Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly
FOR SAFETY SWAT team turns up at home with search warrant ...says SOCU on ‘fishing expedition’ ...justifies millions in bank accounts
Man arrested after Reno Paton shoot-out with cops, two escape …severalsoldiersswimtosafety,twoinjured GDF truck falls off Kurupukari Crossing
ExxonM’s ship builder says pace of Guyana oil sector vital to company
Gas turbines for GTE project arrive from Sweden
United States-based Lindsayca and CH4 joint venture(LNDCH4Guyana), on Wednesday announced the arrival of two advanced gas turbines from Sweden fortheGas-to-Energy(GTE) project.
In December 2022, LNDCH4 was awarded a US$759 million contract for the construction of two components of the GTE project, the Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) Facility and the 300 megawatts (MW) Combined Cycle Power Plant.
In a press statement, the company noted that the gas
turbines will be at the heart of the Combined Cycle Power Plant generating 300 MW of electricity It was also stated that the turbines will be installed at the project's site in Wales, West Demerara,usheringinanew era of energy efficiency and sustainability for the country.
The turbines' arrival hig
Guyana'scontinuedprogress toward enhancing Guyana's
Humberto Lopez, Country Manager for LNDCH4 Guyana, provided an overview, stating, “The
arrival of these cutting-edge turbines marks a crucial milestone in realizing
country's power generation capacity but also provide an
c i e n t a n d environmentally friendly energysourcefordecadesto come.”
Mr. Lopez further emphasized the strategic importance of the turbines, which will power the Combined Cycle Plant and NGL Plant, both currently under construction at the Gas-to-Energysite.Notably, it was stated too that the turbines will also use the associated gas from the oil wells.
The GTE project is toutedasonethatwillreduce the country's reliance on importedfuels,lowerenergy costs, and significantly contributetonationalefforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The project is a l i g n e d w i t h t h e government's vision to diversify Guyana's energy sector, the GTE project is a
vital step toward building a sustainable and prosperous energy future The Combined Cycle and NGL plantswillplayacriticalrole in harnessing Guyana's natural gas reserves, unlocking the country's energypotential.
As cons
on p
gresses, LNDCH4 Guyana says it remains committedtoengaginglocal communities, creating job opportunities, and ensuring that this landmark project delivers tangible benefits to thepeopleofGuyana.
Last month, this publication reported that Winston Brassington, Head of the GTE Task Force, disclosed that the construction of the Integrated Power Plant and NGL facility is facing a three-month delay due to s
FOR SAFETY SWAT team turns up at
with search
...says SOCU on ‘fishing expedition’ ...justifies millions in bank accounts
Embattled Assistant Commissioner of Police
CalvinBrutusonWednesday night said he was fearful for hissafetyevenasherefused to allow members of the Guyana Police Force's SpecialWeaponsandTactics (SWAT) unit and officers from the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) to search his living quarters although they presented a searchwarrant.
Brutus said he was adamant that only the officers whose names were on the warrant he was prepared to allow into the apartment, but the leader of the operation wanted everyonetoenterandsearch.
SOCU, an arm of the GuyanaPoliceForce(GPF), has been investigating Brutus for alleged financial crimes for several months now
Recently,itwasrevealed that eight bank accounts belongingtoBrutus,hiswife Adonika Aulder, their businesses,andtheirtoddler thatheldacombinedbalance of$500millionwerefrozen.
Kaieteur News was on hand around 8pm when members of the SWAT and
SOCU arrived at Brutus' residence to conduct a search,buttheoperationdid notproceedasexpectedashe did not allow them into the home.
The officers spent some time outside of the home before leaving. Just over an hour after, Brutus, in the company of his lawyers emerged from the police quarters and spoke to reporters, describing the situation as a “fishing expedition.”
“Onsocialmediawesaw alotofallegationsspreading and this was leverage to the current situation here... and thiswholeexerciseisoneof a fishing expedition as we sawtonight,”Brutussaid.
Recountingtheeventsof the night, the Assistant Commissioner recounted,
“Teams of SOCU and two teams from SWAT came to
my apartment… I was out withmyattorneyandassoon as I got in, they pulled up. Theyhadawarranttosearch and they wanted the entire team to search. I invited them, but just the persons whose names are on the warrant. They weren't too keen or interested [in that] becausetheyleft.”
As to whether the police had asked for any electronic devices, Brutus confirmed, “They did not come into the apartmenttosearch.”
The senior officer criticised the ranks for not properly handling the warrant. According to him, the ranks did not show him the warrant, or follow the procedure of explaining the contentsofthewarrant.
Moreover, Brutus also questioned the use of the SWAT team, stating,
Chinese national changes plea to not guilty in tax evasion case
…after ordered to pay over $10 million to GRA
Jin Ming Wu, a Chinese national and ownerofProsperousHardwareIncorporated, has changed his plea to not guilty after initiallyadmittingtochargesoftaxevasion.
The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) hasorderedhimtopayover$10millionintax returns;afigureWuclaimsisinaccurate.Wu, who resides at Lot 110 Regent Street, Georgetown, is accused of failing to submit individual income tax returns to the CommissionerGeneralfortheyears2022to 2024. He faced one charge on behalf of his companyandthreeindividualchargesrelated tohistaxobligationsforthoseyears.
During his first court appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court before Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty, Wu pleaded guilty to all the charges. However,
during proceedings on Wednesday he changed his plea to not guilty for the charge pertaining to his company This change followed a revelation by the prosecutor representing the GRA, who stated that the penalty for the offence is 10% of the tax assessment,totallingover$10millionintax returnsforthecompany
Wu's lawyer, Sasha King, told the court that the figures are inaccurate and urged the prosecutortoreassesstheamount.Regarding thethreeindividualcharges,Wuissettopay $859,154 to GRA, which he and his lawyer agreed to and maintained his guilty plea for thosespecificcharges.Heisrequiredtomake thispaymentwithin21days.
The case has been adjourned to October 30,2024,forfurtherproceedings.
“…SWATisforhigh-profile cases where the suspect or personofinterestisexpected to use violence against law enforcement officers… The u s e o f S WAT i s disproportionate and uncalled for.” The Assistant Commissioner expressed concern over the heavyhanded tactics used by the police “I am concerned about the level of force displayed tonight. There is noindicationthatI'maflight risk,”hesaid.
When asked if he was afraid, Brutus admitted, “Yes, because of the statements that are being madeatpressconferences… I'm concerned for my safety andmyfamily.”
R e g a r d i n g t h e possibility of charges being recommended by the Director of Publ
Prosecution (DPP) to be instituted against him, Brutus noted that while he saw it on social media, he wasnotofficiallynotified.In relation to charges against Brutus, Mark Ramotar, the HeadofthePoliceCorporate CommunicationUnit(CCU) responding to queries said, “SOCU has not disclosed any such info ”Moreover, when questioned about the assets that were frozen, Brutus maintained that they werejustifiable.
“I have been doing businessinaccordancetothe l a w s o f G u y a n a , compliances,submissionsof taxreturnsandallofthat,”he said Additionally, Brutus wasaskedwhyhewasbeing investigated to which he responded that the investigation had deeper motivesandhintedthatmore detailswillberevealedsoon, particularly through the constitutional motion he filed in the high court allegingvictimisation. “I intend to vigorously defendthesemattersbecause there is clear evidence that what is happening is the matter of manipulation of evidence, fabrication of evidence…” the senior cop said.>
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Earlierthisweekwereadinthemediaaboutallegations of sexual assault committed on two schoolboys at the St Joseph High School. The alleged perpetrators were older studentsofthesaidschool.
AreportintheStabroekNewsquotedMinisterofEducation Priya Manickchand saying that an investigation has been launched into the allegations that two students of the school weresexuallyassaultedintheschool’stoilet Manickchandtold StabroekNewsthatofficialsmetboththeallegedvictimsand perpetratorsandthatcomprehensiveresolutionswerearrived at Therewasnomentionofwhatthoseresolutionsareandif theywarranttheinterventionoflawenforcementauthorities It is not the first such complaint of this kind within the school systemanditmustbefirmlydiscouraged
Based on media reports too, there were some elements of officialsdownplayingtheallegations-referringtoitasa“touching incident” We at this newspaper believe every such allegation representsaseriousproblemwhichmustbeaddressedthrough criminalprosecutionifnecessaryandallsuchallegationsmustbe thoroughlyinvestigatedandcondignactiontakenagainstthose foundguiltyofmisconduct
According to UNICEF sexual violence against children is pervasive, cutting across geographical, cultural, and economic boundaries,thedatashow Sub-SaharanAfricahasthehighest numberofvictims,with79milliongirlsandwomenaffected(22 percent),followedby75millioninEasternandSouth-Eastern Asia(8percent),73millioninCentralandSouthernAsia(9per cent),68millioninEuropeandNorthernAmerica(14percent), 45millioninLatinAmericaandtheCaribbean(18percent),29 millioninNorthernAfricaandWesternAsia(15percent), and6millioninOceania(34percent).
Inadditiontostudentabusingstudents,inthepastwehavehad casesofteachersallegedlysexuallyabusingstudents Thishas beenaroundforyears,butunfortunately,thecultureofsecrecyhas seensuchallegationsreducedtomererumors Thisisduetothe factthatwithinoureducationsystem,thereexistsanelitistattitude in which protecting the reputation of some of the top schools seems to take precedence over everything else, including the sexualassaultofstudents.
Ourchildrenmustbeallowedtoseeschoolasaplaceof enlightenmentandsafetyandnotacoveforgainingsexual experienceorfosteringrelationsoftheheart.Worse,inthe St Joseph High School case the victims were bullied and had it not been for their resistance they would have been violated by the suspects. This behaviour in the school systemisnodifferentfromwhatthisnationlearntofwhena seniorgovernmentofficialwasaccusedofrapingaschool girl multiple times The Ministry of Education is encouraged to take a proactive position concerning relations betweenchildrenandteachers Historically,therehavebeencases whereteachershavebeenknowntohaveamorousrelations with their students. In many cases, this has led to both partiesmarryingafterthestudentwouldhaveleftschool.It ishoweverimportantthatsuchrelationsnotbeencouraged, especially considering the power and influence that a teacher wields over his or her pupils. This can lead to teachersofbothgenderstakingadvantageoftheinnocence andinexperienceofourchildren.Ifnotyetinplaceastrictcode mustbeenforcedprohibitingsuchrelationsandanyteacherfound tobeconsorting,eveninanon-sexualsensewithastudentshould bedebarredfromteaching
Whilewehoweversetacodeofethicsforourteachers,letus not delude ourselves over the realities of student-student relationships,manyofwhichareflourishingandwhichalsoresult inisolatedcasesofsexualexperimentation Thisiswhereparents need to play a more important role in ensuring that such relationships between students are discouraged The problem of reducing sexual permissive conduct in our schools requires a collaborativeeffortbetweentheeducationalauthoritieswhoshould lay down the ground rules and implement a strong system of monitoringandenforcement,teacherswhoshouldbeboundtoa code of ethics, parents who must instill sound values in their childrenandthekidsthemselveswhoshouldreportanyperson attemptingamorousorsexualrelations
Minister Ramson, when will theAlbion Sports Complex be ready for international cricket
Kindly allow me some space in your newspaper for thisletter
It’sbeenoversixmonths now since the ground at the Albion Sports Complex had been relayed and grass planted.
In fact, the grass has grown so tall that it was slashed a couple times. So the condition of the outfield is in excellent condition. Editor, the problem is that sincethen,whichisoversix
months now, work has ceased and the contractor is nowhereinsight.
The wooden stands are fallingdownandresidentsof Albion and surrounding areas are wondering what is goingon.Forthepastcouple of months we have had excellent weather and the people were hoping that the project would have gone a far way so that we can have international cricket early nextyear
At a meeting at the JC
Chandisingh High School a few months ago which I attended, I asked the Vice President if he could shed some light on when the Albion Sports Complex will be ready for international cricketandherepliedthathe was not in a position to answer the question, but we need to ask the Minister of SportsCharlesRamson,who should be updating the public on that project. So I would like to take this opportunity to publicly ask
the Minister of Sports to please give cricket fans and the general public an update on when the Albion Sports Complex will be ready for internationalcricket.
Cricket fans are anxiously waiting to see cricket again at this ground where the first ever one day international match in the West Indies was played in 1977.Hoping to hear from yousoonMinister YoursFaithfully, ImtiazBaccus.
Modern public transport system needed (Part 1)
Iwishtowritethisletter with a beautiful heart and love for our country and respect for our President, Government and Cabinet. The aforementioned are doing so much to develop our country, to provide opportunitiestoourpeoples; homes and lands; building new roads and highways; upgrading highways and dams, lands for agriculture, industry & commerce. The action undertaken by the Irfaan Ali government to enhance our nation and peoples, taking us to the modern world is something most extraordinary and appreciative by this writer andIthinkbymostsensible Guyanese.
Thepurposeofthisletter to His Excellency the President and his Government and to the nation is to appeal for serious attention on the public transportation system. Our people are suffering which is pushing most Guyanese towards owning their own vehicle. I see nothing wrong with Guyanese having the ambition of owning their own vehicle With the systems in place in our country it is quite easy for people to own motor vehicles Those motor vehicles in their numbers clutter our roads and create more accidents in which manylivesarelost. With this in mind I wish tosuggestthefollowing:
1. Most people in this country can barely get themselves to their jobs on
time due to clutter on the roadsandhighways.
2. Getting to work and returning home is an exercise in exasperation, annoyance, depression and frustration.
3.Theexcessiveheatand noairconditioninginpublic minibuses only compound the trauma of the travelling public Which covers Guyanese across the board, which crosses race, gender andage,min-busesareoften crowded with men, women andchildrenofallages.With everyone wanting to get homeintheafternoonsafter a long day’s work. It would appear to me in these modern times it is an exerciseintortureinhell.
4 Uncouth, rude, demanding and demeaning touts with favoritism by ethnicity at times is most annoying. Some touts have sexual preference for pretty girls.
Iknowanexperienceofa pretty young lady who told me while she was in a minibussitting,tryingtoget home. A certain man very harsh, hard, crude and rude tookhishandandrestediton her upper leg. When she pushed his hand away and objected to his behavior, he tookoutafirearmandrested it on his leg for her to see.
Terrified she started hyperventilating as the man wasmovinghishandhigher and higher to the topmost part of her leg. This shook myheartandtoremeapart.
5. I know minibuses are doing quite a tremendous and important service to the nation, as without them we
wouldbeinhorrorforpublic transport in the country However, the annoyance of passengers as well as persons in various communities in which these buses run, they play their loud music that is painful andsometimesvulgartothe ears.
6 Overcrowding and speeding also seems to be the norm for many who are basicdriversandnotowners. Owner/drivers are usually known to be elegant and functioning within the confinesofthelaw
The history of transport service in the various counties.(Part2)
1 Under the British Government, during the reign of Governor, Sir Francis Hicks I understand had established the first Railway System in South America.
This Railway System wasaboomtothepeopleof this nation for public transport and for the transport of goods, mostly consisting of agricultural products. Those who knew of the trains suffer deep anguishintheirheartsatthis time,knowingwhatbenefits itwouldhavebroughttothe Guyanesepeople.
The first Prime Minister of Guyana L.F.S Burnham for some reason decided to close the railway He sold it to a British gentleman who resold it according to information to an African country for three hundred (300) times above the value hehadboughtit.Whatawise businessman! What a ridiculous Guyanese Prime
During the time of the train service there were also buses that were built mostly ofwood,zinc,achassiswith engine. Extremely colourful and well cared for by their owners.Theywouldoperate at certain times and in certaindistricts,bylaw The redcolourbecameromantic.
On the selling out of the railway system people were free to take the tracks, they used them to build bridges and host of anarchy took placeasthethengovernment claimed they lost control of the situation. This period was shortly after independence On the closure of the railway systemPrimeMinisterL.F.S Burnham terminated the privatebustransportservice, which had brought the ownersandthecommunity’s success and spinoff businesses much prosperity With the closure of their businesses life instantly changedandofcourseevery other aspect of life. Migration to region 11 (USA, North America, Suriname, Trinidad, Barbados) became the focal pointinthemindsofmany A good future was bleak in theireyes.
The L F S Burnham Government immediately established a national transportation service, of buses nationwide and importedschoolbuses.They seemedtohavegonewellin the beginning but eventually,theydidnothave a proper system of financial accountabilityincollecting (Continuedonpage06)
Nawbatt responds to Bisram
DEAREDITOR, I’ll be brief, just to address a few statements madebyMr Bisram,since I have no intention of giving him anymore relevancethanhedeserves. Since our exchanges, a
number of persons, especiallyintheNewYork
a r e a , w h o a r e knowledgeable of this person’s political past, have supported my contentionthathehasbeen and continues to be antiPPP and anti-Guyana’s indomitable leaders, CheddiandJanetJaganand others too many to mention.
His “objective critiques” have shone through like the lights of Diwali. I am certain that Bisram’s comprehension skills would assist him in determining that there is a fundamental difference between amendments to anyConstitutionasagainst its“replacement”.
The Guyana 1980 Constitution has been amended during the
government of the PPP, s i n c e 1 9 9 2
Bisrammustknow whatis legally required for an entirely new Constitution, and if as he posits, “the Burnham constitution will notbereplacedbecauseno politician supports its change” then please let us know how he proposes to havingitreplaced.
Degrees my friend, never make the man. Common sense, integrity, honesty and such qualities areoftenmoreimportantin determining the character ofaperson.
Bisram started his responsebyaccusingmeof “a snide remark”, so I was stunned when he mentioned “some of my pals with bogus degrees”.
Beaman,Bisram,andcall n a m e s
On the same note, I challenge you to say who, withtheauthoritytodoso, madetheoffertoyouto“be adiplomatinDelhi”.Asfar as I’m aware such offers are done by persons very high up in a government
and not in one’s fertile i m a g i n a t i o n You can describe the d i s g r a c e d H i g h Commissioner to India by any name you choose, but don’t try to fool people aboutwhowasresponsible forthePPP’svictoryatthe polls in 2020. It was the people of Guyana who voted for the PPP to be in
And despite the confirmed NO VOTE in Parliament, the Coalition ensured through its indecent manoevres, to remain in government for thefiveyears.
I remember the event you referred to in New York, but your attempt to claim responsibility for its
organization, is disputed by MY friends there, and I’m proud to have “glorified Jagan”. You on the other hand seem d i s a p p o i n t e d
For YOUR information RalphRamkarranwasnot” excommunicated from the PPP”. Or is it that you’re not sure of that word (a defect
you snidely mentioned of mehaving). Watchit,your slipisshowing. Theother parts of his letter are not worthy of comment(s) I’m certain the Guyanese people are learned enough to determine for themselves who should be believed.
Regards, HarryNNawbatt
Modern public transport system needed (Part 1)...
From page fares
Friends of the bus drivers andconductorswouldtravel forfree,themoneycollected like the toll stations in Region6weregoingintothe pockets of the employees
a n d s e c u r i t y a n d constabulary security The managementsystemworked for a while. Eventually it started to collapse as the employees did not have that ownership perspective in their hearts. The owner of a bus would care their bus. A private bus company would do similar Parts would disappear Poormaintenance was a major bugbear; vehicles operating with no oil in the engines and chaos resulted, the bus service couldnolongeroperate.
With that in mind the L.F.S Burnham government did the best they could have doneanddecidedtoopenup to the importation of minibuses by private individuals. The chaos, the madness and confusion that wefacetodayisasaresultof theclosureandsellingoutof the train system and the private transport buses owned by families. Now there is a dependence on mini-buses, the chaos, the sociological problems; the pain in the psyche of those who have to travel in these mini-buses, create much torment and inconvenience tothepublicatlarge.
When the buses go on strike the nation is held at ransom Mini-bus drivers and not necessarily the owners charge double fare on holidays, weekends, nightsandattheirwhim.Ido n o t w i s h t o b e misunderstood as there are some elegant mini-bus drivers with professional
personality and behavior as therearethosewhoarelewd, vulgar, raw, indecent and criminal.
As the National bus transport service was collapsing, the then Prime Minister came up with the idea to tandem buses in which one bus would be linkedtoanotherbusthatdid not have an engine to transport people in and around, the Georgetown area. He had an epiphany and went through a realization which leads him topublicallyannouncethatit was heart wrenching to see how school children were suffering to get transport to and from school. So, the government went out to procurebuses.Intheprocess he made arrangements with theFidelCastrogovernment ofCuba,topurchaseasetof buses for the transport of school children, in and aroundGuyana.Anumberof buses where imported. On arrival and commencement of use of the buses he was quite disappointed as the buses were gasoline and not diesel There is a vast difference in the benefits of diesel versus gasoline. It provedtoocostlytooperate. Not too long after all the buses were discarded Anotherwaste.
I wish to state at this juncture, the then Prime Minister,L.F.SBurnhamdid indicate that he erred in the closure of the Public RailwaySystem.Hewished hehadnotdoneit.
Whatshouldwedointhe Future?(Part3)
I have travelled much, andIamgratefultoGodfor thatopportunity Therefore,I have seen much. I firmly believe from the depths of
my heart; with all emotion and love for the peoples of this great country, and I mean all peoples in the One Guyana mentality and heart that I share. If this railway systemwasnotcloseddown andsold,wewouldhavehad one of the most modern railway systems, spanning thelengthandbreadthofthis country with new areas opening up to service the nation. It pains my heart to think that the culture and serviceoftherailwaysystem was closed down, which affectedsomanylives.
Governments, authorities, leaders of institutions and organizations must learn to consultwiththeirpeoples.
With the above in mind pleasenotethefollowing:
1 IamgratefultoGod thatwehavenowreachedthe stage where our oil, gas and extended industries, agriculture and all; gold, precious metals are bringing muchwealthtooureconomy I havenotedtheconstructionof roads, opening of new highways to make transport mucheasierforourpeoplebut I believe that almost immediately our government mustlooktosetupsomeform ofpublictransportintheform of modern railroads We are blessed to have friends like China and India In modern civilization and appear that they are the most capable in providingtheconstructionand management of railway systems 2. Mysuggestion is to study countries where modernrailwayshavebeena boon to the citizensof those countries, e.g. Amsterdam Holland, Germany and Switzerland and the main Europeancountries.Lookat the railway systems in China,eventherailwayfrom China to Pakistan The railwayinIndiaastoundsthe imagination Railways in China even operate under the sea We have these friends, Excellency, President Dr Irfaan Ali/Government of Guyana. Let us invite them. The contracts
3. The Contracts would be too much for one nation so we could split the opportunities to prepare for
the glory! For the future of ourcountry!Forthefutureof our peoples and future generations Publictransportationisa most painful thing. Now look at Holland, the rail services in the city operates inacircularfashion.WhenI was there, I saw a modern electric transport system, impeccably clean and well maintained. It was so cheap to travel on this railway On askingquestionsIwastoldit was so easy; they were basically charging to cover costs and not to make a profit. To keep the people happy, contented, with reliable air-conditioned railwaytransport.Onesmall fee covered the entire ride. Now I am made to understand that it is a free service, I may be wrong here. There are hardly any motorcars operating due to the fact that the public transport system is so wonderfully planned out (andcheap)thatpeoplehave no ambition to acquire motorcars.Theywouldhave two or three types of bicycles:oneforluxury,one for speed and even one for family Even Russia, the entire vastness of Russia is covered with railway services.Sameorsimilarfor India and China which are huge countries and could only survive because of the railways Once excellent public transport systems exist and the government withthepeopletrytocreatea new culture, people will begin feeling happiness, peace and contentment They will no longer carry that stress and pain in their hearts and minds. With this, a country would prosper so much more. I am not asking toestablishatrainservicefor free because these countries when they establish their train services, they did not do it for free. They do it in modern times because they can now afford to do it for free. I say we try to cover costs with a small percentage for future expansions.
I know for a fact that in Germany railway travels,
children aged five to fourteen years old travel for free with a paying adult.All created in modern times to take stress away from the people.Andhereagainmost people would travel with bicyclesandasmallnumber withmotorcars,asthepublic train and bus transport service systems are so comfortable and reliable Manydonotseetheneedof having a motorcar Again, Germany did not start by giving this service for free butonlyinrecenttimesasit became prosperous. In the USA and Canada, the subway/bus transport systemaremostdependable, reliable and cheap to travel on. In New York I know quite a bit about the Long Island Railroad where most professionals in the Long Islandareawouldtravelonly on the railway or buses and keep their cars parked for specialoccasions.
This writer recommends brining powerful bus corporations and companies from Brazil, Miami, United Kingdom, to partner with Guyanese individuals and businesses. Establish them in areas where the trains cannot operate and even to operate alongside the trains, or before the establishment ofthetrains.Theydonotfor to wait for the trains. These buseswillbehygienic,most comfortable with air conditioning, televisions which will be sharing messages of national development and education, beautiful music for meditation with instructions on how to meditate etc.
These are all just suggestions I am making here as the bus and train service can also become a part of re-educating the citizens, creating a vibrant newculture.
Ipraythatthisisseenas worthwhilebytheleadersof thecountry
Ofcourse,withthetrains and buses operating there will be new industries created, new businesses popping up in the various towns.Irememberwhenwe would join the train from Rosignol Berbice, there werethosefishshopsasakid even after the trains were eliminated,wewouldstopat Rosignol to get our fish and bread.Therewasalsoaspot at the train stop at Mahaicony, romantic in thought in my mind as a child, looking at that old building that I still see there uptorecenttimeswherethe train would stop to get that fishandbreadandsnacks.A
whole new modern system could be created for commerce and industries everywhere.Ihaveseenthis also in South Korea and Japan.
So,whatabouttheminibuses and drivers? We should train the mini-bus drivers to become operators in the train service and the new bus services. We could train the conductors of the minibuses to become conductors in the new train and bus services. In these servicestherewillbenocash transaction, tokens/tickets mustbeboughtbeforehand.
What about the min-bus owners? His Excellency
President Irfaan Ali has an extraordinary skill, in bringing people together from various communities, toformcorporations,aswith community minded youths to work on projects and programmes to aid in their financial wellbeing An example being the training of youths to make hallow blocks, that initiative was a well thought out one. In the same way we call the investors and mini-bus owners to become partners with major expatriate companies to provide this magnificent public bus and railway transport system, so they as businessmen would begainfullyemployed.
Minibuses do not have to disappear Those who would prefertohavespecialcontracts could operate in between the train and bus services to get persons at certain points The minibuses in the future could besolarpoweredorelectronic and would operate from the terminals, to shopping areas, to schools, to areas of industries and businesses. Conveniences and environmentalconcerns
Excellency President Ali andyourGovernment,thereis nowaythatmysuggestionsfor the future can happen overnight There is also no way in which I might be perfectinmysuggestions My thoughts and ideas could be tweakedtosuittheneedsand the circumstances as we evolve in this great country, withthisgreatgovernment,for agreatfuture
I pen this letter with all my love for my country and f
y individual,anendtoanxiety, frustration, annoyances, d e p r e s s i o n a n d inconveniences, all for the One Guyana Philosophy which I love that you Mr Presidenthavecreated.
Sincerely, HajjiDr.RoshanKhan
Reservoirs identified for Guyana, Suriname joint development
Gu y a n a a n d
Suriname, are discussing joint development of natural gas resourcesoffthecoastsofthe neighbouring South
American countries, accordingtoAnnandJagesar, CEOofSuriname'sstatefirm Staatsolie.
“It will not happen tomorrow, but it is important that we now have mutual confirmationthatwewantto work together It may take years before we find a development concept,” Jagesar told Suriname-based outletdeWareTijd.
According to a report by, Jagesar said Guyana and Suriname will cooperate in drafting a development concept for some offshore reservoirs These he said could include the Makka and Kwaskwasi
discoveries in Suriname, close to the border with Guyana,andtheHaimaraand Pluma dis
in Guyana,whicharealsoclose totheborderwithSuriname.
Guyana and Suriname havebeenthefocusofoiland gas exploration in recent years,withbillionsofbarrels of oil found in their offshore sedimentbasin.
Last week Vie President, Bharrat Jagdeo told a news conference that the two countries have committed to sharing information on the oil and gas sector with each other He said that the commitment between the two countries was made during a recent visit by Suriname's Foreign Minister Albert Ramdin, other government officials and representatives of Staatsolie –Suriname'soilcompany
Additionally, the two countries are working to set
information sharing but, in the meantime, it will be
efforts, collaboration in the sector and we committed to sharing more information on the Oil and Gas industry among ourselves,” Jagdeo hadstated.
on for gas monetization between the two countries and whether the subject was discussed at the said meeting, the Vice Presidentsaid,“Noitdidnot asyet.
It was a general conversation to discuss the sharing of information and where both countries are in theiroilandgassector.”
handled by the Suriname's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Guyana's Ministry of Natural Resources. “Earlier this week, I also met with Minister Ramdin from Suriname the Foreign Minister, and he brought a number of people from Staatsolie and from the government who deals with thissector
So,wetalkedextensively aboutthecoordinationofour
He explained that as Suriname's oil sector progresses, talks will continue on areas of collaboration.
Exxon is currently producing a total of 665,000 barrels of oil per day in Guyana but over the longer termeyesproductionofover 1millionbpd.
Total oil production in the country is seen rising to over1.6millionbpdby2030, as the government seeks to maximize returns from the industrybeforethepredicted demandgrowthpeak.
In Suriname, French supermajorTotalEnegies has just announced its final investment decision (FID) fortheGranMorguprojecton offshore Block 58, which will develop the Sapakara a n d K r a b d a g u o i l discoveries.
The project, expected to pump 220,000 bpd at peak production, will cost around $10.5 billion, with first oil expectedin2028.
ExxonMobil has discovered more than 11 billion barrels of oil in place offshore Guyana and is prioritizing the country as a keygrowthdriverofitsasset andproductionbase. Exxon and its partners in the Stabroek block offshore Guyana, U S Hess Corporation and CNOOC of China, currently produce all theoilintheSouthAmerican country, which became the newest oil-exporting nation attheendof2019.
The idea of reform is seductive It conjures images of progress, of things being made better, more efficient, more just. Reform implies that something is being fixed, that the old ways imperfect as they were—are being shed like worn-out clothes, to be replaced by something smarter, sleeker, more functional.
B u t r e f o r m , i f undertaken merely for the sake of itself, can be just as futileasdoingnothingatall. Infact,itcanbeworse:itcan create the illusion of change while the underlying p r o b l e m s r e m a i n unaddressed,festeringunder the surface Reform becomes a check-box, a symbolic gesture, when its only goal is to satisfy the reformer’s ambition, not the society’sneeds.
Nowhere is this truer than in the case of policing. Policereformisoneofthose perennial talking points that every politician, at some pointoranother,promisesto deliver And why not? It sounds noble and necessary But the question that gets lost in the noise of all this reform talk is a simple one: arethesereformsmakingour streets, homes, businesses, and communities safer? If not, then we must ask ourselves—what exactly is thepoint?
I n G u y a n a , t h e conversation about police reformhasbeenongoingfor y e a r s V a r i o u s administrations have rolled out their plans with much fanfareandproclamationsof grand overhauls. But even with these reforms, crime
continues to plague our towns and villages, and fear is a constant companion for many. So what is the problem?
The issue is that reform efforts are too often inwardlooking. They focus on the structure, the processes, the procedures of the police force itself. We tinker with rank systems, move officers around,issuenewuniforms, establish protocols, and create committees We r e g i o n a l i z e t h e force—ostensiblytobringit closertothepeople—butina country like Guyana, where regions stretch out vast and thin,thissolutionisapoorfit for the geography The reforms are made, the system is restructured, and yet, in too many cases, the people remain just as vulnerable, just as exposed to crime as before. This, then, is reform for reform’s sake an exercise in changing form without affectingfunction.
The Guyana Police Force, as it was originally conceived, was not built for modern crime prevention. It was designed to control the l o c a l p o p u l a t i o n , particularly in colonial times, when its primary function was to maintain orderontheplantations.The focuswasneveronensuring the safety of ordinary citizens but rather on protectingtheinterestsofthe colonial elite. Although the country has long since thrown off the yoke of colonialism,thepoliceforce has retained much of its old structure and ethos one that is top-down, centralized, and not entirely geared towards the
protection of individual communities.
Crimeisnotacentralized problem.Itoccursinspecific places, in specific ways, often disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable communities. A police force that is too rigidly centralized will always struggle to respond effectively
Even the much-touted regionalization plan under the David Granger administration, while an acknowledgmentoftheneed for decentralization, fell short because Guyana’s regions are too vast and its settlements too scattered. It is simply not possible to governpolicinginsuchlarge regionsfromasinglecentral hub, especially when resources are stretched so thin.
Whatweneed,insteadof more top-down reform, is a fundamentalshiftinhowwe think about policing. We need to ask the right question: how can we make our streets, homes, b u s i n e s s e s , a n d communities safer? The answer to that question lies notinthecorridorsofpower
but on the streets themselves The goal of police reform must be outward-facing It must focusontheimpactithason the people it is meant to serve.
To do this, we must embraceamodelofpolicing thatisdecentralized,notjust regionally but locally Policing should be rooted in t h e c o m m u n i t i e s themselves.Officersneedto knowtheareastheypatrol,to befamiliarwiththerhythms o f l i f e i n t h o s e
Too much salt does spoil de soup!
Demboyssehde Vee Pee like potsalt;hedeh in everything. Big ting, small ting, all de tings, he gattobeinit.
Now dem boys hear she, dem planning a consultation fuh improve and enhance de Zoo and BotanicGardens.Whoyuh think showing up? De Vee Pee! Like he is now de expert pun animals and plants.Demboyswonderif he learn botany and zoologyovernight,orifhe justlikehearheownvoice ineveryspace.
De man deh all over!
One minute, he talking ‘bout oil, next minute he talking ‘bout de cost of living interventions, and now he want to sit down
and be part of de consultations on de Zoo andBotanicGardens! Yuh woulda think de country only got one man running it! Is like nobody else capable From pot holestoparrots,deVeePee gothefingerinalldepots.
De man so busy, he probably negotiating with de jaguars in de zoo right nowtomeksuredemdon’t
neighborhoods, to have relationships with the residents. This is not to
suggest a return to
neighborhood watch programsorvigilantism,but rather a system where local officers are accountable to the people they serve, not justtoadistantheadquarters.
The police cannot be everywhereatonce,butthey can be more strategic. This means targeting resources where they are most needed—high-crime areas, vulnerable communities, and places that have been traditionally underserved. It alsomeansshiftingthefocus from reacting to crime to preve
prevention isn’t just about patrolling more frequently orlockingpeopleup. Reforms that fail to consider these factors will alwaysbehollow
They may change the lookofthepoliceforce,give itanewlogooranewslogan, but they will not change the realityontheground.Andif peopledonotfeelsafer,then thereformhasfailed.
In the end, the effectiveness of police reformmustbemeasurednot by the satisfaction of politicians or even police officers themselves but by the sense of security experienced by the average citizen. Reform for the sake
of reform is a distraction, a means of keeping up appearances while the real issuesgounresolved.
Thegoalmustalwaysbe clear: safer streets, safer homes,saferbusinesses,and safer communities Anything less is simply not goodenough.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
ask fuh more food in dis cost-of-livingcrisis. Dem boys seh, is like de man feel he must be involved.
Dem boys seh, next thing yuh know, he gon startadvisinghowfuhraise chickens or grow cassava. Isonetingfuhbeinvolved, butdispotsaltstorygettin’ outtahandnow DeVeePee likeheforget,toomuchsalt does spoil de soup Sometimes yuh just need fuh let de experts do dem work and stick to de big boytings. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
One Guyana; two presidents; three narcissists
The common hope i s f o r o n e Guyana. Itisone thatlaborsundertheharness of two presidents. What is not so well known to most citizens, is that there are three narcissists. President Ali is one, President Jagdeo is the second, and the battle for the third narcissist's spot is between Dr Ashni K. Singh and Dr Mohabir A. Nandlall, minister of money
and minister of law respectively
Of the latter two, a kind handwillbeextendedinthis writing; there will be little else to say about them, so theycanexhaleslowly PresidentAli first fell in love with the power and pomp of the presidency Then, the disturbances began: he fell head over heels in love with himself. Forgetaboutthegreatest,for that is small change. In ExcellencyIrfaanAli'shead, he is the smartest, the quickest, the sharpest. The
last can be interpreted any way that pleases Who cannotbeawedbyaheadof state who is so far gone that he fancies himself a combination of Sharukh Khan, Amitabh Bachan and Denzil Washington, with a tiny bit of Sydney Poitier thrown in to add a touch of class to the picture. If there isonewordthatcapturesthe substance of Mohamed Irfaan Ali it is dramatic. If there are Guyanese who need a full sentence, then
have it: a character that is pure theater Instead of the theatric,PresidentAliwould havepreferredacrobatic,but there are some built-in inhibitions. The man and leader likes to make speeches.
InAli,thereisanational leaderwhohasperfectedthe art of saying much without sayinganythingatall;heisa regularairball.
He just loves the spotlight and has developed thick skin in ignoring the blights. An entire opera is President Ali, and he needs nohelpfromanysupporting cast; he hogs the limelight, whether it is for $200,000 announcements or an Exxon-approved script about sanctity of contract. Guyana'sleadingscreenman isbusyadmiringhimselfthat he has eyes only for his beautiful mind and outline. All those hungry people. Denial.
All those unhappy citizens. Moredenialspiced up with some curt dismissals.
All those naysayers, which lead to more denials, then dismissals, and last distance.
How dare them to disagree with El Supremo? The audacity of these insurgents and subversives to challenge El Magnifico?
A hundred years ago, the poor Mexicans had to live with Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa. A hundred yearslater,poorerGuyanese now know what it is to live under the yoke of Dr Irfaan Ali and Dr Bharat Jagdeo. No bandidos or cheap, twobitdesperadosarethosetwo, but the twin narcissistic terrorswithwhomGuyanese
are forced to live.
Both are prone to severe mood swings With friendlies and the garlanding crowd of swooning worshippers, both narcissists are in their natural element, with the self-lovecomingoutoftheir pores at drenching volumes. In the blink of an eye, both can change from a roughedgedversionofDr Jekyllto a snarling, fiendish impersonation of Mr Hyde. In the case of both, it is not impersonation, but the real article.
title for Jagdeo's book on politics and national leadership would have been 'Bad Publicity is for Dummies.' The two top national narcissists in Guyana are so paranoid that somebody is always out to getthem.
Mess with them and be prepared for a truckload of stonetobedumpedonone's head.
It could be through the a r r a y o f t h e P P P Governm
secret weapons:socialmedia,State media,andfakemedia,with allthreebeinginseparable.
The other half of Guyana's narcissist club is BharatJagdeo.Thereisatop political figure given to violent changes in personal atmospherics. Crosshimup and a Pandora's Box of petulance, political pestilence, and unmanly virulenceareunleashed.Itis Jagdeo's book on political science.Jagdeoisamanwith a stellar record: he never accepts responsibility for failures. Is de tek-knee-cul peeple.
Or some dumb flunkey ready to perform the role of m o n k e y ' s u n c l e Bottomline:narcissists doan tek no blame; no way, no time. It is always somebody else's weakness, lack of the required effort, that brought onGuyanesedisastersbythe bunches. Another fitting
It is at these moments thattheformerpresidentand Guyana'soilsovereign(must write separately about that flash) mutates from what is verbal gymnastics to political hysterics. He seeks tolayoutsomeundesirables orgetshisgoonsquadstodo theundemocraticjobsforthe franchise.
Itisaone-manfranchise. I believe that narcissism has taken such crippling control of both Presidents Ali and Jagdeothatbothhavehidden microphones in the folds of theirclothes,sothattheycan be energised by a constant streamofbabbleintheirear: Who is the best. Jagdeo is thebest.
Whoisatthepeakofthe crest. Ali is the best of the best.Forpersonalsafety,just don'tputthattothetest. This is how the compulsion towards mythmaking has converted both Irfaan Ali and Bharat Jagdeo to becoming legends in their own eyes. Narcissists R' Us.(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
14 contractors bid to build new Campbellville Health Centre
Fourteen contractors have submittedbidsfortheconstruction of a new Campbellville Health Centrebuilding.
Theprojectisbeingundertaken bytheGeorgetownPublicHospital Corporation(GPHC).
Administration Board (NPTAB) office.
According to information provided by NPTAB, the bidders interested are as follow: PP
Theprojectwhichattractedbids frombothlocalandoverseasfirms opened onTuesday at the National Proc
$637,600,200; Construct It Inc.$1,058,949,890;PivotEngineering Inc; Avinash Contracting & Scrap Metal Inc - $988,273,640; Qingjian Group Company Guyana Inc - $1,167,793,956; S&K Construction, Consultancy Services&GeneralSuppliesInc.$857,756,052; Cloud Construction -$727,234,000;AMConceptsInc. - $610,388,640; Blue Print Builders Inc. - $733,830,000;
Construction - $712,662,500; Urban Edge Builders Inc$798,015,000; Onyx Engineering Inc - $751,358,800; and BM Property Investments Inc$829,811,890. During the opening (Continuedonpage22)
Panama finally pays $1.5B to 19 local rice millers
After a six-year wait, 19 local ricemillershave received a total of $1 5 billion owed to them by the PanamanianGovernment.
The cheques were presented by Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha at the Ministry's Regent Road office on Wednesday The debt stemmed from a 2018 shipment of 9,000 tonnes of rice to Panama, which went unpaid,leavingthemillersin financial limbo Upon assuming office, the PPP/C administration immediately initiated efforts to recover theoutstandingfunds.
Many of the millers expressed relief, noting that thefundswillenablethemto revitalise their rice mills. Wazeer Hossein of Wazeer Hossein Rice Milling
Complex shared his gratitude, stating that the mill will now reopen “…because I waited so long forit.Itwasoverdue.Iteven
affected us in the industry
We were closed for a while becauseofthepayments,”he added.
Mohindra Persaud of Nand Persaud & Company described the legal process as 'very long and stressful' butwelcomeditsresolution. Henoted,“Iguessnowallof us are happy that this financial issue has been settled This brings the Panama sales to a closure. I want to say thanks to the government and Minister Zulfikar Mustapha for getting this matter concluded.”
Praemwatie Baliram of D Suklall Rice Industry echoedsimilarrelief,stating, “We feel a great relief because we were worried abouttheequipmentthatwe haveinthemill.So,now,that we get the money, we will reopen.”
Fyuse Hoosain of Fyuse Hoosain Rice Milling Complexalsoconfirmedthat his mill would resume
operations with the newly receivedfunds.
The long legal battle, which disrupted livelihoods and forced several mills to close, was finally resolved after the government took
International Chamber of Arbitration in France, securing the funds owed to
Minister Mustapha explained that Panama had given an undertaking to pay the principal amount, allowing for the arbitration to be withdrawn once the millerswerecompensated.
“Wegavethem[Panama] an undertaking that as long as the principle is paid and t
paid…Then, we will ensure
that we withdraw that arbitration…The money has been paid into the GRDB's account.
It was very unfortunate thatsomeofyouhadtocome out of business,” he explained.
MinisterMustaphaurged the millers to settle any outstanding payments to the GRDB and small-scale farmers, while reaffirming
commitment to supporting thericeindustry
“We are hoping that the riceindustrywillcontinueto excelbecausewehavemade a lot of input over the last fouryears.
Over $3 6 billion we have invested in the rice industrytobringrelieftothe farmers, ” Minister Mustaphanoted.(DPI)
‘No evidence of work on $2 billion
GDF wharf project’ - AG Report
The $2 billion wharf project beingconstructed by the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) at its Coast
Guard H
d schedule, Auditor General (AG)saidinhis2023report.
According to the report the contract awarded by the National Procurement Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) was for the construction of a reinforced concrete wharf at Coast
Guard Headquarters, Ruimveldt in the sum of $2.040 billion against an Engineer's Estimate of $2.624billion.
TheContractwassigned onDecember,282023,with construction period of thirty monthsforcompletion,with a commencement date of 26
February 2024 and completion date of 26 February2027.
The contract stipulates a defect's liability period of twelvemonthsafterpractical completion.
Asat31December2023, an Advance Payment totalling $191 659M was paidtotheContractor,Kares
Engineering Inc; the sum represents9.39%ofthetotal Contractsum.
However, a physical verificationofthecompleted works by the audit office revealed that the contractor wasnotmobilisedtositeand no work had commenced, while four months had already elapsed since the start date of 26 February 2024.
The Audit Office has therefore recommended that the GDF urge the contractor to pursue the works, closely monitor the work progress and provide a copy of the Performance Bond for audit examination.
The wharf project is geared specifically towards properlyaccommodatingthe GDF's new patrol vessels.
The National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) has since come under scrutiny for the award of a $2.1 billion to KaresEngineeringIncgiven thatthecompanymissedthe benchmark for being a responsive bidder Correia and Correia Ltd, feeling wrongedbythedecision,had lodged a complaint with the
The complaint included allegations that Kares Engineering's bid was “nonresponsive based on the FinancialAssessmentwithin the Evaluation Criteria” and therefore should not have beenawardedthecontract.
The PPC's findings indicated th
Kares Engineering's bid was 77.8 percent of the Engineer's Estimate, below the 80 percentbenchmarksetinthe evaluation criteria In contrast, Correia and
Correia's bid was at 82 percent. The PPC noted that S. Jagmohan Construction and General Supplies Inc. would have been the lowest evaluated bidder but did not lodgeacomplaint.
Early December 2023, eight contractors submitted their bids to NPTAB for the project.
The firms are: R. Basso & Sons Construction Company–$5,688,972,220, S.JagmohanConstruction& General Supply Inc –$2,146,098,430, Correia & Correia Limited –
Photograph of the site for the wharf at Coast Guard Headquarters where no work has commenced (Source:AGreport12July,2024)
$2,176,084,034, Arjune Construction Inc –$2,063,024,470, Memorex E n t e r p r i s e –
$2,950,673,991, Kares Engineering Inc –$1,839,524,630,IvorAllen–$5,942,806,223,andGordon Winter Co Limited –$5,191,750,016. By December 27, 2023 the project was awarded to Kares Engineering. To this, the PPC underscored the importance of transparency, stating, “The publication of contracts is of utmost importance not only for
information and related transparency purposes but alsoforthelodgingofa'Bid Protest'.”
The PPC's investigation revealed inconsistencies in the NPTAB's contract publication process, adding t
NPTAB claimed the contract award waspublishedonitswebsite, the PPC's checks indicated otherwise, undermining confidence in the procurementprocess.
Manarrestedafter shoot-outwithcops ...two escape
A 23-year-old man was arrested by police in the wee hours of Wednesday, after he along with two other suspects were allegedly involved in a shoot-out with ranks during a mobile patrol at Sand Pit/Onderneeming, Essequibo Coast.
The man has been identified as Reno Paton, a r e s i d e n t o f S a n d Pit/Onderneeming Police reported that the two other suspects are yet to be located. The incident occurred around 04:00honWednesday.During a police mobile patrol, ranks observed three men acting suspiciously The ranks then
approached the males, who reportedly opened fire on them. The police ranks returned fire, and the suspects fledindifferentdirections.
During the chase, Patron felltothegroundandreceived injuries to his face. A search conducted on him led to the discovery of a 9mm pistol alongwith14live9mmrounds in the magazine. One spent shellwasalsorecoveredatthe scene. He was escorted to the police station and placed in custody assisting with investigations A team of police ranks is actively searching for the other two suspectsintheSandPitarea.
Pres. Ali urges responsible integration of AI into Caribbean education
While embracing the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technological innovations into the educationsystemacrosstheCaribbean region, President Irfaan Ali on Wednesday said that such a move should be done responsibly and ethically while ensuring learners remain critical thinkers capable of navigating a future full of complexity andchange.
TheGuyaneseHead-of-Statemade the announcement as he delivered the keynote address at Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) 4th Ministerial Summit that was held in Trinidad and Tobago on Wednesday This year the summit is being held
President Irfaan Ali
underthetheme'ArtificialIntelligence and Technological Innovations in ShapingCaribbeanEducation'.
Appearing virtually, the President
saidAI,likeeveryothertechnological advancement before it, presents both challengesandopportunities.Henoted thatasaCaribbeanregion,“Ourtaskis to harness the potential of AI while addressingitsrisk.”
The President said when not only theCaribbeanbutthewiderworldwas facing the COVID-19 pandemic it providedacrashcourseinthepotential and pitfalls of online learning, noting that it forced everyone to adapt quickly “For many, this was an uncomfortable transition. We shifted from traditional classroom settings to online platforms attempting to ensure nochildwasleftwithoutopportunityto (Continuedonpage22)
ExxonMobil’s ship builder says pace of Guyana oil sector vital to company
The rapid pace at which ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) and the Government of Guyana (GoG) have advanced oil projects in the Stabroek Blockhasbeencrucialtothe successofDutchshipbuilder, SBM Offshore the world's undisputed leader in floating production, storage and offloadingvessels(FPSOs).
In a recently aired interviewbyOilNow,SBM's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Øivind Tangen emphasised,“Ithinkthepace of the development in Guyana, and this is very muchalso,youknow,driven by Exxon and how projects have come to investment decisionsveryfast,coincided with our Fast4Ward programme and us always wanting to be, you know, anticipating the next prospects.”
Tangen noted that the speed of Guyana's development has been an eye-opener for many other countries, whether they are newly discovering oil or are establishedoilproducers.He explained that Guyana is showingtheworldadifferent approach that can significantlyshortenthetime between discovery and first oil. “And even how you go from first oil to, let's call it, plateau production,” he added.
The SBM Offshore CEO
highlighted the synergy between ExxonMobil, the Government of Guyana, and S B M ' s F a s t 4 Wa r d programme He explained thattheconvergenceofthese factors has allowed for an effectivepartnershipthathas hadamajorimpactonSBM's marketingandpositioningin other growing oil and gas markets.
“So I think it's been fundamental to SBM, you know, the fact that Fast4Ward and Guyana discovery coincided, and with the development pace drivenby,youknow,let'scall it field development teams, Exxonandthegovernmentof Guyana,hasallowedthekind of a perfect combination of parameters coming together thathasbeenverypowerful,” Tangensaid. He further noted that Guyana could serve as a reference point for other companies, signaling that it maybetimetoreconsiderthe traditional approach to field development “Be openminded,tochangethepace,” headded.
Regarding SBM's Fast4Ward program, Tangen underscored the company's confidence in the FPSO product and the certainty in execution, which enables SBMtomanagecapacityand execute engineering, p r o c u r e m e n t , a n d construction (EPC) faster
Guyana has been a dream scenario for SBM Offshore. ThiswasrevealedbyTangen in an exclusive interview with Upstream, an online source for independent news and analysis of the major oil andgasprojects.
ChiefExecutiveOfficer (CEO)ofSBMOffshore, Øivind Tangen
than competitors. “But more importantly,it'saphilosophy thatneedstobedeployedata country level, and through the developing oil company and the whole ambition they set around a pace of developmentthatalsowould favour, you know, the value proposition of SBM. So I thinkit'sbeenaneyeopener, and you can see a lot of people look to Guyana as a referenceforthat.Soit's,let's say,itshooktheindustryupa bit,”Tangenconcluded.
Last month, this publication reported that
In an article, Upstream reported that the company is reaping the rewards of its forward thinking and
outstanding project execution, while its new chief executive intends to keepthecompanywellahead ofitspeers.
Tangen said, “Guyana so far has just been a fairytale, and it happened at about the sametimeaswelaunchedour Fast4Ward programme, and that positioned us well for a seriesofPetrobrasprojectsas well.”
Fast4Wardisthegroundbreaking design that SBM cameupwithin2012tailored for benign ultra-deepwater settings like Brazil and Guyana,andwhichSBMwas
able to replicate in stunning f a s h i o n , w i t h a standardisation philosophy
a n d w i t h r e p e a t subcontractors and vendors, all supported by its two principal c
ExxonMobil in Guyana and PetrobrasinBrazil.
Next year, there will be 19 active SBM floaters around the world producing about 2 million barrels per dayofoilofwhichsevenwill be Fast4Ward designs. The companyhasalreadyordered theeighthandninthhulls.
Two Fast4Wards are operatingforExxonMobilin Guyana and two more are beingbuilt.
SBM was contracted by Exxon, the operator of Guyana's prolific Stabroek Block,toconstructfiveofthe sixFPSOssanctionedtodate.
TheLizaDestiny,LizaUnity and Prosperity FPSOs have been delivered and are operating, while the fourth FPSO, One Guyana is
scheduledtoarrivenextyear SBM also secured a contract toconstructtheFPSOforthe sixth project, Whiptail. To this end, the Jaguar FPSO is expected to commence production by the end of 2027.
Tangen told Upstream that ExxonMobil continues to set the benchmark, with decisions to own the FPSOs inGuyana.TheCEOsaidthis provides SBM with significant early cash followedbytherevenuefrom a long-term Operations and Maintenance (O&M) contract. Exxon has stated thatitwillhavesixFPSOsin operation in Guyana by the end of 2027. “We are in a very good dialogue with Exxon and they know when it's a good fit for SBM and themselves,whereweunlock value together, that's normally where we find the opportunities to move forward together,” Tangen said.
UNICEF hosts ‘Access to Justice’ national consultations with children
…16-yr-old Lindener to represent Guyana in Panama
As UNICEF prepares to th observethe35 Anniversary of the Convention on the RightsoftheChild(CRC)on November 20, it has collaborated with the Committee on the Rights of theChildtohostnationaland regional consultations with children/adolescents and stakeholders in various countries to develop a General Comment on children's rights to access to justice and effective remedies.
AGeneralCommentisa document that provides an interpretation of the provisions of respective international human rights treaties Through General Comments, the Committee on the Rights of the Child (thetreatybodyfortheCRC) provides guidance to States on children's rights and issues that require more attention by States. Such guidance can help States
Dr. Loria-Mae Heywood- Dr. Loria-Mae Heywood speaking to juveniles at the Juvenile HoldingCentre on Access to Justice, as part of the National Consultations held by UNICEF Guyana
Parties to better ensure the implementation of the CRC anditsOptionalProtocols. In a press release
UNICEF Guyana conducts Access to Justice National Consultation with students atthe Rights of the Child Commission conference room
UNICEF Guyana said that over the past week in collaborationwithpartnersit has conducted focus groups interviews with a total of 56 children and adolescents from regions three, four, five,six,eight,nineandten.
Some of the groups comprised children with
disabilities, students from the Hinterland Student Dormitory and the Juvenile HoldingCentre. According to UNICEF, national consultations have been initiated via the distribution of online questionnaires to key stakeholders to solicit
experiences, concerns, and recommendations on access to justice and effective r e m e d i e s T h e s e consultations are ongoing. Theconsultationsinsupport of General Comment 27 are aimed at soliciting views from children/adolescents (Continuedonpage22)
GDF truck falls off Kurupukari Crossing
…several soldiers swim to safety, two injured
Charged, Azariah Alli
Man charged with illegal possession of ammo gets bail
Attorney-at-law, Bernard DaSilva on Wednesday secured bail with conditions for his client facing illegal possession of ammunition charges.
The defendant, Azariah Alli of Lance Gibbs, Street, Queenstown,wasgrantedbail in the sum of $150,000 for eachcharge.
Bail was granted by Magistrate Faith McGusty whenheappearedinCourt1at Georgetown Magistrates' Court.
Theconditionsofthebail, according to his lawyer, are
AGuyanaDefenceForce(GDF) truck on Wednesday fell overboard into the Kurupukari River, Essequibo, Region 10, resulting in severalsoldiersswimmingtosafety whilesomesustainedinjuries.
In several videos circulating on social media depicted the chaos, with ranks attempting to swim to safety In one video, a soldier was seen receiving cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) as fellow ranks and bystanders rushed to help the others The truck was visibly
According to a GDF statement, the convoy was transporting troops fromRegion9(UpperTakutu/Upper Essequibo)toGeorgetownwhenthe accident occurred. “All ranks were safely rescued, and two soldiers have been medically evacuated to Georgetown, where they are currently receiving medical attention at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation,” the statementconfirmed.
The truck has since been
recovered, and the GDF has dispatched a response team to the scene to provide support and investigatethecauseoftheaccident. In a statement following the incident, the Defense headquarters expressed gratitude to those who assisted the soldiers: “The GDF extends sincere thanks to everyone who provided immediate assistance duringthisunfortunateincident.
The Force is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being ofallranks.”
thathemustlodgehispassport withthecourtandreporttothe AlberttownPoliceStation"on the last Friday of each month between09:00and12:00hrs."
Alli was initially refused bail when he first appeared in court on September 11, 2024.
After spending more than a monthbehindbarsonremand, the prosecutor was reportedly "not ready" to make a disclosure of his evidence againstAlli.
The prosecutor's alleged unpreparedness resulted in Allibeinggrantedbailandthe matter being adjourned until December20,2024.
Agriculture Minister, Minister Zulfikar Mustapha
AMany investors eager to start major projects in Guyana – Minister Mustapha
g r i c u l t u r e
Minister,Zulfikar Mustapha has saidthatmanyinvestorshave signaled their readiness to investinGuyana'sagriculture sector.
Mustapha made the comments during a meeting with farmers and residents of Clonbrook and Supply Village on the East Coast of Demerara.
Theministerfurtherstated thatwhilethegovernmenthas been working assiduously to develop the sector, it is also working to link existing farmers with investors desirous of executing largescaleprojects.
“Many of you have land. Hundredsofacresoflandbut you are unable to plant on a largescale.
The ministry has been engaging investors; large investors who want to invest inGuyana'sagriculturesector We can link you with those investors.
They have the capital and youhavetheland.
So, you can work with them to get these large projects going rather than have the land underutilized,” Minister Mustapha was quotedinapresssaying.
Theministeralsosaidthat the government has been working to empower farmers and make more incomeearning opportunities availabletothem.
Ratherthangoingthrough theprocessofidentifyingnew lands,MinisterMustaphasaid that for farmers who have existing farmlands and are looking to get involved in large-scale cultivation of high-valueandotherlucrative crops, the ministry can facilitate linkages with the
While addressing
concerns raised about drainage and irrigation, Minister Mustapha said that the ministry through the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) will continue with its work programme of desilting the canalsinthearea.
He also said once that phase is complete, contracts willbeawardedtothevarious farmers' groups to carry out manual maintenance of the canals.
He further stated that the maintenance of the canals must not involve the use of chemicals.
“Persons are saying that the contractors who are supposed to be maintaining the canals are still using chemicals to spray the canals I want to make it clear, if we find anyone spraying the canals those contractswillbetakenaway and those contractors will have to compensate the farmers because when you spray the canals you are also destroying the farmers' crops,” Minister Mustapha explained.
He also said officers from the National Agriculture Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) will be meeting with farmers in the coming week to discuss expanding crop production andproductivity
Minister Mustapha also toldthefarmersthatallofthe planting material needed for the expansion will be made availablefreeofcost.
Minister Mustapha was accompanied by MoA's Director General, Madanlall Ramraj, and other senior officersfromtheMinistry
CAF announces US$300 million
programme to protect
Latin America and the Caribbean's biodiversity
At the opening of t h e L a t i n America and Caribbean Pavilion at COP16 in Cali, CAF –Development Bank of Latin AmericaandtheCaribbean–announced a US$300 million programme to conserve and restore the region's key strategic ecosystemsinLatinAmerica andtheCaribbean.
The project will also mobilse additional financial resources and enhance collaboration between local governments, the private sector, and civil society, CAFsaidinapressrelease.
The programme's launch, attended by Colombia's Vice President Francia Márquez, Brazil's Minister of Racial Equality Anielle Franco, and CAF's Executive President Sergio Díaz-Granados,tookplaceat the Latin America and Caribbean Pavilion at C O P 1 6 , t i t l e d #BiodiversityUnitesUs.This s p a c e i s o p e n t o governments, private sector representatives, scientific institutions, NGOs, local c o m m u n i t i e s , a n d Indigenous and Afrodescendant peoples from acrosstheregion.
“The eyes of the region and the world are on Cali. The agreements we reach, the partnerships we build, and the actions we take will shapethefuture.
This USD 300 million is justthebeginning,aswewill offer a tool for identifying high-quality projects to channel grant and financing resources, encouraging new investments to protect biodiversity in our countries,” said CAF's Executive President, Sergio Díaz-Granados.
In her remarks, Francia Márquez said, “From here, wesendamessageofpeace, thatlong-desiredpeace.
We, the people from this Pacific region, are honoured towelcomeyou.Andit'snot
just about the species; it's
, despite having been on their knees,riseupandwalk.This is also a region that has sufferedfromarmedconflict and disproportionate violence.”
Anielle Franco, in turn, highlighted the Afrodescendant Peoples of the Americas program, a partnership built with Afrorural communities to implement concrete actions toimprovethequalityoflife f o r o u r p e o p l e s , acknowledgingthehistorical challenges and socioe n v i r o n m e n t a l vulnerabilities faced by A f r o - d e s c e n d a n t communities.
“Manypeopleoftendon't understand the purpose of thedocumentswesign,such as protocols of intent and m e m o r a n d u m s o f understanding But those wereseedswewereplanting, and today, we see them flourishing.
Brazil and Colombia are implementing this regional program to tackle racial and socio-environmental inequalities affecting these historically excluded and marginalised communities,” Francosaid.
As a precedent for this fund, in August 2024, CAF signed a USD 50 million credit line with BBVA Colombia to finance local credit operations involving conservation, restoration, r e g e n e r a t i o n , a n d sustainable use of strategic ecosystemsinColombia.
More recently, in El Salvador, CAF participated alongside other partners in the largest debt-for-nature swap in history for the conservation of watersheds, particularly in the Lempa Riverregion.
The repurchase of more than USD 1 billion in bonds will fund conservation efforts, water security, and ecosystemrestoration.
Latin America and Caribbean Pavilion at COP16
The Latin America and Caribbean Pavilion at COP16, organised by CAF, will highlight the region's potentialtoleadbiodiversity conservation efforts, drive climate action with its lush ecosystems, recognise the value of ancestral knowledge,andpromotethe development of the blue economy
During the two weeks of COP16, the pavilion will focus on key environmental issues affecting the region, including: Strategic Ecosystems and Innovative Financing: The major ecosystems of Latin America and the Caribbean transcend borders, and their preservationrequiresgreater regional integration and a c o m p r e h e n s i v e environmental vision Protecting the Cerrado in Brazil ensures sustainability in the Tumbes-ChocóMagdalenaregion.
Thesustainabilityofthe Mesoamerican Biological CorridoristiedtotheAndes.
Science and Inclusion: The pavilion will also addresstheroleofsciencein fostering positive biodiversity outcomes Collaboration between science, society, and public policy is essential to addressing the biodiversity crisis.
Inclusion of Indigenous and Afro-descendant Communities: These communitiesare at the heart ofouractionsandsymbolise what we want this space to represent a place of encounter and integration, whereallvoicesareheardin thesearchforsolutions.
Sustainable Cities and Local Government Solutions: More than a dozen partners will host events here, showcasing the immense value of cooperation.
‘Brutus to be removed once charged’
Attorney General ( A G ) A n i l Nandlall,S.Chas said that with 240 charges of financial crimes and impropriety pending against Assistant Commissioner of Police,CalvinBrutus,hewill go down in history as the highest ranking officer to be enmeshedinsuchfraud.
During his weekly programme on Tuesday evening, Nandlall said that while the file is with the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), the charges are likely to be instituted against Brutus soon. “Obviously when the charges are instituted steps will have to be taken by the relevant agencies and in compliancewiththerelevant legalprocessestoremoveMr Brutusfromoffice…”theAG said.
For several months the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU), an arm of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) hasbeeninvestigatingBrutus forallegedfraud.Recently,it was revealed that eight bank accounts belonging to Brutus, his wife Adonika Aulder,andtheirtoddlerwith a combined balance of $500 millionwerefrozen.
“Mister Brutus will go down in history as perhaps thehighestrankofficerofthe Guyana Police Force to be implicated in this volume of fraud.
I believe that he will go down in the Caribbean as an officer of such rank to be
implicated in this level of criminality,” the Attorney Generalsaid.
The Assistant Police Commissioner last week moved to Court filing applications against the AttorneyGeneral,andothers claiming that he was being victimised in the ongoing investigation and being denied services including a restriction on his accounts.
However, in response to Brutus filing, several disclosure were made in courtdetailingthefindingsof the investigation. Nandlall said, “Naturally, the respondents who were sued, had to respond and in kind, andalotofinformationagain gotintothecourtsystemand by extension the public domain…”
“One account of Mr. Brutusremainsunfrozenand thatistheaccountintowhich his salaries are paid. Strangely that account, up to quiterecentlybaseduponthe Court proceedings had dozensofmillionsofdollars.
When one examines those accountsitwouldappearthat years of salaries were not withdrawn from that account…that account had millions of dollars in it untouched ” Nandlall added.
Last Friday, Brutus and his wife were barred from travelingtotheUnitedStates for a pregnancy-related trip after a legal application for travel clearance was denied by the High Court. Coming
...will go down in history as the highest ranking officer to be implicated in this volume of fraud …salary remained untouched for years - AG Nandlall
fromthecourtproceedings,it was disclosed there are 240 financial charges pending against Brutus which totals $800million.
An affidavit filed by SOCU's head, Fazil Karimbaksh, has brought to light a number of questionable financial activities involving the family, including the purchase of a $85 million propertyinGeorgetown.
According to SOCU's head affidavit, earlier this year, Brutus purchased an $85 million property located in Alberttown, Georgetown. The sale agreement was enteredonFebruary5,2024, with an initial payment of $21 million, followed by a
Essequibo teen dies after crashing into utility pole
on Tuesday died after losing control of his motorcycle and crashing into a utility pole on the Mainstay AccessRoad,EssequiboCoast,RegionTwo.
The Guyana Police Force (GPF) in a statement said that the incident involved motorcycle #CN 8791, owned and driven at the time by Freeman of Mainstay Village and pillion rider AlexanderGomes,anotherteenofMainstay Village.
The Mainstay Access Road runs in a north-to-southdirection
Around 10:20 hours, the motorcycle was proceeding in a southerly direction ontheaccessroadatafastratewhenthe motorcyclist lost control and collided with a utility pole at thesideoftheaccess road.
The pillion rider was taken to the Suddie Public Hospital by publicspirited persons, where he was admitted for a fractured right leg, while Freeman waspronounceddeadonarrival
ThebodyisattheSuddiePublicHospital Mortuary, awaiting a Post-Mortem Examination.Investigationsareongoing.
final payment of $63 million madeonJune24,2024.This payment was made shortly beforeSOCU'sapplicationto freezetheaccountsinJuly Brutus, who receives a monthly salary of $491,487 from the GPF, reportedly withdrew$63.7millionfrom his salary account—so far, his only legal source of income confirmed by SOCU just before the remaining balance on the property was paid. While eight of their accounts have been frozen, the salary account, which currently holds just over $1 million, remainsuntouched.
SOCU's investigation also revealed that Brutus owns a company, Kytus
General Contracting & Holdings Inc., which was registered two years ago, while his wife Aulder, operates two businesses registered in 2023: South QuataContracting&General Supplies Inc. and Triple A Depot.
Aulder's businesses are suspected of conducting illicittransactions.
Thefirstnamedbusiness was registered in October 2023 and holds an account with a balance of $243.3 million, and the second named business holds an account with a balance of $108 6 million Both accountshavebeenfrozenas partoftheinvestigation.
The affidavit further
alleges that Aulder, in collaboration with her husband, unlawfully utilized Brutus' office to facilitate illegal transactions. Notably, it was also revealed that her companiessuppliedgoodsto theGuyanaPoliceForceand t
businessmen have submitted statements to the court claiming to have given B
e substantial monetary gifts. Both businessmen said they gifted the couple the sum of US$10,000 each at their wedding in November 2023, which was held at the
additional $1 million before Christmas.
Notably, SOCU's ongoing investigation points to serious concerns that the funds found in the accounts belongingtoBrutus,hiswife and their toddler may be the proceeds of crime, with potential violations of antimoney laundering (AML) laws.
With eight of their nine accounts frozen, including twoheldinthenameoftheir toddler with over $14 million, the case against Brutus and his family continuestounfold.
Teen dies after losing control of motorcycle
A19-year-oldbikeridentifiedasTevin Griffith of Lot 3420 Stevedore Housing Scheme onTuesday evening died after he lost control of his motorcycle and was flungontotheroadway
According to the police, the fatal incident occurred around 20:48 hours on Nelson MandelaAvenue in the vicinity of PineappleStreet.
This publication understands that a group of motorcyclists was proceeding west along the southern drive lane on the
southern carriageway of Nelson Mandela Avenue at a fast rate of speed without safetyhelmets.
ItisallegedthatGriffithwaslyingflat onhismotorcycle,proceedingatafastrate, and lost control of the motorcycle. As a result, he was flung onto the roadway and received multiple injuries to his body Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) arrived on the scene; he was pronounced dead by a doctor The investigation is ongoing.
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Pres. Ali urges responsible integration of AI...
From page 13 learn during those challenging months and years,” he said.
He noted that in Guyana for instance, this experience was mixed which saw many teachers struggling to adapt to the digital modes of instruction as students faced hurdles in adapting to new methods of content delivery. “And then it became evident that much more needs to be done to prepare our education systems for a future where digital platform play a central role in the pedagogical methods,” the President shared.
According to the President, the pace of this transformation is accelerating and that the time between each of these technological ages is contracting and moving rapidly. “This means that progress is not waiting on anyone, and it is certainly not waiting on the Caribbean. We must adapt and prepare our education system to embrace
this future.” he stated.
With that being said, President Ali mentioned that the ministerial summit is not just an opportunity for dialogue but also a call to action. “We need to explore how AI and other technological innovations can help us address the issues we face, such as declining mathematics, result the pressure to reduce learning loss and a need for deeper engagement with the CXC syllabuses, we must ensure that the Caribbean’s education system does not lag but instead embraces a future where technology is a tool for learning and not a hindrance,” he declared. While embracing the use of his technology, he said too that they must also confront the specific challenges that AI presents for the education in the Caribbean.
According to the President, one pressing issue is the integrity of assessments and another being how students complete their task ahead. “As AI becomes more
sophisticated, students might be tempted to rely on it to generate answers rather than engaging with the material themselves and developing their analytical skills. This raises a broader concern about the role of critical thinking and creativity in our education system,” he pointed out. While looking at these concerns and the benefits of AI, the President urged the various ministers and country representatives to use the summit as a platform for proposing solutions. He urged also that they focus on how countries can accelerate digital learning, reduce the digital divide and make AI a tool of progress, rather than a source of fear. “Our goal should be to prepare our students to thrive in a world where technology is evolving, while ensuring that they remain critical thinkers capable of navigating a future full of complexity and change,” he said. Incorporating AI responsibly, he suggested that there should be setting up standards
for AI use in classrooms, developing guidelines for academic integrity in the digital age, and ensuring that our teachers are equipped and that AI should not replace the role of educators.
“The future of education in the Caribbean depends on the choices we make. It is in our hands to ensure that the promise of AI and technology becomes a reality that benefits every student in our region, let us embrace this opportunity to transform education, to close the digital gap and to create a brighter, more equitable future for our children,” President told those gathered.
The event yesterday featured presentations and round table discussion from regional ministers, two plenary sessions, one with a panel of university academics collectively interrogating the impact of technological innovations on Caribbean Education and how regional policymakers and educators can work smarter using AI.
14 contractors bid to build new Campbellville...
From page 11 also it was revealed that two engineer’s estimates were provided which is for a 4- (Storey Single Lot estimated at $865,313,013, and a 2- Storey Double Lot estimated at $766,197,840.
Kaieteur News reported that the decision to have a new building constructed is to properly improve the infrastructure of the health centre so as to introduce more services for patients, thus taking off some of the load from the GPHC.
Speaking with this newspaper previously, GPHC’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mr. Robbie Rambarran said that the current Campbellville Health Centre bulding is very old and has several defects. “It is a very old building and what has happened over the years, is that pieces were added on and so it’s very old, it’s leaking, when it rains, it floods, there is no proper logical flow for patient care because there were pieces of things that were built all around so there is no proper
Long Reach Excavator, Hyundai 140 Revetment, Slushing, Canal desilting & Pipe laying. Call : 657-9237.
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logical flow for patient care and the processing of patients,” he explained. He said too that the current facility is very small and cannot meet the current demand of the number of patients who go there. The Campbellville Health Centre on a monthly basis sees patients from Campbellville, Prasad Nagar, Sophia and even persons from Kitty. Rambarran disclosed that GPHC intends to introduce additional services at the Health Centre including but not limited to x-rays. He said the new building will be equipped with an asthmatic bay. “This health centre will have something that majority of the health centre don’t have and that is an asthmatic bay, a lot of people with asthma rather than they come to the
Georgetown Public Hospital and have to wait for some time to get treated, people with asthma will go there,” the CEO related.
Questioned on the location for the new facility, Mr. Rambarran stated that it will be at the same location and also cover the area where the post office is situated. “So next door, there is a post office so the plan is to build one big two-storey building; we will incorporate the post office in the building as well and therefore, we will get additional space,” he mentioned noting that the post office and health centre will operate separately.
Notably, the CEO revealed that the operation of the Kitty Health Centre will merge with the Campbellville centre in that
big building. He mentioned that they have done surveys and observations for this transition over a two-year period and the found that the Kitty Health Centre can be accommodated at the Campbellville Health Centre since it is in the same catchment area. According to the CEO, when the construction begins, the current operations at Campbellville Health Centre will relocate to a temporary building. The hospital has since gone out to tender for that location; a contract is yet to be awarded. It was reported that health centres across the country are being upgraded by the Ministry of Health so as to comfortably serve patients and have enhanced healthcare services.
UNICEF hosts ‘Access to Justice’ national...
From page 14 and stakeholders on how to better ensure that every child can access justice and obtain an effective remedy if their rights have been violated.
Dr. Loria-Mae Heywood, Child Protection Specialist at UNICEF Guyana and Suriname deemed the focus group interviews successful, while noting that many of the children and adolescents interviewed were generally aware of their rights as per the CRC. “While many of the children knew about their basic rights (such as the right to education), some were not aware of the local institutions/ mediums through which they could access justice. Through the consultation exercise, children and adolescents were provided with more comprehensive information on their rights and responsibilities, and the different avenues through which they could get support, if needed,” Dr.
Heywood said.
Additionally, she noted that out of the 56 children and adolescents interviewed, 16year-old, Akwain Bowen of Linden was selected to participate in and represent Guyana at a regional event on child rights hosted by UNICEF’s Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office in Panama.
The 16-year-old, Bowen described the national consultation as child-friendly and educational. “It gave me extra and more detailed information on topics that I had researched beforehand. Overall, the consultation was very informative and helpful in understanding children’s rights,” he said.
He added, “Being chosen to represent Guyana is a great honour. It makes me proud to share our unique viewpoints with the rest of the globe and I have a strong sense of obligation to represent my coun-
try to the best of my abilities. It is an opportunity to have a significant impact on individuals and contribute to a better change.”
The Regional event will be held from November 18-20, 2024, and will see participation from various stakeholders such as judges, ombudspersons, and young advocates from various countries that participated in the national consultations. Every day, millions of children across the world have their rights violated. Yet, among these children, only a fraction comes forward and seeks redress, and even fewer obtain an effective remedy. Most children do not know that they have rights, what having rights means, or who/where to turn to when their rights are violated. Even if they knew, many are afraid to speak up for fear of punishment or exclusion, especially if they do not see any prospect of justice.
Contractor says Bamia School project 95% completed After missing four deadlines…
Almost three years after signing the contract and missing four deadlines, St8ment Investment Inc. on Wednesday announced that the Bamia Primary School project they have undertaken in Region 10 is nearing completion as it is at 95 percentcompleted.
Just last week during his press conference, Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeohadbrieflymentioned that the school project was “finishednow”.
However, following reportsthattheschoolproject maybe further delayed, St8tment in a release yesterday said, “Despite politicalmischiefandvarious
c h a l l e n g e s d u r i n g
construction such as material shortages, rising c o s t s , a n d l a b o r shortages—theBamiaSchool in Linden, Region 10, is now 95%complete.”
According to the
company, given the challenges encountered, the company was granted an extension to complete the school“bylate2024”andthat they remain on track to meet this revised deadline. The company said that currently they have minimum work remaining in the areas of electricalandplumbing.
Quoted in the release, the Project's Chief Foreman, Akannie Blair, stated “This will be one of the region's most modern and advanced schoolsandissettobeagreat environmentforlearning.”
Itwassharedthatprimary school is designed to be a state-of-the-art facility and will include a gymnasium, a main building housing 44 spacious classrooms, an a u d i t o r i u m w i t h a performancestage,asickbay equipped with showers, two smart classrooms, modern restroom facilities, a library, musicroom,sciencelab,anda staff room among other amenities.
Kaieteur News had reported in July that after failingtocompletetheproject on four occasions, the contractor was given an additional eight weeks to complete the construction of the$346Mschool.
This was according to information provided by Deron Adams, Regional ChairmanofRegion10atthe time.
Adams had noted that should the contractor fail to completetheschool, no more extensionswillbegranted.“If
it's not finish in that time, liquidation will start from the last due date, which was the endofJune2024,”headded.
This publication had reported that the school project was expected to be completed in April this year, but at the time, works were only 75 percent completed. St8ment Investment Inc. was formedsomesixmonthsprior tobeinghandedthecontract.
E x p r e s s i n g h i s dissatisfaction with the slothfulness of the project, Adams had said it is hoped that the school could be completed soonest so as to eliminate the challenges students from the Bamia community are facing. “The issue is that because of the distance, children have to walk from the Bamia area all the way to Amelia's Ward Primary; it is a challenge for them.Thedelayofthisschool is bringing more hardship on them,”heexpressed.
Earlier this year, $127 million was approved by the National Assembly to go towards completing the school. This publication had reported that the contract for the school was signed in November 2021 St8ment Investment Inc was incorporated in March of 2021 and its principals are Rawle Ferguson and Kerwin Bollers of Hits and Jams Entertainment along with Aubrey 'Shanghai' Major and Kashif Muhammed of the Kashif and Shanghai football tournament.
Atthetimeofthesigning, theprojectwasexpectedtobe completed within 20 months, that being completed by July 2023 However, the contractor was unable to finish the project, and was given a new deadline of November 2023 to complete the works. That deadline also passed and the works appearedtohavebeenstalled.
During the Consideration of the 2024 Budget, the M i n i s t e r o f L o c a l Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag wasaskedbythemembersof the Opposition to provide a statusupdateontheschool,to whichsheannouncedthatthe school will be completed for April1,2024.
That deadline too was missedandthecontractorwas given a fourth deadline to the end of June to completed the works. This newspaper was laterinformedthatasofJune, works were at 88 percent completed.
The Bamia Primary School project which is 95% completed. (Photos,
Investment Inc)
Hezbollah confirms death of Nasrallah’s heir apparent
( B B C N E W S ) -
Hezbollahhasconfirmedthe cleric tipped to become the group’s next leader was killed in an Israeli air strike nearlythreeweeksago.
The Israeli military said on Tuesday night that it killedHashemSafieddinein a strike on the southern suburbs of Beirut On Wednesday, Hezbollah put outastatementsayingitwas mourning“agreatleaderand agreatmartyr”wholivedan “honourablelife”.
Safieddine was head of the group’s executive council and was a cousin of its late secretary general, Hassan Nasrallah, who was killed in an Israeli air strike
on the Lebanese capital on 27September
Following Nasrallah’s death,Saffiedinehadtakena leadership role within Hezbollah, and was expected to be formally elected as its next secretary general,althoughnoofficial announcement had yet been made.
Israelcarriedoutaseries of air strikes near Beirut’s airport on 4 October, after which Hezbollah officials said they had lost contact with Safieddine. US media cited Israeli officials as saying the cleric had been thetargetofthebombing.On Tuesday, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) issued a
statement saying Safieddine was killed along with Ali Hussein Hazima, who it described as commander of Hezbollah’s Intelligence Headquarters.
It accused Safieddine of directing “terrorist attacks against the State of Israel” for years, as well as taking part in Hezbollah’s “central d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g processes”.
Hezbollah is a military, political and social organisation that wields considerable power in Lebanon.Itisdesignatedasa terrorist organisation by Israel as well as the US, the UK and other countries Safieddine himself was
designated a “global terrorist” by the US and Saudi Arabia in 2017. He undertook religious studies in Iran and his son was marriedtoadaughterofGen Qasem Soleimani, the p o w e r f u l I r a n i a n Revolutionary Guards commander who was killed in a 2020 US air strike in Iraq.
Safieddine was believed tohavebeenagedabout60at the time of his death. In a speech given in Beirut this summer, Safieddine described how Hezbollah viewed its leadership succession.
“In our resistance, when any leader is martyred,
At least 3,000 North
anothertakesuptheflagand goes on with new, certain, strong determination,” he wasquotedassayingbyAFP news agency Israel went on the offensive against Hezbollah after almost a year of cross-border hostilitiessparkedbythewar in Gaza, saying it wanted to ensure the safe return of residents of border areas displaced by Hezbollah rocket, missile and drone
attacks.Overthepastyear,at least 2,500 Lebanese people have been killed and nearly 12,000injured,accordingto Lebanon’shealthministry Hezbollah has attacked Israel with thousands of rockets and drones over the same period, and at least 59 people have been killed in northern Israel and the occupied Golan Heights, Reuters news agency reports.
soldiers now inside Russia, US says
CNN At least 3,000 North Korean soldiers arrivedineasternRussiathis month,theWhiteHousesaid Wednesday, and while it remains unclear what exactly they will do, it is a “highly concerning probability” that they will join the fight against Ukraine.
“We assess that between early-tomid-October,North Korea moved at least 3,000
soldiers into eastern Russia,” National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said. “We assess that these soldiers traveled by shipfromtheWonsanareain NorthKoreatoVladivostok, Russia. We do not yet knowwhetherthesesoldiers will enter into combat alongside the Russian military, but this is certainly a highly concerning probability After completing training, these soldiers could travel to western Russia and then engageincombatagainstthe Ukrainianmilitary.”
Earlier Wednesday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was the first senior USofficialtoconfirmonthe recordthatNorthKoreahad deployedtroopstoRussiaas North Korea and Russia have forged increasingly friendlytiessinceMoscow’s invasionofUkraine.
Austin said the US is still trying to determine that as well In recent months, Moscow and Pyongyang have deepened their antiUnited States military partnership and the growing alliance has concerned officials in Kyiv and Washington.
“Icantellyouonething, though, ” Kirby said Wednesday.
“If they do deploy to fight against Ukraine, they’re fair game. They’re fairtargets.”
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has repeatedly warned that North Korean troops are joining the war on Russia’s behalf, telling a NATO summit last week that “10,000” soldiers and technical personnel were beingprepared.
“Weareseeingevidence that there are North Korean troops that have gone to Russia, ” Austin told reporters traveling with him in Rome on Wednesday “What, exactly, they’re doingislefttobeseen.”
Austin said the US is still tryingtodeterminewhatrole the North Koreans will play and whether they intend to traveltoUkraine.
TheUSdoesnotbelieve the North Korean troops have reached Ukraine, but the movements have generated deep concern as a potentially serious escalation in the conflict.
“If they’re a cobelligerent,theirintentionis to participate in this war on Russia’s behalf, that is a very,veryseriousissue,and itwillhaveimpactsnotonly on in Europe — It will also impact things in the Indo Pacificaswell,”Austinsaid.
Kirby said Wednesday that the US has briefed the Ukrainian government and are keeping in close consultation with allies and partners.
A senior administration official said earlier Wednesday that the training ofNorthKoreansoldiersand possible preparation to send them to find to Ukraine is a sign of serious desperation on Russia’s part. In Rome,
Austin said Putin “may be even in more trouble than mostpeoplerealize.”
Kirbyaddedthatturning to North Korea for manpower “would be a sign ofweakness,notstrength,on the part of the Kremlin.”
Kirbyalsosaidthemoveisa violation of UN Security CouncilResolutions.
AskedwhatNorthKorea willgetinreturnforhelping Russia with manpower,
A source in Ukrainian intelligence previously told CNNthatasmallnumberof North Koreans have been working with the Russian military,mostlytohelpwith engineeringandtoexchange information on the use of NorthKoreanammunition.
Meanwhile, South Korea’s spy agency, the National Intelligence Service, said Friday that North Korea has shipped 1,500 soldiers, including special forces fighters, to Russiafortraining.
Pathetically shameless
ExxonMobil's President, Alistair Routledge recently said the company is open to discussing the lopsided oil contract with the PNCR, but has insisted that it will not renegotiate the deal.
In other words, PNCR don't even think of going there. This is the company and this is the overseer that rides all over Guyana, while from its government to its opposition skip around like children in efforts to avoid offending the newest foreign master of Guyana.
Then, both groups just throw in the towel, and collapse in their corners without a fight. Imagine the unbelievable exaggeration of this exploiter: any change whatsoever to the contract “undermines that investment.”
A change by another measly 2%, or even 1%, to the royalty level, would devastate ExxonMobil's billions that it poured into its Guyana operations.
It is because Guyana has been cursed with such pathetically shameless political groups as the PPP/C and PNCR that someone like Routledge could come here and feel comfortable speaking in these arrogant and dismissive tones.
Narine wins October Rapid Chess title
Reigning Junior Chess Champion Ricardo Narine clinched victory at the October Rapid Chess Tournament, hosted by the Guyana Chess Federation.
The seven-round Swiss tournament took place on Sunday,October20th,2024, at the David Rose Special School in Thomas Lands. The Open category featured a mix of both rated and unrated players, competing in the same section for the topprizes.
A total of thirty participants, including eleven women, vied for the topfivepositionsandaprize fund totaling $40,000 Nineteen-year-old Ricardo Narine emerged as the tournament’soverallwinner, securingthefirst-placeprize with an impressive 6 5 points,earninghimatrophy and $20,000 Following c l o
finished with 6.5 points but placed second on tiebreaks,
taking home $10,000 and a trophy Kishun Puran took thirdplace,scoring5points.
National Women’s ChampionJessicaCallender d
ong performance, finishing fourthwith5points.Veteran player Darshanand Ramlall from the Essequibo Coast rounded out the top five, achieving4.5points.
Upon receiving his firstplace award, Narine remarked, “Entering the tournament,Inoticedalotof
newfaces,andIwasn’tsure what to expect from them. After seeing their games, I was impressed by their skill level.Still,Iwasconfidentin my chances to either win or at least make it to the podium.”Callender,theonly femaleplayerinthetopfive, commented that she appreciates the challenge of Open Tournaments as they require her to prepare thoroughly and play at her highest level She also expressed confidence in securing a prize despite facing strong male competitors.
Sunday October 24, 2024
You'll find that things are slipping nicely into place for you today, Aries Your persuasivemannerandgentle nudges are just enough to get peoplewhereyouwantthem.
When faced with ten entrees onthemenu,itmightbehard for you to choose just one. Feelfreetoordertwoormore, Ta u r u s D o n ' t l e t indecisiveness slow you down.Atthesametime.
Your dreams won't come true unless you believe in and act onthem,Gemini.Nooneelse is going to do it for you. Unless you have a fairy godmother, you need to take mattersintoyourownhands.
If people hassle you or give you a hard time about your appearance today, pay them nomind,Cancer Youhavethe righttoliveyourlifeanyway youwantto.
Reachforthepotofgoldatthe end of the rainbow, Leo. It's closerthanyouthink.Indeed, your dreams are completely within your reach, and there are huge forces at work helping you achieve your goals.
Today is your day to dream and dream big, Virgo. Think aboutwhatitisthatyouwant most out of life. Aim your arrow to the stars and pull back your bow as far as possible. There's no limit to howfaryoucango.
Reigning Junior Chess Champion Ricardo Narine (right) collecting his winner’s trophy
Expand your mind to its furthest reaches today, Libra.
opportunity opening up for you in which you can make great strides in a creative realm.Followthemusic.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Scorpio, but don't let this hinder you. In fact, you'll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring moremagicintoyourlife.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Today is an excellent day for you,oneinwhichyou'llfinda great deal of strength in your emotions, Sagittarius Trust that your instincts are serving youwell.
Things might get a bit confusing for you today, Capricorn. Don't feel like you needtomakesenseofitall.In fact, this task may be impossible. Just be yourself. Let your creative nature shine through.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Mixyourrealitywithabit of fantasy today, Aquarius. Allowyourfeettocomeoffthe ground for a little while. Give yourselfarest.Takesometime to meditate and clear your mindofyourdailyworries.
Let yourself go into high creative mode and drift into a whole other world, Pisces. Escape your present reality and explore your fantasies through any sort of artistic endeavor Dreamasbigasyour mindallows.
The event was overseen by FIDE Master Anthony Drayton, with assistance from Gilbert Williams, the head of the Youth and Development Committee of the Guyana Chess Federation. The Federation extended its gratitude to the David Rose Special School foritscontinuedsupport.
Earlier this year, the Guyana Chess Federation and the David Rose Special Schoolformedapartnership to host tournaments at the school, fostering the growth of the sport both for the federation and within the Special Education Needs community.
Mike Tyson brings in sparring...
Frompage34 Scene, “I couldn’t believe I was there, it was unreal There weren’t a lot of boxing people at that camp. Itwasmostlycelebritiesand movie stars. It showed me whatthatlifestyleislike.”
Ronald Cruz, 33, super welterweight
In May, Cruz fought on the undercard of the Canelo Alvarez-Jaime Munguia fight. He lost that bout to Vito Mielnicki Jr by unanimous decision and is 19-4-1asapro.Thoughthe59Cruzgotknockeddowntwice in the 10-round fight, a video clip on his Instagram page shows Cruz fighting competitively in the final round During an interview withTKBoxingPodcast,Cruz recalledhisfirstdayinTyson’s 2020 training camp when another boxer lost his tooth while sparring with Tyson (Russellalsohasspokenofthe missing tooth, and long lost sparringpartner.)
Another time Cruz lauded Tyson’s head movement and power. “It feltlikehewastryingnotto hurt me, but he still sent me flying,’’CruztoldEsNews.
Historicninth-wicketpartnershipbetweenMotie,Rutherfordnotenoughas Windiessurrenderseriesafterfive-wicketdefeattoSriLankainsecondODI
SportsMax-WestIndies suffered a series-defining loss in the second One-day International (ODI) against Sri Lanka, as they again went down by five wickets in Pallekele yesterday, Wednesday
The defeat, which resulted from another disappointing batting performance,sawSriLanka taking an unassailable 2-0 lead in the three-match series,leavingtheCaribbean side with mere hopes of salvaging pride in the final gameonSaturday
After a dismal batting collapse that saw the West Indies at a shocking 58-8 in the rain-affected contest, which was reduced to 44 overs per team, it was an
Sherfane Rutherford (80) andGudakeshMotie(50not out)thataddedaglimmerof respectabilitytotheirtotal.
Thepairputtogether119 runs,thehighest-everninthwicket stand inWest Indies’ O
Rutherford smashing four sixes and seven fours in his 82-ballknock,whileMotie’s maiden ODI half-century came off 61 balls and included six boundaries, as theyliftedthesideto189.
However, the damage hadalreadybeendonebySri Lanka’sdisciplinedbowling attack led by spinners Wanindu Hasaranga (4-40) and Maheesh Theekshana (3-25) Seamer Asitha
Fernando had 3-35. Their batting unit led by an unbeaten 62 from captain Charith Asalanka then surpassed their target with somedegreeofcomfort.
Scores: West Indies 189 (36 overs); Sri Lanka 190-5 (38.2overs)
After being asked to take first strike, the West Indies’ top and middle order, with the exception of Rutherford, again failed
pressure of Sri Lanka’s spin-heavyassault
In fact, besides Rutherford and Motie, opener Brandon King (16) wastheonlyotherbatsman in double figures, which tells the tale of the
alarming regularity in whichthewicketsfell By the 16th over, the Caribbean side had lost eight wickets for just 58 runs, with no batsman managing to stabilize the innings However, in what seemed like a foregone conclusion, Rutherford and Motie showed resilienceanddefianceand gave the team a fighting chance, but their efforts were ultimately too little, toolate
West Indies bowlers initially showed some promise, as vice captain Alzarri Joseph (2-30) and Motie(1-18)pickedupearly wickets, but Sri Lanka’s steady chase, led by Asalanka, ensured there
A s a l a n k a , w h o struck seven fours and a solitary six in his 61-ball knock,anchoredtheinnings with the assistance of Sadeera Samarawickrama (38) and Janith Liyanage (24),afterNishanMadushka (38)earliergotthingsgoing.
West Indies captain Shai Hope expressed disappointment with the team’s performance, particularlywiththebatting, as they are now left to play for pride in the third and finalODI.
“I really don’t liketo focus on things we can’t control.
T o d a y i t w a s disappointing.Wejustneed togetthroughthepowerplay
and negate the spin threat. We needed to limit the dot balls so hopefully we can play better in the last game. We are not putting enough revs on the ball, bowling quickly as well, and so we needtotakelessonsfromSri Lanka’s spinners,” Hope said in a post-game
“We didn’t put enough runs on the board, and that’s been the story for usinthisseries.We’vegotto dobetterinthethirdgame.”
Scores: Sri Lanka 190 for 5 (Asalanka 62*, Joseph 2-30) beat West Indies 189 all out (Rutherford 80, Motie 50, H a s a r a n g a 4 - 4 0 , Theekshana 3-25, Fernando 3-35)byfivewickets.
Participants excited as Inter Guiana Games get underway in French Guiana
The vibrant atmosphere of French Guiana is alive with excitement as the Inter Guiana Games (IGG)
officially kicked off today, drawing together the finest young athletes from
Suriname, Guyana, and the
hostcountry,FrenchGuiana. Theannualsportingevent, rooted in a spirit of friendly competition and cultural
exchange, promises three thrillingdaysofactioninbeach volleyball,basketball,trackand field, swimming, table tennis, chess,andfutsalfootball.
At last night’s grand opening ceremony, the three delegations exchanged warm pleasantriesandreaffirmedthe deep bonds of friendship between these neighboring nations
FrenchGuianasetthetonefor theeveningbyshowcasingitsrich cultural history with traditional music, dance, and colorful costumes A land of diverse influences, French Guiana’s culture is a dynamic mix of indigenous heritage, African roots, and European colonial history The ceremony offered a vivid reminder of the region’s unique identity, celebrated through its lively Creole rhythms, festivals, and cuisine The hosts’ warmth and hospitality were palpable,settingthestagefora fantastic weekend of competition. The action bouncesoffat9:00am today with basketball, one of the marquee sports of the IGG Both the male and female
teams from Suriname and Guyanataketothecourtsfor what promises to be an intense series of games Futsal also got underway today, with Guyana and FrenchGuianavyingforthe titleinaround-robinformat.
The fast-paced indoor football competition is expected to be one of the highlights of the Games, with both teams bringing theiruniquestyleandflairto the court. As the week progresses, more events will unfold
On Friday, the highly anticipated athletics and table tenniscompetitionswillbegin Guyana enters both events as thefavorites,withastrongtrack recordinathletics,particularly in sprint events and longdistanceraces
TheseGamesaresteeped inhistory,datingbacktothe 1960s when the three Guianas first came together to foster friendly competitionandculturalties through sport. Over the decades, the IGG has evolved into a prestigious regional event, offering
youngathletesthechanceto showcase their talents on an international stage while deepening the bonds of friendship between the countries.
Director of Sport Steve Ninvalle,whoheadsGuyana’s delegation, delivered an impassioned speech at the opening ceremony, emphasizing Guyana’s ongoing commitment to the IGG He spoke of the Government of Guyana’s unwavering support for sports andyouthdevelopment,noting that events like these play a crucial role in enhancing cooperation and goodwill amongthenations Ninvalle’swordsechoed the importance of these Games not just as a competition but as a platform for cultural exchange and mutual respect. As the Games unfold, the eyes of Suriname, Guyana, and French Guiana will be on their athletes, who are not just competing for medals but for the pride of their nations.
Celtics dominate Knicks to launch NBA title defence
AFP - Jayson Tatum scored 37 points as the Boston Celtics launched the defenseoftheirNBAcrown with an emphatic 132-109 defeat of the New York KnicksonTuesday
After a triumphant pregame ceremony that saw Boston celebrate raising their record-breaking 18th championship banner, the
Celtics delivered a performance that suggested they could well be the team tobeatoncemore.
A devastating 43-point first quarter put Boston in complete control during the first half, with Tatum producing an electric shooting performance to pourin18pointsfromthreepoint range over the two quarters.
Tatum had brought the house down in a pre-game address to a packed TD Garden, signalling the Celtics’ determination to w i n b a c k - t o - b a c k championships.
“This is special. On behalfofme,myteammates,
the organization, we couldn’t have done it without you last year,” Tatumtoldthecrowd.
“Let’s enjoy this moment together I can honestlysay,tothebestfans in the world — let’s do it again.” Boston powered to last season’s NBA championship after winning 64 games in the regular season before dropping just three games in the playoffs, sealing victory with a 4-1 routoftheDallasMavericks intheNBAFinals.
That win came after years of frustrating p o s t s e a s o n disappointments, which included a 4-2 defeat to Golden State in the 2022 NBA Finals and an agonizing4-3losstoMiami in the 2023 Western Conferencefinals.
The Celtics have retainedthecoreoftheteam fromlastseason’srosterand look well-positioned to mount a serious defense of theirtitle.
Against New York on
Tuesday, Joe Mazzulla’s team picked up where they had left off in June, with all of their heavy-hitters coming up big to leave the Knickschasingthegamefor longperiods.
Four of the their five starters — Tatum, Jaylen Brown, Derrick White and Jrue Holiday posted double-digit points tallies beforehalf-time,helpingthe teamtakeacommanding7455leadintothebreak.
AlthoughtheKnickshad enjoyed parity in a 31-31 secondquarter,Bostonwere in no mood to let their advantage slip after the break, coasting home to closeoutthewin.
Tatum finished with 10 assists and four rebounds in addition to his 37 points, withWhiteadding24points and Brown 23 Holiday added 18 while Al Horford chippedinwith11.
Jalen Brunson led the Knicks scoring with 22 points, alongside Miles McBride with 22 from the bench.
Mike Tyson brings in sparring partners. Losing teeth an apparent occupational hazard
USAToday-MikeTyson isn’ttheonlyboxerworking outinhisgymthesedays.
In preparation for his Nov 15 bout against Jake Paul, Tyson has brought in three sparring partners he used to get ready for his exhibitionagainstRoyJones Jr in2020,apersonfamiliar with the situation told USA TODAY Sports. They were granted anonymity because they were not authorized to speakabouttheteam.
Two of the sparring partners are heavyweights, Mike Russell and Jett Blackwell, and the third is a super welterweight, Ronald Cruz. At 58, Tyson is 25 yearsolderthanhissparring partners.
Video that recently surfaced on social media shows Russell shadow boxing at Tyson’s gym and Blackwell working a heavy bag in the Las Vegas-area facility
TysonrecentlytoldUSA TODAYSportshe’ssparring six to seven rounds per session. That’s also how it worked when he was preparingtofightJones,said Cruz’s former trainer, Edgar Ponce During sparring sessionsatthetrainingcamp in 2020, Ponce said, Tyson
sparred against the two heavyweights and finished up sessions against Cruz, who weighed in at 152 poundsforhislastfight.
“He used (Cruz) at the end when he was tired, and (Tyson) was still fast,’’ Ponce said. “He used all of themfordifferentthings.’’
Tyson and members of his training team did not respond to an interview request through Tyson’s publicist, and the sparring partnershadtosignwaivers, accordingtothepersonwith knowledgeofthesetup.
USA TODAY Sports providesalookatallthree:
Mike Russell, 32, heavyweight Russell, 6-1,
hasfoughtasaheavyweight and cruiserweight (190 pounds) Last year he workedasasparringpartner for Nate Diaz in preparation forDiaz’sfightagainstPaul. Diaz lost the 10-round fightbyunanimousdecision in August 2023 and at the post-fight news conference he mentioned Russell, who livesinnorthernCalifornia.
“(Paul)hitshardandfast, but it ain’t nothing I haven’t seen before,’’ Diaz said “…I’ve trained with Mike Russellatthiscampandhe’s abigguy,buttheseguyscan throwdown.’’
In a 2020 interview with EsNews, Russell said, “I’m known for my speed.’’He’s
alsoshownflashesofpower, scoring a first-round knockout in his pro debut.
He’s 5-1 with three knockoutsasapro.
Jett Blackwell, 23, heavyweight
Jett Blackwell was only 19 when he was sparring with Tyson before the exhibition with Jones and still was fighting as an amateur Nowhe’s3-0-1asa pro and scheduled to fight again Nov 16, the day after Tyson is scheduled to fight Paul.
“He’sabigheavyweight, but he fights on his feet and his hands are fast,’’ said Frank Alemore, who trains Blackwell He said Blackwell has been in Tyson’scampforamonth.
Blackwell, who lives in Fresno, California, did not respond to an interview request from USA TODAY sent by text but in May he told Boxing Scene, “I feel people underestimate me becauseofmysizeandhowI look.IfeellikeeveryfightI am underestimated. I have never been a real muscular guy.”
Recalling his time sparringwithTysonin2020, BlackwellalsotoldBoxing (Continuedonpage31)
Jamaica claims five medals at CAC Bodybuilding Championships
Rayon Henry
SportsMax - Jamaica’s bodybuilders made their mark at the 51st Central America and Caribbean (CAC) Bodybuilding
Championships in Georgetown, Guyana, held from October 19-20, bringing home five medals in a competitive field that featured over 200 athletes from more than 20 countries. While the host nation dominated the event with 25 medals, Jamaica heldtheirownwithtwogold andthreesilvermedals.
Leading the charge for Jamaica were Rayon Henry and Sean Taylor, who both captured gold in their respective categories Henry, fresh off winning a national title, triumphed in theMediumClass(176cm), showcasing his refined physiqueandsuperiorform. Taylor, competing in the Short Class (170 cm), delivered a standout
performance after a
challenging year, rebounding from earlier fourth-place finishes in the Muscular Men’s Physique and Men’s Physique Short Classtoclaimthetopspot.
Nicolas Wilson also i m p r e s s e d o n h i s international debut, taking home a silver medal in the highly competitive
B o d y b u i l d i n g Middleweight category (80 kg) Wilson’s disciplined
preparation paid off, as he made a strong impression a g a i n s t s e a s o n e d competitors, proving that he’s a rising talent in the sport.
On the women’s side, Jamaica’s national champion Dianne Brown captured a silver medal in theBikiniFitnessTallClass (169 cm).Aformer pageant expert, Brown dazzled both the audience and the judges with her flawless physique and commanding stage presence, solidifying her place among the top contenders in the region. Shana Davis Roman added another silver to Jamaica’s medal tally in the Fitness Challenge, displaying exceptional athleticism and versatility in the demanding category
Natasha Gordon also delivered commendable performances, placing fourth in both the Bikini Fitness Open and Masters divisions,contributingtothe overallsuccessofJamaica’s six-member team, which was led by former JABBFA andCACPresident,Lt.Col. BruceBartley.
Despite competing against a large field of athletes, Jamaica’s bodybuilders proved they could hold their own on the internationalstage,bringing home valuable hardware fromtheprestigiousevent.
Grant, Campayne crowned new Monarchs UG Chess Championship:
Joshua Grant and Sherlyta Campayne both got the upper handovertheirpredecessors to claim the title of University of Guyana chess king and queen for 2024. Both tournaments were playedwithatimecontrolof 30minutesperplayer
On the Kingside, Joshua
Grant showcased his impressive skill despite being self-taught, winning theUGChessKingtitlewith a flawless 6-point score in sixrounds.
The second-year medical student achieved victories over opponents including Favor Rege, Jolanie Tappin, Dinar
Mohabir, Oluwadare Oyeyipo, Murphy Bagot, andthedefendingchampion KeronSandiford.
Grant’s match against Sandiford, a former UG ChessKing,NationalJunior Champion, and Chess Olympianwasatestamentto his strategic prowess, securing a decisive win that
cementedhisdominance. Sandiford finished second with 5 points, his only loss being the thirdround defeat to Grant Jolanie Tappin, Dinar Mohabir, and Oluwadare Oyeyipo secured third, fourth, and fifth places, respectively,with4,3,and2 points.
The tournament featured fierce competition, with all nine participants scoring at
least one point, reflecting a highlevelofskill.
Campayne demonstrated exceptional strategy to win the UG Chess Queen title with3.5points.
Asecond-year Industrial Engineering student and holder of a Bachelor’s in Chemistry, Campayne participated in a double round-robin format, facing
BMC O50s Tournament continues this weekend
- Sponsored by Permaul Trading & Distribution and Peter Lewis Construction & Asphalt services.
tournament continuesthisweekendwith 2 fixtures in Demerara. Jai HindJaguarsandEssequibo Invaders O50s Masters will be engaged in a key match this weekend with both teamslookingtosecuretheir spots in the playoffs with theirfinalleaguegame. In the other final league game for East Coast Aash Décor, the lads from East Coast would be looking to
bounce back after recording 2 defeats in their last 2 matchestocementaplacein the top 4 against the bottom of the table Ex Berbice PolicyMasters.
This weekend’s fixtures areasfollows:
two other competitors in a total of six rounds. Having competed in multiple UG C h e s s Q u e e n
Championships, her consistentimprovementpaid off.
The tournament began with exciting matches, including a first-round draw against defending champion WCM Sasha Shariff, known for her extensive success in classicalchess.
Campayne’s time management skills were crucial in securing the draw underrapidconditions.
In their second encounter, Campayne’s attacking play earned her a fullpoint. She followed up with a win over Melissa Kellman, who surprised the field with her strong performance despite being a new contender
Kellman impressed the audience with her competitive spirit, despite finishing third with 1 point, while Shariff took second placewith1.5points.
This competition highlights the importance of fostering women’s participation in chess, especially on campus, encouraging both seasoned players and newcomers to engagewiththegame.
Mike Tyson fires back at Jake Paul in dueling sparring videos
USA TODAY - Mike Tyson and Jake Paul are sparring – in their gyms and with each other The fighters have used video clips to exchange messages while hyping theirheavyweightboutscheduledforNov 15atAT&TStadiuminArlington,Texas.
Itstartedlastweekwhenavideoclipon Paul’s Instagram account showed him connecting with an overhand right and dropping a burly sparring partner to one kneeinthering.
“Don’t charge at me, Tyson,’’ Paul warnedashelookedintothecamera.
On Monday night, a video posted on Tyson’s X account showed him punching ashebackedasparringpartneragainstthe
“Oh I can’t wait for November 15th. I’mchargingrightthroughyou,’’readsthe caption,inclearreferencetoPaul’svideo.
Morethanamonthago,Tysonbrought in three sparring partners. But the video was the firstTyson’s camp has released of himsparring.
PaulandTysonwerewearingheadgear during their sparring sessions. They will not be wearing headgear during the sanctioned pro heavyweight bout scheduledforeight,two-minuterounds. They have used their social media accounts frequently to fuel interest in the fight.
2024 Global Super League... Amazon Warriors, Lahore Qalandars to open tournament at Providence
The highly -
a n t i c i p a t e d
inaugural Global Super League (GSL) bowls
off in Guyana from November 26 to December 7, 2024 with Lahore Qalandars taking on the GuyanaAmazonWarriors.
Five teams from across the globe competing for a lucrativeUS$1millionprize with the tournament hosted at the famous Guyana National Stadium, Providence.
The competing teams includerepresentativesfrom the West Indies, Pakistan, Australia, England, and Bangladesh Leading the local charge will be the Guyana Amazon Warriors, the Caribbean Premier League(CPL)franchisethat isexpectedtobringastrong contingent of players to the competition.
They will be joined by the Lahore Qalandars from Pakistan, Victoria from Australia, Hampshire
Hawks from England, and Rangpur Riders from Bangladesh.
Each team will play a round-robin format, facing offagainsteveryotherteam, with the top two teams advancing to the final on December7.
The tournament will span 11 matches over the courseoftwoweeks,withall games scheduled to be played under lights at the Providence stadium, providing prime-time entertainmentforfans.
The action bowls off on Tuesday, November 26, when 2023 champs and this year’s finalists, Guyana Amazon Warriors, take on Lahore Qalandars in the tournament’s opening fixtureat7pm.
The following day, Hampshire Hawks will face Rangpur Riders in what promises to be a thrilling contest between two strong cricketingnations.
On Friday, November
29, the Amazon Warriors will return to the field for a highly anticipated clash against Victoria, one of Australia’s premier teams, while Saturday, November 3
Hampshire Hawks going head-to-head with the Lahore Qalandars in the morningfixture. Theactioncontinuesinto
December, with Sunday, December 1, offering a thrillingdayofcricket.Inthe morning, the Rangpur Riders will face Victoria, followed by a night game featuring the Guyana Amazon Warriors against Hampshire Hawks, a match that promises to draw huge interest from local and internationalfansalike.
onTuesday, December 3, as Victoria take on Lahore Qalandars, followed by a clash between Guyana Amazon Warriors and Rangpur Riders on Wednesday,December4.
Thefinalroundofgroupstagefixtureswilltakeplace on Thursday, December 5, when the Lahore Qalandars square off against the RangpurRiders,andFriday,
n Hampshire Hawks meet Victoria.
The two teams with the highest points at the end of the group stage will battle it out in the final on Saturday, December 7, at 7 pm, with the winner walking away as the inaugural GSL champions and claiming the largest share of the US$1 millionprizefund.
Petra-Court Optical Pee Wee U11 Football Championship Rosignol Out, Pius In
R o s i g n o l PrimarySchool, which made headlines last weekend, will no longer be able to participate in the Courts Optical Under-11
S c h o o l s F o o t b a l l Championship, currently
hosted by the Petra Organisation. This decision
comes after it was discovered that the team fielded an ineligible player inthe2024tournament.
As a result, defending champions St. Pius Primary School, who initially exited the competition in last week’s quarterfinals after a 4-0 defeat to the Rosignol team, have been reinstated for the latter stages of the 2024championship.
In a press release, the Petra Organisation stated: “We wish to inform that therewillbeachangetothe semifinal fixtures for the
Courts Optical Under-11 Pee-Wee Schools’ football tournament scheduled for thisSaturday,October26,at the Ministry of Education (MoE) Ground, Carifesta Avenue, Georgetown
Semifinal 2, which originally had Marian Academy set to face Rosignol Primary, will now feature def
ng champions St. Pius Primary against Marian Academy due to Rosignol Primary’s fieldingofineligibleplayers inlastweek’squarterfinal.
betweenSantaRosaPrimary and Belladrum Primary remainsunchanged.” With a second chance at makingittothefinals,theSt. Piusteamisgearingupfora
Saturday, hoping to regain momentum against a strong MarianAcademysquad.
Ne w E r a Entertainmentis thrilled to
announce the much-
anticipated annual
ExxonMobil Guyana Futsal Tournament, set to kick off on Friday, October 25 at the Retrieve Hard Court in Linden.
This year’s tournament will feature 20 teams, competing in an exciting round-robin format that promises to captivate the town’ssportingenthusiasts.
The tournament, which hasgrownintoastapleevent on Linden’s sports calendar, will run over several weekends, with preliminary matches scheduled for October 26, November 1, 2, 8,and9.
The quarterfinals will take place on November 13, followed by the semifinals on November 16, culminating in a grand final on November 23, where the top teams willbattleforsupremacy
In line with the rules, teams are permitted to field one guest player from outside of Linden, ensuring that the focus
r e m a i n s o n t h e homegrown talent and communityengagementthat thetournamentisknownfor Each participating team will receive a cash incentive of $20,000 after the march-past ceremony, aimed at assisting in their preparation for the tournament.
Thestakesarehigh,with thewinningteamsettowalk away with an impressive prizeofGYD$1million.
The second-place team
New Era Entertainment Co-Director Aubrey Major Jr [2nd from Right] receiving the sponsorship cheque from ExxonMobil Guyana Community Relations Advisor Public and Government Affairs Leonard Hoppie in the presence of Shareef Major (1st Left], Kenrick Noel New Era Ent. (1st Right).
will receive $500,000, while the third-place team will pocket $200,000
Additionally, the fourthplace finisher will be awarded$100,000
Thetournament’sMost Valuable Player (MVP) will also be recognized with a special reward a brand-new motorcycle, further heightening the competitive spirit among participants
Reflecting on last year’s tournament, the final match delivered intense drama as the New A
, defeating Linden’s very own Retrieve United in a nail-biting3-2showdown
The packed crowd at the Retrieve Hard Court was treated to a spectacular
sportsmanship, solidifying the tournament’s reputation as one of Linden’s premier sportingevents.
Since its inception, the
Tournament has
role in promoting
Astheexcitementbuilds for this year’s edition, New Era Entertainment invites
community members to come out and support their favoriteteams.
Guyana Futsal Tournament
competitive spirit, and this year promises to be
Excitement is high among the Guyanese, Surinamese and host French Guiana competitors as the 2024 edition of the Inter Guyana Games officially opened yesterday