Kaieteur News

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Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly


DirectoroftheKamalAdwanhospitalsays severalstaffwoundedinIsraelibombardment.

Windfall taxes do not contract violate petroleum



Guyana is being robbed not with a gun but with a pen. Guyana is facing a crisis of monumental proportions not from armed robbers, but from a more insidious form of theft wielded by those we haveentrustedwithourfuture.

Fire that killed Corentyne

This isn’t merely a theft; it’s a calculated, audacious daylight heist. Our nation’s wealth—our gold, oil, and other natural resources—is being siphoned off before our very eyes, leaving the citizenswithnothingbutthebarest crumbs. The influx of foreign entities exploiting our resources is not a sign of genuine investment; it’s a parade of exploiters cloaked in suits. These so-called investors are being given unfettered access to our resources by leaders who should be safeguarding our interests.

They arrive with minimal equipment, but as soon as they discoverourwealth,theyfloodthe market with their own machinery and labor, systematically sidelining local workers and drainingourresources.Takealook attheinterior—foreigncompanies initially rent our trucks and machinery, but as profits surge, they replace them with their own

Thispatternisechoedintheoil sector, where Exxon has not only discovered oil but has also engineered a system that allows themtoextractprofitsinthebillions while leaving Guyana with mere scraps Our leaders appear complicit, accepting arrangements that favor foreign corporations at theexpenseoftheirownpeople.

This is not a new narrative; it’s a tragic tale that has unfolded in countless nations, where the rich shake hands with foreign corporations while their citizens are left to scrape by How can a country so rich in resources have itscitizensstrugglingtomakeends meet?

The disparity between the wealthy few and the impoverished many grows wider each day It’s time for the people of Guyana to demand a fair share of our resources. This is our land and our wealth.Wemustbreakthecycleof exploitation and reclaim what is rightfully ours—before it’s too late.

Enough is enough. Let’s stand together for a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come.

the world’s premier deepwater zone

Anthony Paul


- T&T Energy Expert

“Since all contracts must Agreement) with very abide by national law and specifictermsonthetaxation since such an instrument side.” does not violate existing

To this end, he suggested contracts, Windfall Profits provide a simple and fair “if you change the taxation Taxes provide a simple and mechanism to ensure that here,it’sconsideredabreach fair mechanism to ensure countriesgettheirjustdues,” ofthecontract.” that countries get their just Paulnoted.

Trinidadian Energy Expert and International Consultant, Anthony Paul

Seeking to draw a dues.”

Heexplainedthatwhilea distinction between Guyana

This is the view of law may be necessary, it is and the ABC countries, Trinidadian Energy Expert far from sufficient, adding Jagdeo suggested that those a n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l that Guyana can learn a lot companies would have been Consultant,AnthonyPaul.In from its neighbour in operating for decades in a recent article, Paul made Trinidad andTobago, where, those jurisdictions and as the point that oil companies in spite of excellent legacy suchwouldhavecomeunder do not produce oil; nature policy and legal provisions, the standard tax regime for does. The role of the oil poor implementation means the respective countries companies is simply to that the twin island has been withinwhichtheyoperate. extracttheresource. losing billions of dollars the excess profits that were Itmustbenotedhowever

Paul explained, “Nature each year for more than two being earned by oil and gas that Guyana’s PSA restricts blesses countries with it. proportional to the value of producer,itisthecommodity decades. companies. Guyana from affecting the Once the oil company that asset,” the International itself that creates the higher Back in 2022, amid I

expected revenue of the removes it, that asset is gone Consultantpointedout. revenue,notanyactionofthe surging oil prices influenced P

contractor Atax on windfall forever For this reason, He was keen to note that contractor.” by the war in Ukraine, Policymaker for the oil and revenue would have no countries should realise that Stabilisation clauses in It has therefore become several top oil producing gas sector, Bharrat Jagdeo

they are not just innocent contracts are based on an customary in jurisdictions countries such as the United noted that this could not be revenue”sincethetaxwould bystanders to the business agreed economic model around the world, including Kingdom, the United States replicated in Guyana since, be applied to the excess ventureofoilandgas.” which contemplates a rate of developed countries, to of America and Canada “we are bound by a PSA income earned when oil

Infact,theEnergyExpert return to the contractor, introduce a Windfall Profits introduced a windfall tax on

described the role of based on a projected price or Tax to ensure that the owner countries as “active pricing formula for the of the resource gets a bigger contributors,” providing commodity on an agreed share of the profit, in line their natural heritage as an market. with the disproportionate assetinthebusiness.This,he However, Paul explained contribution the resource noted, makes countries co- that when the price of the makes to the increased investors with a contractor, commodityisfarhigherthan revenue, the Energy Expert sothatbothcanmakemoney the projected price in the said.

“An investor who brings economic model, the extra Further, “Since all money wants to make profit profit is referred to as a contracts must abide by inproportiontotheamountit windfall. To this end, he national law and since such invests. Similarly, countries noted, “Since the market an instrument does not should make a return on the conditions are generally violate existing contracts, investment of their asset, beyond the control of the Windfall Profits Taxes

GPF records over 100 traffic violations at Friendship, EBD and Reg. 3

Some of the window coverings that were used in the vehicles (GPF)


GECOM to continue discussions on introducing biometrics before engaging stakeholders

Some of the vehicles that were stopped for violating various traffic rules. (GPF)

One hundred and thirty traffic cases were Additionally, there were two cases where recorded on Friday by the Guyana Police drivers failed to produce their driver’s Force (GPF) during a traffic enforcement licences when requested, three cases of exercise at Friendship, East Bank Demerara vehicles without silencers, and four cases of (EBD)andinRegionThree. vehicles carrying more passengers than

According to a press release issued by the permitted. Police Force, in Region Three, the police “On completion of the exercise, twenty focused on public transportation providers. Certificates of Fitness were revoked, and There were 69 traffic violations in this driversweregivenadatetorectifythedefects category with the most common offence and return with their vehicles for being the use of obscure identification (ID) examination,”policereported. marks.Therewere27suchcasesreported. Meanwhile, during the traffic exercise at The report also noted the other traffic Friendship, 40 cases of window blinds being violations recorded during the exercise. used in vehicles were recorded, 17 cases of These include 20 cases of prohibited tinted prohibited tinted glass, and three cases of glass, 10 cases of breaches related to the breaches related to prescribed fitness conditions of road service licences, and three requirements. Additionally, there was one casesinvolvinguncertifiedmotorvehicles. caseinvolvinganoverloadedminibus.

The Guyana Elections feasibility study, I took the Commission (GECOM) on decision that it is important Friday said that discussions for GECOM to have an will continue on the understanding of, and a feasibility study on the use position on its capability to of biometrics before introduce the system, before engaging stakeholders. This going to the stakeholders, w a s r e v e a l e d b y because absence of an Chairperson of the understanding, and position Commission, Justice (ret’d) will leave the GECOM to Claudette Singh who told appearing unprepared, reporters at a press uninformed and unable to conference. address this highly sensitive

Singh told reporters matter.” given the motion put to have Furthermore, the the use of biometrics

Chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh.

GECOM Chair said that she i n t r o d u c e d b y t h e arrived at the decision that Commission,adecisionwas the Commission should first taken to conduct a study on discuss the report on the the feasibility of “electronic feasibility study in an effort finger print capture during to answer the question of engagements could have registration and biometric “whether such a system been held simultaneously fingerprint identification of could be introduced”. She with the stakeholders and votersatpollingstations.” said, after this discussion, their feedback could be

“The feasibility study GECOM would hold c o n s i d e r e d i n t h e was done and submitted to c o n s u l t a t i o n s w i t h Commission’sdiscussions. the Commission. During the stakeholders on whether The GECOM Chair said discussion on the feasibility such a system should be that, “A third view was that study which were held on introduced. the Commission needs to the 12th and 14th of “Discussions on the discuss the matter first November, Commissioners feasibility study will resume beforestakeholderscouldbe wereunabletoagreeonhow at the next statutory meeting consulted. In this latitude, it this discussion should of the Commission… So was also mentioned that the proceed,”Singhsaid. that is where we are despite issue of whether and how

The first view expressed what you are hearing in the stakeholders are to be was that stakeholder media,”JusticeSinghsaid. consulted would be a matter consultation was necessary

The political opposition that would be addressed before the Commission has been calling for the when the commission could engage in full introduction of biometrics discussesthestudy.” discussions on the matter as ahead of the 2025 General Singh said that, “So theviewsofthestakeholders and Regional Election to having listened from the needed to be taken into prevent voter impersonation submissions from the consideration. and to ensure a clean voters’ Commissioners who are

Asecondviewexpressed list. equally divided about how was that there could have Kaieteur News reported to proceed with the matter, been the commencement of onNovember8,2024that and based on my own d i s c u s s i o n s w h i l e

(Continued on page 10) examination of the

Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Kaieteur News

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.

Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456


Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Hammerhead and Longtail

Fewer Guyanese are deceived by the gaffs about upcoming oil projects heard from Vice President Jagdeo. Thereistheseventhproject,Hammerhead,whichisnextin line for approval from Guyana. Already, ExxonMobil is making introductory noises about an eight oil project, Longtail, even while the seventh is not yet greenlighted. Jagdeo stated that there is no guarantee that Hammerhead willbeclearedtoproceed. YetExxonMobilispositioning fromnowtheLongtailproject. Jagdeocouldbeplayinghis usualgameswith‘noguarantee’and‘iffy’,butofonething Guyanese should make no mistake. The chiefs at ExxonMobil have their plans well thought-out and space themouttosuititsvisionforhowmuchitshouldbedoingin Guyana. In contrast, the PPP/C Government, with Vice PresidentJagdeoinchargeofGuyana’soilpatrimony,gives every appearance of going through the motions, while the American oil major of majors is bent on realizing its oil objectiveshere,accordingtoitsowntimetable.

ExxonMobildoesnothavetheseventhoilprojectinhand, butitisalreadytalkingabouttheeighthone Inourviewthat isplantingtheseed,givingGuyanesenoticeofwhatisahead, and how quickly This makes sense from a number of considerations It is a product of comprehensive corporate visions,anditmustbesaidthatonlythecompanytrulyknows howmuchoilhasbeendiscoveredtodate Also,thecashflow fromGuyana’soilforthecompanyhasbeenrichandricher, andthatspigotmustbekeptgoing. Thereisaprovenwayto doso,andwithaminimumofpushback:continuetoprepare moreoilprojectsforGuyana’svastStabroekBlock,andthen line them up in reasonably quick succession to keep ExxonMobil’sfinancialssoaringconsistently Thecompany hasareadyplacetoinvestitsbillionslyingidle,andforthe kindofreturnsthatwouldbehardtogetanywhereelseonthe planet Plus,thereisawarehouseofoilproductionsetupto come onstream, at higher and higher daily levels, so ExxonMobil’s Guyana cash cow keeps on producing As theseprojectskeepcomingoffthecompany’sdrawingboard, Guyanesehearaboutthemintrickles,andthenwitharush,as ExxonMobil intensifies its drive to get them approved. ExxonMobil is sure to have its overall exploration, investment, and production blueprint that it finetunes when therearenewdiscoveriesintheStabroekBlock. Fromthat blueprintflowsHammerheadandLongtailandothersthatare rightbehindthem Togivecreditwhereitisdue,ExxonMobil maybemanythings,butitisnotaseat-of-the-pantscorporate entity ItiswayaheadofGuyanainthelocaloilgame,knows whatitwants,andhowtogetthemtotheoperationalstage

Thesamestrategicoilthinkinghasnotbeenevidentso far in what has been shared by the Guyana Government, namelyOilCzarJagdeo. TaketheHammerheadprojectas an example. He knows that after all his hemming and hawing(‘noguarantee;and‘iffy’)thatallheisengagingin issomemanneroftwistedroleplaying. Whenhasanyofthe oil projects approved under his watch been subject to the mostthoroughandconvincingreviewprocess. Hepretends thatitissoinpublic,despiteignoringallthewarningsand doubtsofreputableoilhands. Additionally,alltheconcerns andobjectionsraisedbyGuyanesehavefallenondeafears (hisown). Publicconsultationshavebeenasham,andlocal anxietiesaboutdifferentprojectsdismissedwithawaveof thehand. Secrecyandtrickeryhavebecomecommonplace, and when those are spotlighted, the abuse for which the chiefpolicymakerissowellknowntakesover Insteadofa partnershipwiththerealownersofthenationaloilwealth, Jagdeo only priority has been to partner with ExxonMobil andbowtoitswishes.

Hammerhead is part of ExxonMobil’s Wishlist, which meansthatitisguaranteedtobeapproved,notwithstanding the word games being played by the vice president. Longtail, the eighth project, is on the same track, which ExxonMobil just cleverly planted on Guyanese. Watch from now, as ExxonMobil and Jagdeo dance their tight waltz.


Government should introduce drivers’education as part of the high school curriculum


It was good to see the President belching out strict measuresforroadsafetyand sanctions for errant drivers wreaking havoc on our roads.Andhedidthatduring normal hours! Surely too many of our people have died untimely deaths by dangerous driving and reckless use of the roads by folks not always being sensitivetotheirownsafety

Many of our drivers are buying their licences from unscrupulous traffic department officers I understand people pay up to

$125,000 for a licence delivered to their homes by those folks running that scam.IheardofabarinPort Mourant where people can go to make arrangements to buy their licences. Scams like that cannot happen unlessthereisacollusionof folks in the traffic department. The time has come for the Government to considerintroducingDrivers Education in schools, as we do in the USA. That can probably fall under the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)areaoftheMinistry

of Education, or a specially createdunit.

In many states in the USA, all high school students take Drivers Education as a class. They are taught the theory part thentheschoolsystemhasa fleet of Drivers Education instructors who take the studentsoutforthepractical road experience in the local school system’s cars. The eligible students are placed on the schedule for the experience of driving on the road.Oncetheyhavepassed the written and road tests, provisional licences are

granted in the initial phase, then later a full licence is granted.Atfirst,theyounger high school children with provisional licences are a l l o w e d t o d r i v e accompanied by a parent or an adult, then later, they can drive by themselves with certain limitations Some states tie the issuing of a drivers’licencetograduation fromhighschool.So,bythe time students graduate, they have their drivers’ licences. It should be a requirement that school dropouts go throughaclassbeforebeing


Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur M@ilbox

President Dr.Ali throws down the Gauntlet

DEAREDITOR, A little evidence certainly tells the whole storyaccordingtoGuyanese proverb, “If oil ah float, watta deh ah battam!”

Anotherhorribleaccidentby Sheriff Street last Tuesday increased the fatality statistics to an illogical status The logistics to c o m p u t e t h i s uncompromising position include: males, adults in theirtwenties,speed,trucks, timeanddisregardfortraffic

rules, among other incidentals This incident reflects the existential craziness which proliferates the obvious inconsideration of those thoughtless ones who deliberately flaunt traffic rules and regulations toposeathreattothelivesof theunfortunatebystanders.

The same way “every rope gat two ends,” the Governmentwillcontinueto construct modern roads to facilitate the current needs, but at the said time, the Government will also deal severelywiththedelinquent users. Lawlessness certainly

continues to eclipse lawfulness on the roads of Guyanaasthecarnagefigure mounts in a most atrocious manner, attracting the attention of all civic minded Guyanese and also to alarm theHeadofState,Dr Irfaan Ali, to not only summon a special gathering Thursday but also, to read the riot act onroadusers,thepoliceand the law makers. President Ali had to take special time outtoaddressthedespicable deterioration of the sad statusofaccidentsoccurring ontheroadsespeciallyinthe

eyesofadistinguishedHead of State of another country paying a visit to our dear landofGuyana.

It is demeaning to know that the reckless behaviour of careless road users is a heartless exercise which daily plagues the lives of many innocent Guyanese who have to suffer because of irresponsible elements factored to create this unacceptable fiasco. Many lives are snuffed out, people are maimed and disfigured, there are financial, physical and emotional loses, properties are lost and or damagedanddependentsare lefttosurvivewithoutloved ones. Those left behind to struggle with life quickly realizethat,“Naheverycrab hole get crab.” As people’s lives are disrupted and disturbed, unforeseen, unplanned and uncalled for circumstances become a reality and have to be dealt with condignly, thanks to brashandbrazendriversand riders.

President Ali painfully pleadedwithallroadusersto exercise due care and attentionandtocomplywith thelawsgoverningtheusage of the road. His Excellency intensively instructed those shoulder to uphold and execute the law to adhere to their responsibility without fearorfavour “Sparetherod andspoilthechild”isoneof the deficiencies which need to be rectified As Commander-in-Chief, Dr Ali advised his legal advocatorstoamendthelaw in order to plug any loopholes or flaws which maynotbestringentenough

and are bending towards some degree of leniency for punishment.

Guyanese have this tendencytorequireconstant supervision in order to stay in line. Perpetual policing is ofparamountpriority When the “cat is away, the mice will play.” The minute, the teacherturnsherorhisback, many students resort to disorderlybehaviour Thatis why the President threw down the gauntlet and will bring out the heavy artillery beforetheChristmasholiday begins.

His game plan includes: the usage of body cameras andCCTV,thehelpofdigital speed advisory boards, suspend driver’s license after the issuance of three tickets, clamping down on illegal and abusive use of sirensandemergencylights, stricter monitoring of drinking and driving, pursuing bar owners who sell alcohol to drunk drivers and suspending bar license, reviewingthecompetenceof truckdrivers,etc. It was a case of “mouth open, story jump out.” The President spoke to the country and all the relevant stakeholders Thursday and just after midnight, in of all places,thefamousvillageof Leonora, residents were awakened because of a rowdycommotioninfrontof the infamous Leonora bar where a pedestrian was involvedinanaccidentwith a car, the driver and the victim being customers patronizing the business premisesintheweehoursof the morning As was instructed by the COP,

policemenarerequiredtobe on the beat in the street and keep the peace in that area. Did the police fail to follow simpleinstruction?

When will we address thequestionoflicensedbars functioning in residential areas and disturbing the neighbourhood?

When will we address the situation of bars and night clubs operating after midnight especially in the ruralareas?

“When the going gets tough,thetoughgetsgoing.”

T h e c o n v e r s a t i o n unfortunately fell short and did not lament on the loud, lewd and lousy music being blasted at high decibels on movingandparkedvehicles, especially in the mini buses and taxis servicing defenseless customers, day andnight.

Why are these vehicles allowed to be heavily equipped with all the latest electricalgadgetswhichwill make them sound like a concert in the open park? Why are police turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to this antic, annoying and antagonizing anti-social behaviourwhichtakesplace in their presence? This nefariousinterferencewhich disturbs the peace is unacceptable and its wing needstobeclipped.

WhiletheGovernmentis building more streets, roads and highways to better accommodate the heavy traffic and numerous vehicles for transportation, Guyanese are reminded of their proverb, “Cat a ketch rat, but he a thief he massa fish.” Good and evil come

fromthesamesourceandso, the government and the people have to be wary of this sickening road situation and take all and full precaution to prevent

accidents. Remember the 5 C’s and do the right thing because,roadsafetyisevery body’sbusiness. Yoursrespectfully, JaiLall.

Excavation only being done in one part of Wakenaam

DEAREDITOR, It is utterly disgusting and mind-boggling to see what is taking place on the island of Wakenaam. This island is agriculturally based, there are four government excavators on this island, yes, let me repeat,four

Can someone explain why the entire fleet of excavators are consistently doing work only on the Southern part of the island?

For the two years, farmers on the Northern side of Wakenaam haven’t had a single grain of earth being excavated by any government excavator, except when they rushed into Moor Farm with an excavator just before the Local Government Elections to do some work afterresidentsprotested.

When you contact the

Wakenaam N D C, they would give you some real laughableexplanationsasto why not one single excavatoroutoffourcanbe in Caledonia, Moor Farm etc.

YouseeMr Editor,when you voice your concerns on this island, you are being labelled as anti-government but it’s not, because I am sure those at the higher echelons of power do not have the slightest clue as to what is taking place at the lowerend.

So,let’skeepourfingers crossed, elections are coming up, an excavator is mostlikelytoberushedinto the North and taken out as soontheelectionsareover Bytheway,Idonothave excavation works to be done,otherresidentsdo.

Sincerely, ClintGordon

Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur M@ilbox

DEAREDITOR, Wrappinguphistwo-day event-packed visit to Guyana, PM Shri Narendra Modi of India addressed the Indo Guyanese community at the National Cultural Center Ironically,thecentre wasbuiltbythePNCin1972 using monies expropriated by Burnham from the “IndianRepatriationFund”. In his entire speech, Modi emphasised the connections with Indian culture. “First of all, I want tothankPresidentIrfaanAli for joining us. I am deeply touched by the love and affection given to me since myarrival.IthankPresident Ali for opening the doors of his home to me. I thank his family for their warmth and kindness The spirit of hospitality (“atithi) is at the heart of our culture. I could feel that, over the last two days.WithPresidentAliand


awarded,hesaid,“Thisisan honourto1.4billionIndians. It is the recognition of the 3 lakh(300,0000)strongIndoGuyanese community and their contributions to the development of Guyana.”

He recollected his visit to Guyana in August 2000 in whichSwamiAksharananda andIhadbeeninvolved. He took time to visit us at SVN earlier where he displayed a remarkable recollection of the details of that visit and the one to the Enmore Martyr’sMonument.“Ihave great memories of visiting yourwonderfulcountryover two decades ago. At that time, I held no official position. I came to Guyana as a traveller, full of curiosity Now, I have returnedtothislandofmany

rivers as the Prime Minister ofIndia.Alotofthingshave changed between then and now But the love and affection of my Guyanese brothers and sisters remains thesame!Myexperiencehas reaffirmed-youcantakean Indian out of India, but you cannot take India out of an I n d i a n

”Today, I visited the Indian ArrivalMonument.Itbrings to life, the long and difficult journey of your ancestors nearly two centuries ago. They came from different partsofIndia.

They brought with them differentcultures,languages and traditions. Over time, theymadethisnewlandtheir home Today, these languages, stories and traditionsarepartoftherich culture of Guyana ”I salute the spirit of the Indo-Guyanese community You fought for freedom and

Government should introduce...


democracy You have workedtomakeGuyanaone of the fastest growing economies From humble beginningsyouhaverisento the top. Shri Cheddi Jagan used to say: “It matters not what a person is born, but who they choose to be.” He also lived these words. The sonofafamilyoflabourers, he went on to become a leader of global stature

”President Irfaan Ali, VP Bharrat Jagdeo, former President Donald Ramotar, they are allAmbassadors of the Indo Guyanese community Joseph Ruhoman,oneoftheearliest I n d o - G u y a n e s e intellectuals, Ramcharitar Lalla, one of the first IndoGuyanese poets, Shana Yardan, the renowned woman poet, many such Indo-Guyanese made an impact on academics and arts, music and medicine.

Our commonalities provide a strong foundation to our friendship. Three things, in particular,connectIndiaand Guyana deeply Culture, cuisine and cricket! Just a couple of weeks ago, I am sure you all celebrated Diwali.Andinafewmonths, when India celebrates Holi, Guyana will celebrate P h a g w a h !

”This year, the Diwali was special as Ram Lalla (the icon of the Baby Shri Ram) returned to Ayodhya after 500 years. People in India remember that the holy water and shilas (bricks) from Guyana were also sent to build the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.

Despite being oceans apart, your cultural connection with Mother Indiaisstrong.”Iwasoneof thosewhohadtakenseveral bricks to India in 1997. I could feel this when I

visited the Arya Samaj Monument and Saraswati Vidya Niketan School earliertoday BothIndiaand Guyanaareproudofourrich and diverse culture. We see diversity as something to be celebrated, not just accommodated Our countries are showing how cultural diversity is our strength.

“Wherever people of India go, they take one important thing along with them.

The food! The IndoGuyanese community also has a unique food tradition which has both Indian and Guyanese elements. I am aware that Dhal Puri is popular here! The sevencurry meal that I had at President Ali’s home was delicious. It will remain a fondmemoryforme.”

Sincerely, RaviDev

Modi: Cultural Connections Regional Collaboration and Guyana’s Role as

issued a licence. Observing the way people drive in Guyana, you know some have not taken a driver’s education class or probably neverdidtheroadtests.

I thought driving in India was bad with so many people there, but Guyana is probably just as bad or worse. Most drivers have no courtesy, no consideration, and no care. Driverscreatelaneswheretherearenolanes. Theyblowtheirhornsatyoufornothingyou havedonewrong.Pedestriancrossingsmean nothingtomostdrivers.

But traffic management also needs improvement.

There are too many traffic lights in the city that do not work. The lines on the road need to be marked and remarked regularly

Thatisofhighimportance,asitgivesasense of orderliness. You would think they use watercolourstodrawthelinessincetheylast notime,fadingquickly

They must use the resin material for marking lines not concrete paint which washes away easily One-way streets must carryappropriatesignage.

Again, the President has to intervene in this traffic crisis, as the appropriate people apparentlyarenotdoingagoodjob.Isayfire them up, or fire them! Guyana cannot wait for smart, dynamic, progressive, efficient leadership in all sectors! Shape up or ship out!

Sincerely, Dr JerryJailall CivilSocietyAdvocate

anAgricultural Leader

DEAREDITOR, Guyanahasemergedasa pivotalagriculturalleaderin the Caribbean and South American regions, thanks to its fertile land, favorable climate, and strategic

commitment to food security This role is amplified by Guyana’s

collaboration with neighboring countries, which has helped to strengthen the region’s agricultural capabilities and address pressing challenges like food insecurity, climate change, and economic instability

With a vast expanse of arable land over 8 million hectares Guyana has substantial potential for agriculturalexpansion.

Its key crops, including rice, sugar, and a variety of fruits and vegetables, are vital not only to local needs buttothebroaderCaribbean market Leveraging these resources, Guyana has

actively engaged in par tner s hips w ith organizations such as the

Caribbean Community (CARICOM) to develop agricultural policies that benefit the entire region. In fact, CARICOM has identifiedGuyanaasamajor hub for food production, aimingtoreducetheregion’s

high d

d food and strengthen local food systems.

Akey component of this regional collaboration has been the “25 by 2025” initiative, which seeks to reduce CARICOM’s food importbillby25%by2025.

Guyana’s government has taken the lead in implementing this initiative, investinginmodernfarming technologies, supporting farmers, and improving infrastructure to enhance productivity

Thesemeasuresnotonly increasefoodoutputbutalso createaresilientagricultural fram

that can withstand climate-related disruptions a growing concernfortheCaribbean.

By sharing these practices with its regional neighbors,Guyanaissetting a standard for agricultural innovation and cooperation intheCaribbean.

Guyana’s role as an agricultural leader extends beyond production; it is central to fostering a co llab o r ativ e an d sustainable agricultural ecosystem across the Caribbean.

Through shared goals, i n v e s t m e n t s i n infrastructure,andafocuson resilience,Guyanaishelping to drive regional food security and economic stability,positioningitselfas a crucial partner in the Caribbean’s agricultural future.

In addition to food production, Guyana is contributing to research and development in sustainable agricultural practices, particularly in areas like organic farming, water management, and climateresilientcrops.

Sincerely, FawazHarry



Awindfall tax requires no renegotiation.

Awindfall tax requires politicians not easily persuaded or influenced by oil companies, politicians who are anxious to get the best for their country

It does not affect expected income of the oil companies and has been introduced in several countries.

What is stopping Guyana from enacting a windfall tax? What new concoction will the crafty geniuses try to force down our throats?

Jagdeo’s idea of transparency

Transparency, as conceivedbyVicePresident Bharrat Jagdeo, seems to be a peculiar exercise in selective disclosure For him, it is a performance choreographed to assure the public that what they do not know cannot possibly harm them.

His recent response to a reporter’s inquiry about the power-purchase agreement withtheoperatorsoffloating powershipsisacaseinpoint. For Jagdeo, the “only thing thatmatters”isthepurchase price of the power That narrow focus conveniently glosses over a plethora of critical concerns that deservescrutiny

Why is the public being asked to trust the government’s word rather than being granted access to the full details of the agreement? Are the fiscal concessions offered to the power-ship operators (if any) so generous that revealing them might provoke outrage? Will the profits generated locally be taxed, or are the powership operators’ beneficiaries of thekindoftaximmunitythat turns fiscal policy into a charitable exercise? These are not peripheral questions but central to understanding whether the deal is in Guyana’sbestinterests.

The omissions become evenmoreglaringwhenone considers the potential liabilities that may be lurking within the agreement. What happens if the powerships fail to meet

theirgenerationtargets?Will the operators face penalties, or will the burden of shortfallsfallsquarelyonthe government and, by extension, the taxpayers? Are there contingency plans for mitigating such risks, or doesthegovernmentplanto lurch from crisis to crisis, each more expensive than thelast?

Such questions expose the hollow core of Jagdeo’s version of transparency, which limits public discourse to what he deigns todisclose.Transparency,by its very definition, demands a full accounting, not selective revelations that shield incompetence or conceal impropriety The insistence on keeping the contract details under wraps raises an obvious yet damning question: what is thegovernmentsodesperate tohide?

And why does Vice President Jagdeo skirt the critical issue of whether due diligence was conducted on the company supplying power from the ships? Does the public deserve not to know if the government has thoroughly vetted this entity’s track record, financial stability, and technical competence, especially given the significant implications for the country’s energy security?

The Vice President would have us believe that the price paid to the powerships for electricity is reasonable because it

approximates the tariffs charged by the Guyana PowerandLight(GPL).But GPL is a poster child for inefficiency Its high tariffs

reflect decades of mismanagement and large

technical losses To benchmark the cost of emergency power against such a flawed standard is an actofeconomicabsurdity

The government itself has repeatedly proclaimed that the advent of its gas-toenergy project will halve electricity costs If that promise holds any weight, why anchor the cost of emergency power to GPL’s inflated tariffs? Why not negotiateapricereflectiveof the future, rather than one tied to past inefficiencies? The broader implications of this agreement reveal a government unprepared to manage the energy sector effectively It was no secret thatdemandforelectricityin Guyana would continue to rise Yet, rather than proactively investing in sustainable infrastructure to meet these needs, the administration now finds itself scrambling to lease power from floating ships. Thatitmustnowprocurean additional 75 megawatts of power is not evidence of sound planning but of its glaringabsence.

This reliance on emergency measures suggests a deeper failure to articulate and execute a coherent energy policy. By focusingonshort-termfixes, the government exposes


Customer Parking

Turn Staff Parking

Demboyssehonetimegone,onlydebig bossusedtodrivecartowork.Declerksand de messengers? Dem used to tek public transport and glad fuh catch a minibus wid decentmusicandnocuss-outconductor But today?EveryTom,Dick,andHarrygotcar Clerks rolling up to work in dem secondhandimportlikedemisCEOs.

Deproblemnowisdatdesameparkinglot dat de boss build fuh customers turn staff quarters fuh car Dem clerks coming early, parkingneat-neatindeprimespots,andwhen customerscome,demgottacirclelikevulture lookingfuhspace Bydetimeyoufindone,you vexanddoneforgetwhatyoucomefuhbuy

Dem boys seh some clerks even bold. Dem custom to parking fuh free now, so when de company tell dem, “Leave de parkingfuhcustomers,”demvex!Oneman sehhehadtostartparkingponderoadside, but when he come out, he get clamp. He bawling how de boss ain’t care about staff, but he nah care about de paying customers

itself to recurring crises, each accompanied by escalating costs and opaque contracts The powership arrangement is not a victory for energy security but a manifestation of a government caught flatfooted, scrambling to plug holesinasinkingship.

Ultimately, this episode reveals a pattern in Jagdeo’s governance a pattern of diminishing the public’s righttoknowwhileinsisting they trust the government to act in their best interests. This paternalistic approach is antithetical to the

democratic principles Jagdeo claims to uphold. Transparency is not an exercise in public relations; it is a mechanism for a c c o u n t a b i l i t y A government that hides behind selective disclosure cannot claim to be accountable.

By limiting the conversation to the cost of electricity, Jagdeo sidesteps the larger questions of governance, fairness, and foresight The public deserves more than his assurances They deserve access to the facts, to the

terms of the agreement, and to the rationale behind decisions that affect their daily lives. Anything less is not transparency; it is obfuscation.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

neither Dis parking ting get outta hand. Dem boys seh de boss gotta start charging fuhstaffparkingorbuilddemaseparatelot. Otherwise, de next time you go shopping, you might as well tek a bus, because by de timeyoufindparking,destoredoneclose.

Some persons does pray fuh find parking. One man was hunting parking outside he favourite rum shop one busy Fridaynight.DeplacepackuplikeBourda MarketatChristmastime,andhecirclingde blocktillhereadyfuhgiveup. In he frustration, de man look up to heavenandseh,“Lord,helpamanouthere. If you find me a parking space, I gon come church every Sunday, just how a good man should.”Assoonashedonesehdemwords, wah you think happen? A car reverse out right in front of de bar, clear-clear like magic.Demanwatchdeemptyspot,thenhe look back up to de sky and seh, “Oh, never mind,boss.Ijustfindonemeself.” Talkhalf,parkfar!



Exxon now resides in a Another nervous wreck was like a colossus over a charade that there was no direction. A look is newstratosphereallbyitself. so filled with morbid fear prostrateGuyana. Hecanset orchestrator or arranger of all that it takes, not A company that became a that he was bent double up his billboards with national standing involved, even a word. And country by default. The trying not to spook jittery whatever he wants them to but only a minion with a p r e v

d irony is that Exxon’s visions investors. Thus, the say and nobody in Guyana mind of his own, who made Gu

n and didnotextendthathigh,orin judiciary had to be put in its can tell him that he has got it that write off decision. women, who once laid claim that direction. It became a place. I am thinking of how wrong, and that he must take Where is the outrage over to learning and some leaders to get chronic countryrunningwhatusedto ruling pols are like them down. Not the sitting that unpardonable breach, miniscule measure of selfsicknesses. Then oil came be a country with that being frightened children walking president. Not a former that violation of partnership regard,fallflatontheirfaces. along and superseded that: handedonaplatter. on tiptoe so as not to agitate president. So, who is the protocols? Not at the Parliament is now an Exxon the name Exxon generates Asidefromtheautomatic thepeaceandcontentmentof masterofthislocaluniverse? Guyanese scapegoat, but at pawn. Ihatetosaythis,buta political seizures, leaves profits, oil is for second afearedparent. It is certainly not the men the Exxon operators who big segment of Guyana’s leadership paralysis as its fiddlers, the former football Thearrivalofoilsunkthe with the impressive influenced that decision political elite shamelessly calling card. Oh, the local man (indirect ownership of last vestiges of nationhood sounding titles, the panting Outrage, at least, for the stands among the company’s powers can scream at the the New York Jets of the and leadership below those entourages that follow showofit,toputalittlegloss army of helpless puppets. peons. But when they must NFL) and the Chinese. The undersea oil reservoirs blindly on an embarrassment if only Exxon pulls a string, and facethewhiteman,andforce elected leaders of Guyana Exxon saw to that, then took

Consider this. The men tosaveface. they dance a jig. It is how him to wipe that smirking were only too pleased to over Like Julius Caesar, from Exxon could reach

E x x

a m

, s a w, deep into Guyana’s oil

Think of something else, Exxon is a law unto itself. A grin from his face, they wet

fellow Guyanese: Exxon can nationmadebyitsownhand. themselves When the sovereignty to Exxon. One conquered. With not a fiber ministry and get a glorified manipulate, control, and It is expression of power macho Guyanese men of

awed leader was reduced tightened in resistance from clerk to write off over command Guyana’s chief The arrogance of power politics must put the big men

hushed whispering: a leading Guyanese. Men US$100 million just like lawmaking institution, the Real power Those who form Exxon in their place, it superpower It is now the made into muffins. Thus, that; one stroke and it is National Assembly, without have it flaunt it. Look at is as if the Guyanese are in national power in Guyana. Alistair Routledge strides gone. I go along with the taking one step in its those whom the Guyanese the presence of gods. Their people trusted. With their tongues get tied, their guts hopes and dreams. With loosen, their domestic their aspirations and destiny bravadodisappears. Those who is not running for Exxon came here for oil cover are wriggling like a andtomakemoney Without worm Whoever is not a voice raised, it ended up hiding is working extra hard owning and running a to be nonthreatening. To be country Who wants to seen as some grinning, disagree with that starkest of scraping, shuffling dusky localreality? Ihaveasimple silhouette. The lesser seen test that should close out all thebetter arguments, all differences. Better not to be heard. Present a leader, just one, What was that one? It had who has the belly, the better not be renegotiation. backbone,thebrawn,andthe No!No! Nosir! Aslipofthe brainpower to confront the tongue and a momentary people of Exxon and say this failure of the mind. My is the way that things will be word! Look at what the great from now It is either this oil inheritance has done to way or no way It is either Guyanese. Listen to the the Guyanese way or go verbal gyrations and thine way Show me, and I psychological convulsions will silence myself, slip into that bedevil national leaders. theetherofoiloblivion. They are a ventriloquist’s (The views expressed in dream come true. Alistair this article are those of the Routledge has something to a u t h o r a n d d o n o t say, and the sound comes necessarily reflect the from them. Sugar causes opinions of this newspaper.) Guyanese governments and

GECOM to continue...

From page 3

the Government of Guyana is not opposed to the use of a biometric system for the country’s General and Regional Elections but wants to ensure that the system does not disenfranchisevoters.

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, who is also the General Secretary of the ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), at a recent press conference said, “We don’t have anobjectiontoanysystem,biometricornotthatwillseekto ensure that the people who vote are the people who are eligible to vote… when I talk about biometric, I talk about enhancement; when they [the opposition] talk about biometric,theytalkaboutdisruption.”

The Vice President said too that the government is in favour of having a clean voters’ list and any system that doesn’tdisruptvoters.

“If you look at the flaws of the last elections, it has little todowiththesystem…Itwasnotsystemicbutitwaspeople driven...” Jagdeoasserted.

However, the Vice President said at the end of it all, the decision must be taken by the Guyana Elections Commission(GECOM)asitrelatestowhichsystemismost suitablefortheelections.

Woman critical after stabbed, chopped by soldier

A23-year-old mother of one was stabbed and chopped on Friday by her fiancé who is a Corporal in the Guyana Defence Force (GDF). The woman, Leticia Reynolds,ofNo.30Village, West Coast Berbice (WCB) was stabbed and chopped multiple times by 26-yearoldPhilonEdwards. Reynoldsissaidtobeina criticalconditionattheNew AmsterdamHospital.

Reports are that the incident occurred at around 19:30hrs. Police said that Reynolds lives with her 5year-oldsonandEdwards.

“The suspect returned home at around 17:50hrs yesterday and accused the victim of permitting her son'sfathertovisitduringhis absence The victim acknowledged the visit but clarified that there was no interaction between them,” policesaidinapressrelease.

Edwards became angry and retrieved a knife from thekitchen,whichheheldto the victim's neck, and subsequently instructing her son to leave the premises. The child did and upon his exit, Edwards proceeded to stabReynoldsmultipletimes on the left side of her face, below her left eye, on her finger, and in her right abdomen.

Fearing for her life, Reynolds attempted to escape by running around the house but Edwards went foracutlassfromthekitchen and dealt her a chop to the left side of her neck. The chop wound caused the womantobleedprofusely Edwards made good his

escapefromthesceneofthe crime.

Reynolds sought help fromarelativewhotookher to the Fort Wellington

Hospital to receive medical attention.

Duetotheseverityofher i n j u r i e s , s h e w a s subsequently transferred to

the New Amsterdam Hospital.

Later Friday night, the GDF Corporal went to the Weldaad Police Station where he admitted to chopping and stabbing Reynolds.Hewasarrested. Investigations are ongoing.

GDF Corporal, Philon Edwards

DDL signs new 5-year collective labour agreement with unions

Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), and the threeunionsoperatinginthe group: the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU), the Guyana Labour Union (GLU), and the Clerical and Commercial Workers Union (CCWU), signed another historic five-year Collective Labour Agreement (for the years 2025-2029) on November20,2024.

In a statement issued on Saturday, the company said that the signing was historic since the negotiations were initiated by the company after reviewing the national situation, even though the company and the unions already had a five-year agreement in place, which would have come to an end onDecember31,2025.

“The Agreement signed on Wednesday includes a clause that ends the current agreement with effect from 31st December 2024. The new terms and conditions agreed will come into effect the 1st January 2025,” the statementsaid.

At the signing ceremony on Wednesday, General SecretaryoftheGLU,Carvil Duncan commended the process. He reflected that whilst negotiating, he thought that some of the requests from the unions were tough, but he was very pleased that 'all parties have done well'. He said that the Agreement should be a landmark that all other industrieswillfollow General Secretary of the CCWU, Sherwood Clarke noted that his union collaborates with the other unions (GAWU and GLU), and that the relationship works very well, with everyone receiving the necessary support Mr Clarke said that he is confident that the managementandunionscan meet and address any concernsthatarisefromtime totime,astheyhavedonein the past President of GAWU, Seepaul Narine, who was the lead in the negotiations, indicated that he was very happy that we havereachedwhathecallsa

L-ROutgoingHRDirectorMs.MoneetaSingh-Bird;GeneralSecretaryoftheGLU,Mr.CarvilDuncan; ChairmanoftheDDLgroup,Mr.KomalSamaroo;PresidentofGAWUMr.SeepaulNarine;DDLFinance Director,Mr.VasudeoSingh;GeneralSecretaryoftheCCWUMr.SherwoodClarke;ChiefHROfficerofthe DDLgroup,Ms.FazelaHaniff;andIndustrialRelationsOfficeroftheDDLgroup,Ms.AbiolaMcLennon.

'very historic agreement' Narine reminded that DDL has been signing with three unions together for years, whichhasneverbeforebeen seeninthecountry Hesaid, 'when we look at this agreement,itwasnegotiated to cancel an existing agreement (which should have ended in 2025)'. He pointed out that the new minimum will be $125,000 for 2025, which is an increase of 37% over the currentminimum.

Mr. Narine pointed out

that it is an excellent achievement, not only from the side of the unions, but also points to the generosity of the management. He indicated that employees in thepublicsectorarelikelyto get an increase in their minimum salary, but that DDL would be significantly higher, with a minimum wageof$125,000. Henoted that the company and the unions were always able to work together, and any issuescanbesortedout.

The GAWU president



The fire which claimed thelivesofamotherandher four children at No 64 Village, Corentyne, Berbice on November 12, 2024 was maliciously set, Chief Fire Officer (ag) Gregory Wickhamsaid.

Wickham confirmed that investigations into the incident have concluded and revealed that the fire was deliberately started in a car locatedunderneaththehome.

"I spoke with the commander (Shivpersaud Bacchus), and it was confirmed that the investigation has concluded and it has been declared that thefirewasmaliciouslyset," Wickham told Kaieteur News on Saturday.The incident, which shocked the Berbice community and the nation, occurred on November 12, 2024, around 02:00 hrs. The victims were Hemwatie Singh, a 34-yearold housewife, and her children Kelvin Ramjatan (14), Brandon Ramjatan (10), Cindy Ramjatan (11), andTomeshRamjatan(2). Kevin Ramjatan, Singh's 17-year-old son, managed to escape the blaze unharmed. He was subsequently taken into police custody to assist w i t h t h e o n g o i n g investigation. The children's father,

Hemwatie Singh and her four children ages 2- 14 died in a house fire

RohanRamjattan,wasnotat homeatthetimeofthefireas he was in police custody in connection with cattle rustlingmatter It is currently unknown whether any other arrests

have been made in connectionwiththeincident.

However, Fire Chief Wickham assured that an updatewillbereleasedsoon.

“As soon as we get the update, we will make a release,”hestated. According to police reports, the fire began while thefamilywasasleep.Kevin

told police that he was sleepingontheverandawhen he was awakened by flames fromthelowerflat,wherehis father's car was parked. He rusheddownstairsandfound his family awake and trying toescape.

“They tried to run out of thehousebutastheysawthe large flames in front of the house, they turned back and wentupstairs,”hereportedly told police.As a result, they becametrappedinthefire.

The teenager said that he was unable to immediately callthepoliceduetothelack

of a phone and unresponsive neighbours.

H e r a n t o h i s grandmother's house for help, but by the time they returned,thehousewasfully engulfed in flames. Kevin alsonotedthatthesteelgate, whichhehadclosedthenight before, was open when he escapedthenextmorning.

Firefighters arrived around 03:35hrs but found the house already consumed by flames.After the fire was brought under control, the charred remains of the five victims,werediscovered.

reiteratedthattheagreement is a good agreement, which caters for increases every year over a 5-year period of 6, 7 and 8% for C, B andA performance,andnotedalso that other allowances have alsoincreased.Hereminded thattheAgreementalsohasa clausethattakescareofwhat happens if the national inflation rate exceeds 5% and recalled recently when the national inflation rate hadrisenabove5%,thatthe company had taken steps to ensure that employees' salaries were adjusted accordingly Narine concluded that “DDL is indeed a leader which we hope that the private sector will follow”. He said that he was very pleasedtobeassociatedwith DDL and to be signing this Agreement.

Chairman of the DDL group, Mr Komal Samaroo, inhisremarksatthesigning,

spoke a little about the h i s t o r y o f t h e union/company relations, noting that before 2002, the company was negotiating individually with three unions. Thecompanyatthat time thought to try to build trust with and amongst the unions working in the company, and then signed the first multi-year, multi union agreement in 2002: twenty-twoyearsago. The Chairman also gave a background into the longer-termagreements,and how the company and the unions got to the point of extendingouragreementsso thatalotoftimeisnotspent aroundthenegotiatingtable. Necessarysafetyclausesare included in the agreements. Thecompanysignedthefirst five-year agreement in 2015 (having done three-year agreementsbeforethen).

Mr Samaroo indicated (Continuedonpage50)

Police are investigating t h e c i r c u m s t a n c e s surrounding the death of a man whose body was found in a submerged pick-up at Babu Jaan, Port Mourant, Berbice, Region Six by public-spiritedcitizens.

The dead man has been identified as Mitchell Benn. His remains were found on Saturdayafternoon.

P o l i c e r e c e i v e d

information of a submerged pick-up in a canal at Babu Jaan. Upon arrival at the location, Benn's body was

foundnexttothevehicle. Regional Commander Shivpersaud Bacchus told K a i e t e u r N e w s that investigations are ongoing but noted initial reports suggest that Benn may have lost control of the vehicle causing him to be pinned underwaterbythesubmerged automobile.

Notwithstanding those initial reports, the Commander made it clear that investigators have been unable to confirm exactly whattranspired.

Dead: Mitchell Benn
Manfound deadin submerged pick-upat BabuJaan

Shaniya De Costa

Driven by this philosophy that “We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are," Guyanese singer, model, and crochet designer Shaniya De Costa continuously seeks growth and innovation in both her craft and her business endeavours. The stunning creative stands ready to take on the challenge of turning her passion into a successful enterprise. With a keen entrepreneurial spirit, Shaniya's ultimate goal is to expand her crochet business on a larger scale. She dreams of sharing her creations with the world and making a name for herself in the industry

‘Aunty Rubes’ scores 105 runs in life’s ‘cricket’

Some scenes from the day’s celebration.

Some scenes from the day’s celebration.

Every person dreams of being good at something in life and amassing huge achievements because of it. For Ruby Maria Mingo, her talent appears to be playing thegameoflifeandwinning e v e r y r o u n d T h e centenarian has managed to win another round for the last 105 years and is still growingstrong.

Born on November 8, 1919, in Berbice, “Rubes,” as she is fondly called, married the late Wilbert

Augustus Mingo and mothered 10 offspring (two deceased) six boys and four girls. Those alive are John Mingo, Franklin Mingo, Mortimer Mingo, James Mingo, Malcolm Mingo, Mary Luke, Yvonne Simpson, Paula Adams Sadly, Albert Mingo and Pamela Chance are deceased.

Although suffering from aslightcirculationaswellas arthritis issues, Mrs. Mingo still has all of her senses intact and is an excellent reader even without her glasses. She is still quite mobile and get around by herselfusingherwalker

The centenarian has an avidlovefortechnologyand enjoys playing crossword puzzles on her tables when she is not chatting up with relatives and friends via WhatsApp.Thisyear,forher 105th birthday, Mrs. Mingo wasalldeckedoutinawhite dress with a flowered sash whichreadhappybirthday

The small intimate gathering at her home entailed her relatives from eachgeneration;whatisleft of her peers and her church family She was all smiles and in a jolly mood, as she greeted everyone who entered and took a seat to await the beginning of the service.

One can say it was tradition for Mrs. Mingo to celebrateherbirthdayinthis manner every year and her family was there every step ofthewaytomakeithappen. As her grandson Randy always says “anything to makehersmile”.

Thecakewasagreenand gold two tiered one and the decor followed a similar colour scheme to match it. For those who couldn’t physically be in attendance to the service her grandson made sure to have a Zoom streamingsetupsothatthey could be a part of the

stivities and his grandmotherwasinthebest ofmoods,asthewellwishes poured in over the Zoom call.

A strong Seventh Day Adventist,Rubyisapillarof strength for many and has more adopted, foster children, grand and great grandchildren than she can count. Everyone, who has touched base or crossed paths with this 105-year-old describedherasthesweetest person.

Duringaninterviewwith The Waterfalls last year, Mrs. Mingo took us down memory lane from her childhood straight to adulthood and shared a few ofherfavouritememories.“I was born on November 8, 1919. I grew up very poor butmymotherwasalways (Continuedonpage19)

Some scenes from the day’s celebration.

WEEK-IN-REVIEW afterthat.”


The Longtail project, according

toBharratwillyieldmoregas,akey resource to this country’s energy

Guyana received US$5.4B in security royalty, profits from 500M

Presently, the Government of barrels pumped to date Guyana is pursuing a Gas-toEnergy (GTE) project that is

expected to generate 300

Kaieteur news-ExxonMobil megawatts of cleaner and cheaper Guyana Limited (EMGL), the electricity The initiative will be operator of the Stabroek Block, supplied with gas from the Liza recently announced that it has One and Liza Two projects in the achieved the milestone of Stabroek Block, however, with the producing500millionbarrelsofoil reserves at the two projects from the block since production dwindling and the project yet to beganinDecember2019. start up, it is likely that other

In June 2018, ExxonMobil

In a statement on Wednesday projects will be connected to the the company said, “Oil production pipeline to supply gas to the Wales will generate tens of billions of DevelopmentsiteontheWestBank dollars of revenue and significant of Demerara where the power plant economic development for isbeingconstructed. Guyana.”

According to Exxon, since first announced the Longtail discovery, production in December 2019, its eight successful find in the more than US$5.4 billion in oil plans in place to grow production

incomplete. Meanwhile, the EPA Kaieteur News had reported Stabroek Block The company revenues and royalties have been capacity to more than 1.3 million has advanced its part in relation to that an analysis of the second audit revealed that Longtail- 1 well was paid into the Guyana Natural bpd by the end of 2027, when they the application that was made by report reveals missing details on drilled in a new reservoir, ResourceFund(NRF). anticipate having all six projects up EMGL for Env

key expenditures that were covered encountering approximately 256

The Stabroek Block is and running offshore. This will Authorisation for its seventh inthefirstoilauditthatwasdoneby feet(78meters)ofhigh-quality,oilestimated to hold some 11.6 billion include the addition of the project. On November 6, EPA British firm IHS Markit of the bearing sandstone reservoir The barrels of oil equivalent. The U. S Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptail published the Terms and Scope to company’s 1999-2017 expenses. well was safely drilled to 18,057 oil giant holds 45% interest in the projects. guide the preparation of the IHS had recommended that the feet (5,504 meters) depth in 6,365 block, while its partners Hess Moreover, Exxon has already Environmental Impact Assessment Government of Guyana (GoG) feet(1,940meters)ofwater Guyana Exploration Ltd and made an application to the (EIA) for the Hammerhead disallow US$214 million in costs S u b s e q u e n t l y, E x x o n CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Environmental Protection Agency Development. being claimed by Exxon for the announced the discovery of Limited hold 30% and 25% (EPA) for Environmental misuse of Guyana’s oil profits and Longtail-3inJune2021.Drillingat respectively Authorisation for a seventh project Final audit report of Exxon’s failure to justify expenses.The first Longtail-3 encountered 230 feet The 2016 Production Sharing calledtheHammerhead.

US$7.3B expenses sent to report, commissioned by the (70 meters) of net pay, including Agreement (PSA) outlines the Hammerhead was announced company, to be made public Coalition government, provided newly identified, high quality distribution of revenues generated as Exxon’s ninth commercial next week – Minister Bharrat comprehensive data on significant hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs from the Stabroek Block between discovery in August 2018. The costs, such as those for supply below the original Longtail-1 the oil companies and Guyana.The Hammerhead-1 well was drilled in Minister of Natural Resources, vessels,drillrigs,SURF,helicopter discovery intervals. The well was deal allows Exxon and its co- a new reservoir, encountering Vickram Bharrat, on Saturday services, and waste management, drilled in more than 6,100 feet venturers to recover up to 75% of approximately 197 feet (60 meters) confirmedthatthefinalauditreport while these details are notably (1860meters)ofwater production costs before the of high-quality, oil-bearing on ExxonMobil’s US$7.3 billion absent from the audit report by the It should be noted that while remaining 25% is shared between sandstone reservoir The well was expenses for the Stabroek Block localconsortium. Exxon has made an application to Guyana and the Stabroek Block safely drilled to 13,862 feet (4,225 (2018-2020) has been sent to Travelguides the Government of Guyana for its partners. After accounting for the meters) depth in 3,773 feet (1,150 Exxon and will be made available Advertisingopportunities seventh project, Hammerhead, the 2% royalty, cost recovery, and meters) of water The project will onlinenextweek. Currently, citizens can access Chief Policymaker for the sector, profit sharing, Guyana’s total take target between 120-180 thousand T

VHE’s “InitialAudit Report for the Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo had from the oil produced is 14.5% of barrels per day (kbd). Exxon is conducted by local consortium Stabroek Block Cost Recovery made it clear that there is no thetotalvalueoftheoil. aiming to commence production VHE Consulting, a registered Audit – 2018 to 2020” on the guarantee approval would be According to information from activities by 2029, following the partnership comprising Ramdihal Ministry of Natural Resources granted. the Bank of Guyana (BoG) and requisiteapprovals. & Haynes Inc., Eclisar Financial, website That version was During a press conference in government reports, at the end of The daily production capacity and Vitality Accounting & published on April 12, 2024 and is August, Jagdeo when questioned 2023 Exxon and its partners being targeted for Hammerhead, is C o n s u l t a n c y I n c , w i t h 135pages. on the seventh project said, “When recovered over US$18.4 billion. significantlylowercomparedtothe internationalsupportfromSGSand and if…if and or when and if we Cost recovery for the Stabroek last three projects sanctioned, Martindale Consultants The Monday approvetheprojectthenyouwillbe Block has shown a steady increase which each target over 200 kbd. contractforthisauditwasvaluedat told about what the benefits will over the years, rising from US$633 Hammerhead-1 is located US$751,000(GY$156million). ExxonMobil eyeing 8th project be.” At that time, the former Head millionin2020toUS$1.9billionin approximately 13 miles (21 On Friday evening, Chartered despite Jagdeo says 7th ‘iffy’ of State said the company had not 2021, US$7.4 billion in 2022, and kilometers)southwestoftheLiza-1 Accountant Floyd Haynes, one of yet made an application for the US$8.3 billion in 2023. In the well and follows previous the principals of VHE Consulting American oil supermajor, project. government’s 2024 Mid-Year discoveries on the Stabroek Block disclosedthattheauditingteamhas ExxonMobil has constantly Followin

cial report, it was revealed that US$7.5 at Liza, Liza Deep, Payara, Snoek, submitted the final report to the recognised Guyana for fostering an applicationbythecompany,Jagdeo billion was recovered by the oil Turbot, Ranger, Pacora and Ministry of Natural Resources environment to propel the rapid was again asked to comment on the companies. This will take the total Longtail. (MNR) and the Guyana Revenue pace of oil and gas projects. The project when he announced that revenues recovered by Exxon and Notably, while Exxon is hoping Authority(GRA). company, is presently eyeing an government has discontinued an its partners to about US$25.9 to get approval for the “

eight development although its advertisement for a consultant to billion. Hammerhead project by mid-2025, possession…Please reach out to seventh project, Hammerhead may review the Hammerhead project. Notably, ExxonMobil, Hess, VicePresident(VP)BharratJagdeo them…” Haynes told this beinlimbo. According to him, the information and CNOOC have committed hassaidthathehaddiscontinuedan publication. Minister of Natural Resources, the company presented was nearlyUS$55billiontodevelopsix advertisement initiated by the Haynes comments follow that Vickram Bharrat during an incomplete. government-approved projects Ministry of Natural Resources of Commissioner General of the engagement with the media had withintheStabroekBlock.Thefirst seeking a consultant to review GuyanaRevenueAuthority(GRA), indicated that Longtail is City Mayor slams govt. for three projects – Liza Phase 1, Liza ExxonMobil’s Field Development Godfrey Statia, who said last anticipatedtobetheoilgiant’snext favouring foreign companies Phase 2 and Payara are averaging Plan (FDP) for the Hammerhead Saturday that, “The final audit will localproject.Bharrattoldreporters, over locals for tax concessions morethan650,000barrelsofoilper development. He said he made this be released within the week. I have “already they are moving ahead day (bpd) in production. The decision because the information already given the go ahead to VHE with Hammerhead and we have GeorgetownMayorAlfred ExxonMobil-led consortium has the company presented thus far is forthemtodoso.” heard talks that Longtail will come (Continued on page 17)

FPSO Prosperity

From page 16 of refunds used to offset tax concessions to foreign part of the decision-making Mentore has called out the liabilities. corporations, while denying in 2016 and partly because Government of Guyana Inthe2023report,theoil local businesses the same wefeelthattherenegotiation (GoG) for what he sees as and gas sector’s contribution level of support, only of the contract should not be preferential treatment of rose to $128.070 billion, a underscores the growing discussed in isolation from f o r e i g n c o m p a n i e s , 46% increase from 2022. disparity between the the distribution of the particularlyintheoilandgas This included $122 162 interests of multinational proceedsthatcomefromit.” sector, when it comes to billion from internal revenue entities and the needs of Exxonchargingstations granting tax concessions and and $5 908 billion from Guyana’s small and

The party holds the view incentives. customs. Notably, the total medium-sized enterprises,” that “substantive democracy H e m a d e t h e contractual tax exemptions theMayorsaid. should mean that all those aforementioned statement in granted to the sector was L o c a l c u i s i n e who are affected by national his response to criticism $196 569 million VAT experiences decisions should participate

r e c e i v e d f r o m t h e refunds for the sector He added, “In this inthedecisionmaking.” government in relation to a amounted to $8.854 billion e n v i r o n m e n t , l o c a l 25% waiver granted by the i n 2 0 2 3 , w i t h 1 2 3 businesses are left to

Foreign companies City Council to the Guyana applications processed. This struggle, while the making US millions in Telephone and Telegraph includes $3.534 billion in government continues to Guyana must pay fair Company (GTT), now refundsissuedtocompanies, bend over backwards for share of taxes - says r e b r a n d e d a s O N E whilesomeVATcreditswere foreigninvestors.” Jagdeo Communications. disallowed.

Moreover, ExxonMobil …as City Hall waives

Mentore argues that Mentore in his letter and its partners Hess, and rates and taxes for GTT while multinational suggests that this policy, CNOOC, operating under c o r p o r a t i o n s e n j o y whichhasbeenahallmarkof the 2016 Production Sharing

Vice President Bharrat significant tax breaks and the government’s approach Agreement (PSA), did not

Jagdeo is opposed to the other benefits when to foreign investors, has have to pay about $306

Georgetown Mayor and City investing in Guyana, local contributed to a widening billion income taxes on their Council (M&CC) granting businesses, especially those g a p b e t w e e n l o c a l Guyanese operations in rates and taxes waivers to outside the government’s e n t e r p r i s e s a n d 2 0 2 3 , l e a v i n g t h e foreigncompanies. favoured corporate class, are multinational corporations. government to cover the The Vice President told denied similar support The Mayor argue that this costs. reporters on Thursday at his “While it [Government] has unequal treatment fosters an Last year, ExxonMobil, weekly press conference consistently been willing to environment of inequality, Hess,andCNOOCearnedan held at Freedom House, grant major tax breaks and where foreign companies estimated $1.3 trillion in Robb Street, Georgetown concessions to foreign thrive while local businesses profits for 2023, all of which that the dec

companies, especially those struggle to survive He were tax-free in Guyana. Georgetown City Council to in the oil and gas sector, highlighted the growing This arrangement stems been criticized both locally Jagdeo disagreed with grant a 25% waiver on when it comes to local disparity between the from the lopsided 2016 PSA and internationally Despite Nandlall saying that the outstanding rates and taxes businesses, particularly interests of foreign investors which was signed by the the growing calls for Attorney General spoke in to ONE Communications, those that are not part of the and the needs of small and p r e v i o u s C o a l i t i o n renegotiation, the Irfaan Ali hispersonalcapacityandnot formerly Guyana Telephone government’s preferred medium-sized enterprises government. administration has stood by asagovernmentofficial. and Telegraph Company corporate class, it seems to (SMEs)inGuyana. The 2016 deal allows the the sanctity of the contract, Jagdeo said while there (GTT)wasmisguided. act with a different set of “This dual approach oil companies to recover up stating it will not seek to might well be issues “We are opposed to this rules,” the Mayor wrote in creates an environment of to 75% of their investment amend the terms In an r e g a r d i n g b r i n g i n g City Council giving waiver hisletter. inequality, where local costs from production and interviewlastyear,President ExxonMobil to the table to GTT…these foreign Foreign companies, businesses are made to pay no taxes on their profits. Ali acknowledged the deal even with a successful companiesfortheirratesand including those in the struggle while foreign Instead, it stipulates that the was not in Guyana’s favour referendum, he would prefer taxes, it’s ridiculous. They lucrativeoilandgasindustry, companies are given government covers their tax but insisted that honouring to deal with the matter after claim they don’t have often receive various preferential treatment,” he liabilities from its share of the contract is important to next year’s general and money; these are big incentives from the stated. Mentore further the profit oil. As part of this hisgovernment’spolicy. regionalelections. companies they have huge government. These include s u g g e s t e d t h a t t h e deal, Guyana earned $336 Areferendumisageneral assets here; they are selling generous tax breaks, import government’s continued billion from oil in 2023, but TUESDAY vote by the electorate on a their assets making tens of duty exemptions, and other focus on attracting foreign the government had to pay a single political question that millions of US dollars in financial concessions aimed investment,attheexpenseof staggering $306 billion in Referendum on oil has been referred to them for Guyana, they should pay at encouraging investment local businesses, reflects a income taxes on behalf of contract crucial before adirectdecision. their fair share of taxes at the and boosting economic broader political agenda that Exxon and its partners. The any future negations with “While that contention is CityCouncil,”Jagdeosaid. growth. prioritizes multinational PSA mandates that the Exxon - WPA true, an affirmative The Vice President The 2022 and 2023 corporations over the government, from its 14.5%

referendum vote would be a criticized the rationale Auditor General’s reports country’s own economic shareoftheoilrevenue,must

A referendum on the potent bi-partisan, national behind granting waivers to highlight the revenue backbone. settle the taxes owed by the 2016oilcontractiscrucialto tool in the hands of foreign entities, particularly collectedfromtheoilandgas “The government’s companiestotheGRA. any future negotiations the government as it engages those with significant sector, as well as the ongoing practice of granting This tax arrangement has Government of Guyana is Exxon To cite Exxon’s financial resources, noting extensive tax exemptions likely to have with U.S. oil potential inflexibility in the that these companies have granted to it. According to giant, ExxonMobil. This is face of a formal national been benefiting from deals the 2022 report, the oil and the view of the Working demand as a reason for made decades ago. He said, gassectorgenerated$86.207 People’sAlliance(WPA). rejecting the referendum is “Why do you have to give a billion in tax revenue, At the party’s weekly akin to throwing in the towel foreign company that’s flush accounting for 28.6% of the press conference on before the game starts,” Dr with cash from selling their totalrevenuecollectedbythe Monday, Co-leader Dr Hindssaid. propertieshere…” Guyana Revenue Authority David Hinds told reporters The WPA reiterated its Jagdeo argued that the (GRA). This revenue was that it would not hurt to have support for the referendum waiver process lacks splitbetween$80.711billion Guyanese engaged in public as part of a package that transparency and fairness. from internal revenue and discussionaboutthe2016oil includes “the issues of legal, Heemphasizedtheneedfora $5.496billionfromcustoms. deal. structured Cash Transfers clear policy to guide such Meanwhile, tax exemptions Dr Hinds referenced and Power Sharing/Shared decisions, stating, “We have granted to the sector statementsmadebyAttorney Governance.” made it clear, if you are amounted to $108 275

GeneralAnil Nandlall which The WPA co-leader giving…ifyouhaveapolicy billion Value-Added Tax said that a referendum on the explained that the party did to give a waiver then it must (VAT)refundsforoilandgas lopsided oil contract would n o t p r o v i d e m u c h be a stated policy, people companies in 2022 totaled beawasteoftime.However, commentary on the oil mustnotcomeintoanyone’s $5.113billion,withaportion Vice President Bharrat contract because, “it was not

(Continued on page 18)

Georgetown Mayor, Alfred Mentore
President Irfaan Ali
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo

From page 17

to undertake environmental studies officetonegotiateawaiver…” for a 36-well campaign in the Stabroek Block, the Gas-to-Energy

WEDNESDAY pipeline project and a 12-well campaignintheCanjeBlock.

‘Guyana not shackled to Concerns were previously Exxon oil deal forever’– raised regarding the selection Professor Clive Thomas process and utilization of this …all contracts are subject to consultant for almost all of the oil change company’s projects to date. In fact, it should be noted that Exxon

The Petroleum Sharing outsourced another Consultant, Agreement (PSA) signed between AcornInternationaltoconductonly Guyana and ExxonMobil in 2016 oneofitsEIAstodate.Thefirmhad does not bind the country forever, completed environmental studies Executive Member of the Working forthefifthoffshoreproject,Uaru. People’sAlliance (WPA) Professor Exxon went back to ERM to Dr. Clive Thomas told reporters on conductanEIAforthesixthproject Monday andnowtheseventh.

Speaking at the party’s weekly

press conference, Dr Thomas said organizations had objected to the that globally, all contracts are Yellowtail EIA done by ERM, recognized to be subject to the insisting that the consultant group possibility of change. He said the had been in fact been copying and WPA does not agree with the pasting sections of their previous government’spostureasitrelatesto EIAs into new documents, without therenegotiationofthecontractand considering whether or not those what it terms anti-democratic assessments were done to honour behaviour. the steps it had outlined regarding

The party believes “that the potentialtransboundaryvictims. government is trying to normalize The group included the anti-democratic behaviour in the

way in which it governs the

( C - C A M ) country.” Foundation, The Jamaica Fish

“There can be no forever Sanctuary Network, Jamaica binding for our contracts… the last Environment Trust, Institute for attempt to do that historically has Small Islands, Fishermen and beenthroughtheindenturedsystem Friends of the Sea and Freedom and more recently and for more Imaginaries. It was also reported prominence the slavery system of that ERM hired experts to conduct bondage,” said Dr Thomas who those studies who have worked noted that “You can’t tie through a withtheoilcompanyforyears.This contract, parties to be forever was highlighted in the EIA bounded to the terms of the completed by ERM for Exxon’s contract… (in fact) every contract Gas-to-Energy project to be that is recognized in every country constructed at Wales, West Bank of the world is universally subject Demerara. According to the study, tothepossibilityofchange.” one of the experts at ERM, the

Dr Thomas told reporters that Guyana Programme Lead, Partnerthe government’s position on the in-Charge, Mr Todd Hall has over holding of a referendum on the 25 years of broad experience in subject of the renegotiation of the environmentalconsulting,focusing oilcontractisaninsulttoGuyanese onenvironmental,socialandhealth “becausewhatwearetryingtodois impact assessment, management toexercisethedemocraticaspectof General Anil Nandlall which said To cite Exxon’s potential making.” plan development, multimedia every single contract that it cannot that a referendum on the lopsided inflexibility in the face of a formal permitting, site planning and bind people forever into eternity it oil contract would be a waste of national demand as a reason for Exxon hires same consultant to licensing, remediation, and risk has to be subject to change as long time. rejecting the referendum is akin to do EIAstudy for 7th oil project assessment. asthepartiesagree.” However, Vice President throwing in the towel before the His biography included in the Further, the WPA executive Bharrat Jagdeo disagreed with gamestarts,”Dr Hindssaid. ExxonMobil Guyana Limited EIA states that “Todd has worked member said the government’s Nandlall saying that the Attorney The WPA reiterated its support (EMGL) has hired Environmental with ExxonMobil for his entire stance as articulated by Vice General spoke in his personal for the referendum as part of a Resources Management (ERM) for career, from his first project President Bharrat Jagdeo is “his capacity and not as a government packagethatincludes“theissuesof a ninth time to conduct an involving a remedial investigation way to try to make a defense for official. legal,structuredCashTransfersand Environmental Impact Assessment of a legacy ExxonMobil property, Exxon and we will think that the Jagdeo said while there might P o w e r S h a r i n g / S h a r e d (EIA) for its offshore oil and gas and he has led ERM’s programmes government has other interests to well be issues regarding bringing Governance.” operationsinGuyana. for ExxonMobil at multiple protect…” ExxonMobil to the table even with The WPA co-leader explained The Terms and Scope for the downstream facilities, legacy sites, Kaieteur News reported on a successful referendum, he would that the party did not provide much EIA of the seventh project- LNG (Liquified natural gas) November 18 that the WPA prefer to deal with the matter after commentary on the oil contract Hammerhead- prepared by the regasification facilities, and believes a referendum on the 2016 next year’s general and regional because, “it was not part of the Environmental Protection Agency upstr

d oil contract is crucial to any future elections. decision-makingin2016andpartly (EPA), indicates that ERM was developmentprojectsworldwide.” negotiations the Government of A referendum is a general vote because we feel that the approved by the regulator to An EIAis intended to highlight Guyana is likely to have with U.S. by the electorate on a single renegotiationofthecontractshould undertake the study for the the potential impacts from a oilgiant,ExxonMobil. political question that has been not be discussed in isolation from development. project, outline measures that will Co-leader Dr David Hinds told referred to them for a direct the distribution of the proceeds that To date, ERM has been be taken to mitigate these harmful reporters on Monday that it would decision. comefromit.” c o n t r a c t e d t o c o n d u c t impactsaswellasinformthepublic not hurt to have Guyanese engaged “While that contention is true, The party holds the view that environmental studies for the Liza what actions will be taken to in public discussion about the 2016 an affirmative referendum vote “substantive democracy should One, Liza Two, Payara, Yellowtail, respondintheeventofanaccident. oildeal. would be a potent bi-partisan, meanthatallthosewhoareaffected WhiptailandHammerheadprojects Controversy Dr Hinds referenced national tool in the hands of by national decisions should in the Stabroek Block The InDecember2021,agroupof statements made by Attorney government as it engages Exxon. participate in the decision- ConsultantwasalsohiredbyExxon (Continued on page 36)

Map showing the location of the Hammerhead project offshore Guyana

President’s College marks oral health month with three-day activities

Aspartoftheoral health month observance of the President’s College Dental Centre under the theme,“Ahealthymouthisa healthy body,” organized a Dental Booth for teachers andstudents.

Dentex Holly AdridgePrinceengagedthestudents of levels 7,8 and 9 with the various oral health topics overtheperiodofthreedays

She lectured on the teethanditsfunctions,the importance of brushing and flossing regularly, the different types of brushing techniques, the importance ofchangingyourtoothbrush, healthy and unhealthy foods fortheteeth,thevariousways fluoride can be administered to children, as well as halitosis (bad breath) and a fewcauses Ms AdridgePrince also encouraged the students to visit the dentist every 6 months and make good use of the information

The oral presentation conducted by the Dentex proved to be highly beneficial as the students gained valuable insights into various aspects of oral health, including the importance of toothbrush

r e p l a c e m e n t , t h e

significance of fluoride intake, and its impact on dental enamel These topicsresonateddeeplywith the students, as they left the booth contemplating their oralhygienepracticeswhile discreetly examining their teeth.

The presentation was both engaging and informative, fostering an environmentwherestudents felt comfortable asking questions that may have previouslyseemdaunting.

The dentist’s efforts in creating a welcoming atmosphere enabled students to gain a comprehensive understanding of oral health, empowering them to make informeddecisionsabouttheir dentalwell-being

As a dentist, Ms Adridge-Prince noted that her prime responsibility is to ensure that patients not only receive the best form of treatment but also to understand the importance of maintaining proper oral hygiene

“Oral health month is always an efficient way to tie these concepts together

As we celebrate this year under the theme, “A healthy mouth is a happy body”, I’d just like to remind everyone of some

important keys to

maintaining good oral health; brushing twice daily (when waking in the morning and before bed), flossingALLteeth at least once daily, visiting dental clinics every six months a n d p r a c t i s i n g moderation,” AdridgePrinceadded

‘Aunty Rubes’scores 105 runs in life’s...


there and she always said go to school on timetosayyourprayersandgetaneducation, learn.”

After completing her secondary

education, she ventured into the world of workandstartedinthedomesticfield.Even thoughitwashardwork,thefactthatshewas fending for herself and was able to help others,kepthergoing.

President’s College Dental Centre under the theme, “Ahealthy mouth is a healthy body,” organized a Dental Booth for teachers and students.

Jonathan Majors and Meagan Good are engaged

CNN Jonathan Majors and Meagan Good have announced their engagement at the same annualeventwheretheymet twoyearsago.

Wearing a sparkly gold dress, Good flashed her engagement ring on the green carpet of the 2024 EBONY Power 100 Gala in LosAngelesonSunday

“Life is crazy I’m crying to you she is the most perfect, beautiful, divine (and) powerful being that I’ve ever met,”

Majors told EBONY magazine.

“The fact that she said I’m gonna run with you, I’m with it I feel great,” headded

The acting duo shared thenewsattheevent,which celebrates Black talent and leaders from across the world, because that “is the event that we met at in the bathrooms,” Good told E! News, clarifying, “in the unisexbathroom.”

Theengagementmarksa high note for Majors who, earlier this year, was sentenced to a 52-week

mandatory in-person

domestic violence prevention program plus a separate $250 surcharge after being convicted of the

Jonathan Majors and Meagan Good are engaged

assaultandharassmentofhis former girlfriend during a domesticdispute.

The 35-year-old, who

has appeared in “Creed III,” “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania” and “The Harder They Fall,” had his bodyb

originally slated for release on December 8, pulled from Disney’s release schedule ahead of the assault trial in Octoberlastyear

Ortenberg, the CEO of Briarcliff Entertainment, which has acquired the domestic distribution rights to the film, told CNN last month that the film will premiereinearly2025.

Good, who stars in the Prime Video comedy series “

throughout the legal case,

attending court with her partner

The 43-year-old split with her former husband, Hollywood producer DeVon Franklin, in 2021, after nine years of marriage, six years after the pair coauthored the relationshipbook“TheWait: A Powerful Practice for Finding the Love of Your LifeandtheLifeYouLove.”

Interesting Creatures... Pygmy hippo

Th e p y g m y

hippopotamus or pygmy hippo

(Choeropsis liberiensis) is a smallhippopotamidwhichis native to the forests and swamps of West Africa, primarily in Liberia, with small populations in Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Ivory

Coast.Ithasbeenextirpated fromNigeria.

The pygmy hippo is reclusiveandnocturnal.Itis one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae, the other being its much larger relative, the common h i p p o p o t a m u s

(Hippopotamus amphibius) orNilehippopotamus.

T h e p y g m y hippopotamus displays manyterrestrialadaptations, but like the common hippo, it is semiaquatic and relies on water to keep its skin

moist and its body temperaturecool.Behaviors

such as mating and giving birth may occur in water or onland.

The pygmy hippo is herbivorous, feeding on ferns, broad-leaved plants, grasses,andfruitsitfindsin theforests.

A rare nocturnal forest creature, the pygmy

hippopotamus is a difficult animal to study in the wild.

Pygmy hippos were unknown outside West Africauntilthe19thcentury

Introduced to zoos in the early 20th century, they breed well in captivity and thevastmajorityofresearch is derived from zoo specimens.

The survival of the species in captivity is more assuredthaninthewild;ina 2015 assessment, the International Union for Conservation of Nature estimated that fewer than 2,500 pygmy hippos remain inthewild.

Quincy Jones Receives Posthumous Oscar, and Daughter Gives His Speech at the Governors Awards

Before his death two weeksago,themusicianand producer Quincy Jones wrote a speech he intended to deliver at the Governors Awards, where he would receiveanhonoraryOscarat the ceremony created by the Academy of Motion Picture ArtsandSciences.

On Sunday night in Hollywood, his actress daughter Rashida Jones delivered that speech on his behalf before a rapt audience.

“As a teenager growing up in Seattle, I would sit for hours in the theater and dream about composing for films,” she said while channeling her father, who was a Black trailblazer in Hollywood: “When I was a young film composer, you didn’tevenseefacesofcolor working in the studio commissaries.”

Nominated seven times, Jones was given a different honorary Oscar — the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award — in 1995, back whentheseawardswerestill part of the televised Oscar broadcast. To shorten that show, the honorary awards werespunoffintotheirown eventin2009.

A woman stands at a microphone, her eyes closed, emotional. She is held by a woman to her left andamantoherright.

“He has so many friends in this room,” said Rashida Jones, center, of her father, QuincyJones.Credit...Mario Anzuoni/Reuters

Though the Governors Awards are not televised, they still attract an A-list crowd that rivals any major ceremony An early stop on

the awards-season circuit, the event offers plenty of unfettered face time with Oscar voters during its cocktail hour and postdinner break and serves as the season’s starriest schmoozefest.

Jennifer Lawrence, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Lopez staked their seats out early while the directors Luca Guadagnino (repping both “Challengers” and “Queer”) and Brady Corbet (“The Brutalist”) compared notes on film formats. The “Succession” stars Jeremy Strong and Kieran Culkin reconnected on the terrace outside the party; both men are supporting-actor contenders; Strong for “The Apprentice,” Culkin for “A Real Pain.”And the stars of “Emilia Perez, ” Zoe Saldaña, Selena Gomez and Karla Sofía Gascón, proved to be popular presences in everycorneroftheballroom.

The first honoree of the nightwasJulietTaylor,who hascastmorethan100films overthecourseofhercareer including “The Exorcist,” “Terms of Endearment” and “Annie Hall ” While accepting her Oscar, she described her job as being “able to appreciate actors when they’re not all that likable and appreciate directors when they’re not easy.”

DanielCraigcameoutto present the Irving G Thalberg Memorial Award to the producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli, who have served asthestewardsoftheJames Bond franchise for nearly three decades. After taking thereinsofEonProductions from their father, Albert Broccoli, the half-siblings produced the last nine Bond films beginning with “Goldeneye, ” Pierce Brosnan’s first foray in the

Craig,addingplayfully,“He might be in the room! Just joking.”

The honoree Richard Curtis, who has written romantic comedies including “Love Actually,” “Notting Hill” and “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” was introduced by Hugh Grant, w h o r e c a l l e d h i s breakthrough audition for the Curtis-scripted “Four WeddingsandaFuneral.”

A man hugs a woman onstage while holding an Oscar Another man smiles standingnexttothetwo.

did everything in his power to stop me from getting the part, was the writer,” cracked Grant, “who we are meanttohonortonight.”

Curtis,whoisoneofthe founders of the charity organization Comic Relief, usedhisspeechtoencourage Hollywood to take more tangible action to better the lives of others. “Too often, we stop just before the final lap of the race,” he said.

“Powerful films and TV shows are made and everyone just hopes they’ll changethings.”

role,allthewayuptoDaniel Craig’s final Bond outing, “NoTimetoDie.”

“If you want to know whothenewJamesBondis, don’t look at me,” said

The producers Michael G.Wilson, left, and Barbara Broccoli, center, receive the Irving G Thalberg Memorial Award from D a n i e l C r a i g , right Credit Mario Anzuoni/Reuters

“The only person who didn’t want me, and in fact took such an instant and violent dislike to me that he

But the most affecting tribute package was the one thathonoredJones,whodied of pancreatic cancer at age 91.Hereceivedhisfirsttwo Oscar nominations in 1968 for the score to “In Cold Blood”andtheoriginalsong “The Eyes of Love” from “Banning,”whichmadehim the first Black artist to be nominatedtwiceinoneyear

Rashida Jones and her siblings accept the honorary Oscar for their father, Quincy Jones. Credit...Etienne Laurent/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

What Does It Mean to Have Hemophobia?

H e m o p h o b i asometimes also called blood injury injection (BII) phobia—isthefearofblood, physicalinjury,needles,and injections. This type of fear occurs in about 4% of people, causing symptoms like dizziness at the site of blood or nausea before receiving an injection Unlikeotherphobias,which may cause a racing heart, hemophobia actually causes lower blood pressure and increasestheriskoffainting.

Whileresearchersarenot clear on what causes hemophobia, this fear is more common in people assigned female at birth and tends to run in families.The good news is that several types of therapies and some medications can mitigate this phobia and overcome yourfear

H e m o p h o b i a


One of the most notable symptoms of hemophobiais fainting (medically known asvasovagalsyncope)atthe sight of blood Other common symptoms of this phobia include: dizziness, low blood pressure, nausea, stomach pain, excessive sweating and shaking or trembling.

However, hemophobia

can also affect your behavior Many people with this fear experience anxiety before getting their blood drawn or undergoing

procedures. They may also avoidhealthcaresettingsand g e t t i n g i m p o r t a n t vaccinations. Being unable to help someone who is bleeding or bandaging your ownwoundsisalsocommon withhemophobia.


Researchersnotethatit’s hard to determine the exact cause of hemophobia, but some evidence suggests that people with a family history of this type of fear have a higher risk of experiencing hemophobiathemselves.

However,thereareother factors that may increase your risk of developing hemophobia, such as being assigned female at birth, experiencingablood-related trauma in early childhood andlivingwithmentalhealth conditions such as depression.


More than 19 million people in the United States have some type of phobia. While some people may not want to talk about their phobia, if you’re experiencing severe fear that’s affecting your daily life, it may be beneficial to see a healthcare provider, such as a mental health professional.

Everyone needs support sometimes, and there’s no shameingettingthecareyou need. That said, knowing what to expect during an appointment can help ease


To be diagnosed with a specific phobia (such as hemophobia), a mental health professional will ask you a series of questions.

These questions are designed to uncover the significanceofyourfearand determine whether or not it classifies as a phobia. They also help rule out other mentalhealthconditionsthat may be causing your symptoms Your provider will be looking to see if you meet the following criteria forhemophobia:

· Unreasonable fear of blood,needles,orinjections

· Avoidance of getting injections, donating blood,

M e n t a l h e a l t h

professionals also may use tools like the Severity MeasureforSpecificPhobia questionnaire to determine the severity of your phobia. This helps them determine possibly effective treatment options Treatments for Hemophobia

W h e n t r e a t i n g hemophobia, mental health professionals may employ several treatment options that will depend on the intensity of your phobia, your tolerance for different treatmentmethods,andhow yourespondtotherapy

The goal is to teach you how to manage your reactions so that you can haveproceduresthatinvolve needles,injections,orblood.


· Fear that has persisted foralongperiod

· Extreme stress when you’re exposed to blood or needles

· Significant effect on yourqualityoflife

Your provider may recommend one or more of thefollowingtherapies:

p breathing to calm your anxiety

Exposure therapy: Gradually exposes you to blood, injections, or needles to slowly reduce your fear and teach you how to manageyouremotionswhen exposedtothesetriggers Applied tension: Offers guidance on how to apply tension to your muscles to increase your blood pressure to limit symptoms like fainting and hypotension (low blood pressure)

In some cases, your mental health provider may a l s o r e c o m m e n d medications It’s worth noting that there is no medicationapprovedtotreat phobias like hemophobia. Instead,healthcareproviders will prescribe anxiety medications alongside therapy to help reduce symptoms.

C o g n i t i v e behavioral therapy (CBT): Teaches you how to limit panic reactions, regain control of your emotions, and implement strategies lik



We are exactly one month away from Christmas,anditisthattime of year again when the mix of festivity and the allure of holiday sales are driving peopletobuyanewpieceof

household electrical appliance or upgrade an old appliance.

Whether you need such appliances or you are indulging in the

opportunity to treat yourselves and families,

it is important to carefully choose the best

brands and types of

a p p l i a n c e s t h a t demonstrate quality and adhere to strict labelling standards

The Guyana National

Bureau of Standards (GNBS) under the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce

is responsible for monitoring the quality of

household electrical appliances imported and

offered for sale in Guyana, to ensure that

they comply with labelling requirements

Using the National Standard Specification

f o r L a b e l l i n g o f

Commodities – Part 7: Labelling of Electrical Equipment, Fittings and Household Electrical Appliances, the GNBS

m o n i t o r s t h e s e commodities at the ports ofentryandsalesoutlets

The list of electrical appliances monitored by theGNBSisextensive

I t i n c l u d e s refrigerators, electric

stoves and cookers, televisions, blenders,

microwaves, food processors, toasters, and fans among others. Accordingtothe standard, these items must be permanently marked with the nominal voltage or

rated voltage, rated frequency range, rated

power/current, for example120volts/60Hz. Appliance must also be labelled with the

country of origin, manufacturer’s name, t r a d e m a r k o r identification number, the model number, and serial number or type This information helps to determine the source and

identification of the appliance and is useful if there is need for after sale servicesandredress

Importantly, appliances

should carry a Certification Mark such as UL, CE, CSA orNOMwhichindicatesthat they were tested and are of acceptable quality However,intheabsenceofa certification mark, the GNBS requests that importers and dealers provide a test certificate showing the results of quality tests carried out on products by an independent third-party testing laboratory

The standard also requires that detachable components have their independent labelling, and switches must be marked or placed to clearly indicate what component of the appliance they control Further,additionalmarkings are allowed once it does not c o n t r i b u t e t o misunderstanding.

As it relates to precautions for safety in the installation,useorcareofthe item, the writings must be permanently marked on the equipment.

Those precautions not concernedwithsafetycanbe supplied on a separate sheet ofpaper

Importers of electrical appliances are required to register with the GNBS annually

In 2024, a total of 338 Importers of electrical and electronic appliances were registered with the Bureau. Toensureproducts imported comply with the National Standard, our Product Compliance Department (PCD) completed 1500 import inspections and 25 surveillance inspections during ongoing surveillance activities. Surveillance activities have already increased during the shopping season to aid in consumerprotection. It is imperative that w e a l l b e g i n t o recognise the relevance of standardsinensuringthat consumers get product information and the quality they deserve, as shopping grows during the remainder oftheyear

Consumers,youneedto take advantage of the information available to make the best buying decisions during the purchaseofappliances.

To avoid making purchasing mistakes as a c o n s u m e r , t h e following guidelines are alsouseful:

1 Consider the size o


2 Ensure the item can fit into the space availableatyourhome

3. ake into consideration the frequent changes in technology, which may renderanapplianceobsolete oroutdated.

4 Buy from stores that offer warranties,

after-sale services (Be

responsible for services and repairs – the dealer or manufacturer )

5 Look beyond sales and bargain prices and think about quality. A quality appliance may cost just a bit more but will last a lot longer

6 If you are buying your appliances on hire purchase, make sure you

understand the details of

agreement inclusive of the “fine prints”

7 When buying a new appliance, choose the model that is energy efficient

8 Ensure that the appliance purchased is working at the store before taking it home

9 Handle appliances with care; do not misuse

encourages importers and dealers of electrical appliances, electrical fittings and equipment to register for 2025 For further information on



Inthe18thandformuch of the 19th century, Sugar was among the most profitableinvestmentsinthe world.

Most of the Caribbean countries were founded and peopled because of Sugar and its earnings

p e , particularly in England,

regarded as so valuable that many wars were fought for the possession of Sugar colonies and in the final peace treaty of one of those wars, for example, Holland found it was advantageous to surrender its colony of New Amsterdam, now New York, to the English forSuriname.

Guyana, formerly the Dutch colonies of Essequibo, Demerara and Berbice, mirrored this same characteristic of profitability from their sugar plantations which colonies like Barbados and St Domingue (Haiti) hadlongbeenenjoying In the 19th century when the Booker Bros company consolidated most of the colony’s sugar estates, the Sugar Industry became very profitable and

Bookers grew into a large company and the most important economic and socialforceinthecolony Independence came in 1966, by which time the Industry had been nationalized and began a spiral of decline and survivedonly becauseofthe subsidy granted to exports by Britain, the former colonialpower

With the change of circumstances, the subsidy was removed and the Industry became financially unprofitable and had to be supported by Budgetary subsidies When the APNU/AFC came into office in 2015, they decided to end the financial drain of the country’s finances by closing some estates with intention of finally closing theIndustry

An opposing body of opinionfeltthattoregardthe Industry in narrowly financial terms was onedimensional and was a formula which was applicable to smaller companiesandnottoalarge company which affected so many other a

d economiclife.

President Irfaan Ali, in his media engagement programme, “In the Seat” was optimistic that the Industry would again be

financially profitable and thateveninitspresentstate, it is so economically and socially important to other areasofGuyaneselifethatit must be maintained until it again becomes financially profitable.

It was pointed out by President Dr Ali that the presentbudgetarysupportof the Industry will decline as the Industry is revived and begins to be less and less unprofitable.

At the present, the reviving of the Industry is almost like beginning the Industry de novo since the factory and other physical infrastructure of the Estates had been neglected and almost destroyed and the work culture of the Industry hadalmostdisappeared.

The initial costs of reviving the Industry would therefore be high but this will decline as the Industry regainsitsefficiencyandthe Gas-to-Shore project begins to supply electricity at half thepresentcost. Eventually,thesubsidies will not be needed and the Industry would again return toitshalcyondays.

The Industry, even in its presentdebilitatedstateisof positive help to other areas oftheEconomy Forone,it makes available to the Guyanese consumer first quality sugars at affordable


If there was no Sugar Industry, Guyana would have had to import its sugars and first quality sugarswouldnothavebeen affordable to a large segment of consumers On one occasion, for example, Guyana imported sugar from Guatemala which turned out to be of extraordinarily poor quality and was rejected by many consumers.

The existence of the SugarIndustrytherefore,in addition to satisfying consumer needs, saves the drain of foreign exchange which would have been expended to pay for imports

Molasses produced in the Su


ng process, the Rum Industry hasbeenabletoproducethe bestRumsintheworld

Rum producers have tried imported Molasses,

remains for the Guyanese Molasses and as such, the Rum Industry and most of the business community support the maintenance and revival of the Sugar Industry

TheSugarIndustryhas always had a multiplier

economies in the rural areas and President Ali gave an example: “When you look at what Sugar meant” he said, “think of Wales for example When

the factory was closed down atWales a market thathadhundredsofvendors closed immediately and the shopsaroundalsoclosed”.

When one considers thevalueofthespinoffsof a Sugar Estate and the Industry as a whole and places this against the financial loss the Industry would have sustained in any one year, there is at leastanequalization

The Management of the Industry, the Indian and Cub

workingwiththeIndustry, the State Authorities and the workers and their Trad

optimistic that Sugar will again be an essential part oftheGuyaneseEconomy

From page 18 Protection Agency in over and over again? And returned to deepen bilateral Environmentalists wrote to Guyana as it keeps selecting why is Guyana’s EPAfailing ties between the two the EPA requesting that it the same firm to do the study thenationbynotlookinginto countries this time around. discloses the list of other forEsso.” this practical pattern that it is

n qualified consultants, from According to Mangal, responsible for?” questioned Wednesday at the Baridi which ERM was selected to “the EPA Act requires that theenvironmentalist. Benab, State House in conductEIAs. the firm is independent. You Georgetown, the Prime In the document seen by cannot claim independence

THURSDAY Minister noted that the two this publication, the experts when you have a long-term countries identified a Simone Mangal-Joly, Alfred relationship doing all of the Guyana’s 4th oil project is number of areas to deepen Buhlai, Vanda Radzik, studies for the applicant the ‘big thing’for 2025 – cooperation. This includes Janette Bulkan, Denuta [Esso] because you have a Hess boss tells energy cooperation on agriculture, Radzik, Jerry Jailall, Alissa financial relationship now conference

nology and the Trotz and Maya Trotz Thisisafirmthatestablished hydrocarbon sectors among questionedtheindependence itself in Guyana and is doing John Hess, the Chief others. of Exxon’s Consultant, all of Exxon’s work Executive Officer (CEO) of

Prime Minister, Narendra Modi during his address

The Prime Minister said, ERM, since records at that effectively It is not Americanoilcompany, Hess “Given the new possibilities time showed that the independent and Guyanese onWednesdaystatedthatthe in the area of energy, we will ExxonMobil subsidiary has need to look at the EPA for US$10 billion Yellowtail move forward together as only ever selected the ERM failingtodoitsduty,” Stabroek Block project is naturalpartners.Guyanawill from a list of consultants, to Emphasizing the law, “the exciting thing for play an important role in c o n d u c t a l l i t s Mangal noted that the 2025…”

India’s energy security In Environmental Impact relationship between the According to Reuters this regard, we will create a A s s e s s m e n t s a n d three entities leaves many during the Wolfe Research shareholder in the Stabroek Petroleum Guyana Limited, road map for a long-term managementplans. questions. oil and gas conference, Hess Block co-venture Last holding25%interest. partnership. The MOU we Kaieteur News reported “The EPA Act is very made the comment. He said month, Alistair Routledge, The fourth project, are signing today on this that one advocate, Simone clear, there must be too that the Floating thePresidentofExxonMobil Yellowtail, will develop the s

her M a n g a l - J o l y, e v e n independence and that Production Storage and Guyana Limited (EMGL) Tilapia and Redtail strengthenourcooperation.” questionedtheindependence independence has to be Offloading (FPSO) for the operator of the block reservoirs. It targets a daily He said he was pleased ofERM. judged on serious criteria… Yellowtail “should be announced that the production rate of 250,000

d She said, “There seems Do you really think a firm is leaving the yard and sailing Yellowtail project – the barrels of oil per day (bpd), initiatives birthed by India t o b e a l o n g - t e r m independent when they keep to Guyana in the first largest deepwater project to w h i l e t h e o t h e r such as the International relationship between this doing the studies one after quarter… with the startup date in Guyana – is on track developmentsweredesigned SolarAlliance, the Coalition firm, Esso [Exxon’s partner] the other? Are they the only thenlaterintheyear.” for the 2025 startup. The to produce up to 220,000 for Disaster Resilient and the Environmental qualified firm to do the job H e s s i s a 3 0 % third partner is CNOOC bpd. Infrastructure, and the The first three projects – Global Bio-fuel Alliance Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2 “These will help strengthen and Payara are averaging effortsbeingmadeacrossthe more than 650,000 bpd in world to move towards a production. green and sustainable

The ExxonMobil-led future,”Modisaid. consortium has plans in Meanwhile, Secretary in place to grow production the Ministry of External capacity to more than 1.3 Affairs, India, Jaideep million bpd by the end of Mazumdar in a subsequent 2027, when they anticipate interview with the media havingallsixprojectsupand revealed elements of the running offshore. This will energy MOU signed include the addition of the between the two countries. Yellowtail, Uaru and He said, “The hydrocarbons Whiptail projects. Recently, agreement is an umbrella Exxon announced that it has agreement that covers many achieved the milestone of aspects It includes both producing 500 million upstream and downstream barrels of oil from the block aspectsfromprospectingand since production began in exploration down to setting December2019. up downstream projects like petroleum refinery projects, India, Guyana sign pact gasification projects for oil exploration, etcetera.” refineries The agreement will also …PM Modi says allow for skills training of ‘Guyana will play big role Guyanese in the areas of in India’s energy security’ partnership with India When asked how soon ByDavinaBagot exploration activities could

India’s Prime Minister, commence, he said this will N a r e n d r a M o d i o n dependontheofferproposed Wednesday highlighted the by Guyana. “I’m sure the oil important role Guyana will companies in India will be in play in his country’s energy conversation. There are both security private as well as public

The Prime Minister is sector oil companies in India currently on a three-day visit who would be interested in and is expected to return p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n today Thisisthesecondtime hydrocarbonssector.” in 56 years since a Prime When it comes to a deal Minister of India has visited to purchase Guyana’s sweet Guyana.AsforModi,hefirst light crude, Mazumdar said visited some 24 years ago as hebelievesthereisawide a private citizen but has (Continued on page 37)

at State House, Georgetown

From page 36

PSAandisinthefinalreview as part of Indian Prime scopeforcooperationadding stage; Delcorp accepted the Minister Narendra Modi’s that “the future is open” in PSA and is now in the final statevisittoGuyana. thatregard. stages of review and the “In the hydrocarbon

He was keen to note that

sector you’re right Guyana India would like to have a consortium accepted the has proven as well as “more direct” relationship PSA and is currently in the estimated reserves which are with Guyana however, “that finalreviewstages. very promising,” Mazumdar is for Guyana to decide how said. theywishtoproceed.”

Indian companies He added, “We would be

According to Mazumdar, eye Guyana’s oil interested in participating in India offers greater

–ready to invest in

predictability “For example exploration, production if productionphaseaswell,our even in the offtake of crude govt would allow oil companies are certainly we need large quantities and looking at this and if they do if we were to know well in

India has expressed get an opportunity they advance that the quantities strong interest in Guyana’s would be willing to invest as are available, the contracts hydrocarbon sector, ready to we have invested in many would be much more easy to

other countries of the world conclude and also the

afar from the shores of transportation is another explorationandproductionif India.” aspect because this is a very the Government of Guyana Mazumdar also noted long way away,” he (GoG)wouldallow India’s discussions with blocks but only eight company, in collaboration G

explained When asked

This was revealed by Guyana about establishing received bids The fiscal with Watad Energy and disclosed that International about the pricing for crude, Jaideep Mazumdar, India’s long-term crude oil and regime of the new PSA Communications Ltd and Group Investment Inc hesaidthetwosideshavenot Secretary in the Ministry of natural gas contracts. He requires the payment of a 10 Arabian Drilling Company accepted the PSA with yetdiscussedthosetermsbut External Affairs, during a highlightedthemutual percent royalty and a 10 was approved for a processing ongoing; Cybele this would be ironed out special briefing on Thursday (Continued on page 38) percent corporate tax. The deepwaterblocktitled—D1. Energy Limited accepted the duringthenegotiationphase. cost recovery ceiling will be capped at 65 percent in a FRIDAY given year, while profits will be shared 50/50 between Exxon wants new companiesandtheState oil block on own terms ExxonMobil is the - walks out auction operator of the Stabroek after govt refuses to budge Block and it holds 45% interest in that block. Its ExxonMobil Guyana partners Hess and CNOOC Limited (EMGL) has pulled hold 30% and 25% out of the first oil block respectively. Guyana’s oilauction initiated by the rich Stabroek Block, Government of Government operated by ExxonMobil, (GoG). This is according to requires a meagre 2% Vice President Bharrat royalty, no taxes, 75% cost Jagdeo He made that recovery ceiling each month disclosureonThursdayathis whichleaves25%ofprofitto press conference at Freedom be shared with Guyana House. Stakeholders had warned Cultural tours that the terms of the Exxon ExxonMobil, Hess New deal could deter investment Ventures Exploration since the new PSA now Limited, and CNOOC requires greater fiscal Petroleum Guyana Limited benefitsforthecountry were approved for shallow This led to calls for new waterblock–S8.Lastmonth, projects in the Stabroek the Ministry of Natural Block to be subjected to Resources in an update on these terms; however, the the competitive bidding government remains round for the petroleum adamant that seeking greater exploration licences, benefits could slow the pace disclosed that four of development and chase companieshaveacceptedthe investors. new Production Sharing Moreover, Block S4, a Agreement (PSA) while shallow water portion, has ExxonMobil is still b e e n a w a r d e d t o reviewingthePSA. TotalEnergies EP Guyana Jagdeo was asked for an B V in consortium with update on the auction and Qatar Energy International during his response on why E&PLLC and Petronas E&P this process has been OverseasSDNBHD. Outof draggedoutthislong,Jagdeo Nigeria, International Group disclosed, “…So then the Investment Inc. was found others, remember Exxon eligible for two shallow pulledoutandtheywantedto water concessions—S5 and use the area for carbon S10 An American and capture and storage and we Ghanianpartnership,Liberty don’t want to do that at this Petroleum Corporation and stage.” Cybele Energy Limited, was Guyana’s maiden approved for the shallow auction launched in water block—S7. Delcorp December 2022 featured 14 Incorporated, a Guyanese

Jaideep Mazumdar, India’s Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs (second from left) and other officials during the press briefing

From page 37

GECOM Claudette Singh otherjurisdictions,Guyana’s Jagdeo disagreed with benefits of such agreements, wasasked. laws would have to be Nandlall saying that the explaining, “As far as long

Singh passed the changed. Attorney General spoke in term contracts are concerned questiontoPersaudwhosaid “…Laws would have to hispersonalcapacityandnot yes this is something that we if a referendum were to be b



the held as a separate activity, provisionsforallofthatandI Jagdeo said while there Guyanesesideinthepastand “there is no time between don’t see that happening in might well be issues theyareawareofit.” now and that period within time to…if there is to be a



GECOM’s Chief Elections Officer (CEO) Vishnu Persaud

a r y whichwecanholditbecause referendumImustsayinthat ExxonMobil to the table underscored the potential of o b v i o u s l y , t h e regard,”hedisclosed. even with a successful long-term agreements to constitutionally due conduct On November 19, 2024 referendum, he would prefer enhance economic efficiency of general elections cannot the Working Peoples to deal with the matter after and predictability for both beinterferedwith.” Alliance (WPA) said that a next year’s general and nations “I would expect that The CEO said, “Let me referendum on the 2016 oil regionalelections. as the volumes available to attempt to answer your contract would be crucial to A referendum is a the Guyanese side in terms of question this way First of any future negotiations the general vo

he crude and gas availability all, at this time we are not Government of Guyana is electorate on a single arisetheywillbeinaposition aware in the slightest way, likely to have with U.S. oil political question that has to enter into long term shape or form of any giant,ExxonMobil. been referred to them for a heldbeforethe2025General referendum before the contracts because those are indication of there being the At the party’s weekly directdecision and Regional Elections, constitutionally scheduled things that will help us off need for a referendum as press conference on “While that contention Chief Elections Officer elections. take volumes in a more something that GECOM Monday, Co-leader Dr is true, an affirmative (CEO) Vishnu Persaud told Over the last few weeks predictablewayandmakeour should focus on, that’s David Hinds told reporters referendum vote would be a reporters on Friday during a there have been heightened transportation of such large numberone ” that it would not hurt to have potent bi-partisan, national press conference at the callsforareferendumforthe volumes also economically

Further,heremindedthat Guyanese engaged in public tool in the hands of Commission’s Command renegotiation of the 2016 oil feasible,”hesaid “ o b v i o u s l y , t h e discussionaboutthe2016oil government as it engages Centre in Kingston, agreementwithU.S.oilgiant constitutionally due conduct deal. Exxon To cite Exxon’s Georgetown. ExxonMobil and other SATURDAY of general elections cannot Dr Hinds referenced potential inflexibility in the A d v e r t i s i n g issues. beinterferedwith.” statementsmadebyAttorney face of a formal national opportunities

“Would a referendum No time for referendum Persaud explained that GeneralAnil Nandlall which demand as a reason for Persaud in response to a complicate or interfere with before 2025 elections – while the issues being raised said that a referendum on the rejecting the referendum is question posed by Kaieteur the electoral process if held GECOM CEO via referendum can be lopsided oil contract would akin to throwing in the News explained that there is by end of 2024 or early 3035 included on the elections beawasteoftime.However, towelbeforethegame not adequate time available and would it be an expensive No referendum can be ballots, as has happened in Vice President Bharrat (Continued on page 39) for the hosting of a venture?” Chairperson of

From page 38

million barrels per day (bpd) stillremainrelevantbutthere starts,” Dr Hinds said Last No direct sale of Guyana’s by the end of 2027, when was no specific discussion week, Leader of the People’s crude to India has been they anticipate having all six onthistripaboutanyofthose National Congress Reform discussed– Jagdeo projects up and running but we are looking forward (PNCR), Aubrey Norton, …says country open to offshore. This will include to work with India…there said that while he is not future deal if beneficial the add

on of the will be a time maybe if there opposed to a referendum on Yellowtail, Uaru and is an oversupply of the renegotiating the 2016 Guyana remains open to Whiptailprojects. market,wemayhavetogoto ExxonMobil Production a potentialfuturedealfor the When asked if India’s long term contracts but the Sharing Agreement (PSA), sale of its crude to India if it r e

timeisnotnow.” any amendments to the proves beneficial, but no

h The Vice President contract would still require

increased production, emphasised that any future thecompany’sagreement. currently on the table. This Jagdeo reiterated that no deal would need to make “If there is a referendum, was clarified by Vice direct sale to India is under sense for both parties. “We it will say that is the popular President Bharrat Jagdeo considerationatthistime. don’t have a problem with will of the people, if it during a press conference on “We have not discussed that but there is nothing that succeeds if it fails, it will say ThursdayatFreedomHouse, any element of a direct sale we have worked on that its unpopular but in the final Georgetown. to India at this stage because would result in any sale of analysis what governs the

“So [we] have not ourcrudeforthenextyear crude in the next year or so thing is the PSAand the PSA on it, I have no problem with

Patterson made it clear discussed any element of we have people who will because we have already makes it very clear that the that but in the final analysis, thatoilandgasisnotthelone directtransactionforthesale market our crude, we just have people to market our changes can be made but one will still have to be issue that requires a of our crude to India,” went through a tender and crude,”Jagdeosaid. they have to be done guided by the contract,” he referendum. He pointed to Jagdeosaid. twocompanieswontheright He further highlighted engaging ExxonMobil,” added. t h e n e e d t o m a k e

Reports have suggested to market out crude for the India’sexpertiseinareaslike Norton said noting that he The Alliance for Change amendments to certain that India is interested in next year, so there is none of renewable energy and solar would not oppose efforts to (AFC) had said that it will clauses in the Constitution securing two million lifts of that,” the Vice Presi Jagdeo power, noting collaboration gauge public opinion, the support a referendum on and those proposed crude for its large carriers. also recounted previous opportunities. Jagdeo said binding nature of the ExxonMobil’s 2016 oil amendmentsshouldbeputto However, Guyana’s current discussions with Indian too, “On the fertilizer plant contract must remain the contract with Guyana. The avoteviaareferendum. daily oil production, companies, noting their they are doing some studies guidingprinciple. party made this disclosure “We (the AFC) would averages 650,000 barrels logistical challenges due to for us to use the gas for us to

“That does not mean that during its weekly press support a referendum to do from three projects – Liza high freight costs, which build a fertilizer plant so in I disagree with someone conference. Chairman of the all of those things including Phase 1, Liza Phase 2 and necessitate large quantities the whole hydrocarbon doing a poll to see if people party David Patterson made matters of oil and gas, Payara. The ExxonMobil- of crude for economic sector there are lots of areas want a referendum on it. If itclearthattheAFC believes (being) on a referendum led consortium has plans in viability He explained, “So that we can utilize Indian people want a referendum, that a referendum should be (even)priortotheelections,” place to grow production those points were made skills,Indiantechnologyand they can have a referendum heldpriortoelections. theAFCChairmansaid. capacity to more than 1.3 earlier too but I guess they alsoIndianinvestments.”

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo


There is one day that is ours. There is one day when allweAmericanswhoarenot self-made go back to the old home to eat saleratus biscuits and marvel how much nearer to the porch the old pump looksthanitusedto.Blessthe day President Roosevelt gives it to us. We hear some talk of the Puritans, but don't justrememberwhotheywere. Bet we can lick 'em, anyhow, if they try to land again. Plymouth Rocks? Well, that sounds more familiar Lots of us have had to come down to hens since the Turkey Trust gotitsworkin.Butsomebody in Washington is leaking out advance information to 'em about these Thanksgiving proclamations.

The big city east of the cranberry bogs has made Thanksgiving Day an institution. The last Thursday inNovemberistheonlydayin the year on which it recognizes the part of America lying across the ferries.Itistheonedaythatis purelyAmerican.Yes,adayof celebration, exclusively American. And now for the storywhichistoprovetoyou thatwehavetraditionsonthis side of the ocean that are becoming older at a much rapider rate than those of England are—thanks to our git-upandenterprise.

Stuffy Pete took his seat

onthethirdbenchtotheright as you enter Union Square from the east, at the walk opposite the fountain. Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years he had taken his seat there promptly at 1 o'clock. Foreverytimehehaddoneso things had happened to him Charles Dickensy things that swelled his waistcoatabovehisheart,and equallyontheotherside.

But to-day Stuffy Pete's appearance at the annual trystingplaceseemedtohave been rather the result of habit than of the yearly hunger which, as the philanthropists seemtothink,afflictsthepoor atsuchextendedintervals.

Certainly Pete was not hungry He had just come from a feast that had left him of his powers barely those of respiration and locomotion. His eyes were like two pale gooseberriesfirmlyimbedded in a swollen and gravysmeared mask of putty His breathcameinshortwheezes; a senatorial roll of adipose tissuedeniedafashionableset to his upturned coat collar Buttons that had been sewed upon his clothes by kind Salvation fingers a week before flew like popcorn, strewingtheeartharoundhim. Ragged he was, with a split shirt front open to the wishbone; but the November breeze, carrying fi

snowflakes,broughthimonly agratefulcoolness.ForStuffy Petewasoverchargedwiththe caloric produced by a superbountiful dinner, beginning with oysters and ending with plum pudding, and including (itseemedtohim)alltheroast turkeyandbakedpotatoesand chicken salad and squash pie and ice cream in the world. Whereforehesat,gorged,and gazed upon the world with after-dinnercontempt.

The meal had been an unexpected one He was passing a red brick mansion near the beginning of Fifth avenue,inwhichlivedtwoold ladiesofancientfamilyanda reverencefortraditions.They even denied the existence of New York, and believed that Thanksgiving Day was declared solely for Washington Square. One of their traditional habits was to stationaservantatthepostern gate with orders to admit the first hungry wayfarer that came along after the hour of noon had struck, and banquet him to a finish. Stuffy Pete happened to pass by on his way to the park, and the seneschals gathered him in and upheld the custom of the castle.

After Stuffy Pete had gazed straight before him for ten minuteshewasconscious (Continuedonnext weekedition)

Fall Wreath Making Station for Toddlers

Author: Kristina

Published: 09/14/2015




·paperplate(withcenter cut out for the base of the wreath)·abricleaves·foam or textured sticker leaves, pumpkins,acorns,etc.

·cutuptissuepaper·cut up scraps of Fall coloured paper · Fall coloured pom poms (red, orange, yellow, brown) · actual leaves and acorns


·Fallcolouredribbon ·sequins · buttonsAnything else

you find that is fall like wouldworktoo!Weloveto make our wreaths very texturedwithlotsoflayers. HOWTOSETUPA WREATHMAKING STATION:

Wetypicallychoose3-4 embellishments to use for our wreaths and put each oneinabowl.

Next we add some glue to our base paper plate and then we start adding materials onto the wreaths!

Once you add one layer of materials you can add more glue and add more embellishments on top. Have fun creating until your wreaths are coveredandcolourful!

Sometimesithappens thatwedosomething Thatcausessomeoneto hurt;Thenweneedto makethingsrightagain, Andhurrytodoourpart.

Thefirstthingthat wehavetodo Istoseethatwe shouldnothide, Butbebraveandfacewhatwehave done,Andreallyfeelsorryinside.

Thiswillmakeuswanttogo Totrytomakethemagainfeelgood, Tellthemthatwearetrulysorry, Andtrytomakeupasbestwecould.

Develop Healthy Relationships at Home

Last week we proposed 12 ways by which you can improve and maintain the relationships yousharewiththosedearest to you, i.e. your family at home and your friends with whomyouassociate. Inthe next few weeks we will enlargeonthesesoastohelp you to develop them. This weekwewillexpandonthe firstsixofthese:

Treatpeopletheway youwanttobetreated. The emotionsthataffectuswhen we deal with others will alwaysprovideagoodguide to how we should treat others. Ourreactionstoany situation will inform us of what others feel, and so we can use what we remember as our feelings and try to helpothersinthesameway

Letpeopleknowyou appreciate them and admire them for doing something good. Wemustrememberin our own experience that, when others show some appreciationforanywayby which we have done something worthwhile, we feel well rewarded for the time and trouble we spent for this effort, such as

getting good marks at school, doing our chores at home, and helping them in some way. It would be just as good when we do the sameforothers.

Express gratitude to those who share their lives with you. Apart from the good feeling that others experience when we thank themforhelpingusinsome way, this would always encourage them afterwards to continue to try to live at

peace and helpfulness with you by doing the things for whichyouthankedthem. Rememberthatmanners can make the difference betweenalossandawin. In every situation in which we spend our lives, courtesy in all we do, say and act will always result in a better reaction from those we deal with.

ways to foster good relationships. But many timesshynessmakesusless willing to share these feelings.

The fact is that any expression of these feelings always results in the same fromothers.


ThebestpeopleIknowbesidesmyfamily Arethefriendsthatmakemefeelsogood; Theyarethechildrenwhohelpmeout, AndkeepmeashappyasIcould.

MyfriendsandIlovetobetogether, Whetheratschool,workorplay; Ifeelthatthesespecialpeople Arewhatmakemylifeokay.

MyfatherisgladIhavesuchnicefriends; Heoftenletsmebringthemalong, ButhesaysthatIshouldbecareful Thattheydonotmakemedowrong.

Whenwetrytokeepeachotherhappy, Andhelponeanothertoalwaysdoright, ThenIknowwewouldalwaysbefriends, Andneverhavetoquarrelorfight.

UncleRoyisonceagainappealingtoallteenstowriteto himaboutanyproblemyoumaybefacingforwhichyouneed asolution.

He would also like you to contribute to this Page by submitting other material that he can include here. These include:

When you make sincere attempts to sincer live well with others, you always find a way to succeed in this.


The heavy lines indicate areas, calledcages,fromonetofivesquares

Whenwerememberthat courtesydoesnotcostmuch effort on our part, then we can find no excuse for not followingthesesimplerules inallourefforts.

Speak with love and respect. This is one of the most simple and effortless

in size.Fill each cage with unique digits, counting up from 1. So for examplea2-squarecagecontainsthe numbers1and2;anda5-squarecage

Be kind to yourself and to others. Kindness is one quality that we must at all times and in all situations use to guide our actions. It is also true that it also increases when we use it in ourreactionswithothers.

Look out for the other ways to developing our relationships in our next article.

contains the numbers from 1 to 5. Adjacent (touching) squares, even onesthattouchdiagonally,maynever containthesamenumber

1.Apoem,shortstoryorbitofadvicethatyouhavewritten andwouldliketosharewithyourfellowteens.

2. Any significant event that has happened, or any interestingitemaboutwhatisgoingoninyourcommunity

3.Acommentaryaboutwhereyoulivetoacquaintothers aboutit.

4.Anyadviceyouwouldliketopassontothoselikeyou whichwouldservetomakethembetter,andbeofbenefittoour people.

As mentioned before, you can email me at: roypaul2002@yahoo.com

Solutions to last week’s



Botswana, landlocked It is a member of the United country in the center of N a t i o n s , t h e

millennium before the paintings in theTsodilo Hills Southern Africa The Commonwealth, the African Common Era, some of the (designated a UNESCO territory is roughly Union (AU), and the Khoi (Tshu-khwe) people of World Heritage site in 2001) triangular approximately S o u t h e r n A f r i c a n n o r t h e r n B o t s w a n a thatwereonceassumedtobe 600 miles (965 km) from Development Community converted to pastoralism, painted by “Bushman” (San) north to south and 600 miles (SADC). The secretariat of herdingtheircattleandsheep hunters remote from all from east to west—with its SADC is housed in the on the rich pastures revealed pastoralist and farmer easternsideprotrudingintoa capital of Botswana, by the retreating lakes and contact. sharp point. Its eastern and Gaborone (until 1969 wetlands. IronAge states southern borders are marked spelled Gaberones i e , Bantu-speaking farmers and chiefdoms by river courses and an old Gaborone’s town, after the

Meanwhile, the farming Eastern states wagon road; its western tribal chief who had his of grain crops and the and chiefdoms bordersarelinesoflongitude capital at the site during the speaking of Bantu languages From about 1095 CE and latitude through the colonialperiod). were carried gradually southeastern Botswana saw Kalahari, and its northern Cultural life southward from the Equator the rise of a new culture, borders combine straight The cultural life of By about 20 BCE such characterized by a site on lines with a river course. Botswana reflects the dual farmers were making and Moritsane hill near Gabane. Within the confines of heritage and intermingling using iron tools on the upper The Moritsane culture is Botswana’s borders is a rich of Tswana and English other pulses, and traditional was a revival of interest, Zambezi. The earliest dated historically associated with variety of wildlife, including culturaldomination.Thetwo spinach, supplemented by particularly in music on the Iron Age site in Botswana is the Khalagari (Kgalagadi) many species of mammals, languages and cultures are tomatoes, potatoes, onions, radio The best-known an iron-smelting furnace in chiefdoms, the westernmost birds, reptiles, amphibians, subtly mixed and alternated

the Tswapong Hills near dialect group of Sotho (or andfish. in urban and official purchased from stores. Meat incorporating traditional Palapye, dated about 190 CE Sotho-Tswana)speakers. Before its independence situations. Western dress has consumption has become craftwork is basketry—most andprobablyassociatedwith The area within 50 or 60 in 1966, Botswana was a been general among people more common with the of it from northwestern Iron Age farmers from the miles (80 or 100 km) of British protectorate known in Botswana, except at the opening of small butcheries Botswana—which is widely

y The Serowe saw a thriving as Bechuanaland. It was also poorest level, since the late selling beef Traditional exported overseas The remains of small beehive- farming culture, dominated one of the poorest and least- 19th century Rites of burial, foods include dried phane

shaped houses made of grass by rulers living on Toutswe developed states in the marriage, and birth have caterpillars from mopane (1937–86) wrote novels in matting, occupied by early hill, between about the 7th world. The country is named been adapted to Christianity woodland, eaten as relish or English that reflect the Iron Age farmers around and 13th centuries The after its dominant ethnic and remain extremely snacks, fruits such as the contemporary realities and Molepolole,havebeendated prosperity of the state was

g r o u p , t h e Ts w a n a important in Botswana life. wild morula plum, and beer history of Serowe The to about 420 CE. There is based on cattle herding, with (“Bechuana” in older variant Football (soccer) is the made from sorghum or publishing of fiction in also evidence of early large corrals in the capital orthography) Since its national sport, played on millet.

Tswana was revived in the farming settlement west of townandinscoresofsmaller independence the Republic fields and in stadiums across Traditional music, based 1980s. the Okavango delta, in the hilltop villages (Ancient of Botswana has gained thecountryeverySaturday on stringed instruments, and History of Botswana Tsodilo Hills alongside cattle corrals are identified international stature as a Commondietandcuisine dance generally declined

The history of Botswana Khoisan hunter and by the peculiar grass

peaceful and increasingly consist of sorghum and corn during the colonial period. isingeneralthehistoryofthe pastoralist sites, dated to growing on them ) The prosperous democratic state. (maize) porridge, beans and After independence there Kalahari area, intermediate a b o u t 5 5 0 C E Toutswe people also hunted between the more populated Archaeologists therefore westward into the Kalahari savanna of the north and east have difficulty interpreting and traded eastward along andthelesspopulatedsteppe the hundreds of rock theLimpopoRiver. of the south and west

A pack of meerkats (Suricata suricatta) standing in “sentinel” posture

Although reduced to a peripheral role in Southern Africa for most of the 20th century, at other times Botswana has been a central a r e a o f h i s t o r i c a l development.

Early pastoral and farming peoples

Khoisan-speaking hunters and herders

PeoplespeakingKhoisan (Khoe and San) languages have lived in Botswana for many thousands of years. Depression Shelter in the TsodiloHillshasevidenceof continuous Khoisan occupation from about 17,000 BCE to about 1650 CE During the final centuries of the last

National Flag of Botswana
Chobe National Park
Coat of Arms of Botswana
Cuisine of Botswana


Itisoftensaidthattheroadtosuccess isnotaneasyone,butthroughhard work, determination and believing inyourself,youcantrulyachieveallthings.

This is an apt description of Nyashia Rodrigues's journey as a young entrepreneur After trying nine business ideasinthepast,in2020,Rodriguesfinally foundhercalling,inabusinessventurethat shenotonlylovesbutonethatallowsherto expresstheartisticandcreativesideofher Rodrigues, a mother of one who hails from Friendship on the East Coast of Demerara (ECD) is the founder of 'Nya's Décor&More',adécorbusinesswhichshe officiallylaunchedandregisteredonMarch 8,2021.

Sharing about her now booming business and what led to its establishment, theyoungwomaninformed TheWaterfalls Magazine that it all started in 2020 when she was doing minor décor for friends and family However, the business was officiallylaunchedthefollowingyear

Asked what sparked her interest for décor, Rodrigues said “I have always been creativeandwouldjumpatanyopportunity toshowcasemyartisticside.In2019,Itook the bold step of decorating my sister's wedding without any clear idea of what I woulddo.

I started planning, and even though it

Nya’s Décor & More

took all day and I was exhausted, I was thrilled with the outcome since everyone lovedit.”

According to Rodrigues, makeup artistry was her first venture but it was not until November 2020, when she did the décorforafriend(TriannaWeeks),thatshe begantoseehertruepotential.

Thatfriendshesaidhadtoldherthatshe could envision her running a décor business, “and both she and my family encouragedmetostart.”

Recallingherearlydaysinthebusiness, Rodriguesrevealedthatbeingaself-taught decorator, her journey started like many others,withalotofchallenges.

“I realized I needed to improve, so almosteverynight,whilemostpeoplewere asleep, I spent time on YouTube learning new techniques and exploring different décorstylesasIawaitedmynextbooking,” shenoted.

In 2024, she added, she had completed the Road to Growth programme, which providedherwithawholenewperspective onhergrowingbusiness.

The business as the name suggests provides décor services for weddings, birthday parties, baby showers, and corporateeventsjusttonameafew

The young businesswoman mentioned thatsinceherlaunch,shehasbeenreceiving tremendoussupport.

According to her, “While my family, particularlymyfiancéhadbeenmybiggest supporters, my success is attributed to my

clients and a few friends since they often refer persons to me or persons from that event reachoutformyservices.”

Grateful for the support, she disclosed that along the journey, the business nonetheless had its challenges.

The entrepreneur recalled that during her operation, she faced multiple challenges in achieving her vision for her work. “Initially, I struggledduetoalackofaccesstotheright resources.Iinvestedasignificantamountof money in purchasing supplies that were of poorquality,whichresultedinasubstantial financiallossthatcouldhavecontributedto myprofits,”sheexplained.

In finding a solution to this, Rodrigues shared that she overcame this by conducting in-depth research to source high-qualityproducts.

“IamnowproudtosaythatIcanseemy vision coming to life.While I am not fully there as yet, I am determined to reach my goalsovertime,”sheexpressed.

Speaking of goals, Rodrigues said it is herdesiretoseeherbusinessbecomeoneof the leading décor companies in Guyana, with a legacy that can be passed down throughgenerations.

Whileworkinghardtoachievethis,our featured entrepreneur is of the view small business owners are important in our

societysincetheyhelpdrive economic change. “Young entrepreneurs introduceinnovativeideas,driveeconomic change, and support the growth and employment of young individuals,” she mentioned.

Asked what she thinks can be done locally to uplift small businesses, Rodrigues suggested that more pop-up shops, easy financial support for individuals, ongoing classes geared at supporting more individuals to improve their products and services can be all be implemented and facilitated to support theseemergingenterprises.

With the holiday season approaching andyoumayneeddécorservices,feelfree tocontactNyashiaRodriguesontelephone number (+592) 616-1818 or on all social mediaplatformsatNya'sDécor&More.

Mother of 8 seeks urgent public assistance for life-saving brain surgery

Amotherofeight,fromC Field, Sophia, Georgetown, is desperately seeking the public’s help to cover the cost of a life-saving brain surgery

Thirty-nine-year-old, Leslyn Richmond was diagnosed in May 2024 with a saccular aneurysm Richmond has since been suffering from constant pain

as the condition has worsened.

She recounted, “I take in with a headache, go Georgetown Public Hospital million. and do a CTscan [Computed

All oil projects in Guyana performing above expectation in the world’s premier deepwater zone

- Exxon CEO tells shareholders

Darren Woods, Chief Agency (EPA) and the Executive Officer (CEO) of M

one the world’s largest and Resources for consideration most successful oil and gas andapproval. companies, ExxonMobil F o l l o w i n g

After the saccular aneurysm struck her, Richmond underwent a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan, which revealed that a blood vessel had swollen near her eye nerve, causing her right eye to completely shut down

Before Leslyn Richmond was diagnosed with saccular aneurysm

In a heartfelt plea, Tomography scan], they Richmond is seeking the admit me, then come back public for help in raising the and them she, they ain’t necessaryfunds. seeing everything that they

“Please assist me, the wantfuhseeontheCTscan.” surgery is life-saving, I R i c h m o n d l a t e r appreciate anything, I want underwent a Magnetic to survive,” Richmond Resonance Imaging (MRI) related. scan, which revealed that a Neurosurgeon, has led to a Donations can be made blood vessel had swollen recommendation for a through her daughter, Odelle near her eye nerve, causing specialized procedure called Allen, to Republic Bank her right eye to completely endovascular embolization A c c o u n t ( S a v i n g s shutdown. andcoiling. #4463787831421684) or by

Theaneurysm,whichhas Unfortunately, this calling 610-5429 for further already ruptured once, poses crucial surgery is not information. an imminent risk to her life. available at the Georgetown Richmond’s condition is Doctors warn that if another Public Hospital Corporation urgent, and every donation rupture occurs, it could be (GPHC), and Richmond will brings her one step closer to fatal. need to undergo the receiving the medical care

Richmond’s medical procedure at a private that could save her life.Your evaluationbyDr Amarnauth hospital, where the cost is generosity is needed now D u k h i , t h e C h i e f estimated at a staggering $7 morethanever

NewDoraParksecondary schooltocost$301million

The construction of the brand-new Construction – Lot1

$60,000,000, Lot2 secondary school for Dora Park, which is $117,000,500, Lot3 $30,400,000; Blue Print located just off the Linden- Soesdyke Builders Inc – Lot1 $128,856,630; Urban Highway, will cost approximately $301 Edge Builders Inc – Lot1 $122,577,630; million. and Skyline Construction - Lot1

According to information provided $146,111,200. during the opening of bids for the project, the Kaieteur News previously reported that constructionwillbedoneinthreelots. Dora,ariverinecommunitylocatedalongthe The ministry’s engineer figures revealed Demerara River, does not have a secondary that Lot1 is estimated to cost $152,487,962 schoolbuildingofitsown. while Lot2 is $136,381,751, and Lot3 is However, there is a Dora Secondary $149,766,100, bringing it to a total of School located in the Kuru Kuru Training $301,396,643. Centre compound situated along the Linden-

This publication understands that 11 Soesdyke Highway, some miles away from contractors bid for the contract. They are: A theriverinecommunity

Alli Construction – Lot1 $160,773,360; A primary school teacher from the Sheriff Construction Inc Lot1 community told Kaieteur News that because $129,906,630;MahaseConstruction–Lot1 there is no secondary school in the Dora $151,451,724, Lot2 $117,260,105, Lot3 community,whenstudentswritetheNational $149,669,025; Fyffe Building & Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) examination Construction Works – Lot2 $171,132,764; they, along with their parents, are forced to Lot3 $147,288,130; Impeccable relocate from the community so that they can Construction & General Supplies – Lot1 attendasecondaryschool.

$153,508,190, Lot2 $118,582,365, Lot3 Theteachersaidthatforseveralyears,the $108,155,960; CB General Contracting community has been advocating for a Services Inc – Lot1 $133,640,662, Lot2 secondary school nearby to ease the burden $145,717,462, Lot3 $138,588,040; 4S placedonthechildrenandtheirparents. Security & Building Enterprise – Lot1 When completed the school will not only $153,794,630, Lot2 $143,976,745, Lot3 benefit Dora but neighbouring communities

$214,712,575; Momin & Son’s suchasLowWoodandSusannah.

s recently boasted about the independent assessment, the world class performance of regulatorwouldthenissueits the company’s assets in b

Guyana. optimization activities,

During the company’s allowing Exxon to increase third quarter Earning’s Call productiononthevessels. earlier this month, Woods The Government of updated shareholders of the Guyanainits2024Mid-Year company that Exxon Report confirmed that all completed tie-in for the three projects underwent country’s Gas-to-Energy optimisation and topsides (GTE) project This was debottlenecking activities in thefirsthalfoftheyear


Payara project, which remained online during the tie-ins, continues to perform above investment basis – as has been the case with all the projects we’ve brought online in the world’s premier deepwater development,”


Exxon CEO, Darren Woods

Presently, Liza One and Liza Two are producing about 160,000 bpd and 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) respectively The Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) each specifically outline 120,000 and 220,000 bpd, as the safe operating limit for Liza One and Two, respectively Similarly, the third oil Currently, ExxonMobil completed on budget and project- Payara- is also Guyana Limited (EMGL) schedule with the company producing approximately has three projects producing already back to full 250,000bpdeventhoughthe oil in Guyana. It should be production activities. Exxon vessel’s nameplate capacity noted that each of these had taken the Liza One and is220,000bpd. developments have been Liza Two projects offline for

The company is however pushed to produce above the aperiodoftwoweekseachto looking to further increase limits outlined in project facilitatethetie-inworks. the daily rate of resource documents submitted to Meanwhile, Woods said, recovery at the Liza Two Guyaneseregulators. “Our Payara project, which project During a media The company has been remained online during the conference last month, able to increase capacity of tie-ins, continues to perform EMGL’s President, Alistair t h e t h r e e F l o a t i n g above investment basis – as

Routledge told reporters, Production Storage and has been the case with all the

”Weareongoingdiscussions Offloading vessels (FPSOs) projects we’ve brought reviewwithvariousagencies through a process called onlineintheworld’spremier including the EPA and with debottlenecking Exxon deepwaterdevelopment.” the Ministry of Natural previouslyexplainedthatthe ExxonMobil is the Resource on whether to company would assess the operator of the oil rich increase the production on projects for bottlenecks to Stabroek Block with a 45% the Unity FPSO above the improve recovery of the interest, while Hess Guyana 252,000.” resources The company Exploration Ltd. holds 30%

Routledge said Exxon would then submit its interest and CNOOC believes the Liza Unity can f i n d i n g s t o t h e Petroleum Guyana Limited beincreasedto270,000bpd. Environmental Protection holds25%interest.

ExxonMobil Corporation, CEO, Darren Woods

Guyana will not give up fight for ceasefire in Gaza - Carolyn Rodrigues


Guyana, in response to s t r e s s e d t h a

h e members of the Council the United States ofAmerica continuation of shear misery votedinfavour (USA) vetoing a resolution cannot and must not be the RobertWood,theDeputy for an immediate and fateofPalestinians”. U S envoy was quoted permanent ceasefire in Gaza To this end, Rodrigues saying, “We made clear on Wednesday, said that it assured that Guyana will throughout negotiations that willnotgiveupthefight. continue to push for peace in we could not support an The country has been theMiddleEast. unconditional ceasefire that elected a member of the “Their suffering must f

led to release the United Nations (UN) end. They need to see the hostages.” Security Council for a two- seeds of peace being planted “Adurableendtothewar year-term and was at the by this Council they need to must come with the release helm of the most recent seethatthisSecurityCouncil of the hostages. These two resolution tabled for a is giving peace a chance,” urgent goals are inextricably ceasefire. Rodrigues stated before linked. This resolution Afteritwasvetoedbythe reminding the Council that, abandoned that necessity, U.S. Guyana’s Permanent “hope was dashed today and for that reason, the Representative to the United (Wednesday)… that hope United States could not Nations, Carolyn Rodrigues hasnotbeeneclipsed.” support it”, Wood reportedly Birkettsaid,“manyhavesaid “Guyana will continue to said. that the ongoing annihilation work with fellow Council

According to Aljazeera, of the Palestinian people is a members to try to achieve Wednesday’s move is the major stain on our collective tomorrow what we could not “fourth time that US conscience.” achieve today (Wednesday). President Joe Biden’s

She added that the Not trying is simply not an administration has vetoed a Council on Wednesday had option,”shedeclared. resolution calling for an end an opportunity to begin The USA vetoed a to the war in Gaza since erasingthatstain. resolution at the United Israel’s military offensive

“…But despite our best Nations Security Council began in October of last efforts and the almost (UNSC) demanding an year.” universal support to go in “immediate, unconditional

To date some 44,000 that direction the Council and permanent” ceasefire in people have been killed in was again hamstrung by a the Gaza Strip, as Israel’s Gaza, many of them women veto,” Rodrigues said before bombardmen

of the andchildren. adding, “Guyana hopes the Pales

nal inability to adopt this continues, ” Aljazeera Criminal Court has since resolution will not be seen reportedonWednesday issued arrest warrants for by those who want to Some 14 Council Israeli Prime Minister continue this war as a members were in favour of a Benjamin Netanyahu, his license to continue killing, ceasefire but the U.S. voted former Defence Minister, starving and maiming down the resolution as a Yoav Gallant and a Hamas innocentcivilians.” permanent member of the military commander for Rodrigues further council, while the 14 other allegedwarcrimes.

Farmer, 71, on bail for possession of illegal shotguns, ammo

A 71-year-old farmer was granted $210,000 bail on Friday when he appeared at Bartica Magistrates’ Court to answer possession of three unlicensed shotguns, and ammunition charges.

Theaccused,FredrickSingh, a resident of Agatash Village, Bartica made his first court appearance before Magistrate Teriq Mohammed, where the chargeswerereadtohim.

Singh pleaded not guilty to both charges. He was granted $150,000 bail for possession of the firearms and $60,000 for possessionofammunition.

The matter was adjourned to December13,2024.

Singh was arrested by police onNovember21,2024.

Two Years later…

Dutch company removes 13 of 17 submerged wrecks from Guyana’s waterways - MARAD

Nearly two years after the Ministry of Pomeroon, Waini, and Essequibo rivers, as Public Works, through the Maritime wellasofftheCoastingeneral. Administration Department (MARAD), Minister of PublicWorks, Juan Edghill at signed a $1.38 billion contract with Dutch the time said that the project is extremely company Koole B.V to remove submerged importantas“Thecountryisadvancingandit wrecks and obstructions nationwide, the is, therefore necessary for us to make our companyhasremoved13ofthe17wrecksso waterways safer for ships by removing these far 17wrecksquicklyandefficiently.”

In response to an inquiry from this Similarly,CaptainThomassaidthatsome publication,theDirectorGeneralofMARAD of the wrecks to be cleared existed since the Captain Stephen Thomas confirmed on mid-1900s. He said that Guyana’s ports were Wednesday that Koole B.V. has removed the previously viewed as hazardous to seafarers. majorityofthewrecks. The MARAD Director General said too that He said, “To date thirteen wrecks have with the removal of the wreckage, the been successfully removed.” However, it is country’s ports would be of international unclear why the company is yet to complete acclaim. the removal and whether the company’s Once completed, the wreck removal contract which was initially for eight months information will be submitted to the United wasextendedbythegovernment.

Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) for

The Dutch company is an international similarremovalfromthenavigationcharts. industrial and maritime service and solution “These efforts are expected to garner provider that specialises in industrial renewed confidence for mariners and vessels demolition, remediation, wreck removal and thatitisnowverysafetonavigateourwaters. maritime construction, the Ministry said in a It will also significantly decrease the pressreleaseissuedinDecember,2022. insurance risks posed to vessels calling on

The wreck removal project aims to cover Guyana’s ports,” the December 2022 press the entrances to the Demerara, Berbice, releasesaid.

Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill (center) with Director General of MARAD, Captain Stephen Thomas (left) and a representative of Koole B.V after the signing of the contract in December 2022. (Photo courtesy of the DPI).
Frederick Singh
Guyana’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett during her address to the Security Council after the Veto on Wednesday. (UN video)

AFC calls on road users to be more cautious

…as speeding remains the primary cause of

The Alliance For Change(AFC)on Saturdaysaiditis clear that the primary cause of road deaths in Guyana is speeding while calling for road users to be more cautious when using the country’sroads.

The party, addressing the “Road Safety Crisis in Guyana” said “despite clearly defined speed limits, many drivers treat theseasoptional ”

The AFC via a press release noted the actions of minibus operators who rush to maximise their profits, making it clear that they are the worst offenders “Truck drivers, too,

often ignore safety measures, endangering not only themselves but everyone on the road,”

The AFC added before explaining that the large size of their trucks can creat

r damage and hinder the ability to stopwhenbrakes areapplied.

Other causes of the “road carnage” according to the AFC, include poo

ys, faded lane markings, and a lack of pedestrian crossings

“In rural areas, the situation is worse, with potholed roads and limited access to proper traffic signage,” the AFC

said while adding “These conditions increase the possibilityofaccidents.”

The AFC said too that traffic officers willing to

contributing to the chaos ontheroadways.



ement adding to the carnage the AFC said is a cultural one where, “Reckless driving is sometimes seen as a mark of confidence or skill, and many drivers fail to recognize the potential consequences of their actions ”

Offering its solution to the road safety crisis,

the AFC said that such a mindset must change if G

n i n g f u l improvements

The AFC advised too

several fronts is needed.

illuminated and wellmaintained roads, clear signage, and additional

would go a long way in reducing accidents


prioritized for upgrades,” thepartysaid


in Guyana

“Education is another vital component Public awareness campaigns can help change attitudes toward road safety,” the political party opined while positingthateachcitizenhas aroletoplayinreducingthe roadcarnage.

“ …Road safety is ultimately everyone’s responsibility.

Drivers must respect traffic laws, pedestrians need to stay alert and use crossings when available, and passengers should speak up when they see unsafedriving,”AFCsaid.


her, the AFC warned that with the holiday season accidents are likely to be on the

increase and advised citizenstobemorecautions ontheroads.

“Let’s remember that every journey starts with a choice: to drive responsibly, to follow the rules, and to protect the lives of those around us. Road safety is everyone’s business,”theAFCsaid.

The AFC’s statement


recent collision between two trucks on Sherriff S

electrician,CarltonSmartt, dead.

Smartt was reportedly jogging at the side of the road when one of the trucks spun knocking and pinninghimunderneath


Male sales-rep 22-28 years old, Knowledge about vehicle models would be an asset. Call : 619-1237.

One male able bodies staff to work in a hardware store. Call : 231-2029 , 693-8462.

General domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.

Drivers (25-45 Year old) to deliver Groceries & Porter to work on the canter & warehouse. Attractive salary. Tel673-7373. Porter Vacancy at Vegetarian Gardens. 68 Robb & Cummings G/Town. Tel:2277714 Cell:640-0673

One Canter driver must have at least 5 years experience. Call : 613-0855 between 9:004pm.

One excavator operator must have at least 5 years experience.Call : 613-0855 between 9:00-4pm.

Wanted one driver. Call: 223-9677 / 648-1391.

One male & Female staff to work in a store. Call: 2252313 / 658-8559.

Cashier & Office assistant , male / female campbellville area $110 Per month, Male to pluck chicken. 708-4374 / 617-4662.


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.

One Unregistered Nissan X-Trail 2016 model, Mode Premiere. Call : 649-0956.


Shop for sale in Bourda Market. Call : 626-6990 / 638-3065.

For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 626-8918

One Nissan Double cab pickup, fully off road setup ; -5 Million Negotiable. Call: 626-8919 / 661-3030.

Sheep for sale. Call: 6107152 / 643-8920.


One Studio Apartment for rent $10,000 per week. Call: 645-1933 / 713-1515.

Hydroponic Kitchen Garden launched at Queen’s College

The Queen’s College Hydroponic Kitchen Garden System was launched officially on Friday, marking a significant step forward in promoting environmental sustainability and hands-on agricultural education in Guyana.

Receptionist Vacancy at Hick’s Ville Hotel. 79 West Ruimveldt Estate G/Town. Tel :231-0951/640-0673 Email:info@vegeworld.net

Data entry clerk must be computer literate with sound secondary education. Apply to : bentleysagency@yahoo.com.

Pastry maker, Cleaner, sales representative, security personnel at Humphrey's Bakery & Farm produce @ Ketley street. 505-1324.

One able-bodied porter & One handyman, apply at Keyfood trading Mcdoom next to the post office.

Maid to clean for east bank area. Call: 615-9132.

Female cleaner. Call : 6159132 / 645-8443.

Vacancy exist for one sale representative, customer friendly team played Georgetown based toy store. Tele: 658-4874.

Vacancy exists for one general domestic worker must know how to cook. Please call : 733-7576.

Vacancy exists for one nanny. Must be 40 years & older. Please call: 612-0149.

Two Electrician- Must have previous experienced in electrical installations & repairs. Call: 644-9084/664-9635. (Domestic & industrial wiring)



services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.

advertisements, wedding arch

The project emerged from the ExxonMobil Guyanasponsored SHOUT National Secondary School Environmental Speech Competition, an initiative by Recover Guyana in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. The Hydroponic Kitchen Garden System is part of a broader initiative aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production.

The system introduces innovative farming practices that reduce the environmen-


2 Storey house, 3 bedroom upstairs & Downstairs business area at 41 Howes St, Charlestown. Call : 223-4099 / 731-0202. by owner


Supercharge your child/ loved ones reading and writing skills using the highly effective hooked on phonics program. 7 years & older. Call 650-8925.


Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1 Free! Call: 264-2946.


Family fun Aracari Resort! crystal clear pool, safe kids & adult sections, music & food. W.B.D. Call : 2642946-9

tal footprint of traditional agriculture while providing fresh, nutrient-dense produce to supplement school meals. Additionally, the project offers students practical exposure to Agriculture Science, fostering awareness and skills for sustainable living.

Matthew Scharf, ExxonMobil Guyana’s Public and Government Affairs Manager emphasized the company’s commitment to empowering young people and advancing sustainability through collaborative initiatives. “We are happy to support this creative, student-led project. Hydroponic gardens are an exciting way to teach students more about sustainability and inspire them to take care of the environment,” Scharf said.

Dr. Dave Lalltoo, President of Recover Guyana, expressed pride in the project’s potential to impact the school community. “Recover Guyana is thrilled to champion this initiative, which highlights the power of youth-driven solutions for a sustainable future.

This project is more than a garden; it is a testament to how education and sustainability can be harmonized to create meaningful change. By providing practical skills, fresh produce, and environmental benefits, the Hydroponic Kitchen Garden System represents a new model for schools and communities.”

Gabriella Arjun, the 2024 Guyana Youth Environmental Speaker and leader of the project, shared her perspec-

tive on its impact. “This initiative is a dream realized for me as an advocate for sustainability and youth leadership. The Hydroponic Kitchen Garden System not only provides fresh produce for the school community but also serves as a tool for education and environmental protection. It is a privilege to contribute to a project that reflects the values of sustainability, health, and innovation.”

SHOUT seeks to educate and encourage youth to act as catalysts for environmental protection, providing a platform for young leaders to implement impactful projects.

The competition identifies Guyana’s Youth Environmental Speaker annually and awards a grant to the winning school for a sustainable project. Last year’s winning project at Queen’s College, spearheaded by Vasanna Persaud, the 2023 Guyana Youth Environmental Speaker,

successfully installed a water purification system. This initiative has saved over 21,000 plastic bottles from entering landfills by transforming tap water into a clean, sustainable source of hydration through a refill station. The project continues to promote health, well-being, and a reduction in single-use plastic waste.

This project has now been extended to West Demerara Secondary School with the support of the Greater Guyana Initiative. The Queen’s College Hydroponic Kitchen Garden System builds on the foundation of these impactful efforts, demonstrating the power of education, innovation, and sustainability in shaping Guyana’s future. Recover Guyana is a registered nonprofit organization with a mission to help vulnerable communities and families build sustainable opportunities for a better future.

DDL signs new 5-year collective labour agreement...

From page12 that because of the changes taking place in the economy, the last agreement would no longer be relevant, hence steps were taken to negotiate a new 5-year Agreement which takes account of the market realities, hence the considerable adjustment in remuneration.

The Chairman, addressing the Union representatives, encouraged employees to develop themselves, so that someone who joins DDL at one level, can grow into higher jobs as they learn new skills. He reminded that DDL remains committed to working with institutions of higher learning and encouraged the unions and the management to continue to work together and foster the growth of our employees.

In closing, Mr. Chairman congratulated all sides on reaching agreement, noting that DDL has done what no other employer has done, in signing innovative and out of the box agreements.

Matthew Scharf, Public and Government Affairs Manager, ExxonMobil Guyana, and Gabriella Arjun, the 2024 Guyana Youth Environmental Speaker reap the first lettuce from the Hydroponics garden while others look on.
Gabriella Arjun, the 2024 Guyana Youth Environmental Speaker, unveils the Queen’s College Hydroponic Kitchen Garden System signboard in the presence of key stakeholders, marking a significant step towards a sustainable future in education and agriculture.

More than 100 Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza

Aljazeera - At least 120 people have been killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza in two days, Palestinian health officials said, as Israel intensified its bombardment acrossthebesiegedterritory

At least seven people

were killed when a residential home was hit overnight in the Zeitoun suburb of Gaza City, health officials said on Saturday The other deaths were recorded in central and southernGaza.

Israeli air raids caused significant damage to alFaruq Mosque in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, according to a social media video verified byAlJazeera.

Israeli forces also deepened their ground offensive and bombardment ofnorthernGaza,whereone ofthelastpartiallyoperating hospitals was hit, wounding severalworkers.

in 48 hours

Director of the Kamal Adwan hospital says several staff wounded in Israeli bombardment.

Palestinians watch smoke rising during an Israeli attack on al-Faruq Mosque in the Nuseirat refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, November 23, 2024 [Mohammed Saber/EPA]

Ministry of Health said hospitals have fuel left for onlyabouttwodaysbeforeit needs to start restricting services.

Israel’smilitaryimposed a siege and launched a renewedgroundoffensivein northern Gaza last month, saying it aimed to stop Hamasfightersfromwaging moreattacksandregrouping inthearea.

The United Nations warnedearlierthisweekthat almost no aid had been delivered to northern Gaza since Israel’s renewed offensive as aid groups and food security experts warn ofafamineinthearea.

people and wounded more than 104,000 since October 2023, according to Palestinianhealthofficials. Israel launched its assault on Gaza after the Hamas-led attacks on southernIsraelonOctober7, 2023,inwhichatleast1,139 peoplewerekilledandabout 250 others seized as captives.

A spokesperson for the armed wing of Hamas, Abu Ubaida, said later on Saturday that a female Israelicaptiveinthegroup’s custody had been killed in northern Gaza in an area under attack by Israel’s forces.

The bombardment “resulted in 12 injuries among doctors, nurses, and administrative staff within theemergencyandreception areas”,hesaid.

Hussam Abu Safia, directoroftheKamalAdwan Hospital,saidinastatement on Saturday that Israeli forces “directly targeted the entrance to the emergency and reception area several times,aswellasthehospital courtyards, electrical generators, and hospital gates”.

The Israeli military rejected the allegations and said it was “not aware of a strike in the area of the Kamal Adwan Hospital” following an initial review ofthesituation.

On Friday, Gaza’s

In a call with Defence Minister Israel Katz on Saturday, United States Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin pressed Israel to “take steps to improve the dire humanitarian condition inGaza”,thePentagonsaid.

Israel’s assault on Gaza has killed more than 44,000

“The life of another femaleprisonerwhousedto be with her remains in imminentdanger,”headded, accusing the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of being responsible and of undermining efforts to end thewar

UN climate talks in disarray as developing nations stage walkout at COP29

Aljazeera - Negotiators are racing to salvage the UnitedNationsclimatetalks after developing nations

staged a walkout, demanding more in climate finance from historically wealthyemitters.

Morethanadaypastthe scheduled conclusion of COP29 talks, host Azerbaijan urged delegates to seek consensus to avoid failure.

“I know that none of us wantstoleaveBakuwithout a good outcome,” COP President Mukhtar Babayev told a late-night session on Saturday, urging all nations to “bridge the remaining divide”.

Host Azerbaijan calls for consensus after delegations from developing countries walk out of climate finance talks.


“We’ve just walked out. We came here to this COP for a fair deal. We feel that wehaven’tbeenheard,”said CedricSchuster,theSamoan chairman of the Alliance of Small Island States, a coalition of nations threatenedbyrisingseas.

“[The] current deal is unacceptable for us We need to speak to other developing countries and decide what to do,” Evans Njewa, chair of the Least DevelopedCountries(LDC) group,said.

When asked if the walkout was a protest, Colombia Environment Minister Susana Mohamed told The Associated Press news agency: “I would call thisdissatisfaction,[weare] highlydissatisfied.”

With tensions high, climate activists also heckled United States climate envoy John Podesta

The comments came hoursafterdelegationsfrom small island states and the least developed nations walked out of negotiations on a funding package for poor countries to curb and adapt to climate change, saying their climate finance interests were being ignored.

They accused the US of not paying its fair share and having “a legacy of burning uptheplanet”.

Later on Saturday, representatives from the EuropeanUnion,theUSand other wealthy countries met directly with those of developing nations in an attempt to work out an agreeement.

Developing countries have accused the rich of tryingtogettheirway–and a smaller financial aid package – via a war of attrition. And small island

nations, particularly vulnerable to climate change’s worsening effects, accused the host country presidencyofignoringthem throughoutthetalks.

P a n a m a ’s c h i e f negotiator, Juan Carlos Monterrey Gomez, said he hashadenough.

“Every minute that passes, we are going to just

keep getting weaker and weaker and weaker They don’t have that issue. They have massive delegations,” MonterreyGomezsaid.

“This is what they always do They break us at the last minute You know, they push it and push it and push it until our negotiators leave. Until we’re tired, until we’re delusional from not eating, fromnotsleeping.”

The last official draft on Friday pledged $250bn annually by 2035, more than double the previous goalof$100bnset15years ago, but far short of the annual $1 trillion-plus that expertssayisneeded.

Developing nations areseeking$1 3trillionto help adapt to droughts, floods, rising seas and extreme heat, pay for losses and damage caused by extreme weather, and transition their energy systems away from planet-

warming fossil fuels and towardscleanenergy

Wealthy nations are

reached at COP talks in Parisin2015

Nazanine Moshiri, senior climate and environment analyst at the International Crisis Group, told Al Jazeera that rich countries were being restricted by economic conditions.

“Wealthy nations are constrained by tight domestic budgets, by the Gaza war, by Ukraine and also other conflicts, for example in Sudan, and [other] economic issues,” she said. “This is at odds with what developing countriesaregrapplingwith: the mounting costs of storms,floodsanddroughts, which are being fuelled by climatechange.”

Teresa Anderson, the

global lead on climate justiceatActionAid,said,to get a deal, “the presidency has to put something far betteronthetable”.

“The US, in particular, andrichcountries,needto do far more to show that they’re willing for real money to come forward,” shetoldtheAP “Andifthey don’t, then LDCs are unlikely to find that there’s anythinghereforthem.”

Despite the fractures between nations, some still held out hopes for the talks “We remain optimistic,” said Nabeel Munir of Pakistan, who chairs one of the talks’ standing negotiating committees.

Panama’s Monterrey Gomez highlighted that thereneedstobeadeal

“If we don’t get a deal I think it will be a fatal wound to this process, to the planet, to people,” he said.


In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our publisher, Mr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about on-going indecencies in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.

SUNDAY – bybeatingone’schestat5:30

November 17, 2024 am meetings with ministers,



For how long will we November 18, 2024 supporters, are totally fed up Alopsided deal permanent secretaries and lopsided 2016 oil contract. continue to see a display of Nation being sold out with poor work, late work, and a country without contractors. Countries have done it; our

We must face the harsh and costly work, from which logical leaders What this country needs neighbour Trinidad and “logical” but failing to do truth:ournationisbeingsold they get little long-term Any leader would want are real leaders with balls Tobago came right into our the single most important out The evidence is benefit. So many billions whatisbestforitspeople. and not just talks to engage backyard to offer help, action to change this glaring the worst oil spent, so many deficiencies, This cannot be achieved

urging that a renegotiation is country’spath? contract of the century, and so many years passed, signed by the previous and yet nobody held administration and now accountable, no one made to zealously defended by the pay any penalty The entire currentone. procurementawardsystemis

This is a betrayal of epic an education in evasion and proportions, serving foreign self-protection. corporationsandaprivileged local elite while sidelining

THURSDAY –the true owners of this November 21, 2024 wealth: the people of Ending the road carnage Guyana. Speed and reckless

This is not just a bad dr


ng, the grow

ng deal it’s a looming addiction to cell phones that economic catastrophe cause driver distractions, the Global experts, international inexcusable failure of institutions, and our own passengers to use seatbelts citizens have called for and the heavy consumption renegotiation, offering of alcohol by drivers are sound advice and support. contributing to the Yet, those in power bloodshedontheroadways. stubbornly refuse to act In order to end the Both government and lawlessness on the roads, the Opposition have entrenched police must step up its themselves, guarding this crackdown. disastrous agreement while More officers must be thenationsuffers. assigned to the police’s traffic units, with heightened TUESDAY – useofelectronicgadgetsand November 19, 2024 a n a g g r e s s i v e a n d

Aspineless government determined campaign aimed

The PPPC government at arresting and charging has reached a new low in its errant and drunk drivers for spineless defense of the their reckless behaviour lopsided Production Sharing These initiatives along with Agreement (PSA) with the rooting out of speeding ExxonMobil. Once clinging and stunt riding by to the worn-out excuse of motorcyclists must become “respecting the sanctity of prioritiesforthepolice. contracts,” it now seeks to escape its responsibility by FRIDAY –c l a i m i n g t h a t a n y November 22, 2024 renegotiation depends on Two leaders: want Exxon’s consent This is to stay away from oil defeatism at its finest—a Vice President, Bharrat shameful abdication of Jagdeo and leader of the leadership and a blatant Opposition, Aubrey Norton dismissal of the people’s prefer to make themselves will. smallwhentheissueisabout oil.

WEDNESDAY – The priority of both is to November 20, 2024 benowherearoundoil,asifit Too late shall be the cry! is some ticking timebomb

Much has been said and about to explode. Guyanese written about the president’s have voted for them, put 5:30 AM meeting with them where they are today contractors, engineers and Citizens expect Mr Jagdeo government ministers over and Mr Norton to stand up delays in public works and fight for them, not dig contract. holes in which to bury

We believe that, given themselves In a country the litany of late work, with many gifts, this oil gift shoddy work, and the lack of to Guyanese is among the propersupervisioninvolving biggest and richest that has billionsoftaxpayers’dollars, ever been given to a people. the president is engaging in Governments and groups what could be a farce, and at prove themselves on how a rather late hour in his time they plan to manage it, in inoffice. what they actually do when Guyanese, including theopportunityistheirs.


ESPNcricinfo - A maiden Test century for Justin Greaves headlined a dominant day for West Indies against Bangladesh on day two of the Antigua Test. After his 115 helped West Indies post 450 for 9, West Indies bookended the day with two Bangladesh wickets, leaving the visitors 410 behind with eight wicketsinhand.

It was a fine recovery after slipping to 261 for 7 despiteanovernightscoreof 250 for 5. Greaves shared a

140-run eighth wicket stand with Kemar Roach, who batted for more than four hoursfor47,hishighestTest scoreinhis15-yearcareer Greaves’ unbeaten 115 justified his Super50 form, where he struck three consecutivecenturiesearlier this month He made a patient effort, striking just four boundaries in his 206ball stay It was the perfect follow-uptotheninetiesthat Alick Athanaze and Mikyle Louishadscoredondayone tolaythefoundation.

Bangladeshcontinuedto give away strong positions with the ball, toiling for 144.1 overs, but unable to bowl out the home side. Hasan Mahmud took three wickets, all of them on the second day Taskin Ahmed toiled hard and even found the edge of Greaves’ bat once but nobody appealed. The spinners, stand-in captain Mehidy Hasan Miraz and Taijul Islam, shared three wickets from theircombined73.1overs.

West Indies declared

with Bangladesh needing to bat out a maximum time of anhourand45minutes.But therewasnorespiteforthem against the four-man West Indian pace attack. Zakir Hasan fell for 15 after he under-edgedaJaydenSeales delivery onto his stumps. The left-hander struck three foursinhisshortstay,alloff Seales, but was slightly unlucky with the ball shaving the leg-stump MahmudulHasanJoyedged Alzarri Joseph for 5, shortly after he was dropped on the samescore.

It was a long way from the start of the day for the visitors, having started the day in the best possible way bytakingtwoearlywickets.

Mahmud removed

Sunday November 24, 2024


Something is currently compellingyoutobemoreof a world citizen than usual, Aries. You may find this somewhat disturbing You feel as though the roots of youridentity


Your surroundings are currently changing, Taurus. Perhapsyourcircleoffriends has already undergone a majorchange.Thefactisthat you no longer have so many prejudices about the people youmeet.


Gemini, you're demystifying theconceptoftalent.Youused to look enviously at other peopleandthink,"IwishIhad anaturalabilitylikethat."


Areyouthinkingofgoinginto businessforyourself,Cancer? Being self-employed doesn't automatically mean you will have more freedom Of course, you will be your own boss.


Within the next few days, you'relikelytogainaccessto dimensionsofperceptionyou neversuspected,Leo.Perhaps you will become aware of certain energy phenomena, peakexperiences.


Often fiery temperaments like yours are drawn to fight for great causes despite the better judgment of more down-to-Earth people. As a result, you have great leadership potential that may emergetoday


Your optimism is likely to receive a little boost today, Libra.Amemorableemotional encountermaybethesourceof some extra zeal. Or you may derive great satisfaction from beingpartofagroup.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Perhaps you should suspend your inhibitions for the day, Scorpio, and let your dreams guide you. For instance, you mightimaginethattheneedto make any choices has vanished.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

This is the type of day you enjoy The climate is positive, and the energy is flowing. It's as though you have a magic wand.Yougiveitawaveandpresto - the day's tasks and chores are done! By this evening.


If the world collapsed today, you wouldn't bat an eyelash. You're perfectly content sailing along on cloud nine! Thesourceofyourblisscould bethatnewpersoninyourlife.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) You may have had some emotional disappointments lately, but today will restore yourfaithinlove.Allyouneed to do is act. Your amazing lucidity and realism keep you from hoping for the impossible.


Put on your traveling shoes, Pisces. Fear of the unknown may have prompted you to postpone certain trips. You claimedyouweretoobusy,but noonereallybelievedthis.

Joshua Da Silva with the fifth ball of the morning session, trapped lbw with a delivery that darted into his front pad This was Mahmud’sfirstwicketinthe game despite bowling well on the first day It was also his 24th wicket this year, making him the highest wicket-taker in a calendar year among Bangladesh’s pacebowlers.

RHTYSC honours top LCSS Student...


students with the support of former student Dropattie Ramsammy of the United States.

Meanwhile, the club alsopresentedthreebicycles worth a combined seventy thousand dollars to three of its member under the Say Yes to Education programme The Three under17cricketerstobenefit were Nicholas Cameron, Akeel Fraser and Anthony Saheed. The cycles were purchased with funding from former member Terrence Madramootoo, a former Berbice inter county juniorplayer

RHTYSC Cricket ManagerRobbyKissoonlall stated that the main reason for the assistance was to makeiteasierfortheplayers to attend school and cricket practice He expressed gratitude to Madramootoo forhisassistancetotheclub. The club since 2000, has assisted hundreds of youths with cycles across the ancient county including 109clubmembers.Theclub also supported Cameron to pay his exams fees to write six subjects at the 2025 CSECexams.

Mahmud’s next over Zakir took a superb two-handed catchatgully,reminiscentof how he opened the Pakistan tourwithAbdullahShafique’s catch at gully in August If Bangladesh sensed they had theiropeningtobowloutWest Indiesforunder300runs,that wasbluntedbyRoach

He was the right type of foil for Greaves, who was willing to grind out the Bangladesh attack. Greaves handed the strike to Roach fromtimetotime,asthepair didn’tallowanymorewickets inthefirstsession.Therewere only two boundaries in those 26 overs too, but that hardly bothered the home side who neededarecovery

Greavesstartedthesecond session with his third boundary when he pulled Taskin through midwicket He, however, survived a caught-behind chance on 77 with neither Taskin nor wicketkeeper Jaker Ali (who wasdeputizingforLittonDas afterthefirstsession)hearinga faintnick Itwasonlyareplay onthebigscreenthatshowed what Bangladesh missed out on

Shortly afterwards, a

That number became 25 when Alzarri fell in

Roach single brought up the team’s maiden century partnership for the eighth wicket against Bangladesh It wasfollowedbyarainbreakof seven minutes, after which RoachslammedMehidyover hisheadforhisfirstboundary Mahmud finally removed Roach with a fine angling delivery,clippingthetopofhis middle-stump

Their 140-run stand was West Indies’third-highest for theeighthwicket.

Greaves soon reached his century with his fourth boundary shot, driving Taijul through the covers. It waspotentiallyhisbestshot of the innings and the landmark was only his secondfirst-classton.

West Indies declared in the 145th over of their innings, after their tailenders Seales and Shamar Joseph struck some meaty blows.Thatleftenoughtime for the bowlers to have a crack, which they successfullydid.

Scores: Bangladesh 40 for 2 (Alzarri 1-2, Seales 115) trailWest Indies450 for 9 (Greaves 115, Louis 97, Athanaze 90, Roach 47, Hasan3-87)by410runs.

IBA President congratulates Steve Ninvalle on his re-election as GBA head

National Racquet Centre on WoolfordAvenue.

Fireworks expected in Mayoral Cycle Road Race in New Amsterdam today

Prizes and other incentives handed over

All the Top wheelsmen

in the East Berbice

Corentyne and Mahaica

Berbice Regions are expectedtodontheircycling equipment and head to the Ancient Town for the grand Mayoral Cycle road race today

Boxing Association (IBA), has congratulated Guyana Boxing Association (GBA) President Steve Ninvalle on hisre-electiontothehelmof thelocalfraternity

Thiswasconveyedinan official press statement


According to the correspondence, “Please accept my sincere congratulations on the elections in Guyana, resulting in which you were re-electedasthePresidentof the Guyana Boxing Association This is a momentous achievement and a testament to the confidence and trust placed inyoubythemembersofthe association.”

He further said, “I remain confident about the future of boxing in Guyana, and I congratulate you on your re-election, wishing you all the very best and great success during your new term in office. I look forward to meeting you again in the very near future.”

Theincumbentpresident andhisexecutivecommittee were elected unopposed following the staging of its electoral congress at the

The experienced administrator was elected to serve for another four-year cyclefollowingaunanimous decision by the clubs under thejurisdictionoftheentity

The other reelected members are: First VicePresidentDr MarissaParris, Second Vice-President Lt Col Gordon Nedd, Third Vice-Pres

Carl Graham, Secretary Stacy Correia, Treasurer Dexter Patterson, and Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Seon Bristol.

Meanwhile, Ninvalle said, “President Umar K r e m l e v h a s b e e n instrumental in the global development of the amateur componentofthediscipline; advancements in primary areas such as competitions, coaching and refereeing certifications, and increased prize pools, which in the mediumandlongterm,have madethissegmentofboxing even more lucrative and p r e s t i g i o u s H i s acknowledgement is a recognition and a vote of confidence in the work that is being undertaken in Guyana.Thiswillonlyserve to strengthen and invigorate oureffortstopropelthesport tohigherlevels.”

The event, which is being organized by The Flying Ace Cycle Club (FACC) of Berbice, is in honouroftheMayorofNew Amsterdam Wainwright McIntosh.

The10lapseventaround thetownofNewAmsterdam will bring the curtains down on 133rd Anniversary celebrations of the Municipality

McIntosh, who is an Education Officer and a businessman,isalsoasenior member of the Rotary Club ofNewAmsterdam. Heisin his first term as mayor He served as Deputy Mayor before being elected to the prestigiousposition.

The event is being coordinated by Veteran Cycle Coach Randolph Roberts. It is sponsored by Mayor McIntosh along with Franco Crawford, a former

Overseas based and former National Cyclist, Franco Crawford, hands over the sponsorship cheque Mayor McIntosh and Coach and organiser Randolph Roberts.

National Cyclist, now Businessman and some membersoftheEastBerbice businesscommunity

Cash prizes and other incentives will be given to the first three finishers, the top three Veterans, the first twoJuniorsandthefirsttwo beginners,tocrossthefinish line.

Therearesixsprintpoint prizes up for grabs. There will also be a BMX cycle race.

Commencement time is 13:00hrs, at Main and Pitt Street.

Theriderswillbesenton their way by Mayor McIntosh who will also peddle off with the peloton onthefirstlap.

The peddlers will proceed south along Main StreetintoStanleytown,east into Tacama Turn, before cyclingontoRepublicRoad, west into Vryheid Street beforeproceedingintoMain

R o a d

That sequence will be completed 10 times around the township before concluding at its point of origin.

The presentation ceremony will be held immediately after the completionoftheevent.

The Mayor and other representatives will be on hand to assist with the presentation ceremony (SamuelWhyte)

GBAPresident Steve Ninvalle
IBAPresident Umar Kremlev


Waramuri and St John the Baptist advance into the semis MVP Sports Girl’s U11 Football

With the quarterfinal stage wrapped up, Marian Academy, Potaro Primary, Waramuri Top Primary, and St. John the Baptist Primary have secured their spots in the semi-finals of the eighth edition of the MVP Sports Girls’ U-11 Football Championship. The eagerly anticipated matches will kick off this weekend at the Ministry of Education ground.

Marian Academy stampedtheirauthoritywith a commanding 5-0 victory over Smith Memorial Primary Chrissyanne Persaud was the star of the match, bagging a brilliant hat-trick with goals in the 16th,25th,and30thminutes.

Haley Haberkorn (35’) and Haley De Nobrega (39’) added to the scoreline, completing a flawless performance that saw them cruiseintothesemi-finals.

In a more competitive affair, St. John the Baptist

(SJTB) Primary battled past West Ruimveldt Primary with a 3-1 scoreline. West Ruimveldt’s Ariel Farley struck early in the opening minute, but SJTB quickly responded through Akeelah Da Silva in the fifth. Elliana

Grant (30’) and Tanis Callenders (35’) sealed the comeback for SJTB, ensuring their place in the lastfour

Reniese Joseph was the standout performer for Potaro Primary, netting a

RHTYSC honours top LCSS Student with Claudette Foster Memorial Award

- Donatescyclestopromisingyoungcricketers

The Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club on Thursday last unveiled its latestawardschemewhenit honored Nicholas Ishak as thetopstudentfor2024.The club honored Ishak with the Claudette Foster Memorial Award for been the Valedictorian of the Lower

Corentyne Secondary Schoolgraduationceremony whichwasheldattheschool. Club Secretary Hilbert Foster, the youngest son of the late Claudette handed overtheawardtoadelighted Ishak after delivering the chargetothegraduatesofthe school.

Foster, the former president of the Berbice Cricket Board urged the attentivestudentstolookfor avenues to further their education especially as entrancetotheUniversityof Guyana is now free. The RHTYSC Secretary called on the graduating class to always seek ways to assist their former school and to always remember the teachers who assisted them to achieve their dream. He spoke of the importance of personal discipline, hard work and the importance of religionintheirdailylives.

Foster, stated, that Guyana was undergoing a rapidperiodofdevelopment and he urged the students to beapartofit.

He disclosed that the RHTYSC Pepsi under19 and NamilcoFirstDivisionteams wouldsponsortheawardover thenextfiveyearsinhonourof hismom,whodiedin2022at the age of 81 She was the mother of three sonsHilbert,awellknowncricket administrator, President of the award winning St Francis Community Developers and Keith, a

businessman and another former President of the BerbiceCricketBoard.

Ishak received a very largetrophyandacashprize Head Master of the LCSS, KarlVanier,expressedthanks totheclubforsponsoringthe award while noting that the RHTYSC has always been a friendoftheschool Theclub in the period 1990 to 1992 hadledamassiverestoration project at the school and currently hosts a tribute programme for outstanding teachersand (Continuedonpage56)

hat-trick in the 2nd, 22nd, and33rdminutes.

Aria Khan joined the action with a 37th-minute

Marian, Potaro,

goal, rounding off a dominant 4-0 victory over Stella Maris Primary Joseph’s clinical finishing proved too much for Stella Maris’ defense as Potaro marchedonconfidently

In the final quarterfinal matchup, Waramuri Top Primary overpowered Stella Maris 5-0 in a one-sided encounter Keshanna Thomasdeliveredahat-trick with strikes in the 4th, 18th, and 20th minutes, while Alina Lewis added goals in the 28th and 34th minutes.

Stella Maris struggled to keep up, as Waramuri cruisedtoacomfortablewin.

Earlier in the roundrobin matches, West Ruimveldtmadeastatement with a 9-0 drubbing of F.E. Pollard, powered by Ariel Farley’shat-trick.

Potaro Primary edged

One Mile Primary 1-0, and Stella Maris thumped Georgetown International Academy 5-0 to advance to theknockoutphase.

The semi-finals promise exciting matchups, with Marian Academy, Potaro Primary, Waramuri Top Primary, and St. John the Baptistsettobattleforaspot in the championship final. Action resumes this Saturday at the Ministry of Educationground.

The tournament is made possible by MVP Sports, with support from V&V Distributors (Soft n’ Pretty brand), Guyana Beverage Inc (Koolkidz), and the Ministries of Culture,Youth and Sport, and Education. Fans can expect another thrilling day of football as the championship heads towarditsclimax.

Adams, Ghani smash hundreds in runs-filled ERC T10 Tapeball

Imtyaz Ghani on the go for Downtown Mavericks.

It was a runs-filled second match-day in the E t h n i c R e l a t i o n s Commission (ERC) T10 Tapeball Harmony League, contested at five grounds countrywide.

Among the standout performers were Antony Adams (101*) and Imtyaz Ghani(105*),whosmashed hundreds,whileChristopher Barnwell (94*) also came withintouchingdistanceofa ton Numerous other players, such as Andy Lall (87), Rudolf Singh (83*), and Marcus Watkins (82*), also scored big for their respectiveteams.

The performances saw formidablesidessuchasThe Guards, Village Rams, EcclesAll-Stars,Downtown

M a v e r i c k s , P u r e Entertainment, Movements Family (Mahdia), and Renegades progress from the twenty matches on Saturday For detailed scores of each match, persons are encouraged to visit the FL Sport app or website The tournament continues today (Sunday) at the Transport Sports Club, Lusignan Sports Club, and Tuschen Sports Club from 09:00hastwelvemoreteams willbeeliminated. With November 30 marked as the penultimate matchday,thegrandfinaleis scheduled for December 8, 2024, at the Everest Cricket Groundfrom09:00h. Designed to foster communityengagement,the

ERCHarmonyT10Tapeball League offers free entry for bothteamsandspectators. The tournament boasts exciting rewards, including a $500,000 prize for the champions,$250,000forthe runners-up, and $100,000 for each of the two semifinalists.

Individual accolades of $60,000 each will be awarded for the Man of the Final, Most Runs, and Most Wickets, with trophies generously sponsored by TrophyStall. Through this initiative, the ERC aims to build lasting connections among participants, promote mutual respect, and strengthen community ties acrossGuyana.

MarianAcademy forward (with ball) creating plays during their quarterfinal matchup against Smith Memorial Primary.
Club Secretary Hilbert Foster hands over the award to Nicholas Ishak.
AntonyAdams of Village Rams cracked a fine century

Penultimate round of the RBL U18 Football League billed for today

- Dolphin, Chase move closer to securing KFC Int’l Goodwill Series tickets

Thestageissetfor another thrilling roundofactionin the Petra-Republic Bank Limited Schools’ Under-18 FootballLeague,withtabletoppers Chase’s Academic Foundation and Dolphin Secondary School vying to maintain their flawless records Both teams have their sights set on securing tickets to next month’s

p r e s t i g i o u s K F C International Secondary Schools’Goodwill Series in Guyana.

Chase’s Academic Foundation, boasting an unblemished record of 15 pointsfromfivegames,will face a formidable challenge a g a i n s t Wa r a m u r i Secondary Waramuri, currentlysittingat12points fromfivematches,willlook to bounce back from their sole defeat to Dolphin Secondary and keep their hopes alive for a top-two finish.

Meanwhile, Dolphin

Secondary, the only other unbeaten team, has showcasedexceptionalform throughout the tournament. With five wins from five matches and a commanding goal difference of +15, they are firm favorites as they enterthefinalstretch.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, President’s Collegeremainswinlessand rooted at the bottom of the table.

They face South

RuimveldtSecondarytoday, a side featuring standout playerslikeDavonteGaime, who are still searching for their rhythm in this year’s league.

In another fixture, East Ruimveldt Secondary takes on West Ruimveldt Secondaryinwhatpromises to be a tightly contested match.

West Ruimveldt has shown flashes of brilliance but remains inconsistent, managing only four points from five games East

Ruimveldt, just one point behind,willbeeagertoturn theirfortunesaround.

The league has been a showcase of individual talent, with Bryan Wharton leading the charge after a scintillating hat-trick performance in round four Other notable hat-trick

mal Williams (Dolphin), Billy Smith (Bartica), and Orwin Abrams (Waramuri), whose contributionshavepropelled theirteamstovitalvictories.

The tournament is made possible through the generous sponsorship of Republic Bank Limited, withadditionalsupportfrom MVP Sports, Tiger Rentals, Guyana Beverage Inc (Busta Brand), the Ministry ofCulture,YouthandSport, and the Ministry of Education.

Football fans can catch alltheactionattheMinistry of Education ground, where thenextgenerationofstarsis made.

The Penultimate round of the 2024 Republic Bank U18 Football League will be contested today at MoE ground.

Test century. (Getty Images and CricketAustralia/file photo)

West Indies ride on Greaves’ 115 to exert dominance over Bangladesh


Justin Greaves led the West Indies batting with his maiden
Justin Greaves and Kemar Roach, who made 47, shared in a 100 plus runs stand for the West Indies. (Windies Cricket/facebook)

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