Kaieteur News

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- Bank of Guyana report

Rupununi, one man arrested

Bandit shot dead, accomplice escaped during robbery

Firewoman charged with seven counts of cybercrime

Cancer cases up by 38%, 612 deaths recorded last year

US$2B oil spill guarantee needs to be revised to cater for more

Robistaine Peixoto
The damaged propeller of the plane.
The items discovered on the aircraft.

Brazilian aircraft intercepted in Rupununi, one man arrested

Robistaine Peixoto

Saraiva, a 48y e a r - o l d

Brazilian gold miner from Boa Vista, Brazil is now in police custody assisting with investigations after ranks of the Guyana Police Force intercepted an aircraft in Bashaizon Village, South RupununionSunday.

According to police around 10:55hrs acting on information received in regardstoanaircraftmaking attemptstolandonanillegal airstripinBashaizonVillage,

South Rupun

Commander of Regional


on #9 Sen

Superintendent Raphael Rose, “alongside Inspector Alfred, Detective Sergeant 21328 De Jonge, Sergeant Joseph,andotherranksfrom the Guyana Police Force, accompanied by three members of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit, visited thescene.”

Sergeant Joseph in the company of Constable Wenceslaus and Constable Berckly who were both armed, left the Aishalton Police Station on an ATV motorcycle registration #CL 9533.

Arrivingatthelocationit wasobservedthatalargeplot of land in the savannah

featured an illegal airstrip running for approximately three miles north to south from the village's main access road. Parked on the airstrip facing north was a black, gold and white Islander aircraft registration #PU-MBN, and alongside it parked and facing the same direction was a heavily tinted, dark colored, fourdoorpickpickuptruck.

Approaching the vehicles,ranksobservedtwo light-skinned males exit the aircraftandboardthepickup. Astheygotcloserthevehicle turned and drove off in a southerly direction, causing one of the men to fall off in theprocess.

At the same time the pickup collided with and causeddamagetotheplane's right wing and f


Acting swiftly the ranks apprehended the man who

fell off the pickup, but even though they discharged two .38roundsinthedirectionof the vehicle in an attempt to stopit,thedrivermanagedto cross the Takatu River fleeing into neighbouring Brazil, making a good escape.

Saraiva was informed of the offences and a search conducted on his person revealed no illegal items. During interrogation he told policethattheothermanwho escaped was the pilot of the aircraftandhewasknownto him only as 'Wallefi Kayck'.

He informed ranks that he charted the plane either last Wednesday or Thursday from the Santa Len De Para CompanyinBrazil.

Recounting the journey overthelastfewdayshetold the police that on Friday October 4th they had flown from Chimba Airstrip, Brazil, to Venezuela, where theydroppedoff10cylinders of mercury (quicksilver) They spent a few days there

and then flew to Guyana landing on Sunday Their mission was to purchase 10 cylinders of mercury from a Brazilian national only knownas'Mute'touseinhis goldoperationsinBrazil.

A search of the plane revealed one iPhone 13 Pro Max, one Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, one Samsung Galaxy A03, one Tracker phone, two Garmin GPS devices, one pair of earbuds, one wireless charger, several phone cables, a quantity of male clothing, two black haversacks.

A further search of the area uncovered a black-andwhite NK 150 CC motorcycle with registration #4693 about 200 feet from theairstrip,hiddeninnearby bushes.

Photographs were taken and the scene processed Resident were also questioned and ranks obtained useful information, Saraivaremainsincustodyas investigationsareongoing.

The damaged propeller of the plane.
The items discovered on the aircraft.
The bike found in the bushes
Robistaine Peixoto

US$2 billion oil spill guarantee need to be revised to cater for more projects approved and new oil finds

TheUS$2Boilspill guaranteethatwas provided to Guyana by ExxonMobil, HessandCNOOConJune9, 2023 does not cover the additional projects and exploration activities approved subsequent to the issuanceofthecoverage.

Guyana's oil reserve also expanded by 600 million barrelssincethecontractwas signedforthelimitedoilspill protection.

Section 2 2 of the agreement set out conditions for change in the operations or estimate of liability It explains that if changes are made relating to additional petroleum development

exploratory activities within the Stabroek Block and any

risks or circumstances that wouldreasonablyimpactthe estimated liability, either

contract: “If with respect to a

Petroleum Agreement there are either: i) additional petroleum development a

exploratory activities within theStabroekBlock,orii)any material change in the estimaterequiredtobemade

Environmental Permit No. 20160705-BEDPF issued on the27thdayofOctober2022, oriii)anymaterialchangein any estimate of liability similarly required under a n o t h e

renegotiation of the agreed maximumamount.

Gold and diamond declaration in three-year decline

- Bank of Guyana report

Fo r t h r e e

consecutive years, gold and diamond declarations have been declining at the halfyearmark.

This is according to statistics in the Bank of Guyana (BoG) 2024 HalfYearReport.

These declines have often been blamed on unfavourable weather conditions,labourshortages and poor access roads to miningsites.

This year it was no different. According to the report, at June 2022 gold declarations were 236,728 ounces, followed by 209,756 ounces in 2023. This year, the declarations duringthefirstsixmonthsof the year fell further to 188,160ounces.

A similar decline was observed in diamond declarations.

Inthefirstsixmonthsof 2022, some 49,016 metric tonnes(mt)ofdiamondwere

declared, followed by 38,608 mt during the same period in 2023 and 29,387 mtthisyear

TheBoG2024HalfYear Report explained that total gold declarations declined by 10.3% to 188,160 troy ounces, reflecting lower declarations by small and mediumscaleminers. It explained, “the sole foreign company's declaration grew by 35.3 percent to 68,557 troy ounces, due to continued favourable performance in

their underground mining operations.”

Meanwhile, Central Banksaidsmallandmedium scale miners declarations declined by 24.8 percent to 119,603 troy ounces, resulting from dry weather whichaffectedminersinthe firstquarteroftheyearwhile heavy rainfall stymied operations in the second quarteroftheyear

Itwasalsoexplainedthat shortageoflabourhasbeena challenge within the industry as miners sought

better opportunities within thepetroleumsubsector

With regard to diamond declarations, the report noted a decline of 23 9 percent to 29,387 carats at end-June2024.

“The outturn resulted from labour shortages, poor access roads to mining sites as well as unfavourable weather conditions in the second quarter of the year,” thereportsaid.

Guyana's mining industry has faced rampant smuggling,particularlywith regardtogold.

Following a statistical report by Kaieteur News highlighting a year-on-year declineingolddeclarations, the government announced an investigation into reports ofsmuggling.

Itwasreportedthatsince 2017,golddeclarationshave b e e n d w i n d l i n g Government says after the report indicated that an investigation was underway as authorities here believe the resources are being smuggledintoneighbouring Brazil.

a n t Environmental Permit pertaining to petroleum development activities, including exploratory activitieswithintheStabroek Block, iv) or any other change in environmental risks or circumstances that wouldreasonablyimpactthe estimated liability; then, if requestedbyeitherparty,the Guarantor, the Beneficiary and the Operator shall promptly re-negotiate the Maximum Amount herein defined, and such further terms,asmaybenecessaryto fairly and equitably reflect thechanges.”

Notably, the agreement makes it clear that the sum will not decrease as the US$2B is will remain floor amount.

Concerns have been constantly raised about the adequacy of the limited oil spill guarantee submitted by the Stabroek Block partners.

With another project approved by the EPA for oil

production since the guaranteewassignedandthe changes to the Stabroek Block reserves, this will justify the need for stronger financial protection from a spillthatcanoccuroffshore.

A t t h e s i x t h development- WhiptailsanctionedonApril10,2024, ExxonMobil to plans to produce as much as 250,000 barrelsofoilperday.

The project poses an increased risk of an oil spill, as outlined in the Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA).

Notably, the Executive Director of the EPA, Kemraj Parsramwhileappearingasa guest on the Energy Perspectives Podcast earlier thisyearsaidtheUS$2Bsum was not “pulled from a hat”

but was determined as the “reasonable credible cost” using guidelines from the NationalOffshorePetroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA)ofAustralia.

“We looked at what our Act says about financial assurance and strengthened those requirements (by) looking at what exists in other jurisdictions we looked at NOPSEMA in Australia, we looked at UK, welookedatother(partssuch as the) US and Canada and we put in key measures becauseouractsaysfinancial assurance has to be at an amount,”Parsramexplained.

Hecontinued,“HowdoI come up with that amount? I can'tjustpullitoutofahat,so I looked at NOPSEMA guidelines and they have to require an estimate of the reasonablecrediblecostofan oil spill and then that will be able to give you some guidance of what it will cost andsowehavedonethatand we have an initial value and we have put in place an agreement- it's all in the publicdomain.”

Appeal Court Judge,

Justice Rishi Persaud had orderedExxonMobilGuyana to lodge a US$2B parent and/or affiliate company guarantee as a condition to a stayofexecutiongrantedona lowercourt'sorder

That order, originally issued by High Court Judge, JusticeSandilKissooncalled for an unlimited parent company guarantee to be provided to the EPAby June 10 or the Liza Phase One Project Permit would be suspended.

Each Co-Venturer has contributed to the US$2B guarantee, relative to its participating interest in the S t a b r o e k B l o c k ExxonMobil, the operator of the Stabroek Block, holds a 45% interest, while Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30% interest and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited holds 25% interest. Jamestown Insurance Company Limited is the Guarantor for Hess; while CNOOCLimited,acompany organizedinHongKongand Exxon Equity Holding Company is the Guarantor for CNOOC and Exxon, respectively

EPAboss, Kemraj Parsram
President,ExxonMobil Guyana, Alistair Routledge

Kaieteur News

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



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Govt. national development priorities

As Guyanese learn by way of announcement last week that government has transferred $62.3B more from the NaturalResourcesFundbringingitstotalwithdrawaltodate for the year to $239.176B, questions continue to be asked whatspecificprojectsthesefundshavebeenusedfor TheMinistryofFinanceinastatementsaidthatpursuant to the Natural Resource Fund (NRF)Act 2021, as amended by the Fiscal Enactments (Amendment) Act 2024, Parliamentary approval has been granted for US$1,586,150,331 (equivalent to G$329,885,563,088) to be withdrawn from the NRF in 2024. According to the ministry, in accordance with this approval, the Government of Guyana has made its fourth transfer for 2024, totalling US$300million (equivalent to G$62.394 billion) from the NRF on October 1, 2024, to the Consolidated Fund. This brings the accumulatedwithdrawals to date up to US$1.150 billion (equivalent to G$239.176 billion) within the total of US$1.586 billion (equivalent to G$329.9 billion) approved tobewithdrawnin2024.

Chairman of the National Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC), Jermaine Figueira in on record like severalotherscallingfortransparencywhenusingGuyana’s oil money He even cited the need for possible amendments to the Act. Section 16.2 of the Act states that “All withdrawals from the Fund shall be deposited into the Consolidated Fund and shall be used only to finance: (a) national development priorities including any initiative aimed at realising an inclusive green economy, and (b) essentialprojectsthataredirectlyrelatedtoamelioratingthe effectofamajornaturaldisaster.”

To date, government has budgeted approximately US$2.6B in oil money through 2022 to 2024. Revenues earned from oil are transferred to the Consolidated Fund, blurringtracksofexpenditure.Governmentisyettoidentify the “national development priorities” being funded by oil revenue. This is particularly concerning because the legislationfeaturesnopenaltiesformisuseofthefunds. Figueira however, pointed to the need for transparency whenusingresourcesfromthesector.HenotedthattheNRF Actisclearonhowthefundsshouldbespent.Hesaidthus:” we require more specifics because theAct is very clear with regards to how those funds should be spent and if you just lump sum it into the consolidated fund we need to know definitely of those funds that were transferred into the consolidated fund that are they being used for the specific purposes with regards to what the Act speaks to.” We supportMr Figueira’scallsbecauseGuyanesepoliticiansin governmentaftergovernmentcannotresiststealingmillions upon millions from road building, school construction, public works projects, along with many other areas where huge amounts of the taxpayers’ money had to be spent. Whattheydidn’tsteal,theysquanderedrecklessly,andthey always made sure that they had help just as crooked as themselves. Bureaucrats at senior levels in the public service were put in those positions to ensure that the corruptionmachineryhummedwithoutinterference.

The few honest, ethical public servants in the system were either reassigned or removed from where they could see how things are operating and, therefore, raise alarms, objections. All of this was before the coming of Guyana’s Oil Age. It is a fabulously rich oil age overflowing with promise, but also one that is laced with the humanoriginateddevastationsthatdrainawaymostofwhatitcould represent,ifhandledcleanlyandcorrectly Thisiswhatlocal experts and even outsiders have warned this country about, howitshouldbecareful,whatishastodo.

Like Figueira this paper had warned before about the vagueness of withdrawing the oil money to fund “national development priorities.” National development priorities are broad enough to mean nothing, and a clever political

Second bridge across Rupununi River needed

DEAREDITOR, vicinity of the Katoonarib/ said, can the relevant accessthevillagewithoutthe

Over the years the state Sawariwau area that authorities build another hassle of getting into a boat has constructed two bridges connectsthemainroadtothe bridge across the Rupununi to transport goods, etc. In acrosstheRupununiRiverin villages in the south River to give residents of conclusion, at present, the Southern Region Nine especially Aishalton and Sand Creek easy access? dry season is on until April Thanks to those in authority beyond. During the season it is nextyear who did such a significant

Weknowthatbridgescan difficult for vehicles to cross This is the ideal time to jobatthattime. be costly to build, but exceptforcrossingpeopleby start building the bridge

One bridge is located at citizens’ convenience and boat,whichisdangerous. which can be a significant Karaudarnau Village, which easy access in and out of a Sand Creek, sitting in the gift from a generous gives easy access to the place with less hassle valley; is a vibrant and government for the residents community even during the especially when there is an growing community and I of Sand Creek and others rainy season when the water emergency, is paramount to believe it’s time for the who travel there for tourism level is high.The other is the making residents, and relevantauthoritiestobuilda etc. bigonethatisbuiltacrossthe commuters’liveseasy bridge across the Rupununi Yours Sincerely, same river located in the With the above being River so that commuters can MedinoAbraham MSc

‘Suriname/Guyana: good and bad governance’

DEAREDITOR, Suriname’s state-owned oil spendingcanconcealthefact divisions’ (The International In ‘Suriname graduated: company, Staatsolie, has thatwithoutrelativelystrong Institute for Democracy and Guyana failed’ (VV been boasting that his governance, Guyana cannot ElectoralAssistance). 1 5 / 0 9 / 2 0 2 4 K N country has clinched a far adequately confront a strong LastweekIdealtwiththe 16/09/2024) I reported that superior production sharing foreign investor Indeed, in presentation made by Mr according to V-Democracy, a g r e e m e n t w i t h our political context an Vincent Alexander at the t h e w o r l d ’ s m o s t TotalEnergies compared to individual party that F o r b e s B u r n h a m comprehensive democracy Guyana’s with ExxonMobil threatens such an investor Foundation’s 2024 Elvin index, while Suriname is and its co-venturers. He opens itself to being M c D a v i d M e m o r i a l proceeding towards being a said while Guyana has 2 perpetuallyinopposition! Symposium on the theme fully-fledged liberal percent royalty and 50 Unlike Suriname, the ‘How can an Electoral democracy, Guyana is percent profit split and no e x i s t i n g p o l i t i c a l System for Guyana engineer galloping towards becoming taxes, Suriname’s agreement majoritarian ethnic context a system of Governance that an autocracy Governance in provides for 6.25 percent has locked Guyana’s is responsive to the Plurality Guyana lacks most of the royalty, profit split based on population in ‘the politics of of the Guyanese Society?’ important values of a liberal “the higher the oil price the fear’ - a state in which Today I will deal with the democratic society, e g better” for Suriname, but the governmentalcompetenceor contribution made by, Ms. checks and balances on the lower the oil price the bad behaviour is not ShaniekaHaynesatthesame executive, adherence to the contractor “gets protected.” adequately punished. ‘The event on behalf of the rule of law, the separation of Additionally, he said core idea of the Politics of People’s National Congress powers, focus on the Surinamehasastabletaxrate Fear is that as long as Reform(PNCR). common good instead of of 36 percent ’ (DW supporters need the leader to To recap, Mr Alexander parochial ethnic appeals and 03/10/2024). maintain power this ruler told his audience that in coercion, the primacy of Tothosewhoarguethatit can deviate from the Guyana ‘no single group localdemocracy,etc.Indeed, is not the system but the preferred policy of his should be able to dominate, some of its adherents claim people, Suriname does not following in other matters and that conflation and that by directly going to have more intelligent or and still keep their support. consensus should prevail’. opposition ethnic localities moral people than Guyana. Inparticular,itshowsthat T h e p r i n c i p l e o f and undermining the local As I noted in the article a ruler that is kleptocratic, ‘subsidiarity’ should limit governments for electoral referred to above, what inefficient and costly to all the scope of central gain, the PPP is developing Suriname does have is a groups in society may still g o v e r n m e n t T h e s o m e n e w k i n d o f more accountable and have a basis of support that determination of who is democracy! inclusive governance model. fears a change in the status president should be a

verbal construction to house any amount of wastage for selfenriching projects, and any kind of crookedness concocted by perverted politicians. It is why the government ensured that most of the people around the NRF are from inside the PPP/C circle. It is an example of keeping all in the family, with all the likely political tricks condoned, all the smooth leadershipcover-upsnotmatteringatall.

When Guyanese urgently need the highest level of integrity and accountability saturating every action of the NRF,theyaregiventheequivalentofprimarilypartypeople. For something like the NRF, Guyanese would only get truth, cleanliness, and justice with a truly independent, and a truly international group without the ties that bind to any government in this country Otherwise, it the same story of old skullduggeries operating under the not-so-new umbrella of“nationaldevelopmentpriorities”whichwereheardabout before, and leave this nation where it has always been stuck. Thewhat,why,who,andhowareallleftunaskedand,hence, unknown.

Recently, a report that Guyana, with all its natural quo.This is especially true if function of a process in the epitomises Guyana’s resources, has been falling civil society is divided on legislaturethattheallowsfor decades-long descent has and failing to provide the ascriptive grounds. This the appointment of a cabinet cometothefore,whichinthe good life for its people for basis of support may even be based on proportionality and present context deserves some considerable time. No willing to fight to return to aprimeministerbasedonthe comment. ‘The Chief amount of exclusive, the previous status should consensus and that the Executive Officer of divisive and suboptimal their ruler be deposed. powers of the executive and Consistent with the model, the legislature should be t h e s e t e n s i o n s a r e significantly reduced I exacerbatedbyahighdegree concluded that, though of specific income easy to vague,Alaxander’sapproach expropriate such as oil is within the range of what r e v e n u e s ’ Guyanese society requires if (https://gerardpadro com/pu itsdeclinetowardsautocracy blished-papers/PoF- and suboptimal management RES.pdf). istobereversed. Because majoritarianism So let us see how the in ethnically divided PNCR, by way of Ms countries such as Guayana Shanieka Haynes, plans to exacerbates the politics of remove or significantly fear, ‘[i]f any generalisation reduce the politics of fear about political institutional S h e b e g a n q u i t e design is sustainable, it is rhapsodically ‘Today, we that majoritarian systems are gathernotjustasmembersof ill-advisedforcountrieswith thePNCR,ormembersofthe deep ethnic, regional, F o r b e s B u r n h a m religious and other Foundation,butasguardians emotional and polarizing (Continued on page 5)

A call for better road management and traffic solutions

DEAREDITOR, added to our roads, a large The absence of proper Railway Embankment Road proper planning, and traffic productivity, and resources. The Government often number of them converging planningandmanagementto from Turkeyen to Ogle is management — are being It is time the authorities touts its extensive and daily on the capital city This accommodate this growing even worse. Potholes and neglected, by all state address these issues so that expensive infrastructure influx compounded by trafficvolumeisglaring. unevenness are common, agenciesinvolved. thecitizensofthiscountryno projects as one of its key p o o r l y m a i n t a i n e d Just after 6 PM this past large unlit vehicles are New roads alone, longer have to suffer in achievements. Yet, despite infrastructure is causing Sunday (a non-working, parked on both sides, withoutpropermanagement, silence. billions of dollars being unbearable traffic jams n o n - s c h o o l d a y ) , I encroaching on the roads, will not solve the growing Finally, I take this spent each year, the quality costing countless man- experienced firsthand the while the traffic lights at the crisis. The Office of the opportunity to appeal to my ofroadmanagementremains hours,wastefuel,andfurther unacceptable state of road junction of Embankment President,wheremuchofthe fellow citizens, who daily deplorable and dangerous, harmtheenvironment.Many conditions between RoadandOgleAirstripRoad planning resides, along with endure similar challenges in contributing significantly to of the commercial vehicles, Wa t e r l o o S t r e e t i n havebeennon-functionalfor the Ministry of Public other parts of the country, to the high level of accidents too large for the narrow, Georgetown, where I work, several days To make Works, the Ministry of speak out and let our anddeathsonourroads. deteriorating roads, and Ogle on the lower East matters worse, the Airstrip Housing, and the police, politicians hear their voices.

‘Suriname/Guyana: good...

Every month, about a contribute to the worsening Coast Demerara, where I Road itself is in a terrible must bear responsibility for If we fail to act, we will have thousand new vehicles are road and traffic situation. live Along Carifesta stateofdisrepair the consequences of their no one but ourselves to Avenue, only a couple of Meanwhile, our political poor planning, coordination, blame when this crisis turns s t r e e t l i g h t s w e r e leaders, who are quick to and execution. The State, into a permanent nightmare. functioning,leavingmuchof celebrate multi-billion- through its incompetence, Thisletterisbeingsenttothe the road in darkness. On the dollar road projects, are failures, and inattention, is Office of the President, the East Coast Highway, the chauffeured around, some directly responsible for the Ministry of Public Works, medians are poorly marked, with sirens, and seem hazards that road users face the Ministry of Housing, and forcing drivers to navigate uncaring of the everyday daily I urge the relevant the police to ensure that treacherous conditions, frustrations faced by the authorities to not only focus those in positions of compounded by oncoming average road user They on building new roads but to responsibility are directly vehicles blinding them with remain detached from the ensu

From page 4 disconnects fosters of a vibrant nation that disenfranchisement,tension, embodies a mosaic of and ultimately, political cultures, customs, beliefs, instability.’ languages,andtraditionsour The obvious question for Guyana, a truly plural the PNC is what is to be society.’ Ms. Haynes must done?Therewerethenormal havebeenusingtheconcepts political platitudes about the very loosely, for Guyana is need for more civic not ‘a nation’, ‘a people’ or education, etc , and Ms an ordinary plural society It Haynes appeared to forget isabicommunalsocietywith that it was the PNCR that a lengthy history of ethnic firstbrokethetraditionofthe struggle and this is precisely deputy speakership of the the reason why after some national assembly going to fifty years of independence the opposition or that the the population is still being L o c a l G o v e r n m e n t bombarded by aspirational Commission,withitscurrent but wholly utopian notions structure and reach, was a like‘OneGuyana’. creatureofthePNCR.

Nevertheless, Ms More substantially but Haynes broadly recognised far to narrow, Ms Haynes that this ethnic diversity ‘has recommended that ‘[w]hile brought us challenges, a p r o p o r t i o n a l particularly in matters of representation system is governance and public used for the general and administration’andthat‘asa regional elections, we must plural society, we must consider a shift towards a confront the reality that our complete proportional electoral system influences representationsysteminour how well our governance local government elections reflects this diversity The She also advocated multimechanisms of our member electoral districts democracy must serve all and the strengthening of segments of our population localgovernancestructures equitably It should be ‘Inclusive governance understood [that] every means regularly engaging grouping of the society all stakeholders and that deservesrepresentation to governmentalappointments protect their fundamental should reflect the ethnic rights and interests ’ diversity of Guyanese According to her, the current society.’ electoral system is flawed Thus, if in the effort to and is ‘perceived as find a solution to Guyana’s favouring one group over persistent democratic another. Dominance by a decline Mr. Alexander’s single party leads to the recommendation was alienation of minority somewhat vague, Ms. voices, creating an Haynes’ contribution was environment where many uninspiring. feel their interests are not Sincerely, adequately represented.This Dr Henry Jeffrey

he effective informed of the concerns high beams. I even had to realityofthosewhonavigate management, maintenance, r a i s e d , a n d m o r e turn on my hazard lights due these poorly managed roads and long-term planning of importantly, will act on to the poor visibility and daily Despite all the funds our existing infrastructure. them. dangersontheroad! spent, it is clear that the core Immediate action is critical

Sincerely, The situation on the issues maintenance, topreventfurtherlossoflife, Christopher Ram

Putting the cart before the horse on the curriculum at Annandale Secondary School

DEAREDITOR, demand for the specialist children how to play musical It’ssimplynotpossibleto Ideally, one would like teachers is always greater instruments associated with cover ‘everything’ in the for students to have a than supply. However, while that religion and how to school especially if the rounded educational exposure to these subjects is enhance their singing required resources are not experience for example, desired one is still able to abilities by being a part of a available therefore, I find it exposure to areas such as receive a solid educational choir or singing ‘bhajans’, mindboggling that a music,foreignlanguagesand experiencewithoutthemand parents should provide situation that requires only art apart from the traditional there are options that the experiences and exposure to ‘commonsense’ to resolve subjects in our public child and parents can activities and courses that quickly and easily is a sore schools. explore. For instance, if one would broaden the minds of point.

However, the resources wants to learn French one their children. And many On the timetable at (teachers) may not be can simply join an online young people do take on the Annandale Secondary available to achieve what is course, learn from YouTube responsibility of enrolling School, periods were desired at the unit level and orenrolinaphysicalclass. themselves in activities and allocated for special onesimplyhastobepractical Furthermore, moulding a courses that they find subjects, which do not have and work with what is at child by providing exposure relaxing, interesting or what teachers The teachers handinindividualschools.It to different subjects is not would teach them valuable haven’t reported for duty as is well known that certain solely dependent on the skills and knowledge to yet and they’re not a part of areas do not attract a large school system While

the staff. Also, this situation enrolment therefore, for religious places do play their personal and professional isareplayofwhathappened these ‘special subjects’ part in this area by teaching goals.

(Continued on page 6)

Discriminatory approach to cash grant distribution must stop

DEAREDITOR, tremendous wealth at our The same can be said for the some of the oil money It is looks past the present and transfer programmes already The discriminatory disposal. disbursement of cash grants unfortunate that all who are onlyfocusesonthefuture. existinoursocietywherewe approach to cash grant Let us not be fooled by for business and to workers equally entitled, some feel Cash transfer or cash see the business sector distribution must stop, the ‘one Guyana,’ talk, invarioussectorsofsociety they must sell their dignity grant is the right of every gettingindirectformsofcash forthwith What the which was a 2006 Elections In this oil and gas andsoulforamessofpottage Guyanese citizen The transfers through tax Jagdeo/Ali regime has done Campaign slogan used by economy Guyanese are orabetterlife. Constitution of Guyana w a i v e r s , d u t y - f r e e is taken a well-intentioned Robert Corbin, now adopted being reduced to feel they This money is ours. We expressly outlines that we concessionsandmuchmore. policy, initially articulated in and misappropriated by must grovel to benefit when must develop the will power are heirs of the nation and The opportunities and 2018 by Professor Clive IrfaanAli.Thisregime,apart they are equally entitled. to hold the Government and entitled to participate in its conditionalitiesarelimitless. Thomas to create economic from casting aside a Also of national import is Opposition accountable to bounties. We must fight not The benefits to society are opportunities and lift carefully thought out and that there exists no ensure its fair, equal and grovel for the respecting of bountiful. Guyanese must Guyanese out of poverty, to consensually arrived at accountability for how the equitable distribution. And thisright. notallowthisopportunityfor pursue a partisan political national motto, is seeking to money is being spent. This when I say this, I mean now, I repeat the call for people’s empowerment agenda that is dividing more superimpose one man’s ego policy is underpinned by not after another election. equitable and transparent through cash transfer to be thanunitingthisnation. ontheentiresocietybutafter corrupt and criminal intent. The Opposition has a cash grant disbursement d i

Where at least half the four years has failed to This is the people’s money responsibility to give made by GTUC in 2018, discriminatorily applied nation lives in poverty in the articulate a policy and show and why must it be political leadership to a shortly after Thomas made And where the regime is world’s richest economy, per this nation that ‘one Guyana’ distributed, in salt bags and vexing matter of public hisproposalpublic. recalcitrant, we the people capita, we must demonstrate isinclusiveofall. cartoon boxes, outside of a import that requires political There is nothing new must force them to see the high level of intolerance for ThePeople’sProgressive structured organisation like resolution. The push by about social programmes errant of their ways and the pervasive discriminatory Party (PPP) is good at taking the post office where a trail c i t i z e n

n d c i v i c with direct and indirect cash changecourse. policy that aims to do two well-intended ideas and can be kept and opened to organisations will mean transfers, with or without Sincerely, things: (1) transfer the policies and screwing them auditing. nothing if the Opposition conditionalities. Cash Lincoln Lewis nation’s wealth to a few, and up. For instance, the Guyana This regime is running (2) as token handouts to Trades Union Congress ‘cow’ with our money. secure silence, buy or keep (GTUC), in its 15-point Whilst some are advocating votes. proposal on the cash for renegotiating the oil

The mismanagement of transfer/grant identified contract, the money that our resources and wealth is using oil and gas money to flows from the existing not what our forebears support home improvement contract sees the majority fought for and envisaged. projects in a just and economicallymarginalised. Theirs was the vision to equitable manner The PPP It is disgusting to watch createasocietyofinclusivity has taken the fantastic idea our men, more particularly andaneconomicprogramme andmisappropriateditforits our women, driven to put where all benefit Ours own self-serving and voting their dignity under their feet, become the responsibility to buying agenda, creating gyrating to Ali and other pursue, protect, build and more animosity than government officials who bequeath these values even camaraderie among the are operating like lords, in moreso now with this people in the communities. order that they too can get

Putting the cart before the horse on...

From page 5 unsupervisedandlefttotheir recommendation on the during a previous academic own devices. While they matter, I am yet to see any year The ‘special teachers’ may enjoy this who should positive changes and this are either contract or part be held responsible if

time workers who are just anything goes wrong with remains; I am affected. I was paidforthehourstheyteach. themduringtheseperiodsfor told by a teacher on the One would expect that these instance, if a fight breaks out Senior Leadership Team that teachers would only be or they engage in other the administrative staff is timetabled when they report unacceptable behaviour? waiting on a directive from to the HM of school for duty Also, when unsupervised the VIP(s) at the Ministry of but the illogical has children tend to become Education to remove the occurred. In fact, regular noisy and loiter on the subjects (without teachers) subjects such as HFLE and corridors thereby affecting from the time table.Whether Reading were either the children and teachers in this is true or not, I think removed or periods reduced nearby classes. Also, should basic common sense without to accommodate these level supervisors and heads the need for instructions ‘teachers’ and although of departments be held from ‘those above’ can be we’reintothe6thweekofthe responsible for the employed to resolve this termthey’reyettoappear! consequences of decisions matter

This situation negatively they never played a part in Let other subjects be affects the students and making? given the ‘free periods’until teachers of the school. The Although I voiced my thespecialteachersarrive. studentsnowhavescheduled concerns with the relevant Yours faithfully, ‘free periods’where they are teachers and gave my Narissa Deokarran

AFC Govt. will share oil wealth with Guyanese through direct cash transfers

…promises to establish Petroleum Commission, hire int'l firm to review award of NPTAB contracts

Three-month-old Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes on Sunday revealed the party's plans to improve the lives of Guyanesewithinitsfirst100 daysinoffice,ifsuccessfulat theupcomingelections.

With National Elections likelytobeheldinNovember 2025, the party hosted a TownhallMeetinginQueens, New York to engage its supportersinthediaspora.

Hugheswasengagingthe audience in a question-andanswersegmentwhenhewas asked to share the party's plans to improve the lives of Guyanesewithinitsfirst100 days in office. The party's leader did not hesitate to highlight firstly that a Petroleum Commission wouldbeestablishedwiththe requisite experts to manage


He went on to explain, “In terms of immediate moneytoGuyanese,whether we call it cash transfer or whateveryoucallit,pickthe fivebesteconomistsyoucan in the Caribbean, let them identifywhatthecountrycan meet before and have that money directly transferred bystatutetothecitizens.”

Since Guyana started producing oil in 2019, the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) has received total deposits of US$4.8B, as at the end of June 2024

Presently, three Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels (FPSOs) are operating offshore. The operator of the Stabroek Block,ExxonMobilGuyana, producesonaverage650,000 barrelsofoilperday

Bandit shot dead, accomplice escapes during robbery

What was supposed to be a quick payday turned into chaos as one of two bandits was shot dead on M o n d a y i n N e w Amsterdam during a robbery, while his acco

d According to police the robbery under arms was committed on a jewellery and pawnshop on Trinity Street and Main Road New Amsterdam, Berbice at around10:20hrs.

Investigations revealed that two males clad in hoodies and armed with handguns entered the premises and proceeded to shootacustomerintheright legafterrobbinghim.

Earlier in the meeting during his opening remarks, Hughes pointed out that the country was now better positioned economically, compared to where it was prior to the commencement of oil production by Exxon. He explained, “the problem for Guyana today is not whether we have the financialresources.Itishow weactuallyplanandcreatea truly democratic, modern Guyana in which every singlecitizennotonlyplaysa role, not only has a vested interest but gets an equal share and an equal opportunity to participate in thecountry.”

The issue of direct cash transfers to Guyanese, using the proceeds garnered from the oil and gas sector has often been the subject of debate The current administrationhasdismissed the possibility of direct cash

transfers to citizens from the Natural Resource Fund (NRF),urgingthatthismove would not be sustainable. While some sections of society support direct cash transfers, other factors such as overheating of the economywasalsopreviously raised.

Nevertheless, to provide immediate assistance to the population, Hughes noted that businesses, especially thoseownedbywomen,will have access to capital at globally competitive rates. These firms will also enjoy guidance on their business plans.

Importantly on the leader's agenda is an international probe into the award of contracts. Hughes sent a strong signal indicating, “the message has to be sent that you cannot plunder the country and take its resources and get away

- Nigel Hughes

Leader of the Alliance For Change, Nigel Hughes addressing the Townhall Meeting in Queens, New York

free; and because we are ethnicallydivided,wedonot ask the locals to investigate, we hire one of the best internation

sic auditingfirmstocomeinand pick the five most egregious contract awards and hire again, international council tobeabletoprosecutethem. That message has to be sent early.”

The AFC leader also pointed to the need for a National Development Commission with experts to gather data in developing a 10 to 15 year development

plan. He added, “In terms of immediately, if we win, the first thing that I would change constitutionally immediately is to say look, we need a broad-based, national front government to address Guyana's future There is no point in winning and gloating if half the population or a third of the population are not on board. So, I will immediately engageallthemajorpolitical actorswithaviewofforming a government that can address our immediate issues.”

The owner of the establishment being a licensed firearm holder returned fire subsequent to hearing the commotion, which resulted in the men fleeingwiththestolenitems

o dischargerounds. The men then ran along Trinity Street into the compound of the New Amsterdam Primary school, where one of them was found lying face up, with a single gunshot wound to his chest. There werestolenitemsaswellas aTaurus9mmhandgunwith a magazine containing live rounds in the deceased pocketsandontheground. Investigations are ongoing.

New visa waivers reflect improvement in Guyana’s global standing - Foreign Minister

The recent visa waivers arenotonlyareflectionofthe efforts made to advance Guyana'sdiplomatictieswith international states but also an indication that the country's status has been improvedglobally

Guyana has signed agreements for visa free travel to the British Virgin Islands (BVI) and United Arab Emirates (UAE) which consistsofsevenindependent city-states: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Umm Al Qaiwain, Fujairah, Ajman, andRasAlKhaimah.

Thevisafreewaiversgive the countries and their citizens hassle free travel between the territories DuringarecentairingofThe EnergyPerspectivesPodcast, Minister of Foreign Affairs a n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l Cooperation, Hugh Todd shared what the waivers reallymeanforGuyana.

Todd noted that the agreements were a result of consistent efforts driven by the Irfaan Ali Led administration to strengthen peopletopeopleexchangeas well as the economic and

cultural exchanges between Guyana and other foreign states.

Todd explained that “In international systems countries have to brand themselves and they have to have an identity that is well respected.

Nation states have to continually work on improving their standing internationallyandthatpaves the way for agreements, MOUs and more importantly people to people exchange. Guyana has been for the last couple of year on that trajectory under the stewardship of President Dr MohamedIrfaanAli.”

The Foreign Minister noted that with Guyana's improved global standing citizens can look forward to tapping into more opportunities internationally He explained that the Irfaan Ali- led administration has had a very active in improving Guyana's international posture “So what, the President has done sincetakingofficewassetout very clear policy initiatives that I and the team at the

ForeignMinistrywerehappy toexecute.ThePresidenthad made it very clear that we focusonenergysecurity,food securityandclimatesecurity; thoseareallglobalinitiatives that are important for humanity as a whole,” Todd stated.

He explained that as a result international territories like the BVI and UAE have foundareasofmutualrespect and interest where it's both citizens can benefit. Todd explained: “With the UAE they are saying they comfortable with values that you have instilled in your people. So we are happy to have the people to people exchange…Itveryimportant for us, since we have many individuals who go to the UAE on regular basis that they have to go through a challengeofhaving toapply

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hugh Todd

forapassportsometimesthey have the time and money other cases they may waste timeandmoneybecausealot of these things may be time bound ” “We also have persons who want to come from the UAE …this poses a challenge as well. So having that reciprocal agreement is not only for diplomatic purposes…but also for the citizens,”headded. As it relates to the BVI, theForeignMinistersaidthat the Island is being embraced as a sister country within the CARICOM framework “ We are well aligned similarhistoryandvaluesand theywanttoengagethatthey canexportandwecanbenefit from because they are seeing opportunities as well so they want hassle free travel between the two States,” he said.

A storm in a teacup

The recent controversy be a political endeavor. Far craftsmanship.TheFineArts technology not just as a tool, stories with clarity and swirlingaroundtheaccessto from it. But it seems curious occupy a venerable place in but as a language through power. the National Gallery at that the very existence of a the hierarchy of human which to communicate ideas So, as the public debates Castellini House has given management committee has expression, but they require that are both timeless and who should have the keys to rise to a fervor that feels becomeamatterofprinciple, n u r t u r i n g t h r o u g h cutting-edge. These art Castellini House, we might disproportionate to its rather than a practical education, exhibitions, and forms invite viewers into dowelltorememberthatitis cause—a veritable tempest question of who is best public support—to sustain immersive environments thefateofthesevariedforms inateapot,ifyouwill. equipped to manage the their relevance in a society where they can engage with of visual expression that visual arts are seen not as a And yet, beyond the institution. One might ask increasingly driven by the ideas in ways that a painting m a t t e r s m o s t T h e luxury but as a vital part of accusations, the petitions, whether we are squabbling paceofthedigitalage. or sculpture cannot achieve administrative wrangling is our national life. This is the and the impassioned op-eds, over a question of Yet, alongside the alone The gallery of but a side note to the conversation we should be lies a question that has yet to administrative tidiness, classical,thereistherealmof tomorrow must be as open to symphony; the true having, rather than spilling be adequately addressed: while failing to address the the Applied Arts, which the possibilities of virtual challenge lies in envisioning ink over who has access to What is truly at stake for the broader and far more marry f

with reality as it is to the a future where all these whatdoor future of the visual arts in importantissue:thefutureof a


venerable tradition of oil on forms of art—fine, applied, If there is any hope for Guyana? thevisualartsinGuyana. Ceramics, furniture design, canvas.

The immediate squabble The true canvas of jewelry making, and textiles And then, there is photographic—are given the Guyana, it lies in moving centers on the role of concern, if one is willing to are no less deserving of a Photography and Film, that space and support they need beyond these petty disputes. political officials in the look past the sensationalism, place in our cultural unique intersection where to flourish. A gallery is not Let us instead focus on administrative affairs of the isthefateofthevisualartsin pantheon simply because documentationmeetsartistic just a building, nor is it

gallery Critics have rightly a nation struggling to define they carry with them a vision. These mediums have merely the sum of its

pointed out that Ministers of its cultural identity in the utilitarian purpose It is a special role to play in a exhibitions; it is a place recognizes the value of the government should not be 21st century Castellini through the applied arts that country like Guyana, whose wherethespiritofacultureis visual arts in all their forms, meddling in the mundane House, as the custodian of creativity finds its way into landscapes and stories are as curated, where ideas take and let Castellini House duties of an institution like the National Gallery, is but our daily lives, shaping our rich as they are varied shape, and where the past become the home of that the National Gallery one brushstroke in the environments and, in doing Throughthelensofacamera meets the present to inspire commitment rather than a Governance, they argue, broader tableau. The focus so,shapingus.Itisthrougha or the frame of a film, the thefuture. battlefield for competing oughttobepreoccupiedwith should not be merely on who beautifulvase,awell-crafted beauty, struggle, and The Castellini House interests. For in the end, it is policy, not the quotidian manages its operations, but chair, or a piece of jewelry complexity of Guyanese life controversy, then, is a not the committee meetings concerns of scheduling on the type of institution it that art extends its reach can be captured and shared, distraction from the real that will shape our artistic exhibitions. Indeed, in an ought to be, and how it can beyond the walls of a gallery not just within our borders work that lies ahead. What legacy, but the works that ideal world, one could leave serve the visual arts across andintothehomesandhands but with the world. These matters is not which hang on the walls, and the these matters to a dedicated thecountry of the people.The visual arts visual forms, though often bureaucrat or politicain ideas that inspire those who management committee, Let us not forget what is cannot be confined to the takenforgrantedintheeraof holds sway, but whether the cometoseethem. independent of political encompassed by the term high-minded galleries and the smartphone, remain institution can serve as a (The views expressed in influence, ensuring that “visual arts.”At its heart lies salons; they are equally at crucial to preserving the platform for artists of every this article are those of the Castellini House remains an the Fine Arts those home in the marketplaces narrative of a nation A stripe to display their talents a u t h o r a n d d o n o t apolitical refuge for artists classical disciplines that and homes of ordinary gallery that seeks to embody and engage with their necessarily reflect the andtheirpatrons. h a v e s h a p e d o u r Guyanese. the spirit of Guyanese art audiences. What matters is opinions and beliefs of this

Ye t , t h e r e i s a understanding of aesthetic Nor can we neglect the cannotignorethepotentialof whether we can create an n e w s p a p e r a n d

t s counterpoint to be made. excellence for centuries Contemporary Arts, those these mediums to tell our environment in which the affiliates.) Why erect such a committee Painting,drawing,sculpture, vanguard forms that seek to whenthestatealreadyboasts and printmaking form the push the boundaries of how a fully-staffed Ministry of bedrock of any serious art is perceived and Culture,Youth,andSport?Is artistictradition,drawingthe experienced Video art, it not the purview of such a gaze of the beholder into a installation art, and digital or Ministry to oversee cultural worldwhereform,color,and multimedia works have institutions like the National composition become opened up new possibilities Gallery? And, crucially, is vehicles for emotional and for artistic expression, the establishment of a intellectual exploration demanding that we expand management committee These are not the products of our definitions and our merely a duplication of quick consumption but expectations of what art can bureaucraticeffort? works that demand time, be. It is here, perhaps more This is not to say that the contemplation, and an than anywhere else, that the oversight of a gallery should a p p r e c i a t i o n f o r futureofartlies,asartistsuse

Dem Boys Seh...

Another one coming!

DeCPLdone,andjustwhenyuhthought alreadyaskingdembossesfuhadvanceonde cricket fever cool down, here come another salary Dem seh dem want fuh “invest in tournamentfuhstartinNovember Yuhgotta entertainment.” But between me and you, laugh, man! CPL done leff people with dem boys seh dat just mean dem want empty pockets and big debts, but yet dem another round of cricket and rum. And how planning fuh bring in another cricket party dem tickets price going up, yuh might think Dem boys want fuh know, who really yuhbuyingaticketfuhflyoverseas,notfuha coming back to Guyana fuh dis one? Yuh cricketmatchrighthereinGeorgetown! mean fuh tell me people who barely pay off Butdon’tworry,demboyssehGuyanese dem CPL tickets already gat more money creative. When de cricket start, yuh gan see stashsomewhere? demstadiumpackupagain.

Somefolksstillcountinghowmuchdem Some people go sell dem old fridge or de owedeneighborwholenddemlilchangefuh sofasetfuhraisemoney,whileothersgandig getaseatindestadiumfuhdeCPL.Andnow up de lil savings dem had fuh Christmas. de promoters talking ‘bout “de next big Who need new curtains fuh de house when ting!” yuhcouldwatchcricketlive,right?

Dem boys seh, if yuh barely had enough So,denexttournamentcoming,anddem fuh buy a drink last time, where yuh gan get boys seh Guyanese ready fuh another debt! money fuh buy a whole new round? But this One ting bout we, we always ready fuh lime, is Guyana—people does always find a way even if we gat to borrow fuh de drinks and tofindmoneywhendepartycalling. begfuhdeticket. Dem boys hearing how some people Talk half. Leff half


Say that again- a superstar for a president

Every Guyanese should beleftinopen-mouthedawe

a t t h e i n c r e d i b l e achievement(s) of President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali. Though some darkness still clings stubbornly to him, he is emerging from the shadows.

Newbook,believeitor not. And all by himself. What a guy! What a characterandleader! Whata writer and righter of all that iswrongnotonlyinGuyana but in the region, too. Are there some early whispers forthehighestrecognitionof all: the Nobel Prize for Literature?

If Israel's Menachem Begin (a lethal terrorist) could have won the Nobel Peace Prize with Egypt's Anwar Sadat in 1978, then the odds are overwhelming that Guyana's Irfaan Ali could do the same in Literature in 2025. The smartmoneyisonhim.

The smarter money is placed on a horse that goes by the name of Questions. TheOfficeofthePresidency does have its uses, its stable

of groomers and spongers, someasoldasthetimewhen Burnham was king of the hill. So, too, UG is known for its skill in attracting thoroughbred foreign researchers and a complete toolkit of skills necessary to push and polish a finished product. Themysteryishow muchispush,andhowmuch is polish. The president, however, must be congratulatedforreapingthe payoff.

Hisnameisonthecover, andhisvisionisthathistitle andhistellingofawonderful tale will now be etched into immortality

The least that observers should expect is that the childrenofhungryGuyanese would be able to partake of what could become mandatory reading about foodsecurity Itfollowsthat old tradition, the practice of poor people all over the world: they always want better for their children

Though the parents know what it is to be hungry, their offspring, at least, get to absorbthetextbookvitamins

and minerals that are so essentialinfoodsecurity

Clearly President Ali's choice of topic (and title) delivers with a powerful melody

What could be of more timelinessthanabookabout food security? Will somebodypleaselendahand toadummy? Timelinesshas so much that could be said about it, w

Excellency is concerned. Is

d e n t a n overachiever or what? Do Guyanese have a superstar for the ages on their hands andnothaveaclueabouthis presence?

Where does President Ali find the time? How much does this say about how well he manages his time? Has Guyana's uber president bent time to obey his will? As all Guyanese should know, including the naysayers and so-called scholars tied to the civil and political opposition, the presidenthassomuchonhis hands. Yet he could have spared one hand and a few fingers to type away

relentlesslyandskillfullyata keyboardanddeliverabook thatisthestuffofgenius.

President Ali is forever winging his way from foreign capital to foreign capital.

First class aviation accommodations do allow thespaceandserenitytocoin a fulsome phrase or two whilecruisingat35,000feet. Itisanewwaytobeatjetlag and avoid the dehydration that comes from partaking too much in the spirits that roam so freely and are pouredsogenerouslyatsuch altitudes.

The superman Guyana leader could have had the presence of mind to pen a word of a few more when leading his caravans to all partsofGuyana,somebyair, some by trail, and some by foot.

Ali is such a champion writer that he must be commended for writing while walking at full speed overbothhillyandpotholed terrain. Talkaboutferocious concentration, and Mohamed Irfaan Ali is the

man. The thought flashesthattheheadof state had the brilliant idea to write a book when he started writing orders for more birth certificates and land titles to be written for those Guyanese getting nowhere with obtaining such good stuff. How he wrote his book, and the story is not hallway through yet, while sofullyimmersedinallthese mattersbothroutineandofa more complex nature is beyond the comprehension ofordinarypeople.

What could be more complexthanstandingatthe head of people responsible for managing Guyana's greatest national resource patrimony, its grand oil bonanza?

Forget all this partisan nonsense about de facto and de jure president. President Aliisthemainman,isn'the? And that is no jive talking, folks.

Oil is on the brain, and the oil is already a pain, and Excellency Ali stretches his 24-hour clock to spin his

yarn. Mohamed Irfaan Ali must be given his toga and tunic: he is the best. Oil is well on its way to becoming a curse on Guyana's leaders, but President Ali digs into unknownwellsanddiscover acontinuousburstofenergy to write a book about food security

Thisisthedivinegrace that was the exclusive due ofEuropean kings, but now seized by a Third World president for his advantage byGuyana'sIrfaanAli. This confirms that familiar adage: the pen is mightier than the sword. It depends in whose hand wields it Simply astonishing, never fails to produce uncertainties. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)


Govt.planstobeefup monitoringofoilvessels

The government of Guyana is now drafting regulations to beef up monitoring of the oil and gas sector.

It is planning to put more men to police the shore bases and examine vessels leaving the country with oil and gas related items.

They are preparing to allow for the presence of officers on installation vessels with helipads to examine all cargo leaving and entering the country.

It is hard to believe that a government could be so visionless in addressing possible areas through which Guyana can be exploited.

Instead of fast tracking independent meters to ensure Guyana's oil is not being shipped away, government wants to subject monitoring of the sector to human biases.


TheGuyanaPoliceForce (GPF)onMondayappliedfor an extension of detention for the four suspects, who were allegedly involved in the abduction of Joshua David Called'Bricks.'

Police had issued a wanted bulletin for six persons in connection with the kidnapping of David, which occurred on September 26, 2024 in front of NewThriving Restaurant, located on Main Street Georgetown The accused have been identified as 34year-old Wayne Barker called 'onnie', 26-year-old Aaron Alleyne called 'Cats', 21-year-old Davantai Mars called 'Sharkie', 32-year-old

Joshua David, also known as ‘Bricks’

Damion Barlow called 'Dangles', 28-year-old Osafo Petersand35-year-oldAlpha Poole. All five of the men

have surrendered and two havesincebeencharged.

Last Friday Poole and Peters were remanded to

prison when they appeared before Magistrate Faith McGusty at the Georgetown Magistrates'Courttoanswer toanabductioncharge. The charges allege that on September26,2024,onMain Street, Georgetown, Poole andPeters,inthecompanyof others, abducted David with the intent to secretly and wrongfullyconfinehim.The men were not required to pleadtothechargeandwere remandedtoprison,withthe case adjourned to October 11,2024. OnFridayBarker, Alleyne, Mars and Barlow turned themselves into police. Effortsbythepolice thusfartolocateDavidhave beenunsuccessful.

Wayne Barker
Dwayne Griffith
Osafo Peters also known 'Saddest'
AaronAllyene also known as 'Cats'
Damion Barlow Alpha Poole

Local Security firm struggles with indisciplined Guyanese as it expands operations

Fi n d i n g

disciplined, honest and drugfree employees is one of the biggest challenges faced by Chief Executive Officer of local security firm, Secure Innovation and Concept

Incorporated (SI&C), HaroldHopkinson.

Hopkinson in an exclusive interview with Kaieteur News said that he employs over 400 employees.Notwithstanding that feat, the CEO said that his company suffers from a frequent turnover since the staffisfrequentlyfoundtobe indisciplined.

“The biggest challenge we have is getting honest drug-free employees when you give people to administer drug tests, they comeoutpositive.

It is a complex situation whereitislegalforpeopleto have small amounts of narcotics, but some clients

don't want anybody that is inhibitedbydrugs.”

Headded,“Wehavebeen hiring all the time because somepeoplecannotstandthe discipline…The thing is we have work, but people want themoneybutnotthework,” Hopkinsonsaid.

Established in 2006 and located at 246 Samaan

Drive, Meadowbrook Gardens, SI&C provides security services for seven local and international airlines as well as the securityfirmofchoiceatthe

Eugene F Correria International Airport with clients including U.S. oil giant,ExxonMobil.

Hopkinsondisclosedthat the majority of dismissals involveGuyanese.

“ S i n c e 9 5 % o f employees are Guyanese, they are the ones that give problems. We try very hard tobehumane…Weappealto the local content laws, but

Firewoman charged with seven counts of cybercrime

the few people we have workingherefromoverseas, like Nigeria and Dubai, the people are working,” he emphasized.

However, due to local content laws the firm will continuouslyhireGuyanese.

When asked about the average turnover rate, Hopkinson replied, “It varies I would say sometimes a month would haveeighttotenpeople,and a lot of them are being dismissed. Most of them are dismissed for impropriety, whereby they stay away for threedayswithoutamedical, excessive sleeping on the job, or improper record


H o p k i n s o n a l s o highlighted the challenges facedbysinglemothers,who often cannot find childcare whiletheywork.

“Itishorriblethatpeople cannot go to work because they don't have anyone to look after their kids,” he stated, noting that he is working on establishing a 24-hour day care for parent employees to address this issue.

He also noted that most femalesareapplyingandare fulfilling the employment requirements.

The CEO underscored the firm's commitment to

maintaining high standards and called for disciplined employees to uphold these

“We have a quality assuranceteam,andsafetyis (Continuedonpage16) A
Guyana Fire Service (GFS)
Firewoman Latoya Chu on bail
CEO of Secure Innovation and Concept Incorporated (SI&C), Harold Hopkinson

Guyanese American Entrepreneur Builds Six-Figure Cake Business in New York

SabrinaWright, a proud Guyanese

American,hasturnedherpassion forbakingintoasweetsuccess.

From her early beginnings in Guyana, where she learned the art of making everything from scratch, Wright now runs Golden Sugar Bakery, a thriving six-figure businessinQueens,NewYork.Herjourney, marked by resilience and dedication, is a testament to the power of hard work and entrepreneurialspirit.

Wright'sculinarypathbeganinherteens attheCarnegieSchoolofHomeEconomics in Guyana, an institution that has launched thecareersofmanychefsacrossthecountry Here, she developed the baking skills and discipline that would later serve as the


Growing up with Guyanese and Jamaican parents, Wright credits her upbringing with teaching her the values of determination and perseverance. "My parents always stressed the importance of hardworkandpushingthroughchallenges," Wrightsaid.

AftermovingbacktoNewYork,Wright furthered her education at the Culinary Institute of America, sharpening her culinary techniques. However, the grit she gained in Guyana drove her to launch Golden Sugar Bakery in 2019. She turned herdreamintorealitywithjust$19.84inher pocket.

Today, Golden Sugar Bakery is renownedforitselaboratecustomcakesand gourmet desserts, catering to many clients,

Sabrina Wright while at the Carnegie School of Home Economics

Sabrina Wright, owner of Golden Sugar Bakery, is lovingly known by her customers as the “Cake Lady”.


One of her early breakthroughs came when a cake she designed for a friend went viral on Instagram. Within six months, her business took off, andWright became one of themostsought-afterbakersinthearea. Wrightremainsconnectedtoherrootsby upholding the quality and authenticity instilled in her during her Guyanese upbringing.

With black cake season on the horizon, she plans to bake and sell authentic Guyanese black cake, shipping her signature Caribbean treats nationwide to reach a wider


Lookingtothefuture,Wrightplansto open a storefront and expand her business while remaining committed to giving back to the community, especially to her home country of Guyana, where her journeybegan.

From learning the artofbakinginGuyana to running a successful business in New York, Sabrina Wright's story is an inspiring example of perseverance and passion.

Sabrina Wright designed this Winnie the Pooh-themed cake for a baby shower.

Cancer cases up by 38%, 612 deaths recorded last year

The Ministry of Health's cancer registry has reportedastaggering38 percent increase in cancer cases in 2023, when compared to the previousyear

The cancer registry has revealedatroublingtrendincancer mortality rates, with deaths rising from 443 in 2022 to 612 in 2023, marking a significant increase Between 2019 and 2020, a total of 565 cancer deaths were recorded. Prostate cancer statistics show fluctuations over the years: 88 deaths in 2020, 81 in 2021, 71 in 2022, and 76 in 2023, the registry disclosed.

For lung cancer, there were 16 deathsin2020,risingto20in2022, andthenincreasing to29in2023. Colorectalcancerdeathsalsosawa rise, with 16 deaths in 2020, 20 in 2021,18in2022,and29in2023.It is important to note that these figures primarily reflect male patients.

Turning to female cancer statistics, breast cancer accounted for 50 deaths in 2020, 64 in 2021, 53 in 2022, and 56 in 2023. Lung cancer fatalities among women werereportedateightinboth2020 and 2021, dropping to six in 2022 beforerisingsharplyto17in2023. Colorectal cancer resulted in eightdeathsin2020,25in2021,23 in 2022, and a decrease to 13 in 2023. For cervical cancer, deaths rosefrom26in2020to35in2021, andthento43in2022,reaching45 in 2023. Lastly, ovarian cancer deathswererecordedat22in2020, 16in2021,eightin2022,and14in 2023.

This publication had reported thattheWorldHealthOrganization (WHO)'s published survey results from 115 countries, showing a majority of countries do not adequately finance priority cancer andpalliativecareservices,aspart of universal health coverage (UHC).

The IARC estimates, based on thebestsourcesofdataavailablein countries in 2022, highlight the growing burden of cancer, the disproportionate impact on underserved populations, and the urgent need to address cancer inequitiesworldwide.

In 2022, there were an estimated 20 million new cancer cases and 9.7 million deaths. The estimated number of people who werealivewithin5yearsfollowing a cancer diagnosis was 53 5 million About 1 in 5 people develop cancer in their lifetime, approximately 1 in 9 men and 1 in 12womendiefromthedisease.The global WHO survey on UHC and cancer shows that only 39% of participating countries covered the basics of cancer management as part of their financed core health services for all citizens, 'health benefitpackages'(HBP).Only28% of participating countries additionally covered care for people who require palliative care, includingpainreliefingeneral,and notjustlinkedtocancer

Three major cancer types in

The cancer burden in various Regions in 2023

2022: lung, breast and colorectal cancers

Thenewestimatesavailableon IARC'sGlobalCancerObservatory show that 10 types of cancer collectivelycomprisedaroundtwothirds of new cases and deaths globally in 2022. Data covers 185 countriesand36cancers.

Lung cancer was the most commonly occurring cancer worldwide with 2.5 million new

cases accounting for 12.4% of the total new cases. Female breast cancer ranked second (2.3 million cases, 11 6%), followed by colorectal cancer (1 9 million cases, 9.6%), prostate cancer (1.5 million cases, 7.3%), and stomach cancer(970000cases,4.9%).

Lung cancer was the leading cause of cancer death (1.8 million deaths, 18.7% of the total cancer deaths) followed by colorectal

cancer (900 000 deaths, 9.3%), liver cancer (760 000 deaths, 7.8%), breast cancer (670 000 deaths, 6.9%) and stomach cancer (660000deaths,6.8%).

Lung cancer's re-emergence as the most common cancer is likely related to persistent tobacco use in Asia.

Thereweresomedifferencesby sexinincidenceandmortalityfrom the global total for both sexes. For

women, the most commonly diagnosedcancerandleadingcause of cancer death was breast cancer, whereasitwaslungcancerformen. Breast cancer was the most common cancer in women in the vast majority of countries (157 of 185).

For men, prostate and colorectalcancerswerethesecond and third most commonly occurring cancers, while liver and colorectalcancerswerethesecond and third most common causes of cancerdeath.

Forwomen,lungandcolorectal cancer were second and third for both the number of new cases and ofdeaths.

Cervical cancer was the eighth most commonly occurring cancer globallyandtheninthleadingcause ofcancerdeath,accountingfor661 044newcasesand348186deaths. It is the most common cancer in women in 25 countries, many of whichareinsub-SaharanAfrica.

Even while recognizing varying incidence levels, cervical cancercanbeeliminatedasapublic health problem, through the scaleup of the WHO Cervical Cancer EliminationInitiative.

T o r e a d m o r e : https://wwwkaieteurnewsonline c om/2024/02/06/global-cancerburden-growing-amidstmounting-need-for-services/

Four int'l firms vying to supervise construction of hospitals in Moruca & Kato


consultancy companies out of Brazil, Portugal, Bulgaria and Colombia have submitted their proposals to provide supervision services for theconstructionofthestate-of-theart hospitals at Kato in Region Eight and at Moruca in Region One.

During the recent opening of bids at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office it was revealed that the Ministry of Health had tendered for the 'Supervision Services for the Design and ConstructionofMorucaHospital'.

Submitting their proposals to the NPTAB office for this project, the firms are Concremat Engenharia E Techologia SA Vielca (Brazil); Jose Ferraz & Associados Engenharia (Portugal); Project Planning and Management Limited (Bulagria); &IngenierosCivilesEspecialistas Ingenieria(Colombia).

Inaseparatereadingofbidsthe same firms would bid for 'Supervision Services for the Design and Construction of Kato Hospital'. Itshouldbenotedtheministry

had also tendered previously for contractors to build the hospitals; those projects are yet to be awarded.

This publication reported that the Kato and Moruca Hospital projectsarebeingfundedthrough a loan from the Inter-American DevelopmentBank(IDB).

The ministry in its tender document stated that the Government of Guyana received financingfromtheInter-American Development Bank under the Health Care Network Strengthening in Guyana project and intends to use part of the proceeds to fund the hospital projects.

This publication had reported that the US$97 million IDB loan secured by the Guyana Government in December 2022, forms part of a broader effort to strengthen the nation's healthcare network under the Conditional Credit Line for Investment Projects(CCLIP).

The comprehensive programme aims to bolster the capacity of seven hospitals across various regions, including key hinterlandareasandurbancenters.

According to reports, the loan

will be used to improve the health of the Guyanese population through increased access, quality, andefficiencyofhealthservicesby improving health outcomes associated with low and high complexityprocedures. Thiswillbedonebyexpanding the capacity of strategic hospitals, by extending coverage of diagnostic, medical consultation, and patient management services, inclusive of the country's hinterlands,throughdigitalhealth; andbyincreasingtheefficiencyof the public health system, by strengthening key logistic, management, and support


The project is also expected to target infrastructure improvement and expansion in seven priority hospitals, namely theGeorgetownPublicHospital Corporation (GPHC), the New Amsterdam Regional Hospital (NARH) and the Linden Hospital Complex (LHC), as well as four District Hospitals located in the hinterland (Moruca, Kamarang, Kato, and Lethem).

This newspaper understands that the state-of-the-art facility for Moruca is set to feature a modern medical laboratory, and a 24-hour operated Accident and Emergency Unit among other facilities.

The site for the new hospital hasalreadybeenidentifiedanditis locatedat3Miles,Moruca.

AsforthehospitalatKato,itis set to benefit residents of that Village and neighbouring communitiesandwillconsistof75 beds,amodernmedicallaboratory, and a 24-hour operated Accident andEmergencyUnit.

The world-class health facility issettobecompletedbytheendof 2025orthefirsthalfof2026.


Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.

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Integrating technology, culturally relevant curricula necessary to transform Caribbean education

Integrating technology into teaching, making curricula culturally relevant, emphasising critical communication skills, assessing students for learning rather than certification, and encouraging teacher adaptability are the bold strategies needed to revolutionise Caribbean education, according to Professor Joel Warrican, Director of the Caribbean Educational Research Centre.

In his address during the keynote session Indigenising and Decolonising Education for National and Regional Transformation, delivered during the Regional Symposium and Policy Dialogue on Transforming Education on Wednesday, 3 October 2024, Professor Warrican argued that the colonial legacy of “divide and conquer,” hierarchical school

structures, Eurocentric curricula, and an overreliance on rote learning have created a stratified society in the Caribbean that has also stifled entrepreneurial mindset across the region. “If we didn’t have a problem, we wouldn’t be doing education as we do it today. We have children leaving school just wanting a job because our education system did not encourage entrepreneurial thinking,” The University of the West Indies based educator remarked according to a CDB press release.

To achieve meaningful transformation in Caribbean education, Professor Warrican, who holds a Ph.D. in Education, Language, and Literacy, called for courageous leadership and creativity. He emphasised that mistrust of locally generated solutions remains a major barrier to progress, urging the

- Regional symposium hears

region to move away from elitism and classism, and adopt a unified, researchdriven approach to policymaking for sustainable change. “The worst thing to me is to see the insularity that exists in the Caribbean; that we all want to operate on our own; we all want to tick our own boxes, to say we have done this rather than coming together and working together. There is no reason why any single Caribbean country - and we are all talking the same language about transformation - there is no reason why we shouldn’t be tackling education transformation as a group as region, not as a country,” he stressed.

Professor Warrican also encouraged stakeholders to embrace homegrown

innovation that meets international standards and reduce dependence on donor- funded models. He called for a long-term financial commitment to ensure sustainable transformation within the region’s education system.

The three-day Regional Symposium and Policy Dialogue on Transforming Education, hosted by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) in collaboration with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat, the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States Commission, and The University of the West Indies, marks the beginning of a month-long series of events aimed at advancing the education transformation agenda in the region.

Mexican mayor murdered days after taking office

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AFP) — The mayor of a city in southern Mexico was murdered less than a week after taking office, authorities said, a crime condemned by President Claudia Sheinbaum on Monday as “deplorable.”

Local media reported that Chilpancingo mayor Alejandro Arcos was decapitated and his head left on the hood of a pick-up truck, but there was no official confirmation. An investigation was under way to establish the motive and arrest those responsible, Sheinbaum told a press conference.

The killing was the latest in a series of deadly attacks on politicians in the violenceplagued Latin American country — and the second in recent days in Chilpancingo, capital of Guerrero state.

The murder “fills us with indignation,” Guerrero state governor Evelyn Salgado wrote on social media, without providing further details of the circumstances.

Arcos was elected in June representing an opposition

coalition that included the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which denounced his killing as a “cowardly crime” and called for justice.

“Enough of violence and impunity! The people of Guerrero do not deserve to live in fear,” it said on social media platform X. The murder came days after the killing of another city official, Francisco Tapia, according to PRI president Alejandro Moreno. “They had been in office for less than a week. Young and honest officials who sought progress for their community,” Moreno said on X. Mexican politicians, particularly at the local level, frequently fall victim to bloodshed conn ected to corruption and the multibilliondollar drugs trade.

– Family pay tribute –

Hours before his death, Arcos had posted photos on social media of a visit to local communities affected by a recent hurricane.

In a message posted on Facebook after his death, Arcos’s family paid tribute to his “unwavering commitment

Firewoman charged with seven counts of...

to peace, unity and service to others.”

Guerrero, one of Mexico’s poorest states, has endured years of violence linked to turf wars between cartels fighting for control of drug production and trafficking.

Last year, 1,890 murders were recorded in the state, which is home to the beachside resort city of Acapulco, a former playground of the rich and famous now blighted by crime. Across Mexico, more than 450,000 people have been killed and tens of thousands have gone missing in a spiral of violence since the government deployed the army to combat drug trafficking in 2006.

Tackling the cartel violence that makes murder and kidnapping a daily occurrence in Mexico is

among the major challenges facing Sheinbaum, Mexico’s first woman president.

The former Mexico City mayor, who was sworn in on October 1, has pledged to stick to her predecessor Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s “hugs not bullets” strategy of using social policy to tackle crime at its roots.

She is due to unveil her security plan on Tuesday.

“We´re going to work in some states in particular with a greater presence, intelligence and investigation, in coordination with the governors,” she said.

At least 24 politicians were murdered during a particularly violent electoral process leading up to the June election that the key ruling party figure won by a landslide, according to official figures.

Local Security firm struggles...

From page 13

our main criteria. I can say our standards have gone through the roof. We don’t play with standards; hence, I need my employees to be disciplined to maintain my standard, and it is not very hard to do.”

When asked about hiring needs, he mentioned, “I can’t give you the exact stats, but we are constantly hiring and training.

Call : 227-2993 / 629-2424.

From page 13 firewomen, and an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). The alleged offenses took place between February 23 and February 26, 2024, in Georgetown. Appearing unrepresented before Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore, Chu pleaded not guilty to all charges. During the proceedings, the prosecutor outlined the case, stating that

Chu utilized a fake Facebook account to publish defamatory comments about the complainants. Once the posts were discovered, a report was made to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), which led to her arrest.

Following her apprehension, Chu’s mobile phone was confiscated. A search of the device revealed that she had created the fake

Facebook profile used to make the defamatory posts. When questioned about the allegations, Chu remained silent. Despite the seriousness of the charges, the prosecutor did not object to bail, which was granted in the amount of $350,000; that is $50,000 for each charge. Chu is scheduled to return to court on November 18 for the submission of statements.

We have solid employment; it is not part-time. Our training starts with safety, workplace etiquette, and the importance of access control—that’s our main job, to ensure that what comes into the compound is legitimate and that everyone who enters is authorized.”

Hopkinson founded the security firm in 1995 under the name TOPGUN Security Services. He noted that the company receives recommendations from foreign governments, including those of the United States and Canada. Recently, SI&C was honored with the President’s Award 2023 by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI). For further details on employment opportunities and requirements, interested individuals can contact SI&C via email at applications@sicincgy.com or by phone at 231-4410.

Self contained rooms to rent in Prashad Nagar.

Israel marks Oct. 7 anniversary under shadow of escalating war

REIM, Israel, Oct 7

foiled a rocket attack forces press on with their (Reuters) - Israelis on plannedbyHamas. mission to end Hamas’ rule Monday marked the first

The Hamas attack on of the enclave and demolish

a n n i v e r s a r y o f t h e Israeli communities around itsmilitarycapabilities. devastating Hamas attack Gaza and Israel’s relentless But the focus of the war that triggered a war which campaign in response have has increasingly shifted

has sparked protest destabilised the Middle East north to Lebanon where worldwide and risks igniting while the scale of the killing Israeli forces have been a far wider conflict in the and destruction have exchanging fire with MiddleEast. horrifiedpeopleworldwide. Hezbollah since the Iranian-

Ceremonies and protests

Vigils were also held backed group launched a in Jerusalem and Israel’s

barrage of missiles in south began around 06:29

supportofHamasonOct.8. a.m. (0329 GMT), the hour

What began as limited when Hamas launched offensive in the Gaza Strip dailyexchangeshasescalated rockets into Israel at the start which has laid waste to the into bombardments of of its Oct. 7 assault last year densely populated coastal Hezbollah’s stronghold in and burst across the border, enclave, killed almost Beirutandagroundoffensive rampagingthroughtowns. 42,000 people, according to into border villages designed

They killed some 1,200


to stamp out its fighters there people and took about 250 authorities, and displaced andallowtensofthousandsof hostages to Gaza, according most of the 2 3 million Israelis evacuated from their toIsraelifigures. population. homes in the country’s north

A woman reacts as she takes part in a march towards Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s private residence, to mark one year since the deadly October 7 attack by Hamas. REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun

Outside Prime Minister For Israel, the surprise toreturn Benjamin Netanyahu’s assault by the Palestinian Israel’sassault,whichhas home in Jerusalem, around Islamistgroupwasoneofthe killedover1,000peopleinthe 300peopleledbyfamiliesof worst security failures for a past two weeks, has triggered hostages holding up photos countrythatpridesitselfona a mass flight from southern

of their loved ones, observed

than 360 people were killed throughouttheday

Lebanon where more than 1 and dozens taken hostage, In Tel Aviv, the main Palestinian attacks planned a minute of silence for the military The attack led to million people have been President Isaac Herzog memorial organized by for the anniversary of Oct. 7, deadasasirensounded. Israel’s single deadliest day, displaced presided over the memorial bereaved families, meant to 2023, when the worst

“We’re still stuck in shattered many citizens’ A series of Israeli ceremony which began with have tens of thousands in bloodletting in the decades- October 7th, 2023, in one sense of security and sent assassinations over the past the last track that was played attendance, was held in front old Israeli-Palestinian unending day of terror, of their faith in its leaders to few months which killed atthepartyayearago. of a much smaller crowd as conflictbegan. fear, of anger, of despair,” newlows. Hezbollah and Hamas chiefs

“We will remember gatherings around the Movement in the Israeli- said Yuval Baron, whose FOCUS SHIFTS and a sophisticated attack on always who kidnapped, who country are now limited in occupied West Bank was father-in-law Keith Siegel is TO NORTH Hezbollah via pagers and murdered, who raped, who sizeforsecurityreasons. further hampered as many hostageinGaza.“Wewanted

Most of the dead were radios have restored some slaughtered. At the same Twice on Monday long- checkpoints shut down, to start this day together to civilians, including women, senseofsecurityforIsraelis. time, we have also seen range missile fire set off air residents said, and some remind ourselves, our prime children and elderly people, But they also prompted extraordinary fortitude. We raid sirens in central Israel, Palestinians with entry minister, the public of Israel killed in their homes, on the unprecedented missile have a wonderful people and sendingresidentsrunningfor permits received notices on thateventhoughitisadayof roads and at the site of the attacks from Iran, raising on this day we strengthen it shelter theirmobilephonesthatthey grief there is still a holy open air Nova music fearsofaregionalwarwitha and call for unity,” said HIGHALERT would not be allowed into mission to bring back the festival - as well as soldiers powerful enemy Israel has Herzog Ceremonies took Security forces were on IsraelonMonday hostages,”saidBaron. onarmybasesneartheGaza yet to respond to the second place at kibbutz villages and high alert across the country, In Gaza, the Israeli

In Reim, the site of the border In Gaza, 101 Iranian barrage on Oct 1, but towns near the border the military and police said, military said its aircraft music festival where more hostages remain as Israeli hasvowedaharshresponse.

Haiti’s divided transition council in dispute over new president

PORT-AU-PRINCE, transition council in April Haiti’s anti-corruption the country’s situation and Oct 7 (Reuters) - The head after arduous negotiations unit had recommended legal prolonging the transition of a rotating presidency that between various sectors of action in a report earlier this process,”hesaid. is running Haiti said on the Caribbean nation’s month that said the three had T h e J a n u a r y 3 0 Monday that he would not political and civil alliances. accepted credit cards and Collective of political ratify the handover to the It was empowered with asked for nearly $770,000 parties, which nominated man in line to take over from choosing a prime minister from a state-run bank Leblanc Fils to the council, him, citing unresolved and wielding certain president. said it noted “with corruption accusations presidential powers until But the three would be amazement” the signatures against three other council conditions are considered kept on the council under the of the three members members. secure enough for a new resolution. accused of corruption on

United Nations General Assembly at United Nations headquarters in New York, U.S., September 26, 2024.

The break between election. “I cannot participate in Friday’s resolution and president Edgard Leblanc The nine-member any process that will further called for them to be put Fils and the rest of the council was set to transfer weaken and devalue the aside pending a judicial council creates fresh the rotating presidency to country’s justice system,” ruling. uncertainty in a country still Leslie Voltaire on Monday Leblanc Fils said in a video Theaccusedarediplomat reeling from the gang afternoon. message late on Sunday, Smith Augustin, politician Leblanc Fils as the council’s to replace the government of massacre of at least 70 But former senate leader after refusing to sign the Louis Gerald Gilles, and president.

Minister Ariel

people last week, with Prime LeblancFils has not signed a resolutiononFriday former judge Emmanuel Leblanc Fils has said he whowasforcedtostepdown Minister Garry Conille resolution ratifying the “The decision taken by Vertilaire. hopes the country’s first amid a gang conflict that has seeking security assistance transition,citingacorruption the council’s majority is not All three have rejected elections since 2016 can be killed thousands and forced abroad. scandalengulfingthreeother good. It risks throwing us the charges. Augustin was heldnextyear over 700,000 people from H

d t h e membersoftheoffice. into instability, aggravating initially slated to succeed The council was formed theirhomes.

Haiti’s Transitional Presidential Council head Edgard Leblanc Fils addresses the 79th
REUTERS/Brendan McDermid/ File Photo

Govt. monitoring the impact of AI on local workforce

TheGovernmentof G u y a n a i s monitoring the impact of Artificial Intelligence(AI)onthelocal workforce.

Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo said last Thursday during his weekly press conference that the Governmentwillworkalong with the growing hospitality industry to ensure that the workforceisequippedtotake on the new influx of visitors and ex pats entering the country On the cusp of these developments, Jagdeo noted the government has taken note of the impact that AI has been having on the workforce globally He said while the impact ofAI is not as evident in Guyana, the Government is monitoring theissue.

“ What is happening globally is that, there is a reorganization of the businesses and a lot of AI is

being used now to perform the functions that people use toperformlikeasindividuals you know like answering phones and stuff like that they're using Bots and all of thesetoperformthosetasks,” Jagdeo said The Vice President emphasised that thisisoneofthenegativesof AI. “…Itwilldisplacelarge numbers of people from labor intensive industries They'demploylesspeoplein these areas, so we have to constantly look at those people the ones who may losejobs.IspokewithAshni Singh and the others and already we see if we need to retrain people and to find otheropportunitiesforthem. So,wewillhavetoworkwith people to observe them who might lose jobs so we're looking in these areas we have a greater possibility here because we have to constantly look at those people the ones who may


According to the VP, there are lots of different areassuchastheconstruction industryneeds alotofskilledpeople. “If you talk to [Minister of LabourJoseph]Hamiltonthe trainingthatwe'redoingnow it'sunbelievable…It'salarge numberofpeoplearegetting their skill and the certification necessary to work in the construction sector and I urge people to utilize these opportunities moresowenowwaitingona perfectjob,”Jagdeoadded.

Recent studies have shown the rapid advance of artificial intelligence has captivatedtheworld,causing both excitement and alarm, and raising important questions about its potential impact on the global economy

In a recent analysis, a team from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Missingrentedcarfound abandonedinCraneWCD

A 53-year-old man on Saturdayfoundhiscarweeks afteramanwhohadrentedit disappearedwiththevehicle.

Rafudeel Razaca on Saturdayafternoonfoundhis car abandoned in Crane, West Coast Demerara (WCD).

His relatives located the vehicle one day after someone spotted it in use at the Stabroek Market, in CentralGeorgetown.Razaca had reported that his car disappearedwiththemanhe rented it to on August 5, 2024 Kaieteur News subsequently published his story with a photograph of hismissingcaranditdidnot take long before someone sawit.

It might be that the public-spirited citizen made the right decision to take a photograph immediately before it drove off. He then uploaded the picture to Facebook with the caption, "Just spotted in Stabroek Market " Unfortunately, Razaca did not see the post immediately Nevertheless he believes that the suspect might have seen the photograph and decided to abandon the car Relatives later received information

The missing rented vehicle that was found Abandon in Crane, WCD.

about its location and went for it. Razaca said it was an "unexpected find" and expressedhisgratitude. He noted that the media coverage played a crucial roleinhelpinghimlocatehis vehicle.

RazacahadtoldKaieteur News that the renter was introduced to him by someone he knew He later met with the renter and handed over the car but the man disappeared with the vehicle and was neither heardfromnorseenagain.


(renter)andIkeepcallingthe number, but he ain't answering.”Razacasaid.He explained that despite attempts to call from differentnumbershehasnot been able to get in contact withtheman.“AfterIseehe ain'tturningupwiththecarI decided fuh take no more chancebecausetheinsurance almost expire, and the car gatta service.” As such, he ventured off to the Providence Police Station and filed a report so that police can assist in locating therenter

– Jagdeo

examined the potential impact of AI on the global labourmarket.

According to a report released by the IMF earlier this year, many studies have predicted the likelihood that jobs will be replaced by AI.

“The findings are striking: almost 40 percent of global employment is exposed to AI. Historically, automation and information technology have tended to affect routine tasks, but one of the things

thatsetsAIapartisitsability to impact high-skilled jobs. As a result, advanced economies face greater risks from AI but also more opportunities to leverage its benefits compared with emerging market and developingeconomies.

In advanced economies, about60percentofjobsmay beimpactedbyAI,”theIMF reportsuggested.

“For the other half,” the report noted that “AI applicationsmayexecutekey taskscurrentlyperformedby humans, who could lower labor demand, leading to lower wages and reduced hiring. In the most extreme cases,someofthesejobsmay disappear.”

“In emerging markets and low-income countries, by contrast, AI exposure is expectedtobe40percentand 26 percent, respectively These findings suggest emerging market and developing economies face fewer immediate disruptions fromAI.

At the same time, many of these countries don't have the infrastructure or skilled workforces to harness the benefitsofAI,raisingtherisk thatovertimethetechnology could worsen inequality among nations,” the report pointedout.

Furtheritpointedoutthat roughlyhalftheexposedjobs may benefit from AI integration, enhancing productivity

VicePresident, Bharrat Jagdeo

GCB Super50 Senior Inter-County tourney bowls off Oct. 13

The Guyana Cricket champions. Board (GCB) will be hosting

A number of talented the 2024 Senior 50-Over players, some mainstays in Inter-Countytournament,set the Harpy Eagles team, will tobowlofffromOctober13. be on show as they look to Teams and players alike get themselves prepared will prepare for the followingalongoffseason. upcoming Regional Super50 Meanwhile, one match Tournament which bowls off will be played in Essequibo on October 29 in Trinidad with the others in Demerara. and Tobago, with the The inter-county will also customary Inter-County serve as a launch-pad for competition of which some players who will be Demerara are the defending keen on breaking into the Guyana senior structure for thefirsttime.Thefinalofthe Inter-County is set for October 19, with the Guyana Super50 team encampment bowling off from October 21-25.

Tuesday October 08, 2024


Compliments are apt to feel likegoldtoyou,Aries.There's nothing you need more than love and affection on a day likethis.Bewarethatyoumay end up as putty in the hands of whoever showers you with flattery


If you find that there's tension in a close relationship, you may get the feeling that this isn't the right partner for you. Don't automatically assume that the problem lies in your partner


When tension builds, your sense of security is likely to falter, Gemini. You may have a hard time dealing with other people.


You might have difficulty expressing your needs, Cancer Thebottomlineisthat there's no right or wrong way, although it may be difficult to seethisonadayliketoday


Althoughyoumayfindithard to express yourself in some ways, Leo, the one avenue that's completely wide open todayisart.Difficulttensionis laced with emotional insecurity, making it hard for youtoexpressyourfeelings.

VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)

You might be feeling rather insecurewhenitcomestoyour peaceofmind Itmayseemlike your relationships are on the rocks Atthesametime,having problems in your relationships is making you less likely to trust these close partners with yourinsecurefeelings


From page 20

Petroleum Guyana Limited. Results of the Team Championships:

1.Girls13Yearsandunder Uitvlugt “B” defeated Zeeburg “A” in the finals to take championshipshonors

2.Boys13YearsandUnder Uitvlugt“B”defeatedUitvlugt“C”inthefinalstotake championshipshonors

3.Girls15Yearsandunder Zeeburg“A”defeatedUitvlugt“B”inthefinalstotake championshipshonors

4.Boys15YearsandUnder West Demerara defeated Uitvlugt “B” in the finals to takechampionshipshonors

5.Girls19Yearsandunder Uitvlugt“A”defeatedZeeburg“A”inthefinalstotake championshipshonors

6.Boys13YearsandUnder West Minster Sec defeated Uitvlugt “A” in the finals to takechampionshipshonors

The next edition of the championships is slated for Region 7 on the 3rd and 4th of October 2024 at the Bartica CommunityCentre.


You may feel more reserved than usual, Libra, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. You may be feeling apprehensive about expressing yourself fully, even inthemostintimatesituations.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Be careful about being too boisterous and chipper around people who don't exactly feel the same way, Scorpio. Be sensitive to other people's feelings, and don't make jokes that are too harsh for the occasion.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Your mood should be quite good for the most part, but there'sapttobesometensionin your relationships. Romantic endeavors aren't exactly in your favor now, so don't force anissuethatseemstoodifficult toresolve.


There's a deep longing to be comforted and reassured. You may want nothing more than for someone fix you some warm,homemadesoup.


You may feel like you need something,yetyou'reunsureas to what it is exactly Someone closetoyoumaybetryingtofit the missing puzzle piece into place, but this may be next to impossibleifit'sunclearwhich pieceisactuallymissing.


Youmaywanttoremedyevery situation by talking things out or taking some sort of action, Pisces. Be careful of making any sudden moves before you really understand what you're feeling.

The squads, which will be submitted by the counties during the week, will be released later along with the schedule.

Kevin Sinclair Tagenarine Chanderpaul



Countries confirmed for CAC 2024 C/ships

The Guyana Body Building & Fitness Federation (GBBFF) has announced the list of countries

confirmed to participate in the Central America & Caribbean (CAC) 2024 Championships slated to be staged here in Guyana on October 19-20 at the National CulturalCentre.

Nineteen countries have confirmed their participation in what is already being predictedtobethemostcompetitiveinrecent times.

According to a release from the GBBFF, thecountrieslistedtoparticipateare:Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Bonaire, Curacao, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, St. Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela, Colombia, Jamaica, St. Maarten (Dutch side), Haiti, Nicaragua, Mexico, Costa Rica and St. Vincent & the Grenadines alongwithhostGuyana.

As host, Guyana will be buoyed by its performance last year in Aruba where it gained a total of seven medals including four golds,twosilversandabronze. Bayley (Men’s Physique 176cm), Sachin

Among those returning are gold Sharma (Men’s Physique 170cm), Jamal medallists Emmerson Campbell and Hannah Pollydore (Men’s Physique 176cm), Rampersaud, who also grabbed a silver Emmerson Campbell (Men’s Physique medal. 170cm), Renaldo Caldeira (Men’s Physique Bronze medallist Julio Sinclair is also on 170cm), Hannah Rampersaud (Junior the team shortlisted to represent Guyana this Wellness), Melitha Fernandes-Anderson year (Women Wellness under 158), Christine

The full list is: Selwyn Grogan (Masters Ramsammy (Bikini Under 169), Sabita Under 75KG, Sylvon Gardner (Masters Stephenson(BikiniUnder165),JoelCaldeira Under-70KG), Orlanzo Valenzuela (U- (Bodybuilding under 65kg),Vanisha Munroe 65KG), Daniel Lutchman (U-70KG), Delrae (Women’s Wellness under 160), Aliya Wong McLean (Masters-U-75KG), Christopher (Women’s Wellness under 158) and Rawle Anthony (Masters U-75KG), Seon Budhan Green(MastersBodybuildingUnder90kg). (U-65KG), Julio Sinclair (Over 100KG), Meanwhile, some of the sponsors already Marley Vyphuis ( Men’s Physique 186cm), on board are Fitness Express, Twins KewsieAnderson (Men’s Physique 186cm & Manufacturing,MinistryofCulture,Youth& PhysiqueMass),RogerCallender(U-60KG), Sport, National Sports Commission and the Yusuf Khan (Physique 172cm), Antowyn GuyanaOlympicAssociation.

Participants in the Nationwide National Schools Table Tennis Championships take time out for a photo.

championships. Johnson, Alister Munroe,

Players who benefitted Candacy McKenzie and

from Coaches Muniram Beverly Johnson provided

Persaud and Joseph Lovell great coordination to the significant note and truly

championships on hand offer great prospects for the

Also lending support were development of the sport in coaching to students made the teachers who came to theregion. available through the supervise and support the Competing in 13 years Ministrypriorityprogramme students. Mr Akbar Chinedu and under boys and girls and who have been working Regional Education Officer team events, 15 years and with several schools in the Dept of Education 3 under boys and girls team region, demonstrated great provided great support to events and 19 years and skill,tenacityinrepresenting making the championships a under team events saw theirschools. success.

Uitvlugt secondary, Zeeburg West Minster Secondary The Championships is a secondary, West Demerara auditorium provided a great ground breaking initiative

venue for this key sponsoredbyCNOOC

competition. (Continued on page 19)

Inaugural ‘One Guyana’ 3-Stage Cycling Event

As excitement builds The action kicks off on back, completing two loops ahead of the Caribbean Elite Saturday, October 12, with o f t h e V r e e d - e nChampionship next month, Stage One—a 140km road Hoop/SchoonordHighway the Guyana Cycling race. Cyclists will gather in The third and final stage Federation (GCF) has Berbice and start from the is a 60km Criterium, which partnered with the Ministry New Amsterdam State will be held later Sunday ofCulture,Youth,andSports Houseat9:00AM.Theywill evening in the heart of to host the inaugural ‘One pedal to No 46 Village Georgetown. The fast-paced Guyana’ 3-Stage Cycling before returning to State race, scheduled to begin at event, set to take place on House for the finish. The 15:30hrs,willstartatMiddle October 12-13. The event scenic yet challenging and Main Streets, circling promises to be a thrilling course is expected to test around the Cenotaph weekendofcompetitionwith both endurance and strategy, monument and extending over $750,000 up for grabs asriderscompeteforanearly northward before a U-turn at across both the Elite and lead. Lamaha Street, repeating the Juniorcategories. Stage Two, taking place route several times before The two-day event will the following day, October culminatingonMainStreet. feature three intense stages, 13, will see cyclists These riders will be including two road races assembling at the Schoonord looking to sharpen their totaling


CAC Gold medalist, Emmerson Campbell

Afy Fletcher: ‘West Indies are

here for business, not just a joyride’

ESPNcricinfo - A quick heldtheircatches.

Olivia Bell took a fine return catch to dismiss

r e t h i n k a f t e r t h e i r Qiana Joseph marshalled disappointing tournament the run-chase with 31 off 18 opener put West Indies’T20 balls while Henry chipped in World Cup campaign back with 18 off 10 and Deandra o n t r a c k w i t h a Dottin finished it style with comprehensive victory over 6-4-6 off Abtaha Maqsood, Scotland. over long-off, reverse-swept Having lost by 10 through backward point and wickets to South Africa, pummelled over deep West Indies won by six midwicket. wicketswith50ballstospare “The first game didn’t go at Dubai International to plan,” Fletcher said. “No Stadium on Sunday night. one wants to lose but, at the That was after Chinelle end of the day, you have to Henry’s opening four-over have a winner It didn’t go burst yielded 1 for 10 and the way we wanted so we go throughoutthegame,andthe here, not just to come on a “We’ve got a couple Matthews, the West Indies restricted Scotland to 27 for back to the drawing board as resultwasreallygood. joyrideoranythingbutwe’re more games and we always captain, managed just 8 2 after seven overs. Afy all teams do, and we look at “After the first loss, we here for business, we’re here look to improve, and we’re before she was taken by Fletcher, their 37-year-old areas that we really need to were a bit down. But from to play hard and tough up against world-class opposite number Kathryn legspinner,thentook3for22 work on and execute. We’ve the night itself, we picked cricket’. So we just got our players here. We are here to Bryce, running in from midto restrict them to 99 for 8 come out with strong plans ourselves up and we got thoughts together to see how compete, we are here to play on to complete a strong, low and it could have been worse and I think the team gave a together and motivated each wecouldbringourbestgame cricket, competitive cricket, catch. for Scotland had West Indies strong performance other and said, ‘look, we’re fortheothergames.” but we’re also here to learn. “After the last match, It was Scotland’s second Not a lot of our girls have wherewehadabitoftrouble defeat in as many matches come up against world-class withourcatching,alotofthe after they lost the opening players and it’s an exciting girls went to training last match of the tournament to prospecttobehere,andeven night and did some catching Bangladesh by 16 runs in more exciting if we can take under the lights because it’s Sharjah. There, they some learnings away from it a different ball-game under struggled with the searing and put those into our the lights,” Jack-Brown heat and a rash of dropped games.” said. “So they’ve done quite catches. Scotland were very good well and taken their

GBA honours Life and Legacy of the late TD Terrence Poole MS tonight at Gymnasium

Flashback! Late Terrence Poole (right) ringside with Theresa London during a 2023 boxing event.

The Guyana Boxing Association (GBA) TechnicalDirectoroftheGBA. willbehostinganightofreflectiontohonour He also served as National Coach and the life and legacy of their late Technical coach at the Guyana Defence Force Boxing Director, TerrenceAnthony Poole, M.S. This Gym. His efforts were instrumental in tribute is set for tonight, Tuesday, October 8, shaping the careers of many young boxers at the National Gymnasium on Mandela and advancing the sport both in Guyana and Avenue, beginning at 7:00p.m., where acrosstheCaribbean. friends, family, and colleagues will gather to He is mourned by his wife, seven paytheirrespects. children, and numerous friends, along with Poole passed away last Wednesday after themanyliveshetouchedduringhis60years. experiencing breathing difficulties. He was Poole will be remembered as a brother, takentoamedicalfacility,butdespiteefforts, friend, father, mentor, and most significantly, hepassedattheageof60. a coach. His contributions to boxing will Foroverfourdecades,Poolewasapivotal continue to inspire future generations here figure in the boxing community His andbeyond. commitmenttothesportwasunparalleled,as Terrence Poole was born on January 16, he played various roles, including coach, 1964, and passed away on October 2, 2024. competition coordinator, mentor, and Mayhissoul,restinpeace.

“We were all quite inthefield,holdinganumber l e a r n i n g s f r o m t h e disappointedinourownway of difficult catches to show Bangladeshgame. with the Bangladesh game,” that their joint mission to “It’s just about volume. said batter Lorna Jack- learn and show their skills at You know how to catch, it’s Brown “It was a great this tournament was also on just different in the lights. experience for us to be at a track. Probably in the Bangladesh World Cup and a lot of Priyanaz Chatterji held game, the nerves were there nerveswerethereintheteam onto an excellent diving and the conditions and but I think tonight we didn’t catch at short fine leg to end everything, you’ve got to really have that, we believed Joseph’s innings and Olivia think about quite a lot of that we could come in and Bell took a sharp caught- things. We just went back to reallycauseanupset.Itnever and-bowled to remove basics, just get under the ball went our way tonight but Shemaine Campbelle and hopefully your hands that’sT20cricket. cheaply while Hayley willtakeit.”

LeBron and Bronny James make NBA history

BBC Sport - LeBron followingthematch. University of Southern James and Bronny James Speakingtoreporters,he CaliforniainJune. made NBA history by added: “We came out of a LeBron,39,istheNBA’s becoming the first father- timeout and we kind of all-time record point-scorer son duo to play together on stood next to each other I and a four-time NBA the same team during the kindoflookedathim. winner Los Angeles Lakers’ pre- “It was like being inThe The veteran is entering season game against the Matrix or something. It just his 22nd season in the PhoenixSuns. didn’t feel real. But it was NBA

Bronny, on his 20th great to have those He signed a new twobirthday, entered the court moments.” year deal with the Lakers during the second quarter in LeBron scored 19 points following Bronny’s arrival a 118-114 defeat by the on the night, with four atthefranchise. Suns. assists and five rebounds. The 2024-25 NBA Never before had a Bronny went scoreless season begins on 22 father and son played in an during his 13-minute run, October, with the Lakers in NBA game of any type - finishing with two rebounds actionagainsttheMinnesota including pre-season - at the andfourturnovers. T

sametime. Bronny joined the champions the Boston “Wow that was surreal,” Lakers as a second-round Celtics face the New York L


Shemaine Campbelle. (Getty Images)

ISKF Guyana bags 21 Medals at 4th ISKF World ShotoCup Tournament in London

Guyana’s International enhanced techniques crucial

and Malachi Hall. In the 9- Country Director, Sensei Shotokan Karate Federation forcompetition. 11 Brown and Black belt Christopher Chaves, along (ISKF), National Park Dojo Official Roles and teamkataeventGuyanawon with SenpaiAlex Rodrigues, karate team excelled at the Venue: Sensei Christopher silver (team of Chelsea Kristian and Kristalia th 4th ISKF World ShotoCup Chaves (6 Dan) served as a Harrison, Emily Ibbott, and Chaves, and Storm Katchay Tournament, securing a total judge,whileMarlonGeorge, ZamiraMcKoy).

of 21 medals at the event Storm Ka

Bronze Medals: The

hosted at UEL Sports Dock, Rodrigues, and Christina following team members Committee, especially Ieda University Way, Beckton, Chaves managed various copped bronze in their Harrison,MatthewHarrison, London This prestigious ring tables with expertise. respective age categories, andTammyIbbott,whowere tournament, held every four The UEL Sports Dock Javier Collins, Emily Ibbott, pivotal in the administration years, draws competitors provided a world-class Amario Tyrrell, Niko and planning of this event, globallyfromnationssuchas venue that facilitated not Ramischand, Ronit Hasan, mustbenoted. the USA, Canada, Mexico, only competition but also Leia Pugsley and Govinda · Th

Lebanon, Australia, South cultural exchanges among Prasad. concluded with a Sayonara Africa and England, who athletes. The success of the PartyattheLockdownBar& showcase their martial arts E x c e p

Guyanese delegation was Lounge on Sunday evening, skills and represent their Pe

countrieswithpride. G

Event Highlights: demonstrated remarkable

A r r i v a l a n d skills, winning 4 gold, 7

supported by numerous w

sponsors and supporters supporters celebrated their

Special thanks go to achievements and shared

HonorableMinistersCharles theirexperiences.

Preparation: The team silver,and10bronzemedals. Ramson jnr , Oneidge As Team Guyana returns arrived early on Tuesday, Notable achievements Waldron, and Hugh Todd from London, they not only September 17, allowing included Zemira Mckoy’s andDirectorofSports,Steve bring back medals but also ample time to acclimatise goldinKumiteandbronzein Ninvalle, as well as Gerald

lls and andprepareintheunfamiliar Kata in the 7-9 Female

Whyte and CarlAdams from cherishedmemoriesfromthe conditions of London. This Brown and Black belt t h e G u y a n a H i g h globalstage. dedication was evident in division,ChelseaHarrison‘s

Commission in London for Their hard work and their stellar performance gold in kata and bronze in their invaluable logistical community support are throughoutthetournament. kumite in the 10-11 Female support The team also pivotal in their continued · Educational Seminar: Brown to Black belt extends its gratitude to Dr successanddevelopment. OnSeptember19and20,the division, Gael McPherson’s Randell Collins and Dr TeamGuyanaanticipates team attended two special goldinKumiteandbronzein Tiffany Collins, the future tournaments where seminarsconductedbyISKF Kata for the 12-13 Male tournament doctors, for their they will strive to continue Chairman and Chief Brown and Blackbelt attentivecareoftheathletes. their legacy of excellence

Blackbeltdivision. respective age categories, Instructor Shihan Hiroyoshi division and Jasmine A d d i t i o n a l and promote the spirit of · Silver Medals: The Miah Sampson, Jaden th Okazaki (9 Dan), gaining Dalgetty’s gold in kumite in acknowledgment to Chief karate on the international following team members Dalgetty, Ronit Hasan, Gia strategic insights and the 10-11 Female Brown to Instructor and Guyana’s stage. copped silver in their Mc Pherson, Aiden Persaud, Medal table showing country ranking.


Guyana’s sports investment: is Cricket overshadowing other sports?

benefits, bringing in international

threat posed by North American visitors, creating jobs, and cricket, which has the potential to stimulating local businesses, this attractmorefansandgeneratemore hyper-focus on cricket raises revenue. The President stressed the

As the Guyana Amazon concerns.

Warriors fell short in the Caribbean Is this strategysustainable,or is

stakeholders taking ownership of Premier League (CPL) final for the Guyana’s future as a “sports cricketintheAmericas,positioning sixth time, an announcement capital” being built on the narrow the West Indies as the dominant followed that seemed to shift focus foundationofonesport? forceintheregion. awayfromthedisappointment.



Anothercrickettournament,the FORGOTTEN GIANT SPORTS INVESTMENTS Global Super League (GSL), is set Tobuildatrulyrobustandwell-

PresidentAli’sdreamofturning todebutinGuyanafromNovember rounded sports culture, the Guyana into a global sports hub is 26toDecember7. government must look beyond admirable, but it cannot be built

While on the surface this might cricket.

seem like an exciting new venture Football, for instance, is not

Investing in a wide range of

government’s heavy investment in for cricket lovers, it raises a deeper only the most popular sport cricket, without equivalent support question: Is Guyana’s intense focus worldwide but also enjoys massive for other sports, risks creating a on cricket eclipsing the growth and supportacrossGuyana. lopsidedsportsculture. developmentofothersports? For years, football tournaments

TheGSL,sanctionedbyCricket such as the Kashif and Shanghai sports also has broader social and WestIndiesandfullybackedbythe Tournament and the Banks Cup economic benefits.Awell-rounded Government of Guyana, will packed the National Stadium with sports ecosystem promotes health cricket.

feature five teams, including the sold-out crowds, long before the and wellness, encourages youth

If the Global Super League Regional Cricket Conference in Amazon Warriors, competing in 11 CPL arrived. These events proved engagement, and fosters a sense of follows a similar path, it could Trinidad earlier this year, President matches at the National Stadium in that football has the potential to nationalidentityandunity become yet another distraction, Ali spoke passionately about the Providence. South America’s first unite communities and attract large It also opens the door to diverting attention and resources need for an organicT20 league that standalone cricket event aims to audiences, yet it continues to international recognition, not just away from nurturing home-grown aligns with the changing dynamics elevate the country’s status as a languishintheshadowofcricket. as a cricket hub, but as a nation that talent and fostering sustainable ofglobalcricket. sportstourismdestination. Guyana’s national sports excelsacrossavarietyofsports. sportsdevelopment. Healsohighlightedthegrowing

However, as government budget exposes a glaring disparity investment continues to pour into In 2023, the government allocated cricket, it’s worth asking: where is GYD $4 3 billion for sports this money coming from, and why development, with a significant is cricket receiving such portion directed toward cricketdisproportionate attention relatedinfrastructureupgrades. comparedtoothersports? M e a n w h i l e , f o o t b a l l ,

One of the persistent mysteries basketball, rugby, and other sports surrounding Guyana’s investment received far less attention and in cricket is the government’s financial backing. This imbalance financial involvement in the CPL, stifles the growth of these sports, andnow,theGSL. leaving athletes without proper

Despite significant public facilities, training programmes, or interest, no official figures have opportunities to compete been released regarding how much internationally thegovernmenthasinvestedtogain Despite the sport’s popularity thehostingrightsfortheCPLfinals and potential, football remains forfourconsecutiveyears. underfundedandunderdeveloped. UnlikeinAntiguaandBarbuda, THE GLOBALSUPER where their sports minister openly LEAGUE: PROGRESS OR shared that the government had DISTRACTION? invested USD $250,000 per year to The Global Super League has host the CPL during their prior been marketed as a groundinvolvement in 2013 – 2014, breaking initiative that will elevate Guyana’s figures remain shrouded Guyana’s status in SouthAmerican insecrecy cricket.

This lack of transparency raises But beyond the excitement of a concerns about the use of public new tournament lies a critical funds, especially when other sports question: What is the real objective arestarvedforresources. ofthisleague?Isitsimplyatourism

President Irfaan Ali has made product, or will it serve a higher no secret of his passion for sports, purpose by developing local talent particularly cricket. He envisions andpromotingregionalcricket? Guyana as the “sports capital” of The CPL has often been the Caribbean, with cricket leading criticized for prioritizing thecharge. entertainment over development.

His enthusiastic support for the Manyarguethattheleaguedoesnot Global Super League is part of a provide enough opportunities for largerstrategytotransformGuyana youngregionalplayerstoshowcase intoasportstourismhotspot. their skills, nor does it significantly While sports tourism contribute to the long-term undoubtedly offers economic development of West Indies

Dr Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop (L) and President Irfaan Ali, sharing a light moment during the 2024 CPL Finals. (President Irfaan Ali photo)

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