Guyana’s oil and gas “higher-than projected sector is estimated to have production rates on the grown by 67.1% in the first Prosperity FPSO” has half of 2024, with total resulted in a new production production reaching 113.5 target this year of million barrels during the approximately 228 million period. barrels of crude oil for 2024.
This is according to the As such, the industry is now Mid-Year Report, recently expected to grow by 56.4% publishedbythegovernment this year, up from 44.7% of Guyana. The document projected at the time of states that some 68.7 million preparingBudget2024. barrels were recorded during During the period under thesameperiodlastyear review,governmentreported Guyana currently has that all three of the FPSOs three Floating Production underwent optimization and Storage and Offloading topsides debottlenecking, a (FPSO) vessels in operation. process that allows for The third FPSO- Prosperity- increased oil production. To commenced production in this end, production at the November 2023. According Liza Destiny, Liza Unity and to the report, “Daily Prosperity vessels were production in the Stabroek recorded at an average of
earnings from the export of thatamountwasdeductedby reflectingcostrecoveryfrom increase in cost recovery
Block averaged 624,000 157,000 bpd, 245,000 bpd, crude oil amounted to the Stabroek Block partners theoilandgassector compared with the same barrels per day (bpd) in the a n d 2 2 2 , 0 0 0 b p d , US$9.4B in the first six to recover their investments. In addition to revenue period last year The Bank of first half of this year, respectively, while reaching months of 2024, a US$4B To this end, the report states deducted for cost, Exxon Guyana (BoG) in its 2023
c o m p a r e d w i t h the highest collective rate of increase compared with the that US$7.5B in Foreign also received 50% of the Half Year Report indicated approximately 380,000 bpd 644,000bpdinJune2024. same period last year It Direct Investment (FDI) profits from the Stabroek that US$4B in revenue was inthefirsthalfoflastyear.” Kaieteur News reported should be noted that 75% of outflows was recorded, Block, in accordance with deducted from Guyana’s oil
It was noted that the on Sunday that the total the 2016 Production Sharing during the first six months of Agreement (PSA). As such, theyear Exxon and partners bagged Meanwhile, Guyana’s at least US$8 5B from Natural Resource Fund Guyana’s oil and gas (NRF) received a US$1.2B operations in only six top-upduringthefirsthalfof months. This is a massive 2024.
By Davina Bagot
have heard the various claims that Guyana is
u y a n a ’ s G r o s s undergoing an economic DomesticProduct(GDP)has boom, that Guyana is getting been on a springboard over rich, that Guyanese are
lopsided contract signed sleeping on the streets,” the the past four years, charged becoming more prosperous between the Government of Lawyerargued. heavily by the burgeoning and these claims are based Guyana and Exxon in 2016. On Sunday, Kaieteur petroleum sector With almost entirely based on That arrangement allows News reported that oil massive double-digit growth Guyana’s Gross Domestic
Exxon, the operator of the production in the Stabroek being recorded, the small Product.” Stabroek Block, to deduct Block catapulted Guyana’s South American nation has She pointed out that the 75% of oil produced each GDP growth to a staggering emerged as the fastest World Bank in 2022 said
49.7% in the first six months growing economy, creating Guyana’s GDP increased by
of2024. the illusion of not only a 62%, while the Bank of
investment. The remaining The Government of wealthy country, but Guyana in 2023 reported 25% is shared equally with Guyana’s Mid-Year report prosperouspopulation. growth in GDP by 33%. Guyana as profits The also emphasized a 12.6%
A w a
w i n n i n g More recently, Janki said World Bank’s figures of major contributor to GDP country also receives 2% of growth in the country’s nonGuyanese International President Irfaan Ali touted a growth said actually the oil growth. “But that doesn’t all petroleum produced and oil GDP between January Lawyer, Melinda Janki has 49.7%growthinGDPduring bitgrew by 124%.That’s not mean that Guyana is better soldasroyalty;thisispaidon and June this year, despite however dispelled the link thefirsthalfof2024. that surprising because off economically Why? The aquarterlybasis. challenges in a number of between the country’s The lawyer said: “this Guyana really didn’t start GDP includes Guyana’s oil Janki told the almost 100 traditionalsectors. growth in GDP and sounds very impressive but producing any oil until production, but Guyana’s oil participants of the online Janki however argued improvement in the lives of what does it mean? The December 2019, so Guyana production doesn’t go to event that oil has not made that even the growth in nonits citizens During a (International Monetary is starting from a very low Guyana. Nearly 90% of the Guyana better off, in fact, oil GDP is linked to the webinar on Sunday Fund) IMF says GDP just place,”theLawyerreasoned. oil production goes to three reports indicate soaring food petroleum industry, citing ‘Guyana’s oil-boom or measuresthemonetaryvalue Janki noted that growth foreign companies- Exxon, prices, forcing more people the construction sector as an blowout?’ Janki who has of final goods and services in the non-oil GDP that year Hess and CNOOC-they take to eat from garbage cans. example This sector been successful in litigations producedinacountry,sothat was around 11% which it, but it counts as part of “The Bank of Guyana says recorded a 43.7% growth challenging the oil and gas includesGuyana’soil.” continues presently as Guyana’sGDP.” inflationhasgoneup,largely during the first half of 2024, operations locally painted a She was keen to note that confirmed by the Bank of In explaining the driven by the increase in with
grim picture of the country’s most of the GDPgrowth was Guyana, which stated in a circumstances that allowed food prices, there are people declarations estimated to realityasanoilproducer driven by the oil sector “In 2023 Report that the oil and for this unbalance in the eating out of garbage have grown by 46.6% and She said, “Most of you 2022,theIMF,lookingatthe gassectorcontinuestobethe equation, she referenced the cans…you see more people 73.4%,respectively
The People’s food insecurity, women aimed at overpowering the N a t i o n a l disempowerment, male key hindrances to the
C o n g r e s s migration from families, development of Indigenous (PNCR) has promised to and scarce local economic people, families, and break what it described as opportunities “As such, communities.” the “vicious cycle of Indigenous Guyanese Th
n p o v e r t y ” a m o n g continue to lag the general promises to adopt a WholeAmerindians. population on most quality- of-Government approach, The party made the of-lifeindicators,suchason “meaning all government comments in a statement to nutrition intake and agencies will be involved in mark Amerindian Heritage maternal and
ive Month. “We join with all mortality.” endeavour We will work to o t h e r G u y a n e s e t o T h e p a r t y s a i d d e v e l o p s h a r e d commence commemorating government’s efforts and understandings of the in the entire month of expenditures in the past problems and solutions. We September Amerindian have not fulfilled the needs will promote community HeritageMonth2024.” and expectations of the self-empowerment and selfThePNC/Rsaidinterms Indigenous People mainly determination We will of the development of because such efforts have measure results and success Indigenous Guyanese, b e e n d i s j o i n t e d , not by budgetary allocation muchhasbeenachieved,but insufficient, misdirected, or monies spent, but by this is dwarfed by what and superficial. “So is the quality-of-life indicators. remains to be done. “If, current approach under the Included in those measures therefore, we were to P P P g o v e r n m e n t . will be what the people suggest a theme for this PNCR/APNU commits to themselves say about their HeritageMonth,itwouldbe w o r k i n g w i t h t h e lives and livelihoods.” The “Breaking the vicious Indigenous people and all PNCR said breaking these cycles that impede the other stakeholders in vicious cycles requires long development of Indigenous breaking these vicious s u s t a i n e d w o r k communitiesandfamilies.” cycles As the next “PNCR/APNU is confident Thesecycles,thePNC/R government, we will that together we can do it. said relate to, for instance, implement a critical or We salute all Indigenous persistent poverty, poor s u ff i c i e n t m a s s o f Guyanese on Amerindian access to social services, coordinated programmes HeritageMonth.”
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: GLENN LALL-TEL: 624-6456
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
September is here again, it is the month when as a country we place the spotlight on our Indigenous brothers and sisters inwhatisnowcalled‘AmerindianHeritageMonth.’
We commence this month of festivities just after the National Toshaos Council Conference was held. The conference again exposed the naked political opportunism of the ruling PPP/C Government which has been notorious for using Amerindians as political props. As we have said here before the Indigenous communities, despite residing in the resource-rich hinterland, face deep-seated challenges that have gone unaddressed for far too long. While the new Secretariat for the Council and the coming together of Indigenous leaders are steps in the right direction, it is high timetorevamptheseconferencesintoplatformsthatcanbring resolution to the systemic problems plaguing Indigenous communities It is a painful irony that Indigenous communities living amidst the natural wealth of Guyana’s hinterland bear the brunt of the country’s highest and most extremeratesofpoverty
Hinterlandresourcesarebeingexploitedwithoutadequate rewards flowing to Indigenous communities Mining activitieshaveravagedtheenvironment,leavingscarsthatare not only visible on the land but also in the communities. Indigenous peoples face the harsh consequences of soil degradation,deforestation,andpollutedwatersources,which severely impact their way of life. Mining, despite its promise of economic advancement, has unleashed a slew of social problems upon these communities. The surge in alcohol abuse, prostitution, and sexual abuse has eroded social relations, while the mass migration of young people to the gold fields due to a lack of economic opportunities threatens thecontinuityofthesecommunities.Indigenouscommunities witnesstheplunderoftheirforestsbytimbercompanies,who often depart without offering adequate compensation or sustainable alternatives. The more resources are extracted, thepoorertheIndigenouscommunities.Nodoubt,duringthis month,therewillbeaseriesofofficialfunctions,andpolitical figures jostling each other for space, and to make their usual speeches.ThePresidentisgoingtohavesomethingtosaywith one of his now well-orchestrated performances while the Leader of the Opposition is sure going to be concerned at the thought of being left behind, and have his own version of rich wordstoshare.
Thecontentoftheirspeecheswillhavesomeflavourabout how much theAmerindian Guyanese people are important in thetraditionsofthiscountry,howmuchtheyhavecontributed and grown, and how much of a vital role they have to play as Guyana breaks new ground with its discovery of oil.We wish it were so, for Guyana would be aided in its national development visions, and the Amerindian community, as a whole, would be given genuine opportunity to lift itself up. Consultationwithreality,however,paintsanuglypictureofa peoplepoorlythoughtof,seeninacertainway,anddealtwith in a most clever manner For behind the surface sheen, and smooth talk of leaders, many Amerindian communities still live in a state plagued by heavy poverty, limited economic openings for upward mobility, and with the twin evils of alcoholism and sexual abuse rampant. Politicians are pleased toplayatbeingfoolswhilethisistheoverallgrimconditionof Amerindiansfromgovernmenttogovernment.
To make matters worse, Amerindian communities have found themselves to be battlegrounds for the two dominant politicalforces,asbothtrytojockeyfortheirownhandpicked people to be in place in democratic organs, where they wield unchallengeable power The result is that their councils have been hijacked, and their leaders pulled this way and that, and withonlyafewbenefiting. TheNationalToshaosCouncilhas been wracked with claim and counterclaim by the warring political parties in Guyana, with our First Citizens reduced to helpless pawns caught in the crossfire. Even leaders who speak out for their people on crucial issues are branded as belonging to the rival political force. Perhaps, it is time that scrupulous and genuine leaders in the Amerindian communities step forward, and consider organizing so that they could aspire to that state where they are positioned to representtheirpeopleinabetterway.
DEAREDITOR, the case with he present PPP Constitution to give effect to what it Last week in the ‘The roots of government in relation to public couldpotentiallylooklike’. Jagan’s National Patriotic Front’ (VV: servants, including teachers who are Ralph suggests that article101(1) of 25/08/2024. KN:26/08/2024), I argued largely Africans, is not furtively the Constitution be amended to read: that notwithstanding the clearly achievable in the present global ‘The President shall appoint an elected dysfunctional nature of Guyana’s communicationscontext. memberoftheNationalAssembly,who political system,arriving at an When such a political environment has been named as the presidential appropriate consensual solution will be exists, the only democratic answer is candidate of the List receiving the extremely controversialnot shared governance: a form of second largest number of votes at the leastbecause entrenched ethnic democratic governance that shares elections, to be the Prime Minister of interestsarecominglingwitholigarchic national executive and legislative Guyana.Providedthatifthereisnosuch party and individual interests.Ethnic power between ethnic groups to allow elected member, or if such elected alienation is daily becoming worse as them to be able to protect their interests member declines by act or omission to the present autocratic PPP government from the kind of executive abuse that is accept appointment as Prime Minister franticly tries to force Africans into its rampant in Guyana. Shared governance of Guyana within two weeks, the ranks. is not about the majority party sharing President shall appoint any elected
Mind you, contrary to what some its power with minority partiesand memberofhischoice’. think, the struggle in Guyana is not must, therefore, be adequately And he suggests that article 103(2) between democracy and autocracy structured. Briefly for example, by the be amended to provide that ‘Subject to (‘Guyana precariously poised between Northern Ireland Good Friday the provisions of article 101(1) other democracy and autocracy – Agreement, national executive Ministers shall be appointed by the Ramcharan’. SN; 30/08/2024): it is authority is constitutionally shared on President from among persons who are between democracy and an ‘ethnic an equal basis between the first and elected members of the National autocracy’,moreakintothesituationin deputy first ministers who belong to Assembly SuchotherMinistersshallbe Israelbutwithevenlessjustificationfor different ethnic groups. The majority limitedinnumbertofifteenandshallbe masquerading as a democracy! Public andminorityethnicpartiesrespectively appointed from the Lists obtaining the accountability is the lynchpin of nominate them; they are appointed by highest and second highest number of democratic government and in liberal the legislature and co-chair and agree votes in proportion to such votes after democracies in the final analysis this is upon the agenda of the national consultation between the President and accomplished by way of a sufficient executive/government. PrimeMinister.’ unitedpublicopinion.
PresidentJimmyCarterleftGuyana As noted above, it is the executive
This is why, for example, the in 2004bemoaning the fact that the PPP authority that needs to be reformed and autocracy in Guyana is fundamentally “takes full advantage of the ‘ancient article 99 of the Constitution states that different from that in Venezuela, where ‘winner take all’system in Guyana”and ‘The executive authority of Guyana such an opinion can materialise and did not return until 2011, when the shall be vested in the President and, must, therefore, be continually PNC-ledcoalitionpromisedtoestablish subject to the provisions of this suppressed. Guyana does not have an shared governance but did not do so Constitution, may be exercised by him adequate public opinion to hold when it came to government in 2015. either directly or through officers governments accountable. For decades, Immediately upon coming to subordinate to him.’ This executive two large political hostile ethnic groups government, the present United States president and his party are elected by and their political parties have equally administration, continuing the process wayofapluralisticmajoritariansystem divided about 80% of the voting that began under its predecessor, has thatMr Ramkarranappearstohaveleft population. been calling upon the political elites in unchanged.
Ofcourse,ratherthanbeingaccused Guyana to ‘reform the winner-takes-all Indeed, among other things, the of attempting to establish an apartheid political system and establish an prime ministeris appointed by the state, the PPP wouldmuch preferits effective democracy’.However, using president from the party obtaining the behaviour to appear as the normal undemocraticmethods that have secondlargestnumberofvotes,without wickedness of an autocracy because established why power-sharing is any statement of how he will determine this wouldnot only facilitate the necessary, the PPP is seeking to normalisation of its behaviour demonstratethatitisunnecessary! internally but also allow greater I promised to deal today with the internationalaccess,asthoseinvolvedin specific shared governance proposal race/ethnic discrimination are now suggested by Mr Ralph Ramkarran(‘A frowned upon even by autocratic review of shared governance and what governments.Butacts such as designing it could look like’. SN/11/08/2024).He national budgets to benefit your ethnic began by stating that,‘To advance the group and suppress the other side to shared governance project, I now offer drive them into your camp, as is clearly possible amendments to the
whichmembertoappoint,andthereisa strong suggestion that the PM is subordinated to the president and all thatthatcouldentail.Likethepresident, why should the presidential candidate of the minority party not be automatically appointed as prime minister by the same authority as the president?Notetoothatifthe
(Continued on page 6)
DEAREDITOR, and the rising ocean, our country will solid rock like base along the coast will
In a recent report published in still need a sea wall to prevent entry allow the rocks and the seawalls to SciTechDaily by Northwestern However, the need to use mangroves enduretheharshconditionsthatclimate University (August 30th 2024), a study and other sea erosion prevention changeiscausing. shows that electricity could be used to methods will be reduced by applying Wewillalsobeabletoreinforceour strengthen the sand along the coast. In the new techniques outlined in seawalls and increase its height with brief, it states that an electrical current, NorthwesternUniversity’sstudy less risk of the underlying structure whenappliedtomarinesand,cancreate The method was inspired by marine quicklydeteriorating. a cement / rock like structure that does life, which produces solid shells from CRG recommends that the noteasilyerode. their environment. According to the government and the University of
The temporary use of harmless, low study, “By applying a mild electric Guyana partner with Northwestern levels of electricity can solidify the stimulation to marine soils, we University to further fund, test and marine sand for generations and systematically and mechanistically implement their research and possibly remove the need for costly sea provedthatitispossibletocementthem methodology along our coast. The defenses in areas where erosion is the (marinesubstrates)byturningnaturally practicalapplicationofthisnewmethod main concern. According to the report dissolved minerals in seawater into will help Guyana’s government regain similar methods have been previously solid mineral binders — a natural focus and momentum in the used to strengthen undersea structures cement”. The potential of this process development of our sea defence and restore coral reefs without causing is substantial and can reduce the cost of capabilities. anyharmtomarinelife. improving our nation’s sea defense Best regards, With Guyana being under sea level while also strengthening it. Having a Mr. Jamil Changlee
We will do everything in our power to ensure that the motion reducing rates and taxes for political parties is never implemented
A major way to eliminate discrimination is the activation of the Human Rights Commission
DEAREDITOR, patrimony, based on the that group is prepared to Last week, Attorney infrastructural development, adhere to social, economic General and Minister of contracts, disbursement of and political justice for all as Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall cashgrants,injectionofstate outlined in the constitution, told a gathering of lawyers, fundingtokeepagenciesand and practices good the Constitution of Guyana certain sectors afloat or governance. The problem is protects their fundamental viable, whilst others are thatnoneofthisishappening rights and freedom. He was deprived. inthenation.Andratherthan addressing some lecture Amajorwaytoeliminate holding the people who are series on an International discrimination is the elected to enforce these Human Rights Law Course. activation of the Human principles the constitution Nandlall is acknowledging Rights Commission which is becomesthebogeyman. tothepublicwhatmanyofus enshrinedintheconstitution, We are spinning like top know but the Jagdeo/Ali a major achievement that inthemud.Peoplearefedup regime, of which he is part arose out of the 1999 with the growing disparity of, continues to ignore or is Constitutional Reform a n d i n c r e a s i n g not being properly advised exercise. discrimination in society It byhim. We must move to have is cruel and self-serving to
The admittance by this the establishment of an have the marginalized lawless regime that the basic E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y believe their lives and future rights and freedoms of Commission that pursues will remain the same unless Guyanese are enshrined in equality and equity, and the government is changed. the constitution must not empowe
Indigenous NGO Congratulates the National Toshaos Council (NTC) on its successful conference outcomes
DEAREDITOR, made them negatives to suit
T h e N a t i o n a l theirownagenda. However, Amerindian Development it is left on the shoulders of Foundation (NADF) wishes the Toshaos to continue on to congratulate the National the path of furthering the Toshaos Council (NTC) on development of their successfully completing its peoples. I urge them not to recent Conference during get complacent but stay August19–23,2024. focused and work towards NTC did achieve more achievingtheirsetgoals. than they expected and 2 0 2 5 w i l l b e a NADF commend the challenging year for you but Government, its Ministries once you put your plans into and Agencies for extending motion, you will have a full cooperation and energy productive 2024 -2025. towardstheNTC. Congratulations.
Ineednotlistthepositive Regards, takeaways from that Ashton Simon conference as some have National Amerindian even taken the positives and Development Foundation
DEAREDITOR, do have to go and beg for concerned about this issue’s I write with a profound money at the end of the year apparent lack of media sense of disappointment and to campaign for this and coverage. If the PPP/C were outrageovertheGeorgetown campaign for that They the ones seeking special City Council’s recent don’t have the money as a treatment at the expense of decision to pass a motion corporateoranyinstitutional the residents of Georgetown, reducing rates and taxes for entitytobeabletodothis.” major newspapers like political parties despite In other words, both the Stabroek News and Kaieteur vehement objection and Mayor and the Finance News would undoubtedly rejection from PPP/C Committee Chair seek to have published several Councillors. prioritise the needs of their scathing editorials by now This self-serving party above the needs of the Their obvious bias decision represents a gross citizens they were chosen (I notwithstanding,Iurgethese misalignment with the needs usethisworddeliberately)to newspapers to investigate of ordinary citizens, who, represent-astarkexampleof and report on this issue, unfortunately, continue to the kind of irresponsible, ensuring the public is bear the brunt of the self-interested governance informed and empowered to c o u n c i l ’s f i n a n c i a l that the PNC is intent on engage in meaningful mismanagement. Theextent pursuing. discourse.Finally,Iwantto of the City’s financial woes Editor, I am also (Continued on page 6) hasbeenwelldocumentedin thepublicdomain.Foryears, the citizens of Georgetown h a v e e n d u r e d t h e consequences of inadequate garbage collection, substandard drainage, poor infrastructure, and other essential services enshrined inChapter28:01. It is essential, then, to examine the passage of this most reprehensible policy through this lens. As of September 2023 (the last period for which I have any information), the City’s revenues amounted to $1.51 billion ($2.55 billion was budgeted) versus $1 55 billion in expenditures. This year, employment costs alone have been pegged at $1.2 billion. In comparison, $519 1 million has been a l l o c a t e d f o r c i t y maintenance and $299 3 million for capital expenses. Alarmingly, the City has not spent a dollar on capital expenses as of July (I will address this in another letter). Thus, it is clear that onceagain,theCitywillface a significant shortfall of funds - severely hampering itsabilitytoprovideessential servicestothecitizens.
Editor, during his budget presentation, Finance Committee Chair Lelon Saul emphasised the urgent need to aggressively pursue defaulters and delinquent ratepayers, even suggesting parate executions It is, therefore, deeply troubling that the PNC Councillors, led by Messrs Mentore and Saul, have chosen to bully this most reprehensible policythrough.
The question arises: why? Perhaps I can answer using Mayor Mentore’s own words: “All political parties
he It is unacceptable What only serve as acceptance of authority to judiciously happens if the government their violation but stir us into addresscomplaints. does not change? Must the action. This does not require marginalised accept their
We must demand from constitutional reform but continuous suffering and our politicians, particularly political will that is deprivationasfate? theOppositionthathasarole determined to achieve We are moulders of our in holding the Government “inclusionarydemocracy”as destiny We must mould it in accountable, to join with the outlined in Article 13 of the a positive manner each day people to protect and Constitution, and the thatwelive. strengthen these rights and aspiration of “One People We cannot continue to freedoms through legislative OneNationOneDestiny.” wring our hands in acts. Guyana does not need hopelessness and hold on to
The legislation must constitutional change to start the promise of something in protect the citizens and the process to end the midst of this wealth, stridently hold the discrimination. whilst others move at government accountable, What we need is lightning speed to deprive who is after all the principal constitutional compliance someofusourfairshareofthe custodianoftheConstitution and strengthening and nation’spatrimony andLawsofGuyana. developingnewlegislation.I The future is now The
For instance, Article 149 do not believe any right- Opposition mus
protects persons from being thinking Guyanese would be accordingly discriminated against on the opposed to being governed Sincerely, ground of race, yet this by another group providing Lincoln Lewis remains one of society’s greatestevils.
Aswetraversethelength and breadth of this nation, one can tell which group (s) of Guyanese are the recipients of the nation’s
(BBC NEWS) A major many other hostages,” it choiceanymore. Israeli labour union has said. Mr Bar-David said: “It has exceeded the called for a nationwide “Wemustreachadeal.Adeal limit.” general strike on Monday is more important than The Israel Defense after the bodies of six anything else.” Meanwhile, Forces (IDF) said the six hostages held by Hamas in Tel Aviv’s Mayor Ron bodies were located on the Gaza S
Thousands of protestors gather in Tel Aviv to demand a hostage release deal.
e Huldai announced that the Saturday in an underground recovered. “We are getting city’s municipal workers are tunnel in the Rafah area of body bags instead of a deal,” free to join Monday’s strike southern Gaza. The IDF said said Arnon Bar-David, “as a sign of solidarity with they are Carmel Gat, Eden chairman of the Histadrut, the abductees and their Ye r u s h a l m i , H e r s h which represents around families”. Hours after Mr Goldberg-Polin, Alexander 800,000 members. He called Bar-David’s intervention, Lobanov, Almog Sarusi and on workers to stage a one- thousands of people began Master Sgt Ori Danino. It is day walkout from 06:00 descending on Tel Aviv and notclearhowmanyhostages local time on Monday, Jerusalem to take part of a remain in Gaza Hamas adding that Tel Aviv’s Ben mass demonstration to kidnapped 251 people and GurionAirportwillbeclosed demand a ceasefire. They killed 1,200 others during an from08:00.Theintervention include 24-year-old Yotam attack in southern Israel on 7 came just hours before Peer, whose 21-year-old Oct
2023 Israel
Families of the hostages securing a deal that releases six held captive were thousands of protesters took brother was killed on 7 launched a retaliatory have been pushing for a the remaining captives and “murdered in the last few to the streets of TelAviv and October in the Hamas military campaign against nationwide strike as part of protects the country’s days, after surviving almost Jerusalem, as pressure attacks. He told the BBC: Hamas in Gaza. More than efforts to get a ceasefire security 11 months of abuse, torture mounted on Prime Minister “Afterweheardaboutthesix 40,530 people have been agreement between Mr But he said: “Whoever and starvation in Hamas Benjamin Netanyahu to hostages we couldn’t be killed there since 7 October, Netanyahu’s government murders hostages - does not captivity”. “The delay in reach a deal to return the silent anymore. It’s really according to the territory’s and Hamas. Mr Netanyahu want a deal.” The Hostages signing the deal has led to remaininghostages. important. We don’t have a Hamas-runhealthministry said he was committed to Families Forum said that all their deaths and those of
From page 5
assure the citizens of Georgetown that my fellow PPP/C councillorsandIwilldoeverythinginourpowertoensurethat thisodiouspolicyisneverimplemented.
We recognise our responsibility to every one of you, and we will not stand by while decisions are made that serve only theinterestsofaselectfewattheexpenseofthemany Weurge youtostandwithus.Ourcommitmentistoyou—thepeopleof Georgetown.
We will continue to fight for policies that prioritise your well-being, enhance the quality of life in our City, and restore Georgetown to the garden city it once was—a place of pride, beauty,andprosperity
Alfonso DeArmas PPP/C Councillor
From page 4
member of his choice, even apparently from his own party! The cabinet shall be limited to fifteen members, from the parties obtaining the highest and second highest number of votes in proportion to the votes obtained, after consultation with the prime minister Notwithstandingall the talk of the needforgovernmentofficialstoprovidegoodreasonsfortheir decisionsthatcanbechallengedinthecourts,andweareaware ofwhatconsultationshavecometomeaninGuyana.
The essence of shared governance is the constitutional distribution of executive authority in a fashion that allows for the independent ethnic protection of its interest and its perception of the national interests. It is upon this that the sharingofnationalexecutiveauthoritymustbeconstructed:it is not the mere sharing of ministerial/national positions by majoritarianregimes.
Staying within the narrow operational framework suggested by Ralph, his recommendationsappear to have left the national executive authority in Guyana in the samepluralist/majoritarianwinner-takes-all political mould thatpreviousconstitutionalreformsshouldhavechanged.
At the very least, Guyana’s constitution should, among other things,be reformed to remove the plurality that automatically gives the presidency to the party that gains the highest voteatnational election andintroduce super majorities andvetoesatappropriatepoints.
The controversy over what took place at the recent National Toshaos Council suggests that the indigenous people,who are about 11% of the population, are being totally institutionallydominatedbythePPP,butareusuallyleftoutof sharedgovernancetypepoliticalequations.
Henry Jeffrey
With many missing one of the most recent theincident,bothJosephand persons’ reports still to be incidents where two persons Davidson went to collect resolved,familiesareraising went missing from a boat their wages from their place concerns about what they accident in the Mazaruni of employment, EKAA described as the authorities’ River Region Seven on HRIM Earth Resources lax response to these cases Friday,July5,2024.Thetwo Management Quarry on evenastheyurgethatgreater missing persons are: Bavia Island and were attentionandeffortbepaidto Cranston Davidson, 43, and r e t u r n i n g h o m e resolvingthem. Troy Joseph, 35. It was Unfortunately,whileontheir Kaieteur News recalled reported that the day prior way home tragedy struck
- Crime Chief says relatives don’t follow
when the boat began to sink around 22:00hrs in the vicinity of Itaballi The missing men were among nine passengers in the boat, one died and six were these boys went in the boat know what happen. I just rescued.Amonth has passed and he said yes because they hoping one day, I could see since the men were had to go to the hospital to them show up,” the crying reportedly missing. Kaieteur find out.” Licorish said that mother said. The men were N e w s on Friday last when the family went to the described as pleasant contacted Regional Division police station, police individuals who care for #7 Senior Superintendent, allegedly said that they had theirfamily DionMooreforanupdateon no knowledge of the missing In another report, a 73the matter in which he men. year-old pensioner from replied, “the two missing “The family went to the Better Hope North, East persons body are not yet police station asking for Coast Demerara, remains discovered but efforts are assistance, they try to missing nearly two months being made to retrieve the enquireiftheycouldgethelp after he disappeared during bodies”. and so and they didn’t get an evening stroll. Harpaul
This publication also any help, they tell us that we Dhanpaul, also known as reached out to the mother of hadtogetitoffourownuntil ‘Snapper,’ was last seen on Davidson and mother-in-law then, I ain’t hear anything July 9, 2024, wearing a pair of Joseph, Lynette Licorish, aboutthepolicedoanything. of grey shorts and without who expressed great Policeain’tgetnotimegoing shoes According to his disappointment in the police in the river right now,” daughter, Felicia Dhanpaul, involvement in the case. She Licorishsaid. herfatherwouldnormallygo recalled her last encounter Since the mishap, on his daily walk in the with the police when herself Licorish has been grieving afternoons around 16:00hrs and other relatives, upon but remains hopeful that the to the seawall and return hearing the news went to the bodies will be found. “I home about one hour later. hospital seeking the really break down; I can’t Unfortunately, Dhanpaul whereabouts of Joseph and take it anymore because reportedly went missing on Davidson. “We ain’t had any every day and every night, I July9whenhedidnotreturn talking with the police that pray and ask God what will fromhisafternoonwalk.The much because when the become of my two children daughter disclosed that her accident happened, we just AllIcoulddoitcry,grieve father is generally healthy hadtogotothestationtofind and beg God to show me butsometimesforgets out if the captain know if what is hiding… I don’t (Continued on page 16)
The Ministry of
Education has opted for a predictable response to a crisis of its own making. It has decided to double down on the existing strategy, yet morevigorously
Thedismaldeclineinthe passratesforMathematicsat the CSEC examinations from 34% in 2023 to 31% this year in Guyana, and a broader regional slide from 43% to 35%, screams for a radical rethinking of educationalpolicy
The numbers don’t lie: Guyana is facing a severe crisis in education, evidenced by the fact that two out of every three studentssittingfortheCSEC examinations are failing to matriculate. This alarming statistics not only highlights the dire state of our educational system but also raises significant concerns about the broader social and economic implications Could this pervasive academicunderachievement be a key factor explaining why youth unemployment has remained stubbornly highformanyyears?
A failure to matriculate meansthatavastmajorityof our young people are entering the job market without the necessary qualifications or skills, making it difficult for them tosecurestableemployment or pursue higher education. This, in turn, perpetuates a cycle of poverty and disenfranchisement, undermining the country’s efforts to build a skilled
workforce and develop a thriving economy If we are t o t a c k l e y o u t h unemployment effectively, addressingtherootcausesof this educational crisis must becomeanurgentpriority
The poor rate of
Mathematics passes is not onlyabarriertoemployment opportunities for our youth but also significantly limits the pool of candidates eligibletoentertheteaching profession With a large majority of students failing t o m a t r i c u l a t e i n Mathematics, the number of individuals who can qualify to teach this critical subject diminishes.
Yet,theMinistry,likea fiddlingNero,seemscontent topourgasolineonablazing fire, prescribing an additional dollop of instructional hours as the magic potion to arrest this alarming trend. Let us be clear: the imposition of four hours minimum of Mathematics each week, scheduled in the hallowed hours of the morning when youngmindsarepresumably at their zenith, is an empty gesture It ignores the inconvenient truth that a rot in mathematical education begins long before entrance tosecondaryschools.
The National Grade Six Assessment results, with a mere four out of every ten s t u d e n t s p a s s i n g Mathematics, unearth a foundational flaw What future, pray tell, can a child have in secondary mathematicsiftheirprimary
education has been neglected? It is tantamount toexpectingahousebuilton s
and a hurricane The Ministry’s measures, laser-focused on secondary education, miss the glaring reality that our secondary schools are inundated with students whose math
quicksand than bedrock Such students stumble into secondary schools unequipped, and rather than the system providing a ladder out of the mire, it seems intent on digging a deeper pit Secondary schools are not designed to
education. And yet that is preciselywhatisexpected.
The Ministry’s strategy failstograpplewiththestark q
cher competence. To paraphrase, noarmycanwinabattleifit is armed only with blunt s
ed soldiers If teachers, themselves, are undertrained or ill-qualified, no amount of instructional hours will compensate for theirlackofexpertise.
A teacher with only a CSEC pass in Mathematics is ill-suited to the task of guidingstudentsthroughthe rigors of CSEC exams. The Ministry ought to be asking itself how many of its e d u c a t o r s h o l d qualifications beyond the very level they are tasked withteaching.Ifourteachers
T20cricketisagamewherethebowlers are the whipping horses, and where the batsmenswingtheirheavybatslikeThor’s hammer Let’sfaceit:inT20,bowlershave becomeglorifiedball-fetchers.
Howaboutchangingthingstogivethe bowlers a better chance? With shorter boundariesandlimitingfieldrestrictionsto the first four overs. Right now, bowlers don’tstandachance.
Imaginewherebowlershaveafighting chance. First off, how about extending the boundaries by about 5 meters? Yes, you heardmeright—let’sgiveourdearfielders a chance to do more than just wave as the ball sails into the crowd. With a few extra meters,fieldersmightactuallycatchaball ortwoontheboundary,andbowlersmight even get a wicket without praying for a miracle. Who knows? We might even see bowlerssmileagain!
And what’s with these heavy bats? It’s like the batsmen are wielding tree trunks. These things are designed to send the ball
lack the requisite CAPElevel understanding of Mathematics, they have been set up to fail, and by extension, so have our students.What is needed is not a knee-jerk reaction, but athoughtful,comprehensive study into the origins of this malaise. We must unearth whetherthecruxoftheissue liesintheprimaryschooling system, the quality of teacher training, or an attitude towards the subject. Only with a diagnosis as preciseasasurgeon’sscalpel
can we prescribe the correct remedy Throwing more hours at the problem, without ensuring that those hours are filled with quality teaching,isakintoputtinga band-aidonabulletwound.
The Ministry of
Education must cease its tinkering around the edges andfacethegrimreality:our education sector is in crisis, and only a systemic overhaul, grounded in empirical understanding, will salvage it. The time for palliatives has passed; now
isthehourforarevolutionin thought and action, lest we condemn yet another generation to mathematical mediocrity
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
notjustovertheboundarybutintothenext country If a batsman sneezes, it’s a six. Let’s get serious about bat regulations. Outlaw those outrageously heavy bats! If batsmenwanttohitsixes,letthemdoitthe old-fashioned way—with skill, not with morethanalittlehelpfromheavybats. Now,let’stalkaboutthepowerplay Six overs of unmitigated carnage, where bowlers are treated like piñatas at a children’s party. How about limiting this massacre to just four overs? This would give bowlers a chance to bowl without feeling like they’re in the middle of a batting practice session. At least, for the remaining16overs,bowlerscanhaveasay, even if it’s a whisper So, let’s stop pretending that T20 is fair Let’s extend those boundaries, trim those bats, and cut the power play down to size. After all, bowlersdeservetoplaycrickettoo,notjust play the part of the victim in this tragic comedy Talkhalf.Leffhalf!
Former US President domainanyhowtheywish. immensely from the
that, then I respectfully (if) the PNC is the sole Ali a moment longer: One BarackObamarolledbacked B u t s c a r c e l y a n newfound bonanza. This is recommend that he seeks an demonic political presence Guyana, I hear loud and time to rollout one his opportunitypasseswithoutit while the bulk of Guyanese enh
of his in Guyana, how does that clear, sir. But why not for sparkling deliveries for the being seized to deepen the ofallcoloursareleftrunning education at any institution knit and mend a country that public servants calling and
Democratic National bitterness, wring wider the on empty and forced to live of learning that would help is made up of its blood crying for a livable wage in Convention on Tuesday already yawning divide inagony him. Should those doors be brothers and sisters? I invite the richest country in the night. He is always good for Test 1: when was the last
They scratch out a lousy shut, then the president enlightenment on any world? Why does One aglorioushomerun,isn’the? time either Dr Ali or Dr existence, while favoured should seek his educational smidgen of healing power in Guyana mean the front door “I don’t want to live in a Jagdeo spoke anywhere on neighbours and compatriots i
what Presidents Ali and for some and the backdoor country that’s bitter and any issue without a divisive live the good life. I contend Guyana’s school of life Jagdeo have been mainly for most? How can One divided.” Me too! And for diatribe against the PNC that this is the perfect recipe There is a world of learning about. Guyana inspire when some the edification of all featuringprominently? enriched with bitter and from the daily struggles of President Ali has made a citizensarecompelledtolive
ing Nationalleadersinanera divisive ingredients that has Guyanese in that 24/7/366 precarious living with his on their knees with their President Ali and former of great new wealth do not become the national stew classroomofinstruction. clever construction of ‘One handsoutstretched. president Jagdeo, if my ‘Me connive and deliver what So, a great many Guyanese When the president and Guyana.’ One Guyana for W
too’causemustbeaone-man favours a close few, mainly sizzle and simmer at high Vice President are always whom, Mr President? G
movement, then let it be. of a particular hue, while heat. inseparably, irreversibly, Certainly, not for Guyanese beggingforafairwage,there Candidly, I don’t think that distancing from the rest, Make no mistake: bitter fixated on the past (more teachers. One Guyana made is nothing about any One Presidents Ali and Jagdeo contemptuously dismissing and divided is today’s later), what embitters more up of what kind of people in Guyanavision. have any political use for a them to fend for themselves. Guyana. Iassertthatrushing and divides more, then that the local demographics, Mr It cannot be about Guyana that’s not bitter and IinsistthatwhatDrs.Aliand belatedly to handout
Guyana can only be a President? oneness. Becausethatvision divided. Jagdeo have lavishly doled contracts to the Indigenous country that is of the same Most definitely, it cannot issoblindinglybiaseditsays I think that a country out to some Guyanese community is what leaves substances. be for the people of Mocha somuch. that’s not bitter and divided (contractorclass,sugarclass, that population of originals
To President Obama, I so callously bulldozed out of Only a certain type of has no value for them, who corrupt and connected class, bitter and divided. Though saythanks,broforthatYoYo their homes, the true reasons c i t
e e l theyareinside. among other mostly crooked part of the local political Ma moment of magic in for which are now beginning comfortable believing that
These two less-than- classes) have wrenched this culture,pittancesareplasters Chicago. to seep out. I want one mantra, what is a sound bite stellar Guyanese top dogs, country farther apart in its thatpasteforatimebutdon’t When President and VP Guyanese to tell this for the gallery of diehards. their surrogates, and the rest season of once unimagined represent authentic can only rail and remind Guyanese how that is Bitter and divided, Guyana ofGuyanacaninterpretwhat bounties. Those classes are leadership prowess If about the PNC, then they are knitting and healing and not is. I just placed in the public the only ones that benefit President Ali doesn’t know not yet about the soothing embitteringanddividing. Nextyearwillprovehow and unifying leadership that There is fairness and intensive,howextensive. this country so sorely needs. truth, then there are these (The views expressed in How does burning the PNC calumnies that stand as the this article are those of the in daily effigies heal this inarguable facts of Guyana’s a u t h o r a n d d o n o t hurting country, Mr manyinjustices. necessarily reflect the President, Mr VP? Even if IcontinuewithPresident opinions of this newspaper.)
Amid all the nice sound bites and boasts by the Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, the numbers don’t lie: Guyana is facing a severe crisis in education,evidencedbythefactthattwoout of every three students sitting for the CSEC examinationsarefailingtomatriculate.
This alarming statistics not only highlights the dire state of our educational system but also raises significant concerns about the broader social and economic implications. Could this pervasive academic underachievement be a key factor explaining why youth unemployment has remainedstubbornlyhighformanyyears?
Conrad Enill, the High Commissioner of Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) to Guyana
The High Commissioner highlighted that while Enill said, “The challenge of Trinidad and Tobago Guyana’s oil sector growth youhaveisthatthepeople,in (T&T) to Guyana Conrad presents significant some instances, do not feel Enill has highlighted the opportunities, it also poses thebenefitsasquicklyasyou critical need for Guyana to challenges. “So, there are s e e o t h e r t h i n g s balance its rapid economic two issues for consideration. happening…Those are the development with measures The first is the definition of two conflicting areas that to mitigate the cost-of-living development,andthesecond policymakerstrytogetright. impactonitscitizens. one is the rate of growth of In some instances, they do, In a discussion on the your energy sector and the andinothers,theydon’t.” Energy Perspectives podcast revenues that will be derived “For example, you see a a i r e d o n S u n d a y , from it. Of course, these are lot of infrastructure, changes Ambassador Enill shared twoseparatethings,”hesaid. to roads, schools, and so on. perspectives from T&T’s T h e A m b a s s a d o r But you may not see directly experience as a longstanding explained that while energy an increase in people’s oil producer Oil was sector revenue can standard of living simply discovered offshore Guyana potentially enhance a because what is required in in 2015 and by December country’s circumstances, it the system, the country has 2019 the country became an requires correct policy not yet developed. So, there oil producing nation. Oil is prescriptions to ensure that is significant potential for currently being produced benefitsareequitablyshared. growth.Therearesignificant from the Stabroek Block He noted that the two crucial opportunities if people take which is estimated to hold criteria are whether the advantage of them. But it is 11.6 billion barrels of oil. companies involved are only in those circumstances The operator of the block globally competitive and if that you would see the
ExxonMobil Guyana citizens are receiving a fair development of the people,
Limited (EMGL) is return on investment as opposed to just the producing645,000barrelsof “Development in Guyana developmentofthecountry,” oil per day (bpd) from three has two components to it. headded. Floating Production Storage There is the infrastructure,
Drawing from Trinidad and Offloading (FPSO) and then there are the a n d To b a g o ’s o w n vessels, the Liza Destiny, people,” the Ambassador development journey, Unity and Prosperity The noted. A m b a s s a d o r E n i l l company already has plans He pointed out that the highlightedakeylesson,that for three other vessels with a benefits of development are the rate of development can target of 1.2 million bdp by not always immediately felt adversely affect human 2027. by the population, despite development if not managed
During the episode, visible infrastructure carefully “InTrinidad,we A m b a s s a d o r E n i l l improvements. Ambassador (Continued on page 16)
- external debt projected to increase from U$1.9B to US$2.8B by the end of the year
Guyana’s total debt has risen sharply, exceeding US$5 billion by mid-2024, according to the Ministry of Finance’s Mid-Year Report. As of June 2024, the country’s debt stood at US$5,063.3million,upfrom US$4,508.8 million at the endofDecember2023.
Thereporthighlightsthat Guyana’s public debt remains sustainable and is currently subject to a moderate risk of debt distress The government said that it has maintained a f o c u s o n s e c u r i n g development financing under prudent cost and risk parameters.
“At the end of the first half of this year, Guyana’s stock of Total Public and Publicly Guaranteed (PPG)
d e b t a m o u n t e d t o
US$5,063 3 million, reflecting positive net flows from both external and domestic creditors,” the reportstates.
As of the end of June 2024, external PPG debt totaled US$1,924.2 million. The ministry stated that this increase is attributed to positive net flows from multilateral creditors such as t h e Wo r l d B a n k ’ s International Development
Association and the Caribbean Development Coast Demerara Road Central Government in Bank, as well as from Improvement Project Phase 2020,” it was stated bilateral creditors including 2,andtheRegionalHospitals Conversely, external PPG China, Canada, India, and Project, financed by China, debt service payments UK Export Finance. These along with several projects increased by 13.8%, rising funds support various social funded by the India EXIM from US$50.1 million to andinfrastructuralprojects. Bank. US$57 million, driven by Multilateral creditors Moreover, domestic PPG higher payments to both hold the largest share of stood at US$3,139 million at bilateral and multilateral external PPG debt at 63.4%, the end of June reflecting creditors. followed by bilateral some US$2,226.2 million in Additionally, earlier this creditors at 35 1%, and treasury bills based on the year the government got the private creditors at 1.5%. issuance of new fiscal green light to increase the Notably,thereportstatesthat instruments. Total PPG debt ceilings on both domestic the external PPG debt stock servicepaymentsforthefirst and external debt The is projected to grow to half of 2024 amounted to domestic public debt ceiling US$2,832.3 million by the US$85.2 million, a 7.7% has been increased to $1.5 end of 2024, driven by decrease compared to the trillion, up from $750 billion expected continued inflows same period in 2023. This from its last revision from both bilateral and decline is primarily due to a Meanwhile, a new external multilateralsources. 33.3% reduction in domestic borrowing ceiling of $1.5
It was disclosed that debt service payments, from trillion has been approved, external disbursements US$42.2 million in the first after its last increase to $900 reached US$196.8 million in half of 2023, to US$28.2 billion. This move was part thefirsthalfof2024,a94.6% million in the first half of of a broader financial increase from the same 2024. “The contraction in strategy to increase the period in the previous year domestic PPG debt service nation’s capacity, in order to This surge is largely due to payments was in turn due to finance its $1.146 trillion increased funding from the completion, in the 2024 budget, including bilateral creditors, which previous year, of repayments
amounted to US$157 9
infrastructureprojects. million, reflecting a 127.5% guaranteed bond issued by To access the Mid-Year risecomparedtothefirsthalf the National Industrial and Report 2024, click here: of2023.Keyprojectsfunded Commercial Investments https://finance gov gy/wpinclude a social protection
(NICIL) in 2018 but content/uploads/2024/08/Mi initiativebyCanada,
Authorities on Saturday seized over 4.4 tons of cocaine and Sunday destroyed the drugs. Below are some images of the joint operation by Customs Anti-Narcotic Unit (CANU), in collaboration with the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Special Forces Unit.
Local law-enforcement authorities believed that the large quantityofcocainethatwasseizedinaJoint-Servicesoperationin MatthewsRidge,RegionOnewasbeingtransshippedtoEurope.
AJoint-Services team led by the CustomsAnti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) on Saturday unearthed approximately 4 4 tons (4,400kilos) of suspected cocaine, which has a current street value ofUS$188millionatanearbyillegalairstripatMatthewsRidge.
Neatly stashed, the cocaine was found buried in four handdugged pits which averaged five to six feet deep, covered with tarpaulins,woodsthensomebushes.
Speaking of the successful seizure, Director of CANU, James Singhtoldmediaoperativesatthesitethatthiscouldnothavebeen done without the collaboration of the Guyana Defence Force’s (GDF) Special Forces Unit, the United States Drug Enforcement Agency(DEA)andthegovernmentthroughtheMinistryofHome Affairs.Hesaidtheoperationisoneofmanythattheywouldhave
(Continued on page 16)
A 24-year-old welder was stabbed to death on Saturday evening during an argument in a wedding house at Lust-enRust,WestBankDemerara(WBD).
Police identify the dead man as Allie Mark Augustine of Lot28Lust-en-Rust,WBD.
Investigations revealed that the incident occurred around 22:50hrswhenanargumentbrokeoutbetweenAugustineand some villagers over an old grievance. The argument quickly escalatedintoascuffleandasaresult,Augustinereceivedone stab wound under his arm pit. Augustine then ran a short distanceandcollapsedinayard.
Upon seeing Augustine in an unconscious state, police were summoned to the scene. The body was removed and escorted to West Demerara Regional Hospital where Augustine was pronounced dead on arrival.The body is at the Ezekiel Funeral Home awaiting a post-mortem examination. Police revealed that several persons were questioned and four personswerearrestedsubsequently
Skilled Labourer (road construction), 20 years or older & Welder / Fabricator, 30 years or older. Call: 6130855 9am-4pm.
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Semi-furnished room for single, working / studying male at Atlantic Ville. $19,000 Monthly. Tele: 226-3087/ 222-4696 9:am - 2:30 pm.
From page 13 conducted over the last five months with the Guyana Defence Force playing their part in helping to identify illegal airstrips within the country and monitoring them.
“In this case, we were lucky in the sense that we were able to strike at the right time, whereby we were able to seize the drugs before they were transshipped to another further location,” Singh said noting this is an ongoing investigation.
Singh explained that the airstrip which was found, was not one that has been gazetted by the government and so it was built with plans to accommodate small aircraft bringing several kilos of cocaine outside of Guyana here.
Noting that several camps were found in close proximity of the airstrip, the CANU Head mentioned, “The fact that this amount of drugs were found in several locations means it was waiting for the transshipment, so it’s not like it came here to go, they are waiting for the opportune moment that is why I said we were very successful in not just in seizing but detecting a new concealment method and idea as to how big the network is.” It was highlighted that the
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
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Rumion for sale, Model 2012, PTT Series. Call: 6715759.
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seizure of the drugs was the second phase of the operations, with the first phase being the discovery of a quantity of fuel just a few days ago at the location.
Singh elaborated that when the Joint Services team first came in, they noticed a few persons were fleeing into the jungle.
“So the fuel, the follow up investigation with the assistance of the GDF, Special Operations section were able to do a follow up operation and the officers were able to seize what you see before you. The officers when they came in they spent several days here combing the area and they knew that as we shared information with our colleagues from the DEA if it’s not above ground then it’s hidden somewhere underground, we discovered these pits dug by hand,” he said.
In his brief comments, Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn yesterday said this operation is perhaps the largest ever seizure on land to occur in Guyana.
“It exemplifies and identifies that we have been working at this problem continuously, that we are aware of certain flights to certain places illegally. The govern-
From page 12 got it wrong sometimes because, in pursuit of the country’s development, the rate of development sometimes impacts negatively on human development. In other words, as the country tries to move forward with its infrastructure program, goods and services are not keeping pace with the demand.
ment and of course, the energy and interest of President Irfaan Ali we are putting in much resources and many persons into getting onto this situation, we will continue this fight, we are happy of course that we have the United States Drug and Enforcement Agency with us sharing information and intelligence and backing us up on issues which have occurred from time to time but that this fight will be a long one,” the minister related.
To this end, the Minister further emphasized that Guyana is a victim of this illegal type of activity, “we do not produce cocaine, we don’t transit it, we don’t make the guns. The important thing of the drug trafficking is associated with the other elements of transnational organized crimes, money laundering, gun smuggling, homicides unknown and unsolvable in many instances and generally decline in law and order in environment where it takes over. We don’t want to get to that place, so we bode by this success, we will be doing everything we can to push our efforts to interdict and prevent drug being smuggled over, on and through our maritime space
too.” Having been working with international partners in combatting these crimes, the Minister also warned locals, the ones living in the interior regions to desist from partaking in these illegal activities.
“We will stay on this, we want to warn those who are engaged in it to desist because we will be coming after them; we want to advise people who are in the areas, who are in the environment out here and may be aware that things are happening that don’t want to say it but they need to say it, to save our country, to improve our security, to save our society in respect of this drug fight,” he said.
Questioned whether this operation might be executed by foreigners, the Minister told the media that an operation of this kind could not have been done without local help, “but of course, we think this is a major operation being done by persons in neighbouring countries and investigations are underway.”
Following the recovery of the 4,400 blocks of cocaine from the pits on Sunday, samples were taken by CANU ranks for testing and then later destroyed at the site.
‘Balance rapid development with measures... opment accelerates, it can lead to increased demand for goods and services, driving up prices and exacerbating the cost of living.
Therefore, prices become an issue, which means the cost of living increases dramatically,” he said.
Ambassador Enill warned that as infrastructure devel-
“The problem with that is if you do not have a supplyside strategy to increase supplies, people on a fixed income will find the cost of living increasing, impacting them negatively,” the Ambassador noted.
As such, he urged Guyana to learn from these experiences and manage the pace of development to ensure that the benefits are distributed
more equitably among its citizens. It was recently reported that within the first six months of 2024, oil production increased Guyana’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), resulting in a 49.7% growth. “So, on one hand, you have the country doing well, but you have a situation where citizens are not yet at the stage where they can participate in all that is happening because the rate of change is too great.
That’s one of the challenges Guyana has to manage,” Enill concluded.
From page 8 things. Despite extensive searches by family and five reports made to the Sparendaam Police Station, Dhanpaul is still unaccounted for. His daughter has expressed frustration over the lack of police involvement in the search efforts. The woman revealed in an interview with Kaieteur News that despite numerous attempts to involve the police, there has been minimal action.
The relative made a report last week, however police told her there was nothing they could do about it.
“From since then we ain’t got no response from them [police]. They said when we find the body, we must go back to the station,” she said. The situation has been distressing for the family. One of Dhanpaul’s grandchildren shared, “It’s kinda sad to
know… It hurts me because I used to visit him every Sunday, and he is not there anymore.” Felicia Dhanpaul added, “I feel real upset, because my father wasn’t a bad person, and right now, it is very hard for me.”
The public is urged to provide any information on Dhanpaul’s whereabouts by contacting the family at (+592638-7486) or (+592-619-4972).
In a related issue, a similar case highlights ongoing concerns about police response to missing persons.
Kaieteur News reported on Aug 27, 2024, Gale Husbands, a 63-year-old woman from D’Uurban and Louisa Row, Georgetown, went missing since early February 2024. Six months later, despite multiple police reports, Husbands is still to be found. Her relatives have criticised the police for their lack of action.
“The police ain’t really doing nothing, then they collect a phone from us (Gale Phone) and they ain’t give we back the phone and it’s over six months now. And they never return the phone.”
Husbands said in frustration. If anyone has seen or has knowledge of her whereabouts, please call +592-6171596 or +592-669-2832. She has been ill and experiencing symptoms of dementia/ nervous breakdown. Contacted on the issue, Crime Chief, Wendell Blanhum explained, “most times when a missing child or person is reported to police, persons don’t usually check back with police to confirm police information.” When asked about the number of active missing person cases, he said the local stations would have to recheck the figures.
Approximately 40 young a business model to support met with applause and people from Region Three the mortgage and empower commendation, as the youth will be embarking on a the young homeowner welcomed the government’s profitable agricultural Additionally, Minister of drive to foster wealth venture, anticipated to yield Housing, Collin Croal, creation across the country substantialreturns. e m p h a s i s e d t h e Kevin Dundas said the President, Dr Mohamed government’s commitment meeting has spotlighted IrfaanAlipresentedtheplan,
during an engagement with ownership. investment that he plans to the youths on Sunday
“In three years, the capitalise on, and expressed
morning, at Pyramid interest rate for low-income his appreciation to the Restaurant and Pub, La homes came down by three government for their
President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali met several young men and women in Region Three on Sunday to present an agriculture plan that promises significant returns.
Jalousie, West Coast per cent, and 4.5 per cent for proactive approach to youth Demerara The meeting middle income homes,” the development. stems from a previous housingministersaid. “These projects are very engagement with athletes in He explained that while good to tap into as young Georgetown on Saturday, inotherregions,government people. We are not only whe
esident Ali is tackling the backlog of looking at farming as just presented a similar dual- thepresidentstated. to earning returns from their these homes, they will cases from 2019 and before, traditional, but it is also a prongedplanforhousingand He explained that the investment by December acquire a home above the i n R e g i o n T h r e e , business, now that we’re in a agriculturalopportunities. bank will offer interest rates Meanwhile, in the housing actual valuation For applications from 2021 and modernsystem.Andbecause The president explained aslowas4.5percentthrough sphere, the president said the example, if the home costs prior are being prioritised. we are highly populated and that the Ministry of a special programme for government is launching a $6.5 million, the bank will Minister within the Ministry lots of persons are coming to Agriculturewillidentifyfive agribusiness loans, which is special home ownership provide $6 million in of Public Works Deodat Guyana, as we are an oilacres of land in the region to a significant win for the initiativeintheregion. f i n a n c i n g , a n d t h e Indar and Chief Executive producing nation…I think establish a high-tech young people. Minister of The initiative aims to beneficiary only pays the Officer (CEO) of Guyana these initiatives are very agriculture tunnel house, Agriculture, Zulfikar makehomeownershipeasier remaining $500,000. This Livestock and Development great,” he said. He implored specifically a poultry farm. Mustapha said work will and more accessible for low $500,000, difference Authority (GLDA) Dr other youths to get on board The plan is to have 20 or begin immediately on to moderate income young between the home value and Dwight Walrond, also
more young people each clearing the five acres of people. Through a cross- thefinancingamount,isthen
contribute $500,000 to raise land, and he anticipates that subsidisation approach, treated as investment money opportunitiesforinvestment. interventions are planned for a total of $10 million in the youths can look forward whenyoungpeopleapplyfor thatcanbeusedtohelpbuild These announcements were otherregions. (DPI) capital. The bank will then provide an additional $40 million in financing to set up a $50 million poultry production facility capable of producing about 45,000 chickenspercrop.
This would allow the young people to collectively own and operate a $100 million business venture, transforming their outlook andeconomicopportunities.
“If you got a job now, for example, or you have something that you’re doing, that income becomes stable. But this opportunity in building net worth, building net asset, allows you now to bring in new income, to expand your household income, to empower you without burning your existing revenue stream,” the head of state underlined He added, “Under this one Guyana initiative, I’m planning to target young people across all crosss e c t o r s , w h e t h e r i t ’s athletes, young people in the banking sector, [or the] insurance sector, [and] young people from the fields, bringing them together.”
R e c o g n i s i n g t h e presence of Chief Executive Officer of Demerara Bank Limited, Dowlat Parbhu at the meeting, the president
emphasised that his government is serious about getting the banks to lend their support to these initiatives.
“We want to encourage the banks to respond in a way that will bridge the divide, remove the barriers, and make it flexible, easier,”
Irish Independent - The future of boxing as an Olympicsporthassuffereda majorsetback.
The Asian Boxing Confederation voted 21-14 not to join World Boxing at anextraordinarycongressin DubaionSaturday
The Asian Boxing Confederation’s Board of Directorshadrecommended to members to support cutting ties with the I
Association (IBA) and link upwithWorldBoxingwhich i
While 19 delegates subsequently supported a motion from the floor to become ‘independent’ and deal directly with the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the legality of this motion is in doubt.
international federation for boxing.
Boxing has been left off the programme for the Los Angeles Games in 2028 by the IOC who ran the tournament at the Paris and Tokyo Games following the suspension, and ultimately the derecognition of, the Russian-ledIBA.
The IBA are appealing this IOC decision in a court in Switzerland, having lost
their initial appeal to the Court for Arbitration in Sport.
The IOC have stated if they can partner with a new credible organisation, boxingwillberestoredtothe programme for the LA Games, despite all the negative publicity the sport endured because of the gende
ow and the inconsistent judging and refereeing during the Paris Games.
Forty-twocountrieshave left the IBA and joined World Boxing including eight countries from Asia among them India, Taiwan, andSouthKorea.
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult ta
ou to
y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family history lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
sport being restored to the LAGames.
Asian countries dominated boxing at the Paris Games, with Uzbekistan topping the medals’table with five gold in the men’s competition. China finished second with three gold and two silver in women’sboxing.
Politically both are closer to Russia than the United States and western Europe, which is at the forefrontofthemovementto establish World Boxing, as are other national federationsinAsia.
So, it wasn’t a surprise they voted not to leave the IBA,butthemarginwas.
The president of the Olympic Federation of Ireland, Sarah Keane, revealed during the Paris Games that the OFI will be withdrawing recognition of the Irish Athletic Boxing Associationiftheyremainas membersoftheIBA.
Saturday’svoteinDubai is a stunning blow to World Boxingandcouldleadtothe IOChavingsecondthoughts about recognising them, whichinturnputspaidtothe chancesofthechancesofthe
Predictably the IBA welcomed the decision. A statement read: “It reflects theyearsofIBA’shardwork
developmentworldwideand trueunityoftheIBABoxing
“Pluralism of opinions means true democracy, and the IBA appreciates the variety of views from National Federations However, the majority decides, and IBA supports thedecisiontaken.”
Frompage24 Royals with the finishing line in sight, and yet, despite a characterful showingwiththeballbythe Knight Riders the result nevertrulylookedindoubt.
Chamari Athapanthu (39*) anchored the innings andstruckthewinningruns backdownthegroundwith five overs left unused and four wickets remaining. Her Royals teammates swarmedthepitchinapink hued throng to celebrate back-to-backWCPLtitles. Royals claim back-to-back...
After eleven t h r i l l i n g matches on the opening day, the Igloo Ice Cream Hockey Festival continued to sizzle on SaturdayattheGCCHockey Turf with a day full of electrifying action, marking the penultimate day of the 2024 Festival With an impressive lineup of 20 matches, the tournament is settocrownitschampions.
Saturday’s action featured a series of exciting encounters across the Under-14, U17, and U21 divisions, as well as three high-octane clashes in the senior Men’s and Women’s categories. In the Under-14 division, GCC Thunderbolt narrowly lost to SHC Schorchers 3-2, with Clay Bob scoring all three goals for the Schorchers. YMCA OFHC Gladiators then d o m i n a t e d G C C
Thunderbolts 5-0 in their first U14 Mixed Group A match, thanks to a superb hat-trick by MalachiAgard. However, the Gladiators later fell 4-0 to SHC Schorchers, with Bob addingtwomoregoalstohis tally IntheU14MixedGroup B matches, SHC Slayers faced HHC School Tek We, with Tek We emerging victorious with a 2-1 scoreline. HHC School Tek We later suffered a 2-1 defeat against YMCA OFHC Bombers, who themselves were narrowly beaten 2-1 by the Slayers, with Kaiya Scoot and Carenza Copeland making the difference The U14 Mixed semifinals were a highlight, with YMCA OFHCGladiatorssecuringa dramatic 3-2 victory over SHC Slayer after a penalty shootout, advancing to the
Meanwhile in the Girls U17 division, GCC HerRicanes defeated YMCA OldFortStars3-0.Inanepic final, SHC Sigmas were crowned U17 Boys champions after edging out SHC Legends 3-2 on penalties.
Later on, the Boys U21 d
SHC Conquerors defeated GCC Pitbulls 3-2, with Sakeem Fausette shining with a hattrick, while in another U21 match, YMCA OFHC YoungBoysovercameSHC S’Team3-1.
The senior segment captivated spectators, with Team Rebels claiming a 7-4 victory over Saints after trailing 2-3 at halftime Carloyn Deane’s four goals led Rebels to their second winintheWomen’sdivision before Saints rebounded to
Four teams on Sunday the29thofSeptemberwould play for the top prize of $100,000 at the Area H ground as the Rose Hall TownYouthandSportsClub host the 11th edition of the annual Naeen Nasir memorial 10/10 cricket tournament.
Bakewell, the company which Mr Nasir founded several decades ago, has renewed their sponsorship for the one day tournament on Tuesday last when general manager Rajin Gangahandedoveracheque to the club secretary Hilbert Foster at the compays’s
Triumph East Coast DemeraraHeadoffice.
Foster at the simple presentation ceremony, stated, that Bakewell became an official sponsor oftheRHTYSCin2000and isthesecondlongestofficial sponsor after Farfan and Mendes limited The company is the sponsor of the RHTYSC Bakewell under17 and 2nd division teams.The two teams under the Bakewell sponsorship has won over 15 major championships while producing players for Berbice,Guyana,theUnited States of America and the West Indies. The RHTYSC teams has produced close to 80 of the clubs 125 players
Bakewell manager Rajin Ganga hands over sponsorship to RHTYSC secretary Hilbert Foster.
beat Team Rebels 2-1 in a hard-fought encounter later intheday
Over in the Men’s division, Saints and YMCA OFHC Top Guns both secured impressive victories; Top Guns edged
whohaveplayedforBerbice or Guyana, among the players are Assad Fudadin, Royston Crandon, Kevin Sinclair, Esan Crandon, Kevlon Anderson, Junior Sinclair, Jonathan Rampersaud, Shemaine Campbell, Keith Simpson, Mahendra Gopilal, Jeremy Sandia, Romesh Bharat and SilasTyndall.
The company also Co sponsorsseveralRRHTYSC activitiessuchasthepopular Christmas village, charity programme, annual magazine, summer camp, cricketAcademyandawards programme. Foster proudly statedthattheBakewellwas oneofthemainreasonswhy the RHTYSC is widely considered Guyana’s most dynamic Youth and Sports organization.
The Naeem Nasir m e m o r i a l c r i c k
tournament would be contested by Rose Hall Town Bakewell, Wiruni, Police and the Rose Hall TownTigers.
The two preliminary rung would be played 10 overspersidewhilethefinal would be played over 15 overs.Thefirstballwouldbe bowledat9:30AMsharpand general manager Rajin Ganga would share out prizes at the presentation ceremony
The winner, runner up and man of the match in the final would each receive cash prizes Trophies. Mr Nasir died on the 9th of October2012attheBalwant Singh hospital at the age of 52afteralongbattleagainst illness He founded the popular bakery in 1988 and iswellknownforhissupport of sports especially cricket andlawntennis.
out HHC Rennants 6-5 in a thrilling finish, while Saints defeatedGCCVintage3-0.
The Igloo Hockey
Festival concluded yesterdayatthesamevenue, where champions across all divisions were crowned
Detailed coverage of the final day’s action will be featured in an upcoming edition.
The tournament is sponsored by the Igloo Ice Creamandorganizedbythe GCCHockeyClub.
Sportsmax - A highscoring run-fest at Warner Park saw Trinbago Knight Riders defeat St Kitts & Nevis Patriots by 44 runs in the third match of the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) on Saturdaynight.
Patriots captain Andre Fletcher won the toss and insertedtheKnightRiderson whatturnedouttobeagood batting wicket. Sunil Narine hitthreefoursandfoursixes to get the Knight Riders off toarapidstartandtheynever lookedback.
The boundary was peppered and cleared all evening, Nicholas Pooran
scooping the Player of the Match award for a thrilling inningsof97off43ballsthat fully deserved a century Keacy Carty piled on the pain for the Patriots by striking73offjust35ballsin a visceral display of strokemaking, the pair of batters leaving the oppositionbewilderedinthe faceofboundariesstruckallround the relatively shortsidedgroundinBasseterre.
Fittingly, Carty hit the final ball of the innings for six to see the Knight Riders post a mammoth score of 250-4.
The Patriots cleared the two hundred run mark
Frompage23 enforcement officers, occasional summer camp,Mother’sDayfoodhamper,tributeto fathers, clean up campaign, youth information booklet, tribute to postal workers and feeding the poor Kissoonlal, whohasbeenthecricketmanagerforover30 years also hailed the contribution of his deputies Keith Hicks,Tyrone Pattaya along with cricket coaches Winston Smith, Ryan Kissoonlal,Tremaine Smart and RyanAlgu fortheirhardworkinmoldingtheteamintoa powerfulelitesquad.
Poonai,aformerpresidentoftheCentral Corentyne Chamber of Commerce, urged the players to keep up your high standards and to remain focus, discipline and dedicated.
He committed his business to continue
themselves in posting 206-8 in what turned out to be the highest-scoring match in CPL history between the sides but in truth, Andre Fletcher’s side never truly looked like they were going tohaulinthetargetdespitea fabulous 56 from Mikyle Louis with support from Evin Lewis and Tristan Stubbs,whoeachscored39. Just a few hours before the game began 41-year-old Dwayne Bravo announced thatthisyear’sCPLwouldbe hislast,thetournament’salltime leading wicket-taker and five-time champion writing on Instagram that, “It’sbeenagreatjourney
supporting the team on and off the cricket field.
The RHTYSC since its formation in September 1990 has won 124 different cricket tournaments at all levels and produced125playersforBerbiceorGuyana. 16 of the players have gone on to play for eithertheWestIndiesortheUnitedStatesof America.
They include Assad Fudadin, Kevin Sinclair, Royston Crandon, Esan Crandon, Dominic Ricky, Ashkay Homraj, Erva Giddings, Shemaine Campbell, Sheneta Grimmond,TrishaHardat,DanellieManns, ShabikaGajnabiandKevlonAnderson.
The club has also won the Guyana Cricket Board Club of the year award five times and remained the only Youth Sports Clubtoreceiveanationalaward.
PoonaiPharmacyisvery pleasedtobeassociatedwith the hard work, dedication andsuccessoftheRoseHall Town Youth and Sports Club,thebusinessentityhas informed The young cricketers of this club have represented the Poonai Pharmacy brand with passion and pride a release noted. They have not only produced national players and won championships but has undertaken numerous programmeswiththeaimof makingpositiveadifference inthelivesofyouthsandthe less fortunate, informed Poonai Bhigroog, CEO of Poonai Pharmacy as the company on Tuesday last renewed their cricket sponsorshipoftheRHTYSC under11 and under13 teams forthe4thconsecutiveyear
The popular medical pharmacy has been sponsoring the under 13 teamsince2021andcameon boardwiththeunder11team in2023.
Club secretary Hilbert Foster stated that the under13 team has won two
Berbice championships and hasreachedthefinalsallfour times that the BCB has h o s t e d u n d e r 1 3 tournaments.InthelastBCB Romario Shepherd under13 tournament, they defeated Rose Hall Canje by 5 wickets at Canje ground. FosterstatedthatthePoonai pharmacy serves as the nurseryfortheclub’scricket structure as it provides
Top horses are expected to enter in the 2024 President’sCupwhichisset forSunday,September22at RisingSunTurfClub.
Entries for the nine-race programme will open on September 11 and close on September 17. For some, this race will serve as rematch to the Guyana Cup, asthelikesofStolenMoney, John Bull, Easy Time, Oy Vey among others, will be outtomarktheGuyanaCup champion, Olympic Kremlin. Guyana champion horse for 2023, Spankhurst couldalsoreturntothefold.
Owner of Slingerz Racing Stables, Javid Ali confirmed that defending President’s Cup champion, John Bull will be out to defend his title, while stablemate and champion horseOlympicKremlinwill be out to dominate once more.
Most of these horses began preparation for this year’s President’s Cup already,astheyseektogeta taste of that race-day purse, which will the total G$ 15 million will be divided
The feature race of the President’s Cup will have a total purse of close to G$6,000,000 (six million) dollars and the race will be run at approximately eight furlongs.
Thatracewillbeopento all horses, three years old andover
Entry forms for the President’sCupwillbeatthe Port Mourant Racecourse, theRisingSunTurfClub,the Bush Lot United Turf Club & 106 Smyth Street, WerkEn-Rust,Georgetown.
Other races on the provisional programme include the three-year-old Guyana and West Indianbred, Sprint ‘E’ Class for horses three years old and over, two-year-old maiden, H1And Lower Open to ‘G’ Class Non-Earners on Guyana Cup. Also open to ‘G’ class Non winners in Guyana, H3 and Lower, ‘J’ ClassOpentoH3Nonearner inlasttwostarts,KClass/J3 Non-Earner Last Start and the L Class/J Class and K Class and Non-Earner Last Start.
Cricket manager and organizing secretary, Robby Kissoonlal, expressed gratitudetothemanagement and staff of Poonai pharmacyfortheircontinued support over the years and committed the teams to upholding their high standards over the next 12 months. The team would be led by national player Leon Reddy who was last week named the Berbice under13 c
al disclosed that the three members were selected in the Berbice team, Reedy, Jayden Ganpat and Dinesh Singh. The team has also produced numerous Berbice and Guyana players including Reedy, Rafael
Mckenzie, Tameshwar
D e o n a n d a n , D e v Seepersaud, Balraj Narain, WestIndiesUnder19female player Trisha Hardat was also a product of the under thirteenteam.
Kissoonlal also noted thatthecricketteamsduring the last 12 months had successfully completed a total of 54 personal development programmes under a wide range of subheadings including coaching,education,charity, say no say yes, award and committee development Other programmes undertaken by the team are cricket Academy, grade 6 summer camp, tribute to fireman,,tributetolaw
Barbados Royals conquered Trinbago Knight Riders by four wickets in the final of the 2024 Massy Women’s Caribbean Premier League.
CPL - Barbados Royals conquered Trinbago Knight Ridersbyfourwicketsinthe final of the 2024 Massy Women’s Caribbean Premier League (WCPL) at the Brian Lara Cricket Academy in Tarouba, Trinidad.
Soon to be crowned Player of the Tournament, Hayley Matthews, won the toss and chose to insert the opposition and the Royals captainherself struck a vital blow early on, bowling the dangerous Deandra Dottin forjustsixrunswithalovely ball that zipped off the wicket and onto the stumps.
Chinelle Henry then held a smartreturncatchtodismiss JemimahRodrigues,leaving theKnightRidersstruggling on10/2insidethreeovers.
Jannillea Glasgow and Shikha Pandey steadied the ship,facing31ballseachfor 24 and 28 runs respectively
but the Knight Riders fell from 53-3 in the eleventh overto75-8inthe17th.
A struggle to find the boundary was a theme throughout the Knight Riders’ innings, they managed just two sixes and six fours in their twenty overs in contrast to the Royals who peppered the advertising hoardings 13 timesinfivelessovers.
The Knight Riders’total of 93-8 never looked like being enough to prevent the Royals scooping a second consecutive WCPLtitle and soitproved.
ChamariAthapaththuset about the lowly target with relish, hitting a flurry of earlyboundariestobreakthe backofthechase.Beforethe game the Sri Lankan allrounder had spoken of how much she enjoys playing in thetournament.
“I have played in every
leaguearoundtheworld,but Ilovethiscompetition.Itisa different atmosphere. The players, support staff and everything is different comparedtoothercountries. The players have a different vibeinthedressingroom.”
Earlier in the afternoon, AaliyahAlleynestarredwith the ball in hand for the Royals,therightarmseamer bowling an accurate line, exerting pressure and forcingsomerashshots.She ended with figures of 4/21 off her four overs and threw in some entertaining and well-choreographed dance moves upon picking up her wickets.ItwastobeaPlayer oftheMatchperformance.
Pandey bowled fast in search of early wickets for theKnightriders,beatingthe bat without success Nevertheless, the Royals motored to 48-0 in the PowerPlay
The reigning champions did then lose some momentumaswicketsbegan to fall in clusters. Ramnath snared the big wicket of Hayley Matthews (13) with the first ball of the seventh over, a lofted back foot punch flying too close to Dottinatbackwardpoint,the fielderleapingtoherleftand clinging on to a smart chance.
Qiana Joseph landed some lusty blows before beingcaughtonthelongoff boundary in spectacular sliding fashion by Shamilia Connell.Alleynewascaught in a similar yet simpler vein by Connell, the batter going for the lofted six down the ground but not quite middling it enough to clear thefielder
Williams and Henry fell cheaply as some jitters seemedtoseepintothe
S p o r t s M a x - A boundaryblitzinginningsby Quinton de Kock saw Barbados Royals inflict a nine-wicket win over Antigua&BarbudaFalcons in the fourth match of Republic Bank Caribbean PremierLeague(CPL)atthe Sir Vivian Richards Cricket Stadium in North Sound, Antiguayesterday
The Falcons were inserted under blue skies but struggled with the bat in the face of tight
bowling, losing two
wickets inside the Powerplay and two quick
w i c k e t s s t r a i g h t afterwar
-4 and struggling to make a competitivetotal.
After scoring an unbeaten 50 in the Falcons’ first match of the campaign against St Kitts & Nevis Patriots, 17-year-o
d Jewel Andrew starred once a g a i n w i t h a counterattacking48off35 balls including three fours and two sixes to help the Falcons post 145-9 as they looked for their first win of thetournament.
A n e m p h a t i c Powerplay from de Kock
and fellow opener Rahkeem Cornwall took a sizeable chunk out of the target, the Royals rollocking to 76 runs without the loss of a wicketinthefirstsixovers.
De Kock batted
through the innings,
finding more fluency and increasingly audacious shots in his locker as the innings progressed He finished the match in some style by driving MohammadAmiroverextra cover for four and then depositing the Pakistani quick bowler back over his head for six to finish unbeaten on 87 of just 45 balls and wrap up a swaggering victory for the Royalsintheirfirstmatchof the2024campaign.
The Royals looked good with both bat and ball and they also pulled off some fine catches and showcased tight groundfielding to further restrict thePatriots
Jason Holder’s death bowling was impressive, he sent down 12 dots in his four overs and picked up two wickets for 21 runs Spin bowlers T h e e k s h a n a a n d Wellalage also clipped theFalcons’wings.
It was de Kock who bagged the Player of the Matchaward.
Royals captain Rovman Powell explained after the game that the youngsters in the team are always picking the South African southpaw’s batting brains and he was pleased with his side’sfirstouting.
“The guys looked sharp and ready in the first game, which doesn’t always happen. It’s great. Once we have Quinny in our team, it getsbetter.”
Georgetown - Eon De Veira, a dedicated goalkeeper coach, is now equipped with the skills
necessary to nurture
Guyana’s upcoming goalkeepers after recently completing the FIFA Elite Youth Goalkeeper Coaches WorkshopinTobago.
T h e i n t e n s i v e programme, which ran from August 21 to 25, 2024, was designed to boost the skills ofyouthgoalkeepercoaches from across the region, and DeVeirawasamongaselect group of coaches who gathered to learn the latest techniques in coaching young goalkeepers a crucialroleindevelopingthe future stars of Caribbean football.
The workshop, held as part of the Under-14 Caribbean Football Union (CFU) Challenge Series, was a collaborative effort between the CFU, FIFA, Concacaf, and the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association(TTFA).
It focused on modern
coaching techniques,
advanced training
methodologies, and performance analysis, all designed to equip coaches
with the tools necessary to develop elite youth goalkeepers. De Veira, who has over five years of experience working with young goalkeepers, was one of the selected participants from v a r i o u s m e m b e r associations across the Caribbean. Speaking on the impact of the program, De Veira remarked, “It was a good experience, the Elite Youth Goalkeeper Coach
Eon De Veira (2nd right) kneeling and others that attended the course.
Programme enhanced my competenceinimpartingand bringing the youth goalkeepercoachestoalevel where they can work with youth goalkeepers and enhance the players’ competence.”
He added, “By having more goalkeeper coaches working at a higher level, it would raise the level of goalkeepers and also increase the number of goalkeepers.”
Guyana Captain Jonathan Van Lange hadagreatmatchwithbatandball,enough to send Windward Islands packing by 3runs in yesterday’s low-scoring encounter atGilbertPark,California.
Guyana were kept to 99 runs batting first, with Van Lange (24) and Adrian Hetmyer (18) finishing as the primary scorers.
BowlingfortheWindwardswasledby Edmund Morancie (3-18), Earshino Fontaine (2-16) and Jelani Joseph (2-5), whodidwelltokeeptheirrivalsunder100 runs.
OpenerandCaptainTheoEdward(21), LluvioCharles(12)andKhanElcock(13) and Morancie (13) kept Windwards in the huntbutwerekeptto96-9in20overs,after theweatherforcedareduction.
Medium-pacerVanLangefinishedoffa greatgame,pickingup3-18whileleft-arm spinner Golcharran Chulai (2-15) helped capoffanintense,butmuch-neededwinby 3-runs.
Action continues today with Guyana playingLeewardIslands.
Jonathan Van Lange had a great match with bat and ball
The workshop also emphasized the importance of a student-centred approach to learning, with a focus on teaching methods
that resonate with younger athletes. As local football continues to grow, having coaches like De Veira with advanced training is key to
ensuringthatyoung G
receive the guidance they need to reach their full potential.