Kaieteur News

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Govt.pullsbackadvertisement for consultants to

7th oil project

Brutus on $6 million bail for fraud, larceny, money laundering charges …wife, driver, businessman also arraigned


Venezuelan man dead, 8 injured after truck turns over at Port Kaituma

Bartica man injured in acid attack by friend on birthday

Exxon’s 5th FPSO one month ahead of schedule

EmbattledAssistant Police Commissioner, Calvin Brutus
Businessman, Asif Zafarally
Wife of Brutus, AdonikaAulder
Driver of the GPF, Kevin George
Y orvin


As ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) gears to startupitsfourthprojectnext year, construction of the company's fifth Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel- Errea Wittu- is progressing ahead ofschedule.

MODEC, a Japanese shipbuilder was awarded the contract by Exxon on November 1, 2022 to perform Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) activities for the fifth Stabroek Block project, Uaru.

On Thursday, Offshore Energy reported that the FPSO has achieved a new milestone, which has been described as a significant

feat, with the completion of the hull block assembly 40 days ahead of the original schedule.

This follows the keel layingfortheconstructionof thehull,whichwasdonefive weeksaheadofschedule.

MODEC said, “The vessel for Guyana is under construction at the shipyard in China and is expected to start oil production in 2026. This is another remarkable achievementandreflectsour commitment to our client ExxonMobilGuyanaandthe e n t i r e G u y a n e s e community.”

A ceremony to mark the start of construction for the Errea Wittu FPSO was held on February 2, 2024. The

ExxonMobil's US$12 7B

Government of Guyana in April2023.

The fifth project is d

approximately 250,000 barrelsofoilperday,withan associated gas treatment capacityof540millioncubic feetperday,awaterinjection capacity of 350,000 barrels per day, and produced water capacity of 300,000 barrels perday

MODEC has handed out a number of contracts for work on the Errea Wittu FPSO Seatrium, recently joinedotherplayersworking (Continuedonpage3)

Map showing the location of Exxon's fifth project, Uaru

Govt. pulls back advertisement for consultants to review

7th oil project

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday announced that government has discontinued an advertisement for a consultanttoreviewExxon's seventh project, saying that theinformationthecompany presented this far is incomplete.

He made the comments during his weekly press conferenceheldatthePPC's headquarters, Freedom House.

Jagdeo previously when speaking about the seventh had said that there is an assumption that there would be a seventh project However, recently the government had advertised foraconsultanttoreviewthe sameproject.

On Thursday, Jagdeo was asked if he has had a changeofheartregardingthe project and whether there would be any fiscal improvements if it is approved. In response, he said he had instructed the Ministry of Natural Resourcestodiscontinuethe advertisement, “so I said to themdiscontinueit. So, there will be no consultant hired to review theprojectuntilwehavethe entiresubmission.”

Jagdeo questioned the logicsofhiringacompanyat this point in time, to review incomplete information, highlighting that Exxon has b e e n m a k i n g t h e submissionsinparts.

“So,theoriginalposition stands,whenIsawthatad,it

was brought to my attention andIcalledtheministerand said discontinue it because until we have a full submission from Exxon, we arenotgonnastartthereview processandIexpectthemto make a full submission sometimenextyear,”theVP said.

NoguaranteeExxonwill have7thproject

On July 26, 2024, this publication reported that Jagdeo in response to a question posed by this publicationhadsaidthat“So first of all, there is an assumptionthattherewillbe aseventhproject.So,wewill get the application soon and at that time, the government will determine through two permits, one the licence and then the environmental

permit,howitwilldealwith all of these issues.” Jagdeo added: “Exxon still has to demonstrate that they will submit all the documents needed for us to assess

ExxonMobil was fined $5.6M for flaring above safe limits one day in 2023 - EPA

The Environmental ProtectionAgency(EPA)on Thursday clarified that ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) was fined $5.6Mforflaringexcessgas beyond background levels, foronedayin2023.

The regulator was at the time responding to a Kaieteur News article, published on October 22, 2024,titled'ExxonPaidEPA GYD $5.6M for Flaring in 2023.' President of EMGL, Alistair Routledge during the company's third quarter media conference said U S $ 2 7 , 0 0 0 o r approximately $5.6M was paid to the regulator for one day of excessive flaring in 2023.

Thecompanyisrequired to pay US $50 per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e)emittedasaresultof flaring in excess of the periods outlined in the environmental permits for the three projects currently inoperation.

Flaring, as the word suggests, is the process of

burningassociatedgasthatis brought up during oil production Notably, this process emits harmful gases intotheatmospherethatcan, not only affect seabirds and marine creatures, but also climatechange.

In its missive, the EPA pointed out, “It is important to note that routine flaring andventingareprohibitedin all permits, and the flaring referenced in the article was notroutine,butratherdueto thecommissioningandstartup of Payara, and a special

circumstance of planned maintenance of the gas handling system on the Liza Unity Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO)vesselsin2023.”

Theagencynotedthatin 2023, the Payara project Floating production Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO) commissioning and start-uplastedfor39days.

ThePermitallowsforup to 60 days of flaring; to this end, there was no excess flaringatthePayaraFPSO.

EPA explained, "There

was only one case of excess flaring under approved special circumstances on board the Liza Unity FPSO. Inaccordancewithcondition 3 5 1 of the Liza Unity Permit, approval was granted for planned maintenance during the period of May 6-21, 2023. During this period, flaring beyond background levels occurred for only one day which resulted in an emissionof605.5620tonnes ofcarbondioxideequivalent (Co2e).”

whethertherequirementsare met.TheninAugust,theVP was asked to again to shed some light on, “What improvementscanGuyanese expect from the 7th oil project should it be approved?”

Trying to decide which word to begin with Jagdeo said then: “When and if…if and or when and if we approvetheprojectthenyou will be told about what the benefitswillbe.Wehavenot lookedatanything…thereis currently no application in fortheseventhprojectasyet, so when the application comesinthat'swhenwewill start considering this matter.”

Exxon hoping for approvalbynextyear

According to Vice

Limited (EMGL), Phillip Rietemawithsixdeep-water projects in the Stabroek Block already receiving regulatoryapprovalfromthe Government of Guyana (G

Limited (EMGL) is hoping to get approval for its


A few months ago, EMGL, the operator of Guyana's resource-rich Stabroek Block made its application

o the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) seeking approval for a seventh project, Hammerhead During his address at the International Business Conference (IBC) on Wednesday at the Guyana MarriottHotel,Georgetown, Reitema said, “We have six sanctioned projects, just (to) putitincontext. I don't think there's anywhereintheworldwhere we've been able to go so quickly from discovery to production to now six sanctioned projects. Since making its first discovery in 2015, he underscored that Exxonhastransitionedfrom exploration to production in recordtime.

Exxon's 5th FPSO one month ahead...

Frompage2 todeveloptheFPSO,suchas Jumbo Offshore Installation Contractors, SOFEC, TMC Compressors, and Miko Marine.

Presently, Exxon has threeprojectsproducingoil. TheLizaOne,LizaTwoand Payara projects are producing about 660,000 barrels per day (bpd) on average. The fourth project, Yellowtail, will develop the Tilapia and Redtail reservoirs. It targets a daily production rate of 250,000 bpd, while the other developments were designed to produce up to 220,000bpd.

Kaieteur News reported that the commencement of oil production on the fourth FPSO would take Guyana closer to its target of producing 1 3 million barrelsofoilby2027. In the meantime, two other projects which have also received the blessings of the Government of Guyana (GoG) are also likelytostartupin2027. Uaru, as well as the Whiptail developmentExxon's sixth project- will eachdevelop250,000bpd.

The company revealed that the projects are on schedule; however, the teams are aiming for earlier startupdates.

VicePresident, Bharrat Jagdeo


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Oil and Corruption

Thesmallcitizenistooweigheddownwithekingouta dailyexistencetocaretoomuchaboutoilandcorruption,to bepreoccupiedwithGuyana’siniquitiesandinequities. Heknowsbotharepresentinthiscountryinspades,and would count himself lucky if he gets a trickle-down from oil;andintherightplacewiththerightpartnerstogetaslice ofthecorruption.

That is as close as the small man comes to being concernedaboutoilandcorruption.

Politicalschemersandvagabondsarefamiliarwiththe outlook of the small fellow They move swiftly and efficientlytocapitalisebymakingpromisesintendedtobe breached, while ripping off the Treasury (contracts, sweetheart deals, cronyism, favours owed, and favours delivered.)

Boththepoliticalschemersandtheordinarymanknow thattheregularcitizen–thebulkofthepopulationpossess neither physical presence nor intellectual breadth nor spiritual strength, nor moral force to confront endless wrongdoings. Cunning Guyanese leaders have settled for giving the numb multitude what sells, while also giving themleasesforpreciousbuilding,timelyhandoutstokeep quiet.Itisnotariskyordangerouswaytolivepolitically Ifthereisonethingthatcouldbesaidaboutthewisdom oflocalpoliticalleaders,itisthattheyhavestudiedGuyana well, know Guyanese better Throw the Guyanese mobs somedog-meatoccasionally,andlikecurs,theyfightover theskin,bones,andfluff.Thesinew,fat,marrow,andprime cutsgototheclubofpoliticalelites.Inthissphere,thereis no difference between government and opposition, no dividebetweenPPPhustlersandPNCgrabbers.Itisafreefor-all dog-fight in the trenches, which is why Indian and BlackGuyanese(andsoonIndigenousandmixedheritage citizens) are at each other’s throats to get the biggest swallow of the offal that is tossed their way to keep them busyanddistracted,whilethebigmoneygamesintownare handledandparceledoutbehindthescenes.

Forthisiswhat,ontheotherhand,thatoccursinavery civilized arrangement among political contemporaries at the top. Call it whatever fits: political compromise, leadership horse trading, personal pork barrel pet interests andvisions,anditishappening.Thisiswhathashappened and is happening with Guyana’s oil. It provides one persuasiveexplanationastowhytheOppositionpretendsto know nothing, and has nothing of substance or power to presentwithwhatreallyhappenedwithrichportionsofthis nation’s oil wealth. The money is so much that there is enoughtosharearoundamongstthemselvestosatisfytheir greedandcoverthemostlavishspendingimaginable,while setting all of them up for generations to come. It is a nice placefortheleadPPP/CandPNCRpeopletobe.Theycan be generous and extend sweet charity to newcomers and middle of the roaders, who are only too glad to grab their share.

Meanwhile,themiddledespisesandshunsthebottom, sinceitremindstoomuchofwhatcouldbefate;anditistoo close to get ideas or harbour reckless visions. The middle classlookstothetop,hasasolidideaofwhatgoeson,and yearnstogetintotheact.Itisavailable;itisreadytosell;it ispreparedtograspatwhatevercomesitsway.Don’ttellits members about who is corrupt, or who has ripped off and siphonedoff,orwhohascheatedcountryandcitizen.There is little by way of interest in what could be perilous pastimes. It is better to take what is there to get while the goingisgood.Thatissafer,itisbetter,itissensible,anditis rewardingallaround:noharm,nofoul.

The middle class is not taking any chances with its perch.Carefulistheword,notdrawinganyattentiontoself, notmakinganywaves,throughrockinganysensitiveboats consideredoff-limits.

When all is finished, it is forever the little people who are taken advantage of, mislead, and left hungry and still hopingthattheywillgetsomethingthistimearound.

The PPPlike Trump is unelectable


Thesayings“Moondoes run till day catch um” and “Karma is a bitch” indeed resonate deeply with the unfolding situation in Guyana, particularly in relation to the corruption within the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and the government.

The first saying, a r e f l e c t i o n o n t h e inevitability of truth and consequences, seems to fit perfectly with the ongoing scandals that are coming to light. For years, there have been accusations that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has manipulated the GPF for its own political purposes, turning it into an instrument to silence opposition rather than

uphold justice. Figures like Bharrat Jagdeo have been criticised for their close ties t o q u e s t i o n a b l e appointments, most notably Henry Greene, who was appointed commissioner despite warnings from international allies, including the United States.

The consideration of Hicken, a figure similarly mired in controversy and already stripped of his U.S. visa, only serves to deepen these concerns about corruption and political i n f l u e n c e i n l a w enforcement.

PaulSlowe’sreferenceto karma, especially in the context of his own experiences, adds another dimensiontothisissue.After being falsely charged and

prevented from rising to the l e a d e r s h i p o f t h e Force largely due to actions taken by individuals now facing their own scandals—Slowe’s warning seems particularly poignant. His opposition to the promotion of unfit officers, now implicated in corruption,onlyunderscores how the web of corruption has compromised the integrity of the entire institution.

The mention of highprofile murders and the anticipated appearance of “theghostofMr.Su”during the trial suggests that even more skeletons are set to emerge, dragging further high-ranking officials into the scandal The idiom “Moona run till day catch

um” symbolizes how longhidden truths are finally catching up with those involved.

The government is now atacrossroads.WithHicken’ appointment to top cop essentially blocked by this scandal, and the two remaining senior officers also tainted by their own controversies, the PPPfaces a dilemma. Can they afford tomoveforwardwithanyof these candidates without further damaging their credibility? As the situation unfolds, it seems the old Guyanese wisdom remains ever relevant, warning that, nomatterhowfarcorruption may run, it will eventually facethelightofday

Complaint against Corporate Greed and the non-intervention of the PUC

DearMr Editor,

I write to address a situation where I observe that Corporate greed seems to have gone rampant and assumed a life of its own. Added to this, the Public Utilities CommissionwhichIassumeaccordingto its mandate - is supposed to be looking out for the interest of the consumer, does not seem to be addressingtheseissues.

I would like to address two situations to highlight my contention In the banking industry, many of our banks seem to have embraced the digital development and with it, theyhavetransferredalotof theinterventionforaccounts

management, from themselves, to the customer Thisonthesurfaceseemsto beagoodthing,asintheory it gives the customer more controlofhis/heraffairs.

Where this seems to be disconnected, is where customers had previously givenauthoritytothebankto carryoutcertainadjustments on their accounts should certainsituationsarise.

What the bank in many cases seemed to have done, isthatinimplementingtheir ‘on-line banking’ services, which puts the management ofaccountsinthecustomer’s domain,thebanks(onebank inparticularaccordingtomy experience) have neglected to inform the customers in manycases,thatsomeofthe servicesthattheypreviously took responsibility for, wouldnolongerbeavailable and therefore the customer has the responsibility for


One pointed example: I had given to the bank a note on my accounts [I have a savings and a chequing account], that should a cheque be written on my chequing account and there were insufficient funds therein, they should transfer funds from my savings accounttocoverthecheque. This arrangement worked well for many years (too many to remember) Recently a client had a cheque of mine returned for insufficient funds, which I thoughtwasnotpossible.

On enquiring from the bank,Iwastoldthatwiththe on-line banking, customers are now responsible to ensure enough money is in their accounts There is nothing wrong with this approach, but I believe that t h e b a n k h a s t h e responsibility to inform the customer(s)ofsuchapolicy change.

Inmycase,Ireceivedno such information and the bankproceededtochargeme apenaltyfee,forinsufficient funds, when I was not informed of this change in theirpolicy Tomymindthis is corporate greed, taking advantage of customers, when they did not explicitly inform the customer of their policychange.

My next example relates to the telephone industry In Guyana, ALL the telephone lineplantisownedbyGT&T [recently changed to One

Communications]; therefore,customershaveno

options. The Guyana Telephone system is linked

to other telephone systems around the world. I recently hadanincidentinwhichmy VISA card had a lot of fraudulentchargesonit.Asa result,Iwasforcedtocallthe VISA Card company to protestthesecharges.

When one calls VISA, from an overseas country, VISA states clearly on the back their card that they accept “Collect Call” charges to a certain number listedonthecard.Assoonas the number is dialled, the VISAoperatorcomesonand says “we accept collect calls”.

However, here in

Guyana GT&T/One communications have

changed their modus operandi,insuchaway,that inspiteofthereceiverofthe call confirming their acceptance of the charges, the local customer is still chargedforthecall.Because thesearequeries,theytakea longtime.

I only found out by chance that the GT&T/One Communications charged meforover30minutesonan overseas call to VISA to clear up such a situation. Addedtothat,Ihadreasonto call VISA again, this time using my cell phone and onceagain,Iwaschargedfor the call, which is when I discovered what was happening, as all my credit was consumed and as the credit expired, the call was dropped. This is when I discovered all of these chargesthatarebeinglevied against the customer, even though the entity guarantees collect calls are being


Further enquiries from G T & T / O n e Communications revealed thatitisnotpossibletomake acollectcallbycellphoneor landlineoutofGuyana.This is something that the PUC should be investigating, sincethisisdisadvantageous tolocalcustomers.

Another issue that I believe the PUC needs to address, is the high charges beingleviedbytheutilityfor late fees on customers. In today’s world, where no manual intervention is needed to disconnect a telephone customer for late payment [unlike GPL for electricity]; yet the telephone company charges $ 3 , 0 0 0 a s a disconnect/reconnectionfee, when literally no human intervention is needed or involved, since the entire process is automated. This fee (though needed), is UNCONSCIONABLY HIGH. I believe that this is anissuethatthePUCshould be addressing, since it is a burden on the users of the service.

I raise these two issues with you Mr Editor, since I can only attribute these unconscionably high fees being charged customers, to greed.

NO CUSTOMER is reimbursed when the telephoneserviceorinternet is out for many hours at a time, yet late fee payment attractsaSEVEREpenalty.I wouldliketohearyourvoice ontheissuesMr.Editor.

Sincerely DesmondSaul

ACollege with strong global academic capabilities and credentials


, Queen’s College recentlycelebratedits180th yearinexistence.

The Attorney General reminded us in a Facebook post that everywhere QC existedsomethingimportant stood in its place afterwards such as the High Court and the Ministry of Health. A reflection of the high number of Lawyers,

MagistratesandDoctorsthat QC has produced? One would be inclined to think so. QC has also produced most of the Ministers and Presidents in our country’s history

Going forward, as we embarkonthepursuitofthe knowledge economy, we must also embrace the opportunitytotakeQCtothe next level and allow it to become our nation’s first globally accredited College. Not in competition with the UniversityofGuyana,butas a complement to it. A place where College level courses may be pursued after ALevels or Advanced Level Qualifications. A place where QC has a seamless partnership with the

University of Cambridge, theUniversityofOxford,the London School of Economics, an Ivy League University and the

Massachusetts Institute of Technology A partnership that can be leveraged to obtaincreditstowardsafirst degreeandultimatelyearna degree upon a new QC

College campus A partnership that enables research and development, and builds the capabilities necessarytoaddvalueinthe future The knowledge economy relies heavily on state-of-the-art technology, skillsandinnovation.Where newideasaremorevaluable than the current products in the market and our natural resources.


compound should be exposed to the world of Artificial Intelligence, the programming capabilities needed and the new technology that is driving the robotics of the future. They should be exposed to the financial thinking that is driving market growth, the legalthinkingthatismaking the world safer and the

medical thinking that is helping us live healthier lives. Theenergyaroundthe 180th Anniversary of QC is inspirational, and we should capitalize on the regained momentumatournation’stop schooltosetapathtowardsour 200thanniversary

A path that sees Queen’s College evolve into an institution that reflects its name,itshistoryandthetalent within its halls CRG encourages the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, the President and hisCabinettolayoutastrategy that is supported financially and academically to help QC transition into our Nation’s first Globally accredited College ACollegewithstrong global academic capabilities andcredentials

Bestregards, Mr.JamilChanglee



Anna Regina Multilateral School provide Physical Education for their students?

DEAREDITOR, Why doesn’t Anna Regina Multilateral School provide physical education fortheirstudents?

Idon’tunderstandwhynot because Anna Regina Multilateralhassufficientyard spaceforthissubjectandafter allisatopschoolforchildren inEssequibo Childrenatthat ageshouldbeconcernedabout

their fitness and wellness for their future This subject is writteninallthetopschoolsin Georgetown since they carry the space but not at Anna Regina Multilateral And again this school carries the spaceforsports

Physical education is important since it provides cognitive content and instructiondesignedtodevelop

motor skills, knowledge and behaviourforphysicalactivity

Ihopethegovernmentdo designasportscourtforPE to take place These children are missingthefondnessoflife The curriculum involves a wide range of sports such as volleyball, basketball, cricket, tennisetc

Yourssincerely AmandaSawh

Refurbishing of Cornelia Ida cricket ground

DEAREditor, It is almost 20 years that the Cornelia Ida cricket groundontheWestCoastof Demeraraisoutoforder

Numerous efforts were madebyprivateindividuals, club members and the NDC to have it rehabilitated but foronereasontoanotherhas notbeenrealised.

The Minister of Sports, Ch

eventually engaged to help about eight years ago but stopsandstartshaveplagued theproject.

I am kindly asking the minister to provide an update on the status of the upgradesincewearehaving excellentweather

It becomes more important because this club

keeps providing the national team with players

every year in the various categories, be it age group orseniorandhasbeendoing so for many years all the time without the use of a playing facility for the past twentyyears

I anxiously await a positiveresponse.

Thanks for providing space to highlight this concern.

Lack of strict measures for implementation and distribution of one-off $100,000 payment


, I have read all views, opinions and suggestions expressed by Guyanese and politicalpartiesontherecent a n n o u n c e m e n t b y Government on the disbursement of a ‘one off payments’of$100,000toall Guyanese; whose name appears on the Voters’ Registration List. I believe the viewpoints were well articulated and, in my opinion, can be considered ‘reasonable.’

S i n c e t h e announcements by both President IrfaanAli and Mr Bharrat Jagdeo, there has been no mentioned of a definitive date or month when the payments will be rolled out, other than the initialannouncementbyMr Ali when he addressed the Parliament of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, that the then $200,000 00 payments to household will be done ‘instantaneously.’

Ihavecarefullyanalyzed all the statements made by both MessrsAli and Jagdeo and can only conclude that thematterregarding“oneoff payments”toGuyanesewas NOT ventilated at the level of Cabinet, which is the highest decision making of Government, but was decided amongst a group of two or possible three, includingDr AshniSingh.

The lack of strategic p l a n n i n g i n t h e implementation of such project really exposed the PPP/C for who they are; visionless, incompetent and only hope is to buy Guyanesecheaplywiththeir

own money It was not until many intelligent Guyanese from individuals to Political Parties called out the Government, they then peddled back, came up and out with Anancy narratives, underthepretextoflistening to youths at a PPP/C youth convention in Berbice, w o m e n a n d t h e i r Constituents that a caused for a change from “households to registered Guyanese.”

Atthetimeofmeputting together this missive for publication,itisexactlyone week since the latest announcement of the $100,000.00 per Guyanese on the Voters’ List. What is further embarrassing to the Government is that they are yet to inform Guyanese where the monies will be coming from and the modalitiesinplacetoensure there are fairness in the distribution, transparency in t h e p r o c e s s a n d accountability at every possible level Many Guyanese have reached out to me to ascertain whether the payments will be made fromJanuary2025,basedon what Bharrat Jagdeo announced on the 11th October2024.

Therefore Editor, allow me extra space to provide explanations to my Guyanese brothers and sistersinthemostsimplistic way:

Firstly, the monies for the ‘one-off payments were NOT a part of the 2024 $1.146TBudgetapprovedin the National Assembly on February2,2024. Secondly, for the

payments to be made, the Ministry of Finance will have to table supplementary financial paper, seeking approval for additional monies from the National Assembly.

Thirdly,withthechanges in figures from $200K to $100K, bothAli and Jagdeo didnotsaywhenthemonies will be paid out, for the exception of Jagdeo saying t h a t i t w i l l t a k e approximately five months tocompletedisbursements.

W i t h t h e n e w announcement by both Messrs Ali and Jagdeo that theVoters’ListwithIDcards andPassportwillbethebasis for effecting payments, I would like to proffer a few recommendations that the governmentshouldconsider to ensure transparency, fairness, equity and accountability in the entire disbursements.

From the time the announcement was made, personswhosenamesareon the Voters’ List have died prior to and after To avoid monies being paid to deceased persons, there is URGENT need for the sanitizingoftheVoters’List. This can be done by information being furnished by Guyana Registrar’s Office and hospitals. I am suggesting that this be compulsory, since the evidence from the National Recount of the March 2020 GRE revealed that a total of sixty-one (61) deceased personsvoted.


Since there are GECOM officesandsub-officesinthe ten administrative regions,

they should be the ones providing names to the Ministry of Finance for ‘non-negotiable cheques to be prepared. These cheques can/should be printed with electronic signatures of approving officers from MinistryofFinance.

1. At GECOM offices, political parties have scrutineers, who are present dailytoconductverification of registration. Therefore, theseveryscrutineerscanbe usedintheprocesstoensure transparency, fairness and equitable distribution of cheques, whether by IDs or ValidPassport.

2 Officers from the Auditor General can be assigned at the various GECOM offices where paymentsaretobemade,or atanalternatevenue.Thisis toensurethatpaymentswere madedirectlytoregistrants.

3. To avoid clustering andconfusionattheoffices, an alphabetical system can be put in place. All this shouldbeworkedoutbefore the announcement of a commencement date for payments.

4. Prior to payments, there MUST be robust educational programmes on the distribution process acrossregions.Again,thisis to avoid confusion and misguidance.

5.Avoid monies moving in bags and policemen moving with guns The temptation to be dishonest willbegreaterandoutweigh what transpired during the $25,000 00 COVID-19 distributions.

6.Idonotseeadifficulty with payments in the

hinterland areas Toshaos and Councillors are responsible for managing t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e communities. However, there are village registers, therefore, names of eligible persons for the “one off payments” can be made available to the Ministry of IndigenousPeople’sAffairs, then forwarded to GECOM for further scrutiny and verification,involvingParty Scrutineers in the districts. Additionally,pre-signedand non-negotiable cheques prepared by Ministry of Finance with a detailed electronic list, where the Ministry of Indigenous People’s Affairs, Auditor General’s Office and Political Party’s Scrutineers will all have information in theirpositions.Again,thisis to ensure all tenets of good g o v e r n a n c e a n d transparency 7. Political be assignedtoGECOMoffices on schedule days for disbursements to maintain law and order 8. Another recommendation the Government can employ is usingthePostOfficesacross regions.ThePostOfficesdo have a superb infrastructure system in place, to either effectpaymentsorhavenonnegotiable cheques posted.

There maybe a few challenges here, since many persons are either itinerants or they have relocated to otherareas.

9. Also, I would like to recommend that with an alreadyestablisheddatabase for pensioners at the MinistryofHumanServices and Social Security, the government should utilize

thatsystemtoconductapilot testingbypreparingthenonnegotiable and pre-signed Cheques in the name of the pensioner.

10. The government can utilise the aforementioned recommendations through pilot testing. If there is a region with a small voting population,usethatregionto conductthetest.Itwillallow the Government to adjust and amend where necessary when rolling out in other regions 11 Elected representatives through Municipalities and NDCs can also play a meaningful roleintheprocess.

Editor, I trust the Government will find w i s d o m i n m y recommendationsandadapt. Again,Ibelieveiftheregime truly wants to redeem itself from the chaos, confusion and corruption during the COVID-19 $25,000.00 cash grant saga, where many G u y a n e s e w e r e disenfranchised;Iencourage and at the same time urge them to adapt the recommendationsposited. I conclude by appealing to the government to ensure the best practices are implemented for a fair distribution in payments There is no need for reinventing the process There is need for stricter measures to be taken in place.Canwedoit?Yes,we CAN! It’s all about political maturity I patiently await the Government’s feedback ontheserecommendations.

May God bless our dear land,Guyana.

Yourssincerely, AnnetteFerguson,MP

Company that botched pump station project in Berbice awarded $393M contract for another one in Region 3

YunasCivilandBuilding ConstructionService,whose servicewasterminatedfrom theBlackBushPolderpump stationprojectinRegionSix was handed a $393 million contract on Wednesday, this timetoconstructtheA–Line pump station at Versailles, West Bank Demerara (WBD).

construction of the A-Line pump station, it was Yunas C i v i

& B

n g Construction Service who was awarded the job for $393,490,350.

retendered and is now being


The construction site for the A-line pump station back in April this year. (Photo courtesy, Opposition Member of Parliament Ganesh Mahipaul)

This is according to informationpresentedbythe National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office who through the project was awarded.

Kaieteur News had reportedthattheMinistryof Agriculture through the National Drainage and IrrigationAuthority (NDIA) had terminated the $978.7 million pump station contract by Yunas Civil and Building Construction Service for Black Bush

Meanwhile, it was previously reported that the Agriculture Ministry went out to tender for the A-Line pump station project since the initial $717 million contract was terminated earlier this year Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha had told this newspaper that the contract has been terminated and the project

The National Procurement and TenderAdministration Board information revealing the award for theA-Line pump station project.

NPTAB on its website revealed that from the 14 contractors who submitted

Polder front-lands in September2023duetopoor quality and performance That project has since been

contractor The Minister explainedthatduetothisset back,hisministrywillrestart the tender process in search

of another contractor to completetheproject.

It was published that followinganationalbidding


$717,095,940 contract to c

Engineering Contractors for the A-Line pump station project The project was expected to be completed in

June2023. With the delay in completion of the project, Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) Ganesh Mahipaul publicly highlighted the slothfulness (Continuedonpage24)

The government cannot dictate how it should be opposed

The irony of the Vice Presidentandhissidekicksis thattheymistakethepurpose ofoppositionpolitics,andin doing so, offer naive and distorted views of the political ecosystem The government and its cronies takeapredictableroute:they

seek to dismiss the Opposition’s focus on race, corruption, nepotism and favouritism as politically expedient distractions, and instead want to dictate that theOppositionshifttowards policy-basedcriticisms.

It is a pleasant fantasy, onerootedinthenaïvehope that opposition parties will kindly focus on policy debates rather than confront

the government on contentious issues. But such an expectation betrays a f u n d a m e n t a l misunderstanding of democratic politics: the Oppositionexiststoholdthe government accountable, not to serve as a surrogate think-tank for policy formulation.

In fact, the arguments of the government and its sidekicks falter on a basic premise democracy thrives on checks and balances, not on the idyllic cooperation of governing and opposition parties. The lamentation that the Opposition is focused on whatitimaginestoberacial discrimination, corruption, and nepotism, seems to suggest that these concerns are not worth addressing or perhaps are even invented. Yet,whetherthegovernment sees these concerns of the Opposition as valid is irrelevant; the role of the Opposition is to reflect the perceptions,

concerns,andfrustrationsof itsconstituents,especiallyin a political climate where issues like corruption, nepotism, and racial disparities are far from imaginary

The Opposition’s “playbook” is no accident It is the very strategy that has kept the government on its toes, whether they like it or not One wonders how the government might envision t h e O p p o s i t i o n acting should they present polished policy papers and engageincalmdebateswhile ignoring the charged atmosphere of racial tension andhistoricalgrievancesthat define much of Guyana’s political landscape? Should they disregard corruption allegations in favour of intellectually engaging the administration’s policy plans? The government and its mouthpieces seem to overlook the fact that the Oppositionisnotinoffice;it is not their job to govern. Their role is to hold the government’sfeettothefire, to scrutinize and criticize its actions, and yes, to exploit every political vulnerability the government presents. In this sense, the persistent demand by Jagdeo and others for a policy-centered Oppositionisarequestfora defanged, toothless political entity—a compliant actor in astage-manageddemocracy. The government is free to assume that the Opposition is nothing more than a cynical purveyor of racial division The government is free to dismiss as a contrivance the Opposition’s invoking of r ace, with corruption as

their fallback accusation when race fails. But such a dismissal conveniently overlooks that in a country likeGuyana,whereraceand ethnicity have long been intertwined with politics, such issues cannot be neatly compartmentalized or dismissed.

In fact, one could argue that the very persistence of racial discourse in the politicalarenareflectsdeepseatedsocietaldivisionsthat requiregenuineengagement rather than denial One socialcommentatorhaslong called for ethnic impact assessments – a call that is studiously avoided and ignoredbythegovernment.

The government’s frustration with the Opposition’s focus on race and corruption is clear, but the dismissal of these issues as distractions belies a more significant problem the government’s failure to convincingly address these concerns. The effectiveness of the Opposition’s strategy is not a reflection of media complicity or manipulation but of the government’s perceived shortcomings in these areas If the government were more transparent, less embroiled in scandal, and better at communicating its policy successes, the Opposition’s accusations might not stick at all and would become a useless adventure. That some persons take the Opposition seriously is a government failing, not the Opposition.

The government’s argument that the Opposition’s discourse is r e g r e s s i v e a n d divisive rests

Free Harpy! Free Harpy! DEM BOYS SEH

Demboyssehdetimecomefuh deyoungpeopleofdiscountry to rise up and demand justice—justice fuh de animals at de zoo! Every day, dem animals deh deh like prisoners serving life sentence without parole.

TakedepoorHarpyEagle,forexample. De man bin in dat cage so long, he forget what freedom feel like. He bin flap he wings all day and all night, but is only de bars he does see. And tell me, how yuh could cage an eagle? De man is de king of desky!Butno,dezoodecidefuhmekhim dekingofhecage.

Dem boys seh dis ain’t cruelty to animalsalone,iscrueltytobirds.Yuhever hear bout a wildlife park? That’s de new thingnow Animalsroamfree,demlivelike

on a false dichotomy It implies that there are two paths: a progressive, policyoriented politics or a backward, race-baiting opposition.

Yet the truth is far more complex Political oppositioninanydemocracy isoftenamessy,contentious process, with accusations and counter-accusations flying on all sides The expectation that the Opposition should simply focus on policy debates while ignoring what it perceives (or knows) as corruption or racial inequality is not only u n r e a l i s t i c , i t i s

Opposition is entitled,

ed, to highlight what it sees or believes as government failures, however u n c

inconvenient those critiques maybe.

The Opposition is not obliged to play by the government’s rules. It does not exist to legitimize the government’s policies or to p r o v i d e a l o y a l counterweight. Its role is adversarialbydesign,andif that opposition happens to focusonrace,corruption,or nepotism,itislikelybecause

resonating with its support base The government cannot dictate how it should be opposed; it can only respond by governing more e f f e c t i v e l y a n d communicating its policies more convincingly Until it does, the Opposition will continue to play the game it knowsbest.

(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n


kings and queens, and people can still watchdemfromadistance.Butnah,indis country, we still holding on to de old ways caging up de fauna like dem dangerouscriminals.

Dem young people need fuh come out andprotest.Startchanting:“FreedeEagle! Freedefauna!Downwithdezoo!”Istime fuh we take a stand. How yuh gon tell yuh pickney de eagle is de symbol of freedom, butdeonlyonedemeverseeinreallifelock up behind bars? Dat is straight-up hypocrisy,demboysseh.

De Harpy Eagle need fuh feel de wind under he wings again. Dem boys seh de young people got de power to mek dat happen. So leh we go! Time fuh a protest, timefuhaction!Setdeeaglefree! Talkhalf.Leffhalf!


Is Guyana the house of slaves, national address of those rolling over?

There are large swaths of silence. Thereisdocilitythat compelsobedience.

There is the piteously passive that feeds into total subservience. In the richest country per functioning brain, and then some, this is the canvas that captures Guyanese at their foremost, purest substance. Oil by the oceans,andamidstvoracious exploitations by Exxon and company, this is Guyana.

Can Guyana now be confirmed as a house of slaves?House of slaves, the keenofeyeandmindaresure todiscernaconnection. This

pairing of words in the English Language that startedoutwithintenttoslap throughthederogatory

The same marriage of words has grown from derogatory to inflammatory to infamy now. Politically correctitmaybetoslidepast.

But there is the grinding reality of Guyana, Oil Guyana, that speaks to what the arrival of oil has done to the people of this country at everylevel. Nobodyspeaks, butforafew

Nobody takes a stand, other than those bold (or foolish)enoughtodoso. By

force of the grimmest circumstances slaves were forced to do so, live so, weren't they? But why should any Guyanese? Go alongtogetalong?

To sell self as a slave to E x x o n f o r w h a t ?

Regrettably, the final strand of liberty loosened on May 26 did not bring an end to slavery Not just for Black Guyanese, but all Guyanese minus a hardy few Let's lookatourselves.

In parliament, over half of Guyanese lawmakers stood for what benefited the exploiter Exxon, the new enslaver Exxon, what exposed citizens to possibly mortaleconomicperil(spill). Itisasordidhalfthatmarches under the flag of the government. As the current ruling party goes, so do almost half of Guyana's electorate. Since the ruling party thrives on being silent and impotent, half of Guyana's electorate tightly embrace being silent and impotent. Thus, the foreign

raider reigns unchecked, supreme.

To speak out against the American colonizer operating as a contractual partner is the equivalent of t r e a s o n , w i t h t h e malevolence that is spawned by such conclusions. To speak out for more from the oil is to disrupt the PPP Government's collaborations with Exxon, to stress the ambitions of leaders and the kit and kaboodle making up the broad rear To declare againstwhattheythemselves hadhammeredaswrongisto be branded a troublemaker against Guyana interests. Is that not the mentality of slaves, those who find comfortinacertainresidence and address? Even more notoriously, to point to poor oil governance, and the lack of heart to fight genuine contractbattlesunleashesthe might of the State against those who call for better leadershipandeffort.

The government record isthere,andthosewhoincur itsuglywratharepartofit. A short trek through AfricanAmerican history will confirm that when the oppressedroseup,somewho served in the Big House on the slave plantations hustled to inform their masters of developments.

Is this not what is happening in today's oil Guyana, where political grovelersviewdissentersand objectors to the Exxon contract as threatening to their standing, undermining their preference status with theoilfolks. So,thepolitical grovelersinGuyanaandtheir cohort of professional brownnosers turn on their

ownandbetraythem. When there is government ope committed to this slavish stateofmind,thenthealways urgent demand for a viable political opposition soars to the highest rung on the ladder. Incredibly, when the chatter and layers are cut through, there is not much that differentiates between a

oppositionthatisjustasfrail and feeling its way When the economics of oil should be the cause and driving force, the politics of oil is what becomes the highest priority That is, both government and opposition s

damnedest to stay on the good side of the white man, and be assured of enjoying a lengthy and prospering life. Political, personal, or any otherway Stateddifferently, don'trocktheExxonoilboat, agree to travel on the Exxon love boat, and all is guaranteed Thus, the political future of Guyana's elected leadership is in good hands: assured by Exxon (andAmerica)forthepresent and future. Look at the Exxon imposed oil e

ment with an unjaundiced eye: silence, hairsplitting, tone deafness, walking between raindrops, andbendingoverbackwards, or to shifty points on the compass, as directed by Exxon. In the realm of politics, those who condemn themselvestothelotofslaves talk with straight faces, deceive with conmen narratives, and all the while partnering with Exxon to feather the company's nest

first. Then it's their own as their extra recognition in the Big House that favoured slaves that hold up their end of bargains, justify their existence, abandon their own. Self-enslaving pushes towards rolling. Rolling over inspires betraying, sellingoutone'sown.

Civil society-private, professional, the selfanointed profound and pureholdsfasttothemantrathatit iswisertostooptogetby,get ahead. Stooping inspires imagesofstooges,thenatural extension of which is towards prostration and kowtowing.

The Chinese knew what it was to kowtow before callous and heinous mandarins The pigtails serve as identifiers Kowtowing before Exxon should be the most alien thought ever for any Guyanese, when so much needs to be righted, when so manyarewithout,strippedof dreamsanddignity. Onlythe worst of self-slavers and grovelers could agree without objection to local conditions in this oil mecca. IsGuyanathehouseofslaves of every complexion? Is Guyana the national address of grovelers of every kind? There is Exxon, there is the Guyanasituation,andthereis theconfirmation.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

Bartica man injured in acid attack by friend on birthday

A 38-year-old man experienced a shocking turn of events on his birthday whenacorrosivesubstancewasthrownat himbyanintoxicatedfriend.

The incident occurred around 21:30 hrs on October 22, 2024, at Lot 44, 1 ¾ Miles,Bartica.Thevictimisidentifiedas Jermaine Thornhill, while the alleged attacker, is Wayne Johnson, who is currentlybeingsoughtbypolice.

Accordingtopolicereports,Thornhill wascelebratinghisbirthdayathomewith Johnson and family members when tensions escalated after a dispute arose betweenThornhillandhiswife.Johnson interveneddespitebeingaskedtorefrain, leading to a confrontation. After being asked to leave, Johnson exited the premisesbutreturnedfiveminuteslater. Johnson then approached Thornhill and remarked, “Thornhill, look at this acid,” before splashing a liquid from a containerontohim.Thornhillmanagedto turn away, but the substance splashed ontohisbackandhands.Johnsonfledthe sceneonamotorcycle.Thornhillreported the incident to the police, expressing severe pain. He was assisted by his wife and relatives to the Bartica Regional Hospital, where he was treated and admittedforburninjuries.Heiscurrently in stable condition.The investigation is ongoingasauthoritiescontinuetosearch forJohnson.



Earlier this week, one of our columnists pointed out the dangers VP Bharrat Jagdeo poses to President Irfaan Ali's administration.

That danger is not merely a matter of political optics; it's an existential threat to Ali's leadership and to the legitimacy of the One Guyana agenda that Ali has been so eager to promote.

The One Guyana vision—a platform built on inclusivity, national unity, and a break from the toxic political rivalries of the past—has been repeatedly undermined by Jagdeo's antics.

His weekly press conferences have become little more than verbal mudslinging sessions, targeting the Opposition and any critic who dares challenge the PPP/C. These weekly diatribes have not only antagonised the supporters of the Opposition but has also galvanised and energised them.


The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) on Thursday announced that the Licence Revenue Office has started the registration of motorvehiclesunderthenew “AJ” series. This follows the successful conclusion of the “AH” series which wrapped up in mid-October after reaching its maximum allotment of 9,999 vehicles. The'AH'seriesbeganonJune 14,2024.

"With the introduction of the new “AJ” series, GRA reminds motorists of the standard procedures for registering a new motor vehicle,"theAuthoritysaidin astatement.

Further, it is highlighted that several documents are required to be submitted to the Licence Revenue Office when registering a motor vehicle Those would include, a completed Motor Vehicle Registration Form, Original Invoice/Packaging List, Bill of Lading (Way Bill), and Original Manufacturer's Certificate or SalvageCertificate.

Inaddition,otherrequired documents include, the official translation of the registration or cancellation (for vehicles imported from non- English-speaking countries), E/SAD Declaration or C72 Form, Official Identification (valid ID, Passport, or Driver's Licence) and Tax Exemption Letter(ifapplicable).

GRA stated that the registration fees are as f o l l o w s : $ 7 5 0 f o r motorcycles, $1,500 for motorcars, and $750 for duplicateregistration.

"A physical examination will be conducted by a LicenceRevenueOfficerand CustomsOfficertoverifythe

details provided in the application form and supporting documents, such as the engine and chassis numbers,"GRAsaid.

Additionally, checks will be made to determine whether the vehicle is tinted, and if so, to ensure that the tint meets the legal requirements. The Customs Officer will also verify the accuracyofthetaxespaid.

Furthermore, motor vehicles with an engine capacitybelow2000ccdonot need to undergo a physical examination at the Licence Revenue Office before their first registration. However, this is contingent upon the completion and submission of a Vehicle Registration FormalongwiththeCustoms declaration in theAutomated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA).

GRA stated, "The Form, which is available on www gra gov gy, should include details such as the chassis number, engine number,colour,make,model, andenginecapacity."

Dealers and brokers are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of declared vehicle details, including applicable taxes.Failuretocomplymay result in penalties, which could include the suspension orrevocationoflicences.

"In cases where vehicle details cannot be verified at the port of entry, the vehicle(s) must be presented at the Licence Revenue Office for a thorough examination to confirm the accuracy of the information provided,"GRAadded. For further information, persons are asked to visit www.gra.gov.gy or contact the Licence Revenue Office directly

'No rush to deliver $100k cash grant'

…Jagdeo says a Govt. develops app to help with “seamless distribution

Vice-PresidentBharratJagdeoathisweeklypress conferenceonThursdaysaidthathisgovernmentisinno rushtodistributetheone-off$100,000cashgrant.

“Wearenotgoingtorushtodoitandendupwithalot ofcorruption,”Jagdeotoldreporterswhilepointingout thatgovernmentwilltakeenoughtimetobuildarobust system.

Hesaidthatrightnow,theFinanceMinistryisleading thedevelopmentofanew“App”toassistwiththe “seamlessdistribution”ofthecashgrant.Jagdeo explainedthattheappwillhavesomefieldsthatpersons must“fullup”beforetheirchequecanbeprocessed”. Thesefieldsinclude;name,address,phonenumber, passportorIDcardnumber. “Theyarebuildingageo locatorintheappsoyoucanactuallyknowwherepeople are”,Jagdeosaid.

Guyana seen as a leader in pesticides and chemicals management in the region

The Mi

Agriculture's Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control

B o a r d ( P T C C B )

w administrative building at MonReposonThursday


constructedandoutfittedata cost of $115 million and

government's efforts to deliversoundpesticidesand

management services to its

delivering remarks at the commissioning, Agriculture Minister,ZulfikarMustapha said sound chemicals

The $115 million Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board (PTCCB) was commissioned on Thursday

important and that the commissioning of the facility demonstrates the government's commitment and support for the work of the agency and chemicals managementinGuyana.

“This building is being commissioned against the backdrop that we are now modernizing this system

The role of the board is to ensure proper management of pesticides and other chemicals.Today,Guyanais

agricultureandthisincludes areas such as pesticides and

encourage farmers and

stakeholderstominimizethe use of chemicals The Pesticides Board is a multisectoral body that manages the use of chemicals in a numberofsectors.Itdoesn't only monitor and manage chemicals needed for the agriculture sector Over the years, the Board has (Continuedonpage24)

Guyana could tap CDB US$109.4 million water supply management project

Water supply and management and the ocean ecosystem across the Caribbeanwillreceivemuch needed support thanks to a new joint initiative announced on Thursday by the European Investment

Bank (EIB) and the Caribbean Development Bank(CDB).

A €100 million (USD109 4 million) loan fromtheEIBwillboostCDB support to projects that secure the supply of clean water, improve collection

and treatment of wastewater andsolidwasteandupgrade flood prevention The investments will help countries adapt to more frequent periods of drought or intense rain caused by climate c

nd contribute to environmental sustainability through reducedoceanpollution.

Theeligiblecountriesfor the EIB-

d investments are Antigua & Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados,Belize,Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti,

Jamaica, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago. “CDB and the EIB continuetoenjoyamutually beneficial collaboration, with this latest initiative p

o additional concessional resources to 14 states, representing almost three-

importantly, those countries represent over 19 million


Resources such as these

ply appreciated, as adequate w

and sanitation services, and the prevention of water-related disasters, are key to achieving and maintaining development in our region,” said CDB President (Ag ) Isaac Solomon.

“The vulnerability of small island states on the frontlineofclimatechangeis at the centre of discussions here in Washington Working together we can achieve a far greater impact in tackling these challenges than working alone Partnerships, like the EuropeanInvestmentBank's longstanding relationship with the Caribbean Development Bank, mean that we can contribute to projects and initiatives such as the one we have signed today, that support communities and our precious ocean ecosystems as well,” said EIB Vice PresidentAmbroiseFayolle, speaking from Washington DC “Investing in s u s t a i n a b l e w a t e r management is vital for the Caribbean small island developing states on the frontlineofextremeweather andclimatechange.”

“Caribbean states emit a fraction of the global greenhouse gasses, yet they are facing the most devastating effects of climate change. The EU is committed to supporting its Caribbean partners in the face of climate change and extreme weather through Global Gateway investment strategy Resilient infrastructure is at the heart of this, ” said Jutta

European Investment Bank (EIB) Vice President Mr. Ambroise Fayolle (left) and Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) President (Ag.) Mr. Isaac Solomon display the signed agreement for a new joint initiative between the two institutions

Urpilainen, European

Commissioner for InternationalPartnerships.

The EIB and the CDB have successfully worked together to support projects benefitting the Caribbean region since the EIB's first loantotheCDBin1978.The EIB'sBoardofDirectorslast week approved the allocation of a further €24.4 million (USD26.7 million) to support water supply services in four regions of Guyana, under a previous joint operation with the CDB.

The project in Guyana will improve the supply of c l e a n w a t e r t o 5 communities through the construction of five new water treatment plants, replacing old pipes and installing water meters. The new water treatment plants will remove the high iron content in the water and providewater24hoursaday to all of the households supplied The project is expected to have a significant impact both in terms of sustainable water management and on the

health and quality of life of thecommunitiesbenefitting.

The Caribbean is vulnerable to climatechange-related extreme weathereventsandsea-level rise. More violent storms, rising temperatures and unpredictable rainfall are increasing the pressure on bothwaterinfrastructureand thesurroundingseas.

The water sector in the Caribbean is challenged by aging equipment and pipes, l e

t capacity and lack of storage capacity Meanwhile, the marine ecosystem and coastal economy and communities are threatened by warmer seas, ocean acidification and storm surges. Many countries in the Caribbean are small island developing states which are highly vulnerable toclimatechangewhilealso facing unique economic and socialchallengesduetotheir geography

These economies and communities depend on the biodiversityandhealthofthe oceansurroundingthem.

Trio arrested after nabbed with illegal gun, ammo

Three men were arrested bypoliceonWednesdaynight after they were found with twopistolsandseveralrounds ofammunitionduringapolice intel-ledoperationatD'Urban Street,Georgetown.

The arrested men have beenidentifiedas27-year-old NeagusLamonzon,asecurity guard from Lot 61 D'Urban Street, Lodge, 29-year-old Randolph Norton, a labourer fromLot233'A'FieldSophia and 28-year-old Jamal Hazel, a labourer from Lot 490 'A' Field,Sophia.

Police reported that the incident occurred at about 23:30h.

"Ranks from the CID (Criminal Investigation Department) special patrols, alongwithotherranksonanticrime patrols, acting on information received proceeded to D'Urban Street betweenMandelaAvenueand John Street, where a silvergrey Toyota Allion vehicle bearing registration number PAF 6829 was stopped with three occupants, " police reported.

Lamonzon,wasthedriver of the vehicle, while Norton was seated in the front passenger side and Hazel in the back. Upon interception by ranks, the vehicle was searched and a Smith and Wesson.40pistol,alongwith a magazine containing 13 rounds of .40 ammunition, a Glock 19 pistol with a magazine containing 18 rounds of 9mm ammunition andonewhiteboxcontaining 23 rounds of 9mm ammunition.


The motorcar was also lodgedatthestation.

Police said in the report, "Lamonzonsaidthevehicleis owned by his mother, who lives in the United States of America(USA)." Investigations are ongoing.

As a result, the men were asked if they were licensed firearmholderstowhichthey replied in the negative. They thendeniedknowledgeofthe firearmsandammunition.The menweretoldoftheoffences committed, arrested and cautioned.Theyweretakento the East La Penitence Police Stationwherethefirearmand ammunitionweremarkedand sealedandsubsequentlytaken to the ballistics section for tests.

Negus Lamaizon
Randolph Norton Jamal Anthony Hazel

Two Women Over 60 Defy Odds to Achieve Academic Glory

In the face of challenges that might have deterred many, Jean Hanoman and Franka Thomas have embraced education in the latter stages of their lives, demonstrating that age is no barrier to growth and learning.

As the University of Guyana(UG)preparesforits

2024 Convocation

ceremonies, these remarkable women, both over the age of 60, will be graduatingwithdistinctions.

The University in a

statement issued on ThursdaysaidthatHanoman will receive her Bachelor's Degree in International Relations, while Thomas will graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in Public Management, both from the FacultyofSocialSciences.

For Hanoman, a woman in her mid-60s, the decision to pursue a degree garnered mixedreactionsfromothers, w i t h m o s t b e i n g discouraging. She said that people would say, "Are you mad,atyourage."

Despite the odds Jean saw higher education as more than personal fulfilment. While reflecting on the struggles of women whoweredeniedtherightto education, she said, "The tears and sacrifices of our grandmothers and mothers pavedthewayforustostand tall,proud,andempowered."

In a statement, the University of Guyana said, "Her decision to attend university represents defiance against the societal expectationthatlearningisa pursuit meant only for the young."

Both Hanoman and Thomas found crucial support systems in their educational journeys For H

compassionate lecturers at the University of Guyana waspivotal.

“Age was never noticed. When I tested it once, the response I got was, 'We are

here—eighteen to eighty," Jean said. She also credited lecturers,suchasDr Coreen Jacobs,QueenellaCameron, andothers,fortheirpersonal involvement,saying,“These were not just teachers; they were mentors who called after class, noticed our struggles, and motivated us topersevere,”shesaid.

Moreover, Thomas

initiallyfounduniversitylife disorienting. Navigating the campus, moving between classrooms, and grasping new concepts pushed her to

her limits However, her faith in God, along with the support of friends and classmates, helped her regain her footing. When tragedy struck and she lost herbrother,father,andsonin quick succession, Thomas relied on her supportive group members, who stepped in to assist her with assignments during that difficult time "My groupmates'empathycarried methroughmomentswhenI wantedtoquit,"sherecalls.

As it relates to overcoming adversity with grit and faith, Hanoman's return to school was not just apersonalambition;itwasa statement about the transformative power of education.Sherelatedinthe statement, "We are defined by our ability to adapt, to persevere, and to rise above the limitations that society placesuponus."

UG highlighted, "Her journey is a reminder that even in a world still grappling with gender inequality,womencanforge theirpathsthroughsheerwill andresilience."

Thomas' story resonates deeplywithanyonewhohas experienced loss and hardship Despite her immense grief and challenges at work, she persevered.“Ithoughtabout pausing my studies, but I knew I had to finish,” she said.HerfaithinGodandthe encouragement from her youngestsonkepthergoing. In a moment of bittersweet triumph,shelearnedshehad been named to the Dean's Honour List. “I had no idea that despite my pain, I had achieved such an honour,” sherelated.

The University said that "Both women are living examplesofwhatitmeansto embrace education as a transformativeforce."

"The degree you earn

today is not just a personal achievement," Hanoman said,whileurgingwomento remember that progress is not guaranteed—it requires continuous action and advocacy

She continued, "It symbolises the progress made by those who fought before us and reminds us of the work that still lies ahead."

Thomas, who shared a similar message said, "If I can do it, so can you! Never give up on your dreams because dreams do come true. With faith, prayer, and thesupportoflovedones,we can overcome any challenge " Her journey from a school dropout to a university graduate, passing with distinction, stands as a testament to the power of p e r s e v e r a n c e a n d determination.

UG asserted, "Their stories show that education is not limited by age or circumstance.Itisakeythat unlocks doors and opens new possibilities, even for those who thought they had missedtheirchance."

In an effort to celebrate their achievements Jean and Franka remind us that the pursuitofknowledgehasno expiration date Whether balancing motherhood, grief, or societal doubt, they demonstrate that success is not defined by how quickly one achieves but by the couragetopersist.

"Through their journeys, weseehowtheUniversityof Guyana not only offers academic opportunities but also fosters resilience, nurtures friendships, and provides a foundation for students to thrive. (Feature bytheDepartmentofEvents, C o n f e r e n c e s a n d Communication (DECC), Office of the ViceChancellor, University of Guyana),"UGsaid.

Jean Hanoman
Franka Thomas

Northern Gaza is what you imagine hell to be, and probably worse

Aljazeera - Can you imagine what it feels like to be told that you and your family may be killed if you do not leave your home?

Thatyouallhaveminutesto leave, with no possessions, orfacedeath?


Five times now we have had to do this. Five times now, my family has been

forced from s

Sometimes we are “warned” Orders are handed down by the Israeli military demanding that we must move on within hours. Other times, we only know to leave when the bullets crackagainstthewallsofour shelter In these cases, we havetorunwithnothingbut theclothesonourbacksand whatlittlewecanholdinour hands.

Each displacement comes with the fear that our homes will either be destroyedorlootedwhilewe are gone. Right now, I’m sheltering in a home belonging to a friend who fledsouth.

More than four families are sharing this space. The buildings across from us have been flattened. Turned to rubble. Every night I worrythatwe’renext.

We are being strangled. The only thing that can stop our suffering is an end to this siege.

Displaced Palestinians fleeing Israeli military attacks in Beit Lahiya, in the northern <span>Gaza Strip</span>, walk along the Salah al-Din main road in eastern Gaza City, making their way to the city centre, on October 22, 2024 [Omar Al-Qattaa/AFP]

conditions were horrific: thousands of people sharing asingletoilet,peopleunable towalkthroughthehallways because countless families have nowhere to sleep but the floor, desperate people fighting over the remaining rottenfoods.

For six months, we’ve beenrelyingoncannedfood as our only source of nutrition.

E n t i r e s t r e e t s , neighbourhoods and communities have been wiped from the map. The place I grew up in is unrecognisable, it is just rubble–everythinghasbeen and is being taken from us.

For the last year, northern Gaza has been the hardest-hit area since the violence in the region started.Andforthepasttwo weeks, we have been strangled.

The constant bombardment creates an atmosphere of fear, and it feels like nowhereissafe.I’velostmy uncle, some of my family members, colleagues, and friends It’s devastating There is no home here that hasn’t lost someone – it’s a shared tragedy across our community

Bombing has intensified tolevelswehaveneverseen before.Noneoftheviolence wehavesufferedsofarcould prepare me for the intensity of the current campaign on ourhome.Overtwodays,we havebeenthevictimofmore bombardment than in all of September They have cut off the little aid that was

reaching us and have demanded that the remaining 400,000 people move Many of my neighbours are still refusing to move. If the choice is between suffering here, or suffering somewhere else, whyshouldthey?

TheschoolsIattendedas a child are gone The remaining ones are operating as shelters for the thousands who have been displaced.Myfamilystayed briefly in a shelter a few months ago, but we decided to move on because the

Juveniles can be charged, prosecuted for criminal acts - AG

In response to the growing reports of violence among schoolchildren, Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall on Tuesday sought to remind the public that juveniles who come in conflict with the law can be charged.

Nandlall was at the time debunking claims that juveniles cannot be investigated or charged for criminalconduct.

TheAG noted that based on the reports some people seem to believe that recent reforms to the Juvenile Justice Act removed the provision that allows juvenilestobecharged “This is utter falsehood,” Nandlall stated “Thereisnoimmunity from investigation, charge and/or prosecution,” he added Speaking on his weekly programme, ‘Issues intheNews’theAGstressed “juveniles who come in conflict with the law are answerable under the Act

Screenshot of a recent fight among schoolchildren

and can be charged. They canbedetained;theycanbe prosecuted and can be convicted.” He pointed out that amendments to the Act simply changed the regime through which the underage individuals can be charged or accused. As such, he is warning the police to desist from telling citizens this

falsehood and to proceed withtheirduties.

In 2022, the National

A s s e m b l y p a s s e d amendments to the Juvenile JusticeAct Theamendments will inter alia see juveniles, for very specific cases, to be charged jointly with adults

A c c o r d i n g t o t h e amendments tabled in early

April, if a juvenile has been accused of committing an indictable offence with an adultand,“theoffencecannot bedisposedofsummarily,the juvenile may be charged jointly with the adult ” Section 3 (b) (i) of the principal Act restricts juveniles from appearing before the Court with an adult, the explanatory memorandum of the amendments highlight that theproposedamendmentwill createanexception.

According to Section 3 (b) (i) of the principal Act which restricts juveniles from appearing before the Court with an adult, the explanatory memorandum oftheamendmentshighlight that the proposed amendment will create an exception “The current criminaljusticesystemoften results in witnesses testifyingtwice,leadingtoa significant increase in judicial time and expense,” t h e e x p l a n a t o r y memorandumstates.

Thelittleaidthatreaches us is never enough, and our health has been affected. Every day is a struggle for water, which is especially hard to get without any power Survival has become a daily battle, and moving from place to place while carrying what little we can has drained us emotionally andphysically

Hygiene supplies are almost non-existent, and conditions are deteriorating rapidly due to poor sanitation. People are growing weaker, and the spread of diseases is becoming a serious concern due to the lack of hygiene and proper sanitation.

The only thing that can stopoursufferingisanendto thissiege.

It feels like the world is watching but not acting urgently enough, if at all. There is some international support, but it’s far from sufficient to address the scale of the devastation and suffering.

A drop of water in the ocean of bloodshed. There are enough dead bodies in our streets to fill thousands of graveyards We desperately need stronger intervention to protect civilians and ensure that aid canreachthoseinneed.

My greatest fear is that thedestructionwillcontinue withoutend,andthatwewill lose even more lives and homes.

That the world will treat this as normal. It is not normal.Itisnothuman.Itis notevenanimal.Itisbeyond the imagination of anything of this earth what we are experiencing What you imagine hell to be, it is that. Probablyworse.

Everyone is sick, most are injured, and many are both.Atinyportionofaidis coming through, but it’s not what we need. Many areas are too dangerous to access, andtheaidthatdoescomein is spread too thin across a p o p u l a t i o n w i t h humanitarian needs that are growing in urgency and scale.

Venezuelan man dead, 8 injured after truck turns over at Port Kaituma

A Venezuelan man identified asYorvin Deally is now dead and several others injured after a truck turned turtleonThursdaynightat“5 Stage Hill” Port Kaituma, North West District, Region One.

One of the injured is said to be critical. Doctors are presently preparing that persontobeimmediatelyairdashedtoacityhospital.

According to reports, the truck was returning to Port Kaituma when it “tumbled down”thehill.

Deceased, Yorvin Deally

Brutus on $6 million bail for fraud, larceny, money laundering charges

…wife, driver, businessman alsoarraigned

Em b a t t l e d

Assistant Police Commissioner Calvin Brutus, along with hiswifeAdonikaAulder,his driver Kevin George, and businessman Asif Zafarally appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court on Thursday to face a series of

Collectively, they were granted bail exceeding $10 million.

The court proceedings

ed approximately two hours, presided over by Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty Brutus,dressedinhispolice uniform, was accompanied by a team of lawyers, including Yuborn Allicock, EusiAnderson, and Everton Singh-Lammy

Brutus answered 30 out of a total of 240 charges, which included four counts of misconduct in public office,twocountsoflarceny as a public officer, two

countsofmoneylaundering, and 20 counts related to the liability of officials. He was placed on bail totalling over $6millionforthesecharges.

Brutus was also jointly charged with George and Zafarally, facing two counts of obtaining money by false pretense

Brutuswife,Aulder,who is25years-oldandpregnant, faced two charges of money laundering The bail amounts for the defendants ranged from $100,000 to $500,000: Aulder was granted $1 million, George received $1 million, and Zafarally was set at $2 million.

Asthechargeswereread, it was revealed that the financial charges primarily involved funds from the GuyanaPoliceForce(GPF). Brutus allegedly exploited his position as Assistant Police Commissioner to misappropriate money from theForcewiththeassistance of the co- accused and wife.

The joint charges were read firsttothethreeaccused.The

charges against Brutus, George, and Zafarally pertained to a conspiracy to defraud the Guyana Police Consumers' Cooperative Society Limited (GPCCSL) of $93.5 million between June 29 and July 9, 2024. They allegedly uplifted c h e q u e s o n t w o occasions one for $22 million and another for $71,482,950 for goods thatwereneversupplied. George, 31, has served 13 years in the GPF, while Zafarally, 34, owns an automotive and sales

logistics company on the East Bank of Demerara Eachwasreleasedonatotal bail of $1 million, with $500,000 allocated for each of the two charges P r o s e c u t o r D a v i d

Braithwaite did not oppose bailbutrequesteditbesetat $500,000percharge.

Zafarally faces two similar charges that have been transferred to the East BankMagisterialDistrictfor futurerecall.Thenextsetsof chargeswerereadtoAulder She appeared visibly nervousandemotionalasher

‘Bring it on’

Vice President (VP)

Bharrat Jagdeo has expressed no fear and encouraged embattled Assistant Commissioner of Police, Calvin Brutus, to 'let the cat out of the bag' about whatever secrets he may have about members of the government.

At his press conference

on Thursday, Jagdeo appeared unfazed that Brutus might hold any compromising information against the government Brutus, who has had eight bank accounts belonging to himself, his wife Adonika Aulder, and their businesses frozen—amounting to $500 million told reporters on Wednesday night that the investigation against him was part of a broader scheme, hinting that more revelations would surface through a constitutional

motion he filed in the High Court,allegingvictimisation by the State. Brutus made that disclosure after members of the Guyana Police Force's Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) unit and officers from the Special Organised CrimeUnit(SOCU)showed up to search his living quarters although they presentedasearchwarrant.

Responding to Brutus' statements, Jagdeo encouraged Brutus to 'say whathehasto.'

“He could let out cats, dogs, pigs, anything that he has and he wants to let out, let him let it out,” Jagdeo said as he downplayed any concerns about potential disclosures that could be madebyBrutus.

He stressed that the governmenthasnoconcerns about what Brutus may

reveal.“Ithinkit'saformof blackmail, he's hoping that some maybe there be fear in some quarters in the government that he could say something

s compromisingtousandthey wouldrelentonensuringthat justice is served,” the Vice

chargeswere read She is accused of acquiring $352,082,315 in December 2023 from her company's bank account at Republic Bank, knowing or having reasonable grounds to believe that the funds were derived from criminal activity

Prosecutor Braithwaite didnotopposebailduetoher pregnancy; thus, she was granted bail of $500,000 on each charge with conditions to lodge her passport. The final long-awaited charges were read to Brutus. He

remained calm as the charges were read In addition to the two joint charges, Brutus faced 28 individualchargeswithover 200morepending. The four counts of misconductallegethatwhile serving as Deputy C o m m i s s i o n e r (Administration), Brutus instructed Women Superintendent Inspector Collins to prepare and encashed a cheque in her name for $60 million from GPCCSL's current account (Continuedonpage24)


residentadded. Jagdeo affirmed that the legal process would allow Brutus to present his evidence and defend himself. “He will have a right in court to defend and present all the counter

evidence that he has in an imp

l process

o exonerate himself if he is innocent,” Jagdeo said

“Whatever he has to let out, hecouldletout,hecouldsay whateverhewants.Wehave nofearofwhateverhewants to say, so let him say it, I'll

deal with that at the appropriatetime,butyousee usworriedaboutthis,weare very calm and he could say anything,”Jagdeosaid.

On Wednesday night, Brutus called the investigation against him a “fishing expedition” and expressed fear for the safety of his family “I intend to vigorously defend these mattersbecausethereisclear evidence that what is happening is the matter of manipulation of evidence, fabrication of evidence…” theseniorpoliceofficersaid.

On Thursday afternoon, Brutus, his wife, a former driver who is also a p o l i c e m a n a n d a businessman were charged. They appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court and were placed on bail. Brutus was slapped with30chargessofarandis

EmbattledAssistantPolice Commissioner, Calvin Brutus
Businessman, Asif Zafarally
WifeofBrutus, Adonika Aulder
DriveroftheGPF, Kevin George
Vice President (VP), Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo
Assistant Commissioner of Police, Calvin Brutus in the presence of his lawyers, speaking to members of the media, Wednesday night outside of his home.


Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.

Wanted: Experienced Puri Maker, Counter Person, Cleaner & Labourer. Apply @ Shanta's, 225 Camp and New Market Sts. 654-1361.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).

Genral Domestic, Preferrably Female. Whatsapp : 697-6591.

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COINS Wanted, I buy coins best prices paid. Tele : 6430902 / 653-4287.

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Land dredge workers wanted. Call : 688-3844.

Experienced cooks wanted for mining operation. Call : 688-6575.

Experienced operators (ADT , Bulldozer , Excavator) wanted for mining operation. Call : 688-6575.

FIRST AID/CPR/AED & HOME NURSING COURSES, Starting soon at St. John Association. Call: 225-9082.

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.

Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

Female Cleaner for an office in Eccles. Call 615-9132 / 6458443.

Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call : 615-9132 or 645-8443.

(1) Night Security. Tele : 619-0898 / 623-2728.

Live- In housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virgina, U.S.A, free room & Boarding offered. Call : 845-325-8241

One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or call 615-9132.

Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443

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Vacancy exist for one sale representative, customer friendly team played Georgetown based toy store. Tele: 658-4874.

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1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

Nissan X-Trail 2014. In good condition. Lady driven. Price $3 M. Telephone : 656-3977 / 500-9704.

Several infectious diseases to be eliminated by 2030 – Min. Anthony

The Government of Guyana is actively working to build a world-class healthcare system, with plans to eliminate several infectious diseases by 2030.

This was revealed by Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony during the Caribbean American Hindu Issues Inc (CAHII) Conference held on Saturday, at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre.

“To go from where we are to a world class health care system would entail us invest-

ing in a number of [areas].” Minister Anthony Stated. He emphasised that the ministry has been working diligently to control and eliminate both non-communicable and infectious diseases across the country. One notable example is the ministry’s ongoing efforts to completely eradicate Lymphatic Filariasis. In the past three years, significant progress has been made to reduce the presence of the disease from ten regions to just two.

The health minister also

highlighted a substantial reduction in Tuberculosis (TB) cases, noting that annual recorded cases have dropped from 500 to fewer than 350 over the last three years.

Malaria, another major infectious disease, is also a target for elimination by 2030. Regions One, Seven, Eight, and Nine, where the disease remains endemic, will undergo mass drug administration, along with the introduction of new technological measures to boost the fight against Malaria. In addition to

these efforts, the ministry is heavily invested in eliminating other diseases, including Cervical Cancer and Hepatitis C. These initiatives form part of the Government’s broader plan to establish a robust and effective healthcare system, enhancing the quality of life for all Guyanese. Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Dr. Vindhya Persaud, and former President Donald Ramotar were among the special guests attending the conference. (DPI)

Company that botched pump station project in Berbice...

From page 8 of that project, among others.

“While he (Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha) made a show of visiting the Canal No. 1 pump station, conveniently ignoring its neighbouring A-Line station and Pouderoyen Pump Stations, the truth is clear: projects across the region languish in a state of abandonment and disrepair,” Mahipaul said in a statement back in April.

Responding to the Opposition MP, NDIA in a statement at the time stated that over the years, the Ministry and the NDIA crafted programmes aimed at delivering quality drainage and irrigation infrastructure across the country, especially in vulnerable areas. These efforts, however, have been met with challenges as, oftentimes, the NDIA encountered contractors who have underperformed.

The Authority had further disclosed that these instances have been and are being addressed on a caseby-case basis. In some instances, the NDIA applied liquidated damages to contractors who have not been able to complete projects according to the contractual time period, the statement disclosed.

“In the case of the A-Line pump station, the contractor has not been able to complete the project on time. As a result, liquidated damages are now being applied. The NDIA had noted that the contractor demobilised several pieces of equipment from the site. As such, the NDIA had notified the insurance company providing bonds on the project, and a file on the current situation had been sent to the Office of the Attorney General for advice on the way forward,” NDIA said back in April.

Guyana seen as a leader in pesticides and chemicals...

From page 13 increased its responsibility to include the management of chemicals used in the mining, manufacturing, industrial, oil and gas sectors, and many more,” Minister Mustapha explained according to a press release by the Agriculture Ministry.

Minister Mustapha also said that the PTCCB is constantly working to phase out the use of prohibited substances.

He noted that, as it relates to trade and export, some countries are placing restrictions on certain commodities that have traces of some chemicals, and in an effort to maintain export markets, the government has been working to ensure safer substitutes are used.

He also disclosed that, in 2025, Guyana through the PTCCB will commence testing

for and monitoring lead in paints after investing in equipment valued at $43.8 million.

He also disclosed that laws for transporting toxic chemicals on the roadways will also be implemented next year.

Meanwhile, Registrar of the PTCCB Ms. Trecia David said sound management of chemicals is a key component of the sustainable development goals, and therefore, a key enabler for achieving sustainable development.

She also said that in Guyana, a lot has been achieved in this area due to strong political will and government support.

“The sound management of chemicals is also a key component of the Sustainable Development Goals, as it is referred to in five of the

twelve goals, and therefore a key enabler for achieving sustainable development. Chemicals management is also a key component of food security and food safety.

If you were to check in developing countries where chemicals management has been achieved soundly, you will find one of the most important facets is political will.

Here in Guyana, we’ve been thankful.

What you see before you today as the Pesticides Board, when it first began, was five percent of what you see now.

It has been the strong political will that has given much support to what chemicals management has become,” Ms. David said.

Minister Mustapha also said over the past four years, several services

have been introduced and are now offered by the PTCCB to assist with developing other agricultural sub-sectors.

When the government took office in 2020, several farmers raised concerns about the quality of the fertilizers available on the local market.

As a result, the PTCCB began testing fertilizers for quality assurance.

With effect from 2021, all fertilizers imported for the agriculture sector are being tested here to ensure they meet the required standard, quality for our farmers.

Today this service is of international standard.

The PTCCB also offers water testing which aids with the development of the fisheries and aquaculture sector is also offered by the PTCCB.

Brutus on $6 million bail for fraud larceny, money...

From page 23 at Republic Bank for repairs and maintenance of police infrastructure. He allegedly received this sum despite knowing that the repairs were not completed and without justification. Another charge claims he caused the same inspector to prepare a cheque for $20 million for supplies that were never delivered.

Brutus is also accused of causing the Police Finance Officer to submit 21 payment vouchers related to two companies registered in his wife’s

name without returning them to the Police Finance Office. Additionally, he allegedly instructed the Police Finance Officer to issue cheques totalling $13,670,204 from the Police Force Central Welfare Account for goods that were neither supplied nor delivered. Bail for Brutus was set at $300,000 for each misconduct charge. He also faces two counts of larceny by a public officer for allegedly facilitating the theft of $80 million belonging to GPCCSL between November 16 and November 29,

2023. He secured $1 million bail for these charges. Furthermore, Brutus is charged with two counts of money laundering. It is alleged that he paid $85 million for a property at 5th Street, Alberttown (formerly Frenzy Bar) using funds believed to be derived from criminal activity. He also allegedly paid $20 million for a property at Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara under similar circumstances. Bail for these charges was set at $500,000 each.

Brutus also faced 20 separate counts of liability for officials, in violation of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act. The charges allege that, on various occasions in 2023, while serving as Deputy Commissioner (Administration), he facilitated opportunities for his wife to defraud the State of $3,999,840.

He was granted bail set at $100,000 for each of the 20 charges. The next court date for the remaining charges is scheduled for November 18, 2024.

New secondary school at Nismes

to cost $1.3 billion

The brand-new secondary school which thegovernmentintendstobuildatNismeson theWestBankofDemerara(WBD)willcost approximately$1,336,166,784.

Accordingtoinformationprovidedbythe National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office, the project which will be done in five lots was awarded on Monday following the national biddingprocess.

The construction firms that will be executing the Ministry of Education project are as follow: ECS Construction & General Supplies - Lot 1 for $237,050,110; ECS Construction&GeneralSupplies–Lot2for $237,427,608; JK Enterprise Inc. - Lot 3 for $392,372,526; Mason's Innovative Construction & General Supply – Lot 4 for $154,448,800;andLot5willbeexecutedby R&R General Construction & Supplies for $314,867,740.

ThisPublicationunderstandsthatNismes Secondary is one of several new secondary schoolswhichwillbeconstructinginRegion Three.At a commissioning ceremony for a primaryschoollastyearSeptember,President Irfaan Ali had announced the plans for the secondary school at Nismes and one for Crane.Duringhisspeechatthetime,hesaid theEducationMinistryhadcompletedavery importantdocument,thatisaninfrastructure analysis based on population and students, and which identifies what additional infrastructure is needed based on demand of theeducationsystem.

Speaking briefly about the new schools, the Head-of-State related that the facility

slated for Crane, will be about 30,000 sq. ft. and would be built to accommodate 1,000 students.Headdedthatthesecondfacilityin Nismes will be constructed to accommodate about 600 students and that would be about 1200sq.ft.

President Ali had mentioned that one of the reasons behind building such infrastructuresisthatintheseareas,thereare newhousingcommunitiesbeingopened,and sothisiscreatingdemandsinsectorssuchas education.

InRegionThree,thegovernmentisslated to build a secondary school at Vreed-enHoop, Crane, Nismes and currently the construction of the $864 million secondary schoolinTuschenisongoing.

With $74.4 billion allocated towards the Ministry of Education is seeking contractors tobuildtwobrandnewsecondaryschoolsin RegionsThreeandFour

Kaieteur News reported that the Education Ministry had embarked on a very aggressive programme to ensure that all childrenhaveaccesstosecondaryeducation. The Government has set 2025 to achieve universalsecondaryeducationinthecountry

In achieving this, the Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand noted on numerous occasions that some 26 secondary schoolsarebeingerectedacrossthecountry. The ministry was allocated this year some $74.4 billion towards the construction, rehabilitation,extension,andmaintenanceof educational facilities across the country amongotherprojects.(DPI)

Returning Campbell to captain Scorpions in CG United Super50 Cup

SportsMax - John Campbellhasbeennamedto lead the Jamaica Scorpions franchise in the upcoming CG United Super50 Cup scheduled to be played in Trinidad and Tobago from October29toNovember23. Campbell, who has

played 20 Test matches for the West Indies, had been bannedforfouryearsbythe Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) in late 2022 for failing to provide a testing sample to doping control officers in Aprilofthatyear

The ban was later reduced by two years and twomonthsafterhebrought his case to the Court of ArbitrationforSport. Discarded West Indies batsmanKirkMcKenziehas been named vice-captain in the14-manScorpionssquad, which includes 18-year-old West Indies and Jamaica U19 leg-spinner Tamarie Redwood.

Friday October 25, 2024

ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)

Today you're likely focused on sex, romance, and committed relationships. The planetaryenergiessurrounding love are promising, Aries. If you're in a relationship, you and your partner could make plans.

TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)

Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow


You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.


Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly


You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.


The little fighter that you are makes it very difficult for you to join us in the great communal river that we're alltryingtonavigate,Virgo Youprefertotravelsolo


Libra, you should be looking

especiallypositive,warm,and loving-attractingpeopleofall kinds to you Your selfconfidence, optimism, and determination should peak overthenextfewdays.


Creative inspiration could come from deep within today, Scorpio. Visions, dreamsanything that excites your imagination-couldbringideas fornewprojects.


Group activities prove beneficial on several levels, Sagittarius. You might project powerful warmth and love for all life You're feeling especiallyoptimisticaboutthe future.


Youmightfindyourselfinthe publiceyeatsomepointtoday, Capricorn. This is fine since you're looking and feeling great.You'relikelierthanusual to project warmth and friendlinesstoothers.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)If you've considered a careerinpublishing,Aquarius, thisisthetimetogoforit.It's alsoagreatdaytoenrollinlaw school, an advanced degree program,oranyfieldofhigher education.


Your dreams could be vivid, pleasant, and full of informationtohelpyoumakea decision. New and exciting contacts could come into your life today, Pisces, possibly provinghelpfulinshowingyou waystoincreaseyourincome.

Frompage37 West Indies were not dominant winning champs asweoncewereanditwasa blowtowhowewere,andit hurtusasapeople,”saidthe Minister

WhetherCoach,player, or in administration, the Minister explained cricket plays a mega role in the lives of Guyanese He praised fellow attorney, Mr Washington for his commitmentanddedication to the tournament, stating “Guyana Cricket has found its way over the last three years, as one of the dominant territories in the West Indies”, Ramson said while he saw challenges other country’s face, he’s thankful Guyana does not have those challenges, rather cricket is the sport that has shown everyone around the world that Guyanacanbenumberone TheMinisterconfirmedthat outofthe5currentlyunderconstruction stadiums, three can play international cricket.

He said Albion was almostcompletesotooisthe stadium at Palmyra, while Anna Regina Ground is eyeing significant competitionnextyear,while the ground in Region 10, McKenzie,willbecomplete bynextyear

With tons of cricket activities upcoming, the Minister said it was importanttoexpandroleson commitment, widen the talent pool and prepare Guyana’s national team for the2028Olympics.©.Ross) Captions: GCB president Bissoondyal Singh accepts the sponsorship check from Dr Alista Bishop Corporate Director of Accounting and

Also included in the squad are former captain Jermaine Blackwood and West Indies T20 player

has been named amongfourreserves.

Finance,CageCompaniesin the presence of players, G
Minister of Culture Youth and Sports Charles Ramson Jr
Odean Smith. West Indies Under-19 batsman Jordan Johnson

RepublicBankpartnerswithPetraOrg.to kickoff2024School’sU18FootballLeague

Guyana’s trusted

financial institution, Republic Bank Limited (RBL), has teamed up with the Petra Organisation to host the School’s Under-18 Football League, set to kick offonSunday,October27,at the Ministry of Education (MoE) ground Republic Bank, well-known for its longstanding support of community sports development, continues its commitmentwiththistimely initiative.

The league will feature eight teams, including Waramuri Top from Region One, Bartica Secondary from Region Seven, President’s College, South Ruimveldt Secondary, East Ruimveldt Secondary, West Ruimveldt Secondary, Dolphin Secondary, and the Under-18 champions Chase’s Ac

demic Foundation. The top two teamswillearnpromotionto the upcoming KFC International Series, p r o v i d i n g f u r t h e r opportunities for young football talent to shine. The

official launch of the tournament was held yesterday at the National Library Conference Room, bringing together key stakeholders, coaches and students.Presentattheevent were Petra Co-Directors Troy Mendonca and Marlan Cole, Assistant Director of Sports Franklin Wilson, Republic Bank’s Internal Audit Manager Oral Rose, Marketing Manager of RBL Jonelle Dummett, Head of the MoE’s Allied Arts Unit Nicholas Fraser, along with severalotherdignitaries.

Theleaguewillfeaturea $300,000 cash prize for the champion team, along with medals and a trophy The winning funds will be allocated for school-related projects. The second-place team will receive $150,000, also with medals and a trophy, while the third and fourth-place finishers will earn $75,000 and $50,000 respectively.

Meanwhile, in his featuredaddress, Oral Rose, Internal Audit Manager at RBL, emphasized the

Seated are Key stakeholders including (L-R) Head of AAU Nicholas Fraser, RBLAudit Manager Oral Rose and Jonelle Dummett, as well as Troy Mendonca of Petra, Assistant DoS Franklin Wilson and Petra rep Troy Peters.


“This partnership is a true collaboration between the private sector and the sports community It goes beyond j u s t o r g a n i s i n g competitions;itestablishesa structured pathway that nurtures young football talents, from school level to national and even international stages,” he said “The heart of this programme lies in the students, who will benefit

opportunitiesthatcomewith this tournament,” Rose explained.

Troy Mendonca of Petra Organisation expressed gratitude towards Republic Bank for their support, stating, “We are thrilled to haveRepublicBankLimited as the title sponsor for this tournament. I would like to thank them for joining us in hosting this exciting U18

Football programme. I also extend my gratitude to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports for their invaluable support over the years.”

Mendonca highlighted theneedforconsistentyouth competitions,notingthatthe top school teams in the Caribbean often achieve success by participating in multiple tournaments. The School’s Football League

‘Champion of Champions’ Futsal...

aims to provide a platform for Guyanese youth to compete at higher levels, fosteringthedevelopmentof the next generation of footballstars. Tournaments, such as Republic Bank School’s U18 League, is very important for students withintheEducationsystem as it shows a correlation b e t w e e n p e r s o n a l development and t


Several knockout berths up for grabs in final group night

With several berths in the k n o c k o u t round still to be filled, the finalgroupstageroundinthe Bent Street ‘Champion of Champions’ Futsal Championship will be staged this evening at the National Gymnasium, MandelaAvenue.

In the opening contest, Sparta Boss will oppose TeamCruelat19:00hrs,with Street Vybz opposing Bent Street B at 19:30hrs, and Back Circle B opposing North Ruimveldt at 20:00hrs.

In the fourth fixture, Stabroek Ballers will match

skillswithZ-TekkFamilyat 20:30hrs, while Linden AllStars will oppose Laing Avenue at 21:00hrs, and Mocha will battle Bent StreetAat21:20hrs. Inthefinaltwomatches, Gold is Money will tackle California Square at 22:00hrs, while North East La Penitence will battle BackCircleAat22:30hrs

The winner of the event will pocket $1,000,000 and the championship trophy, while the second, third, and fourth-place finishers will receive $500,000, $300,000, and $200,000 and the corresponding accolade, respectively On

the individual side, prizes will also be given to the highest goal scorer, most valuable player, best defender, and goalkeeper, respectively


19:00hrs: Street Vybz vs BentStreetB19:30hrs:Back CircleBvsNorthRuimveldt

20:00hrs: Stabroek BallersvsZ-TekkFamily

20:30hrs: Linden AllStarsvsLaingAvenue

21:00hrs:MochavsBent Street A21:30hrs: Sparta BossvsTeamCruel

22:00hrs:GoldisMoney vsCaliforniaSquare

22:30hrs: North East La PenitencevsBackCircle

Rouge Salon and Spa sponsor Women’s Chess Tourney

In keeping with the task of increasing women and girls’ participation in chess, the Guyana Women in Chess Community (GWICC) is hosting another Queenside Rapid Chess Tournament encouraging female chess players of all skill levels on October 27th, 2024 The

Rouge Salon and Spa sponsored tournament will be a nine-round Swiss with 15minutesperplayer,with5 seconds added to the clock aftereachmove.Gameswill commence at 9 am sharp at the David Rose Special School.

This competition is the second that the GWICC has


The tournament will commence on Sunday with games at 9 am sharp at the David Rose Special School.

Soesdyke Premier League

set for Saturday Bowl off

The East Bank of Demerara Cricket Association (EBDCA), in partnership with Abilash Dookie and Camille’s Academy, is set to launch the second edition of the Soesdyke Premier League Hardball T10 Cricket

To u r n a m e n t T h e tournamentwillkickoffon Saturday,October26.

Eighteen clubs will c o m p e t e f o r t h e

championship and a $500,000 grand prize. The tournament will follow a round-robin format, with teams split into two groups of nine. Matches will take place at the Farm, Laluni, andCanal#2grounds.

In Zone A, the teams include Herstelling B,

Peter’s Hall, North Soesdyke,UprisingCricket Club, Diamond Cricket Club, Farm, Patrewta Sawmill, Ruimveldt Sports Club, and Herstelling A CTI Zone B features Eccles Eagles, Demolition Sports Club, Continental Raptors, Sandpipers, Silverbullet, HerstellingA, Laluni Sports Club, Timehri Cricket Club, and the EBDCA Under-23 CricketTeam.

The tournament’s openingweekendpromises exciting matches. At the Farm ground on Saturday, Herstelling B will face Peter’s Hall at 10:00 AM, followed by Peter’s Hall against North Soesdyke, and then Herstelling B

versus North Soesdyke in thethirdmatch.Meanwhile, at Canal #2 ground, Eccles will go up against Demolition at 10:00 AM, followed by matches between Raptors and Demolition, and then RaptorsversusEccles.

Laluni Sports ground will also host three matches:Sandpipersversus Silverbullet in the first match, followed by Herstelling A against S a n d p i p e r s , a n d Silverbullet taking on Herstelling A in the final matchoftheday

The excitement will carry over into Sunday, October 27, with games continuing at all three venues.

hosted this month. The first tournament’s goal was to encourage women and girls whowerenewtochessordid not have an ELO rating Twenty-four females participated in that competition, including three women and the GWICC is optimistic that the turnout for this tournament will be significant.

Notable participants for theQueensideRapidwillbe the Women’s Champion, Jessica Callender, U-12 Champion, Kataleya Sam, Treskole Archibald, Emma John, Chelsea Harrison, and SauraRuplall.

WinnersAngelinaYhap, Rebha Lachman, and Lusianna Farlot from the beginner’s tournament are also expected to compete

Trophiesandcashprizeswill be awarded to the top six placementsalongwithaBest Newcomerprize.

The women’s arm of the GCF has seen increased participation in chess by girlsandisconfidentthatthe numbers will increase in the comingmonths.

With chess gaining traction among the youths, the GWICC hopes to bridge the gap of female players in the once male-dominated sport.

Wo m e n a r e a l s o encouraged to join the thriving chess community, whether as casual players or competitiverivals.

The Guyana Chess Federation encourages individuals to take up the challenge of playing chess,

asithasmanybenefits,such as improving memory, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills Chess has the additional benefit of building confidence and social connectionsandforgingnew friendships.

The GCF and the

GWICC thank Rouge Salon and Spa for making the tournamentpossible.

The GCF looks forward to their continued support andsponsorship. TheGCFalsowishesto thank the David Rose SpecialSchoolforproviding the venue. Persons wishing to join the Guyana Chess Federation can log on to www.guyanachess.gyortext WhatsApp number 7074529.(GCFRelease)

SeniorDraughtsplayerstocontest championshipthisSunday

The Annual National Draughts Association Championship continues this Sunday at theTransport Sports club pavilion Players in the ‘A’ division would contest the event, while four qualifying ‘B’ players were invited to participate Draughts playersshouldnotethatonly ‘A’ division players whom are approved by the Association would be allowedentryalongwithlast weekend qualifiers from the ‘B’tournament.

Mr. Jairam President of the Guyana Draughts Association.

The games start at 10.00am and entry fee is $700perplayeralongwitha snack. There would be a round robin system with 2 points per win and 1 point perdraw The current ‘A’ division champion is Steve Bacchus. However,withtheinclusion of Linden icon Floyd Cumberbatch the contest is expected to be more competitive Godfrey

George and multiple times winner Jiaram would be a players to note, while Devanand Persaud from Tuschen EBE can be the dark horse. Former Inter Guyana Games player AubreyStraughnisexpected to give an excellent account ofhimself.

Sponsors for theAnnual event are: Rubis Bel Air, Puran Bros Waste Management Inc , M&M Snackette, Ahmad Hydraulic Bagotstown and Elias Gentle Attorney at Law Guyana Beverage Inc. hassuppliedwaterandother beverages for the tournament. GT Wines has again donated wines for the presentations.

Guyana’s bitter-sweet opening day at IGG in French Guiana


in French Guiana The opening day for 2024 Inter Guiana Games in French Guiana was an emotional rollercoaster for Team Guyana.

While the day saw some crushing defeats, it also delivered moments of triumph, showcasing the resilienceoftheathletesand

their determination to make Guyanaproud.

The men’s basketball team faced a crushing start, sufferinga48-pointdefeatat thehandsofSuriname.

From the moment the ball was tipped, it was clear that the Guyanese team was in for a long, challenging day Suriname quickly asserted their dominance,

with Jermelcio Wartes leadingthecharge.

Wartes put on a monster performance, scoring 30 points and grabbing 12 rebounds, leaving the Guyanese defence scramblingtocontainhim.

Guyana’s Daniel Chisholm managed eight points,butitwasnotenough to slow Suriname’s


The final buzzer left the score at a humbling gap 9042, but also with important lessons for the Guyanese boys as they look ahead to futuregames.

Thingswentfrombadto worseonthebasketballfront as Guyana’s girls team squared off against the host nation,FrenchGuiana.

The atmosphere was electric, with the stands packed with local supporters,butthegamewas aone-sidedaffair

TheGuyanesegirlswere outmatched from the start, suffering a crushing 86-20 defeat.

French Guiana’s players ran the game from start to finish, exploiting gaps in Guyana’s defence and making it clear who was in control.

However, amidst the defeat, there was a shining light in the form of Kassidy Woolford.

Woolford became a crowd favourite for her fearless ball-handling and herwillingnesstotakeonthe opposition. She scored on nearly all of Guyana’s

baskets, a testament to her spirit and tenacity, even in the face of such a lopsided result.

Both basketball teams willneedtoregroupquickly astheypreparefortheirnext matchups today, with the girls facing Suriname and the boys taking on French Guiana.

The futsal team also endured a tough opening match, losing 7-1 to the homeside.

FrenchGuianajumpedto a commanding 3-0 lead at halftime and added four more goals before Guyana couldrespond.

Though the defeat was hard to swallow, the players willhaveachancetobounce backinupcominggames.

In contrast to the struggles on the court and field, Guyana found joy at thetabletennisvenue.

The team, consisting of Akira Watson, Samara Sukhai, Angel Robinson, Aaron Hopkinson, Kayden Meusa, and Rainsford Benfield, put on a dominant performance in the team competition.

Their success offered a

much-needed morale boost for the contingent, showcasing the depth of talent Guyana possesses in tabletennis.


Therewasalsocausefor celebrationintheswimming pool.

The quartet of Vladimir Woodroffe,PatriceMahaica, Paul Mahaica, and Zara Crane delivered a stunning victory in the 4x50m Mixed Medley, earning a gold medal and the cheers of the Guyanese supporters in attendance.

Their win was a bright spot in an otherwise challengingopeningday.

As the Inter Guiana Games continue, Guyana’s hopes now rest on athletes like Tianna Springer and Jevon Roberts, who will be competing in athletics, and theteamsenteringthebeach volleyball and chess competitions.

Whilethedaybeganwith disappointment, the successesintabletennisand swimmingofferedaglimpse of the potential for a turnaround as the games progress.

Night Golf Returns to GGA Nexgen Golf Academy

An Unforgettable Evening of Golf and Fun is set for Friday night, as the Nexgen Golf Academy will once again light up the sky with its much-anticipated NightGolfevent.Golfersof all ages and abilities are invited to enjoy an evening of GolFun activities, as tracer golf balls streak acrossthehorizon.

With a lineup of exciting competitions including chipping,driving,andputting contests,participantscanlook forward to a fun-filled night

Whether you’re an experienced golfer or have never swung a club before, MasterCoachAleemHussain guarantees that anyone can learn how to hit a golf ball properlyin5minutesorless, making this event perfect for beginners

The renowned Balance Waitstaff,ledbyDonellaLong, will provide impeccable personalservicethroughoutthe nightSponsored by Guyana Beverages, Sunshine Snacks, Sterling Products, and RoraimaAirways,thisevent promisestobeamemorable night for both seasoned golfersandnewcomers.

It’s an opportunity to havefun,improveyourgolf skills, and enjoy great food and company under the stars.

The event begins at 5:00 p.m. and will continue until the last patron leaves. Whether you’re looking to try golf for the first time or fine-tune your skills, Nexgen Golf Academy on Woolford Avenue is the placetobethisFridaynight. Reserve your spot today bycalling645-0944

This year’s event brings even more excitement with incredible prizes, including casesofbeverages,hampers, and trips to Arrowpoint Resort and Kaieteur Falls Doc’sCateringwillbeon-site to offer a delicious selection of jumbo prawns, chicken wings, Cuban-style burgers, andarangeofdesserts,ensuring that guests enjoy a top-tier culinaryexperience

Night Golf returns to the GGA Nexgen Golf Academy on Friday

Guyana’s Owen France taking on the Surinamese defence in their IGG basketball clash in French Guiana.

NA Mayor, Region 6 Chairman among participants of Cancer awareness walk in Berbice


The attendees, many of whom were dressed in pink, included Mayor Wainwright McIntosh, Regional

The Cancer Society BerbiceChapterinRegion6 in association with the New Amsterdam Mayor and TownCouncil(NAMTC)on Wednesday hosted the annual Cancer awareness walk. The walk was held under the theme, “Early detectionearlycure”. The activity which attracted a large turnout commenced at Tacama Turn (Lot 60 Stanleytown), proceeded along Main Street, NewAmsterdam and concluded at the Esplanade Recreational Park New Amsterdam, covering about threemiles.

Secondary and Primary Schools, staffers from the New Amsterdam hospital, and other governmental and non-

governmental agencies and organizations. The marchers were accompanied by members of the COFONA Band and stereo sounds Along the route, speakers highlighted the need to have regular checks ups and examinations. At the Esplanade Park the participants were addressedbysomemembers oftheorganizingcommittee, and some cancer survivors among others (Samuel

Mourinho sent off as Man Utd held by Fenerbahce

BBC Sport - Jose Mourinhowassentoffashis Fenerbahce side came from behind to condemn his old clubManchesterUnitedtoa third successive Europa LeaguedrawinIstanbul.

United had led at the break through Christian Eriksen’s fourth goal of the season.

But the hosts levelled fourminutesaftertherestart whenYoussefEn-Nesyrigot betweenUniteddefendersto head home Allan SaintMaximin’s cross from close range.

With the noise levels rising and excitement at fever pitch, Mourinho was redcardedbyFrenchreferee Clement Turpin just before the hour as he led the home side’s penalty claims after Bright Osayi-Samuel went down under a challenge by United midfielder Manuel Ugarte.

Despite furious protests from the Fenerbahce bench, VAR backed up Turpin’s view there was nothing illegalabouttheincidentand Turpincametothetechnical area to tell Mourinho to leave. The Portuguese took his time but eventually relocated to the steps at the frontofthestandnexttothe dugouts, close enough to continuetogiveinstructions

tohiscoachingstaff. Unitedhadtheirchances to win the game but substitute Rasmus Hojlund optedtogoaloneratherthan play a pass to the better placed Alejandro Garnacho and his shot rolled harmlessly through to home goalkeeper Dominik Livakovic. Then Garnacho lost control of the ball as he ran into the area and that chancewentbeggingtoo. Thevisitorsalsofailedto avoidanotherinjuryissue,as manager Erik ten Hag had hoped, as Brazilian widemanAntonywasstretchered off when he landed awkwardly after attempting an unnecessary flick by the


Jose gets the headlines again Mourinho ended the game with the cameras focusedonhim,astheyhave been so often down the years, as he made his way backoutofthestand.

TVreplaysshowedthere was nothing in the incident that triggered his protests that warranted such an over thetopreaction.

Yet it has felt this was a game when he wanted to prove something to an Englishaudiencethatknows him so well and there had been flashes of fury in the openingperiod.

He also reacted with incredulity as his side were

denied three times in sensationalfashion.

Inthefirsthalf,helooked genuinely annoyed at EnNesyri not taking the first opportunity when Andre Onana shoved the ball into his path right in front of an unprotectedgoal.ButUgarte was there in a flash and as soon as En-Nesyri made contact, the Uruguayan madetheblock.Itwasmore defensive brilliance from a playeraboutwhomplentyof doubts have been expressed since his £50m move, than any failing on the Moroccan’spart.

Mourinho was left clapping the air in disbelief by Onana just before halftime.

All the hours on the training ground where a goalkeepermakesalowsave then reacts immediately to make a high one paid off as the Cameroon international repelled En-Nesyri’s first effort with an instinctive stop low by his post, then turned the second over the barasMourinhowasgetting readytocelebrate.

ItmeantUnitedwentinto the break still holding the leadEriksenhadgiventhem whenhefiredhomefromthe edge of the area after being setupbyJoshuaZirkzee.

But they didn’t heed the warningsEn-Nesryi’searlier opportunities had provided andFenerbahcedeservedthe drawtheMoroccan’sheader gavethem.


Thiswasanotherofthose mixednightsforTenHag.

Three points from three gamesisnotthestandardhis side should be aiming for in this revamped competition and they remain way off the pace.

Yet, they also have their hardest two of eight firstphase games out of the way and improvement should come quickly, starting with thevisitofGreeksidePAOK toOldTraffordinafortnight.

Ugarte and Onana were

both excellent and the gamble of selecting fullback Noussair Mazraoui, who United said on 10 October had undergone a minor procedure after experiencing heart palpitations, in the number 10 role was a qualified success as the Moroccan workedtirelesslyandplayed a part in the opener, providing the pass to Zirkzee.

ButAntony’s injury was another problem Ten Hag couldhavedonewithoutona nightwhenhealreadyhad10 players missing, with only suspended skipper Bruno Fernandes certain to return for Sunday’s trip to West Ham.

AndZirkzeecontinuesto look ill at ease in his new surroundings.

The Dutch forward failed to execute two simple looking long passes that

’t threatentheareaasanumber nine and hardly offered any link up play either, even though he did claim an assist.

WiththepressureonTen Hag still huge, the £36.5m summer signing from Bologna man is not doing muchtohelpeaseit.

Armogan, staffers of the NAMTC, students drawn from the NATI,
Mayor of New Amsterdam Wainwright McIntosh (front right) leads the way in the Cancer Society walk.
Members of the Cancer Society Berbice chapter (Region 6) during the walk.
Fenerbahce manager Jose Mourinho was shown a red card by referee Clement Turpin in the second half. (Getty Images)

AzherAlihits101toleadRiverside CricketClubtoCCLT20championship



Azher Ali struck a brilliant 101 to spur Riverside Cricket Club to a comfortable, 38-run win over Concord Eagles last SundayatKeneyPark1and in the process they retained the Connecticut Cricket League(CCL)T20trophy

RiversideCricketClub was invited to take first strikeandtheyrattledup a competitive 180-4 from the20-overs,whileEagles Concord, in reply, was left stranded at 142-7 when the 20-oversranout.

The richly inform Ali hammeredsevenfoursand slammed six sixes during his 63-ball show at the crease.

He also participated in a steady, 88-run secondwicket stand with Adil Sardar who contributed a vital 38 not out while former Albion player Jason

Bishram scored an enterprising27.

A s h i s h M a s s e y grabbed two wickets for 4

maximum four overs delivering for Eagles on a responsivepitch

When Concord Eagles batted, Faisal Choudary hit a fighting 37 while Munawar Douse offered some resistance as well to make30 Pacer Shannor Douse claimed2-23fromthreetidy overs while he got useful support from off-spinner Beesham Surujnarine with 2-34inhisfour-overouting. Ali was named player-


Meanwhile, in the semifinal fixture, Riverside Cricket Club, the champion team for the past three consecutive years, got the better of West Indian Social Clubby9wickets. Aliwasthestar-batsman as well with an attractive, unbeaten66.

The West Indian Social Club team possessed some prominent names but Riverside Cricket Club

provedtheirall-roundskills. Their side included the Blackwoodbrothers.

Captain of Riverside

ExxonMobil Futsal Championship kicks off tonight in Linden

The ExxonMobil Futsal Championship, organized by New Era Entertainment, issettokickofftonightatthe Retrieve Hard Court in Linden.

The competition promises high stakes, with the champion team set to take home an impressive prizeofGYD$1million.

The runners-up will receive $500,000, while the thirdandfourth-placeteams will pocket $200,000 and $100,000,respectively

In addition to team prizes, the tournament’s Most Valuable Player (MVP) will be rewarded with a brand-new motorcycle, generously provided by Cevon’s Waste Management.

This year’s tournament willsee20teamscompeting in a thrilling round-robin format The preliminary matches will take place on October 26, November 1, 2, 8, and 9. The quarterfinals are slated for November 13, followed by the semifinals on November 16, and the grandfinalonNovember23, where the top teams will battleforthechampionship.

Cevon’s Waste Management Accounts Supervisor Jennifer Gordon makes her company’s presentation to New Era Entertainment’s Shareef Major, and Andrew Major

CricketClubNaizulHussain stated that team played as a unit throughout the competitionandwinningthe

championship for three straight years he must attributethesuccesstohardwork and commitment

Husain represented Albion and Berbice youth team before his migration to the USA.

Director of Sports Ninvalle lauds IGG growth

Director of Sports Steve Ninvalle has laudedthegrowthoftheInterGuianaGames (IGG)overthepastfewyears.

The2024editionoftheInterGuianaGames (IGG)waslaunchedonWednesdayeveningwith itsofficialopeningceremonyattheProgtPalais Omnisports facility in Cayenne, French Guiana and the Guyana National Sports Commission (NSC)DirectorofSports,Ninvalle,speakingon behalfoftheGuyanadelegation,hailedtheevent whichhenotedhasshownimprovementand grown with each iteration. He expressed that this is, was, and ultimately will only continue to occur by keeping doors of discourse and channels of communication open among the participating countries formerlyFrench,DutchandBritishGuiana.

Ninvallenotedthechallengesfacedinstaging an event and operation of such magnitude, and stated that the respective custodians of this institution are up to the task given its historical significance

TheIGGManagementCommittee,which comprises Chef-de-Mission Dr Karen Pilgrim, NSC Vice Chairwoman Christie Campbell, and veteran sports administrator Gervy Harry, among other individuals, was instrumental in the process of selecting, managing, and ensuring the logistical infrastructure for Guyana’s participation Andrea Pamphile was also instrumental in assisting Team Guyana following their arrivalineverycapacityinFrenchGuiana.

A s p a r t o f t h e tournamentrules,eachteam isallowedtofieldoneguest player from outside of Linden, ensuring a focus on local talent and community engagement, which are core valuesoftheevent.

To assist with their preparations, each participating team will receive a cash incentive of GYD $20,000 after the march-pastceremony

He noted that Guyana’s commitment under theleadershipofPresidentIrfaanAliintheinitial restorationandnowthecontinueddevelopment and expansion of this regional championship is unquestionablegiventheunprecedentedsupport affordedtothesportssector “LonglivetheInterGuianaGames,”Ninvalleproclaimed Guyana’s delegation, which comprises approximately 140 athletes, officials, and auxiliary personnel, will compete in seven disciplines. They are: athletics, basketball, beach volleyball, chess, futsal, swimming, andtabletennis.

The Respective local sports associations and federations collaborated over a few weekstoarriveatthevaryingteamselection ofjuniorathletes

Theeventwasoriginallyheldin1967,the IGG is traditionally an annual competition among the territories of Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana The previous edition was staged in Suriname, with Guyana hosting the 2022editionfollowingafive-yearhiatusowingto theCOVID-19pandemic

The victorious Riverside Cricket Club.
Director of Sports Steve Ninvalle during his address. (News Room photo)

National T20 League…

History made! As Government endorsed GCB BetCageSports

National T20 League launched - Action bowls off

Guyana broke new ground in the cricket

fraternity, following yesterday’s epic launch of the first edition Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) National League T20 tournamentendorsedbyHis Excellency President Irfaan Ali and the Government of Guyana, sponsored by BetCageSports.

Sixfranchiseteamsfrom across the respective three counties will battle in 18

preliminary matches Selected from a pool of 120 players, cricketers were chosen by the respective county chairmen, with action bowling off this Saturday and Sunday at the LBI Cricket Facility Ground.

The respective franchise captain’s Christopher

Barnwell (Demerara

Pitbulls), Jonathan Ramp

saud (Berb

e Piranhas) , Junior Sinclair (Demerara Hawks), AnthonyAdams (Essequibo Anacondas), Devon Lord (Berbice Caimans) and stand-inParmeshParshotam

(Essequibo Jaguars) will leadstrongteamsfeaturinga number of past, present and future Guyana stars; with a pair of U-19 players specially assigned to each franchise.

Among the head table Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) executives present included but were not limited to; President Biss

operations BetCageSports Dwayne Dodson, GCB Cricket OperationsAnthony Adams, Secretary Ronald Williams, and Competitions Chairman/CWI Director of Cricket Shaun Massiah a m o n g

h e r s l e d proceedings held upstairs theMarriottHotel.

GCB president Singh, delivering his feature address said it was “A pleasure to be here for the launch of the National T20 League under the patronage of Ali, embracing the one Guyanavision”. Singhsaid the tournament was highly anticipatedandhasmanaged togeneratealotofbuzzthus

far, adding that he’s confident of the event being amonumentalT20League. S

tournament aligns perfectly with Guyana’s strong development goals, adding that the USD $100K donation courtesy of BCS, will help to offset a number of logistics areas with President Ali already committing to trophies and prizemoney

this Saturday with


company, has recently displayed keen interest in working along with the GCB, Government of Guyanatoimprovecricket.

The GCB boss said he was happy to have formed a good partnership alongside Mr Washington, further issuing profound thanks to President Ali for his continued show of love for cricket He thanked on behalf of GCB and stakeholders, as well as the President, for high levels of nurturing cricket while

’s position as a powerhouse in thesport.

Businessman and co-owner of the Charlotte Hornets

entertainment and gaming

Dodsonsaidthekeywas to ensure that players don’t have to choose between work and school, but rather

something Dodson said helpstofurtherbindCulture


Givingsomeinsightinto the tournament D’Andrade said the objective is to give localplayerstheopportunity because the franchise is taking the world by storm. He said unearthing new talent for the Amazon Warriors, Guyana and West Indies teams is a key part of the tournament’s existence; wishingbestoflucktoteams and players while urging Guyanesetocomeout.

Relishing the historic moment, during his feature address, Minister of Sports Charles Ramson, said “Today I’m repressing President Ali who is the patron of the tournament, whichwillbeafeatureonthe calendar as we continue to focus our investments in cricket. We saw that we lost ourway,thatGuyanaandthe (Continuedonpage31)

Minister of Culture Youth and Sports Charles Ramson Jr. delivering a powerful feature address yesterday at the Marriott Hotel.

Guyana’s bitter-sweet opening day at IGG in French Guiana

RBLJonelle Dummett (third left) hands over the sponsorship to Troy Mendonca of Petra in the presence of other key stakeholders at yesterday’s Republic Bank U18 Football Launch.

Director of Sports Steve Ninvalle (left) and Cristy Campbell Vice Chairperson of NSC (right) with swimming medal winners yesterday.

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