


he Guyana Press aggressively responding or worrying trend as the Association(GPA)onFriday addressing journalists, and country grapples with the issued a strong statement preferential treatment and rapidchangesthatcomewith against a series of efforts access by media houses for itsearningcapacity. geared at targeting specific interviews.”
In fact, the body said it is media houses and media Further, the GPA noted clear that the civic space, workersinvariousforms. that the government is freedom of the press and The body, which accused of using State- expression are all under represents just over 100 owned media and State threat under the pseudomedia workers, said for actors to target other media cover of the government’s several months, media houses and journalists, righttoreply professionals have raised sidelining certain media K/News and state ads concerns about harassment, houses by providing The Association said it aggression, intimidation and interviews to friendly media has received complaints of a non-cooperation by a n d s o c i a l m e d i a continued campaign by politicians across the commentators, and the commentator/influencer politicalspectrum. outright refusal to engage Mikhail “Guyanese Critic” for the media- one time consider a political code of GPA over the past months.
The Association stated, with some media houses on Rodgrigues,whoeveryweek saying that this should be conduct for politicians, as it “This included a report on “Guyanese politicians matters of national would ask Vice President reviewed and on another doesforthemedia. May18ththatNCNManager continuetoseektonormalise importance Additionally, Bharrat Jagdeo about taking occasion, that he would raise It said, “The GPA wants Reycia Nedd complained targeting media houses and there are also threats to the questions from Kaieteur the issue in writing with tousethisopportunitytocall about being intimidated by media workers in many d i s t r i b u t i o n o f News reporters and or President Ali as he branded on several bodies including APNU Councillor Vanessa forms. Over the past years, advertisements across the r e d u c i n g S t a t e Kaieteur News a political the Guyana Elections Kissoon. Nedd detailed a those actions included boardtothemedia. advertisements for Kaieteur entity Commission to not only verbal attack on herself singling out journalists and T h e A s s o c i a t i o n Newsinparticular
“The GPA considers this consider media monitoring which prompted her to leave media houses in the most highlightedthatwithGuyana Twice in recent times issueathreattotheeconomic but also elections-related the assignment, ” the disparaging, discriminatory entering another election Jagdeo acknowledged the viability of independent training for media workers. Associationsaid. and vulgar ways of cycle, these actions remain a issue of state advertisements media houses in Guyana. And as the election cycle has Additionally, reporters Additionally, there is a begun, GECOM should also attached to the Guyana campaign to discredit the consider a political code of Chronicle lodged a media and more so the conduct for politicians, as it complaint about aggression independent media. This has doesforthemedia.” from Opposition Leader been ongoing for years but The body flagged a Aubrey Norton to their has been amplified over the number of complaints it questions at the Party’s press months,”thebodysaid. received; see below for a conference. “Reporters said
F u r t h e r m o r e , i t synopsis. that many of these questions recognized that calls for Sedition threats are met with aggressive or respect of the media by TheGPAsaidinOctober, refusal to answer On May politicians will not be an through a statement from the 30th, Guyana Chronicle in easytask,addingthatthereis Guyana Police Force, Head an editorial called out “nogenuineefforttobeopen of the Special Organised Kaieteur News for referring with the media, address the C r i m e U n i t , F a z i l to a journalist as “annoying” concerns and simply do Karimbaksh threatened to in her questioning of the better.” institute sedition and Opposition Leader,” the
The Guyana Press obstruction of justice GPAdetailed. Associationsaidithopesthat charges against journalist In addition, NCN Linden these change and politicians Leroy Smith for a news in October raised another accepttheworkofthemedia, reportpublishedbySmithon issue of “threatening as well as working with the the investigation into language”beingusedagainst media The media body
A s s i s t a n t P o l i c e reporter Ianna Benjamin by noted that there is a trend to Commissione
Calvin an APNU councillor, attack media, journalists and Brutus. Abdulla Hamid. GPA said it the press body via social ForeignAffairs was informed that the mediapages.
Minister shouts at incident occurred during a GPAurged media houses Stabroek News reporter Mayor and Town Council to encourage media workers Also in October, GPA meeting and has left the to participate in training pointed out that Stabroek reportertraumatised. opportunities,pointingtothe News in its reporting called K/News Reporter targeted need for more robust fact- out Minister of Foreign OnWorld Press Freedom checking mechanisms Affairs, Hugh Todd for his Day, GPA flagged that a within media houses and aggression towards reporter Kaieteur News reporter, verification of information Khadidja Ba While Anasa Williams was the before publication, as there covering the special Sitting focus of a Facebook live continuestobecomplaintsin of Parliament on October video where Commentator that regard. To this end, the 10th, Ba was approached by Mikhail Rodrigues showed body highlighted its MinisterToddandshoutedat several videos of her at a commitment to train media for her reporting on an issue Vice President Jagdeo Press workers. related to migrants in conference while calling her GECOM Linden. derogatorynames.
Meanwhile, the Press Targeting of State Media President’s Association called on the Thepressbodynotedthat Press Conference G u y a n a E l e c t i o n s State media workers have “OnJune20th,2024,ata Commission (GECOM) to filedtwocomplaintswiththe (Continued on page 3)
Journalist and Publisher of Big Smith News Watch, Leroy Smith
Journalist, Leroy Smith, ajournalist. Publisher of an online news “The Guyana Press outlet, Big Smith News Association is on the record Watch, has filed a complaint providing training on with the Guyana Press sensitive issues and on Association (GPA) over journalism ethics at most of intimidation efforts by the its sessions throughout the Special Organised Crime years. The GPA has also Unit(SOCU). cautioned, guided, and
Inastatementtothepress implored on our members to onFriday,theGPAsaidithas uphold the highest standards been closely monitoring the of journalism,” the body Guyana Police Force’s said. (GPF’s) posture regarding Notwithstanding, the members’ reportage of the GPA noted that it finds it
o n g o i n g c r i m i n a l appallingandevenegregious investigation against that SOCU would seek to Assistant Commissioner of revive the often scorned Police, Calvin Brutus by the uponseditiouslibellawtogo Special Organised Crime after a journalist, a threat the Unit. body denounced and one
To this end, the body whichitsaiditwillraisewith explained, “Our attention its international press was particularly drawn to a freedomadvocates. press statement earlier this The Guyana Press week by SOCU, an arm of Association was keen to the Guyana Police (Force) as point out that most it made threats of sedition
charges as well as including the United States obstructiontojusticecharges and the United Kingdom against journalist Leroy have abolished sedition laws Smith.” and the European Union in
The statement issued by its final report on the March Head of the Corporate 2, 2020, elections in Guyana CommunicationsUnit,Mark observed that despite the Ramotar on behalf of Head Constitutionguarantees SOCU, Fizul Karimbaksh, (Continued on page 14) was released to the media after Smith published a report on October 23, 2024, on the news agency’s website, Big Smith News Watch.
The Press Association said that the police’s statement disputed Smith’s report but went on to describe the journalist as a “hired gun” with an indication that based on Smith’s reporting, legal proceedings would be instituted, and criminal investigationstarted.
Tothisend,theJournalist lodged an official complaint with the Guyana Press Association.Smithindicated to the body that he stands by his reporting on this particular issue He also raised concerns about the threatsleveledagainsthimas
- says journalists should not subject themselves to
Opposition Member of have to sit and endure that,”
P a r l i a m e n t G a n e s h said Mahipaul who believes Mahipaul on Friday told that if media personnel members of the media that become empowered and Vice President Bharrat speak out and even call out Jagdeo “is out of order” with the VP at his own press the way he treats reporters at conferences there may be a h i s w e e k l y p r e s s change. conferences.
“Because if you sit and
Mahipaul, who was you allow and you facilitate speaking at the Peoples that level of nastiness it is disclosed. tolerated and the journalists National Congress Reform’s going to become a norm and Mahipaul continued: theyneedtostandup.” (PNCR) weekly press that is not what we are “Anindividualhastoknowif Meanwhile, Leader of conference said that supposed to be,” he said they want to engage in the Opposition Aubrey members of the media adding that the Vice constructive politics to uplift Norton weighing in on the s h o u l d n o t s u b j e c t President’sbehaviourshould a nation or destructive matter said that, “The themselves to the Vice notbetreatedasanorm. politics to divide and problemIthinkJagdeohasis President’sinsults.
Mahipaul said the conquer for their own selfish that he doesn’t want
The PNCR member said situation is so distasteful gain.” journalists, he wants that the situation is very sad thathewasforcedtodiscuss The Opposition Member reporters. People who report because journalists endure the kind of politics that of Parliament said that the the positive of what he is the “kind of vile, abusive occurs in Guyana with a “vile, abusive, notorious sayingandnothingelse.” notorious outburst that headteacher outbursts” by the Vice Norton accused the Vice comes from the person who “YouknowIwasaskedat President towards Kaieteur President of f
ng is holding the perhaps third a school [and] it was said News journalists ought not threatened when journalists highestpoliticalofficeinthis to me, that we don’t want betolerated. asksearchingquestions. country.” politics here because politics Mahipaul called out “ i f y o u
“… and it is as though he it is nasty and I said to the Jagdeo calling his attitude, remember…Jagdeo banned speaks with such nastiness, head teacher there is “unfortunate, it is uncalled people from going to his anditisveryunfortunatethat destructive politics and there for, it is nasty, downright press conferences etc , ” the media operatives would is constructive politics,” he nasty and should not be Nortonreminded
From page 2 to Journalist, Svetlana workers in Guyana, the GPA Nazima Raghubir as a P r e s i d e n t i a l p r e s s Marshall. “President Ali on itself has been subjected to journalist, Vice President conference, members of the more than one occasions attacks by politicians. Jagdeo continued his attack media were berated and singled out Marshall during Notably, in addressing the on Raghubir on June 27th, insulted by President Ali,” sideline interviews. One disrespect of media August8thandAugust15th. the press body said. Two such interview was in professionals by the Head of These public comments r e p o r t e r s , Va h n u November 2023 as the State, the President of the are often followed by Manickchand of the Guyana journalist asked him about GPA, Nazima Raghubir was cyberbullying by known Times and Shervin Belgrave the rising cost of living. also attacked for comments social media accounts and of Kaieteur News were Another sideline interview madeinsupportofthemedia letter and column writers in insulted,onebeinggrilledon was on the power ship in workers. the state media,” the a question she asked, and March 2024. Both times,Ali “In an effort to discredit Associationpointedout. Belgrave being scolded by was aggressive towards PresidentIrfaanAli. Marshall but not with other News Source reporters,” the Association Journalist targeted noted.
The GPA noted that Targeting GPA President Ali has been F o r i t s f e a r l e s s aggressive in his responses representation of all media
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Guyana’s oil czar, Bharrat Jagdeo, was the first to say thatmoreoilmoneyisgoingtobeinthiscountry’scoffers soon. Moreoilprojectsarepoisedtobecomeoperational, soGuyanesewillbewashinginmaximizedrevenue. More recently,formerpresidentSamHinds,nowAmbassadorto America, pleaded with Guyanese to be “patient” for more moneywillbecomingfromoil. AccordingtoAmbassador Hinds, praying will help disgruntled Guyanese build patience. All things staying constant, there are some kernelsoftruthtowhatbothleaderssaid. Onceoilprices stayattoday’slevels(orrise)andglobaldemandstaystight, thenGuyanaisassuredofcollectingmoremoneyfromits massive oil wealth. Both Jagdeo and Hinds overlooked somethingorwerecarefullysilentonacrucialcomponent of oil, something that has much significance for an oil producing nation and its citizens. Whatthese two men of much knowledge ignored and had nothing to say about could have been the convenience of political expediency Nonetheless, it is an undeniable fact of the oil business. Theymustfacethefact,butseeminglyprefernottodoso.
For Guyana to get/receive more American millions from its oil means that it must greenlight ExxonMobil to producemoreoildaily Moreapprovedandoperationaloil projects mean more barrels by the hundreds of thousands pumped daily, likely signifies an increase in the deposits made to the New York-based Natural Resource Fund (NRF). Higher and higher levels of daily production add moreoildollarsintotheNRF,onceoilpricestayswithinits current range. On these bases alone, Bharrat Jagdeo and Sam Hinds have some substance to their ‘more money’ shouldbecomingsoonposition. Astheworldknowsfrom toughhistory,andGuyaneseknowmorethanmost,itisnot what wily political figures say that matters so much. It is what they leave out, what they smartly choose to pretend doesn’t exist, or has little bearing on what they boldly predict,evenpromise.
The crux of this issue about more oil money is on the waythatGuyanamustproducemoreoildaily,sothatitcan sellmoreoilandcollectmorerevenuesfromitswealth. Itis afunctionoflargervolume. Nothinghaschangedrelative totheobscene2016ExxonMobilorchestratedandexecuted oil contract. Further, it is worthy to note that oil is a depletingasset,soasmoreoilispumpedthereisanimpact on stated reserves. Unlike agricultural products, oil does not reproduce its fruits (barrels of oil) year after year Unless there are more commercially feasible discoveries, the known reserves are going down. When there is increasedproduction,theoilinGuyana’shandgoesdown ataquickerrate,nottobereplenished. ThisiswhatJagdeo and Hinds studiously avoided mentioning, while highlightingthatGuyanesemustbepatientinanticipation ofhugeflowsofoilcashsettorainonthiscountry Wewill getmoremoneyfromtheoil,oncethekeyvariables(price anddemand)remainastheyare,butatwhatlong-termcost tothiscountry? Theoilisvirtuallybeinggivenawayonthe cheap, with ExxonMobil reporting record profits, while almost half of Guyana’s population is hungry The oil wouldbedone,andwhathaveGuyana’sleadersdone?
Guyana’s leaders have not manifested the required courage to wring favorable oil terms from ExxonMobil. Guyana’s leaders have failed miserably in developing the skills, finding ways, to get better at the oil game and beat ExxonMobilatitsownself-enrichinggamethatisdoneat the expense of the people of this country Ambassador HindswasinthemiddleoftheproceedingswhenGuyana’s firsttie-upwithExxonMobilwassignedin1999. Former presidentJagdeo,OppositionLeaderJagdeo,andnowVice President Jagdeo, had so much to say about all that was wrong with the 2016 oil contract and how much he was goingtodotomakeitbetterforGuyana. Today,leaderslike Jagdeo and Hinds speak in riddles: more money but leave out the ither half of the oil story (depleting resource) and theircowardlinesstofightformoreforGuyana.
OGGN – Oil and Gas Governance Network (www oggn org/about) –doesnotagreewiththeletter ‘Exxon disappointed with KN headline’ in KN, October 22, 2024. Vice
OGGN hopes that the equipment installed on the three Floating Production Storage and Offloading ships (FPSOs) by SBM OffshoreatKeppelshipyard inSingaporewascertifiedby t h e c o m p o n e n t manufacturers and tested by SBM to the safe working limits shown in the table a b o v e ( s e e https://petroleum.gov.gy/dat a-visualization for daily production rates). OGGN hascalledforthepublication of the audit reports by the c
s [when/where?] without response by the government o f G u y a n a , s e e https://www.stabroeknews.c om/2023/04/30/opinion/lett ers/govt-must-publishinternational-certificationsthat-allow-oil-companiesto-operate-over-safety-
President Phil Rietema of EMGLwrote‘…ourability tooptimizeallaspectsofour Guyana operations to drive greater efficiencies and ensure we continue to deliver projects on time and on budget’. What this letter seems to say is that Exx
It is not clear how the EPA, not having on its staff any known qualified and e
authorised the revised limits which Kaieteur News reported on October 18, and which Exxon has already exceeded for the Liza-1 and Liza-2oilfields. It may be difficult to visualize what is happening in the oilfields 200 km offshore, so OGGN offers this comparison. The speed limit for driving on highways in Guyana is 100 km/hour Ifyouarestopped by the Guyana police for driving at 127 km/hour, wouldyouexpecttoescapea penalty by saying that it is OK, it is just like Exxon’s extraction rate? And, Officer, no I don’t have any
greatly in excess of the
Environmental Impact Assessments and without the assurance of unlimited liability coverage from a parentcompanyguarantee
insurance certificate with me,justlikeExxon. On behalf of OGGN (www.oggn.org/about) AlfredBhulai
DEAREDITOR, On Sunday October 20, 2 0 2 4 , G E C O M
Commissioner Vincent Alexander was the keynote interviewee on a PNCsponsored ‘Nation Watch’ programme He was interviewed by Mervin Williams,aPNCmember
The commissioner’s egregious punchline was framed as follows; “People should not acquiescence to any election that is not conducted after these things areimplemented.” What followed during the interview was interesting For example, CommissionAlexander was lured by Williams into what i s k n o w n a s t h e ‘interviewer’s trap’ when a hypothetical question was put Alexander suggesting that were the 2012 National Censustobeusedagainstthe current electoral roll “it would leave huge question marks since that census placed the population at approximately 750,000 whereasthecurrentOLEhas 728,556electors.”
By spinning his hypothetical yarn aimed at
impugning the transparent process through which GECOM produces its electorallistWilliamsforced Alexander to belt out the political opposition’s wellwornnarrativethat,“insofar as the numbers are concerned,theOLEmustbe bloated.“ At that point in the interview, any reasonableminded Guyanese would have concluded, that both AlexanderandWilliamshad introduced a level of disingenuousness in their discourse.Alexander knows that the Guyanese populationmusthavegrown over the years considering the high influx of Guyanese re-migrants as well as their childrenbydescentwhohad fled Guyana under the PNC a n d A P N U / A F C Governments.
A p p a r e n t l y , Commissioner Alexander did not realize that by respondingtoahypothetical question, he got ahead of himself by failing to recognize the difference in numbers established independently by the Stats
Bureau and GECOM
respectively over a twelve period.
Andasthoughhisfailing was not embarrassing enough, to compound his obtuseness, Alexander went onboldlytoassert;“Wehave information,whichhavenot been challenged, that points out that during the elections (2020) a number of persons who, based on the records kept by the immigration department, were out of the country and would have been voted for The fact of the matter is that there is evidence.
Thechecksandbalances did not work to prevent this” Implicit in this assertion is the hackneyed claim that multiple voting, and voting for or by deceased persons took place inthe2020elections.
This was an attempt to sellaspuriousclaimthatwas never bought by the Guyanese electorate nor the internationalcommunity
Responding to another loaded suggestion by Williams on the subject of biometrics Alexander went off on a frolic of his own saying; “If you do manual
fingerprints all are not good enough.Thisallowspersons who are not eligible to become registered. And the people who cross-check such fingerprints cannot use them.”
One is left to wonder w h y a n i n f o r m e d Commissioner as V Alexander would seek to mislead the public so brazenly when he knows verywellwhathesaidisnot true. What are the facts? Whereas the quality of manually captured fingerprints may, in some cases, be weak, all fingerprints are used in the cross-matchingexercise.My information is that GECOM has never had a case where any one person’s prints was sobadthattheycouldnotbe usedandhadtobediscarded.
Attempting to be innovative and authoritative onthesubjectofbiometrics, Alexander continued to persist with his flight of fancy on the subject stating; “When you do digital fingerprinting, you are able toperfectthecross-checking basebecausealloftheprints (Continuedonpage05)
Frompage04 are usable in the cross checkingandthesystemwill reject a digital fingerprint if itisnotgood.”Hewentonto say, “Anybody who has travelled, when you go to America if you don’t put your hand down properlyto check your fingerprint, they don’tacceptit. If your fingerprint is not good that the system will rejectit,sowewillonlyend up with a reservoir of good crosscheckableprints.
T h e s a m e d i g i t a l fingerprints can be used to authenticate the person as who he claims to be as the persononthelistandthatis the mechanism that allow for persons who attempt to vote for others can be rejected.”
ThisiswhereAlexander exposes his own and his party’s efforts to deny thousands the right to be registered and, as a consequence, the right to vote and to elect a governmentoftheirchoice.
The fact of the matter is; no requirement for the d
fingerprints can be imposed to the extent that a Guyanese who is
e l i g i b l e f o r registration/voting can be denied his or her constitutional right to vote because his/her print might be bad.Furthermore, as regards the use of fingerprintsforimmigration purposes, Mr Alexander must say if he knows any traveller who, on arrival at CJIA or JFK were refused entry by the immigration authorities because their prints were rejected as a result of a bad print or a mismatch
Frequent flyers would
have observed that normally, the immigration officer would request the arrivee to repeat the exercise on more than one
occasion to ensure
legibility In some countries, retinal scans and/orfingerprintsareused forimmigrationpurposes
L e a v i n g t h a t particular issue aside, it is recognized that there are categories of persons
from whom it will be impossible to capture digital fingerprints or whose fingerprints may have deteriorated over theyears
However, be that as it may, it is unlikely that such persons would
astronomically large number to influence the outcome of an election, in any event, no person in either of the two categories should be
denied the right to register or to vote in an election simply because their prints don’t match
a s s u g g e s t e d b y Alexander
A s r e g a r d s M r Alexander’s suggestion that government should use biometrics “as a tool for the distribution of cash grants” it is best to ignore his s u g g e s t i o n s i n c e government has publicly providedGuyanesewiththe modus operandi “to assist with the “seamless distribution” of the cash grant.”
His intrusive remark aside, Commissioner
A l e x a n d e r q u i t e surprisingly and unfairly complainedthat“biometrics has disappeared off the agenda of the Commission” and that the Commission is “moving from stagnation to slothfulness.”
Then, as if waking up from a bout of amnesia the commissionerconfesses“… I am now advised that that discussion which was scheduled for last week, we were given a guarantee that it is up for discussion this week.”
Moreover, as if stuck in a complainingmode,Alexander went on to preemptively suggest that “GECOM has notdemonstratedthewillto changethecurrentsystemto biometrics.”
As a matter of fact, the commission has as number four of its ‘status report of matterstobecompleted’and on its agenda; ‘Discussion on Feasibility Study for the introductionofbiometrics.’
Askedaboutgovernment’s position on introducing improved biometrics at
elections Alexander speculated that; “there will be a pushback and postponements against biometrics both in terms of digital capture of fingerprints and the use of f i n g e r p r i n t s f o r identification purposes at theplaceofpoll.”
Any ‘pushback’ on any matter is a matter for GECOM’s consideration and decision.
A s r e g a r d s t h e discussion on the feasibility study on biometrics, for the benefit of the public record, thefactofthematteristhat,
the discussion was postponed to allow for the conduct of interviews of persons to fill vacancies for aCivicandVoterEducation Manager (C&VEM) and a Logistics Manager at GECOM. GECOM plans to conclude the evaluation process before on October 31,2024.
Meanwhile, the
Chairman gave the
assurance that the discussion on the feasibility study will be on the agenda ofOctober29,2024.
Alexander complained that “Manual fingerprints areproblematic. Youarenot going to get the quality if you try to digitize them. They are not usable for the purpose of cross matching. If you try to digitize, you may amplify the problem.
How, and where Mr Alexander got that from onlyheavenknowsbutthen again verily, verily I say to commissioner Alexander, all manually captured finge
Yoursfaithfully, ClementJ.Rohee
DEARMR.FORDE, We, the players of the Guyanese national football team,arewritingtoformally express our deep concerns abouttheongoingissuesthat arenegativelyaffectingboth our performance and our morale as representatives of the national team. It is with respect and love for our country that we address these issues, but we must makeitclearthatplayingfor Guyana should be a privilege,notaburden.
The following matters requireimmediateattention:
1. Unacceptable Travel Arrangements
We are regularly being subjected to unreasonable travel schedules. For instance, in this window players are expected to take four flights within 24 hours, missing two nights of sleep, and arriving in the UK only two days before their club matches.
Such lapses in planning reflect poorly on the preparation for international duty and directly impact player well-being and performance.
2 Delayed Flight Bookings
The staff informs us of our selection sometimes as much as three weeks before travel.
Yet we still see flight bookings delayed If financial limitations were the cause, we need transparency regarding the steps being taken to secure funds and avoid such issues inthefuture.
Waiting until the last minute to book flights not only disrupts travel but also reflects poor organizational standards, which we believe are entirely avoidable with properplanning.3.Delayed (Continuedonpage16)
T h i s s e v e r e l y compromises their recovery and increases the risk of injury These travel arrangements could have been avoided by booking more direct flights, which arereadilyavailable.
Bharrat Jagdeo, w i t h h i s signature bluster hasonceagaindemonstrated his talent for weaving logic out of air His latest foray into rhetorical gymnastics involves labeling Glenn Lall a man who has indicated his intention to play a role in the next election—as a “politician,” and therefore, by Jagdeo’s bizarre leap, transforming Lall’s newspaper, Kaieteur News, into a political mouthpiece. In Jagdeo’s world, this supposedly follows in the same way night follows day But for thoseofustetheredtoreason and logic, the connection between these two claims simplydoesn’texist.
Let us untangle this flawedsyllogism.
Even if Glenn Lall harbors ambitions for political involvement, that fact alone does not morph Kaieteur News into a partisan rag like The Mirror or The New Nation, the houseorgansofthePeople’s ProgressiveParty(PPP)and the People’s National C o n g r e s s ( P N C ) , respectively The distance between the personal
aspirations of a publisher
newspaper is vast. Jagdeo, however, prefers to collapse that distance entirely, engaging in a pre-emptive strike that serves his own narrativebutcrumblesunder scrutiny
The flawed nature of Jagdeo’sargumentisglaring when we juxtapose it with a recent historical precedent from across the Atlantic: Donald Trump’s ascension to the U.S. presidency in 2017. When Trump took office, there were serious concerns about conflicts of interest between his role as president and his sprawling business empire Critics
politician, could effectively separate his personal interests from his public duties.TheU.S.media,both liberal and conservative, pounced on this issue. But notably, no one neither Trump’s harshest critics nor his staunchest defendersclaimedthattheexistenceof h
e inherently transformed Trump’s business empire
into political platforms simply because of their perceived proximity to his interests.
Trump, in an attempt to addresstheseconcerns,took steps to distance himself f
y managementofhisbusiness. He placed his assets into a revocable trust, delegated control of the Trump Organizationtohissons,and publicly resigned from his business roles. Whether thesestepsweresufficientis
distinction: the individual and the institution are not necessarily one and the same.
By Jagdeo’s reasoning, however, any outlet that is owned by a figure who has entered the political arena must also morph into a partisan apparatus It’s a flimsy proposition at best, and a disingenuous one at worst. How does he feel about a newspaper that is ownedbyhisclosefriend?
ButJagdeo’slogic,ifwe can call it that, is not only flawed;itispre-emptive.No political party has been formed by Glenn Lall. No formal campaign has been
launched. Yet Jagdeo, with hisusualarrogance,wantsus to believe that Kaieteur News has already crossed into the realm of partisan hackery, simply because its publishermightonedayseek public office. It’s akin to claiming that any journalist who interviews a political figure is instantly compromised, and that any media outlet daring to critique the government must secretly be a political tool.Thisisnotjustastretch of the imagination—it’s a gross distortion of reality. Jagdeo’s pre-emptive strike on Lall reveals more about his own insecurities than it does about the nature of Lall’s political ambitions or the editorial direction of Kaieteur News. If anyone is attempting to draw political linesinthesandwherenone yet exist, it’s Jagdeo. In doing so, he’s not only engaging in bad logic but also setting a dangerous precedent If merely expressingafutureintention to participate in politics is enoughtodiscreditanentire journalistic enterprise, then freedomofthepressisatthe mercy of every politician’s whim.
In 2011, when Glenn Lallendorsedhisformerold friend, Donald Ramotar, Jagdeo, then President, did notdeemtheKaieteurNews, as partisan. Neither did the then Opposition. But now fearful that any independent candidate could undermine his party’s razor-slim one seat majority, Jagdeo wants to bring the hammer down on Kaieteur News and has the audacity to pretend that this decision is based on politicallogic.
Jagdeo’s attempt to discredit Kaieteur News is an age-old tactic: when you cannot silence your critics, delegitimize them By branding Lall a politician andhispaperapoliticaltool, Jagdeo seeks to undermine the critical role Kaieteur News plays in holding his government to account. But no amount of rhetorical sleightofhandcanerasethe fundamental truth: Kaieteur NewsisnotTheMirror,just asLallisnotyetapolitician. To conflate the two is to engage in intellectual laziness, and to make that conflation public is to insult the intelligence of the very people Jagdeo purports to represent.
Jagdeo’s argument fails the simplest test of logic. If his standard were applied universally, then every businessman who ever thought about running for office would taint every institution with which they wereaffiliated.
The truth is, Jagdeo’s tactic is an evasion an effort to sidestep the hard questions Kaieteur News continues to ask of him and his administration. Instead of answering those questions, Jagdeo would prefer to smear Lall and his paper ThepeopleofGuyana deserve better than this preemptive strike and flawed logic They deserve real answers, not rhetorical games. And no amount of dismissivesneersorpolitical labelingwillchangethat.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
CanGuyaneseeveragree d o u b t s a b o u t i t . deeper and deeper hole in shouldn’t they? The cash face. Nobody gains a vote. sense is that the pews are on something again? What Acknowledging and which to bury themselves. grant has its positives and At least. I think so. Just as I empty. That is, nobody is hopes exist that there ever crediting were the right While as a writer there is will have the most of such think that nobody loses listeningtoanyofthis,forall again will be some degree of things to do, whether for or m o r e t h a n p a s s i n g positives when they are anything while Guyanese that it means to them. They consensus on anything at the against. Now, the acquaintance with copyright delivered to all who are gain everything, including a are reading but that is as far politicallevel? Thoughnota government, in the person of protection, there are some eligible and through a new vision of the way that as the interest goes. It is but pessimist, and my betting Vice President Jagdeo, has occasionsthatheartsmustbe process that makes all things could be going another marker in the days are history, I would come forward to object to bigenoughtobecomfortable Guyanese proud. When the forward. Leaders on one tragedyofacountrygivenso place money that agreement and dismiss Professor Clive allowing some things to be poor in this country have a side cannot speak with a much yet forced to live with may elude for the next 30 Thomas’s lineage relative to left alone. What is the point relief currency package in straight face about unity and the irony of lacking in so years Why 30 years? the idea of cash grants. Dr that is proved? What is the their hands, then the rest of one of this and one of that much. Considering the ebb Because the current crop of Jagdeo is adamant: we, the fatal harm done? Where is Guyana is enriched. My and expect to get anywhere. and flow of the raging, mobpolsshouldbeintheirdotage PPP Government, were the the grievous foul that is concern about the now much The same applies to the like cacophonies, the kind of and with the caveat that this first with that vision. An inflicted? I may have it all ballyhooed cash grant is that opposition and its push for anticipating and savoring country still exists as is earlier opposition rebuttal wrong, my head in the mud, it took so long and with so some form of shared that should accompany the known today Take this had pointed to President Dr but is it of such existential many excuses made to governance, when the best one-off cash grant have matter of the $100,000 Irfaan Ali dissing calls for importance that original justify not acting earlier that either side can do is themselves become tainted election once-for-all payout. cashaidtoGuyaneseasabad proprietorship of the cash Frankly, I do not think that it disembowel the other by the renewed wrangling, It is the latest textbook case measure by any standards, grant transforms into a life makesanyleader,fromAlito Guyana will never have one the endless edging for the that says so much about for any government anddeathissue? JagdeotoSingh,lessertosay of anything, be as one with ascendancy Inthinking. Of Guyana.
Notwithstanding the spirited I seem to remember that that an error in thinking the bigger things, nor share beingright. The Opposition has disagreements,todaythereis thereisamultitudeofhungry occurred, but that it is now in the substance of anything, We should all try, if only claimedcredit,pointingtoits no finger pointed at anyone. citizens, whose spirits are in beingcorrected. Similarly,it when these are the passions for the better, greater, origins with Professor Clive For what reason? But this no way confirming of the would bode well for this andtheculturesthatgrabina Guyanathatwecrave. Thomas. I pointed to the must be said, for if it is not extravagant statistical society if the Opposition stranglehold. All are left as (The views expressed in same source on a program done, then the learning that calculations attached to their could get in their flickering walkinginvalids. Ithasbeen this article are those of the and in writings, if only to should follow will always names, to their national jabs about timing and so so, hasn’t it, with few
t acknowledge the author of pass by and leave citizens heritage. To the standards forth, yet still have the exceptions? necessarily reflect the that proposal, albeit with gasping in the dust. The that should be theirs. They courage and common sense I may be in full opinions and beliefs of this different numbers, and even things Guyanese do, the should matter more than to applaud the cash grant exhortatory (preaching) n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s as I had harbored some places they go, only dig a winning an argument, development. Nobody loses mode today Somehow the affiliates.)
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat
MinisterofNaturalResources,VickramBharratonFriday urged members of the Private Sector Commission of Guyana (PSC) to take full advantage of the investment opportunities thatexist.
BharratwasatthetimespeakingataLocalContentForum organized by the PSC and held at the Marriott Hotel, Kingston,Georgetown.
“Guyana is probably now in its stage where I like to say it is in the most exciting period in the history of our country wherethetimeisrightnowtoinvest,whenwearebuildingout anewmoderneconomyandweareexpandingexistingsectors nowisthetimetoinvestinGuyana,”hestated.
The minister reminded attendees that the time is apt given Guyana’srapidlygrowingeconomy
Since oil was discovered in 2015 and production commenced in 2019, Guyana’s economy has rapidly expanded. Notwithstanding, the minister noted that the private sector must look beyond the oil and gas sector for opportunities.
“Let us look at opportunities outside of the oil and gas sector but it supports the oil and gas sector…Agriculture is one, tourism is another one that is not directly linked to servicingtheoilandgassectorbutthere’smanyopportunities now,”henoted.
Bharrat also mentioned potential opportunities in mining andvalue-addedactivitiesintheforestrysector
Moreover, with a sense of urgency, Minister Bharrat reiteratedthatnowisthetimetoinvest.
“Another10yearsfromnowmightbetoolate,itmightbe toolate,”hecautioned,encouragingtheprivatesectortoseize themomentasGuyanabuildsanewmoderneconomy
Meanwhile, the Natural Resources Minister praised the private sector and current investors for their confidence in Guyana, attributing their interest to the favorable business environmentfosteredbythegovernment.
“I want too to recognize the private sector that is represented here today, the investors who are here today you must be commended too for the confidence that you would have placed in the economy, the country and of course the government of Guyana,” Bharrat told the gathering at the GuyanaMarriottHotel.
He highlighted that the government has created a climate thatisfriendlyandconduciveforinvestment.
“There are so many other countries around the world with so many resources much more than Guyana but you would havechosentoinvestinGuyana,andthereisareasonwhyyou choosetoinvestinGuyanaitisbecauseoftheconducive,and favorable environment that has been created by the governmentofGuyana,”theministersaid.
Reflecting on the country’s progress, Minister Bharrat remarked, “Sometimes we don’t say that a lot but sometimes wehavetoactuallyhighlightwhatthegovernmenthasdonein thelast3,4years…”
He outlined that the current administration had two years of COVID and two years of real work, which resulted in Guyanabecomingoneofthefastestgrowingeconomiesinthe world.
Five months after the abduction of an ex-cop, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) on Friday issued wanted bulletins for 42-year-old Mark Cromwell also called ‘Diamond/ Demon’ and 28year-old Kevral Hatton called,‘Smokey.’
The abducted man has been identified as Delon Alexander. Police reported that the abduction occurred onMay7,2024onChurchof God Road, Buxton, East CoastDemerara(ECD).
Wanted: Mark Cromwell also called ‘Diamond/ Demon’ Wanted: Kevral Hatton called, ‘Smokey’ Delon Alexander
It is reported that Cromwell’s last known address is Lot 40 Vigilance duo are asked to contact News had reported in May ConstableHarlequin. and Lot 10 Buxton, ECD. police on telephone 2023 that Cromwell along They appeared at the While Hatton’s last known numbers, 227-1149, 225- with Kessee Edwards were Sparendaam Magistrates’ address is Lot 36 Vigilance, 8196, 227-1611, 268- charged with assault and Court before Magistrate ECD. 2328/268-2329226 3405, remandedtoprisonafterthey RushellLiverpool.
Personswithinformation 225-6978,333-3876. were allegedly caught on The duo pleaded not about the whereabouts of the Meanwhile, Kaieteur camera beating traffic rank, guilty
Th e P e o p l e ’s it relates to SOCU I won’t
reminded that the legal Commissionerhasattained.” N a t i o n a l want SOCU investigate challenge brought against The AG noted that Congress Reform nothing, it’s like charging theappointmentofHickento Section 2 (b) of the law
( P N C R ) o n Caesar to be tried by act as Top Cop was authorises the President to Friday called for a thorough Caesar,”Nortonsaid. dismissed In that case, permit the Commissioner of a n
n d e n t Firm in his distrust for Norton argued that Hicken Police to continue in Office investigation into the top the Force and Norton wasunlawfullyappointedby butnotbeyondage60. brass of the Guyana Police stressed the need for there to
President Irfaan Ali He He said the extension of Force(GPF). be an international, posited that the President Hicken’s appointment to act Leader of the party, p r o f e s s i o n a l b o d y failed to comply with the in the position of Police Aubrey Norton told investigating the allegations
However, C o m m i s s i o n e r w a s reporters at his party’s against Brutus and other
Chief Justice (ag) Roxane influenced by a letter issued weeklypressconferencethat serving members of the George ruled that the by the Police Service several officers of the Force PoliceForce. presidentactedlawfully Commission dated July 21, are corrupt and unfit for the “You cannot charge
Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton.
Further, Nandlall said 2023. poststheyhold. Caesar to be tried by Caesar that Article 211(3) of the The acting Top Cop th Norton, when asked to I am dead sure if tomorrow Constitution provides that celebrated his 55 birthday comment on the allegations morning Bharrat Jagdeo gets the Commissioner of Police onJuly22,2023. leveled against Assistant up and says oh there is shall vacate office when he Since his appointment to
President Irfaan Ali does a who are not implicated in Police Commissioner of nothing against Brutus, the attains such age as may be act as Commissioner, he has thorough investigation into criminality and it appears at Police Calvin Brutus, said DPP will withdraw the prescribedbyParliament. been “the Officer-in-charge the allegations of corruption this stage most of the names that he is convinced that charges… SOCU to me has
HesaidParliamenthasso of superintending and leveled against him before that they are recommending otherpersonsareinvolvedin become an institution to p r e s c r i b e d i n t h e commanding the Guyana anyconfirmationisdone. are complicit in corruption theallegedcrimes. persecute and prosecute…,”
“You cannot confirm and crime and so I wrote the
Constitution (Prescribed PoliceForce.
The PNCR leader said hestated. Matters) Act, Cap. 27:12. This indubitable state of people whose character are president to that effect,” that he has no doubt that Meanwhile, on the Section2ofthisActprovides affairs aligns with the questionable,thepeoplewho Nortonstated. several senior officials, in subject of acting Police that the retirement age of the Constitutional definition of should become head of the Notwithstanding the and out of the Police Force Commissioner Clifton
Commissioner of Police is Commissioner of Police: Guyana Police Force should position of the leader of the areinvolved. Hicken being appointed to 55years. “the officer, however be people who are not PNCR, Attorney General
“…that is why I said his the substantive post, Norton
“The Commissioner of styled, commanding the implicated in corruption, (AG),AnilNandlall,SCsaid life is probably in danger As said he requested that Police shall vacate his office PoliceForce”[asperArticle that there is no legal on attaining the age of fifty- 232] ” impediment to Hicken being five: provided that (b) the Furthermore, “Article appointed substantively as President, acting on the 211 (2) of the Constitution Commissioner of Police recommendation of the states “ any person although he has reached the Police Service Commission appointed to act in the office ageofretirement. may permit a Commissioner of Commissioner of Police
In an 11-point statement of Police who attained the shall…continuetoactuntila to the media Nandlall ageiffifty-fivetocontinuein personhasbeenappointedto referenced clauses from the office until he has attained that office and has assumed Constitution of Guyana to such later age not exceeding the functions thereof ” support his stance. The AG 60 years, as may before the Nandlallsaid.
New Amsterdam’s Mayor Wainwright McIntosh (right) with Jamaican artiste Andre Rhoden called ‘Jah Vinci’.
Jamaican-born artiste Jah Vinci, whose upbringing. Both of his parents were singers, real name is Andre Rhoden, paid a courtesy and it was in church that his talent was first call on Mayor Wainwright McIntosh at New discovered.The church served as his training AmsterdamTownHallinBerbice. ground,allowinghimtohonehissongwriting Rhoden is set to perform at the ‘All Black andperformanceskillsduringlargeevents. Ultra Premium’ Event on October 27, 2024, Tragedy struck Jah Vinci’s life in 2005 alongside fellow artiste NOTNICE and when he lost a brother to violent crime; a loss Guyana’s own Vintage This highly that deeply impacted him. He has since used anticipated event is hosted in collaboration that experience as motivation to create a with the New Amsterdam Town Day better life for himself and his family through Committee. hismusic.Nowaproudfathertohisdaughter, BorninAugustTown,Kingston,Jamaica, Shenequa the artiste continues to channel his Jah Vinci grew up in a musical family of six, creativity into his lyrics, reflecting his divine where music was an integral part of his giftforsongandartistry
Fifteenhundredand ought to give us a higher two teachers quality delivery of education graduated from towards the children before
the Cyril Potter himandher.” College of Education
With that aside, she (CPCE) on Friday Among stated that about 86 percent this year’s cohort were 51 of the graduates were teachers who were trained to females while, 14 percent cater to special needs were males This is children. equivalent to 1297 females
CPCE in collaboration and205males. with the Ministry of
Using Region One as an Education held its second example, the minister said largest graduation under the that in 2023, the country theme, ‘ Tr a n s f o r m i n g recorded 9762 primary e d u c a t i o n t h
o u g h learners with 208 trained investments in teacher teachers This made an training bridging gaps’atthe average class size of 46.9 to N a t i o n
S t a d i u m , onetrainedteacher Providence.
These stats were
During the institution’s described by the education th90 graduation ceremony, it ministertobe,“Waytoohigh wasdisclosedthattherewere of learners to trained 602 graduates in primary teachers ” However, this education with 15 earning year with 88 trained teachers distinctions, 574 receiving being added to that region credits,and13passing. theclasssizedecreasedfrom
The three mother-daughter pairs that graduated from CPCE on Friday with Minister of Education Priya Manickchand. They are Annie and Anessa Isaacs from Region 7, Janella and Rachael Fernandes from Region 9 and Verlyn and Joanna Krammer from Region 7. (Ministry of Education)
The Early Childhood 46to32students. Education program saw 447
The minister noted that graduates, including 2 with across the regions, more distinctions, 436 earning trained teachers will be credits, and nine passing. added to classrooms so that officers were trained and graduating here today just over 900 schools until you leave the teaching
The Secondary Academic the number of students to certified in andragogic immediately on graduation countrywide.” profession and even
Program had 169 graduates, each trained teacher is principlesandpractices. acquires the title of educator, Furthermore, also thereafter for everybody that of which 161 received reduced. Prime Minister (PM) mentor, role model and speaking during the comesbeforeyou.” creditsandeightpassed.
“Training helps us to Brigadier Mark Phillips who architect of our nation’s graduation, Minister of She recalled the
M e a n w h i l e , t h e make sure we have the least attended the graduation future,”thePMcontinued. E d u c a t i o n , P r i y a challenges posed due to the Secondary Pre-vocational number of children to a ceremony congratulated P h i l l i p s f u r t h e r Manickchand underscored Covid-19 pandemic noting program saw 251 graduates, trained teacher,” the e a c h g r a d
e her appreciation to the that CPCE was closed for a with 244 earning credits and educationministersaid. emphasized the importance Government of Guyana for graduates, highlighting the short period given the need seven passing. Additionally, Meanwhile, three pairs ofteachers. the past four years has value educators have in a fortheteacherstobetrained. 33 graduates from the of mothers and daughters
“It is important to invested over $200 billion in classroom.
“So, it didn’t have to stay Graduate Teacher Education graduated on Friday. One remember that education is various education initiatives The education minister close, it needed political will (GTE) and Technical pair, 44-year-old Verlyn about imparting knowledge to improve the delivery of said, “I’m always excited and direction to ensure and Teachers Education (TTE) Krammer and her 20-yearasmuchasitisaboutguiding education. when we can add value to fundingtomakesureitopens programscompletedtheone-
and nurturing the potential
The Prime Minister any classroom and you are upback,”shesaid. year associates degree, Krammer from Kamarang, thatliesbetweeneachchild,” related, “We (Government) valued,weareaddingtoeach Manickchand continued, achieving19distinctionsand Region Seven graduated thePrimeMinistersaid. have built just over 80 andeveryclassroomthatyou “Every trained teacher we 14credits. from the Early Childhood
“So, every teacher schools… and rehabilitated will stand before from now put in front of a classroom
Additionally, 13 police programme.
Teachers resighting their oath. (DPI)
Assistant Commissioner
On Wednesday night, of Police (ASP) Calvin following the presence of Brutus has withdrawn the SWAT and SOCU teams at constitutional case he had his living quarters at Eve filed against various arms of Leary, Brutus had told t h e S t a t e a l l e g i n g r
...after promising to ‘tell it like it is’ during trial
p o r t e r s t h a t t h e victimization, stemming investigation against him
e AG’s
In response to Brutus’
f r o m a n o n g o i n g waspartofabroaderscheme investigation into his alleged which would be revealed in involvement in financial court. crimes.
This was revealed by the statement about what will be
disclosed in court, Vice
President (VP) Bharrat
Jagdeo on Thursday at his chamberssharedadocument weekly press conference w
expressed no fear and
encouragedBrutusto‘letthe proceedings. catoutofthebag’.
The embattled Assistant “He could let out cats, Police Commissioner, along dogs, pigs, anything that he with his wife Adonika has and he wants to let out, Aulder, his driver Kevin lethimletitout,”Jagdeosaid George, and businessman as he downplayed any Asif Zafarally appeared at concerns about potential theGeorgetownMagistrates’ disclosures that could be Court on Thursday to face a madebyBrutus. series of serious charges. He stressed that the Collectively, they were government has no concerns granted bail exceeding $10 about what Brutus may million. reveal. “I think it’s a form of
Brutus answered 30 out blackmail, he’s hoping that of a total of 240 charges, some maybe there be fear in which included four counts some quarters in the of misconduct in public governmentthathecouldsay
office, two counts of larceny defendants ranged from belonging to himself, his
The document that was served indicating that Brutus has withdrawn his court action.
the case against him. As a
CliftonHicken. result,hesoughtdeclarations as a public officer, two $100,000 to $500,000: wife Adonika Aulder, and compromisingtousandthey In the court documents, including that there was a counts of money laundering, Aulder was granted $1
s wouldrelentonensuringthat he claimed that he was being breachoftherulesofNatural and 20 counts related to the million, George received $1 frozen—amounting to $500 justice is served,” the Vice victimized during the Justice. liability of officials. He was million, and Zafarally was million frozen — had been Presidentadded. investigation pointing placed on bail totalling over setat$2million. under investigation for specifically to the restriction $6 million for these charges. The withdrawal of the severalmonths. placed on his bank accounts. Brutus was also jointly constitutional motion comes Last week, before he was Brutus was sent on leave to charged with George and one day after the charges charged, theAssistant Police allow for the probe into the Zafarally, facing two counts were laid against Brutus. On Commissioner moved to allegations made against of obtaining money by false Wednesday night, Brutus Court filing applications him. pretense told reporters that there is a against the Attorney
He disclosed that he was Brutus’ wife, Aulder, background to the charges General, Minister of Home not given a fair hearing and who is 25 years-old and and all would be revealed in Affairs, Police Service that there were several leaks pregnant, faced two charges theconstitutionalcase. Commission, Special to the media and social of money laundering. The Brutus, who has had Organised Crime Unit media that have prejudiced bail amounts for the eight bank accounts (SOCU), and the acting
From page 3
freedom of expression, Guyana is at odds with international obligationsregardinghavingonitslawbooksseditiouslibel and criminal defamation. GPA noted that the EU said, in addition to civil law, defamation is prosecuted also by criminal laws with sentences up to two years of imprisonment.
“Whiletherewerenoongoingcriminallawsuitsorcases of journalists being detained or convicted, the mere existence of criminal liability for defamation constitutes a threat which may lead to possible self-censorship by media professionals,”theEUreportstated.
In the meantime, the Press Association said the Government of Guyana and the legal advisors to the police would do well to bring this report to the attention of the Guyana Police Force and SOCU, even other state agencies that often see the media as a threat rather than a partner in development.
Additionally, the GPAnoted, “The Guyana Police Force still has the ability to prove that it is an open and unbiased institution with its members fostering a better relationship with the media. In times of desperate acts to close cases, the PoliceForceisontherecordreachingouttomembersofthe media to provide unsolicited information on cases and alleged criminals, going as far as selecting journalists and mediahousestoshareinformationthatwouldbuildacaseor itsimagetothepublic.”
Meanwhile,onothermatters,theAssociationarguedthat theGPFhaschosentoignoremediarequestsforinformation aswellasinterviewsoncriticalissues.
Furthermore, the body pointed out that this latest threat ofseditionandobstructionchargescouldbeseenaspartofa wider agenda to silence journalists from reporting on public interestissuesandshouldbedenouncedbyall.
The Guyana Press Association has urged all journalists and media practitioners to uphold the highest ethical standards of the profession. “Pandering to self-serving interests with reporting that is not based on fact and truth undoubtedlyresultinunethicalconductthroughskewedand unfair reporting. Ultimately, the public’s interest matters ratherthanpersonalpreferencesandagenda,”thebodysaid.
A 24-year-old man Railway Road, Kitty, According to police twoweeks.However,astime appeared before the Georgetown. reports,thefraudunfoldedin passed, Sealey never Georgetown Magistrates’ Bowen of Lot 43 Benn April 2024 when Sealey received the promised Court on Friday, where he Street, Werk-en-Rust, expressed interest in documents. pleaded with the magistrate Georgetown, appeared purchasing land during a Multiple attempts to to compensate his friend for before Principal Magistrate conversation with Bowen. r e a c h B o w e n w e r e afraudulentlanddeal. FaithMcGusty,whoreadthe Shortly after, Bowen unsuccessful. Frustrated by The defendant Dominic charge. He pleaded guilty contacted Sealey claiming the lack of communication, Bowen is accused of but requested a two-week hehad4acresoflandforsale Sealey reported the matter to deceiving his friend, extensiontorepaySealey at Yarrowkobra for $4 the police Following an Jermaine Sealey, into paying The Magistrate granted million. Trusting his friend, investigation, officers $4 million by falsely his request and set Bowen’s Sealey made the full contacted Bowen, who claimingheowned4acresof bail at $100,000 He is payment to Bowen at admitted to the offense land at Yarrowkobra along scheduled to return to court RailwayRoad,Kitty duringquestioning. the Soesdyke-Linden on November 8, 2024 to Bowen assured Sealey This admission led to his Highway. The incident confirm whether he has thatthenecessarypaperwork arrest and subsequent occurred in April 2024 at compensatedSealey would be processed within charge.
Dominic Bowen placed on $100,000 bail for fraud
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
Wanted: Experienced Puri Maker, Counter Person, Cleaner & Labourer. Apply @ Shanta's, 225 Camp and New Market Sts. 654-1361.
One Live-In Maid wanted urgently stay & daily meals included. Sandy Babb St. Georgetown. Whatsapp : 1631-408-5098.
Domestic (Live in option available), female cook and male & female workers for the interior :660-9093 / 674-9999 / 680-7803.
COINS Wanted, I buy coins best prices paid. Tele : 6430902 / 653-4287.
Canter Driver age 30 year or older, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 6130855 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.
Land dredge workers wanted. Call : 688-3844.
Experienced cooks wanted for mining operation. Call : 688-6575.
Experienced operators (ADT , Bulldozer , Excavator) wanted for mining operation. Call : 688-6575.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).
FIRST AID/CPR/AED & HOME NURSING COURSES, Starting soon at St. John Association. Call: 225-9082.
Many Metal working machines for fabricating repairs & modify machinery parts. Come, make an offer. Tele : 2271813.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
From page 05 and Inconsistent Payments
Female Cleaner for an office in Eccles. Call 615-9132 / 6458443.
Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call : 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Live- In housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virgina, U.S.A, free room & Boarding offered. Call : 845-325-8241
One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or call 615-9132.
Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443
One Welder / fabricator. Tele : 623-2728.
Vacancy exist for one sale representative, customer friendly team played Georgetown based toy store. Tele: 658-4874.
Live- in male for poultry farm with small family. Free medical. Salary $150,000 monthly. Call : 695-5310 / 617-4662.
One maid/ cook (Must know to cook Indian dishes) Contact : 680-4718.
Mason, Labourer & Carpenter wanted to work in Linden. Contact : 602-9469 , 6157526,660-6385 , 625-7642.
150 Acres coconut estate lower Pomeroom river. Transport. Tele: 657-9237.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Nissan X-Trail 2014. In good condition. Lady driven. Price $3 M. Telephone : 656-3977 / 500-9704.
Applicant-andMOHAMED) NATALIA RAMONA Respondent TO: NATALIA RAMONA MOHAMED Formerly of Lot 164 Seventh Street, Diamond, East Bank Demerara, Guyana TAKE NOTICE that on the 7th day of September, 2023 an Application Relating to Child(ren) was filed against you by LAWRENCE BRANDON ASHA JOSEPH, the Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, DemeraraAND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made onthe 19h day of March, 2024, the Applicant was directed to effect service of his Petition on you by publication of the Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur Newspaper a daily Newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana and on the worldwide web(online).
Contracts with specified payment dates are repeatedly being breached. We continue to wait without explanation for payments that were agreed upon, often with no communication as to why or when the funds will be paid. Moreover, we were not informed in advance that the advance payments for this camp would not be provided, further damaging trust between the players and the federation. This lack of transparency and consistency is
Relating to Child(ren), you must file Reply to Application Relating to Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this NoticE TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Friday the 26th day of November,_2024 at 2:00 pm before the Honourable Madam Justice Fidela Corbin Lincoln via zoom meeting ID: 88210796231 and password: Court12 IN DEFAULT of your filing a Reply to Application Relating to CHILD(REN) THE COURT MAY PROCEED IN YOUR ABSENCE AND MAY MAKE ANY ORDER IT CONSIDERS APPROPRIATE, INCLUDING GRANTING THE APPLICATION RELATING TO CHILD(REN). THE REGISTRY OF THE FAMILY DIVISION OF THE HIGH COURT IS LOCATED AT THE LAW COURTS [GEORGETOWN, DEMERARA). THE OFFICE IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
4. Unresolved Issues Despite Ongoing Meetings
We have engaged in multiple meetings with federation staff over the last five months, expressing concerns and suggesting solutions, yet little progress has been made. We continue to represent Guyana out of pride and honor, but we are being met with persistent challenges on the pitch. This is making it increasingly difficult to maintain our commitment when the treatment we receive does not match the dedication we bring to our national duty.
What We Expect Moving Forward Clear Standards and Accountability What we would like to see as players are clear, consistent standards going forward.
This includes respecting contracts and honoring payment deadlines, as well as timely communication if any issues arise. Broken contracts without explanation are damaging the trust between the federation and the players.
Financial Transparency
If the federation is facing financial constraints, we request clarity on what is being done to ensure funds are secured for the national team program in the future. Are there strategies or plans in place to raise funds or attract sponsorship? We need assurances that these issues will be addressed in a sustainable manner.
Avoiding a Negative Culture We are at risk of devel-
oping a culture where delayed payments, poor communication, and inadequate travel arrangements are normalized. This is unacceptable and puts undue strain on the players. Players should not be forced to take up to 24 hours to return home because of an inability to secure proper travel funds, nor should we be subjected to suboptimal arrangements that harm both performance and morale.
We are committed to representing Guyana with pride, but we need the federation to match this commitment by addressing these concerns. These issues not only affect our physical well-being but also damage the morale and cohesion of the team as well as limit the nation’s ability to grow the programme further. We ask for immediate action and clear communication to resolve these matters and set a higher standard for the national team going forward.
In the meantime, we would greatly appreciate it if we could arrange a meeting with you before the 26th of October. The following players will be in attendance: Kadell Daniel, Liam Gordon, Jeremy Garrett, Akel Clark, Terence Vancooten, Curtez Kellman, Colin Nelson, Elliot Bonds and Daniel Wilson. We look forward to your response and any proposed solutions.
Yours sincerely, Members of the Guyanese National Football Team.
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NOTICE that ifyou desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents
NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Application, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Application
Aperformance audit conducted by the office of the Auditor General of Guyana has highlighted a
r of flaws in managementofGeorgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC)’sMaternityUnit.
According to a report compiled by the audit office this year, the examination
found GPHC’s management lacking comprehensive and updated staff policies and guidelines. The absence of such guiding protocol is a breachoftheHealthFacility
The report outlined that while GPHC’s management is responsible for ensuring that all women receive quality care and have the
Screenshot capturing when the gunman snatched the victim’s gold chain.
Amanarmedwithagunwhosnatchedagoldchainfrom another man, at an East Ruimveldt, Georgetown shop was badlybeatenbypublicspiritedcitizensWednesdaynight.
The entire ordeal was captured on Closed Circuit Television(CCTV)footage.
According to a time stamp on the CCTV footage the incident occurred at about 21:39h. Prior to the armed man entering the shop, three males and one female were seen talkingwitheachother
The suspect, who was dropped off by a motorcycle, was seenenteringtheshopcladinblackandwearingamask.He enteredtheshopwithagunvisibleinhishand.
The presence of the gun in the man’s hand prompted the fouroccupantsoftheshoptostoptheirconversation.
The armed man then walked up to a man clad in a white jerseyandforcefullysnatchedhischainastheotherpersonsin theshoplookedoninfearbeforewalkingoutoftheshop. However, later that night public spirited citizens located the man who was beaten. The wounded man attempted to escapebyclimbingontoatrestle.However,hewasnotspared by the angry public-spirited citizens as they threw stones at him.
Another video showed the man being beaten by two personswitharod.Hisbodyappearedtobecoveredinblood.
showing the alleged thief attempting to escape by climbing onto a trestle.
best experiences in the maternity unit, to achieve
e policies, procedures and other guidelines should be established to provide staff with the necessary guidance inexecutingtheirduties.
In addition, the report noted that the documents
regulations as well as align with relevant policies, standardsandbestpractices.
These policies should be periodically reviewed to ensure they are still relevant to the tasks at hand
However, the audit office, noted that a comprehensive manual of administrative procedureswasnotinplace.
According to the audit report “Section 18 of the Health Facility Licensing Regulations 2008 requires each health facility or hospital to have written policies and procedures that will stipulate the scope and conduct of the care and services that are provided.
The GPHC was expected to develop a comprehensive manual of administrative procedures to guide and direct staff in carrying out theirduties.”
The absence of such a manual,thereportsaidcould compromise the quality of services that the hospital is expected to provide to properly care for their
patients and function effectively
“Ward protocols used were not reviewed and updated where necessary In t h e a b s e n c e o f a comprehensive manual of administrative procedures, ward protocols were used to guide the delivery of services, training, investigations, etc. within theMaternityUnit,”
Thedocumentstatedthat the ward protocols provided staffwithadetailedstructure on how to effectively managethepatientandcarry outprocedures.
“Protocols for each area within the Maternity Unit were developed by Management and approved by the Medical Advisory Committee. Management indicated that the protocols are required to be reviewed every three years; however, they are only updated when necessary.”
“There was no evidence that Management reviewed any of the protocols to determine their relevance and update them where necessary to conform to existing standards and changingpractices.Alackof updated protocols can affect the delivery of standardised and compliant services to ensure quality care is provided to patients,” the performance audit report outlined.
DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) Israeli strikesonresidentialareasin southern Gaza killed 38 people on Friday, including 13 children from the same extended family, Palestinian healthofficialssaid.
In northern Gaza, health officialsreportedthatIsraeli forces had raided Kamal Adwan Hospital, one of the few medical facilities still functioning in the area Israel has renewed its offensive against Hamas in the north in recent weeks, and aid groups are sounding the alarm over dire humanitarianconditions.
In Lebanon, Israeli strikes on the country’s southeast killed three journalistsworkingfornews outletsthatareconsideredto bealignedwiththeLebanese militant group Hezbollah anditspatron,Iran.
Israelistrikeskilldozens inKhanYounis
The Health Ministry in Gaza reported that Israeli airstrikes and shelling poundedthesoutherncityof Khan Younis, killing 38 people and wounding dozens. The Israeli military
said its troops were
dismantling militant infrastructure and killing Hamas fighters in the southern town. It said the figures from Gaza’s health ministry “do not align with the information” it has, but didnotofferitsowncasualty estimate. Footage from the Palestinian Civil Defense
showed rescuers pulling the bloodied bodies of nine children from the al-Farra familyoutoftheruins. The victims were taken to the Nasser Medical Complex in KhanYounis as well as to the European Hospital, where records showed at least 15 members of the al-Farra family had been killed. Six members of theAbdeenfamilywerealso killed, health officials reported Saleh al-Farra, who lost his 17-year-old brother and 15-year-old sister in the attack, said that s h a k i n g f r o m t h e bombardment sent his family members running to the middle of the house for shelter The next thing he knew, he said, he was
People observe a mosque destroyed by Israeli airstrikes in the city of Khan Younis, souther Gaza Strip, Friday, Oct. 25, 2024. (AP Photo)
waking up in the rubble of whathadbeenhishome.
“I started screaming and screaming until my brother and father came, and they startedtryingtopullmeout,” he said “I didn’t know anythingaboutanyone.”The medical organization Doctors Without Borders said that one of its staff members—identifiedas41year-old Hassan Sobh, a father of seven who had worked with the charity for fiveyears—hadbeenkilled in the attack. It said Sobh was its eighth worker to be killed in the past year of the Israel-Hamas war Israeli forces intensify operations around northern Gaza hospital In response to reports that it had stormed
Kamal Adwan Hospital, the Israelimilitarysaidonlythat itwas“operatinginthearea” of the hospital based on intelligence that indicated thepresenceofmilitantsand militantinfrastructure.
The pediatric hospital is one of the area’s three medical facilities to remain somewhat operational after more than a year of war Since Israeli military orderedtheevacuationofthe hospitals amid its renewed assault against Hamas militants in northern Gaza, doctors have warned that dire shortages of food and medical supplies had triggered a humanitarian emergency
The Gaza-based Ministry of Health reported that Israeli troops on Friday roundedupmedicalstaffand displaced people sheltering atthehospitalandforcedthe men to strip, a common practice that Israel says is meanttoensuredetaineesdo not conceal weapons. The ministry said some Palestinians were detained, without specifying how many
The Palestinian Civil Defense said that Israeli forces arrested two of its workers, including a local rescue coordinator and a firefighter The Israeli militarydidnotimmediately respond to a request for commentonthearrests.
The World Health Organization said on Friday it lost touch with staff at Kamal Adwan, where some had been the night before to deliver supplies and help transfer patients to Shifa Hospital in Gaza City The Israeli military body that oversees aid distribution in Gaza, COGAT, said it facilitated the U.N. health
people,mostlycivilians,and dragged another 250 back into Gaza — hospitals in Gaza have come under attack. Kamal Adwan was besieged and raided by Israeliforcesayearago.
The Israeli military accuses Hamas fighters of using hospitals, and tunnels beneath them, as bases Hamas and Palestinian doctors have denied that claim.
agency’s efforts to deliver aidandfueltoKamalAdwan andevacuatepatients.
“This development is deeply disturbing given the number of patients being served and people sheltering there,” WHO DirectorGeneral Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus wrote on social media platform X about F r i d a y ’ s l o s s o f communication Kamal Adwan Hospital Director HussamAbuSafiyacouldnot bereachedonFriday Invoice messagessentlateThursday, Abu Safiya described calamatious conditions
“Patients are still lying on the floors of the reception and emergency areas, with many in critical condition.
There are no resources, supplies, or specialists to save these children’s lives,” AbuSafiyasaid.
“We appeal to the world tointervene.”
Gaza’s health ministry saidtwochildrenwhowereon life support in the intensive care unit died after the hospital’s generator cut out andIsraelifirehittheoxygen tanks It said that Israeli soldiers were conducting searches in the hospital, sparkingpanicandchaosinthe complex full of some 600 patients, medics and displacedpeople.
The U N has said hundreds of thousands of peoplehavebeentrappedwith littlefoodorsuppliesasIsraeli forcescloseinonthenorthern town of Jabaliya The UN human rights chief, Volker Türk, said Friday that Israeli military actions in the north “risk emptying the area of all Palestinians” Since the Hamas-led attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023—inwhichPalestinian militants killed some 1,200
Israel’soffensiveinGaza has killed over 42,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry, which does not say how many were combatants but says women and children make up more than half the fatalities. Israel’s military announced Friday that three more soldiers were killed in Gaza this week, without providing details That brings the number of Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza since the start of its ground invasionto359.
Israel’sstrikesonLebanon kill3journalistsArareIsraeli airstrikeinsoutheastLebanon hit a residence where journalists were staying on Friday, leveling the building and killing three media workerssleepingthere Thick dust churned up by the bombardment coated cars marked “PRESS” parked outsidetheruinsoftheguest house Al-Manar TV, operated by Hezbollah, and the Beirut-based AlMayadeenTV,anoutletseen as aligned with the militant group, said its staffers were amongthosekilled.
The Israeli army said it was aware of reports that the threejournalistswerekilledin theairstrike,whichitsaidhad targeted a Hezbollah military structure “The incident is under review,” it added, withoutelaborating.
Lebanon’s Health Minister said Friday that 11 journalists have been killed andeightwoundedsinceIsrael andtheIran-backedHezbollah militant group began trading cross-border fire in October 2023 OnFriday,atleasttwo people in northern Israel were killed by shrapnel duringarocketbarragefrom Lebanon, according to MagenDavidAdom,Israel’s emergencyservice.
The rockets struck in Majd Al-Krum, an Arab town in the country’s north, hitting a gym. Six others were injured, the rescue servicesadded,includingan 80-year-old man who remained in serious condition.
Karrau village in Region Seven. (Photo courtesy, Karrau Village/Facebook)
The construction of the S u p p l i e s - Amerindian Village, which Karrau Secondary School in Lot1$198,944,651 and Lot2 has approximately over 500 Region Seven will be - $75,290,981; KLM residents,islocatedinLower constructed at an estimated C o n s t r u c t i o n - Mazaruni and is some five costof$493million. Lot1$209,680,694 and Lot2 minutes away from Bartica Bids for the Ministry of - $65,210,741; Troy Dainty via boat. The village has a Education project were C o n s t r u c t i o n - primaryandanurseryschool opened on Thursday at the Lot1$206,101,651 and Lot2 housed in one building and National Procurement and - $85,639,794; Carter’s would see the secondary Tender Administration Construction - Lot1 aged students travelling to Board’s (NPTAB) office $231,703,594 and Lot2 - neighbouring Bartica to whereitwasrevealedthat17 $83,874,030; K’s Trucking attendschool. contractors applied for the & Construction Services - When completed, the jobwhichwillbeexecutedin Lot1 $247,201,191 and Lot2 secondary school will not twolots. - $100,000,000; Builders only benefit Karrau but
According to the Engineering & Architectural Batavia,anotherAmerindian ministry’s engineer figures Consultancy - Lot1 village some distance away published by NPTAB, Lot1 $220,828,995 and Lot2 - from the community In is estimated to cost $ 9 2 , 0 2 7 , 4 6 8 ; S & K a
he $240,908,603 while Lot2 is Construction, Consultancy g
o e x p e c t e d t o c o s t Services & General Supplies tendered for the construction $252,660,744. Inc. - Lot1 $270,192,145; of a nursery school building
The 17 contractors are Elliot’s Construction & forKarrau.
Mahase Construction - Lot1 S u p p l i e s - L o t 1 It was reported that over $238,526,202 and Lot2 - $200,287,740 and Lot2 - 16 secondary schools are $99,041,297; Gryphon 6 3 , 8 4 1 , 8 7 9 ; P r o r e d being built in the hinterland. Engineering Inc -Lot1 R e s o u r c e s - L o t 1 Kaieteur News reported that $229,764,569 and Lot2 - $226,000,000 and Lot2 - the identified communities $94,368,764; Impeccable $ 7 5 , 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 ; K V do not have secondary Construction & General Contracting Services - Lot1 schools but primary top Supplies Inc – Lot1 $232,122,434 and Lot2 - schools.
$200,642,622 and Lot2 - $95,933,921; and Dayclean This year the Ministry of $73,832,760; Ele’s Trading Shop Supplies Service - Education was allocated & H a r d w a r e - L o t 1 Lot1$223,673,260 and Lot2 $74.4B, a portion of which $236,026,170 and Lot 2 - -$93,566,790. will be used for the $96,062,950; Faizul Ali The ministry in its construction, rehabilitation, C o n t r a c t i n g – document stated that in extension and maintenance Lot1$239,600,000 and Lot2 addition to the new of educational facilities. The - $99,800,000; R Moe secondary school building, Ministryhasembarkedonan Construction, General teachers’living quarters will aggressive programme to Services & Supply - Lot2 alsobebuilt. ensure that the nation’s $ 8 7 , 2 7 5 , 9 4 1 ; G & F K a i e t e u r N e w s children have access to Construction & Furniture understands that Karrau, an secondaryeducation.
DALLAS (AP) — Klay
Thompson chatted up Tony Romoduringabreakearlyin the fourth quarter, not long before being so wide open for a 3-pointer, he paused, dribbled once, paused again tolineuptheshotandmade it.
The Dallas debut was quite a bit better than the
finale from Thompson’s 13 seasonswithGoldenState.
Thompson set a franchise record in a debut with six 3-pointers and scored 22 points playing alongside Luka Doncic and KyrieIrvingforthefirsttime Thursday night in the Mavericks’120-109 victory over the San Antonio Spurs
in the opener for both teams.”The feelings were a lot of nerves, anxiousness, for a few minutes, then you see one go through and you feel great,” Thompson said. “Great debut. It’s only one gameinOctober,butitfeels good to get the first one out oftheway.”
After missing all 10 of
his shots in the final game withtheWarriorsinaplay-in tournament loss in April, Thompson made his first two with the defending Western Conference champions, both inside the arc.
Like the sluggish Dallasteamthatshot36% in the first half, Thompson missed his next four shots before hitting his first 3 in what turned out to be a preview ofthesecondhalf
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
A challenging day is in store foryou,Aries.Ifyou'repartof a group or team or simply among friends, you may feel somewhatillatease.Couldit be that you instill jealousy in others? There's only one way tofindout.
TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)
Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow
You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.
Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly
You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.
The little fighter that you are makesitverydifficultforyou to join us in the great communal river that we're all tryingtonavigate,Virgo.You prefertotravelsolo.
Be disciplined about all areas ofyourbody,Libra.Takeextra care to eat healthful, balanced meals. Make sure you get enough sleep And even thoughyougripeabouthaving no time, get out there and exercise.
If you've been feeling deep anger,todayisn'tthedaytolet it out but rather the day to consider its source. Any large gatheringsoffamilyorfriends shouldbeavoidedatallcosts.
If by chance you still harbor some resentment toward someone, Sagittarius, it will probably come out today.You might be uncompromising or evenvengeful.
You don't suffer fools gladly, and superficial fools even less so. You have a mind to teach those around you a lesson. You'reuncompromisingtoday, and you can't understand why others don't have your same highstandards.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Hereisadayofchallenges, Aquarius You're a pro at questioning yourself, as you'll prove today when you take a h a r d l o o k a t y o u r accomplishments What have youcreatedofapersonalnature inthelasttenyears.
Ifyougivetheimpressionthat you're in a reserved and introspective mood (even if you aren't), you'll succeed in avoiding confrontation Today there is no such thing as a simpleexchangewithsomeone
SportsMax - West Indies batsman Kyle Mayers has been appointed Barbados Pride captain for the 2024 Super50Cup.
Mayers replaces Shai Hope,whomissesoutdueto international commitments, asPrideskipper
Alsooutoftheteamfrom the 2023 squad are Kraigg Brathwaite, Shamar Brooks, Roston Chase, Akeem Jordan, Jair McAllister, Roshon Primus, and Kemar Smith.
Jordan has been listed as areserveforthetournament.
The2024SuperCupwill bestagedinTrinidadfrom29 Octoberto23November
Barbados has won the
Thompson scored 14 points after the break and was 4 of 5 from long range, as Dallas went 13 of 21 from 3 after making just 6 of 23 in the first half. The five-time AllStar and four-time champ with the Warriors alsohad seven rebounds and three steals.
The 3 after the chat with Romo, a former D a l l a s C o w b o y s quarterback sitting courtside, came during a 16-3 run early in the fourth quarter that gave the Mavericks their first 20-pointlead
While the pause and t h e d r i b b l e w e r e something new for the Dallas crowd, Thompson said he’s done it occasionally throughout hiscareer
“When you’re getting ready to shoot the ball and you’re that wide open, sometimes you overthink it,” Thompson said
“I heard Luka was running down the floor, though Happy I made it, and made him not look stupid ”
Thompson finished 7 of 13overalland6of10from3, while Doncic had 28 points, 10 rebounds and eight assists.
The lone assist for Thompson came when he took a handoff coming off a screen and looked like he wasgoingtopullupfrom3. Instead, he drove briefly before passing back to Irving, who hit the 3 on his wayto15points.
“It’s easy to play with a guylikethat,”Doncicsaidof Thompson. “It makes your
tournament six times with their last title coming in 2017. They got to the semifinalsoflastyear’sedition.
Full squad: Kyle Mayers (captain), Zachary McCaskie, Leniko Boucher, Kadeem Alleyne, Kevin Wickham, Raymon Reifer, Nyeem Young, Dominic Drakes, Chemar Holder, Kemar Smith, Jomel Warrican, Matthew Jones, Javed Leacock, Demetrius Richards Reserves: Jonathan Drakes, Akeem Jordan, Tevyn Walcott, Hakeem Perryman, Nathan Sealy, Keon Harding, Amari Goodridge.
SportsMax - With the disappointment of back-tobacklosseshangingheavyin the air, the West Indies will enter today, Saturday’s final
One Day International (ODI) against Sri Lanka, hopingtoavoida3-0sweep atthePallekeleInternational CricketStadium.
In fact, West Indies captain Shai Hope was not shy to admit that this last contest in the three-match seriesisaboutmorethanjust
pride, it is about learning from mistakes and building resilienceforthefuture.
he West Indies struggled with both bat and ball in the first two encounters, which they lost by five wickets Hope acknowledges that those matches have exposed key areas that his side must improve upon, particularly their handling of spin and situational awareness under pressure.
“There are several factorswecanpointout,but I just think not adapting to the conditions fast enough was our main problem. Obviously,wedidn’twinthe crucial stages of the game, and obviously, the spin departmenthasbeentheonly thing we have going right now for us. But yeah, the thing is, there are a lot of lessons that we need to take from the series. We can’t change the past right now; wehavetolearnfromit,and it’s very important we do so quickly,”Hopesaidinapregameinterview Hope emphasized that players need to improve individually and as a whole to support one another and createasolid,cohesiveunit. He noted that achieving that level of synergy would take timebutremainedoptimistic about the direction the team
“Wehavetokeeptrying. We have to keep finding waystogetbetter Ithinkit’s morementalthananythingat this point in time because skillworkisskillwork,yes, butwehavetomakesurewe findwaystoadaptasquickly as we can. One day of practiceisnotgoingtomake us into the greatest batter or the greatest bowler ever So there’smorementalprepthat we need to do right now at this stage and plan well,” Hopeargued.
With the series outcome already decided, Saturday’s match will serve as a final testofcharacterfortheWest Indies team, with fans and players alike hoping for a redeeming performance However, to achieve that feat, the top order of the batting lineup will need to counter Sri Lanka’s challenging spin attack, while the bowling unit will alsohavetobeonpoint.
“Yeah,forsure,ithasnot beengoodenough.Weasked theopenersandthetop-order batterstosettheplatformfor the guys in the middle, and it’s clearto see we didn’t do thatinthisseries,andwehad to depend a lot on the lower order, which they played really well, in my opinion. But if we get those good starts or if we get that good
HOPE...we have to learn from it, and it’s very important we do so quickly.
s tart in this last game here, I think it would be a whole change to the context of the game,”Hopenoted.
That said, the skipper singled out middle-order b a t s m a n S h e r f a n e Rutherford, who scored 74 and80inthefirsttwogames, including sharing in an historic119-runnine-wicket partnership with Gudakesh Motieinthesecondcontest.
“He’s been playing really well He’s been putting a lot of work off the field, and a lot of people won’t see that, but the way he’sprogressedandmatured for his career so far, I think, istremendous.Ithinkthere’s a lot that he can take from these few performances that he’shadsofar,”Hopesaid.
“He’s shown that he’s capable of batting and adapting to those conditions that we speak about in the teamroom.
But, yeah, I think he’s got a lot more to offer, and it’s great to see he’s getting thosebigscoresnowandall thathardworkhe’sputtingin is coming to fruition,” he
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O50s tournament continues this weekend with a solitary fixture in Demerara at the Enmoreground.
Everest Masters is currently locked on 5 points with Jai Hind Jaguars & EssequiboInvadersbutliein 5th place on the points standing due to its inferior NRR.
This is the only chance forEveresttosecureaspotin the semifinals and will be hopingforavictory,atieora no result to take them over thehurdle.
The semifinals and final areexpectedtotakeplacein thenext2weekends.
BBC Sport - India’s 12year unbeaten run in home Test series is under serious threatasNewZealandbuilta leadof301ondaytwoofthe secondTest.AftertheBlack Caps’historic victory in the firstTestinBengaluru,awin in Pune would give them an unassailable 2-0 lead in the three-matchseries. That would end a remarkable sequence of 18 consecutive home series winsforIndiasinceAlastair Cook’s England clinched a famous 2-1 triumph in December 2012 Rohit Sharma’s side face a mammoth task to avoid that fate after they were bundled out for 156 in reply to New Zealand’sfirst-innings259.
Off-spinner Washington Sundartook7-59asthetourists werebowledoutafteroptingto batfirstondayone
Kiwi left-arm spinner Mitchell Santner then also claimedsevenwicketsasIndia crumbledto156allout
With a lead of 103, New Zealand pressed home their advantage in the second innings,closingon198-5
Captain Tom Latham led the way, top-scoring with 86, while wicketkeeper Tom Blundellisunbeatenon30
Sundarwasagainthepick of the bowlers for India, removingDevonConwayand Rachin Ravindra, both of whom made half-centuries in thefirstinnings,intaking4-56
Blundellwillresumeonthe thirdmorningalongsideGlenn Phillips with New Zealand aiming to stretch their lead before seeking the 10 wickets they will need to end India’s winningstreakonhomesoil
Scores: New Zealand 259 and 198 for 5 (Latham 86, Blundell 30* , Washington4-56)leadIndia 156 (Jadeja 38, Santner 753, Phillips 2-26) by 301 runs.
Thestageissetfor the final four as the Courts Optical Pee Wee Under-11 School’s Football Championship, hosted by the Petra Organisation, narrowsdowntodetermine the 2024 finalists The Ministry of Education groundwillwitnesstoday’s fierce semifinal clashes, with teams battling for a covetedspotinnextweek’s final.
The 2024 tournament hasbeenpackedwiththrills from the first kick-off five Saturdays ago. It’s been a journey full of standout individual performances, controversies, and surprising finishes, leading us to this crucial moment. Marian Academy, initially seen as underdogs, has reached the semifinals thanks to key victories and solid defensive play, making them an equally formidableopponenttoday.
They’ll face off against the2023championsStPius Primary, who was reinstated in the competition after last week’s semifinalist disqualification. All eyes willbeonStPius’sleading scorer, Jovaine Wright, who is under pressure to leadhisteamtoanotherPee Weefinal.
In the other semifinal, StJohntheBaptistPrimary will clash with Santa Rosa Primary in what promises to be an electrifying encounter Santa Rosa’s defense has been flawless throughoutthetournament, advancingtothesemifinals without conceding a single goal. However, they face a tough challenge against a powerful St John the Baptist squad, led by the top two contenders for this year’s top scorer award, Kriston Chandler and Kareme Welcome, both of whom have delivered
standout performances to propel their team to this stage.
Who will secure their place in the November 2 final? And who will contend in the third-place playoff? The moment has arrived. The action kicks off at 3:00 pm today, featuring defending champions St Pius, along with Marian Academy, SantaRosa,andStJohnthe Baptist,allvyingforashot atthetitle.
This tournament is proudly sponsored by Courts Optical, under Unicomer Guyana Inc , with additional support from MVP Sports, Stena Drilling, Sterling Products Limited, and Igloo Ice Cream The event is organized by the Petra Organisation and endorsed by the Ministry of EducationandtheMinistry of Culture, Youth, and Sports.
SportsMax - Concacaf has conducted the official draw for the 2025 Concacaf U-17 Men’s Qualifiers. The region’s FIFA U-17 World Cup qualifying competition will take place from February 7-16, 2025, across six venues and include the participationof35Concacaf MemberAssociations.
ThenewConcacafU-17 Men’sQualifiersconsistofa single round, in which the participating Member Associations are split into eight groups. After roundrobinplay,whereeachteam will play against each team in its group once, the eight group winners qualify for the 2025 FIFA U-17 World Cup.// Theeightgroupsare asfollows:
Group A: Canada, Bermuda, Curacao,Anguilla, andTurksandCaicosIslands
Group B: Costa Rica, Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana, BritishVirginIslands,andSint Maarten Group C: Mexico, Nicaragua, Barbados, Belize,andDominica Group D: Honduras, Puerto Rico, Bonaire and SaintMartin GroupE:Haiti, Guatemala, Antigua & Barbados, and Saint Vincent andtheGrenadines Group F: United States, Cuba,SaintKittsandNevis,and US Virgin Islands GroupG: Panama, Dominican Republic, Aruba,andGrenada Group H: Jamaica, El Salvador, Cayman Islands, andSaintLucia Matcheswill be divided across six venues: Bermuda will host Group A, Costa Rica Group B and F, Mexico Group C, Honduras Group D, Guatemala Groups E and H, and Panama Group G
Groups for 2025 Concacaf U-17 Men’s Qualifiers.
inFrenchGuianaAftera challenging start at this year’s Inter Guiana Games (IGG),Guyanasurgedahead in spectacular fashion, dominating in swimming, track and field, and table tennis to rack up an impressivemedalcount.
Guyana’s track and field teambroughttheirAgame, with Tiana Springer leadingthecharge.
Asthenation’stopyouth 400m athlete, Springer
d e l i v e r e d a s o l o performance, blazing past the competition to clinch goldinhersignatureevent.
Teammate Kanetta Fraser, ensureda1-2finish forGuyanainthe400m.
T h e v i c t o r i e s
didn’t stop there
Jermaine Crumewing claimed the boys’ 100m gold, with De Nielson
Glenn taking silver In the shot put, Jamie Fraser emerged victorious, adding
another gold for Guyana, while Enoch Munroe narrowly missed a podium
— Stephen Curry had 17 points, 10 assists and nine rebounds before sitting for the fourth quarter, and the Golden State Warriors opened the season Wednesday night with a 140-104routofthePortland Trail Blazers.Buddy Hield had22pointsoffthebenchfor the Warriors, who missed out ontheplayoffslastyear
Portlandledbyasmany asninepointsintheopening quarter, but the Warriors pulledaheadandled62-50at the break Curry had a 3pointertoopenthesecondhalf and Golden State led by as manyas37pointstherestofthe way
Portland was led by Scoot Henderson with 22 pointsoffthebench Shaedon Sharpedidn’tplaybecauseof ashoulderinjury
TakeawaysTerry Stotts, head coach of the Blazers from2012to2021,isnowan assistant under Steve Kerr with the Warriors. Stotts saluted the crowd in the opening quarter when the Blazersplayedatributetohim
dominated the 4x100m medley relay, claiming thetopspot
In table tennis, Samara Sukhai seized the singles title, with Akira Watsontakingsecond
For the boys, Kaden
Meusa clinched the championship, besting t e a m m a t e A a r o n Hopkinson in an allGuyanesefinal
Challenges on the Futsal and Basketball courts
Despite their success in other sports, Guyana’s futsal and basketball teams
h opposition
C r y s t a l M o r r i s took bronze in the female triple jump, and Ameris Hector finished fourth
make a splash Guyana’s swimmers were unstoppable, capturing gold in the 4x50m mixed freestyle relay.
suffered a 7-1 loss to the host nation, with Bryan Wharton scoring Guyana’s lone goal In
game ended in a 2-2 draw, but S
Guyana’s medal haul in track and field grew rapidly: gold and silver in the 100m for both boys and girls, silver and bronze in the 3000m, and a sweep in the 400m withgoldandsilverforboth maleandfemaleathletes.
Guyana also won
gold in the men’s shot put and gold and bronze i n t h e w o m e n ’ s , alongside multiple medals inthejavelinandtriplejump events.
Swimming stars
Patrice Mahaica took silver in the 200m freestyle, and Vladimir Woodroffe added two bronze medals in the 200m freestyle and the 100mbackstroke
Zara Crane showcased her talent by winning
g o l d i n t h e 5 0 m breaststroke, with Aarav Singh securing silver in thesameevent
Paul Mahaica also struck gold in the 100m butterfly, while the
G u y a n e s e b o y s
d past Guyana in a 5-4 penalty shootout.
B a s k e t b
l l s a w similar struggles, with the girls’ team falling 72-39 to Suriname and the boys suffering a crushing 101-42 defeat against French Guiana. As the IGG wraps up, Guyana celebrates
their track, swimming,
Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry (30) reacts after scoring a basket against the Portland Trail Blazers during the second half of an NBA basketball game Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024, in Portland, Ore. (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)
on the video scoreboard
‘We’re definitely more organized this year, I think, than we’ve been in the past
Terryhasbeenahugepartof that,” Kerr said “He’s added somuchtoourstaffandgiven us some different stuff that we’re excited about” Key moment
Late in the first half
DraymondGreen,jawedatthe refsafterbeingcalledforafoul andearnedhisfirsttechnicalof the season Kerr put an arm around Green’s shoulder and
Key stat Curry, fresh off winning a gold medal at the Paris Olympics this summer, had seven assists in the first quarter alone to move him ahead of Clyde Drexler (6,125)into38thontheNBA’s all-timecareerlist
Up next The Trail Blazers continued their three-game homestand yesterday, Friday, against the Pelicans, while the Warriors visited the Jazz alsoyesterday
Will MarianAcademy deny defending champions St Pius a chance moving forward or will Jovaine Wright carry his team all the way