Kaieteur News

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Agricola vendors protest against Chinese setting up shop in their village …say it will put them out of business

Residents and vendors of Agricola, East Bank of Demerara(EBD)onMonday protested against Chineseowned businesses being established in the community They fear that establishments such as the supermarkets will drive the localsoutofbusiness.

Vendors voiced their apprehension about a new Chinesesupermarketsettobe opened at the corner of Brutus Street and the East Bank Public Road They argue that the supermarket's presence will threaten their smallvendingshops.

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that these vendors would sell their products from outside of a building that was recently sold to Chinese nationals, whoplantorenovateitintoa

supermarket.In an interview

Production, a small group of


One vendor, identified only as Ms. Clark, who has been selling outside the building for over 50 years, expressed her frustration: “I can't understand Chinese coming to put me out of my little business that I'm hustling for I have my little house to look after; my grandchildren, and now I have to move for the sake of theChinesecominghere.”

Another vendor said that the local shops have been

community “We have a business association in

businesses take care of our community We don't want

Man gets bail after charged with rape of minor

A man was on Tuesday granted bail in the sum of $140,000, when he appeared at a court to answer to a rape charge.


withrape: Deen Hubbard

Deen Hubbard appeared before Magistrate Teriq Mohammed, where the charge was read to him. He waschargedwiththerapeofa child under sixteen years. Hubbard was not required to plea and was placed on $140,000 bail. As such, the courtcasewasadjournedand heisscheduledtoreturntoon October 11, 2024 for continuation.

Agricola vendors protesting against the establishment of Chinese businesses in their community


criticized the government of

foreigners to “snatch” opportunities from locals:

“Thegovernmentisbringing in foreigners that are not benefitting Guyanese… We can't go to China and open a business.”

Another vendor said the

vendors in the community will suffer should the Chinese owned supermarket open.

“What will happen to the people that already establish

their business for over the years? Yes they are going to sell at a cheaper price at the beginningandaftertimegoes by they are going to increase,”thevendorsaid.

Pan, Brass & Soca set for tomorrow at Kingston Beach -anepicshowcaseofCaribbeantalent

Steelpanloversandsoca enthusiasts are in for a spectacular treat as 592 Events & Entertainment, in collaboration with The KunjazGroup,bringstoyou Pan, Brass & Soca - a spotlighteventonthehighly anticipatedCricketCarnival Calendar

Slated for Tomorrow October,3rdattheKingston Beach.This event promises an exhilarating fusion of

steelpan, brass, and soca music, bringing the vibrant energy of the Caribbean to onestage.

Withmajorsupportfrom Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited and the Ministry of Culture,Youth&Sport,Pan, Brass & Soca will feature some of the region's finest musical talents. Guyana's Police Force Steel Orchestra, Kunjaz Steel Ensemble, and Pan Groove will captivate with their mastery of the steelpan, while Trinidad & Tobago's NGC Labrea Nightingales willcontinuethetraditionof excellenceinpanmusic.

Also gracing the stage are Rodney Small from St. Vincent & the Grenadines, and Epic Tone from the USA, each delivering unique performances that blendtraditionwithmodern flair Addingtothedynamic line-up, Temperature Band, the acclaimed brass band from Trinidad & Tobago, will electrify the audience with the bold sounds of brass instruments, contributingtothesignature carnivalatmosphere.

Complementing the steelpan and brass performances is a thrilling arrayofsocaactsfromsome

ofGuyana'smostcelebrated artistes, including reigning Soca Monarch Carlvin Burnett, Nekeita, Omaiah Hall, OKC, and Timothy Roberts Together, they promisetodeliveranightof non-stopexcitementbacked byTheHeatwaveBand.

“This celebration of Caribbean unity will be hostedbyauniquepairingof talents from the region

Representing Guyana is Gabriella,anemerginglocal host, alongside Daniel Loveless, the popular Trinidadian entertainer known for his vibrant personality and stage presence.Pan,Brass&Soca is poised to be one of the highlight events of this year's Carnival, celebrating the diversity of Caribbean (Continuedonpage16)

Breakneck speed of oil and gas sector preventing Guyanese from enjoying real benefits of Local Content

- Chris Ram

...says revision of areas carved out for citizens long overdue

Guyana has been on a raceagainsttimetofasttrack the development of oil and gas as the global push for a transition to cleaner energy by 2030 continues to gain momentum.


deal in 2016, which politicians often describe as the world's worst oil contract,thegovernmentnot only refuses to seek better termsbuthaveimplemented a new Law to claw back resources for citizens. In 2021, the government passedaLocalContentLaw to ensure oil companies and their contractors utilize

services offered by Guyanese and even employ more locals to satisfy the labourdemands.

However, with the petroleumsectordeveloping atamassivepace,Guyanese are unable to enjoy the real benefits of local content.

Attorney-at-Law and

Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram in recent commentsduringanepisode of 'Oil Talk' on Kaieteur Radio(99.1/99.5FM)made thispoint.

The Lawyer told listeners and viewers of the broadcast, “Part of our problemisthatwehavetried to move too fast. We have movedfromzeroto100ina couple years. We don't have thecapacitysowecan'thave reallocalcontent.”

Rampointedoutthatthe Local Content Act sets out 40 areas for Guyanese to benefit from. He said this was a mere fraction given that there are about 300 to 500 types of expenditure incurred by the oil companies and subcontractors. He said, “Only for 40 (areas) and some of them they range from 100% likeforcleanerswhichisno bigdeal,Guyanesearegood cleaners apparently but we can'tdothehigherthings.”

With Guyanese being paid to do minor jobs, receiving meager salaries, the Lawyer noted that the respective percentages for the 40 areas should have been changed within a year On the other hand, he said, “The schedule to the Local Content Act has remained unchanged. We have not

taken account of experience and how it has worked compared with what we thoughtitshouldbe.”

Ram was keen to note thatwhiletheVicePresident, Bharrat Jagdeo is on record indicating that government hassoughtto“rebalance”the lopsided contract through the implementation of the Local ContentAct, this was simply impossible He argued, “Of course not and you don't rebalance a lopsided contract by finding someextraneousmeans.You rebalanceitbyrenegotiating the offensive portions of the contractandthatiswhatour governmentandourpolitical opposition have refused to do. They don't want to hear the word renegotiation. The contract provides you can modifyandamend.”

Guyana presently has three Floating Production Storage and Offloading

(FPSO)vesselsinoperation, producing close to 700,000 barrelsperday

The first project, Liza One came online in December 2019, followed by Liza Two in February 2022 The third project, Payara, swiftly followed suit,withfirstoilrecordedin November2023.

Exxon has received awards for its rapid development of oil projects in Guyana. In April 2023, during the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), the company was recognized for their innovative work that has resulted in Liza Phase 1 being one of the fastest projects of its type in the industry, cycling from discovery to production in less than five years, compared to the historical 10-yeartimelineforprojects ofthismagnitude.

It was added that Liza Phase 2 then came online about two years after Liza Phase 1 and within eight yearsofdiscovery—helping to responsibly meet the world's energy needs at a criticaltime.

Back in February 2023, President of ExxonMobil's Upstream Company, Liam Mallon had boasted about the breakneck speed with which ExxonMobil Guyana was able to cut the time in half to move from exploration to production in adeepwaterproject.

He underscored that since the first discovery in 2015, the estimate of Guyana's resource has grown to nearly 11 billion barrels, which makes it the largestinindustryinthepast decade. “In total we've made more than 30 discoveries, and we're still exploring Guyana's vast potential,”Mallonadded. Mallon continued, “And really critically, we moved from the very first Liza 1 exploration well to first production nearly three yearsagoinunderfiveyears. That is roughly half the industry average time for a typical deep water development.”

Notably, Mallon stated toothatintotal,theoilmajor anticipates having six projects online with a capacity of more than 1.2 millionbarrelsperdaybythe endof2027.


24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana



Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Excuses, excuses, excuses

‘Thedogatethehomework.’ Believeitornot,thatwasa favorite fallback option of students in American High Schools, which extended its life into some institutions of higher learning there. Locally, the PPPC Government is muchswifteronitsfeetwhereexcusesandblame-shedding are concerned, and the Guyana Power and Light, Inc., (GPL) is the place under review It has been one pathetic excuse after another when the woeful performance of the GPLcomesupforscrutinyunderthepublicspotlight. Even a man like Vice President Bharat Jagdeo, one who always hasalongsackofexcusesathisreadyreach,couldnotresist displaying his wisdom on what has gone wrong in the dismalrecordoftheGPL. Inrecenttimes,blackoutshave assumedconditionsthatareblizzardlike. Thereisnothing whiteinGuyaneseexistence,notwhentheyseeredamidthe thick,rollingblackness. Howmanymoreepisodesofthis torturous condition is the lament? How much longer, is whatGuyaneseshakenandsickenedbywavesofblackouts wanttoknow?

Chief policymaker Jagdeo, as usual, had his policy, answers all lined up. His first finger is bad management. It’sasafepolicy,onethattheever-cleverJagdeowouldnot letpass. WhoinGPLmanagementwoulddaretoputupa fight, and bend Jagdeo’s finger to point right back at himself? Bad management is free and easy to say, and it gives space to ignore the political management foisted on theGPL. TherecordisofseasonedGPLmanagersremoved or reassigned, and political managers who know as much aboutenergyasGuyaneseknowaboutastronomybeingthe proxies left to run the GPLshow, and pretending to know whatneedstobedone. Whatcouldbehadbycitizenswhen such is the management game played by the PPPC Government? Only a political sage like VPJagdeo could put on his blindfold and point in the direction of bad GPL management. He knows he can get away with making farcicalstatementslikethat,soheplungesshamelesslyinto theuglyGPLfray

His next target worthy of carrying some of the blame load was transmission lines. The GPL transmission lines areold,asifhesuddenlystumbleduponthatpieceofcastironwisdom. After23yearsinofficeinphaseoneofPPPC Government rulership and over four years and counting currently, Bharat Jagdeo woke up in darkness, rolled into someraysofblindinglight,andoldtransmissionlineshave nowbeenaddedtothelistofGPLscapegoats. Thisisnot good for blackout plagued Guyanese: if it took the chief policymaker almost 28 years to discover that the GPL transmission lines are ancient, then it stands to reason that heandhisgovernmentmayrequireanother28calendarsto dosomething,asinreplacingthem. Newhousingschemes aregoingupalloverandtheycomewiththeirownenergy demands,whichputsadditionalpressureonthesystem. No citizen should find fault with that disclosure. But does a man wait until his new house is built and occupied to start thinking about having some toilet facilities? Forward thinking, with a comprehensive program with a plan to match, has so much to recommend as a standard. When thingsaredonefortheexcitementofsoundbites,ontherun, and by the seat of the pants, then Guyanese energy consumersgetwhattheyget,andlivewithwhattheymust. Today, and many blighted years before, blackouts have becomeawayoflife.

Themuch-anticipatedrelieffromaTurkishpowerboat hasturnedouttobeablackoutbath. Thenpolicymaestro Jagdeo douses Guyanese with his own version of political darkness. ThePPPCGovernmentusedtolovetreatingthe PNC rule as “28 years of darkness.” Presently, the PPPC Government has compiled its own 28 years of darkness record,anditisnotonlyaboutwhatisrelatedtothefailures oftheGPL. ThePPPCGovernmentmaythinkitisnimble footed with excuses: wires tornstand as one culprit, piledriving is a new whipping post. Nimble with energy excuses,yes. Nincompoopenergygovernancealsostands unchallenged.

Congratulations on an excellent celebration of Amerindian Heritage

DEAREDITOR, Amerindian community Placing the It was great to see the dignity and I was watching the recent spectacular artwork in our National celebration of the traditions our first Amerindian Heritage Pageant The Museum andArt Gallery is a must.As people.Congratulationsonanexcellent pageant was great to see and the high one of the delegates spoke of creative celebrationofAmerindianHeritage! standards on display were outstanding. expressionitbecameclearthatthisisa Bestregards, Congratulationstoallparticipantsonan talent deeply rooted in theAmerindian Mr JamilChanglee excellentshow Alsoimpressivewasthe Culture. The traditional wear, poems, Chairman artwork. monologuesandothertalentsondisplay The Cooperative Republicans of Thereisadepthoftalentwithinour weretestamenttothistruth. Guyana

Residents of Belladrum have had negative experiences with consecutive PPP/C Govts

DEAREDITOR, permission for the restoration of their Surreptitious information suggests that TheresidentsofBelladrumhavehad farmland, regrettably most of the these parcels of land are in deceased negative experiences with consecutive ownersaredeceased. names.

PPP/C governments, which have led In our community, it is not unusual Duringthefirstquarterof2023,the them to believe that the government for an individual to die intestate, Mahaica Mahaicony Abary –doesnottreatthosewhodidnotvotefor resulting in several lands being in Agriculture Development Authority themfairly Theyarguethattheirvoting deceased names. However, properties (MMA–ADA) initiated an exercise to pattern has significantly impacted the are retained by descendants in keeping determine the acreage of lands allocation of developmental benefits to with custom, and in most cases, the expropriated to establish an irrigation the community, despite the ruling administrators, though unofficial, are canal in a westerly course from party’s claim that it does not established amongst families This BelladrumMiddle-WalktoFoulisHole. discriminate. unconscionable demand has led to Unfortunately, to date, the affected

After a visit by His Excellency significant acreage of lands being proprietors have not heard anything of IrfaanAliinOctober2022,itwasagreed unproductive and families unable to substance from the central government that the residents’ concerns would be gainadditionalincome. oritsagents. addressed. Two significant issues are On the other hand, residents of I urgently appeal to the central the restoration of the farmland behind Foulis, an adjacent village that is governmenttoaddressourrequestsince EldoradotoWeldaadandcompensation predominantly East Indian and theactionstakenatFoulisandthethree for freehold lands at Belladrum and normally votes solidly for the PPPC, lotsatEldoradocanbereplicatedinthe Eldorado, which were expropriated by were treated differently, although in other villages. In relation to lands the central government without the some cases the lands are in deceased repurposed without our consent, we consentofproprietors. names Between the five villages demandanurgentengagementwiththe Unfortunately, the Ali-led Eldorado,Belladrum,Paradise,Golden appropriate authority to resolve this administration has made no significant FleeceandWeldaad,onlythreelots(41, issue. efforts to address these requests. In 42a, and 42b Eldorado) were allegedly Sincerely, relation to the former, the cleared of vegetation at the behest of a LelonSaul administration requested that the legal PPP/C NDC councillor who has a LtCol(Ret’d) ownersofpropertiesgivethenecessary vested interest in those lots. Proprietor

Norton’s compounded predicamenttrying to build on a lying foundation

DEAREDITOR, was necessary at the time so that knowing full-well that the truth is well I am amused that Opposition Guyana could be prepared for a documented is saying that his “… Leader, Aubrey Norton, is still NationalSecurityEmergency.” Policies, Strategies and Principles for defending the former government, We need to remember that this was the Development of the Oil and Gas APNU/AFC (A Partnership For some months of silence on whether or Sector.” According to him, “… this national Unity/Alliance For Change), notabonuswasactuallypaid.So,after document (is all about) the party’s forbeingclandestineovertheUS$18M the ‘lying and dodging’ was no more blueprint for managing the oil and gas signing bonus, that stemmed from possible, the admission came in the industrygoingforward. ExxonMobil, as well as its initial form of an untenable excuse. I recall Soveryfunny! reluctance to release the Production too,andtherecordscanbechecked,that Readers, he, Aubrey Norton, is Sharing Agreement (PSA) with the oil in league with the party top brass, the avowingthat“Amongthelistofpolicies giant, even amidst mounting pressure then Natural Resources Minister, isapledgeto“instituteaPublicationof fromthegeneralpublic. Raphael Trotman, admitted to the Information Protocol, ensuring that all Imean,wearestillinthemiddleof NationalAssemblythathisgovernment information, including, but not limited the last election rig-ma-role court didreceivethesigningbonus,whichhe to contracts, agreements, contractors’ battles, where all kinds of lying will be had for months refused to confirm. He quarterly reports, new discoveries, exposed Yet this silly game of too cracked under pressure. And his updated reserves and production data, subterfuge is being practised by the denialdetouredintosayingthat“…the willbemadeavailableandaccessibleto head man of the opposition. I guess bonuswasintendedtobeusedforlegal thepublicconvenientlyandtimely”. bold-faced denial is now a perfunctory fees pertaining to the preservation of On this point of being transparent, response from the opposition. It seems Guyana’s territorial integrity in the just back in October 22, amidst alltoonatural. (then) potential court case stemming irrefutableclaimsbyAnnetteFerguson, Editor, I go back to erstwhile from its border controversy with of glaring “irregularities” at the President David Granger, in the latter Venezuela.”

People’s National Congress Reform partof2017,whovirtuallywasforcedto Asacaveat,truthcoalesceswithout (PNC/R) October 2 Georgetown admit he was responsible for the variance,whilelyingendsinallkindsof District Elections, Leader of the party, chicanery surrounding the US$18M striations. As we all know, in the end, Aubrey Norton still endorsed the polls ExxonMobilsigningbonus.Inanactof and backed into a corner, the truth was as “free and fair”. So, I join the host of dissimulation, he ‘tried’to explain that officiallydeclaredthatExxonMobildid peoplewhowanttoknowhowthemain he was responsible for the sum “… pay over a signing bonus of US$18 opposition would generate confidence beingputintoanescrowaccountatthe million.Now inthattrendofdeception in‘promisesforfulldisclosurefrom, BankofGuyana,adecisionhebelieves and misleading, Aubrey Norton, (Continued on page 6)

On what basis was criticism levelled against the police officer?


TheERChascriticizedtheactionsofapoliceofficerina hinterlandchurchservicenoisenuisancecomplaint,without,it seems,afullinvestigation(SNSeptember30).

Sospeakingfromonesideofitsmouththeethnicrelations body felt, that while the police has a duty to investigate complaints, in this instance, it could have been done ‘less disruptivetothechurchservice’. Butfromtheothersideofits mouth the body promises a thorough investigation into the matter Soonwhatbasiswasthecriticismoftheactionsofthe police officer based on? Was the relations body caught in a dilemmaandresortedtoappeasingthechurchbybeingcritical ofthepoliceofficer?

Thethoroughinvestigationisawaited. Hopeitwouldnot belikethatothersupposedinvestigationagainstahighranking political party operative against whom allegations of sexual misconduct were levelled and which, several months later, nothingisheard.

Regards, ShamshunMohamed

Norton’s compounded...

Frompage4 giventherecord(thatissoaccessible)?

Mindyou,thisishischorusallthewhile:“Iwouldsayto youthatthesigningbonuswastakenanditwenttowhatitwas intended for That alone should reassure people that we are peopletoourword…thereisnocontradiction,”

Thus, I reinforce the truth during the tenure of the APNU+AFC coalition government, the renegotiated PSA withExxonMobilanditspartners,finalizedinJune2016,was notmadepublicuntilDecember2017,thatismonthsafterthe government of that day had faced intense criticism for its ‘secrecy.’IguessNorton’sdenialandrefusaltoacceptreality willbesameafteralltherulingof theelectionsriggingcases areoveranddonewith.Currently,dilatorytacticsaredelaying the inevitable. As we know, the defendants in these cases includePeople’sNationalCongress/Reform(PNC/R)activist, Carol Smith-Joseph; former Health Minister, Volda Lawrence; former Chief Election Officer, Keith Lowenfield; former Deputy CEO, Roxanne Myers; and GECOM staffers Sheffern February, Enrique Livan, Denise Babb-Cummings, and Michelle Miller Frightening! They are facing 19 conspiracychargesrelatedtoallegedelectoralfraud.


Yourstruly, HargeshBSingh

The constitution

DEAREDITOR, butnobodybotherstofollow

There seems a lot of it. Why have a new one that interestinanewconstitution. youdon’thavetofollow?

This seems to be a waste Sincerely oftimeandeffort.


We have a constitution, CITIZEN

Jagdeo meeting with public servants

DEAREDITOR, procedures.

OnTuesdayattheArthur (2) The identification of Chung Convention Centre, the successful bids that are scores of senior public transparent and in officials were brought accordancewiththeexisting together and lectured to by regulations.

Vice President Jagdeo, who (3) Evidence that isalsotheGeneralSecretary ownership and control of of the People’s Progressive these several contractors did Party not show a pattern of He talked about ownership and control in transparencyandspentsome manycompanies. timereferringtotheawardof (4) Evidence that contracts and expressed the completion dates were concern that certain satisfied.

Contractors were no more (5Who or which agency than a front for one or two certified the satisfactory families. If given the completion,andIemphasise o p p o r t u n i t y , t h e theword,satisfactory.

Parliamentary oversight (6) The name and Committee will have a field registered Business address day getting answers to what oftheseContractorsandwho appearstobeawildspending arethePrincipalOfficers spree surrounded by what is (7)Alistofthosewhodid perceivedtobeskulduggery shoddy works and

In his presentation, the incompleteworkssince2020 VP claimed that the August and those who were Oppositionwashighlighting purportedly blacklisted are flawedcontracts. part of those obtaining new

He went on to state the Contracts, and whether to only 5% of five percent of state these million-billion these many many contracts dollars Contracts were were faulty In other words, satisfactorily completed he is suggesting perfection within the period agreed to with respect to 95% of andwhethertheGovernment contracts awarded since willagreetohaveagroupof 2020Augusttodate. experienced persons to visit DearEditorandCitizens, these projects to determine I ask the VP to identify half whether the Contracts were of those good Contracts that satisfactorily, I repeat is 47 5% of Contracts satisfactorilycompleted. awarded after August 2020 DearCitizensandEditor, to date. Information should that is all for now The VP providethefollowingforthe Statement is clear that 95% benefitofthepublic. of these Contracts are in (1) Evidence that the order advertisements were in Sincerely, conformity with existing HamiltonGreen laws, regulations and Elder

Landscaper charged with attempted murder

A 35-year-old landscaper was on Tuesdayplacedon$150,000bailwhen he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court to answer to an attemptedmurdercharge.

The accused, Joseph Jackson is accused of attempting to murder Rondell Dowding with the assistance of his sisters, 24-year-old Onecia Warrick and 32-year-old Maryann Allicock.

TheincidenttookplaceatLot3421 Stevedore Housing Scheme, North Ruimveldt, Georgetown, where all partiesreside.

Jackson appeared before Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty, who read thechargetohim.Hewasnotrequired toenteraplea.

During the proceedings, Jackson's attorneyDominicBessappliedforbail, arguing that his client has no prior antecedentsandisnotaflightrisk.

The prosecutor did not object to bail. Jackson is scheduled to return to court with his sisters on October 16, 2024.

WarrickandAllicockwerecharged with the same offense last week. Both

pleaded not guilty, each being granted $150,000bail.

Meanwhile, Dowding has also beenchargedwithassaultandunlawful wounding against the two sisters, for which he was granted a total bail of $75,000 According to police statements, the incident occurred around 01:30 hrs when Dowding and Allicock were in their bedroom

Dowding allegedly approached Allicockforsexualintercourse,which she denied, leading to a heated argumentthatescalatedintoaphysical altercation. Hearing the commotion, Warrick exited her bedroom to investigate and began recording the incidentonherphone.Atthatmoment, Dowding allegedly ran towards Warrick and attacked her with a knife he had retrieved from the kitchen, injuringherfinger

Shortly thereafter, Jackson returned home and intervened upon hearing the disturbance. During the confrontation, Allicock, Warrick, and Jackson allegedly restrained Dowding and assaulted him, inflicting serious injuries, including deep wounds to his

abdomen and anus.The police were called to the scene, and Dowding was transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), where he was admitted in critical condition and required emergency surgery He wasdischargedfourdayslater

ExxonMobil flared almost half a million cubic feet of gas in August

Theoilandgasoperations in Guyana have been attracting environmental concerns, especially as temperaturescontinuetorise, creating suspicions that two maybelinked.

Whiletherearenoreports that demonstrate a link between the two, some stakeholders believe that petroleum production in the Stabroek Block is driving up temperatures.

From the dumping of produced water to flaring of natural gas, concerns about the company's operations have been widespread Flaring is the burning of gas that is produced during the extraction of oil operations. During this process, harmful emissions are released into the environment, including methane which is 28 times as damaging as carbon dioxide (according to the US EPA)anothercontributortoclimate change.

The Ministry of Natural Resources on its Data

Management website indicated that a total of 493,039 kscf (thousand standard cubic feet) of gas in August. Data for September hasnotyetbeenpublishedon the site Kaieteur News understandsthatthegasflared relates to all three of the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO)

vessels operating in the StabroekBlock.

ExxonMobilisrequiredto seek authorization from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) prior to any flaring activity that is not related to commissioning, start-up or special circumstances such as e m e r g e n c i e s a n d maintenance.

The Permits make it clear that routine flaring and venting is strictly prohibited. Exxonwillberequiredtopay US$50 per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) emittedasaresultofflaringin excess of the periods approvedforflaring.

Guyanese scholar, Dr Ulric Trotz however cautioned that fining the company for flaring will not compensatefordamagetothe environment.

He argued, “This whole question basically of flaring, theideaofputtingamonetary penalty on flaring doesn't compensate for the damage that it does to the environment.”

It was revealed that for 2022,ExxonMobilpaidUS$9 million to the EPA to flare excess gas at its offshore operations. Several requests weremadeforthefigurepaid overtotheregulatorfor2023 but this has not been shared withthepublic.

Guyanese can now travel to BVI without visa

Guyanese can now travel to the British Virgin Islands (BVI)withoutavisa.

Premier of BVI, Dr. NatalioWheatley,announced the new development at a press conference on Monday, highlighting that this move will strengthen the relationshipbetweentheBVI andtheCaribbeanregion.

“Thisstepstrengthensthe bond between our countries and the region, facilitating greater ease in travel, trade, tourism and investments. It underscoresoursharedvision of regional cooperation and opens new opportunities for people to people exchange,” henoted.

Dr Wheatley highlighted that the BVI is presently

working on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) geared towards fortifying the relationship between the two countries Dr Wheatley disclosed in February that talks had advanced to the point of potentially signing a MoU for visa-free travel between the two nations Althoughthecabinetdecision has been made and implementationisexpectedto be swift, Dr. Wheatley noted that further discussions with the BVI's immigration department and the Ministry for Tourism, Culture, and Sustainable Development are still required before the agreement is finalized. More than 1,000 Guyanese currentlyresideinBVI.(DPI)

Joseph Jackson released on bail for attempted murder

The Bridgetown Initiative is a carefully crafted illusion


he Bridgetown those of the Global North, prosperattheexpenseofthe to its “unconditional rapid passing reference to the Initiative, a neatly packaged are benevolent stewards many Theinitiativecallsfor creditandfinancingfacilities climatecrisisasglaciersmelt solution to the world’s three waiting in the wings to save stepsto“expandmultilateral topreviouscrisislevels”and anddroughtsintensify,butit interconnected crises—war- the less fortunate from their lending to governments by to temporarily suspend its stops short of pointing

induced inflation, plight.Itbelieves,againstall US$1 trillion,” but one “interest surcharges” reads fingers at the polluters unsustainable debt, and evidencetothecontrary,that wonders: where was this as though these small responsible. Instead, it opts c l i m a t e those who have historically liquidity when the crises adjustments would be for the diplomatic path of catastrophe—paradesbefore benefited from a system of were already unfolding? enough to stem the tide of “collective action,” which usliketheanswertoaprayer. exploitation will now How is it that the same economic ruin. But credit is translates to developing Theurgencyoftheinitiative suddenly, in an epiphany of multilateral institutions, not charity, and temporary nationsshoulderingthecosts The idea that we can be is matched only by its generosity, redistribute built on principles of suspensionsarenosubstitute of climate adaptation while “good at rescuing banks but ambition: sweeping reforms wealth,resources,andpower austerity and the protection for systemic overhaul. The those most responsible bad at saving countries” to provide liquidity, expand forthegreatergood. ofcapital,willnowturninto inherent problem with continuetoprofitfromfossil betrays the central truth: in multilateral lending, and In true neoliberal instrumentsofsalvation? relying on these financial fuelsanddeforestation. the global financial system, mobilizeprivateinvestment, fashion, the initiative makes Perhapsthemoststriking giants is that their raison The climate crisis is countries are treated like allwhilestrivingtomeetthe vague promises about feature of the Bridgetown d’être is the preservation of presentedasasharedburden, banks, valued only for their c

Initiativeisitsconfidencein thestatusquo—ensuringthat

capacity to generate returns Sustainable Development investment for low carbon the International Monetary debtremainsatoolofcontrol disasterwhereallnationsare for investors The poor, Goals (SDGs) It is, transition, and about Fund (IMF) and the anddomination. supposedlyinthesameboat. whethertheyliveinclimatepresentedtousasadesperate expanding multilateral G20—the very institutions

What the Bridgetown But, as always, it is the ravaged islands or debtplea to rescue a drowning lending to about US$1 whose policies have long Initiative fails to confront is poorest and most vulnerable strappedAfricannations,are globalorder trillion It makes these exacerbated the crises they thestarkrealitythatmuchof who will drown first. The collateral damage in this Yet, as one examines the unrealistic proposals while arenowcalledupontosolve. thedebtcrushingdeveloping initiative’s call to prioritize endlesspursuitofprofit. polished rhetoric, the failing to grapple with the The IMF has an infamous countriesisadirectresultof the SDGs is another attempt Themostdamningaspect threadbareillusions begin to historical realities that h

h’s to obscure this inequality of the Bridgetown Initiative unravel The Bridgetown created the cost of living, structural adjustment exploitation of these same withtherhetoricofprogress. is that it pretends to offer a Initiative, like so many debtandclimatecrisesinthe programs on developing nations for centuries. The The SDGs, with their solution while maintaining grandiose plans that have firstplace. nations, which decimated COVID-19 pandemic may ambitioustargetsforpoverty the status quo. It is a Bandcome before it, is a triumph The idea that we must public services and drove have exacerbated the debt reduction, education, and Aid on a bullet wound, ofoptimisticjargonoverreal “act now” is a recurring millionsintopoverty Butthe crisis,butitdidnotcreateit. cleanenergy,areasfaroutof designedtoobscuretheneed politik. It speaks with the theme, as if urgency alone BridgetownInitiativeisnow The roots of this crisis are reach today as they were for deeper systemic change. kind of high-minded could overcome the calling for the IMF to be a buried deep in the soil of when they were first What is required is not certainty that presumes the entrenched systems that dispenser of mercy The call colonialism, where the conceived One wonders a

world’s powers, particularly ensure the few continue to for the IMF to return access extractionofwealthfromthe how expanding multilateral

Dem Boys Seh...

Leh we ascertain de facts before we come to conclusions!

Dem Boys Seh everybody jumping pun nobody ain’t check? Everybody quick fuh de Minister back. People deh like sharks pull out dem phones and start posting pun whenbloodspill. social media, but slow fuh check de facts. Someevensehhemustgo.Butholdon! Dat’sdeproblemnowadays—plentymouth, AnybodystopfuhaskifdeMinistermightbe lilbitresearch. right? Anybody tek a minute fuh check de De bigger story here though, is de facts?Demboysnahsehingheright.Butwe parkinglot.Ittoosmallfuhalldepeoplewah should check first before we decide who does go to de park every day Is one set of rightandwhowrong. problems after de next because people

Dem boys wanna know if anybody find fightingfuhpark.Demjoggerswanspotand out if de art school parking area separated dem wah going to picnic want spot too. fromdeNationalParkparkingarea?Orisit Somedoesgattoparkonderoad.Everybody desameareaparentsdoesparkonweekdays gottashare,butdeplacetootight. to drop off dem pickney fuh school next Before y’all start bawling fuh fire de door Minister, dem boys seh leh we find out de

Demboyswantfuhknowwhetherdeart truth first. Go see de place fuh yuhself. schoolopenondatday?ifdeartschoolwas Investigate fuh see if de Minister really not in session dat day, is there still reserved wrong or if he just get ketch up in de parking for de students on those days when madness. But one thing sure, until dem school is not in session? So wah we really expand de parking at National Park, more talking‘bouthey? confrontationgonhappen.

Dem boys seh y’all ever stop fuh see if So cool yuhself before yuh judge. Find deh gat any ‘no parking’ sign or ‘reserved outdewholestory,thenyuhcoulddecide. parking’sign indearea? Whogonknowif Talkhalf.Leffhalf

periphery to the center was lendingbyUS$1trillionwill instrument, but a reckoning theoperatingprinciple.Even magically fix a system that with the historical and now, developing nations are has consistently failed to structuralinjusticesthathave saddled with climate deliver on its promises. We brought the world to the disasters not of their own are told that investment will brink. Until global leaders making, the bill for which change the course of the are willing to dismantle the theyareexpectedtopaywith crises, but investment by financial architecture that interest. It is both ironic and whom? And for whose prioritizes capital over tragic that the initiative’s benefit? humanlives,theBridgetown solution to this historical The Bridgetown Initiative will remain just injustice is more debt—debt Initiative is a carefully another failed attempt to rebrandedas“reconstruction craftedillusionthatspeaksto save a burning house with a grants” or “concessional the moral bankruptcy of bucketofwater lending.” globalleadership.Itisaplan Guyana should never

This debt, we are told, designed to perpetuate the endorsesuchaproposal.But will build climate resilience very power structures that then again our leadership is and fund the low-carbon causedthesecrises,allwhile also singing from same transition. It sounds noble, pretendingtooffersalvation. hymnsheet. until one recalls that the It is built on the assumption (The views expressed in climate crisis, too, was thatthesameinstitutionsthat this article are those of the largely manufactured by the allowed millions to suffer author and do not industrial activities of the will now be reformed into necessarily reflect the Global North The instruments of compassion o p i n i o n s o f t h i s BridgetownInitiativemakes andequity newspaper.)


Guyana of yore, Guyana offshore

In days of old, when Guyanese had little money, they had plenty of dignity They were never far from empty, but they were happy This was in that quaint time long ago when there was no oil, no Exxon and Chevron, no Ali, no Jagdeo, no Norton and no Hughes. All those beauties came, and Guyanese are nowworseforwear

All the money per head in the world, all the world looking enviously at country and citizen, and there is this palpably piteous state: the richest hungry belly peopleontheplanet. Nottobeleft out of the excitement, American entertainerAlistair Routledge took up permanent residence here; he gave himself a green card that was stamped with US$ signs all over He spoke in grand tones about the greatest revenue stream flowing from Exxon to the poor Guyanese people.

That was the beginning, the firststreamofbalderdash,hogwash andtrash. Ithasneverstopped.

Some of the best academics in theworldtookonelookatGuyana and it was enough. Guyana is the best of the best, head and shoulder on top of the rest. One of Charles Darwin's greatest evolutionary

proofs, world-class PPP statisticians, calculate that Guyanesehaveitsogoodthatwhen theycan'tgetenoughstewfish,the PPP Government could always be depended on to deliver stewed farces.

Theycallthoseindexes. Ifsuch were a measurement of the government'sintelligencequotient, there would be one consistent result. Dumberthanadogwithout abarkandtotallylackinginasense of smell to complete an altogether wretchedpicture.

The irony is that there is more than enough to go around, but not everyone gets anything close to theirfairshare.

It is that kind of mathematics and civis that dominate in this environment. Whenthepeoplehad nothing, they somehow found the spiritual conviction to believe that they had everything that mattered. Beliefisrelief. Nowthattheyhear that they have everything, they are looking and looking for any glimpse that they can get of what looks like something. They end with an earful. President Ali is pleasedtogivehisbestimitationof ajack-in-thebox. Amanandleader who operates on a coiled spring (ask at own risk, persist and be

preparedtolosehead). Ifeverthere was a leader who is a walking guillotine, it is Mohamed Irfaan Ali. VicePresidentJagdeothinksit best to function in a hide-and-seek fashion(tomorrowwillcomeandit will be something to talk about). He tried that one before and Guyanesearestilltalkingaboutthe peculiar skills that have come to definehim:hisfiredoesn'texistand thechestnutshepromisestopullout anddeliveralwaysseemtobeofthe poisonousvariety

On the opposition side of the new Guyana equation, there is Mr Norton, whose claim to fame is catchmeifyoucan. Guyanesecan and did, only for them to come to this most uncomfortable of positions:Theydon'tlikewhatthey caught.

Theycasttheireyestothehills and then to heaven in the hope of some revelation, and they got one. His name is C.A. Nigel Hughes, Esq His pedigree is both exhaustive and illuminating Guyanese by extraction and Texan by one hell of a sturdy legal contraption.

Whereas Ali and Jagdeo boast manyheads,whichmeansthatthey have many mouths from which to speak,Mr Hughesisabreathofair

straight out of the Texas prairie. Whoever can separate Nigel from Alistair just won the runoff for president of Guyana. It is not the Gordian knot; it is the Guyanese conundrum. Whoiswho,andwho isforwhom?

In this the glittering oil age of Guyana, citizens are groaning Everythingisgoingupandtheyare going down. Over in Persia, Alladin had his genie; over here in Guyana,Alihashis'OpenSesame' hallucinations.

Lookatwhoiswelcomedwith openarms.

There is Jet Blue, Jesus Bronchalo, and Joe Biden's agents (some secret), among an everexpandingpantheoninwhatisnow afull-fledgedforeigninvasion. For sure, it is not the British Invasion powered by those four boys from the Merseyside, the Beatles. It is thedayofthelocusts,andtheyare like leeches draining the lifeblood outofGuyana.

While all this fun and frolic is going on, Guyanese are still starving. Forthetruthaboutwhere they really are. For the real story aboutwheretheirleadersaretaking them, intend to do about them. Aboutthem,notforthem.

The gods gave the Greeks

Helen and look what became of Troy The same Gods gave Africans a continent, and remember whose eyes lit up in faraway places. It is an ugly story that goes on to this day It is said thatAfricaistheheartofdarkness. But whose heart turned out to be the darkest. Guyanese should takenote. TheGuyanesetribalists with traces from close to China pretend to forget what was meted outtotheirownpeoplebytheBay of Bengal for centuries. They rub shoulderswithcertainnewpeople, and they believe that they are whiter than white. Just as tricky, sneaky,andslipperyalso.

Like all those places that God wantedtoseewhattheyweremade of, how they would manage, he gave Guyana oil. Same story Point made. Case closed. Farces andfoolishnessarealike,nomatter the time, place (The views expressedinthisarticlearethose of the author and do not necessarilyreflecttheopinionsof thisnewspaper.)

TotalEnergies, APA greenlight US$10.5B oil and gas project in Suriname


(Reuters) - France's

TotalEnergies (TTEFPA), on Tuesday announced a positiveinvestmentdecision

for Suriname's most promising oil and gas project, Block 58, which is expected to inaugurate the nation'soffshoreoutput.

TotalEnergies expects to begin output at the $10.5 billionprojectinthefirsthalf of2028.ReutersonMonday disclosed the agreement for thefinancialgreenlight.

The small South American country wants to follow in the footsteps of neighboring Guyana, where a consortium led by Exxon Mobil (XOM N), has discovered more than 11 billionbarrelsofrecoverable oilandgasresources.

Suriname is working to secure comparatively larger revenues through a legal framework including higher royalties and taxes, and signing bonuses that plan to be reinvested in healthcare andlocalcontent.

The announcement was made at Suriname's presidential cabinet in presence of President Chan Santokhi, TotalEnergies' CEO Patrick Pouyanne,

A PA ' s C E O J o h n Christmann and the CEO of Suriname's state energy companyStaatsolie,Annand Jagesar

"Ourpolicy,andthatwill go for any government, is aiming to raise the standard of living for our population willbesignificantlyhigher," Santokhisaid.


TotalEnergies and APA plantodeveloptheSapakara and Krabdagu fields, renamed as "Gran Morgu", with combined recoverable resources estimated above 700millionbarrels.

"Weareveryproudofit," Pouyanne said of the velocityofthedevelopment, which took only one year from the completion of well appraisal to the final investmentdecision(FID).

A Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO)facilitybeingbuiltin Asia for the project, with a 200,000-barrel-per-day capacity, is expected to be oneofthecompany'slargest, Pouyannesaid.

Thatcontract,alongwith others including energy infrastructure builders SBM Offshore (SBMO AS), opens new tab and Saipem (SPMI.MI),representatotal of$7billion,headded.

Atotal of 32 new wells will be drilled as part of a field development plan approved and signed by TotalEnergies and APA on Tuesday,thecompaniessaid.

TotalEnergies, the project's operator, plans to

Biker killed in Windsor Forest smash-up

A 3 0 - y e a r - o l d motorcyclist, identified as Stephon Birkett, died in an accident on the Windsor Forest Public Road, West CoastDemerara(WCD),on Monday

The incident involved Birkett's unregistered motorcycle and a motorcar with registration number PDD 3036, driven by a 63year-oldman.

According to police

reports, Birkett was speeding when he made a sudden U-turn and collided with a stationary motorcar facing east on the northern sideofthepublicroad.

Birkett, who was not wearingahelmetatthetime oftheaccident,wasthrown onto the road and suffered multiple injuries about his

recover about $1.4 billion spent in exploration in the areasince2019.

Staatsolie, which has been raising funds to participate with a 20%stake in the project, secured a first $175 million payment and is now in talks with banks and planning a bond offer to complete a second payment, CEO Jagesar said


forStaatsolietocompleteits investment commitment could be extended through December next year if necessary APA's CEO Christmann underlined the geologic potential in the Atlantic Margin's deep waters,whichhasresultedin largediscoveriesinGuyana, SurinameandBrazil.

"FID is a point of no return," Jagesar said "Suriname will never be the same."

body.Hewaspickedupinan unconscious state by an ambulance and taken to the West Demerara Regional Hospital where he was examined by doctors on duty Birkett was later

Hospital Corporation (GPHC), where he succumbed to his injuries around18:20hrs.

Birkett's body is currently at the hospital's mortuary, awaiting a postmortemexamination. Meanwhile, the driver ofthemotorcarwastakento the Leonora Cottage Hospital for treatment and has since been released. He is currently in custody as


he investigation.

TotalEnergies CEO Patrick Pouyanne and Suriname state-owned oil company Staatsolie CEO Annand Jagesar pose for a photo during a press conference after France's TotalEnergies and U.S. APACorp announced a positive investment decision for Suriname's most promising oil and gas project, Block 58, which is expected to inaugurate the nation's offshore output, in Paramaribo, Suriname October 1, 2024.

ExxonMobil among 27 companies vying to market Guyana's oil

OilgiantExxonMobiland lone Guyanese company –Sispro Inc. are among 27 firmsthattenderedtoprovide marketing services for Guyana's oil from the Liza Destiny, Liza Unity and Payara Prosperity Floating Production Storage and Offloading(FPSO)vessels.


BB Energy Trading Limited (London); CathayPetroleum International Limited (Hong Kong); APIOILUKLimited (London); Gunvor SA (Switzerland); Glencore Energy UK Limi

ed (En


Resources was opened on Tuesday at the National Procurement and Tender



According to an advertisement issued by the ministry previously, the bidders were bidding in lots andtheselotsincludeLot1–Liza Destiny FPSO Vessel, Lot 2 – Liza Unity FPSO Vessel, Lot 3 – Payara Prosperity FPSO Vessel, Lot 4 – Any two (2) Lots combined and Lot 5 –CombinedLots1,2and3. It should be noted that on Tuesday, only the names of the bidders and their origins were read by NPTAB, no disclosure on which lot the companies applied for Majority of the companies that applied are from Switzerland and other companiesincludingNigeria, USA, and the United Kingdom(UK),

Ofthe27majoroilplayers who bid to market the country'scrudeareasfollow: Equinor (Norway); Trafigura Pte Limited (Singapore); Oando Plc (Nigeria); Mercuria Energy Trading SA (Switzerland); BP Oil International Limited (UK); BK Holdings Limited (UK); ExxonMobil Sales & SuppliesLLC(USA);Petraco Oil Company Limited (Guernsey); Shell Western Supply and Trading Limited (The Bahamas); ADNOC TradingLimitedLtd.(United A r a b E m i r a t e s ) ; TotalEnergies Trading SA (Switzerland); Chevron Products Company (USA);

nd); Vitol SA (Switzerland); SOCAR Trading SA (Switzerland); Springfield Energy Limited (Switzerland); Bono Energy Limited (Nigeria); CNOOC Trading (Singapore) Pte Limited; ENI Trading & Shipping Inc (USA); PetroChina International (America) Inc. (USA); JE Energy Limited (London); Unitec America Inc. (USA); andSisproInc.(Guyana).

Kaieteur News reported that two United Kingdom companies are marketing Guyana'soilshare.

Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat had revealed that UK Company, JE Energy is the marketer of oil coming from the Liza-1 platform which uses the Liza Destiny FPSO, while BB Energy is the marketer for oil from the Liza-2 and Payara platforms whichusetheLizaUnityand Liza Prosperity FPSOs, respectively

Accordingtotheminister, the contract stipulates that neither of the companies charge government for the marketing and will instead pay,inthecaseofBBEnergy Limited,US26centsonevery barrelitsells.JEEnergyplans to pay some US 70 cents on each barrel of crude it markets The Liza Destiny FPSO is currently producing over150,000barrelsofoilper day (bpd), up by 30,000 after debottlenecking, a process of optimizing capacity. Its storagecapacityis1.6million barrels.AsfortheLizaUnity FPSO, it is also producing 30,000 more barrels than had been announced as it moved from 220,000 bpd to 250,000 bpdafterthesameoptimising process.Itsstoragecapacityis sometwomillionbarrels.

The Liza Unity FPSO.

Still no trace of ‘Bricks’

…as police end day four of search, issued wanted bulletin for sixth suspect

Despite relentless searchesinvariouslocations, the Guyana Police Force (GPF)isyettolocateJoshua Davidalsoknownas'Bricks,' who was abducted, while purchasing food at the New Thriving Restaurant at Main Street, Georgetown on September27,2024.

Police on Tuesday continued their search in the Annandale Backlands, East Coast Demerara (ECD). After combing the area for hours with the assistance of drones, ranks turned up empty handed yet again Despite the outcome, police have maintained that they will continue to follow all leads as they do their best to findDavid.

In addition, since the disappearance of David police have issued six wanted bulletins On Tuesday a wanted bulletin was issued for Damion Barlow, whose last known location is at Lot 47 Norton Street, Lodge, Georgetown. (Continuedonpage17)

Ranks entering vehicle, as search concludes at Annandale Backlands, East Coast Demerara (ECD)

Cathy Hughes to appeal Chief Justice's ruling in “low life” case

Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) Catherine 'Cathy'Hughes,isexpected to appeal the decision of Chief Justice (ag) Roxane

George-Wiltshire to dismissthecaseagainstthe S t a t e o v e r t h e establishmentandfailureto operationalise the Human Rights Commission, which Hughessaidwasabreachof herconstitutionalright.

Thecasestemmedfrom comments made by Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo during one of his November 2023 press conferences. He referred to theMPasa“low-life.”

On Monday, the Chief Justice dismissed the case. However,onTuesdayitwas disclosed that the MP was advisedthatthedecisionof the Chief Justice ought to benefit from a review of a Court of Appellate jurisdictionandHugheshas consequentlyinstructedher attorneys to appeal the decision.

Attorney General (AG)

AnilNandlallandLeaderof the Opposition Aubrey Norton were listed as respondentsinthecase.

TheOppositionMPwas represented by attorneys: NigelHughesandKiswana

Jefford.Thelawyersargued that the VP's comments were in breach of Mrs Hughes entitlement to equality before the law (Article 149D) and 149F of the Constitution (equality forwomen).

Accordingtoastatement fromtheAG'sChambers,in her submissions Mrs Hughes argued that the statementsmadebytheVice Presidentatoneofhispress conferences amounted to discriminationagainstheras afemaleAfricanmemberof theNationalAssembly She further contended that the non-establishment of the Human Rights Commission violated her constitutional rightsunderArticle154Aof the Constitution and breached her legitimate expectation that the Commission would be established. Hughes' lawyers in their statement said that among the fifteen declarations sought by Hughes was, “A declarationthatitisandhas at all material times been a binding obligation on the State to establish and operationalise the Human RightsCommission”.

Notably, the Opposition MP also claimed that, “A

declaration that the failure ofthefirstnameddefendant (Attorney General) to establish and operationalise the Human Rights Commission is a breach of the Applicant's right to protection and enforcement of the Human Rights established under Article 154AoftheConstitutionof theCooperativeRepublicof Guyana ”Hughes' lawyers disclosed that in dismissing the application the Chief Justice in her oral decision s a i d , “ T h e n o n establishmentoftheHuman Rights Commission and tribunalwhileaviolationof the constitution does not amount to a violation of the Applicant's right as claimed ” The statement alsoquotedtheChiefJustice as saying, “The actual response (The Vice President's statement referring to Mrs. Hughes as aLowLife)maybefrowned upon as being most inappropriate.”

TheChiefJusticefurther o p i n e d , “ I n t h e circumstances, the court in recognition of its displeasure at the source of the controversy, the words of the Vice President, awardsnocosts.”

Moreover, the AG's Chambers statement said that in dismissing the case, the CJ ruled that Mrs Hughes had not sufficiently established a case of discrimination under the provisions of the Constitution, or at all, and that her claim of discrimination on the basis of sex and race, in this context,cannotsucceed.

The court ruled that the utterance made by the Vice President referring to the MP as a “low-life” could neither amount to a breach of any of Mrs. Hughes' fundamental rights, nor couldthenon-establishment of the Human Rights Commission, by that fact itself,amounttoabreachof theConstitution.

It should be noted that the CJ also ruled that Mrs. Hughes presented no evidence to prove that Jagdeo's comment was an official statement of the Government.Thecourtalso questioned why Mrs Hughesdidnotapproachthe Women and Gender Equality Commission, which is an operational constitutional body whose functions include, initiating investigations into alleged

violationsofwomen'srights and monitoring compliance with international instruments The Chief Justice ruled that Mrs Hughes' claim was wholly misconceived and without merit. She said too that it is “morethanpassingstrange” that Mrs. Hughes sued her Parliamentary opposition colleague,Norton.

Moreover, in his arguments, the AG contendedthatMrs.Hughes failedtomakeoutacasefor d



der Articles 149, 149D and 149F of the Constitution, andthatinanyevent,Article 154A of the Constitution which provides access to certain international treaties e n s h r i n e d i n t h e Constitution, could not be invoked.

In support of this submission, the Attorney General relied on Article 154A(2)oftheConstitution whichstates,“154A(2).The rights referred to in paragraph(1)donotinclude anyfundamentalrightunder theConstitution.”

Nandlall argued that once a right is protected under the fundamental rights regime, such as the rightsMrs.Hughesclaimsin

iscrimination under Articles 149, 149D and 149F – she is not entitled to seek additional refuge in Article 154A of the Constitution in relation to thesamerights.Healsosaid that there is no evidence of discrimination in the Vice President's utterance, as he was speaking only of Mrs. Hughes, and that where discriminationisalleged,on the prescribed ground of race or gender, an inference of discrimination cannot be drawn,unlessthereisatrue comparator, that is, where the circumstances are equal and the only difference is thatofraceorgender

Inthiscase,hesaidthere was no comparator The Statewasrepresentedbythe Attorney General, and ShoshannaV.Lall–Deputy Solicitor General, Mrs Saabira Ali-Hydarali, Ms. Laurel Dundas and Mr. Pierre Squires – State Counsel.

Opposition Member of Parliament (MP), Catherine ‘Cathy' Hughes
Joshua David, also known as ‘Bricks’
Osafo Peters also known 'Saddest' Aaron Allyene also known as 'Cats' Wayne Barker Alpha Poole
Dwayne Griffith
Damion Barlow

Govt. finalising agreement to make fiscal contributions to Protected Areas Trust Fund

Thegovernmentisinthe process of finalising arrangements to begin making fiscal contributions to the ProtectedAreas Trust (PAT) Fund, as part of its drivetoadvancebiodiversity protectionefforts.

This was confirmed by Permanent Secretary of the

Ministry of Natural

Resources, Joslyn McKenzie, during an address on the occasion of

the 10th anniversary celebration of the PAT The event took place at the Herdmanston Lodge on Monday

McKenzie said that the agreement marks the fulfilment of yet another commitment by the government as it seeks to expandtheworkofthePAT “I wanted to say that the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Board of Directors of the PAC ( P r o t e c t e d A r e a s Commission) are extremely pleased with the work that youhavedone.Weknowitis noteasytomanagethislevel of funding, especially with international markets,” he said.

Guyana's Protected Areas Trust, established in 2014,isdedicatedtofunding and managing the National Protected Areas System (NPAS). Through the P r o t e c t e d A r e a s Commission, PAT provides support to projects that conserve biodiversity and maintainecosystemservices within Guyana's protected areas. This is achieved by using revenue from its endowment fund, known as the Protected Areas Trust Fund(PATF).

ThePATFwasoriginally endowed with US$8 5 million The organisation receives funding from international donors, private s

investments, among other avenues PS McKenzie explained that the financial contribution from the government will advance efforts to double the size of protected areas. During his recent addresses at the United Nations General Assembly and several sideline engagements,

President Dr Mohamed I

Guyana's commitment to doubling its protected areas by December 2025 and achie

global biodiversity target of protecting 30 per cent of its land and marine areas by 2030.

The permanent secretary reinforced the president's vision and said that the country is on track to achieving this ambitious target. “Very quickly, the goalof17percentprotected areas by 2025, and then the protection of 30 per cent by

2030 is actually going to becomearealityandwehave all the groundwork laid for this.Thisisindeedusingthe marine area and also the terrestrial spaces,” he said. He explained that the ongoing mineral mapping process will enable the naturalresourcesministryto expand and refine intact forestcoverage.

“Once we are able to do that, we will be able to address lots of issues Previously, we had about 16,000 claims that were unverified We are now downtojustabout3,000,”he said.

InlightofPresidentAli's recent announcement in regard to the launching of a Global Biodiversity Alliance,McKenziesaidthat

theministryandthePACare workingassiduouslytobring thistofruition.“Someofthe focus of that alliance will essentially be creating a market for biodiversity credits, scaling biodiversity conservation debt swaps, accelerating biodiversity bonds, funds, establishing a blueprint for biodiversity taxonomies, and promoting nature positive action,” he

added The National

Protected Area System in Guyana comprises five protected areas covering a total of 8.5 per cent of the country'sterrestrialspace. These inc

Protected Area in the Rupununi, the Shell Beach ProtectedAreaonthecoastal north-west, the communityo w


n Amerindian Protected Area in southern Guyana (the country's largest), Kaieteur National Park, Iwokrama RainForests,andfoururban parks.

Chairperson of the PAT, Melanie McTurk, also delivered remarks, underscoringthatthetrustis one of the most sustainable mechanisms for investing in the future of Guyana's protectedareas.

B r i t i s h H i g h Commissioner, Jane Miller; UnitedStatesAmbassadorto Guyana, Nicole Theriot; E u r o p e a n U n i o n Ambassador to Guyana, René Van Nes, other members of the diplomatic corpsandofficialswerealso inattendance.(DPI)

Attendees at the 10th anniversary celebration of the Protected Areas Trust on Monday


Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.

Experienced Sales girls & Porter boys wanted. Attractive pay and great working hours. Apply now! Call: 6941170.

Jet men, Marack men, Sailors and Excavator Operators to work interior- Puruni Area. Call: 223-5273 / 647-5470. Managers to work at Gaulin Supermarket in Charity Essequibo. Accommodation is provided. Call: 223-5273 / 647-5470.

Waitress & Managers to work at Xenon Hotel in Charity Essequibo. Accommodation is provided. Call:2235273 /647-5470.

Domestic needed. Contact: 223-5273 /647-5470.

Experienced Welder / Fabricator & Mechanic wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.

Experienced Male cooks wanted for Mining operation. Call: 688-6575.

Experienced operators (ADT , Bulldozer, excavator) wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).

Wanted poultry workers at longcreek. Call : 625-0058.


North East La-penitence, close to Mandela Ave. Better hope E.C.D & Friendship E.B.D. Contact: Ray Realty 627-9685.

spot land just 96


street, North East

Call : Ray's Realty : 627-9685.


Household items for sale by person leaving the country. Call: 669-0957.

For Sale Live chicken $100 up $350 lb Call : 625-0058.

One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email: techserigy@ yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.

Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.

Sec. schools to be built at Karrau and Issano villages

The Amerindian Villages of Karrau and Issano in Region Seven are the latest hinterland communities that will benefit from new secondary school buildings for stu-

Pan, Brass & Soca set for...

From page 2 music and its ability to bring people together,” a statement from 592 Events and Entertainment said.


This is according to the Ministry of Education who issued a tender seeking contractors to execute the works. The ministry in its document stated that in addition to the new secondary school buildings, teachers’ living quarters will be built as well.

This publication understands that Karrau, which has approximately over 500 residents, is located in Lower Mazaruni and is some five

minutes away from Bartica via boat, while Issano is located in the Middle Mazaruni.

It was reported that over 16 secondary schools are being built in the hinterland areas. Kaieteur News understands that the identified communities do not have secondary schools but primary top schools.

This year the Ministry of Education was allocated $74.4B, a portion of which will be used for the construction,

rehabilitation, extension and maintenance of educational facilities.

The Ministry has embarked on an aggressive programme to ensure that the nation’s children have access to secondary education.

Further, the ministry informed that bids for the project are expected to open on October 24, 2024 at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office.

Male cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

One Handyman needed. Call: 612-2125.

One (1) painter Call 615-9132 or 645-8443. General Domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.

Female Cleaner for an office in Eccles. Call 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Vacancy for private secondary school one female day guard & full-time English teacher. Call: 678-0652.


Spacious 900 sqft 1 bed/1 bath. Safe and quiet neighborhood, Subryanville. Call: 624-2619.

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Additionally, Andrew Tyndall, the organizer of the event said, “We wanted to create an experience that not only showcases the incredible musical talents across the Caribbean but also reflects the unity and cultural pride that make our region so unique. This fusion of steelpan, brass, and soca on one stage promises to be an unforgettable experience, whether you’re drawn to the sweet melodies of the steelpan or the powerful rhythms of brass and soca, Pan, Brass & Soca offers something for everyone.”

Tickets for this event are available at the National Cultural Center, HJ Box Office and on Potsalt Events App. Other sponsors include Hess, One Communications, Caribbean Airlines, Banks DIH, SimExtra.


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Still no trace of “Bricks”

Frompage13 scuffle. It was observed that during the On Saturday, five wanted bulletins were scuffle,oneofthemenkickedDavidinabid issued for Osafo Peters also known as to have him cooperate. Thereafter, he was ‘Saddest,’ Alpha Poole,AaronAlleyne also seenbeingpushed.Itisunclearwherehewas knownas‘Cats’,WayneBarkerandDwayne taken Meanwhile, Kaieteur News Griffith.Importantly,PetersandPooleturned understands that the wanted men are themselvesintopoliceonMonday,whilethe connectedtotherecentdrive-byshootingthat other suspects are yet to be arrested. Police killed 39-year-old Lawrence Wayne, known reportedthatAlleyne’slastknownaddressis as ‘Boy Boy,’ and 40-year-old Anthony West Ruimveldt, Barker at Lot ‘G’ Norton HavercomeonD’UrbanStreet,Georgetown, Street,Lodge,andGriffithatLot68William onAugust24,2024. Street,Kitty

T o r e a d m o r e ;

On Monday a video surfaced on social https://wwwkaieteurnewsonline com/2024/ mediashowingDavidashewasabducted.He 10/01/two-suspects-surrender-in-allegedwas surrounded by five persons, while in a kidnapping-of-man-on-main-street/

Iran launches missile attack against Israel

Aljazeera - Iran has launched a barrage of missilesatIsraelinresponse to the killing of senior Hezbollah and Hamas officials, sending Israelis rushingtobombsheltersand raisingfearsofall-outwarin theregion.

Alarms sounded across Israel and explosions could beheardinJerusalemandTel Aviv after Israelis piled into bomb shelters late on Tuesday

Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari saidtherewerenoreportsof casualties from Tuesday’s attack, and that the army does not see “any more threats in our airspace”. He said in a video message that people in Israel were safe to leaveshelters.

Israel’s emergency services said at least two people sustained light injuries“fromshrapnelinthe TelAvivarea”.

I r a n ’ s I s l a m i c RevolutionaryGuardsCorps (IRGC) said the missile attack on Israel was a response to the killing of Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah last week, as well as that of the Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh earlier this

year, Iran’s Fars news agencyreported.

“In response to the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh, Hassan Nasrallah and [IRGC Guards commander] Nilforoshan, we targeted the heart of the occupied territories,” the IRGCsaidinastatement.

Iran’s IRGC says tens of missiles fired in retaliaition for


killing of Hezbollah, Hamas and IRGC officials.

Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets, as seen from Ashkelon [Amir Cohen/Reuters]

“additional defensive support” to Israel after helping protect it from the Iranianmissileattack.

“Our forces remain postured to provide additional defensive support and to protect US forces operatingintheregion”after “defending against Iranianlaunched missiles targeting Israel,”aUSdefenceofficial said on condition of anonymity

“We’ve heard over the last 20 minutes Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel. Non-stop gunfire and fireworks being set off across the capital,” Jabari said.

In neighbouring Jordan, the civil aviation authority said air traffic was temporarily suspended followingtheattack.

Iran’s state television said 80 percent of the missiles launched at Israel hittheirtargets.

The Israel military meanwhile, said a “large number” of missiles had beenintercepted.

It said Iran had launched tensofmissilesatIsrael,and that if Israel retaliated, Tehran’s response would be “more crushing and ruinous”.

Speaking to reporters, Hagari said the attack was serious and will have consequences “in a timely manner”.

A senior Iranian official toldtheReutersnewsagency that the order to launch missiles at Israel was made by the country’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Khamenei remainsinasecurelocation, theseniorofficialadded.

‘Weabsolutelyneeda ceasefire’

TheUnitedStatessaidits forceswerereadytoprovide

Iranian-backed Iraqi armed groups meanwhile saidUSbasesinIraqandthe region will be targets if the US joins any response to IranianstrikesonIsraelorif Israel uses Iraqi airspace againstTehran.

The firing of missiles came after Israeli troops launchedagroundraidsinto Lebanon, in the biggest escalation of regional warfare since fighting eruptedinGazalastOctober

Al Jazeera’s Dorsa Jabari, reporting from the LebanesecapitalBeirut,said some people there were celebrating Iran’s missile attack.

The country’s Public Security Directorate said its air defences intercepted missilesanddrones.

“The Royal Jordanian Air Force and air defence systems responded to a number of missiles and drones that entered Jordanian airspace,” a statementsaid.

UN Secretary-General A n t o n i o G u t e r r e s condemned the “broadening conflictintheMiddleEast”.

Slamming “escalation after escalation” in the region, Guterres said in a statement: “This must stop. We absolutely need a ceasefire.”


Where in the world is Gail?

Amid all the chaos in government one of the most sober heads in the Cabinet, Gail Teixeira has not been seen or heard from these days.

Has she been shoved aside while some of her colleagues jostle each other to see who can be the most corrupt?

Madam Gail we want to hear from you, after all you're the Minister of Governance- a feature desperately needed in this country.

Lights go out at Guyana National Stadium during crucial CPL eliminator match

Inwhathasbeendescribedasaglobalembarrassment,a power outage affecting three light towers forced an unfortunate end to the Caribbean Premier League’s (CPL) eliminator match between the Trinbago Knight Riders and BarbadosRoyalsattheGuyanaNationalStadium.

Whiletherehavebeenhaspoweroutagesinthepastduring CPLmatches,atvenueslikeQueen'sParkOval(Trinidadand Tobago),Warner Park (St Kitts and Nevis), and Sabina Park (Jamaica), this incident marked the first time such an issue occurredatacriticalstageofthetournament

PresidentIrfaanAliwaspresentatthevenueduringthe nearlythree-hourdelay

2024 Caribbean Premier League Eliminator… Floodlight fiasco denies Pooran ton, TKR lose by 9 wickets

Trinbago Knight Riders certain, second consecutive endured a topsy-turvy night tonatProvidenceafteroneof atProvidenceonlytoloseby the flood-lights went out for 9 wickets thanks to David more than an hour after Miller’s blitz which saw the sufferingamalfunction.

BarbadosRoyalsgundowna The left-hander finished revised total with balls to on 91* off 60 with 6 fours

spare last night at and 5 sixes to his credit, Providence. officially becoming the first Trinbago posted 168-3 man to cross the 500-run 19.1 overs with Nicholas markthisseason.

Pooran being denied a TKR were held together byPooranwhopiggybacked off his own form, having scoredatoninthelastgame.

Wednesday October 02, 2024


Anchor yourself in practical mattersbeforeyoutrytoprove yourpointtoothers.There'sa great deal of primal energy rising within you today and searching for some sort of outlet.


Don't take no for an answer today,Taurus.Knowwhatyou believe in and stick with it. There'sadistinctadvantageto holding true to your inner nature.


Be a pioneer thinker today, Gemini There's a noble courage in your thoughts, so don't let this quality go to waste.Youwillbesurprisedat how cutting edge you can be whenyouputyourmindtoit.


Be aggressive and forceful whenitcomestoexertingyour will, Cancer Let others know that you won't be a pushover Your opinions are extremely important,andtheyneedtobe heard by the people who matterthemost.


Today may be one of those days in which you come to a four-way stop and no one knows whose turn it is. Don't sit and wait for everyone else to go first, Leo. If you know it's your turn, be bold and makeyourmove.

VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)

People would be foolish to challenge your thinking now, Virgo.Thepowerbehindyour wordsisvolatile,andyoumay find yourself going to extremes in order to get your pointacross.


Youroldwaysofthinkinghave carriedyouquitefar,Libra,but youmaynowfindthatit'stime toseekanewplatformforyour ideas. Look for more adventurous ways to express yourself.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

One quick phone call to a friend may turn into a long discussion about the meaning of life, Scorpio. Be conscious of the fact that there's a great deal of momentum building in yourmindnow

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

One quick phone call to a friend may turn into a long discussion about the meaning of life, Scorpio. Be conscious of the fact that there's a great deal of momentum building in yourmindnow


Move forward with your plan of attack today There's an anxious rumble within you that's urging you to get going with a current plan. You have all the facts you need, so don't hesitateanylonger Thepower ofthewordiswithyou.


Add spark to your life today, Aquarius. It could be that things are getting stale and boring. If so, consider the possibility that you simply aren't challenging yourself enough.


People are apt to try to hit you square on the head with their ideas and thoughts today, Pisces, so be ready for the onslaught of information that maycomeyourway There'sa distinctadvantagetolistening.

The left-hander and leading run-scorer reached his half-century off 38 balls afterlosingareturningSunil Narine (2), Jason Roy (25) and Captain Kieron Pollard (17)inside13overs.

Andre Russell (20*) soughttobuildonthe52run partnershipaidedbyRoyand Pooranearlier,asthepairput on67*forthefourthwicket; prior to the floodlight fiasco stopping TKR’s innings shortbyafewdeliveries.

Needing just 60 to win from a revised 5 overs, Barbados sped to 64-1 after just 4.2 overs, led by Miller whoracedto50notoutoff17 ballswithfivesixesandthree fours.

Miller, promoted up the order, tore into the bowling attackofTKRasherocketed his team home with 4 balls remaining.

The Royals will play in t

following the Amazon Warriors and Kings battle thisevening.

One of the floodlights at Providence which was out of power for more than an hour. (CPL)

In a significant development for Guyanese swimming, World Aquatics has officially approved the request for swimmer Delroy Tyrrell to switch his sports nationality fromTrinidadandTobagotoGuyana.

Tyrrell, born on October 31, 2002 in Guyana, will now beeligibletorepresentGuyanaininternationalcompetitions startingfromSeptember30,2024.

The process for Tyrrell’s switch was initiated by his father and the Guyana Amateur Swimming Association (GASA). After thorough examination, World Aquatics confirmed the approval, marking the end of a prolonged journey for Tyrrell and his family Tyrrell, who had previously represented Trinidad and Tobago, had faced delays due to administrative missteps by GASA, raising concerns from his family regarding the association’s handling of the case. Despite the setbacks, Tyrrell’s father maintained hope that his son would soon compete for Guyana.TheswitchpositionsTyrrellasavaluableassetfor Guyana’s swimming team, especially in regional and internationalevents. Thedecisionhasalsoputaspotlighton GASA’s administrative challenges, with World Aquatics issuing a firm deadline earlier this year for necessary submissions.

As the dust settles on this issue, both Guyanese swimming enthusiasts and international observers will be keentoseehowthispromisingathleteprogressesonhisnew pathwithGASA.

World Aquatics approves Delroy Tyrrell’s Nationality switch to represent Guyana GFFleadershipundergoes childsafetytraining...

Frompage27 programmes, adheres to the workshop, Mr Forde and all safeguardingprotocols. council members signed the Commenting on the GFF’s Child Safeguarding trainingMr Fordesaid;“The Declaration, a formal safetyofouryoungplayersis acknowledgement of their of utmost importance to the responsibility to protect the GFF By adopting this child welfare of children By safeguarding policy and signingthisdeclaration,they ensuring our staff and committed to upholding the volunteers are thoroughly highest child safety trained, we are taking standards and ensuring that concretestepstocreateasafe football-relatedactivitiesare and supportive environment conducted in a safe, for the future stars of inclusive, and supportive Guyanesefootball.” environment for young The newly implemented players. safeguarding policy is an

The declaration also integral part of the GFF’s binds all personnel to the broadermissiontofosterthe confidentiality of sensitive holistic development of safeguarding matters, football in Guyana. Beyond reinforcing that information the technical training that related to potential child playersreceive,theirmental, abuse or exploitation must emotional, and physical only be shared with well-being is considered authorized personnel and in paramount. strict accordance with GFF As such, the GFF’s policies. approach aims to provide a

Now that the leadership safe, inclusive, and has completed the training, supportive environment, the Federation will ensure ensuring that children from that all regional associations all backgrounds can thrive and football clubs adopt the and enjoy football without newly implemented Child fearofharm.

Safeguarding Policy and Thisworkshopisjustthe undergo similar training beginning of an ongoing Through its technical processtoeducateandequip department, the GFF will allstakeholdersinGuyanese oversee the nationwide football, from grassroots implementation, ensuring programstoelitelevels,with that every level of football, the necessary tools to from grassroots to elite maintainchildsafety

The participants display their certificates after the programme.


Participants pay rapt attention during a presentation.

The leadership of the Guyana Football Senior Child Protection Officer of the Child Federation (GFF), including its President Protection Wayne Forde and council members, have Agency (CPA), Orin Francois, provided completed vital child safety training in line extensivetrainingonchildsafeguarding. with the Federation’s recently adopted Child The council learned how to identify and SafeguardingPolicy respond to signs of abuse, neglect, and

The Child Safeguarding Policy, inappropriate behaviour, as well as the developed in line with FIFA standards and appropriate steps to create a child-friendly global safeguarding requirements sets a football environment The training also framework for ensuring that all children emphasized the importance of reporting any involved in football are protected by a suspicions or incidents of child abuse to the rigorous system of checks, training, and designated Child Safeguarding Officer or reportingmechanisms. relevantauthorities.Uponcompletionofthe

The workshop that was executed by (Continued on page 26)

Record year for emerging player appearances in CPL

CPL - The 2024 Republic Bank Players. Across the group stage there have duringaCPLseason.

OperationsDirector,said:“Itisverypleasing CaribbeanPremierLeague(CPL)hasseena been44appearancesbytheseupandcoming To qualify for the Emerging Player to see theseplayersnot only beinggiventhe record number of appearances by Emerging cricketers, the most that there has ever been categorythecricketermustbeunder23atthe chance at this level, but also for them to startofthecurrentcalendaryearandhavenot perform consistently enough to get playing appeared for the senior West Indies side. timebeyondthemandatoryrequirement.For Teams are obliged to give the two players in theEmergingPlayersclassof2024togopast this category a combined total of five theappearancequotabyalmost50%isgreat appearancesbutduringthe2024tournament news for CPL and for cricket in the a number of the Emerging Players have Caribbean.” becomefirstteamregulars. The2024EmergingPlayerscohortisas There have been some excellent follows: performancesfromtheseyoungplayerswith Antigua & Barbuda Falcons: Jewel JewelAndrew scoring a half century for the AndrewandJoshuaJames Antigua&BarbudaFalcons,ShaqkereParris Barbados Royals: Rivaldo Clarke and made 57 forTrinbago Knight Riders against RamonSimmonds the Saint Lucia Kings andAckeemAuguste Guyana Amazon Warriors: Junior making consistent contributions for the SinclairandMatthewNandu Kings.NathanEdwardpickedupacoupleof StKitts&NevisPatriots:AshmeadNedd important wickets for the Trinbago Knight andJohannLayne RidersandAshmeadNeddtookacareerbest Saint Lucia Kings:AckeemAuguste and 4/25fortheStKitts&NevisPatriotsagainst McKennyClarke theGuyanaAmazonWarriors. TrinbagoKnightRiders:ShaqkereParris Michael Hall, CPL’s Tournament andNathanEdward

Delroy Tyrrell
Matthew Nandu (CPL)
Junior Sinclair (CPL)
Ashmead Nedd (CPL)
Nicholas Pooran celebrates another half-century at Providence and his 4th 90-plus score this season. (CPL)
Captains and officials having a chat as staff work tirelessly to restore power to one of the floodlights. (CPL)
David Miller piloted the Royals to

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