UK companies win new contracts to by businessman during foiled robbery
market Guyana’s crude
Critic shackled after court appearance
EPA and other agencies conduct further tests at Crane homes
Mikhail Rodrigues aka Critic leaving the court room in handcuffs after being charged with assault
Convicted Felon, Travis Payne
Critic shackled after court appearance
...charged for allegedly assaulting man during night club
Mikhail Rodrigues, popularly known as the Guyanese Critic was chargedwithassaultingamanwhenhe appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates'CourtonMonday
The charge stemmed from an incident at a popular night club on September 30, 2024. The man he assaultedBrianPersaud,anelectrician from Berbice was also charged with wounding Rodrigues The charges were read separately by Senior MagistrateFabayoAzore.
Critic, 44, of Queenstown, Georgetown, is accused of unlawfully and maliciously inflicting grievous bodilyharmuponPersaudbyallegedly strikinghiminthefacewithafirearmat Lamaha and Pike Streets, Kitty, Georgetown. Persaud is charged with unlawfully and maliciously wounding Rodriguesbyslappinghimintheface. RodriguesandPersaudpleadednot guilty to the charges and were granted bail in the sum of $100, 000 and $75,000respectivelywithareturndate set for October 28 for further proceedings.
Accordingtopolicefactspresented in court, the incident unfolded around
23:30hrs when Persaud and two cousins entered the night club. At approximately 00:30 hrs., Rodrigues arrivedandstoodafewfeetawayfrom them.An identifiable female who was standing next to Persaud's cousin Daniel Bansi began video recording Rodrigues on her phone. In response, Rodriguespulledouthisownphoneto recordher.However,Bansiintervened by blocking Critic's view using his hand. Out of anger, Critic allegedly thendrewafirearmfromhiswaistand struck Persaud in the face, causing injuries.
Followingthisaltercation,Persaud fled the club, Critic and another unidentified male followed him and allegedly dealt him several kicks and cuffsabouthisbody Thepolicearrived shortly thereafter and Persaud was subsequently taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) for treatment. He received a fractured nose Critic was later contacted regarding the allegations and denied injuringPersaud,claiminginsteadthat Persaud fell and sustained his injuries during the incident. He was later charged.
Region 9's earthquake monitoring capacity improved with upgrades to Raspberry Seismographs – CDC
Commission (CDC), in conjunction with the Guyana G
Commission (GGMC), the National Data Management Agency (NDMA), and with the support of the Caribbean
y (CDEMA), recently executed upgrades to the four (4) Raspberry Seismographs locatedintheSouthRupununi.
The Seismographs have been installedtodetectearthquakes and other seismic activities in thearea.
According to a press release issued on the CDC's Facebookpage,“eachpieceof equipment now has a reliable internetconnectionwhichwill foster remote monitoring and datacollection.”
“The connection was provided by the NDMA
F u r t h e r m o r e , e a c h seismographwasinspectedfor performance issues and maintained as was necessary Residentsofcommunitiesthat experienced seismic activity in the past have lauded the upgrades to the devices and
indicated their dedication to safeguarding the equipment,” thepressreleasesaid.
The CDC said that the multi-agencyteamwasableto conduct this operation on the heels of a high-level meeting between senior CDC personnel and R
Chairman – Region 9, Bryan Allicock.
“Mr Allicock stressed on the importance of such operationsandequipment,and pledged the Region's full support towards this Disaster RiskManagementaspect.”
The project is financed underActivityA1.5: Support the Advancement of Community based DRM in
ng expansion for multi-hazard early warning systems, Implementation of the MHEWS Road Map for Guyana of the Building the R
CARIFORUM States to Disaster Risks and Climate Change Impacts (BRICS) project financed by the European Union Delegation through EDF 11 being implementedbyCDEMA.
The four upgraded Raspberry Seismographs in South Rupununi. (CDC)
Brain Persaud; injuries received to his face
Mikhail Rodrigues aka Critic leaving the court room shackled
Exxon paid EPA GYD$5.6M for flaring in 2023
Ex x o n M o b i l Guyana Limited (EMGL) in 2023 handedover$5.6Minflaring fees to the Environmental ProtectionAgency(EPA).
This was revealed by President of EMGL,Alistair Routledge during the company's third quarter media conference The company is required to pay US $50 per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) emitted as a result of flaring in excess of the periods o u t l i n e d i n t h e environmental permits for thethreeprojectscurrentlyin operation.
According to Routledge, the company flared an average12millioncubicfeet of gas per day in 2023. This means that the gas flared in
2023amountedto4.3trillion cubicfeetor430Mtonnesof gas. Hesaid,“Abouthalfof that related to the Payara project startup. As you may recall the first 60 days when we are commissioning equipment, all of the gas compression facilities and everything, we are required from a safety point of view just to flare gas through that period.”
The Country Manager boasted that outside of the periods outlined in the Permits for flaring, Exxon recorded “really excellent performance”.
According to him, “First of all with Payara itself actually achieving background flare much faster than the 60 days- I recall it was 37 days and on
the other assets, on Liza Phase One and Phase Two they average 6 million total across the two assets for the full year and that takes account of unplanned shutdown activity, safety events, but also plant shut down activities where we know we need to take down the facilitiesand safely flare the pressure gas in the system.”
While responding to a question from this newspaper, Routledge revealed that there was one day in 2023 where the company exceeded the flaringrequirements.Onthat occasion, he said a fine of U S $ 2 7 , 0 0 0 o r approximately $5.6M was paidtotheregulator In the previous year,
Suriname will invest oil money to boost other sectors-Pres.Santokhi
Su r i n a m e ' s
P r e s i d e n t Chandrikapersad
Santokhi told the International Business Conference (IBC) last Tuesdaythatthecountrywill be making use of its upcoming oil funds to diversifytheothersectorsin order to ensure long term stabilityinitseconomy
“We are committed to diversifying our economy beyond oil, agriculture, tourism and technology will play a critical role in
ensuring long term economicstability
This diversification will make our economy more resilient and create new opportunities for innovation and investment… I invite international businesses to seize the opportunities presented at this conference and explore strategic partnership with local companies,” President Santohkisaid.
He highlighted the importance of economic growth and emphasized that his government is fully committed to responsibly managing the natural resources, especially oil and
gas. They will however be seeking eco-friendly investments to target renewable energy and agriculture.
“Our two countries, Suriname and Guyana, are dedicated to reducing our carbon footprints and creating a more sustainable future for our generations to come,”hesaid.
Speaking on the country's local content he said that high on the government's agenda is empowering local businesses through policies. “The aim is to ensure that
Exxon paid US$9M in fines to the EPA for its excessive gasflaring.
During that period, the oil giant encountered mechanical difficulties with its gas compressor on the Liza Destiny Floating Production Storage and Offloading(FPSO)vessel.
Flaring, as the word suggests, is the process of burningassociatedgasthatis brought up during oil production.
Notably, this process emits harmful gases into the
Surinamese companies are actively participating in the economy's growth and success A commitment made is to build capacity where needed, provide employment and also create opportunities to develop skills, thus ensuring the locals are thriving in the oil and gas and infrastructure sectors,” Santokhi said “International companies are not just welcome in Suriname, we encourage them to partner with Surinamese businesses, and it will foster long term sustainability and create meaningful, lasting impacts onourlocaleconomy
Business Conference is a testament to the strength of our bilateral relations is served as a platform for Surinamese and Guyanese b
internationalinvestmentand d
a l collaboration ”Santokhi announced that the IBC will now be an annual event and will be alternated between Suriname and Guyana. The 2025 edition will be held in SurinameinFebruary
atmosphere that can, not only affect seabirds and marine creatures, but also climate change. In addition, itmustbenotedthatthereare alternative options available to the oil company to avoid flaring, such as gas reinjection. However, Exxon has publicly made it clear that it is cheaper for the
President,ExxonMobil Guyana, Alistair Routledge
company to flare the associated gas, rather than re-inject it into the wells. Various studies conducted haveoutlinedthatgasflaring is a major source of greenhouse gases (GHGs) that accelerates global warming. Flaring releases two major GHGs – Carbon DioxideandMethane.
IntheAuditorGeneral'sReportfor2023, exemptionsfromdutiesandtaxesinGuyana reachedatotalof$273.931billion,markinga significant increase of $110.698 billion or 68% over the $163.233 billion granted in 2022.This substantial rise in exemptions is largely attributed to an uptick in conditional tax concessions, which are provided to various sectors and projects. The report highlights that conditional tax exemptions granted in 2023 amounted to $273.169 billion, compared to $145.517 billion in 2022, reflecting an increase of $127.651 billion.
Companies and businesses received the lion's share of these concessions, with exemptions climbing from $126.240 billion in 2022 to $233.207 billion in 2023—an increase of $106.967 billion representing 86% of all conditional exemptions for the year
Other beneficiaries of conditional tax exemptionsinclude:
- Hospitals: $3.386 billion (up by $2.958 billion)
Other categories saw decreases, such as churchesandcharitableorganisations,which experiencedadeclineinexemptionsby$449 millioncomparedtothepreviousyear Also, unconditional tax exemptions fell sharply from $17.714 billion in 2022 to G$761millionin2023,adecreaseof$16.953 billion.
The surge in tax exemptions is mainly drivenbyasubstantialriseinexemptionsfor companies and businesses, particularly
through Investment Agreements
These agreements,facilitatedbytheGuyanaOffice for Investment (Go-Invest) and the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), sawexemptionsclimbfrom$116.451billion in 2022 to $200.337 billion in 2023, an increaseof$83.885billion.
The most notable increases in tax exemptions within the business sector include:
- Manufacturing: $14.583 billion (up by $11.542billion)
- Fuel: $10.551 billion (up by $8.779 billion)
- Construction: $1.873 billion (up by $1.202billion)
- Mining: $919 million (up by $474 million)
- Aircraft: $335 million (up by $246 million)
Somesectors,however,sawreductionsin exemptions, such as forestry and public transportation.
While the AG report lists the taxes foregone as exemptions, it should be noted that the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) does not forego taxes. It was previously explained that the Government of Guyana (GoG) sign agreements with companies and on the basis of those agreements, taxes are incentivized. Notably, exemptions are usually done through legislation, and the CARICOMCommonMarkettreaty,toname afew RevenueCollection
Moreover,itwasstatedintheAG'sreport that according to GRA's Statements of Receipts and Disbursements, the sum of $320 110 billion was estimated to be collected as revenue for the year 2023. However,whilethisfigurewasrevisedbythe Authority to $350.346 billion, the actual collections paid into the Consolidated Fund totalled $366.615 billion. The report states that this represents a positive variance of $16.269 billion, equivalent to 5% above the revisedestimatedcollections.
Go ahead, Mr Jagdeo! Yank the State ads, pull all of them. TakethemandgivethemtowhoeverservesGuyana’s interests more. Go further, Jagdeo: pressure private sector friends to stop placing their ads in KN. If that is what is believed will paralyze this publication, then go ahead and giveitagoodtry
Writethepresidentandlethimdecide. KNwillsurvive, will be better for the experience. Encourage friendly businesses to withdraw their ad placements with KN, and theworldwillseewhatkindofleaderBharratJagdeois.
To threaten to yank ads from a small newspaper market like Guyana is lower than low, the lowest. To do it before, and now bring out that poisoned tipped weapon again, is an exercise in futility. KN will not be stopped; truth has a way to shine through any darkness, rise above any deed that speaks to the ugly nature of leaders bent on silencing freedomofthepress.
Ads were stopped before in one of Jagdeo’s vindictive moves and look where it got him. Does he really want to attract the attention and outrage of the world during an election period, with such a punitive measure as to be holding State ads like a weapon over KN? The message from this paper and its publisher is straight from the shoulder: pull the ads and put Kaieteur News on a higher pedestal.
What reporting is being suppressed, what is it that the government seeks so passionately to hide? What possible secrets and failures do Jagdeo himself wish not to be exposedtothereadingpublic,localandforeign?
Itisfamiliarknowledgethatadsarepartoftheoxygenof any newspaper Jagdeo knows this, so for him even to go downtheroadofutteringathreattotamperwiththeflowof ads to this paper has only one objective. It is to block Guyanesefromknowingalltheweaknessesandwrongsthat arepartandparcelofhisoilmanagement,ofhisuselessness asanationalleader
Evenwhisperingprivatelyaboutwhatistormentingand then threatening indicate how so much has gone wrong in Guyana, why so much is going downhill in this the Age of Oil in this country The PPPC Government, the president, andthissameVicePresidentJagdeoallshouldbefirmlyand fearlessly focused on facing up to ExxonMobil, so that Guyana does better with its oil wealth. Instead, Jagdeo squanders his time, wastes his energy, and misuses resources to crush KN into silence, or out of existence. He will not succeed; he will fail and fall on his face. This happened to him before when State ads were pulled, and it willhappentohimagain,withhisownactionscomingback to reveal the lowness and meanness in him, which is what alreadymakemanylookdifferentlyathim.
ThefreeandindependentmediainGuyanashouldnever be seen as an adversary in the fight for what is fair for Guyanaforitsoilpatrimony
The independent and unfettered media, of which this publication is proud to be a part of, is a worthwhile and formidable ally to any nationally oriented government, any national leader, in the tough struggle for more for Guyana fromitswealth. Jagdeoknowsthisaswellasanyone,buthe is so enslaved to the commands of ExxonMobil that he cannot help himself. He is so imprisoned by the likes of AlistairRoutledgethatheishelplesstodoanything,evento save his own dignity So, he is now resorting to taking his cursesandintimidationstoanotherlevel.
There is the soft, setup question involving State ads served to him week after week by one of his media pawns, which even a blind man can see, or an idiot detect, so brazenlytransparentJagdeois.
The threat, repeated more than once, is now out in the open. We don’t know if Jagdeo expects KN to turn turtle andallowhimtokickGuyanesearound. Whatwedoknow is that he will not prevail. The darkness in Jagdeo fears the lightoftruth. KNisaboutthatlight.
Exxon disappointed with KN headline
DEAREDITOR, participation at the development in Guyana is making our operations here I was pleased to read this conference: ‘No other attributed to many things. so effective for the country publication’s recent country has allowed Exxon Our solid collaboration with WetakeourroleasGuyana’s coverage of the International to move this fast’ – Exxon our co-venturers and the energy partner seriously and BusinessConference. official. government is one, as is our are committed to operating
It’s an important event
The article itself was abilitytooptimizeallaspects responsibly focused on streamlining the balanced, and it accurately of our Guyana operations to Thank you for the ease of doing business in reportedonwhatIsaid. drivegreaterefficienciesand opportunity to provide Guyana and facilitating I w a s , h o w e v e r, ensurewecontinuetodeliver furtherclarityonthismatter additional international disappointed to read the projects on time and on Sincerely, investmentinthecountry misleading headline that budget. Phil Rietema
Part of that coverage misquotedme. These are some of the V i c e P r e s i d e n t , included an article on my Our successful pace of things I highlighted as ExxonMobil Guyana
Measuring oil profits in Liza One
DEAREDITOR, theaveragecostofabarrelof under the PSA of US$52.50 the Liza One project, the With your permission, oil is US$36.00, then the is more expensive by investment cost is recorded permit me to explain how profit on a barrel of oil is US$16.50. Therefore, the atUS$3.5Billion.Therefore, total revenue, total cost, and US$34.00; that is, Profit = P US $16.50 per barrel of oil is the breakeven quantity (Qe) profits are identified in the – ATC = US$70 00 – the hidden profit that is of oil that must be sold to Guyana oil business, and US$36.00=US$34.00. captured by the company as cover the total cost (TC) in particularly Liza One. In this With reference to the costoil. the project is defined by the regard, knowing the selling Guyana Production Sharing Additionally,itshouldbe formula as: Qe = (IC/(P –price (P) and the average Agreement (PSA), the noted that whenever the ATC)). Since the investment totalcost(ATC)ofabarrelof average total cost (ATC) of a sellingprice(P)ofabarrelof cost (IC) in Liza One is oil signals the first decision barrel of oil has a cost oil increases, the average US$3.5Billionandtheprofit pointofanyinvestment. inflating mechanism which totalcost(ATC)ofabarrelof marginperbarrelofoilinthe The average total cost deflates the profit on each oil increases, even though traditional method is (ATC) of a barrel of oil is barrel of oil More nothing is changed in the US$34.00 per barrel (Table defined as the total cost (TC) specifically,thePSA(Article a c t u a l e x t r a c t i o n 1), the breakeven quantity of divided by the number of 11 2, page 26) has the (production?) of the oil.This oil which must be sold at a barrels of oil (Q) extracted condition that the total cost outcome occurs only price of US$70 00 is from the oil reservoir below (TC) of oil production is because the average total 102,941,176 barrels of oil, the Atlantic Ocean: ATC = equal to 75 percent of total cost (ATC= 0.75 P) of a valued at US$7.2 Billion. In TC/ Q Given this revenue (TR); that is, TC = barrel of oil under the contrast, under the PSA relationship, it is observed 0.75 (TR), where TR is price Guyana PSA includes the method, it is observed that that the decision to invest is (P) times the quantity of selling price (P), a condition 200,000,000 barrels of oil rejected, if the selling price barrels of oil (Q).As a result, that is not observed in a must be sold, valued at (P) of a barrel of oil is less theaveragecostofabarrelof standardized cost structure. US$14.0Billion(Table1) than the average total cost oil in the PSA is equal to: At the same time, it can be It is important to point (ATC) of a barrel of oil; only ATC = (0.75PQ)/Q = 0.75P stated that whenever the cost out the finding that when losses on every barrel of oil When the price of a barrel of of a barrel of oil is more than only 102.9 million barrels of soldwillresultinthiscase. oil is US$70.00, the average the price of a barrel of oil, all oil are required to establish When the price (P) of a cost of a barrel of oil under losses incurred is transferred the breakeven quantity (Qe) barrel of oil is equal to the the Guyana PSA is: ATC = to the next payment cycle, in the traditional method, an average cost (ATC) of barrel 0 7 5 ( U S $ 7 0 0 0 ) = and these losses are covered additional 97, 058, 824 ofoil(P=ATC),thisposition US$52 50 per barrel in the next revenue period barrels of oil in the PSA establishes the breakeven Consequently, when this (PSA,Article11.3,page26). model has to be sold to attain price. For example, if the PSA cost of US$52.50 per Another important the breakeven level of 200.0 price (P) of a barrel of oil is barrelofoiliscomparedwith indicatorintheoilbusinessis million barrels to oil. The US$30.00, and the average thealternativecostperbarrel the breakeven quantity of oil main implication which can total cost (ATC) of barrel of of US$36.00 as identified by (Qe) that must be sold to bedrawnfromusingthePSA oil is US$30.00, then the Oil Now, the average total cover the total investment of methodisthatthereisaloss profit earned on each barrel cost of a barrel (ATC) of oil cost (IC) in the project. For (Continued on page 6) ofoiliszero;thatis: Profit= P–ATC = $30.00 - $30.00 = 0. This outcome is usually calledthebreakevenprice.
Interestingly, in a recent publication, it was reported thatthe‘…Guyana’saverage
breakeven price (is)
US$36.00perbarrelofBrent crude a standout figure in the global market, with projects like Liza 2 at US$25 00 per barrel and Payara at US$32.00 per b a r r e l . ’ ( O i l N o w : l-story-of-south-americasnewest-producer-built-on45-discoveries-in-just-nineyears/) Consequently, whenever the price (P) of a barrel of oil is greater than average total cost (ATC) of a barrel of oil, the profit on everybarrelofoilispositive. Forexample,ifthepriceof a barrelofoilisUS$70.00,and
Nawbatt’s irrelevancies on Constitutional Reform
DEAREDITOR, is taking my call for a its leaders”. On the very day This is a retort to one Mr replacement of the Burnham ofthisaccusationinthesame Harry N Nawbatt’s response constitution seriously If he paper, a commentary under to my commentary on understood what I penned, my name said Irfaan Ali and constitutional reform in the thesis statement was that the PPP would win the 2025 Guyana (Oct 21). Nawbatt t h e r e w o u l d b e n o elections.Aliwaspraisedfor penned a snide remark and constitutional change and his leadership In my several other irrelevancies t h a t t h e B u r n h a m missives in August and and extraneous comments constitution will not be September respectively, that have nothing to do with replaced because no Jagdeo was described as the constitutional reform He politician supports its best political strategist in the engaged in vilification of change. country and Irfaan a populist me, the very act he accused He ridiculed me with, who is on course for remeofagainstPPPleadership “Bisram self-proclaimed election I organized a without offering any campaign that he is centenary on Dr Jagan in evidence. Bhagwan’s (God) gift to be 2018 in Richmond Hill and Just in case, he does not Guyana’s representative in attempted same in Delhi. know, vilification is India” I do not recall Nawbatt and Ramkarran disparagingothers,attacking penningalettercampaigning were speakers glorifying them. Vilification is not the to be Guyana’s diplomat in Jagan in Little Guyana. Are equal of an objective Delhi. On the matter of the preceding Nawbatt’s critique. I never disparaged competence or qualification definition or illustrations or or vilified any PPP leaders. I (Bhagwan’s gift to be a understanding of the engaged in objective diplomat), I may have meaning of vilification? I critiques supported with written that I earned degrees advise he consults a virtuoso facts Nawbatt has not (emphasis DEGREES) from orwizardonwordmeanings. offered any facts to buttress accredited universities (not Nawbatt made reference hisrebuttal. bogus degrees like some of to the erudite scholar Prof Icanbeequallynastyand his pals) in International Baytoram Ramharack who vilify Nawbatt, but it has Politics and International hedescribesas“mypal”,and been my nature as per the Relations and studied indeed together we fought teachings of Bhagwan to be Diplomacy as well as for free and fair elections in courteous and respectful to Foreign Relations; I am also Guyana of which the PPP all including those who use aspecialistonIndiaAffairs.I was the beneficiary (I will disparaging, discourteous believe those would qualify write on Dr Ramharack’s and denigrating remarks me to be a diplomat contribution to the PPP and against my reputation accredited to any country itsleadershiplater). However, I will advise Offersweremadetometobe There is no relevance in Nawbatt to engage in a basic a diplomat in Delhi, and I invoking Dr Ramaharack’s lesson on writing and politely declined for family nameonthesubjectmatteras comprehension skills and or and personal reasons. Others he did not write on have someone more skilled werewitnesstotheoffers. constitutional reform, not than him edit his essays to Nawbatt referred to recently anyway, and was remove irrelevancies as well Charandass Persaud as never ever consulted in any as to aid in comprehension. “disgraced ” I would of my writings. I did not cite We are all lifelong learners never vilify or derogate Shri “others of my ilk” in calling including in writing and it is Charandass ji. I am not a for constitutional reform”. I helpful when others critique neemakharam (ingrate) cited the respected ex andorcorrectourworks.(No Without Charrandass, PPP Speaker Ralph Ramkarran insultintended,andIhopehe wouldnothavebeeninoffice (excommunicated from the takes this critique in its true in2020tillnow. PPP), Nawbatt’s pal or exspirit). Nawbatt stated that I am pal and cousin, who also Nawbattstatesthathedid involvedinacrusadeagainst calledforreplacingthe not do a poll and that no one “the government, PPP, and (Continued on page 6)
WPA disappointed cash grant not given to household
DEAREDITOR, beyondpoliticking. seriousness and a callous
Since President Ali’s WPA is, therefore, disregardforbasiceconomic announcement of his heartened that some of the praxis. We feel that giving it government’s intention to initial skeptics have warmed to each individual is in effect give a one-off cash transfer totheideaasaseriouspolicy giving it to voters rather than toGuyanese,therehasbeena initiative. families.
flurry of discussion in the In this regard, the PPP’s While we understand the public media and within the attempt to utilize it as a practical challenges of using wider society. WPA is not political gimmick should not the household as the unit of s u r p r i s e d a t t h i s diminishitsseriousness. distribution, it must be development. While WPA does not pointedoutthattheuseofthe
We recall a similar mass claim ownership of the idea, individual exudes many interest when Professor we are proud to have been families.
Clive Thomas first put the the first Guyanese political WPAnotes, for example, idea on the agenda at the party to place it on the that there are many singleannual Eusi Kwayana national developmental parenthouseholds,including Emancipation Symposium agenda those headed by parents held in Buxton in August What is now patently below the age of eighteen, 2018. clear is that it is the only area who will either be short-
We recall that many of of the Oil and Gas discourse changed or excluded from the major political players that the broad masses of thegovernment’splan. were either lukewarm or Guyanese feel connected to. Sinceitsinitialroll-outin dismissive of the proposal Attempts by Vice-President 2018, WPA has been But it was clear that it had Jagdeotoclaimownershipof updating what we call the captured the imagination of theideashouldbetreatedasa Buxton Proposal. We are the masses, especially the form of desperation by a thankful to Professor working people and the governmentwhichhasfailed Thomas and the WPA’s poor to generate any serious Policy Committee for the
Despite the skepticism polices since taking office in work in this regard. Given from the political elites, the 2020. the renewed interest, we feel WPAhas kept the idea in the Further, the president’s the time has come to again publicarena. swift reversal of the initial engage the public on the
We remain convinced announcement points to a matter that a Universal Basic lack of thought and
Finally, WPA feels that Income in the form of Cash f o r e s i g h t o n t h e its initial estimation of an Transfers is one of the most government’spart a n n u a l t r a n s f e r o f effective means of reducing Had the government approximately $1 million povertyinGuyana. heeded the WPA’s call for a annuallyisstillvalid.
Our Oil and Gas windfall feasibility study before In fact, given our affords us a golden implementation,itwouldnot estimation that Guyana’s oil opportunity to implement have found itself in such an reserves are closer to 30 this idea, which has been embarrassingsituation. billion barrels, it is our view successfully adopted in WPA is disappointed at that Guyanese households many countries across the the government’s retreat shouldbeaffordedmorethan world. from using the household as thatinitialestimate.
Indeed, the United the unit to distribute the Sincerely, Nationshasadopteditaspart proposedcashtransfer Wo r k i n g P e o p l e ’s o f i t s S u s t a i n a b l e It betrays a lack of Alliance Developmentgoals.
For theWPA, this matter oftheCashTransferisrooted in our commitment to alleviate poverty as a developmental goal-it goes
NIS and its complexities
The National Scheme has been in the Forget calling the telephone numbers listed. newsforyearsnow,andallforbadreasons. It’simpossibletogetanyonetorespond.
Recently His Excellency announced A problem affecting contributors for interventions that would attempt to address decades has been the accurate number of someofthemiseriesofcontributorsthathave contributionsmadebyworkers. been plaguing the Scheme, but would these Thishasmoreoftenaffectsworkersinthe satisfy the other complaints experienced by Private sector, but workers in the thecontributors? Public/Government sector also have less
In a discussion recently with some contributions recorded. I personally know concerned citizens, I was asked to make a persons who have been employed public appeal for some alleviation of those continuously all their lives in the Public currentlyaffectedandtoavoid“problems”in sector and at the time of being eligible for a thefuture. pension, the number of contributions have
Thefirstobservationmadewasthatvisits deficienciesformanyyears.Somethingmust to the various offices of the NIS seem to bedonetocorrectthisinjustice. indicate some amount of over staffing, and A NIS Board member has commented suggest that a manpower audit be conducted, that some of his colleague members are more to conclusively determine if the Scheme often than not absent from meetings, and at wouldbenefitfromarestructuring. least one member, often sleep through
The Scheme should also consider an meetings.HealsosaidthatwiththeChairman aggressive campaign to inform contributors of the Board, rather than being from the of the benefits to which they are entitled and Private sector should preferably be a the regulations governing such benefits, e.g. professional,andNOTaligned. thatapersoncannotbeabsentfromwork,the Another complaint is the non-increase of daybeforesicknessbenefitisclaimed. NIS pensions in recent years, even though Withrespecttosicknessbenefits,itisnow many such increases have been made to mandatoryforacontributortohaveonrecord working persons. Surely, the administration a medical condition, BEFORE attaining mustbeawarethatsomeretiredpersonshave retirementage,tobeabletoclaimforsuchan ONLY their NIS pensions to survive on. A ailmentAFTERretirement. recent announcement indicated that NIS is in It is as clear as on a bright sunshine day a favourable financial health condition. The that many people, as they age develop Government, while it should be sicknesses from which they require complimented on its interventions, in my treatment, e g diabetes Shouldn’t the opinion, would not achieve the desired regulations be amended to address this results, by just tinkering with changes, but apparentproblematicsituation? should consider a complete overhaul of the ItwasalsoarguedthatNISbetransitioned NIS. to a digital system to more accurately, Hopefully,thosewiththeauthoritywould efficiently and effectively deal with workers’ take these observations in the spirit in which issues. Even though NIS has an online theyaremade. platform to have Life Certificates, etc. it is a Regards, hassle and time consuming exercise, Harry N Nawbatt
Measuring oil profits in Liza One
From page 4 higher as the average cost of a barrel of oil of profit of US$3.3 billion (= US$34 x should decline below US$36.00 per barrel, 97,058,824 ) which is absorbed as cost, due sincetheinvestmentcosthavebeenrepaid. to the cost recovery method of 75% of total Usingthecostmethodologythatexcludes revenuebeingcapturedascost. the price in the average total cost (ATC) of a It is reported that some 200 million barrelofoil,asimposedinthePSA;counting barrels of oil have already been extracted thenumberofbarrelsofoilandnotdepending from the Liza One reservoir, leaving only on the number of lifts (oil is not sold by lifts 2 5 2 0 m i l l i o n b a r r e l s but by the number of barrels of oil sold); ( employing real time auditing (auditors were 10/18/exxonmobil-in-discussion-with-govt- recently denied to all the data and to-ramp-up-oil-production-at-liza- information); and commissioning ringtwo/).Using the breakeven quantity in Table fencing will yield a less than inequitable 1, it is clear that Liza One investment cost of resultthatiscurrentlyobserved. US$3.5 Billion has been fully recovered; and Sincerely, therefore, the profits from Liza One on the Dr C. Kenrick Hunte remaining 252.0 million barrels should be Professor and Former Ambassador
MoU to be signed soon for UWI nursing school in Guyana
The government will but an additional facility Region Nine, since 2020, he soonsignaMemorandumof would provide incentives pointed out that four new Understanding (MoU) to forinnovationandimproved Level One facilities, two establish a University of quality “The regional new Level Two facilities West Indies (UWI) Medical authorities have already and four new Level Three schoolinGuyana. said that there is a group of facilities were established. President, Dr Mohamed investors from the state of “This means that in 2020, Irfaan Ali made the Roraima who want to invest the total number of patients announcement at the sod- in a medical school and the healthcare system saw turning ceremony for a new medical facility in Region in this region was 25,000. state-of-the-art Lethem Nine,” the president In the first half of 2024, the Regional Hospital on furtherdisclosed. total number of patients Sunday The new hospital The State of Roraima is that their healthcare system will be well equipped with located in the North Region saw moved to 67,000. This 75 in-patient beds, two fully ofBrazil.Theseinvestments is because healthcare now functional operation rooms, will not only boost the h a s b e c o m e m o r e a modern ER and procedure quality of healthcare, it will accessible, affordable, rooms, diagnostic imaging empower countless friendly, efficient and services, digital x-rays, Guyanese with access to reachable,” heasserted. portable x-rays, 1 CT
Level one facilities are m
healthcare, equipping them typicallyprimaryhealthcare ultrasoundmachine.
ssary centres that provide basic Itwillserveasateaching qualifications to propel the medical services and hospital, equipping the sector to massive heights. treatment for common r e g i o n ’ s m e d i c a l The president underscored ailments. practitioners with the skills the importance of ensuring Level Two facilities are to meet global standards. that the citizens of Guyana usually secondary care
Earlier this year, President are able to compete in the facilities that offer more Alisaidthatthegovernment rapidly transforming global specialised care, while was in talks with UWI for environment. Level Three facilities the establishment of this H
provide the highest level of school. government continues to medicalcare.
He said that the aim is to invest in this vision, Th
f ensure that the tuition fees establishingnewfacilitiesto facilities at all three levels forthisinstitutioninGuyana enable Guyanese to acquire represents a significant would be the same as in globalcertification. improvement in the region’s Trinidad. He further emphasised healthcare infrastructure,
The University of that the government is with positive implications Guyana currently has its boosting access to forthehealthandwell-being own School of Medicine, healthcare in the region. In ofitsresidents. (DPI)
Nawbatt’s irrelevancies on...
From page 5 he probably never prayed to care about replacing the Burnham constitution. I also Bhagwan unlike me who constitution. For the record, cited SN editorial. Nawbatt worships Bhagwan regularly at a minimum, Ramakrran, didnotexcoriateorvilifyMr and routinely Nawbatt has a Peeping Tom, and Stabroek RamkarranorSN. special skill gifted to him by News are on board. Tony Nawbatt stated that he Godtoknowtheviewsofthe Vieira also penned a letter observed rigging that led to public without engaging (Oct 20) calling for the 1980 constitution and them;Ilackthatskill. constitutional reform On that he has no problems with Thus, I opted to conduct advice on focused writing, I the constitution that arose surveys and or conversed suggest he emulates Viera from the fraud. He stated with others to determine and Ramkarran, neither of that invoking ‘morality’ to public opinions. Bhagwan who introduced extraneous oppose the Burnham blesses him with that power remarks or engaged in constitution is ‘hogwash’. tolearnof“opinion”that“he personality attacks on Moralistic people would conducts in the confines of constitutionalreform. disagree. his mind, in a secluded space Nawbatt slams ‘White
He also stated that ofhishabitat,somewherefar People”. Yet he makes his parliament approved the removed from Guyana”, home in “a white country” constitution in 1980, making down south USA where he and enjoys first world it legitimate. It does not thrives under capitalism services of what is trouble him that the having walked away from essentially “a white parliament itself was the advocating communism in country”. The examples he creationofafraudintheJuly hisnativeplace. cited on struggle for racial 1973 election in which Dr Hestatednoonewilltake equality has no relevance to Jagan and the PPP were m e s e r i o u s l y o n my argument that Third denied their rightful place as championing constitutional World rulers have no the legitimate winner. It is a reform and that I will have to interests in reducing their contradictory position – wage a lonely battle. Yet he powers in contrast with First opposing fraud while also found it necessary to pen a WorldWhiterulers. simultaneously supporting long essay slamming my Andfortherecord,itwas it. missive. WhiterulersinRhodesiaand Nawbatt said he does not I do agree that Guyanese South Africa (and by need a poll to tell him that w i l l n o t a d v o c a t e extension Namibia) that “no one will support me” on constitutional reform. Most agreed to constitutional advocating constitutional arepreoccupiedwithearning reform to shift to (nonreform. That’s Bhagwan’s a living; constitutional White) majority rule that I gift to him. He has ‘vardaan’ reform is far removed from supported. (Lord Krishna and Goddess their daily experience and Yours truly, Durga’s blessings) although that is why politicians don’t Vishnu Bisram (PhD)
US Ambassador encourages more American companies to take advantage of “incredible opportunities” in Guyana
United States ( U S )
Ambassador to Guyana Nicole Theriot has encouraged more American companiestotakeadvantage
of the “incredible opportunities” that exist in Guyanatoconductbusiness.
The Ambassador was
speaking at a panel discussion during the
recently concluded International Business Conference(IBC)heldatthe Marriott Hotel, Kingston, Georgetown.
“There are incredible opportunities here for those who are patient, willing to listen and sincerely want to gettoknowthecountry,andI truly hope more and more U.S. companies will take advantage of these opportunities,” Ambassador
TheU.S.envoynotedthe role being played by American companies in trainingthelocalworkforce.
The Ambassador made it clear that U.S. companies have diverse interests adding, “Guyana may have discoveredoilin2015butis still new to many U S investors.”
“So, of course, most of you know about oil and gas here, but others might be surprised to hear about the franchising opportunities in Guyana.
There are so many US franchises, ranging from hotels to restaurants to logisticsproviders,andthat's why every chance I get, I encourageU.S.businessesto come to Guyana and take a look for themselves,”
U.S.AmbassadortoGuyana, Nicole Theriot
AmbassadorTheriotsaid. The U S diplomat reiteratedthattherearemany opportunities and noted that President Irfaan Ali has repeatedly mentioned the need for foreign investment inGuyana'snon-oilsectors. “ and we definitely
want to see that too. In fact, we have another U.S. trade delegation coming in next week,”shedisclosed.
Meanwhile,Ambassador Theriot applauded the organisersoftheIBCnoting that the sessions focused heavily on Guyana's role in
boostingtheeconomyofthe Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and being an exporter
AmbassadorTheriotalso spoke of the coming on stream of the country's gasto-energy project that will allow Guyana to export its surplus natural gas products throughout the Caribbean thereby gaining “incredible dividends in terms of energy security, which, of course, is one of the U.S.' top priorities. Of course, gas-to-energy will also make manufacturing more competitive by bringing down the cost of energy.”
The envoy said that although Guyana's Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) is impressivethecountry'sbest daysarestilltocome.
“ExxonMobil and its partners are adding a new FPSOnearlyeveryyear,and major new infrastructure projects such as gas-toenergy will make life better for everyone...You can say the same for Suriname, U.S. based oil company, APA Corporation, alongside French company, TOTAL (TOTALEnergies) just announced a $10 5billion investment in Suriname's offshore oil industry Likewise, the bridge linking Guyana and Suriname will greatly increase trade between the two countries,” theAmbassadoradded.
No bail for serial iPhone
A 31-year-old man, TravisPaynewasremanded to prison on Monday after beingchargedwithmultiple counts of theft, including stealing iPhones on various occasions.
Payne, a convicted felon, appeared before Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court to face ten charges related to theft and discharging a loaded firearm.
The charges allege that between May 4, 2024, and October 10, 2024, at West Ruimveldt Front Road Georgetown and Mandella Avenue, Payne stole approximately $1,935,000 worth of items, primarily iPhones, as well as a gold chain and four perfumes. Among the stolen items are two iPhone 15 Pro Max devices valued at $315,000 and$170,000,aniPhone15 Pro Titanium valued at $265,000, an iPhone 12 worth $110,000, an iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max valued at $200,000 and $205,000, respectively Additionally, heisaccusedofstealingfour cellular phones valued at $ 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 , e i g h t pennyweights gold chain worth $140,000, and four perfumes totalling $130,000.
Payne was also charged with discharging a loaded firearm at a Detective Corporal with the intent to causegrievousbodilyharm. He pleaded not guilty to all charges and was remanded to prison, with a scheduled courtdatesetforNovember 18,2024.
This is not Payne's first brushwiththelaw;in2018, he was accused of nine a r m e d r o b b e r i e s , discharging a firearm, and escaping lawful police custody Followingatrialin t h e G e o r g e t o w n Magistrates' Court under Magistrate Annette Singh, on September 10,2019 he wassentencedtothreeyears inprison.
ConvictedFelon, Travis Payne
The fearful foundations of political apprehension
The ghosts of 2001 are discontentbrewinglikeapot success. The official felt that political scene needs l
stilllurkingaroundGuyana’s of split-pea soup, he was some of those party officials cleaning, and it won’t Otherwise, they’ll keep politics. It is like a persistent acutely aware that voters may have been beholden to happen by sweeping things finding themselves running odour that just won’t go were not happy And you the then Commissioner of under the rug. The ghosts of scared, and trust me, nobody
away know what happens when Police for favours he had 2001 need to be confronted, wantstoliveinahousefilled necessarily reflect the A s t h e c o u n t r y people are unhappy—things doneforthem. notignored. withshadows. opinions and beliefs of this approached the 2001 general can get real messy, real Soherewearetoday,and If the PPPwants to build (The views expressed in n
and regional elections, a top quick. fear still seems to hold the a brighter future, they must this article are those of the affiliates.) official from the People’s But that wasn’t all that key The government is Progressive Party/Civic was keeping this guy up at jittery, fearful and (PPPC) and its government night.Hewasfearfulthatthe apprehensive like in 2001 wassweatingbullets.Hewas leadership of the Guyana thatitcouldloseitsnowoneso nervous you could Defence Force might be seat majority In this regard, practically hear his heart more open to influence from the hostility towards critics racing This fellow, thePNC. of the government isn’t just according to a Central According to the CIA r a n d o m ; i t ’ s t h e Intelligence Agency (CIA) report, he, however, ruled manifestation of a political report that has been made out a military coup. He was class still living in the public by Wikileaks, was also concerned about shadow of 2001 When convinced that Desmond divisions within the party you’re running scared, you Hoyte, then Opposition This too was stated in the lash out, and that’s exactly Leader, could unleash a CIAreport. what we’re seeing now whirlwind of violence to But it did not end there. Dissent is like a bee sting to snatch those elections right The report also threw some t h e r u l i n g from under the PPP’s noses. seriousshadeontherampant party uncomfortable and The official was fearful also corruption brewing among unwelcome. that Hoyte could convince the political elite. It turns out
The PPPC operates as if his supporters that the PNC that this top official, victory is assured in next couldwintheelection. according to the CIA report, year’s elections but the The PPP official voiced felt that persons in both the reality is that the party is concerns about potential PPP and the PNC were sitting on shaky ground, and violence in Guyana if the happily accepting cash from instead of facing the music, PPP won the upcoming narcotics traffickers they’re choosing to hurl elections He highlighted Imaginethat! insults and shut down Hoyte’s increasingly loud But wait, it gets better conversations Instead of assertions that the only way According to the report, he engaging with their critics, thePNCcouldlosewasifthe claimed that China was they’d rather put up walls PPP cheated, creating an playing footsie with the and bark at anyone who expectation among PNC PNC, financially backing dares to question their supporters that victory was them You think you’ve authority guaranteed The official heard it all in Guyanese
In the end, similar feared this belief would only politics? That one is a hard apprehensions as existed in intensify as the elections pilltoswallow 2001 are still playing a drew closer, leading to an Then, of course, we had critical role in how the PPP unstableenvironment. the infamous Laurie Lewis, operates today Will that
The official’s fears were the Police Commissioner party ever learn to embrace aggravated by the fact that who, despite everyone and dialogueinsteadofhostility? the economy was not doing theirmotherknowinghewas Or will they remain stuck in anyfavourseithertothePPP dirty, couldn’t be touched. the past, afraid of their own It was as if the economic According to the report, our shadows? godswereconspiringagainst anxious PPPC official had It’s time for the PPP to them, and this PPPC bigwig tried to persuade the PPP’s stop peeping through the knew it. With the nation’s Central Committee to kick curtains,hopingnobodysees coffers running low and him to the curb, but to no their dirty laundry The
Dem Boys Seh...
Some folks mek
dem boys laugh!
Dem boys seh de law mus’be a real fool. confirmation Dem boys seh, what Imagine dis, some persons want we fuh Constitution dem reading? Must be a believe dat de President could extend a man differentonefromwhademboysreading. time to act as Commissioner of Police after What de constitution don’t proscribe, it hedonereachretirementage.Butsametime, allows. It is simple as dat. But we gat folks dem seh de President can’t confirm de man who convinced based upon their reading of indejobduringdeextension.Howdatmake de law dat de President can mek de man act, sense? and act, and act, but he can’t mek him stop Dem boys seh, so de man can be old acting and just be de Commissioner Dem enough to keep acting, but too old to get boys seh, if de Constitution really seh dat, confirm? Wah kinda magic is dat? Is like thendeConstitutionisabiggerjokerthanall dem seh, “You old, but you could still do de demcomediansonTV wuk. But you too old fuh confirm yuh. Dat If de law allow yuh to keep a man on de sound like somethin’ straight outta Alice in stage,thendelawshouldletyuhputhename Wonderland. on de marquee too. Otherwise, dem boys One set a people seh de Constitution seh,delawreallyisafool. allow fuh de extension but not de Talk half. Leff half
Immunity and impotency
Pursuanttolongstanding internationallawthereisthis fortress called diplomatic immunity Notroubleshere.
Pursuant to the Guyana Constitution, there is this creature called presidential immunity My troubles begin with that provision, disaster I see shades of the divinerightofkings,andthat one from the Vatican about papal infallibility Regardless of misgivings and disagreements, they are in the books, products of time and custom. Now, a question for the impressive personages of the Hons Irfaan Ali, Bharrat Jagdeo, andAnilNandlall.
Could one of my dear brothers-younger, keener in intellect, more boisterously voluble-say when did the Guyana Police Force get immunity? Immunity from being held accountable?
Immunity from the expanse
of what that means, stretching to jurisprudential arenas and the corrective confines of national remedial penitentiaries?
Momentarily, I overlook monies to be returned, plus those multiples that should be part of the penalties for holding up citizens on the street, or via other strategies in higher police offices. As m y J e w i s h r a b b i
enlightened: ask one question and the floodgates leadtomanyfollow-upones. It is not only when the GPF was granted immunity status, but who made that decision? Because they are honorable men of the first standing, it could never be President Ali nor former president Jagdeo nor Attorney General Nandlall. If it was not them, and it certainly wasn't me, then who?
The trouble with deep thinking is that it leads to dangerous paths For everybody Seniormembers of the GPF, an institution with its own encyclopedic
history [own sacred constitution], have been fingered in one allegedly highly questionable development after another, yet there has been nothing otherthanbooandpoo. Boo represents the impotence of the PPP Government. Poo alsocapturesthatsilenceand impotence Senior PPP Government officials have either pooh-pooed terribly disgraceful circumstances, while even more senior functionaries try to dig out the'scaaf'ofwhatGuyanese callboo-boofromtheireyes. It is not simply government bigwigs not seeing anything wrong, but the big political Doberman pinchers have hustled to reserve their right to remain silent From Matthews Ridge to State House Ridge (and others), therehasbeenthisshroudof silence. It's as if death is in the neighborhood or it has already happened in the house.
More than once. There isFreedomHouse. Thereis State House. There is that House of Horrors: The Vice President's official den of operations Silence and impotenceallover Whythesilenceandhow could there be this total impotence on nationally embarrassing matters involving envelopes, weddings, busts, airports, Americans, among other memorable developments? There is a peculiar rustling thatinterfereswiththepallof silence. It is of the hushed movements of senior men fromoneplacetoanother,of threadlike sketches about what has been done, and
what should be expected to follow Now if there is any Guyanese who is so foolish as to expect revelations from SOCU, they really ought to be slapped with felony charges for their naivete and gullibilityonthesecretsthat reign, the impotence that accompanies. Then,thereis theOfficeoftheDPP Askit toprosecuteadogandaratis the result. Who is watching outforwhom,catchingwhat forGuyanese?
Secrets are a billiondollar business. Political s e c r e t s r e p r e s e n t multibillion dollar trading opportunities.Thehigherthe politicians, the bigger the shakedowns.
Theownersofsecretsare well positioned to beat-up, beatdown, bargain. What applies in the corporate world has even more application in the world of governmentwherereporting and accounting are low priority considerations Also,thelowerthecharacter of those in charge of government, the more and deeper their secrets are, which means that they are held hostage to those in law enforcement. I recommend that Guyanese treat themselvestoacrashcourse on how the former head of America's vaunted FBI took care of business, protected himself. He held presidents to ransom. It is how law enforcement bosses do their v e r s i o n o f C YA
Translation: cover your rear (a**). This is not taught in textbooks, seminars, or offered through American
Inthefinalanalysis,after allthePowerPointsandkey operating manuals are farces, meaning nothing Silence is where it's at: mutual back scratching, forced impotence. In other words, the GPF stays silent on the enormous secrets its seniorpeoplehaveaboutthe crimes of key figures in the PPP Government and those powersareonlytooglad(too compromised) to return the favor
Especiallywhenranking big shots in the GPF overindulge in what is best termed unprecedented institutionalexcesses. Atthe risk of repetition, this is the nutshell: who has skeletons forwhom,whoknowswhere theskeletonsareburied. He w h o k n o w e t h t h e whereabouts of the smoking gunsofthePPPGovernment guarantees silence. The silence of the GPF inspires thesilenceandimpotenceof the PPP Government Perhaps,Drs.AliandJagdeo and Nandlall may care to comment.
I caution discretion on the part of the latter, for the Yanks have their, ah, loaded files They tell some revealing stories about what is really going on in this country behind the cloak of democracy (The views expressedinthisarticleare those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
KN would not be stopped
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo's threat to yank state advertisements from a small newspaper market like Guyana is lower than low, the lowest.
To do it before, and now bring out that poisoned tipped weapon again, is an exercise in futility. KN will not be stopped; truth has a way to shine through any darkness, rise above any deed that speaks to the ugly nature of leaders bent on silencing freedom of the press.
Ads were stopped before in one of Jagdeo's vindictive moves and look where it got him. Does he really want to attract the attention and outrage of the world during an election period, with such a punitive measure as to be holding State ads like a weapon over KN?
MODEC, the Japanese ship builder that was awardedacontracttosupply the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel for the fifth Stabroek Block deepwater project-Uaru-isinsearchof contractors to provide weather forecasting services.
MODEC was hired by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited in November 2022 to perform Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) for a FPSO for the “Uaru” development project.
The FPSO- Errea Wittuwill be MODEC's first for use in Guyana, however it will be the 18th FPSO/FSO vesseldeliveredbyMODEC for use in South America. Thevesselisbeingdesigned to produce 250,000 barrels
of oil per day by 2026, will have asso
d gas treatment capacity of 540 million cubic feet per day and water injection capacity of350,000barrelsperday
The FPSO will be installed in a water depth of about 2000 meters, using a SOFEC Spread Mooring System and will be able to store around 2 million barrelsofcrudeoil.
In a Req
Information(RFI)issuedlast week, MODEC explained thatthecontractorisseeking quotes for the issuance of “f
containing data on current speeds and directions; water
directions; wind speeds and directions; visibility and weather risk assessment for specific activities and operations.
It also requires alerts for inclementweatherandother patternsastheyoccur
The selected contractor will also be tasked with maintaining availability of
dashboards or an alternative solution.
“Information utilised to generate the data shall be measured with industry standard accuracy, with utilisation of scientific methods or calibrated
specifications of equipment shall be auditable by (the) company.”
requiredtohaveatleastfive y
in providing reliable weather reports and information to theoffshoreindustry,aswell
A 3D model of the Errea Wittu FPSO being constructed by MODEC
as relevant permits and licenses to obtain and share weatherinformation.
frees businessman after prosecutor failed to produce case file
Weston Pickering
A businessman on Mondaywasfreedonillegal gun and ammunition possession charges after the prosecutor repeatedly failed to produce a case file to the court.The matter was being heard at the Diamond Magistrates' Court. Fortytwo -year-old Weston Pickering was arrested and charged inAugust 2024. He was released on 700,000 bail.
However, the prosecutor allegedlackofpreparedness left the magistrate with no choice but to dismiss the case Pickering's lawyer
Bernard DaSilva, disclosed to the media that the Magistrate,DylonBess,had repeatedly warned the prosecutor about her failure toproduceacasefile. "This morning was set for peremptory hearing Again,theyarewithouttheir file", the lawyer said. The Magistrate had given the prosecutor until 13:30 hrs. todaytoproducethefilewith theevidence.Afterfailingto meet the deadline, the magistrate was left with no other choice but to dismiss the case and free Pickering ofallcharges.
Latin America and the Caribbean, a Global Power in Biodiversity
At this very moment,
millions of biological processes are happening all around us. The plants in our homes, the vegetation in gardens and parks, the trees in forests,orspeciesinthedepths of seas, rivers, and mountains are all experiencing their own struggle for survival, in an evolutionaryprocessthatdates backtotheoriginoftimeandis now increasingly influenced byhumanactivity
This spirit of constant regeneration, of symbiotic alliances between species, of naturalandrecurringimpulses, is what LatinAmerica and the Caribbean need to bring to COP16onBiodiversityinCali, Colombia, to advance the environmental fight and assume the global leadership role we are destined for The region is home to 60% of the world's biodiversity, 80% of theworld'sbiomes,and30%of the planet's available freshwaterresources,givingus muchtocontribute.
Our strategic ecosystems are unique and essential to maintaining the planet's environmental balance
Through preservation initiatives in Patagonia, the Caribbean, the forests of Tumbes in Chocó and Magdalena, the Atlantic Forest, the Mesoamerican
Biological Corridor, mangroves, the Amazon, and the Humboldt Current, among others,wehavethepotentialto replicatebiodiversitysolutions worldwide. This is why, at COP16,LatinAmericaandthe Caribbean must assert themselves as a mega-diverse power and a region of solutions.
However, to reach this point, we must first multiply the public policies that preserve our strategic ecosystems.
All countries in the region have ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity (a 1993 agreement aimed at conserving biodiversity), but few have submitted action plans for biological diversity protection through 2030 These plans were one of the key milestones of COP15 in Kunming-Montreal in 2022, where 23 targets were set to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030, and four goals were established to achieve a positive biodiversity outcome by2050.
COP16 in Cali will be a historic event to review the progress of these action plans, but also to address important issues such as establishing an equitable and fair framework for access to the benefits of geneticresourcesorcreatinga new tracking framework for the committed mobilization of USD 200 billion by 2030. In this regard, we must build consensus to mobilize more fund
mechanisms, such as the issuance of green bonds, debtfor-nature swaps, catastrophe insurance, or biodiversity certificates. A recent example of this was the largest debt conversioninhistory(atotalof USD 1 billion) for the conservation of watersheds in ElSalvador,resultingfromthe coordinated work of several institutions, including CAF, DFC, CRS, FIAES, and ArtCapStrategies.
Development banks are c7rucial for providing and mobilizing new financial resources,butalsoforaligning countries' long-term development agendas If multilateral banks had greater capital, they could be more
mobilization, as well as in playing countercyclical roles. Latin America and the Caribbean must also amplify the voices of young people in environmental debates and fostertheparticipationofAfrodescendant communities and indigenouspeoples,promoting ways to incorporate ancestral knowledge into climate, sustainability,andbiodiversity agendas.
Thesevoiceswillbekeyto reaffirmingourcommitmentto equity, inclusion, and climate justice.
To accelerate all these (Continuedonpage17)
Sergio Díaz-Granados
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
Wanted: Experienced Puri Maker, Counter Person, Cleaner & Labourer. Apply @ Shanta's, 225 Camp and New Market Sts. 654-1361.
One Driver to work in Georgetown. Interested persons can make contact on Tele: 701-4000 ( 8am-4pm )
1 Domestic worker & one gardener to live and work. Free accommodation. Contact : 619-9143 / 614-8857.
3 Bedrooms fully furnished apartment - Back property
Sandy babb St. Georgetown G$240,000 Includes wfi. Negotiable. Contact : 592-7512936.
The government’s strategic investments in the Region Nine (Upper TakutuUpper Essequibo) healthcare sector have led to a reduction in the number of patients requiring medevac services. According to Minister of Health Dr. Frank Anthony, the medevac rate, which once stood at 20 per cent, has now decreased to three per cent. This reduction indicates that fewer patients need to be transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) for lifesaving surgeries.
Speaking at the ceremonious sod-turning event for the new $6.5 billion Lethem Regional Hospital on Sunday, Minister Anthony credited the achievement to the government’s proactive approach to improving
healthcare, particularly in expanding local surgical capacity. “It shows what we’ve been doing here [and] how we have been working. These things are helping to change how people see the quality of care that we offer in this region. Simple investments can save the lives of our people, and that is what this government is about, we make simple strategic investments,” he underscored.
Dr Anthony noted that investments in enhancing local surgical capacity have been successful with over 1,000 surgeries performed by the end of 2023, a substantial increase compared to the 130 surgeries conducted in 2020. He stated that not only are residents benefiting, but individuals from
neighbouring countries are also accessing these services, demonstrating growing confidence in the public healthcare system. “We have our neighbours who are coming to access service at our hospital… and that shows people have confidence in what we’re doing,” the minister emphasised.
In just four years, the government has transformed Region Nine’s healthcare sector with the implementation of telemedicine, enhanced infrastructure and training programmes for local health workers. Acknowledging that many health facilities were inadequately staffed and equipped, the government launched a comprehensive programme targeting each region.
As part of this initiative, Region Nine received $300 million in funding over the past three years, with an additional $500 million allocated this year to improve healthcare facilities. The region will also receive a new $6.5 billion regional hospital that would bolster the health sector. It will feature two fully functional operation rooms, a modern ER and procedure room, diagnostic imaging services, digital X-rays, portable X-rays, one CT scanning machine and three ultrasound machines, as well as outpatient specialised clinics and a digital health control room. Similar investments are being expended nationwide, as the government aims to create a world-class healthcare system, keeping with its vision of a modern Guyana. (DPI)
Destination Guyana in $1.7 million food, medical outreach in Tiger Bay
By Christal Yong
The Destination Guyana Now 2024 Business and Investment Conference concluded after four days with a medical outreach in Tiger Bay on Monday where they also distributed 100 food hampers, clothing, pampers and other items.
Some $1.7M was spent to conduct the outreach. The project was sponsored by LIVE, LLC from Atlanta, Georgia, in partnership with Destination Guyana Now, the Ministry of Health, and the Guyana Police Force (GPF).
In addition, the Coordinator of the Philanthropy project, June Leitch explained that at about 100 persons from the ‘Tiger Bay’ community benefitted from the food hampers, clothing, shoes, medical check-ups and also medication. The Ministry of Health donated several
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PUTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Nissan X-Trail 2014. In good condition. Lady driven. Price $3 M. Telephone : 656-3977 / 500-9704.
testing equipment to support the medical outreach.
The medical outreach included a blood bank and testing for both children and adults. Medications were provided to persons, and individuals requiring more specialized assistance were referred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). Three doctors from the Destination Guyana Now team in the United States were present to support the efforts.
The coordinator further explained, “I came into Tiger Bay and I met a household and I asked them what they need, so I went around, walk around with them and they
are saying food stuff… and they are saying medical for the kids, plus they said the children needed clothes, so I said okay I will get that organised for that.” In 2023 Guyana Destination Now hosted a similar Philanthropy project in Buxton, East Cost Demerara (ECD), where 150 persons benefited.
The 2024 Business and Investment Conference commenced on Friday last at the Marriott Hotel, Kingston, Georgetown. The four-day event was aimed at enhancing business opportunities for both expatriates and emigrants. The event served as a
platform for networking and collaboration, encouraging the exchange of ideas and investment opportunities among entrepreneurs, emigrants, expatriates, investors and philanthropists.
The second edition of the 2024 Business and Investment Conference aimed to connect Guyana’s Diaspora with international investors to drive economic growth.
The Conference was founded by Stacey Mollison, the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Libra Management Group.
The Food hampers that were distributed to persons in the ‘Tiger Bay’ community
Adults and children of ‘Tiger Bay’ community at the philanthropy project
‘You are not my king,’ Indigenous Australian senator yells at visiting King Charles
Australia’s Senator Lidia Thorpe, left, disrupts proceedings as Britain’s King Charles and Queen Camilla attend a Parliamentary reception hosted by Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and partner Jodie Jaydon at Parliament House in Canbetta, Australia, Monday, October 21, 2024 (Lukas Coch/ Pool Photo via AP).
C A N B E R R A , video emerged of her pay my respects to the not appear on the official Australia (AP) An abusingmalepatrons. traditional owners of the itinerary IndigenoussenatortoldKing Albanese, who wants the lands on which we meet, the
“Whether Australia Charles III that Australia is countrytobecomearepublic Ngunnawal people, and all becomes a republic is a not his land as the British with an Australian head of First Nations peoples who matter for the Australian royal visited Australia’s state, made an oblique have loved and cared for this public to decide,” the parliamentonMonday reference to the issue in his continent for 65,000 years,” Buckingham Palace letter Sen. Lidia Thorpe was speech welcoming the Charlessaid. said. e s c o r t e d o u t o f a monarch.
“Throughout my life, Earlier Monday, Charles parliamentary reception for “You have shown great Australia’s First Nations and Camilla laid wreaths at the royal couple after respect forAustralians, even peoples have done me the theAustralianWarMemorial shouting that British during times when we have great honor of sharing so then shook hands with wellcolonizers have taken debatedthefutureofourown generously their stories and wishers on the second full Indigenouslandandbones. constitutional arrangements cultures. I can only say how dayoftheirvisit. “ Yo u c o m m i t t e d and the nature of our much my own experience
The memorial estimated genocide against our relationship with the has been shaped and 4,000 people had turned out people,” she shouted. “Give Crown,”Albanese said. But, strengthened by such toseethecouple. us what you stole from us — he said, “nothing stands traditionalwisdom,”Charles Charles, 75, is being our bones, our skulls, our still.” added. treated for cancer, which has babies, our people You Opposition leader Peter Australians decided in a led to a scaled-down destroyedourland.Giveusa Dutton, who wants to keep referendum in 1999 to retain itinerary It is Charles’ 17th treaty Wewantatreaty.” the British king as QueenElizabethIIasheadof trip to Australia and the first Notreatywaseverstruck Australia’s monarch, said state. That result is widely since he became king in between British colonizers that many supporters of a regarded to have been the 2022. It is the first visit to and Australia’s Indigenous republic were honored to c o n s e q u e n c e o f Australia by a reigning peoples. attend a reception for the disagreement about how a British monarch since his
AP correspondent Charles and Queen Camilla president would be chosen late mother Queen Elizabeth Charles de Ledesma reports at Parliament House in the rather than majority support II traveled to the distant an indigenous senator is capitalCanberra. foramonarch. nationin2011. speaking out, after telling “People have had Albanese has ruled out Charles and Camilla King Charles III that haircuts, people have shined holding another referendum rested the day after their Australiais‘notyourland’. shoes, suits have been on the subject during his arrival late Friday before Charles spoke quietly pressed and that’s just the current three-year term in making their first public with Prime Minister republicans, ” Dutton government
But it is a appearance of the trip at a Anthony Albanese while quipped. possibility if his center-left church service in Sydney on security officials stopped But Australia’s six state Labor Party is re-elected at Sunday Thorpefromapproaching. government signaled their elections due by May next They then flew to “This is not your land. support for an Australian year Canberra where they visited You are not my king,” head of state by declining Charles was drawn into the Tomb of the Unknown Thorpe yelled as she was invitations to the reception. Australia’s republic debate Australian Soldier and a usheredfromthehall. They each said they had monthsbeforehisvisit. reception at Parliament Thorpe is renowned for more pressing engagements The Australian Republic House. high-profile protest action. on Monday, but monarchists Movement, which wants Before leaving the war When she was affirmed as a agreed the royals had been Australia to sever its memorial, they stopped to senator in 2022, she wasn’t snubbed. constitutional ties with greet hundreds of people allowed to describe the then- Charles used the start of Britain, wrote to Charles in who gathered under clear monarch as “the colonizing his speech to thank Canberra December last year skies flyingAustralian flags. Her Majesty Queen Indigenous elder Auntie requesting a meeting in The temperature was Elizabeth II.” She briefly Violet Sheridan for her Australia and for the king to forecast to reach a mild high blocked a police float in traditional welcome to the advocate their cause. of 24 degrees Celsius (75 Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian kingandqueen. Buckingham Palace politely degreesFahrenheit). MadriGraslastyearbylying “Let me also say how wrote back in March to say On Wednesday, Charles on the street in front of it. deeply I appreciated this theking’smeetingswouldbe will travel to Samoa, where Last year, she was also morning’s moving Welcome decided upon by the h e w i l l o p e n t h e banned for life from a to Country ceremony, which Australian government. A Commonwealth Heads of Melbourne strip club after offers me the opportunity to meeting with the ARM does GovernmentMeeting.
Armed bandit shot twice by businessman during foiled robbery
Policeareinvestigatinganattemptedarmedrobberywhich occurred at about 11:40hrs on Monday on a 39-year-old businessman at Tech Guy Solutions on Middleton Street, Georgetown, by an identifiable male who was armed with a .38revolver,withtheserialnumberfiledout.
Investigations revealed that on the date and time mentioned, the businessman was sitting on a chair at his business place (Tech Guy Solutions). At the time, he had his licensed firearm (a .32Taurus pistol), along with 12 matching rounds, in the waist of his pants when the suspect walked into thestoreandaskedtofixaphone.
The businessman then got up from his seat to attend to the 'suspect', who pointed a firearm at him and demanded that he handovercash.
At that time a 33-year-old businessman from Industry Crown Dam, East Coast Demerara, entered the store, and the suspect turned his attention and firearm on him. A scuffle ensued between the two of them, and during the scuffle, the suspect discharged a round, which hit the 33-year-old businessmanonhislefthand. The39-year-oldownerofTech GuySolutionstookouthisfirearmanddischargedtworounds, which hit the suspect on his abdomen, and he fell to the ground. The businessman then took away the suspect's gun andcalledthePolice.
He handed over the firearm to the Police on their arrival. The suspect was picked up and escorted to the Georgetown PublicHospital,whereheunderwentsurgery Hisconditionis listed as serious. Meanwhile, the 33-year-old businessman from Industry was taken to a private city hospital, where he wasseenandexaminedbyadoctoronduty,whoadmittedhim as a patient. His condition is listed as stable. Investigations continue.
Taxi driver charged with attempted murder
Navindra Latchman called 'Rocky', a 28-yearold Taxi Driver of Queenstown, Essequibo Coast, was on Monday charged with the offence of 'Attempt to Commit Murder', committed on Akeelah Maynard, Contrary to Section 103 c of the Criminal Law (Offences) Act, chapter Tamieka Clarke, where 8:01 the charge was read to The accused appeared him. He was not required attheCharityMagistrate's to plea and was remanded Court before Magistrate toprisonuntil2024/11/07.
Latin America and the...
From page 15 discussions, CAF will bring to COP16 a unique space with the pavilion “Biodiversity Unites Us,” which will facilitate the exchange of experiences, unite efforts, explore collaboration opportunities, and increase the visibility of solutionsofferedbycountriesasawhole.
Inourpavilion,wewillalsopromotespacesfordialogue with scientific institutions, with the aim of listening to the voice of science and contributing to the dissemination and implementationofscience-basedsolutions.Inthisregard,in the months leading up to COP16, we convened more than twentyinternationalscientificinstitutionstoraiseawareness of the importance of data, science, regional collaboration, and the application of scientific methods to solve issues related to biodiversity loss and restoration. Latin America and the Caribbean is a pivotal region for preserving biodiversityandtheplanet’senvironmentalstability,andthat is why at COP16 in Cali, we must promote our role as a global biodiversity power Only then will we ensure that our voice permeates the major environmental debates that will shape development in the coming decades. (Sergio DíazGranados is the Executive President of CAF - Development BankofLatinAmericaandtheCaribbean)
Navindra Latchman called 'Rocky’
Help ease civilian suffering, top UN officials tell Netanyahu
NEW YORK, Oct 21 said last week it was Gaza or face potential (Reuters) - The heads of the watching to ensure that its restrictions on U.S. military United Nations World Food ally’s actions on the ground aid. Programme and U N show it does not have a Russell and McCainchildren’s agency UNICEF “policy of starvation” in the both Americans who were have privately appealed to north. put forward for their top Israeli Prime Minister Israel has said there is U.N. jobs by U.S. President Benjamin Netanyahu for not a lack of aid in Gaza and Joe Biden - listed six areas
g the accused Hamas of hijacking where they want “clear and suffering of countless thehumanitarianassistance concrete commitments” civilians” in the Gaza Strip, Hamas has repeatedly fromNetanyahu.Theyasked West Bank and Lebanon, denied Israeli allegations Netanyahu to appoint a according to a letter seen by that it was stealing aid and “high-level focal point” for ReutersonMonday says Israel is to blame for them to address the issues “
a n d shortages theyraisedintheletter meaningful humanitarian “Wecallonyoursupport, ‘RULES OF action is possible with your as Prime Minister, to ensure
Palestinians gather to receive aid, including food supplies provided by World Food Program (WFP), outside a United Nations distribution center, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, in Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip, August 24, 2024. REUTERS/Mahmoud Issa/File Photo
p o l i t i c a l w i l l a n d that the government of Israel They called on all parties commitment, ” wrote upholds its obligations and to exercise maximum UNICEF Executive Director commitments to enable restraint to protect civilians Catherine Russell and WFP effective emergency relief and critical civilian services. Executive Director Cindy operations,andtoprotectthe TheyalsowrotethattheU.N. McCain in the previously safety and security of our and aid groups “need foraneffectivehumanitarian The U.N. has repeatedly requests from traders to unreported letter dated Oct. staff and the civilians they unequivocal security notification system that the complained of obstacles to importfoodtoGaza,Reuters 11. Netanyahu’s office did serve,” Russell and McCain assurances to ensure a safe I s r a e l i m i l i t a r y getting aid into Gaza and reportedlastweek. notimmediatelyrespondtoa wrote. operating environment,” “ a c k n o w l e d g e s a n d distributing it, blaming Their final request was request for comment on the They sent their letter just specifically streamlined supports,” citing the success impediments on Israel and forallpartiestoworktoward letter after the first anniversary of operating procedures with of using area-specific pauses lawlessness. securing a ceasefire across The amount of aid the deadly Oct. 7, 2023 theIsraelimilitary(IDF). in fighting to allow for the Health authorities in Israel, the Gaza Strip, and e n t e r i n g G a z a h a
“ T h e
u l e s o f polio vaccination of children Gaza say more than 42,000 Lebanon, including the plummetedtoitslowestlevel Palestinian militants Hamas. engagement and their in Gaza. “We request this be people have been killed and i m m e d i a t e a n d all year, according to U.N. Those attacks triggered implementation in practice, applied consistently to almost the entire population unconditional release of all data. In addition, a global Israel’s retaliation in the in the Gaza Strip, the West facilitate humanitarian of2.3milliondisplaced. hostages held by Hamas in hunger monitor has warned, besieged Gaza enclave, Bank, and Lebanon, must action at scale,” Russell and At least 312 aid workers, Gazaforthepastyear and the U N has accused which has been plunged into reflect the IDF’s obligation McCainwrote. including 230 U.N. staff, The U.N. is also now Israel of denying and what U.N. officials describe and commitment to respect, The United Nations have been killed in Gaza, dealing with a humanitarian impeding dozens of a s a h u m a n i t a r i a n protect, and facilitate needs action to combat the accordingtoU.N.figures. crisis in Lebanon, where attempts this month to catastrophe. humanitarian action,” said breakdown of law and order Commercial goods must Israel has stepped its fight deliver aid, particularly to The U.N. appeal also Russell, a former senior aide inGaza,theysaid,askingfor start flowing again, wrote a
Gaza’snorth. came two days before the to Biden, and McCain, all access points to be M
Israel began a wide United States told Israel it Biden’s former ambassador opened, expanded operating because “humanitarian conducting airstrikes in military offensive in must take steps within 30 to the U.N. agencies for food hours, approval of more assistance alone cannot Beirut and launching a northern Gaza earlier this days to improve the andagricultureinRome. routes within Gaza and sustain two million people.”
month. The United States humanitarian situation in They urgently appealed urgentroadrepairs. Israelhasstoppedprocessing Lebanon’ssouthonOct.1.
Biden ‘deeply concerned’ about apparent leak of Israel plan to attack Iran
Joe Biden
Speaker Mike Johnson confirmed
What leaked US assessment of further
based on satellite information the publication of the documents IsraeliplanstostrikeIranshows The US agencies involved, as obtainedfrom15-16October over the weekend. They are said to For weeks Israel has been wellastheIsraeligovernment,have The first is titled: “Israel: Air contain the movements of Israeli deciding how and when to respond notpubliclycommented. Force Continues Preparations for military assets in preparation for a to Iran’s latest missile attack CNN and Axios first reported Strike on Iran and Conducts a responsetoIran’s1Octobermissile Israel’s defence minister has the alleged leak, which appears to Second Large-Force Employment attack Iran’s foreign ministry warned it will be “deadly, precise confirm once again that the US Exercise,” according to Reuters spokesman said the country was andsurprising”. spiesonitscloseallyIsrael. news agency It describes ballistic prepared to counter any Israeli The two documents reportedly One document makes a andair-to-surfacemissilehandling. attack. appear to be attributed to the US reference to Israel’s nuclear The second is titled: “Israel:
The documents, marked top National Geospatial Intelligence capabilities - which neither the US Defense Forces Continue Key secret, were shareable within the Agency and National Security nor Israel ever officially Munitions Preparations and Covert Five Eyes intelligence alliance of Agency(NSA),andwerepublished acknowledge - apparently ruling UAVActivityAlmost Certainly for the US, Britain, Canada, New on an Iranian-aligned Telegram out the use of such an option in any aStrikeonIran”.ItdiscussesIsraeli Zealand and Australia, CBS, the account on Friday Johnson, the planned strike One former dronemovements. BBC - President Joe Biden is BBC’sUSpartner,reported. highest-ranking member of American intelligence official told On Friday, US President Joe “deeply concerned” about a leak of There is no “indication” that Congress,toldCNNonSundaythat the BBC the unauthorised release Biden said he had a “good classified documents that contain additional documents will “[find] “theleakisveryconcerning”. was probably an attempt to expose understanding” of what Israel was theUS’sassessmentofIsraeliplans their way into the public domain”, “There’s some serious the scale of the planned retaliation, planning. “Do you have a good to attack Iran, White House Mr KirbysaidMonday allegations being made, there’s an possiblytodisruptit. understanding of what Israel is National Security Council He added that President Biden investigationunderway,andI’llget TheUSisinvestigatingwhether goingtodorightnowinresponseto spokesmanJohnKirbysaid. “will be actively monitoring” the a briefing on that in a couple of the information was intentionally Iran... and when they will actually Officials have not determined investigation to uncover how the hours,” the Louisiana Republican leaked by a US agent, or whether it respond?”areporteraskedhim. whether the documents were documents were released and he lawmaker said The Pentagon was stolen, possibly through “Yes,andyes,”Bidenreplied. releasedduetoahackoraleak,Mr intends to hear measures that will confirmedinastatementthatitwas hacking, officials told the “Can you tell us?” asked the Kirbysaid. be taken “to prevent it happening aware of reports about the AssociatedPress(AP). reporter House of Representatives again”. documents, but did not comment Thetwodocumentsappeartobe “No,andno.”
Queen's College ( Q C ) , t h e country's highest secondary school.
th As part of the school's 180 anniversaryhostedaSpecial General Assembly at the National Cultural Centre
The event is but one of several activities planned to observe the significant
milestone sought to celebratelegacy,excellence, resilienceandprogress.
Thecelebrationsthemed, “Celebrating 180 Years of Rich History, Sustaining Excellence” began on
October 20 and will concludeonOctober26.
President Irfaan Ali joined the celebrations
Duringhisaddresstocurrent and past students of the institution, the President acknowledged the school's contributions not only to Guyana and the Caribbean Regionbutglobally
“There are some words
that were constant throughout the different presentations, legacy, resilience, progress, innovation, excellence all of these were words used to
Current and past students of QC gathered at the National Cultural Centre. (Photos, Ministry of Education)
describe those who would have passed through the institution, to describe the institution itself and what is expected of those who will eventually leave the institution,” the President said.
The President said both current and past students of theschooloughttobeproud toattendorhaveattendedan institutionofexcellence.
“Howasindividualsyou will represent excellence; in
UK companies win new contracts to market Guyana's crude
your past students you can point to many examples of excellence.Iamsurewithout ashadowofadoubtthatthis institution will continue to produce some of our most illustrious sons and daughters There is no substitute for hard work and you should never shortchange hard work, so never ever short change your individualabilitytobewhere youare,”hetoldthem. Meanwhile, Minister of
Two United Kingdom (UK) companies who were previously contracted to market Guyana's share of crude from the Stabroek Blockoperations–havewon new contracts with the Government of Guyana (GoG).
JE Energy had been contractedasthemarketerof oil coming from the Liza-1 platformwhichusestheLiza Destiny FPSO, while BB Energy had been contracted as the marketer for oil from the Liza-2 and Payara platformswhichusetheLiza Unity and Liza Prosperity FPSOs,respectively
Recently, 27 firms includingJEEnergyandBB Energy, submitted their tender to provide marketing services for Guyana's oil from the Liza Destiny, Liza Unity and Payara Prosperity Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels.
here today, we are reminded o f t h e c o u n t l e s s contributions our alumni havemadetoournationand the world serving in every section of this nation and even in our higher seat as President,” the principal stated.
She noted that the school's outstanding performance over the years is a testimony of the value and skills instilled in the students who studied at the school who have been 'faithful and useful everywhere'.
Ms. Lall disclosed that overtheyears,theschoolhas c
FPSO Unity
InanupdateonMonday, the Ministry of Natural Resources disclosed that the
The contracts were aw
e National Procurement and Tender Administration Board(NPTAB).BBEnergy Trading Limited was awarded the contract to market crude from the Liza UnityandProsperityFPSOs, while JE Energy was awarded the contract to market crude from the Liza DestinyFPSO.
“In keeping with the Request for Bids, the evaluation was on a lots basis where the most substantially responsive bidder in relation to the combined lots was determined in keeping with the evaluation criteria,” the ministrystated. Notably, the duration of this contract will be for 12
months commencing in 2024.
The ministry disclosed that the combined premium per barrel to be received by the GoG from these two companies for the crudes from these three FPSOs amounts to US$1.85, reflecting a substantial 93% increase compared to the US$0.96 premium secured inthepreviousperiod(20232024).
Speakingontheprevious contract with the two companies, Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrathadrevealedthatthe contract stipulates that neither of the companies charge the government for the marketing and will instead pay, in the caseofBBEnergyLimited, US26centsoneverybarrelit sells.
JE Energy plans to pay some US 70 cents on each barrelofcrudeitmarkets.
Education Minister
Manickchand, who attended Queen's College, reminded thattheschoolhasproduced all-roundexcellence.
“Today as we celebrate 180, I say to you with confidence that under the Irfaan Ali presidency that this is not the end,” the Minister told the packed auditorium of the Cultural Centre while committing to enhancing the school's facilitiesandprovidingmore resourcestobenefitstudents.
“When we rebuilt this school, we had promised to reconnect which we never did, we are in the process of going out to procurement to reconnecting the school, when we built the Sixth Form building, because we had to use the lower form flats,theTVETcentrewhile wewererebuildingtheother one,wedidn'tfinishthelabs theresowehavetofinishthe labs off,” the minister announced.
The education minister revealedalso that the school will soon benefit from a multipurpose court which thePresidenthadannounced thatwillbelocatedatallhigh schools.
“We are looking at partneringwiththeschoolto buildapoolthatcanbeused for the Woolford Avenue secondary schools so my friends this is not the end,” theministerremarked.
Minister Manickchand encouraged the students to uphold the school's motto –'Faithful and useful everywhere'.
“To the students here, faithful and useful
everywhere begin by being kind to your classmates, by beingmoreawarethanIwas aboutwhattheirneedsmight be than I was when I was yourage,”shesaid.
T h e m i n i s t e r commended the school for its outstanding performance over the years noting, “Queen's College has been ofexcellenceandithasbeen very,verygoodtomanyofus
MinisterofEducation, Priya Manickchand
ed adapting to the changing educationallandscape.
Shesharedthatcurrently the school serves a vibrant studentbodyof401boysand 581girlsrepresentingatotal of 986 students. The staff comprisesof59teachersand 20
e accomplishments among studentsinthepastyears,the headteachernotedthatwitha
and I will never ever be ungrateful.”
Principal of the school Ms.RajkumarieLallsaidthe th180 anniversary of the school represents a remarkable milestone. She said that this momentous occasion reflects on the rich legacyoftheinstitutionanda traditionofexcellencethatit has maintained for nearly twocenturies.
“Queen's College has been a beacon of education excellence in Guyana where generations of leaders, thinkersandinnovatorshave been nurtured. As we stand
comprehensive curriculum, theschooloffers33outof34 subjects available at CSEC and28subjectsattheCAPE level.
The school also has over 20 clubs and societies for studentparticipation.
A proud Lall said that QC's vision is to maintain excellence in academic, technological, physical and social performances, thus producingqualitycitizens. th “Thisyear2024the180 anniversary of this premier institute our students continue to keep this vision alive,”sheadded.
Navin Meighbarran dethrones Esan Anderson to claim
‘B’ division Draughts title
The first leg in the 15 points. Ramsagar Singh Annual National Draughts from Diamond took the third Championship, which was position with 11 points and contested last Sunday at the Dr Ivor English was fourth Transport Sports Club, saw a w
new ‘B’ division champion. MeighbarranandEnglishare NavinMeighbarranwithtwo players from Transport straight wins over Anderson SportsClub. sealedAnderson’schancesto Trophies were presented defendhistitle.Meighbarran t
ended with 18 points to his compliments of Puran Bros. closest rival, Anderson, on Waste Management, M&M Snackette, Bel Air Rubis, A
Is your significant other uncertain about spending much time with you today? Youmaybehurtatfirst,asyour honey could feel obligated to spend some private time with familymembers.
Are you doing something special for the people you live with tonight? If so, you might be a little worried about what they might think of your skills asachef,host,etc.Don'twaste anytimeworrying.
A small gathering may take place in your neighborhood today if at all possible. If you're currently involved, you will probably attend it with yoursignificantother.
Conversations of various kinds could take place today Some older people, perhaps yourparents,couldcallyou.It may be a rather quiet visit, with conversation that's more casualthanintense.
Someone you've been expecting to call might not do sotoday, andthiscouldworry youalittle.Don'tbetooshyto pick up the phone and call Yourfriendmayhaveoverslept or been too overwhelmed by workorfamilylife.
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
Worriesaboutmoneycouldbe on your mind today, Virgo. A check you've been expecting may not have arrived. Perhaps a project you've taken on is takinglongertocompletethan you thought, and so expected fundsaredelayed.
The desire to get together with friends is strong today, but you might be unable to do it in the wayyou'dhoped.Youcouldbe delayed by leftover work or chores, or other restrictions couldgetintheway
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
A career goal you've been hoping to reach may seem uncertain now, Scorpio. You could be wondering if your work has gone for naught. Don'tthinkthisway
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Are you spending a lot of time working on something you've been trying to learn well? It could be more confusing than usual today, Sagittarius. You might come across a new conceptthatdoesn'tquitemake sensetoyouatfirstglance.
Did you wake up this morning with a vague recollection of a half-remembered dream bugging you? If so, it won't do any good to try to pull it up. Perhaps you aren't meant to remember the entire thing, you should try analyzing the little bityoudoremember
Legal matters may be on your mind. Maybe your insecurities are blowing a certain difficulty all out of proportion. You need to view the entire situation a littlemoreobjectively
You may need someone's help or advice today, Pisces. Don't be afraid to ask for it.You tend to be proud of your ingenuity and independence. Most of the time others are the ones reachingouttoyou.
BagotstownandEliasGentle Attorney at Law Guyana Beverage Inc. supplied thirst quenchingbeverages.
The four top players in the tournament would be given a chance to play in the bigger tournament this weekend.
Delroy Tyrrell shines as...
From page 29
Sophomore Andrew Capella (Glenville, NY/Burnt-HillsBallston Lake) secured the win in the 1,000-yard freestyle with a time of 11:05.69, while Llewellyn claimed victory in the 200yard freestyle at 1:52.17. Martinelli showcased his talentbyclinchingfirstinthe 50-yardfreestylewitharapid timeof23.03.
The diving team also shone in the competition, with freshman Benjamin Heymantakinghomewinsin boththeone-meterandthreemeter dives, scoring 151.70 a n d 1 3 3 4 0 p o i n t s respectively
Oneonta’s next challenge awaits at RPI on Saturday, Oct. 26 at 1 p.m., where Tyrrell and his teammates will aim to build on their momentum from this impressive meet against Oswego.
Tyrrell was also awarded the swimmer of the week award by his college for his goodshowingsofar
Campbell said competing on stages such as those in Europe as well as across the Middle East, will help to add more experience to his still developing career, while embracing the culture and work ethics of professionals hailing from such stretches of the globe, will further put GuyanaonthemapasaBodybuildingstronghold.
He congratulated his countrymen/women for ensuring Guyana flew the Golden ArrowHead high as they finished 1st with 333 points, thus closing the gap on Barbados (327 points)whowereforcedtosettlefor2ndplace.
In closing, Campbell expressed his respect to each participant from across every country, who made this year’s CAConeofthebestyet.
Campbell also said this win adds additional fuel to the tank, as he plans to heighten and increase his training regimes and workout sessions with major goals set for 2025 andbeyond.(C. Ross)
President of Draughts Association Mr. Jiaram (left) poses with the four winners.
Dr. Ivor English (right) presents the winning trophy to Navin Meighbarran
Members of both teams and sponsors following the presentation ceremony
Led by a three-wicket found the going though, losing Anek XI showed some fight, award and Narayan received the The game was sponsored by haul from Jovin Ducan, wicketsatregularintervals. but could only muster 67-9 best batter prize. Young Jovan Ravi and Keshav Narayan and
Select XI defeated They were eventually bowled Keshawn Narayan made 18, while Seeram, a member ofAnek XI was played in celebration of Anek Anek Hemnarine XI by 13 runs out for 80 in the final over of their Arshad (only name provided) given a speical prize for his Hamnarinebirthanniversary when the teams collided in a 12- innings. scored 15 and Ronaldo Grenville participationinthegame. The sponsors would like to over U19 fixture on Sunday at Jevol Seeram made 12 as 11. Offspinner Ducan picked up 3- The Captains of both teams extend gratitude to the players and Farm Cricket Ground, East Bank skipper Anek Hemnarine claimed 15 and was named man-of-the- werepresentedwithatrophy,while the East Bank Demerara Cricket Demerara 3-20 and medium pacer Prosper match. each participating member was Association to assist in making the
- Guyana/Trinidad golfers to forge stronger relationships heading into 2025
The Tobago Hospitality A
e region,” said Monnaf andTourismInstitute(THTI) agreement, players from programme. Arjune,Vice President of the and the Guyana Golf Guyana will be in Tobago at “With the Westside Golf GGA. Association (GGA) has the TTHI annual tournament Course functioning as a The Guyana Golf signed a mutual sports April 12-13 in Tobago at the gateway to developing Association has committed tourism MOU that will see Magdelena Grand Beach golfers on Guyana, we to growing the sport in the players and supporters of the Golf Course. Similarly, the expect that Guyana will start region with outreach efforts sport from the two countries GGA will host players from hosting more of these events just completed in Suriname traveling to play in various Tobago later in the year as a thatwillplaceGuyanaonthe to schools and police tournamentsineachcountry part of the Tourism and Sports Tourism map for the department.
Ms. Chantalle Melville, speaking on behalf of the THTI CEO Kirton Sorias said, “We are excited to join with the GGA to promote golf and hospitality between our countries and look forwardtothisbeingthefirst ofmanysuchpromotions.”
This initiative comes as Guyana continues to make tremendous strides in the development and promotion of the sport locally and internationally Guyanese players have done well on tournaments held in Trinidad, Tobago, Barbados and Suriname in 2 0 2 4 a n d w i t h t h e exceptional growth of our junior programme, the number of players and top r e s u l t s w i l l g r o w exponentially in the coming years.
GGA president Aleem Hussain with alongside one of the young Trinidadian Junior Golf pros at Magdelena Grand Beach Golf Course.
Prashad, Deo victorious in Atlas Security Golf Tournament
The Lusignan Golf Club secured third place, allowing Atlas Security hosted the highly anticipated recordingaGrossscoreof90 Service Inc. to be a part of Atlas Security Service Inc. and a Net score of 76 with a this occasion.This is not just Golf Tournament over the handicapof14. about the sponsorship, but weekend, showcasing a Over in the 15-28 Flight, it’s about the camaraderie I competitive spirit and strong Arnold Deo delivered a saw when I visited the
i e a m o n g stellarperformancetosecure course—itwasinspirational. participants The event, first place, playing with a Atlas Security Service which attracted golfers from handicap of 21. His Gross Inc. is proud to be associated v
vels, score of 86 and Net score of with this event, and I hope concluded with Patrick 6 5 h i g h l i g h t e d h i s we can do this again Prashad and Arnold Deo exceptional play Orson sometime. To those that will e
the top Ferguson,withahandicapof be attending the Brava p
s in their 28, placed second with a Guyana Open, I wish you all respectiveflights. Gross score of 97 and a Net thebest.”
In the 0-14 Flight, score of 69. Mahesh Shivraj T h e t o u r n a m e n t Patrick Prashad, playing finished third, scoring 88 reinforcedtheLusignanGolf with a handicap of 11, Grossand70Net,playingoff Club’s reputation as one of claimed first place with a ahandicapof18. thepremiergolfingvenuesin Gross score of 80 and a Net Meanwhile, Managing the region, continuing to sport.
Handicap 14, Gross 90, Net Shivraj – Handicap 18, score of 69, demonstrating Director of Atlas Security
Tournament Results: 76 Gross88,Net70 consistency and control Service Inc., Andrew Daley, s
0-14 Flight: 15-28 Flight: Best Gross - Mohanlall throughout the day was on hand to witness the competitiveexcellence. 1st Pl
Patrick 1st Place: Arnold Deo – Dindanauth Mohanlall Dindanauth event and expressed his The success of the Atlas Prashad – Handicap 11, Handicap 21, Gross 86, Net Anticipation is now followed closely, also gratitude to the Lusignan Security Service Inc. Golf Gross80,Net69 65 building for the Brava posting a Gross score of 80 Golf Club for hosting the Tournament stands as a 2nd Place: Mohanlall 2nd Place: Orson Guyana Open, where golfers but finishing second with a tournament. In his remarks, testament to the growing Dindanauth – Handicap 6, Ferguson – Handicap 28, will continue to test their Netscoreof74,playingoffa Daley said, “I thank partnership between the Gross80,Net74 Gross97,Net69 mettle on the challenging handicap of 6. Joan Deo Lusignan Golf Club for corporate sector and the 3rd Place: Joaan Deo – 3rd Place: Mahesh Lusignancourse.
ASP Chandradat Kooldeep supports Inter School Tapeball cricket in Reg. 1
Minister of Sports, Charles Ramson shares photo with members of the Guyana Chess team on Sunday.
Junior Chess Team heads off to French Guiana for IGG
The Guyana Chess Federation’s junior National Sports Commission (NSC), which chess teams have departed for French provided uniforms for every player and Guiana, accompanied by the other sports official. The 140-member contingent met disciplines, to participate in the 2024 edition with the Honorable Minister of Culture, of the Inter Guiana Games from October 24- Youth,andSport,Mr CharlesRamson,atthe 26. Guyana National Stadium Providence prior
The young female team comprises WCM totheirdeparture.
Aditi Joshi, Ciel Clement, Kaija Clement, The Honorable Minister declared that the and Italy Ton-Chung. The young males teams represent the elite athletes in their age comprise CM Sachin Pitamber, Alexander group in their respective disciplines and Zhang,andOmarShariff. encouragedthemtostaysafe,competetowin Kyle Couchman and Amara Branche, and enjoy this adventure to French Guiana. who were selected to be part of the teams, French Guiana, Suriname, and Guyana will respectively, opted out at the last minute, be represented by the best athletes in their leaving the male team with one member individual sports categories. The contingent short.KaijaClementwasabletofillinforthe isexpectedtoarriveinthehostcity,Cayenne, females. today to attend the opening ceremony before The team will be led by Coach Roberto the competition begins. The event will Nero and officials Mrs. Tanya Clement and concludeonOctober26.
Mrs Archana Joshi The seven sports The Inter Guiana Games began in disciplines that will be contested at the IGG Suriname in 1967 to strengthen relationships are athletics, basketball, beach volleyball, and forge bonds among the three territories chess,futsal,swimming,andtabletennis. through sports and shared values. Guyana Travel arrangements were made by the willhosttheIGGin2025.
Chandradat Kooldeep, Assistant meet at Fitzburg Recreational ground on Superintendent of Police, has rendered November 15th to compete for the assistance to the upcoming Inter School U13 championship trophy and cash prizes of Tapeball Cricket tournament slated for $300,000, $200,000 and $100,000 Region one. Kooldeep has sponsored the 3rd respectively place cash prize of $100,000, trophies, balls President of the Essequibo Cricket Board andinsulationtapesforthecompetition. and Vice President of the Guyana Cricket The competition is being organised Sebai Board, Deleep Singh said he is extremely Primary School PTA and will commence pleased to see the enthusiasm and excitement fromNovember1st. generated in the school in Region #1 to play
According to the organisers, It’s Tapeball Cricket which is considered an mandatory for schools who have migrants on introduction into playing hard ball Cricket. roll to include two such players on the team He wished all schools participating the very andeachSubregionwillcommenceitslegof best and thanked the organizers for their the tournament at the following venues: tremendous efforts to ensure cricket is being Kamwatta Recreational Ground, Moruca, played in Region one. He also extended Settlement Ground Mabaruma and Fitzburg gratitude to the President and members of the Recreationalground,Matarkai. Barima Waini Cricket Committee for their The Top Three Sub regional teams will input.
Andrew Daley, Managing Director of Atlas Security Service Inc. handing over trophy to veteran golfer, Patrick Prashad.
Superintendent of Police Chandradat Kooldeep handing over the 3rd place cash prize to Mr. Micquel Perez, Culture, youth and Sports Officer Matarkai in the Presence of Mr. Sherlon Rodrigues and Ms. Rose Benn.
Campbell wins long awaited Pro Card as 51st CAC Bodybuilding C/ship concludes
- Sinclair, Bayley, Caldeira
also claim Gold medals
It was a golden night daysofintensecompetition.
Campbell, the defending Physique category, earning for prime Guyanese The National Cultural CAC champion, took the whatmanyconsiderthemost b
e r Centre came alive over the stage in front of a small but important gold medal of his
r s o n weekend as the International enthusiastic crowd and did career Campbell, who claimed top Fitness and Bodybuilding notdisappoint.
Despite not securing the honours at the 2024 Central Federation (IFBB) Pro Card Showcasing a shredded overall title, he stood as the American and Caribbean event featured some of the a
only Guyanese athlete to be (
region’s elite bodybuilders p
awarded the highly soughtChampionships, after two from20countries. dominated the Men’s afterProCard.
By the end of the event, Team Guyana amassed a total of 333 points, narrowly surpassing Barbados, which finished with 327 points. El Salvador placed third with 167points.
On Saturday, Rawle Green and Remalton Siland d e l i v e r e d s t a n d o u t performances for Guyana in the Men’s Classic Physique Masters Open and Men’s Bodybuilding Senior Over 175 cm categories, respectively Julio Sinclair also captured gold in the Men’s Bodybuilding Over 90 kg class, much to the delightofthelocalfans.
CAC Men’s Body Building champion Guyana’s Julio Sinclair poses with his gold medal and prizes.
O t h e r n o t a b l e Meanwhile, individual Rivera, Trinidad and performances from Team accolades went to athletes Tobago’s Kriston Copilah, Guyana included Anthony from various countries Barbados’ Trudi Bovell, El Bayley, who triumphed in Dominican Republic’s Salvador’s Edgar Pineda, the Men’s Physique (Up to Misaelis Pena took home the and several others, who each 23years) category; Joel overall Bikini Fitness title; showcased their physiques Caldeira, who shined in the B a r b a d o s ’ B u k k i a h acrossvariouscategories. Men’s Bodybuilding (Up to Providence won the Men’s T h e C A C 23years);andAnaAnderico, Physique overall; Antigua Championships wrapped up amongothers. and Barbuda’s Kayla on Sunday with what was Athletes such as Melitha LataynaJosephclaimedgold hailed as a highly successful Fernandes, Delrae McLean, in the Wellness Fitness event, marking Guyana’s Kadeem Bowen, Christina overall; and Suriname’s first time hosting the Ramsammy, Angelica Anthony Nekrui dominated competition in 20 years Barroncas, Orlanzo the Men’s Bodybuilding Although Team Guyana led Va l e n z u e l a , J a m a l overall. the charge, El Salvador’s P o l l y d o r e , J o s h u a Additional winners Edgar Pineda brought pride Alexander, and Christine included Mexico’s Lourdes to his team by securing the Matos De Brito also Maza Campos, Antigua and Pro Card on the opening delivered commendable Barbuda’s Tiffany Gordon, night, contributing to El performances, boosting the Costa Rica’s Milixa Millon, Salvador’s eventual thirdteam’soverallsuccess. El Salvador’s Melvin placefinish.
Pro Card winner, Emmerson Campbell (left) during his Men’s Classic wear presentation.
Delroy Tyrrell shines as Oneonta dominates Hartwick Relays Season opener
The spotlight was firmly Tyrrell’s prowess was
talent and teamwork, senior on junior Delroy Tyrrell as further displayed in the maintainedtheircompetitive Delroy Tyrrell emerged as a
’s standout 200-yard freestyle
standout performer for the swimming & diving team relay Alongside teammates commendable third-place Oneonta men’s swimming opened their season in style Martinelli, Hitzschke, and finish in the 850-yard and diving team, leading the at the Hartwick Relays on freshman Russell Cheng, crescendo relay, while
October, 14, clinching first Tyrrell anchored the team’s Tyrrell’s teammates shone in
place out of five competing effort to a swift time of other events, positioning the victory over Oswego on teams with a total of 600 1:30 25, sealing another teamasaformidableforcein Saturdayafternoon. points. Tyrrell who changed first-place finish His thecompetition. Tyrrell kicked off the from The College of Saint versatility was evident as he Oneonta also registered
Rose due to its closure, continued to play a pivotal second-place finishes in the contributing to the Red contributed significantly to rolethroughoutthemeet. 600-yard IM relay and the Dragons’ success as they the team’s success across Despite a few ups and 400-yard freestyle relay, and took first place in the 200multipleevents. downs, including a solid concluded the swimming yard medley relay alongside Kicking things off, the third-place finish in the 300- segment with a third-place juniors Calvin Hitzschke Red Dragons secured a yard breaststroke relay with time in the 800-yard medley (Mexico, NY/Mexico second-place finish in the the squad of David Scott, relay Academy & Central School) 400-yard medley relay sophomore Matt Cleveland, Overall, Delroy Tyrrell andsophomoresEthanCairo whereTyrrellteamedupwith and freshman Bastian emergednotonlyasacentral (Bethpage, NY/Freeport) Tyrrell’s swift strokes with Hitzschke, James senior James Llewellyn, Dudley swimming a time of figure in the Red Dragons’ and Cosmo Martinelli propelled him to victory Llewellyn (Great River,
junior Calvin Hitzschke and 3 : 4 9 . 6 4 , Ty r r e l l ’s triumph but also as a (Albany, NY/Albany). Their ahead of senior Joseph NY/Eas
freshman Luke Goodspeed remarkable contributions promising athlete for the exceptional time of 1:40.07 Campise (Queens, NY/St. Martinelli. Their combined to clock a time of 3:45.54. stood out significantly. season ahead. With his wasafullfoursecondsahead Francis Prep) and junior e
The momentum surged as Additionally, the senior duo outstanding performances, oftheLakers’relayteam. Nicky Byrd (Purchase, triumphant finish, clocking Tyrrell helped propel of Joseph Campise and Tyrrell has set a high Demonstrating his NY/Harrison), who finished in at 1:30.38 and capping off Oneonta to victory in the MaddoxAramini,alongwith standard as Oneonta looks to prowess, Tyrrell was s e c o n d a n d t h i r d , a successful day for the Red 300-yard backstroke relay, Hitzschke, clinched victory buildmomentumthroughout especially dominant in the respectively Dragons. where the trio of Tyrrell, in the 300-yard butterfly theyear 100-yard backstroke event,
Beyond his individual T h e v i c
y w a s Llewellyn, and freshman relay at 2:51 37, further Delroy Tyrrell Shines as where he recorded a stellar triumphs, Tyrrell was also bolstered by other stellar Nicky Byrd touched the wall showcasing Oneonta’s Oneonta defeat Oswego in time of 54.83 to secure the instrumental in the 200-yard performancesaswell. first with an impressive time depth. Dual Meet top position, leading a freestyle relay, teaming up (Continued on page 25) of3:04.39. The excitement didn’t In a thrilling display of Oneonta sweep of the event.
2024 CAC Gold Medalist Campbell turning attention to competing on European, Middle Eastern stages 202
- Lauds fellow Bodybuilders for making this year’s edition among best yet
2024 Central American and Caribbean (CAC) Bodybuilding Championships Gold Medalist and Pro Card winner, Guyanese Emmerson Campbell said his journey only now begins as he’s aiming to compete on the European and Middle Eastern circuit, following a historicwinathomethispastweekend.
With his triumphant moment coming this past Sunday, the Guyanese multiple-time national championisnowatwo-timeCACGoldmedalist.
Campbell earned the coveted Men’s Physique Pro Card after showcasing his amazing Physique in the presence of hundreds who turned out at the National Cultural Centre for the 51st edition of the CAC, hosted proudlybyGuyana.
ThiswinalsoetchedCampbell’snameinthehistory books, being the first Guyanese athlete to earn a Pro Card in the Men’s Physique class at CAC, thus solidifyinghisstatusasaPro.
2024 CAC Gold Medalist and Pro Card winner, Guyanese Emmerson Campbell says sky’s the limit as he eyes competition internationally
SpeakingwithKaieteurSportsbrieflyfollowinghis accolades,thestrongmansaidnowthathe’sbrokeninto the ranks of being a full-fledged Professional Bodybuilder, he has sights set firmly on competing on theEuropeanandtheMiddleEasterncircuit.
Hepointedoutthatthisnewdrivetocompeteonthe worldstage,isaresultofhisrecentsuccess,becominga (Continued on page 25)