Gas plants to date, 58% of works completed GYD$99BspentonWales
Fire Service warns against maliciously set fires
Miner stabbed to death during argument at ‘Honey Camp’
House approves $30.5B for cash grant distribution
Demerara Bank leading credit growth, achieves zero non-performing loans – CEO
Gas plants to date, 58% of works completed GYD$99B spent on Wales
The National Assembly on Wednesday approved an additional$25.3Btosupport the Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) facility and the 300megawattpowerplantbeing constructed at Wales, West BankDemerara.
The two plants are crucialtotheGas-to-Energy (GTE) project, which also featuresagaspipeline,being developed by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) to transport the resources from theStabroekBlock,offshore Guyana, to the Wales developmentsite.
additional sum was granted by the House following a thorough analysis of the amount requested by the OfficeofthePrimeMinister Brigadier (ret'd) Mark Phillips, Prime Minister of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana told the House that construction of the two plants is progressing well, with 58% of the works alreadycompletedtodateby the con
r, CH4Lindsayca.
While responding to a question from Opposition Member of Parliament, David Patterson on the
explained,“TheNaturalGas PowerPlantandNaturalGas Liquidplantcommencement contract (was) December 2022...the contract sum is $159B, expenditure prior to 2024is$55.7B.”
Meanwhile, he also i
“Expenditure as at today's dateis$44,678,828,886.The balance on the contract to date is $59,514,413,036 and you have the projected expenditure, you have the
The Prime Minister also provided the National Assembly with a detailed breakdown for the $25.3B expenditure requested to support the project. Please see the table below for details.
It should be noted that EMGL is also making progress on the gas pipeline that is expected to be completedbytheendofthis year
At a press conference in October, President of EMGL, Alistair Routledge told reporters that the
pipeline was mechanically completed. He explained, “It's been hydrotested, pressure test and we have been going through the dewateringexerciseandthen introducing nitrogen so we have a pipeline that is ready tointroducenaturalgas…” He noted that Exxon's responsibilitiesincludingthe risers, pipeline through the deep-water, shallow water and onshore is on schedule for completion by this year end.Tothisend,hesaid,“So delighted to see that on course and on budget as well.”
Demerara Bank leading credit growth, achieves zero non-performing loans – CEO
ChiefExecutiveOfficer(CEO) ofDemeraraBankLimited(DBL), DowlatParbhu,announcedthatthe bank is at the forefront of credit growth in Guyana, particularly in serving the private sector's financialneeds.
Speaking at an event on Tuesdayunderthetheme“Banking Made Easier,” Parbhu highlighted DBL's achievements and reaffirmed its commitment to enhancing accessibility for all Guyanese “Being a Guyanese bank, and from its inception, our drive was to always find ways to make banking easier and not just easier but also accessible for all Guyanese,”hestated.
Parbhu reflected on the challenges faced two decades ago when larger banks operating in Guyana failed to address the genuinebankingneedsofthelocal population and the demands of the economy Today, he emphasised,
DBL has not only bridged those gaps but has also established itself asaleaderincreditgrowth,driving significant development across the country
“Our lending increased over the last 12 months by 34%, a growthof$24billion,thehighestin our history and the industry This lendingcontributedto38%oftotal lending done by the banking system over the last 12 months,” thebank'sCEO.
He noted that the lending done by all six commercial banks in Guyanaforthelast12monthswas $64 billion, with DBL attributing for $24 billion of that amount whichis38%oftotallendingdone by the banking system. “Basically, DBL's expansion of credit outpaced all the banks in Guyana, including the largest bank, by not only percentage but by value,” Parbhuadded.
Some key statistics disclosed
lendinglimitsnowforaGroup$11 billion, and Single Company $6.9 billion This is phenomenal growth.”
Parbhu also said that DBL has the lowest average lending rate in Guyana and the best return on assets in the country, with the average return within banking sector being 2.10% while DBL is 3.10%.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Demerara Bank Limited (DBL), Dowlat Parbhu
by the CEO for the last financial year ending September 2024, includesDBLreachingthestatusof being the second largest lender in Guyana.
Henoted,“DBLhasthesecond largest capital base in Guyana, essentially we can lend in terms of
Heoutlined,“DBLhasthebest capitaladequacyratioinGuyanaof 23.53% against industry of 18%, this speaks about the quality of assets against capital and the strength of the bank against its peers.”
To this end, Parbhu stated that DBL is the only bank in Guyana withzeronon-performingloans.
“Wecansay,becauseDBLmay not be lending, they can achieve zero non-performing, but the reality is that we have increased lending by 34% over the last 12
monthsandby137.5%overthelast fiveyears,”headded.
Parbhu underscored that the bank's rapid growth over the past five years, with lending increasing by 137 5%, far outpacing the 57.5% growth recorded by the otherfivecommercialbanks.
He added, “DBL has been championing the lending over the last5years.”
The CEO noted that DBL's success comes despite its position astheyoungestcommercialbankin Guyana. “There figures have to alsobetakenintocontextthatDBL is the youngest bank in Guyana, others have been operating more than75yearsinGuyanainaddition to competing with International andRegionalbanksanddespitethis DBLhasgrowntothislevelthatwe are leading the charge of the day and by doing so making a significant contribution to the Guyaneseeconomy.”
Prime Minister, Brigadier (ret'd) Mark Phillips and team in the National Assembly responding to questions
Guyana must qualify to be a better giver than Santa Claus when oil enters the discussion. Guyana’s oil is so good to others beyond our borders that even John Hess, CEOofHessCorporationfoundhimselfoverwhelmed. It is so rich that he has had his fill, arranged for a senior colleaguetosharemoregoodnews. ButGuyana’soilisnot onlygoodforAmericanoilcompanies,foreignshipbuilders, and other vendors who get a taste of Guyana’s rich and inexpensiveoilcheesecake Guyana’soilhasdriventhePPP/C Governmenttotheedgeofmadness Thisnationalendowment isthesourceofgreatThanksgivingjoytomany Thetragedyis thatthepeoplewhoarethetrueownersofthisoilaretreatedlike inconvenientbeggarsviatheone-sidedrealityofwhofeasts, while many live with famine Like Native Americans, Guyanese watch as their land, their treasure, and their existenceareallseizedorstolenfromthem,whiletheyare leftwithscrapsintheirhands.
Thanksgivinginthegreattraditionofwhatisaspecial Americanholidayhasaturkeyasthebiggestattractionon centerstage. What is true (or bad) for a turkey is now the fateofthiscountry TurkeyspayapriceonThanksgivingand most Guyanese can now quickly identify with that baked and stuffedbird,becauseoftheirownoilreality CEOHessspokeso longandsomuchaboutthiscountry’shigh-quality,cheapoilthat hetired,dispatchedhisVicePresidentforGuyanaandSuriname, GlobalExploration,Ms ClaireGardnertodothehonours:“we are proud to be a partner in…this world class resource.” And,“Theworldwillneedtheselow-costoilresourcesto meetfutureenergydemandandhelpensureanaffordable, just and secure energy transition.” The audacity and unmitigatedgallofthesepeopleisincredible. Aftersetting up the APNU+AFC Coalition like a turkey to sign a lopsidedoilcontractsevenyearsago,thesamepeopleare using the word “just” to connect Guyana’s cheap oil to makeadifferenceinEuropeandotherplaces.
Where is a little justness for Guyana with this oil, is what we ask of John Hess and Alistair Routledge? Guyanese are being tricked, squeezed and then cheated with their massive oil wealth. However, this Hess CorporationVicePresident,ClareGardner,couldtalkaboutwhat is “just” and “affordable” for others, but not the oil owners, Guyanese Thereisanextraordinarylevelofhypocrisyatwork withExxonMobilanditsAmericanpartner,HessCorporation The plunderers could highlight what is “affordable” when a significantfraction of Guyana’s population can’t afford to buyfood.
Meanwhile, Vice President Jagdeo continues with his gamesaboutExxonMobil’sswiftdrivetowardsapprovalfor theseventhoilproject Hesaidthatapprovalisupintheair,but ExxonMobilracesforward,asifthatgreenlightisguaranteed While Guyana’s chief oil manager fiddles and floats, ExxonMobil exudes the confidence that it has both theVice Presidentandtheseventhoilprojectapprovalundercontrol A fewdaysago,DarrenWoods,CEOofExxonMobil,wasproud toinformhisshareholdersthatallofGuyana’soilprojectsare deliveringaboveexpectation BecauseofGuyana’slowcost, high-qualityoil,WoodsiscelebratingThanksgivingroundthe clock. Whileheandhiscrewcelebrate,Guyaneseknowwhatit istobewithout,despitehavingallthisoil. Thehistoryofthe NativeAmericansandhowtheirtreasureswerepillagedshould standasatragicmonumentforGuyanese,amidthedelightsofthose who grab this country’s wealth and give them pittances for it. Locally, the PPP/C Government has its own version of Thanksgiving ThegovernmentdrainstheTreasuryatevery opportunityformorebillionstosplurgeandenrichitscronies
ThiswasexactlywhatAmerica’sApache,Sioux,andLakota tribesheard,whiletheirlandanditsrichresourceswerelooted Guyana’s oil emphasizes how history repeats itself, how ExxonMobil and partners, and the PPP/C Government, haveThanksgivingdaily,whileGuyanesegohungry
TheAttorney General’s reliance on the Data ProtectionAct to counter call for a Data Commission is misleading and uninformed
DEAREDITOR, The Parliamentary Opposition is clear - we understand and support the imperative of open data.An Open Data Act should not only mandate the release of publicdatabutalsoestablish a robust framework for accountability, innovation, andcitizenengagement.
In its current iteration, thegovernment’spassageof the Open Data Act is not only a wasted opportunity butalsoaglaringexampleof its failure to prioritize the long-term interests of Guyanese citizens. Instead of crafting a robust framework that could genuinely transform data governance,thegovernment has once again settled for a weak and inadequate approach. Worse yet, the Attorney General’s attempt to justify this shortfall with misplaced arguments only highlights how out of depth thisadministrationiswhenit c o m e s t o s e r i o u s policymaking.
My contribution in the National Assembly during thedebateontheOpenData Billemphasizedtheneedfor a legal and institutional framework that ensures clarity, safeguards privacy, and maximizes the socioeconomic potential of open data.Unfortunately,theAct, as passed, does not address thecriticalgapsthatthreaten itsefficacy
obvious gaps, the new Act piles on additional responsibilities on an already non-functioning
C o m m i s s i o n e r o f Information. This decision to retain the role of the C o m m i s s i o n e r o f Information as the sole oversight mechanism is a missed opportunity The C o m m i s s i o n e r o f Informationasitstands,isa one-man office without enforcement power, independence, or adequate resourcesandisill-equipped to manage the vast scope of responsibilities that attend the management of open data.
Accordingly, my p r o p o s a l f o r t h e establishment of a Data Commission a multimember, independent oversight body was designed to address these shortcomings and to ensure t r a n s p a r e n c y , accountability, and adherence to international standards.
The proposed Data Commission would be responsiblefor,amongother things, monitoring compliance with the Act across all public authorities, auditing data registers and open data plans to ensure adherence to international standards and the legal requirements, publishing an annual report on the state of open data in Guyana, highlighting successes,
challenges, and areas for improvement, handling complaints and disputes related to access, data quality, or non-compliance by public authorities, investigatingbreachesofthe Act, such as unauthorized data withholding or publicationofrestricteddata and imposing penalties for failure to comply, policy development and advocacy including advising the government on open data policies and practices and promotingpublicawareness and education about open data and the benefits of transparency, as well as capacity building including providing training and technical support to Data Officers and public authorities to meet the requirementsoflegislation.
Toensureefficiencyand impartiality, the proposed Data Commission would have a chairperson, appointedbytheCommittee of Appointments of the National Assembly and C o m m i s s i o n e r srepresentatives from key sectors, including civil society, academia, legal experts, IT professionals, and business, as well as exofficio members from the relevant public authorities, such as the GNBS and the NDMA for their technical input.
The Commission should have its own budget, staff, and decision-making
authority to operate independently of the executive branch All activities, findings, and recommendations should be documented in an annual report made publicly available. I was clear in my presentationonexactlyhow the proposed Data Commission would interact with the Data Protection regime and organisations suchastheNDMA.
WhichiswhyEditor,the Attorney General’s reliance ontheDataProtectionActto counter my call for a Data Commission is both misleadinganduninformed.
Editor, the Data Protection Act upon which theAttorneyGeneralsought to rely as the basis for his spirited, albeit erroneous rebuttal, sets out clearly in thelongtitlethatitis“anAct to regulate the collection, keeping, processing use and dissemination of personal information. Open data is a fundamentally different concept The Attorney General of Guyana ought to knowthis.
The Data ProtectionAct speaks to a Data Protection Commissioner a role fundamentally different from what a Data Commission would represent.Simplyput,while the Data Protection Commissioner focuses on privacy and enforcement of dataprotectionlaws,aData
Govt. will take all steps to promote, protect and provide better health and welfare for citizens
DEAREDITOR, Vergenoegen, a village on the famous West Side, nowfondlyreferredtoasthe Best Side, was the scene of hundreds of enthusiastic residents on Monday, who cameouttowitnesstheever popular, proud and prominent Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d), the Honourable Mark Phillips, participating in the honour ofcuttingtheribbon,tomark theopeningoftheHopeand Justice Center Sharing the same platform were parliamentarians,government officers, members of the Diplomatic Corp, the IDB, RegionalOfficers,themedia, students, residents and a rhythmicTassaGroup.
There was nothing perfunctoryaboutthisopening but rather, after careful planning, foresight and execution by a visionary PPP/CGovernment,theevent wasmeticulouslyexecutedto coincide with the United Nations launching of “UNiTE”campaign,a16-day “No Excuse” for violence against women and girls, whichstartedonNovember25 with the observance of “International Day for the EliminationofViolenceagainst Women” This campaign will conclude on December 10 to commemorate “The International Human Rights Day”
Delivering the feature address in absence of the President,Dr MohamedIrfaan Ali, Prime Minister Mark Phillipsexpressedhisfondness andclosenessforthepeopleof Region3 Hedeclaredthatthe Government will be establishingaHopeandJustice Center in each region because of the critical services the Centerprovidesinresponseto the high level of domestic violence currently being experienced in Guyana With his self-styled acronym of Help, O-pportunity, P-rotection and E-mpowerment, the Honourable Mark Phillips underlinedthat“Hopeisnota wordbutaPromise”tohealand helpwhentheheartishurt He stated, “policies and programmes are rooted in principles” to protect people andprovidejustice
The ever, charming, conscientious and charismatic Minister of Human Services and Social Security, the Honourable VindhyaPersaud,graciously thanked the IDB and her hard-working teams from MHSSStomaketheCentera reality so that Region 3 will bebetterpolicefordomestic violence, especially since thisregiontopsthelistinthe
country for the wrong reason. Confirming that the Center is a pilot programme due to the institution being thefirstForensicUnitforthe State, it will “add a voice to thevoiceless”and“standup forthevulnerable.”Minister Persaud urged the residents if they see something to say something and utilize the services.
With the shrewd, sharp and sound mind of an alert, astute and admirable attorney, the Honourable Minister of Legal Affairs alluded to all the transformational exigencies taking place in Region 3 which are synonymic of G u y a n a ’ s d o l l a r development, economically and structurally, deliberate drive, geopolitically and strategically, and, diversified depth, socially and culturally The brilliant Attorney General was attending Monday’s commissioning of the second Hope and Justice CentreinGuyana,locatedat Vergenoegen, East Bank Essequibo.As he passed the birth place of the President ofGuyana,Dr IrfaanAli,he couldn’t help reflecting on all the trappings encapsuled to make Leonora the next town, not overlooking Parika as an endorsement also.
In his remarks, Mr Anil Nandlall elucidated the PPP/C Government’s commitment not to stand stagnant and static when responding to multiple
provocationstoconfrontthe varioussocialillsinsociety. Working assiduously, his ministry along with other stakeholders, are constantly reviewing and amending all thestatutoryrequirementsto reform the law in order to accommodate the necessary legalchangesandchallenges which will provide the foundation to align to currentneeds.
TheAG reported that the Government will not mince words anymore when he philosophized that while “everyactionhasareaction,” when Guyanese are “hard ears, they must feel” This unacceptablebehaviourhasto stop if not eliminated Domestic violence has been broadened to include all aspects of the consequences fromitsrepercussion,namely: morally, physically, financiallyandemotionally
From a South African visit,MinisterPersaudbirthed the idea of establishing the conceptofaHopeandJustice Center Itisaprojectborrowed from “Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières(MSF)”whichwas
founded by Dr. Bernard Kouchner in 1971 in France andbyagroupofdoctorsand journalistsinthewakeofwar andfamineinBiafra,Nigeria
It currently has an international network with 68,000 people working in sectionsin77countries
The Honourable Prime Minister proclaimed that the Center was not built with bricks but with love and understanding and must be fillednotwithpatientsbutwith compassionandcare Whileit isdesignedthatthecenterwill be the reason to help those affectedbydomesticviolence, inclusive of both women and men, it is hoped that the numberswillbeminimumand notmaximum Aswasechoed byallthespeakers,thePPP/C Government is willing, able and culpable to reach out to theprimaryneedsofsociety, and,willnothesitatetotake all precautions which are necessary to promote, protect and provide better health and welfare for the people, equally and equitably
Yoursrespectfully, JaiLall.
Albouystown Murder 1959
, During 1959, one of the biggest manhunts in the annals of the Force was carriedout.Thehuntedman, twenty-two-year-old Clement Cuffy, died soon after capture. Cuffy first came to the attention of the authorities when, with a friend,heattemptedtoroba post office at Cane Grove, East Coast Demerara. This attempt ended with a shootoutwiththepolice. His accomplice, Leslie Da Silva was caught, but Cuffy escaped after wounding one man. Soon after, a pretty teenage girl, Kumarie Singh was blasted to death in her bedroom in anotherrobberyattemptthat was accredited to Cuffy This happened at Supply, Mahaicony and a doublebarrelled shotgun was used.
Cuffythentransferredallhis fearful activities to theWest Coast Demerara, East Bank Essequiboareasnowusinga stolen 22 Winchester and
describing himself as “GeneralSatan”.
After terrorizing the villagers along the twentyfour-mile coast-line, the policewereabletopinpoint Cuffy’sactivitiesinacertain area. On the 5th September, 1959Cuffywascorneredby armed policemen at Naamryck Village, East BankEssequibo.
On reaching about sixteen feet from Cuffy’s hideout,thepolicecalledon himtosurrender,butinstead of doing so, Cuffy shot his way out killing Detective Constable 4753 Chester and seriously wounding Cpl 4633 Edgar Benn and Detective Constable 5958 BhagwandatSingh.
Cpl. Benn succumbed later in hospital, but Singh survived Assistant Commissioner David Rose (later Governor General of Guyana) and Constable 5134 Sampson (now DetectiveSenior (Continuedonpage16)
Guyana's pick of US startup faces hurdles to tap vast gas reserves
By Curtis Williams and Kemol King
Reuters -Guyana's dreamsofdevelopingitsvast natural gas resources are stuck on the drawing board five months after it picked a little-known U.S. startup, FulcrumLNG,todevelopan exportprojectthatcouldcost upto$30billion.
Guyana has one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, thanks to the rapidriseinoilproductionat lucrative offshore fields developed by Exxon Mobil. But the South American country lacks the infrastructure to use the gas produced at those fields, which is reinjected to maintainpressure.
Thegovernmentselected Fulcrum LNG in June over 16 other candidatesincluding top liquefied natural gas (LNG) and gas pipelinefirms-todevelopits gas resources and create a new revenue stream apart from oil, which is all exported.
The country's leadership said it wanted to expand its partnerships beyond the consortium led by Exxon thatproducesalltheoilinthe newenergyhotspot.
Fulcrum LNG was foundedayearagobyformer Exxon executive Jesus Bronchalo.
It was an unusual choice to pull off LNG and
infrastructure projects that will require significant expertiseandfinancialclout, industryexpertsandGuyana adviserssaid.
Fulcrum LNG "lacks requisite experience and a demonstratedabilitytoraise the type of multi-billiondollar finances required,"
said Elson Low, an economistandadvisertothe oppositionPeople'sNational Congressparty Bronchalo did not respond to Reuters requests for comment He is Fulcrum's CEO, secretary, treasurer, director and president. The only other person associated with the company, the technical director,alsodidnotrespond torequestsforinformation.
Government officials have begun to describe the selection of Fulcrum for the contractastentative.
"No project has been awardedtoanyone.We'rein an exploratory phase," Guyana's Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo told Reuters last month. That is a shift in the language used by the ministry of finance when it cited the award of the contract as among its economic achievements this year Guyana's president, who announced the award, said an agreement, that may or may not include Exxon, wasexpectednextyear
When Fulcrum was selected, Bronchalo said on
LinkedIn he was delighted and honored to be selected "todesign,finance,construct and operate the required gas infrastructure."
The company plans to pairupwithU.S.oilservices firm Baker Hughes and construction contractor McDermott Fulcrum's proposal would include financing from the U S Export-Import Bank and the participation of private equity firms and an environmental partner, the governmentsaid. Fulcrumhasyettomake public any details on those investors.
The U.S. Export-Import Bank and McDermott did not reply to requests for comment,andBakerHughes referred questions to
Fulcrum.It would be "very difficult"forastartuptoraise the financing for a multibillion-dollar infrastructure project, said Ira Joseph, an LNG market expert and senior researcher at Columbia University's Center on Global Energy Policy
Theprojectwasdesigned tohelpthecountryaddtoits energy revenue. Last year, Guyana's take from oil royalties and fees was $1.6 billion,comparedwith$6.33 billion in profit that went to theExxon-ledconsortium.
Guyana picked NevadaregisteredFulcrum,whichit said offered "the most comprehensive and technicallysoundproposal," among the bidders, including China's thirdlargest oil firm CNOOC, U S gas pipeline giant EnergyTransfer,andtheNo. 4U.S.LNGexporterVenture GlobalLNG.
Fulcrum's website does not identify any prior projects, but claims "extensive experience in origination of new opportunities to access and capture global LNG markets."Guyanese officials nowsaytheychoseFulcrum without first determining whether it could raise the money to tap the enormous gasreserves.
The technical committee that selected Fulcrum was
Agri. Ministry to intensify efforts to monitor market prices for Christmas season
AstheChristmasseason approaches, the Ministry of Agriculture, through the new Guyana Marketing Corporation (New GMC), will intensify its monitoring and reporting on the prices of fresh and agro-processed commodities.
This initiative comes in response to the usual price increasesduringtheholiday season.Inareleaseissuedon Wednesday, Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha announced that, starting in December, “The Ministry will be posting daily market prices on its social media pages to guide consumers over the holiday season.”
The Minister further explainedthattheministryis also exploring ways to monitorandsharetheprices of basic commodities in popularsupermarketsacross the country Additionally, it will be partnering with
agencies, including the Ministry of Tourism, Industry, and Commerce, to ensureeffectivemonitoring.
Minister Mustapha emphasized that a few months ago, the New GMC was instructed to compile a list detailing daily market prices for fresh and agroprocessed commodities.
While this process is ongoing,heconfirmedthatit willbegivengreaterfocusas the holiday season approaches.“We know that consumers usually have morespendingpowerduring the holiday season. More moniesarespentonavariety of fresh and agro-processed commodities.Afewmonths ago,ItaskedtheNewGMC with providing daily market updates for major markets across the country As we head into the Christmas season, these efforts will be intensified so that
Minister of Agriculture,
consumers are made aware of the commodities being soldandwhattheyarebeing sold for,” said Minister Mustapha. The ministe
he government does not implement price control mechanisms Instead, “efforts are being made to minimize food production prices,”thereleasestated.
confident it could raise money for the projects, Jagdeo told Reuters. "They represented they had the capacitytoraisethemoney."
Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat said Bronchalo's expertise, having worked at Exxon in Guyana and Asia for two decadeshelpingtonegotiate contracts, swung the selectioninhisfavor
"We don't have the expertise and capability in government, especially when it comes to gas we expectFulcrumwillhavethe capability and experience," he said in an interview in October
Exxon'sconsortiumwith Hess and CNOOC has discovered more than 11 billion barrels of oil off Guyana's Caribbean coast since 2015, and produced 500 million barrels of crude fromitsStabroekblocksince 2019, turning the tiny country overnight into a significant global oil producerThe government has been pressing the group to come up with a plan to convert its about 16 trillion cubic feet of gas reserves intovaluableexportssuchas LNG or relinquish areas where gas has been discovered so they can be developedbyothers.
Gas would help develop the country's manufacturing and food sectors and help
make it a regional energy powerhouse.
"Why isn't Exxon building the LNG plant itself?"saidJoseph.
"It is very hard to raise thatkindofmoneytomakea project work, (Guyana) wouldhavetobringinoneof the big players like TotalEnergiesorShell."
The oil major believes it alone can decide how to use that gas, a person familiar with the company's position said, citing the agreement it haswithGuyana.
So far, Exxon's only planned use for the gas is a small gas-to-power project. Exxon's Guyana country manager Alistair Routledge told Reuters the company would make a decision on tapping newer discoveries containing mostly gas by mid-2025. He has said the earliest production could start would be in 2029 or 2030.
Jagdeo said Guyana wantsFulcrumtoworkwith Exxon, but would push forwardwithorwithoutit.If, however,Exxondoesnotact on the discoveries or return the acreage for auction to otherswillingtodevelopthe gas,Guyanacouldclawback someoffshoreland,hesaid.
"Exxon did indicate that they are interested in the development of gas, but as the talks continue, we will see how much commitment is there in regards to gas," MinisterBharratsaid.
Miner stabbed to death during argument at ‘Honey Camp’
“While we do not practice price control in Guyana,thegovernmenthas been making interventions atalllevelstominimizefood production costs,” Minister Mustaphasaid.
“From the Ministry's standpoint, we've been makinginputssuchasseeds andotherplantingmaterials, agricultural inputs like pesticides and fertilizers, as wellaslivestockandpoultry available to farmers.Added tothat,we'vebeeninvesting in research, climate-smart agricultural techniques, and critical infrastructure like farm-to-market roads, processing facilities, pumps stations, and sluices,” the agricultureministersaid.
These initiatives aim to support consumers during the holiday season while ensuring the sustainability and affordability of food production across the country
A37-year-oldminerwas killed on Tuesday by his Brazilian co-worker during an argument over who is their rightful employer The fatal stabbing took place at Nine Miles Backdam, Honey Camp, Middle Mazaruni,RegionSeven.
Police identified the dead miner as, Ovid James, of Mahdia, Region Eight while the suspect was identifiedonlyas“Nigi”.
Their boss, Alister Culpepper, a dredge owner, told police that they washed down on Monday at around 16:00hrs. After completing theprocess,heandallofhis workers left for Honey Camp Landing where they spent the evening consumingalcohol.
James reportedly became intoxicated and his reputed wife, who is a cook employed with Culpepper, tookhimbacktothemining camp.
When the duo arrived at the mining camp, the Brazilianmanwhoisonthe run, was sitting at a table drinkingHighWine. James reportedly joined him.
“…they both started to argue as to who was their employer,” James' wife reportedlytoldpolice.
“The Brazilian national then armed himself with a knife, walked up to the deceased and dealt him a stab to his lower abdomen,” policesaidinastatementon Wednesday James reportedly fell to the ground and remained motionless. It is believed that he bled to death before policearrived.
Police took James to the Issano Health Post for additional examination by thedoctorstationedthere. Meanwhile, efforts are being made to capture the Braziliannational.
Aformer ExxonMobil official, Jesus Bronchalo, is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Fulcrum LNG
The illusion of compliance
Acompany can meettheletterof the law It can tick every box, hit every target. Yet, fairness can still bemissing.
The Local Content Act sets thresholds. It defines local content by value percentages But meeting percentages is not the same as providing opportunities.
Numbers can mask inequality and the lack of inclusion.
Companies know the game. They know how to escape through the many loopholes. They calculate compliance to the decimal. Procurement practices follow their logic, not fairness If the numbers align, the system is lawful. But it can be lawful and not inclusive. Inclusion is the premise of local content legislation. When absent, it defeats the vert purpose of localcontentlaws.
Procurement systems can be opaque. Tendering
p r o c e s s e s c a n b e exclusionary, yet legal Barriers can exist, unseen but effective. Complex prequalification requirements.
Prohibitive financial thresholds. Short tendering
d e a d l i n e s These are not illegal. But theyexcludelocalfirms.
The Local Content Act remains silent on these barriers. It only demands outcomes in percentages. It doesnotdemandinclusivity in processes only in overall outcome.
A company publishes a tender Therequirementsare intricate Specialized
certifications, often unavailable locally. Short response times that local
firmscan’tmeet. The result? The tender goes to a foreign supplier The law remains satisfied
b e c a u s e o f v a l u e adjustments Partnerships with token local firms are created. Value is credited to local participation. But real opportunities are denied This is because the law is defective, seriously defective.
LocalContentlawswere rushed.Theintentwasgood. The execution was flawed.
B a r r i e r s t o l o c a l participation are not addressed The Act prescribes results, not processes. This is one of its fataldefects.
Local Content laws do not dictate how companies procure. They only specify outcomes. The government was too cavalier in passing localcontentlegislation.
Without addressing procurementpractices,local businesses will always face an uphill battle. They will remain second-tier players intheirowneconomy
TheLocalContentActis flawed It speaks of inclusion but allows e x c l u s i o n It measures value but ignores opportunity This is arecipeforfailure.
Compliance is a numbers game. Percentages trump participation Tokenism replaces true partnerships The law’s spiritislostinitsloopholes.
Local firms are sidelined Barriers block their entry Prequalification rules favour outsiders. Fair play is sacrificed for expedience.
Government sees the problem.Toolate.Itseesthe
problemafterthepassageof the Local Content Act. It wants standardized procurement practices It argues for fairness and transparency But the law doesnotgiveitthispower It can do nothing without amendingthelaw
Attempts to impose procurement standards are extra-legal. Companies can resist,citingtheirautonomy This creates a legal grey area. And the spectre of umpteenthchallenges.
TheAct needs a reset.A patchworkapproachwillnot work. The foundation itself is shaky Revision is not optional;itisessential.
Localcontentmustmean more than math. It must empower, not exclude. The Act must demand process, n o t j u s t r e s u l t s Transparency must be nonnegotiable.
Define local content beyondvalue.Includeskills, ownership, and equity.
Address procurement practices head-on. Ensure local businesses have a real chance.
Fairness must be codified. Barriers must be dismantled Opportunities must be genuine. Without these, local content is hollow
TheLocalContentAct’s flaws are too glaring to ignore. Local content must be more than a slogan. It mustbeareality
The law needs fixing.
Amendments should address barriers to local participation, including through processes Prequalification rules must be fair and realistic. Timelines for tender submissions should account for local
Fire is a cruel master!
Fire is a good servant but a cruel, wicked master When yuh got it under control, it does cook yuh food, keep yuh warm, and light yuh way But let it loose, and it does tek away everything—yuh home,yuhbelongings,andsometimeseven yuhlife.
Dis timeof yearsupposed to be merry, but not everybody gon have a happy Christmas. Some people suffer loss so deep, it gon tek years, maybe even a lifetime, to recover. Just imagine building upalife,afamily,orevenabusiness,only to see it all gone in a flash because of one carelesssparkoranunexpectedblaze.
The boss man of the waterfall paper been feeling this pain hard. He ain’t strangertohardships,butdisyear,fireshow himhowbrutalitcouldbe.Themansuffera blow when fire destroy his bond and everythinginside.Yearsofworkandvalue
capacities. Support for local certification and capacitybuildingiscrucial.
Procurement processes
must be transparent Companies should be required to publish tender criteria clearly Independent oversight bodies can ensure fairness.Withoutchangesto thelaw,nothingcanbedone now Meetingthelawisnot enough. Fairness demands
more Procurement practicesmustbeinclusive.
Revise the law now, or regret later Without action, local businesses will suffer And Guyana’s oil wealth
Oilandgasrevenuesare transforming Guyana. But without fair participation, the benefits are uneven
Local businesses are sidelined.
Communities see little trickle-downeffect.Citizens are left wondering where is allthewealth.
Compliance alone does notequatetojustice.Thelaw mustreflectinclusion.
The current situation creates disillusionment
Local firms feel excluded, despite the law Trust in governmenteffortserodes.
Without change, Local businesses will continue to lose.And Guyana will miss the full potential of its oil wealth.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Is times like dese that you see who really care. Some people quick fuh offer sympathy, but others does just watch and pass. Dat is the thing about tragedy—it does show yuh true friends from the fake ones.
Firedon’tpickandchoose.Itdon’tcare if you poor or rich, if you young or old. Onceitstartanditgetoutofhand,itgontek everything in its path.And de aftermath is hard—people lef homeless, dreams crush, familiestornapart. So, Dem Boys seh, we must always remember: respect fire. Because when fire getoutofhand,itdon’tonlyburnwoodand steel—it does burn hearts and spirits too. Anddat,friends,doestekmorethanwater tofix.Staysafe,andkeepyuhlightburning bright,butalwaysundercontrol. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
Defamation allegations, libel retaliation
I prefer to look a man straight in the eye and tell howIassesshim,relativeto a specific situation, or through a general evaluation. President Ali, Vice President Jagdeo, Attorney General Nandlall, t h r e e o f t h e t o p decisionmakers and movers and shakers in this country, knowwheretheystandinmy eyes. Theidenticalstandard applies to Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton and AFC Leader, Nigel
Hughes. My objective is never to bring down, but aboutwhatcouldbenefitthe people of this country and them (in that exact order). Oftentimes, some pressure must be applied, which leaders do not like at all. I still must be true to myself, and stick to the Buckley's Cough mixture school of relief. Ittastessobad,ithas tobegood. ButthedaythatI pickuppen,touchaletteron akeyboard,toconveymalice
defamatory with any degree of vehemence, then it is that hour that I lose any utility thatIpossess. Ifamancan't be true to himself, then who can he be true to, what does he truly represent deep inside?
It goes without saying that a thin-skinned man, a leader as insecure as Dr Bhar-rat Jagdeo, doesn't look too favourably at all these ideals that make for a calmer, better life, record. Though repeatedly
recommended to him with the best of intentions, virulence and violence have beenwhatcameoutofhim. I had grounds to file suit againsthim,butIdidn't. Heownsthatgutter,and there is zero interest in any temporary rental, let alone long-term occupancy My grounds were strong, as I believe; and when all the analyses are done, convictions are what carry throughthislife,turbulentas it can be at times. He is not
theonlyone. But that lawsuit weaponisonebest held in reserve for the most extreme of c i r c u m s t a n c e s Citizens of this country have had a ringside seat as I have taken Dr Jagdeo's rumormongeringandloveof hearsay and hurled those right back in his face. And because the door was opened, I roped in His ExcellencyPresidentAliand his honourable Attorney General, Mr Mohabir Anil Nandlall. Theretheydangle in the public square. I am a firmbelieverinthatstandard of wartime U.S. President, Harry S. Truman: the buck stops here. In Guyana, it stops with the names I identified. Isubscribetothe schoolofthoughtthatCEOs and boards of directors bear ultimate responsibility for the criminal failures of their closet henchmen and hooligans.
So,whenthereisreading of this luminary and that bright light filing suit, the first thing said is that that is their right, their decision. My teachings, system of belief, are that hate, and malevolence should not be respondedtoinlikemeasure. There are other ways to set wrongheaded and heavyfooted men and women straight. Butshouldthatfail, t h e n a g e n u i n e l y straightforward mind will find the strength to denude thosewhoseektodamage,if notdestroy
There is certainty about thisassureasthesunrisesin theeast. Thereisthelawofa man whose mind, whose visions, works at a certain level that make powerful men squirm and scamper awayinignominiousretreat. It is also deep-seated belief thatlawsuitsaretheweapon of choice of the powerful who are really weak at the core. When an opponent cannot be conquered in a clean contest and mano a mano,thenthereisretreatfor a victory to the court, where such may be already
guaranteed. Itisthewaythe system is set up in Guyana, functions in special circumstances,isn'tit?
To PPPGovernment and PNC and AFC Opposition leaders, it should already be obvious that there is no endorsement from this meager quarter for the Rodney King faculty of coexistence. That is, to go along to get along. To hell with that, and damn those who wage unholy war, so thatothers-menandwomen speaking their consciences, however objectionable such may be found-could be intimidated into silence. Or boughtoutfortheircollusion in what is wrong and destructivetotheinterestsof the poor and powerless in thissociety
Aman has a right to sell himself for any price. After that,theonlylifeleftforhim istokeepatbeingasellerof thefilthoffilthymen. When leaderscanlietotheface,as amatterofreflexaction,then there can be no lying down and letting them have the freest of passages A national political leader is neitherabakernorabutcher nor a deli worker His first instinct, frequently the only instinct, must not be to slice truth. Tosliceawayatthose whoaskfortruth. Those who refuse to cultivate honesty and authenticity are left with a choice They coddle criminals and cultivate criminality Ladies and gentlemen of the Guyanese jury, I present the PPP Lawsuits are the suits of armour favoured. What is beneath that houses the real story (The views expressedinthisarticleare those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
Linden house destroyed by fire; arson suspected
Fire, deemed to be maliciously set, destroyed a two-storey building on Wednesday at Lot 9 Second Alley, Linden, the Guyana FireService(GFS)said.
Inapressrelease,theFire Service said it was informed of the fire at around 14:43h and six minutes later, firefighters arrived on the scene The destroyed property is owned by 66year-oldAnnFraser,62-yearold Elizabeth McBean and 67-year-oldPatriciaMcBean who are all residing in the United States of America (U.S.).
“ P r e l i m i n a r y investigations suggest that the fire was maliciously set by unknown individual(s). The Guyana Fire Service's Fire Prevention Department is conducting further inquiries to determine the exact cause and hold responsible parties accountable,”theGFSsaid.
TheFireServicesaidthat water tender #119 and water carrier#12werethevehicles that reported to the scene with a seven-member crew led by Leading Fireman Lovell. Two jets were used from water carrier #12
working in conjunction with IPA9,utilizingtanksupplies extinguishedtheblaze.
In spite of their efforts, thebuildingsanditscontents sustained severe damages.
There were no injuries or deathsreportedasaresultof thefire.
Meanwhile, the sevenmemberteamwaspraisedby theFireServiceforitstimely and coordinated actions to contain the blaze and preventing further destructiontothestructure.
The public is urged to provide any information that may assist with the ongoing investigation.
Lamaha Park man charged with possession of illegal firearm and ammo
A 36-year-old labourer appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court on Wednesday to face charges of illegal possession of a firearmandammunition.
1 7 L a m a h a P a r k , Georgetown, is accused of possessinga.38revolverand a .38 spent shell without a valid licence He was
arrested on November 24, 2024, at Lamaha Street, Kitty,Georgetown. Carmichael appeared at theGeorgetownMagistrates' Court before S
nior Magistrate Fabayo Azore whoreadthechargestohim. Hepleadednotguiltytoboth counts. According to the facts (Continuedonpage16)
two-storey building destroyed by fire
Jason Carmichael
National Assembly clears $456M in Contingency Fund advances
Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag and team under examination in the House
$456,851,845 for several ministries.
The Department of Public Information (DPI) reportedthatfinancialpaper, No.3 of 2024, was laid on Monday by Senior Minister intheOfficeofthePresident
with Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service,Dr AshniSinghand coverstheperiodNovember 7, 2024 to November 22, 2024.The sum of $84, 449, 631 w
approved to provide additional resources for the operations of the Guyana Office for Investment (GOINVEST),andtheProtected AreasCommission.
Additionally,Ministerof Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira appeared in the Committee of Supply to defend the allocations.
She explained that GOINVEST had incurred additional expenses for the Guyana Energy Conference and Supply Chain Expo, as wellastheAgri-Fest,bothof whichwerecateredforinthe 2024Budget.
However, the Caribbean Investment Forum and government'ssupportforthe activity was not budgeted for, therefore requiring an advance on the contingency fund.
intervention by GOINVEST toattractmoreinvestmentto Guyana and they used [money] which was not budgeted for in the 2024 Budget,” Minister Teixeira explained.
For the Protected Areas Commission, these funds p r o v i d e f o r
stations.“For the new forest stations for example that were established, we have hadtonowlookatdeploying new monitoring groups in relation to the giant river otter, river turtle, and in the Rupununi.So,theyhavehad more rangers in this year,” she said.Current estimates
were also sought and approvedfortheprovisionof increased security charges for primary, secondary and tertiary education institutions, as well as for increased security services for education and health facilitiesinRegionsOneand Six.
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand and Minist
Local Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag also defended respective allocations under their purviewintheCommitteeof Supply.
Late last evening, the House was still debating Financial Paper Number Threeforover$84B.
Aformer Eccles landfill site worker was sentenced on Monday to 11.5 years in prison after he was found guilty of the attempted murdercommittedin2016.
RyanLowehadattacked his co-worker Leroy Cummingsatthelandfillsite leaving him with an amputatedarm.
Lowe was sentenced by JusticeSandilKissoonatthe DemeraraHighCourt.
Reports are that on November 23, 2016, at the Dumpsite in Eccles, East Bank Demerara (EBD), Lowe, 34, wounded Leroy Cummingswiththeintentto kill Kaieteur News had reported that Lowe and Cummings are known to each other and they both worked at the Haags-Bosch dumpsite located in Eccles, EBD The severity of Cummings' injuries ultimately led to the amputationofhisleftarm.
During his first court appearance, Lowe was not required to plead to the indictablecharge.Following a preliminary inquiry (PI), Senior Magistrate Daly determined that the prosecution had presented sufficient evidence, leading to Lowe being committed to standtrialbeforeajudgeand jury
Ryan Lowe was on Monday sentenced to 11 ½ years for attempted murder
At the trial, Justice Kissoon found Lowe guilty and emphasized the severity of the crime, noting that his actions were both premeditatedandbrutal. According to police reports, on the day of the attack, Lowe and some colleagues were drinking whileCummingswasasleep in a hammock. Allegedly, L o w e a p p r o a c h e d Cummings and struck him twice on the knee to wake him up. He then confronted Cummings over some alleged stolen items, which escalated into an argument. In a fit of anger, Lowe grabbed a knife and stabbed Cummingsmultipletimes. After the attack, Lowe fled the scene and went into hiding Cummings was rushed to the hospital for treatment of his lifethreatening injuries. After evading police for three years,Lowewasarrestedon November18,2019.
Fire Service warns against maliciously Ser set fires
TheGuyanaFireService (GFS)onWednesdayissued a stern warning against persons maliciously setting fires The Fire Service's warningfollowsanumberof firesthatweredeterminedto beasaresultofarson.
In a statement via the Ministry of Home Affairs' Facebookpage,theGFSsaid that these incidents could have caused significant destruction and put the safetyoflivesandproperties atrisk.
“Such actions are not onlyunlawfulbutposegrave threats to communities, emergency responders, and nationalresources,”theGFS cautioned.
The GFS said that fires that maliciously set are dangerousastheycanspread uncontrollably, leading to the destruction and loss of homes, businesses and community structures. This can result in devastating
Additionally, residents, firefighters and by standers are placed in the path of
immediate danger which mayresultininjuriesoreven death.
Further, response to arsonsdivertsattentionfrom the critical emergencies that require immediate attention and that ultimately leaves communities vulnerable
Additionally, the GFS said that fires contribute to air
environment, hence having impactsonnotjusthealthbut theecosystemsaswell.
The F
ice reminded that deliberately setting fires is a criminal offence in Guyana and is punishable by law Guilty persons tend to face severe
penalties with the inclusion of imprisonment and fines.
The GFS in collaboration with the Guyana Police Force (GPF) has been working to identify and
prosecute offenders to the law'sfullestextent.
“The GFS urges all citizens to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities that could lead to
fires If you witness someone engaging in or preparingtoengageinarson, contact the authorities immediately The safety and well-being of our communities depend on the proactive efforts of every individual.”
Inordertoreducetherisk of fires and to protect the lives of person and their property, the GFS advises that properties be secured
againstunauthorizedaccess. Also, family members, employees and neighbours should be educated on fire safety practices. The Fire Servicehasalsoadvisedthat there should also be fire detection systems such as functional smoke detectors andfireextinguishers. Furthermore,personsare being urged to “Report suspicious behaviour
The victims of the deadly Corentyne inferno.
What was left after the Linden blaze.
The aftermath of the 'B' Field Sophia fire.
Govt. commissions $54M Western Hogg Island Primary School
After undergoing reconstruction earlier this year, Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand on Wednesday commissioned the newly built $54 million WesternHoggIslandPrimary SchoolinRegionThree.
The ministry in a statement said that the new building is designed to accommodate 50 pupils from Liberty, Hogg Island, and neighbouring villages on the island “This development ensures that students from these communities now have access to education closer to home, fostering inclusivity and reducing the need for lengthyandoftenchallenging
commutes,” the ministry stated.
It was reported that over theyears,theoldbuildinghad fallenintoastateofdisrepair, making it unsuitable for effective teaching and learning. Kaieteur News had reported that the previous school, dating back to 1976, underwent renovations only onceduringitslifespan.
Recognizing the critical need for improvement, the Ministry of Education t e n d e r e d f o r t h e reconstruction of the school, d e m o n s t r a t i n g i t s commitment to providing equitable access to quality educationacrossGuyana.
This publication understands that the newly upgraded facility not only offers an enhanced physical space for learning but also representsabroadervisionof bridging the gap between urbanandruraleducation.
Minister Manickchand at thecommissioningceremony noted the importance of investing in educational infrastructure to uplift communities and provide opportunities for every child, regardlessoflocation.
“The reopening of
WesternHoggIslandPrimary S c h o o l m a r k s a transformative moment for (Continuedonpage16)
(DPI) Magistrates in Guyanaareparticipatingina two-day restorative justice trainingprogrammeaimedat equipping them with the tools to better apply the Restorative Justice Act of 2022.
The initiative seeks to focus on rehabilitating offenders through a process of reconciliation with their victims and the community atlarge.Thisappliestocases thatarenotcapitaloffences.
The training, funded by the Canadian government, commenced on Wednesday atCaraLodge,Georgetown.
In delivering the feature address, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, SC, underscoredthesignificance of restorative justice in
The training introduces magistrates to the role of restorative justice officers, equipping them to delegate appropriate cases for informalresolution.
“So, you will have an authorised officer who can sit with these people in an informal, non-code setting andtalktothemwhiletrying tofindsolutionsbetweenthe two parties,” the attorney general explained T approach is expected reducecourttime,alleviate backlogs of minor cases, and lower the prison population.
“Our magistrates represent the first stage of interaction with our court system. Therefore, you are themostimportantplatform. So, what impressions they getfromtheinteractionwith you will influence their perception of our justice system,” Minister Nandlall stated.
Minister Nandlall also highlighted ongoing efforts to establish restorative justice offices nationwide These officers will operate alongside probation officers to enhanc efficiency in resolv
cases Chancellor of the
, commended the training, noting its importance in
Restorative Justice Act of 2022.“Itisalsoimportantfor us as judicial officers, magistrates,andjudgestobe exposedtosuchtrainingand
courtroom…Thiscanleadto increased public trust and confidence in the justice system,”thechancellorsaid.
She added that it would a
of the restorative justice officers at the training (DPI)
is fundamental to a developingcountry “ B y s u p p o r t i n g restorativejusticeefforts,we aim to contribute to the development of a justice system that is not only humane, but is also more effective in achieving true
The newly constructed Western Hogg Island Primary School in Region Three.
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand and Regional Chairman Ishan Ayube alongside students and teachers cutting the ribbon to the new $54 million primary school.
Male sales-rep 22-28 years old, Knowledge about vehicle models would be an asset. Call : 619-1237.
One male able bodies staff to work in a hardware store. Call : 231-2029 , 693-8462.
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Reputable transportation service is seeking experienced Chauffeur with mini bus and hire car license. Call: 645-0025 / 707-9428.
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Receptionist Vacancy at Hick’s Ville Hotel. 79 West Ruimveldt Estate G/Town. Tel :231-0951/640-0673
Pastry maker, Cleaner, sales representative, security personnel at Humphrey's Bakery & Farm produce @ Ketley street. 505-1324.
One able-bodied porter & One handyman, apply at Keyfood trading Mcdoom next to the post office.
Maid to clean for east bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Female cleaner. Call : 6159132 / 645-8443.
Vacancy exist for one sale representative, customer friendly team played Georgetown based toy store. Tele: 658-4874.
Royal link Auto parts are seeking 2 sales persons. contact: 616-7006.
Male project supervisor (Road Construction Field) 3550 years old, 5-8 years experience. Email Cv:
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
Family fun Aracari Resort! crystal clear pool, safe kids & adult sections, music & food. W.B.D. Call : 2642946-9
Woman awakened to car on fire
ARoxanne Burnham Gardens, Georgetown resident woke up to her Mazda Axela car bearing registration number PXX 6807 engulfed in fire on Wednesday. The owner, 28-year-old
Lisa Harriman, told police that she was awakened at around 02:40h by loud screams. When she looked outside her house, she noticed her car on fire.
Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1 Free! Call: 264-2946.
From page 14 the region, signaling a renewed focus on the future of its children. The upgraded facility is expected to significantly improve educational outcomes by providing a
The cause of the fire is unknown, but Harriman told investigators that she parked her car in front of her home at around 23:00h Tuesday. She later retired to bed and was awakened by screams.
The woman immediately contacted the Guyana Fire Service (GFS).
A firetruck commandeered by Sub-Officer Burnette from the East Ruimveldt Fire Service responded promptly and quickly extinguished the fire. Investigations are ongoing.
Govt. commissions $54M Western Hogg Island...
comfortable and conducive learning environment,” the ministry said.
According to the ministry, the school is staffed by a dedicated team of five teachers, four of whom are recent
graduates of the Cyril Potter College of Education, with the fifth currently undergoing training. Region Three’s Regional Democratic Council (RDC) anticipates that the new school will allow for a
higher standard of education that will benefit not only the children but the entire community. This new facility will provide a safe learning environment and reduce the need for long commutes.
Lamaha Park man charged with possession of illegal...
From page 11 presented in court, around 3:10 hrs on the day of the incident, police received information about an individual with a firearm at Lamaha Street. A police team approached Carmichael Street and observed a gun in his right hand. When questioned about his firearm licence, he replied, “No.” He was subsequently arrested and taken to the Alberttown Police Station, where he was informed of the charges against him.
During the court proceedings, Carmichael’s attorney,
Siand Dhurjon, applied for reasonable bail, arguing that his client was disarming an individual who was allegedly threatening his partner with a gun outside the Montra Restaurant & Lounge.
Dhurjon explained, “This happened on Middleton Street outside the Montra bar club.
There was a disturbance taking place outside where another rasta man was assaulting a woman who appeared to be his companion. He was bracing her against the vehicle. Mr. Carmichael
went and intervened, and that rasta man turned on him and drew his weapon. When he drew the weapon, a scuffle ensued, and Mr. Carmichael took away the weapon. The police patrol arrived, and Mr. Carmichael gave the weapon over to Constable Burnett; he pointed out to the other man and explained to them what transpired.”
The prosecution objected to bail, citing the seriousness of the offence, which carries a maximum penalty of three years. They also noted that Carmichael had previously
been sentenced to prison for possession of narcotics. Additionally, they mentioned that Carmichael told police he received the gun from another “rasta man” but did not disclose the individual’s identity.
After considering both sides, Magistrate Azore granted $150,000 bail for the unlicensed firearm and $50,000 bail for the illegal ammunition.
Carmichael is scheduled to return to court on December 18, 2024, for further proceedings.
The Attorney General’s reliance on the Data...
From page 04
Commission would take a broader view, coordinating national data governance, managing open data policies, and supporting digital transformation efforts. Such a commission would serve as an overarching body to harmonize data governance across sectors, ensuring the interoperability of systems, setting standards for data collection and sharing, and overseeing the ethical use of data.
From page 05
This broader mandate is critical for a nation pursuing digital transformation and innovation. It would drive transparency, enforce accountability, and align Guyana’s data governance framework with international best practices.
By failing to embrace this comprehensive approach, the government has once again short-changed the people of Guyana. The Ali Administration’s short-
sightedness is not just a policy failure; it is a betrayal of the Guyanese people. Instead of seizing the opportunity to build a framework for sustainable development and innovation, the government has chosen to perpetuate mediocrity. This is a government that talks big about digitization and transparency but falters at every step when it comes to delivering meaningful reforms. The government must revisit the Open Data
Act and commit to strengthening it through collaboration with stakeholders. A strong institutional framework, coupled with meaningful public engagement, is imperative to unlock the full potential of open data. It is not too late to set Guyana on the right path toward a future driven by transparency, innovation, and citizen empowerment.
Sincerely, Hon. Amanza Walton Desir, M.P.
Albouystown Murder 1959...
Superintendent) miraculously escaped death when Cuffy opened fire on the police party. One of his bullets pierced Sampson’s felt hat.
After the confrontation, Cuffy plunged into a bushy swamp and escaped leaving behind seven hundred rounds of .22 ammunition, enough food for a few weeks, three quarters carton of lighthouse cigarettes, a diary and other personal belongings.
Fear was now countrywide as the police proclaimed Cuffy “Public Enemy No.1” and posted a $500.00 reward for information leading to his capture dead or alive.
A large-scale search was then undertaken under the leadership of David Rose, but Cuffy was not to be daunted. He received full reports of the police progress from a radio he stole from a villager.
The police search party
depended on reports from villagers who had met with the killer.
On Tuesday 8th September, Samshundai, an aged foreman of Estate Labourers, was held up at a gunpoint by the fugitive aback of Le Destin, three miles from Parika and ordered him to put down his saucepan with his lunch and to walk into the bush.
Samshundai obeyed, but as soon as he was out of sight, he ran barefooted to the road.
He then caught a car and dashed to the police with his information.
Though only a few days before such a report led the police to an empty house, the police still treated the information urgent.
Immediately, a radio message was transmitted to the Division Headquarters at Leonora and a party of
twenty-four armed ranks under Police Officer Neil Isaacs and Deryk Mc Leod were rushed to the area.
Samshundai led the police party to the scene, but halfway through the action, he had to be taken home suffering from fever and shock.
Later the day, farmers aback of Pin Ruby came face to face with the hunted man dressed in a jute-bag suit.
The information was flashed to Leonora and Crime Chief David Rose dashed out at the head of a thirty-six-man police party to reinforce Neil Isaacs party cordon was thrown over a two-mile radius and, in a pincer, movement started to close in on the area where Cuffy was last seen.
About 6:15 p.m., some Riot Squad men under David Rose saw Cuffy com-
ing out of a cassava farm. When he was about twenty feet away, Cuffy aimed his gun at Constable Maurice Williams. Constable Neville Sue, who was in his company shouted a warning to Williams then taking aim, shot Cuffy in the right hip with his rifle.
Cuffy fell, but still held on to his semi-automatic weapon which had four live rounds in it. He only dropped it when Sue stood menacingly over him.
Cuffy who also had two sceptic gun-shot wounds from the shoot-out the week before, died thirty-five minutes later at the surgery of Dr. “Tussie” Wills at Leonora. The reward of $500.00 went to Samshundai.
Sincerely, Frank De Abreu
Hope to get $4.5B new water treatment plant
The Government
o f G u y a n a through the Guyana Water Inc. (GWI), anagencyunderthepurview of the Ministry of Housing and Water will soon constructabrand-newwater treatmentplantatHope,East CoastofDemerara(ECD).
GWI tendered seeking bidsforthe‘Procurementof Plant Design, Supply & Installation of Water Treatment Plant at Hope, EastCoastDemerara’. The project which opened recently at the National Procurement and Tender Administration
Board (NPTAB) office will bedoneintwolots.Asstated bythegovernmentengineer, Lot 1 is estimated to cost
$4,110,750,000, while Lot2 is$419,000,000bringingthe t o t a l a c c o u n t t o
During the reading of bids,itwasrevealedthatsix
contractors have applied for theproject.
The Department of Public Information (DPI) had reported in 2021 that Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal when meeting with residents of the Hope Lowland Community, he said at the
time that the government would be conducting a feasibility study for the construction of a new water treatment plant to serve the East Coast of Demerara
The residents were informed by the minister that the project will be
funded by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
Based on the outcome of the study, funds will be made available to construct the treatment plant, which will source waterfromtheHopeCanal, DPIreported.
On November 24, 2024, Kaieteur News reported that the fire which claimed the livesofamotherandherfour children at No. 64 Village, Corentyne, Berbice on November 12, 2024 was maliciouslyset.
Chief Fire Officer (ag) Gregory Wickham told the
n e w s p a p e r t h a t investigations revealed that the fire was deliberately started in a car located underneaththehome.
“I spoke with the commander (Shivpersaud Bacchus), and it was confirmed that the investigation has concluded andithasbeendeclaredthat thefirewasmaliciouslyset,” Wickham told Kaieteur NewsonSaturday The incident, which shocked the Berbice community and the nation, occurred on November 12, 2024,around02:00hrs.
The victims were Hemwatie Singh, a 34-yearold housewife, and her children Kelvin Ramjatan (14), Brandon Ramjatan (10), Cindy Ramjatan (11), andTomeshRamjatan(2). KevinRamjatan,Singh’s
17-year-oldson,managedto escape the blaze unharmed. He was subsequently taken into police custody to assist w i t h t h e o n g o i n g investigation.
The children’s father, RohanRamjattan,wasnotat homeatthetimeofthefireas he was in police custody in connection with a cattle rustlingmatter
On September 20, 2024, it was reported by the Kaieteur News that twelve personswere homelessafter several houses in the Lamaha SquattingArea, ‘B’ Field Sophia, Greater Georgetown, were maliciously destroyed by fire.
Accordingtoastatement by the Fire Service, the fire originated in a single-storey wooden structure that housedthreepeopleandwas setbyunknownarsonists.
“The fire is suspected to havebeenmaliciouslysetby unknown persons, and investigations are ongoing,” GFSsaid.
Asaresultoftheradiated heatfromtheinitialfire,two nearby buildings caught afire, displacing an additionalnineresidents.
On Wednesday, the GFS reported that based on preliminaryinvestigations,a two-storey building at Linden, Region 10 was maliciouslysetonfire. The destroyedpropertyisowned by 66-year-old Ann Fraser, 62-year-old Elizabeth McBean and 67-year-old PatriciaMcBeanwhoareall residingintheUnitedStates ofAmerica(U.S.).
At the time of the fire, 39-year-oldTerenceWaddle wastheloneoccupant.
Conflicting emotions in Gaza as the people there watch the ceasefire in Lebanon take effect.
Aljazeera - Families in the rain-soaked devastation of Gaza describe watching the news of a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon with feelings of relief, hope and, forsome,thesenseofhaving beenentirelyabandoned.
Ageneralfrustrationhas settled on the central city of Deirel-Balah,wherepeople areexhaustedfromnearly14 months of relentless Israeli assault.
Several people who spoke to Al Jazeera on Wednesday said that while they were pleased for their “brothers in Lebanon for reaching a truce”, they are waitingfortheirowntruce.
M a y s a a K h a l i l , displaced from Gaza City’s Zeitoun neighbourhood to Khan Younis in southern Gaza a year ago, said that when she heard the news from her husband, she immediately asked: “What aboutus?”
“Whynotstopbothwars togethersolongasthesame party launched them: Israel?”sheasked.
“We are happy for Lebanon, of course,” she added, “but we feel that we havebeenforgotten.”
Meanwhile, Hamedi, originallyfromBeitHanoon
in the north, said he was optimistic
“I think the beginning stages [of a ceasefire in Gaza]mightstartinthenext three,maybefour,days,”he saidfromthecrudeshelterof a tent in a camp the United Nationsrunsforsomeofthe two million of Gaza’s displaced people in Deir elBalah.
His friend Fadi echoed his upbeat mood: “[Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu has his victory. He has a ceasefire with Hezbollah. The next step willbeGaza.”
“He can negotiate more easily now,” he said of the stuttering peace talks in Cairo and Doha that have run almost for the duration of the war “I’m not sure we’llseeanyprogressinthe nextfewdays,butperhapsin weeks.”
Hussein, who works for an aid agency and is originally from a village in Gaza’s north, was more measured.“Idon’tknow,”he said. “We never guessed whatthewarwasgoingtobe like. We never guessed how baditmightbe.Idon’tthink we’rereadytoguesswhenit might end.”“It’s true that many are feeling hope now that a ceasefire in Gaza mightbepossible.However, others are feeling entirely abandoned,” he said of the haltinHezbollahoperations launchedinsupportofGaza.
“Some are feeling entirelyalone,asiftheworld hasforgottenthem,”hesaid as conditions in the blockaded enclave continue to deteriorate ‘Gaza’s reality is different’
OvernightonWednesday,as the finishing touches were being put on the ceasefire, Israeli strikes on a school andneighbourhoodsinGaza killed at least 15 people and injuredmanymore.
“Throughout last night, the sounds of Israeli strikes on the central region and variousareasinGazadidnot stop. This means that Israel is still continuing its war in Gaza,” Mohammed Ismail, one of the thousands displacedfromGaza’snorth
A displaced Palestinian woman sits outside a flooded tent after rising sea levels and heavy rainfall in Khan Younis on November 25, 2024 [Hatem Khaled/Reuters]
to Deir el-Balah, said.He added that he was afraid the announcementofaceasefire in Lebanon might signal furtherescalationinGaza.
“The reality for Gaza is completely different,” he said. “Israel still wants to implement more plans, and there does not seem to be a real political and internationalwilltostopthe war, especially from the UnitedStates.”
As temperatures drop, the rain has begun to fall on Gaza, drenching the cloth tents of the displaced crowded into ill-equipped camps. Other people who have been forced from their homes are living in schools turnedintoshelters,manyof
which are operated by the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees(UNRWA).
“You can’t find plastic,” Husseinsaid,explainingthat Israel prevented its entry into Gaza, claiming it could be used for military purposes. Hussein couldn’t imagine what military application plastic sheeting mayhave.“Ifyoucanfindit, one [sheet] will cost you around 500 shekels [$136].
A tent needs three or four plastic sheets, so instead, families have to use cloth, which offers little or no protection from the cold or therain,”hesaid.
In Gaza’s north, suffering an Israeli siege
since early October, conditions have been describedbyUNofficialsas “apocalyptic”.
WithnearlyallofGaza’s infrastructure destroyed by Israel during the first six months of its war, displaced people have had no option buttoburysewageinwhatis nowthesoddenground.
“You can smell it everywhere,” Hussein said oftheexcrementhesaidnow runsfreelydownthestreet.
“Childrenhavetoplayin it.It’sincredible.”
InavisittoGazainmidNovember, Netanyahu, who is currently subject to an international arrest warrant on charges of war crimes, gave no indication that Israel’s war would draw down. “We are destroying [Hamas’s] military capabilities in a very impressivemanner,”hesaid inavideopublishedafterthe visit. He then offered a $5m reward for the recovery of each of the remaining captivesheldinGaza,which the Israeli military’s killing of more than 44,000 people inGazahasyettoproduce.
Amongthechargescited in the arrest warrant issued b
Netanyahu and his former defence minister Yoav Gallant is “the war crime of starvation as a method of warfare”.
Netanyahu says Israel to appeal against ICC arrest warrants over Gaza war
Aljazeera - Israel has told the International Criminal Court that it will appeal against arrest warrants for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defence Minister Yoav Gallant over their actions in the war on Gaza, Netanyahu’s office said, as France said it believes the Israeli officials have “immunity” from the warrants Netanyahu’s office said on Wednesday thatIsraelalsourgedtheICC to suspend the warrants against him and Gallant for alleged “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity” pendingtheappeal.
The court said last week there were reasonable
grounds to believe the officials were responsible for using “starvation as a method of warfare” in Gaza by restricting supplies of humanitarian aid to the besieged Palestinian territory “TheStateofIsrael denies the authority of the InternationalCriminalCourt (ICC) inThe Hague and the legitimacy of the arrest warrants,” a statement from Netanyahu’sofficeread.
“Israel today submitted a notice to the International CriminalCourtofitsintention to appeal to the court, along with a demand to delay the execution of the arrest warrants,”itadded. The move has come after France’s Ministry for Europe
and Foreign Affairs said it believedtheofficialsbenefit from immunity because Israelisnotamemberofthe court.France’sview,issueda dayaftertheannouncementof aceasefirebetweenIsraeland Lebanese armed group Hezbollah brokered by the US and France, was criticisedbyrightsgroups.
Paris has taken almost a weektocomeupwithaclear position, after the court in The Hague issued arrest warrants on November 21 fortheIsraeliofficialsanda leader of the Palestinian armed group Hamas. After
initially saying it would adhere to the ICC statutes, France’s Foreign Ministry fine-tuned that in a second statement on November 22 amid concerns that Israel could scupper efforts for a ceasefireinLebanon,saying it noted that the court’s decision merely formalised anaccusation.
On Wednesday, the ministry pointed out that the RomeStatutethatestablished the ICC provided that a countrycannotberequiredto act in a manner incompatible with its obligations “with respect to the immunities of StatesnotpartytotheICC”
“Suchimmunitiesapplyto Prime Minister Netanyahu and other relevant ministers
andwillhavetobetakeninto consideration should the ICC request their arrest and surrender” It said France intended to continue to work closely with Netanyahu and other Israeli authorities “to achievepeaceandsecurityfor allintheMiddleEast”
‘Deeplyproblematic’ Rights groups suggested France had tempered its response to maintain a working relationship with Netanyahu and his government “Some shocking nonsense from France here. No one gets immunityfromanICCarrest warrant because they’re in office – not Netanyahu, not Putin, no one,” Andrew Stroehlein, European media
director at Human Rights Watch wrote on X. Rights g r o u p A m n e s t y International said France’s position was “deeply problematic”.
“Rather than inferring thatICCindicteesmayenjoy immunity, France should expressly confirm its acceptance of the unequivocal legal duty under the Rome Statute to carryoutarrestwarrants.”
Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said on Tuesday that Rome had many doubts about the legalityoftheICCmandates and clarity was needed on whether high state officials had immunity from the arrest.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel urged the court to suspend the warrants against him and former Defence Minister Yoav Gallant pending the outcome of the appeal.
House approves $30.5B for cash grant distribution
The National Assembly hasapproved$30.5billionto cater for the distribution of the one-off $100,000 cash granttocitizens18yearsand above.
The sum which formed part of the supplementary funding was approved by Committee of Supply on Wednesday Prime Minister (PM) Retired Brigadier, Mark Phillips faced questions particularlyastowhetherthe $30.5 Billion is sufficient to cover all eligible persons 18 yearsandolder
Govt. urges UG students to apply for student loan write-off as applications trickle in
Applications for the write-off of University of Guyana's loan have been tricklingin,SeniorMinister intheOfficeofthePresident with responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh saidonTuesday
Speaking with reporters on the sidelines of an event said that the Student Loan Agency was asked recently to simplify the process for thewrite-off.
“Since we announced the student loans write-off, the application has been coming in but they haven't beencominginatthespeed at which we would like to see them coming because we really want to get this exercise completed and so we simplified the process we now have an online portal through which you can just click on a link and submityourapplicationand once you click send or submit, it goes to the Student Loan Agency and they process it and I have askedthemtorampuptheir capacity to process it on a timely manner,” the ministertoldreporters.
According to the Senior Minister, he suspects that a lot of people may have not been forthcoming because theauthoritieshavenotbeen aggressive about pursuing peopletohaveitrepay
Notwithstanding, he said, “I think it is in your interest if you have an outstanding student loan, it is in your interest to get rid ofthatindebtednessandsoI want to first of all to reiterate the message that our government has announced the writing off student's loan and I want to urge everybody who has an outstanding student loan to comeinclickonthelinkand apply and get your loan written off and we want to do that as quickly as possible.”
It was recently reported that the government, through the Ministry of Finance, has written off
Opposition Member of P a r l i a m e n t ( M P ) , ShurwayneHolderposedthe questionaboutsufficiencyof funds.
“Mr Speaker, in the initial announcement, we heard that it was a total of $60B to be disbursed. We have since seen some changes,andnow,weseethe amount coming to the Parliamentas$30.5B,which worksouttoabout$305,000 persons 18-years and above,” MP Holder pointed out.
approximately $203 7 million in student debt owed. Thiswashighlighted in the Ministry of Finance's 2024 mid-year report, which revealed that this latest development has benefitted around 346 personstodate.
Within the second half of the year, an additional 2,900 persons are expected to benefit from this initiative.
Meanwhile, speaking about their announcement on the removal of tuition fees at the University of s Guyana from the 1 of January next year, the Senior Minister noted that this makes access to universal education even moreaffordableforpeople.
However, he said that theinitiativewouldhavean implication for students who are on scholarship because this means they would no longer would be payingtuitionfees.
The minister explained also that there are still peoplewhoareinterestedin having a scholarship because the scholarship comes with a stipend, and cover significant expenses.
Acknowledging the implication, Minister Singh said onTuesday that he has sinceengagedthestaffatthe Ministry of Public Service about the number of studentsandnotedthatthere willbechangesmadetothe scholarshipprogramme.
“I want to say very c l e a r l y t h a t t h i s government's position is thatwewanttomakethings as least onerous as they couldpossiblybe.
We are not in the business of imposing onerous obligations on people, and so to the extent that we can remove or ease the obligations that are a s s o c i a t e d w i t h scholarships we certainly willdosoandwehavebeen adopting a more relaxed stance in relation to people whoareservingscholarship obligations,”hestated.
In response, the Prime Minister said that the entire eligible population will eventually receive the oneoff cash grant by early next year He explained that the overall estimated cost of the intervention is $60 billion and that the $30.5 billion approved by the National Assembly will provide for theinitialdistributionphase, andtheremainingfundswill be sought before the end of theyear
“Today is the 27th November, the Financial Year finishes on the 31st of December,so,itisjustabout a month. We are asking for thatmoney,andwearegoing topayoutthatmoneyasfast
as possible. Come January 1st, we go into another budget cycle and the remainder money that is needed will be apportioned and allocated from that budgetcycle,thatistheeasy answer,”Phillipsexplained.
Fellow Opposition MP, Sherod Duncan enquired when the grant will be available for distribution. “I recall that the President stood and told this honourable House that the cash grant will be available instantaneously,” Duncan pointedout.
He said the Prime M i n i
Prime Minister (PM) Retired Brigadier, Mark Phillips
Government needs to be much clearer on its plans since citizens are asking questions.Other MPs on the OppositionsideoftheHouse expressed their disapproval with the Prime Minister's statements on the distributionofthecashgrant. They sought clarity on the reason for the requirement for public servantstoregisterandhave their photos taken, arguing that their identification deta
dy documented in payroll records.Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for
Finance and the Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh explainedthatitisnecessary to minimise duplication. He saiditisimportanttoensure thattheprocessisconducted smoothly and every person eligible to receive the $100,000 one-off cash grant mustberegistered.
Dr Singh explained that whileregistrationisongoing at the various public sector agencies, persons in various communities are also being registered “In addition to processing public servants' paymentsimplybyvirtueof thefactthattheyareinpublic employment, we are also registering in the communities,andthepeople whoworkinofficesalsolive in these communities,” the ministersaid.
He further emphasised, “Thisisaverysimple,basic registrationprocess.”
Dr Singh outlined the efficient four-step process that governs this initiative. The first step is the registration exercises. Each community will have a registration schedule, essentially a list of dates, times and locations that will serve as hubs for registration.
Nandlall not worried about allegations made by ‘Melly Mel’ -encourageshertoproduceevidence
Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, AnilNandlallonWednesday brushed aside allegations made by social media
Atwell, known as 'Melly Mel'.
In an interview with reporters on Wednesday, Nandlall dismissed the claims, stating, “Not at all, absolute nonsense, absolute nonsense It has no credibility and I challenge herandanyoneelsetoprove me wrong She will hopefully come to the court or be represented and produce whatever evidence shehas.”
He added, “You have seen six days have passed. Where is this volume of evidence that she has that connectsmetoher.AsIsaidI don't know the woman, I don't speak to the woman, I havenevermetthewoman.”
The Attorney General recentlyfileda$100million defamation lawsuit against Atwell, who is based in the United States, over nine postsshemadeonFacebook.
The posts included
accusations that Nandlall shared sensitive information about the People's Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) executives inter alia,withher
Thesuit,filedintheHigh Court last Friday, accuses Atwell of publishing defamatory statements on her Facebook page on November21,2024.
The lawsuit claims that Atwell's posts contained false, malicious, and defamatory allegations that have irreparably damaged
Nandlall's reputation and standingasaseniorattorney and government minister
According to the Attorney General, the accusations portray him as a thief, a murderer,andsomeoneunfit to hold public office or practicelaw
The legal action seeks: damages exceeding $100 million for libel, an injunction to preventAtwell from publishing similar materialandanorderforthe removal of all defamatory posts from her Facebook page.
“The nine publications made by the Defendant that havebeencomplainedabout in these proceedings have seriously and irreparably damaged and are likely to continue to seriously and irreparably damage, the reputation and standing of the Claimant among his Cabinet colleagues, his politicalpeersandindeedall right-thinking members of society in Guyana, the Caribbean and throughout the world,” the document said.
Nandlall emphasized thatAtwell'spostsarepartof a “malicious and spiteful defamatory campaign” intended to lower his status. Nandlall noted that he has neverinteractedwithAtwell and is only aware of her presenceonsocialmedia.
“The entire smear campaign launched against the claimant is based upon manufactured allegations, maliciously intended to destroy the claimant's reputation and professional standing…” the court filing stated.
Melissa Atwell, known as ‘Melly Mel’ Attorney General and Minister of LegalAffairs, MohabirAnil Nandlall, SC
Dates announced for the 2027 Pan American Games
SportsMax - The 2027 Pan American Games, the continent’s premier multisport event, will take place in Lima, Peru, from July 16 toAugust1,2027,according to an announcement from the Executive Board of Panam Sports. The dates wereconfirmedinaletterto Federico Tong, President of the Peruvian Sports Institute, following a
meeting held last week in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.
T h e P e r u v i a n government presented three possibledateoptions—May, July, and September—for hosting the Games. After thorough deliberation, the Panam Sports Executive Board selected the July timeframe, citing its alignment w
availability of the continent’stopathletes.
“There were several factors to consider before determiningthebestdatefor theGames,”saidNevenIlic, President of Panam Sports.
“The proposals were analyzed, and finally, the entire Executive Board decidedthatitwouldbebest toholdtheminthemonthof July for several reasons.
Thursday November 28, 2024
Some unexpected but very welcomevisitorscouldarrive today, Aries They might bring some people you don't knowbutshouldconnectwith rightaway Expectinteresting n e w s , f a s c i n a t i n g information,.
Taurus, who's that intriguing new person in your neighborhood? What is it about this new neighbor that makesitimpossibleforyouto stop wondering about them? Quitobsessing.
An unexpected letter could arrive today, Gemini, with a check enclosed, perhaps a gift, bonus, or offer to make more money.This might be a welcomebreak.
If you're in the arts or sciences, Cancer, sudden inspirationcouldcauseyouto startorcontinueaprojectthat meansalottoyou.
Meditation, dreams, or visions could bring amazing insights your way, Leo. You mightfindthemtoobizarreto believe, at least at first, but follow-up research could reveal that what you've come upwithisquitecredible.
You're an adventurous soul, Virgo.Areyouthinkingabout a little mischief today? Are yougoingtoproposethatyou and a friend or perhaps your partner skip town for a day andforgetaboutwork,
A n u n e x p e c t e
communication may come
e connected with your career, Libra.Thisisgoodnews,butit maybesooffthewallthatyou couldwalkaroundinadazefor awhiletryingtomakesenseof itall.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Anunexpectedchancetoflyto a faraway place, perhaps at someoneelse'sexpense,could cometoyoutoday,Scorpio.A group might be involved, perhaps one connected with education.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Some bizarre and rather silly dreams might come to you tonight,Sagittarius.Theymay bethesortthatissocrazythat youactuallywakeuplaughing. Don't dismiss them. Silly or not,thesedreamsaretryingto tellyousomething.
Ifyou'resingle,youcouldfeel a very powerful attraction to someone unusual and perhaps alittlewacky Ifyou'realready inarelationship.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Have you been looking for anewjob,Aquarius?Ifso,you might hear of an opportunity from an unexpected source, perhapsatasocialgathering,if possible.
If you're single, Pisces, love may come to you completely out of the blue today The person could be standing behind you in line at the store or sitting nearby you in the park.
Perhaps the most important isthatonthatdatewewillbe abletohavethebestathletes o f t h e c o n t i n e n t participatinginLima.”
This will mark the second time Lima hosts the Pan American Games, following its successful debut as host city in 2019.
The Peruvian capital joins an elite group of cities to host the event twice, alongside Mexico City (1955, 1975) and Winnipeg (1967,1999).
The Pan American Games is one of the world’s largest multi-sport events, featuring athletes from across the Americas competinginadiverserange of disciplines. The announcement of the 2027 dates sets the stage for another memorable celebration of sport and cultureinLima.
The 2027 Pan American Games will take place in Lima, Peru, from July 16 to August 1, 2027.
CWI announces women’s squad for multi-format series in India
ST JOHN’S,Antigua–Cricket West Indies (CWI) yesterday announced the squad for the West Indies Senior Women’s tour of India for a multi-format seriesinDecember2024.
Thetourcomprisesthree T20Internationalsandthree One-Day Internationals, providing a significant opportunity for the team to compete against one of cricket’sleadingnations.
The T20I series will commence at the Dr DY
Patil Sports Academy in
Navi Mumbai on 15
December followed by the ODI series at the Vadodara
International Cricket
Stadium in Vadodara from 22 December This ODI segment carries crucial points for the ICCWomen’s Championship.
Currently ranked 6th in both T20Is and ODIs, the WestIndiesWomenwillface third-ranked India in what promises to be a compelling series.Theteams’lastwhite-
ball encounter in India in 2016 saw the West Indies triumph 3-0 in the T20Is before India claimed the ODIseries3-0.
Following their semifinal appearance at the ICC Women’s T20 World Cup in Dubai, the Maroon Warriors face an Indian side that recently secured a 2-1 ODI series victory against reigning ICC Women’s T20 World Cup champions New Zealand.
The squad, under the leadershipofcaptainHayley Matthews, presents a balanced combination of established players and emerging talent Stafanie
Taylor is currently rehabilitatingfromaninjury sustained and will be absent fromthistour
West Indies Women’s Squad:
Hayley Matthews (Captain)
Shemaine Campbelle (Vice-Captain)
Head Coach: Shane Deitz
Manager: Sheena Gooding
Assistant Coach: Ryan Austin
Assistant Coach: DamienWright
Team Analyst: Gary Belle
Physiotherapist: AngelicaHolder
Performance Coach: Dr NadineSammy
Media & Content
HeadCoachShaneDeitz expressed his confidence in thesquad,stating,“Wewant to take the good momentum we gained at the T20 World Cup into this series. We showedthatwecancompete against the top teams which waspleasing.”
Deitz further added, “Since I’ve taken over, I’ve seen improvements in all areas,butwestillhavealong waytogo.
Theconsistencyofhighlevel performance is what we need to keep working towards and this is a good opportunity to play six matches against one of the bestteamsintheworld.”
“We want to get more girlsinvolvedwithfranchise cricket moving forward and looking toward India, it’s always good to play in front oftheIndianIPLteams. Itis good for our ladies to start
getting their names in front ofthosepeople,tohopefully open some opportunities in thefuture.”
The West Indies Women will begin their series on December15,precededbya 10-day acclimatization camp in India. The full scheduleisbelow:
WestIndiesWomenTour of India Schedule (Eastern CaribbeanTime): T20Is:
1st T20I on Dec 15, 2024, 9:30 AM at DY Patil Stadium,Mumbai 2nd T20I on Dec 17, 2024, 9:30 AM at DY Patil Stadium,Mumbai 3rd T20I on Dec 19, 2024, 9:30 AM at DY Patil Stadium,Mumbai ODIs:
1stODIonDec22,2024, 4:00 AM at Reliance Stadium,Vadodara 2nd ODI on Dec 24, 2024, 4:00 AM at Reliance Stadium,Vadodara 3rd ODI on Dec 27, 2024,12:00AMatReliance Stadium,Vadodara
West Indies Women will be aiming to convert their semi-final showing in the T20 World Cup into valuable points vs. India in the ICC Women’s Championship. (CWI)
West Indies Women’s Head Coach Shane Deitz is pleased for the opportunity to play against higher-ranked opposition. (CWI
JAAA announces Puma sponsorship renewal, calls for unity in sports development
SportsMax - The
Jamaica Athletics Administrative Association (JAAA) has officially reneweditspartnershipwith global sportswear giant Puma,securingadealthatit claims surpasses an offer of approximately USD $6 million annually from rival Adidas. The announcement wasmadeduringtheJAAA’s Annual General Meeting on Saturday, November 23, 2024. However, the JAAA did not reveal any details regardingthenewdeal.
JAAA President Garth
Gayle expressed gratitude for Puma’s unwavering support, particularly during the challenging pandemic years. “Puma has been an invaluable partner, supporting grassroots initiatives, high school programs, and major nationaleventsliketheBoys and Girls Championships and the Gibson Relays,” Gayle noted “Their commitmentfarexceedsthat of their competitors, ensuring we can continue to deliver excellence in athletics ” This renewed
Arsenal fan banned for racially abusing footballer
BBC - An Arsenal fan who racially abused midfielder Thomas Partey on social media has been banned from matches for threeyears.
Charles Ogunmilade, 28, admitted posting a “grossly offensive” message on X attacking the Gunners player for missing a goal during the team’s 3-3 draw with Southampton on 21 April lastyear
City of London Magistrates’ Court heard the comment was intendedbesatire.
Magistrates said there was “no choice” but to hand him the three-year football banning order and that a conditional discharge “would not be appropriate”.
Grange, to convene a joint meeting in the New Year, emphasizing the importance of unity in advancing Jamaican sports “The ‘Jamaica’ in the names of bothassociationsremindsus thatweserveunderoneflag with the development and opportunitiesforourathletes andsportspersonsourshared commitment,”Gaylestated.
Athletes and the association will benefit from a deal said to be over USD $6 million annually
sponsorship, Gayle emphasized, will bolster the JAAA’s efforts to sustain Jamaica’s dominance on the global stage while fostering talentdevelopmentathome.
In addition to the sponsorship announcement, theAGMsawtheunopposed return of the JAAA executive, including Gayle aspresident.However,some changes were made to the team, reflecting a focus on i n c l u s i v i t y a n d modernization Gayle reiterated the association’s commitment to increasing
athlete involvement in its operations by establishing sub-committees that accommodate their training and competition schedules.
“We share the concern of those who ask for more participation by our athletes and are addressing this with structured opportunities for involvement,”Gaylesaid. Gayle used the platform to advocate for greater collaboration between the JAAA and the Jamaica OlympicAssociation(JOA). He urged the Minister of Sport,theHonourableOlivia
Suleman Hussain, prosecuting, said Ogunmilade told officers the post was intended to be a sarcastic quote within a friendship group
“He said the group would mimic what a white racist would say,” hesaid.
‘Copingmechanism’ I n m i t i g a t i o n , Ogunmilade, who is of Nigerian descent and represented himself, told the court that he and his friends had been affected by the racism directed at England’s black players after the team lost in the Euro2020final
The court heard Ogunmilade took to social media after Partey sent a shot over the crossbar and the post was reportedtopolice
AstheJAAAlookstothe future, Gayle emphasized the importance of stakeholder collaboration to buildonJamaica’strackand field legacy He expressed optimism about upcoming in
s, in
ng enhanced coaching development and expanded competition opportunities at t h e r e g i o n a l a n d internationallevels.
In closing, Gayle led a moment of silence to honor members of the track and fieldcommunitywhopassed away over the past year, affirming the JAAA’s commitment to their legacy and to fostering an environment where athletes canthrive.Withtherenewed Puma sponsorship, the unopposed return of the executive, and a unified vision for the future, the JAAA is well-positioned to continuedrivingthesuccess ofJamaicanathletics
Reflecting on 2024, Gayle highlighted significant milestones, including the hosting of key local events such as the JAAA/Puma Development Meet and the Jamaica National Junior & Senior Championships Jamaican athletes also shone on the international stage, competing in six major competitions, including the World Athletics Indoor Championships in Glasgow and the Paris Olympics While acknowledging challenges,Gaylecelebrated theresilienceanddedication of athletes and coaches.The JAAA also saluted its technical teams, volunteers, and stakeholders for their contributions, including DoctorsBruceandBlakefor their work with theAthletes Integrity Unit and the AntiDopingCommission.
JAAAPresident Garth Gayle
U18 Football League Final
Bakewell supports Kashif and Shanghai Futsal tourney Captains Face Off ahead of Petra-Republic Bank
The stage is set for an electrifying showdown in the Republic Bank Schools Under-18 Football League final, hosted by the Petra Organisation.
The spotlight will shine brightly on two unbeaten titans, Chase’s Academic Foundation and Dolphin Secondary School, as they collide o
The intensity reached fever pitch yesterday when the captains of both teams, Chase’s Bryan Wharton and Dolphin’s Brian Brower, came
face-to-face at the league’s official prefinal press conference held yesterday at the Republic Bank Sports Club
Their exchange underscored the mutual respect between the sides while stoking the anticipation for Sunday’s decisivematch.
Wharton, a dynamic center-forward known for his precision and playmaking, expressed
confidence in his team’s preparations.
“We’ve worked extremely hard to reach this point.Ourunbeatenrecordis a testament to our determination, teamwork and individual brilliance.”
When quizzed about his thoughtsonhisopponent.
He responded, “Dolphin is a good team, but we are focusedonscoringgoalsand bringing the trophy back to Chase’s Academic Foundation.”
Brower, Dolphin’s lanky striker and leader, was equally poised but issued a firm reminder of his team’s capabilities.
“This final is not just about talent but heart and execution We’ve proven our resilience through six intense rounds Chase’s is a worthy opponent, but our aimistowinandourunithas beenworkhardtodoso
We are also confident that we have what it takes to finish what we started,”hedeclared
Looking back, both teams have navigated the league’s rigorous format w i t h p r e c i s i o n , register
performances across six rounds
Chase’s Academic Foundation showcased an explosiveattack,headlineby CaptainWhartonwhoisalso the top contender for the Most Goals Award; netting 10 goals this season including a hat trick and a haul-hat trick. Meanwhile, Dolphin Secondary has reliedonitsairtightdefense, conceding just one goal, thankstotheirrobustdefense andsomesafegoalkeeping.
Dolphin’s Bower together w
ability will be critical in their final pursuit for the 2024 title
director Troy Mendonca lauded both schools for
tournament in fostering
“The Republic Bank Under-18 League has once again showcased
ble talent and spirit of our young athletes
Sunday’s final will be a celebration of hard work, discipline, and
partnership,” Mendonca said.As the countdown to the final ticks away, the excitement has spilled beyond the field, with students, alumni, and supporters rallying behind theirteams
The buzz on social media is palpable, with h a s h t a g s l i k e
ChasesUnstoppable a n d #DolphinDominance trending among fans, parents, teachers alike
Kickoff is scheduled for 12:00 PM at the Ministry of Education Ground with both teams hungry to lift the prestigious trophy
As it stands, Chase’s win or draw will lift the trophy, Dolphin on the other hand need a win to walk away with the title as both teams hold 18 points heading into the final
The question remains: will Chase’s Academic Foundation continue their goal-scoring spree, or will Dolphin Secondary’s defensive wall hold firm to claimglory?
Come Sunday, the answer will be etched in history
Lo n g t i m e
s p o n s o r , Bakewell with over 20 years backing the Kashif and Shanghai Organisation, has readily cometotheforetosupport their new yearend ‘One Guyana’ branded Futsal Championship.
Shannan Ganga, Assistant General Manager of Bakewell, made a presentation of funding to chief
principals Kashif Muhammad and Aubrey ‘Shanghai’ Major to aid therunningoftheevent
The Kashif and Shanghai Organisation, a name synonymous with the legacy of “Year
End” football in Guyana, has returned with this K&S National Futsal Championship which kicks off on December1attheNational Gymnasium.
Originally set to commence November 20, the organisers had to reschedule and now Sunday will see the big kick off of what promises to be intense action among the competingteams
Thishigh-energy,fastpaced format will see the best futsal talent from across the country, with 64 teams vying for a grand prizeof$1.5million.
The tournament will run through the holiday season and culminate on January 1, promising an exciting New Year’s Dayfinale.
Registration is ongoing, and a number of the top futsal teams have expressed their intention to participate Among them are known giants Sparta Boss, Gold Is Money, Back Circle, and Bent Street are among the heavy-hitters expected to compete, setting the stage for an u n f o r g e t t a b l e tournament
With teams from all over Guyana ready to bring their best, fans can anticipate fierce c o m p e t i tion and exceptional skill on display
The champions will take home $1 5 million, second place will receive $1 million, and third place will earn $500,000.
Ex-Man City striker Kavelashvili to become Georgia president
BBC Sport - Former Manchester City striker Mikheil Kavelashvili is set to become the president of Georgia after the country’s ruling party nominated him astheircandidate.
The 53-year-old joined City from Georgian club Dinamo Tbilisi during the 1995-96 season and went on to score three goals in 28 appearancesfortheclub.
Kavelashvili is best remembered for scoring on his debut in a 3-2 defeat by Manchester United, weeks beforetheclubwererelegated fromthePremierLeague
Kavelashvili played at Manchester City for two seasons. (Getty Images)
He was loaned to Swiss club Grasshoppers and left permanently the following summer because he did not play enough games for his workpermittoberenewed.
The position of presidency in Georgia is largely ceremonial and will be chosen by an internal parliamentarybody
The body is largely controlled by Kavelashvili’s ruling Georgian Dream party, meaning he is almost certain to be elected following the vote on 14 December
The Mangra Family: Building a Dynasty of Strength and Dedication
When most people think of dynasties in sports, their minds often go to famous names in basketball, football, or cricket. Yet, a quietrevolutionintheworld of powerlifting is proving thatlegaciesaren’tjustbuiltin stadiums or on fields, they’re forged under the weight of discipline, dedication, and grit. Enter the Mangra family, a family whose achievements span decades, continents, and generations.
At the forefront of this powerhouse lineage are brothersDineshMangraand Marlon Nankishore Residents of New York, the duohasredefinedexcellence inpowerlifting,withDinesh holdinganimpressiveseven world, state, and national
championships and Marlon claiming an even more astonishing ten titles. Their meteoric rise to national prominence has been marked by not just their victories but also their unwavering commitment to the sport, earning respect and admiration across the USA.
Yet,theMangralegacyis more than just numbers. It’s a story that begins in the small Guyanese community of Caledonia, Wakenaam, where their father, Chetram Mangra, first embarked on hisjourneyofstrength.Inthe 1980s, a young Chetram balancedhisacademiclifeat Berbice High School with rigorousmartialartstraining under Clinton Moriah. That training instilled the
disciplineandresiliencethat would become hallmarks of theMangrafamilyethos.
After immigrating to the UnitedStatessome32years ago, Chetram expanded his athletic repertoire to weightlifting.Hishardwork paid off in spades: today, he isa17-timeworld,state,and nationalchampionunderthe prestigious World AssociationofBenchersand Deadlifters (WABDL) Beyond the titles, Chetram hassetagoldstandardforhis family;showingthatsuccess in powerlifting isn’t just about physical strength but also mental fortitude and relentlessdetermination.
What makes the Mangras unique is not just their personal accolades but the family philosophy they embody Powerliftingisn’ta solitaryendeavourforthem; it’s a shared passion passed down from father to sons. Chetram’s influence on Dinesh and Marlon is undeniable, and the bond they share has created a legacy that transcends
The Mangra family’s journey also speaks to the broad
experience. Their story is one of adaptation and triumph, a testament to the power of hard work and the ability to thrive in a new environment while staying rooted in their heritage Throughtheirachievements, they have become a beacon of hope and pride for the Guyanese diaspora and the broad
e d b y mainstream athletics, the Mangras remind us that the trueweightofgreatnessisn’t measured in pounds or records, it’s measured in the impact one leaves behind. And for the Mangras, that legacyisjustbeginning.
Brothers Dinesh Mangra and Marlon Nankishore along with dad Chetram Mangra are making an impact on powerlifting in the US.
Brothers Dinesh Mangra and Marlon Nankishore.
Shannan Ganga (centre),Assistant General Manager of Bakewell, presents the funding to Kashif Muhammad, while Aubrey ‘Shanghai’ Major (right) share the moment.
The stage is set for the culmination of the 2024 Republic Bank U18 School League, following yesterday’s face off exercise at RBLSports Club.
Captains Face Off ahead of
Bank U18 Football League Final Bakewell supports Kashif and Shanghai Futsal tourney