Exxon is given
as it needs for
ExxonMobilGuyana,the operatorofGuyana’soilrich Stabroek Block has been given a free pass to take as muchofthecountry’soilasit needs for its offshore operations,amovethatcould pavethewayforboatloadsof undocumented crude oil to be shipped away, according to Publisher of Kaieteur News,GlennLall.
The businessman and anti-corruptionadvocate,ina public message on his social media platforms, pointed to an article published by Kaieteur News on Monday under the headline ‘Guyana inthedarkonhowmuchoilis beingdeductedbyExxonfor its operations – Int’l lawyer says matter is of serious concern.’
giant, as per the terms of the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement(PSA),isallowed touseareasonableamountof oil for its daily operations; however,thereisnorecordof howmuchofthisproduction is being used by the company
Article 11 9 of the Agreement states: “The Contractor shall have the right to use in any Petroleum Operations as much of the production as mayreasonablyberequired by it therefore and the quantities so used or lost shall be excluded from any calculations of Cost Oil and/or Cost Gas and Profit Oil and/or Profit Gas entitlement.”
Lallwaskeentonotethat this state of affairs has been
ongoing since oil production commenced in 2019 International Lawyer, Melinda Janki wrote to President Irfaan Ali in 2021 seeking answers on the quantityofoilbeingusedby the company but never receivedaresponse.
ThenewspaperPublisher argued that all other oil production related data has been made public by the government including how muchgaswasflared,usedfor fuel and re-injected, along withthequantityofproduced water To this end, he said,
“When it comes to awe sweet crude oil, there is no explanation, beat that, five yearsnow.”
In attempting to simplify thegravityofthesituationfor his viewers, he explained,
“It’s like men picking your coconuts, and they can use a “reasonable” amount for themselves, but you have no meter,sorry,noonetocheck
how much they’re taking every month Yuh know whatwillhappen?Boatloads will be leaving your farm secretlyeveryday,whileyou sleepinginyuhbed.”
Theadvocatepointedout that five years after the country commenced oil production activities, the country is yet to procure its ownmeterstoverifythedaily rate of oil production being reported to the government. Furthermore, Lall said this has caused further alarm since Exxon has bluntly refused to allow auditors access to its raw production data.
Itwasreportedthatduring theauditofExxon’s2018and 2020 expenses, the company refused to provide a map of the metering points on the Liza Destiny, the country’s first Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO)vessel.
The auditors said the schematic would provide a visual representation of the physical flow of production as it is produced onto the FPSO, through the various types of production equipment, and into the storage tanks.ExxonMobil also bluntly refused to provide the raw production datatotheauditteam
To this end, the businessman reasoned, “Government is getting data that Exxon presents to them as raw data, hence they refused to give the auditors access to check the raw data on the production data at the pumps. To eliminate this issue is simple, put our own metersoneachoftheFPSOs, this way auditors would not havetobegExxontoseethe rawdata,wewouldhavethis atourfingertips.”
With government uninterestedinimplementing independentmeters,Lallsaid the situation becomes sadder as the political Opposition seemstobeinadeepslumber, failing to nip these issues in thebud
On Tuesday, Mikhail Rodrigues popularly known as the ‘Guyanese Critics’ appeared before Justice Priscilla Chandra-Hanif in the High Court where he pleaded guilty to contempt ofcourt.
He was ordered to pay $100,000bySeptember9.
Failure to do so will see him being sent to jail for three days. He also has to issueapublicapologytothe court. Rodrigues was cited for contempt in accordance ofSection6oftheContempt Act,afterhelive-streameda sectionofacourthearingvia his Facebook page without having the court’s permissiontodoso.
ThisoccurredonAugust 30th during the defamation hearing for a lawsuit filed against Rodrigues by Former Minister of Government Simona Broomes for defamation of character
The court was made aware of his actions when thelivestreamendedandhe was summoned to make an appearance and provide cause why he should not be held in contempt. The court documentstatesthathemust
issue the apology on his show and also publish it on hiswebsite.
Broomes had filed a $450 million libel and defamation lawsuit in February of this year
BroomesissuingRodrigues over several libelous statements, which he made against her on his morning programme, ‘They Break News’. She has asked the courttoawardher$450Min damages.
In court documents seen by this newspaper, the former Minister lists 14 times that the social media commentator made
Mikhail Rodrigues popularly known as the ‘Guyanese Critics’
statements defaming her on his January 24, 2024 programme.Inthedocument drafted by attorney Dexter Todd, Broomes noted that Rodrigues accused her of engaging in revolting activities.
The lawsuit details that on his January 24, 2024 programme which was broadcast on Facebook, Rodriguesmadethelibelous statementsagainstBroomes.
As part of the lawsuit, seeking an injunction that would restrain Rodrigues, his servants and or his agents, from further publishing or causing to be
publish, any statement by him that would convey the impression that she was involved.
She is also seeking an order to have Rodrigues remove the offending programme from all social media platforms, to retract his statements and issue an apologytoher
The lawsuit covers severalpartsofthebroadcast that was done by Rodrigues and the many statements he made at various points in relationtoBroomes.
Inhergroundstosupport the claim, Broomes noted that she was a politician, MemberofParliamentunder t h e A P N U + A F C Government, and a human rights activist who is highly respected nationally and internationally as a leader, businesswomanandminer.
Broomes was awarded bytheU.S.StateDepartment in 2013 as an International Hero in the fight against human trafficking in Guyana. At all material times, she noted Rodrigues
falsely and maliciously published boldly and
allegations and statements
about her on his widely
programme ‘They Break News.’’
Police in Regional Division Nine are investigating the murderofJulioMandook,aresidentofAishaltonVillage, SouthRupununi,whichoccurredonMonday
The incident reportedly took place around 1:00 p.m. AccordingtoGuyanaPoliceForce(GPF),Mandook,along withseveralothers,hadgonetotheAishaltonCemeteryto buildatombandwereconsumingalcohol.
The group was digging sand from a nearby walkway, approximately 600 meters from the tomb site, when the suspect,18-year-oldDelsonBrown,intervened. Brown allegedly warned Mandook to stop removing sand from the walkway, as it could cause damage. An argument ensued, escalating into a physical altercation, duringwhichMandookwasstabbed.Brownfledthescene followingtheincident.
One of the men assisting with the sand returned to the walkway and discovered Mandook bleeding from a chest wound. He was immediately rushed to the Aishalton District Hospital, where he received treatment and was admitted. During a visit from his reputed wife, Mandook recountedtheeventsbeforesuccumbingtohisinjury. Police have since arrested Brown, who remains in custodyastheinvestigationcontinues.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Guyana’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) numbers are maintainingitsbreakneckpacesinceoilwasfirstdiscovered here. Oil production has been the steroids that power the relentless march of GDP The mid-year report from the BankofGuyanajustconfirmedthis:GDPwasaremarkable 49.7% mid-2024. Despite a few key sectors recording declines, and a few advancing, the first half GDP for this year was still a rich ground 49.7%. With a whopper of a numberlikethat,thereasonableexpectationisthattherising local GDPtide would lift all boats in the local environment. Thatis,asGDPgoes,sowouldGuyanese.
A GDP increase of 10%, or high single digits, is considered healthy, one that should mean much for the population, with benefits flowing. The number lifts citizens, as in the tangibles, they are in a better position to grasp. More jobs and better paying ones stand as one outcome of an increasing GDP There have been those in some sectors, with construction and its supporting tentacles providing visible evidence. But where are the rest of Guyanese in this era of great and greater GDP numbers? Whathasbeentheirlot,agoodmanyinthepopulation,amid the dizzying array of GDP numbers since the contributions of oil to the local economy? In the middle of rich GDP numbers, there is the grimness of many Guyanese who are forcedtoliveonashoestringthatstripsthemoftheirdignity andmakesamockeryofthatthrillingdescription:therichest peopleintheworld,usingthosesameGDPnumbers. When the ordinary people in Guyana cannot afford the basics of a healthyexistence,mostofallfoodessentials,thenthepower and beauty of 30 plus percent and almost 50 percent GDPin differentintervalsbecomesnothingbutatauntandaninsult.
ThePPPCGovernmentanditsleadingpolicymenhavea standardline. Thereisgreatconcernandwatchfulvigilance on that monster called inflation, i.e., rising prices. Notwithstanding what could be rightly termed a galloping GDPreality, the government claims with a bland face that it has succeeded through skillful efforts at keeping inflation under control. GDPis more than 20%, more than 30%, and more than 40%, but miracle of miracles, fears of the economy overheating are nowhere in sight, because the PPP/C Government has been wise in its policies and the numbers are there to prove so. If the government is to be taken seriously, and as being honest with its statistics, that has been its insistent story However, according to those who are the best judges of where prices are (amidst these fabulous GDP numbers), rising prices have them in a stranglehold that grows tighter with each passing week. While GDP is rising and rising in an endless spiral, and government policymakers are busy celebrating and congratulating themselves, the people are struggling to put food on the table and feed their children. This is the unsparing irony of Guyana under a PPP/C Government that is quick to point out about how much it cares. The GDP numbersarestatisticallyrich,buttherearegrowingnumbers of Guyanese who are food and existence poor Considering theGDPriches,thegovernmentshouldhavebeenextending a helping hand more freely to the Guyanese not among its chosen. The government prefers to be stingy and angry whencalledtoaccountforthedisparity
Sugar has been failing abysmally but has been the beneficiary of billions in ongoing subsidies, and yet its output is down by 60% in the first half of 2024. Gold is down and so is bauxite, while rice is up, with fishing recording healthy gains. There is this flush of numbers in oneofthemosttalkedaboutcountriesglobally Yetthereare thousands upon thousands of Guyanese who are asking themselveshowisitthattheyarenotamongthosesharingin thelocalrichness. Thegovernmentremindseveryoneabout howmuchithasdone. Itisbetteradvisedtofocusonwhatit has not done, where it has not gone, and why so many Guyanese are where they are in this period of great national numbers.
Today the world is facing another October 7, it received more than 5,000
The news of the passing of Sir similarbutworsesituation.Referenceis tons of armament and military Shridath Ramphal on August 30, is beingmadeheretothegrave,inhumane equipment from the U.S alone. Many cause for some reflection. He was an situation confronting the Palestinian European Union countries have excellent diplomat and led the Ministry people in the Gaza,West Bank and East supplied considerable military ofForeignAffairswithdistinction,even Jerusalem. The destruction in the Gaza hardware to the Fascist, Apartheid though much of the time was to defend isnowbeingreflectedontheWestBank, Israeli regime as well Ironically and obscure the excess of the in Jenin where homes are being Germany comes second only to the U.S destruction that was caused by the PNC bulldozed and people are being shot in provision of weapons to kill innocent dictatorship. randomly civilians.
At the pinnacle of this career, he Every anti-apartheid righter from These amounts are apart from the became the Secretary General of the SouthAfricaregardwhatistakingplace almost four billion dollars per year of Commonwealth. In this position, he did in Palestine as far worse than anything militaryequipmentthattheU.Sgivesto nothing to enhance democracy in that ever happened in apartheid South Israel. In remembering Sir Shridath Guyana, never a word of condemnation Africa. What is taking place there is Ramphal’s role during the difficult of the massive rigging of elections nor really apartheid on steroids. Thousands times in South Africa, the Caribbean the terrible violation of Human Rights. of innocent babies, children, young leadersoftodayshouldtakeupthecause Not a word of the assassination of women and the aged are among the of the Palestinian people and break WalterRodneyandothers. murdered by the Israeli regime. The diplomatic relations with Israel. We
However, he did play a leading and Western supporters of Israel are calling must lobby other countries and regions positive role in the struggle against this a war, but the Palestinians do not to have Israel expelled from the United Apartheid in SouthAfrica. He stood out have an army, not a single tank, nor a Nations. in that role. It was this advocacy that single armoured vehicle. The Israeli This issue is the worst humanitarian contributed greatly to the isolation of regime, however, has one of the disaster since the last World War Our the white racist regime in SouthAfrica. strongest armies in the world Humanity is on trial in Palestine. Caribbean countries did not ever Moreover, it has access to the most Uttering words of condemnation is not recognisetheracistregime,andwetook powerfulcountryintheworld.Theycan enough. aleadingpartinternationallyinbringing get on demand, all the bombs they need Caricom leaders must take a strong about its isolation The world and any modern weapon in existence. position and immediately sever progressive forces at that time led and The use of the term “was” is used to relations with the Israeli Regime! They supported by the Soviet Union, the deliberately cover up what is really must now begin advocating for Eastern European Socialist countries, happening,amassacre,agenocide. suspension of Israel from the United especially the German Democratic Since October 7, 2023, the United Nations as they did when South Africa Republic (GDR) and China managed to States has sent five hundred transport wasruledbyaracistregime! even have the South African region planes(500)andonehundredandseven Save our humanity now. suspended from the United Nations. Sir (107) ships full with bombs and other Regards, Shridath was shoulder-to-shoulder with military hardware to Israel. Israel itself Donald Ramotar theanti-apartheidforces. has acknowledge this it said that since Former President
DEAREDITOR, Russell Lancaster accompanied by and the fear of domination of one group Saturday’s afternoon programme at Marilyn Dewar, Prize/Giveaways along over another. This is important in the the Theatre Guild featured a lecture by with the introduction of the Guest case of our country, where during Professor Marjoleine Kars, a review of Speaker by Mr. Nigel Hughes. I was slavery, the imperial master-class herbook-‘BloodontheRiver,’whichin happytoobservethepresenceofformer ensured the creation of a group, we essence was an examination of the most President of the Republic Donald unhappily referred to as the House significantrevolutioninGuyana. Ramotar, Former Attorney General, Slave.Additionally, both the Dutch and A rebellion by the enslaved Basil Williams and former Ministers of B
Africans, led by Cuffy referred to as Government, Clement Rohee and Amerindian brothers to hunt and catch Governor Cuffy, against the Dutch RonaldBulkan. slaves who ran away from the horrors enslavers. Those events, delightfully Professor Kars explained that Cuffy andbeatingsofplantationlife. presented by the Professor, shaped the took control of the territory, we now Of interest, not all Amerindians Guyana we know today. It is the sort of knowasBerbice,butseemedtohaveno were made to be headhunters by the informationandeducationthatprovides difficulty sharing power with his Europeans. Some accommodated runa necessary key to unlock the doors of erstwhile masters, the Dutch. Due to away slaves and as I travelled around misinformation, and prejudice, if as a disagreementswithhismainLieutenant this country, more than half a century people, we are to overcome ignorance Atta, the Dutch were able to mobilise ago, I witnessed evidence of this and past missteps to allow us to march assistance externally and internally, and delightful mixture, we call bouviannas bravely into the sunlit, but complex and the revolution crumbled and failed. in every river I traversed. This divide sometimesconfusingworld. Consistent with the culture of his tribe, and rule policy has been practised in In my final paragraph of this letter, I Cuffy chose the honourable way out by SouthAmerica, NorthAmerica, Central will identify a recurrent problem, some takinghislife,therestishistory Americaandelsewhere. may say a curse which we must face At question time, Professor Kars, The master class features change bravely and boldly Let me first thank was asked why the Amerindian from time to time, but the practice of Mr Malcolm DeFreitas, Director of the population supported the Dutch and not divide and rule remains deep stains on Theatre Guild for appropriate protocol the African revolutionaries She our society and sometimes, we fight and other arrangements. Second, to explained that the Europeans among ourselves, blinded to the thank IDPADA-G for overcoming the understood the need to cultivate and machinationsofthephilosophyofthose failuretosecuretheexpectedtraditional gain the support of the Amerindian in charge who learn quickly by using grant yet putting together the event. community through the use of their money and other incentives to divide Also, to compliment the Law Firm of wealthandothermeans,notavailableto andrule. Hughes, Field & Stoby for sponsoring Cuffy and his brave men. She explained For me, this was a lesson not to be thevisitofProfessorKars. the utility of divide and rule A ignoredaftertheProfessorrepliedtothe I hope that other professional techniquethatsomefeelisondisplayto question, of why did the Amerindians groups, businesses and entities would thisday support the Dutch against the African comeforward,sothatwecanhelpshine
In a country, where I believe there is Freedom Fighters. If this or any other a light to pierce a darkness that is nodeephistoricalracism,thisisalesson Administration is truly interested in evident in the Republic. It was a useful we should learn and not repeat. Here I harmony, in love, peace, and oneness, thought-provoking evening make a subtle distinction between we should learn from the mistakes and embellished with songs, videos, soloist, racism and ethnic suspicion, distrust (Continued on page 5)
DEAREDITOR, Championships and Pan Am oursonDelroytodiscussand
this, please note that only statement in the Kaieteur I am Fitzroy Tyrrell, Age Group Championships, resolve the issue of our son ApplicationthattheNational W o r l d A q u a t i c s Newspaper article dated father of swimmer Delroy andmedaledateverygame. changing his country of Sports Commission had M e m b e r s / N a t i o n a l August 18, 2024, the Tyrell. I would like to O u r s o n ’ s l a s t sportsnationality.Bytheend mobilized to create the said Federations have the President of GASA reported highlightsomepointsonthis representation for Trinidad of the meeting, it was agreed Applicationbundle. authority to submit the to sports journalist, Mr. issue relating to my son’s andTobagowasonoraround and resolved by the GASA
However, on or around request for the change of Rawle Toney, that “...GASA application to represent June2022atthePanAmAge that the Association “shares May 13, 2024, Mr. Tyrrell Sports Nationality on behalf has already submitted all Guyanaandtheseemingfoot Group Championship where Mr. Tyrrell’s immediate senior wrote to World of the athlete who wishes to necessary documents to the dragging by the GASA in our son participated in the objective to swim for Aquatics requesting an join them. Please note that sport’s global governing relationtothismatter Under20 category only and Guyana and is committed to update on the status of our the Sports Nationality of the body and is awaiting written Our son, Delroy Tyrrell, secured a silver medal in this expediting the process with son’s application for a athletes is governed by the confirmation regarding was born and raised in age group category Our son him” change in sports nationality W o r l d A q u a t i c s when Tyrrell will be eligible Guyana in his formative made a career decision after
Moreover, on or around
However, I was informed by Competition Regulations to compete.” years before relocating to this last age group category August 5, 2023, a meeting the Legal Counsel of World ( “ C o m p e t i t i
Mr Tyrrell sent the Trinidad and Tobago, where p a
Aquatics, Miss Jan Exner Regulations”) [emphasis Kaieteur News article to he resided with us as a professionally represent representatives of the sport who responded by way of an added]” Wo
family While residing in Guyana, his country of birth, w
email dated May 14, 2024, On or around July 31, comments and received this Trinidad and Tobago, our as he began embarking on stakeholders, including highlighting that World 2024, over one year after the response on the 30th of s o n , D e l r o y b e g a n professional studies and representatives of the A
above-mentioned July 27, August,2024, participating professionally training in swimming as part GASA, agreed to work checked” their internal 2023 meeting with the “Dear World Aquatics in the aquatic sport of of his college career in the together towards the eligible systems and email inboxes Honourable Minister Mr Member, swimming at age group UnitedStates. transfer of our son to but found “…no record of Ramson,oursonwrotetothe Dear Mr Tyrell, c
a On or around July 27, r
your previous submission PresidentoftheGASAforan I am writing to you representative of Trinidad 2023, the Honourable swimming. regarding the Athlete update on the submission of regarding the request to and Tobago, where he Minister of Culture, Youth On August 7, 2023, our [Delroy Tyrrell] neither by the application for change of c
resided at the time. At all and Sport, Mr Charles sonreceivedarequesttosign you nor by Guyana Amateur sports nationality to World Nationality concerning m a t e
t i m e s , h e Ramson called a meeting the Application for Change Swimming Association Aquatics, whether by him Delroy Tyrrell (“Athlete”). represented Trinidad and with the Commissioners of of Sport Nationality Status Therefore, I would like to and or the Association. Our It came to our attention Tobago Teams for the the National Sports letter from Mrs Melissa kindly ask you to facilitate son also inquired about the that the President of the Goodwill Games, CARIFTA Commission, the Executives Dow Richardson. In the said the re-submission of the date, if any, that the G u y a n a A m a t e u r Championships, Caribbean of the Guyana Olympic application letter, the request for the change of application was submitted. Swimming Association and Central America Association, the GASA and President of GASA’s Sports Nationality of the To this, our son again (“GASA”) stated in a recent signature was already Athlete by the Guyana received no response from article that the request for a affixed and it also contained A m a t e u r S w i m m i n g thePresidentofGASA. change of the Sports a list of all the required Association Concerning However, through news (Continued on page 6)
experiences that took place and
From page 4 day,reciteatnight 5 I have caused no encourage the reading weeping;Ihavenotkilled and therefore interpretation 6. I have given no order of events that can made us to kill; I have caused no one glorious and not damned. In pain conclusion,Iamremindedof 7. I have not taken milk some of the spiritual and fromthemouthsofbabes; intellectual values to which 8. I have not retained African ancient societies water when it was time for it weretethered toflow
1. Cherish study, avoid These values were the thedance philosophical underpinnings
2. Do not be arrogant of ancient African societies, about your knowledge, but values that informed the takeadvicefromtheignorant systems of governance, asfromthewise. scienceandeconomics.
3.Greatisjustice,lasting Sincerely, itseffects Hamilton Green
4. Write diligently by Elder
DEAREDITOR, culture.
continue to fund the Theycelebrateawomanwho and touched the hearts of of Indentureship Studies I write to express words She set a very high programmes and activities epitomizes business bothyoungandold. (pioneered by indomitable ofcondolenceonthepassing standard for other business she supported most of her integrity and decency in Ameena’s interest in and Dr David Dabydeen) and its of and paying tribute to men and women to follow in life. living, someone whose life funding of Indian culture or new journal of same subject. Ameena Gafoor, a truly supporting the arts. From The diaspora, in many reflects a heart of kindness the arts and in documenting Her actions and financial extraordinary individual early on, she was a tireless reflections, mourns and and commitment to faith, indentured history stood in support touched many lives She was a beacon of light for advocate for the arts and celebrates the extraordinary family, friends, and stark contrast to other andexemplifiedthequalities Guyanese and others, a humanities, contributing life of this remarkable ethnicity business people who behave of a person who understand woman of immense strength significantfunds. woman who devoted her life Ameena, as she was miserly in donating to the importance of the art in and integrity, self- Itisatributetoherthatso to culture. Guyanese mourn fondlycalled,isdeservingof worthyculturalcauses. the journey of a group of confidence and self-esteem. manypeoplefeelsuchadeep a woman who has helped accolades (as penned in the Her contributions to peopleandofrecordingtheir She blazed a trail for women sense of loss at her passing. Guyanese and its diaspora to media) for her immense Indian Guyanese literature history in business, a pioneer in the Her passing is also a serious remember our cultural contributions to education and art are unparalleled in The media coverage and business community and in lossforfundingforculture.It heritage as penned in theArt and literature, published post-independence Guyana. tributes paid to charming, articulating support for is hoped that her family will Journal that she founded. works that inspire and She gave financial support outstanding Ameena are influence many Guyanese. from funds obtained from justified. May the legacy, Fromarttoliterature,sheleft hard work in businesses that hard work, kindness, anindeliblemark. she and her husband lifestyle, and teachings of Ameena displayed a founded. Ameena continue to inspire strong interest in artistic It was old money, earned and guide Guyanese. And culture but was more honestly and not from m a y h e r l e g a c y o f supportive of modernistic corruption like that of mentorshipandleadershipin approach to Indian culture. several others. She is known b
From page 5 regulations” from the GASA for his Nationality concerning the Athlete was participation in the National Short Course already submitted to World Aquatics and Championships Swim Meet in Trinidad and that the GASA is waiting for our further Tobago. On this request, the GASA issued a steps. Please note that we have double- sanction letter stating that DelroyTyrrell was checked our internal systems and e-mail in“good standing”withtheGASA. inboxes. Still, unfortunately, we have no
However, on or around July 10, 2024 to record of any previous submission July 14, 2024, when our son attended the regarding the Athlete, either by an National Short Course Championships Swim individual or by the GASA. Meet in Trinidad and Tobago and after
It is quite clear that after one year, Delroy participatingin his events,he was notifiedby Tyrrell is no closer to changing his sporting his coach that his sanction letter from the nationality despite meeting all the GASA was denied At the said requirements.
Championships Swim Meet, our son Issue (b) Failure to Issue Sanction recorded a new national record for the 50m Letterstoenableourson’sparticipationin Backstroke, however, this achievement was officialeventsandforums unrecognized because of the GASA’s refusal
The National Swimming Federation tograntasanctionletter Moreover,bywayof guidelines are also governed by certain age- email dated July 23, 2024, our son wrote to old rules including the rules for registration the President of the GASA seeking involving sanction letters. By virtue of this clarification and inquiring on the nature of rule, GASA recognised that unless a circumstances that led to the first sanction swimmer receives a sanction letter from their letterbeinggrantedinMay,thenbeingdenied National Federation, the swimmer would not two months later, in July, 2024. Our son be in good standing to participate in any sought the reasons for this decision by the officialswimmeet. GASA and or its President. However, again,
It is important to note that in the absence received no response from the President of of a sanction letter, any achievement of the GASA. swimmer(s) is unrecognised by the athlete’s The continued delay by the President of coach and by the Swim Meet authorities. GASA and or other members of the Therefore, any medals, awards or new Association in failing to submit our son’s records achieved by the athlete in documents means that our son would have participation of official Swim Meets will e
neither be received by him or credited to him professionally competing in necessary swim aspartofhissportingcareer meetsintheprimeofhisathleticcareer
On or around April 27, 2024, our son Additionally, these delay tactics and through his coach at the Guyana Dorado bureaucracy being demonstrated by the Speed Swim Club requested a sanction letter GASA fail to consider the impact of their “as per protocol to ensure our status would action(s) and or inaction(s) on our son as an be in good standing with the Guyanese athlete and in the view of his peers, trainers Amateur Swimming Association (GASA) andcoaches. and World Aquatics (WA) rules and Fitzroy Tyrrell.
Not surprisingly, her passing to offer much financial continuetoinspireGuyanese garnered widespread media support to promote culture and their support for the arts attention, reaching every and identity as in the Arts longintothefuture. corner of the diaspora (UK, Journal (now defunct) and Yours truly, North America, Caribbean) TheAmeenaGafoorInstitute Vishnu Bisram
is done of the cost to maintain and manage a
As the money come in, plentiful from oil, local government authority area and there is an expectation, that the Government adjustment needs to be made in taxes or of Guyana will give to the local government license to be increased for additional revenue authorities, their fair share of money to to come in, so the councils can carry out their manage their local government authorities duties and responsibilities, and central areas, removing the central government government does not want that, then central continuous usurpation of the elected council, governmentneedstogivethenecessaryfunds duties. tooffsettheexpensesofacouncil.
As I brush through the constitution of Central government main duties are Guyana, I can’t find any article that gives the raising funds, approving policies, approving central government the power to perform budgets, laws, ensuring that our military are work of local government authorities. You up-to-date to take care of security, foreign should know Editor, that the constitution of affairs, etcetera, the local government Guyana has decentralised the power and authorities are to implement the policies of duties of the state, when it established the 10 the state and carry out all aspects of RegionalDemocraticCouncils. development, whether infrastructures,
The constitution of Guyana stated in drainage, education, health, social welfare, article 75, that Parliament shall provide for sports and culture, economic development, local democratic organs to be autonomous, jobcreationandotherdevelopmentaspects. this mean any development work in a region The real reason that central government central government needs to provide the continues to usurp local government money to the respective regions for the authorities, by carrying out of contracts in development work to be carried out, in their local government areas, many times accordance with Article 77 of the unknown to the councils, is to receive constitution, and the council in an area shall political advancement images and draw back also raise funds for such developmental through donations from contractors directly programme. Central government does not or indirectly If a proper investigation is havethatlegalauthoritytobypasstheelected carried out under the money laundering act, government of a region or its lower tier local many would not be able to account for the government authorities and carries out the assets they have acquired over the years, in dutiesofacouncil. their name, or family and friends, or what
All councils need to be empowered they political party had received. The financially to employ, qualified staffs, give prejudice and usurping of local government out contracts big or small through financial authoritiesneedtobestopforGuyanatohave transferforprojectsfromcentralgovernment, propersystemsofgovernance. giving the financial autonomy to local Regards, governments, such as, tax, licences also fines Michael Carrington forlocalgovernmentviolation. Whenastudy AFC Vice Chairman
AVenezuelanwomanwasshotinherleftbuttockaspolice pursuedagetawaycaronMondayafternoononLimeStreet, Werk-en-Rust,Georgetown.
Inapressrelease,policesaidthataninvestigationintothe incident has been launched and a policeman is under close arrest.
TheincidentinvolvedtworanksfromtheBrickdamPolice Station’sImpactBaseAnti-CrimePatrol Accordingtoreports, theofficerswereondutywhentheyattemptedtostopatinted vehicleforasearchbasedoninformationtheyhadreceived The driverofthevehiclerefusedtostopandspedaway,prompting theofficerstoopenfirewhilepursuingthecar
During the chase, a 28-year-old female Venezuelan bystanderwashitbyabulletinherleftbuttock.Shewastaken immediately to the Georgetown Public Hospital’s Accident andEmergencyUnit,wheresheiscurrentlyawaitingsurgery
Theranksinvolvedintheincidenthavebeenplacedunder close arrest as the Office of Professional Responsibility conductsathoroughinvestigationintothematter
The illegal shotgun that was discovered
Police in Regional Division One have arrested Esim Alberts,a33-year-oldmason,followingthediscoveryofan illegal double-barrel shotgun at his residence in Wauna Scheme,NorthWestDistrict,Region1.
According to the police, the incident unfolded on Monday, September 2, 2024, when officers from the MabarumaPoliceStationrespondedtoareportofanalleged assault involving 24-year-old Lindo Fitzpatricks, a labourer fromWaunaPublicRoad.FitzpatrickshadaccusedAlbertsof committingtheunlawfulwoundingearlierthatevening.
UponarrivingatAlberts’home,policenoticedsuspicious behaviour from him and requested permission to search the premises. The search, conducted in the presence ofAlberts andhispartner,KimelitaRomaldo,ledtothediscoveryofa double-barrelshotgunhiddenunderabed.
During questioning, Alberts admitted to having the firearm.Hehasbeenarrested,andtheinvestigationintoboth the assault and the illegal possession of the weapon is ongoing.
Maths has proven a that benefits the people of enamoredwithoiltoday The people of this nation, who of arithmetic. The arithmetic problem for some of our Guyana, we might now be wealth from bauxite, gold, have waited so long for their of stubbornness is a politicians And it now lenders,notborrowers. timber and diamonds could moment in the sun, should dangerous game, and in the seems that the disease has But here we are, a nation have provided a solid not be left out in the cold end, it is the people of spread to our children with blessed with untold natural economic foundation, while the oil companies Guyana who will pay the almostsevenoutofeveryten resources, behaving like ensuringthatthefruitsofour make off with the lion’s price. studentsfailingthesubject. paupers at a feast. Why? land benefited the many, not share. Jagdeo must face the squandered, its wealth
A simple mathematical Because Bharrat Jagdeo, in thefew
If Bharrat Jagdeo wants uncomfortable truth that the siphonedoffwhileitspeople truth remains stubbornly his infinite wisdom, refuses Instead, we allowed to do right by the people of c u r r e n t d e a l w i t h arefedemptypromises. unaddressed: the equation to entertain the idea of foreign multinationals to Guyana, if he truly wishes to ExxonMobil is a bad one, (The views expressed in that should have turned oil renegotiation. To cling to a plunder these resources, be remembered as a leader andhemusthavethecourage this article are those of the into wealth. Glenn Lall, with bad deal in the face of treatingourcountryasavast, who brought prosperity to to do something about it. a
a bluntness that makes overwhelming evidence is open pit from which they his nation, then he must Until then, we are left to necessarily reflect the politicians squirm, has done not just stubborn; it’s a could extract wealth with abandon his stubborn brand ponder a nation’s potential opinions of this newspaper.) the math. He’s not talking betrayal Glenn Lall has impunity They came, they lite
y, but rather pointed out that if Guyana dug, and they left us with figuratively, about everyone managed its oil wealth little to show for their staying home to sip wisely, the story of this extractionofourwealth.The champagne while the oil nation would be different. scars in the earth remain, a pumps work overtime Instead of borrowing, we stark reminder of what was Instead, he speaks to a bitter could be lending; instead of taken and what was left reality: if Vice President scrimping, we could be behind A small child Bharrat Jagdeo had shown thriving. recently fell into an even a hint of financial Yet, Jagdeo continues to abandoned mining pit prudence, Guyanese might sidestep the issue.The offers recentlyanddrowned. not just dream of wealth but from those willing to help Our leaders, enamoured swiminit. renegotiate the contract are with short-term gains and Lall’s calculations are ignored, dismissed like so dazzled by promises of not flights of fancy They are many pesky flies One investment, have repeatedly grounded in the cold, hard wonders what kind of failed to secure deals that numbers of a nation that has arithmeticheisdoing. would ensure the prosperity struck black gold yet Our leaders would do of future generations. The continues to live hand-to- well to remember that oil is story of our gold, diamonds, mouth,perpetuallyindebted, notthefirstresourcetograce and bauxite is a cautionary with 40% of its national Guyana with the promise of tale, one that should guide budget coming from wealth. Before the lure of o u r d e a l i n g s w i t h borrowedfunds.Hisformula black gold, our land yielded ExxonMobil and all who for prosperity is no secret: treasures of a different seek to tap into our natural ring-fence the oil projects, kind gold, timber, wealth. If we do not learn stop giving ExxonMobil a diamonds, and bauxite from the past, if we continue free pass, scrutinize their These riches, gleaming to allow our resources to be expenses with the rigor of a beneath our soil, were meant exploited without fair tax auditor on steroids, and to uplift our nation, to build compensation, then oil, too, for the love of this nation, schools and hospitals, to will leave us with nothing raise the pitiful 2% royalty pave roads and fill the but empty promises and that reeks of desperation. If coffers of a young republic. emptystomachs. Jagdeo had reduced the tax If these resources had been Glenn Lall’s call for c o n c e s s i o n s t h a t managed with foresight and renegotiation is not just haemorrhage our national integrity, perhaps we would reasonable; it’s a cry for income and secured a deal not find ourselves so justice.It’sademandthatthe
1.6% Inflation Feels Like 16%
De government has spoken! Yes, you are murdering we. Forget inflation, it feels heard it right: de almighty Consumer Price more like we deh in Gaza Every trip to the Indexhasonlygoneupbyamere1.6%inthe market is like stepping into a battlefield, first half of dis year, and over the last 12 with shoppers trying to dodge skyrocketing months, inflation was pegged at a modest prices like they’re dodging bullets. Just last 4%. Now, before we all throw a grand week, dem boys saw a woman try to haggle celebration and shower dem officials with for a bunch of greens as if her life depended confetti made from last month’s grocery on it—and it probably did. Chicken, fish, bills, let we tek a moment to scratch we flour, you name it—it’s all suddenly a heads and wonder—did someone mix up luxury Demchickencomingoutstuntedlike their numbers? Because in the real world, de last sugar crop and de prices have where the rest of us mere mortals live, dem increased. So while de chicken getting prices are doing the cha-cha-cha to a smaller, de price becoming fatter Yuh might differenttune. soon have to apply to de bank fuh buy fruits. You see, these numbers must belong to Bananasarenow$300perlb. some other parallel universe. Maybe it’s a So, let’s be real here. Unless these universe where de milk and bread grow on inflation numbers are taking into account trees, where rice is handed out as party some secret discount aisle that only a favours, and where cooking oil is a natural privileged few know about, they don’t product that is pumped in your backyard. In reflectwhattheaverageGuyaneseisfeeling. thisfantasticalrealm,1.6%and4%inflation We’re being squeezed tighter than a tube of might make sense. But here on hard-rock toothpaste at the end of the month, and no Guyana, those numbers might as well be amount of creative accounting can change writtenininvisibleink. that. The reality on the ground is that prices Talk half. Leff half!
There are a few things that I know about the PPPas a party and government,andtheyarethatmany toomuchformetoknow Yes,they arethatdirty,thatdisgusting There aresomeotherthingsthathavecome to me from trusted sources, that instill horror and recoiling No! such cannot be. But they are, and are part of the PPP leadership norms, the expectations and the deliverythatblendinasmoothand rotted whole, a rich and raucous reality
My challenge is where to start and what to select to put into the public spotlight, as to how low and howrevoltingthePPPofDr Cheddi Jaganhasdeclined,thedegradations thatarenowinseparablefromwhere the part is and what it just must be going forward. Men and women in the PPP, especially those not of the tribe, not with the founding royalty heritage, are pushed to prove themselves Theymustbeprepared to do anything to anybody on any issueatanytime Howeverlowitis, they must go to get the dirty job done Execrable stuff has been thrownatpeople.
Socialmediahasbeenemployed towagewaragainstGuyanesefound offensive, those who incense the PPP leadership team, just by their
merepresence Noletterisneeded, nocolumntobecrafted Justwhat theoffendersandparasitesstandfor is enough to trigger uncontrolled rageandviciousness,whichisthen either passed on by whispers or nodstothewillinginthePPP,who conjurethedirtyandthecriminalto demonizeothercitizens.
Often, no word from above is needed, because there are many in the PPPwho take matters into their ownhandsbyinterpretingwhatvile action would soothe and please the wrathful and odious in the PPP leadership cabal It may be, depending on the circumstances, a one-mancabal,orthesoullessbrain trustthatisallaboutdealingbyany means necessary with those who stand in the PPP’s way, and that of itsnarratives.
Men and women go into the highest house in this country, the NationalAssemblyoftheGuyanese people, and all but drop their pants andshedtheirshorts(andpanties)to getatpoliticalopponents Itisdone before the cameras, and the watching diplomatic corps and the foreign commercial contingent whose electronic feeds facilitate themhavingaringsideseat.
PPP men and women seek to outdooneanotherwiththerevolting
and the stomach churning Most prominent is how the PPP inspires one section of Guyana’s demographic to attack members from the opposition in that same segment in this country’s highest lawmaking house If it could happen there, it could happen anywhere. Ifitcouldbehurledby oneagainsttheotherinparliament, then why not outside of it and at anybody that must be victimized with the venomous and what is utterlyreprehensible.
There is nothing that is out of bounds; there are no limits to the stream of vituperation and vindictiveness in which men and women twist themselves Just to prove their points, whatever those are. Just to show the bosses in the PPPhowloyaltheyare,howtrusted theycanbe,todothedirtyjobsfor party and government, while their peers sit in silent and smug satisfaction.
It was how Adolf Hitler and Reinhard Heydrich and Josef Goebbels used Jews against their fellow Jews, and then others who were made of stubborn streaks that just would not bow to the Nazi line almostahundredyearsago Thisis whatthePPPasanentityhasdoneto some of its people. This is how it
dehumanizes its own. This is howtherearethoseinthePPPwho are willing to cast off all civilized restraints and dehumanize themselves. Thus:itisaneasystep to dehumanize and denigrate and demonizetheobjectsoftheparty’s anditsleadershipwrath.
Therewereafewwhocameinto the PPP with their own baggage admittedly So, they were only too gladtotakemorewarmbathsinthe sewer and engage in hurling obscenities at others, in efforts to vanquish them, or silence them I think that, considering the source and pedigree of those in the PPP taskedwithdirtyanddirtierjobs,it was second nature to them to dehumanize for the party’s sake, and then to dehumanize other Guyanese. It is what gives them standinginthehighestPPPcircles.
Likeprovenguerillafightersand terrorists, they are given a hero’s welcome, which spurs onto greater crimes Thatmuchisexpected The unexpected was when those who wereseenasbreathsoffreshairfora PPP that needed it, and cut from a differentqualitycloth,turnedoutto just as scurrilous and just as uninhibited in doing whatever it takestobeinthegoodgracesofthe partyanditsleadership. Thus:no-
holds barred and take no prisoners have become PPP standard operating practice and its now irreversiblewayoflife.
There is another instance of the depravedlevelstowhichthePPPhas pusheditsfanatics Whileoneleader carries on with his usual rabid rage, the party’s followers are right there and then openly sharing on social mediawhatisviolentanddangerous, astheyfeedoffhiswordsandhates I wonder where those vaunted watchdog commissions are, the police observers, when all this is in plainsight. Perhaps,theyhavebeen dehumanized,too.
In this Darwinian world crafted by the PPP leadership, the most willing survive, the most revolting rise, and the most self-degrading thrive ItishowthePPPdehumanizes itsownpeople Itiswhytheyhaveno qualms about dehumanizing other Guyanese,deservingornot
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Astheinvestigationsinto a l l e g e d f i n a n c i a l irregularities continue against Acting Deputy Commissioner of Police, Calvin Brutus reports are that the Ministry of Home Affairs was aware that a company connected to the senior officer’s wife was a suppliertotheForce.
KaieteurNewslearntthat indeedthewifeoftheofficer wasasuppliertotheGuyana Police Force and this has been ongoing for close to a yearwiththefullknowledge ofveryseniorofficialsofthe ministry It is unclear what systems were used to facilitate this process but vouchersbeingprocessedby the Guyana Police Force for suppliersandcontractorsfor other services supplied, passed through a number of offices within the Guyana Police which all fell under thepurviewofBrutusbefore hewastransferred.
One such company, whose vouchers and paymentswereprocessed,is South Quata Contracting & General Supplies Inc. the company that is owned by Brutus’s wife. The vouchers once processed at the Guyana Police Force, will then be sent to the Ministry of Home Affairs, more specifically, to the Office of
Kaieteur News was told that sometime last year, two officials at the ministry had met with Brutus to facilitate the process of ensuring that hiswifewasaddedtothelist of suppliers to the Guyana Police Force. According to reports, key figures within theMinistryofHomeAffairs thencontactedofficialsatthe National Procurement and
Tender Administration Board who later issued a document that placed South Quata Contracting & General Supplies Inc. as a legitimate supplier to the GuyanaPoliceForce.
Back in July during an address at a police symposium, Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn called out the Guyana Police Force (GPF) over questionable accounting practices, bribery, and
corruptionandvowedaudits and investigations into the alleged malpractices. “The core issue is at the level of the quality of policing,” the minister stated during his address. “Not quantity in terms of how many police are out there, but the quality ofpolicing.”
Benn acknowledged the diversity of the GPF’s training,whichhasincluded input from the UK, Canada, India, and China “The
questionisthequalityofour policemen and women,” the Minister said. According to the Home Affairs Minister, the most pressing issue is concerning procurement practices and financial accounting within the GPF He said despite the government’s efforts to addresstheseproblems,they have not received the necessary cooperation or responsefromtheGPF
A letter from the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board approving Brutus’ wife company as a supplier to the Guyana Police Force
…as President Ali calls for closer look at challenges of AI and digitisation
Three members of the Law Reform Commission wereonTuesdayreappointed by President Irfaan Ali after their term in office expired. The trio was initially appointedinAugust2021.
At a simple ceremony held at the Office of the President, Attorneys Teni Housty, Clarissa Riehl and DeenawatiPandy
three attorneys was witnessed by Chancellor of the Judiciary (ag) Yonette
Cummings-Edwards, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, SC, Director of Public Prosecutions Shalimar Ali-Hack, SC, Solicitor General, Nigel Hawke, Chief Parliamentary Counsel Charles Fung-AFat, Chairperson of the Law Reform Commission Emily Dodson,PresidentoftheBar Association of Guyana, Kamal Ramkarran, and Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Legal Affairs, Adele Diane Tricia ColeClarke.
The Law Reform Commissionwasestablished byvirtueofActNo.4of2016 of the Laws of Guyana. It aimsatkeepingunderreview the laws of Guyana for the purpose of simplification, modernization, systematic development and reform for allotherconnectedmatters.
President Irfaan Ali congratulated the appointees while noting that their r e a p p o i n t m e n t “reappointment represents an affirmation of confidence inyourabilitytocontinuethe work that you have commenced.”
The Head-of-State noted that the work of the Law Reform Commission is critical in developing the country’slegalsystem.
“...Frequent changes in the composition of the c o m m i s s i o n c o u l d jeopardize the progress made,(and)itcandisruptthe continuity and effectiveness ofthecommission’songoing workprogramme.”
President Ali said, “The government reposes confidence in the abilities and commitment of the current members of the Law Reform Commission, we remain dedicated to supporting your work providing the necessary resources and valuing your recommendations.”
Reminding the members of the Law Reform Commission of their duties, the President noted that it is important to exercise patience and careful consideration.
“It involves expansive rese
consultationandexacting Continuedonpage24
Chief policymaker in the oil and gas sector and Vice President (VP), Bharrat Jagdeo told the media last Thursday that the investment the government is currently making in infrastructure will prepare the country to sustain its economy after oil has been exhausted.
The Minister of Natural Resources recently disclosed that the projects currently producing mayverywellbeexhaustedbefore 20 years given the ramped up production by operator of the Stabroek Block ExxonMobil Following the disclosure, it was a concern voiced by citizens; what will happen to Guyana after oil is finished.Thispublicationaskedthe VP if when oil is exhausted, will Guyanacontinuetoborrowloansto finance the country’s development liketheyaredoingtoday?
be posed to the opposition, Jagdeo questioned, “So you are saying, don’t build the power plant now, don’t build the other infrastructure now?... Cause a lot of this infrastructure that we’re putting in isnotjustasocialnature(butofan) economicnature.”
He explained that the power plant will facilitate lower rates for electricityandwillthereforecreate theatmospheretomovefurtherinto themanufacturingsector.Building more farm to market roads and processing facilities like tissue culture labs will allow for further progression of the agriculture sector
“Soyouhavetoplanfortheday when oil is no longer available or does not generate the same sort of income that it will generate say about three years from now becausewearenotatpeakrevenue fromoilasyet,”headded.
He boasted that all of these things are ways the government is preparingfortheeconomypostoil andgas,and,thisissomethingthat they would have said to the opposition.
Goingbacktothetimewhenhe wasPresidentJagdeodisclosedthat he had spoken to three Prime Ministers to see what measures they were putting in place to upkeep their citizenry after oil, however he does not feel that anything significant was done to diversify the economy there Hence, the country ended up having a major welfare loss becauseofthis.
“So we are determined not to find ourselves in a situation like that, that’s the first point. So from day one, we are working for longterm sustainability so that you can generateincomefromothersectors tosustainthegrowthinprosperity,”
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat has admitted that oilfromthethreeprojectscurrently in operation could be depleted aheadofthe20-yearlifespandueto the optimization of production at the Floating Production Storage andOffloading(FPS)vessels.
Bharrat, during a news conference, was asked by this newspaper to explain how the optimisationworkscouldaffectthe 20-year estimated project life for each of the developments. Bharrat explained that while the oil at a specific project could be depleted beforeitsestimatedlifespan,itwas also possible for the projects to producebeyondthistime.
He said, “Yes it can finish beforethe20yearsoritcanevengo beyond because as a reservoir matures,youcangetmoreoutofit and then as we have more
discoveries,wecanaddthosewells totheexistingdevelopmenttoo.”
Bharrat pointed out that rampingupoilproductionhasnow become a trend in oil-producing states since this could prove more financiallyviableforacountry-in thiscase,Guyana.
According to him, “Ramping upproductionandproducingtheoil in a reservoir at a faster time than you can is actually good for a country because it comes back to the window that is available for fossil fuel to survive and the price thatwillbeavailable.”
He explained that the market would be crowded with suppliers even though the demand would go down.Consequently,henoted,“So if you have this large supply of fossilbutasmalldemand,theprice will go down so much that it will make no sense for countries to produceoilandgasanymore.”
…moveseenasboldstep towardsresourcesovereignty
Burkina Faso has struck adealtonationalisetwogold mines for about $80mn that London-listed Endeavour Mining agreed last year to sell to Lilium Mining for morethan$300mn.
Lilium will transfer ownership of Boungou and Wahgnion to the west Africanstate,whichwillpay Endeavour $60mn in cash, theFTSE100companysaid in a statement on Tuesday BurkinaFasowillalsopaya 3 per cent royalty on up to 400,000ouncesofgoldsold from Wahgnion, the statement said, a provision that analysts estimated was worth$20mn.
The settlement follows controversy around governance at Endeavour in the wake of former chief executive Sébastien de Montessus being sacked at the start of this year for “seriousmisconduct”.
As part of Tuesday’s deal,thetwocompanieswill droplegalcasesagainsteach other Endeavour launched arbitration in March against Lilium for missing
payments, which then lodged a counterclaim a month later that alleged information was concealed and misrepresented about finances and operations at the two mines. Endeavour said“bothpartieswouldlike to thank the Government of Burkina Faso for its mediation efforts”. Lilium Mining, a subsidiary of Lilium Capital, an investment vehicle founded b y U S - B u r k i n a b e businessperson Simon Tiemtore, declined to comment. Burkina Faso’s junta did not immediately respond to a request for c o m m e n t . T h e nationalisation of the mines byOuagadougouisthelatest in a wave of African governments attempting to exert greater control over their natural resources as military regimes come to power In June, the military junta that seized power in Niger last year stripped French state-owned giant Orano of its mining licence at the Imouraren mine, one of the world’s largest
uranium mines, in the country’s north Chief executiveNicolasMaestold investors last month that the company had started legal proceedings to protect its rightsatImouraren.
Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigerhavebeenrackedbya widening Islamist insurgency for more than a decade that has killed tho
nds, displac
d millionsandcreatedsecurity threatstominingoperations. The three countries, which form part of the Sahel, the semi-arid strip south of the Sahara, have experienced
multiple coups since 2020. The three countries have been at loggerheads with former colonial power France, the wider western community of nations and other countries from the regional Economic CommunityofWestAfrican States (Ecowas) and have forged closer ties with Russiainstead.
Gold miners in Mali, whichincludeBarrickGold, the world’s second-largest producer of the precious metal, have also faced the threat of the military-led government pushing to increase its ownership of new projects under an updated mining code that was adopted last year.
Burkina Faso revised its
miningcodelastyeartoearn more royalties from mining companies following declining gold output as the long-running security crisis forced at least five mines to shutdown.
Endeavour Mining is a gold producer that grew rapidly through a series of minepurchasesandsalesto
Despite recent complaints by residents to the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI)aboutrustywaterand prolonged disruption in somesectionsofthecity,the MinistryofFinancesaidthat $4.5billionwasexpendedin the first half of the year on the improvement of water qualityandsupply
This was reflected in the Mid-Year Report released recently by the Ministry of Finance.
The report detailed the works that were carried out
on transmission and distribution mains at Annandale Housing Scheme, Cotton Tree, El D o r a d o a n d N e w Amsterdam,benefittingover 50,000 residents, in the first six months of 2024. This is even as GWI promised to treattheflowofdiscoloured water with heavy sediments throughthetaps.
The half-year document nevertheless said works are progressing at Providence, East Bank Demerara and Fellowship, Mahaicony, EastCoastDemerara.
Further, it detailed too that another $432.6 million of the $1.5 billion (part of $4.5B spent) allocated for water systems was spent in
Residents of city have recently complained the flow of discoloured water with heavy sediments through the taps.
the first half of the year. Works on water supply systems were completed at Karaburi in Region 1 and Karisparu in Region 8, benefitting
r 600 residents, while works advanced at Orealla, WallabaandWaxCreek. Further, the drilling of wells at areas including Red Hill, Santa Cruz, Santa Mission, Lower Bonasika Creek, Falmouth, Kimbia, Wikki-CalcuniandWakapao
areexpectedtobecompleted inthesecondhalfof2024.
In addition, works progressedontheupgradeof 12 existing water treatment plants and seven new water treatment plants along the coast in Onderneeming, Parika, Wales, La Parfaite Harmonie, Caledonia, Cummings Lodge and Bachelor’sAdventure.
A new well at Lima, Essequibo was completed benefitting over 20,000
residents, while the drilling of wells at Bamia, Caledonia, Onderneeming, Vergenoegen and Wales are progressing.
Thedocumentnotedthat it is expected that works on additional wells at FellowshipandTimehriwill commenceinthesecondhalf oftheyear
In the second half of the year, works are expected to commence for the extension of transmission and
distributionsystemsinareas such as Belle West, Yarrowkabra, Lovely Lass, Perth,BelvedereandNo.46 and57Villages.
Moreover, the award of contracts for five new water treatment plants at Adventure, Bath, Leguan, Maria’s Delight and Wakenaamisexpectedinthe secondhalfoftheyear
Meanwhile, the report noted that there was an installation of 14,000 water metersinthefirsthalfofthe year, and the installation of an additional 16,000 slated to for the second half, it is projected that non-revenue water will reduce to 58 percent from 62 percent at
With respect to sanitation,thereportsaidthe Government continues to invest in the improvement and modernisation of solid waste systems across the country
To this end, a total of $304 million was expended inthefirsthalfof2024,with works progressing on infrastructural and environmental initiatives includingworksattheHaags BoschSanitaryLandfillSite and the upgrade of Kara KaraRegionalLandfillSite.
In the latter half of the year, operations will continue across the ten landfill sites as we expect the commencement of further upgrades and infrastructural works at landfill sites in Mabaruma, Santa Rosa, Leguan, Wakenaam, Yupukari, Kara Kara and Kwakwani, amongothers
Further, works are also expected to commence on the construction of a hazardous waste cell and waste stabilization ponds at Haags Bosch Sanitary LandfillSite.
In addition, awards are expected in the latter part of this year for the treatment facility and lining cell at Zorg-en-Vlygt and Bartica Sanitary Landfill Sites, whiletheSolidWasteCleanUpProgrammewillprogress acrossallregionstopromote s a f e a n d h e a l t h y communities.
(GDRB) has estimated $4 billion in losses from paddy bugs, as a result of higher temperatures at the end of the first crop of 2024, according to the Ministry of Finance’sMid-YearReport.
The $4billion loss GRDB estimated was a result of 10-25 percent paddy bug infestation in paddydeliveredtomills.
“This was alarming when compared to an estimated infestation 10 percent in 2023,” the report
mostpronetoclimaterelated risks;however,keyindustries have invested to expand productiontoremainviable
said while highlighting that climate change has been a major factor given the i n c r e a s i n g g l o b a l temperatures.
The agriculture sector, which accounts for about 23 percent of the non-oil Gross Domestic Product (GDP), is
“In rice, we are advancing research in climate-smart varieties to respond to drought, flood and saline conditions,” the report stated. Globally the challenges for rice production vary from insects, pests, diseases and weeds, which increased due to the shift of precipitation andtemperature.
The Government noted in the report that chemical options are being used until researchanddevelopmentof appropriate biocontrol
agents are completed for application during the secondcrop.
Meanwhile,accordingto a report issued by the Ministry of Agriculture on August 7, 2024, the GRDB reported that over 360,000 metric tonnes of rice have been produced. The GRDB is already targeting 750,000
Additionally, between 2020 and 2024 (first crop), the rice yield has increased from 5.9 tonnes per hectare to approximately 6.6 tonnes per hectare.This means that a farmer in 2020 harvested 38 bags of rice per acre and in2024isharvesting41bags peracre.
Small businesses in Guyana now have additional support with the establishment of a resource centre designedtohelpthemadvancetheiroperations.
During an interview with the Department of Public Information(DPI)onMonday,ChiefExecutiveOfficerof the Small Business Bureau (SBB), Mohamed Ibrahim, explained that the initiative was launched, following consultationswithnumeroussmallbusinesses.
TheresourcecentreislocatedattheSBB’sheadoffice atLot1,LaPenitence,Georgetown.“Theyneedsometype ofresourcecentre,somewheretheycangoandgetreadily availableinformationthatcanassistthemwithregistering their businesses, or all the needs of the GRA (Guyana Revenue Authority) or the NIS (National Insurance Scheme) on general insurance, on customs, [and] on brokerage,”Ibrahimsaid.
Persons can schedule a time to use the centre, where they can access various services, print documents, and receive business advice free of charge. “They could get accesstoapersonalisedbusinessadvisorthatwillsitwith them and they can share their ideas, and this person can advisethem,”theCEOstated.
Inadditiontotheresourcecentre,theSBBiscreatinga databasetobetterunderstandtheneedsandwantsofsmall businesses,ensuringcomprehensivesupport.
Meanwhile, the SBB continues to offer training programmes and has trained more than 1000 small businessesacrossthecountryinvariousareastohelpthem grow To further support small businesses, the SBB is committed to developing and implementing programmes that foster development and growth, including access to finance.
TheSBBservesasakeysourceofinformationforsmall businesses and entrepreneurs and offers a range of programmes, including the Green Business Technology Fund,theYouthEntrepreneurialSkillTrainingProgramme, andtheSBBMarketPlace.
leadership.Theministerrevealedthathehasmadenumerous requeststotheGPFleadershiptoaddresstheseissues,buthas been met with delays, undermining, and a “disregard of the thingswewantyoutodo.”
“Thereisasignificantproblem,”MinisterBenndeclared, vowingtolaunchreviews,investigations,andauditsintothe GPF’s procurement processes and financial practices. He further added, “If money goes to places it should not go, it means that there is massive collusion and corruption. We wantnewaccountablepolicing;wewantnewandimproved andhonestworkdone.
We want to see that the paper trail is not fraudulent because we hear a lot of issues and I know there is a lot of turning back of invoices where you cannot verify what was saidtohaveoccurred,occurred.
The Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) is currently conducting an investigation into allegations of financial irregularities by several police officers. To date, several persons have been question during the probe. At the same time,Brutusremainsoffthejobafterproceedingonleaveto facilitatetheinvestigations.
AsGuyanapreparesforthe2025general and regional elections, President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali has reiterated the government’s commitment to upholding democracyandtheruleoflaw.
Speakingattheopeningceremonyofthe 46th Conference of the Caribbean, the Americas, and the Atlantic Region of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association on Monday, the president emphasised the
importance of free and fair elections as the foundationofastrongdemocraticsystem.He underscored that the cornerstone of parliamentary democracy is the integrity of free and fair elections, which must truly representthepeople’swill.
Acknowledging Guyana’s past struggles inupholdingdemocraticprinciples,henoted thatthesechallengeshaveservedasvaluable lessons,leadingtoamorerobustdemocratic system. In light of this, he recognised the instrumental role of Guyana’s international partners and organisations, including the United Kingdom, and the European Union (EU) “It is common knowledge that Guyana’s political evolution has been marred by the perversion of democratic rule for almost three decades, followed by the restoration of democracy and then an aborted attempt to subvert democratic elections,”hepointedout.
The Guyanese leader further explained that threats to democracy are also directly linked to the security and stability of the economy, underscoring just how crucial it is that these principles are upheld. “During those challenging days, years and decades, when democracy came under threat and became non-existent, Guyana’s economy faltered. Poverty deepened, and outward migration intensified. Our economy went intoatailspin,”herecalled.
According to President Ali, the political solution to this situation involved advocating for a return to democratic principles through freeandfairelectionsandarenewedfocuson development He noted that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C)
Government’s assumption of office in 1992 markedaturningpointforGuyana,reflectinga periodwhenparliamentarydemocracybecame more firmly established The head of state stressed, “Our experience underscores a fundamental truth. Democracy is just not a political system; it is the engine that drives
development, and that is what we must understand. Democracy is not a political commitment. Democracy is not confined to [any] political definition. Democracy is that engine that drives development.” President Alialsounderscoredtherobustresponsibility of parliaments to uphold these democratic values,whichrequiresactiveparticipationand acollectiveeffort
Meanwhile, Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips, said the government has strengthened its parliamentary institutions to ensure they are robust, inclusive and responsive to the needs of the people ”The PPP/C Administration remains steadfast in its commitment to embracing the core tenets of democracy That is transparency, accountability, inclusivity and the rule of law We recognise that the strength of our democracy is directly linked to the strength of our parliamentary institutions,”PMPhillipssaid.
He outlined several initiatives that have enhanced the functioning of the country’s parliament, including bolstering legislative processes to allow for greater scrutiny and debate, fostering a culture of bipartisanship, and ensuring full access to parliamentary proceedings.
Theconference,whichopensattheUmana Yana, in Kingston, Georgetown, runs until September 7, and brings together parliamentariansandclerksfromjurisdictions acrosstheregionfordiscussionsonthetheme, “Democracy: Challenges Facing Modern Parliaments ” SeniorMinisterintheOfficeof the President with responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh; Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall, SC and Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha along with other cabinet ministers, and members of the diplomatic corps were also presentattheceremony (DPI)
TheGuyanaPowerandLightInc.(GPL) hasbeenamajorcontributortotheincreased operating expenses of public enterprises in the first half of 2024, according to the recentlypublishedMid-YearReport.
The report highlighted that public enterprises’ total receipts for the period amounted to $91.6 billion, an increase of $12.9billioncomparedtothecorresponding periodin2023.
However,itwasstated,“Atthesametime, operating expenses for the public enterprises were $873 billion, 147 percent above the corresponding period in 2023 The increase was mainly from Guyana Power and Light (GPL)Ltd withhigherpaymentsformaterial andsuppliesduetotheincreasedvolumeand price of fuel purchased in comparison to the correspondingperiodin2023” Despite these challenges, the report projectsthatpublicenterpriseswillend2024 withacashsurplusof$1.7billion.
Moreover, another section of the report statedthattheGovernmentofGuyana(GoG) remains vigilant regarding the financial health of state-owned enterprises (SOEs),
particularly GPL, which, alongside other SOEs like the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) and Guyana National Printers Limited, owes the government a total of US$392 6 million (approximately $81 9 billion)asofJune2024.
Last month, the National Assembly approved the total sum of $16 billion to purchasefuelforGPL.
The Committee of Supply first approved the sum of $4 billion which catered for advance the Government took from the Contingency Fund to purchase fuel for the Stateagency
Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips who had to give account for the advance, told the House that the money was spentonsome547,000barrelsoffuelatacost of US$34 per barrel. The remaining $400 million was utilized for other fuel related costs.
An additional $12 billion was then approvedfortheStateentity PrimeMinister Phillips had stated that the money will be spenton1,641,000barrelsoffuelatacostof US$34perbarrel.
The Ministry of Health on Tuesday launched the country’s first Dental Laboratory Technician Programme. (Photos: Ministry of Health)
TMinister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony
functions that you currently fabricate dental prosthetics, have at the Cheddi Jagan an essential component in Dental School would be restoring function and movedtothisnewfacility.” aestheticsforthosewhohave Speaking directly to the losttheirteeth.” first batch, Dr Anthony Attending the launch encouraged them to work which was held at the hard and acquire the ministry’s Brickdam officer
he Ministry of in the area of Dental under construction will have Minister, “We’re also in the necessary skills so that they were Coordinator of the Healththroughits Prosthetics at the Cheddi designatedareasdedicatedto process of building a new canpracticeeffectively Dental Auxiliary Training Health Sciences JaganDentalSchool. dentalpractice. Paediatric and Maternal Delivering remarks also, Programme, Dr Collin
Division on Tuesday Minister of Health, Dr With the new Paediatric HospitalatOgle,rightnowat the Principal Dental Officer Waterman; Head of the launched the country’s first FrankAnthony at the launch and Maternal Hospital, the Dental School you do a at the Ministry, Dr Marvin Prosthodontic Department, ever Dental Laboratory noted that provisions are some of the paediatric lot of paediatric dental M o n i z e , n o t e d t h e Dr Carlos Bruzon-Varoza; TechnicianProgramme. being made by the functions currently being procedures but now we’ll significance of the new Assistant Coordinator of the The programme will Government of Guyana to performed at the Cheddi have a specialised hospital training programme stating, Dental Auxiliary Training begin with 13 students from expanddentalandoralhealth Jagan Dental School will be for paediatrics where “This programme is Programme, Ms Vashantie Region Four who will be care services across the moved to the new hospital, everything relating to designed to provide Balwant-Bagot; and Senior trained for eighteen months, country. He said that the six heinformed. paediatrics would be done at comprehensive training for Health Education Officer, andwillbereceivingtraining regional hospitals which are According to the this hospital. So, some of the individuals to design and MsGeorgelAbrams.
Remanded: Quincy Hooper
Dead: Melissa and Anthony Arokium
Hooper was arrested in The child was found on the soldier, who is said to be October 2023 in relation to bedinthebedroomwhilethe mentally unstable, had the double murder At that woman was found in the chased afterArokium’s elder time, he was found in the hallway brother, after he questioned house with three cutlasses An uncle of the deceased the man’s presence at the and a “Rambo” knife. He woman, 52-year-old Leon premises.Closerelativeshad was identified as a close Moore, said that he was indicatedthatsincethedeath relativeofMelissaArokium. informed that the woman’s of the woman and her son,
On the day of the older brother, who lives in a the ex-soldier has been More than one year after murders, Hooper allegedly house behind hers, had left layingclaimtotheproperty the brutal murders of 31chased Melissa’s elder for work around at the estate Post-Mortem Results year-old Melissa Arokium brother after he questioned 04:00hrs that day He According to police, and her 8-year-old son Hooper’s presence at the returned home around Melissa’s body sustained Anthony Arokium, a 33premises.Accordingtoclose 11:00hrs.
multiple chop wounds to the year-old Security Guard of relatives, since the deaths, Moore said he had not back of her neck, left side Fyrish Road, Corentyne, Hooper has been claiming seen the woman and her son waist and upper left hand Berbice was charged and ownershipoftheproperty that Wednesday morning as while Anthony was chopped remandedtoprison.
The accused, Quincy MelissaArokiumandher hersontolessons. side,headandface. Hooper called ‘Red Man’ son,AnthonyArokium,were Neighbours said they did
Day of the Murders Melissa would usually take several times to his right
Police said that a post- was charged on Tuesday, the discovered dead in their not see nor hear anything mortem examination with Guyana Police Force (GPF) home On August 23, 2023. strange that would have dissection was performed on reported. Hooper appeared (Melissa’s boyfriend); Deo Criminal Investigations Both suffered from multiple indicatedthattheduowerein the bodies of Melissa and before Magistrate Michaelle Naris, known as ‘DJ’, D e p a r t m e n t ( C I D ) chop wounds about their danger. Anthony. The post-mortem Mathias at the Albion (Melissa’sneighbour);anda headquarters Naris and bodies. Arrests and Investigations examination conducted on Magistrates’Courtwherethe cousin of the deceased Umrao were released on Police stated that the On the day of the Melissarevealedthatshedied indictablechargewasreadto Melissa’s brother, Nicholas $50,000 bail while Melissa’s murders occurred between murders, four individuals from shock and haemorrhage him. He was not required to Arokium, was initially elder brother, Cerrano 06:30hrs and 13:30hrs. At were questioned after compounded with incised enter a plea and was detained but was later Arokium was released on t h e t i m e R e g i o n a l preliminary investigations woundstotheneck
released after providing a $200,000bail. Commander Shivpersaud revealed traces of blood in Anthony Arokium’s scheduled to return to court statement, as he was the one On October 1, 2023 Bhaccus reported that police thebacklandarea,whichwas cause of death was similar, onOctober4,2024. whodiscoveredhissisterand police arrested Hooper, who received a call around noon located not far from the with multiple incised
brutally chopped to death on
Melissaandhersonwere nephewdead. was found in the house
wounds contributing to
Of those arrested, the where the murder occurred wounding Upon arrival, questioned were: Cerrano shock and haemorrhage.The August 23, 2023, at their woman’s neighbour and her and he had in his possession they found the bodies of the Arokium, age 33, a Cane bodies were released to the home at Lot 189 Mangrove boyfriend were taken to the three cutlasses and a woman and her son in pools Harvester; Shailendra family for burial following Street, Reef, Rose Hall city for questioning at the “Rambo” knife The ex- of blood and chop wounds. Umrao, age 37, of Belvedere theexamination. CorentyneBerbice.
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
Armed Security with experience, rate 400-450 hourly. Contact: 603-5140.
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A senior police officer is allegedly connected to the US$188M cocaine bust at Matthews Ridge, Region One last Saturday and law enforcement authorities are looking to question him regarding his alleged role in the smuggling of drugs out of the area.
Local law-enforcement authorities believe that the large quantity of cocaine that was seized in a Joint-Services operation was being transshipped to Europe. So far, one man has been arrested and the Customs AntiNarcotics Unit (CANU) said that several others escaped when law men swooped down on the Barima-Waini operations. Kaieteur News has been told that a senior police officer is being questioned in relations to his involvement with the traffickers. Sources told this newspaper that the officer might have been aware of the operations at Matthews Ridge where cocaine was frequently dropped off and then picked up by small aircraft. “They are looking into reports that this officer was aware of the operations and when the drugs would move in and out,” one of the sources told this newspaper.
A Joint-Services team led by the CANU on Saturday unearthed approximately 4.4 tons (4,400 kilos) of suspected cocaine, which has a current street value of US$188 million at a nearby illegal airstrip at Matthews Ridge. Neatly stashed, the cocaine was found buried in four hand-dug pits which averaged five to six feet deep, covered with tarpaulins, woods then some bushes.
Speaking of the successful seizure, Director of CANU, James Singh told media operatives at the site that this could not have been done without the collaboration of the Guyana Defence Force’s (GDF) Special Forces Unit, the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and the government through the Ministry of Home Affairs. He said the operation is one of many that they would have conducted over the last five months with the Guyana Defence Force playing their part in helping to identify illegal airstrips within the country and monitoring them. “In this case, we were lucky
in the sense that we were able to strike at the right time, whereby we were able to seize the drugs before they were transshipped to another further location,” Singh said noting this is an ongoing investigation.
Singh explained that the airstrip which was found, was not one that has been gazetted by the government and so it was built with plans to accommodate small aircraft bringing several kilos of cocaine outside of Guyana here.
Noting that several camps were found in close proximity of the airstrip, the CANU Head mentioned, “The fact that this amount of drugs were found in several locations means it was waiting for the transshipment, so it’s not like it came here to go, they are waiting for the opportune moment that is why I said we were very successful in not just in seizing but detecting a new concealment method and idea as to how big the network is.”
It was highlighted that the seizure of the drugs was the second phase of the operations, with the first phase being the discovery of a quantity of fuel just a few days ago at the location.
Singh elaborated that when the Joint Services team first came in, they noticed a few persons were fleeing into the jungle. “So the fuel, the
follow up investigation with the assistance of the GDF, Special Operations section were able to do a follow up operation and the officers were able to seize what you see before you. The officers when they came in, they spent several days here combing the area and they knew that as we shared information with our colleagues from the DEA if it’s not above ground then it’s hidden somewhere underground, we discovered these pits dug by hand,” he said.
In his brief comments, Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn yesterday said this operation is perhaps the largest ever seizure on land to occur in Guyana. “It exemplifies and identifies that we have been working at this problem continuously, that we are aware of certain flights to certain places illegally. The government and of course, the energy and interest of President Irfaan Ali, we are putting in much resources and many persons into getting onto this situation, we will continue this fight, we are happy of course that we have the United States Drug and Enforcement Agency with us sharing information and intelligence and backing us up on issues which have occurred from time to time but that this fight will be a long one,” the minister related.
From page 15
become one of the London market’s blue-chip stocks with a portfolio of five producing mines across Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Senegal. De Montessus was fired for an “irregular payment instruction” made in connection with the sale of the Agbaou mine in Ivory Coast. A subsequent probe unearthed two more “deliberately disguised” payments of $15mn to an unnamed third party.
To this end, the Minister further emphasised that Guyana is a victim of this illegal type of activity. “We do not produce cocaine; we don’t transit it; we don’t make the guns. The important thing of the drug trafficking is associated with the other elements of transnational organized crimes, money laundering, gun smuggling, homicides unknown and unsolvable in many instances and generally decline in law and order in environment where it takes over. We don’t want to get to that place, so we bode by this success, we will be doing everything we can to push our efforts to interdict and prevent drug being smuggled over, on and through our maritime space too.”
Having been working with international partners in combatting these crimes, the Minister also warned locals, the ones living in the interior regions to desist from partaking in these illegal activities.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
for rent in Eccles. $100K monthly. For more information Call: 685-5294.
Mature man, loving and generous seeks female for friendship, ages 25-40 Years, WhatsApp: 1-246-835-6908.
In Endeavour’s annual report released in March, the financial value of the Boungou and Wahgnion mines at the close of the Lilium deal was estimated to be $285mn but only $34mn had been received from Lilium as part of the transaction. Analysts said that the resolution was a boost for Endeavour given that no further proceeds were expected to be recouped anytime soon. “This settlement removes the sentiment overhang and costs of ongoing legal proceedings,” said analysts at Berenberg. (FINANCIAL TIMES)
“We will stay on this, we want to warn those who are engaged in it to desist because we will be coming after them; we want to advise people who are in the areas, who are in the environment out here and may be aware that things are happening that don’t want to say it but they need to say it, to save our country, to improve our security, to save our society in respect of this drug fight,” he said. Questioned whether this operation might be executed by foreigners, the Minister told the media that an operation of this kind could not have been done without local help, “but of course, we think this is a major operation being done by persons in neighbouring countries and investigations are underway.” Following the recovery of the 4,400 blocks of cocaine from the pits on Sunday, samples were taken by CANU ranks for testing and then later destroyed at the site.
Forty-one contractors have submitted bids to construct open concrete drains at the Anna Regina ground, Region Two.Theprojectisestimatedtocost$17,116,050. Additionally, bids were open for the construction of covered concrete drains and bridge at the said community ground.Thatprojectisestimatedat$32,265,450.
Bids were opened on Tuesday at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office where the contractors were revealed for the Ministry ofCulture,YouthandSportproject.
Guyana Elections Commission Procurement of one new double cap pickup.
Guyana Fire Service Procurement of fire fighting hose.
Ministry of Health Supply and delivery of reagents and consumable.
Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport
A 16-year-old girl who has been reported missing sinceAugust 26 is suspected to be somewhere in C Field
S o p h i a , G r e a t e r Georgetown. In a statement via the Guyana Police Force Facebook page, the minor wasidentifiedas Maria Amelia Mangar, a student of the Leonora Secondary School on the WestCoastofDemerara. The teen was last seen on Monday, August 26, 2024 at Lot 5 B Anna Catherina, WCD clad in a pair of short black pants and a white and black T-shirt. The police are asking the public that if anyone sees the teen to make contact with her mother Ameela Mangar on # 6941658 or the Leonora Police Station on 268-2222, 2682328.
CAIRO, Sept 3 (Reuters) -
“If the parties can act to protect Israeli forces killed at least 35 children from a deadly Palestinians across Gaza on virus...surely they can and must act TuesdayastheybattledHamas-led toprotectchildrenandallinnocents militants, Palestinian officials from the horrors of war,” U.N. said, but brief pauses in fighting spokesperson Stephane Dujarric allowed medics to conduct a third said. day of polio vaccinations for
Rik Peeperkorn, WHO children. representative for the Occupied
Among those killed were four Palestinian Territories, told women in the southern city of reporters in Geneva that it had Rafah and eight people near a vaccinated more than 161,000 hospital in Gaza City in the north, children under the age of 10 in the the Palestinian Civil Emergency central area in the first two days of Servicesaid. its campaign, compared with a
Later on Tuesday, an Israeli projectionofaround150,000.
airstrike killed nine Palestinians
“Up until now things are going inside a house near Omar Al- well,”hesaid.“Thesehumanitarian Mokhtar Street in the middle of pauses,upuntilnowtheywork.We GazaCity,medicssaid. still have 10 days to go.” He said
Palestinians try to put out a fire at the site of an Israeli strike on a college sheltering displaced people, amid Israel-Hamas conflict, in the northern Gaza Strip, September 3, 2024. REUTERS/Dawoud Abu Alkas
Anotherstrikehitnearacollege thatsomechildreninsouthernGaza in Sheikh Radwan, a northern were thought to be outside the suburb of the city The Israeli agreed zone for the pauses and that military said the strike targeted negotiations continued in order to border Therewasnoresponsefrom pauses in fighting between Israel Israeli forces out of all of the Gaza
Hamas militants operating from a reachthem. Hamas. and Hamas militants in specific Strip, says such a condition, among command center embedded inside Palestinians say a key reason
The armed wings of Hamas and areasofthebesiegedenclave. some others, would prevent a deal. theformerNamaCollege. for the return of polio is the Islamic Jihad said they were Diplomatic efforts to secure a Netanyahu says war can only end
Others were killed in separate collapse of the health system and battlingIsraeliforcesintheZeitoun permanent ceasefire and release whenHamasiseradicated. air strikes across the territory, the destruction of most Gaza suburb of Gaza City, and also in foreign and Israeli hostages held in POLIO CAMPAIGN medicssaid. hospitals Israel accuses Hamas of Rafah and Khan Younis in the Gaza and return many Palestinians The United Nations, in
eight Palestinian gunmen, purposes, which the Islamist
TheIsraelimilitarysaiditkilled using hospitals for military south. jailed by Israel have stalled, collaboration with the local health
Nevertheless, the World Health however authorities, embarked on the third including a senior Hamas groupdenies Organization (WHO) said that it Israeli Prime Minister day of a complex campaign to commander who took part in the The war in Gaza was triggered was ahead of its targets for polio Benjamin Netanyahu said on vaccinate around 640,000 children
Oct. 7 attacks in Israel, at a by Hamas’ Oct. 7 rampage in vaccinations in Gaza on Tuesday, Monday that Israeli troops would inGazaagainstpolio. command centre near the Al-Ahli southern Israel, when its fighters day three of a mass campaign, and remain in the Philadelphi corridor United Nations Secretary- ArabHospitalinGazaCity killed 1,200 people and captured had inoculated about a quarter of on the southern edge of Gaza, one General Antonio Guterres
A statement said Ahmed Fozi more than 250 hostages, according childrenunder10. of the main sticking points in described pauses in fighting to NazerMuhammadWadiahadtaken toIsraelitallies.
The campaign, which was reaching a deal to end the fighting allowthevaccinationsasa“rareray command of a “massacre of
Since then, more than 40,800 hastened by the discovery of the andreturnhostages. of hope and humanity in the civilians carried out by Hamas Palestinians have been killed in first polio case in a Gazan baby last Hamas, which wants an
s terrorists” in Israel’s Netiv Gaza, according to the enclave’s month, relies on daily eight-hour agreement to end the war and see spokespersonsaidonTuesday. HaAsara community near the Gaza healthministry
From page 13 m e m b e r s o f t h e quiet,deliberate,steady,time standards of analysis, this Commission to attend consumingbutunfortunately deliberate approach is consultations hosted by the the public would hear about essential to producing a final government so that they can t h e L a w R e f o r m product that can withstand gain a better understanding Commission but never critical scrutiny, by taking of challenges affecting understand the magnitude of the time to get it right, we persons and the dynamics work and time and research ensure that our laws are well affecting the country’s and deliberation that goes on crafted, serving the needs of competitiveness and in this commission to help oursociety,”hesaid. sustainability craft a legal system that is
CHALLENGES “Areas in which there is responsive and innovative Meanwhile, President sustainability can be further enough to sustain our Alimadespecificmentionof advanced and to recommend development as a nation and existing and new challenges the government, steps and asapeople.” that must be taken into adjustments or amendments Meantime, the President consideration by the that can help to foster and urged the Commission’s Commission. continue to build that members to examine the
“ A I i s o n e s u c h modern architecture and Silica City project –challenge, how are we going framework that we would Guyana’s first smart urban toensurethatthebodyofour like, every aspect of national centre, by looking at the laws are protected, our lifetooperateunder,”hesaid country’s existing laws and institutionsareprotectedand during the ceremony creating a legal perspective we develop a cross-cutting President Ali reminded the forSilicaCity basis through which we can reappointed members of the “Iwilllikeyoutolookat address the challenges of AI Commission that the our existing laws and to look and digitization, ” he experience gained during at the plans for Silica City questioned while noting that their first tenure on the and come up with a body, a “It is imperative that we Commission will serve them framework that would allow analyze the entire body of well, as they embark on us from a legislative laws to see how and where anotherterm. perspective, a legal the gaps exist and to “…Of course, your work perspective to have silica recommend solution, to is not that show peace that city captured in that recommend overarching you will see everywhere, realms…We are hoping to solutions that cut across all every day in the newspaper have specific legislation for thelaws.” You are not the best of the silica city,” President Ali The President urged media, but your work is said.
American Magic and Emirates Team New Zealand in action during race 13.
(REUTERS/Bruna Casas/File Photo)
(Reuters) - Lightning are all taking part in the
during an America’s Cup round-robin stage of the equivalent of Formula One qualifying contest on Louis Vuitton Cup, which cars.
Tuesday between defenders will decide which one of In Tuesday’s other race, New Zealand and the in- themiseliminated. which began the second half form Italians prompted The four surviving teams of
officials to abandon racing will go into a semi-final Switzerland gained a muchoffBarcelonafortheday round for a place in the final, neededfirstwinoftheseries, Italy were leading New which will decide which
aland, who while team goes through to reported technical issues and competing in the double challenge New Zealand for came off their hydro-foils, to round-robin stage of the the oldest international keep themselves in the competitionas holders of the sporting trophy, which was contest.
‘Auld Mug’ do not need to first won off the English The
Wednesday September 04, 2024
Legalpapersregardingmoney might need to be executed today Your mind is especially quick and agile, so you can take care of it efficiently, freeing you up for more enjoyableactivities.
Social events could put you intotouchwithintriguingnew people who share your interests. This should be a gratifyingexperience.
Today you might want to spendsometimegardening.In fact,youmighthaveanumber of tasks to perform around the house and yard, but you may alsohavefriendswaiting.
Exploring your intellectual interests might get your curiosity going, although whatever knowledge you gain may bring up more questions thananswers!You'llalsowant to get together with close friends or your partner to discussthisnewinformation.
A number of young visitors couldcometoyourhomewith news to pass on and information to share. You'll probably spend most of your day working around the house oryard.
VIRGO (Aug 23–Sept 22)
Your phone may not stop ringing today Friends and family may have good news and interesting information to share,soyou'llwanttospenda lot of time talking with them You might learn about some newly released books that interestyou
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)
This is a great day to plan new projects. Your mind may be especially quick and full of ideas. These could prove valuable.Writedownideasthat you can't put to immediate use soyouwon'tforgetthem.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21)
Your mind could be especially active today Perhaps you'll discoveranewtalentyoudidn't know you had, such as writing, drawing or speaking. Ideas for stories, sketches, or lectures might come thick and fast. Writethemdown.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Your intuition has been especially high for a while now Todayyoucoulddecideto put it to practical use. You might consider a class or workshop that increases your abilitytocommunicate.
Yourmindshouldbeespecially quickandagiletoday,andyour curiosity will be piqued. Your pursuit of intellectual interests could lead to group activities where you meet others interestedinthesamesubjects.
You might have a few projects inmindthatyou'llwanttowork on today Your mind is especially quick and agile, and you have a lot of great ideas that can make your efforts turn outthewayyouwant.
Your mind may turn toward intellectual pursuits that you have been too busy to investigate.Todayyourmindis so quick and your curiosity so high that you won't resist even ifotherthingsinterfere.
d, qualify, when a bolt struck coastin1851. excluding New Zealand, is thesea.
A m e r i c a ’ s C u p topped by Italy with four Racing in their sleek campaigns now cost tens of wins, followed by Britain on ‘foiling’carbon-fibreAC75s millions of dollars and are three, the U.S. with two and at speeds of above 40 knots, fought out in state-of-the-art Switzerland and France who Italy got the better of the racing machines in what haveonlyoneapiece. Kiwis at the start and built a dominant lead before they were awarded a race win w h e n N e w Z e a l a n d withdrew after the near lightninghit.
With dark skies and conditions apparently deteriorating in the Mediterranean, officials decided to call off further racing.
F i v e p o t e n t i a
challengers for the America’s Cup — Britain, France, Italy, the United States and Switzerland —
From page 35 Titans of New York to lift that trophy. The hosts made 126-7 while Titans replied with110-9off20-overs.
And in the Masters (Over-40) Division, there was a no-result due to a controversy Meanwhile, President of the Ontario Twilight Softball Cricket League and Canada-based Guyanese Azeem Khan expressedhisappreciationto all the participating teams in each category He also echoed similar sentiments to the all sponsors and special mention was made to Jennifer McKelvie, Deputy Mayor, Councillor, and Scarborough-RougeParkfor her attendance He also thanked all the volunteers and commentators Khem Singh, Ravendra Madholall and Jai Singh along with members of the League Feizul Bacchus and Dickey Singh.
The League hosted the mega softball event for the second time and it was run for three consecutive days. The inaugural occasion was heldin2022.
BBC Sport - American
whenIwasreallyyoung. thetoneforthethirdset. due to a persistent back Emma Navarro moved into “He knew maybe I was a “Just really happy with injury which forced her to the first Grand Slam semi- littlebitADHDorsomething my performance today. quitanumberofmatchesand final of her career by beating tobesatinaclassroomorina Crazy to be moving on to the saw her ranking tumble Paula Badosa in straight sets 9-5 and I think he saw semi-finals.USOpenbaby.” outsideofthetop100. attheUSOpen. something in me from a Navarro beat 2023 However, she clinched Navarro,23,wascheered young age. Thanks dad for champion and fellow the Washington hard court on by the majority of fans in sendingmeonthisjourney.” AmericanCocoGauff6-34-6 title and arrived at the US the Arthur Ashe Stadium on Navarro had only won 6-3 in the last 16 and, when Openwithherworldranking Tuesday, with Spain’s one match at the main stage asked what reaching the last restoredtothetop30. Badosa struggling to cope in of a Grand Slam before this fourmeanttoher,shereplied: “When I started in the partisan atmosphere as year, but has got better and “It means so much to me My Washington I would sign for shelost6-27-5. better throughout her coach and I have been alltheresults,”sheadded.
Badosa produced two breakoutyearof2024. together since I was 14 or 15 “But now I have to wait double-faults in her first She reached the third soit’sbeeneightyearsnow four months for the next servicegametohelpNavarro round of the Australian “We’ve done a lot of Slam, so that sucks. When take an early advantage, and Open, the last 16 at the great work together Thank you feel so bad with such also gifted two more double- French Open, the quarter- you for everything you do, negative thoughts, you want faults in the eighth game as finalsatWimbledonandnow all your dedication and the to leave because in the end the American eased to the the semi-finals of her home timeyouputintothisjourney youbecomeanant.” openingset. Slam. and making me into the Sabalenka or
However, Badosa, 26, seed’s game fell apart, with born in New York, thanked “AfterIgotitbackto5-2, playerthatIam.” Zheng next for Navarro fought back and looked in Navarro clinching six games her family for their support Ihadabitofaninklingthatit ‘I was a complete disaster’ Navarro will play the control at 5-1 - and a double- inarowtoprogress. and helping her become a might be two sets,” added Badosa admitted she was winner of the next quarterbreak-upinthesecondset. ‘Thanks dad for sending professional. Navarro. “I just wanted to a “complete disaster” after final between second seed She twice served for the me on this journey’ She said: “I also want to stay really tough and stick in her second-set collapse left Aryna Sabalenka of Belarus set, but, at times looking on In her post-match say ‘thanks’ to my dad there and even if I did lose herfeelinglike“anant”. or China’s seventh seed the verge of tears, the 26th interview, Navarro, who was becausehesawavisionfrom thesecondset,Iwantedtoset “I never had the Zheng Qinwen, whose momentum. It was 5-1, but I match starts at 00:00 BSTon never felt myself,” said Wednesday Badosa, playing in her first “I’veplayedbothofthem quarter-final in the city a couple of times,” said whereshe was born. “Iwas a Navarro. “They are great complete disaster I didn’t players, I think we will have feel well serving or from the a great battle. But I’ll be up baseline.Losingasetfrom5- for the challenge of either of 1up,Ineverdidthatbefore.I them. “Both big servers, big lost20pointsalmostinarow hitters and I think they will -it’sveryweird.” come aggressively at me Three months ago, she whichever one it is - but was on the brink of retiring yeah,I’llbeready.”
Luis Suarez has announced he will retire from international football.
SportsMax - Luis Suarez has announced he will retire from international football after Uruguay’s World Cup qualifierversusParaguayonFriday
Suarez is Uruguay’s all-time leading goalscorer, having netted 69 times in 142 appearances, with only Diego Godin (161)winningmorecapsforLaCeleste.
The striker helped Uruguay reach the semi-finals of the 2010 World Cup and win their 15th Copa America title in 2011,beingnamedPlayeroftheTournamentashescoredfour goals including the opener in the final – a 3-0 victory over Paraguay
Suarez will face the same opponents in his final internationalmatchonSaturdayasMarceloBielsa’steamlook tobuildonareturnof13pointsfromtheirfirstsixgamesinthe CONMEBOLWorldCupqualificationprocess.
“I’vebeenthinkingaboutthisandanalysingthis.Ibelieve this is the right time,” a tearful Suarez told reporters on Monday
“I want to be relaxed when I play my last game with the national team. I’ll be just as excited to play as I was in 2007 whenIplayedformynationalteamforthefirsttime.
“That 19-year old kid is now a veteran player, an older player, however you want to call it, with an incredible history withthenationalteam,thatwillgivehislifefortheteam.”
Suarez was memorably sent off for a handball on the goal line to deny Ghana a winning goal as La Celeste won the teams’ 2010 World Cup quarter-final on penalties, while he missed the 2015 Copa America after receiving a nine-match banforbitingGiorgioChielliniatthe2014WorldCup.
“Wedidgothroughdifficultmoments.Thereweremany,” he added. ”Personally, it was worse for me after my massive mistakein2014.
The 37-year-old played a limited role as Uruguay took the bronze medal at this year’s Copa, making four substitute appearances with Darwin Nunez predominantly leading the line.
Suarez did, however, net a stoppage-time equaliser to take the third-place play-off versus Canada to penalties, also converting from the spot as Uruguay triumphed 4-3 in the subsequentshoot-out.
He has 16 goals in 20 MLS outings for Inter Miami this year, with only Christian Benteke and Cristian Arango (17 each)aheadofhimintheGoldenBootrace.
SportsMax - Trinidad and Tobago arechampionsofthe2024CricketWest Indies Rising Stars Men’s Under-17 50oversChampionship.
With rain ruining their game against Barbados at InshanAli Park, Monday’s no result meant that the local squad are thechampions.
T&T claimed the title with a record of three victories with two no results, after their fifth and final round match againstBarbadoswasawashout.
Barbados concluded their campaign with two wins, with their three other a valuable 29 from 56 balls, counting RampersaudRamnauth(31)ledtheway games ending in with no results in the fourfours. for the Guyanese while Romario heavily rain-affected tournament. The ZacharyCartywasthemainwicket- Ramdehollcontributed23. entire second round was washed out by takerfortheBajans,bagging4-20. For the Leewards, Isra-el Morton rain. On Monday, the Brendan Boodoo- In their turn at the crease, Barbados was the main man with the ball with 3captained T&T squad batted first and were 28-1 off five overs when rain 44, while Jaheem Kevaughn Clarke and talliedarelativelysubstantial159allout forced the players off the field. The Micah McKenzie took 2-20 and 2-24, in46.4overs. matchwaseventuallycalledoff. respectively
Christian Lall top-scored with a 57- And at the National Cricket Centre In yesterday’s other scheduled ball 46 and received solid support from inCouva,therewasalsoanoresultafter fixture, between Jamaica and the skipper Boodoo, who made 30 off 57 Guyanabattedfirst,compiling171from Windward Islands, at Gilbert Park, in balls,includingfourboundaries. 40.5oversagainsttheLeewardIslands. California, the match was abandoned Darrius Batoosingh chipped in with Openers Vikash Wilkinson (34) and withoutaballbeingbowled.
The fourth edition of the Concacaf Nations League gets underway today with 16 League B teams in action.
SportsMax - The much-anticipated fourth edition of the Concacaf Nations League gets underway today, Wednesday, when 16 League B teams begin their hunt for promotion to tasteLeagueAactioninthetournament’snextedition.
Split into four groups, the countries will face each other twiceduringtheFIFAMatchWindowsinSeptember,October, and November However, unlike previous editions, matches will now be played at a centralized venue per group to help alleviatesomeofthetravelchallengesintheregion.
Group winners will be promoted to League A, while fourth-place finishes are relegated to League C.Additionally, the tournament will help to decide berths for the 2025 ConcacafGoldCup.
El Salvador, Montserrat, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,andBonairecomprisethefirstgroup.ElSalvador returns to League B after being relegated in last year’s tournament, while Bonaire makes its debut after earning a promotionfromLeagueC.
Montserrat and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines will try to build on their 2023/24 Nations League campaign, in which theybothfinishedwithninepoints.
Group B
Curaçao, Saint Lucia, Grenada, and Saint Martin are the teamsdrawnintoGroupB.
Saint Martin was promoted to League B, coming off an undefeatedruninlastyear’sNationsLeague,whileCuraçaois back in League B for the first time in three years after being relegatedfromLeagueA.
Grenadaisalsobackafterbeingrelegatedforthefirsttime infouryears.
Meanwhile, Saint Lucia, which tallied 10 points last year, willbehopingtoascendtoLeagueAforthefirsttime.
Haiti, Puerto Rico, Aruba, and Sint Maarten round out GroupC.
Aruba returns to League B for the first time since 2019/20 viapromotion.Haitialsoisbackafterbeingrelegated.
Sint Maarten and Puerto Rico will rely on top scorers GerwinLakeandRicardoRiveratoleadtheway
The four teams in Group D are the Dominican Republic, Bermuda,AntiguaandBarbuda,andDominica.
Dominica arrives via promotion from League C to rub shoulders with Dominican Republic, and Antigua and Barbuda, who are on the hunt for a first-ever League A promotion, while Bermuda aims to improve after going 2-2-2 inlastyear’sedition.
AttheconclusionofthegroupstageinNovember,thefour group winners will qualify for the 2025 Concacaf Gold Cup Group Stage, and the two best second-place finishers will advancetothe2025GoldCupPrelims.
Meanwhile, League C action is also scheduled for Wednesday,withBahamasandUSVirginIslandstoopentheir GroupAaccounts.Barbadosistheotherteaminthegroup.
Anguilla and Turks and Caicos Islands are set to cross swords in Group B, which also includes Belize, while British Virgin Islands will visit Cayman Islands in Group C, which alsohasStKittsandNevis.
At the end of the Group Stage in October, the three group winnersandthebestsecond-placefinisherswilladvancetothe 2024ConcacafNationsLeaguePlay-In.ThePlay-Inwilltake placeinNovember2024.
-Worldnumberone Djokovic last year, Frances Tiafoe in the Jannik Sinner and former outclassed Portugal’s Nuno quarter-finalsinNewYork. champion Daniil Medvedev Borges 6-0, 6-1, 6-3 to reach “It will be another tough set up a US Open quarter- thequarter-finalsforthefifth match with Daniil. There final showdown on Monday timeinsixyears. will be a lot of rallies so I as both men look to exploit Women’s world number have to be ready physically,” the hole left by the shock oneIgaSwiatek,meanwhile, saidSinner exits of Novak Djokovic and stayed on course for a sixth Medvedev is the only CarlosAlcaraz. Grand Slam title with a former champion left after
A u s t r a l i a n O p e n straight-sets win over thefirstweekdefeatsoffourchampion Sinner made the R u s s i a ’s L i u d m i l a time winner Djokovic and last eight for the second time Samsonova. 2022championAlcaraz. by seeing off US 14th seed The Italian Sinner The world number five Tommy Paul 7-6 (7/3), 7-6 recovered from 4-1 down in easily downed 34th-ranked (7/5),6-1. the first set to see off Paul, Borges, whose challenge Medvedev, the 2021 who had been hoping to join fizzled out under the weight willdo,whatIwilldo.” seed, who goes on to face Beatriz Haddad Maia champion and runner-up to compatriots Taylor Fritz and of 51 unforced errors while - Draper hails ‘icon’ AlexdeMinaur became the first Brazilian Medvedev broke serve eight Murray - The 10th-seeded De woman to reach the quartertimes. Jack Draper became the Minaur won an all- finals since Maria Bueno in Sinner and Medvedev first British man since Andy AustralianbattlewithJordan 1968 when she defeated willbemeetingforthefourth Murray in 2016 to reach the Thompson6-0,3-6,6-3,7-5. 2014 runner-up Caroline timethisyear quarter-finals by seeing off Four-time French Open Wozniacki.
BBC Sport - Taylor Fritz ended his run of Grand Slam quarter-final disappointment by beating Alexander Zverev toreachtheUSOpensemi-finals.
TheAmerican 12th seed had lost all four of his previous matches at this stage of a major but edged out 2020 runnerupZverev7-6(7-2)3-66-47-6(7-3).
He roared in delight as Germany’s Zverev pulled the final ball wide before holding his arms aloft to take the acclaimofthecrowdonArthurAsheStadium.
The win keeps alive Fritz’s bid to become the first American men’s singles champion at Flushing Meadows sinceAndyRoddickin2003.
Fritz could play anotherAmerican in FrancesTiafoe for aplaceinafirstGrandSlamfinal.
Tiafoe meets Bulgarian Grigor Dimitrov in Tuesday’s nightsessioninhisquarter-final.
Fritz’s victory followed New Yorker Emma Navarro beating Paula Badosa to reach the semi-finals of the women’ssingles.
Fritz’s breakthrough victory
ThishasprovedtobeFritz’sbreakthroughmomentinhis 33rdGrandSlamappearance.
HelosttoNovakDjokovicintheUSOpenquarter-finals in2023,twicelostinthelasteightatWimbledonin2022and July this year and suffered defeat in the Australian Open quartersinJanuary
After sharing two tight sets, the crucial moment came deep in the third when Zverev looked to have the momentum,havingrecoveredanearlybreak.
He missed a straightforward backhand on break point at 4-4 which allowed Fritz to hold and then the fourth seed offeredupthreeforehanderrorstofall0-40behind.
Zverev fought off those three set points but Fritz eventuallybrokethroughatthefifthattempt.
Zverev will feel he had his moments but Fritz won by being able to neutralise Zverev’s booming first serve and remainthemoresolidwiththefinishlineinsight.
He gained the initiative in the fourth-set tie-break by takingthefirstpointontheZverevserveandwonagruelling 24-pointrallyforthesecondbreakanda5-2lead.
Fritz faltered momentarily, pushing a nervous forehand wide, but Zverev offered up two more errors to seal the result.
Zverev, seeking a third US Open semi-final and his first Grand Slam title, was unusually flat in the final set and complainedthroughoutabouthisracquet.
Britain’s Jack Draper is among those remaining in the tophalfofthedraw HeplaysAlexdeMinaurinthequarterfinaltoday,Wednesday
Sinner came back from Tomas Machac of the Czech winner Swiatek, the 2022 The 22nd-ranked lefttwo sets to love down to Republic6-3,6-1,6-2. champion in New York, hander converted a third defeat the mercurial Russian The 22-year-old left- celebrated her 100th Grand match point to defeat the in the Australian Open final hander has only dropped Slammatchbycanteringtoa former world number one 6and came out on top in the serveonceoverfourmatches 6-4, 6-1 win over 16th- 2,3-6,6-3. Miamisemi-finals. on his way to a maiden Slam rankedSamsonova. She will next face 2023
M e d v e d e v t h e n quarter-final, winning 47 of The Pole will take on semi-finalist Karolina triumphedatWimbledonina 48 service games and saving American sixth seed Jessica Muchova, who knocked out five-setquarter-final. 20of21breakpoints. Pegula for a place in the F r e n c h O p e n a n d
“I will try to think more Draper hailed the semi-finals. Wimbledon runner-up about Wimbledon than the influence of Murray, the “Therewillbesomelong Jasmine Paolini, the fifth Australian Open,” said former world number one rallies and intense hitting,” seed,6-3,6-3. Medvedev and 2012 US Open predicted Swiatek of facing Muchova,ranked52and
“With Jannik, I feel like champion who retired from Pegula, who she also beat in who only returned to the weknowourgames,whatwe tennis following the Paris the quarter-finals on her way tour in June after 10 months will try to bring to the table, Olympics. tothetitletwoyearsago. out with a wrist injury, has and then it comes to always “He’s a legend and an Pegula made the last yet to drop a set and this moment’s deuce, icon and if I have half the eight for the second time knocked out two-time breakpoint, maybe try to career that he had I will be a with a 6-4, 6-2 victory over champion Naomi Osaka in surprise him or not, what he happy man,” said the 25th Russia’sDianaShnaider thesecondround
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) A Ugandan athlete living in Kenya was attacked and set on fire by her boyfriend and is receiving treatment forburnson75%ofherbody,policesaid.
Rebecca Cheptegei, a distance runner who finished at the 44th position in the 2024 Paris Olympics, was attacked in her house in the westernTransNzoiaCounty
Trans Nzoia County Police Commander Jeremiah ole Kosiom said Monday that Cheptegei’s boyfriend, Dickson Ndiema, bought a jerrican of petrol, poured it on her and set her ablaze during a disagreement Sunday. Ndiema also sustained burn wounds, and the two are receiving specialized treatment at the Moi TeachingandReferralHospitalinEldoretcity.
Cheptegei’s parents said their daughter bought land in Trans Nzoia to be near the county’smanyathletictrainingcenters.
Areportfiledbythelocalchiefstatesthatthe couplewasheardfightingoverthelandwherethe housewasbuiltbeforethefirestarted.
In 2023, Ugandan Olympic runner and steeplechaserBenjaminKiplagatwasfounddead with stab wounds In 2022, Kenyan-born Bahraini athlete Damaris Muthee was found dead with a postmortem report stating that she wasstrangled.
Rebecca Cheptegei, a Ugandan athlete living in Kenya was set ablaze by her boyfriend on Sunday Sept. 1, 2024 and is currently receiving treatment for 75% burns, police said. (AP Photo)
Guyana’s champion the last coming at Port among nine races at the In addition to the feature horse for 2023, Spankhurst Mourant’sEasterCup. President’s Cup. The feature the race, the other races on is confirmed for the The horse is now owned race of the President’s Cup the provisional President President’s Cup horserace by J’s Racing Stables. This will have a total purse of Cup programme include the meet on September 22 at newstablehasalsoimported close to G$6,000,000 (six three-year-old Guyana and RisingSunTurfClub. Nova Sol, the horse that ran million) dollars and the race West Indian-bred, Sprint ‘E’ The crowd favorite second at this year’s Guyana will be run at approximately Class for horses three years missed the Guyana Cup due Cup.Thecompetitionwillbe eightfurlongs.Thatracewill old and over, two-year-old to injury, but according to out of this world as the be open to all horses, three maiden, H1 And Lower new owner Jermaine Sripal, Guyana Cup champion, yearsoldandover Open to ‘G’ Class Non Spankhurst is fit and ready O l y m p i c K r e m l i n , Entries will open on Earners on Guyana Cup. forSeptember22. President’s Cup defending September 11, and entry Also open to ‘G’ class Non With Spankhurst being champion John Bull, Easy forms for the President’s winners in Guyana, H3 and added to the star-studded Time and Stolen Money are Cup will be at the Port Lower, ‘J’Class Open to H3 roster, the President’s Cup some of the top-of-the-line Mourant Racecourse, the Non earner in last two starts, will certainly be highly horses that will be out for Rising Sun Turf Club, the K Class/J3 Non-Earner Last competitive. Spankhurst had glory Bush Lot United Turf Club Start and the L Class/J Class four starts in 2024 and Approximately G$15 & 106 Smyth Street, Werk- and K Class and Non Earner secured two victories, with million will be divided En-Rust,Georgetown. LastStart.
In its continued effort to Sport, Steve Ninvalle possible levels they can, offive(5)malesandanequal ensure that Guyanese h a n d e d o v e r t h e reaffirming that this is a number of female players athletes are afforded every Government’s contribution
opportunity to represent the of 2.5 million dollars to Excellency, across the competing in the numerous Golden Arrowhead, the President of the Guyana sportingspectrum. tournaments where they Government of Guyana Chess Federation, Anand Ragunauth, expressed gained points according to through the Ministry of Ragunauth. the gratitude of his theirperformances. Culture,YouthandSportand Whilst congratulating F e d e r
The five top highest the national Sports GCF President Ragunauth unflinching support of cumulative scores for each Commission, has supported for the strides that Chess has President Irfaan Ali and the gender qualified for the the GCF team for the 45th been making in the past few GovernmentofGuyana. team. ChessOlympiad. years, Minister Ramson “We are so grateful for
A team captain Mr. T h i s p r e s t i g i o u s u n d e r s c o r e d t h e this timely intervention Ronuel Greenidge has been spectacle is set to take place Government’s commitment which has relieved the appointed for the male team in Budapest, Hungary from to the development of chess pressure of meeting the and an international September 10th to 23rd andothersportsinGuyana. demands of travel to this Grandmaster Mr Georg 2024. Minister Ramson prestigious event The Mohrwillcaptainthefemale Hungary is the nation e m p h a s i z e d t h a t commitment by President team. that had hosted the first Governmentwillcontinueto Ali in getting the team the Team Guyana: Femaleunofficial Chess Olympiad empower athletes by additional funds show chess WCM Jessica Callender, for teams in 1926 and won i n v e s t i n g i n t h e i r is being recognised for its Aditi Joshi, WCM Sasha the first two official editions development, not only in hardworkandgovernmentis Shariff, Ciel Clement, i n 1 9 2 7 a n d 1 9 2 8 , building new facilities and committed in creating TreskoleArchibald. respectively refurbishing those already opportunities for athletes to Male - CM Taffin Khan, Minister of Sport, existing, but by making sure compete at the highest Keron Sandiford, FM Charles Ramson Jr in the that they are enabled to level.”
Anthony Drayton, Loris company of Director of compete at the highest TeamGuyanaismadeup Nathoo,SachinPitamber
At the end of the five day Mackenzie High, Vernon trainingsessionsforsome20 Gittens 13 years old form youths who attended the New Silver City Secondary, Netball Clinic at the Rushanna Mitchell, 15 years MackenzieHighSchoolhard old from Bishops High, court from last Monday DevonnaArthur,12yearsold through to Friday, coach o
encouraged the boys and Mercurius, 12 years old of girls to continue to seek Christianburg Wismar informationonthegame. Secondary, Codell Nedd 8 Netball was dormant in years old of Mackenzie Linden for more than 30 Primary,TeronNedd,8years years and when Guyana old of Mackenzie Primary, N
Tenisha David 12 years old p
of Mackenzie High, Tiffiann Bowman journeyed to meet David 15 years old of with those interested in Mackenzie High, Hazeka reintroducing the sport in Hamid 13 years of Linden, veteran coach Mackenzie High, Faith Hamid and former player Matthews 16 years of Ms. Denise Belgrave were Wisburg Secondary and a m o n g t h o s e w h o Omarion James 13 years old volunteered. ofWisburgSecondary Hamidalongwithformer The former Mackenzie player Ms. Denise Belgrave HighSchoolstand-outplayer raisedtheirhandstopilotthis Ms. Denise Belgrave noted: project which attracted some “It was a pleasure. We trust twenty boys and girls from that would have taken in schools across the mining every information that we town at the Mackenzie High put in all of you, our school hard court this past experiences, our knowledge. week. It’s good to see boys among Hamid charged the us because I remember when youths to google the sport Iwasatschoolwehadagirls’ and they will see: “With team and we had mix teams netball training for kids, you who played both netball and will see the same things we basketball Thanks to all did here, that is how is it is attendees and those parents being done around the world who found the time to be at in terms of training. There is these sessions. We really oneformatonhowtopass,to appreciatedyourpresence.” shoot to move without T h e R e g i o n a l having to dribble The Democratic Councilor of positions and everything Region 10 (Upper Demerara This was a one-week / Upper Berbice) Councilor reintroductionofnetball.” Ms. Walton, who supported
The mixture of boys and theeffortsofthetwocoaches girls at the clinic were: HamidandBelgrave,toldthe Romona Hall. 8 years old of participants,“Thisisalovely Regma Primary, Carlica sport, learn to understand the Allen. 10 years of from One game, do more research of Mile Primary, Esinam this sport and take it to your McNeilKissoon13yearsold school and family and you of President’s College,Aden will enjoy it more. Get more Adams, 9 years old of information and be focused. Watooka Day Primary,Amar Make certain in your school Adams 12 years old of you get a team of seven and Mackenzie High, Akwain continuetoplaythegame.” Adams, 16 years old of These clinics are to Mackenzie High, Valencia restart in the latter part of Emerson. 12 years old from September on Saturdays Mackenzie High, Tiara from 3.00pm to 5.00pm for Quallis 11 years old from allchildrenbetweenages6to Mackenzie High, Velisha 17 years at the Mackenzie Gittens 14 years old from HighSchoolhardcourt.