Kaieteur News

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Guyana on track to produce 1.5 million barrels of oil daily by 2030- Pres. Ali

PresidentIrfaanAliinhis second address to the NationalAssembly,sincehis inauguration on August 2, 2020, on Thursday announcedthatGuyanaison track to produce 1.5 million barrels of oil per day by 2030.

The Head-of-State noted that a seventh application has been submitted by the operator of the Stabroek Block, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited In July, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ordered an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the project The seventh

d e v e l o p m e n tHammerhead- seeks to produce 120,000 to 180,000 barrels per day (bpd). Only on Wednesday, Kaieteur News reported that the governmentcommencedthe search for consultants to r e v i e w t h e F i e l d DevelopmentPlan(FDP)for theproject.

The President in his address noted that between 2020and2024,aremarkable 25 discoveries were made, with22oftheseoccurringin the Stabroek Block alone.

To this end, he revealed, “Looking ahead, the projection for the mediumand long-term plan from 2025 and beyond are ambitious. The sector is on track to exceed one million barrels per day by 2027 and reach 1.5 million barrels per day by 2030, supported by 10 production facilities, three active developments (presently) and the recent definition of a seventh project, alongside several othersindevelopment.”

President Irfaan Ali during his address to the National Assembly on Thursday

Shifting his attention briefly to gas, the Head-ofState noted that two Gas-toEnergy facilities are expected to be operational by2030.Thiswillfurtherbe augmented by the establishment of associated industry-bothupstreamand downstream.

Notably,Alialsopointed to the measures in place to train Guyanese for jobs in the sector He said, “To prepare our workforce for the growing oil and gas sector, my government announced last year the

construction of the Guyana Technical Training College (GTTC) at Port Mourant, Berbice, an investment worthUS$120M.”

He said construction of the facility has commenced withconstructionlikelytobe completed by 2025. In the interim, he noted that institution completed the commissioning of an onland model Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO)thefactorsimulator- geared atupskillinglocals.Hesaid the simulator results in annual cost savings associated with training personnel which would otherwise be done in Canada.

The National Assembly burst into loud applause as the President announced news of the facility being used as a hub for global training.Hesaid,“Itpleases me to announce that the Stabroek Block operator,

E x x o n M o b i l h a s communicated to the government, its intention to make GTTCI a hub for FPSO skills training for operations across the globe. This news is a realization of ourvisionofmakingGuyana an education hub for the world.”

To date, Exxon has obtained approval from the Government of Guyana for

six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza PhaseOne,LizaPhaseTwo, Payara,Yellowtail,Uaruand Whiptail The first three p

producing oil at a daily estimated rate of 640,000 barrels per day (bpd) Yellowtail is expected to come on stream by 2025, followed by Uaru in 2026 andWhiptailin2027.

Man on $150k bail for allegedly raping

A 28-year-old miner was placed on $150,000 bail, on Thursdaywhenheappearedat the Bartica Magistrates' Court toanswertoarapecharge.The accused, Shawn Caesar, was accusedofrapingachildunder theageof16.Hemadehisfirst court appearance before Magistrate Teriq Mohammed, at the Bartica Magistrates' Court where the charge was read to him. He was not requiredtoenteraplea.Caesar is scheduled to return to court onOctober25,2024.


Shawn Ceasar

Exxon may not be telling the truth about Guyana’s oil reserves

ExxonMobil Guyana may not be telling the truth about Guyana's oil reserves. This conclusion was made by Vice President, Bharrat JagdeoonThursdayduringa mediaconference.

TheVice President in an invitedcommenttoKaieteur

quarterly reports submitted by the operator of the Stabroek Block to arrive at

the recently announced update to the reserves. In Augustthisyear,Ministerof Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat revealed that the reserves grew from 11 billionbarrelsto11.6billion barrels. The announcement came some two years and four months after the last update (in April 2022), following eight additional discoveries.

OnWednesdayhowever, President of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL),

Chinese national on tax evasion charges

JinMingWu,aChinese national and owner of Prosperous Hardware Incorporated, appeared at t h e G e o r g e t o w n Magistrates' Court on Wednesday to face four charges of alleged tax evasion.

Wu, of Lot 110 Regent Street, Georgetown, is accused by the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) of failing to submit individual income tax returnstotheCommissioner General for the years 2022 to 2024 During the proceedings before Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty, Wu faced one charge on behalf of his company and three individualcharges.

The GRA alleges that the company failed to submit its tax returns by April30,2022.

Wu pleadedguiltywith an explanation for this charge, as well as for the three individual charges concerning his failure to submittaxreturnsfor2022, 2023,and2024.

Attorney Sasha King, representing Wu, informed the court that he is fully aware of his obligations to the GRA and “sincerely apologisesforthewrong.”

The prosecution stated that the penalty for the offences is 10% of the tax assessment.

As such, the prosecutor requested a two-week adjournment to allow the GRA to calculate the amountsowedforeachyear At the end of the hearing, Magistrate McGusty grantedWuself-bail,noting

Alistair Routledge told reporters that the Stabroek Block reserves are currently less than 11B barrels. In addressing the issue, the Vice President made it clear that government's figure should not vary from Exxon's. Although Exxon told

government conducted its own analysis to arrive at the figure, Jagdeo made it clear that the State has no such ongoingarrangement.

report I don't know of anybody that we have hired to check reserves so it can't bethatwearedoingourown assessment of reserves Right now, the reserve figurescomefromExxon.”

Hewaskeentonotethat the Ministry is now in the process of recruiting consultants to conduct an analysis of the country's reserves.

that he willingly appeared before the court. Wu is scheduled to return to court onSeptember23,2024. JustlastweekThursday, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeocommentedduringa recent press conference on regulatory issues involving Chinese business owners in Guyana.

He remarked, “There are cases where Chinese business owners often bypassregulatoryapproval, a n d t h e a g e n c i e s responsible for enforcing the regulations do not hold themaccountableaccording tothelawsofthecountry.” Jagdeo elaborated, “So they (Guyanese) put up a building that breaches the building permits, no ventilation there in the building,theywillgetavisit fromtheinspectorwhosays tosellpharmaceuticalshere you have to have proper ventilation, but next door, there is a Chinese company sellingpharmaceuticalsand there is no ventilation whatsoever; they are not a p p l y i n g t h e l a w uniformly.”

He further stated, “The Guyana Revenue Authority does not pay careful attention to the payment of VAT and other things or hold them accountable for payingVATandothertaxes thattheyhavetopay Wehave made it clear to the regulatory bodies that you have to enforce the laws uniformly, and w e b e l i e v e t h a t sometimes people are induced not to do that, so we are paying careful attentiontothis.”

To this end, he said. “So it's either one of two things, it'seitherExxonisnotbeing truthfulortheMinistrygave methewrongfigurebutthat iswherethefigureissourced from - the submission by Exxonandsothereshouldn't beadifference.”Jagdeosaid it was “totally false” that government was conducting itsownassessments.

The VP explained, “I asked the technical staff wherethereservesnumberis coming from and they told mewearegettingthereserve numbers from this quarterly

Tothisend,Jagdeonoted that when this process commences, it is likely to produce figures varying those presented by Exxon. “If we hire a consultant and they would say oh this rock formationhere,webelieveit has a barrel of oil...and they (Exxon)sayno,Ibelieveit's halfabarrelpereverysquare foot then you can have varyingthingstherebutright now, we shouldn't have any variance because the ministry's numbers are derivedfromthereports,”he pointedout.

Meanwhile, Minister Bharrat at the sidelines of

Thursday's Sitting of the National Assembly also addressed the issue in an exclusiveinterviewwiththis publication. He told KaieteurNewsthatthereisa general misconception that every oil discovery should be added to the reserve. He however noted that when a discovery is made, an estimate of the resources may be given; however, further appraisal activities will be required to confirm thereserves.

Tothisend,Bharratsaid, “Whentheappraisalworkis done, sometimes that number decreases and, in some cases, it increases so that is why you would find that it fluctuate a little.” Bharratmadeitclearthatthe government announced the update to the reserve after analysing the data presented byExxon. Whenaskedwhat reserve figure the Guyanese population should accept, the Minister said the Ministry will have to reassessthenumbers.

In a statement last evening, the Ministry explained that Exxon in its third quarter submission to the government presented a new reserve figure amounting to less than 11B barrels.

To this end, the Ministry noted that it is currently reviewing the data and will release an updated assessment of the reservoir volumes fo


VicePresident, Bharrat Jagdeo


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Though he may be different as a man, as a politician,VicePresidentJagdeohasaplantation mentality He doesn’t like anyone who is independent, doesn’t react well to anything that is about freedom. ForJagdeo,thisfetishaboutmediafreedomand truths has reduced him to a crippling condition, a snarling, spittingversionofhimself. Sincewhen,Mr VicePresident is media freedom and truths, as revealed by independent entities rise to the level of a vice?The vicious reactions of Jagdeo are baffling, especially when media disclosures squishhimintoasputtering,ravingfigureweekly GuyanesehavenoconfidenceintheworkofStatemedia Too many hacks, too much huckstering to the PPP/C Government’sline,withso-calledmediaprofessionalslooking likecircusperformers Guyanesealsoknowthatprivatemedia friendlytothePPP/CGovernment,andbeholdentototalleaders like Jagdeo, appreciate who shares out the gravy, and whose mere word could squeeze their existence The new reports, therefore,thatemergefromthosesourcesarequicklydismissed astaintedandnotworththetimeorefforttoabsorb Onlythe small,toughclusterofindependentmediahousesisleft Itcould benumberedonthefingersofonehand,withaspareleft This group is what bends the all-powerful chief policymaker Jagdeo into the picture of a man experiencing severe abdominal gripes. He hears the name Kaieteur News, is informed of an inconvenient front-page caption, and his wholefacechanges. Hisfacebecomesdistortedwithrage, leadingtoviolentoutbursts. Itisallbecausehehasgrownso accustomed to operating in the dark and friendly media allowinghimtoroamashepleases. Hecanrantandroamto hisheart’scontent,butwhenitisnewstime,Guyanesestill must be presented with the facts, the truths. They outlast any outraged politician, any craven political group, any government vested in total control and the dominance that ensues.

Citizenshaveahungerfortruthandclaritypresentedinthe simplest manner Guyanese may appear to be limited, even gullible to ruling politicians too full of themselves, confident thattheycanmaketheskepticaltrustthemandeatoftheirhands It is a fatal error made by many politicians around the world Peopleknowwhentheyarebeingdeceived,soldapiginabag Guyanese have been sold so many of the latter by one governmentafteranotherthattheycanopentheirownpigfarms, andsupplyExxonMobilanditsoffshoreoperatingpartnerswith asmuchporkastheyneed Also,inthemannerofpoliticians worldwide,learningcomesslowly So,theypersistwiththeir verbal tapdancing and verbal hairsplitting and verbal beating around the bush in the vain hope that the people will not see throughthem WethoughtthatapoliticianofJagdeo’slineage and stature (former minister of finance, former head of state, nowvicepresidentandchiefpolicymaker,pluschiefoilsteward andspokesman)wouldhaveknownbetter,pushedhimselfto makethenecessaryadjustments ButJagdeowouldhavenone ofit,isdeterminedtohavehisway,evenastherearerepeated head-on collisions with the independent media Independent mediaisdevotedtopresentingGuyanesewiththefulltruthon theiroilwealth,stateoftheirgovernance,andtheirprospectsfor thefuture

Apolitically more astute man than Jagdeo would have let go of his ego (and his darker side) and found ways to coexist with the truth-seeking independent media. But he givesshortthrifttowhatwouldwork. Hiswayemphasizes amarkedpreferenceforloudmouthedabuses,cherry-picked petissues,andsetsoftballquestions.So,hesteadilydodges hisdutytotellthisnationthefullfactsandthewholestories in the areas in which he has given himself total authority OilisthebiggestthingforGuyanese,butthissectoriswhere Jagdeohassharedlittleofsubstance. Fromallindications, media truths about oil make Jagdeo nervous, media truths amounttoanintolerablevice. WhatisJagdeovicepresident of:oilorcoveringupforExxonMobil?Heisthebestperson to answer that question. An accurate answer would be the bestresponse.

To appoint Hicken Top Cop would be unconstitutional


The ‘talk of the town’is ab



sed confirmation of Clifton Hicken, the extended acting Commissioner of Police as Commissioner Editor, please permit me to join in theconversationthroughthis means.


a CommissionerofPoliceand Deputy Commissioner of Police is enshrined in the C

Cooperative Republic of Guyana. Here isArticle 211 (1)oftheConstitution,“The CommissionerofPoliceand everyDeputyCommissioner of Police shall be appointed by the President acting after meaningful consultation with the Leader of the Opposition and Chairperson of the Police Service Commission after the Chairperson has consulted with other members of the Commission.”


no need for any agreement with the parties for the appointment in question The vexed question is whether or not the President can confirm Clifton Hicken who has passed the age of retirement as Commissioner ofPolice.DenisChabrolina r e c e n t p o s t o n Demerarawaves.comquoted President Ali as saying that nothing in Guyana’s C

Commissioner of Police, CliftonHickenassubstantial

although he has passed the retirement age of 55 years. The legal influencer of the Government of Guyana, Anil Nandlall in his weekly television programmen ISSUES IN THE NEWS posited the same opinion. Some other persons have oppositeviews.

The Constitution speaks about appointment, exercising disciplinary control and removal from


The author of “Free Money andmo’money!” in the Guyana Times dated September 15, 2024, understandsverylittleabout the “Buxton Proposal”. It is not anti-capitalist, Marxist, or a ploy intended to win votes. The proposal is a genuine attempt to address the poverty dilemma of Guyaneseworkingpeoplein a structured rather than haphazard way “the Government has already rolled out” that provides “several grant programmes to several categories of needycitizens”.

The Buxton Proposal is notfreemoneybutapoverty intervention measure “to support households’ accumulation of human, financial and productive assets and b) to protect households from low and f l u c t u a t i n g incomes/consumption” It views the “lack of such “support”alongwith“lowand f l u c t u a t i n g incomes/consumption”as“the leading drivers of income povertyinGuyana”

The author does not know how to analyze the BuxtonProposalalthoughits m e t h o d o l o g y i s

office of the Commissioner ofPolice.Itdoesnotmention anythingaboutextendingthe serviceoftheCommissioner ofPoliceafterhehaspassed the age of retirement, 55 years However, the Constitution ( Prescribed matters) 27:02 dated 20/09/1967 under the caption,“Ageofvacatingof office by the holder of certain offices,” gives the President the authority to permit the Commissioner who has attained the age of 55yearstocontinueinoffice until he has attain such later age, not exceeding sixty year Section(b)states,“The President acting on the recommendation of the Police Service Commission tendered after the Prime Minister has concurred on the recommendation, may permit a Commissioner of Police who has attained the ageof55yearstocontinuein office until he has attained suchlaterage,notexceeding sixty years, as may (before the Commissioner of Police has attained the age of 55 years)havebeenagreedwith the Commissioner of Police.”

It is apposite to note that Commissioners, Balram Raguber, Laurie Lewis, Floyd Mc Donald, Henry Greene and Leroy Brummel services were extended, but before they reached the age of retirement. According to the legal document alluded toabove,aCommissionerof Policecannotbeextendedor confirmed after he has passedtheageofretirement, 55 years. The extension or confirmation must be done before the Commissioner reached the age of retirement, 55 years. Clifton Hickenhaspassedtheageof retirement.Hence,hecannot be legally confirmed as Commissioner of Police. To confirm him will be unconstitutional, ultra virus, nullandvoidandofnolegal effect. Irestmycase. MayGodhelpGuyana. Yourssincerely. ClintonConway

Not “Free money”: Think economic development and equity

meticulously outlined at everystepoftheway There isnothingaboutMarxismin the Buxton Proposal. “The reasoning in support of cash transfers to households as a poverty intervention policy relies on empirical evaluationsofsuchschemes, rather than, as some naively believe,anewsetofpoverty prevention and alleviation theories”. It is not based on Marxismoranyother-isms.

Thelistofreferencesforthe Buxton Proposal covers Noble Laurates and “studies conductedundertheaegisof leading Development Agencies and Authorities” that“attesttotheefficacyof oil revenues to citizens cash transfers as a poverty policy interventiontool”.

To ensure that the Guyana-government can afford to pay the cash transfer, the total annual budget for the Buxton Proposal is subject to the externally imposed binding constraint or cap of a maximum of 10 percent of governmentTakethatishow m u c h m o n e y t h e government receives in oil production Intricate objective calculations are undertaken to arrive at the amount of money the

government will receive fromoilproductionandhow much it can pay as a cash transfer

Thearticleisouttomake cheap propaganda against the WPA and personalise disparagingreferencestothe individual who wrote the BuxtonProposal.Thearticle tries to use the fear arousal technique to push people away from theWPAand the Buxton Proposal by raising the Marxist bogyman in the same way that former President Trump did against Vice President Harris when he claimed in their Presidential debate that Harris’ father is a Marxist who taught her very well.

But those scare techniques do not work nowadays because the capitalist versus communistideologicalCold War is over People can see throughthepropaganda.

The article dishonestly insinuatesthatMarxistideas are the cause for the current situationinVenezuela,while failing to acknowledge that Venezuelansarenottheones that place themselves in the situation they are forced to endure. The article claims thattheBuxtonProposalwas overlooked by a previous government administration

butnowitisembracedbythe political opposition to win votes at the national elections in 2025. But the Buxton Proposal as stated above has a completely different objective than to “‘bigup’spendingonpeople to get their votes”. The economic success of China is mentioned without acknowledgement that the World Bank applauded the state-led China model for lifting approximately 800 million people out of poverty The inaccurate arithmetic in the article shows no appreciation for the complexities in the determination of the expected government’s “take” from Guyana’s oil and gas sector These intricacies concern “the fiscalrulesoftheProduction Sharing Agreement (PSA); oil and gas discoveries; existential threats that could strand Guyana’s petroleum assets;thecapabilitiesofthe oil blocks’ Contractors; crudeoilandgasprices;and the profitability of the enterprises involved in the sector.”

The article’s arrival at a careless statement like: “Now,evenifoilsteadiesat (Continuedonpage06)

The Govt. and the Global Super League Saturday isAfrican Holocaust Day

DEAREDITOR, I guess like me, many Guyanese were taken by s u r p r i s e a f t e r a n announcementbyMr Irfaan

Ali, during the just concluded CPL2024 games held in Guyana; of the new T20GlobalSuperLeagueto be launched in Guyana in November 2024, of which the Government of Guyana hascommittedUS$1M.

Accordingtoareleaseby Caribbean Broadcasting Company, “the league, sanctioned by Cricket West Indies and fully supported by the government of Guyana ” I have made

s e v e r a l a t t e m p t s , researching other Caribbean territories to ascertain what is their position on this new idea by CWI, but came across a video by Mr Anil Roberts, former Minister of Sports, Trinidad and Tobago, who called out the leadership of Cricket West Indies on this new direction wherecricketisconcerned.

Editor, something is fundamentallywrongwiththe

PPP/C’s approach to governance and transparency

Despite the many exposures and shames facing them, it is well to say that they have no regards and will continue to perform and act in a manner theyfindworkable However, I have a few questions that went through my thoughts: Why is it that the nation was sprung with this surprise, under one month of its launching? From whose personalbankaccountarethe monies coming from, I guess it’sprobablyfromtheJagdeo’s or Irfaan’s “war chests” The actionsofthisregimecanonly be described as an absurdity

Thisnewformofcricketwas neverdiscussedattheLevelof theNationalAssemblyandby right,asarepresentativeofthe people, questions will be asked and the Government MUST provide the appropriateresponses

May I be clear to many who may perceive me as “anti-cricket,” I am not, but an ardent fan of the game. However, when it involves Government and spending of taxpayers’ dollars, there must be transparency and accountability Fromthejust concludedCPL2024games, the Government of Guyana played a pivotal role in having the finals of the Franchise played here in G u y a n a f o r t h r e e consecutive years. Again, withthelackoftransparency and accountability, the National Assembly is oblivious as to the final expenditures injected by the

Government of Guyana, since activities were sponsoredbythestate.

It is clear to the naked eyes that the priorities of the PPP/C are NOT clear and they are in a haste to expend taxpayers’ monies in an unstructuredmanner Several weeks ago, the government withdrew the sum of US$300M, equivalent to $62394B from the Natural ResourceFund Sofarforthe year 2024, the accumulated withdrawals to date are as follows: “US$1150 billion (equivalent to $239 176 billion) within the total of US$1586billion(equivalent to$3299billion)”Here,the people of Guyana are NOT being informed what percentage and amount of thesefundsarebeingutilized acrossthevarioussectors,but monies are commingled in the Consolidated Funds and spending

Whatistroubling,isthat with all these withdrawals, Guyanese (ordinary people) are feeling the “squeeze,” having to face the spiked in prices for commodities at m a r k e t p l a c e s a n d supermarkets Yet, this misleading and uncaring Jagdeo/Aliregimehasfailed miserably in addressing the basic needs of our people. MayIremindthemboththat no amount of infrastructure willcutit.Therealityisthat our people are fighting the struggle for ‘bread and butter.’ Editor, any government that cares for the well-being and welfare of its citizens would not operate the way they, the PPP/C are doing. However, from my advantage point, I can only conclude that Irfaan’s only interest is in ‘cricket.’ I have seen the

efforts expended over the last month to culminate the CPL 2024 games, such as ‘cricket carnival, Caribbean food festivals,’ etc The Government’s emphasis on othersportshasbeenamajor and abysmal failure A review of Guyana’s p r e p a r a t i o n a n d participation at the just completed 2024 Olympic Games in Paris is a true testimony of the PPP/C’s commitment to our nation’s athletes.

They are many rightthinking Guyanese, who I believe will agree with my viewsbeingexpressedthrough this missive The US$1M the GuyanaGovernmentintendsto expendonthelaunchingofthe Global Super League can be utilized in developing athletes and improving sporting facilities here in Guyana Imagine, the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall has been under renovations since 2022 and thereseemstobeaslothfulness inthepaceofworks Thereare many unkempt community grounds, lacking basic amenities;thatmoniesfromthe US$1M can be set aside to enhancedtheestheticsofthese facilities Additionally, monies fromtheUS$1Mcanupgrade derelictcommunity centers in communities

In communities such as Tiger Bay, Agricola and Albouystown, there are manyboxinggymsfacilities intheseareasandEditor,itis aneyesoretoseethestateof these facilities; total neglect by government Again, ratherthanspendingUS$1M on a cricket launch, which willnotbringanybenefitsto the people and these neglected communities, the government should have thesefacilitiesimproved.

Editor, in many communities, young men are seen having a game of football in the streets. This particular sport in my mind hasseenmajorneglectbythe regime.Thisformofsportis attractive to both AfroGuyanese and Indigenous Guyanese Ali and his regime should proffer an explanation to Guyanese why there has been a major lackofsupportforfootball? Editor, as I prepare to conclude; I would like to appeal to, and called on Guyanese to vehemently reject Ali and his regime squandering of their monies andinsistthattheUS$1Mbe used on the development of sporting facilities across communitiesand improving thelivesofcitizens,through thepaymentofbetterwages and salaries for the nation’s hardworking Public Servants and Teachers, who aredoingalternateactivities to supplement their paltry Government salaries Finally, it was heartbreaking towitness,ontheweekendof CPL2024 finals, teachers of G u y a n a o b s e r v e d ‘InternationalTeacher’sDay’ onOctober5,2024andwere not afforded any recognition from Government, who glorified teachers for their servicetonationbuilding;but found it necessary to announce of a US$1M for cricket purposes. Therefore, since the PPP/C is in its penultimate year, as the nation prepares for GRE 2025, I would recommend thatAliandTEAMconducta reviewoftheir programmes, and tailor them for the benefit of our nation’s vulnerablegroups.

Yourssincerely, AnnetteFerguson,MP


Saturday 12 October

2024 is the 532nd anniversary of African Holocaust Day It is the singlemostimportantdayon theGlobalAfricancalendar African Holocaust Day or t h e M A A F A i s commemorated on 12 October because it was on this day in 1492 that Christopher Columbus arrived in the region, signaling the unbridled decimation of Indigenous cultures and peoples throughouttheworld.

MAAFA is a Kiswahili term for “disaster” or “terrible occurrence” MAAFA is also the word that best describes the 532 years of suffering of people of African and Indigenous descent through genocide, slavery, imperialism, colonialism, invasions, and exploitation. The MAAFA uniquely refers to the subjugation, contamination, and loss of Indigenous and African cultures, languages, and spiritual beliefs and encompasses the historic and ongoing commercial exploitation of Africa’s humanandnaturalresources through enslavement, colonization, and neocolonialism.

The Catholic Church is atthecenteroftheMAAFA. It was Pope Nicolas V who issued the Papal Bull, Dum Diversason18June1452to King Alonzo of Portugal. Dum Diversas essentially declared as ecclesiastical law that all persons who werenotChristianscouldbe enslaved, and their property seized.

This along with two

other Papal Bulls, Romanus Pontifex in 1455 and Inter Caeterain1493,collectively known as the Doctrine of Discovery that led Europeans to enslave others in Africa, Asia and Latin America, leading to today’s world of White imperialism anddestructivecapitalismas seen through our climate changeandothercrises. African enslavement was two-fold. The Arab or Muslim Slave Trade that wentonfor11centuriesand the European or Christian SlaveTradethatwentonfor 4 centuries. Many Africans today don’t know their historyastheyhaveadopted theirslavemasters’religions of Islam and Christianity I also notice the idiocy of some African saying there are Israelites. They forget that Africans have been on this earth for over 3 million years(seeskeletonofLucy) and that no such thing as Israel existed. What mental slavery

TheGuyanaReparations Committee(GRC)alsocalls for October 12 to be remembered as a day of mass murder and slavery of African people. The GRC alsocallsforallGuyaneseof goodwill and dignity to attend ACDA’s African HolocaustDaywhichwillbe held at the Bandstand beginning 10 am on Saturdaymorning

It must be remembered that 473,000 Africans died during slavery in Guyana and that their lives are the reasonwhyallGuyaneseare benefitting from oil and other natural patrimony that Africansareexcludedfrom (Continuedonpage22)

Let us all work together and assiduously to ensure that all our people I've in safe environments where wholeness and wellness can be achieved


Yesterday October 10, 2024, was World Mental HealthDay

The day was observed under the profound theme “Mental Health at Work”. The theme is pertinent as thereisacrucialandcritical link between mental health andworkenvirons.

Poorworkingconditions, unsafe and unsupportive workenvironments,pressure from deadlines, isolation from the family, increase in stigma and discrimination, heavy workloads and inflexible shifts, unsafe equipment, poor light and limitedresources-allleadto poor productivity and poor mentalhealth.

Today is an opportune time for all policy makers, civil society, influencers,

and the community to know the facts about mental health. Additionally, these a d v o c a t e s i n t h e neighbourhoods should promote awareness of mentalillnessandbeableto showhowitimpactsoptimal health According to the World Health Organization, (WHO), Mental Health is not just the absence of mental illnesses, but “it is a state of well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize theirabilities,learnwell,and contribute to their community”. Mentalhealth must therefore be fully integrated in the primary caresettingandbegiventhe focus needed to achieve positivehealthoutcomes. Theclarioncallgoesout for the government to guard

against practices and unrealistic schedules that can mitigate good mental health. Yes, the government shouldaddressmentalhealth at work and minimize the risks that exist. High levels of stress that result in burnout should be given immediateattention.

It is hopeful that next year, as the three strategy, namely – a) being able to prevent risks to mental healthatwork,b)promoting well-being and protecting mentalhealthatwork,andc) supporting personnel with mental health conditionswhich are aligned with the WHO/International Labour Organization (ILO) policyare examined, Guyana will be close to achieving the United Nations Sustainable DevelopmentGoal#3-good

health and wellbeing for the citizens. There is no health without mental health Everyone with a mental health condition deserves a chance to live healthy and enjoyproductivelives.

The APNU/ AFC Coalition calls on the government to provide family support and safe spaces for the populace and especially people with mental illnesses. Let there be the ratcheting up of relevant training in mental health literacy supported by robust interventions to cater for persons suffering from alcoholandsubstanceabuse. Allpersonswhoareaffected by mental illnesses are encouraged to engage in physical activity and other typesofactivitiesthatwould not exacerbate stress levels, and to seek out social support. Let us all work together and assiduously to ensure that all our people live in safe environments where wholeness and wellnesscanbeachieved.


Dr Karen Cummings, MP Shadow Minister of HealthforAPNU/AFC.



“As an opposition member of parliament, I mustemphasizethatthePPP government has repeatedly demonstratedthatitdoesnot havethebestinterestsofthe Guyanesepeopleatheart.

Their policies continue toprioritizetheinterestsofa selected few, while the vast majority of our citizens continue to face economic hardship, suffer from inadequate healthcare services, and are recipients of a failing educational

country’s wealth in natural resources, the PPP’s lack of t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d accountability has led to widespreadmismanagement, corruption, and missed opportunitiesforrealnational development

It is clear that the PPP governmentismorefocused on maintaining power than onimprovingthelivesofthe people they were elected to serve.”

Bestregards, DevinSears,MP


Frompage04 US$80/barrel,we’reearning some US$2.5 billion at the 14.5% Exxon contract rate but will be dishing out US$1+billion to the present 200,000families–whichare expectedtoincrease!!”isthe resultofalackofknowledge of the ingredients necessary to undertake such calculations.

Finally, there are other advantagesinimplementation of the Buxton Proposal ignored by the article whose author is clearly unfamiliar with its design elements: the conduct of a feasibility study tofinetunetheinitiative,and its universality as the cash transfer is for every household. Comparatively, the current government’s

“transfer for this and that” is very politicized The cash transfer in the Buxton Proposal can only be paid to recipient whose identity is known, while households havetherighttodeclineifthe payment increases their liability for additional tax payment greater than the transfer, and lastly the transfer coincides with the attainment of a daily rate of productionof15millionb/d This gave government more thansevenyearstoutilizeallthe oil revenues for development, and after the start of the cash transfer scheme 90 percent of oil revenues will be available togovernment Regards

Working People’s Alliance

Guyana boosting coastal resistance through World Bank project

Guyana is among the countriesmostvulnerableto climatechange.Studieshave shown that rising sea levels, among the highest in the world,expose100percentof the country's coastal agriculture and 66.4 percent of its coastal urban areas to flooding and erosion, with potential Gross Domestic Project losses that could exceed46.4percent.

As such, Guyana has become a beneficiary of a World Bank approved

project to help the country adapt to climate change and reduce flood risk in its coastal regions This initiative is set to benefit around 320,000 people, approximately 40 percent of the country's population, including the most vulnerable.

The ongoing Coastal Adaptation and Resilience Project builds on existing efforts to enhance flood risk managementinGuyana.The projectwillrepairorreplace

more than 45 drainage

, focusingonsluices.

According to the World Bank, investments will take into consideration projected land uses, population growth, urbanization, and climate change impacts to e n h a n c e d r a i n a g e functionality for efficient rainfall runoff discharge, improve flood protection, and strengthen irrigation services.


a long-standing engagement betweentheWorldBankand Guyana on strengthening resilience to flooding and natural hazards. With this operation,wearereinforcing Guyana's efforts to maximize disaster risk management while protectinglivesandreducing inequalities in the longterm,” said Diletta Doretti, WorldBankGroupResident Representative for Guyana andSuriname. “Thisproject is also a critical component

of Guyana's Low-Carbon Development Strategy, aligning with the country's broader vision for climate resilientgrowth,”sheadded.

Guyana's coastal drainagesystemcomprisesa unique, intricate network of canals,culverts,sluices,and pumps.

O v e r t i m e , i t s operational capacities have declined due to insufficient investments in maintenance and growing flood risk arising from urbanization and the impacts of climate change. Following the 2005 floods, the government reemphasized the importance of flood risk management and increased the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority'sbudget.

According to the World Bank, the project will work closely with Guyana's Ministry of Agriculture to help it effectively manage and operate the drainage system. It will upgrade the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority's asset management system, develop technical standards

forfloodriskmanagementin urban areas, and provide

e personnel capacity for system operation and maintenance.

The US$45 million project is financed by the GuyanaREDD+Investment Fund(GRIF).TheGRIFisa financial intermediary fund (FIF) for the financing of activities identified under theGovernmentofGuyana's Low Carbon Development Strategy(LCDS).TheGRIF fundsarerevenuesearnedby Guyana for payments for climateservices.

Under the agreement, N

greenhouse gas emissions caused by deforestation and forest degradation. Guyana utilizes these revenues for the implementation of its Low Carbon Development Strategy which includes a

overarching framework for buildingresiliencetoclimate changeimpacts.TheCoastal Adaptation and Resilience Project is part of these efforts.

Government from January 2025 will remove tuition fees from the University of Guyana for Guyanese, President Irfaan AlitoldParliamentduringan addressonThursday.


k e e p i n g w i t h t h e administration's 2020

manifesto pledge. Government has already begun to write-off debts by Guyanesewhohadstudiedat the university through the Ministry of Finance- issued loans.

“ I n o w w i s h t o announce that we'll be proceedingwiththedelivery o f o u r m a n i f e s t o commitment to provide free university education at the University of Guyana,” President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali announced Saying that tuition fees will be completely abolished at UGstartinginJanuary2025, President Ali noted: “this measure will benefit in excess of 11,000 current

s t u d e n t s a t U G immediately,andofcourse, all the new entrants in the future. The future belongs to all of these young people,” the president said. “This will continue the advancement of our human capital for a more prosperous future for our country and for all of the young people who will benefit from this initiative andtheirfamilies.”

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo recently announced that the government is expected to write off approximately $5 billion in studentloandebtowedtothe University of Guyana (UG) by the end of 2024. It was recently reported that the government, through the Ministry of Finance, has written off approximately $203.7 million in student debt owed This was highlighted by the Ministry of Finance's 2024 mid-year report, which revealed that (Continuedonpage22)

The household cash grant

Thegovernment’srecent announcementofa$200,000 cash grant for every household in Guyana is a gesture of economic relief that is as welcome as it is perilous.Well-meaninginits intent,thecashgrantaimsto provide a lifeline to the countless families wrestling withthecost-of-living.

Yet, the process of disbursing these funds is fraught with the familiar pitfalls of ambition exceedingexecution.Before the ink is dry on the government’s promise, the questions arise, and with them, the whispers of opportunism.

In the streets, on social media, in homes and government offices alike, individuals are already racking their brains, scheming for ways to claim their share and perhaps more of the national generosity.Thelast time the government attempted such a broad-stroke distribution, the process dissolved into controversy,miredinclaims

and counterclaims about who qualified and who did not,whogotandwhodidnot get.

Families sharing a roof but not a purse, individuals who declared themselves separate households on the basis of little more than a room and a door, all took issuewiththeparametersset forth. This time, the same confusionsandevasionswill likely reappear It is a story the government should knowalltoowell.

The World Bank, in its sober and

household as “a group of

togetherunderthesameroof and share resources as a single unit for their daily livingneeds.”

It is a definition designed to bring clarity, to delineate who belongs whereandwhatqualifiesasa sharedlife.Itspecifiesthata household might be a solitary figure with a cat for company or a bustling cluster of aunts, uncles, and

children. It emphasises the economicarrangement—the pooling of resources, the shared management of living costs over strict bloodrelations.

But in the context of a cash grant, these words can be stretched and twisted to justifyamultitudeofclaims. When money is at stake, definitions have a way of becomingelastic.

The government’s intentions are good, but it is clear that it lacks the robust database necessary to accurately identify households. Without such a database, the exercise of distribution risks becoming mired in controversy and claims and counter claims

with accusations of favouritism or oversight

The cash grant programme will require more than a good heart; it will require precision, transparency, and upholding the rule of law

Forwhenfundsendupinthe w r o n g h a n d , t h e disillusionmentofthosewho feel cheated or overlooked

Free UG from Jan. 2025 – Pres. Ali...

Frompage8 thislatestdevelopmenthasbenefittedaround 346personstodate.

“So if you divide the $203 million by 346, youwillgetabout$588,000,onaverageper eachperson,”Jagdeosaid.

Within the second half of the year, an additional 2,900 persons is expected to benefitfromthisinitiative.

TheVicePresidentsaid,“Ifweusethe same average that will be about $5 billion alonethisyearandifmorepeoplecomein, wewillwriteallofitoffinasingleyear,the full$18billiononcetheyareeligible.

So I want to urge the students, who haveoutstandingdebttojustapplyforthe writeoffsothatwecanproceedwithdoing so ”


The “PPP Syndrome” infecting people

Dem boys seh some people out there got a new sickness—PPP Syndrome. It bad, real bad. Every time they hear the name “PPP,” their eyes start twitching, their voices get shaky, and they start babbling about conspiracies. Is like the mere thought of the PPP being in office is giving these poor souls real nightmares. Some of them wake up in cold sweats, whispering, “Not them again…not them again…” liketheyseeingghosts.

Demboyssehyoucould spot a PPP Syndrome sufferer from a mile away They walk ‘round looking paranoid, whispering under their breath, and glaring at every red and black sign they see They get all delusional too, imagining how PPP behind every potholeandeverymosquito

bite. Is like they the PPP secretlyrunningtheweather and the tides too. Rain fall?

Blame the PPP Too much sun? That’s the PPP trying to make things hot for everybody

Oneofdemfellassehhe dream a PPP leader was chasing him with a budget book, and he ain’t slept since.Anotheroneswearhe see de word PPP in he cornflakes, and the whole thing drive him to start drinking herbal tea for “politicaldetox.”Demboys seh if only he could detox fromheobsession.

Demboyssehtheworst part about this PPP Syndrome is how contagious it is.All it takes is a Facebook post, a WhatsAppmessage,oralil’ conversation at the rum shop, and next thing you know, de thing spreading

can be deeper than any economichardship.

T h i s t i m e , t h e government must tread carefully It must define, in no uncertain terms, what constitutes a household for the purposes of this grant. Aretwofamilieswholivein separate rooms under one rooftobetreatedasoneunit ortwo?Isatenant,rentinga room within a larger home, entitled to their own grant? Whataboutthepracticenow where some landlords split up their buildings into miniapartments better suited as rat holes? Do each of these qualifyforacashgrant?

Without a clear definition, the door is left wide open to those who would exploit ambiguity for gain. There are those who willtrytodresstheirgreedin the garb of need, to claim a slice of the aid meant for thosewhotrulystruggle.

Butdefiningahousehold isonlypartofthechallenge. Equallyvitalisexplainingto the people who will benefit, with a clarity that leaves no room for misunderstanding. There is no room for vague pronouncements or shifting criteria; only a clear and unequivocal message can prevent the confusion that

i n e v i t a b l y b r e e d s resentment.Thegovernment must speak plainly: who is eligible, how they are counted,andwhattheyneed todotoreceivethegrant.Itis not enough to be generous; one must be precise, for in such precision lies the differencebetweenahelping hand and a blundered, beleaguered exercise in futility

And what of those who would attempt to game the system,thosewhoseeinthis national act of charity an opportunity to enrich themselves unlawfully? The government must make an example of them. Let it be knownthatanypersonfound seeking to defraud or enrich themselves under false pretenses will face the full forceofthelaw

Those caught in the act must be charged, brought beforethecourts,andheldto account. The message must befirm:thereisnoroomfor deceit. Yet, for all these cautions, it is important not tolosesightofthepurposeof thisgrant.

It is meant to ease the burdens of those for whom the simple act of living has becomeadailystruggle.Itis meant to provide a cushion

againsttheinflationthateats awayatsavings,atdignity,at the future itself.And so, the government’s efforts must strike a delicate balance, combining generosity with vigilanceandrigor Intheend,this$200,000 cash grant is more than just money It is a test of governance, of whether the State can deliver on its promises without becoming ensnared in its own good intentions.Thegrantwillnot solve all of Guyana’s problems, nor will it relieve all those who suffer But handled wisely, it can provideameasureofreliefto those who need it most. Mishandled, it risks becominganotherchapterin the long book of missed opportunities, a tale told with a sigh of what could havebeen.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

likeawildfire.Theyallstart mumbling the same things: “PPP stealing elections,” “PPP this, PPP that,” as if they chanting some mysticalspell.

But dem boys seh the realcureforPPPSyndrome is love and sympathy. Maybe they need a big group hug or a nice cup of coconut water. The loss of political power shouldn’t turn people into conspiracy theorists or ghost-seers Dem boys seh politics like cricket sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But these haters acting like they’ve been hit for six every day since 2020. And dem boys seh, if they don’t calmdownsoon,theymight need more than just a hug—they might need a long vacation to clear their minds. Talkhalf!Leffhalf!


Cash handout-naysayers, doubters, troublemakers shut-up and sit down

‘Tek duh! Tek dah and putitinayuhpipeandsmoke it.' Thrilltoit. Swoontoit. Everycentofeverydollarof the $200,000 cash handout

per household just announced by President Ali. Guyanesegottheirbrightand long anticipated Christmas surprise that they knew was comingsinceitisanelection year Not a regular calendar year, but the one that is operated by the PPP The goodnewshasseverallegsto it, which it is my duty, on

behalf of the PPP Government, to broadcast to theGuyanesepeople.

First, the $200,000 cash

payoutisonlythebeginning. Thereismoretocomeasthe election year lengthens and tightens. Oh yeah! It could beasmanyastwomore,with atleastoneguaranteed. Hail to ExcellencyAli! Now, all the critics and skeptics who made a living about cost-ofliving pressures just got silenced and sent to sit in a corner Well, at least for the time being, i.e., until the money is done, and gone. I am going to have to find anothertopictoreplacecostof-living. Inacost-of-living land as parched as Guyana, that $200,000 cash payout is suretogetswallowedupina

hurry So,thereisnoneedto worry Oh man! Did the merchants just jacked up their prices! Still, $200,000 is$200,000inthis'baad'and 'haard'poremaanseason,and a big round of applause for President Ali and the PPP

The president said that this wasgoingtocost$60billion, sowhatishedoingwiththat $7 billion set aside in the budgetasacontingency?

S e c o n d , b y m y

calculation, the PPP

Government should be announcing another cash handout sometime around one of the big holidays that fall early next year Think

along the lines of MashramaniorEaster With $200,000 as the bar, that is the minimum Guyanese should expect, the government must deliver The president can't guh down. This could mean elections as early as somewhere between the late second quarter and early in thethirdquarter,afterscaling theCSECandCAPEfences. All the political stars would be aligned in the PPP's favour

Theweatherisgood. The people would have had two major cash handouts against theirnames. Andwhowould give a second thought to the PNC and/orAFC? Midyear looks more economically feasible,becauseathirdcash handout would be necessary tokeepthepeoplehappyand thinkingaboutthePPPifthe election is held later in the year. From a PPP perspective, that is not so wholesome, as a third cash deliverywouldshortensome of the billions that they wouldliketo'teef'.

Third, the backing for next year's election cash handout(s)wouldcomefrom another record national budget. The Budget Office of the Ministry of Finance is already busy at work crunching the numbers. I foreseeaminimumbudgetof GY$1.5 trillion, with GY$2 trillion for the outside punters. The bigger the

budget, the bigger the envelope that ge dropped into the laps Guyanese (and the PPP criminal cabal in the backgroundofthesharing).

Fourth, the people in uniform and those other tens of thousands of Guyanese whodealwithformsandwho must form a line (public servants) will also be in the running for some of the economic goodies that should be pouring out of the previously tightfisted PPP Government.

The overhang (and hangover) of $200,000 from thecashhandoutservesasthe perfect context to push through another 10% pay increase, this time for public servants, if only to demonstrate how kind and caring, as well as compassionate, Excellency AliandhisPPPcanbe.

Fifth,whenPresidentAli andthePPPGovernmentare done with their cash handoutsakaeconomicrelief envelopes, there would be good grounds for them to assert that the million per Guyanese household that political and other groups havelongbeenharpingabout has since been delivered. Sure, it is kind of sneaky, ratherbelatedly,andslippery but that is how the PPP operates, which Guyanese should know by now The president may be brave and label his actions taking care

of the Guyanese people. I have got news for him: Guyanese may be bruised and battered and jaded by economic injustices, complimentsofacallousand crafty PPP Government, but theyarenotsooutofitasnot to recognize an election gimmick in motion. They willstretchouttheirhandsto collect the cash long due to them, but what they do next withtheirvotinghandisstill upintheair

Finally, now that it is the primetime hour of cash h a n d o u t s , m y recommendation is that every year should be an election year Why delay decision-making with this goofiness about a five-year cycle? Just push the button and let there be an election everyyear

The cash and the good times will just roll in. Did somebody say what about inflation?

Whothehellcaresabout inflation? Certainly not Dr Jagdeo, at least not today, when an election hangs over his head like a GPL transmission wire. A live one. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)


$200,000cashhandout (Part1)

President Ali is doing what he does best…

Put on his Santa Claus suit and share Xmas gifts!

Guyanese households get $200,000 to tide them over December.

All year, for years, poor Guyanese begging for relief!

President Ali didn't hear until the election bell start ringing…

Now he starts moving, bringing $200,000 so Guyanese remember the PPP!

This is leadership -$200,000 worth!

This is governance -stuffed cash envelopes!

One for the people, one for the party!

Chinese contractors bid over US$20M each to build


and Moruca hospitals

Two Chinese firms have bid over US$20million each to construct the Kato HospitalinRegionEightand the Moruca Hospital in Region One This was revealed during the opening of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office on

Thursday According to NPTAB, PCI-Sinopharmintl Consortium and Shandong High-Speed Dejian Group Inc. met the relevant criteria to bid for the Ministry of Health projects Kaieteur News reported that the two bidders were among several firmswhoinitiallysubmitted theirproposalsinAugustfor thecontracts.

Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony among other officials at the location where the Kato Hospital will be constructed.

PCI-Sinopharmintl Consortium submitted a bid of US$27,429,307 01 to design and build the Kato Hospital, while Shandong High-Speed Dejian Group Inc.bidUS$37,331,426.

InrelationtotheMoruca H o s p i t a l , P C ISinopharmintl Consortium bid US$21,269,051, while Shandong High-Speed Dejian Group Inc bid US$33,103,246.

Kaieteur News reported that the Kato and Moruca Hospital projects are being funded through a loan from the Inter-American DevelopmentBank(IDB).

Theministryinitstender document stated that the

Government of Guyana received financing from the I n

e r - A m e r i c a n Development Bank under the Health Care Network Strengthening in Guyana project and intends to use part of the proceeds to fund thehospitalprojects.

Kaieteur News reported that the US$97 million IDB loan secured by the Guyana Government in December 2022formspartofabroader effort to strengthen the nation's healthcare network undertheConditionalCredit LineforInvestmentProjects ( C C L I P ) T h e comprehensive programme aims to bolster the capacity of seven hospitals across

various regions, including key hinterland areas and urbancenters.

Accordingtoreports,the loanwillbeusedtoimprove the health of the Guyanese population through increased access, quality, and efficiency of health servicesbyimprovinghealth outcomes associated with low and high complexity procedures.

This will be done by expanding the capacity of strategic hospitals, by extending coverage of diagnostic, medical consultation, and patient management services, inclusive of the country's (Continuedonpage22)

Body found in canal at Eccles

Police on Thursday found the decomposing body of a man inside a canal at Eccles East Bank Demerara, (ECD)

Reports are that around 14:00hrs, ranks recovered the decomposing

remains of the man of African Descent fromthecanal.Themanwascladinapair ofblackjoggerswithpinkwriting,ablue jersey and a pair of Nike sneakers. No marksofviolencewerereportedlyonthe remains.

Body found in canal at Eccles, East Bank Demerara.

Aviancatolaunch directflightsto GuyanainDecember

Avianca, a leading Colombian airline, will commence direct flights to GuyanaonDecember11,the Cheddi Jagan International Airport said in a press release.

This marks a significant milestone for Guyana's aviation industry, strengthening ties with Colombia and unlocking tourism, trade, and cultural exchange opportunities, the CJIA added. The new route will connect Guyana's capital, Georgetown, to Bogotá, Colombia, offering a convenient and efficient twice-weekly service Passengers can expect a comfortable Airbus A320 aircraft with a capacity of 180passengers. This direct service is more than just a faster connection It's a gamechanger for Guyana's

Some of the vehicles that were stopped by traffic traf ranks on Wednesday

Over 100 persons charged for traffic offences in 24 hours - Police

Onehundredandthreetrafficoffenceswererecordedon Wednesday by traffic police during a traffic enforcement exercise, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) said via its 'Radio EveLeary'station.

According to the report, many tickets were issues to offendersandmanyaresettoappearincourttoanswertheir charges.TheTrafficDepartmentsaidthatthreepersonswere chargedwithdangerousdrivingandanotherthreeforobscure identificationmarks.

Other charges included driving without a muffler (silencer), uncertified motor vehicles, unlicensed motor vehicles, uninsured motor vehicles and failure to produce a drivers'licence.Additionally,twopersonswerechargedwith breachingtrafficlightsignalswhile27personswerecharged for driving with tinted windows and 62 for leaving their vehiclesinadangerousposition.

“Theeffortcontinues,asmanymotoristsshowadisregard forroadrulesandsigns,”thepolicestatedinthereport.

Therehasbeenanincreasedpresenceoftrafficpoliceon thestreetsinabidtoclampdownonroadrageandaccidents, particularlyfatalities.

Colombia's national airline, Avianca had filed for bankruptcy protection in a US court back in 2020

connectivity, providing direct access to South America. The addition of Avianca brings the number of new airlines serving Guyana since 2020 to seven with access to five new destinations.Thisexpansion is expected to attract more

beautifullandscapesandrich culture, facilitate smoother trade between Guyana and Colombia and potentially other South American countries, and pave the way

Guyanaandtheregion. Governmentofficialsare enthusiastic about this development. The addition of Avianca is seen as a key step towards positioning

Guyanaasaregionalhubfor travel and commerce

Deodat Indar, Minister withintheMinistryofPublic Works, underscored that, “As the Government continues to invest in modernising the country's aviation infrastructure and forge partnerships with renowned global airlines, Avianca'sentryintothelocal market will significantly boost interest in our country'suniqueofferings.”

Additionally, the Minister of Tourism, Industry, and Commerce, OneidgeWalrond,expressed enthusiasm that this new route will boost visitor arrivals while stimulating investment and economic growth. She said, “It will also significantly boost our

local tourism industry, creating new jobs and opportunitiesforbusinesses. This positive development will f

her enhance Guyana's reputation as a premiertouristdestination."

Furthermore, Bishop Juan Edghill, Minister of Public Works, echoed the sentiments that this new partnership with Avianca speaks to the Government's resilience and commitment to expanding the country's air connectivity, which is a key component of its strategy to position Guyana as a regional hub for travel andcommerce. He added, “We are spending heavily on infrastructureimprovements to make Guyana an even more appealing destination

for investors and airlines. Our upgraded airport and relatedinfrastructurewillbe critical in increasing our appeal for international air connectivity " Avianca's flights will significantly expand Guyana's seat availability, providing travelers with more options and potentially lower fares. So far this year, Guyana has addedanadditional200,000 airline seats and 125,000 morepassengermovements. Avianca's extensive network, spanning over 100 destinations across the Americas and Europe, will transform Guyana into a more accessible and attractive destination, offering travelers seamless connections to other global hotspots.

‘Appointment of Hicken hangs in balance’

…AGinstructedtocheckonlegality ofpassingretirementagequestion

ActingPolice Commissioner, Clifton Hicken

Opposition boycotts Parliament, holds protest

The Opposition on Thursday boycotted Thursday's sitting of the NationalAssemblyandhelda protest outside the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown as President Irfaan Ali delivered a three and a half-hour speech at the venue.

The protest was led by Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton who said the protestwas aimedatsending a strong signal to the PresidentthattheOpposition is dissatisfied with the government's handling of matters of national importance.

Norton, who was flanked by several Members of Parliament (MPs), reminded thatmanycitizenscontinueto live in poverty despite the country's wealth and that the ruling People's Progressive Party (PPP) has failed to remedythesituation.

“ O u r p u b l i c demonstration is intended to re-emphasize that Guyana remains in crisis: a crisis in parliamentary democracy; a crisis in local government affairs; a crisis in political relations; a corruption crisis; a transparency and accountability crisis; a law enforcement crisis, and a crisis in terms of the high cost-of-living and poor quality of life experienced daily by most Guyanese citizens.Amidstoilwealth,a

substantial percentage of the Guyanese people live in poverty,”Nortonsaid.

He continued: “The, PPP is either blind and deaf; or indifferent and heartless; or incompetent and clueless; or arrogantandelitist;orallthe above.We,intheOpposition, will not play along with the PPP's deceptions and pretensions.

We will not lose sight of the fact that the entire Guyanese population (in particular,the50%andmore who voted for us at the 2020 General and Regional Elections)continuetolookto ustorepresenttheirconcerns andinterests...”

Aside from issues of economics, Norton said the government has ignored to address several policy matters.

“We have, for instance, looked to use the parliamentary mechanism to the fullest to raise and

Leader of the Opposition, surrounded by some of his MPs and other members, reads a prepared speech on the protest line outside of Arthur Chung Conference Centre where Parliament is held

public spending of the corrupt PPP government,” Nortonexplained.

Additionally, Norton spoketowhathedescribedas failures in democracy and governance under the PPP regime. He highlighted the non-appointment of the acting Chancellor and Chief Justicedespitehimsignaling his unequivocal support for t h e i r s u b s t a n t i v e appointments.

address critical issues affectingtheordinarypeople of Guyana…We have tabled a record number of motions

and questions to Ministers. Unfortunately, for as long as the Speaker of the House remains a puppet of the government, and for as long as the government continues to undermine and stifle parliament,itwillremainthe shamthatitis.”

The Leader of the Opposition said too that many Standing Committees oftheNationalAssemblyare yet to meet in relation to work, while pointing specifically to the National SecurityCommittee.

Norton believes that “With the increase in criminal activities, corruptioninthePoliceForce and other serious crimes; othercommitteessuchasthe CommitteeofAppointments, the Foreign Services and Economic Services Committee” should be fully functional.

“All have outstanding and pending matters, yet the PPP government is willfully derailing the works of these Committees.

In addition, the PPP regimehaschangedtherules governing the Public Accounts Committee in a way that their nonattendance prevents the Committee from meeting thus resulting in little or no parliamentaryscrutinyofthe

The appointment of Oppositionrepresentativesto State boards was also raised by the Opposition Leader who pointed out that the government has failed to ensure that the appointments a r e m a d e d e s p i t e rep

esentatives being identified.

Speaking on the rising cost-of-living, Norton said thattheOppositionhasmade several proposals aimed at remedying the situation but all have been ignored by the government.

Among the suggestions proffered is a salary increase for all government employees,muchhigherthan was previously imposed; increasing the tax-free threshold to $150,000 monthly so that more than 200,000 Guyanese workers in the public and private sectorshavemoredisposable income and develop agriculture across the country to reduce the cost of food.

Additionally,Nortonsaid he suggested that the governmentneedstoprovide large grants to help farmers purchase equipment to reduce the cost of food. The distribution of fuel vouchers tobringthecostoffueldown for farm to market transportation; the provision oftwohotmealstostudents, to ease the high food costs their parents face and the establishment of a school transportation network to r e m o v e s t u d e n t transportation costs were alsorecommended.

Govt. seeking contractors to design and construct new West Dem. Hospital

TheMinistryofHealthis seekingcontractorstodesign and build the new West Demerara Hospital, Region Three.

The ministry in an invitation for bids said that the bidding process will be conducted through the

National Competitive Bidding procedure specified intheProcurementAct2003.

The bids will be opened onNovember12,2024atthe National Procurement and Tender Administration Board's(NPTAB)office.

The invitation for bids followsPresidentIrfaanAli's announcement last month that a new West Demerara Hospital will be constructed. The President, at that time

notedthatthecurrenthospital has seen significant improvementsovertheyears.

TheDepartmentofPublic Information in an article quoted President Ali as saying, “In the first four months of 2021, they did 16 surgeries.

Inthefirstfourmonthsof 2024,theydid585surgeries. Itiseasytopostonebadstory or two bad stories on Facebook.

But what about this? 585 surger

es that were completedcomparedto16in 2021.”

Further, the hospital has been undergoing several upgrades including the construction of a new mortuary and the acquisition

o f e q u i p m e n t f o r laparoscopic surgeries

However, despite the improvementsovertheyears, President Ali said that the hospital can no longer meet the demands of the growing regionaleconomy

“Now with this growth, we know that the West Demerara Hospital has now outgrownitstime.

It has outgrown what it wasbuiltfor Itdoesnotmeet themodern,efficient,reliable needs of the citizens of RegionThree,”thePresident stated.

The construction of the new hospital is part of the government'splantoprovide world-class healthcare serviceacrossthecountry

TheWest Demerara Regional Hospital in Region Three.


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One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or call 615-9132.

Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

One (1) painter Call 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443

General Domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.

Female Cleaner for an office in Eccles. Call 615-9132 / 6458443.

Laundry attendant, receptionist, supervisor & Room attendant 23-50 years old. 233 south road Lacytown / 2250198.

Housekeeper and Chef needed contact number 6774896.

Experienced Hair Colorist, Hair Cutters, Nail technicians and Barbers needed. Please Call/ WhatsApp 6096259 or 6495005.

Experienced Accounts Clerk. Apply at Alabama Trading 65 Robb Street, Borda.

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Hiring Lorry Driver & Porter, Must have Valid driver and lorry license 3 years experience. WhatsApp 609-2220.

Sand truck driver needed, Sand pit to Eccles. $5,000 per trip. Call: 683-9506.


For Sale Live chicken $100 up $350 lb Call : 625-0058.

Extractor-Blower 10 Horsepower 415 volts 3 phase, two speed. Contact : 650-0074.

Suspects in ‘Bricks’ abduction for court today

The remaining four suspects in the Joshua David (Bricks) abduction case are scheduled for court today, police said on Thursday afternoon.

Those suspects have been identified as: 34-year-old

Suspects in ‘Bricks’ abduction for court today

Wayne Barker called ‘onnie’, 26-year-old Aaron Alleyne called ‘Cats’, 21-year-old Davantai Mars called ‘Sharkie’, 32-year-old Damion Barlow called ‘Dangles’, Their court appearance was scheduled after police were able to obtain a court

extension to keep them in custody for more than 72 hours. No further information about the case was divulged by police but it is clear that investigators might just have enough evidence to institute charges against them.

Following Bricks’ disap-

Metal barrels explodes killing

Five-year-old Fayyaz Shahid on Thursday died following a metal barrel explosion at his Prospect, East Bank Demerara home.

According to the Guyana Police Force (GPF), around 4:30 p.m. the child’s parents, 35-year-old Faiaze Sahid and 37-year-old

Jessica Williams, were attempting to cut a metal barrel with a welding torch to make a BBQ grill.

The barrel suddenly exploded, hitting young Fayyaz, who was nearby on the veranda. The parents rushed their son to the Diamond Diagnostic


Call: 734-5204.

pearance, police issued a wanted bulletin for six persons.

All of them surrendered and two have already been charged and remanded. Meanwhile, efforts by the police thus far to locate David have been unsuccessful.

5-year-old boy

Hospital, but he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Regional Commander Deputy Superintendent Wayne DeHearte and a team of police officers visited the scene. Upon inspection, the police observed that the barrel had a label indicating it was highly flammable. The

explosion caused the top of the barrel to blow off, fatally striking the child.

The police have since launched an investigation, with initial findings revealing injuries to the child’s left hand and head. Further investigations are ongoing.

Saturday is African Holocaust Day...

From page 05 today. It should also be remembered that Africans during the 200 years of slavery created a livable space in Guyana out of the “wild coast” which was beneath sea level and full of venomous snakes and other dangers.

As I commemorate the African Holocaust, I am reminded by the selective memory and deliberate intellectualism of Clement Rohee and other politicians and ethnic entrepreneurs, both Indian and African. Clement Rohee wrote about the Summit of the Future in yesterday’s newspapers and focused on external issues such as reform of the UN etc.


What he did not address were points # 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 of the Preamble; points 13,14 and 20 of the Guiding Principles; and points 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 33 of the Commitments; and points 36 and 40 of the Actions. Indeed, for example, Preamble 6 stated “recognizing that the decisions, actions, and inactions of present generations, have an intergenerational multiplier effect, and therefore resolving to ensure that present generations act with responsibility towards safeguarding the needs and interests of future generation”.

What he did not discuss was Guiding Principle 20 “The elimination of racism,

racial discrimination. And related intolerance, as well as the achievement of racial equality and the empowerment of all people, are required for a prosperous and sustainable future”.

What Rohee did not discuss was Commitment 25…” Eliminate all forms of historical and structural inequalities, including acknowledging, addressing and remedying past tragedies and their consequences, and eradicate all forms of discrimination”. As African Holocaust Day is commemorated this Saturday October 12, I hope Clement Rohee takes cognizance of Ralph Ramkarran’s and Dr. Bertrand Ramcharan recent

articles which acknowledge exclusion of African Guyanese and the need for a different type of constitution to enable inclusion of all in Guyana sustainable development.

Rohee has always spoken about Cheddi Jagan’s desires for an inclusive Guyana. Why is he not writing about this? This country is not about the PPP/C, PMNCR or AFC, it is about Guyana.

What is your legacy, Clement Rohee? Is it that you are PPP/C or Guyanese? The Barbarians are at the Gate.

Yours truly Eric Phillips Chair, Guyana Reparations Committee

contractors bid over US$20M each to build...

From page 12 hinterlands, through digital health; and by increasing the efficiency of the public health system, by strengthening key logistic, management, and support processes and inputs.

The project is also expected to target infrastructure improvement and expansion in seven priority

hospitals, namely the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), the New Amsterdam Regional Hospital (NARH) and the Linden Hospital Complex (LHC), as well as four District Hospitals located in the hinterland (Moruca, Kamarang, Kato, and Lethem).

Kaieteur News under-

stands that the state-ofthe-art facility for Moruca is set to feature a modern medical laboratory, and a 24-hour operated Accident and Emergency Unit among other facilities.

The site for the new hospital has already been identified and it is located at 3 Miles, Moruca. Similarly, the new facility at Kato will consist of 75 beds, a modern medical laboratory, and a 24-hour operated Accid ent and Emergency Unit.

The world-class health facility is set to be completed by the end of 2025 or the first half of 2026.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call:
PEN PAL Indian male seeking female for relationship (Pen-pal).

Pres. Ali announces $200K cash grant for each household


Amid the crushing load ofpovertycoupledwithhigh cost-of-living, President Irfaan Ali on Thursday announced a one-off cash grant of $200,000 for every householdinGuyanaduring his address at the 12th ParliamentSpecialSittingof theNationalAssembly

This initiative, which will inject $60 billion into the economy, is expected to commence immediately as authorities establish a fair and transparent distribution

process, Ali said to thunderous applause from government Members of Parliament. Outside of the House, members of the Opposition who boycotted the sitting staged a protest highlighting the cost-ofliving crisis here as well as accusations of corruption againsttheadministration.

P r e s i d e n t A l i emphasisedthecommitment of the Government to prioritise the welfare of all Guyanese, noting that since t

, including the removal of over 200 taxes and fees imposed by the previous government,suchasVATon water, electricity, and basic fooditems.

Additional measures include: the removal of excise tax on fuel, which saves consumers over $90 billion annually, an increase in the low-income mortgage loan ceiling, and the elimination of taxes on residential use of data. Last year, a $5 billion cost-ofliving allocation provided public servants, teachers, a

disciplined services with a $25,000 one-time tax-free cash grant. “This is how we are promoting prosperity, ownership, and the distributionofwealth…The resourcesandrevenueofthis country are being spent every single day to lift the lives of people,” the Presidentstated.

- $10B injection for NIS, range of other measures

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo later at a news conference addressed concerns surrounding what willconstitutea“household” for the cash grant distribution. He referenced the last national census, which recorded 264,000 h o u s e h o l d s , b u t acknowledged that the census may not have captured every individual. Jagdeo announced that the government plans to rely on data from utility companies, such as Guyana Power and

importance of rigorous scrutinytopreventmisuseof thesystem,withtheAuditor General’sOfficeinvolvedto maintain accountability He noted,“Wetrytoseeasfaras possiblehowwecanmakeit fair without people ripping offthesystemtoo.Sowestill have to work it through in great detail, but we believe we can do it… The aim is once it is a legitimate household.Ifyouhaveabill, thatwillbeeasilyaccessed,” Jagdeonoted.

Additionally, Jagdeo a

Light (GPL) and Guyana Water Inc (GWI), to determineeligibility Jagdeo explained, “We have about 200,000 people who pay electricity rates who are on the GPL database So clearly, if someone is paying their electricitybillthatisgoingto beahousehold.”

He also noted that while verification may be straightforward in some regions, utility data alone may not suffice to ensure fairness He stressed the

nnationals are not eligible for the cash grant, stating, “These are Guyanese families; if you are not a Guyanese household, you arenotgettingthemoney.”


deo pointedoutthatthedatabase will not include residents in Regions 1, 7,8,9 and other riverineareasonthecoast.

In these cases, Jagdeo

verified, noting that the villages are small and they

willattainverificationbythe To s h a o


Inhouseholdsthatcanbe easily verified through utility bills, where multiple families may reside under one roof, payments will be shared first. For secondary households, such as rented homes in rural areas, additional measures will be implemented to confirm household identification Vice President Jagdeo explained, if a person has multiplebuildings,andtheir nameappearsontherelevant utility meters, tenants in suchhouseholdswouldneed toclaimthegrantseparately “So if you can prove that peoplearerenting,youshow that you are renting, then that’s an easy way that you haveyourownhouseholds,” Jagdeoconfirmed.

Meanwhile during his address, President Ali announced that electricity costs in Guyana will be reduced by 50% before the endof2025,contingenton (Continuedonpage24)

President Mohammed Irfaan Ali addressing Parliament

22 killed, 117 injured in Israeli strikes in Beirut

(CNN)Atleast22people were killed and 117 injured inIsraelistrikesthisevening in Beirut, the Lebanese healthministrysaid.

A senior Hezbollah official, Wafiq Safa, survived the attack, according to a source in the militant group Two UN peacekeepers in Lebanon were also injured in Israeli tank fire, the organization says.

Meanwhile, people could be seen overwhelmed with grief outside the American University of Beirut Medical Center, wheresomeofthecasualties of Thursday night’s strikes on the city center are being treated.

Outside the emergency ward, an elderly woman rockedbackandforthwitha dazed look in her eyes. A mancametoherwithterrible news: “Abbas’s son and daughter are martyrs,” he said, his hand on her shoulder “Thank God for everything. Don’t forget to

say thank God for everything.”

Afewmomentslater,the woman burst into tears. At least22peoplewerekilledin anIsraeliattackonThursday night local time, according to Lebanon’s Ministry of Health.Morethanahundred others were injured. Asked for comment on the strikes, the Israeli military said it waslookingintoreports.


Pres. Ali announces $200K cash...

Frompage23 the Gas-to-Energy project.

This measure is expected to inject $250 million into the economy and significantly enhance disposable income forcitizens.

“This is an injection of $250 million by the government of Guyana that will positively impact disposable income, ”

President Ali stated He

highlighted previous challenges faced by Guyana Power and Light, which struggled to meet increasing electricity demand from 2015 to 2019 due to insufficient inventory and investment.

President Ali further revealed plans for public sector employees to earn no less than $100,000 monthly bytheendof2025.Hestated that adjustments to salaries for various public sector categories, along with an increase in the income tax threshold from $65,000 to $100,000, will benefit many workers. “This will see the disposable income of these employees increasing by morethan1billion.

This is how we build prosperity; this is how we reduce disparity and this is how we build equity in the system,” the Head-of-State emphasised.

To support families, the

government will introduce a new income tax deduction allowingparentstoclaiman additional $10,000 per month for each child, effective next year “This will increase the tax-free threshold for families with children,” the president explained.

Ali explained that for every child, one of their parents will be entitled an additional income tax threshold of $120,000 more than what they would previouslyhave.Jagdeoalso explained at his press conference when asked if it will be deducted from the governmentagencymonthly or yearly. He explained stating,“sooncetheygetthe codethattheyareeligible,so the same way how they apply the exemption, so it hastobeonamonthlybasis because you pay your taxes which is deducted on a monthly basis; for example, youareearninga$120,000a month,yougettwokids,you get a code and you are now eligible of deductibles for twokids.

The threshold how is $100,000soyouhavetonow pay taxes on the $20,000 becausetaxfreethresholdis $100,000 so your tax-free threshold now goes up to $120,000 so then you don’t havetopayanytaxes.”

Moreover, a $10,000 universal health care voucherwillbeavailablefor every Guyanese citizen in 2025, benefitting over 500,000 individuals and involving an investment of over $5 billion in public health.

The voucher will cover basic medical tests essential for establishing health data andminimizingthespreadof non-communicable diseases.

“The universal health voucher will help us as we work to build a healthy, s

population,” President Ali

y, President Ali announced a $10 billion one-off injection into the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) to support

challenges in receiving their entitled benefits Details regarding this financial support will be outlined in nextyear’sbudget.

“This would allow contributors who would not have met the requirement to benefitfromacashinjection that will support a better qualityoflivingforthemand allow them the opportunity of benefitting from their contribution,” the president highlighted. This initiative will benefit over 3,800 individuals.

they saw an entire building collapse from one of tonight’s strikes in central Beirut, saying the structure was full of recently displaced people and residents.

“The bomb hit. And the entire building fell down,” oneofthewitnesses,Hassan, told CNN outside a hospital near Beirut’s Upper Basta neigborhood. “There were so many people in the building.

Notjusttheresidentsbut also people who were displacedfromotherpartsof the country,” he said. A Lebanese security source had earlier told CNN an Israeli strike collapsed a four-storybuildinginUpper Basta.

“Im waiting for my brotherandsister,”Partim,a migrant worker from Bangladesh, told CNN outside the hospital where people had gathered to hear news of their loved ones.

“They were the concierges of the building. I’m sure they’reok,”hesaid.Another manwasbeingcomfortedby agroupofhisfriends.

“Don’t worry,” one friend tells him. “I’m sure we’ll hear from her very soon.” At Beirut’s Al Nuwairi neighborhood, the site of another strike, a building’sthirdfloorwashit. Firetrucks and ambulances were seen near the building, while women carrying bags fledthearea.

28 killed in Israeli attack on school sheltering displaced in Gaza

(ALJAZEERA) An Israeliairstrikeonaschoolturned-shelter in the central GazaStriphaskilledatleast 28 people and wounded dozens of others, according toPalestinianauthorities.

“Palestine Red Crescent teams responded to 28 fatalities and 54 injuries following the Israeli occupation army’s targeting of Rafida School,” the Palestinian Red Crescent said on Thursday Gaza’s Health Ministry also confirmedthedeathtoll.

“The Israeli occupation committed a new massacre bytargetingthedisplacedin the [Rafida] school in the Deir el-Balah area in the central governorate this afternoon,where28martyrs and more than 54 injuries arrived at the hospitals,” the ministrysaid.

Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum, reporting from Deir el-Balah, said children and women “were torn to piecesbytheintensityofthe strike”.

“Isawwithmyowneyes lots of bodies that were torn to pieces, making it quite hard to identify them unless familymembersmanagedto findoutwhotheywerefrom some signs in their clothing inthehospitalmorgue,”Abu Azzoum said. He said the

Israeli army did not issue a warning before striking the building.

TheIsraeliarmyclaimed in a statement the strike targeted Hamas fighters operating from a so-called command-and-control centre “embedded inside a compound that previously served as the [Rafida] School”. It did not provide evidence, but claimed the building was used “to plan and execute terrorist attacks against[Israeliarmy]troops and the State of Israel”.

Thursday’s attack was the latest in a string of Israeli strikes on school buildings

housing displaced Palestinians in Gaza, where fighting has raged for more thanayear

The attacks have predominantly killed

children and women. Many of the schools run by the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) have also been damaged or destroyed On September 26, at least 15 people were killed in another schoolturned-shelter strike in northern Gaza’s Jabalia refugee camp, according to Gaza’scivildefence.

The Israeli military launched a renewed ground assault in Jabalia, where thousands of families have been trapped inside their homes in the ravaged area that has previously seen multiple ground and aerial attacks.

According to Abu Azzoum, the Israeli army is “inspecting houses” in the camp and carrying out arrests of males who are 14 yearsoldandolder.

Flames and smoke rise at the scene of destroyed buildings hit by an Israeli air strike in central Beirut, Lebanon [Bilal Hussein/AP Photo]
Palestinians wounded in an Israeli attack on a school sheltering displaced families are brought to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital for treatment in Deir el-Balah, Gaza [Ashraf Amra/Anadolu]

New report highlights 73% decline in wildlife populations

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has released its highly anticipated Living Planet Report 2024, revealing a 73% average decline in monitored wildlife populationsoverthepast50years.

The flagship report warns that partsofourplanetareapproaching dangeroustippingpointsdrivenby thecombinationofnaturelossand climate change, which pose grave threatstohumanity,WWFsaidina pressrelease.

The report, which tracks almost 35,000 vertebrate populations of 5,495 species from 1970to2020,highlightsabroader trend of significant declines in wildlifepopulationsworldwide.

According to the release, the reportalsodetailssharpdeclinesin monitored wildlife populations, withthesteepestdropsrecordedin Latin America and the Caribbean (95%), Africa (76%) and Asia–Pacific (60%), followed by NorthAmerica (39%) and Europe andCentralAsia(35%).

“Declines in wildlife populations can act as an early warning indicator of increasing extinction risk and the potential loss of healthy ecosystems. When ecosystems are damaged, they ceasetoprovidehumanitywiththe benefits we have come to depend on - clean air, water and healthy soils for food - and they can becomemorevulnerabletotipping

points.Atipping point is when an ecosystem is pushed beyond a critical threshold, resulting in substantial and potentially irreversible change,” the press r e l e a s e n o t e d Global tipping points, such as the dieback of the Amazon rainforest andthemassdie-offofcoralreefs, would create shockwaves far beyond the immediate area, impacting food security and livelihoods. According to WWF, the warning comes as fire outbreaks in the Amazon reached their highest level in 14 years in September, and a fourth global mass coral bleaching event was confirmedearlierthisyear


Additionally,ofmajorconcern for the Amazon region, which Guyana is part of, is the catastrophic 65% decline in the population of the Amazon pink river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) between 1994 and 2016 The Amazon pink river dolphin, a key indicator species for the health of freshwater ecosystems, has been severely impacted by habitat loss and contamination of freshwater systems,thereleaseadded.

InGuyana,theriverdolphinis one of the species that acts as an ecological link, connecting Guyana to the Amazon basin via the globally renowned Rupununi

modification, overharvesting, pollution,andclimatechange,”the release stated. WWF emphasises the need for immediate and concerted efforts to mitigate habitat destruction, enforce antipollution measures, and implement sustainable fishing practices to protect vulnerable species.

The Living Planet Report 2024, revealed a 73% average decline in monitored wildlife populations over the past 50 years

wetlands. The freshwater systems of Rupununi are critical to sustain vast ecosystems and serve as migration channels for river dolphinsmovingfromtheAmazon to the Rupununi during the wet seasons.

WWF has supported muchneeded research to assess the health of the river dolphin populationinGuyana.

Aiesha Williams, Country Director of WWF-Guianas, Guyanaoffice,stated,“Forushere in the Guianas, the report underscores the urgent need to safeguard


cious biodiversity we rely on for our livelihoods. Our region is known for its abundant biodiversity and ecological significance; however, with the staggering decline of biodiversity in LatinAmerica and

theCaribbean,itisimperativethat both Guyana and Suriname take more significant action that will achieve the maintenance of livelihoods, as the countries develop, without losing nature and,atthesametime,contributeto global efforts that help reverse biodiversityloss.”

Freshwater EcosystemsatRisk

Further, the report states that freshwater species, including the Amazon pink river dolphin, have experienced the most dramatic declines,withanaveragedecrease of85%.

Freshwaterfisheriesarefacing significant pressure. “Migratory fish populations, which constitute the majority of freshwater catch, have decreased by an average of 81% since 1970 due to habitat

AccordingtoWWF,theLiving Planet Report 2024 is a critical wake-up call for policymakers, businesses, and individuals to prioritise conservation efforts and adopt sustainable practices. “The WWF calls on the global community to address these challenges and safeguard the planet's biodiversity for future generations.”

Dr Kirsten Schuijt, Director General of WWF International, said: “Although the situation is desperate, we are not yet past the pointofnoreturn. We have global agreements and solutions to set nature on the pathtorecoveryby2030,butsofar there's been little progress on deliveryandalackofurgency The decisions made and action taken over the next five years will be crucial for the future of life on Earth.

Thepower−andopportunity− are in our hands to change the trajectory We can restore our livingplanetifweactnow.”

Tennis great Nadal confirms retirement

SportsMax - Rafael Nadal has confirmed his impending retirement from tennis.

The Spanish superstar will end his remarkable playing career after the Davis Cup Finals, which take place in Malaga in November Only Margaret Court, Novak Djokovic (24

each) and Serena Williams (23)havewonmoreSingles GrandSlamtitlesthanNadal (22), but he has been plagued by injury in recent seasons In a message released on his official social media channels on Thursday,Nadalsaid:“Iam here to let you know I am retiring from professional

tennis. “The reality is that it has been some difficult years, the last two especially

“Idon’tthinkIhavebeen able to play without limitations ” Nadal confirmed previously that 2024 would likely be his final year on ATP Tour circuitandhehasfeaturedin

just seven tournaments this season He remarkably reached the Swedish Open final in Bastad, only to lose to Nuno Borges, after competing at the French Openforthefinaltime.

Nadal has won a record 14 titles at Roland-Garros, withthelastofthosecoming in2022.

He will retire as a fourtimeUSOpenchampionand a two-time winner at both the Australian Open and Wimbledon.

Friday October 11, 2024

ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)

Today you're likely focused on sex, romance, and committed relationships. The planetaryenergiessurrounding love are promising, Aries. If you're in a relationship, you and your partner could make plans.

TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)

Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow


You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.


Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly


You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.


The little fighter that you are makes it very difficult for you to join us in the great communal river that we're alltryingtonavigate,Virgo Youprefertotravelsolo


Libra, you should be looking beaut


and feeling especiallypositive,warm,and loving-attractingpeopleofall kinds to you Your selfconfidence, optimism, and determination should peak overthenextfewdays.


Creative inspiration could come from deep within today, Scorpio. Visions, dreamsanything that excites your imagination-couldbringideas fornewprojects.


Group activities prove beneficial on several levels, Sagittarius. You might project powerful warmth and love for all life You're feeling especiallyoptimisticaboutthe future.


Youmightfindyourselfinthe publiceyeatsomepointtoday, Capricorn. This is fine since you're looking and feeling great.You'relikelierthanusual to project warmth and friendlinesstoothers.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)If you've considered a careerinpublishing,Aquarius, thisisthetimetogoforit.It's alsoagreatdaytoenrollinlaw school, an advanced degree program,oranyfieldofhigher education.


Your dreams could be vivid, pleasant, and full of informationtohelpyoumakea decision. New and exciting contacts could come into your life today, Pisces, possibly provinghelpfulinshowingyou waystoincreaseyourincome.

Nadalhasnotfeaturedin asinglesmatchsincehelost to old foe Djokovic at the ParisOlympicsinAugust.

Along with Djokovic andRogerFederer,Nadalis one of only three players in theOpenEratohaveplayed and won over 300 men’s singles Grand Slam matches. Nadal bows out with a major record of 314 winsfrom358matches.

His retirement, which comes on the back ofAndy Murray calling it a day earlierthisyear,meansthat, of the “big four” that dominated men’s tennis for over a decade, only Djokovicnowremains.

Harry Brook stars as recordbreaking...

Frompage32 never stepped. He became justthesixthEnglishmanto reach 300, raising his bat skywards in honour of his lategrandmotherPauline.

By now he seemed less engaged in a battle with Pakistan and more with Sir Len Hutton’s England recordof364.Attheratehe was going, 99 runs off 65 balls after the break, it would not have taken him long to get there. But a topedgedsweepbroughthimup shortand,likeRoot,hewas mobbedwithhandshakesby the opposition as a mark of respect on his way to the pavilion.

His efforts had knocked the stuffing out of Pakistan, who will need to mount a serious fightback to avert a finaldaydefeat.

Scores: Pakistan 556 and 152 for 6 (Salman 41*, Atkinson 2-28) trail England 823 for 7 dec (Brook 317, Root 262, Duckett84,Crawley78)by 115runs.

Tennis great Rafael Nadal confirms retirement.

Defining League A clash for Golden Jaguars tonight

- Guyana to battle Guatemala from 9:00 pm at Edinburgh

believes could be

League For Guyana, the stakes couldn’t be higher TheGoldenJaguars’journey in League A has been turbulent,witha3-1defeatat home to Suriname followed by a disappointing 2-2 draw away to Martinique. These resultshavelefttheteamina precariousposition.

Meanwhile, Guatemala, a formidable opponent, begantheircampaignwitha 3-1victoryoverMartinique, but their momentum was tempered by a scoreless draw against regional powerhouse Costa Rica in theirlastouting.

Shabazz, known for his pragmatic yet optimistic approach, understands the weight of the upcoming encounter

Guatemalahasprovento be a thorn in Guyana’s side, having defeated the Golden Jaguars in all three previous meetings, including the painful 4-0 loss in the 2021 CONCACAF Gold Cup Qualifier

The Trinidadian coach, however, believes his team has grown since then and is readytorisetotheoccasion.

“Despite the superiority of Guatemala on paper, and historically,Ithinkwe’reup forbeingverycompetitive,” Shabazzsaid.

Shabazz’s confidence is bolstered by several key playerswhowillbecrucialin determiningtheoutcome.

Goalkeeper Quillan Roberts, one of the standout performers in the Golden Jaguars’campaign so far, is expected to play a pivotal role. Roberts has been the backbone of Guyana’s defence and while Shabazz haspraisedhisshot-stopping abilities,Robertshimselfhas acknowledged the challenges that come with competinginLeagueA.

“We’re obviously not in thepositionwewanttobeat the moment,” Roberts admitted.“Butallwecando now is fight League A comeswithtoughchallenges and this game against Guatemala is no different. Wehavetwogamesleft,and it’s crucial that we give it everythingwe’vegot.”

Roberts will be backed byasoliddefenceledbythe experienced Terrence Vancooten, whose leadership and resilience will be vital in keeping Guatemala’sattackatbay On the offensive side,

Guyana will be looking to players like Omari Glasgow and Middleborough FC winger, Isaiah Jones to lead theteam’scharge.

Glasgow has shown flashesofbrillianceinrecent matches, and his speed and creativity could be key in breaking down Guatemala’s well-organizedbackline.

Guatemala,however,are not to be taken lightly The Central American team

boasts a wealth of experience and talent, with playerslikeDarwinLomand Gerardo Gordillo expected toleadthecharge.

Lom, a clinical striker, has been a consistent threat in front of goal, while Gordillo’s presence in defence has made Guatemalaadifficultteamto breakdown.

Additionally, midfielder José Contreras, known for his vision and playmaking ability, will be the engine drivingGuatemala’sattack.

Head coach Luis Fernando Tena has moulded his squad into a wellroundedunit,anddespitethe draw against Costa Rica,

Guatemala will enter the match against Guyana with confidence, knowing they’ve had the upper hand inpreviousencounters.

For Guyana, the challenge is not just about securing a result but also about proving they belong amongtheregion’selite.

Shabazz has always emphasized the importance of growth and development, and while the Golden Jaguars have shown flashes ofbrilliance,consistencyhas beenelusive.

“Coming into our first seasoninLeagueA,ouraim was to stay up,” Shabazz explained. “Historically, the record of Caribbean teams hasn’t been great in this league, and there are factors outside of football that contribute to that. But we needtofocusonwhatwecan control, and that’s our effort and performance on the pitch.”

For Shabazz and his team,thefuturehangsinthe balance, and tonight’s game could be the defining moment in their Nations Leaguejourney

Guatemalatonightfrom9:00 pmattheNationalTrackand FieldCentreinEdinburgh,a match Head Coach Jamaal
pivotal in determining the team’sfutureinLeagueAof the CONCACAF Nations
Goalkeeper Quillan Roberts is considered one of the most important pieces for the Golden Jaguars.
Head Coach Jamaal Shabazz (right) and captain Terrence Vancooten sharing a light moment at the team’s training ahead of Guyana’s clash with Guatemala.

Suriname to face strong competition from Guyanese Golfers

Guyanese golfers will be seeking to honors this coming weekend in the Suriname Invitational.

Acontingent of G

golfers are headed to Surinameastheyanswereda challenge for top honours in

Championship, the flagship tournament hosted by Golf ClubParamaribo.

President of the GGA Aleem Hussain almost missed the tournament b

intervention by Acting P

Budhram, Hussain along with Monnaf Arjune, Roy and Sabita Dhori were able to make the

participate and represent Guyana.

This is the second year that Guyana has seen representation from more

than one club and it is expected that in the c

Guyanese contingent will

formidable junior team as the sport continues to gain


Guyanese have gained accesstothesportthrough

between the Guyana Golf Association, Ministry of

Authority since 2022, with several hundred students taking golf as a PEelectiveatCSEC

The GGA will host several awareness golf sessions in Suriname during this visit and donate golf equipment and balls to schoolsinParamaribo.


SportsMax - Barbados andBelizesealedpromotion as League C resumed in the 2024/25 Concacaf Nations LeagueonWednesday

Saint Kitts and Nevis earned a victory to maintain its group lead to also improve to a 3-0-0 record. The victory assures the nation at least a spot in the Play-Inround.

British Virgin Islands vs SaintKittsandNevis

Saint Kitts and Nevis

won 3-1 against the British Virgin Islands in Group C atWarner Park in Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Malique Roberts scored the opening goal in the25'withaheaderinthe box to connect on a free

kick service Gvaune

Amory increased the lead for the Sugar Boyz in the 37' with a right-footed hit inside the penalty area, connecting on a pass over thetopbyRaheemHanley

Kristian Javier Samuel cut the deficit for the British Virgin Islands in the 46' with a right-footed hitfromthetopofthebox.

Ikyjah Williams accidentally hit the ball into his own net in the 9 0 ' + 5 , s t r i k i n g a

deflection off a ball into the box from Romaine Sawyers for a third goal for SaintKittsandNevis.

The result seals a qualification to the PlayIn round for Saint Kitts andNevis

The Sugar Boyz can win the group without playing if the Cayman Islands fails to win against theBritishVirginIslandson Saturday

U S Virgin Islands vs Barbados

Barbados won 5-nil against the U S Virgin Islands in Group A at the Wildey Astro Turf Stadium in Bridgetown, Barbados

Hadan Holligan struck the opening goal in the 42' with a right-footed finish to place Barbados in the lead before the end of the firsthalf.

Niall Reid-Stephen extended the lead for Barbadosinthe45'+2witha conversion from a penalty kickopportunity

Reid-Stephen scored on the other side of halftime, with a left-footed shot from outside the box in the 47', securing a brace in consecutivematches. The Barbados scorer

struck with his left again, fromafreekickchanceinthe 65', to earn his hat-trick Omani Leacock scored insidethepenaltyareainthe 90'+2 to put a bow on the victoryfortheTridents.

Kishmar Primus made foursavesashecollectedhis

second clean sheet of the campaign The victory clinched the top of the group, and a return to LeagueB,forBarbados Anguillavs Belize Belize won 1-nil againstAnguillainGroup B at FFB Stadium in

Barbados were among teams that sealed promotion as League C of the Concacaf tournament resumed. (Concacaf)

Belmopan,Belize Orlando Velasquez broke the deadlock in the 56' with a strike inside the box, connecting on a passfromKriseanLópez.

The Belize defense, led by goalkeeper and captain Charles Tillett,

earned its third clean sheet and have yet to concede a goal in the tournament.

With the victory, Belize assured itself a first-place finish in the group and promotion to LeagueB

Harry Brook stars as record-breaking England push for stunning win over Pakistan

PAMedia–HarryBrook scored England’s first triple century since 1990 on a record-breaking fourth day against Pakistan, with the touristssmashing823before embarking on a stirring victorypushinthefirstTest.

England’s ‘Bazball’ bravado ran wild in Multan as they piled up the fourth highest total ever seen in Testcricket,declaringseven down after Brook and Joe Root made history with a partnershipof454runs.

Brook finished with a staggering 317 from 322 balls, terrain not seen since Graham Gooch’s 333 against India 34 years ago, and Root celebrated overtakingSirAlastairCook asthecountry’sleadingrunscorer onWednesday with a career-best262.

A shellshocked Pakistan then faltered to 59 for five beforeclosingon152forsix –stillbehindby115.

Brook’s effort took him fifth on England’s all-time list but the monster stand he shared with Root easily eclipsedthepreviousbestof 411 between Peter May and Colin Cowdrey, against the WestIndiesin1957.

Only three pairings globally have ever put on morethantheYorkshireduo and they made sure to leapfrogAustraliangreatSir Donald Bradman’s highest ever partnership by three runsbeforegivingway

The gargantuan score and statistical barrage that came with it would have been sweet enough for England,whoconceded556 in the first innings and somehow flipped that into a lead of 267, but it became even better as Pakistani wicketsbegantotumble.

There were signs that England’s merciless scoring had broken the home side’s spirit – the dejected looking

bowlers, lethargic ground fielding, the truly terrible catching – but it took a toporder implosion to confirm they had lost their heart for thefight.

After 150 demoralising oversofchasingleatherwith diminishing returns, 86.3 of which were spent trying to part Root and Brook, they lost opener Abdullah Shafiquetotheveryfirstball oftheirsecondinnings.

Itwasafinepieceofskill from ChrisWoakes, nipping in and sending off stump spiralling, but the sense of disbeliefwastangible.Firstinnings centurion Shan Masood survived two drops before chipping Gus Atkinsontoshortmidwicket for11andtheSurreyseamer had Babar Azam caught behindmomentslaterwitha deliverythatnippedaway Debutant Brydon Carse, whohadthehonouroftaking England past the 800 mark

by clubbing his second ball as a Test batter for six, then joined the fun. He took out SaimAyubwithhisloosener, wellcaughtbytheretreating Ben Duckett at mid-off, and bowled the off-form MohammadRizwanthrough agapingdefence.

Afterjust13wicketshad falleninthefirst10sessions of the match, Pakistan conspiredtolosefivein12.1 overs.JackLeachmadeitsix when he had Saud Shakeel caughtbehindbutafour-day win slipped through Shoaib Bashir’s fingers as he dropped Aamer Jamal at fine-leg to deny the impressiveCarse.

Pakistan took the field without spinner Abrar

Ahmed, reportedly

Joe Root and Harry Brook produced match-defining innings. (Getty Images)

hospitalised with fever, and despite holding a lead of 64 at the start of play quickly lookedlikepassengersinthe RootandBrookshow

They put on 166 runs in 29 overs in the morning, toying with the gaps in the field and making light of negative leg-side bowling lines to keep the scoreboard rolling along at speed. Root was badly dropped at midwicketon186byBabar, whose sloppiness cost 73 runs, and Jamie Smith was laterputdowntwiceinalate cameoasheadsdropped.

The landmark moments were ticked off, Root reaching 200 for the sixth time in his career and accelerating past 250 with a reverse scoop. Brook ticked

off his Test best of 186, his first-class best of 194 and made his double ton in 245 balls.

He brought up the 400run partnership with a cheeky uppercut for four and, after being interrupted lunch, ended May and Cowdrey’s67-yearrecordin the first over of the afternoon Brook played with complete control, dropping to his knees to ramp the spinners, picking the gaps with impunity and scoringsinglesatwill.

Root finally gave way after 10 hours at the crease when he was lbw to Agha Salman but Brook delved into waters even his masterfulteam-matehas


African confederation president backs world body IBA against IOC

(Reuters) - African Boxing Confederation (AFBC) President Eyassu Wossen has backed the Russian-led IBA against Olympic organisers who have said the sport needs a new global body if it is to remainontheprogrammeat futureGames.

The International Boxing Association was stripped of recognition by t h e S w i s s - b a s e d International Olympic Committee (IOC) last year for failing to implement governance and finance reforms. The IOC has said boxing will not feature at the 2028 Los Angeles Games unless national federations join a recognised new world body The IBA urged national federations on Monday to join legal

action, opens new tab in Switzerland against what it called the IOC’s “abusive behaviour”

“As president of the A f r i c a n B o x i n g Confederation, I fully express my unwavering supportfortheInternational Boxing Association,” Wossen said in a press release issued by IBA on Thursday

“We strongly oppose the injustices and interference from the IOC in both IBA and AFBC matters.

“I am committed to unitingallAfricanNational Federations to stand together with the IBA in facing these challenges and securingabrighterfuturefor thesport. AndIbelievewe will win,” added the Ethiopian,whowaselected


IBA President Umar Kremlev met Wossen and AFBC board members in DubaionWednesday

The world body said it had supported 15 African federations with equipment and value-in-kind worth over$290,000sinceWossen waselected.

It said $865,000 had been allocated as prize money to the 2023 AFBC elite men and women’s championships in Cameroon and $223,000 to the 2024 Mandela African Boxing Cup in Durban,SouthAfrica.

An IBA Champions Night inAddisAbaba last Augusthadaprizepoolof $150,000 and an equal amountspentbytheworld body on supporting the eventorganisation

Loss of a Caribbean icon in amateur boxing -

Lieutenant Colonel Eon Murray speaking on Terrence Poole’s contribution to the GDF, as his casket draped in the ‘Golden Arrowhead’ lay in the foreground.


T h e N a t i o n a l Gymnasium,oncealivewith the sounds of gloves poundingheavybagsandthe cheersofconqueringboxers, was solemnly transformed yesterday into a venue of tributeandremembrancefor the late boxing coach, TerrencePooleMS.

Aweightofsorrowhung in the air over the packed venue on Mandela Avenue, as dignitaries from the Guyana Defence Force (GDF),representativesfrom boxing boards across the Caribbean, Minister of SportsCharlesRamson,and a delegation from the N a t i o n a l S p o r t s

Wi t h j u s t around eight days left beforetheshowdownfortop honours in the 2024 CAC Body Building & Fitness Championships begins, debutantMelithaFernandesAnderson expressed optimismofdoingwell.

Fernandes-Anderson, whowillbecompetinginthe Women’sWellnesscategory, inarecentinterviewsaidher belief of doing well at the c/ships is because of the level of work she has put in as part of her preparations fortheevent.

“Preparations have been going great, I have been working hard in the gym as usual and now we are just fine tuning to be ready for the stage,” FernandesAndersondisclosed.

Fernandes-Anderson willbeappearingforthefirst

Terrence Poole MS laid to

Ramson captured the essence of Poole’s life and character

“Terrencewasmorethan just a coach,” Ramson began, his voice heavy with emotion.

“He was a mentor, a father figure to many, and a beacon of dedication. His passiongavelifetoboxingin G u y a n a , a n d h i s contributions will never be forgotten,”MinisterRamson said.

Commission,ledbyDirector of Sport Steve Ninvalle, gathered to honour the man whohaddedicatedhislifeto boxing and service to his country

The loss of Poole, celebrated as one of the Caribbean’s finest boxing coaches and a towering figure in Guyanese sports, was deeply felt by all in attendance.

Beyond the mourners, his legacy resonated in the hearts of the athletes he coached, the soldiers he led, and the family he cherished as a devoted father of eight children.

In his moving tribute, Minister of Sports Charles

Minister Ramson went on to assure those gathered that the Government of Guyanawoulddoeverything necessary to preserve Poole’s legacy and ensure that his profound impact on thesportwouldliveon.

Ramson highlighted that Poole’s unwavering commitment to service and disciplinewasforgedduring his years with the Guyana DefenceForce.

It was in the GDF, Ramson noted, that Poole honed the perseverance and rigor that shaped his approach to coaching and mentoring, ultimately transforming him into a figure of admiration and respect.

Lieutenant Colonel Eon Murray, speaking on behalf of the GDF, painted a vivid

pictureofPoole’scareerasa soldier,statingthattheThree Star boxing coach was the embodiment of the soldier’s creed.

Murray said Poole’s dedication to both his country and his sport was unparalleled Representing Guyana at numerous regional and global events, both as a soldier and as a boxer, Terrence left an indelible mark on the world stage.

As the ceremony continued, personal reflections highlighted Poole’s deep connection to boxing and the athletes whoseliveshetransformed.

Steve Ninvalle, Director ofSportandPresidentofthe

Guyana BoxingAssociation (GBA),spokewithgratitude for the impact Poole had on hisowncareer

“It was Terrence who first brought me into the administrative side of boxing,” Ninvalle recalled.

“Hesawpotentialinmethat I hadn’t even realized Without his guidance and insistence, I would not be where I am today His contributions to the GBA and to Guyana’s boxing f r a t e r n i t y a r e immeasurable.”

Many of Poole’s protégés,someofwhomhad gone on to become national a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l champions, shared their memories of his strict but



Theyspokeofamanwho never wavered in his belief that discipline was the foundation of success in the ring.

Thepresenceofsomany high-ranking officials from the GDF, regional boxing boards, and the Ministry of Sport underscored the farreaching impact of Poole’s lifeandwork.

As the service drew to a close, the gymnasium, now quiet, stood as a poignant symbol of the void left by Poole’spassing. But amidst the silence was the reminder of the indelible mark he had made onboxing,theGDF,andthe nationofGuyana.

time at the CAC level, informing that last year was her first attempt competing intheBikinidivision.

“I feel confident that the work that I’ve put in and with the knowledge that I will be bringing my best package to the stage, I look forward for the support of the Guyanese delegation will receive on stage and beyondfromthelocalfans,” shesaid.

Quizzedonwhethershe felt the sport is growing locally, FernandesAnderson answered in the affirmative, pointing to the three Pro Cards that Guyanese athletes have earned within a short space oftime.

“Our athletes have earned three Pro Cards in a shortspaceoftimeandmore and more persons are becoming interested in

participating in Body Buildingbeitonthestageor theaudience,”shestated.

The countries listed to participate are: Antigua &

Republic, El Salvador, St Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela, Colombia, Jamaica, St Maarten(Dutchside),Haiti, Nicaragua, Mexico, Costa Rica and St. Vincent & the Grenadines along with host Guyana.

Meanwhile, some of the sponsors already on board are Fitness Express, Twins Manufacturing, Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sport, National Sports



GMMAKA hosts 2nd annual Epic Clash Martial Arts Championship

The Guyana Mixed

Martial Arts Karate Association (GMMAKA) proudly hosted its 2nd annual Epic Clash Martial Arts Championship held on October 6, 2024 at the G u y a n a N a t i o n a l Gymnasium.The event saw various clubs under the GMMAKAbanner,fromthe WestCoast,WestBank,East Bank and East Coast showcasingtheirtalentsand skills, honed through rigorous training, in a spiritedcompetition.

Thetournamentfeatured a range of events such as: traditional Kata, Kumite (Sparring), weapon kata, flag sparring, padded weapon, free form and the final main event which was the Grand Championship. This prestigious event brought together all firstplace winners from various agegroupswhoparticipated in Traditional kata to compete for the ultimate trophy Master Lloyd Ramnarine would like to congratulateallthestudents andthegrandchampionship winner Mr Aryan Bahadur, who emerged victorious in

the Grand Championship, making him a two-time winnerofthisesteemedtitle. He would also like to extendheartfeltthankstothe various instructors, official judges who contributed to the success of the event. A special note of gratitude goes to the parents for their unwavering support of their c h i l d r e n ’s k a r a t e development and his family for their sacrifice and dedication to make this eventpossible.

O n b e h a l f t h e

GMMAKAwewouldliketo extend special thanks to the Director of National Sports Commission Mr Steve Ninvalle for granting us permission to use the facility

The GMMAKA will be selectingfirstplacewinners from the various events to make a team for our 2025 overseastournaments.

Anyone interested in joining any of the GMMAKA martial arts dojos,feelfreetocontactus on WhatsApp on 698-6727, 689-9288, 698-7456, 6811701, 602-0591 or 6843557.

Ramharack, Matthews keep West Indies in contention for semi-finals with crucial win

E S P N c r i c i n f o -

Karishma Ramharack’s four-wickethaulandHayley Matthews’ quickfire 34 helped West Indies coast to an important eight-wicket victory against Bangladesh, in Sharjah. Having chased down the target of 104 in 12.5overs,WestIndies,with their second win in three matches, moved to top of Group B. Three teams from this group are now in contentionforthetwosemifinalspotswithSouthAfrica and England also on four points, but the latter have playedonlytwomatches.

Bangladesh succumbed to their second straight defeat in three matches and theirchancesofadvancingto theknockoutstookabighit. Batting once again hurt Bangladesh as they lost six wicketsfor27runsafterthey weresentintobat.

Ramharack rips through Bangladesh West Indies used as many as seven

bowlers but

Ramharackwhostoodoutby taking a wicket each in her four overs across different phases of the game. The offspinner struck with her very first delivery when opener Shathi Rani tried to sweep and missed. Shemaime Campbelle took the bails off in a flash to effect a stumping Ramharack mostly bowled at stumps in the powerplay anditworked.Inhersecond over, the last one in the powerplay, Dilara Akter moved across to sweep but missed and ended up exposing her middle stump for it be disturbed. When Ramharackcameouttobowl in the 13th over, she mixed her lines well but kept the ball outside off. This too worked in her favour as Sobhana Mostary, who steppedouttoaballwideof off was beaten in flight. When the batter completely missed the shot, Campbelle

wasonceagainquicktotake the bails off and ended the 40-runthirdwicketstandfor Bangladesh. Just when NigarSultanaandRituMoni werelookingtostitchastand during the death overs, Ramaharack came back and knocked Moni out. Chinelle Henry took an excellent runningcatchafterthebatter came down and miscued a lofted shot to deep midwicket Ramharack

finished with 4 for 17. The Sultana slow-down Bangladeshshowedpositive intent with the bat early on, with the openers charging down as early as the second over to go aerial. This included Nigar, who started briskly after the openers fell in the powerplay She was particularly brutal against legspinnerAfy Fletcher and smacked three fours off her secondoverandmovedto20

off 17 balls. However, once Mostaryfellinthe13thover and Fletcher struck twice in the 15th, Nigar, who was on 27 off 27, slowed down despite West Indies’ sloppy fielding. Her next 17 deliveries fetched just 12 runs and eventually, she fell toMatthewsinthefinalover attempting a big heave towardsdeepmidwicket. Matthews goes for the kill Bangladesh struggled to pitch the ball up and got punishedastheyerredonthe shorter side. It allowed the West Indies batters to rock back and play their shots. Matthews, particularly, pounced on this opportunity inthepowerplayandblunted theBangladeshattack.After arun-a-ballseven,Matthews cametothepartyagainstthe left-spin of Nahida Akter with a punch off the backfoot, piercing the gap between cover and extra cover. Two balls later, Nahida bowled short again

and it received the same treatment.

Legspinner Fahima Khatun,aftergivingawayjust four runs off her first over, bowled short on off stump in the fifth over and Matthews stayed back and punched uppishly to find her third boundary on the off side MarufaAkteroverpitchedthe last ball of the powerplay, which Matthews drove throughcovertobringupher sixthboundary

But she was bowled by a nip-backer from the fast bowlerintheeighthoverfora 22-ball 34 At the end of Marufa’s of it though, West Indies needed just 49 off 72 ballswhichwastakencareof byStefanieTaylor-beforeshe limped off retired hurt - and DeandraDottin,whosmashed anunbeaten19offjustseven

Scores: West Indies 104 for 2 (Matthews 34, Marufa 1-20) beat Bangladesh 103 for 8 (Nigar 39, Ramharack 4-17)byeightwickets.

Students assemble during the Epic Clash Martial Arts Championship at the National Gymnasium.
Stafanie Taylor and Hayley Matthews added 52 for the opening wicket. (ICC/Getty Images)

GVF Republic Bank One Guyana B’ Division Volleyball tournament launched


Volleyballers will begearingupfor the recently launched Republic Bank sponsored One Guyana B’ Division Volleyball Tournament, launched yesterday at the Boardroom of the Ministry Culture Youth and Sports, Main and QuaminaStreet.

Endorsed fully by the Government of Guyana, the launch featured Minister of Culture Youth and Sports

Charles Ramson Jr Managing Director of RepublicBank,Mr Stephen Grell, Guyana Volleyball Federation(GVF)President, Levi Nedd, National Sports Commission(NCS)Director and Assistant Director respectively, Steve Ninvalle andFranklinWilson.

Speaking on the basis of the tournament along with someinsightintohowthings w i l l f l o w , t h e aforementioned members of theheadtable,highlighteda number of positives both present and future; which will be extracted from this countrywidecompetition.

The pitch focused on hosting a nationwide tournament with some 8

male and 8 female teams respectively which will make up the 9 participating zones, with action starting October12. The call was eventually answeredbytheMinistryof Culture Youth and Sports; and by extension the N a t i o n a l S p o r t s

Commission, who threw their unwavering support behind the federation’s endeavors.

GVF president Nedd pointed out that the tournament logistical arm was discussed between all entities including the g o v e r n m

tournament sponsor, Republic Bank Limited; thus the birth of the ‘One Guyana’ National BDivision Volleyball tournament.

Afterashootoutamong the respective 66 teams from across Guyana’s demographic, finalists will

duke it out on the grand stage held at the National Gymnasium, Mandela Avenue Cash, trophies and other forms of prizes will be awarded to the respective male/female top performers following the end of the competition, with Minister

Ramsoncitingthemoveasa huge one for the volleyball fraternityandSportsoverall.

“It’s a sport that can span every single region in thecountry,it’sveryeasily a

development for boys and girls”, adding that getting young people involved in sport is good for character development, among other important aspects of professionalisminsports

“We’ve been trying to expand on the number of tournament areas, in particular areas too which are a part of our core sports”,saidtheMinisterof Culture Youth and Sports Ramson,whobelievedthat this tournament aligns with that of the National Sports Academy’sagenda.


n further lauded the effort of those involved in the tournament’s planning and e

on, thanking the likes of RepublicBank,playersand the NCS’s Director and AssistantDirectorofSports respectively, Ninvalle and Wilson for the tremendous jobsdonethusfar

Republic Bank One Guyana B Division Volleyball - Caption - From left - Assistant Director of Sports Franklin Wilson, Jonnell Dummett Republic Bank Marketing Manager, Republic Bank Managing Director
Stephen Grell, GVF president Levi Nedd (center), Minister of Sports Charles Ramson Jr, Director of Sports Steve Ninvalle, GVF executive Mr. John Flores following yesterday’s One Guyana Volleyball launch.

FernandesAnderson feeling great ahead of CAC

Karishma Ramharack took 4 for 17. (ICC/Getty Images)

FernandesAnderson feeling great ahead of CAC Ramharack, Matthews

Melitha Fernandes-Anderson seen going through her paces in preparations for the upcoming 2024 CAC Body Building & Fitness Championships.


West Indies


in contention for semi-finals with crucial win

Minister Charles Ramson, addressing the gathering at the funeral of the late Terrence Poole MS. (Rawle Toney photos)

Loss of a Caribbean Caribbean icon in amateur boxing

- Terrence Poole MS laid to rest

GVF Republic Bank One Guyana B’ Division Volleyball tournament launched

Defining League A clash for Golden Jaguars tonight

- Over 50 teams to battle for supremacy

- Guyana to battle Guatemala from 9:00 pm at Edinburgh

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