Kaieteur News

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Ghana in massive protest over illegal mining

Senior Cop accused of sharing police intelligence with suspects in ‘Bricks’ abduction case

Food prices jumped by 3.2% in first six months of 2024

- Bank of Guyana

President to appoint Hicken as Commissioner despite Opposition’s disapproval

Ghana in massive protest over illegal mining

AFP- Hundreds of Ghanaians, most of them university students, protested on the streets of the capital city Accra on Thursday to demandanimmediatehalttoillegal mining.

Thedemonstrators,whoplanto stageralliesforthreedays,arealso demanding the release of 54 activists detained last month for demonstrating against illegal mining.

The government's handling of illegal mining -- particularly its impact on natural resources and rural livelihoods -- has become a flashpointissueintherun-uptothe WestAfricancountry'spresidential electionsinDecember

"Ifourleadersdon'ttakeaction now,futuregenerationswillpaythe price," Delali Asante, a student at theUniversityofGhana,toldAFP

ChantingtheGhanaiannational anthemandsingingpatrioticsongs, the protesters, draped in red and black attire, danced through the streetsofthecapital.

Many of the protesters displayed bottles of polluted water from the Pra and Birim rivers, two of the biggest in the West African nation,tohighlightthedevastating environmental impact of illegal mining.

ManyGhanaiansdependonthe polluted rivers for daily supply of drinkingwater

"Our water bodies are being

of Ghanaians protested on the

destroyed, and soon we'll have nothing left," Asante said. "We can'tdrinkgold,andwecan'tgrow cropsonpoisonedland".

"Wecannotsitbyandwatchas our rivers and water bodies are poisoned with mercury," said protestleaderHenryTagoe.

"Illegal mining is destroying ourenvironmentandourfuture."

of the

Labour unions said they will begin a nationwide strike October 10 to force authorities to take urgentaction.

Protesters are also demanding the release of 54 members of the Democracy Hub pressure group whowerearrestedonSeptember22 and 23 for blocking roads and burning tyres, and remanded in

custody for two weeks, prompting outrage from the public and politicians.Ghana, a country of 33 millionpeople,isamajorgoldand cocoa producer.Since 2022 it has been struggling with an economic crisis and rampant inflation that have led it to default on its foreign debt Economic woes have encouraged a growing number of

cocoa producers to sell their lands toillegalminingoutfits. In addition to gobbling up agricultural land, illegal mining, whichuseschemicalstoextractthe gold, has polluted rivers and water tables.”We will not stop until we see real change," Tagoe vowed. "This is not just about us. This is aboutprotectingGhana'sfuture.”

capital cityAccra on Thursday to demand an immediate halt to illegal mining. (News Central)

Food prices jumped by 3.2% in first six months of 2024 - Bank of Guyana

Thecostoffoodhas been steadily increasing over the past six months, as heavily reflected on consumers' supermarket bills.

The Bank of Guyana (BoG) in its 2024 Half-Year Report revealed that all food categories recorded higher prices with the exception of fats and oils (excluding butter).

According to the Report, “The Urban Consumer Price Index (CPI) year-to-date inflationstoodat1.6percent, primarily due to a 3 2% increaseinpricesoffood.”

The Consumer Price Index shows an increase in the cost of meat, fish and eggs; cereals and cereal products; milk and milk products as well as vegetables and vegetable products.

Central Bank explained, “The aggregated food category increased by 3.2%, reflecting higher prices for prepared meals and refreshments by 14%, fruits and fruit products by 12.3%, cereals and cereals products by 4 7%, non-alcoholic beverages by 3 7%, condiments and spices by 3 6% and vegetables and vegetables products by 3.1%.”

Notably, the Government ofGuyana'sMid-YearReport also reflected an increase in food prices. The report explains,“AttheendofJune 2024, the 12-month inflation

ratestoodat4percent.Thisis on account of an increase in the price of food, which contributed 3.8 percentage points to the overall 12month inflation rate. Within this,pricesforvegetablesand vegetable products accountedfor1.8percentage points, while cereals and cereal products and meat, fish, and egg


Inflation,asdescribedby the International Monetary Fund(IMF),referstotherate of increase in prices over a given period of time. It is typically a broad measure, suchastheoverallincreasein prices or the increase in the costoflivinginacountry Guyanese have been complaining about the rising cost of living in the country as the cost for basic services alsocontinuetoclimb.

AccordingtotheBankof Guyana Report, “The end of yearinflationisforecastedat 3.2% as continued efforts by theGovernmentareaimedat containingprices.”

Meanwhile, government inaddressingthehighcostof food said the impact during the first six months of the year was as a result of a combinationofdomesticand global factors “These included disruptions in domestic supply chains and increaseddemandspurredby economic growth and

Climate conditions also contributed to challenges in

The cost of vegetables and fruits recorded further increase during the first six months of 2024.

administrationsaid. It noted that a number of

proactively implemented to reducethecostofproduction and cushion the cost of living; these are expected to continuethroughouttheyear

Governmentaddedthatithas engaged farmers to explore ways of directly reaching consumers in an effort to continue to contain food

prices.This year $7B was allocated in this year's Budgettocushionthecostof living.Thesumhasnotbeen utilizedtodate.

Kaieteur News

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.

Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456


Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210



Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali is that rarest of combinations. He is a wily politician who is also a slick salesman. One who says what he knows his foreign audiences want to hear, even when his ownpeoplehavetopaypricesthattheycannotafford.

In a recent interview with the widely read New York Times (NYT), the president used some words that have a pleasingechotothem,butwhichmanyGuyanesecanattest havebeenseriouschallengesforhisPPPCGovernment. In the NYT interview, President Ali was generousness itself when he gave the context of the 2016 ExxonMobil oil contractwithGuyana.

Notcontentwiththat,hethenlaunchedintowordsthat represent his standard sales pitch. Words like honor, respect,andsanctityrelativetotheExxonMobiloilcontract that enslaves a whole country for generations to come. Indeed, those are surprising words coming from the Guyanesepresident,whohasnotbeenknowntohavemuch familiaritywiththem,oreventoomuchuseforthem. Like many salesmen of a certain standing, the issue that would not let go is whether the seller truly believes in what he is selling, if he even has the required depth to know that of whichhespeakssorichly

President Ali did the right thing, restated some truths thatcannotandshouldnotbecontradicted. “Ihavesaidthis anumberoftimes. They[Exxon,Hess,andCNOOC]had thebetterhand. Thoughthepresidenttookasubduedline (“betterhand”)itisaccurate,thoughitwouldbemoreinline withtherealitiesofthelopsidedExxonMobilcontractthatit has the whole hand, and just an insulting courtesy finger jointleftforGuyana.

PresidentAliisnotknowntobecircumspect,butinthe NYTinterview,hewasthepolitestofschoolboysintheway he described the ExxonMobil contract. From our vantage point, this is a head of state, who is more concerned about preserving his political head than speaking the unsparing truth about how obscene and totally diseased the ExxonMobil document is. To assign credit as due, “the betterhand”heldby ExxonMobiletalis a smallbreathof truth. So,too,ishisclaimthathisgovernmentinheritedthe deal,whatisnothingbutayokeonGuyana.

Then the pitchman in Guyana’s president could not be contained any longer, he just bubbled over: “there’s something called sanctity of contract. Can I just walk in there and say, okay…we are not going to honor this contract.” Andthat,“rightonthisstage,thatthereisatyrant anddictatorinGuyanawhodoesnotrespectcontract,who doesnotrespectsanctityofcontract…” Guyana’spresident may be excused his characteristic exaggerated exuberance ontheworldstage,buthisPPPCGovernmentisnotthebest entitytopretendatgleamingwithhonor,orrespect,orwhat hastodowithsanctityonmostthingsinGuyana. Guyanese knowthattheincumbentPPPCGovernmentfailedtohonor its firm commitment to review and renegotiate the monstrousExxonMobilcontract. Guyaneseknowalsothat both the president and Vice President Jagdeo made powerful promises about the disaster that the ExxonMobil contract represented. Guyanese know further how much they both said that they were going to do to reverse its cripplingprovisionstothebenefitofthisnation. Andwhat Guyaneseknowandnowlivewithtotheirongoingregret,is how both Ali and Jagdeo have turned their backs on the sanctityofthefeverishoathstheymadetolocals.

We seek neither to insult nor scorn President Ali’s enchanting commercial about honor and respect for sanctity Wedoourdutyandenlightentheoverenthusiastic nationalleaderthatheistheembodimentofwhatisshallow beforeGuyanese.

He has not shown the level of honor and respect for them by upholding, by fighting for, by being totally about what came out of his mouth before relative to the ExxonMobilcontractthatistheproductofdeformityatits worst. Honor and respect, PresidentAli, begins at home, andofthattherecanbenogreatersanctity Itisthesacred leadershipcompactmadewithcitizens.


GuySuCo has always respected and responded to genuine questions and concerns raised by citizens



I’vetakennoteofaletter publishedintheOctober4th, 2024 edition of the Kaieteur Newstitled“Irefertoaletter intheKNof24thSeptember 2024 captioned “Jagdeo is the only sailor who [is] sailing and not seeing the corruption in GuySuCo and the Ministry ofAgriculture” writtenbyMr TonyVieira.

Over the past few months, Mr Vieira has utilizedtheletterscolumnto attempt to mislead readers through his ramblings While some might see straight through him due to hislackofcredibility,others mayfallpreytohistactics.

I’manavidreaderofthese very newspapers and can say withoutadoubtthatGuySuCo has, on several occasions, comprehensively addressed the monotonous claims referenced by Mr Vieira in several previous responses to Leroy Charles’ letter Once more, any claims and allegationsofcorruptionmade by Mr Charles regarding the use of Skeldon Estate’s lands for cane planting and the selection of contractors were

foundtobeentirelyunfounded and misleading Mr Vieira’s references and questions regarding land conversion methodsatSkeldonEstateare equallybaselessandabsurd,as GuySuCo has made it clear thattheprocurementprocess for selecting contractors is stillongoing.

I’vedonemyownresearch andcanconfirmthatcontraryto Mr. Vieira’s suggestive inquiries concerning how the land conversion works at Skeldon Estate are being carried out or the fees being charged by the contractor, no person or company has been contracted by the Corporation andlandconversionworksare yettocommenceatSkeldon

WhatI’mutterlydisgusted withisMr Vieira’smentionof thechargespreviouslybrought against GuySuCo’s Chairman whoisalsotheDirectorGeneral attheMinistryofAgriculture It shouldbemadeclearthatthose charges from over five years ago were wrongfully brought against Mr Ramraj and were rightfully dismissed by the magistrate presiding over the case ForMr Vieiratomention thosedetailsoftheChairman’s

pastisrepulsive Whatshould be noted is Mr Vieira’s tainted track record which reeks of inefficiency and underperformance while he wasatechnicalofficeratthe Ministry of Agriculture Even though he benefited from a handsome salary and allowanceswhich amounted to over $600,000 monthly, a duty-free concession to procure a vehicle to assist with executing his official duties, and other benefits, Mr Vieira failed miserably to add any value to the agency he was hired to support,neverworkingaday at the Ministry of Agriculture.

The beginning of his constant critique of the Ministry of Agriculture coincides with his departure from the technical officer post at the ministry as his contract was not renewed. Clearly, he is harbouring resentment and is to some extent nothing more than a disgruntledex-employee.

I find it quite ironic that Mr Vieira would mention suchthingswhen,unlikethe Chairman, he has benefited

from dividends without producing anything of substance. Mr Ramraj has worked tirelessly alongside Minister Zulfikar Mustapha in his capacities as Director General and Chairman of GuySuCo to ensure the visionofthegovernmentand its manifesto promises are realized.

I believe Mr Vieira has become quite comfortable with being malicious and appears discontent further provingthathewilljumpon every limb available to him to badmouth the Ministry of Agriculture.

I see GuySuCo as a publicentitythathasalways respected and responded to genuine questions and concerns raised by the citizens of this country It is indeed, their responsibility to do so if those questions andconcernsareintendedto enhance its performance Mr Vieira’s letter, on the other hand, was filled with reckless fabrications regarding matters for which hehasnoevidence.


Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur M@ilbox

Taxpayers’monies are being wasted


, Several weeks ago, former Minister of Finance, Mr Winston Jordan shared his opinion on “wastage spending in Government,” whenheappearedasaguest on program, “Guyana Morning Time,” hosted by Mr Kidackie Amsterdam.

Oh,PresidentIrfaanAli,Dr Ashni Singh and Big boss Jagdeo ran out condemning Mr Jordan.

Personally, I endorsed the views expressed by Mr Jordan. I will highlight via images how TAXPAYERS moniesarebeingWASTED, when the very funds could have been used to improve key Sectors, such as Education, Health and Social Welfare and pay better wages and salaries to our hardworking public servants and teachers. The struggles that many Guyanese are faced with dailyareindeedreal.

B u t t h e P P P C government is bent on expending the nation’s oil resources on ‘infrastructure development, rather than HumanResources.’

The modus operandi of the PPPC is to keep our peoplebehind,while5%of their cronies continue to enjoy from the nation’s

patrimony Since assuming government, there is NOT one single ordinary

Guyanese who can boldly say that their living conditions has changed, due to injection by government where salaries and other benefits would have changed their lives exponentially fromAugust 2, 2020 t

ent However, the contrast will always be that our lives were better under the Coalition Government without oil resources and pruden


nding as a g a

n s t a P P P C government with oil resources and wasteful spending, and living conditions have become challenging

T h e r a i l w a y embankment from High Street to Lamaha Street and beyond is nostalgic to the older generations I remember my mom sharing with my siblings and her daysofusingthetrain.

I was told that the train station was once located at High and Parade Streets, Kingston, which still has some superstructure standing.

Sincetheabolitionofthe train services, the area was being utilized by the

MinistryofPublicWorksfor the ‘Force Account Unit’, now referred to as “Special Project Unit” and other activities, such as the workshop.

The Ministry of Public Works expended millions in this area in 2022, claiming ‘transformation.’

I t h a s b e e n approximatelytwoyearsand thearealooksunderutilized, with a few security personnel from Sheriff Security providing daily services.

Editor,thisisnottheonly area where huge sums of taxpayers’dollarswereused to do Infrastructural development.

Just take a walk few yards from the old train station area, from High Street, Kingston to Irving Street,Queenstown.

A portion of the area from Parade Street to East Street is being utilized for parking by staffers of GRA andGPHC,withthegeneral public doing so also when conductingbusinessesinthe areas, or drivers used the stretch as an alternate drivewayparalleltoLamaha Street.

Therefore, the questions many Guyanese are asking, wasthisnecessary?

Why hasn’t the Government channeled the excessive spending towards salaries and better the lives ofitscitizens?

Why didn’t the government do this in the twenty-three (23) years? This is a clear case of government finding ways to pumped taxpayers monies into the pockets of friends, families, favourites and

flatterers of the PPPC Editor, it is only fair to any right thinking Guyanese to fully support the views elucidated by Former Minister Jordan regarding the wastage spending of monies, under the pretext of “ i n f r a s t r u c t u r a l development.”

On Friday October 4, 2024,asIdrovepastthearea where the old train station was, I was perplexed not seeing any gainful activity on the recently renovated area, from High Street to ParadeStreet,Kingston. It will be helpful for Hon. Bishop Juan Edghill, Minister of Public Works to provide the nation and taxpayers of Guyana explanationonthefollowing questions:

1. What is the intended purposeforthearea,sinceit hasbeenrenovated?

2 Will there be a committeetomanagetheuse ofthisfacility?

3. If yes to two above, can the Minister state whether the committee will comprised of officers from theMinistryofPublicWorks or it will be privately manned?Ifso,bywhom?

4. What was the final projectcost

5 Who was the Contractor?

6. Has the full scope of work for the project completed? If not, what are the remaining components tobecompleted?

7. What is the deadline forprojectcompletion?

Editor,Iamsharingwith you images taken of the current state of the project, betweenHighandParade


Kaieteur M@ilbox

Taxpayers’monies are being...

Frompage05 Streets, Kingston, Greater Georgetown.

I will conclude by joining my voice in support of the views expressed by Mr JordanandappealtoMr Irfaan Ali to cease the wastage spending on infrastructural development andpayattentionbyrevising Governmentprogramstoaid in the development of the citizensofGuyana.Itistime

the cheap rhetoric of “government programs are helping Guyanese; Guyanese have their own home and car…” While this may be so, it is the people who make the ultimate sacrifices of giving up one foranother,inrealeconomic terms,“opportunitycosts.”

I t i s N O T t h e government doing this for them


the positive impact and effects from the oil resources.

I pray the day when righteous leaders with a heartofloveandcompassion will take up their rightful placeingovernanceandrule justlyandlovemercifully,as requiredinscripture. May God help us as a nation.

Yourssincerely, AnnetteFerguson,MP


In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our publisher, Mr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about on-going indecencies in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.

Sunday t

Hesatdownfouryearsas developing. colleagues jostle each other FRIDAY –

September 28, 2024 accountability should be the Opposition BL Leader, Weborrowedtobuildthe to see who can be the most October 04, 2024

Adumb, deaf and blind condemned. never said a word, never Demerara Harbour Bridge, corrupt? Exxon must Ministry! lifted a finger and now he then we borrowed to build Madam Gail we want to be rolling over!

The Ministry of Natural MONDAY – wantsustobelieve,thatifwe whatisnowawhiteelephant, hear from you, after all It must be a joke for a Resources is so dumb, deaf September 30, 2024 give him our finger, he will the Skeldon Plant We you’re the Minister of former President and Prime andblindtomediaqueries,it North’s pipe dreams magically review the borrowing again to build the Governance- a feature Minister to say that Guyana is best the Public Relations L a s t w e e k t h e contract to benefit us. It’s all New Demerara Harbour desperately needed in this should be glad it collected Departmentbecloseddown. Honourable Leader of the dreams and fantasies Bridge, we borrowing to fix country US$4 4B from its own

The Minister, who Opposition Aubrey Norton designedtowinvotes. GPL and the list can go on resources when it should presides over the petroleum came out with a 20-point and on.Trapped in a cycle of THURSDAY – havereceivedUS$10B. sector, has been avoiding plantogoverntheoilandgas

tough questions, even industry if he ever becomes

TUESDAY – borrowing, the country’s October 03, 2024 The executives

October 01, 2024 total debt climbed from Lights out!

ExxonMobil must be rolling stooping to the level of President.

Guyana on a US$4 5B at the end of The lights have gone out over laughing, giving each blocking reporters from We generally do not take borrowing spree December 2023 to now solongfromthiscountrythat other high fives saying “we contacting him via the some leaders of this country Despite all the lofty US$5B at the end of June even the embarrassment at gotthem.” taxpayer-fundedcellphone. seriously, but when one claimsofprogressinthisoil- 2024. the National Stadium on ThewordsutteredbyMr

The ministry’s once or speaks on oil we sit up and rich country, our leaders Tuesday nightdidnotshock SamuelHindsshouldbeseen twice a year press listen. have been borrowing to fund

WEDNESDAY – manycitizens by every Guyanese for what conferenceswillnotdo! But here is Norton who almost every developmental

October 02, 2024 MostGuyanesewerejust it is, disrespect in the highest The selective responses can’tbringhimselftosaythe p r o j e c t t h e y h a v e Where in the embarrassed, but not form. and press statements are word renegotiation, is now undertaken. world is Gail? shocked. Everything is now equally disgusting and tellingthenation,hewilldoa As a country, we have Amid all the chaos in possible in this republic that SATURDAY –u n a c c e p t a b l e ! Vi c e “toptobottomreview”ofthe found ourselves trapped in a government one of the most despite being rich with oil, October 05, 2024 President, Bharrat Jagdeo Exxon contract, if he cycleofborrowingtoeatand sober heads in the Cabinet, wecannotkeepthelightson. Ask Vick but when he wishes to wiggle becomespresident. get by, while using a chunk Gail Teixeira has not been Although the Guyana Power not ask Edghill himself out of questions He is promising to of the borrowed money to seen or heard from these and Light (GPL) was not the The Vice President, directs the press to “ask review the same oil BL deal putininfrastructurehereand days. main culprit that caused the Bharrat Jagdeo often enjoys Vick”. Such a sickening his party signed 8 years ago, there, fooling the world that Has she been shoved global embarrassment pushing reporters around display of disregard for ifhebecomespresident. Guyana is progressing and aside while some of her Tuesdaynight,itispartofthe sending them on wild quests problem citizens deal with to seek answers to questions onadailybasis. fromMinisterswhoareoften There are some things difficulttoreach that are crucial to He however enjoyed development in today’s fieldingtheeasyquestionsat world. One of them is a his last press conference, stable electricity supply If respondingtoissuesnoteven oneistousethisasameasure nearly related to his of Guyana’s ability to portfolio. compete in the real world Instead of directing the thenonecaneasily conclude infrastructure questions to that Guyana is at a the subject Minister, Juan disadvantage. Edghill, Jagdeo took Electricity supply has precioustimetorespond.We been so unreliable over the hope this same courtesy years that some major couldbeextendedwhenheis enterprises here have opted questioned on oil and gas, forself-generation. instead of telling reporters to“askVick.”


The cries from sections of Guyana’s private sector about Chinese nationals “circumventing regulatory permits” in the retail commercial sector reek of desperation, or worse, is disingenuous The issue is not so much about breaches of bureaucraticrules,butaboutthe undeniable fact that Chinese businesses, particularly supermarkets and hardware stores, are out-competing and overshadowing local businesses Yet instead of addressing their own failings, the private sector cloaks its grievances in the language of legality,convenientlyavoiding therealissueathand:Chinese retaildominance

Ifabusinessdoesn’thavea specific license, does that suddenlygivethemthepower tosellgoodsatpricesthatcrush local competition? Of course not The reality is much more uncomfortable for these local businessownerstoadmit The Chinese, through sheer ingenuity, efficiency, and yes, capital, have managed to penetrate and dominate the market, where local businesseshavefailed.

But let’s entertain, for a moment, the claim that the problemisregulatoryinnature

Suppose these Chinese businesses, as accused, have failed to file the appropriate paperwork or circumvented some obscure local bylaw If thatweretrue,itmightwarrant the issuance of a few fines However, what it would not explain is why these Chinese supermarkets are thriving, whilemanylocalbusinesses continue to stagnate or even shutter their doors Something else is at play, andit’sclearlynotaquestion

Let’s not mince words. The notion that Chinese businesses are somehow skirting regulatory frameworks and thus creating an uneven playing field is nothing short of laughable. The local private sector might feign concern about rule-breaking, but no one really believes that the success of Chinese supermarkets stems from a lackofpermits.

of whether or not a specific form has been filed at the localagency

What the private sector is reallyupsetabout,buttootimid to say outright, is that the Chinese are doing better and sellingcheaperthantheprivate sectorweredoing Theyoffer more competitive prices, they stockawiderangeofitemsand theyruntheiroperationsthatare far more efficient despite havingtopayheftyrents

The real grievance here is not legal at all; it’s economic Local retailers simply cannot match the Chinese model of supply chain efficiency, bulk purchasing power, or customer service. But of course,it’seasiertocryfoul over supposed regulatory b r e a c h e s t h a n t o acknowledge that your business model is outdated anduncompetitive.

Jagdeo reminds the

discrimination based on nationality would run afoul ofWorldTradeOrganization


We carrying this support too far!

Demboyssehcricketusetobring the Caribbean together Now, CPL got the Caribbean more insular than ever Guyanese does always back the local team in dem regional competitions. But dis CPL? Man, it turn intoabattlefield,andweenemy?Trinbago KnightRiders!

Dem boys seh is not even about we wanting Guyana Amazon Warriors fuh win nah,wejustwantedTrinidadtolose!We watchdeTrinbagogameagainstBarbadoslike isawar.WeallofasuddenturnBajansandstart cheering, clapping, and hollering every time demKnightRidersgetlash.Assoonasdemget knock out, deh stadium was like when dem announce the payment of backpay and bonus barecelebrations!

Butheardisnah.Onemanseh,“Isonly agame.”Well,yuhcouldafoolme!Weact

likeifTrinidadwin,istheendofweoiland gas!LikeifTrinbagobeatweagain,allwe rice gon spoil, and we gold gon turn brass. When Barbados win, dem boys seh it was like Christmas come early people jumping, hugging up strangers, and some evendrinkingpunBarbadostab! Now,demboysseh,wegottapullbacklil bit CPL turnin’ into Caribbean Politics League!Weusetobeoneregion backinde day, if Clive Lloyd win, everybody happy Now?IfGuyanalose,wevexlikewehouseget foreclose.WeforgetisthesameCaribbeanwe allbelongto.Sohearnah,nextyear,whether Trinbago win, lose, leh we remember one ting: cricket suppose to unite we, not turn we into fans of “anybody-but-Trinidad.”

Dehseh,“it’sonlyagame”—butdemboys knowishowyouplayitdatdoesmatter Talkhalf.Leffhalf

(WTO) rules and violate Guyana’s own Constitution, which prevents discrimination onthegroundsofplaceoforigin

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OCHR) interprets this discriminationclausetoinclude nationality, making it legally impossible for the government to proscribe Chinese involvementintheretailsector without risking serious international legal consequences Jagdeo’s messageisclear:ifyou’reupset aboutcompetition,fightitfairly inthemarketplace

But here’s where Jagdeo’s defense falls short. Guyana’s own local content laws the same ones designed to ensure that Guyanese businesses benefit from the country’s burgeoning oilandgassector are,ontheir face,discriminatoryTheselaws privilege local businesses over foreignones,indirectviolation ofWTOrulesandtheRevised Treaty of Chaguaramas, which governstheeconomicrelations of CARICOM member states

So,whiletheConstitutionmay protect against discrimination basedonnationalityintheretail sector, the oil sector happily operatesunderadifferentsetof discriminatory rules It’s a contradiction that the private sectorwoulddowelltopointout, but of course, their objections wouldnotservethemhere,since local content laws favor them in the largest local industry:theoilsector

The hypocrisy of the privatesectordoesn’tstopat their selective outrage Where are the protests against illegal vending and without having to carry overheads, national insurance, and possibly not paying collectively their fair share of taxes, presents a far more existential threat to local businesses than the handful of regulatoryviolationstheyaccuse Chinese businesses of?

Unregulated vendors have turnedtheheartofGeorgetown intoachaoticfree-for-all,andyet the local business community remains largely silent Why? Becausetheillegalvendorsare not Chinese It seems easier to railagainsttheforeignotherthan to confront the complexities of the local market, particularly whendoingsomightalienatea sizable portion of your customerbase.

Let’s also not forget the deep irony embedded in this entire argument The same private sector that now cries foul over Chinese dominance once celebrated the government’spushtoopenup Guyanatoforeigninvestment Theycheeredforpoliciesthat lowered tariffs, streamlined foreign business operations, and attracted international capital But now, faced with the consequences of these policies,they’reretreatinginto the protectionist rhetoric they oncescorned Theveryforces they helped unleash are now drowningthem,andtheydon’t


At its core, the issue isn’t regulatory,norisitevenabout nationality It’s about competition,plainandsimple The Chinese have entered Guyana’s retail market and succeeded Local businesses, many of which have long relied on government protection and favorable policies, are simply unable to keepup Ratherthanevolving, they’ve chosen to scapegoat Rather than improving their efficiency,loweringprices,or improving customer service, they’ve turned to the government to bail them out, under the pretense of fairness andregulatoryadherence

IfGuyana’sprivatesector is serious about its future, it needs to abandon this charade The answer to their problems is not more regulations, nor is it protectionism They need to learnfromtheChineserather than condemn them Until they recognize that, the cries of regulatory breaches will remainashollowastheirfastdwindlingmarketshare.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

The third best option

Chairman of the board of airborne massacres, genocidal mind and let loose with a double- beyondthehorizonhisdutiesareon PPP directors and CEO of Chevron armaments compliments of barreled blast, which could yield paper only Minister Bharrat is not Only what they say goes Corporation, Mr Michael Wirth, Americans, and holocausts that do untold damage to the Exxon, a paper tiger; he is a paperweight. Perhaps, this helps to shed some had four choices for adviser on not have a German or Rwandan or Chevron andAmerican baby party Courtesy and compassionate li

relations with the PPPGovernment Yugoslavian name among them. So, it is out with Excellency Ali, respect prevented from sharing the construction encircled by President ofGuyana. Hedecidedonthethird What Dr Jagdeo gets in return for and in with the more reliable guy thoughtthathehasbeenleveledtoa Ali’s ‘One Guyana’ verbal sleight best choice, which came in the his yeoman service to Guyana’s Excellency Ali has his uses, and rank lower than paperweight: he of hand. Last, John Hess didn’t illuminating presence of the CEO three-headed consortium master is those are worth (no play on Mr functions as a paperclip. His is not come from a footballing family for of Hess Corp, Mr John Hess. He not of the stuff that makes it into Michael Wirth) their weight in the stainless steel, but Teflon coated. nothing. His pedigree goes back to came out behind two of Guyana’s official papers, such as income sum of all those fully loaded oil Anything and everything roll right parental ownership of 1967 best, and ahead of Guyana’s fourth statements (or tax returns). Just boatplyingbackandforthoutthere off him. So, Dr. Vickram is out as Superbowl winner, the New York wheel in the PPP Government’s being in their company is joyful inGuyana’swaters. adviser on PPP Government Jets. For sure, it is American two-wheeleddonkeycart. returnenoughforJagdeo. Before addressing the choice of relations with Chevron. He should football (NFL), but that comes in

The first and best choice for The next best man for the job of John Hess as the best man in the

ky, for handy considering the corporate adviser on PPP Government adviser to Chevron on how the PPP four-man contest for adviser on constitutional and possibly ethical football that both Guyana and relations would have been Vice Government thinks, how it works sensitive Government of Guyana conflictshavebeenavoided. Guyana governments have President, former president, and (and how demanding the self- relations, a word of condolence is By process of circumstances become, with a bow to the PNC, chief oil mandarin Dr, Bharat serving expectations of some of its necessary to account for the fourth andelimination,Mr Hessfloatedto AFC, and PPP Now, Mr Hess sits Jagdeo. But he was already members) would have been man, who lost out. He is none than the top and is back in the center of in the driver’s seat, with a foot in occupying that position in an Guyana’s head of state, Dr. the forlorn figure of the honorable the great Guyana oil game. It may two boats: one for Chevron (or unrecognized advisory capacity for Mohamed IrfaanAli. The concern Minister of Natural Resources, Dr. not be in the vicinity of the Exxon) and the other straight into Exxon, Hess, and the Red Chinese. for the Chevron chair and CEO is VickramBharrat. Thisguyhasalot Afghan’s Kyber Pass, but it is what Freedom House’s boat, the Irfaan Mr. Alistair Routledge of Exxon that he is too prone to a rush of going for him, but he just can’t passes for the purity of oil Ali showboat, and the Bharat Guyana fame has declared himself blood to the head. On occasion, seem to get going, thanks to the governance in Guyana. Oil Jagdeo love boat (“investors spook well pleased. It should be noticed Guyana’s top big man has been overpowering shadow of one advisory relations also, lest we easily,” but investors are adorable). that given his commanding power known to lose control of his head Bharat Jagdeo As the forget. Mr Hess is the man and All Hess must do is zip his lips and in Guyana, Mr Routledge fancies andhistongue. Therecordisthere, subject/responsible minister, Mr even if he comes up short on his collect his cash Or share himself to be God among these and for an adviser, the sturdiest key Bharrat is the man closest to the Hess to Chevron sale, he would Chevron’s cash handouts. Please natives. He has the aura of is self-control, slowness to anger, nuts and bolts of the vast and haveearnedthedistinctionofbeing don’taskfornames. Almighty God (“well pleased”), even if provoked. From Mr impressive natural resources a special friend of Guyana. Think (The views expressed in this like when John baptized his Wirth’s perspective, Dr Ali simply portfolio. At least, he should be. the PPP Government, for in the article are those of the author and beloved Jesus in a pool of water in would not do. It is just too risky; But unfortunately, given the way mind of the likes of its glorious do not necessarily reflect the what is now called the Holy Land. there is too much concern that the thatgovernanceinGuyanaoperates sons, Dr Ali and Dr Jagdeo, the opinions and beliefs of this The same place now wrenched by Guyana’s president could lose his since oil showed its face from PPP is Guyana and Guyana is the newspaper and its affiliates.)

UG to graduate over 35,000 students

The University of

Guyana (UG) is set to graduate over 35,000 students between November 5 and November 23, 2024. The series of graduations mark the highest number of graduates in the 61 years of theUniversity

The University in a statement highlighted that the graduation ball for Turkeyen and Institute of Distance and Continuation Education (IDCE) students willbeheldonNovember5, from 18:00h until midnight. Further, the Faculties of Engineering, Technology, Agriculture, Forestry, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Faculty of Natural Sciences,graduationswillbe held on November 7 at 09:00h.

On November 8, at 09:00h the graduation ceremony will be held for CollegeofMedicalSciences, College of Behavioral Sciences and Research, Institute for Human ResiliencyStrategicSecurity

a n d S c h o o l f o r Entrepreneurship and BusinessInnovation(SEBI).

A d d i t i o n a l l y, a graduationceremonywillbe held on November 9, 2024 for the Institute for Distance and Continuing Education (Intramural), Faculty of Education and Humanities and the Faculty of Social Sciences.

To that end, for the UG's Berbice Campus (UGBC), the graduation ball will be held at November 15 from 18:00h, until midnight Graduations ceremony will be held on November 16 at 01:30h.

TheInstituteforDistance and Continuing Education (Extra-mural), graduation ceremony will be held on November23.

Furthermore, UG stated that the six ceremonies, two oneachdayforgraduandsof theTurkeyenCampuswillbe held at the University's newly built multipurpose auditorium at the Turkeyen Campus.

The ceremony for the UGBC graduands will be held on the University Lawns, Berbice Campus, Tain Settlement and the I D C E e x t r a

m u r a l programmes'graduationwill be held at the Multipurpose Auditorium, Turkeyen Campus.

“Prospective graduands are asked to check for informationdirectlyviatheir SRMS. There will also be continuous updates on the university's website: https://uog.edu.gy/,” UG said.

The ceremonies will include the large majority of the graduands attending face-to-face and the remaining participating virtually

The University further stated that for 2024, persons will see several new academic programmes, producing graduates for the firsttime.

ThoseincludeMasterof Philosophy (Biodiversity), Pharmacy Technician Diploma, Certificate in Geographic Information Systems, Bachelor of Science (Environmental Health) (Environmental Engineering), Bachelor o f S c i e n c e (Environmental Health) (Food Safety), Bachelor o f S c i e n c e (Environmental Health) (Occupational and Health and Safety) and Bachelor of Science (Environmental Health)(VectorControl).

“Thisyear'sConvocation Ceremonies are extremely specialastheUniversitywill be bringing the curtains down to its Sixtieth Anniversary celebrations,” UGsaidinthestatement.

Itisunderscoredthatthe University'splaystheroleas amajordevelopmentpartner and its achievements are highly recognised and honoured locally, regionally andinternationally It is added, “The University of Guyana has producedupwardsof60,000 graduates in its 61-year existence, many of whom have gone on to serve at the highest levels in both the private and public sectors n a t i o n a l l y a n d internationally.”

The University will also confer several Honorary Doctoral Degrees during t h e s e g r a d u a t i o n ceremonies.


Relatives of Joshua David called 'Bricks' who wasabductedaweekagoare calling on persons with information about his whereabouts to make it known. David was abducted on Main Street, Georgetown outside of the New Thriving Restaurantbyseveralmenon September26,2024.

Police subsequently issued a wanted bulletin for six persons in connection with the kidnapping. The accused have been identified as34-year-oldWayneBarker called 'onnie', 26-year-old Aaron Alleyne called 'Cats', 21-year-old Davantai Mars called 'Sharkie', 32-year-old Damion Barlow called 'Dangles', 28-year-oldOsafo Peters and 35-year-old AlphaPoole.

Allofthemenhavesince surrenderedandareassisting p o l i c e w i t h t h e i r investigations.

On Thursday, during a vigil held on Main Street, in front of the New Thriving Restaurant, David's girlfriend, Amanda Connell said “The police are doing a great job, the news reporters are doing a great job but I think the Government, the President needs to do

something better, something betterneedstobedone.”

Notwithstanding Police efforts, Connell expressed concern and fear for her boyfriend.

“At this moment I am feeling very shaky because today(Thursday)isoneweek since our love one has gone and we haven't heard anythingbackpositiveabout Joshua David, and it hurts thatwehavetocomebackthe same spot that he got kidnapped,”shesaid.

The woman described Davidasalovingandhelpful person who takes care of his family

“…Hewillmakealotof noisebutheis(a)veryloving

andhelpfulperson,”Connell saidnotingthatsinceDavid's disappearancehisfamilyhas been in contact with the police.

Connell recalled her last conversation with her boyfriend. She said David was determined to help her withabusinessventure.

“He would sit with me and he will say 'Manda, everything is going to be okayandjustnowIputtinga caravanoutherebecauseyou know to cook and we gah make money ' …We had planswehadgreatplans,”the distraughtwomansaid.

The woman disclosed that David was threatened in thepastbutthethreatwasnot takenseriously “ We never really follow it up or listen to it,”

Cornell said without disclosing who threatened her partner.She pleaded for

any leads that may result in David being found, “I will like anybody to come forward and let us know about the whereabouts of Joshua and let us get over withthisbecauseit'shardfor his family It's really, really, hard.”

Connellsaidthesituation has affected David's mother significantly resulting in her beinghospitalized.

Meanwhile, on Friday two of the wanted men who surrendered were remanded toprisonwhentheyappeared before Magistrate Faith McGusty at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court to answer anabductioncharge.

Thechargesallegethaton September26,2024,atMain Street, Georgetown, Poole andPeters,inthecompanyof others, abducted David with the intent to secretly and


Wayne Barker
Dwayne Griffith
Joshua David, also known as ‘Bricks’
Relatives of Joshua David called 'Bricks,' standing together with candlelight along with his photo during the vigil held at the location he was abducted.
Damion Barlow
Osafo Peters also known 'Saddest'
AaronAllyene also known as 'Cats'
Alpha Poole


- for all creative face & body paintings

Children excited to enter the Haunted House
Young entrepreneur and founder of ‘Pixel Perfect’, Francwa Fortune

'Liz' Ally

Tiffeny Jennifer Newton

Meet the alluring 29year old, Tiffeny Jennifer Newton. This week's beauty is from the small East Bank Demerara village,SarahJohanna. Tiffenyenjoyscooking, reading, spending quality time with her children, driving and creating fun videos.Herfavouritequote is, “Be thankful for what you have; you will end up having more If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never haveenough.”

Interesting Creatures... The stonefish

TheStonefishissuperbly and some bottom dwelling Stonefish are only rarely camouflaged, often looking invertebrates,buttheydonot eaten by people, and there is like an encrusted rock or actively pursue these not a targeted fishery for this lumpofcoral. animals. species, though individuals

The species is widely Instead, they wait for are sometimes caught for the distributed throughout dinner to come to them. private aquarium trade tropical,marinewatersofthe Waiting for hours at a time, Population trends are not Indo-Pacific. It has stout stonefish strike when their currently known, but there is dorsal fin spines which can potential prey is less than no evidence to suggest that inject an extremely theirbodylengthaway Their human activity threatens the poisonous venom. The Reef powerful jaws and large stonefish However, as Stonefish has thirteen stout mouths create so much human activity does dorsal fin spines which can pressure that they are easily continue to threaten their inject an extremely able to suck down their habitat (coral reefs), it is poisonousvenom. unsuspecting prey and important for scientists to Identification swallowitwhole. continue to research this and Stonefishes are masters Tw o s p e c i e s o f other species, to ensure that of camouflage and can blend stonefishes are recorded populationsareinfactstable. in so perfectly with their from Australia, the Reef surroundings that their prey, Stonefish and the Estuary predators, and even human Stonefish, Synanceia SCUBA divers have trouble horrida. One of the ways to seeingthematall. tell the two species apart is Stonefishes look like an the placement of the eyes. encrusted rock or lump of The eyes of the Reef coral.Individualsareusually Stonefish are separated by a brown or grey and may have deep depression, however patches of yellow, orange or those of the Estuary red. They almost always sit Stonefish are elevated and perfectly still, on the sea separatedbyabonyridge. floor, in their preferred habitat of coral and rocky reefs, and their colors are often a perfect match for the substrate.

Some individuals have even been observed with algae growing on them While this camouflage gives them further protection from predators, its primary purpose is to allow stonefish toambushtheirprey



out of our pockets than we are receiving, all to provide

SUNDAY services for these foreign corporations, while our

ExxonMobil paid no taxes people are left to scrub their to Guyana in 2023 but toilets just to survive. And reported US$656M this in a country rich with handed over to country gold, diamonds, timber, bauxite,andoil,”Lallsaid.

However, the reality is

A look at the United He continued, “Where is States oil giant, ExxonMobil Guyana heading, brothers Corporation’s first-ever and sisters? Are we on the disclosure of payments to path to collapse or total host governments, it appears disaster?Ourwealthisbeing as though the company’s siphoned off right before our Guyanese subsidiary paid eyes, and yet, most remain US$656 million in taxes to silent. Is this the future we the Government of Guyana want for our children? Is this (G0G)lastyear the legacy we are leaving

inability to properly manage electricity,andfuel. that Exxon is not paying charge, or impost in respect Exxon had a good deal generation?” the country’s wealth and H

incometaxesinGuyana.The of income derived from

The publisher therefore natural resources. He called businessman pointed that company has said that while petroleum operations, government ” Ali then called for a nationwide on citizens to turn their citizens are not the only ones it is subject to Guyana’s property held or transactions highlighted that the sanctity protest. He explained, “We lights off for five minutes benefiting from these income tax laws, the taxes except as specified under the of c

aren’t taking to the streets every night at 19:00h for one subsidies. assessed on the company’s agreement.

because the heat wave from month. “ Foreign companies, operation are paid by the Further, Article 15.4 government, adding, “And the oil operations and Lall, an outspoken including ExxonMobil, who government, rather than the statesthatthesumequivalent wecan’tgobackonthat.” c l i m a t e c h a n g e i s advocate for better resource are already walking away company itself. In addition to the taxes owed by the Exxon’s Global Tax unbearable.” management made this call with billions of US dollars in to this, Exxon is then given company will be paid by the Bloomberg reported that

Instead, Lall said that for on Wednesday evening profits from Guyana’s documentation to show that Minister responsible for Exxon paid US$7.41 billion the month of October, during the airing of his radio resources These foreign the taxes have been paid in P e t r o l e u m t o t h e in taxes and royalties to the startingWednesday, October programme, the Glenn Lall giants, already reaping Guyana.This arrangement is Commissioner General of UnitedArabEmirates(UAE) 1, and “let’s take a stand by Show unimaginable wealth from owed to the 2016 Production the GRA. It should be noted last year, which is more than turningoffour lightsforfive The Publisher noted our resources, enjoy the Sharing Agreement (PSA) that the contract also allows anyothercountryglobally It minutes every night at 7 PM. among other things that same subsidies meant for the Coalition Government for the issuing of a receipt to was stated too that Whether you are at home, at Guyana’s politicians struggling Guy

signed with ExxonMobil ExxonMobil, indicating that ExxonMobil paid US$49

work, or in a place of continue to refuse to Adding insult to injury, to GuyanaLimited(EMGL)for it has met the local tax billion of global tax and worship, turn off your lights renegotiate the meager 2% meet the growing demand theStabroekBlock. requirements to avoid the duties in 2023, compared and light a candle if you o i l c o n t r a c t w i t h for electricity for these

O n W e d n e s d a y , burdenofdoubletaxation. with total earnings of almost have to. Even if you are ExxonMobil. Lall stressed businesses, the government September25,Exxonmadea Article 15 5 of the US$41 billion, according to driving,stopforfiveminutes thatdespiterepeatedcallsfor is renting power ships, filing disclosing that it paid contract states, “Within one the company (Sep 25) in a andleaveyourparklightson. action, there has been no buying electricity at 50 cents US$49 billion in global tax hundred and eighty (180) regulatory filing under

Let’s send a clear, effort to install the country’s per kilowatt-hour, only to and duties expenses – this days following the end of Section 1504 of the Dodd powerful message to these own meters at the oil pumps, sell it back to at 40 cents per includes US$16 billion in each year of assessment, the FrankAct. four leaders—we won’t take ring-fencetheoilprojects,or kilowatt-hour,”hesaid. income taxes. Recently, this Minister shall furnish to Indonesia, Nigeria and this looting anymore. We collect taxes and cap the Lall said too that “The publication reported that Contractor proper tax Malaysia were also among demand a full stop to these exorbitant equity or interest samehappenswithfuel”. EMGL did not have to pay certificates in Contractor’s ExxonMobil’s top tax giveaways so that every charges on Exxon’s “The government is over GYD$197 Billion in namefromtheCommissioner recipients, with combined Guyanese, now and for investments—measures that digging deeper into the taxestotheGuyanaRevenue General, Guyana Revenue payments of about US$10.8 generationstocome,canlive could make every Guyanese nation’s pockets to import Authority(GRA)forthepast Authority evidencing the billion In the US, a great life from the “super,superrich.” more fuel, only to hand it out two years [$138B in 2023, payment of the Contractor’s ExxonMobil’s largest resources our Creator Lall said, “In what many to these foreign companies $59B in 2022], as the taxes income tax under the Income production country, the oil blessed us with,” the arecallingaheist itseems tax-free. And we call this w e r e p a i d b y t h e Tax Act and corporation tax giant paid US$6.6 billion, Publisherstated. the riches of Guyana’s oil “development”? Guyana is Government in keeping with under the Corporation Tax with about two-thirds going wealth are reserved for not developing; it’s being thelopsidedPSA. Act Such certificates shall tostatesandlocalauthorities

MONDAY Exxon and other foreign exploited.” EMGL is the operator of state the amount of tax paid and the remainder to the companies, leaving locals He noted that the money the Stabroek Block, with a individually on behalf of federalgovernment.

ExxonMobil said the lopsided ExxonMobil

‘Govt will stick with withscraps.” the country earns from the 45% interest, while Hess Contractor or parties

He questioned the meager 2% royalty, all Guyana Exploration Ltd comprising the Contractor figure “does not reflect a contract’– Pres.Ali tells political leaders’ vision for disappears back into holds30%interestandChina and other particulars reliableestimate”foritstotal New York Times thewealth. subsidies, supporting the National Offshore Oil customary for such US tax liability, which was

“Scrubbing Exxon’s very companies that are Corporation (CNOOC) certificates ” more than US$10 billion,

Petroleum Guyana Limited The Irfaan Ali-led due in part to credits and PresidentIrfaanAli washing their yards, and “We are spending more holds25%interest.Allofthe administration has explicitly payments related to prior

Last week, Guyana’s toilets, cleaning their patios, drainingourwealth.

(Continued on page 17) spraying for mosquitoes, block-partners enjoy a tax- stated that due to the sanctity years. rats, and roaches, that’s the freerideinGuyana. ofthecontract,the2016PSA reality of the riches being

The provision of the will remain in place, despite KN Publisher calls for offered from Guyana’s Stabroek Block contract the deal being labeled as nationwide ‘lights out’ trillion-dollar oil sector, but which gives Exxon and its ‘lopsided’. In fact, last year, protest against looting of the situation grows even affiliates a tax-free ride in President Ali, during an Guyana’s resources direr,” the KN Publisher Guyana has attracted interview with the British Publisher of the Kaieteur said. criticisms locally and Broadcasting Corporation’s News (KN) Glenn Lall has

Turning his attention to internationally (BBC) Senior Journalist called on citizens to electricity, the Kaieteur

The contract states in Gideon Long, reiterated his participate in a countryNews Publisher noted that Article 15 1 that the administration’s position to wide ‘lights out’ protest for years, the government Contractor (ExxonMobil notrenegotiatethe‘lopsided’ every night for one month. has subsidized billions from Guyana Limited) as well as Exxondeal. the national treasury to ease its affiliates shall not be PresidentAlisaid,“Well, The protest is to show the burden on citizens by subjectedtotax,value-added Iwouldsaydefinitely,wedid citizens’ disapproval of the lowering costs of water, tax, excise tax, duty, fee, not have the best of deals, country’s politicians’

From page 16

President Irfaan Ali being interviewed by international climate correspondent Somini Sengupta at the New York Times Climate Forward event

pumping oil, and we still haven’t reaffirmed that his administration capped the interest rates or equity will uphold the Stabroek Block charges on the oil companies’ Production Sharing Agreement investments, nor have we ring(PSA), even though it heavily fenced any of the oil projects…had favours ExxonMobil and its the government and opposition partners. simply ring-fenced these oil

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited projects, Guyana could’ve paid off (EMGL) is the operator of the itsdebtsbynow.” Stabroek Block, with a 45%

Aring-fencing provision would interest, while Hess Guyana ensure only costs related to one ExplorationLtd.holds30%interest project are paid off from those and China National Offshore Oil revenues. In this way, more money Corporation (CNOOC) Petroleum would be available to share as Guyana Limited holds 25% profits between the government interest. and Exxon, after the co-venturers

During an interview at the New recover the cost of the project. York Times Climate Forward

Presently, Guyana could have been event, international climate receiving a greater share of profit correspondent Somini Sengupta from the three projects producing asked President Ali to address oil-LizaOne,LizaTwoandPayara. criticisms from Guyanese citizens This, as Exxon has since recovered regarding the Exxon PSA. The over US$19B from the Stabroek substantiallydifferentthanthePSA from the oil and gas sector…then Corporation Tax Act. Such agreement exempts the oil Block, well above the cost for the that the consortium [Exxon, Hess we can implement anything that certificatesshallstatetheamountof companies from paying taxes with threeprojects. and CNOOC] enjoys,” Ali said. Norway implemented, and even do tax paid individually on behalf of Guyana covering those costs out of To this end, Lall said, “Guyana President Ali continued, “But we itbetter,”headded. Contractor or parties comprising its share of profit oil, grants a mere would be on a development drive don’t focus on this. We don’t focus The reality in Guyana with the theContractorandotherparticulars

2% royalty on the country’s unmatched in the region, with our that this is a government that Exxon deal is that last year the customaryforsuchcertificates.” valuable resources, and allows the people already enjoying the wealth recognized that they had a bad PSA country earned US$1.6 billion last companies to recover 75% of their fromourresources.Butno,instead, that committed itself to design a year from oil sales and the 2% Guyana could have investments before splitting the we’llbeheadingbacktothosesame new PSA. Went beyond that and royalty However, for that same already paid off debt by remaining 25%, of which Guyana overseas banks next year, implementedanewPSA…” year the government had to pay ring-fencing Stabroek Block receives12.5%. borrowing more money and paying Sengupta pointed out that over US$1 4 billion taxes for projects – Glenn Lall

President Ali accepted, “I have more interest, while boasting about Guyanesecitizenshaveaccusedthe Exxon, Hess and CNOOC to the said this a number of times. They “development”financedbyloans.” country’s Environmental GuyanaRevenueAuthority(GRA). A whopping US$34 million in [Exxon,HessandCNOOC]hadthe ProtectionAgency (EPA) of failing Exxonhadreportedthatwhileit interest alone was paid by the state better hand of the deal ” He TUESDAY toconductsufficientenvironmental is subject to Guyana’s income tax toserviceitsdebtduringthefirstsix outlined that his government assessments. She noted concerns laws, the taxes assessed on the months of 2024, a burden this inherited the deal, which was Guyana should have received that Guyanese taxpayers might be company’s operation are paid by country would not have had if signed by the previous Coalition US$10B from oil to date but held liable for oil spills due to the the government, rather than the government had executed better Government and Exxon “But only received US$4.4B type of liability insurance required company itself. The provision of strategies in the management of the listen,asleaders,there’ssomething from oil companies. “In one case, a the Stabroek Block contract which petroleumsector called sanctity of contract. Can I The Ministry of Natural judge in Guyana has called your gives Exxon and its affiliates a tax- This is according to Publisher just walk in there and decide, okay, Resources (MNR) on Monday Environmental Protection Agency free ride in Guyana has attracted ofKaieteurNewsandbusinessman, thiscontractwassigned[but]we’re revealedfigureswhichindicatethat derelict and pliant and said its c r i t i c i s m s l o c a l l y a n d Glenn Lall. The advocate in a going to abandon this contract [or] Guyana should have received decisionsputyourcitizensandyour internationally recent public message emphasized we’re not going to honour this US$10Bfromtheproductionof oil environmentingraveperil.Howdo The contract states in Article that the climbing interest rates contract,”PresidentAlisaid. intheLizaOneandLizaTwofields yourespond?”Senguptasaid. 15 1 that the Contractor could force Guyana to fork out He asserted that if his todate. P r e s i d e n t A l i f i r s t (ExxonMobil Guyana Limited) as another US$35 million in interest administration had chosen to walk Duetothegovernment’s failure acknowledged that citizens have well as its affiliates shall not be for the remaining months of the awayfromthecontract,theywould to manage the sector prudently in been critical on various issues. He subjected to tax, value-added tax, year, taking the total interest on have faced criticism for not the best interest of Guyanese thennotedthathisadministrationis excise tax, duty, fee, charge, or debt service to US$70M by upholding the sanctity of contract. however, the country gained a committed to upholding their right impostinrespectofincomederived December “Right on this stage, you will say meagre US$4.4B since the startup to freedom of speech. Moreover, from petroleum operations, The country’s debt service that there’s a tyrant and dictator in of production activities in the Sengupta highlighted that Norway propertyheldortransactionsexcept reached US$85.2M in the first six Guyana who does not respect Stabroek Block, operated by is frequently cited example of a asspecifiedundertheagreement. months of 2024, with US$34M contract, who does not respect the ExxonMobil Guyana Limited country that successfully leveraged Further, Article 15.4 states that alone paid in interest.Although the sanctity of contract and then you (EMGL). its oil wealth to improve the well- the sum equivalent to the taxes country’s total debt climbed from might hear that Guyana will be The ministry was responding to being and standard of living for its owed by the company will be paid US$4.5B at the end of December called before every commission an article carried by Kaieteur News citizens. She noted that Norway by the Minister responsible for 2023 to US$5B at the end of June globally,”PresidentAlisaid. on September 22, 2024 under the imposes over 75% windfall taxes Petroleum to the Commissioner 2024,theBankofGuyana(BoG)in Ali noted that governments headline ‘Guyana poised to receive on oil and gas profits. She then General of the GRA. It should be its 2024 Half Year Report revealed often inherit certain agreements, less than US$9B of US$70B from asked, “You have a very favorable noted that the contract also allows that Guyana’s total debt service, and in Guyana’s case, his Liza 1 and Liza 2’. In the article, taxrate.Whatisyourtaxrateonoil for the issuing of a receipt to during the period under review, administration has to find ways to KaieteurNewsshowedthatthetwo extraction?” ExxonMobil, indicating that it has decreased by 7 7 percent to maximise the benefits of the projects, which are currently in

“You’re talking about a country met the local tax requirements to US$85.2million. contract without renegotiating its operation,haveacombinedreserve that is new in oil and gas versus avoid the burden of double Lall was adamant that the terms. Sengupta asked President of about one billion barrels of oil. Norway, that has decades of oil and taxation. US$5B debt that currently hangs Ali, whether, in another scenario, At an average oil price of US$70 gas experience, and oil and gas Article 15.5 of the contract over the head of each Guyanese wouldheconsiderrenegotiatingthe per barrel, the two projects are revenue,” President Ali said. He states, “Within one hundred and “like a dark cloud” would not have Exxon deal, or if that option was expected to generate about added that his government’s eighty(180)daysfollowingtheend been present had the oil sector seen entirelyoffthetable. US$70B.Usingabreakevencostof priority is to mirror Norway’s of each year of assessment, the prudent management over the last

In response, President Ali US$40 per barrel, it was outlined success to ensure prosperity for MinistershallfurnishtoContractor fiveyears. avoided addressing the question of that US$30B would remain from every family, aiming for world- proper tax certificates in The businessman reasoned that renegotiation directly Instead, he which other costs would be class healthcare, education, and Contractor’s name from the since Guyana began producing oil highlighted that the government deducted, leaving Guyana with infrastructure to enhance the Commissioner General, Guyana in December 2019, consecutive hasintroducedanewPSAtoensure onlyUS$9Boftherevenue. qualityoflifeforallcitizens. Revenue Authority evidencing the governments have failed to prevent that all future oil agreements will The Ministry however clarified “When we get to that point that payment of the Contractor’s the wanton abuse of the country’s differ from the Stabroek Block that the breakeven cost substituted Norway had the opportunity to get income tax under the Income Tax resourcesbyforeigncompanies. deal. “If you examine the new bythe newspaperwasincorrectas to after decades of revenue earned Act and corporation tax under the He said, “Five years into PSAs, you will see that is (Continued on page 18)

From page 17

what the GPL budgeted for did not The Lawyer told listeners and this was an average figure which cater for the fuel price increases. viewers of the broadcast, “Part of applies to several developments “Butwearenotincreasingtheprice our problem is that we have tried to offshore. “In July, ExxonMobil of electricity in another country, movetoofast.Wehavemovedfrom Guyana’s Vice President, Phillip theywouldhaveincreasedtheprice zero to 100 in a couple years. We Rietema, stated that the company’s of electricity So that means before don’t have the capacity so we can’t operations are secure at a US$40 the end of the year, we’ll go to havereallocalcontent.” per barrel break-even price…the Parliament for a supplementary of Ram pointed out that the Local US$40 per barrel figure is an US$66M for just subsidizing Content Act sets out 40 areas for average break-even price that electricity,”headded. Guyanese to benefit from. He said applies to several developments

The VP boasted that the this was a mere fraction given that offshore, not specifically to Liza 1 government has absorbed the price there are about 300 to 500 types of and Liza 2,” the MNR statement increases that should have come expenditure incurred by the oil said. from electricity since the price of companies and sub-contractors. He

of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat

To this end, the Ministry said fuel has gone up. “So the price of said, “Only for 40 (areas) and some the Liza One breakeven cost was fuel went up from $70 dollars that of them they range from 100% like US$35 per barrel, while the Liza we were budgeting; now, we are for cleaners which is no big deal, Two breakeven cost is US$25. paying one $105 maybe $110 per Guyanese are good cleaners Notably, the break-evenprice is the barrel. We have to go to the apparently but we can’t do the minimum price at which the crude parliamentfortherecessbecauseof higherthings.” needs to be sold, to cover all the justfuelprices.” WithGuyanesebeingpaidtodo costsofproducingit,theMNRsaid. In April, the government, minor jobs, receiving meager This includes capital, operating, through GPL, signed a multi- salaries, the Lawyer noted that the andothernecessaryexpenses. million-dollar contract with respective percentages for the 40

While Kaieteur News arrived at Urbacon Concessions Investments, areas should have been changed an earlier figure of US$9B to be should come to Guyana to fund its subsidy.”

W.L.L (UCI), a subsidiary of UCC within a year On the other hand, he received in revenue from the two investments across the Stabroek Labeling the separation of rates Holdings in Qatar, in collaboration said, “The schedule to the Local projects,thecountryshouldreceive Block. an administrative nightmare, he with Karpowership International to Content Act has remained about US$20B according to the Aring-fencing provision would said the foreigners will very well rent the ship for two years. The unchanged. We have not taken information supplied by the force the operator to use the put the meters in the names of floating power plant arrived in account of experience and how it Ministry. Using an average of revenue generated at one project to Guyanese citizens to be able to Georgetown in May and was hasworkedcomparedwithwhatwe US$30 as the breakeven cost for pay for its expenses. In the absence enjoytherates,addingthattargeted docked at Everton, East Bank thoughtitshouldbe.” LizaOneandLizaTwo,theprojects of this key mechanism, Exxon is subsidiesareanightmare.Jagdeoto Berbice in Region Six, and Ramwaskeentonotethatwhile are estimated to generate some allowed to take revenue from Liza let his point hit home took the eventually connected to the the Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo US$40B in revenue at an average One, Liza Two and Payara to reporteronahistorytripbacktothe Demerara-Berbice Interconnected is on record indicating that costperbarrelofUS$70. develop its other projects. If those time when old age pension was System (DBIS). The government government has sought to The US$40B would have to be projects were ring-fenced, the awarded based on a “means test”. procured the services of the energy “rebalance” the lopsided contract split between ExxonMobil and country would have been receiving Back then, the less you earned the vessel to bring relief to citizens through the implementation of the Guyana, meaning that the country a greater share of profits today, better your chances were of getting since there has been an increase in Local ContentAct, this was simply should receive US$20B while the since Exxon has already recovered the pension and the monthly electricity demand, which led to impossible. He argued, “Of course oil company should receive an over US$19B- the total cost of the earningsinthe90’swasabout$16.” shortfalls and constant power not and you don’t rebalance a equal sum According to threeprojects. “We abolished the mean test so if outagesacrossthecountry lopsided contract by finding some information displayed by the Bank you reach 65, you get the old age extraneous means.You rebalance it of Guyana on the Natural Resource Foreigners cannot be pension. Some of the rich people WEDNESDAY by renegotiating the offensive Fund (NRF), the country only excluded from benefits of will get it too but it is portions of the contract and that is received the sum of US$4.4B as at subsidies to GPL- Jagdeo administratively easier to do that Breakneck speed of oil and gas what our government and our the end of June 2024. This is andyoudon’thavethecorruption,” sector preventing Guyanese political opposition have refused to particularly alarming and raises TheGovernmentofGuyanahas Jagdeostated. from enjoying real benefits of do. They don’t want to hear the further questions about the been heavily subsidising the On May 27th 2024, this Local Content- Chris Ram word renegotiation. The contract management of the sector, since Guyana Power and Light (GPL) publication reported that for the …says revision of areas carved provides you can modify and 40% of the reserves have already and it claims that the efforts are to past five years, the cost of fuel has out for citizens long overdue amend.” beendepletedtodate. prevent a raise in the light bills of increased significantly with some Guyana presently has three Liza One, which commenced citizens. Guyana’s booming oil $49.151 billion to be spent by the Guyana has been on a race Floating Production Storage and oil production in December 2019, industry has attracted a range of Guyana Power and Light (GPL) to against time to fast track the Offloading (FPSO) vessels in has already produced close to 200 foreign companies coming into the purchase fuel for its operations. development of oil and gas as the operation, producing close to million barrels of oil (MBO). The country and setting up shop and at This information was taken from global push for a transition to 700,000barrelsperday Field Development Plan for that the same time driving up electricity GPL Performance Statistics. The cleanerenergyby2030continuesto Thefirstproject,LizaOnecame project however indicates that the demand. Despite this, Vice document stated that some gainmomentum. onlineinDecember2019,followed project, operated by the Liza President Bharrat Jagdeo told 1,354,700 barrels of Heavy Fuel Afteracceptingabadoildealin by LizaTwo in February 2022.The Destiny Floating Production reporters last Thursday that they Oil (HFO) and Light Fuel Oil 2016, which politicians often third project, Payara, swiftly Storage and Offloading (FPSO) cannot be excluded from the (LFO) were purchased by the state describe as the world’s worst oil followedsuit,withfirstoilrecorded vessel, has a reserve of 452 MBO. benefits being derived from the entitytothetuneof$16.171billion. contract, the government not only inNovember2023. Thismeansthat44%ofthereserves governmentsubsidiestoGPL. With increases recorded refusestoseekbettertermsbuthave Exxon has received awards for arealreadydrained. At his weekly news conference annually since then, it was stated implemented a new Law to claw its rapid development of oil Similarly, at the Liza Two last week, this news asked the Vice that this year, GPL will purchase back resources for citizens. In projects in Guyana. In April 2023, project, the Ministry reported that President why foreign companies 2,191,585 of barrels of HFO and 2021, the government passed a during the Offshore Technology almost 200 MBO have been operating here are not made to pay LFO, at the cost of $49.151 billion Local Content Law to ensure oil Conference (OTC), the company produced by Exxon since the theunsubsidisedelectricitycharges (US$228 34 million) The companies and their contractors wasrecognizedfortheirinnovative commencement of production astheyareinmostcasesthebiggest weighted average fuel price per utilize services offered by workthathasresultedinLizaPhase activities in February 2022. That consumers of electricity Jagdeo barrelisUS$104.19–thedocument Guyanese and even employ more 1beingoneofthefastestprojectsof field, according to the FDP holds responded saying: “We can have states.

locals to satisfy the labour itstypeintheindustry,cyclingfrom about 570 MBO. Consequently, peoplecomeandsaywewillcharge In 2022, GPL had announced demands. discoverytoproductioninlessthan 35% of the reserves have already two electricity rates, now one for that the steady rise in fuel prices is However, with the petroleum five years, compared to the beenproducedbythecompany Guyanese and one for foreigners negatively affecting its operations. sector developing at a massive historical 10-year timeline for It could also be deduced that and the foreigners must come and Infact,itwasstatedthatifthetrend pace, Guyanese are unable to enjoy projectsofthismagnitude. about 40% of the collective bring a document every week and continues, generating costs are the real benefits of local content. It was added that Liza Phase 2 reserves at the two projects have showwhethertheyareforeignersor expected to trump revenue Attorney-at-Law and Chartered then came online about two years been depleted Due to the not or every Guyanese will have to earnings. Accountant, Christopher Ram in after Liza Phase 1 and within eight government’s failure to implement then prove that they are Guyanese In June of this year, the VP had recentcommentsduringanepisode years of discovery— helping to a ring-fencing provision, andprovethattheyareGuyaneseto told reporters that he was informed of ‘Oil Talk’ on Kaieteur Radio responsiblymeettheworld’s ExxonMobil uses revenue that benefit from the electricity that there is a need for US$66M as (99.1/99.5FM)madethispoint. (Continued on page 36)



(my.clevelandclinic. dysthymia. birth are more likely to have org/health) D i s r u p t i v e m o o d depression than men and dysregulation disorder people assigned male at epression is a (DMDD): DMDD causes birth. common mental chronic, intense irritability

DHaving certain risk

health condition and frequent anger outbursts factors makes it more likely that causes a persistent in children. Symptoms that you may develop feeling of sadness and usually begin by the age of depression. For example, the changes in how you think, 10. following conditions are sleep, eat, and act. There are Premenstrual dysphoric associated with higher rates severaldifferenttypes. disorder (PMDD): With ofdepression:

Depression is treatable P M D D , y o u h a v e Neurodegenerative — usually with talk therapy, premenstrual syndrome diseases like Alzheimer’s medication, or both. Seeking (PMS) symptoms along with disease and Parkinson’s medical help as soon as you mood symptoms, such as disease. havesymptomsisessential. extreme irritability, anxiety Stroke. What is depression? or depression These Multiplesclerosis.

Depression is a mood symptoms improve within a Seizuredisorders. disorder that causes a few days after your period Cancer persistent feeling of sadness starts, but they can be severe Maculardegeneration. and loss of interest in things enoughtointerferewithyour Chronicpain. and activities you once life. H o w c o m m o n i s enjoyed. It can also cause Depressive disorder due depression? difficulty with thinking, to another medical

Depression is common. memory, eating, and condition: Many medical Researchers estimate that issues like headache, with a specific type of healthcare provider A sleeping. conditions can create nearly 7% of adults in the stomachache, or sexual depression, such as seasonal different medication may It’s normal to feel sad changes in your body that United States have dysfunction.

workbetterforyou. about or grieve over difficult cause depression. Examples depression every year More

Having thoughts of self- postpartum depression, C


y life situations, such as losing include hypothyroidism, than 16% of U.S. adults — harmorsuicide. based on the context of your medicine: This involves your job or a divorce. But heart disease, Parkinson’s around 1 in 6 people — will If you or a loved one are symptoms. treatments you may receive depressionisdifferentinthat disease,andcancer Ifyou’re experience depression at thinking about suicide, dial To receive a diagnosis of along with traditional it persists practically every able to treat the underlying somepointintheirlifetime. 988 on your phone to reach depression, you must have Westernmedicine. day for at least two weeks condition, the depression the Suicide and Crisis five depression symptoms People with mild a n d i n v o l v e s o t h e r usuallyimprovesaswell. However, researchers Lifeline. Someone will be every day, nearly all day, for depression or ongoing symptoms than sadness There are also specific believe that these estimates availabletohelpyou24/7. atleasttwoweeks. symptoms can improve their alone. forms of major depressive are lower than reality, as What causes depression? Your provider may order well-being with therapies Thereareseveraltypesof disorder,including: many people don’t seek Researchers don’t know medical tests, such as blood such as acupuncture, depressive disorders Seasonal affective medical help for symptoms the exact cause of tests,toseeifanyunderlying massage, hypnosis, and Clinicaldepression,ormajor d i s o r d e r ( s e a s o n a l of depression and don’t depression. They think that medical conditions are biofeedback. depressive disorder, is often depression):Thisisaformof receiveadiagnosis. several factors contribute to causing your depressive Brai

n just called “depression.” It’s major depressive disorder

Approximately 4.4% of itsdevelopment,including: symptoms. therapy: Brain stimulation the most severe type of that typically arises during children in the United States Brain chemistry: An How is depression therapy can help people who depression. the fall and winter and goes havedepression. i m b a l a n c e o f treated? have severe depression or Without treatment, away during the spring and Signs and Symptoms neurotransmitters, including Depression is one of the depression with psychosis. depressioncangetworseand summer Depression symptoms: serotonin and dopamine, most treatable mental health Types of brain stimulation lastlonger Inseverecases,it Prenatal depression and deep sadness, low energy, c o n t r i b u t e s t o t h e conditions Approximately t h

can lead to self-harm or postpartum depression: loss of interest, appetite or developmentofdepression. 80% to 90% of people with electroconvulsive therapy death by suicide. The good Prenatal depression is sleepchanges,andmore.

Genetics: If you have

news is that treatments can depression that happens Clinical depression is a first-degr

be very effective

n d u

i n g p r e g n a n c y chronic condition, but it (biological parent or sibling) respondwelltotreatment. (TMS), and vagus nerve improvingsymptoms. Postpartum depression is usually occurs in episodes, with depression, you’re Treatment stimulation(VNS). What are the depression that develops which can last several weeks about three times as likely to options include: There are also things you types of depression? within four weeks of ormonths. develop the condition as the P

T h e A m e r i c a n delivering a baby. The DSM What are the symptoms general population Psychotherapy(talktherapy) i

do at home to help

ve depression Psychiatric Association’s refers to these as “major ofdepression? However, you can have involves talking with a symptoms,including: Diagnostic Statistical depressive disorder (MDD) The symptoms of depression without a family mental health professional. Gettingregularexercise. ManualofMentalDisorders, withperipartumonset.” depression can vary slightly historyofit. Your therapist helps you Gettingqualitysleep(not Fifth Edition (DSM-5) Atypical depression: depending on the type and Stressful life events: id

hange toolittleortoomuch). classifies depressive Symptoms of this condition, can range from mild to Difficult experiences, such unhealth

, Eatingahealthydiet. disordersasthefollowing: also known as major severe.Ingeneral,symptoms as the death of a loved one, thoughts and behaviors Avoiding alcohol, which Clinical depression depressive disorder with include: trauma, divorce, isolation, There are many types of isadepressant. (major depressive disorder): atypical features, vary Feeling very sad, and lack of support, can psychotherapy — cognitive Spending time with A diagnosis of major slightly from “typical” hopeless, or worried triggerdepression. behavioral therapy (CBT) is peopleyoucareabout. depressive disorder means depression. Children and adolescents Medical conditions: t h e m o s t c o m m o n Prevention you’ve felt sad, low or The main difference is a with depression may be

Chronic pain and chronic

Sometimes, brief therapy is C a n I p r e v e n t worthless most days for at t e m p o r a r y m o o d irritableratherthansad. conditions like diabetes can allyouneed. depression? least two weeks while also improvement in response to Not enjoying things that leadtodepression. Other people continue Youcan’talwaysprevent having other symptoms such positive events (mood usedtobringjoy

Medication: Some therapyforseveralmonthsor depression, but you can help as sleep problems, loss of reactivity) Other key Being easily irritated or medications can cause years. reduceyourriskby: interest in activities or symptoms include increased frustrated. depression as a side effect. Medication: Prescription Maintaining a healthy changeinappetite. appetite and rejection Eating too much or too Substance use, including m e d i c i n e c a l l e d sleeproutine.

This is the most severe sensitivity little which may result in alcohol, can also cause antidepressants can help Managing stress with form of depression and one People with bipolar weightgainorweightloss. depressionormakeitworse. change the brain chemistry healthycopingmechanisms. ofthemostcommonforms. disorder also experience Trouble sleeping

Diagnosis and Tests thatcausesdepression. Practicing regular selfPersistent depressive episodes of depression in (insomnia) or sleeping too How is depression There are several care activities such as disorder (PDD): Persistent addition to manic or much(hypersomnia). diagnosed?

d i f f e r e n t t y p e s o f exercise, meditation, and depressive disorder is mild hypomanicepisodes. Having low energy or Healthcare providers antidepressants, and it may yoga. or moderate depression that Who does fatigue. diagnose depression based take time to figure out the If you’ve had depression lasts for at least two years. depression affect?

Having a difficult time on a thorough understanding onethat’sbestforyou.Some before, you may be more The symptoms are less Depression can affect concentrating, making of your symptoms, medical antidepressants have side likely to experience it again. severethanmajordepressive anyone—includingchildren decisions, or remembering history, and mental health effects, which often improve If you have depression disorder. Healthcare and adults. Women and things. history withtime. symptoms, get help as soon providers used to call PDD people assigned female at Experiencing physical They may diagnose you If they don’t, talk to your aspossible.


New PSA to benefit who?

Guyana’s politicians seem to enjoy boasting to the world about the new Production SharingAgreement (PSA) they have drafted to eke out “better benefits” for Guyanese.

It is absolutely mind boggling that these misfits we have for leaders would seek to boast about more benefits from a deal that will govern oil blocks that have not even been explored to date. Rather, they should be directing their energies to improve the terms of the lopsided oil deal the country has with ExxonMobil, where over 11.6B barrels of oil have been discovered already.

It is not only misleading but disrespectful to try to cover up one’s mistakes and failures to properly manage, by turning the attention of your population elsewhere!

Talking Dollars & Making Sense Talking Dollars & Making Sense

Navigating the World of Small Business Loans

WelcomebacktoTalking so it's important to know equipment or expanding

These loans are especially equipment, and hiring new Ignoring Terms: Make Dollars & Making Sense. whattoexpect. operations. helpful in rural areas where staff. sure you understand the Today, we're tackling a topic Why Entrepreneurs in oAterm loan is probably traditional banking options Jenny applies for a term loan's terms, including the

t h a t

s c r i t i c a l f o r Guyana Need to Care About the most straightforward maybelimited. loan from a local bank. She interest rate, repayment entrepreneurs in Guyana Loans type of loan. You borrow a 4. E q u i p m e n t uses her cash flow statement schedule, and any penalties who are looking to grow If you're a new or lump sum and repay it with Financing: to show the bank that her forlatepayments. their businesses: small growing entrepreneur in interest over a fixed period. o B e s t f o r : current location is profitable Not Having a Plan: Don't business loans Whether Guyana, you may already For instance, if you're Purchasing equipment or and that her projected borrow money without a you're just starting out or know how challenging it can looking to open a new machinery earnings from the new clear idea of how you'll use t r y i n g t o e x p a n d , be to find the resources location for your restaurant, o This is a loan location will be enough to it. The last thing you want is understanding how business needed to scale your a term loan could cover the specifically used to buy repay the loan. The bank tobestuckwithaloanandno loans work is key to making business Whether it's initial costs of rent, equipment, such as a approves her loan based on way to generate a return on smart financial decisions launching a new product renovation,andequipment. delivery truck, farming this evidence and her well- thatinvestment. We'll break this down in line, upgrading equipment, 2. LineofCredit: machinery,ormanufacturing crafted business plan. With Final Thoughts simple terms, using real-life or even maintaining o Best for: Managing equipment. The equipment the loan, Jenny opens her Taking out a loan can be scenarios to make the operations during a slow cash flow, dealing with itself often serves as new location, and her an excellent way to grow concepts clear By the end of period, having access to emergencies, or covering collateral, which means if business continues to grow, your business, but it's this column, you'll have a capital can make all the unexpectedcosts. you can't repay the loan, the now serving more customers important to approach it better idea of how to difference between growth o Think of a line of lender can take the andincreasingherincome. wisely Make sure you approach loans and use them andstagnation. credit as a flexible loan. It equipment. The Pitfalls toAvoid understand your financial to your advantage—without For instance, consider works like a credit card: the How a Local While loans can be a needs, explore your options, feelingoverwhelmed! local entrepreneurs trying to lender sets a maximum Entrepreneur Used great tool, they also come and have a clear repayment What Is a Small scale their agriculture amount you can borrow, and a Loan to Grow with risks. Here are some plan. If you get it right, a Business Loan? businesses. They often need you can take out money as Jenny runs a small commonmistakestoavoid: well-structured loan can be In a nutshell, a small capital to invest in better needed You only pay bakery in Georgetown, and Overborrowing: Don't the key to unlocking your business loan is borrowed irrigation systems or interest on the money you business is going well. She's take out more money than business'spotential. money that businesses use to machinery With the right actually borrow This type of been thinking about opening yourbusinessneeds.Itmight U n t

m e , fund various aspects of their loan, they can grow faster, loan is perfect for seasonal a second location but doesn't be tempting but remember remember making sense of operations whether it's increasetheiryield,andmeet businessesthatneedtocover have the funds to cover the that every dollar you borrow dollars is about making purchasing new equipment, largercontracts.Ontheother expenses during the slow initial costs like renting a must be repaid with smart choices, one loan at a hiring employees, or hand, without adequate months and replenish their new space, buying more interest. time. managingcashflow Thekey capital, they may struggle to inventory when demand is thing to remember is that keep up with demand or fail high. loansmustberepaid,usually to invest in important 3. Microloans: with interest, over a specific technology. o Bestfor:Startupsor period. Small business loans Types of Small businesses needing small can come from several Business Loans amountsofcapital. s o u r c e s , i n c l u d i n g Let's break down a few o Microloans are commercial banks, credit common types of loans and typically smaller than unions, and government whentheymightbeuseful: traditional business loans programs that support small 1.TermLoans: and are often easier to businesses. Each source will o Best for: Long-term qualify for, making them have its own requirements, investments like buying ideal for new entrepreneurs.

50 Cent Sets Diddy’s Abuse Allegations Docu-series at

Netflix: ‘It’s a Complex Narrative Spanning Decades’

Variety - Netflix is producingadocuseriesfrom Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson about charges of sex trafficking and racketeering aswellassexualassaultand violent abuse allegations against Sean “Diddy”

Combs Alexandria Stapletondirectstheproject, which is currently in production.

“This is a story with significant human impact. It is a complex narrative spanning decades, not just theheadlinesorclipsseenso far,” 50 Cent and Stapleton said in an exclusive statementtoVariety.

“We remain steadfast in our commitment to give a voice to the voiceless and to present authentic and nuanced perspectives

While the allegations are disturbing, we urge all to remember that Sean Combs’ story is not the full story of hip-hop and its culture

We aim to ensure that individual actions do not overshadow the culture’s broader contributions ”

50 Cent executive produces through his GUnit Film & Television banner, while Stapleton executive produces for House of Nonfiction,

w i t h Te x a s C r e w

P r o d u c t i o n s a l s o producing

5 0 C e n t f i r s t announced that G-Unit would be producing the docu-series in early

December, at which point Combs had been sued by four different women, beginning with

ex-girlfriend Cassie Ventura, whose lawsuit opened the floodgates against him, and with whom he quickly arrived at a settlement

At the time, 50 Cent shared a clip on X that

s h o w e d B a d B o y

Records rapper Mark

Curry alleging that Combs would spike bottles of champagne at his parties before women drank from them. Proceeds from the documentary, the rapperproducersaid,willbeusedto support sexual assault victims.

Just last week, Combs was arrested in New York andchargedonthreecounts: racketeeringconspiracy;sex traffickingbyforce,fraudor coercion; and transportation toengageinprostitution. He pleaded not guilty, butremainsincustodyashe wasdeniedbailathisappeal hearing.

Combs has also been hit with several more lawsuits In February, his former employee Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones alleged

t h a t C o m b s m a d e u n w a n t e d s e x u a l advances and forced him to hire and engage in relations with sex workersin2023 Jones himself was later mentioned in an April lawsuit in which Grace O’Marcaigh alleged that, while working as a steward on a yacht, Combs’ son, Christian “King” Combs, forced her to perform oral sex on him and that Combs paid the yacht’s captain to keep the matter underwraps

Richard sued Sean “Diddy” Combs for verbal abuse, assault, sexual battery and intentional infliction of emotionaldistress

In May, CNN reported on a leaked video that showed Combs grabbing, shoving and kicking Cassie inahotel.

Days later, he said he took“fullresponsibility”for hisactionsinthevideo.

In May, model Crystal McKinney alleged that Combs drugged and sexually assaulted her in 2003, and earlier this month, former Danity Kane singer Dawn

That was his first and only time admitting to any wrongdoing.Beforethen,he had denied everything, postingastatementtosocial mediainDecemberthatread “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH,”

Combs said in a statement posted to social media in December “For the last couple of weeks, I have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character, destroy my reputation and my legacy,” hesaid.

“Sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday Let me be absolutely clear: I did not do any of the awful thingsbeingalleged.

I will fight for my name, my family and for the truth.” The post no longer appears on his Instagram account, but

remains pinned to the top of his X (formerlyTwitter) account at the time of this article’spublication. Additionally, after Homeland Security raided his Los Angeles and Miami properties in March, he posted on Instagram the video for his 1998 song “Victory,” inwhichherunsfrompolice, with the caption “Bad Boy forlife.”

This is Netflix’s first officialconfirmationofits involvement in the series, though 50 Cent discussed the project with The Hollywood Reporter in July.

Sean P. Diddy Combs and Curtis ‘50 Cents’ Jackson


Ag r i c u l t u r e r e m a i n s a cornerstone of Guyana’s economy, contributing significantly to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and providing employment for thousands of citizens. With fertile lands and vast potential for food production,agricultureisnot

only critical for local food security,butitalsopositions Guyana as a major player in regional and global food markets.

As Guyana observes Agriculture Month 2024 in October under the theme “Transforming

Tomorrow: Championing Food Security through I n n o v a t i o n a n d


T e c h n o l o g y , ” i t highlights the need for sustainable practices and t e c h n o l o g i c a l advancements to secure thefutureofagriculture

The Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) plays a pivotal role in advancing the agriculture sector by developing and adopting

crucial standards to promote efficiency, safety, and quality

Standards such as GCP21 - Code of Practice for F r e s h F r u i t s a n d Vegetables and GCP 25Code of Practice for Packaging and Transport of Tropical Fresh Fruits

and Vegetables are instrumental in ensuring that agricultural practices

meet international benchmarks

These standards are among over forty (40)

agriculture-related standards available at the GNBS and are

e s s e n t i a l f o r maintaining quality and safety, which in turn supports food security and competitiveness

The GCP 21 - Code of Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables establishes guidelines for the general hygienic p r a c t i c e s f o r t h e primary production and packing of fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure a safe and wholesome product, particularly for those intended to be consumedraw

T h i s C o d e i s applicable to fresh fruits and vegetables grown in the field as well as those grown in protected facilities such as hydroponic systems and greenhouses

Similarly, GCP 25Code of Practice for Packaging and Transport of Tropical Fresh Fruits and Vegetables provides guidelines for ensuring that produce remains in optimal condition from farmtomarket

Proper packaging and transport practices are vital to prevent spoilage

and damage during transportation of the produce

By adhering to this standard, farmers and exporters can guarantee that their products meet c r u c i a l q u a l i t y requirements, enhancing Guyana’s reputation in internationalmarkets As Guyana looks toward the future, embracing innovation and technology is key to t r a n s f o r m i n g t h e agriculturesector


By integrating these a

h established standards, farmers can enhance yields, reducelosses,andensurethe long-term viability of the sector

The GNBS remains committed to supporting this transformation by continuing to develop and adopt standards that align with good agricultural practices

These standards are

catalysts for innovation

ensuring that Guyana’s

resilient, competitive, and capable of feeding future generations

For further details on how to access this and other standards, contact GNBS at (592) 219-0064-66 or via WhatsAppat692-4627.You can also visit our Standards Portal:gnbsguy.com

Precision farming, improved irrigation techniques, and advanced crop monitoring systems are just a few examples of how technology can drive




This column has already written about Albouystown but the milieu is moving so fast in that ward that it requires another offering to keep abreast with what is happeningnow

Within the last year, a select number of investors have quietly begun to acquire properties in Albouystown.

T h i s c h o i c e o f investment is due to a number of factors of which the less discerning are unaware.

In the first instance the prices of Alboutstown properties, so far, are cheaperthaninotherpartsof the city and in the second instance the State has remade the road and drainage systems in the ward, investing several billion dollars in this development.

When property owners realisethatthesebillionsare to be added to the value of their properties, prices will certainlyincrease.

But probably the greatest increase in property

value which has so far not been reflected in property prices is the geographic situationofAlbouystown.

Albouystown is situated within walking distance of themarketsandthebusiness areasofthecityandthemain Law Courts as well as the main health and educational facilities.

It offers the quickest

corridor along the East

B a n k D e m e r a r a including the on-shore Oil developments on East Bank and also it is within easyreachoftheWestCoast on-shoreOildevelopments.

Much of the massive workforce of the East Bank would prefer to

from where they could

heir workplaces, once they couldfindcomfortableand s a f

Albouystown This potential rental market

offers a lucrative

investment opportunity to theinvestor

Let us examine a h y p o t h e t i c a l investment: A half lot usually measures 66 feet by 100 feet (sometimes 130 feet) and is sold from $15 to $18 millions

This half lot could accommodate two three or four storey blocks of flats with parking

space for s

veral vehicles and a watch

house in front and some land to plant a fewtrees

These flats would be in a gated community

The inhabitants woul

I n d e p e n d e n c e Boulevard to get into the city or on the East

Bank and would no longer have to navigate through the narrow and crowdedSussexStreet

The State should assume a leadership role in this renewal p r o j e c t o f Albouystown since it

has already initiated i n v o l v e m e n t b y rebuilding the roads and drains of theward

The State should declare Albouystown as a “ Z o n e o f Development”and among the activities which could be done in achieving this intention is by according income tax holiday for 10 y e a r s t o investors/developers and contributing some building materials to projects as is being done forhouselotallottees If the State is so i n v o l v e d , t h e transformation of the ward would begin and the appellation of “Slum Area” given to Albouystown would disappear in six to eight years and an event of historic importance w o u l d h a v e b e e n achieved

In this renewal of Albouystown , the M&CC must play an e s s e n t i a l complementary roleIt will not increase

taxes on properties which have been given an income tax rebate; it would ensure that all buildings in every yard did not infringe the City’s by-laws and building codes; properties which have not paid taxes for many years or have been abandonedshouldbe puton ExecutionSale; andhouses which require demolition should be methodically demolished.

Albouystown is not endemically a slum area and this means it could be restored to its former status of being a normal ward of the city

In 1905 when the suburban village of

A l b o u y s t o w n w a s absorbed into the city, it was regarded as an enhancement

Every yard had one house, often with a tenant living below

T h

r e w e r e a variety of fruit trees in every yard where birds frequented or even nested

Crime was unknown and the population were self-employed tradesmen with a number working as stevedores on incoming ships.

The ward was clean and garbage was easily disposed of since the rubbish incinerator was in the nearby Le Repentir grounds Very few propertyowners ever owed taxes to M&CC. The decline of Albouystown into a slum occurred in the 1960’s as a result of the racio-political riotsofthoseyears.

T h e r e

bargains which could be

owners are beginning to

g that there would be an eventual price rise and this is particularly true in IndependenceBlvd It would be a very salutary experience for residents from other parts o

p e c t i v e investors/developers to visitAlbouystown

From page 18 should receive an equal sum. energy needs at a critical According to information time.BackinFebruary2023, displayed by the Bank of President of ExxonMobil’s Guyana on the Natural Upstream Company, Liam Resource Fund (NRF), the Mallon had boasted about country only received the the breakneck speed with sumofUS$4.4Basattheend which ExxonMobil Guyana of June 2024 This is was able to cut the time in particularly alarming and h a l f t o m o v e f r o m raises further questions exploration to production in aboutthemanagementofthe adeepwaterproject. sector, since 40% of the

He underscored that reserves have already been since the first discovery in depletedtodate. 2015, the estimate of Liza One, which Guyana’s resource has commenced oil production grown to nearly 11 billion in December 2019, has barrels, which makes it the already produced close to largest in industry in the past 200 million barrels of oil decade. “In total we’ve ( M B O ) T h e F i e l d made more than 30

THURSDAY arguable; whether so or not, leaving Guyana with only really critically, we moved

Development Plan for that discoveries, and we’re still project however indicates exploring Guyana’s vast that the project, operated by potential,”Mallonadded. the Liza Destiny Floating Mallon continued, “And Production Storage and Resources on its Data

Offloading (FPSO) vessel, Management website perhaps we should rejoice US$9Boftherevenue. from the very first Liza 1 has a reserve of 452 MBO. indicated that a total of ‘Guyana should rejoice that we received directly The Ministry however exploration well to first This means that 44% of the 493,039 kscf (thousand over paltry proceeds US$ 4 4 billion, when clarified that the breakeven production nearly three reservesarealreadydrained. standard cubic feet) of gas in from oil’– former without oil we would have cost substituted by the years ago in under five Similarly, at the Liza August. Data for September PM Sam Hinds says received nothing, zero,” newspaper was incorrect as years. That is roughly half Two project, the Ministry hasnotyetbeenpublishedon -”says if country has Hinds said. “Let’s feel good this was an average figure the industry average time reported that almost 200 the site Kaieteur News troubles absorbing about the US $ 4.4 billion. If which applies to several for a typical deep water MBOhavebeenproducedby understands that the gas US$4.4B what more we have troubles absorbing developments offshore. “In development ” E x x o n s i n c e t h e flared relates to all three of troubles it would have theUS$4.4billionaccording July, ExxonMobil Guyana’s

Notably, Mallon stated c o m m

t o f the Floating Production with US$10 billion” to some reports, what more Vice President, Phillip too that in total,the oil major production activities in Storage and Offloading troubles we would have had Rietema, stated that the anticipates having six February 2022. That field, (FPSO) vessels operating in Kaieteur News – Former in absorbing US$10 billion! company’s operations are projects online with a according to the FDP holds theStabroekBlock. President, Prime Minister Sometimes there could be secure at a US$40 per barrel capacity of more than 1.2 a b o u t 5 7 0 M B O ExxonMobil is required a n d n o w G u y a n a ’s too much of a good thing,” break-even price the millionbarrelsperdaybythe Consequently, 35% of the to seek authorization from Ambassador to the United theformerpresidentsaid. US$40 per barrel figure is an endof2027. reserves have already been t h e E n v i r o n m e n t a l States, Samuel Hinds said The Ministry of Natural average break-even price produced by the company. It Protection Agency (EPA) Guyana should rejoice with Resources (MNR) on that applies to several ExxonMobil flared could also be deduced that prior to any flaring activity the money it has received Monday revealed figures developments offshore, not almost half a million cubic about 40% of the collective that is not related to thus far from its oil which indicate that Guyana specifically to Liza 1 and feet of gas inAugust reserves at the two projects commissioning, start-up or resources, saying that if the should have received Liza 2,” the MNR statement have been depleted. Due to special circumstances such country has trouble US$10Bfromtheproduction said.

T h e o i l a n d g a s the government’s failure to as emergencies and absorbing the little it has of oil in the Liza One and To this end, the Ministry operations in Guyana have implement a ring-fencing maintenance. now, what would it be with a Liza Two fields to date. Due said the Liza One breakeven

b e e n a t t r a c t i n g provision, ExxonMobil uses

ThePermitsmakeitclear biggershare. to the government’s failure cost was US$35 per barrel, environmental concerns, revenue that should come to that routine flaring and In a letter which to manage the sector while the Liza Two especially as temperatures Guyana to fund its ventingisstrictlyprohibited. appeared in today’s Kaieteur prudently in the best interest breakeven cost is US$25. continue to rise, creating investments across the Exxon will be required to News,Hindscommentingon of Guyanese however, the Notably, the break-even suspicions that two may be StabroekBlock. pay US$50 per tonne of an article in this newspaper country gained a meagre priceistheminimumpriceat linked. A ring-fencing provision carbon dioxide equivalents on Tuesday said Guyana US$4.4B since the startup of which the crude needs to be While there are no would force the operator to (CO2e) emitted as a result of should rejoice for receiving production activities in the sold, to cover all the costs of reports that demonstrate a use the revenue generated at flaring in excess of the the US$4.4B out of the US$ Stabroek Block, operated by producing it, the MNR said. link between the two, some one project to pay for its periodsapprovedforflaring. 10B it should have received ExxonMobil Guyana This includes capital, stakeholders believe that expenses. In the absence of Guyanese scholar, Dr todatefromitsoil. Limited(EMGL). operating, and other petroleum production in the this key mechanism, Exxon Ulric Trotz however This newspaper reported The ministry was necessaryexpenses. Stabroek Block is driving up is allowed to take revenue cautioned that fining the on Tuesday that the Ministry responding to an article While Kaieteur News temperatures. fromLizaOne,LizaTwoand company for flaring will not ofNaturalResources(MNR) carried by Kaieteur News on arrived at an earlier figure of From the dumping of Payara to develop its other compensate for damage to on Monday revealed figures September 22, 2024 under US$9B to be received in producedwatertoflaringo projects. If those projects theenvironment. which indicate that Guyana the headline ‘Guyana poised revenue from the two f natural gas, concerns were ring-fenced, the He argued, “This whole should have received to receive less than US$9B projects, the country should

about the company’s country would have been question basically of flaring, US$10Bfromtheproduction of US$70B from Liza 1 and receive about US$20B operations have been receiving a greater share of the idea of putting a of oil in the Liza One and Liza 2’. In the article, according to the information widespread. profits today, since Exxon monetary penalty on flaring Liza Two fields to date. Kaieteur News showed that supplied by the Ministry

Flaring is the burning of has already recovered over doesn’t compensate for the However, due to the the two projects, which are Using an average of US$30 gas that is produced during US$19B – the total cost of damage that it does to the government’s failure to currentlyinoperation,havea as the breakeven cost for the extraction of oil thethreeprojects. environment.” manage the sector prudently combined reserve of about Liza One and Liza Two, the operations.

It was revealed that for in the best interest of one billion barrels of oil. At projects are estimated to

During this process, Pres.Ali hails 2022, ExxonMobil paid Guyanesethecountrygained an average oil price of generate some US$40B in harmful emissions are China’s “significant” US$9 million to the EPA to a meagre US$4.4B since the US$70 per barrel, the two revenue at an average cost r

damaging as carbon dioxide

n t o t h e contributions to flare excess gas at its startup of production projects are expected to perbarrelofUS$70. environment, including Guyana’s development offshore operations. Several activities in the Stabroek generate about US$70B TheUS$40Bwouldhave methanewhichis28timesas requests were made for the B


breakeven cost of

President Dr Mohamed figure paid over to the ExxonM

il Guyana US$40 per barrel, it was ExxonMobil and Guyana, (according to the US EPA)- Irfaan Ali hailed China’s regulator for 2023 but this Limited(EMGL outlined that US$30B would meaning that the country another contributor to “significant” contributions has not been shared with the “I am sure that the remain from which other should receive US$20B climatechange. towardsGuyana’s public. amount of US$10 billion is costs would be deducted, while the oil company

The Ministry of Natural (Continued on page 37)

ExxonMobil flaring at the Liza Destiny

From page 36 advancements and is now a leader

Ms. Clark, who has been selling development and the expansion of amongdevelopingnations. outside the building for over 50 itseconomyoverthedecades. Chinese Ambassador to years, expressed her frustration: “I The head-of-state made these Guyana,GuoHaiyan,listedseveral can’t understand Chinese coming remarks at the Chinese Embassy innovative projects currently to put me out of my little business reception celebrating the 75th underway in the country and the thatI’mhustlingfor Ihavemylittle anniversary of the founding of the robust achievements that have house to look after; my People’s Republic of China. The taken place as a direct result of the grandchildren, and now I have to reception was held at the Marriott bilateral collaboration between the move for the sake of the Chinese HotelinGeorgetownonTuesday twonations. coming here.” Meanwhile, another China’s progressive model has “The Government and the said that the local shops have been benefited Guyana in several areas people of Guyana never ease up, takingcareofthecommunity such as building out the country’s they have been working around the “Wehaveabusinessassociation infrastructure, trade, investment in clock to dedicate to national in Agricola where our businesses technology, health, education and a development China fully take care of our community We number of other areas. Several understands Guyana’s desire to don’t want them here,” the vendor Chinese companies are currently seizeopportunitiestodevelopitself said. He further criticized the leading a number of innovative and always stands ready to be a government of Guyana for projects in Guyana. These include steadfast partner in Guyana’s allowing foreigners to “snatch” theextensionofthesecondphaseof development,” Ambassador opportunities from locals: “The the East Coast Demerara Road Haiyan said Haiyan also government is bringing in Project, the building of the new emphasised that China will never foreigners that are not benefitting Demerara River Bridge, Joe Viera forget that Guyana was the first Guyanese… We can’t go to China Park and the construction of six English-speaking Caribbean andopenabusiness.” regionalhospitals. country to establish diplomatic ties

Another vendor said that the The 19th Chinese Medical with China As the largest vendors in the community will Brigade has cumulatively treated developing country in the world, suffer should the Chinese owned about 14,000 local patients and China remains a key engine of supermarket open. “What will performed more than 2,300 global economic growth and a happen to the people that already surgeries. The team also conducted major partner for over 140 To this end he noted that unlike experiences, enabling us to establish their business for over the 21 medical outreaches that countriesandregions.Presentatthe small businesses, foreign entities empower local government to years?Yestheyaregoingtosellata delivered high-quality medical ceremony were Prime Minister, often enter the market with control the types of businesses that cheaper price at the beginning and services to the people of Guyana. Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips, substantial financial backing and operate in their areas.We shouldn’t after time goes by they are going to ”Today,wecelebratethepeaceful Minister of Foreign Affairs and competitive advantages, which have ten foreign supermarkets increase,”thevendorsaid. existence of our relationship. We International Cooperation, Hugh jeopardizes local enterprises withinaquarter-mileradius.” celebrate the peaceful existence Todd, other government ministers, ”When small businesses have to He also expressed concern over Govt. draws out ofaculturethatbindsustogether and members of the diplomatic compete against foreign firms that the ease with which foreign $62.3B more from oil fund and decades of diplomatic community and the private sector benefit from better financing and businesses can penetrate the – as concerns grow over relationships,”thepresidentsaid. (DPI) support from their home countries, Guyanese market, stating, “These transparency in spending it can devastate indigenous and companies have the resources to China and Guyana’s human FRIDAY family-owned businesses,” the analyze markets and identify Amid growing concerns as to resource capabilities have made formerGCCIheadsaid. opportunities, which poses a threat what specific projects oil funds are significant global contributions ‘We should not become second He also emphasised the vital to our local businesses. We must used to finance the government on The president noted that China class citizens in our own country role small businesses play in proactivelyfindsolutionstoprotect Thursday announced that it has plays a vital role in Guyana’s in our own country’ providing additional income for ourcountryanditspeople.” transferred $62.3B more from the ongoing economic growth and said – Former GCCI President single parents, retirees, and Tuc

Natural Resources Fund bringing the relationship between the two …says local businesses need families, and warned that without importance of supporting local its total withdrawal to date for the nationshasalreadyachievedagreat stronger protections against protective measures, they risk v

yearto$239.176B. deal and that it continues to grow foreign competition being overwhelmed by foreign particularly in light of recent The Ministry of Finance in a ”We want this transformation to competition. “We must safeguard initiativeslikethelocalcontentlaw statement on Thursday said that position ourcountry as one of the Former President of the themfromlarge,syndicatedforeign in the oil and gas sector “We need pursuant to the Natural Resource most innovative and diverse Georgetown Chamber of investors that mimic local mom- toensurethatthevendorsandsmall Fund (NRF)Act 2021, as amended economies, an economy that is Commerce and Industry (GCCI), and-popstores,asthisthreatensthe businesses that have been part of by the Fiscal Enactments built on knowledge, on Timothy Tucker has called for potential for middle-class our communities for generations (Amendment) Act 2024, technology and an economy that stronger protections for local small entrepreneurship and community are not pushed aside. Finding ways Parliamentary approval has been iscarefullycreatedandcraftedto businesses against foreign sustainability,”Tucker said adding, to support them is crucial for the granted for US$1,586,150,331 becomecompetitive,resilientand competition, asserting that “we do “If we don’t protect these futureofoureconomy.” (equivalenttoG$329,885,563,088) sustainable in the future. And not want to become second-class businesses at the community, Protest to be withdrawn from the NRF in that, requires partnership,” citizensinourowncountry.” regional, and national levels, we Residents and vendors of 2024. PresidentAlihighlighted. Hiscommentscomeinthewake will face serious problems in the Agricola, earlier this week According to the ministry, in While Guyana continues to of recent protests by residents and future.” protested against Chinese-owned accordance with this approval, the strengthen its existing relationship vendors of Agricola against the Protecting small businesses businesses being setup in their Government of Guyana has made with China, the president said that establishment and operation of Tucker then urged the community They fear that itsfourthtransferfor2024,totalling his country recognises the need to Chinese supermarkets in their government to reinforce the laws establishments such as the US$300million (equivalent to work even harder to forge new ties community that protect small businesses and supermarkets will drive the locals G$62.394billion)fromtheNRFon with other nations. ”We must Importance of small called for a review of zoning and out of business. As a result, they October1, 2024, to the expand our reach so that we can businesses anti-competitive laws to support voiced their apprehension about a Consolidated Fund. This brings the supportthisgrowththatistaking During an exclusive interview indigenousenterprises.“Weshould new Chinese supermarket set to be accumulated withdrawals to date place…So that our global with Kaieteur News on Thursday, look at community frameworks opened at the corner of Brutus up to US$1.150 billion (equivalent footprint can be in every corner Tucker acknowledged the similar to the small business Street and the East Bank Public to G$239.176 billion) within the [of the world] …” he stressed.The importance of foreign investment associations in the United States Road They argue that the total of US$1 586 billion relationship between Guyana and for Guyana but stressed that it that provide protections, tax supermarket’s presence will (equivalent to G$329.9 billion) China goes beyond diplomatic and should not come at the expense of exemptions, and access to threatentheirsmallvendingshops. approvedtobewithdrawnin2024. economic ties to include military, small and micro businesses financingforlocalbusinesses.” KaieteurNewsunderstandsthat Lack of transparency defense, security and intellectual Tucker said that inadequate access Additionally, Tucker proposed these vendors would sell their Concerns have been raised partnership. The establishment of to financing is a significant barrier that the government holds products from outside of a building about the management of the of the People’s Republic of China 75 tothegrowthofthesmallandmicro communitymeetingstoallowsmall that was recently sold to Chinese the NRF. Recently the Chairman years ago marked the beginning of businesses adding that, “The real business owners to voice their nationals, who plan to renovate it of the National Assembly’s Public an extraordinary journey of reason small businesses struggle to challenges and needs. “I envision intoasupermarket. Accounts Committee (PAC) , transformation and progress. China grow is their lack of proper access broad consultations where each Fighting for their livelihood JermaineFigueiracalledfor h


One vendor, identified only as (Continued on page 38)

Former President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Timothy Tucker

From page 37 maximum benefits for its transparency when using resources. Guyana’soilmoney Heeven

Furthermore, the former cited the need for possible M i n i s t e r o f P u b l i c amendments to the Act Infrastructurearguedthatthe Section16.2oftheActstates PPP government feels it is that “All withdrawals from duty-bound to spend all the the Fund shall be deposited revenues generated from oil into the Consolidated Fund production. and shall be used only to

He said that it is the only finance: (a) national

development priorities comments made by Hinds, including any initiative signaling that there is no aimed at realizing an consideration of saving for inclusive green economy, future generations. Patterson and(b)essentialprojectsthat alsosuggested, “Ifyoucan’t are directly related to spend all the money, it ameliorating the effect of a shouldbeinvestedandsaved majornaturaldisaster.” foralatergenerations.”

To date, government has much of the Fund was used specific projects were total barrels of oil produced A m b a s s a d o r s a i d , Ambassador’s budgeted approximately for any specific project fundedbythoseearnings. by Guyana’s three Floating “ perhaps we should comments disappointing US$2 6B in oil money Accordingtohim,thiscanbe Interest Production Storage and rejoice that we received Meanwhile, the PNC/R’s through 2022 to 2024 done through the Budget Kaieteur News in July

Offloading (FPSO) vessels directly US$ 4 4 billion, spokesman on oil and gas, Revenuesearnedfromoilare documentsinordertocertify 2023 reported that the totaled 142 million barrels when without oil, we would E

d t o t h e that the funds are being Natural Resource Fund during 2023 when compared have received nothing, Ambassador Hinds has once Consolidated Fund, blurring utilized in accordance with (NRF) generated an interest with 101.41 million barrels zero,”Hindssaid. again proven to be a window tracks of expenditure the act. He also shared the of US$86.8M during that producedin2022. “Let’s feel good about into the PPP’s true thinking Governmentisyettoidentify view that the oil money year- a substantial increase Notably, as of December the US $4.4 billion. If we andattitude. the “national development should be subjected to a when compared to returns 31, 2023, the Fund have troubles absorbing the “He previously praised priorities” being funded by separate audit Figueira earned in 2022 This accounted for inflows of US$4.4 billion according to

oil revenue This is explained, “This is the most according to the 2023 NRF US$1.6B for the reporting some reports, what more P

particularly concerning important sector and Annual Report tabled in period, and represented an troubles we would have had Agreementas“fair”andnow because the legislation therefore a lot of attention Parliament by Senior increase of 13.90% when in absorbing US$10 billion! his recent comments have features no penalties for s h o u l d b e d i r e c t e d Minister within the Office of comparedwiththeinflowsof Sometimes there could be made it clear that the PPP is misuseofthefunds. specifically to these funds. t h e P r e s i d e n t w i t h US$1.4B for 2022. These too much of a good thing,” i n t i m i d a t e d b y t h e Figueira however, We want to ensure that the responsibility for Finance, inflows were deposited into theformerpresidentsaid. challenges of the oil pointed to the need for country doesn’t suffer from Dr.AshniSingh. the Natural Resource Fund Hind’s letter was industry. Virtually, no transparency when using the Dutch disease and According to the account at the Federal addressed to the editor days political leader or party resourcesfromthesector He therefore,thesefundsshould document, “Net return Reserve Bank of New York, afterKaieteurNewsreported worldwide would say that it noted that the NRF Act is bedispersedinamannerthat generated by the Fund with the exception of two that the country should have prefers not to have more clear on how the funds is very responsible and totaled G$18,105.25 million profit oil payments for two already received US$10B revenue,”Lowstated. should be spent “ we therefore special attention (US$86.84 million) for the lifts in December 2023, from the Liza One and Liza Instead, the PNC/R require more specifics s h o u l d b e d i r e c t e d year 2023, a substantial totaling US$148.91 million. Two projects However, insisted that the country because theAct is very clear specifically to that sector to i n c r e a s e o f 3 9 6 %

These payments were figures from the Bank of should be pushing to earn with regards to how those managethefund.”

(G$14,455.17 / US$69.33 received in January and Guyana (BoG) revealed that more revenue to meet the funds should be spent and if Dangers million) over the previous February, 2024. Meanwhile, only about US$4 4B has urgentdevelopmentneedsof you just lump sum it into the International Financial year’s level on account of the report outlines that been paid into the Natural thecountry consolidatedfundweneedto Analysts worry that the higher interest rates on outflows in the form of Resource Fund (NRF) since He was keen to note that know definitely of those revenue may not be used to overnight deposits during withdrawals from the Fund the startup of production the former President in funds that were transferred develop Guyana and 2023.”

totaled US$1,002.13 million activities to the end of June referencing the country’s into the consolidated fund improve the lives of its The Fund achieved an in 2023, which reflected an 2024. absorptive capacity is that are they being used for impoverished citizens annual portfolio return of increase of 64 92% alarming. the specific purposes with because there is little 4 824% in 2023 when (US$394.48 million) over PNC andAFC hammer “His admission that regards to what the Act transparency regarding the compared to 1 581% in the previous year’s level of Sam Hinds for telling revenues are not being used speaksto.” use of country’s oil wealth, 2022.The2023NRFAnnual U$607.65million. Guyanese to rejoice over effectively is damning but Amendments For instance, Director of Report states that Brent pittance from oil more concerning is that he to the NRFAct Financial Analysis at the crude oil prices fell by SATURDAY doesn’t seem to see that as a The Parliamentarian said Institute for Energy 10.32% during 2023 moving Chairman of the AFC, problem that can be fixed. the NRF Act may require Economics and Financial from US$85.91 per barrel at PNC andAFC hammer DavidPattersoninaninvited Instead of speaking to the amendments to justify Analysis (IEEFA), Tom the start of the year to Sam Hinds for telling comment said that it was Stabroek Block partners to transfers to the Consolidated Sanzillo had pointed out that US$77.04 per barrel at the Guyanese to rejoice over unfortunate that a former get more for Guyanese and Fund for spending across the the government has not been end of 2023. Further, the pittance from oil President of Guyana could reforming the government’s board, rather than for prioritising saving the funds express such simplistic operation, the PPP has specific purposes outlined in generated from the industry

Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh

The People’s National utterances. clearly decided to bury its the Act. These amendments like Norway but has instead Congress Reform (PNC/R) In fact, he said, “Hinds is head in the sand The according to him are crucial embarked on a massive and theAlliance For Change n o w t h e c o u n t r y ’s Ambassador’scommentsare to ensure there is absolute infrastructural and energy (AFC) have hammered Ambassador, so we have to shocking and disappointing conformity with the legal development scheme which former President and Prime be very worried about the in equal measure,” the requirements He said, may very well benefit its Minister, Samuel Hinds – level of presentation on PNC/Rnoted. “Given how it is being partner, ExxonMobil more who is currently Guyana’s behalf of the country, if he is transferred and the unknown than the citizens in the Ambassador to the United satisfied with seeing his New regulations of how it is being utilized it country Meanwhile, the States – for his recent countryshort-changed.” in the pipeline to therefore requires some government previously said comments that encourage PattersonsaidHinds,like enhance monitoring of additional amendments to that money from the oil Guyanese to rejoice over the his government, completely outbound oil and gas give greater clarity on the account is transferred pittance the country has miss the point, which was vessels – GoG report direction of how these funds directly to the Consolidated received to date from the oil never the country’s ability to should be directed and Fund which blends the sector spendtheresourcesgarnered Newly crafted Standard used.” various revenue streams In a letter published in from the petroleum industry, Operating Procedures Figueira is adamant that This means the government Thursday’s edition of but rather, ensuring the (SOPs)willseethe the public must know how is unable to say what Kaieteur News, the country receives the (Continued on page 39)

From page 38 and those meters meet or exceed enhancement of monitoring international industry standards. activities related to the oil and gas “That data is also monitored by the sector Government,”thecompanystated.

Guyana’s largest FPSO- Prosperity- produces an average 250,000 barrels of oil daily

The Government of Guyana Exxon says its FPSOs’ transfer (GoG) 2024 Mid-Year Report metersmeetorexceedinternational revealedthattheSOPsareawaiting industrystandards. final approval by the Customs and

The company claims the Trade Administration and will government has approved them enhance the monitoring of all shore too Government representatives bases. also reportedly witness the

T h e n e w r e g u l a t i o n s transfer meter operations, in specifically seek to beef up the accordance with industry best “examination of outbound vessels practices. with oil and gas related items; Exxxon added that the closure of files; and the presence of government and lifters receive officers aboard installation vessels representative samples as an with helipads for the examination additional layer of verification. To of cargo outbound and inbound,” this end, the oil company said, thereportstated. “EMGL is unaware of any

The accuracy of ExxonMobil regulatory regime that requires Guyana’s (EMGL) daily reporting Kaieteur News Publisher, Exxon’s Response Government’s oil lifts also aren’t a local regulators to install separate of oil production from its Stabroek Glenn Lall had commented that Lall’s statement prompted mystery – they are available for metering equipment, however we Block Operations without Guyana’s oil could be leaving in Exxon tomakeitclearthatithasno anyone to read on the Ministry of have no objection to the independent meters onboard its boatloads, since the country objection to Guyana installing its Natural Resources’ website government pursuing an three Floating Production Storage lacked measures to independently own meters to monitor its Furthermore, despite repeated independent monitoring system andOffloading(FPSO)vessels,has verify the data provided by productionactivities. claims to the contrary, our offshore and will adhere to any regulations raisedquestions.

ExxonMobil ExxonMobil Guyana said: “the production vessels have meters, thegovernmentputsinplace.”

Chapter 11: Star Vibes

Dance-Training Headphones

Before becoming the Personal Assistant to the Non-Personal Assistant to the Executive Assistant to the President of Earth, Jackson had not traveled much. In fact, he had only left Earth once, as part of a SolarCruiseforhisMother's 50th birthday And by the timetheyhadpassedJupiter, he was ready to go back home. And since becoming Personal Assistant to the Non-Personal Assistant to the Executive Assistant to the President of Earth, Jacksonhadonlybeenasked to join an interstellar expedition once: the same tripthathadseenhimpulled through a black hole, onto a Byzong Warship, and, more presently, jettisoned through spaceviaaWarpPort.

So, it should come as no surprise to you that when he appeared alongside Tarza, Dusty, and Plod in the heart ofPelligrant'sStation,itwas his first time there. He had just been transported, or more accurately, “warped”, into a warping booth and barelymadeitoutoftheeggshapedvesselbeforethenext warping party, a family of Blonga Birds, arrived. If it hadnotbeenfortheprodding of Plod, he may well have hadaBlongaBirdappearon hishead,and,giventhattheir beaks can pierce through Earthmetal,it'sagoodthing hesteppedontotheconveyor belt passing by the booth whenhedid.

“Jackson! We finally made it out!” screamed Tarza, hopping onto the conveyorbeltwithDusty She gave both the ROBs abighug.

“Thanks for saving us backthere!Iknewyouguys wouldn'tletmedown!”

“Our pleasure,” said Plod. “Affirmative,” said

Dusty “We will help you in whatever manner we can,” he added. “Yes, thank you very much,” said Jackson, stilldazedanddizzyfromthe experience.

“You're welcome,” said Dusty “We will only help you if it helps Tarza,” he added.

Moving right past it, Jackson asked, “Where are we? And when can we stop moving…?"

“Pelligrant Station of course!” said Tarza. “I… I can't say I'm familiar,” he answered.“You're not going tostopmakinganydecisions because you're confused again, are you?” she asked with a smile “Haven't decided,”hesaidback.Tarza couldn'tbesure,butthought she was beginning to see a spark of confidence in her newfriend.

As they moved through, Jacksonlookedaroundatthe vastnessofthestation.What struck him the most was the lack of walls Seemingly, therewasnothingseparating themfromspace,yethewas able to breath, and survive, andwasquitehappywiththe temperature.

Above him, there were hund

Why go to school?

Isometimeswonderwhy Ihavetogotoschool–Youhavetodosomuchwork, Andfollowsomanyrules.

ButthenIlookatpeople, Withnoeducationyoucansee, Theyoftenseemtobesopoor


Andthentherearethose, Whoyouknowareeducated–Theymosttimeshavethebestjobs, Andbyallothersarerespected.


Toworkhardformyeducation; Iknowitsometimescanbetough, ButintheendIwillgainsatisfaction.

reds, if not thousands, of clear tubes with bright electric blue trains speeding through and passing overhead And there were conveyor belts, like the one he was on, carrying passengers from solar systemsfromeverycornerof the galaxy, and perhaps beyond. Looking at the size and shapes (and glows) of new and wondrous species, he considered how different theircruisesmustbe.

One traveller caught his eye They resembled an Earth octopus, or squid, but had ten tentacles And as Jacksonhadlearnedduringa short but formative phase of his childhood where he was fascinated by the deep sea, octopuses have eight arms, and squids may have eight arms and two tentacles (tentacles having suckers only on the end, and arms having suckers throughout). Nocreaturehehadeverseen hadtententacles,andnoneof them,notaone,usedthemto stand up and dance on a conveyorbeltliketheywere. It was only when their belt started to converge that Jackson realized they were listening to some music through a set of Star Vibes D a n c e - T r a i n i n g

H e a d p h o n e s , t h e headphones that use gamma vibrations set to your music to make you dance better than you ever have before, guaranteed.AndJacksonhad toadmitthatthealienhewas watching had better moves thananyhumanhe'dseen.

“Is this where you wantedtotakeus?”heasked Tarza.“Notexactly We can't warp there directly No one can. So, we'll have to take a traintherestoftheway.”

Soontheywereunloaded (Continuedonpage42


ü Largeglasscanisterwithlid

ü Small black fence long enough to go aroundcanister

ü Pebbles

ü Moss

ü Mini Halloween decorations of your choice


1. Start by placing your fence inside the glasscanister Ifyouwantlightsinsidethejar, Isuggestingwrappingthemaroundthefence beforeputtingthefencein.

2.Addyourmainstructure,inourcaseit's ahauntedhouse.

3. Place a couple inches of pebbles the

bottomaroundthehouse.Makethemniceand snug.


5.Add any small figures, like our witch, gravestones,andpumpkins.



· We did not glue our items in place. We

didthistochangeitemsatanytime.However, ifyouprefer,theystaystill,youcancertainly glueeverythingtogetherusingE6000glue.

· Be sure to check thrift stores for orphanedglasscanisters.

· You can make some of your own miniatures, like trees from black spray paint andtwigs.

Develop yourself to your maximum by making full use of your talents and natural abilities Develop your Gifts and Talents

We had mentioned before the importance of usingthespecialtalentswith whichyouwereborntohelp youinyourchoiceofcareer when you shall be ready to findajob. Itwillalsohelpto fulfil the true purpose of your life and give you a senseofachievementifyou develop these and help otherstodothesame.

Thereisastoryinthe Bible which they call the ParableoftheTalents.

In this parable, Jesus Christtoldofaservantwho was given a certain number of talents, which was the name of the money then used,toinvestandgetmore money Buttheservant,too lazy to work and afraid that hemightlosethetalents,just put them in a place which wassafe,butwhichalsohad no way of bringing any returns.

The master, when he found out the truth, condemnedthisservantand gave him no further

opportunity to work for anything. Itwillbewiseforeach ofustothinkaboutthisand about the talents that we were given when we were born or have acquired since then No matter how uneducatedorincapablewe may seem to be, each of us hasbeengrantedsometalent or talents as well as the

Our main aim in life should be to make use of our special talents to bring out the real and unique purpose of our life.

opportunity to use them. If we do not put them to good use, we will lose them, just as we lose the use of our muscles through lack of exercise, our brain from neglecting to do our mental work,oranysensewhichwe possessthatwedonotuseto thefull. But if we make full use of them they will get stronger and be of greater useaswegoalong. What are the talents with which you were born? It may be a skill like art or music,oritmaybeaquality

like courage or kindness. What are the talents you have acquired by learning and practising since birthplayingagameoramusical instrument,workingatyour favourite subject at school, orworkingwithcomputers? Whateveritis,youhave to identify it, and use every opportunity to develop it to the fullest. This will not only help the world around you, but will serve to bring out your full potential in your career and give your life its true meaning and purpose.

Eachnumberfrom1to6occursoncewithineachrowand column.Thesenumbersrepresenttheheightsofbuildings. Thecluesoutsidethegridindicatethenumberofvisible buildings(lookingintotheroworcolumnfromthe clue'sposition).Thereisonlyonesolution.

Godfashionedallyourpartsbeforeyouwereevenborn, Hewantsyouasyouare,forHispurposeyouwereformed; HemadeyouinHislikeness,unlikebeastsandothercreatures, He'sgivenyougiftsandtalents,youarespecialinyourfeatures.

Sodiscoverallyourtalents,workhard,trylotsofthings, Watchforwhatyou'regoodat,thesearethegiftsGodbrings; Itmaybeguitar,singingorinart,writingstories,maths,history, Aleader,thinker,organiser,pioneerorinventorinindustry Orisitsport,aballorbat,Godhasmadeyougoodat? WhateverkindofhatHegaveyou,fullydevelopthat; HegaveyougiftstohonourHim,nottopuffuporthinkyou'resmart. Norshouldyoucovetsomeoneelse'sgifts,asthiswouldhurtyourheart.

TobeyourbestishowHewantsyou,thisisthewaytobefulfilled, Youmayfindthatyou'redifferent,whichisbecauseofyouruniqueskills; Godgaveyouveryspecialgifts,thankHimforhowyouare, Everstrivetodevelopthesetalents,andyouwillshinelikeastar

Uncle Roy is again appealing to our readers to make a contributiontothiscolumnbyeithergivingafeedback on what is published, asking for some help with some personal problem, offering some advice to fellow teenagers, or sharing the news of what is happening in his/her community Please send your contribution to roypaul2002@yahoo.com

Solutions to last week’s

Tips to Make Your Nails Grow Faster

Healthline - There is no scientifically proven method for making nails grow faster But taking good care of your body through proper nutrition and using the following tips to strengthenyournailscanhelpthemgrowstrongandlongover time.



BiotinisanimportanttypeofBvitaminthatallowsthebody toturnfoodintoenergy


Nail softness makes nails more prone to breaking, which increases the need for nail regrowth. To prevent nails from breaking,expertsnormallyrecommendnailhardeners.


Researchers Trusted Source have found that regular use of glue-on artificial nails can weaken real nails and make them morepronetobreaking.


Regular nail grooming can also help boost the strength of your nails, encouraging growth and reducing breakage. Some waystokeepyournailswell-maintainedinclude: keepingyournailsdryandclean,whichkeepsbacteriafrom growingbeneaththemusingsharpmanicurescissorsorclippers totrimyournailsstraightacross,andthenusingthemtoround thetipsofyournailsintoasoftcurve

moisturizingyourhandsandnailswithalotion,makingsure to rub it into your fingernails, especially at the base where the cuticlesarelocatedavoidingnailbitingorcuttingyournailstoo short

Whatcausesunhealthynails?Poorhealthcancausenailsto grow abnormally Some common nail growth issues include: changesincolor,changesinthicknessorshape,separationofthe nail from the surrounding skin, bleeding, swelling or pain around the nails, slow-growing nails. Slower growing nails come with age but can also be a sign of illness or nutritional deficiency They can even be caused by some medications.Hormones also play a role in driving nail growth. Younger people tend to have faster growing nails than older people,andmenandpregnantwomentendtoexperiencefaster nail growth than others. In healthy adults, average fingernail growthisabout3.5millimeterspermonth.

Star Vibes...


onto a platform with a massivetree-likestructurein the center If Jackson didn't know any better, he would say that it was a tree. The roots extended in every direction, winding and weaving around the

p l a t f o r m , b e f o r e disappearing beneath it Passenger after passenger exited their conveyor belts and made their way towards the tree. Everyone funneled towards a large opening in the base of the tree, where attendants waited to greet thematsmallkiosks.

“So this tree-thing will getusthere?”askedJackson. Tarza shook her head “It's not a tree-thing. It's a Neuro-Simulating MultiOutlet Distribution Network NESMOD Networks are a marvel of engineering!”

“Oh,” said Jackson, and nothingmore.

As they entered what Jackson would still refer to as“thetree”fortherestofhis life, a bubbly attendant with long orange hair and blue skinpulledthemover “Good morning! I mean,

it's sunrise somewhere, am I right?”shesaidwithalaugh.

“Well I supposed that's “ started Jackson “Awww,” she said, looking a t J a c k s o n ' s f a c e sympathetically “Lookslike someone'sstillfeelingalittle sick from the Warp Port Firsttime?”

“Well actually, ye ” “No matter, we'll get you all sorted and on your way in a jiffy! Did you know that a j i f f y i s 3 3 3 5 6 4 picoseconds?” Jackson let her continue without answering.“SoIguessIcan't really say a jiffy can I, since that's already passed!” she said with another laugh

“Now, what is the name of yourdestinationtoday?”

She held her hands over thekioskscreen,readytoget towork.Tarzareachedintoa secret compartment of her jacket and pulled out the PocketWatch.

“Not a name,” she said. “A time ” The attendant's eyes dropped to the watch andhersmilefaded. “Oh.Isee.Can'tsayIget many time destinations nowadays. In fact, you'll be my first one. But… there's a first for everything, am I right?!” she said, forcing anotherlaugh.

“Howisawatchgoingto tell us where we're going?” Jacksonwhispered.

“It's the most foolproof w a y o f f i n d i n g a destination,” answered Tarza.

“Most folks get by just fine giving us a name,” said theattendant,inanoticeably less-friendly tone as she scrolled through her screen andtappedatvariouspoints.

“I'm sure they do. But planets can have similar if not identical names within a galaxy,”repliedTarza.

The attendant looked up to shoot Tarza a firm stare. “And that's why we accept coordinatesaswell.”

“Yes, but as you know, with solar conditions and uneven orbits, coordinates canalsobelessthanreliable. Thebestwaytofindaplanet is to identify it within the timelog.”

The attendant scoffed, read the time off the watch, thencontinuedtoclickaway onherscreen.

“I still don't understand. How does a time help you find a place,” asked Jackson.

“Every planet has a different system of time, created a different point in their planet's history Think

aboutit,doesSaturnhavethe same date and time as Earth?”“They couldn't Saturnwasterraformedonly three hundred years ago Besides, their days are half as long ” “Exactly! That's why a planet's date and time is one of the most unique things about. And certainly the best way to find it,” she said,shootingtheattendanta lookrightback.

“Themostsecretiveway, she means, ” said the attendant “Huh?” said Jackson. “Time logs are the oldest method we have here for finding a planet,” answered the attendant “Oldest and best,” blurted Tarza.“It'srudetointerrupt,” saidtheattendant.“AsIwas saying, the NESMOD Networkknowsthedateand time of any planet that registered pre-uniformity code. So it can align your traintothedestination,butit won't share the coordinates o r n a m e w i t h o u r administrative system For years they tried to get it to share the log with us but it gets made when you ask.” “How does a tree get mad?” Jackson asked to a set of glares from everyone in earshot. “I mean… it really won't tell you where we're

going?”“Correct,” said the attendant She turned the screentowardsthegroupand pressedaglowingbuttonthat read“DEPART”.

A hole opened up in the floor in front of them

Jackson peered down to see that a mini train car was waitingforthembelow,with an open skyroof for boarding It sat inside a hollowed-out root, with a swift current of air blowing aroundit.

“Enjoy your trip,” she said,forcinganothersmile.

“Afteryou,”Tarzasaidto Dusty and Plod. The ROBs wheeled forward and droppedintoseatsinsidethe train.

As Jackson began to climb in after them he felt a stirring within the station

The monitors at every kiosk began to flash with a red warning, causing the whole interior to glow crimson

And then, with one foot inside a train car, he looked up at the screen in front of them and saw his own face. “Fugitive: Apprehend

Immediately” The attendant's eyes and nostrils flared.“Iknewit!!”“Timeto go!” yelled Tarza She pushed Jackson in and followed from behind

Jackson stared up at the attendant, still frozen in shock, as Tarza closed the skyroof.Withoutaword,she pushed forward on a lever and sent them careening forward, through a windy, twistedrootpath.

Withinmoments,theroot emptied them into a clear tubeandJacksonsaw,forthe first time, just how large the station truly was He imagined he could spend a lifetime there and never see everytube.Jacksonbeganto feel sick again. He thought for a moment that the tube itself was moving Like a telescope reaching for the right position. He could feel himselfpressedbackagainst the soft cushioned seat from thespeed.

Jackson could barely hear anything over the whooshingsoundofthetrain flyingthroughthetube.

“Don't worry! The tubes just point in the right direction!” shouted Tarza, alsopressedagainstherseat. Theyexitedthetubewith a satisfying THWUMP and entered the quiet of space, smoothly floating towards theirdestination.Tarzasatup straightagainandsmiled.

“… space takes care of therest."

Halloween enthusiasts can look forward to a thrilling good time at MovieTowne’s haunted house experience

In keeping with the traditions of Halloween, where every twist and turn is designed to keep you on the edge of your seat or give you a good scare, MovieTowne Guyana on Friday commissioned its much anticipated hauntedhouseexperienceatthevibrant Fiesta Plaza of the mall's campus. MovieTowne'shauntedhouseissureto beanunforgettableadventure.

As dusk falls, the plaza transforms intoarealmoftheunknown,beckoning

thrill-seekers and Halloween enthusiasts alike to brave the haunted corridors.

Asyouenterthehauntedhouse,you will be greeted with displays of horror faces on the walls, and different charactersappearingoutofthinair.The spooky atmosphere filled by the screams of persons that enters, makes the ones outside more eager to experiencewhatawaitsthem.

With each step, you'll encounter hauntingly life-like characters,

unexpected scare and mind-bendin illusions designe

t o k e e p y o guessing at every corner W i t immersive scar zones, interactive

elements, and unexpectedtwists, the Haunted House promises an unforgettable experience for everyone who dares to enter.

Whetheryou'rea die-hard horror fan or just looking for a t h r i l l i n g experience.

Visitors to the haunted ho prepare to entangle their senses in an immersiveexperiencefilledwithspinechilling surprises, realistic portrayal of horror movie characters, and heartpoundingscares.


Organisersofthehauntedhousesaid that the plaza will be open to welcome thrill seekers for the entire month of October, where every week new characters from various horror films would be portrayed On Friday,

During the launch, The Waterfalls

spoketoafewadventure seekers,whoexpressedtheirexperience of the haunted house. Diana Browne said, “I am not really a person that enjoysdoingthesekindsofthingsbutit was a good experience, one I would go for again….the persons that played the horrorcharacterlookedveryrealistic.”

Additionally while speaking to a group of friends, Ryan (only name given)said,“Thisismyfirsttime,andit wasscary,Ifrightentogoinagain,them thingjustpoppingupoutofnowhere.”

Anotherfriend,Ronaldosaid,“They hadthisclownthatwashighup,Ithink he was sitting on a piece of wood or something… when he jumped down, I swear,Icouldhavegeta heartattack... The clown was the scariest and this scaryfaceonthewallwhenyouenter.” He further expressed with enthusiasm, “Plustheyhadthisfacethingthatlitup, itlookedlikearealface.”

“This was exciting, and scary, my favorite horror is, IT (A clown horror film)…so going in there and seeing the various clowns was like a real life experience.”Sheadded,“Theyalsohad achildscaryperson,shescaredmetoo, becauseIdidn'texpectthatatall.”

Movietown unveiled some of the haunted characters which included Pennywise, characters from Scream, The Ring, Joker,
The KillingClown.
Children excited to enter the Haunted House
Some of the scary characters that were displayed at the Haunted House


: An enthralling night of pan music

The Kingston Beach was on Thursday night filledwiththesweetsoundof steel pan music as hundreds who attended the Pan, Brass andSocaeventorganisedby 592Events&Entertainment in collaboration with The KunjazGroupgyratedtothe rhythmic sounds of pan and Soca. The event, which was held as part of Cricket Carnival 2024, celebrated the vibrant Caribbean culture.

The electrifying show started at 20:30 hrs and was graced by the NGC La Brea Nightingales, a renowned steelpangrouphailingfrom Trinidad and Tobago that opened the evening with a captivating performance

The event was hosted by Daniel Loveless, a 25-year-

old comedic personality from Trinidad, alongside Gabriella Chapman, an emerging local host from Guyana, ensuring the audience was engaged and entertained throughout the night.

As the night progressed, DJ Akelo took the reins, mixing an array of Soca hits that had the crowd dancing andfeelingthevibrantvibes oftheCaribbean.

Local artist Timothy Roberts captivated the audience with his lively

everyoneontheirfeetduring a dazzling steel pan display

Ensemble Not to be outdone, Omaiah Hall, another local artist with a passion for Soca, kept the energy high, igniting the crowd's enthusiasm The

line-up also featured Guyana'sownchutneyartist, Aw Lyrical, who added a unique flavour to the evening.

Among the standout performances, the Guyana PoliceForceSteelOrchestra d

exceptional talent and resonatingwiththeaudience throughnostalgictunes.

The atmosphere reached new heights with the appearance of cultural ambassador Rodney Small, whobroughtover27yearsof experience from St. Vincent &theGrenadines.

He mesmerized the crowd with his skilful steel pan rendition of popular tracks, including “Message to You” by Bob Marley, infused with romantic classics like Usher's “You

Kunjaz group performing

Got It Bad,” “All My Life” by K-Ci & JoJo, and Ed Sheeran's “Thinking Out Loud.”

Attendees of the event expressed their excitement and joy in witnessing such a spectacular showcase of talent.Francwashared,“The show was excellent and indeedamust-see.

This was my first time attending a Pan, Brass and Soca concert, and it was really nice; the energy was there,andthemusiciansand artists delivered beyond my expectations.”

Keiara echoed this

sentiment, stating, “Pan, Brass and Soca is an event everyoneshouldgoto.Itwas

Caribbean event truly fantastic!” Shadacia added her enthusiasm, saying, “It was an unforgettable event all the way If we could get this twice a year, that would benice.

The fact that we got to witness our own talent was special.”

The event was made

Republic Bank (Guyana)

Limited, the Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sport, Hess, Caribbean Airlines, One Communications, and SlimExtra.

As the night drew to a close, it was clear that Pan, BrassandSocahadnotonly entertained but also brought the community together, celebrating the rich cultural tapestry of the Caribbean. With an energy that resonatedlongafterthefinal performance, attendees left withsmiles,memories,anda shared appreciation for the power of music to unite and inspire.

President to appoint Hicken as Commissioner despite opposition's disapproval

TheGovernmentof G u y a n a h a s indicated to the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) that it will beappointingCliftonHicken to the substantive post of CommissionerofPolice.

This was disclosed by Minister of Governance and Parliamentary Affairs Gail Teixeira on October 2, 2024 in letter addressed to the Leader of the Opposition AubreyComptonNorton.

In that letter, Teixeira who spoke on behalf of President IrfaanAli said that Hicken should be appointed asCommissionerofPolicein the interest of public and nationalsecurity

Hickenwasappointedby President Ali to act as Commissioner in 2022 following the retirement of NigelHoppie.

Article 211 (1) of the ConstitutionofGuyanastates that the Commissioner of Police shall be appointed by the President after meaningfulconsultationwith theLeaderoftheOpposition.

In this vein, there has been an exchange of four letters between the government and the opposition.However,thetwo sides have not met in person to have full and frank discussionsonthesubject.

MinisterTeixeirasentthe first letter to the Opposition Leader on September 4 informinghimofthelawand government's intention to appointtheactingTopCopas Police Commissioner by October4.

“Please be informed that His Excellency intends to make a decision with respect to the appointment of Mr Hicken pursuant to Article 211 (1) on or before October th4 2024 Your response th should be received by 18 September 2024,” the letter said.

Hickens' extensive Curriculum Vitae was also a t t a c h e d t o t h e correspondence in a bid to demonstrate why he is the bestsuitedpersonforthejob.

Also on September 4, 2024,asecondletterwassent relativetotheappointmentof five senior police officers as Deputy Commissioners of Police The five senior officers are: Ravindradat

B o o d r a m D e p u t y CommissionerAministration (Ag), Wendell Blanhum Deputy Commissioner Law

Enforcement (Ag), Errol WattsDeputyCommissioner Operations (Ag), Fazil Karimbaksh Head, Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU)andSimonMcBean

Regional Division Commander#4A.

The Minister requested that Norton respond to the second later by September 18,2024.

“Please be informed that His Excellency intends to makeadecisionwithrespect to the appointment of the aforementioned persons as Deputy Commissioner pursuanttoArticle211(1)on th or before October 4 2024. The CVs of the five senior officerswerealsoattachedto thecorrespondence.

Norton responded to the president one day before the deadline and made it clear that he will not support the a p p o i n t m e n t o f a Commissioner of Police at thisstageasthereisneedfor an investigation into the management of the Guyana PoliceForce.

“Severalallegationshave been leveled against Mr Hicken over the years. I repeat my call for a full investigation into the management of the Guyana Police Force and the acting Commissioner of Police,” Nortonsaidinhisletter

Norton reminded the presidentthatin2012Hicken appeared before the Linden Commission of Inquiry (COI) “where he lied to the commission about his telephone communication withathensittingMinisterof Government, raising concernsabouthisintegrity.”

Further, the Opposition Leader reminded that in 2017, Hicken served as Commander of 'A' Division

whenhewas“negligentinhis oversightintheinvestigation of the alleged assassination of a sitting President of Guyana Rtd. Brig. David A. Granger.”

According to Norton, it was recommended after the COI that Hicken be relieved from the post as concerns were raised about his “impartiality, accountability andcredibility.”

Norton said too that in 2022 when President Ali appointed Hicken as the acting Commissioner of Police, there was an outpour

of allegations of financial improprieties amongst other things against members of theForce.

The Opposition Leader alsohighlightedanumberof media reports relative to the allegations.

Nortonalsoremindedthe president that he made calls f o r i n d e p e n d e n

“unprecedented level and volumefinancialimpropriety in the Guyana Police Force u




The Opposition Leader


e his reservations he looked forward to continued dialogue with the president onthebestsuitedpersonsfor thepost.

On October 2, President Ali, through Minister Teixeira apologized to Norton for his delayed response while describing Norton's decision not to s


The President said that Norton's concerns were “unsubstantial allegations”

Opposition Leader that Hicken is the most senior member of the Police Force and under his leadership there have been many accomplishments “including the significant decrease in serious crimes, improved public confidence in the Force.”

“ In particular the performance of Mr Hicken, His Excellency has concluded that it is in the public interest and in the interest of national security that Mr Hicken be appointed CommissionerofPolice.”

Acting Commissioner of Police, Clifton Hicken

el erfect - for all creative face & body paintings

At just 19 years of age, Francwa Fortune is a local certified actor, singer, dancer, voice actor, and aspiring lawyer Added to his portfolio,isthetermentrepreneur astheteenageristheproudowner of a face and body painting businesscalled'PixelPerfect'.

Some of you may have encounteredFortuneandhisteam atafewsocialevents,paintingbut have you ever wondered how the businesswasformed?

Inarecentinterviewwiththis magazine,Fortuneelaborated.He toldTheWaterfallsthathestarted his business inApril last year but due to some challenges he had it remodeled and relaunched it in Augustthisyear

The young entrepreneur said thatwhathadinspiredhimtoopen this venture was a likeness and interest in face painting which he developed during one of his courses at the National School of TheatreArtsandDrama.

“What inspired me, I am a certified actor from the National SchoolofTheatreArtsandDrama

Just a handful of some of the paintings Fortune and his team did in the past
“...Hey you don't have to become a lawyer or a doctor if you don't want to do the studies. You can start your own business and you show them and set an example like, hey I started my business this is how it is now, these are some of the challenges and you discuss with them, you give insights so it would encourage them.”

andwhiledoingmycertificate rogramme one of the compulsory course was special fectsmakeupandlearningtodo face painting and scars for plays. So, when we reach the stage of doing these festival paintings I grow fond of it. I would have really enjoyed it and I did exceptionally well in that aspect ofthatprogramme,”herelated.

According to the young man, aftergrowingalikingforpainting he decided to continue doing it and he developed his skills. And that's how it morphed into something that can generate an incomeforhim.

'Pixel Perfect' for those now

learningofthisventureisallabout face painting and special effects makeup. They are opened for bookings to cover any social eventssuchasHalloweenparties, birthday parties, or any other celebrations.

Duringhisinterviewwiththis publication, Fortune mentioned that making a name for his business was no easy task. He recalled that when he had officiallyopenedlastyear,oneof hismajorobstacleswasmanaging the time between his studies and business.

The younger entrepreneur who now holds a Diploma in Communication Studies from the

University of Guyana explained that “one of the major obstacles in thewaywaswhenIwas studying at the university and I was unable to dedicate the amount of time I would have wanted to put in my business.”

As a result, the young businessman rarely received any bookings as people didn't know muchabouthisskillatthetime.

“Yes I would advertise it but rarely, because I was focused on completing university and that occupiedmytimesothatwasone of my biggest challenges,” he recollected.

Asked how he managed to overcome this obstacle, Fortune shared that he put a pause on his business and waited until he completed his studies at the university. “Once that was

completed, I said you know what this is the perfect time now, I am freeletmerelaunchandthingsare going exceptionally well as of rightnow,”heinformed.

The young creative said that since his relaunched, the support has been great coming from his peers, staffers, and family He shared that his friends would reach out to do promo videos for himandsosincethenthesupport basehasbeen“excellent”.

With the operation of his business progressing well now, Fortuneinformedthispublication that his ultimate long-term goal forthisbusinessisforittogrowto beoneofthebiggestnamesthere isinGuyanaandworldwidewhen it comes to face painting and specialeffect.

Hesharedthatsinceoperating his business he received mentoring from the talented and (Continuedonpage49)

Young entrepreneur and founder of
‘Pixel Perfect’, Francwa Fortune

Suriname to receive largest 'take' from first oil project

– Staatsolie Head

Surinameoilandgas industry has hit an historic milestone with the Final Investment Decision (FID) made to developtheGranMorgufield inBlock58.

Surinamese President Chandrikapersad Santokhi said, “Suriname and its

investment decision of Total

Energies and APA CorporationregardingBlock 58withStaatsolie.

We consider this a historic and milestone occasion,creatingsignificant opportunities and revenue prospects for Suriname, as well as attracting investors worldwide.”

Henotedthatthedecision will boost the country's domestic capabilities and investmentsandhaveamajor impact on local content opportunities.

President Santokhi underscored the country's commitment to a strong and loyalpartnership.Notably,he said too that Suriname expects that the offshore oil and gas development will take off in compliance with environmental regulations andstandards.

Annand Jagesar, Managing Director of Suriname's state -owned Staatsolie, said, “What seemedlikeadistantdreamis becomingreality

This will be the largest investment ever in our country; one in which Suriname will receive the largest share of the 'take'.” He noted that Staatsolie will supervisethis.

Jagesaradded,“Thisnew opportunity comes with a shared obligation to ensure that Suriname will benefit optimally from the incomes from offshore oil.These will have to be put in use for the long-term prosperity of all Surinamese.”

He underscored that this can be achieved through g o o d g o v e r n a n c e , transparency,zerocorruption and the establishment and strengthening of institutions that guarantee that the income benefits the development of the entire Surinamesesociety

Recently, Frenchcompany TotalEnergies and APACorporation announced the FID for the project offshore Suriname. The timeframe for the

constructionandinstallation, according to a release from Staatsolie, would take approximately four years Surinamecanexpectfirstoil in2028.

TotalEnergies is the operator in the partnership with APA in Block 58, each with a 50% interest. The development of the GranMorgu project will be focusedonoil.

Staatsolie explained that theproject'snameisinspired by the majestic Goliath Grouper (Granmorgu) that can be found in the coastal waters of Suriname.With its size, the Granmorgu symbolizes the magnitude and significance of the upcoming development in Block58.

Notably,thefishcanlive up to forty years, which also indicates the productivity years of the GranMorgu project (minimum 20-25 years).

GranMorgu means more or less 'a beautiful morning' inSurinamese,thisStaatsolie said represents a new dawn and the promise of a new beginning, for the energy sector of Suriname, and the country itself with new opportunities to work

dedicatedly towards sustainable growth and progress.

According to current estimates and prices on the

market, the project will cost more than US$ 10 billion. Notably, in accordance with the terms of the Production Sharing Contract (PSC),

Staatsolie has plans to participateforamaximumof 20% in the development and production of the commercialfield.

This publication recently reported that in a video clip, Jagesar, compared the contracts of Guyana and Suriname during the announcementoftheFID. “Guyana, they have 2% royalty,and50%profitsplit, no taxes, and here in (Continuedonpage49)

$7.3B in contracts awarded for construction of new four-lane road that will connect new Demerara Bridge

The new four-lane approach road that is scheduled to be constructed to connect to the new Demerara River Bridge on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD)willcostgovernment over$7.3billion.

The new four-lane road which is a project being undertaken by the Central Housing and Planning

Authority (CHPA) is expected to be done in six lots The National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) announced on its website recently that contracts for four of the six lots have been awarded and amountstoover$7.3billion.

The lots awarded are as follows: (Lot1) - BK International Inc for $1,696,149,857; (Lot2)Asoka Buildcon Limited for $1,747,255,575; (Lot4)L'Heureuse Construction & S e r v i c e s I n c f o r $2,309,238,068;and(Lot5)-

China Railway First Group

G u y a n a I n c f o r

$1,564,994,697. According to NPTAB these contracts wereawardedonSeptember 27.

It was stated in CHPA tender document that the construction period for each lot is seven months and the newfour-laneroadwouldbe ontheeasternsideofthenew bridge.

This publication had reported previously that the compulsory acquisition of several plots of land along the East Bank of Demerara for the purpose of the construction of the new Demerara River Crossing hasbeengazetted.

A c c o r d i n g t o information contained in an Extraordinary Gazette published on April 6, 2024, the lands are being acquired for public purpose to build connecting roads for the New Demerara River CrossingontheEastBankof


Plantations Peter's Hall and Providence (EBD), passing through the lands described in the schedule to the order was declared to be public work under section three of theAcquisition of Lands for PublicPurposeAct.

The Government of Guyana had announced the acquisition of 40 pieces of property from private land owners as it moves ahead with efforts to construct a new Demerara River Bridge (DHB) crossing It was reported in May, that some 15 Peter's Hall, residents rejected the Government's proposal for the acquisition oftheirpropertiesinorderto facilitate the construction of the new bridge, citing their needforfaircompensation.

In 2022, a US$260 m

awarded to the joint venture of Ch

way Construction Corporation (International) Limited,

ChinaRailwayConstruction (Caribbean) Co., Ltd and ChinaRailwayConstruction Bridge Engineering Bureau Group Co , Ltd for the project. The new crossing will replace the current bridge, which has already outliveditslifespanbysome 40plusyears.

An artist's impression of the New Demerara River Bridge.

Senior Cop accused of sharing police intelligence with suspects in ‘Bricks’ abduction case

Senior Cop accused of sharing police intelligence with suspects in 'Bricks' abductioncase

Asenior Officer with the Guyana Police Force is accused of allegedly sharing policedetailswithsuspectsin the Joshua David abduction case. Kaieteur News understands that the officer advised the wanted men to surrendertosavehimself.

Sources said the officer might know more than detectives about David's abduction because of his a l l e g e d f r i e n d l y acquaintance with the suspects Investigators believe he was allegedly keeping them updated with new developments on the police search for the abductedman.

Thesourcesdidnotsayif investigators have evidence toprovethisbutclaimedthat the officer met with the suspectd recently He allegedly told them that they must turn themselves in because “the heat was comingdownonhim”.

On Friday, four more wanted suspects surrendered to police. The men are 34year-old Wayne Barker

Frompage12 wrongfullyconfinehim.The men were not required to pleadtothechargeandwere remandedtoprison,withthe case adjourned to October 11,2024.

On Friday Barker, Alleyne, Mars and Barlow turned themselves into police.

Efforts by the Police to

Joshua David, also known as ‘Bricks’

called 'Onnie' of Norton Street Lodge, 26-year-old AaronAlleynecalled'Cats'of Lot9WestLaPenitence,21year-old Davantai Mars called 'Sharkie' of Lot 148 Middle Road, La Penitence and 32-year-old Damion Barlow called 'Dangles' of Lot 47 Norton Street, Wortmanville. They surrendered five days after two other wanted suspects, Osafo Peters and AlphaPoole,hadalsoturned themselves in Poole and Peters were remanded on Friday for allegedly abductingDavid.

Police have not shared (Continuedonpage49)

locate David have proven futile. On Tuesday, ranks combed the Annandale Backlands, East Coast Demerara (ECD) with the assistance of drones but were unsuccessful. Despite the outcome, police have maintained that they will continue to follow all leads as they do their best to find David.


$691M set aside to build Kaneville Secondary School

The construction of the Kaneville Secondary School is estimated to cost $691,280,899, the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office announcedrecentlyduringtheopeningofbids.

At the reading of the bids, it was disclosed that the Ministry of Education project will be done in several blocks (Ato K) and a total of eight contractors have applied for the project.

The contractors are as follow: NP Contracting & Transportation Services, A Ograsein & Sons, JD’s Construction Company, JK Enterprise Inc, D&S Construction, S&K Construction Consultancy Services & General Supplies, Sherriff Construction, and You Nailed It Construction.

With $74.4 billion allocated this year towards the construction, rehabilitation, extension, and maintenance of educational facilities across the country among other projects, it was reported that the Education Ministry had embarkedonaveryaggressiveprogrammetoensurethatall childrenhaveaccesstosecondaryeducation.

The Government has set 2025 to achieve universal secondaryeducationinthecountry


Ministry of Education

Construction of Kaneville Secondary School (BlocksAto K).


Dependents Pension Fund Repairs to Dependents' Pension Fund Building (Roof).

Ministry of HomeAffairs


Completion of Paramakatoi Police Station.

Suriname to receive largest ‘take’ from...

From page 47

Suriname,wehavelike6.25%royalty,profitsplitaccordingto a certain formula, so the higher the oil price the better for Suriname, but the lower the oil price then the contractor gets protected and we have a stabilized tax rate of 36%,” Jagesar saidadding,“Soyoucandothemathandthedealisgoodbutof courseeverybodyhastosurviveinthispartnership.”

On Thursday, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo acknowledged that Suriname has better terms in their agreementthanGuyana’s2016agreement.Jagdeo’sstatement followed the publication of an article by Demerara Waves headlined, ‘Suriname boasts of better oil contract terms than Guyana’.

“I noticed DemeraraWaves; Suriname boasts of better oil contract terms than Guyana. Not that anyone actually boasted about this… but it’s true that they have better terms than our 2016 agreement has and who is responsible for this again the APNU/AFC,”Jagdeosaid.

Jagdeo compared Suriname’s royalty rates with that of the new Public SharingAgreement (PSA) saying that, “So if you look at their royalty rate of 6.2% royalty, we have just put in our new PSA, a 10% royalty rate that’s the new condition but the agreement that they have today is better than the 2016 agreementandwepointedthisoutmanytimes.”

It is important to note that the new PSA referred to has nothingtodowiththecountry’scurrentdealwithExxonMobil and its partners Hess and CNOOC nor is it related to the lucrativeStabroekBlockoffshoreGuyana.

ThenewPSAwillgovernthesmallerblocksthatwerepart of the recently concluded auction. Furthermore, there have been no exploration activities or discoveries in any of these blocks.

Therefore, citizens should be aware that the Stabroek Block arrangement remains the same, Guyana will get 2% royaltyand50/50profitsharing.

Jagdeoinlayingblameontheformeradministrationforthe 2016 oil deal noting that his government fixed the deal by addressing the non-fiscal terms so that Guyanese can benefit morefromthesector

“We sought to fix this by getting more benefits from the contract through the Local Content Law, the Gas-to-Energy project so that we can claim other non-fiscal benefits from the contract and we have had Exxon agree with that from the time we got into office, but this is great and I am happy for Suriname, very happy for them they have worked very hard at this,”hereasoned.

From page 46

well-known artist Steve Bravo of Bravo Arts. “He would have trained me and I’m currently working with him with at the CPLgames. He hired me, so I would have seen how this giftorthisopportunitywouldhaveopeneddoorsforhimand I want to mirror that and to be on the same level as him one day,”Fortuneexpressed.

The young man related that just how Bravo influences him,heisoftheviewthatyoungentrepreneursinoursociety help to encourage and motivate the younger generation who arelookingon.

“Asanentrepreneur,youshowthem…youdon’thaveto become a lawyer or a doctor if you don’t want to do the studies.You can start your own business and set an example like,heyIstartedmybusinessthisishowitisnow,theseare some of the challenges and you discuss with them, you give insightssoitwouldencouragethem,”Fortunesaid.

With that being said, our featured entrepreneur is of the view that boosting small businesses locally; it all starts with the “ones at the top” who can continuously promote small businesses and hire small businesses at their productions to dothings.

In doing this, Fortune expressed that in promoting these businesses, eventually people are going to learn about them and they would help boost confidence within the owners. Another thing he shared is for young entrepreneurs to tap into and make use of social platforms to get their business out there. He shared that he has seen how some young Guyanese influencers in TikTok would promote businesses andnotedthatthisisagoodwaytoexposethesebusinesses.

For persons or companies interested in booking ‘Pixel Perfect’you can reach out to them onTikTok and Instagram via their business name and also you can contact mobile numbers(592)711-0882or650-0883.

Power and Light (GPL) Supply & Delivery of Transformer Lots (1-3).
of Fence at Rose Hall Police Station.


Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.

Experienced Sales girls & Porter boys wanted. Attractive pay & great working hours. Apply now! Call: 694-1170.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).

Wanted poultry workers at longcreek. Call : 625-0058.

Wanted: Experienced Puri Maker , Counter Person , Cleaner & Labourer. Apply @ Shanta's, 225 Camp and New Market Sts. 654-1361.

One part-time handyman to work 6 days per week in Georgetown. & Domestic. Call : 624-7436.

Job openings: Business development analysts, project assistant & Civil engineers. To apply send application via Whatsapp : 733-5983 / 733-4237.


For Sale Live chicken $100 up $350 lb Call : 625-0058.

All purpose joint compound, Selling out at half price. Call : 225-3682.


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PUTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.


Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.

Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

General Domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.

Female Cleaner for an office in Eccles. Call 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Vacancy for private secondary school one female day guard & full-time English teacher. Call: 678-0652.

Chainsaw Operators and Labourers needed for wood concession. Call: 670-6919/ 723-0211.

Laundry attendant, receptionist, supervisor & Room attendant 23-50 years old. 233 south road Lacytown / 2250198.

Vacancy exists for one nanny, age 40 years or older. Please call : 699-0942.

Vacancy exist for one full-time housekeeper age 40 years or older. Call : 699-0942.

Housekeeper and Chef needed contact number 6774896.


Two unfurnished, 2 bedrooms for rental in Stanleytown West Bank Demerara. Call: 0011-973651-7160 / 627-5497 via WhatsApp.

Self contained rooms to rent in Prashad Nagar. Call : 2272993 / 629-2424.

Israel issues new evacuation order in Gaza as attacks on Nuseirat kill 12

Palestinians living near Netzarim Corridor in central Gaza told to leave as Israel prepares to use ‘great force’ against Hamas.

Aljazeera - Israel has occupy and that separates is drained and exhausted. issued a new warning to northernGazafromsouthern Everyone here is sad,” thousands of displaced Gaza. The area has been Khoudarysaid. Palestinians sheltering in previously evacuated due to As the latest evacuation central Gaza, saying its deadlyIsraeliattacks. order was issued, Iranian military is preparing to use Al Jazeera’s Hind Foreign Minister Abbas “great force” against Hamas Khoudary, reporting from Araghchi renewed his call in the area as it continues to Deir el-Balah in central for ceasefires in both Gaza pummel the besieged strip Gaza, said that before the andLebanon,wherefighting with attacks that have killed warning, Israel carried out continues to rage between

The latest Israeli evacuation order is the first issued in weeks for Gaza and could signal a new wave of mass displacement and another humanitarian crisis [Eyad Baba/AFP]

The Israeli military has also paid a heavy price in the buildings of historical and at least 12 people since deadly bombardments of the Israeli forces and Hezbollah, oftenreturnedtoareaswhere war, the United Nations a

Saturdaymorning. area. asheheldtalkswithofficials it has previously conducted culturalorganisationsaid. depositories of moveable

The evacuation call In the Nuseirat refugee from Iran’s ally Syria on operations in response to On Saturday, UNESCO cultural property, six issuedonSaturdayisthefirst camp, Israel hit a home and Saturday reportsofHamasactivity. saidithasverifieddamageto monuments, one museum inweeksforGaza,signalling killed six members of a “The most important

Cultural sites in the 69sitesinGazaoverthepast and seven archaeological

a n o t h e r p o s s i b l e family,Khoudaryreported. issue today is the ceasefire, Palestinian territory have year: 10 religious sites, 43 sites. humanitarian crisis with a She said another attack especially in Lebanon and in n e w w a v e o f m a s s hit tents belonging to Gaza,”hetoldreporters. displacement as Israel’s war displaced Palestinians in “There are initiatives in approaches its one-year Deir el-Balah, resulting in this regard. There have been mark, having killed at least more fatalities, including a consultations that we hope 41,825 Palestinians, mostly 13-year-oldboy willbesuccessful.” women and children, and “Beit Hanoon in the Nearly all of Gaza’s 2.3 woundedatleast96,910. northern Gaza Strip has also million residents have been Amap showing the areas been targeted by Israeli displaced at least once since tobeevacuatedwasattached forces,” Khoudary said, Israel began its war on Gaza to the order posted on the adding that ground on October 7 after deadly social media platform X by operations were also under Hamas-led attacks on theIsraeliarmy way in the eastern part of the southernIsrael. They are near the Palestinianterritory

Hundreds of thousands Netzarim Corridor, a strip of “Everyone here is of people have been land that Israeli forces traumatised. Everyone here displacedseveraltimes.

Senior Cop accused of sharing...

From page 48 hoursofSeptember26fromMainStreet.Cell muchdetailsregardingtheirinvestigation Phone recorded footage of the abduction into the abduction. They have however been showed a group of men accosting David in activelysearchingforthevictim. the vicinity of the New Thriving Chinese They have mostly been combing the East Restaurant.They were seen forcefully taking Coast Demerara (ECD) Backlands. Searches him away David was neither seen nor heard wereconductedintheareasofAnnandaleand fromagain. Buxton. David’s family remains hopeful that Police believe that his abduction is hewillbefoundalive.OnThursday,relatives connected with the recent drive by shooting held a candlelight light vigil on Main Street on D’urban Street, which left two persons callingforhissafereturn. deadandseveralwounded. David was abducted during the evening Investigationsareongoing.


that the name evolved from inland from Belize City, Belize in the 1950s from export of timber were for the Mayan word belix open savanna (grassland) is Canada and Mexico to years the basis of the Belize, country located which mestizos (in Belize, (“muddy water”) or belikin marked by scattered oaks, escapereligiouspersecution, Belizean economy, but by on the northeast coast of people of mixed Mayan and (“landfacingthesea”). pines, and palmetto palms. and Mennonite communities 1960 the combined value of Central America Belize, Spanish ancestry) make up

Climate of Belize

The coast is fringed with havebeenallowedtosettlein sugar and citrus exports had which was known as British half of the total inhabitants. Belize has a subtropical mangrove trees The rural areas throughout the exceeded that of timber Hondurasuntil1973,wasthe Belize has one of the most climate, with a well-marked highlands are mostly country Owing to destruction of last British colony on the stable and democratic dry season from late forested and are largely Languages of Belize forestsandpricefluctuations American mainland Its political systems in Central February to May and a wet uninhabited.

English is the official


h t o America. After its original

Ethnic groups language of Belize, but most products, Belize had opened independence was marked capital, Belize City, was November that is interrupted ofthepopulationalsospeaks u p

by a unique international ravaged by a hurricane in from August to September

Many Belizeans are of a creole patois, and many nontraditional agricultural campaign (even while it was 1961, a new capital, by another dry season. The mixedancestry,mostofthem Belizeans are multilingual. products and manufacturing still a British colony) against Belmopan, was built inland, mean temperature in Belize descendants of immigrants. Yucatec,Mopán,andKekchí activities by the end of the the irredentist claims of its Cityisabout74°F(23°C)in Those of mixed Mayan and are spoken by the Maya in 20thcentury Sincethe1990s neighbour Guatemala December and 84 °F (29 °C) Spanish heritage (mestizos) Belize Mestizos speak theBelizeangovernmenthas

B e l i z e a c h i e v e d in July The mean annual constitute the largest ethnic Spanish, and the Garifuna attempted to expand the

i n d e p e n d e n c e o n rainfall increases sharply group (about one-half of the speak an Arawak-based economy, but heavy September 21, 1981, from about 50 inches population)andpredominate language and generally also borrowing led to debt but it has retained its (1,270 mm) at Corozal in the more sparsely speak either English or restructuring in the midhistorical link with on the northern frontier inhabitedinterior,alongwith Spanish. The Mennonites in 2000s. As is the case with the United Kingdom to 175 inches (4,445 the Maya (Yucatec Maya in BelizespeakPlautdietsch,an many modern economies,

t h r o u g h mm)atPuntaGordain the north and Mopán and archaic Low Saxon services have become membership in the the south, while at Kekchí Maya in the south), (Germanic) language Belize’s dominant economic Commonwealth. Belize City rainfall who account for nearly one- influencedbytheDutch. activity Tourism is a major Belize is often amounts to about 75 tenth of the population Economy of Belize source of foreign income, thought of as a inches(1,900mm). English-speaking people of Belize has a developing partly as a result of an Caribbean country in Plant and animal life largely African and British free-market economy increase in cruise ship Central America

About three-fifths of ancestry, who are called Commercial logging and the arrivals. because it has a history Belize is forested. There Creole, account for more similar to that of English- areatleast50differentforest than one-fourth of the speaking Caribbean nations. tree species, including population and predominate Indeed, Belize’s institutions mahogany, Santa Maria inthecentralcoastalregions. and official language reflect about 50 miles (80 km) west (Calophyllum brasiliense), A significant number of itshistoryasaBritishcolony of Belize City, which cedar, and ironwood. In the Garifuna (Garinagu), who However, its culture is more remains the country’s north, limestone soils are descendants of the Carib typical of that of other commercial and cultural support deciduous forests, Indians and Africans Central American countries. centre as well as its most and sapodilla and mahogany deported from Saint Vincent Belize’s small population is populouscity predominate. In the south, by the British to the Gulf of ethnically diverse and The name Belize is the forest is taller and is Honduras in 1798, live in includes a large proportion traditionallybelievedtohave evergreen Santa Maria, communities on the south ofimmigrants. been derived from the rather than mahogany, coast. People of European

Since the 1970s, Spanish pronunciation of the flourishesontheplateau,and andSouthAsianancestryare migration has shifted last name of PeterWallace, a oak and pine grow on some also present, as are smaller Belize’s ethnic composition Scottish buccaneer who may of the plateau ridges. The numbers of immigrants from fromapredominantlyCreole have begun a settlement at rivers are largely bordered China, the Middle East, and (mixed African and British themouthoftheBelizeRiver by swamp forests. On the elsewhere Mennonite descent)populationtoonein about1638.Itisalsopossible southern coastal plain and farmers began to migrate to

The flag of Belize
Altun Ha
A section of the mangrove forest.
Belize River
Coast of Arms of Belize

Inter-Guiana Games 2025…

NSC confirms 140-member contingent

The National Sports was aided by the IGG The IGG Management for the team’s departure conjunction with the local faculties and venues by the Commission (NCS), Management Committee, Committee contains Chef- drawscloser associationstoselectthebest Government of Guyana as it following an extensive and was staged in collaboration de-Mission Dr Karen The seven disciplines possible and available strives to usher in a sporting consultative process, has withstakeholders. Pilgrim and veteran sports that will be contested are: athletes and personnel for cultural revolution. That is finalised a 140-member The final roster, which administrator Gervy Harry, athletics, basketball, beach this prestigious regional the vision of His Excellency contin

ent that will will make the trek to the ViceChairpersonoftheNSC volleyball, chess, futsal, championship. This annual President Dr Irfaan Ali, participate in the 2025 French department, Cristy Campbell Assistant swimming,andtabletennis. undertaking is a covenant whose commitment to edition of the Inter-Guiana comprises athletes, officials, Directors of Sport Melissa Owing to the distance amongst culturally and achieving this objective is Games (IGG), which is and auxiliary personnel Dow-Richardson and that must be travelled, historically linked people evident by the annual slated for Cayenne, French Presently, the list has been Frankie Wilson among other Guyana is slated to arrive in and community and will increasing largesse, which is Guiana, from October 24th- submitted to the French individuals.Theentitymeets the French territory on the continuetosurvivethetestof of historic proportions, that 26th. a u t h o r i t i e s f o r t h e twice a week to finalise the 22nd, while their return date time given our shared values isaffordedtothesector.”

The selection process for acquisition of visas and any logistical arrangements for is pencilled for the 27th. and, more importantly, our Originally held in 1967, the annual event, which other relevant or requisite the team. They will meet on Suriname is slated to arrive ambition to forge closer and the IGG is traditionally an lasted for several weeks and traveldocuments. anincreasedbasisasthedate onthe23rd. deeperbonds.” annual competition among Meanwhile, Director of He further said, “Guyana the territories of Guyana, Sport Steve Ninvalle said, is expected to host the 2025 Suriname, and French “

Sunday October 06, 2024

ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)

It's critical that you not try to gain the love and appreciation of another by controlling their decisions,Aries.It'stimetolet thepeoplearoundyousettheir ownrulesandboundaries.

TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)

You might need to put on the brakes today when it comes to love and romance, Taurus. Don't think that this means you have to break off any sort relationshipthat'sintheworks but realize that you may need to take a more realistic approachtohowyouhandleit.


Things should be going quite well for you today, Gemini, and you will find that aspects of your life that may have felt disconnected in the past are finallyslippingintoplace.


Restriction and discipline might not be your forte, Cancer, but realize that this may be exactly the type of thing that you need the most. Try not to expend your energy intoomanydirections.


Appreciate the good things you have today, Leo. Don't let another day go by without really paying homage to the people who've helped you grow along the way Take a walk. Climb a tree or help a childbuildatreehouse.


When it comes to matters of love and romance, you may needtotonethingsdownabit. An aggressive approach now may drive your loved one further away from you instead ofdrawinghimorhercloser.


You may find that your love is incredibly magnetic now, Libra. All you need to do is be yourself and suddenly people flockyourway

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Consider taking a more conservative approach to your actions today, Scorpio, as well as to the way you dress. Others may be rather put off by somethingthatcomesacrossas tooflashy

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Romanticrelationshipsmaynot exactlybegoingaswellasyou'd like, but don't get discouraged Hang in there and you will find that things eventually come aroundyourway Youmayneed tostrengthenyourinternalsense ofconfidence


It could be that you're trying to communicate with someone in a matter regarding love and romance and it simply isn't working.You're apt to feel like youneedatranslatorinorderto getyourmessageacross.


This is a fantastic time for you for love and romance, Aquarius,evenifthere'sabitof coolness between you and the person you care about. It's possible that there needs to be an element of distance now for you to really appreciate the goodthingyouhave.


It's one thing to be a friend and it's another to feed someone's ego just to make him or her happy, Pisces. Make sure that you aren't telling someone lies justbecauseyouknowthatthat iswhatheorshewantstohear

edition, and given its Guiana.Thepreviousedition i

e unquestionable importance, wasstagedinSuriname,with tournament, an extensive aworld-classexperiencewill Guyana hosting the 2022 process was conducted and certainly be realised owing edition following a five-year a i d e d b y t h e I G G to the ongoing development hiatus owing to the COVIDManagement Committee in and refurbishment of 19pandemic.

From page 57 and out of the side—rounds their leading wicket-taker, to Guyana Amazon Warriors; a out a formidable bowling continue his fine form team that is not ready to let unit. Alzarri Joseph, with his go of their title, so it’s going For the Kings, du Plessis express pace, will spearhead to be a tough battle and one has been the bedrock of their the attack, while Matthew thattheKingsarereadyfor.” batting, but the team will Forde, Khary Pierre, and the On the other side, need a full-team effort to experienced Wiese will be Warriors’ coach, Lance dethronethechampions. taskedwithbreakingthrough Klusener, is just as adamant His opening partner, theWarriors’batting line-up. that his team is prepared to JohnsonCharles,mustfireat “It’s about execution now,” defendtheircrown. the top, while the likes of Sammy reminded the press,

“It won’t be easy,” the Bhanuka Rajapaksa, Roston “the team that handles the 53-year-old cricket legend Chase, Tim Seifert, and pressure will walk away as admits, “but we’re ready to Ackeem Auguste will be c h a m p i o n s ” E x p e c t meet the challenge head-on. crucialinbuildingorchasing fireworks from the start, as Theboysarelockedin.” a total David Wiese’s thesetwopowerhousesleave

Despite their two losses versatility adds a wildcard it all on the field in what to St. Lucia this season, factor to the Kings’ middle promises to be one of the Klusener remains unfazed, order Withtheball,St.Lucia most intense, dramatic, and knowing that each game is will look to Noor Ahmad, unforgettableCPLfinalsyet. played under different conditions “It’s a final Anything can happen, but we’llbeready.”

FortheWarriors,muchof their success has rested on a well-rounded squad Rahmanullah Gurbaz and Shai Hope have led from the top, with Shimron Hetmyer providing crucial runs in the middle order The late addition of Moeen Ali has only added to their depth, with the English all-rounder forming a dangerous opening partnership with Gurbaz Keemo Paul, Romario Shepherd, and Dwayne Pretorius provide the firepower in the lower order,readytoexplodewhen needed.

Imran Tahir himself has been exceptional with the ball, managing his attack with finesse. He’ll lean on fellow spinners Gudakesh Motie and Ali to keep the Kings’powerfulbattinglineup in check, while the pace trio of Pretorius, Shepherd, and possibly Shamar Joseph—who has been in

Courts Optical Pee Wee U-11 Tournament 2024…

GIA, St John the Baptist & St. Pius highlight Round 3

The 11th Annual Primary Jahiem Bourne was trotagainstTucvillePrimary, Primary found their rhythm ended in a 1-1 draw, while Courts Optical brand, along Courts Optical pivotal for NGP, netting with Aleem Young bagging against Genesis Primary, Redeemer Primary and with support from the Pee Wee Under- three goals, while Damarion threegoalsinthe4-1victory winning 8-0 as Treyvon StellaMarrisPrimaryplayed Ministry of Education,

11 F o o t b a l l Devine and Avion Lynch Enterprise Primary thrashed Byass and Devon Jones both outagoallessstalemate. Ministry of Culture, Youth Tournament showcased added the other two to Smith Memorial 6-0, with achievedhattricks. The tournament is and Sports, MVP Sports, some thrilling action as the completethewin. Dontay Kowlessar scoring Inothermatches,Batavia sponsored by Unicomer Sterling Products Limited, f i n a l r o u n d o f t h e Winfer Gardens’ Omari four times St Gabriel’s Primary and Den Amstel Guyana Inc through its andStenaDrilling. preliminary stage wrapped St Hill dazzled with a hat up yesterday at the Ministry trick in their 4-1 win over St ofEducation(MoE)ground. Mary Primary, assisted by The top sixteen teams N a t h a n i e l B i s h o p ’s were confirmed on Saturday, contribution Georgetown setting the stage for the Petra International Academy Organisation’s premier U11 (GIA) made their mark by school football competition dominatingColaacoPrimary toenteritseliminatorphase. 7-1, with Zakaria Zemmit, The excitement kicked Caleb Nnoli, Yacine Amri, off with a dominant Yoseph Riva, and Mathias performance from St John Bermudez all adding their the Baptist Primary, who namestothescoresheet. overwhelmed Timehri In one of the most Primary with an 8-0 victory lopsided matches of the day, Kareme Welcome stole the F.E Pollard Primary fell to spotlight with an impressive Rosignol Primary 12-0 four-goalhaul,whileKriston A b d u l K a d i r w a s Chandler added two goals to unstoppable with five goals, increase his tally to seven in and Jeremiah McDonald thetournament. followedcloselybehindwith Marcellus Elvis and four Orlando Deeges also found Jamie Bourne and the back of the net, leaving Jeremiah Seecharran added Timehri’sdefensereeling. single goals and an own goal Belladrum Primary, roundedoutthetally representing East Coast, Other teams also secured continuedtheday’sdramaby theirspotsintheroundof16. overpowering Pataro West Ruimveldt Primary Primary from Region 8 with cruised past Golden Grove a 5-0 win. Jadon Sampson’s with a 5-0 win, thanks to two hat trick and Kenroy goals each from Eli Bryant Gordon’s two goals secured and Jaseen Parris. Marian their advancement to the Academy downed School of nextstage. the Nation 3-0, with North Georgetown Cristaino La Rose netting Primary (NGP) triumphed in twice. St Pius Primary, the a thrilling 5-3 victory over defending champions, Region 2’s Tapakuma Lake securedtheirthirdwinonthe

A snippet on yesterday’s action at the Ministry of Education Ground, Carifesta Avenue.

CAC 2024: Gardner, Green, Rampersaud & Campbell headline Guyanese squad

Defending Central America & Caribbean (CAC) champions Hannah Rampersaud (Junior Wellness) and EmmersonCampbell(Men’sPhysique)areamong25athletes registered to represent Guyana at this year’s Championships slated to be held here on October19-20, at the National CulturalCentre.

A release from the Guyana Body Building & Fitness Federation(GBBFF)namedthelistofathleteswithUS-based RawleGreenamongthoseregisteredtocompete.

The full list is: Selwyn Grogan (Masters Under 75KG, Sylvon Gardner (Masters Under-70KG), Orlanzo Valenzuela (U-65KG), Daniel Lutchman (U-70KG), Delrae McLean (Masters-U-75KG),ChristopherAnthony(MastersU-75KG), Seon Budhan (U-65KG), Julio Sinclair (Over 100KG), MarleyVyphuis ( Men’s Physique 186cm), KewsieAnderson (Men’s Physique 186cm & Physique Mass), Roger Callender (U-60KG), Yusuf Khan (Physique 172cm), Antowyn Bayley (Men’s Physique 176cm), Sachin Sharma (Men’s Physique 170cm), Jamal Pollydore (Men’s Physique 176cm), Emmerson Campbell (Men’s Physique 170cm), Renaldo Caldeira (Men’s Physique 170cm), Hannah Rampersaud (Junior Wellness), Melitha Fernandes-Anderson (Women Wellness under 158), Christine Ramsammy (Bikini Under 169), Sabita Stephenson (Bikini Under 165), Joel Caldeira ( Bodybuilding under 65kg), Vanisha Munroe (Women’s Wellness under 160), Aliya Wong (Women’s Wellness under 158)andRawleGreen(MastersBodybuildingUnder90kg).

Meanwhile, some of the sponsors already on board are: Fitness Express, Twins Manufacturing, Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sport, National Sports Commission and the Guyana OlympicAssociation.

Rawle Green

GFF thanks West Ham United FC for hosting goalkeeper coach Eon Deveira

Head of Academy

The Guyana Football pleasure of viewing 399 league appearances and Federation (GFF) extends its goalkeeping sessions in U9, isnowtheU23headcoach. heartfeltthankstoWestHam U16, U18, U21 areas hosted Reflecting on his United Football Club for by various goalkeeper experience, Deveira shared, warmlyaccommodatingEon coaches, respectively Larry “The experience was very Deveira, one of Guyana’s Raji, Chris Lewington, Dan inspiringandenlightening.It most qualified goalkeeper Hill and Coach Billy Lepine. placed me in a different coaches, during his recent Thisallowedhimtoindulged space mentally, and I am visit to the club’s training in discussions with the eager to transfer this campinEngland. coaches before the sessions knowledge into my training.

Deveira spent two highly and also gained valuable This will be a tremendous productive days at West feedbackafter benefit to the youths, the Ham, gaining invaluable He also met separately Federation’s programmes, insights into both the with U21 Head Coach Mr andGuyanaasawhole.” Academy and first-team Mark Robson and was given The GFF recognizes the facilities. His visit started the opportunity to view their importance of such with a courtesy call and game analysis session international exchanges in warm welcome by the Head Furthermore, Deveira also enhancing local football of Academy Mr Kenny met with a West Ham legend development and greatly Brown Deveira had the Mr Steven Potts who has appreciates West Ham United’s openness to fostering this relationship. The Federation is eager to explorefurthercollaboration as it continues to elevate the standard of football coachinginGuyana.

Cricket EquipmentGuyana batting with Prime Minister’s Softball Cup

Cricket Equipment-Guyana is among the sponsors for this year’s Prime Minister’s T20 Softball Cup 8 which is slated for October 11-13 under the auspices of Georgetown SoftballCricketLeague(GSCL)Inc.inpartnershipwiththe Office of the Prime Minister and Ministry of Culture,Youth andSport.

On Monday, Tournament Director, John Ramsingh received the sponsorship cheque from Ganesh Persaud, a staffmemberfromCricketEquipment-Guyana.

The handing over ceremony took place at the business location,theC-StoreoftheBelAirRubisServiceStation,on theRupertCraigHighway,SophiaPublicRoad.

Persaud stated that Cricket Equipment-Guyana was delighted to be associated with the three-day softball extravaganza. He also mentioned that Cricket EquipmentGuyanaisprovidingwholesaleandretailsalesforallcricket equipment. They are the sole importer and distributor for SS/Ton,SG,DSCandKapsonSportsequipment.Theyhave IndianmanufacturesinGuyanaandofferingoriginalcricket equipmentforthesebrands.

Ramsingh,inresponse,expressedhisprofoundgratitude toPersaudandCricketEquipment-Guyanafortheirsupport.

Over G$3M up for grabs as the tournament attracts teamsfromNewYork,CanadaandacrossGuyana.

There will be three men’s categories (T20): Legends (Over-50), Masters (Over-40) and Open (All-Stars) along withaLadies15-overdivision.

Matches in the preliminary round are set to be played in Georgetown and Lusignan Community Centre ground, East CoastDemerara.

AllchampionshipencounterswillbeplayedatthePolice SportClubground,EveLeary,Georgetown.

Forthemen’s,Guyana-basedRegalteamswerecrowned championsasthelegendsandmasterswinnersin2023while anotherGuyana-basedsideArielcapturedtheOpen.

For the ladies, 4R Lioness retained the trophy in last year’sedition.

Back-to-back, or first time winners?

- Warriors, Kings set for intense battle in CPL finals

Two teams. One hunting one can walk away with the them. With du Plessis in for their first taste of glory, covetedCPLtrophy scorching form this season, the other determined to The Amazon Warriors, racking up 384 runs, the prove their first trophy was one of the most storied Kings are aiming to spoil the nofluke. franchises in CPL history, Warriors’celebrations.

That’s the narrative of finally broke their title Theirheadcoach,Darren tonight’s highly anticipated drought in 2023 after 11 Sammy,haskeptthingsclear Caribbean Premier League seasonsandsixfinals. and focused. “Winning those (CPL) final at the Guyana For their captain, 45- games earlier in the season National Stadium, where year-old Imran Tahir, that was great,” Sammy said, defending champions, the victory still feels dreamlike. referencing the Kings’ two Guyana Amazon Warriors, “It took a lot out of us, but victories over the Warriors, will face off against the St. we’d do it all over again,” “but they don’t matter now Lucia Kings, who are Tahir reflects, underscoring Sundayisallthatcounts.”

m a k i n g t h e i r t h i r d the hunger to repeat that The atmosphere at the appearanceinaCPLfinal. successinfrontoftheirhome Guyana National Stadium is

Once again, the GFF sincerely thanks West Ham U n i t e d F C f o r t h e opportunity and looks forward to continued engagement.

The scene is set for a crowd. set to be electric, with over thrilling finale, one where But the St. Lucia Kings, 20,000 loyal Warriors fans emotions will run high, and led by the ever-dangerous expectedtopackthestands. every ball will carry the Faf du Plessis, have other Sammy knows the weightofaseason’sworthof plans. challenge his team faces, but effort. The Kings have reached remains confident “the

Both teams have their third final, but the Kingsarereadytotakeonthe powerful line-ups, but only trophy has so far eluded (Continued on page 54)

Kenny Browne (left) and Eon Deveira
Battle of the South Africans! Imaran Tahir (L) and Faf du Plessis will face-off in tonight’s final. (Getty Images)

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