




The Ministry of corporate tax The cost with Watad Energy and N a t u r a l recovery ceiling will be Communications Ltd and R e s o u r c e s capped at 65 percent in a Arabian Drilling Company
( M N R ) o n given year, while profits will w
a Wednesday disclosed that be shared 50/50 between deepwaterblocktitled—D1. four companies have companiesandtheState. The ministry disclosed accepted the new Production Block S4, a shallow that International Group SharingAgreement (PSA) in water portion, has been Investment Inc. accepted the an update on the competitive awarded toTotalEnergies EP PSA w
g bidding round for the Guyana B.V in consortium ongoing; Cybele Energy petroleum exploration w i t h Q a t a r E
g y Limited accepted the PSA licences. International E&P LLC and and is in the final review G
Petronas E&P Overseas stage; Delcorp accepted the auc
n launched in SDN BHD. Out of Nigeria, PSA and is now in the final December 2022 featured 14 International Group stages of review and the blocks but only eight Investment Inc. was found
T h e eligible for two shallow consortium accepted the Government of Guyana water concessions—S5 and PSA and is currently in the (GoG) had previously S10 An American and finalreviewstages. explained that the Cabinet Ghanianpartnership,Liberty M e a n w h i l e , a approved several companies Petroleum Corporation and consortium led by four to be awarded various Cybele Energy Limited, was African-Guyanese women, blocks. The fiscal regime of approved for the shallow Sispro Inc., was awarded a the new PSA requires the water block—S7. Delcorp shallow water block called payment of a 10 percent Incorporated, a Guyanese S3 and a deepwater block royalty and a 10 percent company, in collaboration titled D2 and ExxonMobil Guyana Limited, Hess New Ve
n Limited, and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited were approved for shallow waterblock–S8.
According to the ministry, Sispro is still to respond regarding the PSA while ExxonMobil is still reviewingthePSA.
Notably, ExxonMobil is the operator of the Stabroek
Blocks in red received bids during the maiden auction
Block and it holds 45% recovery ceiling each month led to calls for new projects interest in that block. Its whichleaves25%ofprofitto in the Stabroek Block to be partners Hess and CNOOC, be shared with Guyana subjected to these terms; hold 30% and 25% Stakeholders had warned however, the government respectively Guyana’s oil- that the terms of the Exxon remains adamant that rich Stabroek Block, deal could deter investment seeking greater benefits operated by ExxonMobil, since the new PSA now could slow the pace of requires a meagre 2% requires greater fiscal development and chase royalty, no taxes, 75% cost benefits for the country.This investors.
Three gunmen posing as by another media outlet left him and his family The police ranks last Thursday showed the men arriving at following day, the men reportedly took $9.5 million the mall in what appeared to showed up reportedly in a in cash from a man after be a heavily tinted silver- police car to extort more abducting him from the greyToyotaPremio. moneyoutofhim. Giftland Mall Compound at Three men, one of them
Meanwhile, police have Liliendaal,Georgetown. heavilybuilt,cameoutofthe launched an investigation Police identified the car and walked up to and denied that any of the victim as Kevin Fiedtkou, Fiedtkou’s pickup vehicle, suspects are or were 31-year-old Operations parkedinthecompound.The associated with the Guyana Supervisor attached to three persons had a PoliceForce(GPF). Aurora Gold Mining Inc. conversation with the victim “A wanted bulletin for Kaieteur News contacted before placing him in one of the persons was Fiedtkou and he disclosed handcuffs and forcing him publicised. We are trying to that the alleged imposters into their car Fiedtkou said ascertain the names and returnedthefollowingdayin two of them hand guns and particulars of the other two apolicecardemandingmore identified themselves as suspects, after which wanted cash. He reportedly gave police. They reportedly took bulletins will be issued,” them$40,000,allhehadleft, him to his home at policesaidinastatement. forthemtoleave. Fiedtkou’s Providence, East Bank The wanted bulletin was abductiontook,placearound Demerara, where they issued for 29-year-old 12:30hrs.,policesaid. demanded that he give them Okeemo Arak Brummell “One of them had on a moneyinordertobefreed. His last known address, suit and the other two had on Fearful for his life and according to police, is Bel normal clothes,” Fiedtkou that of his family, Fiedtkou AirSprings,Georgetown. told Kaieteur News as he said he gave them $9 5 This is the third case this recalled being held against milliondollars. year of police officers being his will and taken away from “Mysonwashomewhen impersonated to commit GiftlandMall’scompound. theycame,”Fiedtkourelated heinouscrimes. A surveillance footage while explaining how Investigations are lateruploadedontheinternet traumatized the incident has ongoing.
President Irfaan Ali on Wednesday announced that instead of his initial $200,000perhouseholdcash grant, every Guyanese citizen who would have attained the age of 18 years as of January 1, 2024 will be entitled to a $100,000 oneoff-grant.
Ali said that the initiative is in keeping with the government’s aim of increasing disposable income to create better opportunities and building prosperity for Guyanese. He Friday, he asked for a responsiblegovernment,asa said the initiative will also reconsideration that was governmentthatunderstands remove barriers to access guided by the following that we have a responsibility and simplifying the principles: to ensure that all feel administrative processes in 1. Reducing the burden included and are part of the the population’s best ofadministeringthebenefit system, it is important that interest.
2 Simplifying the we build a system that is
“These analyses are procedures for accessing the robust in delivering this critical to ensure the greatest benefit grant,”thePresidentsaid. impact and highest level of 3 Improving ease of Additionally, President efficiency in the delivery of verification Ali said that he had recently service. Over the past week, 4 Minimizing any announced the abolition of thousands of Guyanese have potential conflicts that may tuition fees at the University engaged myself and arise whether within the ofGuyanaandinresponseto members of my Cabinet familyorinthecommunity f
y 5. Ensuring an open and
favourable feedback on the transparentverifiablesystem announcement effective measures announced last ofdelivery January 1st 2025, “ the Thursday and tens of 6 Expansion of the tuition fees will also be thousands have publicly benefit.” abolished at all Government expressed their welcoming Hesaidonceacitizenhas Technical and Vocational o f t h e s e m e a s u r e s a v a l i d G u y a n e s e trai
Particularly in relation to the identification card and or including all of the technical announcement of a one-off passport,theyareeligiblefor institutions, the Guyana cash grant of $200,000 to the grant. “Of course, this Industrial Training Center, everyhouseholdinGuyana,” new measure of transferring the Carnegie School of PresidentAlisaid. $100,000 to every Guyanese Home Economics, the Highlighting that over 18 years and above at the G u y a n a S c h o o l o f the past few days, the qualifying date of the 1st Agriculture, all of these, the government observed a rush January 2024 will cost well tuition fees will now be to transfer utility meters and in excess of the $60B abolished.” This will be of also prepare tenancy previously allocated for the benefit to an additional 3000 agreements, which were all one-off household grant. persons across Guyana and aimed at establishing However, in the interest of the decision was taken in independent households ensuring the widest possible k e e p i n g w i t h t h e Reexamining the previous benefit is given to the government’s efforts to measure with the aim of Guyanese population “we ensure greater access to expanding the benefits, the believe that this is the best benefits for Guyanese, Ali President said that last course of action, and as a said.
President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Libra Management Group Stacey Mollison. (Facebook photograph)
The 2024 Business and Investment Conference aims Investment Conference will to connect Guyana’s open on Friday at the Diaspora with international Marriott Hotel, Kingston, investors to drive economic Georgetown. The three-day growth. event aims to enhance The Conference was business opportunities for foundedbyStaceyMollison, both expatriates and the President and Chief emigrants. Executive Officer (CEO) of The event will serve as a the Libra Management platform for networking and Group. collaboration, encouraging Theconferencewillhave the exchange of ideas and three components aimed at investment opportunities collaborating with key At a press conference on among entrepreneurs, stakeholders, educating the WednesdayheldattheRegus emigrants, expatriates, Diaspora and investors on Building located on Lot 165 i n v e s t o r s a n d Guyana’s economy and W a t e r l o o S t r e e t , philanthropists. engaging with local Georgetown, Mollison
Thesecondeditionofthe businesses and government explainedhowtheBusiness 2 0 2 4 B u s i n e s s a n d agencies. (Continued on page 16)
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Last week October 10, 2024 was observed as World MentalHealthDay Thedaywasobservedunderthetheme “MentalHealthatWork”.
Thetheme,asexplainedbyMemberofParliament,Dr Karen Cummings was pertinent as there is a crucial and criticallinkbetweenmentalhealthandworkenvirons.She stressed that poor working conditions, unsafe and unsupportiveworkenvironments,pressurefromdeadlines, isolation from the family, increase in stigma and discrimination, heavy workloads and inflexible shifts, unsafeequipment,poorlightandlimitedresources-alllead topoorproductivityandpoormentalhealth.
InGuyanaastheauthoritiescontinuetoraiseawareness onthesubject,individualswithmentalhealthproblemsare often summarily dismissed as “mad people”. However, in more enlightened jurisdictions, mental health is a broad concept that covers more than direct health issues and includesareassuchashousing,education,justice,thearts, and community participation. It should be obvious, therefore,thattodealeffectivelywiththeproblem,abroad coalition of institutions and experts, drawn from diverse fields apart from the medical field, would have to be crafted.
One mental health disorder that we have attempted to highlightinthisnewspaper,becauseitissoendemicinour country yet is studiously ignored, is “depression.” This ratherinnocuousterm,whichsuggestsarathermildmood downswing, is actually a signal that specific neurochemical processes in the brain are not assisting it to generatepositivethoughtsofwell-being.
At the deepest physical level, we are chemical beings, and the connection between the physical body and the mind, in which our sense of self-worth is generated, is mediated by these neuro-chemical changes in our brains. Becauseofthisconnection,itshouldbeofnogreatsurprise thatdepressioncanproduceseveredisordersinthephysical body
Fortheindividual,ifdepressionisleftuntreated,itcan generate tremendous suffering over long periods and stymie personal accomplishments. In the aggregate, a nation of depressed citizens will never actualise that nation’s real potential and that nation will remain underdeveloped. The spread of democracy in the modern era was spurred by the broad acceptance of the utilitarian credo of “the greatest happiness/good for the greatest number”.
Itistheresponsibilityofmoderngovernmentstoaccept that the same focus that is brought to bear on “development” from an economic perspective has to be brought to bear on the interior landscape of the citizenry, where happiness in the long run is actually generated. In any case, depression can sink even immaculately carved developmentplans,iftheindividualswhoaresupposedto implementthoseplanscannotmotivatethemselvestowork attheiroptimum,becauseofdepression.
Thentherearethesocietaldisruptions,andcostssuchas drug and alcohol abuse that can be precipitated by depression – not to mention the finality of suicides. Depression,evenwhendiagnosed,oftenremainsuntreated, becauseofthesocialstigmaattachedtoanymentaldisorder onaccountoftheaforementioned“madpeople”label. Eveninmildcases,thesufferersaredismissedasbeing weak and “not taking charge” of their lives, which culminates in their unsuccessful careers. The individuals begintoacceptthetagof“losers”.Earlyknowledgeofwhat is behind the observed symptoms would alert sufferers of whateveragegrouptoseekearlytreatment.Therearemany studentsandotheryoungpeople,forinstance,whoremain untreated and eventually succumb to suicidal urges. The Ministry of Health has acknowledged the scourge of depression and other mental health issues and has made
Itwaswithgreatinterest thatIreadMr Nascimento’s letter on the situation in Palestine and Lebanon where Israel is conducting genocidal attacks on the people of Palestine and now thepeopleofLebanon.
Mr. Nascimento has correctly shown why we Guyanese should have an interestinwhatishappening there.The possibility of that situation escalating, and the use of nuclear weapons is very real Should that happen, we could all be consumed Scientists believed that life on earth willbecompletelylost.
However,thereareafew areas I would like to clarify In the first place, Israel was never proclaimed a “Jewish Republicon14thMay1948” as Mr Nascimento stated. It was just called the “State of Israel.”
The resolution 181 that gave rise to the existence of theStateofIsraelalsocalled for the establishment of the Palestinian state.That never happened and is one of the many resolutions of United Nations still to be
implemented in relation to thepeopleofPalestine.
The letter went on to state that the new state of Israel was going to “welcome home every Jew who seeks entry ” It continued that “ Israel accepted 700,000 Jewish immigrants...” mainly from European countries, their original homes/ native countries.
Whatwasomittedhereis the fact that just before the UNresolutionwaspassedto establish two states, Israeli terrorists murdered thousands of Palestinians and chased some eight hundred thousand (800,000) from their homes that is the origin of the Palestinian refugee problem. So from the very beginning, Israel’s intention was ethnic cleansingandterroritsmain instrument.
In 1967, Israel attacked manyArabstatesand,inthe process, seized the lands which the UN had designated for a Palestinian state. Since then, they have, by force of arms, occupied parts of Syria, Egypt and Lebanon The slogan of
Israel is that the state of Israel is from the ‘River to theSea.’
Even now they are making no secret about expandingtheStateofIsrael.
Bezalel Smoteich, the present Minister of Finance recently said “... I want a Jewish state that includes Jordan,Lebanonandpartsof Egypt, Syria, Iraq and SaudiaArabia.Accordingto ourgreatestsages,Jerusalem is destined to extend all the waytoDamascus!”
Even today, they continuetoviolentlyremove Palestinians from their homes, on the West Bank, killing them at will and installing Jewish families in their houses So, the statement that “ The JewishpeopleofIsraelareat war with the Muslim Arab States ” gives the impression that this is a religiousconflict,itisnot!
This is a struggle of the Palestinian people for independence,fortheendof occupation and for the right to self-determination as is stated in the Basic documentsoftheUNandfor the halting of the forced
Hamas which emerged fromthosestrugglesisnota terrorist organisation as is beingproclaimedbyIsrael& U S It is a National Liberation Movement fighting to defend the Palestinian people from the d a i l y a b u s e s a n d humiliation.
Itistruethatatonepoint, s o m e P a l e s t i n i a n organisations were saying that Israel is an illegal imposition and should not exist. However, they have long moved away from that position. The demand today is that the Palestinian state shouldbeestablishedwithin the 1967 border which the UNdesignatedastheirstate.
Israel must stop its occupation of Palestinian lands.Theymustremovethe personswhomtheyillegally settled on the lands since 1967.
For emphasis let me repeat that this is an anticolonialstruggle,itisafight for the most fundamental of Human Rights, that is the RighttobeFree.
The PPP/C Government implementing policies and measures to buffer the high cost-of-living
TheAPNU,theAFCand their supportive columnists are now having two ‘hundred thousand’ reasons tocriticizeandcondemnthe Cash Grant announced by President Ali on 10th October These have now become the ‘cash grant’ specialists since like the spectatorsinacricketmatch, they know more that the players. Their dilemma has increasedmanifold.
On October 8, Mr. Lincoln Lewis penned a letter to the Editor in the Kaieteur News captioned,
‘Discriminatoryapproachto cash grant distribution must stop’.Heisofthemisguided opinion that whatever initiative the President is rolling out was the brainchildoftheOpposition, namely the ‘One Guyana’ from Corbin and the cash grant from Dr Clive Thomas. However, just two days after, President Irfaan Ali announced a one-off cash grant of $200,000 to every household and since thentheAPNUandtheAFC appeared shell-shocked and have been toiling ceaselessly, helter-skelter to
WeagreewithDr Cummingsthatthegovernmentalso should guard against practices and unrealistic schedules that can mitigate good mental health and that it should address the problem at work and minimise the risks that exist.Highlevelsofstressthatresultinburnoutshouldbe givenimmediateattention.
Evenin the medicalarena,thereis the need for a team effort:apsychiatristincollaborationwiththatofaclinical psychologist,asocialworkerandanoccupationaltherapist. Inthismulti-disciplinaryapproach,theindividualpatient’s physical health hormonal, injury, drugs and neurotransmitters factors together with the psychologicalfactors—personality,grooming,education, childhood etc. – are dealt with. We urge that civil society groupsbemobilisedtoassistthegovernmentalinitiativeto deliverbettermentalhealthcaretoourcitizenry
find trivial and irrelevant matters to criticize and condemnthemeasurewhich is not only the biggest of its kindsofarbuthasbeenmost welcomed by Guyanese of allwalksoflife.
Cash grants are nothing new,butwehavenowheard that the idea of a cash grant was the brainchild of Dr CliveThomaswhocoinedit ‘theBuxtonProposal’andhe proposed the sum of ‘US$5000 per year or whateveritworksoutat,we can put the figure together’. This was on Emancipation Day 2018. The ‘Buxton Proposal’ died a natural death and no mechanism, regulatory or otherwise cameintobeing.Dr Thomas hadcalledontheCoalitionto put mechanisms in place to ensure that the masses benefit but nothing was done. I wonder why did the CoalitionGovernmentatthe time did not embrace this proposal, they seemed to lack the will to do so since they felt that such an annual cash transfer to every household or citizen will greatly affect their ‘pocket money’. They knew that it wasnotsustainablegiventhe
amount and the frequency and did not want to make such a commitment. The APNU and theAFC were in Government until 2020, yet nothing further was entertainedonthematter At that same meeting at Buxton, the now leader of the AFC, Mr Nigel Hughes made a remarkable observation, he said that, ‘Myfearisthatifwestartto talk about giving people cash, we opening the doors to politicians to say I can give you more cash than the nextoneandweendupwith a ridiculous campaign of people being irresponsible about development, because it becomes a competition on who can give more.’ It is significant to note that the PPP/C did not campaign on doling out cash, but rather robust socio-economic policies to propel such development This cash grantcomesatatimewhena multitude of other measures are already implemented to buffer the high cost-ofliving. The Coalition did nothingtoalleviatethecostof-living whilst in Government;infact,they (Continuedonpage16)
DEAREDITOR, Senior Counsel Mr Ralph Ramkarran suggested that the constitution be completely abrogated and replaced.Thepopulationhas supported its replacement since 1980 when it was promulgated without approval by the voters. Will its replacement ever happen? Will the one percent political elite support it? As a student at university,Iorganizedarally against the referendum in 1978 that led to the 1980 travesty,andsincethenhave led a struggle for the total replacement of the constitution. It remains an unfulfilleddesire.
There will be no meaningful (in fact, not any) constitutional reform by the timeofthenextgeneralelection due next year November No government or political leader (Chief Executive) wants its (his) powers reduced or curtailed. Political leaders (especially from Third World countries) always seek more powers In studies on comparative government, White rulers always sought or seek to reduce government powersandgivemorepowers to people Third Word governments take the opposite position. Burnham wanted more powers and first removed checks and balancestohispowersinthe 1964/66 independence constitution and then went foritscompletereplacement with that 1980 monstrosity thathasburdenedthenation tillthisday PatrickManning in Trinidad and Tobago also wanted to replace his nation’s constitution with a Presidential system that wouldenhancehispowersas Chief Executive. He lost governmentin2010.
Dr Jagan and the then opposition jointly opposed theJuly1978referendumto replace the Burnham amended independence c o n s t i t u t i o n T h e referendum was boycotted, an act that New York activists supported; election observers reported that less than 10% voted But Burnhamclaimedamassive victory A constitution commissionwasestablished byaProfessorinNewJersey aided and abetted by a couple lawyers to draft a constitution Some were rewardedwithpositions;one went on to become an international jurist in Den Hague, Holland. Dr Jagan’s PPP and the entire opposition blanked it. The c o n s t i t u t i o n w a s
promulgated without national consent or from a vote of the population It came to be known by the m o n i k e r B u r n h a m Constitution ThePPPandall the opposition parties declared and penned in their manifestosthatiftheywereto win the December 1980 election, the constitution would be replaced. They affirmedtheywouldreturnto the original independence constitution that was subsequently tinkered with by Burnham adding amendments (abolishing Privy Council, etc.) increasing his powers using his magic majority of the fraudulent 1968 and 1973 elections The PPPand other politicalpartiesrepeatedtheir commitmentstoabrogatethe illegal 1980 constitution for the 1985 and 1990 (delayed till 1992) elections In interviews with reporters in Guyana and with this writer in NewYork in 1992 as well asatpublicmeetingswiththe diasporainAmerica,UK,and Canada, Dr Jagan solemnly committed to replacing what has been commonly BurnhamConstitution
After he became President in October 1992 anddemocracyrestored,Dr Jagan reneged, unwisely so, on his commitment to change the Burnham constitution. It was among his tragic blunders in government.Whenaskedby reporters when he would change the constitution, his
response was to paraphrase: “Ican’tthrowawaythebaby withthebathwater Iwillnot abuse powers granted me in theconstitution”. And so, we have been s a d d l e d w i t h t h e monstrosity After the restoration of democracy in 1992, hardly anyone in the PPP ever invoked morality as a reason for replacing the c o n s t i t u t i o n T h e constitutionwasimposedon the nation without its approval. There was a fraudulent referendum. Some 90% opposed the change in 1978/1980 and a larger majority today as per surveys some years ago and recent conversation with Guyanese. Mr Ramkarran was at one time absolutely confident that the coalition would replace the Burnham constitution because such a commitment was in its manifesto, and it was also in thegovernment’sinteresttodo so Besides, the joint parties madeastrongcommitmentto so act; the public had faith in MosesNagamootoo,Khemraj Ramjattanandthecoalitionto protect their interests The public was betrayed I never harboured hope that the coalition would change the constitution;theirbehaviourin officebetrayedtheirmanifesto and other unwritten commitments especially to sugar workers and rice farmers.Ramkarranbecame very disappointed in the political behaviour of the coalition. The country was
also disappointed that the coalition never bothered to change the constitution although it appointed a Constitutional Reform Commission Having studied third world governance, I never harboured hopes in politicians to reduce their powers;itwasneverdoneina third world setting Close friends in the PPP, from the apexdownwards,areopposed to replacing the constitution. “What is wrong with the constitution”, they ask. It is morally corrupt. Aren’t politicians (any human) troubled in embracing a document that governs a country that was created from fraud? What kind of societydopoliticiansexpect tocreatewhentheyembrace and defend such fraud? No wonder Guyana has been beset with so many problems. The fact that the constitution arose out of a fraudulent referendum should trouble anyone who respectthewillofvotersand especiallythose,likemyself, who was deeply involved in that long struggle against riggedelections.Theofficial PNC opposition is also against replacement of the constitution; it is their creation and as such not interested in abrogating it. Theoppositionwillnotpush for any change especially if itfeelsitcanreplacethePPP in next year’s elections, a cloudintheskydream.
The people will have to clip the wings of politicians
if they wish to empower themselves or have better governance They must demand constitutional changeandvoteaccordingly in any general elections. That’s not likely as the peoplearedeeplycommitted to their race-based parties regardless of constitution.
Civic society will have to lobby ABCE countries to pressure the politicians of both sides to bring about constitutional reform that willempowerthepopulation whilereducingthepowerof politicians.
Like the coalition government, the current administration has also appointedaCRCtoexamine constitutionalreform.Witha year away till elections, it is extremely unlikely that any substantive reform can be concluded and approved
timeframe. The government should do the honourable thing—urgentlydraftanew constitution and hold a r e f
r e n d u m O r alternatively, do what the late Dr Fenton Ramsahoye suggested: Announce that the 1980 constitution was thecreationofa1978fraud, thereby making it illegal. This will provide legal imprimatur to return to the independence constitution. No one who respects laws will oppose such an act. Morally,thatwillalsobethe rightthingforgovernmentto do.Amendmentscanthenbe made to the independence constitution until such time that a new constitution is drafted and approved in a referendum by at least two thirds of the voting population.
Yourstruly, Vishnu
DEAREDITOR, Reference is made to President Ali’s recent announcement of the proposed cash transfer of GY$200,000 to each Guyanese household. Since this GY$60B, was not incorporated in the Budget, ANDasataxpayingcitizen, Iaskthefollowingquestions thatbeganswers: Was this Guy$60B, a loan borrowed by the Guyana Government? If so, what was/is the Annual Percentagebeingchargedby the lender? If this an INTEREST ONLY loan, whatyeardoesthePrincipal
(Guy$60B)becomedue? If the payback features a n A M O R T I Z E D SCHEDULE (Principal & Interestpaidtogether),what date/ year is the final paymentdue?
T h e G u y a n e s e Taxpaying public needs to be informed since this may very well be a
(Guyanese) Tax Dollars will be utilized by the Government to service/
n Failingafiniteresponseto explain/ negate the above questions, we will have to assume the worse and treat this $200,000 as if
we (Guyanese Taxpayers) went to the bank and BORROW the $200,000 and have to pay it back, regardless If it is the case that the Government borrowed the Guy$60B and we have to pay it back (Interest & Principal) with our taxes, over an extended period of time, are we actually b
he unanticipatedwindfallofthe $200,000 “Christmas” gift or is this purely political gimmickry?
Guyanese Taxpayers needtoknow
Sincerely, JonathanSubrian,Esq
In the English alphabet, afterletterLasinLeonora,is M as in money, followed by N as in noise. A lethargic Leonora drowning in the sorrow of improprieties, inappropriateness and indulgences,ismonopolized by money manipulation and nuancedbynoisenuisances. The many adversaries advocating the awareness of a village’s disrepute, have e
ed enthusiasm with the hope of an early day of reckoning.
communication sent to so many authorized agencies addressing the issue and exposing the calamity, we end up with the authorities beingPQRasinpolite,quiet and respectful in the line of duty towards dormancy, transparencyandleniency Sadly, to date,a sense of fallacy has now irrupted to interrupt the smooth flow of letters H as in honor, I as in integrity and J as in justice. S e e m s a s i f t h e characteristicsofUVW,that is, the uniqueness of valour and wisdom have taken a
vacation and are out in the cold. Should we blame the pundits of the academic and religiousprofessions?
What gifts await the impoverishedpeasantsinthe village?Will this season see the big guy from the North Pole visiting Leonora with hisbagofABCtoannihilate the anomalies, bridge the border and crack the corruption? There are many good,badanduglyguysand galswhohavebeenMNO,as in mannerly, naughty and obnoxious.
Seems as if there is no DEF in the society with danger, emergency and fire. There are some diehards who think that, there is nothing wrong in the community because all the villagers must be patrons of patriotism, parallel to none!
Whilethefreedomofspeech is guaranteed in the Constitution, complaining withthevoiceofacritiqueis not being complimentary of any compromise. In fact, further communication is configured as monotonous motivation!
All the complaints have been shelved and preserved
for longevity, swept under thecarpetandsealedascase closed. While there was a flame ignited to raise hope, such a dream has been shattered with the sound of silence which is louder than the noise nuisance Authoritiesdonotwanttobe disturbed and this problem will only pester people as a plague.
Which authority dare to broachthetopicofabarthat waslicensedtobelocatedin the middle of a residential area, licensed to disturb the peace,licensedtobefearless of closing hours, licensed to contribute towards a negativeimage,andlicensed to create mayhem in a communitythathavetofight to enjoy the basic rights of human dignity, decency and decorum?
With their backs against the wall, the people of Leonora announce a simple but serious challenge. Will any NDC, CPG, Police, RDC,Ministeroraknightin shining armour become the rainbow in Leonora’s cloud andstepuptotheplate?
Yoursrespectfully, JaiLall.
The Special Organised of financial impropriety Crime Unit (SOCU) has leveled against Deputy recommended dozens of Commissioner (ag) Calvin criminal charges against Brutus on social media and embattled Assistant Police established media houses, Commissioner, Calvin Calvin Brutus has since Brutus. requested permission to
In a statement on proceed on annualized Wednesday responding to a vacation l
ith Stabroek News article under immediate effect to facilitate the caption ‘SOCU PROBE an investigation in the best INTO BRUTUS FINDS NO interestoftheGuyanaPolice EVIDENCE OF CRIME’ , Force,” the statement said SOCU said the story was adding that the request was misleading. g
It noted that earlier this Commissioner of Police year, SOCU launched an CliftonHicken. investigation into certain Kaieteur News had activities of Assistant reported prior to Brutus’ Commissioner Brutus and at respect of this latter move that the Force denied the end of that investigation, expansive investigation, claims that a major shake-up based on the advice of the SOCU recommended among its top officials, D i r e c t o r o f P u b l i c dozens of charges. SOCU including Brutus, was due to Prosecutions, no criminal now awaits the legal advice an ongoing investigation by chargeswererecommended. of the Director of Public t h e S O C U i n t o i t s
“Subsequently, based on Prosecutions,” the statement Administration Department. critical information received concluded. Brutus,whowasinchargeof by SOCU from the Financial Back in July, Brutus had Administration, was Intelligence Unit (FIU), a proceeded on annual reassigned as Head of the new and more expansive vacation leave following Special Branch Unit at investigation was conducted allegations of financial Brickdam, replacing by SOCU,” the statement impropriety, the Guyana Assistant Commissioner of read. Police Force (GPF) had Police Errol Watts.Assistant AccordingtoSOCU,that announced. According to a Commissioner Ravindradat investigation was concluded statement issued by the GPF Budhramhasbeenappointed on 2024-10-01, and all the back then, Brutus requested t h e n e w h e a d o f relevantfilesweresenttothe permission to take his leave Administration, while Watts D i r e c t o r o f P u b l i c to allow for an investigation has taken over Budhram’s Prosecutions for review, into corruption allegations. former role as Head of adviceandfurtheraction.“In “Consequent to allegations Operations.
COPASSA Insurance that are not easily available growth plan here in Guyana, Group on Wednesday inourislands,andthereforeI but in the meanwhile, I’d be announced that it has opened decided to be the bridge of really pleased to offer my its doors in Guyana. The knowledge and to give a services to the Guyanese revelation was made at the concierge service, and that’s community, and I’m always three-day International howCOPASSAwasborn.” available for a call on Business Conference (IBC) Now four decades later, WhatsApp, FaceTime, being held at the Guyana Hemming travels the anything you’d like.You can MarriottHotel,Georgetown. Caribbeantargetingdifferent reach us,” she said during a The insurance company markets and disclosed that brief discourse on the has been operating in Guyana piqued her interest business. Guyana for two years two years ago. Since then, Further, Hemming said accordingtoitsfounder,Lida shehastraveledtoGuyanain that her company has Guichard Hemming a bid to navigate and create insurance policies tailored Hemming said that her bridges with the medical for expatriates and can company aims to bridge facilities. customize any plan The healthcare gaps as well as “I also find that there’s woman disclosed that p r o v i d e i n s u r a n c e not enough awareness of customization of policies specifically tailored to meet how we could do family allowsforaneconomicvalue the needs of the Guyanese planning in terms of which translates to getting population and the finances, how we can secure the ultimate number of Caribbean. the next generations if benefitsforalow-costprice.
Hemming who is something happens abruptly Hemming told reporters originally from the British to the main breadwinner of that she admires Guyana’s Virgin Islands and resided in thefamilyandIalsofindthat regulatory system. “I love Haiti for over two decades ifwehavecomplicatedcases the way that everything is in said that, “they [Caribbean of organ transplantation or order here, and the nationals] didn’t have very specific diseases in government has this system, enough information in order early childhood that the way and I just followed the to navigate the complicated to address it would be to system. I got legal counsel, processofbeinghospitalized bring them to either and I registered a service in the US mainland. As you Colombia, the US, mainland companyheretwoyearsago. well know, we need organ Europe, UK. I know that the It’ll be two years this May, transplantation. We need all President is working on a and I’m hoping to grow with types of medical treatments massive hospitalization thecountry,”shesaid.
- urges strict adherence to safety protocols
Minister of Housing and Water Collin Croal and Deputy Director of Projects Intakab Indarjeet and agency surveyors at site visit.
The Ministry of Housing’s Central resultinginatotalof30acresforRegion4.” Housing and Planning Authority has The ministry further explained that announced plans to construct a parking similar facilities will also be established in facilityforsandtrucksandlargeconstruction Regions 3 and 6, as well as along the vehicles in Great Diamond, East Bank Linden/Soesdyke Highway Minister Croal Demerara. noted that a location near the Soesdyke
According to the ministry, this initiative junction is being considered for the highway aims to address the growing issue of these facility, which would allow trucks to vehicles parking along the East Bank Public temporarily stop while waiting to load or Roadandinsurroundingareas. serveasarestareaforovernightstays.
Minister of Housing and Water Collin On September 13, 2024, Minister of Croal, alongside Deputy Director of Projects Public Works Juan Edghill ordered the Intakab Indarjeet and agency surveyors, removal of 11 sand trucks that were illegally visited the designated site on Wednesday parked at the Industrial Estate on the MinisterCroalhighlightedtherecentboomin Ruimveldt reserves. He emphasized that the the construction sector, which has led to government plans to address these parking increased movement of larger trucks issues by developing commercial land areas deliveringconstructionmaterials. where articulated vehicles can park and be Hestated,“Wehaveidentified15acresof rented. Edghill also mentioned that truck land on the East Bank of Demerara that will drivershadpreviouslyattemptedtonegotiate bedeveloped.Weplantoimplementasimilar for alternative locations to conduct their project on the East Coast of Demerara, business.
The Ministry of Labour said it is deeply alongthenorthernsideofSandHillTrail. concerned about the recent workplace The Ministry on Wednesday said it fatalities that occurred in October 2024, received another report of a workplace highlighting serious deficiencies in safety fatalityasaresultofasuspecteddrowningin andhealthpracticeswithinkeysectors. Region Eight and a Senior Occupational
In a press release on Wednesday, the Safety and Health Officer is presently on his ministry said two tragic incidents took place waytoconductthatinvestigation. over the weekend. On Saturday, October 12, “In light of these incidents, the Ministry 2024, Patrick Picket, a serviceman at Top ofLabour,alongwiththeHonourableJoseph Mix Cement, sustained fatal injuries while Hamilton, Minister of Labour, is urging servicing a 14-tonne ready-mix employers—particularly those in the mining cement/concrete truck Picket was and construction sectors—to adhere strictly inspecting the differential oil beneath the to occupational safety and health vehicle when the truck, operated by Sham regulations.Theseregulationsareoutlinedin Singh, was moved to the batching plant for the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) loading. Harry Mahase, Batch Supervisor, Act,Chapter99:06,”thereleaseadded. discovered Picket injured on the ground. Minister Hamilton emphasised the Despite being rushed to Diamond Regional importance of ensuring workplace safety, Hospital, he was pronounced dead upon stating, “Wherever people work, they must arrival. be safe. They must be able to return to their
The following day, Sunday, October 13, familiesattheendofeachday.”Theministry 2024, another tragedy occurred. Mr Marlon iscallingonallemployerstoprioritisesafety Davidson,a37-year-oldSecuritySupervisor and health practices to prevent such employed by Hopkinson Mining Security tragedies in the future, and it stands ready to Firm, lost his life after losing control of an work alongside them to foster safer working All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) while travelling environmentsacrossallsectors.
An independent review of the investigation into allegations against a senior police officer is more than just a call for due diligence; itisacalltopreservepublic trust in the institutions that serveus.
Itisarecognitionthat,in times of doubt, the strength of a democracy is tested not by its ability to protect its ownbutbyitswillingnessto openitselftoscrutiny Thisis not the first time such a measure has been taken in our country, and there is a compelling case for it to be undertakenoncemore.
Whenseriousallegations ofrapewerelevelledagainst theformerCommissionerof Police, Henry Greene, the gravity of the situation demanded a response beyond the bounds of internal review To that end, ateamofinvestigatorsfrom Jamaica was invited to review the investigation. It was a gesture that acknowledged the limits of our local processes and recognized the importance of an independent perspective.Thepresenceof theexternalinvestigatorsdid not undermine the work of local law enforcement; rather, it reinforced it, lending credibility to the process and offering the public reassurance that justicewouldnotbeclouded byinternalloyalties.
Similarly, when unrest
erupted on the West Coast Berbice in 2020 after the tragic killing of two teenagers, the Regional Security System (RSS) was calleduponforsupport.The unrest had laid bare deepseated tensions, and the RSS’s involvement was critical in easing those tensions. It was a reminder that, sometimes, we must look beyond our borders to find the balance between authorityandaccountability Now, the situation calls for that balance once more. The allegations against the senior police officer—and thefactthattheseallegations
touch upon money laundering, a complex and deeply entrenched crime—demand the kind of scrutiny that goes beyond our usual investigative capacity The Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) has done important work,butitisnotimmuneto thelimitationsthatcanbeset any institution working within the confines of national law enforcement framework It is not a question of doubting the competenceofSOCUbutof recognizing that the task before them may require expertise they do not fully possess.
Money laundering is a labyrinthine crime, one that can weave itself through financial systems with the kind of subtlety that evades
detection by even the most diligentofinvestigators.Itis a crime that knows no borders, and that requires a particular kind of investigative insight The RSS, with its regional mandate and its ability to draw on regional expertise, could lend exactly that insight. Their involvement would be a boon to the investigation, not only bolstering the process with their expertise but also offering the kind of independence that can give the public confidence in the outcome.
Thegovernment,andthe President in particular, would do well to invite the RSS to review the investigation. This is not a gesture of weakness or of distrust in local capabilities; itis,rather,anaffirmationof ourcommitmenttojustice.It is a way of saying to the peoplethatwearewillingto go the extra mile to ensure that our institutions serve them, that no stone will be left unturned when it comes to investigating those who hold positions of power Such a step would underscore a fundamental democraticprinciple:thatno oneisabovethelaw,andthat the higher the office, the greater the responsibility to uphold the integrity of the process.
Some may argue that inviting the RSS could
Dem boys seh we got a big, fancy airport now Expand deh terminal, build dem nice gates, and even put a nice glass wall fuh peopletopeepthrough.But guess what? De mentality still like if we running a lil cardboard box airport. Big shiny building, small-town attitude.
Check de outgoing
terminal Yuh got passengers behind de glass like aquarium fish. And dem relatives? Outside waving like they sending off boat people. We got spacefuhallahdeminside, but nah. Only passengers allowed through de door
Derestgottawatchthrough de glass and shout “Byebye!” like if is an old-time steamship.
And is de same story with de incoming area Deh
suggestalackoffaithinour owninstitutions.Buthistory has shown that the opposite is true. When the Jamaican investigatorswereinvitedto review the case against Henry Greene, it was not an admission of failure but of thedeterminationtoseekthe truth.WhentheRSScamein after the unrest in 2020, it was not because we could not manage our own affairs but because we understood that an outside perspective could bring clarity to a murky situation In both instances,theoutcomewasa stronger, more resilient response to complex challenges.
In the present case, the stakes are high, not just for the individuals involved but
for the credibility of the institutions charged with enforcingthelaw SOCUhas been entrusted with a difficult mandate, and there i s n o s h a m e i n acknowledging that, in this instance, they could benefit from the additional resources and experience that the RSS could provide. Todosowouldbetoputthe interestsofjusticeabovethe interests of pride, to ensure thatthepubliccanhavefaith in the process and in the outcome.
Moreover,thecallforan independent review is about morethanthespecificsofthe case. It is about the broader message it sends: that our
accountability are not just words on paper but values that we live by It is about showing that we are willing toopenourselvestoexternal review,whennecessary,that we are not afraid of what such a review might reveal, because we believe that the pursuit of truth is worth the risk.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
families and friends who cometopickuppeoplegotta huddleuplikesardineinatin on a tiny strip outside But yuhwanttoseedejoke?Yuh can’t go in to wait fuh yuh family, but if yuh bladder burstin’,youcanwaltzright in and use de washroom! Whatkindasensedatmake? Goinfuhalilreliefbutnotto say“Welcomeback”?
Now outside de incoming area is even funnier Dem boys put a nice lil asphalt area where deairporttaxissupposedto park up. But yuh know Guyanese style. Anybody and everybody using de spot!Privatecars,minibus, donkey cart all mixing up.Carsdrivingin,picking up passengers like is a bus park. It’s a miracle nobody get knock down yet. Dem boys seh it’s only a matter of time before somebody getlickdownthere.Thenis bigcryandfinger-pointing. Andlehwenotforgetde parking lot drama Big, big sign saying “Reserved fuh Airport Taxis” on de south side “Unauthorized vehicles will be towed away,” it seh But take a drivethroughdeparkinglot Yuh will see all kinda car parkupthere anythingbut airport taxis De only thing getting tow is people patience
But dat is Guyana fuh yuh! Big terminal, plenty rules, but who following dem? Is like wearing a three-piece suit and still eating doubles with yuh fingers.Demboyssehisnot de building that need expanding it’s de mentality Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
Some may call what Vice for something of a special kind: he powerful title, turned out to be chief policymaker Study them Incidentally, that bit about President Bharat Jagdeo does for a desires more than rank obedience. nothing more than a hollowed-out carefully, and what becomes swaggering Yankees is from living by different names, but they Jagdeo demands total subservience goldmine long past its last apparent is that he is pleased to be Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, and it allamounttothesamething. from those who collect his favours. pennyweight of metal Thus: surrounded by an assortment of isfree. The first is manipulation, the He wants them to fawn over him, invitation has turned out to be the mostly poolroom sharks, It is a hell of a long drop for secondisMachiavellian,thethirdis grin and grovel and bear under his trick and treat of Halloween; it is cardsharps, and down-to-their last- those with advanced degrees, mastery of men, some men crass boot, and brownnose his person to October, so there goes. What was dollar characters. Many of them special training in words and enough and craven enough to fall his heart’s content. It is how he once seen and held as such a have two common characteristics: numbers. But there are those who under his guiles, his dubious controls them, humiliates them, glittering incentive has now they are weighed down by their would sell their soul for a scent of charms. bindsthemtohim. mutated into the gleaming steel baggage and driven to their knees the intoxicating nectar of being R e m e m b e r s o m e t h i n g Take one test case, that of bars of an office that is a jail. The byinsatiablegreed. Forcash. Fora closetopower throughout this offering: the three someone who allowed his incentiveofhighofficedegradedto place in the sun. For some favour The Vice President knows that, fundamentals of manipulation are ambitions to get the better of his imprisonment. or two. A beggar reduced to the and he gets them just where he usually present in the Big Boss’s head. Jagdeo dangled a carrot, a There are those who can speak impotency of a dependent cannot wantsthem. Inthepalmofhishand manoeuvres around the panting for prize that veteran comrades fluently, but only when Jagdeo beachooser at his beck and call. And under his a place in his firmament. Jagdeo’s hungered for, would give a certain, allows them to, or he is not around, Obedience is the word and the heel, when he wants to suffocate threefundamentalsofmanipulating ah,privatepartoftheiranatomyfor, or doesn’t care how they make a cost of Jagdeo’s gifts that he them, or squish them, senseless to weak men follow this pattern: onlyforhimtoarrangethegrandest spectacle of themselves. It is an lavishesonthem;afterall,thoseare remindthemwhoistheboss,andto invite, incentivize, then ofpromotionstoonewhofellhook, integral aspect of his secret self- not coming out of his pocket, but whom they owe their continued incarcerate. line, and sinker for all that should satisfaction: good man, good from the purse of the public, so he existenceinthegoodlife.
A second standard in the PPP have represented supreme choice,goodjob. could be generous. Complete When a man surrenders General Secretary’s and national standing, and no less in the power Take test case number two. obedience is a pleasing start, but it everything, so that he can collect chief policymaker’s approach is equation. Ithasturnedouttobeone Where are the men and women of still lacks a vital ingredient. What somecheaptrophiesofarrivingand that he places the highest premium hell of a poison chalice: cutting high ability, of singular prowess, theBigMan,whoisnowthekingof standing, then the Guyanese on total loyalty, blind loyalty In ribbons,bagginggarbage,throwing who are in the former president’s FreedomHouse,andwasonce(and Machiavelli has conquered again. Jagdeo’s book of political wisdom, weight around, but all the time inner circle? When anyone can still is) the reigning monarch of Welcome to my parlour, said the loyalty comes out ahead of ability consenting to be held and yanked identify such a Guyanese (or any State House, wants is the absolute spider to the fly or the snake to the every day in the month. Better still around on the shortest of short foreigner recruited for some ofcrawlingonthebelly,chokingon readyandwillingprey for Barry, the Guyanese strings. It takes a tough stomach to nefarious duty), they know the theirspittle,subservience. (The views expressed in this Machiavelli, and worse yet for absorb such embarrassments in full addresstowhichtosendthememo. As the towering Yankees article are those of the author and those who fall prey to his lures, the publicview Theinvitationthathad There are no men and women of striding over Guyana say, there is do not necessarily reflect the BigManinGuyanaisinthemarket the incentive of a great, big, proven or unique ability around the no free lunch No sirree! opinions of this newspaper.)
An independent review of the investigation into allegations against Calvin Brutus a senior police officer is more than just a call for due diligence; it is a call to preserve public trust in the institutions that serve us.
It is a recognition that, in times of doubt, the strength of a democracy is tested not by its ability to protect its own but by its willingness to open itself to scrutiny This is not the first time such a measure has been taken in our country, and there is a compelling case for it to be undertaken once more.
When serious allegations of rape were levelled against the former Commissioner of Police, Henry Greene, the gravity of the situation demanded a response beyond the bounds of internal review. To that end, a team of investigators from Jamaica was invited to review the investigation. President, it is time you act and order an independent probe into the allegations against Brutus.
By Rehanna Ramsay twoweeksago.
More residents in nearby villages located EnvironmentalProtectionAgency(EPA),the on the West Coast of Demerara (WCD) have Guyana Geology and Mines Commission complained of suspected oil seepage and (GGMC) and ExxonMobil Guyana Limited evenanexplosionoftheirfloortiles. (EMGL) have visited her home. Initial test This comes hours after Kaieteur News conductedbyEPAonOctober8revealedthat published a story highlighting the plight of substance in the living room area was high in Basmatie Singh, a resident of Crane SulphurDioxide. Nouvelle/Flanders,WCD. Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), according to the Singh reported that she is living in American LungAssociation, is a gaseous air constant fear for her health since the pollutant composed of sulfur and oxygen. appearance of a mysterious oily substance in “SO2formswhensulfur-containingfuelsuch herlivingroomonOctober3. as coal, petroleum oil, or diesel is burned,”
The woman, who resides with her son, theAssociation said. Inhaling this gas can be had told this newspaper that she discovered extremely dangerous to human health drops of an oily substance in the bottom flat causing wheezing, shortness of breath and of her two-story home, a short distance from chesttightnessandotherproblems. the Crane, WCD sea front, while cleaning (Continued on page 18)
Inside of a house located at Crane, WCD where the suspected seepage has been taking place.
The tiles which exploded in the kitchen floor of a Harlem, WCD resident.
The tiles showing the residue of an oily substance inside of a house located at Crane, WCD
‘No other country has allowed Exxon to move this fast’ - Exxon Official
Phillip Rietema, Vice project on the Hammerhead President and Business discovery.”
Services Manager at Moreover, Rietema ExxonMobil Guyana underscored that Exxon and Limited (EMGL) on theGovernmentofGuyana’s Wednesday told the shared commitments is what International Business contributedtothecompany’s Conference (IBC) that he successhere. thinks that the company’s
“We’re committed to the Guyana operation is the only long term They’re one they have been able to committed to the long term. move quickly from We have a shared vision of discoverytoproduction. efficiently developing
Vice President and
“We have six sanctioned G u y a n a ’s r e s o u r c e projects, just (to) put it in endowment and as I said, I’ll context. I don’t think there’s share today how that’s going anywhereintheworldwhere and how it’s already bearing we’ve been able to go so fruit. Will bear more fruit,” quickly from discovery to Rietemastated. production to now six
EMGL is the operator of sanctioned projects, ” theStabroekBlockandholds Rietema told the gathering at a 45% interest. Its partners theGuyanaMarriottHotelin Hess and CNOOC holds Georgetown. 30%and25%respectively
He noted that Exxon has
Business Services Manager at ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL)
The companies operate been in Guyana for 25 years, under the 2016 Production with five years of production Prosperity Sharing Agreement (PSA) startinginDecember2019. Rietema also noted that signed by the previous
Since making its first the company has three more coalition government. That discovery in 2015, he projectstocomeonlineinthe agreement waives all taxes underscored that Exxon has coming years. “These are for the oil companies, t r a n s i t i o n e d f r o m renderings of the third, the requiring the government to exploration to production in fourth, fifth and sixth FPSOs pay Exxon and its partners’ record time Currently, for those projects that are taxesfromGuyana’sshareof Exxon is producing over scheduled to come online in oilprofits. 650,000barrelsofoilperday 2025 and then two in 2027,” The deal allows the (bpd)fromLiza1,Liza2and Exxonofficialsaid. companiestorecover75%of Payara developments which He continued, “If you’ve their investments before are supported by three beenreadingthenewsherein splitting the remaining 25%, floating production storage Guyana, we’ve also with Guyana receiving just and offloading (FPSOs) announced that we’re 12.5%.Guyanaalsoreceives namely, Destiny, Unity and planning for a seventh a2%royaltyonitsresources.
Mayor of Linden, the town’s resources and keystakeholderstopursuein
Meanwhile,inrelationto Sharma has urged local infrastructure. socio-economic household the growing number of authorities and national Solomon said in the index survey “Such as the displaced migrants seeking agencies to work together on statement, “A balanced Regional Democratic refuge in Linden, this a comprehensive response to approach is essential. We Council (RDC 10), the publication on October 10, the rising number of need sustainable solutions Linden Chamber of 2024 reported that leaders displaced migrants seeking that respect the needs of our Commerce, and the Region and residents of Linden have refugeinLinden,Region10. citizens and maintain public 10 Tourism Association, to sounded the alarm over the “ L i n d e n i s a order during this period of make informed decisions on growing number of compassionate community transition.” resource allocation, policy Venezuelans who have taken that values human dignity Nevertheless, in the development, and social up residency in the mining However, we must ensure statement, it is highlighted programmes,” the Mayor town, saying that the that our resources and thatinitsfirstyear,thenewly explained. migrants putting a strain on infrastructureareadequateto elected fifth Council of the “Without reliable data, their already scarce leaders. “It is disappointing urgent issue, since last supportbothourcitizensand Municipality of Linden we cannot implement the resources and have urged the that during Minister’s Hugh December,” Mayor of the incoming migrant identifiedtheurgentneedfor targeted social programmes governmenttointervene. Todd visit to Linden, he Linden, Sharma Solomon population,” said the Mayor a thorough understanding of a n d i n f r a s t r u c t u r e Some 600 Venezuelans chose to meet only with said. inapressstatement. the town’s socio-economic improvements that our town have already been living in members of his party and T
e ; During a virtual press situation. desperately needs,” said thetownshipandonTuesday Ve
, https://www.kaieteurnewso c
ally Mayor Solomon in the Foreign Affairs Minister, without engaging with local nline.com/2024/10/10/linde Wednesday,theMayorurged requesting recent National statement.
ners-wary-over-growingthe Ministry of Foreign CensusdatafromtheBureau It is further outlined that engage with the migrants, community leaders, who number-of-venezuelans-inAffairs to involve local of Statistics, the Council has the survey, scheduled for but he ignored the local raised this matter as an community/ stakeholders,includingNon- yet to receive a response,” October 2024, will provide governmental Organizations the Mayor highlighted in the the necessary data for (NGOs) and community pressstatement. evidence-based decisionleaders, in enhancing As such, this has making to ensure equitable capacity for humanitarian reportedly hindered the resource distribution and assistance while protecting ability of the Council and sustainabledevelopment.
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
Wanted: Experienced Puri Maker, Counter Person, Cleaner & Labourer. Apply @ Shanta's, 225 Camp and New Market Sts. 654-1361.
Job openings: Business development analysts, project assistant & Civil engineers. To apply send application via WhatsApp: 733-5983/ 733-4237.
One Driver to work in Georgetown. Interested persons can make contact on Tele: 701-4000 ( 8am-4pm )
1 Domestic worker & one gardener to live and work. Free accommodation. Contact : 619-9143 / 614-8857.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).
One General Domestic four days per week. East Bank Demerara location. Call: 2263414.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
At the opening ceremony of the International Business Conference on Tuesday, ActionINVEST Caribbean Inc. officially launched the 2025 edition of the Who’s Who in Guyana Business Directory.
Female Cleaner for an office in Eccles. Call 615-9132 / 6458443.
Housekeeper and Chef needed. Contact: 6774896.
Experienced Hair Colorist, Hair Cutters, Nail technicians and Barbers needed. Please Call/ WhatsApp: 6096259/ 6495005.
Experienced Accounts Clerk. Apply at Alabama Trading 65 Robb Street, Borda.
Experienced Sales Clerk, Must be computer literate. Apply at Alabama Trading 65 Robb Street, Bourda.
1 Data Entry Clerk. Contact : 227-8274 - 644-9333 or Apply Via Email: pacifdevinc@ gmail.com
Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call : 615-9132 or 645-8443.
2 Experienced pastry Makers, 2 Cleaners & 2 table hand. Apply @ Humphrey's Bakery. 38 Ketley St, Charlestown. Call: 505-1324.
Sheriff street office space, Mc Doom 2 br Apts, Friendship EBD, (new 4 bedroom home) Meadow Bank 2 br. Call: 627-9685.
Long Reach Excavator, Hyundai 140 Revetment, Slushing, Canal desilting & Pipe laying. Call: 657-9237.
1 bedroom unfurnished apartment to let Fully grilled air conditioning & WIFI Ready & Parking in blygezight Gardens, Georgetown, Call: 6733100. VEHICLES FOR SALE
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
FOR SALE North East La-penitence, close to Mandela Ave. Better hope E.C.D & Friendship E.B.D. Contact: Ray Realty 627-9685.
Prime spot land just 96 Mandela Avenue, Tucan street, North East Ruimveldt. Call Ray's Realty: 627-9685.
The publication, which is now in its sixth edition, serves as a vital resource for businesses and investors, spotlighting the sectors fueling Guyana’s economic rise.
The edition features nearly 250 companies that span a diverse range of industries, including energy, construction, financial services, and more, ensuring that the directory remains an indispensable tool for those looking to forge new partnerships and explore investment opportunities in the region.
The directory was officially unveiled by Ms. Jane Miller OBE, the British High Commissioner to Guyana, alongside Dr. Peter Ramsaroop, Chief Investment Officer in the Office of the President and Head of the Guyana Office for Investment.
Reflecting on the importance of the publication, Dr.
Vishnu Doerga, Chairman of ActionINVEST Caribbean Inc., noted, “I want to reflect on the impact this publication has made over the last five editions. Over the years, the Who’s Who has become an essential resource for connecting businesses, promoting key industries, and highlighting the companies and individuals driving progress in Guyana. This year, we continue to shine a spotlight on the growth in two critical sectors: infrastructure and agriculture.”
Dr. Doerga emphasised the publication’s global reach, noting that in past years, the website has attracted a worldwide audience, with significant interest from businesses in the USA, UK, Canada, and the Caribbean.
He stated, “The power of the Who’s Who goes beyond its pages. It provides year-long exposure, ensuring that companies and professionals remain visible to potential partners and investors throughout the year.”
Moreover, the cover of this year’s directory features the majestic Harpy Eagle.
Key sectors highlighted include agriculture, infrastructure, and energy fields identified as essential drivers of the nation’s continued transformation.
The Who’s Who in Guyana Business Directory is available in both print and digital formats, with more than 12,000 copies in circulation.
From page 3 and Investment Conference was birthed.
“I just felt like there was something that I had to offer in the business perspective and once I start coming back (to Guyana), I recognize that there was a lot of things that I wish I knew, they were a lot of resources I wish I had,” she said.
The woman said she contacted several business persons to determine their interest in visiting Guyana and possibly investing.
“So, the Guyana Association of Georgia… we actually started an online and international community to address
Surbryanville, La-penitence, Queenstown & Durban street. Contact Ray Realty: 627-9685.
Bedroom house in Tuschen Contact : 227-8274 / 644-9333/ +1-917-771-5202.
some of those things and I started hosting these awareness and education sessions and we started working with government and that was since 2018,” Mollison disclosed.
As a result, the Business and Investment Conference was born in 2023.
The CEO highlighted, “We are conferencing with people who are all entrepreneurs, coming from the Diaspora, who had a specific need in moving forward with
Guyana.” Meanwhile, Mollison disclosed that on the final day of the conference, a philanthropy project will be held at ‘Tiger Bay’ located on Urquhart Street, Georgetown.
This project will allow citizens from that community to benefit from about 100 food hampers and as well as clothing and shoes.
Further, she said that in partnership with the Ministry of Health and the Guyana Police Force (GPF),
a paediatric medical outreach will also be held in the community.
“Small group, big impact,” Mollison said. Additionally, overseas delegates will be taken on a bus tour from Ogle, East Coast Demerara (ECD) to Linden. Region 10. Mollison also disclosed that Malik Yoba, an actor, will be a key speaker at the conference speaking specifically to business innovation in Guyana.
From page 04 taxed and burdened Guyanese to the hilt.
Then the APNU/AFC having depleted the various reserves and the consolidated fund waited until December 2022 when the PPP/C came to Office to vociferously demand a one-off payment of $300,000 to every home.
This is quite convenient for the Coalition - they were out of Government and as usual, they have all the solutions to each and every problem. They had called this proposal ‘a people-centered proposal’ but now that the PPP/ C Government has proposed a $200,000 cash grant to every household, we are now hearing that the former Finance Minister criticized the initiative as being temporary and that once it is disbursed, people will be relegated to their former position.
Is this not true of the $300,000 proposed by Mr.
Norton in 2022? Is this not true of the $100,000 Mr. Jordan is proposing to be given to every Guyanese adult? It all depends of what use is made of the grant. What would have happened if the Buxton proposal was implemented?
Dr. Thomas himself had reservations but preferred to be optimistic, ‘They are not going to just take it and sit back and consume and wait for a cheque… So it is a gamble that I am taking, but historical experience has been on my side.’ There are people who will ‘just take it (the money) and sit back’. One columnist now sees the $200,000 as fueling increased prices and inflation, a position he was blind to prior.
Mr. Hughes’ observations at Buxton in 2018 needs to be reiterated given the promises now being made by both the APNU and the AFC: ‘…we opening the doors to
politicians to say I can give you more cash than the next one and we end up with a ridiculous campaign of people being irresponsible about development, because it becomes a competition on who can give more.’ Socio-economic development of the country is not important to these pretenders. They believe they can lie and deceive just like they did in 2015, promising the moon and the stars.
In conclusion, we must not analyze any cash grant in isolation and fall prey to empty promises of the illusory ‘good life’ which never materialized under the Coalition. The PPP/C Government has been implementing policies and measures to buffer the high cost-of-living that which will have long-lasting benefits to every Guyanese and which are sustainable.
Yours sincerely, Haseef Yusuf
Three individuals
h a v e b e e n remanded to prison on Wednesday, following an investigation into the alleged illegal landing of an aircraft and drug trafficking in Bashaizon Village, South Rupununi,RegionNine.
The incident reportedly took place on October 6, 2024, with the suspects arrested on October 8. The defendants Robintaine Peixoto Saraiva, a 48-yearold Brazilian miner from BoaVista,Brazil;HamletDa Silva, a 53-year-old selfemployed man from Bonfim,Brazil,andAchiwib Village; and Evander Phoenix, a 27-year-old minerfromAchiwibVillage, appeared before Principal MagistrateFaithMcGustyat t h e G e o r g e t o w n Magistrates’Courtwherethe chargeswerereadtothem.
Saraivafacedachargeof illegal entry, to which he pleaded not guilty He was alsojointlychargedwithDa
Silva with the offence of c
marijuanaandcocaineatthe said location They both pleaded not guilty Phoenix was similarly charged with conspiracy to traffic drugs andalsopleadednotguilty Attorney Bernard Da Silva, representing the trio, applied for bail. He argued that Saraiva’s plane developed mechanical issues leading to a crashlanding rather than an intentional act of illegal entry. “On the day in
question, the plane suffered damage.”Hefurtherstressed that there were no narcotics found on his client or in the aircraft.
Da Silva added that Saraiva had no passport because he “never intended to land anywhere,” and insisted that Saraiva posed noflightrisk,havingafriend inGuyanawillingtoactasa guarantor
Da Silva further explained that Hamlet Da Silva was contacted for mechanical assistance with
theaircraftandwasunjustly suspected by police He noted that Phoenix was also asked to help with the plane’srepairs.DaSilvaalso mentioned to the court “the planewastopickupmercury inVenezuelaforthepurpose of mining.” As such the lawyer emphasised, “The charges are baseless and unsupported and there is no riskofflight.”
Theprosecutorrevealedthat police acted on information about an illegal airstrip and saw Da Silva and Phoenix assisting Saraiva’s aircraft.
The prosecutor said upon seeing the police, the men attempted to flee The prosecutor also mentioned thattheairstripwasprepared six hours before the aircraft illegallyenteredGuyana.He also added that Saraiva has no fixed address in the country, raising concerns abouthisreliabilitytoreturn tocourt.
Afterhearingbothsides, Magistrate McGusty remanded the defendants, settingthenextcourtdatefor October 29, 2024, for disclosure of statements and reports.
In contrast, the prosecutionobjectedtobail, citing the severity of the charges and the substantial evidence suggesting conspiracy to traffic drugs.
The Government of Guyana has invested over $235.5 billion since taking office in 2020 to build a resilient and sustainable food ecosystem, President Irfaan Ali said on Wednesday in his World FoodDaystatement.
TheHead-of-Statenoted too that the sizeable investment has resulted in a significant reduction in undernourishment which now stands at 2.5 percent, well below regional and globalaverages.
This year’s World Food Day is celebrated under the theme “Right to Food for a Better Life and a Better Future,” highlighting the urgent need for access to nutritious and affordable foodforall.
The theme serves as a reminder of the collective responsibility to combat hunger and enhance food securityglobally
President Ali said that it is Guyana’s vision to attain self-sufficiency and emerge asaregionalexporterofkey agricultural products, including poultry, animal feed, black-eye peas, high-
Upon arrival, they discoveredanillegalairstrip approximately three miles long, along with the aircraft in question Witnesses reported that as police approached, two individuals exited the aircraft and entered a pickup truck, which then fled the scene, resulting in one of the suspects falling from the vehicle Despite police attempts to apprehend the driver, he escaped into Brazil.
During interrogation, Saraiva disclosed that the aircraft was chartered to transportmercuryformining operations and that he had flown from Brazil to Venezuela before landing in Guyana. A search of the plane yielded several electronic devices and personalitems,butnoillegal substanceswerefound.
According to police reports, the investigation began when ranks received informationaboutanaircraft attempting to land illegally inBashaizonVillage.Senior Superintendent Raphael Rose, along with members of the Guyana Police Force and the Customs AntiNarcoticsUnit,respondedto thescene.
value crops, honey, coffee, cocoa,andhatchingeggs.
“By 2030, agricultural output is projected to grow byover30percent,”Alisaid in the statement This ambitious goal will be supported by investments in research and robust partnershipswiththeprivate sector
The government is collaborating with the InterAmerican Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) to transform the Guyana School of Agriculture into a Centre of Excellence focused on advanced training and research in digital agriculture and precision farming.
Ali further elaborated, “Thefoodecosystemweare building is not just about increasingoutputandyields; it also involves sustainable production, market access, t e c h n o l o g y, t r a d e facilitation, enhancing transport and logistics services, improving value chain efficiency, ensuring diversification, and promoting the active involvement of youth and women in the agricultural sector.”
He said too that the importance of fostering a collaborative environment to ensure the agricultural sectorthrivesandthatevery citizen has the opportunity forahealthierlife.
“Our aim is to build resilience in our agri-food system while reducing the carbon footprint of food production,”Alistated.
The President said that securing the right to food is contingent on a robust agricultural sector and effectivelegislation,leading to the drafting of a Food Security and Nutrition Bill tomodernizeagricultureand enhance production and innovation.
Meanwhile, Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha echoed this
sentiment, asserting that food is not merely a basic need but a fundamental human right essential for health, development, and prosperity
“We are called to reflect on the importance of ensuring that everyone, re
ess of
heir circumstances,hasaccessto nutritious and affordable food,”hesaid.
Mustaphaalsoaddressed regional food security challenges, announcing the creation of a Food Hub to improvelogisticsandsupply chains, thereby boosting intra-regional trade and r e d u c i n g i m p o r t dependency This initiative will be further supported by t h e u p c o m i n g CARICARGO regional ferryservice.
In celebration of World Food Day, an open day was held at the Bourda Cricket Ground, Georgetown, engagingtheaudienceonthe importanceoffoodsafety A student from St. Stanislaus College, who attended the event,sharedherexperience withKaieteurNews:“Itwas very enlightening For example, we were discussing food safety and how to prevent ourselves from getting sick from food.”
The student also stated that it was her first time attendingsuchanevent.
Attendees had the opportunity to take home free plants and explore variousboothsthatprovided educational resources relatedtoWorldFoodDay
Aljazeera - Palestinian health officials have called for a humanitarian corridor tothreehospitalsinnorthern Gazathathavecomecloseto collapse after Israeli troops have cut off the area during almost two weeks of a renewedgroundassault.
Doctors at the Kamal
Adwan, al-Awda and Indonesian hospitals have refused to leave their patients despite evacuation orders issuedbytheIsraelimilitaryat the start of the offensive into the Jabalia area of northern Gaza12daysago.
“We are calling on the international community, the Red Cross and the World Health Organization, to play their humanitarian role by openingupacorridortowards our healthcare system and allow the entry of fuel, medical, delegations, supplies and food,” said HussamAbuSafiya,director of the Kamal Adwan Hospital,onWednesday
“We are talking about more than 300 medical staff working at Kamal Adwan Hospital,andwecan’tprovide evenasinglemealforthemto be able to offer medical servicessafely”
In addition to Jabalia, Israel’s ground assault in ravaged northern Gaza has alsotargetedBeitHanoonand Beit Lahiya The area has been repeatedly bombarded and invaded by Israeli ground troops since Israel
launcheditsassaultonGaza lastOctober
Since the latest incursion, it has been completely sealed off, according to Palestinian Civil Defence spokesman MahmoudBasal
The UN estimates that some 400,000 people are trappedinnorthernGazaand have been unable to leave duetointensebombardment, as well as the presence of Israeli snipers and ground troops. For 12 days, no food hasbeendeliveredtothearea, Basalsaid “Theyarenotonly trapped,butalsolackingfood, drink,andmedicine,”hesaid, adding that scarce medical supplies are also dwindling
The Gaza Ministry of Health said the continuing Israeli offensive has killed around 350 Palestinians in Jabalia andnearbyareas.
In Gaza City on Wednesday,anIsraeliairstrike on a house killed 13 people, medicssaid Initsdailyupdate, the Gaza Ministry of Health saidIsraelimilitarystrikeshad killed at least 65 Palestinians across the enclave in the past 24hours Muniral-Bursh,the director-general of Gaza’s Ministry of Health, said more than half of the dead arewomenandchildrenand many bodies remain in the streets and under the rubble, with rescue teams unable to reachthembecauseofIsraeli strikes.“Entirefamilieshave disappeared,”saidal-Bursh.
The dire humanitarian situation has prompted worldwide alarm, with the UnitedStatesissuingoneofits strongest warnings to Israel that it must improve the situation or face potential restrictionsonmilitaryaid
“Apolicy of starvation in northern Gaza would be horrific and unacceptable and wouldhaveimplicationsunder internationallawandUSlaw,”
said Linda Thomas-
Greenfield, the US ambassador to the United Nations,onWednesdayduring a UN Security Council meeting The US has previously vetoed multiple resolutions that called for a ceasefire in Israel’s war on Gaza France and China also calledforanendtothewarand immediatehumanitarianrelief inGaza’snorth
The Israeli military meanwhile said it has killed more than 50 Palestinian fightersinairstrikesandclose combat in recent days It has toldpeopletoevacuatetowhat it claimed were safer areas in thesouth,fuellingfearsamong Palestinians that the drive is aimed at clearing them from northernGazapermanently
The Israeli military denies restricting aid supplies, saying that since October 1, more than 9,000 tons of humanitarian aid including food, water, gas, shelter equipment, and medical supplies have entered Gaza through variouscrossings.
Itsaidsomeofthataidwas transferred directly into northern Gaza Gaza’s Government Media Office refuted the claim, saying
Israel’s “lies” about allowing trucksinarecompletelyfalse
“Nothing entered northern Gaza PeopleinnorthernGaza are starving,” said Hadeel Obeid, a supervisor nurse at the Indonesian Hospital, where 28 patients were being treated “Our administrative manager provides just one mealforallpersonsincluding doctors, nurses, patients, and their companions It’s a small amount, not enough for an adultperson,”shetoldReuters newsagencyviaamessaging app.
Like Basal, she said medical supplies were running out due to the daily demands of caring for the wounded.AlJazeera’sTareq AbuAzzoum, reportingfrom Deirel-Balah,saidatleast50 humanitarian aid trucks from theJordaniancapital,Amman,
had arrived in Gaza City, but they “did not reach besieged areas, including Jabalia, Beit HanoonandBeitLahiya” He said Israeli strikes have also continued across Gaza, including the central areas Polio vaccinations Meanwhile, the United Nations Relief and Works AgencyforPalestineRefugees (UNRWA) said that on day two of a polio vaccination campaign in Gaza, more than 64,000 children had received thedropsand51,000vitaminA doses. The World Health Organization (WHO) urged Israel to ensure the necessary conditions to finish the job of vaccinating Gaza’s children againstpolio,“Wecallforthe humanitarian pauses to continue to be respected We callforaceasefireandpeace,” WHOdirector-generalTedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said onX Rachael Cummings, a health specialist with Save the Children, said the situation for children across the coastal enclave is “absolutelydire”.
“People are in survival mode. Peoplearelooking for food, looking for water There is not adequate sanitation, and hygiene practices are decimated,” CummingstoldAlJazeera. Israel’s war on Gaza has killedatleast42,400people, mosly women and children, since October 2023, according to the Palestinian HealthMinistry
According to the American Lung Association, “Longtermexposureathighlevels
increases respiratory symptoms and reduces the ability of the lungs to function.”
The Singhs noted the fumes from the substance has been causing them concernfortheirhealthasit causes an irritation burning sensation of the eyes and nose.
Just streets away in the same village, Nandanie Singhreportedexperiencing similar oil like substance appearing on the floor tiles ofherkitchen.
She told this newspaper that the strange matter started appearing on the floors over eight months ago.“Weseeitbutwedidn’t takeitfornothingbecauseit didn’t have a scent or so. Ourhouseisopenoutsowe have air coming in. I don’t
knowifthatiswhyweain’t gettingnoscent,”Nandanie told this publication during avisittoherCraneHousing Scheme,WCDresidence.
She said that she only became concerned after speakingtoanothervillager who shared that the substancemaybeasaresult ofanoilseepage.
The young woman told this newspaper that her familyhaslivedinthehouse for more than 30 years and never experienced substance mysteriously appearingonthefloors.
“When you touch it, it feel like oily, greasy and it appearsontopofthetileand between the crease at night andinthemorning,wedoes clean it up and wipe whateverspotsweseeinthe daywithtissuebutitcomes backanditdoesleavespots andmakingholesdamaging the tile,” she said. The young woman noted that
given her concerns, she reachedouttotheEPA.
“Icalledthemyesterday [Tuesday] and they came today [Wednesday] The EPAtell we that is the dust, moistureandheatcausingit. They said because we cooking in the kitchen, it could have spots of grease and oil on floor They said that even the chemicals from the bottom of the rubber mats can cause the spotstoappear,”shesaid.
Nandanie said that the EPAsaidtoothattheydidn’t findanytoxicgaspresentin theirhome.
However, the young woman stated that despite the EPA’s explanation, the family is still unclear why the substance is coming up through the crease of the tileseverynight.
“My mother… is over 40 years she lived here… since she was a child. This never happened,” Nandanie
stated. Shesaidthatshewill keep monitoring the situation and inform the authoritiesifitworsens.
Meanwhile, when this newspapervisitedthehome of Basmatie Singh again to reassessthesituation,itwas observed that the fumes in the home were not present. Thewomansaidshehadleft thewindowsanddoorsopen as she continues to fear for herhealth.
American oil giant, ExxonMobil has laid a 12inchpipelineastone’sthrow away from Singh’s home. Thepipelineisconnectedto the Liza One and Liza Two FloatingProductionStorage and Offloading vessels (FPSO) offshore. It will transport gas to the Wales Developmentsite.
In August, Exxon completed hooking up the pipeline to the two FPSOs. The company had said it wouldpumpanearthengas-
like nitrogen - along with water into the structure, until the construction of the gas plants is completed at Wales.
Kaieteur News also visited another resident livingatHarlem,WCDwho recounted a strange explosion of tiles in her kitchen floor about two weeks ago. The woman who lived at her Harlem residence for over 33 years related: “The whole tile break up and explode… I was laying down when I hear the commotion, like a hissing sound and then it sound like something cracking but I didn’t get up rightawaytocheckbecause Iwasfrightened.”
According to the resident, the tiles were installed in kitchen about fouryearsago.
“I live here long, my floors got tiles years now, truckpassonthepublicroad
andallkindofthingandwe never had no tile explode,” sheremarked.
In addition to the explosioninherkitchen,the woman also noticed some strange marks on her tiled floor “I said like is something eating and coming through I thought wastermitebutIneverknew that termite does eat tile, I don’t take it for nothing because we clean it every day,” she told Kaieteur News The Harlem resident said she did not inform the EPAofherstrangediscovery She believes that the vibrations from Exxon’s drilling operations in Crane, to facilitate the pipeline, could have led to the explosionofhertiles I f a n y o n e i s experiencing any similar occurrence, please make contactwithKaieteurNews ontelephonenumbers:2258491/601-2231.
“Wearealwaysopentomore Rodney, a Guyanese-born resources, but we already US-based entrepreneur and have donors in the owner of Waterfall Lounge community supporting us,” Bar&GrillinNewYork,has sheadded. launched a mental health
In addition to her mental initiative to support the health project, Rodney is
Guyanese diaspora
preparing to launch
Speaking to local media, workshops on tech and Rodney shared her passion digital literacy, followed by for community service and financial literacy programs. revealed plans for her These initiatives, she says, “Mental Care” program, are vital to helping the which will begin before the community keep pace with endoftheyear technological advancements
Born and raised in the andeconomicchanges. small village of Soesdyke
The businesswoman also Linden, Rodney emphasized discussed her family’s her deep connection to her legacy of community roots and her commitment to service. Her mother, Doris addressing the diaspora’s Rodney, is known for her critical issues, particularly generosity and community mental health. “One of the activism. She continues this things statistics show is that legacybycreatingstructured Guyana.Sheemphasizedthe the day, my focus is on the
Caribbeanpeoplehaveaway programs that provide importance of addressing solutions and doing the of not tapping in when ongoing support to mental health in the work,” Rodney said. “No they’re having emotional or Guyaneseinthediaspora. Caribbean context, where matter what you’re doing, mental health disturbances
Visit Waterfall Lounge Bar & Grill at 4703 Church Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203.
Reflecting on her longissues like trauma and PTSD even if it’s good, you’ll have orissues,”Rodneysaid.
term vision, Rodney stated, oftengoundiagnosed. someone on the opposing
The initiative aims to “My goal is always to create She has already received side.ButI’mexcitedtobeon create a safe, relaxed seek support without stigma. emphasizing the importance a pipeline back home,” support from President the side focusing on positive e n v i r o n m e n t w h e r e Theprogramisfreeandopen of accessibility, especially in noting that her initiatives Irfaan Ali, who she recently change.” community members can to the public, with Rodney underserved communities will eventually expand to hosted at Waterfall Lounge Rodney’s mental health Bar & Grill, where she initiative, along with her shared her plans. Rodney upcoming programs in tech remains focused on building and finance, promise to be a partnerships to amplify her valuable resource for efforts in the U S and Guyanese in New York. To Guyana, and she welcomes support Rodney’s initiatives, f u r t h e r c o m m u n i t y person can contact her via i n v o l v e m e n t o r e m a i l a t collaboration. “At the end of nola@the1nolaro.com.
Three companies out of Services(Canada). India and four from China In January, President are among nine that applied IrfaanAliannouncedthathis for the Government of government intended to Guyana contract to design, construct a fixed high-span build and finance the new crossing bridge across the BerbiceRiverBridge. BerbiceRiver ThePresident
The project which is made the announcement being executed through the duringhisaddressatthesodMinistry of Public Works turningeventfortheUS$161 wasopenedonWednesdayat million modern hospital in the National Procurement New Amsterdam, Region and Tender Administration S i x ( E a s t B e r b i c eBoard(NPTAB)office. Corentyne).
The current Berbice River Bridge
A c c o r d i n g t o “ We a r e a l r e a d y information provided, the understanding for the future bidders are China Road & needs of this region. That is Bridge Corporation (China); why we are accelerating the Ashoka Buildcon Limited plans for a fixed high-span (India); China Railway crossing bridge across the Construction Caribbean Berbice River just like the He said at the time, “we InsuranceScheme(NIS)and Limited (China) in jointed one in the Demerara River,” are in the process of privateinvestors. venture with China Railway hestated. discussing with the Berbice It must be noted that the Construction Bridge The president initially Bridge Corporation the bulk of the money invested Engineering Bureau Group made the announcement of a possible acquisition of that in the Berbice Bridge came Company Limited (T&T); new Berbice River Bridge bridge by the government,” fromNIS. Shandong High-speed Road back in October 2022. This he said. If the acquisition is Sharing ownership & Bridge Company Limited structure is expected to not finalised by the time the percentages in the Berbice (China) in jointed venture mirror the US$260 million new Demerara River Bridge Bridge Inc (BBCI): with AJM Enterprise; China newDemeraraRiverBridge. is operational, the Berbice National Industrial and Railway First Group Following the ministry’s River Bridge crossing will Commercial Investments CompanyLimited(China)in advertisement, at the also become toll-free Ltd (NICIL) holds 10 jointed venture with China commissioning ceremony of simultaneously percent, NIS owns 20 2
R a i l w a y E r y u a n theSchoonordtoCranefour- Moreover, the current p e r c e n t , a n d o t h e r
E n g i n e e r i n g G r o u p lane highway road, the Berbice River Bridge, which stakeholders include HandCompany Limited (China); H e a d - o f - S t a t e h a d was constructed between in-Hand Fire Insurance (10 Rockey & Son Construction announced that plans are 2006and2008atacostof$8 percent), New GPC (20 (local); Kalpataru Projects underwaytohavethecurrent billion, received financial percent), Queens Atlantic International Limited Berbice River Bridge toll- backing through loans and InvestmentInc.(20percent), (India); Vishwa Samudra free and that the new bridge equity contributions from and Secure International Engineering Private Limited when completed will also be various entities, including Finance Co. Limited (20 (India); and Aecon Global toll-free. the state-run National percent).
SportsMax - St. Kitts andNevishavesecuredtheir placeatthetopofGroupCin the 2024/25 Concacaf NationsLeague,followinga 1-1drawagainsttheCayman Islands on Tuesday night at Warner Park in Basseterre. ThisresultallowedtheSugar Boyz to finish their campaign unbeaten and claim promotion to League
B.Thematchsawbothteams fighting hard for their positions, with Zachary Scott of the Cayman Islands opening the scoring in the 61stminute.Scottfoundthe net with a powerful leftfooted shot, assisted by WesleyRobinson,givingthe visitorsa1-0lead.However, St Kitts and Nevis responded dramatically in
the dying moments of the match when an own goal by Cayman Islands defender JoshwaCampbellinthe99th minute leveled the score, allowing the home side to remain undefeated in the group.
With the draw, St. Kitts andNevisfinishedthegroup stage with three wins and onedraw(3-1-0),cementing
their first-place finish and promotiontoLeagueB.
TheCaymanIslandsalso earned a reward for their impressive campaign, despitethedraw
With a 2-1-1 record, the Cayman Islands finished as the best second-placed team across all groups in League C, securing their promotion toLeagueBandaspotinthe Concacaf Nations League Play-In.
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult ta
ou t
y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour f
ly h
ately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
PISCES(Feb.19–Mar.20) Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
B Belize’s defense was impenetrablethroughoutthe groupstage,withgoalkeeper Charles Tillett recording four clean sheets as his side went undefeated without concedingagoal.
The Turks and Caicos Islands finished third in GroupB,narrowlymissing out on second place due to goal difference, while
In Group A, Barbados completed a flawless campaign with a resounding 6-2 victory over the BahamasattheWildeyAstro TurfStadiuminBridgetown. Despite an early scare when Brandon Adderley put the Bahamas in front in the 6th minute, Barbados quickly responded through Andre Applewhaite,whoequalized justtwominuteslater
The Bajans took control ofthematchsoonafter,with Niall Reid-Stephen converting a penalty in the 14th minute to give Barbadosthelead.
Further goals from Sheran Hoyte (26'), Omani Leacock (47'), and Applewhaite again in the 52nd minute secured a commandinglead.
Hoyte added his second of the night in the 64th minutetocapoffthescoring for Barbados, ensuring they finishedtopofGroupAwith a perfect 4-0-0 record and promotiontoLeagueB.
TheBahamasmanageda second goal through an own goal by Nicoli Brathwaite just before halftime, but it was not enough to prevent a comprehensive defeat. The Bahamas finished the group stage with a 1-1-2 record, falling short of the CNL Play-In.
Belizealsowrappedupa successful group stage campaign in Group B, defeating Turks and Caicos Islands 3-0 at FFB Stadium inBelmopan.JordyPolanco headedinacornerinthe28th minute to open the scoring, followed by a volley from Moisés Hernández in the 40th minute to double Belize’slead.
K r i s e a n L ó p e z completedthescoringinthe 57th minute, pouncing on a loose ball inside the box to secure Belize’s fourth consecutive win, sealing first place in Group B and earningpromotiontoLeague
Anguilla claimed the runner-up spot in the group
With these results, St Kitts and Nevis, Barbados, and Belize join the list of teams promoted to League Bforthenexteditionofthe Concacaf Nations League, highlighting the region’s competitive and exciting footballscene
Front lateral spreads, back double biceps, side chest, front lateral spreads are some of the phrases the audience will hear being bellowed to the behemoths of Central America & the Caribbean when they take the stage to display their chiselled bodies this weekend to compete in one of the Region’s premier Body Building & Fitness Championships, at the
National Cultural Centre (NCC).
Over 250 athletes representing 20 countries willbevyingfortophonours inboththebodybuildingand physiquecategories. Cominghotofftheheels of the just concluded Mr Olympia where Nigerianborn Samson Dauda, who now represents the United Kingdom, the sport worldwide is enjoying
unprecedentedhighlightand Guyana and the CAC Body, rightfully, would want to exploitsuchexposure.
The championships will revealwho has incorporated the ingredients necessary to dominatetheirrivals.
It is well known that the athletes who took no short cuts, did not take the easy path and demonstrated the level of consistency, laser focus, discipline, and
passion are usually the ones thatcomeoutvictorious. Host Guyana has named a strong squad to represent the‘GoldenArrowhead’and it includes: Selwyn Grogan (Masters Under 75KG, Sylvon Gardner (Masters Under-70KG), Orlanzo Valenzuela (U-65KG), Daniel Lutchman (U70KG), Delrae McLean (Masters-U-75KG), Christopher Anthony (Masters U-75KG), Seon Budhan (U-65KG), Julio Sinclair (Over 100KG), Marley Vyphuis ( Men’s Physique 186cm), Kewsie Anderson (Men’s Physique 186cm & Physique Mass), Roger Callender (U-60KG), Yusuf Khan (Physique 172cm), Antowyn Bayley (Men’s Physique 176cm), Sachin Sharma (Men’s Physique 170cm), Jamal Pollydore (Men’s Physique 176cm), Emmerson Campbell (Men’s Physique 170cm), Renaldo Caldeira (Men’s Physique 170cm), HannahRampersaud(Junior
Sylvon Gardner
(Women Wellness under 158), Christine Ramsammy (Bikini Under 169), Sabita Stephenson (Bikini Under 165), Joel Caldeira ( Bodybuilding under 65kg), Vanisha Munroe (Women’s Wellness under 160), Aliya
The quarter-finals of the BCB/Dr Dukki U-15 will bowl off across venues in Berbice, this coming weekend.
Gameswillbeplayedunderstrictcodes, with the use of Red balls and white uniform for players being a part of the tournament’s professionalidentity
At the Cotton Tree ground on the West CoastofBerbice,CottonTreeDieHardwill host Albion Community Centre CC from 9:30h.
Sunday’s game between Rose Hall Community Centre Cricket Club and AchieverswillbehostedattheBananenLand Ground or the Jaihind Cricket Ground; with confirmationtobemadesoon.
Also slated for Saturday October 19, RHTYSC B will host the Rose Hall
Wong (Women’s Wellness under158)andRawleGreen (Masters Bodybuilding Under90kg). Meanwhile, the Guyana Body Building & Fitness Federation has planned its officialPressConferencefor today at 11:00hrs at the NCC.
Community Centre from Canje when the BCB/QualityDeliverU-17semi-finalsbowl off.
Following that encounter, the victorious team will move on to the finals where they faceAlbionCommunityCentre.
Also, the BCB will be seeing additional action this Saturday October 19, as the Ivan Madray T20 knock-out 1st division competitionwillbowloff.
The RBL Inter-Secondary Schools tournament will restart shortly after inter house sports, Upper and Lower Corentyne zonesarealmostcompleted.
ThePremierT20cupfinalisscheduledto bowl off from 27th October, with the Orvin MangruContractingCompanysettosponsor a few competitions, including an U15 tournamentslatedforNovember
Frompage28 thirteen color uniforms whileRHCCCCreceivedsix boxes of balls, fifteen white cricket shirts, one pair of junior batting pads, one pair of wicket keeping gloves, twosetsofstumpsandbails. Other beneficiaries are The Essequibo Cricket Board,theTownofLethem, youth coach Travis Persaud (one box of red cricket balls), male and female teamsplayingthetraditional hardball and softball in the Upper Corentyne area, No.65YoungTitanswith30
Talent spotting is being done across the country and club leaders also assist to identifysame.
Progressive and well managedcricketclubswitha youth programme will also benefit.
Anyone interested to contribute can contact Anil Beharry on 623-6875 or Kishan Das on 1-718-6640896.
T-Shirts, youths of Just Try Cricket Club, Wakenaam Cricket Academy (one box of white balls), Shamar Joseph, Nehemiah Hohenkirk, Shamar Apple, Leguan Cricket Committee, Tucber Park Cricket Club,Malteenoes Sports Club (nine cricket balls each), Kendall’s Union CricketClubwithtwoboxes of red balls and Lower Corentyne Secondary Schoolwithtwelveredballs. Cricket related items, used or new, are distributed free of cost to young and promising cricketers in Guyana. Skills, discipline and education are important characteristics of the recipients.
The inaugural edition of the “Champion of
Champions” Futsal competition got underway on Tuesday evening at the National Gymnasium on MandelaAvenue,withNorth East La Penitence, Back CircleA,GoldisMoney,and Bent Street A all securing wins.Teamsarevyingforthe chancetowalkawaywithup to $2 million in cash and prizes,andtheopeningnight set the stage with a mix of decisive victories and close encounters.
North East La Penitence made a powerful statement in the tournament opener, overwhelming Street Vybz 4-0. Kelvin Moore led the charge with goals in the 8th
and 10th minutes, while Lennox Cort and Samuel Hunte added strikes in the 5th and 18th minutes, respectively
Back Circle A followed witha3-1triumphoverBent Street B Simeon Moore netted twice in the 15th and 18th minutes, while Amos Ramsay and Bevney Marks each scored in the 14th and 16thminutes.BentStreetB’s Daniel Ross managed a consolation goal in the 3rd minute.
Part of the action between Back Circle A and Bent Street B in the ‘Champion of Champions’Futsal competition.
In a closely contested match,GoldisMoneyedged Laing Avenue 2-1. Andrew Murray and Stephon Jupiter found the net in the 6th and 9th minutes for the victors, while Yohance Scott scored in the 5th minute for Laing Avenue.
scoring the decisive goal in the3rdminute.
The night’s final match saw Bent Street A claim a narrow1-0winoverZ-Tekk Family,withPernellSchultz
Theactioncontinuesthis Saturdaywithanotherround of exciting matchups at the same venue Highlights
includeBackCircleBversus TeamCruelat19:00,Mocha facingZ-TekkFamily,anda clashbetweenNorthEastLa PenitenceandBentStreetB. The evening will culminate
with Sparta Boss taking on North Ruimveldt at 22:00, followed by Bent Street A’s matchup against Stabroek Ballers in the final match of thenight.
The Guyana Badminton Association (GBA) sent heartfelt gratitude to the Embassy of the People’s RepublicofChinaintheCooperative Republic of GuyanaanditsDeputyChief ofCommission,HuangRui.
Mr Rui, Counselor and Deputy Chief of Mission, was lauded by the local badminton fraternity following the generous donationofbothfeatherand plastic shuttlecocks to the GBA.
Thetimelydonationwill add to the GBA’s ongoing, countrywideprogramwhich is geared towards teaching thefundamentalsofthesport to students and teachers
alike,whilefocusingheavily on coaching as well as advanced aspects of badminton.
Priyanna Ramdhani, Guyana’s leading senior femaleplayerandoneofthe key components of the GBA’s endeavors, thanked Mr Rui and the Chinese Government for their invaluable support towards the development of badmintoninGuyana.
The donation, according to the GBA, will contribute significantlytothegrowthof Badminton across all levels in Guyana, as the sport remains on an upward trajectory heading into the NewYear
Huang Rui, Counselor and Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Guyana, presenting the
“Cricket Gear for young and promising cricketers in Guyana” Lower Corentyne Secondary School benefits from cricket balls through Project, thanks Derek Kallicharran and Friends
Lower Corentyne
Secondary School out of RoseHallTown,Corentyne, Berbice, is the latest to benefit from this joint initiative between Kishan Das of the USA and Anil Beharry of Guyana. They were the recipients of two boxes of red cricket balls, compliments of former GuyanaWest Indies “B” leg spinning all rounder, Derek Kallicharranandhisfriends, Vishnu Dudnauth, Bob Harrischan, Johnno Persaud and Ramjit Singh, all USA basedGuyanese.
At a simple ceremony heldrecently,Mahendradass Nandlal, acting Head of Department, Allied Arts Department, LCSS, was thankful for the support and promised to get his school more actively involved in cricket, whether its competition or practice matches. Amanda Downer Kampta, the niece of Kallicharran said that she was pleased to present the balls on behalf of her uncle and team. This initiative is also thankful for the continued support provided byourfriendsfromtheUSA and really admires their interest and commitment to cricket development in Guyana and Berbice in particular.
Total cricket related items received/purchased so far: $460,000 in cash,
thirteen colored cricket uniforms, one set of stumps and bails, two trophies, twentysevenpairsofcricket shoes, thirty three pairs of batting pads, thirty five cricket bats, one floppy hat, thirty two pairs of batting gloves, twenty five thigh pads, three pairs of wicket keeping pads, six arm guards, two chest pads, two boxes, twelve cricket bags, six bat rubbers, six helmets, one fiber glass bat, thirteen boxes of white cricket balls, five boxes of red balls and twenty eight footballs. In addition to the above, gear worth more than $600,000 was donated by Sheik Mohamed, former National wicket keeper/batsman. All cash collected is being used to purchase cricket gear requested and not available atthetime.
Todate,eightysixyoung players, male and female, from all three counties of Guyana have benefited directly from cash, seven gearbags,twotrophies,four armguards,thirtythreebats, three boxes, six helmets, thirty one pairs of cricket shoes,twentypairsofbatting pads,twentyfourthighpads, onebatgrip,thirtyfourpairs ofbattinggloves,onepairof wicketkeeping pads and threepairsofwicketkeeping gloves Many others benefitedindirectly In addition, two clubs in thePomeroonareabenefited from two used bats Pomeroon, Leguan and Wa k e n a m C r i c k e t CommitteesandCottonTree Die Hard also received one boxofredcricketballseach, ColdFusionCricketClub (Continuedonpage26)
AFP - Lionel Messi struck a vintage hat trick as world champions Argentina romped to a 6-0 win over Bolivia in CONMEBOL World Cup qualifying on Tuesday
The 37-year-old provided an emphatic reminder of his enduring quality with three clinical finishes, two assists and some of his trademark creativity throughout the game as Lionel Scaloni’s sidedominated.
The eight-time Ballon d’Or winner opened the scoring in the 19th minute when Bolivian defender Marcelo Suarez was robbed by Lautaro Martinez, who sent Messi clear and he cleverly slotted into the bottomcorner
The home crowd at Buenos Aires’ Monumental Stadium were on their feet again in the 43rd minute
when Julian Alvarez threaded a brilliant pass through to Messi, who unselfishly squared the ball toMartineztofinish.
After the break, Nicolas Otamendihadaheaderruled out for offside but the home fansdidn’thavelongtowait for the fourth when Thiago Almada side-footed home afterasuperbpull-backfrom NahuelMolina
A classic Messi goal madeit5-0inthe84th—the Inter Miami forward dribbling centrally before switching from his left foot to his right and burying the ballintothebottomcorner
Two minutes later and somefanswereintearsafter Messi cut in from the right, played a smart wall pass off substitute Nico Paz and againputtheballbeyondthe reach of g
keeper GuillermoViscarra.
Argentina are top of the 10-teamtablewith22points from ten games — three points clear of second-place Colombia, who crushed Chile4-0inBarranquilla.
- Colombians crush ChileThere was a different look to the team, wearing a special retro white kit, marking the Colombian Football Federation’s centenary, featuring the national flag’s colours in a
Three minutes later, Alvarez was on target himself when Bolivia were caught sleeping at a freekick,Messichippingtheball overthetopandtheAtletico Madrid forward slotted home.
hoop.Itwasadashingdesign and the performance of Nestor Lorenzo’s team was equallystylishtakingaparta woeful Chile side that remainrootedlastinthetenteamqualifyinggroup.
Defender Davinson Sanchez opened the scoring in the 34th minute, nodding homeafterJhonLucumihad headed a James Rodriguez cornergoalwards.
Jhon Cordoba slotted homeaDiazcrossinthe45th minute but the effort was ruled out for offside against Diaz.
Over the weekend
of the 12th and 13th October 1024,theGuyanaVolleyball Federation saw 14 teams participating in the playoffs from the following zones of the Republic Bank One GuyanaNationalBDivision tournament.
In Mabaruma Region one, the Spartans volleyball
club claimed the title from ThomasHillsclub25-21and 25-16. In Region four, 7 male teams participated, Alpha defeated Castrol Strikerstoclaimthetitle2519,25-14,17-25,18-25,1510. In the female category Classic Ball Blasters defeatedCastrolStrikers2517,25-23.
Mighty force team were the winners in a three team battleinSiparuta,25-18,2523. This weekend the 19th and 20th October will see Moruka, Region 6 and 5, Region 2 Mainstay and Capoey, Region 7 Bartica and Upper Mazaruni all havingtheirplayoffsintheir respectivezones.
giveaway, this time in midfield, allowed Sinisterra to break and then feed the Aston Villa forward, who made no mistake and Sinisterra then wrapped up thewininstoppagetime.
Brazil continued to ease any concerns about their qualification chances with a comfortable 4-0 win over PeruinBrasilia.
spectacular style with a brilliant left-foot drive from outsidetheboxtomakeit4-0 andleaveBrazilinfourth. Paraguay boosted their chances of grabbing one of the six automatic qualification spots after substitute Antonio Sanabria scored twice in a 2-1 win overVenezuela.
Chile gifted the
Colombiansasecond,seven minutes after the interval, when Benjamin Kusevic gave the ball away to Rodriguez, who squared to Liverpool winger Luis Diaz toconvert.
Substitute Jhon Duran made it 3-0 in the 82nd minute after another
A pair of penalties converted by Barcelona winger Raphinha put the record five-time World Cup winners on their way — the first coming in the 38th minute when Carlos Zambrano handled in the box and the second in the 54th minute after the same defender brought down Savinho.
But there was more to appreciate in the third goal, in the 71st minute, with AndreasPereiraproducinga superb scissor-kick volley from a Luiz Henrique cross fromtheright.
L u i z H e n r i q u e completed the rout in
Full-back Jon Aramburu put Venezuela ahead in the 25th minute, bursting down the right and collecting a pass from Yeferson Soteldo that he buried in the bottom corner
Torino striker Sanabria was introduced at the interval and he brought sixth-placed Paraguay level whenheslidintomeetalow crossfromJuniorAlonso.
Sanabria then grabbed the winner in the 74th minute, leading a counterattackbeforegettingintothe box to finish off the move with a header from close range.
Uruguay and Ecuador playedoutagoallessdraw
for the world champions. (Luis
The Mabaruma winning team (foreground) in action during their encounter.