

ExxonMobil team collects more samples from Crane house affected by suspected oil seepage
Ateam from home at noon The what is happening,” the when contacted on Tuesday ExxonMobil representatives from the womansaid. told Kaieteur News that the Guyana Limited team reportedly told the Singh who is a caterer EPA revisited her home to
(EMGL) on woman that they will return told this newspaper that she collect the samples oozing Tuesday returned to the to drill deep between the is unable to work due to the throughthefloors. home of Basmatie Singh to surface of her home to get a situation.
On Monday, the EPA collect additional samples better understanding of what “Right now, I have to be visited two homes of West from the area of her home istakingplace. careful because I don’t know Demerara residents affected affected by suspected oil “They took the samples what it is really what the by the suspected oil leakage seepage. and they said they will be position with this thing to collect more samples
S i n g h t o l d t h i s returning to drill further coming up in the floor… if Representatives from the n e w s p a p e r t h a t down in the earth to try and it’s safe to prepare people’s EPA, Guyana Geology and representatives of the determine what it is… The food. We want an answer,” M
n EMGL’s grievance team EPA came again and this Singhsaid.
(GGMC), the Ministry of along with a team from the time, they came with a Meanwhile, Nandanie Health and Civil Defence Environmental Protection chemist…For now, I am at a Singh, the other resident of C o m m i s s i o n ( C D C ) Agency (EPA) visited her standstilljustwatchingtosee the Crane housing scheme conducted inspections in the

The liquid substance found under the tiles in Basmatie Singh’s home. As seen in the image, most areas were wet when this contractor broke the tiles on Monday

homes. in
Officers of GGMC symptoms and reduces the gathered samples of dirt ability of the lungs to surrounding the house for function.”
testing. This newspaper was Both Basmatie and her informed that the agencies son reported experiencing a will be conducting tests to burningsensationoftheeyes determine whether the and nose from the fumes samples have volatile emanating from the organic compounds present substance seeping into their including sulphur dioxide home. Basmatie particularly, andnitrogendioxide. h a s c o m p l a i n e d o f Mondaymarkedthethird experiencing symptoms on-site visit that the EPAand such as nausea and other agencies made to the headache. Giving an update home Ms. Singh shares with on her health, Singh told her son. A team from the Kaieteur News that a doctor E P A , G G M C a n d was also among the visiting ExxonMobil Guyana team from the Ministry of Limited (EMGL) visited HealthonMonday Singh’shomeonOctober8. “The doctor that come The team had conducted from the Ministry of Health testsandtooksamplesofthe talktometodayandsaidthat substance for further testing they will do some tests to offsite The family was later ensure that you know, informed by the EPAduring everything is ok health wise. the second visit on October He said they will pay for the 11 that the living room area test to be done private,” was high in Sulphur Singhrelated. Dioxide.
The woman’s home is
Basmatie and her son locatedashortdistanceaway have expressed concerns for from where American oil their health since Sulphur giant, ExxonMobil has laid a Dioxide (SO2), according to 12-inchpipeline. the American Lung Thepipelineisconnected Association, is a gaseous air totheLizaOneandLizaTwo pollutant composed of sulfur Floating Production Storage and oxygen. “SO2 forms and Offloading vessels when sulfur-containing fuel (FPSO)offshore. such as coal, petroleum oil, Itwilltransportgastothe or diesel is burned,” the WalesDevelopmentsite. Associationsaid. In August, ExxonMobil Inhaling this gas can be completed hooking up the extremely dangerous to pipeline to the two FPSOs human health causing The company had said it wheezing, shortness of would pump an earthen gasbreath and chest tightness like nitrogen- along with and other problems water into the structure, According to the American until the construction of the Lung Association, “Long- gas plants is completed at term exposure at high levels Wales
Before year-end Exxon to hit 500M barrels
since production started in 2019 - Exxon VP
Ex x o n M o b i l block, while its partners projects in the Stabroek Payara developments which Guyana Limited Hess and CNOOC hold 30% Block already receiving are supported by three ( E M G L ) i s and25%respectively regulatory approval from the floating production storage
looking to hit 500 million Oilwasdiscoveredinthe government, by mid-2025 and offloading (FPSOs) barrels of oil before the end Stabroek Block in 2015. The Exxon is hoping to get namely, Destiny, Unity and of 2024, since oil production following year, the previous approval for its seventh Prosperity startedintheStabroekBlock Coalition Government project, Hammerhead Rietema also noted that offshore Guyana in signed a Production Sharing Rietema made the disclosure the company has three more December2019. Agreement (PSA) with during his address at the projectstocomeonlineinthe This is according to Exxon. That deal waives all conference. He said, “We coming years. “These are information presented by taxes and caters for it to be have six sanctioned projects, renderings of the third, the EMGL’s Vice President and paid by the government out just (to) put it in context. I fourth, fifth and sixth FPSOs Business Services Manager of its share. Guyana receives don’t think there’s anywhere for those projects that are Phillip Rietema, at the a 2% royalty; it allows in the world where we’ve scheduled to come online in r e c e n t l y c o n c l u d e d Exxonanditsco-venturersto been able to go so quickly 2025 and then two in 2027,” International Business recover up to 75% of fromdiscoverytoproduction Exxon’sVPsaid. Conference (IBC), that was production costs before the to now six sanctioned He also spoke about the held at the Guyana Marriott remaining 25% is shared projects.” company’s seventh project. Hotel. between Guyana and the Since making its first “If you’ve been reading the Exxon is the operator of Stabroek Block partners discovery in 2015, he news here in Guyana, we’ve the Stabroek Block which is After accounting for the 2% underscored that Exxon has also announced that we’re estimatedtohold11.6billion royalty, cost recovery, and t r a n s i t i o n e d f r o m planning for a seventh barrels of oil, according to profit sharing, Guyana’s exploration to production in project on the Hammerhead figures disclosed by the total take from the oil record time Currently, discovery The regulatory Government of Guyana produced is 14.5% of the Exxon is producing over r e v i e w s o n t h e (GoG). The U.S oil giant totalvalueoftheoil. 650,000barrelsofoilperday environmental side are holds 45% interest in the With six deepwater (bpd)fromLiza1,Liza2and underway, and we’re hoping to receive regulatory depth in 3,773 feet (1,150 Hamme
Govt. pays off GuySuCo’s $14B debt -AG report

The $14 billion loan secured from Hand been repaid. It was stated that by the end of in Hand Trust to aid the revitalisation of the 2022, $9.68 billion of the loan had already Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) has been repaid. In 2023, the remaining $4.4 been fully repaid, according to the 2023 billion was paid off, clearing all outstanding AuditorGeneral’sReport. balances.
The loan was guaranteed by the According to reports, in March 2018, Government of Guyana (GoG) through an NICIL secured a $30 billion bond. It was agreement between the Minister of Finance announced back then by the ex-boss of and Hand in HandTrust Corporation Inc. on NICIL, Colvin Heath-London, that the May24,2018. company was successful in securing a $30
The funds were raised via National billion (US$150M) syndicated bond to Industrial and Commercial Investments revitalise GuySuCo. Kaieteur News had Limited (NICIL) Fixed Rate Bonds, reported that NICIL had used its assets as specifically to support the revitalisation collateral to secure the amount from the effortsofGuySuCo. lender NICILhad disclosed in 2018 that the
The report reveals that as of December facilitator of the bond arrangement is the 31, 2023, the amount of $14.08 billion had RepublicBankLimited(RBL)ofTrinidad.


EMGL’s Vice President and Business Services Manager, Phillip Rietema
approval by the middle of meters) of water The project located approximately 13 next year,” the EMGL will target between 120-180 miles (21 kilometers) official said. Hammerhead thousand barrels per day southwest of the Liza-1 well was announced as Exxon’s (kbd). Exxon is aiming to and follows previous ninth commercial discovery commence production discoveries on the Stabroek in August 2018 The activities by 2029, following Block at Liza, Liza Deep, Hammerhead-1 well was therequisiteapprovals. Payara, Snoek, Turbot, drilled in a new reservoir, Notably, the daily Ranger,PacoraandLongtail. encountering approximately production capacity being Back in April, Exxon 197 feet (60 meters) of high- targeted is significantly receivedgreen-lightfromthe quality, oil-bearing lower compared to the last EPA as well as blessings sandstone reservoir. The three projects sanctioned, from the government to well was safely drilled to which each target over 200 develop a sixth deep water 13,862 feet (4,225 meters) kbd. project,Whiptail.

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
The recent history of ExxonMobil in Guyana is that it has been given the right to get away with anything that it wants. Itseeks,possiblydemandsbehindcloseddoorswhat is favourable to its interests, and gets it. Guyana gets nothing in return for its helpful attitudes and responses to whatishighonitsoilpartner’sagenda.Apartnershipshould be a two-way street, but in the Guyana-ExxonMobil relationship,ithasbeenaone-waystreetwithExxonMobilin total control Relinquishment of 20% of the Stabroek Block standsasacaseinpoint
The2016ProductionSharingAgreement(PSA)isspecific: fouryearsforprospectingandtwothree-yearextensions,should suchberequestedbythecompanyandagreedtobytheGuyana Government Therelinquishedportionofthevast66-millionacre Stabroek Basin would represent 600 oil blocks These couldthenbeauctionedtootheroilcompaniesoroilprospectors longingtogetatoeholdinthiscountry’spotentialoffshoreareas
Withoutonebarrelofoilfoundorproduced,Guyanacouldrake inUSmillionsfromacompetitiveauction Forreasonsknown onlytoitself,thepreviousAPNU+AFCCoalitionGovernment approved a one-year extension for blocks that were set to be relinquished The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on ExxonMobil’soperationswereadvancedbythecompanyand approved by the then Guyana Government Guyana got nothing in return for its generosity, and despite the public knowledgethatthevirushadlessthanasignificantimpacton ExxonMobil’soiloperations Theconsortiumhadkeptgoing, withexemptionsonrestrictions,anditsoffshoreactivitiesstill humming TheCoalitionstillapproveda1-yearextension,with conditions attached, which few Guyanese know if they were honoured The PPP-C Government returned to office and continued what the Coalition had started, only with secrecy takingover
Today,almostattheendofOctober2024,theequivalentof 600oilblocksshouldbehandedbacktoGuyana(relinquished)but mysteryprevails WhenGuyaneseneedthetruthandsubstanceof whatisgoingtohappenwiththe20%oftheStabroekBasinthat should be relinquished, ExxonMobil’s Guyana President, AlistairRoutledgeisclosemouthed,whichisthefirstworrying indicator ThesecondisthatGuyana’soilchief,VicePresident Jagdeo is less than forthcoming, not his usual loud and aggressive self It is fair to ask, given the closeness to relinquishmentoftheoilblocks,whatisinmotion? Whatcould ExxonMobil’s Routledge and Guyana’s Jagdeo have up their sleeves? Whatschemeisbeingworkedouttothedetrimentof Guyana? Eitheroneofthemshouldhavebeenabletosaywith authoritythat20%oftheStabroekacreage(600oilblocks)tobe relinquishedisontrackandwillhappenontheduedate. With thematterofmeredaysleftforrelinquishment,bothRoutledge andJagdeoshouldbeonthesamepageinpubliclyassertingthat thisrelinquishmentwillbe,accordingtothecontractterms. We will be blunt: almost everything with this oil that involvessomeinputfromExxonMobil,Guyanahascomeout theloser Also,withJagdeo’spowerfulpresenceinthenation’s oilsector,GuyanahasbowedtoExxonMobil’sdictates,even where there has been a steep cost to this country So, when Routledge is tightlipped and Jagdeo shuts up shop on this relinquishment issue, this cannot be good for Guyana What Guyanawillgetforits20%relinquishmentisbeingwatchedlikea hawk We shall know soon enough, what form this looming relinquishment takes, what sweet catch there may be for ExxonMobil Guyana has been burned too often, with the Coalition contributing its share and the PPP-C Government shamelesslyandslavishlyoutdoingit Whenformerpresident David Granger had ExxonMobil in the palm of his hand (COVID-19relatedextension),hedidnotcloseittightlyaround thecompany’sneck,likeithasrepeatedlydonetoGuyana He shookthehandofthiscompanythathasslappedandpunched Guyanese silly at every opportunity When ExxonMobil is generous to Guyana, then Guyana can be helpful to ExxonMobil’spriorities JagdeonowhasExxonMobilinhis handswiththisrelinquishmentpending Hishandshavebeen feeble,failingGuyaneseeverytime Thecontracttermsmust prevail.
We are facing a crisis of submerging our culture further, only this time not by imperial powers
, Guyana is now an established oil and gas producing country but there remains no system in place that will manage the influx of people, with different cultures and backgrounds from all over the world, and todevelopinfrastructureand other supporting services to cater for the demands of the risingnumbers.
In 2019, before first oil, I shared my concerns Five years later, I am forced to returntothisissuebecausethe situation is more dire, and nothinghasbeendonetomake itsignificantlybetter.
What Linden is experiencing now with uncheckedimmigrantsfromour westernborderandthestresson thetown’ssocialsystemsmaybe widespread Selectiveeffortsby the government to rush to the side of the Venezuelans in Linden, providing a level of comfortandaccommodationfor those fleeing their country, ignoretheneedsthatexistinthe localcommunityandofthelocal people Personsarecomingin thiscountrydailybyplaneand boatloads,andthegateshave been left wide open without safeguards, conditionalities or policies and systems in
place to help with the assimilation process for those permitted to remain legally This also poses a threat to natural born G u y a n e s e , o u r infrastructuresandculture.
Unplanned immigration brings with it negative consequences There is stress on the health and education systems,housingoverrun,the creation of slums, and our resources exploited by others willing to undersell their labour There are already squatting areas on the East Bank of Demerara occupied primarilybyVenezuelans.
Inthehinterlandareas,our Indigenous people and other Guyanese are living in fear f
population,manyofwhomare illegal, not monitored and refusetosubjectthemselvesto thelawsoftheland,resulting in increased violence and crime Many Guyanese are being forced to leave their properties for their safety and that of their children and to escapethegangs
We are facing a crisis of submerging our culture further, only this time not by imperial powers This threat comesfromotherswhodonot
speakourlanguageandsharea commonculture Recognition of this does not make one xenophobicorracistbutseeks to highlight the socioeconomic and political consequences of a nation unpreparedandleaders,onall sides, who do nothing of significance to address the currentplightoftheGuyanese public
We are ill-equipped to cater for the situation If nonEnglish persons are going to be accommodated in this English-speaking country of ours, the issue of the language differential must beaddressed.Thisshouldbe compulsory, given that we have an official language, and the services to learn the language must be fixed by the government, aided by non-governmental support, forbothadultsandchildren. The growing numbers of immigrantsposeathreattoour way of life and will have a majorimpactontheGuyanese cultureandGuyanesesecurity Thesepersonsdonothavea commonwealth background as ours. What is happening here is different from the CARICOM Single Market andEconomy(CSME),which has a structured programme
PresidentAli Has Reaffirmed
forthefreemovementofskills throughout the region, including qualifying conditions.
Asanationfacedwiththis influxandthefactthatwewill havetocaterforsomegiventhe circumstances under which many came, Guyanese will havetoopentheirhearts,even as we demand a sustainable strategy to manage the issue SomearefleeingtoGuyanaout of human rights concerns and somemayhavetiestoGuyana which Guyanese will have to understand. The Government must develop a bipartisan approach to manage this issue consistent with our laws, humanrightsandsafeguardthe interestofGuyanese
Theuncheckedsituation is also likely to exacerbate ethnic tension and division. Where one group is being forced out of his/her traditional economic means, andopportunitiesarelimited in the areas traditionally occupied by another group, competition will intensify, thenresentmentandcharges of being discriminated againstwillfollow Thereis a need for urgent bipartisan intervention.
Guyana’s Commitment
to combat climate change and poverty at the
In his speech to the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York on September 25, 2024, President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali did something outstanding that no other Guyanese Head of State has done.
At this annual major international event which brings together more than 180headsofstate,andother senior government officials to discuss their priorities, President Dr Ali boldly and confidently reaffirmed Guyana’s commitment to achieve the ultimate global biodiversity target of 30 percentby2030.
President Ali did not mincewordswhenhecalled forthelaunchingofaGlobal BiodiversityAlliance,which seeks to unite biodiversityrich countries to develop a scalable model for environmental protection, advance peace, security and sustainabledevelopment.
H i s E x c e l l e n c y highlighted the country’s rich biodiversity, with forests covering some 86 percent of Guyana He underscored the fact that
Guyana has embarked on a comprehensiveLowCarbon Development strategy to safeguard and uphold its biodiversity agreement and should be rewarded for its efforts.AccordingtoDr Ali, “We have preserved our biodiversity and know its value. We believe it is only fair and just that this global asset be monetized in a fair carbonmarket.”
The Head of State emphasizedthatthesearenot mere words, but real and genuine issues that Guyana hasputforwardtoaddressthe globalproblemofbiodiversity loss Hereiteratedthatforests areanintegralparttocombat climatechangeanditistime for a mechanism for carbon credittobeputinplace.
The President has urged the leaders of the global community to take this issue seriously and act on their commitments, particularly in addressing biodiversity loss and climate change, which is threatening the existence of theworld
Additionally, and alongside biodiversity loss which is germane to the world, President Dr Ali voiced other concerns and has once again called for
urgent global action to addresspressingissuessuch as poverty, food insecurity, energy insecurity, fair trade practicesandinequality He pleaded with the world leaders, especially those in the Global North countries to take concerted actions to address the root causes of these issues, and work steadfastly to improve them. The President also underlined the inequalities faced by the Global South countriesandcalledfortheir inclusion in the major institutions, such as the United Nations Security Council,theWorldBankand the International Monetary Fund(IMF),amongothers.
Not only did his
Excellency stressed the importance for the Global South countries to have equitable and adequate access to technology, but he also implored the leaders of the Global South countries to make sure that public policiesandglobalstrategies are aligned with the agenda to bridge the digital divides and leverage artificial intelligenceforthebenefitof all.
In addressing the border dispute, President Dr Ali’s asserted that the United Nations has a special responsibility for the security ofsmallstates,suchasGuyana against aggression from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
He sought support from membernationstoensurethat Venezuela adheres to the ruling of the International CourtofJustice It must be noted that PresidentDr Ali’srobustand spirited speech at the UNGA has provided sound guidance totheleadersoftheCaribbean and the international community on several regional and international issues,includingthereduction of the region’s huge food imports, free and equal trade, energy and food security, reduction of poverty, and, most of all, climate change which could have an adverse effectonmotherearth
He insisted that these reformsmustgobeyondfair representation and ensure that their policies and practices align with the developmental needs and aspirations of all countries and not only the Global NorthCountries.
Sincerely, Dr.AsquithRose
, M o r e t h a n 3 0 0 participants, including students, devotees, pandits, and senior government official last Saturday converged at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre for the inaugural Caribbean American HinduIssuesInc (CAHII) Conference Attendees from Guyana, the wider Caribbean, Suriname and overseas came together to address issues impacting the Indo-Caribbean Hindu community, focusing on health, the environment, education, society, and religion.
Representing President Dr Irfaan Ali, Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Dr. Vindhya Persaud, delivered the opening remarks. Dr. Persaud conveyed the President’s greetings and reaffirmed Guyana’s commitment to religious freedom, a principle enshrined in the country’s constitution.
“This conference exemplifies the importance of ensuring every country’s legislative framework
enables people to worship, gather, and celebrate their traditions freely,” Dr Persaudsaid.
Shealsoemphasizedthe value of cont
nued discussions on religious freedom, pointing out the ongoing struggle in several countriesfortherecognition of religious rights and nationalholidays.
The conference was desig
e diaspora
Participants engaged in discussions on issues facing the community, with an emphasis on finding practical solutions and strengthening connectionsamongmandirs, cultural organizations, and communityleaders.
Topics included health, social services, e n v i r o n m e n t a l preservation, and ways to access secular resources whilemaintainingcultural andreligiouspractices
Several community
leaders pra
initiative and expressed their desire to see it becomeanannualevent
Frank Singh, a sponsor a n
c t
d community advocate, shared his enthusiasm: “The conference was a fantasticidea
It should be held once a year ” BK Tiwari, one of the main sponsors, a philanthropist and entrepreneur, echoed these sentiments, noting, “A conference of this nature is longoverdue.Icongratulate CAHII for this meaningful initiative.”
Dr Tara Singh, Executive Member of CAHII, highlighted the ev
“It was refreshing to
, especially during the sessiononHinduism
The interaction was vibrant and insightful This will definitely become an annual event,” hestated STRENGTHENING COMMUNITYTIES
Does Diwali really mark Rama’s return from exile?
I refer to the article ‘Diwali Shubh! Happy Diwali’ published in Kaieteur News on Sunday October 20. If I am not wrong, this said article has been repeating itself year after year, without any change in contents or substance.
H o w e v e r, I a m particularly concerned with themisleadingstatement,to wit, that Diwali marks the return of Rama to Ayodhya afterfourteenyearsinexile. This is a fundamental error made by very many people. Rama’sreturnwasonthe7th day in the dark fortnight of the Hindu month of Vaishakha (April/May). For thisyear,itwasApril30,and for2023,itwasApril12. Diwali, on the other


The conference’s impact extended beyond the discussions at the venue. Several attendees joined members of the organizing team at the Providence Mandir for Sunday service, deepening the event’s influence within the community
One participant remarked, “The feedback I received was very positive. Itwasagreatopportunityto continue conversations that beganattheconference.”
Students from across Guyana also benefited from the event, with m a n y e x p r e s s i n g e x c i t e m e n t a b o u t participating
President of the MBB
Foundation, Marcus Bisram, a key sponsor, shared that students from the Corentyne region
w e r e p a r t i c u l a r l y engaged, and some who couldn’t attend expressed disappointment at missing theopportunity
Komal Singh, PSC Chairman, one of the sponsors, was regrettably absent.
O t h e r s p o n s o r s include, Deo Gosine Foundation, ENet, the Government of Guyana, Dave West Indian Imports, Kamaldai Budhu, Dr Muniram
Budhu, Dr Vishnu
hand, is celebrated on the evening of the New Moon/No Moon in the month of Kaartika (October/November). Yes, the people lit diyas in their homes and streets to welcomeRama.Butthiswas an altogether different occasion. It culminated in thecoronationofRama.
Yourstruly, Pt.RamdialBalbadar
B i s r a m , D a y a n Deonarine, Roopnauth Dwarka, Harry Hergash, Yudhbeer Singh, Srad Kublal, Prof Narayan Persaud, Jewan Persaud, Vassan Ramracha, Ashok Ramsarran, Dr Ganga Ramdass, Boysie Siew, Harry Ghaness, Rajendra Sukul,JayBridgepaul,Bose Balraj, Seenath Jairam and JoeTika.
P t R o o p n a u t h

Sharma, Chair of CAHII, was elated by the conference’s success
“This was a grand event, and I am overwhelmed with joy. I am grateful to everyone who made it possible
We will issue a press release soon with our p l a n s f o r f u t u r e development,” he said BUILDING A FRAMEWORK FOR FUTURE COLLABORATION
T h e C A H I I
conference aims to create a framework that ensures access to essential Hindu services, such
(sacraments), festivals, and community support, for Indo-Caribbean Hindus, regardless of t h e i r l o c a t i o n .
Organizers emphasized the importance of fostering cooperation among Hindu organizations to address the community’s unique challenges and promotesharedsolutions.
O n e o f t h e conference’s key goals was to develop a Resource Kit that would compile best practices and provide guidance on accessing b o t h s e c u l a r a n d religious resources The event also aimed to encourage networking among participants to strengthen partnerships across the region Looking ahead, CAHII
hopes the insights shared during the conference will enhance understanding of the community’s needs and inspirenewinitiatives.
The event’s focus on collaboration reflects a shared responsibility among Hi
s challenges related to health, socialissues,andreligionin culturallyrelevantways.
The overwhelming support for the CAHII conference suggests it has established a solid foundation for future gatherings
The organisers are confident that it will become an annual event, offering a platform for ongoing dialogue and collab
on. By fostering connections and addressingcriticalissues, t
e has created a space for IndoCaribbean Hindus to celebrate their heritage while working toward practical solutions for the challengestheyface.
, students, and leaders, the CAHII conference is poised to become a vital platform for fostering unity and ensuring the sustainability of Hindu traditions within the Carib
Yoursrespectfully, JaiLall.

Guyana and India’s Soft Power
DEAREDITOR, IndiaandGuyanahavea strong linkage historically tied to colonial rule and ethnicity and by extension culture that has led to i n c r e a s i n g t r a d e Historically, it has been the Indian presence via indentureship from May 1838 and trade that actually played an important role in the expanse of India’s culture reaching the shores of the Caribbean This linkage is tied to “soft power”.
I am invited as a guest speaker on India’s Soft Power at an international conferenceinNewDelhion October24attheprestigious India International Center whichhashadalonghistory of hosting conferences Remarkswillbedeliveredin persononIndia’ssoftpower in the Caribbean and leveraging the diaspora for mutual benefits in the region.
Iamalsoontheprogram chairing a session on the Indian diaspora on October 25. All major powers are using ‘soft power’ (nonmilitary or non-physically threatening means like foreignaidordevelopmental assistance, culture and arts
including cinema, museum, s p o r t s , l a n g u a g e , architecture, scholarships, medicine, spirituality, cuisine, visits by leaders, etc.)intheirforeignpolicyto influenceothernations.
It is a humanistic as opposed to a militaristic approach in conducting foreignpolicywithagoalof uniting citizens, businesses, and communities across countries in the pursuit of shared or common objectives.
The main objectives of soft power are to increase influence, boost trade, and enhancesecurity India,likeUSAandother global players, has also turned to soft power (including yoga) in its foreignpolicygoingbackto e a r l y y e a r s a f t e r independence (1947) and most recently by doling out rare vaccines to counter epidemicaswhenIndiagave outtensofmillionsofCovid 19 vaccines in 2021/22 to countries around the globe. Guyana and the Caribbean werebeneficiaries.
The aim of the internationalconferencethis week in Delhi is to bring together scholars, practitioners, experts, and policymakers to deliberate
and discuss India’s diaspora and soft power The influence of India is strong in the Caribbean region –presence of Indian people and culture including language, religion, Bollywood, arts, foods, among other facets. India has been generous with s c h o l a r s h i p s a n d developmental assistance including soft long-term loansorlineofcredit.Indian engineers are assisting with projects including construction of roadways andotherinfrastructure.
All these soft power techniques have helped to forge closer ties between India and Guyana and the region.
A special relationship exists between India and Guyana (and Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago) because of ethnic and cultural linkage and the historicity of Indian presenceintheregion.
This bond has been carefully preserved as it has alsowithJamaica,St.Lucia, Grenada, and St. Vincent and several other Caribbean territories And most recently,Indiahascultivated close relationship with Barbados, Antigua, and Dominica. Admiration for


India’s political leadership go back to the early 1900s (Nehru, Gandhi, others) duringthatcolony’sfreedom struggle. In recent times, admiration was displayed for Prime Ministers Indira Gandhi, Atal Beharri
Vajpayee, Manmohan Singh, and Narendra Modi all of whom visited the Caribbean region and have been held in great esteem. Indian Presidents and or Vice Presidents also visited theregion.Thisculturalbase on which India-Guyana relationsaswellasthatwith several other nations that have consistently been nurtured, is a true testament to the countless similarities that exist between India and our country and the region. Indianculturehashadadeep profound impact in the milieu of several Caribbean territories.
Trade relations have improved over the years.
More and more Indians (fromIndia)areemployedin the region in the technical and medical fields. Indian companies are investing in the region Cultural diplomacy, medical assistance, and other soft power can further enhance bilateraltrade.
Historically, too, it is
trade and the Indian presence via indentureship that actually played an importantroleintheexpanse of India’s culture reaching theshoresoftheCaribbean.
The deep significance that India attaches to the Caribbean has been discernible when Prime Minister Narendra Modi enroute from Argentina in November2018hadplanned to stop over in Trinidad and Guyana. He held IndiaCaricom summit on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly a few years ago. He had several bilateral meets with Caribbean leaders at the UN and at Climate summits and Commonwealth summits Reports indicate he is planning to stop off in Guyananextmonth.
PMModiwillalwaysbe remembered for his compassion, foresight and commitment for the welfare of Caribbean people when he dispatched medicine and other materials to mitigate the Covid epidemic, an act no other nation replicated.
PM Mia Mottley of
’s leadership as has Gaston BrowneofAntiguaandother Caribbean leaders as well. They are also supportive of yoga which is embraced in Barbados and the region. More and more people are embracing yoga throughout the region and globally as a health benefit to combat dreadfuldiseases.
The UN General Assembly affirmed the significance of yoga for the mental, physical, and spiritual well-being of all individualsresultinginaless stressful life. This special
Barbados showered accolades on Modi for India’s kindness and generosity that saved many lives. PM Ralph Gonsalves a
relationship benefits our c
Caribbean nations have sought India’s assistance at global forums. Regional cooperation with India and her vibrant soft power ties will bring us closer together to increase economic benefitsofferedintheregion andinthesub-continent.
Thesetieswillonlygrow with contemporary relevance. They should be encouraged, strengthened, preserved, and carried forward for generations together
Yourstruly, VishnuBisram



GHRAcallsforsweeping reformsinPoliceForce
…says national conversation urgently needed
The Guyana Human Rights Association Calvin Brutus and the Special Organized (GHRA) has called for sweeping reforms in CrimeUnit(SOCU).Theseeventsraiselegal, the Guyana Police Force, saying that the ethical, constitutional and accountability symptoms afflicting the organisation cannot issues. This condition is redeemable only by be treated as shortcomings of individual transformationalreformsinallareas.” officers. The GHRA said too that the T h e G H R A s a i d p e r v a s i v e problems of the Force cannot also be blamed dysfunctionality in the Guyana Police Force on political parties, although noting that (GPF) is manifest in many ways “A innumerable external consultations for retirement age at 55 years, for example, reform have floundered amidst party underlines the distance of the policing politicking. The GHRA made the comments establishment from civilian life, in which in a statement against the background of many people would consider a person of public discussion on whether Clifton Hicken fifty-five to be in their executive prime. The can be appointed as Commissioner of Police startlingfacts–asrevealedtothepressbyMr given that he has already passed the age of Brutus that perks enjoyed by senior police retirement and the massive corruption officialsaresuchthathehasnoneedtospend allegations leveled against Assistant his salary This revelation was provided to Commissioner,CalvinBrutus. explain his depositing G$46.5M over the According to the GHRA, whileAttorney- counter at Demerara Bank Apparently, General Anil Nandlall claims constitutional emoluments enjoyed by the top levels of the support can be found for the new GPFincluderent-freelivingaccommodation, appointment, opposition lawyers maintain utilities, a police car and driver, security, the Constitution only allows extensions to meals, a maid, cellular plan and allowances existing posts for over-age persons, not from various co-ops and credit unions. promotions. However, according to the SOCU affidavit, “This on-going row vies for news- even this level of generosity cannot explain worthiness with the astonishing saga theG$500Mdepositedinhis, involving Assistant Commissioner of Police (Continued on page 22)

CDB’s Green Climate Fund Project financing capacity
increased to US$250 million
TheCaribbeanDevelopmentBank broadening its reach and achieving (CDB) has secured a significant economiesofscale.
upgrade to its accreditation from “This is a pivotal achievement for the theGreenClimateFund(GCF),enablingthe Bank and the wider Caribbean region. Bank to develop and deliver individual Enhancing access to and scaling up climate climate programmes and projects valued at finance is critical for our client countries as as much as USD250 million (mn) up from they face increasingly urgent climate thepreviouslimitofUSD50mn. challenges,” CDB’s Acting Director of
The substantial increase will enable Projects, Mr L. O’Reilly Lewis, explained. CDB to implement larger, more impactful “With this upgraded accreditation, CDB is climate response initiatives in partnership nowbetterequippedtodrivethelarge-scale, with the GCF, the bank said in a press impactful projects that will make a release. meaningful difference in the region’s
The GCF approved the upgrade on climate resilience and sustainable October 21, 2024, during its 40th Board developmentefforts.” Meeting in Songdo, Incheon, Republic of Valerie Isaac, CDB’s Division Chief, Korea. Environmental Sustainability said, “This
The new threshold will enable CDB to approval reflects a vote of confidence in boost concessional climate finance for the CDB’s ability to deliver the types of largeCaribbean,acceleratingclimateactioninthe scale, transformational initiatives that can region. bolster climate change response for the
The expanded financing capacity also region given our extreme vulnerability We allows CDB to help its client countries are grateful to the GCF Secretariat, develop larger climate change adaptation Accreditation Panel, and Board for the and mitigation projects, particularly in upgraded accreditation scope, and we look capital-intensivesectors. forwardtoworkingwithourclientcountries
Additionally, CDB is now better and GCF counterparts to accelerate climate positioned to support regional programmes, actionfortheCaribbean.”

The Force cannot be improved by simply calling for reforms
The Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA),initsrecentappeal for an overhaul of the Guyana Police Force, has crafted a critique so sweeping that one might reasonably wonder whether they hope to reform the Forceorsimplyobliterateit.
There is, of course, a tendency in such calls for change to lay the blame not at the feet of individual officers—an absolution that seemsalmosttooeager—but rather upon an amorphous “system” that has, for decades, been accused of failure.
The Guyana Human RightsAssociation(GHRA) i s c a l l i n g f o r a comprehensive overhaul of the Guyana Police Force, arguingthattheorganisation suffers from deep-seated systemic issues that cannot be fixed by addressing individual officers or political parties.TheGHRA believes the Police Force is outdated and dysfunctional, and it advocates for the
creationofa“GuyanaPolice Service” through a national conversationorcommission ondemocraticpolicing.This reform would focus on community-based policing
a n d i m p r o v i n g accountability,transparency, and legal and ethical standards within the police force.
TheGHRAalsopointsto specific concerns, such as the controversy over confirming the present A c t i n g P o l i c e Commissioner, despite his being over the retirement age, and the troubling money-laundering probe involving a senior officer
A d d i t i o n a l l y, t h e organization highlights issues like the retirement age,perksenjoyedbysenior officers, and the acceptance ofgiftsfrombusinessmenas indicative of deeper institutional dysfunction
The GHRA calls for the development of a comprehensive reform package to address these challenges, arguing that
existing oversight bodies like the Police Complaints AuthorityandPoliceService Commissionareinsufficient forrealaccountability
In true reformer’s fashion,theGHRAproposes a “national conversation” about the transition from “Police Force” to “Police Service” a semantic sleight of hand that may appease those who believe that renaming things is the same as fixing them. One is remindedofthebureaucratic penchantforequatinglabels with progress: perhaps a meretitlechangewillsuffice toconvertaforcemarredby corruption and dysfunction into a shining pillar of accountability and integrity
To be fair, the GHRA does point to troubling specifics These specifics underscore the broader dysfunction, but what does theGHRAofferinresponse?
Asuggestionforthecreation o f y e t a n o t h e r “comprehensive reform programme,” which, in
Bandits snatch $200K from Chinese businesswoman
A 21-year-old Chinese businesswoman was allegedly robbed of some $200,000 on MondayatChaoHuiSupermarketlocatedin Providence,EastBankDemerara. The victim only identified asAli of Lot 3302Providence,EastBankDemerara.
PolicereportedthatAliwaspresentatthe Supermarket when two masked men approached her on a motorcycle and
subsequentlyheldtheSheriffSecurityguard atgunpoint.Thebanditsthenallegedlytook the security guard over to the cashier area wherethebusinesswomanwasstandingand demandedthecash. Thevictimhandedover themoneyandthesuspectsmadegoodtheir escape. Police are said to be currently reviewing CCTV cameras. No arrest was madeasinvestigationcontinues.
Yuh own medicine can mek yuh sick!
Dem boys seh, Mary bin like de officemoralpolice.Shewasn’t de boss, but she act like she own de place. Mary always got she mouth in people business—especially de kinda business dat ain’t got nothing fuh do with she.Everybodyindeofficeknowhowshe like fuh poke she nose in and spread lil gossip. Nobody ain’t seh nothing though, ‘causetheyain’twantbecomedenexttopic ofshegossipsermon.
One day, Mary spot Frank’s old jalopy parked outside de rum shop. Now, Frank ain’tnochattyfella,hedoesdoheworkand mindheownbusiness.ButMarydecideshe see enough to crucify de man. She start runningshemouth,tellingeverybodyinde office how Frank must be a big-time alcoholic, since he vehicle parked right in frontdebar Maryseh,“Anybodywhopass andseedatpickupknowexactlywahFrank doinginsidedeh!”
bureaucratic parlance, is generally synonymous with more committees, more meetings, and more papershuffling, none of which guarantees that the Police Force will be any more accountable than it is today They call for communitybasedpolicingasthoughthis n o s t r u m o n c e a revolutionary idea in the 1980s has not itself become a kind of ritualistic chant in police reform circles, to be invoked in the hope that it might do some good,evenwhenthecultural foundationsnecessaryforits successremainelusive.
And, as if to preempt criticism, the GHRA insists that the “pervasive dysfunctionality” of the GuyanaPoliceForcecannot be ascribed to this or that political party It is the system itself, we are told, thatisbeyondsalvation.But this diagnosis, though sweeping, suffers from a certain vagueness: if no one is to blame, is anyone responsible?
Previous attempts at police reform in Guyana have been marked by halfhearted measures and superficial changes that failed to address the underlying dysfunctions
withintheForce.Pastreform programmes have been marred by political interference, inconsistent leadership, and an unwillingness to follow through with the structural changes necessary for lasting transformation. The Force remains, in many ways, as ineffective and mistrusted as ever, with the public left frustrated by the repeated cycles of unfulfilled promises of reform.
Externally, while countries and international agencies have provided support for Guyana’s police ref
e elsewhere The focus of these foreign partners has largely been on issues like narcotics suppression and transnational crime, driven by self-interest rather than a genuine commitment to systemicchange.
The emphasis on stemming drug trafficking and organized crime overlooks the broader problems plaguing the Police Force problems like accountability, abuse of power,andpoorcommunity relations As a result, internationalaidforpolicing has often been limited to

training in specific areas or the provision of equipment, rather than supporting comprehensivereform.This selective engagement does little to improve the day-todayfunctioningoftheForce orrestorepublictrustinlaw enforcement, leaving the root causes of dysfunction unaddressed.
In the end, the GHRA’s critique—likesomanywellmeaning reformist proposals—seems to want everything without committing to anything. A national conversation is certainly pleasant, as is the notion of “transformation,” but unless these lofty ideals are tethered to practical, enforceable changes, they will remain what they are: aspirations written in the clouds.
After all, changing a “Force” to a “Service” may look good on paper, but it willtakemorethanwordsto transformGuyana’spolice.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Word reach Frank fast, but Frank ain’t bother He just stare at Mary, cool as a cucumber,andwalkawaywithoutsayinga word. He ain’t defend heself, he ain’t argue—Frank just gone about he business quiet,quiet.
But Frank is a man with a plan. Same evening,whenalldeofficelightsdimdown andMaryhomecountingwhodoingwhat, Frank mek a lil detour He park he old pickup right in front Mary house, step out coollikeice,andwalkstraighthome.
Pickup stay deh whole night, in full view fuh everybody fuh see. De next morning, Mary ain’t gossip about Frank again,andshestoppeepinginotherpeople affairs. De office finally get lil peace and quiet.
Demboysseh,Frankain’thavetosaya word—he done park de evidence right whereitcount! Talkhalf.Leffhalf.



Free intellectual thought

The Hon. Vice President and Second, it is thrilling that a ‘Bart”, which is the practice of our please their masters. In summary, formerpresident,Dr BharatJagdeo leader of the calibre of Bart Jagdeo partners, who have little patience there is something in the DNA of said it Therefore, Guyana’s could be so impassioned and so withnon-Anglo-Saxonnames. For the PPP, whether as party or Ambassador to the US, and former invested in, and so in love with, the whatever it may matter, the lore of government, be they leaders or the president, Hon Sam Hinds is right of “free intellectual thought” Texas is also laced with characters cabal of losers that brownnose entitled to it. “He has contributed for “poor Sam Hinds.” But how is who lose favour and end up being them,thatissoinsecurethatthereis duty to speak on behalf of anyone enough to this country to allow him it that his generosity does not identifiedasBlackBart,asasignof z e r o t o l
r t h e else, as I have no such cause, to have a free intellectual thought, extend to other Guyanese who regard and distaste for their special “free thought”, which Bart envision no such calling. But I can wherever he believes in…but they exercise their right to freedom of prowess. Jagdeorhapsodizessomajestically speak for myself. No PPP man are hounding Sam Hinds.” The thought and freedom of public T h i r d , t h i s i s s u e o f Where free thought is concerned, speaks on his own, not even one as Vice President said so, not me. expression, so long as such isn’t “free thought” bears some the PPP Government simply does provenasSamHinds. Hetestedthe “Poor Sam Hinds”, was also what offensive or defamatory? While additionalscrutiny Whyisthatthe nothavethestomachormakeupfor waters with Guyanese should be the former president sneakily running interference for “poor Sam PPP Government (previous and it. So, their people lash out, thankful and so forth, and when a squeezed into his righteous Hinds”, Mistah Bart Jagdeo may present) is so bent out of shape derogate and demonize. I repeat live labaria landed on his lap, the indignation, with the objective of wishtoelaboratefortheedification when citizens, few as they are, say that they are people in the bosom ever politically conscious (and too sending disagreeable Guyanese on of the Guyanese people why his that they disagrees Or that and comradely consideration, clever by half) Jagdeo distances a guilt trip. Former presidents do own close comrades (very close) in PresidentAlilackstheproperattire, probably the chambers as well, of
have their own club, except for the PPP Government and party in that it is invisiblers or that Dr PPP leaders. Once again, Mr representations and twists things David Granger who is left to putter executive have smeared and Jagdeo is a leader in name only, a (Poor) Sam Hinds is respectfully into his “free…thought” advocacy about and muddle along in slandered other people in Guyana man that is a shell, who is proud to invited to name those who were so His advocacy is PPP and Guyana isolation. Now it’s time to get for utilising that same liberty The be a huckster for foreign investors incensed by his abject prostrations comedy Separately, more than downtobusiness. liberty to speak out against the to the detriment of his own Brown, before his Causcasian neighbour in once and in more than one
For starters, whenever wrongs that have occurred under Black, and Bronze brothers (sisters DCandtheGuyanaHood,thatthey publication, I made the point that Excellency Sam Hinds, former his poor oil stewardship, his even too)? The record is there. Say a assaulted or attempted to the AFC leader has a conflict, and president, former Prime Minister, poorer policymaking. If Hon. Bart word that is intended to lift assassinate him syntactically If he knows what he should do -the and current plenipotentiary meets Jagdeo wishes some names, all he G u y a n e s e a n d t h e P P P Sam Hinds has been so excoriated right thing only Unchanged and the criterion of “poor Sam Hinds”, mustdoisask. Todate,Excellency Government’s senior people (Drs. that he is now “poor” then I am unchanging is that position then Dr Jagdeo, I am the richest Hinds has been taken to task, even Ali and Jagdeo) swiftly remind of a penniless. ExcellencySamHindsisentitledto man in Guyana, maybe even pilloried, but he has not been rhetorical Freddy Krueger and that Finally, I move to close out this speak. He must always speak for America. As a little aside, that bit defamed or reviled Should other grim reaper, a stalking self-serving and somewhat sordid Guyana, only Guyanese, which is about “free intellectual thought” is Ambassador Hinds differ, I would Hannibal Lector Of course, the story from Bart Jagdeo and his thesolestandardlaidbeforehim. there another kind? Such as free welcome a representation from the leaders limit themselves to words. operatic flourish about “poor Sam (The views expressed in this visceral thought/thinking or of the man himself. As another quick Readyandwillingassistantsgetthe Hinds”, and “free intellectual article are those of the author and physical variety?I could use the aside, Guyanese should note that I message,dotheheavylifting,work thought” and “hounding” of the do not necessarily reflect the help. have Americanized “Bharat” to overtime to prove themselves and man in Washington. It is not my opinions of this newspaper.)


Bharrat Jagdeo: the anti-free press guru

Last week, VP Jagdeo continued his age-old intimidation of the free press threatening to withdraw State advertisements from this newspaper
The free and independent media in Guyana shouldneverbeseenasanadversaryinthefightfor what is fair for Guyana for its oil patrimony. The independent and unfettered media, of which this publicationisproudtobeapartof,isaworthwhile and formidable ally to any nationally oriented government, any national leader, in the tough struggleformoreforGuyanafromitswealth.
Jagdeoknowsthisaswellasanyone,butheisso enslaved to the commands of ExxonMobil that he cannot help himself. He is so imprisoned by the likes ofAlistair Routledge that he is helpless to do anything,eventosavehisowndignity



Suriname becomes the 175th member of the World Bank’s Int’l. Development Association
Suriname, on Tuesday, increasing impacts of Monetary Fund program and officially became a member climate change, Suriname will contribute to building a of the World Bank Group’s willalsobenefitsignificantly more sustainable and International Development fromconcessionalfinancing, prosperous future for all Association, marking a designed to help countries Surinamese. significant milestone in the build resilience and foster “We are delighted to country’s development inclusive growth, while welcome Suriname as the journey promoting transparent and 175th member of the Th
sustainable development International Development Development Association, financing. Association,” said Dirk which provides grants and “We are committed to Reinermann,International low-interest loans to low-
Development Association income countries, has been a financing that directly adds MobilizationDirector transformative force in the valu

me’s “The World Bank Group Caribbean, addressing the development With the is committed to supporting unique challenges of small states. Under an expanded Small States Exception, Suriname can now access International Development Association resources, due support of the World Bank’s Surinameonitsdevelopment to its economic and International Development path, providing access to e n v i r o n m e n t a l Association, we can ensure affordable financing and vulnerabilities. that our investments are expertise that will help the
According to a press strategic and impactful ” c o u n t r y r e a c h i t s release issued by the World s a i d S t a n l e y developmentobjectives.” Bank, support from the R a g h o e b a r s i n g , TheWorldBanksaidthat International Development Suriname’s Minister of Suriname’s International Association will be FinanceandPlanning. Development Association instrumental in helping Financing and technical membership demonstrates Suriname strengthen and assistance from the its dedication to sustainable invest in key areas such as International Development development and resilience economic diversification, A s s o c i a t i o n w i l l building, ensuring that no disaster risk management, complement the economic one is left behind as the and community-based a n d s o c i a l r e f o r m s country works toward initiatives. undertaken by the country achieving its long-term
As a country facing under the International economicandsocialgoals. economic volatility and
SBM teams up with One Communications in cancer fight
One Communications’ caregivers. cancer ongoing cancer awareness Explaining why it Damian Blackburn, campaign, which has a continues to support the P r e s i d e n t o f AT N significant focus on initiative, SBM Offshore International Operations & empowering the Champions Guyana’s General Manager, C E O o f O n e of Hope programme has Martin Cheong, said, “Care Communications, expressed been given a major boost, is an integral part of our his gratitude to SBM thanks to SBM Offshore values We welcome Offshore Guyana, “SBM Guyana, who joined the opportunitiessuchastheseto O f f s h o r e G u y a n a ’s company as the Lead Hero give back to the community continued support over the forHope. and people who are affected past three years has been
This marks the third by breast cancer Through instrumental in advancing consecutive year of SBM oursupportforPinktober,we ourcancerawarenessefforts. O f f s h o r e G u y a n a ’s hope to positively impact This year’s support will partnership in the fight Guyanese by supporting directly benefit the against cancer, underscoring awareness efforts and Champions of Hope their continued dedication to contributing to increased programme, empowering raising awareness and access to screenings and NGOs that serve as the providingtangiblesupportto healthcare.” backbone for survivors and those affected, One With SBM Offshore caregivers.Together, we will Communications said in a Guyana’s support, One amplify their stories, raise pressrelease.
Communications will be awareness about early
The Champions of Hope, able to expand support to detection, and offer hope to a g r o u p o f N G O s local NGOs working with all those impacted by collaborating with One these individuals, ensuring cancer.”
Communications, includes they have access to the The Champions of Hope Beacon Foundation, Guyana resourcesandassistancethey programme also provides CancerSociety,GivingHope need to navigate their cancer critical emotional and Foundation, Cancer Institute journeys Funds will go psychological support to of Guyana, Debra Shipley t o w a r d s o rg a n i s i n g those affected by cancer, and GeorgeGoCareFoundation, educational outreaches, SBM Offshore Guyana’s Recover Guyana and The p r o v i d i n g m e d i c a l support should enhance this Periwinkle Club Inc. The screenings, and sharing outreach. Champions of Hope group is survivor stories to promote T h i s y e a r , O n e dedicated to uplifting cancer early detection and Communications’Pinktober survivors, fighters, and encourage others battling (Continued on page 16)
Guyana to tap US$89.9M investment programme for Amazonian countries
T h e F o o d a n d bioeconomy in the Amazon, Agriculture Organization of based on three specific lines the United Nations (FAO) of investment: strengthening andtheAmazonCooperation information management TreatyOrganization(ACTO) systems at both national and last week unveiled a regional levels, linked to the US$89 9M aim
A m
addressing food security, O
y (
; poverty and social gender s
n t h e ecosystemsintheAmazonto Amazonianregion. improve rural livelihoods
Dubbed the Amazonian and enhance traceability of Bioeconomy Investment selected bioproducts; and Programme, the initiative i
will benefit: Bolivia, Brazil, management in the Amazon, Colombia,Ecuador,Guyana, based on existing data on the Peru, Suriname, and migratorycatfish.
Venezuela In a press T h e A m a z o n release, the FAO said as part Bioeconomy Investment oftheWorldFoodForum,the Programme of the Hand-inthird edition of the Hand-in- Handinitiativecoversawide Hand Investment Forum was range of public goods, held in Rome. The event services, and value chains in brought together delegations the eight identified countries from governments, the oftheregion. private sector, civil society, The FAO release said the and financial institutions programme is based on four from around the world essentialprinciples:reducing AccordingtotheFAO,itwas the high levels of food in that context, the insecurity, poverty, and programmewaslaunched. s o c i a l a n d g e n d e r
Participants in the inequalities; respecting the session included Mario rights, territories, traditional Lubetkin, FAO Deputy ways of life, and knowledge
Director-General and systems of Indigenous Regional Representative; peoples and other traditional Máximo Torero, FAO Chief communities; avoiding the Economist; Vanessa Amazon rainforest from Grazziotin,ACTOExecutive reaching its point of no Director; Esteban del Hierro, return; and ensuring the Deputy Minister of adoption of sustainable Productive and Agricultural agriculturalpractices. DevelopmentoftheMinistry FAO Chief Economist, o f A g r i c u l t u r e a n d Máximo Torero, stated, “The Livestock; Saulo Ceolin, areas we focus on are of high General Coordinator for priority It is a territorial Food and Nutrition Security approachthatwefollowinall at Brazil’s Ministry of Hand-in-Hand initiatives Foreign Affairs; and Pedro Whyaretheyofhighpriority?
Martel, Head of the Because today, there is great Environment, Rural poverty in those areas, but Development, and Disaster they are areas where forest Risk Management Division activities could generate at the Inter-American many benefits and lift people DevelopmentBank(IDB). outofpovertysustainably.” The programme aims to Vanessa Grazziotin, design and implement a ACTO Executive Director, public-private partnership emphasized that “the b a s e d o n c a t a l y t i c Amazon region is very wellinvestments in regional positioned to increase its public goods and key value relevance in the global chains to achieve the bioeconomy market, transition towards an especially if the right Amazonian bioeconomy investments and short-term based on four key principles: s
reducing the high levels of
food insecurity, poverty, and Lubetkin, FAO Deputy s o c i a l a n d g e n d e r D
and inequalities; respecting the Regional Representative for rights, territories, traditional Latin America and the ways of life, and knowledge Caribbean, highlighted, systems of Indigenous “FAO is implementing 125 peoples and other traditional projects in eight Amazonian communities; avoiding the countries These projects Amazon rainforest’s point of represent an investment of no return; and ensuring $356 million, covering a sustainable agricultural wide range of issues and practices. technicalareas.”
The objective of this Cooperation to boost the programme is to identify amazon bioeconomy investment opportunities to Asaresultofbilateral c o n s o l i d a t e a n e w (Continued on page 22)



Participants at the third edition of the Hand-in-Hand Investment Forum held in Rome last week



Exxon delighted as largest project set to kick off next year
- targeting 250,000 barrels daily
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), the developer of the Stabroek Block is delighted as another deep-water development, its largest to date, is on course for startup in 2025.
Presently, Exxon has three projects producing oil. The Liza One, Liza Two and Payara projects are producing about 660,000barrelsperday(bpd)onaverage.
Thefourthproject,Yellowtail,willdeveloptheTilapiaand Redtailreservoirs.Ittargetsadailyproductionrateof250,000 bpd, while the other developments were designed to produce upto220,000bpd.
Atarecentmediaconference,PresidentofEMGL,Alistair Routledge provided an update on the progress being made on theproject.“Thatisoncourseforstartupasplannedbytheend of 2025. In fact, the (Floating production Storage and Offloadingvessel)FPSOisintheyardinSingapore.”
He explained that all of the modules have been fabricated and installed on the topsides of the FPSO. SBM Offshore, a Dutch shipbuilder was awarded the contract to supply the FPSO.Presently,thecompanyisintegratingallofthemodules sothattheyarefullyconnected.
“Fromacontrolspointofview,electricalpointofviewand then of course fluids that flow between the different units and modules on the FPSO, we anticipate that work concluding around the end of this year,” Exxon’s Country Manager reported.
Exxon anticipates the vessel’s naming ceremony in January 2025, prior to it setting sail in the first quarter. The FPSO is expected to arrive in Guyana in the second quarter of 2025.
In the meantime, EMGL has been busy with subsea installation activities locally According to Routledge, “The subsea installation activities have been ongoing, drilling the production development wells, so all of that is on course so that we will be able to bring everything together with an integratedinstallationcampaignthroughthesummerperiodof next year, so very much on schedule,” he said, adding that the company is “delighted to see that one continue to move forwardonschedule.”
The commencement of oil production on the fourth FPSO wouldtakeGuyanaclosertoitstargetofproducing1.3million barrelsofoilby2027.
In fact, two other projects which have also received the blessings of the government of Guyana (GoG) are also likely tostartupin2027.
The fifth project Uaru, as well as the Whiptail development- Exxon’s sixth project- will each develop 250,000bpd.
Routledge revealed that the projects are on schedule; however,theteamsareaimingforearlierstartupdates.
“Both of those are slated for 2027 startup. The teams continuetoworktowardsearlierdatesofthose,butgoodnews that they are going to schedule.You recall those collective six projects bring the combined investment commitment in GuyanatosomeUS$55B,”theCountryManagerstated.
From page 14
campaign includes Wear Pink Fridays every Friday this month,andthemuch-anticipatedOnePinktoberMovefora Cause Walk on October 27, kicking off at 6 am from the Everest Cricket Ground. In addition to these events, One Communications has launched a donation drive, where individualscantexttheword“donate”to620-PINK(7465). Thevalueofthetextis$500.Donationscanalsobemade via MMG: (1) Login to the MMG app, (2) Click on “Pay Merchant”, (3) Enter “One Pinktober” and the amount you wish to donate. Further, corporate donations can be made throughwww.onepinktober.com.Forcorporatepackagesor individual merchandise – caps, t-shirts and water bottlespurchases must be done via the website. Proceeds will go towardsthe
Map showing the location of the Yellowtail project
Fire of unknown origin guts Goed Fortuin, WBD house
The aftermath of the fire

Fire of unknown origin structure located at Lot 38 Kaieteur News that he was was greeted with flames destroyed a two-storey Old Road, Goed Fortuin, the lone occupant at the time becauseIwentoutsidetosee house at Goed Fortuin, West WBD at about 18:30h. The of the fire. The man, who is what was happening and Bank Demerara (WBD) on upper and lower flats of the differently abled, said that wellatthatpoint,Ijusthadto Monday night, leaving two house were occupied by after taking a shower, he go get clothes and come out homeless. tenants. heard“ruffling”noisesinthe ofthehouse,”Dasrathsaid.
Diamondtoget$108MEarly ChildhoodDevelopmentCentre
The fire started at the One of the tenants, 49- upperflatofthebuilding. The man said that a wooden and concrete year-old Eric Dasrath, told “Upon investigation, I neighbour contacted the La Grange Fire Service Firefighters arrived at approximately 18:45hrs and were able to extinguish the fire after sometime However, the house and all itscontentsweredestroyed. Dasrath, a father of two, estimated his losses to be more than $3 million. Among the destroyed items were two televisionsets, two microwaves, furniture, three gas bottles, a stock of cosmetic appliances, two refrigerators and other householdappliances.

Project Manager, BNTF, Karen Roopchand alongside the contractor and technical staff signing the contract for the Diamond Early Childhood Development Centre.
T h e C a r i b b e a n education.
BNTF noted that it will have
Development Bank’s It was noted that both the classrooms tailored for (CDC), Basic Needs Trust Ministries of Education and i n f a n t s , t o d d l e r s , Fund (BNTF) programme Human Services and Social preschoolers and school which is being implemented Security are working agers with an estimated through the Ministry of towards meeting these intakeof47students. Finance on Monday signed a targets through the The facility will also $108 million contract for the implementation of robust make provision for staff and construction of the Diamond programmes and also visitors and the design caters
E a r l y C h i l d h o o d through partnerships with for persons with disabilities. DevelopmentCentre. other agencies including The compound will feature According to a statement BNTF sufficient space for from the BNTF, the Guyana “Early Childhood recreational activities. This Government signed the Development (ECD) is a publication understands that $108,825,081 contract with priority for the Government works on the facility are Builders Hardware, General of Guyana and has been a expectedtobeginonOctober SuppliesandConstructionto key area in BNTF’s 28,2024. buildthefacility development agenda in The Basic Needs Trust BNFT shared that Guyana. In fact, under the Fund is a cyclical grant according to the United BNTF programme in funded programme by the Nations (UN) Sustainable Guyana, eight (8) Early Caribbean Development Development Goal 4 of the Childhood Development Bank that aims to reduce the 2030AgendaforSustainable Centres (ECDCs) have been incidence of poverty by Development, countries are constructed across Regions targeting the cause of working towards the targets 2,3,4,5,67and10aswellas inequitable access to quality that by 2030, all girls and an Early Childhood Centre educational facilities for boys would have access to of Excellence at the childrenintheearlystagesof quality early childhood University of Guyana,” the their life Guyana has development, care and pre- releasesaid. benefitted from numerous primary education so that As for the facility for the projects under this they are ready for primary East Bank of Demerara, programme.
Additionally, Dasrath told Kaieteur News that he sells food items as part of his small business but now that they were all destroyed by fire, he would be unable to earn money until he gets backonhisfeet.

“Apart from [being] anybody living there with had this and this is gone… traumatized It hasn’t me,butyouknoweverytime It’s just memories of going kicked in as yet mainly youturntodosomethingyou back to what you had,” the because I didn’t have always remember, oh you mantold Kaieteur News
A screenshot of a video recording showing the inferno at the Goed Fortuin house.

2 arrested after armed robbery of Better Hope businessman
Two of three suspects have been arrested in connection with the armed robbery of a 56-year-old Better Hope, East Coast D e m e r a r a ( E C D ) businessmanonSaturday
Therobberytookplaceat the businessman’s Ocean ViewHotel.
…police in search of third suspect


The arrested suspects have been identified as 35year-old Winston Harris of Lot 351 BB Eccles, East Bank Demerara (EBD) and 38-year-oldDexterSimonof Lot 54 Russel Street, conducting business at the the businessman’s home in
Meanwhile, Police said Charlestown,Georgetown. barofhishotel. search of money and that after receiving a report
The third suspect was T h r e e u n m a s k e d jewellery Due to the non- about the armed robbery identified as Kevin (only suspects all armed with cooperation of the victim, ventured to Industry, ECD at nameprovided). handguns pounced on the one of the bandits became about 21:00h where two of
The businessman and his businessman and walked angry and shot him to his t h e s u s p e c
r e family live in a house him “from the bar towards abdomen. apprehended. A search was attachedtotheeasternsideof his dwelling house while “After that, they conducted on Simon, where the hotel. Police reported holding him at gunpoint and successfully escaped on foot r

The firearms that were found on the bandits
und a black vicinity of Ogle Old Road, of the stolen loot (cash and that the alleged armed started demanding money with an undisclosed amount haversack containing a .32 ECD. During the chase, he jewellery)wasfound.” robbery occurred at about andjewellery.” of cash and jewellery,” revolver with no serial dropped a .38 black revolver Neverth
, the 20:20h, while the victim was The bandits ransacked policesaidinthereport.

number, along with five bearing serial number businessman was rushed to a matching live rounds, and H256989 and made good his private city hospital, where w i t h t w o S a m s u n g escape. Two live rounds and he was admitted as a patient. cellphonesandatoygun. two spent shells were also Hisconditionisstable.
Further, Kevin was found. Investigations are pursued by police in the Police reported, “None ongoing.
Venezuelan Ambassador involved in collision with Ministry minibus

Venezuelan Ambassador, Carlos Perez
Venezuelan Ambassador, Carlos Perez was on Tuesdayinvolvedinanaccidentwhenthevehiclehewas driving collided with a Ministry of Human Services minibusatThomasStreetGeorgetown.
AmbassadorPerezwasdrivingmotorcarDPL601at the time while the minibus, #PVV 9288 owned by the ministry, was operated by Marvin Young, a 45-year-old resident of Lot 110 Walker Terrace, North East La Penitence,Georgetown.
According to police reports, Ambassador Perez was traveling south along the Eastern Carriageway of Thomas Street while Young was proceeding east along the northern side of Middle Street.As Perez approached the intersection of Middle and Thomas Street he allegedly failed to ensure the path was safe and clear resulting in a collision. Both vehicles were damaged and thedriverstookabreathalyzertestbutnotraceofalcohol was found. Police did not report any subsequent injuries ofbothindividuals.

Dexter Simon
Winston Harris






Mechanic jailed for 24 months over illegal firearm and ammo, shooting at cops …onremandforothercharges
A26-year-old mechanic was sentenced on Monday to 24 months in prison and remanded when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courttoanswerfivecharges, including discharging a loaded firearm at police
officers and illegal possession of firearms and ammunition.
The defendant, Lloyd
Gittens, of Lot 140
D’Andrade Street, Newtown, Georgetown, appeared before Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore whoreadthechargestohim.
The first two charges statedthatonSeptember16, 2024,Gittensallegedlyfired a loaded firearm at Police Constable Elijah Bijadder andcivilianOdellThomasat hisresidence.
Gittens pleaded not guilty to the charges stating that he did not realize that oneofthepersonsheshotat
was a police officer “When Mr Odellenteredtheplace,I could have sworn it was someone coming to hurt me...Ididn’tknowitwasthe police because he didn’t comewithapoliceclothesor badge… he come with a normal red jersey,” the accusedtoldthecourt.
The two other charges stated that on the same date and location, Gittens had in his possession illegal ammunition:fourlive9mm and an illegal 9mm pistol serial number #FG046035. He pleaded guilty to both charges.Gittensalsofaceda robbery charge, where he is accusedofstealingtwogold chains valued at $650,000 from Joshua Holder on September 6, 2024 at Robb Street, Bourda Georgetown. Gittenspleadednotguiltyto thecharge.
According to police reports, on September 15, 2024,OdellThomasnoticed his black and red XR
motorcycle was missing After tracking its location using his cellular phone, he discovereditatapropertyon D’Andrade Street. Thomas reported the situation to the police, who responded promptly Upon arriving, Constable Bijadder and Thomas attempted to enter the premises, but when they knocked on the front door, therewasnoresponse.
Subsequently, Bijadder and Thomas proceeded to the back door, which they opened and found Gittens armed with a handgun Gittens, then allegedly pointed the weapon at them and discharged several rounds.
In response, Bijadder returned fire to protect himselfandThomas.Gittens attempted to flee through a window but fell and sustainedinjuries,leadingto his capture. The firearm he wasusingfellfromhisgrasp, allowingBijaddertoseizeit.
He was then told of the offences which included possession of ammunition and firearm without licence. He acknowledged the illegalities.
Meanwhile, during the court proceedings, an unrepresented Gittens begged the court to be lenientwithhim.“Ilivingfor my three small kids… I’ve been fighting for my life for alongtime,”hepleaded.
The prosecution, however, firmly objected to bailcitingtheseriousnature of the offences, particularly the reckless discharge of a firearminthedirectionofthe policeconstables.
As a result, Gittens was sentenced to 24 months in prison for the illegal possessionofthefirearmand ammunition He was remanded to prison for the remaining charges and is scheduled to return to court on November 11, 2024, for furtherproceedings.

Govt. to spend $143M more to build 115 stalls at new Charity Market
Having signed a $286 million
contract in December 2023 to rebuild the Charity Market in RegionTwo,thegovernment through the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development will n o w b e s p e n d i n g approximately $143 million moretoconstructstallsatthe samefacility
This publication understandsthattheministry had recently tendered for contractors to execute the works,whichwillbedonein variouslots.
A c c o r d i n g t o information released on the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) website is that following the bidding
process, the contracts were awarded on Friday A total accountofthecontractsums revealed that this phase of the project will cost $143,989,900.
The contractors who were awarded contracts for thevariouslotsare:Builders Engineering&Architectural Consultancy (Lot1)$13,569,413; Gurdev Mahade
2) –$14,160,702; Innovus Engineering & Supplies (Lot3) – $13,939,015; Jaavier &Vidiana’s General Construction Desilting & Supplies (Lot4) –$14,469,000; Fizul Baskh Trucking Services (Lot5) –$14,730,975; Builders Hardware General Supplies & Construction (Lot6) –


$13,714,942; Triple F Variety Store (Lot7)$14,730,975; D Amazon Rain (Lot8) – $14,886,288; Signifi Sale (Lot10) - $
14,896,080; and S. Amin Engineering & Logistics (Lot12)–$14,892,510. With works on the stalls expectedtostartshortly,this

publicationwasinformedby a Regional official that an estimated amount of 115 stalls will be constructed at themarketspace.
Kaieteur News reported that following a fire in July last year that destroyed a section of the Charity Market on the Essequibo Coast, the Ministry and Regional Administration tendered to have a new and modern market structure constructed.
The $286 million contract was later signed in December with Builders Hardware and General Supplies That firm was givenatwo-monthperiodto completethestructure. The resilient steel frame
structure which spans 152 feet by 164 feet has since been completed. The next phase is the construction of the stalls. Once completed, over 100 vendors are set to be accommodated there Additionally, washroom facilities are expected to be installedatthefacility
Kaieteur News reported that on the night of July 6, 2023, a fire said to be electricalinorigindestroyed asectionofthemarketonthe Essequibo Coast This resultedinthedamageof29 stalls, while 11 suffered water damage due to firefighting. Following this, vendors were relocated to a temporary area nearby the markettoplytheirtrade.
Lloyd Gittens jailed 24 months for firearm charges and remanded for three other charges
The newly constructed $286 million Charity Market in Region Two. (Photo courtesy, Charity/ Urasara NDC/ Facebook)
The newly constructed $286 million Charity Market in Region Two. (Photo courtesy, Charity/ Urasara NDC/ Facebook)



Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
Wanted: Experienced Puri Maker, Counter Person, Cleaner & Labourer. Apply @ Shanta's, 225 Camp and New Market Sts. 654-1361.
1 Domestic worker & one gardener to live and work. Free accommodation. Contact : 619-9143 / 614-8857.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).
Genral Domestic, Preferrably Female. Whatsapp : 697-6591.
One Live-In Maid wanted urgently stay & daily meals included. Sandy Babb St. Georgetown. Whatsapp : 1631-408-5098.
Domestic (Live in option available), female cook and male & female workers for the interior :660-9093 / 674-9999 / 680-7803.
COINS Wanted, I buy coins best prices paid. Tele : 6430902 / 653-4287.
Canter Driver age 30 year or older, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 6130855 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.

FIRST AID/CPR/AED & HOME NURSING COURSES, Starting soon at St. John Association. Call: 225-9082.

Havana, Cuban provinces see power restored; Tropical Storm Oscar leaves six dead
HAVANA, Oct 22
(Reuters) - Cuba made fast progress restoring power to swaths of the Caribbean island nation on Tuesday, both in Havana and outlying provinces, even as emergency and grid workers struggled to reach areas ravaged by Tropical Storm Oscar.
Female Cleaner for an office in Eccles. Call 615-9132 / 6458443.
Hiring Lorry Driver & Porter, Must have Valid driver and lorry license 3 years experience. WhatsApp 609-2220.
Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call : 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Male & Female sales attendant 5 years experience (Shift system) Stretch your coin hotel/store 109 Durban St. 693-3946.
Seeking Sales Representatives with driver's license, and Truck Drivers (training provided). WhatsApp Eve Anderson Recruitment 6453463
(1) Night Security. Tele : 619-0898 / 623-2728.
Live- In housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virgina, U.S.A, free room & Boarding offered. Call : 845-325-8241
One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or call 615-9132.
Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
Oscar, which first made landfall near Baracoa as a Category 1 hurricane, was downgraded to a tropical storm, but not before wreaking havoc across much of eastern Cuba, knocking down powerlines, triggering mudslides and flooding rivers.
A violent flash flood nearly wiped out the small town of San Antonio del Sur in that province early on Monday, killing six, including a young child, authorities said.
Upwards of 10 inches (25 cm) of rain fell in many areas, swamping croplands, tipping over banana plants and dousing the region’s coveted coffee crop. Swaths of
Guantanamo were still cut off by raging rivers and roads blocked by mudslides, complicating efforts to restore power and leaving many cut off from communications.
Cuban authorities said in mid-afternoon they had successfully stabilized the grid after several major failures since Friday, when Cuba’s entire national electrical grid first crashed before Oscar’s arrival, leaving 10 million people without electricity.
Upwards of 70% of Cuba had electricity on Tuesday, and officials said they expected several more power plants to come online shortly, boosting that total.
Cuba’s grid operator said 90% of its clients in the capital Havana, largely unaffected by the passage of Oscar, had also seen their power restored by midday on Tuesday.
Cuba’s oil-fired power plants, already obsolete and

struggling to keep the lights on, reached a full crisis this year as oil imports from Ven-
ezuela, Russia and Mexico dwindled, culminating in last week’s grid collapse.
GHRA calls for sweeping reforms in Police Force...
From page 8 his wife and his child’s name in other bank accounts. More disquieting are revelations about the millions of dollars of wedding and Christmas gifts to the police officer from businessmen, treated apparently as routine, judging by the revelations about them.”
The Human Rights body said whether through a National Commission on Democratic Policing or some other similar mechanism, a national conversation in partnership with communities is urgently needed to achieve a fundamental transition from a Guyana Police Force to a Guyana Police Service.
Long Reach Excavator, Hyundai 140 Revetment, Slushing, Canal desilting & Pipe laying. Call : 657-9237.
3 Bedrooms fully furnished apartment - Back property Sandy babb St. Georgetown G$240,000 Includes wfi. Negotiable. Contact : 592-7512936.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PUTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Nissan X-Trail 2014. In good condition. Lady driven. Price $3 M. Telephone : 656-3977 / 500-9704.
The GHRA suggested that the terms of such a reform exercise should contemplate: developing a comprehensive reform programme to be promoted as a single package rather than something palatable to political parties; make overcoming the militaristic view of police functions
From page 15 meetings between FAO and ACTO with governments and the private sector, it was possible to identify more synergies and projects being developed in the Amazon. For example, Nokia presented its innovative underwater connectivity infrastructure, which
a major priority of the reform programme; Police service must be delivered in inclusive partnership with communities with maximum delegation of authority; make proposals to ensure independent professional scrutiny of policing services rather than rely on an internal Office of Professional Responsibility; make recommendations with respect to management of public order events that impose exceptional demands on police resources; create an Oversight Body by bi-partisan agreement to ensure broad-based receptivity of the Commission; along with technically-qualified people, membership of the Commission must include persons with the energy and inclination for consulting widely in an active outreach programme, not sitting behind closed doors.
In terms of accountability,
the GHRA said the Guyana Police Force, however, is a civilian body accountable to Parliament, through the office of the Minister of Home Affairs, unlike the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), a military organization subject to the President as its Commanderin-Chief.
The Police Service Commission - appointed by the President - is absorbed in matters of promotion and administration and is not convincingly impartial politically.
“There is therefore no body or mechanism specifically dedicated to oversight the Guyana Police Force.
Consequently, the momentum for evolution of the GPF as a modern police service tasked with ensuring accountability and promoting a peaceful, multicultural Guyana is non-existent.
The more pervasive formative influence on the GPF remains the colonial militia in which it had its origins.”
The military characteristics of the GPF include the multiplicity of ranks of seniority; over-centralization which insulates the GPF against accountability to communities in which it functions; Regional Commanders with low or no status in communities and little control over budgets; police stations that appear more prepared to repel an assault than welcoming of community members and finally, complete absorption and all-encompassing focus on crime-fighting rather than intelligence-led preventative security.
Devolved Agencies such as the Police Complaints Authority tend to become sinecures for retired judges and treated with disdain by the GPF itself.
An attempt to change the name from ‘Force’ to ‘Service’ by former Commissioner Felix was brought to an abrupt end when his own tenure suffered an equally abrupt end.
to tap US$89.9M investment programme... has already been implemented in 400 Amazonian communities, benefiting 500,000 users. This technology, specifically designed for the rainforest, offers a safer, more reliable solution with reduced maintenance costs and ensures service continuity in remote regions.
During the meeting, the need to better understand connectivity demands from the perspective of different users, such as hospitals or small farmers, was highlighted.
Additionally, the relevance of the modularity and replicability of the proposed digital ecosystems was emphasized, and specific areas that should be prioritized in terms of connectivity were identified.
The possibility of formalizing a collaboration agreement between FAO, ACTO, and Nokia will be evaluated.

People stand in the street at night as Cuba is hit by an island-wide blackout, in Havana, Cuba, October 18, 2024. REUTERS/Norlys Perez/File Photo

Israel’s war on Gaza has set development back by 69 years, UN says
Aljazeera - Israel’s war on Gaza has set back developmentindicatorssuch as health and education by nearly 70 years, a new United Nations report has found, with millions more Palestinians falling below thepovertyline.
In a report published on T u e s d a y, t h e U N Development Programme (UNDP) said the overall Palestinian economy is now 35percentsmallercompared withayearagoatthestartof Israel’s offensive in Gaza, with unemployment “potentially rising” to an estimated49.9percent.
The UNDP research showed the Human Development Index (HDI) for Gaza, a measure of “averageachievementinkey dimensions of human development”, is projected to drop to a level estimated for 1955, “erasing over 69 yearsofprogress”.
In the occupied West Bank,theHDIwasexpected todroptoalevel“reflecting alossof16years”,thereport said, warning it was “likely to further worsen” if Israeli militaryassaultsexpand.
The poverty rate across
UNDP assessment says poverty will cross 74 percent in 2024, affecting 4.1 million people, in the Palestinian territory.

the enclave will almost double this year to 74.3 percent, it said. In all, 4.1 million people are now considered impoverished across the Palestinian territory, including the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank, with 2.61 million added in the last year alone, accordingtothereport.
experiencing unprecedented levels of setbacks,” said Chitose Noguchi, a UNDP representative,fromDeirelBalahincentralGaza.
UNDP head Achim Steiner told the AFP news agency that the immediate consequence of the war in terms of infrastructure destruction, as well as poverty and loss of
“It’squiteclearfromthis socioeconomic assessment, that the level of destruction has set back the state of Palestine by years, if not decades, in terms of its development pathway,” Steineradded.
Steiner said even if humanitarianaidisdelivered eachyearafterthewarends,
thePalestinianeconomywill not return to its pre-crisis levelsforatleastadecade.
The study also said Israel’s bombing campaign created 42 million tonnes of rubble in Gaza, posing serioushealthrisks.
The destruction of solar panels is particularly dangerousgiventheleadand other heavy metals they
On Tuesday, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees(UNRWA)madean urgentpleaforapauseinthe fighting in northern Gaza to allow humanitarian aid to reachtrappedciviliansthere.
In apost on X, UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini said the agency’s staff reported being unable to find food, water or medicine in the warbatteredregion
“The smell of death is everywhere as bodies are left lying on the roads or under the rubble Missions to clear the bodies or provide humanitarian assistance are denied,” he said Gaza’s Government Media Office said since the beginningofIsrael’swaron Gaza, Israeli forces have prevented the entry of “more than a quarter of a million trucks of aid and goods”, leaving 96 percent of its people facing high levelsoffoodshortage.
At least 42,718 people have been killed and 100,282 wounded in Israeli attacks since October 7, 2023, according to Gaza’s MinistryofHealth.
Israel confirms death of heir apparent to slain Hezbollah leader
EM/CAIRO, Oct 22 (Reuters) - Israel on Tuesday confirmed it had killed Hashem Safieddine, the heir apparent to Hezbollah leader Hassan
Nasrallah who was previously killed in an Israeli attack targeting the Iran-backed Lebanese militantgroup.
The military said Safieddine was killed in a strike carried out three weeks ago in Beirut’s southern suburbs, its first confirmation of his death.
Earlier this month, Israel said he had probably been eliminated.
Therewasnoimmediate response from Hezbollah to Israel’sstatementthatithad killedSafieddine.
Israel has been carrying out an escalating offensive in Lebanon after a year of border clashes with
Hezbollah, the most formidably armed of Iran’s proxy forces across the Middle East.The group has been acting in support of Palestinian militants fightingIsraelinGazabutis reeling from a spate of killings of its senior commanders in Israeli airstrikesinrecentweeks.
A relative of Nasrallah, Safieddinewasappointedto its Jihad Council - the body responsible for its military operations - and to its executive council, overseeing Hezbollah’s financialandadministrative affairs.
Safieddine assumed a prominentrolespeakingfor Hezbollah during the last year of hostilities with Israel, addressing funerals and other events that Nasrallah had long been unabletoattendforsecurity reasons.
Israel has so far shown no sign of relenting in its Gaza and Lebanon campaigns even after assassinating several leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah, which lost Nasrallah, its powerful secretary-general,inaSept. 27airstrike.
Diplomats say Israel aims to lock in a strong position before a new U.S. administration takes over following the Nov 5 election between Vice President Kamala Harris and former president DonaldTrump.
Israel’s confirmation of Safieddine’s death came as U S Secretary of State Antony Blinken pressed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesdaytocapitaliseonthe killing of Hamas’ leader
Yahya Sinwar by securing the release of the Oct. 7 attack hostages and ending thewarinGaza.
After repeated abortive attempts to broker a ceasefirebetweenIsraeland Hamas, Blinken was making his 11th trip to the Middle East since the Gaza war erupted - and the last before a presidential election that could upend U.S.policy
Blinken was also seeking ways to defuse the conflict in Lebanon, where overnight at least 18 people were killed, including four children, and 60 injured by an Israeli airstrike near Beirut’smainstatehospital. Blinken faced an uphill struggleonbothfronts.
He spelled out U S hopes that the death of Hamas leader Sinwarblamedfortriggeringayear of devastating warfare by
planningthedeadlymilitant assaultfromGazaonIsraeli territoryonOct.7lastyearwill provide a new opportunityforpeace.
In a statement issued by his office, Netanyahu said Sinwar’s elimination “may haveapositiveeffectonthe return of the hostages, the achievementofallthegoals ofthewar,andthedayafter thewar”.
But there was no mention of a possible ceasefire after a year of war in which Hamas’ military capabilities have been greatly degraded and Gaza largely reduced to rubble,withmostofits2 3 million Palestinians displaced.
For its part, Hamas has refused to free scores of hostages in Gaza seized in its Oct 7, 2023, raid on Israel without an Israeli pledge to end the war and
fighting continues with Israel, and it claimed responsibility for a drone
Netanyahu’sholidayhome onSaturday Hezbollah announced dozens of attacks against Israeli targets on Tuesday, including what it said were Israeli military sites near H
Tel Aviv, suggesting its capabilities have survived Israel’s biggest onslaught in decadesofhostilities. Israeli strikes also continued across Lebanon on Tuesday, including one of which caused the precipitous collapse of an multi-storey building near centralBeirut,sendingmore panickedresidentsfleeing.
As Blinken huddled
Faster processing expected at CJIA with eGate system by November - Ghir
Passengers at the Cheddi Jagan departureprocessingforpassengersreturning InternationalAirport (CJIA) can soon expect within a short period. ”If you’re departing significantly shorter processing times as the within a month, all the information is already new automated border control system, in the system, making the exit process much eGates, will become operational by faster,”Ghirexplained. November For added security, the eGates are According to CJIA’s Chief Executive integrated with the Global Resilient Critical Officer Ramesh Ghir, eGates will help Communication (GRCC) database, which manage the 18% increase in flights and works with INTERPOL to screen flagged streamline the processing of over 100,000 individuals. If a passenger’s identity fails to evening passengers annually “We anticipate be verified, the gate will remain closed, and this process will be 25 to 30 per cent faster thesystemwillalertimmigrationofficers. than the current system, allowing us to In addition to the eGates, an online process more passengers,” Ghir stated in a Embarkation/Disembarkation(ED)formwill recent interview with the Department of be introduced to further reduce processing Public Information (DPI) times.
E-gates have been installed at CJIA to Travellers can complete the form before streamline processing for incoming and arrival, and kiosks with staff support will be outgoing passengers. The eGates will allow available for those unfamiliar with the up to six passengers to be processed process. simultaneously under the supervision of a These upgrades are part of the singleofficer government’s initiative to create a paperless Travellers opting for self-check-in will organisationandenhanceCJIA’spositionasa have their passports and identities verified regional and international travel hub. Other using biometric data, such as photographs. improvements include enhanced CCTV Onceverified,passengerswillpassthrougha systems, self-check-in kiosks, and the physicalgateandproceedtocustoms. construction of a new inline baggage system, One major advantage of the system is its all aimed at boosting efficiency and ability to use existing data, speeding up supportingGuyana’seconomicgrowth.

E-gates have been installed at CJIA to streamline processing for incoming and outgoing passengers










The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) has confirmed Glasgow as the host city of the 2026 Commonwealth Games
SportsMax - The 23rd
Commonwealth Games will take place in Scotland from Thursday 23 July to Sunday 2 August 2026. Glasgow also hosted the games back in2014.
Glasgow 2026 will fe

programme concentrated acrossfourvenueswithinan eight-milecorridor,ensuring an action-packed broadcast schedule across each day of competition and making the event a
nd appealing to spectators looking to enjoy the multisport environment and festivalfeel.
With over 500,000 tickets to be made available atafuturedate,therewillbe around 3,000 of the best athletes competing from up to 74 Commonwealth nations and territories that represent2.5billionpeople–one-third of the world’s

population. Para sport will once again be fully integrated as a key priority and point of difference for the Games, with six Para sports included on the sportprogramme
The sports programme will include Athletics and Para Athletics (Track & Field),SwimmingandPara Swimming, Artistic Gymnastics,TrackCycling and Para Track Cycling, Netball, Weightlifting and Para Powerlifting, Boxing, Judo, Bowls and Para Bowls, and 3x3 Basketball and 3x3 Wheelchair Basketball
Wednesday October 23, 2024
Difficult predicaments could arise today if you try to exert your will over others without having the most honorable intentions, Aries. It could be that you're using someone else's fear of you to control himorher
The fire within you is raging today,Taurus,andyoushould becarefulhowyouwieldthis power Be proud and triumphant. Walk with your shouldersbackandheadhigh. Freedomisimportant.
There may be a great deal of fuss over something that seems quite insignificant to you, Gemini. Try to see the beauty and importance of everythingaroundyou.
Thingsarecomingtoacritical point for you today, Cancer, and you may find that other people openly object to your actions. It's OK to be a bit selfish if the situation is appropriate.
Feelfreetospeakmoreloudly today, Leo. You'll find that things fall into place more easily if you speak your thoughts outwardly and directly in the presence of others. Bring your internal powerunderyourcontrol.
Youshouldbaskinaglorious splendortoday,Virgo.There's a great deal of power at your disposal.You'll find your ego ishealthy,charged,andready forthebattlefield.
Add more sunshine to your day, Libra. It may be time to stir up your inner passion and let it speak with greater confidencethanyouhavebeen lately Make sure you heal yourself by letting the people aroundyouhearyourtruth.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You'llfindthatyoursparkcan easily turn potential energy into kinetic energy, Scorpio. Don'tunderestimatethepower of your words. Realize the profound impact they have on othersandtakeresponsibility
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Don't dwell on your fluctuating moods today, Sagittarius. Look at the larger trends and how positive elements are coming together inyourfavor
Thisisyourdaytoshineinall your glory, Capricorn. There's noneedtoholdanythingback. You'll find that you have a great deal of love to share. Your heart is likely to go to extremes today in order to proveitslove.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Trynottolosesightofyour own projects or desires, Aquarius. There's a great deal of power and manipulative energy in the air today that could throw you off course if youaren'tcareful.
Recharge today by getting outside and stretching your arms to the sky, Pisces. Be proud and courageous. You have the power to turn an unhealthy situation into a positiveone,
Warner offers to end Test retirement to face India...
Frompage32 they desperately need someone.
I’m not going to shy away fromthat.”
Smith struggled in his four Tests as opener, scoring 171 runs at an average of 28 50, with Green’s absence after spinal surgery allowing the former captain to move backtohispreferredspotat numberfour
Bancroft, Harris and
Renshawhaveallstruggled intheirlimitedTestcareers, though Bancroft, who has not played for Australia since the 2019Ashes, has been in fine form in the Sheffield Shield over the pasttwoyears.
New South Wales opener Konstas, 19, has only played five first-class matches,buthitcenturiesin both innings in the opening round of this year’sShield
The Games will take place across four venues:
Scotstoun Stadium, Tollcross International SwimmingCentre,Emirates Arena – including the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, and the Scottish Event Campus (SEC).Athletes and support staff will be housed in hotel accommodation. Commonwealth Games Federation CEO Katie Sadleir NZOM said, ‘’On behalf of the entire Commonwealth Sport Movement,wearedelighted toofficiallyconfirmthatthe 2026 Commonwealth Gameswilltakeplaceinthe hostcityofGlasgow
TheGamespromisetobe atrulyimmersivefestivalof sport and celebration of culture and diversity that inspiresathletesandsports–with a fan experience more accessiblethaneverbefore.”
Flying Stars Cycling Club...
the circuit outside the eastern end of the Guyana DefenceForceheadquarters onVlissengenRoad.
The other planned event is set for next Thursday morning, October 31, and that is to be around the circuit in Amelia’s Ward, Linden andstartsoutsidethePolice OutpostinAmelia’sWard.
He disclosed that the races are for the Elite, Juniors, Juvenile, Masters Under50 and Over50andLadies
For the Linden leg Rutherford noted that, outside the Open race, one will be for Lindeners only and also for those riding mountain bikes, uprightandBMX.






MMA fighter banned from boxing ‘for life’after Koing opponent with head kick on debut

Independent - MMA fighter Idris Abdurashidov claimed he has been banned from boxing ‘for life’, after knocking out his opponent withaheadkickonhisdebut inthesport.
Abdurashidov is 4-0 in mixed martial arts with four first-round knockouts, including one inside 18 seconds and within 22 seconds.
And the Russian, 21, landed a KO on his boxing debut on Sunday (20 October) – just not a legal one.
Abdurashidovwasunder pressure from Bagher Faraji inroundfouroftheirfightin Thailand, when he threw a head kick that knocked out
MMA fighter Idris Abdurashidov has been banned from boxing ‘for life’, after knocking out his opponent with a head kick on his boxing debut.
Faraji was out cold immediately, falling to the mat facefirst as the referee waved off the bout, disqualifyingAbdurashidov
TheRussianlaterposted footage of the incident on Instagram, claiming in the caption: “So I debuted in professional boxing, and disqualificationforlife.”
He also boasted: “That kickwiththeleg,Ithrewlike amachinegun.”
Abdurashidov then shared another post, showing himself and Faraji shaking hands, with the caption reading: “We shook hands between us, everythingisfight,wemade up.”
Users were quick to condemn Abdurashidov on Instagram,withonewriting: “You were getting embarrass[ed] and you had to cheat. Classless and I’m glad you’re banned for life. 0-1boxing.”
Another said, “The [head] kick and running away [around] the ring, if it had continued for another thirty seconds,you would have been knocked out, while one wrote: “u should be banned from competing in all combat sports.”
A b d u r a s h i d o v ’s Instagram bio suggests that, alongside his 4-0 MMA record, the Russian is3-0inMuayThai
Warner offers to end Test retirement to face India
BBC Sport - Former Australia opener David Warner says he is available to come out of Test retirement to play in the upcoming series against India.
Steve Smith has opened alongside Usman Khawaja in the four Tests Australia have played since Warner, 37,retiredinJanuary
However, Smith will move back to number four for the series against India, starting in November, because all-rounder CameronGreenisoutwitha back injury, meaning Australia have to find anotherpartnerforKhawaja.
“I’m always available, just got to pick up the phone,” Warner told Code Sports. “I’m always dead serious.”Warnersaidhehas
messaged both Australia coach Andrew McDonald and chief selector George Baileyaboutreturning.
However, he said McDonald replied saying “youretired”.
Cameron Bancroft, MarcusHarris,SamKonstas and Matthew Renshaw are themostlikelycandidatesto partner Khawaja, with no indication Australia are considering a recall for Warner Australia host India infiveTestsfromNovember to January, with the tourists lookingtoretaintheBorderGavaskarTrophy Warner scored 8,786 runsatanaverageof44.59in 112Tests,with26centuries, his final match coming in victory over Pakistan at his home Sydney Cricket Ground.Theleft-handeralso
retired from one-day internationals in the lead-up to his final Test, and from T20internationalsfollowing Australia’sexitfromtheT20 WorldCupinJune.
Warner is continuing to play T20 franchise cricket and has signed a two-year deal to represent Sydney Thunder in the Big Bash League.
He has not played in the Sheffield Shield,Australia’s domestic red-ball competition,since2021,but saidhewouldbe“morethan happy” to play in the next round of fixtures if he was “reallyneeded”fortheIndia series.
He added: “I did retire fortherightreasonstofinish the game, and I wanted to finish.Butmyhandisupif
Boxer Imane Khelif makes major decision just months after Olympic gender row
Independent - Boxer
Imane Khelif is set to turn professional after winning Olympic gold in Paris, a triumphthatwassurrounded byagenderrow
Khelif came under scrutinyafterheropeningwin this summer, as her opponent AngelaCariniwithdrewinside 46 seconds, after being hitby justonepunch Khelifwenton to win gold forAlgeria in the welterweight category, outpointing Luca Anna H a m o r i , J a n j a e m Suwannapheng and LiuYang todoso
However,the25-year-old’s successwasovershadowedbya debatearoundhergender,with the International Boxing Association (IBA) having disqualified her from the 2023WorldChampionship–allegedly because Khelif failed a gender eligibility test.TheIBAsaidKhelifhad also returned adverse test results at the 2022 World Championship.
Many unfounded claims circulated during the Paris Olympics,includingthatKhelif waspreviouslyamaleandthat she is now a transgender or intersex athlete. There is no evidencetosupporteitherof those claims, while the IBA hintedatthepresenceofXY chromosomes but never made the accusation
outright. In any case, Khelif remained defiant during the episodeasshewongold,and sheismovingforwardwitha procareer
Khelifannouncedthenews atapressconferenceonSunday (20 October), while revealing that a documentary about her careerisintheworks.
“I will soon enter the world of professional boxing,” Khelif said, per numerous reports. “I have many offers. Currently, I have not made up my mind about where I will enter professionalboxing
“ButverysoonIwilltake this step We, as Algerians, would like to see our level in the field of professionalism.”
Thissummer,Britishpromoter EddieHearn–whoworkswith Anthony Joshua among manyotherstarboxers–said hewouldbeopentosigning KhelifforMatchroom
“What I’m gonna say on thisis:Ithinkthere’salotthat is unclear, so I’m gonna give you my opinion now – based off really not knowing all the facts,”HearntoldiFLTV “So therefore, I shouldn’t really give you my opinion, but let’s have a conversation aboutit.
“Ilookatitlikethis:ifthere isanunfairphysicaladvantage thatthisindividualhas,thatis something that has to be
lookedatcorrectly–notbya rival organisation, not by someone that might have an agenda” Hearn was referring to the fact that the IBA previouslyorganisedOlympic boxing but ceased to do so before the 2021 Games in Tokyo. The International Olympic Committee, which ultimately oversaw boxing inTokyoandsetuptheParis Boxing Unit this summer, parted ways with the IBA overconcernsrelatingtothe organisation’s finances and links to Russia, and due to fearsofcorruption.“WhenI first heard this story, the perception of the public and probably mine as well was: ‘Thisisamanwhonowlives as a woman, and this is not right,’” Hearn continued. “And I think if you’re born male, I don’t think you should compete against women in boxing, but if you’re born female and you’velivedyourwholelife as a female, competed as a femaleyourwholecareer
“I’m not gonna say what’s right or wrong, I’m just gonna say the facts I know lean me towards the fact that you have a right to competeasafemale;youare afemale.[...]Yeah,Ithinkif thefactswerelaidout,andit wasapositionwherethere’s no reason why this
Kagiso Rabada smashes
Test cricket record to give South Africa edge over Bangladesh
Independent - Kagiso
Rabada has become the quickest fast bowler in Test cricket history to claim 300 Test wickets during the first matchbetweenSouthAfrica andBangladeshinDhaka.
The 29-year-old brought up the milestone when Mushfiqur Rahim was bowled for 11 runs, and became the fastest to reach 300 wickets in terms of the numberofballsbowled.
Thepreviousrecordwas heldbyPakistanfastbowler Waqar Younis, who took 12,602 deliveries to claim the same number of Test scalps, while Rabada managedtheachievementin just11,817.
Rabada’s 11,817 puts him ahead of Dale Steyn who took 12,605 and Allan Donald who needed 13,672. Rabada’s 300 wickets have
come in just 65Tests, and if that milestone is taken into account Rabada would sit third behind Steyn (61 matches) and Donald (63 matches).
TheSouthAfricanquick madehisTestdebutin2015, and is the sixth South African to take more than 300 Test wickets, although Steyn has the highest numberwith439in93Tests. England bowler James Anderson is the fast bowler with the most Test wickets, with 704, third on the alltimelistbehindthelategreat Shane Warne with 708, and Muttiah Muralitharan who standsatthetopwith800.
“WhenIcameontobowl thismorning,Iwasn’treally thinking about that final wicket,” Rabada said, reportedbyESPNCricinfo.
“I was more focused on
individual shouldn’t compete as a female, [I mightsignher].
“One, obviously, [she’s]
how we were going to win this Test, especially after losing the toss and bowling first. But when it happened, itwasjustarelief.Everyone plays for milestones, but it wasarelief.
“The way my teammates support me, we support each other, and that felt really good “It’s a special moment. As for the record, I didn’t know about it,butIguessitmotivatesme todoevenbetter.”
At the close on day two, Bangladesh were struggling 100 runs behind South Africa in their second innings Scores: Stumps Bangladesh 106 and 101 for 3 (Mahmudul 38* , Mushfiqur 31*, Rabada 210) trail South Africa 308 (Verreynne 114, Mulder 54, Taijul5-122,Mahmud3-66, Mehidy2-63)by101runs.
a talented fighter Two, commercially,Ithink[she’s] up to over 2m Instagram followers from 30,000 or
something. The answer is yes, but... there’s probably a lot of facts we don’t know aroundthissituation.”

Flying Stars Cycling Club plans 3rd annual memorial races in
Georgetown Saturday and Linden next Thursday
The third annual Flying Stars Cycling Club Memorial Races will be staged on Saturday, October 26,inGeorgetown,andnext Thursday, October 31 in honour of past cycling officials Donald Robinson, Randolph “Duckie” Singh, Neville Rutherford, Louis London Snr , Charles J Chichester, John “Chez Doc” Anderson, George “Speedy” Binning, and Barry“Boysin”Massay The OfficeofthePrimeMinister, Director of Sports, Louis London Jnr, the Robinson family, The Rutherford family, The Singh Family, Wayne Henry , Bernie

James. Royston Vogelson, PhilipTrotz,MicheleLewis, Sarah Parris and Lorraine Massay are among sponsors so far who have come forwardforthisyear’sraces.
Florida-based Flying Stars executive and former national cyclist Victor Rutherfordinareleasestated that any individual or corporate entity that is interested in sponsoring a race or making a financial contribution should contact WilliamHowardon592649 1162 or Victor Rutherford 4075808470. Hesaidthat,onSaturday theracewillbeheldaround (Continuedonpage31)

Harpy Eagles commence preparatory camp ahead up 2024/25 CWI
Regional Super50
- Assistant Coach Nedd hails’ sons of former national youth teammates, Arjune Nandu/Shivnarine Chanderpaul
With the start of the 2024/25 CWI Regional Super50 season, just days away, an upbeat Guyana Harpy Eagles team commenced preparations recentlyastheyseektowrap up the year with another championship.
Following the release of theteamthispastweekend,the 13-man squad including reserves, wasted no time as theycommencedtheirtraining and preparations under the watchfuleyesofHeadCoach Ryan Hercules and Assistant Coach Garvin Nedd, at the BourdaGround.
Followingabriefchatwith Nedd,itwasrevealedthatthe playerswereingoodspiritsas they officially entered camp, adding that the fitness Test done on Monday was a success, especially the 40M whichhewaspleasedwith
Tuesday’s outdoor net session at Bourda, further
helpedtoincreasetheteam’s overall morale and positivity asitrelatestotheirupcoming assignments, with just a few days left to fine-tune themselves at home, before winging out for action next week
Neddpointedoutthatthe nextfocalpointwillberealtime game scenarios which helptokick-starttheplayers drive as they prepare for some tough competition
Shifting gears to a more sentimental part of his role, Nedd paid respect to two of his former Guyana U19 teammates, Arjune Nandu and West Indies legend ShivnarineChanderpaul.
A former Guyana U19 spinner,Neddlaudedtheson of Arjune, his first Guyana U19 Captain; Matthew for following in his dad’s footsteps in becoming a professional Guyanese cricketer He also rated the
Shivnarine for keeping the Chanderpaulnameincricket at the highest levels; while beingoneofthekeypiecesto HarpEaglessetup.
He said having the opportunity to coach two of his former Guyana youth teammates’ children, is a privilege and one he holds closetoheart,addingthatit’s goodtoseethemcarryingon theirfather’slegacy
Nedd,whowillalsohave the chance to coach his own son, Ashmead during the upcomingSuper50’ssaidhe’s pleased to see his son’s progress, as a Father, coach andoverallfanofcricket
“He (Ashmead) would havecomethroughthejunior system, he would have had opportunitiesatplayinginthe Academy for a few years He’s also one of the few players in the team to have
Hamilton Green to celebrate 90th Birthday with thrilling Inter-Ward KO Football C/ship
In a spirited kick-off to his 90th birthday celebrations, former Mayor of Georgetown, Hamilton Green, will host the highly anticipated Inter-Ward Nine-a-Side Knockout Football Championship. This event, a staple on the local football calendar, is scheduledfromNovember3 to 10 at the St. Stanislaus CollegegroundonCarifesta Avenue.
Football fans are set for two consecutive Sundays of intense action, as 20 teams from across the country vie for a shot at glory and the chance to win up to one million dollars in cash and prizes.
The Hamilton Green Cup, a tournament with a legacy spanning over 30 years, will bring together some of the nation’s top football talent for a showcase of the fast-paced nine-a-sideformat.
Defending champions, the Stabroek Ballers, will return to defend their title against a competitive field, including formidable sides
like Airy Hall, Den Amstel, RoadWarriors,Unstoppable, Gold is Money, former champions Agricola, Dynamic, and Timehri United, among others.This year’stournament,organized with the support of former National Coach Lennox Arthur and David Erskine, requiresnoentryfee.
Played under a knockout format, each team will field nine players, including a goalkeeper Unique rules will make for an actionpacked tournament: there will be no offside rule, running substitutions are allowed, and matches will last 30 minutes, split into two15-minutehalves.Inthe eventofadraw,winnerswill be determined by a sudden deathpenaltyshootout. The competition kicks offonSunday,November3, with 12 thrilling matches, setting the stage for a grand finale the following weekend. To spice up the tournament, high-ranked teams like Stabroek Ballers, Uitvlugt, Den Amstel, and Pouderoyen have been
success at a young age regionally for the West Indiesemergingteam”
“Kevin Sinclair was also inthatteam,soIthinkgetting backintothesetupwithguys like Sinclair who he has a great relationship with and a veteran like Veerasammy Permaul, will only help to further develop young players like Ashmead and others”, said Coach Nedd
“As both father and coach, I wouldalwaystrytoemphasize that this wouldn’t be an easy road and you have to know whatyouwant
I do with my other young players; but I’m just happy with the great amount of maturityshown.”
In closing, Nedd believed thatAshmead,whohadagood 2024 CPL, will use his experience and aggression to showcasehistalentsduringthe upcoming Super50 and possiblyhelptheEaglestotheir
“He would have had opportunities to work with some top coaches from around the globe as well as from international spinners like Sri Lanka’s Wanindu Hasarangaandothers.
I think he learnt from those guys how to better go about playing white ballcricket, which I think adds moredimensionandanewer learningcurvewhichwillbe helpful in executing his tasks,” Coach Nedd ended. ©.Ross)
grantedautomaticentryinto thequarterfinals.
The winners will take home a cash prize of $500,000 and a trophy Secondandthirdplaceswill compete for $250,000 and $150,000, respectively, along with trophies. Even the fourth-place team will notleaveempty-handed,asa $100,000 cash prize will be awarded for their participation.
TournamentCoordinator Lennox Arthur has urged team captains and managers to adhere strictly to tournament rules to ensure fair play and smooth proceedings.Heemphasized thatwhilemostmatcheswill follow FIFA regulations, offside offenses are excluded.
Any player receiving a red card will be suspended fromthefollowinggame.
Football enthusiasts are encouraged to witness some of the most exciting nine-aside football action from November 3 to 10, as Hamilton Green marks his 90thbirthdayinstyle.

Rosignol Secondary throws down the glove for 2025


Ro s i g n o l
S e c o n d a r y
School sets a high bar with 72 Students taking Golf as their PE electiveatCSECin2025.
This comes on the heels oftheRegion5schoolsthird consecutive year as the number one golf PE school, having achieved a 98% GradeIpassratein2023!
In a region traditionally dominated by cricket, Golf has eked away at what was for decades deemed Guyana’s number one sport and the evidence is in the increase in the number of students, especially young women who are taking up Golf.
When asked what were the key reasons for this amazing turnaround, GGA president Aleem Hussain credited the enthusiasm and skill of Sir Kevon Jawahir who was a part of the initial pilot program in 2021 when Nexgen Golf Academy and the Ministry of Education UnitofAlliedArtspartnered
“Without the dynamism anddriveofSirJawahirand the initial group of PE teachers who were brought together by the now head of Allied Arts Nicholas Fraser and myself, the sport would never have been able to reachsuchheights.Oncewe createdtheteachingmanuals and provided the schools with equipment and balls, the rest was all up to the teachersandtheyhavedone a fantastic job!,” said Hussain.
As a continuing part of the agreed upon CSEC programme, each year Rosignol students are given access to the Nexgen Golf Academy and one on one coaching by Coach Aleem and his team for practice sessionsandthentheyreturn to the facility for their practicalsthefollowingyear when they take CSEC examinations. The school also captured second place in the 2024 National Junior GolfChampionship.
SirJawahirexpressedhis satisfaction at the results, “I honestlyneverexpectedthis massive uptake by students switching to golf as their preferred sport and definitely didn’t expect that ourPEclassnumberswould double and triple in such a short time. The support of Mr Aleem, Nexgen Golf Academy and the Guyana Golf Association has been invaluable and I must thank him for always being there and responding to all of our requests.”
Guyanahas traditionally notbeenactivelyengagedin promoting and playing golf in large numbers until the advent of the Nexgen Golf AcademyandWestsideGolf Course which in less than three years has dramatically altered the perception and access of average Guyanese aboutgolf.TheGuyanaGolf Association continues to promote the sport locally and internationally in an effort to generate sports and hospitalitytourismtraffic.

Rosignol Secondary School is looking to 2025 as they seek to create history
LCSS Alumni Association - NY contributes to BCB for youth development
History was made when the Lower Corentyne Secondary School Alumni Association of NY, handed overthesumof$700,000to theBerbiceCricketBoardto assist in the development of youthcricket.
The members of the Association namely; Chris Lachman,RadhaandHowie
Bernstein, Indrani
Chabinath, Ceceilia Vasconcellos, Shirley Brijlall,PamillaJaiJaiRam and Riaz Bacchus approved the funding after being approachedbyAnilBeharry, a former long serving executive of the BCB and former student of LCSS. This committee has been contributing to LCSS for variousprojectssince2007.
The funds will go towards BCB under15 and under17 Inter Zone
competitions These competitionswillbeusedto selectandpreparetheteams for the 2025 GCB Inter
CountyChampionships.The format,forthefirsttime,will be made up of five teams with the traditional Upper
Corentyne, Central C o r e n t y n e , N e w Amsterdam\Canje, West Berbice and the addition of the President’s 11, exposing moreyoungcricketers.
The tournaments will be played on a round robin basis with the team with the most points, crowned champions.
Thereafter, the winning team will take on the “Best oftherest”inafeaturegame with the aim of identifying the best players in the county Corporate Guyana, privatebusinessesandclubs intherespectivezoneswere approached to sponsor a game each, to cushion the costofthetournaments.
The BCB has also relaunched its “Friends of Berbice Cricket” project The funds from that project
will see the return of the longerversionsofthegame. Youth and female cricket will take priority The BCB is aggressively engaging Corporate Guyana, businesses and private individualsforassistancefor the return of three-day and fifty overs first division cricket and forty overs second division among others.
At a simple ceremony held recently, USA based Guyanese, Romash Munna, former executive of the BCB, handed over the cash to President Cecil Beharry Munna wished the board wellandthankedthesponsor for coming on board. Cecil Beharry was very grateful for the assistance and promised to make sure that these competitions are run efficiently and result oriented. He also said that the board will try its best to play the longer formats at eachlevel.
Board re-launches “Friends Of Berbice


From left: Anil Beharry, Cecil Beharry and Romash Munna at the presentation.

up 2024/25
CWI Regional Super50
- Assistant Coach Nedd hails’ sons of former national youth teammates, Arjune Nandu/ Shivnarine Chanderpaul



Stabroek Ballers Football team will take a second shot at the title on November 10.
Coach Nedd says he happy to see Tagenarine Chanderpaul and Matthew Nandu, sons of his former teammates carrying on the legacy of their dads.
Left-arm spinner Ashmead Nedd will be keen on having a solid season for Guyana.
Kagiso Rabada has made Test cricket history. (AFPvia Getty Images)