Kaieteur News

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First Day to School

Three-year-old Thalia Parris, granddaughter of Region Seven Chairman, Kenneth Williams makes her grand entrance to the Two Miles Early Childhood Pre-school in Bartica on Monday

Pres. Ali, opposition differ on parliamentary oversight

In his address at the continue to incorporate in


o f t h e representation of the Caribbean, the Americas, opposition and civil society and the Atlantic Region of onstatutorybodies.” t

e C o m m o n w e


The President asserted Parliamentary Association that parliaments must act as on Monday, President Irfaan guardians of citizens’ rights; A

ensuringlawsareenforcedin importance of parliamentary ways that uphold dignity, oversight and the role of the freedom, and the rule of law opposition in maintaining a He stressed the need for healthydemocracy

institutions to maintain

constitutional mechanisms transparency, underscoring designed to ensure the parliamentary opposition

opposition’s involvement in Wi

oversight bodies within the Assembly, there are a adversarial, should not

number of oversight bodies exclude the opposition from

in the opposition… within playingameaningfulrole. Accounts Committee (PAC) the National Assembly, However, PresidentAli’s

emphasis on parliamentary committees that incorporate Assembly, there are a oversight comes against the contributions across the number of oversight bodies

politicalaisle. in which the opposition is

“In Guyana, we have represented,”Alisaid. opposition regarding the crafted mechanisms within He added, “the Public government’s commitment our constitution to ensure a Accounts Committee is tothisveryprinciple.

chaired by the opposition. Govt.’s absence We utilise the mechanism of from PAC Meetings select committees to achieve Back in April, it was greater consensus on reported that the constant legislation. We have sectoral absence of government committees that allow for members at the duly contribution from across the constitutedmeetingofthe political aisle and we (Continued on page 19)

President Irfaan Ali

Guyana in the dark on how much oil is being deducted by Exxon for its operations

- Int’l lawyer says matter is of serious concern

Govt. addressing labour mismatch as economy expands - mid-year report

G i v e n t h e r a p i d quality of service delivery

economy and related across both public and

T h e P e t r o l e u m required by it therefor and virtual discussion titled each one of them can take as Agreement between the the quantities so used or lost ‘Guyana’s oil- boom or much oil as they say they Government of Guyana shall be excluded from any blowout?’ was widely needfortheiroperations.” (GoG) and United States oil calculations of Cost Oil attended by close to 100 In 2021, Janki said she major,ExxonMobilprovides and/or Cost Gas and Profit participants from different wrote to President Irfaan Ali for the operator of the Oil and/or Profit Gas countries. requesting information on Stabroek Block to use as entitlement.” In her presentation, the how much oil was being much oil as it needs during Be that as it may, the Lawyer pointed out, “The deducted by the companies; profit oil, so if you think of purpose of carrying on theoffshoreoperations. country does not know what Petroleum Agreement says however, she never received the oil, you have got three petroleum operations, Article 11 9 of the quantity of oil is being taken that Exxon, Hess and aresponse. things-one,thefreeoilthat’s including drilling and Agreement states: “The out by Exxon to run its CNOOC can take as much She said, “Either he taken off the top, we don’t production operations and Contractor shall have the operations. Flagging this oil as they need for the doesn’t know or he doesn’t knowhowmuchthatisandit pumpingtofieldstorage.” right to use in any issue was International operations. So when they want to say, but this oil does doesn’t count and then the Data on the Ministry of Petroleum Operations as Award-winning Lawyer, produce the oil, they can notgetcounted,it’sjustgone rest of the oil which is N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e s much of the production as Melinda Janki during a take, each one of them, and the rest of the oil is divided into something Petroleum Management may reasonably be webinar on Sunday The Exxon, Hess and CNOOC, divided into cost oil and calledcostoilandprofitoil.” Programmedoesnotindicate It should be noted that how much oil is taken out by ExxonMobil Guyana Exxonforitsoperations.The Limited (EMGL), as the website however publishes operator of the Stabroek informationontheamountof Block is required to submit a oil produced daily by the quarterly production company and provides an statement to the government overview of gas injected, of Guyana, outlining among flared and used for fuel.This other things the gross therefore raises questions quantity of crude oil or about the publishing of natural gas produced as well selective information by the asthe“quantitiesusedforthe government.

Manufacturing and Services

l a s t y e a r i n t h e expansion of Guyana’s and productive capacity

Industry, there is a reported structural changes, there has private sector However, massive skill and labour been a risk of labour government said to tackle shortage in Guyana that mismatch and shortages of this issue manpower studies hinders the growth of specific areas of expertise, are being undertaken to industries and limits the the government has address sector-specific country’s overall economic acknowledged in its mid- manpower requirements potential. year report, released last Also the administration said

In the report he week. several sectors have already

Minister of Labour

reiterated, “In an effort to Labour mismatch is actedtoexpandskillsets. remedy this challenge, we when the educational level Minister of Labour, met with representatives of of job-seekers does not Joseph Hamilton during an the University of the West correspond with the profiles interview with this Indies, Cave Hill School of sought on the labour market. publicationdisclosedthathis Business and Management Government in the report ministry has conducted hospitality industries as well to discuss training needs in stated that the potential risk s e v e r a l t r a i n i n g as the oil and gas sector the manufacturing sector.” of this issue can delay the programmes, churning out Additionally, according to Tothisendhenotedthat“we implementation of critical persons to work in the the report in terms of the agreed that research is first projects and impact on the construction, hotel and delivery of healthcare, the needed to identify the government has expanded specific skills and training cohorts as well as knowledge gaps within expanding engagement with industries. By conducting multiple bilateral partners to this research, targeted secure additional specialists training programmes will be in various medical fields As developed to equip such, 140 nurses were i

secured to support the necessary skills to fill the country’shealthcaredelivery labourshortage.”

“In the sugar industry 12 According to Ramsay, Cuban specialists have been “This will not only benefit hired to provide expertise in the manufacturing sector but areas of cane production and also other industries in factory engineering and Guyana He posited another 9 Cuban engineers a d d i t i o n a l l y , t h e are supporting the National collaboration with the Drainage and Irritation UniversityoftheWestIndies Authority with civil works will ensure that the training i m p l e m e n t a t i o n programmes are of high supervision,” the report quality and align with stated. international standards

Kaieteur News reported After the meeting, a on April 22, 2024 that the M e m o r a n d u m o f President of the Guyana Understanding was signed Manufacturing and Services bytheUniversityoftheWest Association (GMSA) Indies Cave Hill School and Ramsay Ali, in his annual GMSA, solidifying our reportstatedthatdespitea25 commitment to addressing percent increase in business thesegaps.

Over 64,000 screened for cervical cancer in first half of 2024

In an effort to expand preventative healthcare, the Ministry of Health has screened over 64,000 persons for non-communicablediseasesinthefirsthalfoftheyear

This was revealed in the Ministry of Finance’s half year report.Accordingtothereport,theMinistryofHealthiswell on its way to reaching the 2024 target of 70,000 screenings administeredtoallowfordiagnosis,treatmentandfollow-up care.

In addition, to the screening the Ministry revealed that the government progressed the “Guyana Moves” campaign with the launch of a Guyanese nutritional recipe book comprisingof60mealsforhealthyliving.

Distribution of the recipe book is expected in the second half of this year, along with the promotion of healthy life practices through partnership with a local training group, including physical activity programmes and a cardiovascularhealthawarenesscampaignandexpo.

To further monitor patients’ health and lifestyle, the Diabetes Comprehensive Centre at Lusignan has piloted the VellApp at 14 health facilities which is expected to benefit 500patientsinitsfirstphaseandwillbeusedbydoctorswho can then digitally transmit the data back to the Diabetic Centreformedicalevaluation.

Additionally in the first half of the year, the Ministry of Health launched its national plan of action for the elimination of cervical cancer by 2030, with a target to screen over 211,000 women between the ages of 21-60 years.

The programme was launched on June 21 and aims to reach 10,581 persons by the end 2024 through mass distributiontothosemeetingtheagecriteria.

The HEARTS Protocol has been implemented at health facilities across all regions reaching over 5,000 patients and istobeimplementedinallprimarycarefacilitiesbythe (Continued on page 17)

International Lawyer, Melinda Janki


PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



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New school year, same old problems

Yesterday the new school year commenced amid lingering concerns over the poor conditions of some of the schools, the 10 % salary package imposed on teachers, swelteringheatintheclassroomsthatarenotequippedwith fansorairconditioningandthehorrendoustrafficsituation madeworsebytheadhocconstructionofbridgesandroads alongtheEastCoastDemeraraandotherplaces.

The education minister as usual was out taking selfies with some of the students and the general feeling of excitement was in the air as children return to school after several months out of the classroom. Regarding the traffic situation,togettotheclassroomhasnowbeenreducedtoa masterpiece of inaction, given the abundance of vehicles, and relative scarcity of alternative roads. The alarming reality of Guyana’s roads, with an eye on Georgetown and the East Bank and East Coast distils to this: more haste meansmoreintervalsofnonmovement. Toomanycarsand commuters and too much congestion make for a difficult beginningtoeachschoolday

Thenthereistheheat,whichourchildrenhavetoendure. Only last week the Hydrometeorological Service of the Ministry of Agriculture predicted above-normal temperatures across Guyana from September to November 2024. This period, traditionally the warmest months of the year, particularly in September and October, is expected to experience even higher-than-average temperatures, raising concerns for public health, agriculture, and livestock. The Hydrometeorological Service warns that the increased likelihood of extreme heat and heat wave days could significantly impact vulnerable groups, including the elderly, children, and those with pre-existing health conditions.The heat in Guyana has always been heavy, for thisistheTropics,butnotthisheavy.

The complaints and laments are numerous, and have a common characteristic: young citizens and older ones pushed to the brink. When the tightness of traffic and the torridnessoftheconsumingheatarejoined,theyleadtothe worst beginning imaginable for each daily trek. From the roads there is roasting, which leaves all wringing wet and weakened.Thisistheworstphysicalstatetobeginaschool day for both the ones being taught, and those doing the teaching.Withaneyetotheprogressoftheclock,andthearc of the sun, classrooms have transformed into living hells. Classrooms have become virtual furnaces, and extremely challenging spaces for teaching. There is more than an educational concern as to the thorough and satisfactory deliveryofthecurriculum.Forthereisnowwhatamountsto apossiblehealthconcern.Youngchildrenaredistractedby theheat,andpregnantteacherscouldbeputtingthemselves at risk, while older teachers are drained early of their energies. Thepointisthatinthelearningenvironment,all struggle, as they collide with the unrelenting heat in the classroom.Fanshelptoalimitedextent,buttheoverheated air is simply recirculated. Air conditioning would be an insurmountablyexpensiveconsiderationallatoneshot,but could be done in phases. Undoubtedly, this introduces energy bills into operating costs. The construction of new school buildings re: where they are located, how they are builtandpowered,couldallmakeadifference. Meanwhile, the school apparatus swelters and shrinks, while learning plodsforward.

Outside of the heat and traffic and the poor physical conditions of some of the classrooms, the new school term also put the spotlight on the thousands of children who would be leaving school, having just received their CSEC andCAPEresultstoentertheworldofwork.Thesearethe people who are going to be pounding the streets and knocking on the doors of the various office doors with the hope of gaining employment. Many would have the basic qualifications to work but because of the nature of many placesofemploy,therewouldsimplybenovacancies. Intheprivatesectorthereistheconsciousdecisiontocut

Mayor Mentore’s failure to address monies owed on Congress Place property

DEAREDITOR, I wish to once again demystify some misleading contentsharedbytheMayor of Georgetown, Mr Alfred Mentore, and published by Stabroek News on September 2, 2024 - The 25% institutional rate discussed and approved by the Georgetown City Council has nothing to do witharrears.

In a letter responding to myself and Councillor De Armas, His Worship the Mayor,Alfred Mentore, has inadvertently raised a number of issues and questions that should be posedtohim:

1. Why has he failed to address the monies owed to City Hall by Congress Place?

2.Whydidhenotinform the current Council that the policy had already been approvedyearsago?

3 If the policy was approved and gazetted, why wasitnotimplementedinits entiretybutwasre-tabledfor approvalonceagain?

4. Where in this new policy suggests institutional

rate for non-governmental organizations(NGOs)?

In typical Alfred Mentore fashion, he shifts blame without confronting oraddressingthecoreissues. In my letter published on August 31st in the Stabroek News, I did not mention a reduction in arrears, but ratherwhatis“owed,”which includes both demand and arrears.

Hence, my subject line stated, “Georgetown Chief Citizen Needs to Provide Answers,” as reported in all other news outlets, although this was altered by Stabroek News.

Citizens should know that the institutional rate policy is not a new concept; it is applied to institutions acrossthecountry,guidedby Section214oftheMunicipal and District Councils Act, which speaks to the Council’s ability to exempt rateseitherwhollyorinpart forhospitalsorpublichealth institutions, properties used for the purposes of open-air games or athletic sports occupied by a club, and properties used for the

advancement of religion, education, and social welfare.

However, the inclusion of political parties is something that was recently created by His Worship under the pretext of Section 214ofChapter28:01.

It should be made clear thatPPP/CCouncillorsonly speaktofactsandcanalways provide evidence to support anyclaimsmade.

Our only method of bringing unjust, shameful, hypocritical, and selfcentered policies or decisions to light is through the media, as we are often trampled on by being outvoted when we disagree with a particular policy or decision.

If this is considered ‘grandstanding,’ we will continue to update the citizens about any shameful decisions passed or approvedbythemajority The citizens of Georgetownareawareofthe substantialamountsowedto government institutions by M&CC, including GRA, GWI, and GPL As I

mentioned before, PAYE is typicallydeductedfromstaff salariesbutisnotremittedto GRA, thus constituting a criminal act. Furthermore, thefiscaltransferactthatMr Mentore referenced is not applicabletoM&CCduetoa failure to comply with the mostbasicrequirements.

While I understand the short-sightedthinkingofHis Worship, it must be noted that incentives, tax breaks, and other mechanisms drive economic growth by encouraging private sector development, which in turn provides more job opportunities for our citizens. This principle is quite straightforward, Mr Mayor As PPP/C Councillors, we remain open to any dialogue that is peoplecentered, developmentoriented, and solutionbased, all in the interest of addressing the needs of the citizensofGeorgetown.


Mr.StevenJacobs Councillor – Mayor and Councillors of the City of Georgetown

Prioritizing Reading



, As per the news, International Literacy Day willbeobservedgloballyon September8.

Thisis the day set aside annually by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to focus attention on the importance of literacy, both for individual and for national development. It must not be glossed over, and in Guyana, it is rightly being addressed and capitalisedupon. In this regard, the

Stewartville/Cornelia Ida (CI)NationalLibrary,thatis housed on the lower flat of the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) building,ishopingtohostan in-house reading event to celebrate the said International Literacy Day It is indeed a commendable gesture.

This Stewartville/CI National Library comes under the Ministry of Education and is actually headquartered in the city at the well-known National Library. It is a communitybased facility that is being

back on employment because the economic turnover is simply not adequate enough for these companies to keep hiring people. And a few businessmen have been quite forthright in stating that some of the people seeking employment are simply not qualified to hold down certain positions.

Of course, there are the teaching and nursing positions. Many of these job seekers may gravitate to the Education Ministry Oneplacethatwouldreadilyacceptsomeofthem is the Guyana Police Force, but parents are somewhat reluctant to have their children become professional law enforcers. They cite the threat of violence and the low pay whichisadisincentive.

Somethingneedstobedonefortheschoolleavers.Ifthey fail to gain employment, many could easily become ready recruitsforthedrugdealers.Thedrugdealerscaneasilyoffer thekindofmoneythatwouldattractanyunemployedyouth. Itwashopedthatthenewschoolyearwouldhaveusheredin newbeginnings,butfromthelookofthingsitwasthesame old.

utilised by locals. Now, all and sundry should pay attention. Why? Because of the necessity of reading, for without the ability to read, too much will be lost However, still far too many don’t understand just how important student literacy and reading are to student development, starting at a veryyoungage.

TheAmericanPediatrics Association reports that reading, when young, even infantsbeingreadtobytheir parents, increases academic success down the road. It is sad indeed that even today, many children enter kindergarten without the skills needed to read well. Therefore, it is crucial that educators help students bridgethatskillsgap.

This year, International Literacy Day will focus on Literacy teaching and learning in the COVID-19 crisis and beyond, and the emphasiswillbeontherole of educators and changing teaching practices As it stands, about 773 million adults and 250 million children still struggle with basic reading and writing skills. The theme of 2024 is “Promoting Multilingual Education: Literacy for

Mutual Understanding and Peace,”focusingonlearning indifferentlanguages.

Well, this is where I am soelated,asGuyanaisafew jumps ahead. Indeed , it is sad that many of the Indigenous languages in the world are at risk of dying out. Guyana is, however, fortunate in that it still has nine Indigenous languages. The Ministry of Education hasforsometimenowbeen making efforts to promote the teaching of Wapishana children in their own language at the primary level, with the aim of improvingliteracylevels.

I recall that the Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, detailed that thereareplanstoexpandthe teaching of the Wapichan language in several communities in the South Rupununi.

Her goal is to seek to bridge the language gap to enablehinterlandchildrento learn in their native languages Among the several plans was the training of teachers in several of the communities to deliver the ministry’s curriculum in the native tongue.Onthegeneralscale, IknowthattheMinistryof


Time to leave the past behind and look to the future


ThehistoryofGuyanais a testament to the resilience and vision of its early political leaders, whose contributions helped shape the nation into what it is today

FiguressuchasPresident Forbes Burnham and PresidentCheddiJagan,who played pivotal roles in the nation’s journey to independence, laid the groundwork for Guyana’s political and economic structures While these leaders, along with their successors, have left indeliblemarksonGuyana’s political landscape, which was integral to the nation’s formation, the continuous references to their contributions, twenty, thirty, and even forty years after their tenure, reflect a deeper issue within Guyana’s politicaldiscourse.

As the world around us rapidly changes, it is imperative that Guyana’s politics focus less on the achievementsofthepastand more on addressing the pressing concerns of the presentandfuture.Thisshift in focus is especially important for the nation’s youth,whoseprioritiesliein the opportunities and challenges of today, rather than the historical legacies ofpastleaders.

President Forbes Burnham and President CheddiJaganwillforeverbe two giants, towering figures inGuyana’spoliticalhistory Burnham,astheleaderofthe People’s National Congress (PNC), was instrumental in securing independence for Guyana and later led the country as Prime Minister

andthenasitsfirstExecutive President. His policies of nationalization and selfreliance were central to Guyana’s early postindependence development.

President Jagan, the cofounder and leader of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP),wasafierceadvocate for the working class and championed socialist policies aimed at uplifting the marginalised His eventual rise to the presidencyin1992markeda return to what is termed “democratic governance” and a “new era” for the nation.

While the contributions of these leaders are undeniable, their time has passed. The political and economic realities of their era were vastly different fromthoseoftoday Yet,and sadly so, in 2024, Guyana’s political discourse remains heavily influenced by their legacies This constant referencetothepastbysome senior and neophyte present day politicians, while understandable from a historical perspective, can hinderthenation’sabilityto addressthechallengesofthe present and prepare us for thefuture.

It is important to note that one of the most significant indicators of the need for a shift in political focus is the changing priorities of our Guyanese youth. The majority of our young people between the ages of twenty and forty are not as invested/interested in thepoliticalpastasprevious generations.

Their concerns are more immediate and pragmatic, they want good-paying jobs

thatallowthemthefinancial freedom to own their own homes, travel, and enjoy leisure activities They desire security in their surroundings and outings, the freedom to socialize in restaurants, bars, and clubs, and the ability to drive their own cars without fear for their safety They Guyanese youth are more interested in howwilltheygettheirshare ofournewfoundwealth.

These aspirations reflect the desires of a generation that is more concerned with the quality of life than with political ideologies of the past.

That’s right, this young politicalleaderhassaidwhat needs to be said, knowing my elders are likely to disagree,butthatisfine,buy that is the truth of the youth anditspeaksforitself.

In the developed world, particularlyincountrieslike the United States, political discourseduringelectionsis focused primarily on the future. Candidates for the presidency rarely reference past leaders like Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H W Bush, Bill Clinton, or Barack Obama. Instead,thefocusisonwhat they will do to address the current and future needs of their nation. This futureorientedapproachallowsfor a more dynamic political e n v i r o n m e n t t h a t encourages innovation and adaptabilityinresponseto



Secondary School is

indicative of a larger problem

DEAREDITOR, The Ministry of

Education was kind enough tosharewiththepublicviaa Facebook post that the Carmel Secondary School’s laboratory was ready There is definitely a lot of excitement to get these projects completed as quickly as possible so the studentsmaytakeadvantage ofthenewfacilitiesthatwill enhance their learning e x p e r i e n c e C R G congratulatestheMinistryof Education on their pursuit for higher achievement within the education sector Wealsowishthestudentsin the country all the best as theypursuetheirstudies.

Althoughwearemaking strides in improving the opportunities for our Nation’s children, there should also be progress in ensuring that our students are guaranteed a safe environment in which to pursue their dreams

Unfortunately, the new laboratory has low ceilings, lacks a sprinkler system to suppressfiresandhasgrilled windows.Theremayormay not be a fire extinguisher in the laboratory as none was evident in the photo which showedalargeportionofthe laboratory including the front where the teacher would be and would need easy access to a fire extinguisher in case of an emergency

The discouraging part of

the announcement is that it brings back memories of both the Mahdia dorm fire and the Christ Church Secondary School fire. The laboratory materials caused the fire at Christ Church Secondary School and the grillwork prevented those innocent children from surviving the dormitory fire in Mahdia The picture shared of the completed Carmel Secondary School laboratory is one that illustratesthedireandurgent needs at our schools across the country CRG urges the Guyana Fire Service to inspect every school, especially those that have been renovated or newly built,toensuretheymeetthe


Placing a security guard oroffdutypoliceofficer,and security cameras at the schools should suffice to prevent robberies if the GuyanaPoliceForceistruly engaged and committed to protecting our students Furthermore,theinstallation ofasprinklersystemandfire extinguishers should be mandatory at every school laboratory Guyana needs true transformation from a thirdworldcountrytoafirst world nation instead of an upgrade from a poor third world nation to a rich third world nation The government must adjust its perspectiveandlookbeyond


CarmelSecondarySchoolisindicative... Integrating One Guyana


w h a t w a s d o n e elsewhere in the w o r l d

t o r e ach to where they are today, and focus on what is being done by l

preparation for the next generation This will lead them to a l s

m a ble building

materials in high-risk buildings

The last thing we need is another tragedy!

With utmost concern, Mr Jamil Changlee

Time to leave the past behind...


the rapidly changing local andglobalrealities.

Guyana is in the best position it has ever been, both economically and geopolitically

Thediscoveryofvastoil reserveshastransformedthe

country’s economic outlook, positioning it as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world

This newfound wealth presents unprecedented o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r development, including i m p r o v e m e n t s i n infrastructure, education, healthcare, and social services.

However, the effective

management of these resources requires forwardthinking leadership on both sides of the political divide, thatisfocusedonthefuture.

Planning for economic diversification beyond oil, e n v

r o n

n t a l sustainability of our forest, minednaturalresources,and social equity are all critical issues that must be addressed if Guyana is to achiev

m prosperity

Thesechallengesrequire NEW ideas, vision and innovative policies that are tailored to the realities of today’sglobaleconomy

The politics of the past,

historical understanding, offer little in the way of solutions for these modern anddaytodaychallenges.

The future of Guyana depends on its ability to

centric politics, divisive rhetoric, racism from both sides of the political divide and embrace the


One that ensures that ALL of our citizens benefit fromournationalpatrimony in an equitable manner, soonerratherthanlater Forward ever backward never


DEAREDITOR, Lockedinconflictforsix decades,Guyanaisacountry like a bear caught in a trap and can only eat away its trapped foot in a desperate attempt to free itself. Even though at last our leaders

c o n c e d e p o s s i b l e incommensurable clashing values in our culturally plural society, they refuse to

consider forms of

governance such as federalism to head off conflictwhileyetintegrating our society “Federalism” seemstoinvokepartitioning Guyana while it is simply another way of integrating a

country with “deep divisions”-firstexploredby theUS.

All forms of human organisationareundergirded by ideology or philosophy about how human societies can and ought be organized. Federalism is not just any formofgovernment: “Inits mostgeneralandcommonly conceived for, federalism can be considered as an ideology which holds that the ideal organisation of human affairs is best reflected in the celebration of diversity through unity.”

Our liberal democratic governance structure a s s u m e s a m o r e homogenoussocietythanwe are,while“executiveshared governance” leads to immobilism in decision making.

Federalism,then,hasits particular perspective on governance, to achieve stability with justice in

pursuit of the good life - the objectives of most human communities.

Federalists are sensitive to the Kantian caution that “ought” implies “can”, so that an understanding of the empirical conditions of the society under consideration is an absolute prerequisite, since each society will have its own idiosyncratic enabling or retarding institutionsandstructures.

S u b s t a n t i v e l y, Federalism is centred on the values of liberty and freedom and seeks to give life to those democratic valuesbyintegratingdiverse groups within societies through accommodation, and not obliteration, of their differences In the postmodern, post-colonial world, there is not only an acceptance,butacelebration ofdiversities.Asfarbackas the middle of the last century, the staid British expert KC Wheare pronounced: “one of the most urgent problems in the world today is to preserve diversities…and at the same time, to introduce such a measure of uniformity as will prevent clashes and facilitate cooperation Federalism is one way of reconcilingthesetwoends.”

Federalism thus seeks to achieve and maintain unity and diversity: it addresses the innate need of people (and politics) to unite for common goals and yet to remainseparateandpreserve their respective integrities.

Federalism means

organizing our society around the principle of freedom and autonomy rather than through the calculus of bureaucratic efficiency Tothosewhomay complain that federalism may introduce unnecessary levels of bureaucracy, studies in cybernetics show that a certain amount of redundancy is necessary for optimum transmission of information etc. From this perspective, federalism demands quantum changes in our conceptions about means and ends in politics. Federalismkeepsinfocusat all times this concern about means and ends and insists thatwecannotintendtohave people live in democracy andfreedom,whileutilizing institutions that stifle and restrict the liberty of the people.

In general there is an inevitable lag between the institutions honed during times of more restrictive conceptions of human freedom and the more expansive ones prevalent today In Guyana, federalist principles would have to infuse the new political culture to give life to the values of democracy, while institutional changes would havetonurtureandinculcate these new values at the personal, social and ideological levels Federalism deals directly with the fact of pluralism in thepost-modernworld.

Whiletherewillbemany expressionsofdiversity, (Continuedonpage09)

Duo jailed for stealing over $26M in valuables from businessman, others

A 27-year-old bus driver and 30-year-old vendor on Friday were sentenced to three years and four months imprisonment each, when they appeared at the Suddie Magistrate’s Court to answer to a charge of break-and-enter and larceny committed betweenAugust 24, andAugust, 25, 2024.

Safraz Oullah called ‘Antsman’and Joel Christopher Li were charged jointly with the offence that states they stole a quantity of jewellery, United States (US) currency, a watch andGuyanacurrencytotaling$26,565,000,propertyofa30year-old businessman, his father and mother, of Three Friends,EssequiboCoast.

Oullah and Christopher Li, appeared before Magistrate Tamieka Clarke and pleaded guilty to the charge, and were sentencedtothreeyearsandfourmonthseach.

Sentenced 18 months in prison for simple larceny charge : Akeem Maddison

Man jailed for stealing bike from co-worker’ - tells magistrate someone has now stolen the bike from him

A 25-year-old labourer was on Friday last charged for allegedlystealingamotorcyclefromhisco-worker

Akeem Maddison appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer a simple larceny The alleged theft happened onAugust 18, 2024 at Middle Road Mcdoom East Bank Demerara where the accused, Maddison of North Ruimveldt is alleged to have stolen the motorcycle valued $340,000 belonging to Christopher Joseph Maddison appeared before Magistrate Shivani Lalaram who read the chargetohimofwhichwhichhepleadedguilty

According to the police statements presented in court, on August 18 at around 19:00hrs Joseph secured his motorcycle andretiredtobed.

Moments later Maddison allegedly jumped Jospeh’s fence, took the motorcycle with the keys and rode away The matter was reported and an investigation was launched. Subsequently Maddison was arrested, told of the allegation and was cautioned. Under caution, Maddison told police, “OfficerIdidrunawaywithhis[Joseph]motorcycle”Assuch hewaschargedwiththeoffence.

During the court proceedings, Maddison, who was unrepresented, claimed the motorcycle was no longer in his possession. When asked about its whereabouts, he stated, “Somebody thief the bike from me.” As a result, Maddison wassentencedto18monthsimprisonment.

Jagdeo is being inconsistent

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeohaslongmasteredthe

a r t o f d o d g i n g uncomfortable issues with a smirk His recent p


ast Wednesday’s press conference, where he dismissed the need for a feasibility study for the proposed high-span bridge across the Berbice River, was yet another display of hissignatureflippancy

In Jagdeo’s world, the feasibility of a new bridge across the Berbice River is apparentlyasself-evidentas theskybeingblue—noneed forstudies,consultations,or evidence This casual disregardisastroublingasit is telling What Jagdeo strategically chose to ignore is that the very Berbice River already hosts a floating bridge. It was he who built it. This existing structure is not only in excellent condition but is also well-maintained Despite these factors, the trafficflowacrossthebridge was found to be insufficient to meet its financial obligations, leading to a

proposed tariff increase and subsequent APNU+AFC governmentintervention. If the existing bridge struggles to sustain itself, what logic underpins the constructionofanewone?If a floating bridge cannot attractthenecessaryvolume of traffic to be viable, what makes a far costlier highspan bridge a better idea?

WilltheeconomyofBerbice be able to justify another bridge,thistimeahigh-span structure. If, as reported in the media, the government plans to pay the owners for the bridge – a mysterious decisioninitself–whybuild anewbridge?

One would think that these questions are both reasonable and essential

A n y r e s p o n s i b l

plunging headfirst into another costly endeavour, would conduct a feasibility study to examine not only the need for the bridge but the broader implications of such a project. The need for infrastructure does not automatically translate to feasibility The dreams of a

populace—for instance, for a state-of-the-art light rail system—must be tempered by the hard realities of economic and practical limitations.To ignore this is not just negligent; it is a disservice.

Afeasibility study is not merely an exercise in calculatingreturnsonequity and ability to repay creditors.Itisanexploration of the myriad factors that contribute to the success or failure of a project It considers economic, social, andenvironmentalcostsand benefits, determining whether these justify the endeavour It evaluates the optimaltypeofstructure,the best design for maximizing benefits, and the most strategic location. It delves intotechnicalspecifications, cost estimates, and risk assessments In short, a feasibility study provides a comprehensive blueprint, a guide to ensure that public funds are not squandered on bridgestonowhere.

Yet,Jagdeo’sresponseto these concerns was dismissive.Hisnonchalance

Integrating One Guyana...


wasallthemoreironicgiven that, in the same press conference, he flaunted a voluminousfeasibilitystudy for the existing floating bridge across the Berbice River,usingittohighlightits thoroughness in contrast to the feasibility study for the high-span bridge across the Demerara River which was proposed by the former government.

This contradictory stance displaying reverence for one study while belittling the need for another—exposes a glaring inconsistency Jagdeo’s casual dismissal of the necessity for a feasibility study for the new Berbice Bridge also contradicts his own previously stated positions.

Back in 2017, Jagdeo, then the Leader of the Opposition,wasvocalabout theimportanceoffeasibility studies Speaking at a meeting in Adelphi Village, East Canje, he emphasized thataproperfeasibilitystudy intothesugarindustrywould yield a different result from the then government’s

narrative Again, in the NationalAssembly in 2018, Jagdeo criticized the then government for announcing a new model for the Demerara Harbour Bridge without conducting a feasibility study on that model. His arguments then were steeped in logic and responsibility traits that seem to have conveniently vanishedinhiscurrentrole.

It is one thing for a politician to evolve in their thinking; it is quite another to flip-flop on fundamental principlesofgovernanceand accountability Jagdeo’s newfound disregard for feasibility studies raises uncomfortablequestions.

The Vice President’s current stance suggests a shift, not merely in perspective, but in the very values that should guide public office If the feasibility of a bridge is so self-evident, why not prove itwithastudy?

Why not provide the evidence that would dispel doubts and reassure the publicthattheirgovernment is acting in their best

interest? The flippancy with which Jagdeo and the PPPC government approach such critical issues does a disservice to the people of Guyana.

Infrastructure projects, especially ones as significant as a new bridge across the Berbice River, d e m a n d c a r e f u l consideration and detailed planning. Anything less is irresponsible. The people of Guyana deserve better than flippant dismissals and hollowreassurances.

They deserve leaders who not only hear their concerns but address them with the seriousness and integrity that their office demands.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

from a political perspective, we have seen that in the postmodern world ethnicity has become the most widespread one, leading to severe strains and this seemingly inevitable and intractable conflict between nationalism/ethnicity and democracy It combines kinship (the basis of ethnicity) and consent (the basis of democratic government) into politically viable entities through constitutionally protected arrangements, involving territorialandnon-territorial politics.

This is the central need of politics in Guyana. In the modernworldwheregroups, especially ethnic groups, have not disappeared into some sort of mélange, and there are far more groups in the world than countries, federalism performs a sociological function by simultaneously facilitating the integrity of various

groups and their input into the political system. Thus federalism combines the seeming contradictory impulses present in all societies, but accentuated in plural societies such as Guyana, the need to be united (the principle of solidarity – and shared rule) and the need for groups to live authentically – (the principleofautonomy–self rule).



The ticket hustle is a hassle

Dem CPLcricket tickets scarcer thanapoliticianwhodon’tlike a photo op. Imagine yuh want goseesomerealcricketactionandfindout all the tickets disappear faster than when rain fall and them vendors run for cover Dem die-hard cricket fans pulling out dem hairliketheygotnits,wonderinghowdem gongetaticket.

But yuh know how it go in Guyana. Somesmartmandonebuyup30,40tickets, stashing dem like treasure. And dem not hiding by de cinema like back in the day, selling outside for a few extra dollars. Oh no! This is big business now Dem does reselldemticketsinprivatelikedemselling secretgovernmentcontracts.

Demboyssehifyuhwantaticketnow, yuhbetterbepreparedtoshellout$15,000. Yes,$15,000!Islikedemsellinggoldbars, notcrickettickets.Demtoutsmakingmore

money than de organizers of de match. By detimeyuhdonepayforaticket,yuhcan’t evenaffordabeerwhenyuhgetinside.Yuh gon sit down there sober, just watching de ball fly and wondering if yuh money gone flyingtoo.

And what de authorities doing? Dem not even trying to control de blackmarket. Back in de day, police used to lock up anybody trying to hustle a movie ticket outsidedecinema.Now,demdoesjustturn ablindeye.

So, to all de die-hard cricket fans, dem boys seh, hold on to yuh wallet and yuh sense. This ticket hustle might last as long as a politician promise, but don’t worry, cricket always find a way to come back around.Andwhenitdo,maybeticketsgon beaffordableforonce,ormaybenot.Thisis Guyanaafterall. Talkhalf.Leffhalf

First it was AG, now it’s the VP

Attorney GeneralAnil Nandlall got in the Truth be told, the AG, like the VP, is not themselves, they have serious concerns, and angelicaura.IfDr AnilNandlall,SC,MP,JP, firstshot.Pro-PPPletterwritersarenotgiven satisfiedthatnobodyreadstheChronicle,not there are many, that demand ventilation. AA, OE, is half the citizen that I think he is, a fair shake by SN. But others are, starting eventhoseinthegovernmentofficeswhoare SinceboththeAGandVPareblindtothebias such a faked reality would make him grow with me. This is Guyana’s honorable compelled to buy it Even more of the Chronicle but are enmeshed in green in the tonsils, and sick to his stomach. attorney general, someone who should be embarrassingly, not even when orders have democracy’s ideals, it is perplexing that they Because he knows the facts and the truth, he driven by balance, substance, and an been passed that the Kaieteur News and have a problem with the independent media. knowsdifferently Dr BharratJagdeo,onthe abundance of fairness. But he is AG (maybe) Stabroek News are not to be bought, Perhaps, they got carried away and lost their other hand, only knows one thing: total Nandlall. Apparently, the demands of his not to be seen, around government offices. bearings for a bit. I would be the last control. The unchallengeable supremacy of busier-than-a-bee office made it slide past Because the state media has no credibility, Guyanese to endorse the belief that Dr the cult leader Jagdeo knows a politician’s him that the paper of the people, the Guyana and is seen as questionable in its integrity, Nandlall and Dr Jagdeo position is that all truths,whichhasaratherspongyconsistency Chronicle is booby-trapped territory for even PPP loyalists are disgusted with the Guyaneseshouldthinkalike,speakalike,and He knows and wishes for, a situation of no conscientious Guyanese with a comment or product. So when AG Nandlall fired up his sound alike. I could be mistaken, but dissenting citizenship. He battles for a position to share. If it is not offensive to Mr slingshots, I knew that it was just a matter of Excellency Ali may be thinking along those condition of no contrarian positions, or Nandlall’s delicate sensibilities, people like time and the right moment before the mighty exact lines with his One Guyana contraption. opinions. He is for all the positives from the me are blocked, banned, and barred from the VP(better make that almightyVPjust to stay It is where all Guyanese look alike. Jagdeo indigenous conference, as if the State media paperthatwepaytoupkeep. Worseyet,ithas onhisgoodside)togetintotheactanddeliver and Nandlall fight to ensure that they speak left out anything, or gave the happenings less again conveniently eluded Mr Nandlall’s hisbroadsideandfusilladeattheindependent alike, and Ali through a combination of than the most positive spin, less than grasp that the same Guyana Chronicle (the media. The indigenous conference in GT pressure, parsing out, and constant pounding glitteringtreatment. people’s paper) is being used to malign gaveDr Jagdeotheopeninghecraved. pushes out the undesirables (uncooperative) Ithinkthatthisfactmustbefaced. Jagdeo people found objectionable. Mr Nandlall is ‘Unfair media coverage’ is the cry from so that there is his One Guyana man who is very jittery, very much of a skeletal nothing,ifnotanhonorableman. Imeanthat, VPJagdeo.What could be more unfair, more mumbles, bumbles, and hobbles alike. One political apparition (think closets and holes) with salt or lime. So, while he exercises his slanted,morebiasedDr JagdeothantheState size fits all, and all Guyanese look like they that he fears shadows, and dreads exposure. right and voices his ire about the bias in the media? I know, could see, that Bharrat weremadefromthesameclayandmold. Thus: if the independent media gave him independent media, in that instance SN, Jagdeoisaging. Butamconfidentthathehas In such a media environment, a virtual what he so ardently craves (no unpleasant apparently one of his feet is shorter than the not reached the age of senility yet. He may politicians’paradise, there is neither secrecy facts of PPP life), he still would be weeping other Towit,itdoesnotallowhimtoreachas pretend to be deranged and schizoid and norroguerynorskullduggerywithoil. There andgnashinghisteeth. For,iftherewasonly quickly, as sweepingly, and as powerfully senile,butheisnotanywherenearthosethree is no corruption in the bidding-tender board onepubliccommentatorordeviationistsocial intothearenawherethePPPhastotalcontrol. stagesatthispoint. evaluation award process. There is neither media contributor left in all Guyana, he The PPP Government has exhibited its To repeat, taxpayers’ money is being chronic concern nor palpable fear about the would be psychologically crippled, complete dominance (editorial control) over misused to malign dissenting taxpayers, with operations of the Guyana Police Force. emotionally distraught, mentally sacred out what goes in and what comes out of the no allowance for the right to self-defense, or Teachers and public servants and ofhiswits. Itoldhimbefore:befair,andlive Chronicle,andAG Nandlallhas no qualmsat tohaveanysayatall,butJagdeoisthesaintly Amerindians are all thankful beyond words withoutmediafear all. But not content with that, he seeks to man rattling around about what is ‘unfair.’ for the unmatched care, generosity, and (The views expressed in this article are extend that prerogative to a presence in the According to the State media, the indigenous respect received from the PPP Government, those of the author and do not necessarily independentmedia,SN. hasnoissues. FromthelipsoftheIndigenous with Big Bosses Ali and Jagdeo men of reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

UG kicks off new academic year with 14, 15-year-olds apart of 3,700 freshmen

The University of University’s sixty-one-year their social development find a way to support, presentation of the cases. Campus,wasthehighlightof Guyana (UG) has kick- history This effort aligns with UG’s nurture, and celebrate this in Some disciplines are, at the a week of orientation started its new academic This year, however, broader initiatives, such as a safe and healthy way moment, still difficult to sessions. Presentations by year, with a cohort of 3,700 marks a significant shift as the Early Childhood Centre Geniuses can come from introduce such young

freshmen which includes UG considers an increasing of Excellence (CDB- amongst us too This studentsinto.

three exceptional students number of younger students. UNICEF) and the RASSR prospect delights us at the For those who make it Registrar (ag) Dr Daniella who have enrolled ahead of Recent admissions include a summer program, which UniversityofGuyana!” through and graduate by age

theirpeers:a14-year-oldand female student, admitted at

TheUniversity,however, 18 with bachelor’s degrees, Chancellor for Academic two 15-year-olds These age 15 in 2020, who is on educationalneedsfromearly cautions that it’s not only the work with them is just Engagement Prof. Emanuel students have impressed by track to graduate with an childhood through to academic grades that are going to be the beginning: Cummings, and Viceexcelling in their CXC excellent GPA The advancedlevels. a

“We will have to find the Chancellor Prof Paloma examinationswellbeforethe University’s approach to Vice-Chancellor Prof interviews and decision- next level of endeavour and M o h a m e d M a r t i n typicalageforadmission. young, gifted students Paloma Mohamed Martin making process. The Vice- interest to plug them into. underscoredtheUniversity’s Two of the young i n v o l v e s s p e c i a l emphasized the importance Chancellor will rely on a Theseconsiderationsarepart commitment to student scholars have been accepted accommodations and of nurturing gifted students, d i v e r s e g r o u p o f of the University’s strategic development. into the Computer Sciences support from faculty stating, “What we do to d e v e l o p m e n t a l considerations even now,” Prof Mohamed Martin program within the Faculty members, including Dean identify and support gifted psychologists, quality UG’sVice-Chancellorsaid. said that Guyana is on the of Natural Sciences, while Prof. Abdulla Ansari, Head children is as important as assurance staff,

nd T h e f o r m a l cusp of something fantastic the third has joined the of Computing Dr Andresa what we do to support disciplinespecialiststomake commencementceremonyat and transformative and Faculty of Engineering and Morris, and Assistant Dean c h i l d r e n w h o h a v e recommendations,whichare U G ’s M u l t i p u r p o s e urgedthestudentstotake Technology Notably, this is DaveSarran. challenges with learning. It considered in the final Auditorium, Turkeyen (Continued on page 14) the first time UG has The Faculty of Natural is important that the gifted at admitted three students S c i e n c e s h a s b e e n 9 do not become bored at 11, younger than the usual particularly proactive in andthendisruptiveat13,and statutoryageof17inasingle integrating these young lostat15.Whilewemustnot year. Historically, such students into the academic force children to perform exceptions have occurred at environment, focusing on abovetheircapability,ifthey least 25 times in the boththeirtechnicalskillsand can and want to, we must A section of the 2024

Essequibo businessman gunned down in home

Sixty-one-year-oldbusinessman,GhanrajBhasmat,was shot and killed at his home inAdventure, Essequibo Coast, RegionTwo,onMondaymorning.

Accordingtothepolice,Bhasmatlivedwithhis47-yearoldwife,DurpattieRagobar,andtheir30-year-olddaughter Ragobar informed investigators that she and her husband were awakened by a noise. While she remained in bed, her husband went to investigate in the hallway Moments later, sheheardfourgunshotsfollowedbyashoutof“thief.” Ragobar recounted that she rushed outside to the bathroom area, where she discovered her husband lying in a pool of blood with a gunshot wound to his chest. He was immediately taken to the Suddie Hospital, where doctors pronouncedhimdeadonarrival.

Notably, the Police reported that the suspect gunman/gunmen shot and killed Bhasmat from outside the housethroughalouverwindowconnectedtothewashroom; failing to gain entry into the residence. Bhasmat’s son Poonraj Lakeram told this publication that during the wee hoursofMondayheheardtheloudnoisesoherushedoverto hisfather’sresidence.Themansaidhelivesnearby Lakeramsaidwhenhearrived,hesawhisfatherlyingin a pool of blood on the bottom flat of the home. “They went kick the door downstairs and me old boy get up now to go andseewhathappenandwhenhegonetoseenow,themman like they went at the washroom area, the toilet part and they shot him,” the son said. The man added, “I hustle to get police and stuff, and when I call 911 nobody nah answer.” Lakeram noted that while he believes that more than one person is involved, only one person can be seen on the footage. The investigation into the murder of Ghanraj Bhasmatisongoing.

Guyanese Bank manager charged with murder-for-hire scheme in New York


told she suggested rat poison after hiring

hitman to murder brother-in-law

FoxNews- ANewYork bank manager sentenced last weekto9.5yearsbehindbars for a foiled murder-for-hire scheme against her brotherin-law allegedly told the would-be hitman that “rat poisoncandoagreatjob.”

Reshma Massarone, a 40-year-old branch manager at Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union, plotted to kill her sister’s husband over Facebook Messenger between July 2023 and August 2023, a c c o r d i n g t o c o u r t documents, and was caught on security footage wiring a

In July 21 surveillance footage obtained by investigators, Masserone can be seen withdrawing $2,500 from a bank in Orange County, New York. (U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York)

Massarone’s then-16-year- Attorney Damian Williams $2,500 down payment to a oldsister. sayingthewoman’s“chilling would-be hitman at a

Massarone tried to plantohaveamemberofher WesternUnionkioskinsidea advance her career in own family murdered for the Walgreens. banking, her attorney wrote, low price of ten thousand Massarone asked her but the victim “continued to dollars” was “unthinkably years-long friend to kill the ruin her professional life by h

Security camera footage from Walgreen’s shows Masserone completing a wire transfer at a Western Union kiosk. In the footage, she hands a cashier 25 $100 bills, totaling $2,500, according to the complaint. (U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York)

man while he was travelling systematically calling her sentencing. with family in Guyana, [place of] employment in an “Certainly, the victim’s a c c o r d i n g t o c o u r t attempttogetherfired.” conduct is not to be documents. But that friend, “The man spent the last commended,” prosecutors who is a Guyanese police 25 years attempting to ruin w

wn officer, went undercover to Ms. Massarone in every way sentencing memo. “But it build a case against her, complaint filed against so cut the bulls**t and let’s possible, including but not should also not be leading to her guilty plea to Masserone, to help carry out getitdone.” limited to, harassing her considered so harassing, or murder-for-hire She was the criminal act (U S The plot unraveled when beau

The 56-year-old miner on arrival in Georgetown.

Reshma Masserone. (U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York)

stify sentencedonAug.27. Attorney for the Southern the would-be hitman intelligent eldest daughter Massarone’sbehavior].” ‘NO TURNING BACK’ DistrictofNewYork) contacted the victim and his who the ‘victim’ attempted “The defendant’s victimBetween July 20 and “You take care of wife, who “went to the to get disqualified from a blaming should not be Aug 16, 2023, Reshma business and you be a rich United States Embassy in beauty pageant and is a rewarded,andherrequestfor Masserone, a branch man,” Massarone wrote to Guyana to report that Dean’s List student in a sentence reduction manager at a credit union in the would-be hitman in one Massarone hadplacedahit Massarone made it clear that college,” the defense memo should be denied, ” New York State, allegedly exchange. In another, she on the victim” to take place she wanted her brother-in- said. “What prevents this prosecutors wrote ahead of usedFacebookMessengerto told him that “either way, if I assoonasJuly25,2023. law dead, saying that the man from calling up a law theAug.27sentencing. ask an old friend, who is find somebody to do the job, Massarone’s friend solicited murder should look school she intends on Previously, Massarone’s unnamed in the federal you’re going to get blamed, recorded a call in which like a robbery. That call was applying to? What prevents family had accused her of later translated by a DEA this so-called victim from exploitingadyingrelativeby special agent and a native continuing his disparaging taking out an insurance Guyanese speaker and used remarks on social media of policy on her, shedding light asevidenceincourt. Ms. Massarone’s youngest on the tensions within the Security camera footage daughterorhusband?” family from Walgreen’s shows “Nothing, is the answer,” “This cold-hearted Masserone completing a thememoadded. animal attempted to exploit wire transfer at a Western “She lost jobs, paid my dying sister . . . so this is Union kiosk. In the footage, attorneys, called the police, her karma that came back she hands a cashier 25 $100 had orders of protection in full circle,” one relative bills, totaling $2,500, place, relocated her family, wroteonFacebook. according to the complaint. had security systems “That woman is evil,” (U S Attorney for the installed in her home, and another posted, the New Southern District of New nothing stopped [the victim] York Post reported. “She has York) fromhiscontinuousattackof b e e n t o r t u r i n g a n d

GDF medevacs miner attacked by bees from Reg. 7

The Guyana Defence Force (GDF), on Given the lack of an airstrip in the remote Wednesday, successfully medevacked a 56- area, a helicopter was deemed the most year-old miner from Makapa, Region 7 after suitable means of transport. The GDF’s hewasattackedbybees. Headquarters Medical Corps was contacted, According to the GDF, the miner’s and a helicopter was dispatched from Base condition deteriorated, prompting his CampAyanganna(BCA)around11:30amon coworker to seek urgent medical help from Wednesday The patient arrived at BCA at GDF Medic Lance Corporal Mickel Hunte. approximately 1:40 pm in a critical yet stable After assessing the situation, Lance Corporal condition. He was then transferred to a GDF Hunte provided initial treatment but ambulance and transported to the recognized that more advanced medical care Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation wasnecessary (GPHC)forfurthermedicalattention.

In a presentencing her,”herattorneywrote. tormenting people for a very submission, Massarone’s At least one order of longtime.” attorney said that his client protection was issued on “She wasn’t satisfied, had acted “completely out of Massarone’s behalf against shedidn’tgetherway,soshe character” and in a “state of the victim, according to wanted to murder him,” one rage,” claiming that she had Queens Criminal Court family member told the been provoked by her documents. outlet. “I think her next step brother-in-law’s “twenty- Massarone is no stranger was to get him assassinated f i v e - y e a r s y s t e m i c to the courts – she has sued or murdered, because she harassment.” two banks over the past two was stuck with these

Thewould-bevictimwas years, claiming that they had attorney’sfeesandallthat “clearly scorned,” because racially discriminated I think, in her mind, it was to he “was not given the against her while she had get rid of the problem rather opportunity to marry worked there. Both cases thangotolitigation.” [Massarone] at age 15 ” weretossedout. Massarone’s lawyer Instead, the defense wrote, Prosecutors were less could not immediately be t h e m a n m a r r i e d than sympathetic, with U.S. reachedforcomment.

‘Guyana must build capacity to reap full benefits of oil boom’ –

T&T Ambassador

Trinidad and Tobago’s High Commissioner to Guyana Conrad Enill

Trinidad and Tobago’s High Commissioner to Guyana Conrad Enill has stressed the need for Guyana to build capacities both intellectually and institutionally in the country’soilandgassector.

In a discussion on the Energy Perspectives podcast aired on Sunday, Enill shared perspectives on the need for preparation as Guyana’s oil and gas industry evolves. He highlighted the significance of developing skills and institutionstoensurelong-termnationalbenefits.

Ambassador Enill acknowledged the existing energy collaboration between Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana, but he pointed out the limited role the Guyanese government has when dealing with private sector entities like ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), aside from setting regulatory and policyframeworks.

“If the government is dealing with a private sector entity like ExxonMobil, its involvement is limited to regulatory and policy frameworks that best serve the national interest,” he said. TheAmbassador added, “My advice would be to focus on building intellectual and institutional capacity, even if the state is not directly involved in production. You need to prepare for when the industry becomes more complex and requiressophisticatedoversightandmanagement.”

Drawing from T&T’s experience, Enill underscored the importance of state participation in cultivating skilled personnel.HecitedtheexampleoftheNationalGasCompany inTrinidadandTobago,whichmanagessignificantassetsand employsthousandswithadeepunderstandingofthebusiness. “Thisexpertiseiscrucialwhennegotiatingwithmultinational corporations. If you want to ensure that the oil and gas sector trulybenefitsthepeople,it’sessentialtodevelopthenecessary skillsandinstitutions,”AmbassadorEnillsaid.

UG kicks off new...

From page 11

advantageoftheopportunitiesthatarebeingprovided.“Ifyou don’t want to work for someone else, that’s fine, if you’re goingtobeaninnovator,anentrepreneur,that’sokaytoo.The step that you are embarking on is important, not only for you, butforyourcommunitiesandcountryasawhole,”sheadded.

University Registrar Dr. Nigel Gravesande, in his presentation,urgedthestudentstomakethemostoftheirtime at UG. “Seek out a range of experiences that will be available toyou.Indeed,youwillhaveanabundanceofopportunitiesto flourish as a student and as a person. Our university boasts a diverse sports programme, including but not limited to basketball, volleyball, football, cricket, chess, music, and cultural explorations, which you will discover during your staywithus.”

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Prof Emanuel Cummings encouraged the students, especially those joining the university as freshmen, to pursue their academic dreams fully inordertodevelopthemselvesandtheircommunities. Moreover, classes for the new academic year begin on September 2, 2024. Students are advised to check timetables and complete their registrations promptly The University offers multiple learning formats, including face-to-face, online, and blended options, catering to various needs and circumstances. A grace period has been extended for new applications until September 13, 2024, for programmes with available space. Continuing students are urged to register as soonaspossiblethroughtheirSRMSaccounts.

One Cook. Call: 223-5273/74.

Experienced and qualified Welder/ Fabricator & Mechanic wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.

Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.

Armed Security with experience, rate 400-450 hourly. Contact: 603-5140.

Canter Driver, age 30 year or older, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 6130855 9:00 am- 4:30 pm.

Excavator Operator, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 613-0855 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.

Bob cat Operator, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 613-0855 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.

Cook needed, Hours: 6 AM to 9 AM, Days: Monday to Saturday. Call: 226-0724 between 9 AM to 4 PM.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).



One (1) electrician for Eccles Call 615-9132 or 645-8443.

One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.

Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.

Female Cleaner for office. Call 645-8443.

Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132/ 645-8443.

Litigation/companies Clerk. Experience essential, Applications with CV & References to Cameron & Shepherd/ csmain@cameronandshepherd.com

Vacancy Exist For two experienced Dispatcher at Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.

Experienced Cook & kitchen Assistant needed at Famous Flavour Creole Restaurant. Call: 676-5534 / 709-8131.

One (1) painter. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Workers needed at a Car wash. For more information Call: 604-1980.

FIRST AID/CPR/AED as well as home nursing courses at St. John Association starting shortly. Call 225-9082.

Mature man, loving and generous seeks female for friendship, ages 25-40 Years, WhatsApp: 1-246-835-6908.


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

Rumion for sale, Model 2012, PTT Series. For more information Call: 671-5759.

In absence of unlimited parent company guarantee...

All costs for damage above oil spill insurance can be recovered by ExxonMobil - contract

ExxonMobil, the operator of Guyana’s oil-rich Stabroek Block has repeatedly committed to covering all costs associated with an oil spill that occurs during offshore production activities. However, such costs will be recovered from Guyana’s oil.

This is according to the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) Guyana signed with ExxonMobil and its partners. ExxonMobil affiliate ExxonMobil Guyana Limited is operator and holds 45% interest in the Stabroek block. Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30% interest, and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited holds 25% interest.

The agreement stipulates that oil spill costs not covered by the insurance provided by ExxonMobil will be funded by Guyana. Annex ‘C’ Section 3 of the PSA, which addresses costs recoverable without the approval of the Minister, makes it explicit at 3.1(g) that insurance and losses can be recovered.

It states: “Insurance premium and cost incurred for insurance pursuant to Article 20 provided that if such insurance is wholly or partly placed with an Affiliated Company of the Parties comprising the Contractor, such premium and costs shall be recoverable only to the extent generally charged by competitive insurance companies other than an Affiliated Company of a Party comprising the Contractor.”


Self-contained, Semi-furnished one bedroom apartment suitable for student / working individual at Atlantic Ville. $36,000 Monthly. 226-3087 / 222-4696 9:am- 2:30 pm.

Semi-furnished room for single, working / studying male at Atlantic Ville. $19,000 Monthly. Tele: 226-3087/ 222-4696 9:am - 2:30 pm.

House for rent in Eccles. $100K monthly. For more information Call: 685-5294.

The contract continues, “Costs, losses and damages incurred to the extent not made good by insurance, are recoverable, including costs, losses or damages resulting from the indemnities in Article 2 of the Agreement, unless such costs, losses or damages have resulted solely from an act of willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Contractor.”

This means that Guyana will have to prove that an oil spill was caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct by Exxon for those costs to be borne by the company. Cognizant of the damage that can be done by an oil spill, two Guyanese went to Court demanding an unlimited parent company guarantee, which is a signed document that legally binds Exxon to cover costs above the limited insurance. Exxon presently has a US$600 million insurance coverage per oil spill event.

High Court Judge, Justice Sandil Kissoon on May 3,

2023 ordered the Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA) to issue an Enforcement Notice to Exxon Mobil to ensure it provides an unlimited oil spill coverage to safeguard Guyana, but the ruling was subsequently appealed by both Exxon and the EPA. The government was later added as a party to the case, fighting against the provision of this guarantee.

While the Court of Appeal deliberates on the matter, Exxon, Hess and CNOOC have lodged a US$2B oil spill guarantee to cover damages above the insurance. Citizens have however continued to call for full protection against an oil spill, especially since such a disaster could not only affect Guyana, but Caribbean nations as well.

Notably, the modelling results showed that an unmitigated oil spill can reach Trinidad and Tobago, Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao, Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, Martinique, and Barbados as

well as Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Jamaica. Exxon’s commitment President of EMGL, Alistair Routledge during a May 19, 2023 press conference explained that Guyana was safe from liabilities associated with a spill. The company had called the media shortly after the High Court ordered an unlimited parent company guarantee to protect this country from the financial burdens of a spill. At that time, he pointed to the company’s insurance policy, a US$600M coverage per event, and the US$2B guarantee which was being discussed. He said, “We have an absolute obligation as the operator and the investor in the Stabroek Block to prevent incidents from happening, do everything we can and to mitigate those and if we have to, then we bear the cost of cleanup and any liabilities that go with that…but our absolute commitment is to first prevent these from happening.”

Prioritizing Reading...

From page 04

Education is providing textbooks for students, even to the point where children can write directly in their textbooks.

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Need a bus or planning an outing. Call Matthew bus services & tours, Surniname/ Braz. WhatsApp: 639-2663/ 673-2348.


2 Storey house, 3 bedroom upstairs & Downstairs business area at 41 Howes St, Charlestown. Call : 223-4099 / 731-0202.

Then when it comes to the Stewartville/CI National Library, the word from Shellon Winclas, Supervisor of this growing Stewartville/CI National Library, the unit is free to join, but as per norm, once a book is borrowed and the 14-day period has expired or the book is damaged or lost,

automatically a fee is attached.

Winclas noted that both children and adults utilised the Stewartville/CI National Library and they would have more than 50 visitors on a monthly basis. This is most auspicious, and I hope that more and more interest will be generated.

Editor, We all know that ‘reading fluency’ is a strong indicator for achievement in further education, higher education, and future employ-

ment. The People’s Progressive Party/Civic Government acknowledges that reading can truly achieve something teachers and policymakers have been trying to attain for years: to lessen, or even eradicate, the impact of early life disadvantage. In short, only competent readers will be able to access the wonders of the curriculum, and thus improve their life chances.

Yours truly, HB Singh

One House Maid to work in Providence area. Call:
Map depicting the predicted transport after 45 days from an unmitigated 177,157 barrels per day spill at the Haimara wellhead in the Stabroek Block (Source Exxon CIA)

Region Five Chamber lauds govt.’s toll-free Berbice River Bridge initiative

The Region Five Chamber of Industry and Commerce has expressed strongsupportfortherecent announcement by President Irfaan Ali regarding the Berbice River Bridge becoming toll-free,once the newDemeraraRiverBridge

is operational Last

Thursday, President Ali made three announcements duringthecommissioningof thenewSchoonordtoCrane four-lanehighwayinRegion Three. He revealed three majorplansforfreecrossing from next year for the new Demerara River Bridge, the current Berbice River Bridge and the Wismar River Bridge when completed.

In a press statement on Monday, the Chamber said that the elimination of tolls will significantly benefit both Berbice regions by reducing travel costs for commuters. This change is expected to stimulate interregionalcommerce,enhance

local tourism, and boost entertainmentsectors.

“Thisannouncementhas beenreceivedbyBerbicians withmuchexcitementandit will contribute positively to thegrowthanddevelopment of the two regions in Berbice.Commuterswillbe able to access services from either regions at reduced

costsincetollswillnolonger be applicable It will promote inter regional commerce and generally boost the local tourism and entertainment sectors,” it wasstated.

Theinitiativeisexpected to offer considerable financial relief to local b

transporting goods will

potentially leading to

consumers. A d d i t i o n a l l y , contractors and builders in R

e decreased expenses in transporting construction


While acknowledging potential impacts on private transportation operators, the Chamber is optimistic that reducedfareswillstillallow bus operators to maintain sustainable income levels. The 56 bus operators are anticipated to lower their fares in response to the removaloftolls.

The Chamber also underscored the importance of maintaining the Water Taxi services, which continuetoofferbenefitsfor commuters in the Berbice regions.TheChamberviews the toll-free initiative as a win-win situation for all partiesinvolved.

The current Berbice River Bridge, was constructed between 2006 and 2008 at a cost of $8 billion, and received financial backing through l o a n s a n d e q u i t y contributions from various entities, including the staterun National Insurance

Scheme (NIS) and private investors.

The bulk of the money invested in the Berbice Bridge came from NIS Sharing ownership percentages in the Berbice Bridge Company Inc (BBCI): National Industrial a n d C o m m e r c i a l Investments Ltd (NICIL) holds 10 percent, NIS owns 20 2 percent, and other stakeholders include Handin-Hand Fire Insurance (10 percent), New GPC (20 percent), Queens Atlantic InvestmentInc.(20percent), and Secure International Finance Co. Limited (20 percent).

R e c e n t l y , t h e government invited contractors to submit applications to be prequalified for the design, buildandfinanceofthenew Berbice River Bridge. This structure is expected to mirror the US$260 million newDemeraraRiverBridge.

20 sugar workers freed of protest-related charges

Twenty sugar workers were on Thursday last acquitted by Magistrate Michelle Mathias at New Amsterdam Magistrates’

C o u r t o n n o - c a s e submissions presented by lawyers Khemraj Ramjattan andCharlynArtiga.

Theno-casesubmissions were upheld after the lawyers successfully argued that the prosecution has not

presented sufficient

evidence against the defendantsforoffencesthey faced Ramjattan who represented 18 0f the men charged, contended that the video evidence proved unsatisfactory in nature. He noted that “No one in the video was identified as by theprosecutionwitnesses...”

The sugar workers, which included: Kheron

Bisoondyal, Fizal Kowlessar, Roopnarine Sukha, Lance Bostswain, Mohan Premchand, Joseph Mc Pherson, Narinedatt Khemraj, Satesh Jagnarine, Marlon Durant, Dennis Kippy, Shawn Bess, Nigel

G a n g a d i n , D a m o n

Jagnarine, Khemraj Balkarran, Waquar Baksh, Bhojnarine Ramkisson, Satesh Sanichara, Lance Boason, Ratan Singh, George Southwell, Deochan Premchan, Bhojnarine Ramkissoon, Doman and

at least 20 sugar workers were charged in relation to protest exercise that occurred last September

SateshJagnarine. The incident is said to haveoccurredSeptember,4, 2023, at No. 2Village East Canje Berbice when the crowd of striking sugar workers were protesting for betterwagesandconditions.

In his no case submission, Ramjattan told the

Magistrate on the thirteenth day of the protests, there were approximately 80 to 100sugarworkers.Henoted the charges alleged that around 8:45am some of the persons started to burn wood, break stall, putting wood on road and behaving generally in a disorderly manner Ramjattan pointed out

that the police claimed during that time “the protestors pelted bricks, bottles, lighted newspapers on public road.” He said “They claimed that ‘Public Order Unit went into action with shield and other equipment A number of persons were arrested and escorted to Central Police Station.Roadwasclearedby Police, and a state of normality returned and trafficstartedtoflow.’”

The lawyer pointed out too that the police claimed that they then warned the crowd, and asked that they gohomebuttheydidnot.He said that the police claimed too that the protestors paid

no heed when they were askedtodisperse.

However the lawyer noted in attempting to identifythepersonsarrested, the main police witness had to be refreshed as to their names And though the witness said he knew them because they were striking three weeks before, this witnesscouldonlyidentifya fewofthemen.

Additionally, the when videos were shown to the Court, there was no one in the videos which matched anybody who was charged withthefouroffences.

According to Ramjattan neither the police witness nor the prosecution through any other witness! The images in the video were of other persons. It was on this evidential insufficiency or deficit that this no-case submissionismade.

He stressed that none of the other witnesses called, and there were several, ever identified individually each of the persons who have beenchargedhere.

“Neither did any witnesses identify what actually each defendant was doing so as to place culpabilityindividuallyonto them. Thischallengeofnot being able to with any particularity, identify that did what as regards the four

offenses has created a very tenuous case for the prosecution,” the lawyer stated.

Similarly in her submissions on behalf of



h Jagnarine, Ms Artiga noted that there was no direct evidence linking the two men to the unlawful; obstruction of traffic on roadway or any of the other

offencestheyhaveallegedto h a v e c o m m i t t e d Specifically, Artiga said there was no photographic evidence linking her clients to the events that allegedly occurred. After reviewing the case and taking into c o n s i d e r a t i o n t h e submission Magistrate Mathiasfreedthemenonthe grounds of insufficient evidence.

Over 64,000 screened for cervical...

Frompage3 second half of the year to p r o v i d e b e t t e r cardiovascular care to patients, including the dissemination of more effectivemedication.

Meanwhile,theMinistry ofHealthcontinuestoplace emphasis on a communitybased approach to treating psychiatric illness Consequently, there are psychiatric clinics at all regionalhospitalsacrossthe country

Further, access to TelePsychiatry, a service offeredincollaborationwith the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC),canbeaccessedby patients in hinterland regions. The report pointed outtoothatbridginghuman resource gaps remains a priorityforGovernment.As such, contracts have been signed and works commenced on two health science training facilities at NewAmsterdamandSuddie which will house programmes for nurses and other allied health professionals.

Over3,000nurseswillbe trained in 2024, with 2,206 persons having already commencedandanadditional 1,000expectedbytheendof the year Moreover, 68 medical extension officers and331alliedhealthstudents commenced training Finally, the Cuban Medical Brigade has expanded their cohort from192attheendof2023to 240 at the end of June 2024, which includes 144 nurses, while the Patient Care Assistant programme will berolledoutinallregionsin August.

The Berbice River Bridge

Israeli fire kills dozens in Gaza, polio vaccinations in full swing

CAIRO/GAZA Sept 2 (Reuters) - Israeli forces killedatleast48Palestinians in the past 24 hours across theGazaStripastheybattled

Hamas-led militants, Palestinian officials said on Monday, while medics conducted a second day of polio vaccinations for childrenintheenclave.

Palestinian and UN officials said more than 80,000 children had been vaccinatedincentralareasof GazaonSunday,thefirstday ofthecampaign.

Hamas and Israel have agreed to brief pauses in fighting to allow the campaigntovaccinatesome 640,000 children to go ahead. No violations have been reported near vaccinationfacilities.

Seven Palestinians were killed in two Israeli air strikes on Gaza City, Palestinian officials said on Monday, while two air strikes killed six others in Bureij and Nuseirat, two of the Gaza Strip’s eight historicrefugeecamps.

Therewasnoimmediate comment from the Israeli military

The armed wings of HamasandtheIslamicJihad said fighters had confronted Israeliforcesinnorth,south and in some central area of

Gaza with anti-tank rockets andmortarfire.

UNRWA, the U N Palestinian refugee agency, repeated its call on Monday foranimmediateceasefireto helpensureasuccessfuland safe polio vaccination campaign.

“On 1st day only, @UNRWAteams&partners reached around 87,000 children according to @WHO.Effortsareongoing toprovidechildrenwiththis key vaccine, but what they n e e d m o s t i s a

CeasefireNow,” it said on theXsocialmediaplatform. Israel and Hamas have continuedtotradeblamefor the failure to conclude a ceasefire,thatwouldendthe war, and see the release of Israeli and foreign hostages held in Gaza and many PalestiniansjailedinIsrael.


Parents continued bringing their infants to be vaccinated at medical facilities on Monday The World Health Organization (WHO) says a drop in

routine vaccinations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including Gaza, has contributed to the reemergence of polio in the area.

Poliomyelitisisahighly infectious virus that can cause paralysis and death in infants, with under-2s most atrisk.

The WHO confirmed last month that a baby was partially paralysed by the type 2 polio virus, the first such case in the territory in 25years.

“I am happy that I vaccinated my children against polio so that they don’tsufferfromanythingin the future, God willing Hopefully all Gazan children get vaccinated not only against polio but against other diseases too,” said Waffa Abdelhadi after getting her two daughters, aged five months and five years old, vaccinated at a medical facility in Deir AlBalah.

She had to navigate roads devastated by war,

with wrecked residential buildings on all sides, to reachthefacility

“We don’t (only) want vaccinations.We want them to stop the war,” said Abdelhadi, adding she had been displaced with her familyseventimesinrecent months.

Palestinians say a key reasonforthereturnofpolio is the collapse of the health system and the destruction of most Gaza hospitals Israel accuses Hamas of using hospitals for military purposes,whichtheIslamist groupdenies.

The11-montholdwarin Gaza was triggered after Hamas militants on Oct. 7 stormedintosouthernIsrael, killing 1,200 people and taking more than 250 hostagesbyIsraelitallies.

Since then, an estimated 40,786 Palestinians have been killed and more than 94,000 injured in Gaza, the enclave’s health ministry saidonMonday Israeli protesters took to the streets for a second day on Monday and the largest trade union launched a general strike to press the government to reach a deal to return hostages still held by Hamas, after six more captives were found dead in Gaza.

US seizes Venezuelan President Maduro’s plane

Reuters - The US has seized a plane belonging to Venezuelan President NicolásMaduro-claimingit was bought illegally for $13m(£9.8m)andsmuggled outofthecountry

According to the US justice department, the Falcon 900EX aircraft was seized in the Dominican Republic and transferred to theUSstateofFlorida.

It is unclear how and when the plane ended up in the Dominican Republic Tracking data showed it leaving La Isabela airport near the capital Santo Domingo on Monday, arriving at Fort Lauderdale airportinFloridasoonafter Therewasnoimmediate comment from Mr Maduro or the Venezuelan governmentoverthematter US officials said the plane was seized for suspected violations of US

exportcontrolandsanctions laws.

They added that an investigation found that people affiliated with M r M a d u r o h a d a l l e g e d l y u s e d a Caribbean-based shell company to hide their involvement in the plane’s illegal purchase from a company based in Florida inlate2022andearly2023. The aircraft was then illegally exported from the United States to Venezuela through the Caribbean in Ap


The argument by US officials that the plane’s sale and export was in violation of US sanctions is unlikely to carry much weight with President M a d u r o , w h o h a s repeatedly accused the US of meddling in his country’sinternalaffairs.

The US justice department says the plane is owned and used by Nicolás Maduro and those affiliated with him in Venezuela

Aspokesperson for the White House national security council said the action represented “an important step to ensure that Maduro continues to feel the consequencesfrom his misgovernance of Venezuela”.

Markenzy Lapointe,

c authorities had given the U S g o v e r n m e n t “invaluable assistance” in organisingtheseizure.

“It doesn’t matter how fancytheprivatejetorhow

powerful the officials – we will work relentlessly with our partnershereandacross the globe to identify and return any aircraft illegally smuggled outside of the U

aid MatthewSAxelrodfromthe department of commerceone of the federal agencies involved in the operation to recovertheplane.

The plane appeared to beflowntotheVenezuelan capital Caracas after arriving in Kingston in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in April 2023, accordingtodataheldbythe Flightradar24website.

US officials said it subsequently flew “almost exclusively to and from a m i l i t a r y b a s e i n Venezuela”

It is unclear how and whentheplanearrivedinthe DominicanRepublic.

But US officials said

thejethadbeenusedbyMr Maduro “on visits to other countries” TheVenezuelan government announced in late July that it was temporarily suspending commercial flights to both the Dominican Republic and Panama following the controversial re-election of MrMaduro.

Thisisnotthefirsttime Mr Maduro or Venezuela’s government has been targeted by US federal authorities over alleged corruption.

In 2020, the justice department charged Mr Maduroand14Venezuelan officials, with narcoterrorism, corruption and drug trafficking, among othercharges.

The state department has offered a reward of up to $15m for information leading to Mr Maduro’s arrestorconviction

Energy Conference 2025 launched

- organisers to roll out suite of new initiatives to boost event

This flagship event is expected

Minister of Natural Resources,

The fourth annual Guyana conference’s new initiatives, Energy Conference and Supply emphasising Guyana’s emergence Chain Expo (GECSEC) 2025 was as a role model among new oilon Monday officially launched producing nations. “Today when during a ceremony at the Guyana welaunchourenergyconference,it Marriott Hotel in Georgetown, isnotonlyanenergyconferencebut where the organisers promised new a supply chain expo. All of these initiativestoaddspicetotheevent. sectors are critical in building out

The conference, scheduled to the oil and gas sector in Guyana,” run from February 18 to February he said. He also highlighted the 21, 2025, will be held under the impact of the 2021 Local Content theme “Connecting the Dots, Legislation, which has expanded IntegratingtheFuture.” various sectors of the economy


“That was the intention of our to draw over 7,000 delegates and government when we passed the will feature more than 180 booths Local Content Bill… Today, we and over 70 speakers. Already, 82 haveseenmanylocalentrepreneurs companies have confirmed their and businesses participating in participation, and 100 booths have Guyana’s oil and gas sector,” the been sold, organisers said minister added. Chief Investment Sponsors include major industry such as renewable energy about is that each year this academics, to have a really strong Officer of the Guyana Office for players such as ExxonMobil in

President and General Manager of ExxonM Guyana

n conference continues to grow on conversationabouttheissuesofthe Investment, Dr Peter Ramsaroop, Guyana, Technip FMC, Noble, optimisation,andtheapplicationof t

day, particularly about energy and andCEOofV75Inc.,EldonMarks, Stunna Drilling, Expo Guyana Inc, AI to enhance efficiency and [ExxonMobil],itisagreatplatform the development of Guyana,”

Pres. Ali, opposition differ on...

From page 2

backlog of work, particularly in its PPP/C used its majority to pass a PAC was crippling the work of the present examination of the motion requiring a quorum that oversightcommitteewithregardto financialrecordsfortheyear2019, i n c l u d e d g o v e r n m

n t scrutinisingpublicspending. rendering it years behind in its representation, a change the Chairman of the PAC, essential work and we are in 2024, opposition argued would stymie Jermaine Figueira in a media fiveyearslaggingbehind. the committee’s work The release pointed out following the He emphasised that “It is oppositionexpressedconcernsthat cancellation of a statutory meeting important to note, that a fully the government could now easily that it had become more and more functioning PAC is a cornerstone stall PAC meetings by not pellucid of the government’s of a healthy democracy, providing attending, thereby preventing the chronic and deliberate plot to a vital counterbalance to review of certain expenditures. stymie the work of this very unchecked government actions Despite these criticisms, Teixeira important committee of the and to ensure that accounting defended the amendment, National Assembly Primarily, he officers discharge their duties and claiming it would ensure balanced noted then that the government responsibilities in accordance with participation and enhance the members who sit on this thelawandshowrespectinservice committee’simpartiality committee are deliberately tothepeopletheyserve.” Non-attendance absenting themselves. According It is in this regard, that the PAC at sectoral meeting to Figueira, the government’s Chair iterated a call for the Adding to the concerns of consistent no-show is imperiling government to prioritize the parliamentary oversight in April one of the guard rails of prompt resumption of regular PAC also, key stakeholders such as democracy; and handicapping the meetings, and replace the “hard ExxonMobil Guyana Limited committee’s capacity to function working” ministers of government (EMGL) and the Environmental as a robust oversight mechanism. with two other competent Protection Agency (EPA) “Without effective oversight, we members, so as to ensure the repeatedly failed to attend Natural risk witnessing further fiscal committee can really begin to Resources Parliamentary Sectoral mismanagement, reckless address the backlog of work in a meetings. The absence of these squandering of public resources, meaningful way, diligently entities,alongwiththatofMinister and a crisis of trust in the executing the pivotal oversight of Natural Resources Vickram g o v e r n m e n t ’s f i n a n c i a l dutiesforthepeopleofGuyana. Bharrat, fueled opposition claims stewardship,”Figueirasaid. In response, Minister of that the government was

, BK Group of Companies, and resilience. She also introduced new to bring the private business sector, Routledgesaid. emphasising the importance of the MECPSalesandServices. features including an energy both local and international Minister of Natural Resources conference and its role in the Speaking at the launch Chief run/walk, an essay competition in together with policymakers and Vickram Bharrat welcomed the country’sfuturedevelopments. Executive Officer of GECSEC collaboration with the Ministry of Kiana Wilburg highlighted the Education,andaconferencevillage growth of the expo over the past with a farmers market and arts and three years, stating, “The 2025 crafts vendors Wilburg Guyana Energy Conference and emphasised, “We will also use this Supply Chain Expo is set to be our platform to invite delegates to not most impactful yet, serving as a just come for the conference but critical platform for advancing also stay for Mashramani.This will discussions on sustainability, be in keeping with our drive to be innovation, and inclusive growth.” on the front line in showcasing the She outlined the key topics for the socioeconomic and cultural 2025 event, which include energy strengthsofourcountry.” transition, financing sustainable Additionally, Wilburg development initiatives, announced that the conference developing a future workforce, secretariatisindiscussionswiththe building resilient supply chains, Ministry of Education to explore and promoting the advancement of opportunities for broadcasting key womenintheindustry segments of the conference to Wilburg also announced the remote regions. “This initiative launching of a news app and aims to ensure that distant podcast app with the collaboration communities can participate and of digital partnerV75 Inc.The new benefit from the insights and technological initiative is designed discussions shared during the to provide reliable and up-to-date event,” she said. These events will industry information. The platform be launched separately later this is expected to become an essential year tool for stakeholders, offering Meanwhile, President of insights and analysis on the latest ExxonMobil Guyana Limited, trendsanddevelopmentswithinthe Alistair Routledge, during his brief energysector remarks highlighted the Looking ahead, the 2025 development of the expo conferencewillintroduceanumber throughout the years with the oil ofnewinitiatives.Wilburgrevealed company being one of the major plans for parallel sessions on sponsors of the conference. “As a technical and specialised topics sponsor, what we are very excited

He explained further that the Parliamentary Affairs and deliberatelyavoidingscrutiny PAC stands as a bastion of Governance, Gail Teixeira, had The Alliance For Change transparency, accountability, and argued that these concerns lacked (AFC) argued that this lack of provides responsible oversight for merit and were distractions from accountability undermined the theallocationofpublicfunds. The more substantive issues. Teixeira transparency the PPP-government PAC Chair reminded that this pointedoutthatthePACinthe12th claimedtochampion. dishearteningtrendofabsenteeism Parliament had convened more While President Ali advocates by government members began meetings than in previous terms, for strong parliamentary oversight when the ruling party altered the despitechallengesinmaintaininga w i t h a c

standing order, mandating the quorum. involvement, these recent presence of two government She accused the opposition of dev

membersforaquorum attempting to divert attention from disconnect between his rhetoric

“Thischanged,”thePACChair critical reviews of the previous and the practical challenges faced noted “slowed down and stymied administration’shandlingofpublic within Guyana’s parliamentary the committees work with more funds. committees. than 40 cancelations of the Additionally, the opposition Thegovernment’sactionshave committee meetings since this had further questioned the led to increasing frustrations from unnecessary and unwarranted government’s commitment to the opposition, who continue to change was made,” Figueira parliamentary oversight following argue that the administration is explained that the PAC continues the April 2022 amendment of the impeding the very oversight it to grapple with an alarming PAC’s quorum rules. The ruling professestosupport.

Coco Gauff ousted by Emma Navarro in US Open fourth round

N E W Y O R K , (Reuters) - Coco Gauff’s U S Open title defence endedina6-34-66-3lossto fellow American Emma Navarro in the fourth round on Sunday, the reigning women’s champion becoming the latest big nametomakeanearlyexitat FlushingMeadowsthisyear Gauff had been looking to avenge her fourth-round

loss a

’s Wimbledon but Navarro stunned the crowd atArthur Ashe Stadium with an aggressive all-round display toreachthequarter-finalsfor thefirsttime.

Third seed Gauff fought herwaybackintothematch after going a set down but ultimately 19 doubles faults and 60 unforced errors meant her first defence of a

Grand Slam title was destined to end in disappointment.

“ M e n t a l l y a n d emotionally, I gave it my all,” said 20-year-old Gauff, whowillnowdropoutofthe top five in the world rankings.

“Of course, there were things execution-wise, obviously I wish I could serve better I think if I

wouldhavedidthat,itwould have been a different story for me. But Emma played really well She did everythingwell,Ithought.” Navarro moves on to play Spain’s Paula Badosa, whothrashedWangYafanof China 6-1 6-2 in the first match of the day at Louis ArmstrongStadiumtoreach thelasteightinNewYorkfor thefirsttime.

In men’s action,

Tuesday September 03, 2024


Difficult predicaments could arise today if you try to exert your will over others without having the most honorable intentions, Aries. It could be that you're using someone else's fear of you to control himorher


The fire within you is raging today,Taurus,andyoushould becarefulhowyouwieldthis power Be proud and triumphant. Walk with your shouldersbackandheadhigh. Freedomisimportant.


There may be a great deal of fuss over something that seems quite insignificant to you, Gemini. Try to see the beauty and importance of everythingaroundyou.


Thingsarecomingtoacritical point for you today, Cancer, and you may find that other people openly object to your actions. It's OK to be a bit selfish if the situation is appropriate.


Feelfreetospeakmoreloudly today, Leo. You'll find that things fall into place more easily if you speak your thoughts outwardly and directly in the presence of others. Bring your internal powerunderyourcontrol.


Youshouldbaskinaglorious splendortoday,Virgo.There's a great deal of power at your disposal.You'll find your ego ishealthy,charged,andready forthebattlefield.


Add more sunshine to your day, Libra. It may be time to stir up your inner passion and let it speak with greater confidencethanyouhavebeen lately Make sure you heal yourself by letting the people aroundyouhearyourtruth.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

You'llfindthatyoursparkcan easily turn potential energy into kinetic energy, Scorpio. Don'tunderestimatethepower of your words. Realize the profound impact they have on othersandtakeresponsibility

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Don't dwell on your fluctuating moods today, Sagittarius. Look at the larger trends and how positive elements are coming together inyourfavor


Thisisyourdaytoshineinall your glory, Capricorn. There's noneedtoholdanythingback. You'll find that you have a great deal of love to share. Your heart is likely to go to extremes today in order to proveitslove.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Trynottolosesightofyour own projects or desires, Aquarius. There's a great deal of power and manipulative energy in the air today that could throw you off course if youaren'tcareful.


Recharge today by getting outside and stretching your arms to the sky, Pisces. Be proud and courageous. You have the power to turn an unhealthy situation into a positiveone,

2024 CWI Men’s Rising Stars 50-Over Championships...

Weather forces No-result between Guyana, Leewards


weather-afflicted matchasGuyanaand Leewards had their bout spoiled yesterday at the National Cricket Center, Couva.

Vikash Wilkinson (34)

Alexander Zverev, Grigor Dimitrov, Taylor Fritz and Frances Tiafoe all marched into the quarter-finals in the bottom half of the draw which was left wide open after the third-round exit of four-times champion Novak Djokovic.

Zverev, still searching forhisfirstGrandSlamtitle attheageof27,reachedthe quarter-finals at a major for the 13th time after coming from a set down to beat

American Brandon Nakashima3-66-16-26-2.

“ I ’ m s t i l l v e r y motivated, ” said the German, who lost to Dominic Thiem on a deciding set tiebreak in the 2020final.

“I still want to achieve some of my dreams. I still want to achievesome of my goals that I have. I’m happy with the level of tennis I’m playing. We’ll see how this weekgoes.”

Thefourthseedwillnext face another American in Fritz, who overcame a sluggish start to beat Norwegian Casper Ruud, thelosingfinalistin2022,366-46-36-2.


Fritz was later joined in the quarter-finals by Tiafoe, another player hoping to take advantage of the early exitsofDjokovicandCarlos Alcaraz to end America’s

21-year wait for a homegrown men’s champion.

Alexei Popyrin ousted Djokovicinahugeshockon Friday but was unable to progress any further as Tiafoe, roared on by a noisy evening crowd on Arthur Ashe,ranouta6-47-6(3)266-3winner

It was not all plainsailing for the 20th seeded American, who had to dig deeptobattlebackfrom5-2 down in the second set against the big-serving Australian.

h 3-44, supported by 2 wickets apiecefromJaheemClarke andMicahMcKenzie

W h e n p l

stopped, Leewards were 35-1 with skipper Tanez Francis not out on 17, as Guy

nder Emmanuel Lewis (1-4), gotthebreakthrough

a n d R a m p e r s a u d Ramnauth (31) along with Romario Ramdehol (23) tookGuyana’sscoreto171 all out in 40 5 overs, batting first Isra-el Morton led Leewards bowling w

Local pros pose following last weekend’s GGA Nexgen Hole-in-one invitational.

Haynes and Sukhram Take Top Spots at Hole-in-One Challenge

The Hole-in-One Challenge at the

Nexgen Golf

Academy on Sunday afternoon was an exciting event,attractingparticipants ofallagesandskilllevels.

Sponsored by Nexgen Golf Academy, Roraima Airways, and Guyana Beverages Inc., the contest gaveplayersthreechancesto win enticing prizes, including trips to Kaieteur FallsandArrowpointResort, as well as hampers filled with products from Guyana Beverages.

Despite several close attempts,noonemanagedto win the Roraima Airways prizepackages.

According to Captain Gerry Gouveia, Roraima Airways, “We are allowing theseprizestoberolledover to the next Hole-in-One Challenge, giving another opportunity for a lucky


The competition was

defeating 11-time Female

11-time Guyana Open Women’s champ Christine Sukhram (center) was among the top performers this past weekend

Guyana Open champion Christine Sukhram to take firstplace.Thewinnerstook home hampers filled with a variety of products from GuyanaBeverages.

The next competition willbeheldonSeptember 22 at the Helena Cricket Ground in Mahaica in partnership with Premier Insurance

Guyanese Madhoo and Fitzgerald ascend...

Frompage27 their talents from October 4-6 at The Hotel Torremayor in Santiago, Chile, where they will compete against some of the best darts players from the Caribbean and Latin America.

TheCDLCTwoYearOrderofMeritisa critical ranking system that determines the seedingofthetopeightplayersforeachevent and may also be used for special event invitationsinthefuture.

Points are accumulated over a two-year period based on performances in CDLC events. Additionally, the 2024 Points List begins with the first event of the year and continues until the final event. The player who leads the points at the end of each year will earn a coveted spot in the PDC World Championship.

The stakes are high as Madhoo and Fitzgeraldaimtomaintaintheirtoprankings and secure their positions in future international competitions, including the 2025 PDC Paddy Power World Championship, which begins in December 2024.

Guyana Mixed Martial Arts Federation National Team

Arrives in Monterrey, Mexico for Pan American Games

The Guyana Mixed Martial Arts Federation (GYMMAF) has informed that the first part of their national team arrived in Monterrey, Mexico on Saturday to represent our nationattheprestigiousPan AmericanGames.

This marks a significant milestone for Guyanese martial arts on the internationalstage.

The team comprises Official Doctor Dennis Bassier, Coach and Athlete JohnCampayne(oftheJohn Campayne MMA Club), Private Ezekiel Persaud (John Campayne MMA Club and Muay 360), and Lyndon Fung of the Guyana Police Force Mixed Martial ArtsAcademy.

The Federation is awaiting the arrival of Assistant Technical Charles Greaves, Ijaze Cave, and Carl Ramsey, who were expected to join the team

yesterday Guyaneseathletes aresettocompeteinvarious weight catego

es, showcasingthediversityand strengthofGuyana’smartial arts talent. John Campayne and Lyndon Fung will be contending in the Super Heavyweight Category, a challenge that demands exceptional skill and determination.

EzekielPersaud,making his debut at American Games, will compete in the StrawweightCategory Ijaze Cave will bring his prowess to the Middle

Category, while Carl Ramsey will battle in the HeavyweightCategory. While the road to Monterrey has been paved withchallenges,thespiritof t h e t e a m

e m a i n s unbreakable. As Bruce Lee once said, “Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strengthtoendureadifficult one.” The athletes have

The Guyanese fighters arrived in Monterrey Mexico ahead of Pan American Games.

changes, the team has remainedfocused,drivenby theirsharedgoalofbringing glorytoGuyana. Vice-PresidentandHead of Administration, Troy Phillips, expressed the federation’s gratitude to the Ministry of ForeignAffairs, the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport, and the MexicanEmbassyforgoing the extra mile in assisting with visas for our athletes. Their support has been instrumentalinensuringthat our team could compete on thisinternationalstage.

commitmenttoexcellenceis evidentintheirpreparation.

Alexander of Zing Zang MMA and 360 Muay Thai, who was unable to compete due to medical reasons as determined by Safe MMA. Hisabsenceisfeltdeeplyby theteam,andwewishhima speedyrecovery Originally scheduled to take place in Trinidad and Tobago in July of this year, the games were later moved to Monterrey, Mexico

Despite the unexpected

Asourathletesprepareto step into the ring, we remember the words of Muhammad Ali: “I hated everyminuteoftraining,but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer nowandlivetherestofyour life as a champion.’ We await the results with confidence, knowing that theirhardworkandsacrifice willyieldexcellence.

Glasgow, Jones anxious to face Suriname on Thursday

- Coach Shabazz says the team is ‘oozing’ with confidence

The Golden Jaguars are settoroaragainstoneofthe country’s oldest rivals, Suriname, this Thursday at theNationalTrackandField Centre from 4:00 pm as

Guyana begins its CONCACAF Nations League campaign following theirpromotiontoLeagueA.

TheGoldenJaguarshave been placed in Group A alongside Costa Rica, Guatemala, Martinique, Guadeloupe,andSuriname.

Aftertheclashwiththeir Dutch-speaking neighbours, theGoldenJaguarswillhead to Fort-de-France where theyfaceMartinique.

Head Coach Jamaal Shabazz has named a squad featuringMiddlesbroughFC talismanIsaiahJones,whois t h e t e a m ’ s o n l y debutant—something Jones has expressed excitement about.

Jones, 25, speaking exclusively to Kaieteur NewsattheGuyanaFootball Federation (GFF) National Training Centre in Providence, said, “It’s a privilege to play for your country, especially at home, andtogetthreepoints…”He added that he is looking

forward to facing his Middlesbrough FC teammate, Anfernee Dijksteel,whowillrepresent Suriname.

J o n e s j o i n e d

Middlesbroughin2019from non-league side Tooting & Mitcham and made his league debut for the Teessiders in August 2021 after loan spells with St Johnstone and Queen of the South.

He was also eligible to playforJamaica,throughhis father,butchosetorepresent Guyana as an homage to his Guyanesemother

“I’m always excited to connectwiththeplayers.My familyishappy,andIwantto make them proud on Thursday,”Jonesshared.

Jonesisjoiningtheteam amid a fantastic run at Middlesbrough FC in the E n g l i s h F o o t b a l l Championship, a tier below the Premier League, where he’safanfavourite.

“EverytimeIsteponthe pitch; I look forward to the pressure.

Everything I’ve been doing in the Championship, I’mlookingtodoingwiththe NationalTeamtohelpusget three points on Thursday,”


Meanwhile, Omari

Glasgow,whosesevengoals in five matches earned him the League B top scorer and BestYoungPlayertitles,told Kaieteur News that individual accolades are behindhimashefocuseson replicating or bettering his performances, which played a significant role in guiding the Golden Jaguars to LeagueA.

“I enjoy going out there andperformingfortheteam; it’s about the team, scoring goals,andIhopetocontinue scoring and helping the team,” the 20-year-old forwardnoted.

With 16 goals in 24 appearances for the Golden Jaguars,theChicagoFireFC forwardisjusttwogoalsshy of Nigel Codrington’s alltimerecordof18goals.

However, Glasgow’s only focus is on starting the country’s Nations League campaignwithawin,adding “theguysareexcitedforthis journey, and we’re looking forward to victory on Thursday and then moving ontothenextmatch.”

This will be Omari’s secondtimefacingSuriname at the senior level, having

played in Guyana’s 2-1 defeat at the Franklin Essed Stadium in Paramaribo on February1,2022.

“It’s a rivalry, and everyone will want to play their best. Both teams will want to win, but I know we’re hungrier because playing in LeagueAis a big dealforus.It’saprivilegeto be back in Guyana and play infrontofthehomefans,and we hope they come out and supportus,”Glasgowsaid.


Meanwhile, Coach Shabazz shared that the moodinthecampiscalmbut tingedwithsomeanxiety,as the players are eager to face Suriname.

“Over the years, Suriname has been a formidableopponent,andin recent years, they’ve gotten even stronger,” Shabazz said.

Reflecting on Guyana’s unbeaten run in League B, whichsawtheteamfinishing top of their group and earning automatic promotion to League A, Shabazzadded,“Nowwe’ve earned the right to be here, and we want to stay To do that, we need good results,

and playing at home is the perfect start. We’re ready to giveourbest.”

Guyana will host Guatemala on October 11, followed by a return fixture againstSurinameonOctober 15.

Following the Group StagematchesinSeptember and October 2024, the top two finishers from each group(totallingfourteams)

will progress to the Quarterfinals They will join the four highest-ranked League A teams (Mexico, United States, Panama, and Canada).

Scheduled within the September, October, and November 2024 FIFA

Match Windows, the Quarter-finals for LeagueA willtakeplaceinNovember 2024

The climax of the 2024/25 Concacaf Nations League will unfold in March 2025 during the Finals, where the tournament’s fourth championwillbecrowned

Goalkeepers: Quillan Roberts (Western Suburbs FC, New Zealand), Kai McKenzie Lyle (Oxford City FC, UK) and Akel Clarke (Slingerz FC, Guyana).

Defenders: Curtez Kellman (Slingerz FC, Guyana), Jalen Jones (Oxford City FC, UK), Colin Nelson (GDF FC, G u y a n a ) , Te r e n c e Vancooten (Burton Albion FC, UK), Leo Lovell (SlingerzFC,Guyana)Liam Gordon (Walsall FC, UK), JeremyGarrett(SlingerzFC, Guyana), Reiss Greenidge, (Maidstone United FC, UK) and Samuel Cox (Oxford CityFC,UK).

Midfielders: Nathan Ferguson (Maidenhead United FC, UK), Ryan Hackett (GDF FC, Guyana), Elliot Bonds (Fleetwood Town FC, UK), Daniel Wilson (Western TigersFC,Guyana),Nathan Moriah Welch (Hibernian FC, Scotland), Stephen Duke McKenna (Harrogate FC, UK) and Kadell Daniel (CroydonAthletic,UK).


(GDF FC, Guyana),OsazeDeRosario (Seattle Sounders FC, USA), Omari Glasgow (Chicago Fire FC, USA), I s a i a h J o n e s (Middlesbrough FC, UK) and Deon Moore (Woking FootballClub,UK).

The Lusignan Golf Club (LGC) was the venue for an intensedayofgolfingaction as it hosted the annual Farmsup Golf Tournament on Sunday, September 1, 2024 The tournament attracted a diverse field of golfers, all vying for top honors in their respective categories The event

concluded with Chet Bowling being crowned the overallwinner,thankstohis exceptional performance that resulted in a best net scoreof65.

The tournament was divided into two main handicap categories, each delivering impressive performances:


Mohanlal Dumanath –

Mohanlal Dumanath claimed the top position in this category with a gross score of 76. After adjusting

Chet Bowling Dominates at Farmsup Golf Tournament Kings comeback against Patriots

for his 6 handicap, he achievedanetscoreof70. Patrick Prashad –

Following closely in second place, Patrick Prashad deliveredagrossscoreof83 and, with an 11 handicap, securedanetscoreof72.

David Harry – David Harry earned the third spot withagrossscoreof88anda 14handicap,leadingtoanet scoreof74.

Avinash – Avinash roundedoutthetopfourwith a gross score of 97 and a 3 handicap, giving him a net scoreof94.

15-28 Handicap Category: Chet Bowling – Chet Bowlingemergedasthestar of the tournament, posting a gross score of 87.With a 22 handicap, he achieved an outstanding net score of 65, making him the overall winneroftheday


Chet Bowling emerged as the star of the tournament.

Mangratooksecondplacein this category with a gross score of 85 and an 18 handicap, resulting in a net scoreof67.

Joseph Zeplaki – Joseph Zeplaki completed the top threewithagrossscoreof92 and a 16 handicap, giving himanetscoreof76.

In addition to the main awards, special prizes were

EverestO50sMasters,NorthSoesdykeMasters andEssequiboInvadersrecordvictories in 2ndRoundofBMCO50sTournament

At the Everest ground:

Taking first strike on a very gloomy day, Everest Masters rattled up 143 for 5 off 24 overs when the heavensopenedputtingpaid to their innings. Sahadeo Hardaiow was once more amongsttherunstopscoring with 39 which contained 3 @ 6s and 2 @ 4s. Surendra Hiralall made a well composed 34 with 2 boundaries.

Other useful knocks came from opener Basil Persaud 20 and D. Lall 19. After the rains came down the Duckworth Lewis method had to be called upon and Everest Masters targetwasrevisedto165off 24overs.

East Coast Aash Décor O50s Masters had a poor start, losing their opener, N. Samlall at 12 but recovered nicely with a 64-run 2nd wicket partnership between Opener V Gobin 40 and M. Shaw28.

After the fall of Shaw’s wicketat76inthe11thover, East Coast were eventually bowledoutfor127toloseby 38 runs under the DLS

method Leg spinner

Chanderpaul Singh was the pick of the bowlers for Everest Masters bagging 4 for 25 off his allotted 5 overs.

Anil Beharry supported well with 2 for 21 off his 5 overs. Over at the Enmore Cricket Club ground: Essequibo Invaders enjoyed a comfortable win over the former lawmen, Ex Berbice Police Masters bowling them out for 136 off 28.4 overs.

O p e n e r R y a n

DeNobrega was once again amongst the runs

top scoring with 39 including 5 boundaries, Marvin Durant hit a quickfire 22 with 2 maximums and 2 @ 4s

Other decent knocks came from opener Deo Ramdat 14, Gobin Roopram 14, Ray Trellis 13* & Kawall Mangal 12 Ghansham

Deonarine picked up 3 for 26 off his 5 and D Lakhan took2for13

Essequibo Invaders made light work of the lawmen knocking off the runs in 21 overs for the

loss of only 3 wickets

Ve t e r a n R a m e s h

Deonarine recorded the solitary half century for this round making a polished 62 with 4 maximumsand3@4s

C a p t a i n M a r k

Gonsalves contributed with 40* At the Farm ground: North Soesdyke entered the winners’ row with their first victory overthepowerfulJaiHind Jaguars who are yet to score any points North Soesdyke took first strike and rattled up a what s e e m e d t o b e a n inadequate 155 all out in 25overs

Kenneth Debidyal batting at #10 top scored with 38 Opener Sudesh Persaudmade26whilstD Mangru contributed 19 The Jaguars from Berbice could only respond with 124 all out Ravi Mangali topscoredwith37(2@6s & 2 @ 4s) whilst Windies Masters off spinner Vejai Seonarine chipped in with 20 (1 @ 6 and 2 @ 4s) R Jaisingh and Mangru pickedup2wicketseach.

proud to sponsor this tournament. We at Farmsup wouldliketoseesportssuch as golf, develop more in the country So, thank you for having us on board and we looking forward to future partnership.”

LGCPROBrianHackett added to the sentiments, noting the importance of such tournaments in strengthening community ties and promoting the sport withintheregion.

alsogivenoutforindividual achievements Patrick Prashad was recognized for “Closest to the Pin,” while Avinash Persaud took home the prize for the “Longest Drive.”

Farmsup Managing Director Jason Van Dijk commended all participants for their competitive spirit. He further said, “We’re

The day concluded with a ceremony where winners were celebrated for their achievementsonthecourse.

FarmSup,foundedinthe 1990sinGuyana,beganasa smallsupplierofagricultural inputs like fertilizers and seeds.

It quickly grew, expanding its product range and forming partnerships with international brands to introduce advanced farming

technology to local farmers. Bytheearly2000s,FarmSup became a major player in Guyana’sagriculturalsector, known for enhancing farming practices through quality products and training.Withover150staff on board Farmsup operates not only in the Agriculture sector but also in Construction, Mining, Marine, Power Generation and Warehouse Solutions. Thecompanyalsorepresents an impressive lineup of world-renowned brands, including Develon, Bobcat, MercuryMarine,Tatu,Jacto, Shaktiman, Solis, Volvo Penta, and more Today, FarmSup remains a leading supplierinGuyana.

As the Lusignan Golf Club continues to host such high-caliber events, it reinforcesitsroleasacentral hubforthedevelopmentand promotionofgolfinGuyana.

CPL - A tournament record second wicket partnership of 199 runs between Kyle Mayers and Evin Lewis was not enough to see St Kitts & Nevis Patriotstovictoryinthefifth match of the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) in Basseterre. The St Lucia Kings completed an ice-veined run chase to pull offafivewicketwinwith16 ballsremaining.

An unbeaten century for Lewisoff54ballsand92from Mayersoff62deliverieslitup the evening, with boundaries rainingdownonallcornersof the ground, the Patriots pair hitting a combined 16 sixes and 13 fours to set a challenging target of 201/3Thegamelookedallbut gone for the Kings early in their response At 24/4 inside four overs with opener and captain Faf du Plessis pocketed by countryman Anrich Nortje for 2 and Mayers doing early damage withtheballinhandtogetrid of Johnson Charles and AckeemAuguste.

Aremarkablepassageof play followed, Tim Seifert was dropped twice on his way to scoring 64 off 27 balls before Bhanuka Rajapaska (68* off 35) and David Wiese (34* off 20)

beat the fielders and cleared the ropes with aplomb to knock off the runs with relativeease.

The rain fell at Warner Park but it wasn’t heavy or sustained enough to come to Patriots rescue, all of their bowlers shipped heavy runs apart from Nortje who finished with 2/29 from his four overs. Team captain Andre Fletcher intimated that his side needs to improve in order to challenge in the competition

“Asafieldingunit,weare not helping the bowlers” Fletcher said after the match

“Wecan’tbedroppingcatches and expect to win matches against powerful batting line-

ups Catcheswinmatchesand wehavetodothat,andbuckup on our fielding” It was a bittersweet evening for Kyle Mayers, who picked up the PlayeroftheMatchawardfor hissublimecentury “Itwasa gooddayformebuttheteam did not cross the line, so it is still sad The difference betweenusandthemwasthat theyexecutedinthebackend and the rain also kept our spinnersoutofthegame.” It as a confident start to the 2024 campaign by St Lucia Kings who chalk up victory in their first outing but plenty to ponder for St Kitts & Nevis Patriots with just one win from three matchessofar

St Lucia fought back to win the contest. (CPL)

Guyana’s Rosanna Fung shines with Silver Medal at Mr. Mexico Pro

Guyana’s reigning Bodybuilding B i k i n i champion, Rosanna Fung, continued her impressive rise in the international bodybuilding scene, capturing a silver medal at the recently Mr Mexico Pro Bodybuilding and Fitness competition in Mexico City overtheweekend.

The statuesque IFBB Elite Wellness Bikini pro delivered a strong performance,standingoutin ahighlycompetitivefieldin what was her fourth professionalcompetition.

At just 24 years old, Fung,whowasrankedninth in the world prior to the event,earnedvaluablepoints with her podium finish, securingherqualificationfor theWorldChampionshipsin SpainthisNovember

S i n c e t u r n i n g professional in 2022, Fung

h a s c o n s i s t e n t l y demonstrated her prowess

on stage, quickly establishing herself as a force to be reckoned with in thesport.

The accomp


athlete and popular fitness trainerhasalreadyamasseda series of podium finishes in her career, including a second-place finish at the Roger Boyce Classic in Barbados in 2023 and third placein2024. She also clinched a second-place finish in Abu Dhabiearlierthisyear

proudly represent Guyana o n t h e w o r l d championship stage in Spain this November and to become the fi

Guyanese athlete to bring h o m e a

d bodybuildingtitle ” Fung expressed her gratitude to those who have supported her journey:“Iwanttoextend my deepest gratitude to my sponsors, without whom none of this would be po


Electrical, the National

Guyanese Madhoo and Fitzgerald ascend to top CDLC 2 Year Order of Merit rankings


G u y a n a ’s d a r t s

Madhoo and Sudesh Fitzgerald, are making waves in the Championship Darts Latin-America and Caribbean (CDLC) circuit.

Cement, ENetworks, and my cherished family and friends who know who they are A special and heartfelt thanks to my partner, Tariq Dakhil,

No files for Tyrell at World Aquatics

Swimming Delroy Tyrrell will have to wait a little longer before he can make a splashforGuyana.

On August 16, Kaieteur News reported that Tyrrell’s application to switch from Trinidad and Tobago to Guyana is with Swimming’s global governing body, World Aquatics.

CurrentlyonascholarshipattheCollege ofSaintRoseinDivisionTwooftheNCAA, Tyrrell requested last year to switch his affiliationfromTrinidad&TobagoAquatics to the Guyana Amateur Swimming Association(GASA).

DwayneScott,theGASApresident,said they’re awaiting written confirmation regarding when Tyrrell will be eligible to compete.

With their recent performances, they have soared to the top of the CDLC Two Year Order of Merit rankings, securing theirplacesattheprestigious CDLC 2024 Tour in Chile, set to take place later in October Madhoo currently holds the number one spot in the rankings with an impressive 60points,whileFitzgeraldis hot on his heels with 58 points The two have outperformed a competitive field, staying ahead of top contenders like Guillermo Sotointhird,AlexGutierrez, Jesus Salate, Rashad Sweeting, Jefet Vengas, and RobertoWentz,whooccupy positions four through eight respectively

competitor in Chile this October His skill and experience make him a strong favourite, and his top r

s his consistent excellence in the sport Fitzgerald, his countryman and club mate fromtheForeignLinkDarts Club,isnotfarbehind.With 156 wins and 80 losses, Fitzgerald has proven

NormanMadhoo,ranked number one with a remarkable record of 155 winsand61losses,ispoised to be a formidable

competitor, firmly securing the second position in the rankings.

Theduowillshowcase (Continuedonpage24)

Scott noted that Tyrrell must wait 12 monthsforthechangeinnationalassociation to take effect, but he also pointed out that some unintentional actions by Tyrrell could causedelays.

Scott explained that while Tyrrell occasionally competes in Guyana for the DoradoSpeedSwimClub,healsocontinues to represent his swim club in Trinidad and Tobago.

However, Legal Counsel of World Aquatics, Jan Exner, on August 30, in an email to Tyrell, said the Global swimming body double-checked their internal systems ande-mailinboxes,“Still,unfortunately,we have no record of any previous submission regardingtheAthlete,eitherbyanindividual or by the GASA.” On May 14, Exner also statedthat“WorldAquaticshadnorecordof

previous submission regarding the Athlete [DelroyTyrrell]neitherbyGuyanaAmateur SwimmingAssociation…”

She reminded that only World Aquatics Members/National Federations have the authoritytosubmittherequestforthechange ofSportsNationalityonbehalfoftheathlete whowishestojointhem.

DespiteExnerrevelation,KaieteurNews understandsthattheGASA,inalettersigned byScott,wrotetoWorldAquaticsJuly2023, applying for a change of National Association.

Guyanese Rosanna Fung (second from right) sharing the stage in Mexico City.
Delroy Tyrrell
Norman Madhoo at the 2023 PDC World championship.

Glasgow, Jones anxious to face Suriname on Thursday

- Coach Shabazz says the team is ‘oozing’with confidence

Prize winners along with officials at the presentation.

Chet Bowling Dominates at Bowling Farmsup Golf Tournament Tournament

Isaiah Jones, the Middlesbrough FC star is eager to face Suriname in the CONACAF Nations League.
Omari Glasgow is looking forward to continue is goal scoring form against Suriname.

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