of profit oil from the three oil rich, Stabroek Block, producing FPSOs; four from
ExxonMobil and
e Destiny, five from Unity and
company’s two Co- six from Prosperity. The Venturers, in the first half of report explained, “During this year enjoyed record the period January to June breaking income from the 2024, Government received three Floating Production US$1,220.6 million as Storage and Offloading revenue from its share of (FPSO) vessels operating profit oil from thirteen of the offshore. fifteen lifts that occurred in
The three vessels, Liza the first six months of this
President, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited, Alistair Routledge.
Destiny, Unity and year and two lifts that Prosperity are producing a occurred in the final quarter daily average of 645,000 of2023.” barrels.
With prices for Brent
According to the crude averaging US$84 per Government of Guyana’s barrel in the first half of lifts (approximately two from the sale of Guyana’s
Mid-Year Report, the total 2024, Guyana also received millionbarrelsmore). share of profit oil, and
earnings from the export of
crude oil amounted to
To this end, the report US
noted, “Petroleum deposits royalties.”
US$9.4B in the first six production and sales from for the year are now T
months of 2024, a US$4B the final quarter of last year
US$1.6B is expected to be increase compared with the and the first quarter of this US$2,645 9 million this withdrawn from the oil sameperiodlastyear year In July, Government year, 10.3 percent higher account The NRF is It should be noted that received US$167.6 million than projected at the time of expected to have a closing 75% of that amount was asprofitoilpaymentsfortwo preparing Budget 2024 balance of approximately deducted by the Stabroek Government lifts that were Governmentisnowexpected US$3,154.9 million at the Block partners to recover executedinJune. to earn US$2,292.1 million endoftheyear their investments. To this
Graph showing the increase in cost recovery from 2023 to 2024.
The cumulative balance end, the report states that of the NRF, including US$7.5B in Foreign Direct interest of US$64.1M at the Investment (FDI) outflows end of June amounted to Block, in accordance with Half Year Report indicated was recorded, reflecting cost US$2,870 6 million, after the 2016 Production Sharing that US$4B in revenue was recoveryfromtheoilandgas withdrawals of US$550 Agreement (PSA). As such, deducted from Guyana’s oil sector million. Exxon and partners bagged during the first six months of Government pointed out
At the beginning of the at least US$8 5B from theyear that this outweighed FDI year, it was anticipated that Guyana’s oil and gas
Meanwhile, Guyana’s inflows during the review government would receive operations in only six Natural Resource Fund period, which amounted to 25 lifts of profit oil from the months. (NRF) received a US$1.2B US$2.9B. Stabroek Block. Due to the This is a massive top-upduringthefirsthalfof
In addition to revenue ramping up of production at increase in cost recovery 2024. deducted for cost, Exxon the Prosperity FPSO compared with the same
Between January and also received 50% of the however, the country will period last year The Bank of June 2024, the Government profits from the Stabroek receive an additional two Guyana (BoG) in its 2023 ofGuyana(GoG)had15lifts
The People’s National
that “If the PPP cannot be Congress Reform (PNCR) truthfulaboutthenation’soil believes that the government reserves, which reporting has no intention to properly consistently shows they monitor oil production by understate, how we can placing independent meters expect them to truthfully atthepumps. report oil production
In an invited comment, readings from independent Economist and PNCR oilmeters?” Advisoronoilandgas,Elson Chief Policymaker in the LowtoldKaieteurNewsthat oil and gas sector and Vice “this is especially dangerous President, Bharrat Jagdeo for the country as if the total recently told reporters at one reserves are not known and of his party’s weekly press meters are tampered with it conferences that the could mean over time government is looking to billions of barrels of oil procure independent meters could go missing without to monitor production Guyanese have any idea of although they have access
& Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456
Editor-In-Chief: NIGEL WILLIAMS Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
It is a standard now that whenever Guyana’s oil czar BharratJagdeoprovidesananswertomostissues,theresult is more questions generated. These are questions that concern because they lead in a direction that is not healthy forthiscountry TheawardofacontractbytheGovernment ofGuyanatoUSbasedfirmFulcrum,LNGstandsasacase inpoint. FulcrumLNGisinexistenceforallofayear,hasno history of operating in the gas monetization business, its newlydraftedCEO,JesusBronchalo,workedover19years for ExxonMobil, and had left the company only a few monthsbefore.
In a nutshell, and taken charitably, it seems that Mr Bronchalowasinanawfulhurry(atleastfortherecord)to put distance between himself and his former employer, ExxonMobilandthen,torushevenmoreswiftlytoregister his brainchild, Fulcrum LNG. Now, to crown all this off, Bronchalo and Fulcrum LNG beat off 16 other bidders to win a contract to monetize Guyana’s gas. If there is one thingtobesaidforthiswholeaffair,itisthatBronchaloand Fulcrum LNG leada charmedlife,benefitfrom having the angels on their side. For his part, Vice President of Oil, Jagdeo said he has no relationship with the former ExxonMobil veteran, and that he only met him once. If BharratJagdeosaysitwasso,thenthatisbankable. Butit waswhattranspiredatthatsinglemeeting,asJagdeoinsists, thatshouldhaveopenedtheGuyanaoilczar’seyesandmade heandhisgovernmentwatchful. Jagdeo’sownwordsfrom a question raised at his most recent press conference speak powerfully “I met the gentleman once when they were making a report on the Gas to Energy Project, it was a contentious engagement with him because we were discussing the pricing policy for the gas that’s the only time I saw him he came as part of the taskforce…Never saw him again and then I met him subsequent to the award of the contract never in between. So that is clear and I shouldn’t really be feeding intoit.”
According to Jagdeo, “it was a contentious engagement.” We take him literally, with emphasis on “contentious ” It means that there was serious disagreement, with a lot of bickering and wrangling. Whether it was brutal and inconclusive Jagdeo did not go intoanydetails. Itisoneofhisnewertrademarks:whenhe senses that he is being backed into a tight corner, the walls closing in, and some unknown danger is hovering, he retreatsintothesetautresponses. Inotherwords,themanner of the Vice President is to say as little as possible and to quickly slam shut the door to any further question and answer exchange. We would think that since Jagdeo assigned himself full responsibility for the rich oil and gas sectorthathewouldberichwithanswersoneveryaspectof it, whether large or small. Jagdeo has been the opposite, withinformationcominginsmallandgrudgingdosesfrom him, and then only when pressed for answers or his positions.
Itisinterestingwhatthis“contentious engagement”(per Jagdeo himself) was all about. Incredibly, it was “the pricingpolicyforthegas.” WerepeatJagdeo’swordssothat all Guyanese are on the same page: “it was a contentious engagement…discussing the pricing policy for gas…” This is astonishing, and though part and parcel of host country and foreign company discussions, a warning bell ought to have sounded in Jagdeo’s head. If this guy (Bronchalo) is goingtofightagainstGuyanaaboutgaspricingtoday,most likely trying to squeeze the guts out of Guyana for its gas, thenthatdoesnotbodewellforGuyana’sgasmonetization future with him around at ExxonMobil. But he went and establishedFulcrumLNGintheblinkofaneyeandisnow themaninchargeofsellingGuyana’sgas. Somethingisnot addinguphere,whatareGuyanesemissing,thatistheissue. Therehavebeentoomanyofthesestrangedevelopmentsin Guyana, and this Bronchalo-Fulcrum gas monetizing deal seemstobefollowingtheblueprint.
The sad news reached Guyanaofthepassingofthe Hon Shridath (Sony) Ramphal.Byeverymeasure, ShridathRamphalwasaman of superb intellect, wisdom and a Guyanese patriot par excellence.
I have no doubt that others will catalogue his magnificent journey on earth, serving this country and the wider world with excellence and commitment to make our world a better place.
With fond memories, I
remember Sony as our Attorney General of British GuianabeforeIndependence and his contribution to crafting a Constitution for our Country as an independent nation. To this and among other things, we owethisgiant,gratitude.
I r e c a l l a t o u r
Independence Conference, held at Lancaster House in November 1965, his providing guidance to the late Stephen Campbell who vigorously fought and succeeded for the rights of our Indigenous people. I
remember his excellent, profound remarks as a memberofourlegislature.
Duringhisdelivery,both sides of the House listened with rapt attention, as Sony articulated and pronounced on matters necessary to ensure the preservation of our history and its relevance toourGuyana.Inthatregard, Iamadvisedthateveninthe finalmomentsofhistimeon earth, he had with him documents related to the Guyana-Venezuela Border issue.Whatamanat95. I developed close,
personal friendship with Sony, as a member of the Cabinet and maintained that friendship even when he served humanity at several internationalorganisations.
We will all miss his charm and warmth, with affection.
All Guyana, must pay fitting tributes to this Guyanese.
To his family members, to Guyana and the wider world, on behalf of my wife and family, we extend our condolences.
In the ever-evolving political landscape of the United States, the idea of alliancesthattranscendparty lines is not only intriguing
but also potentially
transformative The possibility of Robert Kennedy Jr., a prominent figurewithdeeprootsinthe Democratic Party, joining forceswithformerPresident DonaldTrump,astalwartof the Republican base, has
sparked considerable discussion. Some may view this as an unlikely pairing, while others see it as a strategic move that could reshape the political future ofthenation.Thisletteraims to elucidate why such an allianceisnotonlyimportant but could be a pivotal
moment in American history
In an era where polarisation has reached unprecedented levels, an alliance between Robert Kennedy Jr and Donald Trump could serve as a powerful symbol of bipartisan unity The United States is more divided than ever,withpoliticaldiscourse often descending into hostility and mistrust KennedyandTrump,despite their differences, share a common concern for the welfare of the American people and a desire to challenge the status quo. By coming together, they could
demonstratethatmeaningful collaboration across party lines is possible, offering a path forward for a country desperately in need of healing and common ground.
Both Kennedy and Trump have voiced significant concerns about the erosion of individual freedoms and the overreach of government authority Kennedy has been a vocal critic of government interventioninpublichealth, particularly with regard to vaccine mandates and the influence of pharmaceutical companies Trump, throughout his presidency andbeyond,hasconsistently advocated for reducing the size and scope of government, emphasising the need for individual liberty and economic freedom.Theirsharedstance on these issues could form the cornerstone of a powerful alliance aimed at restoring the balance between government power andpersonalfreedom.
One of the most compelling reasons for Kennedy to join forces with Trump is their mutual disdain for the political establishment. Both figures have faced intense opposition from within their respective parties and have been labelled as outsiders. Trump, known for his populist rhetoric, has
consistently positioned himselfasachampionofthe “forgottenmenandwomen” of America, railing against the entrenched elites in Washington. Kennedy, with his deep-rooted scepticism of corporate influence and government corruption, has similarly found himself at odds with the Democratic establishment Together, they could mount a formidable challenge to the bipartisanestablishmentthat has, in their view, failed to addresstheneedsofordinary Americans.
Robert Kennedy Jr has madeanameforhimselfasa staunch advocate for health freedom and medical transparency
Hisworkinexposingthe potentialdangersofvaccines and his criticism of the pharmaceutical industry’s influence on public policy have resonated with a significant portion of the American public Trump, who has also expressed scepticism about certain aspects of the medical establishment, could amplify Kennedy’s message onanationalscale.Together, they could push for greater transparency in the medical field, advocate for informed consent, and challenge the prevailing narratives that have dominated public healthdiscourse.
Donald T
’s presidencywasmarkedbya
nationalism, with policies a
industries from unfair foreign competition This
working-class Americans who have felt left behind by globalisation and free trade
agreements. While
Kennedy’s focus has primarilybeenonhealthand environmentalissues,hehas also expressed concern
about the impact of
corporate power on American workers An alliance between Kennedy and Trump could bring together their shared commitment to protecting
American jobs and
promoting economic policies that prioritise the needs of the American people over the interests of multinationalcorporations.
Robert Kennedy Jr is a well-known environmental advocate,withalonghistory of fighting for clean water, air, and sustainable development.Trump,during his presidency, took a different approach to environmental policy, prioritising energy independence and deregulation However, there is potential for common ground in the area of sustainable development. Kennedy could bring his expertise and passion for conservation to the table, while Trump’s focus on economicgrowthcouldhelp shape policies that balance environmental protection w i t h e c o n o m i c development.Together,they could work towards solutions that promote environmental stewardship
without sacrificing economicprosperity
C o r r u p t i o n i n government and corporate America is a concern that
transcends party lines. Both Kennedy and Trump have builttheirpublicpersonason acommitmenttorootingout corruption and holding powerful interests accountable Trump’s “Drain the Swamp” rhetoric struck a chord with voters whofeltdisillusionedbythe political system, while Kennedy has long been a critic of corporate influence inpolitics.Byjoiningforces, they could present a united front against corruption, pushing for reforms that increase transparency, accountability, and integrity in both government and the privatesector
The collaboration betweenRobertKennedyJr and Donald Trump could potentiallygiverisetoanew political movement one that transcends traditional party lines and appeals to a broad coalition of voters. This movement could focus on common-sense policies that prioritise the needs of the American people, rather than the interests of the political elites By combining their strengths and leveraging their unique appeal to different segments of the electorate, Kennedy andTrumpcouldforgeanew path in American politics, one that challenges the dominance of the two-party system and offers voters a viablealternative.
Foreignpolicyisanother areawheretheexpertiseand perspectives of both Kennedy and Trump could complement each other Trump’sapproachtoforeign policy was characterised by a focus on “America First,” prioritising American interests and reducing the country’s involvement in foreign conflicts. Kennedy, with his background in diplomacy and international relations,couldbringamore
nuancedapproachtoforeign policydiscussions.Together, they could advocate for a foreign policy that is both pragmatic and principled, prioritising peace and security while safeguarding Americaninterests.
Theurban-ruraldividein America has grown increasingly pronounced in recent years, with rural communities often feeling neglected by the political establishment Trump’s appeal to rural voters was a key factor in his electoral success, while Kennedy’s environmentaladvocacyhas resonatedwithmanyinrural America who are concerned about issues such as clean waterandlandconservation.
An alliance between Kennedy and Trump could help bridge this divide, promoting policies that addresstheuniqueneedsand concerns of both urban and ruralcommunities.
In conclusion, the potential alliance between Robert Kennedy Jr and Donald Trump represents a historic opportunity to reshape the political landscape of the United States.
By joining forces, they could offer a compelling alternative to the polarised and dysfunctional status quo, advocating for policies that prioritise individual freedom, economic prosperity, environmental s t e w a r d s h i p , a n d government transparency
This alliance, while unconventional, could be exactly what the country needs at this critical juncture—a reminder that, despite our differences, we cancometogethertobuilda better future for all Americans.
WayneLyttle Journalist
In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our publisher, Mr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about on-going indecencies in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.
There exists a weapon more insidious than the outright banning of dissenting voices That weapon involves the strangulation of financial sustenance through the withholding or rationing of state advertisements to media houses. In Guyana, the deployment of this weapon has a long and troubledhistory
Thespectreofapossible return of this policy hovers over Guyana’s independent media like a ghostly apparition. It is never quite visible but always everpresent. It serves as a sober reminder, to those who dare to question the government that the policy is not out of sightoroutofmind.
To understand the depth of this threat, one needs to look no further than the battle fought by the late David De Caires of the Stabroek News in 2007 and 2008. De Caires waged a campaign against what he perceived as the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPPC)’s attempts to suffocatehisnewspaperinto oblivion.
Theofficiallinewasthat state advertisements were distributed based on the circulation and reach of the newspapers It was a seemingly logical justification, wrapped in the language of market economics. After all, the state argued, why shouldn’t advertisements go to the papers with the largest audience?
At the height of this
policy’s enforcement, Kaieteur News was the leading newspaper in Guyana,boastingthehighest circulation.Stateadsflowed to it and to the state-owned newspaper which the government felt it had an obligation to support even though its circulation was believedtobethepoorestof allnewspapers.
But for Stabroek News, there was no such lifeline. Stateadswerewithheld.The newspaper did not take it sitting down. It rallied supportfromregionalallies, its plight making headlines in newspapers across the Caribbean. The Jamaica Gleaner denounced the state ads policy of the PPPC governmentasanattemptto “ s t r a n g u l a t e ” t h e independent newspaper, calling it “a vulgar and unworthy act of reprisal for presumedpoliticalwrongs.”
The Trinidad Express raised questions about the government’s rationale, while the Barbados Nation viewed the move as a threat to press freedom that reverberated across the CARICOM community Regional outrage mounted, but the PPPC stood firm, unyieldinginitsresolve.
T h e U S S t a t e Department Human Rights Report said the following: “The government attempted to censor or restrict content; the government sought indirectlytocensortheprint media by controlling advertising.”
And then, as if by some magical realignment of
principles, the policy was reversed It was a coincidence,notedbymany, thatthischangecameshortly after the launch of the G u y a n a T i m e s a newspaper believed to be close to a certain person in the ruling party The timing was not lost on Stabroek News, which viewed the policy reversal as less a concession to press freedom and more a cynical ploy to reward a more sympathetic voice.
It is in this historical context that we must view the present situation. The government’soldgrievances with the media have resurfaced.
The recent rumblings against Stabroek News and Kaieteur News suggest a dissatisfaction brewing within the halls of power The very newspapers that stood by the PPPC in its battle against electoral rigging in 2020 now find themselves on the receiving end of the government’s ire. How quickly the heroes of yesterday become the enemiesoftoday
It would be naïve to assumethatthePPPCwould hesitate to redeploy its old tactics. The government’s rationale for controlling the flow of state advertisements could be dressed up in the familiar garb of fairness, efficiency, economic grounds,andevenreach.But beneath these justifications lies a stark truth: the policy ofwithholdingadsisaform of economic censorship, a waytobendthemediatoits
Dem boys hear a man selling a government house lot. Picture show no buildingondeland.Justemptyspace. De landgivenoutfuhhousing,yuhknow But is de price that knock dem boys off dem chair De man want G$16 million fuh de land! Imagine dat! Government land flippingfuhdatkindamoney?
Some people getting land, and before yuh blink, dem selling it back.Ain’t even putupalilfenceornothing.Demain’tlifta finger Alldemdoisputupasignandwait fuh de cash. Dem boys seh it’s like Christmas come early fuh some people. Get land cheap, sell back fuh big bucks. Easymoney Butdempoormancan’tcatch abreak.
De big shots buying out de land. Dem usingsomefancythingcalled“irrevocable powerofattorney.”Demboyssehdembig words just mean one thing: poor man losing out. Rich man winning again.And yuh know when de rich man win, de poor man can’t even come in second. He ain’t
will.Imagine, if you will, a scenario where the government,feelingtheheat of critical reporting, decides thatcertainnarrativesareno longeracceptable.
By selectively choking off the flow of state ads, it can send a message that is both clear and chilling: toe theline,orpaytheprice.
In Guyana, newspapers remain a crucial source of information for the public. They set the agenda, shape public discourse, and hold the government to account. To cripple them financially is to cripple democratic engagement.
The possibility that the government could return to
its old ways of rationing or w ith h o ld in g s tate advertisementsshouldalarm anyone who values press freedom.Itisapolicythat,if re-implemented, would not just be a step backward; it wouldbealeapintoadarker past where dissent was stifled, and compliance was coerced.
As the nation stands on thebrinkofanotherelectoral cycle, the media must
remain vigilant The government’s past actions are a blueprint for what could come. If the PPPC revertstoitscontroversialad policies,itwillnotbeoutof necessity b
The press must brace itself, for the battle for its independence is far from over. The weapon of advertisement withholding isstillsharp,stillreadytobe wielded, and its shadow looms large over the future ofpressfreedominGuyana.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Demboyssehdembigshotsdrivingup depriceofland.Imaginetryingfuhbuya house lot and dem telling yuh G$16 million.Whocanafforddat?Notdepublic servant. Not dem people wah selling in dem stores. Not de woman washing clothes fuh a living. Dem boys seh dis is howderichstayrichanddepoorstaypoor
Dem boys wanna know what de Ministry of Housing doing ‘bout dis? De land supposed to be fuh housing, not fuh flipping like pancake. Dem boys seh somebodyneedfuhtekastand.Somebody need fuh tell dem big shots enough is enough. De housing programme suppose tohelppeople.Notmekdemhomeless.So, wholookingoutfuhdepoorman?Notde mansellingdelandfuhG$16million.Not debigshotbuyingitup.Maybedemboys havetobedevoice.Somebodygottaspeak up. Somebody gotta care. Otherwise, de poormangon’alwaysbelef’outindecold. Talkhalf.Leffhalf
I hasten to reassure Government, which spins this spoof about head.
Remember Fip Motielall everyone that neither automaticallymeansJagdeo. Fulcrum, LNG Then, Now I don’t know how (no relation). He gets a secrets. Second, there were blasphemy nor sacrilege is A little context would miracleofmiracles,outof17 smart Mr Bronchalo is, but I mechanical jackass cart and some strange-fly-by-night intended in that grouping of smooththepathahead. gas thoroughbreds bidding know something else. In call it a bulldozer around characters around these Jesus and Jagdeo For According to Jagdeo, for Guyana’s gas money Guyana, there is none some godforsaken outpost projects, who appeared out clarity, it is Jesus Bronchalo Exxonisnotinterestedingas action, Mr Jesus Bronchalo smaatah than Vice President called Amaila Falls and ofnowhere. ofFulcrum,LNGneeExxon, money Nice one, Boss beats off all challengers and Jagdeo. Seeing that I have walked away smirking with Third, they became the and not the Jesus of sacred Bharrat. The day that the sticks his nose for the a p p o i n t e d m y s e l f millionsofUS. Whowashis sweethearts of different PPP texts I am sure Mr. likes of Woods and winner’s garland to be hung
Commissioner for the sponsor and how clean and Governments (which meant Bronchalo wouldn’t mind, Routledge lose interest in a around his neck. How about
Promotion of Virtue and clear was his story? Skip one leading man only) while I remind every dollar, that is the day when I that for odds? Or a fix?
Prevention of Vice in across town to the Berbice Fourth, there was always big Guyanese that no one is far stopbelievinginGod. Since Somebody just tied another Guyana (not Saudi Arabia), Bridge(theexistingone)and money involved, the quiet gone (so out of sorts) that Exxon had bigger priorities noose around Guyana’s it is my teary-eyed duty to what was the secret sauce andcovereddownkind. And thereisnotaplaceforhimor than gas, it made no neck. peel the onion. In all the there, and whose brainchild? fifth, here is the trump of her in Jesus’s sacred heart. commercial sense for all that For that is one hell of a many conversations that Oil Once again, Guyanese got a trumps: President Jagdeo, Bharrat Jagdeo qualifies; I post reinjection gas to be gassy story, and it only takes and Gas Viceroy Jagdeo had political shaft straight up the formerpresidentJagdeo,and recommend him. The wish lying around out there idly. two men of the spectacular to have had with Exxon, gas colon. Fast forward the Vice President Jagdeo was is that I could say the same Enter Chief Commercial caliber of Jesus and Jagdeo hadtocomeupandMr.Jesus clock and parachute into always in close attendance
Officer of Exxon Guyana, to come with a contraption in his capacity as Chief Wales, and there is a US$2B and hung like a heavy
o Mr.JesusBronchalo. like this (Fulcrum LNG) that Commercial Officer had to gas-to-shoredream,whichis shadowoverallproceedings. involvingLoneRangerJesus After 19 years he slips was a winner from the day it be present in a few of them. already shaping up to be a Either as arranger and Bronchalo and the PPP out of Exxon’s grasp and jumped out of somebody’s Exxon is not interested (so dark nightmare for conductor, or as problem we hear) but cha-ching, Guyanese. As an additional solver and decision maker Bronchalo gets a great big bonus of enlightenment, I Thus: the latest superstar to Yankeeidea. throw in the Kaieteur and grace these shores is the
The Ministry of Public Works on Saturday advised all truck drivers that, “effective immediately, they
are required to use the main road bridgesbyheavytrucksisnotonlydamaging and refrain from using the Railway the infrastructure but also adversely Embankmentcorridor.” affectingthelivesofresidentsandotherroad
In a public announcement, the ministry users,”theministrysaid. said that it has been persistently repairing The ministry noted that canters, buses bridges along the Railway Embankment due andcarsareexemptfromthenotice. todamagecausedbyheavytrucks. “We appreciate your cooperation in “This situation has now become helpingtomaintainthesafetyandintegrityof untenable, as the continued use of these ourroadways,”theadvisorysaid.
With a name like his, he Canje oil blocks that slipped wonderfully named Jesus may be of Central or Latin out of Guyana’s hands in the Bronchalo. Amen, I say; American or Castilian darkness of night and to men amen. origins, but when gas is the who if they tumbled into
Here is a little postscript gameandmoneyisthename, crude oil would swear that it to keep everybody on their then Mr Bronchalo is as ismolasses. Nowifanybody toes If there is any American as American can around here is so stupid to Guyanese who thinks that be. Who came up with the conclude that the liberating Exxon is so satisfied with its B r o n c h a l o - F u l c r u m of those oil blocks was the haulfromGuyana,thatithas contrivance first is not my great Donald Ramotar and washed its hands from the business But Guyanese the still greater maneuverer gas monetization picture, should know one thing from Bobby Persaud’s brainwave, then they really belong back long experience that when then they are stupider than on the sugar plantations and something appears out of the me, and I am not that stupid. rice fields. Now let the Jesus blue and it is shrouded in Now it’s time for the punch and Jagdeo Show begin. To mist, then Jagdeo’s line. use Yankee slang, it should footprints and palm prints In each of these beagas. are usually around. Some randomly selected high-
(The views expressed in precedentsshouldhelp,andI profile developments or big- this article are those of the am sure that a fine ticket projects there were a u t h o r a n d d o n o t practitioner name Mr Anil some common threads. For necessarily reflect the Nandlall should have a starters, there was a long opinions of this newspaper.) briefcasefull. string of closely guarded
From page 3
Production Storage and Offloading vessel didnotprovideatimelineofwhenthiswould intoanyoiltanker bedone.
He said there are a number of safeguards
There have been concerns and constant to ensure that“we monitorwhat is happening calls by civil society and experts in the oil offshore.” industry for Guyana to have its independent
Further, the Natural Resources Minister meters to monitor ExxonMobil’s oil said, “The whole issue about the independent production, as well as the treatment of meter is monitoring, you want us to know produced water In spite of this, the Minister whatishappeningoffshore,butwearetelling of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat has you we have about five, six layers to monitor saidthatthepurposeofindependentmetersis what is happening offshore. We control the to monitor production offshore and the meter because GNBS… if they are not there government already has access to Exxon’s themetercan’tflow,itcan’tturnon.” dashboardtodosuch.
Meanwhile, the minister is confident that
At a recent news conference when asked the system cannot be manipulated since it is about independent meters, Minister Bharrat computerized. said:“We havea dashboardI was explaining, “It cannot be manipulated or changed, so it was shown to you, it wasn’t live but it was there is a good system of monitoring what is shown to you that we can actually monitor happening offshore. Either by the dashboard production at 10-minute intervals we can orphysicalpresenceonboardwithGRA,with monitor the production. Before a tanker is EPA, with GNBS and we are training some offloaded,beforeatankerisfilledGRAhasto staff now that will be on the FPSO too. They bethere,GNBShastobethere.” will be full time on the FPSO, some Ministry Minister Bharrat explained that in the of Natural Resources staff are being trained absence of the presence of the Guyana currently by SBM that will be offshore too to Revenue Authority (GRA), and the Guyana monitor everything not only production but National Bureau of Standards (GNBS), no everything that is happening offshore,” he crude can be offloaded from the Floating said.
Meet the glowing Arian Dahlia Richmond; the Miss Global International Guyana 2024.
Arian’s dedication to community service and her passion for promoting the beauty of Guyana have been recognized through her impressive achievements in the pageantry world. She has previously held several titles including Miss Bartica Regatta 2018. Her pageantry journey highlights her commitment to advocacy and excellence.
In addition to her pageantry and youth development work,Arian is a talented content creator and marketing specialist. She leads campaigns for various clients, including Torginol Paints, and manages content for Bumper to Bumper Services.Arian also hosts viral Tiktok video series spotlighting grassroots businesses and community impact. Her favourite quote is by SirAlbert Einstein. “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
SecretFDPsreveal ExxonMobilalready takingoutUS$9.5Bto decommissionfiveoil projects
ExxonMobil is likely to billGuyanaclosetoUS$10B to decommission the first five oil projects sanctioned in the Stabroek Block. The budget could increase
overtime or reduce depending on the final abandonmentplansubmitted bythecompany
Decommissioning refers
to the cleanup and
restoration of the environment at the end of a projectlife.
Itshouldbenotedthatthe Government of Guyana (GoG) was reluctant to r e l e a s e t h e F i e l d Development Plans (FDPs)
for the deep-water developments approved in theStabroekBlock;however thisnewspaperhasmanaged to secure copies of the documents.
An FDP is the blueprint ofaprojectandoutlineshow a company intends to develop a petroleum field, manage the impact on the environment and society, as well as forecasts for production and costs. These documents are critical to holding both the developer and government to account on the management of the country’s oil resources- the key driver of Guyana’s economy
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the Liza
One abandonment or decommissioning budget is estimated at US$1 165B
The cost of Liza Two however jumped to a massive US$2.649B according to the FDP.
Meanwhile, Payara’s abandonment is expected to cost another US$1 710B Exxon’s Yellowtail project
will require another
US$2.094B while the fifth project – Uaru – is likely to cost US$1.850B for cleanup activities.
Itshouldbenotedthatthe decommissioning budget varies for each project since the developments differ according to the number of wells and the fact that the projects are located in different water depths offshore. These are some factors that affect the decommissioningcost.
Additionally, Exxon has not yet finalized the decommissioning plans for
the oil projects. The initial plans outlined in the FDPs howeverindicatethatExxon will permanently abandon the wells by restoring suitable cap rock to prevent escape of hydrocarbons to theenvironment.
With regard to the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels to operate the developments, Exxon said the surface facilities will be disconnected and towed offsite for reuse or dismantling/disposal.
Thewastestreamswhich include hazardous and nonhazardous material will be managed and disposed of in accordance with standard industry practice and applicable regulations, the project developer informed regulators. “Methods may include injection down hole intothereservoir,separation and incineration offshore or transport to shore for proper management and disposal,” Exxonstated.
Meanwhile, with regard to the subsea facilities, the developersaiditisexpected that the risers, pipelines, subsea equipment, mooring linesandanchorpileswillbe abandoned in place, unless an alternative strategy is selectedbasedontheresults ofcomparativeassessments.
Even though Exxon will require the funds to decommission the projects 20 years after the startup date, the company has already commenced deducting Guyana’s oil money to pay for the activities In fact, the company took the country’s oilmoneylastyeartopayfor decommissioning works for the fourth projectYellowtail– which has not yet commenced oil production.
FDPstootechnical Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo had told reporters during his weekly press conference two weeks ago that the FDPs required
“specialized people” to read them, since the documents contained technical information.
He said, “Ask the Minister (of Natural
Resources, Vickram Bharrat)…and who would read it? Glenn Lall? I can’t even go through that. You need technical people. A field development plan for an oil and gas sector you need specialised people They would put Glenn Lall, thespecialisttoreadit.Who inyouragencywouldreadit ifyouseeit?”
Meanwhile, Bharrat during his mid-year press conferencemadeitclearthat the FDPs contained proprietary information and technical data that could not bemadepublic.
He said, “I’m not sure if everybody has had an opportunity to see what an FDP looks like, it’s about 1000-2000 pages; that’s the size of an FDP and it’s very technical with proprietary informationaswelltoo.”
To this end, he advised that persons with specific questions on the FDPs can submitquestionstohisoffice forresponses.
Sketchydetailson1-yroldcompanycontracted tomonetiseGuyana’sgas …operatesfromguest housewithonlytwo registeredemployees
The former Vice President of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), Jesus Bronchalo, Founder and Chief Executive Officer ofFulcrumLNGisoneofthe company’s two registered employees.
Research conducted by KaieteurNewsrevealedthat Bronchalo, who left Exxon inFebruary2023,isnotonly
CEO of Fulcrum LNG, but he also, wears several other professional caps at the businessheregisteredinJuly 2023.
According to company records, seen by this publication, Bronchalo is also Secretary, Treasurer, DirectorandPresidentofthe company that has been contracted by the Government of Guyana (GoG).Fromallindications, he has only hired one employee. Kaieteur News discovered that Ivor Ellul has been hired as Technical Director at Fulcrum LNG. He was appointed in July 2023andpreviouslyworked at Schlumberger GeoQuest
and CiSK Ventures, Ltd, among others. Ellul held senior positions, including M
, CEO and President among others in hiscareer
The limited experience of the company has raised serious questions about its capacity to fulfill its contracted obligations Bronchalo’s company was selected as “the most responsive compliant bidder” among 16 others
whotenderedtodevelopthe non-associated gas in the StabroekBlock,operatedby Exxon. A deeper dive into the company’s records also led Kaieteur News to the businessaddressofFulcrum LNG. The energy company operates from what appears to be a two-storey guest houselocatedat937TAHOE Boulevard, Incline Village, Nevada, USA Fulcrum LNG,accordingtocompany records, operates from Suite 130B.
The CEO’s link to American oil super major ExxonMobil has sparked concerns among Guyanese, but the government has dismissedthepossibilityofa conflictofinterest.
In fact, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo during his Thursday press conference toldreportersthatevaluators were well aware of Bronchalo’s 19 years of service at Exxon. The VP even joked that this may havepositionedhiscompany abovethebidders.
Jagdeosaid,“Hehadleft Exxon but if anything, maybe the evaluators thought that he had the data on the gas. I don’t know if they did that, so he would haveknown,becauseExxon does not want to go in that direction or did not want to go in that direction of monetising the gas in the early period, they said they needed the gas to be reinjected.Wehaveadifferent view.”
He added, “On the face ofit,Ithoughtitwasthebest proposal that the evaluators cameupwithandthat’swhat we’relookingfor,sothereis nothing I found wrong with theevaluationofthebidsand I don’t see anything that has come out in any major way
that’s wrong, except for that oh, he worked at one time withExxon.”
Whenaskedtocomment on the fact that Fulcrum LNG has no known experience and has only been registered for one year now, the VP continued to defend the contract award, insisting that the Founder hasyearsofexperienceinthe field through his former employment with Exxon “But he was there with Exxonalongtime,buthehas been a project developer for alongtime,”Jagdeopointed out.
Five months after tendering his resignation at ExxonMobil as Vice Presiden
Commercial Officer for the G
Fulcrum LNG, boasting “experience and expertise across all aspects of the oil and gas value chain, i
company said it partners with some of the industry’s leading global engineering, technology, and finance firms,aswellasglobalLNG buyers, to deploy the most advanced technologies and sustainable solutions that will generate maximum valueforitsclients.
There were no mentions of completed projects by Fulcrumonitswebsite.
companywillberesponsible for the design, financing, construction, and operation of gas infrastructure, inclusive of the necessary pipelinesrequiredtoconnect thegasinfrastructurecrucial formonetizingupstreamgas. Further,aspartofthe
Frompage15 process, the company will haveexclusivitytonegotiate with the government for its entitlement of gas to ensure the viability of the project and the overall value chain. Notably, the project will be strictly financed and owned 100%byFulcrumLNG.
This newspaperreached out to Fulcrum LNG for a comment but the company didnotrespond.
In a statement following the contract award, the company explained that the main feature of Fulcrum LNG’s solution will involve the development of state-ofthe-art gas processing and modular, scalable facilities toproduceLiquifiedNatural Gas(LNG)andNGLS/LPGs for Guyana as well as regionalandglobalmarkets.
Fulcrum LNG said it has partnered with some of the industry’s leading global firms, leveraging advanced technology and industry expertise to deploy the most robust, efficient, and sustainable infrastructure solutions.
“We are honored to be selected to undertake this s t r a t e g i c e n e r g y infrastructure project,” said JesusBronchalo.
One-Year-Oldcompany awardedcontractto monetiseGuyana’sgas, wantsGuyaneseinvestors tohelpfundproject…
Fulcrum LNG, the companythatwasawardeda contract to monetize the gas in the Stabroek Block is considering Guyanese investors to aid in funding various components of the venture.
The one-year-old company in a statement on June 28 said, “In keeping with our project proposal, FulcrumLNGisconsidering Guyanese investors in various components of the project.”
Fulcrum LNG was founded by the former Vice President of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), Jesus Bronchalo, five months after he left the company He was employed withExxonfor19yearsand one month before his questionableresignation.
Bronchalo’s company was later selected by the Government of Guyana (GoG) to design, finance, construct, and operate the requiredgasinfrastructureto provide gas monetization solutions and accelerate
upstream gas developments inthecountry
The Chief Executive Officer(CEO)said,“Weare honored to be selected to undertake this strategic energy infrastructure project.
This opportunity aligns perfectlywithourmissionto deliver innovative, reliable, and sustainable energy solutions to develop gas resources. We look forward to working closely with the Government of Guyana and other key stakeholders to ensure the success of this endeavor.”
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the main featureofFulcrumLNGwill involve the development of state-of-the-art gas processing and modular, scalablefacilitiestoproduce Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) and NGLS/LPGs for Guyana as well as regional and global markets The company said it has partnered with some of the industry’s leading global firms leveraging advanced technology and industry expertise to deploy the most robust, efficient, and sustainable infrastructure solutions.
Furthermore, it noted that this undertaking will provide all upstream developers, in Guyana and regionally, with the necessary facilities to monetizetheirgasresources and thus incentivize the development of those resources “Substantial economic benefits, including job creation, significant foreign investment, and enhanced energy trade relationships are expected from this venture,” Fulcrum LNG stated.
As Kaieteur News continues to unravel more details about the company and the suspicious contract award by the government, Fulcrum LNG’s capacity to develop the country’s gas resources becomes even more questionable Only yesterday this newspaper reported that Bronchalo appears to be one of the company’s two registered employees.
Research conducted by thispublicationrevealedthat Bronchalo, who left Exxon inFebruary2023,isnotonly CEO of Fulcrum LNG, but he also wears several other professional caps at the businessheregisteredinJuly 2023.
According to company records, seen by this publication, Bronchalo is
also Secretary, Treasurer, Director, and President of thecompany
From all indications, he hasonlyhiredoneemployee. Kaieteur News discovered thatIvorEllulhasbeenhired as Technical Director at Fulcrum LNG He was appointed in July 2023 and previously worked at SchlumbergerGeoQuestand CiSK Ventures, Ltd, among others Ellul held senior
President among others in hiscareer
The limited experience of the company has raised serious questions about its capacity to fulfill its contracted obligations Bronchalo’s company was selected as “the most
bidder” among 16 others whotenderedtodevelopthe non-associated gas in the StabroekBlock,operatedby Exxon.
A deeper dive into the company’s records also led Kaieteur News to the businessaddressofFulcrum LNG. The energy company operates from what appears tobeatwo-storyguesthouse located at 937 TAHOE Boulevard, Incline Village, Nevada, USA Fulcrum LNG,accordingtocompany records, operates from Suite 130B.
The CEO’s link to American oil super major ExxonMobil has sparked concerns among Guyanese, but the government has dismissedthepossibilityofa conflict of interest. In fact, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo during his Thursday press conference told reporters that Fulcrum LNG’sproposalwasthebest receivedbythegovernment.
Jagdeosaid,“Hehadleft Exxon but if anything, maybe the evaluators thought that he had the data onthegas.
I don’t know if they did that…on the face of it, I thought it was the best proposal that the evaluators cameupwithandthat’swhat we’relookingfor,sothereis nothing I found wrong with theevaluationofthebidsand I don’t see anything that has come out in any major way that’s wrong, except for that oh, he worked at one time withExxon.”
Whenaskedtocomment on the fact that Fulcrum LNG has no known experience and has only been registered for one year now, the VP continued to defend the contract award,
insisting that the Founder has years of experience in the field through his former employment with Exxon “But he was there with Exxonalongtime,buthehas been a project developer for alongtime,”Jagdeopointed out.
E ff o r t s b y t h i s newspaper to contact the company for a comment since Saturday has so far beenunsuccessful.
Canadiangoldcompany talksupmining-friendly policies,taxwaivers inGuyana …asGovtpreparesto grantlicensetocompany
In a presentation about its various operations, Canadian mining company Goldsource Mines Inc outlined the significant advantagesofGuyana’sgold industry to its new owner, MakoMiningCorp.
In July, Mako Mining announced its acquisition of Goldsource Mines, securing full ownership of the Eagle Mountain Gold Project in Guyanawasannounced.
Goldsource Mines has highlighted the strategic benefits of its operations in Guyana,citingthecountry’s f a v o r a b l e m i n i n g environment The Eagle Mountain Gold Project, situated in Region Eight (Potaro-Siparuni), has proven to be a high-quality find with nearly 1.2 million ouncesofindicatedgoldand 582,000 ounces of inferred resources.
The proximity of the gold deposit to the surface further enhances the project’svalue.
A c c o r d i n g t o Goldsource Mines, Guyana israpidlyemergingasoneof South America’s most a t t r a c t i v e m i n i n g jurisdictions.
It was stated too that the country has introduced various government initiatives aimed at promoting new mining projects, including tax exemptions and a streamlined permitting process.
Guyana’s miningfriendly policies are complemented by existing infrastructure and a history of significant contributions fromthemining,oil,andgas sectors, which collectively accountedforapproximately 62% of the GDP in 2022 –Goldsourcehighlighted.
The Eagle Mountain Prospecting License, which spans 5,000 hectares, benefits from its strategic
location with highway access to Mahdia’s commercial airport, just 7 kilometersfromthesite.The project is situated 45 kilometers southwest of the historic Omai gold mine, which produced an estimated 4 million ounces of gold between 1993 and 2005. The Eagle Mountain Project also enjoys substantial government support, including infrastructureimprovements such as road upgrades and power enhancements, along with a favorable permitting regime.
The Canadian company o u t l i n e d t h a t t h e aforementioned simplifies the advancement of mining operations in Guyana. The appeal of the Eagle Mountain Project is further boosted by the recent oil discoveriesinGuyana
Moreover, Goldsource Mines recently released its Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for the Eagle Mountain Gold Project, prepared by ERM ConsultantsCanadaLtd.The PEA is based on the April 2022 Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE), and underscores the project’s low cost and low capital expenditure intensity, makingitbotheconomically viable and an attractive investmentopportunity. The projectisprojectedtohavea minelifeof15years.
Additionally,Ministerof Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat this month announced that the Government of Guyana will soon issue a mining license to the company operating at EagleMountain.
Hestated,“Andwearein the process of issuing once the due diligence is done, a mining license to another company in the region eight district large scale company that should produce after Reunion [Gold] which will startinlate2027.”
Minister Bharrat added, “The future for mining
especially at a large-scale level is bright for Guyana’s miningsector
However,wewanttosee more Guyanese remaining andjoiningatthesametime the small and medium scale miningandtakingadvantage of the opportunities that exist.”
Govt.admitsoilcouldbe drainedbeforethe20-year lifespanofprojects …oilministersaysit’sa goodthingforthecountry
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat hasadmittedthatoilfromthe three projects currently in operation could be depleted aheadofthe20-yearlifespan due to the optimization of production at the Floating Production Storage and Offloading(FPS)vessels.
Bharrat during a news conference told reporters thatwhiletheoperatorofthe S t a b r o e k B l o c k , ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) has ramped up production offshore,thetechnicalteams at the Ministry and Exxon are working to ensure that theactivitiesdonotaffectthe environment.
He was however asked bythis newspapertoexplain how the optimization works could affect the 20-year estimated project life for eachofthedevelopments.
Bharrat explained that while the oil at a specific project could be depleted beforeitsestimatedlifespan, it was also possible for the projects to produce beyond thistime.
Hesaid,“Yesitcanfinish before the 20 years or it can evengobeyondbecauseasa reservoir matures, you can getmoreoutofitandthenas we have more discoveries, wecanaddthosewellstothe existingdevelopmenttoo.”
Bharrat pointed out that ramping up oil production has now become a trend in oil-producing states since this could prove more financially viable for a country- in this case, Guyana.
According to him, “Rampingupproductionand producing the oil in a reservoiratafastertimethan youcanisactuallygoodfora country because it comes back to the window that is available for fossil fuel to survive and the price that willbeavailable.”
He explained that the marketwouldbecrowded
Formerly a British colony, The Bahamas became an independent country within the Commonwealthin1973.
ThenameBahamasisof Lucayan Taino (Arawakan) derivation, although some historians believe it is from the Spanish bajamar, meaning “shallow water.”
The islands occupy a position commanding the gateway to the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, and the entire Central American region Their strategic location has given thehistoryofTheBahamasa unique and often striking character It was there that ChristopherColumbusmade
his original landfall in the Americas.
The subsequent fate of the peaceful original inhabitants remains one of the more tragic episodes in thedevelopmentoftheentire region, while the early attempts at Europeandominated settlement were marked by intense national rivalries, interspersed with long periods of lawlessness and piracy As a result, the society and culture that has evolvedinTheBahamasisa d
d of European and African heritages, the latter a legacy of the slave trade and the
he plantation system using
African slaves. The islands, lacking natural resources other than their agreeable climate and picturesque beaches, have become heavily dependent on the income generated by the extensive tourist facilities and the financial sector that have been developed, often asaresultoftheinjectionof foreigncapital.
T h e c o n t i n u e d popularityoftheislandswith tourists, largely from North America, has helped to maintain a relatively high standardoflivingamongthe population, most of whom are of African descent. The capital,Nassau,islocatedon small but important New ProvidenceIsland.
Lying to the north of Cuba and Hispaniola, the archipelago comprises nearly 700 islands and cays, only about 30 of which are inhabited, and more than 2,000 low, barren rock formations.Itstretchesmore than 500 miles (800 km)
southeast-northwest between Grand Bahama Island, which has an area of 530 square miles (1,373 squarekm)andliesabout60 miles (100 km) off the southeastern coast of the U.S. state of Florida, and Great Inagua Island, some 50 miles (80 km) from the eastern tip of Cuba. The islands other than New Providence are known collectively as the Out (Family) Islands. They include Grand Bahama, which contains the major settlements of Freeport and West End; Andros (2,300 square miles [6,000 square km]), the largest island of The Bahamas; Abaco, or Great Abaco, (372 square miles [963 square km]); and Eleuthera (187 square miles [484squarekm]),thesiteof
one of the early attempts at colonization. People
E t h n i c g r o u p s , languages,andreligion
Mostofthepopulationof The Bahamas is of African descent.Thereisasmallbut significant minority of mixedEuropeanandAfrican heritage and a similar number of descendants of English pioneer settlers and loyalist refugees from the American Revolution Englishistheonlylanguage native to Bahamians, although, because of the influxofHaitianimmigrants since the mid-20th century, FrenchortherelatedHaitian Creolevernacularisspoken. A high percentage of Bahamians are members of
Christian churches; the majority of them are nonAnglican Protestants, with smaller proportions of Roman Catholics and Anglicans.
Agricultureandfishing Agriculture accounts for a very small portion of the GNP and employs a comparable proportion of the workforce. Only a tiny fractionofthelandisarable, andsoilsareshallow Nearly all of the country’s foodstuffs are imported, largely from the United States. However, the sunny climate favours the cultivation of many fruits, includingtomato,pineapple, banana, mango, guava, sapodilla (the fruit of a tropical evergreen tree),
soursop, grapefruit, and sea grape.Somepigs,sheep,and cattle are raised. The small fishing industry’s catch is dominated by spiny lobster, grouper,andconch. Servicesandfinance Tourism accounts for more than one-third of the GNP and employs about two-fifths of the workforce. It centres on New Providence and Grand Bahama islands; most tourists come from the United States Several hundred banks and trust companies have been attracted to The Bahamas becausetherearenoincome or corporate taxes and because the secrecy of financial transactions is guaranteed.
By Rennie P
Welcome back organized into several key RevenueandCostofSales.It billionin2022.Thisincrease were G$177.50 million, up increasefromG$5.32billion to Talking sections. Let's go through represents the money left mightreflecthighercostsfor from G$118.12 million in in2022.
D o l l a r s & each one using DDL's 2023 overaftercoveringthedirect marketinganddistributionas 2022. The increase could be * Trend Analysis: The Making Sense. Today, we're figures: costsofmakingtheproducts. thecompanyexpands. due to more borrowing to netprofitgrewbyabout12% breaking down the Income Revenue (Sales): DDL's gross profit for 2023 * Administrative finance expansions or other f
3, Statement,acrucialfinancial This is the total amount of was G$13 86 billion Expenses: G$3.29 billion in investments. indicating a healthy growth document that tells the story money your business earns (G$33.27 billion in revenue 2023,upfromG$3.07billion · Profit Before Tax trend. This shows that DDL of a business' profitability from selling its products or minus G$19.41 billion in in 2022. This could include (PBT): This is the profit left is effectively managing its overtime. services. For DDL, the total costs), an increase from higher costs for office after all operating expenses expenses and boosting its Whether you're a revenue in 2023 was G$12.88 billion in 2022. A administration, salaries, or and finance costs have been bottomline.
s e a s o n e d f i n a n c i a l G$33 27 billion, up from higher gross profit suggests otheroverheadexpenses. subtracted but before taxes Why These Numbers professional or a small G$31 42 billion in 2022 that DDL is good at · Operating Profit are paid. For DDL, the profit Matter business owner without a This increase of about 6% managing its production (EBIT): This stands for before tax in 2023 was Understanding these finance background, this shows that the company costswhileincreasingsales. Earnings Before Interest and G$7 67 billion, up from numbers is crucial for any column is designed for you. sold more products or * Trend Analysis: Taxes and is calculated by G$7.09 billion in 2022. This business owner They tell We'll use real numbers from possibly raised prices DDL's gross profit increased subtracting Operating 8% increase reflects strong you where your money is Demerara Distillers Revenue growth is a good by around 8% from the Expenses from Gross Profit. financial management and coming from, where it's Limited's (DDL) 2023 sign that a business is previous year, which is a It shows how much profit a operationalperformance. going, and how much is left Annual Report to illustrate expanding and reaching positive trend.This indicates company makes from its · Taxation: This is over By analyzing the key concepts and trends. morecustomers. that the company is not only corebusinessoperations.For the amount of money the trends like increasing Let'sdivein. · CostofSales(Cost growing its sales but also DDL, the operating profit in company owes in taxes. revenue, managing costs, or What is an Income of Goods Sold - COGS): efficiently managing the 2023 was G$7.66 billion, DDL's tax expense in 2023 improving net profit—you Statement? This represents the direct costs associated with compared to G$7.05 billion was G$1.71 billion, slightly canmakeinformeddecisions An Income Statement, costs of producing the goods producingitsgoods. in2022. down from G$1.77 billion in togrowyourbusiness. also known as a Profit and soldbythecompany,suchas · O p e r a t i n g
Ø Trend Analysis: The 2022. A decrease in tax LookingAhead Loss Statement, is like a raw materials and labor. For Expenses: These are the 2023 figure represents an expenses while profits are In our next column, we'll scorecard for your business. DDL, the cost of sales in costs required to run the 8.7% increase from the rising could be due to tax discuss how to use these It shows your total income, 2023 was G$19.41 billion, company that aren't directly previous year. This growth planningstrategies. insights from the Income costs, and profits over a up from G$18.53 billion in tied to making a product, suggests that DDL's core Statement to make better specific period—typically a 2022. The increase in cost suchasrent,utilities,salaries business operations are · Net Profit After business decisions, such as month, quarter, or year This indicates that while the for administrative staff, and becoming more profitable, Tax: This is the final profit budgeting, forecasting, and document helps you see company sold more, it also marketing expenses For despite rising operating after all expenses, including planningforgrowth. whether your business is had higher production costs, DDL,theoperatingexpenses costs. taxes, have been deducted. Feel free to reach out at making money (a profit) or which could be due to higher include: · Finance Costs: It's the amount that can be talkingdollarsgy@gmail c losingmoney(aloss). material costs or increased * Selling and These are the costs of reinvested in the business or om with your thoughts, The Structure of the productionvolumes. Distribution Expenses: borrowing money, such as distributed to shareholders. questions, and stories. Until Income Statement · Gross Profit: This G$3 32 billion in 2023, interest expenses. For DDL, DDL's net profit after tax in next time, keep making An Income Statement is is the difference between slightly up from G$3 19 the finance costs in 2023 2023 was G$5.97 billion, an senseofeverydollar
In the world of m o t h e r h o o d , f e w
experiences are as emotionally and physically demandingasthosefacedby mothers with infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit(NICU).
These mothers often navigateanintricatemazeof medical jargons, sleepless nights, and uncharted emotionalterritory,yet,they embody a resilience and dedication that is nothing shortofextraordinary
An NICU stay can arise f r o m v a r i o u s circumstances premature birth, complications during delivery, or health conditions affecting the newborn.
For NICU moms, each day brings a blend of hope and uncertainty. The NICU environment, with its beeping monitors and constant bustle, contrasts sharply with the serene, idealized vision many have of the early days of motherhood.
Without a doubt, this journey was not easy for Imarah Radix a 38-year singlemotherwhodelivered her son William six weeks prematureviaemergencyCsection at Woodlands Hospital.
Her complications arose after her 30-pound Siberian husky accidentally jumped onherpregnantbelly “After givingbirth,mysonWilliam was then transferred to GPHCthatsameday Onthe 13th of December we were
medically evacuated via air lift stopping in San Juan PuertoRicothenontoMiami Florida where he received lifesaving care at Jackson Memorial Hospital and HoltzChildren’sHospital.”
“He could not feed nor breathe on his own. He was on a ventilator 100 %. We spent Christmas and new years in the NICU. Since then, my son has made a remarkable recovery as his issues began to resolve completely, ” Radix recounted.
As a result, the single mother returned to Guyana five months later to pursue her pageantry journey Radix’sstorywascatapulted intothelocalspotlightwhen she was sashed ‘Miss East Berbice Corentyne’ in this year’s Miss Universe Guyanacompetition.
Her platform was based on improving maternal health, specifically for NICU mothers and their infants Radix expressed greatgratitudeandhonorfor making a comeback by entering the pageant as a NICUmom.
However, the balancing act between caring for a newbornandpreparingfora competition is no a small feat;Radixwasnevertheless able to conquer both roles with support from her mom andpageantcoach.
“I have a great support system in my mother who assists in caring for my son and a nanny who helped to care for my son during the pageant. Iwasworkingwith
my phenomenal pageant coachAliciaBessAnderson, eatinghealthily,trainingand preparing for all aspects of thepageantwhilstbalancing my new role as a first time mom. I took William everywhere with me as much as possible No o n e i s b e t t e r a t multitasking and time
management than us moms!” Radix proudly
said She told The Waterfalls that she wanted to share her story and experience in order to a r o u s e p u b l i c consciousness Thesingle
mom said that the Miss Universe platform gave her that opportunity to build awareness and inspire hope for mothers likeherself
She shared with this magazine her experience ofbeingNICUmomasthe m o s t t r a u m a t i c experience “I did not know what NICU was like until my babyandIfacedit alone.
It is incredibly scary and sad but it can be incredibly hopeful and teaches you resilience and s t r e n g t h b e y o n d
comprehension,” Radix confessed Although she didnotwinthecompetition, her platform has helped her afterwardstodomeaningful workwithmothersandtheir babies.
She continued to raise awareness via social
m e d i a , Yo u T u b e Channel, radio and television Through this initiative she raised money and donated care packages to mothers going through NICU at the Georgetown Public Hospital, who need vital supplies for themselves and theirbabies.
hadafullwholebodyseizure in my arms it instantly went from a moment of joy to a momentofsheerterror Heis now only 8 months old. We took him for an EEG (electroencephalogram) where the brain electrical activity is monitored and it returned a result showing myoclonic seizures but they couldn’ttellmewhy.”
She said ‘I donated breast pumps, nipple guards, toys, bottles, diapers, belly bands and many other items I also put together with myown hands the improved seating fortheNICUparentwaiting area and installed them for userightaway.”
R a d i x h a s a l s o created an online and in person support group for current moms in the critical care NICU unit where they engage in infant CPR classes, continuous donations, sharing of resources, funding and mental health supportforeachother
Life as a NICU mom
for Radix can be
Facing a
bitter sweet moment
during the pageant, William experienced a seizure She recalled, “He
Radix explained that there was no pediatric neurologist available that specializes in that condition She sought a local neurologist where he was found with a cyst in his brain which causes his seizurestooccur
Radix highlight, “This is an example of what being in NICU is like
Some days your baby seems to improve and t h e n l o t s m o r e conditions or issues may be found so it’s up and down and you just never know what is going to happen.”
The single mom is now aiming to transfer her son to the United States to see a pediatric neurologist for advanced treatment Hence she created a GoFundMe page seekingdonationstosupport hermedicalcare.
If anyone would like to donate or get in touch with Radix, they can contact the number (592)676-7326 or email imarah radix@gmail co m
pose for photos at the photo
BEIJING, Aug. 26
(Xinhua) — Light attack, heavy attack, dodge, immobilization, and transformation... as millions of “Black Myth: Wukong” players fight their foes with unrestrictedcombosofskills and abilities, many may wonder how these eyedazzling moves were made possible.
Considered China’s first homegrownhigh-cost,highvolume, high-quality standalone title, “Black Myth: Wukong” is deeply invested in the usage of cutting-edge motion capture technology to incorporate real-world martialartsintothegame. Through the technology, the actions of professional stuntmen dressed in customized suits with reflective points are recorded from all angles, processed into virtual data and finally presented on ingamecharacters.
Yin Kai, hailing from Shandong Province, is among the game’s motion capture crew He undertook the majority of the action work for the game’s protagonist, a monkey
character based on the classic Chinese novel JourneytotheWest.
“Many people have a childhood dream to become the Monkey King As I trainedinthemartialartthat uses a monkey-style staff, I accepted the job offer right away,” Yin was quoted as saying in a feature story
released by China Media Group. Inspired byTVstars such as Jackie Chan and Jet Li, the young Kong Fu enthusiast began practicing martialartsattheageoffive and majored in martial arts performance at Shanghai UniversityofSport.
To make the combat scenes more engaging both
KINGSTON, Jamaica The website through which tickets for Vybz Kartel’s ‘Freedom Street’ concert can be purchased crashed Saturday morning, only seconds afteritwentliveat3:00am.
The artiste made the announcement via social media moments after the websitewentdown,creditingthecrashto an overwhelmingly high volume of orders Kartel said technicians are working assiduouslytoresolvetheissuewhichhesaid shouldbesortedinveryshortorder
Ticket prices for the highly anticipated concert set to take place December 31, 2024 at the National Stadium in Kingston were announced Fridayafternoon
– Centre Stage: US$1,500 – the ultimate fanexperience,rightatthecentreofitall.
Layout of the venue for Vybz Kartel’s Freedom Street concert Patrons
onthegamescreenmaytake rounds of revision behind the scenes. “Sometimes a shoot might start at around 10a.m.andendat2a.m.the nextday,”Yinsaid.
SinceitsreleaseonAug. 20, “Black Myth: Wukong” has taken the gaming world by storm, selling over 10 million copies across all platforms within three days ofrelease.
Its developer Game Sciencerevealedearlierthat the game’s peak number of concurrentplayersacrossall platforms already surpassed 3million.Severalprominent gaming outlets praised variousaspectsofthegame. PC Gamer lauded its “expressive combat” while IGN reviewed it as “a great action game with fantastic combat, exciting bosses, tantalizing secrets, and a beautifulworld.”
“Every time we start filming a character, we will speak with the directors in advance about its personality, background, signature weapon, moves, and so on.” For the motion capturecrew,aperfectmove
technically and artistically, Yin integrated a variety of elements from Chinese martial arts and traditional opera.Healsousednuanced body gestures to express different facets of his characters.Forinstance,Yin dived into meticulous observation and emulation in order to vividly present the animality and intelligence of the game protagonist.
As a participant of the game’s production,Yin also shared the pride and joy following its success “ S e e i n g t h a t m y performance is loved by the gamers, I feel all the hard labor I put into it is worthwhile,”hesaid.
OnFriday(Aug.30),the27-year-oldpop star announced on Instagram that she’ll be releasing an expanded edition of her latest album, C, XOXO, along with a brand new song. The Magic City Edition of C, XOXO willarriveonFriday,Sept.6,andfeaturenew single“Godspeed.”
“Iwishyouwell,butfarawayfromme,” Cabello captioned a teaser video of the forthcomingtune,hintingatapossibletheme aboutbreakup.Thebriefclipfindsthe“ILuv It” singer swimming in a dark pool of water while donning a sparkly silver dress “Alwaysmorestoriestotell.Somenewsongs for your night in Magic City,” she wrote in secondpostannouncingthedeluxealbum.
Cabello’s announcement comes after unconfirmed theories that Sabrina Carpenter‘s newly dropped sixth album, Short n’ Sweet, includes songs are about a potential love triangle between herself, Cabello and Shawn Mendes. Carpenter and Mendeswerespottedspendingtimetogether in February 2023, a year after the “In My Blood” singer split from Cabello in November 2021. Just two months later, CabelloandMendeswerespottedrekindling their romance at Coachella Songs on Carpenter’s album, including “Coincidence,”“SharpestTool”and“Taste,” all seem to follow a storyline about a love interest rekindling his romance with his ex-
girlfriend.The corresponding “Taste” visual starsJennaOrtega,whofansthinkwascasted torepresentCabellointheclip. Cabelloalsoseeminglyaddedfueltothe flame, by recently sharing a TikTok singing alongtoherowntrack,“JuneGloom,”which features the lyrics: “She’s cool, I heard/ Won’tactsurprised,Isawthepictures/[…]If she’ssoamazing,whyareyouonthissideof town?/Ifyoulikehersomuch,whatareyou heretryingtofindout?”Cabelloreleasedher fourth album, C, XOXO, in June. The set features 14 tracks, two of which are Drake collaborations. The project was led by the singles“ILuvIt”withPlayboiCartiand“He Knows”withLilNasX.
As September m a r k s
E d u c a t i o n
Month, this year’s theme is “Investing in Education, Bridging Gaps, Creating Opportunities”.
The Guyana National
Bureau of Standards (GNBS) is always eager for opportunitiestoreinforceits commitment to providing standards education to studentsacrossthecountry
Broadly, the Bureau’s
Standards Education initiatives include the promotion of standards, metrology and the International System of Units through school lectures, competitions and otherawarenessactivities.
As part of its efforts to instillacultureofqualityand precision from a young age, GNBS conducts highly interactive lecture sessions with secondary school students across Guyana These sessions are largely aimed at introducing students to the concept of
standards; helping them to understand how standards impacttheirdailylives,from the quality of products they use to the safety of their environment.
As students return to school tomorrow, Monday, September 02, 2024, the GNBSiskeenonreengaging the young minds on the importance of Standards, usingaccurateandapproved measurements, their rights and responsibilities as consumers and the diverse career opportunities within thefieldofStandardisation.
These topics are crucial, notonlyforhelpingstudents and pupils to develop a preference for quality goods and services, but also for them to encourage their parents/guardians and peers to exercise their rights and ensure due diligence as consumers.
During September, the G N B S ’ C o r p o r a t e Communications team will be travelling to the Essequibo Coast, Region
Two as well as Linden in Region Ten where school lectures are planned for the Grade Ten sand Eleven students of the Johanna Cecilia, Abram Zuil, and Charity Secondary, and Linden Foundation and Wismar Secondary, respectively
These sessions are a customary part of the Bureau’s outreaches to the variousregions.Completing these lectures will bring the total to twenty-one (21) for the year, educating more than two thousand (2000) studentsandteachers.
Apart from lectures to
secondary school students, the GNBS conducts a Standard in Academia Quiz Competition.
This biennial activity is tailored specifically for primary schools and involves pupils competing intra and extra regionally with their peers of other schools based on their learned knowledge on the importanceofStandardsand Measurementsforconsumer protection and business development.
In October, as part of its National Quality Week (NQW)activities,theGNBS has planned an Impromptu
Speech Competition for the studentsatschoolsinRegion Five.
This year’s theme for NQWis “Shared Vision for a Better World: Standards for the Changing Climate.”
Assuch,thecompetitionwill focus on how standards are usefulinaddressingimpacts ofclimatechange.
As many Bureaus worldwide try to adopt similar strategies like what already exist in Guyana between the GNBS and the Ministry of Education (MOE), the GNBS looks forward to building on what exists.
The Bureau’s dedication towards promoting standard education is a testament of itscommitmenttocreatinga quality-conscious society, starting from the classroom. No doubt, through these efforts, the GNBS is laying the groundwork for a future where standards are not just understood but embraced as a fundamental aspect of nationaldevelopment.
F o r f u r t h e r information, please contact the GNBS on telephone numbers: 2190064-66orWhatsApp6924627 or email us at info@gnbsgy.org
Scores of children turned DancehallMag at the event, ledtoacurfew out at the Pondside Primary Safaree expressed his Safaree, who has strong and Infant School in satisfaction with the turnout ties to Pondside as it is his Hanover, on Thursday for andsharedhisplanstoreturn parents’ birthplace and Jamaican-American rapper to Pondside to distribute the where he spent his formative Safaree “Stuntman” remaining gifts once the years and holidays, Samuels’ much-anticipated items clear customs. “Yeah, announced the location back-to-schooltreat. this is a must. I just want to change on Instagram just
Despite some logistical start to pour back into the days before the event. On challenges, including delays place that gave me my Thursday, reflecting on the atcustomsthatpreventedthe culture, my roots,” he decision to relocate the treat, timely collection of some of explained The event, Safaree explained that it was the gifts, including Clarks originally planned for divineintervention. footwear, Safaree said he Waterhouse, Kingston, was “So originally — I must remained committed to relocated to Pondside due to havebumpedmyhead.Iwas makingtheeventasuccess. escalating violence in the like, you know what, I’ve In an interview with Kingston community, which been going to Kingston a lot
lately. I was going to go to of the other items he had Waterhouse and do my treat. shipped to Jamaica, Safaree And then it’s like, God was assured that he would return like, no, you need to go to soon to complete the Pondside. Go to your roots. distribution and ensure that And it’s really not by the children of his chance,”hesaid. community received the full
“I feel like God wanted benefitsofhisinitiative. me to come back here Safaree being greeted by because, you know what I an old friend in the Pondside wasgoingtodo?Iwasgoing community in Hanover –to do Kingston. And I said, PhotobyClaudiaGardner allright,thenI’mgoingtodo He noted that he had to Pondside second. And I feel host the first phase of the like it probably would have treat on Thursday ahead of been delayed. And then it’s the September reopening of like this way It made me the school, as he had a come here right now and do contractual obligation to it first.And it feels good,” he depart Jamaica for a added.The event,which was performanceinAtlanta. originally scheduled to run “I know you saw the from11:00a.m.to4:00p.m., video with me showing the gotunderwayafter3:00p.m. Clarks. Everybody’s asking duetodelaysatcustoms. where the Clarks The
H o w e v e r , t h e Clarks, they’re here (in community members, many Jamaica),butthey’rejustnot ofwhomaredistantrelatives here (in Pondside). They of the superstar, were not couldn’t be here in time for overly concerned, as they this. But I’m going to come were kept abreast of the back because I ordered a lot situation and given frequent more stuff. But it got stuck updates via the community’s b e c a u s e o f s o m e WhatsAppgroup. paperwork ” he told
Safaree and his team DancehallMag. which included media “I’m going to set it up personality/artist Press Kay, and just let everybody know Ward 21’s Rum Blood and [when] we’re doing this and American producer Jonny I’m going to be here. I just Blaze, distributed back-to- want to start to pour back school supplies, including into the place that gave me exercise books, backpacks, my culture, my roots,” he andcrayonstothechildren. added Following the
The No Regular Girl distribution of supplies, artist also noted the Safaree took time to children’s enthusiasm, as reconnect with his roots, many eagerly requested strolling through the selfiesandgroupphotoswith community, visiting him, and were particularly neighbors, and stopping at excited at the prospect of localshopstogreetelders. receiving a pair of the In the village square, covetedClarksshoes. wheretheheadquartersofhis
“The turnout was good. father Preacher’s sound And it’s good to come here system Love Injection, was and see that I could be in a based, middle-aged men position to just help people who remembered him from who need some extra help,” childhood recognized him, hesaid. callingout“Preacherson”as Inexplainingtheabsence they shook his hands and oftheClarksshoesandsome embracedhim.
“I believe that young entrepreneurs serve as role models for the next generation, inspiring others to pursue their entrepreneurial ambitions.”
“I was always opened to owning a business, I always hadthementalitythatwhenI growupIwanttobeaboss.”
Those are the words of 23-year-old Jada Aalyah Baird, a young woman who is witnessing her dreams unfold as she is the founder and owner of ‘Frozen Treats’, an ice-cream shop which is located on Dennis Street, Pattensen,Turkeyen (better known as Sophia MainRoad).
Giving us a sneak peek into‘FrozenTreats’andhow itwasformed,BairdtoldThe Waterfallsthatitwasnoeasy walk in the park as there were trials and errors to gettingwheresheisattoday
She informed this magazine that from a young ageshealwayswantedtobe her own boss and this stemmed from her mother whowasalsointhebusiness realmafewyearsago.
“Growing up I loved to play supermarket with my cousins I would be the owner of the store and the cashier of course, it was so soothing to me. My mother also had a 9-5 [job] and a lottoshopandIwouldbethe one running it ever since I was 11 years old,” she recalled.
Being alongside her mother all those years and
helping out with their business, in December 2017 things took a turn when she lost her mother to cancer “I wasonly17yearsofage. SheiswhoIgotmydrive from. My mommy was a hustler and I never saw her give up for nothing,” she said.
Following in her mother’sfootstep,Bairdsaid s h e b e g a n h e r entrepreneurial journey in early2019,whenshestarted online shopping for some clients Having been progressing well, she then shifted gears and decided to try other avenues of online shopping.
withtheidea.Ileanedtojust that, quit my 9-5 job and using savings I begun the renovation for Frozen Treats.”
‘Frozen Treats’ and icecream shop with a difference, according Baird, was officially opened on August25,2019.
It offers ice-cream treats such as ice-cream shakes, sandwiches, nachos, tacos, sundaes, cones, burgers, wingsandsomuchmore.In addition to that, they are knownfortheir“freakshake dessert”andaccordingtothe young woman this comes with cake or anything the customer desires as toppings.
“I then decided to try something different, same onlineshoppingbutthistime I was focusing on wigs, bundles,etc. Andthat’show I started ‘The Weave Express’ which is now known as Authentic Flair”, sheinformed.
Beingago-getterlikeher mother, Baird said she did notonlystoptherebutinJuly thatsameyearshedecidedto trysomethingdifferent.This time she said, “I went to my aunt and sat her down and told her I want an ice cream shop, this would be something different for my neighborhood.MyAuntwas ten toes down behind me
forfundswhichtookatollon thebusiness.
Another challenge she related was, “There was a time my mental health was notuptoparandIclosedfor weeks. When I reopened there weren’t any customers for me to serve because persons were already of the impression that it was permanentlyclosed.Ihadto strategize and come up with other means to boost sales,” sheexplained.
Despite these setbacks and admitting that it was hard at some point, Baird saidshedidnotoncethinkof givinguponherdreamsand thegoalsthatlieahead.
JadaAalyah Baird
planned for ‘Frozen Treats’ as it continues to grow, the young entrepreneur said her long-term goal is to open an even bigger ice-cream shop tobeabletooffermorethan whatshecannow
Having been operating this venture for about five yearsnow,Bairdrelatedthat just like any other young entrepreneur she too had hiccupsalongtheway
One of the main challenges she remembered was having placed an order fromasiteforsomewigsfor her clients and when it arrived it was not what she ordered.
Shenotedthatcustomers had already deposited 50% ofthecostandbecauseitwas not what was ordered she had to refund them, which she said took a toll on her Shesharedthatshehadtodip into her ice-cream business
“I crawled and crawled and here I am now,” she added.
Having operated for all these years, she expressed that the support has been bountifulandsheusesthisas motivation to keep pushing forward.
Through Frozen Treats, she gives back to her community in a certain way because according to her therearestillalotofpersons livinginthecommunitywho are unaware her services exist. Sometimes she would hear persons saying, “I didn’t even know it get a place like this in here,” she mentioned.
Meanwhile, she is of the belief that small business owners like herself serve as role models to the next generation. “I believe that youngentrepreneursserveas role models for the next generation, inspiring others t o p u r s u e t h e i r entrepreneurial ambitions,” shesaid.
When asked what she thinkscanbedonelocallyto help small businesses grow, she related that, “I think moreexposcanbehostedat a fair and affordable cost so that these businesses can be showcased. I also think that more young entrepreneurs should be featured in the newspaper and radio interviews.”
For persons interested in contacting ‘Frozen Treats’, they are available on Facebook, Instagram @FrozenTreatsgy, and on mobile number (592) 6867328.
Frompage16 with suppliers even though thedemandwouldgodown. Consequently,henoted,“So ifyouhavethislargesupply offossilbutasmalldemand, the price will go down so much that it will make no sense for countries to produce oil and gas anymore.”
The Minister recalled that the price for oil went down to $10-$20 per barrel, which makes perfect sense for the government to take advantage of the current oil price of about $80-$85. In fact, he boasted that the administration should be commended for the position ithastakenwithregardtothe ramped-upoilproduction.
It was reported that all threeFPSOsintheStabroek Block are producing above the safe operating limits o u t l i n e d i n t h e Environmental Impact Assessments(EIAs).
The Liza Destiny FPSO was approved to produce 120thousandbarrelsperday (kbd) while the Unity and Prosperity vessels were designed to produce 220 kbd.
Data from the Ministry of Natural Resources however indicates that the Liza Destiny is producing about160kbdwhiletheLiza Unity is producing 250 kbd andProsperity230,000bpd.
Itshouldbenotedthatthe government has refused to ring-fence the Stabroek Block projects, with the objectiveofbenefittingfrom a greater share of profits in the future Ring-fencing would ensure that each oil project pays for itself and allowGuyanatoenjoymore profits after the cost of the project has been repaid. In theabsenceofaring-fencing provision, the companies have the authority to use the income from producing oil projects to pay for other projects that are yet to commenceproducingoil.
Thelackofring-fencing, coupled with the ramped-up production activities have created fears that the country’s resources could long be depleted before it beginstoenjoyafairshareof benefits from the sector, as thegovernmentcontinuesto refusetoamendthelopsided termsofthe2016Production SharingAgreement(PSA).
Chinesegoldcompany producedover68,000 ouncesinfirstsixmonths ofthisyearinGuyana
Zijin Mining Group Co. Ltd, a Chinese-state owned mining giant operating in Guyana, through its subsidiary Aurora Gold Mine (AGM) has disclosed that the company produced 1,949 kilograms (over 68,000 ounces) of gold withinthefirstsixmonthsof 2024.
This information was revealed in the company’s interim half-year report on its global operations According to unofficial translation from the report, AGMwhoowns100%ofthe Guyana project, produced 1,949 kilograms of gold. It was stated too that since the group holds full ownership, all 1,949 kilograms are attributed to the group’s equityproduction.
The Chinese Mining Group’s presence spans across 17 provincial-level regions in China and encompasses operations in 15 countries worldwide, including their ventures in Guyana. Their foothold in Guyana’s mining landscape was solidified in August 2020whentheyacquiredthe largestgoldminesoperation in the country from Canadian-ownedAGMfora substantial sum of US$238 million.
Recently, Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharratpointedoutthatgold production has been on a
downward trend since its peakin2016.
He said, “I don’t think it’s any secret that gold production has been on the decline.
I think if you look at the chart, you will see 2016 peak, and then after that, it went straight up and continuesinthe2022-2023.”
MinisterBharrathadalso revealedthatthegovernment has no issues with AGM, since the company’s gold recovery level is in the 90’s while small- and medium scale-miners’ recovery rate lagbehind.Theministerhad underscored that with the company venturing into underground mining, the company is set to produce evenmoregold.
Kaieteur News had reported previously that the Bank of Guyana (BoG) disclosed that the country’s gold declaration decreased withinthefirstthreemonths of 2024. According to the Central Bank, the declaration fell to 89,845.8 troyounces,whencompared to the same period last year It was stated that the dip in the gold declaration was mainly due to lower declarationsfromsmall-and medium-scale miners by 24.2 %. It was explained that the lower declaration is as a result of prolonged dry weather which made access to water limited in many miningareas.
Notably, it was stated that the sole large-scale operator, AGM recorded an increase in declarations by 5.2%, which resulted from
operations. TheAuroragold project,originallydeveloped by Guyana Goldfields, operates in the CuyuniMazaruni region as both an
operation, sprawling across an extensive area of 12
square kilometers or 2,965 acres.
PNCRcallsforprobeinto gasmonetisationdeal …saysconflictofinterest questioncannotbe ignoredgivenJagdeo’s sordidpast
Chairman of the People’s National Congress R e f o r m ( P N C / R ) , Shurwayne Holder has called for a probe into the q u e s t i o n a b l e g a s monetization deal between the government of Guyana andaone-year-oldcompany, founded by the former Vice President of ExxonMobil
The Shadow Minister of Natural Resources told this newspaper on Tuesday that the award of the contract to Fulcrum LNG has set off alarmbells.
He explained, “While I understand fully the experienceofthecompany’s (Chief Executive Officer) CEOintheoilandgassector, we must consider that the companywhichheleadshas been established just a year ago and has no track record ofundertakingsuchprojects. I assume it’s a company operationandnotaoneman show.”
Moreover, Holder insisted that the conflict of interest involving the company’s CEO and Exxon cannotbeignored.
The Opposition Member of Parliament said, “I don’t care what (Vice President Bharrat) Jagdeo says about Exxonnotbeinginfavourof gas monetisation. You can’t believe anything he says, he often speaks with a forked tongue, so we cannot just takeJagdeo’sdefenseofthis company.”
The Shadow Minister of Natural Resources further highlighted that the PPP’s track record is stacked with
companies that lacked competencetoundertakethe workandfailedtosatisfythe terms of their contract, yet these were defended by the administration.
Holder was also keen to pointout,“Thepublicisalso privy to allegations of corruption in the oil and gas industry as per the Vice News video release of discussions between VP JagdeoandSuZhiRong.”
In commending this newspaper for its investigative journalism and informing the nation on the background details of FulcrumLNG,heurgedthat enough has been exposed to warrant a full-fledged investigation of the contract
award. Holder insisted, “If thisgovernmenthasnothing to hide then it must do the right thing and launch an investigationimmediately.”
A l t h o u g h t h e government has dismissed thepossibilityofaconflictof interest between Fulcrum LNG and Exxon, Holder is adamantthattheVP’swords shouldbetakenwithapinch ofsalt.
“On one hand, he gives the impression that he has full knowledge of the procurement process; to some extent that he has conducted his own review and found what was proposed by Fulcrum LNG tobethebest;yetinthesame breath, he sort of distances himself from the process. The public is no closer in understanding the various proposals by the different companies and why the obvious conflict of interest and lack of experience of Fulcrum LNG was overlooked,”theMPstated. Hethereforecalledforan independent, transparent probe of the controversial gasdeal.
Fulcrum LNG was founded by the former Vice President of ExxonMobil
Guyana Limited (EMGL), Jesus Bronchalo, in July 2023,onlyfivemonthsafter he left Exxon He was employed with the oil giant for 19 years and one month prior to his questionable resignation.
Bronchalo’s company was later selected by the Government of Guyana (GoG) to design, finance, construct, and operate the requiredgasinfrastructureto provide gas monetization solutions and accelerate upstream gas developments in the country The deal was announced by President IrfaanAliinJune2024.
There were no mentions of completed projects by Fulcrum on its website. Be thatasitmay,KaieteurNews understands that the main featureofFulcrumLNGwill involve the development of state-of-the-art gas processing and modular, scalablefacilitiestoproduce Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) and NGLS/LPGs for Guyana as well as regional andglobalmarkets.
The limited experience of the company has raised serious questions about its capacity to fulfill its contracted obligations Bronchalo’s company was selected as “the most responsive compliant bidder” among 16 others whotenderedtodevelopthe non-associated gas in the StabroekBlock,operatedby Exxon.
Additionally, the CEO’s link to American oil super major ExxonMobil has sparked concerns among Guyanese, but the government has dismissed thepossibilityofaconflictof interest. In fact, VP Jagdeo during his Thursday press conference told reporters that Fulcrum LNG’s proposal was the best receivedbythegovernment. Jagdeosaid,“Hehadleft Exxon but if anything, maybe the evaluators thought that he had the data on the gas. I don’t know if theydidthat…onthefaceof it, I thought it was the best proposal that the evaluators cameupwithandthat’swhat we’relookingfor,sothereis nothing I found wrong with theevaluationofthebidsand I don’t see anything that has come out in any major way that’s wrong, except for that oh, he worked at one time withExxon.”
Whenaskedtocomment on the fact that Fulcrum LNG has no known experience and has only beenregisteredforoneyear (Continuedonpage37)
Frompage36 now, the VP continued to defend the contract award, insisting that the Founder has years of experience in the field through his former employment with Exxon “But he was there with Exxonalongtime,buthehas been a project developer for alongtime,”Jagdeopointed out.
Fulcrum LNG has not
responded to this newspaper’s invitation to commentonthemattersince Saturday Sketchydetails
M e a n w h i l e , investigations by this newspaper found that the formerExxonVPappearsto beoneofonlytworegistered employeesofFulcrumLNG.
Bronchalo, who left Exxon in February 2023 is not only CEO of Fulcrum LNG, but he also, wears several other professional caps at the business he registered in July 2023 Bronchalo is also Secretary, Treasurer, Director and President of the company From all indications, he has only hired one employee. Kaieteur News discovered thatIvorEllulhasbeenhired as Technical Director at Fulcrum LNG He was appointed in July 2023 and previously worked at SchlumbergerGeoQuestand CiSK Ventures, Ltd, among others Ellul held senior
positions, including
Managing Director, Chairman, CEO and President among others in hiscareer.
A deeper dive into the company’s records also led Kaieteur News to the businessaddressofFulcrum LNG. The energy company operates from what appears to be a two-storey guest houselocatedat937TAHOE Boulevard, Incline Village, Nevada, USA Fulcrum LNG,accordingtocompany records, operates from Suite 130B.
Govt.revealsplan todevelopotheroil discoveriesfrom existingprojects
The Government of G u y a n a ( G o G ) i s c o n s i d e r i n g t h e development of other oil discoveries made in the Stabroek Block by U.S oil majorExxonMobil,fromthe projectscurrentlyproducing oil.
This was revealed recently by Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat. Heexplainedthatit may be more feasible to
develop new discoveries at projects that are already in operation.TheMinistersaid, “If you have a discovery close to the Liza Field, obviously you have to tie in thatwellintotheproduction from the Liza vessel. You can’t take it to another development. It makes no sense because of the cost of the infrastructure (and) subseaequipment.”
Tothisend,henoted,“So they may very well be new wells that are tied in to the developments that exists right now.” While it may prove more feasible to developotheroildiscoveries
from the existing infrastructure, the government has not addressedtheenvironmental aspectofsuchamove.
ExxonMobil to date has made 41 discoveries in the 26,800 square kilometers
S t a b r o e k B l o c k . Government has since sanctionedsixprojects,with a seventh development pending regulatory approvals. In the meantime, t h e c o m p a n y h a s commenced oil production atthreeoftheprojects-Liza One,LizaTwoandPayara.
The fourth projectYellowtail- is poised for startup in 2025, while the f i f t h a n d s i x t h developments- Uaru and Whiptail are slated to come onstreamby2026and2027 respectively It should be notedthateachoilprojectis approved after the developer, ExxonMobil, submitsanapplicationtothe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) outlining the s p e c i f i c s o f t h e development. The regulator, after reviewing this application, would decide whether an Environmental ImpactAssessment (EIA) is requiredtoinformthepublic of the dangers, benefits and measures that will be taken
to mitigate hazards associated with the project. To date, each oil project has beensubjectedtoanEIA.
Notably, this study assesses risk based on a specific rate of oil production and location of the wells, among other technical factors It also estimatesdischargessuchas produced water and other waste using the specified rate of oil production. It would therefore mean that a new EIA may be necessary toinformtheregulatorofthe hazards involved with the a d d i t i o n a l w e l l s Additionally, oil spill modeling is conducted by the consultants using the location of the wells. This too will require further studies to determine the damagefromanoilspillthat canoccur,affectingnotonly Guyana but neighbouring countries.
Jagdeodeniesany relationshipwith Fulcrumowner –saysonlymettheformer ExxonMobilVPonce
Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo onThursday said he does not have any relationship with the owner of a one-year-old company that his government handed the contract to monetise Guyana’sgas,sayingthathe
only met the man once although he was Vice President of ExxobnMobil Guyanaforseveralyears.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Fulcrum LNG Jesus Bronchalo worked for 19yearsatExxonMobiland spent quite a few years in Guyana Concerns have been raised about a possible conflict of interest situation regarding the issue and the opposition has even hinted thattopgovernmentofficials mighthavelinkstothedeal.
Kaieteur News on
Thursday asked Jagdeo: “How would you describe your relationship with the CEOofFulcrumanddidyou
at anytime during your interactions discuss gas monetization?” Jagdeo responded: “I met the gentleman once when they were making a report on the GastoEnergyProject,itwas a contentious engagement with him because we were discussingthepricingpolicy for the gas that’s the only time I saw him he came as partofthetaskforce…Never sawhimagainandthenImet himsubsequenttotheaward of the contract never in between.Sothatisclearand Ishouldn’treallybefeeding intoit.”
On Wednesday this newspaper reported Chairman of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R), Shurwayne Holder calling for a probe intowhathedescribedasthe q u e s t i o n a b l e g a s monetisation deal The Shadow Minister of Natural Resources told this newspaper on Tuesday that the award of the contract to Fulcrum LNG has set off alarm bells. He explained, “WhileIunderstandfullythe experienceofthecompany’s (Chief Executive Officer) CEOintheoilandgassector, we must consider that the companywhichheleadshas been established just a year ago and has no track record ofundertakingsuchprojects. I assume it’s a company operationandnotaoneman show.”
Moreover, Holder insisted that the conflict of interest involving the company’s CEO and Exxon cannotbeignored.
TheOppositionMember of Parliament said, “I don’t care what (Vice President Bharrat) Jagdeo says about Exxonnotbeinginfavourof gas monetisation. You can’t believe anything he says, he often speaks with a forked tongue, so we cannot just takeJagdeo’sdefenseofthis company.” The Shadow Minister of Natural Resources further highlighted that the PPP’s track record is stacked with companies that lacked competencetoundertakethe workandfailedtosatisfythe terms of their contract, yet these were defended by the administration.
Holder was also keen to pointout,“Thepublicisalso privy to allegations of corruption in the oil and gas industry as per the Vice News video release of discussions between VP JagdeoandSuZhiRong.” Jagdeo’sthrowsupport Jagdeo however, has thrown his support behind
the one-year-old company, although questions abound about its lack of experience with no known projects completed to monetise gas resources He had told reporters at a previous press conference that the Government of Guyana (GoG) was aware of the company’s link to U.S oil giant, ExxonMobil and had noqualmsaboutit,sincethe founder of Fulcrum LNG had already cut ties with Exxon Research by this publication found that Fulcrum LNG was founded by Bronchalo who worked 19 years and one month for ExxonMobil The last position he held for the companywasVicePresident and Chief Commercial Officer for the Guyana operations.Histenureended inFebruary2023.
According to reports, Bronchalofivemonthslaterin July 2023- launched the energy company, Fulcrum LNG, boasting “experience and expertise across all aspects of the oil and gas value chain, including lowcarbon solutions.” The GoG subsequently issued a Request For Proposals (RFP) in January 2024 seeking private sector pitches for the design, financing, construction, and o p e r a t i o n o f g a s infrastructure to support current and future upstream developmentsinGuyana.
Proposals were opened in February this year and by June, President Irfaan Ali announced the contract award to Fulcrum LNG According to company records, seen by this publication, Bronchalo is also Secretary, Treasurer, DirectorandPresidentofthe company that has been contracted by the Government of Guyana (GoG).Fromallindications, he has only hired one employee.
K a i e t e u r N e w s discovered that Ivor Ellul has been hired as Technical Director at Fulcrum LNG. He was appointed in July 2023andpreviouslyworked at Schlumberger GeoQuest and CiSK Ventures, Ltd, among others. Ellul held senior positions, including Managing Director, Chairman, CEO and President among others in hiscareer
The limited experience of the company has raised serious questions about its capacity to fulfill its contracted obligations Bronchalo’s company was selected as “the most
responsive compliant bidder” among 16 others whotenderedtodevelopthe non-associated gas in the StabroekBlock,operatedby Exxon.
A deeper dive into the company’s records also led Kaieteur News to the businessaddressofFulcrum LNG. The energy company operates from what appears to be a two-storey guest houselocatedat937TAHOE Boulevard, Incline Village, Nevada, USA Fulcrum LNG,accordingtocompany records, operates from Suite 130B. The CEO’s link to American oil super major ExxonMobil has sparked concerns among Guyanese, but the government has dismissedthepossibilityofa conflictofinterest.
Jagdeo has said that evaluators were well aware of Bronchalo’s 19 years of service at Exxon. The VP even joked that this may havepositionedhiscompany above the bidders. “He had left Exxon but if anything, maybe the evaluators thought that he had the data on the gas. I don’t know if they did that, so he would haveknown,becauseExxon does not want to go in that direction or did not want to go in that direction of monetising the gas in the early period, they said they needed the gas to be reinjected.Wehaveadifferent view.”
He added, “On the face ofit,Ithoughtitwasthebest proposal that the evaluators cameupwithandthat’swhat we’relookingfor,sothereis nothing I found wrong with theevaluationofthebidsand I don’t see anything that has come out in any major way that’s wrong, except for that oh, he worked at one time withExxon.”Whenaskedto comment on the fact that FulcrumLNGhasnoknown experience and has only been registered for one year now, the VP continued to defend the contract award, insisting that the Founder has years of experience in the field through his former employment with Exxon “But he was there with Exxonalongtime,buthehas been a project developer for alongtime,”Jagdeopointed out.
US$161Mcontractsigned fornewLindenHighway
The government of Guyana on Wednesday signed a US$161M contract with Trinidadian firm NamalcoConstruction
Frompage37 Services (from Trinidad & Tobago)injointventurewith Guyamerica Construction Inc. (Guyana) to reconstruct the Linden- Soesdyke Highway.
The reconstructed highway is aimed at accommodating the increasing tonnage that traversestheHighwaydaily The project will include the installation of some 2,900 street lights, reflective road markings and lay-bys for trucks.
Kaieteur News reported
t h a t t h e N a t i o n a l Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) published on its website that Namalco and Guyamerica were awarded
the US$161,369,374 contractonJune26,2024.
Kaieteur News also reported that the joint venture companies were among four bidders vying for the contract when it was opened in January 2024 at NPTAB. The project was
estimated to cost US$183,567,095 according to the Ministry of Public Works’engineer’sfigure.
The upgrade to the Soesdyke-Linden Highway is being funded by a loan f r o m t h e I s l a m i c Development Bank (IsDB) a n d i s t h e f i r s t developmentalprojectthatis being funded by Bank in Guyana.
It was reported in May 2023thattheGovernmentof Guyana and the Islamic DevelopmentBank,signeda US$200M Framework
Agreement for the reconstruction of the highway The project will see the rehabilitation and reconstruction of 73 kilometresofthehighway
Speakingofthescopeof works at the signing ceremony,whichwasheldat theMightyEnchanterCreek on the highway, Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill said that the project will see the construction of three roundabouts, one at the Soesdyke-Linden junction, oneatMillie’sHideOutand the other at Five Corner in Linden.
“This project will bring jobtoalotofpeoplebecause when this highway is rehabilitated there will be 2,900 street lights along the entire highway For the persons living on the highway let me tell you about this project, all the bridgeswillbedone,andyou nolongerhavetowalkonthe bridge in the middle of the traffic when you moving
from one section, there will be pedestrian bridges at the sideofthemajorbridges,”he detailed.
In addition to that, the PublicWorksMinisterstated thatinrelationtothedangers of trucks parked on the highway and not being properlylitatnight,theywill be introducing lay-bys so therewillbemoreplacesfor trucks to park on the side of the road and not to obstruct traffic.
“Those of you who live a n d t r a v e r s e t h i s thoroughfare know that we’ve been having significant breakaways or what we call washouts.This projectentailsimprovingthe drainage of the entire highway The road markings that will be on the road, it will be high quality marking that will provided for reflective view in the
the residents of Linden and communities along the Highwaytomaximizeonthe jobopportunitiesthatwillbe available.
The President further saidthatthisprojectispartof a wider menu of investment that is aimed at the transformation of the country, the opening of opportunities,therebuilding and expansion of the economyandtheintegration of different regions within thecountry
“This highway is integral, not only for the connectivity between Regions 4 and 10 but importantly it is important becauseitisoneofthemain artery that support the development in the hinterland communities and wider afield But more importantly this highway will be linked to other key
night, so when you are driving and the light get to themarkingandsignsitwill be bright to help you navigate the turns, it will be of reflective nature,” he furtherexplained.
This publication understands that there will be emergency stopping and resting areas placed at specific locations along the highway
During his speech, Minister Edghill mentioned too that the entire highway will be dug up and will see new bases and new surfaces being put in place
According to him, the Soesdyke –Linden Highway was built between 1966 and 1968 and sank in some sectionsovertheyearsgiven the number of vehicles that traversesit.
Tothisend,hesaidoneof the main objectives of the project is “to cater for the new level of tonnage that is coming through the highway The objective of gettingthishighwaygoingis thatwehavetoimproveand m e e t t h e c u r r e n t transportationdemand,there are thousands of vehicle on thisroadeverysingledayso wehavetoimprovethat.”
Meanwhile, President Irfaan Ali in his feature address said that the reconstruction of the highway will take two years andsome300personsareto be employed to execute the works. The President urged
stood at 11 billion barrels of oil; since then eight new discoveries were made joining the more than 30 already made on the Stabroekblocksince2015.It is important to note that earlier this year CNOOC released its 2023 annual report which stated that the Lancetfish discovery has averaged some 100 million tons, which is equivalent to 746millionbarrelsofoil.
and critical infrastructure that would expand the productive capacity of our country that would expand the land availability and open new areas for a multifaceted investment portfolio,”heexplained.
Kaieteur News reported thatinOctoberlastyearthat the NPTAB had awarded a contracttoKuwaitifirm,AlHabshi Engineering Consultants in joint venture with Guyanese company –CB & Associates Inc. to providesupervisionservices for the project. The contract costisUS$1,775,000.
The Linden-Soesdyke Highwaywasindireneedof repairs and the Government has spent millions over the years repairing the roadway duetoexhaustiveuse.
Exxonpartnerdiscloses anotherdiscoverythat contradictsGovt.’sclaim thatreservesonlygrewby 600mbarrels
State-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) a 25% partner in the Stabroek Block has put the reserves increaseoverthe600million barrels growth that was recently announced by the Government of Guyana (GoG).
In April 2022, it was announced that Guyana’s Stabroek Block reserves
shareholders increase by 25% to RMB79.7 billion (overUS$11billion).
CNOOC said that in the first half of the year, it focusedonincreasingoiland gasreservesandproduction. Within the six months period, the company made seven new discoveries and successfullyappraised18oil and gas bearing structures. One of the discoveries the company pointed out is the Bluefin discovery on the Stabroek Block, which CNOOCsaidfurtherexpand the reserves in the southeastern portion of the block.
Notably,accordingtothe company’s filing the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, “Overseas, a new discovery with in-place oil and gas volume over 100 million tons, Bluefin, was made at the Stabroek block in Guyana.”
Back in March, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited(EMGL)announced adiscoveryatBluefininthe Stabroek block offshore Guyana, the company’s first discovery of 2024. While EMGL did not disclose the estimated recoverable resourcesfromthediscovery itwasstatedthattheBluefin w e l l e n c o u n t e r e d approximately 197 feet (60 metres) of hydrocarbonbearing sandstone and was drilled in 4,244 feet (1,294 metres) of water The Bluefin well is located approximately 8 5 kilometres southeast of the Sailfin-1 well, in the southeastern portion Stabroekblock.
This week CNOOC posteditsfirst-halfresultson its global operations, boasting a net profit attributable to equity
This second revelation by CNOOC shows that Guyana’s reserves have increased significantly since the 2022 update. However, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has been contending that since the 2022 update there has only been a “minimal” increase in the reserves.
Atoneofhisrecentpress conferences, Jagdeo said, “On the reserve, I told you that there is a submission that Exxon makes to us, this submission showed a minimal increase from the lastquartertothisquarterof proven reserves, minimal increase…Wehavegoneout tocontractsomeonetodoan audit of these reserves. So we saw what Exxon submitted, and we are going todoanauditofthereserves so that we can get the full picture.” Notably, a French companyhasbeenawardeda contract to assist the g o v e r n m e n t w i t h
understanding the country’s provenreserves.
CNOOCreadyto monetiseGuyana’sgas –saysfossilfuelcrucial forforeseeablefuture
Amid deepening concerns over the monetization of Guyana’s gas resources with a controversial contract handed to a one-year-old United States company by t h e g o v e r n m e n t , ExonMobil’s Stabroek Block partner – China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) has expressed an interest in a similardeal.
According told Reuters news agency article, CNOOC Chief Executive Zhou Xinhuai told an earnings briefing on Thursday, the same day top executives met with Guyana’s President, Irfaan Aliandotherministersatthe Office of the President. In a tersestatementfollowingthe meeting, the Office of the President said Dr Ali met with CNOOC Group’s Vice President and Chief Supervisor, Professor Yu Jing and fellow Vice President,Yu Jin along with adelegation.
Discussions, the Office ofthePresidentsaidfocused on opportunities in the gas sector and ways in which CNOOC can align its c o r p o r a t e s o c i a l responsibility with the Government’s social agenda. According to the statement, a number of key officials from the oil corporation were also a part ofthemeeting.PresidentAli was joined by Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d), Mark Phillips; Senior MinisterwithintheOfficeof thePresidentwith
Frompage38 responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh; Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat and Director of Presidential Affairs, Mrs MarciaNadir-Sharma.
CNOOC International holdsa25%workinginterest in the Stabroek Block, located approximately 200 kilometresoffshoreGuyana, covering 6.6 million acres. ExxonMobil is the operator with45%interestandHess–another US company has a 30% working interest CNOOC’s interest in monetizing Guyana’s gas resourcescomesontheheels ofrevelationthataone-yearold US company Fulcrum whose owner, Jesus BronchalowasaformerVice President of ExxonMobil Guyana was given the contract.
The main opposition –People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) has questioned the deal and also called for an investigation into the awarding of the contract.
Bronchalo founded Fulcrum LNG in July 2023, onlyfivemonthsafterheleft Exxon. He was employed withtheoilgiantfor19years and one month prior to his questionable resignation Bronchalo’s company was later selected by the Government of Guyana (GoG) to design, finance, construct, and operate the requiredgasinfrastructureto provide gas monetization solutions and accelerate upstream gas developments inthecountry
The deal was announced by President Irfaan Ali in June 2024. There were no mentions of completed projects by Fulcrum on its website.
Be that as it may, Kaieteur News understands that the main feature of Fulcrum LNG will involve the development of state-ofthe-art gas processing and modular, scalable facilities toproduceLiquifiedNatural Gas(LNG)andNGLS/LPGs for Guyana as well as regionalandglobalmarkets.
The limited experience of the company has raised serious questions about its capacity to fulfill its contracted obligations
Bronchalo’s company was selected as “the most responsive compliant bidder” among 16 others whotenderedtodevelopthe non-associated gas in the StabroekBlock,operatedby Exxon Additionally, the CEO’s link to American oil
supermajorExxonMobilhas sparked concerns among Guyanese, but the government has dismissed thepossibilityofaconflictof interest.
Infact,VPJagdeoduring his Thursday press conference told reporters that Fulcrum LNG’s proposal was the best receivedbythegovernment. Jagdeo said, “He had left Exxon but if anything, maybe the evaluators thought that he had the data onthegas.
I don’t know if they did that…on the face of it, I thought it was the best proposal that the evaluators cameupwithandthat’swhat we’relookingfor,sothereis nothing I found wrong with theevaluationofthebidsand I don’t see anything that has come out in any major way that’s wrong, except for that oh, he worked at one time withExxon.”
Meanwhile, Reuters reported CNOOC Ltd as sayingthatfossilfuelwillbe a stabilising factor in global energy demand for the foreseeablefuture.
CNOOC is a state-run companyaimedtopump700 million to 720 million barrels of oil equivalent for 2024,or3%to6%abovethe level of last year, CNOOC told an earnings briefing afterpostingarecordinterim profit CNOOC expects domestic natural gas production to maintain strong growth through 2030 andstandsreadytomonetise vast gas resources in Guyana, Chief Executive Zhou Xinhuai told the briefing.
On new energy, Zhou said the company would focus on investing in projects that offer the best costadvantages,forexample the commissioning of the world’s first 5-megawatt offshore high-temperature flue gas waste heat power plant CNOOC said it expectedoilpricestokeepin arangeof$75to$85abarrel forthesecondhalfof2024.It targets annual capital expenditure at 125 billion yuan to 135 billion yuan ($18 billion to $19 billion), versus last year’s 129 6 billion.
We’ll be discussing that question with our guest today, Itsinterimearningsat $11.2 billion were slightly below the $12 4 billion reported by PetroChina, Asia’s largest oil and gas producer, but more than double those of refining giant Sinopec, at $5 2 billion. ($1=7.0942 Chinese
ExxonMobil’sreturnon investmentsshouldnotbe usedasanavenueto furtherdepriveGuyanaof itsoilwealth–Norton
L e a d e r o f t h e Opposition, Aubrey Norton has said that Guyana’s oil wealth should not be s u b j e c t e d t o disproportionate returns on ExxonMobil’sinvestments.
ExxonMobil is the operator of the Stabroek Block in which it has a 45% interest. Its Co-Venturers, Guyana Exploration Ltd holds a 30% interest and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited holds a 25% interest.
Under the provisions of the2016ProductionSharing Agreement (PSA), the partners invest in the development and operations of the Block and recover those costs from Guyana’s oil each month. Notably, 75%eachmonthisallocated to cost recovery, while the remaining 25% is shared withGuyanaasprofits.
In addition to its profits, however, Exxon also enjoys a“massive”rateofreturnon its investments, as was revealed earlier this month by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo.
An investor’s rate of return is the percentage of net gain or loss by an investment over a period of time. This is a critical area that can be abused by oil companies to profit more throughunfairchargestothe country
Thegovernmentremains reluctanttodisclosewhatthe company’s rate of return is but the Opposition Leader has urged that those costs should not further deprive thisnationofitswealth.
During a recent press briefing, he told Kaieteur News, “As a country, we invited Exxon to invest; we expect them to have returns on their investment. What we don’t want is the disproportionate returns and in that regard like we said, wewillusethatarticleinthe PSAto make the changes to ensurethepeopleofGuyana benefit and that there is a reduction of the asymmetry involvedinthePSA.”
Meanwhile, with regard to the unknown rate or return, the Leader said, “We haveaskedforit,weneedthe detailsasIhavesaidbefore, but our general policy positionhasnotchangedthat
we need to make changes to ensurethatwebenefitmore, andeveryareaofthecontract should be dealt with to ensure that the people of Guyanabenefitsignificantly while ExxonMobil gets reasonable returns on its investments.”
The Opposition Leader declined to comment on what a reasonable rate of return would be. He said he needed the necessary information at his disposal, lest he presents “jumbie economics ” Norton explained that factors such as how much has been i n v e s t e d t o d a t e , d e p r e c i a t i o n , a n d decommissioning would have to be assessed for him toarriveatthatfigure.
“All of those variables will have to be factored in. We’d have to develop an economic model that allows us to put all those factors in and then arrive at what is reasonable,butformetojust say that to me that would be ‘jumbie economics’,” the leaderpointedout.
Chief Policymaker of Guyana’s petroleum sector, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo clarified that the company was not using loans to fund the developments in the Stabroek Block; therefore, there was no interest cost addedtothecostbank.
TheVicePresidentmade itclearthatthecompanywas using the revenue generated in the block and funding the developments through equity Accordingtohim,the company was earning a “massive” return on its equity
He explained, “If you supply financing, nobody does it and you’re an investorforfree,ifthereisa costtoyouthenyourecover thecost.Sowhetheritcomes in the form of a loan or an equity,yougetareturn.Soin thiscase,Exxonhasmadeit clearthereisnointerestcost. They are financing the operations from equity and from their own retained earnings.
There is no interest cost sodon’tyouthinktheygeta return on their equity? They’re getting a massive return on their equity and that is exactly what is happening here. They have chosen not to go down the interest route, but they are getting a return on their equity.”
Since there is no interest cost, Kaieteur News asked the Chief Policymaker for the oil and gas sector on
Thursdaytosaywhattherate of return on the company’s equityis.
To this end, Jagdeo explained that the rate changes over time, adding that the company will enjoy greater returns in the future after the investments have beenrepaid.
NewInt’lhotelsin Guyanawillnotincrease cost-of-living–Jagdeo …saysmorehotelswill createmorejobsand opportunitiesforlocals
Vice President (VP)
Bharrat Jagdeo has dismissed concerns that the surge in hotel construction across Georgetown and surrounding areas, will further drive up the cost of living. Instead, he argued that the expansion of hotel capacity could stabilize or even lower accommodation costs, benefiting both locals andreturningnationals.
Guyana’s rapidly expandingoilandgassector has attracted significant international attention, leadingtoincreaseddemand for high-quality hospitality services. In addition to the seven new hotels that are expected to be open next year, Hilton on Wednesday announced its debut in Guyanawiththesigningofa dual-brand project planned for the capital, Georgetown. The upcoming Hilton
G e o r g e t o w n a n d DoubleTreeSuitesbyHilton Georgetown owned by an affiliateofAssetsGroupand managed by Hilton will mark the company’s first entry into the country, bringingacombinedtotalof 411roomstothecity
At his press conference on Thursday, Jagdeo was asked whether the influx of tourists, drawn by the growing number of hotels, might lead to higher prices for goods and services, potentially adding more difficulties for Guyanese that have been complaining about the high cost-ofliving.
The Vice President responded by pointing out that increased hotel availability would enhance competition, making it easier for people to find reasonably priced accommodations.
“SothewayIseeitisthat if you have greater supply, youhavegreatersupply Soa lot of our tourist are Guyanese who come back home. So far the bulk of the people who come into our country are Guyanese who
returnhome,”Jagdeosaid. Jagdeo said that returning Guyanese nationals face high accommodationcostsdueto limitedavailability Assuch, he believes that more hotels wouldmitigatethisissueand make Guyana more competitive.
He also said he believes more hotels would have positive effects on tourism, employment, and the local economy He noted that the seven new hotels alone would create approximately 300 jobs for Guyanese and significantly boost the tourism industry by providing more affordable optionsforvisitors.
“Soabout300Guyanese can find jobs in these hotels thatarebuilt,soitcanhavea positive effect on employmentcreation.Ifyou have more tourists here too, they would consume more localstuffsowearepushing people to provide the local [cuisine],”hecontinued.
Furthermore, Jagdeo said that increased tourist activitywoulddrivedemand forlocalproducts,benefiting farmers and other suppliers. He cited examples like the Guyana Marriott and Hard Rock Café, which have alreadystartedincorporating local foods into their offerings.Jagdeoadded,“So it means more demand for our farmers and anything else to supply fresh fruit, vegetables, and a whole rangeofsupply,soIcanonly seeitinapositivesense.”
Looking ahead, Jagdeo envisionsGuyanaasafuture host for major international events,supportedbythenew hotels and stadiums. “I can seeitinamorepositivesense and we will be able to host more international events like cricket; we are building acoupleofstadiums,wecan run a whole tournament in the future if we have two stadiums… so I see these thingsentirelyinthepositive sense,” the Vice President said.
It should be noted that while the Government of Guyana (GoG) has been pushingformorehotelstobe constructed to support the expanding economy, the government had moved to sell the Guyana Marriott Hotel Since June 2023, state-entity the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) was in talks with American businessman Ramy El-Batrawi, who had bid US$90 million for the Kingston, Georgetown property
Th e G u y a n a S t u d e n t Association in Trinidad and Tobago (GUYSATT) is dedicated to supporting Guyanese studentsastheynavigatethe challenges of studying abroad.
The group recognizes that transitioning to a new country and culture can be daunting,andassuch,itaims tocreatea‘homeawayfrom home’foritsmembers.
Through activities and initiatives, GUYSATT aims to create a welcoming and inclusive community where students can find comfort, companionship, and support.
The association offers a wide range of opportunities designed to enhance the academic, social, and cultural experiences of its members.
Academically, the association provides resources and guidance to help students excel in their studies, including mentorship programs, study groups, and workshops on varioustopics.
heritage among the broader Trinidadian audience, bridging cultural gaps and promotingunity
.This initiative not only celebratestheuniqueaspects of Amerindian culture but also reinforces the significance of cultural exchange and collaboration between communities. Through such events, the
Guyanese Students Association plays a crucial role in preserving and promoting the rich tapestry of Amerindian heritage, ensuring that it continues to thrive in the hearts and mindsoffuturegenerations.
The vibrant celebrations
of Phagwah and Diwali at the university in Trinidad brought a sense of home to the Guyanese students, creating a beautiful tapestry of culture and community
As the colorful powders of Holi filled the air, laughter and joy echoed through the halls,remindingeveryoneof the rich traditions they cherishedbackinGuyana.
The intricate rangoli designs, adorned with flickering diyas, served as a stunning centerpiece, symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness and the unity of diverse cultures coming tog
As the night unfolded, the celebrations became a powerful reminder of the importance of cultural identity and the joy of sharing it with others. The students embraced their roots while also celebrating thediversityaroundthem.In thisvibrantatmosphere,they found solace and strength, knowing that even far from home, they could create a space filled with love, laughter, and the spirit of togetherness that defines theirculture.
Culturally,theycelebrate and promote the rich heritage of Guyana through culturalevents,festivals,and showcases.
Moreso,theseactivities not only help students stay connected to their roots but also aid in immigration issues of Guyanese students in Trinidad and Tobago through the Consulate General of the Co-operative RepublicofGuyanaattached toTrinidadandTobago,Ms. Vonetta S. Victor Consul General(Ag).
This partnership helps addressvariousimmigration challenges and clearances that Guyanese students may face.
Whetheritisvisaissues, documentation, or other consular services, the associationandtheconsulate collaborate to provide support and guidance to ensure that students’ needs aremet.
This close relationship not only helps in resolving practical issues but also reinforces a sense of community and belonging among the students. By
Socially, the group organizes events that foster connectionsamongstudents, helping them build a networkoffriendsandpeers who share
joiningGUYSATT,students can gain valuable skills, make lifelong friendships,
Amerindian Heritage
Month in Guyana is a significant celebration that honors the rich cultural traditions and contributions oftheIndigenouspeoplesof the country This month serves as a platform to raise awareness about the diverse cultures, languages, and histories of the Amerindian communities.
TheGUYSATTtookthis opportunity to showcase
, allowing Trinidadians to experience the vibrancy and richness of these traditions firsthand.
The display featured an array of crafts, traditional attire, and delicious foods that reflect the diverse practices of the Amerindian communities.
By presenting these elements, the association aimed to foster a deeper unde
d appreciation of Amerindian
The University of the WestIndiesSt.Augustine (Continuedonpage48)
In August every year, World Indigenous Peoples’ Day is commemorated
worldwide under the auspices of the United Nations and its theme this year is “Protecting the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary
Isolation and Initial Contact”. WorldIndigenous Peoples’ Day promotes and advocates the achievement of the comprehensive ideal for Indigenous Peoples wherever they live and would obviously not uniformly apply to every country For example, this year’sthemeofisolationand initial contact would be of relevance to the Andaman Islands but not to Guyana. Accordingly, the level of achievement of the Ideal differs from country to country and Guyana stands outastheonecountrywhose status is nearest to the Ideal. Despite its extraordinary achievement, Guyana still
e n t h u s i a s t i c a l l y
commemorates World Indigenous Peoples’ Day each year Guyana’s achievement will unfold as w e n o w c o n s i d e r Amerindian Heritage Month.
In 1995, Dr Cheddi Jagan, having returned as PresidentofGuyanain1992 afterbeingkeptoutofoffice for 28 years, designated September as Amerindian Heritage Month to promote the interests of that community, showcase its culture and enhance its image We will consider AmerindianHeritageMonth from three standpoints: Firstly,theculturalheritage; secondly,theactivitiesbeing made to bring justice to the Amerindian community and the efforts to have Amerindiansenjoythesame
social amenities and economic opportunities
which the people of Georgetown and the
developed Coastal Regions enjoy; and thirdly, the p r e s e r v a t i o n a n d development of the Amerindianlanguages.
TheAmerindian peoples have always had a deep connection with Nature and havealwaysbeencustodians of the Environment and Ecology and have provided theexampleandguidetothe restofthenationastohowto m a n a g e r e s o u r c e s sustainably and to survive off the land and yet be in harmony with Nature. This understanding of Ecology and what is now known as “Climate Change” has been part of Amerindian culture forhundredsofyearsbefore those concepts were discovered by Western culture and given scientific analysisandterminology It is probably a deep understanding in the Guyanese psyche deriving from our Amerindian heritage which manifests itself in Guyana’s commitment to achieving t h e S u s t a i n a b l e Development Goals (SDG) andmaintainingGuyanaasa netcarbonsink.
There are other
Amerindiancontributionsto Guyanese life as in cuisine such as pepper-pot, cassava bread and other ground provision dishes; the Amerindian style of houses with the sleeping area elevated as a protection against dangerous insects and animals; and a number of useful artifacts such as plaited hand fans, earthenware utensils of various types, arrows to spear fish since nets are not known or not available and hammocks. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, when people from the Coastal regions such as individual miners and pork-knockers went into the Interior, they adopted the Amerindian mode of life and culture to
For generations Amerindian people were keptisolatedandregardedas lesser than other Guyanese and without knowing why, their culture was despised and regarded as inferior by the dominant Western culture in its Euro-Creole form. Indian culture was also once subjected to the identical prejudice and this has caused Indians to have anempathywiththeplightof Amerindians. Over the last three decades, however, Amerindians have been slowlyraisingtheirstatusby their own efforts mainly by being inducted into professions such as nursing, teaching and local politics and the other Guyanese communities have been welcoming and supportive of the development of “the FirstPeople”.
This process has
quickened over the last decade. The national road systemshasbeenlinkingthe HinterlandareastotheCoast and to Brazil; schools and educational facilities especially in the technical fields have been introduced or upgraded in the Amerindian villages; more Amerindians are being trainedasmedics,nursesand doctors and four high grade hospitals are being constructed in the Regions withfullAmerindianaccess; billions of dollars derived from the Carbon Credit revenues, Presidential grants, Amerindian Development Fund and Ministerial programmes across several Ministries have been deployed to the Amerindian villages for themtoexecutehundredsof developmental projects; electricity has been made available to more than
30,000 households by the supplyofsolarpanels; with electricity availability the Internet has been become available and the people of theHinterlandhavetakento it with the same alacrity as their compatriots on the Coast; most important, Amerindian communities havebeenawardedhundreds of square miles of land the communities occupy with ownership not only for the topsoilbutalsotheminerals insuchland.Infact,15%of Guyana’slandareahasbeen awarded to the various Amerindian tribal communities. Amerindians are represented in national politics at the higher levels and there have been several Amerindian Ministers of Government. Inallofthis, Guyana stands out in the world as treating its Indigenous people very closetotheideal.
There is one area of Amerindian development which Guyana has found very challenging and that is the use and preservation of the Amerindian languages. Sporadicattemptshavebeen made over the years by the Amerindian Department of the University of Guyana and one or two researchers fundedbyUSfoundationsto compile dictionaries and evengrammarsofoneortwo of seven Amerindian languages. However, no sustained work was ever donelargelybecauseoflack offunding. Aneffortshould be made to preserve each of the seven languages and a lingua franca should be identifiedanddeveloped. In this process, the University ofGuyana’sroleisvitaland if adequate funding is accorded by the State, this language project would be successful.
Graves’ disease is an immune s y s t e m condition that affects the thyroid gland. It causes the body to make too much thyroid hormone That condition is called hyperthyroidism.
Thyroidhormonesaffect manyorgansinthebody So Graves’ disease symptoms
also can affect those organs. Anyone can get Graves’ disease But it’s more common in women and in peopleolderthan30. Treatment for Graves’ disease helps lower the amount of thyroid hormone that the body makes and easessymptoms. Symptoms Enlargedthyroid
Common symptoms of Graves’diseaseinclude:
· Feeling nervous and irritable.
· Having a slight tremor ofthehandsorfingers.
· Being sensitive to heat withanincreaseinsweating orwarm,moistskin.
· Losing weight, despite wantingtoeatmore.
· Having an enlarged
thyroid gland, also called goiter
Having changes in menstrualcycles.
·Notbeingabletogetor keep an erection, called erectile dysfunction, or havinglessdesireforsex.
Having bowel movementsoften.
·Havingbulgingeyes— a condition called thyroid eye disease or Graves’ ophthalmopathy
Having thick, discolored skin mostly on the shins or tops of the feet, calledGraves’dermopathy
·Havingfastorirregular h e a r t b e a t , c a l l e d palpitations.
Thyroideyediseasealso i s c a l l e d G r a v e s ’ ophthalmopathy About25% of people with Graves’ disease have eye symptoms. Thyroid eye disease affects muscles and other tissues around the eyes. Symptoms mayinclude:
· A gritty feeling in the eyes.
· Pressure or pain in the eyes.
·Puffyeyelidsoreyelids that don’t cover the eyeball all the way This is called retractedeyelids.
·Lightsensitivity Blurred or double vision.
Rarely, people with Graves’ disease have darkening and thickening of the skin It most often appears on the shins or the topsofthefeet.Theskinhas atexturelikeanorangepeel.
This is called Graves’ dermopathy Itcomesfroma buildup of protein in the skin.It’smostoftenmildand painless. When to see a doctor
O t h e r m e d i c a l conditions can cause symptoms like those of Graves’ disease. See your healthcare professional if you have any symptoms of Graves’ disease to get a promptdiagnosis.
Seek medical care right away if you have heartrelated symptoms, such as a fastorirregularheartbeat,or ifyouhavevisionloss.
Request an appointment Causes Graves’ disease is caused by the body’s disease-fighting immune system not working correctly Experts don’t knowwhythishappens.
The immune system makes antibodies that target viruses, bacteria or other
foreign substances In Graves’disease,theimmune systemmakesanantibodyto one part of the cells in the hormone-making gland in the neck, called the thyroid gland.
A tiny gland at the base of the brain, called the pituitary gland, makes a hormone that controls the thyroid gland. The antibody linked with Graves’ disease iscalledthyrotropinreceptor antibody (TRAb) TRAb takes over the work of the pituitaryhormone.
That leads to more thyroidhormoneinthebody than the body needs. That condition is called hyperthyroidism.
Cause of thyroid eye disease
Thyroideyedisease,also c a l l e d G r a v e s ’ ophthalmopathy, comes from a buildup of certain carbohydratesinthemuscles and tissues behind the eyes. The cause isn’t known. It may involve the same antibody that can cause the thyroid gland to not work correctly
Thyroid eye disease often appears at the same time as hyperthyroidism or several months later. But symptoms of thyroid eye disease can appear years b e f o r e o r a f t e r hyperthyroidism starts. It’s alsopossibletohavethyroid eye disease without hyperthyroidism.
Factorsthatcanincrease the risk of Graves’ disease include:
· Family history People who get Graves’ disease often have a family history of thyroid conditions or an autoimmunecondition.
· Sex. Women are much more likely to get Graves’ diseasethanaremen.
· Age. Graves’ disease mostlyhappensbetweenthe agesof30and60.
· Another autoimmune condition.Peoplewithother conditions of the immune system, such as type 1 diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis,haveahigherrisk.
Smoking Cigarette smoking, which can affect the immune system, raises the risk of Graves’ disease. Peoplewhosmokeandhave Graves’diseaseareathigher risk of getting thyroid eye disease.
Complications of Graves’diseasecaninclude:
Pregnancy health concerns. Graves’ disease during pregnancy can cause miscarriage,earlybirth,fetal thyroidissuesandpoorfetal growth.
It also can cause heart failure and preeclampsia in the pregnant person Preeclampsia leads to high blood pressure and other serioussymptoms. Heart conditions Graves’ disease that isn’t treated can lead to irregular heartrhythmsandchangesin the heart and how it works. The heart might not be able topumpenoughbloodtothe body That condition is calledheartfailure.
· Thyroid storm. This rarebutdeadlycomplication of Graves’ disease also is called accelerated hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxic crisis. It’s more likelytohappenwhensevere hyperthyroidism is not treated or not treated well enough.
Thyroid storm happens when a sudden and drastic rise in thyroid hormones causesanumberofeffectsin thebody
They include fever, sweating, confusion, delirium, severe weakness, tremors, irregular heartbeat, severe low blood pressure and coma. Thyroid storm needsmedicalattentionright away
Brittle bones Hyperthyroidism that isn’t treated can lead to weak, brittle bones — a condition called osteoporosis The strength of the bones depends, in part, on the amountofcalciumandother minerals they hold Too much thyroid hormone makesithardforthebodyto getcalciumintothebones.
The Amazon Pink River Dolphin has the A unique adaptation lets botos swim largest bodies and brains of any freshwater easily between trees and through tangles of dolphin. This freshwater cetacean is the branches: unfused neck vertebrae, which largestspeciesofriverdolphin.Theyareborn allows them to bend at up to a 90-degree grey and acquire their pink colour with age. angle.
The final hue is influenced by many things, Inaddition,theboto’slongsnoutcomesin including behaviour, diet and how close their handy for rooting through river mud for capillariesaretotheskin. crustaceans or darting among branches after
Every spring when the rains fall in South small fish. Echolocation allows them to America,theAmazonRiveranditstributaries navigate and find prey in the dark, muddy begin to spill their banks Eventually, water Botos are the largest of the four river thousands of square miles of rainforest are dolphinspecies,reachinguptoeightfeetlong flooded,creatingavast,tree-canopiedsea. and450pounds.Theyhavepowerfulflippers
Into this seasonal sea, which remains for and tail flukes and a modified hump in place half the year, swims the Amazon River ofadorsalfin.Malebotossometimesbeatthe Dolphin, or boto Botos have the water with branches or grasses held in their characteristic dolphin smile and, unlike their mouth, or even hold live turtles aloft, in marine cousins, bulbous foreheads and long, courtship displays aimed at impressing skinny beaks. Most strikingly, males can be females.Femalesgivebirthtoonecalfaftera pink.Thecoloringisbelievedtobescartissue pregnancy of 11 to 15 months. The young fromroughgamesorfightingoverconquests. nurse for more than a year staying close to The brighter the pink, the more attractive the theirmothers. males are to females—at least during mating Humans are the only threat to Amazon season,whichtakesplacewhenthewaterhas river dolphins, hunting them for catfish bait receded and males and females are confined or trapping them accidentally in gill nets. totheriverchannelagain. Traditional Amazonian belief holds that the During the wet season, however, females boto is a magical being able to take the form venture far into the flooded forest, likely to of a human and come ashore—with a hat to escapetheaggressivemales. hideitstelltaleblowhole.
Tributescontinuetopourinless than 48 hours after the passing of renowned Guyanese-born Caribbean diplomat Sir Sridath Ramphal. the Commonwealth, Sir Shridath sterling contributions to the Sir Shridath, a former Minister championed the causes of Region. of Justice and Foreign Affairs of developing nations and played a “The Secretary General and Guyana died on Friday. He was 95 pivotal role in the global fight staff of the CARICOM Secretariat yearsold. againstapartheid. join
Commonwealth Secretary-
The party added that it was international community in General Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland inspired by Sir Shridath’s mourning his loss, and in lauding KC, in her message of condolence dedication to justice, equality, and his life marked by committed on Saturday described Sir Shridath the upliftment of the peoples of the service and excellence. May his as a “Giant of the Caribbean and GlobalSouth.Itsaidhislegacywill soulrestinpeace.” one of the Commonwealth’s continue to inspire generations to Meanwhile, Chancellor of the brightestlights.” come, “reminding us all of the University of Guyana Dr. Edward
“ A s a c o m m i t t e d
SirShridathservedasSecretary power of diplomacy, unity, and the Greene in a tribute to Sir Shridath -General of the Commonwealth relentless pursuit of fairness on the said that his expansive life’s work from1975to1990. globalstage.” andimpactareaptlycapturedinhis
Guyanese-born Caribbean diplomat Sir Sridath Ramphal
Leader of the Opposition and memoirs, ‘Glimpses of a Global internationalist, and my longest- Prime Minister and head of the promote Caribbean unity and to PresidentofthePNPMarkGolding Life’whichtogetherwith‘Timefor serving predecessor as Secretary- Patterson Institute ofAdvocacy for assert our place in the global remarked, “Sir Shridath Ramphal Change: a Report of the Caribbean General, Sir Sonny served the the Caribbean and Africa, Percival community have left an indelible was a masterful statesman, Commiss
n’ should be Commonwealth with extraordinary James (PJ) Patterson expressed mark on our collective diplomat, and orator His compulsory reading for all, vision, compassion, wisdom, and a sadness at the loss of Sir Shridath consciousness,”Pattersonshared. contributions to the Caribbean and especially Caribbean scholars, steadfast commitment to the values whom he said was a “true titan of He said that his institute, the the wider world will never be students,anddiplomats. whichbindourfamilyofnations. Caribbean diplomacy and global Patterson Institute ofAdvocacy for forgotten. Rest in peace, Sir Sonny “His outstanding contributions Hisstatesmanshipwasrootedin statesmanship”. the Caribbean and Africa, mourns Ramphal.” at all stages of the regional his humanity His leadership was In a statement published on the loss of this Caribbean giant and CARICOM Secretary-General, movement in the Caribbean — characterised by his belief in the Saturday in the Jamaica Observer, extendedtheirdeepestcondolences Dr CarlaBarnettinastatementsaid from the short-lived West Indies power of dialogue, diplomacy, and Patterson said his departure marks to his family and to all who were the CARICOM Secretariat is Federation to CARIFTA and its cooperation, and his unwavering the end of an era, but “his legacy “touched by his wisdom, kindness, saddened at Sir Shridath’s death blossoming into CARICOM now dedication to justice,” Scotland will continue to inspire generations and unwavering commitment to describinghimas“astalwartofour 50 years old, are all well said. She noted that Sir Shridath’s tocome”. progress”. community”. documented In addition, the commitment to advocacy for the “Sir Shridath’s life was a “As we bid farewell to Sir “Inanillustriouscareerdevoted seminal work of the West Indian rights of small states, and his testament to the power of intellect, Shridath Ramphal, we commit to public service, Sir Shridath Commission established by the tireless work to bridge the divides diplomacy, and an unwavering ourselves to honouring his legacy blazed a trail of excellence in CARICOM Heads of Government which too often separate nations commitmenttojusticeandequality by continuing the work he began. diplomacy, law, academia and and which he chaired (1989) and peoples, “was remarkable and From his humble beginnings in His life’s mission reminds us of the politics, earning respect and remains a prescient blueprint. Its visionary”. British Guiana to his role as the power of diplomacy, the admiration in his homeland recommendations to help the
“Above all, he will be second Secretary-General of the importance of standing up for what Guyana, elsewhere in the people of the West Indies prepare remembered for his principled and Commonwealth of Nations, he is right, and the profound impact Caribbean Region, and across the for the 21st century are still so essential role in coordinating exemplified the best of Caribbean thatadedicatedindividualcanhave CommonwealthofNations. relevanttoday.” international opposition to leadership on the world stage,” the ontheworldstage,”Pattersonsaid. He was a leading advocate of Dr Green said, “As I reflect on apartheid in South Africa – the formerprimeministersaid. “May his soul rest in eternal regionalism, and contributed Sir Shridath’s venerable life, his central achievement of a tenure Hecontinued,“Aswereflecton peace, and may his vision for a practically to its advancement, impact on me and my colleagues marked by a resolute dedication to his remarkable journey, we are more just and equitable world notably in high-level service to the are enduring. I refer to those of us justice, equality, and the dignity of reminded of his tireless efforts in continue to guide us in the years to legal fraternity, institutions of who witnessed at first hand his allpeople. the fight against apartheid in South come,”headded. higherlearning,andasChairmanof mesmerizing attributes as He guided the Commonwealth Africa, his advocacy for the rights Stalwart in CARICOM theWestIndianCommissionwhich “Chairman of the Board”, his through some of its most of small nations, and his visionary The ruling People’s National produced the 1992 seminal report, astuteness in fashioning cohesion challenging and transformative approach to international relations. Party (PNP) in Jamaica, also paid “Time for Action” An astute out of d
ness, his moments, and steered us into the Sir Shridath was not just a leader; tribute to Sir Shridath, noting that negotiator, he was appointed by inspirational leadership, his modern era,” she said noting that he was a beacon of hope for the his vision and leadership have left Heads of Government to lead the commitment to success and his his life reminds of the developing world, championing an indelible mark on the Caribbean CARICOM Regional Negotiating demonstration of humility even “transcendent impact that one causes that ranged from andthewiderworld.
Machinery in negotiations in the when the outcomes of his efforts individual can have on the global decolonisation to economic In a statement late Friday, the external trade arena,” the statement called for a triumphant response. stage.” development…”. PNP extended its “deepest said. He was a trailblazer; a role model “ O n b e h a l f o f t h e Patterson noted Sir Shridath’s condolences”tothefamily,friends, Dr Barnett reminded that and a Renaissance figure whose Commonwealth family of 56 contributions to global initiatives and the people of Guyana on the among Sir Shridath’s well- legacywillremainundiminished.” nations and 2.7 billion citizens, I such as the Brandt Commission on passing of “one of the Caribbean’s deserved accolades is the Region’s The University’s Chancellor send my sincere and heartfelt international development issues most distinguished statesmen”, highest honour, the Order of the said that the University honors and condolences to Sir Sonny’s family, which helped shape crucial saying that his death marks the end Caribbean Community, which he celebrates the life of “this his loved ones, and all who had the discussions on North-South of an era of profound service and received in 1992 in the first extraordinary man, our former privilege of working alongside relations and the needs of unwavering commitment to the conferral of the award, for his Chancellor(1990-1992).” him. developingcountries. advancementofourregion.
I will hold them all in my heart
He added that Sir Shridath’s Sir Shridath was not only a andinmyprayersaswecontinueto diplomatic acumen and passion for towering figure in Guyana’s serve the Commonwealth and social justice made him a respected political landscape but also a honour the values he so voice in international forums, stalwart in the Caribbean passionately believed in,” Scotland always advocating for a more Community (Caricom), the PNP said. equitableworldorder said, noting that “his contributions
Atrue titan of Caribbean “Here in the Caribbean, we to regional integration, diplomacy, diplomacy and global remember him not only as and international relations were statesmanship Guyana’s foreign minister but as a unparalleled.” Similarly, former Jamaican regional unifier His efforts to It said as secretary-general of
Skilled Labourer (road construction), 20 years or older & Welder / Fabricator, 30 years or older. Call: 6130855 9am-4pm.
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Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
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Land 31 x 600 section A Triumph. Contact: 663-0800/ ssrinvestgy@gmail.com
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Dear Sir/Madam, This letter serves as a request to advertise our trade name in your daily newspaper in occurrence with the requisite criteria and law in obtaining a Money Lender Certificate. Pursuant to section 4, Money Lenders Act) Osafa Bess of Lot 111 Miles Mahdia, Pataro Siparuni, Region 8 and Athoya Ramsarran of Lot 15 Rahaman’s Park East Bank Demerara, hereby give notice that WE have applied to the Magistrate of Essequibo District to be held in Mahdia, Pataro Siparuni, Region 8 for a Certificate under the Money Lenders Act authoring to grant us a Money Lender’s Licence to Carry on the Business of Money Lender under the Title of BESS’S JEWELLERY & PAWNSHOP located at Lot 111 Miles Mahdia, Pataro Siparuni, Region 8. NOTICE of any objections to this application should be sent forthwith to the CLERK OF COURT OF THE ESSEQUIBO MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, and a copy of any such Notice should be sent to the Subscriber Osafa Bess and Athoya Ramsarran.
Four Chinese contractors have submitted bids totalling more than US$30M each to build the new Lethem Hospital in Region Nine, the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office.
The four China-owned contractors are China Railway Construction Caribbean Company Limited (US$31,520,991); Shandong Hi-Speed Dejian Group Inc. (US$36,402,575); CMECSinopharmintl Construction (US$31,099,200); and Zhenjang No.2 Construction Engineering Co Limited, Jiangsu Zhongen Architectural Design & Company Limited (US$48,883,349). This publication reported that the construction of the hospital falls under a US$97 million –Health Care Network Strengthen – Inter-America Development Bank (IDB) loan. In its tender, the Health Ministry stated that part of the proceeds would be allocated to the construction of the Lethem Hospital, which is envisioned to operate at a level-five standard.
The IDB loan, secured by the Guyana Government in December 2022, forms part of a broader effort to strengthen the nation’s healthcare network under the Conditional Credit Line for Investment Projects (CCLIP).
The comprehensive programme aims to bolster the capacity of seven hospitals across various regions, including key hinterland areas and urban centres.
It was reported that the loan will be used to improve the health of the Guyanese population through increased access to quality and efficient health services by improving health outcomes associated with low and high-complexity procedures.
This will be done by expanding the capacity of strategic hospitals, extending coverage of diagnostic, medical consultation, and patient management services, inclusive of the country’s hinterlands, through digital health; and by increasing the efficiency of the public health system, by strengthening key logistic, management, and support processes and inputs. The project is also expected to target infrastructure improvement and expansion in seven priority hospitals, namely the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), the New Amsterdam Regional Hospital (NARH), and the Linden Hospital Complex (LHC), as well as four District Hospitals located in the hinterland (Moruca, Kamarang, Kato, and Lethem).
From page 40 Campus in Trinidad (UWI STA) has long attracted Guyanese students seeking a top-notch education in various streams. For many of them, this meant relocating to Trinidad to further their studies; a significant adjustment for many. It was in 2015 when the Guild of Students appointed an International Affairs Committee where several island associations were formed.
For years, students faced this transitional one until GuySATT was founded by a dedicated group of individuals to support Guyanese students not only at UWI STA but at other institutions like the Hugh Wooding Law School, the University of Trinidad and Tobago and the University of the Southern Caribbean.
The Association aims to create a supportive community that celebrates Guyanese heritage and offers students a wealth of opportunities for academic, social and cultural growth.
From its humble beginnings, the association has grown significantly, hosting its first major event in February 2016 to commemorate Guyana’s 46th Republic Anniversary. This event marked
a turning point for the association, bringing together students from various backgrounds to celebrate Guyanese culture and history. It showcased traditional music, dance, and cuisine, fostering a sense of pride and unity among the Guyanese student community.
Over the years, GuySATT has continued to expand its activities and outreach.
The association regularly organizes cultural events, workshops, and social gatherings, providing a platform for students to connect, share experiences, and support one another. In addition to cultural celebrations, GuySATT has also focused on academic and professional development.
The association’s ongoing efforts to create a vibrant and supportive community are a testament to the resilience and spirit of its members, ensuring that Guyanese students will always have a home away from home in Trinidad and Tobago.
Today, the Association continues to thrive, focusing on supporting the transition from Guyana to Trinidad, promoting Guyanese heritage, supporting academic excellence, and fostering unity among Guyanese students.
The Ministry of
Education has set aside
a p p r o x i m a t e l y
$1,334,926,040 to construct the brand new secondary schoolatNismes,WestBank Demerara.
During the recent opening of tenders for the
project at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office it was disclosedthat20contractors haveappliedforthecontract. The project is set to roll out in five lots, and according to the ministry’s
Belowarethecompaniesandtheirbids: MinistryofEducation ConstructionofNismesSecondarySchool(Lots1-5)
engineerLot1isestimatedat $245,949,165; Lot 2 is estimated at $249,766,987; Lot3is$393,885,228;Lot4 is$129,243,400;andLot5is estimatedat$316,081,260.
At a commissioning ceremony last year, President Irfaan Ali had
announced the plans for the secondary school at Nismes and one for Crane. At the time he said, the school for Nismes is expected to a c c o m m o d a t e approximately 600 students and that it would be about 1200sq.ft.
SupplyDeliveryInstallation andTestingofToolsandEquipmentTechnicalandVocationalEducationand TrainingandYarrowkabraSecondarySchool.
RehabilitationofRichardIshmael ElectricalInfrastructure.
Frompage45 report.Governmentpredicts that subsector will grow by 2.1%thisyear
During the period under review,thebauxitesubsector contracted by 20%, recording a production of 196,650. The performance, a c c o r d i n g t o t h e government, was driven by lower output from both producers, who continue to grapple with marketing and operationalchallenges. It is however expected that the larger producer would improve production inthesecondhalfoftheyear Additionally, the smaller operator anticipates that production will return to more stable rates, as plant reliability and other operationalissueshavebeen addressed Overall production for 2024 is now projected at just over 1,620,000 tonnes, and the sector is now projected to grow at 41.3 percent this year
Ontheagriculturalfront, thelivestocksectordeclined in the first half of 2024 by 7.8%. This was driven by contractionsintheoutputof poultry meat and milk
According to the report, “Thedeclinesof9.5percent and 4.9 percent in poultry meat and milk, respectively, outweighed the increased production observed for beef,pork,muttonandeggs, whichgrewby21.1percent, 23.4 percent, 68.2 percent a n d 3 5 p e r c e n t , respectively.”
Again,governmentnoted challengesposedbyhot temperatures.Thisresulted in‘InclusionBody Hepatitis’inpoultrywhile extremedryconditions affectedforageavailability andpromotedthe multiplicationofinsect pestswhichaffectedthe productionofmilk.
During the period, the
rice industry is estimated to have grown by 17.9%. The Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) reported production of 362,030 tonnes of rice equivalent, compared with 302,295 tonnes in the first half of 2023.
While bad weather was blamed for the poor performance in the sugar sector, the report cited “favourable weather conditions”forthegrowthin production Meanwhile, “given the better-than anticipated performance in the first crop, ” the production estimate for the year has been revised upwardto717,032tonnesof rice The sector is now projected to grow by 8.9 percentthisyear
With 202,066 cubic metres of timber products produced as of June 2024, government estimated a 13 2% expansion of the forestry sector in the first halfoftheyear Thesector’s growth outlook for the year isunchangedat3.9percent.
Fishing Interventions made in the fisheries sector resulted ina27.7%growthduringthe first half of the year, with increases recorded for both shrimpandfishproduction. Thereportstatesthatfish output grew by 39 1%, reaching 9,821 tonnes at the end of June this year Meanwhile, marine shrimp production reportedly grew by 1.9% to reach 9,588 tonnes at the end of the first half of this year “Also supporting growth in this subsector is the 70 6% increase in aquaculture productioninthefirsthalfof the year The overall performance is attributed largely to more favourable climatic conditions and increased fleet activity,” the reportsaid.Inthemeantime, the subsector is now estimated to grow by 16.8% fortheyear.
Aljazeera - Several children in Gaza have been given polio vaccines a day
before a large-scale campaign to inoculate children against the virus and a planned pause in fighting in the besieged territory, Gaza’s Health Ministrysaid.
Reporters from The Associated Press news agency saw roughly 10 infants receiving doses of vaccine in the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis on Saturdayafternoon.
“I was terrified and waiting for the vaccination toarriveandforeveryoneto receive it,” said Amal Shaheen, whose daughter receivedadose.
TheWHOhasconfirmed thattheofficiallargerrollout of the vaccine will begin on Sunday
T h e t h r e e - d a y vaccination campaign aims to reach some 640,000 Palestinian children and comes after the first polio casein25yearsinGazawas
Reporting from Deir-el Balah, Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud said the rollout was set to begin in central GazaonSunday
“The other days will be in Khan Younis and the last rolloutwillbeinthenorthern partoftheStrip,”Mahmoud added.
Israelhasagreedtopause itsmilitaryoffensiveinGaza to allow health workers to administerthevaccines,UN officialshavesaid.
Rik Peeperkorn, WHO representative in the Palestinian territory, said on Thursday that the three pauses would take place from 6 am to 3pm (03:00 to 12:00 GMT) and last for three days each in different areas of Gaza, beginning on Sunday Thepausesareunrelated to the continuing ceasefire negotiations.
“These are very momentary pauses from morning till mid-afternoon ineacharea.Consideringthe
WHO says that the official larger vaccine rollout, which aims to reach 640,000 children, will begin on Sunday.
travel logistics for people in Gaza, it is not going to be easyforthemtocomeandgo safely,” Mukesh Kapila, a formerWHOofficial,toldAl Jazeera.
HeaddedthatPalestinian parentswillbeconcernedfor thesafetyoftheirchildrenas Israeli attacks on health facilitieshavecontinued.
The humanitarian crisis inGazahasdeepenedduring Israel’s assault on the territory that began after a Hamas-led attack on southernIsraelonOctober7, which killed at least 1,139 people.
Israel’s subsequent offensive has killed at least 40,691peopleinGaza.
On Saturday, the Palestinian Civil Defence agency in Gaza said at least threepeoplewerekilledand dozens injured in an Israeli attack in the vicinity of the al-Ahli Arab Hospital (BaptistHospital).
Al Jazeera’s Mahmoud saidthatinapreviousattack at the hospital, hundreds of
APalestinian child is vaccinated against polio, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip
[Mohammed Salem/Reuters]
“Thisisnotthefirsttime we’ve seen health facilities being directly and deliberately targeted by the Israelimilitary
This particular hospital was attacked in the initial weeks of this war, and hundreds of people were
killed as they were in the courtyardofthehospital,”he said.
The United States, Qatar,andEgypthavespent months trying to mediate a ceasefireinGazathatwould also see the remaining captivesreleased
But the talks have
repeatedly bogged down as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised “total victory” over Hamas and the Palestinian group has demanded a lasting ceasefire and a full Israeli withdrawal from the territory
BBC - Princess Märtha Louise of Norway has married American selfstyledshamanDurekVerrett inaweddingthathasdivided thecountry
The couple tied the knot at a private ceremony at a hotel in Geiranger, Western Norway on Saturday following two days of celebrations.
Unlike other royal weddings where the public throngs the streets, there were only a handful of people present to watchviews of the happy couple prior to or during the weddingwereobscuredbya tent or white sheets after theysoldtheexclusiverights toHello!Magazine.
Princess Märtha Louise of Norway and her new husband Durek Verrett
Californian counts actress and wellness entrepreneur GwynethPaltrowasafriend - Mr Verrett calls her his “soulsister”.
But it was reported that Cynthia Bailey, reality TV star of the Real Housewives of Atlanta, was in attendance.
“distinguish more clearly between their activities and theRoyalHouseofNorway”
a n d t o “ p r e v e n t misunderstandings regardingtheRoyalHouse”.
“turmoil” concerning her decision to take a different path than that of a “traditionalroyal”.
“There’s been a lot of criticism over the years, especially with me being spiritual – and in Norway, that’staboo,”shesaid.
A documentary crew fromNetflixwasalsointow The presence of the two major media companies caused some controversy, with local outlets largely excluded. The princess’s parents, King Harald and Queen Sonja, attended the nuptials alongwithothermembersof Norway’s royal family, as well as princes and princessesfromSwedenand theNetherlands.
fromherfirstmarriagetothe late Norwegian writer Ari Behn were also at the ceremony Around 350 guests
Princess Märtha Louise’s three daughters
attended Saturday’s gathering, though there was noevidencethatMrVerrett’s purported A-list American chumswereamongthem.
The 49-year-old
Princess Märtha Louise, 52,andMrVerrett,whowill not become a prince following the wedding, announcedtheirengagement in 2022 While their relationship has divided Norway, King Harald has previously told Norwegian reporters that Mr Verrett was “a great guy” and that the two of them “laughed a lot, even in this difficult time”.
In 2022, the Norwegian palace announced Märtha Louise would “relinquish her patronage role” as she and Mr Verrett sought to
Sincethen,thepairhave beencriticisedbythepalace and members of Norway’s parliament for linking commercial activities to the princess’sroyalstatus.
Kristi Marie Skrede, royal correspondent for Norway’s NRK TV, said theirrelationshiphascaused a conflict within the royal family, as well as public controversy
“Many Norwegians are disturbed that she uses her royal connections to earn money,” said Ms Skrede, addingthatsomebelieveitis a sign of “disrespect” to KingHarald.
Lastyear,MärthaLouise told the BBC’s Katty Kay that there had been so much
But others admire the couplefortheirhonesty,said Ms Skrede. In particular, both have been open about theirspiritualbeliefs.
Princess Märtha Louise hasclaimedinthepastsheis clairvoyant, and until 2018, ran a school that she said taught students to “create miracles”andtalktoangels. MrVerrett has said he is the latest in six generations of shamans and once said he diedforfourminutesand25 seconds.
“Igotalltheinformation from the other side. I came back,”hetoldtheNewYork Times.
The ExxonMobil oil deal in Guyana has been criticised as a lopsided arrangement favoring the corporation over the country.
Despite the massive oil reserves discovered, Guyana receives only a small fraction of the revenue, raising questions about governance and the true benefit to its people.
Guyanese must not be mere by-standers, observing the wealthy getting richer off of our resources while most of the population struggles to put three meals on their tables!
The Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports, in collaboration with the N a t i o n a l S p o r t s Commission and members of the Guyana Cycling Fed
a celebratory reception yesterday at the GDF
ub, Base Ayanganna, to honor Senior CyclechampionBritonJohn for his recent achievements
in what is often considered as one of the most challengingsports. The 24-year-old cyclist received high praise and several gifts in recognition of his historic performance at the 2024Tour Cycliste de Guiana in French Guiana, a grueling nine-stage race where he narrowly missed claimingtheoveralltitle.
Ramson, representing the government and President IrfaanAli, was among those who congratulated John on his impressive second-place finish.
John’s achievement is particularly noteworthy as he beca
Guyanesecyclistin25years to reach the podium at the Tour Cycliste de Guiana. The last Guyanese to do so
was Stephen Mangru, who wontheeventin1999.
In his speech at the reception, Minister Ramson emphasized that “the fraternityofcyclingisabout to take a turn for the better, primarilyduetogovernment
highlighted that cycling in Guyana has long suffered
administration and a recent decline,makinggovernment
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
A challenging day is in store foryou,Aries.Ifyou'repartof a group or team or simply among friends, you may feel somewhatillatease.Couldit be that you instill jealousy in others? There's only one way tofindout.
TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)
Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow
You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.
Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly
You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.
The little fighter that you are makesitverydifficultforyou to join us in the great communal river that we're all tryingtonavigate,Virgo.You prefertotravelsolo.
Be disciplined about all areas ofyourbody,Libra.Takeextra care to eat healthful, balanced meals. Make sure you get enough sleep And even thoughyougripeabouthaving no time, get out there and exercise.
If you've been feeling deep anger,todayisn'tthedaytolet it out but rather the day to consider its source. Any large gatheringsoffamilyorfriends shouldbeavoidedatallcosts.
If by chance you still harbor some resentment toward someone, Sagittarius, it will probably come out today.You might be uncompromising or evenvengeful.
You don't suffer fools gladly, and superficial fools even less so. You have a mind to teach those around you a lesson. You'reuncompromisingtoday, and you can't understand why others don't have your same highstandards.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Hereisadayofchallenges, Aquarius You're a pro at questioning yourself, as you'll prove today when you take a h a
o o k a t y o u r accomplishments What have youcreatedofapersonalnature inthelasttenyears.
Ifyougivetheimpressionthat you're in a reserved and introspective mood (even if you aren't), you'll succeed in avoiding confrontation Today there is no such thing as a simpleexchangewithsomeone
Inashowofsupportand celebration, the energetic and dedicated Sports Minister also presented the young cyclist with a premiumbiketoenhancehis training arsenal John’s performance in the recent nine-stageeventhassparked hope that Guyana’s cycling history is poised for a significantcomeback.
Cricket West Indies (CWI) on T h u r s d a y announced the squad for the WestIndiesSeniorWomen’s Team that would participate inthehighlyanticipatedICC Women’s T20 World Cup 2024.
The squad features 3 Guyanese players: Shemaine Campbelle, MandyMangruandAshmini Munisar The tournament is set to take place from October 3 to October 20 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and the West Indies areaimingtoshowcasetheir best talent on that global stage.
PlacedinGroupB,along with Bangladesh, England, Scotland and South Africa, theWestIndiessquad,ledby Captain Hayley Matthews, features a mix of
experienced players and promising talent, reflecting the depth and versatility of West Indies women’s cricket.
West Indies Women’s
T20 S
Hayley Matthews, Vice-
Alleyne,ShamiliaConnell, Nerissa Crafton, Deandra Dottin, Afy Fletcher, Chinelle Henry, Zaida James, Qiana Joseph, Mandy Mangru, Ashmini Munisar, Chedean Nation, Karishma Ramharack and StafanieTaylor
CWI Direct
Cricket, Miles Bascombe, has expressed confidence in the selected squad by stating, “We have a wellbalanced team with a combination of experience and youth, and we believe
thisgrouphaswhatittakes to compete strongly at the T20WorldCup
ugh, and the management team has worked tirelessly to ensure the players are ready for the
HeadCoachShaneDeitz added, “The players have shown great commitment and determination throughoutourpreparations. Wearefocusedonexecuting our game plan and making theWestIndiesproudonthe worldstage.”
Withthegoalofbringing the prestigious title back to the Caribbean, the West Indies Women’s Team will begin their T20 World Cup campaign on October 4 againstSouthAfrica.
The Team Management Unitisasfollows:
Head Coach: Shane Deitz
Team Manager: Sheena Gooding
Assistant Coach: Ryan Austin
Team Analyst: Gary Belle
Performance Coach: Dr
the GOA are known as the primary financiers of sports in Guyana, providing fundingforfacilities,athlete development, coaching staff, and other essential aspectsofsports.
t’s crucial for GASA to collaborate with these organizations to support the growth of sports and its participants. Only time will reveal,
RuchelleBrownCalvert Team Media & Content Officer:NicholasMaitland West Indies Women’s Full ICC T20 World Cup Schedule:
September 29, 2024: West Indies vs India, ICC Academy Ground No 2, Dubai
October 1, 2024: West Indies vs Australia, The SevensStadium,Dubai GroupBMatches: October 4, 2024: West Indies vs South Africa, Dubai International Cricket Stadium
October 6, 2024: West Indies vs Scotland, Dubai Intern
Cricket Stadium
October 10, 2024: West Indies vs Bangladesh, SharjahCricketStadium
October 15, 2024: West Indies vs England, Dubai
icket Stadium
October18,2024:SemiFinal2 October20,2024:Final
whether GASA has made the right decision or if they will need to accept fault. World Aquatics has set a deadline of September 15 for GASA to submit Mr Tyrell’s documents. It will beintriguingtoseeifGASA will maintain its reluctance to provide the athlete’s details or choose to let the world body decide on his eligibility Once again, time holdstheanswer
Agritty halfcentury from Trinidad & Tobago opener Samir Saroop,guidedhisteamtoa huge 8-wicket victory over the Guyanese yesterday at the Couva National Cricket Center,Trinidad.
knockedoverfor121in37.3 overs after Brendan Boodoo stunnedthemwithhishaulof 6-22.AfrazAliBudhoo(22), RomeshBharrat(21)andallrounder Emmanuel Lewis (17) were the main rungettersamidstthecollapse.
Trinidad then romped to their total of 125-2 in 37.2
overs, a ball less than the Guyanese lasted in their innings Opener Samir Saroopstroked51notoutoff 122 balls with 4 fours, adding 84 for the opening stand with his partner DarriusBatoosingh(35).
OnlythepairofJonathan VanLange(1-18)andRiyad
The Cinderella County boys of Essequibo stormed to their second straight Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) U-13 Inter-county title,afterhandingBerbicea 3-wicket defeat during yesterday’s final at LBI Ground.
Taking first strike, Berbice made154 all out in 39 overs thanks to Luke Amsterdam who led his team’s batting with 39, finding the rope on four occasions.
Only opener Saeed Jumratty,whopunchedthree fours in his 19, looked threatening.
The champs were tidy withtheball,ledbythewily ArifSinghwhobamboozled the Berbicians with returns of 5-25 with Faayad Baskh (2-34), providing ideal support.
Ravid Fredericks then batted his team home with a delightful73atthetopofthe order,smacking7fours.
Afieryknockof52down the order from Usain
Essequibo skipper Ethan Silas is all smiles as he accepts his trophy from NationalYouth SelectorAndre Percival
Fredericks who muscled some9fours,helpedsolidify the Essequibians reign as champs for the second successive year, as the finished on 158-7 in 25 overs.
Berbice wickettakers were Leon Reddy (2-50), Kemar Joseph (215) and Jaden Ganpat (2-
Meanwhile, the
Essequibo players will fell full of confidence having defending their title in the finals by 3 wickets, further adding to the careers of the youngsters who are all a part of the GuyanaCricket Board(GCB)Academy.
Latiff (1-30), made in roads for the Guyanese, who will be looking for a rebound victory against Windward Islandtoday
Jamaica’s Kerrica Hill cemented her status as one of the brightest young talents in track and field by successfully defending her 100m hurdles title at the World U20 Championships in Lima, Peru, on Friday Hill, who first claimed the title in Cali, Colombia, two years ago, delivered a dominant performance, winningin12.99seconds.
Hill’s victory was never in doubt as she took control of the race from the start, leading the field decisively Her winning time of 12.99
seconds secured her second consecutive World U20 title andfurtherestablishedheras arisingstarinthesport.
Mia Wild of Croatia claimed the silver medal, finishing in 13.15 seconds, while Australia’s Delta Amidzosvkitookthebronze withatimeof13.24seconds.
Hill’s triumph adds to Jamaica’s growing medal tally at the World U20 Championships. Earlier in the week, Alana Reid secured gold in the 100m final, leading a Caribbean sweep of the medals. Reid’s victory was followed by
Adaejah Hodge of the British Virgin Islands, who took silver, and Kishawna Niles of Barbados, who claimedthebronze.
WithHill’swin,Jamaica has now captured two gold m e d a l s a t t h e championships, continuing the country’s tradition of excellence in sprinting and hurdlingontheglobalstage. As the World U20 Championships continue, Jamaica’syoungathletesare poised to add to their medal count,showcasingthedepth of talent in the Caribbean region.(Sportsmax)
The 2024 Igloo Hockey Festival, proudly hosted by the GCC Hockey Club and sponsored by Igloo Ice Cream,kickedoffyesterday at the GCC Hockey Turf with an exciting lineup of matches. From the opening whistle, the tournament has featuredintensecompetition and showcased some of the best hockey talent in the region.
The atmosphere was electric as teams battled for supremacy, thrilling the crowd with every goal and save. Fans turned out in full force, cheering on their favoriteteamsandcreatinga
vibrant display of
sportsmanship and community spirit Their enthusiastic support has been crucial in making this eventahugesuccess.
Fridaynightresultswere full of action: in the U17
Girls division, SHC Sensations notched two victories, defeating YMCA OFHC Stars 5-0 and GCC Her-Ricanes3-2.IntheU17
Boys category, GCC Outlaws dominated YMCA OFHCBobSquadwitha5-0 win, while SHC Legends narrowly beat SHC Sigmas 3-1inanexcitingmatch.
The U21 Girls division saw a thrilling game between GCC Spartans and
Part of the sizzling action on the opening day of the Igloo-GCC Hockey Festival
Saints U21 Ladies, which ended in a 2-2 draw On the men’s side, SHC’s Team defeated GCC Pitbulls 5-1, and YMCA OFHC Young Boyz overcame SHC Conquerors 3-1 to set the pace in the U21 division headingintodaytwo. In the Men’s category, Bounty GCC and YMCA OFHCTopGunsplayedtoa dramatic 2-2 draw in the Group A division, while SaintsdefeatedPepsiHikers 4-2 in their Group B matchup. The Women’s division featured three exciting games: GBTI GCC handed Team Rebels an 8-2 defeat,andinanothergame, they drew 5-5 against the
Former West Indies all-rounder Dwayne Bravo says this year’s edition of the CaribbeanPremierLeague(CPL)willbehis last hurrah as he announced his retirement fromthetournamentonSaturday Bravo, who represents the Trinbago Knight Riders, made the revelation on his Instagram account hours ahead of the franchise’s opening contest against St Kitts and Nevis Patriots in Basseterre, scheduled for7:00pm.
“It’sbeenagreatjourney,andI’mlooking forward to playing my final professional tournament in front of my Caribbean people,”Bravosaidinhispost.
“TKR is the place where everything startedformeandwillendwithmyteam,”he added.
The 40-year-old’s post all but indicates theendofadecoratedprofessionalcareer,as he retired from international cricket in 2021 aftertheT20WorldCupandalsoannounced his retirement from the Indian Premier League (IPL) a year later after being part of four title-winning Chennai Super Kings campaigns. Bravo, known for his flair and skillful batting and bowling, is currently the CPL’shighestwicket-takerwith128scalpsin
Saints Ladies in a highscoring affair Team Rebels bouncedbackintheirsecond match, defeating Saints 7-4 fortheirfirstwin.
With more thrilling matches scheduled for Saturday, the competition is settoheatupevenfurtheras teams compete for the coveted championship title. Thefestivalismorethanjust asportsevent;ithasbecome a celebration of the local hockey community, bringing together players, fans,andsupportersinatrue displayofpassionandtalent.
The tournament is set to conclude with an exciting finale today (Sunday) at the samevenue.
103 games at an average of 22.40 and economyrateof8.69.
Infact,Bravoistheleadingwicket-taker in allT20s, with 630 scalps in 578 matches.
No doubt the electrifying Trinidad and TobagostalwartwillgodownasoneofT20’s early legends, having played seven World Cupsintheformat,winningtwotitles,aswell as over 15 franchise league titles. He is the first bowler to get to 500 T20 wickets.
Caption: Seasoned all-rounder Dwayne BravowillretirefromCPLcricketfollowing thisyear’sedition
Accusations of l a c k o f transparency within the governance structure of the Guyana
Amateur Swimming Association (GASA) are causing mounting pressure on President Dwayne Scott to change his approach and support the development of thesport’sparticipants.
Since taking the helm in November 2020, Scott has been accused of managing the association in violation of good governance principles, causing concern among swimmers, parents, affiliates, and sports organizations such as the MinistryofCulture,Youth& Sport(MCYS),theNational Sports Commission (NSC), and the Guyana Olympic Association(GOA).
Another contentious issue involves US-based swimmer Delroy Tyrell’s
application to represent Guyana at international competitions.
Despite submitting all the required information to GASA, it was discovered that the association failed to provide the necessary information to World Aquatics, hindering Tyrell’s chances of representing his country
Leaked emails between Tyrell’s father and the legal
counsel for World Aquatics revealed that inquiries confirmed GASA’s Pr
dent provided inaccurate information regarding the submission of requiredinformation. This calls into question the President’s transparency andtruthfulness.
Furthermore, the President’s failure to meet with relevant stakeholders such as the MCYS, NSC, GOA, and clubs to resolve various issues led to the withdrawal of support from GASA. Some contentious issues included the nonsubmission of audited financialreports,allegations ofunfairtreatmenttocertain clubs and swimmers, nonacceptanceofnewclubs,and the non-submission of Mr Tyrell’s request to represent hiscountryofbirth.
TheMCYS,NSC,and (Continuedonpage54)
Essequibo defended their title with honor as they defeated Berbice in yesterday’s final