substance seeps Crane residents
through house floor
‘Oil surplus looms’
…saystrongfumescausingheadache, skinirritation,burningofeyesandnose ...IEA says as it reassures on Iran supply risk ‘Guyana is one of the most attractive places to do business’ – Ashni Singh
Crane residents fearful as mysterious oily substance seeps through house floor
By: Rehanna Ramsay and Davina Bagot
A Crane, West Coast Demerararesidentislivingin constant fear for her health since the appearance of a mysterious oily substance in herlivingroomonOctober3.
The 67-year old woman, Basmatie Singh resides with herson.Thewomantoldthis newspaper that she discovered drops of an oily substanceinthebottomflatof her two-story home, a short distance from the sea front, whilecleaning.
Singhwhohasbeenliving in the area for the past 17
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), according to the American Lung Association, is a gaseous air pollutant composed of sulfur and oxygen. “SO2 forms when sulfur-containingfuelsuchas coal, petroleum oil, or diesel is burned,” the Association said. Inhaling this gas can be extremely dangerous to human health causing wheezing,shortnessofbreath and chest tightness and other problems. According to the American Lung Association, “Long-term exposure at high levels increases respiratory symptoms and reduces the
pipeline landed
years said she had never encountered the substance before. “The first time I see this thing is when I was cleaning. I cleaned outside the house then I came inside and start clean and I notice thisthingonthetiles,soIcall my son and show him. We remove the mat and we observeoilatotherspotsand then we move the furniture and start to see one and two different spots and then he decided to call some persons and they came, ” she explained.
Both Basmatie and her son said they touched the substance which had an oil c o n s i s t e n c y T h e Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)wasalertedof the situation on October 7.A team from the EPA, the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) and ExxonMobilGuyanaLimited (EMGL) visited Singh's homeonOctober8.
The team conducted tests and took samples of the substance for further testing offsite. The family was later informedbytheEPAduringa second visit to their home on October 11 that the living room area was high in
ability of the lungs to function.”
“They took the samples and told me it is for further investigationbuttheytoldme the EPA does not have the necessary equipment to get thejobdone.Theyhavetodo areporttoExxonMobil,they have the necessary equipment to do the sample but unless they do the report or Geology and Mines, the EPA can't do anything,” the residentrelated.
The family has shared their concerns with the ExxonMobil Grievance team The oil company reportedly informed them that they were awaiting a report; they have since not heardfromExxon.
While the family awaits word from the authorities, they have been living in discomfort.“Mehadtomove out me chair, me mat, everything from this area. I used to cook in my downstairsandIcan'tdothat anymore. I have to cook outside, ” the woman explained.
When Kaieteur News visited the Crane home, the (Continuedonpage8)
A team of technical officers from the EPA, GGMC and ExxonMobil during a visit
Three int'l firms bid to operate & maintain 300MW power plant
Three international companies fromGermany,PuertoRicoandthe USA have responded to a request for proposals (RFP) from the Government of Guyana for the operations and maintenance (O&M) of the Gas-to-Energy (GTE)300-megawatt(MW)power plantproject.
The project which is being executed through the Office of the Prime Minister was opened on
Administration Board (NPTAB) office where it was revealed that Siemens Energy (Germany), CH4 Systems (Puerto Rico), and Ethos Energy(Texas,USA).
KaieteurNewsreportedthatthe PrimeMinister'sOfficeinitstender stated that the O&M contract relates specifically to the 300megawatt (MW) power plant and related auxillary facilities which areexpectedtobecommissionedin thesecondhalfof2025.
It was explained that the contractwillnotextendtoO&Mof the Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) fractionation plant to extract liquids (C3, C4, CS+), as this will be addressed separately Likewise, the pipeline being constructed by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL)totransportthegastothe Wales Development Zone is not included.
According to the RFP, “Operations and Maintenance of the Power Plant and Balance of Plant (BOP) is based on: (i) a combined-cycle power plant
An artist's impression of the Gas-to-Energy project
consisting of four (4) Siemens Energy gas turbines and two (2) waste Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) together generating 300 MW of power which will be sold to Guyana
Power and Light (GPL), the national electricity company via a PowerPurchaseAgreement(PPA); (ii) Balance of Plant (BOP) includingdeaerators,coolingwater system, boiler feed water pumps
and entire BOP related to the Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) plant andPowerPlant.”
Thepowerplantandbalanceof plant are located on a 100-acre integrated plant site located within the Wales Industrial Zone approximately 25 kilometers (km) inland on the West bank of the DemeraraRiver
It was stated by the Prime Minister's Office that the O&M contractor will be subject to a rigorousscreeningprocess,though government has reserved the right to“selectanyPartyforanyspecific elementoftheRFPandtoannulthe processatanytimewithoutfurther direction, without thereby incurring any liabilities to the affectedinterestedparties.”
Additionally, in applying for thecontract,bidderswererequired toshowO&Mexperienceofatleast five combined cycle power plants, comparable to that being constructed in Guyana. The tender documentstatedthatonlyfirmsand consortia with experience in operation and maintenance of comparable facilities will be ranked.
“Negotiations will take place with the highest ranked technical proposal with the objective of concludinganO&Mcontract,”the Officementioned.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
America and Israel
There was a certain resignation that it was just a
matteroftimebeforematterscametowherethey are now Global media headlines said all that neededtobesaid. Americaissendinganairdefensesystem andtroopstoIsrael. Theobjectiveis“todefendIsrael.”
Ifthereisanysetofpeoplewhoareinurgentneedofa strong defending presence, it is the population of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. With regret, and to America’s shame, the cries of the embattled, brutalized Palestinianshavebeenlargelyignored.
Their constant pounding from the air and by land theirs to bear, however they can But America is sending military hardware and military men to help defend Israel
This is the Alice in Wonderland world lived by America regarding the daily conflagration and human destruction that are now as commonplace as the sunshine that beats so cruelly on helpless people
It is an irrefutable aspect of huge historical developments that big events begin with small steps America should have known better, done well to recall what became the quagmire of Vietnam How itssmallactionsbeganinsimilarfashioninSoutheast Asia, and how it got irretrievably stuck there for long, costlydecades
The arms went, then the advisors followed One American president, then another, and last a third all got trapped by their own mistakes, which contributed to tremendous upheavals in both the international arena, as well as the domestic front Vietnam became a vacuum thatsuckedinChina,Russia,andNorthKoreaon oneside
On the American side, the backing came from Australia, New Zealand, and Europe in one form or another The teeming jungles of Vietnam became a quicksand and deathtrap for American money, men, and materiel Is that timeworn adage all over again: historyrepeatingitself?
America has supplied Israel in liberal quantities with money, war materiel, and now the first trickles of its men. On the surface, they are to operate the sophisticated air defense system in the event of another ballistic attack on Israel,assuchhadoriginatedinIran.
This is an ominous development, with great risks of escalatingtensionsinanalreadyvolatiletheaterofconflict. TherestoftheMiddleEastiswatchinguneasily,whilethe rest of the world cannot be happy with anything that is relatedtothelatestAmericandecision.
Where is the limit to America’s utterly one-sided involvement in what went from savage war to tragic humanitariancondition?
Theremaybenone,sincethisisanelectionyearintheUS, anditisgettingcloserandcloser TheincumbentDemocrats havecomeunderintensifyingfirefromtheirRepublicanfoes, aboutnotbeingfullycommittedtothesideofIsrael,notdoing enough
Itwasthesamestokingoftheembersaboutbeing“softon communism” that pushed Democratic party presidents into Korea,thenVietnam
TheRepublicansledbyred-baitingSenatorJoeMcCarthy (a helpless alcoholic) goaded the Democrats in charge into taking irresponsible actions that led to great turmoil in differentplaces Seventy-fiveyearslater,thehardrightinthe Republican camp, with erratic former president Donald Trumpleadingtheway,havefoundanissuethatcausesnoend of disturbance in the White House and the party that holds muchofthepower
To appear to be weak on Israel could be a fatal consideration,whichtheDemocratsaretryingdesperatelynot to be Hence, there is this call to another level of commitmenttothecauseofIsrael,Itisdoubtfulthatother powerscompetingforinfluenceintheMiddleEastwillbe unmoved by what is sure to be seen as a dangerous
Israel’s violation of the international rule of law threatens world peace
DEAREDITOR, Kit Nascimento’s letter on Saturday 12th October wasbadonhistoryandworse oninternationalrelations.
International law requires Israel right now to pull back to its pre-1967 borders, to get out of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem (the Occupied Palestinian Territories), to take down the wall running though Palestinian territory, and to restore Palestinian property
If Israel cannot restore the property and resources which it has stolen or destroyed, then legally it mustpayreparations
T h a t i n c l u d e s reparations for Israel’s wanton and hate-filled destruction of ancient (over 5,000 years old) Palestinian olive groves and more than 800,000 olivetrees
Today, Israel continues to defy international law and inflict carnage on Gaza
Al-Jazeera reports that inthelastyearalone,Israel has exterminated 902 Palestinian families in Gaza including Palestinian babies Gone
Erased from the records Rememberatleast one name – the al-Najjars, 393inonefamilyincluding tiny baby Zein, just weeks old Read and weep If this is not evil, then what
is? Save the Children says over 1 million children in Gaza have been forced to flee their homes because of Israeli violence. To go where?
Nowhere in Gaza is safe from Israeli bombs Not schools.Nothospitals. This is why people across the globe are marching for Palestine and chantingthatIsraelisaterror state This is why progressive Israeli and New York Jewish organizations joined massive protests against Netanyahu when he visitedNewYorklastmonth
and why protesters demanded his arrest for genocide.
Guyana’s Permanent Representative to the U N , H E B i r k e t tRodrigues spoke for all decent and civilized people, not just the Guyanese, at the UN S e c u r i t y C o u n c i l
meeting, when she d e m a n d e d a n “unconditional and immediate ceasefire” and said that “we must work to ensure that
Palestinians exercise
their right to selfdetermination, including through the creation of their own independent statebasedonthepre-1967 borders ”
B u t p o l i t i c a l statements,howevergood, are not enough For
decades Israel has behaved like a rogue state, r e p e a t e d l y a n d deliberately violating international law and defying the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Israel’s undermining of the international rule of law is the foundation of conflict in the middle east whichthreatensworldpeace.
Palestine’s legal right to self-determination, the international rule of law, the legal authority and internationalcredibilityof the ICJ, the necessity for peace and reparations, Israel’s rogue state behaviour, all of these things require the Government of Guyana to break off diplomatic relationswithIsrael
Thisisthelastremaining morally and legally acceptable path Not enough?
International law
determines Guyana’s sovereigntyoveritsterritory
Thanks to the folly and incompetenceoftheGranger and Ali governments, Guyana’s once legally inviolable and settled westernborderisnowunder threat.
Last year Paul Reichler, Guyana’s lawyer, assured the ICJ that there is nothing that Guyana has done that would prevent Guyana from ceding Essequibo to
VenezuelaiftheICJsetaside the award. I have no doubt that under international law, the Essequibo belongs to Guyana.
I hope the ICJ will say so. More than ever now, Guyana needs to uphold the internationalruleoflaw
So, if the government of Guyana is not convinced by morality and law, they should try realpolitik and break off diplomatic relations with Israel until Israel complies with international law and respects the authority of the ICJ.
MelindaJanki Sources m/news/longform/2024/10/ 8/know-their-namespalestinian-families-killedin-
aeli-attacks-ongaza?utm_campaign=Weekl y 0910/2024&utm mediu m=email&utm source=sen dinblue
https://www.savethechil dren net/stories/nowheresafe-children-gaza#groupsection-Over-a-millionchildren-displacedbJER2clPiK
https://minforgovgy/un -security-council/statementhe-carolyn-rodriguesbirkett-permanentrepresentative-guyana-un-1 Anti-Netanyahu Israelis, JewishAmericans greet PM at UN with blood soaked effigy
Workers Beware of False Promises!
, The August 24, 2024 issue of “Stabroek News” reported that the Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Aubrey Norton “vouched that if his party was returned to governmenthewouldensure thatpublicservantsreceivea m i n i m u m o f 3 5 % increase...”
On October 7, 2024, the KaieteurNewsreportedthat theAFC,nottobeoutdone, promised to give teachers a 45%increaseiftheyareever returnedtogovernment.
Workers by now should recognise that those two parties always make grand
promises whenever they are in opposition but promptly renege on them once in office.
Recall that in the 2011 and 2015 elections, those parties promised sugar workers 20% increase in pay They also promised the workers that they would not close any Sugar estate if elected.
The reality is that those people did the very opposite They never gave the sugar workers a single dollar increase Theybegantheprocessof shutting factories, Skeldon, Rose Hall,
extension of America’s already formidable presence alongsideIsrael
The Palestinians are starving and dying in their numbers,butthereisAmerica,themediatoroftheworld,so ensnaredinwhatdoesnothelpthesituation,buthindersany sustained movement towards de-escalation. It is brutal worldandwarishell,yetAmericaandIsraelhavebothseem tocometoloveit. Whenalleffortsshouldbededicatedto loweringtensions,Americasendsanairdefensesystemand men. Thedangerispalpable,nottobeunderestimated.
Enmore and Wales were closed!
This was done even though a commission which the regime set-up, headed by Dr Clive T h o m a s , d i d n o t recommend any closure
Duringthefiveyearsthey occupied the seats of power, they did not give a cent increase to workers
Up to today, the fate of the industry remains uncertainbecauseofwhat thePNC-APNU/AFCdid Recall too their opposition to the Value AddedTax(VAT)
They argued while in opposition that the 16% was too high and promised to cut it to 8% immediately should they getintooffice
Lo and behold when they got into office, they kept the VAT at the same rate It took them more than three years to reduce it by 2% to 14% However, they applied it
on all the basic food items, education items and medicines, that the PPP/Chadzerorated.
In fact, by putting VAT (14%) on the items mentioned above the P N C / A P N U / A F C extracted millions of dollars from the pockets ofworkersinthiscountry
Workers and farmers of today must recall too the promise those parties made to rice farmers in that same period.
They proclaimed that they would give famers $9,000 per bag of paddy
Needless to say, that was anotherpromisehonouredin thebreach!Thesearebutthe most recent examples of them reneging on promises and agreements reached Their history is replete with broken agreements and promises So, workers, beware of those scammers andtricksters(threecardcon men).
The PPPdoes not like feasibility studies
DEAREDITOR, I refer to a letter published in the KN of 6th October 2024 by one F.A. Harry who no one seem to know, captioned “GuySuCo will always respond to genuine questions and concerns of the citizens” or somesuchdrivel.
What I am going to write today is the truth and when compared with the lies, libels and defamation published by the KN and Harry, I am issuing a warning, this letter has sought to damage my reputation, and I have already spoken to a lawyer aboutit.
1. As far as my taking a huge salary and achieving nothing as written by Harry, let me say that the only feasibility study the PPP e v e r r e c e i v e d o n superimposing shrimp aquaculture in our sugar cane cultivation system to re-employ approximately 4 persons per hectare, was done by me. And it took almost two years. I’m going to deal further with this below
2 The first of the numerous battles I fought at GuySuCo early in 2021 as ViceChairman,wastoblock a $2 billion swindle to purchase 20 Game articulated tractors which cost almost double what the JohnDeeretractorswewere thenusing.
These tractors were being promoted by the then CEO, who never worked in thesugarindustry
This matter went all the wayuptothePresidentwho allowed a compromised for two of these tractors to be bought for trial Editor, everyone involved, the technicalteamofGuySuCo, the NDIA and the Ministry ofAgriculturewereagreeing to buy a tractor which they agreed was less powerful thantheDEERE,usedmore fuel, but could not plough, and costed substantially more, in the trial which was conducted, I who was the main person objecting to buying this tractor, was not invited to see the trial, the representatives from John Deere were also not invited but not only were the game people invited, they sent their own operator from the USA.
3. Thirdly also early in 2021, the new CEO of GuySuCo wanted to promote two of his cronies who would support his hairbrained schemes to be Executive Directors, and I refused to accept their
promotionandgottheboard toputthemtoactinstead.In less than one and a half years, they were both removed from acting since their performance was poor atbest.
4. Fourth as chairman of t h e p r o d u c t i o n subcommittee, I alerted the board to the acidity of the GuySuCo field soils, and that it was a very real possibility that as much as a 30% of the drop in the GuySuCo yields could be caused by such high acidity, which over time has deterioratedtoapHof4.5to 5.Atsuchhighacidiclevels, the fertilizer we are putting wouldnotbeavailabletothe cane.
I even got Dr Homenauth, a soils expert then head of NARI to supportmyclaim.GuySuCo seriously lacks technical competence, the current director of agriculture, a position which in the past was occupied by highly technical people like Dr HarryEvans,isapersonwho holds no known agricultural qualification.
5. The introduction of fishfarmingincageswasan initiate introduced by me. But has not evolved in any significant way as an industry after 4 years, since they were not deployed as I had intended, to benefit all fishermeninGuyana. These cages could have in time established a huge fish farming industry in the main rivers of Berbice, Demerara and Essequibo by usingthefishermenandtheir boats, to help to secure the fishpensfromthievesandto take the feed daily to the cages, since they were having problems to make a living in our over fished waters.
6 I showed how GuySuCo can benefit from dronesbyachievinganother 10 to 15% increase in
production using them to apply ripeners at 10 times less cost than using airplanes. Editor, I went to thesepeoplepreparedtosoar witheaglesbutfoundmyself in the middle of a flock of turkeys!
Harry lied and defamed mebyclaimingthatIdidnot go to work at MOA, I was a consultant at MOA, I was never offered a desk there, I did however attend and participate in every meeting or consultation, I was ever askedtoattend.
Ialsowroteexhaustively onallaspectsonwhichIwas consulting,andfranklyIam quite sure that no one read anyofthem,theyweremore concerned with what was in it for them personally, than whatwasinitforthepeople ofGuyana.
I also have emails to everyone including the presidentcomplainingofthe lackofthemonthlymeetings weweresupposedtohave,to aim aquaculture in the right direction.
I also visited and wrote the blueprint for the president of how the Brackish water shrimp project can be improved in east Berbice and 300 millionwasapprovedonmy recommendations.
Theentirethingfellapart when the Minister, a former cane cutter from Skeldon, kept countermanding my recommendations to place the projects in East Berbice insteadoftheareawheremy researchesmandatedthemto be.
I wanted to place the Feed manufacturing and the salt water hatchery at Onverwagt, ECD where therewereexistingfacilities and other assets already in place, but Mustahpa wanted it to be done at Tarlagy and other areas in East Berbice for whatever his reasons were. I also had sourced the entire structure for the salt
waterhatcheryfromIndiain a completely non-corrosive building for a salt water environment for around US $60,000whichcouldbeused as our estimate for invited bids,buttheNDIAengineers without consulting me on any aspect of the requirements for a structure whichhasneverbeenbuiltin Guyana, a complete corrosion proof building, offered a proposal for an 80 plusmillion.Ididnotagree.
Finally, the feasibility I conducted on my own time, was based on using the established unique Guyana sugar cane field layout which is a perfect system of canals and 10-acre fields, which could be easily flooded.
This way, a 1000hectare aquafarm on the East Coast could employ at least 4000 people who were former employees of LBI/Enmore
The feasibility was d o n e v i s u a l i z i n g somewhere between Ogle to almost Mahaica as the areaof preference, sinceit 1
It had the sugar cane layout, 2 it was close to theAtlanticandsaltwater, since the prawns require to be grown in at least 8000 PPM of salt, and 3
could supply work to the displacedsugarworkers
The Minister and all the people he employs who are supposed to inform him, were completely oblivious to the fact that the proximity of saltwater and the sugar c a n e l a y o u t w e r e n o n n e g o t i a b l e requirements oftheproject I did, since he and his staff read nothing, and they wasted months offering us useless lands in East Berbice, for whatever reason, and which were too far from the coast to be practical since the salt content was very low, then they informed the President that we are being difficult and obstructive and were delaying the operation. But thelaststrawcamewhenthe Minister directed me to buy the feed [the largest expenditure in fish farming and could account for over 75% of total cost] from a local entity which had no existing facilities for feed manufacturingIdecidedthat it was impossible to remail quiet.
As soon as my 3-year contract expired in 2024, I resigned from that
nce and corruption Today, four years after taking office,
whatever aquaculture is going on is uneconomical, since they never built a floating or otherwise fish feed mill And are lost in a sea of corruption and inefficiency
They may be growing fish and shrimp, but it c o u l d n e v e r b e economical.Whattheypaid me was less than what the MOAisapparentlypayingto wash the minister’s car at MOA according to Paul Slowe.
As far as the Director General of the MOA is concerned, I watched in total disbelief to him rushing to spend the taxpayers’ money, simply because it was allocated bythebudget,withoutany regard or any of the care andcautionwhichIsawin my vast experience at Bookers, GuySuCo and the CBU where I was a director, where every cent had to be spent very carefully
ThisDG is so careful to protecthimself,thathistexts disappear from your cell phoneafter24hours.Where there is smoke, editor, there isfire!ThePPPdoesnotlike feasibility studies editor, it just upsets their massively corruptagenda.
The $200,000 cash grant, who holds the cash?
DEAREDITOR, The highly anticipated $200,000 Cash Grant per household was announced, and soon there will be the disbursementofsame.
‘Guyanese teachers are among the best in the world’-CEOofOneComms ...announces new ONE Special Teacher plan
PresidentofATNIandCEOof One Communications, Damian Blackburn,haspartneredwiththe GuyanaTeachersUnion(GTU)to improveaccesstomobiledatafor teachersacrossthecountry
Recently, during separate breakfast events hosted in Regions3, 4 & 10, to commemorate Teachers' Week, Blackburn spoke of his admirationforGuyaneseteachers while announcing that One Comms will reduce the cost of dataforteachersby50%.
“Guyanese teachers are the verybestatwhattheydo,theyare the heart of the teaching (Continuedonpage22)
Members of One Communications’mangement team and members of the Guyana Teachers' Union
Now, before we get into the disbursement part of it, we must first have to define what a household means, a household is defined as; a family or group of people living together, it is a social unit under one roof, all the people living in your house, including servants and others who live in your house.
Now, that explanation w a s n o t h e l p f u l especially when it comes to the disbursement of money, persons become edgy when money is to be given out, and the question is asked, in whose handsshouldthatmoneygo? Should it go into the hands of the husband, or the wife or to all the adult m e m b e r s o f t h a t household? Now these are some of the questions persons are tempted to ask, mark you well, every adult wants to get a grab of the dough
That is why some opine why didn’t the government grant every
adult that cash grant, or greater still, why didn’t government give the cash to every child who should betherealbeneficiariesofa cashgrant;theyneeditmore thananyother
However,itstillcomes back to the point who actually handles the cash when the disbursement is made, who should be “The coordinator” of the cash grant?
Then, there are those who make up a number in a household, that is, several adults who as in
pot, ” these are persons who cook forthemselves, butwhoalsoshareexpenses inthehousesuchastherent (If they are renters) food costs, utility payments among other things, should these be given a separate individualgrant?
In my book for those who “cook their own pot,” finding themselves in a household, I say continue in the same vein as is customary, “share the proceedsequitably ” Government cannot get intothosesquabbles,thatisa matter for those who live in that household, it is a cash grant to one of the
membersofthathousehold and not to every individual inthehousehold. These are some of the micro-management factors that they have to iron out before the cash is handed out to them
What I do know is that there would always be those who would grumble and complain, they would hit the media to tell their sad story that they were sidelined, a n d i t i s a l l t h e Government’sfault.
This cuts across party, race and religion, all are involved
But I love to stick to The Biblical Account of Jesus when he was here on earth, that Divine Man did not fulfil all the needs of the world
He did try his best to address the needs of the people, but his best was not goodenoughforthoseofhis followers, they wanted more.
To think of it, they finallykilledhim,thosevery samepeoplekilledhim,yes, one week after he fed them withloavesandfishes.Irest mycase!
Respectfullysubmitted NeilAdams
Case against Exxon, Ramps Logistics over inflated invoice further adjourned
Thecourtcaseinvolving ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) and its former broker, Ramps
L o g i s t i c s G u y a n a Incorporated was further adjournedwhenitwascalled onTuesday Thematterisset to return to trial on November 11, 2024. The matterpertainstoaUS$12.1 billion invoice submitted to
the Guyana Revenue Authority(GRA). Exxon and Ramps are facing similar charges relatedtoadeclarationmade in November 2023, when Ramps, acting on behalf of Exxon, reported oil well equipment valued at
US$4,467,662 but declared to Customs a staggering v a l u e o f
‘Oil surplus looms’
...IEA says as it reassures on Iran supply risk
(REUTERS) The global oil market is likely to experience a significant surplus in the new year, the International EnergyAgency (IEA) said on Tuesday, as it reassured markets that it is prepared to intervene if necessary to address any potential supply disruptions fromIran.
Oil prices have risen in recent weeks on investor concern that Israel may retaliate against a missile attack from Iran, a major oil exporterandOPECmember, by hitting its oil facilities or nuclearsites.
But the IEA, which manages industrialised countries' emergency oil stocks, said public stocks were more than 1.2 billion barrels,andsparecapacityin OPEC, which comprises the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and allies such as Russia, stood at historic highs.
“Assupplydevelopments unfold, the IEAstands ready toactifnecessary,"theParisbased agency said in a monthly report on Tuesday "For now, supply keeps flowing,andintheabsenceof a major disruption, the marketisfacedwithasizable surplus in the new year." Oil wasdownmorethanUS$3a barrel toward US$74 on Tuesday, pressured by the weaker demand outlook and after a media report said Israel is willing not to strike Iranianoiltargets.
Alsointhereport,theIEA further cut its global oil demand growth forecast for this year, citing weakness in China,adayafterOPECalso lowered its demand projections World oil demand will rise by 860,000 bpd this year, down 40,000
bpd from the previous forecast, the IEA said. For next year, it sees an expansion of 1 million bpd, about50,000bpdhigherthan expected last month For years, China has driven global rises in oil consumption.
The IEAhas been saying that slower Chinese economic growth and a shift towardelectricvehicleshave changedtheparadigmforthe world's second-largest economy
The agency now expects Chinese demand to grow by only 150,000 barrels per day in 2024, after consumption dropped by 500,000 bpd in Augustcomparedtothesame month last year, a fourth consecutive month of declines.
"Chinese oil demand continues to undershoot expectations and is the principal drag on overall growth," the IEAsaid.OPEC also reduced its forecast for 2024 global demand growth on Monday, but it is still projecting a much stronger expansion of 1.93 million bpddriveninpartbyabigger contributionfromChina.
ThegapbetweentheIEA and OPEC forecasts is equal to more than 1% of world demand.
While demand slows, non-OPEC nations are driving up supply The IEA forecasts non-OPEC growth at 1.5 million bpd this year and next, with higher production from the U.S., Guyana,CanadaandBrazil–above the rate of demand growth.
"Heightened oil supply security concerns are set againstabackdropofaglobal marketthat–aswehavebeen highlighting for some time –looks adequately supplied," theIEAsaid.
PresidentofExxonMobilGuyana Limited(EMGL), Alistair Routledge
The two companies made their last court appearance on September 26, 2024, before Principal MagistrateFaithMcGustyat theGeorgetownMagistrates' Court.Thecasewasinitially
Magistrate Leron Daly but was transferred to McGusty due to Daly's illness.During the proceedings, Attorneyat-law Nigel Hughes,
adjournment for special
prosecution agreed to Consequently, Magistrate McGusty extended the trial date until Senior Magistrate Dalyisexpectedtoreturn.
Representatives from EMGLandRampsLogistics made their first court appearance on May 10, 2024,afterbeingsummoned bytheGRA.
Steve Gentry, a manager at EMGL, and Mariska Jordan, a manager at Ramps Logistics, appeared before Senior Magistrate Daly wheretheywereinformedof theirindividualcharges.
Ramps Logistics Chief Executive Officer (CEO), ShaunRampersad
The allegations surfaced in late April when it was revealed that Ramps, contracted by Exxon to import oil well equipment, had allegedly submitted an inflated invoice, prompting aninvestigationbytheGRA. Gentry has pleaded not guilty to charges stating that on November 16, 2023, he caused Exxon to submit a falsedeclarationtotheGRA, reporting the equipment's v a l u e a t US$12,192,103,923 91 Similarly, Jordan denied the charges against her, which
allege that Ramps made an untrue declaration for the same value.The significant discrepancy had raised concerns, particularly as it could impact oil profits if approved. Un
Agreement (PSA) between Guyana and the Exxon-led consortium for the Stabroek Block, Exxon is allowed to deduct 75% of revenues for cost recovery, with the remaining 25% shared as profit 12 5% to Guyana andanadditional2%royalty
Crane residents fearful as mysterious oily substance...
Frompage2 strong fumes penetrated the masks wornbythereporters.Thesmellalmost resembled that of acetone, a strong chemical used by nail technicians. Droplets of the liquid substance were seen across what used to be Singh's living room The fumes forced reporters out as a burning sensation of theeyesandnosewereexperienced.
Basmatiesaidthesesymptomswere very common to her, as she also reported feeling nauseous and experiencingsevereheadaches.
“Right now we just want answers. We want to know what really is going on here so we can move forward,” Singhpleaded.
The woman and her son said althoughalargeteamofoveronedozen persons visited their home; no advice was shared with the family.They have howevertakenafewmeasurestotryto protect themselves from the high scentedfumes.
“The EPAdidn't tell us what to do, so our life is kind of on pause until we know for certain what this thing is.As you can see some kind of gas, oil or chemical substance is seeping through thefloor
Wearelivingherebutweareunsure ofwhatitisatthemoment. Wearenot stayingdownstairsandwemoveoutthe furniture.
Wewanttoknowwhatisgoingon, so we can decide what to do,” she told KaieteurNews.Thewomanhascreated a make shift wall, using black plastic bags to prevent the fumes from travellingacrosstheirhome.
Basmatie and her son are hoping that their concerns can be dealt with
urgently. “Based on my little research, sulfur dioxide is found in gas and petroleum activities and can lead to healthissues.” Inherbidtounderstand what may be happening in her home, the woman said she reached out to neighbours, who she said have not detectedthesameleaks.
American oil giant, ExxonMobil has laid a 12-inch pipeline a stone's throw away from Singh's home. The pipeline is connected to the Liza One and Liza Two Floating Production StorageandOffloadingvessels(FPSO) offshore.
It will transport gas to the Wales Developmentsite.
In August, Exxon completed hooking up the pipeline to the two FPSOs.Thecompanyhadsaiditwould pump an earthen gas- like nitrogenalongwithwaterintothestructure,until the construction of the gas plants is completedatWales.
Following Kaieteur News' visit on Monday,anotherfamilyreachedoutto this publication complaining of the discovery of a similar substance. The family lives blocks away from Singh. This newspaper understands that the substanceappearsoilyonthetiles.The familysaidithassincealertedtheEPA.
Meanwhile, this publication also spoke to residents who live nearby to the gas pipeline. They complained about noise and dust pollution as a result of the gas pipeline activities beingconductedbyExxonnearthesea defenceatCrane.
the Executive Director of the EPA, KemrajParsramacknowledgedreceipt ofthereportbySingh.Hesaid,“Weare investigating with GGMC. We have also requested EMGLto investigate as well, as part of their grievance mechanism. So far the information gatheredisinconclusive.Wearetaking samples to have it lab tested to determinewhatitis,andfurtheronsite testing.”
WhenaskediftheAgencyreceived reports of similar discoveries across Crane,theDirectordidnotrespond.
In a subsequent statement on Tuesday evening, the EPA explained that on October 10, 2024, the agency received a report from Crane Village, West Coast Demerara, regarding a substanceseepingfromtheground.
In response to the report, the EPA saidthatitsEmergencyResponseUnit promptly mobilized to the site to conductaninitialinvestigation.
“The Agency is currently collaboratingwiththeGuyanaGeology and Mines Commission (GGMC), GUYSUCO, and the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board (PTCCB) to identify the cause and nature of the seepage,” the regulator noted.
In the meantime, the agency urged residents in the immediate vicinity to “remaincalmandexercisepatience”as the investigation proceeds. Further, affected residents are advised to avoid the impacted areas within their homes fortheirsafety
EPApointedoutthatithasengaged Exxon and that the company will be investigating as part of its grievance mechanism.
An insult to the working class
It is a common ploy for leaders to make grand announcements declaratio nsthatsoundtransformative but fall flat under scrutiny Such is the case with President Ali’s recent proclamationthatbytheend of 2025, the lowest-paid public servant will earn no less than $100,000 per month.
On the surface, this mightappearasasignificant concession to public sector workers, a gesture that the government is serious about addressing economic hardship among its employees. However, a deeperlookrevealsafaçade that belies a critical reality: the glaring gap between the nationalminimumwageand the public service wage, a divide that lays bare the government’s unwillingness to extend this increase to all workersinthecountry
Asitstands,thenational minimum wage, which applies primarily to the private sector, remains stagnantatjustover$60,000 per month. This figure, far removedfromtherealitiesof inflation and the ever-rising cost of living, consigns thousands of low-level private sector workers to a life of struggle. The people who stock shelves in retail stores, serve food in small eateries,andlaborinmarket stallsaretrappedinacycleof survival each month a juggling act of rent, groceries, and other basic
necessities For these workers, the prospect of earning$100,000permonth is a distant dream, even though they, too, contribute daily to the functioning of theeconomy
The President’s announcement, for all its fanfare, offers nothing to these workers, who are left behind as the public sector moves incrementally upward. Butevenforpublic sectorworkers,the$100,000 isbutanillusion.Ifthewage increasesofferedtoteachers in 2024 and 2025 were extended uniformly to all public servants, then the minimum wage would naturally rise to beyond the promised $100,000 by the endof2025.Thisrendersthe President’s pledge less a boon and more a matter of simple arithmetic The reality is that the public service wage increase is not so much a gift as it is an inevitability
Yet the real question is not whether public servants deserve better pay they undoubtedly do—but why their counterparts in the privatesectorcontinuetobe left in the lurch. Why is it that, despite years of economic growth and increasing revenues from sectors like oil, so many workersarestillscrapingby onawagethatbarelyallows them to cover their basic needs?Theanswerliesnotin th e inherent complexities of the economy but in the
political calculus of the government—a calculation thatprivilegesthecomfortof the bourgeois class over the well-being of the working poor
It is no secret that the government has been reluctanttoalignthenational minimum wage with the public service minimum wage. To do so would be to upsetthedelicatebalanceof interests that sustains the power structure—a balance heavily weighted in favour of employers who benefit from cheap labor. The President’s reluctance to disturbthisbalancespeaksto a longstanding truth in our political life: that despite all the rhetoric of inclusivity and upliftment, the true beneficiaries of government policy remain those who holdeconomicpower
For decades, successive administrationshavewalked this tightrope, attempting to appease the working class
w i t h p r o m i s e s o f incremental wage increases while avo
ng any significant changes that might provoke the ire of business owners. It is an ab
n of mo
al responsibility, a refusal to acknowledge the basic dignity of all workers, irrespective of whether they areemployedbythestateor byprivateinterests.
The government’s failure to bridge the gap between the public service wage and the national
We gat to watch dem prices with hawk eyes!
DemBoysSehhowdeh dayswhenyuhcouldawalk in de market with a lil changeandcomeoutwida full bag done gone. Now, yuh need a magnifying glassjusttoseeifdehprice drop by a cent! Is like deh marketgotamindofitown, one week yuh buy plantain cheap,nextweekyuhpayin double! But wha really happenin?
Dem seh it’s time we startwatchindempricelike hawks, every single week. De Kaieteur News should put up a column wid average prices for all de mainitemsinabasket.One column for town folks, another one for country folks,andevenonefordem in deh hinterland Nuff people does seh, “But dem
things does change all de time!” Well, that’s exactly whyweneedtostarttrackin dem Look story! De government seh it gon pump60billiondollarsinto de economy soon. Dem boys seh, yuh know what does happen when money start to flood de place? Pricesdoestekofflikedem minibus in a hurry Before yuh blink, yuh milk price done double, and yuh lil sugar wha use to last yuh a monthnowcostinyuhtwoweeksalary
If people start watchin dem prices, yuh gon see how quick dem sellers gon getfrighten.Becauseisone thing to raise a price here and there, but is a whole next thing when people start keepin track. Is like
minimum wage effectively institutionalizesatwo-tiered system, where those who servethestateareaffordeda modicum of comfort while their counterparts in the private sector remain trapped in precariousness. Such a system may be convenient for the political elite, but it is fundamentally unjust, perpetuating a cycle inwhichthemostvulnerable are left to bear the brunt of economicinequality
Theconsequencesofthis disparity are not just economic but social. A society in which a large segment of the workforce is left struggling to make ends meetisonewherediscontent festers and where social cohesionisconstantlyunder threat. It is a society where hopedwindlesandwherethe promise of a better life—so o f t e n i n v o k e d b y politicians rings increasingly hollow For howcantherebehopewhen the fruits of national progress are distributed so unevenly?
To align the national minimum wage with the public service minimum wage would be a bold step towardfairnessandequity,a recognition that every worker deserves to earn enough to live with dignity It would mean raising the floorforallworkers,notjust thosewhoanswerdirectlyto the state, and ensuring that no one in this country is forced to subsist on a wage that cannot meet the cost of
living. It would signal a commitmenttotheprinciple thateconomicgrowthshould benefit all, not just a select few
But such a move would require a willingness to confront the powerful interests that have long shaped economic policy—a willingness that has been sorely lacking in recent years. It would mean facing down the protests of employers who claim that raising wages would harm their bottom lines, even as those same employers enjoy the benefits of a growing economy.Anditwouldmean challenging the narrative that progress for one segment of the workforce mustcomeattheexpenseof another—anarrativethathas long served to pit public sector workers against their counterparts in the private sector, diverting attention from the broader structural issuesthatkeepwageslow
The truth is that the real burde
ied minimum wage would not fall on small business owners alone A more equitable wage structure would also benefit the broader ec
spending power, allowing workers to afford more than just the basics and thereby stimulatingdemand.
Ye t , i n s t e a d o f embracing this vision, the
approach that prioritizes the
interestsofaprivilegedfew Itisabetrayalofthepromise of democracy, a reminder that even in an era of supposed progress, the old power dynamics remain intact And so, the announcementofa$100,000 wage for public servants becomesnotasignofchange but a symbol of what remains stubbornly unchanged: a system that rewards the powerful while leaving the working poor to fendforthemselves.
The time has come to reject this false dichotomy between public sector workers and private sector workers, to recognize that the struggle for a decent wage is a common struggle, one that should unite all workers rather than divide them The President’s promiseofahigherwagefor public servants may make for a tidy headline, but until thatsamestandardisapplied to every worker, it remains little more than an empty gesture—a reminder that in the politics of wage-setting, appearances are often more importantthanreality
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
when yuh know dem cameras watchin yuh, yuh doesbehaveyuhself.
And with de Kaieteur News column, everybody could watch and see when thingsgettinouttahand.So instead of just complainin how de market “raise price again,” yuh can point to de facts. Dem boys seh that’s how yuh hold dem accountable, not just the lil market vendor but even de big man who settin de policies. So, leh we start keepin dem receipts and tallyin dem price hikes. ‘Causeifwedon’t,whende 60billiondollarscome,yuh gon be payin $500 for one cassava. And nobody want that,notevendemansellin it! Talkhalf!Leffhalf!
$200,000 cash grant – upside down, mystery, criminality
The $200,000 cash grant is official, straight from PresidentAli'smouth. How do any Guyanese, rich or poor,haveabadwordtosay about this sensational national leader? The ecstasies that followed his announcement, and its smaller economic cousins, will take some time to ease down.
Talkabouttiming,andit was sweet as any Rohan KanhaicoverdriveoraRoy Fredericks late cut. It's Xmas, and if Johnny Braff were alive, he would start singingthatsongfromtoday, themiddleofOctober Amid t h e e c s t a s y a n d effervescences generated by Excellency Ali's list of holiday cheers, it is my difficult job to be Mr Sandpaper What I have no choicebuttosay,sincenota single other Guyanese has thegumptiontodosointhis timeofTitanicexcitement.
When I asserted at different times that Guyana
is an upside-down country, the daggers were drawn in PPP quarters and the headhuntersletloose. When I insisted that the PPP Government(andentity)isa national criminal enterprise, peopleclosetoPresidentAli, thewelltitledVicePresident Jagdeo, and Attorney GeneralNandlallsawitfitto go on a rampage and paint theirpoliticalgraffitiallover me. I am still around, they are still hiding, with the leaders still up to their old evasiveactions. AndwhenI articulated that the PPP has devastated Guyana through itswickedgeniewaysandits mysteries everybody thought that I had lost it. What do all this have to do with Excellency Ali's $200,000 holiday (and election) bonanza? Plenty, as the ventilation and sanitation of sunlight will show Upside-down is first inthelineup.
It was Distinguished Professor of Economics, Dr
Clive Thomas, who first spoke and wrote about a million from the nation's money pot for the people. I havesomereservationswith that, as has been shared on the David Hinds Show, and on other programs
Opposition people did not likemytake,either Mostof all,thePPPGovernmentand leadership were almost pathologically bent against thatmillioninthepocketsof Guyanese families. Every economic theory that could be found was given a spit bath, braided, and used to lash Professor Thomas's million-dollar proposal: a kick where it hurts -in the rearwheel.
Akick with both feet on both rear cheeks. Now, by my arithmetic, and after all the sound and distress, the PPP Government is on the same track that Clive Thomas so presciently put onthetable. Forthereissure tobeasecondcashpackage, and because it is closer to
elections,itwouldhavetobe richerthan$200,000. Then, depending on what secret PPP polls tell it, and where voterregistrationandaclean listendup,theremayevenbe a third cash incentive to win mindswhentheballotboxis the only thing between Guyanese and the dreams anddestinythatswirlintheir heads.
In short, Professor Thomas made the right call, withthePPPnowrushingto catch up after upending his early representations Upside-down or the PP leadership continuous mooning of the people for years, but now that election is on the horizon, senior leaders rush to pull up their pants and free up the purse strings.
Then, it was policy powerhouse Professor Jagdeointheleadvocalrole, who danced around banana peels. His fear was of collapsing headfirst before thedreadedinflationstalker
A healthy and not unreasonable fear it was, by myassessment. Exceptthat inflation was used as the shield and sword to do nothing to ease the price painsofGuyanese. Shieldto defend government's donothing policy and sword to attackthosewhopleadedfor helpforthepeople. Now,lo and behold for Ali told the tale: $200,000 per
household. Relief always looked all but inevitable, giventheconstantdrumbeat about prices and elections approachingonwingedfeet. The thought was $50,000, since $25,000 would be mockedandscorned. When I factored in elections, $100,000 looked feasible, butwithlongodds. Butthen came ExcellencyAli, with a bank-busting $200,000 that just blew the naysayers and complainers away What happened to Jagdeo's inflation anxieties? Were Ali's inflation distresses imaginary?
Were Dr Singh's inflation extrapolations all part of some clever political plot? When $200,000 is compoundedwithChristmas prices,Guyaneseareinfora torrid post their $200,000 receipt. Suddenly, inflation anxiety, inflation disharmony, and inflation's flighty lifespan are all of no leadership concern, no economic counter pressure. This is part of the enduring mysteryofPPPGuyana.
Moneywastighterthana prostitute's stocking (and just as short) when teachers had their hands out earlier thisyear
Now $60 master banknotes (billion) can be dredged up out of nowhere forthis$200,000cashgiftto Guyanese. Conclusion: in normal times, leaders are a
combination of Scrooge and Shylock: master misers. In contrast, when elections loom, PPP political leaders are as freehanded as Bill Gates and the Ambani brothers.
Finally, when a distribution of nearly a quarterofamilliondollarsis announced, only a national criminal enterprise like the PPP Government could insist that it be in cash with envelopes to hold the stash. Why cash? Because cash powers corruption from crime to culture to a caveman'sball.
Think of the top PPP predators and their cabals preparing to have a grand time. This is no longer the mysteryorthecriminalityof the PPP It is the beauty of the party There is a deep pool of $60 billion to pay out. Cash for citizens. If only 10% is siphoned off, it is still $6 fat billion. If it's 20%,thereisstillmorecash for criminal comrades. I r e p e a t a p r i o r recommendation -let's have electionseveryyear,please. (Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
Last week Palestinians and Israelis took a moment to remember the ongoing conflict that has pitted the two nations against each other, and talk about conflict. It has been an uneven conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, with uneven being the understatement of understatements.
No comparison is attempted, but Israeli losses have paled into insignificance: over 1200 dead from the initial attack, and not a thousand in accumulated death and injuries of its soldiers. Almost 90% of the Palestinian civilian population has been displaced, under 1% of Israeli civilians have had to move.
A year ago, a Hamas-authored and executed invasion of Israel resulted in the 1200 plus deaths and 250 plus hostages taken. This is only a limited sketch of the horrors that have been released and intensified on the Palestinians since that fateful Saturday morning of October 7, 2023.
For every drop of Israeli blood that was shed, each moment of shame and pain, a terrible vengeance has been reaped on the Palestinians. The watching world in the civilized West has pretended to doze off in its rocking chair, while barbarity at its most brutal has wiped out restraint and conscience.
Newly reconstructed $346.2M Northwest Secondary School commissioned
President Dr Mohamed IrfaanAlicommissionedthe
newly reconstructed
Northwest Secondary School in the Mabaruma sub-district in Region One onMonday
The two-storey state-ofthe-art facility can accommodate 575 students and includes 23 classrooms, three science laboratories, a technical drawing room,
four canteens, eight washroomfacilities,andtwo
modifiedelevators. The previous building was destroyed by a fire in September 2021 The c o n t r a c t f o r i t s reconstructionwassignedin January 2023. In his feature address, President Ali emphasised that his government's significant investments in the region's educationsectorareaimedat ensuring every child has equitable access to quality education.
He added that the government is focused not only on providing the necessary educational infrastructure, but also on ensuring that trained teachers are available to deliverequitableservice.
“Every teacher in the hinterland who is a trained teacher must have the opportunity to become a trained graduate from right where you teach…It is not only an investment in the
increases in salaries and benefits,It'saninvestmentin yourpersonalwelfare;it'san investment in making you more competent, valuable and competitive,” the presidentsaid.
Henotedthateducation's multifacetedqualitymeansit is integrated into every aspect of national life. The government also recognises the importance of providing a conducive learning environmentthatislinkedto a quality healthcare system in schools. To support this, the government is screening
Northwest Secondary School in Region One
pupils in nursery and pri
o determine if any child requires spectacles, dental work,orhearingaids.
PresidentAlihighlighted that every child in the hinterland must have access notonlytoqualityeducation, butalsotoqualitytrainingin technicalareasby2030.“By 2030,inallthemajorcentres
instrument centres and technical institutions that would give you world-class
certification right here in your communities. That is the vision that we are bringingby2030,”hesaid.
President Ali explained that the government's comprehensive investments in the region's education sector since August 2020 total $7 billion. Under the 'BecauseWeCare'cashgrant initiative, the region has received more than $1 8 billion. The government has invested $4 billion on the c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d maintenance of schools (Continuedonpage22)
‘Guyana is one of the most attractive places to do business’
Last week at the second annual R e g i o n a l Investments and Capital Markets Conference, held in Georgetown, Guyana's Senior Minister with Responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh touted the country as one of the most attractive places for business investmentintheworld.
The two-day event was hosted by the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) under the theme “Financing for Success: Where Passion, Prosperity, and People Align.”
Addressing investors and businessleadersonOctober9 at the Pegasus Hotel, Dr Singh acknowledged the transformative impact of oil discovery in the country However, he was quick to underline that Guyana's progress began long before oilstartedbeingproduced.
He emphasised that Guyana'seconomicgrowthis no sudden phenomenon but the result of decades of strategic efforts, particularly under the People's Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) governments. “This
SeniorMinister, Dr. Ashni Singh
isn't a flash in the pan, this isn't a bolt of lightning that has come from the sky, decades of work have gone intogettingGuyanatowhere weare.
Of course, the discovery ofoilhashelped,andIwould notinsultyourintelligenceto suggest otherwise,” Dr. Singhsaid.
“Ofcourse,ithashelped, butwhatithashelpedustodo is to do more, to do it better andtodoitmorequickly,”he added. The minister told the
investors that the
government's focus has always been on building a competitive and diversified economy, which has made Guyana an appealing destination for business long beforeoilwasfound.
He highlighted that Guyana's economy has experienced unprecedented growth, with real Gross Domestic Product (GDP), increasing at an average annual rate of nearly 40% between2021and2023. The finance minister projected continued growth at around 29% annually for the rest of thedecade.
He also noted that there hasbeenrobustexpansionof the non-oil sectors, which have grown at an average of 11%overthelastthreeyears, withfurthergrowthexpected at7-8%peryear.
“You can be assured and youneednotbeworriedthat this is a basket case that has justfoundsomeoilresources and needs to be cautioned to act responsibly,” Minister Singhsaid.
Reassuring investors that the government is experiencedinmanagingthe
Report will be released soon’ – Bureau of Statistics
The preliminary results of the 2022 Census Report will be released soon, the Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday The agencyinastatementsaidthat“Thesoon-tobe-releasedPreliminaryReportoftheCensus willprovideanevidence-basedexpositionof Guyana'spopulation.”
Further, the Bureau of Statistics clarified that claims that the 2022 Population and Housing Census shows that Guyana's populationdeclinedfrom746,955inthe2012 census due to migration are unfounded and erroneous.
The agency also dismissed social media claims suggesting that political interference wasresponsibleforthedelayinreleasingthe 2022PopulationandHousingCensusresults.
The Bureau of Statistics stated that any delay in publishing the 2022 Population and Housing Census results is solely due to its commitment to maintaining professional standards while addressing significant challenges encountered during this census cycle.
“Moreover, censuses across the Caribbean region have been significantly delayed, with countries such as Barbados, Grenada, Jamaica, Dominica, St. Lucia and others experiencing protracted census activitiesextendinguptoandbeyondtwo(2) years,” a statement from the Bureau of Statisticssaid.
Several factors including respondent suspicion, apathy and fatigue in a post Coronavirus Disease environment were partlyresponsibleforthedelayintherelease ofthefindings.
Further,theBureauofStatisticsreminded that it is a semi-autonomous agency, legally mandatedbytheStatisticsAct(1965)Chapter 19:09 to “collect, compile, analyse, abstract andpublishstatisticalinformationrelatingto the social, agricultural, mining, commercial, industrial and general activities and conditionsoftheinhabitantsofGuyana.”
Intheexecutionofitsresponsibilities,the Bureau is also guided by the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics that were adopted by the United Nations General Assembly 10 years ago in 2014. The legal framework and official principles promote (Continuedonpage22)
economy responsibly, Dr Singh said, “There is no example anywhere in the world, there is no example anywhere in the world of such astronomical rates of growthoversuchasustained period of time, no precedent…but there really isnocomparison.”
Moreover, he also highlighted the country's Local Content Act, which mandatesthattheoilandgas sector source a portion of its goods and services from locals and local companies. He underscored that the enactment of theAct creates more opportunities for Guyanesebusinesses.
He outlined that demand for goods and services in Guyana,faroutstripssupply “I say to people that there isn't a single category of goods or services for which demand does not outstrip supplyinGuyanarightnow,I say to people that it does not matter whether you're speaking of hotel room, hospitalbedsorhamburgers, hot dogs, doesn't matter which category, goods and services, there is an opportunity in Guyana,” the ministernoted.
Dr Singhnoted,“Guyana today is likely, possibly one of the most attractive places todobusinessintheworld.”
To this end, he assured that Guyana is a stable and sensible environment for investment.
Despitetherapidpaceof development, Dr. Singh acknowledged that Guyana's institutionsareworkinghard to keep up, with ongoing efforts to modernize and digitize government processes.
“I won't also insult your intelligence and tell you that everythingisperfect.Westill havealotofthingstoresolve, a lot of our institutions are still adapting to the pace at which things are happening in Guyana ” Dr Singh added.
Sheriff Construction gets $175M contract to build secondary school in Maruranau
TheWapishanaVillageof Maruranau in Deep South Rupununi, Region Nine will soon get its own secondary schoolbuildingwhichwillbe built by Sheriff Construction
Inc to the tune of $175,525,300.
The Ministry of Local Government and Regional
Development project was awarded just recently through the National Procurement and Tender
d (NPTAB) following the nationalbiddingprocess. This publication understands that this is Sheriff's third secondary
school project for the year The construction company was awarded a contract in July to build the Kopinang Secondary School for $199 million, and in June it was given the $231 million contract to build the secondary school in Jawalla Village.
The new secondary school is one of several that the government plans to build in the hinterland regions.
Kaieteur News had reported that secondary school students were being a
Maruranau Primary Top School but recently had a new secondary department building constructed in the village.
In August, the Office of the Regional Executive Officer (REO), Karl Singh
revealed in a Facebook post that a new a Secondary Educational Building was constructed which will be serving the students of Maruranau, Shea and AwarewanauVillages.
It was stated that the establishmentofthebuilding for the Secondary Departmentisacollaborative effortsofthegovernment,the Regional Administration, local leaders, educators, and community members, who have long recognized the needforaccessibleeducation
The recently constructed Secondary Department building in Maruranau Village. (Photo courtesy, Office of the Regional Executive Officer, Reg. 9)
The new secondary department which is currently being utilized is offering a range of subjects aligned with the national curriculum, providing students with a robust educational foundation, the Officereported.
“A historic moment unfolded in Maruranau Village as the community proudly inaugurated its firstever Secondary Department building marking a
Reg. 7 REO fails to account for 98 unauthorised
occupants of government quarters at PAC meeting
Re g i o n a l
E x e c u t i v e
Officer (REO)
Kerwin Ward on Monday failed to account for 98 unauthorised occupants of government quarters when he appeared before the PublicAccounts Committee (PAC)onMonday
Duringthe66thMeeting of the PAC Ward was confronted with serious questions regarding the management of government housing in Region Seven.
The inquiry follows an alarming audit that revealed a significant number of unauthorized occupants in governmentquarters.
The meeting, chaired by Jermaine Figueira at the Parliament Buildings, highlighted findings from theAuditor General’s report for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2019
According to the report, out of 124 government quarters
u n d e r R e g i o n a l Administration’s control, only nine occupants were payingrent,whilethreewere entitled to rent-free accommodation.
The status of the remaining 98 occupants remained undocumented,
raising concerns about eligibility and rent collection.
PAC member Ganesh Mahipaul, along with other membersincludingMinister
of Governance and
Parliamentary Affairs Gail Teixeira and Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill, expressed frustration over the ongoing issue of unauthorized occupancy, which has persisted from 2019 to 2023 without resolution.
“Government quarters arenotforpeopleintermsof status;itisprimarilyinterms of needs, ” Mahipaul emphasized, underscoring theimportanceofadherence
to established rules regardingoccupancy
In response to questions about the current occupancy status of the government quarters, REO Ward acknowledgedthathewould need time to compile the necessary information Mahipaul pressed further, askingforalistdetailingthe occupants’statusfrom2019, including how many were entitled to rent-free accommodation.
Unfortunately, Ward could not provide the
Region Seven’s Regional Executive Officer (REO), Kerwin Ward
statistics at the time. He however mentioned that most of the persons occupying the government quartersareteachers.
Mahipaul further challengedWardonthelack ofactiontakentoaddressthe findings of the 2019 audit. “What measures did you take after the memorandum was sent out in 2018 to ensure compliance?” he asked, to which Ward admitted that no substantial measures had been implemented.
In defence of the situation, Ward explained, “We did an assessment of
those occupying the buildings to determine who is entitled to rent-free housing, but we face challenges as some teachers arefromoutsidetheregion.”
However, he conceded that the lack of documentation for these claims hampered efforts to enforce proper occupancyguidelines.
Mahipaul revealed that the state spent over $2 million on maintenance for living quarters in 2019 alone, raising the pressing question of how the government would recoup these costs if unauthorized occupantsrefusetopayrent.
“Thestateisexpendinghuge sums of money, in 2019 the statepaid$2.1millionforthe maintenance for the engineers living quarters, maintenance of red own living quarters $1 460 million and this is just maintenance,” the PAC memberstated. InresponsetotheREO’s statementaboutthemajority ofoccupantsbeingteachers, Teixeira Minister said, “In 2019,onlythreepeoplewere paying rent, so saying that themajorityofoccupantsare teachers doesn’t directly address the issues raised in the Auditor General’s report.”
The minister demanded clarity on the situation, noting that not all teachers would qualify for free housing based on the establishedcriteria.
Additionally, Minister Edghill spoke of the financial implications of the mismanagement,notingthat
maintenance and utilities of
“A comprehensive property register is necessary to determine the expenses we areincurring,”heasserted.
The session also underscored the absence of formal agreements for those livingrent-free.
T h e PA C C h a i r questioned the procedures that perm
ed such arrangements, prompting Mahipaul to reiterate that occupancy should be based onneed,notstatus.
With the REO failing to p
ory answers, the PAC chairman directed Ward to submit a complete report of the assessment, including the namesofoccupantsandtheir eligibility status, within two weeks.
International Business Conference opens ...set to drive transformative collaboration for Guyana, Suriname
T h e i n a u g u r a l International Business Conference(IBC)kickedoff on Tuesday at the Guyana MarriottHotelGeorgetown.
Theevent,whichwillrun untilOctober17,isexpected to be a pivotal platform for fostering collaboration, investment, and growth between businesses from Guyana, Suriname, and beyond.
Duringhisaddressatthe opening ceremony, Dr VishnuDoerga,Chairmanof the Suriname-Guyana Chamber of Commerce said thattheeventsawimmediate success with over 100 business-to-business (B2B)
meetings held since registrationopenedearlierin the afternoon. Dr Doerga added, “The team has a bet goingontoseeifwecanget to1000,butit’sreallyniceto see all these businesses makingconnections.”
The idea for the IBC, according to Dr Doerga, stemmed from the growing success of B2B missions
between Guyana and Suriname. “Todaywehavea lot of members who have
already started doing joint ventures with each other, they found suppliers, and as you know, the Suriname Chamber of Commerce was really established to foster those relations between our two countries, to really help localbusinessesexpandtheir networks and create opportunities across the borders,”headded.
Dr Deorgafurtherstated that the need for a worldclass platform that brings together local and international businesses, government agencies, and foreign missions to exchange ideas and form strategic partnerships all contributedtotheIBCbeing crafted.
TheIBC,heemphasised, aimstofulfillthisneedandis a private-sector-led initiative A similar conference will be held in February 2025 in Suriname. Dr Doerga also pointed out theinternationalscopeofthe event,notingthathalfofthe attendees were international businesses, many of whom are visiting Guyana for the first time. He remarked that
President of the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) Ramsay Ali.
these businesses were particularly eager to explore theopportunitiesthecountry hastooffer
Moreover, he also spoke about the IBC mobile app, which was designed to facilitate connections
between delegates “Through the app, delegates can connect and book their B2B meetings. The app is reallydesignedtoensurethat youcanmaximizeyourtime here and make the connections that lead to meaningful partnerships, whether you’re in agriculture, manufacturing, or infrastructure The platform makes it very easy
Dr. Vishnu Doerga, Chairman of the Suriname-Guyana Chamber of Commerce
toengagewithothersinyour field.So,Iencourageyouto useitfully,”Dr Doergasaid.
The conference features over 1,000 Guyanese companies, showcasing the best of what Guyana and Surinamehavetooffer “The booths really showcase the best of what Guyana and Suriname have to offer and represent the backbone of the countries’ business ecosystem,” Dr Doerga stated Additionally, he highlighted the importance of both countries as key investmentdestinations.
Dr Doerga underscored, “Guyana is already experiencing rapid
development with its economy accelerated due to a combination of robust
natural resources, i n v e s t m e n t s i n infrastructure, and the g r o w i n g b u s i n e s s community Suriname, too, isnowmorethaneverpoised for similar growth, and we expect its economic acceleration to be driven by the same strategic factors thathaveboostedGuyana.”
The IBC is set to continue with more networking opportunities and strategic discussions overthenexttwodays.
Meanwhile,earlierinthe dayPresidentoftheGuyana Manufacturing and Services
Association (GMSA)
Ramsay Ali told the audiencethattherearelotsof manufacturing and investment opportunities in Guyana He warned however, that that action shouldbetakenimmediately astheymaywakeuponeday and see that everything is goneorgoing.
Speakingonsomeofthe challenges manufactures currentlyfaceinthecountry,
he explained that over the years they have not seen many benefits for them in relation to energy, taking into consideration the current rates. “I’m talking strictly about manufacturing here at all levels, relevant to anykindofadvantage,toour Caribbean counterparts, or any Latin American counterparts relevant to energycost,anditlooksthat very shortly that is going to change,”hesaid.
He further explained that, “We have, you know, we’ve been told, and we know this is a fact, because wearepayingattention,that the cost of energy in this country is going to go down almost like 50% but what is important to note, it’s not onlyaboutthecostofenergy, it’s also and if you want to talk to manufacturers in this room,theissuewasnotonly about cost, but it was also about the quality of energy thatmanufacturersreceive.”
H e s a i d i n t h e manufacturing sector there are a lot of sensitive equipmentbeingusedandit (Continuedonpage22)
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
Wanted: Experienced Puri Maker, Counter Person, Cleaner & Labourer. Apply @ Shanta's, 225 Camp and New Market Sts. 654-1361.
Job openings: Business development analysts, project assistant & Civil engineers. To apply send application via WhatsApp: 733-5983/ 733-4237.
One Driver to work in Georgetown. Interested persons can make contact on Tele: 701-4000 ( 8am-4pm )
1 Domestic worker & one gardener to live and work. Free accommodation. Contact : 619-9143 / 614-8857.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).
Female Domestic $5000, male labourer $ 6000-7000 daily ,Semi skilled worker $70008000 daily, Skilled worker $8000 -$9000 daily to work at Vreed En-Hoop #682 5230, 615 4414.
One general Domestic four days per week. East Bank Demerara location. Tele : 226-3414.
Sheriff street office space, Mc Doom 2 br Apts, Friendship EBD, (new 4 bedroom home) Meadow Bank 2 br. Call: 627-9685.
Long Reach Excavator, Hyundai 140 Revetment, Slushing, Canal desilting & Pipe laying. Call : 657-9237.
1 bedroom unfurnished apartment to let Fully grilled air conditioning & WIFI Ready & Parking in blygezight Gardens, Georgetown, Contact : 6733100.
1-3 Bedroom house in Tuschen Contact : 227-8274 / 644-9333/ +1-917-771-5202.
Female Cleaner for an office in Eccles. Call 615-9132 / 6458443.
Laundry attendant, receptionist, supervisor & Room attendant 23-50 years old. 233 south road Lacytown / 225-0198.
Wanted domestic worker and chef contact number 677 4896
Experienced Hair Colorist, Hair Cutters, Nail technicians and Barbers needed. Please Call/ WhatsApp: 6096259/ 6495005.
Experienced Accounts Clerk. Apply at Alabama Trading 65 Robb Street, Borda.
Experienced Sales Clerk, Must be computer literate. Apply at Alabama Trading 65 Robb Street, Borda.
Sand truck driver needed, Sand pit to Eccles. $5,000 per trip. Call: 683-9506.
1 Data Entry Clerk. Contact : 227-8274 - 644-9333 or Apply Via Email: pacifdevinc@
Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call : 615-9132 or 645-8443.
2 Experienced pastry makers, 2 cleaners & 2 table hand. Apply @ Humphrey's Bakery. 38 Ketley St.Charlestown Tele : 505-1324.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PUTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526. Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
‘Census Report will be realeased soon’
From page 13 and ensure the independence of the Bureau.
“Our work is guided by scientific principles and sound statistical practices that adhere to the highest international standards and conventions,” the Bureau said
in its statement.
Accordingly, the Census is coordinated internationally and regionally, following agreed-upon principles and practices that withstand scrutiny and promote confidence in the results.
In that regard, the Bu-
reau of Statistics urged Guyanese to avoid baseless speculations and to rely on the official census data and statistics produced and sanctioned by the Bureau of Statistics.
“For official information on the census and other data
products from the Bureau of Statistics, please visit our website at and follow the Bureau’s official social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok,” Bureau of Statistics stated.
Sheriff Construction gets $175M contract to build...
From page 14 significant step forward in the educational landscape of the Deep South Rupununi region. This new facility, which began orientation and enrollment this week, will serve as a crucial educational hub for the region, providing access to secondary education for 180 students from Maruranau and the neighbouring villages of Shea and Awarewanau,” the
post stated.
Meanwhile, in April, at an outreach in the region, Minister of Education Priya Manickchand told residents that four new secondary schools are expected to be constructed in the region at Nappi, Massara, Maruranau and Tabatinga villages.
It was reported that the construction of the secondary schools will ease the
overcrowding at St Ignatius, while closing the primary tops in the other communities to provide students with the opportunity to have better access to learning.
This year, the Ministry of Education was allocated $74.4Billion from the national budget, a portion of which will be used for the construction, rehabilitation, extension and mainte-
nance of educational facilities.
This newspaper reported that since returning to office the government through the ministry has embarked on an aggressive programme to ensure that the nation’s children have access to secondary education.
The aim is to achieve universal secondary education by 2025.
Newly reconstructed $346.2M Northwest Secondary...
From page 12 across the region. To ensure all students have the necessary textbooks, over $80 million has been allocated for this purpose.
Additionally, more than $1 billion has been invested in the school feeding programme, providing nutritious meals to students. From 2023 to the present, over $226 million has been distributed to schools, allowing teachers the autonomy to purchase essential supplies for their classrooms.
“These are investments all geared at making our lives easier and a more comfortable environment for your children. You deserve every investment that is coming your way.
This is not a gift to you, this is what you deserve,” President Ali emphasised.
Meanwhile, Minister of Education Priya Manickchand highlighted that Northwest Secondary will
Surbryanville, La-penitence, Queenstown & Durban street. Contact Ray Realty: 627-9685.
North East La-penitence, close to Mandela Ave. Better hope E.C.D & Friendship E.B.D. Contact: Ray Realty 627-9685.
Prime spot land just 96 Mandela Avenue, Tucan street, North East Ruimveldt. Call Ray's Realty: 627-9685.
receive further interventions to ensure the highest quality of education.
Students were encouraged to take full advantage of the Practical Instruction Department (PID) at Northwest Secondary to acquire the necessary skills to aid them in making meaningful contributions to their communities. The PID was commissioned
last month by Minister Manickchand, who also announced plans to construct a multipurpose court at the new school.
“This is not the end of us. This is a good indication that we love you.
We believe that you and your children deserve everything this country has to offer,” the minister of education
said. Construction is currently underway on several secondary schools in the region including Hosororo Secondary, Waramuri Secondary, Matthew’s Ridge Secondary, and Kwebanna Secondary. Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal and Regional Chairman, Brentnol Ashley, delivered remarks at the ceremony. (DPI)
‘Guyanese teachers are among the best...
From page 06 profession not only in Guyana, but, in the Caribbean and they do amazing work. We believe it is an industry that we need to support, it is at the core of our vision,” Blackburn is quoted in a press release as saying.
In celebration of Teachers Week, One Communications introduced the One Special Teacher Plan, offering the nation’s educators 75 GBs of data and unlimited minutes at half the regular monthly charge.
This initiative underscores the company’s deep appreciation for the pivotal role teachers play in shaping the minds and social realities of future generations.
“We understand that teachers are the foundation of our communities. You are not just educators—you are
mentors, role models, and guides shaping the future by investing in the lives of your students,” Blackburn told teachers.
Signing up for the One Special Teacher Plan is simple: teachers are only required to provide proof of employment and a valid ID.
Additionally, in a move to ensure greater convenience for the GTU and its members, Blackburn announced that Mobile Money Guyana (MMG) is now facilitating the payment of teachers’ membership dues to the union.
“We are thrilled to support the Guyana Teachers Union with a seamless digital solution that allows teachers to pay their dues easily and securely.
This is positive development.”
General Secretary of the GTU, Coretta McDonald, expressed gratitude for the continued support and partnership between GTU and One Communications.
“The theme for this World Teachers’ Day, ‘Valuing Teachers’ Voices Towards a New Social Contract for Education,’ resonates deeply with us. We know that One Communications value our voices and we are extremely grateful for this partnership. We applaud the efforts of Mr. Damian Blackburn and his team.”
The breakfast events brought together educators and stakeholders to celebrate their contributions.
It provided an opportunity to thank teachers for their dedication and to present them with tokens of appreciation.
International Business Conference opens...
From page 21 is unfortunate that over the years GPL was not able to supply the quality energy needed for their operations. However with the Gas to Energy project coming on stream Ali is confident that manufacturers will not only have the quality energy re-
quired but also costs will be significantly reduced.
He also highlighted that the government is spending a significant amount of funds to have the grid up to a place where manufactures can feel comfortable and investors can be confident enough to bring their equipment and
benefit from something good.
Ali informed the business community that the GMSA engaged the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) two and a half years ago to conduct a feasibility study on a large project in relation to glass production, since currently all is imported.
No Guyanese among researchers sponsored by CDB for training in Canada
Nine outstanding researchers whose work is advancing climate resilience and sustainability across the regionarebeingsponsoredby the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) to present their innovativestudiesatthe2024 Canada-Caribbean Institute (CCI) Research Symposium, takingplaceonthecampusof McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, from October16-18.
The CCI Research Symposiumisadistinguished forum that brings together a
diverse network of r
searchers, scholars, practitioners, policymakers, andstakeholders,CDBsaidin apressrelease.
This year's event will tackle pressing regional challenges including environmental justice, public health, housing and food
s e c u r i t y, c l i m a t e vulnerabilities, and integration of alternative energysources.
The nine CDB-sponsored researchersaredrawnfromsix countries.Therepresentatives fromTrinidadandTobagoare Dr Cheryl Ann Boodram, LecturerinSocialWorkatThe University of the West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine, whose
research focuses on community resilience and disaster literacy in floodprone areas; Mr Bhopendra Maharaj, a PhD candidate at The UWI, whose work explores climate change mitigation strategies within the transportation sector; and Mrs.CrystalRoberts,Founder
of The Crystal-Clear Initiative, who brings expertise in disaster risk management and community resilience.
Dr Elon Cadogan, is an Environmental Engineer at the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, specialising in the development of climateresilient wastewater systems, Mr Trevon Cal lender, a Conservationist at The UWI Cave Hill Campus in
Barbados,advocatesforyouth involvement in sea turtle and coral reef preservation GrenadaisrepresentedbyMs. Bevon Charles, Founder of Akata Farms, who leads innovativeprojectsleveraging AI and blockchain for sustainable small-scale farming.
Ms. Getinella Daley, a master's student at the University of Technology Jamaica is researching the feasibility of small-scale hydroelectric projects for ruralcommunities.
Belizean Ms Sheena Zuniga, President of the National Garifuna Council, emphasises the integration of indigenous knowledge to enhance climate resilience andMs.SorayadebieJhagroe, an Energy Regulation Specialist with the Energy Authority from Suriname, focuses on integrating renewable energy into existingpowersystems.
In commenting on CDB's sponsorship, Division Chief ( A g ) , E c o n o m i c Infrastructure Division, Mr William Ashby, highlighted that the Bank's support underscores its commitment to empowering the region's scholars, innovators, and changemakers as they tackle climatechallenges.
“As the Caribbean grappleswiththecomplexand multifaceted impacts of climatechange,platformslike this symposium are essential for fostering innovation, exchanging ideas, and buildingnetworks.
These interactions will strengthen the region's adaptive capacity and bolster itsresilience.Thesymposium willalsohighlighttheworkof the youth, with papers being presented by members of the Future Leaders Network supportedbyCDB,”hesaid.
The funding is part of CDB's efforts to build a climate-resilient Caribbean and enhance support for climatechangemitigationand adaptationintheregion.
UN urges probe into deadly Israeli strike on north Lebanon
(BBCNEWS)TheUN’s humanitarian office has called for an investigation into an Israeli air strike that killed 23 people in northern LebanononMonday
Spokesman Jeremy Laurence said the strike, on the Christian-majority villageofAitou,raised“real concerns” with respect to international humanitarian law
Laurence said that 12 women and two children were understood to be among the dead from the bombing,whichdestroyeda residential building that had beenrecentlyrentedouttoa family displaced from the south.
Rescue workers were still pulling bodies from the rubbleinAitouonTuesdayfar from the focus of the conflict to date in the south of Lebanon, Beqaa Valley andpartsofBeirut.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is yet to comment on the strike. Elie Alwan, the owner of the houseinAitou,toldreporters that it had been rented to a family of around 10 people, who were later joined by around 10 more.Alwan said there had been no problems with the tenants until a car came to the house on Monday - the driver apparently delivering cash –
Israeli air strikes on membersofHezbollahinthe areas where the group usually operates have pushed its members to other partsofthecountry,creating fears across Lebanon that Israeli targets could be anywhere An Aitou resident, Sarkis Alwan, told theAFPnewsagencythatthe village “maybe won’t welcome” displaced people anymore “And villagers whohavetakenindisplaced people, I think they will ask themtoleave,”hesaid.
Israelhasdemonstrateda willingness during its recent escalation to strike residentialbuildingswithout warning as it attempts to degrade Hezbollah, which has been sporadically firing rockets into Israel for a year sincethedayaftertheHamas attackof7October2023.
On Thursday night, an Israelistrikehitaresidential building in central Beirut killing 22 people, according tofiguresfromtheLebanese h e a l t h m i n i s t r y Unconfirmed reports said that the strike, which came with no warning and wounded 117, targeted WafiqSafa,aseniormember of Hezbollah, the Iranbackedmilitantgroupthatis apowerfulforceinLebanon. The reports said that the
strike failed to kill him and Hezbollah has not commentedonhisstatus.
Israelsaysitisnecessary totakeonHezbollahinorder forpeopleinthenorthofthe countrytobeabletoreturnto their homes. A drone attack launched by Hezbollah on a military base in northern Israel killed four Israeli soldiers on Sunday and severely wounded seven more-thedeadlieststrikeby the group since Israel launched a ground invasion ofLebanontwoweeksago.
AlsoonTuesday,theUN refugee agency said that more than a quarter of Lebanon was now covered by Israeli military evacuation orders. “People are heeding these calls to evacuate,andthey’refleeing
with almost nothing,” the agency’s Middle East director Rema Jamous Imseis told a press briefing. The evacuation orders, coupledwithIsrael’sground invasion and bombing campaign, have driven a massiveexodusofLebanese people from the affected areas.
More than 1.2 million people have been displaced, according to the Lebanese government. They have fled villages and major cities in the south, and moved north to Beirut, Tripoli and other cities. Many have ended up in unsafe and unsanitary conditions in shelters in and around the capital, where schoolsandshopshavebeen closedtohousepeople.
The sheer volume of
displaced people has over
e services, the mayor’s office told the BBC, leaving thousands of displaced people on the streets. Using plans made for the previous invasion, in 2006, the municipality had prepared for just 10% of the actual number of people, mayor Abdallah Darwich told the BBClastweek.
“We did not imagine it couldbethishuge,”hesaid. “Every day our calculations have become larger and larger.”TheIsraelistrikeson Beirut, focused on the southern suburb of Dahieh, had become a daily and nightly occurrence over the past three weeks, but the capital has not been hit for n e a r l y f i v e d a y s
Unconfirmed reports said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had suspended targeting of BeirutattheurgingoftheUS government. FollowingtheHezbollah drone strike on Sunday, Netanyahu threatened on Mondaynightthathewould continue striking the group in Lebanon “without mercy”, including Beirut The deputy leader of Hezbollah, Naim Qassem, issued his own threat to IsraelonTuesday,sayingthe group had “a new calculation”toinflictpainon itsenemy Atthesametime, Qassem, speaking in a televised address, called for aceasefire,sayingthatitwas the only solution to the currentconflict.
neighbours burned alive’:
The bombing of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital
Deir el-Balah, Gaza, Palestine–AmaniMadistill can’t believe she and her family survived the bombing that hit Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the middleofthenight.
Intheopenspacewhere the attack on displaced people’s tents took place early on Monday, the smell of smoke prevails, and burned cans and food are scattered on the ground amongcharredblanketsand clothes.Peoplewanderback andforth.Mostofthemused toliveinthetents,andthey are trying to find anything leftbehindbytheblazethat destroyed their flimsy homes.
Bodies on fire as they
ran The attack tore through the makeshift camp set up by displaced people in the hospital’s courtyard, killing at least four people and injuring at least 40. “It was 1:10am when a massive e x p l o s i o n s h o o k everything,” Madi, a 37year-old mother of six, recalls as she sits in the remains of her burned tent.
“I looked out and saw flames devouring the tents next to ours, ” ‘Our neighbours burned alive’: The bombing of Al-Aqsa MartyrsHospital Deir el-Balah, Gaza, Palestine–AmaniMadistill can’t believe she and her family survived the bombing that hit Al-Aqsa
Martyrs Hospital in the middleofthenight.
Intheopenspacewhere the attack on displaced people’s tents took place early on Monday, the smell of smoke prevails, and burned cans and food are scattered on the ground amongcharredblanketsand clothes.Peoplewanderback andforth.Mostofthemused toliveinthetents,andthey are trying to find anything leftbehindbytheblazethat destroyed their flimsy homes.
Bodies on fire as they ran The attack tore through the makeshift camp set up by displaced people in the hospital’s courtyard, killing at least four people and
injuring at least 40. “It was 1:10am when a massive e x p l o s i o n s h o o k everything,” Madi, a 37year-old mother of six, recalls as she sits in the remains of her burned tent.
“I looked out and saw flames devouring the tents next to ours,” Madi says. “My husband and I carried thekidsandrantowardsthe emergency building. “At theentrance,Isawmyfiveyear-old son, who was screaming, was bleeding. I took him to the doctors to discover that he had shrapnelinhisstomach.”
Thedoctorswereableto bandageAhmed up but had to leave the shrapnel where ithadhithim,explainingto
Madi that it would require delicate surgery to remove, asurgerythatisnotpossible given the badly damaged Gaza medical sector Many Palestinians displaced multiple times end up at schools and hospitals, setting up tents again and again, using whatever materials they can find, clustering close together due to a lack of space.
Israel’s bombs spread fire through the crowded tents within minutes as Civil Defence workers struggled to put it out with what limited capabilities they had.
“People – women, men andchildren–wererunning away from the spreading
“Some of them were still burning,theirbodiesonfire as they ran Terrifying, horrific, unbelievable.
“Where are we supposed to go?
It’s nearly winter Is there no one to stop this holocaustagainstus?”
Madi’s tent was next to Jamalat Wadi’s tent, which waspracticallyatthecentre of the bombing. Wadi, 43, says: “It was a miracle we survived, me and my seven daughters.” “I woke them up, screaming, as our flaming tent was falling on our heads. “My neighbour, her son and her husband were burned to death. No one could save them,” she says,cryingbitterly
PNCR promises Early Childhood Care and Education policy
The People's National CongressReform(PNCR)on Monday said, if elected to office at the next election, it w i l l i m p l e m e n t a
comprehensive Early
Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Policy
that would focus on improvingmaternalandchild health.
The party in a press statement said that in November 2022, the PNCR unveiledforpubliccomment an outline for its draft ECCE policy to coincide with the observation of World Children'sDay
Keyelementsofthedraft ECCE policy include
childcare allowances, enhanced school feeding programs, extended parental leave,andincreasedaccessto qualitydaycarefacilities.
The PNCR believes that strong, healthy children are rooted in strong families, whichinturndependsonthe healthofparents.Thepolicy, the party said, is geared at addressing issues critical to infant and childhood and maternalhealth.
“… Maternal mortality, low birth weight, under-five mortality, child poverty, under-five malnutrition and stunting and female mental
health,” are some of the challenges the party aims to addressthroughthepolicy
“Our(PNCR)policyalso confronts the fact that the firstfiveyearsofachild'slife are critical for the development of the child's brain. Without proper care andnourishment,thatchildis unlikely to realize his or her full mental and cognitive potentialasanadult,”PNCR stated.
The party said that it has refinedthedraftpolicybased on the feedback it received. The document now has six components that are designed to improve early childhood care and education. Those include a childcare allowance and nutritionvoucher,of$10,000 foreachchilduptofiveyears old.
“Bothallowanceswillbe universal, regardless of
whether the parents work or not,” the statement said adding that the policy will allow for the ramping up of the country's school feeding program by providing two mealsdaily
“We will explore the option of setting up large local kitchens (with trained staff) to cater for a cluster of schools in each district,” the partysaid.
Meanwhile, the PNCR promises to provide topquality and free healthcare and wellbeing support for mothers and children throughout pregnancy and theearlyyearsofthechildby ramping up these services in terms of availability, a c c e s s i b i l i t y, a n d effectiveness.Onthebasisof maternity/parental leave, the PNCRsaiditwillofferfiveto six months of paid parental leave, arranged to include
“The current paid 13weekmaternityisinadequate on several measures It prevents too many mothers from breast-feeding for the medically-recommended six months and it excludes fathers,”theoppositionparty said.In addition, the PNCR stated that it will establish a comprehensive daycare systemthatensuresadequate, well-regulated facilities are available to meet the demandsofworkingparents.
This will include a mix of state-ownedcenters,licensed privateproviders,andhomebasedcareoptions.
“The state will cover most or all costs for daycare services, and caregivers will receive proper training and fair compensation This approach aims to increase female participation in the workforce,” the statement said.
The party said it intends tomandateorencourageboth private and public sector workpla
accommodate mothers and thosewithyoungchildrenby imp
ce flexibilityforparents.
Some measures would include allowing for parttimeorunconventionalwork
hours,leveragingtechnology (such as working from home), reducing travel time to and from work and other u n d u e b u r d e n s o n mothers/parents.
“Our ECCE policy will also cater for families in exceptional circumstances, such as those with children with special needs and those from migrant or refugee populations,” the party said addingthatitaimstopromote greatersocialjusticethrough gender equity and foster better-adjusted children and reducing the likelihood of criminal behavior as they growolder
GCB XI stun Essequibo by 4 wickets
A collective batting approach from the GCB XI sawthemhandpowerhouses Essequibo a shock 4-wicket defeat yesterday at the LusignanGround.
National wicket-keeper
Kemol Savory led Essequiboto169-10in45.2 overs batting first, thanks to agritty51off109ballswith justtwofours.
Savory, Kevon Boodie
(26), Ricardo Adams (24), Ricardo Peters (19) and Anthony Adams (17) all scoredusefulruns. National youth spinner Golcharran Chulai (3-45) was the standout bowler, finding support from the likes of Johnathan Rampersaud (2-41), Aryan Persaud (2-21) and Kwesi Mickle(2-18).
GCB XI batting was led
by Rampersaud (32), Navindra Persaud (26), Johnathan Van Lange (18), Kwesi Mickle (19) and a brilliant lower-order knock from Carlos LaRose who struck 5 fours in his unbeaten 28; which propelled them to 171-6 in 46overs.
Adams continued his form with 2-27 from his quota of 10 overs, while
other bowlers returned a wicketeach.
GCB XI openers Persaud and Brandon Jaikaran (14) set the tone briefly before Rampersaud and Van Lange were tasked with doing repairs, prior to theirdismissals.
The lower-order resisted with a set LaRose being the keyasheeventuallykepthis cool, found the necessary boundaries and carried his team home safely, as they will look to repeat on Thursday when they play Berbice at Lusignan in Round3.
Wednesday October 16, 2024
Difficult predicaments could arise today if you try to exert your will over others without having the most honorable intentions, Aries. It could be that you're using someone else's fear of you to control himorher
The fire within you is raging today,Taurus,andyoushould becarefulhowyouwieldthis power Be proud and triumphant. Walk with your shouldersbackandheadhigh. Freedomisimportant.
There may be a great deal of fuss over something that seems quite insignificant to you, Gemini. Try to see the beauty and importance of everythingaroundyou.
Thingsarecomingtoacritical point for you today, Cancer, and you may find that other people openly object to your actions. It's OK to be a bit selfish if the situation is appropriate.
Feelfreetospeakmoreloudly today, Leo. You'll find that things fall into place more easily if you speak your thoughts outwardly and directly in the presence of others. Bring your internal powerunderyourcontrol.
Youshouldbaskinaglorious splendortoday,Virgo.There's a great deal of power at your disposal.You'll find your ego ishealthy,charged,andready forthebattlefield.
Add more sunshine to your day, Libra. It may be time to stir up your inner passion and let it speak with greater confidencethanyouhavebeen lately Make sure you heal yourself by letting the people aroundyouhearyourtruth.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You'llfindthatyoursparkcan easily turn potential energy into kinetic energy, Scorpio. Don'tunderestimatethepower of your words. Realize the profound impact they have on othersandtakeresponsibility
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Don't dwell on your fluctuating moods today, Sagittarius. Look at the larger trends and how positive elements are coming together inyourfavor
Thisisyourdaytoshineinall your glory, Capricorn. There's noneedtoholdanythingback. You'll find that you have a great deal of love to share. Your heart is likely to go to extremes today in order to proveitslove.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Trynottolosesightofyour own projects or desires, Aquarius. There's a great deal of power and manipulative energy in the air today that could throw you off course if youaren'tcareful.
Recharge today by getting outside and stretching your arms to the sky, Pisces. Be proud and courageous. You have the power to turn an unhealthy situation into a positiveone,
Demerara will look to keep their win streak going whentheyfaceEssequiboat the Georgetown Cricket Club Ground (GCC), Bourda; with both games bowling off at 9:30h respectively
Sloppy England stunned by Windies...
England were dealt a cruel blow when captain Heather Knight retired hurt with a tight calf on 21, and her absence was sorely felt in thefieldasthesidecouldnot cope with West Indies’ aggression.
It is West Indies’ first T20winoverEnglandsince 2018, and the first time Englandhavefailedtomake it out of the group stage of thetournamentsince2010.
Thesemi-finalswilltake place between SouthAfrica and defending champions Australia on Thursday, followed by West Indies v NewZealandonFriday
Scores: England 141-7 (20 overs): Sciver-Brunt 57*(50);Fletcher3-21 West Indies 142-4 (18 overs): Joseph 52 (38), Matthews50(38)
Result:WestIndieswon bysixwickets.
GCB Senior Men’s Super50 Inter-county tournament Round 2…
Chanderpaul, Lord set up 7-wicket win for Demerara
A gritty unbeaten fifty f r o m Ta g e n a r i n e Chanderpaul and 4 wickets from Devon Lord saw Demerara to an easy 7-
wicket win over Berbice yesterdayatBourda. Taking first strike in front of a good crowd, panned out badly for
Berbice,whowererestricted to 129-10 after 40 overs. Only Junior Sinclair (37) and Tomani Caesar (24*) managed to get going
Demerara’s bowlers were steady, led by spinner and Man-of-the-match Devon Lord who returned 4-28, alongwiththepart-timespin of Akshaya Persaud (2-19) whichwasfurtherbackedby fast-bowlers Bernard Bailey (2-25) and Ronaldo Alimohamed(2-35).
Replying to a mediocre total, Demerara soared to 130-3thankstoaclassy63* (5x4 2x6) from the in-form Tagenarine Chanderpaul, who found a partner in MatthewNandu(44).
Pestano (1-14) and Sinclair (1-21) removed the dangerous Raymond Perez (0) and his captain Tevin Imlach (3) leaving Centurion from the last game, Chanderpaul and Nandutoanchortheinnings.
Chanderpaulreachedhis half-century off 56 deliveries, as the 100 partnershipbetweenthepair, also came at a good rate, requiringamere122balls.
Deodat (1-5) broke the
Tagenarine Chanderpaul accepts his trophy from CWI Director Shaun Massiah following his unbeaten half-century yesterday.
partnership but Demerara were almost home by then, leaving wickets and balls remaining as Chanderpaul finishedunbeaten.
Earlier, Bailey and Alimohamed knocked off the Berbice big four; Rampertab Ramnauth (0), Kevin Sinclair (3), Kevlon Anderson (3) and the explosive Johnathan Foo in
no time, which left the Ancient County boys reeling. Sinclair looked comfortable as he struck six fours but was undone by Lord, thus leaving lowerorder batsmen in Zainul Ramsammy (13), Clinton Pestano (16), Nigel Deodat (10) and Caesar to help take their side to a respectable score.
Sloppy England stunned by Windies to exit T20 World Cup
BBC Sport - England were knocked out of the Women’s T20 World Cup at the end of the group stage after a sloppy all-round performance against West IndiesinDubai.
They dropped five catches-alloffopenerQiana Joseph - as West Indies produced a stunning run chase of 142 to reach the semi-finals at England’s expense. Joseph was first dropped on six and then 31 and35beforedepartingfora
crucial 52 from 38 balls, while captain Hayley Matthewsalsoaddedahalfcentury in an opening stand of102.Thepairblasted67-0 off the powerplay as England wilted under pressure, reminiscent of their semi-final defeat by South Africa in the 2023 tournament.
Sophia Dunkley missed the first chance to dismiss Joseph on the square-leg boundary, before Alice Capsey dropped a simple
chance at cover and Maia Bouchier proceeded to put downthreeopportunities.
Both Joseph and Matthews departed inside two overs to give England hope, but Deandra Dottin’s cameo of 27 from 19 balls swung momentum back in West Indies’ favour England’s 141-7 looked competitive at the halfway stage, with Nat SciverBrunt’sunbeaten57from50 providingthebackbone.But (Continuedonpage31)
Debutant Wellalage, Asalanka stun West Indies...
Frompage35 T20I, and his wish was granted and then some in the second Gudakesh Motie turning the ball square in the first innings would have set off West Indies’alarm bells, but not even that could have preparedthemfora100kph sharp-turningoffbreakfrom Theekshana.
WI need to go back to drawingboard
The first T20I had seen the West Indies batters execute their plans to perfection and put Sri Lanka’s bowlers to the sword Stepping out, moving around in the
crease, using the depth, everything came off, with thelastover-finishinreality nowherecloseasitlooked.
Sri Lanka, though, took their learnings and came back stronger - mainly in that they were prepared for whatthissurfacewassetto offer, replacing pacebowling allro
n d u Wickramasinghe with Wellalage West Indies, however, seemed to have missed the memo, and had only two spinners in their line-up. And those twoMotie and Roston Chasedidtheirpart,goingforjust 37 off their collective eight
overs. It will not be a surpriseifFabianAllengets agointhefinalgame. WestIndies’battersthen seemed at a loss on how to deal with Sri Lanka’s array of spin threats, expertly utilising the conditions alongwithclevervariations in pace, line and length. West Indies will need to come up with plans soon if they are to pose a threat in Thursday’sdecider
Scores: Sri Lanka 162 for 5 (Nissanka 54, Kusal Mendis 26, Shepherd 2-23) beatWestIndies89(Powell 20,Wellalage3-9,Asalanka 2-6,Theekshana2-7)by73 runs.
Linden Mayor’s Cup U-15 Schools Basketball final…
Kwakwani defeat
Mackenzie High, 26-21, to claim
TheboysfromSub District Two of Region Ten,
Kwakwani Secondary School, crafted out a 26-21, victory to capture the first ever Linden Mayor’s Cup Under15SecondarySchools Basketball title when they clashed in the final on Monday
Playing on home court, Mackenzie High could not hold off the Kwakwani lads who showed their class in emerging victorious in the end. They were led to their win by the Most Valuable PlayerofthefinalDameion Budburg Regional Education O
championship trophy and replicastothewiningteam, while Linden Amateur Basketball Association (LABA) Vice President Shana Chester presented t
GuyBallers MVP Trophy to Kwakwani’s DameionBudburg.
Earlierintheday,inthe third place encounter, W
Seven teams contested this tournament, namely Mackenzie High, Wisburg Secondary, New Silvercity
Foundation Secondary, Kwakwani Secondary, Harmony Secondary and Christianburg Wismar SecondarySchools
McCammon-Barker, the Department of Education of
Guyanese Dhori pulls off thriller to cop B Category title in Suriname Golf Invitational
The recently concluded DSB Suriname Golf
Invitational hosted by Golfclub Paramaribo was a stunningsuccessbothforthe host nation and Guyana as top honours were brought homebyGuyanesegolfersin severalcategories.
According to the results provided by Surinamese Captain Sarah Chehin, Guyanatooktoppositionsin
the A and B Categories and second place in Women’s Categorydespitetheabsence of defending Women’s championShanellaLondon.
The Guyanese team was drawn, for the second year from different clubs and despiteaslowstartonDay1, Roy Dhori stormed back to decisively dominate the B category and scoring the highest Stableford points amongst all Guyanese players.
Similarly, Sabi Dhori overcame first day jitters to take second place in the challenging Ladies division forthesecondyearinarow,
demonstrating her ability to performunderpressure.
In the C category, Philip Haynes playing in only his second tournamentwas able toshoothisbestscoreof106 gross/76 net but it was not enoughtoovercomehisfirst dayperformance.
In the A Category, GGA President Aleem Hussain alsodeliveredasolidsecond day performance improving from20thplaceonDay1to 12th overall while also taking home the prize for NearesttothePinonDay1. Monnaf Arjune played well but was unfortunate on the greens and couldn’t provide
Guyanawithhisusualstrong showing.
In collaboration with Golfclub Paramaribo, a night golf Chipping Contest for Juniors and Caddies was conducted by Nexgen Golf with a grand prize contributed by Sheldon Davis,whichwaswononthe final chip by an excited caddie Asked about his thoughts on the tournament, RoyDhorisaid,“Thiswasan awesome experience startingfrom our interaction with the Surinamese school children, police officers and the performance of myself and Sabi in the tournament. T
excitement we saw on the faces of those experiencing Golf for the first time in Suriname rivalled our joy at oursuccess.”
GGA Vice President Monnaf Arjune expressed his gratitude to Golfclub Pa
d congratulated all winners, “Once we play outside of Guyana, it’s the flag we represent and not our individual clubs, so I am proud to be a part of the golf team representing Guyana in various countries ”
Golden Jaguars relegated to League B...
Denzel Jubitana, brought on as a second-half substitute, added to Suriname’sleadwithaclinicalfinishin the51stminute,makingit4-1.Justten minutes later, Ridgeciano Haps completedtherout,scoringSuriname’s fifthandfinalgoal.
His strike was the final nail in the coffin for the Golden Jaguars, as Suriname cruised to a comprehensive 5-1victory Theresultmarkedthethird time in history that Suriname had defeated Guyana by a four-goal
margin,following4-0winsinthe1992 Caribbean Cup and the 1980 FIFA WorldCupqualifiers.
Guyana’srivalrywithSurinamehas been marked by several lopsided resultsovertheyears.WhileSuriname hasdominatedinrecentencounters,the Golden Jaguars can still look back on theirresounding5-0victoryinthe2006 CFU CaribbeanCup as a high pointin theirfootballinghistory
However,suchvictoriesfeeldistant now, as Suriname’s rise in quality, bolstered by their players from top
Europeanleagues,hasclearlysetthem apart.
ForGuyana,thisdefeatcapsoffa disappointing Nations League campaign After earning promotion to LeagueAfor the first time in their historyfollowinganundefeatedrunin League B, the Golden Jaguars were expectedtofaceatoughchallenge.
However, their campaign yielded just one point from a 2-2 draw against Martinique, while suffering 3-1 defeats to both Suriname and Guatemala
CONCACAF President to visit Guyana
CONACAF President, Victor Montagliani
The Guyana Football Federation announced yesterday that CONCACAF P r e s i d e n t , Vi c t o r Montagliani, will return to Guyana from October 17–19,markinghisfirstvisit in seven years and seven months.
This visit represents a pivotal moment for Guyana’s football landscape, as Montagliani’s presence signals renewed attention from the regional footballbody,CONCACAF, on the development of footballintheCaribbean.
The GFF, in an official release, announced that Montagliani’svisitispartofa broaderinitiativetostrengthen football development across theCaribbean. Hisagendais packed with events and meetingsthatunderscorethe significance of football in socialandeconomicgrowth, as well as the sport’s role in communitydevelopment.
One of the highlights of Montagliani’svisitwillbethe ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of the long-anticipated Blue Water Shipping Stadium; a project which marks a major milestone for football infrastructureinGuyana.
Thestadiumisexpectedto elevate the standards of local and regional football by providing a world-class facility for matches, training, a n d d e v e l o p m e n t programmes The GFF believes this will create enhanced opportunities for football at both grassroots and professional levels, positioningGuyanaasahub forfootballintheregion.
Thepartnershipbetween the GFF and Blue Water Shipping was first announced in December 2023, just before the GFF elections, following initial discussions in September 2022 when GFF President
Wayne Forde visited Denmark for Blue Water
Debutant Wellalage, Asalanka stun
West Indies as Sri Lanka draw level
Sri Lanka’s spinners picked up nine wickets as West Indies bundled out for 89 in chase of 163
Shipping’s 50th-anniversary celebrations.
While this partnership is a significant achievement forGuyanesefootball,ithas alsobeenmetwithscrutiny
The GFF has yet to disclosethefinancialdetails of the deal, specifically regarding the financing and namingrightsoftheDurban Park facility, which has led to public concern about the transparency of the agreement.
As part of his visit, Montagliani will also hold formal engagements with key government officials, including Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali and Minister of Sports Charles Ramson. Thesediscussions are expected to focus on football’s role in national development,particularlyin fosteringyouthengagement, building communities, and promotingsocialcohesion
One of the most significant events during Montagliani’s stay will be the official launch of Guyana’s first Nationwide GirlsU13SecondarySchool Championship, with the ground-breaking initiative by the GFF is designed to encourage greater female participation in football, a sport that has traditionally been male-dominated in the region The championship, the GFF highlighted, aims to nurtureyoungtalent,promote gender equality, and ensure that girls across the country have equal access to opportunities in sports The introduction of the programme, the GFF said, aligns with CONCACAF’s commitment to inclusive football, as Montagliani has championed similar initiatives throughout the region. Montagliani’s visit willculminateinareception dinner, bringing together government officials, GFF representatives, and corporatepartners.
ESPNcricinfo - Sri Lanka’s spinners ripped through the West Indies batters on a turning Dambullasurfacetolevelthe series at one apiece, as they won the second ODI by 73 runs Debutant Dunith Wellalage - belatedly making his T20I bow - was the pick of the bowlers, ending with figures of 3 for 9, while Maheesh Theekshana, Wanindu Hasaranga and Charith Asalanka grabbed two each. MatheeshaPathiranawasthe sole seamer to pick up a wicketintheinnings.
With the bat, Pathum Nissanka’s 54 off 49 had helpedsettheplatformasSri Lanka did well to keep a steady run rate throughout theirinnings,havingwonthe toss and elected to bat first. There were also runs for Kusal Mendis, Kusal Perera and Kamindu Mendis, but this game was all about Sri Lanka’s spinners who showed total dominance in theWestIndianchase. Sri Lanka spinners flex theirskills Hasaranga, Sri Lanka’s premier spinner, bowled his first delivery of the game in
the 11th over of the chase. And the fact that he picked up a wicket with that delivery was perhaps the least remarkable aspect aboutit. W h a t w a s m o r e astounding was that he was the sixth bowler used by Sri Lanka, and West Indies had still managed to collapse to 39 for 6. But who needs Hasaranga when you have the world-renowned offspin stylings of, um, Charith Asalanka.Yes,withtwolefthandbattersatthecrease,the Sri Lanka captain opted to introduce himself and a right-arm variant of Kamindu Mendis ahead of Hasaranga.
And it worked too Asalanka’s two overs brought two wickets for just six runs - and those weren’t even the best figures at that stage of the game. No, that honour belonged to Wellalage - though he is by no means new to the internationalstage-whohad grabbedthreeforhimself. In the lead-up to the game, Asalanka had stated how he had expected more forthespinnersinthefirst (Continuedonpage32)
Sweeting books historic spot at Paddy Power Darts World Cup as Fitzgerald finish second
Guyanese darts veteran Sudesh Fitzgeraldexited inthesemifinalsofQualifier #4 during the recent Championship of Darts
Latin and Caribbean (CDLC) Tour in Santiago, Chile. Fitzgerald fell 6-3 to GuillermoSotointhesecond semifinal on the final day,
after a runner up finish in Qualifier#3,wherehelost61toRashadSweeting.
Bahamian Rashad
Sweetingsecuredhisspotin theCDLCthroughtheOrder ofMerit,havingwontwoof thefoureventsheldin2024. TheCDLCseasonkickedoff in July in Jamaica, with Sweeting and Guyana’s
Norman Madhoo each claimingatitle.
Sweeting solidified his positionatthetopduringthe finalweekendinSantiagoon October 5-6. He clinched victory in Event #3 on Saturday by defeating Fitzgerald 6-1, marking his second title win of the year However,thenextday,Costa Rica’s Soto staged an impressivecomebackfroma 5-3 deficit to beat Sweeting, securinghisfirstCDLCtitle.
Meanwhile, the final standings shows Fitzgerald, Soto, and Madhoo are separatedbyjusttwopoints, while Sweeting held a comfortable16-pointleadat thetopashepreparesforhis nextchallengeinDecember.
Sweeting is now set to make history at the 2024/25 Paddy Power World Darts Championship as the first player from the Bahamas to compete in the sport’s premierevent.
However, despite of his second place and semi final
finish at the CDLC final events in Chile, Guyana’s star athlete Sudesh Fitzgeraldhasoptedtoretire from the sport indefinitely, claiming that local association has become moreinactiveintheirplayercompetition policy dealing andlackoftransparency
“My decision to retire came as a result of the Guyana Darts Association (GDA) have become more likeaprivateassociationand doesn’thaveplayersinterest at heart,” Fitzgerald shared withKaieteurNews.
“They have failed us in every possible way, I would love to continue playing but unfortunately I am forced to end my career here,” he explained.
Reflecting on his many years representing the Golden Arrowhead, Fitzgerald said, “I will continuetopromotedartsas muchasIcan.Iwillcontinue tosupportmyClub(Foreign Link Darts Club) and
Veteran Darts player, Sudesh Fitzgerald receives an honourary award in Chile.
continuetofindnewwaysto help the club/team members developintobetterplayers.”
Fitzgerald said, he is tired of the unfair treatment of players and club by the local association and thinks it will serve his best interest to step aside from the sport he loves. Sudesh Fitzgerald is expected to enjoy a bit of pool and probably join archeryasawaytoenjoyhis retirement.
Phil Simmons appointed as interim head coach of Bangladesh
SportsMax - Former West Indies all-rounder Phil
Simmons has been appointed as interim coach ofBangladeshuntilthe2025 ICCChampionsTrophy
The 61-year-old is replacing Chandika Hathurusinghe, who has been suspended by the Bangladesh Cricket Board ondisciplinarygrounds.
Hathurusinghe has been suspended for 48 hours and is to be “terminated immediately” after that period and has also been served a show-cause notice bytheboard.
“Hathurusinghe has two countsofmisconduct,”BCB
Former West Indies all-rounder Phil Simmons
president Faruque Ahmed said “First is about an assault on a player Secondly, he took too many leaves, more than what was inhiscontract.”
This will be Simmons’ fifth international coaching job including stints as West Indies men’s head coach from 2015-2016 and 20192022.
Golden Jaguars relegated to League B after Suriname’s dominant 5-1 victory -
Real Sociedad’s Sheraldo Becker was outstanding for Suriname against Guyana, scoring twice in side’s 5 - 1 win over the Golden Jaguars.
In a crushing 5-1 defeat at the Dr Franklin Essed Stadium in Paramaribo, Suriname decisively ended the Golden Jaguars’ brief stint in League A of the CONCACAF Nations Leaguelastevening.
For Guyana, the result notonlysignalsrelegationto League B but also casts a shadow over their aspirations on the regional stage.
The match started with intensity, as former
Netherlands youth international Sheraldo Becker,nowplyinghistrade with La Liga side Real Sociedad, wasted no time makinghismark.
Becker stunned the Golden Jaguars with two early strikes in the 3rd and 10th minutes, electrifying the Surinamese crowd and settingthetoneforthenight. Hisclinicalfinishingquickly put Guyana’s goalkeeper, Quillan Roberts, under
Despite th
early setback, Guyana’s Golden Jaguars showed resilience.
Just three minutes after Becker’s second goal, Jalen Jones offered a glimmer of hopeforthevisitors.
Jones found the back of thenetwithacomposedtapin during the 13th minute, briefly halting Suriname’s momentum and giving the Jaguarsalifeline.
The goal set-up what many hoped would be a competitiveclash,withthree goalsinunder15minutes.
However, that early excitement faded as the m
l dominance and superior quality quickly became apparent, especially with VirgilMisidjanintopform.
Misidjan, who had alreadyscoredinSuriname’s previous 3-1 win over Guyana at the National Track and Field Centre, againprovedtobeathornin
Suriname advancetoNationsLeagueQuarter-Finals
Guyana’sdefence.Headded a third goal for Suriname in the 33rd minute, putting the hostsfirmlyincontrol.
Suriname continued to create numerous chances throughout the first half, controlling possession and dictating the pace of the game. The Golden Jaguars struggled to cope with the
relentless pressure from the home side. Although they managedtokeepthescoreat 3-1 by halftime, it was evident that Guyana was on thebackfoot.
Roberts made several key saves to keep the scoreline from ballooning, but Suriname’sdominanceinthe firsthalfwasundeniable.
Despite both teams registeringsixshotsontarget by the end of the match, Guyana’s opportunities did little to trouble Etienne Vaessen, Suriname’s goalkeeper from FC Groningen.
The second half saw Suriname pick up right wheretheyleftoff,applying
unrelenting pressure on Guyana’s defence. Becker, who had already caused havoc in the first half, continuedtopushforhishattrick. Though he didn’t find thebackofthenetagain,his presence was a constant menace Belgium-born forward
Sloppy England stunned by Windies to exit T20 World Cup
Kwakwanidefeat MackenzieHigh, 26-21,toclaimtitle
-SurinameadvancetoNationsLeagueQuarter-Finals Golden Jaguars relegated to League B after Suriname’s dominant 5-1 victory