paid by
Minor charged with attempted murder remanded to juvenile holding center
Govt. to inject $10B to assist citizens who fall short with NIS contributions
paid by
Minor charged with attempted murder remanded to juvenile holding center
Govt. to inject $10B to assist citizens who fall short with NIS contributions
...says when prices are high, royalty and profits give Guyana more than
After attracting criticisms for his first letter encouraging Guyanese to rejoice over the paltry proceeds from its oil resources, Former President and Prime Minister, Samuel Hindsinanothermissivehas presented arguments defending the non-payment of taxes by American oil giant,ExxonMobil.
In his 1300-words
missive to the editor on Saturday, Hinds, Guyana's Ambassador to the United Sta
e discussion on Kaieteur News' article 'Guyana should have received US$10Bfromoiltodatebut onlyreceivedUS$4.4B'.
Hesaiditislikelythatthe moneylostisrelatedtotaxes waived and the lack of ringfencing. Hinds however
noted that contracts usually makeitexplicitthatroyalties and other payments to the Government would be received in the place of taxes.“Firstly,whenitissaid that our government has to p a y E x x o n ' s ( t h e Consortium's) taxes, our governmentdoesnothaveto take money from elsewhere to pay the taxes waived. Thereisusuallyaparagraph in such agreements that say that royalties and other paymentstotheGovernment would be received in the pl
of taxes, ” the Ambassador said He thereforenotedthatitwould be interesting to know whetherGuyanaisreceiving more from its royalty and profit share than it would have gained from regular taxes.
At the end of June 2024,
the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) had a total of US$4 8B deposited, inclusive of profit and royalties.
Betweenthesameperiod however,Guyanalostalmost the equivalent to what it gained. Over US$4.3B in taxes were lost during that time. It was reported that during the period 2019 to 2021US$2.3Bintaxeswere lost; another US$540M in lost taxes were recorded in 2022 followed by US$1.5B in2023.
Recognizing that revenue from the sector is dependent on the market price for oil at the time, the former Prime Minister pointed out, “When prices are high, the royalty and profit share easily give us more than regular taxes; when prices are low taxes
would have given more, but theoperationmightsoonnot beabletocoveritscostsand staysustainable.”
Guyana's oil deal has often been criticized for its lopsidedtermswhichhighly favour the oil and gas companies Instead of renegotiating the Exxon deal, the government of Guyana crafted a new Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) which will not apply to the StabroekBlock.
Presently, Exxon pays a meager 2% royalty to
Former President and PM and Guyana's Ambassador to the US, Samuel Hinds
Guyanaandtakes75%ofthe monthlyrevenuestorecover its investments. The remaining 25% is then split with Guyana as profits. Notably, Exxon and its subcontractors enjoy the taxfree holiday offered by the government. It should be noted that neighbouring Suriname just signed its first oil deal, securing not only 6.25 % royalty and 36% taxes but a sliding scale profit scale which allows the country to benefit from higher oil prices.
Ex x o n M o b i l
Guyana Limited (EMGL), the operator of the oil-rich Stabroek Block and its CoVenturers, Hess Guyana ExplorationLtdandCNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited havedeductedjustover$60B to date for decommissioning activities.
Themonieshavebeenset aside in a fund which is controlled by the partners according to President and Country Manager of EMGL, AlistairRoutledge.
During the company's third quarter media conferencelastWednesdayat Duke Street, Kingston, Georgetown, Routledge explained that at the end of 2023,$60Bwasdeductedfor decommissioningactivities.
Decommissioning refers
environment, following oil andgasactivities.Itincludes the safe disconnection of flowlines, plugging of wells and removal of the related infrastructure.
Inaninvitedcomment,he toldreporters,“Todate,orat leastyearend2023,$60Bhas
decommissioning (and) site restoration. Currently, those fundsareheldindependently by the three Stabroek Block Co-Venturers.”
stakeholders regarding the oil companies being in control of the country's decommissioning fund since petroleum companies have walkedawayfromcountries, dodging this key and costly exercise.
Countries are then
saddled with the bill to restoretheenvironmentafter thecompaniesswallowedup profitsanddisappearwhenit is time to decommission the projects.
ExxonMobil currently h
Guyana's Parliament in 2023approvedthePetroleum Activities Act, repealing the outdated Petroleum (ExplorationandProduction) Act 1986. With regard to decommissioning, the Act nowmandatesthattermsand conditionsforgovernanceof thefundanddisbursementof paym
s shall be determined by the Minister andlicensee.
Priortothepassageofthe legislation, the fund was strictly managed by the oil companies.
Routledge said Exxon is
fully aware that government would like to establish a separate decommissioning fund to ensure the money is available when needed, and for the intent that they were setaside.
Tothisend,henoted,“We will be happy to work with the government on the establishing of those; what aretherules;ensuringthatall the international best practices are applied to give that surety to people that indeedthefundsareavailable whenneeded.”
He said the money set aside so far is for projects in production. Presently, Liza One, Liza Two and Payara areproducingapproximately 645,000barrelsperdayinthe StabroekBlock.
Meanwhile,inexplaining how the decommissioning fund is calculated, Exxon's Country Manager said, “The w
accumulated is on a unit basis, based on productionso we take the estimated decommissioningcostwhich is always a moving targetbased on technology and the latestexpectationswhenthat will happen, cost in the market and then its divided by the remaining amount of oil to be produced and then becomesaunitofproduction amountthatissetaside.”
H e a d d e d t h a t decommissioning funds are generally established in an independent manner since countries too can end up mismanagingthefund.
“So generally, what happens with these funds is they are set up in some independent way because oneofthethingsthatwehave seen in some countries is sometimes the funds are pulled early for other
purposes, so for the security of the nation to know the funds are available you want to set it up independently with government oversight ofcoursebutensuringthatit's in a secure place and its invested wisely in a low risk but gaining some form of return, ” Routledge explained.
The Government of Guyanaintendstoinject some $10B into the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) to assist person who have fallen short with their contributions over theyears.
The initiative which was announced on Thursday at parliament by President Irfaan Ali wastakenonthebasisthatthereare citizenswhoarehavingdifficulties accessing the benefits they are entitledto.
The president told the Parliament that during their crosscountry interactions “especially (with) the elderly, we thought it necessary that we must and should domore.
This would allow contributors who would not have met the requirement to benefit from a cash injection that will support a better qualityoflivingforthemandallow themtheopportunityofbenefitting fromtheircontribution.”
In a subsequent press conference on Thursday at Freedom House Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo sought to provide further information and insight to theannouncement.
He disclosed that a conversationwithaformerminister of the previous administration he
wasinformedthatthemanwasstill notabletoaccesshispensiondueto the lax record keeping at the institution.TheVPhighlightedthat this individual is among a large number of citizens who seen to be facingthisissue.
“So there's a large number of Guyanesewehavehelped;wehave worked with them, every outreach we have, we have tons of people who come and speak to us. People sometimes die and they can't get their pension because (of) their
contributions,”hesaid. Jagdeo further explained that,
“They have to have 750
contributions to qualify for a pension and they claim they have workedtheymadethepaymentnut NISdoesn'thaveitintherecordsor sometimes the NIS contributions weredeductedbytheemployerbut nevertransferredtotheNIS,andso what has happened is that those peoplearenoteligibleforapension andNISpension.”
Boasting that his government
President, Bharrat Jagdeo
has raised the minimum wage pension for NIS, he said his government thought it unfair thattherearepersonswhowould have made contributions but still fell short of the 750 would not be abletobenefit.
“So what the president announcedhereisthatwehaveset aside$10Btoworkonaformulato address people who fall below the threshold,tomakethemeligibleto receive an NIS pension, but they would have made contributions
over the years, large number of contributionsandsothisraisegoes back a far way, public servants, sugarworkerseveryone,”hesaid.
Furthermore “Over the course of the next few months, we will workouttheexactformulahowwe willgetsomehelptothem. Theywouldeachreceiveasum of money from the state for the contributions that they have made to NIS which doesn't make them eligible because they fall short 0f the750contributions.”
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
The numbers are staggering. Over 42,000 dead on the Palestinian side. Over two million displaced from their homes. Over two million without such basics as water, electricity,andsanitation. Thebombsfalleverywhereatany time Hospitals, refugee camps, food convoys, residential areas, among others, have all been targeted and ruthlessly demolished Evencemeterieshavebeendamaged,with1in5 subjectedtoanunendingrainofsteelandfirefromtheskiesand across the border that serves as a line dividing the warring parties Awarwithoutpity,withoutletup,withoutanyenergy fromtheWest,withtheUSreducedtotheroleofineffective broker,impotentbystander
IthasbeenanunevenconflictbetweentheIsraelisand the Palestinians, with uneven being the understatement of understatements. No comparison is attempted, but Israeli losseshavepaledintoinsignificance:over1200deadfromthe initial attack, and not a thousand in accumulated death and injuriesofitssoldiers Almost90%ofthePalestiniancivilian population has been displaced, under 1% of Israeli civilians havehadtomove Ayearago,aHamas-authoredandexecuted invasionofIsraelresultedinthe1200plusdeathsand250plus hostagestaken Thisisonlyalimitedsketchofthehorrors that have been released and intensified on the Palestinians sincethatfatefulSaturdaymorningofOctober7,2023. For every drop of Israeli blood that was shed, each moment of shameandpain,aterriblevengeancehasbeenreapedonthe Palestinians. ThewatchingworldinthecivilizedWesthas pretendedtodozeoffinitsrockingchair,whilebarbarityat itsmostbrutalhaswipedoutrestraintandconscience.
Palestiniancivilians,fromwomentochildren,frombabies to the elderly, from the sick to the strong, still fall into the category of human beings. One senior Israeli military man createdhisownuniquedesignationPalestiniansarenothingbut human animals It could explain why the US has been so unsuccessfulinitseffortstobringaboutaceasefire,evensome level of disengagement and withdrawal With the Hamasauthored assault of October 7, 2023, and its bloodletting functioningasthecontext,therecouldbetherationalizationin Western (American) halls of power that Palestinians are not people The Israeli general’s clever hybrid (human animals) serves to inhibit determined and conclusive actions at remediation In effect, these Palestinians and their allies are rodentstobehunteddownanderadicatedwithafreehand A freehandiswhathasbeengiventotheIsraelis,withAmerica and Europe, the referee that turns his face away When the civilianmassacresragedintheformerYugoslaviaintheearly 1990s, through the bloody hand of Servian strongman Milosevic,Americaledthewayinforcinganendtothehuman suffering It was an instance of decisive and commendable Americanleadershipaction Yet,whenthepeopleinvolvedare different,whenhumanlossisinfinitelygrislier,bothAmerica andEuropeexperienceaparalysisofvision,paralysiswherethe requiredactionsareconcerned
There was Rwanda with its still unbelievable toll of 800,000hackedtodeathinthespanof100days. Whythe blindness then, the deafness at that time, from the US and Europe, the protectors of civilization? Today, amid the GazaandWestBank,andalltheirgrimhumanstatistics,the hypocrisy of the West drips from its hollow words and is smearedacrossitsdeceptiveface. Insteadofbeingatireless worker for some semblance of peace, there is America standing as a contributor to the 21st century genocide and holocaust with its frequent supply of billions in sophisticatedarmsandothersupporttoIsrael. Ifeverthere was a one-sided battle, the one faced by the Palestinians mustqualifyhandsdownasit. Ifevertheoddsofsurvival were stacked against a people, the Palestinians know so becausetheylivewithsuchodds.
One year later, the America and Europe that thrill to lecturingtheworldaboutwhatishumanitarianandthebest of civilization have all but abandoned the Palestinians to their fate, while throwing their weight behind Israel. The global policemen have become the regional perverters, treacherousaidersandabettors.
DEAREDITOR, ExcellencySamuelA.A. Hinds is Guyanese nobility
Unlike the regular local and political riffraff, a comment is due on “Concerning Oil: may no one of us become like the steward who received one talent” (KN October 12) and “A good question would be whether wearegettingmorefromour royaltyandprofitsharethan we would gotten from regular taxes” (SN Oct 12).
ExcellencyHindsisaformer president, so I am duty bound to present my petition.
Thanks,ambassador,for caringenoughtobeinvolved still, for the courtesy of readingandsharing. Indeed, thebiblicalstewardwiththe one talent was lazy and casualwithhisgift. Unwise and uncommitted to
laborious toil that the new circumstances demanded No differences there Through my own scriptural offering, I remind Ambassador Hinds of the unnamedmanwhoknewall the laws, requirements, but waslackinginonething. He didn’t have the heart. He couldn’t bring himself to make the sacrifice. It is where we are, aren’t we, Excellency? There was all that was wrong with this Exxon product called a contract. Today, the only ones who have it wrong are those who plead to make it right. Those who never knew the word “sanctity” existed nor had any use for its significance, now embraceitsinviolabletenets more than citizens like me.
For sure, US$4.4B is a
bonanzaforabarrenoutpost likeGuyana. ButUS$10Bis even better I will take US$8B, or even US$6B. Permit the personal, please: Ambassador Hinds’ portfolio includes working for Guyana’s interests
There is no time that he wouldhaveworkedenough, be content enough, to relax andsettlebackonhisvelvet sofa. Have a chilled glass for me, sir There is always another investor, another prospect, that could take Guyana to another height. Whether worker or union leader, whether prime ministerorpreacher,thereis alwaysonemorestepupthe laddertobeessayed. Effort. Emoluments. Excellence. And eternity A dying man stillclingstenaciouslytothe last breath. It is where Guyana and the PPP and
PNC should be with this contract, for more cash. Be it through more billions in royalty or taxes. At least, heralded ambassador, let us give a billion kilowatts of energy Then, I would be satisfied,evenifnotonethin dime results. For then, it is back to the mental drawing boardandseekingsomeway on how to regroup and restart.
Separately, Exxon told theOppositionPNCthatthe door is open, but not one syllableaboutrenegotiation. There it was -absolute, concrete, and nonnegotiable about renegotiation. In the nextbreath,thesameExxon issimilarlynotbudgingover a miniscule US$214M in audit findings, but it now possesses the fluency of perspicacityandsagacityto
Not only inVenezuela is Christmasearly,butheretoo in Guyana With the $200,000one-offcashgrant, which will not be made before Christmas, among other measures introduced, duringthelengthyaddressto Parliament.
Now that the gifts have rolledoffhowthisparticular
one, $200,000 will be rolled out, is another head scratching, mind boggling matter
Therearemanyvariables to consider in ensuring and determining transparency, deserving and meritorious households among other factors.
Was it right to make the announcemen
ThePNC’sproposalthat only those earning above $400,000 monthly will pay taxes on the difference (i.e., only on the portion above $400,000) seems appealing on the surface, but it’s economically unsustainable and may result in serious consequences for the country.
Taxes form a significant partofgovernmentrevenue, which is crucial for funding public services such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, and security Byexemptingalargeportion of the population from paying taxes, the government will face a massiveshortfallinrevenue. This means less funding for essential services and national development, which can lead to increased debt,cutsinpublicservices, and even inflation if the government tries to print moremoneytocompensate.
The PNC’s proposal
s implementation (pay out) whenpropersystemsarenot in place for a smooth and seamlessrollout?
With no clear course of a
n formulating a plan and fool proof systems to determine eligibility, it seems prudent the first step would be to g
households This would require a house-to-house exercise with the assistance of NDC
Secondly, the vexing question of who and what comprises and defines a household must be equally settledquickly
Considerations to avoid pitfalls, issues and scams of previous cash grants exercises must be given careful reviews The numerous cases of persons still holding pink slips from the Covid exercise is an indictmenttobeavoided.
deceasedrelatives’namesor in names of persons not residentinGuyana. These bills are paid and are up to date by those residing at the addresses. How is this situation to be reconciled? Hopefully not withapink,yellow,greenor blueslip.
authorities in due course would let us know how the processwillberolledoutand criteriatobeemployed.
We know it will not be beforeChristmas.
Therearemorequestions than answers at the moment on this humongous undertaking, fraught with manyslopesandpitfalls.
creates unrealistic expectations that the government can function effectively with a reduced tax base. In practice, this is an empty promise because the government would eventually need to either raise taxes in other forms (such as VAT or tariffs) or borrow heavily, which would hurt the same people they’re trying to help by increasingthecostofliving. Alternatively, critical services would suffer, leading to poorer quality of life, especially for the most vulnerable. If only high earners are taxed on a small portion of their income, the system becomes overly reliant on a shrinking tax base This places an excessive burden on a small group of individuals and companies, which could discourage investments, drive talent away, or force businesses to relocate, further weakening the economy A broad and balancedtaxsystemensures thatallcitizenscontributeto national development according to their means, spreadingtheburdenmore
authorities. This should be compiled as soon as possible.
The seemingly preferred use of databases from the twomajorutilitycompanies, in the main, must be carefullystudiedasthereare a number of accounts in
I support the use of c h e q u e s m a r k e d ‘nonnegotiable’ or direct transferstobankaccounts.
H o p e f u l l y, t h e
S o m u c h f o r instantaneous. We have to be patient and give the authorities time to put systems in place The Minister of Finance has to play a proactive role here in theformulationofplansand systems in the execution of thispayout.
We, the citizens, remain hopeful as we watch and wait.
Frompage04 discussoutsideofarbitration what sort of interpretations (negotiations) could be had to whittle down that US$214M. Not to US$3M, as was so sharply executed before. But to something more palatable to its gargantuan income statement. The point is that Exxon is exercising its right tofighttothelastblowfora paltry million or two. Why shouldn’tGuyana?
To Excellency Hinds, I sayhumbly:loveofcountry and its people (patriotism) compel never to surrender sovereignty for the pottage ofpoliticalambition. And,if I may be indulged in the liberty of encircling
ExcellencyNicoleD Theriot onAmericandutyinGuyana, and President Alistair Routledge, within the warm epistolary hospitality of Ambassador Hinds, what follows is unavoidable If thoseAmericansintheeraof destiny beckoning during their Revolutionary days were complacent and contented, then the USA wouldstillbeundertheyoke oftheUnionJackandnotthe StarsandStripes Theywere subjectstothedivinerightof a monarch Yet they were firstandforemostmen. Itis allIaskofmybrothers:Ali,
Jagdeo, Nandlall, Norton, Hughes and, of course, big brotherSamuelHinds.
We may have “trouble” handling US$10B, no question. Butthepreference is for mangling and mismanaging to be at the handsofmyown:AnIndian or an African or an Amerindian or some agglomeration of all three. But not a Caucasian Ambassador Hinds, preacher Hinds, embedded sacred texts in his writing, thefavorisreturnedtenfold. To whom much is given, much is asked. Guyana has been given much. Messrs. Ali, Jagdeo, Nandlall, Norton,Hughesmustriseto the moment, manifest how much they have, how much theyhavetogive.
I ask for the maximum From them From Ambassador Samuel Hinds Most of all, from myself Finally,AmbassadorHindsis inWashington,andthoughit isalmostthreescoreandfive years later, there is a transcendence to the resonance of: ask not what your country can do for you, askwhatyoucandoforyour country We have not even started to scratch the surface individually
Sincerely, GHKLall
Frompage05 equitably The proposal suggests a short-term political strategy rather than a well-thought-out economic plan. It’s easy to promise tax cuts to win votes, but in practice, a country needs stable, predictable revenue streams to fund development. This policy would lead to budget deficits, higher national debt,andpotentialeconomic instabilityinthelongrun.
Inconclusion,thePNC’s promise to tax only income
above $400,000 is an unrealistic proposal aimed moreatattractingvotesthan creating sustainable economicgrowth. While it might sound appealing, it would hurt the country by reducing essential revenues, creating unrealistic public expectations, and harming future development It is a classic case of making empty promises without considering the long-term consequences
Sincerely, RobertAllicock
In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our publisher, Mr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about on-going indecencies in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.
October 06, 2024
never mind that the world is andenteringthecountry At a recent meeting in FRIDAY –
MONDAY – awash with examples of It is hard to believe that a L
October 07, 2024 resource-rich nations government could be so residents that Guyana has (Part 1) $200,000
October 10, 2024 New PSAto benefit who?
Guyana’s politicians Sam Blinds impoverished by the very visionless in addressing moneylikesandfrom theoil cash handout seemtoenjoyboastingtothe While he was Prime wealth beneaththeirfeet. possibleareasthroughwhich resources. It was the same President Ali is doing world about the new Minister, Samuel Hinds had But, no, Hinds would Guyanacanbeexploited. note Hinds struck when he whathedoesbest. Production Sharing earned the nickname ‘Sam haveusbelievethatweought Instead of fast-tracking saidGuyaneseshouldrejoice Put on his Santa Claus Agreement (PSA) they have Blinds largely because he to be grateful - after all, independentmeterstoensure over the paltry sums they suit andshareXmasgifts! drafted to eke out “better was passive as a powerful before oil, we had nothing. Guyana’s oil is not being have received because if we Guyanese households benefitsforGuyanese.” political figure and appeared That is the worst form of shipped away, government get more we would not be get $200,000 to tide them It is absolutely mind to have deliberately ignored blindness. wants to subject monitoring abletospendit. overDecember boggling that these misfits the plight of Afro-Guyanese of the sector to human The PNCR almost every All year, for years, poor we have for leaders would during the PPP/C’s 23-year-
TUESDAY – biases. weeksaysthesamethingand Guyanese begging for seek to boast about more old rule. Last week, that
October 08, 2024 as for the government, they relief! benefits from a deal that will blindness returned to the Govt. plans to beef up
WEDNESDAY – haveembraced ExxonMobil President Ali didn’t hear govern oil blocks that have national sphere with his monitoring of oil vessels
October 09, 2024 and that lopsided deal so until the election bell start not even been explored to bizarre letter, saying that The government of Sam Hinds rejoicing tight it is difficult to tell ringing... date. Rather, they should be Guyanese should rejoice Guyana is now drafting over scraps whichsidetheyareon. Now he starts moving, directing their energies to over the paltry sums we regulations to beef up “Instead of Sam Hinds Maybe it is worth bringing $200,000 so improve the terms of the eared from our oil resources monitoring of the oil and gas fighting for what belongs to reminding Hughes, Norton GuyaneserememberthePPP! lopsided oil deal the country because we cannot absorb sector Guyana, he is telling us to and Jagdeo that for 2023, the This is leadershiphaswithExxonMobil,where greateramounts. It is planning to put more feel good about getting less Government of Guyana $200,000worth! over 1 1.6B barrels of oil Hinds’letterisasobering mentopolicetheshorebases than half of what we were (GoG) had to pay the This is governancehave been discovered reminderofhoweasilythose and examine vessels leaving supposed to receive, like its combined sum of $306 stuffedcashenvelopes! already. entrusted with national the country with oil and gas some kind of favour. How billion in income taxes for One for the people, one It is not only misleading responsibility can peddle relateditems. can anyone take such a ExxonMobil Guyana fortheparty! but disrespectful to try to complacency under the They are preparing to stance, knowing the Limited and its Stabroek cover up one’s mistakes and guise of pragmatism allow for the presence of immense value of our Block partners, Hess and SATURDAY –failures to properly manage, Citizens of Guyana, should officers on installation resources?” “If our leaders CNOOC according to the October 12, 2024 by turning the attention of rejoiceinourmodestUS$4.4 vessels with helipads to understood what we truly companies’ audited Part 2: Cash handout yourpopulationelsewhere! billion earnings from oil, examine all cargo leaving deserve, they would be financial statements, while T h e g o v e r n m e n t fighting tooth and nail for for the same period Guyana suddenlyfound$200,000for every single dollar But eared $336 billion from its eachhousehold instead,wehave leaderslike oil. Ali couldn’t find money Sam Hinds, who are And if that were not forteachers comfortable withthescraps, enough,Guyanashouldhave But $60B is around while ExxonMobil laughing received US$10B from the because elections are around all the way to the bank” - production of oil in the Liza thecorner GlennLall One and Liza Two fields to This could be the first date. roundofcashhandouts
THURSDAY However, due to the More billions will be set – October 09, 2024 government’s failure to asidein2025forcitizens Money like sand manage the sector prudently Oil money sharing to Leader of the Alliance in the best interest of Guyanese For Change, like Former Guyanese, the country Electionfearsmakingthe Prime Minister, Samuel gained a meagre US$4.4B PPPgovernmentgallop Hinds continues to mislead since the startup of Because of elections, this nation regarding the production activities in the GuyanesegetChristmas proceeds we receive from Stabroek Block. So much Then they get New ouroilresources, formoneylikesand! Year’s,allatthesametime.
A 17-year-old hailing from East Bank other and on October 3rd 2024, around Essequibo was charged with ‘Attempt to 22:00hrs, they were aboard a minibus.As the Commit Murder’ on Friday The minor victim exited the vehicle, the suspects did the appeared before MagistrateAlisha George at sameandachasebegan.Thevictimranintoa the Leonora Magistrates’Court to answer the yardinSecondStreet,TuschenNewScheme, charge. and the suspects followed, dealing him
According to police, the act was severalstabsabouthisbodyandsubsequently committed on another 17-year-old on 3rd escaping. October 2024 at Tuschen, East Bank He was picked up and rushed to the Essequibo,theperpetratorwasnotrequiredto Leonora Cottage Hospital where he was plead The matter was adjourned until examined by a doctor on duty and his November28,2024forcontinuation. condition was deemed as critical. He was
Policesaidthatthechargesstemmedfrom transferred to the West Demerara Regional aninvestigationtheyhadconducted,whichis Hospital,whereheremainsapatient. the alleged wounding committed on another Thesecondsuspect,whowasarrestedand 17-year-old from Tuschen and the victim released on $200,000 bail, denied the had claimed that the juvenile who was allegations and his report was corroborated charged and another had stabbed him by the other suspect who was charged. multipletimes. However, the victim alleges that they both During enquiries, it was discovered that stabbedhim. thevictimandthesuspectsareknowntoeach Afilewassentforfurtherlegaladvice.
In this the golden age of Guyana’s new oil economy, expectations run high Among the most tantalizing fantasieshasbeenthenotion ofamonthlychequearriving in every citizen’s mailbox a dividend for simply being Guyanese, sharing in the country’s newfoundwealth.
Yet, as reality would have it, the idea remains a mirage There are two glaring reasons why such visions are bound to remain elusive: first, the colossal needs of a society where essential services are fraying, and second, the rather modest sums that Guyana is receiving for its oil, sums which so far only allow for about 30% of the financing of the country’s budget. But under pressure to ensure that citizens benefit directly from oil revenues, the government has unveiled a seemingly generous gesture: a one-off cash grant of $200,000 for
every household. In comes oneyearbeforeelectionsare due.Butasappealingasthis maysound,itisnotthevotewinning gambit the governmentmightbelieveit to be Instead, it risks generating a wave of controversy that could ultimately undermine any electoral gains it hopes to achieve.
Itisworthnotingthatinthe past, one prominent former official from the opposition AllianceForChange(APNU) tookadifferentstancetocash transfers, advocating for the strategicuseofoilrevenuesto fundlong-termprojectsrather thanshort-termcashtransfers Hisviewwassimpleandwellworn:“Giveamanafish,and youfeedhimforaday;teach himtofish,andyoufeedhim for a lifetime ” This perspective, though perhaps unfashionable, has merit in the context of a nation burdened by infrastructural decay and innumerable socialneeds.
Consider these needs Drive through almost any community, and you will encounter crumbling roads, clogged drains, and dilapidated schools—some still reliant on pit latrines. Health centers are in desperate need of refurbishment,publicspaces lack maintenance, and garbage collection often falls short Recreational facilities, where they exist, are in poor condition.These are not cosmetic concerns but pressing needs that directly affect the quality of life. The elderly need needs proper care and retirement homes; persons who have sick and at homes, need home-careassistance.
Addressing these and many other needs will require billions of dollars.A $200,000 cash grant may provide temporary relief for households it does little to solvetheselong-termissues. Yet,hereweare,withthe governmentofferingwhatis
Guyanaisalandofplenty,butit look like we ain’t get the memo Deh boys seh we swimminginoil,butwebellyempty
Foreigners come in, dip dem bucket in we black gold, and drive out in SUVs, whilewedehponbicycle.Y’allhear‘bout de hog share? Well, deh foreigners don’t justgetdehogshare,demtekdewholepig! Weleftwithdetailandwegratefulifweget asniffofdebacon.
It’slikewegotagoldmineandweend upwithdefool’sgold.Anddemboyssehis notlikedegovernmentdidn’thaveoptions. Oh no! If dem had ring-fenced dem oil projects, each Guyanese coulda bin collectingonemilliondollarsamonth.But instead,wegetalilone-off$200,000.Y’all evertrystretching$200,000?Isliketrying to cover yuh bed with a handkerchief—it
Dem boys seh, this oil money like a mirage. We seeing all dem numbers, de billionsdemclaiming,butwhenyoureach out to touch it, it disappear like dem election promises. Meanwhile, de foreigners building mansions while we building up a debt with the shop. Dem rollinginricheswhilewerollingindebt.
Dem boys seh, Guyanese living in a paradox: we rich yet poor, blessed yet stressed.It’slikewinningdelotterybutyuh can’tcashdeticket.Guyanagotdiamonds, gold, timber, and oil, but we deh hustling fuhpaydelightbill.Dehboysseh,wegot plenty, but plenty not fuh we. And when yuh ask why, de answer simple: it’s ‘progress’—butsomehow,westilldehpon desameoldspot. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
effectively an electoral éclair—a sugary, short-term delight that dissolves quickly, leaving behind an emptiness that belies the initial appeal. The one-off cash grant may seem like a political masterstroke, but it is likely to invite more trouble than it’s worth. For one thing, the allocation of suchgrantsisrarelysmooth. The process will almost certainly breed resentment. There will be those who believe themselves entitled but who find themselves excluded—whether through bureaucratic oversight, perceived favoritism, or the inevitable gaps in a hasty rollout Thousands are going to be left with pink slips and no cash grant. Conversely, there will be recipients deemed undeserving by others, fueling accusations of political bias and discrimination It always happens.
Theseperceptionscanbe toxicinanelectionyear The PPP/C may believe that the distribution of cash will generate goodwill, but in reality,itissowingtheseeds of discontent For every recipient who may feel grateful,thereislikelytobe anotherwhofeelsslighted.If the government’s hope is to curry favor through this initiative, it risks achieving the opposite result. Instead of applause, it may well be met with a chorus of complaints about unfairness, incompetence, discrimination and favoritism none of which are conducive to electoralgains
The optics of the cash grantwilllikelycomeunder scrutiny Amid a national conversation on the rising cost of living, many argue that a more sustainable approach would have been to reduce the Value-Added Tax (VAT) to 10%, thereby offering relief to all citizens through lower prices on everydaygoods.
True, the government maypointoutthewiderange of zero-rated VAT items already in place. But this begs a question: if the VAT rateistrulyreasonable,why then is there a need for so many exemptions? A more modest and universal reduction might have achieved the dual aim of offering relief and improving the perception of the government’s economic stewardship.
The decision to offer a blanket cash grant rather than targeted measures or long-term investments suggests a lack of strategic thinking. It is a reactive measure, driven by the desire to quell mounting pressure for cash transfers ratherthanaproactivevision forthecountry’sfuture.And asisoftenthecasewithsuch gestures, the immediate boost in popularity may be fleeting, while the negative falloutcouldbeenduring.
Elections, after all, are wonorlostnotjustongrand gestures but on the perceptions of fairness and competence that linger in voters’ minds The controversy surrounding the cash grant distribution could easily overshadow the in
, transforming what might have been an electoral boon into a political headache Stories of those who missed out, who received less than expected, or who saw their neighbors benefit unfairly will likely spread faster than any praise for the government’slargesse
Sixtybilliondollarsisno smallsum,andinthecontext of a nation with so many pressing needs, its use must be carefully considered. It could have been channeled intoprojectsthatcreatejobs, improve living conditions, and generate long-term value for citizens. It could have been channeled into better care homes and providing home-care services for those with very sick relatives. It could have more than provided free transportation for hinterland students to get to and from school.
Instead, the government has chosen a path that prioritizes short-term gain overlong-termstability Itis a decision that may ultimately cost them more thanthe$200,000theyhope tospendonwinninghearts.
(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Anegative note is the starting point. Carefully pondered. Deliberately chosen Mr Alistair Routledge and those he represents in Guyana; they are not friends of the Guyanese people. Partners of some sort, yes; friends, notinalongseasonofTexas drought.
I look on as Guyana political leaders and their gangshangaroundhim,hail him, even fear him. Good forhim. Goodforthem.
Speaking for myself, thereisonlyonewaytodeal with a man, a partner, a presence like Alistair RoutledgeinGuyana.
Heisheretoconquerand carry away booty, which means two things. He is a menace to this country He is seen as an anathema by me. To assure everyone,
thereisnothingemotionalin any of this, only what is clinical.
No Guyanese should be socareless,soreckless,asto allowhimselftobefooledby that good ole boy charm, even though the syrupy drawl of the American Southwest is missing from hisintonations.
Recall that old caution Guyanese, never smile with acrocodile.
When the image of Mr Routledge comes to mind, I go into a different mode, whichisrecommendedtoall four of Guyana’s top political leaders, Messrs Ali, Jagdeo, Norton, and Hughes.
He must be regarded withthehealthcareasifone isgoingintooneofthoseold Wild West saloons or comingoutofone. Whether entering or exiting, pause at
the door. Sweep the floor, size up the crowd, for there could be lurking danger in those dark confines, or out on the wide, bright, street. Studying the lay of the land istotakenothingandnoone forgranted.
There could be an AlistairRoutledgeinthereor out there What the gunfighters of legend, those who lived long enough, did in those sweeping surveys have stood them in good stead.
Therecouldalwaysbea bushwhackerwaiting,atwobit hothead out to prove a point,orthosepretendingto befriends.
Itisthelattergroupthat must be watched most carefully From Guyana’s standpoint, that cluster is where anAlistair Routledge typewouldbe. Guyanaand Guyanese have paid a price
for repeatedly letting down their guard with Mr. R o u t l e d g e . O n e government did it; another government came in and madeacultureofit.
It is why Guyana is where it is. Recall a few sentences back, I spoke of a crocodile. Just think of one thathoversplacidly,andthat isthepartnerGuyanesehave inExxon.
Andwhoisitschiefman of business in these parts. Executionerandenforcer,he is. This is the mortal peril withwhichtheleadersofthis countrytoy,playgames,and coddle up to in the hope of rising to favored status, this being spared a possibly lethalstrike.
GetrealGuyanese. Try this one for size. In Texas, the worse crime was that of being a cattle thief or a hoss thief, not necessarily in that order To remove one is to leave a man to die. To steal the other is to cut him off fromhispossiblefuture.
Guyanese aren’t dealing with cattle rustlers or horse thieves in this modern era. In this 21st century, Guyanese are forced to deal withoilthieves.
What could be said of honourwhenacontractsuch as Guyanese live with was tabled, pushed forward, and rushedtoconclusion?
Whatcouldbesaidofthe ruthlessbloodthirstinessthat accompanied the product
w i t h w h i c h Guyanese deal, with a frown on their faces andaheartpulsingwith disgust?
Men of American Western lore, with names likeJohnWesleyHardinand Quantrill, among others, were not as callous and rapacious and possessing of the stone-cold killer instinct as that displayed by the occupyingarmyhere.
Those now resident in TexasbywayofIndianaand Pennsylvania, the US Supreme Court, and what hasbeenreincarnatedtoday?
NowMr Routledgemaynot be of that illustrious company,butheknowswhat Iamtalkingabout.
HemaynotbeTexanby birth, but he is just as good byadoption.
Fortheenlightenmentof my fellow Guyanese, try another one In many schoolsintheTexasoftoday, children must recite the Emancipation Proclamation ofAbraham Lincoln, with a special frill added for good measure.
Right alongside that which came out during the American Civil War, the children must also intone J eff er s o n D av is ’s proclamation giving birth to the Confederacy Over 150 years after a bloody Civil War, the passions and visions that launched that conflict still rage
u nextinguished in the hearts of many Texans, many others. Afratricidalbattleto resolve the issue of liberty and the sanctity of the US Constitution, and that is where Texas is. Does this signify that Mr Alistair Routledge is of that mindset? Of those who are inferior (and backward), hencewhoaresuperior? Of whom must be tolerated for the almighty dollar and corporateprofitability?
Butheisthebestmanto knowwherehestandsonall thatIsharesoquietlyinthis national space. When all this written and digested, there is that contract that s t a n d s l i k e s o m e Confederateyokearoundthe necksofGuyanese. Thus: my advice to my brothers who prefer to kick andcurseme:watchthelikes of Mr Routledge. Be on alert.
Don’t trust. Guyanese will be better for it. When the day is done, that should havebeentheonlyobjective.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
This is how the PPP government creates dependency in Guyanese!
Squeeze them first, make them bawl and beg…
Then run with a envelope filled with drops and dregs!
What next after the $200,000 is finished?
How will citizens cope when cost-of-living strangles them?
Where is the long-term plan to lift Guyanese out of poverty?
PresidentAli has always been about flash!
Now he trots out with his bag of cash!
This is how he sets up Guyanese for a crash!
By Christal Yong
Am i d s t t h e challenges that follow a cancer diagnosis,patientsoftenfind themselves navigating a whirlwind of emotions and treatments that can feel overwhelming. However, a growing number of individuals are discovering the restorative power of nature, this process is describedas'greentherapy.'
This approach utilizes thecalmingeffectsofnature to enhance mental and emotionalwellbeing.
B y i m m e r s i n g themselves in greenery, individuals can practice mindfulness, engage in gentle movement, and find
community support, fosteringhopeandresilience duringtheirjourney
On Saturday, Recover
G u y a n a , a l o c a l environmental non-profit foundedbyDr DaveLalltoo hosted a meaningful event aimedatempoweringcancer patients and survivors by fosteringconnections.
The event held at the National Library Guyana in observance of PinktoberCancer Awareness Month. The gathering provided
breast cancer survivors and seniors with opportunities for creative expression and therapeutic engagement. It celebrated the strength of thosediagnosedwithcancer, creating a supportive environment where participantscouldsharetheir journeys and find community amidst their challenges.
During the event, Ms. Naudya Hussain, green therapy specialist captivated attendees with her insights on the type of alternative healing method. She shed light on the profound toll cancer can take on individuals and emphasized that the emotional and physical burdens of the disease often extend beyond treatment, affecting mental wellbeingandqualityoflife.
“I feel like cancer takes somethingfromyou,ittakes away a part of what essentially make us woman, physically When you do chemotherapy,ittakesaway that thing, that thing that makes your ego shine, our hair…,”Hussainsaid.
By integrating nature into the healing process, Hussain illustrated how green therapy can offer a refuge to the terminally,
promoting relaxation and resilience.
Hussain further emphasized the importance of communication in the healing process for cancer patients. While talking to someone can be incredibly b e n e f i c i a l , s h e acknowledged that not everyone finds it easy to express their feelings
verbally For those who struggle to share their experiences, Hussain introduced the concept of greentherapy
While recalling a few years ago when she found herself in a difficult place, Hussain shared her personal journey of struggle and resilience.
“I was home…and I watered my plants and I watered my plants again, I probablyoverwateredthem, butintheactofwateringmy plants, I started watering (crying) and I started crying and I started to talk to my plants… I spoke aloud of whatIwasfeelingandinthe actofdoingthat,bythetime I was finished watering my
plants,Ifeltbetter,”Hussain related.
She continued, “ it (Green Therapy) boosts our mood and it improves our overall wellbeing …it's like anescapefromtreatment.”
Withthataside,sheurges persons to start planting, since it has a lot of benefits not just with what can be produced from it but the mentaltakeawayitoffers.
The act of planting fosters a deeper connection to nature, allowing individualstoexperiencethe joy of watching their efforts bloom into something tangible This process promotes mindfulness, helping to reduce stress and anxiety
Hussain encouraged everyone to consider plantingasawaytocultivate both their gardens and their mental wellbeing, creating a holistic approach to healing that benefits both body and mind.
Meanwhile, during the event, the British High Commissioner to the Cooperative Republic of Guyana,JaneMillerfocused oncancersurvivoradvocacy She said, “This year, the themeisaboutsolidarity,the theme is about working together, the team is about working together as cancer survivors but also as friends, you have got the family, Guyana here…they (Continuedonpage48)
Cancer survivors and supporters gather to share strength and hope at the Event
Guyanese-Born Randolph Marks, Champions Youth in Crisis with New Book
GuyanaInt’lFashionShowcase captivatesaudiencewith styleandextravagance
Meet the charming and intelligent Arinna Williams. The 20-year-old beautyfromtheNorthWest District(NWD)coppedthe first runner up position in the recently held Miss Amerindian Heritage
Pageant where she competed as Miss Region One. Arinna is a primary schoolteacheratKwebana, NWD. She plans to read for a bachelor's degree in education or a related disciplinesoon.
This beauty aspires to be a rolemodelfortheresidents
of her community, following in the footsteps
of her mother She especially plans to ensure that the young women of her community are empowered to accomplish their goals and be future leaders.
Seishonen Guyana has organised firstsecretary’svisitinNovember2022. FumaCon at the Marriott Hotel, bringing Notably, Seishonen Guyana has been together people of various ages and interests known for its extensive and diverse array of tolearnnewskills,createfriendships,support activities, workshops and even panels as a businesses and have fun “Fuma”, an part of its main attractions aimed towards Indigenouswordmeaning‘’fire’’isanational youth. event whereby young people can safely This year, attendees can participate in or congregate to express themselves without watch various activities ranging from Trivia judgment. segments, Family Feud, Price is Right, KFC
Thiseventwasmadepossiblethroughthe Bucket Challenge, Pulse Energy Endurance InaugurallaunchoftheCreativeandCultural Challenge, K-Pop Dance Challenge, Debate Industries Grant from the Ministry of rooms and more for a chance to win prizes. Culture,YouthandSport. Another highly anticipated activity is our With this grant, two young women under cosplay competition; the best cosplayer will theageofthirtyyearsoldjoinedtheirskillsto earn both 120,000 GYD and the opportunity activities, winning prizes and having family- Payless Variety Store, Cara Lodge, host the first FumaCon in November 2022 at to represent Guyana at next year’s Caribbean friendlyfun. Savannah Tours Guyana, Rakiyomu Books theGuyanaMarriottHotel. CosplayChampionship.
(From Left to Right) The FumaCon2024 Organising Team: Ken Sahadeo: Business & Sponsorship Coordinator - Juliana Lopes, Co-Founder & Head of Marketing & PR for Seishonen Guyana, Rafaela Oviedo, Co-Founder & CEO of Seishonen Guyana (Photo credit:Fusion Creative Studio/Jamie Norville)
Children 10 years and under get free andMADE
This year’s edition of FumaCon will be Alongside these activities, Seishonen admission when accompanied by an adult Ifyou’dliketosupportthisyouth-runand held on November 23rd, 2024 between 1 to Guyana has fearlessly advocated for passholder(parentorguardian). youth-centred event, you can send us a 10pmatthesamevenue. promoting young people’s talent through
ballrooms of the hotel and due to increasing cosplaycompetitions.
In its first year, FumaCon was held in the commissioning their work and with our patronage from KFC Guyana, Tourism @se
This year’s event has received generous message on one of our social media pages
Stakeholders Guyana, The Guyana Tourism public interest, the event in its second year Lastyear,wehiredover30youngpeopleAuthority, Beharry Company Limited, For additional event updates, follow expandedtotheentiresecondfloor many of whom didn’t have job experience as BadMonkey Merch, Guyana Breweries Inc, @fumacon on TikTok and/or Instagram to Besides the event’s already packed we always wanted to provide young people Propa Prints, Ministry of Education, nevermissanupdate! onstage activities, the event expanded to with a space for them to grow their own Construct It INC, Analytical Technologies, (Press release by Seishonen Guyana) include the introduction of workshops and personalandprofessionalcapacities. panels - a popular, global anime & comic With FumaCon scheduled to be held less con offering that hadn’t been touched in than two months from now, we highly Guyana encourage our patrons to get their general Publicinterestfurtherincreasedwhenthe passes from BadMonkey Merch in the Embassy of Japan facilitated two GiftlandMall.ForG$5,000,patronscanhave complimentary workshops last year after the an amazing experience participating in our
Ghana in massive protest over illegal mining
AFP - Ghana citizens in massive protest over illegal mining in their country Hundreds of Ghanaians protested on the streets ofAccraonThursdaytodemandan immediatehaltofillegalmining.
Hundreds of Ghanaians, most of them university students, protested on the streets of the capital city Accra on Thursday to demandanimmediatehalttoillegal mining.
The demonstrators, who plan to stage rallies for three days, are also demanding the release of 54 activists detained last month for demonstrating against illegal mining.
The government’s handling of illegal mining — particularly its impact on natural resources and rural livelihoods — has become a flashpoint issue in the run-up to the WestAfricancountry’spresidential electionsinDecember.
“If our leaders don’t take action now,futuregenerationswillpaythe price,” Delali Asante, a student at theUniversityofGhana,toldAFP
ChantingtheGhanaiannational anthemandsingingpatrioticsongs, ittodefaultonitsforeigndebt. have a major impact on local approximately four years Guyana and Suriname during the the protesters, draped in red and E c o n o m i c w o e s h a v e contentopportunities. Suriname can expect first oil in announcementoftheFID. black attire, danced through the encouraged a growing number of PresidentSantokhiunderscored 2028. “Guyana,theyhave2%royalty, streetsofthecapital. cocoa producers to sell their lands the country’s commitment to a TotalEnergies is the operator in and 50% profit split, no taxes, and
Many of the protesters toillegalminingoutfits. strong and loyal partnership the partnership with APA in Block hereinSuriname,wehavelike6.25 displayed bottles of polluted water In addition to gobbling up Notably, he said too that Suriname 58, each with a 50% interest. Oil %royalty,profitsplitaccordingtoa from the Pra and Birim rivers, two agricultural land, illegal mining, expectsthattheoffshoreoilandgas will be the focus of the GranMorgu certain formula, so the higher the of the biggest in the West African which uses chemicals to extract the development will take off in project’sdevelopment. oil price the better for Suriname, nation, to highlight the devastating gold, has polluted rivers and water compliance with environmental Staatsoliesaid thatthemajestic but the lower the oil price then the environmental impact of illegal tables. regulationsandstandards. Goliath Grouper (Granmorgu) contractor gets protected and we mining.
“We will not stop until we see Annand Jagesar, Managing inspired the project’s name, a large have a stabilized tax rate of 36%,” Many Ghanaians depend on the real change,” Tagoe vowed. “This Director of Suriname’s state - fish found in Suriname’s coastal Jagesarsaidadding,“Soyoucando polluted rivers for daily supply of is not just about us. This is about owned Staatsolie, said, “What waters With its size, the the math and the deal is good but of drinkingwater protectingGhana’sfuture.” seemed like a distant dream is Granmorgu symbolizes the course everybody has to survive in “Our water bodies are being becoming reality This will be the magnitude and significance of the thispartnership.” destroyed, and soon we’ll have Suriname to receive largest largest investment ever in our upcoming development in Block On Thursday, Vice President nothing left,” Asante said. “We ‘take’from first oil project – country; one in which Suriname 58. Notably, the fish can live up to Bharrat Jagdeo acknowledged that can’tdrinkgold,andwecan’tgrow Staatsolie Head will receive the largest share of the fortyyears,whichalsoindicatesthe Suriname has better terms in their cropsonpoisonedland”. ‘take’.” He noted that Staatsolie productivity years of the agreement than Guyana’s 2016
“We cannot sit by and watch as Managing Director of the willsupervisethis. GranMorgu project (minimum 20- agreement Jagdeo’s statement our rivers and water bodies are country’s state -owned Staatsolie, Jagesar added, “This new 25years). followed the publication of an poisoned with mercury,” said AnnandJagesar,saidthatSuriname opportunity comes with a shared GranMorgu means more or less article by Demerara Waves protestleaderHenryTagoe.“Illegal istoreceivelargest‘take’fromfirst obligation to ensure that Suriname ‘a beautiful morning’ in headlined, ‘Suriname boasts of mining is destroying our oilproject. will benefit optimally from the Surinamese, this Staatsolie said better oil contract terms than environmentandourfuture.” Suriname oil and gas industry incomes from offshore oil. These represents a new dawn and the Guyana’. Labour unions said they will has hit an historic milestone with will have to be put in use for the promiseofanewbeginning,forthe “I noticed Demerara Waves; begin a nationwide strike October the Final Investment Decision long-term prosperity of all energy sector of Suriname, and the Suriname boasts of better oil 10toforceauthoritiestotakeurgent (FID) made to develop the Surinamese.”
country itself with new contract terms than Guyana. Not action. GranMorgufieldinBlock58. He underscored that this can be opportunities to work dedicatedly that anyone actually boasted about Protesters are also demanding Surinamese President a c h i e v e d t h r o u g h g o o d towards sustainable growth and this… but it’s true that they have the release of 54 members of the Chandrikapersad Santokhi said, governance, transparency, zero progress. better terms than our 2016 Democracy Hub pressure group “Suriname and its people welcome corruption and the establishment According to current estimates agreement has and who is whowerearrestedonSeptember22 and appreciate the final investment and strengthening of institutions and prices on the market, the responsible for this again the and 23 for blocking roads and decision ofTotal Energies andAPA that guarantee that the income project will cost more than US$ 10 APNU/AFC,”Jagdeosaid. burning tyres, and remanded in Corporation regarding Block 58 benefits the development of the billion.Notably,inaccordancewith New PSA custody for two weeks, prompting with Staatsolie. We consider this a entireSurinamesesociety thetermsoftheProductionSharing Jagdeo compared Suriname’s outrage from the public and historic and milestone occasion, The GranMorgu project Contract (PSC), Staatsolie has royalty rates with that of the new politicians. creating significant opportunities Recently, French-company plans to participate for a maximum Public Sharing Agreement (PSA) Ghana, a country of 33 million and revenue prospects for T
A PA of 20% in the development and saying that, “So if you look at their people, is a major gold and cocoa Suriname, as well as attracting CorporationannouncedtheFIDfor productionofthecommercialfield. royalty rate of 6.2% royalty, we producer investorsworldwide.” the project offshore Suriname. The Better Deal than Guyana havejustputinournewPSA,a10% Since 2022 it has been He noted that the decision will timeframe for the construction and This publication recently royaltyratethat’sthenewcondition struggling with an economic crisis boost the country’s domestic installation, according to a release reported that in a video clip, buttheagreementthattheyhave and rampant inflation that have led capabilities and investments and from Staatsolie, would take Jagesar, compared the contracts of (Continued on page 17)
From page 16
Mahipaul is of the Reform (PNCR), Aubrey urgently addressing the today is better than the 2016 opinion that evaluators are Norton two weeks ago lacks matter and taking a clear agreement and we pointed secretlyselectedandtheyare commitment to implement position, the PNCR has thisoutmanytimes.” often handpicked from any changes to lopsided oil chosen a “kick the can down
Itisimportanttonotethat political allies of the deal with ExxonMobil, the road” strategy that may the new PSA referred to has government who are then A t t o r n e y - a t - L a w , have no political benefit nothing to do with the disguised as public servants. ChristopherRamhassaid. other than that it will not country’s current deal with He emphasised that “This Ram in his weekly have to follow-through, ExxonMobil and its partners s y s t e m o f h i d d e n column‘EveryMan,Woman since success in winning the Hess and CNOOC nor is it appointments erodes trust andChildMustBecomeOil- next elections is only a related to the lucrative and fosters corruption. Even Minded’ published by remotepossibility Stabroek Block offshore more troubling is the Stabroek News on Saturday The lawyer however Guyana. composition of the National concluded his review of stressedthatanyresponsible,
ThenewPSAwillgovern Procurement and Tender Norton’splanstomanagethe major opposition party is the smaller blocks that were Administration Board petroleum sector, if elected. required to be consistently part of the recent auctions. (NPTAB), which is entirely The PNC’s 10th point for the vigilant, representing those Furthermore, there have made up of individuals management of the sector who voted or will vote for it. been no exploration appointed by the PPP/C states, “Considering the Ram pointed out that for the activities or discoveries in r e g i m e W i t h o u t vastly changed conditions majority of Guyanese, any of these blocks representation from other since the signing of the 2016 renegotiation of the Exxon Therefore,citizensshouldbe political entities, the Stabroek Block Production dealisnotmerelyanelection aware that the Stabroek procurement process is Sharing Agreement (PSA) issue, but a reality of Block arrangement remains inherently flawed and and consistent with Article everyday life, of a nation’s the same, Guyana will get biased, perpetuating an 32.1 of the PSA, we will patrimony, its sovereignty, 2% royalty and 50/50 profit atmosphere of distrust and complete a top-to-bottom integrity, and future of the sharing. corruption.” review of the PSA and then country, and of every Jagdeo in laying blame Mahipaul advised that in engage the Stabroek Block Guyanese. on the former administration order for faith to be restored Partners, to maximize the “Every day that passes for the 2016 oil deal noting in the procurement system benefits of the oil resources under the current agreement thathisgovernmentfixedthe theProcurementActmustbe to the people of Guyana represents a missed deal by addressing the non- awareness of the law and Jagdeostressed. amended to include whileensuringafairshareof opportunity to secure better fiscaltermssothatGuyanese what it has provisions in The VP is of the opinion opposition representatives profit for Stabroek Block terms for the Guyanese can benefit more from the placefor. that as an employee of the “at both the Evaluation Partners. The review will people with the potential of sector. However, he said the government,youcannotalso Committee and Tender include, but not be limited to bringing in billions of US “We sought to fix this by current administration has be a contractor for Board levels Broader ring-fencing of projects, oil dollars. This approach is getting more benefits from embarked on a campaign to government project as well, representation is essential to tax regime, environmental particularly disappointing the contract through the fix all of this and they have hence the engineer will have ensuring decisions are based r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s , given the high stakes Local Content Law, the Gas- made it clear that non- to make a choice which path on merit rather than political d e c
, involved Guyana’s oil to-Energy project so that we adherence to the law will not to follow as he cannot connections Only by transparency, the timely resources represent a oncecan claim other non-fiscal be tolerated at a political assume both roles making these necessary reporting of information, in-a-generation opportunity benefits from the contract level. “So people know now Additionally, a number of changes can we build the regulatory oversight and for national development. and we have had Exxon that they are responsible for other issues were exposed to t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d real-time monitoring, Every barrel of oil extracted agree with that from the time compliance with the the officials during the accountability that the auditing, local content, under the current terms we got into office, but this is procurement laws and that outreachandthegovernment procurement process so shared management and representsrevenuelosttothe great and I am happy for t h e y w i l l b e a r t h e is working to address them, desperatelylacks.” d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g i n Guyanese people,” Ram Suriname, very happy for consequencesshouldwefind Jagdeo said. “People are He then went on to say operations in the oil and gas stressed. them they have worked very breach We have already now bringing this to our that under an APNU/AFC sector.”
Consequently, the hardatthis,”hereasoned. seen that from the time we attention,wedidn’tknowthe government within the first The prominentAttorney- Lawyernoted,“ThePNCR’s spoke on one visit to Region NPTAB didn’t know I asked 100 days in office, they will at-Law pointed out that the willingness to allow this Monday Eight last week, we got a them, they said we don’t move to amend the act to party made no commitment situation to continue numberofthings,”hesaid. know this guy is the regional a l l o w f o r a w i d e r to renegotiate the terms of unchallenged for years to Govt. blocks $28M Giving an example of engineer, he bid through an representation where the the contract, but merely come is a serious abdication contract to Region 8 RDC one such situation where the open process. They did not opposition will be included promised a “top-to-bottom” of responsibility and a engineer laws were breached, he told know Oncethiscomestoour at every level of the review He described the betrayal of the trust placed …told to decide whether reportersthat,“Oneengineer attention, people have to procurement process. This PNC’s 20-point plan as on it by more than two he wants to be an there in the region…so he is make a determination,” the would prevent the high “cautious, conservative and hundredthousandvoters.” employee or contractor basedinMahdiaandthenput VPsaid. levels of corruption as well careful,” adding that the Ram said that while the in a bid through the public
Amendments to a s b u i l d t h e t r u s t , minor proposed changes do plan’s emphasis on building A government engineer process, an open bidding procurement laws
nd nothing to assure Guyanese institutional capacity and based in Region Eight was process but through NPTAB Meanwhile opposition transparency that our nation thatthePNCRhasthewillor e n v i r o n m e n t a l told to decide whether he and got a contract for $28M Member of Parliament (MP) deserves “The time for the capacity for any c o n s i d e r a t i o n s i s wants to be an employee of because they just looked at Ganesh Mahipaul last week reform is now Without these meaningful, let alone commendable, without a the State or work as a private whoeverhadthebestbid,but
fundamental change to the
contractor after he recently this guy is also the regional a m
t o t h e procurement process will 2016Agreement. renegotiating the terms of won a $28M project through engineer ” The engineer Procurement Act of 2003, remain compromised by Ramexplained,“perhaps existing agreements, there is the National Procurement however did not submit his arguing that it “is long favoritism,andthenecessary the most glaring issue with little value to this plan and Tender Administration bid through the regional ov
n t h e the PNCR/APNU’s plan is According to him, “It might Board (NPTAB) The system, instead he submitted amendments if we are to government and the people its complete lack of urgency havebeenbetterifthePNCR contract was subsequently via an open public tender, combat the rampant will continue to erode or timelines. The plan is had described the document blockedbythegovernment. and received the bid to do favoritism and corruption Action not rhetoric is the essentiallyapromissorynote as a statement of intent or a While responding to a workinMahdia. plaguing the system today.” onlysolution,”hesaid. contingent on the party policy framework paper but Stabroek News editorial last “Now if you’re an Mahipaul said Jagdeo’s winning the next elections in as a plan, it is really of little week at his newspaper, Vice engineer and you’re based in voicehasnoweightifitisnot ‘PNCR 20-point plan November 2025 – more than useandvalue.” President Bharrat Jagdeo Mahdia working for the accompanied by concrete for oil sector lacks a year away This delay is Ram also criticized the disclosed the issue. He said RDC and you’re the action “The time for commitment to particularly egregious given planforfailingtoaddressthe there are complaints that contractor for a project in promises is over Decisive change Exxon’s lopsided that the Norton leadership 40-year stability clause. He personsmaybeinfluencedor Mahdia, people wouldn’t stepsmustbetakentoensure deal’– Chris Ram has had several years to said this clause, which they may be violating care if it’s NPTAB that gave greater transparency and observe how the agreement effectively freezes the procurementlawsbecauseof that and you participated in accountability in the The 20-point plan has operated against the regulatory environment for instructions they receive or an open bid, this is the kind procurement process,” the revealed by Leader of the nationalinterest.” fourdecades,isamajor they may even lack of conflict I spoke of,” MPstated. People’s National Congress He argued that instead of (Continued on page 18)
From page 17
To this end, the Ministry said
Urbacon Concessions Investments, constraintonGuyana’ssovereignty the Liza One breakeven cost was W.L.L (UCI), a subsidiary of UCC and ability to adapt its policies as US$35 per barrel, while the Liza Holdings in Qatar, in collaboration circumstances change. “By not Two breakeven cost is US$25. with Karpowership International to challenging this clause, the Notably, the break-evenprice is the rent the ship for two years. The PNCR/APNU may be acquiescing minimum price at which the crude floating power plant arrived in to a long-term limitation on needs to be sold, to cover all the Georgetown in May and was Guyana’s control over its own costsofproducingit,theMNRsaid. docked at Everton, East Bank resources and muzzling its This includes capital, operating, Berbice in Region Six, and parliament.Theplan’sreluctanceto andothernecessaryexpenses. eventually connected to the commit to renegotiation and its While Kaieteur News arrived at Demerara-Berbice Interconnected failure to address the stability an earlier figure of US$9B to be System (DBIS). The government clause suggest a preference for the received in revenue from the two procured the services of the energy s
ing projects,thecountryshouldreceive vessel to bring relief to citizens transformative change. This is not about US$20B according to the since there has been an increase in what the people want. It does information supplied by the electricity demand, which led to nothing to persuade any objective Ministry Using an average of shortfalls and constant power person to lend their support,” the US$30 as the breakeven cost for outagesacrossthecountry Attorneyconcluded. LizaOneandLizaTwo,theprojects (‘PNCR 20-point plan for oil are estimated to generate some Wednesday sector lacks commitment to change US$40B in revenue at an average since Exxon has already recovered will get it too but it is Exxon’s lopsided deal’ – Chris costperbarrelofUS$70. over US$19B- the total cost of the administratively easier to do that Govt. moving to review Ram) The US$40B would have to be threeprojects. andyoudon’thavethecorruption,” Exxon’s 7th project – despite split between ExxonMobil and Jagdeostated. VPJagdeo saying no Tuesday Guyana, meaning that the country Foreigners cannot be On May 27th 2024, this guarantee it would be approved should receive US$20B while the excluded from benefits of publication reported that for the Guyana should have received oil company should receive an subsidies to GPL-Jagdeo past five years, the cost of fuel has The Guyana Government have US$10B from oil to date but equal sum. According to increased significantly with some taken steps to review and evaluate only received US$4.4B information displayed by the Bank TheGovernmentofGuyanahas $49.151 billion to be spent by the ExxonMobilGuyanaLimitedField of Guyana on the Natural Resource been heavily subsidising the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) to Development Plan for its seventh The Ministry of Natural Fund (NRF), the country only Guyana Power and Light (GPL) purchase fuel for its operations. project despite Vice President Resources (MNR) on Monday received the sum of US$4.4B as at and it claims that the efforts are to This information was taken from Bharrat Jagdeo back in July said revealedfigureswhichindicatethat the end of June 2024. This is prevent a raise in the light bills of GPL Performance Statistics. The therewasnoguaranteethatitwould Guyana should have received particularly alarming and raises citizens. Guyana’s booming oil document stated that some beapproved. US$10B from the production of oil further questions about the industry has attracted a range of 1,354,700 barrels of Heavy Fuel The Government of Guyana intheLizaOneandLizaTwofields management of the sector, since foreign companies coming into the Oil (HFO) and Light Fuel Oil (GOG) is set to use a portion of a todate.
40% of the reserves have already country and setting up shop and at (LFO) were purchased by the state US$20millionloanfromtheWorld Due to the government’s failure beendepletedtodate. the same time driving up electricity entitytothetuneof$16.171billion. Bank to pay for consulting services to manage the sector prudently in Liza One, which commenced demand. Despite this, Vice With increases recorded to review the FDP for the seventh the best interest of Guyanese oil production in December 2019, President Bharrat Jagdeo told annually since then, it was stated project in the Stabroek Block however, the country gained a has already produced close to 200 reporters last Thursday that they that this year, GPL will purchase (Hammerhead).Eligibleconsulting meagre US$4.4B since the startup million barrels of oil (MBO). The cannot be excluded from the 2,191,585 of barrels of HFO and firmscanrespondtotheMinistryof of production activities in the Field Development Plan for that benefits being derived from the LFO, at the cost of $49.151 billion Natural Resources, Expression of Stabroek Block, operated by project however indicates that the governmentsubsidiestoGPL. (US$228 34 million) The Interest(EOI)whichwaspublished ExxonMobil Guyana Limited project, operated by the Liza At his weekly news conference weighted average fuel price per on Monday Interested consultants (EMGL). Destiny Floating Production last week, this news asked the Vice barrelisUS$104.19–thedocument must have relevant experience in
The ministry was responding to Storage and Offloading (FPSO) President why foreign companies states. similar assignments, particularly in an article carried by Kaieteur News vessel, has a reserve of 452 MBO. operating here are not made to pay In 2022, GPL had announced deepwater development projects on September 22, 2024 under the Thismeansthat44%ofthereserves theunsubsidisedelectricitycharges that the steady rise in fuel prices is and addressing climate change headline ‘Guyana poised to receive arealreadydrained. astheyareinmostcasesthebiggest negatively affecting its operations. impacts in the oil and gas sector less than US$9B of US$70B from Similarly, at the Liza Two consumers of electricity Jagdeo Infact,itwasstatedthatifthetrend
Liza 1 and Liza 2’. In the article, project, the Ministry reported that responded saying: “We can have continues, generating costs are internationally recognized and KaieteurNewsshowedthatthetwo almost 200 MBO have been peoplecomeandsaywewillcharge expected to trump revenue possess the expertise to provide projects, which are currently in produced by Exxon since the two electricity rates, now one for earnings. professional opinions related to operation,haveacombinedreserve commencement of production Guyanese and one for foreigners In June of this year, the VP had fielddevelopmentplanning. of about one billion barrels of oil. activities in February 2022. That and the foreigners must come and told reporters that he was informed This project forms part of the At an average oil price of US$70 field, according to the FDP holds bring a document every week and that there is a need for US$66M as Guyana Petroleum Resources per barrel, the two projects are about 570 MBO. Consequently, showwhethertheyareforeignersor what the GPL budgeted for did not Governance and Management expected to generate about 35% of the reserves have already not or every Guyanese will have to cater for the fuel price increases. Project (GPRGMP). The selected US$70B.Usingabreakevencostof beenproducedbythecompany then prove that they are Guyanese “Butwearenotincreasingtheprice firmwillprovideadvisoryservices, US$40 per barrel, it was outlined It could also be deduced that andprovethattheyareGuyaneseto of electricity in another country, technical support, and training to that US$30B would remain from about 40% of the collective benefit from the electricity theywouldhaveincreasedtheprice enhance the government’s capacity which other costs would be reserves at the two projects have subsidy.” of electricity So that means before toreview,overseeandauthorizethe deducted, leaving Guyana with been depleted Due to the Labeling the separation of rates the end of the year, we’ll go to implementationofFDPs. onlyUS$9Boftherevenue. government’s failure to implement an administrative nightmare, he Parliament for a supplementary of Some areas of focus for the The Ministry however clarified a ring-fencing provision, said the foreigners will very well US$66M for just subsidizing project include a detailed that the breakeven cost substituted ExxonMobil uses revenue that put the meters in the names of electricity,”headded. assessment of the Hammerhead by the newspaper was incorrect as should come to Guyana to fund its Guyanese citizens to be able to The VP boasted that the concept selection process and FDP, this was an average figure which investments across the Stabroek enjoytherates,addingthattargeted government has absorbed the price management, oversight, applies to several developments Block.
subsidiesareanightmare.Jagdeoto increases that should have come monitoring, and reporting of the offshore. “In July, ExxonMobil Aring-fencing provision would let his point hit home took the from electricity since the price of FDP, evaluat
e Guyana’s Vice President, Phillip force the operator to use the reporteronahistorytripbacktothe fuel has gone up. “So the price of Environmental and Social Impact Rietema, stated that the company’s revenue generated at one project to time when old age pension was fuel went up from $70 dollars that Assessment (ESIA) related to the operations are secure at a US$40 pay for its expenses. In the absence awarded based on a “means test”. we were budgeting; now, we are proposed Hammerhead FDP, and per barrel break-even price…the of this key mechanism, Exxon is Back then, the less you earned the paying one $105 maybe $110 per training and institutional capacity US$40 per barrel figure is an allowed to take revenue from Liza better your chances were of getting barrel. We have to go to the building. average break-even price that One, Liza Two and Payara to the pension and the monthly parliamentfortherecessbecauseof The estimated duration of this applies to several developments develop its other projects. If those earningsinthe90’swasabout$16.” justfuelprices.” consultancy assignment is 20 offshore, not specifically to Liza 1 projects were ring-fenced, the “We abolished the mean test so if In April, the government, weeks, commencing in November and Liza 2,” the MNR statement country would have been receiving you reach 65, you get the old age through GPL, signed a multi- 2024.Theconsultingfirmwillbe said. a greater share of profits today, pension. Some of the rich people million-dollar contract with (Continued on page 36)
Sea dragons are some of bodies, they are perfectly south and east Australia, t h e m o s t o r n a t e l y outfitted to blend in with the leafy sea dragons are closely camouflaged creatures on seaweedandkelpformations related to seahorses and the planet. Adorned with theyliveamongst. pipefish Leafies are gossamer, leaf-shaped Population generally brown to yellow in appendages over their entire Endemictothewatersoff body color with spectacular olive-tintedappendages.
Leafies are shaped to give themselves near-perfect camouflage in seaweed. But the leaf-like structures are not used for swimming. To move, this species uses two fins—one pectoral and one dorsal—that are so thin they females deposit their bright-
Sea dragons are some of the most ornately camouflaged creatures on the planet.
Threats to Survival In fact, such takings shrank arealmosttransparent. pink eggs during mating. Sea dragons survive on theirnumberssocriticallyby
Reproduction The eggs are fertilized tiny crustaceans such as the early 1990s that the
As with sea horses, sea during the transfer from the mysids,orsealice. Australian government dragonmalesareresponsible femaletothemale. Itisnotknowniftheyare placed a complete protection for childbearing. But instead The males incubate the preyed upon by other on the species. Pollution and of a pouch, like sea horses eggs and carry them to term, animals. habitat loss have also hurt have, male sea dragons have releasing miniature sea They are, however, their numbers, and they are a spongy brood patch on the dragons into the water after frequently taken by divers currently listed as near underside of the tail where aboutfourtosixweeks. seekingtokeepthemaspets. threatened.
By Rennie P
enin, country of speaking peoples, who westernAfrica. It consists of traced their traditional a narrow wedge of territory origins to the town of Tado extending northward for (in modern Togo). During about 420 miles (675 the 16th and 17th centuries, kilometres) from the Gulf of the most powerful state in Guinea in the Atlantic this area was the kingdom of Ocean, on which it has a 75- Allada (Ardra), but in the mile seacoast, to the Niger 18th and 19th centuries its River, which forms part of place was taken by Benin’snorthernborderwith Dahomey In the north, the Niger Benin is bordered to largestgroupwastheBariba, the northwest by Burkina the most important state Faso, to the east by Nigeria, being the kingdom of Nikki, and to the west byTogo.The which formed part of a official capital is Porto- confederacy including other Novo, but Cotonou is Bariba states located in what Benin’s largest city, its chief istodayNigeria.TheSomba, port, and its de facto in the northwest, did not administrativecapital.Benin formakingdom.
intermixed as to be hardly been active in the coastal was a French colony from The Portuguese first distinguishable Among region since the 16th the late 19th century until explored the coast of Benin other southern groups are century, and almost half of 1960. in 1472 but did not begin various Adja peoples, the total population is Prior to colonial rule, trading there until 1553 including theAizo, the Holi, Christian; of the Christians, part of the territory that is During the 17th century the andtheMina. about half are Roman now Benin consisted of Dutch, English, French, and Languages Catholic, whi
e powerful, independent otherEuropeansalsoentered French is the official remainder includes small kingdoms, including various thetrade. languageandthelanguageof groups of Methodist, Baribakingdomsinthenorth The principal export instruction, but each ethnic Baptist, and independent and in the south the before the mid-19th century group has its own language, Christian denominations kingdoms of Porto-Novo was always slaves The whichisalsospoken. Islam has adherents in the and Dahomey (Dan-ho-me, volume of slave exports was Most adults living in the north and southeast; about “on the belly of Dan;” Dan at first small, but it increased various ethnic communities one-fourth of the total was a rival king on whose rapidly in the second half of also speak the dominant populationisMuslim,nearly grave Dahomey’s royal the 17th century, when this languageofeachregion.The allofwhomareSunni.Some compound was built). In the area became known to most widely spoken one-fourth of the population late 19th century French Europeans as the “Slave languages are Fon and Gen adherestotraditionalbeliefs, colonizers making inroads Coast,” and remained high (Mina),membersoftheKwa including Vodun (Vodou or from the coastal region into untilthe1840s. branch of the Niger-Congo Voodoo), which originated the interior borrowed the The principal centre for depopulationofcertainareas differences among Benin’s family ofAfrican languages; in the area of western Africa name of the defeated the trade was the coastal as well as a general ethnic groups survive to a Bariba, a member of the Gur that includes what is now Dahomey kingdom for the kingdom of Ouidah militarizationofsociety markeddegree. branch of the Niger-Congo known as Benin and was entire territory that is now (Whydah), which was The prominence of The Fon, who make up family; Yoruba, one of a broughttotheCaribbeanand Benin; the current name originally a tributary of slaves from this area in the about two-fifths of the small group of languages the Americas by Africans derives from the Bight of Allada but had become an transatlantic trade is population, live in various that constitute the Yoruboid enslaved during the Atlantic Benin. independent state by the reflected in the survival of parts of the country and cluster of the Defoid slave trade in the 17th–19th History of Benin 1680s. elements of its culture in especiallyinCotonou. subbranch of the Benue- centuries.
As a political unit, Benin Theslavesexportedwere black communities of the The Yoruba, who are Congo branch of the Niger- In addition, many was created by the French predominantly war captives NewWorld,especiallyinthe related to the Nigerian Congo family; and Dendi, adherentsofChristianityand colonial conquest at the end and were drawn from the “voodoo” religion of Haiti, Yoruba, live mainly in one of the Songhai Islam also include some of the 19th century In the entire area of modern Benin, which incorporates many southeastern Benin and languages, which are elements of traditional precolonial period, the including northern peoples spirit cults and deities of the constitute about one-eighth generally assumed to beliefs in their practices. In territory comprised a such as the Bariba as well as Ewe-speakingpeoples. of Benin’s population. In the constitute the primary the south, animist religions, multiplicity of independent communities near the coast. Ethnic groups vicinity of Porto-Novo, the branch of the Nilo-Saharan which include fetishes states, differing in language The Atlantic slave trade had Despite attempts at Goun (Gun) and the Yoruba languagefamily (objects regarded with awe and culture. The south was a substantial and deleterious greater national unity and (knowninPobéandKétouas Religion astheembodimentofa occupied mainly by Ewe- impact in Benin, causing the integration since 1960, Nago, or Nagot) are so Christian missions have (Continued on page 35)
Dancehall MagGuyanese music professor, multi-instrumentalist, and composer Iauwata Amha Selassie, played a defining role in the official rise of Jamaican Nyahbinghi Reggae singer and producer Raphiel “Raphi” Chambers andhisband,RockTop—an influenceRaphicontinuesto cherishtothisday Raphi’s quest to solidify his band began in February 2013, when he sought guidancefromthelegendary Iauwata—along-timefriend of his late father, Bongo Jack.
Iauwata’s reputation as a master musician who could play more than 27 instruments was well known A devoted Rastafarian and a towering figure in the reggae scene, Iauwata worked with artists suchasIkeandTinaTurner, Sly and Robbie, Bunny Wailer,andLuciano.
Just two weeks after meeting at a Nyahbinghi event in Jamaica, Iauwata enabled Raphi to master the bass guitar and, shortly thereafter, helped the then 22-year-old’s siblings hone their musical talents, guiding them to complete their debut album, I Feel Like I Wanna Go Home, withinthesamebriefperiod.
“Iauwata was a friend of my father Bongo Jack. Suh me hear seh Iauwata deh a Jamaica. Mi always hear of Iauwata, suh mi decide seh mi waan meet wid Iauwata because him play like 27 differentinstruments.Think about it, me play like five instruments and him play 27; who wouldn’t waan meethim,anmelovemusic so much?” Raphi recounted toDancehallMag.
When Raphi approached Iauwata, the elder challenged him to prove his dedicationbypurchasinghis owninstruments.Raphisaid he responded immediately, buying a keyboard and beginning lessons under Iauwata’stutelage.
“Suh him tell mi seh him can teach mi fi play di
instrumentdem,butitwould bebestifIlearnthowtoplay
R a p h i s a i d h i s
commitment quickly deepened, leading him to acquire a bass guitar and drums as he prepared to elevate his craft after visiting the Taylor studio at Great River in St James, which had an impressive a r r a y o f m u s i c a l instruments.
“So when I saw those instruments I decided I wanted instruments like those for myself. So he (Iauwata) said ‘if you are seriousandwanttobuyallof them,buythem.Iwillteach you how to play them’. I wanted to play the bass guitar,”heexplained,noting that he went to Kingston bought the drum set, guitar, amplifier and other accoutrements.
Thatnight,afterreturning toHanover,Raphiconverted hissisterSarah’sroomintoa studio, and by dawn, Iauwata began his guitar training.
“Thefirstbasslinehegave me to do was the Kutchie. First he wrote out the fret. I still have that paper where hewroteouttheguitarfret.I amgoingtoframeit,”Raphi said.
The St. James native told Dancehall Mag that Iauwata’s mentorship elevated his musical skills within two weeks of intensive training, with constant encouragement thatkepthimmotivated.
“Suh everyday now, mi naw focus pan nuttn else. The second morning he list out five basslines. When Iauwatateachmihowfiplay dat deh bass line deh, mi surprised fi si how him just tellmieasyandhowhimjust showmieasy.Likehimjust call out di chords dem…,” hereminisced.
By the end of the second morning, Raphi said he had masteredatotaloffivebass lines.
“Iauwata just go up and said ‘Papi, give me the Kutchie,Givemethe (Continuedonpage50)
This week, the
Guyana National
B u r e a u o f Standards (GNBS) joins regional and international standards bodies to observe World Standards Day (WSD)onOctober14.
This date marks the
first gathering of delegates from twentyfive (25) countries to establish the International
O r g a n i s a t i o n f o r Standardisation(ISO).
Thisyear’sthemeis“A shared vision for a better world – Spotlight on SDG 9,” which focuses on building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and fosteringinnovation.
The theme was chosen
Duringthisdecade,the themes are aligned with the SDGs to emphasize the role of international standards in offering practical solutions to globalissues
As is customary, the GNBS designates the week surrounding World StandardsDayasNational Quality Week (NQW) and will host several activities t
This year’s activities
begin with messages from the Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce
Oneidge Wa
d, Chair of the National Standards Council (NSC) Ms Shannielle HooseinO
DirectoroftheGNBS,Mr TrevorBassoo
On Monday, there will be a Speech Competition for Secondary Schools in Region Five (MahaicaBerbice)
This activity is being e
collaboration with the Ministry of Education and
The students will be
given the opportunity to speak on a Standardsrelated topic for five minutes and they will be allocated points based on their ability to speak on the assigned topics, use e
pronunciation, grammar, delivery and the maximum useoftheirtime.
Team will launch the ‘Made in Guyana’ video c
manufactured products certified by the GNBS
There is also a ‘Like and S
awareness on standards and
quality. The week of activities culminate with the GNBS’ Long Serving Awards ceremony where employees who have been with the Bureau for five, ten, fifteen, twenty and twenty-five years will be awarded for their long
vity with the Standards Body.
This year, a total of eighteen employees will be awarded for their commitmenttotheBureau andStandardisation
Throughout National Quality Week, the GNBS
Marketing Departments will share information via n
television and social media to ensure that the public is updated and involved. On this occasion of National Quality Week, the GNBS encourages all Guyanese to get involved withstandards.
Finally, as it works to “Create a culture of Quality” , the GNBS extends gratitude to all stakeholders for their continued support and for utilizing the standards and services it off
s to meet their needs
F o r f u r t h e r information, contact the GNBS on telephone n
b e r s : 2 1 90064/65/66, hotline 2190069 or WhatsApp us on 692-4627
Dancehall MagJamaica’sDancehallGospel artiste, Papa San has revealed that fellow Gospel star Lt Stitchie is respondingwelltotreatment after suffering a brain haemorrhage.PapaSansaid that he was informed in conversations with family members, there has “been movement with his eyes whenhe’sawake”.
“I heard he is making some improvements, and communicating with his eyes but I want to go for myself to see. I have been hearing from people, but I havenofirmevidence,Ijust want to help get donations for him, and also contribute my portion to help my brother Stitchie,” Papa San toldDancehallMag.
It was reportedly earlier this month that Lieutenant Stitchie had reportedly suffered a severe brain haemorrhage and had been hospitalizedinacoma.
The singer’s wife, Sophia Laing, has set up a GoFundMe campaign titled ‘Sup
Lt. Stitchie
rehabilitate journey,’ which
TheWearYuSizesinger is reportedly in a private roomatamedicalfacilityin theCorporateArea.
“I am trying to see him tomorrow,” Papa San said.Papa San is on the island promoting his latest single, Who Loves Like This?, which was released on all digital platforms on September 24. He shot a video for the new gospel track in St Thomas on Thursday PapaSanwillreleasehis album, My Worship, in the firstquarterof2025butwill release a series of singles during the next couple of months.
The album features production work by his son, BEAM, who is known for his work with Justin Bieber andBeyonce.Italsofeatures production from superstar drummer-producer Dwayne Chin-Quee, better known as Supa Dups, who is now a Christian.
Frompage23 powerfulspirit)forwhichBeninisrenowned, retaintheirtraditionalstrength.
Culturallife Frenchcolonialruleandsubsequentclose tieswithFrancehaveleftadeepimpactonall aspects of cultural life, especially among the educated segments of the population and in thesoutherncities.Eachethnicgroupalsohas its own centuries-old tradition, which itself oftenmixeswiththeFrenchinfluence.These culturaltraditionsareclusteredintwodistinct regions, the largely Muslim north and the largelyanimistandChristiansouth.
In Cotonou one finds many kinds of commercial enterprises, often with a French flavour, such as restaurants, cafés, and discotheques Diplomats of foreign governmentsandmanyofBenin’selitelivein newer residential sections. There are several movietheatresandseveralhotelsthatprovide entertainment.Mostothertownshavemodern sectionsonasmallerscale.
In other sections of the towns, however, tradition dominates cultural life. Extended familiesliveinfamilycompoundsindistinct neighbourhoods, where they practice religious rites and celebrate festivals with music and dance. Markets where foodstuffs, clothing, and traditional medicines and arts aresoldareimportantcentresofdailylife.
From page 18
salesandroyalties. S t r e e t , K i n g s t o n , expected to be physically
According to the PSA, Georgetown office on the present in Guyana for an the Stabroek Block partners PNCR’s recently revealed agreed period during this are allowed to recover 75% planstoengagethecompany time. oftheoilproducedtorecover in a top-to-bottom review of
EOIs must be submitted their investment costs; the thedeal. byOctober22,2024,andcan remaining25%isconsidered TheLeaderofthePNCR, be delivered in person, by profit,whichissplitbetween Aubrey Norton at a press mail, fax, or email to the Guyana and the Stabroek conference two weeks ago ministry For inquiries, Block consortium, giving unveiled the party’s 20-point interestedpartiescancontact each 12.5%. However, the plan to manage the sector, if Mr J. McKenzie, Permanent consortium pays a 2% successful at the next Secretary The contact royalty from its share to elections. Norton announced number is (592)-231-2510, Guyana. From its 14 5% that the party would engage
a n d t h e e m a i l i s Guyanathenhastopaytaxes the company for a review of fortheoilcompanies. the deal, in a bid to
A few months ago,
Notably, the provision of specifically address royalty EMGL, the operator of the Stabroek Block contract and ring-fencing, among Guyana’s resource-rich which gives Exxon and its otherkeyprovisions. Stabroek Block made its affiliates a tax-free ride in I n h i s r e s p o n s e , a p p l i c a t i o n t o t h e Guyana has attracted Routledge said, “Yes, so I Environmental Protection criticisms locally and saw the announcement, I Agency (EPA) seeking internationally Despite this, haven’t had the opportunity approval for a seventh t h e I r f a a n A l i - l e d to meet with anybody from project, Hammerhead administration is adamant the PNCR since then. We
H a m m e r h e a d w a s that the deal will not be a l w a y s w e l c o m e announced as Exxon’s ninth renegotiated due to the engagements to look at the commercial discovery in implications of the sanctity agreementstounderstandthe
A u g u s t 2 0 1 8 T h e ofcontract. agreements, to understand Hammerhead-1 well was
The contract states in our operations.” He added drilled in a new reservoir, Article 15 1 that the that the party does not have encountering approximately Contractor (ExxonMobil regular engagements and 197 feet (60 meters) of high- Guyana Limited) as well as insight into the sector; as quality, oil-bearing its affiliates shall not be such, he believes an interest sandstone reservoir. The to start up in 2029 when he Guyana earn $130B in increased economic subjectedtotax,value-added would be there which is well was safely drilled to made the comments. “So income taxes at midyear, activities. Corporate tax tax, excise tax, duty, fee, welcomed by the oil 13,862 feet (4,225 meters) first of all, there is an but allowed Exxon and payments from private firms charge, or impost in respect company. depth in 3,773 feet (1,150 assumption that there will be partners to walk away rose by 21 1% to $48 8 of income derived from Not budging meters) of water The project a seventh project. So we will with $306B last year
blic petroleum operations, Later in the press will target between 120-180 get the application soon and corporation taxes saw a property held or transactions conference, he was asked by thousand barrels per day at that time, the government The Guyana Revenue modest increase of 8.1%, except as specified under the another reporter if the (kbd). Exxon is aiming to will determine through two Authority (GRA) collected reaching $2 billion. Also, agreement. company has changed its commence production permits, one the licence and almost $130 billion in personal income taxes and It goes on to state in position regarding the activities by 2029, following then the environmental income taxes by mid-2024, withholding taxes expanded Article 15.4 that the sum possibility of engaging the therequisiteapprovals. permit, how it will deal with the Bank of Guyana (BOG) by 14 6% and 31 9%, equivalent to the taxes owed government in renegotiating Notably, the daily alloftheseissues.” reported. respectively, amounting to by the company will be paid the royalty percentages. To production capacity being He boasted that the The Central Bank said $39 5 billion and $39 4 by the Minister responsible this, Routledge said, “No it targeted is significantly administration has made the that GRA’s overall income billion. Additionally, the for Petroleum to the hasn’t changed but I think lower compared to the last permits for previous projects taxrevenuecollectionwithin collection of VAT and excise Commissioner General of what’s important to say is, three projects sanctioned, public unlike the previous the first six-months of 2024 taxes grew by 13.9% to the GRA. It should be noted cause I have seen comments which each target over 200 administration and they will increased by 21.8% to 129.7 $55.8billion. that the contract also allows made about Suriname and kbd Hammerhead-1 is be dealing with any issues as billion, largely driven by a K a i e t e u r N e w s for the issuing of a receipt to everyonewantstosayoursis located approximately 13 they arise. Jagdeo added: broader base of collection previously reported that for ExxonMobil, indicating that better than yours, but at the miles (21 kilometers) “Exxon still has to from oil and gas related 2023, the Government of it has met the local tax endofthedaythiswasallthe southwest of the Liza-1 well demonstrate that they will firms. Guyana(GoG)hadtopaythe requirements to avoid the elements that go into an and follows previous submit all the documents However, despite this combinedsumofabout$306 burden of double taxation in agreement like this- a discoveries on the Stabroek needed for us to assess g r o w t h , i t r e m a i n s billion in income taxes for theUnitedStates. Production Sharing Block at Liza, Liza Deep, whethertherequirementsare noteworthy that the overall ExxonMobil and its Agreement.” Payara, Snoek, Turbot, met. On the seventh project, income tax GRA collected Stabroek Block partners, Thursday He urged that a “step Ranger,PacoraandLongtail. we are yet to determine withinsixmonthsislessthan H e s s a n d C N O O C , back” should be taken to Back in April, Exxon whether we want that on the what ExxonM0bil Guyana according to the companies’ ExxonMobil open to recognize that the agreement receivedgreen-lightfromthe cost bank now ahead of any Limited (EMGL), Hess auditedfinancialstatements. discussion on terms of oil has been very successful for EPA as well as blessings clarityofhowwearemoving GuyanaExplorationLtd.and Exxon is the operator of contract with PNC/R Guyana in attracting from the Government of with the monetization of the China National Offshore Oil the Stabroek Block, with …but says will not investment into a basin Guyana (GoG) to develop a Gas Project. So those issues Corporation (CNOOC) 45% interest, Hess holds renegotiate for better deal where there were no sixth deep water project, will be determined next Petroleum Guyana Limited 30% interest and CNOOC discoveries In fact, he Whiptail. week.” The in August again didnothavetopaytoGRAin holds 25% interest Last PresidentofExxonMobil boasted that it was Exxon Jagdeo said no guarantee Jagdeo was asked whether incometaxesfor2023. year, the three companies Guyana Limited (EMGL), that de-risked the area for oil 7th project will be the seventh project would be BOG revealed that total earned $1.3 trillion in profits Alistair Routledge on and gas activities in approved approved he said thusly:” current revenues increased – entirely tax-free in Wednesday said the U.S oil Suriname. “It de-risked the Meanwhile, back in July Whenandif…ifandorwhen by 18.7% to some $227.2 Guyana, in accordance with giant is open to discussions Suriname drilling because atoneofhisnewsconference andifweapprovetheproject billion. This figure excludes the 2016 Production Sharing with the People’s National discoverieshadbeenmadein Jagdeo had said there was no then you will be told about inflows like the Natural Agreement(PSA). Congress Reform (PNCR) Guyana by the Stabroek guarantee that ExxonMobil what the benefits will be.We Resource Fund (NRF), While Exxon, Hess, and on the lopsided oil contract Block Co-Venturers and we will be allowed to go ahead have not looked at Guyana REDD+ Investment CNOOC are not required to the former APNU/AFC can always cherry pick if with its seventh project anything…there is currently Fund (GRIF), and Carbon pay income taxes, the 2016 governmentsignedin2016. somebody has higher Hammerhead. Jagdeo was no application in for the CreditSales(CCS). oil contract provides for the E x x o n ’s C o u n t r y royalty, or lower royalty, askedbythispublication,“In seventh project as yet, so The increase was due to taxes to be paid to the GRA Manager was at the time pays this tax or that tax but relation to produced water when the application comes greater tax collection which by the Government out of its responding to a question it’s about the total amount of from Hammerhead Exxon’s in that’s when we will start rose by 18 8% to $216 share In 2023, Guyana fromKaieteurNewsduringa revenuethat’sgeneratedout 7th project that is supposed consideringthismatter.” billion, on account of earned $336 billion from oil press conference at its Duke (Continued on page 37)
From page 36 failedtosayhowitarrivedat including the removal of of the petroleum agreement this new figure despite being over 200 taxes and fees that’s really important to the questioned on multiple imposed by the previous country and if you don’t occasions. government, such as VAT on attract sufficient investment,
Opposition parties water, electricity, and basic development won’t happen previously shared concerns fooditems. andyouwon’thavethesame over the questionable Additional measures scaleofrevenue,”Routledge increase in the Stabroek include: the removal of said. Block reserves, some eight excise tax on fuel, which
Given that the basin has new discoveries later This saves consumers over $90 now been de-risked, was particularly so since billion annually, an increase Kaieteur News asked China National Offshore Oil in the low-income mortgage Routledge whether Exxon Corporation (CNOOC), a loan ceiling, and the does not believe Guyana is shareholder in the Stabroek elimination of taxes on now entitled to more of the Block, revealed that one of residential use of data. Last revenuesgeneratedhere. the eight discoveries- year, a $5 billion cost-of-
According to him, the Lancetfish- averaged 100 living allocation provided investments in the Stabroek milliontons,translatingtoan public servants, teachers, Block were made on the estimated746millionbarrels an
e basis of the agreement and of oil. It was also later disciplined services with a changes to the contract announced by CNOOC that $25,000 one-time tax-free would undermine the yet another discovery- cash grant. “This is how we p r e m i s e o f t h o s e Bluefin- had over 100 are promoting prosperity, investments. million tons of oil and gas. own
Map showing discoveries made by ExxonMobil in the Stabroek Block (Source: Uaru FDP)
Further, he noted, “what CNOOC has 25% shares in distribution of wealth… The it starts to do is to raise the Stabroek Block; Hess resourcesandrevenueofthis questions about well can Guyana Exploration Ltd country are being spent anybody be certain about holds 30% interest while every single day to lift the investing in the future if ExxonMobil, the operator of lives of people,” the those numbers might the Stabroek Block, holds a Presidentstated. change,sothestabilityofthe 45%interest. Vice President Bharrat basis for investment is very (Guyana’s oil reserves Jagdeo later at a news important not just for currently less than 11B conference addressed ExxonMobil and Hess and barrels – ExxonMobil concerns surrounding what CNOOC but I would say for GuyanaPresident) willconstitutea“household” anybodywantingtoinvestin f o r t h e c a s h g r a n t the country…if we start to Friday distribution. He referenced have uncertainty around the the last national census, basis of the investment, not PresidentAli announces: which recorded 264,000 just the geologic risk, the contractwithPNC/R) however now come out compared to the reserves $200K cash grant to each h o u s e h o l d s , b u t execution risk then it really disputing the figures announced by government, household acknowledged that the seriously starts to undermine Guyana’s oil reserves released by government, Routledge noted that the – $10B injection for NIS, census may not have thatinvestmentbasis.” currently less than 11B providing its own resource state conducts independent range of other measures captured every individual. Kaieteur News again barrels – ExxonMobil estimate The company’s studies, although it is Jagdeo announced that the followed up the response Guyana President Country Manager, Alistair supplied with data by the By Shania Williams government plans to rely on provided, this time asking Routledge on Wednesday company Amid the crushing load data from utility companies, Routledge to say if the “Guyana’s oil reserves said the Stabroek Block “ T h e y a l s o d o ofpovertycoupledwithhigh such as Guyana Power and company’s investments currently less than 11B reserves are less than 11 independent studies (and) cost-of-living, President Light (GPL) and Guyana would be undermined if barrels – ExxonMobil billion barrels. Routledge verifications with other Irfaan Ali on Thursday Water Inc (GWI), to Guyana asks for at least 5% Guyana President said wasatthetimerespondingto consultantsandtheworkthat announced a one-off cash determineeligibility royalty during Exxon’s third a question from Kaieteur they do themselves and the grant of $200,000 for every Jagdeo explained, “We As such, he said, quarter press briefing at the News, during Exxon’s third GGMC and Ministry of household in Guyana during have about 200,000 people “Absolutely, any change to Duke Street, Kingston, quarter press briefing at the Natural Resources so it’s his address at the 12th whopayelectricityrateswho the investment basis, given Georgetown headquarters” Duke Street, Kingston, quite normal to have a Parliament Special Sitting of areontheGPLdatabase…So that we have made Georgetown headquarters slightly different view of the theNationalAssembly clearly, if someone is paying commitments that will flow By: Davina Bagot This newspaper had asked number,”hereasoned. This initiative, which their electricity bill that is 20 to 30 years, undermines It took citizens two years himtosharehowmanyofthe E x x o n G u y a n a ’s will inject $60 billion into goingtobeahousehold.”He thatinvestment.” and four months before the eight discoveries were President also stressed the the economy, is expected to also noted that while Another journalist then government of Guyana appraisedforthecompanyto importance of focusing on commence immediately as verification may be pointed out that the 2016 (GoG)providedanupdateon arrive at the new resource translating those reserves to authorities establish a fair straightforward in some P S A p r o v i d e s f o r the amount of oil discovered estimate of 11 6 billion development. “We can have and transparent distribution regions, utility data alone renegotiation of the contract by ExxonMobil in the barrels. a wish list of estimated process, Ali said to may not suffice to ensure terms. StabroekBlock. Tothisend,heexplained, ultimate recovery but what’s thunderous applause from fairness. He therefore asked The announcement that “The government released a materialtothecountryis‘are government Members of H e s t r e s s e d t h e Routledge whether he was the country’s oil reserves number of 11 6B oil wemovingitintosanctioned Parliament. Outside of the importance of rigorous categorically stating that the grew by a mere 600 million e q u i v a l e n t b a r r e l s , projects’withfinance,witha House, members of the scrutinytopreventmisuseof company would not agree to barrels in August this year, ExxonMobil’s estimate is development plan and as Opposition who boycotted the system, with the Auditor invoke the article for following the last resource lowerthanthatnumber…our we’ve talked about before I the sitting staged a protest General’s Office involved to renegotiation. update in April 2022 numberremainsalittleunder think we are around the 5B highlighting the cost-of- maintain accountability He In response, he stated, however stirred more 11 billion oil equivalent oil equivalent barrels that living crisis here as well as noted,“Wetrytoseeasfaras “We have no interest to questions than it laid barrels ” Furthermore, he w e ’ v e n o w m o v e d accusations of corruption possible how we can make it invoke that article. As I say concerns to rest The noted that the company is successfully in the six againsttheadministration. fair without people ripping we have made US$55B Ministry of Natural obligated to make such projectsintothatcategory.” PresidentAliemphasised offthesystemtoo.Sowestill worth of commitment to the Resources in August reports to the US Securities Oil reserves the commitment of the have to work it through in country To go back and to revealed that the Stabroek and Exchange Commission, Since the announcement Government to prioritise the great detail, but we believe undermine the basis of that Block reserves grew from 11 making the point that Exxon in August by Natural welfare of all Guyanese, we can do it… The aim is basis of that investment billion barrels to 11.6 billion was not keeping the figures Resources Minister, noting that since taking once it is a legitimate would seriously challenge barrels, following eight new away Vickram Bharrat that office,theadministrationhas household.Ifyouhaveabill, anyfutureinvestments.” discoveries since the last M e a n w h i l e , i n Guyana’s oil reserves grew impl
s that will be easily accessed,” (ExxonMobil open to update. explaining the variation by a meager 600 million measures to enhance Jagdeonoted.Additionally, discussion on terms of oil E x x o n M o b i l h a s between Exxon’s figures barrels government has d i s p o s a
e i n c o m e , (Continued on page 38)
From page 37
e Jagdeo announced that non- verificationprocess. nationals are not eligible for the cash grant, stating, Saturday “These are Guyanese families; if you are not a Norton confident Guyanese household, you in PNCR’s ability to arenotgettingthemoney.” change terms of
However,Jagdeopointed ExxonMobil oil deal out that the database will not …says terms include residents in Regions already modified 1, 7,8,9 and other riverine areas on the coast. In these Leader of the Opposition cases, Jagdeo explained that and the People’s National these household are easily Congress Reform (PNCR), verified, noting that the Aubrey Norton is confident villages are small and they in his party’s ability to willattainverificationbythe engage the operator of the T o s h a o s i n t h o s e
Inhouseholdsthatcanbe $100,000, will benefit many over $5 billion in public reservesgrewfrom11billion “If we hire a consultant and Limited (EMGL), upon easilyverifiedthroughutility workers. “This will see the health The voucher will barrelsto11.6billionbarrels. they would say oh this rock taking office in 2025, to bills, where multiple disposable income of these cover basic medical tests The announcement came formation here, we believe it effect changes to the 2016 families may reside under employees increasing by essential for establishing some two years and four has a barrel of oil…and they P
g one roof, payments will be more than 1 billion. This is health data and minimizing months after the last update (Exxon) say no, I believe it’s Agreement(PSA). shared first. For secondary howwebuildprosperity;this the spread of non- (in April 2022), following halfabarrelpereverysquare On Friday during his households, such as rented is how we reduce disparity communicablediseases. eightadditionaldiscoveries. foot then you can have weeklypressconference,the homes in rural areas, and this is how we build “The universal health On Wednesday however, varyingthingstherebutright Leader was asked to additional measures will be equity in the system,” the voucher will help us as we President of ExxonMobil now, we shouldn’t have any comment on the recent implemented to confirm Head-of-Stateemphasised. work to build a healthy, Guyana Limited (EMGL), variance because the statementsmade by EMGL’s household identification To support families, the strong and resilient Alistair Routledge told ministry’s numbers are President and Country Vice President Jagdeo government will introduce a population,” President Ali reporters that the Stabroek derived from the reports,” he Manager, Alistair Routledge explained, if a person has new income tax deduction emphasised Lastly, Block reserves are currently pointedout. who said on Wednesday that multiple buildings, and their allowing parents to claim an President Ali announced a less than 11B barrels. In Meanwhile, Minister the company has no interest nameappearsontherelevant additional $10,000 per $10 billion one-off injection addressingtheissue,theVice Bharrat at the sidelines of in invoking the provision in utilitymeters,tenantsinsuch month for each child, into the National Insurance President made it clear that Thursday’s Sitting of the the PSA which allows for households would need to effective next year. “This Scheme (NIS) to support government’s figure should National Assembly also renegotiation. claim the grant separately. will increase the tax-free i n d i v i d u a l s f a c i n g not vary from Exxon’s. addressed the issue in an Norton however sought “So if you can prove that threshold for families with challenges in receiving their Although Exxon told exclusive interview with this to read out the provision in people are renting, you show children,” the president entitled benefits. Details reporters that government publication.HetoldKaieteur the contract to make the that you are renting, then explained. regarding this financial conducteditsownanalysisto News that there is a general point that irrespective of that’s an easy way that you Ali explained that for support will be outlined in arrive at the figure, Jagdeo misconception that every oil what Exxon says, changes have your own households,” every child, one of their nextyear’sbudget. made it clear that the State discoveryshouldbeaddedto can be made to the Jagdeoconfirmed. parents will be entitled an “This would allow has no such ongoing the reserve He however agreement. Meanwhile during his additional income tax contributors who would not arrangement. noted that when a discovery Article31.2oftheExxon address, President Ali threshold of $120,000 more have met the requirement to To this end, he said. “So is made, an estimate of the contract states, “This announced that electricity than what they would benefit from a cash injection it’s either one of two things, resources may be given; Agreement shall not be costs in Guyana will be previously have. Jagdeo also that will support a better it’s either Exxon is not being however, further appraisal amended or modified in any reduced by 50% before the explained at his press qualityoflivingforthemand truthful or the Ministry gave activities will be required to respect except by written end of 2025, contingent on conference when asked if it allow them the opportunity me the wrong figure but that confirmthereserves. agreemententeredintobyall the Gas-to-Energy project. will be deducted from the of benefitting from their iswherethefigureissourced To this end, Bharrat said, the Parties which shall state This measure is expected to government agency monthly contribution,” the president from – the submission by “When the appraisal work is the date upon which the inject $250 million into the or yearly He explained highlighted. This initiative Exxonandsothereshouldn’t done, sometimes that amendment or modification economy and significantly stating, “so once they get the will benefit over 3,800 be a difference.” Jagdeo said number decreases and, in shallbecomeeffective.” enhance disposable income codethattheyareeligible,so individuals. it was “totally false” that some cases, it increases so To this end, Norton forcitizens. thesamewayhowtheyapply government was conducting that is why you would find reasoned, “Clearly this “This is an injection of the exemption,so it has to be Exxon may not be telling itsownassessments. that it fluctuate a little.” article opens the door for us $250 million by the on a monthly basis because the truth about Guyana’s
The VP explained, “I Bharrat made it clear that the to engage the contractor government of Guyana that you pay your taxes which is oil reserves – VPJagdeo asked the technical staff government announced the When we arrive at that stage will positively impact deductedonamonthlybasis; wherethereservesnumberis update to the reserve after where we engage the disposable income, ” for example, you are earning
By: Davina Bagot coming from and they told analysing the data presented contractor, we have people President Ali stated He a $120,000 a month, you get ExxonMobil Guyana mewearegettingthereserve byExxon. Whenaskedwhat that are skilled in highlighted previous two kids, you get a code and may not be telling the truth numbers from this quarterly reserve figure the Guyanese negotiations.” challenges faced by Guyana you are now eligible of about Guyana’s oil reserves. report I don’t know of population should accept, He also pointed to the Power and Light, which deductibles for two kids. This conclusion was made anybody that we have hired the Minister said the importance in timing, struggled to meet increasing The threshold how is by Vice President, Bharrat to check reserves so it can’t Ministry will have to stressing that advantage electricity demand from $100,000soyouhavetonow Jagdeo onThursday during a be that we are doing our own reassessthenumbers. must be taken at a time when 2015 to 2019 due to pay taxes on the $20,000 mediaconference. assessment of reserves In a statement last talks are more likely to bear insufficient inventory and because tax free threshold is The Vice President in an Right now, the reserve evening, the Ministry fruit. Furthermore, Norton investment. $100,000 so your tax-free invited comment to Kaieteur figurescomefromExxon.” explained that Exxon in its said,“Webelieveatthetime, President Ali further threshold now goes up to News explained that He was keen to note that third quarter submission to regardless of what is said revealed plans for public $120,000 so then you don’t government used the the Ministry is now in the the government presented a now, there will be scope to sector employees to earn no havetopayanytaxes.” quarterly reports submitted process of recruiting new reserve figure engage the contractor and less than $100,000 monthly Moreover, a $10,000 by the operator of the consultants to conduct an amounting to less than 11B makechanges.” bytheendof2025.Hestated universal health care Stabroek Block to arrive at analysis of the country’s barrels. To this end, the “There is evidence that that adjustments to salaries voucher will be available for the recently announced reserves. To this end, Jagdeo Ministry noted that it is changes were made already for various public sector every Guyanese citizen in update to the reserves. In noted that when this process currently reviewing the data sothereisprecedent.Iaccept categories, along with an 2025, benefitting over August this year, Minister of commences, it is likely to and will release an updated that Mr Routledge has to increase in the income tax 500,000 individuals and Natural Resources, Vickram produce figures varying assessment of the reservoir takeapositioninkeeping threshold from $65,000 to involving an investment of Bharrat revealed that the those presented by Exxon. v o l u m e s f o l l o w i n g
(Continued on page 39)
From page 38 clear that the party had no
theConsultant,atthetime. withhiscompany’smandate. intentions of invoking the
An artist’s impression of the Gas-to-Energy project
In addition to the GTE Our task is to represent the contractual provisions to project, Hughes said he also people of Guyana. We will changethedeal. raised the need for a new dothatandwhenwecometo Routledge said, “We electoral list; the use of that bridge, we will cross it a l w a y s w e l c o m e biometrics; government’s and we believe we will cross engagements to look at the approach to the financial successfully,” the leader agreementstounderstandthe management of the country, added. agreements, to understand especially in pursuing It was reported that an ouroperations.” projects which were not addendum was made to the He however noted, “We backedbyfeasibilitystudies. contract to assert that have no interest to invoke Hesaiditwasalsobroughtto
r o y a l t i e s p a i d b y that article.As I say we have the attention of the US State
E x x o n M o b i l t o t h e made US$55B worth of Department that none of government of Guyana will commitment to the country those major projects were n o t b e r e c o v e r e d Togobackandtoundermine discussed in the National Additionally,VicePresident, the basis of that basis of that Assembly Bharrat Jagdeo had made it investment would seriously Hughes said the AFC clear that while the contract challenge any
ure made it clear that there was a allows for audits to be investments.” real risk that this continued conducted within two years, attitude by the government Exxon must allow access to Lack of feasibility and could lead to jeopardizing the auditors beyond this environmental studies for Guyana through excessive timeframe. In fact, he even Gas-to-Energy project borrowing and lack of threatened that “brick would flagged byAFC in meeting feasibilitystudies. rain on Exxon’s head” if the with US State Department
Meanwhile, Chairman of companydidnotagreetothis the Party, David Patterson change. TheAlliance For Change added that concerns were M o r e o v e r , t h e (AFC) recently raised raised about the ongoing Opposition previously concerns over the lack of registration activities by the feasibility (study), we were party indicated to the US locations for the project; argued that the Gas-to- f e a s i b
concernedthattheywouldbe State Department that earlier however, the Wales site, on Energy (GTE) project environmentalstudiesforthe Commission (GECOM), approaching a financial studies conducted by the the West Bank of Demerara required a feasibility study government of Guyana’s particularly with regard to institution like (US) EXIM previous government was selected, though not for the utilization of gas, (GoG’s) US$2B Gas-to- reports of Venezuelan Bank without any feasibility identified several optimal highlighted as an option by however this was never Energy (GTE) project, in a migrantsbeingregistered. work being done,” Hughes conducted. meeting with the United explained.
Three weeks ago, Norton StatesDepartmentofState.
The government had unveiled the PNCR’s 20- Leaderoftheparty,Nigel applied to the US-EXIM point plan to manage the Hughes during a press Bank in April 2023 for a sector if elected in 2025 to conference on Friday said US$646 million loan to aid govern the country Key the AFC addressed the in the construction of the among his plans was a top- project,highlightingthelack Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) to-bottom review of Exxon’s of adequate studies, citing facility and the 300- oildeal,signedbytheformer that this approach has been megawatt power plant A Partnership for National applied to other major
Another key component of Unity/ Alliance For Change projects. the project- a 250 kilometers ( A P N U / A F C ) “In relation to the gas to pipeline- to transport the gas administration. energy project we did say is being constructed by EMGL’s President that we were concerned that American oil giant, during a media conference this was an approach that the ExxonMobil. this week in an invited government had adopted
The pipeline is expected comment told reporters that across several projects but to cost approximately he was open to discussions particularly with the gas to US$1B. with the party on the energy project we were
Hughes noted that the contract.Hehowevermadeit concerned that there was no
IntheEnchantedForest,theGingerbread Manandabluefoxhadjustfinishedagame of checkers.This was the first time they had played, as the blue fox was new to the EnchantedForest,orsotheGingerbreadMan thought.
As usual, he won Nobody beats the GingerbreadManincheckers.
The fox stood up and the Gingerbread Man became a bit scared.Would this fox try and eat him like another fox had tried? The foxsaid,"Verygoodgame,sir,butyoumade onebigmistake.Idonotliketolose."
TheGingerbreadManthoughtitwasbest todisappear,sohebegantorun,saying,"Run, ru..." but before he could finish the second "run"...POOF!Thefoxthenchangedintothe Dark Fairy She waved her wand and once again, POOF! The Gingerbread man was gone. The Green Fairy had just arrived. She yelled,"Youevilwitch!Wherehaveyousent him?”
TheDarkFairylaughedandreplied,"Ifhe is not here, he is there. Everyone must be somewhere. You will find him there, but he willbehardtobeseen,becausetodaythereis Halloween."
She laughed wickedly and POOF! was gone The Green Fairy thought, "Oh,whatariddle!
Let me think, if he isnothere,hemust be somewhere else,anditmustbe Halloween there Ah, I know where is there!" And POOF! She too
Where do you
think she has gone?
Australia, where it was already later in the day due to how time works in the human world. (In the Enchanted Forest, there is no time...)
Children, dressed in dress-up costumes, were knocking on doors and saying, "Trickor-treat!"Then they would get some kind of treat,oftenlollies.Theyonlywenttohouses with Halloween decorations on the door or mailbox, because those houses are the ones thatgive treats. Jack-o-lanterns were everywhere. Theweatherwasalreadywarm,notcold,like in the northern part of the human world. When people lived in tall apartment buildings, they sent lollies down to the childrenusingabucketonarope.TheGreen FairysawLittleRedRidingHoodinSydney, going into a bakery with the wolf close behind. What could she be getting in there? Andwhatcouldthewolfwant?
When she came out the Green Fairy asked,"Whatdidyouget,dear?"
"Oh, I bought two ghost cupcakes, a toffee apple and a chocolate apple. Granny loves the ghost cupcakes, so we will share them over tea. Then, we'll have the apples. Granny's favourite is the toffee apple, and I love chocolate apples "
Those who live in the Enchanted Forest regularly visit the human world. They can visit anytime, but Halloween is their favourite day to go. To get there, they go through a passage in Fairy Mountain. The fairy magic that covers them acts as a guide for fairies to find them if needed. They can return to the Enchanted Forest by saying "Timetogohome"andthefairymagicbrings themback.Butthesemagicwordsonlywork if they entered the human world by passing throughFairyMountain.
The Gingerbread Man had not passed through,andhewasstuckinthehumanworld untilafairysavedhim.Andsincehedidnot passthroughFairyMountain,thefairieshad nowaytoknowwherehemightbe.
The Green Fairy began her search in
The Green Fairy asked, "Have you seen the GingerbreadMan?"
The girl answered, " T h e r e a r e s o m e gingerbreadpumpkinsand ghosts in the bakery, but I didn't see the Gingerbread Man Is he here?" The Green Fairy said, "Yes, andheislost.Iamlooking forhim.
RedRidingHoodsaid, "Oh I hope he is OK. Red foxes in Australia love gingerbread and run very fast. I hope you find him soon. He may notbefasterthanthesefoxes."
The Green Fairy replied, "Thank you, dear."AndPOOF!Shedisappeared.
She had to find the Gingerbread Man, so she ran off to another place. Where do you think she has gone? Red Riding Hood, meanwhile, was ready to return to the Enchanted Forest. She said, "Time to go home." And POOF! she was back in the EnchantedForestatGranny'sdoor
The wolf, who had been standing off to the side out of sight, thought, "Ah, ghost cupcakes.Myfavourite!AndIlovechocolate apples..." But he had forgotten the magic words.Hesaid,"GotoGranny's"andnothing (Continuedonpage42)
IknowIamstrongandhealthy, AndIwouldliketostaythisway, SoImustdothethingstokeepmeso, Duringeachandeveryday
First,Imustregularlyvisitthetoilet, Tokeepmyselfgerm-free, ThenIhavetokeepmyselfclean, Bybrushingandwashingmybody
Exercisewouldmakemymusclesstrong, Andabletokeepmemoving, TodothethingsIneedtodo, Inworking,studyingandplaying.
ThenIneedtoeathealthyfood, Likefruitsandgreensandmilk, Andstayawayfromtoomuchsweet, Asincandy,andsoftdrink.
· GooglyEyes
·HotGlueGun&HotGlue Sticks
HowtoMakeEasySpiderTreat Bowls
1.TrimStraws-Trim8 strawsdowntosizesothatthey lookedlikereasonablespiderlegs.Besure youtrimthesideofthestrawwithoutthe bendyparty Afteryoutrimtosize,snipthe end(awayfromthebendypart)atanangle.
createlegs.Thesearenotforsupportinany waysodon'tworryiftheytouchthetable surface.
2.TesttheAngle-Sizeupnexttoyour bowltoseeifyouhavethecorrectangle. Youwantthestrawasflushagainstthebowl aspossible.
3.SecureSpiderLegstoBowl-Secure thecutstrawstotheundersideoftheplastic bowlwithhotglue.Ifoundtheeasiestway todothiswastoflipyourbowloverupside downandattachthatway.
4.FormtheLegs-Whenthehotglueis dry,flipthebowloverandbedthestrawsto
5.AddGooglyEyes-Finally,Iadded thegooglyeyestotherimoftheplastic bowl.Fillwithyourfavouritetreatand enjoy!
Herearesomehelpfultipswhenmaking SpiderTreatbowls:
·Whenonestrawiscutcorrectlyonthe diagonal,lineuptheotherstrawstogether andcutallatonce!
Whenhotgluingthestrawsonthebowl, laythemoutbeforehandsoyougetthem evenlyspaced.
Imagine you are embarking on a trip that would require many stages to get to your destination. You would surely have to plan ahead for your journey to be successful. You will need to work out the details of each stage, try to foresee any difficulties you will encounter along the way, and prepare to work out the bestmeansyoucantomake your trip enjoyable and withoutanyhitches.
Just so, if you are to succeed in fulfilling your ambitions on your journey through life, it will be necessary to determine the things which would give your life meaning, and do your best to plan ahead to bring them to fruition. In this effort, it would be most effectivetouseyourspecial abilities, as we mentioned last week, to achieve these goals.
Many teenagers carry on their lives not even thinking about what they want to ultimately accomplish. Others have developed some idea about their ultimate goals, but make no effort in clarifying
As in every type of construction, planning for the future futur will ensure the best result.
them in concrete terms, so that they keep on the path towards success. Are you onethatfitsineitherofthese categories? If so, you must first take the time to consider how each of these options will not get you to what you feel will give you true fulfilment in the long run.
First of all, you must appreciate the need to clarify your dreams
themselves, so that you are sureaboutwhatyouwantto achieve. Justasyouwantto clearly what lies ahead in each journey you want to make, if you keep the very things that you want to achievevagueandinacloud ofuncertainty,thenyouwill not be able to plan in a practical manner for the various steps you need to taketogetthere.
It will be worth it to spend some time in meditation about what you need to accomplish as the bigpicture. Indoingso,try nottosettoomanylimitson yourself and on what you reallywant. Aswesaidina previous article, when you develop the confidence in yourself, and the world itself,thenyouwillfindthat thiswillhelpyoutoachieve. The clearer you define the things you need to accomplish, the easier you will find the effort ahead to getyouthere. Itistherefore worth any amount of planning and decisionmaking to determine the futurestepsinyourlife.
This puzzle is like a crossword, but with numbers. Each digit occupies a hexagonal cell and can be a part of a "word" in the across, up, and down directions.
1. "Words" may not start with a zero.
2. "Words" in the 'across' direction read from left to right.
3. "Words" in the 'up' direction read along the upward diagonal to the right.
4. "Words" in the 'down' direction read along the downward diagonal to the right.
5.There is one unique solution which satisfies all the clues given below Some "words" may not have clues.They will be determined by the "words" which intersect them.
byUncleRoy,fromthebook “ShapeupyourPersonality”
Ioftenconsidertheclaimwemenmake, Thatshowswearemorethanflesh, WepropoundthatwearemadebyGod InHisownimageandlikeness.
Thissurelymeansthatwepossess SomepowersoftheOneMostHigh, Weknowforsurewehavethegrace Tolove,forgiveandmultiply
Butmostofallwemayassume Somedivineabilitytocreate; Weweregrantedfullmindandspirit, SothatwecouldthegoodLordemulate.
Thenboldlyusethisgodlikepower Toimagineandconceivenewways; Ourworldsoreneedstofindthecures Fortheever-increasingafflictionsofmoderndays.
Makeboldtoexplorenewideasandfrontiers, Daretoinnovateandinventlikenoother; Findfreshwaystodothemundanethings, Asyouruniquenesssurelygivesyouthepower
Withnewpastimesyourabilitieswillbeexposed, Youwillbeamazedatthetalentsyoupossess; Theactofinventionwillputyouinastateofflow, Creatinginyourlifemuchresourcefulness.
I am once again appealing to all our youths to contact me whenever you have a problem for which you cannot find a solution. Please email me at and I will respond to you in the next issue without putting your full name.
Frompage40 happened. "Umm... Time to go?" Nothing happened "Home!" he said. Stillnothing.Hewasstuck.Do youthinkhewillremember?
The Green Fairy went to South Korea and found Goldilocks there. No one was trick-or-treating and therewerenojack-o-lanterns.That is not the custom in South Korea. But adults were dressed up in very elaboratecostumesfortheparades. Children often went to the parades with their parents but rarely had a costume Shops and cafes were serving monster cupcakes and ghostdonuts.ThesmellofJjimdak, or ghost stew, and Gonggalppang, skeleton bread, filled the air. Goldilocks was in a cafe in Seoul. The Green Fairy said, "Hello dear, areyouenjoyingthefinefood?"
Goldilocks replied, "The Jjimdakistoohotandthericeistoo cold, but the Gonggalppang is just right " "Have you seen the Gingerbread Man?" asked the GreenFairy
Goldilocks answered, "No, has herunawayagain?"
The Green Fairy said, "He started to, but the Dark Fairy sent him to the human world before he could get away." "I hope you find him," said the young girl, and she tried the Jjimdak again to see if it hadcooledenoughtoeat.Next,the GreenFairypoppedovertoIreland. Halloween began in Ireland nearly two thousand years ago and was called Samhain Children were trick-or-treating and jack-olanterns were everywhere. Some families were playing SnapApple. Anappleonastringistiedtoatree and a girl was trying to bite the hangingappleasitwasswung. Trick-or-treaters were all around, but some were playing a game called Knock-a-Dolly They wouldknockonsomeone'sdoorbut runawaybeforethedoorisopened. Doyouthinkthattrickisverynice?
The Green Fairy found the
Three Bears in a coffee shop on GraftonStreetinBewleyeatingthe Halloween specialty, barmbrack, a fruit cake filled with raisins and surprises.Atreatisbakedinsidethe cake as a type of fortune-telling game You would think people would notice three bears in a café, butitisHalloween,sonoonedid.
Baby Bear found a piece of strawinhissliceofbarmbrackand spatitout.Mothersaid,"Oh,thatis goodluck.Itmeansyou'regoingto have a good year." Baby Bear just kept eating his barmbrack and hoped there were no more lucky surprises. The Green Fairy asked the bears if they had seen the Gingerbread Man. Mother replied, "No,sorry.Didherunawayagain? It seems this happens every day." The bears went back to their barmbrackandtheGreenFairywas offtoanotherplace:POOF!
Next stop was Scotland. She saw children cutting scary faces into hollowed-out turnips, rutabagas, and potatoes, then placing candles inside. Other kids wereplayingDookin'forApplesat a Halloween party They were trying to grab apples that were floatinginatubofwaterusingtheir mouthorafork.
Outside,childrenweretrick-ortreating,orguising,asitiscalledin Scotland.Canyouguesswherethe word guising comes from? "Guising" comes from the word "disguise", because kids are dressed up in disguises as they go door-to-door No one from the Enchanted Forest was in Scotland, soPOOF!theGreenFairyflewoff again,thistimetoEngland,nottoo faraway
In England, the Green Fairy went to London. That is where the kingandqueenlive.Childrenwere trick-or-treating There were gingerbreadskeletoncookiesinthe bakery Gingerbread men originated in England in the 16th century when Queen Elizabeth I gave them to her guests at a party Cinderella was just outside a cafe with a cup of tea and a soul cake, whichisasmallbiscuit,alittlelike
shortbread. She was dressed in her ball gown and wearing her glass slippers. She asked, "Can you turn thisjack-o-lanternintoacoachand find some mice and lizards for horsesandfootmen?Thereisaball atthepalacetonightandIjustmust go I hear the prince is so handsome."
The Green Fairy replied, "No, dear,onlyyourfairygodmothercan do that. Fairies do not meddle in otherfairies'magic.Sorry."
She reminded Cinderella that shecouldgobacktotheEnchanted Forestanytimebysaying,"Timeto go home," and that everyone from theEnchantedForestmustbeback bymidnightortheywillbestuckin thehumanworldforayearunlessa fairy rescues them. She also reminded the girl not to lose her shoe. It was getting late, and the Green Fairy desperately needed to find the Gingerbread Man She went POOF! off to America, and found Snow White in a town in southernTexasnamedLaredo.Itis just across the Rio Grande river fromtheMexicanborder
Childrenweretrick-or-treating, and jack-o-lanterns, scarecrows, and corn stalks were everywhere. Snow White was at a Halloween carnival. Children were going in a haunted house, where other kids dressed like monsters and witches triedtoscarethem.Otherkidswere inthecakewalk,alargecirclewith cakesspreadaround.Eachcakehad a number Music is played and players march around the circle. When the music stops, if they are lucky and the number where they are standing is called, they get to pickacaketotakehome.Inanother booth at the carnival, kids were bobbing for apples, trying to grab anapplewiththeirteethfromabig basinfilledwithwater SnowWhite had won a singing contest.As you know, she loves to sing. Her prize was a basket full of Halloween treatsthatshewouldsharewiththe dwarves. It was given to her by a woman dressed as a witch. There was candy corn, caramel apples, pumpkin bread, and one candy
applewithaskulldesignonit.The Green Fairy reminded her of what happened the last time she ate an apple given to her by a witch, and then asked, "Have you seen the GingerbreadMan,dear?"
"Oh yes, that naughty cookie man He was running away as usual. Children dressed in scary costumes were chasing him all around He was laughing and singing,Run,run...Oh,Iforgetthe rest. He ran north, or maybe it was south,towardthatbigriver Hewas just here a minute ago. Sorry you missed him " By now, the Gingerbread Man had reached the riverwiththechildrenclosebehind. Afoxhadjustwokenup.Foxes,as you may know, are nocturnal, meaning they sleep in the day and huntatnight.
The fox thought, "Oh, what a lovely treat, running directly towards me on this Halloween night." She yelled, "Hop on back and I'll help you escape across the river." The Gingerbread Man did, andacrosstherivertheywent.The Gingerbread man said, "Oh, thank you, Miss Fox! Those children wantedtotakeabiteoutofme!"
The sly fox thought, "Don't we all,"andsaid,"ComeclosersoIcan hearyoubetter."
As they neared Mexico, on the other side of the river, the Gingerbread Man remembered the last time a fox helped him cross a river He knew what to do. When the fox was just about to wade out of the river and have a tasty treat, the Gingerbread Man jumped off herbackandbegantorun,laughing andsinging,"Run,run..."Well,you knowtherest.
Some children were trick-ortreating. They were knocking on doors and saying "¿Me da mi calaverita?" ("[Can you] give me my little skull?").Acalaverita is a small skull made of sugar or chocolate. They had never seen a gingerbreadmanbeingchasedbya fox,sotheyjoinedthechase.
The group passed two men standing by a burro. The first man said, "Now, that's something you
don't see every day, Edgardo " "What's that, Carlos?" replied Edgardo.
"A gingerbread man being chased through the plaza by a red fox and children dressed as monsters,"answeredCarlos."Oh,I don't know," said Edgardo, "It is Halloween, but it is a bit strange because gingerbread cookies, marranitos, are usually pigs " Finally, the Gingerbread Man outran the chasers He hid in a wooden box and slept until morning. He was awakened by a noisy parade with lots of music. When he looked out of the box, he saw hundreds of skeletons marchingtowardshimandthought theywerechasinghim.
He began to run but was too scared to say anything. It was the Day of the Dead in Mexico, el Día delosMuertos.November1stisthe day Mexicans celebrate and remember their family members who have died. He ran by a house and could see people eating pan muerto, a sweet bread with boneshaped dough on top. They were also drinking hot chocolate Calveras,fakeskullsoftenmadeof sugar,anddecoratedwithmarigold flowers,wereonahomealtarcalled an ofrendas, with the favourite foods and beverages of the departed.As he ran by a cemetery, hesawpeoplevisitingthegravesof family members who had passed and leaving gifts for them The Green Fairy had just arrived and spotted him running ahead of the parade She swooped down and liftedhimhighintothesky As they looked south toward Guatemala, they saw huge kites floatinginthesky ItwasKiteDay inGuatemala,andpeoplemadeand flewlargecolourfulkitestohonour their family members who had passedaway TheGingerbreadMan askediftheycouldgoseethekites. The Green Fairy said, "No, you have had enough adventure! I'm glad you are safe. Be sure to stay away from foxes, blue, red, any colour."And POOF! they returned totheEnchantedForest.
T h e G u y a n a
International Fashion
Showcase (GFS), a celebrated event for local fashion, concluded at the
Ramada Georgetown PrincessHotelonOctober5, 2024. This year's showcase wasparticularlynoteworthy, taking place amid the festivities of Cricket
Carnival 2024, and succeeded in captivating its audience with its array of stunning local designs and culturalpresentations.
Despite some minor setbacks, the showcase emerged as a significant highlight of the season
Organized by Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of GFS Philbert Giddings and Michelle Wagner, Guyanese designer and co-founder of CoLabs, the event aimed to put Caribbean fashion on a globalstage.
Giddingshadpromiseda night of extravagance, and he certainly delivered “Tonight was about saving the brand; it was a great turnout.”
“Next year, we will be bigger and better,” he remarked immediately after theshow
American actress and modelCynthiaBaileyhosted
the event, skillfully entertaining the audience while introducing each designer and their unique collections Her charisma and professionalism set the tone for the evening, engaging attendees and celebrating the creativity of t h e d e s i g n e r s
The showcase featured eight local designers, each
ModelslikeBritish-born Sharminah Leah who is of Guyanese descent and Miss Guyana Culture Queen 2024,ShequanaHoldertook to the runway with all the styleandcharismaneededto make the event a success.
This year the GFS models came of various sizes, skin tones, and cultural backgrounds, emphasizing the event's commitment to inclusivity
Theshowcasekickedoff withPixieHollowMakesby Felicity Sonaram, a promising 20-yearold fiber artist and crocheterwhomade her debut with a collection that she d e s c r i b e s a s whimsical and provocative.“Ican't wait to continue building my brand and nurturing this caterpillar into a f l a m b o y a n t butterfly! I can't waittoseewhat'sin store next,” she exclaimed.
Sonaram's journeyintofashion began as a hobby, inspiredbyherlove for fantasy and femininity
She expressed h e r p r i d e i n h e r accomplishments to The Waterfalls, “It's crazy I'm here; I can't even fathom it right now… my family and friendshelpedmespreadand pushmybusinessoversocial media. I would not be as known if it wasn't for them, and this show definitely putting my work out there
Following Sonaram was InitiallyCNYC by Cindi Simone, a designer with deep roots in Guyana who movedtotheUnitedStatesat 15. Simone launched her clothing brand in 2018, drawinginspirationfromher passion for comfort, freedom, and personal style. Her collection included the signatureInitialLOVEwrap, a versatile piece that resonatedwiththeaudience. Her collection showcased various garments adorned with floral designs that celebrated the beauty of the naturalworld.
Pamela Fox took the stage next with her line, Foxxy, which honors her heritage and the lush environment of Guyana Presenting her Paulina's Collection, Fox shared, “Nature's beauty is in my blood, and the spirit of adventure is in my heart.”
Her collection featured
beautifully combined
The audience was then treated to a display of creativity from Karen Hughes, showcasing her brand, Kosmic Vibes. With over twenty years of experience in fashion design,Hugheshasventured
intovariouscreativerealms, including batik and fabric painting.“Peoplejustseetiedye for T-shirts and beach wraps,butIshowedthatyou can make a sophisticated outfit for a sophisticated woma
, ” she stated, emphasizing her belief that fash
In a delightful surprise, reggae Surinamese artist Le Prince took to the stage, captivating the audience
with his performance. His energy had attendees dancing and enjoying the lively atmosphere, further enriching the cultural experienceoftheevening. ColeFacts by Michelle Cole Wagner, a Guyanese designer who has made a name for herself in the fashion w reflected on her journeyandtheevolutionof herbrandshesaidthat“Asa teenager, I designed the (Continuedonpage47)
Randolph Marks, a Guyanese immigrant who came to the United States at age 15, is working hard to live the American dream.
From humble beginnings, Marks has become a published author and a passionate advocate for youngpeopleincrisis,using his personal story to inspire change and raise awareness ofcriticalsocietalissues.
Marks, who resides in Schenectady,NewYork,isa law enforcement officer and has published two books, A Thin Line Between Dreams andNightmareandFromthe Other Side, with a third on theway His work highlights the challenges faced by at-risk youth, particularly those in the juvenile justice system while reflecting on his journey from a low-income household to a life of stability and success in America.
Growing up in Guyana, Marksfacedmanyobstacles before immigrating to the U.S. His autobiography, A Thin Line between Dreams and Nightmare, chronicles his experiences and is inspired by Trevor Noah's BornaCrime.
He recalls reading Noah's book in college and
realizing the parallels between their stories. "That wasthefirstbookIeverread from start to finish it inspired me to go on and writemybook,"Markssaid. In his autobiography, Marksdetailshisrisefroma
teenager to becoming a homeownerbyage21. The book offers a raw lookathislife,reflectingon thedifficultiesofgrowingup in poverty and navigating a new country as a young immigrant.
His second book, From the Other Side, focuses on the plight of youth in the juvenile justice system Before his career in law enforcement, Marks worked with youths, where he witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by young people, particularly those struggling with mental healthissues.
"I've seen juveniles as youngas9or10indetention
Drawing on these experiences, Marks created the fictional character Charlie, who represents the struggles of many juveniles. Through Charlie's story, Marks advocates for mental h
rehabilitation for troubled
"Putting kids in juvenile d
e damage," he argued. "They
don't need to be in jail; they needhelp."
Marks calls for specialized mental health facilities in every town or county in New York, where professionals can work with at-risk youth to provide the second chances they deserve.
He believes the current system, which often funnels young people from juvenile detention to adult prisons, is failingthesechildren.
"The system is broken,
and these kids deserve better,"hesaid.
Marks noted that he is deeplycommittedtoguiding the next generation as a fatherandmentor
His message to young people is clear: education, respect for family, and stayingoutoftroublearekey tosuccess.
"There's trouble everywhere you look, but you must avoid it and stay humble,"headvised.
While balancing his work, family life, and mentoring, Mark continues to spread his message through his writing His books are not just personal reflections—they are a call to reform how society treats vulnerable youth, particularlythoseincrisis.
Marks'storyofresilience and determination is a testament to the power of hard work and dedication
F r o m h i s h u m b l e beginningsinthesmallest town in Guyana - Rose Hall to his success in America, Marks is living t h e d r e a m m a n y immigrants aspire to while strivingtomakeadifference forothers.
His books, available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble,inspireandremindus that every child deserves a second chance, no matter theirbackground.
E-gates have been installed at Cheddi Jagan InternationalAirport(CJIA) in Timehri, marking an upgrade in the airport's passenger processing capabilities.
According to a press statement issued by the official Facebook page of President Irfaan Ali on Saturday,thekeyfeaturesof this installment include autonomous immigration processing that performs securitychecksonpassports worldwide; validation of chip passports according to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards, with future support for Guyana's e-ID and facial recognition technology for identity verification using an advancedalgorithm.
“It is also integrated with the ABIS (Automated
Biometric Identification System)systemforreal-time passenger updates, with automated checks for ED form correctness,” the statementhighighted.
Notably, it has the capacity to process six passengers simultaneously withoversightfromasingle officer. Considering the enhancedsecuritymeasures, it will prevent unauthorised access and allow complete visibility for officers throughglasspanels.
Additionally,theE-gates also feature a monitoring s
passengerflowmanagement and automatic detention of watchlistedindividuals.
“These improvements aim to reduce processing times and enhance overall
y significantly,” the statement added.
Frompage45 wardrobe for a high school fashion contest and haven't looked back since,”.Known for her unique wedding dresses,sheexemplifieshow local talent can achieve globalrecognition.
Hashim Alli showcased Nachle Designs, which blends Eastern and Western influences in a unique collection called Khazaana.
Made from colorful silk fabricstraditionallyusedfor sarees, this line skillfully incorporates other materials to create ready-to-wear couture pieces In an unexpected twist, Alli allowed his young son to modeloneoftheoutfits.
Renowned designer, Rick Bailey next presented Ricky Bailey Designs, sharing his passion for fashion that began in his youth “Being a fashion designerhastaughtmetobe agile and customerfocused,” he explained, h i g h l i g h t i n g h i s commitment to building strong relationships with his clientele. With locations in Hackensack, New Jersey, Manhattan, and Kingston, Jamaica, Bailey's work has reachedaglobalaudience.
Theshowcaseconcluded with the stunning House of PearsonbyQuintonPearson, an award-winning designer celebrated for his high fashion and niche productions.Pearson'sbrand focuses on the evolution of
personal style, emphasizing individuality. “Inhale fashion in all its glory and exhale its style,” he remarked, capturing the essence of his vision for the brand.
As the evening wrapped up, Philbert Giddings expressed gratitude to everyone involved in making the event a success.
“We're here to empower designers and models, showcasing their talents globally, ” he said, highlighting the broader missionoftheGFS.
T h e G u y a n a International Fashion Showcase made its debut in May2019andhassinceheld editions in New York and Atlanta.
With plans to expand to other international destinations such as the Bahamas, Jamaica, and London, GFS is committed to establishing Guyana as a vibrant fashion hub on the globalstage.
According to the GFS team,“Aswemoveforward, our vision is to empower Guyanese designers and models to showcase their talents globally, promoting cultural diversity and c r e a t i v i t y ” T h i s commitment not only enhances the local fashion scene but also strengthens Guyana's position in the internationalarena,fostering a rich tapestry of cultural expressionthroughfashion.
During the destruction of the cannabis
The Guyana Police Force (GPF), through the Criminal Investigative Department (CID) headquarters narcotics branch on Friday destroyed $392 million worth of cannabis, during a narcotic eradication exercise conducted at Old Vigilante, UpperBerbiceRiver Police reported that the operation was conducted between, 04:00hrs and 23:10hrs.
Duringtheexercise,police found a four-acre plot of land cultivated with about 12,000 cannabis plants ranging in height from three to seven feet A makeshift camp,
measuring approximately 40 by 20 feet, was found, just a few feet from the farm. This camp included a kitchen area and a dedicated drying area, where officials discovered around 950 pounds of dried cannabis.
The farm and the camp w e r e m e t i c u l o u s l y documentedwithphotographs beforebeingdestroyedbyfire. Thevaluationofthenarcotics plants amounted to $4,065,600, while dried cannabis amounted to $387,821,160.
“No arrests were made, andtheexercisewasincidentfree,”policesaidinthereport.
Frompage12 are here to be your ally and friend because nobody should have to suffer in canceralone.”
Nevertheless, the event featured several other insightful speakers Dr S u r e n d r a P e r s a u d emphasized the critical importanceofearlydetection in breast cancer, while Mahadevi Girdhary delved into the psychological aspects of receiving a diagnosis. Anastasia Sanford h i g h l i g h t e d t h e empowerment of seniors and the role of engagement in encouraging breast cancer screening.
Additionally, Dr. Joanne Bejaimal discussed the significance of oral health and its impact on overall wellbeing, particularly for seniorsandcancersurvivors.
Tothisend,severalcancer survivors were honoured with tokens of appreciation for their resilience and strength throughout their journeys These tokens, which served as symbols of supportandrecognition,were a heartfelt way to celebrate theircourage.Inaddition,the event organizers offered the survivors a free trip to Essequibo, providing them with an opportunity for relaxationandrejuvenation.
Policereportedthataraid Upon arrival at the station, spearheaded by Region One the cannabis was weighed Commander, Krishna andamountedto41grams. Ramana led ranks to Singh’s “The weight of the residence. During the raid, suspected cocaine was not ranks discovered two established,”policeasserted. transparent plastic bags The suspected cannabis containing leaves, seeds and and cocaine were placed in stem suspected to be separate evidence bags, cannabissativa. marked, sealed, and lodged.
In light of police The suspect is in custody, discovery, ranks told Singh assisting with the ongoing oftheoffencecommittedand investigations. cautioned her to which she responded,“It’smine;Iuseit formyillness.”
Police conducted further searcheswhichalsoledtothe discovery of small Ziploc A
- o l d transparent plastic bags, unemployed woman was three small digital scales, a
y small coffee plate with a
razor blade, and a small discovered 41 grams of whitish/creamish substance
suspected to be cocaine,
ance along with two marijuana suspectedtobecocaineather crushers and a pack of home located in Kumaka smokingpapers(bamboo). Stretch, North West District Thereafter, police seized (NWD). all the items, arrested Singh
The arrested woman has and ventured off to the been identified as Jarrette Mabaruma Police Station. Singh.
The Delegation of the European Union in Guyana on FridayannouncedthatfromOctober21,Guyanesewillbe able to apply for Schengen Visas in Guyana where its main destinationisFrance.
According to a post from the Delegation of the European Union in Guyana, the applications will happen twice a month and the first session is slated to take place on October 21 and Tuesday October 22, 2024.
A Schengen visa entitles non-Europeans to travel to Slovenia and any of the other 26 Schengen countries, including Austria, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland, for a stay of up to 90days.
For this purpose, visa applicants must complete their applications online at on the Suriname page. Appointments can be made online at https://consulat gouv fr/ambassade-de-france-aparamaribo/rendez-vous?name=Visas%20Georgetown and applicants can go to the following address : Honorary Consulate of France, 46 First avenue Subryanville, Georgetown,Guyana,inordertosubmittheirapplications.
The applications must include “completed and signed France visa application form, receipt of application, passport, photo, supporting documents (the list is provided on France Visas), the application fee indicated on France visas and a pre-stamped FeDex envelope for the passports returnfromSurinametotheapplicant’saddress.”
This option will now make the process easier for Guyanese travelers who are thinking of undertaking the journeytotheFrench-speakingnation.
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
Experienced Sales girls & Porter boys wanted. Attractive pay & great working hours. Apply now! Call: 694-1170.
Wanted poultry workers at longcreek. Call : 625-0058.
General Domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.
Female Cleaner for an office in Eccles. Call 615-9132 / 6458443.
From page 25 Promised Land, Give me the Answer’. Then he gave me a high five and said he taught a lot of people but I was the first one who caught on so fast. He said music was within me,” Raphi explained.
Rock Top, with Raphi as the lead vocalist, performed their first live show two weeks later at Jarret Park in Montego Bay alongside Iauwata, during the Nyahbinghi opening segment at during the Black Friday Commemoration of the 1963 Coral Gardens Riot. That event also saw performances from Chronixx and Queen Ifrica.
During that time, the Georgetown native trained him from morning until after midnight, with breaks only for meals or a spliff.
“I was worried, thinking how would I remember so many songs, but Iauwata said not to worry so I believed. But I still wondered how Iauwata had so much confidence in me when there were were numerous professional, experienced bass players to choose from,” he explained.
fortunately, Iauwata began a long five-minute prayer, during which his stage fright gradually faded. As fate would have it, he remembered the encouraging words his Guyanese mentor had repeated during their training sessions.
recorded I Feel Like I Wanna Go Home, an impressive 13track album, in just two weeks. The album’s production, mixing, and mastering were completed within another two weeks, and the finished product was officially launched on March 29, 2014, at the Mandela Green Entertainment Centre in Hanover.
Wanted: Experienced Puri Maker, Counter Person, Cleaner & Labourer. Apply @ Shanta's, 225 Camp and New Market Sts. 654-1361. Laundry attendant, receptionist, supervisor & Room attendant 23-50 years old. 233 south road Lacytown / 225-0198.
Job openings: Business development analysts, project assistant & Civil engineers. To apply send application via WhatsApp: 733-5983/ 733-4237.
One Driver to work in Georgetown. Interested persons can make contact on Tele: 701-4000 ( 8am-4pm )
1 Domestic worker & one gardener to live and work. Free accommodation. Contact : 619-9143 / 614-8857.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).
Female Domestic $5000, male labourer $ 6000-7000 daily ,Semi skilled worker $70008000 daily, Skilled worker $8000 -$9000 daily to work at Vreed En-Hoop #682 5230, 615 4414.
For Sale Live chicken $100 up $350 lb Call : 625-0058.
Extractor-Blower 10 Horsepower 415 volts 3 phase, two speed. Contact : 650-0074.
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Indian male seeking female for relationship (Pen-pal). Call: 734-5204.
Housekeeper and Chef needed. Contact: 6774896.
Experienced Hair Colorist, Hair Cutters, Nail technicians and Barbers needed. Please Call/ WhatsApp: 6096259/ 6495005.
Hiring Lorry Driver & Porter, Must have Valid driver and lorry license 3 years experience. WhatsApp 609-2220.
Sand truck driver needed, Sand pit to Eccles. $5,000 per trip. Call: 683-9506.
1 Data Entry Clerk. Contact : 227-8274 - 644-9333 or Apply Via Email: pacifdevinc@
Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call : 615-9132 or 645-8443.
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The Rastafarian audience’s overwhelming response, with tears of joy and applause, signaled the official beginning of Raphi’s promising musical career.
Weeks leading up to that event though, when Iauwata had informed Raphi that he wanted him to play the bass guitar during their performance, the Nutn Soft singer said he had protested profusely, telling the professor that he was a novice and was not ready for the big stage.
However, Iauwata assured him he would be fully prepared in two weeks.
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“On the day of the show, I still felt that I wasn’t ready, but the icon seh mi ready. Mi a seh ‘a wonder if him know wha him a do, caw mi nuh ready enuh. Mi not even membawha fi play’. Yuh si when time mi touch dat stage and dem (emcee) seh ‘Rock Top’, mi have di guitar suh, inna mi hand and mi nuhmembawha mi fi play. When mi look dung pan di fret board, mi nuh know weh G deh, from weh A deh. Mi nuhmembanuttn. Mi suh nervous mi not even remembaweh mi a do,” he recalled.
Raphi recounted that,
“Mi only hear when di man seh ‘Papi, you can do it. Trust mi, you can do it’. And when mi look back dung suhpon di guitar again, everyting just come back, and mi remembaseh mi a guh start from E-Flat. And mi start memba di bassline. When him look round pan mi and seh ‘one, two, three’, yuh waansi when Raphi gone inna di bass an a play. Everyting just come back. Mi start cry,” he recalled.
Not long after that historic feat, Iauwata guided Raphi’s siblings—Itangi on guitar, Sarah and his other sisters on backing vocals, and their younger brother, Icassa, who was just 15 at the time— through the process of creating their debut album.
The family band, under the guidance and tutelage of Iauwata, wrote, arranged, and
Reflecting on the experience, Raphi says he remains humbled by the accomplishment. The album, which includes standout tracks like Dem Don’t Want Fi See Man Rise, Mama, Hail Rastafari, and the title track Feel Like I Wanna Go Home, has enjoyed a steady reception over the past decade.
Raphi, who has performed on Rebel Salute, Reggae Sumfest and the Welcome ToJamrock Reggae Cruise, credits Iauwata’s mentorship for helping him to reach his full potential. He noted that Iauwata’s patience was remarkable, as the music professor never rushed him, instead always remaining calm and supportive
hitting UN peacekeepers,
People walk at the site of an Israeli air strike in Beirut, Lebanon, October 11. REUTERS/Louisa Gouliamaki Purchase Licensing Rights
Aljazeera - The Israeli a statement released on southofthecapital. army has threatened to hit Saturday
Since September 23, ambulances in southern After it was reported that when Israel expanded its Lebanon, claiming they are two UN peacekeepers were conflict against Hezbollah being misused by Lebanese wounded by an Israeli attack by bombarding southern armed group Hezbollah, and near their watchtower in Beirut and other strongholds alsoorderedmorevillagesto south Lebanon on Friday, of the group with deadly air evacuate. UNIFIL said on Saturday attacks, killing more than
The warning came after that another peacekeeper 1,200peopleinLebanon. Israeli forces hit positions of was hit by gunfire on Friday, An Israeli air raid on the United Nations Interim although it said it did not Baysarieh, a village in Sidon Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), know who was responsible province, killed three people injuringpeacekeepers. forthatattack. onFridayevening,including I s r a e l i a r m y UNIFILsaidthemanwas a two-year-old and a 16spokesperson Avichay now stable after undergoing year-old, and injured three Adraee on Saturday alleged surgerytoremovethebullet. others, Lebanon’s Health that“Hezbollahelementsare The statement also said Ministrysaid.
using ambulances to its position in the southern In Baalbeck-Hermel transport fighters and arms.” Lebanese town of Ramyah province, located in the He did not provide any proof sustainedsignificantdamage Bekaa Valley, five more ofhisaccusation. due to explosions from people were killed and five
“We call on medical nearby shelling, but did not wounded in additional air teams to avoid contact with s p e c i f y w h o w a s attacksonFriday Hezbollah members and not responsible.
“It has been an intense to cooperate with them,” he ‘Intense night of bombing’ night of bombing at many said. The Israeli military Israeli air attacks locationsintheBekaaValley “affirms that the necessary continue to intensify across in Lebanon as was the case actions will be taken against Lebanon, while Hezbollah yesterday,” said Al Jazeera’s any vehicle transporting has responded by launching Assed Baig, reporting from a r m e d i n d i v i d u a l s , rocketsatIsrael. Chtoura. regardlessofitstype”. Lebanon’s Ministry of
“What we have been Adraee also warned Public Health said Israeli witnessing is Israeli attacks residents of southern attacks on two villages on onresidentialbuildings.” Lebanon not to go back to Saturday,onenorthofBeirut Intensified Israeli attacks their homes as Israeli troops and another south of the in southern Lebanon, the c o n t i n u e d f i g h t i n g capital, killed at least nine Bekaa Valley and the Hezbollah fighters in the people. southern suburbs of Beirut area. An “Israeli enemy strike have forced approximately “ F o r y o u r o w n on [Maaysrah]”, a Shia- 1.2 million people from their protection, do not return to majority village in a mostly homes since September 23, your homes until further Christian mountain area according to the Lebanese notice. Do not go south, north of Beirut, killed “five government. anyone who goes south may people and wounded 14
The United Nations puthislifeatrisk,”hesaid. others”,theministrysaidina Office for the Coordination The Israeli military also statement, adding separately of HumanitarianAffairs said ordered residents of 23 that “four people were killed on Saturday that more southern Lebanese villages and 14 others wounded” in Lebanese have now been to evacuate to areas north of an “Israeli enemy strike” on displacedthanduringthelast theAwaliRiver,accordingto Barja in the Shouf district major war between Israel
andHezbollahin2006,when Iran parliament speaker government for Beirut,” he around 1 million fled their in Beirut told a joint news conference homes. The speaker of Iran’s alongsideBerri.
Meanwhile, Hezbollah parliament and former air Ghalibaf visited the site said it used “qualitative force commander of the of an Israeli attack on the missiles” to hit an Israeli Islamic Revolutionary denselypopulatedBastaarea military base making Guard Corps (IRGC), that killed at least 22 people, weapons south of Haifa, in M
its seventh attack on Israeli Ghalibaf, was visiting the Hezbollah legislators, positionsonSaturday Lebanese capital to meet his according to the AFP news
The group said the counterpart and Amal agency attack occurred at 6am Movement leader Nabih He is next heading to (03:00 GMT) and included Berri. Geneva to take part in an artillery fire targeting “Iran is ready to help the assembly of the InterIsraeli soldiers near the war-stricken, displaced and Parliamentary Union, where Lebanon border, the launch wounded people under the he said he will discuss a of a “guided missile” at the supervision of the Lebanese shared “duty” to help Ramyah site, and multiple government and send besieged Palestinians and rocket barrages aimed at assistance if an air corridor Lebanese people with his Israelipositions can be opened by the counterparts.
of Cambridge Prince William in January 2022, recipientoftheOrderofthe Caribbean Community in July 2024, appointment as an ICC Match Referee, serving as chairman of the ICCCricketCommitteeand as captain winning the inaugural ICC One-Day Cricket World Cup in June 1975.
In his international playing days, Sir Clive Lloyd blazed a trail of
outstanding achievements from 1966 to 1985 during which time he played 110 testmatches,wascaptainin 74 of the matches winning 36ofthemthusmakinghim the most successful captain in West Indies Cricket; this included a sequence of 26 Tests without a loss including 11 consecutive victories. His highest score of 242 not out was among his 19 test centuries. As a prominent batsman he played cricket across the
world including at varies times forthe Demerara Cricket Club, Demerara County, Guyana, West
AustraliaStateCricketanda WorldXI.
, Executives and members of
congratulateSirCliveLloyd onhisappointmentandwish to record appreciation for hiswillingnesstoonceagain serveGuyanacricket.
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
You may have been spending or saving too much money, Aries It's clear that a rebalancing is in order if you're to find pleasure rather thanfrustration.
TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)
Perhaps you've been impatiently waiting for the moment to jump into new adventures after your meditationduringthelastfew months Know that the momenthasalmostarrived!
If you find yourself tired and irritable at the moment, you should know that this is normal. You may have had a fewweeksthatwerealittletoo studious. Would you like to continueonthesamepath?
This is going to be a good moment to look elsewhere, Cancer You should do just as the artist does when he has workedtoolongonapainting, which is to take a step back. Youneedtoclearyourhead.
This is the right moment to extricate yourself from relationships that have seen their day, Leo. This won't be easy, but you must. In your professionalandprivatelives, you'retoohesitanttogetoutof distasteful situations or obligations.
Youtookofflikeabulletafew days ago, making great progress in a short amount of time. Now you're grappling with doubts that are undermining all of your energy.
There is some likelihood that youwillbehauntedbythoughts ofyourlovelifetoday Perhaps you're intrigued by the idea of exploring certain secret realms of your relationship, yet you aren'tsurehowtocommunicate thistoyourmate
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Today,morethanever,youwill yearn to escape the daily routine,Scorpio.Youthirstfor new sights and sounds, new faces and new places, but you know you must juggle your desires with professional and domesticobligations.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
You're finally on the mend, Sagittarius The minor ailments that may have dragged you down lately are beginning to disappear You're about to regain all of your physicalenergy
Do you feel a little under the weather today, Capricorn? It's quite possible, considering all the emotional turmoil you've been through lately It takes time to recover from such storms.
There is some likelihood that the mood at home is fraught with tension. In any case, it looks as though your selfconfidence is stronger than everrightnow
Itseemsthatyoursensitivityis in slight conflict with your actions,Pisces.Youcontinueto go through the daily motions and do what you planned on doing, but it seems as though yourheartisnolongerinit.
The Guyana Cricket Mr Bissoondyal Singh. The Board (GCB) is pleased to outstanding former Guyana announcetheappointmentof and West Indies captain Sir Clive Hubert Lloyd as expressed his willingness to Special Technocrat to the serve and to have the Board with immediate opportunity to contribute to e
v e ’s cricket development in his a p p o i n t m e n t w a s nativeland. successfully concluded after Mr Singh, on behalf of a high-level engagement the GCB, conveyed his with President of the GCB, delight at this appointment
From page 56 with the likes of Maheesh Theekshana, Wanindu Hasaranga, Jeffrey Vandersay and Dunith Wellalage offering a varied array of threats.Though in the limited sample size ofT20Is in Dambulla, it has generally been the seamers that have proved moreofathreat.
Battle of the quicks
While T20 cricket is known for its relentless onslaught of power-hitting, where T20 games - and series - are generally won is in the bowling. Even on the most placid of surfaces, a potent and varied attack - particularly when it comes to pacecanmakeallthedifference.
The hosts boast two slingers - with differing trajectories, pace and skillsets - in Matheesha Pathirana and Nuwan Thushara, while Binura Fernando and his 6’4" frame offers less pace but makes up for it in guile and cunning, which makeshimathreatbothinthepowerplayandatthedeath. West Indies meanwhile boast talents such as Shamar Joseph and Alzarri Joseph - both clocking above 140kph regularly and capable of unsettling bounce - while Jayden SealesexcelledfortheJaffnaKingsinthe2021LankaPremier League.
Visiting pacers have also had a fair bit of success when touring Sri Lanka - in venues other than the Khettarama in Colombo,wherespindominates.InAfghanistan’sthreeT20Is earlierthisyearinDambulla,13ofthe20wicketstheytookin the series were by seamers, while even Zimbabwe’s modest seamcontingentaccountedforeightscalpsacrossthreeT20Is togowiththe13theypickedupinthreeODIs.
How both sets of seamers profit from the conditions could goafairwayindecidingthisseries.
TheRangiriDambullaStadiumhashostedjustthreemen’s T20Is - all in the past year - when Sri Lanka took on Afghanistan. There a 200-plus total was chased down once, while scores of 187 and 160 were defended successfully If youincludedatafromwomen’sT20Isplayedthere,SriLanka most recently chased down a target of 166 in the 2024 Asia Cupfinal,whilethetopfourhighscoresfromthattournament -allplayedinDambulla-read:201,191,184and178.Safeto say,thebattershavefounditquiteenjoyable.
ThisisalsodowntoSriLankaCricketmakingaconcerted effort to curate more batter friendly tracks so as to nurture more aggressive cricket from their batters.The only outlier in this new initiative was the recent ODI series against India at the Khettarama in Colombo, where surfaces were geared towards spin - this though has the caveat of Khettarama traditionally being on the slower side, while the series also immediately followed the LPL which meant the pitches were alreadyfairlyworndown.
Dambulla should not have any such issues, so the expectation is a surface tailor-made for some big-hitting T20 cricket.Thematchgetsunderwayat9:30am.
and noted that Sir Clive immense knowledge of the can justifiably boast that it regional cricket and also is would be value-added to the game and will be paying has two (2) former WI indicative of the GCB’s Board with his wealth of close attention to his advice, captains and six (6) other commitment to develop the cricket experience garnered g
game by engaging the from over sixty (60) years recommendations With cricketers including Andre servicesofformercricketers. association with the game as another former WI captain, Percival who captained the Sir Clive’s illustrious a player, official and Ramnaresh Sarwan, serving WestIndiesYouthTeamonit career included induction administrator The GCB in the very important 13-member Executive into the ICC Hall of Fame in s
a n d s t o b e n e f i t position of chairman of Committee, a composition 2019,KnighthoodbyDuke considerably from his senior selectors, the GCB that has no parallel in (Continued on page 54)
(ESPN Cricinfo) - West even both missed out on white-ball series, they swept period, perhaps Sammy six combined bilateral series efficiently countered by Indies and Sri Lanka have qualifying for the 2025 the T20Is and were swept in holdstheanswers. against South Africa, India, s
long had an affinity of sorts Champions Trophy and the ODIs, and in 15 T20Is
England and Australia has boundaries, there is now a for each other - particularly toured England over the betweenthetwo,WestIndies
yielded five series wins. The growing focus on running the latter during its summer
have won seven and Sri background brought with it only blips were a 2-1 series between the wickets while cricketing infancy, when the They both also enter this Lanka eight. Here we look at more experience when defeat in Australia and an data analytics increasingly mighty West Indian series on the back of some some of the key talking taking over the reins as West unsuccessful World Cup informs their strategiesjuggernautwasformostfans promising white-ball results. points surrounding the Indies head coach in March campaign, which still saw such as maintaining righttheir second team. It also WestIndieshavecleanswept upcomingseries. 2023, the similarities in his them come out with five left combinations to better helped that they were fellow both South Africa and India Atale of two coaches approach to Jayasuriya’s is winsandtwodefeats. deal with legspin, and island nations - or in the case at home in T20Is in 2024, Sticking to theme of hardtomiss. This run of results has drafting in strong batters oftheWestIndies,anationof whileSriLankahaveahome parallels, there’s no better Sammyhasspokenabout seentheWestIndiessurgeup against spin such as Shai islands.And in the lead up to ODI series win against India point to begin with than honestyandclaritybeingkey the ICC T20I rankings, up Hope. West Indies’ first white-ball as well as white-ball series Daren Sammy and Sanath pillars in his coaching style; from seventh to third. With “Theimprovementinour tourofSriLankasince2020, wins against Zimbabwe and Jayasuriya. Jayasuriya’s had for Jayasuriya, it’s instilling Sri Lanka languishing run rate against spin from these parallels have only Afghanistan. afairlyimpressivestarttohis confidence and gaining the currently in eighth place in five-point something to six grownstronger But what makes this career as head coach, but if trust of the players. These those same rankings, and a half to eight runs an Underwhelming World upcoming tour so enticing is ever there were questions could be seen as two sides of Jayasuriya will no doubt be over between the seventh to Cups? Check. Novice head that, these are two sides
- the same motivational coin, eyeing similar upward 15th overs…we were the coaches? Check. A strong which are pretty evenly
c as both rely on solid momentum. best team in the last five desire to rediscover the matched. The last time West approach to coaching could foundations of rapport with West Indies vs spin overs in the last year,” glories of old?You bet.They Indies toured Sri Lanka for a translate over a longer players and administrators One area in which the Sammy said in an interview alike to push forward their West Indies have improved with The Cricket Monthly plans. drastically during Sammy’s thispastweek.
And a quick look at West tenure has been in their But in Sri Lanka, they Indies T20I record since approach to spin bowling. will likely come across their Sammy took over speaks From once being a primarily stiffestspinchallengeyet, volumestowardshisimpact- six-hitting side that could be (Continued on page 55)
The Petra Organization wrapped up the remarkablehat-tricktopropelhisteamtoa3Round-of-16 action of the 11th Annual 1 victory over Batavia Primary Sampson’s Courts Optical Pee Wee Under-11 Schools masterful display was the difference-maker Football Tournament yesterday at the inanotherwisecloselycontestedmatch. Ministry of Education Ground. Eight teams The clash between Georgetown including St. John the Baptist Primary, West International Academy (GIA) and Rosignol Ruimveldt Primary, Belladrum Primary, Primary was a one-sided affair, with Rosignol Primary, Marian Academy, Rosignol’s offensive trio of Jeremiah Enterprise Primary, Santa Rosa Primary, and McDonald, Timothy Rout, and Abdul Khan St.PiusPrimaryemergedvictorious, moving dismantlingGIA’sdefense.McDonaldnetted a step closer to securing the 2024 Pee Wee twice, while Rout and Khan added a goal crown. each, securing a comfortable 4-0 victory for As the tournament reached its Round-of- Rosignol. In a tight battle, Marian Academy 16 stage, the action intensified, with the edged past Winfer Gardens Primary 2-1. leading teams putting in solid performances Christian Larose and Chase Hodge each to maintain their momentum. St. John the found the back of the net, ensuring Marian’s Primary claimed a 2-0 win over St. Gabriel’s shootout, with West Ruimveldt emerging Baptist Primary secured their fourth progressiontothenextround.
St. Pius Primary’s defense held firm against School of the Nations during their Round-of-16 encounter yesterday
Primary victorious2-1onpenalties. consecutive win, defeating North Enterprise Primary’s leading goal-scorer,
In another thrilling match of the day, St. The tournament is proudly sponsored by Georgetown Primary 2-0 Key players Dontay Kowlessar, increased his tournament Pius Primary triumphed 2-0 over School of Unicomer Guyana Inc. through its Courts Kareme Welcome and Kriston Chandler tally to nine goals, contributing to a 2-1 the Nations. Emanuel Forte scored the Optical brand, with additional support from delivered two impressive goals, sealing the victory over Stella Marris Primary Shine decisive goal in the 30th minute, withAleem the Ministry of Education, Ministry of winfortheirteam. Athur scored the other goal for Enterprise, Youngeaddingasecondtosecurethewin. Culture, Youth and Sports, MVP Sports, Inmatch#47,BelladrumPrimary’sJadon helping them secure a spot in the West Ruimveldt Primary’s match against Sterling Products Limited, Igloo Ice Cream, Sampson stole the spotlight, scoring a quarterfinals Meanwhile, Santa Rosa Tapakuma Lake ended in a dramatic penalty andStenaDrilling.
Carlos Adams is leading the Senior Category
The De Surinaamsche Bank Golf Open golfing. The temperature was very high. We teed off in Paramaribo with high energy and played in some very hot and humid golden sunshine that radiated the day’s play, conditions. But these are the conditions as12talentedgolfersfromtheLusignanGolf golfers dream of. The Guyana team so far Club (LGC) made their mark on day one of looking good. I performed outstandingly.I theprestigioustournament.AttheendofDay thinkIplayedaccordingtomyplaningetting 1 Brian Hackett and Carlos Adams led the tothegreeninthreeandnottryingtogetthere pack in Group B and the Senior Category in two. It’s a very tricky course and if you’re While Patanjilee Persaud was tied for second not accurate, you’re either in the rough or in placeinGroupAupuntilpresstime. the water Today I managed to stay out of The fairways came alive with the most of the penalty And I finished the game Guyanese contingent delivering stellar on the par today So I do look forward to performances, each golfer demonstrating tomorrow, which is another exciting day for skill, precision, and determination on the golfandgolfersinSurinamethisweekend.” internationalstage.
The standout performers for the day were The golfers representing the Lusignan Brian Hackett (1st) Group B - Gross 84, HC Golf Club wereLGC were Avinash Persaud, 18, Net 66 (Overall Net -3), Carlos Adams Orson Fergson, Mohanlall Dindanauth, (1st) Senior Category- Gross 91, HC 22, Net VishalHarry,PatrickPrashad,CarlosAdams, 69 (Overall Net 1) and Patanjilee Persaud Kishan Bacchus, Brian Hackett, Lakeram (2nd) Group A - Gross 84, HC 13, Net 71 Ramsundar, Feroze Barkat, Troy Cadogan, (OverallNet2) and Patanjilee Persaud all of whom took full Lusignan Golf Club has a long-standing advantage of the course’s challenging layout. tradition of sending competitive players to The day’s action was packed with thrilling the Suriname Open, with several top drives, pinpoint putts, and a sense of performersmakingtheirmarkovertheyears. camaraderie as the team rallied behind one Notably, Guyanese golfers have consistently another ranked among the top, showcasing their skill LGC Public Relations Officer Brian andsportsmanshiponthisregionalstage.The Hackett captured the mood perfectly at the local contingent is urging Guyanese fans to close of play, noting, “Today was very sunny stay tune as they are optimistic that they will in Suriname. The weather was perfect for bettertheirresultsonday2.
The inaugural edition of the Bent Street chosetohave16teamssothatwecangetthat ‘Champion of Champions’ Futsal competitive event. Every game is a tough Championship was launched Wednesday last game. We will also incorporate a U-15 youth at the New Look Salon in North East La tournamentfromtheknockoutroundthatwill Penitence. runatthesametimeasthemainevent.Weare
Theevent,whichwilllastfortheduration askingtheteamsandthefanstocomeoutand of six dates, will feature 16 teams competing supporttheevent.” inaninitialgroupstageformat. Wayne Griffith, Referees Coordinator of Group A comprises; Bent Street A, the tournament, said, “It’s a good look for StabroekBallers,Z-TekkFamily,andMocha, football; it’s good to see a street team and while group B contains Back CircleA, North community come out and host their own East La Penitence, Street Vybz, and Bent event. This is going to be an exciting Street B. On the other hand, group C is made tournament.” upofGoldisMoney,LindenAll-Stars,Laing Daniel Wilson, Captain of Bent Street, Avenue, and California Square, while group D consists of Sparta Boss, North Ruimveldt, TeamCruel,andBackCircleB.
After the conclusion of the group stage segment, the top two teams in each pool will progress to the quarterfinal round.
The playing dates are: October 15th, 19th, 25th, November2nd,9th,and16th.
Thewinneroftheeventwill pocket $1,000,000 and the championship trophy, while the second, third, and fourth-place finisherswillreceive$500,000, $300,000, and $200,000 and the said, “This is a good look for the teams that corresponding accolade, respectively On the they are hosting their own events; we have individualside,prizeswillalsobegiventothe beenplanningthis for years, and I expectitto highestgoalscorer,mostvaluableplayer,best be very competitive as we have 16 of the best defender,andgoalkeeper,respectively. teams in the country, and the fans should
Stakeholders of the inaugural Bent Street ‘Champion of Champions’ Futsal championship displayed trophies during Wednesday’s launch at New Look Salon.
Tournament Coordinator Troy Lambert comebecauseitwillbeveryexciting.” during the feature address thanked the Meanwhile, his Back Circle counterpart sponsors and the GFF for making this event a Selwyn Williams said, “It’s a privilege to be reality,noting,“It’satournamentthatwehave here, as one of the best teams in the country been planning for a long time, and we want it This tournament is going to be very exciting to be an annual affair and something that the andcompetitive,asitwillhavethebestteams. teams can look forward to at this time, which There will be good football and officiating, wewanttomakeourown.” and if you are coming to take the title from
He further said, “We wanted a very Back Circle, you will need to train and competitive tournament, and that is why we prepareveryhard.”