Kaieteur News

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Israeli strikes batter

Essequibo River

ExxonMobil’s lopsided deal’ lacks commitment to change -ChrisRam ‘PNCR 20-point plan for oil sector

The 20-point plan revealed by Leader of the People's National Congress Reform (PNCR), Aubrey Norton two weeks ago lacks commitment to implement any changes to lopsided oil deal with ExxonMobil, A t t o r n e y - a t - L a w, ChristopherRamhassaid. Ram in his weekly column 'Every Man, Woman andChildMustBecomeOilMinded' published by Stabroek News on Saturday concluded his review of Norton'splanstomanagethe petroleum sector, if elected.

th The PNC's 10 point for the management of the sector states, “Considering the vastly changed conditions sincethesigningofthe2016 Stabroek Block Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) and consistent with Article 32.1 of the PSA, we will complete a top-to-bottom review of the PSA and then engage the Stabroek Block Partners, to maximize the benefits of the oil resources to the people of Guyana whileensuringafairshareof profit for Stabroek Block Partners. The review will

Attorney-at-Lawand CharteredAccountant, Christopher Ram

include,butnotbelimitedto ring-fencing of projects, oil tax regime, environmental

, transparency, the timely reporting of information, regulatory oversight and

auditing, local content, shared management and

operations in the oil and gas sector.”

The prominentAttorneyat-Law pointed out that the party made no commitment

LeaderoftheOpposition andPNC/RLeader, Aubrey Norton


ly promised a “top-to-bottom” review He described the PNC's 20-point plan as “cautious, conservative and careful,” adding that the minor proposed changes do nothing to assure Guyanese thatthePNCRhasthewillor the capacity for any meaningful, let alone fundamental change to the 2016Agreement.

Ramexplained,“perhaps the most glaring issue with thePNCR/APNU'splanisits

complete lack of urgency or timelines The plan is essentiallyapromissorynote contingent on the party winningthenextelectionsin November2025-morethana year away This delay is particularly egregious given that the Norton leadership has had several years to observe how the agreement has operated against the nationalinterest.”

He argued that instead of urgently addressing the matter and taking a clear position, the PNCR has chosen a "kick the can down the road" strategy that may have no political benefit otherthanthatitwillnothave to follow-through, since success in winning the next elections is only a remote possibility

The lawyer however stressedthatanyresponsible, major opposition party is required to be consistently vigilant, representing those whovotedorwillvoteforit. Ram pointed out that for the

majority of Guyanese, renegotiation of the Exxon dealisnotmerelyanelection issue, but a reality of everyday life, of a nation's patrimony, its sovereignty, integrity, and future of the country, and of every Guyanese.

“Every day that passes under the current agreement represents a missed opportunity to secure better terms for the Guyanese people with the potential of bringing in billions of US dollars.

This approach is particularly disappointing given the high stakes involved Guyana's oil resources represent a oncein-a-generation opportunity for national development Every barrel of oil extracted under the current terms representsrevenuelosttothe Guyanese people,” Ram stressed.

Consequently, the Lawyer noted, “The PNCR's (Continuedonpage3)

Hike in sugar price leads on FAO Food

Price Index for September

The benchmark for world food commodity prices saw its fastest increase in 18 months in September, with quotations

up for all covered commodity groups, led by sugar, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reportedlastFriday.

The FAO Food Price Index,whichtracksmonthly changes in the international prices of a set of globallytraded food commodities, averaged 124.4 points in September, up 3.0 percent fromAugustand2.1percent

h i g h e r t h a n i t s corresponding value a year earlier

The FAO Sugar Price Index registered the largest increaseinSeptember,rising by 10.4 percent. This was driven by worsening crop prospects in Brazil and concerns that India's decision to lift restrictions onsugarcaneuseforethanol production may affect exportavailabilitiesfromthe country

The FAO Cereal Price Index increased by 3 0 percent during the month, led by higher wheat and maize export prices International wheat prices increased due largely to concerns over excessively wet conditions in Canada and the European Union, thoughthiswaspartlyoffset by competitively priced supplies from the Black Sea region. World maize prices also climbed, influenced by low water levels on key transportation routes along the Madeira River in Brazil and the Mississippi River in the United States of America. By contrast, the FAO All Rice Price Index declined by 0 7 percent, partly reflecting generally quiettradingactivities.

The FAO Vegetable Oil PriceIndexincreasedby4.6 percent from August, with higher quotations across the board for palm, soy, sunflowerandrapeseedoils. The rise in international palm oil prices was due to lower-than-expected production in major Southeast Asian producing countries,whiletherebound in soyoil quotations was primarilyduetolower-thanexpected crushings in the UnitedStatesofAmerica.

The FAO Dairy price Index rose by 3.8 percent in September, with quotations up for whole milk powder,

skim milk powder, butter andcheese.

The FAO Meat Price Index increased by 0 4 percent, mainly due to higher poultry meat prices driven by strong import demandforBrazil'sproduct. World bovine and pig meat prices remained stable, while those for ovine meat declined slightly from Augustlevels.

2024/25 forecasts raised for global rice output and trade

FAO raised marginally its forecast for global cereal production in 2024 to 2 853 million tonnes, reflecting upwardrevisionstoriceand

reduction made to global coarse grains production The new figure, also published on Friday in the new Cereal Supply and Demand Brief, remains moderatelybelowtherecord outputof2023.

World wheat production isexpectedtoincreaseby0.5 percent in 2024 from the previous year, as improved yield prospects in Australia more than compensate for a significant cut to the European Union's forecast due to excessively wet conditions By contrast, global production of coarse grains is now expected to decline by 0.8 percent from 2023, with smaller crops in the European Union foreseen to outweigh higher maize output anticipated in the United States of

America World rice production in 2024/25 is now forecast to rise by 0.9 percent and reach a historical high of 539 2 milliontonnes.

World cereal total utilization is forecast to rise by 0.4 percent to 2 853 million tonnes in 2024/25, while global cereal stocks are predicted to expand by 1.2 percent, with rice stocks seen increasing three times faster Thisresultsinaglobal cereal stocks-to-use ratio of 30.6 percent, which FAO considers “adequate supply prospects in the new season.” International trade in cereals is now forecast at 488 1 million tonnes, representing a 2.7 percent contraction from the 2023/24level.However,itis seen that increasing imports by Africa and Near East could spearhead a recovery in international rice trade in 2025.

Guyana and Suriname for gas monetisation talks- Jagdeo says

A t e a m f r o m neighbouring Suriname comprising its Foreign MinisterAlbertRamdinand other officials is due to visit Guyana to discuss collaboration between the two countries to monetize gas.

This was disclosed by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo at his weekly press conferenceonThursdaylast. Jagdeotoldreportersthathe hastosetadatefortheteam tovisitandoncethisisdone, theywillarriveinGuyanato have the discussions

S p e a k i n g o n t h e development of Suriname's oilandgassectorhesaidthat the project in block 58 will havealargefocusonoilbut therewillbetheneedtolook atthedevelopmentofgasas wellsinceSurinamedidfind gas and also the discoveries offshore Guyana that are closet to Suriname have more gas than oil in them. “So we still need to try to collaborate,inthecontextof our project or our aim to monetise this gas either within the context of that projectorseparately Butwe still need to have a discussion on this and I spoke with the Foreign Minister Ramdin and he wantstocomewithateamof people and I said I will give himadatewhenwecanhave those discussions,” Jagdeo explained.

Heexpressedhisjoythat Surinameismovingforward to have production and hopes that the countries in Africa as well as other

VicePresident, Bharrat Jagdeo

discovered oil and gas recently will be allowed to use their gas resources to generate electricity and not betoldtheyneedtosavethe world, while the rest of the


“They are talking about energy security for their peopleandtheywantAfrica nottouseitsgastogenerate

power because that will not be th


e renewable mix. I hope that Africa doesn't listen, I am gladtheyarenotlisteningto some of these people and that they pursue their development with vigour andtohavecheapenergyfor their people,” the vice p r e s i d


Currently, Guyana is undertaking its own gas natural gas facility (NGL)

under the Wales gas-toenergyproject.Throughthis project, the government of Guyana aims to construct a 300-megawatt combined cycle power plant and NGL facility Both the NGL facilityandthegas-powered plant will be interconnected withapipelinethatreceives gas from the Liza Destiny and Liza Unity floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) vessels in the Stabroek Block. The construction of this pipeline isbeingundertakenbyEsso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL), the local affiliate of E x x o n M o b i l Comprehensive utilization of the Gas-to-Energy pipeline has the potential to bring an additional 70 to 80 million standard cubic feet of gas per day ashore in G u y a n a .

‘PNC/R 20-point plan for oil sector...

Frompage2 willingness to allow this situation to continueunchallengedforyearstocomeisa serious abdication of responsibility and a betrayal of the trust placed on it by more thantwohundredthousandvoters.”

Ramsaidthatwhiletheplan'semphasis on building institutional capacity and environmental considerations is commendable,withoutaclearcommitment to renegotiating the terms of existing agreements,thereislittlevaluetothisplan. According to him, “It might have been better if the PNCR had described the documentasastatementofintentorapolicy frameworkpaperbutasaplan,itisreallyof littleuseandvalue.”


addressthe40-yearstabilityclause.Hesaid this clause, which effectively freezes the regulatoryenvironmentforfourdecades,is amajorconstraintonGuyana'ssovereignty and ability to adapt its policies as circumstanceschange. “Bynotchallenging this clause, the PNCR/APNU may be acquiescing to a long-term limitation on Guyana'scontroloveritsownresourcesand muzzlingitsparliament.

The plan's reluctance to commit to renegotiation and its failure to address the stabilityclausesuggestapreferenceforthe status quo over pursuing transformative change.Thisisnotwhatthepeoplewant.It does nothing to persuade any objective person to lend their support,” theAttorney concluded.

Kaieteur News

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



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Electricity supply

Last Tuesday night’s embarrassing ‘lights out’ at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence is part of the problemthatafflictsthiscountryonanythingthatrelatesto powergenerationandelectricitysupply

Although the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) was not themainculpritthatcausedtheglobalembarrassment,itis partoftheproblemcitizensdealwithonadailybasis.

There are some things that are crucial to development intoday’sworld.Oneofthemisastableelectricitysupply

If one is to use this as a measure of Guyana’s ability to competeintherealworldthenonecaneasilyconcludethat Guyanaisatadisadvantage.Electricitysupplyhasbeenso unreliable over the years that some major enterprises here have opted for self-generation. They have imported large generatorsandtheyallsaythattheirenergybillislessthan iftheyhadtopaytheelectricitycompany

This seems to suggest that electricity costs are exorbitant yet the government says that such costs are subsidised.

The current government as well as previous ones has been investing heavily in propping up the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) but the situation remains the same. It has beenthecasewithelectricitysupplyforseveraldecadesin thiscountry

With our new found oil wealth and foreign investors flocking Guyana to do business, the demand on the GPL’s networkhasbeengreatandthegovernmenthasresortedto renting a powership and seeking the services of another to help alleviate the power supply problem The administrationisalsobankingheavilyonthecontroversial gas-to-energyproject.

Only recently Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips speaking at a business forum mentioned that the peak electricity demand has risen in recent months, noting that around three or two months ago in a meeting, the Guyana Power and Light Inc. told the administration that the peak demand for electricity was somewhere around 188and189megawattsandthenlaterthatfigurewentupto around205megawatts.AndthenwehadtheVicePresident Bharrat Jagdeo blaming the management of the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) as well as the old transmission linesforthedailyblackoutscitizensarecurrentlyfacing.

But the power situation has been a bugbear for more than two decades.At one time, the situation was such that there were only eight megawatts in the Demerara Interconnected System when the peak was about 70 megawatts.

This was indeed frightening. The power company was reduced to publishing notices informing of prolonged power outages. And the outages were indeed prolonged. People enjoyed more hours of darkness than light. Back then, production declined drastically because in this the electronic age everything ground to a halt. Staff used the opportunitytochat.

People seeking services were always greeted with comments that reflected the extent of the power outage. Then things had improved with the divestment of the power company but only slightly In the end, the administration concluded that the new owners were more concerned with making money rather than providing a service. The power company reverted to government hands.Today,alothasgonewrong.

Poor maintenance of equipment; improper management of the distribution lines, massive electricity theftanddishonestelectricitycompanyworkerscombined toputmorepressureonthesystem.

In the meantime, thousands of Guyanese on a daily basiscryoutforblackoutswhiletheauthoritiescontinueto spend wildly to prop-up a failing company stacked with politicallackeys.

Incompetence can’t be masked when the essence of the country’s future is at stake

DEAREDITOR, which we will give 50,000 then they will achieve their proudly hang his hat on. He

During his address at the youths $50,000 a month objectives”. flubbed his lines at the Opening Ceremony of the while training them to And let us not forget highestlevel. 22nd Biennial Delegates improve their skills and to about the National Youth Though his rejection of Congress of the People’s m a k e t h e m s e l v e s Policy 2015, described then Mr.Hickenhasnothingtodo National Congress Reform marketable!” as a comprehensive policy with their public stances on (PNCR) in late June, the I vividly remembered document that stated the youthempowerment,itisapt Party’s Leader and Leader of these utterances from Mr. vision of the Government of t o n o t e t h a t t h e the Opposition, Aubrey Norton, because they were Guyana for the youths of the Commissioner has been Norton, mentioned that “the comingfromsomeonewhoa country, and also how this much more visible and PNCR will place youth few years earlier was the vision will be realised by the effective in that regard, development high on its Presidential Adviser on Government. Whatever did despite it not being his agenda and revisit our Youth Empowerment in the thatachieve? primary role. I’m certain the national youth policy with D a v i d G r a n g e r - l e d Editor,Iwasremindedof communities across the the aim of adapting it to the administration. Mr Norton’s promises to the country would endorse that presentsituation. While he held that youth of this country, and his assertion.

“We believe that youths designation, Mr. Norton told inability to make a You’ve been exposed, are not a problem; they are us that ”Government sees perceptible impact, when I Mr Norton. resources to develop. In this young people as a human recently read of his rejection The youth certainly regard, there will be a resource to be developed. of the proposal for Mr haven’t forgotten that you significant focus on training Too regularly young people Clifton Hicken to be left them hanging The and educating young people are dealt with as if they’re a confirmed as Commissioner bottom line is that while opening opportunities problem. We do not believe ofPolice. incompetence can’t be f o r t h e m t o h a v e that young people are a It is ironic that the judge masked when the essence of employmentandbeinvolved problem.Webelievetheyare inthiscase(Mr Norton)who the country’s future is at in business. We inted, in a human resource to be was given full powers to stake. government, to execute our developed and once they are empower young people, Yours faithfully, 50/50 youth programme, in given the requisite training does not have anything to Alicia Barrow

President Carter, Guyanese, and Guyana

DEAREDITOR, semblance of democracy or respect human rights, push toconvinceWashingtonwith Former US President even an authoritarian state as back on communism, among intense lobbying through a (Jan 1977-Jan 1981) 1981 it was from 1966 till the others. There were also the variety of means (including Jimmy Carter celebrated his restoration of democratic Iranian crisis and the Soviet multiple trips to DC) to help birthday last week. Using governanceinOctober1992. invasion of Afghanistan that bring about political change cricket metaphor, we His presidency also set a weakened his presidency in Guyana but without much celebrate and cheer a trend of governance that Guyanesepoliticiansonboth success Washington century; it is quite an provided some semblance of sides sided with Iran and the communicated clearly to us achievement. Living for a equality and increased rights Soviets; that attitude led to a that it was not interested in century is an even greater in USA for minorities like hardening of Washington replacing an opportunistic achievement as almost Guyanese and other position on communism and socialist with a hard-core cricketer ever achieved that migrants. revolutions and the communist aligned with feat. And locally, we cheer In the US, Carter’s prolonging of the Guyanese USSR.Thingswouldchange those who reach the cabinet set the trend or authoritarian state. Carter, a decade later because of milestone. precedent for racial Ronald Reagan, and even Carter’s connection with the

The former American inclusivity; Blacks and other Bush Sr. (in his initial years) Guyanese advocates of President is deserving of the minorities had a greater lost interest in Guyana being democracyinNY highest praises and p r e s e n c e i n h i s t r a n s i t i o n e d i n t o a An Asian American accolades not only for administration and began to democracy fundraiser, coordinated by attaining a century, but more be treated with some SomeofCarter’sgreatest Yashpaul Soi was held in so for his domestic and measure of respect in a achievements were in his Manhattan for Carter’s reinternational policy that historically racist society post-Presidency as head of election in 1980; a few changed socio-economic that was moving away from the Carter Center that he and Indian Guyanese were in conditions for minorities in ‘Jim Crowism’ and ‘Klu his wife founded in which he attendance. Roslyn was the USA and helped to Klux Klanism’ He was helped to restore democracy Chief Guest as the President d e m o c r a t i z e m a n y lovedbyGuyaneseandother inseveralLatin,African,and had to campaign elsewhere. authoritarianstatesincluding migrants who were happy to Caribb

ries, T h

P r e s i d e n t Guyana The former see the end of the Nixonian including our own Guyana. communicated his gratitude. President visited Guyana (Forde) era During his The former President played Yashpaul and a few multiple times and his presidency, there was a rush a most significant and Guyanese (including the late intervention helped to of Guyanese to America, important role in the 1992 Hassan Rahman, Baytoram democratize the country in including this writer who and 2015 elections. Carter Ramharack, Ravi Dev, 1992. came to pursue tertiary (and on a few occasions with RameshKalicharran,meand Some of the President’s education at a public his wife) visited Guyana others)andourroleinGlobal achievements and his role in university multiple times. His first visit Org of People of Indian Guyana need mention. The Human rights and in 1991 set the stage for the Origin would use the Carter y o u n g e r G u y a n e s e democracy can be included return of free and fair connection to help set up an generation needs to know in what was the ‘Carter elections after the last one appointment for Cheddi and those from the era of the Doctrine’; the first Black being in colonial Guyana in JagantomeetwiththeCarter struggle for democracy in American to serve as US December 1964. Several Center in August 1989 Guyana need to be reminded Ambassador at the UN, Guyanese in USA, including Carter expressed concerns of the very important role Andrew Young, was his this writer lobbied the Bush about fraudulent elections in that carter played in appointee. There was also presidency and prior to him Guyana and would become Guyanese history Without recognition of and closer the Reagan and Carter deeply involved in and Carter’s role (and his wife relations with China, the presidencies to pressure the supportive of the Guyanese Roslyn was also at his side Panama Canal Treaties, the Burnham and Hoyte diaspora struggle (in for all events and policies), Camp David Accords, dictatorships to end human America)forFFEinGuyana. Guyana may well have independence of (Rhodesia) rights abuses and restore Guyanese groups in USA remained at a minimum of a Zimbabwe, pressure on democratic governance but persistedwiththeirlobbying one-party state with some apartheid South Africa to of no avail.Afew of us tried (Continued on page 6)

Govt. is paving the way for ‘Integration of Venezuelans’

DEAREDITOR, Guyana,” and the country’s Alexandra Bassermann,

country, in this case Guyana, Development) countries are not cheat themselves by This is a very good move Ministry of Labour is Regional Labour Mobility itisvitalthatimmigrantsand formally overqualified for lacking comprehensive by the People’s Progressive facilitating their transition and Social Inclusion their children be well and their jobs. Groups that face policies to facilitate the Party Civic (PPP/C) intothelegaleconomy.”This Coordinator IOM-UN; and fully integrated in the p a r t i c u l a r l y h i g h integrationofimmigrants,as Government, that is, to is not going to be overnight, Eraina Yaw, Deputy economy and society at overqualification rates are this can generate serious integrate Venezuelan as it will involve “ Regional Coordination large, ranging from immigrants with foreign problems of social cohesion migrants into Guyana’s addressingkeyissuessuchas Officer for the Caribbean employment to housing, degrees, refugees, as well as and reduce immigrants’ formal economy It really training and development, and Chief of Mission for Medicare, safety, education r e c e n t a r r i v a l s ability to contribute to the speaks well for the country, h e a l t h a n d s a f e t y Guyana.Whentheprocessis and whatever else is Overqualification often development of their host. asmigrationoverallhasbeen opportunities and education truly on, according to necessarytoalifeofworth. represents a waste of human Guyana is on a good the focus of many intense onlocallabourlaws.” Hamilton, “ such The reverse is true, that capital and can lead to lower pathway, and must not political debates in recent But it is a start, and apart engagementswillensurethat is,whenitcomestoanyform motivation among migrant waver Afterall, immigrants years, as most people have from the economic aspect, the migrants become an of discrimination against workers. My point then is (many Guyanese for sure) positive perceptions about the initiative shows that essential part of the formal immigrants and their that Guyana has human contribute to the U S immigrants, amidst the few Guyana is on par with economy which will allow descendants,itremainsakey capital residing in these economy in many ways with misconceptions and international ‘best practices’ them to have access to barriertotheireconomicand Venezuelans, and it is good They work at high rates and concerns. as regards immigration education and other social social inclusion It also to note that the country is make up more than a third of

For example, some are issues, especially when it services.” threatenssocialcohesionand awareofit,andwillutiliseit. the workforce in some still locked into the notion comes to respecting and safe In some respects, a lot of has strong economic costs to Guyanathenispositively industries. Their geographic thatmigrantsareaburdenon guarding the well-being and stuff, pro-immigrant, are thehostcountries. answering the question of m

economies. However, in the dignityofallkindsofpeople. ongoing, as the ministry

Let me add that the

economies respond to April 2020 World Economic In terms of making the explained, pointing out that statisticsaretheretoconfirm countries enhance the workershortages,smoothing Outlook, it is clearly requisite transition, and in relation to programmes that around one-third of contribution of immigration out bumps that could demonstrated that the doingsorightacrossboard,a and training for the highly educated immigrants to development. It is by otherwise weaken the economic impact of host leaders with their enhancement of migrants, who are employed in any of

economy migration on recipient organisations will be we(theGovernment)hopeto OECD (Organization for immigrants’ integration Yours truly, countries is “ that teamingupwiththeMinister do more with support from Economic Co-operation and Developing countries must HB Singh migration generally of Labour Some of these are international partners improves economic growth Natecia Garraway, Senior (and) the pledge is one of the and productivity in host Monitoring and Evaluation Government of Guyana’s countries.” Officer of the Board of support to partner with both I was surprised, but quite Industrial Training (BIT); parties to address this matter pleased that there are Juan Francisco Espinosa, inameaningfulway.” somewhere between “ Special Advisor to the Editor, for immigration 28,000to40,000Venezuelan InternationalOrganisationof to play a positive role and to migrants residing in Migration (IOM); Maria- be accepted by the host

Innumerable positives injected into the Guyana Police Force by Commissioner Hicken

DEAREDITOR, interest of allowing this paper to have added

Whatever the motivation for MP Ganesh space for a few more relevant letters as this Mahipaul’s vulgar diatribe on Commissioner one. of Police Mr. Clifton Hicken, it is a sad such Hishatredhascloudedhisjudgement.For expressions of ignorance that graced the Mr Mahipaul’sbenefit,Icanpointtoasimple pages of respected publications MP example of what currently occurs “under Mr Mahipaul’s expressions resemble those of a Hicken’s tenure”, and that endears the delusional individual who sees the world Commissionertothepublic. throughaprismonlyheandhispoliticalparty Accessibility One remembers times caninterpret. when making contact via phone with the top Editor, I beg to differ with all the points brass was nigh impossible. There was an raised by Mr Mahipaul on why Clifton obviousaloofness.Itwasasthoughthevoices Hicken should not be confirmed in his of those who needed assistance were an position as Top Cop. The reality is, Hicken’s irritant.Avisit to the Commissioner’s Office name and presence have always caused the in years gone by was an odyssey not many leadership and elements in Mahipaul’s party were built to undertake. By the time you tohavesleeplessnightsandlossofappetite. reached the secretary, you had basically The constant criticism of Mr Hicken and forgotten what you had intended to highlight the Guyana Police Force in the public sphere orcomplainabout.Itwastorturous. is confounding. What has become evident is Things have changed for the better under the fact that freedom of expression has taken Mr Hicken, and fortunately the on frightening dimensions. The detractors, transformationhasbeenembracedatahigher such as Mr Mahipaul, are giddy with hatred. level, and the requisite resources are being Hisclaims,asstatedinhisletterpublishedon provided. No more big-shots. There is a October 05, 2024 are just outrageous and so I refreshingconfidenceinallengagements have refused to repeat them here in the (Continued on page 6)


These heartless defaulters and fraudsters need to be exposed

DEAREDITOR, oraftertheappointeddayis–It has come to my attention that there are (a) sixteen years of age or over and under many entities (some quite prominent) failing sixtyyearsofage;and to make, and in some cases who never have (b) gainfully occupied in insurable made National Insurance contributions for employment, shall be insured under this Act their employees. The stories of the affected andshallremainsoinsuredforlife. areheart-rending. There aren’t any complexities here. You Itisarguablytheworstpossiblefeelingto don’t have to be a lawyer or someone with end decades of employment with a company, legal knowledge to understand what is organisation or individual, only to learn upon requiredofyou. applicationtotheNationalInsuranceScheme I am not sure of how efficient or effective (NIS) that contributions have never been the system is for thoroughly checking all and made for you, or have not met the required sundry for compliance, but I can say that number because your employer was not many hard-working people are being dutifullyfulfillingthatobligation. mercilessly shortchanged by unprincipled In the Laws of Guyana, Chapter 36:01 employers. (National Insurance and Social SecurityAct) The authorities need to expose these at the beginning of PART III – Insured heartlessdefaultersandfraudsters.Yes,name Persons and Contributions – Under 11. (1), andshamethem. thefollowingisstated: Yours faithfully, Subject to this Act, every person who on Sherwin Crandon

Govt. is paving the way for ‘Integration of Venezuelans’

From page 6 to the Force for quality society He has ensured that resource capacity in the of our sister nations in the playground. The playground withtheordinaryman.There leadership. Mr Hicken has the role of technology is Guyana Police Force, and region. is always open, and there is is currently no limit to the providedthatatalllevels. consistentlyhighlighted,and previously dated systems are No amount of negativity an abundance of idleness. belief that the current trend Hicken is cognizant that this goes hand-in-hand in being ramped up to satisfy can erase the innumerable Mr Mahipaul and his in the Force is conducive to lawenforcementcarrieswith buttressing the rapidly international standards – a positives that have been cohorts are advised to find a the principles of natural it, a responsibility unlike changinglandscape. development which will injected into the Guyana m o r e w

justice and safeguarding our most other vocations. The For Mr Mahipaul’s attract greater cooperation P o l i c e F o

e b y environmenttoconvene. democracy Thanks to Mr temptations that are yielded information, under Mr with the developed world, Commissioner Hicken. As Yours truly, Hicken. to by John Public, cannot be Hicken’s tenure there has and at a minimum, enable us many of us have learnt, the Leroy Smith

TheGuyanaPoliceForce given into by those who are been an expansion of human to be effectively supportive idle mind is the devil’s Journalist must remain rooted to its entrustedtopreservelawand corevalues,andfightagainst order negativity to maintain an M r M a h i p a u l i s image that is convivial, malicious in his inferences. honourable and non-toxic. Mr. Hicken should take him Irrespective of political to task in no uncertain terms. inclinations, there must be F o r t u n a t e l y , t h e no impediment to the Commissioner’s levelcontinued building and headedness at the top of the preservation of a highly organization has seen an professional police force embracing of that which The man-in-the-street looks matters in a modern-day

President Carter, Guyanese, and Guyana

From page 4

society organizations to and greater inclusive diplomatic circles Hoyte of the Bush administration m o n i t o r e l e c t i o n s democracy agreed to accept defeat and Congress to pressure the Eventually, Carter also In both Nicaragua and Hoyte sent the army to Hoyteregimetodemocratize became ‘Chief Observer’ Guyana, the incumbents disperse the mob that burnt thecountry and ‘Chief Guarantor’ of were resistant to yielding buildings, looted stores, and Communism collapsed FFE in both Nicaragua and power after defeats at the beat up a lot of people. The and with it the USSR that Guyana and other states as ballot box. Carter intervened official, who didn’t want the would help to usher in well that were emerging out in what was the first white man to run a fair democracyinGuyana.Itwas of authoritarian rule. And transition to a democratic election, himself had to seek reported that Presidents both nations held relatively transfer of power for both shelter or face the

Bush and Gorbachev free and fair elections. Since countries after a long period consequences announced by reached an agreement in then, the Carter Center, the of dictatorial rule. Daniel Hoyte. Carter is credited for which they would use their President himself, engaged Ortega eventually accepted brokering an agreement that influence in Guyana and leaders of Guyana to have defeat to Violeta Barrios de usherinatransitionofpower Nicaragua respectively to inclusive government and Chamorro, wife of a to Cheddi Jagan and have both nations hold free constitutional reform in newspaper publisher who restorationoffulldemocratic and fair elections Bush which no party or race was assassinated because of governance (with some warned of consequences if dominategovernment. his advocacy of democracy aspects of high-handed democracy was not restored T h e P r e s i d e n t ’s in his homeland. His murder governance from both sides) in Guyana including the recommendations, while brings back memory of the that stands till this day holding of FFE. Our group praised by all parties, have assassination of journalist Cheddi would honour Carter

lobbied Members of been largely ignored by the Father Bernard Darke who with the highest national Congress, including Ted two dominant political was murdered at an award Without Carter’s

of forces Fortunately, the

President John who toppled Carter’sformulastillholdsat Georgetown that was democracy have been Cheddi Jagan from office, GECOM in the appointment championingdemocracy restored in Guyana and or also demanded FFE in oftheChairwhocaststhetie- In Guyana, Carter’s life protected in 2019/20? Carter Guyana It was never breaking vote (of 3-3); in was threatened by mobs on also came to Guyana to publicly reported what role fact, it was the Carter’s election night and the day monitor the 2015 election Gorbachev played in FFE in formula that helped to deter after butleftonelectiondayitself. Nicaragua; communists planned fraud in the 2020 Aprominent government There was a change in never announced certain elections. The CCJ ruled official at the time was heard administration. The Carter policies especially on unanimously that the loudly telling a mob pelting Center was also deeply matters pertaining to President’s appointment of a projectile at GECOM involved in the 2020 democracy Carter was Chair must come from headquarter, “We ain’t elections that also led to a

the nominees listening to any White man change in administration negotiator and arbitrator for proposed by the Opposition about our election” Whenever the Carter Center free and fair elections in Leader – that was the Attempts to rig the outcome makes its presence felt in Guyana. Carter Center was Carter’s formula The were being derailed. Carter Guyana, there was political closely involved in a variety politicalleadersofbothsides warned of consequences if change and democracy was of activities, including need to examine other hewasharmed;backchannel strengthened. training and support to recommendations of Carter threats were issued from Yours truly, GECOM as well as to civil to promote peace, stability, Wash

Vishnu Bisram

Govt. blocks $28M contract to Region 8



A government engineer based in Region Eight was told to decide whether he wants to be an employee of theStateorworkasaprivate contractor after he recently won a $28M project through the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) The contract was subsequently blockedbythegovernment.

While responding to a Stabroek News editorial last week at his newspaper, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo disclosed the issue. He said there are complaints that personsmaybeinfluencedor they may be violating procurementlawsbecauseof instructions they receive or they may even lack awareness of the law and what it has provisions in placefor

However, he said the current administration has

embarked on a campaign to fix all of this and they have made it clear that nonadherencetothelawwillnot be tolerated at a political level. “So people know now that they are responsible for compliance with the procurement laws and that they will bear the consequencesshouldwefind breach.Wehavealreadyseen that from the time we spoke on one visit to Region Eight lastweek,wegotanumberof things,”hesaid.

Givinganexampleofone suchsituationwherethelaws were breached, he told reportersthat,“Oneengineer there in the region…so he is basedinMahdiaandthenput in a bid through the public process, an open bidding process but through NPTAB and got a contract for $28M because they just looked at whoeverhadthebestbid,but

...told to decide whether he wants to be an employee or contractor

this guy is also the regional engineer.” The engineer however did not submit his bid through the regional system, instead he submitted viaanopenpublictender,and receivedthebidtodoworkin Mahdia.

“Now if you're an engineer and you're based in MahdiaworkingfortheRDC andyou'rethecontractorfora project in Mahdia, people wouldn't care if it's NPTAB that gave that and you participated in an open bid, this is the kind of conflict I spokeof,”Jagdeostressed.

The VP is of the opinion that as an employee of the government,youcannotalso be a contractor for government project as well, hence the engineer will have to make a choice which path tofollowashecannotassume both roles. Additionally, a number of other issues were

exposed to the officials during the outreach and the government is working to address them, Jagdeo said. “Peoplearenowbringingthis to our attention, we didn't know the NPTAB didn't knowIaskedthem,theysaid wedon'tknowthisguyisthe regional engineer, he bid through an open process.

Theydidnotknow Oncethis comes to our attention, people have to make a determination,”theVPsaid.

A m e n d m e n t s t o procurementlaws

Meanwhile opposition Member of Parliament (MP) Ganesh Mahipaul last week

reiterated calls for am

Procurement Act of 2003, arguing that it “is long overdue for critical amendments if we are to combat the

favoritism and corruption plaguing the system today.” MahipaulsaidJagdeo'svoice has no weight if it is not accompanied by concrete action “The time for promises is over Decisive stepsmustbetakentoensure greater transparency and acco

procurement process,” the MPstated.

Mahipaul is of the opinion that evaluators are secretlyselectedandtheyare often handpicked from political allies of the government who are then disguised as public servants.

He emphasised that “This

OppositionMember ofParliament, Ganesh Mahipaul

d e n appointments erodes trust and fosters corruption. Even more troubling is the composition of the National Procurement and Tender A

(NPTAB), which is entirely made up of individuals appointed by the PPP/C r


h o u t representation from other political entities, the procurement process is inherentlyflawedandbiased, perpetuating an atmosphere ofdistrustandcorruption.” Mahipaul advised that in order for faith to be restored in the procurement system theProcurementActmustbe



Brazil eyes fresh oil boom with revitalised Tupi Field


Petrobras, Brazil's stateownedoilgiant,isnearinga major step toward redeveloping the Tupi oil field, one of the largest deep-water reserves globally

Thecompanyiscloseto resolving a long-standing tax dispute with Brazil's National Agency of Petroleum (ANP), which would allow it to extend Tupi'soperatingcontractfor another27years.Thismove is critical for Petrobras to justifythebillionsofdollars needed to boost production atTupi.Discoveredin2006, Tupi played a key role in elevatingBraziltooneofthe world'stop10oilproducers. Since then, the field has generated hundreds of billions in taxes and attracted major oil companies to Brazil's presaltregion.Today,Tupistill produces over 760,000 barrels of oil daily, surpassing production levels of entire countries like Colombia and Venezuela.Butwithnatural declinesettingin,Petrobras

is keen on reviving the field'soutput.

Petrobras has outlined plans for infill drilling and new seismic research to enhance extraction rates at Tupi. The company is also considering adding another floating production unit, an investment that could cost up to $4 billion and take years to develop By pushing these efforts, Petrobras hopes to mitigate the natural decline that typically affects aging oil fields However, the tax dispute with the ANP remains a key hurdle Petrobras argues that Tupi should be taxed as two separate fields—Tupi and Cernambi—while the ANP seesitasone.Theresolution ofthisissue,whichinvolves $2 6 billion in legal deposits, is essential for Petrobras and its partners likeShellandGalptomove forward. With global oil demand still robust, Petrobras' ability to extend Tupi's productivity could ensure Brazil remains a leading offshore oil producerforyearstocome.

What an astonishing display of defeatism!

In a letter addressing for more articles focused on grateful after all, before What an astonishing display multinational corporations. media coverage of oil learning about the industry’s oil,wehadnothing. of defeatism! Are we now a Butthisisthesameoldstory, revenues, former Prime history and technology Hinds’argument reeks of country so unprepared for the one told by those who Minister of Guyana, Samuel ratherthansimplycriticizing the same old resignation, the wealth that we must be lack the vision and the H i n d s b e g i n s b y it. Hinds points out the high kindofthinkingthathaskept shielded from our own courage to demand better for acknowledging that while costs of oil production in our nation tethered to prosperity? their country. In Hinds’ some argue Guyana should Guyana and warns of future underdevelopment while Hinds would have us world, there is no room for have received an arguable price shake-outs due to others have moved forward. believe that the complexity the kind of bold thinking US$10 billion from oil, the

of oil extraction—the “mile required to turn finite US$4.4 billion earned is still c

understand or perhaps and a half through the resources into lasting it? significant compared to Guyanese to “make hay deliberately ignores—is that water,” the drilling into the prosperity. There is no How can we transform nothing. while the sun shines” by the discovery of oil was rock justifies our meek consideration of the fact that our country when the very Hinds stresses that investing wisely in supposed to be the moment acceptanceofwhatevertable whentheoilrunsout—andit resources meant to fund that absorbing even the US$4.4 infrastructure, education, we stopped settling for scraps are thrown our way will run out—we will be left transformation are siphoned billion has been challenging, and health to ensure future crumbs an

with nothing but the empty off by foreign interests? The suggesting more would have prosperity once the oil era demanding our rightful tech

promises of what could have answer, of course, is that we beenoverwhelming.Hethen ends. share. Instead, he comforts companies like Exxon, as been. Instead, we are to take cannot—not if we continue reflects on fairness in oil Samuel Hinds’ letter is a us with the notion that our though we should be in awe our US$4 4 billion, say toacceptthetepidarguments payments,referencingaU.S. sobering reminder of how US$4.4 billion is a blessing, of their ability to extract our “thank you,” and continue to of leaders like Hinds, who article that highlights how easily those entrusted with as if we should be content oil, rather than outraged by play the role of the grateful would rather pacify us than foreign governments receive national responsibility can withthescrapswhileforeign the paltry sum we are left recipient,evermindfulnotto face the uncomfortable higher payments from U.S. peddle complacency under oil companies extract with after they do. What is rocktheboat. reality that we are being oil companies than the U.S. the guise of pragmatism. billions more from our finite most galling about Hinds’ It is a vision devoid of exploited. government itself He Hinds suggests that we, the resource. Does he not realize letter is its implicit message: ambition, one that treats The oil will dry up, and implies that if Guyana were citizens of Guyana, should thatwhentheoilisgone,itis that we should lower our Guyana not as a nation with with it, the opportunity for inasimilarsituation,itmight rejoiceinourmodestUS$4.4 goneforever? expectations. We should not its own destiny but as a true development. But by have received even less than billion earnings from oil. Hecasuallydismissesthe daretoaskformorebecause, passive player in the global then,thoselikeHindswillbe US$4.4billion. Never mind that the world is notion of the US$10 billion in his view, we are lucky to game of resource extraction. longgone,leavingtherestof Hinds compares this to awash with examples of as “arguable”, a throwaway have anything at all. He And yet, Hinds has the us to wonder why we didn’t past negotiations with resource-rich nations line meant to diminish the would have us believe that audacity to conclude with a demand more when we had SaskPower, where media impoverished by the very very real possibility that we Guyana, with its population call for us to invest in our thechance. from both countries viewed wealth beneath their feet. have been shortchanged. To of under a million, is future. But how, one must (The views expressed in the deal differently, Never mind that the $10 h i m , t h e s u m w e destined to rely on the ask, are we to invest in our this article are those of the revealing the challenges in billion we supposedly receive whether US$4 4 b e n e v o l e n c e o f future when we are being a u t h o r a n d d o n o t securing agreements that missed out on might have b i l l i o n o r U S $ 1 0 others whether foreign systematically deprived of necessarily reflect the satisfy all parties He been the lifeblood needed to billion—appearsimmaterial. g o v e r n m e n t s o r the wealth that could secure opinions of this newspaper.) emphasizes that few people build a sustainable future for Heevendarestosuggestthat in Guyana truly understand our country No, Hinds we should be relieved we the complexities of oil or would have us believe that aren’t receiving more, lest electricity sectors, and calls w e o u g h t t o b e we struggle to “absorb” it.

Dem Boys Seh...

CPLDone, What Now?

By now de CPL2024 would be done and ain’t about distraction; it’s all about moneydusted. The Amazon Warriors’ jerseys have making! been tucked away Flags thrown in the back The organizers, team owners, and of the closet. Fans have packed up their players made a nice little fortune. Kudos to hopes and dreams along with the bunting. them!Butwhataboutthefans?Whereisour Butwait!Whatdidwegetoutofitall? share? The stadiums were packed The Weshowedup,wecheered,wespentour excitement electric. Everyone rallied behind hard-earnedcash.Arewetobesatisfiedwith their teams, shouting until they were hoarse. just the memories? A warm fuzzy feeling in But when the final ball was bowled, all we ourheartsdoesn’tpaythebills! hadwasaheftyholeinourwallets.Pricesfor The players get their salaries, and the tickets skyrocketed. Food and drinks? Don’t organizers pocket their profits. Meanwhile, even get me started! You could buy a small fansareleftholdingemptybags.Ourloyalty car for what they charged for a couple of and passion for the game count for nothing beersandahotdog! when it comes to the final tally So here we Now, dem boys can’t help but remember are,post-CPL. the ancient Romans. Back in the day, they What’s next? We return to our everyday hosted grand spectacles to keep the masses struggles. The excitement fades, but the entertained while the Empire crumbled costs linger We demand answers, we want around them. The gladiators fought to the fairness! How about a little love for the fans death while the politicians laughed all the next time? Or will we be back again next waytothebank. year, waving our flags while they rake in the Today, we have CPL—a cricketing cash? spectacle that does the same thing. But CPL Talk half! Leff half!

Govt. blocks $28M contract to...

From page 8 act to allow for a wider representation where opposition representatives “at both the the opposition will be included at every level Evaluation Committee and Tender Board of the procurement process. This would levels. Broader representation is essential to prevent the high levels of corruption as well ensuring decisions are based on merit rather as build the trust, accountability, and than political connections. Only by making transparency that our nation deserves. “The these necessary changes can we build the time for reform is now Without these transparency and accountability that the amendments, the procurement process will procurementprocesssodesperatelylacks.” remain compromised by favoritism, and the He then went on to say that under an necessary trust between the government and APNU/AFC government within the first 100 the people will continue to erode.Action not days in office, they will move to amend the rhetoricistheonlysolution,”hesaid.



Thank you, Madam Chief Justice (ag), Excellency Roxane Wilshire-George (“Chief Justice says Jagdeo “lowlife” remark unacceptable; rebukes leaders for setting badexampletoGuyanese”Demerara Waves, October 02, 2024). In the chief Justice's own words: “This courtconsidersthelanguage t h a t w a s u s e d unacceptable.” Who would disagree? Certainly, not here.

Would the Honourable Vice President and former head of state listen, actually hearonewordthattheChief Justicesaid? Doubtfulisthe belief Would Guyana's chiefpolicymakerconsentto be disciplined enough to make it a policy to do some adjusting?

Meaning,togowherehe has never gone before and discover some courtesy, some standard in keeping with the dignity of his high offices, the respect due to every Guyanese? It is my

belief that Vice President doesnothavewhatittakesto examine himself, critique himself, to enhance himself. I repeat for emphasis: he lacks that training, that will, that quality Worse still, he has grown to love the depth to which he descends, when he feels that the knife must be twisted to ward off opponents, those found objectionable.

The record speaks for itself.

Which former national number one engages in repeating the scurrilousness that his own people peddle?

Which principled leader engages in his own shifty, clever slanders by innuendo with “rumours” as he admitted, while pretending to be the picture of innocent cluelessness?

He can have all the cluelessnessthatheplaysat, whenpoliticallyconvenient. Is that cluelessness or classlessness?

Surely, Bharat Jagdeo had to know, if not on the political score, then on the genderone?

What could be lower?

Something stirs to ask who thereallowlifeiswhensuch an occurrence bursts forth fromJagdeowithunchecked virulence, but the idea is suffocatedinitstracks.

Howtothinkofaleader who makes rumours and “lowlife”partofapageinhis ownBhagavadGita? Which current number two (not the biological statistical excretory activity, but the official national ranking [“fuhged aboud it”, PM Phillips])stoopssolowasto label a political opponent, and a woman at that, as a “lowlife?”

Acting Chief Justice Wilshire-George hit the nail on the head: “I want to say that the Court is concerned that increasingly political and community leaders address each other in inflammatory and/or derogatorylanguage,setting no example on how to settle differences in a respectful manner.”

Language unbecoming, example discouraging, disrespect characterizing Those have featured prominently when Bharat Jagdeoisathisworst.Willhe change? Time will reveal.

But Jagdeo is not the only one. President Ali has not been about what could be considered full-out derogatory, and he must be given some credit for that littleheight.

Butthepresidenthasstill accumulated a poor reputation for volatility, hostility, and being scorchingly aggressive

Some members of Guyana's Opposition must tone down their remarks, public and private, because some of those are also in forbidden territory, representative of what qualifies as unacceptable.

Both to adults and children, even for many in theoldergroup,whoarenot beyond mixing matters up with inflammatory language. Leadersmustlead byexample.

They lead citizen towardstherespectful,when theysetstandards. Ifthefish rots from the head, then it should not surprise what happens to the rest of the body, especially at the extremities.

Follow the leader takes hold, become the norm practised without a second

thought, any misgiving For evidence,thereiswhat goes on within the confines of social media, what passes as civil discourse, exchange of positions. Thesheerweight of what is low, venomous, and disrespectful is enough tooverwhelm.

For a more public platform,onewithanational presence, maybe even an internationalimprint,thereis Guyana's house of the people: the National Assembly Is that a madhouse, an outhouse,andabawdhouse, orwhat?

If Guyana's parliament does not qualify, then Guyana rises to the top of any global courtesy index.

Social media is cloaked in anonymity, which many thrive on, get their licks in, without regard to what is decent or dignified, or even lawful.

Guyana's parliament is publicity itself, yet there have these times of raw obscenity, and drenching volumes of putridity, from those making laws for Guyanese.

To compound matters, the Honourable Speaker of the House, the referee to keep everybody within reasonable bounds, has abjectly failed at maintaining order and dishing out equitable discipline.

Still worse, there has been condoning of the dirty tricksters, the revilers, and otherassortedparliamentary offenders, when leaders reward them with retention and even elevation inside party congresses Stated another way, the abusers are eitherprotectedorpromoted. Finally, the lowlife label had an early start when a leadingprivatesectorlightat the time hurled that insult at Guyanese calling for better from their oil wealth Though lowlife doesn't enjoy the widest circulation, it has its dangers when employed by leaders. Di

l y, energetically pickup that lowlifebatonandraceahead withit.

Because Guyana is so sharply polarized, there are more than enough adversaries to be found to beatthemovertheheadwith the equivalents or offshoots of lowlife. Where did such start? Try leaders for the answer

(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)



While he was Prime Minister, Samuel Hinds had earned the nickname 'Sam Blinds' largely because he was passive as a powerful political figure and appeared to have deliberately ignored the plight of AfroGuyanese during the PPP/C's 23-year-old rule.

Last week, that blindness returned to the national sphere with his bizarre letter, saying that Guyanese should rejoice over the paltry sums we earned from our oil resources because we cannot absorb greater amounts.

Hinds' letter is a sobering reminder of how easily those entrusted with national responsibility can peddle complacency under the guise of pragmatism. Citizens of Guyana, should rejoice in our modest US$4.4 billion earnings from oil, never mind that the world is awash with examples of resource-rich nations impoverished by the very wealth beneath their feet. But, no, Hinds would have us believe that we ought to be grateful—after all, before oil, we had nothing. That is the worst form of blindness.

Omai plans to dump water with low-level cyanide, mercury into Essequibo River

The future re-opening of Canadian mining company

O m a i G o l d M i n e s Corporation operations in Guyana would require dewatering of the existing open pits As such, the company said it would need to dump the water which contains some level of cyanide and mercury from the mining pits into the nearbyEssequiboRiver

Omai through its wholly owned subsidiary Avalon Gold Exploration Inc., holds a 100% interest in the Omai

Prospecting License, coveringsome4,590acresor 18 575 square kilometres including the past producing Omaigoldmine.Omai'sgold project encompasses two gold deposits: the shearhostedWenotDepositandthe adjacent intrusive-hosted GiltCreekDeposit.

This publication recently

reported that Avalon submitted an application for environmental authorisation to conduct gold mining and processing operations in Region Seven, at the confluence of the Essequibo and Seballi Rivers, Omai, PotaroMiningDistrict2.The project aims to sustainably extractandprocessgoldfrom thearea.

According to the project summary submitted to the Environmental Protection

A g e n c y ( E P A ) , characterisation of both the pit water chemistry and the receiving water body (Essequibo River) chemistry isessentialtounderstandany

potentialimpacts. Water sampling took place between November 14 and16,2023,tocharacterise the chemistry and water quality of the Wenot and Fennell pit water, and the adjacent Essequibo River, the document noted. Within thosethree-days,Omaisaidit collected a total of 86 water samples from the Wenot and Fennell pits and 26 water samples from the Essequibo River The samples were analysed within the recommended timeframes for metals, anions, and cyanide.

Results from the sample of the Essequibo River showed that the majority of the samples were within established surface water qualityobjectives,exceptfor threesiteswithminorcopper exceedances, the company said.

According to Omai, the results were compared to international water quality standards such as the Canadian Council of MinistersoftheEnvironment (CCME) and Ontario's Provincial Water Quality Objectives (PWQO) and showed no exceedances for key contaminants like arsenic, cadmium, cyanide, copper, lead, mercury, nitrate,andsulphate. It was highlighted that cyanide and mercury levels were below detection limits.

“All cyanide data was reported below the method detectionlimitof0.002mg/L (accepted objective is 0.005

mg/L) and all mercury data was reported below the methoddetectionlimitof0.2 ug/L (accepted objective is 0.2ug/L),”itwasstated.

“Review of all quality control (QC) data demonstrated overall good reproducibility and excellent accuracy,”thecompanysaid.

Omai explained that while the CCME and PWQO guideline values have no regulatory standing in

Guyana, the practices were used for comparative purposes as current best i n d u s t r y p r a c t i c e concentrations.

Overall, the company findings are that all critical parameters were well within safe limits for the protection of aquatic life. The study analyzedthewaterchemistry in both Omai pits (Fennell andWenot)andthereceiving Essequibo River The results

indicatedthatthewaterfrom the pits did not exceed any international water quality standards for the protection ofaquaticlife.

Infact,thecompanysaid that the water quality in the pits was found to be better than that of the Essequibo River in several parameters.

Asaresult,Omaisaidthatthe discharge of water from the Wenot Pit into the river is expected to improve the Essequibo River water quality in the discharge area anddownstream.

As part of the legal requirements outlined in the Environmental Protection Act, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is necessaryduetothepotential significant environmental effects of the proposed miningactivity TheEPAsaid it will only decide on the

approval or rejection of the project after the EIA is completed As such, the public is invited to participate in the process by submitting questions and concerns they would like to see addressed in the EIA. These submissions must be made in writing to the EPA within 28 days of the notice issued on September 17, 2024.

Kaieteur News had reportedthattheresultsfrom its first Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for the Wenot Project revealed that the project is slated to yield over 142,000 ouncesofgoldannuallyover a 13-year mine life. At its peak, production is anticipatedtosoarto184,000 ouncesinasingleyear,witha totalestimatedproductionof (Continuedonpage17)

Wenot Pit Dewatering System (Conceptual)
PresidentofOmai, Elaine Ellingham

FTC accuses Hess boss of 'colluding' with OPEC to keep oil prices high

The United States Federal Trade

Commission (FTC) has accused John Hess, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Hess Corporation of colluding with past and current membersoftheOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and others,tokeepoilpriceshigh.

As such, a condition of theFTCallowingtheUS$53 billionacquisitionofHessby Chevron to move forward is thatJohnHessisbarredfrom beingappointedtotheBoard of Directors The FTC's complaint alleges that Mr Hesscommunicatedpublicly and privately with the past and current Secretaries General of the OPEC and an officialfromSaudiArabia.It is said that Hess stressed the importance of oil market stability and inventory managementandencouraged theofficialstotakeactionson theissues.ItissaidthatHess hadsomeconversationswith thematdifferentevents.

“Mr. Hess further encouraged his OPEC competitors to stabilize production and draw down inventories, the complaint alleges.

As Mr Hess has noted publicly, there is a direct

correlation between inventory levels and oil prices. Reductions in crude

oil exploration and production generally lead to higher oil prices and higher prices for products derived from oil, including transportation fuels such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel, and heating oil,” the FTC said.

Moreover, Henry Liu, DirectoroftheFTC'sBureau of Competition said, “Mr Hess's communications with competitors about global oil output and other dimensions

of crude oil market competition disqualify him from serving on Chevron's BoardofDirectors.”

Liuadded,“TheFTCwill use all its available enforcement tools to protect competition in this vital market and help ensure American consumers benefit from lower prices at the pump.”

The FTC's complaint alleges that, as a Chevron Board member, Mr Hess would gain a much larger platform to amplify his supportive messaging to OPEC and others about OPEC's market stability

goals, increasing the likelihood that Chevron

could align its production with OPEC's output decisions to maintain higher oilprices.

“The complaint alleges that,givenhispriorconduct, Mr Hess's appointment to Chevron'sBoardofDirectors would heighten the risk of harm to competition, including meaningfully increasing the risk of industry coordination,” it wasstated.

Notably the FTC's proposed consent order wouldprohibitChevronfrom nominating, designating, or appointing Mr Hess to the Chevron Board, and from allowingMr Hesstoservein an advisory or consulting capacity to, or as a representativeof,Chevronor theChevronBoard.

However, it would allow Chevron to consult with Mr Hess and allow him to serve as an advisor, consultant, or representative of Chevron, solely related to interactions and discussions with: Guyanese government officials about Hess's oilrelated and health ministryrelated activities in Guyana, and the Salk Institute's HarnessingPlantsInitiative.

Moreover, in response to the FTC, Hess CEO in a statement said, “We are very pleased that our merger with Chevron has cleared this significant regulatory hurdle.”

He added, “This transactioncontinuestobean outstandingdealforHessand Chevron shareholders and will create a premier integrated energy company that is ideally positioned for theenergytransition.”

Notably, it was disclosed that to facilitate completion of the merger, Hess and ChevronhaveagreedthatMr Hesswillnotbeappointedto the Chevron Board of Directors in order to address a concern raised by the FTC a b o u t M r H e s s ' communications with a limited number of OPEC officials.

However, they agreed thatMr Hesswillserveasan advisor and representative for Chevron on government relations and social investments in Guyana as well as on support for the Salk Institute's Harnessing PlantsInitiative.

Notably, Hess Board of Directors believes that the competitive concern raised by the FTC about Mr Hess' communications is without merit,andfullysupportsMr Hess in his role as CEO of

Hess Corporation. Mr Hess' public and p

ivate communications with OPEC officialswereconsistentwith his communications with U.S. government officials, the International Energy

Agency and global business leaders on what will be needed to ensure an affordable and orderly energytransition.

This publication had reported that the multi-

billion takeover of Hess by Chevron was announced in October 2023. Since then, there have been several new developments in relation to Hess' most valuable asset in Guyana–theStabroekBlock – Hess Guyana holds a 30% interestintheoilblock.

Theoperatoroftheblock, ExxonMobil G

na Limited (EMGL) and the third partner CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited have


ved to arbitration,filingtheircaseat theInternationalChamberof Commerce in Paris, arguing that it has a right of first refusal over Hess' stake Exxonholdsa45%interestin thatblock,andCNOOCwith 25%interest.

Darren Woods, the CEO of Exxon has said that his company is trying to secure preemption rights over Hess Corporation's Guyana assets (the30%stake)initsdispute with Chevron. He clarified that Exxon was not trying to buyoverHessCorporation. For their part, Hess and Chevron have said they disagree with Exxon's interpretation of the Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) thatgovernstheExxon,Hess and CNOOC consortium governing the Stabroek Block.

Notably, a hearing has been set for May 2025 for arbitration related to Chevron's proposed US$53 billiontakeoverofHess.

Govt. continues to support leased land owners in Swan Extension

Residents who have recently been allocated leased lands at Swan

Extension along the Soesdyke/Linden Highway are poised for infrastructural transformation with support fromthegovernment.

Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister withresponsibilityforPublic Affairs, Kwame McCoy, along with a team from the Ministry of Housing and Water, visited the area on Saturday and engaged the

r e s i d e n t s o n t h e infrastructural plans for the a r e a To e x p e d i t e development, the residents received weeding machines

to assist in clearing their lands. They were also given block moulds to make conc

constructing their homes

Two officers from the Community Management

ssed gratitude and encouraged their fellow community members to take advantage of the government's support to upgrade their living standards.

MaryRodrigues,whohas commencedconstructionofa temporary structure on her

government's assistance, whichwillenablehertobuild

her'dreamhome'earlierthan expected. “I feel this is a good step that the government took to help us outinthearea.Thingsthatwe could'vespentourmoneyon, for example, buying blocks, we can now make the blocks,”Rodriguessaid.

Susan Chichester believes that cooperation among residents will help SwanExtensiondevelopinto a modern society “I believe that we should use the items to the best of our abilities to build ourselves and work fromwherewearepresently I hope we can work together tomoveourlittlecommunity (Continuedonpage16)

President's Youth Advisory Council launches healthy lifestyle campaign

YouthsfromBetterHopeandsurrounding communities on the East Coast Demerara, participatedinaHealthyLivingandLifestyle Choices Campaign launched by the President'sYouthAdvisory Council (PYAC) on Saturday.The event, held at the Better Hope Community Ground, is aspiring to promote healthier dietary and lifestyle practicestocombatdiabetesandotherhealth issues among Guyanese.Member of the PYAC's Primary Health Care Sub-division,

Lee Fung-A-Fat, spelled out the campaign's focus on encouraging communities to adopt healthierlifestyles.“Oneofthebestthingswe can do to combat diabetes is to maintain a healthylifestyle,understandoursugarlevels, and communicate these practices to both youngerandoldergenerations,”hesaid.

Theinitiativemarksthestartofabroader government effort to enhance health education nationwide, with future events (Continuedonpage16)

Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Public Affairs, Kwame McCoy engages the residents of Swan Extension along the Soesdyke/Linden Highway
Youths at the President's Youth Advisory Council Healthy Living and Lifestyle Choices Campaign


Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.

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PAHO concludes 61st Directing Council with strategic agreements

The 61st Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) concluded last week, marking a clear path forward for the future of health in the Americas, the organization said in a press release.

Over five days, high-level representatives from countries and territories debated, agreed upon, and committed to addressing key challenges affecting health and development in the region. In his closing remarks, PAHO Director Dr. Jarbas Barbosa highlighted that 46 agenda items were discussed, five final reports and three progress reports were reviewed, and 14 resolutions were approved. “During this week, vital resolutions have been debated and approved” ranging from a policy on climate change and health to a strategy for strengthening health systems, Dr. Barbosa emphasised. Other approved resolutions include strategies and plans to address critical issues such as sepsis, and actions to strengthen tobacco control, a harmful product whose industry is currently targeting young people through electronic cigarettes.

According to the PAHO release, a plan was also approved to strengthen health information systems, as was a strategy to improve

surgical care and intensive and emergency care, a policy to address the growing demand for long-term care, and a strategy on epidemiological intelligence to help countries detect threats early, contain outbreaks, and save lives. Delegates also approved incentives to increase regional production of vaccines, medicines, and other essential technologies through the PAHO Regional Revolving Funds, in order to address the region’s high dependence on the importation of these products, a weakness that was highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic and that the Organization seeks to reverse. Additionally, a roadmap was presented for the development of the Strategic Plan 2026-2031, which will set the course for technical cooperation in health for the next period. Cervical cancer, telehealth, and disease elimination Health authorities participated in briefings on key issues such as the elimination of cervical cancer, where tools such as HPV testing and vaccines and ablation treatment were discussed, which can save the lives of more than 40,000 women a year in the Americas. Telehealth was also

Govt. continues to support...

From page 15 forward,” Chichester said.

Minister McCoy noted that these efforts align with the government’s agenda to facilitate homeownership for citizens through various programmes and policies. The residents will benefit from the steel and cement subsidy through the housing ministry. While encouraging the residents to establish a community block-making initiative, Minister McCoy stated, “To commence that, I will also provide some slings of cement so you can start the process. I want to see you take centre stage during this period.”

He emphasised the importance of working together to ensure timely construction of their homes and the establishment of a community built on trust and unity. The residents received their lands in June of this year after the leases were distributed to them by President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali. (DPI)

addressed, which promises to bridge gaps in access to medical care and promote health equity. “PAHO has developed telemedicine kits to help Member States implement and expand their telemedicine systems as a way to strengthen primary health care,” the PAHO Director said.

The PAHO Elimination Initiative was another central topic, highlighting equitable access to innovative solutions and advanced technologies to accelerate progress and end more than 30 communicable diseases and related conditions by 2030. Brazil received a certificate from the World Health Organization (WHO) for having eliminated lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis) as a public health problem. Three other countries in the Americas are endemic and are working to achieve that goal. In the context of the future pandemic agreement, key articles and

their implications at the global and regional levels were discussed. A session was also held on the WHO investment round, where the contributions of countries of the Americas were recognized as crucial to the sustainability of the organization.

The Haitian doctor JeanPatrick Alfred was awarded for his leadership in developing critical policy initiatives, particularly Haiti’s 2012-2022 health plan, whose primary care approach has helped strengthen the health system and make it more resilient and people-centered. In closing the meeting, Dr. Barbosa called on all participants to reaffirm their commitment to the values of equity, excellence, solidarity, respect, and integrity. “We all agree that, although we continue to build on the basis of our collective successes, there is still much to be done to address the persistent challenges,” he concluded.

President’s Youth Advisory...

From page 15

planned to address various health issues. The campaign includes educational discussions on healthy eating habits, the importance of monitoring sugar intake, and guidance on developing a balanced dietary plan. In a creative twist, FungA-Fat incorporated dance into the campaign to engage young people in physical activity. By using Soca music and simple dance routines, the initiative aims to make exercise fun and accessible, encouraging a more active lifestyle.

Other members of the PYAC shared insights on maintaining a nutritious diet, explaining the various food groups and dietary choices that can promote better health. The initiative is currently being rolled out in Region Four but plans are underway to expand the campaign to Region Five and other areas. “We are starting with diabetes this month because it’s a significant health issue in Guyana, and we want to target it to reduce the number (of people diagnosed with the disease),” Fung-A-Fat said.

He added that future sessions will also address cardiac health and the importance of maintaining a healthy heart. The council is encouraging both children and adults to participate in the activities and adopt healthier habits to improve their overall well-being. The PYAC is made up of young people from diverse backgrounds across Guyana. They play a crucial role in shaping government programmes and policies. Each member brings a fresh perspective to national development, contributing to efforts aimed at raising standards of government services and giving a voice to the marginalised in society. (DPI)

A group photograph with delegates and other officials at the council meeting

200 children with disabilities to benefit from newly commissioned swimming pool

Some200childrenliving Regions Three, Five, and with disabilities now have Ten. the opportunity to learn an She emphasised the need importantskill–swimming. for trained personnel such as The Edward Mohamed lifeguards, to ensure the Swimming Pool opening at safety of the children. “We the Regional Special are currently looking at Education Needs and building a pool for the Disability Diagnostic and Allied arts, where they can Treatment Centre located at train lifeguards and other the Cyril Potter College of necessary personnel, not Education, at Turkeyen on only for the pools we plan theEastCoastofDemerara. to construct for the

The pool which was disabled community, but commissioned on Saturday alsoforthehotelsandother was made possible through a establishments that will generous donation from require these resources,” Trinidadian businessman theministerstated. and philanthropist, Teddy Overthepastthreeyears, Mohamed. Mohamed is the the government has placed a owner of Mohamed strong focus on special Bookstores Associates Ltd. education learners Keon in Trinidad. Speaking at the Cheongwasappointedasthe commissioning ceremony, Assistant Chief Education Minister of Education, Priya Officer with responsibility were created in classrooms government. As a result, the especially those living with Teddy Mohamed explained Manickchand, highlighted forSpecialEducationNeeds, across the country geared to c u r r e n t P P P / C permanentdisabilities. what inspired him to donate the importance of the supported by a Special childrenwithspecialneeds. administration is now “We are very sure as a the funds to build the pool. initiative which she said is EducationOfficer According to Minister workingtoensurethefacility government that with this He said that his child was essential for the holistic An Associate Degree Manickchand, the disability is equipped with the new buildout of Guyana, born with a damaged retina development of differently- programme in Special centre was initially nec

y resources, people will be at the and the lack of physical abledchildren. Education was also constructed 2016 as a including speech therapists, forefront of our priority facilities in Trinidad meant

The minister noted that developed at the Cyril Potter Caribbean diagnostic and p s y c h o l o g i s t s , a n d list. And so, our children that he had to personally even if the children do not College of Education treatment facility with physiotherapists. will enjoy priority status, teach his son how to swim. b e c o m e p r o f i c i e n t (CPCE), with 49 students assistance from Cuban Minister Manickchand o u r w o m e n , o u r T h e T r i n

swimmers, engaging in c u r r e n t l y e n r o l l e d . counterparts. At that time, it reiterated the government’s A m e r i n d i a n a n d businessman said the extracurricular activities can Additionally, through the was intended to serve as a commitment to putting hinterland residents, experience inspired him to significantly boost their Guyana Online Academy of centre where children from Guyanese at the centre of the everybody is going to get

confidence and calm them. Learning (GOAL), 150 across the Caribbean could country’s development, attention,” she affirmed. disabilitiesinGuyana. (DPI) Minister Manickchand individuals graduated with a bediagnosedandtreated. a

Bachelor’s degree in Special

replicating the initiative in Furthermore, 11 new spaces advanced by the previous

Omai plans to dump water with...

From page 12 became breached. More than 400 million 1,840,000 ounces of payable gold Last gallons of cyanide-laced material spilled into month, Omai announced that it is advancing the Omai River and subsequently, into the its expansion plans for its gold project in Essequibo,thecountry’slargestriver Guyana, with newly released drill results The spil

showingpotentialtoincreasegoldproduction environmental, ecological, social, economic andextendthelifeoftheWenotminingpit. and political consequences for the Guyanese The company said that the dewatering of community The local and international the Wenot Pit will enhance its drilling media, government, politicians and programme. The Wenot Pit is one of two environmentalgroupswereactivelyinvolved previously mined pit on the company’s in the matter Due to local outcry and property It has a capacity of 42.1 million international outrage, gold-mining cubic meters (Mm³), with an estimated 17.8 operations in the region were suspended for Mm³oftailings.Thecalculatednetcontained severalmonths. water is 24.3Mm3 of water or 6.4B US

During the crisis, former President gallons is planned to be released from the Cheddi Jagan had declared a stretch of 50 WenotPit. contaminatedmilesoftheEssequiboRiveras The company’s planned drill programme an environmental disaster zone While for 2024-25 will test several areas, including concentrations of cyanide of two parts per extensions to Wenot to the east and west. million (ppm) are fatal, the slag along the Additional targets on the Omai property will Omai River values reached 28 ppm during also be drilled as some are near surface and thatdisaster highgradethatcouldbolsterthegradeprofile A government-mandated Commission of intheearlyyearsofaproductionscenario. Enquiry investigated the matter and made In 2020, Omai re-entered Guyana’s recommendations Nevertheless, goldmining industry The company had said that mining operations resumed fully at the spill their work completed thus far, has put them site by March of the following year The on track to become the next large-scale gold mining company eventually shut down its mine to open in Guyana. Over the past three operations in 2005 and its holdings passed years the company said it discovered and from Cambior Resources to IAMGOLD established a new 4.3 million ounce fresh- before they made it into the hands of Mahdia rockgoldresource. GoldCorporation(MGC).

Cyanidespill Moreover, project details are available on

On August 19, 1995, a man-made theEPA’swebsiteorcanbeobtainedfromthe environmental disaster had occurred in the EPA’s office. Public comments and concerns Omai River in Guyana; the walls of an can be sent to the EnvironmentalAssessment earthen tailings pond, constructed to contain B o a r d v i a e m a i l a t cyanide utilized in the gold-mining industry, eabguyana21@gmail.com.

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand and Terry Mohamed cutting the ribbon of the Edward Mohamed swimming pool

Israeli strikes batter Beirut in heaviest bombardment so far


At least 26 people were killed

6 (Reuters) - Israeli air attacks and 93 others wounded when battered Beirut’s southern suburbs Israeli airstrikes hit a mosque and a overnight and early on Sunday in school sheltering displaced people the most intense bombardment of in the Gaza Strip early on Sunday, the Lebanese capital since Israel the Hamas-run Gaza government sharply escalated its campaign media office said The Israeli against Iran-backed group military said it had conducted Hezbollahlastmonth.

“precise strikes on Hamas

During the night, the blasts sent terrorists”. Hezbollah began firing booms across Beirut and sparked rockets at Israel a day after the Oct. flashes of red and white for nearly 7 attacks and after Israel had begun 30 minutes visible from several bombingGaza,sayingitwasacting kilometresaway in solidarity with the Palestinian

It was the single biggest attack group. Cross-border fire continued of Israel’s assault on Beirut so far, between Israel and Hezbollah for witnesses and military analysts on months, but were mostly limited to local TV channels said. On Sunday the Israel-Lebanon border area a grey haze hung over the city and before the recent upsurge. Israel rubble was strewn across streets in says it stepped up its assault on the southern suburbs, while smoke Hezbollah last month to enable the columnsroseoverthearea. safe return of tens of thousands of

“Last night was the most citizenstohomesinnorthernIsrael, violence of all the previous nights. bombarded by the group since last Buildings were shaking around us Oct.8. and at first I thought it was an This weekend’s intense airstrikeshadviolatedinternational after an Israeli airstrike on Israeli authorities said on earthquake. There were dozens of bombardment came just ahead of

’s Saturday that nine Israeli soldiers strikes - we couldn’t count them all the anniversary of the Oct. 7 attack infrastructure and killing civilians international airport that was had been killed in southern - and the sounds were deafening,” by Palestinian militant group in Lebanon. Israel says it targets reported to have targeted him. Lebanon so far In northern Israel, said Hanan Abdullah, a resident of Hamas on southern Israel in which militarycapabilitiesandtakessteps Israelcontinuestobombtheareaof air raid sirens sounded on Sunday the Burj al-Barajneh area in some 1,200 people were killed and to mitigate the risk of harm to the strike, preventing rescue and the Israeli military said it had Beirut’ssouthernsuburbs. more than 250 taken hostage, c

se workersfromreachingit,Lebanese intercepted rockets fired from Videos posted on social media, accordingtoIsraelifigures. authorities say civilians have been securitysourcessaid. Lebanese territory. Iran has which Reuters could not The target of Israel’s airstrikes targeted Israel accuses both Hezbollah has not commented signalled it does not want a direct immediately verify, showed fresh across Lebanon and its ground Hezbollah and Hamas of hiding on Safieddine. His loss would be war with Israel but has launched damage to the highway that runs invasion in the south of the country amongcivilians,whichtheydeny another blow to the group and its responses on occasion to Israeli from Beirut airport through its is the Lebanese armed group For days Israel has bombed the patron Iran. Israeli strikes across attacks.Itfiredabarrageofballistic southern suburbs into downtown. Hezbollah, Iran’s chief ally in the Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh - the region in the past year, sharply missiles at Israel on Tuesday that Israel said its air force had region. More than 2,000 people considered a stronghold for accelerated in recent weeks, have did little damage. Israel has been “conducted a series of targeted have been killed in nearly a year of Hezbollah but also home to devastatedHezbollah’sleadership. weighingoptionsforitsresponse. strikes on a number of weapons fighting, most of them in the past thousands of ordinary Lebanese, GAZAWAR Iranian state media reported storage facilities and terrorist two weeks, according to the Palestinian and Syrian refugees - Israel’s war in Gaza, launched lateronSundaythatflightsfromall infrastructuresites belongingto the Lebanese health ministry The killing its leader Sayyed Hassan aftertheOct.7attacksandaimedat Iran’s airports would be cancelled Hezbollah terrorist organization in ministry said on Sunday 23 people Nasrallah on Sept. 27. A Lebanese eliminating Hamas, another Iran- until 6 a.m. local time on Monday the area of Beirut” Lebanese hadbeenkilledonSaturday security source said on Saturday backed group, has killed nearly due to operational restrictions, authorities did not immediately say The United Nations’ refugee that Hashem Safieddine, 42,000 people, Palestinian withoutelaborating.Itwasnotclear what the missiles had hit or what chiefsaidonSundaythattherewere Nasrallah’spotentialsuccessor,had authorities say The coastal enclave if the announcement was linked to damagetheycaused. “many instances” where Israeli been out of contact since Friday, liesinruins. theongoingconflictintheregion.

Hospital overwhelmed after Israeli airstrikes hit mosque and school in Gaza

(CNN) Palestinian women react upon people on the floor.”Al-Aqsa hospital is one identifying the bodies of victims of an Israeli of the few remaining operational health care strike that targeted a mosque-turned-shelter facilities in Gaza, the MSF statement noted. in Deir Al-Balah, in central Gaza, in the The aid group urged officials to reach a courtyardoftheAl-AqsaMartyrsHospitalon ceasefire to alleviate the ongoing suffering in October 6. Israeli airstrikes early Sunday Gaza, where it says 80% of the more than morning targeted a school and mosque that 27,600 patients MSF has treated during the were converted into shelters in central Gaza, conflict suffered from wounds linked to overwhelming nearby Al-Aqsa Martyrs shelling. Hospitalwithcasualties. More on the strikes: Earlier Sunday, The hospital received 53 injured patients hospital officials confirmed to CNN that at and 22 bodies of those killed in the attack on least 25 people were killed after Israeli the shelters in Deir Al-Balah, according to a airstrikes targeted the mosque and school. statement from Médecins Sans Frontières CNNfootagefromAl-Aqsahospitalcaptured (MSF), also known as Doctors Without the grief of a mother crouched over her Borders. deceased son, crying and wailing, “My love,

“Many patients arrived in critical my son. My love, my son.” The Israeli condition, suffering from head, chest and military has stated it was targeting a Hamas abdominal injuries,” said Eliza Sabatini, an “command and control” center that was MSF nurse in Gaza. “The situation in the “embedded within the compound” it struck hospital was chaotic. There weren’t enough Sunday, and said it had taken steps to beds for all the patients, and we had to treat “mitigatetheriskofharmingcivilians.”

Smoke rises in Beirut's southern suburbs during sunset, after Israeli air strikes, amid ongoing hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli forces, as seen from Sin El Fil, Lebanon, October 6, 2024. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh Purchase Licensing Rights
Palestinian women react upon identifying the bodies of victims of an Israeli strike that targeted a mosque-turned-shelter in Deir Al-Balah, in central Gaza, in the courtyard of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital on October 6.

AFC promises teachers 45% pay hike, PNCR says 35%

The Alliance For Change (AFC) saidifitiselected to government, teachers will get a 45% increase in salary and that the administration will prioritise the needs of educators.

The People's National CongressReform(PNCR)on the other hand is promising the educators 35% pay increaseiftheyareelectedto government Both parties

formed a coalition government that ruled Guyanabetween2015-2020.

However, more than four years have passed since the PPP/C took office, and this p r o m i s e r e m a i n s unfulfilled.”

Education” focuses on the importance of listening to teachers and involving them in shaping educational policiesandpractices.

The PNC/R said it acknowledges the essential contributions that teachers make, often under challenging circumstances, to ensure that “our children receive a quality education.”

of the education system “Providing competitive salaries and improving working conditions will attract and retain the best talent in our schools, ultimatelybenefitingour students and society as a whole.

Both parties made their promises in separate statements to mark World Teachers' Day which was celebrated on Saturday In extending its heartfelt congratulations and best wishestoallteachersacross Guyana,theAFCsaidfor three decades, this day has been dedicated to honouring theprofoundcontributionsof educators who work tirelessly to inspire, guide, andshapethemindsoffuture generations. “Teachers are the bedrock of our society, and their unwavering commitment to fostering knowledge, values, andcreativity is invaluable. Letusnotforgetthatin2020, the PPP/C Government campaigned on a promise to significantly improve the conditions forteachers,includinga50% increase in salaries This commitment was presented as a cornerstone of their education agenda, a promise that gave hope to thousands ofteacherswhobelievedthat better days were ahead

The AFC said teachers are the backbone of our education system, yet they continue to be marginalised and underappreciated. “The failureto deliveron the50% salary increase is not only a broken promise but a blatant disregard for the welfare of educators who have worked tirelessly, especially during challenging times The dedication of teachers deserves more than empty promises and delayed action,”theAFCsaid. According the AFC, the

The party sad it is the collective responsibility of allcitizenstoensurethattheir contributions are recognised and rewarded appropriately “We remain unshakeable in ourpositionthatourteachers must receive better salaries and improved working conditions.”

As we celebrate World Teachers' Day, let us all reflect on the vital role of teachers in our communities and advocate for the support an

PNCR statementconcluded.

Alsoinamessagetomark the occasion, Education Minister,PriyaManickchand said in the face of numerous challenges,teacherscontinue

your work and are dedicated to providing the resources and environment necessary foryoutocontinueexcelling inyournobleprofession,”the messagestated.


Despiteobjectionsfroma section of its General Council as well as rank-andfile members, President of the Guyana Teacher's Union (GTU) Dr Mark Lyte on August 22, 2024 signed a multi-year agreement with thegovernmentacceptingthe ten percent pay hike for teachers and a slew of other benefits, none of which accorded with the demands oftheunion.

Among other things, the

allowance doubled to $20,000 in December 2023. With the new agreement, they will now receive $22,000.

Educators holding postgraduate diplomas, advancedgraduatediplomas, and certificates in education will also see their monthly allowances increased to $7,000 and $5,000 Additionally, teachers who have completed the Certificate in Education Management Course will now receive a monthly allowanceof$5,000.”

futureofGuyanadependson the well-being and empowerment of our educators. “Under an AFC

Government, we will prioritise the needs of teachers and take decisive action to ensure they are treated with the respect and fairnesstheydeserve.

W e c o m m i t t o implementing a 45% salary increase for teachers, recognizingtheirvitalrolein shaping the minds of future generations.

Thiswillnotbeanempty promise, but a concrete step towards improving the livelihoods of our educators, who have long been underpaidandundervalued,” thestatementread.


Meanwhile, for its part, the PNCR said this year's them “Valuing Teacher Voices: Towards a New Social Contract for

“Aswepaytributetoour teachers,thePNCRurgesthe Government of Guyana to reconsider the recent disgraceful salary increase awarded to teachers, which fallsshortofwhatisrequired for our educators to thrive both professionally and personally Our teachers are also parents, breadwinners, care givers, guardians, providers, consumers, and investors Recognising all this, we in the PNCR use today's observance to repeat that,asthenextgovernment, wewillincreasethesalaryof teachers and all other governmentworkersby35% (graduated) in our first national budget, pending further negotiations with the workersunions.”

The PNCR said it believes that investing in teachers is not only a matter offairnessbutisessentialfor the long-term development

toinspire,nurture,andguide our students, shaping the future of our beloved country.“Yourresilienceand adaptability, especially in these changing times, have notgoneunnoticed.

You are the pillars of our education system, and your efforts are the foundation upon which we build a brighter tomorrow,” Manickchandsaid.

She said teachers' role extends beyond the classroom;“youarementors, role models, and beacons of hopeformany

The impact you have on the lives of your students is immeasurable, and your influence will be felt for generationstocome.

Aswecelebratethisday,I want to assure you that the Ministry of Education is committedtosupportingyou in every possible way We recognize the importance of

agreement stipulates that teacherswillreceiveasalary increaseof10%for2024,8% for 2025 and 9% for 2026. Thesearethesameincreases thatwereinitiallyrejectedby theunion.

Additionally, teachers in remote areas will benefit from the increased Remote Area Incentive (RAI) In November 2023, this allowance stood at $9,000. The Ministry of Education had said that it was subsequently increased in December 2023 to $20,000. With the new agreement, teachers will now receive $23,000monthly

Teachers with doctoral degrees will see their monthlyallowancerisefrom $30,000 to $32,000, a 7% increase.

Those with master's degrees, who received $10,000 monthly in November 2023, saw their

The station allowance, which compensates teachers for working in particular locations,hasbeenincreased to $5,000 for all eligible categories The increase variesbasedonthecategory. Similarly, the hardlying allowance has been standardizedat$5,000.

With the new agreement, teacherswillbecompensated for marking and supervising SBAs and the National Grades 5 & 6 Mock Exams. Non-graduate teachers (TS 1A to TS 5B) will also receive two additional increments after three years of continuous service, benefiting over 9,000 teachers (more than 60% of the teaching workforce). In somecases,thiswillresultin salaryincreasesofupto15%.

The Ministry of Education had said that this agreement represents a comprehensive packagedesignedtoenhance the welfare of our teachers andtorecognisetheirpivotal role in shaping the future of ourcountry

Teachers across Guyana engaged in weeks of protest recently for a livable wage

Lewandowski hat-trick regains Barca advantage at top of La Liga

(BBC Sport) - Robert by Osasuna last weekend - The Poland forward has were more in control in the Lewandowski scored a first- always looked in control now scored 12 goals in 11 secondhalf. half hat-trick as Barcelona after Lewandowski nodded gamesinallcompetitionsfor “We have a very good re-established their three- them in front early on from Barca, who are averaging group. I think we can play point advantage at the top of Raphinha’scurlingdelivery over three goals a game in better but we have improved La Liga with a comfortable The 36-year-old’s the Spanish top flight this allthethingswelacked.” winatAlaves. second, a close-range finish, term.

Real Madrid’s home came after more good work “I had some good passes threatened sporadically, victory over Villarreal on fromtheBrazilian. and they made it easier for thought they had pulled a Saturday evening had AndhisandBarca’sthird me to score,” Lewandowski goal back on the stroke of temporarily moved them came as he reversed a shot saidonDAZN. h a l f - t i m e b u t To n i levelwithHansiFlick’sside. past home goalkeeper “Weplayedwellfromthe Martinez’s goal was ruled However, the visitors - Antonio Sivera from Eric first minute and we wanted out for an offside in the who suffered a shock defeat Garcia’spass. to attack and score goals.We build-up.

Robert Lewandowski’s 32-minute hat-trick was the fourth quickest by a Barcelona player in La Liga (Getty Images)

Monday October 07, 2024


Legalpapersregardingmoney might need to be executed today Your mind is especially quick and agile, so you can take care of it efficiently, freeing you up for more enjoyableactivities.


Social events could put you intotouchwithintriguingnew people who share your interests. This should be a gratifyingexperience.


Today you might want to spendsometimegardening.In fact,youmighthaveanumber of tasks to perform around the house and yard, but you may alsohavefriendswaiting.


Exploring your intellectual interests might get your curiosity going, although whatever knowledge you gain may bring up more questions thananswers!You'llalsowant to get together with close friends or your partner to discussthisnewinformation.


A number of young visitors couldcometoyourhomewith news to pass on and information to share. You'll probably spend most of your day working around the house oryard.

VIRGO (Aug 23–Sept 22)

Your phone may not stop ringing today Friends and family may have good news and interesting information to share,soyou'llwanttospenda lot of time talking with them You might learn about some newly released books that interestyou

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

This is a great day to plan new projects. Your mind may be especially quick and full of ideas. These could prove valuable.Writedownideasthat you can't put to immediate use soyouwon'tforgetthem.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21)

Your mind could be especially active today Perhaps you'll discoveranewtalentyoudidn't know you had, such as writing, drawing or speaking. Ideas for stories, sketches, or lectures might come thick and fast. Writethemdown.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Your intuition has been especially high for a while now Todayyoucoulddecideto put it to practical use. You might consider a class or workshop that increases your abilitytocommunicate.


Yourmindshouldbeespecially quickandagiletoday,andyour curiosity will be piqued. Your pursuit of intellectual interests could lead to group activities where you meet others interestedinthesamesubjects.


You might have a few projects inmindthatyou'llwanttowork on today Your mind is especially quick and agile, and you have a lot of great ideas that can make your efforts turn outthewayyouwant.


Your mind may turn toward intellectual pursuits that you have been too busy to investigate.Todayyourmindis so quick and your curiosity so high that you won't resist even ifotherthingsinterfere.


The Executive Committee Jeffrey (Vice Chair), Dacia Commissionisakeybodywithinthe of the Guyana Olympic Cummings (General Secretary) and GOA, mandated by the International

Association (GOA)

Members - Sileena Arjune, Ashley Olympic Committee (IOC) to recently appointed and ratified the Khalil and Ayanna Wickham promote and enhance girls’ and WomeninSportCommission,which Watson. women’s access to sports across all will serve from September 2024 to The appointed commission levels. September2026. members in collaboration and under The Commission will focus on This was done under a the guidance and support of the increasing female participation as nominationprocess. Executive Committee of the GOA athletes, coaches, leaders, and

Thenewlyappointedmembersof will guide, direct and support the volunteers while ensuring gender theWomen in Sport Commission are workofthiscommission. parity and empowerment throughout Nicolette Fernandes (Chair), Denise T h e Wo m e n i n S p o r t Guyana’ssportinglandscape.

GauffbeatsMuchovainChinaforeighthWTA title

Coco Gauff’s win at the China Open was her eighth victory in nine WTA finals (Getty Images)

(BBC Sport) - World number There was nothing lucky about to you, Karolina, it’s great to see six Coco Gauff dominated the way the 20-year-old star rattled youbackontour,”saidGauffinher unseeded Czech player Karolina through the opening set in just 30 post-matchinterview Muchova to win the China Open - minutes, harrying her opponent “Ithinkyou’resuchanamazing the eighth WTA title of her career into a series of unforced errors to player - you deserve everything andfirstsinceJanuary claimtwobreaksofserve. and hopefully you play many more

The American fourth seed had World number 49 Muchova, finals.” struggled with her serve earlier in who was ranked as high as eighth Gauff also thanked her new the week and was forced to battle beforealengthylay-offwithawrist coach Matt Daly, adding that back from a set down in her three injury picked up at the 2023 US “obviously things are going well”, previous matches en route to her Open, had beaten top seed Aryna after winning her first tournament first final since winning in Sabalenka and Olympic champion underhisguidance. Aucklandatthestartoftheyear Zheng Qinwen in previous rounds She ended her partnership with

But the 2023 US Open but was unable to match Gauff’s Brad Gilbert last month following champion showed little sign of that powerandathleticism. her fourth-round exit at the US fragility as she claimed a 6-1 6-3

The 28-year-old had lost her Open, where she failed to defend wininonehourand17minutes. two previous matches against the her crown. Victory in the WTA Gauff jokingly put her young American, including the 1,000 event in Beijing moved improved form down to a visit to finaloflastyear’sCincinnatiOpen, GauffuptofourthplaceintheRace Beijing’s Forbidden City with and suffered defeats in four of her to the Finals, with the top seven men’swinnerCarlosAlcaraz. previousfiveWTAfinals. double faults to hand her opponent opponent victory by firing a qualifying for the season-ending

“I guess the Imperial Palace However, Muchova started the theearlybreak. backhand long with her 24th

brought us luck, so maybe I will second set more positively, But Gauff broke back unforced error which, when November payavisitnextyeartogetthesame opening a 2-0 lead after Gauff’s immediately to start a run of four compared to Gauff’s 24 winners, She now moves on to the luck,” she told an appreciative problems with her serve briefly consecutivegames. toldthestoryofthematch. Wuhan Open, which starts on Chineseaudience. resurfaced as she sent down two Muchova eventually gifted her “I want to say congratulations Monday

Premier League: Brighton hit back from two goals down to stun Spurs

(BBC Sport) - Brighton

create space away from Micky van left foot and shooting, his fourth produced a superb fightback to de Ven and then shoot low past such effort having had the beating comefromtwogoalsdownandbeat GuglielmoVicario. ofleft-backAlexMoreno. Tottenham in a Premier League

Rutter then did excellently to Midfielder Morgan Gibbsthrilleronthesouthcoast. notgiveup,slideinnearthebyeline White came off injured in the Spurs looked to be heading to a to get a cross in, which Danny second half - putting his chances of sixth successive victory in all Welbeck converted with a contributing with England this competitionsastheydeservedlyled downward header to score what monthinmajordoubtashegingerly 2-0after37minutes. provedtobethewinner walked off the pitch, looking in Brennan Johnson opened the Forest earn draw at painandfrustrated. scoring with his sixth goal in six

Chelsea in feisty encounter Referee Chris Kavanagh sent games when he timed his run Chris Wood and Noni off Forest’s Ward-Prowse for perfectly to run on to Dominic Madueke scored as Chelsea and deliberately handling the ball to Solanke’s through ball before Nottingham Forest played out a stop a Nicolas Jackson counterslottingpastBartVerbruggen. tactical and feisty draw at attack in the second half, giving

Georginio Rutter scored in consecutive Premier League appearances for the first time, after not scoring in any of his first 15 games in the competition (PA Media)

The home goalkeeper should StamfordBridge him a second yellow card, having have done better with a curled shot Forest went ahead when 32- booked him earlier on for a more fromJamesMaddisonashegottwo year-old striker Wood slid in a conventional tactical foul on star hands to the low strike, but could finish past Robert Sanchez after a manColePalmer not keep the ball out as Spurs good set-piece routine involving Then, Madueke also appeared doubledtheirlead. Udogie was unable to clear the ball Newcastle. James Ward-Prowse and Nikola to go off injured after a melee

But Brighton were a side from Kaoru Mitoma’s cross and The impressive Mitoma was Milenkovicinthe49thminute. sparked by Neco Williams, who transformedafterthebreak. YankubaMintehcapitalisedtograb again involved as the hosts But Chelsea responded quickly pushed defender Marc Cucurella They pulled one back early in his first goal for the Seagulls equalised in the 58th minute, as Madueke equalised eight into Chelsea manager Enzo the second half, when Destiny following his £30m move from passing to Rutter, who twisted to minutes later after cutting in on his Maresca.

Nicolette Fernandes has been appointed Chair of the Women in Sport Commission

Henry, Dottin, Joseph set up big win for West Indies

(ESPN Cricinfo) - West Scotland were simply Sarah Bryce edging high to Indies romped to a six- second-best in all the areas first slip, where Hayley wicket victory over Scotland that mattered with only Matthews could only palm tosecuretheirfirstwinofthe Kathryn Bryce and Ailsa overandshefollowedthatup T20 World Cup in Dubai Lister with any innings of with two consecutive with50ballstospare. note With the ball, maidens - including a wicket Thewinboostedtheirnet meanwhile, they picked up maiden, where she had run rate to 1.154 and they’re wickets and caught much Bryce completely foxed by now on the top of Group B better than their opponents anoutswingerthatrattledher table. but were unable to stem the offstump.

The result leaves flow of runs - the most Spinners throttle run flow Scotland with two defeats in crucialfactorwhenaimingto Kathryn survived a tight as many games, though the defendsuchalowtotal. lbw decision while Lister margin of defeat could prove West Indies wasdroppedtwice. 13th over, before removing Indies opted to promote one or two more wickets even more dire to their dominate the powerplay They put these second Kathryn in her next over Qiana Joseph up the order might have made the going a qualificationchances. Scotland were 25 for 2 at chances to good use in Scotland stumbled to 76 for after Stafanie Taylor had little trickier, particularly as Qiana Joseph’s 31 off 18 theendofthepowerplay,but stitching together a 46-run five at the end of 15 overs, fallenearly Scotlandwerecatchingwell. spearheaded what was a it might have been much third-wicket stand. However and they managed only a Joseph’s intent was clear But Dottin the veteran middling chase, before worse if not for West Indies’ at no point were either further 23 runs in the from the get-go, swinging showed she could carry on Deandra Dottin (28 off 15) profligacy in their catching. affordedeasyruns. remaining five overs, as the and missing at a series of her recent franchise form, as and Chinelle Henry (18 off While the now infamous Their stand saw just one West Indies refused to give deliveries off Bryce. But she made light work of what 10) finished the game off in ‘ring of fire’ floodlights can boundary scored, with both aninch. with such a low target, each might have been a banana haste. It was a win set up by be partially to blame, three players forced to find the The Qiana Joseph blow had an exponential skinofafinish. the bowlers, as West Indies chances of varying difficulty gaps and run hard between experiment impact. Her 15 deliveries in the restricted Scotland to 99 for were spilt in the opening six the wickets to keep the If this tournament has In all, she struck three middle brought with it two 8. overs. scoreboardtickingalong. shown anything, it’s not to fours and a six, but her 18- sixes and fours apiece, as Henry was named Player Thankfully for the West It looked as if a platform judge a total or a pitch until ballstayhadseenasmuchas WestIndiessealedawin. of the Match for her burst at Indies, Henry was putting on mighthavebeensetforalate bothsideshavebatted. 31%ofthetargetwipedoff. Match details: West the top of Scotland’s innings a clinic in swing bowling to launch, but then the wickets The other thing is that Dottin does the job Indies 101 for 4 (Joseph 31, which yielded figures of 1 make sure Scotland weren’t began to fall. Afy Fletcher finding quick runs at the When Joseph fell, West Dottin 28*, Bell 2-18) beat for 10, before her boundary- able to capitalise on their dismissed Lister and death is exceedingly Indies still needed 41 runs Scotland 99 for 8 (Lister 26, laden knock ensured a brisk multiplelifelines. Priyanaz Chatterji in difficult. Taking both these for victory, and the Fletcher 3-22) by six victory In her first over she had consecutive deliveries in the factors into account, West prevailing mood was that wickets.

Pereira makes history in stoppage win over Rountree

(BBC Sport) - Alex rang. Pereira retained his UFC

Two judges saw it 48-47 light-heavyweight title by for Pena, while a third saw it stopping Khalil Rountree in for Pennington. The result four rounds at UFC 307 in wasbooedbythecrowd. SaltLakeCityonSaturday


The Brazilian survived a of her feelings before the scare in the second round scorecardswerereadout. afterbeingdroppedacounter

“I heard these judges right hand Pereira, 37, tonight were doing some recovered and resumed crazy stuff. It’s unfortunate I methodically breaking wenttoadecision.Justaloss Rountree down, eventually of focus and that’s what I finishing the bloodied and wouldsay,Igotdropped. exhausted American with an

“Definitely need to be a uppercut. With the victory, littlebitmorefocused.” Pereira sets a new record in Pennington, 36, could the UFC with the shortest demandarematch,butanew period between three top contender emerged on consecutivedefences. the undercard as two-time

T h e r e c o r d w a s Olympic judo champion previously held by UFC Kayla Harrison claimed her legend Ronda Rousey, but secondwinintheUFC. with defences in April, June Harrison, 34, improved and at UFC 307, Pereira has her record to 18-1 with a successfully defended his unanimous points win over title three times in just 175 Ketlen Vieira. Vieira asked days. Pereira maintains his questions of Harrison, position as one of the most one of the toughest fights,” his post-fight interview he picked up his sixth defeat in control over the five rounds opening up a cut on her feared strikers in the UFC, Pereirasaidafterwards. was staying at 205lb (14st 19fights. with takedowns but was hurt forehead, but Harrison with four stoppage victories “I expected that He 6lb,93kg). Pena becomes by some pinpoint striking, fought through the pain and inarow showed tonight why he’s got “I can move up to champion again including a big right hand wasontopforlargestretches His run in 2024 includes somuchqualityinhere.” heavyweight but this Julianna Pena reclaimed which sent her tumbling to ofthecontest. two former champions in T h e f o r m e r division is great and this is the UFC bantamweight title the canvas in the fourth “Ladies, enjoy it while Jamahal Hill and Jiri middleweight champion had whereIamat,”hesaid. with a controversial split round. Pena was able to you can cause the Queen is Prochazka,butfoundagame teased a move up to Pereira improved his decision win over Raquel survive and the fighters home and she’s coming for opponentinRountree. heavyweight or back down record to 12 wins and just Pennington. exchanged right hands in the that gold,” Harrison said in “I can say that this was to middleweight, but said in two losses while Rountree Pena, 35, had spells of final round before the bell herpost-fightspeech.

Chinelle Henry and Deandra Dottin put up a match-winning stand (Getty Images)
Julianna Pena was fighting for the first time after a 26-month lay-off (Getty Images)

GCC mini Zingers Cricket Program officially bowls off

GCC mini Zingers Cricket Program officially got underway over the weekend and continues this Saturday.

The Georgetown Cricket Club boysandgirls. With the program being geared (GCC) Mini Zingers Cricket Registration was conducted on towards developing cricket at the Program bowled off this past site with players required to be grassroots level, no monetary fee is Saturday, October 5, at the dressed in White T-Shirt, a cap and attached, while Registration forms legendary Bourda Cricket Club closedtoedshoes. canbeupliftedattheClub. Ground. Saturday’s opening day Meanwhile, more youngsters

The mini kiddies program featured a solid turnout, with some are encouraged to join the program bowled off early from 8:00h-9:30h 24 youngsters officially marked which continues next Saturday, and targets Primary School aged presentforthefirstdayoftraining. October12,from8:00h.

Mohanlall Dindanauth (right) receives his prize.

Dindnauth, Ally victorious at Trophy Stall Golf Tournament

Anasha Ally (left) was victorious in the 15-28 Flight

The DSB Invitational promises to be an exciting event and the Guyana’s team is eager to showcase their talents and bring home the top honours.

GuyaneseGolferstochallengefortop honoursinSurinameattheDSBInvitational

Several of Guyana’s top golfers Avinash Persaud, an 11-time Dhori. aresettocompeteattheprestigious Guyana National Champion, Guyanahasastrongtraditionof De Surinaamsche Bank (DSB) expressed the sense of national success in the B, C, and Ladies Invitational this coming week, pride shared by the team, stating, Categories, but top results in the A aiming to secure top positions in “Whenwecompeteinternationally, Category have often come from one of Suriname’s most anticipated we all are playing for Guyana and PersaudandHussain,bothofwhom golfevents. notourindividualclubs,sothisputs have secured podium finishes, H o s t e d b y G o l f c l u b additional pressure on all of us to including second place, best gross Paramaribo, the DSB Invitational playtogetherandperformwell.” score, and longest drive accolades draws competitors from around the Persaud will lead the inprevioustournaments. world for a thrilling test of skill in Championship flight alongside In addition to the competition, the country’s National Golf prominent players such as Guyana the Guyana Golf Association and Championship. Golf Association (GGA) President Nexgen Golf Academy will Played under the Stableford Aleem Hussain, Monnaf Arjune, continue their efforts to grow the format, the DSB Invitational has VishalDhanai,andFerozeBarakat. sportinternationallybyhostinggolf been a proving ground for Head of the LPGA/USGA Guyana clinicsforSurinamesestudents. Guyanese golfers, who have Girls Site programme, Philip This initiative, now in its consistently performed well over Haynes, will also be competing for second year, will use Nexgen theyears. the second time in Suriname, Golf’s exclusive teaching

This year, players from various further bolstering the Guyanese methodology and will also see the clubs across Guyana will unite, contingent which has been donation of golf equipment and competing under the national flag strengthened by Canadian- ballstotheSchoolSportFederation inpursuitoftophonours. Guyanese golfers Roy and Sabi ofSuriname.

…Sunich expresses pride in supporting Golf growth locally

TheLusignanGolfClub(LGC) handicap of 14. Patrick Prashad, held the annual Trophy Stall Golf who demonstrated consistent skill, Tournament on Saturday, claimed third place with a gross of showcasing an impressive level of 83andanetscoreof72,playingoff competition across both low and an11handicap. high handicap flights. With over The 15-28 Flight saw Anasha two decades of support from Allyemergevictoriouswithagross Trophy Stall, the tournament of 99 and a net score of 75 continued to highlight the (handicap 24), demonstrating her importance of corporate steady improvement and sponsorship in the development of competitive spirit. Carlos Adams sportsinGuyana. took second place with a gross of

TrophyStallProprietorRamesh 101 and a net score of 77, while Sunich expressed his commitment HardeoGhanpatfinishedthirdwith to the sport, remarking, “Trophy agrossof107andanetscoreof82. Stall is a proud supporter of sports Patrick Prashad was honored in Guyana.As for golf, we host two with the ‘Closest to the Pin’award, tournamentsperyear,andIamvery while Kassim Khan achieved the happy that we are able to make an ‘Longest Drive ’ Mohanlall impact. We have had a long- Dindanauth rounded off his standing relationship of more than achievements with the ‘Best Gross’ two decades with the Lusignan prizeforhisstandoutscoreof73. GolfClub,andIwouldliketothank The collaboration between the club for allowing Trophy Stall Trophy Stall and LGC exemplifies to be a part of their calendar how consistent sponsorship can Congratulations to the participants drive the growth of golf in Guyana. whogavetheirallonthecourse.” The partnership allows for the In the 0-17 Flight, veteran organization of competitive and golfer Mohanlall Dindanauth engaging tournaments, fostering a delivered an exceptional healthy environment for both new performance, securing first place andseasonedgolfers. with a gross score of 73 and a net As LGC prepares for future score of 67, boasting a handicap of events, this tournament further 6. Joann Deo followed in second solidifies the club’s role in place with a net score of 71, promoting golf and elevating the finishing with a gross of 85 and a sportinthecountry

Guyana Amazon Warriors’ Romario Shepherd was left unbeaten on 19. (Getty Images)

Bank Caribbean Premier League 2024…

Jones, Chase lead Kings to maiden title against Warriors Republic

St.Lucia Kings players celebrate the wicket of Shimron Hetmyer of Guyana Amazon Warriors (Getty Images)

Guyana Amazon Warriors to feature in Global Super League T20

…Starts November 26 at Providence

A new cricket tournament will launch in Guyana from the 26th November to 7th December 2024 with five teams from five different countries set to compete for a significant prize fund of US$1 million. The event will feature the Guyana Amazon Warriors and four other established T20 teamsfromaroundtheworld.

This will be South America’s first standalone cricket event and is sanctioned by Cricket West Indies and is fully supported by the government of Guyana who will be a key stakeholderinthetournament.

The event will feature a mini league of 11 matches with each team playing four matches with the top two teams progressing to the final. All matches will take place at the Guyana National Stadium in Providence, with the event set totakeplaceannuallyfeaturingdifferentteamsfromaround theworldbeinginvitedtotakeparteachseason.

His Excellency Mohammed Irfaan Ali, President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, said: “The Global Super LeaguehasthefullsupportoftheGovernmentofGuyanaas webuildaworldclasssportstourismproduct.Cricketispart of our cultural history, it is that unifying force, part of our heritage and an integral part of our strategic objective in economic diversification with a strong emphasis on Tourism.AsGuyanapositionsitselfasaglobalshaperinthe energy, food and climate landscape, we will use this platformtobringaworldclasstournamenttoourshores.”

SirCliveLloyd,ChairmanofGlobalSuperLeague,said: “I’d like to welcome cricket fans from around the world to this exciting new event. The passion for cricket in Guyana rivals that of fans anywhere, and we look forward to celebrating our love of the game and our rich and vibrant country with both those visiting in person and watching fromaroundtheworld.IwouldliketothankHisExcellency Dr Mohammed Irfaan Ali for his vision of a new cricket eventforGuyana,onethatwillcaptivatetheworld.”

A tide-turning, unbeaten half- kept his nerves after Johnson Charles which swung the tide before the century partnership from Aaron Jones (7) was bowled by Shepherd but after American-born Jones launched a and Roston Chase helped create history looking comfortable with two fours and viciousattackonPretorius,taking20off fortheSt.LuciaKings,stormingtoan8- asix,theskipperfelltoAli. his over as the pair brought the deficit wicket win over the Guyana Amazon AckeemAuguste (13) was outfoxed down. Warriors as they broke thousands of and bowled by Sinclair as the Kings Shepherd then leaked a few hearts last night at the Guyana National reached 50 after 9 overs. However, boundaries before Tahir, with the Kings Stadium,Providence. Jones and Chase sprung a surprise needing just a run, opted for a wide

Bowling first paid off for the Kings, following a message sent by coach delivery to finish the game as the Kings who kept the champs to 138-8 after 20 DarrenSammy ralliedtotheirfirsttitle. overs. Only Romario Shepherd’s 19* Chasetook27offanoverfromAli’s Guyana had their worst boundary and South African Dwaine game to date, with Ali (14) and inPretorius, who scored 25 managed form Rahmanullah Gurbaz (0) to overcome the stranglehold lookingshakyatthetopoftheorder appliedbythespinners. Bajan Shai Hope (22) and local

Kings leading spinner Noor boy Shimron Hetmyer (11), the Ahmad was the tormentor with 3-

Warriors leading run-scorers this 19, finding support from five other season tried to pull things back teammates including pacer Alzarri before Chase knocked over his Joseph and off-spinner Roston countryman for the second time in Chase,whoreturnedawicketeach. a row, while Ahmad removed the St. Lucia Kings’pursuit for the latter after hitting Guyana’s first totalandtitlepannedoutwellinthe six as the reached 139-4 with 11 balls

The Warriors 50 came after 10 remaining Man-of-the-match overs, by then Keemo Paul (12), Jones missed a well-deserved fifty who had a tough time in the middle, in the finals, racing to 48* off 31 findingboundarieshardtocomeby, with four big sixes and two fours; Sinclair (12) and Raymon Reifer followingaslowstart. who struck two fours apiece; all

Chase also had a watchful start failedtoconverttheirinnings. before ending nicely on 39 not out Guyana’s 100 came in the 18 with a pair of fours and sixes under overs after the 37-run partnership his belt, adding a match-winning between Shepherd and Pretorius 5th wicket stand of 88 alongside revivedtheinnings. Jones.

The South African blasted two

Off-spinners Kevin Sinclair (1- sixes and as many fours in his 125) and Mooen Ali (1-41) coupled ball knock, while his Guyanese with pacers Pretorius (1-25) and counterpart managed a couple of Shepherd (1-29), failed to keep the fours with a solitary maximum, Kingsatbay before Wiese removed his fellow Captain Faf Du Plessis (21) Protea.

Dwaine Pretorius top scored for the Guyana Amazon Warriors. (Getty Images)

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