Victoriamandiesdays afterbeingstabbedin ‘name-calling’incident Airport Marriott
Man gets slap from cop for not paying bribe Man found murdered at Mashabo
Victoriamandiesdays afterbeingstabbedin ‘name-calling’incident Airport Marriott
Man gets slap from cop for not paying bribe Man found murdered at Mashabo
The Private Sector Commission (PSC) has extended its deepest condolencestotheBeharryfamilyand theentireBeharryGroupofCompanies onthepassingofMr.Rabindranauth
'Chico' Beharry, a visionary entrepreneur,esteemedbusinessleader, and cherished figure inthe Guyanese businesslandscape.
Mr Beharrypassedawayattheage of 82, leaving behind a legacy of dedication, innovation, and service to his community and country, the PSC said in a statement on Monday
According to the PSC, Mr Beharry's leadership within the Beharry Group has exemplified excellence, integrity, and resilience for decades “His guidance helped shape the Beharry Group into a diversified powerhouse within Guyana and across the Caribbean, spanning industries from banking andinsurance to food manufacturing and automotive services. His unwavering commitment to quality, and his pioneering spirit in business,earnedhimadmirationacross the Private Sector,” the statement added.
According to the PSC, Mr Beharry's contributions to the Private SectorCommission,wheretheBeharry Group has been a longstanding and
valued member, have been pivotal in advancingGuyana'seconomic landscape. His advocacy for local business development and community upliftment has inspiredgenerations of entrepreneurs. “The PSC joins the nation in honouring 'Chico' Beharry's legacy HisimpactonthePrivateSector willbefeltforyearstocome,aswillhis influence on those who had the privilegeofworkingwithandlearning from him. Our thoughts are with his family, friends, and all at the Beharry Group during this difficult time,” the statementconcluded.
In a statement on Sunday, the Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI) - one of the businesses within theBeharrygroupsaid:"Itiswithgreat sadness that we at GBTI extend our heartfelt condolences to the Beharry familyonthepassingofChicoBeharry Chico was not only a visionary leader but also a cherished figure whose contributionstothebusinesslandscape of Guyana will forever be remembered.”
According to the bank as a key pillar of the Beharry Group, Chico's legacyofexcellence,commitment,and servicetothepeopleofGuyanahasleft an indelible mark on our nation. “His spirit of entrepreneurship and
dedication to community upliftment has inspired many, and his loss will be deeply felt. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and all thosewhohadtheprivilegeofknowing and working with him during this difficulttime.
May his soul rest in peace," the banksaid.
Beharry Group of Companies establishedsince1935comprisessome ofthemostestablishedandprogressive businesses in Guyana and the Region. ItsoperationsincludeCommercialand Merchant Banking, Food Manufacturing, Margarine, butters, ice-creams and detergents, Insurance life, fire, motor, marine and general, andAutomotiveinterests.TheBeharry (Continuedonpage8)
…family offering cash reward for information
Relativesofa46-year-old Goed Fortuin, West Bank Demerara(WBD)womanare pleading with the public to assist them in locating her The woman went missing threeweeksago.
Missing is 46-year-old SubrinaBaldeoofLot3Goed Fortuin, WBD. Baldeo lives aloneinthebottomflatofher mother's home and was last seenleavinghomeonOctober 15,2024.
Baldeo was reportedly wearing a pair of blue Jeans and a white top. She did not say where she was going and according to relatives it is unlike her not to notify them ofherwhereabouts.
Worried relatives filed a policereportafterthewoman failedtoreturnhome.
M e a n w h i l e , investigations so far revealed that her last known whereabout was at Vreed-enHoop, West Coast Demerara
A 'short drop car' had dropped her to that location but she disappeared into the crowd and was never seen again.
Family members are offering a cash reward to anyone who might know Baldeo'swhereabouts.
Persons with any information that can help locateBaldeoareaskedtocall telephone numbers, 6762624, 627-9673 or make a reporttotheLaGrangePolice Station.
As ExxonMobil Guyana ramps up oil production beyond the peak limits outlined in project documents,Guyanaisleftin the dark on the increased environmental risks posed bytheseactivities.
An Environmental ImpactAssessment (EIA) is a study undertaken by scientists to determine the effects of a project on the environment Scientists involved in the preparation of this report use specific design rates of the planned development to determine thelikelyimpacts.
In Guyana, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), the operator of the Stabroek Block,isproducingoilfrom three of its six sanctioned projects.
An EIA was conducted f o r e a c h o f t h e developments, Liza One, Liza Two and Payara. The Liza One project, according to the EIA was designed to safely operate at sustained peaksof120,000barrelsper day(bpd).Presently,dataon the Ministry of Natural Resources website indicate that the Liza Destiny Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel is producing a whopping 163,000 bpd, or
43,000 barrels daily, above thedesignrate.
Similarly, the Liza Two project was designed to produce 220,000 bpd at the LizaUnityFPSObutExxon has pushed daily production to 250,000 bpd or 30,000 barrelsmore.
Thethirdproject,Payara, operated by the Prosperity FPSO was also designed to produce 220,000 barrels per day at peak. That project is however producing an average 250,000 bpd or 30,000 barrels above than thedesignrate.
Itshouldbenotedthatall threeofthemassiveFloating Production Storage and Offloading vessels have been optimized by ExxonMobil Through a process referred to as debottlenecking, the oil giantassessespossibleareas onthevesselsthatcanallow for production to be safely increased.
While the operator maintains the safety of this process and has explained the government of Guyana's involvement in ensuring the activity is carried out accordingly, questions still remain on the additional environmental damage that is done to the environment butwhichisnotstatedinthe
EIAs.Thisisparticularlythe case as oil production not only involves pulling oil frombeneaththeseafloor;it alsopullsasubstanceknown asproducedwaterandgas.
The produced water containstoxicchemicalsand is extremely hot. The water istreatedbyExxonandthen dumped overboard, while someofthegasisflaredand some re-injected into the wells. That process too also emits dangerous gases into the environment As oil production increases, produced water and associated gas production will also grow thereby causing greater harm to the environment. Experts have even argued in the past that
ramping up production increases the country's chance of a larger oil spill. Thereisalsothequestionof the cost associated with this debottlenecking exercise which has not been addressedtodate.
UpdatingtheEIAs Previously, former Head of the EPA, Dr Vincent AdamssaidtheAmericanoil giantisnotonlyslaughtering thesafetylimitsormakinga mockeryofitinthenameof greed, but is taking a d v a n t a g e o f t h e Government.
The Environmental and Petroleum Engineer said when an Environmental Impact Assessment is done prior to oil production
operations commencing, it explains clearly what would be the safe limit of production the oil companieswillabideby.He said too that this number is used to generate oil spill
s c e n a r i o s f o r t h e Government's regulatory arm to consider When the goalpost is shifted by going beyond the safety limit, Dr
A d a m s s a i d i t i s commonsense that the EIA would be properly updated to reflect the new risks that come with increased productionnumbers.
Dr Adams argued,
“Exxon has clearly invalidatedtheEIAandIsay that because the purpose of the EIA is to set the safety production limit and now thatlimithasbeenexceeded or violated without a proper review process the maximum limit for the Liza Destinywas120,000barrels perday Theyarenowatover 150,000barrels,a25percent increase and that is unheard of.”
When told that the company has said it has engaged in 'debottlenecking exercises' to allow for the increase,Dr Adamssaidthis tooisabsolutenonsense.He said Exxon's Executives use such jargons as a mask for
theirunconscionablepursuit ofobsceneprofits.
Accordingtohim,“They a r e u s i n g t h i s debottlenecking jargon to intimidate and confuse because they know most Guyanese don't know fully what this type of lingo means That terminology means that they widen the piping system and other equipment to increase the production.Theytrytomake it seem that this is some industry norm but it is not. Theycan'tpullthisnonsense intheUSA-Iknowthatfora fact.”
Moreover, he noted, “I dobelievethattheyknowthe right thing but they are without a conscience and ruthlessly taking advantage ofanabysmalEPAandweak Government. The EPA is being paid to be our protector but they are obviously intimidated by Exxon, does whatever they want.” Looking ahead, Dr Adams said it is imperative t h a t t h e E PA a n d Government by extension face the nation and explain why they have allowed Exxon to violate the EIA, a most sacred document that imposes key guardrails for p r o t e c t i o n o f t h e environment.
‘Don't over rely on Govt. for everything, get up and get’
In a call for greater selfreliance and collaboration
a m o n g G u y a n e s e businesses, Natural Resources
Minister Vickram Bharrat urged businessleaderstoseekinnovative solutionstocommonchallenges.
Minister Bharrat made those remarks during his address at the recently concluded Local Content Forum,hostedbythePrivateSector Commission.
One challenge that was raised wastheperennialissueoffinancing for local enterprises. “So we have to ensure we work around issues, because we too, we know as Guyanese, we prefer to sit down and cry about it and say man the government ain't doing anything aboutit…,”theministersaid.
MinisterBharratacknowledged it as a significant hurdle and stressed the need for cooperative approaches. “So how do you deal withthisissueoffinancingandthe
presidenthasbeenthenumberone advocate in this country in getting our Private Sector to start working together, whether it's in partnership, whether it's in consortium, whether it's joint ventures, we have seen some amountofsuccesswhenitcomesto that but I think much more can be done…so we have seen that it can work,”headded.
Minister Bharrat noted that although some progress had been made with partnerships and joint ventures, there is still untapped potential.
He pointed out that Guyanese businesses often shy away from collaboration due to a competitive mindset but underscored that this needstochange.
anditstartsraining,wewillblame the president or better yet theVice President seems to be the one that everybodyblamesforeverything.”
Bharrat urged businesses to adopt a proactive approach to development, emphasizing that successoftenfavoursthosewilling totakeinitiative.“Sosometimewe need to as we say in the Guyana, wake up and smell the coffee, we needtogetupandgetaswesay,we cannolongersitdownandjustcry about issues and say oh this happens or that happens and the governmentisnotdoinganything,” theministersaid.
MinisterofNaturalResources, Vickram Bharrat
Moreover, he highlighted a trend he perceives as “overdependenceongovernment,” and encouraged Private Sector to recognise that while some government support is natural, a culture of heavy reliance could stifleinitiativeandprogress.
Additionally, the minister high
ghted the numerous opportunities available within the evolvinglocaleconomy,especially as Guyana's oil sector continues to expand.
The minister continued, “And I'msureifwegoouttherejustnow
“So there is this tendency of overdependence on government maybewecreatedit,andwhenIsay we, I mean the PPP/C government becausewehavebeenreachingout so much that people have become verydependentongovernmentand we are blamed too for almost everything,”hesaid.
However,hecautionedthatthe Private Sector must act swiftly to capitalizeontheseopportunities.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Fromthedawnofhistory,afeelingofwellbeinghasbeen the goal of most of mankind: happiness has proven too elusive.Thisquesthastakenmanyforms,involvingboththe internalandexternallandscapes.
In a developing country like ours, we look longingly at all the medical facilities and resources that are available to thecitizensoftherichercountriesandrightfullyassumethat thesehavetohelpinraisingthespiritandenergylevelofthe ordinaryman-in-thestreetashestrugglesthroughlife.
However, even as we work with our leaders to improve our health-care system, we have within our grasp a simple activitythatcangoalongwaytowardsmakingusfeelbetter –simplygettingenoughsleepeverydayoftheweek.
While all of us may understand that enjoying a good night’s sleep may make us feel refreshed the next day, there is not enough appreciation that, in its absence, a tremendous numberofphysicalreactionsareprecipitatedinthebody,all ofwhichfeedbacknegativelyonoursystems.
First of all, it appears that, during sleep, the brain assimilates the thoughts accumulated over the course of the previous period of activity This processing is connected to thedifferentlevelsofsleepthatareassociatedwiththeactof dreaming.
The quality of sleep, therefore, is also very important, anditisessentialthatoneisnotinterruptedfrequentlywhile tryingtogetsome“shut-eye”.
Sleep is tantamount to “food” for the brain, and its deprivation certainly slows down our thinking process the next day It has been shown that losing some ninety minutes ofsleepfromone’snormalsleepingperiodresultsinathirtytwopercentreductionofdaytimealertness.
Can one estimate the total loss of productivity to the nationcausedbytheubiquitousstereosystemsinthevarious and sundry “sports” that are held across the land until the weehoursofthenight,everynightoftheweek?
Maybe if the Administration just gets a handle on this noise menace, the nation’s economic growth rate might resume its upward ascent. There is the old saying: “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. Whilewearenotsureaboutthewealthandwisdomthatmay accrueduetosleep,wecansafelycountonthehealthaspect. Asolid night’s sleep actually helps to boost our immune system, and makes us better prepared to fight off germs and otherinfections.Duringsleep,thebodyproducesmelatonin, which is a cancer-fighting antioxidant, and which helps suppressthegrowthoftumours.
Several studies have shown that prolonged exposure to light reduces the level of melatonin formed; so people who work in late shifts (and do not get enough sleep) have a higherriskfactortobreastandcoloncancers.Alackofsleep also has a profound effect on our emotional wellbeing. It is commonplace that a deficit of sleep leads to stress. What is notrealizedisthatthisstressplacesthebody’sfunctionsona highalert,precipitatinganincreaseinbloodpressure,which inturnraisestheriskofaheartattackorastroke.
Sleep also regulates chemicals such as serotonin, produced in our body A deficiency of serotonin can cause depression and low self-esteem. Getting the right amount of sleep is crucial in fighting depression. A lack of sleep also increases the hormone that increases hunger pangs, and lowers the one that suppresses hunger: the connection with weightgainshouldbeobvious.
Finally,weshouldbeawarethatthedeleteriouseffectsof the lack of sleep are cumulative: missing sleep for several days can cause severe loss of reaction time, judgment, short term memory, performance, vigilance and patience. While therearemanyprovocationsinthemodernworldingeneral, and our Guyana in particular, that conspire to deny us our quota of sleep, we have to make a concerted effort to fight back.Maybethe“power-nap”,whichhasbecomepopularin the developed world, may be the way to go, since we do not believe that the powers that be will agree to initiate the afternoon siesta that is so common with our Spanish neighbours.
DEAREDITOR, nation and shut out half the ii) abuse of state by social, economic and Today, I revisit the thrust society We all should be properties and money as we political justice. And when of an article written by me, concerned that in oil rich witness one overpriced and this is not happening, we captioned “Preoccupation Guyana at least half the bad contract after another must hold the enablers of withhandshakedistractsfrom society is poor and so many Billionsofourtaxdollarsare theseviolationsaccountable. issues of good governance, are struggling daily to put being diverted through Nowhere in history has any rights and participation in threemealsonthetable. corruption and fattening marginalised group, people national economy,” which Andwhilstsomedebated friends and cohorts of the or nation achieved anything was published in the Village the merit or demerit of the regime. withoutastruggle.Nowhere. Voice News on 5th August, handshake, even shrugged it At the same time, the And let us not be fooled, 2022. off, more than two years Opposition cannot be those who are saying we
In that article, I’d later, the chickens are allowed to abdicate its mustremainsilentintheface expressed concern that the coming home to roost responsibility to be more of escalating injustices and nation was being distracted Unfortunately, there are too forthright and militant in unfairness or absolve the from the importance of good many influential voices in holding this rapacious and Government and Opposition governance,andthedesireof the Guyanese society who lawlessregimeaccountable. from doing right by the all the Guyanese people to remain silent as persons The absence of the people, their bread is well meaningfully participate in placed in positions to serve, opposition working with buttered. We who are facing the nation’s development violate, with impunity, the stakeholders in developing a the harshness, the brutality, and reap its bounty, by the laws and individual’s rights; counter strategy to the self- t h e e x c l u s i o n , t h e refusal to have a handshake. are rude and discourteous to serving one Guyana agenda discrimination, being made The brouhaha was over the masses. The silence of by way of motions, bills and tofeelonecanonlyeatbread Opposition Leader Aubrey significant players in society other forms of activism, madeoutofstone,mustpush Norton’s refusal to shake is contributing to the includingcivildisobedience, for greater accountability PresidentIrfaanAli’shand. continued: continue to be of concern. A from those we elect and are
More than two years i) Exclusion of the main few have sought to escape paying to be in service to us. later, the exclusion, ethnic political opposition and doingtheirjoborholdingthe The state of affairs in this oil tension and division, and other interest groups on opposition’s feet to the fire rich economy must change state of governance are issues that impact the on the pretext that it is not for the betterment of all, not worse off than we were wellbeing of citizens, which goodfortheoileconomy Let some. We, the citizens of before, as the Jagdeo/Ali stands in strong contrast to me make my position on this Guyana, deserve and must regime continues to use that Article13oftheConstitution issue very clear: If we want demandnoless. refusal of a silly handshake that mandates “inclusionary social and political peace
Sincerely, to run roughshod over the democracy.” then it must be underpinned Lincoln Lewis
DEAREDITOR, about Guyanese who are avert families of deceased believe the Leader of the During his Press living in Venezuela, registeredGuyaneseresiding Oppositionandotherswould Conference on Thursday, Suriname, French Guiana, overseas from making an haveaddedtheirviewsonthe October 25, 2024, Mr Brazil and in other application, via this online l
Bharrat Jagdeo informed the Continents across the globe? app? What timeframe as the regarding non-resident n a t i o n o n t h e n e w Howwilltheybetreated? experts given for the Guyanesebenefiting.Hence, arrangements for disbursing Another thought that completion of designing and Iwillnotrehash. of the $100,000.00 ‘one off mayhaveeludedMr Jagdeo, or developing of the online For the exception of the payment.’AsIhavesharedin during this ‘rushed out app? Will there be a test run nationbeinginformedbyMr my last letter to you Editor, I announcement’ is that many of the online app, prior to Jagdeo that it will take will reiterate for emphasis, of the countries I have implementation? approximate five (5) months the PPP/C has no clear plan referenced above where Has a costing worked out forallarrangementstobeput nor policy to effect the Guyanese resides, many of to ascertain what the total in place, again at his last payments in a transparent, them do not have an ID card, paymentswouldbe,nowthat presser, he did not provide a fairandaccountablemanner much less a valid passport, the numbers are likely to be date, or month the payments Since the announcement since they may have been greater? When will the aretoberolledoutandhowit by President Irfaan Ali on away for decades and never requestforadditionalmonies will be done. Perhaps, the October 10, 2024 on the returned. be laid in the National reporters should seek paymentof$200,000 00tobe What consideration was Assemblyforapproval? answers to these additional done “instantaneously,” there given for these categories of Any Government that questions. havebeenseveralmovements unregistered Guyanese? truly worth its salt and Editor, as an optimistic of the goal posts, mostly Wouldtherebearushedatthe believes in the principles of individual, I conclude with a reported by Mr Jagdeo various consulate offices or good governance, prior to positive spirit to read later in Latest announcement by Mr embassies in these areas, for making public statements, the week post Mr Jagdeo’s Jagdeo is that a ‘new app’ is birth certificates, which will shouldensurethatall‘i’sand pressconferencethiscoming being developed by the lend to persons having their t’s are doted and crossed.” T h u r s d a y o f a Ministry of Finance, to allow passports processed, so as to This cannot be said for the comprehensive plan Guyanese to get registered benefitfromthepayouts Ali/ Jagdeo’s government. regarding the payments of First, the nation was told that Editor, I would like to What mechanisms or data the ‘one-off payment’ and of“household ” appeal to reporters to get the government intends to responses to my questions Then it moved from answers from Mr Jagdeo on utilize, to ascertain the contained in this missive, ‘household’ to “every the following questions: number of non-resident and that of my previous one, registered voter on the whether the voters’ list will Guyanese? publishedonFriday voters’list, at eighteen years no longer be the basis for Also,hasthegovernment The TIME for goal at January1, 2024.” Lately, effectingpayments,sincethe worked out the cost shifting and cheap political ‘Guyanese, living abroad,’ talk up of an ‘app’ for implications this new rhetoric on this sensitive have been included registration? Why the arrangement will now have matter be of the past, and the However, Mr Jagdeo drew sudden move from GECOM onthenation’sTreasury? government get down to attention to those who are generated voters’ list to an Editor, when the serious business in devising livinginNorthAmerica.Has app which is to be created, announcement was made by aworkableplan,toavoidany he forgotten that Guyanese and is likely to be a bit Mr Ali, it was to address the disenfranchisement. are living in other longer? What mechanisms ‘high cost-of-living woes’ Yours sincerely, CARICOM countries? What Government will empty to facedbyGuyaneseathome.I Annette Ferguson, MP
DEAREDITOR, performance and erudition them. I was trained to write Guyana We decided to Idonotwishtoengagein of some (former) Ministers. objectively, not with bias as change Majors and arunningcommentarybattle And the audacity of a man Nawbatt I organized committed to a struggle withHarryNawbatt(Oct24) whowantsreaderstobelieve seminarsandconferenceson againstthedictatorship.That on gossip His retort is him!Soifpeoplesayheisan the Jagan’s I lobbied struggle redounded to the personalised based on idiot, doesn’t he think I W a s h i n g t o n a n d benefitoftheJagan’sandthe hearsay,notfactsandassuch should ask people why they governments of other PPP; we were not interested not worthy of a reply feel he is an idiot? An countries to give Dr Jagan a in running for office in However, there is a need to intelligent person would chance. I was rebuffed by Guyana. We simply wanted correct his gossip in which think differently from Western governments and the restoration of democracy hestatedthathewastoldthat Nawbatt. In my academic members of Congress. In and free and fair elections I a m “ a n t i - J a g a n ” training, gossip and hearsay India,statefoundationsthatI (FFE). We organized rallies, Continuing with the Diwali are dumped in the garbage approached declined to fund petitions, protests and more metaphor invoked by c a n w i t h e v i d e n c e a seminar in tribute to Dr against the dictatorship and Nawbatt, let me illuminate marshalled to debunk or Jaganforthecentenaryofhis penned letters to Congress brightly with the lights supportaclaim. birth. I was told that Dr and Carter, Reagan, and emanatingfromthediyasthe NawbattalsoinvokedDr Jagan was a great man and Bushadministrationsaswell following: I was partly Baytoram Ramharack’s that Indian Guyanese as to other governments to involved in the introduction name as being anti-Jagan’s. considered him their apply pressure on Burnham of Cheddi to the Carter His communist comrades “Mahatma” but his ideology and Hoyte to return the Center, Chair of Democratic like Clement Rohee and a resulted in undue sufferings country to democratic rule. Party Ron Brown in 1989, few others also labeled andpersecutionofhispeople Trips were made to and my Professor Arthur Ramharack, Ravi Dev and in Guyana, and as such state Washington from New York Schlesinger who apologised those of us who critiqued foundations could not fund to engage American for his role in the toppling of Cheddi and Janet’s an honor for him. However, p o l i t
a n d Jagan In addition, I communistic ideology as programs I co-organized in Administration officials appealed to Ramesh being opponents. Let me India,USA,andTrinidaddid
Members of Congress told Kalicharran to provide assure Nawbatt and others I paytributetohim,hisspouse us that they would not accommodations to Cheddi was never anti-Jagan’s or Janet Ditto events I support the replacement of and Sam Hinds in 1992, and anti-PPP and neither do I participatedinGuyana. an opportunistic socialist checked up on their comfort think the others who Baytoram and I landed at with an avowed communist, at the 170th Street facility critiqued the Jagan’s. We City College in September cementing our belief that where they were hosted. It wereandareanti-communist 1977 as Freshmen in pre Jagan could not make a could not be that I disliked as we believe it never served medical studies at the tender comeback unless he broke Cheddi that I did the above the interest of colonial age of 17 We were withcommunism. forhim. Guiana or independent influenced by Vassan and On our pro-democracy Nawbatt went berserk on Guyana. Communism Rennie Ramracha, who had struggle to benefit Jagan, my commentary on deprived people of their majored in Political Science, Ramharack was the point constitutional reform in human dignity and basic to pioneer a movement writer, waking up in the wee which I stated that people rights. It was also a threat to against the Guyana hours to prepare literature were disappointed that Dr. American and Western dictatorship and to switch for distribution and Jagan and his PPP reneged interests. The threat of the ourmajortothatdisciplineto communication with others. on their commitment to rise of Communism was the enhance our tools on At times after midnight, he replace the Burnham primaryreasonfortheriseof political struggle and would be called upon to constitution after their the authoritarian state in revolution. The duo, rightly construct newsletters or electoral victory and Guyana in 1968 and the asked how we could concern flyers about rights violations restoration of democracy in collapse of the economy and ourselves only with a in Guyana to distribute at 1992. He has not disputed the emptying out of Guyana planned medical career and public events and to engage that Jagan failed to honour a post-independent If the turn a blind eye to the incorrespondenceswith commitment on the Jagan’swerenotcommunist, suffering of our people in
(Continued on page 6) constitution Instead, he they would have been accepted hearsay or gossip allowed to govern Guyana that I am anti-Jagan and and the country would not didn’t bother to request havesunkintoadictatorship. evidence to support his Baytoram, Ravi, I, and a assertion. That says a lot few others played a about the man who served as significant role in the a Minister of government. restoration of democracy What does that say about the culminating in FFE and intelligence and quality of Jagan’s election as some people who served as President I wrote many Ministers in Guyana? No articles praising the Jagan’s wonder the public eternally and their contributions to the complained about the struggle and I also critiqued
I believe the stage is being set for improved performance of our students as teachers are strategically trained for our classrooms Among the numerous factors influencing educational outcomes, the role of a trained teacher is paramount. Trained teachers have a profound impact on student performance, as they possess the skills, knowledge, andmethodologiesneededtofacilitateeffectivelearning.
Trained teachers are the cornerstone of an effective education system. According to Darling-Hammond (2000), trained teachers who possess strong pedagogical skills and subject matter expertise significantly improve student performance,astheycaneffectivelyaddresslearninggapsand employstrategiesthatenhanceunderstanding.Researchdone by Stronge, Ward, and Grant (2011) revealed that students taught by well-trained and prepared teachers consistently achievehigheracademicoutcomes,demonstratingthecritical roleofteacherqualityineducationalsuccess.
The crux of the matter is teacher training programmes equip educators with essential pedagogical skills, subject matter knowledge, and classroom management techniques. Such programmes prepare teachers to understand diverse learning needs, adapt teaching methods, and create engaging learning environments. They effectively identify and address gaps in student understanding, employ evidence-based strategies, and create engaging, interactive lessons that boost motivation. Their ability to teach critical thinking and problem-solving prepares students for real-world challenges, while their strong classroom management skills ensure a structuredandsupportivelearningenvironment.Additionally, trained teachers are equipped to support diverse learners, providing inclusive education that meets the needs of all students,regardlessoftheirabilitiesorbackgrounds.
I wish to extend congratulations to the 2024 graduate teachers of the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE) on reaching this significant milestone in their journey as educators! Your dedication, hard work, and passion for teaching have brought you to this moment, and now you have the privilege and responsibility to shape the future of our children.
Remain true to your calling, always striving to inspire, uplift, and guide your students toward success. To the staff of CPCE and the leadership team of the Ministry of Education, I commendyoureffortsandcommitmenttothiscause.
Yours truly,
Dr. Marcel Hutson
More sea and
In response, Edghill told river defence the House, “The total sum projects for that was appropriated by the
Region Two, wayoftheAppropriationAct Three, Four, Five and Six of 2024 was $4.5 billion, will soon start as the today the expenditure is 74.7 National Procurement and percent.” Tender Administration Patterson further asked Board (NPTAB) has about the planned works for awarded $1 3 billion in the Kingston seawall, and contracts to construct the responding to this, Edghill structures. explained that the beach at
constructionworksareslated in Region Five (Lot8); and building at these various lots
With the new projects
The project which is the seawall has been eroding being undertaken by the and so “we are going to do Ministry of Public Works is some rock armour and divided into 10 lots. The breakwater interventions to ministry in its tender had preservethebeach.” r
passed by the National coming on stream, the for areas such as Good Grant 1651, Crabwood are:4NHardwareStoreInc.(
8) - AssemblyinAugust. minister informed the Intent, Essequibo Coast in Creek (Lot9) and at No. L1) - $93,044,100; S Maraj $116,529,800; Shafeeullah During the passage of National Assembly that so Region Two (Lot1); 61/No. 62 Village in Region Contracting Services (L2) - S a w
( L 9 ) - this year’s budget, initially far for the year, they have Zeelandia at Wakenaam Six(Lot10). $72,122,00
$112,266,200; and ANS some $4 5 billion was completed 4,575 meters of Island (Lot2), Waterloo at Also, one of the lots E n t e r p r i s e ( L 3 ) - General Contractors Inc approved for sea and river seadefencecapitalworks. Leguan Island (Lot3), and (Lot6) is for the upgrade of $169,867,938; Colin Talbot (L10) - $125,797,000. The defencescapitalworks. Meanwhile, under its Anna Catherina/ Edinburg, sea defences and the Contracting Services (L4 ) - total account of the contract A
West Coast Demerara in incorporation of rubble $
programme an additional Region Three (Lot4); mould breakwater and Construction Services (L5) - $1,348,409,738. Opposition Member of $150 million was approved Garden of Eden, East Bank gryone along the Kingston, $ 1 4 4 , 8 9 3 , 3 0 0 ; I B T h i s p u b l i c a
Parliament (MP), David in the supplementary budget Demerara (Lot5), and Essex Georgetownseawallarea. Contracting & Machinery understands that the funds to Patterson questioned the
and Concord, Mahaica in A c c o r d i n g t o Rental (L6) - $136,430,000; execute these projects were subject minister, Juan maintenance of sea and river RegionFour(Lot7);between information provided by C Jorree Farming & recently approved in the Edghillontheexpenditureof defences in Regions Two, Belladrum and Washington NPTAB, the contractors Contracting Services (L7) - Supplementary Budget itsbudgetaryallocation. SevenandTen.
KINGSTON, Jamaica - conference which took place caringeconomy truly shows that the Jamaica Prime Minister Andrew in the Aenon Town Division “We have put in place Labour Party believes in Holnesssayshisgovernment of the constituency, Holness excellent economic policies, caring for the people it willnotbedistractedfromits also impressed upon and we are now taking those represents,” Holness told mission of building a caring representatives from the economic policies and using labourites. economy and passing on governing party to seek out the dividends from those The prime minister said more benefits to the people their constituents, identify policies to care. So we’re his administration intends to ofJamaica. their needs and ensure they building not just caring do more for various
The prime minister made arefulfilled. representation, but we are demographics in Jamaican thecommitmentataJamaica Holness says the JLP is also building a caring society, including senior Labour Party (JLP) f o c u s e d o n c a r i n g economy Acaringeconomy citizens.
ndon Northern representationcentredonthe That is what we are doing. “The peop
who also has to start from the thing now called the social constituency conference on p e o p l e a n d t h e We have to change our sometimes don’t get to come government doing what it p
Sunday administration he leads is politics to a politics of to these meetings, so their can to ensure that the allocations to our pensioners While addressing the particular about building a upliftment, a politics that views are never heard, but pensioners get a little more. duringthemonth.That’spart somebody must care for That is why we increased the ofourmissionofcareforour them. That care has to start income tax threshold as it people,” the prime minister from the councillor and the relates to pension benefits. said. MP looking out for them. It That’s why we bring in a
Dr. Bisram was Anti-Communist, not...
From page 5
Those activities could not be of a person who politiciansglobally Ialsopennedarticlesand wasanti-Jagan. engaged in communications with world After the collapse of communism, Jagan leadersandpoliticians.RaviDevalsopenned agreed that we must work with the West. He articles. Ramharack and I organized protests implicitly agreed that communism couldn’t in front of the UN annually for the General workinGuyanaortheWest,andexplicitly,he Assembly focusing attention on rigged accepted IMF conditionalities. As President, electionsandrightsviolations. he didn’t visit the East bloc. Clearly, those of I was elected to student government in us who were anti-communist, are or were 1978 and re-elected several times and vindicated. The other matters Nawbatt raised pioneered motions for funding for seminars, are not worthy of a response. The issue of lectures, conferences in which Dr. Jagan and polling will be dealt with in a separate Janet Jagan were speakers. Chuck Mohan response. Nawbatt asked a relevant question facilitated several of these programs. Arjune — who the public would believe — a person Karshan and Mel Carpen, not students, were who made an allegation based on gossip or a at some of these lectures. Joey Jagan and person who presented a refutation buttressed Ralph Gonsalves were speakers at one such withevidence? seminar that got funding and co-organized in Yours truly, 1980 at the Finley Center, south campus. Dr. Vishnu Bisram
Fortheyear2023,a t o t a l o f 2 3 advances were
m a d e f r o m t h e ContingenciesFundtotaling more than $6.6B, however the Auditor General's (AG) Report for the year does not saywhetherthelegalcriteria
w e r e m e t f o r t h e supplementaryfunding. This was highlighted by
former AG, Anand Goolsarran in his Monday column 'Accountability
Watch' published by Stabroek News. Goolsarran
e x p l a i n e d , “ T h e Constitutionprovidesforthe establishment of a Contingencies Fund and for authorising the Minister
responsible for finance to make advances from the Fund if he is satisfied that there is an urgent need for expenditure for which no otherprovisionexists.”
Hewaskeentopointout that the Fiscal Management and Accountability (FMA) Act outlines strict criteria which should be met before anadvanceisissued.
He explained that the spending must be: “i) an urgent, unavoidable and unforeseen(where)needfor the expenditure has arisen for which no funds have been appropriated or for which the sum appropriated is insufficient; (ii) no funds can be reallocated as
A deputy Toshao's son was on Monday found murdered at Mashabo Village,RegionTwo. Dead is 26-year-old Rayandra Abrams The man's bloodied body bore a woundtotheneck. Hisparentssaidthatthey are unaware of what transpiredbutwentinsearch of his body after learning that he was killed. Details are sketchy at this time but reports are that his killer (s) almostseveredhishead.
Group is a family business started six decades ago as a humble operation with just threeemployees. Today, staff population has grown. Continuing in the family tradition, three generations of Beharry's n o w m a n a g
provided for under the Act; or (iii) the expenditure cannot be deferred without injury to the public interest...".
Goolsarran said the finance minister is required to include all such advances up to the end of the tenth monthofthefiscalyearinan appropriation amendment Bill for the purpose of authorizing the expenditure andreplenishtheFund.
He noted that some 23
advances amounting to $6.643 billion were made from the Contingencies
Fundin2023,whichwereall cleared by way of two Supplementary Estimates before the end of the year The former AG however pointed out, “The Auditor General did not, however, indicate whether the above criteria were met in respect oftheseadvances.”
Goolsarran hinted in his column that this subject would be continued in his next column. Efforts made bythisnewspapertocontact Auditor General, Deodat Sharma on Monday for a comment on the concerns
raised by Goolsarran were unsuccessful.
The2023AGReportwas handed over by Sharma to Speaker of the National Assembly, Manzoor Nadir onSeptember23.
The report was then laid in Parliament and made publiconOctober10during aSpecialSitting.
Kaieteur News hassince reportedonanumberofkey findings made by the Audit Office relating to over payments,expireddrugsand other discrepancies flagged inthedocument.
The Guyana Agricultural and
General Workers Union (GAWU) said it is deeply concerned over the current trend of sugarproduction.
s conglomerate. Familypridemayhavealot to do with the continued success of the organisation as the Beharry name is literally always on the line, ineveryproductandservice offeredtothepublic.
AsofOctober26,2024,theGuyana Sugar Corporation Inc (GuySuCo) produced 24,711 tonnes of sugar, representing just 39 per cent of its 63,276tonnetarget.Asmuchas60per cent of the cropping period has been exhausted, and the GAWU is apprehensive that the deficit cannot be closed in the remaining cropping weeks.
InastatementGAWUsaidfromits perspective, “the industry's sad situation cannot be delinked from the management of its cultivation and agricultural operations. According to GAWU, before the commencement of the crop, the Union drew GuySuCo's attention to several important issues thatrequiredintervention.
“It appears that our concerns were brushed aside Recently, we have expressedconcernabouttheproduction rate and trajectory It seems that those charged with agricultural management in the industry have, for reason/s best
GAWU said given the conducive weathertomechanisedsugaroperations over the past few weeks, it is puzzled that daily production levels remained constrained.
“It begs the question: What are the factor(s) which have inhibited productionlevels?
The industry remains heavily reliant on manual cane harvesting complementedbymechanisedloading, apracticethatisnowdecadesold.”
According to the union, the major challengerevolvesaroundthequalityof canesbeingproduced,notingthatwhile the industry cane yields have been higher than anticipated, though well below their potential, the sucrose contentremainsdepressed.
“We are conscious that the El Nino drought conditions would have had an impact. However, given the collective managerial experience in GuySuCo, better planning could have been advanced to mitigate some of the challenges.”
GAWU said it appears that rather than addressing their difficulties in a
GuySuCo has been struggling to meet production targets for several years now
complete and frank manner; the GuySuCo agricultural leadership is preparing to deploy rationales and justifications to obfuscate “to excuse theirpoorperformance.
Wearesurethatwewillhearabout issues related to punt weights, standards, and work attendance in the comingdays,amongotherthings.
Ofcourse,thosewhohavefollowed the industry would know that these are certainly not new excuses but are the sameoldscapegoats–theworkersand the weather – that will be deployed to grantcoveragefortheeventualoutput.”
The GAWU said it remains convinced that the sugar industry can succeed, “but as we have said before a
We urge policymakers to consider ridding the industry of those who have anointedthemselvesasthe'saviour'but haveplaceditinastrangleholdandseek to blame everyone and everything but themselfforthecircumstancesinwhich the GuySuCo finds itself,” the statementread.
In Georgetown, where it became the nucleus of the without fanfare or spectacle. andpurpleheart,wouldstand display that demands little can be scorching hot most Gardens, nestled from A forward-thinking on display for future more from its audience than days there lies a respite from Vlissengen Road to Sheriff horticulturist, he dedicated generations.Hiswasavision a glance or a cursory the heat and humdrum of Street and beyond, 23 years as the first rooted in heritage and appreciation before moving e v e r y d a y l i f e t h e encompassing nearly 200 Superintendent of the education, maintaining the on to the next point of Georgetown Botanical acres. A far cry from what Gardens until his death in Gardens as a place of natural interest. An exhibition does Gardens. But this sanctuary some may consider an 1902. His legacy is visible in learning. not compel one to ask to preserve the spaces where offloraisnowatthecenterof “exhibition piece,” the every bend and bough of the Today, the People’s questions, to understand, or its ecological legacy can a curious debate, one that Botanic Gardens was BotanicalGardens. Progressive Party/Civic to learn in the way a thrive. To turn the Botanic opens questions about dedicated to the study of By the 1940s and ’50s, (PPP/C) government has botanical garden should Gardens into an exhibition is purpose, preservation, and flora, and for generations, it these lush, palm-lined taken a markedly different Imagine a future where the to undermine not only its theprecarioustiltofchange. has hosted an intricate avenues became one of the approach. Their plans hint at next generation of Guyanese purpose but its promise. It is The current government, display of tropical beauty, most frequented place in the something far less ambitious children no longer stroll to erase the tireless work of with the classic sweep of the complete with ponds, water city a n d f a r m o r e through these gardens in men like Mr Jenman, who eraserthataccompaniestheir lilies, and the unforgettable
A bandstand provided performative—a makeover search of Guyana’s diverse devoted their lives to tenure, stands ready to give palm-linedpathways. musical entertainment on that seems to relegate this plant species, but instead creating a space that was, at the Gardens what one might Under the watchful eye some days. The Garden’s b
encounter pathways lined its core, for the people of call a “facelift.” But what of early curators, the appeal stretched across
c Guyana and their natural does this mean, exactly, for a Gardens evolved with demographics: it was a spectacle. embellishments designed to heritage. spacesorootedinbotanyand careful intention When peaceful walk for some, a In what can only be please the eye without The government might history?
Trinidadian botanist Mr H. trove of knowledge for described as a dazzling bout nourishing the mind do well to revisit Mr. The term botanic itself Prestoe and Mr John others. of amnesia, they appear Imagine the loss of purpose Granger’s vision, one that derives from botany, that Frederick Waby arrived to This, however, is where poised to abandon the andidentity respects and builds upon the age-old science dedicated to develop the grounds in the the problems began
Gardens’legacy in favour of The trouble with the Gardens’ legacy as a living plants and plant life. Our 1870s, they poured their however Alotofadditionsto creating a mere attraction. government’s current plan is repository Botanical Gardens began, knowledge into the project, the Gardens led slowly to a Such transformation, it not just the seeming Such a plan would not as some whimsical laying out the Gardens as a deviation from its original seems, would see the dismissal of the Gardens’ h
decoration, but as a livingmuseumofplants.The purpose. It became picnic Gardens’ long-standing heritage; it’s the short- botanicalspirit,ensuringthat purposeful establishment for talented Mr George Samuel grounds, a place where mission uprooted, replaced sightedness When one each tree, each flower, and the study of native flora and Jenman took over in 1879, lovers could spend some bysuperficialornamentsand considers the vast ecological each bridge remains a part of theintroductionofeconomic traveling far and wide across time together or where activities aimed at wealth of Guyana, the Guyana’s e
plants from other tropical Guyana to collect and families would go to relax. momentaryamusement. importance of a botanical repository regions. It was 1877 when identify over 8,000 species Cars parked deeper into the What does it mean, space like this becomes (The views expressed in the Royal Agriculture of plants, all carefully Gardens in which amorous really, to turn a place like the evident. this article are those of the Society successfully labeled Additional ponds activities took place. A Botanical Gardens into an As a country endowed
petitioned the colonial Court were dug to aid the land’s zoological park and other “exhibition”? In its essence, with vast natural resources, necessarily reflect the of Policy to create what irrigation, flowerbeds took buildingswereadded. an exhibition is fleeting—a Guyana has a responsibility opinions of this newspaper.) w o u l d b e c o m e shape, and pathways were The one person who Georgetown’s very own carved Between these recognized the dangers of haven of horticulture curators’ hands and nature’s whathadhappenedovertime Seventy-eight hectares once cycles, the Botanical to the Botanic Gardens was used for sugar production Gardens became both a former President David were transformed into a refuge and a resource for Granger grandvision:arepositoryfor agriculturalknowledge. In October 2019, the Guyana’s natural heritage, a The Garden’s grand Guyana Chronicle reported laboratory for agriculture, avenues was crisscrossed by that the then-President and,yes,apeacefulescape. “kissingbridges”andshaded proposedchangesthatwould From its inception, the by towering palms.And here have honoured the Gardens’ Gardens were meant to be lies the importance of Mr originalspirit.Heenvisioned more than just a park; they Jenman’s vision. He was a “living library” of were a place of learning, morethanacurator;hewasa Guyana’s trees, where every conservation, and national bridge between the native species, from mango and pride. Planation Vlissengen, flora of Guyana and its guavatothethousandshades a colonial sugar estate, people, a task he took on of the greenheart, crabwood,
Dem boys seh Little Johnny pass he and seh, “Yeah, and yuh notice all dem boys drivin’test and tun straight to he daddy and walkeverywheredeywenttoo?” ask, “Suh, when we gon’talk ’bout me usin’ De story about Little Johnny mek dem decar?” boysrememberdestoryofdemanwahwent Hefatherlookatheandseh,“Alright,leh on a driving test. Dem boys seh one young we make a deal. Yuh bring yuh grades up man deh tekkin’ he drivin’ test, and de fromCtoB,readyuhBibleabit,andcutyuh instructor start paintin’ a picture fuh he. hair Thenwegon’talk’boutdecar.” Instructorseh,“Alright,yuhdrivin’downde Little Johnny think ’bout it fuh a minute, road, and next thing yuh see two people in realize he lil bargainin’ power, and seh, frontofyuh.Lilbittodeleft,yuhgotoneold “Deal!” man,andlilbittoderight,yuhgotonepretty Sixweekslater,hefathercallhimupand young woman. But yuh car can’t squeeze seh, “Son, yuh bring up dem grades good, betweendem.Wahyuhgon’do?” and I see yuh studyin’ yuh Bible, but how De young man seh, “Well, I gon’aim fuh comeyuhain’tcutyuhhairyet?” deoldman.”
Little Johnny tek a deep breath and seh, De instructor shake he head and seh, “Daddy, I been readin’de Bible, and I notice “Wait,really?Yuhnahgon’hitdebrakes?” Samson had long hair, John de Baptist had Dem boys seh de young man forgot he long hair, Moses had long hair, and even coulda stop – but he sure remember who he Jesushadlonghair.” didn’twanttoknockdown! DemboyssehdeoldmanlookatJohnny Talk half! Leff half!
Anarcissist suffers from a disorder Itismy belief that Bhar-rat Jagdeo's head is wired differently, poorly ordered. This has been articulated repeatedly in the public domain, for sucharemyconvictions.
Guyanese are the best judges about whether I am on the right track, if this has substance.Blowshavecome from his friends when these things are shared with the reading, thinking public They are mine to absorb humbly, part of my journey ontheroadofCalvary
In thinking of this national leader, Bhar-rat Jagdeo, the cap of narcissist
fits, but is it the best fit that captures the essence of one who was a former head of state, which office he has never really relinquished? Does narcissist shortchange him?
When the sum of his record,evenonlypartsofit, is examined, is Bharrat Jagdeomoreinthemoldofa p a t h o l o g i c a l , unreconstructed fascist?
This bears some careful scrutiny Guyanese are the ones on the jury that must absorb the record of Jagdeo and decide whether he representsthecharacteristics ofafascistornot.Anarcissist isinlovewithhimself,from his own importance to
visions to strategies to the self-created and selfcongratulatory legends about himself. Jagdeo is all of that: no listening, no consulting, no accepting what others offer, including his own people reduced to either macaws or marbles. Hebelievesthatheisalways right,healoneknowswhatis best for Guyana, and everyoneelseiswrong.
This is from a man who usuallyhasnogroundunder hisfeet;foundationmissing. He pretends to be open to listening on occasion, but it is more for presentation purposes than what possesses meat. His mind is already fixed; he is only
going through the motions, thefarcehehasperfected.Is this all to Jagdeo the man, Jagdeo the national leader, p o l i t i c a l p l o t t e r, psychological manipulator and controller of men, physical maneuverer of situations?Ithinknot.
This is where fascism comes in, with Guyanese again being asked to be honest with themselves and the state of their political leadership, country In the sum of its parts, in his essence, does Bharrat Jagdeoexemplifyafascistin practice,inresults?
Webster's New World dictionary has this to say about fascism: a system of government characterized b y r i g i d o n e p a r t y dictatorship, forcible suppression of opposition, private economic enterprise u n d e r c e n t r a l i z e d government control, belligerent nationalism, racism…
And the fascist is one who: believes in or practices fascism. There must be every effort to give Dr. Jagdeo benefit of the doubt, but there must be no willful ignoring of any distinctive strains of the fascist that a reasonable man, a thinking female, would believe to be present in him. What do the facts and circumstances on the ground say?A system of government characterized b y r i g i d o n e - p a r t y dictatorship. What does the PPPhaveinitshandswithits one-seatmajority?Allissues begin, end there, are resolved there. Matters in parliamentareopenandshut with one outcome guaranteed; debates are exercises in insulting the intelligence of rational people.WithJagdeothesole determinant of the direction and decisions of the PPP Government, that telltale rigidityhasbeenexhibitedat
many levels His handpicked people are in all the crucial public institutions. They are in thrall, fearful, of the man's hold over them. Most of them have been given a free pass to deform themselves through corruption, which tightens his stranglehold on them. The main arms of the state, theconstitutionalchecksand balances have been reduced to shadows of themselves, outright mockeries of what they should be. These are traceabletothecapricesand artifices of the PPP Government.Andwhoisthe government? Now, how can the PPP be interpreted as a one-partygovernment,when there is the PNC and AFC, amongothers?True,theyare there,buttheymightaswell be a fiction of the imagination for all the influence they have on eventslargeandsmall.
T h e n , f o r c i b l e suppression of opposition has many faces. The independent media is under c o n s t a n t a t t a c k . Conscientious objectors, critics and dissenters (men and women) have been hounded and pounded into reticence, silence, and selfprotection. Civil society has been diminished. Religious planks have become tarnished.
P r o f e s s i o n a l s neutralized, through their greed used against them. Many choose deference and subservience as their vehicles to get by Citizens fear for their jobs, some for their reputation, all for their safety Next, there is, indeed, private economic enterprise, but there is the invisible hand of the PPP Government hovering like some omnipotent auditor thatkeepstheadventurousin the private sector checkmated,remindallhow
their bread is buttered, and who is responsible. The dreadisofthelongcoercive arms of the state being marshaled and unleashed to force the uncooperative in line and emphasizes who is the boss In contrast, belligerent nationalism is missing because Guyana is ataseveredisadvantageand so also is militarism
B e l l i g e r e n c e a n d aggressiveness are reserved for weak locals who get out of line or are too independent-minded.
Last, racism has long been a cancer in local society. What the PPP Government engages in is neither systematic nor scientific, but it is often subtleandalwayssubstantial in consequence Cotton Tree, Mocha, IDPADA-G, Local Government, Village Councils,theoilpie,andthe p
d, sometimes blatant racism and discrimination like neverbefore.Darkfacesand interior faces fail to mask what is a fundamental practice that dominates numerousareasinGuyanese society Teachers, public servants, and policing, among others, all have their scars to show.After all this, theissueandquestionreturn: doesBharratJagdeostandas the representation of a fascist?
TheGuyanesejurymust retire,havesomeworktodo. It shouldn't be mentally taxing (The views expressedinthisarticleare those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
A narcissist is in love with himself, from his own importance to visions to strategies to the self-created and self-congratulatory legends about himself.
VP Bharrat Jagdeo is all of that: no listening, no consulting, no accepting what others offer, including his own people reduced to either macaws or marbles.
He believes that he is always right, he alone knows what is best for Guyana, and everyone else is wrong.
The Anna Regina Police Station in Region Two will be reconstructed at a cost of $185,865,689, the Ministry ofHomeAffairsdisclosedon Monday
Permanent Secretary (PS), Andre Ally and his team visited the location and the contract was signed with Builders Hardware General SuppliesandConstructionto executetheworks.
According to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), website
Builders Hardware General Supplies and Construction was among 27 firms that competedforthecontract.
K a i e t e u r N e w s
understands that the project entails the modernizing of thestation,providingasafer, more functional space for officers and a welcoming environment for community interaction.The project also
forms part of the $44 billion approvedinthe2024budget for the Home Affairs Ministry, that is being used for the reconstruction of a number of police stations acrossthecountryaswellas
the completion of ongoing worksatotherpolicestations thatbeganlastyear
While the police station
will be rebuilt, this publication reported that in May 2022, the ministry commissionedthenew$215 million state-of-the-art Police Regional Divisional HeadquarteratAnnaRegina. Thatbuildingwhichwasalso constructed by Builders
Hardware houses several departments and facilities including a domestic violence room, juvenile friendly holding area, childfriendly area, witness protection room, a case management room, a case management system, traffic department, and criminal investigationdepartment. Meanwhile, during (Continuedonpage15)
Supporters of the fight against breast cancer showed up in the thousands on Sunday for the annual One Communications Pinktober Move for a Cause event (Photo Courtesy Cinex Inc)
Anextraordinarywaveofpink floodedthestreetsof Georgetown on Sunday as approximately 12,000 people turned out for One Communications’ annual Pinktober Move For a Cause event.
Thisyear’sevent,astandoutin the company’s annual tradition, was a powerful display of solidarity and hope in the fight against breast cancer, drawing in supporters from all corners of the community,OneCommunications saidinapressrelease.
Participantsinthewalkshared deeply felt feedback, highlighting both the impact and the significance of the day Among them was breast cancer fighter, Roneta Williams, who traveled from the West Bank to join the walk. She said she was moved to tears seeing the support for individuals like her who are still battling cancer, as well as the support for survivors, their caregivers and organisations that
support cancer awareness efforts.
“I must say the walk was very important to me because it helped to highlight the significance of cancersurvivors.Ithelpedtobring awareness to other persons out there.Assimpleasitwaswalking and seeing the support there, hopefullyitallowsotherpeopleto besensitivetosurvivors,allcancer survivorsandtolendabetterhand to them and not just when it is Pinktober,” Williams was quoted in the One Comms statement as saying.
W i l l i a m s s a i d t h e overwhelming demonstration of support has motivated her, as she added, “It represented that people actually care about (us) surviving cancer and that they are being sensitisedthatitisnotaseasyasit mayseem.”
Forty-one-year-oldWilliams,a motheroftwo,wasfirstdiagnosed withcancerinJune2022andafter twoyearsoftreatment,itwasonly inJulythisyeartestresultsshowed
no signs of cancer However, she saidhermedicalteamhasadvised her that she has to maintain this statusforthenextfiveyearsbefore beingconsideredcancer-free.
Val Chase, a cancer survivor who shared her story at the opening ceremony, said the turnout was an inspiration, while she also lauded the work of the non-government and government organisations that continue to support cancer awareness, diagnosis, treatment and related services.
BothChaseandWilliamswere among several cancer survivors and fighters who were invited to leadthewalkfromEverestCricket Ground: Camp Road to Church Street, Irving Street, Lamaha Street,andbacktoCampRoad.
Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony who gave the feature address, encouraged attendees to prioritise cancer screenings and take advantage of available cervical cancer screening
vouchers at public health clinics. Hesaidthatwomenfromage21to 65 are eligible for the vouchers. The minister also pleaded with attendees to get the HPV vaccine which prevents cervical cancer, the vaccine is also available for freeatgovernmentfacilities.
The walk also featured the inspiring One Communications ChampionsofHope,acoalitionof NGOs dedicated to cancer awareness, prevention and support These organisations include the Guyana Cancer Society, Recover Guyana, The PeriwinkleClub,TheGivingHope Foundation, Cancer Institute of Guyana, Beacon Foundation, and theDebraShipleyGeorgeGoCare Foundation.
Many other NGOs and corporateentitiesalsoparticipated in the walk and donated to the cause.
After the event, the Guyana CancerSocietyspokehighlyofthe a
organisation’s work. Sharir Chan, head of the organisation, said the monies would go towards vital screeningsforcancer Meanwhile, Recover Guyana expressed gratitude for a $200,000 disbursement from funds raised. The organisation, which hosted multiple activities for survivors and fighters this month, said the money will support outreach programmes focused on cancer treatmentandrecovery Severalof the Champions of Hope and private and public sector organisations congratulated One Communications for not only organising the event, but for consistently growing its reach each year inspiring hope and
The village of Victoria, East Coast Demerara is mourningthedeathofoneof its favourite sons, Andre ‘Putchie’ Wilson who died days after he was stabbed to his abdomen by another villager during a 'namecalling'incident.
Wilson, 47, is a consultant. Kaieteur News understands that on Thursdaylast,Wilsonwasin the company of some men when his attacker, Sherwin 'Dog Wind' Elias was passing by in his motor vehicle. One of the men in thegatheringwhichhewasa part of called out to Elias using his alias 'Dog Wind', which resulting in the man becoming annoyed and beganquarreling.
Information reaching thispublicationsuggeststhat
Wilson intervened as the peacemaker, and made attempts to calm Elias, telling him that the name he was objecting to is one he had been called for years by theVictoriavillagers. The situation did not diffuse and instead Elias shifted his anger to Wilson, stabbinghimtotheabdomen in the process. The injured Wilson sought refuge, plunging into a nearby trench.
A video circulating on socialmediashowsvillagers helpinghimoutofthetrench and then proceeding to tightlywrapthewoundwith ripped t-shirts, before transporting him to the hospital.
Wilson's brother, Donston Wilson told the Kaieteur News thatwhilehe
cannot say exactly what transpired, his brother was injured on Thursday some time after 17:00hrs “It appearsasifitwasonemajor wound. The stab was done on the right abdomen which affected his lungs and his liver.” Kaieteur News was told that Wilson underwent emergency surgery at the GeorgetownPublicHospital Corporation (GPHC) and it wassuccessful.
Duetotheseverityofthe wound and the nature of the surgery Wilson was kept sedated, but he appeared to havebeenrecovering.
He was awake and on Sunday,heevenspoketohis relatives and his fiancé Sadly, he passed away on Sundaynight.
Reminiscing on the fun timeshehadwithhisbrother
An electrician lost his life tragically on Saturday at Mabaruma, Region One after going beyond the call of duty to fix a faulty transformer
Dead is 30-year-old, Hazel Holder, an employee with the Mabaruma Power Company and a father of two.According to reports,hewaselectrocutedaround17:30hrs. Holder reportedly went back to work that afternoonbecausehedidnotwanthisyoung babytosleepinthedark.
HisgrievingwifeEunitaHolderrecalled that there were having low voltage in the community when he came home from work around14:30hrs.thatafternoon.
“When he come, I see the canter (truck) outthere(outsideofhishome)…andIaskhe, way he going”, the woman said while recounting his response to her on that tragic afternoon.
“He said that how, he have to go and fix the transformer because we have a young babyandhewantcurrent(electricity).”
Holder then put-on his safety boots and leftinthecantertruckreportedlywithawork colleague but it would be the last day that Eunita saw him alive. At around 18:00hrs, she received the heartbreaking news that Holderisdead.
Dontson said, “We were always close-knit, we probably talk every other day, in respect to regular communication.
Andre was liked by everyone; he could be considered the life of the party Someofthethingsthat he likes, of course he was like the chef of the village. He was always there to give
ahelpinghand,makingsure thateverythingisdoneinhis way in respect to his cooking.Sothat'ssomething thatweallenjoyed.
Apart from that jovial, I don'twannasayloudbutyou knowthat'shispersonality.”
Wilson's death sent shockwaves throughout the village., with a number of residents expressing
disbelief " This is unbelievable, Andre was a jovial person he didn't maketrouble.
He was fun loving," David Cuffie related. In a post on Donston Wilson's FacebookPageTessaTaylor commented “My sincere condolences to the entire Wilson family, and Beverly Andre was indeed a true friend. He love making me freshcookmealswheneverI visit Guyana, I will miss his numerous video calls. RIP my classmate and true friend.”
SeanHuntewrote,“This is so upsetting and hurtful, my condolences to the family,myheartisbroken,I lost an amazing friend, you willbemissedmayyoursoul restinpeace.”
The police have issued a statement saying that they have updated their investigation from wounding to that of murder, followingthesuccumbingof thevictim.”
Thesuspectwhoisataxi driver remains in custody pendingcharges.
ReportsarethatHolderwaspitchedoffa light pole after high voltage from the faulty transformer flowed through his body Investigationsareongoing.
Th e U S $ 2 0
million Marriott Courtyard at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) is set to be commissioned by April 2025, despite its original completion schedule of 2023.
This will mark the introduction of the second MarriottbrandinGuyana.
The announcement was madeduringPresidentIrfaan Ali'svisittotheconstruction site on Monday, where he was accompanied by Prime Minister Mark Phillips and other officials, including engineers involved in the project. D
President Ali inquired whether the building would be completed by March, to which one of the officials confirmed the deadline. He a l s o s t a t e d t h a t commissioning would take placeinApril.
An engineer overseeing the operation assured the President, “everything will be completed, I say by January,Februarywewillbe finishing.”
On December 11, 2020, an agreement was signed between Marriott Hotels I
GovernmentofGuyana,and local construction company
R. Bassoo and Sons Ltd. This initiative is backed by
Current state of Marriott Courtyard at the CJIA
financing from the Republic Bank of Trinidad and Tobago.
A statement from R Bassoo&SonsLtdindicated that these agreements followed the company's r e s p o n s e t o t h e Government's request for proposal(RFP).
The agreements include aLetterofIntent(LOI)with Marriott, a completed market study by Hotel Valuation Services (HVS), and a conceptual design by Urbahn Architects, recognized as New York's
2019 Design Firm of the Year
It is reported that construction of the second Marriottbeganinmid-2021, with an initial expectation for completion in 2023
According to the statement, “The Marriott Courtyard at the CJIAwill be the second Marriott hotel brand in Guyanaandisanticipatedto beopenby2023.”
However,duetodelays, a new deadline has been set for2024.
Thehotelwillfeaturesix stories with 140 rooms and
various amenities. Located justaone-minutedrivefrom the entrance of CJIA, it is expected to accommodate airline crews, staff, business personnel, diplomats, and othertravellers.
Ramesh Ghir, CEO of CJIA Corporation, in the statement, emphasized that the hotel will not only benefit the airport and its stakeholders but will also create employment opportunities for over 300 individuals residing along theupperEastBank/Timehri area.
A 20-year-old man is missingafterheventuredoff to a job with a promising salary onAugust 21, 2024 at a location in Puruni backdam,RegionSeven.
The missing man has beenidentifiedas,AkaiEzra George.
Duringaninterviewwith Kaieteur News, 54-year-old JohnGeorge,thefatherofthe 20-year-old man related that he learned of his son's disappearance on October 12,2024,whenhereceiveda call informing him thatAkai had not been to work for 15 days.
Thefatherofsixtoldthis publication that on August 21, his son's 23-year-old brother-in-law told him about the job, which seemed promising. “He reached his brother-in-law up there and they went,” George said. He continued: “The man carry him away because ...there you get more than what he
Missing: Akai Ezra George
e ” However,onOctober12,the fatherwasreportedlytoldby the 23-year-old brother-inlaw “tell me (George) he (Akai) gone away from them.” Nevertheless, upon hearing th
ventured to the Aishalton PoliceStation,whereareport wasfiled.
A 20-year-old man, who was reportedly stopped by police for not wearing a helmet,wasallegedlyslapped by a rank after he reportedly refused to pay a bribe on last Wednesday, in the vicinity of La Parfaite Harmonie, West BankDemerara(WBD).
The 20-year-old man of Pouderoyen, WBD, who wishestoremainanonymous, stated the incident occurred between 19:35h and 20:30h onOctober23,2024.
The man who was the pillionrideratthetimepolice stopped him, told Kaieteur News, “They say (police), 'I gahpasssomething,'andIsay 'no' me ain't got duh (money) andthemsay,Igattagointhe station,butIsaythebikecan't go in the station because we getpapersforthebike.
The man recalled that, “Oneoftheofficers,afemale comeoutandshesaying,'y'all gahknowwahy'allgahdo,put thebikeinthestationbecause they want bribe and we ain't got no money on we, 'cause I broke.”
The young man told Kaieteur News that prior to being slapped, a male officer pushed him in his stomach withabaton.
“The officer didn't feel please with it so he scramble me by my pants and drag me and carry me in the station,” the20-year-oldsaid.
Upon entering the station,
the man alleged that he was placedonabenchandshortly thereafteranargumentensued between him and the officer which resulted in him being slapped.
“Meain'thitthepolice,me ain'tcussthepoliceornothing justatalkingalonewehadand when we reach inside deh (police station), he raise he hand and slap me… one slap he rest pon me just suh,” the frustrated man told Kaieteur News
The young man said that while sitting on the bench, he started to record the police officer who slapped him However, the cop saw him recording him and allegedly forcedhimtodeletethevideo.
The man said that the policereportedlytoldhim,“If Iseeanyvideoinsidedeh,you gonfacetheconsequences.”
“Herunmephone,runsee thevideo,tellmetodeletethe video. I had to delete the video,” the young man said while noting that he was only released from the police station after completing a statement.
“Isayalrightgood,Igoing home and I going to the hospital because me face swell up and it hurting me…SincewhenIwentinside of the station, I had meh face downbecauseithurtingme.”
A report of the incident was made at the Vreen-enHoopPoliceStation.
Ally's visit to the Region last week, he went to the Charity Stelling, where he inspected the area earmarked for the constructionofanewboathouseandwharffortheGuyanaPolice Force(GPF).
“Recognizing the unique challenges of patrolling Region Two's extensive waterways, the planned facility will bolster police presence and response capabilities significantly along riverine and coastal areas, better serving communities on the Essequibo Coast and along the Pomeroon River,” the ministry reported.
Whileintheregion,thePSwasupdatedontheprocessofthe newCharityFireStationwhichisbeing builtbyGavkoConstructionatacostof$144,887,000.The stationwhichwillbolstertheregion'semergencyinfrastructure, supporting timely and effective responses to fires and emergencies,issaidtobe70percentcompleted.
The Permanent Secretary also inspected the Anna Regina FireStation,thesolefirestationontheEssequiboCoast,andthe AuroraPoliceStationwherediscussionscenteredontheregular operationsandchallengesspecifictothearea.
“The Ministry of Home Affairs remains dedicated to reinforcing infrastructure, allocating resources, and enhancing servicedeliverytoprotectthecitizensofGuyana.Theseprojects representasignificantinvestmentinRegionTwo'ssecurityand emergency services, aligning with the government's broader commitment to advancing public safety and community wellbeing,”theministrystated.
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
Wanted: Experienced Puri Maker, Counter Person, Cleaner & Labourer. Apply @ Shanta's, 225 Camp and New Market Sts. 654-1361.
Domestic (Live in option available), female cook and male & female workers for the interior :660-9093 / 6749999 / 680-7803.
COINS Wanted, I buy coins best prices paid. Tele : 6430902 / 653-4287.
Canter Driver age 30 year or older, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 6130855 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.
Land dredge workers wanted. Call : 688-3844.
Experienced cooks wanted for mining operation. Call : 688-6575.
Experienced operators (ADT , Bulldozer , Excavator) wanted for mining operation. Call : 688-6575.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).
Executive Apts - Fully furnished in Parfaite Harmony and Herstelling USD1100 call : 608 -3575
Carmicheal Street, North East La-Penitence, Friendship (85x213). Contact: Ray's Realty 627-9685
Starting soon at St. John Association. Call: 225-9082.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call : 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Live- In housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virgina, U.S.A, free room & Boarding offered. Call : 845-325-8241
One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ or call 615-9132. Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443
One Welder / fabricator. Tele : 623-2728.
Vacancy exist for one sale representative, customer friendly team played Georgetown based toy store. Tele: 658-4874.
Live- in male for poultry farm
with small family. Free medical. Salary $150,000 monthly. Call : 695-5310 / 617-4662.
One maid/ cook (Must know to cook Indian dishes) Contact : 680-4718.
Mason, Labourer & Carpenter wanted to work in Linden. Contact : 602-9469 , 6157526,660-6385 , 625-7642.
Carmicheal Street, North East La-Penitence, Friendship (85x213). Contact: Ray's Realty 627-9685
150 Acres Coconut Estate Lower Pomeroom River, Transport. Telephone:6579237
Many Metal working machines for fabricating repairs & modify machinery parts. Come, make an offer. Tele : 2271813.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Nissan X-Trail 2014. In good condition. Lady driven. Price $3 M. Telephone : 656-3977 / 500-9704.
The UNRWA, which has been under Israeli attacks since the war began last year, provides essential aid to Palestinians
Aljazeera - The Israeli parliament has approved a controversial bill to ban the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), considered a lifeline for Gaza, from operating on Israeli territory.
The legislation, which won’t take effect immediately,
risks collapsing the already fragile aid distribution process at a moment when the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is worsening, and Israel is under increased pressure to allow in aid supplies.
UNRWA is the leading agency to run humanitarian aid in Gaza, which has been devastated by more than a
year of Israel’s war on Gaza.
Hundreds of UN workers have been killed in Israeli strikes, making it the deadliest conflict for UN workers.
The vote passed 92-10 and followed a fiery debate between supporters of the law and its opponents, primarily members of Arab parliamentary parties.
A second bill severing diplomatic ties with UNRWA was also being voted on later Monday.
The UN agency has provided essential aid and assistance across Palestinian territories and to Palestinian refugees elsewhere for more than seven decades.
A Couva woman liming at a bar in Cocoyea near San Fernando was shot and killed in the early hours of Monday.
Khadijah Hackett, 30, was shot around 2 a.m., and succumbed to her injuries hours later at the hospital.
Hackett was shot in the right side of her head, medical personnel told the police.
A police report stated that Hackett was liming with a friend of Simpson Brown Terrace in Cocoyea at a bar on the Corner of Dallas Avenue and Naparima Mayaro Road.
Around 2 a.m., Hackett exited the bar and was walking towards her vehicle that was parked along the roadway, when gunfire rang out.
Hackett fell on the road, bleeding from several gunshot injuries.
She was placed in her vehicle and taken to the San
Fernando General Hospital.
Doctors listed her in critical condition until she passed away around 5.15 a.m.
A police team from the
The area where the shooting took place.
Mon Repos CID, Crime Scene Investigators Unit and Homicide Bureau of Investigations of Region Three responded.
Bolivia’s Morales says shots fired at his car as political tensions rise
The former president claims it was an attempt to kill him as the ruling socialist party factions struggle for power ahead of 2025 polls.
Bolivia’s former President Evo Morales says shots were fired at his vehicle on Sunday amid rising political tensions within the ruling socialist party factions.
Morales and his former economy minister and current President, Luis Arce, are engaged in a power struggle ahead of next year’s polls.
In a radio interview, Morales said two vehicles intercepted him on the road and fired upon his car, claiming a bullet passed “centimetres” from his head.
“I don’t know if they were soldiers or police,” Morales said.
He added, “This was planned. The idea was to kill
Morales, Bolivia’s first Indigenous president, posted a video on Facebook taken from inside his moving car. The video shows him sitting in the front passenger seat and reveals at least two bullet holes in the windshield. The driver appeared to have been injured, though was still driving the vehicle.
Deputy Security Minister Roberto Rios said the government will investigate the alleged attack on Morales, adding that police ‘have not executed any operation’ against the former president.
“As authorities in charge of state security, we are obliged to investigate any report, whether it is true or false,” Rios said.
Sunday’s incident comes amid rising tensions with Morales’ supporters blocking
highways in central Bolivia and security forces and police attempting to clear them. The situation risks sparking further unrest in a nation already facing an economic crisis.
On Saturday the government criticised the former president for “destabilising” the country with two weeks of road blockades that have disrupted the supply of food and fuel nationwide. The government stated he was trying to “interrupt democratic order”.
In a statement the government also claimed that some groups allied with Morales were armed and warned of potential violence, noting that 14 police officers had been wounded while attempting to break up the blockades.
Morales, 65, who held office from 2006 to 2019, is the main opponent of Arce, 61. They both belong to the same Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) party.
But the two leaders have clashed over the last year, part of a power struggle ahead of the 2025 presidential elections.
The country is also grappling with dwindling gas production, depleted foreign currency reserves and rising inflation, which is adding pressure on the ruling party and increasing political infighting.
At least 44 protesters were arrested on Friday when more than 1,700 police officers were deployed to dismantle the roadblocks. Fourteen police officers were injured, according to the government.
Morales is also facing allegations that he had relationships with minors. He was formally summoned by regional prosecutors to testify in the case but did not appear, and now faces an arrest warrant.
Morales strongly denies the accusations.
He has described the investigation against him as “yet another lie” and claims he is the victim of judicial persecution led by the government.
Eon Fagundes, a 46year-old resident of Sandy
Babb Street, Kitty, Georgetown, was granted bail in the sum of $650,000 on Monday following his arrestinamajorfirearmbust inJuly
Initially, Fagundes was remanded for three months a
Georgetown Magistrates' Court, where he faced chargesofillegalpossession of firearms, ammunition, andfirearmcomponents. During proceedings before Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore on Monday, Fagundes' lawyer, Siand Dhurjon,appliedforbail.He
A Guyanese man identified as 19-year-old Gordwin Francis was killed on Saturday in an accident along the Monte Cristo 174 Highway, Roraima, in neighbouringBrazil.
According to Hora 1 Roraima, a Brazilian media
entity, Francis was attempting to cross the road on his bicycle when a Grey Sandero (car) struck him down The accident reportedly took place during themorninghours,Brazilian mediasaid.
cited Fagundes' various medical issues and argued that the evidence presented would not meet the legal threshold for the charges. Dhurjon also noted that Fagundes had been in custodyforthreemonths,yet thetrialhadnotcommenced duetoalackofdisclosureof pertinent documents to the defendant However, the prosecutionmaintainedtheir objection to bail citing the seriousness and the gravity oftheoffence.
Despitetheprosecution's concerns, Fagundes was granted bail amounting to $350,000 for possession of firearms, $150,000 for possession of ammunition, and$150,000forpossession of firearm components. The matter will go to trial in February2025.
Fagundes was arrested on July 24, 2024, when police searched his home anduncoveredover28highpowered rifles and handguns, along with more
Eon Fagundes granted $650K bail afterthree months in custody
than 1,600 rounds of ammunition of various calibres. He was arrested alongside his mother, two sisters, a niece, and a handyman.
It was reported that the police had acted on information received,
arriving at Fagundes' residence around 05:30hrs.
Upon entry, they found him in possession of a small greenandgreydufflebagin t h e y a r d D u r i n g questioning, he disclosed suspicionsofillegalfirearms on the premises.Asearch of
the bag yielded three .45 magazines, five rounds of 45 ammunition, and 50 roundsof9mmammunition, alongwithaSIGSauerrifle, a Springfield Armoury .45 pistol, and a Polymer 80 9mm pistol. When asked if he held a firearm licence, Fagundesreplied,“no.”
The police also searched a black Nissan Juke parked outsideanddiscoveredmore firearms and ammunition stored in a suitcase, a golf bag,andahaversack.
The cache included an AM-15 rifle, two Ruger-57 9mm pistols, and multiple o
significant quantities of ammunition, including 75 12-gaugecartridgesand484 9mmrounds.
Upon questioning about the vehicle, Fagundes allegedly stated that it belonged to “his daughter and child-mother,” even thoughhewasusingitatthe time.
Dead, Gordwin Francis
The driver of the car reportedly tried to avoid hitting Francis by braking and swerving but was not quick enough. Francis was reportedly flung 20 meters awaybytheimpact. Reports are that
UN chief Antonio Guterres says the levels of death and injury in north Gaza are ‘harrowing’ and calls plight of Palestinians ‘unbearable’
Aljazeera - Israeli school,”shesaid,addingthat attackshavekilledmorethan the death toll could climb as 50 Palestinians across the the number of injured was Gaza Strip in less than a day, high.The Israeli military has most of them in the north of said it was looking into the the enclave which has been report about the strike on the the scene of renewed Israeli school. The military added ground offensive for the past that it had killed more than three weeks, leading the 40 Hamas fighters in the chief of the United Nations Jabalia area in the past 24 to call the plight of civilians hours, as well as dismantled there“unbearable”. infrastructure and located
At least 11 Palestinians large quantities of military were killed and dozens of equipment. others wounded after a Israeli military strikes on school in northern Gaza was the towns of Jabalia, Beit hitonSunday Hanoon and Beit Lahiya in
Reporting from Deir el- northern Gaza have so far As the death toll from
Men carry the body of a victim that was found in the rubble following Israeli bombardment on a house in the Zarqa neighbourhood, north of Gaza City [Omar Al-Qattaa/AFP]
warning residents of several has been launching attacks Balah in central Gaza, Al killed about 800 people in Israel’s retaliatory campaign
neighbourhoods to leave across the border into Jazeera’s Hind Khoudary the three-week offensive, in Gaza approaches 43,000 participatinginthetalks. theirhomes. northernIsrael. said the school is in the Gaza’s Ministry of Health since the start of the war on Separately, Egyptian Israeli forces also United States Secretary middle of the Shati refugee said. UN Secretary-General October 7, with the densely President Abdel Fattah el- targeted southern Lebanon. of State Antony Blinken on camp, a densely populated AntonioGuterreshassaidhe populated enclave in ruins, Sisi has proposed a two-day At least eight people were Friday met with Lebanese campinnorthernGaza. is “shocked by harrowing new ceasefire talks have ceasefire in Gaza in killed and 25 injured in an Prime Minister Najib Mikati
“The Israeli strike killed levels of death, injury and beguninDoha. exchange for Israeli captives Israeli air strike on the in London but stopped short at least eight Palestinians, destruction”innorthGaza. On Sunday, the directors with some Palestinian coastal city of Sidon in of calling for an immediate including three journalists “ T h e p l i g h t o f of the CIA and Israel’s prisoners Meanwhile, in southern Lebanon. Lebanese ceasefire Washington and an eight-year-old girl Palestinian civilians trapped Mossad intelligence agency Lebanon on Sunday, Israeli officials said at least 21 provides weapons and called Zayn al-Ghoul, who i n N o r t h G a z a i s travelled to Qatar to meet forces continued their air peoplewereinIsraeliattacks diplomatic cover to Israel, was waiting in a queue to unbearable,” Guterres’s Qatar’s prime minister to raids on the capital Beirut’s insouthernLebanon. which has been condemned receive biscuits from the spokesmansaid. discuss a ceasefire southern suburbs after In retaliation, Hezbollah forviolatingtherulesofwar
BBC - The snap election
LDPwhich saw a cascade of coalition at this stage. This country’s leader early this was called by the LDP’s new scandals, widespread voter raises the likely possibility month following party leader Shigeru Ishiba before apathy and record-low that he will retain his elections held after his he had been officially sworn approvalratings. premiershipandhiscoalition predecessor Fumio Kishidainasprimeminister The party had seen will continue to rule Japan who had been in the role Japan’s prime minister approval ratings of below without a majority But it since 2021 – made a surprise Shigeru Ishiba has vowed to 20%earlierintheyear,inthe also means they will no decision to step down in continue ruling the country wake of a political longer have the power to August. despite a bruising loss fundraising corruption passlawsunilaterally The move to call the suffered by his party at the scandal.
Another possibility is election came at a time when generalelection. Ishiba on Monday that the opposition parties the LDP is desperate to
The country now faces p l e d g e d t o “ e n a c t unitetoformthegovernment restore its tarnished image an uncertain political future fundamental reform - the largest one, the amongthepublic. as the coalition led by the regardingtheissueofmoney Constitutional Democratic Chiefamongtheseriesof long-ruling Liberal andpolitics”. Party (CDP), won 148 seats scandals that have dogged Democratic Party (LDP)
“We need to answer to upfrom98previously the LDP is its relationship has lost its majority in thepeople’scriticism.Thatis But that is a more with the controversial parliament, its worst result howIwilltakeresponsibility unlikely scenario as Japan’s Unification Church, inoveradecade for the loss of the election,” o p p o s i t i o n p a r t i e s described by critics as a Ishiba was sworn in as hesaid. historically have faced “cult”, and the level of prime minister just this
The snap election was called by the LDP’s new leader Shigeru Ishiba before he had been officially sworn in as prime minister. (Getty Images)
He also promised to difficulty in uniting or influence it had on month after winning the revitalise rural Japan and convincing voters they are a lawmakers. leadership of his party He tackleinflation. viableoptiontogovern. T h e n c a m e t h e had called a snap election to
Japan’s parliament now TheCDPhadanapproval revelationsoftheslushfunds sealhismandate. for the LDP to do some of the 233-seat majority has 30 days to convene and rating of just 6.6% before scandal, with dozens of LDP But in a speech on reflection and become a neededtogovern. choose a prime minister The parliamentwasdissolved. lawmakers accused of Monday, he admitted the partythatactsinlinewiththe ItisthefirsttimetheLDP chosen PM’s party or Japan’s politics gets a pocketing proceeds from LDP received “severe people’s will,” Ishiba told has lost its parliamentary coalition, will form the rare dose of upheaval after politicalfundraisingevents. judgement” from voters, and nationalbroadcasterNHK. majority since 2009. The government and can do so snapelection T
added his party would The LDP and its much party has ruled Japan almost even without a majority of PoliticsinJapanhasbeen running into the millions of “humblyaccept”this. smaller coalition partner continuouslysince1955. seats. moving at a fast pace in dollars, has led to the “The Japanese people Komeito, have altogether The result comes after a Ishiba said there are no recentmonths. dissolution of powerful expressed their strong desire taken 215 seats, falling short tumultuous few years for the plans to expand his political Ishiba took over as the factions.
BBC Sport - Former than three years after leaving Manchester City striker Monza.
Mario Balotelli’s clubs since leaving Manchester City include AC Milan, Liverpool, Nice, Marseille and Monza. (Getty Images)
Mario Balotelli has joined PartofManchesterCity’s SerieAclub Genoa on a free title winning squad in 2012, transfer Balotelli joins a struggling The 34-year-old had Genoa side who sit in the been without a club since relegationpositions. departing Turkish Super Lig Genoa, managed by side Adana Demirspor this Alberto Gilardino, are 18th summer after taking six points from Balotelli, who has 36 theiropeningninegames. the pitch during his time in included a training-ground Italy caps, returns to playing Balotelli made headlines thePremierLeague. bust-up with manager in his home country more for his behaviour on and off At Manchester City that Roberto Mancini, and he famously revealed a ‘why always me?’ T-shirt after scoring in a 6-1 demolition of rivals Manchester United atOldTrafford.
Leila and Shonette Belgrave will be hosting a male 7-aside and a female 11-a-side softball cricket competition on November 3 atYano’s playfield, Buckhall, Essequibo river Entrancefeeis$15,000andthewinningmaleteamwilltake home $200,000 and the victorious female team will receive $150,000.
Interested teams can call 699-1711 or 693-7776 for registration.
You may find that someone approaches you with harsh words that are apt to have a significant impact on your state of mind. You could even findthatyou'reparalyzed.
You may have to make an important decision today, Taurus. It has come to the point where someone draws a lineinthesandandchallenges youtocrossit.
As you take another step upward today, you may realize that there's a large part of the mountain you hadn't accounted for before. Perhaps this steep portion of the climb wasn't visible from below whenyoustartedthetrip.
Try not to overanalyze your actions If you continue to pick aparteveryaspect,youwillend up getting nowhere This principle applies to your emotions,too Besurethatyou aren't trying to make rational senseoutofeveryfeeling
Your actions may go against yourrationalthinking,butthis isn't necessarily a bad thing, Leo. Thoughts and feelings are apt to aggressively clash today, but that doesn't mean you have to be a victim of the resultingdemolition.
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
Youmayhavetheperfectplan all laid out, Virgo. You've communicated to the right people, you've traveled to the appropriate spots to gather data, and you have all your resourcesinline.
What you think may happen today is apt to be the opposite of what actually happens, Libra.Itcouldbethatyouhave a strong mental picture of how things should proceed but end up taking a completely differentaction.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Emotions may cloud your thoughts as things start to heat up in a heavy way In an effort to keep things light and energetic, you may be missing thecoreofthesituation.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Magical events may occur today in the most unlikely places Perhaps you're expecting to see someone in a certain environment Even if you don't see him/her, you will end up meeting at a special event in an entirelydifferentplace
If you find that you aren't necessarily thinking like the rest of the group, don't panic, Capricorn In fact, this is probably a good thing. By going along with the crowd, you may be expected to act a certainwayinsomesituations.
Yourwordsmayfallsharplyon someone's ears today, so be aware of the impact you can have Thisdoesn'tmeanthatyou need to dilute your message with lies in order to avoid the truetopicofconversation.
B e c a r e f u l o f b e i n g hypocritical, Pisces. You may not want to disappoint people you meet, so you end up stretching the truth to suit what theywanttohear
Balotelli scored 30 goals in two and a half years with the Blues, helping the club win a first league title since 1968.
After a first, brief stint at AC Milan, an unsuccessful move to Liverpool in 2014 followed,whichledtoaloan backtotheSanSiro.
Since then, Balotelli has played across Europe for a number of clubs, including French sides Nice and Marseille, and Italian clubs BresciaandMonza.
A member of the Italy squad that finished as runners-up at Euro 2012, Balotelli has not played for hiscountrysince2018.
Philadelphia 76ers guard Tyrese Maxey (0) drives past Indiana Pacers guard Ben Sheppard (26) during overtime at Gainbridge Fieldhouse. (Marc Lebryk-Imagn Images)
Reuters - Tyrese Maxey points, 18 rebounds and six with 24 points but had 10 scored 45 points, including assists and James Harden turnovers. 10 in overtime, and the added 23 points and 11 Nets 115, Bucks 102 P h i l a d e l p h i a 7 6 e r s assists to help Los Angeles Cam Thomas scored 32 completed a late rally to beat Golden State in the points as Brooklyn led for score their first win of the Warriors’ home opener in virtually the entire second season, a 118-114 defeat of SanFrancisco. half and pulled away in the theIndianaPacersonSunday Norman Powell had 20 fourth quarter to beat inIndianapolis. points and Derrick Jones Jr MilwaukeeinNewYork.
Maxey’s extra-period chipped in 18 for the Dennis Schroder added flourish began with a deep, Clippers,whosawa13-point 29 points for Brooklyn. The step-back 3-pointer for the lead in the fourth trimmed to veteran guard made 8 of 15 first points of overtime. His 101-100 on Andrew shots and combined with attack of the rim with 20.7 Wiggins’3-pointer with 3:47 Thomas to hit 18 of 36 shots seconds remaining resulted remaining. and sink seven of the Nets’ in a goaltending violation Warriors star Stephen 16threes. and extended a one-point Curryleftthegamewith2:43 Giannis Antetokounmpo Sixers lead to an invaluable left in the third quarter after led the Bucks with 22 points, three-pointcushion. suffering a sprained left 12 rebounds and seven
Maxeywaswhistledfora ankle. assistsbutnevergotachance foul on Andrew Nembhard’s Hedidn’tleavethebench to dominate. Damian Lillard shotattherimontheensuing area and was reinserted into added 21 points, reserve Indiana possession But the contest with 8:08 Bobby Portis contributed 16 Nembhard made only 1 of 2 remaining in the fourth and points and former Net Brook freethrows,andPhiladelphia the Warriors down 93-85. Lopezscored15astheBucks held on from there. Maxey But his return lasted just 13 missed23of333-pointtries. addedfourreboundsandfour seconds, as he was subbed Trail Blazers 125, assistsinthewin. out for Wiggins, who Pelicans 103 While Maxey shined in finishedwithagame-high29 Jerami Grant scored 28 the clutch, getting to points,with7:55remaining. points, Deandre Ayton had a overtime was a total team Thunder 128, Hawks 104 double-double and host effort for Philadelphia. The S h a i G i l g e o u s - Portland routed New Sixershadfallenbehind102- Alexander had 35 points, 11 Orleans.Ayton finished with 97 with 93 seconds rebounds and nine assists to 17 points and 12 rebounds, remaining in the fourth help host Oklahoma City Anfernee Simons scored 27 quarter after a Nembhard beatAtlanta. points, Toumani Camara had jumper Chet Holmgren added 25 12 and DeniAvdija added 11 I n d i a n a ’s Ty r e s e pointsandninereboundsand as all five Blazers starters Haliburton buried one of his Jalen Williams scored 20 scored in double figures and four made 3-pointers just points to lift the Thunder to outscored their Pelicans before the fourth-quarter 3-0 for the first time since counterparts95-69. buzzer to force overtime. 2016. Portland led by as many Haliburton scored a team- The Hawks led 92-91 as 24 points to get its first high 22 points but with 10:31 left in the fourth victory of the season. CJ uncharacteristically quarter, but Oklahoma City McCollum scored 27 points, committed more turnovers then seized control of the Jordan Hawkins scored 17 (three) than he had assists game. Alex Caruso’s floater off the bench and Brandon (two). allowed the Thunder to Ingram and ZionWilliamson Clippers 112, retake the lead and ignited a had 14 apiece to lead the Warriors 104 13-0run. Pelicans.
Ivica Zubac had 23 Trae Young led Atlanta (Field Level Media)
S p o r t s M a x - statement on Monday that in the Premier League, season – in fact, United have theyhavebeenpoorforlarge conceded 112 goals, their Manchester United have TenHag,whojoinedtheclub having won three and lost
swathes ofTen Hag’s tenure. xGAis the fifth-worst of any parted company with Erik from Ajax in 2022, had left four of their opening nine
Indeed, since his first ever-presentPremierLeague tenHag. hisrole. games They have also expected goals and goals Premier League match in sideinthattime.
United lost 2-1 to West “We are grateful to Erik drawn all three of their scoredinthePremierLeague charge in August 2022, Ten Hag departs having Ham on Sunday, and that for everything he has done EuropaLeaguematches. this season (eight goals UnitedhaveregisteredanxG led United to two trophies –defeat at London Stadium during his time with us and Ten Hag can point to his scoredfrom14.6xG). against(xGA)of136. the EFL Cup in 2022-23 and hasprovedthefinalstrawfor wishhimwellforthefuture,” side missing chances this However, defensively While they have only lastseason’sFACup. theclub’sownership. thestatementread.
The Dutchman, who was United announced that only rewarded with a new Ruud van Nistelrooy, who contract in the summer joined Ten Hag’s coaching following a win over staff this past summer, will Manchester City in the FA take charge as interim head Cup final, had won just one coach during the club’s of his last eight matches in search for a permanent charge. replacement.
United confirmed in a The Red Devils sit 14th
Jamual John of the Kaieteur Attack Racing Cycle Club (KARCC) put on a show-stopping performance on Sunday, seizing victory at the Flying Stars Cycle Club’s Memorial Races event held at the iconic Kingston Seawall Bandstand. Jamual, known for his explosive finishes, clinched the coveted Louis London Snr Memorial Road Race title, edging out Briton John in second place, with Curtis Dey roundingoutthetopthree.
The event brought together cyclists from multiple categories, including Juniors, Pre-Juniors, Ladies, Masters Over-50 and Under-50, and the exhilarating Open 18-lap race. Each category saw fierce competition, but none could match John’s supremacy as he stormed through the 18-lap Randolph “Duckie” Singh race, making it a double victory fortheKARCCstar
Robin Persaud of KFC Evolution put up an equally impressiveshowintheMastersUnder-50race,capturingthe Charles Chichester trophy with finesse, as Kwame Ridley andRoyMangruchasedinsecondandthird.Meanwhile,the Masters Over-50 division crowned Lynn Murray as the victor, with Horace Burrows and Ian Jackson following closelybehind.
The Junior and Pre-Junior races showcased the next generation of cycling talent. Alex Newton dominated the Junior’s event to claim the Neville Rutherford trophy, while Dinish Sookai made a memorable run to secure the Junior Lynchtrophy
The ladies were not to be outdone, as KARCC’s own Abigail Jeffrey powered her way to victory in the Ladies race,markinganotherproudachievementfortheclub. Sunday’s Memorial Races were more than just competition; they celebrated the legacy of cycling champions and the relentless passion that fuels the sport.As the dust settles on another thrilling day at the Kingston Seawall, Jamual John and his fellow victors stand as a testament to the strength, strategy, and spirit that define Guyana’scyclingscene.
ST. JOHN’S,Antigua – Maroon Warriors just seeinghowtheplayersequip US$100,000, while the CricketWestIndies(CWI)is reaching the semi-finals of themselves for this level of runners-up will take home excited to announce the start theWomen’sT20WorldCup competition.” US$50,000. Both semiof the highly anticipated CG and our senior men fresh off Rupert Hunter, CWI’s finalists will be rewarded United Super50 Cup 2024, their tour of Sri Lanka and new Chief Commercial US$25,000each. which begins in Trinidad gearing up to battle rivals - Officer, emphasized the Inadditiontothethrilling from today, Tuesday 29 England. The CG United significance of the event and on-field action, fans will be October to Saturday 23 Super50 Cup allows our CG United’s support: “The abletowatchmatchesliveon November ThispremierList players to showcase their CG United Super50 Cup ESPN Caribbean for games A regional tournament is an talents at a crucial time. As continuestobeacornerstone held at the Brian Lara essential platform for we prepare for the in the development of West Cricket Academy (BLCA). showcasing the region’s best B a n g l a d e s h t o u r , Indies cricket, providing our Matches from the Queen’s cricket talent and a vital part performancesherecouldbea players with the opportunity Park Oval (QPO) and the Sir of our preparation for future springboard for many todemonstratetheirskillson Frank Worrell Cricket international competitions, players looking to represent a competitive stage. We are Ground at the University of including the upcoming ICC the region. This tournament incredibly grateful to CG the West Indies Sport and Men’s Cricket World Cup in is an integral part of our United for their dedicated Physical Education Centre 2027. development plans as we support, which has helped (UWI SPEC) will be Miles Bascombe, CWI’s build towards the 2027 strengthen our vision for the streamedliveontheWindies
Director of Cricket, Men’sCricketWorldCup.” future of cricket in the CricketYouTubechannel. highlighted the tournament He continued: “We are region.”
Tickets are available for within the context of a maintainingthebonuspoints F o r t h e s e c o n d all matches at both Queen’s bustling period for West system, as it aligns for our consecutive year, teams will Park Oval and Brian Lara Indies cricket: “We are in an Key Performance Indicators also be competing for Cricket Academy Fans can exciting and busy period for for our ODI performances, increased prize money, with purch
Hayden Walsh and Jahmar Hamilton of the Leeward Islands Hurricanes. (CWI)
Guyana Harpy Eagles at
West Indies cricket, with our and we look forward to the winners set to receive package at a discounted rate UWISPEC Barbados Pride v Windward of US$20/TT$150, while · 1 N
e r : IslandsVolcanoesatQPO individual day tickets are Barbados Pride v Leeward · 11 November: West priced at TT$20/US$3 IslandsHurricanesatQPO Indies Academy v Guyana Semi-final tickets cost ·1November: Trinidad HarpyEaglesatBLCA US$8/TT$50, with final & Tobago Red Force v · 1 2 N
: tickets at US$15/TT$100. WindwardIslandsVolcanoes J
v Tickets are available online atBLCA Trinidad & Tobago Red a t w w w t i c k e t s · 2 November: West ForceatBLCA Indies Academy v Jamaica · 13 November: West
T h e e i g h t t e a m s ScorpionsatUWISPEC Indies Academy v Barbados competing in this year’s CG · 3 November: Guyana PrideatUWISPEC United Super50 Cup are: Harpy Eagles v Barbados · 13 November: CCC v
· Trinidad & Tobago Red PrideatQPO WindwardIslandsVolcanoes F o r c e ( d e f e n d i n g ·3November: Trinidad atBLCA champions) & Tobago Red Force v 1 5 N o v e m b e r :
·BarbadosPride Leeward Islands Hurricanes Leeward Islands Hurricanes
· Combined Campuses atBLCA v Jamaica Scorpions at andColleges · 4 November: CCC v BLCA
·GuyanaHarpyEagles West Indies Academy at 1 6 N o v e m b e r :
·JamaicaScorpions UWISPEC Trinidad & Tobago Red
Leeward Islands · 5 November: Jamaica Force v Barbados Pride at Hurricanes Scorpions v Windward QPO
·WestIndiesAcademy IslandsVolcanoesatQPO · 17 November: CCC v Windward Islands 5 N o v e m b e r : Leeward Island Hurricanes Volcanoes Leeward Islands Hurricanes atQPO
· The match schedule for v Guyana Harpy Eagles at · 17 November: West the CG United Super50 Cup BLCA IndiesAcademyvWindward is as follows. Games at the · 7 November: Guyana Island Volcanoes at UWI
Brian Lara CricketAcademy Harpy Eagles v Jamaica SPEC begin at 1pm AST| 12pm JA ScorpionsatQPO · 20 November: Semitime and games at both UWI · 7 November: West Final1atBLCA SPEC and the Queen’s Park Indies Academy v Trinidad · 20 November: SemiOval begin at 9am AST|8am &Tobago Red Force at UWI Final2atBLCA JAtime. SPEC ·23November: FINAL
·29October:Trinidad& 8 N o v e m b e r : atBLCA
Tobago Red Force v CCC at LeewardIslandHurricanesv · For LIVE ball-by-ball UWISPEC WindwardIslandsVolcanoes scoring and match updates,
· 29 October: Guyana atUWISPEC v i s i t t h e Harpy Eagles v Windward · 8 November: CCC v IslandsVolcanoesatBLCA BarbadosPrideatBLCA MatchCentre.
· 30 October: West ·9November: Trinidad · C W I r e m a i n s Indies Academy v Leeward & Tobago Red Force v committed to developing the IslandsHurricanesatQPO Guyana Harpy Eagles at sport across the Caribbean
·30October: Barbados QPO and looks forward to another Pride v Jamaica Scorpions at · 1 0 N o v e m b e r : exciting edition of this BLCA Jamaica Scorpions v CCC at flagship 50-over List A
· 31 October: CCC v QPO competition.
Mikhail Smith Meanwhile, a statement
h a s b e e n from the new body extended elected to gratitude to the outgoing
s e r v e a s executive and accepted their President of the Old Fort promise to continue to work Hockey Club following the together to strengthen the stagingoftheentity’sAnnual club, while also aiming to General Meeting, which was work assiduously to realise held on Sunday, at the the goals and objectives of NationalGymnasium. theclub.
Smith will have as his Among the members deputy Vice-President present were Nkosi Saul, Dwight Sullivan; Secretary- Mark Fraser, Warren Kayla Duncan; Treasurer- Williams, Jonathan Roberts, Chris Low Koan; Assistant/ John Abrahams, Donnel Secretary Treasurer- Keziah Alleyne, Dominic Alleyne, Johnson. Yonnick Norton, Chris Low
T h e C o m m i t t e e Loan,SoniaGordon,Dwight Kalifa Hicks, Valerie servefortwoyearsandcome occasion. Roberts, Allan Newark, members are Kalifa Hicks, Sullivan, Dexter Wyles, Fernandes, Ivor Thompson, August 2025; it will be Theclub’sboardhasalso Audwin Graham, and Mark Fraser, Sonia Gordon Jason DeSantos, Karl Jhaner Carpio, Jimmy celebrating 50 years of its been expanded with the Jonathan Roberts. The three andJasonDeSantos. Moore, Marc Waldron, Carpio, Johnny Carpio and existence and several addition of two new new directors are Dexter Dominic Alleyne was Kayla Duncan, Mikhail StefanKing. activities are being planned directors The current Wyles, Samuel Roberts and namedtheClubCaptain. Smith, Kezia Johnson, The new executive will to
It was excitement occupy the second spot, the contest would be played throughout the day when the while Jiaram also was close onthe10x10boards. N
u g h t s with 24 points to secure the Thanks again to our Association played off their third position Aubrey sponsors, Rubis Bel Air, second leg of the Annual Straughn, who was trailing P
National Championship at on 19 points, made a clean Management Inc , M&M theTransportSportsclub. sweep over Ramsagar Singh
It was Jiaram and to move up to 23 points Hydraulic Bagotstown and Godfrey George who were earning him the fourth prize. Elias Gentle Attorney at leading for the entire day Former Champion Steve Law Transport Sports club until Floyd Cumberbatch Bacchus with 21 points was made a worthy contribution, defeated Lyndon Heywood denied the fourth position while GT Wines donated taking three valuable points d
in the final round to the lead performance. presentations Our thirst on 26 points. George ended T h e
o n providerisGuyanaBeverage closely on 25 points to continues this Sunday where
All Star chalked placedthirdon70games. games respectively for up 82 games to Khemraj Surujpaul led ParikaBoyz.
win the All Star the winners, marking 17 Krishendat Hansraj and dominoes team sponsored games, while Vijay Persaud Vickram Ramnarine made Domino competition which supportedwellwith16. 13 each for Underdog, while was contested recently at M o h a m e d K a l a m Tom Singh and James C
bar, contributed 15, Heera Ramnarine chipped in with Wakenaam. Sukram 14 and Julain 12and10inthatorder.
Parika Boyz took the Ramotar11games. AllStartookthetopprize runner up spot with 71 Ano Kumar and Alex of one ram sheep valued games, while Underdog Chung made 12 and 10 $40,000.