Almost half of the whopping 49 6% of policies and decision- will be doing anything respondents in a new survey, respondents cited their making. different from what we are conducted by local law firm, support for a fully According to the survey doingnow.” Ram and McRae, have noted independent Petroleum 44.4% of citizens believe In fact, the minister their support for Guyana’s Commission to manage the t h e r e s h o u l d b e a believesthatthecommission burgeoning petroleum sector sector This body would combination of government may even slow down the to be managed by an comprise the necessary and independent oversight. rapid developments taking independentteamofexperts. experts to help govern the Ramwaskeentonote,“Only place in the industry “A This was revealed by sector in the best interest of a small minority supported commission like that might
he exclusive political control, be slower in decisionChartered Accountant, commission should include highlighting the public’s m
Christopher Ram in his most skilled negotiators, lawyers, disfavour of the current poli
Attorney-at-Law and Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram
recent column ‘Every Man, accountants, engineers, arrangements under which decision with regards to how place too, having a new body is likely to materialise Woman and Child Must scientists and other technical Vice President Jagdeo reigns weadvancethissectortaking Petroleum Activities Act, a in the future. As such, he
Become Oil M
nded’ officers to help regulate, supreme to the exclusion of into consideration that we Local Content Legislation, made it clear that the same published by Stabroek News manage, and coordinate all everyoneelse.” havealimitedtimeframeand having a new PSA in place, individuals hired to work in onFriday activities in the petroleum In August this year, aclosingwindowsowehave having improvements in the ministry’s Petroleum The survey, conducted industry Minister Bharrat during a to look at the advantages and production licenses and Unit will be appointed to the by Ram and McRae, using It has often been debated press conference told d i s a d v a n t a g e s o f environmental permits and Commission “It’s these the Google Forms platform that the claws of politicians r e p o r t e r s t h a t t h e everything,”henoted. putting all of the monitoring same gentlemen and ladies attracted 135 responses from should be kept off this sector establishmentofaPetroleum Bharrathoweverwenton capabilities in place, I don’t who you see here managing a diverse group of to ensure corruption is Commission now will slow to question the role of the see a commission doing the unit will be on the respondents including limited. down the oil and gas sector Petroleum Commission, anythingdifferentfromwhat Petroleum Commission professionals, academics, Presently however, the He was responding to a highlighting the “efficient” thepetroleumunitisdoingat becausewecan’tthrowthem students and citizens. It was sector is managed by Vice question from Kaieteur functions carried out by the the Ministry of Natural away and bring a set of new c o n d u c t e d b e t w e e n President Bharrat Jagdeo News on the subject when he Ministry’s Petroleum Unit Resources,” the minister staff and say you go, we will September20andOctober4, who is assisted by the explained, “The Petroleum over the last few years reasoned. staff a commission with 2024. Natural Resources Minister, Commission will basically ”Haven’t we managed the A l t h o u g h t h e thesepeople,”Bharratnoted. In highlighting the Vickram Bharrat. Bharrat’s be doing what we are doing sector well over the last few government may not be He said those individuals findings from the survey, duties are limited to the day- at the Petroleum Unit at the years, building out the looking to establish the that have been hired are Ram told readers of his to-day operations while it is Ministry of Natural framework, putting the Petroleum Commission at already experienced and weekly column that a the VP who presides over Resources. I don’t think we legislative framework in this time, Bharrat said the qualified.
An audit of ExxonMobil’s US-
W i t h t h e s u
a project being undertaken by the multibillion dollar expenses, Ministry of Natural Resources incurredbetweentheperiod2021to which had issued a tender earlier in 2023, was awarded to the local the year for ‘Consulting Services consortium VHE Consulting on for Cost Recovery Audit and October10. Validation of the Government of
p r i s e Guyana’s Profit Oil share for the announcement by the National Period2021to2023’. P
Theprojectwasinitiallyopened Administration Board (NPTAB), backinMarchandVHEwasamong Chairman of the Alliance For Grant Thorton UK LLP and PKF Change(AFC)andformerMinister Barcellos Narine & Company; and of Public Infrastructure, David M. Sukhai & Company (local) in Patterson is of the view that the joint venture with Info Works media was blanked on purpose Solutions Ltd who had submitted from attending the signing bids. ceremony
The Terms of Reference (ToR) In a recent interview with this indicated that the successful newspaper, Patterson said, “We consultant is required to conduct a noted that the contract signing was completionofthereview Guyana, and where has these funds process?” pre-audit analysis; devise an done without the presence of the On this occasion however, beendeposited.”
Meanwhile, shifting his effective audit plan inclusive of an media, departing from earlier such journalists were not afforded that It should be noted that Vice attention to the second audit by appropriate methodology; execute contract signing. We see this as an opportunity even as questions P
VHEConsulting,theMPnotedthat the audit in adherence to the attempt by the government to lingerconcerningthecompletionof previouslysignaledthatthecountry the final audit report previously provisions of the Stabroek Block dodge questions on the the two previous audits. The first is prepared to head to arbitration executed by the consortium has not P
performance of the company, as audit for Exxon’s pre-contract overthe$214Msumflaggedbythe beenofficiallyreleased. applicable local laws, regulations wellasthecontentsoftheirreport.” costs, during the period 1999 to auditors.
Patterson reasoned, “This is and procedures as well as
On May 24, 2022 the 2017 was awarded to a British With the final audit report some more than 18 months after it international good practices and Government of Guyana (GoG), Consultant, IHS-Markit. That audit revised and handed over to wasduetobecompleted.Itappears standards. through the Ministry of Natural of US$1.6B found over US$214M government on the first audit since that both Exxon and the The scope of works also Resources awarded a contract for a in questionable costs claimed by March 2021, the Member of government were satisfied with the includes conducting verifications f o u r - m o n t h r e v i e w o f thecontractor Parliament (MP) pointed out that report, since another contract has of the crude oil valuation pursuant ExxonMobil’s expenses between The second audit which was some three years and seven months been signed with the same to the provisions of the petroleum theyears2018to2020. awarded to VHE however only later, there is closure on that company However, by not agreement for the audit period as VHE Consulting which is a found less than US$100M in process. officially releasing the audit, well as verifying royalties remitted locally registered partnership disputed charges for the period He said, “To date, there has stakeholders are unable to to the government for the said between Ramdihal & Haynes Inc; 2018to2020. been no update on the proposed scrutinizetheirperformance.” period. Eclisar Financial; and Vitality To this end, Patterson argued, arbitrationbetweenthegovernment Award of third audit Additionally, the selected Accounting & Consultancy Inc had “There has been no public and Exxon on the disputed On October 15, Kaieteur News consultant will also be required to won the contract and subject announcement on if Exxon has US$214M.Whatisthestatusofthis reported that NPTAB announced validate the accuracy of the total Minister, Vickram Bharrat was agreed with the results of the issue? Has the money been the award of the third audit to VHE government share of petroleum for faced with a plethora of questions previous audit results, and if they deposited into an interest-gaining Consulting. According to Tender the period under review, and from the media on the process and wereinagreement,whatsumshave escrow account awaiting the Board’s website, the audit will cost assessing the impact of the audit on next stages following the been remitted to the people of outcome of this arbitration $312,642,834.Theauditservicesis futureprofitoilrevenues.
While the Local Content protection alone, but rather expectation that businesses granting companies the country’s oil and gas sector, specified areas. The act also Act prioritises Guyanese strive to enhance their will remain competitive and opportunity to expand and to hire Guyanese and source p
e nationals and companies competitiveness and deliver quality products and meet the demands of local materials The act establishment of a Local within the oil and gas sector, maintain high-quality services. Minister Bharrat regional and global markets. defines 40 sub-sectors Content Secretariat, which it should not be used to standards. highlighted that subpar “I think the private sector including transportation, ensures that these local justify poor-quality goods “The local content qualityandexcessivepricing owes it to us as a country accommodation, legal companies are further and services This was legislation is in no way w
emphasised by Minister of protection to provide poor
and as a people to compete services, marketing, and p
s, and compete well. That is public relations. It states that procurement of goods and Natural Resources, Vickram services or poor-quality deterringforeigninvestors. what we want to see,” he a percentage of these goods services. Already, a Local Bharrat on Friday last as he goods at inflated prices. We According to the DPI he said. and services must be Content Mobile App is in its addressed the second Local should guard against that reaffirmed that the Local The Local Content Act providedbyGuyanese. final stages of development, Content Forum, organised andweshould…ensurethat Content Act is designed to estab
In the first half of this
by the Private Sector we use it to up the kind of foster the growth of the requirements for foreign and year, over 454 new hires employment process in the Commission (PSC) at the standard and quality that Guyanese private sector, local firms operating in the were recorded within the 40 oilandgassector Marriott Hotel in Kingston, wecanproduceandtoshow Georgetown. that we can compete with In a Department of regional and international Public Information press companies,” he stressed, release Minister Bharrat was accordingtoDPI quoted urging Guyanese The minister noted that companies to avoid using the government has worked local content legislation as a to establish a favourable pretext for supplying business climate for local substandard products at companies to flourish, i
es He primarily through the Local emphasised that businesses Content Act. However, this must not rely on legislative support comes with the
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
As the month of activities aimed at bringing
greaterawarenessofcancercomestoacloseitis a good time to examine where we are as a countryinthefightagainstthisscourge.
Cancerisascourgeofnomeanproportions:seemingly, no part of the anatomy is out of reach of its hostile, toxic tentacles: from brain to breast to bowel, it is same frightening story The Pan American health Organisation (PAHO)hassaidthatcancers,areleadingcausesofdeathin theRegionoftheAmericas,notingthatanestimated40%of cancerscanbepreventedthroughhealthylifestyles.Athird of cancers can be diagnosed at early stages through screeningandearlydetectionprogrammes.Allpeoplewith cancercanbenefitfromappropriatetreatmentandpalliative care.
Recently we reported that over 600 cancer cases have beenrecordedbytheMinistryofHealth’scancerregistryfor the first half of 2024.Among the cancers identified, breast cancerwasthemostprevalentwith149cases.Therewere91 cases of prostate cancer, 62 cases of cervix cancer and 57 casesofcolorectalcancer Additionally,10casesofovarian cancer were reported while there were 51 cases of endometrial cancer Fourteen cases of thyroid cancer, 12 cases of stomach cancer, 10 cases of lung and bronchus canceraswellasuteruscancerandninecaseseachofliver andkidneycancerswererecorded.
The cancer registry also reported that there were eight casesoflymphoma,sevencaseseachofbladderandtongue cancers, six pancreas cases and five esophageal cancers. Four cases of brain cancer were recorded while there was one case of acute myeloid leukemia (AML+ALL). The registrysaidtoothattherewerenocasesofbileductcancer, while 161 cases were classified as “other.” The registry reporteda38percentincreaseincancercasesin2023,when compared to the previous year It also revealed a troubling trendincancermortalityrates,withdeathsrisingfrom443in 2022 to 612 in 2023, marking a significant increase. Between 2019 and 2020, a total of 565 cancer deaths were recorded. Prostate cancer statistics show fluctuations over theyears:88deathsin2020,81in2021,71in2022,and76in 2023,theregistrydisclosed.
Ourreportstatedtoothatforlungcancer,therewere16 deathsin2020,risingto20in2022,andthenincreasingto29 in 2023. Colorectal cancer deaths also saw a rise, with 16 deathsin2020,20in2021,18in2022,and29in2023.The statisticsshowedthatbreastcanceraccountedfor50deaths in2020,64in2021,53in2022,and56in2023.Lungcancer fatalitiesamongwomenwerereportedateightinboth2020 and2021,droppingtosixin2022beforerisingsharplyto17 in2023.
Inadditiontoriseincases,anotherfactorthatconstrains patientsisthattreatmentoptionsarelimited.Itisknownthat treatment related finances powerfully prohibitive to those lacking anywhere near the means. This is the grimmest of developments in a thoroughly grim set of circumstances. Potentialremediesmaybethere,buttheyjustaswellmight notbe,theyaresofaroutofreach.
Testsalonecanrunintothetensofthousands;acycleof half a dozen chemotherapy treatments several hundred thousand and counting on an escalating scale; and an effective radiation programme usually involves dozens of visits, which add up in the six-figure column. It can be overwhelmingformost,evenwithhelpinglocalhandsand generousoverseas-basedrelations.
For its part, the government, through the Ministry of Public Health, has made some funds available to ease the financial burden. Government has also recently announced vouchers to allow for screening and testing, but this is not nearly enough.As mentioned earlier, this is one expensive illness. There are more than a few domestic and foreign agenciesthatdevoteheartandsoultoalleviatetheplightof thesuffering.Stillmoreisneeded,andurgently,too.While progresshasbeenmade,therehastobeahigherpriorityand
, Referenceismadetomy letter published in Kaieteur News on October 22, 2024 and captioned ‘Measuring oil profits in Liza One’. In response, Mr Dominic Gaskininhisletterpublished in Stabroek News on Oct. 23, 2024 disagreed with someofthepointsImadein my letter, as identified above. Permit me, Editor, to respond to some of the observations made by Mr. Gaskin.
In my letter of October 22, 2024, I pointed out the fact that Guyana was receivingmeagrereturnsfor our non-renewable natural resources due to a ‘profit squeeze’. In contrast, Mr Gaskin unreservedly supported the ‘profit squeeze’ imposed on Guyanabytheconsortiumof EMGL, Hess and CNNOC. For example, he states that ‘…thecontactoris ableto fund new exploration and development from current production as long as the total recovery or cost oil does not exceed 75% of the value of production in any month...’
He further states that ‘…the 75% cost recovery limit refers to recoverable costs incurred by the contractor across the entire block and is applied to the valueofallproductioninthe block...’Thesestatementsby Mr Gaskin confirm the ‘profit squeeze’ that the consortium is imposing on Guyana, given the lopsided PSAthatreferstoGuyanaas
the Non-Owner Associate, even though Guyana owns the resource and paid the consortium’s taxes (US$1.47 Billion) from its meager share of total revenuein2023.
Christopher Ram has identified the extent of the profit squeeze as follows: ‘…the oil companies have earned five times more than the Government under a 50/50 profit share Agreement. … that the oil companies are engaging in lopsided front-end loading to grab as much as possible, asfastaspossible.
While draining the naturalresourcesofGuyana, they are squeezing every ounce of flesh and drop of blood from the body of G u y a n a ’ (https://wwwstabroeknews com/2024/06/28/features/th e-road-to-first-oil/oilcompanies-have-earnedfive-times-more-from-oilthan-guyana/).
The fact that the PSA contains the condition that profits are to be shared equally(12.5percenteachof totalrevenue),thisisnotthe case, for the consortium is aggressively ‘Profit Squeezing Guyana’; and unfortunately, Mr Gaskin has joined with the consortium against Guyana; andheisthereforehindering our interest in obtaining a more equitable share of revenue from our resources. Incidentally, the view that Guyana will be obtaining more revenue as extraction increases is correct and
irrefutable; but what is palpably undeniable is the fact that the persistent inequity condition will remain undiminished, given the profit squeezing arrangement in the current PSA.
Calculating the breakevenpriceandquantity on Liza One required the published financial information for exploration and development cost, and the total variable cost associated with the number of barrels of extracted oil from the reservoir of 452 million barrels of oil; and from which 200 million barrels of oil have already been extracted. The fixed investment cos
r e x p l o r a
n d development in Liza One have been identified in the amount reported of US$3.5 billion.
Regrettably, Mr Gaskin seems not to know that the e x p l o r a t i o n a n d development costs of Liza One have been published; and therefore, calculating a breakevenpriceandquantity is a rudimentary exercise, given that the amortization ofthefixedcostissupposed to be included as part of currentexpenses.
And in keeping with financial transparency, the consortium should publish theamortizationscheduleso that the outstanding balance on Liza One fixed investmentisavailabletothe public and to the auditors, who were denied access to alltheprojectinformation.
It was noted that the averagetotalcostofabarrel of oil was US$36.00 as stated by OILNOW Lamentably, Mr Gaskin seemed to have had some sort of trouble with accepting this OILNOW b r e a k e v e n p r i c e Consequently,Icontendthat if Mr Gaskin was familiar with the statement by Mr. Phillip Rietema, Vice President and Business Services Manager of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), he would have been enlightened and would have avoided this elementary mistake In particular, Mr. Rietema stated that ‘ these (Guyana) projects, they all have costs of supply under $40abarrel…asateamlook to optimize the projects we try and drive that down as lowaspossible.Again,every dollar counts, every dollar m a t t e r s ’ (https://www.kaieteurnewso nline com/2024/07/02/exxo ns-guyana-operationssec
) Therefore, the breakeven price of US$36 00 is
undoubtedly, Mr Gaskin needs to do a better job on matters pertaining to oil extractioninGuyana.
Sincerely, Dr.C.KenrickHunte Professor and Former Ambassador
, The survey results releasedbyRamandMcRae clearly shows that the current administration must realign its thinking on the PSA and the willingness to renegotiate with the will of the people This survey, which reflects a sample size that has a 95% confidence
interval and less than a 9% margin of error for a population of 1M people should be taken seriously It clearly shows that the Guyanese People are in favour of ExxonMobil payingitsfairshareofTaxes, ringfencingitsprojects,and thattheroyaltiespaidshould beincreased.Thisisthekey
sharper focus on what can no longer be characterised as a runofthemillsickness.Toomanyaredying.Toomanyare consigned to the harrowing circumstance of a prolonged decline with only four bare walls for company The wellheeled can pursue an array of options beyond the borders. Thelessblessedarereducedtoordealbyfire.Insilence.In agony Insecret.Thatis,exceptfortheneighbourswhocan hearandthefamiliesthatmustswallowhardandbearmore. A structure, more state financing, and a concerted comprehensiveapproachwouldbemosthelpful;moreand insistentpublicityisdemanded.Andnotonlyonthenature of the disease, but its frequency; and its creeping scything arc far and wide across an unknowing society Call and actionmustcome!Now!
CRG has been calling for,andwillcontinuetocall for the renegotiation of the PSA. We also encourage Parliament to call for a referendum on this issue duringtheupcominggeneral elections A referendum which clearly asks the peopleofGuyanaifthenext government should renegotiate the current PSA with ExxonMobil and be held accountable for doing the will of the people in this urgent matter If passed in favourofrenegotiation,then Parliamentmustact. They must pass legislation that supports the renegotiation of the current PSAtoensurethatTaxesare paid by ExxonMobil, ring fencing occurs and Royalty payments are adjusted upwards.
CRG also calls for the investigation into the establishment of the current PSA with Exxon An investigationthatisaidedby the authorities in the U.S. and rooted in the articles outlined in the Foreign Corrupt PracticesAct of the UnitedStates.Iffoulplayis determined then a retroactivepenaltyshouldbe placed on ExxonMobil that reflects and recuperates the earningslostbyGuyanadue toanyfoulplayinvolved.
The additional earnings obtained from the penalty and adjustments in the PSA withExxonMobilwilleasily supporttheestablishmentof a monthly cash grant for the citizensofGuyana.
Sincerely, Mr.JamilChanglee
DEAREDITOR, It is good to know that Early Childhood Education istakingitsrightfulplacein Guyana. We all know that the ‘early childhood’period is of utmost importance, encompassing several quite distinct phases: from ‘conception to birth’ and from ‘birth to 3 years’(with emphasis on the first 1,000 days(fromconceptionto24 months), followed by the ‘preschool and pre-primary years(3yearsto5or6years, or the age of school entry), and if the requisite work is notdoneinthisperiod,then there are likely to be huge andmanyproblemsforthese children, as they move towards pre and post teen years.
So, as expected, many parents and educators are now quite optimistic and believers in the government oftheday,sinceDiamondis set to get a $108M Early Childhood Development Centre In terms of the outlook globally, the United
Nations Sustainable DevelopmentGoals(SDGs) include Target 4.2 which states that by 2030, all girls andboysmusthaveaccessto quality early child development, care, and preprimary education, so that they are ready for primary education.
Across many countries, governments, international bodies, coalitions, and privatesectorentitiesareall recognizing that quality, early education and care for children is an economic and social investment for future growth and wellbeing Overall, investment in early childhood education and care is gaining traction, and Guyana is right there in the mix.
Editor,thenewsisgood, heraldingthattheCaribbean
Development Bank’s (CDC), Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) programme (that is being implemented through the Ministry of Finance), recently signed a $108millioncontractforthe construction of this new Diamond Early Childhood
Development Centre Details show that the Guyana Government signed the $108,825,081 contract with Builders Hardware, General Supplies and Construction to build the facility The thinking, and rightly so, is that “Early Childhood Development (ECD)isamajorpriorityfor
the Government of Guyana and has been a key area in BNTF’s development agendainGuyana.
Going back a bit, under the BNTF programme in Guyana, eight (8) Early Childhood Development Centres(ECDCs)havebeen constructed across Regions 2,3,4,5,67and10aswell as an Early Childhood Centre of Excellence at the UniversityofGuyana.”This isreallyproofthatthePPP/C Government understands that Early Childhood Development (ECD) is all about a comprehensive approach to programmes and policies for children, from birth to seven years of age.Itspurposeistoprotect the rights of children to develop their full cognitive, emotional, social and physical potential, and hence, the setting up of c o r r e s p o n d i n g infrastructure.
As for this soon-to-be realised facility for the East
Bank of Demerara, “BNTF noted that it will have classrooms tailored for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school agers with an estimated intakeof47students.” And as for its accompanying and necessaryambience,“…the facility will also make provision for staff and visitorsandthedesigncaters for persons with disabilities (and) will feature sufficient space for recreationalactivities.”
T h e a n s w e r i s scientifically grounded as ‘human life’is truly a story forwhichthebeginningsets the tone, thus making the early years of childhood a time of great opportunity, butalsogreatrisks,thatmust all be eliminated, or at least minimised. Gleanings from neurologists and linguists reveal that “Children’s brains are built, moment by moment,astheyinteract
Permit me to bring to your attention an important initiative that aims to enhance the quality of education for students with disabilities and promote inclusivity within our education system Our teachers’ college is excited to announce that 51 individuals graduated with an associate degree in specialeducation.
This initiative is designed to equip teachers withthenecessaryskillsand knowledge to provide effective support in both special education schools andmainstreamclassrooms.
As we strive to create a more inclusive society, it is imperative that we address the educational needs of learnerswithdisabilities.
By providing educators with robust training in special education methodologies, we can ensure that all students, regardless of their abilities, have access to quality education and the opportunitytosucceed.
Access to educational
opportunities for persons with disabilities remains a critical issue in our society
By implementing this training program, we aim to break down barriers and ensure that every learner, r
challenges, is afforded the right to a quality education.
In this cohort teachers focusedononeoftwoareas; autism or intellectual disabilities
Moreover, this program alignswithbothlocal(Laws of Guyana 39:01) and international legislation aimed at promoting the rights of persons with disabilities.
By adhering to these
championing the cause of equity and inclusion in education.
commitment to fostering an education system that is responsivetotheneedsofall learners. The Ministry of Education believes that the introduction of this training program will have a transformative impact on oureducationsystem.
EducationOfficer MinistryofEducation
This presentation is largely the outcome of two related recent events.Afew weeks ago, I received a podcastinwhichasupporter of the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) was calling uponwhatappearedtobehis largely Indian Guyanese audience to support former presidentDonaldTrumpand the Republican party at the upcoming election in the United States of America (USA).
According to him, the Trump administration that ended in 2020 was responsible for protecting democracy during Guyana’s national elections of the same year, so a vote for Trump would ensure that democracy flourishes in Guyana!
Then,afewdaysagothe national local radio carried an interview with a spokesperson of the Carter Centre who stated that she expectedherorganisationto receive an invitation from the government to observe the 2025 elections in Guyana.
Free and fair elections, she said, are essential to democratic legitimacy and Guyana has a lot to do if its people are to properly benefit from its recently acquired wealth and effectively deal with its festeringethnicdifficulties.
On my assessment, the PPP’s propagandist could not be very effective for it could not have been lost on hisaudiencethatMr Trump has been found guilty of attempting to subvert the democracy he swore to protect.
Indeed,thepropagandist wasmisleadinghisaudience as the oligarchs in the PPP favour Mr Trump not because of his passion for democracybuttheopposite:
his apparent affection for autocracy But more important for this essay, if the propagandist had paid greater attention to what tookplaceinGuyanaduring the 2020 elections, he could nothavefailedtonoticethat the US Democratic PartyorientatedCarterCentre,the l e a d i n g A m e r i c a n international election observerbodywithalengthy -ifsomewhatcontroversialrelationship with Guyana, was arguably more than the US embassy in Guyana leading the charge that removed the APNU+AFC coalition from government in2020.
As such, the 2020 effort wasabipartisanaffair:afact that the political elite in Guyana,particularlythosein theopposition,donotappear to adequately factor into theirassessments.
This is not unusual, and this column has argued that finding solutions to the political problems of countries rooted in ethnic conflict such as Guyana, Cyprus, Sri Lanka, Fiji and NorthernIrelandisusuallya political elite arrangement and consensus is normally difficulttoachieve.
Whenacountrybecomes involved in sensitive geopolitical relations, as Guyana was during the period of communist containment, finding a solution is even more protracted.
To be effective; united alliance and national bipartisan approaches that projectsgreaterinternational pressure and mitigates the negative effects of election cycles,iscritical.
Thus, when after the ‘return to democracy’ in Guyanain1992,thecountry began to exhibit its destructive bicommunal nature, during the 10th
anniversary celebration of the Good FridayAgreement (GFA) in 2008, the British government financed the attendance of a Guyanese parliamentary delegation to viewhowgovernancemight be more productively arranged in Guyana.
During the recent Brexit disputes that threatened the GFA, one Democratic Party representativesaid,‘Thisisa highly partisan time in Americanpolitics,andthere areveryfewissues,precious few,thataretrulybipartisan. Defence of the Good Friday Agreement and preserving peaceontheislandofIreland is one of those few And it’s not just among elected officials. If you were to survey foreign policy and national security experts, you would find the same consensus (Future Notes, VV19/06/2022).
Thereexistsasubstantial body of opinion in Guyana (towhichIadhere)thatholds thatforwhateverreason,the very elections at which we are told Trump protected d e m o c r a c y w e r e manipulatedinfavourofthe PPP with the support of the Western international community
Manipulation of elections in Guyana goes way back to the colonial period.
Itmayhavestoppedfora short period after 1992 but has continued since then. It is not surprising, therefore, that a recent study by the International Republican Institute found that only 22% of the voting population in Guyana is certain that contemporary g o v e r n m e n t s a r e representative of the will of thepeople.
For me, the ‘why’ question has not been adequately answered, and given the enthusiastic
Good to know that Government...
Frompage05 with their environments (where) in the firstfewyearsoflife,morethanonemillion neuralconnectionsareformedeachsecond,a paceneverrepeatedagain.
That is why educators must grasp and internalisethat“Thequalityofachild’searly experiences makes a critical difference as their brains develop, providing either strong orweakfoundationsforlearning,healthand behaviourthroughoutlife.”
I add that “Early childhood offers a critical window of opportunity to shape the trajectory of a child’s holistic development andbuildafoundationfortheirfuture.”
So, for children to achieve their full potential (as is their human right, as well as health care and nutrition, protection from
involvement of the Carter Centre,Ibelievethatatleast apartoftheanswerhastodo with how democratic politics was developing in Guyana.
As a result of the post 1992disturbances,asnoted, in 2008 the British invited a Guyana parliamentary delegation to the 10th anniversary activities of the GFA.
In 2004, former President Jimmy Carter left Guyana saying that the PPP intends to take “full advantage of the ancient ‘winner take all’ political system and is unwilling to ‘share political authority with other parties,’” as democratic governance in Guyanarequires.
Jimmy Carter returned forthe2015electionsduring the campaign for which the APNU+AFC Coalition promised that if it won government,withinweeksit would introduce a more inclusiveshared-governance arrangement.
It won and essentially reneged on its promise Instead, the final report of the European Union Election Observation Mission, suggested that under Coalition rule the elections list was further
‘Over the years, there hadbeenconcernsaboutthe largeincreasesinthenumber ofregisteredvotersbetween elections.’ ‘The 2020 OLE contained 660,998 names, well above the estimated resident adult population of halfamillion.Itrepresentsa 15.8 percent rise since 2015 with sizeable regional variations(e.g.Regions1,9, 10–30%, 26% and 16%
r e s p e c t i v e l y ) t h e significance of which is difficult to assess in the absence of demographic projections following the 2012census.’
Communismisnolonger a threat; there is no democratic deficit to repay, aswasthecasewiththePPP in 1992 and the country began to exhibit the usual destructive traits of an ethnically divided society
The only alternative to inclusive democratic governance are various levels of autocracy; the Coalitionwasnotgoingtobe allowed to entrench itself in g o v e r n m e n t a n d
Charrandass Persaud was broughtintoplay
Notethatitwasunderthe Trump administration that the USAID was contracted to report on Guyana, and it
r e c o m m e n d e d t h e establishment of more inclusive governance arrangements.
Immediately upon coming to government in 2021,thecurrent,JoeBiden administration made similar requests and is still pressuring the PPP/C governmenttodismantlethe winner-takes-allsystem.
As its counterparts were to the very end of the negotiationsthatestablished theGFA,thepoliticalelitein Guyana are recalcitrant Indeed, in the case of Northern Ireland, the negotiating principle of ‘sufficient consensus,’ allowedpartiestobeagainst a part while still voting for the passage of the proposal, and this may have allowed one of the staunchest opponents of the GFA, the Rev Ian Paisley, to claim that he would continue to oppose the GFA from within! After decades of underdevelopment and s e v e r e p o l i t i c a l disassociation, let’s hope that all those who care for progress,equityandpeacein Guyana can successfully nudge the political elites in therightdirection.
Sincerely Dr.HenryJeffrey
The main reason why Granger gave a 50% pay hiketoparliamentarianstwo months into government, was to avoid them getting intothepracticeofengaging themselves in acts of corruption.
He justified the pay rise almost immediately, that is, he instituted that policy as a means of wiping out government employees from the inclination to take bribes or in simplified language, starve the propensitytobecorrupt.
“gifts,”veryexpensivegifts, in addition, wasn’t this the reason Jordan gave for the $18M US ExxonMobil SigningBonus?
He claims that those monies were gifts given to himbytheOilCompanyfor his party’s “Good Life work”forthiscountry;gifts and more gifts flowing into private hands The true whereabouts of that signing bonusisyettobedeciphered
Whether these were actual gifts to a public officerforhisgooddeedsto his partner in business, it does not speak well on his behalf. Because, and as The VP said, when a public officer becomes tied to a financialdeal,thismakeshis position henceforth vulnerable to all forms of corrupt practices, every avenue he enters into becomessuspect.
harm and a sense of security), opportunities forearlylearning,andresponsivecaregiving (like talking, singing and playing), with parentsandcaregiverswholovethem,agood government will make the necessary accommodation.
Guyana will not ‘miss out’on this oncein-a-lifetimeopportunity
Thecountrymustnotpaythepriceinlost potential, such as a child’s dying before a chancetogrowup,orgoingthroughlifewith poor physical and mental health, struggling tolearnand,later,toearnaliving. Nowisthe time, and the Diamond Childhood Development Centre is another example in commitment.
Yourstruly, HargeshB.Singh
So,werewetowitnessa lean and clean government or were we at the beginning of corruption under a new name? Well, throughout the 5 years 5 months of The P N C w e s a w t h e manifestation of opposites, that is, government saying fanciful things, while the official status of his government was stuck in anothercorruptmode.
Not a single project was completed, yet millions drifted into personal accounts to buy expensive goldbanglesforhisminister We are talking about
Then,therewasTheBK International deal entered into by Granger ’s Governmenttogiftbacktoa friend who was very generoustohispartyduring its campaign days, if this is notcorruption,thenwhatis?
Thereisalsomentionoftwo well-knownnewspapersthat are exempt from the payment of taxes, which is another glaring example of dealsmadeintheinterestof friendsandassociates.
Therefore, the recent unearthingofmillionsbeing pouredintotheaccountsofa public officer coming under theguiseof“weddinggifts,” speaks directly to the active d e m o n s t r a t i o n o f corruption.
Ithereforeconclude,that the role of The Integrity Commission is undermined by such actions of public officials. It reveals to the public ascribe that these guys do not report to the commission, they are terrifiedbythefactthatthey would have to account for their “earnings.” Is this another reason for PNC Parliamentarians (In particular) failure to submit t o T h e I n t e g r i t y Commission? Now, that they are in the opposition, the same behaviour is observed. Can we conclude that they have something to hide?
RespectfullySubmitted NeilAdams
Omai Gold Mines 10,000-metre drilling t h e c o n t i n u i t y o f northeast offers future falling back to Wednesday’s holds potential to further has added a third campaign included 10 9 mineralization, the company undergroundpotential. closing price of C$0 18 boostlong-termoutputgiven drill rig at its grams of gold per tonne over said In all, Omai Gold Drilling targeted both Coming off a 12-month low more drilling. The drilling
project here in 7.5 metres from 366 metres released results from 8,460 deeper sections and gaps in at C$0 035, shares are campaign aims to convert Guyana as it aims to update deep in hole 24ODD-083 metresofdiamonddrillingto the open pit mining scenario trading near the period high
theresourceandtheproject’s east of the Wenot deposit, datefor17holes.Theproject tabled in an April PEA. The of C$0.205. It has a market mineralizedmaterial. preliminary economic Omai said in a press release. centres on the Wenot deposit results indicate potential to capitalization of C$97 TheApril PEAestimated assessment (PEA) by mid- Hole23O-082tothewestcut and satellite targets at East expand the resource and million. Wenot’s after-tax net present 2025. 3.19 grams gold over 22.8 Wenot and West Wenot, and improve project returns, Economic update value at $556 million (5% The company’s latest metres from 304 metres Snake Pond.The nearby Gilt CEO Elaine Ellingham said Work is also underway at discount) and projected batch of assays from its deep. These results confirm Creek deposit to the in a news release. Omai the Gilt Creek deposit. The annual gold production of plans to update the resource PEA excluded Gilt Creek at 142,000 oz. over 13 years. update by March, with the the start to facilitate early Omai forecasts annual afterPEAtofollowbyJune. development. Management tax free cash flow of $112
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo told reportersthattherewillbenoproxiesallowed duringthe$100,000cashgrantdistribution.
Since announcing that Guyanese in the diaspora are eligible for the $100,000 cash grant, there have been many questions raised about eligibility as well as access. During his weekly press conference at Freedom House onRobbStreetlastweekJagdeowasaskedto comment on the possibility of proxies being used to access the grant for those in the diaspora.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo
He responded: “No, no, no proxies we’re not tolerating proxies. Next thing a man goes aroundBrooklynorQueensandtheythenget 1000proxies,everybodysignsup.Wearenot with a lot of corruption,” Jagdeo told dealing with that, if you come here and you reporters while pointing out that government have your passport and you demonstrate will take enough time to build a robust you’re Guyanese you’re eligible. You don’t system. He said that right now, the Finance get a proxy overseas and all of that, no Ministry is leading the development of a new proxies.” He explained that “There is no “App” to assist with the “seamless residency requirement for the receipt of the distribution” of the cash grant. Jagdeo cash grant so that makes Guyanese living explained that the app will have some fields abroad, having an ID card or a passport, also that persons must “full up” before their eligibleforthecashgrant.” cheque can be processed”. These fields
It was recently reported by this include; name, address, phone number, publication that at the same press conference passport or ID card number. “They are the VP said that his government is in no rush building a geo locator in the app so you can to distribute the one-off $100,000 cash grant. actually know where people are”, Jagdeo “We are not going to rush to do it and end up said.
At the West Wenot area, nowseesintegratingitaskey million, translating to about hole 24ODD-086 returned to extending the site’s life $1billionincashflowacross 2.96 grams of gold over 19.4 beyond 20 years. Gilt Creek the mine’s lifespan. All-in metres from a depth of 293.2 has an indicated resource of sustaining costs were metres. It extended known 11.1 million tonnes at 3.2 projected at $1,009 per mineralization 100 metres grams gold per tonne for 1.2 ounce. below prior high-grade million oz. of the precious According to the PEA, zones. metal. It has another 32.4 the mine’s construction cost Sharesgainedasmuchas million tonnes of inferred of $375 million can be 8% to C$0.195 in early material at 2.26 grams gold recouped in less than four trading Thursday, before pertonnefor665,000oz.that years.
The government has embarked on an ambitious digital health agenda, which has ledtotheoperationof53telemedicinesitesin Guyana’smostremotecommunities. real-timeinteractivecommunicationbetween This is according to the Minister of a patient and healthcare provider at different Health, Dr Frank Anthony, as he updated locations. members of the public on various health- It is supported by audio and video relatedinitiativesonSaturday equipment, as well as integrated medical By the end of 2024, approximately 80 devices to evaluate, diagnose, and treat telemedicine sites in total, will be serving patientsremotely residents in these remote areas. “And maybe ThisisparticularlybeneficialinGuyana’s by mid of next year, [we are looking] to case, where Community Health Workers have almost all of our health care facilities (CHWs) and Medics can liaise with experts connected. We want to make sure that this from the Georgetown Public Hospital connection is there because it allows us to Corporation (GPHC) and other secondary doanumberofthings,”hestated. health institutions, using medical and Apart from providing easy access, the electroniccommunicationdevices. telemedicine is also serving multiple The telemedicine programme was purposes, including teleconsultations, officially launched in 2022, with four training, nursing education and facilitating Amerindian communities in Region Nine –emergencymedicalevacuations. Masakenari, Nappi, Yupukari, and
According to him, the health ministry is Parikawarinau – piloting the programme. It alsousingthissystemtoconductsurveillance was later expanded to 25 communities in of diseases and infections. Last year, 25 Regions One, Seven, Eight, Nine, and 10, telemedicine sites were established and with the allocation of $1.8 billion in the operationalised in the hinterland to provide ministry’s 2023 budget. The telemedicine specialisedcaretothelocals. initiative is part of an overarching effort to Telemedicine is a method of two-way, transformGuyana’shealthcaresystem. (DPI)
In his recent address to a Private Sector Commission event, Minister of Natural
Resources Vickram Bharrat paintedanoptimisticpicture of Guyana’s economic landscape, encouraging the private sector to embrace what he referred to as “the most exciting period” in the nation’shistory
His remarks were the sortonemightexpectatsuch an event, peppered with effusive commendations for the private sector and applause for government initiatives. Yet, beneath the surface of his call to action lies a question: How substantive is this “opportunity”narrative,and istheeconomicenvironment genuinely as ripe as claimed? The minister’s centralrefrainwasafamiliar one: seize the day, for “another 10 years from now might be too late.” The call hasasenseofurgency,butas it often happens, the applause masks a lack of nuance and specificity
Bharratseemstoenvisionan economic transformation spurred by private sector investments in areas from agriculture to tourism. Yet, thereislittleexaminationof the structural challenges the private sector faces in venturing into these sectors—challenges that are no less real simply because theyareunspoken.
Since the discovery of oil, Guyana has indeed witnessed rapid growth, but thisgrowth,spurredbyanoil economy, is a double-edged sword. For one, dependence on oil, despite attempts to broaden the focus, is a path
already well-trodden by other nations whose oncesoaring oil economies left them vulnerable when oil prices fell or production levels plateaued For a country on the verge of this trajectory, Minister
Bharrat’s appeal to private sector investors reads like a plea to diversify without addressing the inherent instability of building a modern economy around a volatileresource.
Moreover,whileBharrat suggests that sectors like agricultureandtourismhold promise,onemightaskwhat steps have been taken to nurture these industries in meaningful ways. We have to question whether Guyana canproducethefoodforthe hotelsthatitisbuilding. It is one thing to encourage private investment; it is quite another to ensure the infrastructure, regulatory frameworks, and market conditions required for their success A nation transitioningfromoilwealth to diversified industry requiresdeliberateplanning, policiesthatactivelynurture nascent sectors, and protections against the socalled “resource curse,” where other industries are hollowed out as resources concentrateintheextraction economy Here, the minister’s rhetoric is lofty, but the specifics are conspicuouslymissing.
Minister Bharrat further praised the government’s roleincreatinga“conducive a n d f a v o u r a b l e environment” for investors, pointing to Guyana’s resource-rich landscape as a
natural lure. But favourable conditions for investment
resources; they involve
institutional integrity Guyana’s private sector, l
unpredictability, is acutely aware of these needs. Yet, Bharrat’saddresslackedany r
al disc
n of institutional safeguards, such as anti-corruption measures,thatwouldensure investments have a secure, long-termfuture.
One wonders if the minister’s optimism is tethered to the oftent
f investment interests in resource-rich countries. For now, Guyana is the proverbial goldmine, with investors pouring in for
lated contracts and various spinoff ventures. But for how long? The minister’s speech does little to dispel the shadow of impermanence thatloomsoversuchbooms. Itiseasytocelebratetoday’s investor confidence; much harder is the work of establishing a diversified economythatremainsrobust when the wells start to dwindleorpricesdrop.
Bharrat’s claims of Guyana’s “favorable environment” are not only vague but overlook the unique pressures faced by a rapidly growing economy still grappling with basic infrastructure gaps, regulatory issues, and a pressing need for workforce development Without a balanced approach to
Dem boys seh G$95 millionfuhoneplayparkis anextleveljoke!Yuhmean to tell dem lil chirren gettin’ one big fancy playground like if is some kindaDisneyWorldfuhde rich and famous? Dem boyssehifyuhgon’spend dat kinda money, build plenty small playparks all overdeplace.Dekidsdem nah wan’ a castle; dem wan’ somewhere close by fuh run, jump, and swing tilldesunset.
Imagine it: one playparkbutonlyahandful ah kids can actually reach it.Howdemothersgon’get there? Flyin’ carpet? Nah, demgon’bestuckwatchin’ picturesahfancyslidesand merry-go-rounds while de ministers clap and cut ribbon like dey doin’ s o m e t h i n ’ g r e a t Meanwhile, most ah dem lil chirren out dey still playin’cricketindemiddle ahderoadormakin’swing fromdemangotree. Dem boys seh instead of one royal playpark, build 20 likkle ones in different parts ah Guyana. Spread de fun, man! Yuh don’t need all kinda fancy tings; yuh just need a simpleplacefuhdekidsto
investment and growth, economic excitement can q u i c k l y b e c o m e disillusionment For Guyana, the goal should be to build an economy that does not merely “support” oil and gas but can also withstand its eventual decline—a point that was strikinglyabsentinBharrat’s remarks While Bharrat heralds the government’s response to COVID and its efforts in the post-pandemic economy, he does not addresshowthefocusonoil and investor enthusiasm has translated into tangible improvements in quality of life for the average
Guyanese citizen. Growth, after all, is measured not only by GDP but by real benefits for the population: education,healthcare,public services, and infrastructure.
If these factors are neglected, Gu
’s economic miracle may soon revealitselfasamirage.
In essence, Bharrat’s rallyingcryforinvestmentis welcome but should be groundedinamorenuanced
run ‘round, a swing, lil slide, and dey happy like Pappy. Imagine every community wid it own likkle playground, instead ahonebigprettyonesittin’ uplikeitahmuseumpiece nobodycantouch. Demkids wan’aplace deycanwalkto,swingpon, and play pon. Dem want it near where dem living. So instead ah showin’off one park , build 20 community parks with basic amenities thatcanbeaddedontolater Dem boys seh, dat way, everykidgon’feellikedey gettin’alilsliceahdepie. Talkhalf!Leffhalf!
the complexities at hand A lasting and genuinely modern economy requires the uncomfortable work of critical analysis, investment insustainableinfrastructure, and a commitment to a vision that outlives the oil rush. A truly historic period for Guyana will be marked not by frenzied calls to “invest now” but by a longterm approach that ensures the nation’s prosperity endures well beyond the currentoilboom.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
There is regard for His President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali Gaza. Palestine. Barbarisms. If likely like rain in the remotest being Excellency,Dr Ali. Itispreferable and the Nobel Peace Prize should any Guyanese, PPP or PNC (AFC
that Guyanese avoid pressing to not be in the same sentence, nary a also) wishes more details, they unaccepted-the odds are heavily in then there know what kind of regard is conversation. Any such pairing know where to find. The point favorofGuyana’sExcellencyAlito should be only one contender for harbored for the president. Apage wouldyieldamonstrosity m
snare the big prize. His selling the Nobel Peace Prize: Mohamed would have to be taken from Vice Letmebestraight. Atsuchtime unswervingly is that Gazans could group is doing plenty heavy lifting Irfaan Ali A stray thought President Jagdeo’s book: asked and that Excellency Ali has earned the be Guyanese other than for (lobbying), while operating under intruded, then refused to go away: answered before. Or, as is more distinctive honor of being geography deepcover Ithelpstosomeextent. what about that other chap? oftenhispractice,that’skan-fid-en- considered for the more-often- Or Guyana turn out to be Gaza, ButthereisthehistoryoftheNobel Nicholas Maduro? He should shal. Even on such a delicate than-not prestigious Nobel Peace should there be different ideas peacePrizeitself. feature, too. Ralph Gonsalves subject as one’s regard for Prize, the drive to make that a about that crude commodity under Ithashaditshighsummits,then could collect Maduro’s half and Excellency Ali, the last thing reality would begin right here. theseabed. Withthatasrealhistory there has been the ugly and the keep it, since he also has a strong wished for is to sound like, be like, Excellency Ali should never be in real-time, why try to coerce that unfathomable. The Red Cross, claim. TheStVincentian,thatis. BarryJagdeo. aboutcollectingcharity Orwhatis rarest of encomia and attract still Quakers, and the UN Refugees Inthinkingofallthis,Icameup Better dead than that dread, a orchestrated, forced; a fierce more scornful condescension? Let group are outstanding examples of with this as a solid departure point: mind made of lead. What is testing marketing push (the African me polish the crystal again: the right call. At the human level, Chinese food. Say that again: yes, my regard for President Ali is this running to the rescue again). He Guyana’s president (MYpresident, Albert Schweitzer and Ralphe Chinese food of all things. Often quiet association, this undercover certainly has his uses. If it is not [whether I have any regard for him Bunche and Martin Luther King whenIseethoseglossymenuswith effort, to lobby on his behalf for a higher learning, it is the highest or not]) should let anything that is meet the high watermark. But their colorful fare, the urge is to eat recognition that is not due by any recognition. Ineedanagentofthat due to him come to him and not be Henry Kissinger and Menachem thepaper,thereandthen,cardboard stretch of intellect, imagination, or caliber Because the Nobel Peace close to any chasing after any Begin, to name only two? How andall. Justasoftenwhenthefood fairness. Prize is the gold medal of gold honor Mypositionwasmadeclear could those two ever be considered arrives, there is the aftermath and
Neither belonging nor medals. Platinum,Iwoulddeclare, before: Abdullah and Reza and the for anything spelt p-e-a-c-e? The whatdeathfeelslike. deserving. But the push is on, and withoutfearofwhatanymanwould othersdidnotgoproselytizingtheir partisan crowd and the paid PPP Thelesson:itisnottheproduct, the president’s brain trust went far say Butmarketingtobethewinner oil, the world came begging before drummers may contend that if my fellow Guyanese. It is the and deep: the familiar ground of is tantamount to prostituting self to them. If the indulgence may be Yasser Arafat could, why presentation. Overtothemanfrom Africa. Those who were helpful owntheMissUniverseCrown. allowed,Mohameddidnotgotothe MohamedIrfaanshouldn’t? Africa. PhDs do have their uses, before with a boost for fixing The Americans and European mountain, the mountain came to If a man without a country open doors Even those in educationalongacertaintrajectory, already look down their noses at Mohamed There is total could, there is this man Mohamed Stockholm,Sweden. now leading the charge in trying to people like President Ali and the confidence that Guyana’s Ali with all this light, sweet (The views expressed in this influence decision-makers in other fellas. If anybody wishes to Mohamed Ali knows that but has commodity who should. There is article are those of the author and Stockholm,Sweden. As partof the challenge me on that one, there is still reduced himself to doing the not much that could be said when do not necessarily reflect the cobwebs, the Nobel Peace Prize is the most persuasive of answers opposite. such logic reigns supreme. And opinions and beliefs of this the mission underway for the man. from the most powerful of sources. Having said this, which is most when it is cheap to the point of newspaper and its affiliates.)
Almost one year MichaelCrawford,apiloton s i n c e t h e board the aircraft, and helicopter crash Corporal Dwayne Johnson
t h a t s e n t survivedthecrash.
shockwaves through the Shortly after the crash nation, Leader of the Public Works Minister, Juan OppositionAubreyNortonis Edghill had appointed a p l e a d i n g w i t h t h e special investigator to probe Government of Guyana to the incident and at a news complete the investigation conference late December and update citizens on the 2023 he disclosed that the information found on the Blackbox of the chopper had aircraft’s black box, to beensenttotheUnitedStates determine the cause of the (US). incident. TheMinistersaidthen:“I th On December 08 2023 as Minister of Public Works five of seven occupants of under the Civil Aviation Act the Guyana Defense Force of 2018 have fulfilled my (GDF) Bell412 helicopter obligations in appointing an died when the aircraft a c c i d e n t / i n c i d e n t crashed in the jungle investigator.” Edghill said
Meanwhile, with close is a Bell Helicopter, has Norton said assuming urged.
between Arau and Ekereku back then also that he had to a year and no real update been built to specifications. that the device was indeed He stressed that there is inRegionSeven. approved the travel of the on the investigation Norton I was doing some research damaged as the government no sense in making the
Those confirmed dead investigator to the US to said he was concerned that and in researching I has claimed, he has done his deceased heroes if the are: the pilot-in-command, transport and deliver the citizens were in the dark on recognised that the black ownresearchwhichsuggests government is not prepared veteran aviator Lieutenant Black box to the National this serious matter “I want box they are talking about is that information can still be to have an investigation to Colonel Michael Charles, Transportation and Safety to raise an issue, because made to take off far more retrieved. “So, I want to pinpoint exactly what Colonel Michael Shahoud, Board. “The Black box was when you see all of these pressure than would have make a special plea to the happened on that fateful day
Lieutenant Colonel Shaun sent so that the readings things you know you occurred there and that government to ensure the “I am not saying they aren’t Welcome, Staff Sergeant would be able to inform the remember some of the secondly it is generally investigation is completed (heroes). All I am saying is Jason Khan and Brigadier investigation [team] as it things We had a helicopter placed at the tail of the and we get the information thatthegovernmentseemsto ( R e t ’ d ) G a r y relates to what happened,” thatcrashed Thishelicopter helicopter ”Nortonnoted from the black box,” Norton (Continued on page 15) Beaton.Lieutenant Andio hesaid.
The Marijuana that was found during the search
Ashopkeeper was
contained an additional
on Saturday quantityofleaves,seeds,and arrested after stems suspected to be
police found on cannabis.
his premises a quantity of Belgrave was told of the Marijuana at Five Miles, suspicion and offence Arakaka, North West committed and cautioned, to District. In a Press release whichhereplied,“Idoessell police said on Saturday at some of this thing, and the about 07:25 hours, at Five rest I does boil for my son Miles, Arakaka, North West cause he’s trouble with District,apartyofpolicemen asthma.” He was arrested conducted a cordon and and escorted, along with the search exercise on the suspected cannabis to the residence and business leaves, seeds, and stems Arakaka Police Outpost, premises (shop) of Errol suspectedtobecannabiswas where the suspected Belgrave. found. Belgrave stated, “It’s narcotics was weighed in his
Police requested to just a small amount I got, presence and amounted to search his shop, to which buddy.” 494.7grams.
Belgrave consented. While A further search inside The suspected narcotics searching the shop, a brown the same box unearthed two wasthensealed,marked,and box on the floor containing other bulky black plastic lodged. Belgrave was later several black plastic bags bags-onecontainingseveral cautioned and submitted a wasobserved. small transparent ziplock statementundercaution.
Upon searching the box, bags with leaves, seeds, and He was then documented a bulky black plastic bag stems suspected to be and placed into custody containing a quantity of cannabis, and the other Investigationsareongoing.
Police on Saturday arrested two wanted men during an operation at Kairuni Backdam Linden Highway
The men have been identified as 26-year-old Ghanie Jamie of South Sophia who was wanted for murder and 27-year-old Hansi Jones also of Sophia who was wanted for three ammunition and one 9MM Station, along with the counts of raping of child. spent shell were found along firearm, ammunition, spent
Accordingtoapolicerelease with a quantity of leaves, shell, and the suspected upon seeing the ranks on seeds and stems suspected to cannabis. There, the said Saturday the men tried to be cannabis sativa. He was
escape by running but were asked if he is the owner of a ammunition and spent shell pursued and Hansi Jones fell firearm license to which he were marked sealed and and was captured in the replied in the negative lodged The suspected process, while Ghanie Jamie Police took possession of the cannabis was weighed in was also apprehended about items and told him of the Hansi Jones’ presence and twentyfivemetersaway offence committed and same amounted to 179
A search was conducted placedhimunderarrest. grams.This was placed in an on Jones and one suspected Ghanie was also arrested evidence bag, marked, 9MM pistol with serial and they were both escorted
number filed off along with to the Mackenzie Police Investigationsareunderway three live rounds of 9MM
Hundreds of Guyanese on Sunday marched through the streets of Georgetown to raise awareness of cancer - one of the leading causes of death in the Region of the Americas. Over 600 new cancer cases have been recorded by the Ministry of Health for the first half of 2024. (News Source photo)
Xen Aviation & S e r v i c e s Limited (‘Xen
Aviation’), a start-up domestic operator based in Georgetown Guyana, has finalised a deal to acquire its first BrittenNorman turbine powered Islander The aircraft will be used by Xen Aviation to
e n h a n c e r e g i o n a l connectivity and support its planned commuter services acrossthecountry
The new Britten-Norman turbine powered Islander
Configured with a operate using Sustainable delighted to confirm this
The BN2T-4S, an maximum of 12 seats, the AviationFuel(SAF). order with Xen Aviation & enlarged turboprop variant BN2T-4S is certified under In preparation for Services Inc , marking a of the renowned piston its UK Type Certificate to delivery, Britten-Norman significant milestone as the version of the Islander carry up to 10 passengers has recently gained Type first BN2T-4S Islander to be aircraft, will be the first with either single or dual AcceptancefortheBN2T-4S used for commuter services operated in Guyana, a press crew Note: Local operator from the Guyana Civil in Guyana. The BN2T-4S is release from Xen Aviation regulations may supersede Aviation Authority The the largest and most said. the certified capacity aircraft is already type powerful variant in the
The BN2T-4S boasts All Islanders are capable certified in the UK, EU and Islander range, offering 30% more interior space of being fully IFR certified USA as well as a number of exceptional load-carrying compared with the piston and are equipped as standard other countries around the capacity while maintaining variant, as well as having a with a full, state-of-the-art world.
our well renowned STOL significantly increased Garmin glass cockpit based Ronaldo Alphonso at performance. I am excited to Maximum Take-Off Weight on the G600 TXi series. The Xen Aviation commented: see this aircraft thrive in its ofupto8,925lbs(4,048kg). Garmin suite now includes “We believe this variant of new role with Xen Aviation, Powered by twin Rolls- full electronic engine theIslanderisaperfectfitfor providing essential services Royce 250 B17F engines, instrumentation on all our mission to introduce tothepeopleofGuyana.” each generating 460hp (flat Islander variants, providing superior safety, comfort and XenAviation & Services rated at 400hp), the BN2T- valuable data for both the choice to the Guyana
4Soffersarangeof1,006nm operating and engineering aviation market, targeting
(1,863 km) and has an crewsthatwillhelptoreduce e
, Adamantium Holdings, a endurance of up to 8 hours. operatingcosts. g
d Guyana based business The aircraft retains many of As part of ongoing international business
the features of the original development of the Islander, o
, Islander including its ability and in line with Britten- competitiveprice.” construction, agriculture, to operate in challenging Norman’s ‘Green Futures’ William Hynett, Chief real estate, general services conditions into short, programme, the aircraft will Executive at Britten- and petroleum production unpreparedlandingstrips. soon have the option to Norman said: “We are support.
Business magnate, Chico Beharry, one of the pillarsoftheBeharryGroup of Companies has passed away Hewas82-years-old.
Chico Beharry
In a statement of his death the Guyana Bank for TradeandIndustry(GBTI)oneofthebusinesseswithin the group said: “It is with great sadness that we at GBTI extend our heartfelt condolences to the Beharry family on the passing of Chico Beharry Chico was not only a visionary leader progressive businesses in but also a cherished figure Guyana and the Region. It’s whose contributions to the operations include business landscape of Commercial and Merchant Guyana will forever be B a n k i n g , F o o d remembered.”
Manufacturing, Margarine,
Accordingtothebankas butters, ice-creams and a key pillar of the Beharry detergents, Insurance life, Group, Chico’s legacy of fire, motor, marine and excellence, commitment, general, and Automotive and service to the people of interests. Guyana has left an indelible
The Beharry Group is a mark on our nation. “His family business started six spirit of entrepreneurship decades ago as a humble a n d d e d i c a t i o n t o operation with just three community upliftment has employees. inspired many, and his loss
Today, staff population will be deeply felt. Our has grown. Continuing in thoughts and prayers are the family tradition, three with his family, friends, and generations of Beharry’s all those who had the n o w m a n a g e t h i s privilege of knowing and conglomerate. Family pride working with him during mayhavealottodowiththe thisdifficulttime. continued success of the May his soul rest in organization as the Beharry peace,”thebanksaid. name is literally always on Beharry Group of the line, in every product Companies established and service offered to the since 1935 comprises some public. of the most established and
Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Dr Vindhya Persaud has underscored the crucial need for an accessibleandinclusivejusticesystemforwomen.
The minister highlighted the importance of genderresponsive legislation and inclusive systems to protect women’s rights, promote justice, and ensure accountability globally, especially in times of conflict. She made the statementattherecent149thInter-ParliamentaryUnion(IPU) Assembly’s Forum of Women Parliamentarians, in Geneva Switzerland, as she presented on “Sustaining Peace and ProvidingJusticetoWomenandGirls.”
Dr Persaud stated that justice must be inclusive and accessible,andhighlightedhowGuyanahasleverageddigital technologytooffersafesupportpathways.Guyana’s‘Imatter’ app and 24-hour hotline provide gender-based violence (GBV) survivors with access to resources, secure reporting channels,andsupport,withoutfearofpotentialretaliation. This approach, the minister noted, is essential in conflict and post-conflict regions, where stigma often deters women from seeking help. Further, she emphasised the need for legislative adaptability to safeguard women’s rights effectively
“We must continuously review, amend, and when necessary, repeal legislation to combat violence and injustice by aligning national laws with international humanrightsstandards,”theministersaid.Thispointsto (Continued on page 16)
The government has reasonable effort to prevent making These members consultation phase has begun public consultation harassment in workplaces, include legal professionals, commenced in several for the new ‘Protection from schools, institutions, and mediators, and experts in regions, with the ministry Harassment Bill 2024,’ as it similarenvironments. gender and labour affairs. actively encouraging takes proactive steps A c c o r d i n g l y, i t Individuals with conflicts of citizenstoparticipate.Public towards eradicating gender- criminalises behaviours like interest must declare their feedback will play a pivotal basedviolence(GBV). stalking, threatening, and connection and refrain from role in shaping the final The engagement, other harassing acts, participating in related version of the bill. Legal facilitated by the Ministry of penalising offenders with deliberations. Once the representatives are on hand Human Services and Social fines of up to $1 million and tribunal is operational, to clarify aspects of the bill, Security, offers citizens an prison terms ranging from community members, gatherinput,andincorporate opportunity to engage with six months to one year workers, and students can f e e d b a
government officials and Stalking, as listed, includes formally submit complaints community The public voicetheirviewsonthefinal following a person, sending forreview exercise concludes on draft legislation The u n s o l i c i t e d Meanwhile, the public December5. (DPI) proposed bill seeks to c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , address harassment in monitoring online activity, various settings, particularly and loitering near a person’s in both public and private homeorworkplace. workplaces,withaparticular T o u p h o l d focus on protecting confidentiality, the bill vulnerable groups and mandates that all institutions p r e v e n t i n g s e x u a l create a secure register for harassmentandstalking. recording complaints, and According to the draft, only authorised individuals harassment covers any canaccessthisinformation. conduct that causes harm, Unauthorised disclosure induces fear, or otherwise of details related to disturbs the peace of complaints can lead to legal individuals through actions consequences. includ
surveillance, and unwanted
communication. (institution) comprising Italsoincludesdirectand seven members will be indirect forms of harassment established to handle while addressing instances harassment and sexual where third parties, such as harassment cases, offering a family or friends, might be balanced and fair approach affected. In addition, the bill tohearingcomplaints. highlightssexualharassment At least half of the in private and public tribunal members must be domains and mandates that women to ensure gender employers make every sensitivity in decision-
From page 12 be covering up. They’re telling us garbage about the black box being damaged, people find black boxes all across the world, in worse environments and were able to get informationfromit.
Apart from the fact that the government is incompetent, they can have a professional job done and let the people of Guyana know what the situation is surrounding the loss of lifeofthoseGuyanese,”theoppositionleaderstated.Hewas asked to comment on the two survivors and the reason he believes their stories have not been heard. In response Norton said: “In fact, my understanding is that they were both warned not to say anything or they will suffer the consequences,andthatiswhyI’msogonghothatreallyand truly we need to get the information from the black box, because they have already muzzled the survivors and in the situation that exist it is going to be difficult for them to speak… the black box is the last resort in terms of getting actualinformationofwhatoccurred,”hesaid.
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
Wanted: Experienced Puri Maker, Counter Person, Cleaner & Labourer. Apply @ Shanta's, 225 Camp and New Market Sts. 654-1361.
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FIRST AID/CPR/AED & HOME NURSING COURSES, Starting soon at St. John Association. Call: 225-9082.
A bandit was chopped to death following a daring robbery Saturday morning in Port Mourant, Berbice.
Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call : 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Live- In housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virgina, U.S.A, free room & Boarding offered. Call : 845-325-8241
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Dead is 18-year-old Parmanand Pertab called Mikey. In a statement police said they are investigating an alleged robbery committed on a 31-year-old businessman of Port Mourant, Corentyne Berbice, of a quantity of gold and silver jewellery. The incident occurred on Saturday about 09:15 hours, at Port Mourant Market. Pertab lived at Lot 45 “C” Hampshire Village, Corentyne Berbice. During the robbery he was armed with a cutlass and his accomplice a handgun.
Initial investigations revealed that the businessman who operates a jewellery shop in the Port Mourant Market, went to his shop at about 7:30hrs Saturday where on arrival he opened for business and at about 09:15hrs, they were pounced upon by the bandits while attending to customers.
both complied. The bandits then looted several cases of jewelry into a blue string bag and made good their escape on foot. The businessman raised an alarm, and persons in the market confronted the bandits, who discharged three rounds in their direction, hitting one of the persons on his right leg and left thigh. Pertab, who was armed with a cutlass and had the blue bag with the stolen jewellery, was confronted by several persons in the market who man-
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
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Carmicheal Street, North East La- Penitence, Friendship (85x213)
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Pertab, armed with a cutlass, started to deal several lashes about the body of the businessman’s assistant with the cutlass, causing him to receive injuries. The other bandit who was armed with a hand gun ran up and told them to lie on the ground, and they
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Nissan X-Trail 2014. In good condition. Lady driven. Price $3 M. Telephone : 656-3977 / 500-9704.
Many Metal working machines for fabricating repairs & modify machinery parts. Come, make an offer. Tele : 2271813.
La-Penitence, Agricola Public Road (80x269)
Aman and woman were arrested on Saturday after police found a quantity of marijuana on their kitchen shelf in Arakaka, North West District.
According to a police press release, on Saturday about 05:50 hours at Arakaka compound, North West District, a team of policemen conducted a cordon and search exercise on the residence and business premises of Donette Richards and Michael Richards a taxi driver of the said address.
The police release states, that ranks requested permission to search their premises for narcotics, to which they both consented.
A search was then conducted in the presence of both parties and while the kitchen area was being searched Richards picked up a bulky black plastic bag from a shelf and handed it to the police and said, “Boss, this is what I get in here.”
When opened, the black plastic bag was observed to contain a quantity of leaves, seeds, and stems suspected to be cannabis wrapped in transparent plastic.
Both suspects were told of the police’s suspicion and the offence committed and
aged to disarm him, took the bag away and handed it over to the police. All items stolen by the bandits were recovered and accounted for. Subsequently, Pertab received several wounds about his body, causing him to fall to the ground. Mark Lovell who received the gunshot wounds, and Pertab were rushed to the Port Mourant Public Hospital, where they were both seen and examined by a doctor on duty. Pertab succumbed to his injuries while receiving medical treatment. Mark Lovell was treated for his gunshot wounds and took self-discharge.
The body of Pertab, “ Mikey,” was examined by the police and it was observed that he had one chop wound on his right hand and two on his upper back. The body of Pertab was then escorted to Ramoo Funeral home, awaiting a post mortem examination. Investigations are continuing.
The ganja that was found during the search
cautioned, to which they both remained silent.
They were both arrested and escorted to the Arakaka Police Outpost, where the suspected narcotics was weighed in their presence and amounted to 285.9 grams. The suspected narcotics was sealed, marked, and lodged. Both suspects were documented and placed in custody as further investigations are underway.
(BBC NEWS) The mininggiantsBHPandVale have signed a deal with the Braziliangovernmenttopay nearly $30bn (£23bn) in compensation for the Mariana dam collapse in 2015 that caused the
c o u n t r y ’ s w o r s t environmentaldisaster
Brazilian President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva attended the signing of the deal on Friday The dam collapsereleasedtoxicwaste and mud, which flooded nearby towns, rivers and forests. It killed 19 people,
The dam collapse in 2015 destroyed many villages and engulfed homes
week. They are seeking about $47bn in damages in theciviltrial.
The first stage of it will determine if BHP – as a parentcompany–wasliable.
About 70,000 complainants are also takingVale to court inTheNetherlands.
left hundreds others homeless, and poisoned the river President Lula said: “I hope the mining companies have learned their lesson; it wouldhavecostthemlessto prevent the disaster.” The damwasownedbySamarco, ajointventurebetweenVale andBHP
Since the disaster, the companies have set up a foundation to compensate people, which has already carried out billions of dollars’ worth of repairs.
Thisincludedbuildinganew town to replace one of the towns that was destroyed. However, many people in the community were still arguing they had not receivedjusticeorenoughto rebuildtheirlivesnineyears on.
Separately to these legal proceedings in Brazil, more than 620,000 people had taken BHP to court in the UK, where BHP was headquarteredatthetime,in atrialthatstartedearlierthis
Both companies deny liability and argue that this overseas legal action is “unnecessary” and duplicateslegalproceedings inBrazil.Somemembersof the community in Mariana had told the BBC they had joined the UK legal action after frustration that the Brazilian proceedings were taking too long, but suspected that the Brazilian settlement may be reached soon after the UK case op
s a t i o n b u t negotiations were reopened in 2021 due to the slow progress of Brazil’s justice system in resolving the dispute.
Friday’s agreement covers their past and future obligations to assist people, c o m m u n i t i e s a n d ecosystems affected by the disaster
Thecompaniesagreedto pay 100bn reais ($17.5bn; £13.5bn)tolocalauthorities over20yearsand32bnreais towards compensating and resettling the victims and repairingtheharmcausedto theenvironment.
The remaining 38bn reais is the amount the companies say they have a l r e a d y p a i d i n compensation.
In2016,bothcompanies agreed to pay about $3.5bn in today’s rate in c
( T R I N I D A D GUARDIAN) - Almost
three years after a major diving tragedy at Paria Fuel Trading Company’s Pointea-Pierre facility, lawyers for
survivor Christopher Boodram and relatives of Rishi Nagassar have filed negligence lawsuits against the State-owned energy company and their former employer, Paria and Land and Marine Contracting ServicesLimited(LMCS).
OnOctober14,ateamof attorneys from Freedom LawChambersledbySenior Counsel Anand Ramlogan, filed the cases over what transpiredinFebruary2022. They identified 29 grounds on which they claimed Paria’snegligenceledtothe fatalincidentandalsoraised 25 grounds in relation to LMCSastheiremployer
They are seeking significantcompensationfor Nagassar’s death and Boodram’s long-lasting physicalandmentalinjuries, which will be largely based on what they endured in the incident and their lack of earnings since then
Contacted yesterday, attorney Prakash Ramdhar, whoisleadingthelegalteam forthefamiliesoftwoofthe other divers, Fyzal Kurban and Yusuf Henry, said similar cases will be soon filed.
He said he attempted to settle the cases with Paria and avoid litigation but
discussions with the company proved futile
“Theytookadecisionthatthey were not going to be reasonableandfairinallofthe circumstancessowewereleft withnochoicebuttoproceed to file actions,” Ramadhar said In their statement of case, the lawyers gave a synopsis of the incident as recounted by Boodram. On February25,2022,Boodram, Nagassar,Henry,Kurban,and Kazim Ali Junior, whose father is a director of LMCS, weredoingmaintenancework on an underwater offshore pipelineoffBerth#6onParia’s compound when the incident occurred Theysaidthegroup was performing work following the scope of works issuedbyPariaandtheproject execution plan developed by LMCS when the hyperbaric chamber flooded and they weresuckedin
Although the men were injured, they managed to find each other in an air pocket When the men reached the end of the air pocket, Boodram went ahead through a mixture of crudeoilandwaterandmeta chainblockhangingnearthe end of the pipe. They claimedthatjustasBoodram was about to give up hope, he heard a response from someone outside. He was eventually pulled out of the pipebyhiscolleagueRonald Ramoutar, who he later learned had been warned by Paria officials against
intervening. Before being taken to the San Fernando General Hospital, Boodram reportedly told officials of the condition o
s colleaguesandpleadedwith them to rescue them. The men were not rescued and their bodies were recovered dayslater
negligenceclaimsagainstthe companies, the lawyers claimedtheyfailedtoidentify the potential hazards associated with the job and implement measures to
emergency response The lawyers alleged that Paria failed to ensure that LMCS had proper health and safety equipment for their staff and couldsafelyandcompetently complete the job They furtherclaimedthatPariaand LMCS failed to properly clear the pipeline before the divers were allowed to commence work “Failure, in all circumstances, to adhere to industry safety standards by taking steps to ensure the safety of the Claimantandotherworkers,” theysaid
TheyalsocriticisedParia for preventing a rescue operation and quoted some of the findings of the Commission of Enquiry (CoE) appointed by the government to probe the incident following public furore over the tragedy O thelossanddamagesuffered by Boodram, his lawyers
claimed he still suffers mental anguish and “continues to be haunted by the memories of his friends’ sufferingandtheinabilityto helpthemdespitepromising them that he will get assistance.”Theysaidhehas been unable to return to workashesuffersfromposttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). “The haunting memories of the incident, coupled with the ongoing emotional distress, make it challenging for him to concentrate, engage with colleagues, or function effectively in a work environmentatpresent,andfor the foreseeable future,” they said They claimed that Boodram has suffered from neuropsychiatric disorders, including amnesia, since the incident “He frequently misplaces items and forgets his scheduled medical appointments for example,” they said, adding that he also suffers from linguistic difficulties
“He relives the nightmare on a daily basis and is unable to get a good night’ssleep.”Theyclaimed thathelostoutonmorethan $400,000 in income since theincidentashepreviously worked on a freelance basis with other dive companies andasafishermaninhisfree time.
Boodram’s lawyers also claimed that he will require weekly therapeutic support for the next decade and the
medical bills will be approximately $312,000 Nagassar’s lawyers are claiming compensation for the pain and suffering he endured,$25,000forlossof expectation of life and loss of earnings for the 46-yearold based on the $9,800 monthly salary he received from LMCS as well as privatework.
They are also seeking $53,350,whichrepresentsthe moneyexpendedbyhisfamily forhisfuneral Nagassarwas the sole breadwinner in his family and his lawyers are claiming compensationfor his common-law wife a n
d five-year-old daughter estimatedatanannualrateof $85,000 until he would have retired The duo is also being represented by Kent Samlal, Robert Abdool-Mitchell, Sue Ann Deosaran, and Natasha Bisram. After the tragedy, the Cabinet initially appointed a five-member team to investigate but the move was scrapped due to public criticism and a CoE wasappointed. Initsreport, the commission chaired by King’s Counsel Jerome Lynch presented several dozen recommendations, including occupational safetyandhealthcharges.
Guyana’s legislative strides, including updates to the Sexual OffencesAct and the upcoming harassment bill, both of which enhance protections for women Earlier this year, Guyana introduced the gender-neutral Family ViolenceActinparliament, providing comprehensive c
provisions for protection, prosecution, and victim reparation.
The minister also spotlighted the ‘Hope and Justice Centre,’ a first-ofits-kind facility in the region, which offers integrated support, and medical, psychological, legal, and socio-economic
assistance to survivors in a singlelocation.
Minister Persaud stated that these innovative, survivor-centred models strengthen institutions and f
nity engagement, empowering women to seek justice for personal healing and societal stability Guyana’s delegation at the forum included Speaker of the N
mbly, Manzoor Nadir; Attorney General and Minister of LegalAffairs,MohabirAnil Nandlall, SC, and Member of Parliament, Geeta Chandan-Edmond The Forum of Women Parliamentarians is set to reconvene in March 2025. (DPI) Govt. champions accessible...
, Oct 27 (Reuters) - Israel’s airstrikes “hit hard” Iran’s defences and missile production, Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahusaidon Sunday, as Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the country was considering its response.
With warfare raging in Gaza and Lebanon, direct confrontationbetweenIsrael andIranrisksspirallinginto aregionalconflagration.But a day after the airstrikes, therewasnosigntheywould spark another round of escalation.
However,heavyfighting in Lebanon between Israeli forces and Iran-backed Hezbollah, which sharply intensified over recent weeks,continuedonSunday with an Israeli airstrike killing eight people in a residential block in Sidon, medicssaid.
“The air force attacked throughoutIran.Wehithard Iran’s defence capabilities and its ability to produce
missiles that are aimed at us,” Netanyahu said in a speech, calling the attack “precise and powerful” and saying it met all its objectives.
Israel’s army chief, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, said the strike on Iran had showed what the Israeli response to its enemies would be “We struck strategic systems in Iran, which carries great importance,andwewillnow see how things develop. We arepreparedforallscenarios ineveryarena.”
The Islamic Republic hasnotsignalledhowitwill respond to Saturday’s longanticipated strikes, which involved scores of fighter jetsbombingtargetsnearthe capital Tehran and in the western provinces of Ilam andKhuzestan.
The U N Security Council will likely convene to discuss the attack on Monday,diplomatssaid.
The heavily armed archenemies have engaged in a cycle of retaliatory moves
against each other for months, with Saturday’s strike coming after an Iranian missile barrage on Oct.1,muchofwhichIsrael said was downed by its air defences.
Khamenei said Israel’s calculations “should be disrupted”.
TheattackonIran,which killed four soldiers and caused some damage, “
Iranian President
Masoud Pezeshkian said Iranwasnotlookingforwar
but would give an “appropriateresponse”.
U.S.PresidentJoeBiden calledforahalttoescalation, which has raised fears of a wider Middle East war arising from the year-old Israeli-Hamas conflict in Gaza and Israel’s thrust into south Lebanon to stop Hezbollah rocketing northernIsrael.
Separately, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said Iran was no
(BBCNEWS)Inherfirst appearanceonthecampaign trail alongside VicePresident Kamala Harris, former First Lady Michelle Obama urged Americans to casttheirvotestoprotectthe country from the “dangers” ofDonaldTrump.
In a fiery speech in Michigan - a key battleground state - Obama said the election was “too close”forherliking.
At another event in Michigan, Donald Trump vowed to breathe fresh life into the state’s automotive industryandmetwithArabAmericans he said could “turntheelection”.
Polls show the two locked in a tight race in Michigan, with Harris holdinganextremelynarrow lead 10 days before the 5 November election. The state, with 15 electoral college votes, could lend a deciding edge to either candidate.
PresidentJoeBidenwon Michigan by a narrow margin of 2.78% in 2020about 150,000 voteshelping to propel him to the presidency In 2016, the
state went to Trump by an even narrower margin of 0 23% against Hillary Clinton Speaking to a crowd of thousands at an eventscentreinKalamazoo, Obama made repeated jabs at Trump, pointing to what she termed his “erratic behaviour” and “obvious mentaldecline”.
The bulk of her speech, however, focused on a “genuine fear” of how a Trump administration could impact abortion rights, tellinganenthusiasticcrowd of voters that she believes a failure to elect Kamala Harris could have deadly consequences.
Many abortion rights advocates have raised concerns that abortion bans
longer able to use its allies
Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon against Israel The two groups “are no longer an effective tool” ofTehran, he said in a speech. Gallant added that Hamas was no longer functioning as a military network in Gaza and that Hezbollah’s senior command and most of its missilecapabilitieshadbeen eliminated Hamas has repeatedlysaiditisstillable to function militarily, and Israel has recently conducted major new operations in devastated north Gaza against what it calls regrouping Hamas militants.
Hezbollah has said its command structure remains intact and that it retains significant missile capabilities.
On Sunday, the Israeli military urged residents of 14 villages in southern Lebanon to evacuate immediatelyandmovenorth oftheAwaliriver.
An Israeli strike on Sidon,acityincoastalsouth Lebanon,killedatleasteight people and wounded 25 on Sunday,thecountry’shealth ministrysaid. Elsewhereinthesouth,a strikeonZawtaral-Sharkiya killed three people and a Saturday bombing of Marjayoun killed five, it said. Israel said four of its soldierswerekilledinsouth
Lebanon f
Hezbollah also said it had fired a large missile salvo at the Zevulon military industries facility north of Haifa in northern Israel Hezbollah rockets hit a house and cars and rescue crews responded to put out the fire. One woman was seriously injured, according to Israel’s ambulance service.
(BBC NEWS) Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has warned Indians against anemergingonlinefraudknownas“digital arrest”.
have threatened women’s lives by denying them lifesaving medical treatment.
“I’m deeply concerned that so many people are buying into the lies of people who don’thaveourbestinterests at heart,” Obama said, adding that “ugliness will touchallofourlives”.
Harris largely echoed Obama’s comments, and told young Generation Z voters she understands why they might be “impatient” for change. “I want to tell you that I see you and I see your power,” she said. At his own rally in Novi, Michigan, Trump largely stuck to frequent campaign p r o m i s e s a b o u t immigration,energyandthe economy
Some people have reportedly been scammed out of millions of rupees by fraudsters, who contact their victims via video call posing as police or tax officials levelling false charges at them The scammersordertheirvictimstostayinone place - usually their home - under the false pretence of a “digital arrest,” telling them nottocontactanyone.
Modisaiddigitalarrestdoesnotexistin Indian law and no enforcement agency wouldeveraskcitizensforpersonaldetails byphoneorvideocall.
“The fraudsters impersonate police, Central Bureau of Investigation, narcotics and at times central bank officials,” Modi said.
The scammers appear on screen with a studiosetupresemblingapolicestation,tax office or a federal investigation agency Theyalsowearofficial-lookinguniformsto appear legitimate and produce fake ID cards. Scammers typically claim that the victim has sent a parcel containing illegal goods such as drugs, or claim their phone hasbeenlinkedtoillegalactivity Deepfake videos and false arrest warrants have also beenreportedaspartofthescam.
In August, Bengaluru police arrested several men after a victim was allegedly scammedoutofmorethan20millionrupees ($237,000; £183,000), according to Indian mediareports.
Fraudsterssaidaparceladdressedtothe victim contained the drug MDMAand had beenseizedbypolice.
Over a WhatsApp call, they threatened him with legal action if he did not pay to settle his alleged legal issues.Actor Maala Parvathi, who appears mainly in Malayalam-languagemovies,alsoreported beingtargetedbythescamthismonth.
Indian media reported that she said the scammers showed her fake ID cards, pretending to be officers from Mumbai Police, accused her of smuggling drugs to Taiwan and placed her under virtual arrest forquestioning.
She realised it was a fraud before any exchange of money took place, she reportedlysaid.Inhiswarningtothenation, Modi told victims to follow three steps to staysafe.
“First, stay calm and do not panic. Record or take a screen recording if possible,”theprimeministersaid.“Second, remember that no government agency will threaten you online. “Third, take action by calling the national cyber helpline and also informpoliceaboutthecrime.”
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has clarified that
while there has been mention of a second hydropower plant in Guyana, the government’s focus remains on theAmaila Falls Hydropower Project (AFHP).
At his last press c o n f e r e n c e , J a g d e o addressed questions on government’s plans for a second hydropower project following statements by Foreign Secretary Robert
An artist’s impression of the
2035 It was stated that prequalified], or ultimately financing challenges for the Persaud, who suggested that Persaud made the disclosure probably go out back to BOOT model, requesting a the government is exploring during an event on October another process ” The shift to an Engineering, additional hydro projects to 16, when he delivered the Amaila Falls Hydro project P
n d expand Guyana’s renewable keynote address at the La wasintroducedbyaprevious Construction (EPC) model. energycapacity Jolla Energy Conference in
In response to Persaud’s SanDiego.
C) reluctant to switch to the remarks,Jagdeostated,“SoI
r, it was Administration in 2011 EPC option, resulting in the don’t know, I have not seen
nced that the However, the project had talks with the Chinese what he has said because government would revive been shelved on many contractorcomingtoanend. right now we believe that the theAmailaFallsprojectafter occasions. In the revised RFP, the Amaila Falls now will come talks fell through with the The p
faced government said generation in at maybe 7 or 8 cents or contractor,ayearearlier The obstacles in its realization for the Guyana Power and even below that per kilowatt government later issued a when the A Partnership for Light (GPL) Inc., will be hour…” Revised Requests for National Unity (APNU) and largely derived in the future
Jagdeo reiterated the Proposals (RFP) under a the Alliance For Change from two large projects government’s commitment
Build-Own-Operate- (AFC) Opposition parties, including theAmaila and the to Amaila Falls, which has electricity prices from 22 project to supply northern Transfer (BOOT) model for stopped the project back in Gas-to-Energy (GTE) faced delays since its centsto11centsperkilowatt Brazil that discussion the Amaila Falls project. 2014. In their 2020 election project that will come on introduction in 2011. He hourwecanstillsellthatand happened a long time ago. Four local and international manifesto, the PPP- stream by 2027 and 2025, emphasised that Amaila makemoney,”heexplained. “Any other project beyond firms submitted proposals administration noted that the respectively remains a priority for the Regarding future that (Amaila) will just be a forthe165megawatts(MW) project will be revived. In The power generated at government as it seeks to hydropower initiatives, conceptualstage,”hesaid. AmailaFallsprojectthatwas 2021, negotiations hit a the Amaila project will provide affordable energy Jagdeo stated, “Nothing In a report by OilNow, scheduled to begin in 2027. stalemate after Cabinet integrate and expand the “We believe that we could beyond Amaila in a fixed Foreign Secretary Persaud However, the project is granted a no-objection for national grid to include revisit theAmaila and it will way has been determined as o u t l i n e d p l a n s f o r currentlystalled. the Prime Minister’s Office Linden. be a feasible project and yet.” He added that other diversifying Guyana’s Last month, Vice to engage the China Railway The Amaila-Lindenbring in power at a price that projects remain in the energy matrix, potentially President (VP) Bharrat G r o u p L i m i t e d f o r Georgetown transmission is very competitive, conceptual phase or as i n c o r p o r a t i n g t w o Jagdeo said, “…So, we’ll construction. voltage will be 230 KV and remember if it comes in at 7 expressions of interest, hydropower plants to add probably have to either Discussions faltered as connect to the national GPL or 8 cents per kilowatt hour citing that while Brazil had a p p r o x i m a t e l y 3 7 0 engage the best of those [the the company sought to alter Control Center at Eccles, even with us cutting expressed interest in a larger megawatts of capacity by four contractors that were the project’s model due to EastBankDemerara(EBD).
Prime Minister Brigadier campaign, especially during the (Ret’d) Mark Phillips last Friday festive season. Throughout this officially launched the Salvation period, volunteers stand outside Army’s 2024 Christmas Kettle businesses, playing and singing Appeal at the Umana Yana in Christmas carols while ringing Kingston,Georgetown. bells to inspire passersby to donate
Prime Minister Phillips called cashandchequesintotheiconicred on the private sector to generously kettles. support the campaign, which
The annual Christmas appeal embodies the true spirit of giving. enables the Salvation Army to “This occasion marks the address the needs of those less beginning of an essential time fortunate by providing food, when we as a community come shelter, rehabilitation, and much together to support those most in more. need…The organisation, with its
For over 25 years, this tireless efforts, has become a programme has offered hope and symbol of hope for the healing to individuals facing vulnerable,” the prime minister variouschallenges. noted. Divisional Leader, Major He emphasised that the Mireille Saint Lot disclosed that organisation represents some of the ministersaid. emulate the mission of the has long been a symbol of this year’s goal is to distribute highest forms of benevolence As the first donor to the Salvation Army He noted that as community spirit. And it is this 2,000 food hampers, host several within society “Every contribution initiative, Prime Minister Phillips humanitarian needs grow, the spirit that we must rekindle in parties, and provide toys for to the kettle is not just an act of underscored the importance of nation’s call for compassion and our efforts to support one children. Additionally, visitations kindness but an investment in the selflessness, reiterating the call for generosity becomes increasingly another,” PM Phillips stated. The to various homes will occur from lives of citizens facing life’s individuals, businesses, and urgent. Christmas Kettle is the Salvation thesecondweekofNovemberuntil harshest realities,” the prime government entities to support and ‘The Christmas kettle appeal Army’s most renowned street theendofDecember (DPI)
(SportsMax) - LeBron
James shrugged off the suggestion that the Los Angeles Lakers are a team builtforhimafterhissuperb fourth-quarter showing against the Sacramento Kings.
James scored 16 points and laid on an assist in an awesome run at the start of the fourth quarter, as the Lakers sank 21 unanswered points en route to a 131-127 victoryonSaturday
The Lakers have won
theiropeningthreegamesof the season, with James finishing with a game-high 32points.
Butthe39-year-old,who is playing in his 22nd NBA campaign, stressed it was a team effort that got the Lakersovertheline.
“Listen,Icoulddothatat 22, but at almost 40, I don’t need to be doing it for four quarters,” said James, who also added 14 rebounds and 10assistsforatriple-double.
“I have the luxury of
having an MVP-calibre playernexttomeinAnthony Davis.
“[AustinReaves]canget it going in bunches [D’Angelo Russell] can catch fire. Rui [Hachimura] has been consistent, and he can get going and score in bunches,aswell.
“Thisteamisnotbuiltfor metohave16-pointquarters through all four quarters. That’s not how it’s constructedandnorshouldit be.We’reateam,andweall
Lakers coach JJ Redick wasblownawaybywhathe sawfromJames.
“What can you say? We’ve all been very fortunate to watch his greatnessforsolong,andthe fact that he’s able to keep doing it – it’s actually insane,”Redicksaid.
For James’ brilliant display, it was Davis grabbedthecrucialpointsin the closing stages, sinking a three-pointer before nailing a free-throw in the final minute.
“We encourage him, coaches encourage him, we as his teammates encourage him to shoot that 3 ball,” JamessaidofDavis.
Have you been waiting for a letter or call from a business orromanticpartnerforalong time, Aries? If so, you will probably receive it today Don'tbesurprisedifit'slong! News and useful information couldbeexchanged.
Your time finally seems to be your own, Taurus. There are probably no rush jobs to finish, no urgent phone calls to make, and no one looking over your shoulder This causesasignificantreleaseof stress.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
A love relationship seems more stable than usual today, Gemini. The security wraps itself around you like a blanket as you consider the events leading up to this new senseofcommitment.
Acommunityissuemaycome up today concerning you and your neighbors, Leo. Perhaps avirtualmeetingwillbeheld. Somethingrequireschangein your neighborhood, and most of you are probably firmly unitedbehindit.
A new opportunity could come your way today, Virgo. There's no promise or guarantee, but there is an indication that if you devote yourselfthoroughly
Have you wanted to take a certain online course or workshop,Libra?Ifso,thisisa good day to consider all the details, make some phone calls, or enroll.As far as your educational goals go, you're veryfocused.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Decisions regarding investments, savings, or other financial matters might need attentiontoday,Scorpio.Don't panic.You'reintherightframe ofmindforthis.Yourbusiness senseisatanall-timehigh.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Have you and a friend been discussing the possibility of going into business together? If so, Sagittarius, the two of you might want to have some serious discussions now about thenatureofthebusiness.
Has a certain project been a dragforyoulately,Capricorn? Don'tbesurprisediftodayyou get your second wind. You're looking at your tasks in a practicalmanner,yourinterest inthemisup.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Todayyoucouldcomplete a creative project that you've been working on for a while, Aquarius. You will be more than happy withtheresultsandinspiredto move on to bigger and better things.
Thingsseemtobereturningto normalafterthehecticpaceof late, Pisces. Life has slowed down, and the energy is lower butmorepeaceful.There'salso norushtogetanythingdone.
“Probably the biggest shot of the night is him making that 3, so it made it easyonme.”
Davis has now put up three straight 30-point games to start the season, tying with Elgin Baylor, JerryWestandKobeBryant inafranchiserecord.
(Reuters) - Paris St Germain enjoyed every second of a ruthless 3-0 Ligue1awaywinoverbitter rivals Olympique de Marseille on Sunday after a first-half performance featuring three goals and a redcardfortheirhoststilted thegameintheirfavour
ThewinputstheParisians three points clear of AS Monaco at the top of the standings and six ahead of Marseille, who slumped to their sixth straight league defeatagainstthesidefromthe Frenchcapital.
Advertisement Scroll to continue“Westartedverywell fromthefirstminuteagainstan opponentwhoplayedwell,we kept up the pressure, we had several clear chances,” PSG coachLuisEnriquesaid
Wi t h M a r s e i l l e struggling and PSG having taken the lead through Joao Nevesintheseventhminute, the game was ended as a contestwhenthehomeside’s Amine Harit was shown a straight red card in the 20th minute. “With the sendingoff, the game changed - it was more closed and also harderforouropponents,but wecontinuedtowork,”Luis Enrique said, and two more goalsdulyarrivedbeforethe break Advertisement Scroll to continue “In the second half, it was calmer, we could have scored even
more We dedicate this victorytothefans,weknow that it is importantfor them, itisforustoo,”headded.
Previous incidents of crowd trouble between the two sets of fans meant the
Paris St Germain’s Joao Neves celebrates scoring their first goal with teammates (Reuters)
visitors were barred from bringing their supporters with them, but it made little difference as PSG dominatedfromtheoff.
“It’s a good feeling, the joy We always want to win
here Todothatinthisstadium isaspecialfavour,”midfielder Vitinha told broadcaster DAZN
“They got the red card early,wescoredtwogoalsina row, it killed the game for them We could have scored moregoals,we’llhavetokeep creating chances, we need to convert,”hecontinued “We’re happy, we won this game that has a special flavour.”
(BBC Sport) - Lando NorriscutMaxVerstappen’s leadto47pointsandlabelled his rival “dangerous” as the championshipbattlereached boiling point at the Mexico CityGrandPrix.
Verstappen was given two 10-second penalties for hisdrivingagainstNorrisfor twoincidentsinthesamelap but still managed to finish sixth.
Norris took second place, catching and passing Ferrari’sCharlesLeclercfor second with nine laps to go, while Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz tookadominantvictory
Verstappen was given one penalty for forcing Norris off the track in an incident atTurn Four on lap 10 and another for leaving the track and gaining an advantagefourcornerslater Verstappen fell foul of not being in quite the same position as he had been in lastweekend’sUnitedStates GrandPrix.
In Austin, Norris was penalised for gaining an
advantage by running off track trying to overtake the R
not punished for what many of hisrivalsfeltwasforcingthe McLarenwide. But the key point there was that Verstappen was ahead at the apex of the corner,entitlinghimtorunto the edge of the track according to F1’s racing rules.
In Mexico City before therace,manydriversmade itcleartheyfeltVerstappen’s drivingwasnotfairinAustin and agreed with governing body the FIAthat the racing guidelines needed changing toaddressthetypeofdriving Verstappenhademployed. The guidelines were the same leading into this raceanewdraftwillbediscussed in Qatar in two races’timeand Verstappen said that,
despite the discussion “for me, in terms of racing, nothingchanges”.
But at Turn Four in this race, the difference in this race was that Norris managed to keep his car slightly ahead at the apex, which meant that even without a change in the guidelines, Verstappen was obliged to give him room. Whenhedidnot,thepenalty wasinevitable.
How did Verstappen get penalised?
Verstappen, who had been repassed by Sainz for theleadonlapnine,triedthe sametacticasinAustin.
Norris was attacking him on the outside ofTurn Four, three laps after a restart following a safety car caused by a first-lap crash, and Verstappen ran inlateonthebrakesonthe inside and forced Norris off the track on theoutside ofthecorner
Norris took second place from Verstappen by cutting across the grass, missing the right-hander that makes up the second part of the chicane at TurnsFourandFive
But as the Briton apparently went to let Verstappen back past into Turn Eight, seeking to avoid a penalty such as he received in Austin, Verstappen went wide on his inside and both cars wentoffthetrack
Norris, talking about
the Turn Four incident overtheradio,said:“Iwas ahead the whole way throughthecorner
This guy is dangerous Ihavetoavoidacrash ” Verstappen did not take kindly to the penalties, and his race engineer Giampiero Lambiase told him they came after a lot of “whingeing”
Norris held the extra point for fastest lap for a long time, but it was initially taken from him by RB’s Liam Lawson, who stopped late for fresh tyres, and then Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc, who did the same with two laps to go Sainz’s victory, coupled with Leclerc’s third place and fastest lap, moves them ahead of Red Bull into second place in the constructors’championship. McLaren still lead, but Ferrari are only 29 points behind and 25 ahead of Red Bull.
Cyclingactivitieswill takecenterstageas theGuyanaCycling Federationgearsuptohost the2024Elite/U23 CaribbeanCycling Championshipsandthe annualCongressofthe CaribbeanCyclingUnion inGeorgetown,from November1-4,2024.
Thelocalfederationwill host over 20 Caribbean Cycling Union member
countries (CCU) to participate in the Elite male and female categories alongside the U23 cyclists
c o m p e t i n g f o r championshiptitles.
by Briton John and supported by Jamaul John, CurtisDey,SegunHubbard, the experienced Marlon
Williams and Kwame Ridley,whileAaronNewton will represent the U 23 categoryandveteranDenise Jefferywillparticipateinthe female category Alex Mendes and Christopher Griffith are the Golden Arrowhead’sreserves.
Strong challenges will c o m e f r o m o t h e r participating countries such as Anguilla, Barbados, Bermuda, Belize, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, St Vincent and Suriname.
On Saturday, November 2, the Women Elite 85km RoadRacewillpedaloffon theMandela/Eccles/Heroes Highwayat09:00hrswhilst
at 11:00 hrs the Men Individual Time Trials will commence at the same circuit.
On Sunday, November 3, the Men Individual Road Race155kmwillcommence from the Linden Highway along the East Bank Corridor to the Heroes Highway Circuit. This will be followed by the Women Individual Time Trials on theMandela/Eccles/Heroes HighwayCircuit.
Media592speakingwith the GCF General Secretary Lt Col Mark Sinclair indicated that his Local Organizing Committee (LOC)isworkingextremely hard to bring success to this event since this will be the first time Guyana will be hosting the Elite/ U23 CCU
Hibbert’s 17.66m ratified
(SportsMax) - World Athletics has officially ratified Jaydon Hibbert’s world U20 triplejump record of 17.66m, achieved on July 21, 2023, at the Herculis meet in Monaco.
The Jamaican standout set the record at just18yearsold,surpassinghispreviousbest of 17.54m set in Albuquerque earlier that yearonMarch11.
Notably,Hibbert’smarkof17.87msetat the SEC Championships in May 2023, was notthemarkratifiedbyWorldAthletics.
Hibbert’sleapof17.66mwasoneofthree U20worldrecordsrecentlyratifiedbyWorld Athletics,alongsideimpressivemarksinthe women’s5000mandjavelinevents.
Medina Eisa of Ethiopia set the world U20 record in the 5000m with a time of 14:21.89 at the Diamond League final in Brussels on September 14, 2024, finishing second to Olympic champion Beatrice Chebet. Eisa’s time shattered the previous
He highlighted the support of His Excellency, President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, the Government of Guyana, the Ministry of Youth, Sports & Culture, N a t i o n a l S p o r t s Commission,GuyanaPolice Force, Guyana Defence Force, Ministries of Health, Foreign Affairs, Public Works and Tourism, Sonic Business Services, Bounty Farm and Star Party Rental in making this event possible.
During this period the Annual Congress of the Caribbean Cycling Union will be hosted here in Georgetown and executive delegates from the representative membership areexpectedtoattend.
Guyana’s Elite National Road Champion, Briton John
record of 14:30.88 held byTirunesh Dibaba since2004.Meanwhile,China’sYanZiyiset a world U20 javelin record of 64.41m, also on September 14, in Quzhou, improving on herearlierrecordof64.28mfromApril.
Hibbert, a former youth star from Jamaica, has been steadily rising in the international athletics scene, with his performance in Monaco marking a breakthrough moment. His achievements have raised expectations for his potential as hecontinuestodevelopinthediscipline.
Alongside these U20 achievements, World Athletics also ratified Yaroslava Mahuchikh’s world high jump record of 2.10m,achievedinParisinJuly
The Ukrainian star surpassed one of the longest-standing records in the sport, set by Stefka Kostadinova in 1987. Mahuchikh’s historic jump of 2.10m was part of a spectacular season, as she went on to win OlympicgoldinParisinAugust.
(BBCSport)-Ethiopian Yomif Kejelcha has set a newworldrecordonhisway towinningtheValenciaHalf Marathon.
Kejelcha, who also holdstheindoormileworld record, set in Boston in 2019, finished in 57 minutes 30 seconds in wet conditions in the Spanish city
The 27-year-old’s time was one second quicker than Ugandan Jacob Kiplimo’s mark from Lisbonthreeyearsago
The women’s race was won by Agnes Ngetich of Kenya, who moved to second in the world alltime rankings with a time 63:04
In only his sixth half marathon, Kejelcha settled in behind the pacemakers from the start, making his move around the threekilometre mark and eventually breaking away from Kenyans Daniel
Kejelcha won 10,000m silver at the 2019 World Championships (Getty Images)
MateikoandIsaiaKipkoech forvictory
Kejelcha is a two-time w
champion but could only
10,000m final at the Paris Olympicsearlierthisyear
ST JOHN’S, Antigua –Cricket West Indies (CWI)
h a s m a r k e d a groundbreakingmilestonein West Indies cricket by awarding year-long annual contracts to fourteen female players across the region. This first-time initiative is a significant step forward in C W I ’ s s t r a t e g i c commitment to Elite and High Performance cricket and signals a continued investment in the growth of the women’s game in the Caribbean. This expansion bringsthetotalofcontracted regional players to 104 for the year and 164 in total including Senior and Academyplayers.
CWIDirectorofCricket, Miles Bascombe, noted the significance of this initiative:
Awarding contracts to thesetalentedfemaleplayers
underscores CWI’s commitment to advancing cricket in the region.We are extremely proud of the Maroon Warriors, who are on their way back from an impressive semi-final showingattheWomen’sT20 WorldCup.
The only way to ensure thatWest Indies teams, both men and women, have consistent showings at the international level is to ensure the development and growth at the regional level. CWI is dedicated to making
Plaffiana Millington
Mandy Mangru (Getty Images)
thisfurtherinvestmentinour regionaltalentandbuildinga strong foundation for future success,whichisinlinewith ourstrategicplan. Thesecontractsreinforce CWI’s goal of supporting players as they progress along the pathway to elite performance, creating a sustainablepipelineoftalent that can perform on the global stage. Alongside the female contracts, CWI has also renewed annual contractsfor90maleplayers across six territories, maintaining its commitment tobuildingregionalstrength across both men’s and women’scricket.
Territorial Boards are mandated by CWI to have a
minimum of two U25 players in their pool of fifteencontractedplayers.
CWI congratulates all the contracted players and remains committed to s
Contracted Regional PlayersList2024/25
14 Female Contracted Players: Guyana: Shenetta
Trinidad & Tobago: Shalini Samaroo, KD Jazz Mitchell,RenieceBoyce
Leeward Islands: Melicia Clarke, Kimberley Anthony Windward Islands:
Earnisha Fontaine,Abini St. Jean,NerissaCrafton, 90 Male Contracted Players(byterritory)
GUYANA: Kevlon Anderson (U25*), Ronaldo Alimohamed, Tagenarine Chanderpaul, Tevin Imlach, Matthew Nandu, Ashmead Nedd, Raymond Perez, Veerasammy Permaul Kemol Savory, Junior Sinclair,KevinSinclair,Nial Smith, Isai Thorne (U25*), Sylus Tyndall and Sachin Singh.
BARBADOS: Kadeem Alleyne (U25*), Shaquille Cumberbatch, Dominic Drakes, Jonathan Drakes, Matthew Forde, Chaim Alexis Holder, Chemar Holder, Akeem Jordan, Jair
Morris, Jeavor Royal, Peat SalmonandOjayShields LEEWARD ISLANDS: JewelAndrew(U25*),Colin Archibald, Jaleel Clarke, Rahkeem Cornwall, Daniel Doram, Karima Gore, Justin Greaves, Jahmar Hamilton, Kofi James, Jeremiah Louis, Mikyle Louis, Cameron Pennyfeather,JavierSpencer, OshaneThomasandHayden Walsh.
McCaskie,ShayneMoseley, Raymon Reifer, Kemar Smith, Jomel Warrican and KevinWickham(U25*).
JAMAICA: Andre Bailey, Brad Barnes, Jermaine Blackwood, Carlos Brown, Gordon Bryan, John Campbell, Jordan Johnson (U25*), Abhijai Mansingh, Kirk McKenzie (U25*), Odain Orland McCatty, MarquinoMindley,Romaine
TOBAGO: Navin Bidaisee (U25*), Yannic Cariah, Bryan Charles, Cephas Cooper (U25*), Shannon Gabriel,JydGoolie,Terrance Hinds, Amir Jangoo, Evin Lewis, Jason Mohammed, Kjorn Ottley, Anderson Phillip, Khary Pierre, Isaiah RajahandTionWebster W I N D W A R D ISLANDS: Sunil Ambris, Darel Cyrus, Kenneth Dember, Shadrack Descartes, Johnnel Eugene, Keon Gaston, Khamal Hamilton, Ryan John, Noelle Leo (U25*), Darius Martin, Kimani Melius, Stephan Pascal (U25*), Jeremy Solozano, Shamar SpringerandGilonTyson.
The Guyana Harpy Eagles Super50 team winged out yesterday ahead of the 2024/25 CWI Regional
Tournamentwhichbowlsoff October 29 in Trinidad and Tobago.
After some solid Intercounty action, followed by encampment the team left yesterday with hopes of capturing the elusive title which has evaded them for morethanadecade.
Withastrongunit,mixed with youth, experience and
, overseenbytwoofthebetter senior coaches in Guyana, Head Coach Ryan Hercules and Assistant Garvin Nedd, allsightsaresetonreturning homewiththecrown.
The Eagles will play the W
Guyana Harpy Eagles captain, Tevin Imlach
VolcanoesonTuesdayatthe BrianLaraCricketAcademy Ground.
Guyana Harpy Eagles Super50 squad – Tagenarine C
Ramnauth,KevlonAnderson, Tevin imlach (CAPTAIN), KemolSavory,KevinSinclair,
ICE CAPTAIN), Veerasammy Permaul, Ashamed Nedd, Ronaldo ali Mohamed, Sylus Tyndall, Isai Thorne and Ronsford Beaton Standby players: Devon Lord, Antony Adams,JuniorSinclair,Richie Looknauth,Sachin Singh, Kanhaiya Ramkarran, Head Coach -Ryan Hercules, Assistant Garvin Nedd, ManagerAlbertClements
TheRepublicBank Limited (RBL) School’s Under18 Football League got underway yesterday at the Ministry of Education
ground with Bartica
Secondary, Chase’s Academic Foundation, and
Waramuri Secondary securedopeningvictories.
The tournament will see eight teams competing for a grand prize of $300,000, along with medals and a trophy Teams finishing second,third,andfourthwill receive $150,000, $75,000, and $50,000, respectively
The top two teams will also earnaspotinPetra’syearend KFC International Series, whichincludesfourregional school teams, two from Trinidad and Tobago, one
from Suriname, and
defending champions Clarendon College from Jamaica.
T h e R B L U 1 8 tournament began with the traditional March Past on Sunday, with South Ruimveldt winning the Best Organised Team award, earning a prize of $20,000 andatrophy.RepublicBank Limited’s representative, Stanton Grant, attended the event, participating in the
official kickoff and
e m p h a s i z i n g t h e tournament’sroleinbuilding character and well-rounded individualsforthefuture.
The opening match featured East Ruimveldt SecondaryfacingSantaRosa Secondary, with Bill Smith
leading Bartica to a commanding 5-1 victory
South Ruimveldt were adjudged winners of the March Past.
Smith scored a remarkable openereightminutesintothe game and followed up with goals in the 24th and 35th minutes.
Rezier Reid (50’) and Ezeikiel Baldeo also contributed, securing the dominant win over East Ruimveldt.
In the second match, defending cham
mic Foundation overpowered President’s College 4-0 GoalsfromIsaiahIfill,Jaden Tasher, Neeiaz Baksh, and Shaquan Davids cemented a strong start for the Boys-inBlue.
The day concluded with Waramuri Secondary
defeating South Ruimveldt Secondary in a thrilling 2-1 comeback.
TyresePembertongave South Ruimveldt an early leadinthe19thminute,but Waramuri’s Rondell Peters and Erwin Booker scored in the 26th and 39th minutes, respectively, to secure their team’s first victory
The tournament is sponsored by Republic Bank Limited, with additional support from MVP Sports, Busta Soft Drink, Tiger Rental, Guyana Beverage Inc , the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture, YouthandSports.
Chase’s Mark Glasgow going to work against President’s College during yesterday’s match
Cricket West Indies Awards
Historic Annual Contracts to Fourteen Female Players, Expanding Investment in Women’s Cricket
will be eyeing a title as their bowl off action shortly