxon.
TociteExxon'spotential inflexibility in the face of a formalnationaldemandasa reason for rejecting the referendum is akin to throwinginthetowelbefore the game starts,” Dr Hinds said
Lastweek,Leaderofthe People's National Congress Reform (PNCR), Aubrey Norton, said that while he is notopposedtoareferendum on renegotiating the 2016 ExxonMobil Production Sharing Agreement (PSA),
any amendments to the contract would still require thecompany'sagreement.
“Ifthereisareferendum, itwillsaythatisthepopular will of the people, if it succeedsifitfails,itwillsay itsunpopularbutinthefinal analysis what governs the thingisthePSAandthePSA makes it very clear that the changes can be made but they have to be done engaging ExxonMobil,” Norton said noting that he would not oppose efforts to gauge public opinion, the binding nature of the contract must remain the guidingprinciple.
“Thatdoesnotmeanthat I disagree with someone doing a poll to see if people want a referendum on it. If people want a referendum, they can have a referendum onit,Ihavenoproblemwith thatbutinthefinalanalysis, one will still have to be guided by the contract,” he added.
Patterson made it clear thatoilandgasisnotthelone issue that requires a referendum. He pointed to the need to make amendments to certain clauses in the Constitution and those proposed amendmentsshouldbeputto avoteviaareferendum.
“We (the AFC) would support a referendum to do all of those things including matters of oil and gas, (being) on a referendum (even)priortotheelections,” theAFCChairmansaid.
TheAlliance for Change (AFC) had said that it will support a referendum on ExxonMobil's 2016 oil contract with Guyana. The party made this disclosure during its weekly press conference.Chairmanofthe party David Patterson made itclearthattheAFCbelieves that a referendum should be heldpriortoelections.
Jagdeo: No direct sale of Guyana’s crude to India has been discussed
…sayscountryopentofuture deal if beneficial
Guyana remains open to apotentialfuturedealforthe saleof its crudeto Indiaif it proves beneficial, but no such discussions are currently on the table. This was clarified by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo duringapressconferenceon ThursdayatFreedomHouse, Georgetown.
“So [we] have not discussed any element of directtransactionforthesale of our crude to India,” Jagdeosaid.
Reports have suggested that India is interested in securing two million lifts of crude for its large carriers. However, Guyana's current daily oil production, averages 650,000 barrels from three projects – Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2 and Payara. The ExxonMobilled consortium has plans in place to grow production capacity to more than 1.3 millionbarrelsperday(bpd) by the end of 2027, when theyanticipatehavingallsix projects up and running offshore. This will include
One of the FPSOs working offshore Guyana
Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptailprojects.
When asked if India's
increased production, Jagdeo reiterated that no direct sale to India is under considerationatthistime.
“We have not discussed any element of a direct sale toIndiaatthisstagebecause ourcrudeforthenextyear we have people who will market our crude, we just went through a tender and twocompanieswontheright to market out crude for the
nextyear,sothereisnoneof that,” the Vice President said.
Jagdeo also recounted previous discussions with Indian companies, noting their logistical challenges due to high freight costs, which necessitate large quantities of crude for economic viability. He explained, “So those points were made earlier too but I guess they still remain relevant but there was no specific discussion on this tripaboutanyofthosebutwe are looking forward to work with India…there will be a
time maybe if there is an oversupplyofthemarket,we may have to go to long term contracts but the time is not now.”
The Vice President emphasised that any future deal would need to make sense for both parties. “We don't have a problem with that but there is nothing that we have worked on that would result in any sale of crude in the next year or so
because we have already have people to market our crude,”Jagdeosaid.
He further highlighted India'sexpertiseinareaslike renewable energy and solar power, noting collaboration opportunities. Jagdeo said too, “On the fertilizer plant they are doing some studies forustousethegasforusto build a fertilizer plant so in the whole hydrocarbon sector there are lots of areas that we can utilize Indian skills,Indiantechnologyand alsoIndianinvestments.”
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo is the happiest man in Guyanawhenheisabrasive. Thoughaleadermadeofsand, herelishesdeliveringwords withthetextureofsandpaper. What he pretends to be weekly press conferences have deteriorated into one-man brawls, ugly examples for citizens, and regular sessions of the sickness that is so pervasive. As if in a race to prove who is bolder and brassier,PresidentIrfaanAlihadhisownpressengagement lastweektounleashhisrage. IfPresidentAli’sactioncould be accepted at face value, his listeners were treated to an encounter that trashed them to pieces, left hanging their heads in shame. Ministers of the government, engineers employedbytheState,seniorpublicservantsweregivena public whipping that they all should remember for a long time. ThereisoneconditionforanyofwhatPresidentAli saidtomeananything. Hehadtomeanwhathesaid,andhe willactshouldthingsstaythesame.
SothatGuyaneseareonthesamepagewithus,thereare notearshereforthosethatPresidentAlibatteredandbruised within an inch of their official existence. Their record of failurehasbeenlongandthereislittlepositivetosayaboutthem It is an indication of their uselessness, their costly presences aroundthejobsgiventothem Welayblamewheresuchisdue, whichiswiththegroupthatheorderedtoturnupat05:30hrslast Tuesday Thereisthearmyofabsentabusersoftheirpositions, andthedamagetheyhaveinflictedonthenation’streasuryand every citizen of this country Clearly, President Ali had a stomach full, and he certainly let loose with more than a mouthful As much as it was overdue, has its value (especially public relations value so precious to the PPPC Government), there are different ways, and better ways, to get messages across. We respectfully urge this country’s still young president to familiarize himself with those, to seekcounsel,sothathecancomeacrossmorepresidential, moreincontrolofhisfaculties.
Truthbetold,thepresident’sstyleandapproachhasits shockvalue,ifheisnotplayingwithGuyaneseminds. As saidearlier,italsohasitspropagandavalue,whichthePPPC Government and its leaders and ministers never fail to exploittothefullestforthemaximumeffect. PresidentAli is not in the league ofVice President Jagdeo as yet, but he has shown that he is in love with the sledgehammer and bludgeon. Bothnationalleadersarealwaysquicktopoint outtheneedtoattractmoreforeigninvestors,butthisisthe crude leadership standard that they greet them with, reassuring them that the difficult are under control. The irony of PresidentAli and Vice President Jagdeo is that their press conferences (engagement, encounters, whatever) are characterized by well broadcasted bluster and bravado when dealingwithlocals However,whenthetwoleadersshouldbeat their strongest and frankest, ie, with foreign investors and partners, there is operating in secrecy, surrendering on their knees,andspeakinginrespectfultones Theyveryquicklyand efficiently find manners and mind their manners when foreignersareintheroom
Themediaisnotengagedthen,butblockedout. When the media dares to ask pertinent questions on vital issues, bothAliandJagdeoretreatbehindwallsofsilence,orbash independent media professionals with verbal broadsides. Both Ali and Jagdeo prefer the soft questions, the sweet subjects, that are not among the most concerning issues in the minds of Guyanese. Guyanese taxpayers millions are misused to make friendly media men and women into spectacles of themselves. Key information is twisted or withheld on crucial issues, like oil. And when Ali and Jagdeowanttolookgood,theyengageinthesetrashtalking sessions that they say with a straight face are press conferences. Guyaneseareabused,standardsareabused,a culture of media misuse with the resulting darkness and ignorance taking hold. Leaders lead by example, governmentsgovernwithfidelitytoprinciple. Whenthose are laughed at, then Guyanese get the press riots that they get.
Guyana has much to benefit from partnership with India
On first reading of VS Naipaul’s novels on India, it’s easy to develop a grim view of an underdeveloped, perpetually festering country, doomed to remain sobyitsstaggeringdegreeof povertyandawornzeitgeist thatreliedonthevestigesof a mythic past. Oh, how the timeshavechanged!
PM Shri Narendra Modi’s visit to our small nation was an impressive and successful binding and bonding that we have historicallycravedsinceour ancestors first left India almost two centuries ago. Indentureship, distance and time had left our particular diaspora no choice but to carveoutaplaceintheWest, traffickedfromoneendofan empire to serve another India was their homeland, thesourceofbeliefs,culture, religions, languages and all thatcomprised‘home’. Itcannotbethattheyleft joyfully,astheywatchedthe land of their birth disappear from sight. A new identity awaited them, one that was hard-forged on the anvil of theback-breakingworkthey cametoendure.Generations held onto the concept of a
distanthomeland,onewhich was the source of the peculiar habits and ways they tenaciously preserved. Wewereadisplacedpeople, who endured, grew and thrived.
That umbilicus, a source of pride accompanied by a metaphysical yearning for its loss; often manifested itself in our adherence to things ‘Indian’; as they somewhat represented the cultural context of our ancestors. We understood that they were ‘from’India, and we were ‘of’ India. A distinction which became more pronounced in successive generations. So much so that when we left these shores in a second diaspora wave, in the westernlandswewentto,we often found ourselves wanting, by the diaspora whohadmorerecentlycome directly from India. That disconnect rankled, because were we not also ‘Indian’ even though through the long years of separation our culture had evolved differently?
Some, like Naipaul, would return and reflect disdainfully about our ancestors’ motherland,
deriding the impoverished and their low-brow existence.
Now, whether we agree with the politics or not, PM Shri Narendra Modi has remadethisareaofdarkness into one of the most important nations of the world A beacon for education, technology and healthcare; burgeoning industries with businesses thatcanswallowupthemost refined and bespoke companies the West has to offer; for instance, the producer of the flagship vehicle that ferries the royalty of their oncecolonial overlords.An irony that never fails to make me smile.
This brilliant nation under Modi has been polished, poised to be the largest democratic counterpointtodictatorsand autocrats.
Unafraid,today’sIndiais the reflection that we know we see in ourselves, a civilization that emerged millennia ago, eventually shattering the vestiges of colonization, daring the world to tell it what it must do and be. Much of that chutzpah is found in the
personality of PM Modi, whose shrewd guidance has brought India to where it is today
Watching him eat food from the traditional ‘purine’ leaf; listening to him praise Guyana, as mawkish as it seems,itfeltsomewhatakin tohavingyourmostbeloved parentexpressprideinwhat youhavebecome.
An acknowledgement that we, lost children of a diaspora that has subconsciously yearned to be recognized as equals; are eminently deserving of respect, admiration and partnership We always were, but the scar of indentureship had branded us deeply, leaving a sensation that we were somehow‘lessor’.
Apart of me has always thought that, as disparaging as he was of his ancestral homeland, Naipaul churned with the misplaced grief of separation.
Guyana has much to benefit from the partnership withIndia;anditisclearthat India believes that it will be beneficialforthemaswell.
Sincerely, Scheherazade Ishoof Khan
ConcernAbout Road Width on Thorne Street and Suggestions for Improvement
EDGHILL, I write to draw your attention to an issue in my neighbourhood, Thorne Street, Tucville, regarding the specifications of a road that is currently under construction and to respectfully offer potential solutions.
The road, previously asphalted, is being replaced with a concrete surface as part of the government’s broader road refurbishment initiatives While this upgrade is welcome and appreciated, the new road is only 12 feet wide, which poses significant challenges for two-way vehicular traffic This insufficient width will force vehicles onto the shoulders when passing,whichcouldleadto premature damage and increased maintenance costs.Upon inquiring with the relevant persons,
including the engineer assignedtotheproject,Iwas informed that the contract specifies a 12-foot-wide road. This response left me concerned about the decision-makingprocessfor determiningroadwidthsand thepotentialimplicationsfor taxpayers, who ultimately fundtheseprojects.
In the interest of constructive engagement, I respectfully suggest the following immediate solutions:
1 Widening Current Roads Where Feasible: For ongoingprojectsliketheone on Thorne Street, consider amending the specifications to a minimum width of 16 feet, which is better suited for two-way traffic In Tucville there are wide parapets that will allow for this extension I would appreciate your intervention at this stage of the project beforetheroadiscompleted.
2 Reinforcing Road
Shoulders: Extending the roadfortwofeetoneachside would allow for reinforced road shoulders that will ensurealongerlife-spanfor theroad.
3 C o m m u n i t y
Engagement: Establishing a mechanism for community consultations during the planning stages of infrastructure projects could ensure that designs more adequatelymeetlocalneeds.
4 Revising Future Contracts: Implementing updated standards for road widths in future contracts to reflect the realities of traffic flowinresidentialareas.
I recognize the complexity of managing multiple infrastructural projects across the country and applaud the ministry’s efforts to improve transportation networks However, I believe addressing these issues now will save the government from higher maintenance costs later and ensure the infrastructure meets the growing demands of our developingnation.
As this matter concerns not only my neighbourhood but also taxpayers more broadly, I have shared this letter with the press to bring public attention to the importance of wellconsidered infrastructure planning.Iamconfidentthis will further support the ministry’s efforts to prioritize transparency and efficiency Thank you for yourtimeandconsideration. I trust your esteemed office will give this matter due attention and implement the necessary adjustments. I am happy to provide further details or engage in discussions to ensure a satisfactoryresolution.
Yoursrespectfully, RusselLancaster
The PNC Responsible for the Economic, Political rout of Guyana
Oneofthestarkrealities Guyanese must confront is that the PPP and PNC have bothconfirmedthattheywill not renegotiate the Exxon contract, and both are willing to forego the estimated US$1 5-2 5 billion of your money every year until the cessation of operations in the next 25 to 50years.
Based on information in the report on the Natural ResourceFundpublishedby
the Bank of Guyana for September 2024, with Guyana’sshareofProfitOil amountingtoUS$4.7billion since production began, the PPPbynotrenegotiatingthe Contract, has agreed to forfeit US$1.2 billion of yourmoneyinincometaxes Exxonshouldbepaying,but isnot. Thisexcludesamounts expended by Exxon in the absence of ring-fencing to financeadditionalexploration andrelatedexpenditures The PPP has cost Guyanese
The sale of expired goods is not new
The media was quick to capitalize on Former President Jagdeo’s outburst about expired food stuff that’seasilyaccessibletoall Guyanese. As far back as 2017, periodically I’ve been writing and others of these atrocitiesthat’sbeingforced on Guyanese and the Governmentandresponsible agencies sit back and let these inhumane actions continue on the Guyanese butloandbehold,oneslipup and Jagdeo arise from his slumber and realize what could have happened to him andmakesitanissue.
As he’s talking to the media, he informs of all the ways the flaws exists and of knowing come of the culprits, but fail to mention why no action was taken all thoseyears.
Editor, it surprises me to know an international hotel
served expired drinks to its guests and it causes me to wonderabouttheedibles.
Can you imagine the most recognized hotel in Guyanacaninnocentlyserve poisonousfoodtoitsguests, all because we have a government and agencies responsible to ensure our safety, but conveniently worktowardsoursafety?
The most reputable hotel in Guyana serving expired stuff, can Guyanese imagine what sells at the road corners, where the government don’t go to eat? The Vice President only talked in detail about this heinous act that k e e p s h a p p e n i n g because he became a victim. Whywasitallowed tocontinueovertheyears?
Let’ssitbackandseethe outcomeofthisscenario.
approximatelyUS$12billion inoilrevenues
T h e i n d i g n a n t unwillingnessforboththePPP and PNC to renegotiate the Exxon contract, more akin to ramming it down our proverbial throats even as we electedthemboth,andbothare paid by our income taxes to represent us in the management of all of our natural resources, can lead to onlyoneconclusion: boththe PPPandPNCareworkingfor Exxon As much as they wouldnotadmitthattheyare receivingmoneyinapersonal capacity from Exxon, there canbenootherconclusionbut that the PPPand PNC are on Exxon’spayroll
In the political context, the PPP lost the 2015
elections because Guyanese had had enough of their corruption and malfeasance in public office. They are back in office because the PNCshowedusallthatthey had learnt nothing since losing in 1992 They remained incompetent, and exhibited discriminatory behavior towards traditional PPP supporters by their willful mismanagement of Guysucoandill-treatmentof sugarworkers.Butthelarger issuehereisdosupportersof the PNC think it is right to victimize and marginalize traditional supporters of the PPP? The fact is the PNC has enshrined in its political culture the marginalization of supporters of the PPP, even as the PNC has
demonstrated little care or consideration for their own supporters,oranyotherclass ofvotersforthatmatter The more traditional supporters of the PNC back their party, the stronger will be the supportforthePPP
There is a solution (wwwdncgycom) Thatisfor PNC supporters to realize and understand that the PNC has been the source of Guyana’s economic problems, its ethnic insecurities,themassacreofthe livelihood of Stabroek Market vendors immediately after the 2015 elections, in keeping Guyaneseimpoverishedbynot investing in agriculture and supporting the adoption of cannabis sativa as a
agricultural crop that could
return billions of United StatesdollarstoGuyanesein exports.
A n d w i t h t h a t understanding, knowing that PPPsupportersarealsotiredand fedupofthecorruption,poverty andinsufficiencydishedoutby the PPP since 1997, start befriending and forming strategicalliancesbasedontrust with them, where both major sectionsofoursocietyrecognize thatourcommonproblemshave nosolutionineitherthePNCor the PPP, but with starting and buildinganewpartytorepresent them in government, to representthemandtakeoffice in 2025 Billions of United States dollars, the welfare of ourchildren,areatstake
U.S. war “A major stain on our collective conscience”
Guyana, in response to theUnitedStatesofAmerica (USA) vetoing a resolution for an immediate and permanentceasefireinGaza on Wednesday, said that it willnotgiveupthefight.
The country has been elected a member of the United Nations (UN)
Security Council for a twoyear-term and was at the helm of the most recent resolution tabled for a ceasefire.
Afteritwasvetoedbythe U.S. Guyana’s Permanent RepresentativetotheUnited Nations, Carolyn Rodrigues Birkett said, “many have
said that the ongoing annihilation of the Palestinianpeopleisamajor stain on our collective conscience.”
She added that the Council on Wednesday had an opportunity to begin erasingthatstain.
“…But despite our best
efforts and the almost universal support to go in that direction the Council was again hamstrung by a veto,”Rodriguessaidbefore adding, “Guyana hopes the inability to adopt this resolutionwillnotbeseenby those who want to continue this war as a license to
continue killing, starving and maiming innocent civilians.”
continuationofshearmisery cannot and must not be the fateofPalestinians”.
Tothisend,Rodrigues (Continuedonpage17)
UN, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett
GECOM records significant increase in applications for ID cards and replacements since cash grant announcement
Th e G u y a n a
E l e c t i o n s
(GECOM) has recorded a significant increase in registrations for national identification cards as well as replacements since the government announced that it will be issuing $100,000 cashgranttoallGuyanese18 yearsandabove.
This was disclosed by Deputy Chief Elections Officer (DCEO), Aneal
Giddings at a press conference hosted by the
Commission on Friday following questions by journalistGordonMoseley
“I understand there has been sort of an upsurge in a p p l i c a t i o n s f o r replacements of ID cards since the government has announced the $100,000
Can you confirm that there has been an upsurge and GECOM has found itself kind of stretched?” Moseley asked.
In response, Giddings said,“Icansaythattherehas indeed been in fact more
transactions, more persons flockingouroffices.”
Though he said he does
not want to assume that the government's cash grant announcement was the sole reason for the surge, when pressed if he has observed theincreasehappeningsince the said announcement the DCEO said, “I have seen that.”
In October, President Irfaan Ali announced that every Guyanese citizen who attained the age of 18 as of January 1, 2024 will be entitled to a $100,000 oneoff-grant. The president had initially announced a $200,000perhouseholdcash grant but subsequently altered the announcement followingconcerns.
is in keeping with the 'governments aim of increasing disposable income to create better opportunities and building prosperityforGuyanese.
Hesaidtheinitiativewill also remove barriers to access and simplifying the administrative processes in thepopulation'sbestinterest.
“These analyses are criticaltoensurethegreatest impact and highest level of efficiency in the delivery of service.
Over the past week, thousandsofGuyanesehave engaged myself and members of my Cabinet providing extremely favourable feedback on the measures announced last Thursday and tens of thousands have publicly expressed their welcoming of these measures Particularlyinrelationtothe announcement of a one-off cash grant of $200,000 to everyhouseholdinGuyana,” PresidentAlisaid.
Hesaidonceacitizenhas a v a l i d G u y a n e s e identification card and or passport,theyareeligiblefor thegrant.
“Of course, this new measure of transferring $100,000toeveryGuyanese 18 years and above at the qualifying date of the 1st January 2024 will cost well in excess of the $60B previously allocated for the one-off household grant However, in the interest of ensuring the widest possible benefit is given to the Guyanese population “we believe that this is the best course of action, and as a responsiblegovernment,asa governmentthatunderstands thatwehavearesponsibility to ensure that all feel included and are part of the system, it is important that we build a system that is robust in delivering this grant,”thePresidentsaid.
On Thursday, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo reminded reporters that persons must register to receivethecashgrantandare mandated to present their valid National Identification Card(ID)orvalidpassport. Jagdeosaidthatthoseare theonlyacceptableformsof identification used to confirm an eligible Guyanese.
Sunken MV ‘Miss Susie’ wreckage being removed from Dem. River - Edghill
Pursuant to the Maritime Administration Department's (MARAD) instruction for the owner of the MV'Miss Susie' vessel to remove the wreckage from the mouth of the DemeraraRiver,workshavebegun.
The vessel, which sank on November 13, 2024, at 22:30 hrs is located approximately 4.4 nautical miles from the Georgetown Lighthouse and presents a significant hazard to marinenavigation.
ArecentnoticeissuedintheNovember19,2024editionof theStabroekNewsstated,“Thiswreckliesinacharteddepth ofapproximately1.8meters.Allmarinesarerequiredtostay clearofthiswreck,andnavigatewithextremecautionwhenin the vicinity.”Investigations are ongoing on how the vessel sank.
Let us not be silent witnesses!
Ray Daggers walked from
Corriverton to Charity It was a journey so epic it might have been plucked from mythology Braving the heat, rain, and exhaustion, this solitary figure of moral indignation called upon the conscience of a nation to rise against a lopsided oil contract that robsGuyanaofitsbirthright. HistrekwasaHerculeanfeat of physical endurance and moralresolve,unmatchedin the annals of our nation’s history.Alongtheway,some cheered him, others walked beside him, but far too few lenttheirvoicestohiscryfor justice.
Daggers’ journey is not the first clarion call against the Production Sharing Agreement(PSA)signedby our government with oil multinationals. Glenn Lall has been an unrelenting voice in this struggle, organizing pickets, hosting radio shows, and enduring insults, character assassination, and threats. Figures like Christopher RamandMelindaJankihave meticulously exposed the contract’s exploitative provisions, offering clear evidence of its inequities. None of these individuals standtogainpersonallyfrom theirefforts.Theyactnotfor fameorfortune,butoutofa
profound sense of public duty Yet, where is the outrage of ordinary Guyanese?Whydosomany remain silent, even as they knowthetruth?
In2018,arepresentative pollshowedthateightoutof ten Guyanese disapproved o f t h e P S A T h i s overwhelming discontent should be enough to galvanize a nation Yet, political factionalism and fearhavedulledtheedgesof ourcollectivemoraloutrage. For supporters of the PPP/C government, to demandchangemayfeellike a betrayal of the party they voted for APNU+AFC supporters face a similar conundrum, as their party was responsible for signing theverycontractinquestion.
A n d s o , w e a r e paralyzed not by ignorance,butbyallegiance. Fear of victimization, social ostracism, or political retribution keeps us from takingastand.
Buthistoryisnotkindto silence. Imagine a world where Gandhi had cowered in the face of the British Empire, where Martin Luther King Jr had succumbed to fear, where Critchlow, Jagan, Burnham, and Rodney had chosen comfort over courage.Their defiance shaped nations, changed destinies, and
secured freedoms. The PSA is not just a bad deal; it is a betrayal. It mortgaged our resources to multinationals while leaving Guyana crumbs from the table of plenty The revenue we should be using to build schools, hospitals, and infrastructure instead lines thepocketsofoilgiants.The government, past and present, has failed to renegotiate this travesty, ignoring the will of the people.
This is not a partisan issue.ItisaGuyaneseissue. Political allegiances should notmuzzleyourvoicewhen the future of your country is at stake. The oil under our seabed belongs to all of us—PPP supporters, APNU supporters, and those who claim no allegiance It belongs to our children and theirchildren.
Fearispowerful,butsois courage.Imaginewhatcould happen if every Guyanese who disapproved of the contract took to the streets, wrotealetter,orraisedtheir voice or joined the calls to stay at home in protest. The governmentwouldbeforced to act—not because it wants to, but because it has no choice.Thisistheessenceof democracy: holding leaders accountable, demanding transparency,andrefusingto be silenced by fear or
Traffic ranks and de “Highway Harvest”
Dem boys seh road accidents goneupsobad, ifyuhain’tcareful,yuhgun start seein’ traffic lights wearin’ black armbands. But who really enjoyin’all dis chaos? Not de drivers, not de poor pedestrians dodgin’carslikeisacricket match. Is dem dishonest traffic ranks, man! Every time somebody seh stricter enforcement, dem corrupt ranks does start grinnin’ likedemwinlotto.
De government seh, “Raisedefines!Suspendde licenses! Lock up de careless drivers!” But yuh know wah does really happen?
De fine money never reach de treasury; it does tek a detour into some dishonest traffic rank’s pocket. One fine and dem corrupt boys does walk home wid bulgin’ wallets, whistlin’happytunes.
Dem boys seh is like dem traffic ranks who shady joinin’a secret club.
De motto is, “De road is dangerous,butmypocketis safe.” Yuh could imagine? More fines mean more crooked ranks pockets gettin’fat. Moreaccidents meanmore“arrangements” ondesideofderoad.Islike dem ranks lookin’ at de chaos and sayin’, “Bring it on!”
De other day, one dishonesttrafficranksehhe can’t wait fuh de next big campaign. He seh, “More enforcement mean more opportunity!” Dem boys seh he soundin’ like he runnin’ a business and de road accidents is he main supplier Now, everybody talkin’ ‘bout suspending licenses. But dem boys seh dat does only mek de bribes bigger License suspend? No problem, just grease de
factionalism.Wemustbreak free from this paralysis History teaches us that the onlywaytosecurejusticeis through collective action Let us not squander the sacrificesofthosewhohave walked before us, nor the courage of those who walk now This is a call to action. The heroes of our past and thechampionsofourpresent haveshownustheway It is now up to us to follow.Takeastand—notfor a party, but for a principle. Speakout—notagainstyour neighbor, but for your n
a n d change—not for yourself, but for generations yet unborn The road from Corriverton to Charity is long, but so is the road to justice.
Let us walk it together
Let us make Ray Daggers’ journeythesparkthatignites a movement. Let us honor the courage of Glenn Lall, Christopher Ram, and MelindaJankibyfindingour own. Let us refuse to be silent witnesses to the exploitationofourresources and the mortgaging of our future.
This is your country, youroil,yourmoment.Take astand!
(The views expressed in this article are those of the
necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
rightpalmandyuhcouldbe back drivin’faster dan yuh couldseh“stopsign.”Dem ranks even got “special packages” fuh repeat offenders. De higher de penalty, de more lucrative debusiness.
But here’s de joke. All dem campaigns only last fuh a week or two. After dat, is business as usual. Drivers speedin’ like dem latefuhJudgmentDay De roadrage,deovertakin’,de h o r n - b l o w i n ’ competition all does comeback.
So next time yuh hear ‘bout stricter enforcement, don’tgehvex.Justknowde only thing gettin’stricter is degripdemcrookedtraffic ranks got on yuh wallet. Dem boys seh traffic enforcement nah stop accidents—itdoesjustmek corruption drive a faster car Talkhalf.Leffhalf
Welcome, Mr. PM
Guyanahasrolledoutthe red carpet for India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi
Because it is Mr Modi, and the storied heritage and linkageofGuyanatoMother India,theredcarpetisalittle wider and a little longer I call that advancing the charm offensive in carefully calibratedstrides. Guyanese have brought their red garlands to greet their distinguished visitor and his entourage.
Because a great first impression is the first objective, the garlands are redder and more in number Insuccincttermsthatwould make former US President Calvin Coolidge proud (he wasn't called “Silent Cal” idly), the PPP Government andleadership,aswellasthe Guyanese people pulled out all the stops to deliver a w e l c o m e t o t h e
distinguished Indian PM. It wouldhavemadeakingcry
In what is fast becoming the norm, the dirty job of capsizingboatsandbursting birthday balloons is left to a nobody like me. I give advance warning to His Excellency, the Indian Ambassador: be on guard, sir! The cavalry is on the way, and it is not with peacefulintents.
Prime Minister Modi may be distinguished in many areas, I will give him t h a t c o u r t e s y , acknowledgment. Butwhen I question some of his own citizenscurrentlylivinghere (not ones serving in official capacities), their reactions and recognitions about his positives are few and far between. My first concern about PM Modi is that he is fixated on that religious supremacy business of his,
while still pushing forward claimsaboutdemocracy He reminds me of some PPP Governmentluminarieswho have their supremacy visions,whowerepartofhis welcoming party Here, the supremacy visions are cloaked under the umbrella of“one”ofallthings. Slick politiciansdohavetheirown language, complete with its own peculiar vocabulary, and their unorthodox meanings. Mr Modi is about democracy, world leadership, economic justice, and climate change parity Isaythatallofthatis good, four times over But can a man, one who is a prime minister no less, be allowed to get away with speaking silkily about democracy while there is thatabominationinvolvinga huge minority right there in hisbelovedIndia?
TherealityofIndiaunder the honorable prime ministerialstrategiesrelative to Muslims in his country is nothing but the irony of a silent tragedy One about which the world knows plenty, says only the paltry There are over 200 million Muslims, who are bona fide citizens of India, yet the majority of them are treated like serfs under the guiding hand and what comes out of theheadofMr Modi. What doesitsaywhentherewasa manlikeLalKrishnaAdvani in his camp, so close to his own bosom? I remind my fellow Guyanese, all people of fraternity and tranquility, of mosques razed and temples built, and leave the rest to others to take from there. Ihavesaidmypiece. It is this: I have no use for bigots,localorforeign. The localonesareself-identified by their callous actions. I pointtoAmericaandIndiaat theirpoliticalpinnacles,and assertthatbigotsandmenof rareprejudiceslivethere. Still, courtesy demands that I treat visiting PM Narendra Modi, a brother, with the dignity his office requires. Butnothinginthis world can make me appreciate and applaud a man, leader, who has his
record Kashmir, citizenship laws, human rights, and a land where democracy is retreating and licking its wounds. Democracy dying not with dignity, but in the ignominy of drawn out bits andpieces. Thisistheworld leader who is embraced in Guyanacurrently BecauseI have so many concerns aboutwhatgoesonhere(any citizenthatraisesobjections, stands in opposition, is a dirtyenemy),therecanbeno love lost for the likes of Narendra Modi, or Donald Trump. If I cannot be a proud,fearlessmanofcolor, oneofprofoundbeliefs,then Iamnotworthytobeaman, norofthislife. NowIaskfor the privilege of a slight departure.
Guyanese, especially Guyanese Muslims, have protested the genocide of their religious brothers in Palestine. Public marches and public protests seen and commended. Where are those Muslim Guyanese now, with bhai Modi here and graced with grand honors, political worship?
Excellency Ali, a Muslim officially, has his leadership duties, which trump other considerations. But other Muslim Guyanese cannot
claim his elevated mantle. Where are they now? It wouldhavebeeninspiringto hear some outraged voices, filled with poignancy over thepathosoftheirbrethrenin Ayodhya and Jumma, and elsewhere. Perhaps,todoso would harm intimate and intricate relationships with Drs.Ali,Dr.Jagdeo,andDr Zulfikar To protest about Palestinians is safe, no personal impacts here. To decry Mr Modi now would leavesomeinnoman'sland. It is where I am, what is liked. In closing, I recall how incensed many Guyanese were over LFS Burnham, but how they didn't have a problem with one S.S Ramphal. We must be honest enough to ask ourselves one question Why?
I welcome PM Narendra Modiinmyownuniqueway Credentials were just presented Do have a wonderfully good time, sir (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Brutus now on $17.25M bail for 252 charges
Arraigned twice within one week, embattled
Assistant Police
Commissioner Calvin Brutus on Friday returned to the Georgetown Magistrates' Court where he was slappedwith21additionalfinancial crime charges and released on $1.4Mbail.
Friday's charges took the total number of charges against him to 252,withacumulativebailamount of $17.25 million. On Monday, Brutus faced 201 similar charges and was placed on $ 10.5 million bail.Inanearliercourtappearance, he faced 30 charges and was granted$6.2millionbail.
The assistant police commissioneronFridayfacednew charges that included seven counts ofconspiracytocommitafelonyby obtaining money under false pretence, seven counts of misconduct in public office, and sevencountsofliabilityofofficials.
Also charged for similar financial crimes by the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) were Police Sergeant Latoya Brummel and Businessman Corwin Nicholson They were chargedjointlywithBrutus.
They all appeared in
accompany of their lawyers; Yuborn Allicock, Eusi Anderson, Earl Daniels and Dominic Bess, before Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty who presided over thecase.
During the court proceedings,
with seven counts of conspiracy to commit a felony with obtaining by falsepresentence.
Thechargesallegethatbetween December1,2023,andJanuary31, 2024, at GPF headquarters Eve Leary, Kingston Georgetown, the triowithintenttodefraudtheState, conspiredwitheachothertocollect $14,395,000, $14,851,000, $14,654,050, $14,805,000, $14,535,000, $14,054,600, and $14,725,000 on several occasions fromGPFforgoodsthatwerenever supplied.
Brummel, 37, served 10 years as a police sergeant, while Nicholson,47,isacontractorbased in Lethem, Region 9 Both BrummelandNicholsonwereeach granted $700,000 bail with $100,000 set for each of the seven charges that was requested by the prosecution.
all charges were read to the accused,buttheywerenotrequired to enter a plea The charges primarily involve funds from the Guyana Police Force (GPF), totalling approximately $102 million. It is alleged that Brutus exploited his position as Assistant
misappropriate money from the Force with the assistance of SergeantBrummelandNicholson. Brutus, Brummel and Nicholson were jointly charged
Attorney Anderson asked that bail be reduced but his request proved futile as Magistrate McGusty wanted to impose a higher amount than what the prosecution had suggested. “I was surprised by when you (prosecution) said $100,000 because my implications were (Continuedonpage17)
CARICOM finalizes Arrest Warrant Bill and Gang Database in bid to strengthen regional security
Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Dr Keith Rowley on Friday announcedthecompletionof the CARICOM (Caribbean Community) Arrest Warrant Bill, a legal framework
aimed at preventing criminals from evading justice across borders. The bill ensures consistent legal consequences for crimes committedwithintheregion, reinforcingregionalsecurity andaccountability Dr Rowley made the announcement during the
secondregionalsymposium, focused on, 'Violence as a Public Health Issue – the CrimeChallenge,'heldatthe Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC) in Georgetown.
Rowley explained that thenewlegislationaddresses gapsthatpreviouslyallowed criminalstoescapejusticeby crossing borders within the region. “Our little criminal punks must now know that every CARICOM tertiary the law applies to them equally with respect and as
soon as we implement the laws that with respect to warrants for their restraints apprehension,inanticipation of successful prosecution that there are no safe harbours in any of our CARICOM territories,” Dr Rowleysaid.
This process, known as extradition, ensures that individuals found in one country can be surrendered to another for trial or punishment Dr Rowley expressed his eagerness to implement the Arrest
Warrant Bill swiftly, con
CARICOM legal team for theirwork.
The Prime Minister also provided an update on the Advan
Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) bills, which are nearing completion. These initiatives will enable more efficient cross-border cooperation, improving data sharing and passenger tracking to combat transnationalcrime.
“Thesearetoolsthatwill facilitatelawenforcementin a very efficient way and allow law enforcement to have a little bit of an upper hand on those who plan crime against our population,”hesaid.
Furthermore, steps are being taken to strengthen intelligence-sharing across borders. This will allow law enforcement to more effectively investigate, apprehend, and prosecute criminals. Rowley stressed the importance of identifying "known bad
actors" before they can executetheirplans,ensuring a more effective response to thosewhochoosecrimeasa way of life Meanwhile, CARICOM IMPACS has established a Caribbean Gang Database to enhance regional law enforcement cooperation. The database will be a vital resource for sharing intelligence across memberstates.Additionally, research initiatives like the "Pathway to Policy" project are underway to address issues such as firearms trafficking and violence by integratingpublichealthand security responses CARICOM IMPACS has alsoconductedconsultations to identify gaps in national and regional mechanisms to combatcorruptionandillicit finance.
TheEconomicandSocial BurdenofCrime At Friday's symposium, PresidentIrfaanAlispokeof thesignificanteconomicand socialburdenofcrimeinthe Caribbean, citing a 2017 IMF (International
PrimeMinisterofTrinidad andTobago Dr. Keith Rowley
President Irfaan Ali
CraneSocialWorkerawardedEU's 2024HumanRightsAward
For her hard work and dedication in addressing social issues among youths and women for more than 20 years, Founder of Youths with Purpose, Maureen Hope, was on Thursday evening awarded the 2024 Delegation of the European Union (EU) Human Rights Award.
Presenting the award to Hope on Thursday at a simple, yet significant ceremony, was EU's Ambassador Rene Van Nes who said that the annual award commemorates the Universal Declaration of HumanRights.
Hope, a dedicated social workerwhoresidesatCrane on the West Coast of Demerara (WCD), has dedicatedmorethan20years of her life to addressing
s o c i a l i s s u e s a n d empowering local youths in various communities in RegionThree.
Sharing a brief background about her work and what prompted her, Hope said it all stemmed from her own childhood experiences.
“Itisthepassionthatisin me. I started this work more than 21 years ago and the work that I am doing, it's beingdonewithjustthelocal peopleinmycommunity,the children especially I'm not ashamed to say what promptedorguidedmetodo
FounderofYouthswith Purpose, Maureen Hope
that, it was my early childhood,wewerepoor I'm not ashamed to say that and so when I became an adult and I saw people in the situation I was in, it moved my heart to help them,” she explained.
The awardee noted that she first initiated her nongovernmental organsiation from Sunday school a few years ago after working closely with ChildLink Inc. at the time. “I was working withChildLinkandwewere workingwiththechildrenin the communities and so I would go and work with these children and these children begin to share their stories.And so, we begin to
Jamal Forde was charged with exposing his genitals
Customs Officer charged with exposing genitals to police constable
A 36-year-old Customs Officer was on Friday charged for allegedly exposing his genitals to a policeman, resisting arrest anddisorderlybehaviour
The accused has been identified as Jamal Forde of Providence, East Bank Demerara (EBD). Forde wasarrestedfortheoffences twomonthsagobutwasonly chargedonFridayfollowing aninvestigation.
Maureen Hope receiving the 2024 EU Delegation of Human Rights Award from Ambassador Rene Van Nes on Thursday
work with them, mentoring them and there was great behaviour change so the parentswantedtoknowwhat happened so they too came along and we started a group,”shesaid.
She registered her organisation in 2018 and
since then she has been working with youths and women all across Region Three.
Hope shared that the name of the orangisation camefromworkingwiththe youths, who she would usually tell “Regardless of
what is happening in your life there is a purpose for you, you have purpose and you must fulfill that purpose.”
Expressing gratitude for the award, Hope also thanked those agencies that helped to build her capacity asabetterfacilitatorandhelp shaped her organisation to whereitistoday
In his brief remarks, Ambassador Van Nes said that the EU has been indirectlysupportingYouths with Purpose through ChildLink and has seen the outstanding work Hope has been doing in addressing social issues with the locals inhercommunity
initiativesinupliftingyoung people, educating and teaching them skills and making sure that young women can actually earn theirownliving,thattheEU honouredherthisyear.
“Wegivethatawardeach year to people that do fantastic work and not
recognition. So,thisistobe mindful of those people that devote their lives to making surethatthisworldisabetter place and do expect absolutely nothing in return,” the Ambassador stated.
HeaddedthattheHuman Rights Award is really to highlightthattheEUandthe EU Delegation here in Guyana is a firm believer in the role of civil society and the role played in protecting humanrights.
Since 2017, the EU Delegation to Guyana has been presenting the Human Rights Award to recognise and honour individuals or organizations that have
promotion and protection of human rights within the country.
The award underscores the EU's commitment to supporting human rights defenders and civil society organisationsinGuyana.
The Customs Officer appeared before Magistrate Abigail Gibbs at the Sparendaam Magistrates' Court where he pleaded not guiltytotheoffences. He was granted $60,000 bail for exposing his genitals, $50,000 bail for resisting arrest and $50,000 fordisorderlybehaviour Forde is scheduled to returntocourtonDecember 12,2024.
Sod turned for $175M Maruranau Secondary School
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand alongside the contractor and regional officials turning the sod for the construction of the Maruranau Secondary School.
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand on Friday turned the sod to commence the construction of the $175 million Maruranau Secondary SchoolinRegionNine.
The project which was
awarded to Sheriff Construction Inc for $175,525,300 by the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office is expectedtobecompletedby Junenextyear
According to Minister Manickchand, this first-ofits-kind secondary school there will serve three main areas: Maruranau, Shea and Awarewanau Villages and willaccommodatesome400 students.
“It's a secondary school that will cater for about 400 children there will be dorms for the children from Awarewanau and Shea. I understandthechildrenfrom Rupanau want to go here instead of Sand Creek (Secondary School) and there will be a teachers' quarter This project should finish next year June so we are going to be in a new secondary school here at thesevillagesinDeepSouth
bynextSeptember,”shesaid onFriday This publication previously reported that this is Sheriff's third secondary school project for the year
The construction company was awarded a contract in July to build the Kopinang Secondary School for $199 million, and in June it was awarded the $231 million contract to build the secondary school in Jawalla Village.
The new secondary school is one of several that the government plans to build in the hinterland regions.
Kaieteur News had reported that secondary school students were being accommodated at the Maruranau Primary Top School but recently had a new secondary department building constructed in the village.
In August, the Office of the Regional Executive Officer (REO), Karl Singh revealed in a Facebook post that a new a Secondary Educational Building was constructed which will be serving the students of Maruranau, Shea and AwarewanauVillages.
It was stated that the establishmentofthebuilding for the secondary departmentisacollaborative effortofthegovernment,the Regional Administration, local leaders, educators, and community members, who have long recognized the n
The new secondary department which is currently being utilized is offering a range of subjects aligned with the national curriculum, providing students with a robust educational foundation, the
Regional Development Councilofficereported.
“A historic moment unfolded in Maruranau Village as the community proudlyinaugurateditsfirstever Secondary Department building marking a significant step forward in theeducationallandscapeof the Deep South Rupununi region.
This new facility, which began orientation and enrollment this week, will serveasacrucialeducational hubfortheregion,providing access to secondary education for 180 students from Maruranau and the
neighbouring villages of Shea andAwarewanau,” the RDC said in a Facebook post.Meanwhile, inApril, at an outreach in the region, MinisterPriyaManickchand told residents that four new secondary schools are expectedtobeconstructedin the region at Nappi, Massara, Maruranau and Tabatingavillages.
It was reported that the construction of the secondary schools will ease the overcrowding at St Ignatius, while closing the primary tops in the other communities will provide s
opportunity to have better accesstolearning.
Thisyear,theMinistryof Education was allocated $74 4Billion from the nationalbudget,aportionof which will be used for the construction, rehabilitation, extension and maintenance ofeducationalfacilities.This newspaper reported that since taking office in 2020 the ministry has embarked onanaggressiveprogramme to ensure that the nation's children have access to secondary education The aim is to achieve universal secondary education by 2025.
GPHC completed over 160 joint replacement surgeries between January & November
Withacurrentsurgical waiting list of over 500 patients, the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) between January to November this year completed 166 knee and hip replacement surgeries (joint replacements).
The hospital made the disclosure in a press statement on Thursday where it expressed its gratitude to Operation Walk Maryland, a non-profit medical organization based in Maryland, USAwhich it collaborated with to successfullycomplete57surgeries outofthe166.
According to the hospital, over thecourseoftheorganisation'svisit from November 14th to 21st, the teamofover50specializedmedical professionals conducted 57 joint replacement surgeries on 53 patients.
“The mission's efforts this year took place over an intensive fourday period Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday during whichsurgerieswereperformedon patients requiring knee and hip replacements.
Despite elective surgeries typically being scheduled on weekdays, GPHC implemented special arrangements to facilitate
this extraordinary mission and optimize outcomes for our patients,”GPHCnoted.
This being their fourth mission to Guyana since 2018, the visiting team included a diverse group of healthcare specialists such as surgeons, anaesthesiologists, internal medicine specialists, nurses, technicians, and physiotherapists.
According to the hospital, this team of medical professionals worked alongside GPHC's local staff to significantly address a
“To date, GPHC's orthopaedic team has performed 109 joint replacement surgeries from January to November 2024, with thismissionadding57moretothat total,”thehospitalrevealed.
With GPHC being the only public facility in Guyana offering joint replacement surgeries, the health institution continues to face anoverwhelmingdemandforthese life-changing procedures, with a currentsurgicalwaitinglistofover 500patients.
While joint replacement surgeries are essential for improving the quality of life for those suffering from advanced arthritis,non-surgicalmanagement such as therapy and medication remains the initial course of treatment for most patients, the hospitalshared. When all these methods are proveninsufficient,thensurgeryis typically reserved as the final step forthesepatients.
Commending Operation Walk Maryland and the local team for
theirsupportanddedicationforyet another successful mission, GPHC added, “As the mission concludes, we are pleased to report that all 53 patients have been successfully discharged, with comprehensive post-operativecareplansinplace.” Kaieteur News understands that Operation Walk Maryland, whose mission is giving the gift of restoring mobility to patients by replacing their joints, visited Guyana on three previousoccasions:2018,2019and 2022.
Operation Walk Maryland and GPHC collaborated to complete 57 joint replacement surgeries.
Govt. now looking at joint venture agreements
to curb rent-a-citizen scheme
T h e G u y a n e s e government is increasing its scrutiny of joint venture agreements between local and foreign companies to address the persistent issue of rent-a-citizen schemes and fronting in the oil and gassector
Director of the Local Content Secretariat, Dr Martin Pertab, revealed
during the Energy Perspectives Podcast that some joint-
ure agreements limit the local partner's decision-making authority, undermining the principle of beneficial ownership.
The Local Content Act currently features 40 areas for services carved out for Guyanese businesses including rentals, supply of goods, accounting, catering and welding Foreign companies wanting to operate within those areas are required to partner with local firms. However, the law stipulates that the Guyanesepartnermusthave 51% or more beneficial ownership, among other benefits Since the enactmentofthelawbackin 2021, the Secretariat has observed foreign companies finding new ways to flout this law in order to gain access to the 40 areas of
Directorofthe Secretariat, Dr. Martin Pertab
have more than 51% of the shares,andyetyoucanmake decisionbyyourself,without the 49% you know, shareholders,” Dr Pertab explained.
He emphasised that agreements failing to meet the beneficial ownership criteria are flagged for revision.
Dr Pertabalsonotedthat the Secretariat also reviews financial statements to corroborate ownership claims.
services set aside for Guyanesebusinesses.
“ S
agreement in favor of the foreign counterpart, would be like, you know, one you can't sell the share, two you can't make any decision withoutourinput,thoughwe own49%.Whenyoulookat it that is not beneficial ownership. How can you
“You can't say to us that the local beneficiary owns the company, yet they can't make any decision by themselves…the local are theowners.
Yet they can't for example, sell their shares. You know those are things thatmustbesatisfiedormust be met, if we are talking a
companies,” the Director noted.
On November 5, 2024, Kaieteur News reported that Minis
Resources Vickram Bharrat disclosed that foreign companies operating in the oilandgassectorcontinueto find new ways to sidestep Guyana'sLocalContentlaw
Theministerwasspeakingat the P
Commission'ssecondannual Local Content Forum. He addressed the escalating tactics some companies are employing to meet local content requirements on paper while continuing to channel the benefits outside Guyana, through deceptive practices.
The minister talked about how certain companies use strategies such as “rent-a-citizen” or “fronting,” where foreign entities rely on locals as
superficial fronts to comply with local ownership laws. Minister Bharrat said that while his ministry, through the Local Content Secretariat always get feedback and/ complaints about new mechanisms foreign companies use to flout the local content requirements – the foreign companieshavegrownmore sophisticated in their methods.
According to him, the companies are evolving from the “blatant” use of front men to tactics like creatingshellcompaniesand partnerships with newly naturalisedcitizens.
“So, there are different methods now, naturalization of people who've been in Guyana and making them partners, establishment of shell companies with no assets or no liquidity,” MinisterBharratsaid.
Nandlall slaps ‘Melly Mel’ with $100 million Libel lawsuit
Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall, SC, hasfileda$100millionlibel lawsuit against social media personality Melissa Atwell, knownas“MellyMel.”
Thesuit,filedintheHigh Court on Friday, accuses Atwell of publishing defamatory statements on her Facebook page on November21,2024.
In a statement, Nandlall said,“Iamherebyproviding Melissa Atwell with a glorious opportunity to appear before and establish to the satisfaction of an independent and impartial tribunal, the veracity of the many false and fabricated allegations she has made againstme.Afterall,itisthe least I can do and Atwell deservesnoless.”
AttorneyGeneralandMinister ofLegalAffairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall, SC Melissa Atwell, known as 'Melly Mel'
The lawsuit claims that Atwell's posts contained false, malicious, and defamatory allegations that have irreparably damaged Nandlall's reputation and
standingasaseniorattorney and government minister
According to the Attorney General, the accusations portray him as a thief, a murderer,andsomeoneunfit
to hold public office or practicelaw
The legal action seeks: damages exceeding $100 million for libel, an injunction to preventAtwell
from publishing similar materialandanorderforthe removal of all defamatory posts from her Facebook page.
“The nine publications made by the Defendant that havebeencomplainedabout in these proceedings have seriously and irreparably damaged and are likely to continue to seriously and irreparably damage, the reputation and standing of the Claimant among his Cabinet colleagues, his politicalpeersandindeedall right-thinking members of society in Guyana, the Caribbean and throughout the world,” the document said Nandlall emphasized thatAtwell'spostsarepartof a “malicious and spiteful defamatory campaign” intended to lower his status.
Nandlall noted that he has neverinteractedwithAtwell and is only aware of her presenceonsocialmedia.
“The entire smear campaign launched against the claimant is based upon manufactured allegations, maliciously intended to destroy the Claimant's reputation and professional standing…” the court filing stated.
The Attorney General also pointed to a broader issue of defamatory content published by some social media personalities, both locallyandabroad.Henoted that the government is working with U S law enforcement and legal firms to address such instances, which he said can incite racial violence and cause publicharm.
Male sales-rep 22-28 years old, Knowledge about vehicle models would be an asset. Call : 619-1237.
One male able bodies staff to work in a hardware store. Call : 231-2029 , 693-8462.
Drivers (25-45 Year old) to deliver Groceries & Porter to work on the canter & warehouse. Attractive salary. Tel673-7373.
One Canter driver must have at least 5 years experience. Call : 613-0855 between 9:004pm.
One excavator operator must have at least 5 years experience.Call : 613-0855 between 9:00-4pm.
Wanted one driver. Call: 2239677 / 648-1391.
One male & Female staff to work in a store. Call: 225-2313 / 658-8559.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
TAKE NOTICE that on the 28th day of June, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by RAVEENA WILLIS nee MOHAMED, the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.
NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 20th day of August, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of the Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana.
NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.
Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Dem erara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mon days to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.Dated the 30th day of October, 2024.
/ 661-3030.
for sale. Call: 6107152 / 643-8920.
NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition and Application, you must file an Acknowledgment of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Friday the 13th day of January, 2025 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Fidela Corbin-Lincoln via zoom meeting ID: 882 1097 6231 and password: Court12.IN DEFAULTof your filing an Acknowledgement of Service. Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross
2024-HC-DEM-CIV-FD-1077 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE FAMILY, DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION FAMILY DIVISIOn Petition No. FD1077 BETWEEN: (RAMTAHAL)PREMCHAND Petitioner/Applicant -and- (RAMAHAL) LAKEMATTIE nee LHAGAN Respondent TO: LAKEMATTIE RAMAHAL nee LHAGAN Last Known Address Lot 64 Third Street, Industry, East Coast Demerara, Guyana. TAKE NOTICE that on the 31st day of July, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by PREMCHAND RAMTAHAL, the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 3rd day of September, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of his Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, pub lished and circulated in Guyana of General circ ulation in Guyana and on the Worldwide web (online). AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorneyat-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara
where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.TAKE NOTICE that the Divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Tuesday the 28th day of January, 2025 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Deborah Kumar-Chetty via Zoom Meeting ID: 703 085 9517 and Password: DKCfamct1. IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 11th day of November, 2024
TAKE NOTICE that on the 28th day of June, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by SHARON SANDY nee ALBERT, the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 9th day of October, 2024 the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana and on the Worldwide Web AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledge ment of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Regi stry), an Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Not ice.TAKE NOTICE that the Divorce is fixed for Dire ctions Hearing on Wedne sday the 27th day of November, 2024 at 10:10 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Fidela Corbin-Lincoln via zoom Meeting ID: 882 1097 6231 and Passcode: Court12 IN DEFAULT of you filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, an Answer and/ or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers app ropriate, including granting the Divorce.The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the LawCourts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00 am to 2:30 pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 18th day of October, 2024
PETITION NO. FD-1226 BETWEEN:(SAMUELS)MERLE ANDREA nee STEPHEN Petitioner/Applicant -v- (SAMUELS) WILLIAM ALEXANDERANDREW Respondent To: WILLIAM ALEXANDER ANDREW SAMUELS Formerly of Lot 437 ‘A’ Field Sophia, Georgetown,Guyana.
TAKE NOTICE that on Tuesday the 9th day of September, 2024 a petition for divorce was filed against you by MERLE ANDREA SAMUELS nee STEPHENS , the petitioner in the family division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.
NOTICE that as part of an order made on the 22nd day of October, 2024 the petitioner was directed to effect service of his petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana and on the worldwide web (Online).
NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of the family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara. Where you will be issued with a certified copy of the petition together with related documents.
NOTICE that if you desire to defend this divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the petition, you must file an acknowledge ment of service, Notice of intention of defend (forms
are available at the registry), an answer and/or Cross petition in the registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35(thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this notice.TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for directions hearing on Thursday the 9th day of January, 2025 at at 10:00 am before the honorable Madam Justice Deborah Kumar –Chetty via Zoom meeting ID : 703 085 9517 and passcode : DKCfamct1. IN DEFAULT of you filing an acknowledgement of service /Notice of intention to defend , an answer and/or Cross petition the court may proceed in your absent and may make any order it consider appropriate, including granting the divorce.
The registry of the family division of the High court is located at the Law Court (Georgetown, Demerara). The office is open to the public between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm Mondays- Thursday s and 8:00 am -2:30 pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the registry is closed. Dated the 29th day of October, 2024.
RAMDHAR (Address unknown)TAKE NOTICE that on the 25th day of October, 2024 a petition for divorce was filed against you by GANGA PERSAUD RAMNAUTH, the petitioner in the family division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an order made on the 25th day of October, 2024 the
petitioner was directed to effect service of his petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana. AND FUTHER TAKE
NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of the family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara. Where you will be issued with a certified copy of the petition together with related documents.
NOTICE that if you desire to defend this divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the petition, you must file an acknowledgement of service, Notice of intention of defend (forms are available at the registry), an answer and/or Cross petition in the registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35(thirtyfive) days from the date of the Second and final publication of this notice.
TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for directions hearing on Tuesday the 14th day of January ,2025 at 10:00 am before the honorable Madam Justice Deborah Kumar –Chetty at the High Court at Georgetown via Zoom ID:703 085 9517 and passcode : DKCfamct1. IN DEFAULT of you filing an acknowledgement of service /Notice of intention to defend , an answer and/or Cross petition the court may proceed in your absent and may make any order it consider appropriate, including granting the divorce.The registry of the family division of the High court is located at the Law Court (Georgetown, Demerara). The office is open to the public between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm Mondays- Thursday s and 8:00 am -2:30 pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the registry is closed. Dated the 30th day of October, 2024.
Brutus now on $17.25M bail for 252 charges...
From page 11 much higher…be very grateful,” Magistrate McGusty said.
Nicholson also faced seven individual charges related to obtaining money by false pretences.
He was granted $1.05 million bail, with $150,000 set for each charge.
The prosecution did not oppose bail for the offences.
The most charges were read to Brutus, who remained calm and composed throughout the proceedings.
Among the charges, Brutus faces seven counts of misconduct in public office. These charges allege that while serving as Deputy Commissioner (Administration) at the GPF headquarters,
Brutus instructed Finance Officer and Superintendent of Police Bharat Persaud to prepare Bank of Guyana cheques on several occasions between December 1, 2023, and January 31, 2024, totalling $102,019,600. The cheques were allegedly made payable to Corwin Nicholson of 3D
Construction to provide a large quantity of boots, pointed stars, handcuffs, handcuffs casings, uniform cloth among other items, knowing the items were not supplied or delivered to the GPF with any reasonable excuse.
For these offences, Brutus was granted $350,000 bail with $50,000 set for each of the charges. He also faced seven
counts of liability of officials while serving as Deputy Commissioner (Administration), Brutus allegedly made the opportunity to Nicholson through his business to defraud the State of Guyana $102M between December 1,2023 and January 31, 2024. For these charges, he was granted an additional $350,000 bail, with $50,000 for each of the seven counts. The prosecution did not object to bail for either of the offences but suggested a bail amount of $300,000 per charge for the misconduct in public office charges, and $50,000 for the liability of officials charges.
Brutus and his co-accused are scheduled to return to court on January 31, 2025.
CARICOM finalizes Arrest Warrant Bill...
From page 12 Monetary Fund) report that found violent crime to be widespread and deeply impactful. Ali noted that healthcare is one of the sectors most affected, as resources diverted to address crime limit the capacity to meet the population’s healthcare needs, ultimately harming public health and long-term investments in the sector.
The 2017 IMF study revealed that, on average, 40 percent of the Caribbean population views crime and security as the region’s most pressing issue, even more so than poverty and inequality. A more recent survey by the Inter-American Development
Bank found that the direct cost of crime and violence in Latin America and the Caribbean reached 3.44 percent of the region’s GDP in 2022.
President Ali pointed out that the economic burden of crime could account for up to 80 percent of the region’s education budget. If crime were reduced, the money saved could allow for an 80 percent increase in the education budget, transforming the region’s investment in future development.
Guyana’s president also highlighted the importance of addressing the root causes of crime.
He revealed that research shows that 85 percent of vio-
lent crimes are committed by men, many of whom were behind in education and job opportunities.
“I’ll give you one example, 66 percent of students at the University of Guyana are now women, and when you look at the scholarship program 70 percent of the total scholarships available which is in the last four years is more than 30,000 are taken up by woman,” he said noting that “The consequential event is that 85 percent of the violence crimes are committed by our male, so where their attention is being directed to? Definitely not education here, because the stats are not demonstrating that.”
Guyana will not give up fight for ceasefire in Gaza...
From page 06
assured that Guyana will continue to push for peace in the Middle East. “Their suffering must end. They need to see the seeds of peace being planted by this Council they need to see that this Security Council is giving peace a chance,” Rodrigues stated before reminding the Council that, “hope was dashed today (Wednesday)… that hope has not been eclipsed.”
“Guyana will continue to work with fellow Council members to try to achieve tomorrow what we could not achieve today (Wednesday). Not trying is simply not an option,” she declared.
The USA vetoed a resolution at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) demanding an “immediate, un-
conditional and permanent” ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, as Israel’s bombardment of the Palestinian territory continues,” Aljazeera reported on Wednesday.
Some 14 Council members were in favour of a ceasefire but the U.S. voted down the resolution as a permanent member of the council, while the 14 other members of the Council voted in favour.
Robert Wood, the Deputy U.S. envoy was quoted saying, “We made clear throughout negotiations that we could not support an unconditional ceasefire that failed to release the hostages.”
“A durable end to the war must come with the release of the hostages. These two urgent goals are inextricably linked. This resolution aban-
doned that necessity, and for that reason, the United States could not support it”, Wood reportedly said.
According to Aljazeera, Wednesday’s move is the “fourth time that US President Joe Biden’s administration has vetoed a resolution calling for an end to the war in Gaza since Israel’s military offensive began in October of last year.”
To date some 44,000 people have been killed in Gaza, many of them women and children.
The International Criminal Court has since issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his former Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant and a Hamas military commander for alleged war crimes.
Little hope in Gaza that arrest warrants will cool Israeli onslaught
hope on Friday that
InternationalCriminalCourt arrest warrants for Israeli leaderswouldslowdownthe onslaught on the Palestinian territory, where medics said atleast24peoplewerekilled in fresh Israeli military strikes.
Three others were killed inastrikenearabakeryanda fisherman was killed as he setouttosea.
In the central and southern areas, 12 people were killed in three separate Israeliairstrikes.
Meanwhile, Israeli forces deepened their i n c u r s i o n a n d bombardment of the northern edge of the
in offensive since early last month The military says it aims to prevent Hamas fighters from waging attacks and regrouping there; residents say they f
permanently depopulate a strip of territory as a buffer zone,whichIsraeldenies.
Residents in the three besieged towns on the northern edge - Jabalia, Beit Lahiya and Beit Hanoun - said Israeli forces had blown up dozensofhouses
An Israeli strike hit the Kam
Hospital in Beit Lahiya, one of three medical f a c i l i t
y operational in the area, injuring six medical staff, somecritically, the G
statement “The strike
n generator, and punctured the water tanks, leaving
oxygen or water, which threatens the lives of patients and staff inside the hospital,” it added It said 85 wounded people including children and women were inside, eight in the ICU Later on Friday, the Gaza health ministry said all hospital s
within 48 hours unless
restrictions which Israel says are designed to stop fuelbeingusedbyHamas. Gazans saw the ICC’s decision to seek the arrest of Israeli leaders for suspected war crimes a
e enclave’s plight
But those queuing for bread at a bakery in the southern city of Khan Younis were doubtful it would have any impact
“The decision will not be
a protects Israel, and it can veto anything Israel will not be held accountable,” said Saber Abu Ghali, as he waited for his turn in the crowd
Saeed Abu Youssef, 75, said even if justice were to arrive, it would be decades late: “We have been hearing decisions for more than 76 years that have not been implemented and haven’t done anything for us ” Israel launched its assaultonGazaafterHamas-
led militants stormed across the border fence, killed 1,200 people and seized more than 250 hostages on Oct. 7, 2023. Since then nearly 44,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, muchofwhichhasbeenlaid to waste The court’s prosecutors said there were reasonable grounds to believe Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defence Minister Yoav Gallant were criminally responsible for acts including murder, persecution, and starvation asaweaponofwar,aspartof a “widespread and systematicattackagainstthe civilianpopulationofGaza”.
Israel says Hamas is to blame for all harm to Gaza’s civilians, for operating among them, whichHamasdenies.
from across the political spectrum have denounced the ICC arrest warrants as biased and based on false evidence,andIsraelsaysthe courthasnojurisdictionover the war Hamas hailed the arrestwarrantsasafirststep towardsjustice.
Egypt backed by the United States to conclude aceasefiredealhavestalled. Hamas wants a deal that ends the war, while Netanyahu has vowed the war can end only once Hamasiseradicated.
d court also ordered the arrest of the top Hamas commander Ibrahim AlMasri, also known as MohammedDeif.Israelsays it has already killed him, which Hamas has not confirmed.
Truck driver in deadly Sheriff St. accident on $500k bail
A 28-year-old truck driver appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on Friday to answer a charge related to a fatal collision on Sheriff Street, Georgetown, which resulted in the death of pedestrian, CarltonSmartt.
Denzel Webb of Lot 11 Belfield Village, East Coast Demerara (ECD) is accused of driving a motor lorry in a manner dangerous to the
public on November 19, 2024, causing the death of
occurred around 06:50 hrs
charged with the offence of deathbydangerousdriving. Webb appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate FaithMcGustywhoreadthe charge to him. He was not requiredtoenteraplea.
According to police
reports, Webb was driving west along the southern drive lane on Dennis Street, Campbellville, Georgetown, at a high speed As he approached the intersection with Sheriff Street, where a stop sign was lawfully placed to regulate traffic, Webb failed to stop and ensureitwassafetoproceed. This led to a collision with another motor lorry driven by Emmanuel Henry Both
vehicleslostcontrolcausing Webbtospinintothepathof Smartt, who was walking east along the northern side ofDennisStreet.
Smartt’s body became trapped under the left rear wheel of Webb’s vehicle. Both Webb and Henry were transported to the GeorgetownPublicHospital Corporation(GPHC),where they received treatment and were later discharged
However, Smartt was pronounced dead at the scene by a doctor. His body w a s s u b s e q u e n t l y transported to the Memorial GardensMortuary.
Thecollisionalsocaused significant damage to a nearby shop and three other parked vehicles, with damages estimated at $25 million.
During the court proceedings,Webb’slawyer, George Thomas, applied for bail. Thomas argued that Webbhadattemptedtoapply the brakes, but the vehicle failed to respond, only coming to a stop when it collidedwithSmartt.
“Theaccused(Webb),in an attempt to apply the brakes, his vehicle did not correspondandonlystopped whenitcametorestwiththe defendant(Henry),”Thomas stated.
police investigates whether the truck’s brakes were faulty. Thomas also noted that Webb has been a truck driver for the past 10 years withnopriorantecedents.
Theprosecutionobjected tobail,citingtheseriousness oftheoffence,Webb’sspeed, and his failure to stop at the stop sign. The prosecution also noted that the vehicle’s inspection defect sheet did notrecordanyfaultswiththe brakes. However, a police officer involved in the investigation indicated that he was unaware of an inspection being conducted onthebrakes.
As a result, the matter was adjourned to allow the prosecution time to gather additional information regarding the brake inspection Webb was granted$500,000bailandis scheduled to return to court onDecember13,2024.
Denzel Webb
Louis 97, Athanaze 90 give West Indies slight edge after day one
(Cricinfo) - Mikyle Louis and Alick Athanaze both suffered the heartbreak of falling in the nineties on the first day of the Antigua Test against Bangladesh Otherwise, the West Indies pair did enough to make the opening day of the series theirs.
The 140-run fourth wicket stand between the pair revitalised West Indies’ innings, adding pace to the overallscoring.ItledtoWest
proceedings for more than twosessions. Louis came agonizingly close to his maiden Test century, but fell on 97 Despite showing great restraintthroughouthis218ballstay,Louisspent27balls in the nineties before falling to Bangladesh stand-in captain Mehidy Hasan Miraz Athanaze fell to Taijul Islam a few overs later, the second time he got outintheninetiesinhisshort Test career The Bangladesh
bowlers would be disappointed that they couldn’t hold back the Louis-Athanaze partnership after keeping West Indies’ scoring rate in check in the first54overs.TaskinAhmed took two wickets, while Taijul and Mehidy took one each,averagereturnsoverall despite B
adesh choosing to bowl first at the toss.
After the LouisAthanaze pair fell to the spinners,JustinGreavesand
Joshua Da Silva scored freely against the second new ball towards the end of the day Play was called off after84overswhenadrizzle started, while the light was notgreateither
Bangladesh’s fastbowling trio of Hasan Mahmud,ShorifulIslamand Taskin challenged West Indies early in the day, but Louis held his own Hasan kept beating him outside the offstump Shorifultestedhim aroundtheoff-stumpwiththe delivery always threatening to shape in Taskin used the wobble seam, sometimes bowled the odd yorker, and pressingLouistofishoutside off-stump
Saturday November 23, 2024
You'll find that things are slipping nicely into place for you today, Aries Your persuasivemannerandgentle nudges are just enough to get peoplewhereyouwantthem.
When faced with ten entrees onthemenu,itmightbehard for you to choose just one. Feelfreetoordertwoormore, Ta u r u s D o n ' t l e t indecisiveness slow you down.Atthesametime.
Your dreams won't come true unless you believe in and act onthem,Gemini.Nooneelse is going to do it for you. Unless you have a fairy godmother, you need to take mattersintoyourownhands.
If people hassle you or give you a hard time about your appearance today, pay them nomind,Cancer Youhavethe righttoliveyourlifeanyway youwantto.
Reachforthepotofgoldatthe end of the rainbow, Leo. It's closerthanyouthink.Indeed, your dreams are completely within your reach, and there are huge forces at work helping you achieve your goals.
Today is your day to dream and dream big, Virgo. Think aboutwhatitisthatyouwant most out of life. Aim your arrow to the stars and pull back your bow as far as possible. There's no limit to howfaryoucango.
Expand your mind to its furthest reaches today, Libra.
opportunity opening up for you in which you can make great strides in a creative realm.Followthemusic.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Scorpio, but don't let this hinder you. In fact, you'll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring moremagicintoyourlife.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Today is an excellent day for you,oneinwhichyou'llfinda great deal of strength in your emotions, Sagittarius Trust that your instincts are serving youwell.
Things might get a bit confusing for you today, Capricorn. Don't feel like you needtomakesenseofitall.In fact, this task may be impossible. Just be yourself. Let your creative nature shine through.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb.
18)Mixyourrealitywithabit of fantasy today, Aquarius. Allowyourfeettocomeoffthe ground for a little while. Give yourselfarest.Takesometime to meditate and clear your mindofyourdailyworries.
Let yourself go into high creative mode and drift into a whole other world, Pisces. Escape your present reality and explore your fantasies through any sort of artistic endeavor Dreamasbigasyour mindallows.
had Taskin moved slightly faster from mid-on Athanaze struck Mehidy with a sweep for four, but couldn’t quite connect with hisseveralreversesweepsin the second session. Louis, who lifted Taskin for a four over the bowler’s head towards the end of the second session, remained mostlyquietinhisapproach.
Diamond Mineral Water Indoor Hockey...
Frompage29 in promoting hockey and providing international exposure to local players.
He emphasized the challengesfacedbythesport
and the unwavering commitment of the GHB to sustainitsgrowth.
Shoriful, who got more swing from the Sir Curtly Ambrose end than the Andy Roberts end, was playing his first Test since mid-August He missed the previous five Testsbutlookedintunewith the red ball. He roubled KraiggBrathwaite,whotried to dig in despite the runs not flowing from his bat Louis meanwhile waited for the shortball,whichgothimtwo fourswiththepullshot
Taskin then removed Brathwaite, trapping him lbw with a hint of inward movement that beat his bat. TaskinthenhadKeacyCarty caught at mid-on when he couldn’t keep his wristy whip down, ending up as a tame dismissal. Brathwaite made four runs in 38 balls, while Carty ended on a eight-ballduck.
LouisthenfoundKavem Hodge a little more forthcoming as they tried to rebuildtheinnings.Thepair struck four boundaries before the lunch break, but then consolidated in the secondsession.
Louisbroughtuphisfifty whenhestruckTaskinwitha punchdownthegroundfora boundary Hodge then slappedTaskinwithasquare cut, but he wouldn’t last too much longer. Attempting a second run off Mehidy’s bowling,Hodgewasrunout for 25 after Taijul’s throw from long leg had him well shortdespiteadive.
Athanazemadeeffortsto pushtherun-ratebuthewas met with Bangladesh’s continued discipline. In the afternoon,itwasthespinners Mehidy andTaijul who kept thingstight.Athanzeskieda couple of balls that fell slightly away from the fielder’sreach.Oneofthem, a top edge towards mid-on could have become a catch
explained, “We have been abletoshowcaseoursportto larger audiences than is possible in the local tournaments. Even with the absenceofanartificialpitch for the outdoor game, this Festival keeps hockey alive and keeps our athletes exposed
oreign competition which is so critical for the development and sustenance of the game.”
Speaking at the event, Larry Wills DDL’s Brand Manager said, “We are thrilled to be part of this Festivalforyetanotheryear Looking back, GHB has beeneffectivelyhostingthis event and we (at DDL) are proud to be partnering with them for the 19th staging of the event. We look forward for some exciting action, and may the best team wins.”
The 19th Diamond Mineral Water Indoor Hockey Festival is made possible by the generous support of Demerara Distillers Limited, ANSA McAl, ExxonMobil, Republic Bank Limited, Bounty Supermarkets, Sterling Products Limited, theMinistryofYouth,Sport & Culture, and the National Sports Commission. ENET willlivestreamthematches, expanding the reach of the eventtoaglobalaudience.
YMCA and Hard Knocks battle for Futsal supremacy in ExxonMobil Championship Final
With a staggering $1 millionprizeontheline,the Retrieve Hard Court in Linden is the place to be tonight as YMCA and Hard Knocks face off in what promises to be an exciting climax to the ExxonMobil FutsalChampionship.
Organised by New Era
Entertainment, the tournamenthascapturedthe spirit of the Linden community, delivering thrilling matches week after week. Afterweeksofintense competition,itallcomesdown tothis:twopowerhouseteams colliding for the ultimate bragging rights and championship glory The action kicks off at 8:00 PM withMoneyBellsquaringoff againstSpaniardsinthethirdplace match, competing for $200,000, while the fourthplace team will take home $100,000
Both teams have fought valiantly throughout the tournament, and while the championship eluded them, pride and the third-place prizearestillontheline.
YMCA enters the final hungry for redemption after narrowly missing the top spot last year, settling for thirdplace. Theirdominant 6–2demolitionofSpaniards in the semi-finals was a statement of intent. With clinicalfinishingandairtight
defence, they’ve proven they are a team built for the bigmoments.
LeadingYMCA’scharge are goal-scoring maestros JonahSimon,KevinGittens, JamalBentick,andNicholas Gentle. Their chemistry on the court, coupled with an unrelenting drive to secure the title, makes them formidablecontenders.
Hard Knocks arrive in the final riding high on the momentumofanunforgettable semi-final showdown Their heart-stopping11–9victoryover MoneyBellwillberemembered asoneofthetournament’smost stimulating games Anchored the tournament’s leading scorer with 19 goals, the unstoppable Omar Brewley, along with Kendolph Lewis, and Clive Nobrega, Hard Knocks boast an attacking arsenal capable of breaking down even the toughest defences Their resilience, creativity,andflairhavemade them the team to watch, and they’ll be looking to add the championship trophy to their alreadystellarcampaign
While the champions will walk away with the $1 million prize and the title of ExxonMobil Futsal kings, the runner-up won’t leave empty-handed, earning a respectable$500,000.
Adding to the night’s allure, the tournament’s Most Valuable Player (MVP) will
ride away with a brand-new motorcycle, courtesy of C e v o n ’ s W a s t e Management.
The MVP race is wide open, with standout performances from both teams making the final an ideal stage to claim the honour Caption: Hard Knocks strike squad (L-R), Clive Nobrega, Omar Brewley, Omar Williams and Kendolph Lewis have been one of the most
The semi-finals of the Demerara Cricket Board (DCB) 50 overs U-15 Inter-
Association cricket tournament bowls off today with an intense doubleheader ahead of Sunday’s final showdown, as the competition’s end draws near. Over at the MetenMeer-Zorg Ground on the West Side, West Demerara squareoffagainstEastBank, while the star-studded Georgetown will head to LBI Ground for their battle against the home team, East Coast; with all four teams lookingtobookthefinaltwo spots ahead of Sunday’s finaltussle.
OnThursdaySelectX1’s Captain Shahid Ramzan bagged 4-13 while Jasani Craig returned 3-19 as they chased105setbyEastBank toendon106-4in18overs.
Ramzan followed up his 45 fromafewdayspriorwithan impressive42*ashemissed outonwhatwouldhavebeen back-to-backhalf-centuries. East Coast made a mark when they hammered West Demerara by 54 runs after posting 153 in 33.1 overs batting first Satindra
Shiwdarsan (31) and Aaron Persaud (21) were the leading scorers West Demerara in reply were moweddownforapaltry99 with the match MVP Shiwdarsan claiming star figuresof3-22. Actionbowlsoffat9:00h today
YMCAwill be looking to win this year’s ExxonMobil Futsal Championship
Vladimir Woodroofe backs out of World Championships over unfair selection W
The Guyana Amateur Swimming Association (GASA) has come under heavy scrutiny following its decision to bypass Delroy Tyrrell for the December 10 – 15 World Aquatics ChampionshipsinBudapest, Hungary
N o w, V l a d i m i r Woodroffe, the athlete controversially selected overTyrrell,hasdeclinedhis spot,citingtheunfairnessof the process. As it stands, Guyana may now have no male representative at the prestigious event, leaving young swimming sensation Aleka Persaud to carry the nation’sflagalone.
The controversy centres on Tyrrell, a standout swimmer with the Dorado SpeedSwimClub,wherehe trains alongside both RaekwonNoelandVladimir Woodroffe Traditionally, GASA selects international competitors based on their WorldAquatics points, with thehighest-rankedswimmer givenpriority
WithNoel,Guyana’stop swimmer, opting out, Tyrrell’s 719 points placed himwellaboveLeonSeaton Jr (598) and Woodroffe (543). By this logic, Tyrrell should have been next in line However, GASA’s Technical Committee instead selectedWoodroffe,adecision that has ignited backlash within the swimming community Speaking to Kaieteur News yesterday, Christopher Woodroffe, Vladimir’sfather,confirmed his son’s withdrawal, emphasizing the ethical issues surrounding his selection.
“It wouldn’t berightfor him to participate,” he said, addingthathissonalsofound thedecisionunfair.Thisactof sportsmanship has shone a spotlightonGASA’sdecisionmaking process, with critics accusing the association of underminingmeritocracyand transparency
Tyrrell’s exclusion has drawn sharp criticism from Dorado Speed Swim Club and influential sports administrator Dr Karen
According to Dwayne Scott, GASA’s outgoing president, Tyrrell was excluded because his designation as an “international swimmer” required him to meet qualifying
s for selection.Thisreasoninghas b e e n s l a m m e d a s discriminatory
Dr Pilgrim, a respected f i g u r e i n s p o r t s administration, refuted GASA’sclaims,pointingout that Tyrrell meets all eligibility criteria set by World Aquatics Since switching his sporting nationality from Trinidad and Tobago to Guyana in December 2022, he has consistently been the nation’s second-ranked swimmer
“WorldAquaticshastwice confirmed Tyrrell’s eligibility torepresentGuyana,”Pilgrim said “Ignoringthisrulingisa blatant violation of the governing body’s directives and an insult to the athlete’s dedicationandefforts.”
She further criticized GASA’s outdated mind-set, arguing that penalizing athletes for pursuing opportunities abroad contradicts the goal of fosteringexcellence
Tyrrell’s exclusion spotlights deeper issues w i t h i n G A S A ’ s administration, raising questions about its commitmenttotransparency and talent development. By side-lining one of Guyana’s top performers, the association risks alienating athletes and discouraging them from seeking internationalexposure.
“Delroy’s omission is notjustalossforhimbutfor the entire nation,” Pilgrim stressed.“Itsendsamessage to young athletes that hard work and merit are secondary to arbitrary decisions ” As the swimming community grapples with this controversy, one question remains:CanGASArebuild credibility and foster an environment where merit trulymatters?
Delroy Tyrrell
Diamond Mineral Water Indoor Hockey Festival returns for 19th edition
The highly anticipated Diamond Mineral Water InternationalIndoorHockey Festival is set to ignite the National Gymnasium from November 28th to December 1st. This year’s 19th edition promises thrilling action as top local and international teams clashontheindoorcourt.
The festival has been a cornerstone of the local sports calendar for nearly two decades, establishing itself as a premier indoor hockey competition in the Pan-American region. It has consistently attracted teams from Canada, the USA, Trinidad, and Barbados, showcasingthehighestlevel ofhockeytalent.
Despite the challenges posed by limited access to standard artificial turf pitches, the sport of hockey in Guyana has thrived. The Diamond Mineral Water
Indoor Festival has played a pivotal role in nurturing talent and aids in the selection of national teams acrossvariousagegroups. This year’s tournament will feature a strong international contingent,
including three men’s teams from Trinidad (TT Defence Force, Queens Park, andTT Police) and the Toronto Lions FHC from Canada. They will compete against localpowerhouseslikePepsi Hikers,OldFort,Saints,and
Bounty GCC In the women’s division, George United and TT Police from Trinidadwillchallengelocal teamsGBTIGCC,OldFort, andSaints.
TheGHBhassecuredthe services of FIH Umpire Ayana McLean from Trinidad, who will become the first female from the Caribbean to officiate at a World Cup or Olympic tournament. Her presence will elevate the standard of officiating and provide valuableexperienceforlocal umpires Additionally, r e n o w n e d s p o r t s physiotherapist Aaron Finer from the USA will be on hand to ensure the wellbeingoftheathletes.
Meanwhile, GHB Head Philip Fernandes expressed his gratitude for the continued success of the festival,highlightingitsrole
Mayor’s Cycle Road race to culminate NA Municipality’s 133rd Anniversary celebrations
After successfully staging a series of activities underthepatronageofMayor Wainwright McIntosh, the NewAmsterdamTownCouncil preparestocelebratetheir133rd Anniversary celebrations The sequenceofeventsisslatedto climax Sunday, November 24th, with the staging of the Mayors Cycle road race around the Town of New Amsterdam.Theraceisbeing
including former overseasbased National Cyclist and
Crawford The Flying Aces CycleClub(FACC)ofBerbice istheorganiser
Theeventwhichisopen to all Berbicians is a 10-lap affair around the town. It is torideoffat13:00hrsfrom Main and Pitt Street New Amsterdam. The riders will then proceed along Main
Street through Stanleytown, turn left into Tacama turn alongRepublicRoad,leftinto Vryheid Street then left into Main Road for 10m laps to finishatitspointoforigin
AllthetopcyclistsinBerbice whoarealsoamongthetopriders inthecountryincludingseniors, juniors, veterans and beginners areexpectedtobeonshow.There are several prizes at stake including cash, trophies and othermemorabilia.
The first three finishers will be rewarded along with the top three vets first two juniors and first two beginners There are also six sprint point prizes up for grabs. MayorMcIntoshand staff will be on hand to send theridersontheirwayandto assist with the distribution of prizesattheendoftheevent
The event will be coordinated by Veteran Cycle Coach Randolph Roberts along with Crawford.
GHB head, Philip Fernandes
Diamond Mineral Water Indoor Hockey Festival returns for 19th edition
Louis 97, Athanaze 90 give West Indies slight edge after day one
DDL’s Brand Manager, Larry Wills (second from left) handed over sponsorship to GHB President, Philip Fernandes, in the presence of Secretary Dominque Fraser (right) and BrianAsregado
Mikyle Louis earned his top Test score but missed out on his maiden ton (AFP/Getty