Kaieteur News

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Kaieteur News

Kaieteur News Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: Adam Harris Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


The role of the Cabinet The Coalition was formed with a very specific idea to lift Guyana out of the crisis created by the PPP; at least this was how they presented themselves on the campaign trail and in their manifesto. So far, the evidence of them sticking to this ideal remains illusionary and the comprehensive plan to providing the people with the “good life” seems out to lunch. The criticism has been muted as all public commentators quite respectively have granted the government a honeymoon. But that honeymoon expired with the passage of the 2015 Budget. Going forward, three critical roles of the state over the next four years must be adhered to: 1. Constitutional reforms: This is the biggest failure to deliver on a promise by this coalition government to date. All the Guyanese public has been afforded so far is a photo opportunity and no substantive progress on this promise. Where is the budget and the work plan around this most important function that can set the foundation to transform Guyana politically as clearly spelt out in the Cummingsburg Accord? 2. Stabilise and improve the economy: The overriding role of government is to improve the productive sectors and grow this economy. This is desperately needed today as we continue to experience symptoms of economic anemia that was created under the PPP and has not healed. Actually it has gotten worst since 2014. Rice is down, sugar is down, bauxite is down, timber is down, gold is down, seafood is down, tourism is down, manufacturing is down, and even the retail trade is down. The only thing seems to be going up appears to be crime. 3. Get more for less in public services: The Coalition has to improve the long-term viability and performance of public services. But we have started off with the wrong tone since we will never motivate the nurses, teachers, police and public servants to worker harder and smarter when the chips are against them. Teachers - The Editorial Team has no issue with Ministers being paid well, but the secretive, irrational, nontransparent and illogical process has to be rejected. If any Minister was not happy with their old salary, they can try their hands in the for profit private sector which ought to pay better. It was Prime Minister Nagamootoo who said in 2012, when he was an AFC MP in the 10th Parliament, that the Government is not a “Dharm Shala for friends and cronies”. Where is the track record that some of these Ministers have advanced the agenda offering the people a better life to justify a salary increase? How different is this from former President Jagdeo commandeering prime beachfront lands for his cabal with the lame excuse that this reward was for a job well done when he left a broken country? We do not think it is irrational if taxpayers pay the Ministers 100 percent increase once the economy recovers and the Treasury can afford it. However, what the Cabinet of Guyana illustrates is extreme pitilessness and bad political optics. This increase for the Ministers and the Parliamentarians exemplifies the deflowering of the taxpayers and has caused them to lose the moral high ground they had on the Jagdeo cabal. The gloves are now off and the Guyanese people have to be on guard. We cannot facilitate political exchange when we were promised real change. Therefore it is only fair if the fourth estate provide the forum for the public to interrogate and question every action of this government. The APNU/AFC Coalition promised us an overarching outcome when it met the electorate on the campaign trail. The majority voted for them because they promised: a more accountable government, more transparent government, a more agile government, and a government that is more concerned with providing the “good life” for all Guyanese, especially those at the bottom of the economic ladder. Sadly, from all appearances it seems that the government has lost its way and thus needs an urgent political and policy retreat to consider their standing with the people.

Saturday October 24, 2015

Letters... Where your views make the news

APNU+AFC double standards on decision-making DEAR EDITOR, By now, most of us who voted for change are upset with double standard on decision-making adopted by the APNU + AFC Government. The most recent one is the increase in Salaries for Ministers and Members of Parliament. Another one to highlight is the decision to lay charges against the PPP/C Former Ministers for the allocation of lands to themselves at the so called Pradoville 2 Scheme. While I am supportive and is agreement withthe decision to charge the Ministers for their misconduct and abuse of Power whilst in office, I deemed it to be DOUBLE STANDARD. You may want to know why I said its DOUBLE STANDARD in decision making, well evaluate it against the decision taken by the APNU + AFC Government to give themselves the MEGA increase in salary. Isn’t this synonymous with the decision that was taken by the Formers PPP/C Government to allocate land to themselves? The APNU + AFC government is also abusing the constitutional power that vested into them by giving themselves this large salary increase. Should someone move to the court in their private capacity to challenge this increase?? Well I think the labour unions should since they are representing a large portion of the population that are grossly underpaid and could barely make it to survive on their insignificant earnings. I won’t waste my time to elaborate why the increase is not the right thing to do since I think the patriotic and right thinking Guyanese have already discussed and vented the different

reasons why this increase is unjustifiable at this point of time. Many intellectual comparisons had also been done to support their arguments against this salary increase so I won’t venture further into that direction. What I think the Guyanese people should be provided with is what the APNU + AFC Government has done since in Government to demand and award to themselves such a large increase. I know Mr Harmon has given himself and his APNU + AFC Government A grade after their 100 days in office. My arguments towards this increase are as follows: 1. Is there any increase in governance and management of the economy? If so where is it? And the answer to this is a strictly no. Why, because it is too early to measure better Governance using any benchmark and time frame. Further, all Guyanese could see that the APNU + AFC did not stick to their campaign promise and deliver their 100 days promise. All they did was to make all of us a pack of foolish Guyanese people. The arrogance and the callous statements and positions taken by the Minister of State have left much to desire. What is upsetting is that they promise that they will professionalize the Public Service but the recent appointments of Head of Agencies, Board Members proved to be different. 2. The APNU + AFC Government are very incompetent and will never be able to manage Guyana Economy. Some section of the society will argued that it is too early to make an assessment, but I disagree. They are not

aliens in Guyana. They were in Parliament and in Opposition for past 20 plus years. My argument is that if you want to manage something successfully and think you can do better that the persons who was or is managing the something, you must study it and be prepared to accelerate the pace that it is moving when you take it over. In my opinion, the APNU+AFC Government failed to do so since they are still holding on to the set of incompetent people and thieves that were employed by the PPP/C. The APNU+AFC has stalled the economy and cannot find the right gear to move it faster. Business activities have since declined significantly; simply get your opinion from the man in the street. 3. The APNU+AFC campaign on the premise of a corrupted PPP/C Administration. Yes, there is no doubt about that, but to date no one has been charged as yet. The citizens and your supporters would like to know about the status of the following matters which is just a few to mention, since it seems like all was just a bluff or they gone cold because the Ministers of APNU+AFC strike a deal with them. The matters they should provide the public with are a. The issues with the Former Minister of Public Service concerning vehicles and the G$ 600 M public funds that were allegedly misused and allegedly misappropriated. b. What will be the disciplinary action taken against the Accounting Officer, Permanent Secretary Omar Shariff of the Ministry of Presidency? Is he kept (Continued on page 31)

Group advised to do forensic audit of reports done by Jones Associates DEAR EDITOR, One notes the missive published in KN of Wednesday, October 21, 2015, over the name of one Rawle Sen. The formulation of the letter, however, strongly suggests that the writer is a fictional representative of a group think – which assumes that other persons behave with the same amorality as that reflected in composition of their allegations. Accordingly the group is hereby invited to conduct a forensic audit (currently a popular exercise) of all the Consultancy Reports of S.V. Jones Associates so as to identify any evidence to confirm the presumption that the latter have ever completed any work in relation to the Public Service, and particularly in respect of the existing compensation regimes. With the purported intelligence the group writer brings to his/her examination of my letters to the press, the former (along with the ‘hundreds of others’) could not possibly have missed the explicit reference to all published salary figures having been extracted from the Annual National Estimates passed in Parliament. With the resources at their disposal it should be easy to have this

information verified. The complainant would also have possessed the capacity to research the fact (already widely known) that the current 14 Grade Salary structure for the Public Service was constructed since the 1980’s. What they would have ‘sensed’ from the testimony of various witnesses to the COI is, that despite changes in job content and the introduction of new technologies, no attempt was made by the relevant authorities to review the job values and their relativities over the last two decades. They would also have learnt of the official policy to abandon a long established performance management system, and replace it with insensitive annual across-the-board increases – an activity which kept the individual authentic public servant exactly in the same place in the adjusted scale. The latter’s frustration was compounded with the practice of the contracted employment (of favoured personnel) at rates that disregarded the relevant scales, much to their disillusionment. Should the aforementioned group re-check the records they would discover that it is this phenomenon of ‘bunching’ of which the informed

witness to the COI have complained – a blatant transgression of compensation management perpetuated by their own colleagues. The number of contracted employees has grown exponentially to some 5000 across Ministries and Regional Administrations, without any explicit record of the positions they encumber, or of the criteria on which the selection was based. The Public Service Commission has always disclaimed responsibility for the execution of this travesty of the principles and practice of human resources management. Notwithstanding the above one can do no less than welcome the concern of the writer, who should be invited to make a positive contribution to resolving the identified compensation issues in his own and the national interest. In the meantime he/she should become sensitised as to the substantive difference between the Board, and the COI into the sugar industry. E.B. John Editor’s note. It is not the policy of this newspaper to publish attacks on the work or performance of others using fictitious names. We will seek to ascertain te idenity of the name Mr. John referred to

Saturday October 24, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

Yesu Persaud’s open letter to Who in their right mind would Minister Khemraj Ramjattan agree with this salary increase?

DEAR EDITOR, I must agree with Dr. Vindhya Vasini Persaud (MP) that on 11th November, 2015 is the rightful day for Diwali since this auspicious day is determined by the moon. In my opinion no politician should be able to get involve in religious matters as there is a

fear you will intervene in other religious groups’ affairs. I suggest you leave this decision up to Dr. Persaud since she represents the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha. This is my humble opinion on the recent dispute. Dr. Yesu Persaud

Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan replies DEAR EDITOR, Thank you for sharing your opinion on the matter of Deepavali by letter dated 20th October, 2015. I wholly share your opinion that the political types should not get involved in religious matters. Just to remind you, however, that Dr. Vindya Persaud, a politican pure and simple and not a Pandit nor Swami, was instructing the country to celebrate Deepavali on 11th November, 2015 against the wishes of Pandits and Swamis. The Pandits and Swamis of this country, totaling some ninety (90) whose signatures I have and who have rationalized and justified why it should be 10th November, 2015, asked me - the Minister with powers under the law - to correct the mistake made by politician Dr Vindya Persaud. In accordance

with my religious principles and my legal duty, I did exactly that. The Swamis and Pandits who suggested the 10th November, 2015 represent other Sabhas including the Maha Sabha, the Viraat Sabha, the Vedic Sabha amongst others and it would be oppressively discriminatory to leave the decision to just one Sabha, the Dharmic Sabha.I had cause to hear their opposing arguments, and I gave a reasoned decision before coming to my opinion. I attach same here for your cogitation. Hope you respect my humble opinion on this dispute, and what led me to walk with the Pandits and Swamis of this country. Khemraj Ramjattan Vice-President and Minister of Public Security

Could the Georgetown Hospital become an extermination camp? DEAR EDITOR, Sad to report, but the Kaieteur News is gradually taking on the appearance of a Journal of Maternal Mortality, especially with the frequent reporting of maternal deaths, irregardless of the unstated, underlying and accompanying causes. Latest journal entry surrounds the death of 17 year old Nikacia Allen, mother of three following C- Section on September 20. On reading of the demise of this young multiparous female, I was forced through shock to change my uttered response from No Way to No Mother’s Day. As a British trained nurse/ midwife, practicing Midwifery for over thirty five years and an individual who has held until recent retirement a Charge position in a Canadian University affiliated teaching hospital (having the largest number of deliveries throughout Canada), I must confess that the reading of each maternal passing in Guyana does evoke instant activation of my

lachrymal sacs. To be truthful, growing up in Georgetown, during my adolescent years, I was privy to be acquainted through homeconducted deliveries on my mother and a few relatives with the likes of Nurse Mayers (West Ruimveldt), Nurse Rose ( First Street) and Nurse Thornhill ( Murray Street), all of whom exemplified how pregnancy and childbirth should be handled, and who up to this day serve as icons of my profession. I so admired their professional modus operandi especially since they handled deliveries outside of the hospital environment in the absence of supplementary medical assistance. Even the most moronic of earthlings is aware of the fact that pregnancy can be difficult and complicated and giving birth often dangerous and sometimes life threatening. My sympathy, go out to the grieving mother/ grandmother and by extension the children. I join with the mother in calling for a thor-

ough impartial investigation of this tragic incident, as certain stated factors do indicate gross malpractice, negligence of sort bordering on to a blatant lack of professionalism. Nikacia underwent her third C-section, and at this juncture I wonder what antepartum care/ education she received following the birth of the second child. A factor on which great importance must be laid and which cannot be overlooked in this matter, is the age of the deceased. As the number of previous C-sections gets higher, there is a greater risk of the uterus rupturing during labor and of losing the uterus altogether due to uncontrollable hemorrhage. We just cannot afford to base her case on that of known third time successful C- section deliveries of family relations. A C-section particularly if it is planned (as in her case) is a common and safe procedure. In addition after each (Continued on page 23)

DEAR EDITOR, With reference to the letter written in the Stabroek News by Mr Craig Sylvester, captioned “Increase in salaries of senior government officials is exactly what is needed”, it is my view that his position is highly biased in favor of Government and raised several important issues: Firstly, Mr. Craig needs to understand that Guyanese cannot approve of any salary increase that does not make sense. Our expenditures cannot exceed our incomes. Our economy has plummeted under this Government and on top of this to ask us to shoulder a fat salary increase to pamper Ministers is just heartless. To even ask for a raise under these harsh economic times is simply lacking conscience. If we were to approve of a salary increase, it means that we will be willing to sacrifice our own welfare and that of our country for the benefit of our Ministers. Who in their right mind would agree with this? During harsh economic times, we need to conserve and reserve scarce dollars for health care and education along with basic needs. A healthy and educated nation will correct our economy by growing it and generating revenues. If we pour money into Ministers pockets it will be similar to pouring money into the drain. We can only entertain a reasonable pay raise and not a bloated one if and when our economy becomes healthy. Government knows its actions will hurt our country, yet it is forcing its way with a hefty pay raise. Secondly, Mr Sylvester needs to understand that the APNU/AFC Government is heavily involved in political patronage. Therefore, to argue that a salary increase will thwart corruption is just a dishonest argument to get us to accept it. Political supporters of the APNU/AFC political party are hired for key positions including Ministers even when they lack relevant expertise and experience – rendering

them ineffective. Obviously, our Ministers cannot serve our country but are highly rewarded so as to remain loyal to the APNU/ AFC political parties. In my view, political patronage is the key element destroying our country. Government is openly taking care of its own welfare by whacking our country and the result is that we do not get to live a full life. Our country is buckling and reeling from pains due to Government’s actions. We need to immediately stop this abuse. Thirdly, Mr. Sylvester discussed that our country needs to move away from obsolete ideas and embrace new ones - which are all good. So Mr. Sylvester, then why did the APNU/AFC government not move away from political patronage? This is something Government needs to move away from, so as to allow our country to breathe. What is holding Government from doing the right thing? This Government deliberately embraces corruption because it is a means to keep its supporters happy. Government and its supporters are scratching each other backs at the expense of our country. Through patronage, government has also unjustly given out National Awards to its political supporters, leaving many baffled by its actions. The APNU/AFC is stuck in its old ways and this needs to be replaced, which I am sure Mr. Sylvester will have no trouble with .Mr. Sylvester rightly thinks that we should get rid of the obsolete. We need fresh blood in politics to move our country forward and we need to get

rid of the deeply entrenched. APNU-AFC has campaigned on a promise of change. Where is the change? We are duped by its rhetoric. Our country will never move forward under this Government and its governing style. Fourthly, why is Mr Craig comparing salaries with other countries when the economic standings, finances and qualifications for jobs vary from country to country? Salary scales are uniquely set up in relation to multiple economic parameters and finances unique to each country along with educational requirements. Our Ministers are overcompensated as it is. Some of them bring little to no qualifications or experience to the job. In closing, we are hurting because Government is mishandling our country. We know how cruel and brutal life can be in this country, particularly for the unconnected poor . Government is brutal and its actions are cutting short lives. With this, I urge Government to show compassion and respect irrespective of who we are. A fat salary increase is out of the question at this time. Government needs to use its own private funds to reward its political supporters instead of bleeding our country. It needs to put the welfare of its people before its own, particularly the most vulnerable- women, children, pensioners and the disabled, among others. Until we eliminate corruption within Government and focus on the welfare of our citizens, our country will continue to erode. Dr. Cecil Dilipkumar

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Kaieteur News

Saturday October 24, 2015

New GPC still to deliver on four-year-old drug contract New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (GPC), the previous administration’s largest supplier of drugs and medical supplies, was still benefiting from large contracts, mere days before the administration’s last financial year came to an end.

This information was laid bare in the audited accounts of Government’s expenditure. The accounts were tabled in the National Assembly on Thursday last, by Finance Minister Winston Jordan. New GPC is owned by Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’

Secretary General of the SDMS, Sat Maharaj, has expressed appreciation to the government for the grant. “We appreciate the fact that the incoming government has maintained the grant to

the Maha Sabha and the Hindu community and more especially, we appreciate the fact that it was announced well in advance of Diwali so that we know how to go about utilising the funding. “I want to make it clear that Diwali starts five days before the 10th of November. The official day is the 10th of November, it starts five days before and in Trinidad in the Maha Sabha we end it on the 25th of November which is Kartik day when all of the temples and the schools and the Hindus go to the beaches to have their devotions and prayers and so on. So that the funding is appreciated and we say thank you,” Maharaj said.

Trinidad to celebrate Diwali on November 10.

Ramroop, a close associate of the former President Bharrat Jagdeo. According to the audited reports, not only was Ramroop being handed contracts days before the financial year came to an end, his company was also still to deliver millions of dollars’ worth of drugs on a contract he had been paid for, four years earlier. The discrepancies raised by the Auditor General have since been flagged in his official 2014 report. Compounding the situation, the report found too, that Ramroop’s New GPC was also still being used by the Ministry of Health to store Drugs and Medical Supplies at its Ruimveldt Storage Bond, this despite construction of its own state of the art facility at Diamond East Bank Demerara. As it relates to drug supplies last year, the Auditor General found that three contracts were awarded to the New GPC in May and December 2014, in the sum of $2.2B. The contracts are being flagged not just in relation to the time of the year at which point it was awarded, but the Auditor General’s Office found too that new GPC did not fully comply with the

New GPC’s Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop requirement stipulated in the contracts, and instead delivered drugs and other items that did not have the required shelf life. The contract document, according to the Auditor General, states that “the shelf life for the product shall not be a minimum of 18 months from the date of final acceptance for pharmaceuticals, and a minimum of 24 months for medical supplies or as determined by the purchaser.” An examination of the payment vouchers, contract documents, invoices, delivery

notes and other related documents revealed that items delivered did not have the required shelf life. “As a result, the supplier did not fully comply with the requirements stipulated in the contracts.” The discrepancies flagged by the Auditor General also centered on New GPC’s failure to deliver some $11.9M on a contract it received four years ago in 2011. Irregular supplies and the delivery of items with limited shelf life were also not the only problems discovered by the Auditor General when it comes to new GPC contracts. Issues were also raised in relation to bank guarantees that the company provided as security. It was found that eight contracts valued at $2.6B were awarded to New GPC for the supply of Drugs and medical supplies Two of those contracts were supported by bank guarantees in the sum of $2.2B and were required to be valid for 28 days after the expiration of the contracts. The Auditor General found, however, that there were no guarantees in force at the time of audit examination in July 2015, even though the suppliers were still

to deliver goods valued at $335.8M. The problems with Ramroop’s New GPC and bank guarantees are not a new one. It was noted by the Auditor General that there were similar instances the previous year. It was reported that in 2013, the New GPC was awarded ten contracts valued at $2.3B of which freight charges totaled $180.5M. The contracts were supported by six bank guarantees with an aggregate value of $2.56B. The guarantees were required to be valid for one year, but each had a validity of only three months and a set expiry pattern in months ending October 2013, January 2014, February 2014, March 2014 and June 2014. This meant that there were no guarantees in force at the time of the examination, even though the contractor was still to deliver goods valued at $323.321M, as at September 30, 2014. In 2014, the remaining balance of $145M on a contract was paid, revising the outstanding amount to $496.2M, of which deliveries totaling $359.6M were received, leaving goods valued at $136.637M still to be delivered.

Saturday October 24, 2015

Kaieteur News

Sharif says India arms buildup compels Pakistan counter-measures WA S H I N G T O N (Reuters) - Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said yesterday Pakistan would be forced to take “countermeasures” to deter against any attacks, given a major arms buildup by neighboring India and its refusal to resume talks over Kashmir. “While refusing dialogue, India is engaged in a major arms buildup, regrettably with the active assistance of several powers,” Sharif said in a speech to the U.S. Institute of Peace in Washington. “It has adopted dangerous military doctrines. This will compel Pakistan to take several countermeasures to preserve credible deterrence.” Sharif charged that a “cancellation” of talks between the countries had been followed by increased ceasefire violations by India across the Line of Control dividing Pakistani and Indian Kashmir. He also noted “a stream of hostile statements by the Indian political and military leadership.” Sharif, who held talks with President Barack Obama in Washington on Thursday,

said there was a need to resume dialogue with India and urged the United States to be more understanding of Pakistan’s position in the interests of regional stability. “I believe a close review of some of the existing assumptions and analysis and greater attention to Pakistan’s views and interests would be useful in enabling Washington to play a constructive role in averting the ever present danger of escalation and promoting stability in South Asia,” he said. Sharif did not define “countermeasures,” but on Thursday, Obama urged Pakistan to avoid developments in its nuclear weapons program that could increase risks and instability. Washington, which like Russia is major arms supplier to India, has been concerned about Pakistan’s development of new nuclear weapons systems, including small tactical nuclear weapons. It had been trying to persuade Sharif to make a unilateral declaration of “restraint” on nuclear development, but Pakistani officials said Islamabad will not accept lim-

its to its weapons program and argued that smaller tactical nuclear weapons are needed to deter a sudden attack by India, which is also a nuclear power. Sharif and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi agreed in July to revive talks, but escalating tensions over Kashmir, which both countries claim in full but rule only in part, derailed the plans. Yesterday, India’s foreign ministry spokesman welcomed Pakistan’s pledge in a joint statement with the United States on Thursday to fight militant groups Delhi suspects of attacking Indian targets, but ruled out any third-party mediation to end the Kashmir dispute. Vikas Swarup said India “remains open” to talks between the two countries’ national security advisers. In Thursday’s joint statement, the United States and Pakistan expressed their commitment to the Afghan peace process and called on Taliban leaders to enter direct talks with Kabul, which have stalled since inaugural discussions in Pakistan in July.

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China hopes to see a united EU, Xi tells Britain on visit

Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron (R) drinks beer with Chinese President Xi Jinping at a pub in Princess Risborough, near Chequers, England. REUTERS/KIRSTY WIGGLESWORTH/POOL Reuters - Chinese President Xi Jinping has told Britain he wants to see a united European Union, in his most direct comments on Britain’s relationship with Europe before the country’s EU membership referendum. Xi told Prime Minister David Cameron Britain was an “important member of the EU” before ending his four-day trip to Britain which sealed multi-billion dollar deals but drew criticism from human rights campaigners. It was a rare mention of another country’s planned vote by China, which does not like to interfere in internal affairs, and was quickly played down by a Cameron aide, who said the European Union “wasn’t a huge part of their discussion”. Officials, instead, are keen to steer attention to the large-

scale investment Britain has secured from China. Xi went to the northern city of Manchester yesterday, where the government hopes to encourage investment to spur the creation of a ‘northern powerhouse’ to challenge London’s dominance. China’s foreign ministry paraphrased Xi as saying in a statement: “China hopes to see a prosperous Europe and a united EU, and hopes Britain, as an important member of the EU, can play an even more positive and constructive role in promoting the deepening development of China-EU ties.” Cameron is seeking to renegotiate Britain’s relationship with the EU, which it joined in 1973, before holding a referendum on membership which he says will take place before the end of 2017.

But Beijing has been worried about the implications of free trade-supporting Britain leaving the EU, and of any weakening of a grouping which it views as a vital counterbalance to the United States, diplomats say. Opinion polls have showed a narrowing of support among British voters for staying in the EU and one on Thursday showed a sharp slump in backing for its membership amid concerns over an influx of migrants into Europe. Xi’s comments to Cameron, made late on Thursday during a meeting at the British prime minister’s country residence, echoed those from China’s Foreign Ministry earlier this month.

Saturday October 24, 2015

Clinton wins major union endorsement in presidential race Reuters - U.S. presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton yesterday won a major union endorsement after a momentum-gaining week in her bid to win the Democratic nomination in the November 2016 election. The 1.6-million-member AFSCME endorsed Clinton for the White House, a boost in her efforts to woo labor and lock down a key Democratic constituency. Unions are typically a key source of volunteers and fundraising for Democrats in presidential elections. The nod caps a series of positive events for Clinton, from a standout debate performance to the bowing out of a major potential rival, that are adding their weight and fundraising power to a campaign that had seen support slip as recently as this month. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees said in a statement it had gathered feedback from members over six months. Polling data showed a majority of members would support Clinton in the Democratic primary. “What we also heard was AFSCME members want the candidate who will be the most effective champion for working families, and who will be able to deliver a victory in this critically important election,” union president Lee Saunders said in the statement. “AFSCME members believe that candidate is Hillary Clinton.” Clinton’s poll numbers slid ahead of the first Democratic debate on Oct. 13, but a solid performance there gave her a swift boost among her party’s voters.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the Democratic National Committee’s Women’s Leadership Forum’s 22nd annual conference in Washington yesterday. REUTERS/GARY CAMERON Just over a week later, an emotional Vice President Joe Biden, standing in the Rose Garden of the White House with President Barack Obama by his side, said he would not enter the race for the 2016 election, despite months of deliberation. His decision removed a major potential obstacle to Clinton’s hopes to avoid a protracted, damaging primary fight. And on Thursday, Clinton’s cool-headed testimony before a sometimes testy, 11-hour Congressional hearing on Benghazi earned her not just compliments but cash: The hour after the hearing ended was the best

fundraising hour of the campaign, even without a specific appeal to donors, according to a Clinton aide. Nevertheless, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who is pressing Clinton on her left, also gained support after Biden’s announcement. Sanders has collected union endorsements of his own, including National Nurses United and a number of local unions throughout the country. Forty-seven percent of Democrats favor Clinton as a nominee, versus 31 percent for Sanders, according to a five-day rolling poll by Reuters/Ipsos yesterday.

Saturday October 24, 2015

Kaieteur News

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THERE IS NEED FOR A SHAKEUP Those who received national awards this year should not be envied. But the ones who really deserve a national award are the businessmen and businesswomen in Guyana, and very few unfortunately received awards this year. It is not easy doing business in Guyana. It is not easy at all. Just ask any businessman and he will tell you how difficult it is, especially if you are an honest businessman. There are always bureaucrats who want to do what you, as an honest person, would not want to do. Bureaucrats in Guyana have too much authority. There is too much red tape. To get around this red tape businessmen often have to

grease the system. Bureaucrats can hold up your documentation indefinitely and there is nothing you can do about it. If you complain, you risk being victimized. Bureaucrats have too much discretionary power and if you oppose them today, they are likely to go after you the next day. So some people give into the demands made by the bureaucrats. There are few other ways to survive in Guyana because if you do not do as they say, they will frustrate you to the bitter end and you will end up having to close your business down and leave Guyana in frustration. Businessmen go through this every day in Guyana.

They know how frustrating things can be to do business here.If you can make it past one agency without hassle, you can bet that you will run straight into a steel wall with some other agency. The frustrations are just interminable and it takes men and women of steel to do business in Guyana. Being a business person may seem to be the most lucrative profession in Guyana. But in reality it is the most difficult. Those who are in it deserve national awards for the frustration they have to endure day after day dealing with bureaucratic red tape and some pretty disgusting bureaucrats. There must be radical

changes to the way in which certain agencies in Guyana work, especially two in particular. Those two are the Bureau of Standards and the Food and Drugs Department. There has to be greater transparency in the way these agencies operate. These agencies have important work to do but they should not have to be inspecting or approving goods while they are at the ports of entry. This is not an efficient or effective way to operate. It leads to red tape and it can lead to businessmen being held to ransom in order to get their goods cleared quickly. These agencies should be out in the supermarkets and in the stores checking to see

if expired goods are being sold. They should not have to be going through every shipment that arrives in Guyana to ensure that the requisite safety standards have been met. The ratio of approved to defective goods will be extremely high because the vast majority of imports will pass muster. As such, it does not make sense for these agencies to be slowing up the clearance of goods just so that they can place a stamp of approval. These agencies should be scouring the markets to ensure that there are no unsafe and expired goods on the market. They should do so using established protocols such as having video cameras

when they undertake these operations so that there can be no suspicion of unprofessional conduct. To have these agencies stamp a piece of paper even before they examine any goods on the country’s wharves is a complete waste of time and an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy. APNU+ AFC promised change. They should shake the systems up at the Food and Drugs Department and at the Bureau of Standards.

Laptops will allow teachers to keep pace with their students - Minister of Education September saw the introduction of the “One Laptop per Teacher” programme (OLPT), which replaced the “One Laptop per Family” programme (OLPF). Since the commencement of the programme, many questions have risen regarding the reason behind the initiative. Minister of Education, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine, in a recent interview, stated that the rationale behind the project was to ensure that teachers are brought into the 21’st century along with their students. “What I think the One Laptop per Teacher does, is give teachers the capacity to keep up with the children in the area of technology,” said

Roopnaraine. The Minister stated, “The computers will enhance the teacher’s ability to teach the children.” It remained unclear however, how the laptops would be used in a direct effort to accommodate student learning. The Ministry was said to have initially intended the laptops for students, but after some careful consideration it was realized that such a project was a bit over ambitious. “When we looked at it in terms of costs, we did not feel that it was something we could do at this time,” Dr. Roopnaraine said. The Minister stated that the Ministry will soon revisit

the idea of getting laptops into the hands of each student. “We haven’t ruled out anything,” he stated. “We are just taking it a step at a time to see how to proceed with it.” He said that the Ministry at the moment is interested in moving to a point where tablets are available in schools countrywide for both students and teachers. The Ministry also hopes that such an initiative will lessen the technological gap between teachers and students. The Minister, commenting on the One Laptop per Family programme, said that it “did not seem to make a lot of sense.” He related that the conversion of the OLPF into the

Dem boys seh...

Jagdeo vex because he friends thief from him Old people got a saying that wha you pray for you does get. Jagdeo tell de reporters that de Soulja Bai government only embarrassing people and that dem should go and jail all who thief while Jagdeo heself was president. De man couldn’t tek it. Every day he open de papers he see that millions of dollar lef to go somewhere and then de money disappear. Parliament barely open its doors and some audit announce that Ashni send $500 million to Hen See Hen. He had to send it by magic because de money lef him but it ain’t reach. It could be that somebody snatch it while it was going to hen See Hen. Perhaps it reach Hen See Hen gate and somebody tek it. Whatever de case Jagdeo seh that people must get jail. Dem boys want to advise him to surrender because he was de head of Hen See Hen and any money pass he had to know bout it. It could be that de money went straight to him and he didn’t know. In fact, he always don’t know nutten when it come to money. He stand up big and

bold and announce how he MPs gun shy back de money wha Soulja Bai increase. Of course, is only he been talking because de people ain’t seh nutten. De next thing you know de people tek de money and shut dem mouth. Most of dem was glad fuh a raise because dem wasn’t getting anything. After dem collect de cheque Jagdeo shame. He decide to mek excuse. He seh that de people now calculating how much dem should tek and then dem gun give back de rest. To who? Jagdeo even seh that dem might give de money to charity. Dem boys believe is Charity pun de Essequibo Coast. He sidekick also talking fat because he fat. He do wha Jagdeo tell him to do wid de people money. Then he sit down wid Marcie and dem do de gods. Today dem arrogant because dem believe that Soulja Bai wouldn’t touch dem. Dem gun get a rude awakening because is only time before somebody get vex and jail de whole Jagdeo Cabinet. Jagdeo might get off. Talk half and wait fuh de jail rush.

OLPT programme was borne out of an interest to use resources wisely. As such, teachers were selected to be recipients of the laptops. He also stated that under the previous programme, there was no assurance that the children would benefit from the laptops. “It did not seem to us that that (OLPF) would necessarily translate into better performance in the classroom,” Roopnarine said. It was President David Granger who in 2011 recognized the need for teachers to be au fait with the latest tech-

nology and committed himself to the distribution of laptops for teachers throughout the country. President Granger delivered on his promise last September. The programme to provide laptops to the teachers was said to have got underway already with some teachers having already received theirs. “Children armed with tablets and teachers armed with the latest technology, we will in fact, be taking the necessary big steps we need to take to enter the twenty-first century,” said Dr. Roopnaraine.

Minister of Education, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine

LIAT has announced further reduced fares between Trinidad and Guyana. Customers travelling between these two countries can benefit from a 10 percent discount on return fares ranging under current plans being offered. According to LIAT yesterday, the discount applies on flight LI 309 from Trinidad and LI 306 from Guyana. Customers can also benefit from fares as low as US$199 return on these flights. In order to benefit from the fares, tickets must be booked between October 20 and November 30, 2015 for travel during the same period. The regional airline disclosed that tickets can be booked on the website – liat.com, through the Call Centre, airport ticketing offices or through local travel agents. However, seats are subject to availability and promotional terms and

conditions apply. LIAT’s flights to Guyana operate to/from the Ogle International Airport which is located on the outskirts of Georgetown. LIAT operates a modern fleet of ATR 42 and ATR 72 aircraft across a regional network of 17 destinations. It

is owned by regional shareholders, with the majority being the Governments of Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. With oil prices below US$50 per barrel, it was widely expected that airlines would have been dropping their fares.

LIAT offers US$199 deal to Trinidad

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Kaieteur News

Saturday October 24, 2015

=== The Freddie Kissoon column ===

Remnants of a fallen empire A controversy about the date of Diwali is raging. The dispute is between two Hindu groups - the Viraat Sabha and the Hindu Dharmic Sabha. The Diwali date saga has obfuscated a political dimension to this confrontation. Even if the Dharmic Sabha’s submission of November 11 is correct, this controversy is

about the fall of the power of the PPP. The Dharmic Sabha is the organization founded by high-ranking PPP leader, Reepu Daman Persaud. It was Mr. Persaud’s organization that determined the date of Diwali since the PPP came to power in 1992. Mr. Persaud was made the Minister of Agriculture.

At every Diwali rally sponsored by the Dharmic Sabha, PPP leaders including President Cheddi Jagan, would be showcased with speeches by PPP leaders. At every Diwali rally, Mr. Persaud would use the occasion to highlight the PPP Government. On two occasions, Mr. Persaud used his address to

the mammoth rally to call for a third term for then president, Bharrat Jagdeo. For the past two years, the Dharmic Sabha has used the Arthur Chung Convention Centre to have its preDiwali bash. I remember I got caught in the huge traffic jam outside the Centre last year because Colin Haynes of the AFC had his birthday party that very night. He lives right opposite the Centre. When an oligarchic regime that ruled a county for decades is thrown out, its beneficiaries find it hard to adjust to the loss of power. This explains why there wasn’t a rush of resignations by political appointees after the PPP fell. Many candidates on the PPP election list that held public service jobs had to be removed, of which the most conspicuous were the Guysuco Head and Guyoil CEO. I don’t know if Madam Bibi Shadick has resigned as Pro-chancellor of the University of Guyana. The head of the Dharmic Sabha is a PPP frontbencher in Parliament. She is Dr. Vindhya Persaud, the daughter of Mr. Reepu Daman Persaud. To date the PPP is the only party in Guyana that has a head of a religious organization that is involved in politics and is a sitting member of Parliament, and a head

of a trade union who sits in Parliament. The latter is Mr. Komal Chand who has been the head of the sugar union for more than three decades and is a PPP Parliamentarian for more than thirty years. One wonders if the time has not arrived when Guyana must make that separation. Religious preachers should serve their parishioners and leave parliamentary politics to politicians. It has to be an uncomfortable situation where you are tending to parishioners who come from all types of ideological orientation but you are one of the leaders of a political party. Should you not rise above narrow partisan politics? If I were a churchgoer, I would feel uncomfortable as a PNC member receiving the word of God from my priest or pandit or imam who is a leader of the PPP and vice versa. The sugar workers by now ought to question the achievements of Mr. Komal Chand. For the 22 years the PPP has been in power, where and how did the lives of sugar workers improve? What was Mr. Chand doing all these years? How did sugar come to be facing a bleak future? Where was the union? The life of the sugar industry is facing hard questions. Can Guysuco survive? Do sugar workers expect other sections of society to subsidize the industry by billions of dollars each year? Should they not seek new leadership? Times are changing in Guyana and sugar workers should change with it. The

Frederick Kissoon PPP has lost its hegemony. Even if the Dharmic Sabha’s date is corrected and is accepted by the Government, it is bound by its political influence in the state system. Prior to 2015, no other Hindu organization dared to compete with it. The state would not have recognized that other entity. I was told that when the cultural arm of the Dharmic Sabha, the Kendra in Prashad Nagar holds its annual cultural extravaganza, the Guyana Revenue Authority doesn’t send a customs officer. At every concert of foreign artist where there is a charge at the gate, there must be a customs officer. Maybe my information is incorrect but it would help if the GRA can state explicitly if when the Kendra held those concerts whereby artists came from India and performed and there was a gate charge, if a GRA officer was there. In fairness to the Kendra I was also informed that when a certain entertainment company brings down American singers, the GRA officer is never present. That entertainment company is in big trouble at the moment.

Saturday October 24, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 11

Nagamootoo takes blame for public outrage over Ministerial salary increases By Kiana Wilburg Prime Minister and First Vice President, Moses Nagamootoo, is now the first member of the government’s camp to admit that the approach towards the salary increases for Members of Parliament (MPs) was seriously flawed. He confessed on Wednesday that given his responsibility for public information, Public Relations (PR) work on the salary increase was indeed poor and Government really should have made a concerted effort to engage the people at the grass root level on the necessity of the changes in the salary scales for the ministerial bureaucracy. The First Vice President made these comments and more during a press briefing at the Ministry of the Presidency. An impassioned Nagamootoo spoke at length, in a bid to convince his listeners that Government’s decision to make the adjustments at this time was not motivated by greed or the love for money. Asked for his take on the

…Confesses that poor PR was at the core of the problem matter and whether he found the salary increases to be obscenely high, the Prime Minister said, “I believe that this was one failure of PR for which I take responsibility as the Head of the Information Services of the Government. But it was not explained fully, it was not properly packaged…” Nagamootoo continued, “I believe there was a studied approach to the abnormalities in the salary scales starting from the President coming down but it had to be explained why this was necessary.” The First Vice President said that a junior Minister’s salary was around $500, 000 and this was below the salary being earned by his Permanent Secretary. He noted that while the junior Ministers had an increase of about 12 and a half percent, senior Ministers had an increase of around 50 percent which works out to about $800,000 a month. Nagamootoo also explained that there was no salary previously allocated for the Vice Presidents (VP) and

as such their salary was calculated based on a 60 percent increase on what senior cabinet Ministers were taking home. He added, “Of course the anomaly that had started a lot of this was the salary of the Attorney General (AG) which was higher than the Prime Minister and I could appreciate where the past government felt that they didn’t have a lawyer in the office of PM so they allowed a functional lawyer becoming the AG to have more pay than the PM.” He alluded to the point that since this case does not exist anymore given that he is a practiced lawyer then indeed the salary scale should be adjusted. Nagamootoo said that it is important to note, “The Leader of the Opposition takes home more than the PM because the salary of the former President was placed on a high level because of some tweaking so that seveneighths of the presidential salary becomes his pension. The Leader of the Oppo-

sition who refuses to take parliamentary salary is getting $2.1 M tax free and the Prime Minister is taking home $1.7 million minus tax.” He added, “Remember, you are dealing with about 20 persons and not 27, 000 and it (salary increases) was done to deal with the levels in the ministerial bureaucracy. But it was a PR problem.” Nagamootoo said that because of the poor PR there was a backlash because the people held the coalition government to a higher level of transparency and accountability. He said that the salary increases didn’t come because Government felt it was entitled to “super salaries” but was based on the number of persons the state could afford at this time. The Prime Minister disclosed that down the line the public service workers would see another increase as well but in a phased manner. He said that this is however hinged on the outcome of the

ongoing Commission of Inquiry into the public service. Appealing for members of the media to understand the reasons for Government’s decision, Nagamootoo stated, “We didn’t decide to turn our backs on the people and walk away with the cookie jar. We looked after the people first then those anomalies.” He added, “We knew it was going to be unpopular, but that does not justify why we didn’t go to the bottom houses and the grassroots to explain why we want to make the necessary changes and that we are not here for us but about you.” Referring to himself as a “fiscal conservative” Nagamootoo reiterated that the salary increases for MPs was not motivated by greed.

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo He believes that the outrage on the matter has run its course and he understands that it was twisted by some to paint them as a set of “greedy, thieving, hungry ministers.” The Prime Minister said that the salary increases for MPs would not be revisited for a while.

Page 12

Kaieteur News

Saturday October 24, 2015

GECOM prepared to hold LGE after March 14 The Secretariat of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) is now in full operational mode. It announced yesterday that it stands ready to conduct Local Government Elections (LGE) between March 14 and May 29, next year. The elections, last held in 1994, had faced one delay after another because of reforms. The last piece of legislation was piloted by the new coalition government recently, paving the way for polls. According to GECOM yesterday, this change in gear was caused by the issuance of several related orders by the Minister of Communities, including one which identifies nine towns and 62 Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) where LGE will be held. The order allows GECOM to extract the voters list for the identified areas for elections from the current National Register of Registrants (NRR). The Commission explained that the fully constituted GECOM with all members present, sitting at its statutory meeting held earlier this week had already unanimously decided that the qualifying date to be used for the extraction of voters’ lists will be February 29, 2016.

“As a consequence of the above, and given the current work plan of the GECOM Secretariat, Local Government Elections can be held no earlier than Monday, March 14, 2016 and no later than May 29, 2016.” The announcement for the actual “Election Day” will have to be made by another Ministerial Order. GECOM explained that following the extraction of the Preliminary Lists of Voters for all the local government areas, eligible voters will be invited to fully utilize the Claims and Objections period to scrutinize, sanitize and update these lists. “During this Claims and Objections period, which will now commence on November 9, next, persons who will be 18 years and over as at February 29, 2016 will be allowed to make claims to have their registration recorded at the address in the constituency in which they live, either as new registrants or by transfer.” In addition, they will be allowed to make objections to entries in the list on which their names appear which they know do not represent persons who actually live in their respective constituencies. “Other transactions such as corrections to the recorded

particulars of eligible voters and change of name, supported by the appropriate source documents, will also be permitted during this period.” To facilitate the Claims and Objections exercise, a total of 153 offices will be deployed across all the Local

Government areas identified for the elections. Lists will be posted in each Electoral Division in these areas and in accordance with the relevant constituencies. The elections are critical to electing new officers for the NDCs and Town Councils.

Several of the bodies have been dormant or barely operating because officials have either died or migrated. It had affected development of especially communities in the outlying areas. There has been growing local and international

pressure to hold the elections. The new coalition Government had been targeting a year-end date for LGE. The David Granger administration has announced plans to vest more power in the NDCs and Town Councils.

Three new towns to feature in Local Government Elections, date to be announced -Minister Bulkan

Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan and Canadian High Commissioner, Pierre Giroux, with Heads of the various Municipalities yesterday. The Ministry of Communities yesterday said that it is awaiting word from the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), for the holding of Local Government Elections (LGE) now that all the administrative orders are in place. According to Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan, LGE can take place within the first-quarter of 2016. Addressing municipal representatives yesterday at an Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building Development workshop, at the Arthur Chung International Convention Centre (ACICC), Minister

Bulkan disclosed that the Ministry, earlier in the day, sent two orders to GECOM, relating to the holding of the elections. He said that with these two orders, the way is virtually paved for another piece of administrative necessity- that is a third order which will give the actual date for the elections. “In that regard, I am awaiting a definitive response from GECOM, to be told what is the window, the minimum date, the earliest or latest date, by which those elections can be held, given the fact that these administrative requirements

are now all in place,” the Minister said. The first order given to GECOM identifies the 71 Local Democratic Organs (LDOs) that will be participating in these elections, and the composition of their Councils. Minister Bulkan explained that in this first order, there are the three districts Mabaruma, Bartica and Lethem- for which township orders for their creation were on Thursday laid in the National Assembly. The second order establishes the boundaries of the 71 LDOs. Minister Bulkan said that he is hoping that with the

given information, GECOM will soon set the date for these elections. “But given my advantage, I could state clearly that those elections will be held before the end of next year, and it will signal part and parcel of the administration’s commitment to democratic renewal,” he added. Minister Bulkan, according to the government statement yesterday, noted that this democratic rekindling is essential to having new Councils, with fresh energy, new enthusiasm and with the zeal that arises from the confidence the citizens have in the administration.

Saturday October 24, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 21

Good Hope farmer was attacked while lying in bed wounds, consistent with being stabbed. Blanhum also revealed that the victim was attacked from behind, a consideration from the way the injuries were inflicted. Kaieteur News understands that a hammer and a knife in addition to cigarette butts, were removed from the scene, for possible DNA testing. When Kaieteur News ar-

Shiraz Ali

A post mortem examination conducted on 22-year-old Shiraz “Amir” Ali yesterday morning by Government Pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh revealed that the cause of death was multiple incised wounds. According to reports, these stab wounds were most likely delivered while Ali lay face down on his bed, after which the killer(s) left his body in the same position. The body of the cash crop farmer, who resided at Lot Two Good Hope Railway Embankment, East Coast Demerara, was discovered on Monday by his mother.

The body could be seen in close proximity to some burnt wires and relatives at first posited that he was electrocuted. Police however said that Ali was stabbed four times to the back, once to the neck and left side temple. Police sources said there were no signs of forced entry, leading investigators to suspect that Ali’s killer was known to him. The house was also ransacked. Speaking to Kaieteur News yesterday, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum, confirmed that the man’s death was as a result of multiple incised

Taxi driver on trial for Water Street robbery/murder Joseph Williams, the taxi driver, implicated in the robbery/murder of handyman Victor Da Silva, is facing trial at the Georgetown High Court. Williams is the lone accused in the matter. He is said to be among a group of armed men, who ambushed and robbed Da Silva, a handyman, and his employer, Gas Station proprietor, Albert Gajadhar in Kingston on July 8, 2013. At the time of the shooting, the two men were on their way to Republic Bank to make a deposit. The gunmen reportedly escaped with $8 million. Da Silva of Covent Garden, East Bank Demerara sustained at least four gunshot wounds about his body. He died on the spot but Gajadhar was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) after sustaining gunshot wounds. Earlier this week, a mixed 12-member jury was empanelled before Justice Joann Barlow to oversee Williams’ trial. On Wednesday, a video recording of an interview between the police and the accused was admitted and tendered as evidence in the trial. According to the recording, the accused detailed to investigators that he was hired to be a chauffeur on the day of the incident.

Dead: Victor Da silva He claimed that the man who hired him requested that he follow a Rav 4 vehicle. The accused said that while following the vehicle, he heard loud sounds that appeared to be gunshots. Williams told the police that he was unaware of what was going down, and so he exited his vehicle and ran for cover. The man claimed that when he returned to the car, the passenger was gone. Williams said that police subsequently arrested him at the scene. The accused is being represented by Attorney- atLaw, Peter Hugh. The case is being presented by State Prosecutors, Diana Kaulesar, Tamieka Clarke and Tuanna Hardy

rived on the scene, curious onlookers could be seen in the yard and in the doorway of the blood stained room. According to the tearful mother, Bibi Hamid, she traveled to her son’s home on Monday morning after repeated efforts to call his phone failed. She had last seen him on Saturday. “I called his phone (Monday morning) and it (was) ringing out. I called the

neighbours and them say them come over and call and they not hearing nothing. My mind say, ‘Let me come at the house and see what happen’. My son must tell me where he going if he left to go anywhere.” Hamid related that when she pushed the bedroom door it was to discover her son’s bloodstained body. Other onlookers strongly ruled out suicide. They also

mentioned that Ali had no known enemies. They noted that the youth would attend Masjid regularly. One neighbour said he last saw Ali on Sunday burning refuse near to the row of farm beds in his yard. “Is till when I hear the mother hollering I know something wrong.” He said that he noticed no unusual activity around the house on Sunday night.

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Kaieteur News




1 Live in maid; must know to cook. Call: 683-2271 WOODMIZER LT 15 AND LT 40 OPERATOR- CAL: 688-6579/653-9752

Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK; Guyana Passport application. Graphics design, Advertisement. Tel: 626-7040; 265-4535. PARTY DECORATING: balloon creation, back drops etc. for weddings, birthdays, anniversary etc. Make your event extra special! Tel Maya: 642-6664

Live in or live out babysitter/ domestic –Call 219-5354 (Monday- Friday) (8:154:15PM) Experienced live in waitress – 18-25yrs – salary $60,000 monthly. Call: 610-5043

REPAIRS AT LOW COST: FRIDGES, A/C, WASHING MACHINES, TVS, MICROWAVES,FREEZERSCALL: 629-4946 OR 225-4822 Floor sanding & Lacquering House plans, Estimate & painting, Boat for Santa Mission - Call: 650-4362

Live in domestic, hardworking, single, dependable, and trustworthy with no health problem. Call: 650-8632 (9:00am-7:00pm)

Repairs at affordable prices: fridge, air conditioner, washing machines, dryers, TV, microwaves & freezerCall: 610-5846 or 661-8158 Desmond Repair Services Fridge, AC, gas stove, microwave, washer, etc on the spot repairs –Call: (592)678-8683; 687-9709 Landscaping: Palms, largest varieties of plants, Used in every one of our unique landscapes- Call: 648-1821/ 219-0468 Austin Power ’s repairs: fridge freezers, washers, gasstove, AC unit, house wiring-Call: 685-2588

1 Live in domestic must know to cook 25-50yrs, salary $70,000- Call: 610-3974

Experienced bartenders, waitress, cooks and bouncers needed at Eden’s Bar (East Bank). Call: 652-0074 Salesgirls for shop, on the ECD, age 17-24. Text your information to 661-8647 One experienced dispatcher for taxi service. Call: 6220722; 644-7032 Domestic wanted; must be a good cook, age 35-50. Call: 680-3667 One hairdresser needed, must know to do everything. One nail station to rent. Call Mellisa: 610-1941 1Female housekeeper, to live in age 35-50years, must know to cook & clean. Call: 6939068 Experienced Roti/Puri cook, pastry maker, curry cooks, dish washers, apply at Hack’s Halaal, 5 Commerce Street.

Eagle’s fridge re-gas @ 99100 New Market Street $8,000 & washing machine Female to work at restaurant repairs. Phone: 697-2969, in the interior, salary -$80,000 223-5818 monthly- Call: 674-1767; 6707043; 685-8720 Permanent & Visitors Vi s a A p p l i c a t i o n s , One gardener for E.C.D Professional Immigration residence must be 40years C o n s u l t a n t R o o m D 5 and older, preferably from Maraj B u i l d i n g . E.C.D-Call: 225-4096; 621visadocumentsgy@yahoo.com. 6006 Call: 225-6496, 662-6045 Truck Driver wanted to work in Georgetown. Call: 218-1455

FOR RENT PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Canal No.2 Polder W.B.D, great condition -$35,000 monthly-Call: 613-1860 One self contained room; preferably bachelor. Call: 2234545 GT TOOL RENTALS: COMPACTOR; CHIPPING HAMMER RANSOM & FLOOR SANDER, JACK HAMMER, CONCRETE SAW & MORE- CALL: 6672535, 627-5098 One bedroom apartment located at Better Hope, ECD; spacious yard, vehicle parking- $40,000 Call: 6721077; 672-0922 Prime business space; lot 5/6 Enmore Public Road, Suitable for Dental/Doctor, clothing, parts store, pharmacy. Contact: 629-4090 Apartments for rent @ Nandy Park E.B.D-Call: 227-5194 2 Bedrooms apartment located, Prince William Street Plaisance. Call: 674-0708 3 Bedroom bottom flat apartments, WBD- Call: 6875759

TAXI SERVICES Mario’s Taxi Service; Travel & Collect Coupons to win a smart Phone, Drawing Every Month from October- Call: 225-7686; 225-7689

Urgently! 1 Graphics Artiste; male or female @ 21 Seaford Street Campbelville. Call: 2261877; 641-3687

VACANCY Work from home earn $5,000-$20,000 daily. Call monday-friday (9am-5pm): 233-6517; 638-0595 or www.jobfairworldwide.com Salesgirls and salesboys, apply in person @ R. Sookraj & Sons, Regent Street. (Opposite GBTI Bank)

Porters, Ripsaw, re-saw and moulder operators, security guard @ Eccles Industrial Site EBD- Call Richard: 6097675; 624-1705; 233-2614 Porters: apply at Alabama Trading Ferry Stelling Georgetown, Stabroek. Accountant, Bond clerk, male & female workers, drivers @ RA Soda Factory, Rosignol. Call: 330-2399; 6235920 Porters, Drivers, Mechanic (Melanie Branch) 1-Bond Clerk RA Soda Factory (Rosignol). Call: 330-2399; 623-5920 Caterpillar and Perkins mechanic contact 223-5273 Security officers wanted by security company-Contact: 672-1920, between 8:00am5:00pm

One Supervisor to work at Hotel in Charity contact: 2235273/4 CAR RENTAL DOLLY’SCARRENTAL-CALL: 225-7126/226-3693 DOLLYSAUTORENTAL@ YA H O O . C O M / W W W. DOLLYSAUTORENTAL.COM PROGRESSIVE CAR RENTAL: CARS& SUV FOR RENTAL- $4,000 & UP PER DAY- CALL: 643-5122, 656-0087 ,EMAIL:PRO_ A U T O R E N T A L @YAHOO.COM Aidan’s Car & 4WD Vigo pick up, cheapest rate, low security- Call: 698-7807

EDUCATION Princeton College Forms 1-5 CXC Adults Classes, Grade 1-6 Lessons: Phonic lessons @ East Street-Call: 690-5008; 619-7911 Obtain a guaranteed distinction in CSEC Principles of Accounts. Call: 654-1723 for more information

Wing’s Car & 4WD Vigo pick up rental- Call: 690-6494

LEARN TO DRIVE Soman Son & Outar Driving School at Maraj Building- Tel: 644-5166; 622-2872; 615-0964; 6895997

SALON -Make Up Courses with Mac, Bare Minerals, Black Opal, Mabelline. -Nail Technician Course Call: 647-1773/660-5257 Affordable salon services: pedi, mani, wash & blowout, facials, etc $2,500 each. Vogue @ Kalyan Mall, Lamaha Street. Tel: 647-1773/660-5257

Welder/Fabricator: interested person can contact us on telephone number: 603-4094

One supervisor for Dixie Lee Fast Food contact 223-5273/ 4

One female dispatcher and wash bay boys @ 18 Henbury Avenue, Nandy Park E.B.DCall: 233-5227 Couple to work at resort in Essequibo River-Tel: 2260240

Saturday October 24, 2015

Rock Stone Fish Festival: fish catching off all types, day of excitement 25th October- Call: 639-2663, 665-5171

SALE! SALE! SALE One TOYOTA RZ MINIBUS GJJ series -$1.5Million. One Econoline FORD 2005 GSS Series -$1.5M. Call: 6046108 One Ducati 1098cc motorcycle in excellent condition, will negotiate best offer-Call: 617-6934, 674-0137

AT192, 212, Allion, unregistered Premio, Hilux Surf, BNN, RZ & Pit-bull, 7 PROPERTY FOR SALE seater super custom. Cash / terms- Call: 680-3154 Property for sale, Grove $20M / Rent: $50,000 per We buy & sell vehicles for month. Tel: 625-5461. cash, also parts available & Pearl: Well Built 1,995 Sq. Ft 30 seater buses; Extra Cab concrete structure 45X165 pickups; 2006 Tacomalot, formerly meeting hall - Call:680-3154 13.5M. Call: 649-1670 One Toyota Raum, in excellent condition. Price #53 Village: East Berbice, $900,000 negotiable. Call: 614concrete house and land for 3280 sale, please submit offers, Unregistered vehicles: Call: 674-2155 Property at Diamond New Toyota Premio 2003 and Scheme: 1-Three bedroom Spacio 2004. Call: 227-5950; flat concrete house, price 681-7117 $9.5M negotiable. Call: 266- 45 Leyland DAF, GRR Series, 3962; 667-1240 price -$2.5M. Call: 696-2663 Two bedroom wood house One RZ minibus RR Seriesfor sale; located at Call: 685-2113 Stwertville, W.C.D, serious inquiries one only –Call: 684- Toyota Rush, Raum,AT212, IST, L-Touring & Fielder Wagon, 1838 Tundra, Hilux 4 Runner, 1 Church & 2 Storey building Nissan 4 Door Pickup. Call: at 180 Charlotte Street. Call: 644-5096; 697-1453 624-7341; 227-6817 Honda Fit, year 2003, PMM 3 Bedroom; 2 flat house for series, full body kit, OEM sale, Enterprise, Lincolin rims, excellent condition, Street, Lot 135 -$14M price $1.3M negotiable. Call: negotiable. Contact: 597- 600-1435; 600-4402 858-4554 (Suriname), One 1.5 Ton Toyoace Canter, Guyana: 602-3643 GLL Series, good working Transported property at condition. Call: 623-1202 Tuschen Housing Scheme, One Honda CRV, immaculate located around School -$7M condition, 17" mags, AC, CD, negotiable. Contact: 264- price -$1.750,000 negotiable. 1050; 683-7045; 669-3553 Call: 626-2884 2 Storey 45x35 concrete HB Yellow Toyota 192, good property, lower flat condition -$600,000 – Call: incomplete. Land 65x120 @ 617-7113 Diamond N/S 5th Avenue, One 7 seater Toyota Corolla E.B.D- Call: 664-5052 Spacio in superb condition, Property at Tuschen-Call: female and driven. Reasonably priced. Call: 649-7471 669-9055; 674-1291 Yarrowkabra Linden, H/Way, land size: 100’X200’ fully fenced, house, chicken & pig pen. Call: 676-0931

TOURS Suriname Tour: Shopping, Tours, site seeing November 26th -29th.Old years into New Years December 30th – January 3rd –Call: 639-2663; 665-5171

VEHICLE FOR SALE 2013 Mercedes C250 turbo AMG coupe, retractable glasstop, mileage 15K, alcantara leather interior, brush aluminum acc- Call: 650-5136

1 Flat house on 1 acre land with chicken pen & fruits tree at Unity E.C.D- $11M-Call: 642-7898 LAND FOR SALE 33 Acres prime agriculture land located at Plantation Flensberg W.B.D-price negotiable-Contact Erick Boodhoo: Call: 654-6229; 6270556

1 Toyota YRV, PKK 3075, price $850,000 negotiable. Call: 696-2765 ACCOMODATION Saturdays & Sundays after lunch @ Inner Retreat Hotel Parika: Bar-B-Que & games: pools, darts, table tennis etc – Phone: 260-4504. Inner Retreat Hotel Restaurant & Bar, Retreat Road Parika. Indoor /Outdoor bar in Picturesque setting – Phone: 260-4504; 685-6934 Continued on page 23

Saturday October 24, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 23

Bandits put shears to victims' necks... From page 20 he explained to the men that he works at the Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) and does not work for a lot of money. “While the five of them were upstairs with us, it had more men downstairs because we could have hear them talking and moving around in the yard,” Sukhram said. With a teary eye, Sukhram said that it took him a while to

purchase the items the men stole. “I have a contented wife. If we want something, we would save until we come up with the money and then buy it. We don't steal anything from anyone; we work hard for what we want. Kaieteur News was told that one of the armed men told the family that he spent time in jail before and if they did not hand over their valuables, he is not scared to go back to prison. “One of them was

smoking in the house and my wife tell him that she suffers from Asthma and he walked up to her and blow the smoke in her face. They put a gun to my son's head and had the shears to all our neck.” According to Andrew Sukhram, one of the men showed him a blade and told him that he would slice Esardel's neck with it and be the first to ever do such a thing in Guyana. “When the men left, we tried to call 911

but no one answered.” The men escaped in a tinted white Toyota 212. The area where Sukhram and his family reside has no electricity. He said that he applied several times to the Guyana Power and Light Company but it was to no help. “Now that they gone with the generator, we have to be in the dark,” the family said.Investigations are ongoing.

Letters... Where your views make the news

Could the Georgetown Hospital... From page 5 operation, the body forms scar tissue or adhesions during the healing process. This makes each subsequent surgery that much more difficult and that much more risky. In developed countries at each admission, the name and telephone number of persons/ significant others to be contacted in case of emergency is obtained. Is this simple procedure also the present norm in Guyana? Reports state that the mother was confronted (only on asking), with the shocking revelation that her daughter had undergone a hysterectomy. Amidst further questioning as to the rationale she was told that it was due to infection. The statutory age of consent in Guyana is now sixteen years. Granted that the deceased was seventeen years old, nevertheless she underwent a severely life threatening procedure and while she could have given consent, there still lingers a very troubling question. Who was the other person to be contacted in case of emergency? Who was notified prior to the hysterectomy being done? Who was told about the possible complications that could arise following the removal of the womb? After the baby is delivered, excessive bleeding from the uterus is a major concern. Typically, delivery by Caesarean results in about twice the blood loss as vaginal delivery, partly because delivery requires an incision in the uterus, and a lot of blood is pumped to the uterus during labor. The pregnant uterus has one of the greatest blood supplies of any organ in the body, and in every cesarean section, large blood vessels are cut as the surgeon opens the wall of the uterus to gain access to the baby. Complementary to this, is the fact that the areas to the right and left of the uterus have big arteries and veins that can be torn accidentally. Often, there is nothing the

surgeon can do to avoid such tears; every doctor will be confronted with this problem from time to time. If the doctor detects a tear quickly, it can be safely repaired before too much blood loss occurs. Nikacia had all the signs representative of sending out red flags, yet they were seemingly overlooked at all levels? Note that with each maternal death thus far the Minister of Public Health George Norton has promised the populace that it would be investigated and preventative measures instituted. Wasted talk, wasted thought! The newspaper reports that medical professionals have overtime maintained that with each C-section a woman undergoes her risk during delivery is increased. No reminder necessary here, although maintenance in the absence of adherence serves no purpose. To what infection was the reporting referring to when he gave infection as the reason for the removal of the uterus? Was it chorioamnionitis (when the tissues around the fetus are infected) leading to infection of the uterus (called endometritis)? Serious infec-

tions are rare in women who have planned C-sections before labor and before the membranes are ruptured. Fortunately, almost all cases of endometritis can be treated with antibiotics. Problems like this are more common after long labors, which clearly does not apply to the deceased. Needless to say that in the post- partum period infection does not appear without any prodromal signs, although in this case the name or type of infection was neither stated in the newspaper nor supplied to the mother. Was the deceased given prophylactic antibiotic therapy prior to delivery, especially since she went into I have repeatedly stated this, almost to the point of being jocularly repetitive but yet another maternal, loss is again one loss too many. If these losses are allowed to go unchecked, uninvestigated and undocumented the Public Hospital would serve as a subtle extermination camp. I am calling on the Minister of Public Health to carry out forthwith an immediate investigation, commence-

ment of an ongoing inquiry, documentation and reporting of all events from admission to demise, treatment protocols instituted, nursing care and quality of care administered, involvement of other health agents (reason and duration), examination of hospital policies and procedures as it applies to notification of next of kin. Do not for one moment arrive at the hasty conclusion that I am in any way, shape or form letting the medical personnel off the hook. In fact they are the chief actors. There should be an investigative body, or the medical board to examine the conduct, exercise of professional duty and practice of those directly involved in Obstetrics. The time may have come to moor the boat and examine the horns, looking for the Sanaan goat on board. As part of the Hippocratic Oath states “abstain from doing harm”, ( primum non nocere). This is a truly universal expression of concern and compassion for our fellow human being especially Guyanese. Yvonne Sam.

APNU+AFC DOUBLE... From page 4 there to facilitate inappropriate transactions to members of APNU + AFC Government members? c. The transfer of funds by the Deputy CEO of GPL and a Former Board Director that also gone cold. d. The recent findings of the transfer of GRDB Money to GRPA e. The statements made by the APNU and AFC when they were oppositions about the illegal activities and projects at NICIL that were facilitated by Mr. Brassington and the others. To date, Mr. Brassignton is still heading NICIL and further the Deputy of MrBrassington is the wife of Mr. Jaipaul Sharma’s brother. f. The money that was taken from the Treasury to purchase gold, is the gold at

the Bank of Guyana or the money being replaced? It is so disgusting when heard that the rice farmers are complaining about what the APNU+AFCwere preaching on the campaign trail about what they will do when they go into Government for the rice farmers. In short, all they did was to fool the rice farmers. They, Mr Nagamootoo said that when they go in Government, they will able to pay the rice farmers up to G$ 9,000 per bag for paddy and today Granger is saying that the rice sector fiasco is a private sector matter and not an issue for his government. This is so ludicrous! In view of all of what is happening, it leaves me to think if Guyana will ever get better. I liked and admire with passion, the comments and the

positions taken by some people like Dr Hinds, Freddie Kissoon, the Red Thread, etc. I asked myself if this is as much we can do as Guyanese? We have long suffer under the PNC, the PPP/C and are we going to sit and accept what the APNU+AFC is carrying on with? Well people, if we do, it is confirming that Guyanese people are passive. I would like to leave it here and look forward for the next move what the APNU+AFC will come up with and what we will do as Guyanese RNR EDITOR’S NOTE. The initials here are from a real person. We would be reluctant to carry further correspondence with this style. We prefer the full names

From page 22

LAND FOR SALE 365 Acres cultivated, 1135 acres-unclean, house 20X60 (porch)- Call: 657-0992 1500 Acres Transported land near Bartica, Forestry, Agriculture, loam, sand rock quarry, price to sell. Cal Mark: 603-1266; 625-9788; 707-4652222 Eccles (100FtX50ft) -$4.6M, Herstelling (110ftX61ft) $4.2M; low lands (East Coast) -$1.8M, Parfaite Harmonie -$1.2M. Call: 6042207; 611-7223 Land at Parfaite Harmonie $1.1M, $1.4M, $1.6M, Tuschen 2nd Street -$5.5M, Phase 2, $1.4M- Call:604-6724 Large land (37’X724’) @ Bagotville West Bank, Residential and Farming land -$5.7M. Call: 600-0036; 2231273 Gold & Diamond Land @ Ekereou, Parish Hill Berbice River. Call: 600-0036; 223-1273

FOR SALE LARGE QUANTITIES OF HIGH PURITY MERCURY (QUICK SILVER) 99.99995% PURITY$19,000 PER POUND CALL: 592-227-4754. One 52ft, complete snapper boat and one 38ft bore cruiser in excellent condition. Call: 654-2817; 648-6815 Pool Tables and business property for sale- Call: 6216878 MILL CUT AND DRESSED GREENHEART FROM $160BM AND KABUKALLI FROM, $180BM- TEL: 6886579/653-9752 Toyota Spacio, PMM 3646. Call: 628-1620 High frequency radio system for the interior/bush. Call: 600-0036 CRV 2000 Model, 1998 CC PLL5892, Burgundy, immaculate condition- Call: 684-5868 Prado 2000 model, 2700CC, PPP2872, pearl white & silver, next to new- Call: 684-5868

House in Tuschen Main Road -$27M, 46ft fishing boat Fully furnished luxury 2 and & 500lbs Nylon Seine -$2.3M. 3 bedrooms apartments to let Call: 696-6074 (short and long term). Call: One 40 outboard Tohatsu 603-9671 Engine, excellent condition. FOR OVERSEAS VISITORS, Call: 687-8239 or 675-3004 FULLY FURNISHED 2 Brazilian Hair Special! 100% BEDROOM APARTMENT, Natural, no fillings, feel, test ECCLES, FRIDGE, STOVE, MICROWAVE ETC-$US30 & buy it @ Low prices. Call: 679-1174; 231-5700 DAILY-CALLMAX: 611-8698 OR CLAUDETTE 685-4449 Deep fryer for fish or chicken, Apartment in Eccles, rooms gas, 3 gallon with inner basket in Albertown –Call: 225-3234 and cover. Call: 686-6379 Crazy deals! All Dell Desktop & Laptop computers-$55,000, free educational software and games. Call FuturetTech: 2312206 TO LET

Change of plans- One complete 6 inch new dredge. Call: 625-9358 Large original Nevea Cream in wholesale quantity. Call: 673-7883 Golden Retriever pups and other breeds of dogs. Call: 625-0345 Double lot & 2-storey house at Chateau Margot- Tel: 6619431 TO LET 2 Bedrooms house upstairs toilet and bath, preferably couple or student, price $60,000 negotiable. Call: 6549807

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Kaieteur News

Saturday October 24, 2015

ON THE OCCASION OF THE UN 70 TH ANNIVERSARY Foreign Minister Carl Greenidge I am pleased to join with the UN family in Guyana to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations. Since its founding on October 24, 1945, the United Nations has continuously evolved to meet the needs of its membership and the challenges of a changing world. Unlike the League of Nations which regrettably met an early demise due to disunity among its members, the United Nations has strived over the years to bring its members together to achieve its purposes. In the 70th year of its existence, it is opportune to examine the relevance of the United Nations especially for nations like Guyana; those that are small and vulnerable with an abiding faith in the fraternity of the UN to promote and protect the interests of all. Of critical importance is the role of the UN in the maintenance of peace and security and respect for international law. On September 29, 2015, His Excellency President David Granger made a passionate plea during the High Level Debate of the 70th Session of the UNGA for the UN to give real meaning to Resolution A/RES/49/31 on the protection and security of small states. This plea came against the

backdrop of Venezuela’s spurious decrees claiming Guyana’s territory, the most recent being on May 26, 2015 - Guyana’s 49th Independence Anniversary, when that Government issued Decree No. 1.787 which in a most disgusting and unlawful way sought to make Guyana a much diminished and landlocked state. Now more than ever, the UN is needed to protect small and vulnerable states from those who selectively forget international law and believe that a show of force for political gains illustrates leadership. Latin America and the Caribbean has been a zone of peace and Guyana will work tirelessly with the UN and other member states to ensure that the region remains so. The United Nations Development Agenda also has an important role to play in the preservation of peace and security. The UN has over the past two decades increased momentum on the development front through its Summits and Conferences which have galvanised the international community to action and spawned many partnerships. These fora have provided impetus to several development goals including the Millennium Development Goals and the UN 2030 Development Agenda which fo-

cus on sustainable development with the overarching goal of poverty eradication. It is Guyana’s view that peace, security and development cannot prosper if there is no respect for international law and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states large or small. Further, sustainable economic development of small states cannot be accomplished without the assistance of international institutions like the UN. Guyana faces similar vulnerabilities as those of other small states such as size, income volatility, limited diversification of economy, climate change, and limited resilience to economic shocks, which all hinder growth. The UN is well placed to assist States to overcome such constraints. Guyana remains committed to the United Nations as its best hope to promote and maintain peace and security, to safeguard its territorial integrity and help in creating an enabling environment for development. Thus as we mark the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations, Guyana recommits itself to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and to the peace and security of all states on the basis of sovereign equality.

From the UN Secretary General National flags are a mark of pride and patriotism in every country around the world. But there is only one flag that belongs to all of us. That blue flag of the United Nations was a banner of hope for me growing up in wartime Korea. Seven decades after its founding, the United Nations remains a beacon for all humanity. Every day, the United Nations feeds the hungry and shelters those driven from

their homes. The United Nations vaccinates children who would otherwise die from preventable diseases. The United Nations defends human rights for all, regardless of race, religion, nationality, gender or sexual orientation. Our peacekeepers are on the frontlines of conflict; our mediators bring warriors to the peace table; our relief workers brave treacherous environments to deliver life-

saving assistance. The United Nations works for the entire human family of seven billion people, and cares for the earth, our one and only home. And it is the diverse and talented staff of the United Nations who help bring the Charter to life. The 70th anniversary is a moment to recognize their dedication – and to honour the many who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. The world faces many crises, and the limits of collective international action are painfully clear. Yet no single country or organization can address today’s challenges alone. The timeless values of the UN Charter must remain our guide. Our shared duty is to “unite our strength” to serve “we the peoples”. To mark this anniversary, monuments and buildings across the world are being illuminated in UN blue. As we shine a light on this milestone anniversary, let us reaffirm our commitment to a better and brighter future for all.

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Saturday October 24, 2015

Saturday October 24, 2015

Kaieteur News

John Ashe pleads not guilty Daily Observer - Dr John Ashe, a former United Nations (UN) ambassador from Antigua & Barbuda, and one-time president of the UN General Assembly, Thursday, pleaded not guilty in a Manhattan Federal Court to tax fraud charges linked to a wideranging bribery scheme. The accused, who allegedly accepted US$1.3 million in bribes from Chinese businessmen, appeared in the court in handcuffs and what appeared to be a blue prison jumpsuit. Also pleading not guilty were the billionaire Macau real estate developer Ng Lap Seng who is accused of bribery and money laundering; Francis Lorenzo, a now-suspended deputy UN ambassador from the Dominican Republic; Jeff Yin who was Ng’s assistant; and Sheri Yan, former chief executive

Dr John Ashe of Global Sustainability Foundation. Thursday’s arraignment came after a Federal Grand Jury indicted them on Tuesday, adding new charges for all except Dr Ashe, in a case first announced October. Prosecutors allege that Ng,

who heads Sun Kian Ip Group and who has a US$1.8 billion net worth, through intermediaries, paid Ashe over $500,000 to seek UN support of a UNsponsored conference centre in Macau. While, the prosecutors said 61-year-old Dr Ashe also allegedly received over $800,000 from Chinese businessmen to support their interests within the UN and Antigua, prosecutors said. It is alleged those payments were arranged through Yan, 56, and Heidi Park, who was Global S u s t a i n a b i l i t y Foundation’s finance director. Park, 52, was not among those indicted on Tuesday, though, according to Reuters online news agency, she remains in custody and the deadline to indict her has not expired.

Rowley: No witch-hunting Trinidad Guardian There will be no witch-hunting by the Cabinet of T&T but Government will not be turning a blind eye and allowing wrongdoing to become fashionable in the country. That was the promise of Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley as he addressed the post-Cabinet press conference Wednesday. Rowley said that while speaking about reports of wrongdoing, which ministers discussed during the budget debate.

“During the debate many ministers reported on what they had encountered in their ministries. “Some of what they have reported have been quite shocking and scandalous with respect to the discharge of responsibilities, both from the end of the public service and from ministerial control. “In some instances there might even be criminal conduct involved,” Rowley said. He said based on these revelations, there was a general sentiment that these developments should not to go unat-

tended and that people are to be held accountable for their actions.” Rowley said the Government’s position was that if situations where serious wrongdoings were involved, the information would be forwarded to the Office of the Attorney General for action. “To do otherwise will be a dereliction of duty on the part of any minister who would have found serious misconduct and loss of public assets in any ministry,” he added.

Page 27

Red Stripe’s MD under probe by JSE for share purchases KINGSTON, Jamaica — Managing director of Red Stripe Cedric Blair is currently under probe by the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) for the purchase of 108,891 Desnoes and Geddes (D&G) shares days ahead of the formal announcement of the acquisition of the company by Heineken International. Market disclosures indicate that up until June, Blair owned 750,000 units in the company but purchased another 108,891 shares between September 29 and October 6 when the stocks were being traded for up to $7 per share. On October 7, Heineken acquired majority shareholding in local based Desnoes & Geddes for US$780 million. Since the announcement the stock jumped more than three times from $7.00 to $28.18, making many shareholders wealthy. Reports are that two of the transactions happened a day after Blair was told of a poten-

tial deal with Heineken. The Jamaica Observer has learnt that chief regulatory officer of the JSE, Wentworth Graham began to probe the transactions after the sale of Red Stripe was disclosed. Graham wrote to Diageo Plc, parent company of D&G, seeking the timelines of the deal with Heineken and the information available to Red Stripe directors. Blair is however denying the claims, stating that he has been purchasing shares all his life and that he made no attempt whatsoever to benefit from the transaction. His statement was supported by Red Stripe chairman Richard Byles who says he has the highest regard for the brewery’s managing director. Blair has worked with the Red Stripe for more than 20 years. During his tenure as managing director over the last three years, Blair raised

Cedric Blair the return on equity from the mid-teens to the mid-twenties. He will continue as managing director at Desnoes & Geddes makers of Red Stripe beer despite demitting his position on the board. (Jamaica Observer)

U.N. Security Council not respecting all members’ views: Venezuela UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Venezuela complained yesterday that the United Nations Security Council was not respecting the views of its non-permanent members, after abstaining on a vote for at least the seventh time this year and saying it was shut out of negotiations. Despite Venezuela’s abstention, the 15-member council renewed an arms embargo and targeted sanctions regime on Somalia and Eritrea with 14 votes in favor. A resolution needs nine votes in favor and no vetoes by the permanent members the United States, China, Russia, Britain and France to pass. “My country demands respect in this Security Council. Respect ... for the points of view

Rafael Ramirez of all countries be they permanent or elected members to the Security Council,” Venezuela’s U.N. Ambassador Rafael Ramirez told the council. Ramirez, a former Venezuelan foreign minister, said the

negotiating process for the resolution was not broad enough. Ten of the Security Council members are elected by the 193-member U.N. General Assembly. It is a common complaint among elected members that the five permanent members routine l y e x c l u de them from initial negotiations on some issues and that the situation has worsened in recent years. New Zealand - a council member for 2015/2016 - also has complained about a “power imbalance” on the council due to the five vetowielding members “who have become used to exercising their power and protective of their privileged position.”

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Saturday October 24, 2015

Saturday October 24, 2015

Kaieteur News

Guyana Jaguars are arguably the best prepared team (From page 29) story from the practice matches was the bowling of the pacers on generally flat tracks. They bowled with pace and control, with Berbician Raun Johnson looking the best of the lot. Ronsford Beaton showed he is still the quickest in Guyana with Keon Joseph not far behind in pace and hostility. Reifer seems to have fully settled into life in Guyana and his left-handedness and the variety that comes with his ability to produce lateral movement through the air and off the seam. He is equipped with a good 'slower' ball and, on pitches which have gotten lower and slower throughout the Caribbean, should be an asset in the Jaguars' bowling armory. The one disappointing aspect is that without Devendra Bishoo, who should miss at least the first game, the spinners are bowling too flat and fast and many times lack that teasing flight that draws batsmen out of their crease. There is an acute shortage of quality off-spinners in Guyana and Steven Jacobs, who moved from being a batting all-rounder to a bowler

who bats well, is the best of the off-spinners but he, like Veerasammy Permaul, are bowling too flat and will struggle to dismiss top batsmen on quality pitches. The squad had a 'day of bounding' on Wednesday at Bourda and took time off from their hard work to share food and drinks (no alcohol).They participated in races and novelty events like 'food eating contest' and other such fun activities The final squad should be announced during the course of this week's final practice game. So what will the selectors come up with? The batsmen have basically picked themselves (unless someone gets a big ton in the final practice match). Hetymer is the perfect foil for Fudadin at the top of the order, with Rajendra Chandrika (who is being wasted in Sri Lanka, unavailable). Skipper Leon Johnson (who should have been in Sri Lanka) should bat at three, with Singh at four and Shiv Chanderpaul at five. Reifer, Barnwell and Anthony Bramble should bat in the order while Permaul, Beaton and Raun Johnson could complete

the line-up. In the 'old days' quality offspinners would 'line up' to bowl to a team in which the first six in the order are all lefthanders. If the right-handed Boodie gets another big score in the practice match he could force his way into the squad during the course of the 10 matches and should play in next year's NAGICO Super50. Last season the Jaguars made consistent big scores (apart from 67 all out needing 69 to beat Barbados at Providence) and Narsingh Deonarine (now playing for Red Steel) scored two centuries in the first two rounds, while Singh got a hundred in T&T and Chanderpaul and Barnwell both registered tons in the last round when they shared in a century partnership against the Windwards. Both Bishoo and Permaul got over 60 wickets. Guyana Jaguars (probable 13) A. Fudadin, S. Hetymer, L. Johnson (Captain), V. Singh (V/Capt), S Chanderpaul, R. Reifer, C. Barnwell, A. Bramble, V. Permaul, R. Beaton, R. Johnson, Jevon Searles, S. Jacobs, E. Crandon (Head Coach), R. Griffith (Manager/ Asst Coach)

Saturday October 24, 2015 ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) Don't try to sign up for a class over the phone or online today, Aries, as it probably won't work.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Obstacles may arise in the course of your chores when machines break down and interfere with your efficiency.

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20) No matter what friends tell you, Taurus, this isn't the day to make an investment of any kind, from buying a house to starting a savings account.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Payment for work you've performed may not come when expected, Scorpio, particularly if direct deposit is involved.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20) More than one problem with modern equipment could rear its head today, Gemini.

SAGIT(Nov.22–Dec.21) Family members might not be in the best of moods today, Sagittarius.

CANCER (June 21–July 22) A trip of some kind might have to be postponed, as computers and other technology involved in your arrangements might be temporarily out of operation.

CAPRI(Dec.22–Jan.19) Be prepared, Capricorn. Have flashlights handy in case of a power outage, and walk instead of drive in case signals cause major traffic jams.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) Some upsetting dreams might haunt you today, Leo. They might evoke some uncomfortable emotional issues.

AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb.18) Temporary upsets regarding money might result from a computer failure of some sort. Take care not to lose your temper over it, Aquarius.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Machines are likely to pose a few problems today, Virgo, particularly where work and money are concerned.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) Computers and other equipment could go haywire today, limiting your abilities to work at maximum efficiency.

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Ramnarine Appiah Memorial twenty-over cricket competition

NO 7, Young Warriors, Canje Pathfinders, Rose Hall CC secure wins Matches in the Ramnarine Appiah (Brother Appiah) Memorial twenty over cricket competition for second division teams in the East Canje/ Lower East Coast, Berbice area continued last Sunday with several matches. NO 7, Young Warriors, Canje Pathfinders and Rose Hall Community Centre all secured wins during the action. The summarized scores: At Cumberland, Young Warriors beat Hamid Eleven by 11 runs. Batting first, YWCC made 107 for 6 off their reduced quota of 15 overs. Former national youth player Balram Samaroo made 32, Zaheer Moakhan 27 no and Berbice youth batsman Alex Algoo 20. Bowling for Hamid Eleven, 72 year old Zamin Hamid took 3 for 15 and Hassan Hussain took 2 for 12, both off 3 overs each. In reply, the visitors made 96 for 9 off 15 overs. Hussain scored 22 and Nazooredeen Bux 21. For YWCC, Moakhan took 2 for 16. Over at Rose Hall Estate Ground, the host won the toss and made 132 for 9 in 20 overs. Compton Hopes top scored with 34. Support was given by Ameer Rahaman 24NO and Kristoff Bahadur 21. Khemraj Sumair took 4 for 23, Leon Sunthgolam 2 for 23 and K Isaacs 2 for 21 bowling for Canefield Sports Club. In reply Canefield SC made 82 all out. Latchman Ramotar 3 for 13, Ameer Rahaman 2 for 16 and Adrian Haralsingh 2 for 17 were the best bowlers for the home team. In the other match played at the same ground, No 7 batted first against Seawell and made 136 for 4 in their reduced quota of 15 overs due to a late start. Ryan Mohamed top scored with 48 and was supported by Johnathan Bhola with 20. N Singh took two for 28 off 2 overs for Seawell. In reply, Seawell made 81 for 9 in 15 overs with R Jainabi scoring 21. Bowling for No 7, Raymond Mohamed took 3 for 17 off 3 overs and Vishal Ramlall 2 for 5 off 2 overs. Over at the Goed Bananen Land ground, Canje Pathfinders won both of their games. In the first match against Canefield SC, Canje Pathfinders and inserted Canefield SC who made 134 for 9 in 20 overs. Khemraj Sumair made 31 and T Singh 22. Tony Dipoo took 5 for 21, the first five wicket haul in the tournament and Mark Sampson 2 for 12 bowling for Canje Pathfinders. In reply, they raced to 135 for 4 off 12.5 overs with Videsh Singh slamming 71,

Tony Dipoo

Videsh Singh

the first half century of the tournament so far. In game number two, the host batted first and made 121 for 9 off 20 overs with R Britton 35 and Randy Jaggernauth 21. Tony Dipoo took 3 for 28, M Steven 3 for 26 and Mark Sampson 2 for 14 for the visitors. In reply, again Canje Pathfinders again raced to victory by scoring 123 for 2 in 9.4 overs. Sanjay Badal 35 and Videsh Singh 26 were the main scorers. Matches will continue tomorrow. At Rose Hall Canje: 9:30am ROSE HALL CC VS CANJE PATHFINDERS 1:30pm KENDALLS UNION B TEAM VS BETSY

GROUND At Cumberland: 9:30am NO 7 VS HAMID ELEVEN 1:30pm YOUNG WARRIORS VS KENDALLS UNION BIG TEAM At Goed Bananen Land: 9:30am GOED BANANEN LAND VS KENDALLS UNION BIG TEAM 1:30pm HAMID ELEVEN VS SEAWELL Teams are asked to submit the scores within 48 hours to the board on 333-2375 or the boards representative Mr Sahadeo Singh on 617-1103 for the media. No first division players will be allowed unless the player is 40 years and over.

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Kaieteur News

Saturday October 24, 2015

GBBC/Giftland Office Max Nex Generation Boxing Card

Time to put up or shut up when boxers bare fists tonight By Michael Benjamin The fight should have been staged since September month end and even then, it was to have been Dexter Gonsalves squaring off with Guyana’s bantamweight champion Iwan Azore, for the latter pugilist’s bantamweight belt. They say every disappointment is for a good and when Azore was injured and forced out of the fight to accommodate Clive Atwell as the replacement, that old Guyanese could not have been better endorsed. Now tonight, boxing buffs are expected in their thousands to witness what could possibly turn out to be the best local fight in years when Atwell and Gonzalves step into the ring tonight. This will be the main bout of a 4 bouts card that will see Quincy Gomes taking on Anson Green in a 6 rounds super/lightweight affair. Then there is that highly anticipated 4 rounds lightweight encounter between debutant Imran Khan and David Thomas followed by a featherweight shindig between Terrence Adams and Keeve Allicock. They say that figures and statistics could be misleading but in the fistic sport it is those very figures and statistics that are used to predict outcomes. Atwell’s ability is well known and he enters the ring with a decent 13-2-1 record. The drawn decision was way back in 2010 and was Atwell’s second fight. Since then he has racked up a decent record up until his world title bid against Mexican, Johnny Gonsalves in may last year when he surrendered by technical knockout. He did not fare better in his next fight against Kye Mackenzie in Australia and naturally, the pundits started speculating of his resilience. Atwell proved that he is made up of much sterner stuff when he matched wits and strength with Jamaican Contender Champion, Sakima Mullings, turning in a classy performance to break the Jamaican’s winning streak over several of his Guyanese counterparts. That fight was in February this year and though Atwell’s filled in for Azore, this cannot be regarded as an advantage for Gonzalez. Atwell has disposed of 7 of his 13 opponents yet he has not been categorized as a knockout artist. However, his clinical approach has proven to be devastating and many of his opponents, though averting a knockout, have left the

Imran Khan (R) and David Thomas size each other up. Who will be the bigger man tonight? ring, maybe wishing they had quitted on the stool instead of withstanding such brutality only for only a loss. Many will remember Atwell’s clinical applications in, October 2012 that dumped Trinidadian, Prince Lee Issidore, to the canvass where he involuntarily spilled his guts after enduring 12 rounds of brutality at Atwell’s fists. Revlon Lake also tasted some of that power in December 2012 and he succumbed in the 5th round to hand Atwell the local featherweight crown, one of Atwell’s many prestigious accolade. A natural crowd pleaser, Atwell enters the ring tonight brimming with confidence, quite cognizant that he must win to stay in contention to remain as the darling of boxing pundits but more importantly, for a return to the international stage,. The man that stands between him and those aspirations is Dexter Gonsalves, an unassuming boxer who, at a first glance, is as inconsequential as they come. His record is less glossy and after compiling 10 fights he has racked up a 7-1-2 record with 4 knockouts. This is by no means a flattering record but this is a classical instance where figures and statistics could be misleading. Gonsalves has a wiry figure but he packs a mean punch. In his fledgling career he has boxed 44 rounds and disposed of 4 of his opponents before the final bell. An orthodox fighter, Gonsalves stands 5’ 7" (170cm) and may just feel that his height advantage could stand him in good stead. He is not as experienced as Atwell but he has demonstrated a keen work ethic in the gym. He always comes to his battles in great condition, the same as his opponent, and the betting boys will be a little hesitant to cast early wagers since, despite the disparity in experience, Gonsalves could be as dangerous as they come and must not be taken for granted. Which way will the fight go?

Well, that’s anybody’s guess but one thing is certain, boxing buffs will get their money’s worth irrespective of who wins, so for those contemplating attendance, it will be a win-win scenario. The Green/Gomes bout has promised much and during his final training session last Thursday afternoon, Green had dispatched a missive to Gomes that he will have a torrid time in their bout. Indeed, Green’s applications during training sessions were more determined than his previous bouts but he will have to be at the top of his game to overcome Gomes who has demonstrated that he could give as well as take a punch. Imran Khan is now in the big league and will finally get an opportunity to back his chat. He had been very vociferous at the signing ceremony and had aggressively confronted his man while spewing vitriol. Fans will be looking for similar aggression when the bell sounds tonight. The amateur segment gets underway before the professionals and should be the appropriate palte pleaser. Exciting Republican fighter, Nankumar Singh, will match gloves with Kellon King in a highly anticipated lightweight slugfest while Harpy Eagles representative, Travis Hubbard tackles Orin Bancroft in another lightweight (youth) encounter. Glenroy Smith (EBG) will then match gloves with Republican, Clifton Graham in a welterweight bout while Tefon Green (GDF) and Dexter Wray (REP) will square off in an Elite Flyweight contest. Fans will also be entertained with lots of side attractions including beautiful models that will be on show. There will be music and plenty of frolic for every spectator but none the boxers who will now have to put up or do the decent thing and shut up. Bell time is 20:00hrs and those wishing to view the bouts in the VIP section will be required to pay $5000 while other patrons will pay $2000 for general seating.

Saturday October 24, 2015

Kaieteur News

GCB/Banks DIH/Digicel NSSCL...

Nedd all-round heroics spur Chase Academy to easy win A fine all-round performance by Ashmead Nedd handed Chase Academy to a comprehensive nine-wicket victory over St. Roses when the Guyana Cricket Board Ministry of Education/ Digicel/Banks DiH national secondary schools cricket league continued yesterday. Left arm spinner Nedd proved almost unplayable taking six wickets for 11 runs off five overs as St. Roses were sent packing for 77 in 15 overs, batting first at GNIC SC. He was backed up by Kurt Lovell 2-9 and Dwayne Dick 1-13. Goden Alleyne made 16 while Mark Deochand got 15 and Alex Bacchus 13. Nedd then stroked an unbeaten 33 with three fours and a similar number of sixes as

Ashmead Nedd Chase Academy responded with 78-1 in 12 overs. West Indies U15 batsman Joshua Persaud scored 23 with four fours. Lovell was dismissed for 15. At Enterprise, La Bonne Intention (LBI) overcame Enterprise by four wickets. The

home team took first strike and were bowled out for 86 in 23 overs. Navendra Chan got 28 as Kumar Persaud captured 4-4 off five overs and Nandkumar Krishna 2-16. LBI replied with 87-6. Krishna scored an even half century; Bishaun Khemraj finished with 3-14 including a hat trick. At the De Edward ground in West Berbice, Belladrum went down to number eight by 10 wickets. Belladrum took first strike and were bowled out for 74 in 18 overs. Dishan Phillips picked up 3-10, while Dinnauth Persaud and Nigel Deodat had two each. Number eight responded with 75 with out lost in 6.3 overs. Phillips scored 45. The League continues on Monday. (Zaheer Mohamed)

Major upgrade of sports grounds in Berbice Whim Community Centre undergoing major rehabilitation The once famous Whim Community Centre Sports ground on the Central Corentyne is presently undergoing major rehabilitation works. The initiative, which is being led by newly installed Regional Executive Officer (REO) of Region Six Dr. Versasammy Ramaya, has seen hundreds of truck loads of dirt being deposited on the ground. The ground, which once hosted a number of first class matches including teams from overseas, is one of the biggest grounds in the country with a dimension of 700 meters by 700 meters. The Whim Community Centre like many other grounds in Berbice and Guyana has been badly neglected in the past and has been in a dilapidated state. Dr. Ramaya even before his accession to office had pledged as one of his priorities to make sure that recreational facilities are rehabilitated and brought back to what they used to be. The Whim community centre has fond memories for a number of greats who would have utilized the venue in their glory days, which was a hive of sporting activities then. His Excellency President David Granger along with Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, who like Ramaya hail from the said community and were competent all round sports personalities in their days, were prominent fixtures at the venue. Others like cricketing giants Rohan Kanhai, Joe Solomon, Basil Butcher the

Kallicharran family, Rex Ramnarace, The Etwaroo Family, the Nagamootoo brothers and Sugar Boy Baijnauth among others would have been prominent fixtures at the Whim ground. According to Ramaya it was a shame how the previous administration allowed the venue like so many others in the country to get to such a bad state despite millions of dollars being spent every year. He said that a few

years ago a group led by him made strenuous efforts to rehabilitate the venue but was stopped by the previous administration. The ground which has a huge pond, floods easily as soon has it rains. The water in the pond has since being pumped out and the pond is being filled while t h e o v e r a ll level of the ground will be raised. The perimeter fences and drains will also be rehabilitated, along with the pavilion being renovated. (Samuel Whyte)

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5th BRUSCHES BASKETBALL CLASSIC BOUNCES OFF TONIGHT AT MSC Blockbuster trades create stage for grudge rivalries when Bulls take on Royals Some key trades ahead of the opening matches of this year’s Brusches’ Classic eight team knockout tournament has caused basketball fans to anticipate some mouth-watering matchups tonight as the leading clubs in Linden begin their quest for the $200,000 top prize at the Mackenzie sports Club hard court. The double header will see the first game at 7.00pm featuring the Wismar teams, Half Mile Bulls, just off reaching a nationwide basketball final, taking on Victory Valley Royals. On paper the Bulls will field a side led by the most promising young player in the country Terron Welch a shooting guard who will be supported by a cast of players such as Dennis Niles, Travin Dryden, if available, with the ever improving Michael Turner all with junior national experience and experienced centre Shane Lewis. They are up against the

Royals led by an equally dangerous outside scorer in Chris Williams who has national experience and will be joined by two ball handling forwards in Harold Adams and Orlando Glasgow as their spearheads. This game will be followed by the Mackenzie teams collision where Jets will see the likes of the Webster clan in Allister, Joel and Domain along with Amaniki Archibald, the experienced Neil Simon and the additions of shooting guard Orin Rose and power forward Omally Sampson who were trades from the Kings. But their opponents the Retrieve Raiders will be led by returning power forward Dwayne ‘Brown’ Sugar’ Roberts and fellow former national in Neil Marks, while they have benefitted from the acquisition of one of Guyana’s best basketball knowledgeables in Abdulla Hamid a former national player and coach and Marvin Hartman a former na-

tional player also. They will guide a young cast which should include Dwight McKinnon and Geoffrey LaRose both former junior nationals as they seek to stop the Jets in their game at 9.00pm. The LABA recently passed the FIBA Recommended Misconduct of a Player and as such sanctions will come into effect along with the already set LABA Internal Rules and Regulations, meaning that these games should see a more stringent manner of play regarding the conduct of players generally. The fact that it will be a Linden/ Georgetown final, promises much for seeing the best of the Linden teams on show tonight. The competition continues on Georgetown on Tuesday when Ravens take on Plaisance Guardians and the other game is between Pacesetters and Colts. This matchups will be key to the outcome as both sides seek a place in the semifinals.

ECCB/Elizabeth styles competition continues tomorrow The East Coast Cricket Board (ECCB) otherwise known as the East Coast DemeraraCricket Association (ECDCA) / Elizabeth Styles 40-over Cricket Competition continues tomorrow with several matches being played. The winners will take home three hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($350,000) while there will be prizes and trophies for the second placed team and the player of the final.

Fixtures for tomorrow: Golden Grove Cricket Club vs Mon Repos (A) vs at Buxton Community Centre. Better Hope Sports Club (A) vs Buxton “Carl Hooper” Sports Club at Better Hope Community Centre. Please note that all matches will be played strictly in accordance with the rules and regulations of the ECCB (ECDCA) regarding the preparation and availability of the host facilities. For further information kindly

call the Chairman of the Competitions Committee Mr. Raymond Barton on 626-0223 or President of the East Coast Umpires Association Mr. Davteerth Anandjit 617-8502. Meanwhile, all clubs / teams are asked to make contact with the Competitions Committee of the East Coast Cricket Board regarding the launching of the annual ECCB / ECDCA Sponsored ($200,000) 20/20 tournament.

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Kaieteur News

Inter-Ministry / Banks Beer Futsal Competition

Morris’ helmet-trick for Republic Bank heats up opening night Republic Bank came from behind to defeat National Insurance Scheme 5-3 in the second encounter of the Inter-Ministry / Banks Beer Futsal Competition which opened on Thursday evening, at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall. Akeem Morris recorded a helmet-trick in the win with conversions in the ninth, 10th, 21st and 24th minutes respectively to support Bruce Daniels opening strike in the fifth minute. Allende Henry recorded a hat-trick, netting in the second, 19th and 20th minutes. In the opening game, Transport and Harbour squeezed past the Ministry of Agriculture by a 4-3 score line. Lloyd Prince, Ulric Bourne, Rondel Henry and Joel Singh were the men on target for the winners in the fifth, eighth, 11th and 13th minutes respectively, while Romain Lindo registered a hat-trick in the first, 12th and 27th minutes. Ministry of Public Security edged the Guyana National Industrial Company by a 4-3 margin. Denver Rowley, Gavin Bobb, Sherwin Vincent and Delroy O’Neil scored in the first, seventh, 11th and 17th minutes respectively in the win. On target in the loss were

Rolex Moore, Roger Justice and Richard Bartholomew in the 14th, 18th and 21st minutes respectively. In other results of the night, the Bank of Guyana and the Ministry of Tourism battled to a 2-2 stalemate. Jolyan Harry netted a double for the Ministry of Tourism in the 15th and 21st minutes while Jermin Junior scored for the Bank of Guyana in the 20th and 22nd minute. The final game of the evening saw Guyana Power Light (GPL) and the Ministry of Forestry playing to a 2-2 draw. Xavier Fraser netted a double for the Forestry unit in the fifth and 12th minutes respectively while Daniel Cozier and Linden Munroe scored for GPL in the 19th and 21st minutes correspondingly. The winning team will receive the championship trophy and $200,000 while the second, third and fourth positioned team will receive $150,000, $100,000 and $50,000 respectively and the corresponding accolade. Game-1 Transports and Harbours4 vs Minitsry of Agriculture3 Tranports Scorers Lloyd Prince-5th Ulric Bourne-8th Rondel Henry-11th Joel Singh-13th Agriculture Scorer

Romain Lindo-1st, 12th and 27th Game-2 Republic Bank-5 vs National Insurance Scheme-3 Republic Scorers Akeem Morris-9th, 10th, 21st and 24th minutes Bruce Daniels-5th NIS Scorer Allende Henry-2nd, 19th and 20th Game-3 Ministry of Public Security-4 vs Guyana National Industrial Company-3 Public Security Scorers Denver Rowley-1st Gavin Bobb-7th Sherwin Vincent-11th Delroy O’Neil-17th GNIC Scorers Rolex Moore-14th Roger Justice-18th Richard Bartholomew21st Game-4 Bank of Guyana-2 vs Ministry of Tourism-2 Ministry of Tourism Scorer Jolyan Harry-15th and 21st Bank of Guyana Scorer Jermin Junior-20th and 22nd Game-5 Guyana Power Light (GPL)-2 vs Ministry of Forestry-2 Forestry Scorer Xavier Fraser-5th and 12th GPL Scorers Daniel Cozier-19th Linden Munroe-21st

Guyana ineligible for 2016 CFU Club Championships The Normalisation Committee of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) sought clarification from the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) and CONCACAF on the local clubs that were eligible to participate in the 2016 CFU Club Championships and was given a response by CONCACAF’s Director of Competitions Mr. Horace Reid who confirmed that the 2013-2014 winners would not

qualify according to the CFU regulations. Reid also noted that since Guyana does not have a league champion, no clubs from any other competition is eligible to participate. He noted, however, that on completion of the STAG Elite League in 2016, Guyana would be able to participate in the 2017 CFU Club Championships. Guyana’s previous top

league was completed in January 2014 and none was restarted as a result of the federation being embroiled in administrative turmoil, which led to FIFA installing a Normalisation Committee to run the affairs of the Federation in October 2014. The Elite League was restarted in September 2015 with many of the clubs having to meet rigorous Club Licensing requirements to participate.

Saturday October 24, 2015

Everest thump Port Mourant by 160 runs Everest Cricket Club defea t e d host Port Mourant by 160 runs on Sunday to win their t h r e e g a m e s e ries 2-1. Batting first, the visitors rattled up 308-6 off their allotted 40 overs. Akshaya Persaud stroked 82, while Amir Khan slammed 70, Troy Gonsalves 50 and

Mandrekar Bhola 49. J. Ramsammy claimed 3-52 from eight overs and J. Lewis 3-48 off eight. The home team responded with 148-9 in 40 overs. J. Ramsammy scored 29 and S. Kishnasammy 23; Offspinner Richie Looknauth snared 3-21 and Shaheed Mohamed 2-12.

Akshaya Persaud

Sri Lanka grow lead after West Indies’ 163 ESPNcricinfo - Dhammika Prasad bounded in, making the early incisions, allrounder Milinda Siriwardana struck either side of lunch, and offspinner Dilruwan Perera took care of the tail, as West Indies were bowled out for 163, giving Sri Lanka a 37-run lead by tea on the second day, at the P Sara Oval. The lead was built further by Kusal Mendis and Kaushal Silva, who added 54 together, the highest partnership of the Test so far. Mendis may have looked jittery in the first innings but he got going in the second dig with some wristy flicks. He began with three fours and sussed out the conditions better after Dimuth Karunaratne was dismissed first ball when he tamely chipped Jerome Taylor to square leg. The other opener Kaushal Silva - also had jitters. He was given out lbw on 3 before a review rescued him, with the tracker confirming that the ball was sliding down leg. Mendis’ promising innings was cut short at 39 by Jomel Warrican, but Dinesh Chandimal, having survived a tighter lbw review on 4, and Silva saw their team through to stumps while pushing the lead past 100. Kraigg Braithwaite had earlier mounted some fight for West Indies with 47 off 101 balls, and it was extended through a 32-run seventhwicket partnership between Denesh Ramdin and Jason Holder. Rangana Herath continued to be a wicket-taking threat, but had success only in his 17th over when Ramdin missed an agricultural swipe.

Not that Sri Lanka complained. Prasad, who led the attack, explored shorter lengths to begin with, but soon settled into his groove and returned figures of 5-2-8-2 in an energetic first spell. Nuwan Pradeep exploited the uneven bounce well enough to complement Prasad. Devendra Bishoo, the nightwatchman, was the first to fall on the second day when he threw his bat outside off, nicking Prasad behind, for 14. Prasad then welcomed Darren Bravo with one that misbehaved, snaking away wide outside off and beat the outside edge with a full tempter. Prasad got the big eyes and the big smile going. What followed was a sequence of 19 dots with Sri Lanka burrowing into the middle order. A few balls spat from a length while others kept low, asking more questions of the batsmen. The pressure on Bravo eventually told, with the batsman offering an indecisive angled bat and chopping Prasad on for 2. Herath added to West Indies’ worries by employing teasing flight and ripped one viciousl y p a s t the outside edge of Brathwaite. Prasad then got to bowl to Brathwaite for the first time on the second morning, 45 minutes after a delayed start due to a damp outfield caused by overnight rain, and had the opener scoop the first ball just wide of short cover. Brathwaite had endured more dicey moments, but his innings ended when he was given out caught behind by

umpire Rod Tucker. The noise may have come from the bat jamming the ground but there was not enough evidence to overturn the on-field decision. Marlon Samuel’s innings was far more painstaking - he survived two leg-before appeals on zero within his first five balls, and was left scoreless for another ten balls. He weathered two more leg-before appeals and was caught at slip, lazily pushing at a tossed-up ball from Siriwardana to leave his side at 76 for 4, eight balls before lunch. If it was any consolation, though, Samuels avoided his ninth single-digit score against Sri Lanka in 16 innings, nudging his average to double-figures. Jermaine Blackwood flickered briefly - he drilled Pradeep through mid-off after a slow start and launched Siriwardana for a straight six before Prasad returned and struck with the first ball after lunch. Holder also showed intent when he jumped out of the crease and sent Dilruwan clattering towards the media box. However, Ramdin and Holder exited in a space of 19 balls and the tail did not wag, as the hosts gained what appeared to be a substantial lead on a pitch that already had puffs of dust exploding from the surface. This was only the first time since 2006 that Sri Lanka had managed a first-innings lead after making 200 or fewer when batting first. Scores: Sri Lanka 76 for 2 (Mendis 39, Silva 31*) and 200 lead West Indies 163 (Brathwaite 43, Prasad 4-34, Dilruwan 3-28) by 113 runs.

Saturday October 24, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Guyana Jaguars are arguably the best prepared team As they aim to defend PCL four-day title By Sean Devers With under two weeks to go before defending Champions Guyana Jaguars plays their opening game in the 2015/2016 WICB Professional Cricket league (PCL) four-day first-class cricket franchise on November 6 against the Windward Volcanoes at Providence, the South American based unit is arguably the best prepared of the six Franchises. After coming together in Georgetown in August, the entire squad which includes their Bajan overseas 'picks' Raymon Reifer and Jevon Searles in addition to the 12 players with Academy contracts, have been involved in daily training and practice sessions with the weekends reserved for club cricket in Demerara and Berbice. Reifer has been plying his trade for the famous GCC, while three ThreeDay Simulation games and a Four-Day practice game were held at Bourda. The Providence Stadium, where the last four-

day practice game will be held from Monday and the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall have been used for intense morning physical training sessions conducted by Guyana's leading fitness trainer Kezqweyah Yisrael. On Mondays the players attend assessment meetings at which the four Coaches employed by Cricket Guyana Inc, assess the progress of the players. The players are also involved in motivational sessions before going to the Aquatic Centre on the East Cost of Demerara for 'pool sessions'. The Government, through the NSC and its hard working Director of Sport Christopher Jones, made the 'Sports Hall' and the Pool available to the GCB for the preparation of the Jaguars. Unlike previous years, the adverse Weather had not been a problem. Players like the experienced Shiv Chanderpaul, Assad Fudadin and Vishaul Singh, who scored 141 on his Captaincy debut against the T&T Red Steels in Trinidad, have showed good

Leon Johnson, Taignarine Chanderpaul & Kemo Paul did well in the Yo-Yo test at the ‘Sports Hall’. temperament at Regional and in Chanderpaul's case, international levels. But what impressed many who watched the simulation games was the fact that the usually pugnacious batsmen like West Indies U-19 opener Shemron Hetymer, Chris Barnwell and 22-year-old Kevin Boodie batted for

lengthy periods with refreshing maturity. Boodie's expertly crafted 131 in the practice game was a joy to watch as his innings ebbed and flowed as the situation of the match dictated. The young Essequibian is also a more than useful Keeper. Head Coach Eusan Crandon and his Assistant

Rayon Griffith both say this was one of the fittest Guyana teams ever assembled, while Test player Fudadin feels that no one in the training squad could lament that 'lack of preparation' is an excuse if they don't perform well. The coaches could be accused of being 'politically correct' but this writer attended 95% of the team's

preparatory sessions and could attest to the fact Coaches are 'bang on target' about the fitness levels of the players. Leon Johnson, Devendra Bishoo and Fudadin are usually among the fittest players, but this year, while they have also improved the teenage trio of Tagenarine Chanderpaul, Kemo Paul and Hetymer proved to be the fittest of the lot. Even Yisrael noted that the players were far fitter than they were for the last tournament. “I think the players, especially the young ones, are more committed to their improvement as cricketers because they can now focus on cricket knowing they will get a salary every month to play cricket. This takes away a lot of the stress of having to make a decision on getting a normal job or playing cricket as a career. They are getting paid so they could eat better and even pay players from their clubs for extra practice,” the fitness instructor said. Another impressive (Continued on page 32)

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Kaieteur News

Saturday October 24, 2015

Courts Pee Wee Schools Football Competition

Could St. Angela's, Enterprise, St. Pius continue unbeaten run? After three rounds of thrilling action in the preliminary phase, the business end of this year's Courts Pee Wee Schools Football C o m p e t i t i o n commences today with Round of 16 matches at the Banks DIH ground, Thirst Park. Highlighting the day's fixtures is St. Angela's, who will put their prolific unbeaten run on the line when they face St. Stephen's, while last year's beaten finalist St. Pius, another team that has been producing outstanding performances tackles Comenius. D e f e n d i n g champion Stella Maris, whose performances to date has been a far cry from last year's, will engage St. Agnes in what should be a very entertaining affair. The champs have scraped through the preliminary rounds with some narrow wins, but as the reigning title holders that know how to win, underestimating them could prove extremely perilous. St. Angela's, however, has proven to be the most lethal team in terms of goal-scoring with an aggregate of 20 goals so far and St. Stephen's could find the going too tough for

them today. St. Pius with an aggregate of 10 goals to date should run out winners against Comenius, but with a place in the quarterfinals up for grabs anything could happen. Enterprise is another team that has exhibited scorching form as well and they square off against St. Ambrose that has shown a bit of inconsistency so far in the competition. A heavy defeat last week to St. Margaret's definitely will not help their confidence, but as was alluded to earlier, a place in the last eight is up for grabs and teams usually come with a determined effort to progress further. The day's matches should provide another round of exciting encounters among the young ball-weavers so fans and parents are being invited to witness the spectacle which starts at 10:00 hrs. The day's full fixtures are seen below: 10:00 hrs South Ruimveldt Primary v/s Smith Memorial 10:00 hrs Enterprise Primary v/s St. Ambrose Primary 11:00 hrs St. Margaret's Primary v/s Winfer Garden Primary 11:00 hrs St Angela's

Action in this year's Courts Pee Wee Schools Football Competition at Thirst Park.

Primary v/s St. Stephen's Primary 12:00 hrs Comenius Primary v/s St. Pius Primary 12:00 hrs Stella Maris Primary v/s St Agnes Primary 13:00 hrs Tucville Primary v/s F.E Pollard Primary 1 3 : 0 0 h r s We s t Ruimveldt Primary v/s N o r t h G e o rg e t o w n Primary

Saturday October 24, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Government of Guyana makes major input into Rising Sun Rodeo Tomorrow Rodeo fans will troop to the Rising Sun Turf Club, Arima Park, West Coast Berbice, for the grand event beginning at 11:00 hrs. Vaqueros from overseas and the hinterland Guyana have arrived for the big day, while preparations have been completed for the only coastland Rodeo activity in Guyana. With this gearing up to be one of the biggest Rodeo’s held at the venue so far, the Ministry of Tourism and the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) are using the activity as part of their calendar of events for the year in their touris m expansion drive. According to organizer Fazal Habibulla, the Ministry and The GTA are pleased that they have been bringing the Rodeo activity to the costal plane and it is good, since many persons could not make it to the interior to be part of the spectacular activity . Habibulla promised to make this the biggest Rodeo on the coastal plain to date and stated that it will definitely rival those held in

the interior. He promised that fans will be in for a treat and stunning performances from those participating. According to Habibulla there are a number of new events and features this year, but has not disclosed. Habibulla said he is pleased with the way things have progressed. The venue has been given a spruce up with more rails added and the old one replaced. The ground has also been graded and prepared for the day’s action. The numbers of participants have increased significantly with the overseas contingent from Brazil, Suriname, Venezuela, Peru, and Chile among others here to match skills with their Guyanese counterparts. The local cowboys are expected from Lethem and the Rupununi Savannahs, West Coast Berbice, the Corentyne and Berbice River areas. Most of the cowboys were involved in exercises throughout the week on the Rising Sun Turf Club as they rounded out preparations for the big day, tomorrow.

Fans will be in for a treat when the visiting and local Vaqueros tangle with wild and other animals during tomorrow’s action.

A c c o r d i n g t o information, the West Berbice Posse led by Fazal Habibulla and Keino Hardcourt which makes up the bulk of the local brigade along with those from the A b a r y, M a h a i c a a n d Mahaicony River have been training for the past month and are well prepared to defend their turf. Some 12 different activities in the various categories are slated to be staged and over $3million

dollars in prizes including cash, trophies and other prizes are up for grabs. Among the events listed on the agenda are steer roping, bare back bronco, male and female barrel race, wild cow milking, calf roping, wild bull riding, saddle bronco along with the Rodeo King competition and the popular Tug o War events. A number of other novelty events are also carded including the Beer drinking competition,

gyrating on horses back etc. The clown and the joker are expected to be special features again on the programme. Among the sponsors on board are The Ministry of Tourism, Guyana Tourism Authority Beverage giants Banks DIH Limited, Trophy Stall of Bourda Market, Jumbo Jet Auto Sales, Inshan Bacchus ‘Hard Runnings’ Trucking Service, Shariff Business Enterprise and racing Stables, Metro

O ff i c e a n d C o m p u t e r Supplies, Hablaw Meat Centre, Chester Fry of Bush Lot West Coast and Rising Sun Cattle ranch among others. Persons can still contact Fazal Habibulla at Chester Fry Bush Lot West Coast Berbice on Telephone No 232-0232 or 6577010, 6486522 or Donald or Zaleena Lawrie on telephone no 2254530, 225-4565 for last minute information. (Samuel Whyte)

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West Indies’ 163

Dhammika Prasad bowled with typical zest and purpose on the second day © AFP

Kraig Brathwaite is done in by the turn, Sri Lanka v West Indies, 2nd Test, Colombo, 2nd day, October 23, 2015 ©Associated Press

Inter-Ministry / Banks Beer Futsal Competition

Morris’ helmet-trick for Republic Bank heats up opening night

Part of the action in the clash between Republic Bank and National Insurance Scheme (NIS) on Thursday night at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall.

GBBC/Giftland Office Max Nex Generation Boxing Card Time to put up or shut up when boxers bare fists tonight Printed and published by National Media & Publishing Company Limited, 24 Saffon St.Charlestown, Georgetown.Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491 or Fax: 225-8473/ 226-8210

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