Kaieteur News

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Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly

brokered by US and France,

Fire completely destroys KN, Bhena’s Footwear warehouse leaving hundreds of millions in losses

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The Guyanese people must wake up to the harsh realityofwhatishappeningwithouroilwealthbetween ExxonMobilandthepoliticians.Duetothelackofringfencing of these oil projects, ExxonMobil has walked awaywithoverUS$4billionofGuyana’soilprofitsin 2023 alone. That’s right—over US$4 billion handed over in just one year Then, our leaders went and borrowedUS$2.4billiontohelpmanagethecountry’s affairsfor2024.

Howdoesthismakesensetoanyone?Givingaway allyourfoodtodaytoyourfat,bloatedneighbour,only to find yourself at the bank the next morning begging foraloantofeedyourfamily Howdoesanyoneexplain that? Well,thisisexactlywhatthePPP/PNCandAFC aredoingwithGuyana’soilwealthinpartnershipwith ExxonMobil. They are handing Exxon billions of our oilprofitstoday,andthenborrowingbillionstomorrow tokeepthecountryafloat.

Let’sbreakitdownfurtherjustincasethissituation isn’tclearenough:

You own a farm that gives you plenty of food. Instead of making sure your family eats well and save some for tomorrow, you hand over all the harvest to fatten your already bloated neighbour Then the next day, with your cupboards empty, you at the bank to borrow money to buy food for your family— paying interest on that loan. That is how the three parties managingGuyana’soilwealthwithExxonMobil.

Anditgetsworse,thisyear2024ExxonMwillwalk away with over US$6B – of our oil profits again, and comenextyearGuyanawillbeatthedoorstepsofthe lendinginstitutionsbeggingfor more loans to manage theaffairsofthecountry Let’swaitandseehowmuch theywillborrowforthe2025Budget.Andguesswhat people,thiswillbetheyearlytrend,givingawaymore thanwhat’sneededtorunanddevelopthecountry

This madness must come to an end, and a referendumistheonlywayforusthepeopleofGuyana, totakebackcontrolofourresources.

citizens’ bank accounts

Wemustdemandachangetothisexploitationgoing ontoday Itistimetoensurethatouroilwealthbenefits us, the people of Guyana today, and not just ExxonMobil, their shareholders and a selected few in the political arena. Let’s not wait until it’s too late people.Thetimetoactisnow

Pr e s i d e n t o f

S u r i n a m e , Chandrikapersad Santokhi has announced a royalty distribution programmeforcitizensfrom thecountry’soilwealth.

InhisIndependenceDay address on Monday, the Head of State said royalties will be paid “so that every Surinamese can benefit and profitfromoilandgas”.

The Guardian reported that each citizen would receiveanamountof$750in a savings account, with an annual interest rate of seven percent.

President Santokhi said,

Surinametodepositroyaltyfrom oiltocitizens’bankaccounts

President of Suriname, Chandrikapersad Santokhi

“Everyoneshallbenefitfrom this opportunity and no one will be left behind.” In fact, hetoldcitizens,“Youarecoownersoftheoilincomes.”

Suriname with a populationofabout600,000 people is expected to earn US$10B over the next 10 to 20yearsfromitsoilandgas industry Productionisslated commencein2028.

Last month, French oil group Total announced a US$10.5B project to exploit an oil field off the coast of Suriname with a capacity of producing 220,000 barrels perday Santokhi had previously

Sophia man dies four days after being chopped


labourer was found dead on Tuesdayathishomelocated atLot806‘C’Field,Sophia, Georgetown.

The deceased, Devon Nigel Williams, was discoveredaround07:00hrs.

According to police reports,Williamslivedatthe addresswithhis52-year-old mother, Dorette Anne LaRose. LaRose recounted that on November 22, 2024, around 07:00 hrs, “she received information about her son lying under the Special Constabulary Outpost steps at Stabroek Market with what appeared to be wounds on his body,” policesaid.

Concerned for her son’s well-being, she went to Stabroek Market, where she found him lying under the Constabulary stairs with an injury to the back of his head. When she questioned him about how he sustained the injury,Williams told her that someone by the name ‘Stitchie’ chopped him because he (Williams) stole fromhim.

Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) were

told AFP his country was “quite aware of the oil curse”, also known as “Dutch disease”, which had befallen other resource-rich countriessuchasVenezuela, Angola and Algeria that were unable to turn oil wealth into economic success.

Norway became an exception to the “curse” by building up a sovereign wealthfund.

Suriname has set up a similar fund in expectation oftheoilcashinflux.

The announcement by President Santokhi comes just over a month following President Irfaan Ali’s commitment to deliver a

$200,000 cash grant to each Guyanese household. The GovernmentofGuyanalater adjusted the announcement to$100,000percitizen.

Guyana’s oil deal has beenrepeatedlycomparedto Suriname’s since the nation, although it is new to the sector, has managed to securebetterfiscaltermsfor itsresources.

ManagingDirectorofthe state-owned company Staatsolie, Annand Jagesar, compared the contracts of Guyana and Suriname during the announcement of the Final Investmen

Decision (FID) to develop a productionfieldinBlock58, offshoreSuriname.

“Guyana, they have 2% royalty,and50%profitsplit, no taxes, and here in Suriname,wehavelike6.25 % royalty, profit split according to a certain formula,sothehighertheoil pricethebetterforSuriname, but the lower the oil price then the contractor gets protected and we have a stabilized tax rate of 36%,”

Jagesarsaidadding,“Soyou candothemathandthedeal is good but of course everybody has to survive in thispartnership.”

Although Guyana’s

Agreement (PSA) sets out

ExxonMobil and partners,

, government officials here consider the deal ‘sacred’ andareafraidthatrequesting modifications could deter investment in the resourcerichStabroekBlock.

Todate,ExxonMobilhas produced over 500 million

commenced in December 2019.

It should be noted that during this period, Guyana

contractors grabbed close to US$26B during the same periodforcostsalone.

summonedtothescene,and Williams was taken to the GeorgetownPublicHospital Corporation(GPHC),where he received treatment and waslaterdischarged.

However, on Tuesday morningataround07:00hrs, LaRose checked on her son and discovered him lying motionless on his bed. The EMT was summoned to the scene and the victim was pronounceddead.

Detectives from the Criminal Investigation

Department (CID) processed the scene According to police, “The body was examined and injurieswereseentohisleft thigh below the knee, right hand, right shin bone, left elbow, forehead, left jaw, and head. Old bruises were also observed on his back, ankles,andheel.”

The body has been escorted to Memorial Gardens Funeral Home, where it awaits a postmortem examination

Several individuals have been questioned as part of theinvestigation,andefforts are ongoing to locate the suspect Investigations continue.


PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.


Editor-in-Chief:NigelWilliams Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Above expectation

EverythingthatExxonMobiltouchesinGuyanarewards the corporation above and beyond. Expectations were alreadysethighfromthebeginning,andtheyjustkeepgoing higherandhigherinresults.

ExxonMobil’sCEO,DarrenWoods,hastobeoneproud, joyfuloilboss. WhateverhefinalizesinGuyanabearsrich fruit, which is the CEO’s delight to share with the world. Company workers, suppliers, shipbuilders, and investors love what they are hearing about Guyana’s oilfields. In Woods’s own words, the Payara project in Guyana “continuestoperformaboveinvestmentbasis…”

Investmentbasis,simplysaid,iswhatisputintoanykind ofproject,andrightbesidethatisthestringofexpectations. Those range from recovery of outlay, and the estimated returns (profits) using different scenarios that start at moderate, and which could climb to exceptional Exceptional is what has become the ordinary in the production and profits for ExxonMobil from Guyana’s oil. Investors in this high-performing American oil company must be pinching themselves: can this be happening? Is Guyana this good that the CEO could report so boldly, so inspiringly?

Itisreallyhappening,whichiswhyDarrenWoodsison top of the oil world. He has the perfect combination of helpfulcircumstancesinGuyana. ThereisaprostratePPPC Government, with many political leaders committed to feeblenessandthefullestcollaboration. Institutionssaddled with the responsibility to protect the wealth, the environment, and the people have made comic book caricatures of themselves. Rubberstamping whatever ExxonMobil pushes before them is now the established standard.

ThethreeoilprojectsrunningathighspeedsinGuyana, Liza One and Two, and Payara, have all be approved to increase daily production above the initial stated safety limits. Liza One has been given the green light to increase dailyproductionbyasmuchas33%overtherecommended safety limits, based on the company’s debottlenecking submissions.

Guyanaisnotinapositiontomonitorandmanageitsoil patrimonyatevenareasonablyrobustlevel,butitisagreeing to give ExxonMobil the freedom to push its daily oil productiontodangerousheights.

ThePayaraprojectisalreadyexceedingthestateddaily productionsafetylimitbyover13%,butExxonMobilwants to go still higher by another 9%. We can almost guarantee thatPayaraproductionwillbeapprovedfor270,000barrels daily,oralmost23%overwhatissafe. Isitanysurprisethat Darren woods is dripping with excitement over what he rightlycalls,“theworld’spremierdeepwaterdevelopment?”

Amidallthisgilt-edgedtalkfromWoodsaboutGuyana’s oil, there is a blinding contradiction, the irony of Guyanese reality Amid “above investment basis” (higher than expected)and“theworld’spremierdeepwaterdevelopment (Guyana’s offshore oilfields), there is grinding poverty ExxonMobil grabs the cream of the profits; Guyana gets whatisnothingbutapittance.

ExxonMobil can announce rich dividends in no small part because of its profits and other cash inflows from Guyana. Meanwhile, at the other end of the world’s top deepwateroilprojects,Guyaneseareperchedontheedgeof theirseatswaitingforapaltrycashhandout. Toemphasize thecontrast,whatisunrealaboutGuyana’soil,ExxonMobil is rolling in profits, while close to half of the Guyanese population,thetrueownersofthisgreatwealth,isrollingin poverty

The words flow from ExxonMobil’s CEO like an uncheckedstream,sopowerfulishisposition. Ontheother hand,Guyana’sPresidentAliandVicePresidentJagdeoare reduced to embarrassing stuttering and backpedaling when forcedtosaysomethingaboutthiscountry’soilwealth.

Political leaders across the board in Guyana should be poweringaheadbecauseofoneofthegreatnaturalresource endowments in recent times, in the history of oil. Most

Guyana’s power woes did not begin in 2015


Last weekend, after experiencing the fifth power outage in two days, I had cause to post what everyone has been whispering – the complete silence of the Private Sector Commission (PSC), Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry(GCCI),theGuyana Manufacturing and Services Association(GMSA)andall othercivilsocietygroupson the abysmal handling of the PPP government of the powersector

I stated that in my opinion, which is shared by many, that our once fearless andprincipledcivilsocietyis now too scared to openly voice dissatisfaction on any of the shortcomings of the current administration. Civil society has been neutered to thegreatestextentever,now, than under any other administration-previousPPP administrationsinclusive.

My widely shared opinion, evoked a response fromtheformerPresidentof GCCI, Minister Indar, repeating his usual accusations, of course, seeking to lay the blame entirely at the feet of the coalition administration –

completely ignoring that his partyhasbeenatthehelmof thepowersectorfortwenty–seven (27) of the last 32 years, and it is failing miserably, despite the country earning the most moneyinthelastfouryears, thananyothersimilarperiod initshistory

The country’s power woes did not commence in 2015,ithasbeenaperennial issue, going back decades. However, even the PPP’s staunchest supporters have begrudgingly accepted that despitenotbeingperfect,the power sector was better managedunderthetenureof thecoalitionadministration.

As in the case of the Emperor’s new clothes, all can now see, the glaring inadequacyofthePPPinthe handling of major infrastructural projects - a nursery school student can plainly see that the new Demerara Harbor Bridge, claimedtobeseventy(70%) completed will not be completed by the projected deadline of March 31, 2025, only four months away In fact, it is unlikely to be completed next year No doubt, we will shortly be given the well-rehearsed

excuses, from shipping woes, to labor shortages, to legal challenges, and of course, their favorite one –somehow,theoppositionhas causedthesedelays.

The deadline for the Wales Gas to Shore project has been pushed back more often than a hereditary hairline.Thiscrownjewelof the PPP should have been completed by 2024 at a cost of US$810M and is now slatedtobecompletedin4th quarter of 2025 with a price tag of over US$2.8B and climbing. Once again, even the PPP’s staunchest supporters are quietly questioning if this project willeverachieveitspromise of delivering reliable power at half the current cost to consumers.

Their mismanagement, however,isnotlimitedtothe above two projects The Linden – Lethem Road remains uncompleted, the bridge over the Berbice River is stillborn as is the proposed airport at Palmyra, the Soesdyke highway upgrade is languishing, the new Wismar Bridge, the Corentyne Highway, the stadium in Region 10, the expansion of the Railway

Embankment, and many other projects, announced with much fanfare are n o w h e r e n e a r i n g completion. CJIAisyettobe completed after more than G$5B being expended since 2020 The Amaila Falls Hydro project has been shelved, since the ‘Su’ inspired VICE News exposure.

TheGuyanaGovernment hastheuniqueopportunityto makeasignificantdifference in the lives of all Guyanese with their access to more thantentimestheamountof funds that any Government inthehistoryofthiscountry Imagine ten times the number of successful projects under a new government. Ten times the number of contracts. Ten times the amount of inclusion and access for all races Ten times the reliability of GPL. There is NO comparison that can be used to justify this level of mismanagement The resources being squandered candeliversomuchmorefor ournationanditscitizens.

Guyanesedeservebetter Bettermustcome!!

Yourstruly, DavidPatterson

We Must Unite To End Violence Against Women And Girls


A s w e o b s e r v e International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the 16 Days of Activism under the theme,“Every10Minutes,a Woman is Killed #No Excuse UNITE! to End Violence Against Women,” Help & Shelter joins the global call to end violence againstwomenandgirls.

Thisyear,aswecontinue oureffortstocombatgenderbased violence, Help & Shelter has focused on d i r e c t l y r e a c h i n g communities in need

T h r o u g h t a r g e t e d engagements at health centres,wehavebeenableto provide counselling and other essential services to vulnerable populations, particularly marginalized women who are often affectedbyviolenceandface

significant barriers to accessinghelp.Halfofthose affected by violence experience ill health, are unable to work, and face economic hardship This resultsinanotablereduction inreportsofviolence,butthe issue remains pervasive on the ground. While services such as police, healthcare, and welfare exist in these communities, they are often not easily accessible or equitable for the most vulnerableindividuals.

R e c e n t s u r v e y s conductedinRegion2reveal alarming statistics: 40% of female respondents reported experiencing violence in their homes and 55% had witnessed violence against other women in their community Thisalignswith findings from the 2018 Health and Family Life

Experiences Survey

shamefully,theyprefertorollthemselvesintoaballandbe pushedaroundorkickedaboutbyExxonMobil’sWoodsand local executioner, Alistair Routledge. ExxonMobil’s expectationsinGuyanaarealreadyhigh,anditstillaspires togreaterheights. Otherthanthewell-connected,thePPPC Government cronies and other cabals in its circle, the expectations of the ordinary Guyanese are now at rockbottom. When their expectations should know no limit, theirrealityistheopposite.

witnessing or having

l violenceagainstgirls,which is contributing to the troubling rise in teenage pregnancies Similarly, in region5,72%ofrespondents either wi

sed or experienced violence within intimaterelationships. While there is still much worktobedonetoeliminate allformsofviolence,weare en

Notably, the number of femicides so far in 2024 has decreasedtoeightcompared to sixteen during the same period in 2023. We believe thisdeclineis,inpart,dueto t h e a d v o c a c y a n d educational efforts of local NGOs and the Government ofGuyana,particularlytheir initiatives for empowering women through financial support and various programs. Our hope is that we can continue this path towards a future where we not only see “zero women killed,” but also “zero cases of abuse” reported in our communities.

At Help & Shelter, we

remain committed to addressing all forms of violencethroughtheservices weprovide.Weurgeanyone affectedbyviolencetoreach out and access our support. Our office on Homestretch Avenue is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.Wecanalsobereached on Facebook, through our hotlinenumbersat613-1811 and 608-2097, or at our outreach locations at the Child-Friendly Space in New Amsterdam on Mondays 8:30 to 12 noon andatGoedBananenHealth CentreinCanjeonMondays from1pmto4pm.

We encourage all stakeholders community members, government, and c i v i l s o c i e t y organizations—to continue advocating for change. We must examine and address our attitudes toward violence, support the empowermentofwomenand remain vigilant in our care for vulnerable populations, especially children whose cries for help often go unheard.

We extend our heartfelt gratitudetotheGovernment

(Continued on page 5)

Cash transfers must be fleshed by the experts and fully approved in the National Assembly by two-thirds majority


Muchtalkisintheairand great expectations surround the proposals aired concerning cash transfers from the oil and gas proceeds.Butweseemtobe coming up short on the real details of a proper cash transferscheme.

Few nations have got it rightandwehereneedtobe very careful lest our best effortsworkagainstthevery people we are working to assist out of poverty. When

Prof. Clive Thomas announced his scheme 6 yearsagomanyinthecurrent administration laughed and scoffed at the proposals. It wastheviewofmostofthem that any such scheme would nurture high end inflation and would work against progressive economic growthofthenation.

Whatmanyfailedtonote isthatoureconomyfuelsthe needs of households and not just mere individuals. Our society is rooted in the household or home and it is

here we note our collective strengths and also weaknesses as a nation. A common trend today is the home housing two or three different families. Many of our teenage offspring also have children living with us in the same space. We the older ones have to cater for them with the provision of space and utilities until they can get out on their own.

Sometimes this can take an eternity.

Thus, speaking the provision of our extended familiesinthemixwillmean agreatlotforallofusinthe long run. A cash transfer scheme as envisaged by Prof. Thomas with a twice annualpayoutwillgoalong way in ensuring that the needs of all are met. Those livingwithparentsandunder 18 years of age will be encouraged to save their handoutandutilizesamefor the purchase of house lots. Governmentcanevensetup a layaway plan for such persons thus encouraging

them to pay for their own properties.

The proposal by the VP giving cash to overseas Guyanese and only to those 18 years old and over is a mere ruse at attracting votes for the coming elections. Such a scheme must not be allowed to pass. We locals are catching hell what with daily blackouts, increasing prices at the supermarkets andotheroutlets.

The Guyanese living in North America do not feel our daily pressures nor do they contribute by way of taxes to this economy We feel the pain and therefore we must enjoy the pleasure, fullstop.

Any cash transfer scheme must be fleshed by the experts on both sides of the political divide and then be fully approved in the National Assembly by twothirds majority Anything less will lead to confusion andnationaldiscord.

GPL unconscionable adjustment


I am writing this letter very upset and at the same time very helpless dealing with GPL. I recently queried my GPL charges online and saw a balance of just over $145,000.

Firstly, I must state I do not receive my bill through the postal mail, I query online every month and make my payments on the balanceforapostpaidmeter IimmediatelycontactedGPLaboutthese high charges and was told that it is an adjustment they made because they were usingestimatesallthetime,Ineedtopayitor willbedisconnected.

Aren’t there meter readers going around tocheckmeterreadingsanymore?Wheream

I going to find this amount of money from? The government’s gesture to give $100k to each citizen is for GPL or to ease cost of living? I have so many questions that just causemystressleveltoriseevenfurther IvisitedtheGPLofficeatGrovetoquery the charges, the Customer Service attendant couldnotproperlyexplainwhatitwasabout. I noticed a policeman there trying to calm several people down who seemed to be having the same issue. I was told I can pay part now, and they will put me on a contract for the balance. I am not sure what my next move is because I don’t have the money to pay

Yourstruly, S.

Venezuelans remanded for stabbing police constable at Stabroek Market

The four Venezuelans on remand for attempted murder

nationals were on Tuesday

following a brutal stabbing of a police constable on Saturday

The accused 21-year-old Victoria La Cruz, 37-yearold Libeth Valasquez, 26year-old Jesus Herrera, and 19-year-old Gabriel Campose, of Montrose, East CoastDemerara(ECD)were j

attempted murder against Police Constable Nathaniel Giddings They were accused of using broken

glass bottles and a knife to inflictstabwoundstohim.

Theincidentoccurredon November 23 at Cornhill S t r e e t , S t a b r o e k , Georgetownwhilethepolice was on duty around 23:45 hrs.

The accused appeared at theGeorgetownMagistrates’ Court before Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore whoreadthechargetothem. They were not required to pleatothecharge.

According to police statements presented in court,onthedateinquestion,

We Must Unite To End...

Frompage4 of Guyana, our network of partners, and the private sector for their continued support, both financial and in-kind.

Alifefreeofviolenceisa fundamentalhumanrightfor everyone: it is a cause that requires the collective effort











Giddings dressed in plain clothes, was on duty with three other police officers when they witnessed a fight between two of the females accused at the Stabroek MarketnearDemico. In an effort to deescalate the situation, Giddings intervened However, the accused turned on him with broken bottles and a knife, inflicting multiple stab woundstohisbodyandneck. The two males accused then joined the attack. Giddings was subsequently taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he is currently admitted as a patient with conditions labelled as critical The accused were contacted, arrested, cautioned, and chargedwiththeoffence.

During the court p r o c e e d i n g s , t h e Ve n e z u e l a n s w e r e unrepresented.Prosecutor (Continued on page 23)


(DPI) Another revolutionary moment has been made in Region One as the sod was turned for a state-of-the-art hospital in the MorucaSub-districtonTuesday

The hospital, which will cost $4.435 billion, will be funded through a collaboration with the Government of Guyana and the Inter-AmericanDevelopmentBank (IDB).

The proposed 57,210 square feetregionalhospitalisexpectedto be constructed during a 24-month timeframe by PCI Sinopharmintl Consortium.

The hospital is part of the government’s objective to build

out a world-class healthcare system

While delivering the feature address at the site, President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali said that the hospital will be a new era for Morucaanditsresidents.

“This morning, we gather not just to turn sod but to turn a new page in Moruca. A page that tells a story of transformation, e m p o w e r m e n t a n d partnership…Development is not just something that the government does for you, it is something we do with you. It is us working together withyou,”theheadofstatestated.

President Ali noted that the

hospital represents the government’s commitment of improvingthehealthcaresystemin the hinterland and in the riverain communities.

Italsorepresentsavisionthatis one step closer to realisation that will profoundly impact the livelihoods of the residents, both sociallyandeconomically

Upon completion, the Moruca RegionalHospitalwillfeaturetopnotch services which will ensure easyaccessibilityfortheresidents.

“This hospital will have two fully functional operating theatre, so all your surgical requirements will be done right here in Moruca.

We are adding modern ER that will be equivalent to the other hospitals that we are building in this country Youwillhavedigitalx-rayandmost importantly you will have CT scans done right here in the region,” PresidentAlipointedout,among the plethora of other advanced servicesthatwillbeofferedatthe hospital.

Meanwhile, Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony said that the hospitalwillgreatlyeasethetravel burdensonresidents.

They will only have to travel unless the illness that they have been diagnosed with is far too compl

professionals to handle in the region.

“The quality of healthcare will improve significantly in this region because of the investment that the government is making…Youwillnolongerhave to go anywhere because you will haveaworld-classfacilityinyour region and that is a testimony of this government’s investment into the people of this country,” thehealthministerstressed.

Minister Anthony said that the sod turning further symbolises the vision of the government’s policy toensurethateverycitizenisableto livealongandhealthylife.

ExxonMobilreports‘recordSeptember’toshareholders asproductionpeaksto660,000barrels

As ExxonMobil Guyana Limited(EMGL)continuestopush production to new heights in the Stabroek Block, the company recently reported a ‘record September’toitsshareholders.

During the Corporation’s third quarterEarningsCall,thecompany reported US$8 6B in profits Notably, ExxonMobil highlighted that 4.6 million oil equivalent barrels per day (moebd) was produced-thehighestsince2011.

Key among its highlights to shareholders was the production capacity delivered by the three projects in Guyana. Exxon said it had a “Record September in Guyana with 660,000 barrels per day”produced.

TheoilgiantlaudedGuyanafor supportingitsstrongearningsover the period “Strong earnings growth (was) driven by record

Guyana and Permian volumes, including $1.2 billion contribution from Pioneer,” the company outlined.

EMGL presently has three projectsproducingoilinGuyana.It should be noted that each of these developmentshavebeenpushedto produce above the limits outlined in project documents submitted to Guyaneseregulators.

The company has been able to increase capacity of the three Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels (FPSOs)

through a process called debottlenecking.Exxonpreviously explained that the company would assess the projects for bottlenecks to improve recovery of the resources. The company would then submit its findings to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Ministry of Natural

Exxon Mobil Corporation CEO, Darren Woods

Resources for consideration and

independent assessment, the regulator would then issue its

blessings for the optimization activities, allowing Exxon to increase production on the vessels.

TheGovernmentofGuyanain its 2024 Mid-Year Report confirmed that all three projects underwent optimisation and topsides debottleneck

g activitiesinthefirsthalfoftheyear

Presently, Liza One and Liza Two are producing about 160,000 bpd and 250,000 barrels per day (bpd)respectively

The Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) each specifically outline 120,000 and 220,000 bpd, as the safe operating limit for Liza One and Two, respectively Similarly,thethirdoil project- Payara- is also producing approximately 250,000 bpd even though the vessel’s nameplate capacityis220,000bpd.

The company is however lookingtofurtherincreasethedaily rateofresourcerecoveryattheLiza Two project During a media conference last month, EMGL’s President, Alistair Routledge told reporters, “We are ongoing discussions review with various agencies including the EPA and with the Ministry of Natural Resource on whether to increase the production on the Unity FPSO abovethe252,000.”

Routledge said Exxon believes the Liza Unity can be increased to 270,000bpd.

A psychological profile of a control freak

Imagine an official who believeshe’sthelastbastion of sanity in a world of incompetence His title couldbeanythingbuttohim, the real title should be GuardianofOrder

Everymorning,hewalks intohisoffice,amuginhand with “World’s Only CompetentPerson”stamped on it, knowing he alone stands between order and chaos , progress or stagnation He’s not just overseeing things; he’s personally responsible for everycoginthewheel,from whethertheofficeplantsget wateredtowhoparkswhere. And the kicker? He thinks he’s doing everyone a favour

Thefirstthingyounotice about this control freak is thathehasawhite-knuckled grip on decision-making He’s everywhere at once, holding meetings to prepare for other meetings and inspecting memos with the fervour of a detective looking for clues. It’s not so muchthathedoesn’ttrusthis team—though let’s be clear, he doesn’t—it’s that he’s fundamentally convinced they wouldn’t get it right if he wasn’t there to guide every syllable, every

comma Delegation?

Unthinkable. How can he leave decisions to people who don’t even understand the concept of “stacking paperclipsinsizeorder”?

This guy has a system, and that system has subsystems. To him, every policy recommendation is a potentialminefield,whichis

why he insists on rewriting them all himself—yes, even if it’s just an amendment about waste disposal. Any idea that isn’t his own, he takes apart, dissects, and “reforms,” leaving it barely recognizableby the time it’s outofhishands.Ifyou’rehis subordinate, you’ve learned that the best way to pitch a proposalistoframeitlikehe thoughtofitfirst.Eventhen, don’tholdyourbreath.

At meetings, he rarely sitsatthetablewithhisstaff. No, he presides alone like a king in his court, a lone judge. He’s fond of lengthy monologues, which he delivers with the kind of gravitas reserved for national emergencies Everyonearoundhimnods.

Now, why all this obsessive control? Well, underneath that sharp suit and fluent delivery, our officialharborsanot—secret paranoia: he’s absolutely certain that things would unravelifheletgoforevena second. He imagines plots and subplots everywhere, alliances forming behind closed doors, waiting for their chance to “alter the agenda ” The word “conspiracy” gets thrown aroundalotinhisoffice,but in whispers, because it’s all too clear he believes he’s surroundedbyanestofwellmeaning but misguided—or w o r s e , s e c r e t l y ambitious—colleagues who can’tbetrustedtosticktothe plan.

Yet, this official’s paranoia is selective. If a success happens, he’s front

Dem Boys Seh...

and center, basking in the glory as if the entire team simply wouldn’t have made it without his “guidance.”

But the moment a project fails, he pivots like a gymnast, finding subtle w a y s t o d e f l e c t responsibility “I left that in the hands of the working group,” he’ll say, “though I didsuggestamorethorough approach.” Success is his; failure is a team effort or someone else’s fault. It’s a skill he’s honed to an art, leavingthepublicconvinced he’sastrategicmastermind.

The irony, of course, is that while he’s busy orchestrating every detail, the real issues get shoved aside. Things fall apart and system buckles under pressure because every memo has to pass his desk before it can leave the building.

What our control freak doesn’t see is that his o b s e s s i o n w i t h micromanagementhasmade him blind to the bigger picture. He’s so wrapped up in the idea that he alone can keep the wheels turning that he forgets there are more t h a n j u s t w h e e l s involved—there’s a whole machine,andit’sgrindingto a halt while he tinkers with thegears.

This official’s downfall is inevitable. Slowly, as the public complaints stack up, he realizes he’s built a system so inflexible it’s paralyzed. But instead of changing, he digs in, doubling down on his authority, ordering new

Whenyuhbelly cry andyuhplatedry

Is Christmas time, and de rich people start wid dem cocktail party parade. Dem boyssehislikeabigshow–everybodydress upinfancyfrockandsuit,anddemshoesso shiny,youcanseeyuhfaceinit.Butdething funny,man.Deminviteyuhtoeatanddrink, but mostly drink, ‘cause food scarce like goodmannersinarumshop.

Dem boys seh when you reach, de first thing yuh notice is de glasses clinking like music.Butnosmellofcurryorstewchicken – just a lil whiff of tiny food pun big plate. Onelikklebiscuitwidaspotofpasteandone sprigofgreenleafpuntop.Somepeopleseh isfood;demboyssehisdecoration.

And don’t talk ‘bout de drinks! Dem mixologist people, fancy name fuh bartender,pouringwineandrumlikewater Dem boys seh, it flowin’ like Demerara Riverinrainyseason.Butalldedrinksdoes doismekyuhforgetyuhhungrybellyfuha minute. But when liquor free, yuh does hardly have complainers. Some of de most miserly persons are some of dem wah does attendcocktails,onlyfuhdefreeness.

rounds of protocols and requiring even more oversight. He becomes a caricature of himself a man trying to manage by checklist, baffled that his “perfect” procedures have somehowfailedhim.

And so, his career ends not in both scandal but also in quiet collapse. Policies

stagnate, his colleagues grow resentful, and his legacy fades. He exits the office one final time, still convinced that it was everyone else who couldn’t follow the plan, while the machineryfinallyfreeofhis grip—beginstohumbackto life,onepieceatatime.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

De conversation is another story Dem people talkin’‘bout charity and de poor, all whilesippin’champagnedatcostmorethan some people salary Dem seh dem care, but dembellyfullfromwords,notaction.Dem boyssehcharitydoessoundgoodwhenyou talkin’widgoldspooninyuhhand.

Andthendesnackssmall,demboysseh yuhneedamagnifyingglassfuhseeit.One bite, and it done. But de rich people does clap and laugh like dem invent something great Meanwhile, dem guests leavin’ hungrier than when dem come, but dem belly full of pretense and a whole heap of nothing.

Dem boys seh cocktail party is a whole show It ain’t about food; is about who can show off de most and who lucky fuh get invite.And de only thing dem leave people widisagrumblingbellyandareminderdat demshouldhaveeatenathomebeforedem attendbecauseunlikeotherparties,thereare no food boxes fuh fetch away dem microscopic-sizedsnacks. Talkhalf.Leffhalf


The issue is the Turkish powerboat, Karpower’s, dodgy past. The call from the Working People’s Alliance(WPA)brass,isfor theduediligencedocuments on the company to be made public. The response from the PPP Government’s gladiator and all-purpose operator,Dr Bhar-ratJagdeo is why should that matter (myownwords).

Karpower is here, more electricity is being supplied, Guyaneseenergyconsumers are sharing in an on and off ease, and that is what must mean the most, more than anything else My interpretation of the vice president’s words, if I may bepermitted. TosumupDr Jagdeo’s position:what’s all the noise, why the outcry about what happened elsewhere? The ends (results)arewhatmatters,so bedonewithallthehubbub. Get moving. Better yet, get lost.

Astonishing! Thatismy firstreaction. Contradictory is the second one that came. Thethirdreactionstirredasa

question: Do the elements, whichgototheheartofclean governance, and a high standard of political leadership integrity in government’s relationships, local and foreign, represent anything?

Perhaps, perhaps not But, given the vice president’sposture,Ithinkit is more in the nature of ‘to hell with all of that garbage. Dowhathastobedone,and thefalloutwillbedealtwith when such surfaces.’ To be candid,Iwouldhavethought that a man as silky as Dr Jagdeo would be more at home taking a different approach, addressing the issue of Karpower lapses differently Tosaytheleast, it was not confidence inducing,trustboosting.

Every Guyanese, regardless of their political complexion, political inclination, and political passions, know that corruption is a big problem in Guyana. Tenders awardedtoineligiblepeople. Bribe giving and bribe taking is now an established

component of Guyanese culture Guyanese incentivized and documents fixedsothatthelocalcontent lawisviolatedinitsintent,if notinletter InSouthAfrica and other places, Karpower got its mind messed up and itshandsstained. Notwithstanding severe electricity distresses and unmetenergyneeds,leaders that are truly committed to ethics in government would keep a safe distance from companies such as Karpower If the required due diligence was done, Karpowershouldn’tbehere. Since it is here, did somebody in the PPP Government overlooked (or overrode)whataproperdue diligence process revealed, i.e., presuming that one was done?

Because of the dismal state of electricity supply in this country, time and speed were of the essence. But it couldn’thavebeenatsucha breaknecklevelthatthevery monster being fought (corruption)ontheonehand, was the one being fed, with

the other Specifically, a contractualrelationshipwith Karpower This troubled Turkish company could not have been the only electricitysupplyboatinthe world that was available u n d e r e x p e d i t e d circumstances.


Could Dr Jagdeo’s d i m i n i s h i n g a n d badmouthing the concerns about Karpower’s untidy and uninspiring record, through the camouflage of urgent electricity needs be foranotherreason? Thatis, Karpower is just the kind of companywithwhichthePPP Government is most delightedtosealdeals. Its past history of generosity in other places to various officials has to be mouthwateringtothosewho manage the business of this country. Karpowercouldbe a good fit, a prince of a partner that knows how to getbusinessmoving,givenit was freehanded before in faraway places. The government had the best poultice: which is more important:gettingelectricity into homes, schools, and small businesses, or holding

up progress because offearsofbribery?

A s e p a r a t e concern is about the example, the standard being set for the children. Considering Karpower’s past failures to do things in the right way, children may get the impressionthatitisnotsuch a big deal to do their own thinginexams. Justaslong astheycomeoutwithflying colors. Especially when national leaders pretend at loftier priorities, or are cavalier about what should concern What is the message to be gathered by young minds, when this is the world in which adults live,thrive? Getawayonce with playing games makes the interest in doing so a second time easier to consider, quicker to put into action.

them. What is to stop any powerful, deep-pocketed foreign multinational corporation from wooing monitoring Guyanese to see things their way, look the other way, and do their biddingforaprice?

It seems to me that that was what Karpower tried andsucceededatinLebanon and Pakistan, until it got caught. Often, definitely to me, when issues and allegations like these surface, I ask myself, how much more of a similar sleazy record is still not known.

Then, a whole culture takes root, from what is givenapasstoday. Ithinkof thequalityofpublicservants Guyana could find hanging over its head. There is a continuing chorus that bemoans this country’s poor payforitsskilledpeople,and its difficulties holding on to

Thebottomlinelessonis thatleadersareseriousabout corruption in any form, by any hand, and do something about it. If not, corruption will continue to sicken and sinkGuyana.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

Soldier remanded for stabbing and chopping fiancé

Philon Edwards, a 26-year-old soldier, was remanded to prison on Tuesday after allegedly stabbing and chopping his fiancé, 23-year-oldLitishaReynolds.

The attack occurred last Friday, leaving Reynolds, a mother of one, in a critical conditionattheNewAmsterdamHospital.

Edwards, who resides at No. 30 Village, WestCoastBerbice(WCB),wasarrestedon November 22, 2024, and charged with attempted murder He appeared before Magistrate Ravindra Mohabir at the Blairmont Magistrates’ Court, where the charges were read to him under Section 103 (c) of the Criminal Law (Offences) Act, Chapter8:01.

Edwardswasnotrequiredtoenteraplea and was remanded to prison. The case has sincebeentransferredtotheFortWellington Magistrates’ Court and is scheduled for a hearingonDecember12,2024,forthefiling ofstatements.

The incident reportedly took place around19:30hrs.PolicestatedthatReynolds lives with her 5-year-old son and Edwards. Edwards, upon returning home at approximately 17:50 hrs, accused Reynolds ofallowingherson’sfathertovisitduringhis absence. The victim acknowledged the visit but clarified that there was no interaction betweenthem.

Inafitofrage,Edwardsretrievedaknife from the kitchen and held it to Reynolds’ neck, instructing her son to leave the premises. After the child exited, Edwards proceededtostabReynoldsmultipletimeson theleftsideofherface,belowherlefteye,on

GDF rank Philon Edwards remanded to prison

herfinger,andinherrightabdomen. Fearing for her life, Reynolds attempted to escape by running around the house. However, Edwards then grabbed a cutlass fromthekitchenandinflictedachopwound to the left of her neck, causing her to bleed profusely Following the attack, Edwards fledthescene.

Reynolds sought assistance from a relative who took her to Fort Wellington Hospital for medical attention. Due to the severity of her injuries, she was later transferredtoNewAmsterdamHospital. Laterthatnight,Edwardsturnedhimself in at the Weldaad Police Station, where he admittedtostabbingandchoppingReynolds.

‘Nophoto,nocashgrant’ – Dr. Ashni Singh

Amid some skepticism regarding the requirement for a photograph to be takenwhenregisteringforthe$100,000 cash grant, Senior Minister with responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh, clarified on Tuesday that while individuals will not be forced to have their photos taken, those who choose not to, will not be registered and therefore will not be eligible for the grant.

“We are not of course compelling anybodytohavetheirpicturetaken,you do have the option not to have your picture taken but if you exercise the option not to have your picture taken you will not be registered,” Dr Singh explainedonthesidelinesofaneventat the Pegasus Corporate Suites in Georgetown.

The cash grant initiative was first announced by President Irfaan Ali in October and is part of a broader $60 billion programme targeting Guyanese aged 18 and older On Monday, the government tabled an $85.4 billion supplementary financial paper, which includes $30.5 billion to fund the first phaseofthecashgrantdistribution.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Dr Singhemphasizedtheimportanceof registration, noting that a schedule of dates, times, and locations for

Senior Minister with responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh


“So,everycommunitywearegoing topublisharegistrationschedulethatis to say a list of dates and times and locations that we will be going to communities across the country with a technical team and devices…So look outforthepublicationoftheregistration schedule for your area…” Dr Singh said.

The minister urged eligible Guyanese to participate in the registrationprocessassoonasitbegins, andhehighlightedthenewlydeveloped application (app ) designed to

streamline the process. The app., Dr Singhexplained,willallowforefficient scanning of identification cards, populatingdataelectronically Hesaid, “With your passport you have to enter your data manually but with the ID cards it’s very efficient, you literally scan your id card and the data is populatedimmediately.”

Following the registration process, the government will release a second scheduleforthedistributionofthecash grants.

“Wewantthistobedoneasquickly as possible we are trying every means available…for public servants we are registering you at your place of work. For others…we are coming to your communities,wewilltellyouwhenwe are coming, please come and register…”heurged.

Whiletheministerreiteratedthatthe government aims to complete the process swiftly, he refrained from providing a specific timeline for when the entire distribution will be finished. However,Dr.Singhassuredthatpublic servantswouldreceivetheircashgrants beforetheendoftheyear

“We would like to get there…our aim is to capture as many people as possibleandIwouldprobablyleaveitas that,”headded.

HarrisPaintsGuyanato launchnewmanufacturing plantandflagshippaintstore

Harris Paints Guyana will today open its new state-ofthe-art manufacturing facility and flagship retail store in Beterverwagting, East Coast Demerara (ECD) marking a major milestone in the company’s over 30-year history in Guyana.

In a press release the company said the “significant investment and expansion” demonstrates its continued commitment to delivering top-quality products and supportingtheeconomicgrowthofGuyana.

“Thenewfacilityrepresentsthedawnofanexcitingnew era for both Harris Paints and the Guyanese market. This 10,000-square-foot, two-story building, set on a 25,000square-foot plot, is set to enhance local manufacturing capabilities,createnewjobs,andserveasaregionalhubfor thepremiumpaintsupplier,”thecompanysaid.

Further, Marguerite Desir, Chief Operating Officer of HarrisPaintsInternationalsaid,“Wearethrilledtoopenthis newManufacturingPlantandflagshipstorewhichwillhave key focus on continuous improvement to Developers and ContractorshereinBeterverwagting.”

“This investment is a testament to our belief in Guyana’s potential,and ourcommitmenttosupportingthe country’s remarkable transformation. With this new plant, weaimtoenhanceourcapacitytomeetthegrowingneedsof ourcustomers,continuetodeliverhigh-qualityproducts,and contributetothenation’seconomicdevelopment,”shesaid.

The company said that key insights into the company’s newmanufacturingplantandflagshipstorewillbesharedat thegrandopeningandreceptiontoday

House passes Open Data Bill enabling public access to Govt. information

The National Assembly onMondaypassedtheOpen Data Bill; a critical piece of legislationwhichwillenable the public better access to governmentinformation.

The Bill presented by Prime Minister Brigadier (ret’d) Mark Phillips was passed on a majority vote, following presentations frommembersonbothsides oftheHouse.

In his presentation, PM Phillips emphasised that the legislation aligns with international best practices, citing the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation and the Open, Public, Electronic, and Necessary (OPEN) Government Data Act implemented in the United States.

“This Bill will attract investment and enable our citizens to participate more fully in the digital economy The passage of this Bill reflectsourdeterminationto harness the power of data to drive national development and improve the lives of all Guyanese,”hesaid.

Outlining several features of the Bill, Phillips explainedthatitprovidesfor the designation of a Data Officer of each public authority Thisofficerwould

be responsible for data asset management, sharing and publicationofdataassetsfor theagency,amongotherkey functions.

“Mr Speaker naturally, we expect concerns to be raised about the risks associated with making public data more accessible, these concerns while valid are adequately addressed in the safeguards embedded in the bill…Clauses 11 and 15 strictly prohibits the disclosureofnon-publicdata assets and impose severe penalty for breaches of confidentiality This ensures that private sensitive and classified information remains secure, ” he explained.

According to PM

Phillips, the Bill will work hand in hand with the provisions of the Data Protection Act and the DigitalIdentityCardAct.

“The Open Data Bill is thenextchapterinaseriesof forward-thinking initiatives

including the Data Protection Act and the Digital Identity Card Act both of which this parliament recently passed.

These laws form a comprehensive framework that balances the power of digital information with the protection of our individual rightsandprivacy,”hesaid.

According to the PM, in passing these laws, the Parliament is laying the foundation for a modern Guyana;onethatisprepared

HouseamendsDeceasedPersons EstateAdministrationActtoease financialburdenonfamilies

Amendments to the Deceased Persons Estate Administration Act were made in the National Assembly on Monday to allow families better access to monies left by deceasedpersons.

The Bill received unanimous support of theHouseafteritwaspresentedbyAttorney General (AG) and Minister of LegalAffairs, AnilNandlall,SCforitssecondreading.

TheAttorney General in his presentation of the bill explained that the amendments stem following consultations with members of the public and other stakeholders such as theBarAssociationofGuyana.

Nandlallexplainedthatunderthecurrent legislation, when a person dies, their assets become part of their estate. To manage and distribute these assets, he explained that a legal process is typically required. If the deceasedpersonleftawill,anexecutormust apply for probate to oversee the estate accordingtothewill’sinstructions.

In the absence of a will, a person must applyforlettersofadministrationtomanage anddistributetheestate.

“Our law, prior to 2022, provided that without a letter of administration or probate, oneoftheauthorisedpersonscouldhavegone toabankwherethedeceasedhadanaccount and had money in it, but could have only withdrawn $250. When this act was passed nearly100yearsago,$250wasasubstantial sumofmoney,”AGNandlallexplained.

to lead in the digital age while ensuring that data is used safely, responsibly and for the betterment of all citizens.ThePrimeMinister noted that the Bill ensures that public data is used in a waythatenhancethequality ofpublicserviceswhilesafe guarding the confidentiality ofsensitiveinformation.

“This Bill represents a firm commitment by our government to empower citizensandinstitutionsalike fostering an environment

where data becomes a tool for innovation, economic growth and more efficient governance,”hesaid.

Opposition Member of Parliament (MP), Annette Ferguson while supporting the Bill, raised concerns about the need for more public consultation when it comes to new and amended laws.

“Mr Speaker, it our responsibility to ensure that the wider public is better educated about the laws and

bills being passed in this honourable house because I am doubtful that they are awarewhatthisBillis. The onus is on us not only to make laws and have them passed, we have a moral responsibilitytoeducateour people,”shesaid.

Ferguson said that she hopes the Bill once it becomeslawwouldfunction adequately in bringing the publicaccesstoinformation.



Historically, smaller estates were subject tothesamecostlyadministrativeprocessesas largerones.

To alleviate this burden, in 2022, the government increased the threshold to $750,000. This allowed beneficiaries to access up to $750,000 from bank accounts withouttheneedforlettersofadministration.

This2024amendmentnowtakesitastep further, simplifying the process for beneficiaries and allowing them to access fundsmorequicklyandefficiently

“This amendment is simply intended to expand the category of places to as wide as possible,movingitfromthenarrowfocusofa bankaccounttoanywhereelse,”theAGsaid.

AddinghisvoicetothedebateMinisterof Culture,YouthsandSportsCharlesRamson, explainedthattheamendmentwillonlyserve to alleviate the financial burden on many families by eliminating the need for legal fees, funeral costs, or other unexpected expenses associated with the loss of a loved one.

“Thisbillcomesfromthegrassrootsofall of our immediate and direct engagements with people. In situations where the death is unexpected,especiallywhentheotherperson isinavulnerablesituation,theymustbeable to have access to the means to support themselvesintheinterim,ifforexamplethey have to get letters of administration or a probate,”hesaid.

Prime Minister, Brigadier (ret’d) Mark Phillips


Soon children of

Yupukari Village in Region Nine will no longer have to travellongdistancestoattain theirsecondaryeducation,as the a new $22. 5 million secondary school block will be constructed in the community

The Ministry of

Education in a statement on Tuesday stated that the new secondary block aims to directly benefit 60 students from Yupukari and nearby communities, including QuatataandKaicumbay Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand and her teamduringthecourseofthe

weekend had visited the project site along with other school projects in Region Nine.

According to the ministry, the school will address a long-standing challenge faced by students who currently travel extensivedistancesorreside indormitoriesatSt.Ignatius Secondary School to access secondaryeducation.

“By bringing the school closer to home, the project promises to ease the burden on families and ensure that students can focus on their academic journey without the strain of long

House passes Open Data...


Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall SC agreed with Ferguson’s call for wider public consultation in proposed legislation. However, he noted that the government and Oppositionmustworktogethertoachievethisobjective.

“This is indeed a problem, which we are facing. We needmoreworktobedoneinbringingpublicawarenessto the bills that we are passing in the NationalAssembly but that is not the Government’s task alone; every member of thishousehasaresponsibilityofinformingmembersofthe public of the bills that we are passing in this house,” the AttorneyGeneralsaid.

NandlallnotedtheBillhasmanybenefitstothecitizens ofGuyana.TheAttorneyGeneralpointedoutthatitspeaks to President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali’s vision of making datamoreaccessible.

“This will help the Ministry of Agriculture to make prudent decisions; it will help our farmers in terms of lookingatweatherpatternsanddeterminingwhatcropsto plant,etc.Itwillallowourtransportationsectortolookat passenger trends,” he pointed out, noting that the value of opendatacannotbeunderstated.

commutes,” the ministry noted.

Minister Manickchand speaking at the location noted the project forms part of the government’s holistic approach to addressing educational needs, emphasizing that the initiativeextendsbeyondthe physical construction of the school.

“In addition to building the school, we need to train the teachers who will serve here. We must also ensure that the classrooms are equipped with the necessary furniture.Oncetheschoolis operational,it’svitalthatwe continue to monitor and evaluate how effectively students are being taught. It’s about creating a complete and sustainable system that delivers real results, ” Minister Manickchandexplained.

Toshao of Yupukari, RussianDorrickhighlighted theimportanceoftheschool forthecommunity.

Hesaid,“Thisisatimely initiative because we currently have over 170 primary school children in our village With the

government focusing on education in Yupukari, I always say that we are moving forward This projectwillpavethewayfor significant progress in our community We are very grateful to the Ministry of Education and the government for their continuedsupport.”

This publication understands that the school will be constructed by contractorClyveKingandit will be completed within a year

“This new school block is part of the Ministry of Education’sbroadermission to reduce educational disparities between coastal and hinterland regions. By investing in infrastructure and access to quality education, the government seeks to create equitable opportunities for all Guyanesechildren,ensuring that no child is left behind regardless of geographic location,” the ministry furtherreported.

Works ongoing on the new secondary school at Yupakuri Village, Region Nine.
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand engaging residents of Yupakuri Village. (Photos: Ministry of Education)

Graduands of Georgetown School of Nursing with Minister of Health Dr. Frank Anthony and other officials. (Ministry of Health)


– Min. Anthony urges new nurses

The Georgetown School of Nursing on Tuesday celebrated its largest graduation batch of 2024, with 434 graduates, including midwives and professionalstudents.

The ceremony, held at theNationalCulturalCenter on Homestretch Avenue, D’Urban Park, Georgetown, marked the school’s 33rd Biennialgraduation.

Among the graduates were201RegisteredNurses, 171 Nursing Assistants, 36

Post-Basic Trained Midwives, and 26 Single Trained Midwives The MinistryofHealth,inapress release, stated that these graduates, “who have been trained extensively in their respective fields, will now join healthcare teams nationwide, contributing to t h e c o n t i n u e d transformation of Guyana’s healthcaresystem.”

Special guests at the ceremony included Minister of Health Frank Anthony, Chief Medical Officer Narine Singh, former MinisterofAgricultureNoel Holder, and Principal Nursing Tutor Cleopatra Barkoye,amongothers.

In her feature address, Principal Barkoye highlighted the progress of the school and its nurses, noting that some of the graduates this year were fromasfarbackas2018.She also emphasized that this was the largest batch to graduate with diplomas and certificates since the school’s establishment in 1945.

Chief Medical Officer (CMO)NarineSinghpraised the graduates for their commitmentandurgedthem tocarryforwardthetorchof compassionate care. “You arethefaceofthehealthcare system. Patients judge the system not by the facilities but by how they are treated by nurses Remember, nursing is not just a profession;it’sacallingthat requires compassion, empathy, and selflessness,” Singhstressed.

MinisterofHealthFrank Anthony also addressed the graduates, urging them to prioritize empathy in their work He noted that a significant number of complaints the ministry receives are related to nurses’ behaviour toward patients.

“Your role in the public sector is critically important because when someone comes into a hospital, they areoftenataveryvulnerable point and need attention. Whatwearelookingforisa force that has empathy, someone who can relate to the patient in a very unique way,”hesaid.

He continued, “We have some cases where staff are having a bad day, but just becauseyou’rehavingabad daydoesn’tmeanyoushould take it out on the person beforeyou.Wehavetowork with people and make sure westartgivingthemthetime andattentiontheyneed.” M

expressed hope that the 434 new graduates would adopt the right attitude when


Four of the Nursing Assistants who graduated on Tuesday. (Mansoor Cave)


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Banking innovations take spotlight at World Trade Center Georgetown conference

(From left) Mr. Robin van Puyenbroek, Executive Director of Business Development at the World Trade Centers Association, Mr. Wesley Kirton, Executive Director, World Trade Center Georgetown, Dr. Ashni Singh, Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance and Public Service, WTC Executive Chairman Komal Samaroo and Mr. Dowlat Parbhu, CEO of Demerara Limited

The World Trade Center Georgetown (WTCG) in collaboration with Demerara Bank Limited (DBL) on Tuesday hosted its inaugural flagship event, the “Banking Made Easier” Conference, bringing together industry leaders, local businesses, and members of the diaspora to explore innovative banking solutions.

The conference featured dynamic discussions and actionable insights into how modern banking technologies and strategies can be implemented and improved to drive economic development in Guyana.

According to a press statement, Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance and Public Service Dr. Ashni Singh, during his address, commended the WTCG and Demerara Bank Limited for hosting the event, describing it as “appropriate and timely, given the transformation and modernization that is taking place in the country at a meteoric rate.”

He lauded the bold initiative of establishing a World Trade Center in Georgetown, adding that out of 320 countries worldwide, Georgetown becoming a host city of a World Trade Center further represents the rate of development.

Dr. Singh highlighted the remarkable progress of DBL in expanding financial accessibility, particularly in previously underbanked communities. “DBL has done an outstanding job at improving accessibility of banking services and improving access to those services in communities that were previously

underbanked,” he said.

Recognizing their performance, he noted, “Without a doubt, Demerara Bank’s performance has been phenomenal. Remarkably, credit to the private sector has grown by 58% over the last three and a half years up to June 2024, and Demerara Bank has outperformed other older banks in the sector.”

The finance minister applauded DBL’s efforts in opening new branches in Mahaica and Leonora, as well as their commitment to leveraging technology to enhance access to banking services.

“We would like to see more citizens being able to access the formal banking system, including areas which are relatively underbanked,” he stated. He encouraged DBL and other financial institutions to remove barriers and deploy innovative solutions, adding, “There will come a time when you won’t have to go into the bank to open a bank account or to apply for a loan. We have a duty to ensure every citizen is able to enter the banking system and that they understand the benefits of being part of the formal banking system.”

Dr. Singh also called on banks to explore opportunities to partner with the government to expand their reach to underserved communities, including those in remote hinterland areas. He emphasized the importance of inclusivity in Guyana’s rapid modernization journey, saying, “We want a Guyana where every citizen, irrespective of where they live and how remote that community might be, is able to participate

in and benefit from this remarkable and exciting transformation that is taking place.”

For his part, WTCG’s Executive Chairman Komal Samaroo, in his brief remarks, expressed hope that by the end of the conference, attendees would have the tools to expand their businesses internationally, establish meaningful connections, and acquire the knowledge and best practices necessary for growth and success. He noted that the Guyanese private sector has a critical role in improving the quality of life for Guyanese citizens. Quoting the World Bank’s Business Ready Executive Summary, he stated: “When it functions well, the private sector sparks innovation, unlocks economic opportunities for those who need them most, and drives a more efficient and sustainable use of natural resources.”

The Chairman further emphasized: “Demerara Bank is the only bank in Guyana to be born out of the womb of the private sector of Guyana and, therefore, shares its DNA. The bank understands the struggles and aspirations of Guyanese businesses and has consistently improved its services to help them turn their dreams into reality.” He concluded by wishing attendees an informative and enjoyable session that empowers them with fresh perspectives, new connections, and innovative ideas to help grow their businesses.

The keynote speaker was Robin van Puyenbroek, Executive Director of Business Development at the World Trade Centers Association.

His presentation, titled “Supporting Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) through US EXIM Bank Products,” emphasized the vital role MSMEs play in Guyana’s economy. He covered various topics, including opportunities for improving financial access, financing models that Guyana could adopt, and strategic recommendations to strengthen the small business community, among other key insights.

Mr. van Puyenbroek’s address provided actionable strategies and highlighted the critical need for collaboration among policymakers, financial institutions, and MSME stakeholders to foster sustainable economic growth. His recommendations aim to empower entrepreneurs, drive innovation, and position MSMEs as a cornerstone of Guyana’s economic transformation.

Other important presentations were delivered by Dr. Gobind Ganga, Governor, Bank of Guyana, and representatives from various departments within Demerara Bank Limited. Each presentation was followed by interactive question-and-answer sessions, which sparked meaningful discussions and valuable exchanges of ideas. At the conclusion of the event Wesley Kirton, Executive Director, World Trade Center Georgetown, emphasized that “the WTCG does not intend to replace or compete with other businesses organizations but to compliment the work they do and to collaborate to help ensure the growth and sustainability of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises”.

SecuringCARICOMcitizens’humanrightsandensuring socialjusticeisthehighestpriority - CARICOM Chair

Securing the safety and rights of every CARICOM citizenisthehighestpriority for CARICOM leaders, CARICOMChairandPrime Minister of Grenada, Hon. Dickon Mitchell said, in his opening remarks at the

S e c o n d R e g i o n a l Symposium: Violence as a Public Health Issue—The Crime Challenge held in Georgetown, Guyana, on Friday,22November

TheChairthankedPrime Minister of Barbados, Mia AmorMottleyforconvening

the Second Regional

S y m p o s i u m a n d commended the original vision of Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago and Lead Head for Security, Dr theHon.KeithRowley,who convened the first iteration oftheSymposiumin2023.

“This vision in bringing theissuesrelatedtothehigh levels of violence and crime experiencedin our countries into the realm of a public

health approach has signalled a strong intent by us as leaders to decisively and collectively treat with this challenge that threatens the development of our Community’s citizens Indeed,itistheaspirationof the Community that every citizen is secure and has the opportunity to realise his or herpotentialwithguaranteed human rights and social justice; and contributes to, and shares in, its economic, social and cultural prosperity,”statedtheChair

He also noted that since the inaugural symposium, the CARICOM Secretariat

has been actively collaborating with the relevant CARICOM Institutions, Member States and Developmental Partners

t o i m p l e m e n t t h e declarations issued by CARICOM Heads of Governmentin2023through several successful intersectoralpartnerships.

CARICOMArrest WarrantBill

Dr the Hon Keith Rowley, in his remarks, applauded the recent approval by CARICOM Attorneys General of the CARICOM Arrest Warrant Bill and the Advance Passenger Information (API)/Passenger Name Record (PNR) Bill, both of which provide a foundation for efficient cross-border cooperation.

“I am pleased to report...thatthelegislationto facilitate the harmonisation

of laws across the Community has notably facilitated the completion of

the template legislation for the CARICOM Arrest

Warrant Bill I am particularly pleased to hear that we are there [Criminals] must now know that in every CARICOM territory the law applies to them equally,” asserted Dr Rowley

Dr Rowleyalsoreflected on the significant outcomes of the inaugural symposium and the subsequent benefits totheRegion.“Oureffortsto buildsafe,crime-freehomes, communities and societies received a much-needed boost through the first symposium on crime and violence.

Following these discussions, CARICOM HeadsofGovernmentissued two pivotal Declarations: one on Crime and Violence as a Public Health Issue and one entitled War on Guns. The Declaration on Crime and Violence as a Public H e a l t h I s s u e w a s subsequently distilled into a Consolidated Framework that charts short, medium, andlong-termprioritiestobe operationalised at the Community, national, and regional levels,” stated Dr Rowley

Since the inaugural symposium, the firearms tracing capability of the Region has been enhanced throughtheexpansionofthe RegionalIntegratedBallistic

Information Network (RIBIN) Crucial model

legislation has been developed to facilitate the harmonisationoflawsacross the Community, among othercriticalinterventionsto curbcrimeintheRegion.

Dr Rowley also underscored that these achievementswereevidence of CARICOM leaders’ commitment to securing a zone of peace “These actions, alongside consultations and awareness initiatives, underscore our commitment to a safer Caribbean, free of the menaceoframpantviolence: one where our people feel protected, supported, and empowered,”emphasisedDr Rowley

TheEconomic BurdenofCrime

M e a n w h i l e , D r Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of Guyana and Host of the Symposium, underscored the need to addresscrimefromawholeof-society and a whole-ofgovernment approach. “We cannot address [crime] withouthavingpublichealth and education as part of the solution. Because if we are to solve it from a systemic perspective,wemuststartat the level of the primary schools.”

Dr Ali shared examples of the economic burden of crime and the scale of the challenge faced by the Region. “In 2017, the IMF found that crime, particularly violent crime, is

pervasive in the Caribbean and imposed a serious economic and social burden on countries in the Region. Weknowthatthefirstsector that is affected by economic and social burdens is the healthcare sector because if we can't take care of the socialneedsofourcitizensor we have to divert resources for social needs and other needs -then it will affect their health and affect investmentinhealth.”


of Government who were present and participated in the discussions included Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Hon. Gaston Browne;andPrimeMinister ofSaintLucia,Hon.PhilipJ. Pierre.

P o l i c y m a k e r s , technocrats, specialists and stakeholders working in crime prevention, the criminal justice system and public health also participated.

In a statement to the

m e d i a , C A R I C O M

Secretariat said that the S e c o n d R e g i o n a l Symposium focused on identifying actionable solutions to crime for implementation at the nationallevel.

To this end, Prime Minister of Barbados, the Hon.MiaAmorMottley,led a working session on reforming the criminal justice sector, examining in detail the Needham’s Point Declaration Some other important features of the one-day session were presentations by the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) on Crime and Violence as a Public Health Issue; “Transnational Nature of Gangs in the Caribbean” presented by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (CARICOM IMPACS); “Cultural Influences of Crime” by The UWI Senior Lecturer, Dr Sonya Stanley Niaah and a presentation by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs of Trinidad and Tobago, Hon. Reginald Armour, SC, on Gender Based Violence as a CriminalJusticeIssue’.

Knowledge sharing on successful preventative interventions for crime and violence in the Caribbean was a critical element of the Symposium.

One such intervention was a discussion on the “NeedforeffectiveOffender Management programmes”, presented by the Guyana PrisonService.



Sean Williams objected to bail citing the seriousness of the offense and the fact that the accused were positively identified on CCTV footage capturing the incident. He emphasizedthatweaponswereinvolvedand expressed concerns that granting bail could pose a flight risk, as the accused did not


The prosecutor requested one month to seeklegaladvicefromtheDirectorofPublic Prosecutions (DPP) regarding the case’s procedures. As a result, the Venezuelans were remanded to prison and are scheduled toreturntocourtonDecember30,2024,for furtherproceedings.

CARICOM Chair and PM of Grenada, Hon. Dickon Mitchell
Host of the Symposium and President of Guyana - H.E. Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali
Lead for Crime and Security in the CARICOM Quasi-Cabinet and PM of TT – Dr. Hon. Keith Rowley
Convenor of the Symposium and PM of Barbados - Hon. Mia Amor Mottley

Israel, Hezbollah agree to ceasefire brokered by US and France, to take effect Wednesday


RUSALEM, Nov 26 (Reuters) -A ceasefire between Israel and Iranbacked group Hezbollah will take effect on Wednesday after both sides accepted an agreement brokered by the United States and France, U.S. President Joe Biden saidonTuesday

The accord cleared the way for an end to a conflict across the Israeli-Lebanese border that has killed thousands of people since it was ignited by the Gaza war last year

Biden,whomaderemarksatthe White House shortly after Israel’s security cabinet approved the agreement in a 10-1 vote, said he had spoken to Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati. Fighting would end at 4 a.m. local time (0200GMT),hesaid.

“This is designed to be a permanentcessationofhostilities,” Biden said “What is left of Hezbollah and other terrorist organizationswillnotbeallowedto threaten the security of Israel again.”

Israel will gradually withdraw itsforcesover60daysasLebanon’s armytakescontrolofterritorynear itsborderwithIsraeltoensurethat Hezbollah does not rebuild its infrastructurethere,Bidensaid.

“Civilians on both sides will

soonbeabletosafelyreturntotheir communities,”hesaid.

French President Emmanuel Macron cheered the signing of the deal on social-media platform X, saying it was “the culmination of efforts undertaken for many months with the Israeli and Lebanese authorities, in close collaboration with the United States.”

Lebanon’s Mikati issued a statement welcoming the deal

Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib earlier said the Lebanese army would be ready to have at least 5,000 troops deployed in southern Lebanon as Israeli troops withdraw Netanyahu said he was readytoimplementaceasefiredeal and would respond forcefully to anyviolationbyHezbollah.

Netanyahu, who faces some opposition to the deal from within his coalition government, said the ceasefire would allow Israel to focus on the threat from Iran, replenish depleted arms supplies and give the army a rest, and to isolate Hamas, the militant group that triggered war in the region when it attacked Israel from Gaza lastyear

“Wewillenforcetheagreement and respond forcefully to any violation. Together, we will continue until victory,” Netanyahu said.

“In full coordination with the

United States, we retain complete military freedom of action. Should Hezbollahviolatetheagreementor attempt to rearm, we will strike decisively.”

Netanyahu said Hezbollah, which is allied to Palestinian militant group Hamas, was considerably weaker than it had beenatthestartoftheconflict.

“We have set it back decades, eliminated its top leaders, destroyed most of its rockets and missiles, neutralized thousands of fighters, and obliterated years of terror infrastructure near our border,”hesaid.

The United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, welcomed the ceasefire deal in a statement, commending the parties to the agreement.

“Now is the time to deliver, through concrete actions, to consolidatetoday’sachievement.”

A senior U.S. official, briefing reporters on condition of anonymity, said the U S and France would join a mechanism with the UNIFIL peacekeeping force that would work with Lebanon’s army to deter potential violations of the ceasefire. U.S. combat forces would not be deployed,theofficialsaid.

The Lebanon ceasefire came after a change of attitudes on both sides in late October, the official said.

Biden, who leaves office in January, said his administration would continue to push for an elusive ceasefire and hostagereleasedealinGaza,whereIsraelis battlingHamas,aswellasforadeal to normalize relations between IsraelandSaudiArabia.



Despite the diplomatic breakthrough, hostilities raged as Israel dramatically ramped up its campaignofairstrikesinBeirutand otherpartsofLebanon,withhealth authorities reporting at least 18 killed.

The Israeli military said it struck“componentsofHezbollah’s financial management and systems” including a moneyexchangeoffice.

Israel issued more evacuation warnings late on Tuesday, just hours before the ceasefire was due totakeeffect.

Hezbollah also kept up rocket fireintoIsrael.

Israel’s air force intercepted three launches from Lebanese territory, the military said, in an extensive missile barrage on Tuesday night that led to warning alarms in approximately 115 settlements.

Alia Ibrahim, a mother of twin girls from the southern village of Qaaqaiyat al-Snawbar, who had

fled nearly three months ago to Beirut, said she hoped Israeli officials, who have expressed contradictoryviews on a ceasefire, wouldbefaithfultothedeal.

“Our village – they destroyed half of it. In these few seconds before they announced the ceasefire, they destroyed half our village,”shesaid.“Godwilling,we can go back to our homes and our land.”

A poll conducted by Israel’s Channel 12 TV found that 37% of Israelis were in favor of the ceasefire, compared with 32% against.

Opponents to the deal in Israel include opposition leaders and headsoftownsnearIsrael’sborder with Lebanon, who want a depopulated buffer zone on Lebanon’ssideofthefrontier

Both the Lebanese government and Hezbollah have insisted that a return of displaced civilians to southern Lebanon is a key tenet of thetruce.

IsraeliSecurityMinisterItamar Ben-Gvir, a right-wing member of Netanyahu’sgovernment,saidonX the agreement does not ensure the return of Israelis to their homes in the country’s north and that the Lebanese army did not have the abilitytoovercomeHezbollah.

“In order to leave Lebanon, we must have our own security belt,” Ben-Gvirsaid.


Trinidad ExpressCRIMINAL charges have been reinstated against seven police officers who were allowed to walk free by a High Court master last Mondayafterbeingbroughtbefore the court in 2023 for allegedly extorting businessmen in the SangreGrandearea.

Theofficersweredischargedby Master Sarah De Silva after the police prosecution failed on two consecutive occasions to follow court-imposed directions in preparation of the cases moving forward.

On Tuesday evening the TrinidadandTobagoPoliceService (TTPS) issued a media release announcing that following consultation with the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), the charges were re-laid against Insp Deyal Ramlakhan; acting Cpl Shaheed Khan; PC DavananRagbir;PCJasonOsouna; PCMacaiJoseph;PCCleonSmith andPCReyonCharles.

However, when the Express reached out to a some of the

sly represented the officers, they all claimedtheyneededtoconfirmthe


Other legal sources who practice in the criminal courts said itwasnotnecessaryfortheofficers toberearrestedforthechargestobe reinstated. They stated that the charges can be re-laid and the accused then be served with summons to re-appear in court at a laterdate.

The media release did not

provide any date when they are to re-appear

Police Commissioner Erla Christopher was quoted as saying: “The re-laying of these charges demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that justice is served.The TTPSwillcontinuetoworkclosely withtheOfficeoftheDPPtoensure the proper determination of these matters.”

The officers were charged for misbehaviour in public office and conspiracy to pervert the course of public justice by willfully making false written statements to implicate a victim in a criminal investigation involving the operation of an illegal gaming house.

During last Monday’s virtual hearing,therewasnoappearanceof any of the three officers from the Professional Standards Bureau (PSB) who laid the charges. There was also initially no police prosecutorpresent.

Essentially, the master was left unaware whether the file had even beensubmittedtotheDPP’sOffice foraStateattorneytobeappointed toprosecutetheofficers.

Master De Silva temporarily stood down the proceedings and a few minutes later, police prosecutor,CplBayne,appearedon the link. He said however, he was only holding for the prosecutor assigned to the court and was therefore unable to provide the court with any update pertinent to any steps that had been taken relative to the progression of the cases.

On November 1, when the file ought to have already been submitted to the DPP’s Office, MasterDeSilvawasinformedthat it was still with the PSB as the investigators were “tying up loose ends”beforehavingitsubmitted.

On that day, the master gave a final opportunity to the PSB and directedthatthethreeinvestigators wholaidthechargesweretosubmit the file to the DPP’s Office by November8,andthatdisclosureof the State’s evidence must be made totheaccusedbyNovember15.

Butwithnooneabletoprovide any update during the last hearing the master discharged the officers aftergrantingapplicationsmadeby theirrespectiveattorneys. She noted that it had been approximately18monthssincethe officerswerechargedandtheState failed in its responsibility by not taking the steps it was required to forthemattertomoveforwardwith expedition.

The officers were represented by a battery of attorneys including Pamela Elder, SC, RussellWarner, Peter Carter, Fareed Ali, Sherry Singh, Terry Boyer, Ulric Skerritt andSeannaBaboolal.

FALLING SHORT: Police Commissioner Erla Christopher responds to a question during yesterday’s sitting of the JSC in Parliament. - Photo: PARLIAMENT

Shepherd excited for IPL journey with RCB

West Indies all-rounder

Romario Shepherd has added another chapter to his cricketing journey, joining the Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) for the 2025IndianPremierLeague (IPL)season.

Secured for US$182,000 at the player auction on

Monday, Shepherd expressed his excitement at being part of one of the

league’s most iconic franchises.

“Everyone dreams of being in the IPL,” Shepherd sharedwhilespeakingtothe Mediaatacocktailreception ahead of the start of the GlobalSuperLeague. Headded,“I’mdelighted to be going to one of the biggest franchises in the tournament and playing alongside some of the greatest players, including oneofthebestbatsmenever It’sagreatfeeling.”

This isn’t Shepherd’s firstbrushwiththeIPL.The dynamic all-rounder has

previously represented the Mumbai Indians (MI) and SunrisersHyderabad(SRH), gainingvaluableexposureto one of cricket’s most competitiveleagues.

Shepherd’s IPL record includes 10 matches, where he has claimed 9 wickets at an economy rate of 10.89. With the bat, he has contributed 115 runs at an impressive strike rate of 182 54, showcasing his versatility as a genuine allrounder

Reflecting on his past

Wednesday November 27, 2024


You may find your emotions difficult to deal with, Aries, especially later in the day

Consider taking an intellectual instead of emotionalapproach.


Communication with others couldbeextremelyrewarding, Taurus, especially later in the day Project more of your energy outward and join others in projects that you might otherwise try to tackle onyourown.


Make sure you solidify your affairs early in the day, Gemini, because the sparks are going to fly after sunset. Peoplemighttrytothrowyou off balance with fast talk and fancyideas.


Thingsarelookingupforyou, Cancer, especially later in the day Pieces should be coming together and things flowing into place naturally You will find that your outwarddirected energy is better balancednow


Theenergyisapttopickupin yourlifetoday,Leo.Youmay be asked to report to duty Don'tmakepromisesyoucan't keep.Yourwordswillbetaken seriously

VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)

There's extra aggression in yourworldtoday Realizethat this is probably due more to your reaction to a situation than to the situation itself. It couldbethatyou'reinconflict with someone just because he orshewantsharmony


Your mood may take a bizarre twist today, as you calm your desire to fight for something. You'reprobablymoreinterested in enjoying the beauty of somethingratherthantryingto keepitforyourself.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Things are going to get better and better for you as the day progresses,Scorpio.Trytoget your grounded, practical, and logicalselfcollectedduringthe daysoyouhavetheeveningto socialize and commune with closefriends,ifpossible.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

There may be a bit of aggravation in a part of your life that's urging you to get up and do something. It could be that you're getting overly emotionalaboutacertainissue.


You may feel a bit stodgy today,Capricorn,butthingsare goingtopickuptonight.There willbeagreatdealofairtofuel your fire, and you're ready to burn!Youcouldbelikeadesert of dry sagebrush just ready to besetalight.


Get things taken care of in the morningsoyoucanbecarefree and laid back in the evening. It'simportantforyoutosquare thingsawayinyourheadsoyou can communicate important informationtootherslater


Your usual lazy attitude is apt to receive a burst of energy tonight, Pisces. It's in your nature not to want to lift a finger,butforsomereasonyou maybecompelledtogetupand getmoving.


five years. “We’re going to put our foot on the gas,” he asserted. The goal is to host 12 major international events annuallyby2027,spanningdisciplineslikeboxing,MMA, football,horseracing,andevenesports.

Thevisionincludesinvitingtop-tierfootballclubsfrom aroundtheworldtocompeteinGuyana,hostingworld-class championship boxing matches, and building an ecosystem that integrates sports with cultural experiences such as concertsandfestivals.

TheGovernmentofGuyana’ssubstantialinvestmentin sports over the last four years, according to President Ali, underscoresitsbeliefinthesector’spotentialasadriverof economic growth, with their focus on building a sports economy is not just about entertainment but also about creating jobs, boosting tourism, and solidifying Guyana’s globalpresence.

IPL experiences, Shepherd said: “I understand the IPL better now It’s fast-paced and features the best players intheworld,whichmakesit highlycompetitive.Mytime withMIlastseasongaveme a feel for the tournament’s intensity and helped me prepareforwhat’sahead.”

At29,Shepherdbelieves hehasmaturedasacricketer, understanding his game better and making smarter decisions on the field. “I’ve worked on balancing my bowling and batting. I want to remain a genuine allrounder, contributing equallyinbothdepartments. I’ve also learned to read the game better and plan my innings and spells accordingly,”heexplained.

While Shepherd prefers not to set rigid goals, he underlinesadaptability “The game dictates my approach. Whether I’m bowling or batting, I focus on the situation at hand, which helps me stay grounded and performeffectively.”

JoiningRCBpresentsan exciting opportunity for Shepherd to shine on the global stage. Known for his ability to bowl impactful death overs and strike big with the bat, he is poised to be a valuable asset for the franchise. “RCB is a special team, and the chance to contribute to their success is an honour The IPL is the ultimatestageforacricketer, andI’meagertogivemybest for the team and fans,”

Shepherd remarked Shepherd’s focus isn’t limitedtotheIPL.Heisalso playing for the Guyana Amazon Warriors in the inaugural Guyana Super League(GSL),atournament he sees as an opportunity to honehisskillsfurther

“TheGSLisabigevent, andI’mtakingitasseriously as any other major tournament It’s about building consistency and maintaininghighstandards,” hesaid.

Through strategic partnerships and unwavering government support, PresidentAli believes that Guyana is poisedtoredefineitsidentityontheglobalstage,withsports asthecentrepieceofitstransformation.

Romario Shepherd

ExxonMobil Global Super League…

Amazon Warriors trounce Qalandars in opener

The Guyana Amazon Warriors (GAW) treated their fans to an opening v

e Qalandars in the inaugural ExxonMobil Global Super League, which commenced


Warriors settled the nerves to cruise to a comfortable 7-wicket win after winning the toss and giving the opposition the first strike. Qalanders were restricted to 125, four balls short of their allotted 20 overs. The host team was able to chalk up 129 – 4 in 17.5overs,complimentsofa terrific innings from Shai Hope.

Mark Deyal (1) was dismissedonthefifthballof the chase by Salman Mirza

owing to poor shot selection withthescoreonthree.Hope and Moeen Ali (17) then movedmodestlythroughthe powerplay but the latter was removed by Mirza with one overleftinit.GAWwere382aftersixovers.

Shimron Hetmyer (14) joined Hope and took a firmer grip on the chase, adding 41 runs for the third wicket before Asif Afridi bowledtheleft-handerasthe score ticked over to 76 – 3. Afridi impacted the game once more with the removal of Roston Chase (15); the Warriorswere96-4. KeemoPaularrivedwith GAW needing 30 from 33 deliveries with Hope on his way to another T20 halfcentury Paul’s cameo of 27 from 13 propelled the GAW over the line with 13 balls

remaining and Hope was unbeaten at the other end on 45.Earlierintheevening,the two teams emerged from a balanced powerplay as Qalandars tallied 47-2 from the first six overs. Tanzim Sakib drew first blood when he trapped the opening batsman,MirazBaig(5),leg before wicket in the second overwiththescoreon13.

Baig’s partner, Adam Rossington, tried to accelerate the scoring after that alongside new batsman, Mohammad Faizan, and struck three fours and two maximumsbutwashaltedby Hassan Khan on 25 as he held out to Dwaine Pretoriousatlong-on.

TomAbell joined Faizan (9) with the score on 35 and theywereabletomotorpast the 50-run mark, where the

latter suffered a runout following an excellent bit of fielding from the wicketkeeper,Hope.

New batter Luke Wells (11) had a short stay, falling lbw to skipper Imran Tahir while Abell continued to resist the Amazon Warriors spinners through the middle phaseoftheinnings.

Tahirendedhisspellthat yielded1-25atthe13thover asQalandarsclimbedto87–4. Into the final five overs, LQ were 102-4 with Abell steadily approaching a halfcenturyandimmediatelylost Muhammad Akhlaq (8) to Khanattheotherend.

With the need to acce

e penultimate over,Abell (48) wentbigonthefirstballbut foundKeemoPauljustshort ofthemidwicketboundary

Two balls later, Carlos Brathwaite(9)fell,followed by Asif Afridi (0) the next ball to put Pretorious on a hat-trick. He was denied the milestone but Faheem Ashraf became the fourth wicket to fall in the over, whichcostonlytworuns.

Theendoftheimplosion came in the final over when Mirza skied one from Sakib and was caught, as the final fourwicketsfellfor5runs.

With less than a month to go preparations have heightenedforthemuchanticipatedKennardMemorialTurf Club(KMTC)BoxingDayhorseracemeet.

The event, which is slated for the venue at Bush Lot Farm, Corentyne, Berbice, has seen the organisers making otherchangestotheday’sracecard.

TheKMTChasbeentoutedasoneofthetophorseracing venuesinthecountryandisrenownedforstagingtopclass meets. The December 26th race meet is one of the leading eventsontheracingcalendarinGuyana.

Sevenracesarelistedontheprogrammewithoverseven million dollars in cash trophies and other incentives up for grabs.

According to Honorary President and Matriarch of the club, Mrs. Chand Kennard, one further change has been made to the days programme. She said that a number of requesthavebeenmadebyhorseownersandsponsorstobe a part of the day’s activities. The Club is trying to be as accommodatingaspossiblethusthechanges.

The G1 and lower event has been replaced by an event forH1andlowerhorsesgoingover7furlongsforafirstprize of$500,000andtrophy

The Lnon-winners event has been upgraded to Lopen over6furlongsfora$250,000winnerstakeandtrophy

Thefeatureeventremainstheclashforhorsesclassified C1 and lower over mile for a winners’take of $1.2M and trophy

The other races are the event for Three years old open Guyana bred horses, competing for a winners’ money of $500,000 and trophy over 7 furlongs, an event for J and loweranimals,racingforafirstprizeof$300,000andtrophy over 6 furlongs, one for K class non-winners and L open horses, matching strides over 6 furlongs for $250,000 and trophy.

GuyanaBred2-yearsoldmaidenanimalswillberacing over 5 furlongs for a winner’s reward of $250,000 and trophy

Theoutstandingjockeys,trainersandstablewillreceive trophies and other accolades compliments of Businessman RameshSunichoftheTrophyStall.

The event will be conducted using the rules of The KMTC.

ContactcanbemadewithIsaacDalloo689-0629,Fazal Habibulla 657-7010, T Jagdeo 618-7278, Ropnauth Sewsankar 678-6722 or any other executive of the KMTC forfurtherdetails. Bugletimeis12:30hrs.

Shai Hope (Getty Images)

Romeo Hunter snares Sub-Junior and Open gold and bronze medals at Load The Kilos Classic

Competing for the first time since he migrated to the USA a few months ago, Guyana’s squat gold medalist at the 2023

World Sub-Junior and Junior Championships, Romeo Hunter has continued to prove that he is a top class athlete. Competing at the Load The Kilos Classic in Houston, Texas on Sunday last with the blessings of the Guyana Amateur Powerlifting Federation, the 18 year-old Hunter, with a bodyweight of 74.48kg, capturedagoldandbronzecompetinginthe 83kg Men’s Raw Sub-Junior and Open, classes.

Despite being the lightest competitor at

74.48kg in the 83kg weight class, Hunter proved again that he can dominate his SubJuniorpeersandevenoptedtocompetewith thebigguysintheopencategoryandproved that he can finish on the podium even amongstthebigguys.

His lifts of Squat: 265kg, Bench Press: 157.5kg,Deadlift:240kgandTotal:662.5kg was good enough for the Sub-Junior gold medalandtheOpen,bronzemedal.

Initially Hunter had planned to enter the 74kg category, but because most of the competitors were in the 83kg division on competition day, he decided to face the bulk oftherivalry

Hunter said he was pleased with his accomplishment and will continue to train consistently as he will be representing the GoldenArrowhead come 2025 on the world stage once again where he has unfinished businesstocomplete.

Meanwhile, the GAPLF will be hosting its Senior Championships on Sunday December 8, at Saint Stanislaus College Auditorium where exciting action is set to unfold as the Federation brings the curtains downonanothersuccessfulyearforthesport.

Romeo Hunter (right) who took the senior bronze medal, pose with the gold and silver medal senior winners.

Mario Washington rides away with Mayoral cycle road race around New Amsterdam

TheMayoralCycleroadraceheldaround the town of New Amsterdam was successfully held last Sunday around the town of New Amsterdam. It was fireworks from the start of the event with the young guns rising to the occasion to take center stage.

The event, which was held in honour of MayorWainwrightMcIntosh,wasorganized by The Flying Ace Cycle Club (FACC) of New Amsterdam. The race, which was for cyclistsofRegions5and6,alsobroughtthe curtains down on the 133rd Anniversary celebrations of the town. The event was

NAMayor Wainwright McIntosh third left pose with the winners and other outstanding performers along with coach Randolph Roberts and other sponsors and organisers.

deemed a huge success and saw the young guns signaling their intentions early as they giveittheiralltomaketheeventamemorable one. The riders were sent on their way from the junction of Main and Pitt Street, New Amsterdamforthe10lapsevent.

Mayor McIntosh was ready for the occasion as he donned his cycling garbs and mounted his bike to lead the cyclists for one laparoundthetownbeforetheeventactually began.Theracehadaslightdelayedstartdue to the opening of the Berbice Bridge. However, as soon as they were sent on their way by the Mayor the young guns showed thattheymeantbusiness.Theeventwasoffto a blistering start with up and coming wheelsmen Mario Washington and Sidwell Sandy battling it out for most of the event. With the hectic pace a few cyclists were lapped.Theding dong battle continued until the end with Washington using his skills to holdoffthestrongchallengeofSandytotake tophonours.Despitethechallengeofveteran riderJaikarranSookhaihewasoutgunnedby theyoungerridersasheplacedthird.

Sookhaiwasthefirstveterantocrossthe line. Dion David rode home second with ClementDoristhird.

Sandyclaimedtheprizeforthetopjunior onshow Inthebeginners’categorytherewas

a battle among the offspring with Dinesh Sookhai getting the better of Clemroy Doris inanotherclosefinish.

TheBMXridershadtheirgowithanother offspringinFrancoCrawfordJrmakinglight work of his opponents to win easily Jeremy Sinclair,placedsecondwithJadenGladstone third. A special prize went to Justin in the BMX category while another special prize was awarded to Chris Promes who is a new comerintheracingbikecategory

The six Prime point prizes were shared equallybetweenWashingtonandSandy

The presentation of awards was done immediately after the completion of the event. Among the sponsors were Mayor McIntosh, Franco Crawford, Banks DIH Limited, East Shopping Enterprise, Steve Auto Sales, Ria’s Burger, Poultry Plus and Sookpaul’sGasStation.Thecoordinatorwas coachRandolphRobertsandhewasassisted byFrancoCrawfordandEliHazel.

MayorMcIntoshthankedtheparticipants and congratulated the winners as he highlighted the success of the 133rd Anniversary celebration of the Municipalities.

The police contingent led by Sergeant Wood and his ranks were commended for a splendidjobdone. (SamuelWhyte)

President Ali sees sports as ‘centrepiece’ of Guyana’s transformation

President Irfaan Ali has reaffirmed his government’s c o m m i t m e n t t o revolutionizing sports in Guyana, unveiling bold planstotransformthenation intoaglobalhubforsporting eventsandinfrastructure.

President Ali’s vision is bold, “We are working to bring the world to Guyana. Whether it’s the best footballers, championship

fighters, or major international events, we want to make Guyana a global destination for sports andculture.”

Over the past four years, President Ali’s government has invested significantly in sports,settingthefoundation for what the President envisions as a thriving “sports economy” that integrates tourism, culture, a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l engagement.

Between2020and2024, the government allocated an unprecedented $13 61 b i l l i o n t o s p o r t s development, reflecting a historic commitment to nurturing athletic talent, promoting wellness, and elevating Guyana’s standing ininternationalsports.

Under President Ali’s leadership,thesportsbudget has seen significant increases year-after-year In 2020, $805.3 million was allocated to the Ministry of Sport. This amount nearly doubled to $1.5 billion in 2021,climbedto$2.4billion in 2022, and further

expanded to $4.3 billion in 2023 and $4.6 billion in 2024.

These investments have been used to build new stadiums, athletic and recreational facilities, and wellness centres, as well as to rehabilitate community grounds in both urban and ruralareas.

President Ali expressed hisenthusiasmforagroundbreaking new global tournament that debuted yesterday at the Guyana National Stadium, accentuating its importance inpositioningthecountryon the international sports stage.

Unlike other events that start locally or regionally,

The Global Super League (GSL)waslauncheddirectly at the international level, showcasing Guyana’s readiness to host events of thismagnitude.

“This tournament positions Guyana to benefit tremendouslyfromatourism perspective.Italsoallowsus

tobuildasportingecosystem and infrastructure that will lead the region in elevating our sports economy,” PresidentAlistated.

Speaking to reporters on the side-lines of a cocktail reception on the eve of the GSL start, President Ali praised the professionalism of the event organizers, noting their commitment to delivering a world-class experience.

He outlined the tournament’s potential to spin off into other disciplines, including basketball, football, boxing, and mixed martial arts (MMA), forming the cornerstone of a broader “sporting architecture” for Guyana.

PresidentAlihighlighted ongoing discussions with global partners, including India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, to strengthen ties and attract influential players in the sportsworld.

“India is an epicentre of



authenticity Just as football brings people together through its energy and passion, Rockstone connects us with moments of competitivenessandcelebration.”

McGarrell highlighted the company’s pride in being the driving force behind this novel initiative, noting that the success of theirproduct,despiteitsrecentintroduction to the market, has provided the platform to stagesuchanevent.

He affirmed, “The Rockstone Street Classicismorethanjustacompetition.Itisa platformtoshineaspotlightontheimmense talent, skill, and determination within our communities. This championship is set to bringouttheverybestinourlocalteamsand create unforgettable moments for fans.” McGarrellalsonotedtheintentiontoexpand the tournament to other jurisdictions in the NewYear,withtheaimofdevelopingitinto a national championship This would providemoreplayerswiththeopportunityto showcasetheirtalents.

Meanwhile,MikhailDaSilva,Tradeand Marketing Executive of Guyana Breweries, stated that the company has played an integral role in the development of young people He pointed to their recent contributions to league football as evidence ofthiscommitment.

Thechampionshipwillfollowastraight knockout format. Winners of the opening roundwilladvancetothesemifinalstage.In the semifinals, the winner of Group 1 will playthewinnerofGroup2,whilethewinner of Group 3 will face the winner of Group 4 forspotsinthefinal.Withacondensedpitch and rapid gameplay, the futsal format is designedtotestskill,strategy,andstaminain waysthattraditionalfootballcannot.

Spectatorscanexpectdazzlingdribbles, clinical finishing, and nail-biting moments assomeoftheregion’smostexcitingplayers go head-to-head. Who will rise to the occasionandclaimthetitleofthefirst-ever Rockstone Street Classic champions? Be theretowitnessthemagicunfold.

- says, “We are working to bring the world to Guyana”

cricket, and engagement with their stakeholders is critical,” he explained, adding that countries like England,Australia,Pakistan,

and Bangladesh have also been involved, signalling Guyana’sintenttobecomea key player in global cricket andbeyond.

Looking ahead, the Presidentrevealedambitious plans to accelerate sports developmentoverthenext (Continued on page 31)

His Excellency Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali


SportsMax-WestIndies ended a two-and-a-half-year wait for a Test win on home soil with an emphatic 201runtriumphoverBangladesh in the firstTest of their twomatchseriesinAntigua.

The hosts’ commanding performance showcased

their pace attack’s dominance and underlined their desire to return to winning ways in the longest format.

Bangladesh’s pursuit of an improbable 334 was thwarted on Tuesday’s fifth morning at 132-9, with

Shoriful Islam’s retirement due to a shoulder injury effectivelysealingtheresult.

Shoriful’sdecisionnotto continue resulted from Alzarri Joseph’s short-ball assault on Bangladesh number 11, as West Indies needed just seven overs to


Alzarri Joseph set the toneearly,dismissingHasan Mahmud for a duck with a sharp delivery that moved away, drawing an edge that was caught low down by wicketkeeper Joshua da Silva.

Jaker Ali, the lone resistance in Bangladesh’s lower order, seemed set to delay the inevitable but was later trapped leg-beforewicket for 31 after a dogged 58-ball stay that included fourboundaries.

With only two wickets left, Alzarri turned up the heat, relentlessly peppering Taskin Ahmed and Shoriful with bouncers. The West Indies fielders joined the action, adding verbal pressure to the beleaguered Bangladeshtailenders.

When Shoriful was unable to continue after Joseph’sblow,thematchwas called off, capping an aggressiveandclinicaleffort


This victory marks a turning point for the West Indies, who last tasted a home Test win in 2021. The performance was built on a foundationofaggressivefast bowling and a collective resolve to dominate in all phasesofthegame.

Alzarri Joseph and Jayden Seales ended with five wickets in the match, while Kemar Roach ended with four, and Man-of-theMatch Justin Greaves had two to go with his unbeaten 115 with the bat, as West Indies, opting to play five s e a m e r s , w a s n o t disappointed.

C a p t a i n K r a i g g

Brathwaite praised the team’s effort, highlighting the bowlers’ role in the victory

“A lot of learning has takenplacefromtheEngland tour.Test cricket is all about learning, and that’s what I tellourguys.Wehaveseena

Exciting action continues in the East Bank Football Association Boys U14 League

hundred here, and that was positive. Good to get a Test win, and we continue working hard. [On five-man paceattack]Italldependson the surface, but these guys have different skill set,” Brathwaite said in a postgameinterview

“Where improvement is concerned, we have to stay hungryisone.Someguysgot bigfifties;itwasgoodtosee, butthisTestisover Weneed tokeepatit,”headded.

Now leading 1-0, Brathwaiteandhisteamwill be aiming to wrap up the series when the second match bowls off at Sabina ParkinJamaicaonSaturday Scores:West Indies 4509 dec (Greaves 115*, Louis 97, Mahmud 3-87) and 152 (Athanaze 42, Taskin 6-64, M e h i d y 2 - 3 1 ) b e a t Bangladesh 269-9 dec (Jaker 53, A Joseph 3-69, Greaves 2-34) and 132 (Mehidy 45, Roach 3-20, Seales3-45)by201runs.

TheEastBankFootballAssociationBoys U14Leaguedeliveredanotherthrillingdayof youth football on Sunday with two captivating matches that showcased the incredible talent and determination of the youngplayers.

In the opening game, Timehri United’s Nyron Barrow, the league’s leading goal scorer, demonstrated his exceptional freekick prowess by netting two stunning goals againstSoesdykeFC.

Barrow’s first strike came in the 35th minute,followedbyanothermasterfulkickin the 58th minute, sealing a 2-0 victory for TimehriUnited.Despitethedefeat,Soesdyke FC put up a strong fight, creating several goal-scoring opportunities and displaying commendable resilience throughout the match.

The second game saw a major upset as Friendship All Stars FC edged out the tournament favorites, Swan FC, with a narrow 1-0 victory In a fiercely contested match filled with pace and skill, both goalkeepers delivered outstanding performances. However, it was Friendship’s

The two teams along with the match official march on before the start of the match.

Brandon Bruce who made the difference, capitalizing on a loose ball just outside the box in the 57th minute and unleashing a precise right-footedshot into the bottom-left cornerofSwanFC’sgoal.

SwanFClaunchedadesperatefinalattack in the closing moments, but Friendship’s defenceheldfirmtosecurethewin.


The league action resumes on Sunday, December1,2024,attheHerstellingGround in MochaArcadia. Fans can look forward to anotherdayofexcitingyouthfootball: 10:00 hrs: Herstelling FC vs. Timehri UnitedFC

12:00 noon: Soesdyke FC vs. Friendship AllStarsFC

Footballfansareencouragedtocomeout and support these talented young players as they compete with passion and determination.

TheEastBankFootballAssociationBoys U14 League is proudly supported by the Guyana Football Federation (GFF), demonstrating a shared commitment to nurturingthefutureofGuyanesefootball.

Rockstone inaugural Street Classic C/Ship kicks off this Friday

The footballing fraternity issettoigniteastheinaugural RockstoneStreet-ballClassic Futsal Championship takes

center stage at the Pouderoyen Tarmac on November 29 and December 6 This announcement was made during yesterday’s launch at the Guyana Breweries office, located in Providence, East Bank Demerara.

Sponsored by Guyana Breweries under their Rockstone Tonic Wine brand,thechampionshiphas drawn eight electrifying teams eager to compete for glory and neighbourhood pride. Withhighstakes,fastpaced action, and a vibrant atmosphere expected, this

landmark event promises to be a thrilling showcase of Guyana’s futsal talent. The

competing teams are Agricola, Ballers Empire, Bagotstown Warriors, Pouderoyen Brothers, Team Family, Jetty Gunners, Showstoppers, and West SideBallers.

The winner of the event willtakehome$200,000and the championship trophy, while the second, third, and fourth-place finishers will receive $100,000, $75,000, and$50,000,respectively.

Thechampionshipmarks a significant milestone in Guyana’s sports landscape, providing a platform to nurture futsal talent, while fostering community spirit.

With matches scheduled across two pulsating nights, fans can look forward to a carnival-like atmosphere featuring music, local food stalls, and a passionate crowd rallying behind their teams. Seweon McGarrell, Marketing Manager of Guyana Breweries, said, “This event marks a significant milestone not only for our brand, Rockstone Tonic Wine, but also for the talented players who love street football in Guyana. Rockstone Tonic Wine is a brand rooted in boldness,resilience,and (Continued on page 35)

Tournament coordinator, Esan Griffith (left) collecting sponsorship from Seweon Mc Garell (center), Marketing Manager of the Guyana Breweries Inc in the presence of Trade Marketing executive, Mikhail DaSilva.

Pres. Ali sees sports

‘centrepiece’ of Guyana’s transformation

- says, “We are working to bring the world to Guyana”

President IrfaanAliflankedby(L-R), DrRanjisinghi‘Bobby’Ramroop,SirClive Lloyd,ExxonMobilGuyanaPresident, AlistairRoutledgeandCPLCEO,PeteRussell.

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