American oil giant, investigation, and we are out that the pipeline will noticed several drops of an ExxonMobil has been asked happy to provide that transportgasandnotoil. oily substance on her tiles. to assist the Environmental expertise.” A62-year old resident of The woman immediately Protection Agency (EPA) in She was keen to note that Crane, West Bank Demerara summonedhersonwholives investigating the seepage of there is currently no first reported the appearance withher anoilysubstancethroughthe evidenceorreasontobelieve of the substance to the EPA. Shesaidtheytouchedthe floors of West Demerara these incid
have ShetoldKaieteurNewsinan substance which had an oil residents. anything to do with the interview on Monday that
M e d i a a n d company’s oil production, shehasbeenlivinginfearfor Environmental Protection Communications Supervisor some 190 kilometers her health since discovering Agency(EPA)wasalertedof for ExxonMobil, Meghan offshore. thesubstanceonOctober3. the situation on October 7.A MacDonald in an invited Moreover, MacDonald
Basmatie Singh said she team from the EPA, the
i s said the Gas-to-Energy was cleaning the bottom flat Guyana Geology and Mines newspaper, “The EPA asked pipeline, constructed by of her two-story home, Commission (GGMC) and our environmental experts to Exxon is presently not located a short distance from ExxonMobil G
s operational.Shealsopointed the sea front when she Limited (EMGL) visited Singh’shomeonOctober8.
Theteamconductedtests and took samples of the substance for further testing offsite. The family was later informed by the EPA during a second visit to their home on October 11 that the living room area was high in SulphurDioxide.
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), according to the American Lung Association, is a gaseous air pollutant composed of sulfur and oxygen. “SO2 forms when sulfur-containing fuel such as coal, petroleum oil, or diesel is burned,” the Association said. Inhaling this gas can be extremely dangerous to human health causing wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness and other problems
According to the American Lung Association, “Longterm exposure at high levels increases respiratory symptoms and reduces the ability of the lungs to function.”WhenKaieteur (Continued on page 12)
An officer of GGMC collecting samples from an affected home
The oily substance that was discovered in the home of Basmatie Singh
A s s i s t a n t P o l i c e for Mr Brutus to leave the Commissioner (ag) Calvin country as he wishes from Brutus was denied a request 19th October to 27th to travel to the United States Ministry of Home Affairs. media.” present these documents response, Lall noted that October, 2024 Brutus with his pregnant wife, Additionally, the court In relation to Brutus’ duringtheproceedings. SOCU cannot forcibly having skipped that step AdonikaAulder, for medical expressed c
rns possibility of being at flight DeputySolicitorGeneral questiontheofficer b
care when he appeared at the regarding Brutus being a risk, Daniels informed the Shoshanna V Lall strongly According to a press jurisdiction,” the AG’s HighCourtonFriday potential flight risk, given courtthatafterhisvocational opposed the travel request. release issued by the Chamberssaid.
Amid the on-going thatwhilehewasoverseasin leave expired, Brutus made She responded to Daniels’ A
l ’s Additionally,Lallargued investigationintoBrutusand August and his 42-day leave a p p l i c a t i o n f o r claims about SOCU’s Chambers, the State also that Brutus and his wife his family by the Special had expired, he returned to administrativeleave.Healso attempts to contact the outlined its objections on provided no evidence Organised Crime Unit Guyana subsequent to his noted that the couple have applicants, stating, “Your severallegalgrounds,stating whatsoever that the alleged (SOCU), the officer made an leaveexpiring. substantial amount of assets honour, our instructions are that the breadth of the medical treatment his wife application to leave Guyana During the court w i t h i n t h e c o u n t r y that SOCU has made every ongoing investigation and seeks is not available in today and return by October proceedings, Attorney emphasizing that they would effort to locate the the gravity of the impending Guyana and failed to
tus, Daniels told the judge that notleavetheirassetsbehind. applicants; it has been very charges warranted the denial demonstrate any special accompanied by his lawyer, due to the nature of Brutus’ The lawyer also noted difficult to bring them into ofBrutusandAulder’stravel circumstances justifying Earl Daniels, appeared request to accompany his Brutus’ wife is expecting questioning.” request. their travel to the U S , before Justice Gino Persaud, pregnant wife to the USAfor their child in March 2025, However, the court was They argued Brutus, is especially in light of the whodeniedtheapplication. urgent medical treatment, he and if the requested travel is notified that Brutus resides required to seek and obtain serious charges looming Justice Persaud cited the promised the court that he denied, she could be forced nearby Fazil Karimbaksh, leave from the Permanent overthem. 240 pending charges against willreturntoGuyana. to wait until May 2025 for who is the head of SOCU. In Secretarybeforehecanleave Th
Brutus,involvingallegations He further stated that h
x t m e d i c a l light of this information, the jurisdiction, in which he highlighted the public of financial impropriety Brutus was unaware of the appointment. Justice Persaud questioned failedtodoso. interest at stake, noting the totalling approximately allegationputagainsthimby
$800million. SOCU stating, “My client
the difficulty of SOCU “No such request was
made or approval obtained surroundingBrutus. The court also refused hasnotbeencalledbySOCU evidence regarding Aulder’s the application on the to answer the allegations of medical needs, specifically grounds that Brutus had not mon
documentation detailing her applied for permission to financial impropriety so
leave Guyana from the far…my client learnt of the complications However, Permanent Secretary of the information through social Daniels was unable to
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
ExxonMobil went about answering questions on its Guyana Stabroek Block oil stake with a jarring array of ready, self-serving answers. The news was not good for either Guyana’s leading opposition, the People’s National Congress/Reform (PNCR) or Guyana itself ExxonMobil’s GuyanaPresident,Mr AlistairRoutledge,wasashardassteel: thecompanywilllisten,willinform,andwillcleartheaironany misconceptions, but that is the limit of any discussions The steeliest part of Routledge’s position was clear when he said, “Absolutely,anychangetotheinvestmentbasis,giventhatwe have made commitments that will flow 20 to 30 years, underminesthatinvestment” Forclarity:“anychangetothe investment basis undermines that investment” That is, sabotagesit,weakensit,reducesit Inotherwords,anyvisions ofrenegotiationaredeadonarrival.
ExxonMobil will welcome conversation with the opposition PNCR but touching the 2016 oil contract that it foistedonGuyaneseisoffthetable Don’teventhinkofgoing there Thisisthecompany,andthisisoverseerthatridesallover Guyana, while from its government to its opposition skip around like children in efforts to avoid offending the newest foreignmasterofGuyana Then,bothgroupsjustthrowinthe towel,andcollapseintheircornerswithoutafight Imaginethe unbelievableexaggerationofthisexploiter:anychangewhatsoever tothecontract“underminesthatinvestment” Achangebyanother measly 2%, or even 1%, to the royalty level, would devastate ExxonMobil’sbillionsthatitpouredintoitsGuyanaoperations Itis becauseGuyanahasbeencursedwithsuchpatheticallyshameless politicalgroupsasthePPP/CandPNCRthatsomeonelikeRoutledge couldcomehereandfeelcomfortablespeakinginthesearrogantand dismissivetones. TakingtheExxonMobilmanonthegroundhere literally,itsoundsthatevenamerehalfpercentincrease,orachangein thecostrecoverylevel,orring-fencingoneproject,wouldbea deathblowtothecompany OnlyinacountrylikeGuyana,with thepoliticiansthatarejostlingforpower(andthecompany’s favor)couldRoutledgebeallowedtogetawaywithhispatented disdainfortheinterestsofGuyanese Inarealcountrywithreal leaders, there would not be another oil project approved for yearstocome,oruntilsuchtimethatExxonMobilcomestoits sensesandagreetodeliverwhatisfairtoGuyana Heisheard with that self-serving reference to Suriname, how much it gotinitscontract,andwhat’sthebasisofitsgenerousterms. According to President Routledge, it is because the Americans “de-risked” the Stabroek Basin that Suriname waspositionedtoreapitsrichwindfall. ExxonMobilwent first into unproven oil territory, carried the heavy burden, anddiscoveredoilinhugequantitiesaftermucheffortand expense. ThisiswhatempoweredSurinametocapitalizeon with its comparatively better oil contract Guyana was the guineapig,SurinamefeastsonthefatthatExxonMobilmadeit easiertoextract WeatthispaperaregladforSurinamebutare disgusted with both ExxonMobil and its corporate caricature thatnowwalksoverGuyanaasifheownsit Routledgecan onlydoso,speaksobrazenlyabout“anychange”wouldleadto seriousissuesforthecompany’sinvestment,becausethereisa PPP/CGovernmentandaPNCROppositionthatarebeatenas dogswiththeirtailstuckedbetweentheirlegs Bothpartiesand theirleadingplayersbendoverbackwardstoavoidincurringthe angerofExxonMobil,whichincentivizesRoutledgetospeakin suchcondescendingtonesandterms Anycountrywithahintof self-regard, and leaders with any pride in them, would have foundwaystoslowdownExxonMobil,shadowitseverymove, and show to the likes of Routledge that two can play at this game ExxonMobil has an unbeatable advantage. It knows that Guyana’s politicians put personal ambitions ahead of any interest in Guyanese. It is why the company has had suchacakewalkhereandcouldgivesuchshortthrifttoany mentionofrenegotiationofthevile2016oilcontract. Talk aboutrenegotiationandRoutledgetransformsintoaterror, whichcausesthePPP/CandPNCRtorunforcover
In recent weeks, the government of Guyana has announced multi-billiondollar contracts aimed at upgrading the road and drainage infrastructure in RegionsFourandSix.These contracts, worth $6.9 billion in Region Six and $11 5 billion in Region Four, are a significant step towards improving the economic prospects of these regions. With 389 small contractors in Region Six awarded contracts to upgrade 400 roads,and673contractorsin Region Four tasked with upgrading 947 roads, this injection of capital is
economic growth through better access to markets, improved transportation, andenhancedpublicsafety While I commend the government’seffortsinthese regions, I am deeply concerned about the glaring disparity in development, particularly when compared to Region Ten, which includes the town of Linden and other surrounding communities.As the elected Member of Parliament for Region Ten, it is my duty to adv
lar financial injections into our region to address the infrastructural deficiencies
and economic challenges that continue to plague our residents.
We all understand the c r i t i c a l r o l e t h a t infrastructure plays in economic development Roadsconnectcommunities, reduce transportation costs, and make it easier for businesses to thrive by improving access to goods and services Additionally, drainage systems are essential for preventing flooding, which, as we recently experienced in Linden,canbedevastatingto agriculture, homes, and economic productivity It is only fair that Region Ten, which faces severe infrastructural deficits, receives its equitable share of investment to promote similarbenefits.
The current lack of comparable investment in Region Ten exacerbates existing economic inequalities Our region, especially the communities of Linden and Kwakwani, faces high unemployment due to the significant reduction of the bauxite industry, a sector that once employed over 5,000 workers in years past comparedtoitsrealitytoday We have begun to recognize
fanfare,thequestionofwhat is the manufacturing focus of Guyana remains unanswered. Maybe it’s the lack of experience at GoInvest or maybe it is the reluctance to make substantial investments in a countrywherelawandorder remainssubstandardandthe riskofbreachingtheforeign corrupt practices act is very high.
Since the time of independenceinordertoget things done in Guyana one mustknowsomeoneinhigh places.
Thismayhaveledtothe lack of actionable ideas duringwhatwassupposedto helpacceleratethegrowthof themanufacturingsector
If we consider the bauxite industry, there is significant manufacturing p o t e n t i a l t h a t t h e government can pursue in support of the oil and gas sector. This area of
opportunity was not formally addressed during the conference Several
the slow but consistent rise ofthisindustrytodaywithin the Chinese investment which is welcomed but with l i m i t e d e c o n o m i c i n v e s t m e
n d diversification,ithasleftour people with few options for stable employment The cost-of-livinginRegionTen remains high, and economic opportunitiesarescarce.
An investment in infrastructure for Region Ten is not only a matter of public safety but also an opportunity for job creation and economic growth. The projectsinRegionsFourand Six will undoubtedly stimulatelocaleconomiesby providing jobs for contractors, labourers, engineers, and even small business owners like food vendors.
One of the lessons we must learn from the current government contracts in Regions Four and Six is the need for transparency and accountability Thepeopleof these regions have a responsibilitytodemandthat the scope of work for each project is made public, allowing community members to monitor the progress and ensure that contractors are delivering quality work. Too often, we haveseensubstandardworks that lead to long-term costs forrepairsandmaintenance. Regional engineers, the Chairperson of the Works Committee, and local councillors must actively oversee these projects to ensure that public funds are being used effectively and thatthecommunitiesreceive valuefortheirtaxdollars.
Thissamelevelof (Continuedonpage06)
Similarly, if Region Ten weretoreceiveacomparable levelofinvestment,ourlocal economywouldbenefitfrom n e w e m p l o y m e n t opportunities, stimulating the creation of jobs across various sectors and communities. More importantly, improving infrastructure in RegionTenwouldmakeour region more attractive to investors, particularly in underdeveloped sectors like tourism, agriculture, and small-scale manufacturing. Our region has vast potential, but without the necessary infrastructure, investors are hesitant to commit.Byupgradingroads and drainage systems, we couldopenthedoorstonew businessventuresthatwould provide sustainable economicgrowth.
break out groups should have been formed and actionable proposals presented Did the diplomatic core provide an opportunity to sign several M e m o r a n d u m s o f Understanding (MoUs) for the capture of market d e m a n d f o r o u r manufacturedproducts?Did we sign new contracts for wood and furniture supplies? The fanfare is great, but we must have results which add to the government’scoffers. What should be our manufacturing strategy and focus? This fundamental question has yet to be answered A successful conference should have made it clear where Guyana plans to play in this space andhowthecountryplansto win in the space it has decided to focus on For example, if the focus of the agriculturalsectoriscoconut and sugar cane, then what are the adjacent products that we will focus on manufacturing, and more importantly who will we be buying those products from
us?Issugarameanstofocus on making rum which will besoldtotheU.S.andU.K. for their hospitality sector?
If so, where are the signed agreements that guarantees the demand for our products?Thesamegoesfor coconut production Have we decided that we will focus on producing coconut oil? If so, where are the contracts with key ABC firms for us to supply them with this product. We must avoid having conferences where it is primarily an academic exercise. The end result must be income generation via sales agreements.
Themanufacturingfocus of Guyana is not an overly complex and complicated multiprong strategy It is quite simple and should be viewed that way to ensure the appropriate focus is achieved.
CRG suggest the following as a starting point f o r v a l u e a d d e d manufacturing that aligns well with our current asset base and long-term developmentstrategy:
-Bauxite production can focus on manufacturing abrasiveproductsinsupport oftheoilandgasindustry
-Sugar production can focusonmanufacturingrum in support of the hospitality industry
-Coconutproductioncan focus on manufacturing virgincoconutoilinsupport of the health and wellness industry
-Wood production can focus on manufacturing furniture in support of the hospitalityindustry
-Gold and diamond production can focus on manufacturing jewelry in support of the fashion industry
-Thediplomaticcorecan help provide market access and partnerships with their market leaders in these key marketsegments.It’stimeto get some tangible results fromoureffortstostimulate t h e d i s c u s s i o n o n manufacturing.
Bestregards, Mr.JamilChanglee
T h e C o o p e r a t i v e RepublicansofGuyana
DEAREDITOR, The government is praisedfordolingoutagrant to adult nationals The distribution of $100K cheques to adults is a better proposal than the $200K grant to households albeit both are fraught with problems. The $100K to everyadultmayalsocostthe Treasury more than the $200K, but the former will lessen risks of fraud and skullduggery Also,defining ahouseholdthroughautility (electricity, water) bill is fraught with too many problems and the government is right to abandonthatidea.
The Vice President presentedverygoodreasons for abrogating the proposal of the $200K grant to every household and its replacementwiththe$100K grant for every adult. It is extremely difficult in Guyana to identify or even define“ahousehold”.
T h o u s a n d s o f ‘households’didnotreceive the $25K grant of 2021. Many individuals (head of households) complain till thisdayaboutnotgettingthe grantandhaverefusedtogo to court to force the governmenttogivethemthe
essential grant Any household that did not receive the 2021 grant will winanyactionfiledincourt; government will be instructed by the court to give them their legitimate grant. Those who did not
receive their grant should considerfilingaclassaction lawsuit; there may be a statuteoflimitation.
Anyone who studies Anthropology and or Sociology, subjects under which families are studied, would know that a household is very loosely defined.Householdsarenot specifically defined in a traditional society And Guyana is classified as a traditional society although there are many clearly defined ‘nuclear families’ (households) as in a ‘modern’, industrialized western society as USA. MosthouseholdsinGuyana have extended or joint families with multiple households in each family sharing the same house or lot. Also, many dwellings have multiple families or rentals with single utilities. Indigenous population and tens of thousands of Africans, Indians, Mixed have extended and joint families with multiple households.
Newly married couples may continue living with theirfamiliesorin-laws;are theynotahousehold?Many familiesshareahome(roof) with in-laws but do their own cooking and maintain theirownfinances.Arethey not households? There are many families that share utility bills with not every name on the bill. Are they not households? There are families who rent with
utilitiesincludedintherent. Aretheynothouseholds?
Togivethegranttoonly one household in a joint or extended family or in a dwelling with multiple families or households is to denyothersinthehomeorin ahouselotordwellingtheir legitimatedeservinggrant.
Giving the grant to adults (defined as 18 and above)eliminatestheabovementioned issues. A better option for the grant would have been to distribute it (perhaps a larger amount) according to needs and or someothercriteria.
The rich do not care much for the grant, and it would not impact on their lives. Many poor families arehurtingbadlywithrising cost-of-livingandutilityand medicalbills.
They need a grant more than the wealthy Subsidizing utility bills of ‘households’, including funding electricity and potable water to those not currently recipients, increasing the grant to schoolchildren, and allocating a sum of $$$ to each relatively poor family (to be defined by income) for medical (dental) would havebeenbetteroptions.
All options have a d v a n t a g e s a n d disadvantages Supporting or advocating one over the other would have its detractorsorcritics.
Yoursfaithfully, VishnuBisram
$100,000 to all adults over 18 years of age
DEAREDITOR, The Government of Guyanahasrevisedthecash grant form $200,000 per household to $100,000 to every adult individual in Guyana.Therevisedversion of the payout shows a more equitable disbursement to the citizens of this country, and as the saying goes this payout would net in all the able-bodiedmenandwomen in the country The cash grant represents a caring government at work in the interestofitspeoples,orsoit seems?
I say “so it seems” for a reason,thatis,inthepresent formula, it does not include those under 18 years of age who form a significant part ofthepopulationthatshould be catered for and are not. Mostofthoseunder18years aremainlydependentsliving in a household, and they havetobetakencareofbya responsible adult, these wouldhavetobecateredfor in the next cash grant, let us target that group in the coming year when every child living with (The responsibleadultherewhich includes either mother, father, grandparent or guardian) under 18 years would be entitled to a cash grantof$100,000.But,letus
not complicate the system rightnow,letusdealwiththe adult cash grant first before venturing into the persons under18yearsoldcategory So, let us get back into the discussion of the cash grant to each adult attaining the age eighteen years as of January 1, 2024, I say there must be a verification, I repeat a thorough verification process first, before a disbursement. This verification process cancels out the crooks or those who wouldtrytocheatthesystem and end up with a windfall. Now,thatverificationwould be in the form of a photo identification and a name affixed to the photograph. Thiscertifiesthatoneperson would get his due once and notmultipletimes.
There are those who do not have an ID Card, then a photoidentificationwhether apassportordriver’slicence should be used, the idea is there must be a photo identificationagainstaname and a facial portrait. There are those who carry a deed pollwithadifferentnameto thatontheirbirthcertificate, these too need a photo ID at v e r i f i c a t i o n T h e Amerindians in the interior who might not be in possession of any form of
identification, then a verification in the various communitiesshouldbedone assoonaspossible. It is a pity that the processcouldnothavebeen carried out as the name suggests, “A One off” cash grant where a designated “singleday”whereeveryone gets the one-off cash grant with an inked finger to go withit.Thatwouldsolvethe problem of persons turning upformultiplegrants.Think ofitinsteadofthescammers turning for a one-off multiple cash transaction, they might very well be walking into a one-off jail term.
Now, I know that the inking of the fingers is akin to voting in an election, somethingtheusualsuspects are already making postings ontheirFacebookpages.But nevermindthosenaysayers, my point is government must fine tune the process before any disbursement to iron out the crooks and scammers,infact,therewill always be those who would cry foul irrespective of the handout. I am sending this article to the relevant authorities in Guyana for theirconsideration.
Respectfullysubmitted NeilAdams
Frompage04 oversight will be applied in Region Ten if we are to receive similar investments. Our community will be engaged in the process, ensuring that contractors deliver high-quality work that meets the needs of our people.
e infrastructure. When communities are involvedinthedevelopment process,theyaremorelikely to care for and maintain the infrastructure in the long term.
At the heart of this plea for investment is the urgent
inequality between the regionsofGuyana.
Itgoeswithoutquestion, for it is understandable that public participation in these projects will not only improve accountability but will also foster a sense of owne
Regions Four and Six, home to the capital city of G
agricultural hub of Berbice, respectively, already have
advantages due to their established industries and largerpopulations.
In contrast, Region Ten has been left behind, struggling with a declining industrial base, high unemployment, and limited opportunitiesforgrowth.
Without government intervention in the form of infrastructure development and capital investments, these disparities will continuetowiden.
Anequitabledistribution of government resources is not just about fairness; it is about promoting national unity and social cohesion. By investing in RegionTen, the government would be addressing the historical n
economically depressed regions.
u r e development in Region Ten would improve the standard of living for our people and c
sustainable economic growth.
It would reduce our
government assistance, empowering us to build a more resilient economy in thelongrun.
AsIconclude,Ireiterate foremphasis,justasRegions Four and Six have received billions in government
contracts to improve their infrastructure, it is time for RegionTentoreceiveitsfair shareofinvestment.
We must not be left behind in this crucial
moment of national development Our people d e s e r v e t h e s a m e opportunities for growth, prosperity, and economic advancement.
Suriname and Guyana specifically handle
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
conversation to discuss the spoke with the Foreign have committed to sharing information sharing but, in sharing of information and Minister Ramdin and he information on the oil and the meantime, it will be where both countries are in wantstocomewithateamof gas sector with each other, handled by the Suriname’s theiroilandgassector.” people and I said I will give Vice President Bharrat Ministry of Foreign Affairs He explained that as himadatewhenwecanhave J
d on and Guyana’s Ministry of Suriname’s oil sector those discussions,” Jagdeo Thursday Jagdeo was at the NaturalResources. progresses, talks will explained. time speaking at a press “Earlier this week, I also continue on areas of He expressed his joy that conference held at Freedom met with Minister Ramdin collaboration On October 7, Suriname is moving forward
Jagdeo disclosed that a tohaveproductionandhopes Georgetown The Vice Foreign Minister, and he Surinamese team comprising thatthecountriesinAfricaas President told reporters that brought a number of people Minister Ramdin would be well as other countries who thecommitmentbetweenthe from Staatsolie and from the visiting Guyana to discuss have discovered oil and gas two countries was made government who deals with areas of collaboration, recently will be allowed to during a recent visit by this sector So, we talked includinggasmonetization use their gas resources to Suriname’sForeignMinister extensively about the S p e a k i n g
n t h e generate electricity and not Albert Ramdin, other coordination of our efforts, development of Suriname’s be told they need to save the government officials and collaboration in the sector oilandgassectorJagdeosaid world, while the rest of the representatives of Staatsolie andwecommittedtosharing thattheprojectinSuriname’s
–Suriname’soilcompany more information on the Oil about the possibility of the subject was discussed at Block 58 will focus largely
Additionally, the two and Gas industry among collaboration for gas the said meeting, the Vice on oil but there will be the production. countries are working to set ourselves,”Jagdeostated. monetization between the President said, “No it did not need t
at the “They are talking about u p a c o m m i t t e e t o Meanwhile, when asked two countries and whether as yet. It was a general development of gas as well energy security for their since Suriname found gas people and they want Africa and also, the discoveries not to use its gas to generate offshore Guyana that are power because that will not closest to Suriname have betheappropriaterenewable moregasthanoilinthem. mix I hope that Africa
“So,westillneedtotryto doesn’t listen, I am glad they collaborate, in the context of are not listening to some of our project or our aim to these people and that they monetise this gas either pursue their development within the context of that with vigour and to have project or separately But we cheap energy for their still need to have a people,” the Vice President discussion on this and I stated.
For decades, Guyana prided itself on an independent foreign policy, one that allowed it to punch above its weight on the international stage This independence was not just symbolic but represented a deep-seated conviction in charting a path that served thecountry’sinterestsrather than being tethered to the whims of any global superpower
However, the present reality paints a different picture Guyana’s foreign policy, long regarded as one of the hallmarks of its governance, has steadily been eroded, replaced by a pro-Western orientation that hasfirmlyplacedthecountry in the orbit of the United States.
This shift has not been subtle. It has been propelled by two major events that havealteredthetrajectoryof Guyana’s external relations. The first was the political crisis that surrounded the 2020 General and Regional Elections.Intheaftermathof thevote,Guyanateeteredon thebrinkofanundemocratic outcome. Elements within the then-government made attempts to manipulate the results and cling to power These efforts might have succeeded, if not for the decisive intervention of the United States, which threatened to impose sanctions This external pressure proved pivotal, forcing those bent on undermining the democratic processtobackdown.
Itisnotlostonobservers that the threat of US sanctions, rather than the internal mechanisms of democracy, helped preserve the 2020 election results.
TheUSinterventionwasnot without consequences. The currentgovernment,haunted by the spectre of a similar attemptbytheOppositionto subvert future elections, has subtly shifted its stance, relying on the United States as a guarantor of electoral integrity. In doing so, Guyana’s leadership has essentially outsourced a portion of its democratic vigilance to Washington, tacitly acknowledging that American pressure is indispensable to preventing arepeatofthe2020crisis. Yet, electoral concerns are not the only factor drivingGuyanaclosertothe United States. The looming territorial threat from Venezuela, Guyana’s western neighbour, has shaped its foreign policy posture significantly For decades, Venezuela has maintained a claim over a significant portion of Guyana’s territory, and recent actions from Caracas have exacerbated tensions.
Inresponse,Georgetownhas increasingly looked to Washington for support, recognizingthatUSbacking is crucial to deterring Venezuelan aggression, especially considering US economic interests in the countryemergingoilsector.
The United States, through its Southern
Command, has deepened its military cooperation with Guyana, conducting joint exercises and engaging in high-level security d i s c u s s i o n s T h i s collaborationispresentedas anecessarysteptosafeguard Guyana’s sovereignty, but it also comes at the cost of foreignpolicyflexibility By anchoring itself to US militarysupport,Guyanahas effectivelylimiteditsability to maneuver independently on the international stage, especially when such maneuvering risks antagonizingWashington.
Nowhere is this more evident than in Guyana’s weak-kneed stance on the Middle East.As the conflict betweenIsraelandPalestine rages on, Georgetown’s position has been carefully calibratedtoavoidoffending the United States, which remains a staunch ally of Israel. While the Guyanese government has condemned theatrocitiesintheregion,it has stopped short of adopting a stance that might irk its American partners. It knows very well that a twostate solution is dead with Israelseekingtoexterminate the Palestinians Yet the Guyana government continues with its plea for a two-statesolutionandanend to atrocities knowing fully well that the balance of powerhaslongshiftedinthe region away from such solutions. This cautious approach stands in stark contrast to the bolder positions Guyana might
De Vee Pee claim how since de cash grant announcement, people start turn up at he gatelikeifisChristmasEve at de mall. But dem boys wonderifhegatcamerasto show dis so-called avalanche, or if he just hearin’ voices in he head. Now, dem boys ain’t doubtinghe,butitlooklike he more concerned about who at de gate than who about to double-dip de system.Now,demboysgot aquestionfuhhe:howyuh plan to stop de smart man who want to tek more than hefairshare?Withalldem brains in government, yuh meantotellwethatnobody
see dis coming? Wah kind of decision-making is dat? Like de grant idea come first,anddecommonsense comelast!
Leh we break it down simple fuh yuh, Vee Pee. Yuh ever think how easy it is fuh a non-resident to cometekapieceofdepie? How yuh stopping dem from showing up wid dey ID today, and then dey passport tomorrow? One time by de market, next timebydestadium.Before yuhblink,yuhmoneydone, and dem hustlers laughing alldewaytodebank.
Depeoplewanttoknow howyuhfixingdisone.Yuh get a whole set of folks excited, but how yuh goin’
havetakeninthepast,during a time when it was less concerned with the preferences of its allies in Washington.
For a country that once prided itself on a nonaligned stance, Guyana’s diplomatic posture today is distinctly pro-Western. In courting US support, whether for electoral security or defence against externalthreats,Guyanahas sacrificed the very independence that once defineditsforeignpolicy
Critics might argue that this alignment with the United States is a pragmatic response to the challenges facing the country After all, with the memory of a neardemocratic collapse and the Venezuelan threat looming large, it is understandable that Guyana would seek powerful allies. Yet, this pragmatism comes with a price. By tethering itself so closely to the United States, Guyana has ceded some of the very autonomy that allowed it to navigate the complexitiesofinternational relationsonitsterms.
Itisworthnotingthatthis shift in foreign policy is not withouthistoricalirony The United States, which Guyana now courts, was once viewed with suspicion during the Cold War era.
Backthen,Guyana’sleaders fiercely guarded their right to chart an independent course, often clashing with Washington over regional and global issues. Today, that caution has been replaced by a willingness to embrace US influence as a stabilizingforce.
This transformation raises important questions aboutthefutureofGuyana’s foreignpolicy Canacountry that has anchored its diplomatic strategy to the preferences of a single superpower still claim to be trulyindependent?
Guyana finds itself in a delicate position. While the UnitedStatesmayprovidea measure of security and stability,theembraceofsuch a relationship carries inherent risks. The more Guyana aligns itself with American interests, the less
international forums where its voice once resonated independently The proWesterntiltmayoffershortterm gains, but it also risks diminishing Guyana’s ability to act as an independentactorinthelong run.
The pivot towards Washington might be a strategic necessity for Guyana,butitmarkstheend of an era. The days when Guyana’sforeignpolicywas driven by principles of nonalignmentandindependence are over What remains is a country whose strategic choices are increasingly shaped by its ties to the United States a far cry fromtheindependentpathit oncechampioned.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
handle de ones who know howtotekadvantageofde system? Dem boys seh is one thing to hand out de cash,butisanotherthingto ensure de right people get it. Otherwise, is like trying tofillabucketwithaholeat debottom.
So tell we, Vee Pee, whatmagicyuhplantouse to keep dem smart man at bay?Yuh might need more than cameras at yuh gate. Dem boys waiting fuh de answers,causerightnowit look like de cash grant got
more holes than a fisherman’snet.Andifyuh can’tplugdemholes,well, yuh might as well call it a free-for-all!
He started out small - a teeny, Von Braun refined and perfected in horror of exposure. Lies-partial this country? More than a few, too a Senate bitty, little lie, from a young age, his labs, Goebbels came to the falsehoods, repeated falsehoods, manyforthegoodofthiscountry? Majority growingintoit. Theresultswereso realization that once a lie is secret falsehoods, falsehoods The irony of and danger of Leader, Vice liked that a bigger, then a bigger lie launched,thatrocketmustcontinue detected-become the norm even asking such a question, or any of President (Speaker pro tempore), started becoming an unshakeable flying. Withmorelies. Thenmore after there is detection of what is similar strains, is that those who and at the end President of the part of the character, the makeup. lies. Crass and craven political goingon. Whatdoesthatsayabout inquireaboutsuchastateinGuyana United States of America. His Not that any sustained effort was leaders are like that: the more they such a person? What does that quickly degrade to a big problem. name was Lydon Baines Johnson. made to shake off the lies that were lie,themoretheyliketheresults. It signify for a country and its Such human obstacles must not be He did much for Civil Rights; he so reflexive, which clung so iscostless,isn’tit? Wherehavethe citizens? When that person holds allowed to stand, gather strength. also represented other things. Lies tenaciously The little lies are consequences been for those who himself or herself out as a leader, He or she must be crushed out of do have a powerful arc, frightening called white lies, and the usual representstrainsofthisinGuyana? and then succeed in becoming a existence. For like that story from reach. Theyalsohavealimitedlife, reaction is laughter, a shrug Who challenges them? Who nationalone?
Hans Chrisian Andersen, there is one that is diseased from birth and What’s the harm, who has been dares to go against them? So little There are some in this world the leadership dread that someone- grows worse, with each breath fouled? In the passage of time, the lies serve as the precedent for more who are so chronically committed some bold child, or some inspired taken. My last question should peculiar growth processes of some of them. A side street, a forgotten to deception, splitting hairs, mature presence, or some have been anticipated. Are there men, many, little lies transformed backalley,ofdeceptionsthatisway deliberate dodging or submerging uncorrupted spirit-that will be a Lyndon Johnson’s equivalents in intohalf-truths. Thetruthiseithera out of sight, soon becomes the long or twisting of the truth, that they revealer of the way that things are. Guyana? If an American with a truth, or it’s a lie. There are no half road of an expressway Ahighway simply can no longer tell the truth. The king has no truth. When successful political pedigree as or three-quarters truths, no such offalsehoods. Acorridortopower, About anything. They just don’t observant, conscientious, people Lyndon B. Johnson, then why not a animal exists. For whether by which, when the cunning make use have truth in them. Whether speak their minds, they represent Guyanese, more than one of them, commission or omission, a half- of, empowers their unchecked through burgeoning and barefaced the best attributes of citizenship. especially considering the truth is what amounts to a full out ascendancy, save for an exaggeration, or the more subtle They will speak against lies, controversies, clamors, clashes? falsehood. The man, a national inconvenient bump or two along kinds, they are just too prone to the whether they involve a one-dollar Who are they, as attested to by the leader no less of considerable theway. practiceoflyingandlyingandlying bill, or a billion, friend or foe, with records that they have compiled? I following, who began with small Lies are told without a second without interruption. After an the same vigor. For their efforts, a thinkweknowthem. lies soon delighted in chronic lies, thought, without any stirring of interval, such a modus operandi barrageoflashesdescends. They are too many to have and all the personal good that conscience, without any regard for (the practice of lies) mutates into a Now I try to center this offering passed unnoticed. Guyanese must resultedfromthem. the blotches that accumulate on modusvivendi(thewayoflifelived involving lies. I present a man who decide how much of a willing, The spaces created. The doors one’s record, one’s character Lies, and loved). In other words, lies is no longer on this earth but was colluding party they will be to liars that swung open. The room to as said, are small, then, massive, become second nature for such lacedthroughandthroughwithlies. and their lies. Look where this operate, at will. The Germans they are part of a consistent people. I table something for the He was not Guyanese. He was society is. My position has long discoveredtheextraordinarypower personal practice, with little regard first time before fellows: is it American. He started out with roots,iswellknown. of lies alongside how to make their for consequences Lies are possible, do the circumstances and minor matters, then became a (The views expressed in this fearsome,unanswerableV-1andV- presented in the reckless the environment confirm, that monster with lying. He knew no article are those of the author and 2 rockets that rained on Ipswich, nonchalance of not caring whether Guyana has a few such persons in other way, would try no other He do not necessarily reflect the Norwich, and Cheswick. While there is discovery, followed by the positions of power and authority in was a US Congressman, a Senator, opinions of this newspaper.)
ALLEINSU - Minister of the BrontoSomohardjohasresignedand made his portfolio available to President Chan Santokhi. This decision follows a disturbed working relationship with Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk, who according to Somohardjo negatively influenced the functioning of both his ministry and the country’s government. The minister stated that this rift also unfairly involved the politicalpartyPertjajahLuhur(PL),ofwhich heisamember,intheconflict.
Somohardjo indicated that it was a difficult but necessary decision. “Serving the people is my top priority, regardless of the position I hold,” he told Starnieuws. He emphasized that the working relationship withthevicepresidentcreatedanunworkable situation and that it was in the interest of the countrytostepdown.
Interior Tomorrow evening, an emergency
In addition, the ongoing investigation by structure meeting will take place at the PL theCentralAccountantsService(CLAD)into party center in Beekhuizen to discuss the possible abuses at the Ministry of the Interior situationthathasarisen. plays a role in his departure This
Meanwhile, Suriname’s President investigation, initiated by Somohardjo Chandrikapersad Santokhi said that he has himself, is expected to be completed by the accepted the resignation of Minister endofNovember Theministerstatedthathis Somohardjo, which will take effect on credibility and that of politics would be at Monday,October21,2024. stake if he were to go on leave in the
“Therewillbeanurgentdebatewithinthe meantime.Heurgedthepresidenttomakethe coalition summit on the final termination of final report of CLAD public, so that the the vacant position of the Minister of populationcanformitsownopinion.
DCSN Manufacturing Incorporated Ms.DavinaJagmohanDCSN’sDirector which is a subsidiary of S Jagmohan Also attending the event were Mr Keon Construction and General Supplies Inc. on Rankin, Head of Certification, Mr Suresh Thursday announced that its products have Jagmohan,ManagingDirectorofDCSN,and been re-certified by the Guyana National otheremployees. BureauofStandards(GNBS)fortheMadein “Mr Suresh Jagmohan noted that the reGuyanaStandardsMark. certification by the GNBS is a testament to
According to a release from the company the company’s commitment to maintaining with this certification, the company can the highest standards in supporting Guyana’s continue to use the Made in Guyana on “its expandingconstructionsector,”thestatement Prestressed Concrete elements, including said. piles, sheet piles, and slabs. DCSN is also The Made in Guyana Standards Mark is a Guyana’s first and only manufacturer of registered designation that aims to highlight BitumenEmulsions;CRS2andRC250.” and also promote products that are locally
In line with the coalition agreement, acting minister,” the President’s Pertjajah Luhur will nominate a new communicationsunitreported. candidate for the position of Minister of the
The simple handover ceremony took manufactured in both domestic and place at the company’s main office where the international markets and it serves as a Technical Officer for GNBS Ms. Yan Yi Zhu signature of quality attached to authentic presented the Made in Guyana Certificate to Guyaneseproducts.
PresidentofExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), AlistairRoutledgeishesitant toreleasethetotalacreageof the Stabroek Block that will be handed back to the Government of Guyana (GoG) this month, through a p r o c e s s c a l l e d relinquishment.
In the oil and gas sector, “relinquishment” refers to theprocesswhereacompany returnsbyspecifictimelines, portions of an area it was allowed to explore or produce oil and gas
R e l i n q u i s h m e n t i s particularly critical for governments as they can auction those returned portions to other oil companies, thereby
President, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited, Alistair Routledge
c h a n n e l i n g m o r e an update on the size of the follow the methodology opportunities for revenues to 20% portion to be handed that’s laid out in the theState. backtotheGoG. Petroleum Agreement. I
In keeping with the He explained, “On the haven’t heard that there’s provisions of the 2016 Stabroek Block renewal and anysignificantdifferencesin Production Sharing relinquishment for the u n d e r s t a n d i n g o r Agreement (PSA), the second term, I don’t have an interpretation of that and as operator of the Stabroek exact acreage number for soon as we have concluded Blockwasgrantedfouryears you and I think it would be that I’m sure government toprospect.Thecontractalso more appropriate for us to will be ready to provide an provides for no more than release that number when update.” two renewals for a period of we have completed that It was reported that threeyearseach. p r o c e s s w i t h t h e ExxonMobil was required to
Last week, Routledge government ” relinquish a portion of the told reporters that the E x x o n ’s C o u n t r y block in October 2023; relinquishment process is Manager further noted, “I however, a one-year still on schedule to be don’t want to give you a extension was granted by
Map showing discoveries made by Exxon in the Stabroek Block (Source: Uaru FDP)
West Hammerhead 4DBL (570 km2) TC/TCE 4DBL (1500 km2)
Turbot 3D Reprocessing (5710 km2)
Liza 3D Reprocessing (643 km2)
company The oil giant had t o l d r e p o r t e r s t h a t It only allowed the completed this month. He number that they (GoG) former President, David complained to the then government was satisfied extension to be applied for could not however provide haven’t blessed, but we Granger on request of the Head-of-State that its that the company’s activities the Stabroek Block and not drilling operations were were indeed affected by the the Kaieteur and Canje impacted by the COVID-19 p a n d e m i c a n d t h a t blocks.
p a n d e m i c . G r a n g e r government did not need to The Stabroek Block approved the application, on prove this to any other which spans 6.6 million the grounds that Exxon interested stakeholder to acres and holds over 40 oil wouldprovideupdatestothe ease public tension. Notably, discoveriesissomassivethat government on the impacts the Ministry of Natural it is equivalent to 600 oil toitsoperations. Resources in August 2023 blocks offshore Guyana. It
Despite calls for said the one-year extension should be noted that Exxon transparency in the on the exploration works to will not be required to hand extension, upheld by the be executed on the Stabroek, back acreage where PPP-administration, Vice Kaieteur and Canje Blocks commercial discoveries PresidentBharratJagdeohad werenotcompletelyupheld. havebeenmade.
From page 2
“I called them [Tuesday] and they came News visited the Crane home, the strong [Wednesday].TheEPAtellwethatisthedust, fumes penetrated the masks worn by the moisture and heat causing it. They said reporters.The smell almost resembled that of because we cooking in the kitchen, it could acetone, a strong chemical used by nail have spots of grease and oil on floor. They technicians. Droplets of the liquid substance said that even the chemicals from the bottom were seen across what used to be Singh’s of the rubber mats can cause the spots to living room. The fumes forced reporters out appear,”shesaid. as a burning sensation of the eyes and nose Nandanie said that the EPA said too that wereexperienced. they didn’t find any toxic gas present in their Basmatie said these symptoms were very home. common to her, as she also reported feeling ExxonMobil has laid a 12-inch pipeline a nauseous and experiencing severe headaches stone’s throw away from Singh’s home. The andblisteringofherskin. pipelineisconnectedtotheLizaOneandLiza Another citizen, who resides just streets Two Floating Production Storage and away, in the same village, Nandanie Singh Offloading vessels (FPSO) offshore. It will reported experiencing similar oil like transportgastotheWalesDevelopmentsite. substance appearing on the floor tiles of her In August, Exxon completed hooking up kitchen. the pipeline to the two FPSOs. The company
She told this newspaper that the strange had said it would pump an earthen gas - like matter started appearing on the floors over nitrogen - along with water into the structure, eightmonthsago.Thefamilyhoweverdidnot until the construction of the gas plants is noticeanystrongfumesintheirhomes. completedatWales.
Despite facing delays to bring the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project (AFHP) into fruition, Guyana’s Foreign Secretary Robert Persaud has revealed that the Government of Guyana (GoG) intends to have a second hydropower plant. This is according to a reportbyOilNow
ItwasstatedthatPersaud made the disclosure during an event on October 16, when he delivered the keynote address at the La Jolla Energy Conference in SanDiego.
His address focused on Guyana balancing oil OilNowreported. theAmailaFallsprojectafter p r o d u c t i o n a n d TheInstituteofAmericas talks fell through with the e n v
n t a l reported that LJC24 began contractor,ayearearlier sust
ity It is with an important opening The government later anticipated that the two keynote address from issued a Revised Requests we’ll probably have to either
hydro plants will add Guyana’s Foreign Secretary for Proposals (RFP) under a engage the best of those [the obstacles in its realization reluctant to switch to the approximately 370 MW of He shared Guyana’s vision Build-Own-Operate- four contractors that were when the A Partnership for EPC option, resulting in the capacityby2035.Whichwill for balancing massive Transfer (BOOT) model for prequalified], or ultimately National Unity (APNU) and talks with the Chinese also form part of the hydrocarbon production and the Amaila Falls project. probably go out back to the Alliance For Change contractorcomingtoanend. government’sdiverseenergy economic development with Four local and international anotherprocess…” (AFC) Opposition parties, In the revised RFP, the matrix. their commitment and firms submitted proposals The Amaila Falls Hydro stopped the project back in government said generation
“Even as we embraced resolve to maintain the forthe165megawatts(MW) project was introduced by a 2014. In their 2020 election for the Guyana Power and this new reality [with oil] in country as a leader in AmailaFallsprojectthatwas p r e v i o u s P e o p
’s manife
o, the PPP- Light (GPL) Inc., will be our country’s development biodiversity and carbon scheduledtobeginin2027. Progressive Party/Civic administration noted that the largely derived in the future trajectory, we have remained negative. However, the project is (PPP/C) Administration in project will be revived. In from two large projects resolute in our support for Last year, it was currently stalled Last 2011. However, the project 2021, negotiations hit a including theAmaila and the the global transition from announced that the month, Vice President (VP) had been shelved on many stalemate after Cabinet Ga
-Energy (GTE) fossil fuels,” Persaud said – government would revive Bharrat Jagdeo said, “…So, occasions. granted a no-objection for project that will come on the Prime Minister’s Office stream by 2027 and 2025, to engage the China Railway respectively The power G r o u p L i m i t e d f o r generated at the Amaila construction Discussions project will integrate and faltered as the company expand the national grid to sought to alter the project’s include Linden.TheAmailamodel due to financing L i n d e n - G e o rg e t o w n challenges for the BOOT transmission voltage will be model, requesting a shift to 230 KV and connect to the a n E n g i n e e r i n g , nationalGPLControlCenter P r o c u r e m e
at Eccles, East Bank Construction (EPC) model. Demerara(EBD).
‘Do the right thing’ campaign to curb fatal accidents
…as police record 93 road fatalities so far for the year
Ninety-three persons have died on the nation’s roadways so far this year raising serious concerns aboutroadusage.Ministerof HomeAffairs Robeson Benn on Friday said that his ministry is on a mission to reverse the deadly trend with the launch of a series of initiatives themed, ‘Do the rightthing’.
At a press conference held at his office, the Minister said that last year the Traffic Department recorded some 175 road we achieved in 2021 and fatalities. 2022, practically a 100 or “We were at 175 (deaths) just below 100 in terms of last year and currently at this roaddeaths.Unfortunately, year, we thought that we (Continued on page 16) would have achieved what
Police issued a wanted bulletin on Friday for 43year-old Donna Gittens of Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara (EBD) She is wanted for allegedly setting her ex-boyfriend’s home on fire.
Gittens has reportedly been on the run since May 9, 2023 after the ex-boyfriend, James Moore, 55, of Grove, EBD, accused her of setting himonfiretoo.
Afterspendingmonthsin the Burn Care Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) Moore shared his story with the “Shesitdown onitlikeif media, including Kaieteur she peeing but I ain’t hear no News where he demanded pee,” said Moore while justice. adding that the woman made He alleged that the twostepstothedoorandthen woman set him and his shop turned around suddenly and (a part of his home) on fire doused with him with the after he told her that he liquid that was inside of the wanted to end their brief bucket. relationship. “I seh girl how you gon Moorereportedlywanted throw piss on me but when I the relationship to end get the scent, is then I realize because the woman was was gasoline,” Moore depleting the stock in his recalled. shop. He said he immediately “Sherandowntheshop,” took a pillow, covered his he told reporters while head and bolted for the door noting that she could not butthewomansethimablaze account for frequent losses withalighterandlockedhim sohetoldhertoleavebutshe inside. refused. According to Moore, his OnMonday,May8,2023 military training kicked in, (in the evening) when he and he threw himself on the returned home from work, ground rolled around to the woman was still there. extinguish the flames from She was reportedly serving hisbody customers so he did not Moore then reportedly speak with her Instead, he kicked open his door and ran retiredtobed. outside of the room but the At around 02:30hrs, the woman attempted to set him following morning, she on fire again On this wokehimup. occasion, Moore ran for his
“I find she hand in ma life, scaling a fence and pants saying she need sex. making good his escape. So, I say that I am not in that Luckily, he was saved by a kind of mood… I done tell passingpolicepatrolunitand you that you must go home,” wastakentotheGeorgetown Moorealleged. Public Hospital Corporation
The woman allegedly (GPHC) for treatment. The became angry and stormed woman was arrested the outside. She returned to the samedaybutwasreleasedon bedroom with a bucket $20,000bail72hoursafter Moore said he did not pay K a i e t e u r N e w s any attention to the woman understands that the woman because the bucket she had alleged to police that returned with, is what she Moore started the fire and usually uses to urinate at attemptedtoburnherbutshe night. narrowlyescaped.
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
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FIRST AID/CPR/AED & HOME NURSING COURSES, Starting soon at St. John Association. Call: 225-9082.
The Guyana Police Force (GPF) is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying two suspects, who are allegedly involved in the robbery of a 45-year-old Chinese national at Panda Supermarket located in West Minister, West Bank Demerara (WBD) on September 26, 2024.
Female Cleaner for an office in Eccles. Call 615-9132 / 6458443.
Wanted domestic worker and chef contact number 677 4896
Experienced Hair Colorist, Hair Cutters, Nail technicians and Barbers needed. Please Call/ WhatsApp: 6096259/ 6495005.
Experienced Accounts Clerk. Apply at Alabama Trading 65 Robb Street, Borda.
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Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call : 615-9132 or 645-8443.
2 Experienced pastry makers, 2 cleaners & 2 table hand. Apply @ Humphrey's Bakery. 38 Ketley St.Charlestown Tele : 505-1324.
Male & Female sales attendant 5 years experience (Shift system) Stretch your coin hotel/store 109 Durban St. 693-3946.
Seeking Sales Representatives with driver's license, and Truck Drivers (training provided). WhatsApp Eve Anderson Recruitment 6453463
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1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PUTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
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The victim has been identified as Zhou Jiabin.
Police reported that two armed, unidentifiable men committed the robbery. The duo stole two mobile phones valued at $264,000 and $500,000 cash.
Investigations disclosed
that at about 20:12hrs, the victim was at the cash register in the lower flat of the supermarket when he noticed two men walking into the supermarket. The victim then claimed one of the suspects jumped over the counter, pointed a firearm at him, and removed the cash from the cash register.
The businessman was also beaten with the firearm and relieved of the two phones from his pants pocket. The suspects then made their escape on a red and black electric scooter. Investigations are ongoing.
From page 14 given the current trend, we are not happy at the current rate that we are seeing and there is a suggestion that the road fatalities may be of the order of 120 if we carry on at the rate we are moving at the moment,” he expressed.
The minister noted that the United Nations’ (UN) Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021 – 2030 has set the target that by the end of 2030 road deaths and serious injuries should be reduced by 50 percent. “At the current, we will not achieve that,” the minister announced.
Kaieteur News understands that for the road fatalities recorded, speeding is deemed the main cause based on the police statistics, with drinking and driving follows closely behind. Police statistics shows that pedestrians and motorcyclists are mostly involved, while young men mostly between the ages of 18 and 30 are mostly involved in these accidents.
The ministry said that persons continue to drive without using safety equipment, having patience and tolerance. Minister Benn alluded to the significant increase of
vehicles on the country’s roads and noted that the Guyana Police Force (GPF) needs to work closely with the Ministry of Public Works to ensure that road users comply with regulations.
“We have to engage the Ministry of Public Works to increase the stripping and markings on the roads and get some of the inactive traffic lights working,” he mentioned. Further, the minister disclosed that efforts will be made to amend the existing legislation. “We will be putting in some measures with the police where they would
be boosted, we are trying to get more people out on the road with them including people who would volunteer and help with traffic duties, we have talked about increasing fines, we intend to put the proposal again to increase fines, we intend to increase the number of ticketable offences, so that we could bring a big move on the situation for improvement,” Benn told reporters.
The Home Affairs Minister made it clear that the ‘Do the right thing’ campaign is geared at getting road users to use the roadways safely.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
Aljazeera-Israelistrikes across the besieged Gaza Strip have killed at least 39 Palestinians, medical sourcestoldAlJazeera,with many of the casualties reported in the northern part of the enclave where Israeli forces have stepped up their groundassault.
Residents of Jabalia in northernGazasaidonFriday thatIsraelitankshadreached the centre of the refugee camp, using heavy air and ground fire, after pushing through suburbs and residentialdistricts.
They added that the Israeli army was destroying dozens of houses on a daily basis from the air and the ground and by placing bombs in buildings, then detonatingthemremotely
Videos verified by Al Jazeera showed heavy smoke enveloping a heavily damaged building in Jabalia andchaoticscenesaspeople ran for cover amid heavy Israelishelling.
At least 20 of the people killed on Friday died in JabaliaasIsraelcontinuesits crippling siege of northern Gaza, including Beit HanoonandBeitLahiya.
There were also reports of a telecommunications blackout as Israeli military vehicles and a large number ofsoldiersadvancedtowards the Jabalia refugee camp fromseveraldirections.
The Israeli military said
onFridaythatitsentanother army unit to support its forces operating in Jabalia after it renewed its ground offensive there two weeks ago.
Jabalia is the largest of Gaza’s eight historical refugeecampsandhascome under repeated Israeli bombardment. It has also witnessed several ground
launched its war on Gaza in Octoberlastyear
Residents in Jabalia and nearby towns said cuts in c
internet services disrupted r
y ambulance teams and the ability of people affected by Israeliattackstoseekhelp.
Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum, reporting from centralGaza’sDeirel-Balah, said confrontations in Jabaliaare“raging”.
The camp “has been deniedaccesstoessentials–medical and humanitarian supplies – by the Israeli army,”Azzoumsaid.
He quoted witnesses as saying the camp is undergoing “a genocide” “Families have been getting killed inside their homes in Jabalia. Thevastmajority of hospitals there are overwhelmed with casualties ” Medical staff exhausted The United Nations estimated 400,000 people are trapped in northernGazaandhavebeen
Residents in northern Gaza’s Jabalia say Israeli tanks reach heart of camp amid siege and telecommunications blackout.
The UN estimates that 400,000 people are trapped in northern Gaza [File: Mahmoud Issa/Reuters]
unable to leave due to intense bombardments, Israeli snipers and ground troops Since the latest incursion,northernGazahas been sealed off. Israeli troops have allowed in no food, drink or medicine.
Local officials said people are starving.Also on Friday, health officials appealed for fuel, medical supplies and food to be sent immediately to three northern Gaza hospitals overwhelmed by
the number of patients and injuries.
At the Kamal Adwan Hospital, medics had to replace children in intensive carewithmorecriticalcases of adults badly wounded by Israeliairstrikesonaschool sheltering displaced PalestiniansinJabalia.
That attack on Thursday killed28people.Israelsaidit had targeted fighters holed up in the complex –something that Hamas
KamalAdwan’sdirector, HussamAbuSafiya,saidina video sent to the media that thechildrenhadbeenmoved toanotherdivisioninsidethe facility, where they were beingwelltakencareof.
DoctorsatKamalAdwan as well as the al-Awda and Indonesian hospitals have repeatedly called for a humanitarian corridor and refused to leave their patients despite evacuation
orders issued by the Israeli army
Abu Safiya said medical staff were exhausted and hospital supplies, including food,werebadlydepleted. Health officials said more than 450 people have been killed in the Israeli assaultinnorthernGazaover thepasttwoweeks.
At least 42,500 Palestinianshavebeenkilled inIsrael’songoingoffensive sofar
B B C - C u b a experienced a nationwide blackout after its main energyplantfailed,officials said.
Itspowergridcollapsed at around 11:00 (15:00 GMT), the energy ministry wroteonX.
Grid officials said they did not know how long it wouldtaketorestorepower
This follows months of lengthy blackouts on the island-promptingtheprime minister to declare an “energy emergency” on Thursday
Fuel in Cuba to become fivetimesmoreexpensive
Cuba laments collapse oficonicsugarindustry
‘The violence is getting
out of hand’: Crime grips Cuba’sstreets
Friday’s total blackout came after the Antonio Guiteras power plant in Matanzas-thelargestonthe island-wentoffline.
President Miguel DíazCanel Bermúdez said the situation was his “absolute priority”.
“There will be no rest until power is restored,” he wroteonX.
Earlier on Friday, officials announced that all schools and nonessential activities, including nightclubs, were to close untilMonday
Non-essential workers were urged to stay home to safeguardelectricitysupply,
and non-vital government servicesweresuspended.
Cubans have also been urged to switch off highconsumption appliances during peak hours, such as f
On Thursday Cuba’s prime minister declared an“energyemergency”
addressed the public in a televised message on Thu
ay, blaming d e t e r i o r a t i n g infrastructure, fuel shortages and rising d e m a n d f o r t h e electricityfailures.
“The fuel shortage is the biggest factor,” he
said The head of the National Electric Union (UNE) Alfredo López
V a l d é s a l s o acknowledged the island had been facing a challenging energy situation, with shortages chieflytoblame Extended blackoutsparticularly one this widespread - are always a tensetimeinCuba
In part, because the ability to keep the lights on represents a potential public order issue for the CubanGovernment.
I n J u l y 2 0 2 1 , thousands of protesters spilled into the streets in demonstrations sparked by days-long blackouts in
The desperation caused by precious food stuffs going to waste in warm fridges and freezers was exacerbated by citizensgoingfordayswith no air-conditioning or ceiling fans in the island’s stiflingheat. Cuba is living through its worst economic days since the fall of the Soviet Union more than 30 years ago
In many buildings, electricpumpsbringwater to the taps, so no power alsomeantnowater
Furthermore, no petrol at the pumps mean that people can’t work or use their cars to solve basic
problems or tend to urgent needs
T h e C u b a n G o v e r n m e n t h a s becoming increasingly aware that many on the island have lost a degree of fear over speaking out about the many daily problems they face on the island.
S o m e a r e e v e n prepared to take to the streets and chant antigovernment slogans, if conditionsmeritit
In March, Hundreds of people in Cuba’s secondlargest city, Santiago, stagedararepublicprotest over chronic power blackouts and food shortages
In a significant development, it was revealed on Friday that eight bank accounts totaling $500 million, belonging to Assistant Police Commissioner Calvin Brutus, his wife Adonika Aulder, and their toddler, have been frozen as part of an ongoing investigation intoallegedfinancialcrimes.
The Special Organised Crime Unit(SOCU),anarmoftheGuyana Police Force (GPF), is leading the probe into Brutus, and his wife. On Friday, Brutus and his wife were barred from traveling to the United States for a pregnancy-related trip after a legal application for travel clearance was denied by the High Court.Thecourtheardthatthereare 240 financial charges pending against Brutus which totals $800 million.
Assistant Police Commissioner
Calvin Brutus, his wife Adonika Aulder
reportedly withdrew $63.7 million transactions. The first named
The accounts and the balance
An affidavit filed by SOCU’s fromhissalaryaccount—sofar,his business was registered in October head, Fazil Karimbaksh, has only legal source of income 2023 and holds an account with a brought to light a number of confirmed by SOCU—just before balance of $243.3 million, and the questionable financial activities the remaining balance on the second named business holds an involving the family, including the the couple the sum of US$10,000 familycontinuestounfold. property was paid. While eight of account with a balance of $108.6 purchase of a $85 million property each at their wedding in November Earlier this week, SOCU theiraccountshavebeenfrozen,the million. Both accounts have been inGeorgetown. 2023, which was held at the announced that they have salary account, which currently frozenaspartoftheinvestigation.
According to SOCU’s head Pegasus Hotel in Georgetown, and recommended dozens of charges holds just over $1 million, remains The affidavit further alleges affidavit, earlier this year, Brutus an additional $1 million before against Brutus in relation to untouched. that Aulder, in collaboration with purchased an $85 million property Christmas. corruption. This comes months SOCU’s investigation also her husband, unlawfully utilized located at Lot 136 Alberttown,
Notably, SOCU’s ongoing after he allegedly deposited more revealed that Brutus owns a Brutus’ office to facilitate illegal Georgetown. The sale agreement investigation points to serious than $45 million in cash to one of company, Kytus General transactions. Notably, it was also
was entered on February 5, 2024, concernsthatthefundsfoundinthe his bank accounts, claiming that he Contracting & Holdings Inc , revealed that her companies with an initial payment of $21 accounts belonging to Brutus, his receivedthemoneyasweddingand which was registered two years supplied goods to the Guyana million, followed by a final wife and their toddler may be the Christmasgifts. ago,whilehiswifeAulder,operates PoliceForceandtheGuyanaPolice payment of $63 million made on proceeds of crime, with potential Following the announcement two businesses registered in 2023: ConsumersSocietyLimited. June 24, 2024. This payment was violations of anti-money that he will be charged, the South Quata Contracting & Notably, two businessmen have made shortly before SOCU’s laundering(AML)laws.Witheight Assistant Police Commissioner General Supplies Inc. and Triple A submitted statements to the court applicationtofreezetheaccountsin of their nine accounts frozen, moved to Court on Wednesday Depot. claiming to have given Brutus and July including two held in the name of filing applications against the
Aulder’s businesses are his wife substantial monetary gifts. Brutus, who receives a monthly their toddler with over $14 million, Attorney General, Minister of suspected of conducting illicit Both businessmen said they gifted salary of $491,487 from the GPF, the case against Brutus and his Home Affairs, Police Service
A momentous occasion in the development of football in Guyana took place yesterday with the official sod-turning ceremony for the new Blue Water Shipping Stadium at DurbanPark.
The ceremony marked the beginning of what is e x p e c t e d t o b e a transformative project for
the country’s sports infrastructure,particularlyin football,andwasattendedby high-ranking officials from CONCACAF, the Guyana Football Federation (GFF), andBlueWaterShipping.
Leading the historic moment was FIFA Vice President and CONCACAF P r e s i d e n t Vi c t o r Montagliani,whoturnedthe first sod alongside GFF
Also in attendance were other GFF officials and representatives from CONCACAF, as well as stakeholders from Blue Wa
The event signals the startofaconstructionproject that will bring state-of-theart football facilities to
Durban Park and play a critical role in Guyana’s ambition to grow as a footballnation.
The Blue Water Shipping Stadium will serve as a dedicated venue for football in Guyana, with a primary focus on d e v e l o p i n g y o u t h programs, expanding local competitions, and providing a home for the national team, the Golden Jaguars.
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
A challenging day is in store foryou,Aries.Ifyou'repartof a group or team or simply among friends, you may feel somewhatillatease.Couldit be that you instill jealousy in others? There's only one way tofindout.
TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)
Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow
You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.
Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly
You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.
The little fighter that you are makesitverydifficultforyou to join us in the great communal river that we're all tryingtonavigate,Virgo.You prefertotravelsolo.
Be disciplined about all areas ofyourbody,Libra.Takeextra care to eat healthful, balanced meals. Make sure you get enough sleep And even thoughyougripeabouthaving no time, get out there and exercise.
If you've been feeling deep anger,todayisn'tthedaytolet it out but rather the day to consider its source. Any large gatheringsoffamilyorfriends shouldbeavoidedatallcosts.
If by chance you still harbor some resentment toward someone, Sagittarius, it will probably come out today.You might be uncompromising or evenvengeful.
You don't suffer fools gladly, and superficial fools even less so. You have a mind to teach those around you a lesson. You'reuncompromisingtoday, and you can't understand why others don't have your same highstandards.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Hereisadayofchallenges, Aquarius You're a pro at questioning yourself, as you'll prove today when you take a h a r d l
accomplishments What have youcreatedofapersonalnature inthelasttenyears.
Ifyougivetheimpressionthat you're in a reserved and introspective mood (even if you aren't), you'll succeed in avoiding confrontation Today there is no such thing as a simpleexchangewithsomeone
promote sports tourism, create jobs, and provide opportunities for young athletestothrive.
President Irfaan Ali has previously spoken about his administration’s vision to build a sustainable sports economy in Guyana, with football playing a central role.
The facility is expected to be a cornerstone in the development of the sport, providing modern amenities and a highquality pitch that will meet internationalstandards
Speaking at the sodturning ceremony, Montagliani expressed his excitement for the project and its potential to elevate football in Guyana
He said this stadium is not just a physical structure; it represents the future of football in Guyana; a country which he said has shown great passion for the sport, and the facility will allow that passion to be nurtured, developed, and showcased onalargerstage.
GFF President Wayne Forde echoed these sentiments, expanding on the importance of the s t a d i u m i n t h e federation’s strategic plans for football development.
Blue Water Shipping’s significant investment in the stadium highlights the company’s commitment to the development of sports inGuyana
The Denmark-based company, which operates globally in logistics and shipping, has made a longterm pledge to support football in Guyana as part of its broader mission to invest in the communities whereitoperates
The construction of the Blue Water Shipping Stadium is aligned with the Government of Guyana’s larger goal of transforming the country’s sports ecosystem.
As part of a broader strategy to invest in sports infrastructure, the government has prioritized thedevelopmentoffacilities like the new stadium to
The facility is also expectedtoplayakeyrole in the government’s push for youth engagement in sports, providing the next generationofathleteswith the necessary resources and facilities to develop their skills from an early age
With this new stadium, it is said that Guyana will have the ability to host regional and international football tournaments, increasing the visibility of the sport and giving local players a platform to
As construction begins, the anticipation builds for a facility that will fuel the dreams of young footballers and e l e v a t e G u y a n a ’s standing in the world of sports
Frompage26 overSchooloftheNation. St John the Baptist Primary is another team to keep an eye on, boasting a rock-solid defense that has helped them secure four winsfromfourgames. They will face off againstastrongBelladrum sidetodayintheirquestfor asemi-finalberth The tournament is
proudly sponsored by Courts Optical, with additional support from MVP Sports, Stena Drilling, Sterling Products Limited, and Igloo Ice Cream
Organized by the Petra Organisation, the event is endorsed by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture, Youth,andSports
Dottin picked up four wickets and then blitzed 33 off 22 but New Zealand’s
ESPNcricinfo-New Zealandstormedintothe finaloftheWomen’sT20 WorldCupafter14years,
beatingthe2016champions WestIndiesbyeightrunsin alow-scoringthrillerin Sharjah.NewZealandwill
meetthe2023edition’s runners-upSouthAfricaas thetournamentissetfora first-timechampion.
Opting to bat first and “put pressure on West Indies”, Sophie Devine’s side huffed and puffed their
way to 128 for 9 on a pitch that was not difficult to bat. Deandra Dottin gave West Indies hope, with the ball first, rattling New Zealand withher4for22.
However, West Indies’ chase never took off as expected with Eden Carson andCokeepingthemquietat 25 for 2 in the powerplay Hayley Matthews and Stafanie Taylor toiled for runs and once they fell for a combined 28 off 41, West Indieswerefourdownfor51 with78runsneededfrom55 balls. Dottin’s fireworks - a 22-ball33whereshealsohit LeaTahuhuforthreesixesin an over - brought the equation down to 34 off 24.
ButAmeliaKerr,thehighest wicket-taker at this World Cup, ended the allrounder’s innings in the 17th over as Dottin top edged a sweep to shortfineleg.
New Zealand were not flawless, having dropped five catches in the field but thebowlersstillfoundaway torestrictWestIndiesto120 for8.
Carson makes early inroads Carson has been New Zealand’s go-to powerplay bowler, having taken four of her five wickets prior to the semifinal in this phase On Friday,sheonceagainsetthe tone with the ball. After conceding two fours to QianaJoseph,theoffspinner bowled a length ball on middle that spun past the batter’s swipe to knock her stumps. Soon 16 for no loss became 20 for 2 when Carson darted one full and wide of off for Shemaine Campbelle to step out and miscue one towards extra cover,whereSuzieBatesran in and pulled off a diving catch The wickets had
slowed West Indies down with Matthews and Taylor moving at a snail’s pace. Carson came back again for the eighth over when both Matthews and Taylor smashed a four each to pick up pace but the offspinner had the last laugh, bowling Taylor for a 20-ball 13 after she mistimed a slog sweep. Eventually,sheendedwith3 for22.
Scores: New Zealand 128 for 9 (Plimmer 33, Dottin 4-22, Fletcher 2-23) beat West Indies 120 for 8 (Dottin 33, Carson 3-29, Kerr2-14)byeightruns. partnership will be crucial again as they face MarianAcademy today in a matchthatcouldsecuretheir semi-finalspot.
Anotherclashtowatchis between Rosignol Primary andlastyear’schampions,St PiusPrimary
Rosignol has been a formidableteam,butStPius has been nothing short of dominant, racking up 21 goals in four games during the preliminary rounds with commanding victories over Smith Memorial, FE Pollard, and Georgetown International Academy (GIA).
Their quarterfinal matchup promises to be intense, as St Pius looks to continue their title defence. St Pius Primary has also made waves in the 2024 edition,cruisingthroughthe round-robinstagewithease. Theyopenedwithamassive 12-0 win over St Mary Primary, followed by a 4-1 victoryoverWinferGarden. In subsequent rounds, they continued their winning streak with a convincing victory against Tucville Primaryanda2-0triumph
The Courts Optical Pee
Wee U11 Football Championship has been an exhilarating journey, featuring 32 teams and four weeks of intense action
Today, the competition reachesacriticaljunctureas the final four teams will be decided in the quarterfinals, settingthestageforthe2024 semi-finals.
Sponsored by Unicomer GuyanaInc undertheCourts Opticalbrand,thequarterfinal matcheswilltakeplacetoday at the Ministry of Education ground on Carifesta Avenue Thetopteamsincluding;Santa
Rosa Primary, West Ruimveldt Primary, BelladrumPrimary,Enterprise Primary, Marian Academy, RosignolPrimaryandStPius Primary will battle for a covetedspotinthesemi-final round Over the past weeks, the tournament has seen
Witness some exciting quarter final action in the 2024 Courts Optical U11 Football tournament today at MoE.
thrillingmatchesandstandout individualperformances One ofthemostexcitingstorieshas been Enterprise Primary, an underdog team that quickly made a name for itself In their opening match, they dominated FE Pollard with a resounding10-0win,thanksto the dynamic duo of Dontay Kowlessar and Shine Arthur, whoeachnettedfourgoals The Kowlessar-Arthur partnership will be crucial again as they face Marian Academy today in a match that could secure theirsemi-finalspot
Another clash to watch is between Rosignol Primary and last year's champions, St Pius Primary Rosignol has beenaformidableteam,butSt Piushasbeennothingshortof dominant,rackingup21goals in four games during the preliminary rounds with commanding victories over Smith Memorial, FE Pollard,
and Georgetown International Academy (GIA) Their quarterfinalmatchuppromises tobeintense,asStPiuslooks to continue their title defence. St Pius Primary has also made waves in the 2024 edition, cruising through the round-robin stage with ease Theyopened with a massive 12-0 win over St Mary Primary, followed by a 4-1 victoryoverWinferGarden. In subsequent rounds, they continued their winning streak with a convincing victory against Tucville Primary and a 2-0 triumph overSchooloftheNation
St John the Baptist Primary is another team to keep an eye on, boasting a rock-solid defense that has helpedthemsecurefourwins from four games. They will face off against a strong Belladrumsidetodayintheir questforasemi-finalberth.
After months of preparations, it is now time for the athletes, who’ve undergone rigorous training, to display their chiselled and flawless physiques in front of an anticipatedlargeaudiencethisevening,atthe NationalCulturalCentre.
From 14:00hrs to 21:00hrs the PrejudgingandFinalsPart1ofthe2024Central America & Caribbean Body Building & FitnessChampionshipswillbestaged.
With over 150 athletes and 20 countries confirmed, the NCC will be a hive of activitiesasthejuggernautsofbodybuilding andfitnessshowcasetheirphysiquesasthey battleforindividualandregionalsupremacy inthesport.
HostGuyanawillberelyingonseasoned campaigners such as Mr Physique Emmerson Campbell, body builder Julio Sinclair, Miss Physique Christina Ramsammy and Melitha Fernandes
Andersonamongotherstobringglorytothe nation.
On the other hand, countries such as regional powerhouse Barbados, St. Lucia, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, El Salvador, Haiti andAntigua & Barbuda, are all considered strong contenders capable of makinglifedifficultforthelocals.
The quest for Pro-Card status as usual is an intriguing segment of the championships and Campbell, Sinclair, both of whom have beenknockingatthedoorforafewyearsnow must feel its time to claim this elusive accolade.
Accordingtoboth,itwillbeasignificant achievement in their careers and achieving such in front of their home support will be somethingspecial.
The competition commences today and concludestomorrowwiththebigshowdown forindividualtitlesandregionalsupremacy
SportsMax - The St
L u c i a A m a t e u r Bodybuilding and Body
Fitness Association (SLABBFA) is set to make its mark at the 51st Central American and Caribbean
(CAC) Bodybuilding Championships,whichtakes
place this weekend in Georgetown, Guyana An eight-member team will represent the island, aiming to build on past successes at the prestigious regional event.
With close to 200 athletes from across the
Caribbean and Central Americasettocompete,this year’s championships will be a landmark event for the host country, as Guyana welcomes the competition forthefirsttimein20years. For St Lucia, the stakes are high,withtheteamhopingto
The St Lucia Amateur Bodybuilding and Body Fitness Association team for the CAC.
addtothecountry’sgrowing collection of medals from recentyears.
At the 2023 CAC Championships in Aruba, Jabari Brouet captured a silver medal in the senior men’s physique up to 179cm,whileKirbyCharles placed fourth in the senior men’sphysiqueover179cm. This year, both athletes return to the competition, bringing experience and determination.
Brouet, representing Storm Caster Fitness, and Charles, of Mango Moon, willbeeagertoupgradetheir previous performances and bringhomemoremedalsfor StLucia.
The team, however, features a mix of seasoned competitors and fresh faces.
Shani Victorin of Mango Moon will be Saint Lucia’s sole female competitor,
taking part in the women’s bikinicategory Victorin’s debut marks an important step for the island in maintaining representation in female divisions.
Onthemen’sside,Joneil Pelage of Energy Fitness Gym has made a strong comeback to competition in 2024andisexpectedtolead the charge in the men’s bodybuildingcategory.
He will be joined by SharkymDanielofSouthern Fitness, adding depth to the team’s efforts in this discipline.
In the Fitness Speed Fit Challenge, three athletes from Soufriere Fitness Centre Levi Edward, formertrackathleteGratious Octave,andcricketerShanii Mesmain will showcase their athletic versatility as they take on this demanding event.
Accompanying the athletesareJacquelineTrim, SLABBFA president and official judge, Monica Dudley, first vice president and team manager, and EugeneGabriel,secondvice president and coach, ensuring the athletes have the support they need to excelonthebigstage.
St Lucia’s national bodybuilding team is no stranger to success, and the island is hopeful that this year’s crop of competitors willonceagainstandoutina highly competitive field Following impressive results in 2022 and 2023, including top-five finishes from Kirton Hubert, Velda John,andRochaelPhilip,the team is optimistic about continuing their medal streak at this year’s championships.
BBC - India recovered from being dismissed for just 46 in their first innings to reach 231-3 at close on day three of the first Test against New Zealand, trailing by 125 runs. Sarfaraz Khan ended the day unbeaten on70afterputtingon136forthethirdwicket withViratKohli,whowasoutfor70withthe finalballofthedayinBengaluru.
Captain Rohit Sharma hit 52 and fellow opener Yashasvi Jaiswal added 35, before they were dismissed in quick succession by AjazPatel.
RachinRavindraearlierhitamagnificent 134 as the Black Caps were bowled out for 402-afirst-inningsleadof356.
The 24-year-old, who began the day on 22, smashed 13 fours and four sixes before beingthelastwickettofall.
He added 137 for the eighth wicket with Tim Southee, whose lively 65 included five
foursandfoursixes.OpenerDevonConway wassecond-topscorerwith91fromjust105 deliveries. Spinners Ravindra Jadeja and Kuldeep Yadav were the pick of the Indian bowlers,takingthreewicketseach.
ButwicketkeeperRishabhPantremained off the field after suffering a knee injury on daytwo.Itwasthesamekneeheinjuredina seriouscarcrashinDecember2022andkept himoutformorethanayear
Afterthefirstdaywaswashedout,India’s first innings 46 on day two was the thirdlowesttotalintheirTesthistory,andlowestat home.Scores:India46:Pant20;Henry5-15, O’Rourke4-22&231-3:Khan70*,Kohli70, Rohit52;Patel2-70.
New Zealand 402: Ravindra 134, Conway 91, Southee 65; Jadeja 3-72, Kuldeep3-99.
Th e G u y a n a
F o o t b a l l Federation(GFF) hasmadeasignificantstepto promotewomen’sfootballin thecountry,byrollingoutan innovative Courts Under-13 Girls Nationwide Football
Championship The announcement was made during an official launch event held yesterday at the National Training Center in Providence.
The championship aims to harness the abilities of young female athletes while creating a new generation playersinafunandfriendly atmosphere that encourages b o t h g r o w t h a n d competition. This tournament will provide young girls from various communities across Guyana the opportunity to develop their football skills in a structured and competitive environment.
Over the past few years, there has been a significant push to improve women’s football, and the Courts Secondary School’s Under13 Football initiative marks a critical step in creating pathways for young girls in football. Meanwhile, during a featured address, the GFF President Wayne Forde emphasized the importance of this new and innovative tournament. “Over the next couple of weeks, we (the federation) will be formalizingthestructurefor the nationwide secondary s c h o o l U n d e r - 1 3
initiative will enable young girls to entertain their classmates,parents,siblings, and friends,” Forde said. He also expressed excitement about visiting the various competitionvenuesoncethe tournamentkicksoff.
championship This
Forde drew parallels with the recently concluded Under-15 Blue Water Championship, which saw 40 young women from
around the country, including the hinterland regionsrepresentingGuyana in the CONCACAF U-15 Championship. He noted that these tournaments provide young athletes with the opportunity to showcase theirtalentsonalargerstage, which could lead to future o p p o r t u n i t i e s i n internationalcompetitions.
P r e s i d e n t o f
CONCACAF and Vice President of FIFA, Victor Montagliani also spoke at the event, highlighting the broader significance of women’s football. “Women’sfootballisnotjust thefutureoffootball;it’sthe present.
To see you running around and enjoying the game tells me that football here is on the rise,”
Montaglianisaid,addressing the young athletes in attendance. He encouraged them to view football as a lifelong gift, with opportunities to pursue careers in various aspects of thegame.
The programme set to kick off countrywide in the comingweeks,excitementis b u i l d i n g f o r t h i s transformativetournament.
In a significant step towards advancing the country’s football infrastructure and overall sports development, President of Guyana, Dr Irfaan Ali, yesterday met with FIFA Vice President and CONCACAF President Victor Montagliani at State House. The meeting, which was attended by a high-level delegationfrombothFIFAand CONCACAF,highlightedthe Government of Guyana’s growing focus on building a sustainable sports economy, withfootballatitscore.
During the discussions, President Ali expressed his administration’s strong commitment to elevating sports in Guyana, especially football, with the goal of transforming it into a thriving sector that contributes to national
development. President Ali emphasized the need for partnerships and investments frominternationalbodieslike CONCACAF, which he sees as essential in shaping the future of sports in the country President Ali also u n d e r s c o r e d t h e Government’s special relationship with the national football team, the GoldenJaguars.
The conversation also turned to Guyana’s strategic geographical location, which the President believes positionsthecountryasakey player in regional football development. He urged CONCACAF to invest more in football withintheCaribbeanandthe surrounding region, advocating for greater focus on stimulating action and competitiveness.
PresidentMontaglianipraised Guyana’s enthusiasm and visionforsportsdevelopment, highlightingtheimportanceof collaboration between governmentsandinternational sportingbdies
He assured President Ali that CONCACAF is committed to playing a
supportive role in developing football infrastructure and programmes in Guyana, starting with grassroots initiatives and capacity building Oneofthekeyareas
discussed was the Government of Guyana’s long-termplansforbuildinga sports economy that can
generate jobs, stimulate tourism, and foster national unity
President Ali outlined his administration’s vision for Guyana to become a hub for sportstourism, with football, cricket,andathleticsleading the charge. He noted that investments in sports infrastructure, such as stadiums and training facilities, would play a pivotalroleinachievingthis goal.
Montaglianiexpressedhis excitement about the Government’s plans, particularly its potential to boost football in the region, pointingtotheimportanceof nurturing youth talent and building professional pathways for players, coaches,andadministrators.
Anotherimportantareaof discussion was the broader developmentoffootballinthe
President Ali urged CONCACAF to pay special attention to the region, highlighting the need for more investment in regional tournaments, coaching programmes, and youth academies. He believes that stronger regional football will benefit all member nations, including Guyana, by raising the standard of competition and creating more opportunities for players to showcase their talent President Ali concluded the meeting by reaffirming Guyana’s commitment to working closely with FIFA and CONCACAF to build a vibrant and successful football culture in the country,onethatcaninspire future generations and put Guyana on the global sportingmap.
The New Zealand players celebrate qualifying for the final. (Associated Press)