Boy shot as gunmen open fire on Sophia teens



Boy shot as gunmen open fire on Sophia teens
Ex x o n M o b i l
c o m m e n c e s th design for 7 projectasGov'tremains'iffy' overapproval
Whilethegovernmentof Guyana(GoG)remains'iffy' over the approval of a
seventh deepwater developmentintheStabroek Block for oil major, ExxonMobil,thecompanyis
charging ahead with preparationsfortheprojectit hopestostartupby2029. This is according to a public document that was
r e l e a s e d b y t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the project, Hammerhead. The Terms and Scope for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) that has been ordered by the regulator indicates that ExxonMobil is currently in the design phase for the planneddevelopment.
The document states, “The Project is currently in theearlystagesofdesignand will be optimized through the engineering process ” Previously, ExxonMobil movedtoawardcontractsfor projectsyettobesanctioned bygovernment.Thiswasthe case with its most recent development, Whiptail, the oil major's sixth Stabroek Blockproject.
InNovemberlastyear,it was reported that ExxonMobil awarded a contract to Italian engineering powerhouse, Saipem, for the proposed US$12 9 Billion project while awaiting approval fromtheGoG.
Another multi-billiondollar contract for the Whiptail project was awardedtoSBMOffshoreto perform front end engineering and design (FEED) for Guyana's sixth
Two17-year-oldboyscameundergunfireduringthe weehoursofSundaywhileridingthroughAFieldSophia, GreaterGeorgetownonmotorcycle.
Oneofthem,thepillionriderwasshotinhisthighas theydodgedbullets,reportedlyfrommaskedmenona blackHondaXRmotorcycle. Theteenagersclaimedthat theshootinghappenedaround02:30hrs,whiletheywere headingsouthalongAField.Theysaidthatsuspects approachedthemfromtheoppositedirection.
Realisingthat,theywereabouttobeattackedthe teenagerridingthebike,divertedbyspeedingoffbutthe suspectsopenedfired.Thepillionriderrecalledfeelinga burningsensationonhisleftthigh.Hesawbloodandsoon realisedthathewasshot. Theyheadeddirectlytothe GeorgetownPublicHospitalCorporation(GPHC)where hereceivedmedicalattentionforagunshotwound. Investigationsareongoing.
floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vesselpriortoitsapproval. When questioned about its modus operandi, ExxonMobil made it clear thatitwassoconfidentinthe regulatory systems of Guyanathatithasnoqualms i n a w a r d i n g U Smultibillion-dollar contracts intheabsenceoftherelevant projectapprovals.
In fact, the company's Country Manager, Alistair Routledgesaidallitneedsto do is provide the right “material” and “answers” to government to make the system“dependable”.
D u r i n g a p r e s s conference last year, Routledge explained, ““the procurement process is separate from the regulatory process. All we are doing
there is going through and aligning in such a way that we are ready to move forward as of when we receive regulatory approval.”
The Exxon official told reporters that while there is risk with making such huge investments prior to receiving government's blessings, the company sees it as an “acceptable risk” since they believe the process to be “dependable” whenitcomestosanctioning projects in the Stabroek Block.
“So yes, we are taking a little bit of risk on our side because the FDP (Field Development Plan) hasn't been approved, but we view that that's an acceptable risk given that we've seen the kind of regulatory process –
itsdependableaslongaswe provide the right material, the right answers to the government then we found that to be dependable,” Routledgesaid.
He was keen to note howeverthatExxonmaynot take such investment decisions in other countries since it does not share the same confidence of a
dependable process elsewhere.
It should be noted that while Exxon has made an applicationtotheGoGforits seventh project, the Chief Policymaker for the sector, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeohadmadeitclearthat there is no guarantee approvalwouldbegranted.
D u r i n g a p r e s s conference in August, Jagdeo when questioned on the seventh project said, “When and if…if and or when and if we approve the projectthenyou willbetold about what the benefits will be.”At thattime,the former Head of State said the company had not yet made an application for the project. Following the official application by the company, Jagdeo was again asked to comment on the project when he announced
that governm
nt has d i s c o n
i n u e d a n advertisement for a consultant to review the Hammerhead project According to him, the
information the company presentedwasincomplete. AboutHammerhead Hammerhead is located in the south-central portion of the Stabroek Block, approximately 160 km from Georgetown. Current plans include drilling via drill ships to produce oil using approximately 14 to 30 production and injection wells Production is expected to begin in 2029 subject to the necessary regulatory approvals and operateforatleast20years.
In the Project Summary submitted by Exxon to the EPA,thecompanyexplained thattheprojectisexpectedto add 120,000 to 180,000 barrels of oil per day productioncapacity
TheFloatingProduction Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel will be capable of storing approximately 1 4 to 2 million barrels of oil.Thirdparty oil tankers will be scheduled to offload the oil from the FPSO, making the oilavailableforexporttothe international market. To date, Exxon has obtained approval from the Government of Guyana for six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza PhaseOne,LizaPhaseTwo, Payara,Yellowtail,Uaruand Whiptail The first three pro
producing oil at a daily estimated rate of 640,000 barrelsperday(bpd).
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
When you speak to Guyanese who lived here
throughtheseventiesandeighties,theytell youthattheexperiencesthenareonceagain becoming common fare Extended power outages, inadequate potable water supply, high crime rates, and an increase in social deviancy are just some of the problems thatarenowsignallingthefailureofofficialpolicy
Weseedailymoreroadsarebeingbuiltandtrucksbusy on our already crowded streets, but citizens are not even safewalkingonthepavement.
Things that would normally take seconds in a developedcountry,suchasfillingalargebucketofwater, take hours in some parts of Guyana, and often involve backbreakingefforts.Afterdecadesundertherulershipof thePPPC/andPNCR,thewaterpressureinmosthomesis not enough to take water waist-high on the ground floor, much less to reach the upper floors, as it once did under colonialGuyana.
Electricity was one of the strong points of the Cheddi JaganAdministration.Hewasable,withinashortperiodof time, to bring in extra generating capacity through Wartsila, and thus stabilise the erratic supply to the Guyanesepublic.
Today it is as if we do not have a national power company Just yesterday citizens across the country were faced with hours of blackout due to a shutdown of the system.Andthisishappeningafterbillionsbeingpumped intotheGuyanaPowerandLightandfurtherbillionstorent twopowershipsfromacompanymiredincontroversies.
ItnowseemsthatGuyanahasreturnedtotheglorydays ofloadsheddingandthatweareinfordifficulttimes.Inthe difficult days of the seventies and the eighties fear prevailed throughout the country, none more so than the fearofcriminalviolation.
Despitethetremendouseffortsmadetoreducecrimein Guyana,andespeciallythesuccessesindismantlingmajor criminal networks, there continues to be worrying incidentsofcrimesinvolvingtheuseofsmallarms.
This has, of course, once again raised fears in the societyaboutsecurityandsafety Socialdeviancyhasalso becomepronounced.Druguseisincreasinganddestroying thebodiesandmindsofmanyable-bodiedGuyanesewho, sufferingfromaddiction,havelimitedavenuesforredress orhelp.Domesticviolenceisoutofcontrolanddespiteall theprogrammesandworkshops,thisscourgehasnotbeen contained.
In addition, those woes, in this oil-rich republic the numberofbeggarsonthestreetsisincreasingeachday,and so too, are the numbers of children forced to take to the streetstomakealiving.LifeinGuyanaisbecomingshort, nastyandbrutish.
WeurgetheGovernmenttoseriouslyconsiderwhether its style of governance, dominated by an overcentralization of decision making, sleaze and oneupmanship is not one of the main contributing factors involvedinthefailuretomoveourcountryforward.
Most Guyanese do not ask for much.They do not ask for a car for each household, or for the latest gadgets to adorn the interiors of their homes; they do not ask for the luxury of foreign vacations, or even the chance to shop at Macy's.
MostGuyanesewantsecurejobsthatwouldguarantee the breadwinners of homes pensions at the end of their workinglives,aroofovereachhead,anadequatesupplyof potable water, reasonably priced and assured electricity supply, cheap food, and a decent healthcare system. Most GuyanesewouldbehappyiftheGovernmentcanprovide thebasicsandleavetheresttotheprivatesector.
After27yearsunderaPPP/Cgovernmentsince1992, thesupplyofthebasicsocialservicesremainsinconsistent, tooerraticforcomfort.Bettercanandmustbedonebythe Governmenttoensuregoodwaterandelectricityservices andasafeenvironmentforcitizenstothrive.
I n t e r n a t i o n a l t r a f f i c k i n g o f predominantly foreign women and girls into strip clubsandbarsinGuyanais aseriousproblem.
Alongwithlocalmales, they service an equally strong foreign clientele largelyfromgoldfieldsand possibly oil rigs and construction workers. Its promoters appear to be a mix of armed Venezuelan gangs, Brazilians with mining contacts and local associates including complacent politicians The victims of this expanding industry are all women and girls, its p e r p e t r a t o r s overwhelmingly men. The multi-cultural character of the clientele of trafficking, mining, oil-rigs and bars disguises the fact of heavy male domination. The fact that countering it is the responsibility primarily of anequallymale-dominated
policeforceonlyreinforces the masculine dominance of all facets of the sextraffickingproblem.
This activity attracts little political attention either as a spin-off of the border dispute with Venezuela,orasacriminal enterprise.
S e x u a l - b a s e d trafficking makes a convincing claim for priority attention as the focal point for the sixteenday campaign surrounding International Day to Stop Violence Against Women. Focus is necessary on the part of all interested agencies on both the political and criminal dimensionsoftheproblem.
In November 2006 and 2007 civil society organizations in Guyana publishedthenamesof127 organizationsandgroupsin a three-page press statementendorsedbyover one hundred named organizations across the
length and breadth of Guyana calling for reform of sexual violence laws. Eventually,in2010,amore progressive Sexual Offences Act was passed, representing real progress inthelegalstatusofwomen bypoliticalaction.
By political activism, the Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) referstomobilizingbroadbased popular indignation. Women’s freedom-related rights can best be secured politically by women’s activism, not by technical assistancealone.Hopingto s e c u r e w o m e n ’ s empowerment by defining politics out of the issue is an illusion Viewed globally, the evolution of gender law and policy in Guyanahasbeengenerally progressive. They include legal protection for equal treatment of women with respect to division of property in divorce proceeding, termination of pregnancy, age of consent, sexualoffences,alongwith milestone appointments such as naming the first female Caribbean ChancelloroftheJudiciary However, over a decade later, it is valid to ask the questionwhetherthistrend isbeingdisplacedbyonein which Guyana is regressing, by seeing and treating women, not as equals in law, but in the waymenchoosetoseeand treat women The proliferation of strip clubs isonlyoneexample. Additionally, the widespread availability of pornography on social media via the internet is furthererodingaconcerted legal response to sexual violenceinfavourofonein which men are demeaning women The more pornographyisnormalized the more difficult it is for men to recognize they are usingforcewhenengaging
(Continued on page 09)
This morning, I awoke unusually late to the heartbreaking news of the passing of Linden’s beloved football icon, Mr ReginaldCampbell,fondly k n o w n t o a l l a s “Coachman” or simply “Coachman Reggie.” It is indeed a tremendous loss, not just for Linden, but for RegionTenandGuyanaas awhole.
Linden has been blessedwithmanytalented and dedicated football coaches, but Coachman stoodoutinawaythatwas truly unique. His special gift was his ability to connect with young players, fostering their growth with remarkable p a t i e n c e a n d understanding. Whether you were a child just learning the game or an expe
ienced play
r refining your craft, Coachman had a way of meeting you where you
were, inspiring not only your skills but your character
For over 40 years, C o a c h m a n w a s a cornerstone of our football c o m m u n i t y H i s unwavering dedication, tireless commitment, and loveforthebeautifulgame shaped countless lives, including my own. As a childandlaterasanadult,I had the privilege of being coached by him. Like me, thousands of others benefitedfromhiswisdom, d i s c i p l i n e , a n d encouragement,withmany going on to represent Upper Demerara Football AssociationandGuyanaon theinternationalstage.
Fordecades,Coachman guidedNetrockersFootball Club while also nurturing young talent from all corners of Linden. His namebecamesynonymous with football in our community If you played the game in Linden, you
knew Coachman Reggie, notjustforhisexpertisebut for the lasting impact he left on the field and in our hearts.
Recognizing his profound contribution, in 2014/2015, during my tenure as Secretary of the Upper Demerara Football Association(UDFA)under President Collis Gifth, we sought to honor his legacy by naming the football ground frequently used by Netrockers in the Wisroc community after him
To his beloved wife, AuntyMillicent,whostood byhimwithlove,patience, and devotion, I extend my heartfelt condolences on behalf of the people of RegionTenandmyfamily. Yoursteadfastsupportwas a testament to the incrediblemanhewas,and we share in your grief duringthisdifficulttime.
To all whose lives he touched, may we find strengthinknowingthathis legacylivesonthroughthe lives he shaped and the memoriesweholddear
Rest in eternal peace, Coachman. Your unique impact on our community, especially the youth, will neverbeforgotten.
Yourssincerely, H o n J e r m a i n e Figueira,MP
Though it didn’t materialize at the time, the vision remains alive Today, I am deeply persuaded that now, more than ever, we must honor him fittingly I will make formal representation to name one of the stands at the Mackenzie Stadium or thesynthetictrackstadium on its completion in his memory, ensuring his contributionsareenshrined for generations to come. I amconfidentthisinitiative w i l l r e c e i v e t h e wholehearted support of the community of Linden and the football fraternity alike.
The Government of Guyana,undertheleadership ofthecurrentadministration, has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the development of the agricultural sector. This resolve, spearheaded by the Government of Guyana and by extension the Ministry of Agriculture, has been pivotal
i n e n s u r i n g t h e implementation of necessary infrastructure projects to
boost agricultural p r o d u c t i v i t y a n d sustainability In stark contrasttothevisionlessand lackluster approach taken during the APNU/AFC tenure,thisrenewedfocusis a testament to responsible governance and long-term planning.
Agriculture remains the backbone of Guyana’s economy, playing a critical role in food security, employment, and export revenue. Recognizing this, the government has actively pursued investments in farm-to-market roads, drainage and irrigation systems, agro-processing facilities, and access to financing for farmers. Such initiatives not only address the immediate needs of agriculturalstakeholdersbut also lay a solid foundation forfuturegrowth.Duringthe APNU/AFC administration, however, the agricultural sectorlanguishedinneglect.
Key infrastructure projects were abandoned, and there was a glaring absence of strategic investment. The sector’s development was stymied by inadequate planningandalackofvision for its potential to transform rural communities and drive national growth This resul
ced productivity, inefficiencies, and frustration among farmers who struggled with poor infrastructure and limited support. In contrast, the current government’s p
revitalized the sector Programs to modernize rice and sugar production, diversify crops, and expand export markets have gained momentum. The emphasis on climate resilience and sustainablepracticesensures that agriculture in Guyana can withstand challenges and thrive. The Ministry of Agriculture’s initiatives reflectaclearunderstanding of the sector’s importance and its potential to uplift communities.Byaddressing infrastructural gaps and fostering innovation, the government has reaffirmed its commitment to making agriculture a pillar of national development. This visionary approach is essential for Guyana’s progress and deserves commendation.
It baffles me that less than twelve (12) months beforeaGeneralElections, the PNC and the
associated fringe parties have now found the voice to call for biometric technology Havetheynot
ExcellencythePresidentat how Project Management i s b e i n g p o o r l y implemented and they expectGECOMtoachieve thisfeatmoreefficientlyin a GPL (blackout, high voltage, etc) infested Guyana?
While biometric technology is expensive, whatthePNCisnottelling t
e na
at implementing biometric technology requires some vital input and the most important one is time and the required number of trained persons. Yes, time to train sufficient staff to
ew technology Time to conduct a total house-tohouse registration process and issue every single registrant with a new voter ID card. Time to procure alltheequipmenttestthem and make them fully operational. Time to ensure the electricity supply system can power
up these systems in a dependable manner Time to market to the nation to build confidence and trust inthenewsystem. What the PNC is not telling you is that on that 2020 General Elections Day (under President David Granger), Guyana experienced its best election day process ever Everyonewhowaseligible to vote and turned up to votewasallowedtovotein March2020. Sothesystem worked in all ten regions until the Region 4 Team sought to disrupt a very smooth process at the Ashmin’s Building. So why change what is working?
Mr Editor, please permit me to call on the Chairman of GECOM as one citizen speaking to another citizen. Madam Chairman, there is great uncertainty over the effectiveness and value of biometrictechnologytoday inGuyana.
Please use the experience from the NationalCensusconducted bytheBureauofStatistics. It has been 2 years since they have completed that processandstill,thisnation cannot even have the draft report on this matter from the incompetent people at
theBureauofStatistics. If the Bureau of Statistics is this incompetent at Project Management of the National Census (where t h e y a r e t r a i n e d statisticians on their staff), canyouimaginehowmuch more incompetent GECOM will be without the necessary skill set inhouse?
Then there is GPHELL. How are these machinesexpectedtowork in 2025 in an environment where GPLcannot provide reliableelectricity? GPLis the primary reason why biometrics should be held off. Until we have a reliable electricity supply, thecosttothiscountrywill be enormous if we depend on biometric technology that fails on election night. Blackouts without a paper system involve a high probability of seriously disputed elections that would escalate into violence. “Mo fiya, slow fiya!” Is this what Mr NigelHugheswants?
Why can’t the PNC buildontheexperienceand momentum discovered on Elections Day in March 2020 to create a stronger system with the army of teachers who are now a permanent asset in elections management in
this country? Why can’t the PNC ask GECOM to retrain all of its scrutineers and also pay all of its scrutineers who completed the training some $10,000 to conduct the training and a further $10,000 to work on Elections Day? This wouldbeabetterapproach to ensuring we have free andfairelectionsusingthe paper-based system – real people, with real training, real motivation, real incentives,andrealskillsto highlight to their party and the media all instances of discomfort on the paperbased process (assuming thePPPisuptonogood).
With careful planning and a house-to-house registration process in 2026, we can then also simultaneously implement the biometric system for the2030elections(withthe Gas to Shore Project fully functional and providing reliable electricity). But to force the issue now, will result in total chaos in the 2025elections.
I trust the Americans understand that the donor community must not force this issue at this late stage. Guyanaisnotreadyyetfor a biometric system in our elections.
In 2022, a United Kingdom government document setting out the aims of its proposed Elections Bill said that the changes to the Electoral Commission ‘would improve its accountability to government and that it w o u l d r e m a i n o p e r a t i o n a l l y independent.’
The Commissioners hit back:‘Itisthefirmviewof theCommissionersthatthe introduction of a Strategy and Policy Statement — enabling the Government to guide the work of the Commission is inconsistent with the role that an independent electoralcommissionplays in a healthy democratic system. If made law, these provisions will enable a governmentinthefutureto i n f l u e n c e t h e Commission’s operational functions and decisionmaking’ (‘UK election
watchdog warns new law c
independence Reuters, February21,2022).
Notwithstanding Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Guyana is a very unhealth democracy Onthe2024V-
x Denmark is placed at 1, Barbados 35, Jamaica 36, Trinidad and Tobago 43, Suriname 44, Guyana 93 and India 104. The quotation above is to
remind that the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM)isintendedtobe an independent elections management body and to give an indication of the n a t u r e o f t h a t independence.
Inhealthydemocracies, public servants must adheretocodesofethics.In theUSthemostinfluential is the 2013 code. The 1st, and 2nd rules seek to: 1.
Advance the public interest: promote the
interests of the public and put service to the public aboveservicetooneself.2. Uphold the Constitution and the law: respect and support government constitutions and laws while seeking to improve laws and policies to promote the public good. Largely based upon this model there are similar codes of ethics that deal specifically with various professions including elections management ( /filer public/8c/e0/ 8ce078e3-5b39-47ceb393-4d5fbeec18be/ ethical_standards_for_elec t i o n o f f i c i a l sjan2024.pdf).
It follows that regardless of what the Constitution, the law, the parties, civil society, etc. think, say or recommend, a f t e r t h o r o u g h l y considering all these an independent GECOM must, where necessary, take the initiative and recommend policies that areinthepublicinterest.It isnotforittomerelyspeak of the legal and other obstacles in its way but to do so and try to force changes in the context of recommendedpolicies.
For example, in response to opposition accusations that she is
biased on behalf of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) government and should resign, the present chairperson of GECOM claims that ‘there is an accusationthatIamalways votingwiththePPP Imake my own decision. I voted with the commission; the fact is there are three commissioners on each side. I have the casting vote.
ThatiswhatIhavefrom thelegislation.So,whatdo Idowhentheyhaveatie?I have to cast the vote. I makeupmyowndecisions it’snotthatIamvotingwith thePPP’(SN:23/11/2024).
Certainly, the fact that she always has voted with thePPPissufficientreason for oppposition parties to believethatsheisbiased.
It is possible that the oppositionhasalwaysbeen wrong, and given the structure of GECOM, the chairperson is in a difficult but not unconquerable position But she is supposedlyindependentand should be persistently calling for the reform of the institution and immediately institute-withtheaidofonly theopposition,ifnecessaryan external third-party review of those of her decisions the opposition feelsstronglyabout.Itis
TheGovernmentof Guyana (GoG) has extended the timeline for companies to submit proposals to design, finance and operate Phase Two of the Gas-to-Energy (GTE)Project.
In an advertisement published in Sunday's edition of Kaieteur News by the Office of the Prime Minister, it was explained that the new deadline for proposals is January 14, 2025 two months later than the initial November 14, 2024 timeline which was earlierissued.
Phase Two of the GTE project seeks to utilise 75 million cubic feet of gas per day (MMCFD), piped to shore by ExxonMobil GuyanaLimited(EMGL).It should be noted that Phase One only utilizes 50 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD),whichamounts to 40% capacity of Exxon's 250 kilometer 12-inch pipeline.
PhaseTwowillmakeuse of the remaining 60% capacity of the pipeline connected to the Liza Fields in the Stabroek Block to Wales,WestBankDemerara.
The selected bidder will be tasked with the design, construction, and operation of a 250 MW combinedcyclepowerplant,todeliver 2,100 gigawatt hours (GWH) of electricity per annum.
This will be sold to the
GuyanaPowerandLightInc (GPL)viaaPowerPurchase Agreement (PPA). It was made explicit that investors willrecovertheirinvestment throughthesaleofelectricity via a 20-to-25-year term (negotiable)PowerPurchase Agreement(PPA)“ataprice per Kilowatt Hour (KWH)” and via the monetization of the NGLs.At the end of the PPA term, the entire facility will revert to the GOG at no cost. “Phase II GTE will enjoy the same fiscal incentives as Phase I,” the RFP stated. In addition to the power plant, the contractor will design, constructandoperateaNGL facility to produce approximately 6,000 barrels per day of NGL products (propane, butane, and C5+gasolene), utilising 75 MMCFDof“richgas.”
It was explained that the excess “lean gas,” estimated at 30 MMCFD will be transferred to the GoG at no cost, for utilisation in downstream industries, e.g. fertilizer production, to be locatedatWales.
The privately operated gasprojectwillbelocatedon no more than 100 acres of land, immediately adjacent to the existing 300 MW Integrated facility being developedbytheGoG.
“The project will be owned and financed 100% bytheprivatesector,undera project finance structure, which will design and
construct the integrated facilities, to a standard and specification that meets and orexceedsthatofPhaseIof the GTE,” the Office of the PrimeMinisterindicated. It was also noted, “Only firms(consortia)adjudgedto be experienced in Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) and Financing of comparable facilities, will be evaluated.
TheGOGshallhavetheright to approve the EPC contract and appoint an independent supervision firm, to ensure
that the project is built per the EPC contract and acceptable quality and specifications, pre-approved by the GOG.” Bidders will beprovidedwiththeexisting Employers' Requirements for Phase I of the GTE project, along with a templateoftheEPCcontract forreference.
In the meantime, government e
responses to the RFP to includefinancialprojections of revenue, expenses, and investments returns using a
including the PPA price per KWH,brokendownintothe following three elements “(a)paymentforthegas;(b) operating and maintenance c o s t ; ( c ) financing/amortization of thecapitalcosts.Indicatethe breakeven price and estimatedsalepriceforeach year along with an assumed inflationrate.”
Meanwhile, subject to ensuring sufficient revenue to operate the facility and recover the investment at an
agreed rate of return, the GOG has reserved the right to: (i) buy-out the project (the Guyanese SPV), anytime after the construction and commissioning, at an agreedformula,suchthatthe investor obtains a return of investment and reasonable accrued return based on the stated cost of capital; (ii) transferoftheentirevolume of NGL's to GOG/GPGI, who will market and distribute with Phase 1 NGL's, either at zero cost or otheragreedvalue.
Minister within the Ministry of Public Works,DeodatIndar lastweekmetwiththeGeorgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) to discuss issues affectingbusinesses.
Themeeting,whichwasheldin GCCI's boardroom, was organised by the Chamber's Petroleum Committee, which is chaired by Senior Vice President, Kathy Smith. Minister Indar, who was accompanied by the Permanent SecretaryoftheMinistryofPublic Works, Vladim Persaud, in a presentation discussed a range of
infrastructure, transportation networks,theprocurementsystem, oil and gas infrastructure, and the government's expenditure on infrastructure.
In a statement, the Chamber said Indar highlighted that this year's national budget allocation for infrastructural development is
Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar and Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Vladim Persaud flanked by members of the GCCI
the largest the country has seen to date. The minister explained that the focus is on expanding and improving the road networks in Guyana, particularly in interior areas.
Inqualifyinghisposition,Indar stated, “When we have access into the interior, farmlands open up”. Meanwhile, the Minister shared
thatworkshavebeencompletedon over 5000 community roads to date. He also took the opportunity toaddressconcernsabouttheuseof small, community-based contractors, a decision that he said was taken to provide contractors withthecapacitytocompletethese projects a fair chance to access contracts.
Meanwhile, in providing an update on the new Demerara Harbour Bridge, the Minister said that the project is over 75 percent complete, with rapid work on the backend to ensure that the completionremainsontrack. Indar alsoaddressedissuesrelatedtothe country'senergyconstraintssuchas thecurrenttransmissionlinesbeing
overloaded. He explained that this is compounded by the growing demand that has resulted from increased construction activities in the country.The Minister however assuredthatthisisbeingaddressed byusingthepowership.GCCIsaid its members were provided an opportunity to raise concerns and querieswiththeminister
There’s a peculiar phenomenon in Guyana, a sort of cyclical ritual, where members of the business class—thosewhocanafford villas overseas—transform intophilanthropicgamblers. Only, they don’t gamble on pokerorhorseraces.
No, that would be respectable by comparison. Instead,theytaketheirhardearneddollarsandpourthem into the coffers of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), a party whose relationship with democracy is as tumultuous as the Young and the Restless.
You’d think by now these financiers would have some sense of buyer’s remorse After all, supporting a party that has
repeatedly demonstrated an allergy to free and fair elections isn’t exactly a noble act But no this particular demographic of magnates, moguls, and malcontents seem to view elections as an opportunity to take out political insurance so that whichever party wins they are secure. But the best political insurance is to demand respect for the will of the peopleandtoensuresmooth democratic transitions, not tofinancecheaters.
The PNCR has built a legacy as the Michelangelo of election rigging. Their masterpiece? A sordid timeline of creative democracy-subversion, from the outright theft of elections in the 1970s and
1980s to their artful refusal to vacate power in 2020 for five long months, a move that would have earned a slowclapfromeventhemost hardened dictators And what about that delightful little tantrum in Parliament recently? Raucous shouting and attempting to seize the Speaker’sMace–itwasless “House of Commons” and more “House of Common Misbehavior.”
But here’s the truth: the PNCR could not have sustained its ignoble antics for decades without an endless stream of cash from t h e i r w e l l - h e e l e d benefactors. These business tycoons
like democracy’s undertakers, handing over envelopes stuffed with crisp bills to
From page 04 in sex with involuntary sex workers, undermining hard-won progress on protection of women against violence in Guyana.
Further evidence of deterioration in gender equality in domains dominated by males is manifestinthetoleranceof rancidmisogynybyelected officials in the National Assembly The rules and decorum which should governParliamentasasite of gender equality are set aside in preference for a regimedrivenbyhowmen see and humiliate women. Behaviour in Parliament thatwouldnotbetolerated
in rum shops attracts no penalties, even when it reaches levels of criminality, illustrating the s t r e n g t h o f t h e ‘bro’/’brudda’culture. It is onlyamatteroftimebefore such regressive influences start to erode our liberal approachonissuessuchas termination of pregnancy andwomen’shealth. International Day to combat Violence Against Women (VAW) has been transformedinrecentyears into a more realistic 16d a y s c a m p a i g n , culminating on December 10th – International Human Rights Day In practice, empowerment of women is a process of re-
habilitating disordered relationshipsofpowerinto dignified relationships, governed by principles of equality, respect and human rights Such relationships are, for example, those between parents and children; female students and male teachers; exploitative employers and rapacious landlords. Such progress close to home will lay the f o u n d a t i o n f o r undermining violence against women in its more extrememanifestations.
Sincerely ExecutiveCommittee G u y a n a H u m a n Rights Association (GHRA)
Dem boys seh it got a whole heap of expired goods in Guyana. Yuh go in de shop, yuh see expired bevearages, expired biscuits, and expired tin stuff. De other day, one man find expired soap pon de shelf—desoapsuholditturnmoisturizer!
But wah really worrying, dem boys seh,isnotdeexpiredgoods.Isdeexpired politicians.
Man, these politicians pass dem “best before”datelongtime.Someofdemstill dehpondeshelffromBurnhamandJagan time! Dem seh they “seasoned,” but is spoiled dem spoiled. Rotten to de core. Yuhcansmelldecorruptionwaftingfrom demlikebadonions.
Dem boys seh when yuh look close, yuhseedesigns.Someofdempoliticians dry up like old plantain skin. Others puff uplikestalecassavabread.Anddemwho stillsmilingupinyuhface?Demjustwell-
both ruling and Opposition parties. It’s as if they’ve mistaken election financing for a high-stakes auction, where they secure their interests no matter who wins. Now, one might ask why these titans of industry are so enamored with the PNCR. Is it nostalgia? Did they fall in love with the good old days of the Burnham regime, where milk disappeared, bread lines grew, and personal liberties became collector’s items? Or is it something more sinister—a desire to seepoliciesthatbenefittheir bottomlineattheexpenseof the democratic fabric? Eitherway,theirmotivations are as rotten as a week-old plantainleftinthesun.
But let’s not forget the human element here Picture, if you will, a wealthy businessman handing over a hefty donation to the PNCR. He’s probably sitting in his plush office, mahogany desk polished to a shine, sipping on an overpriced scotch. “Democracy?” he chuckles tohimself.“Whathasitever doneforme?”
Of course, the PNCR lovesthisarrangement.Why wouldn’t they? It’s much easier to rely on wealthy patronsthantowinthehearts and minds of the average voter Grassroots financing falls woefully short of campaign needs The PNCR’s financiers know this,andyettheycontinueto fundapartythatseemsmore interested in undermining d e m o c r a c y t h a n participatinginit.
And what of the rest of us, the hapless citizens caught in this unholy alliance between the PNCR andtheirbankrollers?We’re like extras in a tragic play, watchingastheprotagonists tearupthescriptandrewrite ittosuittheirwhims.Wesee thebusinessclasscheerfully financing anti-democratic practices, all the while claiming to be defenders of democracy Their hypocrisy is so glaring it practically requires sunglasses to observe.
Ah,theironyoftheselfproclaimed saviors of democracy the business class that loves to pat itself on the back for “saving democracy” in 2020. These veryparagonsofvirtue,who boast of their principled stand against election fraud, are the same ones who shamelessly pour billions intothecoffersofbothofthe country’s main political parties.Yes,theygreaseboth sides of the democratic divide, playing puppet masterinagamewherethey ensure they win no matter which side loses. How can they claim to save democracy when their cashstuffed envelopes fuel the machinery of political polarization, perpetuate a system of patronage, and undermine the very principles they pretend to defend? If anything, they a r e n ’ t s a v i n g democracy—they’re selling ittothehighestbidder.
How does the business classreconcileitsdisdainfor those who peddle the narrative of an “installed
government” with the inconvenient fact that it is their very own money financing the party that coined this narrative? Their wallets prop up the machinerythatspreadsthese divisiveclaims.
So here’s a modest proposal: let’s make it socially unacceptable to finance democratic backsliding.
Let’s demand that these moneyed elites stop enabling a party that treats constitutional norms like disposable napkins Because, really, how long will we allow a small group of wealthy individuals to bankroll a party that repeatedly demonstrates its contempt for the will of the people? It’s high time we made it clear: financing the PNCRisbadfordemocracy So,dearbusinessclass,dous allafavor Keepyourwallets inyourpockets,yourchecks unendorsed, and your political ambitions confined to the fantasy where the PNCR wins elections fair and square. Trust me—it’ll save you embarrassment later And who knows? You might even sleep better at night.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
preserved in scandal—same way salt fish don’tspoilbutstillleavebadtaste. Every five years, dem come back, trying to repackage demself like is somethingnew Slaponanewslogan,buss a few promises, and act like we can’t rememberdemdayswhendemtekalland lefnothing.
Is time to clean house. Dump dem expired politicians like how yuh dump stale bread. De same way de Food and Drugpeopledoesraiddeshopsandtekout de old goods, we need a “Political and Drug Squad” fuh clean up de politics. Senddemrottenonestodelandfillandlef spacefuhfreshfaces.
Demboysseh,whenyuhkeepexpired goods, it does spoil everything around it. Same thing with dem politicians. Get rid ah dem now… starting with you-know who…beforeweallstarttosmellfunny Talkhalf.Leffhalf
Around this part of the world, it is a hotbed of activity, a beehive of movements. There is a warm buzz in the air Big people from Big Powers all over the regional space and with big smiles on their big faces. Guyanese eyes were fullyfixedonvisitingIndian
Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi. For three lush days and long lavish nights, Guyanese only had eyes for Shree Narendra. The rafters were shaking withchantsofModi! Modi! Modi! I pinch myself and remind myself at the same timetobecareful.
Don't get on the wrong sideofthepeoplewhoherald andheldMr Moditight. The man is giving 1000 scholarships.
Ow man, give the man the oil lift he was so interested in, make his day There was that time during the pandemic when India was so generous with vaccines. A little oil from Guyana would be a great way of showing some appreciation, a little reciprocation Exxon
couldn't have sucked so much out of Guyana, that it has nothing left to give. I understand from one of the earlier communiqués of DemeraraWavesthatExxon hastobeconsultedaboutthe possiblearrivalofverylarge carriersandhowthatfits(or interferes)withitsops.
While all of this was going on in Guyana, over there in Brasilia, Chinese strongman President Xi Jinping was lining up his own deals with a big, fat cheshiregrin. ItwasfromXi to Modi: take that buddy Energy and agri, among other mutually rewarding trade goodies, were finalized. Lula laughed, Xi cracked a wide one over there in South America's reigningsuperpower,Brazil. Over here, Excellency Ali was in his element: his hand was outstretched and encircling.
Butwhenhispalmswere prized open, they were both bland and almost blank India offered transportation facilities, crime fighting facilities, seaweed conversion (sargassum??)
facilities. GuyanaandIndia talkedaboutenergysecurity, butnoshipsaresettosailin eitherdirection.
With India a proven powerhouse in medicine, education, information tech, and engineering, among a sprawl of other areas of expertise, Guyana could accelerate narrowing of the gaps currently existing as human resource capacity deficits. Severedeficits,ifI may emphasize to others. Not because the Americans (Exxon) like to keep the skills equation so out of whack should Guyana go along to please the Yankee oil giant. Why should what immensely benefits the Yankees be to the disadvantageofGuyanese? Ihavealwaysbelievedin giving something to get something. The Romans calleditquidproquo,which transforms any Mother Hubbard into a blue-eyed barbiedoll. Modicamewith a big bag, he should not be made to leave with a small basket. Iheardsomechatter related to the marketing of theoillifts.
Whenamarketercould offerUS0.70centsperbarrel ofGuyanaoil,thenIsuggest imagining how much it is haulinginforitself.
Local imagination should be given room to roam. The spot and futures and forward (and swaps) markets have some complexities, conditions, and crabs (a euphemism) aboutthemthatwouldmake an Einstein weep My
o Guyana's oil movers and shakers-the groping and gasping Ali-Jagdeo-Bharrat triumvirate-is to stress test this country's lift(s) via the competitivebiddingprocess. No bid has to be accepted. But the best bid and related add-onconditionscouldthen be placed before Shri Modi with an invitation for him to beat that bar Twenty-seven companies showed their interest and hand to get Guyana'soilliftbusiness. It is obvious, therefore, that what Guyana has in its pockethaspullingpower It certainly pulled Shree Modi acrosstheIndianandPacific Oceans all the way to the
The long haul requires a large boat. Here is an opportunity to break from Exxon's (or its undisclosed proxies) clamp on some components of Guyana'soilbusiness. Give the oil lift deal to Modi and his big ship(s) and cement a real fraternal bond. All he has to do is better than the bestcompetitivebidder
After all the toasts and goodcheer,thegarlandsand good food, it is good business.
Getting that oil lift from Guyana for India would be the gem in the prime minister's regional appearances and appeals
The Government of Guyana must look for ways to do some of its business away from Exxon. It is time that independence shows, the treacherous and incestuous dependencybroken.
Exxon takes and takes and takes. It gives little to nothing, comparatively speaking. Afewcricketbats and some cricket hats with somewritinguponthemisan
insult to Guyanese, whether therichestorthepoorest. Last,Iwouldberemissif some well-grounded anxieties are not expressed. It is getting crowded around here. The Americans are here, and with both the Chinese and the Indians diving into an increasingly congested geographical port ofcall.
Some of these groups don't think too highly or sweetly of the others Simultaneously, the Russians, Iranians, and Cubansarefrolickingabout. Thisistoomuchforasimple guy like me. The running dogs of capitalism are running wild. It's heavy, heavystuff.
(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
Amid a surge in fatal road accidents the Guyana Police Force on Sunday sought to sure its work in arresting the situation announcing that some 1,353 trafficcaseshavebeenmade over a two-day across the country
In a press release the police said that the traffic enforcementeffortswereled by Traffic Chief Senior Superintendent Mahendra Singh.Theforcesaidthatas cases are made, drivers are beingmadeawareofthedo's and don'ts, in an effort to curblawless/errantuseofthe road. The following cases were made over a two-day period (November 21 and 22).
Abreakdownofthecases shows: 121 cases of persons exceeding the speed limit: 65casesforfailuretoweara seatbelt; 25 for unlighted motor vehicle (front); 7 for unlighted motor vehicle (rear);248forprohibitionof tinted glass: 47 for faulty packing of load; 32 for unlicensed driver: 44 for breach of conditions of prescribed fitness: 11 for driver carrying pillion rider withoutsafetyhelmetand24 cases for driver failing to wearasafetyhelmet. Meanwhile,thePNCRat
Several vehicles were stopped during the exercise for tinted windows
anewsconferencelastweek said that if they retake governmenttheirintentionis toestablishadedicatedstate agency to implement a comprehensive road safety and traffic management plan. “We believe that the responsibilityforroadsafety and traffic management mustnowextendbeyondlaw enforcementandtheGuyana PoliceForce.Thesecomplex
issues require multidimensional, scientific and engineering mindsets and approaches,”thePNCRsaid.
According to the party, the responsibilities of the proposed agency will include(i)thecollectionand processing of data on road usage, including traffic flowsandaccidentstatistics, (ii) the conduct of safety audits, with the timely
Several vehicles were detained for faulty packing of load
identification of critical upgrades to enhance road userssafety,(iii)theconduct of year-round education and awareness programs, (iv) researchofinternationalbest practices, (v) proposing changestorelevantpolicies, laws and regulations, and (vi) working closely with and advising the police traffic department and the MinistryofPublicWorks.
Additionally, the PNCR said the agency must be well-fundedandstaffedwith appropriate skillsets in traffic and road safety engineering, data analysis, public communication, surveys and research, and traffic management. It must submit annual reports on its activities and performance and be answerable to parliament.
According to the party placing most of the responsibilities for road safety and traffic management within one dedicatedagencywillensure this national issue receives continuous and adequate investments of time, energy, brainpower, and funding “Aswehaveseen,piecemeal and intermittent crisisdriven efforts have failed. The PNCR/APNU, as the next government, will adopt a comprehensive approach to bring safety and sanity back to our roads,” the statementconcluded.
k President Irfaan Ali also spoke up about cracking down on reckless drivers to address the surge in fatal road accidents Last Thursday he directed the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to take immediate action to tackle various issues on the roadways, including speeding trucks, reckless driving, and drunk driving. Hiscallcomesinthewakeof the tragic accident on TuesdaymorningonSherriff Street,Georgetown,wherea pedestrian, Carlton Smartt, was killed in a collision (Continuedonpage18)
This country's resources—gold, oil, and others are being siphoned off before our very eyes, leaving the citizens with nothing but the barest crumbs.
The influx of foreign entities exploiting our resources is not a sign of genuine investment; it's a parade of exploiters cloaked in suits. These so-called investors are being given unfettered access to our resources by leaders who should be safeguarding our interests. They arrive with minimal equipment, but as soon as they discover our wealth, they flood the market with their own machinery and labor, systematically sidelining local workers and draining our resources.
Take a look at the interior—foreign companies initially rent our trucks and machinery, but as profits surge, they replace them with their own equipment and personnel.
Pamela Allen, the mother of Mazaruni prison inmate Collin Allenisseekingurgentintervention of the Guyana Prison Service after he was allegedly beaten by prison officersoverthepastthreedays.
Allenisfearfulforthelifeofher 39-year -old son, who is serving a 100-year sentence for murder Kaieteur News understands that Allenwasbeatenafterherefusedto eat the food prepared for prisoners at Mazaruni. She said that she was alerted of the situation from someone who spoke to her on the conditionofanonymity “Someone
contact me on whatsapp and send mesomepictureofmysonwithhe face swell up and he back and ribs withmarksofviolence.Theperson said he ribs may be broken; he get beatbadcausehesuckheteethona warden after they tell he to eat the foodandrefusetoeatit,”Ms.Allen related.
According to the mother, the anonymous source informed her that her son turned down the meal after he received information that hisfoodhadbeenpoisoned. “This is not the first time my son getting in this kind of situation because
they have a particular warden in therethathaveaproblemwithhim and don't like he. The warden [namegiven]alwaysonhecaseand threaten he that he will kill him in there,” the concerned mother stated.
Allen claimed that her son has become a target of the wardens becauseheisoutspokenagainstthe inhumane and discriminatory treatmentmetedouttoprisonersat the facility “These men in prison, yes, but that aint mean the warden themcouldtreatthemlikedogs,tell them and do them anything… I
wanted to get in contact with the prison head but since is weekend I reach to the media because I keep getting complaint that my son getting beat up in there. I had to reach out to media before something more terrible happen to him,”assertedthewoman.
Attempts made by Kaieteur news to reach the Public Relations officer of the Guyana Prison Service proved futile. However whencontactedanofficerattached toMazaruniPrisonssaidhewasnot aware of the incident.“I am not awareoftheissuebutevenifIknew
I could not speak to the media.All suchinformationshouldgothrough theDirectorofPrisons,”theofficer (Continuedonpage18)
On Saturday 325
s m a l l contractors from Linden signed contracts worth$4.2billiontoupgrade community roads, the Department of Public Information(DPI)reported.
The signing ceremony, held at the Watooka Guest
House, followed the completion of a prequalification process last week and is part of the government's nationwide c o m m u n i t y r o a d improvement initiative
Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret'd) Mark Phillips hailed the occasion as historic, noting its potential to transform Linden and enhance the lives of thousandsofresidents.
The PM explained that thoughtheinitiativeispartof the PPP/C government's current-day transformative efforts, it also dates back to the administration's term in 1992. “We won the elections
and we are delivering the goods and services promised to the people and we will c o n t i n u e t o b r i n g development to you the people of Linden and the people of every region in this country,” he stated reiterating the government's longstandingcommitment.
The Prime Minister urged contractors to deliver
A 3 8 - y e a r - o l d businessman is now in police custody after police on Sunday found him with an illegal 38 revolver outside a popular nightclub o
, Georgetown.
Police identified him as
n C
of Lamaha Park He was reportedlyamongagroupof people gathered on the roadway outside the bar
when police pulled up in a pick-uparound03:15hrs.
Ranks had reportedly received some information that Carmichael was carrying a gun They searched him and found the .38 revolver with a spent shell inside. He told cops that he was not a licensed firearm holder and alleged thatanotherman”hadgiven him the gun He was immediately detained and takenintocustody
A police photo of the gun and spent shell found on the businessman.
quality work, emphasising that improved roads will enhanceLinden'sappealasa
Moreover, Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill, described the initiative as a game-changer for small contractors, offering them opportunities to grow within the industry
system enables contractors to secure projects without competitive bidding, ensuringequitableaccess.
“You are in the pot. So, this phase we will start with 325 and then we will do an analysis, maybe within a matter of days or a week we maysignonsomemore,”the minister pointed out In addition to the $4.2 billion
allocated for community roads, Minister Edghill highlighted that $8.8 billion was invested in Region Ten forroadworks.
This does not include transformative projects such as the Linden/Soesdyke Highway rehabilitation projectortheconstructionof the new US$35 million Mackenzie-Wismar Bridge. The minister disclosed that earlier this year 26 major projects valued at $1 2 billion were awarded throughcompetitivebidding in Linden, with several already completed or nearing completion Bids were also launched for the construction of an asphaltic c o n c r e t e r o a d i n Noitgedacht, with work expectedtocommencesoon.
Meanwhile, the minister outlined strict rules for contractors, including mandatorytestingofroadsto ensure they meet the required 4500 PSI strength.
PSI, or Pounds Per Square Inch, measures the strength ofconcreteafterithascured, specifically indicating its compressive strength Contractors whose work fails to meet these standards are required to redo the project or risk having their contract cancelled without pay
T o p r o m o t e transparency, contractors and engineers must introduce themselves to communities before the commencementofworkand provideprojectdetailsanda billofquantities.
This particular measure aims to involve residents in the monitoring process and to ensure projects meet the specified standards. Contractors were warned against subcontracting or selling their contracts to thirdparties.Suchpractices, MinisterEdghillsaid,would lead to their immediate disqualification.
A verification process is still to be donetoremoveover1000personsfrom the electors list who would have been identified as deceased for reporting periodJanuarytoApril2024.Thiswas revealedbytheChiefElectionsOfficer (CEO) of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Vishnu Persaud.
At a press conference held by GECOM on Friday he told reporters thatfortheyearof2024thiswasbased on reports from the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and the Acting CommissionerofPolice.“Inrelationto the first two reports that we have received,wehaveprocessedthereports and we have found that as of this time, there are 1,018 names of persons reportedasdeceased,butwhowehave not had the chance to verify as yet, simply because we do not have an approvedmethodologythatcanbeused to so do. And you may ask why?,” Persaudsaid.
He further explained that a methodology was prepared and put beforetheCommissionforapproval“so that we can verify these persons and take action. The discussion on that proposal got held up due to the introductionofanotheraspectwherein, it was put on the table that we should also consider how we can develop a process to treat with registrants who may have died overseas”, Persaud stated.
Though he could not confirm if persons from late last year were included in this number Persaud said
Ret'dClaudetteSinghsoughttoremind the media of a ruling by the Chief Justice in relation to the removal of namesofnon-residentsfromthelist.
She explained that the, “decision was never appealed and it is the law now “The Chief Justice ruled that we cannotremovethenamesfromthelist. Simply put, and not withstanding any agitation by any stakeholder, GECOM cannot act beyond its statutory authority,”theGECOMchairsaid.
thatthiswasforthereportingperiodof January to April 2024. Deputy Chief Elections Officer of GECOM Aneal Giddings announced that the current electors list stands at 718,715 and this number is expected to increase as continuous registration has been ongoing.
However, he informed that “Obviously after C&O (Claims and Objections) in January coming, there will be a new official list of electors.” There have been repeated calls by the opposition for a new, clean voter's list however Chairman GECOM Justice
The Department of Public Information(DPI)lastyearhadquoted GiddingssayingthatGECOMconducts regularchecksofthenationalvoters'list to ensure that the names of deceased persons are not included on lists to be used at any election.
“GECOM has been, and now as is required by the amendments made to the National RegistrationActChapter19:08,weare statutorilyrequiredtoreceivealistfrom the General Registrar's Office, as it pertains to those persons who would have been registered as deceased,” he explained. He noted that the national registerisreceivedonamonthlybasis, and GECOM does its due diligence to ensure deceased persons are flagged accordingly
“That is the legal way That is the onlywaythatpersonsareremovedfrom the national register of registrants,” Giddingssaid.Hefurtherexplainedthat GECOM has several mechanisms in place to ensure that voter fraud is not perpetrated, including having voters'
T, Nov 24 (Reuters) -
Lebanon's Hezbollah movement fired heavy rocket barrages at Israel on Sunday, and the Israeli military said houses had been destroyed or set alight near Tel Aviv, after a powerful Israeli airstrike killed at least 29 people in Beirutthedaybefore.
Hezbollah-controlled southern suburbs, where intensified bombardment over the last two weeks has coincided with signs of
progress in U S -led ceasefiretalks.
Hezbollah, which has previouslyvowedtorespond to attacks on Beirut by targetingTelAviv,saidithad launched precision missiles at two military sites in Tel Avivandnearby Police said there were multiple impact sites in the area of PetahTikvah, on the eastern side ofTelAviv, and that several people had minorinjuries.
The Israeli military (IDF) said a direct hit on a neighbourhood had left
A resident walks past charred cars in Petah Tikva, Israel, near Tel Aviv, on Nov. 24, 2024, after rockets were fired from Lebanon
Lebanese army soldiers look on as rescuers remove the body of a victim extracted from the rubble of a levelled building, following an overnight Israeli airstrike on Saturday.
"housesinflamesandruins". Television footage showed an apartment damaged by rocketfire.
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The IDF said Hezbollah had fired 240 rockets at Israel, of which many were intercepted, with sirens sounding across most of the country Atleastfourpeople had been injured by shrapnel.Video obtained by Reuters showed a projectile explodingasitsmashedinto the roof of a building in the northern Israeli city of Nahariya.
The military warned on social media that it planned totargetHezbollahfacilities in southern Beirut before (Continuedonpage18)
With the InterAmerican De velopment Bank (IDB) financing the upgrade of the East Bank of Demerara (EBD) roadway from Good Success to Timehri, the Government of Guyana will be funding the rehabilitation of the Grove to Good Success public road project which is estimated to cost $3.1 billion.
The project which is being undertaken by the Ministry of Public Works was opened recently at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office and there it was revealed that the works will be executed in six lots.
Of the six lots, according to the ministry’s engineer, Lot 1 is estimated to cost $604,757,131; Lot 2 is $589,973,175; Lot 3 is $582,483,880; Lot 4 is $546,345,800; Lot5 is $648,962,765; and Lot 6 is $129,234,380, providing a total of $3,101,757,131 to execute the rehabilitation. At the opening of tenders, it was revealed that 11 contractors submitted bids for the project. They are Eron Lall Civil Engineering Works, R Kissoon Contracting Service, Associated Construction Services, SSS Professional Engineering Services Inc., SAWA Investments Inc., Japarts Construction Inc., Ivor Allen,
From page 06 insufficient, amoral and undemocratic to persistently vote with one side without introducing measures to change this situation and avoid the obvious consequences. Justice must not only be done it must be seen to be done and half the country believes the opposition’s story. I cannot remember having ever heard GECOM making a robust case against the government and/or opposition for some action that it considers is in the public interest. Most of its utterings are usually mired in excuses. This is largely because as structured, GECOM is not an independent body: it is essentially a body through which the PPP and PNC try to assert or maintain their interests. Put another way, it is structured in a fashion that makes it difficult to deal with ethical issues i.e. moral issues such as right versus wrong, good or bad and fair or unfair, that underpin its work.
This kind of structure encourages organisational partisanship, so it is almost impossible for it and its employees to be imbued with a philosophy committed to ethical reasoning. To an approach that rigorously ascertain the facts and then consider who will be affected by the decision. What are their concerns? Do their interests conflict? What can and cannot be done? Evaluate the ethics of each alternative and determine how to best address the dilemma in the public interest. The final step must be to follow Kant: ‘I ought never to act except in such a way that I also will that my maxim should become a universal law’ ( ethics/all-about-ethics/allabout-ethics-blog).
Take the current opposition demand for the introduction of biometrics.
We are told that, ‘Regarding the potential implementa-
Khemraj Nauth Inc., Probuild Hardware & Construction Inc., Shereaz Bacchus General Contractor, and AJM Enterprise.
The Public Works Ministry in a public missive in September had noted that at Grove, that segment of road is scheduled for reconstruction under financing from the government. The upgrade planned for this section includes the “Excavation of unsuitable existing material (approx. 1m), Backfilling with white sand, use of geosynthetic fabric, Loam subbase, Crusher run base, and Asphalt concrete wearing course (works).”
tion of biometrics, the chairperson stated that the issue is still under discussion within the commission. .... They wanted biometrics all the time they say they want it, and they just went around.’ What nonsense! Biometrics is today a normal feature of electoral management and without even the opposition requesting it, GECOM should have had a studied position, for or against, that it could defend in the public interest (SN: 23/11/2024).
In the absence of a GECOM position, the PPP took off in a manner that is intended to confuse rather than elucidate. The public is told biometrics cannot be implemented because it ‘conflicts with the constitution’ in a context where the joint opposition has already expressed preparedness to support ‘constitutional changes’ and it is inconceivable that it would not have given support for such constitutional changes having been the requester of biometrics. Furthermore, the PPP’s general secretary had said, ‘Once it’s not disruptive to the voting, disenfranchise voters and delay the elections we’d look at it favourably (SN: 20/11/2024). En passant, Ghana’s population is 25 million, but the entire electorate was reregistered using biometric markers (ten fingerprints) in a six-week period in spring 2012.
Given the difficulty in finding an independent chairperson, it might well be impossible to find seven GECOM commissioners acceptable to the political parties. But as suggested above, all is not lost if the chairperson is sufficiently strong and determined to prioritise the public interest and gradually transform GECOM in theory and practice into the neutral body it is intended to and should be.
Sincerely Dr. Henry Jeffrey
different times, and different locations, the development of bulges and depressions along the roadway. The complete rehabilitation of this road is a major challenge because of the massive traffic flow that it facilitates both day and night. Therefore, the Ministry of Public Works has done periodic maintenance work to various sections of the carriageway, to keep the traffic flowing,” the ministry explained.
Kaieteur News previously reported that the Guyana Government signed a US$75 million contract with China Road and Bridge Corporation earlier this year to upgrade the road between Good Success and Timehri.
Male sales-rep 22-28 years old, Knowledge about vehicle models would be an asset. Call : 619-1237.
One male able bodies staff to work in a hardware store. Call : 231-2029 , 693-8462.
General domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.
Already, the ministry stated that concrete drains and utilities works have been completed. In addition, a bypass road from Diamond to Good Success has been completed and is operational for light vehicles and will be used when works begin on this project. Noting the significance of upgrading the East Bank corridor, the ministry said in its statement that the East Bank thoroughfare has endured significant stress resulting from both the volume of vehicular traffic, as well as, the weight of trucks, and both articulated and non-articulated vehicles.
“This has resulted in, at
It was reported in the media also that the project will be divided in three sections, with Section A covering the stretch from Good Success, beginning at the Ganga Temple, to Supply, while Section B extends from Supply to the Soesdyke Junction. Section C continues from the Soesdyke Junction to the Timehri Junction, near the Timehri Police Station. A notable feature of the project is the integration with the Soesdyke/Linden Highway through the construction of a roundabout, designed to facilitate smoother traffic transitions. Table showing the contractors who bid and their cost for the various lots.
Drivers (25-45 Year old) to deliver Groceries & Porter to work on the canter & warehouse. Attractive salary. Tel673-7373.
One Canter driver must have at least 5 years experience. Call : 613-0855 between 9:004pm.
One excavator operator must have at least 5 years experience.Call : 613-0855 between 9:00-4pm.
Wanted one driver. Call: 223-9677 / 648-1391.
One male & Female staff to work in a store. Call: 2252313 / 658-8559.
Cashier & Office assistant , male / female campbellville area $110 Per month, Male to pluck chicken. 708-4374 / 617-4662.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
One Unregistered Nissan X-Trail 2016 model, Mode Premiere. Call : 649-0956.
For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 626-8918
One Nissan Double cab pickup, fully off road setup ; -5 Million Negotiable. Call: 626-8919 / 661-3030.
Sheep for sale. Call: 6107152 / 643-8920.
Studio Apartment for rent
per week. Call: 645-1933 / 713-1515.
Porter Vacancy at Vegetarian Gardens. 68 Robb & Cummings G/Town. Tel:2277714 Cell:640-0673
Receptionist Vacancy at Hick’s Ville Hotel. 79 West Ruimveldt Estate G/Town. Tel :231-0951/640-0673
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Frompage14 strikesthatdemolishedtwoapartmentblocks, according to security sources in Lebanon. Afterwards,theIDFsaidithadhitcommand centres "deliberately embedded between civilianbuildings".
On Saturday, it had carried out one of its deadliest and most powerful strikes on the centreofBeirut.Lebanon'shealthministryon Sundayraisedthedeathtollfrom20to29.It said 84 people had been killed in all on Saturday,takingthedeathtollto3,754since October2023.
The IDF did not comment on Saturday's strike in the capital or say what it had attacked.Israel went on the offensive against the Iran-backed Hezbollah in September, pounding the south, the Bekaa Valley and Beirut'ssouthernsuburbswithairstrikesafter nearlyayearofhostilitiesignitedbytheGaza war
The Israeli offensive has uprooted more than1millionpeopleinLebanon.
Israel says its aim is to secure the return home of tens of thousands of people evacuatedfromitsnorthduetorocketattacks byHezbollah,whichopenedfireinsupportof HamasatthestartoftheGazawarinOctober 2023 U S mediator Amos Hochstein highlightedprogressinnegotiationsduringa visit to Beirut last week, before travelling to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin NetanyahuandDefenceMinisterIsraelKatz,
European Union foreign policy chief JosepBorrellonSundaysaidaU.S.ceasefire proposal was awaiting final approval from Israel.
"WemustpressuretheIsraeligovernment and maintain the pressure on Hezbollah to accept the U.S. proposal for a ceasefire," he said in Beirut after meeting Lebanese officials Israeli media reported that Netanyahu had convened a meeting of his security cabinet for 5 p.m. (1500 GMT). Diplomacy has focused on restoring a ceasefire based on U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701, which ended a 2006 Hezbollah-Israelwar ItrequiresHezbollahto pullitsfightersbackaround30km(19miles) from the Israeli border, and the Lebanese army to deploy in the buffer zone. The Lebanese army said on Sunday at least one soldierhadbeenkilledand18moreinjuredin anIsraelistrikethatcausedseveredamageat an army centre in Al-Amiriya near the southerncityofTyre.TheIsraelimilitarysaid it regretted and was investigating the incident, and that it was fighting against Hezbollah,nottheLebaneseArmy
Lebanon'scaretakerprimeminister,Najib Mikati, said the attack "represents a direct bloodymessagerejectingalleffortstoreacha ceasefire, strengthen the army's presence in the south, and implement 1701". Borrell saidtheEUwasreadytoallocate200million euros($208million)tosupporttheLebanese army ($1=0.9600euros)
involving two trucks. Smartt, a father of two young children, was the latest victim of a string of fatal road accidents. The President has since scheduled a meeting with the Attorney General and the leadership of the GPF to discuss strategies to address the growingconcernsaboutroadsafety
“Highontheagendaistherecentincreasein accidents on the roadways, especially as it relates to speeding trucks and driving under the influence of alcohol,” the Office of the Presidentstatedinarelease.
During a live broadcast, President Ali, accompanied by Police Commissioner (ag) CliftonHicken,DeputyPoliceCommissioner Ravindradat Budhram, and Traffic Chief Mahendra Singh, outlined several measures toimproveroadsafety
Theseincludetheuseofbodycamerasfor police officers to capture video evidence of traffic violations, enhanced CCTV surveillance to track reckless drivers, and stricterpenaltiesfortrafficinfractions.
The Head-of- State emphasised the importance of holding all drivers accountable, particularly truck drivers, and urgedtheAttorneyGeneraltoreviewcurrent lawsforpotentialgaps.
“I have asked the Attorney General to
examinethelawstoseewheretherearegaps so that truck owners can also have the responsibility of ensuring their drivers work within guidelines,” the President stated. He further stressed that CCTV cameras would play a crucial role in identifying “errant drivers”whoendangerthelivesofothers.
The President noted that existing laws already allow for the suspension of licences for specific traffic violations and promised fullimplementation.
“Drivers on the whole, but especially those truck drivers, public transportation drivers, I am asking you, not to do anything special—all I am asking you to do in the interestofsavinglives,istocomplywiththe law, comply with the rules,” Ali urged. The issueofdrivingundertheinfluenceofalcohol also took centre stage during the broadcast. PresidentAli tasked the GPF with enforcing thelawtoitsfullestextent,includingholding barownersaccountableforservingalcoholto drivers.
Hecalledforbarstodisplayclearsignage aboutthelawandwarnedthatlicenseswould besuspendedforthosewhodonotcomply “I requirethattheGPFimplementthelawtothe maximum,” the President said, stressing the need for stricter enforcement to curb drunk driving.
Frompage12 stated. Collin Allen was sentenced to 100 yearsinprisonfortheAugust1,2015murder of 77-year-old Montrose, East Coast Demerara pensioner, Danrasie 'Carmen' Ganesh. He later filed an appeal of his convictionandsentence.Indocumentsfiled attheCourtofAppeal,Allencontendedthat not only was he subjected to an unfair trial before Justice Navindra Singh, but his sentenceisexcessive.
Inthelegaldocuments,Allensaidthatprior to his incarceration he worked as a welder Hesaidthathehasmeansofobtaininglegal aidforhimselfandisnotdesirousofcalling anywitnessesatthehearingofhisappeal.On
February 26, 2019 Allen was handed the prisontermafterbeingfoundguiltybyajury for murder.Justice Singh in imposing the sentencetoldAllen,alsoknownas'Bonus',“I don't think a man like you should ever see daylight again.” But although the jury had delivered its verdict, Allen maintained his innocence.WhenaskedbyJusticeSinghifhe had anything to say, Allen said, “Me ain't know about nothing. I was never there. Me ain'tkillnobody.”
“They say a picture is worth a thousand words,”JusticeSinghtoldAllen,ashemade reference to CCTV footage retrieved from Ganesh'shome,whichshowsAllenallegedly attackingtheelderlywoman.
CharrandasPersaudwho gained notoriety when he voted to topple the APNU+AFC Government of which he was a part of backin2018saidthathewas handeda$50Mroadcontract by the current government, but said he was not happy w i t h t h e w a y t h e administration is handling theinfrastructuresector Persaud's disclosure raisesfurtherconcernsabout the willy-nilly handing out of contracts by the government.Persaudwhois not known for any such works in the past is one of many who have turned contractors overnight under the current government and are being given massive contracts to undertake. In this year's budget government allocated $221 4 billion to the Ministry of Public Works with $204.1billion to build roadsandbridges.
Speaking to reporters on Sundayonthesidelinesofan event in Moblissa Village, Soesdyke-Linden Highway, Persaudrevealedthathewas awarded a $50 million contract to rehabilitate a
sectionofroadinCummings Lodge, Georgetown. When askedabouthisviewsonthe PPP's management of the country, Persaud said, “generally, I have some thingsthatarecontentious,if youwanttocallthem,things that are happening around herewiththePPPthatI'mnot happy the issue of contracts.”
He criticised the government's approach to awarding contracts, alleging favouritism toward individualsclaimingtohave switchedallegiancefromthe People's National Congress (PNC) to the PPP Persaud continued, “And the contractors who are diehard PPP supporters, are getting these $15 million projects…” “That by itself speakstothestupidityofthe people issuing these contracts,”headded. Persaud disclosed that despite having no prior
experience in road
construction, he was awarded the $50 million contract. He said he hired technical experts to manage and execute the project, which was completed back
Former AFC member, Charrandas Persaud on Sunday speaking to reporters at the event in Moblissa Village
in September “We completed that and I say we because I hired a contractor to do the work. We finished that road in September, two months after we got the contract. Mobilization money was paid. You know whatthey'redoing.There'sa man named…in housing, he isthedirector,”Persaudsaid. Hewentontoaccusethe Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) of withholding payments he claims are rightfullyhis.Persaudstated thatabalanceonthecontract due to him remains unpaid despite his efforts to resolve the matter The road project falls under the Ministry of
A Police Constable was stabbed by a Venezuelannationalwhilehewasondutyat theStabroekmarketareaSaturdaynight.
Accordingtopolicetheconstablewhois stationedattheBrickdamPoliceStationand attached to the Criminal Investigation Departmentwasattackedandstabbedaround 23:45 hrs. At the time of the attack the constable was performing duties around the Stabroek Market area in plain clothes, and wasarmedwitha.68revolverwhichhadsix matchingrounds.
Policesaid,whileonCornhillStreet,the constable observed a Spanish-speaking female armed with a broken bottle involved in an argument with another female. As a result, he approached the Spanish-speaking female,identifiedhimselfasaPoliceofficer in plain clothes and asked her to drop the brokenbottle.Whiledoingso,foursuspects- one of whom was armed with a knife, approached the policeman from behind and dealthimseveralstabsabouthisbody
The constable drew his service weapon anddischargedfourroundsintotheairwhich sent the suspects running. An alarm was raised and he was escorted by an Impact Patrol to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he is receiving medical attention.However,hisconditionislistedas stable.
The four suspects two of whom were female were arrested and escorted to the Brickdam Police Station, where they were
placedincustody Subsequentlytwoofthem were escorted to the GPHC where they are receiving medical attention under police guardforminorinjuries.
The four suspects along with the two women who were involved in the argument were subsequently arrested and escorted to theBrickdamPoliceStationwheretheywere placedincustody. The crime scene was processed, photographedbycrimescenetechniciansand the area was canvassed for CCTV cameras which were seen but the footage is yet to be looked at. Several persons in the area were alsoquestioned.Investigationsareongoing.
roadandyoufindsomething wrongwithitintheyear,you liquidate the bond and you fix the road with the insurance money, but you are therefore covered to fix the road if it shows up that it's wrong. They refuse to take the retention bond, so they're holding my money,”
animal rights activist one year earlier Persaud was in August 2021 recorded on camera verbally abusing the woman, Ms. Sonia Ghosh. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs had said that the matter was closed as the allegations had not been substantiated.
Housingandwashandledby the CH&PA Persaud is contending that money that he earned is being withheld by the ministry, despite him making several attempts to reach out to the Director of Projects to have the issue resolved.Hesaidtoothathe spoke to the Minister of Housing, Collin Croal but the situation remains unresolved.
“Contract law allows for you to take what they call a retention bond. I presented Omar's office with a retention bond that I paid 75,000 for if I can't fix the
Persaud said Persaud maintained that the funds in question were earned legitimately and called the ministry's actions unjustified He warned, “…It is money that I have earned legally They're still holdingthemoney,sothatis one thing I could take them to court and win. Do they wantacourtfightwithme?”
Many believe Persaud was rewarded the post of G u y a n a ' s H i g h Commissioner to India by the PPPC Government for bringing down the APNUAFC. However, his timeinNewDelhiwasshortlived. Back in 2022 he was removed as Guyana's High Commissioner to India after verbally abusing a female
However, in a video Persaud was clearly heard speaking in very coarse languagetoawomansaying: “I don't need a dog in my yard alright. You want the dog, take it and put it between your legs you probably want the dog to F#@%you…that'swhatyou want. I don't care… I don't care who you are. F#@% you!” President Irfaan Ali latersaidPersaudhadagreed to return to Guyana after he had spoken with him
“Notwithstandingallofthis, Mr Charrandass has agreed withmethatinkeepingwith the best interest of Guyana, and the image of Guyana, that he would return home from his posting in India,” PresidentAlihadsaid.
(Cricinfo) - West Indies maintained their control of the Antigua Test despite Bangladesh ending the day on269for9atstumpsonthe third day The home side holdaleadof181runsafter Alzarri Joseph, Jayden Seales and allrounder Justin Greaves nearly did enough to enforce a follow-on on Bangladesh A late resistancehelpedthevisitors
avoidit,buttheyremainwell on the backfoot after three daysofplay Bangladeshlookedtobat steadily on a slow surface, but despite starts, couldn’t findonebattertogobiglike WestIndiesachievedintheir first innings. Jaker Ali and Mominul Haque got out soon after reaching their fifties, while Litton Das fell for40.JakerandTaijulIslam
added68runsfortheseventh wicket to get Bangladesh closertothefollow-onmark of251,whichtheycrossedin theday’slasthour
The visitors started the third morning quietly, with Mominul getting a pair of boundaries off Shamar Joseph. Shortly afterwards, Kemar Roach removed ShahadatHossainfor18,for which he played 71 balls. It
was an innings going nowhere before he edged to first slip where Kavem Hodgetookalowcatch.
MominulandLittonsaw totheendofthefirstsession, continuingtobatobdurately
The usually free-flowing Litton started off with an easysquare-cutboundaryoff Alzarri, but then mostly played within himself. Only in the over before the lunch break, Litton freed his arms to get another cut four, this timeoffShamar
Difficult predicaments could arise today if you try to exert your will over others without having the most honorable intentions, Aries. It could be that you're using someone else's fear of you to control himorher
The fire within you is raging today,Taurus,andyoushould becarefulhowyouwieldthis power Be proud and triumphant. Walk with your shouldersbackandheadhigh. Freedomisimportant.
There may be a great deal of fuss over something that seems quite insignificant to you, Gemini. Try to see the beauty and importance of everythingaroundyou.
Thingsarecomingtoacritical point for you today, Cancer, and you may find that other people openly object to your actions. It's OK to be a bit selfish if the situation is appropriate.
Feelfreetospeakmoreloudly today, Leo. You'll find that things fall into place more easily if you speak your thoughts outwardly and directly in the presence of others. Bring your internal powerunderyourcontrol.
Youshouldbaskinaglorious splendortoday,Virgo.There's a great deal of power at your disposal.You'll find your ego ishealthy,charged,andready forthebattlefield.
Add more sunshine to your day, Libra. It may be time to stir up your inner passion and let it speak with greater confidencethanyouhavebeen lately Make sure you heal yourself by letting the people aroundyouhearyourtruth.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You'llfindthatyoursparkcan easily turn potential energy into kinetic energy, Scorpio. Don'tunderestimatethepower of your words. Realize the profound impact they have on othersandtakeresponsibility
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Don't dwell on your fluctuating moods today, Sagittarius. Look at the larger trends and how positive elements are coming together inyourfavor
Thisisyourdaytoshineinall your glory, Capricorn. There's noneedtoholdanythingback. You'll find that you have a great deal of love to share. Your heart is likely to go to extremes today in order to proveitslove.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Trynottolosesightofyour own projects or desires, Aquarius. There's a great deal of power and manipulative energy in the air today that could throw you off course if youaren'tcareful.
Recharge today by getting outside and stretching your arms to the sky, Pisces. Be proud and courageous. You have the power to turn an unhealthy situation into a positiveone,
play between Joseph and Taskin Ahmed towards the end, particularly after the fast bowler hit the Bangladeshi tail-ender on thehead.Thetwoexchanged words, but Joseph couldn’t knock
enth Bangladesh wicket against thefadinglight.
West Indies came into thethirddayonthebackofa fine batting performance on the first two days. They continue to have control of proceedings at North Sound going into the penultimate dayandwillwantraintostay awayinpursuitofaresult. M a t c h d e t a i l s : Bangladesh 269 for 9 (Jaker 53, Mominul 50, Joseph 369) trailWest Indies 450 for 9 dec (Greaves 115*, Louis 97,Athanaze90,Mahmud387)by181runs
WestIndieshowevergot the breakthrough shortly after the lunch break when SealestrappedMominullbw aftertheleft-handerreached his 21st fifty Stand-in captain Mehidy Hasan Miraz then endured a test of bouncers from the West Indies attack, with Alzarri even hitting him on his shoulder Seales chipped in with his share of bouncers andverbals.
Litton also got bogged down, resulting in getting bowled by a slightly short deliveryfromShamarthathe dragged onto his stumps Litton made 40 off 76 balls with three fours, but it was a disappointing exit for one of three experienced Bangladesh batters Mehidy struckacoupleofboundaries offGreavesandShamarlater inthesecondsession,butthe shortballkeptbotheringhim After surviving 66 balls, Mehidy finally popped an Alzarri bouncer to short-leg where Mikyle Louis took a comfortable catch Then cametheunlikelyrevivalact byTaijulandJaker Thepair didtakeadvantageofatiring WestIndiesattackwhilealso being disciplined with their choice of shots.Theyhad to scavenge for scoring opportunities but were always looking for the odd boundary They survived a droppedchanceapiecetoo.
Taijulkeptusingthepace of theWest Indians, guiding theballbehindsquareonthe off-side,whileJakertriedto forcetheissue.Jakergothis fourboundarieswiththepull shot and the hoick, one of which helped him bring up his fifty Joseph separated thepairaftertheyhadbatted along for 19 overs when he bowledTaijul.Jakerfelltoa Seales catch in the deep midwicket boundary, as he triedtoclipGreavesforabig one.
There was a bit of by-
In an exciting twolegged playoff hostedbytheRegion NineEducationDepartment, Annai Secondary School clinched a 5-2 aggregate victory over St Ignatius Secondarytoadvancetothe p r e s t i g i o u s K F C International Goodwill Football Series This achievement comes despite a 2-1 loss in the second leg on Saturday at the St Ignatius Community Centre Ground.
Annai Secondary’s emphatic4-0wininthefirst leg at home provided a strong cushion heading into theawayfixture.
Annai Secondary will now advance the cast to compete in the upcoming Petra organised KFC Int’l Goodwill Football Series slated for next month
However, St Ignatius, determined to overturn the deficit,madetheirintentions clear early on Ishmeal Gaskinopenedthescoringin the 5th minute, followed by Sharukh Nedd doubling the leadinthe37thminute.The home side displayed resilience, securing a deserved2-1victoryinfront oftheirsupporters.
Despite the spirited performance, St Ignatius faced the daunting task of overturning the four-goal deficit. Theyneededtowinbyat least five clear goals to secure qualification Guy Moses,astandoutperformer
Guyanese Richard Reynoldshasbeenpromoted to Head Coach of the Women’s Football Team at St. Joseph’s University in NewYork.
Reynolds, originally from Linden, was widely regarded as one of the Guyana’s top goalkeepers during his time with the Golden Jaguars. He also played professionally in Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago but made his mark primarily with Topp XX Football Club in Linden. After retiring from his
playing career, Reynolds migratedtotheUnitedStates and transitioned into fulltimecoaching. He previously served as an assistant coach at St. Joseph’s University, which competes in Division III of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Reynolds now takes over from Patrick Horne, who held both assistant and head coaching roles with the programme overthepasttwoseasons.
Beyond his work at St. Joseph’s, Reynolds is the
Director of Goalkeeping at Trinity High School in Manhattan and holds the samepositionatUnionSC,a United Premier Soccer League club based in New Jersey From 2017 to 2021, he also coached at Progressive Youth Soccer Club and Versa Soccer Academy In addition, Reynolds is the founder and director of Rich Reyn Goalkeepers’TalentFactory, where he trains goalkeepers ofallagesandgenders. He currently resides in NewJersey (RawleToney)
for Annai, delivered a crucialmomentofqualityby scoring a vital consolation goal. His strike not only reducedthemarginofdefeat butalsoservedasadecisive
awaygoal,ensuringAnnai’s advancementonaggregate.
At the final whistle, Annai Secondary emerged a s R e g i o n N i n e ’s representative for the PetraorganisedKFCInternational
SecondarySchoolGoodwill Series, set to take place in December in Georgetown. Their aggregate triumph (52)ensuredtheybookedtheir ticketdespitethesecond-leg setback.
Annai Secondary will nowjoinacompetitivefield of teams, including Region Seven’s DC Caesar Fox Secondary (Waramadong), Trinidad and Tobago’s St Benedict’s College and Speyside High, Jamaica’s Clarendon College, and Suriname’s secondary school champions (to be determined).
The lineup will also feature the top two finishers from the ongoing RBL U18 FootballLeague. Withthestageset,Annai Secondary will aim to represent their region with distinction in this marquee tournament.
2024 West Indies Masters Extravaganza final… Ramdass Royals clinch title by 5 wickets
Ramdass Royals were crowned champions of the 2024 West Indies Masters cricket Extravaganza, hosted in Barbados recentlyafterdefeatingSadeoWarriorsby5 wickets.
OpenersRandyThomas,wholedwith50 andVishanLall(25)alongwithmiddle-order batsman Larry Bobb (28) gave Rajendra SadeoWarriorsafirstinningsscoreof146-8.
The duo of Ryan Nurse and Alicindo
Holder grabbed 3 wickets each for the RamdassRoyals,whoinreplyendedon1475.
Ex-Guyana/West Indies batsman and RoyalscaptainRyanRamdasshit24*while Julian Boyce (46), Lonsdale Blake (34) and Anthony Sahadeo (16) helped knock off the winningruns.
Lall returned to grab 4-28 in a losing effortfortheSadeoWarriors.
ExxonMobil Guyana Global Super League… Final batch of
Thefinalbatchoftickets fortheopeningmatchofthe ExxonMobilGuyanaGlobal Super League (GSL) have been released for sale at the BoxOfficeat233-234Camp Street, Georgetown. These tickets will be on sale from 9amonMonday25November with demand expected to be highforfirstgameoftheGSL which sees Guyana Amazon Warriors take on Lahore Qalandars on Tuesday 26 Novemberat7pm
The Global Super League will also feature Hampshire Hawks, Rangpur Riders and Victoria with the
fiveteamscompetingforthe inaugural GSL title and a US$1millionprizefund.The 11matcheswillalltakeplace at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence between26Novemberand6 December
Tickets start at just GY$1500 and they can be purchased at 233-234 Camp Street,atticketoutletsatAAlly &SonsandSensationVariety& Gift Shop in Berbice and at ICANTechnologies and S&N CeroleSnacketteinEssequibo They can also be purchased onlineatwwwgslt20com About Global Super
League: The Global Super League is an annual T20 tournament that takes place in Guyana featuring T20 teams from around the world. The inaugural event willtakeplaceattheGuyana National Stadium, Providence. Five teams will compete for a US$1million prize fund across 11 matches that take place from 26 November to 6 December 2024 The five teams for the 2024 tournament will be Guyana Amazon Warriors, Hampshire Hawks, Lahore Qalandars, Rangpur Riders andVictoria
(CWI) - An anticlimax conclusion to what has been an exciting and competitive CG United Super50 Cup 2024, with both finalists, BarbadosPrideandJamaica Scorpions forfeiting the final.
Consequently, Cricket West Indies has announced thatthereisnochampionfor this year’s competition. The tournament’s organizers made the announcement following a heavily rainaffectedmatchday
This year’s Champions were set to receive prize money of US$100,000; while the runners-up would have received US$50,000. Both semi-finalists will be rewardedUS$25,000each.
Withaninitialscheduled start of 1:00 PM, scattered showersbeganattheground around midday, forcing the first indefinite delay to the start of proceedings. Match referee Reon King, in conjunction with the umpiring team, informed both teams that the latest possible start time was 6:17 PM,atwhichpointthegame would be played as a 20overs-a-sidecontest.
Barbados Pride defeated defending champions Trinidad and Tobago Red Forceby153runstoadvance to the final According to the playing conditions applicable
to the Tournament, if no play was possible at all or in the event of a tie, no result, or game abandonment both teams would be declared cowinnersofthetournament. However, around 5:45 PM, the officiating team determined that the game could proceed at the latest possiblestarttimeof6:17PM. They informed the players of thisandthatthetosswouldbe conducted at 6:00 PM.
Despite assurances from the umpires and match referee thattheconditionsweresafe forplay,bothcaptainsfailed
to be present for the toss, allowing time to elapse past thelateststartingpoint.Asa result, both teams failed to take the field, effectively refusing to play This resulted in a double forfeit, with no champion being declared. JamaicaScorpions won their semifinal over Leeward Islands Hurricanes by107runs.
These unanticipated events came at the climax of whathadbeenanexceptional
tournament featuring outstanding performances Bothcompetingteamsearned
their places in the final with impressivesemifinalvictories Barbados Pride defeated defending champions Trinidad&TobagoRedForce by 153 runs, while Jamaica ScorpionsovercameLeeward Islands Hurricanes by 107 runs
During the round-robin phase of the tournament, several matches produced nail-biting finishes that kept spectators on edge. Barbados Pride featured in multiple last-over thrillers, including a one-wicket victory over Guyana, where
Director of Sport, Steve Ninvalle
The Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport, in collaboration with the N a t i o n a l S p o r t s Commission (NSC), will
stage the annual National Awards Ceremony on Thursday, November 28th, on the lawns of the Castellani House on VlissengenRoadat7:00pm.
Theformalgalaservesto honour the outstanding performances of athletes, officials, associations, and mediaoperativesonthelocal andinternationalcircuitover the source of a sporting seasonoryear
The selection of the resulting and respective winners,bothindividualand group, was decided following an extensive examination and review process that included a plethora of different stak
Director of Sport, Steve Ninvalle, stated that the eventhasbecomeamarquee occasion and institution on our sporting calendar to celebrate and showcase our athletes, officials, and sporting associations for their annual exploits,
successes, and contributions for that period, season, or year “
“This is the culmination of a banner year for sports, and the award ceremony serves not only as a fitting end of a preceding season but the beginning of our ambition and efforts for the succeedingyear.”
He added, “A thorough review and assessment exercise of the year in question was conducted, featuring media experts and sports enthusiasts from all walks of life and social strata.
“The final review and assessment by this highcalibre panel occurred on Thursday, which confirmed the respective results in a thorough and democratic process ” (NSC Press Release)
Khary Pierre’s miserly 4/8 in the tournament’s opening fixture, and Yannic Cariah’s consistent performances underlinedtheimportanceof slow bowling in Caribbean conditions.
Leeward Islands Hurricanes’skipperRahkeem Cornwall was the tournament’s leading wicket takerwith23
Carlos Brown’s maiden List A century (121) for Jamaica Scorpions against CCC and Matthew Nandu’s brilliant 116 for Guyana demonstrated the depth of emerging Caribbean batting talent
Richards’ unbeaten 65 proveddecisive. ThePridealsoedgedthe Windward Volcanoes by eight runs in a rain-affected match, with captain Kyle Mayers taking two wickets inthefinalover Spin bowling dominated throughout the tournament, highlighted by several exceptionalperformances.
Leeward Islands Hurricanes’ Rahkeem Cornwall’s6/20againstCCC,
Justin Greaves of the Leeward Islands Hurricanes provided the tournament’s defining individual achievement, becoming the first West Indian to score three consecutive List A centuries.
Hisremarkablesequence of 111*, 112, and 151* showcased the high batting standards that characterized the competition. CWI will review tournament regulations in light of the unprecedentedsituationofa doubleforfeit.
Additional information will be shared following further consultation with stakeholders.
(SportsMax) - Sherfane Rutherford’s blistering century was not enough to prevent the Northern Warriors from falling to a nine-wicket defeat against UP Nawabs in the Abu DhabiT10onSunday
Coming off a personally successfulrunwiththeWest Indies, Rutherford smashed an unbeaten 103 off just 40 balls, featuring seven fours and three towering sixes, as he single-handedly powered theWarriorstoachallenging 142-4 in their 10 overs. Brandon King was the only other batter to reach double figures, contributing 16
Despite Rutherford’s heroics, the Warriors’ total proved insufficient, as TymalMillsspearheadedthe Nawabs’ bowling with figuresof2-18.OdeanSmith struggled with the ball, conceding 45 runs for his solitarywicket.
In reply, UP Nawabs made light work of the target, propelled by a flying
start from Rahmanullah Gurbaz, who blasted 44 off 23 balls, hitting three fours and three sixes His measured aggression set the foundation for the chase before Andre Fletcher took over with an explosive unbeaten75offjust27balls. Fletcher’s innings included four fours and seven sixes, ensuring the Nawabs reached the target with five ballstospare.
The win lifted UP Nawabs to fourth place in the 10-team table with four points, while the Northern Warriors remain in fifth on two points following the loss Fletcher’s matchwinning knock earned him the Player of the Match award.
Despite the loss, Rutherford’scenturywillbe remembered as one of the standout performances of the tournament, showcasing his incredible power and skill even in a losing cause.
Members of the Club took a photo op at the official launch.
The Saraswati
Vidya Niketan
bykeyfiguresinthearchery community, including
Archery Guyana’s
Secretary-General and Head Coach Nicholas Hing, SVN’s Physical Education Teacher and Archery Coach
Kenrick Cheeks, and members of the club’s executivecommittee.
In his address, delivered onbehalfofArcheryGuyana President Mrs Vidushi Persaud-McKinnon, Mr. Hing expressed the Federation’s pride in this significantmilestone:
extracurricularactivitiesthat foster character, confidence, andteamwork.”
Mrs.Persaud-McKinnon further emphasised Archery Guyana’s commitment to supporting new club formations and nurturing talent that will represent Guyana with pride on the internationalstage
( S V N ) o n November19,2024,proudly launched Arjuna’s Archery Club on its school compound, marking a momentous step in the promotion of archery as a sport in Guyana. Named after the legendary archer
A r j u n a f r o m t h e Mahabharata, the club embodies the values of focus, determination, discipline,andprecision.
...Chase’s Academic Foundation remains unblemished
Round six of the Republic Bank Under-18 Football League unfolded yesterday at the Ministry of Education ground, featuring decisive victories for West RuimveldtSecondary,South Ruimveldt Secondary and Chase’s Academic Foundation.
The penultimate round of the 2024 campaign saw three action-packed fixtures played under an overcast sky South RuimveldtSecondaryopened the day in emphatic fashion, cruisingtoa4-0triumphover President’sCollege Jeremiah Glasgowledthechargewitha clinical brace, while Seon Grantfoundthebackofthenet inthe11thminutetosecurean unassailable lead With three points added to their tally, South Ruimveldt heads confidently into next week’s finalround
In the second match, West Ruimveldt Secondary delivered a stunning 10-1 demolition of East Ruimveldt Secondary Although East Ruimveldt initially took the lead in the 10th minute when Jahiem Herbert coolly converted a penalty after a handball in the box, the advantage was s h o r t - l i v e d We s t Ruimveldt’s Jeremiah Griffith equalized in the
23rdminutebeforedoubling thescoremomentslater
The floodgates opened thereafter as Devonon Welcome and Elijah Sattaur orchestrated a goal-fest Welcome completed a hattrick with strikes in the 30th, 60th,and65thminutes,while Sattauraddedhisowntreblein the 41st, 43rd, and 70th minutes Ozim Lewis capped offtheroutwithagoalinthe 48thminute,solidifyingWest Ruimveldt’sdominance.
Thefinalclashoftheday was a closely contested encounter between Chase’s Academic Foundation and WaramuriSecondary Rondell Peters stunned Chase’s side withanearlyopenerinthe2nd minute, but the response was swift Neeiaz Baksh restored paritywithawell-takengoalin the 37th minute before completinghisbraceinthe48th minute CaptainBryanWharton sealedthe3-1comebackvictory with a composed finish late in thematch TheRepublicBank Under-18FootballLeaguehas been made possible through the generous sponsorship of Republic Bank Limited, alongside vital support from MVP Sports, Tiger Rentals, GuyanaBeverageInc (Busta Brand), the Ministry of Culture,YouthandSport,and theMinistryofEducation
The idea for the club g a i n e d m o m e n t u m followingafruitfulcoaching session on Sunday, facilitated by Archery Guyana’s Head Coach and Secretary-General, Nicholas Hing, alongside Coach
and the club’s committee members. This collaboration inspired the formal inauguration of the club during a small ceremony held in the school’sauditorium.
“The decision to name this club Arjuna is both meaningful and inspiring. Arjuna represents virtues that are essential not only in archery but also in life—focus, determination, andprecision.
T h i s l a u n c h demonstrates SVN’s commitment to holistic
During the event, Mr Hing also spoke about archery’s inclusivity, highlightingitsappealtoall ages and abilities and encouraged other school clubs to also become affiliated to the National Federation. The ceremony concluded with a group photo to commemorate the occasion, capturing the spirit of unity and enthusiasmamongstudents, teachers,andcoaches
…‘Metro Mile’ to headline eight-race card eight-r
The Metro Mile is the talk of all horse owners as theDecember15Showdown of Champions looms large on the horizon of the Port MourantTurfClub. The feature mile event, Sponsored by Metro Office Supplies will headline the eight-race card set to ring in the festivities for horse racingfans.Accordingtothe organiser Terbhuwan ‘Turbo’ Jagdeo, the companyhascomeonboard in a big way in what is shaping up to be the hottest Decemberhorseraceticket.
“I must say thanks to Metro Office Supplies for coming on board for this feature event. We expect to have some of the big names in horses for the Showdown of Champions race card. There are names like the Guyana Cup winner OlympicKremlinalongwith strong contenders in Mapa DoBrazil,EasyTime,Novo Sol, Stolen Money, BeckhamJames,OyVeyand alotofotherhorsesonboard for the event.” The 1600M eventwillgoforaGYD4M Prizewiththewinninghorse
pocketing $2M and is open toallhorses. Theco-featureeventwill be the E-Class non-winners in Guyana and F-Class & Lower with a combined purse of $2M in the 1300M dash.
The Two-Year-Old Guyana and West Indiesbred horses over 1200M are suretoattracttheattentionof horseracingfansalongwith a race for Three-Year-Old Guyana-bred horses over 1700M. TheG-Classhorsesover 1200M, H-Class Non-
Winners of 2024 open to GuyanaBredhorseswillrun for 1600M with another 1600M Race set for all KClassandL-Classhorses. A 1300M sprint is also carded for J, K and L class Maidens.
d b y J ’s Supermarket, Jumbo Jet, Shi-Oil, AJM, OBL, KP Jagdeo General Contractor, Permaul Trading, Laka RambrichRiceFarm,BigG Sawmill & Lumber Yard, Shook Shivmangal & friendsofUSA.
Prime Mark Phillips joins ExxonMobil and New Era Ent officials to present YMCAwith their trophy and $1M for winning this year’s ExxonMobil Futsal Championship in Linden.
TheRetrieveHardCourt was alive with energy as Y M C A r e d e e m e d themselves in spectacular fashion, overcoming Hard
Knocks 6–4 in the
ExxonMobil Futsal Championshipfinals. With a packed crowd cheering on every move, YMCAheldtheircomposure to claim the coveted $1M winner’s prize, a fitting end to their determined campaign.
After settling for third place last year, YMCA enteredthistournamentwith one goal: finishing on top. Organized by New Era Entertainment, the championshipwasaproving ground for their resilience
The first half delivered high-octane futsal action, with both teams trading blows in a 2–2 stalemate bythebreak
The intense pace and pinpointpassingkeptfanson edge, as YMCA and Hard Knocksbattledforcontrol.
In the second half, YMCA found another gear, inspired by Jamal Bentick’s clinical finishing
Bentick’shat-trickwas the centrepiece of YMCA’s attacking prowess, complemented by a brace from Nicolas Gentle and goals from Keyshawn Dey
Their fluid transitions and sharp counterattacks exposed gaps in the Hard Knocks defence, allowing themtosealthewin
Hard Knocks, boasting star players like Daniel Wilson and Ryan Hackett, struggled to convert their individual brilliance into goals
While Omar Brewley, Kendolph Lewis, Clive Nobrega, and Omar Williams found the back of the net, their efforts fell short against YMCA’s relentlessmomentum
Hard Knocks settled for the $500,000 runner-
up prize, their inability to
rebounded from their semi-final loss to outplay Spaniards in close contest where they won 10
Their win ensured they
The ExxonMobil Futsal Championship showcased the best of the sport in Linden, blending skill, strategy, and electrifying moments.
South Ruimveldt’s Seon Grant (in orange) hunts down the a loose ball against PC’s defender during yesterday’s round six matchup
Rutherford’s stunning century in vain as ‘Spice Man’ steals the show
BangladeshTourofthe WestIndies2024…
Mominul, Jaker help Bangladesh avoid follow on