Kaieteur News

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Jagdeo agrees that Suriname has better fiscal benefits in oil contract

…says Govt. fixed 2016 oil deal with GTE, Local Content law

On October 1, 2024 Suriname, we have like 6.25 of better oil contract terms

Suriname announced that it % royalty, profit split thanGuyana’.

has a Final Investment according to a certain “I noticed Demerara Furthermore, there have Decision (FID) to develop a formula, so the higher the oil Waves, Suriname boasts of

production field in Block 58 pricethebetterforSuriname, better oil contract terms than activities or discoveries in offshore Suriname The but the lower the oil price Guyana. Not that anyone any of these blocks t i m e f r a

f o r t h e then the contractor gets actuallyboastedaboutthis… Therefore,citizensshouldbe constructionandinstallation, protected and we have a but it’s true that they have aware that the Stabroek according to a release from stabilized tax rate of 36%,” better terms than our 2016 Block arrangement remains Staatsolie, would take Jagesar said adding, “So you agreement has and who is the same, Guyana will get approximately four years. can do the math and the deal responsible for this again the 2% royalty and 50/50 profit Suriname can expect first oil is good but of course APNU/AFC,”Jagdeosaid. sharing. in2028. everybody has to survive in Jagdeo compared Jagdeo in laying blame

In a video clip, the thispartnership.” Suriname’s royalty rates on the former administration Managing Director of the On Thursday, Vice with that of the new Public for the 2016 oil deal noting “The FID is a historic strengthening of institutions state-owned company President Bharrat Jagdeo Sharing Agreement (PSA) thathisgovernmentfixedthe milestone in Suriname’s oil that must guarantee that this Staatsolie, Annand Jagesar, a c k n o w l e d g e d t h a t sayingthat,“Soifyoulookat deal by addressing the non- and gas industry What i

compared the contracts of Suriname has better terms in their royalty rate of 6.2% fiscaltermssothatGuyanese seemed like a distant dream development of the entire Guyana and Suriname their agreement than royalty, we have just put in can benefit more from the isbecomingreality Thiswill Surinamesesociety.” during the announcement of Guyana’s 2016 agreement. our new PSA, a 10% royalty sector be the largest investment Guyana’s leaders are so theFID. Jagdeo’s statement followed rate that’s the new condition

“We sought to fix this by ever in our country; one in

“Guyana, they have 2% the publication of an article but the agreement that they getting more benefits from which Suriname will receive extremely generous fiscal royalty, and 50% profit split, by Demerara Waves have today is better than the the contract through the thelargestshareofthe‘take’. terms to oil companies, that no taxes, and here in headlined, ‘Suriname boasts 2016 agreement and we Local Content Law, the Gas- Staatsoliewillsupervisethis. they have agreed to forfeit pointed this out many to-Energy project so that we This new opportunity comes billions of United States times.” can claim other non-fiscal with a shared obligation to dollars.

Itisimportanttonotethat benefits from the contract ensure that Suriname will Two of those generous the new PSA referred to has and we have had Exxon benefit optimally from the concessions include an nothing to do with the agree with that from the time incomes from offshore oil. agreement to pay oil country’s current deal with we got into office, but this is These will have to be put in companiesuncappedinterest ExxonMobil and its partners great and I am happy for use for the long-term rates on loans they (the oil Hess and CNOOC nor is it Suriname, very happy for prosperityofallSurinamese. companies) take to fund related to the lucrative them they have worked very Thiscanbeachievedthrough p

Stabroek Block offshore hardatthis,”hereasoned.

offshore Guyana and an Guyana.

ThenewPSAwillgovern statement released by the c

agreement to repay these

companiesfor“pre-contract the smaller blocks that were company Jagesar stated that,

(Continued on page 14)

Banks DIH workers to get 25% wage hike following signing

Banks DIH Limited on Friday announced Officer(CLO)Mr DhaneshwarDeonarine. that it has signed
Memorandum of Attendees included General Workers’ Agreement with the General Workers; Union Union: Norris Witter (President), Pancham at the Ministry of Labour that would see Singh (General Secretary), Quincy Bailey among
wage (Branch Chairman), Lawrence Drakes increase
staff. (BranchSecretary),ColinMiller(Field
Photo (L-R): President of the General Workers’ Union Norris Witter, Chief Labour Officer, Dhaneshwar Deonarine; Banks DIH Limited’s Finance Director, Deonarain Seepaul and HR Chief Executive / General Counsel Banks DIH, Kavorn Kyte-Williams.
Managing Director Staatsolie, Annand Jagesar

PNC, AFC hammer Sam Hinds for telling Guyanese to rejoice over pittance from oil

...say citizens should be worried that the Ambassador is satisfied with seeing his country being short-changed

The People’s National

US$4.4 billion according to DavidPattersoninaninvited Congress Reform (PNC/R) some reports, what more comment told Kaieteur and theAlliance For Change troubles we would have had News that it was unfortunate (AFC) have hammered in absorbing US$10 billion! that a former President of former President and Prime Sometimes there could be Guyana could express such Minister, Samuel Hinds - too much of a good thing,” simplisticutterances. who is currently Guyana’s theformerpresidentsaid. In fact, he said, “Hinds is Ambassador to the United His letter was addressed n o w t h e c o u n t r y ’s States - for his recent to the editor days after Ambassador, so we have to comments that encourage Kaieteur News reported that be very worried about the Guyanese to rejoice over the the country should have level of presentation on pittance the country has already received US$10B behalf of the country, if he is never the country’s ability to maximum benefits for its

Former President and Prime Minister and Guyana’s current Ambassador to the United States, Samuel Hinds

received to date from the oil from the Liza One and Liza satisfied with seeing his spendtheresourcesgarnered resources. sector Two projects, but figures countryshort-changed.” from the petroleum industry, Furthermore, the former In a letter published in from the Bank of Guyana PattersonsaidHinds,like but rather, ensuring the MinisterofPublic Thursday’s edition of (BoG)howeverrevealedthat his government, completely country receives the (Continued on page 8) Kaieteur News, the only about US$4 4B has miss the point, which was A m b a s s a d o r s a i d , been paid into the Natural “...perhapsweshouldrejoice Resource Fund (NRF) since that we received directly the startup of production Hindssaid. US$ 4 4 billion, when activities to the end of June “Let’s feel good about without oil, we would have 2024. the US $4.4 billion. If we received nothing, zero,” Chairman of the AFC, have troubles absorbing the

PNC/R spokesman on Oil and Gas, Elson Low
AFC Chairman, David Patterson


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Make the mistake of asking Vice President

Jagdeo about his new Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), and the floodgates open withaflurryofwords. ThenewPSAisJagdeo’sbabythat helovesdisplayingbeforetheworld.

In doing so, he gets to ‘big up’himself and beat to a pulp the former APNU+AFC Coalition for its unpardonablefailureswiththe2016PSAthatitsignedwith ExxonMobil handcuffing Guyana for decades The Coalition deserves every blow it gets, for there are few actions by a government that can compare. Guyanese pay bitterpricesforthatgroup’segregiouslapsesinjudgment. WhenJagdeo‘bigs’himselfup,however,withhisPSA,he doesn’tdoaswell.

Nodoubt,hemarketsthenewPSAwell,andthereare few better than the PPP/C Government’s marketing machinerywhenitisoperatingintopgear Marketingand realityaretwodifferentthings,andtheyareoftenatodds, leaving those doing the marketing looking pathetic. It is notwhatJagdeosellsabouthisPSAthatreduceshimtothe pitiful, it is what he does not do with it that leaves him lookinglikeahollowleadershipshadow

Weapplaudthe10%royaltyand10%intaxes,withas much shared for the 65% cost recovery provision, among otherfeaturesinthenewPSA. Welookonindisbelief,with a shudder, as Jagdeo is unmoving: the new PSAdoes not andwillnotapplytotherichStabroekBlock.

Has Guyana’s chief policymaker lost hold of his senses? Whyishesoconsumedwithprostratinghimselfto thewishesofExxonMobil,evenwhenitmakeshimlooka verysorryfigure? TohaveanewPSAandnotuseitforits maximum potential is more than a major leadership blunder, it is tantamount to being among the costliest of white-collarcrimes.

JagdeoknowsthattheStabroekBlockiswheretheoil is, and that is where his new PSAcould produce the best results for Guyana. Yet he ducks from doing what is necessary to get more out the nation’s oil patrimony for Guyanese. Whatthechiefoilpolicymakerissellingabout thenewPSAisgoodforlowpropagandapurposes. Butitis of no use to Guyanese who are starving and harbour high hopesofcashinginontheiroilbonanza.

Westudywhatthisso-calledpolicymakerhasdonewith thenewPSAandthinkofamanwhohasawinninglottery ticketwithmassivemillionsashisprize. Hetalksaboutit toanyonewhowouldlisten. Heflashestheticketinfrontof theeyesofanybodyhecouldgettolook. Buthavingdone that,hethentakesthathugewinningticketandparksitina cornerthatprovidesnobenefittohisfamily

WhenJagdeoissoresistanttoapplyingallnewPSAto theStabroekBlockhemakeshimselflooksmallandofno consequence,ifnotirrelevant. Whichleaderwouldcrafta newPSAandthenbeselectiveaboutwhatitshouldapplyto andwhatisexemptfromitstermsandconditions? Whatis the hold, we ask, that ExxonMobil has over him that he doesn’tcarehowhisfearofactingshows? Inwhatwayhas ExxonMobilbrainwashedhim,orweakenedhim,thatthere isthisgrimrefusaltoextendthepowerofthenewPSAby hisownhandstotheStabroekBlock? TheStabroekBlock, thegreatoildiscoveryofthe21stcentury,iswherethebig oilreservoirsare.

Ten percent royalties and ten percent taxes on its billionsofprovenreservesarewhatwouldputGuyanainits rightful place. That is, on the same level as the rich oil producing countries of the world. When he makes not moving with the new PSA on the Stabroek Block his standard that can never be policy that has anything to recommendit. Itisaperversitythatisarankinjusticetoall Guyanese, including the unborn ones. The new PSA is Jagdeo’sbaby. IthasturnedouttobeGuyana’sblightwhen itsreachisstuntedbyJagdeoanditsbenefitssquanderedby Guyana’schiefpolicymaker.

Title: Regulation, Not Restriction, is a Sovereign Right and Necessity to justly and fairly protect and preserve Guyanese businesses

DEAREDITOR, I write in response to Vice President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo’s recent assertion that restricting Chinese businessesinGuyanawould violate international norms and could lead to foreign policy issues with China

While his concerns regarding international relations are valid, they fundamentally overlook the sovereignrightofanationto regulate its economy in a way that protects and preserves its national industries.Acrosstheglobe, many countries, including the United States, European Union, China, India, and even smaller economies in the Caribbean, have implementedmechanismsto safeguard their domestic industries from foreign competition. These policies are not about outright restrictions but rather about non-discriminatory regulation, which ensures that local businesses are not u n d e r m i n e d w h i l e maintaining compliance with international law Global Precedents for ProtectiveRegulation:

The United States: Strategic Trade Defense Mechanisms:

The United States has long been a defender of its domestic industries against foreign dominance, particularly from China Through the imposition of tariffs under Section 301 of

the Trade Act of 1974, the U S has taken a strong stance against unfair trade practices, such as intellectual property theft and forced technology transfers, which have disadvantaged American businesses.

Moreover, through the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), the U S government has scrutinized foreign acquisitions, particularly by Chinese entities, that could threaten national security A prominent example of this wasthe2019banonChinese telecom giant Huawei, which posed a significant risk to U S technological infrastructure and national security(U.S.Departmentof Commerce,2020).

These measures reflect the fact that regulating foreign participation in domesticmarketsisnotonly permissible but essential to preserving economic sovereignty The U S demonstrates that protective regulation of foreign businesses is crucial to ensuring fair competition and preventing economic dominance by foreign entities (U S Trade Representative,2020).

The European Union: Protecting Against Unfair Competition:

The European Union (EU) is another prime example of how regulation,

not restriction, ensures marketfairness.TheEUhas employed anti-dumping measures to prevent foreign entities, particularly from China,fromsellingproducts below market value and destabilizin

local ind

es A notable example of this is the imposition of tariffs on Chinese steel and solar panels to protect European manufacturers (European Commission, 2021). These anti-dumping regulations illustrate how protective regulation serves to shield domestic industries from unfaircompetition.

Furthermore, the EU’s

scrutinizes investments in criticalsectors,ensuringthat foreign control does not threaten its industrial

mechanism ensures that foreign investments are beneficialanddonotleadto economic dependency or loss of control over key

Commission, 2021) Such balanced regulation could

n Guyana’s context to ensure that foreign businesses, like Chinese supermarkets, do not disp

ocal entrepreneurs China: The Quintessential Example of DomesticProtectionism: Ironically, China, the very country Dr Jagdeo

fearsmayretaliate,hasitself been a staunch defender of its local industries against foreign competition. China e

including joint venture requirements and regulatory barriers, which make it difficult for foreign firms to operateindependentlyinkey sectors. Foreign companies i

finance,andtechnologyface significant restrictions and oftenmustpartnerwithlocal firms to gain market access (OECD,2017).

China’s practice of limitingforeigninfluencein s

y regulatory protection that Guyana should adopt. In shielding domestic firms from foreign dominance, C

d companies like Alibaba and Tencenttothrivewithoutthe threat of competition from foreign giants such as Google or Facebook, which are effectively barred from theChinesemarket.

T h i s a p p r o a c h underscores the importance of strategic economic regulation that Guyana can emulate without violating internationaltradelaws. India: Protecting Local Retailers from Foreign Giants: India has similarly adopted a protective stance, particularlyinitsretail (Continuedonpage18)

I cannot support the appointment of Clifton Hicken as Commissioner of Police


Under the leadership of Clifton Hicken, the Guyana Police Force has descended into chaos and corruption, representing the absolute worst of law enforcement failures. The rot starts with something as blatant and visibleastherampantabuse of red and blue lights and sirens on private vehicles. This once simple issue—an e a s y m a t t e r o f enforcement has spiraled into unchecked mayhem on our roadways Private citizens, emboldened by their SUV ownership, tint their windows and slap on emergency lights to flout traffic laws, brazenly bypassing police scrutiny

Thisisnotjustaviolationof thelaw—it’sareflectionofa total collapse in the respect for authority and lawfulness underHicken’stenure.

But the lawlessness doesn’t end on the roads Allegations of massive

corruption, involving

billions of dollars of taxpayers’ hard-earned money, hang like a dark cloud over the Guyana PoliceForce,andyetthereis deafening silence. Not one attempt to clear the air, not o n e t r a n s p a r e n t investigation into where these billions are going How can we, as a nation, trustaforcethatcannoteven answer to the people about the most serious of allegations?

This is not just a minor failing this is systemic, and it reeks of deep-rooted corruption.

Itgetsworse.Reportsare rife with civilians having to buy their way to firearm licences, a basic right for lawful citizens, now turned

into a corrupt bidding process Policemen and women, who should be advancingthroughmeritand dedication, are being forced to pay for their promotions from constable to sergeant. Is this the standard of policing the people of Guyanadeserve?Absolutely not. Under Hicken’s watch, ourpoliceforcehasbecome an institution where money and influence rule the day, and justice is nowhere to be found.

This is the PPP/C at its worst compromising national security, fostering corruption, and allowing a once proud force to deteriorateintoaplayground for the wealthy and wellconnected.

This is not leadership; this is a betrayal of the peopleofGuyana.

We must reject this at every turn. The PPP/C has failed to deliver on its promises, and if this is what theystandfor,itisclear:they cannot be trusted with the future of our country We, the people, must never vote for the PPP/C again if we w a n t t o s e e t r u e accountability,justice,anda returntolawandorder

Yoursfaithfully GaneshMahipaul,M.P.

And now, with all this i n c o m p e t e n c e a n d corruption laid bare, the powers that be want to confirm a man in this leadership position past retirementage!Isthisnotan insult to every law-abiding, taxpaying citizen in Guyana? The people must take note! The confirmation ofCliftonHickenwouldbea direct endorsement of everything that has gone wrongunderhiscommand.



, G u y a n e s e l i k e everybodyelsewantwealth, but Guyanese won’t stand against their beloved political parties that are in their way to achieve their wealth, so how will they get their wealth if they won’t protestagainsttheirpolitical parties, only experts in this subject can explain. I once heard a grandmother telling her grandson, “Why don’t yougotothesugarestateand beg management for a “lilwuk”?, to which the grandsonreplied,“Burnham nationalized the sugar estates so they belong to us now,sowhyshouldIgobeg anybodyfora“lil-wuk”?.

Unfortunately, the majority of Guyanese have the mentality like the grandmother where Guyanese don’t think about managing Guyana’s wealth as owners, but give it away, then go beg the “new owners” mostly foreigners for a “lil-wuk”, a policy being championed and implemented by Guyana’s leaders. The PPP has come up with the perfect political trick, borrow money, give Guyanese paltry cash grants and “lil-wuk” from this spending, and Guyanese thank them saying this is better than what the PNC gave them A perfect exampleisthePPPpumping

borrowed money into the Rose Hall Sugar Estate, and the people referred to the PPP as divine beings from the holy books for the “lilwuk” they received, not thinking this is not from the PPP but from debt taken in their name.The PPPleaders then say how much more they invest in Guyanese more than the PNC Guyanese should ask themselves how much debt didthePNCincurcompared to the PPP, I have to now defendthePNC,apartyjust like the PPP that should leave the political landscape of Guyana and disappear intothesunset.

Guyanese would rather accept a “lil-wuk” as cooks, cleaners, weeders, landscapers, pet attendants, handymen and women, porters, drivers, security guards, parking attendants, washers,etc,inexchangefor theplunderingoftrillionsof

dollars of their oil, gold, diamonds, manganese, bauxite, timber etc MP BharratJagdeonowcallsall those who criticize his mismanagement of Guyana’soilas“Fossils”,he is finally onto something, except including himself alsoasafossilwhohasbeen in Guyana’s government for more than half of the time since Guyana gained independence, Jagdeo along with the other fossils collaborate or stay silent as Exxon plunders Guyana’s crown jewel, it’s oil fossils. LOP Aubrey Compton Nortonhasrecentlyemerged fromhisfossilizedstatewith plans of managing the oil sector to benefit Guyanese, whichsoundslikehecopied or borrowed Bharrat Jagdeo’s plans for the oil sector when Jagdeo was in opposition.

This is the same Norton when asked about these

crucialoilissuesawhileago spoke about orgasms instead,lookslikelifeinthe State House is so sweet people would become the biggest sell-outs, liars, and hypocrites to get in there, thingsarelookingverybleak forGuyanesetobenefitfrom their oil, since it looks like which party gives more to Exxon will win the State House as if Exxon is not getting enough. Exxon is already shipping out Guyanese valuable oil fossils, it is high time they didGuyaneseabigfavourby shipping out the useless fossils as well, being the political,civic,andreligious leaders, the principal one beingPPP’sBharratJagdeo. Bharrat Jagdeo along with Vickram Bharrat say theirmodelofmanagingthe oilsectorisamongthebestin the world, and other countries want to follow Guyana’s model, it’s time

someone asked them to name which country in the world has 2% royalty, no taxes, no ring-fencing, no parentcompanyfullliability insurance from oil spills, no oil meters at the pumps and non-existent environmental protection for 90% of their oil fields With tensions risingintheMiddleEast,oil prices usually spike, the Bharrats should say what strategy they have to make Guyanese benefit from this spikeinoilprices.

BharratJagdeoinsteadof acquiring a team of oil experts to manage the oil sector spends his time reading newspapers to see whocriticizeshim,sohecan attack them at what he calls his press conference. With all the magic trick shows in the oil sector so far, the feature presentation trick is about to commence in Guyana, being the Wales Gas Plant. First, the

Government and Exxon sell the trick, that gas generated from oil production can be “monetized”forrevenueand also used to produce power for local consumption. Like tricksters they show the benefitsinonehandbuthide dangers in the other, Jagdeo says this is such a good investment even Exxon will beinvesting,whathedoesn’t say is that no Exxon shareholder in their right mind will invest in that gas plant,anyinvestmentExxon makes will come from Guyana’s oil and Guyana will have to match it with Guyana’s oil profits plus obviously debts on Guyanese backs Jagdeo says Guyana will sell gas to Suriname and Brazil, with Brazilbeingagas-producing giant and Suriname soon to comeonstreamwithitsown gas production, this would belikesellingwoodtoa


Fossils, Tricksters, and Exploiters Continue...


forestdwellersinceGuyana can’ttapintotheEuro,Asia, orNorthAmericanmarketas theyhavetheirownreserves and suppliers already Jagdeo says the gas plant will producepowerforGuyana,but he doesn’t want to hear about cheaper alternatives and still won’t produce data this plant willbenefitGuyana

The gas plant is going ahead andtheGuyanesesatthereand allowed it to happen, not knowing what they have got themselves into, this is the perfectlegaltrickoilcompanies

andsell-outleadersperpetuateon their countries Guyana’s oil profits that should be going to Guyanese and debt incurred by Govt on Guyanese backs will create a large pool of money around the gas plant, this money will be shared by oil companies, their subsidiaries, partner firms, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, suppliers, and the local sellouts with companies close to them will get some local content while digging a mass grave for Guyanese with poverty,debt,andpollution Red flags are already evident with

this expensive venture for Guyana that is destined to become a dead white elephant fortheGuyanese

Firstly, when Exxon and Jagdeosaysomethingisgood for Guyana means it’s bad

Secondly, Exxon nor Jagdeo c a n n o t p r o v i d e comprehensive and technical datatosupporttheirwordsthat the plant will be beneficial to Guyana.Thirdly, Exxon nor Jagdeo wants to hear about crucial policies to monetize the oil for Guyanese like taxesandring-fencingofoil projects. Fourthly, neither

ExxonnorJagdeowantstotalk about cheaper alternatives to provide power to Guyana preachingthegasplantwillbe Guyana’sultimatesaviour,and finally,thenameBrassingtonis associated with the gas plant

AllGuyanesewillgetfromthis plant is a “lil-wuk” being unskilledslave-likelow-paying jobs SoOnceagainGuyanese aregettingachoice,staysilent andaccept“lil-wuk”orfightfor their rightful share of their wealthandget“bigmoney”,so onceagainGuyanese,whatwill itbe?

Fakepension booksincirculation

Pension Payment

DPI-MinisterofHumanServicesandSocialSecurity,Dr VindhyaPersaud,hasissuedasternwarningregardingtheuse offakeandunauthorisedpensionbooks.

The issue is currently under investigation by the Guyana PoliceForce(GPF).

During a recent outreach in Region Six, Minister Persaud outlined the severity of the matter and warned that anyone caughtcommittingfraudwillbeheldaccountable.

“ThesebooksarenotauthorisedbytheMinistryofHuman Services and Social Security and as such, it is being investigated by the Guyana Police Force. It is a serious thing and anybody found complicit in respect of who they are, will beheldaccountablebylaw Theywillfacethefullforceofthe law,”MinisterPersaudwarned.

The unauthorised booklets, which have appeared in various payment facilities, lack the security features and coloursoftheofficialdocument.

The Ministry of Human Services and Social Security has provided all relevant evidence of the fake books to the police. It has warned that anyone trying to pass them off as real will havelegalactiontakenagainstthem.

The ministry also called on its staff, the Guyana Post Office Corporation (GPOC), and other payment venues to increase vigilance and ensure the integrity of the payment process.

To prevent abuse, persons are reminded that official pension booklets are only distributed through designated officescountrywide.

Minister Persaud urged senior citizens to utilise the various payment methods made available by the ministry via banks and Mobile Money Guyana (MMG). With funds being deposited within the first five days of each month, the ministry’s payment methods are both secure and can be accessedinatimelymanner

PNC,AFC hammer Sam...

From page 3

InfrastructurearguedthatthePPPgovernmentfeelsitisdutybound to spend all the revenues generated from oil production. He said this was the only explanation for the comments made by Hinds, signaling that there is no consideration of saving for future generations. He also suggested, “If you can’t spend all the money, it should be investedandsavedforalatergenerations.”

Meanwhile, the PNC/R’s spokesman on oil and gas, Elson Low said that Ambassador Hinds has once again proven to be a window into the PPP’s true thinking and attitude.

“He previously praised the Stabroek block Production Sharing Agreement as “fair” and now his recent comments have made it clear that the PPP is intimidated by the challengesoftheoilindustry Virtually,nopoliticalleaderor party worldwide would say that it prefers not to have more revenue,”Lowstated.

Instead, the PNC/R insisted that the country should be pushing to earn more revenue to meet the urgent developmentneedsofthecountry

He was keen to note that the former President in referencingthecountry’sabsorptivecapacityisalarming.

“His admission that revenues are not being used effectivelyisdamningbutmoreconcerningisthathedoesn’t seem to see that as a problem that can be fixed. Instead of speaking to the Stabroek Block partners to get more for Guyanese and reforming the government’s operation, the PPP has clearly decided to bury its head in the sand. The Ambassador’s comments are shocking and disappointing in equalmeasure,”thePNC/Rnoted.

…Human Services Minister warns against use

The constitutional framework governing the appointment of the Commissioner of Police in Guyana

The issue of appointing someone to either act as or become the substantive Commissioner of Police in Guyanahasbeenthesubject of constitutional litigation and judicial scrutiny In particular,thelegalquestion arose as to whether the President can validly appoint someone to act as Commissioner of Police in the absence of formal consultations with key constitutional actors such as theLeaderoftheOpposition and the Chairperson of the Police Service Commission (PSC).

The August 2022 ruling by Chief Justice Roxane George, SC, has clarified this issue. It has affirmed

that the President’s appointment of Clifton H i c k e n a s a c t i n g CommissionerofPolicewas not unconstitutional due to unique circumstances that made full compliance with Article 211(2) impossible. However, it is essential to understand that the President’s ability to make such appointments, under normal circumstances, hinges on his meaningful consultations with the relevant authorities as outlined in the Constitution ofGuyana.

It will be recalled that thiscolumnhadarguedthata distinction can be made between someone who is acting as Commissioner of Police and someone who is appointed to perform the duties of such a post. The Court rejected this distinction, and it is thereforeamootpointnow Therefore, once the President meaningfully

consults with the Leader of the Opposition and the Chairperson of the PSC, he is constitutionally empowered to make a substantive appointment to thepostofCommissionerof Police Constitutional Provisions:

The appointment of the Commissioner of Police is governed by Article 211(2) of the Constitution of Guyana, which requires the Presidenttoconsulttwokey stakeholders: (i) the Leader oftheOppositionand(ii)the ChairpersonofthePSCafter the Chairman has consulted with the members of the Commission These consultationsareintendedto ensure that the appointment reflects a broad consensus amongcriticalconstitutional actorsandthatthechoiceof the Commissioner is free frompoliticalpartisanship.

Specifically, Article 211(2) of the Constitution p r o v i d e s : “ T h e Commissioner of Police shall be appointed by the President after meaningful consultationwiththeLeader of the Opposition and the Chairperson of the Police Service Commission, after the Chairperson has consulted with the other m e m b e r s o f t h e Commission.”

This provision ensures thattheappointmentprocess involves substantive input from both the political opposition and the independent constitutional body responsible for police oversight The question, however, remains: what constitutes “meaningful consultation,” and how can the President discharge this


The term “meaningful consultation” is defined within the Constitution itself According to the Constitution, “consultation” o r “ m e a n i n g f u l consultation”meansthatthe person responsible for seeking consultation shall identify the persons or entities to be consulted and specify to them in writing

the subject of the consultationandanintended date for the decision on the subject of consultation. It also entails that each person or entity to be consulted is afforded a reasonable opportunity to express a considered opinion on the subjectoftheconsultation.

The critical elements of meaningful consultation, therefore, include the requirement that the President must formally inform the Leader of the Opposition and the Chairperson of the PSC, in writing, of the intended appointment and the timeline for the decision. The consulted parties must be given sufficient time to provide a considered opinion on the matter The consultation process must notberushedortokenistic.

It is my opinion that consultations need not take place in person The President, in my estimation, canconducttheconsultation t h r o u g h w r i t t e n correspondence, ensuring that both the Leader of the Opposition and the PSC Chairperson have the opportunity to deliberate on the candidate and provide theirfeedback.

This consultation can be


Dem a Look Fuh Trouble

Y’all ever see dem people walking by yuh car and slowing down to peep or glance inside like if something catch dem eye? People walking normal on de streets butdemeyesnotlookingahead;itpeering into dem parked cars like if dem leff somethinginside.

Demain’tgotnobusinesswidyuhcar, but dey acting like dem waiting fuh yuh fuhgetabago’goldpondeseat.Demmore interested in what inside de car dan de model of de car And dem is not junkies. Someofdemwell-dressed.

And is dem same peepers who giving ideastodetiefmandem.Youleaveyuhbag on de seat, and dem boys seh that like putting a big sign, “Come tek me!” Next ting you know, window smash, and yuh thingsgone!


done by someone so authorized by the President.

This I believe is so because the legal obligation on the Presidentistoensurethatthe views of the consulted parties are sought and considered However, the Presidentisnotboundtoact onthoseviews.Theessence of consultation is the exchangeofinformationand theopportunityfordialogue, notnecessarilyagreement.

In the case concerning the appointment of Clifton H i c k e n a s a c t i n g CommissionerofPolice,the courtwasaskedtodetermine whether the President had violated the Constitution by appointing Hicken without the required consultations.

At the time of the appointment,thepositionof Leader of the Opposition wasvacant,andtherewasno functional PSC Chief Justice Roxane George, SC, ruled that the President’s a c t i o n s w e r e n o t unconstitutional, as full compliance with the consultationrequirementsof Article 211(2) was impossible due to circumstances beyond the President’scontrol.

In her judgment, Chief J u s t i c e G e o r g e

acknowledged that the Constitution requires meaningful consultation but notedthattheabsenceofthe necessary constitutional actors rendered full compliance impracticable In such cases, the President must act to ensure that the office of Commissioner of Police is filled, as public safety and law enforcement cannot be compromised by politicalstalemate.

This ruling underscores that while the constitutional framework mandates meaningful consultation, it also allows for flexibility in extraordinary situations where consultation is impossible However, in normal circumstances, the President must comply with t h e c o n s u l t a t i o n requirementsbeforemaking a n y s u b s t a n t i v e appointment.

Inthecaseofappointing someone as the substantive Commissioner, so long as the President adheres to the constitutional requirements formeaningfulconsultation, he retains the ultimate authority to appoint a substantive Commissioner ofPolice.Consultationdoes not equate to concurrence. The President is required to

listen to the opinions of the Leader of the Opposition and the Chairperson of the PSC, but he is not obligated t o f o l l o w t h e i r recommendations. Once the consultation process is fulfilled as defined in the Constitution,thePresidentis free to exercise his discretion in making the appointment.

This framework balancestheneedforchecks and balances with the President’s executive authority

It ensures that the appointment process is inclusive, transparent, and participatory, while also recognizing that the final decision lies with the President. The Constitution does not give the consulted parties a veto over the President’s choice but ensures that their views are formallyconsidered.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

nothing in de cabin.You gotta put it in de trunk, outta sight. Cuz dem peepers, dem ain’t curious—dem looking like dem planningfuhsnatchsomething.

Peoplegottawatchdem.Demmoving quiet-quiet, like cat stalking a bird. Dem don’t even blink. Just walking past slowslow, eyes darting left, right, like dem lookingfuh freepickings.

Dem boys seh, when you see dem peepers, check yuh locks. Dem like dem waiting fuh yuh turn yuh back, and poof! Yuhstuffgone. So remember, don’t give dem any reason. Put yuh things away And when youseedem,justknowdemain’tadmiring yuhride.Demboyssehdemaplanfuhde big score! Keep dem guessing, and keep yuhgoodshidden. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.

Will Mr. Hughes, Mr. Norton, and company please stand

If there is one thing that would accept either of the Itiseitherthatoraforminga cohesion (not separation) of and learn to mix with the In the field of play, there could be said for PPP two of them. Sorry But politicalparty InGuyanese, State and Church that is part commonpeople. was Field Marshal and practitioners of the political sometimes maters must be goat bite a lot of citizens, but oftheracketsinOfficeofthe Why, even a man as, ah, Commander in Chief, arts, it is that there is always calledastheyare. awideberthwasgiventothis President and Office of the far gone as Don Trump has M

an opportunity that could be The standard that applies point on the compass. well, er, there is none other. c

s helicoptering into Leonora leveraged to the party’s, to the here, there, and Pardon the digression, but it The VP is not a man listing following in the US circle of for a football match. Who government’s, and leaders’ everywhere Ali and Jagdeo makes sense to put that in heavilyinthedirectionofthe believers. Phagwah, Eid plays football in Guyana? If advantage. also have relevance to play, if only to keep people spiritworld,unlessitisofthe (either one), and other such any PPP ‘banna’ sees a race Ifadogishitdownwhile Messrs.Hughes,Norton,and ontheirtoes.

type that operates in dates on the local calendar card in that thought, there is crossing the road, Drs. Ali their extended company of Thequestionisnotgoing darkness, while the Office of must be studied on how they always the Ethnic Relations and Jagdeo find an opening comrades. Where are they? away: how could the the Prime Minister seems can be worked to maximum Commission. BharatJagdeo tospeakaboutspeeding. Ifit Has anybody seen them in political opposition be so more inclined to political advantage. Jesus did go in would mount the rescue is cost-of-living that riles up the places that matter? Will preoccupied, so slow on the sorcery than spiritual the temple and run out some operation, like he did for the considerable numbers of Mr Hughes,Mr Nortonetal draw, that people who lost substance. people who were a bit minister in the Ivor Thom Guyanese, they trot out pleasestandup? trackofGod,country,andall As a quick aside, please untoward. The concern is if affair Regardless of who statistics and subsidies There is a storm in thatGuyanameans,beatitto pardon the omission of titles the names being called and plays football, there was Then, there are meet-and- Linden, and who is there thepunch? for Drs. Ali and Jagdeo. Be urged into public spaces Excellency Ali arriving in greet moments, those press- first, but a reliable foot

Talking about God offers assured that no disrespect is would be the ones run out of Helicopter One. Everything the flesh flashbulb specials. soldier ofAli and Jagdeo. In a timely segue. Ali and/or intended. Should that ever housesofworship. and everywhere are seen as And who is always there, the caravan race to storm- Jagdeo can be depended happen, everybody will That is, those who are selling opportunities by the sun, snow, sleet, or storm, if struck Linden, stronghold of upon to be in the mandirs, know, with the two of them seen as desecrator and who PPPbrass. not President Ali and the the PNC no less, the first mosques, and other beingamongthefirst. feels desecrated. Come to They may be crass and ubiquitous Vice President bootsonthegroundarethose manmade monuments to So where are Nigel think of it, even Attila the kick grass, but they know Jagdeo grinning from ear to ofthePPP honour God. Good Friday, Hughes, Aubrey Norton and Hun and one of those great how to sell themselves via ear Embracing and There is speculation that Good Shepherd Sunday, and their talented tenth when Roman generals named selfies and sidling up to whisperingsweetnothingsin if there was association with that special season of peace people gather to pray, chant, Scipio did intrude rather impressed Guyanese. Mr the ear of Guyanese of all social media, how much and goodwill to all find them sing? Jump and wave, and boldly into the sanctum Hughes and Mr Norton had complexions. These guys more would have been seen, with pious presences and sing and shout, among the sanctorum. The conclusion bettertakenote. should be missionaries, what else the cascade of solemnfacesinthemiddleof brethren could lead to all is that whether war or They all insist on some except for one thing. There writings would cover one assembly or another It being well with many souls. politics, this is neither magic about going it alone. is no spiritual ministry that Perhaps, one of these days. is an extension of the Surely, they must have an playtime nor Play Doh nor They might as well kiss next archbishopintheircrowd. If the season for political year goodbye and jump not, a regular parson will do. playboys. BoththePNCand overboard. The point is that the AFCshouldlearn,iftheyare (The views expressed in opposition dukes and going to represent a this article are those of the duchesses must learn to get respected presence in 2025, a u t h o r a n d d o n o t away from the podium and and with respectful voter necessarily reflect the microphones and cameras responseresulting. opinions of this newspaper.)


Ask Vick but not ask Edghill

The Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo often enjoys pushing reporters around, sending them on wild quests to seek answers to questions from Ministers who are often difficult to reach.

He however enjoyed fielding the easy questions at his last press conference, responding to issues not even nearly related to his portfolio.

Instead of directing the infrastructure questions to the subject Minister, Juan Edghill, Jagdeo took precious time to respond. We hope this same courtesy could be extended when he is questioned on oil and gas, instead of telling reporters to “ask Vick.”

New regulations in the pipeline to enhance monitoring of outbound oil and gas vessels - GoG report oil

and gas vessels

New Standard (FPSO) vessels, concerns

O p e r a t i n g were previously raised about P r o c e d u r e s the accuracy of data relating

(SOPs)thathave to the amount of oil being been crafted will see the produced daily and reported enhancement of monitoring by the operator of the activities related to the oil S t a b r o e k B l o c k , andgassector ExxonMobil Guyana

The Government of Limited(EMGL). Guyana (GoG) in its 2024 K a i e t e u r N e w s Mid-Year Report revealed Publisher, Glenn Lall had that the SOPs which have commented that the beencraftedbutareawaiting country’s oil could be final approval by the leaving in boatloads, since Customs and Trade the country lacked measures Administration will enhance to independently verify the monitoring of all shore d a t a p r o v i d e d b y bases. ExxonMobil.

Guyana’s largest FPSO- Prosperity- produces an average 250,000 barrels of oil daily

The new regulations Meanwhile, Exxon in specifically seek to beef up responsetoLallmadeitclear the “examination of that the company is not outbound vessels with oil opposedtoGuyanainstalling and gas related items; itsownmeterstomonitorthe production vessels have standards and are approved andlifters.Tothisend,theoil governmentputsinplace.” closure of files; and the productionactivities. meters, and those meters by the Government of company said, “EMGL is Previously, the Ministry presence of officers aboard ExxonMobil Guyana meet or exceed international Guyana. Further, it said the unaware of any regulatory ofNaturalResourcespointed installation vessels with said: “the Government’s oil industry standards.That data transfer meter operations are regime that requires local to a suite of measures helipads for the examination lifts also aren’t a mystery – is also monitored by the witnessed by government regulators to install separate implemented to verify crude of cargo outbound and theyareavailableforanyone Government,” the company representatives, in keeping m

oil production These inbound,”thereportstated. to read on the Ministry of stated. withindustrybestpractices. however we have no included the presence of In the absence of Natural Resources’ website. Exxon argued that the As an additional layer of objection to the government of

e independent meters on the Furthermore, despite FPSOs have transfer meters verification, Exxon said pursuing an independent offloading of oil and the three Floating Production repeated claims to the that meet or exceed representative samples are monitoring system and will calibration of Exxon’s Storage and Offloading contrary, our offshore international industry shared with the government adhere to any regulations the meters.

NewUNResidentCoordinatorpresents LettersofCredencetoPresidentAli

Ms. Jean Kamau, new national of Kenya, is ranking UN Official in International in Kenya and United Nations Resident replacing Ms. Yesim Oruç, Guyana, Ms. Kamau served Lesotho and as the first Coordinator to Guyana, who served in Guyana for asadiplomatintheRepublic Executive Director for the recently presented her threeyears. of SouthAfrica, Kingdom of Federation of Women credentials to President Ms. Kamau has more Eswatini, Kingdom of Lawyers,Kenya. IrfaanAli at the Office of the than 20 years of experience Lesotho and Washington Ms Kamau holds a President. in human rights, women’s DC Before joining the bachelor’s degree in Law T

n rights, peace building, diplomatic service, she from the University of signaled the official start of institutional development, worked in multiple roles in Nairobi and master’s degree Ms. Kamau’s mandate in g o v e r n a n c e , a n d the public sector and civil in Democratic Studies from Guyana. development. Prior to her society,includingasCountry the University of Leeds in Ms. Kamau, who is a appointment as the highest- Director for Action Aid theUnitedKingdom.

Guyana Fashion Showcase now billed for Ramada Princess Hotel today

TShowcase (GFS),

originally scheduled for

apologize for any

Friday at the National prioritize the safety and Gallery of Art, Castellani comfort of our attendees,” House in Georgetown, has Giddings stated while beenpostponedtotoday.The adding that, “We look event will now take place at forward to welcoming you the Ramada Princess Hotel tomorrow for a spectacular located at Providence, East showcase of Guyanese BankDemerara. fashiontalent ”

Philbert Giddings, the The GFS is part of the Chief Executive Officer Cricket Carnival calendar, (CEO) of the showcase and this year marks its announced on Friday that second appearance in

Guyana. weatherisresponsibleforthe The event will feature postponement. international designer Giddings said that to Michelle Cole Wagner, head ensure a comfortable of COLEFACTS, as well as experience for attendees, American actress, model, models, and the production and reality television team, the decision was made personality Cynthia Denise tomovetheeventindoors. Bailey, who will host the Doors will open at event. 14:00hrs, with the show set Additionally, prominent to commence at 15:00hrs. figures such as Miss Guyana Giddings assured ticket Cu

Queen 2024, holders that all previously Shequana Holder, and purchased tickets will international actress and remainvalidforthenewdate model Sharminah Leah will andlocation. beinattendance.

President Irfaan Ali (centre) with the newly accredited UN Resident Coordinator, Ms. Jean Kamau, (right) and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hugh Todd (left). (Office of the President Guyana)

Israel targets Hezbollah intel HQ in Lebanon, Iran says it will not back down


People carry their belongings while walking on the rubble, after an Israeli strike, as they flee Lebanon due to ongoing hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli forces, at Masnaa border crossing with Syria, in Lebanon, October 4, 2024. REUTERS/Mohamed Azakir/File Photo

networks, Mohammad

M, Oct 4 (Reuters) - Israel Rashid Sakafi. It declined to said it had targeted the comment on the report that intelligence headquarters of Safieddinewastargeted. Hezbollah in Beirut and was Hezbollah made no assessing the damage on comment on the fate of Fridayafteraseriesofstrikes Sakafi. onseniorfiguresinthegroup

K h a m e n e i s a i d that Iran’s Supreme Leader assassinations would just d i s m i s s e d a s spurmoreattacks. counterproductive.

“Every strike launched

Israel has been weighing byanygroupagainstIsraelis options in its response to a service to the region and to Iranian ballistic missile all humanity,” he said, attack on Tuesday, which adding that Afghanistan Iran had carried out in shouldjointhe“defence”. response to Israel’s military FLATTENED BEIRUT actioninLebanon. BUILDINGS

Oil prices have risen on I n H e z b o l l a h ’ s thepossibilityofanattackon stronghold in Beirut’s Iran’s oil facilities as Israel southern suburbs, many pursues its goals of pushing buildings have been reduced back Hezbollah militants in to rubble. Nearly all the Lebanon and eliminating storefronts in the main theirHamasalliesinGaza. market street, Moawad

The air attack on Beirut, Souk, were damaged and the part of a wider assault that roadfilledwithbrokenglass. has driven more than 1.2

“We’re alive but don’t million Lebanese from their know for how long,” said homes, was reported to have NouhadChaib,a40-year-old have.”

The latest bloodletting in powerfularmedandpolitical Fadavi as saying on Friday targeted the potential man already displaced from The government in the decades-old Israeli- force with reach across the thatifIsraelattacked,Tehran successor to the leader of thesouth. Lebanon says more than Palestinian conflict stems MiddleEast. would target Israeli energy Iran-backed Hezbollah,

The Islamic Health 2,000 people have been fromanattackbyPalestinian Iranian leader Ayatollah andgasinstallations. Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Authority, a civil defence killed there in the past year, Hamas militants’ Oct 7, Ali Khamenei told a huge Axios reporter Barak killedbyIsraelaweekago. agency linked to Hezbollah, mostinthepasttwoweeks. 2023,thatkilled1,200andin crowd in Tehran, Iran and its Ravid cited three Israeli

Hashem Safieddine’s said 11 medics had been

U N spokesperson which about 250 were taken regional allies would not officials as saying that fate was unclear and neither killed in three separate Stephane Dujarric called the as hostages, according to backdown.

H e z b o l l

Israel nor Hezbollah have Israeli attacks across toll on civilians “totally Israelitallies. Israel’sadversariesinthe Safieddine, rumoured to be offeredanycomment. southernLebanononFriday unacceptable.”

Israel’s subsequent region should “double your Nasrallah’s successor, had

A blast was heard and The Israeli military said T h e L e b a n e s e assault on Gaza has killed efforts and capabilities... and been targeted in an smoke was seen over that in the past day it had government has accused over 41,000 Palestinians, resisttheaggressiveenemy,” underground bunker in Beirut’s southern suburbs struck several weapons Israel of targeting civilians, according to Gaza’s health Khamenei said in a rare Beirut overnight but his fate early on Saturday, Reuters storage facilities, command pointingtodozensofwomen ministry, and displaced appearance leading Friday wasnotclear witnesses said, shortly after and control centres, and andchildrenkilled.Ithasnot nearly Gaza’s entire prayers, at which he

the Israeli military issued Hezbollah infrastructure broken down the overall population, caused a hunger mentioned Nasrallah and Colonel Nadav Shoshani twoalertsforresidentsofthe sitesintheBeirutarea. figure between civilians and crisis and led to genocide called Iran’s attack on Israel said on Friday the military

area to immediately Iran’s Foreign Minister Hezbollahfighters. allegationsthatIsraeldenies. legalandlegitimate. was still assessing the evacuate The first alert Abbas Araqchi, visiting Israel says it targets The Israeli military said He said Iran would not Thursday night airstrikes, warned residents in a Beirut and meeting with top military capabilities and some 70 projectiles were “procrastinate nor act hastily which he said targeted building in the Burj al- Lebanese officials, said takes steps to mitigate the launched from Lebanon into to carry out its duty” in Hezbollah’s intelligence Barajneh neighbourhood Tehran supported efforts for risk of harm to civilians. It Israeli territory on Friday confrontingIsrael. headquarters. and the second in a building a ceasefire in Lebanon accuses Hezbollah and evening and were either The semi-official Iranian E

i inChoueifatdistrict. provided it was backed by Hamas of hiding among intercepted or fell in open news agency SNN quoted military reported that it had U.S. President Joe Biden H

civilians,whichtheydeny land. Revolutionary Guards k

said on Friday he would simultaneous with a Gaza T h e U S S t a t e Israel sent ground forces deputy commander Ali Hezbollah’s communication

think about alternatives to ceasefire. Department said that an into Lebanon this week after striking Iranian oil fields if American was killed in the Iranian missiles attacks. he were in Israel’s shoes, Lebanon this week and It has said its ground adding that he thinks Israel Washington was working to operations are “localized” in hasnotyetconcludedhowto u n d e r s t a n d t h e villages near the border, but respondtoIran.

Biden was asked at a incident. Lebanon they would

circumstances of the hasnotspecifiedhowfarinto

White House press briefing Kamel Ahmad Jawad, advance or how long they if he thought that by not from Dearborn, Michigan, wouldlast. engaging in diplomacy, was killed in an Israeli Israel says the operations Israeli Prime Minister airstrike on Tuesday, aim to allow tens of Benjamin Netanyahu was according to his daughter, a thousands of its citizens to tryingtoinfluencetheNov 5 friend and the U S return home after Hezbollah

U S election in which

c o n g r e s s w o m a n bombardments that forced RepublicanformerPresident representinghisdistrict. them to evacuate from its Donald Trump faces State Department north. Democratic Vice President spokesperson Matthew IRAN VOWS NOT TO KamalaHarris. Miller said the department BACK DOWN “Whether he is trying to was “alarmed” by the Iran’s missile salvo was influencetheelection,Idon’t reports, and added: “it is a partly in retaliation for know but I am not counting

moral and strategic Israel’s killing of Hezbollah on that,” Biden said in imperativethatIsraeltakeall secretary-general Nasrallah, r e s p o n s e “ N o feasible precautions to a dominant figure who had administration has done mitigatecivilianharm.” turned the group into a more to help Israel than I

OneCommunicationsLaunchesPinktober2024: “Many Hearts, One Fight”

One Communications, in partnershipwiththeMinistry of Health and several nongovernmental organisations collectively referred to as Champions of Hope, officially launched Pinktober 2024 on Friday, continuing its mission to raise awareness and support for cancer fighters and survivorsacrossGuyana.

Speaking at the launch event themed ‘Many Hearts, One Fight,’ Ian Lewis, Director of Brand and Buzz at One Communications, said, “Pinktober is not just a moment but a movement, Club Inc This year’s The event, held at the and One Communications campaign also brings One C

(L-R) Andrea King, One Communications’ Pinktober Ambassador, Hazel Chase, two-time cancer survivor; Ian Lewis, One Communications’ Director of Brand and Buzz; Bibi Salim, member of Beacon Foundation and representative of Champions of Hope group; and Dr. Lachmie Lall, Director of Non-Communicable Diseases

remains committed to together corporate partners Conference Room at the making a real difference in including, Print Zone, Pegasus Suites Corporate the lives of those affected by Pegasus, Audio Vibes and Office, also featured The health official prostatecancerwith96cases representative of the cancerinGuyana.” L’Ev


Ministry of Health official, highlighted that in 2020, in 2020, 104 cases in 2021, Champions of Hope, also TheChampionsofHope, Studios. Dr LachmieLall,Directorof 2021, and 2022, breast and 129 cases in 2022.Then,

the group of NGOs S p e a k i n g o f t h e N o n - C o m m u n i c

cancer incidence ranked we have cancer of the cervix underscoring the collective collaborating with One collaborative work with the Diseases, the company said higher than all other cancers with 56 recorded cases in efforts needed to combat the Communications, includes Champions of Hope, Lewis inastatement. in Guyana. Specifically, in 2020, 57 in 2021, and


Beacon Foundation, Guyana said, “Together, we have Dr Lall praised the 2020, there were 123 breast to101casesin2022. individuals to change their Cancer Society, Giving made a lasting impact, continued partnership with cancer cases; in 2021, there Cancer is a disease that diet and make healthier Hope Foundation, Cancer reaching thousands of One Communications, were 144 cases and in 2022, does not discriminate,” she choices, to seek support Institute of Guyana, Debra individuals across Guyana emphasising the importance therewere186cases. detailed. when they are diagnosed, Shipley George Go Care and providing essential o f p u b l i c - p r i v a t e “As you can see, the Dr Lallsaidtheeffortsof and to be consistent with Foundation, Recover support to cancer fighters, collaborations in the fight number keeps rising. Right One Communications and their medical check-ups and Guyana and The Periwinkle survivorsandtheirfamilies.” againstcancer behind breast cancer, is the Champions of Hope self-examinations. provide “a lifeline for many One of the most people” who needed access emotional moments of the to screening, or critical care launch came from cancer andtreatment. survivor Hazel Chase, who Bibi Salim of the Beacon sharedherpersonaljourney F o u n d a t i o n , a n d (Continued on page 18)


From page 2

costs.” Suriname has done a much better job of securing the value in the prolific basin that these two countries share. Suriname’s model Production Sharing Contract (PSC) explicitly states that pre-contract costs and interests on loans arenotrecoverable.

In theAccounting Procedure of the Suriname model PSC, it is stated that “costs incurred before the Signing Date including the purchase of seismic data” and “Interest incurred on loans raised by the Contractor” do not qualify for cost recovery Suriname’s Staatsolie has described its PSC is world-class.

Guyana’s hefty pre-contract costs

Therearepre-contractcostsunderseveralagreementswith oil companies operating offshore Guyana. The heftiest precontract cost is for the Stabroek Block agreement, including costsowedtoExxonMobil.

Section 3 of the Accounting Procedure of the Stabroek Block agreement lists many expenses recoverable by the contractor Includedintheseare“allsuchcostsincurredunder the 1999 PetroleumAgreement between January 1, 2016 and the Effective Date which shall be provided to the Minister on or before October 31, 2016 and such number agreed on or beforeApril30,2017.”

This includes the US$460M stated in the contract and an additional amount not made public by the Government. International lawyer, Melinda Janki, estimated that the additional cost would take the total pre-contract cost to US$960M.

These costs include “contract costs, exploration costs, operating costs, service costs and general and administrative costsandannualoverheadchargeasthosetermsaredefinedin the 1999 Petroleum Agreement,” according to the 2016 contract.

There are pre-contract costs under several other contracts. Unlike the Stabroek Block agreement, a number of these agreements don’t even define pre-contract costs, leaving the public to wonder what it is paying oil companies millions of dollarsfor

The two-time cancer survivor, Hazel Chase


Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.

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[Extension 223/306] between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm.

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One Handyman needed. Call: 612-2125.

One (1) painter Call 615-9132 or 645-8443. General Domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.

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Vacancy for private secondary school one female day guard & full-time English teacher. Call: 678-0652.

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Laundry attendant, receptionist, supervisor & Room attendant 23-50 years old. 233 south road Lacytown / 2250198.

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Vacancy exist for one full-time housekeeper age 40 years or older. Call : 699-0942.


Two unfurnished, 2 bedrooms for rental in Stanleytown West Bank Demerara. Call: 0011-973651-7160 / 627-5497 via WhatsApp.


For Sale Live chicken $100 up $350 lb Call : 625-0058.

Respondent TO: ROSEMARY PERSAUD nee PAGAN 149-31120th Street, Apt 1, Wakefield, New York, 11420, United States of America. TAKE

NOTICE that on the 24th day of April, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by INDRAJIT PERSAUD the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 15th day of August, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of his Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) Consecutive Saturdays issues of the Kaieteur News online edition. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledge ment of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 50 (fifty) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.TAKE NOTICE that the Directions Hearing do stand adjourned to Thursday the 5th day of December, 2024 at 11:30 am before the Honourable Madam Chief Justice Roxane George via Zoom. For further guidance and/ or assistance, please contact the Chief Justice Chambers either by email at victorialawcourts@gmail.com or by telephone at 592-2256823 or 226-7947

IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 26th day of August, 2024.




DIVISION BETWEEN: Petition No. FD-1082 (FRANK) PAULINE SHAHARAZAD MOHAMED nee YESOOF -and- Petitioner/Applicant (FRANK) INDERDEO Respondent TO: INDERDEO FRANK Formely of Lot 19 East Meten-Meer-Zorg, West Coast Demerara, Guyana. TAKE NOTICE that on the 2nd day of August, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by PAULINE SHAHARAZAD

MOHAMED FRANK nee YESOOF, the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 4th day of September, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Guyana Kaieteur Newspaper, a daily Newspaper printed, published and circulated in Guyana of General circulation in Guyana and on the Worldwide web (online).

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Wednesday the 13th day of November, 2024 at 9:45 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Priscilla Chandra-Hanif in person. IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the day 9th of September, 2024.



Address Unknown

TAKE NOTICE that in the 19th day of February, 2024 Application relating to child was filed against you by DEVENA MORRISON. the Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Onder made on the 21 day of February, 2024, the Appli cant was directed to effect service of her Application on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published of general and circulation its and around the Republic of Guyana.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Application relating to child then upon receipt of the o certified copy of the Application, you must file a Reply to Application relating to child (Forms are available at the Registry), in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of the Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Direct ions Hearing on Wednes day the 15th day of May, 2024 at 10:30 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Damone Younge via Zoom Meeting ID: 845 1426 6584; Password: 786 445. IN DEFAULT of your filing a Reply to Application relati ng to child the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara). The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 13:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 29th day of February, 2024.






Petition No. FD-1513





nee BOVELL Formely of Farm, East Bank Demerara, Georgetown. TAKE

NOTICE that on the 13th day of October, 2023 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by


ADONIS the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.


as part of an Order made on the 15th day of August, 2024 the Petitioner Applicant was directed to effect service of his Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecu tive Saturday issues of a daily newspaper, printed, published and circulated in the Republic of Guyana and on the Worldwide web. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE

that if you desire you may appear of attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE

that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is Adjourned for Directions Hearing on Tuesday the 12 day of November, 2024 at 10:15 am before the Honourable Mr Justice Gino Persaud via Zoom Meeting ID: 733 558 9086 and Password Court 3 IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers

Four suspects wanted in relation to Main Street abduction of man surrender

Four men, who were wanted by police for questioning in relation to the abduction of Joshua David called ‘Bricks’ turned themselves into police on Friday morning, a senior police officer informed Kaieteur News. The men were identified as 34-year-old Wayne Barker called ‘onnie’ of lot G Norton Street Lodge, 26-year-old Aaron Alleyne called ‘Cats’ of Lot 9 West La Penitence, 21-

year-old Davantai Mars called ‘Sharkie’ of Lot 148 Middle Road, La Penitence and 32year-old Damion Barlow called ‘Dangles’ of Lot 47 Norton Street, Wortmanville.

The two other men who were wanted, Osafo Peters and Alpha Poole, turned themselves into police on September 30, 2024.

The six suspects are accused of abducting David while he was purchasing food

at the New Thriving Restaurant on Main Street, Georgetown on September 27, 2024. Ever since his abduction, police have been searching for the abducted man. On Tuesday, they combed the Annandale Backlands, East Coast Demerara (ECD) with the assistance of drones but were unsuccessful. Despite the outcome, police have maintained that they will continue to follow all

leads as they do their best to find David.

On Monday, a video surfaced on social media showing David being abducted. He was surrounded by five persons, while in a scuffle. It was observed that during the scuffle, one of the men kicked David in a bid to have him cooperate. Thereafter, he was seen being pushed. It is unclear where he was taken.

Meanwhile, Kaieteur

News understands that the wanted men are connected to the recent drive-by shooting that killed 39-year-old Lawrence Wayne, known as ‘Boy Boy,’ and 40-year-old Anthony Havercome on D’Urban Street, Georgetown, on August 24, 2024. To read more; https:// www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/ 2024/10/01/two-suspectssurrender-in-alleged-kidnapping-of-man-on-main-street/

Banks DIH workers to get 25% wage hike following signing of Agreement...

From page 2 Officer), Dennis Glasgow (Branch Committee Member), and Nunyam Haynes (Shop Steward).

Banks DIH Limited was represented by Mr Deonarain Seepaul (Finance Director) and Mrs. Kavorn Kyte-Williams (HR Chief Executive/ General Counsel). According to a statement issued by the beverage company, Norris Witter (GWU’s President) emphasized the smooth and non-adversarial nature of the negotiations, which were completed in five


appropriate, including granting the Divorce.

The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Cours Georgetown, Demerara). The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.

Dated the 18th day of September,2024.

days over 30 working hours.

He praised the positive relationship between the union and the company, highlighting the mutual reliance and recognition of employee importance.

Deonarain Seepaul, Finance Director of Banks DIH Limited called the agreement a significant milestone and underscored the company’s commitment to job security, medical benefits, life insurance, and retirement benefits.

He stated that negotiations were concluded swiftly, resulting in a 25% wage in-

crease and enhanced benefits over three years.

He emphasized the importance of sustainability for

shareholders, employees, suppliers, and customers.

CLO Mr. Deonarine commended the negotiations as a

model for other companies, praising the willingness of both parties to engage constructively.

Magistrates’ Court remands duo accused of abduction following High Court order to release them

Despite a High

Court order for their release, two men were remanded to prison on Friday after being charged with the alleged abduction of Joshua David, knownas‘Bricks,’oneweek prior Alpha Poole, 35, of Stanley Place, Kitty, Georgetown, and Osafo Peters,28,ofWilliamStreet, Kitty, Georgetown, appeared before Principal MagistrateFaithMcGustyat t h e G e o r g e t o w n Magistrates’Court.

The charges allege that on September 26, 2024, at Main Street, Georgetown, Poole and Peters, in the companyofothers,abducted David with the intent to secretly and wrongfully

confine him. The men were not required to plead to the charge and were remanded to prison, with the case adjourned to October 11, 2024.

Before their court appearance, a legal dispute arosewhenattorneyEverton Lammy-Singh informed the court that an order was issuedbytheSupremeCourt of Judicature (The High Court) for both men to be released from custody This order,handeddownbyHigh Court Judge Nichole Pierre, statedthatthemenhadbeen held beyond the legal 72hourdetentionperiod.

Despite this ruling, the men were still brought before the Magistrates’ Court. Lammy-Singh indicated that he plans to

return to the High Court to seek contempt charges againstthoseresponsiblefor ignoringtheorder

Inspector Jones, objected to bail on the grounds that the menmightfacemoreserious charges, as David has not been located and is now presumeddead.

Jones argued that if releasedonbail,theaccused could tamper with evidence and noted that eyewitnesses had positively identified them.

In contrast, LammySingh and fellow attorney G l e n n H a n o m a n , representing Poole, argued thatunderGuyaneselaw,the offence is bailable and does

not carry a penalty of more thanfiveyears.Theypointed out that while their clients’ images are circulating on social media, they were not identified in the video of D

Furthermore, the lawyers stated that bulletins for PooleandPeterswereissued just one day after the incident, without the police makinganypriorattemptsto locate them They emphasized that both men had voluntarily surrendered tothepolice.

After considering arguments from both sides, Magistr

y remanded the men to prison andorderedthat,onthenext court date, still images and thevideooftheabductionbe presented.

A30-year-oldlabourerwasremandedto prison on Friday after appearing at the Georgetown Magistrates’Court to answer a simplelarcenycharge.

The defendant, Christopher Benn, is accusedofstealingafourpennyweightgold chainvaluedat$60,000fromAsmmaAlion September 3, 2024, at Cornhill Street, Stabroek,Georgetown.

PrincipalMagistrateFaithMcGustyread thechargestoBenn,whopleadednotguilty

Accordingtothefactspresentedincourt, at around 12:00 hrs, Ali was seated near a window in a route 42 minibus when Benn allegedly approached her and snatched the chain from her neck through the window, making his escape in the direction of Stabroek Market. Ali, along with some bystanders, gave chase but was unable to


On October 2, police acting on informationreceived,wereabletolocateand arrestBenn.Asearchwasconductedonhim but the stolen chain was not recovered. Ali was subsequently contacted to identify the accused.Heridentificationoftheaccusedled toBennbeingchargedwiththeoffence.

Prosecutor Seon Williams objected to bail,citingtheseriousnessandprevalenceof theoffence,aswellasthefactthatthestolen itemhadnotbeenrecovered.

During court proceedings, Benn was unable to provide the same address he had given to the police, raising concerns for MagistrateMcGustyaboutthepossibilityof him being a flight risk. As a result, he was remandedtoprisonandisscheduledtoreturn tocourtonOctober25,2024.

One Communications Launches Pinktober 2024... Labourer remanded for snatching chain from minibus window

Frompage14 in battlingbreast cancerand then cervical cancer Her story served as a powerful reminder of the campaign’s core mission: to support those fighting cancer and celebrate those who have overcomeit.

Looking Ahead: Pinktober2024Activities

This year’s ONE Pinktober campaign will feature a series of activities designed to engage the public and promote cancer awareness The calendar includes Wear Pink Fridays everyFridaythismonth,and the much-anticipated

Pinktober Cancer Walk on October 27, kicking off at 6 amfromtheEverestCricket Ground. In addition to these e v e n t s , O n e Communications has launched a donation drive, where individuals can text the word “donate” to 620PINK(7465). The value of the text is $500. Further, corporate donations can be m a d e t h r o u g h www.onepinktober.com

Internally, One

Communications is encouraging its staff to participate in the initiative by donating and wearing pink every Friday

throughout October All fundsraisedwillbedirected towards cancer care and treatment.


Since its inception in 2017, Pinktober has been o n e o f O n e Communications’ most impactful corporate social responsibility initiatives, raisingsignificantfundsand awarenessforcancer-related causes in Guyana. Through its partnerships with NGOs, the Ministry of Health, and the Champions of Hope, Pinktober continues to lead the charge in the fight againstcancer

Title: Regulation, Not Restriction, is a Sovereign...

Frompage 04

sector Through its limitations on foreign direct investment (FDI), India has shielded its small, familyowned retail businesses, known as “Kirana Stores”, frombeingoverwhelmedby global giants like Walmart andAmazon.India’spolicies place strict conditions on foreign multi-brand retail operations, ensuring that local businesses remain competitive(Governmentof India, 2021). This approach reflects the principle that non-discriminatory but protective regulation can maintain fair competition between local and foreign businesses, preventing the former from being squeezed out by the latter’s financial power

The United Kingdom: National Security and EconomicSovereignty:

The United Kingdom’s approachtoforeigninvestment, especiallypost-Brexit,offers another clear example of how non-discriminatory regulation protects national interests. In 2021, the UK governmentblockedthesale of a British semiconductor firm to a Chinese company due to national security concerns (UK Department for International Trade, 2021). The UK’s decision highlights how economic sovereignty can be maintainedthroughstrategic regulatory measures, ensuring that foreign ownership does not erode controloverkeyindustries.

TheCaribbean:Supporting LocalBusinessDominance: Even in the Caribbean, where economies are often smaller and more reliant on foreign investment, governments have taken

steps to protect local businesses Barbados, for instance, has implemented restrictions on foreign ownership in certain industries, ensuring that local enterprises retain control over key sectors (CARICOM, 2018) This approach shows that even smaller nations can assert their economic sovereignty through balanced market regulation.

Regulation, Not Restriction, as a Necessary ApproachforGuyana: Guyana must recognize that non-discriminatory but protective regulation is not onlypermissiblebutessential The influx of Chinese businesses,whilecontributing to some economic activity, poses a significant threat to local enterprises that lack the capital and supply chains to compete on equal footing Regulation that ensures foreign businesses adhere to the same standards as local ones, without favoritism, is critical to maintaining a level playingfield Dr Jagdeo’sfear of retaliatory action from China overlooks the fact that Chinaitselfemploys someofthemoststringent regulatory frameworks to protect its industries. Guyana should not shy away from asserting its economic sovereignty,particularlywhen foreign competition threatens to marginalize local businesses Moreover, by ensuring that foreign enterprises, including Chinese businesses, are subject to fair but stringent regulation, Guyana can safeguard its domestic economy without violating international trade laws Conclusion: Vice President, Dr

assertion that restricting Chinese businesses would violate international norms is a misreading of global trade practices. Across the world, nations have implemented non-discriminatory but protective regulations to safeguard their domestic industries from foreign dominance From the United States to China and from the EUtotheCaribbean,countries have recognized that regulation, not restriction, is the sovereign right of any nation seeking to protect and preserveitseconomy Guyana must not hesitate to adopt similarmeasurestoensurethat its local businesses can thrive inanincreasinglycompetitive globalmarket.


1. CARICOM. (2018). Trade policy review m e c h a n i s m https://www.caricom.org

2 E u r o p e a n Commission. (2021). Antidumping measures https://trade.ec.europa.eu

3. Government of India. (2021). FDI policy in retail. https://www.dipp.nic.in

4. OECD. (2017). Regulatory reform in China. https://www.oecd.org

5. U.S. Department of Commerce. (2020). Entity list–TargetingChina’strade p r a c t i c e s https://wwwcommerce gov 6 U S T r a d e Representative (2020) Section 301 investigation. https://ustr.gov

7. UK Department for International Trade. (2021). National security and investment.


Sincerely, Prof., Dr Stanley A. V Paul.

Alpha Poole (right) and Osafo Peters (left) on remand

11th Annual Courts Optical Pee Wee U11 Football C/ship Round Three kicks off today at MoE

The2024CourtsOptical Pee Wee Under-11 Schools FootballTournamentissetto heatuptodayattheMinistry of Education ground, with thrillingThirdRound action kickingoffat11:00am.

Aftertwoweeksofplay, defending champions St Pius, St. John the Baptist, Enterprise, Belladrum Primary, and Tapakuma Lake Primary have all made strong showings. Standout

individual performances have also been seen, with Kareme Welcome, Jeremiah McDonald, Raphael Fredericks, Clyde Jacobs, and Kester Jacobs each securing a hat-trick so far

Additionally, Dontay Kowlessar, Shine Arthur, and young Joshua Johnson have all notched impressive four-goalperformances.

Currently leading the goal-scoring chart are Juan

Jaramillo, Jovaine Wright, and Kriston Chandler, each with five goals. Jaramillo, from School of the Nations, putonanexceptionaldisplay by scoring all five of his goals in a commanding 5-1 victoryoverGIA,settingthe stage for more action as the tournament enters its third r

und Today’s lineup promises some exciting

Primary face Stella Marris

Aglimpse of what to expect to today at MoE.

Saturday October 05, 2024

ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)

A challenging day is in store foryou,Aries.Ifyou'repartof a group or team or simply among friends, you may feel somewhatillatease.Couldit be that you instill jealousy in others? There's only one way tofindout.

TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)

Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow


You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.


Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly


You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.


The little fighter that you are makesitverydifficultforyou to join us in the great communal river that we're all tryingtonavigate,Virgo.You prefertotravelsolo.


Be disciplined about all areas ofyourbody,Libra.Takeextra care to eat healthful, balanced meals. Make sure you get enough sleep And even thoughyougripeabouthaving no time, get out there and exercise.


If you've been feeling deep anger,todayisn'tthedaytolet it out but rather the day to consider its source. Any large gatheringsoffamilyorfriends shouldbeavoidedatallcosts.


If by chance you still harbor some resentment toward someone, Sagittarius, it will probably come out today.You might be uncompromising or evenvengeful.


You don't suffer fools gladly, and superficial fools even less so. You have a mind to teach those around you a lesson. You'reuncompromisingtoday, and you can't understand why others don't have your same highstandards.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Hereisadayofchallenges, Aquarius You're a pro at questioning yourself, as you'll prove today when you take a

u r accomplishments What have youcreatedofapersonalnature inthelasttenyears.


Ifyougivetheimpressionthat you're in a reserved and introspective mood (even if you aren't), you'll succeed in avoiding confrontation Today there is no such thing as a simpleexchangewithsomeone

Primary on one pitch, while Batarvia Primary take on Den Amstel Primary on another to start the day Other notable matches includefrontrunnersSt.John the Baptist clashing with Timehri Primary in match #33, Belladrum Primary against Pataro Primary at

Demetri Chan snares gold for Guyana...

Frompage27 always confident that Chan would medal for Guyana, again.

Wilson expressed delightthatheisbackandis confident that bigger achievements are on the horizon for this talented lifter

Chan will be coming up against five other athletes from Canada, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, England and Sri Lanka while Williams, who will join his teammates in South Africa, today, will take on nine other athletes from the IsleofMan,Wales,Northern Ireland, South Africa, Scotland, England and Sri Lanka.

Additionally, Guyana will be represented at the World Masters Men’s and Wo m e n ’s C l a s s i c Championships on Monday in Sun City SouthAfrica by Roger Rogers and Nadina Taharally

Both Rogers and Taharally who competed at WorldMastersandmedaled last year will be going after moresilverware.

Taharally will be challenging ten (10) other athletes in the Masters 2, 76kgclassfromUSA,Great Britain, Hungry, Canada, NewZealand,Australia,and South Africa while Rogers will compete in the Masters 2,120kgclassagainstseven (7) other athletes from US Virgin Islands, Great Britain, South Africa, France,andLebanon.

Georgetown Primary going head-to-head with a fullstrength Tapakuma Lake in match #35. The afternoon features more exciting matchups: FE Pollard meet Rosignol Primary, Winfer Garden take on St Mary Primary, and other

International Academy, West Ruimveldt, Golden Grove, Marian Academy, and School of the Nation willalsobeinaction. Additional clashes include GenesisAcademy versus St Gabriel’s, Smith Memorial against

between St Pius Primary andTucvillePrimary

The final game of the day sees Santa Rosa PrimaryfaceAnn’sGrove Primary T h i

tournament is proudly sponsored by Unicomer Guyana Inc through its Courts Optical brand, with additional support from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of C

Trophy Stall Golf Tournament tees off today at LGC

The Lusignan Golf Club (LGC) is t h r i l l e d t o announce that the muchanticipated Trophy Stall GolfTournamentwillteeoff today at 12:30 hrs on the club’s meticulously maintained course Sponsored by Trophy Stall, thisprestigiouseventissetto attract top golfing talent from across the region, promisinganexcitingdayof competition.

TrophyStall,renownedfor its high-quality trophies, awards, and sports memorabilia, has been a steadfast supporter of golf development in Guyana for overtwodecadescementingits roleasakeyplayerinfostering thegrowthofthesport

Theirpartnershipwiththe LGC reflects their longstanding commitment to promotingnotjustcompetitive golf,butalsocamaraderieand communityengagement

This Medal play tournament will follow the traditional format, with golfers competing across multiple categories. Prizes will be awarded in two handicap flights—0-14 and 15-28—with first, second, and third place finishes in each. Special awards for Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive, and Best Gross will alsobeupforgrabs,offering participants ample opportunities to showcase theirskillandprecision.

Victor Sunich, proprietor ofTrophyStall,expressedhis enthusiasm for the event, noting, “Every year, Trophy Stallsponsorsatleasttwogolf tournaments

This year is special because my brother, Victor Sunich,whoownstheTrophy StallbranchinCanada,ishere withus Trophy Stall has been a long-time supporter of golf andothersportingactivitiesin Guyana, and we are committed to continuing our support for the growth of the sport” LGC Club Captain Ayube Subhan echoed these sentiments, stating, “The executive is very excited about this tournament as it servesasapreparatoryevent leading up to the highly anticipated Guyana Open. There’s significant interest

from players who are also using this as a warm-up for the Suriname Open, scheduled for October 1112, 2024, which typically leadsintotheGuyanaOpen. TheTrophyStalltournament provides a valuable opportunity for golfers to gauge their current performance and fine-tune theirgame.”

In addition to the fierce competition, participants and spectators can look forward to a day of socializing and networking, with refreshments and posteventactivitiesplanned.

TheLusignanGolfClub invitesgolfersofalllevelsto take part and encourages spectators to join in the excitement as the club continues to showcase the finestinlocalgolfingtalent.

LGC’s Club Captain Ayube Subhan exhibits championship trophy with Ramesh Sunich, Proprietor of Trophy Stall.

Commonwealth Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships

Demetri Chan snares gold for Guyana;

To chase more medals on Tuesday with Bjorn Williams

Following a seven (7) year hiatus away from international competition owing to elevating himself academically,DemetriChan made a welcome return to the international platform whenhepressedhiswaytoa go

C o m m o n w

a l t h Powerlifting and Bench PressChampionshipstaking place in Sun City, South Africa.

Contesting the Open 74kgclassagainstCanadian Oliver Webster, Chan opened with a lift of 137.5

for his first attempt before liftingthebarto142.5which he also succeeded with. His final attempt of 147.5 was not successful but he had alreadydoneenoughtowalk away with the gold medal, leaving the silver for Webster whose best press


He indicated that he was very cognizant of the fact that he still has the Commonwealth Men’s Classic Powerlifting Championships where himself and Bjorn Williams (Open 105kg class), who joins the team in South Africa today will be competingonTuesday Chan shared that even thoughhewasawayfromthe sport studying in Cuba, his hunger for the sport remainedintact.

“Seven years away from competition is a long time but I kept the flame going and stayed hungry I feel in the past year of being home I’ve made tremendous advancement with my performances, and with overseasexposureIwillonly continue to improve. The path forward for me is to keep improving, continuing to train hard, be disciplined

and stay healthy as well as injuryfree.”

Meanwhile, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles S Ramson MP congratulated Chan on his performanceonbehalfofthe Government and people of Guyana whilst also wishing Team Guyana the best in SouthAfrica.

Minister Ramson noted thatthesporthasbeendoing consistently well on the international platform

having also won one gold and four bronze medals


few weeks ago

Naranjan Singh and Sarah Sanmoogan.


Powerlifing Federation

President, Franklin Wilson also extended compliments to Chan on behalf of the fraternitystatingthathewas (Continuedonpage25)

Three of the four lifters in South Africa from right, Demetri Chan, Nadaina Taharally and Roger Rogers.

Republic Bank CPL finals hosts for 2025 and 2026 announced


C a r i b b e a n Premier League (CPL) finals will be hosted in Guyana in 2025 and Barbadosin2026.

CPLhas agreed to a one year deal for the finals to be heldinGuyanain2025.For 2026thefinalswillbeheldat the iconic Kensington Oval inBarbadosfortheveryfirst time.

H i s E x c e l l e n c y Mohammed Irfan Ali, PresidentofGuyana,said:“I wanttotakethisopportunity to wish Guyana Amazon Warriors all success on

behalfofallGuyaneseaswe trytomakeittwoinarow.To all the other teams we wish youwellasweplaytogether inunity I am also very delighted to announce that Guyana will be hosting CPL 2025 finals.”

The Honourable Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, said: “I am so happy to say that the CPL finals 2026 will be in Bridgetown at Kensington Oval.Asyouprepareforthe long march to Bridgetown let’s hope my own team, BarbadosRoyals,cantakeit

to the finals this year. If we don’twewillcatchyounext year, and for sure we are going to catch you in Bridgetownin2026.”

Pete Russell, CPL’s CEO, said: “Guyana and Barbados have been amazing partners for CPL overthelast12yearsanditis really exciting to be able to announce that they will be hosts for the finals in 2025 and2026respectively

We would like to thank the governments of both Guyana and Barbados who have agreed to play host to theconclusionofCPL.”

2024 Caribbean Premier League Qualifier 2…GAW vs. BR Hope fifty pilot Warriors to finals, after skipping to 8-wicket win over Royals


A classy fifty from middle-order batsman Shai Hope mixed with a good spell from pacer Romario Shepherd took the Guyana Amazon Warriors into the final with tons of momentum, after disposing oftheBarbadosRoyalsby8 wickets last night at Providence.

On an evening when President of the Republic of Guyana His Excellency Irfaan Ali made a huge announcement regarding next year’s tournament, confirmingthatGuyanawill again have the honours of hostingthefinalsofthe2025 edition, the current champs strolled to an emphatic win inthepresenceofacapacityfilledGuyanesecrowd.

In-form power-hitter David Miller (36) andAlick Athanaze (26) tried to carry the Royals to a significant scorewhichresultedinthem only mustering 148 all out after 20 overs.TheWarriors then made light work of total,rompingto149-2,with 33 balls left after blistering knocks from half-centurion H o p e a n d A f g h a n Rahmanullah Gurbaz, who set the tone with 40 off 18; smashingfoursixesandtwo fours. Hope,wholedwitha 33-ball56featuringsixfours and a pair of sixes, his 10th

CPL half-century and Mooen Ali, who struck an unbeaten 44 (3x4 2x6) kept the pressure mounting with their partnership of 93; respective knocks which headlined the Warriors chase. Ali and Gurbaz sped upthechasewithsomeclean strokeplayastheyposted54 for the opening wicket partnership, which ultimately helped bat the Royalsoutofthegame.

After Gurbaz departed, Hope and Ali kept the runs coming with a number of lusty blows, which kept the champs above the rate, up untilthelastrunasscoredin the15thover

Only spinner Maheesh Theekshana (1-36) and left-

Shai Hope scored his 10th CPL fifty last night to help ready the Warriors for Sunday’s final versus the St. Lucia Kings. (CPL)

arm seamer Ramon Simmons(1-26)managedto create inroads for the Barbadosbowlers.

Earlier, the Royals had a string of scores from the likes of openers Quinton de Kock (15) and Rahkeem Cornwall (19), while Kadeem Alleyne (11), Captain Rovman Powell (12) and Jason Holder (19) weretheotherscorers.

The champs had a good bowling outing thanks to fast-bowlers Romario Shepherd (3-35) having his best game to date, with support coming from spinners Mooen Ali (2-24), Imran Tahir (1-29) and leftarmspinnerGudakeshMotie (1-27).

Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados His Excellency Mohammed Irfan Ali, President of Guyana

STUFF, Jacobs Jewellery supports promising basketball player

Mekhi Ritchie was selected to represent Guyana at the Inter Guiana Games (IGG) in French Guiana from October 24 to 26. However, the 16-yearold found himself in urgent needofbasketballshoes.

Hismother,MiaRitchie, took to GoFundMe, seeking assistance from the communitytoensureherson was properly equipped for thegames.

Jewellery, joined forces to outfit Mekhi with a pair of Donovan Mitchell’s ‘D O N 5’ basketball shoes, ensuring he would be well-prepared for his upcominggames.

Reflecting on the moment, Gomes, who also represented Guyana at the IGG during his playing days, expressed his pride in seeing Mekhi carry the torch for the next generation.

“Basketball played a significant role in shaping who I am today,” said Gomes “It’s inspiring to see another young athlete walk the same path I once did, andI’mhappyto helphimonhisjourney.”

Jacobs, who has

Upon learning of Mekhi’s situation, former national basketball player Kester Gomes and former national cricketer Steven Jacobs stepped in without hesitation to offer their support Gomes, who owns the online sneaker store STUFF, and Jacobs, proprietor of Jacobs

spent a large part of his career playing for Guyana and the West Indies, emphasized the importance of supporting youngathletes.

“ I ’ v e a l w a y s believed in the value of investing in the next generation,” he said “Through my business and personal efforts, I’m committed to ensuring that promising athletes like Mekhi have the resources theyneedtosucceed.”

M e k h i a n d h i s mother, Mia, were deeply grateful for the generous contribution

With their spirits lifted, Mekhi is now focused on givinghisalltohelpGuyana win the basketball competition at this year’s IGGinFrenchGuiana.

Nasir Memorial Tournament


Rose Hall Town Bakewell clinch title after Rampersaud masterful innings

The Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club, MS, clinched their 125th cricket title on Sunday last since 1992 after defeating Guymine by ten wickets to lift the 11th edition of the RHTYSC/Naeem Nasir Memorial Tournament. The four team tournament was playedinblazingsunshineat the Area H ground and was witnessedbyaverylargeand colourful crowd. The four teams that participated were Rose Hall Town Bakewell, Guymine, Rose Hall Tigers andCourtland.

The drawing for the one daytournamentwasdoneby thefourcaptainspriortothe first match and resulted in RHTBakewellclashingwith Courtland. Rose Hall Tigers weredrawntoplayGuymine inthesecondmatch.

Rose Hall Town batted first against Courtland after losing the toss and amassed 107for4offtheirallotted10 overs. Javed Karim, playing his first match for his new club, scored a brisk 47 NO and received support from Jonathan Rampersaud 21

and Matthew Pottaya 13. Johnsonwasthebestbowler for Courtland with 2 for 20, whileTroyMathieson1for9 andTravisWilliams1for13 offeredsupportwiththeball. Courtland in reply reached 88 for 7 to lose by 19 runs. Johnson returned with the bat to score an attacking 44 with three boundaries and three sixes. Ramsay took 4 for 18 and Jeremy Sandia 2 for 6. In the second game, Guymine batting first

reached a healthy 103 for 3 verses RHT Tigers Grimmond 20, Mickle 28 added 40 for the second wicket before Seetaram 20 NO and the attacking CamptonHope21NOended the innings in style. Turbo Jagdeo claimed 2 for 18, while Jousha Ramsammy took 1 for 16. In reply, RHT Tigers fell five runs short despite a fighting 45 off 29 balls from 41 years old former national player

Delbert Hicks Extras supported with 18 runs, while Ramsammy chipped inwith15.

Hicks struck six boundaries and one six beforehefellinthelastover with 15 runs required from five balls. Joel Seetaram took3for19forGuymine.

The final was played 12 overs per side and Guymine battedfirstafterwinningthe toss. They soon lost Marlon Shepherd 1 and Charles

Grimmond0tobe2for1in the second over but Berbice senior player Kwesi Mickle and Joel Seetaram added 53 for the 3rd wicket to set proceedingsbeforethelatter was dismissed by Sheltan Ramsay for 20. Campton HopeandMicklethenbatted welluntilthe11thoverwhen Hope fell for 22 (2x6, 1x4) andthenMicklefor41(1x6, 3x4) as Guymine ended on 97for6fromtheirallotted12 overs Former national under19 player Jeremy Sandia took 3 for 18 from 3 overs while Ramsay had 2 for13.

Needingtoscore98runs from 12 overs to clinch the title,RHTBakewellracedto 100 without loss as former national junior player JonathanRampersaudstruck eight delighted boundaries and three massive sixes in a match winning 70 NO Rampersaud faced 29 balls as victory was achieved in the 8th over, Skipper Ryan Kissoonlallsupportedwitha solid unbeaten 24 with two sixes. Rampersaud won the man of the final and best batsman award, while

Jeremy Sandia received the best bowler award. The champi

eceived $ 1


0 a n d t h e Championshiptrophy,while the runner up collected $50,000 and the runner up trophy. The two other participating teams also receivedafinancialreward.

RHTYSC Secretary, Hilbert Foster, at the presentation ceremony stated that the memory of Naeem Nasir was very dear totheclubashehadplayeda

e developmentoftheclubover atwelveyearsperiodpriorto his death in 2012. Nasir, the founderofBakewellwasthe sponsor of the RHTYSC since 2000 Bakewell General Manager, Rajendra Ganga, p

aised the RHTYSC and especially Foster for keeping the memoriesofNasiraliveover the years. He congratulated the RTH Bakewell for winning the tournament and urged them to continuing to represent his company’s brand with pride. Six lucky spectators received special giftsasgateprizes.

The winning RHT Bakewell team with Bakewell General Manager Rajin Ganga.
Kester Gomes (L) and Steve Jacobs, presenting youth basketball player with his pair of Donovan Mitchell’s ‘D.O.N 5’basketball shoes. (Rawle Toney photo)
Bjorn Williams
Demetri Chan
President Ali confirms Guyana as hosts for 2025 CPL finals
Fast-bowler Romario Shepherd led theAmazon Warriors bowling with 3 wickets. (CPL)

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